#so many dice
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xiewho · 11 months ago
the dice are trying to tell a story and maybe the story is simply that gorgug fucking kicks ass, dude
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punkforkos · 4 months ago
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Dice Adventure -- Deities Concept Development (Don’t repost, please!!)
Read more about my deities here! <3 And check out their moodboards here! <<
>> my carrd | ko-fi | inprnt <<
Some extra concept doodles! There's a lot I could say about why I chose to design every god the way I did, but that would take us on a whole new tangent haha
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ruushes · 11 months ago
hey has anyone seen my buddy astarion he didn't show up for that last cutscene. i just left him in the room across the hall with the - yeah the one with the cursed skull. he was keeping an eye on it for me. why
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sarcophagid · 4 months ago
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my super real comic that exists
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hugsarethugs · 1 year ago
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uuuuuuh ight so AU thats rattling my brain lately- i seen this drawing from @/ theoutcastedartist about an alt version of the ep "Down & Out" with king dice living with the cups and dealing with thier shenanigans. I absolutly adore this idea and kinda wanted to make my own spin on it- (Im not entirly sure what im going to call this Au since i don't like the thought of stealing the Au name from op buut ill think of sumthin) anyway in this version King Dice choose to live with the cup bros to have a better hiding place from the devil since ya know- dude is kinda hiding from him since he failed the guy twice- an who better to hide with than the cuphead who keeps on thwarting all the devil's little tricks to take his soul. Can Dice survie the cups till he's able to get himself back to a independant living or is he just going to take his not so geat chances with the Devil? tune in next time for my sleep deprived rambles and doodles because i can never make anything at a reasonable hour.
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electroniccollectiondonut · 9 months ago
the way the nein literally met people and went 'the only thing that matters, the only thing, is that we love you.' and then they held true to that no matter how much the world pushed back against them
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sleep-nurse · 13 days ago
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just had possibly the funniest glitch ever in pressure where sebastian's room spawned in an underwater room but i just kept swimming i found a weird room with these squares with dice in it (in the last screenshot) and i'm genuinely curious what they are?? does anyone know
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birb--birb · 4 months ago
Its 2am and Im out here crying over a SKELETON IM 😭😭😭😭😭
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sorrowfulwill · 5 months ago
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cringetober day 20 tumblr sexywoman
all characters were requested by my friends except wilhamena I did that one for me
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caeslxys · 1 month ago
Your tags...you're right and you should say it, honestly. Saying C3 deserved a few more episodes could sound like your average "I wish my show never ended" take, except...what was everything for, if BH don't get to exist in the aftermath? Their endgame choice, everything they've been working towards, was informed by them having been on the moon and met its people. Final episodes aside, if the Ruidus plot is The BH Thing, I really wish the first trip could've had them less in a rush to report back. I wish they had the opportunity to connect even more with Ruidians and, yeah, I wish they had fought the Weavemind. I'm also rambling, sorry! I just can't believe it's controversial or made to sound like hate to say we shouldn't be begging for Moon x BH crumbs in the Moon x BH campaign.
Prefacing this with reinforcing that I truly, deeply adore those final bells hells episodes and what they contain. They’re fantastic critical role episodes in general but more importantly to me they are fantastic bells hells episodes. In a vacuum, i’m extremely happy with what we got.
That said, yeah, c3’s ending on the grander scale of its narrative structure in totality was unbelievably (and, frankly, unnecessarily) rushed. Everything since episode 91 has been in a spiral towards a finish they simply could have chosen not to spiral into so quickly. And this is seen in several things: from how Delilah was “handled” with next to no actual processing or difficulty, to the nein’s inclusion not bearing any narrative weight beyond the vague feeling of having some “avengers assemble” moment i simply did not care for and think ultimately took from bells hell’s story rather than added to it (which, were it not all rushed, is something it could have been given to them and their inclusion in the way that vox machina’s inclusion did), to the hells not even actually being able to participate in what their own campaign was ultimately about beyond quick epilogue scenes and one political discussion that they didn’t even all need to participate in.
I think the decision to have c3 be “the end of an era” irt to critical role’s ten years deeply hurt both its structure and its narrative intent. I still remember them marketing this campaign as a good jumping in point for new critters, and yet the finale doesn’t even end with bells hells. It ends on vox machina. That, to me—and in addition to the vox machina and mighty nein solo episodes—showcases a clear shift in intent that happened way, way too late to feel at all fulfilling as an audience member looking in. I’m sure as players it rocked, which I point out because obviously the fun factor matters substantially as well, but that has no bearing on criticism of the narrative it produces.
All that said: it’s truly incredible to me how much of this would have been fixed very simply by just…having more episodes. You could say this of anything but I feel it’s extremely noticeable in this story—the one thing it needed to make the constant rushing pace of its forward plot land was a denouement that allowed the characters and story to breathe for more than one eight hour episode. Bells Hells needed to learn about the culture on Ruidus. They needed to spend more time with the volition—more time even with Liliana, I would argue. They should have had their story structured in such a way that they fought the weavemind and ludinus both (especially if matt knew ludinus would ultimately make it out). They should have actually had to delve into what the story had set them up to delve into.
I adore, to pieces, campaign 3 and bells hells. I think much of the ire thrown towards it is unwarranted at best and often misplaced. But I will likely also always be at least a little mad that their final act was so clearly rushed.
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monstersdownthepath · 7 months ago
Gotta say, writing higher-level monsters has given me an appreciation for the contortionist acts Paizo sometimes pulls with its creations to make them work properly.
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leviiackrman · 2 months ago
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TEAM AVERAGE-JOE: Normality is Good
Hideko Sugawara, The Mascot: “Mum help… I’ve gone over the top again.”
Gigi Olalia, The Mother: “I’m cool because my 3 sons said I was so…”
Kaida Ishimoto, The Goth: “I’m socially awkward.. but still friendly!”
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @jacobseed @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraesh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @hexmaturgy @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @tethrras @viktorgf @d-esmond @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol @auricfog
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kittyoverlord · 11 months ago
Honor the Cock part 2: Electric Boogaloo
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hugsarethugs · 4 months ago
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akkivee · 3 months ago
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saburo and kuukou sacrificing themselves, posed almost the same way, and rei and ichiro reacting very similarly and on top of that lol, it’s being depicted in almost the exact same way of panelling
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crehador · 4 months ago
the recent groveling dice art has reminded me that one of the most surreal hpmi incidents to me is still how. when in-person events first started happening with social distancing, the venues put down footprint-shaped markers to show how far apart everyone should stand. good stuff, very sensible
and to make it hpmi-flavored they made the footprints customized to each character, labeled with their names, like so
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so suddenly we had canonical references to what the soles of each character's shoes looked like. real specific stuff. importantly, pretty much no two were the same. very importantly, gentaro's and dice's were not the same
then at some later date a gentaro card was released in arb where you could see the sole of one of his shoes and he fully had
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dice's specific ass sole lmao
in all fairness this was later corrected but still!! the fact that it happened at all. now every time i see dice's sole like in the new hpdr groveling art i'm like. gendice solemates real
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