#so long as the financial crises stop
rohirric-hunter · 2 months
Unfortunately after a bit more number crunching it turns out I'm going to have to stay in my current apartment despite the increased rent. I simply don't have the money for a security deposit right now, and there's no chance of me getting it by the end of August, which is when I'd have to move out if I didn't renew my lease.
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sissy-the-siren · 27 days
Borderlands: Debt or Alive
"You seem to misunderstand who you're talking to," I growled. "We did this to save you. We're the good guys." "Funny," Fittzwiggins said, a cruel smile curling his lip. "I seem to remember one Handsome Jack saying much the same thing."
Things I was expecting from Borderlands: Debt or Alive--my girls, guns, and fun.
Things I got from Borderlands: Debt or Alive--my girls, guns, fun, Rhysha goodness, Fiona being Very Gay, existential crises, and class revolution.
A solid entry into the Borderlands universe, Anthony Burch doesn't disappoint, returning with the same wit and charm to his writing that made me fall in love with Borderlands 2. Fast-paced and action-packed, this isn't your standard novel and reads almost like a movie script, but it's so much fun, and, well, so MUCH FUN!!!
(If you haven't played Borderlands 2 and Tales from the Borderlands, this book might not make much sense or be enjoyable for you, just a head's up.)
After running and gunning for so long, when con artist sisters Fiona and Sasha finally get their Big Break, they find themselves wallowing in apathy, missing...what, they're not quite sure, but whatever it is, it's preventing them from enjoying their new life of luxury. It only takes Sasha's second death, Fiona's first death, Deathtrap's destruction (don't worry, he gets rebuilt!), Gaige's torture (twice), and an uprising against Eden-5's uber wealthy Elite for them to figure it out, but they get there!
I was hoping--PRAYING--for some Rhysha goodness, and Burch more than delivered; in-between bouts of dealing with her own mortality and the cold realization that nothing awaits her after death, Sasha examines her life, where she's at, what her future holds, and where Rhys slots into it all. I've compiled the following list of Rhysha moments:
Chapter 1 p. 13-14 - Taking place during the last battle with the Guardian, Sasha reflects over the events of Tales, with an emphasis on how she developed feelings for Rhys (and vice versa), largely due to how loyal he was to his friends and the lengths he'd go to protect them. p. 16 - Sasha's death scene, where Rhys is sobbing uncontrollably (described as "heartbreak" by Fiona) and Sasha thinks to herself that he's "[d]umb as a rock" but that he has a "big heart".
Chapter 2 p. 20 - Fiona wonders if she's going to be stuck in the Vault forever while Rhys is free to go and hit on her sister. p. 25 - Sasha's eyes light up with joy, something they haven't done since they were kids--and, Fiona adds in a footnote, since Rhys started flirting with her (she tries not to think about that though). p. 27 - Sasha wishes for a Vaultlander collectible from the Vault, something she learned about from Rhys. He told her about them when she "accidentally brushed my hand against Rhys's arm and he got so nervous he wouldn't stop talking about these things for twenty minutes." Fiona tells her that she can do better, to which Sasha tells her to stop being "such a mom" and that Rhys is "a nice guy".
Chapter 4 p. 39 - The sisters discuss the Vaultlander, Rhys, and whether or not Rhys has ever taken his Vaultlander figures out to play with them (he told Sasha that he hasn't because they're a "sound financial and artistic investment"; the sisters both think he has though).
Chapter 6 p. 50-51 - NOT Rhysha related, but just one--and the most significant--of the many sections that screamed "FIONA LOVES WOMEN!!!!" to me. There is no hetero explanation for the amount of detail with which Fiona observes Holloway. NONE. Chapter 9 p. 71 - Sasha says that meeting Rhys couldn't have been for nothing. Chapter 10 p. 79 - Sasha is able to get a debt cuff off of Fiona because Rhys taught her how to hack. This comes in handy several times throughout the book. Chapter 15 p. 111 - Fiona notes that Sasha ECHOchats with Rhys almost every day. Chapter 16 p. 114-116 - Half of this chapter is Sasha talking to Rhys. Both admit that they miss each other, even if they're in a weird are-we-or-aren't-we place. Sasha thinks that Rhys is a kind, handsome himbo with ambition. Rhys blushes while saying she means a lot to him and Sasha realizes that she likes him. Chapter 31 p. 220-226 - Soooo much happens in these pages! The first thing that comes up is that Sasha notices the beginning of Rhys's mustache and that he's altered his voice. The tone turns serious when Rhys asks if he can call her his girlfriend, to which Sasha apologizes and says that she's not ready for that until she knows that she can promise him with certainty the future that he deserves. Rhys understands and is willing to do whatever is necessary as long as she's happy, to which Sasha admits to herself that she can see them being more--eventually. Things take a MORE serious turn when Rhys asks her how she's doing and Sasha tells him the truth--the full truth, which isn't something she normally would do, but feels comfortable doing so with Rhys because she cares about him and actually wants to let him in to her life. Rhys helps the sisters get back on track and renews their fighting spirits. Chapter 32 p. 227 - Fiona once against questions why Sasha is crushing on Rhys when his brilliant idea to disguise the guns he sent to them is by writing "Not Guns" on the pallets. Sasha says that his heart is in the right place, to which Fiona responds, "[w]here his brain should be." p. 228 - Sasha quotes Rhys ("Mustaches are a facial accoutrement that convey trustworthiness, masculinity, and culture without ever needing to leave the cozy confines of one's upper lip."), much to Fiona's horror, and when his parroted words succeed in swaying the secbot to let the "mustache wax" (pallets of guns) through, Sasha gets an air of "see-Rhys-can-be-useful-who-looks-silly-now" about her. Chapter 34 p. 237-242 - Taking up the bulk of this chapter, Fiona and Sasha argue over Sasha and her inability to make up her mind when it comes to whether or not she wants to be in a relationship with Rhys. Fiona points out that they're not living out of a caravan anymore, not constantly on the run, and that Rhys is a "decently handsome idiot who worships the ground you walk on", going so far to admit that she--Fiona--even likes him. She encourages Sasha to make a decision one way or the other--it's only fair to the both of them. Chapter 36 p. 255 - Fiona hands Sasha a note that Rhys handwrote for her that he sent with the gun shipment. A "big, dumb smile" appears on Sasha's face. Epilogue p. 308-309 - Fiona sends a text-only ECHOcomm to Rhys. Fiona thanks Rhys for everything he's done for her, and for being good to Sasha (of course, she follows up by saying that if he's ever NOT good to her, she'll hunt him down and fill his brain with bullets). She reluctantly congratulates him on officially being Sasha's "long-distance boyfriend".
Even without all that Rhysha goodness, Debt or Alive is a solid book and a wild ride with plenty of love, laughs, and anarchy. (Side note: The sisters' last name is Dillon? Dillon?????)
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brianvan · 2 years
The year-end personal recap concept is OPPRESSIVE to me. I think it's healthy to occasionally check-in with yourself every once in a while but... why do I have to participate in a public ceremony? Why NOW, the one week of the year I'm the most sleepy and listless from all the parties and the holiday food and the laying-around? When nothing is going on NOW to brag about, and it's the longest distance in time from lots of things I do productively? And why do most people have lots of big changes to brag about and I'm usually fishing for stuff to brag about out of my totally-fine life because none of it is status-seeking or photogenic? Just for theoretical purposes, does the angst get any easier if you have a year that makes for an easy and beautiful year end post? Probably not.
2022 didn't feel special while I was living it - it felt like a year where nothing major happened, where there was just a lot of work/planning to do and it was not worth bragging about.
But, uh, holy shit:
Celebrated 10 years of marriage!
I basically started a new career (but, caveat, the position started in November 2021 - yet by New Year's, after something like 5 total weeks of real work, I had no real idea if it would take root. But root it did)
Relating to the second-longest thing going in my life (other than the marriage), my service on the Community Board, a pretty seismic change - I resigned my position as Treasurer (a real piece-of-cake assignment that lets me nose in on the whole board's business) so that I could take the role of Transportation Committee chair, which is a huge upgrade in visibility, control and direct involvement in the issues I've been taking up for years.
Moved into a much nicer apartment, one that isn't a nexus of maintenance crises. More room! All new furniture! A much nicer shower/bathtub!
We have a financial advisor now!
Not only did I have a good biking year...
...and a pretty damn good camping year...
But I bike-camped across THE WHOLE STATE OF IOWA, 462 miles in seven days. First time traveling with the bike!
I went to 10-12 concerts, which is about 9-10 more than I go to in any given year, and they all were at least pretty good!
I went to something like 12 baseball games because I dove in with a CitiField ticket package, and I think it worked out pretty good! (Plus a Yankees game and a Rangers game)
A scenic trip to the Finger Lakes!
Got to do Delaware River rafting again!
I finally read THE POWER BROKER!
I managed to get a short trip to San Francisco, my second time!
Legal weed!
New Peloton bike at home! I'm actually using it!
... and couple other things I'm not going to divulge or air out here!
Anyway, I was very surprised to take a glance at some records and see all of these very big (often long-delayed) things happened all in a short time. Yes, there were *absolutely bad* things that happened too, but the trend seems to be "change and growth" in big ways at once, rather than just ordinary things passing in time and space.
But, the year felt like A LOT. Another theme through most of the year was "don't overcommit yourself!" and that's easier-said-than-done sometimes (especially in a year where seasonal/annual things that were paused for 1-2 years came roaring back all at once). And also "stop wasting time on various maladaptive habits!" (which is less "using social media" and more "reflexively checking social media as much as one blinks") So, from an attention/stimulation standpoint I've really been flying by the seat of my pants and I'm certainly not going to try to ever plan to one-up a year like this one. I am hoping for a relatively calm 2023, already committing to several attention cutbacks.
Every once in a while I get posed the question "where do you see yourself in 5 years" and at one point I thought I could get insight on that by looking at the past 10 years. And from that I saw that the answer was "there is absolutely no telling where you will be in 5 years or what you want to see happen, all you know is that you'll have significantly pulled yourself forward and you won't be where you are now." Because in any 5 year timeframe, that has been the story of the last 20+ years. Recently, I've learned and experienced so much, and have grown so much. And there is so much more opportunity for learning and growth. Life is an experience of taking those opportunities continually. And it's great.
Ironically, the idea of personal growth/progress is a concern where I'm deeply anxious, and fearful of failure. I am going to spend some time unpacking that in 2023. (That's been part of the growth, BTW: insight into bad thinking!) What ties all of this together is that it's a fairly good idea to gut-check that anxiety by looking at an actual recap of events and achievements. Enough happened this year that I should forgive myself if I want to chill out for the next 2 years! If I just did many of the events from this past year all over again in this coming year (like a routine), it'll be fantastic! If there's anything I'm unhappy with now, or anything I'm worried where I don't control whether it goes good or bad... there's literally nothing to worry about because even among setbacks I come out very strongly ahead overall, even in a bad year! (Other than "you shouldn't worry" as a separate but still meaningful lesson)
It is very difficult to remember all of this so I figure it's good for me to jot this down in private. As it turns out, I've got many years of recaps in Tumblr already that are public, so here's another one for the pile. I'm keeping the streak going. Now I don't need to worry about being the guy without a rosy year-end recap.
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emmaharrison · 15 days
Master Your Business Finances with Margrave Financial Consulting: Join Our Exclusive Facebook Group for Tailored Financial Solutions.
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Running a business is no easy feat. Whether you’re a startup founder, a small business owner, or managing a large corporation, financial challenges can quickly become overwhelming. Cash flow problems, bookkeeping errors, and unexpected expenses can derail even the most well-planned business strategy. So, how can you ensure your company remains financially stable and thrives in today’s fast-paced market?
Enter *Margrave Financial Consulting*. With over 35 years of experience in financial troubleshooting and the implementation of robust financial systems, our team specializes in helping businesses of all sizes overcome these common obstacles. But we don’t stop there. We’ve created the *Margrave Financial Consulting* Facebook group—a brand-new online community designed to give business owners like you direct access to expert financial guidance.
In this blog, we’ll explore the most common financial challenges businesses face and show how *Margrave Financial Consulting* can help you solve them, all while providing a supportive community to grow your financial knowledge.
### Common Financial Challenges Businesses Face Today
**1. Cash Flow Management** 
One of the biggest issues businesses encounter is poor cash flow management. Delays in client payments, unanticipated costs, or a lack of foresight can leave you scrambling to pay bills and meet payroll. Managing cash flow is essential for ensuring day-to-day business operations run smoothly.
**2. Lack of Financial Forecasting** 
A business without accurate financial forecasting is like a ship sailing without a map. Financial forecasting is critical to making informed decisions, whether it’s about investments, expansions, or navigating market volatility. However, many businesses struggle with predicting future financial needs and outcomes.
**3. Credit Control and Unpaid Invoices** 
Every business owner knows that unpaid invoices can create havoc in financial planning. When clients fail to pay on time, it impacts your ability to invest in growth, manage expenses, and stay financially secure. Effective credit control is essential, but many businesses don’t have the tools to enforce it.
**4. Disorganized Bookkeeping** 
Keeping accurate financial records is crucial, yet many businesses fall behind on bookkeeping. Disorganized books make it difficult to track expenses, revenue, and profitability, and can even result in compliance issues and missed tax deductions.
**5. Complex Payroll Management** 
Payroll errors can be costly—not just financially, but also in terms of employee satisfaction. Ensuring accurate and timely payroll is critical, but for many businesses, payroll management is time-consuming and full of complications.
### How *Margrave Financial Consulting* Solves These Problems
So, how do you tackle these common financial challenges? The solution lies with *Margrave Financial Consulting*. Our seasoned team of financial consultants offers comprehensive services tailored to meet your business’s unique needs. We’ve also created the *Margrave Financial Consulting* Facebook group, a brand-new community where you can connect with industry experts, get real-time financial advice, and share insights with like-minded business owners.
Here’s how *Margrave Financial Consulting* can help you:
**1. Cash Flow Forecasting for Stability** 
At *Margrave Financial Consulting*, we offer precise cash flow forecasting to help you predict and manage your financial liquidity. By joining our Facebook group, you’ll gain insider tips on how to improve your cash flow and avoid liquidity crises, ensuring your business runs smoothly without any financial hiccups.
**2. Expert Financial Forecasting for Long-Term Success** 
With *Margrave Financial Consulting*, you’ll receive expert guidance on strategic financial planning and forecasting. We help businesses plan for growth, manage market fluctuations, and make informed decisions about investments and future operations. Join our Facebook community to access exclusive content on creating reliable financial forecasts that keep your business on track.
**3. Master Credit Control for Healthier Finances** 
Our team at *Margrave Financial Consulting* specializes in optimizing credit control processes. From handling unpaid invoices to reducing late payments, we’ll equip you with the tools you need to maintain a healthy cash flow. In our Facebook group, you can engage with other business owners and share effective strategies to improve credit management and eliminate unpaid invoice problems.
**4. Bookkeeping Solutions for Clarity and Compliance** 
Our comprehensive bookkeeping services at *Margrave Financial Consulting* ensure your financial records are up-to-date, accurate, and fully compliant. We provide expert advice on maintaining organized books, ensuring you have the financial clarity needed to make sound decisions. By joining our Facebook group, you’ll get tips on bookkeeping best practices and access to valuable resources that streamline your financial record-keeping.
**5. Simplified Payroll Services for Employee Satisfaction** 
Payroll doesn’t have to be a headache. *Margrave Financial Consulting* offers payroll services that ensure timely and accurate payments, so you can focus on growing your business. Join our Facebook group to learn more about simplifying payroll management, reducing errors, and boosting employee satisfaction.
### Why Choose *Margrave Financial Consulting*?
At *Margrave Financial Consulting*, we don’t just provide generic financial services. We take the time to understand your unique business needs and offer personalized, expert solutions that drive results. Here’s what sets us apart:
- **Efficiency and Accuracy:** We use advanced financial technology to maintain precise and organized bookkeeping processes.
- **Personalized Approach:** Our solutions are tailored to meet your specific business goals.
- **Affordability:** We offer competitive rates and flexible payment options that fit within your budget.
- **Experience:** With over 35 years of experience in the financial industry, we bring unparalleled expertise to every client relationship.
### Join *Margrave Financial Consulting* on Facebook and Take Control of Your Business’s Finances
If you’re ready to solve your business’s financial challenges, now is the time to take action. Join our new Facebook group, *Margrave Financial Consulting*, and connect with a community of business owners and financial experts committed to helping you succeed.
Don’t let financial obstacles hold your business back—experience the difference that dedicated financial management can make. Become part of the *Margrave Financial Consulting* community today, and take the first step toward financial stability and business growth.
Your business deserves the best financial care. Join *Margrave Financial Consulting* on Facebook now and unlock the tools, resources, and expert support you need to thrive.
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largessepi · 3 months
How Do Asset Management Companies Respond to Market Crises?
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So, you get up one morning and see news about the stock market crashing. You feel sick to your stomach and think, "What should I do now?" No investor ever wants to be in this situation, but it does happen. So what do asset management companies do during these heart-stopping times? Let's find out their tactics.
Creating a Solid Base
Asset management firms don’t wait until a crash occurs before they start getting ready for it either. They take steps far ahead of time. 
They do this by making sure that they have diversified portfolios so that they are not affected if any particular sector takes a nosedive. You must have heard the phrase ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ several times; well, this is the theory behind it.
Portfolios Under Stress Test
Besides, these organizations also conduct regular stress tests on their various portfolios. They put them through different simulated market conditions including those that would result from severe crashes. It is like doing a fire drill on your investments. 
The reason behind this is to detect any vulnerabilities which could be exploited by adverse market movements and also come up with appropriate measures for such situations before they occur. By so doing, when an actual crash happens, there are no surprises.
During The Crash: Keeping Calm And Carrying On
Emotions tend to run very high when markets crash. Many people sell everything out of fear – but most times this turns out to be one’s worst decision ever since recovery might take years. 
However, these firms likeLARGESSE adhere to their laid down plans without making impromptu moves which could turn out costly in future hence they concentrate on achieving long-term objectives rather than being bothered by short-term market volatilities. 
Such disciplined approach guards against making hurried decisions motivated by panic that may wipe away substantial amounts from your portfolio.
Strengthening Portfolios
Last but not the least, stronger portfolios are built from the lessons. Protective measures can be adjusted easily when people know what worked and what did not during the crash. This continuous improvement process helps in creation of more strong and resilient investments that can withstand future market downturns.
Final Thoughts
Companies dealing with asset management usually face such times through being ready, being strict with oneself and taking advantage of any opportunity that may arise. They should keep calm, inform you about everything going on and be ready to make changes that will give your portfolio more strength each time. 
Therefore, if the economy goes down, you should always know that your money is safe because these people know what they are doing.
Would you like to know how resilient your portfolio is during market turbulence? Kindly get in touch with Largesse Pi so that we may prepare for any financial storm together!
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paypant · 4 months
How to Create a Budget That Actually Works (Step-by-step Guide)
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Budgeting is one of the best financial habits one can practice. To succeed with a good budget, it must be carefully and well-planned, realistic, flexible, and accurately represented. However, it can be difficult to get it right, especially when you are on a tight budget or have very little knowledge of this area. By not planning your budget well, you risk failing to achieve your goals and losing interest in the whole process. So, it's essential to study and implement the best budgeting strategies. Therefore, we have provided a step-by-step guide on how to create a budget that works.
What Does A Working Budget Entail?
Essentially, a budget is a concise financial document or an action plan carefully prepared to project future income and expenses. It outlines an organization or individual's financial and operational goals for a particular period. A successful budget typically takes into account similar basic categories or characteristics. In addition, a good budget ensures you do not spend more than your yearly income and allows you to prepare for upcoming expenses while saving for the future. Similarly, a working budget takes into account all your financial goals and enables you to achieve them. With this, you can take full control of the amount you spend, thereby minimizing the chances of financial crises. The following are the common features of a good budget: - Must be Realistic - Every section should be adequately represented. - It sets your spending and saving limits. - It includes savings, retirement savings, and investing categories focused on building your wealth for the long term. - It should consider unexpected expenses (emergency funds) such as job loss, house or car repairs, or high medical bills. - Each budget includes a list of your monthly expenses that covers your necessities. - Features a list of your wants, such as entertainment costs, cable televisions, and gym memberships.
How To Create A Working Budget
As mentioned earlier, a good budget should be adequately and well prepared. To achieve this, you'll need to follow some logical steps. Here are the steps to organize an effective budget. Step 1: Gather Info On Your Financial Statement Before digging into personal budgeting, you need to collect and organize your financial information. You can get most of this information by logging into your bank account or looking at your bills and paper statements. If you can, gather 12 months of records. However, if you cannot find records going back that far, then get what you can. Doing this will help you understand your finances, net worth, and the way forward. And with this information, you can prepare a realistic budget - one that can be achieved based on your financial strength. You can also contact your bank to see if they can provide financial statements of all your withdrawals and spending. If you're a 9 to 6er, your salary is one crucial income stream to take down. However, don't just stop there. List EVERYWHERE you've gotten money from in the past few months – sold properties, side business, monthly cash from friends and family, etc. However, if you earn only from your monthly salary, then it's okay; state just that. Step 2: Organize Your Budget On a Spreadsheet or Budgeting App Being organized is vital to creating a workable budget. Therefore, it is crucial to present every detail of your budget clearly, concisely, and easily comprehended. When this is achieved, you can easily track, monitor and follow every detail captured. However, keeping your budget organized can be a bit tasking. So to simplify the process, you can use a spreadsheet or an app for budgeting. Using this will ensure you don't miss any step, and all the data will be clearly represented and accurately calculated to avoid any issues. It's advisable not to use the traditional pen and paper method to write your budget. For one, you can misplace it or get it soiled. There is also a possibility that you may get the organization or calculations wrong, which can affect your goals. Apps like Mint, PocketGuard, Empower, Zeta, and YNAB are great for budgeting. Aside from helping you plan your budget, these apps can help track your net worth, save your money, invest, and offer professional advice on managing your income. All you need do is download one of the apps, sign in, and start using its budgeting features. Step 3: Determine Your Estimated Expenses The next and most important step of creating a working budget is presenting the list of items and the estimated amount to be contained in the budget. Start by putting together a list of your expected expenses. You can include common expenses like utility bills (such as water, electricity, and gas), groceries, internet, cable, monthly streaming subscriptions, loan payments (such as auto and personal), etc. It's also a good idea to include details on the amount you intend to save each month, whether it goes into a personal retirement account, such as a Roth IRA, or traditional or high-yield savings accounts. To make it easier, try labeling your list of fixed and variable expenses. Fixed expenses are expenses you can't avoid, such as rent, utilities, insurance, transportation, food, and debt repayment. On the other hand, variable expenses are relatively more flexible, like your gym membership, for instance, or the amount you spend on dining out. However, you can consider dropping your variable expenses if your budget is tight. Now that you've separated fixed and variable expenses, you can determine how much you'll spend on each expense. Ensure you check receipts or call to confirm that every amount is tallied for accuracy. Then carefully put the amount in every section, calculate and recalculate to confirm. Step 4: Make Adjustments (If Necessary) Now that you know the total amount of your budget, you can determine if your monthly payment can fit the budget. In the case where your budget is above your pay grade, it's essential to make adjustments. You wouldn't want to go broke to fund your budget; this automatically defeats the aim of the financial independence you seek. So you can reevaluate the amount you budgeted on groceries, household items, streaming subscriptions, and other flexible or variable costs. Though it can be difficult to do away with certain items, you should do so to avoid debt. You can either reduce the number of items on a particular product or eliminate it. On the flip side, if you have more income leftover from the list, you can increase certain items of your budget. Ideally, it's best to use the extra money to add to your savings, especially if you don’t have an emergency fund. Besides, you could use the money on non-essential things like traveling or dining out.
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Step 5: Stick To Your Budget Now that you've prepared your budget, you can also implement it. And in implementing your budget, it's important that you try to stick to it and never deviate from spending a penny outside the budget. Similarly, avoid impulse buying as much as possible, as it will affect your budget. So if you find yourself wanting to buy something not contained in your budget, learn to say "no!" and always comfort yourself with your dream to achieve financial freedom. On the other hand, deviating from your budget can cause you not to fulfill your plan for the month and may even drive you to withdraw from your savings or borrow to fill in the missing figures.
Frequently Asked Questions Related Budgeting.
What Are The 5 Steps To Creating A Budget? The five steps to creating a budget are: - Know your financial statements. - List monthly expenses. - Determine the average costs for each expense. - Make adjustments. - Stick to your budget. These five steps are proven to make a personal budget effective. Besides, it makes up for a healthy financial lifestyle. What Is The 50-30-20 Rule Of Money? The 50-30-20 rule is a common way of allocating the spending categories in your budget. The rule suggests 50% of your after-tax income should go toward necessities, 30% toward the things you don't need—but make your life a little better—and 20% toward paying down debt and/or adding to your savings. What Are The Four Components To A Personal Budget? The four elements needed to create a budget that actually works include budget income, variable expenses, fixed expenses, and emergency expenses. Those things are essential; most financial experts will advise you to incorporate them into your monthly budget. How Do I Stick To A Budget? Sticking to a budget requires a high level of determination. In addition, you need motivation and inspiration — and sometimes a lot of it. Using tools like "You Need a Budget" can give you the motivation you desire. Moreover, most users have testified that it made them feel they have more control over their finances. What Should Be On A Personal Budget? Categories to include on a personal budget include housing, groceries, utilities, and transportation. For a personal budget, most people tend to reduce debt like loans and credit cards, while others emphasize saving for retirement or emergency funds. What are all 5 steps to creating an effective budget? To create an effective budget, understand your real income. This is the first step to take when creating a budget. Next, calculate your cost and expenditures. Decide on a budget, set goals and change your spending behavior. What does a budget include? An effective budget must include and highlight your income and expenditures. This is the basis for any budget. An estimate of the amount of money you'll earn and spend in a specific period must be described in a budget. How does MyBudget work? MyBudget is a planning and payment software that enables you to plot the course of your financial life. This app provides solutions that automate your payments, savings, and financial goals. It performs and manages all its activities in a single effective platform to ensure that you stay on track with your budget. What is the budget for kids? A budget for kids is a simple three-column sheet with the phrases "goal, savings, and expense". It contains the date for the attainment of a goal, the expenses to be made, and saving plans. Read the full article
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scentedchildnacho · 7 months
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The musician wanted to stop and talk to me so I told him his beliefs are of jails and so abnormal....I kept asking him if he formulated his beliefs in jail but he said no he hasn't been in jail so I asked if a high school then his beliefs are tribal and of a jail and he should evolve and elevate his consciousness because all he did was interrupt my dinner
He kept talking about capitalism being evil so I said no the states is true emigration can come here and live a good or better or made themselves life or the other America truth is san diego is just under riot seige by something truly evil
San Diego is just much grosser and meaner because it wasn't cold enough here
He asked me about communism and I said the rise of communism in China is maybe about how repulsive rampant anti repression is....its truly pornographic and disgusting in San Diego all the time so communism does present interesting solutions
Getting rid of private insurance about criminality would way improve pacific beach if it was a matter of forced public process to offer triage services to event crises a lot more of this documented as rape crisis intervention would way improve sanitation and international aid if these occurances were getting appropriately filed
I mean the criminality is just so high and all the time it would be way better if mental places were removed for county triage facilities and people were allowed to research how bad light terrorism has become
Then all sorts of weird beliefs like indigenous people steal my land....so I told him to evolve his life truth is white and indigenous have......lived in the North America's for over 500 years with mutual disciplines and survival and it's a lot more interesting then a history let's you get an erection killing spanked Catholics
All of that intertwines with emigration into really interesting people and mixed cultural forms your life is a belief in getting to rape based off a history so you shouldnt ever be allowed history....
Then he claimed there is no evidence of six million Jews killed in Europe and they just killed palestinians randomly
So I told him it was a war....and that mormons are evil.....so he has needs to rape and kill other fair people to steal their life if it's indigenous black or whatever their the reason he mass murders
Then he told me being the only person with an instrument or The Master....as what controls reality is a slave to him....
Then left before I could explain no slavery was slavery a slave had no rights at all to artistic activity they had to sit and use a leaf to fan the master or suffer death or other tortures
Then he told me they just make Russians out to be really and so I said no they don't they make Russians out to be like African emigration those weren't accurate genetic studies and it really hurts kills goes missing naturalized citizens here to have soviet achievement worship Russians don't practice biblical law about age of achievement and so steal position
I explained all jobs have to be tribal Putin aid systems because the russian financial analyst is 22.....that's what they give her to do what is to be financialized about eye white light tumors....no one ever paid like a few decades for her to network and secretary and actually know people here no one paid any university for her and thats why everything is fucked and stupid...humans of new York Russians present Edward bernays people with impossible fantasies about illegal labor
Russians allow people fantasies of a.i. not humans
She doesn't actually know anybody here
I don't know I wouldn't want to have a title that presents like dissertation like files if I hadn't secretaried with a firm a long time till my name became that official
Then there is kind of the dark side of things about Russians.....there is apparently hidden work populations like illiterate hidden construction work so I think it is a war the states is really capable of being very savage and unforgiving and really just enjoying the brute physicality and athleticism of war
Well a lot of naturalized born in the states citizens just go missing in the drug war on children then stupid bitch is your financial analyst.....so it is a war
Putin as a younger executive did get profiled like a nigger in how he would give resources to the Russian poor
So that's also the constant illegality of the library solar project those experiments were already called pornographic in the 1970s so dead white men already filed Russian 22 year olds work....
Yes she does look really competent and out of this world impossible because she just re submitted dead white men's portfolio
They go rape children with high voltage and it inspires pesticides and torture with tools then I get stalked with access program food stamps....access programs have been illegal a long time under indigenous women may seek inherent status here
Thats why its more that Vladimir Putin is the problem
Well I'm maybe speaking too conflagrated but I wouldn't like people who stalked me with so much voltage I started really actively running and bending or physically involving my body with the park stuff I wouldn't want to feel that disinhibited
So that's what I think MLK jr is talking about in being annoyed by a white terrorist.....I think a hells angel is nicknamed discord and he acts like a nigger the way Putin did....
Anyway I told him beliefs in a prior genocide don't make sense because realistically the world is over populated
Truth is humans prefer to be alone and their not good at doing communal moral things they should sometimes most people lie to themselves that they shouldn't own weapons and have pride in that
Lies people tell themselves is that they may be at peace instead of helping the good cause population control
People don't like telling other people what to do and truth is serial killers like you man have European union health care that can stop your genetics from reproducing in safe and healthy and enjoyed ways
People could have naturally lowered your libido and taught you sit stay be kind listen don't reek and they just kind of let you get horny
I met this past menopausal woman and she talked to me like twelve years a slave she told me now that all that is over she may truly enjoy the twilight of life here and all that doesn't happen to her anymore
Anyway discord is very real....lots of young pale men offered easy jobs in public medical drugging the nation to death especially mentals....mentals don't have any physical health care rights
Discord is everywhere around you California jewelry bling...constant I can't breathe nicotine cigarettes
You as a serial killer could have been made comfortable and happy in your lowered libido and boss prestige and discord called you a nasty naughty retard
That's white people white terrorism functions because people don't believe white people could be elected to lead the nation you expect so little from white people and always prefer whites that are crack dog shit gross
You could be trained to not be so materially greedy cannibalistic and disgusting you could ask white people for higher level reasoning and you always prefer greedy battery
Everywhere you go there are white or European walks and their just obstacles to you and any of them listened to could have told you how to stop yourself from that embarrassing of an extroverted problem
Biden called putin a son of a bitch.....unipolar....I think its Putin's tendency to blame americans for what nazis or baltics did like murder the Messiah......or blame Americans for his intense relationships with weapons China so i think peace starts with accurate trials
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skiltravel · 8 months
7 Common Areas Of Overspending In Businesses
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How to drive sustainable growth in any business? The first and foremost approach towards this paradigm shift is to recognize where most of the expenses are heading and take a step back. Overspending tends to be one of the typical crises of any organization. In order to ensure a steady organizational boost and amp up the revenue, take the first step and cease paying extra for services. Stop neglecting your original budget, and pay heed to where all the money is being flushed out. Feeling overwhelmed with so many money talks? Let us simplify the same by categorizing the seven most common areas where businesses are likely to overspend as explained by the best travel management company - SKIL Travel. 
7 Most Typical Areas Businesses Tend to Overspend
Ineffective Employee Management
It is indeed a doubtless fact an organization will likely shut down without the incorporation of employees. But, in the majority of cases, businesses tend to hire either prematurely or in excessive numbers. This issue leads to ridiculous expenses which don’t only include the fundamental salaries but also benefits, taxes, and additional facilities offered to the employees. 
Overlooking Supplier Negotiations
Overspending on goods and services might result from failing to negotiate favourable terms with suppliers. Firming up ties with suppliers and aggressively haggling over conditions of payment, discounts, and rates should be a top priority for businesses. Overspending can be avoided and cost-saving opportunities can be found by routinely examining contracts and looking into alternative providers. In fact, this is one of the major areas that, SKIL Travel, as the best travel management company abide by.
Technology Overload
Businesses nowadays are frequently the victims of excessive technological spending. Keeping up with the most recent developments is crucial, but spending money on superfluous gear, software, or IT services can be costly. Businesses may find superfluous tools and optimise their tech stack by conducting frequent technology audits. This will help them make informed investments in products that actually increase productivity and efficiency.
Futile Marketing Strategies
Success in business depends on marketing, yet spending too much on unproductive tactics can have negative effects. Companies should examine their marketing strategies and channels' return on investment (ROI) closely. Marketing expenditures can be maximised and unnecessary spending can be avoided by allocating resources based on data-driven insights and concentrating on tactics that connect with the target market.
Unsupervised Employee Expenses
Employee expenses, when left unmonitored, tend to spiral up really quickly. From lavish client dinners to unwarranted office supplies, overspending ought to happen. This is why, organizations are required to circulate transparent expense policies, offering employee training on responsible spending and utilizing expense management tools is a great way to keep a watch on and address employee expenses.
Overlooking Energy Efficiency
Concerning excessive expenditure in organizations, energy expenses might be a silent killer. Energy-related expenses can be avoided by ignoring energy-saving techniques, such as switching to energy-efficient appliances, improving office lighting, and adopting sustainable habits. Reducing energy use and promoting environmentally conscious behaviour among staff members can result in substantial long-term financial benefits.
Disregarding Employee Training and Development
Organisational growth depends on investing in the training and development of its employees, but when such training is not well-defined or does not match company objectives, overspending may result. Businesses should regularly analyse skill gaps, give strategic objectives-aligned training programmes top priority, and look into affordable training options like seminars and online courses in order to maximise their investment in this domain.
What are the Reasons Behind Businesses Overspending?
There are plenty of reasons for a business to overspend - drastically jeopardizing their financial health. The primary reason is the absence of strategic expense management. Inefficient corporate travel solutions, unnoticed employee expenses, lack of initial planning, bad vendor selection, failure to negotiate, and no analytics or auditing, are some of the root causes.
Therefore, it is essential for a business to start laying emphasis more on planning its budget from the outset, choosing reliable vendors, putting efforts into negotiating with contractors, and hiring an adept auditor to look after the whole business.
It is imperative for firms seeking to attain financial sustainability and efficiency to recognise and tackle these prevalent sources of excess spending. Long-term cost reductions can be achieved by putting practical ideas into practice, such as the most effective corporate travel solutions offered by top travel management companies, negotiating advantageous supplier terms, and optimising technology use. In the current competitive business environment, organisations can achieve long-term success by cultivating a culture of financial responsibility and conducting frequent reviews of spending to make sure resources are used effectively.
Source URL: https://www.skiltravel.com/blog/7-common-areas-of-overspending-in-businesses
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stock-123 · 9 months
Mastering Market Volatility: Strategies for Triumph in Turbulent Time
In the complex and ever-shifting world of the stock market, navigating through periods of volatility is an art that separates successful investors from the rest. It's not just about survival but about thriving amid uncertainty. This blog post aims to provide comprehensive insights and strategies for investors of all levels, from seasoned professionals to those just beginning their journey into the unpredictable realm of financial markets.
Understanding Market Volatility:
Market volatility is the heartbeat of financial markets, reflecting the constant ebb and flow of prices. To master market volatility, investors must first comprehend its nature and causes. Geopolitical events, economic indicators, and market sentiment all contribute to the market's unpredictability. Examining historical instances, such as the 2008 financial crisis or the dot-com bubble burst, helps investors appreciate the profound impact of such events on market dynamics.
Risk Management Techniques:
Effective risk management is the linchpin of successful investing in volatile markets. Diversification is a key strategy that involves spreading investments across different asset classes to mitigate risk. By doing so, investors can shield their portfolios from the potentially devastating impact of a downturn in any particular sector. Implementing stop-loss orders, predetermined sell orders triggered when a security reaches a specified price, is another essential technique to limit potential losses and protect capital.
Investing vs. Trading:
Investors face the perpetual choice between adopting a long-term investment strategy or engaging in short-term trading to capitalize on market fluctuations. Choosing the right approach depends on individual financial goals and risk tolerance. Long-term investors ride out short-term volatility with the understanding that markets generally trend upward over time. Traders, on the other hand, seek to profit from short-term price movements, requiring a different skill set and strategic approach.
Opportunities Amidst Chaos:
While market volatility poses risks, it also presents unique opportunities for savvy investors. Certain sectors or industries may perform well during turbulent times; for instance, healthcare and technology often demonstrate resilience. Contrarian investing, the art of going against prevailing market sentiment, can lead to identifying undervalued opportunities during tumultuous times. Additionally, distressed assets, whose values have significantly declined, may offer profitable opportunities for those willing to take calculated risks.
Market Analysis Tools:
Investors have a wealth of tools at their disposal to analyze market conditions. Technical analysis involves studying price charts and indicators to predict future price movements, while fundamental analysis assesses a company's financial health and intrinsic value. Integrating these tools into investment strategies empowers investors to make informed decisions based on data rather than emotions. The advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning further enhances the precision and efficiency of market analysis.
Psychology of Trading:
Understanding the psychological aspects of trading is crucial, particularly during volatile times. Behavioral biases, such as fear and greed, can cloud judgment and lead to irrational decision-making. Maintaining emotional discipline and making rational decisions based on a well-thought-out strategy is paramount. Learning from the experiences of successful investors who have mastered the psychological aspects of trading provides valuable insights and practical guidance for others.
Global Events and Market Impact:
Global events, ranging from elections to economic crises and pandemics, can significantly impact the stock market. Staying informed about unfolding events and understanding their potential impact on the market allows investors to adapt their strategies accordingly. Historical examples, such as the market reactions to the Brexit vote or the COVID-19 pandemic, highlight the importance of being nimble and proactive in response to global events.
Case Studies:
Real-life case studies of investors or traders who successfully navigated volatile markets offer practical insights into effective strategies. Examining their approaches, the challenges they faced, and the lessons they learned provides a roadmap for others to follow. These case studies serve as valuable examples of adaptability, resilience, and strategic thinking during uncertain market conditions.
Mastering market volatility is an ongoing journey that requires a combination of knowledge, discipline, and adaptability. By understanding the root causes of market fluctuations, implementing effective risk management, leveraging market analysis tools, and learning from the experiences of successful investors, individuals can position themselves not just to survive but to triumph in turbulent times. Successful investing is an art that involves continuous learning, strategic thinking, and the ability to seize opportunities amid the ever-changing dynamics of financial markets.
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Stress bucket: How to Manage Your Stress at Work
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We invite you to explore the concept of the 'Stress Bucket' with us. By understanding this analogy, you can better identify the stressors that fill your bucket, recognise when it's nearing its limit, and learn essential strategies to empty it before it overflows. Step by step, we'll guide you through this process, employing a friendly, supportive approach backed by expert knowledge. Together, let's master the art of maintaining Wellbeing in Your Office.
What is a Stress Bucket?
The stress bucket is a useful analogy to understand how stress builds up and overflows in our lives. Just like a real bucket, our stress bucket can only hold so much before it reaches capacity. The stress bucket represents our ability to cope with demands and challenges. Small annoyances, worries, and pressures are added into our stress bucket throughout the day, gradually filling it up. If too much stress accumulates without relief, the bucket will eventually overflow. This overflowing of stress is when we feel emotionally flooded, irritable, anxious, or completely overwhelmed. Once your stress bucket has overflowed, even small things can set you off. Stress stacks up without you realising it, until suddenly even minor hassles cause you to spill over with irrational reactions and intensity. Having a full stress bucket also impairs your ability to think clearly, make good decisions, and handle difficult situations. The key is to empty your stress bucket regularly before it reaches the brim. When you allow stress to accumulate non-stop, it's only a matter of time before your bucket overflows. Staying aware of your stress signals and proactively relieving pressure can prevent you from becoming overloaded.
Causes of a Full Stress Bucket
The metaphorical stress bucket fills up in response to difficulties and demands in our lives. Some common causes that add stress and fill up the bucket include: - Work: Heavy workloads, tight deadlines, long hours, difficult coworkers and clients, job uncertainty, and an unsupportive work environment can all contribute work-related stress. The responsibilities and pressures of our jobs easily add to our stress bucket. - Family: Caring for children or aging parents, relationship problems with a spouse or partner, conflicts with other family members, divorce, illnesses, and family financial struggles can cause family stress that fills the bucket. - Health: Our own health problems and illnesses such as chronic conditions, injuries, poor diet, lack of exercise, and sleep troubles all add health stress. Stress can also make existing health issues worse. - Finances: Money worries, debt, the cost of housing, healthcare, childcare, and education can create financial stress. Job loss, income insecurity, and financial crises like bankruptcy also add to the stress bucket. Life is full of potential stressors that fill up our metaphorical stress bucket. When left unchecked and unmanaged over time, the bucket overflows. Being aware of the common causes of stress can help us monitor our stress level and avoid reaching the point of overflow. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/what-are-the-symptoms-of-stress/
Signs Your Stress Bucket is Full
We all have different levels of stress tolerance before our bucket starts to overflow. However, there are some common signs that indicate your stress bucket is getting full: - Irritability - Feeling on edge, easily annoyed, or having a short temper are signs that stress is starting to take its toll. You may snap at loved ones over minor issues when your stress bucket is full. - Anxiety - Excessive worry, nervousness, restlessness, feeling panicked, and trouble relaxing can all be symptoms of high stress levels overflowing your stress bucket. Racing thoughts and dwelling on worst-case scenarios are common anxiety signs. - Fatigue - Both mental and physical exhaustion from carrying the weight of stress can leave you feeling constantly tired. No matter how much rest and relaxation you get, you still feel drained. This fatigue makes taking on more stress even harder. - Insomnia - Stress and worry can make it very difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Tossing, turning, and poor sleep quality are common when your stress bucket is too full. This compounds stress and fatigue. - Other Physical Symptoms - Headaches, muscle tension, upset stomach, changes in appetite, and lowered immunity can also indicate your stress levels are overflowing. Listen to your body's signals. - Other Emotional Symptoms - Sadness, lack of motivation, feeling overwhelmed or hopeless, and lack of focus or concentration indicate your stress bucket needs emptying. Don't ignore these signs. Noticing the signs your stress bucket is too full is important so you can take action to manage stress before it leads to more serious health consequences. Don't dismiss irritability, anxiety, fatigue, and other symptoms - they are your body's signals to empty your stress bucket. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/top-10-causes-of-stress-at-work/ Top 10 causes of stress at work
Consequences of Overflowing Stress
When your stress bucket overflows, it can lead to serious long-term consequences. Stress that builds up over time and isn't properly managed can contribute to burnout, depression, and even major health issues. Burnout Chronic stress is one of the main causes of burnout. When you're constantly overloaded, you eventually use up all your coping resources. As your stress bucket spills over day after day, you may start to feel exhausted, cynical, disengaged, and like you have nothing left to give. Left unaddressed, burnout can seriously impact your work performance and overall wellbeing. Depression Excessive and prolonged stress is linked to the development of depression. When stress hormones are constantly high, it can alter neurotransmitters in your brain that regulate mood. Feeling overwhelmed can also contribute to negative thought patterns. Together, these physiological and psychological changes brought on by chronic stress can lead to clinical depression in some individuals. Health Issues Allowing your stress load to remain high has been associated with numerous health problems. Stress contributes to issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, fertility problems, gastrointestinal problems, and a weakened immune system. It ages the body faster and can worsen chronic health conditions. Overflowing stress can quite literally make you sick.
Tips to Empty Your Stress Bucket
Engaging in healthy stress relief is critical for emptying your stress bucket before it overflows. Here are some research-backed tips: - Exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise is a powerful stress reducer. Aim for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week. Going for a walk, swim, bike ride, or doing an exercise class can all help lower stress hormone levels and improve mood. - Practice meditation. Even short 5-10 minute meditation sessions can provide big stress relief benefits. Focus on your breath, do a body scan, or repeat a mantra to calm your mind. Apps like Calm and Headspace provide guided meditations. - Rely on your social support system. Spending time with close friends and family and talking through what's on your mind can help relieve stress. Social support is critical for resilience. Lean on your support system in tough times. - Get organised. Decluttering your physical space and making to-do lists can create a sense of control amidst chaos. Set aside time for organising and clearing clutter to reduce stress. You'll think more clearly when your environment is organised. - Laugh it off. Don't underestimate the power of humor and laughter to relieve tension. Watch a funny show, exchange jokes with friends, or seek out humorous content to get you laughing and elevate your mood. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/why-is-health-and-wellbeing-important-in-the-workplace/
Establishing Boundaries
Setting healthy boundaries is an important way to manage stress and prevent your stress bucket from overflowing. Boundaries create a separation between yourself and stressors, giving you permission to protect your time and mental energy. At work, boundaries allow you to maintain a sustainable workload and avoid burnout. For example, you can set limits on your availability outside working hours, decline meetings that aren't productive, delegate tasks that don't require your expertise, and take regular breaks during the day. Saying "no" to unreasonable requests prevents you from taking on too much. Boundaries also apply to your personal life. You may choose to not check emails after a certain time, spend a set number of hours on your hobbies, or take time for self-care each week. Communicate your needs clearly so others respect your boundaries. Setting boundaries requires asserting yourself, which can be difficult at first. But with practice, you'll get better at recognising your limits and articulating them. The payoff is huge - controlling your stressors gives you freedom over your time and energy. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/what-is-technostress/
Seeking Help
If your stress bucket continues to overflow despite your best efforts to empty it, it may be time to seek professional help. Chronic, unmanaged stress can impact your physical and mental health, and in some cases medication or therapy may be needed. When to turn to counselling, therapy, medication If you are experiencing any of the following, it's a sign you may need additional support through counselling, therapy or medication: - Depression or anxiety that persists for weeks and interferes with daily activities - Inability to cope with daily responsibilities and activities - Excessive worrying, anger, or mood swings - Substance abuse - Thoughts of harming yourself or others A registered mental health counsellor or therapist can provide coping techniques, teach stress management skills, and help you get to the root of what's causing your stress overload. If underlying mental health conditions like anxiety or depression are contributing to chronic stress, medication may be recommended as well. Professional help for chronic stress Seeking help from a mental health professional does not mean you have somehow failed or there is something wrong with you. We all need assistance at times managing stress, emotions and life's demands. Working with a counsellor or therapist provides: - An objective, nonjudgmental listening ear - Expertise in stress management, anxiety, depression - Coping techniques tailored to your situation - Accountability and motivation for change - Medication if needed to alleviate symptoms - A plan to reduce stress long-term Getting help to empty your overflowing stress bucket allows you to regain control and start living a less stressful, more enjoyable life. Be honest with yourself about when it's time to seek additional support. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/stress-awareness/ Stress Awareness: A Call For Self-Care
Building Resilience
Everyone has some innate ability to cope with stress and bounce back from adversity. However, resilience isn't necessarily constant and needs to be built up over time. Developing resilience takes work, but it allows you to adapt to stressful events while maintaining your emotional wellbeing. Resilience involves behaviors, thoughts and actions that can be adopted to help you deal with challenges. Some tips for building resilience include: - Developing coping strategies like mindfulness, meditation and breathing exercises. Taking time for these practices helps manage stress. - Working on positive thinking and self-care. Be kind to yourself, keep things in perspective, and avoid dwelling on the negative. - Establishing goals and taking steps to achieve them. Having purpose and taking action reinforces your ability to handle obstacles. - Fostering relationships and social connections. Support systems are vital for building resilience. - Learning from past successes. Reflect on previous adversities you've overcome, which can empower you. - Adopting healthy lifestyle habits around sleep, diet, and exercise. Caring for your physical health supports mental health. While some may cope with stress more easily, anyone can become more resilient over time. Making incremental changes and practicing self-care builds coping skills and resilience bit by bit. Prioritising time for developing resilience now allows you to thrive in the face of challenges ahead. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/how-to-build-resilience/ How to build resilience
Achieving Work-Life Balance
When your work demands become excessive and begin to overwhelm the other important areas of your life, it's a sign that your stress bucket is starting to fill. Here are some ways to achieve better work-life balance and prevent work overload: - Prioritise your responsibilities - Make a list of your obligations and rank them by importance. Focus first on the essential tasks related to your job, health, family and finances. Lower-priority responsibilities may need to wait. - Set boundaries with work - Don't let work bleed too much into evenings, weekends and vacations. Set limits on after-hours work communication. Protect personal time. - Take regular holidays and time off - Actually disconnect from work completely for set periods of time. Don't just take holidays while still working remotely. Real breaks help relieve stress. - Maintain interests outside of work - Spend time each week on hobbies, relationships and activities unrelated to your job. - Create daily routines before/after work - Designate relaxing wind-down time after work and energising morning routines before work. Transition smoothly between roles. - Ask for help at home - Seek support from family in managing household duties. Outsource chores if affordable. Don't try to do everything alone. - Improve time management - Identify and cut down on time drains. Prioritise and schedule tasks effectively. Learn to say no to non-essential duties. - Evaluate workload with employer - Discuss work-life balance challenges transparently with your manager. Agree on solutions to prevent overload. Keeping your life multidimensional and preventing work obligations from crowding out other priorities are key for maintaining a healthy stress bucket. Don't hesitate to speak up when workload becomes excessive. With good boundaries, time management and support, you can keep work's demands from overflowing. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/wellbeing-services/ Wellbeing Services & Mental Health at Work
Keeping Your Stress Bucket Empty
To keep your stress bucket empty in the long run, you need to make stress management an ongoing priority, not just something you do occasionally when you feel overwhelmed. Here are some tips: - Practice regular stress relief - Don't wait until your bucket is full to take action. Make time for stress relief every day, even when you feel fine. This can include exercise, meditation, enjoyable hobbies, socialising with friends, etc. - Set boundaries - Be protective of your time and don't overcommit yourself. Learn to say no to extra duties and demands that would throw you off balance. Stick to reasonable work hours and set boundaries with colleagues and managers around after-hours contact. - Build resilience - Find healthy ways to deal with stress and bounce back from adversity. Work on cultivating self-care, a positive attitude, adaptability and healthy coping strategies. The better your resilience, the less stress affects you. - Achieve work-life balance - Don't let your work life consume you. Make time for relationships, fun, relaxation and self-care. Take regular vacations and breaks from work. Boundaries between work and life allow your stress bucket to fully empty. - Make lifestyle changes - Getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, avoiding excessive alcohol intake, and making time for hobbies and passions outside of work can help manage your overall stress levels. A healthy lifestyle keeps your stress bucket empty day-to-day. Learning to manage stress is about being proactive. By emptying your stress bucket regularly and maintaining boundaries, you can keep your stress at healthy levels in the long run. Make stress management a lifelong habit.
Stress bucket: Conclusion
In conclusion, understanding, managing and prioritising stress can significantly enhance the quality of your work life and personal wellbeing. Just as we mindfully empty a filled bucket before it spills over, we need to proactively manage the stress we accumulate in our metaphorical stress 'bucket'. Identifying stress triggers, recognizing signs of an overly full stress bucket, and implementing effective strategies like regular exercise, meditation, maintaining a strong social support network, and setting boundaries can significantly assist in managing stress. At times, seeking professional help may be a necessary step, reflecting strength and an investment in one's health and wellbeing. Remember, it's not about eliminating stress entirely, but about learning how to manage it effectively to prevent it from becoming overwhelming. As you journey towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle, remember that you're not alone. Each small step you take towards managing your stress is a significant investment in your future, contributing to a healthier, happier you in the long run.
Ready to empty your overflowing stress bucket?
Wellbeing In Your Office is here for you, with a full suite of workplace wellbeing services tailored to meet the unique needs of your workspace. From mindfulness meditation to first aid for mental health courses, explore our engaging and practical strategies designed to uplift physical and mental wellbeing in the office. Learn how our Nutrition Read the full article
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kikusharma9001 · 1 year
The Importance of Risk Management in Your Investment Strategy
Risk management is a critical component of any successful investment strategy. It involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks to protect your capital and optimize returns. Here are some key reasons why risk management is essential in your investment strategy:
Preservation of Capital: The primary goal of risk management is to protect your investment capital. By identifying and mitigating risks, you reduce the likelihood of significant losses that can be difficult to recover from. Preserving your capital is crucial for long-term investment success.
Risk Diversification: Diversifying your investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographic regions is a fundamental risk management strategy. Diversification helps spread risk, so if one investment performs poorly, others may offset the losses, reducing the overall impact on your portfolio.
Steady Returns: Effective risk management can help you achieve more consistent and predictable returns. By controlling risks, you can avoid extreme market fluctuations and maintain a steadier growth trajectory for your investments.
Emotional Stability: Investing can be emotionally taxing, especially during market downturns. Risk management strategies, such as setting stop-loss orders or having an investment plan, can help you make rational decisions and avoid impulsive actions driven by fear or greed.
Long-Term Sustainability: Risk management is not just about avoiding losses in the short term; it's also about ensuring the sustainability of your investment strategy over the long haul. By managing risks effectively, you increase the likelihood of staying invested and compounding your returns over time.
Reduced Volatility: Volatility in the financial markets is a natural occurrence, but excessive volatility can be detrimental to your portfolio. Risk management techniques, like asset allocation and risk-adjusted performance metrics, can help reduce the impact of market swings. To learn more: LTP Calculator
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Protection Against Black Swan Events: While it's impossible to predict every market event, risk management can prepare you for unexpected "black swan" events, such as economic crises or global pandemics. Having contingency plans and risk mitigation strategies in place can limit the damage in such situations.
Improved Decision-Making: Risk assessment and management involve thorough research and analysis of investments. This process can lead to better decision-making by providing a clear understanding of the potential risks and rewards associated with each investment opportunity.
Customization: Every investor has unique financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizons. Effective risk management allows you to tailor your investment strategy to align with your specific needs and preferences.
Compliance and Regulation: Depending on your jurisdiction and the type of investments you make, there may be legal or regulatory requirements for risk management. Adhering to these guidelines not only ensures compliance but also helps protect your investments.
Protection Against Black Swan Events: While it's impossible to predict every market event, risk management can prepare you for unexpected "black swan" events, such as economic crises or global pandemics. Having contingency plans and risk mitigation strategies in place can limit the damage in such situations.
Improved Decision-Making: Risk assessment and management involve thorough research and analysis of investments. This process can lead to better decision-making by providing a clear understanding of the potential risks and rewards associated with each investment opportunity.
Customization: Every investor has unique financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizons. Effective risk management allows you to tailor your investment strategy to align with your specific needs and preferences.
Compliance and Regulation: Depending on your jurisdiction and the type of investments you make, there may be legal or regulatory requirements for risk management. Adhering to these guidelines not only ensures compliance but also helps protect your investments.
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In conclusion, risk management is an integral part of a successful investment strategy. It helps safeguard your capital, enhances the consistency of your returns, and ensures that your investments align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. By implementing effective risk management techniques, you can navigate the complex world of investing with greater confidence and resilience.
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generation1point5 · 1 year
Anxiety feels like your mind running at a million miles per hour in a manic state; lots of overthinking and reading too much into little things. All the little things set you off, the smallest failures like the last chance for success gone. Work hasn’t made me anxious in a while, not since the pandemic when I worked in the private sector. By all material metrics I’m in a much better place than I was back then, but I find myself in much the same place mentally.
Work has always been a means to an end to me, a means to pursue my hobbies. I don’t even necessarily think that’s a bad thing. I’ve seen what making your passion your work does to artists when not properly balanced with the other factors that make a good life. Creativity is like fire, and like any fire there’s a risk of burnout if it is not properly channeled and controlled, but work in this day and age affords little to balance life. I love writing, but my biggest fear if I ever made it my work is that I’d grow to hate it. Neither is there any stability to pursue the arts as a career, at least not as far as the States are concerned. Only a good deal of success could afford a stable means of living, and I am yet unproven. 
At the same time, after many years of wandering from one job to another, I finally find myself in a place where I’m forced to choose between my work and my hobby. It is probably the most singular thing that I hate about capitalism; staying in a certain position for too long is considered stagnation, there must always be growth, not only in profits but also in employee professional development. This would be desirable, if not for the fact that what I do to make a living is not what I love. But at a certain point, and it should be noted that any idea of comfortable living is well beyond said point, people expect a passion for what you do to put into the work that is expected, having worked in a given field for so long.
Especially when it comes to the west, there is an individualistic, liberal notion that people get jobs doing what they love, but the realities of capital preclude that notion in the art industry. There is a necessary barrier of entry, it has to have enough appeal to a broad enough audience to support the work financially, or to attract the patronage of a sufficiently wealthy few. The realities of the market are a reality as old as time, and aren’t apt to change unless a radically different economic model were to be implemented. In our current contexts, making art for a living also rarely means making what you love unless it aligns well with the audience that supports you. But like any other form of work, I think commissions first and foremost are a means of sustenance, not passion, and don’t always align with the interests and inspiration of the creator who takes them on. Even when you make your hobby your job, it doesn’t stop becoming a job; your product is just made with someone other than yourself in mind, and that is a fundamentally distinct act from what is self-generated.
It is an odd conclusion that I arrive at: that art as an expression of identity is often at its most sincere, its most genuine and well-crafted, but as a means of living it is not necessarily sustainable. It is a dangerous thing to tie one’s worth to one’s identity; that kind of conflation leads to all sorts of crises when no validation is forthcoming. For my own part, I don’t mind if my writing isn’t recognized; part of me is kind of relieved that there is no pressure from a huge success to put external pressure to perform in the future. There is freedom of expression in it; I share what I produce out of my own will, able to share in the joys of people who engage with it and not having to fear the rejection of others.
But professionally and materially, I’m at a fork in the road where I’m being forced to choose between work and my hobby, and that thought alone is a maddening one. I have no desire to waste away at a job in which I derive no meaning; in like manner, I do not want to make what I find meaning in to be the sole means by which I live, if indeed it does not have the impact to be financially sustainable. The worth of words is too precious to be expressed in monetary terms; I do not want to find my validation in the opinions and monetary support of others. I am who I am; I wouldn’t want that to be changed by success or failure. It should remain as-is, a mere fact that heeds little the tides and fortunes of a chaotic and apathetic world. My compulsion for self-expression through writing is not a demand to be valued; it is a desire for relationship, using a means that may very well last beyond my lifetime, across cultures and backgrounds with whom I have no affiliation with or will ever know. 
There is nothing transactional at the heart of any form of art; it can be commodified, certainly, and its physical and structural characteristics imitated, but the beauty of art (as I’ve come to understand it) is its ability to connect all sorts of unlike people together. It is what distinguishes humanities from the other disciplines. It is both a means of understanding oneself and the world around us, and the world is so much bigger than the jobs I work to continue living in it. I would never want to lose sight of that by having it become my job. But more and more I am being confronted with the question of whether I can make my passions my job.
I think my will to write will always find its way out, heedless of the circumstances that dictate my material well-being. I would not be able to subdue it, nor do I want to. Life is too short and beautiful to merely subsist through it all. There is something within me that screams to be heard. Should it be silenced, then the rocks themselves would cry out.
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irnjehernandez · 2 years
Wealth DNA Code by Alex Maxwell: A Comprehensive Review
Wealth DNA Code Official: https://rebrand.ly/wealth-dna-code-of...Wealth DNA Code by Alex Maxwell: A Comprehensive Review - The Ultimate Guide to Attracting Money Do you want to manifest unlimited money and financial freedom in your life? Are you tired of experiencing financial crises? If yes, then you need to know about the Wealth DNA Code Program, which can help you attract money without much effort. In this video, we will provide you with a review of the Wealth DNA Code by Alex Maxwell and how it can help you manifest your dreams of becoming financially stable. What is Wealth DNA Code? The Wealth DNA Code is an audio program designed to activate your dormant wealth DNA that has been sleeping for years. According to the program, the main reason why people fail to manifest money is due to the root chakra that links directly to the wealth DNA. Therefore, the audio tracks in this program have special powers to activate your dormant wealth DNA, which can attract unlimited money and make your dreams come true. The Wealth DNA Code is a money-attracting program comprising a 7-minute manifesting audio track that you need to listen to every morning for a month. These audio tracks have a unique frequency that puts the mind on the correct path to activate wealth DNA to attract flawless money and make your hardest dream come true. How does Wealth DNA Code Work? The primary objective of Wealth DNA Code audio tracks is to trigger all the chakra points inside the human body and align them so that wealth DNA gets activated. The sound waves are designed with precise vibrations and frequencies to rectify wealth DNA in many ways, making your dream of becoming richer easy and helping you forget your financial problems. By listening to the audio tracks every morning for one month, you can reduce stress levels, stop storing bad energy from nearest friends or family members, and preserve positive energy from the universe, which can fulfill all dreams. Many spiritual professionals have created Wealth DNA Code sound waves to activate the root chakra to get a state of mind and eradicate all the negative energies from the customer’s mind. After this, they can sponge positive thoughts from nature rather than negative ones. What are Chakras, and from Where did they Originate? Chakras are the human body's energy centers that can only be accessed by humans up to 8%, while 92% is junk or dormant and needs to be activated to accomplish financial goals. DNA is directly linked to our achievements, abilities, and passions. The concept of chakras was introduced in India between 500 BC to 1500 BC. Many Hindu preachers and Buddhist monks practice meditation and chakra to get physical, emotional, and mental rest. It is proven that chakras are directly related to the financial problems of humans. NASA has even spent billions of dollars proving this. How many Chakra Points? There are seven chakra points known as energy centers: the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakra. These chakra points have their specific functions and significance. Wealth DNA Code - Frequently Asked Questions: Q1. Is the Wealth DNA Code program a scam? A1. No, the Wealth DNA Code program is not a scam. It is an audio program designed to activate your dormant wealth DNA that has been sleeping for years. Q2. How long does it take to manifest money through Wealth DNA Code? A2. You need to listen to the Wealth DNA Code audio tracks every morning for a month to activate your wealth DNA and manifest money. Q3. Can Wealth DNA Code help in reducing stress levels? A3. Yes, Wealth DNA Code can help reduce stress levels, stop storing bad energy from nearest friends or family members, and preserve positive energy from the universe, which can fulfill all dreams. Wealth DNA Code Official: https://rebrand.ly/wealth-dna-code-of...Wealth DNA Code by Alex Maxwell: A Comprehensive Review - The Ultimate Guide to Attracting Money Hashtags: #WealthCode #WealthBuilder #FinancialSuccess #MoneyGoals#WealthCreationTips #WealthJourney #SuccessMindset #InvestmentGoals#MoneyTalk #WealthMindset YouTube Tags: wealth dna code by alex maxwell review, Wealth DNA Code by Alex Maxwell, Wealth DNA Code Activation Program, Code Audio Track, Wealth DNA Code, Wealth DNA Code Reviews, Wealth DNA Code, Wealth DNA, Wealth Building, Financial Success, Money Mindset, Investing, Wealth Creation, Entrepreneurship, Wealth Strategies, Wealth Mindset wealth dna code reviews, wealth dna code review, wealth dna code code program, wealth dna code system, wealth dna code download, wealth dna code cost, wealth dna code dvd, wealth dna code testimonials,wealth dna code legit, wealth dna codee bonuses, wealth dna code Alex Maxwell, wealth dna code pdf, wealth dna code manifestation, wealth dna code product bundle, wealth dna code quora, wealth dna code amazon
Wealth DNA Code by Alex Maxwell: A Comprehensive Review
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theinternalaudit · 2 years
SOX Compliance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Understand SOX
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act popularly known as SOX compliance was passed by the US Congress in 2002 with the goals of safeguarding shareholders, the general public, and improving the integrity of corporate disclosures from accounting errors and dishonest business practices. The act establishes requirements for what must be done and specifies timeframes for doing so. Following the financial crises at Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco, among other firms, Congressmen Paul Sarbanes and Michael Oxley wrote the act to enhance corporate responsibility and governance. Now, all publicly traded companies must adhere to SOX's IT and financial standards. The way IT departments keep electronic business records has evolved as a result of SOX. The statute specifies which records should be retained and for how long, despite the fact that it doesn't specify how a business should store its data or establish a set of business practices. Businesses must maintain all business records, including electronic documents and messages, for "not less than five years" in order to comply with SOX. If you break the regulations, you risk being fined, imprisoned, or both.
Who Must Comply with SOX Compliance?
Today, SOX compliance is required for all publicly traded U.S. companies, all publicly traded non-U.S. companies that do business in the U.S., and all private companies that want to go public for the first time. This is to protect investors, clients, employees, accounting firms, and anyone else who might be affected. Companies that need to get and stay in compliance with SOX include: - Companies in the U.S. that are traded on public markets, including all wholly owned subsidiaries. - All publicly traded non-U.S. companies doing business in the U.S. Private companies in the process of getting ready for their first public offering (IPO). - Accounting firms or other businesses that provide services to any of the companies listed above.
Importance of SOX Compliance Audit
Practically, achieving and keeping SOX compliance is important for your business. However, many companies have found that a regular SOX audit has other benefits, such as: - Getting a better handle on things, - Improving documentation, - Getting the audit committee more involved, - Getting rid of or simplifying complex tasks, - letting security risks be managed more effectively and ahead of time, - Streamlining the auditing and reporting processes, which will increase productivity and cut costs, - Tightening up weak links, Companies that are owned by the public are more likely to want to buy companies that are going private.
Overview of SOX Compliance
Since more than 20 years ago, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX or Act) has been in effect. SOX compliance lets investors, customers, regulatory bodies, and the public know what's going on. Complete and consistent SOX compliance shows that you care about ethical accounting practices and gives people who depend on your organization confidence in you. Above all, the SOX act makes it illegal for any business, including private companies and nonprofits, to handle or get rid of financial records in an illegal way. They are also not allowed to get back at whistleblowers or hurt their rights in any way.
History of SOX Compliance
A government-issued law known as SOX sets criteria for financial information disclosure and record keeping. It was passed in response to the Enron, Arthur Andersen, WorldCom, and Tyco International scandals and is officially known as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Due to improper financial accounting methods, these enormous corporations had significant scandals in the late 1990s and early 2000s, leading to their final destruction. Clients, staff members, investors, accounting firms, and the company themselves all suffered as a result of these incidents. This demonstrated the need for tighter controls to stop fraud, whether it is done on purpose or accidentally. The SOX legislation was created by the U.S. Congress in an effort to safeguard stakeholders by reducing the likelihood of fraudulent accounting practices by businesses and auditing firms. In the interest of clients, staff, suppliers, and any other pertinent third parties, SOX was implemented to establish a uniform standard of care for a variety of public firms, as well as private businesses in some situations.
Key provisions of SOX Compliance
The key provisions of the SOX regulation are as follows: - Senior management accountability: The CEO and CFO of a publicly traded firm are directly accountable for the financial reports that are submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). For infractions, these high officials risk serious criminal consequences, such as prison time. - Internal Control Report: According to SOX, a report proving management is in charge of the system of internal controls over financial records is necessary. To guarantee openness, any errors must be disclosed right once to high management. - Data security policies: Under SOX, businesses are required to uphold a documented data security policy that sufficiently safeguards the use and archival of financial data. All staff members should be informed of and adhere to the SOX data policy. - Proof of compliance - SOX mandates that businesses keep compliance records, make them available to auditors upon request, perform ongoing SOX testing, and track and evaluate SOX compliance goals.
Benefits of SOX Compliance
The best strategy you can use to ensure SOX compliance is to have compliance software in place. Some benefits of SOX compliance are: - - Good financial management: The SOX framework gives businesses everything they need to take better care of their financial records, which benefits many other areas of the business. Being compliant with SOX promotes effective and accurate financial reporting that develops a higher level of financial caretaking in your firm, much like ISO 27001 compliance. - More accurate reporting: Companies that comply with SOX report more stable financial conditions and simpler access to capital markets. Your ability to produce reports, whether they be for regulators, investors, or auditors, will be much enhanced by SOX. - Increased security: Companies are better protected from cyber-attacks and the pricey fallout from a data leak by following SOX. Data breaches are challenging to manage and fix, and some businesses never fully recover from the harm done to their reputation. The security measures that SOX mandates will significantly lessen the likelihood of a malicious hack or insider threat. - Increased cooperation: The internal team that SOX compliance creates strengthens communication between the departments conducting the audits. Improved cross-functional cooperation and communication are only a couple of the tangible consequences that a companywide programmed like SOX may have. - Prioritizing risks: You'll integrate a thorough risk management framework into the culture of your company while adhering to SOX. Corporate-wide process visibility and transparency, collaboration, and effective breach mitigation will all be advantageous to your company. You'll be able to allocate resources more effectively since you'll know precisely which cyber dangers to priorities.
SOX Compliance Audit Process
SOX audits examine internal policies and practices utilizing a COBIT-style control structure. The audit involves an analysis of log collections and monitoring systems for access and activities affecting sensitive business information. The main portion of a SOX compliance audit is typically the examination of a company's internal controls. All IT resources, including computers, network hardware, and other electronic devices that financial data goes through, are included in internal controls. IT security, access restrictions, data backup, and change management are all covered by a SOX IT audit. Also Read: The Internal Audit: A Comprehensive Guide
SOX compliance can be a big job, but it doesn't have to be hard all the time. SOX compliance should be seen as a chance to improve your financial reporting, cybersecurity, and access control. For SOX compliance, implementing new strategies and technologies like identity access management or automated data governance enforcement can also help your business in the long run. Lastly, you shouldn't think that complying with SOX is a "one and done" thing. Instead, it's a constant, year-round effort to improve financial controls and cybersecurity. SOX was made to stop criminals from stealing money and putting out false financial information. If you comply with SOX, you also get better visibility and efficiency with financial reporting and cybersecurity.   Read the full article
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bitcofun · 2 years
This is a viewpoint editorial by Kane McGukin, who has 13 years of wealth management experience covering brokerage and institutional equity sales. He is an independent authorized financial investment consultant." This gamble came reversed due to the discarding of countless dollars in copper into the marketplace to stop a hostile takeover in an unassociated company."-- Knickerbocker Trust Company, Wikipedia The history of cash and high financing is long and storied. It's a world of financial systems and corporations constructed to frothy heights just to come crashing down at rather apparent however "unanticipated" minutes. If you dig in, if you follow the cash path over centuries and throughout numerous comparable however various financial plans and financial systems, you will discover that cash causes greed, greed causes take advantage of, and take advantage of results in an ultimate liquidity crisis These are the occasions that bring monetary systems crashing down. You may be shocked at. After a much deeper evaluation, you'll start to see a pattern. While dates alter, names alter, and possession bubbles alter, liquidity crises are constantly similar. There's absolutely nothing brand-new under the sun. The opening quote has to do with the Knickerbocker Trust Company, which was the match that sparked the fire triggering the Panic Of 1907 The Problem With Man Is Money And The Problem With Money Is Man In light of the collapse of Voyager, Celsius, Three Arrows Capital, BlockFi and now their hero FTX, the opening quote states everything. Over the last couple of days, as security has unwound, no possession, company or procedure has actually been left unharmed. Not even Bitcoin. This is since a liquidity crisis is a liquidity crisis and they all rhyme, they all march to a comparable beat. If we alter simply a word here or there, the tune is rather clear. In the opening quote, if we alter "copper" to "FTT tokens" we move from 1907 to 2022. This gamble came reversed due to the discarding of countless dollars of FTT tokens into the marketplace to stop a hostile takeover in an unassociated company." Just 10 years prior to the crisis, the bank grew from $10 million in deposits to $61 million. The failure of such a distinguished banks undoubtedly triggered the jitters to spread out throughout the banking system." -- FinNotes In a nutshell, this is the fight we've seen in between Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX and Changpeng Zhao of Binance, a fight that brought down the home and sent out worry throughout the crypto market and brought most likely big losses to a variety of standard financing backers. In crisis minutes liquidity takes till the dust settles and brand-new gamers action in. It is crisis minutes that normally reset the guidelines. They redefine the gamers, move the stacks and begin the video game board once again. That's why the attributes of a liquidity crunch are recurring in nature. In an ambiguous method, as soon as you've seen one, you've seen them all. Financial catastrophe is absolutely nothing brand-new. At various points in history, guy has actually established brand-new financial innovations that drive society forward, with one caution: we've been not able to do so without preventing greed, liquidity crunches and panics. Whether it's Alexander Hamilton's building of the U.S. monetary system following the Revolutionary War, wildcat banking, The Panic Of 1907, The Great Depression, the cost savings and loan crisis, the asian currency crisis, the 2000 crash or The Great Recession in 2008, all of these panics and crises look similar. You can alter the names of individuals and the times of the occasions, however the playbook for orchestration is well recorded. It begins with a location that is gently managed to totally uncontrolled. The marketplace gets cornered by educated gamers who pump development in a rapid way. The grifters make good-looking revenues, a destination that brings more. Greed leaves control simply as security dries up and purchasers are margined beyond a climax.
When the last purchaser purchases, the music stops and a collapse starts to eat itself. It's a story informed often times over the last couple of a century in monetary markets, one that has actually played out once again with the collapse of FTX and others in crypto in 2022. New Rails, New Rules. Mockery Turns To Battle. There's bliss in the air. A brand-new monetary system indicates developing a brand-new set of monetary rails, causing a brand-new set of elites who will challenge the old political guard. As a brand-new financial medium streams through the system, we see a girth of brand-new interest and bubbles start to form. There's a motivation of utilize, a yearning for greed that eventually causes challenging the old guard and its guidelines. Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency community are no various as we've seen these qualities rear their awful head over the last number of years. What begins as a mockery rapidly ends up being a fight. The not likely ends up being a powerful opposition as incubation takes place in uncontrolled markets. Typically, this brand-new upstart musters a difficulty by attending to those who have actually been delegated the wayside by staunch, unhelpful policies that are old-fashioned in their capability to fill the requirements of individuals of the brand-new day and age. Shades Of Panic " The failure of the Knickerbocker Trust Company was however the start, not completion, of a panic that would swallow up a rough and quickly growing country as it went into the twentieth century." --" The Panic Of 1907"" Given the basic consider location that must support the need for real estate, our company believe the result of the difficulties in the subprime sector on the more comprehensive real estate market will likely be restricted."-- Ben Bernanke, 2007" When the tape falls back for 10 minutes or half an hour the exchange and its behaviors drop, as it were, behind a cloud. As an outcome the modest ticker-- which everybody has actually considered approved already-- has actually all of a sudden ended up being the huge issue of the stock exchange."-- Collier's, 1928 These panics, while financial in nature, were male made and handcrafted below the surface area, as set out in " Tragedy And Hope" and a large selection of other historic books and officially-documented accounts. Experience is all you require. To end up being well versed in one, in a periphrastic method, makes you well versed in all. Whether it's the behind-closed-doors conferences of 2008 to choose the winners (JPMorgan) and losers (Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers) in order to improve Wall Street, or it's the iron-fisted and locked-door conferences of 1907 held by John Pierpont Morgan himself, they're not too different to an SBF/CZ Twitter arrangement of 2022. In each crisis, the objectives are clear and the very same. Mix the deck. Keep power. Reboot the music. Leave the control in the hands of an inner circle." Brokerage companies, which dealt with stock exchange deals, were likewise in threat of stopping working. They were paying increasing rates of interest on loans to fulfill their responsibilities. Morgan created a $25 million 'cash swimming pool' for making lower interest loans to them, preventing a nearly particular stock exchange crash. The biggest brokerage company on Wall Street, Moore & & Schley, was $25 million in financial obligation. The insolvency of this crucial company might still trigger a stock exchange crash. Morgan called a conference at the Morgan Library. He put together the city's industrial and trust business lenders, put them in different spaces, locked the front door, and kept the type in his pocket till he might work out an offer. The conference worked out into the night. Trust business lenders withstood pooling their reserves to stop the panic, however settlements endured. At 4: 30 a.m., Morgan lastly bullied them into signing an arrangement. It required the trust business lenders to bail out their sibling lenders who were having problem with operate on their deposits.
For his part, Morgan assured to conserve the Moore & & Schley brokerage."--" JP Morgan, The Panic Of 1907 & & The Federal Reserve Act" Panics do take place due to the fact that of frothy and lax monetary interest. However, if you decrease the bunny hole, you'll discover they are less about the banks and more deliberate snares to press or preserve power and control. As when it comes to 1907, a panic was produced as a method to validate a federal reserve bank (1913) that otherwise would not be accepted by the individuals. While the U.S. was established as a totally free nation, Alexander Hamilton embraced the banking practices of England and over the very first hundred approximately years, we returned the power through an interconnected web of J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg's federal reserve, Kuhn, Loeb & & Co.(Lehman Brothers) and the structure out of a commercial society and media corporations who served propaganda for those who were near however managed from afar. Because regard, we broke totally free however preserved a direct tie to the hand of the Rothschild's who have actually been stated to manage a worldwide banking cartel considering that the mid-to-late 1700 s. Panic Is The Way Of Maintaining Power Today, on the time chain of history, we discover ourselves resting on a dot swarming with mayhem and dispute, whether it's damaged cash, crises, political bickering or geopolitical financial and cyber fights. We discover ourselves in a world of deteriorating worths and among damaged cash. The propaganda shrieks from both sides and hops from one nation to the next, misshaping the focus of not one, however all. This is not by mishap. It's the traditional story of great versus wicked, a story that began with Adam and Eve and changed into the Rothschildian formula for banking success. Articulate methods, not by mishap however by style. Developed to summon mayhem ... on all sides, so that those in the center stand all set to benefit no matter the result. The Rothschild formula is absolutely nothing more than market making, making markets on an international scale. Markets that produce war, markets that wreak havoc, markets lacking peace. Since one takes no obligation, it moneys both sides to produce need that drives a liquidity crunch such that capital centralizes itself back into their hands, into the hands of the cartel. After much event, it's my viewpoint that on top sits the Rothschild formula, pressed out to the world by policies and practices set by the Bank For International Settlements (BIS). Policy is then performed by the IMF, World Bank and World Economic Forum. Those orders are passed to the Federal Reserve whose New York desk performs the orders into the marketplaces, triggering all other international reserve banks to respond, either in unison or versus the grain. Everything depends upon their private tolerance for their individuals' discomfort. That's what we've seen throughout male's financial history. The last couple of years are no various. Geopolitical clashes have actually formed and are spilling over into monetary markets at the exact same time as a brand-new monetary system and rails are being built. The fight is on lots of fronts, both political and monetary. New guidelines are being set. Rules that bring success and enable since that's what liquidity crises do. They sh uffle the deckchairs, combine power and centralized control into the hands of a couple of. Control the cash, manage individuals. Break the cash, break individuals. Fix the cash ... repair the world. This is a visitor post by Kane McGukin. Viewpoints revealed are totally their own and do not always show those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine. Read More
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propertyexperttips · 2 years
5 Questions To Be Asked Before Buying Any Real Estate Property
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We Indians have a propensity to place an emotional value on purchases like gold, real estate, etc. Additionally, having at least one residential property is seen as a must in Indian society. However, we frequently forget to think practically and adhere to our financial planning while meeting these societal commitments. Let's talk about the top five factors to think about before purchasing any real estate.
Five questions to make before purchasing a home or property
QUESTION 1: Will the builder deliver the property to you promptly so that you don't lose out on tax benefits?
Typically, purchasing real estate involves extensive tax planning. However, one does not receive the tax advantages before taking possession of the real estate. A crucial factor in this situation is the builder's timely delivery of the house's property.
QUESTION 2: Can you afford the monthly mortgage payment?
If you intend to finance the purchase of a home, you should first decide if it is worthwhile to take out a mortgage with an EMI that is between 50 and 60 percent of your take-home pay.
We advise people to only borrow money to buy a home if their monthly expenses, including their EMI, total between 50 and 55 percent of their take-home pay. The rationale behind maintaining this 50–55 percent cap will be covered in a later section of this blog.
QUESTION 3: Do you maintain a reserve fund?
It is advised that salaried individuals set aside a contingency/emergency fund equal to at least six months' worth of monthly spending. A contingency reserve for a self-employed person should include monthly expenses for at least 12 months.
Here, monthly spending should cover everything from EMIs and SIPs to living costs. These emergency funds are useful amid monetary and medical crises like the COVID-19 epidemic. Therefore, one should confirm that they have this contingency fund in place before purchasing a home, and they shouldn't utilize this fund as payment for the purchase of the home.
QUESTION 4: Will you have to put off your other big financial goals because of this purchase?
A few more important financial objectives are retirement, raising children, etc. Many people in their 20s and 30s might think it's premature to start thinking about retirement.
However, the longer you put off preparing, the more money will be needed in the long run to achieve these big objectives. Therefore, it could be damaging to your financial planning if you are sacrificing your long-term financial objectives to pay off home loan EMIs.
QUESTION 5: What happens if your income stops?
Job loss is typical during hard times and might have an impact on one's financial planning. For instance, the COVID-19 epidemic is causing job losses. As a result of peak unemployment during these times, NPAs on retail loans rise. For instance, a recent analysis by Macquarie predicted that NPA for retail loans will increase from 2% to 4% as a result of increased unemployment.
Therefore, it is better to delay the acquisition of real estate if one works in a field that is now experiencing unrest. This is mostly since paying down EMIs on top of monthly costs may drastically damage a person's finances if they lost their employment.
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Anurodh Jalan
Jalan Property Consultant 
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