#so like just ur able to come in and catch up on schoolwork
ech0light · 2 years
I was about to ask why aren't u at school but then I realised u have a public holiday. this shit is so fucked up
if its any condolences we only get today off because tomorrow is a public holiday and if we're getting the tuesday off we may as well get the monday off, technically we can still rock up but classes just arent running
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enamation · 2 years
Literally help me. I got an ask by an anon for a Tsukasa x Reader who also has a passion for music and bc i am EXTREMELY active on tumblr i started writing as soon as i got it and saved it to my drafts so i could finish it later right... its been a few hrs since then and i ACCIDENTALLY POSTED IT LIKE A SECOND AGO AND IVE NEVER EVER CLICKED DELETE SO QUICKLY. So for the lovely lil anon that asked for this, this is for you .
also im this close to calling my anons anonoculi... bye i need to log off genshin
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Type: Headcannons × Short Story
Warnings: None !!
Proofread?: Uhm no im doing this instead of schoolwork . . .
Ten-message: i dont know if this is slightly ooc or not . . .
❥ TSUKASA TENMA x Reader: My Muse
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- You and him LOVE to talk about musicals and music videos and how he can improve W×S' performances, and hes really happy to be able to talk to someone who understands
- Definitely has multiple shared playlists w you focused on different genres (just incase ur in the mood for sum different)
- Yes, you will be featured sometimes on wxs performances. If you dont like performing infront of people, you all have fun singing backstage like no one is watching
- Sharing earbuds !! When you guys are sharing earbuds and youre doing something, he likes to come up to you and hug you from behind and sway as we whispers along to the song
- Always ends up with you two slow dancing somehow
You had come over to Tsukasa's house for the evening, wanting to show him a new artist you had found. You excitedly sat on his bed grasping your phone as he closed the room door and glanced over at you with a smile filled with love, before walking over and sitting next to you.
You quickly typed on your phone, searching for the artist to have him listen to a few songs. This artists' inspiration is also for people to smile, so you thought he would like this artist since they have the same goal in mind. As Tsukasa listens to the songs, he is quiet for the first minute or two, listening carefully. You can't help the cheesy grin that soon appears on your face as he sways along, eventually getting up and dancing.
He pulls you up with him and you guys move and dance along to the beat. Soon enough, everything seems to fade out except him, both of your laughs, and the music in the background. You really enjoyed these moments with him as you both could bond and laugh and sing and not give a care about anything else in the world temporarily. You both fall in unison on the bed, chests rising and falling quickly as you try to catch your breath. He still can't help but giggle at the redness of both of your cheeks, and the happy sounds of your laughter.
❝ Moments like these are amazing to share with you. Thank you for being here, my muse. ❞
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shoyomp3 · 4 years
comforting u when ur stressed<3
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genre🍓: fluff, slight angst
pairing🍓: nishinoya x gn!reader, tanaka x gn!reader, sugawara x gn!reader, hinata x gn!reader
warnings🍓: reader not taking care of themselves, reader getting angry and yelling 😀🥴, terrible writing and ✨typos✨
word count🍓: 1.8k
desc🍓: you’ve been stressed because of school and you haven’t been taking care of yourself. your boyfriend has noticed and tries to make you feel better
author note🍓: lol fuck school 🤯🥴 also send requests if you want but just an fyi i’m not that familiar with most characters and it’s gonna be harder to write for them but i’m fine with everyone from karasuno 😭😭
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nishinoya yuu (401 words)
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you guys used to go on dates every week and would hang out almost everyday but lately all you’ve been doing is studying. you had a few tests coming up and a few missing assignments. it was almost the end of the year which meant that everything was due.
you stayed up all night to study and work. you devoted all your time outside of school to your books. you barely ate, barely slept and barely had any human contact.
when you walked into class you looked exhausted. you looked weak. you didnt look like yourself. everyone noticed this especially noya. he tried to talk to you and get you to relax but you would just walk away from him and review things.
he came over to your house one night, wanting you to stop and eat a meal and sleep. he walked up the stairs to your room, knocking softly on your door.
“y/n? can i come in?” he spoke quietly in case you accidentally fell asleep.
“...yeah...” your voice sounded so drained. he slowly opened your door, stopping when he saw you hunched over your desk, books and papers everywhere. his heart shattered. he walked over to you, softly turning your head to look at him. his eyes scanned over your face, noticing the dark circles, the tear stains, the tired look in your eyes. it hurt him to see you like this. all he wanted to do was hold you and let you know it was okay, that the tests didn’t matter, that you could relax.
he pulled you into his arms, squeezing lightly. “do you wanna take a break?” he pulled away and looked into your eyes.
“i can’t, i’m sorry.” you slid out of his grip and turned back to your work only to be pulled away. you were being dragged to your bed.
“noya? what are you doing?” you asked confused.
“i’m making you relax and you will not fight back. you can’t treat your body like this. i know you want to do well in school but you need to take breaks sometimes”
he threw you onto your bed and collapsed on top of you. you two stayed like that for awhile until he started giving you small kisses all over your face.
“do you want something to eat? i can order whatever you want”
“nothing right now. i just wanna stay with you”
tanaka ryunosuke (420 words)
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he waited at the restaurant for an hour. you never said you were gonna be late. you never texted or called him. he got tired of waiting and tired of the embarrassment so he got up and left.
he went to your place wanting an explanation. he knocked on your door a couple times without a response. he called your name. no response. eventually, he got out his spare key, letting himself in.
the place was in total darkness except for a small amount of light coming from your room. he opened the door slightly, wanting to know what was happening. he saw you at your desk crying. there was paper all around you. on the floor, on the desk, everywhere. some of it was scribbled over, some torn to pieces. it was a mess. he took small steps in your direction not wanting to make his presence known just yet. he lifted his hand and tapped your shoulder.
“y/n...are you okay?”
you quickly wiped your face, turning around and forcing a smile.
“i’m fine! what are you doing here?”
he looked at you with a disappointed expression. you forgot about the date. he looked into your eyes and saw how bloodshot they were. he saw how much pain you were in. your smile started to falter.
“we had a date. you didn’t show up so i got worried and came over.” he crouched down next to you “are you sure you’re okay?”
your breath got caught in your throat. you knew he’d be able to see through your lie. so why would you try and do it?
“i’m fine. nothings wrong. i’ve just been a little behind on school and we have tests coming up. i’m sorry i missed our date.”
he looked at you for a few seconds before pulling you into him. he rubbed your back and rested his chin on your shoulder.
“please...tell me the truth” his voice was calm.
and that’s when you broke down. you started sobbing into his shoulder. crying about how the stress of school has been too much for you. about how you were scared to fail or not get things in. how you couldn’t handle it anymore. he let you cry for a while before pulling back. he brought his hands out to your face and wiped your tears. he gave you a soft smile.
“everything’s gonna be okay. i promise. lets just take a little break so you can calm down. if you need any help i’ll be here”
sugawara koshi (463 words)
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you kept canceling things with him. every time you two made plans, you canceled last minute coming up with a stupid excuse. he put up with it for awhile but it started to hurt. he got scared. were you cheating on him?
you canceled on him again. he kept calling you but you would never answer. he got tired of it and decided to see what you were doing.
he rushed over to your place, saying hi to your mom as he ran to your room. he swung your door open, startling you.
“s-suga? why are you here? i thought i told you i couldn’t make it...”
“you’ve canceled every date we’ve had for the past three weeks and i’m kinda tired of it. i want to spend time with you but you keep blowing me off. i thought you were cheating so i came over to see if you were or not”
you looked at your fingers, playing with them. you didn’t know what to say. you felt bad for canceling but you felt hurt because he thought you would cheat on him.
there was an awkward silence but it was ended by soft footsteps coming close to you. you felt a hand on your chin forcing you to look up.
“why have you been canceling our dates?”
you stayed silent. you didn’t want him to know how you haven’t been eating that much or sleeping. how many breakdowns you’ve had. you didn’t want him to worry.
“i...i don’t know”
he let go of your chin, letting out a deep sigh. he knew you were lying.
“y/n please tell me. i won’t be mad. i just want the truth”
you kept saying that was the truth and he kept saying it wasn’t. it went on like this for about 30 minutes before you cracked. you started sobbing and telling him what’s been happening. you told him that you didn’t wanna be seen as stupid because you kept failing quizzes and tests. you didn’t want to embarrass him. he pulled you off your desk chair and into his lap. he wrapped his arms around you, softly squeezing. he rubbed his hand down your back trying to calm you down.
“you’re perfect for me. you could never embarrass me okay? you’re not stupid, you’re not an idiot, you’re perfect. please tell me these things next time. i’m here for you. i’ll help you. you’re not alone.” he gave you a kiss on the forehead.
he pushed you off his lap and stood up, grabbing your hands and pulling you up with him.
“we’re gonna go get something to eat and then we’re gonna come back here so you can sleep. you need to stay healthy and strong. i don’t want anything happening to you.”
hinata shoyo (600 words)
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you two were always hanging out. there was barely any time you spent apart. you loved being around him and he loved being around you but recently, you’ve been...distant. its not that you don’t love him or that you’re getting annoyed by him, you’ve just had a lot of schoolwork to do.
shoyo didn’t notice you not hanging out at first but eventually he noticed you spending less and less time with him. it hurt him. it made him feel like you didn’t want to be with him anymore.
he started to not answer your calls when you would call him (which was rarely!!). it hurt him to do it but if you wanted your space he would give it to you. he got tired of this tho. he missed you and missed being around you.
he got your favorite candy and favorite flowers. he made his way to your place, knocking on your door and greeting your mom. he went straight to your room, bursting in like the ball of mf sunshine he is.
you have been extremely stressed out and irritable lately. school hasn’t been the best for you. you fell behind in most of your classes and the work got harder. it took you longer to finish things which is why some of them were marked as missing. you’ve been trying to make it all up but it’s been a lot for you. so when shoyo came in all happy it annoyed you. you weren’t in a good enough mood to deal with him so you snapped when he tried to talk to you. you screamed at him and said some things you didn’t mean. things that hurt both of you. but you couldn’t stop. he started arguing back and then you told him to leave. you didn’t think he’d actually do it and you definitely didn’t think he’s be gone for this long.
you admit what you did was wrong but you couldn’t help it. that was the last straw. you felt bad but how could you apologize? whenever you saw eachother in the hallways he would always walk the opposite way even if he had to go in your direction. even if you were able to catch up with him he would ignore you and pretend like you didn’t exist. he wouldn’t answer your calls or texts. you didn’t know what to do.
you waited outside the gym until practice was over, hoping to catch him on the way out. after a long time it finally ended. you watch everyone walk out. everyone except for shoyo. you went up to daichi to ask where he was.
“oh hey y/n. he went home sick. did you not know...?”
you thanked him for telling you and ran towards his house. you knocked on the door, waiting for it to open. after a few minutes it opened to your boyfriend. his usual smile not on his face.
“why are you here. are you gonna yell at me for ‘bothering you’ and ‘being too clingy’ again?”
his words stabbed you like knives but you understood where it was coming from.
“i-i came to apologize.” you started crying “i was really stressed and everything was bothering me and i know that doesnt excuse it and i know you probably won’t forgi-” you were cut off by him hugging you.
“remember to breathe.” he held you closely, making sure you were actually there. the past few days were hard for him but he didn’t want to upset you again. you two made up and ended the night in cuddles and movies.
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anyways that sucked 😀
tags (dm or send and ask to be added): @yourdaddychan @noyatonic @sunacor3 @yanjeongs @lov3ric @hotelhaikyuu @satosimp
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its-just-a-fayz · 2 years
Heartbeat On Air: Chapter 20
read on ao3
chapter 19/chapter 21
tag list: @emilybarger​ @lordcheesy​ @sheeswee​ @tayuya3​ @sweetlialia​ (hit up my askbox if you want to be added/removed)
“Sam and Quinn had a lot to say. I guess I missed out on a lot,” Diana said when they turned onto the highway. “I wish I hadn’t, but that’s life.” She was focused on the road trying to merge, trying not to see the expression on Astrid’s face.
“It’s ok. I had a lot of fun with them, yeah, but they glossed over some of the sadder parts,” Astrid said, hoping she didn’t come off as bitter. 
“Like what?” Diana asked. She knew that had to be because of the breakup, and the guilt turned her stomach. It was almost good that they were driving, because she would cry if she looked directly into Astrid’s eyes right now.
Astrid paused for a second, taking a deep breath. She loved Diana, and while she didn’t want to make her feel bad about the breakup, she couldn’t just pretend it was nothing either. “Like crying in the car after I left your apartment. Like watching a million romcoms because I was so sad. I actually went over to the Healing Place once, and poured my heart out to Lana. I was a wreck. I threw myself into my schoolwork because I didn’t have anything else. Sam and Quinn just did their best to cheer me up. It wasn’t all great.” Astrid looked out the windshield at the highway rushing by. How many times would they be able to share a moment like this?
Diana did her best to blink the tears out of her eyes. “Astrid, I’m so sorry I did that. I should have known that it would break your heart, and I wish it had never happened. You shouldn’t have had to go through that, especially not because of me.” She tried to keep her eyes on the road, even as she wanted to comfort Astrid, to hold her, even as she was blinking away tears.
“No, no. Diana, the thing is, it sucked for a while,” Astrid said, not knowing how to say this and make her believe it. She put her hand over Diana’s, both of them resting on the gearshift. “But I completely understand why you did it, and in a way, I’m grateful.” She gave Diana’s hand a squeeze. “We’re stronger now, we know what people like Caine can do. We know how to keep them from getting into our heads about our relationship. I love you Diana, and I know it took a lot of thought and bravery to meet me today, and I’m lucky to be with the kind of girl who would do that for me,” Astrid said, letting the words flow out of her in a rush. Her face was bright red, flushed with emotion, and she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the side mirror.
“I have so much catching up to do with you though,” Diana said, smiling, “And I’m glad you’ve forgiven me.” The tears had stopped now, and Diana didn’t really care how goofy her smile might look, because she was happy.
“There’s not much to forgive. So, firing Caine?” Astrid asked. “Please tell me you’re going to do it dramatically and in front of everyone.” She looked over at Diana and her smile, trying to capture the moment in her memory. Everything felt better, lighter. The worst had come to pass, or so she thought.
“Hmm…I really want to make it personal,” Diana said, pausing to think. “What do you think of doing it over lunch? He’ll think it’s a date, but then I’ll drop the real bombshell on him.” She hadn’t thought about how she was going to fire Caine before, too overwhelmed by the deed itself. But with Astrid by her side again, everything felt possible.
“Oh, that’s perfect,” Astrid said. “You could even act like it’s going to be a date, then when it actually happens…he’ll be pissed.”
“I can’t wait to see the look on his face,” Diana said, smiling.
She dropped Astrid off at her house, and both were sad to leave each other. They had spent so long not being able to see each other, but now that they could, it felt awful to say goodbye again, even if it was just for a short while. Astrid was about to close her eyes when her phone vibrated with a text from Diana.
I know ur probably asleep by now but i’m really glad today happened
Me too
Sam leaned back against Quinn’s chest. After a long day of surfing, complete with Astrid and Diana drama, they’d decided to spend the night over at Quinn’s. Quinn wasn’t in college, just taking a gap year together, and sometimes Sam pretended that he and Quinn were holding school off for another year so that they could be together. It was so nice, laying on the couch with each other. He felt dizzyingly loved at times like this, like nothing could be bad so long as he could hear Quinn’s heartbeat and feel his arms around him.
“I’m glad they’re back together,” Sam said, breaking the silence of their exhaustion. Maybe going back into the waves after lunch hadn’t been the best idea.
“Me too,” Quinn said. After a long pause he continued. “They’re good for each other. Plus, now we don’t have Astrid as a third wheel anymore.”
“I texted Diana once after the breakup,” Sam said, “and I think she was just as heartbroken as Astrid was. Why does Caine ruin everything?”
“Because he’s an asshole, why else?” Quinn said. He hugged Sam closer.
“Why, though? Why ruin everyone’s lives? I mean, everyone messes up, but this is just straight-up villainy.” Quinn could sense a much longer rant coming—there was never an end t things to complain about when it came to Caine.
“I guess the universe had to compensate for putting such a wonderful person into this world,” Quinn said, looking over at Sam, “that they made his twin the stuff of nightmares.” He planted a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead.
“Stop it,” Sam said, a smile threatening to take over his face.
“Anyways,” Quinn continued, “I think Diana can handle him, don’t you? She’s the only person I’ve seen stand up to him like that, except you, Sam.”
“Maybe. She has a better chance at it than the rest of us. I hope.” Sam closed his eyes. “Should we get off of the couch and into, I don’t know, bed? I’m so tired.”
“Yeah, let’s. This is getting uncomfortable anyways, and we have to put our stuff away…“
Sam groaned.
Diana watched the clock. The meeting should be over in a few minutes, but the PR guy felt the need to just drag it on…and on. She was getting restless, trying not to just get up and leave the room. After all the weeks of putting this off, Diana didn’t want to wait a second later.
“Isn’t it about lunchtime?” Diana asked the room, taking a not-so-subtle look at the clock.
Everyone else in the meeting thankfully agreed, all too eager to leave and get lunch. Once the room emptied out, Diana made her way down the hallways to the break room, Caine’s frequent haunt. She tapped on the doorframe, distracting him from his phone. Ah yes, the pinnacle of hard work. Sometimes she wondered why he hadn’t been fired by the previous owner.
“Hello, Diana,” Caine said, raking his eyes up and down her body in a way that made her want to gauge them out. “What brings you here?”
“Nothing much, just wanted to see if you’d have lunch with me,” Diana said. She looked down at the floor coquettishly, trying to hide the grin on her face. This was going to be entertaining.
Caine was surprised, although he did his best to conceal the emotion. She knew him too well. Smooth, subtle Caine. He cleared his throat. “Well, I would be honored. Where to?”
“There’s a little cafe across the street I’ve been wanting to check out. Let’s go.” She left the room without looking back. Caine followed right on her heels. Diana could almost imagine the thoughts running through his head, and remembered all the ways this could go wrong.
Still, toying with him was fun. When Caine reached out to hold her hand as they crossed the street, Diana suddenly had to check her phone. She didn’t say a word to him in line for their food, ignoring his bland comments about the place, annoying as they were.
How did I  put up with dating this asshole for over a year? Diana ordered, then waited for Caine to order before finding a place to sit.
“So,” Caine began, leaning forward on the table towards her, “Any specific reason for this lunch date?”
Diana did her best not to pull away from him, even though she really wanted to. “You’ll have to wait until we get our food for that,” Diana said. She twirled a lock of hair around her finger, avoiding Caine’s gaze. Sensing his frustration growing, she stood up. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
Once inside the stall, Diana could think clearly again. She figured she would have at least five minutes before their food. Their table was around a lot of people, so Caine would hopefully be kept in check by the pressure of people looking. Or he would make a scene, either was a possibility. But no matter what, she would never have to see his chiseled jawline at the station ever again. Diana just had to fire him today, and then it would be over.
She pulled out her phone to text Astrid.
I’m at lunch w caine and i haven’t told him yet we’re waiting for the food but...he /really/ thinks its a date
Astrid replied a few seconds later.
He’s wrong tho i’d feel bad but he doesn’t have a heart to break
Diana laughed so hard she had to cover her mouth with her hand. Astrid was a treasure, and she’d never been so happy to have found someone so incredible.
Checking the clock on her phone, Diana realized she should probably get out and go break the news to Caine. Maybe she should try to take a picture of his face when he realized the news, just so Astrid could see it. Seeing her laugh would make this whole ordeal worth it.
Their food was on the table when Diana got back. She noticed that only half her sandwich was on the plate, and the other half looked suspiciously eaten. Diana didn’t bother containing her eye roll when she looked at Caine.
“I thought that might have been too big for you,” Caine said, shrugging. “Besides—” he lowered his voice “—I can give you something much bi—”
“—Caine, do you know why I wanted to have lunch with you?” Diana asked, anger rising up in her. She was a reasonable woman, but the urge to murder Caine right now was pretty strong.
“Because you’ve finally come to your senses and want to be with your one true love?” Caine smiled at her.
Barf. No thanks, Diana thought. “No, you’re fired.”
The journey Caine’s face went through was hilarious. There was the split second when he hadn’t realized what she’d said, then the dawn of realization, then the slight eyebrow quirk as he tried to formulate something cool to say in response. To finish it off, he looked at Diana with absolute disbelief.
“I had a meeting about it this morning, and everyone’s fine with it. We’re putting the job listing up tomorrow, and you have this afternoon to clear your things out of the office and recording room,” Diana said, tilting her head and giving him a saccharine sweet smile. “Not what you expected, was it?”
“Is this about dating girls?” Caine asked, and a shiver danced up her spine at the thought of his long-ago threat.
“No, this is about not dating a manipulative, abusive asshole who thinks he can control what I do with my life. I don’t want to be with you, Caine, and I don’t know why you can’t just accept that,” Diana said. “It makes it extremely unpleasant to work with you.” She waved a server over. “Can I get a container for this?”
“Sure, in just a second,” they said, walking towards the counter.
“You’re just going to leave me here?” Caine asked, cold fury building behind his eyes. “Does what we have mean nothing?”
“What we have is your delusions and insanity. You have this afternoon to clear your stuff out,” Diana said, holding his gaze with her own anger. “I’m going to go get a proper sandwich, and go eat my lunch in peace.”
She took the box the server handed her and turned to leave. As Diana walked towards the exit, she heard Caine call after her.
“Two can play at this game, Diana.”
That could mean a lot of things, but she tried not to let him get into her head. Diana walked over to Subway without a word. She’d wanted a whole sandwich for a reason, damnit.
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reggiepetersphantom · 4 years
what i would think of jatp characters if they were my classmates
i should be catching up on schoolwork. this is possibly my dumbest post idea yet. but .. whatever.
alex mercer - i want to be his friend. intimidated by him at first but after a while not so much. hopefully we would become friends. actually i’d probably still be intimidated by him even if we did become friends
julie molina - so so intimidated by her but in a soft way bc she is so talented ,,,, so kind ,,, so pretty ,,, might have a crush on her. i go !!! every time she talks to me
flynn nolastname - she is too cool for me to approach. i go !? every time we talk when we’re paired up or she’s telling me about a school event. she probs tells me not to be scared of her. or maybe julie does. or both. i am a very scared person
kayla nolastname - very pretty. love seeing her perform w/ dirty candi. i go ! every time i see her in the halls but i dont have any classes with her so she doesnt know me. i want to follow her on instagram but her acc is private. i hope her life is well <3
nick nolastname - i’d feel neutral towards him. wouldnt mind working on group projects w/ him but we would not be friends. might forget his name cos we sit on opposite sides of the room and didnt look at each other the whole year. no i would definitely forget his name
willie nolastname - i want to befriend him. i would be too scared to approach him ever but conversation would def come easy if we were sitting at the same table
luke patterson - i would not be able to stand him. he seems like the kind of guy who would try to talk to me and act like we’re friends and tease me for being shy. no dude ur just a stranger fuck off
reggie peters - scoff at his attempts to flirt w/ everyone. think he is very immature. he is funny tho. on the off chance he tried to flirt w/ ME i would simply pass away, then friendzone him but like bc i wanna be his friend
carrie wilson - bitch. doubt she knows i exist so i have a personal vendetta against her for like no reason. i will reluctantly admit she is very pretty tho
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
my beloved morgy, good evening!! it's been a little bit, no? schoolwork has been running rampant and health issues are racking up, so i have unfortunately been away for a bit, not to mention i'll have to look for work soon due to financial issues,, life is quite hectic now! no matter what though, i always look forward to coming back here, talking to you has become one of my favorite things in the world!! 💕💌💫 (1/9)
"and so much has happened now, hm? with that in mind, please know that what i'm about to say isn't just mere kindness, and that i actually believe it wholeheartedly,, i think you are absolutely stunning!!! of course i got the notification during algebra of all classes,, but oh my goodness darling!!!! i'm so happy you somehow gained enough confidence to do that!! (2/9)
i was paranoid after my initial face reveal, but after getting so many nice responses before, i knew it would go just as smoothly for you 💓 ahhhh i just can't get over it at all, you're so pretty!!! i smiled a lot, and then my professor must've noticed, because he said "abby... abby... ABBY! are you ok?? you're face is so red, do you have a fever???" (3/9)
of course i dismissed it, but then to make matters worse, quinn called me during class about it as you saw already,, i swear, she just loves to torture me hm? 😖😖 but really, you are gorgeous, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, ok?? 💘 oh, and i must thank everyone for being so patient and kind during my absence!! your well wishes mean a lot to me! most people tend to get very frustrated with me, so i'm beyond glad that i can get a break from that type of treatment!! (4/9̶ 10)
it's been very difficult so far trying to balance school and my own health, so i've been extremely occupied as of late,, but when things settle down and i figure things out, i should be more active again! (it's what i hope for! writing you and seeing everyone is one of the things i actually enjoy anyway!!! 🌠) and all of those picrews and that drawing?? lovely as always!! (5/10)
aside from stressful school days and other events, today, quinn and our friend chloe surprised me by showing up to my house after school and whisking me off to this lovely asian market in the city! it was unusually cold, so quinn being the overly protective person they are, forced me to take their coat,, ahhh i felt so bad, the breeze was so chilly!! but sadly, the north really does get cold when the fall starts to hit hehe (6/10)
we took the metro over and messed around in our seats a bit,, it was nice and quiet for once! we ended up having a great time, getting dinner, buying lots of strange snacks, and eating different cakes at this quaint café, it was such a nice break from everything not-so-good that has been happening lately!! ✨ (7/10)
and luckily, i get to actually have a good time this weekend!!! my older brother is coming home to visit! despite college being so busy for him, he told me that he still checks in here at the end of every week haha, i'm surprised he even manages to do that with his workload 😖 he told me we're gonna go and get lunch together, so i'm really excited for that,, i miss him lots! ❤ (8/10)
so much has happened that i can't even keep track of it,, there's so much to talk about, it's crazy! i wish school could lighten up a bit so i could be here more, after all, i do truly enjoy my time here!! but i'm overjoyed that i get to return tonight despite my heavy workload,, it's always a rare pleasure to be able to talk to you dolcezza!!! hopefully i can be back soon by friday or so,, i'll be aiming for it 💗 (9/10
thank you guys for all of the support throughout these chaotic months, i never expected to meet such an amazing person and become so loved by a bunch of people i never met- you've all gone beyond my wildest expectations with how unbelievably kind you are to me! as always thank you, i love you all beyond words 💕 with love from the moon & back, your waifu xoxo 💖💖💖 ps: morgy you really do know how to pull at my heartstrings!! i better see no more of you doubting yourself ever again 😘 (10/10)"
THE LEGEND HAS R E T U R N E T H ONCE MORE 😳🤚✨ honestly darling ur reaction was quite literally priceless and Quinn only made this entire thing better ngl jdhdhwhd i almost cant believe me doing some dumb face reveal caused it either but....i aint complaining at all quite the contrary acc👁️👁️
I'd still insist ur bein way too kind but i'll thank u anyway for za compliments (i can only say the same regarding u dear👁️✨) dbqhshxkaha also a trip to za asian market sounds lit ngl me and the squad always go to this k mart thats on the way to our school and they have banging foods 😩✊
Now i can 100% relate to everything u said esp the school part....im exhausted outta my mind (in fact i deadass fell asleep while on zoom today during class djsbs) bc i still lowkey cant fall asleep in time at night and i have to get up early everyday so its like💀💀💀💀 i mostly catch up on schleep in the afternoon but its still a wack schedule and i barely have time to do other stuff let alone write which bothers me alot ngl....as for urself im glad u got to have some quality time w ur mates and also that ur legend of a bro is finally visiting (za clown army e a a g er l y awaiting his return)
I agree also that things have been movin fast like h e l l its already almost october tf🗿🗿 and i also hope ur fine health wise too bc ik all too well how school and an erratic schedule can throw ur entire body off and worsen ur immune system n all of dat shiz💀
Either way im glad u popped in again (as always my inbox been bombarded with questions regarding ur whereabouts djshdjdk) and may we speak of shows and anime again bc a bitch had finished bsd yesterday and im l i v i n😳😳😳
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lilsungie · 5 years
lil’ love potion
a/n: wow i fin a ll y wrote something i had a strong idea for, what a s h o c k e r, anyway i had a fun time writing this since wow i wuv hyuck n everything he does is just ama zin g. its dedicated to my lil sunflower @neo-cult-ure !! hope you enjoy it :( (kinda shakey because of caffeine and lack of sleep so pl s dont pay attention to spelling mis ta kes ) 
genre: fluff
word count: 1.7k
summary: donghyuck, your crush, dance teacher, and friend, has you come over after a late night of practice.
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The boy sighed as he walked around the small studio, waiting for you to come through the doors at any minute. He was stressed obviously, not knowing how to make you learn the dance faster, not because you had to or anything was rushing the two of you, it's just that he noticed you getting frustrated whenever you would mess up or fall a bit on the tempo. He knew how it could be for a person that had just started learning their favorite idols' dances, it reminded him a bit too much of how he used to be when he'd started. Though, he did get a bit more help from his relatives, yknow, being a wizard and all he had books that had been handed down to him that he refused to use unless it was extremely needed. He played the song, wanting to start with something easy so a girl group's song would've been easier on your body, structure and all.
"FANCY" had started blaring through the speakers, the boy running to the middle of the room to get in position and revise what he had taught himself that morning, seeing if he would mess up because that would be catastrophic in his mind, messing up while teaching you something you thought he was good at. His masculine body moved through as gracefully as possible, though he nailed the whole dance, he still found where he messed up, going over and over the same part till he got it completely right, for you. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he kept on exclaiming, running a hand through his hair before he slumped down on the ground, running the small drops of sweat that had started to form on his forehead and cheeks. You'd been watching him dance the part over and over, impressed, though confused on why he was being so hard on himself when even you didn't see the mistake. When he'd fallen over you quickly ran over thinking he passed out or something from exhaustion, which wasn't such a rare occurrence and was making you worry about the boy even more.
"Donghyuck," you said, pressing your cold hands to his wet and pink cheeks, "Are you okay?" He sighed out and you wondered what had been stressing him so badly, whether it was the dance or schoolwork. Truth be told, it had been you and your cute face that made him so flustered and forced him to close his eyes and roll on his tummy from how fast his heart was beating. "Geez, could you stop stalking me," he scoffed and managed to pull himself up before leaning over to hug you, the soft smell of not only your shower gel but also your coffee made everything he was saying about himself go away. It was obvious to everyone how much he liked you, he practically adored you and the thought of you being with him, though there were times where he thought you wouldn't even dare to do with someone like him. "Are you ready? Do I have to tie your shoelaces again just like the last few billion practices?" he teased you because he knew you were clumsy and couldn't bother to tie them amid practice.
You guys played around for a bit before starting to warm up, the new odd exercises making your hips sore out of nowhere. He knew you wouldn't be flexible and would need to warm up lots, he cared for you and a sprained muscle was the thing he wouldn't want to happen to you. Once he'd started teaching you, you noticed how he positioned your arms and used a different count-system to make you get accustomed to the tempo, catching the beat, everything you didn't bother about focusing because his voice counting to the melody was enough for you to remember it. You were happy with how quick he'd helped you learn since he knew you were impatient with yourself just like he was with himself. You danced along with him and managed to finish the intro and the first part that lead to the chorus, feeling happy and satisfied with yourself, for the most part, you leaned over to Donghyuck, wrapping your arms around him and whining, "Hyuck, I'm tired, can we go now? Let's finish it tomorrow!" you said and heard him sigh, though he knew it was too late to just let you go home by yourself, so you'd stay over at his place for a bit.
It was a quiet walk to his place, the boy seemed fairly off about something but he didn't dare say anything whenever you asked if he was okay or not. Even if he did seem okay he had a lot on his mind, wondering how the fuck he was going to hide the books from his parents before you even managed to see them. His apartment was a mess, potion recipes all over the place, hopefully, however, you wouldn't notice them once you walked inside. All of the recipes were some form of 'love' potion and he wasn't just going to reveal his never-ending crush on you, nor was he going to try out one on you and not reverse it immediately, similar recipes to reversal spells all over his living room floor. He was thoughtful, he knew he had flaws more than a normal person would, which is why he'd thought you wouldn't be interested in him, he was too weird for you to like him like that.
"Donghyuck!" he snapped out of his worried thoughts and looked up at you with a slightly tilted head, "Unlock the door," you said blankly and the boy mentally kicked himself for not noticing that the two of you had been standing for quite a while in the cold. He apologized before quickly unlocking the door and running in first to pick up all of the papers everywhere but before he could do anything your figure rushed inside right behind him. "What are these?" you asked, picking up one of the pieces of paper from his hands, the boy swallowing a bit too hard at the thought of what you'd think. "Ah! This would be fun to make!" You pointed the paper to Donghyuck, "You have the ingredients, right?" he nodded, head slumping down as he set all of the papers down and decided to take your coat and bag.
"You wanna," he stopped in his tracks to his room a bit, "You want some of my clothes? To like, get comfy and all?" he asked you and of course you couldn't pass up the option to wear something of his, he always smelled so nice and his clothing was always loose around you. You followed him and he gave you a pair of pajamas before leaving the room to change in the bathroom and let you have your peace. Once the two of you met back in the living room, the actual potion-making had started, gathering all the ingredients first was the most important thing before you moved to the kitchen. It did state that the potion had to be put in a warm glass bottle before drunk, and so, the boy provided everything that you needed, even if some of the ingredients sounded a bit odd. "Did you put a pan outside to collect rainwater for this?" He hummed in response, watching you shrug and pour in the water, his lower lip between his teeth. He knew it would work since he was in presence, he was scared that he might not be able to reverse it after a while, however.
After about an hour and a half, the whole house smelled like apple pie, Donghyuck jumping up to take it off of the stove, telling you that he'll bring it over in a bit. He wasn't going to taste it since you had wanted it he was going to leave it for you. He watched you drink it up bit by bit, his leg moving up and down, squeezing his fingers, biting his lip, he was anxious. "How is it?" he asked, "Do you feel anything?" You raised your brow at him, shaking your head, "What am I supposed to feel?"
"This potion didn't make my love for you even stronger, it sucks," you blurted out, raising the little bottle to take in the little sip that was left, the last sentence you'd said out of the blue making him confused. He felt a bit relieved, maybe it was the potion working."It doesn't even taste like apple pie," you pouted before looking at him and his expression. He was blushing. "Hyuckie, what's wrong? Did I say something bad?" you asked him over and over and he still couldn't believe what he'd heard you say. He moved without thinking and sat next to you, bringing his knees to his chest and moving one hand to softly trace over your fingers.
He was calm and happy for once, "You really like me?" he mumbled out and glanced at you, his grey bangs covering most of his eyes so you weren't able to see how teary-eyed he'd become. You softly grabbed his hand, earning a small gasp of relief from the boy, Hyuck, of course, I like you, I think I've been pretty obvious about that by now," you sand softly and turned toward him, your other hand grabbing to caress his cheek, "You're literally the cutest person ever, how could i not?" You felt your hand encounter something wet, probably a tear that he shed because he'd never really been complimented on his cuteness. "I really like you too," he said, "Like, more than a lot, it's indescribable even," he quickly leaned over to press a peck on your cheek, your skin encountering his burning and pink cheeks. He was shy, embarrassed even and too scared to initiate anything in case you were uncomfortable. Though you weren't disappointed when you'd kissed him, he didn't move for a second, not realizing what was happening at the moment, it was a shock to him. Eventually, he kissed back and pulled you closer, his hands gently resting on your waist as he pulled you even closer, letting out a soft whine when he'd pulled back because of lack of air. "Wanna make another potion tomorrow?" he asked softly, knowing he would suddenly be interested in the books he was given on his birthday, happy to see you agree.
The two of you fell asleep on his couch that night, happy that somehow his weird magic scripts brought the two of you together.
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brainboys · 5 years
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[TOM HOLLAND, CISMALE, HE/HIM] have you seen QUINN WRIGHT around sedona? QUINN is a UNIVERSITY STUDENT/PART-TIME PIZZA DELIVERY GUY, but they’re also THE ENCYCLOPEDIA in the sedona sleuths, so you’ve probably seen them around the firehouse shed. they’re known for being QUICK-WITTED and EARNEST, but they’re also known to be GULLIBLE and IMPULSIVE. when they’re not at the shed, i can usually find them at the PIZZERIA. i can always recognize them by their untied shoelaces, a carefully curated pokemon card collection, adept fingers pressing away on a nintendo, the rush of exhaustion after being late and misplaced optimism. 
biography, playlist, pinterest board & connections.
the encyclopedia:  The brains of the group, they know loads of random facts that come in handy in the tightest of situations. They’re also probably the one doing the background research when needed.
B A S I C S :
name: quinn wright. nickname:  quinn. age: twenty-two. date of birth: october 11th. place of birth: sedona, ka. gender: cismale. pronouns: he/him. sexuality: gay (not out).
P H Y S I C A L :
height: 173cm. build: slim. hair color: brown. eye color: brown. tattoos: none. piercings: none. preferred style of clothing: fashion is not a topic of interest to him,   so he tends to lean towards comfort over style.   he doesn’t go shopping for clothes often,   so he rotates between a few graphic t-shirts,   button-ups,   and light sweaters for the summer.   in winter,   he wears over-sized hoodies and sweatpants as often as he can get away with it.   he hopes people don’t notice,   but he only owns two pairs of jeans and slightly over-sized dress pants for emergencies. 
H E A L T H :
physical ailments: none. mental disorders: dyslexia,   combined ADHD & battling with depression.  smoker? no. drinker? socially. drug user? no. addictions: none. allergies: none.
P E R S O N A L I T Y :
zodiac signs: libra sun,   gemini moon. mbti: enfp-t, the campaigner. hogwarts house: gryffindor. positive traits:
quick-witted: quinn is known for being quick on his feet,  but that’s not only in a physical sense.    when someone pushes him against a corner,   whether it’s with a comment made to tease him or a new revelation during an investigation that throws them off,    he’s sharp with a silver tongue rapier and speedily familiarizes himself with information,   easily readjusting it into what he already has in a way that tends to get them out of difficult situations. 
earnest: this is a trait he had to learn,   for better or for worse.   it’s something he actively forces himself to be in order to get anything done.   since his mind tends to be scattered and he’s doing or thinking about doing five things at once,   and then something else,   he uses tactics he learned at therapy to focus on tasks he needs to get done and that includes having a lot of conviction for the things that other people can do with ease,   like sitting down for long enough to finish a rough draft of an essay without getting distracted for a whole day.   he applies this mostly to schoolwork and day-to-day necessities,   but when they’re working on a new mystery,   quinn sits himself down and does research on the background.   this is something he genuinely enjoys doing,   so he struggles less to focus on it. 
friendly: while he doesn’t stray away from the sleuths,   he has no problems making friends and talking to strangers outside of the group.   he can be shy with new people and prefers being around those who he already knows,   but if left alone at a party,   he’ll have a new friend group in ten minutes.
negative traits:
gullible: quinn really is this tiktok.   someone could tell him anything and he’d be like   ‘ ok yeah why not ’   even though it’s an obvious lie.   he takes everything at face value and rarely tries to see what’s behind people’s words.   people have told him to stop being so trusting towards others,   especially when they’re working on solving something,   but quinn really does the same shit over and over because it’s in his nature to just trust people and not think to question their intentions.  
impulsive: compliment him all you want about how smart he is,   the only reason he’s got so much knowledge inside of his brain is that he has no impulse control and if he suddenly has the thought that he needs to know something about how the future might look like with self-operated cars,   ways of murdering someone through poison,   the algorithm behind rubix cubes or literally any topic under and beyond the sun,   he’ll obsess over it for a few days.   quinn gets hyperfixations because of his ADHD and they range from videogames to wildly specific points in history. 
anxious: anxious counts as one of quinn’s primary moods,   and sometimes anxiety comes right in the middle of a perfectly normal day if anything goes slightly wrong,   like losing his favorite pen or realizing that he forgot to grab his lunch box before leaving the house that day.   since quinn tries really hard to keep a schedule,   he feels off whenever he forgets something on it and it brings down his whole mood.   in stressful situations,   quinn paces back and forth with anxiety,   whispering to himself and trying to catch up with his brain.   this usually means that he’s thinking really hard on finding a way to solve a situation,   though sometimes he’ll be so anxious that it impedes him from thinking straight.
love language: physical touch & words of affirmation.  hobbies: video games (lots of them), collecting pokemon cards, keeping up on scientific developments, researching the sleuth’s cases, running, murder mysteries and general mysteries, and whatever his new hyperfixation is. fears: not fitting in, failure, abandonment, needles.
B A C K G R O U N D ,   T D ; L R :
tw: mentions of cancer, death, and homophobia.
quinn basically grew up in queen’s pizzeria.    that’s where his mom worked when he was a kid,   so his dad would pick him up from school and drop him off there for the rest of his mom’s shift because he needed to go back to his own job and the pizzeria is where they allowed quinn to hang-out. 
he struggled a lot with school and was labeled as a problem child.   he hated doing school work and he fell behind in reading,   but when quinn entered high-school,   he was diagnosed with dyslexia and combined ADHD.    by that time,   his parents had already gotten divorced after spending quinn’s childhood poorly hiding their frequent fights.    his mom also got diagnosed with cancer,   and times were rough.
his dad remarried and quinn stayed with his mom throughout her illness.   at one point,   when the bills were too high even though he was working part-time at the pizzeria,   he convinced his mom to let him go off his meds and join a sports team at school instead.   it was to ease the financial strain off them,   and it only helped a little bit. 
quinn joined track and kept going to therapy.   his mom had ups and downs but mostly downs,   since medication would stop working after a while until they realized that they were only temporarily treating her cancer but they wouldn’t be able to cure it.    it gave them time to prepare for her death,   so they did.
his mom taught him what she could about living independently from her before she passed away,   though quinn doesn’t think that any amount of preparation could prepare him for the grief that came. 
he moved out of his childhood home and into his dads place with his new family,    a stepmom and two stepsiblings.   he lived in the basement,   which was his choice,   and quit his job at the pizzeria to focus on school and track full-time like he’d promised his mom.   his dad has always been high-key homophobic so at some point in high school quinn dated the first girl who said yes because he was having doubts about his sexuality and he was afraid of it. 
after graduating high school,   quinn decided to pick up his old job again during the summer between graduation and his new year at sedona’s community college and he’s been working there ever since.   he tries to ask his dad for as little as possible since he’s already paying for his tuitions.   quinn wants to build a career in biochemical engineering,   so he’s studying biology and hopes to transfer to the nearest university where they offer that degree even if it’s post-graduate. 
he broke up with his girlfriend after graduating high-school and honestly his dad’s going to be homophobic no matter what so forcing himself into a relationship he didn’t want was just toxic for both parties involved and he’d never do it again,   especially because he let it go on for so long. 
and that’s it for this part !   his biography has everything much more coherently laid out but tbh it’s kinda long so !!
H E A D C A N O N S :
quinn is really enthusiastic about pokemon so if ur thinking of a gift,   u can’t go wrong with anything related to it.   it’s been his favorite show and video games since he was a child so there’s a lot of nostalgia tied to it. 
quinn has a ton of game apps on his phone and he rarely uses social media.   whenever he’s bored and sitting around,   he prefers playing a game rather than scrolling through a feed.   he also carried around his nintendos...   the nintendo console depends on which game he’s playing but he’s often seen with the 3ds or switch. 
whenever someone interrupts him,   whether it’s mid-sentence,   mid-homework,   mid-whatever-task,   they’ll always get his ‘oh shit’ face because he knows it’ll be hard to focus on whatever he was doing again.   if his thoughts or sentences are interrupted,   he 100% won’t pick up where he left off unless someone reminds him. 
quinn’s often seen with headphones on because he prefers to listen to books since reading is a whole ass task that requires a lot of focus that he doesn’t have and dyslexia absolutely makes things worse.   when texting,   auto-complete is his savior. 
quinn has loved dinosaurs ever since he read jane yolen’s children's books in primary school.   if it has a dinosaur on it,   he’ll buy it. 
he hates the way alcohol tastes but he thinks that drinking is cool so he won’t tell anyone about it.    he honestly doesn’t even drink to get drunk because he’s a good boy but if holding a beer makes him look like he fits in,   he’s going to hold a beer.
quinn...    tries to fit in.   he’s friendly by nature but he doesn’t think that’s enough.   it might have to do with the comments his dad used to make about homosexuality that made him feel like he has to fit a certain mold or else he won’t be accepted by others. 
he’s known he was gay since high-school but he has only really dated a girl.   he’s afraid of being intimate with a boy because he knows that’s what he wants but he has been suppressing that part of himself and thinks that he still needs to suppress it because of his dad.   
the reason he got re-hired at the pizzeria is that the owner has a quinn-shaped soft spot,   not because he’s good at the job.   quinn has the tendency to be late on deliveries and anyone who tries to get free pizzas will get mouthfuls from him about how it’ll come out of his paycheck and please please please just pay for this pizza i swear i won’t be late next time....   but guess what ?    he’s late next time. 
anddddd i think i’ll leave it at that !!   i’m hella excited to plot with everyone so check out his wanted connections list n i’m sure we can work something out !!!!!!!!!
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My experience as a Grim Gest member from 2017-2018
I don't necessarily want you to post this as the screenshots I have would not only eliminate my anonymity but also don't carry enough weight on their own to be really effective in showing their deplorability. However, I'm fine with you guys posting the one screenshot I linked if you want because it showcases the ridiculing of a previous member. That being said the image is from November 2017 so I don't know if you do. I moreso want to share my experience being in the Grim Gest from roughly November 2017- March 2018.
I joined their ranks because I'm incredibly fond of the undead in WoW, and for the most part had a lot of fun roleplaying with them. For all their OOC faults I do truly think that they're decent roleplayers IC. The first few months were fine. I got to know the active members and had a lot of fun, but after a while of being in the guild we got a new member who was rping a dark ranger. A lot of us really disliked him as he constantly used the "I'm a dark ranger" card to silence other guilds and members, acting like his character was more important. He constantly used anti-living godmotes in his rp, famously doing a Sylvanas banshee scream in a campaign that he said would "deafen any living who could hear it"  and as a result pissed off a lot of other horde members ic and ooc. A lot of us wanted him to tone it down, but Morsteth repeatedly defended the rp saying it was good and that he really liked the character. One day however (I forget what he did) the guy was removed from the guild as the officers persuaded Morsteth to kick him. Morsteth then decided to do a complete 180 on his opinions of him, and kept saying "I don't know what I was thinking that guy was awful" going as far as to eventually compile every cringey thing the guy had said ooc (shown below):
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and posting it presumably in the vile PCU discord. I thought it was funny at the time but ultimately it was pretty much a character assassination of this guy.
Later on I noticed in their discord a lot of onesided political discussions taking place, one of which was on the topic of white privilege and black lives matter. I argued with Morsteth and co. about it for about a day and was essentially ganked over my opinion. Morsteth became pretty upset with the argument and stripped me of my roles, restricting me to typing in a "Toxic Lair" channel, telling me that he would talk to other officers and decide my fate once he was home despite having heard the "ooc is ooc and ic is ic"  meme. That night I received an apology from Morsteth telling me "Alright, basically it comes down to our personal argument and I think we both should have left it earlier, so it's not a one-sided thing so I don't really have a reason to "hate" you or ban you from the guild as you didn't do anything wrong. Just typed some mong stuff in my personal opinion." he even admitted to "blowing [the argument] out of proportions" and apologised for putting me into the lair channel. I was a bit sceptical of this and had been having a hard time irl, but eventually I said I would stick with the guild instead of leaving.
Afterwards a lot of the members were a bit quieter with me, I was ignored frequently and was feeling strange about the whole thing. During this period I became pretty depressed and started to talk to one of the high ranking but not officer members who had been in the guild for ages. He was pretty chill and offered me a lot of advice in dealing with things, and I refrained from talking about my sadness in guild chat, only speaking to this one guy on days I felt awful. Time passed as normal in the guild, but as it did I got a little more bored with WoW. Content had slowed down and my schoolwork was catching up with me so I had informed the guild that I would be more inactive as I had school stuff to deal with. I had also made the apparent mistake to gush about my excitement at the introduction of dark iron dwarves and void elves to the alliance, saying that I was going to make one. Over the next three months my sub died, and to fill gaps of boredom I played other games that I happened to own instead of wasting money on a sub I wouldn't fully use. After 3 months inactivity I was kicked which honestly is fair enough. I asked why I was removed and I was told that it was the inactivity and also because I was apparently becoming alliance in bfa despite never explicitly deciding to do that or saying I would. I explained that I wasn't intending to play alliance and that I had been busy as my exams were coming up, but Morsteth told me that I had been playing games that weren't WoW in my freetime, but in reality I'm prone to leaving the launchers open for games sometimes. I convinced him that I'd sub back in a week once my exams finished and I attended a few rp events and spoke in discord frequently.
Exactly a week after I was invited back I saw that Morsteth was insulting some guy by calling him a soyboy. I asked why he used that insult when there was little evidence linking soy with femininity or emasculation, cited a few credible sources and was met with "my brother works in chemistry and he says its uncertain if it does impact men or not". I naturally thought this defence was ridiculous and argued with him that he didn't have any credible sources, resulting in his enragement at the fact that I believed his brother wasn't knowledgeable about the chemistry of soy. I saw how the argument was going to go and decided to halt it, apologising for arguing with him and stopping the conversation, he hesitantly agreed and saw that we didn't need to argue about it. A few minutes later I spied a Morsteth is typing in the chat, and quickly typed something along the lines of "dude if this is a 3 page rebuttal to the argument that we stopped telling me about how I'm wrong I swear to god dude" and seconds after sending this he posted two paragraphs of soy information trying to disprove me. Likely consumed by rage at this point he quickly typed "ok that's it" and booted me from the guild. I pmed him saying "are you this pissed over a fucking argument? You wanted me gone a while ago, come on be honest dude" to which he replied "you dont see it yourself but ur basically an edgy teenage jerk that rly annoys people to no end while contributing nothing to the guild, so just please stay with elder scrolls online" followed up with "you are annoying dude not just to me". Then he blocked me, and I was incredibly upset. I was so annoyed that I had spent a year in this guild for it to be over because he couldn't man up and shake hands over a soy argument. In my anger, I made a video of the image with Why can't we be friends playing in the background and uploaded it to my channel, titling the video "The Grim Gest in a Nutshell". 
I was pmed later on by his lackey Seth (who I've seen on here being victimised by the guild, how ironic) who told me multiple times that I was the one in the wrong, that I was an idiot, that I was actively making the guild worse being in it and that I would never find a good guild again as I had messed up with the GG. This did nothing but piss me off further but I got over it after a long time. I left the horde as a whole and faction changed my undead to alliance, no longer wanting to play on a side populated by arguably deplorable people. I stayed in contact with one of their Officers who thought it was extreme for me to be kicked over the argument, he tried to convince Morsteth that it was a rash decision but told me that I'd probably never be invited back which I was fine with. I began rping on the alliance and managed to avoid a lot of drama in the next month before seth messaged me again.
I got a message telling me that I needed to take down my video immediately. Apparently when Morsteth tried to show another guild footage from a past pvp event he told them to search up the Grim Gest on youtube, and my video was the first to appear. I was told by Seth that if I didn't remove the video the Grim Gest alongside the other PCU guilds would mass flag every video on my channel (which I don't really care about). I told Seth that I didn't care at all, and if he wanted to flag me then he could go ahead. I messaged my officer friend who told me that Paingriever and Morsteth were attempting to compile all the dirt they had on me and make an equally defaming video despite me only posting a selfie into the discord and perhaps once or twice saying that I was depressed in discord, there was really zero dirt to find on me. I told Seth that if Morsteth wanted to talk to me he should do it himself, and got no response and remained blocked on discord by the baron. Eventually I was convinced by my officer friend that it was probably the right thing to do to move on and delete the video, but with all the utter bullshit I've seen on forums from Morsteth, alongside the COAD posts that showcase his idiotic shenanigans I felt like I had to get this off my chest. 
A final meme comes from a campaign I took part in, where some dwarves were swearing excessively IC. I almost fell off my chair when I saw several Grim Gest members saying that it was making them feel uncomfortable despite a long running meme in their discord being an emote that read "unsafe" being posted whenever someone swore, it was explained to me that they had a member who always complained that swearing made her feel unsafe, and after she left they used it sarcastically at any complaints made about swearing. 
In short; I utterly detest Morsteth and the rest of the PCU, these guilds are the reason that I don't rp undead anymore, which greatly upsets me as they remain my favorite race in the Horde. Perhaps once they mess up hard enough and are punished I might finally be able to play the race that I love, but that seems like an impossible future.
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2: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
i do sometimes tend to gravitate towards like, stuff that’s got some Stiffness to it (lol….) like something printed on real sturdy paper or even printed on plastic coz when i take the bookmark out, a lot of times i’ll like to fidget with it while i read, and this one weird specific stim i’ve always had is like, to take the Edge of something and push it up against the underside of my outermost Finger Joint if that makes sense lol….
3: do you prefer coffee or tea? how do you take it?
oh i didn’t mention that also sweet tea + lemonade is great, though i don’t have it often….or just sweet tea + lemon juice……and also with coffees like, if i’m out buying it i’ll get it with Flavors or some shit, whether it’s just a mocha or like, add some raspberry in there or smthing, one time i had a latte-or-something with Lavender flavoring which sounds weird and mysterious but it was real good. also i like to have these as Hot Drinks in the wintertime just b/c i’ll be always cold and want to have something to warm my hands and just pour some Hot Liquid into my body……..and yea when it comes to the flavor of stuff i just. don’t like Bitterness and so i’ll like, want everything kinda sweetened + flavors. same with like, if i’m getting a drink i’ll shoot for a solid vodka+fruit juice cuz like. i don’t like the taste lmfao. i don’t care that it’s like, straight coffee is Tough and getting it fucked up with milk n sugar is for heathens and bitches like…..im bitches. i want to Enjoy the drink. 
6: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
not really any lol!! i mean i Never do ~original content~ (even as a kid unless you count like, doodling random animals in the margins of schoolwork, which i don’t really) but within that sometimes it’s likes “the mortifying ordeal of ppl consuming ur content that you projected onto Real hard” but if i like, went and just straightup Draw Your Mood’d i’ll usually say so, and it hasn’t happened like that too often………i’m generally cagey and cards-close-to-the-chest Except Obviously when it comes to like, “the art of embarrassing-ish vent-y text posts in the dead of night” which even then i didn’t get around to untilll idk? being 16 yrs old, ish? but i never really Directly Express My Feelings through art……never was one to write songs or poetry in my teens or anything……i can’t even really do Diary / memoir Comics or anything b/c like, writing in My Own Voice in that way or god forbid anything like self-depiction just never feels like i’m doing it right / it’s genuine. i’m way too like, i really don’t have like, a “be yourself” natural mode,always aware of myself lol like How Do Yall Stop Performing Ever, and so anything that’s like, me Expressing Myself through a way in which i would choose how to present it like you do via art always feels accordingly Performative (not in a good way obviously like. so not Genuine that it doesn’t feel like there’s any point and it’d just feel weird). so yeah everything’s gotta be through a proxy…….me expressing my feelings through art is stuff like [me getting real into my mediocre LGW Singalong in the kitchen and getting misty-eyed towards the end]………..and otherwise i just express myself through like, conversation, just telling shit abt myself to people sometimes. or tweeting complaints about whatever’s frustrating me. or the occasional text post where it’s like, your repetitive vents and mentions of miserable boring life facts might Only be enjoyable to read if you put it into Memoir Comic Form lmao and i’m aware of that but. i truly just like, can’t express myself in that way. the closest i’d be able to come probably would be like, “take your Life Experience and finetune it into a 10, 15 min story like you’d hear on a podcast” but a) i’m not a great storyteller and b) there’s not really any Beginning Middle End stories here and c) my life has been fairly boring / uneventful. i do keep catching myself sort of like, searching for something in my life to craft into a Narrative but like, well who doesn’t, i guess.
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neetocherrybois · 6 years
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you had to give me something soft aaaaaa.  either way here is my hot take on this subject bc hell yes. also, wow a post?? that’s new. (dani if ur reading,, i accidentally made a subtle reference to takis and takis lime bye.)
Probably one of the coolest dads you’re going to meet. He treats his kids like he would treat his friends, and he has tons of inside jokes with them.
Sorta lets his kids do whatever, when it comes to basic tasks and schoolwork. He isn’t the type to put pressure on them, he simply trusts that they’ll do the right thing. And not burn the house down, hopefully.
Will buy them McDonald’s if they shout for it, probably because he wants it just as bad as they do. Never feeds his kids anything healthy, I swear.
Does adorable, yet, questionable things without consulting his s/o. Yup, he got a random dog. Can’t get rid of it now, because the kids love it.
Constantly grossing out his kids by talking about the birds and the bees.
Less a dad, moreso a motivational speaker that lives in the same house.
Thinks that he’s Gordon Ramsay and insists he does the cooking. His s/o has probably never had to touch a burner in their life because of him. 
Would honestly be the best person to host a barbecue, just imagine him wearing one of those cheesy aprons that says, ‘Kiss The Cook.’ Wow.
It is not in his nature to raise a child who is insecure or overly reserved, and he is always trying his hardest to assist his children in building up their self confidence. Whether it includes them wearing shades or not.
Super supportive. The type of dad to cry at any event that includes his child, whether it’s their graduation, or a shitty elementary school play.
One of the more strict dads, as he would not want his kids to be NEETS themselves, but with the right s/o he may not be as much of a tight ass. 
Censors out inappropriate content i.e. horror movies and sexual media. He would shield his first child from this content, but not his second one.
The reason for his uptight nature is because he does not want his children to make the same mistakes that he did growing up. He encourages them to be both respectful and hardworking. Unlike him and his brothers kek.
Incapable of making a meal for anyone in the house, resorts to takeout.
If you think he would stop liking idol girls as an adult, you are mistaken. He would take his kids and s/o to go see Nyaa-Chan killing it in her 30s.
The most protective out of all the dads. If he hears that his kid is being bullied, either verbally or physically, he makes it his priority to handle it.
Honestly pretty intimidating as a father, so much to a point where he is not able to have a parent-teacher conference unless his s/o goes with him.
If his child ends up allergic to cats... He’s throwing them out lmao sorry.
Completely understanding of his children. He is a soft shoulder to cry on for them, as he knows what it feels like to not be completely alright mentally, or to have yourself at a point of hurting. He’s naturally nurturing. 
When his kids were younger, he would constantly be the one to lull them to sleep, by cuddling them and keeping them close. He denies it now.
Hyper dad, questioned whether or not he is a kid stuck in a dad’s body.
Definitely the type to encourage his children to go into a sport at some point during school, as he thinks that an active family is a happy family. 
Will stereotypically play catch with gloves and a baseball with his kid at some point. Don’t be surprised if he accidentally knocks them out lol.
Actually decent at doing chores around the house, though if he gets carried away with it he might end up breaking something. Still, helpful.
Always tries to put a smile on his family’s faces with his antics. He thoroughly dislikes the thought of them being negative or having a bleak outlook, so he feels that if they smile, once a day, they will be happier. 
A mixture of a dad who pulls up to events looking fresh to death, and a dad who will overshare on social media when it comes to his children.
Takes it upon himself to dress his kids, when they must look fashionable, but even then, he’ll dress them for school too, even if they have uniforms.
The best when it comes to doing chores and cleaning around the house.
Encourages his kids to take advantage of the opportunities that they have around them, whether it is joining a club or making a blog. He wants them to make their presence known socially, and to build good relationships.
Always aware of his children’s grades, really tight with their teachers.
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Im sorry if ur busy, but i want to ask something too! maybe danganronpa two boys react to having to give up on their C/N for their best friend or sibling? Kinda like Hamilton!
Break my heart why don’t you!
Hajime Hinata
Boy he had a crush on C/N for a while now
He just hasn’t worked up the nerve to ask them out
One day Chiaki asked him for advice
She was acting weird though her hood was up and she seemed nervous
“Hey Hajime… you know a lot of stuff that I don’t know right? How.. how do you ask someone out?”
He sputters, I mean Chiaki was a cute girl and all but he was intrested in C/N
“Hmm.? I’m not trying to ask you out silly.. I… I wanted to ask out C/N but I don’t know how..” She looked down a small blush on her face
But hearing this shattered his heart..
Chiaki… she liked C/N too…
And she was asking him for help…
He opens his mouth to say something but then closed it… what does he say..
I mean Chiaki’s a great girl and the Ultimate Gamer… and he’s… he’s just an average looking guy who doesn’t even know his own talent
And so with a heavy heart he helps Chiaki make plans to ask C/N
The next day when he sees the two holding hands he has to tell him that he’s happy for them
He really is
(He says as tears well up and his chest start aching)
Nagito Komeada
He truly admired C/N, they were such a beacon of shining hope
How couldn’t he be attracted to them
But he couldn’t admit that to them, no they deserve so much better than trash like him
So when he noticed the looks Hajime started to give them…
He decided to do his very best to set them up
“Hey Hajime you like C/N right? Why don’t I help you two get together then? Since your too scared to ask them yourself.”
He laughed at Hajime’s flustered face and helped him ask C/N out
Now they can date someone who they truly deserve!
He was so happy!
(Liar liar)
(His heart was breaking on the inside and every time he saw the two of them together he felt like someone punched him in the gut)
At least if they were with Hajime they would be safe from his luck
This was truly for the best
(Liar liar pants on fire~)
Gundham Tanaka
C/N was truly an excellent being with magnificent powers
After all they manage to catch the heart of the dark lord!
He was thinking of the full proof plan to court them
When The Dark Queen (Sonia) approached him
She seemed quite nervous for some reason but he brushed it off
“Gundham.. may I ask for your opinion on something?”
Thinking maybe she was asking about a dark ritual or something of the sort he told her to ahead
And then Sonia told him of her elaborate plan to ask C/N on a date
For once his facade fell as he stared upon her in shook
Sonia… she wanted to…
Seeing her worried he quickly placed his facade back on and told her that the plans were perfect!
She smiled at him and thanked him before leaving
Only when he was alone did he drop to his knees and clutched his chest
It made sense after all.. he was the unholy half breed of a demon and an angel… no one would want him
And so when Sonia told him the good news the next day he forced out a laugh and congratulated her
This was for the best…
Kazuichi Souda
Boy did he have it bad for C/N
But he did have a plan to ask them out in mind
All he had to do was build something that he knew they would love
As he was working in his workshop, Hajime stopped by
(Damn Hajime why you breakin so many hearts?)
“Hey Kazuichi you got a moment?”
Of course anything for his soul friend
Then something unexpected happening
Hajime was asking for his help
When he question what he looked down with a blush?
“I wanted to ask C/N out but I don’t know how to…”
He swallowed his spit
Hajime liked C/N too….
(God this was Sonia all over again!)
He wanted to deny Hajime’s request but he was such a good friend to him
I mean they were soul friends after all!
With watery eyes he helped Hajime
(When Hajime asked him about his eyes he just lied and said his contacts were bothering him today)
Afterwards he looks at the half-made machine and pushes it as far away from himself
He spends that night crying himself to sleep
(And the machine stays hidden in his workshop never to be touched again…)
Nekomaru Nidai
He didn’t know when his feelings first starting for C/N
But he didn’t know exactly what to do with them
One day while sparring with Akane he noticed something was off about it
Did she have something on her mind?
When he asked her this she blushed?????
“Hey coach Nekomaru.. you know people better than me right?”
“H-how..” She scratched her chin in embarrassment “How do normal girls ask someone out?”
This time he yelled that out loud and startled her a bit
“Umm.. yeah I mean you coached a lot of people right? So you gotta know something… I just want to do this right for C/N.”
His voiced left his body as soon as he heard that
Akane liked C/N too…
For once he had a hard time speaking but even then he tried his best to give Akane some good advise
(And immediately afterward he ran back to his cabin to cry)
Seeing Akane so happy with C/N by her side made it totally worth it though
After all… a manager’s one concern should be their athletes
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
It wasn’t a well known fact that he liked C/N
Hell not even Natsumi knew!
He was busy doing schoolwork when Natsumi stormed into his room like usual
“Hey Bro! I got a question for you!”
He sighed and looked over to her to ask what
At this Natsumi seem to blush slighty?
(Wait what?)
“You know C/N right? Their in your class huh.”
C/N? How did Natsumi know them?
When he asked her she only got more flustered
“T-that doesn’t matter! You know then right? So you know what they like..”
It hit him like s truck
Did… Natsumi also like C/N
When he asked her this she huffed angrily at him
“S-So what if I do huh? You aren’t going to try and pull a tough guy move and scare them off are you?”
It felt like someone dumped a bucket of ice cold water over him
Natsumi… liked C/N
While he liked C/N, Natsumi was his little sister.. he couldn’t
And so he told Natsumi what she wanted to know
If he spent the next couple of days holed up in his dorm after Natsumi told him that they were dating…
Well she didn’t have to know that
Teruteru Hanamura
Now Teruteru wasn’t particular close to his siblings, not one bit
But when his sister stopped working as the Ultimate Female Escort to help out at home he was shocked
He never saw this coming
But as time passed they mended their relationship
Until eventually he was able to introduce her to his friends including C/N
But when they shook hands he saw the small blush that formed on her face
(She may look like how she normal does but he could tell when she was blushing)
Oh… oh no
He watched as she flirted with them and too his surprise they flirted back…
(They never flirted back to him..)
Then his sister told him that she fell in love.. like actually love.
She had no idea what to do?
And she begged him for advice
He faked a smile and gave her some advice for winning C/N heart
(While mentally screaming at himself that she didn’t deserve them..)
And when she announced they were dating he congratulated her with a feast and a fake smile
(Was this what heartbreak felt like?)
Ultimate Impostor
Now he’s seen a lot of people in his life
Yet something pulled at his heart when he C/N
He didn’t know what it was but he could confidently tell that he had feelings for them
He just didn’t know if he could confess
One morning just as breakfast ended Ibuki quickly latched onto him
“Hey hey Impostor-chan~ Ibuki needs your help for something! Please, please!”
He sighed and asked her what for
“Ibuki needs your opinion on the new song she made!”
Oh god he could feel his face pale
But Ibuki was a close friend to him.. so he decided to hear it
She dragged him over to the music venue and he mentally prepared himself
Except this song wasn’t as.. scream filled as normal
It was actually rather soft and dare he say it pleasant
And then as he started to pay attention to the lyrics he could feel his heart drop
It.. the song was a love song for C/N
He didn’t even realize when the song ended
“Sooooo what so you think? Will it steal C/N’s heart~? Huh!”
While she was as hyperactive as normal, he could see a small blush on her face
His throat felt tight but he still forced himself to speak
And he reassured Ibuki that C/N would love the song and it would defiantly whoo them
(He hoped he was wrong though deep inside)
When he saw the two kissing the next day his hopes were shattered
It was better for C/N
After all who would want a nobody…
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