#so it's kind of a curse. but i don't want to be dishonest and try to market my stuff as ''hand sculpted''
babbybones · 2 years
maybe i could do 3d print commissions for real... the thought of working with people one-on-one is maybe marginally less scary to me now, and i think i would generally prefer to make one-of-a-kind things rather than making copies of something and trying to sell it on etsy (feels against the spirit of the fan merch policy, and the repetition would likely drive me crazy)
i need to figure out pricing that doesn't undervalue my work nor seem overpriced to people... but, um, one problem would be that i did once open commissions at a price i felt was kind of low at one point and, aside from a friend trying to be supportive, there was absolutely no interest
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dylansslutt · 1 year
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dishonest / t.s
summary/ lying about your identity when caught in a cross fire, leads you to meet the notorious leader of small heath. yet after the death of his wife thomas was lost, but only to find something he wasn't planning on.
authors note/ this will have another part. im getting more of my writing together for this year, im also filming for a tv show myself lmaooo so theres that info!
warnings/ violence, cursing
your shoes echo against the pavements, eyes darting frantically. being new to town made your nerves jump.
you got a job as a nurse pretty good pay, but it was more of wanting to get away. yet even though you were happy to be here, it was still unsettling at times.
it was late and you were exhausted, today was long. turning the corner you come to view with the back of a man in a hat, muttering something in italian to another man.
pushing yourself back behind the brick corner, covering your mouth. praying you were unseen, after noticing he held a gun to the other mans head.
"you betray your own kind for the shelby's?"
shelby. that name sounded so familiar throughout this city. the air was caught in your lungs as the gun sound went off. your body shakes but not from the cold.
the man mutters something else but it wasn't loud enough for you to hear it. you stumble away from the scene, pushing back into a run.
"hey!" you hear behind you, heart dropping at the knowing you've been caught. regretting having on your slight heels, pushing yourself forward only glancing back once.
looking around for anything open to run too, you sigh in distress as nothing was in sight.
pushing through the second street coming up near your work. seeing the familiar bar across the street, a few lights still lit up made you push your way to the door.
banging on the door desperately, glancing back over your shoulder. not hearing anything you try to keep your knocks down, knowing the men wouldn't give up on you.
you just witnessed a murder.
the door swings open and a man stares down at you, "yes?"
pushing past him and into the bar, seeing it was quite empty. head snapping back at him, "shut that door! don't let anybody in."
you demand pushing yourself farther back into the building. the man stares at you in confusion but neverless shuts the door, you bring your hand up to your face. brushing your hair back trying to steady your breathing.
"ya' alright love?" you shake your head not even looking at him. "i-i..."
you didn't even know how to say it, but a idea popped into your head. the shelby's they killed someone over working with them. maybe just maybe if you could tell them or warn them, they could help or they could kill you.
a shout outside makes you drop to your knees, shoving yourself behind the bar. "please- please don't let them know i'm here."
the begging was a whisper, your head shoved into your knees. the man walks around the bar, bending down slightly to your level. "hey, no one knows you're here."
taking a deep breath, your eyes connect with his pair of blue eyes. you laugh out of uneasiness, "i-i'm sorry."
he stands up offering you a hand out, "you're safe. how about a drink and ya' can explain."
taking his hand you gulp softly, not even knowing how you were gonna explain or let alone if he'd even believe you.
he was very calm compare to you, or even calm for dealing with this type of situation. he opens a bottle pouring you a glass of whiskey and one for himself.
you sit down at the bar, him sliding your drink over. he pulls out a smoke as you thank him softly. "you're new here. how have you managed to get into trouble already?"
eyes snapping up in shock, almost choking on the liquid running down your throat. "h-how do you know i am new?"
"i've lived here a long time, and your face doesn't jog my memory."
you finish the glass, "i work across the street, i am a nurse." not really wanting to get into to much detail. he lifts his lit smoke to his lips, eyes never leaving yours.
"we'll if you've been here long, maybe ya' can tell me who these shelby people are?" a smile almost cracks his features but he only raises his glass to his lips.
"why were you in trouble?"
you sigh, "i- i don't even know how to say this..." your mind flashes back to the moments before you.
"i- i should go to the police actually, thank you for this. i think they are gone now."
you stand up shakily, glancing back at the door. "my name is thomas shelby, now sit down and tell me what happened."
your heart drops as you freeze almost, those people killed someone over him or his family and now. now you were alone with one of them.
"plea-please don't hurt me." you back away in fear and his face stays the same but his eyes shifts softly.
he steps forward and goes to speak, but you cut him off with the truth. "the-there was two men, i-i was walking home. they were italians and one man murdered someone because he 'betrayed his own kind for you'. he- he shot him."
thomas stays silent as you watch him hesitantly, he sighs cursing something to himself.
"i-i swear i won't say anything."
this made his eyes dart to you, "you won't because if you do, you'll die."
he moves away from around the bar, "did they see what you looked like?"
you shake your head, "i don't know, i took off and then they must've heard me because they started chasing me."
"i am going to tell ya', what ya' need to know only. those men are bad men, we are bad men but i'm not gonna hurt ya'. yet those men will and they don't give up easily."
you step forward taking the bottle on the counter and pouring yourself another drink. as you raise the glass you glance over at him, "c-can they find out who i am?"
he exhales his smoke, "it's tough to say, if they got a good description it won't be long until they figure you out."
downing the glass you lick your lips, not even feeling the burn. you wanted to cry, you had no idea what any of this was but here you are stuck in the middle.
"so-so i'm not safe, if i go out there they might be there. what the fuck is this?" your voice raises at the end, tired already of the stress that's eating you alive.
he steps closer to you and you step back, "this is the gangs, i left london because of this and i am back right where i started."
thomas listens closely at your confession, "what is your name?"
you look up at him shakily, "y/n l/n." he glances over you but shakes his head.
"i have a spare room at my home, you can stare there tonight it's safer."
"but i have work tomorrow." he shakes his head, "i happen to own your job, don't worry about it."
you didn't feel safe anywhere but for some reason you felt as if he could be trusted. you nod softly, feeling the exhaustion creep up.
"alright, follow me we're goin' around the back." you nod following him towards the other exit.
the ride was silent, you to caught up in your head and thomas didn't seem like a big conversationalist. entering the home, the lights were dim.
a lady comes down the stairs but stops at the sight of you. "mr.shelby, charles is down for bed. should i grab you both anything?"
he stares back at me before glancing up at her, "can you make the bed up in the guest room for miss.l/n, she'll be staying the night there."
she nods in confusion but neverless heads back upstairs. this man was rich the walls and area reminded you of homes back in london.
thomas looks back at you, doing a once over on you. "i might have a night gown you can use."
shaking your head, "i'll be fine."
the sight of a portrait of a women comes in your view, the name charles lingers. he has a wife, go figures for a man like him. attractive, leader, and rich.
"thank you for your hospitality, and thank your wife for being kind enough for me to stay here." the sentence was innocent but by the way he tenses up at the mention of his wife makes you feel as if you spoke out of turn.
"mr.shelby it's all ready." she calls out making thomas snap out of it.
"thank you francis. goodnight." with that she scurries past us, him heading up the stairs.
"your room is there." the lamp lit the room up and you glance back at thomas who eyes were already on you.
"thanks." you mutter softly before stepping in and closing the door behind you.
you learned about the italian gang and more of the shelby institution, but barely anything. your mind was jittery with fear as you were sitting down at your desk.
filling out some patients charts, finally back at work after spending the night at thomas shelby's home. he talked more about everything the next morning, only briefly was it spoken of.
no word has been out about you, so it was presume safe. you glance over at the time seeing it was 3, you decide to cut your day short. not wanting to be out at night again.
packing up you head out, deciding to just head home immediately. the walk was quick and you were turning up your street. having your key out and ready, you walk closer to your home.
halting at the sight of your door cracked open, your mind flashes with a million thoughts. pulling out the pocket knife you had in your bag, you push the door open letting it bang against the wall.
stepping back waiting for anyone or anything to come out into view. nothing...
you take a step inside, death grip on the knife. your stuff was thrown out everywhere, making you sigh. someone broken into your home, and stolen and destroyed most everything.
as you bend down to look through what could've been taken, you were kicked in the side. falling sideways onto the floor, air leaving your lungs as you wheeze.
hands grab onto your hair making you scream out, "ahhh... y/n solomons." the name made your heart drop.
ho-how. a fist swung into your face as you drop onto the ground once more. blood lingers on your tongue as your eyes flutter to see the man from the other night above you.
"a witness to a murder, and out of your territory." it was one of the italian gang members, he wasn't the boss. he was a dog sent to take you out.
the knife left your hand after the first kick, now unable to defend yourself. "you know i was sent here to warn you, make sure you knew what the stakes were."
he grins wickedly above you, "but i think i know something that you won't forget." he makes a move and grips your legs making your heart drop at the knowing of his intentions.
screaming you thrash widely, managing to bite his arm. he yells before swinging his fist back down, you swore you heard a crunch. eyes rolling back slightly, feeling your body go limp as he moves his body weight on top of you.
"who knew you jews were so feisty."
you scream out in rage, adrenaline pumping through you as your unable to move as he pins you down. his free hand starts to rip at your clothing, thomas walks in unnoticed pulling the trigger on him.
blood splatters on your face, as his body drops beside you. you inhale deeply, shaking as you try and push yourself away. body aching horribly, someone touches you.
"no!" you thrash against them but thomas forces himself into your view. "he-hey!"
you shake widely, seeing his eyes boring into yours. tears stream down your face as you know he has to know.
"you knew!" you push back away from him.
he did know, he knew you were related to alfie. him being your cousin, he did the math. he knew they would put two and two together but he needed to make sure.
but after seeing you bloody and bruised, he didn't know why but he felt guilty. "i did but i had to see the truth. i had to make sure you weren't a spy."
a sob escapes you, "i told y-you i left london for a reason." he goes to move closer but you kick towards him.
"i left b-because of this shit! i never kn-knew anything, i promise. he swore to protect me and it's happen all over again." the ache fills you, struggling to breath as your rib feels like it could be broken from that kick.
"i'll never be safe." you confess more to yourself, but thomas spoke up.
"yes, you will 'cause now you are protected under the order of the peaky blinders. okay?" he didn't know if you were a spy, your lying made him not trust you.
but after seeing how broken you were, he realizes he was wrong. you just wanted out and to be safe. you wanted to be protected, like how grace should've been. you were let down.
you were quiet, tears falling down your cheeks. "how can i even believe that." a pain expression falls on your face.
his eyes falls onto your bloody lip and nose and he clenches his jaw, "i give you my word."
a sarcastic laugh leaves you, "your word?"
you try and shove yourself up but your lung was aching with every breath. you felt light headed and you try and grip onto something but you only stumble, loosing balance you go to drop back on the ground.
thomas arms wrap around you, steadying you as you grip onto his biceps.
"woah, there. i got you." he mumbles out softly and you bit your lip in pain. "i can't breathe."
he notices you holding the side of your ribs, and he comes to conclusion that your rib my be broken. you try to stay calm but you felt your eyes start to roll back.
"thom-" your words cut off with you passing out in his arms.
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cantstoplovingjude · 2 months
To Steal You Away: Alfons Sylvatica Ch.2
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This is from Ikemen Villains EN, Cybird owns everything.
Kate: "We don't have to hold hands, but... can I just hold onto your sleeve?"
(He's definitely going to tease me now...)
Alfons: "Of course. Whatever you wish."
I looked up at him, surprised by his kind response, but then saw a smile curving on his lips.
Alfons: "Did your heart skip a beat just now?"
Alfons: "You can grab me anywhere you like. Go on."
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Kate: "This is fine. Thank you."
Alfons: "Are you sure? Such a reserved little robin. You should be more demanding sometimes, you know."
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His reply was lighthearted and airy. However...
I noticed he was walking slower than usual.
(Is he matching his pace to mine?)
If he was indecent and dishonest and the stuff of nightmares, then I should keep my distance.
(So why does he make it so hard for me to do just that?)
I kept those feelings to myself as we began looking for any stolen items that might've been stashed away here.
Alfons: "This place is just packed with things. It looks like Elbie's room!"
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(This is what Lord Elbert's room looks like...?)
I had to admit that this sort of light chitchat was the best way to stay calm in dark, scary places like this.
But I felt the fear creeping up on me again and blurted out the first thing that came to mind, as if to ward it off.
Kate: "Liam told me something the other day."
Kate: "He said you two often go out together late at night."
Kate: "What in the world are you two doing together?"
Alfons: "Do you what to know because Liam's involved? Or because of me?"
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(There he goes again, teasing me.)
Kate: "I'm the Fairytale Keeper, so I thought I'd ought to know."
Alfons: "What a boring, trite answer. However, I'll indulge you just this once."
Alfons: "Due to his curse, Liam must satisfy his curiosity on a regular basis."
Alfons: "Which just so happens to align with my hedonistic views, as I love a good time."
Alfons: "So before we knew it, we both started looking for new thrills to satisfy our curiosity together."
Kate: "What exactly does that mean...?"
Alfons: "Well, we have a game where we jump from rooftop to rooftop while drunk. If you fall, you're out."
Alfons: "There's also a game called Chicken where we race horses to the edge of a cliff."
Kate: "That's definitely beyond what I'd imagined."
Alfons: "Oh, I'm pleased to hear that!"
Alfons: "There are other delightful things we get up to as well, but I shouldn't share those with others. Would you like to tag along next time?"
Kate: "Sorry, but I think I'll pass."
Alfons: "Ah, what a shame."
Alfons chuckled and picked up a dusty marble that lay at his face.
Kate: "Hm?"
It let off a dull glow as he held it in his hand.
Alfons: "Liam needs to forget about reality sometimes."
Alfons: "You're starting to pick up on that fact, aren't you?"
Kate: "Yes... I had a feeling."
Liam wasn't just satisfying his curiosity because of his curse.
When I was having a hard time or was feeling sad, he always the first person to come to me.
He generously gave me his time to try to cheer me up.
I had a feeling the reason he was so good at doing so was because he empathized with people's pain and sadness.
So, there must have been a lot of suffering and sadness in his past.
Maybe he was keeping himself going through his dark and dreary everyday life by coloring it with curiosity.
That reminded me of what Alfons had said to me before.
It was the first time he'd used his ability to rewrite perception on me.
Alfons: "Life is a tragedy. There are many painful realities that can't be changed even if we try."
Alfons: "So what's wrong with escaping into dreams?"
-Flashback Ends-
(Back then, I was so confused about what he was doing that I didn't think too deeply about what he meant.)
But those words had lingered uncomfortably inside my heart.
Alfons was a thrill-seeking hedonist who loved having a good time and enjoyed making people see illusions.
However, now he told me that he was aware Liam had something he wanted to forget, and that was why he went out with him at night.
(Maybe it's just convenient for me to think this way because it's what I want to believe.)
(But what if...)
(What if Alfons really is showing people illusions to help them escape from painful realities that plague them?)
Just then, I heard a noise from the back of the hallway and exchanged glances with Alfons.
Kate: "Is it the culprit?"
Alfons: "I suppose we shall find out. Get behind me, Miss Kate."
I turned and peeked over Alfons's shoulder, but saw someone very unexpected.
Elderly Man: "...Who are you young'uns?"
An old man with white hair was settled deep in an armchair.
(Somehow I have a hard time believing that man's a thief and a murderer...)
It certainly looked like he was the owner of this house.
Alfons: "Our cat wandered in here, so we came after it. Terribly sorry to come in without permission."
Elderly Man: "Oh, I see... I thought you were another one of those fools barging in here again."
Alfons: "What do you mean?"
Elderly Man: "Well, some lads have been sneaking in here at night without my permission."
Elderly Man: "Just because I had a spare room, they thought they could take advantage of me and make themselves at home."
He lived here alone and seemed to be turning a blind eye to the criminals using this place without permission.
(But why are they leaving him alive?)
It was definitely risky to keep him around.
All he had to do was tell one person who'd call the police and that'd be the end of it.
They'd supposedly already killed before, so it wasn't because they were hesitant to kill...
Elderly Man: "Oh, I'm sorry. I was so absorbed in my guests I forgot about you."
(Huh? Is there someone else here?)
I looked around, but we were the only ones in the room.
And then, I realized he was speaking to a portrait of a woman on the wall.
Elderly Man: "Will you forgive me? Yes, I know. You've always liked guests."
I was confused, but then heard Alfons whisper into my ear.
Alfons: "Oh, I see. He's senile. That's why they kept him alive."
Alfons: "What should we do about him, Miss Kate?"
Kate: "What do you mean?"
Alfons: "If I use my ability, I might be able to bring him to his senses."
Alfons: "That way we can get his testimony and our mission will be easier."
I wasn't sure how the old man viewed what was happening here.
But I did know that he looked blissfully happy as he gazed at the painting.
Kate: "I..."
We decided to seize the stolen items we recovered as evidence and move forward with the condemnation at a later time.
That way, we wouldn't cause any harm to the old man who lived in the house.
Alfons: "Why didn't you want to bring him out of his dreams back into reality?"
When he'd asked me before, I told him I wanted to leave the old man alone.
Kate: "He needs that dream in order to survive. So I don't think it's a bad thing."
Kate: "Even if the dream was just a convenience."
Kate: "Also..."
Kate: "I thought that's what you would do, if given the choice."
Alfons stared at me for a moment.
Then without warning-he pulled me toward him and hugged me against his chest.
The next thing I knew, I heard a gunshot ring out. A nearby potted plant in the garden exploded from the bullet.
(What's going on?!)
Man with Stubble: "You think you can just barge into our hideout, huh?!"
A man loomed before us, his eyes fixed on the stolen goods we'd confiscated.
(He's one of the culprits!)
Man with Stubble: "I can't let you outta here alive now. I'm gonna kill you!"
Alfons: "That's pretty rich, considering you're the one who trespassed into someone else's home."
Alfons swept behind the man in a flash and twisted his neck, rendering him unconscious in an instant.
Alfons: "Whoops, I forgot that we trespassed too. Oh, well."
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Alfons: "Shall we confiscate him, too?"
After we safely delivered the stolen items to Jude's warehouse, we walked through the city at night.
Only then did I notice my hands were trembling slightly.
The sound of the gunshot brought back memories of the previous night.
(I hate this... I just want to forget about last night and get rid of all this fear inside me.)
(I don't want it to control me forever.)
I clenched my hands into fists to try to stop shaking, and then Alfons tapped me on the shoulder.
Alfons: "Miss Kate. Miss Kate...? Do you have more time to spare?"
Kate: "Huh? Oh, yes. I don't have any other plans for tonight."
Alfons: "That's a relief. How about staying with me a bit longer, then?"
Kate: "For what?"
Alfons: "Since Liam's away, this is the perfect opportunity to do all sorts of shameless and indecent things to you."
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Alfons: "Now that our mission is done, we can extend our date. The excitement's only just begun."
End Ch.2
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isadorajaneschaos · 1 year
10 Ships + Lyrics That Make Me Think Of Them
(feel free to ask me why in the comments, I'm happy to try and explain)
1. Trent Fernandez-Mercer / Kira Ford / Ethan James / Conner McKnight (Power Rangers Dino Thunder)
I used to float, now I just fall down I used to know but I'm not sure now What I was made for What was I made for? "What Was I Made For?" Billie Eilish
2. Katie Gardner / Drew Tanaka (Riordanverse)
Look at you, strawberry blond Fields rollin' on I love it when you call my name Can you hear the bumblebees swarm? Watching your arm I love it when you look my way "Strawberry Blond" Mitski
3. Lorna Dane / Marcos Diaz (The Gifted)
This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen I searched aurora borealis green I've never seen someone lit from within Blurring out my periphery My smile is like I won a contest And to hide that would be so dishonest And it's fine to fake it 'til you make it 'Til you do, 'til it's true "Snow On The Beach" Taylor Swift
4. Jayden Shiba / Antonio Garcia (Power Rangers Samurai)
'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me And I could see you up against the wall with me And what would you do, baby, if you only knew? Oh, oh, oh That I could see you throw your jacket on the floor I could see you make me want you even more What would you do, baby, if you only knew? That I can see you "I Can See You" Taylor Swift
5. Mary Bromfield / Kara Zor-El (DC Universe / Young Justice)
You go down just like Holy Mary Mary on a, Mary on a cross Your beauty never ever scared me Mary on a, Mary on a cross “Mary On A Cross” Ghost
6. Lucy / David Martinez / Rebecca (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners) 
And I'll go Sit on the floor wearing your clothes All that I know is I don't know How to be something you miss I never thought we'd have a last kiss I never imagined we'd end like this Your name, forever the name on my lips “Last Kiss” Taylor Swift
7. Isuke Inukai / Haruki Sagae (Riddle Story Of Devil) 
Now I'm gettin' in the car, wreckin' all my plans I know I should stop, but I can't And I told my friends I was asleep But I never said where, in his sheets And I pull up to your place, on the second floor And you're standin', smiling at the door And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men But I really can't remember when “Bad Idea Right?” Olivia Rodrigo
8. Silena Beauregard / Charles Beckendorf / Clarisse La Rue / Chris Rodriguez (Riordanverse)
We're gonna be timeless, timeless You still would've been mine We would've been “Timeless” Taylor Swift
9. John Proudstar / Clarice Fong / Sonya Simonson (The Gifted)
When the silence came, we were shaking blind and hazy How the hell did we lose sight of us again? Sobbin' with your head in your hands Ain't that the way shit always ends? You were standin' hollow-eyed in the hallway Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us I feel you no matter what The rubies that I gave up “Maroon” Taylor Swift
10. Mike / Kevin (Power Rangers Samurai)
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain And it's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name So in love that you act insane And that's the way I loved you Breaking down and coming undone It's a roller coaster kind of rush And I never knew I could feel that much And that's the way I loved you “The Way I Loved You” Taylor Swift
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scriptospark · 3 days
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@enkosmios sent: “  i need you to see how important this is—  us.  i never care about people the way i care about you.  ” / prompt
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It's the way he reached for her hand, grabbed it and refused to let go that really sent a lightning bolt directly into her heart. She knew he was too bright not to figure it out, and he looked unhinged. Exhausted. He's been obsessing over figuring out the truth for weeks now and she knows it. She's been running from the confrontation, but it was so SELFISH of her and she's broken by the guilt at this point. Voices in her head screaming how she did this, made him care so much knowing she wasn't going to give him some kind of forever after. It's been eating her alive the entire time they've gotten to know each other.
It's a long moment, everything going through her mind makes her feel sick. Like she wants to pass out. For another moment, Kafka looks at Veritas as if he's a complete stranger. But she cannot let that curse of total nihilism win today. He deserved better, and no matter how hard she tried to fight it, she was not numb when it came to her feelings about him. Watching him crumble over the truth of her destiny was the worst thing she'd ever had to face.
Her hand finally tightens against his instead of pulling away and her gaze softens upon him. There was no avoiding the discussion. No avoiding the reality. She tries to process what to say, but her lips move and the words come out with very little attempt to fabricate anything. She doesn't want to be dishonest with him. "... -- It would've been easier if you didn't find out the truth, hm?" Voice calm though, almost too calm. Trying so desperately and failing to numb it out. She's made peace with her life being forfeit, how could she ask him to do the same? Just because she's made peace doesn't mean it's what she wants, merely what she believes is best.
"I didn't... I didn't want you to find out, I knew it'd be painful. Of course I knew the more time we spent together the more painful it would be..." She lets him pull her in close. There's the hint of a tear in her eyes, but she isn't letting them fall. "I don't want to die, Veritas... But I've made this promise, how can I not keep it?" As if to beg for another way of viewing it, instead of allowing this depression to engulf them both and ruin what they have. She has to say it. Knowing damn well it was terrible, delusional even.
"Can't we just... Continue as we have been? I don't have to tell you when it's coming. We have time together now, we can live in the present like we've been. Enjoy the happiness without thinking about it." She caresses his face in her free hand. He's refused to let go of the other. "It could be that easy, Veri.~" The temptation to use her spirit whisper lingers, but she and can't she won't. She can't take away his choice in this matter. It wouldn't sit right with her. She can only hope there's some kind of resolution where she doesn't need to give him up. She's not sure she can.
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obigem · 11 months
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Suffice to say, the second honeymoon week had treated Cam and Dre well.
They'd been having more woohoo than they ever thought they would or could, and Andrea had never been more relaxed in her life.
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But now that they've treated their bodies, Andrea ws up for them to finally treat their souls.
How often did she get to be close to Cameron and just talk anymore? And not about their kids or careers, but their feelings, their hopes, and their dreams?
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"So, I was thinking, maybe we could play that intimacy game tonight."
"A game, huh? I'm game." Cam went in to pull her close, but she shrugged him off.
"No, Cam. Not that kind of game. I mean like the ones Dr. Jen said we should try."
"A therapy game?" Cam rose an eyebrow.
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"Babe, you wanna use our precious us time to do couples counseling homework?"
"It doesn't have to be homework. Or at least, I don't want it to feel that way. It's just, isn't there anything you've always wanted to ask me but never did or could? Why don't we try now. Ask me."
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"Why does this feel like a trap?" Cam smirked.
"It's not. I promise you. I just feel like tearing down more of our walls. I don't want this week to just be about sex."
"OK, then. I agree with you. But you first."
"Fine." Dre playfully nudged him.
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"So, this is something I've been wondering about a while. Years actually."
"Years?" Cam got nervous about what the question might be. "What is it?"
"Well, it's kind of embarassing, and I probably shouldn't care or wonder—"
"Dre, spit it out."
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"OK. Do you remember that week that Dominic Fyers stayed with us."
"Unfortunately. It's not exactly a fond memory or something I like to remember."
"I know. For me either. But there was a moment in there, where we all went out to dinner together."
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"I had my hair done up, and wore those strappy heels that laced up my calves, and I was wearing that cute frilly dress."
"Yeah, I remember."
"So....did you really think I just looked fine in that?"
"Dre, that's your question?"
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"Well, yeah. I remember I spent so long that day getting ready because I wanted to look knock out gorgeous for you, and then you said I looked 'fine' and I never wore that outfit again. It was cursed, for many reasons but namely because I thought you thought I looked ugly in it."
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"Dre, of course I thought you looked knock out gorgeous in that outfit."
"Then why didn't you say it?"
"Because. At that point I knew you had been dishonest, so I was upset with you. And also Dominic was practically oggling you. It made me uncomfortable and more upset."
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"I didn't know if you were wearing that for him or for me, and even if it was for me, I had my suspicions about Dominic's intentions toward you. I hated him being able to see you dressed like that."
"So you were jealous?"
"Maybe a little...or a lot." Cam conceded.
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