scriptospark · 7 days
a Kaftio (Kafka x Ratio) inspired messy drabble for of course @enkosmios ♥
As Kafka woke up she drank the rest of the wine beside her bed from the night before to put herself back to sleep for a short bit longer.
She's considering another substance to push through the day, no mission, no work. It's been a sense of wickedness in her head. Maybe something psychedelic can aid in creative release. Not so regular of occurrence, but regular enough. Capsule slipped between her lips and she lays back in the bed awaiting the sounds, the colors, the synesthesia performance. Little hum, unrecognizable to anyone within earshot besides herself, but she knows how to get the best chemical effects. Humming is warm, inviting, a tune that would bring the listener to a sunlit meadow, early in the morning. However as the capsule's effects began to take way, she would not remain physically in her bed. She'd rather take her violin and begin composing. Taking intermittent breaks to note down what she's discovered under the effects, to question the rational on paper.
Kafka could see the notes dance, the play performance when she closed her eyes and played the notes. Always in sync, a marvel to anyone who could see. Or a horror depending on their stance.
To be honest, she did not care. The ability to compose a scene and feel it deeply was worth the chemical triggers. The sights, the sounds, and mostly the colors. All a feeling of pure euphoria to her. It was a day of little sustenance, it would pull her from the feelings. Sometimes trickles of reality would settle in, but they were quiet and fleeting. Occasionally she'd mix a bit of wine in to keep the feeling.
Had to hold on long enough to finish her musical score. In-between when her fingers would cramp, her real life body forcing a break, she would crack her knuckles. Sitting and admiring the notes she created, the fond little meshing of colorful scenes. The visual representation of happiness battling away the despair she'd previously begun to sink into.
A habit she could not rely on for more than a few times a month, if that. Her life may be short, but she was not so reckless to let it consume her.
Before she knows it, the day is starting to wrap up. The effects are inching their way from her body and she knows she has one final task. Well, two. A sketch she scribbles together on a blank canvas. Depiction of bright colorful numbers, deeper purple, flashes of pink. Webs that match her eyes, rivers that match his hair. Skittering lines so thin they could scarcely be seen of that piercing gold, and the deep blood orange that surrounds his eyes. A perfect combination of the two of them. Sure, it was abstract, but even without the effects of her self-medication, a person (he) could see the inspiration when he looked at the sheet music's cover.
Lastly a name needed to be given to this music she created. Kafka wanted it to be subtle, simplistic. Nothing anyone would glance at twice. The fleeting thing that always fell upon her lips when he came near. She simply scratches the word "Our Smile" in light cursive lettering. Unironically smiling at the completed work. It would of course need some adjusting before she performed it for him. But it was a masterpiece to her, it perfectly illustrated how she felt in his presence. Granted, Kafka is easygoing enough that she tells him what he means to her.
Something felt so much more romanticized in plucking away at her beloved instrument while capturing the gaze of her beloved person. A simple thing, really. Only a days worth of effort, that she knows he will appreciate.
Maybe without mentioning the drug that helped her achieve it. Give her a few days to stew on it, soon she would invite him for dinner and perform it live for him.
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scriptospark · 22 days
@badrcputation ♥'d for a smoochy drabble [For Kaftio]
Sometimes he talks, and he talks, and Aeons does he talk. In length about things that even Kafka isn't entirely up to date on. It's funny though, because she likes it. The way his pupils dilate when he gets invested in a theory, or problem he's yet to solve. Kafka enjoys studying HIM, the little things that kick his brain into gear, the way he can seamlessly transition topics with relevance to one another piling into a full on lecture at times.
She always reacts when he goes on his in essays about philosophical dilemma. Sometimes it's a simple cant of the head, or soft chuckle. Physical little reactions she gave him to show she was listening, and she was; intently. Every word he said captivated her and she asked questions and posed debates to ensure him every time they spoke together like this. It wasn't any sacrifice on her behalf, knowledge was something Kafka always enjoyed getting more of. Even more-so now that she was enamored with him...
Currently as he's stopped on his current ramble to ponder further on what he wanted to discuss with her, Kafka is twirling a loose strand of her own hair, watching his cute little gestures as he tries to find whatever he's looking for. It's something they share, closing his eyes she imagines he's skimming through hundreds, if not thousands of text that he's read before. If he could visually see them in his mind, they were more alike than she initially thought and that was saying something. She hears him start to mumble something, apologetic as his eyes eventually landed back upon her. Honestly she can't stop herself from staring at his lips.
He was simply so fired up, passionate, she abruptly stood up from the chair she'd been lounging in, and stopped oh so closely to him. It was silly how it took him a moment to notice just how up and in his personal space she suddenly got. That blush on his face came on swiftly, and Kafka can't help looking a little proud of her effect on him. "I've never met a man who gets prettier when he talks about his passions~ I don't know how you do it." Kafka wraps her arms around his waist, pulling him close with ease.
Deep pink hues were locked upon his golden eyes, despite the flush, he did not try to escape her. A smile upon her lips and she's tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. "If you could lean down here just a little for me, handsome... I'd really like to kiss you right now." Her voice lowering to an almost whisper, and the second he began to follow her little direction she grabbed ahold of him and tugged him down by his shirt to her lips, kissing him. She's caught a little off guard though as the doctor suddenly backed her into the wall, kissing her against it, Kafka didn't expect it and it only egged her on further. He could feel the smile though and when they broke after a long intense moment, he's caught caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. "Were you interested in the subject matter at all, or... just me?" He asked, perhaps a bit of disappointment in his tone. Kafka without hesitation "Sweetheart, I was interested in both. Of course... Now the only thing on my mind is straddling your lap in that chair and kissing you until you remember that tiny missing detail you've forgotten.~"
Ironic wasn't it? Because Kafka actually knows the exact theory he spaced out on, but now it was her turn to back him up. Of course, if Veritas wanted to stop her, he easily could have, as much taller and more muscle this man held over her. But he backs into the chair willingly and she falls gracefully on top of him, straddling his lap and kissing him roughly against his lips this time, Kafka nipping at his lower lip and leaving lipstick marks across his neck and all over his face, daring every so slightly to mark up his chest as well.
When she pulls her lips away from his, she can't help but smirk feeling him chase after her only for her to grab his hand and question, a little breathlessly. "Do you want a hint?" He was still trying to get her lips back to his, perhaps a little love-drunk in the moment, and the perplexed expression was cute as Hell to her. "Wh-... I'm supposed to remember that now of all times?" He asks, his hands were pinned above him so he couldn't do anything but sit there waiting for her next move. "So cute... How distracted you are right now." She whispers in his ear before he finally grabs her wrists. "The principal of finality, how fitting you would droll my attention elsewhere with the topic at hand..." He spoke firmly now, upset, not letting her move. "... Kafka" He starts with frustration, and maybe worry in his voice. But she stops him, he loosens his grasp on her and she settles with her forehead resting against him, her tone a weak whisper answering that expression on his face that was starving for a real answer. He can feel her ever so carefully shaking her head against him as she says it. "I'm not ready to talk about this with you, Veritas.... Not tonight..." As she says it, Kafka's body slumps against him, her face burying into the crevice of his neck. She'd rather have this for tonight. Him there to hold her.
Fate and finality? She wasn't ready for that talk. "There's time enough for it... Another day, heh.. I promise you." Kafka assures him before taking his hand within hers and weaving their fingers together, her head now resting against his chest as she curled up on him. He lifts her chin to give her a much softer kiss now, letting their lips linger against one another. "Very well." As he says it though, she knows this is tearing at him. She knows it will be a problem again, at least it felt like in this moment he cared for her. That's all she needed.
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scriptospark · 2 days
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"God forbid women do anything."
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scriptospark · 10 days
top tier Kaftio content is them nursing a baby duckling back to health and raising it ♥ so it's 100% canon btw.
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scriptospark · 11 days
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@enkosmios sent: "Do you think I'd let them harm you?" - Veritas, (i may be a healer but [cocks gun])
Careful now, Kafka, don't want to go falling unconscious after he exerted all that effort to keep you from dying. Always a little jarring to brush so close to death when you think you know how it's all going to end...
A smile curls upon her lips, body limp in his arms for a longer pause than she realizes. The loss of blood was making it hard to keep her composure. But for him? She does. Her spine stopped hurting a while ago, and she's starting to fade in and out despite the fight. Numbness wasn't great, she needed to be patched up.
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She can see the worry in his eyes and on instinct her hand reaches up to stroke gently over his cheek, to comfort him and alleviate his worry. "... I'll be fine, sweetie. Hey? Set me down, check my pack... Should be enough supplies to stop the bleeding." Her tone so calm, serene. Dream-like even. There's a small hint of her power being used to redirect his emotional response to her near death experience. She needed him steady. Her hand falls again and she nods to a safe enough looking place on the ground nearby. "Relax for me, a few stitches will keep me breathing until the others arrive. Won't be long, ugh...." She winced some but she catches his gaze with reassurance.
"You got here just in time, I knew I could count on you.~" She'd survive. Heal up. Live for another while. She's glad it's him with her right now, their time together is so precious to her. He's safe to be vulnerable around. He's becoming more and more of a home. She wonders how he'll feel when he knows it's all going to burn away someday?
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scriptospark · 2 days
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@enkosmios sent: “  i need you to see how important this is—  us.  i never care about people the way i care about you.  ” / prompt
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It's the way he reached for her hand, grabbed it and refused to let go that really sent a lightning bolt directly into her heart. She knew he was too bright not to figure it out, and he looked unhinged. Exhausted. He's been obsessing over figuring out the truth for weeks now and she knows it. She's been running from the confrontation, but it was so SELFISH of her and she's broken by the guilt at this point. Voices in her head screaming how she did this, made him care so much knowing she wasn't going to give him some kind of forever after. It's been eating her alive the entire time they've gotten to know each other.
It's a long moment, everything going through her mind makes her feel sick. Like she wants to pass out. For another moment, Kafka looks at Veritas as if he's a complete stranger. But she cannot let that curse of total nihilism win today. He deserved better, and no matter how hard she tried to fight it, she was not numb when it came to her feelings about him. Watching him crumble over the truth of her destiny was the worst thing she'd ever had to face.
Her hand finally tightens against his instead of pulling away and her gaze softens upon him. There was no avoiding the discussion. No avoiding the reality. She tries to process what to say, but her lips move and the words come out with very little attempt to fabricate anything. She doesn't want to be dishonest with him. "... -- It would've been easier if you didn't find out the truth, hm?" Voice calm though, almost too calm. Trying so desperately and failing to numb it out. She's made peace with her life being forfeit, how could she ask him to do the same? Just because she's made peace doesn't mean it's what she wants, merely what she believes is best.
"I didn't... I didn't want you to find out, I knew it'd be painful. Of course I knew the more time we spent together the more painful it would be..." She lets him pull her in close. There's the hint of a tear in her eyes, but she isn't letting them fall. "I don't want to die, Veritas... But I've made this promise, how can I not keep it?" As if to beg for another way of viewing it, instead of allowing this depression to engulf them both and ruin what they have. She has to say it. Knowing damn well it was terrible, delusional even.
"Can't we just... Continue as we have been? I don't have to tell you when it's coming. We have time together now, we can live in the present like we've been. Enjoy the happiness without thinking about it." She caresses his face in her free hand. He's refused to let go of the other. "It could be that easy, Veri.~" The temptation to use her spirit whisper lingers, but she and can't she won't. She can't take away his choice in this matter. It wouldn't sit right with her. She can only hope there's some kind of resolution where she doesn't need to give him up. She's not sure she can.
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scriptospark · 4 days
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@enkosmios sent: “You are so beautiful.” - whispered while kissing her knuckles gently.
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She squeezes his hand, tightly to prevent any sort of escape. Smile incapable of leaving her lips. Kafka's heart beating just a little faster anytime she was with him. What a dangerous little game she played attaching to him oh so desperately. But she didn't care.
Keeping his sunset gaze she inches closer and entangles her fingers within his, she returns the gesture as smoothly as he had. Resting her lips upon his wrist and also giving it a single, lingering kiss before sighing contently. "I love when you speak in a whisper, Veritas...." Stated slowly, with intention to elaborate. "You know how I see sounds, when you whisper it's a gentle warm breeze. I see hues of comforting soft orange, like a sunny day. It's like a loving embrace on the coldest winter day..." She'd closed her eyes for a moment, letting the visions settle. She used her free hand to pull his torso against her and held her head against his chest, listening to the beat of his heart. "All your sounds bring me such peace..." chin resting against his chest now and her rosy gaze stares up to him. "... I love you."
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scriptospark · 5 days
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@enkosmios sent: “  there’s no way i can hide these marks…  ” / prompt
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Still straddling his hips but she can't help but smirk at his observation, soft fingertips gently trace over the bite marks on his neck, taking extra care on the ones upon his chest and dragging her fingernails over his skin to leave only a fleeting impression that would quickly fade away. "You look absolutely beautiful covered in my marks.~" Kafka took Veritas' wrists and pinned them up above his head in one swift motion, pressing her lips roughly against his, prolonging this moment as long as she could, then slowly trailing her lips down to his neck. No teeth this time, only gentle little peppering smooches against his skin showering the man in affection before she released her grip on him and sat there smiling contently, rosy gaze finding his eyes and staring adoringly.
"Mm... Would you rather we stay in today?" She finally turns to rest upon the bed beside him, immediately burrowing herself between his arm and torso, laying more upon his body than the bed itself, entangling a leg over his. "I could stay like this all day with you.~"
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scriptospark · 1 month
@badrcputation continued from here
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It wasn't anything LETHAL so long as it was treated swiftly, Kafka knew that. On top of such, she also knew that it was something she could've taken care of on her own... Part of her wanted to come to him. As much as she tried with every ounce of her soul to restrict contact with others whom she was in danger of connecting with-- she couldn't stay away from him. Was it manipulative? Regardless of the answer she gave a winced smile.
"You could ask a little... Nothing fanciful, a stray bit of shrapnel..." Pausing to reveal the wound in her stomach to him. "One of those mechs I put down shattered, nothing a few stitches won't remedy." Kafka moved to a seat, wine colored eyes following the doctor's every move, carefully taking in every moment as if she were never going to get this chance to be with him again, who knew? It could be her last time ever seeing him. That possibility was always real. The pain was sharp, but truthfully she's growing attached to HIM and simply being here was enough to keep her mind from thinking too hard about the sting.
"I'm not interrupting anything important, am I~?"
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scriptospark · 1 month
Also I don't do ship exclusives BUT Kaftio is only with Eden because their Ratio is special (aka I really like them)
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