#so it'll all just blend right in
innocencel0st · 6 months
What if I went ahead and changed my icon to a Valentine's Day icon?
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were--ralph · 6 months
why exactly do you dislike generative art so much? i know its been misused by some folks, but like, why blame a tool because it gets used by shitty people? Why not just... blame the people who are shitty? I mean this in genuinely good faith, you seem like a pretty nice guy normally, but i guess it just makes me confused how... severe? your reactions are sometimes to it. There's a lot of nuance to conversation about it, and by folks a lot smarter than I (I suggest checking out the Are We Art Yet or "AWAY" group! They've got a lot on their page about the ethical use of Image generation software by individuals, and it really helped explain some things I was confused about). I know on my end, it made me think about why I personally was so reactive about Who was allowed to make art and How/Why. Again, all this in good faith, and I'm not asking you to like, Explain yourself or anything- If you just read this and decide to delete it instead of answering, all good! I just hope maybe you'll look into *why* some people advocate for generative software as strongly as they do, and listen to what they have to say about things -🦜
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if Ai genuinely generated its own content I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it, however what Ai currently does is scrape other people's art, collect it, and then build something based off of others stolen works without crediting them. It's like. stealing other peoples art, mashing it together, then saying "this is mine i can not only profit of it but i can use it to cut costs in other industries.
this is more evident by people not "making" art but instead using prompts. Its like going to McDonalds and saying "Burger. Big, Juicy, etc, etc" then instead of a worker making the burger it uses an algorithm to build a burger based off of several restaurant's recepies.
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the left is AI art, the right is one of the artists (Lindong) who it pulled the art style from. it's literally mass producing someone's artstyle by taking their art then using an algorithm to rebuild it in any context. this is even more apparent when you see ai art also tries to recreate artists watermarks and generally blends them together making it unintelligible.
Aside from that theres a lot of other ethical problems with it including generating pretty awful content, including but not limited to cp. It also uses a lot of processing power and apparently water? I haven't caught up on the newer developements i've been depressed about it tbh
Then aside from those, studios are leaning towards Ai generation to replace having to pay people. I've seen professional voice actors complain on twitter that they haven't gotten as much work since ai voice generation started, artists are being cut down and replaced by ai art then having the remaining artists fix any errors in the ai art.
Even beyond those things are the potential for misinformation. Here's an experiment: Which of these two are ai generated?
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These two are both entirely ai generated. I have no idea if they're real people, but in a few months you could ai generate a Biden sex scandal, you could generate politics in whatever situation you want, you can generate popular streamers nude, whatever. and worse yet is ai generated video is already being developed and it doesn't look bad.
I posted on this already but as of right now it only needs one clear frame of a body and it can generate motion. yeah there are issues but it's been like two years since ai development started being taken seriously and we've gotten to this point already. within another two years it'll be close to perfected. There was even tests done with tiktokers and it works. it just fucking works.
There is genuinely not one upside to ai art. at all. it's theft, it's harming peoples lives, its harming the environment, its cutting jobs back and hurting the economy, it's invading peoples privacy, its making pedophilia accessible, and more. it's a plague and there's no vaccine for it. And all because people don't want to take a year to learn anatomy.
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saekkas · 1 year
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summary: in which someone flirts with them, but they're only looking at you.
includes: isagi, nagi, reo, yukimiya, rin, sae, kunigami, kaiser, karasu, bachira, aiku.
notes: this one's shorter than the one before but still, go wild my loves <3
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐆𝐔𝐘 who values you very much. is the type to be very secure in the relationship; doesn't like any unnecessary drama and is definitely ready to move onto the next stage. wouldn't really care about the other person but will not tolerate having his boundaries crossed. especially when it's clear that he's yours and yours only.
isagi, yukimiya, bachira, nagi.
his eyes are on his phone, feet tapping against the tiles of the cafe. it's a hole in the wall that he's used to frequenting with you, so much that the staff know your orders by heart. the line is short, seats mostly empty, as the rush hour has passed. the rain is pouring against the window beside him, and he taps his finger on the table to their rhythm.
tilting his head, his eyes find you in the middle of the line. you're focused on the menu, your bottom lip between your teeth as you scan the list of food and beverages. it makes him smile, chuckling under his breath because he knows you'll end up getting what you usually do. he gets onto his feet, wallet in hand, when you're finally set to order.
"hi. good morning, how are you?" your sweet voice tickles his ear as he approaches, his heart warm and sated as you go through your usual routine.
"hey." he presses a kiss to your head, wrapping a hand around your waist. his lips trail down, stopping at your cheek, a smile pressed against the skin as he hears you giggle. "what's taking so long?"
the cashier smiles, amused at the sight. "mornin' i'm great. how about you two lovebirds?"
"we're good," he answers for you both, an easy-going expression on his face. he looks down, scrunching his nose at you while you giggle at his answer. "just waiting for this angel to finish ordering."
"we'll have matcha latte, caramel macchiato, and a blueberry cheesecake please. the usual." he tilts his head, looking for your confirmation. he smiles proudly, chest puffing when you nod your head.
"i'll pay," you say as you show your card to the cashier, smiling at her. he chuckles, letting you take the bill this time. "how much will it be?"
the drinks are out in a second, the green and brown a contrast against each other. there are two pairs of utensils on the plate, and he thanks the staff for their work, taking the tray into his hand. "i'll take these to our table first, okay?" he looks over his shoulder, a gentle look in his eye as he processes just how... domestic this all feels.
"yeah, i'll be there in a minute. i need to go to the bathroom." you smile at the cashier one last time, tucking your purse into your bag. you glare playfully, poking your tongue at him. "don't you dare finish the cheesecake before i'm back."
he pokes his tongue back, a laugh breaking loose from his chest. "no promises."
he sits back down, placing the food on the table as he goes back to drumming his fingers. the rain doesn't look as if it'll be stopping any time soon, wind combining with water to shower the earth clean. he looks at his watch, mentally thinking about making dinner later with you. a smile grows at the thought.
there's a shadow in the corner of his eye that he assumes is you. he smiles, ready to lean over and press a kiss, only to stop when his eyes meet a stranger instead. "sorry." he backs away, a furrow in his eyebrow as he looks around, searching for you. "you've got the wrong table."
"no. it's okay. i've definitely got the right table." the stranger lays it thick with a high-pitched tone, and fluttering eyelashes. "hi, handsome. here's my number."
he watches as she slips a piece of paper onto the table, confusion blending into annoyance when she leans over to take his hand. "look," he says with a frown, pushing his hands into his pockets. he's very obviously looking in the direction you went off in. "you've got the wrong table and i'm already with someone."
"ah but i don't see this someone?" the smile on her face is pushing at his limits. his jaw ticks when she moves to sit beside him. "c'mon, handsome. give me a chance."
the bathroom door by the end opens with a creak, and his head snaps at the sound. before she has time to reach over once again, he's quick to swerve away to your side. you're already eyeing the girl at your table with curiosity, your head tilted in question. "hey, who's that? one of your frien-"
he doesn't let you finish. he's quick to reach for your waist, tugging you into a kiss with a hand cupping your cheek. all negative feelings drain from his limbs, turning him into a puddle of love as you thread your fingers into his hair.
"as much as i love your kisses," you say with a gasp of breath as you look up into his eyes, finding love looking back at you through the orbs. "that was a bit sudden. did something happen?"
"not at all." he shakes his head, nuzzling into your nose. his hands are on the side of your neck, lovingly stroking the skin. "not now that you're here."
you look back at your table, seeing it empty, and the girl from before nowhere in sight.
"shall we enjoy our drinks?" he pushes you with the hand he has on your waist. he sits down first before pulling you to sit right beside him, your hands intertwined under the table. "can't wait to eat dinner with you later."
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𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐒 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓. he won't say no to playful flirting since it feeds his ego but will only respond if you're somewhere near or in his field of vision. he won't give the other person any of his attention if you aren't. will think it's funny that they're trying their best but will either shoot them down in a way that crushes their pride or brush them off as if they don't exist.
reo, aiku, karasu, kaiser.
the bass is thrumming against his skull, a tune that doesn't fit the mall's calm and serene energy. he's sitting on one of those plush sofas in a clothing store outlet, tapping his fingers against his thigh as he waits for you to finish changing. he feels the warning glare the manager's sending, and he snorts as if trying to go into the dressing room with you is a crime. he would be so much more satisfied with you between four cramped walls than in the wide space where people are obviously gawking at him.
"excuse me." someone calls his name timidly, and he cocks his head towards them, wanting to see where this goes. they send him a smile, one that's too teethy and falsely sweet but hey he can't fault them for not flashing his favorite smile; they aren't you after all.
"yes?" his reply is short and blunt, but he sighs when the girl flinches away. you've always said that his resting face looked too mean. he chuckles at the thought.
shaking himself out of his daydream, he shows his best smile. he leans back, arm stretched out against the back of the couch as he adjusts his pose, manspreading. a peacock, you'd once muse when he first did it in front of you. he watches with thinly veiled boredom in his eyes, a juxtaposition to the sickeningly sweet smile on his lips. "can i help you with something?"
the girl flushes, biting her lip and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. being coy, he realizes with an amused scoff.
"sorry to bother you. it's just- you looked so bored. i thought i could entertain you."
his eyebrow quirks at the word entertain, tilting his head in mock curiosity. "and how would you do that, hm?" he takes her in, taking in her choice of clothing and hairstyle. cute he'd give that much to her. nothing like you, though. she couldn't compare.
he realizes belatedly that the once over was seen differently than what he meant for it to come across. amusement flickers in his eyes when she flushes a bright red, fidgeting on her spot. "you do this often?" he tilts his head, eyes half-lidded, trying to gauge her reaction. "flirting with random strangers in the mall of a hobby, eh?"
"just the handsome ones," she says with a giggle. he watches as she points a finger to the row of clothes, her interest clear as day. "how about we look around? buy some clothes or jewelry so we match."
he chuckles, shaking his head at the thought. he can't wait to tell you about this. right on cue, the door to your dressing room opens, and you step out. his breath gets stuck in his throat, his eyes widening, and a grin making its way to his lips.
the black dress you have on is nothing short of stunning. it tapers off to your knees, the material hugging your curves. he sends you an eager look, one which you giggle at. you turn, showing him the back of the dress, keeping eye contact as you do. his mouth falls and thoughts short circuit as his eyes rake down your bare back, stopping just before your bum.
oh the things he'll do to you in that dress. no wonder the manager was so adamant on not letting him join in on the fun.
"nah," he says distractedly at the girl still waiting for his response. he sends you a wink and a flirty smile, mouthing one moment, before turning back to her. "see that gorgeous specimen right there? yeah i'm hers."
"she and i, we match." his eyes are filled with mischief as he tugs his shirt down, showing off the collection of marks you left on him last night. the skin around his collarbone is red, purple, and bruised. littered with love bites. a symbol of your love he thinks smugly. "see?"
there's pride blooming in his chest, a smug smile forming on his face the moment her eyes widen and the color drains from her face. "i'm not interested in anyone who's not her. so scram." he's quick to wave her away, skipping over to tug you back into the fitting room, this time with him in it.
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𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐂𝐄, the type to literally not care at all. will not give them time of day and will appear hostile if necessary. but he'll mostly just look at them, expressionless with dead eyes.
sae, rin, kunigami
there are so many options to choose from, he frowns, glaring at the row of refrigerators stacked next to each other as if they've done something wrong. the supermarket is relatively busy, customers ranging from middle schoolers to elderly. he's in the drink section, passing one fridge to another, looking for your favorite drink from outside the glass, his frowning reflection looking back at him.
you're somewhere in the dairy section, picking out pints of ice cream, and who knows what else. he checks his phone, checking for any new messages from you. i'll head over soon, after i find the popcorn, it reads along with multiple hearts and photos of you smiling beside the ice cream. he shakes his head, tapping a finger against the screen to save the photos.
he pockets his phone, ready to move on to the next isle when he bumps into someone. he huffs, his eyes looking at the girl that's staring right back at him.
"really?" she says with a flirty giggle after she gets a clear look at his face. he remains stoic, hands in his pocket, even as she nudges him on the shoulder as if a longtime friend. "you're handsome but if you don't say sorry when you bump into someone, they'll lose interest. but maybe that's your charm."
he moves to slight past her, not at all caring about her presence, but before he knows it, she's stuck a hand into his back pocket, sending a kiss playfully before bounding over somewhere he doesn't give a damn about. the frown on his lips deepens, but before he has the chance to look into his pocket, you pop up right beside him.
"hey, i can't find the drinks but i've got everything else." he hears you say as you show him your basket full of things, smiling up at him. there are all kinds of things in the basket, ranging from chocolate, popcorn, ice cream, sausages, and many more. tonight is monthly movie night and he tries to shake off the weird encounter from his mind, not wanting to dampen the mood.
he smiles back, leaning down to take the basket from you. the hoodie you have on is his, and it dwarves you. the hem reaches your knees, and he can't see your hands which makes him chuckle all the while more. you told him that you were cold, he knows it's just another excuse to wear his hoodie.
"let's go home." he ruffles a hand through your hair, affection getting the best of him, before taking your hand with his other.
he drops the basket on the self-checkout counter, and helps you scan all the necessary items. he eyes the chupa-chups by the counter and grabs two, strawberry and cola, scanning both and handing them for you to choose. he chuckles when you brighten, choosing the strawberry for yourself.
"i'll take the bags." he takes both bags into his left hand, the other placing itself on your back. he leads you out, shaking his head in amusement when he feels you slip your hand into his back pocket.
"hey what's this?" the tone of your voice has him frowning. "i didn't know you smoke. it's bad for you, ya know?"
looking down at the cigarette in your hand, he eyes the scribble of numbers surrounding the stick. ah that's what she slipped in, he sighs. taking the cigarette from you, he's quick to throw it to the ground, crushing it with his foot.
"i don't," he chuckles at the look of disbelief on your face. leaning in, he plucks the candy from your mouth, pressing a kiss and pushing his tongue in. you taste sweet from the candy he notes, you smell like ice cream too. he's quick to pull back, chuckling when he realizes just how flustered you've become.
"i prefer sweets," he says with a smug smile before popping the candy into his own mouth.
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lymtw · 2 months
Thinking about those soft, nonsexual, intimate moments where you and Toji are lying in bed, with you on top of him. You're straddling him and your arms are thrown over his shoulders, clinging onto him like a little koala. Your face is buried into his neck and your eyes are shut as you bask in the warmth of his body.
"What's wrong, baby?" He asks, letting his arms come up to rest on your back. Having Toji's arms around you was like leaving every bad thing you've ever experienced behind. He radiated the warmth of a thousand suns, and it soothed you like nothing else.
You didn't respond to his question, instead your lips pressed to his neck, brushing against him with the gentleness of a light breeze. You're smart enough to know that if you kiss him too hard, it'll start a fire in a moment where one isn't necessary.
He's smiling, softly, at your sign of affection. His palms rub your back, comfortingly, with little to no pressure. Toji is all for having sex with you, all the time and anytime. He's well versed in this method of intimacy with you, but he's not an emotionless machine. He recognizes well enough when you need more than an orgasm. He understands that you have a heart, and sometimes it needs to be tended to, regardless of whether it's damaged or not. Sometimes you just want to feel loved, and when times like these are presented to him, who is he to ridicule you for needing him?
He chuckles, softly. "Just wanna love on me, don't you, baby?"
His hands lower to the hem of your shirt, sliding beneath it to get to the warmth of your bare skin. The tranquilizing motions on your back return.
"Just need you to be with me, right now," you mumble into his neck. "I know this probably seems weird, but I just wanna stay like this for a while."
"Shh... you're alright, my sweet girl. We can be quiet for a bit."
You go back to lazily kissing his neck. You can feel his heartbeat thrumming against your lips, a rhythm that makes your own heart start to pick up that same pace. You take a deep breath and slowly let it out, pausing your movements to appreciate the distinct smell of his cologne. It makes you want to squeeze him until he can't breathe, or at least attempt to squeeze him that hard.
"Toji," you say, quietly, like you're saying it to yourself.
"Hm?" He responds, stilling his hands.
"Nothing. Just wanted to say your name. I like saying your name."
Another laugh rumbles through his chest, the movement shaking you a little. "It's yours to say."
"Can I keep saying it? Until it doesn't sound like a name anymore?"
He smiles, pulling one hand out of your shirt to place it on the nape of your neck. "By all means. Don't need my permission."
You giggle, the sound so clear beneath Toji's ear. If he had the warmth of a thousand suns, you had the beauty of the night's guiding moon.
"Toji," you say, softly. After every repetition of his name, you ghost your lips all over his neck. Toji thinks he could stay like this for longer than a bit. He feels at ease, knowing you're there, acting as his most cherished blanket. He feels so light, like he's not even in his body anymore. You don't even know how happy he is. You can't see the soft smile on his face and how it's failing to disappear.
"Toji," you repeated one last time.
He had lost track of how many times you said his name, but not once did he get tired of hearing it. He wanted to answer your call, this time. "Yeah, baby?"
"Love you."
In all your gentleness and loving, you offered him serenity, and he enveloped himself in it. If your love could be bottled, he would live off of it. He would cook it into his every day meals. He would blend it into his protein shakes. He would bathe in it. He would mix it with his cologne. He would live off of it like it's the secret to a life spent with you loving him the way you do. So what if he's addicted? It seems like the perfect way to go.
Toji could hear your light breathing. You stopped kissing him, and your arms went limp on his shoulders. You fell asleep. It was a common occurrence whenever you shared moments like these with him. It was the security, and his embrace, and his warmth, and his scent... all things that made you feel safe enough to doze off.
He pressed multiple quick kisses to your temple. Both of his arms returned to your torso, wrapping around it with a slightly tighter hold than before. "Love you, too, mama," he muttered against your temple. He ended up falling asleep to the sound of your breathing.
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joshseoh · 7 months
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Lighting Overlay 2.0
Lighting Overlay 2.0 is an overlay to create fake shadow on your sims to sort of simulate a more realistic lighting in The Sims 4! I made this overlay CC to improve your screenshots aesthetics, not for gameplay, CAS genetics, etc!
This version is basically a standalone updated version of the first Lighting Overlay. Compared to the first version, it's softer, darker, and blends better. This version also only affects face, neck, a little bit of chest area, and won't affects outfits!. So, it'll be compatible maxis match and alpha outfits!
Two versions available: True Black Version and Color Version
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left pic: Lighting Overlay, right pic: Lighting Overlay 2.0
For all frames
Basegame compatible
14 different lighting setups, each with 5 different opacity!
For all ages
Custom thumbnail
This version can be found in Skin Details, Makeup, Tattoos, and Brow Ring (left) categories! This version, however, is not makeup sliders compatible.
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Preview of all the swatches! The last two swatches are meant to be leaves on trees shadow. If you guys like shadows like that, I might consider making another lighting overlay just for that!
Below is a preview on various skin tones. Unlike the first version, the version 2.0 still look good on the darkest skin tone!
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This version can only be found in Makeup category! It's makeup sliders compatible!
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By default, the color of the shadow in the color version is blue/purple-ish. You can use the hue slider to change it into any color!
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I highly recommend using the makeup sliders to reduce the white edges by maxing the saturation slider and lowering the brightness slider
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Read my Terms of Use before downloading!
Download here
Public release: 17 Dec 2023
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ddejavvu · 9 months
okay we know about Spencer's slutty slutty waist... but what about the reader biting her lips and squeezing her thighs every time his SLUTTIEST HAIR falls in his face?!? what about that huh? he's so innocent?!? and he doesn't even notice it?! that all she wants is to push her boyfriend against a wall?!? and mark him up?!? SPENCER REID WILL MAKE PEOPLE SIN 😭😭😭
It takes three calls of your name to break you from your stupor, but perhaps you're more startled by Emily's elbow digging into your bicep than you are at Hotch's stern tone.
"Y/L/N," Your boss glares at you, annoyance written all over his face, "Are you with us? This happens to be important."
"Sorry!" You stammer, blinking bewilderedly as you tear your eyes away from Spencer, "Sorry, what?"
"We're talking about the M.Os," Derek scoffs, but it's more teasing than Hotch's irritation had been, "Aren't you supposed to ogle your boyfriend on your own time?"
"I wasn't-!" You start, but it's really indefensible. After all, you'd zoned out for at least two minutes on the side of his face, and the strand of hair draped tantalizingly over his features. He'd tucked it behind his ear twice, but nothing stopped it from dipping back in front of his eyes. You're fairly certain you'd have gnawed right through your lip if you'd been allowed to continue daydreaming, so perhaps you should be grateful you've been called back to action.
You read over the file in your lap and Hotch's stern gaze lingers on you for a moment longer. Then he turns back to his own work, and prompts discussion once more. You let yourself blend into the background noise, piping up here and there so that you're not seen as slacking again, but not nearly as talkative as you normally are. You don't let yourself look at Spencer anymore for fear of losing focus, but you can feel him staring right at you, and it's taking everything in you not to stare right back.
Finally you're dismissed, the warning of 'wheels up in thirty' the last thing that Hotch says before stalking off to his office. The rest of your team disperses, some to the vending machine, some to the coffeemaker, and some to their desks, but Spencer purposefully lingers behind when you do.
"What was that?" He asks, sounding almost nervous. Of course. Leave it to Spencer to infer that your lust-filled gaze was actually a scrutinizing one.
"Your hair," You grunt, the sound almost a growl in your throat as you reach for the strand hanging in front of his eyes, "It- God, Spence, it just kept falling in your face, and- fuck."
He's frozen under your fingertips as you yank lightly on the strand of hair, using it to tug him to you for a kiss. He lets out a muffled sound of surprise, and you twirl his hair around your finger while you kiss him.
"Don't cut your hair," You plead, slightly breathless when you finally have the sense to draw back. You tuck the hair protectively behind his ear, like it'll be safe there from whatever scissors he aims at the rest of his waves, and he blinks at you, still processing your rather brazen display of affection.
"Okay," He nods along to your command, "Uh- okay, I won't- I won't cut my hair."
"Good." You grin, taking his chin between your fingers and giving it a teasing squeeze, "The longer it gets, the more there is for me to tug on, pretty boy."
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Melting Pot
Hardersson x Child!Reader
woso-dreamzzz Kids x Child!Reader (Princesse)
Summary: A melting point of universes
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The school building isn't one that Magda stared at a lot, despite it being just across the street from her house.
It was a selective school, only accepting a handful of students after hours of vetting and interviews. Magda wasn't quite sure what the requirements actually were but she's glad that she passed them.
"Morsa," You say as you stare up at the building," What if they don't like me?"
Magda looks out across the schoolyard, where a small handful of kids are playing around.
There's a section nearer the back with a few little babies. Another section with some kids playing around with a football. A different section with a climbing frame where one little girl is sitting at the very top.
"They'll love you," Magda assures you.
You didn't have the best run of schools in Germany, with one particular teacher scaring you into an anxiety attack so bad Pernille had to pick you up early.
It was one of the reasons that Magda had campaigned so hard for this school. The brochures and the reviews insisted that it was perfectly inclusive and because the pool of students were so small, the classes were really tailored to each child and their needs.
It was perfect and Magda thanks her lucky stares that she had secured a place for you.
"Intimidating, isn't it?"
Magda looks to her side to see a woman standing next to her.
"A little bit," Pernille says politely.
"We thought the same when we first came too."
There's a little girl standing next to her, staring up at Magda with wide eyes.
"It'll get better," Her mother says," I'm Alexia, by the way. This is my Pequeñita."
"Magda. And this is Pernille and Princesse."
"It's nice to meet you. But, really, it'll get better. My girls love it here."
Magda looks at the singular child. "Girls?"
Alexia smiles, jerking her chin to the other side of the road where a tall woman with dark hair is walking over with two children.
"My ex, Jenni."
"You talking bad about me, Ale?" Jenni asks good-naturedly. She's holding the hands of a girl with ribbons in her hair and the other on her hip is gripping the life out of a stuffed fox.
"Always," Alexia teases," This is Magda, Pernille and their daughter. They're new."
"I was wondering who got the new place," Jenni says," Nice to meet you. This is Bambi and Osita. I'd shake your hand but they're full."
Pernille laughs. "It's fine."
You shuffle a bit closer to her, tugging on the sleeve of your jumper as you walk into the schoolyard.
Pequeñita starts pulling away the moment she spots a pack of similar-looking children, zeroing in on the smallest of them and Alexia lets her hand go so she can attach herself to the girl.
Bambi also disappears off to a corner of the playground where a group of girls are making daisychains.
Osita sits in Jenni's arms.
"Hi, there," A cheerful woman that you identify as a teacher says," You must be Miss Harder and Miss Eriksson. It's nice to finally meet you all." She crouches down. "And you must be my new student."
"Hi," You whisper.
"Ah, a shy one. I think you'll fit right in." She looks back at your mothers. "We've still got fifteen-twenty minutes or so before school starts. You're welcome to hang around the playground to get her settled."
"Thank you."
You squeeze Morsa's hand tight as she leads you around the playground.
There are still a lot of parents hanging around so you don't feel awkward still clinging to Momma and Morsa.
You stay mainly silent as you stare out across the playground.
"Lots of blended families," Momma notes, jerking her head around the playground at where she's noticed exes and custody agreements that are clearly a little sour.
"Inclusive too," Morsa says.
There's a little baby wearing hearing aids sitting on her mummy's lap over in the corner with the rest of the babies.
"International as well."
You're in a melting pot of languages and culture, something you can pick out even over all the shrieking of the playground.
There's languages you recognise and accents that you don't.
You relax a little.
There's a shriek nearby and you turn your head to see that throng of similar-looking girls wrestling around while a tall woman sighs and her smaller partner tries to separate them.
"Big family," Morsa laughs as the smaller woman gets tackled to the ground by the rest of her kids.
You're still looking around when a football comes rolling to a stop in front of you.
You look at it.
A group of girls come running over.
"Can we have our ball back please?" It's one of the taller ones that ask, the one that looks fairly similar to the group that's tackled their mummy to the ground.
You nod, gently kicking it back. She grabs it, turning to go.
"What's that?" A smaller girl points at your bag.
"It's my Wolfsburg keychain."
"Wolfsburg? Like the football club?"
You nod. "We used to live in Germany. Wolfsburg is our German team."
"Who's your English team?"
The smaller girl shoves her way forward, holding out her hand. "I'm Bean," She says," My team's Arsenal too."
"And mine!"
"That's Bug. She's technically my niece because my sister Leah's her mummy even though we're the same age."
"Hi," You say, gently letting go for Morsa and Momma's hands to shake Bean's.
"And this is Peanut and Nena," Bean continues," We play football together. Tesoro too but she's late because her sister Lessi likes staying in bed as long as possible."
Bean passes the ball off to her niece, who does a round of fairly impressive keepy-uppies.
"Do you play?"
You nod. "I play keeper."
"Cool!" Peanut interrupts," We don't have a keeper yet! Do you want to play with us?"
"Yes, please."
You go to move away but Morsa draws you back.
"Hey," She says," We're going to go, alright? Are you good here?"
Momma gives you a kiss and a cuddle and Morsa does the same before you're released.
You run into goal just in time for Bug to release a wicked shock that you jump up to collect easily.
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tickfleato · 7 months
how to make cool blobby turing patterns in photoshop
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i'll preface with i learned the basic loop from skimming a tutorial on youtube, but as someone who prefers written tutorials i'm sure many would appreciate one! also, the second part of this is some of the visual effects i figured out on my own using blending modes and stuff.
i'm using photoshop CS4 on a mac so some buttons and stuff might be in different places on windows and newer photoshop versions but all the actions are the same. my canvas is 1000x1000 pixels.
UPDATES (i'm hoping these'll show up whenever you open the readmore?)
it's possible to do something similar in krita using this plugin, made by the love @arcaedex
it's also possible to do this in photopea, a free browser alternative to photoshop! the results are pretty much identical.
FIRST off you wanna get or make a black and white image of some kind. it has to be one layer. can be noise, a photo, a bunch of lines, whatever. here's mine, just some quick airbrush lines:
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now find the actions tab. idk what it looks like in newer versions of photoshop but you probably won't need to dig!
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hit the little page thingy to make a new pattern. once you hit 'record', it'll record everything you do. the little square 'stop' icon will end it.
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now you want to do a high pass filter. you can mess around with the radius to change the size of your squiggles, but the tutorial had it set to 6. experiment!
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now add the 'threshold' adjustment layer. i use the adjustments tab but i think there's also a dropdown menu somewhere. keep it at the default, 128. merge it down. (control or command + E or you can right click it like some kind of weirdo)
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and finally, the gaussian blur! the radius of this affects the shape and size of your squiggles as well. i like to keep it around 4.5 but you can mess around with that too.
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after that, hit 'stop' on the action you're recording, and then repeat it a bunch of times using the 'play' button, until you have something you like, like this:
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WOW!! that was fun!! and only a little tedious thanks to the power of macros. anyway, here's some fun layer blending stuff i like to do. it's with a different pattern cause i made this bit first.
anyway, using a black and white gradient (or a grey base that you do black and white airbrush on), make a layer with the vivid light. this will make the blobs look thicker or thinner.
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then, for cool colors, do a gradient map adjustment layer over that:
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and finally, my best friend, the overlay layer. just using a gradient here bc i'm lazy, but feel free to experiment with brushes, colors, and blending modes!
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also these are not hard and fast rules PLEASE mess around with them to see what kind of weird shit you can make. here's a gif. as you can see i added some random airblush blobs in the middle of it, for fun.
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impactedfates · 2 months
Letters Unsent - Genshin + HSR Boys x GN! Reader
★ Summary: After their death, you find a letter. A letter he wrote. A letter he wrote for you, a letter he wished he could’ve given to you personally. A letter describing his feelings.
☆ Characters Included (Separate): Diluc, Wriothesley, Cyno, Argenti, Jing Yuan + Gepard
★ Genre/Trope: Angst + Hurt/No Comfort
☆ Warnings: Major Character Death (Not the Readers)
★ Extra: Angst is fun, angst is nice :)) // Might make another part with different characters if this does well // Not fully proof read // Motivation came back cuz of sad tunes/hj
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He said he'd be back, that it'll be quick. Despite your worry, you knew he was strong, so he'd be able to protect himself right? So you trusted him. Trusted him so much that when his co-worker showed up to your door with an expression you couldn't exactly read, you were confused. It was about him but...he was fine right? Then why were they telling you he had passed? The injuries he sustained was...to much for his body to handle? The healers couldn't help him? But...he said he'd be back...you were snapped out of your thoughts when they handed you a letter with your name on it. "I think he knew he wouldn't be able to make it...so...he wanted you to have this...even if he couldn't hear your answer"
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"To My Dearest,
If I'd ever be lucky to even call you that. Although this isn't ideally how I wanted to do this. I believe I can only get these things on paper, it's much too difficult otherwise. I was never good with words so I hope this alternative is alright for you.
Ever since the day I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were different. Not in a bad way. It took me way too long to figure out the reason for this was due to the fact I loved you.
I loved seeing your smile.
Hearing your laugh.
Loved the small talk we had that would end up with me taking you home. You made me feel something I didn't think I would ever feel, and I'm unsure if I even deserve it.
If I even deserve you.
Whether or not you feel the same way, I hope we can stick together as long as time allows us.
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"To Y/N
Hope you're doing well, life in Meropide is still as dull as ever. Well, unless you decide to visit, you really do light up the room when you come by don't you? Or maybe that's just for me.
Anyways, preferably I would be telling you this in person, but more work has piled up. That's also why our little tea sessions have to be put on hold for now. Don't worry, as soon as this all clears up and I investigate this one area, then we can go back to the usual.
I have this one blend I think you'd really like!
Anyways, enough beating around the bush.
I like you.
Like like you.
I love you.
So much.
I can't even begin to describe how much I love you, and even if I did I feel you'd be gagging at how cheesy I was being haha!
But really, I love you so much. I want to be with you, of course I understand if you don't feel the same. But Sigwinnie would have my head if I postponed this confession any longer.
I hope to see you again after my work.
Yours Truly
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"Hello Y/N
I never thought I'd be writing this kind of letter in my free time. Unfortunately for me, it seems as though fate likes making things harder for me and whenever I want to even try to talk to you about this, it's much more difficult than it was when I practised in the mirror.
Practised to Tighnari.
We can ignore that for now though as I'm still trying to put this all together in words.
I would let you borrow my TCG set, you can use it as you please and I'd even let you touch my limited edition cards.
If that's not making any sense then how about a joke?
How does a fruit confess?
They say "Olive You"
Get it, because an olive is a type of fruit, and olive sounds like "I love"
I love you"
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"My beloved rose
As much as I'd love to tell you all these words in person, my search for Idrila is still ongoing and I am unsure when I'll be able to see your beautiful face once again.
Ever since my eyes laid on your beauty, I thought I had found Idrila herself, but once I got to know you. Even if you weren't the Goddess, you could almost rival her.
The sparkle in your eyes.
The pretty little smile.
Your wonderful personality.
All those things you think are flaws? I love each and everyone of them. They are not flaws to me and it pains me knowing you think of yourself like that.
Once we meet again, I want to make sure you know how deserving you are of these words, how your 'flaws' aren't flaws and how much I love every bit of you.
Though I am aware I find many things worthy of praise. I want to let you know that you're different.
I don't just want to praise you, compliment you. I wish to love you, hold your hands and protect you with my life, no matter what it takes.
I love you so much, and if I could be so lucky to call you mine. Well, I think I'd be the happiest man alive.
I will return soon,
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"Morning, Afternoon or Night
I'm not too sure when the Cloud Knight will give this to you, or when I'll give this to them. Whatever the case, I won't beat around the bush too much.
I love you.
Nothing could compare the feeling in my heart when I see you.
The smile that will never fade as long as you're there by my side.
You are just amazing. In all my years of living, never would I have thought to have met someone as perfect as you.
Even Fu Xuan herself can see just how enamoured I am for you, although for her. She's been using it as an advantage to do work.
'If you finish now you can see them quicker'
'How would they feel knowing that you're not working?'
'Stop dozing off or they won't come to see you ever again!'
I must admit, they all do work. Even if in hindsight, not only would I still see you even with work uncomplete, I'll see you plenty of times and more to come but I don't think you care all too much about my sleep.
But I digress.
I hope this letter finds you well, take as much time as you need to consider my words and think about your own feelings.
I'll be waiting where I always am.
Jing Yuan"
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"Dear Y/N
Aeons this is embarrassing. But it would be even more embarrassing if Serval kept teasing me about this. I've been putting this off for so long, worried about how you'd react.
Your answer.
And if this would change your view on me...but you're not that kind of person. I know you're not. And after a bit of thinking, to save me from stumbling on my words. I decided to write a letter.
Serval should be the one giving this to you, so I hope she didn't say anything to you, I would nearly die of embarrassment if she did. Anyways!
So...I know it's probably not much hoping Serval wouldn't say something actually, knowing her, she gave it away with one sentence but...
I like you, a lot. More than you could ever know.
And I'm more than happy to talk to you about this in full once I'm back from my mission.
I can only pray you feel the same, but even if you don't.
I hope we stay friends.
Until next time,
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Sorry if any characters are OOC, I tried my best with writing what I think they'd write in a confession letter, but I hope you enjoyed this anyways!
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jakeyp · 3 months
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GRID + TORN PAPER + RAINBOW LAYOUT TUTORIAL (yeah, i'm sorry, but that is the title i came up with)
Hi everyone! This tutorial was requested by an anon, and we're going to make a gifset like this. You need, as usual, basic gifmaking skills and basic photoshop knowledge, but i'll try to explain this as easily as possible!
You'll also need a torn paper brush, which you can download here.
And here are the links to download the fonts used in my gifset: x, x
Okay let's start!
→ First you're going to create a new canvas, and it will be 540x540 px. Make sure to click on create video timeline (if you dont have a timeline, go to window > timeline. We'll leave this canvas there waiting for us :)
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Then, onto our first gif. We're going to make the small square gifs first. All i do is resize the image and make it 120 px high, and you'll see why in a moment.
Make sure to remember the number of frames of this gif!! All the gifs we're going to put in the same canvas should have the same amount of frames.
Okay, so we have our first small gif:
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As you can see it's a smart object, and I added some brightness, but so far that's all. You can sharpen it, but i like to sharpen until i've colored it. Now onto the important part:
Most of the gifs i worked with were mostly blue (aside from the skin color), which is recommendable, because you can create lots of colors starting from blue, using the hue/saturation adjustment, or camera raw filter. I also recommend you to use a gif that doesn't move a lot, so it'll be easier to color the background:
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For the tutorial, we have our predominantly blue gif, but we are going to make it yellow, which is the opposite color, so it's the hardest to get. I hope you can see how i manipulate colors, and do it yourself :)
Here, you can use camera raw filter (filter > camera raw filter) to turn the blues and purples greener, like this:
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And click ok to exit the camera raw filter. Then, we're going to use hue/saturation (image > adjustments > hue/saturation) to turn it yellow:
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Since it was cyan, i changed the cyans, but if you got a much greener result you'll have to use green (duh, right? i dont know i just dont want anyone to get confused akjsdhs)
And you can also add a selective color adjustment to make those yellows more yellow:
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The reason i don't directly use hue/saturation is cause it might look ugly and lose quality, or it wont pick up all the colors i want it to but they're also very small gifs so if you wanna do that, do it :)
I sharpen it until this point, but if you already have that's okay.
Now we're going to color the background! For that, you just add a new layer, and set the blending mode to color.
Then you'll use your brush, set it to 20px and 0% hardness, and pick the color you're using for this gif, you can use the eyedropper tool. This is why it's important that the gif doesn't move a lot, so you can color the bg like this:
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I colored carefully around the edges, and that's the result. In some gifs from my gif set I colored Jake's jacket too because i was too lazy, but this looks cleaner :)
You might want to select the color layer and the gif layer to convert them both to a smart object, just to make everything easier. So, be careful, because after that you won't be able to change anything!
But let's say you have a scene that you want to include, and it moves too much and has no blue and it's going to be a nightmare to color it.
Well, don't worry, you can! Simply, instead of manually coloring everything, you can just choose to add a gradient map to it (image > adjustments > gradient map), like this:
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And this is the result:
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Just remember, it has to be the same amount of frames as the other ones!
You repeat the process, until you have 10 small gifs. I made around 5 manually colored gifs, and 5 gifs with gradient for each gif. That's a confusing sentence but i hope you get it.
We are going to start pasting the small gifs on our first canvas.
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(You can paste them one by one but i did this so you can see my 10 gifs)
You're going to create a square that has to be 108x108 px, using the rectangle tool. You can remove the default white background.
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And you may be wondering, why did we not just crop the small gifs into those dimensions? Well, you can do that, but to me it's much easier this way, because sometimes cropping isn't accurate, or it's tedious.
Place the small square on top the gif you're going to crop, right where the face of the character is (or whatever objects you're giffing), and while holding ctrl, click on the square. It will select it:
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You're going to create a layer mask:
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And then drag that layer mask to the gif:
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And voila! It's now the same size as the small square. Once that's done, right click on the layer and convert it to a smart object, because we have to remove that mask. Make the square layer invisible, and start placing your gifs where you want them:
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You're going to repeat that process with the rest of the gifs, and then place them all together. Don't forget that if you're making the first gif, they will all be at the bottom of the canvas, if it's one of the middle gifs, one row should be at the top and the other one at the bottom, and when you're making the last gif, they should all be at the top. Here we're making the first one, so they will all be at the bottom:
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If you forgot to check that all the gifs had the same amount of frames, you can fix it here, just make sure no gif is past this little guy:
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Okay! Now, to create the gutter, we're going to add a layer mask to each small gif, so that we can cut some of it.
The gutter has to be 4 pixels, (i recommend you to REALLY zoom in). What i do is make sure the width of the gutter takes 2 pixels from the edges of the gifs, since they are all together. As you can see in the image above, there's no a single empty pixel between the gifs.
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This is a close-up of what i'm talking about. I select two pixels from each gif, and go all the way down to create the gutter:
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(I hope I'm not over or underexplaining)
I usually use this tool when i have to make so many selections:
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But that was just an example :)
(Another way you can do this, is by changing the size of the small square from the beginning and make it be 104x104 px, but i don't know why that seems more complicated to me ajsdks)
Anyway, this is what we have so far:
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Now we're going to create the big gif. Its normal dimensions are usually around 1920x1080, unless you have different dimensions and have to crop it, but whatever it is, we're going to resize it and crop it to be around 550 px wide, and 400 px high:
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We'll do the same thing of adding an adjustment of gradient to it to make it the color we're using. For this, i usually add a brightness layer before, because sometimes the gradient is a bit dark.
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And using a 600px brush with 0% hardness, you can add some "light" on a new layer, like this:
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Selecting all the layers, right-click on them and convert them to a smart object. Again, be careful, because once its a smart object, you wont be able to change any of it!
Then we paste our big gif on the canvas with small gifs, and add a layer mask to it. Using the torn paper brush at 600px, remove some of the gif to shape it like the torn paper. Make sure you're using black, otherwise it won't work correctly:
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To make the effect better, add a layer UNDER the big gif, and using the torn paper brush, with the same size, you can paint under it:
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Yeah, I covered some of jake's face, but that's how it supposed to look so the effect works!
And finally for the text! I used Granesta, at 150 px, and at -10.00º to make it a bit askew.
We're going to double click on it and give it a color overlay, set to normal, and give it a solid shadow if you want, then place it right here on the corner:
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But as you can see, it's too big for the gif. So we're going to add a layer mask to it, and again, shape it the same way that we did with the gif. Make sure they're exactly the same shape, like this:
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And that's it! This is our final result:
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As always I'm sure there are easier ways to do many of these things, this is just how i do it but if you know an easier way to do it, go ahead. I hope this was at least understandable enough so you can apply the logic of it any way you want :)
If you have any questions you can send me an ask and i'll clarify!
If you found this helpful i'd really appreciate it if you left a tip on my ko-fi!
Happy giffing!
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melagnes · 4 months
PECSA Weekend: One Bed
Synopsis: You are a teacher at Abbott Elementary and Barb knows Melissa has feelings for you. During PECSA weekend, Barb, being sick of the both of you avoiding your feelings for each other, only booked two hotel rooms, leaving you and Mel to share. It is just your luck that there was only one bed...
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Word Count: 2.8K
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It had been a regular day at Abbott Elementary; a lovely blend of chaos, humour, and heartwarming moments. You had gotten to school an hour early that day, which left you with the much-needed time to prep your classroom for your students, and most importantly, brew a cup of coffee.
Upon entering the breakroom, you noticed that you weren't the only one who arrived early–Melissa's gaze turned away from the news on the television and focused on you. "Ey, Good Morning early bird. How's it going?" she greeted.
"It will be much better when I wake up with some caffeine. How about you?" you replied.
"Ah, you know Tesoro, I'm feeling quite good but maybe it's the anticipation of seeing you."
You blushed profusely–Melissa never failed to make you blush. The attraction you had for her was so strong, she was always on your mind. Contrary to your belief, but obvious to every single teacher at Abbott, Melissa felt the same about you. She loved to make you blush every chance she got. However, Mel had no idea you felt the same way about her, so she just playfully flirted with you; she didn't push any further since she didn't want to ruin your existing friendship.
"Mel, you're such a sweetheart. I hate to cut this short, but I need to head back to my class and prepare for my students. I'll catch you later at lunch," you said, as you left the room with the biggest smile and your cheeks still pink and warm.
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As the weekend approached, anticipation buzzed through the halls of Abbott Elementary–the excitement for PECSA weekend was immense. The annual Pennsylvania Educational Conference for the Southeast Area was a time for teachers to come together to discuss their teaching, but truly, veteran teachers Barbara and Melissa were looking forward to the Math-a-ritas.
However, this year was different. Barbara knew you and Melissa were both whipped out of your minds for each other, and this predicament was quite frankly getting on her nerves. She knew she needed to intervene since the two of you would not get your heads out of your asses.
In the breakroom, the three of you were sitting in your usual places for lunch; Barb beside Mel, and you next to Mel, naturally.
"Well, is everyone excited for PECSA weekend?" Barb asks, humming in excitement.
"Of course," you state with a smile.
Barbara directed her attention towards you, "Which got me thinking... Maybe you should join us? It would be a shame to miss out on all the fun together."
"Oh, uh, I don't know..." you glance toward Melissa, a hint of uncertainty in your expression.
"I'd love to have you join us, Piccola. It'll be fun," Melissa adds.
"As long as I wouldn't be intruding," you reply hesitantly.
"Oh, trust me, you wouldn't be intruding at all! We'd be thrilled to have you join us. It's gonna be a blast, and the more, the merrier, right?" Barbara reassures you, "Plus, I've got a feeling Melissa would be thrilled to have you there."
As Barbara finished her sentence, Melissa shot her a playful scowl, her cheeks flushing slightly.
You couldn't help but grin at Melissa's reaction, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest at the thought of spending more time with her outside of school. "Well, if Melissa insists, who am I to refuse?" you say with a playful wink.
Melissa rolled her eyes, though the smile tugging at her lips betrayed her true feelings.
Barbara knowingly chuckles at the exchange, pleased with herself for putting the beginning stages of her plan in motion. "Great! It's settled then. PECSA weekend, here we come!"
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The weekend has commenced and you found yourself packed and ready to go, excitement bubbling in your chest. When you heard a knock at your front door indicating Melissa's arrival to pick you up, you couldn't shake the nervous anticipation that swirled within you. The prospect of spending the weekend with Melissa was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.
When you opened the door, your breath caught in your throat, "Hey Mel." It was a reflex; whenever you saw her, her mere presence always left you momentarily speechless.
"Ya ready to hit the road?" she asked, her smile infectious.
"Absolutely, thanks for picking me up," you state gratefully.
After you put your bag in the trunk and crawled into the back seat of the car, your voyage to PECSA commenced. The atmosphere was relaxed as Melissa took the wheel, with Barb in the passenger seat beside her. Without much time at all, the two of them fell into their all too recognizable banter.
Sensing the opportunity, Barbara leaned back in her seat with a glint in her eye. "You know," she began, her voice laced with humour, "I suggest that you all drop your vices and take a hit of my drug of choice — J.E.S.U.S. Street name: Christ" she exclaims.
Melissa raised an eyebrow, feigning offence. "Uh, you've been known to demolish those little bottles of Chardonnay."
"And you snort that liquid marijuana." Barbara countered.
Their teasing sent you into a choke of laughter. Although amusing, their witty remarks settled a familiar ambiance you all appreciated.
As you sank deeper into the back seat, you found yourself stealing glances at Mel in the rearview mirror, unable to resist admiring her effortless beauty. It is unfair that one could look as good as Mel, while simply operating a motor vehicle.
Once you reached the hotel and the car was parked, you and Melissa unloaded the luggage, while Barbara went to the front desk to get your room keys.
When you walk into the hotel, you are met with a concerned-looking Barb, "It seems there's been a mix-up regarding the number of rooms booked, and unfortunately, there are only two rooms available."
In reality, this mix-up was not an accident–it was part of Barb's master plan to push you and Mel beyond the boundary of friendship. "Apologies for the mix-up, everyone. Now, how should we-"
"We can share," Melissa cuts her off while linking arms with you.
You felt your cheeks flush with heat as you exchanged a nervous glance with Melissa. "Yeah, of course."
"Perfect, it's settled then," Barbara handed you the room key and winked knowingly at the two of you before heading off to her room, leaving you and Melissa standing awkwardly in the hallway.
Taking a deep breath, you turned to Melissa with a hesitant smile. "So, I guess we're roommates for the weekend."
Melissa returned your smile, her expression softening. "Yeah, looks like it. Should be interesting."
As your shoulders lightly brushed against each other, you both navigated the hallway, tracing the numbered signs until your room came into view.
As you both stepped into the hotel room, a peculiar realization dawned upon you–there was only one bed. Your heart quickened as your gaze involuntarily shifted towards Melissa.
"So, uh, any preferences on who gets the bed?" you asked, attempting to ease the tension that hung in the air.
Melissa responded with a nonchalant shrug, "Well, there's only one, so I guess we'll have to share. No one wants to sleep on the floor, right?"
Your heart skipped a beat at her words, but you tried to play it cool. "Right, makes sense."
You were doomed.
Melissa broke the silence with a suggestion, "How about we head down to the pool and grab some drinks?"
"I'm in," you replied without hesitation. You knew a drink would be necessary to steady your nerves, especially with the prospect of sharing a bed with the woman you were in love with.
As you descended to the poolside, Barb was already there, greeting you both with a playful smirk adorning her lips. "Well, well, well, look who finally decided to join the party," she teased, raising an eyebrow at the two of you.
After taking a seat beside Barbara, a server approached with a tray of drinks. Melissa swiftly snagged a couple of Math-a-ritas, passing one to you with a wink.
"Here's to PECSA weekend," she declared, raising her glass in a toast.
You clinked your drink against hers, a grin spreading across your face. "To PECSA weekend."
After a couple of drinks in your system, tearing your eyes away from Melissa became an increasingly grueling task. Bathed in the golden hue of the sun, she seemed to exude an otherworldly allure, her features accentuated by the gentle light.
It was as if every glance only served to deepen the spell she unknowingly cast upon you. From the delicate way she brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear, to the infectious sound of her laughter, each moment spent in her presence seemed to send you further into the depths of your emotions. Melissa was more than just attractive; she was captivating, a force that left you unable to break free from the mesmerizing hold she had over you.
"Hey, you okay?" Mel asked, shaking you out of your trance with a hint of concern in her voice as she noticed your distant expression. She had caught you staring.
"Yeah, sorry about that," you replied, offering her a sheepish smile. "Just lost in thought for a moment."
Melissa grinned, her eyes laced with amusement. "Must have been some pretty deep thoughts," she teased, giving you a playful nudge.
You chuckled, as you felt a flush of embarrassment creep onto your cheeks. "Just admiring the view," you said, gesturing vaguely to the poolside surroundings.
Her laughter rang out, a melodic sound that filled the air. "Well, I can't say I blame you."
The rest of the evening passed in a blur of laughter and conversation between the three of you, but eventually, the time came for you and Melissa to retire to your shared room for the evening.
After preparing for bed, you found yourselves lying side by side under the covers, a palpable tension hanging in the air. Despite the deepening connection between you, there was an unspoken understanding that crossing certain boundaries could jeopardize the precious bond you shared.
Something unbeknownst to you, however, beneath Melissa's tough exterior lay a secret longing for intimacy–a desire to break down the barriers between you and bask in the comfort of your embrace.
To your surprise, as you lay there, you felt Melissa's arm snake around your waist. This caused you to immediately tense up, your heart pounding in your ears as conflicting emotions engulfed you. On one hand, you've always wanted this—longed for the closeness and affection that Melissa's touch promised. But on the other hand, her unexpected move left you feeling confused and uncertain.
As Melissa's warmth seeped into your skin, you couldn't help but wonder about the implications of her actions. Was Mel attracted to you? Or was this simply a gesture of platonic affection? The questions floated in your mind, but before you could voice your thoughts, Melissa shifted closer, her breath ghosting over your ear as she whispered softly, "Is this okay?"
Her words send a shiver down your spine, the tenderness in her voice melted away your doubts and fears. With a hesitant nod and a whispered "yes," you surrendered to her embrace, gently placing your hand atop hers, allowing the warmth and intimacy of the moment to envelop you.
As the night wore on, neither of you could sleep, your feelings occupying your minds and you couldn't take it anymore, in a moment of recklessness, you turned towards Mel so your chests were pressed against each other and your eyes locked. Your breath hitched as you lowered your gaze to her lips, savouring the sight of their softness, their allure drawing you in. When your eyes flick back to meet hers, you're met with dilated pupils, a silent invitation that ignited a firestorm of desire within you.
With a trembling hand, you slowly tangled your fingers into her fiery red hair, relishing the silky texture beneath your touch. Your heart pounded in your ears, the anticipation reaching a peak as you guided your mouths together with a hunger that bordered on desperation.
Melissa tensed at the suddenness of your action, and for a split second, you feared you'd made a mistake.
"Mel, I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-" But before you could apologize, she surprised you by pulling you back to her lips with an urgency that matched your own. The kiss was warm and passionate. And as you lost yourself in the intoxicating taste of her lips, you realized that this is where you were always meant to be—wrapped in her arms.
"I've been wanting to do that for so long," Melissa confessed after you broke apart, her voice barely above a whisper.
You couldn't help but smile, the weight of her words lifting a burden from your shoulders. "Me too," you admitted, your heart overflowing with emotion.
And as you lay together, wrapped in each other's embrace, you knew that this was just the beginning of a love that would last a lifetime.
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The morning light filtered delicately through the curtains, casting a soft glow upon the tangled sheets where you and Melissa lay intertwined. With a contented sigh, you shifted closer to her, savouring the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest against yours. As if stirred by your movement, her eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning," you whispered softly, brushing a stray strand of auburn hair behind her ear.
"Morning," Mel murmured, her voice husky with sleep as she tightened her embrace around you.
For a fleeting moment, you lay there basking in the intimacy of the morning, the outside world fading into insignificance.
"I could stay like this forever," Mel confessed softly, her breath warm against your neck.
Your heart fluttered at her words, a blush rising to your cheeks as you pressed a gentle kiss to her temple.
"I mean... I wouldn't mind that" you admitted shyly, your lips grazing against her skin. "But we should probably get up soon," you chuckled, the reality of the day's plans creeping back into your consciousness. "Barb will likely be waiting to have breakfast before we head home."
"Yeah, I know," Mel sighed, reluctantly releasing you from her hold.
"But can we stay like this just a little while longer?" she groaned, her voice laden with desire, before drawing you into a kiss that ignited with a slow ecstasy. Your lips traced a path to Mel's neck, planting a series of tender kisses that culminated in a gentle bite, eliciting a whimper from her.
As she trailed kisses down your neck in response, a soft moan escaped your lips prompting her to shift her focus. She captured your mouth with hers, her tongue delving deep into your mouth. Your hand instinctively slid up her back beneath her shirt, caressing and exploring the warmth of her skin. It took every ounce of willpower to pull away from her at that moment. You stare at her, both of your breaths coming ragged as you met Mel's gaze, both of you wide-eyed and flushed with desire.
"Mel... it's time to go to brunch," you managed, your voice strained with longing. "I can guarantee you, there will be more of this later," you added with a suggestive nod toward the tousled sheets.
"Fine," Melissa huffs, playfully rolling her eyes, but a smile still plastered on her lips.
But before she could get out of bed, you grabbed her arm, "I'm glad this happened you know," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. "I've seriously had my eyes on you since I started working at Abbott. I was losing it seeing you come into work every day looking so good and I had to pretend as if I didn't notice."
"Is that so... well, I'll be sure to give you something to notice next time we're at work," Mel smirks at you and smacks your ass as she untangles herself from you in favour of getting dressed.
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Later, at brunch, Barbara's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the scene before her. Her gaze flicked between you and Melissa, her lips curling into a mischievous smile as she noticed the telltale marks scattered across both of your necks.
"Looks like someone had a good night," she teased, her tone laced with amusement.
Confusion gave way to recognition as you noticed the purple bruises scattered across Mel's neck, and her eyes widened as she noticed similar marks on yours.
A silent understanding passed between the two of you as Melissa chuckled softly, leaning in closer to you as she reached for her coffee. "We may have gotten a little carried away," she admits with a wink.
Barbara laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Well, I'm glad to see you two are finally getting your act together," she says, her tone affectionate. "It's about time."
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xtreklx · 11 months
Bumpin' ~ Raphael x reader
One-shot: bayverse Raphael x reader
Word count: 1k
Warnings: SFW, fluff, slightly mature themes (rated 17+, see my masterlist for disclaimer)
A/N: a self-indulging one-shot I thought up for Raphie boy. thanks for reading!
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"Y/N, I'm boooooooored."
Michelangelo let out a long, drawn-out sigh and turned to look at you. You were both strewn about the living room of the lair, him on the floor and you on the couch. This time was normally used for your weekly Mortal Kombat sesh, but Donatello had shut off the lair's power to make a repair, so the two of you were forced to find an alternative activity. Which sounded like a simple task, but had since proven the opposite.
You mimicked your friend's long-drawn out sigh with a smirk on your face. "Yeah, I bet Don decided on purpose to do this right now," you replied. "Not that I blame him, we do get pretty loud when we game." You were laying on the couch as you spoke, scrolling absentmindedly through your phone's home screen and hoping that an app or notification would give you some sort of inspiration.
You thought for a moment as Mikey continued his mock sighs, which were rising in both volume and drama, before turning to him with an idea. "Hey Mikey, do you use Spotify to listen to music?" He looked to you again before pulling out his phone. "Yeah, team Spotify all the way! Why?"
You sat up with a new invigoration. "We should create a blended playlist!" You exclaimed, opening the app on your phone. "We can compare our music tastes and see what we have in common, it'll be fun!" Mikey sat up from his spot on the floor and handed you his phone with the Spotify app open. "Hell yeah, girl! I'm always in the mood to bump some tunes! Lemme go get my speaker." And with that, he took off to his room.
You got to work with both of your phones in your hand. When he returned, you hit shuffle on your blended playlist and the music started flowing from the speaker. You moved to sit next to him on the floor.
"When I look at the playlist story, it says we have a 56% music match." "Okaaaaaaay, that's not too bad," Mikey replied. "Where do we match up, dudette?" You tapped the screen again, showing him. "Our number one match is Tyler the Creator. That makes sense, I listen to him a lot!" "No way, me too!" Mikey exclaimed. "He's definitely one of my fave artists."
The two of you began chatting away and singing along to songs as they came up, while unknowingly summoning a third party.
"Poor Don'll never get the quiet time he wants," Raphael spoke, shaking his head as he walked into the living room from the dojo. His gruff voice startled you from behind and your heart rate increased, as it often did around the short-tempered brother. You had had a crush on him for a few months now, but were far too intimidated and nervous to make a move, so it went unaddressed. The turtle in question strolled over and plopped down on the couch, looking down at you both on the floor. "What're you two idiots doing, anyway?"
"We're just bumpin' some tunes, bro!" Mikey called, shaking his head to the beat of the song playing. "We're comparing our music tastes!" You excitedly said. "And actually, we're using a very technical algorithm, so this is in the name of science! Donnie couldn't argue with that," you grinned up to the turtle in red. Raph rolled his eyes but let a small smirk grace his features in return. Dork.
"Alright dollface. Since it's so impressive, show me how it works."
You explained the process to him as Mikey continued to jam to the music playing from his speaker. Raph listened and examined the blended playlist you had created. "Hmm... Y/N, see what ours would look like," he pondered, reaching for his phone. Again, your heart sped up, but you breathed out an "O-okay" and took his phone from him. As you tapped the screen, you ignored Mikey wiggling his brows at you in your peripheral vision, knowing about your feelings toward his brother.
When you finished, you gasped slightly, and turned the screen to Raph. "We're at 84%!!!" you squealed, showing him where your favorite artists intertwined. You scrolled through the playlist to see a mix of heavy metal, grunge, classic rock, R&B and rap. Tyler the Creator was also listed as one of your top matching artists.
"No way," the brute scoffed, leaning towards you so that he could look over your shoulder at your blended playlist. You both pointed out which songs were your favorite and why, and also chatted about the favorite artists you had in common. Your nerves eased as you connected with him, your heart thrumming at the realization that he was being... kind of vulnerable with you. You were getting to see a part of Raph that he had never shown you before.
All of the sudden, the song changed to 'Dogtooth' by Tyler the Creator, and Mikey jumped up, hollering. You gasped with joy, and you both looked to each other with excitement. "I love this song!!!" You both yelled, and then: "JINX!" You laughed hard as Mikey ran from the living room, yelling the lyrics at the top of his lungs, 100% looking to annoy his other older brothers.
As your laughing ceased and you turned back to Raph, you took in a quick breath as you realized how close you two were leaning in before the outburst. You were still on the floor, but had scooted towards his spot on the couch until you were practically leaning on his lap. You could feel his warm breath brush your face, and he got an amused look on his face as he gazed at you.
Your eyes widened naturally with the proximity, and after a moment of silence and staring at each other, you opened your mouth you speak. But before you could, Raph began rapping along to the song playing from Mikey's speaker, a growing smirk on his face and a unique glint in his hazel eyes as he watched you.
"She could ride my face, I don't want nothin' in return. Except for some her time and all her love, that's my concern. I'm tryna buy my neighbor's house..."
The eye contact he was giving you in this moment could only be described one way: heavy. And your face turned beet red. The closeness, his gaze, his smirk, the words- it was all too much for your poor heart to take.
"R-raph, w-what are you doing?"
"I'm just bumpin' some tunes, dollface."
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snailsrneat · 3 months
Yandere Vil Schoenheit Headcanons
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
TW: Kidnapping, Stalking, Posioning
I think if anyone got literally any of the overblot boys as their yandere they'd be pretty fucked.
Mostly because the overblot boys hold a lot of power and have tons of magic.
Vil, specifically, however is one of the few who won't ever use his magic on you.
No instead he'll just use potions on you (:
When you two first met, it wasn't exactly love first sight, more like first word.
Cause when he saw you, he wasn't impressed.
'This is the prefect everyone's been so obsessed over? Really?'
He honestly thought that you'd be more impressive, more magnificent and elegant if you will.
His first impression of you however immediately changed when you had begun barking orders at fellow freshman in an attempt to defeat him.
Never once has he seen a freshman, one as weak you, calling the shots amongst the student body.
Something must be different with you. And he had to figure out what.
From then onward he recruits Rook to spy on you and learn what your day-to-day patterns are like.
In the process Rook also listens in and learns all your secrets. All of which he reports to Vil.
The Vil learns about you the more he falls in love with you.
He obsesses over every single detail of you, from little moles in unseen places to the formation of stress wrinkles crowding over your forehead.
Every minute detail that he can find, he wants pepper with kisses and tell you just how weak in the knees you make him.
A part if him feels silly for getting weak for someone as mediocre as you, but the other half of him wants to steal you away and lock you in his bedroom so you never have to be troubled by those horrible boys you call "Friends".
In fact...that's a fantastic idea! Why hasn't he thought of this before? That way he can watch you up close.
No longer will he need Rook to do all his stalking, not when you're already here and so close.
When he kidnaps you he does it under the guise of you try a new tea blend he was given. But, unfortunately for you, the tea just so happens to be spiked.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry dear, I didn't think one of my own fans would try to spike my tea! Here let me help you get to the infirmary~"
He's an actor so he's very good at being melodramatic.
Instead of waking up in the infirmary, you wake up his bedroom, with your arms chained to the bed posts and dressed in expensive satin pajamas.
When Vil comes into the room and notices your struggling, he chides you for bruising you beautiful skin.
He doesn't release you from the chains, but he does his best to keep you comfortable.
"Only the best for you, darling. You shouldn't worry yourself with such needless things. What you should be thinking of is me, and only me. Understand?"
If you ever try to escape, don't.
I'm warning you, if Vil catches you trying to escape it'll be worse than just staying chained to his bed all day.
It's even more terrible if you've been getting "closer" with him recently, because now he knows that he shouldn't trust you fully. Ever.
If he catches you, he'll no longer allow you to be comfortable.
Instead of that nice comfortable bed, you sleep in a dog cage in the corner of his room.
And the days have started to blur together now, he started poisoning your food to make sure you don't do anything.
Most days your too tired to anything, let alone fight back or come up with escape plans.
If he has to start treating you like a baby he doesn't mind, he likes making you depend entirely on him.
"You know you did this to yourself, right? Trying to escape was a foolish endeavor and you must face the consequences of your actions..aw, you're crying darling. Don't cry, it'll give you wrinkles. Don't worry my love, this hurts me more than it hurts you. Now drink this."
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painted-bees · 3 months
I decided to take up teaching myself piano for funsies, and...4 days in, I am enjoying myself. Autistic rambling behind the cut lmao
I've got the layout of the keys committed to memory, and I can find notes, [major]scales, and chords very easily (patterns!!). So--I'm dumping all my concentrated effort right now into building hand independence, and it would be feeling nearly sisyphean if I didn't know how brains worked. I'm still struggling to play through a five note scale with both hands at different paces [one playing in half notes, the other playing in quarter notes.] Literally the most basic of the basic exercises...but I figure there's no point getting much fancier than this until I can do it with some relatively clean consistency, and at a good tempo. It's brain neuropathway stuff--so really, so long as I take my time[extremely slow lmao] to be clean and accurate, I should be able to do it faster and faster as the days go by. And then once it feels like a relatively easy exercise [rather than something that blends my brain into soup], I can introduce some more difficulty.
I'm kinda curious to see how long it take to build the skill. Not even learning how to play songs, just learning how to make my hands and fingers move independantly, deliberately, to a set tempo. That shit's SO HARD lmao I thought I would graduate past this first exercise in a couple days, but it's gonna take...a bit longer. I can tell I am improving, though, because it takes less time for me to stop tripping up each time I sit down. Can't hold a steady tempo just yet tho, no matter how slow.
When I'm not doing that, I'm just playing around with random chords and trying to figure out why certain combos sound so good, and why others don't. And it really is all just...patterns. Which is cool! The theory side of things is making a lot more sense to me than I expected it to, and I really like it.
Anyways, I've been hammering on this thing a lot, since I only just got it and the novelty has me captivated. Like...a couple hours each day. I recon that'll slow down once the novelty wears, but I hope I never lose interest completely. So long as I can sit down and practise consciously for half an hour each day, I figure it'll get me to a point eventually where I can produce something that resembles...music lmao
we'll see, I guess. The exercises are actually fun to do tho...which is more than I can say for drawing 😂
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fafnir19 · 4 months
Liam grinned mischievously as he drilled a tiny peephole into the wall of the girl's locker room at the public indoor swimming pool.
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He couldn't resist the temptation to catch a glimpse of the water ballet team changing. Little did he know, his voyeuristic adventure was about to take an unexpected turn. As he peered through the hole, admiring the graceful movements of the girls, a sudden gasp echoed through the room. Liam's heart raced as he realized he had been caught in the act. Before he could even react, a group of stern-faced water ballet team members stormed toward him. "You little creep!" one of the girls exclaimed, her hands on her hips. "You've invaded our privacy, and we're not letting you get away with it. You owe us big time." Liam's cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment as he stammered apologies, but the girls were having none of it. They demanded revenge, and their revenge took an unexpected turn. "You better make it up to us," one of the girls said, a devious glint in her eye. "And we know just how you can do it. We want a strip show, right here, right now." Liam's eyes widened in shock as he realized the gravity of the situation. Reluctantly, he began to comply, feeling a mix of shame and resentment bubbling inside him. As he started to undress, he found his arousal fading, replaced by a sense of disillusionment. What had started as a voyeuristic thrill had turned into a humiliating spectacle.
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The girls, however, seemed to revel in their newfound power over him. Once Liam had finished satisfying the girls' demand, they presented him with a curious item: a shimmering, sleek, and magical speedo. "Put this on," they instructed, exchanging knowing looks. "It'll teach you a thing or two about being objectified." Although he was skeptical, Liam obeyed as it was better than being naked and putting on the magic speedo. To his amazement, his body underwent a breathtaking transformation.
His once unremarkable physique was replaced by a chiseled, muscular form, and his features became sharper and more defined. His body hair vanished, replaced by flawless, smooth skin. As he stood before the girls, their eyes widened with desire, but his own feelings were far from reciprocated.
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Clad in the enchanting Speedos that had wrought a profound change in his physique, he strode into the bustling indoor swimming pool, acutely aware of the admiring glances that followed him. His newfound physique, sculpted and alluring, drew the attention of both men and women, who watched in awe as he approached the pool. The coach, a stern-faced man with a grizzled beard and a keen eye, greeted Liam with a nod. "You're the new recruit, I take it," he said, eyeing him appraisingly. "I must say, you certainly come with quite the buzz surrounding you." Liam shifted uncomfortably under the coach's scrutiny, trying to ignore the way his every movement seemed to attract unwavering attention. "Yes, I, uh, I guess so," he muttered, feeling more conspicuous than ever. The coach's lips quirked into a wry smile. "Well, welcome to the team. We'll see how well you swim with all those eyes on you," he remarked, before ushering Liam towards the pool deck. As the swimmers dove into the water and began their rigorous practice, Liam hesitantly followed suit, attempting to blend in with the rest of the team. The sensation of the water caressing his skin, the rhythmic pulse of his muscles as he propelled himself through the pool – it all felt remarkably foreign and yet undeniably exhilarating.
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Liam joined the team for practice, and as they headed to the showers, he became acutely aware of his altered state.
The steamy mist enveloped the showers, and the air hummed with the sound of water cascading against flesh. It was in that moment, as his eyes trailed over the sinewy forms of his teammates, that a startling realization dawned upon him. His arousal, once sparked by the sight of the water ballet team, had now shifted. No longer did the female form hold the same allure. Instead, it was the sight of his fellow swimmers – their sculpted physiques, the way droplets of water glistened on their taut skin – that elicited an unexpected and undeniable response within him. He tried to ignore it, but he just shuddered and his cock twitched, suddenly showing a remarkable hard-on.
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He tried to hide his boner, but one of his teammates, Jeff, saw through his facade. "Hey, dude, it's cool," Jeff reassured him. “We won’t judge you for checking us out. In fact, it's kind of flattering. You should just be yourself.” Before Liam could respond, Jeff leaned in and planted a soft, lingering kiss on his lips. In that moment, everything became clear to Liam. His sexuality had shifted, and he was gay now.
As he headed toward his locker, Liam was met with another surprise. His clothes had been replaced with form-fitting, preppy attire, a stark contrast to his usual wardrobe. Little did he know that this would trigger the final stage of his transformation.
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He put the clothes on, confusion swirling in his head as he tried to piece together his fragmented memories, but everything about his past seemed to fade away as his identity shifted, and he turned into nothing more than a cocky, captivating gay swimmer - a far cry from the shy and unassuming young man he once was
Before he could fully process his thoughts, the swim coach approached him with a scrutinizing gaze, taking note of the bewildered expression etched on Liam's features. "You've transformed quite remarkably, Liam," the coach remarked, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Not just a swimmer— now, you've become a jock." Liam's lips curved into a complacent smile as he eagerly nodded. "Yes, Sir," he replied, a newfound sense of obedience coloring his words. In that moment, it dawned on him that he had indeed become a willing participant in a world he had never imagined before. Without missing a beat, the coach extended an offer that sent shivers down Liam's spine. "Would you like to live in the apartment above the swimming pool and become my obedient jock boy, Liam?" Liam's pulse quickened as he responded with a fervent nod, excitement bubbling within him. "Yes, Sir. I'd love that," he exclaimed, his newfound disposition embracing the prospect of total submission.
 And so, the apartment above the swimming pool became Liam's new home—a nexus of desire and command, where he was perpetually available for the eager gaze of the swim team but out of reach for the girls who had once captivated him.
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Days turned into weeks, and the personal transformation that Liam had undergone continued to unravel before his eyes. His once-ordinary life had taken a surreal and unforeseen turn, as he became a figure of virile allure, captivating those around him with an effortless charm and a magnetic presence. But while his outward appearance had evolved into that of a magnificent male specimen, inwardly, Liam was wrestling with a torrent of conflicting emotions. He found himself experiencing a surge of excitement and thrill at the attention he garnered from the members of the swim team, yet beneath the surface, a sense of disquiet gnawed at him.
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One day, as he lounged by the poolside, basking in the admiring glances and flattering remarks directed his way, he caught sight of the water ballet team. Their longing gazes bore witness to a desire that he was no longer able to reciprocate. Liam couldn't help but notice the frustration etched on their faces, a stark reminder that he had become an unattainable object of desire—a truth that left them wanting for more.
As he attempted to navigate the labyrinth of his newfound existence, a pivotal moment arrived during a private conversation with the swim coach. "You’ve developed quite well, Liam," the coach began, his tone laced with a potent mix of authority and affection. "Your prowess as a jock boy has transcended mere physicality. Now, you've become a jock toy, offering yourself up for the pleasure of others. How does it feel to embrace this role, to be a mere toy?"
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Liam's eyes glimmered with a sense of fervor as he responded with unwavering certainty. "It's exhilarating, Sir. I thrive in this role," he declared, a fervent zeal infusing his words. The coach's gaze bore into him, acknowledging the transformation that had taken hold of Liam's very being. "I'm pleased to hear that, Liam. You've embraced your true nature as a jock toy with remarkable grace. It’s clear that this life suits you," the coach asserted, his approval evident in the affectionate gleam of his eyes. From that day onward, Liam embarked on a newfound journey, fully embracing the role that had been bestowed upon him. He reveled in the adoration of the swim team, eagerly responding to their every desire with unwavering obedience and an insatiable willingness to please.
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Meanwhile, the girls from the water ballet team found themselves at a loss, struggling to comprehend the enigma that Liam had become. As they watched him cavort with the swim team, their longing gazes reflected the bitter realization that they could no longer capture his attention—his newfound preferences lay elsewhere, leaving them in a state of longing and dejection. In the end, Liam had transcended the boundaries of his former self, stepping into a world that was at once beguiling and strange. He had become a captivating enigma, a docile jock toy at the beck and call of the swim team and a testament to the perplexing nature of desire and transformation.
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thetriumphantpanda · 9 months
where have all the good men gone? | javier peña
Take The Weight Off His Shoulders - Chapter Three
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Chapter Summary | A date, supposed to get your mind of Javier, goes terribly, and he's the only person you can think to call that will make anything better.
Chapter Warnings | Mutual pining, slow burn, sexual tension, flirting, alcohol consumption, protective!Javi, misogynistic comments (not from Javi), (1) man being a pushy douchebag (also not Javi), swearing, mentions of the drug trade - nothing else I can think of.
Pairing | dbf!Javier Peña x F!Reader
Word Count | 3k
Authors Note | I am truly having the most fun with these two and I hope you're enjoying their story so far! Things are definitely going to be heating up soon, so please hang in there, it'll be spectacular when they finally do get spicy with each other! If you're enjoying this then comments, asks and reblogs are my lifeblood and if you'd like to support me further, please consider a donation to my  Ko-Fi.
I no longer use taglists. Please follow @thetriumphantpandanotifs to be notified of new updates.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi | Series Playlist
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“I promise he’s good fun,” Liv’s voice speaks through the phone, cradled to your ear by your shoulder as you skim through your wardrobe, “Nice, and age appropriate.” She teases. 
“Shut up,” You grumble, still annoyed that you’ve allowed her to talk you into this at all, “This is still a terrible idea.” 
“You were the one complaining about Javier Peña being a bad idea,” She defends herself, “And you also could have said no, too late now.” 
You sigh because she’s right. You’ve been trying for the past week to convince yourself that finding someone else might make wanting Javier go away, even just a little bit. Someone your age, not entangled in your family dynamics, or at least you’re hoping anyway. Liv had suggested someone she knew from work, a nice boy, two years older than you, his head screwed on, a managerial position at work. Sensible. 
“I have no idea what to wear.” You groan down the phone, there are plenty of dresses you could choose, but somehow, it feels like this person you don’t know doesn’t deserve that of you. 
“Put those jeans on,” Liv speaks, crunching coming down the phone line, clearly she’s snacking like she always does, “The tight ones, makes your ass look phenomenal, and the lowest cut top you own.” 
“Liv,” You chastise, “I’ve never met him before, I’m not fucking him tonight.” 
“I didn’t suggest you did,” She chuckles, “Just give him a taste of what’s to come.” 
“Unbelievable,” You mutter, but follow her advice anyway, pulling out a shirt that cuts low, scooping out your jeans from the drawer, “Right, I gotta go and get ready, but if this is awful, you’re entirely to blame, okay?” 
“Hearing you loud and clear girl,” She chuckles, “Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” 
“Goodbye!” You chuckle, hanging up. 
It’s still light out, so you opt to walk to the bar in town. It’s not all that far, and the air has cooled enough by the time you leave that it doesn’t feel too stiflingly hot. The bar is not one you would have chosen, one of the more upmarket establishments in town. You wish you could go back to your normal dive bar, with its slightly sticky floor and the smell of fried food. You give him the benefit of the doubt though, maybe he’s just trying to impress you and you can’t fault him for that, can you? 
Liv told you he’d be sat at the bar in a blue shirt, and there’s only one person it can be when you get close enough, “Victor?” You ask, stood next to him. 
“The one and only,” He smiles at you, standing from the barstool to give you a hug, which you allow, “You look hot.” 
“Thanks,” You chuckle, sitting down on the stool next him, noticing a drink already there for you, it’s a cocktail, bright pink, and you know you’ll already hate it, and you do when you take a sip, wincing as the fruity blend moves down your throat, “Oh, it’s very sweet.” 
“I thought it was a safe option, most girls love this drink.” 
You’re tempted to make a comment about this clearly being his favourite place to bring his dates but you bite your tongue, working through the necessary small talk as you try and drink it as fast as you can so you can choose something you might actually enjoy. 
“So, Liv told me you’re a journalist,” He comments, sipping his glass of whiskey, “What kind of things do you write?” 
“I mainly cover news about the drug trade and how that affects the town.” You explain, taking the last sip of your drink, flagging the bartender down. 
“Pretty morbid,” He shrugs, ordering himself another whiskey as you opt for a margarita, “Surely a girl like you should be writing about fashion or something.” 
You scoff, “So I can’t write about things that are important to our town because I’m a woman?” 
“No, I don’t mean it like that,” He tries to backtrack, “Just that it’s intimidating, is all, might put people off,” He chuckles then, “Although not me, like my girls with a bit of personality.” 
You roll your eyes and don’t even try and hide it as you sip at your margarita, much better, you think. It carries on like that for another hour, Victor and his thinly veiled misogyny and his boring, surface level conversation. He tries at some point to put his hand on your knee, but you jerk away, moving so he can’t touch you. 
“You want another?” He asks when you finish your third drink, “The night is still young.”
“No thank you,” You say, trying to be as polite as possible, “I have work tomorrow so probably best to head home.” 
You try and insist that you pay for your part of the bill, but to his only credit, he insists on covering the tab but does then try and wrap his arm around your waist to walk you outside, which makes you want to hit him more than anything. 
You stand next to him on the pavement outside the bar as the doors close behind you. You can still hear everyone else talking inside, but you have no idea what to do. You want to go home, but it’s dark, and you know you’d told your dad that Victor would walk you home, but you don’t want to spend another minute in his company. 
“So, am I gonna get my goodnight kiss?” He asks, trying to take hold of your wrist to pull you into him. 
He’s stronger than you, so he does sort of succeed in pulling you into his body, but you manage to put your palm against his chest to push him back. 
“I don’t think so.” You cringe a little, trying to lean back as far as you can with his hand pulling your wrist. 
“You’re joking right?” He scoffs, “I paid for your drinks, try and be interested in what you said and you’re going to refuse me?” 
“Look, I don’t mean to be rude,” You speak, trying to talk the situation down, “I just don’t think this is gonna work.” 
“Don’t need to tell me,” He snaps, “Such a fucking tease turning up dressed like this, but you’re really just a prude.” 
“Oh fuck off man!” You try and push him again, succeeding in doing it enough for him to let go of your wrist so you can put some distance between you, “I don’t owe you shit.” 
“Forget it,” He turns around and walks away, leaving you on your own, “Probably would have been a shit lay anyway.” 
You’re tempted to call back but realise it’s not worth it, so you let him wander off, leaving you on the sidewalk on your own with no idea what to do now. You would walk home, but if your dad see’s you on your own, he’s going to kill you for being silly enough to walk home alone after dark, and then find Victor and kill him too for being a jerk. 
You slump against the brick wall of the bar, rooting through your bag, there’s enough cash to go back in and get a drink and try and calm down a little, then, your fingers brush against the card you’d slipped in there a few days ago. The name and the number, and the few coins in the bottom of your bag, draw you to the phone box at the end of the street. You’re putting the money in and dialing before you can convince yourself it’s a silly idea. 
He picks up on the third ring. 
“Peña.” It’s so formal. 
“Javi?” You ask, trying to keep your voice level, but ultimately failing. 
“Are you okay?” Is the first thing he asks, and he sounds frantic. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, I just-” God this seems so stupid now, mainly because you don’t want to admit you were on a date, you don’t want to make yourself seem unavailable to him, “I was on a date and it didn’t go well, he was meant to walk me home and well, I don’t want him to, but I don’t wanna call my dad.” 
“He hurt you?” He seems cross, protective even, which makes your tummy flutter. 
“N-no,” You sigh, “He got pushy when I wouldn’t kiss him but I’m fine.” 
You can hear him shuffling around on the other end of the phone, can hear the jangle of keys, “Where are you?” 
“I’m at the phone box at the end of Grant Street.” You say, you’re about to speak again when Javi beats you to it. 
“Stay there, go inside a store or something and wait for me, I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay?” 
“Okay,” You nod, like he can see you, “Javi?” 
“Yeah, querida?” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t you dare,” He scoffs, “Never apologise for needing my help, okay?” You can hear the sound of his truck engine in the background, “I gotta hang up to drive, but I’ll be there soon, promise.” 
“Okay,” You sniff, “Thank you.” 
You can hear the dial tone before he can reply, so you hang the receiver back up and head into the liquor store on the other side of the road. You smile at the clerk, who asks if you need anything, you shake your head, tell him you’re just waiting for someone and then spend the rest of the time looking out of the window. 
He’s parking up in a worryingly short amount of time, and as you walk from the store you worry that he put himself in danger driving so fast to get you. He’s opening his door and climbing down from the truck. As soon as you’re close enough, he’s got his hands on your shoulders, searching your face to make sure you’re alright. 
“I’m fine Javi, I promise,” You insist, holding gently to his arms, giving him a smile, “I’ve probably overreacted.” 
He lets his arm drops and signals for you to get into the truck, following swiftly, “If he made you uncomfortable it’s not an overreaction,” He speaks, turning the truck back on and pulling away, “He still around?” 
You shake your head, “I don’t think so.” 
It makes you wonder if he means good because he won’t bother you anymore, or good because it means he won’t be tempted to do something about his blatant disrespect. You decide not to probe that one, but file it away for later. You’re driving down the street when your stomach grumbles, reminding you that you’ve not eaten since lunch. 
“You hungry?” 
“I could eat,” You mumble sheepishly, “I’m sure there’s something at home.” 
Javi nods, but drives straight past the turning he would need to take you home, driving straight on instead and turning off a little later. You’re about to ask where he’s taking you when he pulls into the parking lot at McDonalds. He parks up and tells you to stay where you are. 
You watch him as he walks away, perfectly broad back, shirt tucked into his jeans. He really is a vision in every way when you look at him. He’s striding back out a little while later, brown paper bag in one hand and a soda cup in the other. He passes them both to you as he climbs back into his seat. 
“What’s this?” You ask, taking a sip of the cold soda. 
“Cheeseburger, extra pickles and a Sprite with extra ice.” 
Yet again, he’s managed to amaze you with his observation skills. There was a time where he’d taken a trip with you and your parents, just a day out of town somewhere, and you’d stopped to get food on the way home, you’d made this exact order, turned to him and told him it was your favourite, and somehow he’d filed that away for right now, when you needed it the most. 
“Thank you.” You speak simply, reaching in for the burger, unwrapping it carefully before taking a bite. 
Javi can’t help but watch out of the side of his eye as you eat. God, you looked beautiful. Jeans that looked like they’d been painted onto your skin, showing off all those perfect parts of you. A shirt that was enticing without being too much. Fuck, he wanted to reach over, use his thumb to wipe away the tiny bit of sauce that had gathered in the corner of your mouth, push it into your mouth and let you lick it off his thumb. 
You ball up the wrapper your burger had come in once you’ve finished, dropping it into the paper bag, picking up the cup of soda to suck the Sprite through the straw, “You alright now?” He asks. 
You look at him, small, sad smile on your lips, “Just can’t help feeling there’s something wrong with me.” You shrug, offering him a sip of your drink which he declines. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, wanting to reach over to you, put a comforting hand on you, but deciding against it for now. 
You shrug a little, leaning your head back against the seat, “No-one ever looks at me in that way, I suppose,” You answer honestly, and he wants to tell you it isn’t true, that he thinks of you exactly like that, no matter how much he shouldn’t, “I’ve been with one guy in my whole life and I don’t think he ever really liked me, was only with me because I was the only one left out of my friends.” 
“Did he say that?” 
“He didn’t have to,” You shrug again, “He never really made an effort, never took me out, never really wanted to sleep with me much either, I guess I was just easy for him,” You say, “Convenient.” Is what you finish on. 
“It isn’t you,” Javi speaks, turning his head to look at you, resting it against his seat in much the same way you are, “First of all, college boys are always idiots, don’t let that be your base line,” You snort and turn your head to look at him now, “What did tonight’s idiot do?” 
You shake your head at him, “He was just a misogynistic asshole,” You add a shrug, “Apparently because I’m a woman I should write about fashion and not anything that actually matters.” 
Javi scoffs, because in his experience, women make the best journalists, quiet, unassuming but they always knew how to pull strings and get what they wanted and he doesn’t doubt you’re the same, “Take it as a compliment,” He offers, “Sometimes it’s best to intimidate boys, and the ones that you don’t?” He asks as a rhetorical question, “Those will be the men worth your time.”
You chuckle a bit, rolling your head on the headrest behind you to look back out of the front of the car, “You’re just saying this to make me feel better.” 
Javi reaches over, takes hold of your hand and gives it a slight squeeze before he’s letting it drop again, almost like he’s been burnt, like he knows he shouldn’t have done it, “I am saying it to make you feel better, that’s the whole point, but it’s true,” He shrugs a little in his seat, “Don’t feel like you’ve got to rush into that side of life either, you’re still young, there’s plenty of time for you.” 
You hum in agreement because you know he’s right, it’s what everyone always says to you in these circumstances, but somehow, coming from him, it means more. He’s older than you and although you’ve no doubt that he’s known plenty of women in his time, he’s in just the same predicament as you are. 
“Will you take me home?” You ask softly, “I’m tired.” 
He nods, starting up his car, pulling out of the parking lot and finally driving you back home. 
He pulls his truck up just down the street from your house, far enough away that your dad won’t be able to see, but close enough that he knows he’ll be able to sit and wait to watch you get in safely. He cuts the engine and turns to you, giving you a soft smile, trying to tell you that it’ll all be okay. 
“Thanks,” You speak softly, “For all this, made a shitty night not so bad in the end.” 
“Always,” He smiles back, “I mean it when I say you don’t ever need to worry about calling me.” 
“I know,” You smile, and he feels his heart swell at the sight, “Well, goodnight Javi.” 
He doesn’t really register what’s happening until it’s too late. You drag your body across the truck instead of moving to the door to open it and press a gentle kiss to his cheek. It would be innocent enough if it wasn’t for the fact your lips press into the skin just far enough away from his mouth so as not to cross a line, but not right in the middle of his cheek either. It’s the softest way he’s been touched in a long time, and he can feel himself wanting to grip onto you, smash his mouth to your own and finally scratch the itch that’s sitting under his skin. 
You pull away, but before you can open the door, he’s taking hold of your wrist and moving closer, pressing his own kiss to your cheek right back, further up your skin than you had done to him, but it’s a kiss to your skin none-the-less, one that floods his chest with hope, a feeling he hasn’t really felt in years. He keeps his mouth there probably for a little longer than he should, committing the feel of your skin on his mouth because he knows this is as far as he should push things, but he also knows that he now needs to know what the rest of your skin feels like under his mouth. 
He pulls away and when he looks at your eyes, all full of hope and want, the same look he’d seen countless times in Colombia, whether he was promising a visa or led next to someone in bed, and he knows he shouldn’t have done it, shouldn’t have encouraged these kinds of feelings, but he’s done it now, he can’t take it back, wouldn’t want to if he could either. 
“There’s nothing wrong with you, querida,” He says softly, “Nothing wrong with you at all.” 
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