#so it may be extreme to some but so would any parent's reaction to finding out their kid has done something wrong
The Emperor's Children and Fulgrim's Daughter. Before and After the Heresy* (Headcanons)
*Because this is Slaanesh, be careful. There's a lot of darkness here
Author's Note: was inspired by this anon's idea
If we talk about how Fulgrim got a daughter, I can assume that one of his wives (his favorite) unexpectedly became pregnant. Whether Fulgrim knew about it or not, but in any case, the outcome is the same. The Emperor takes her to study. He is afraid to destroy her because she is part of the warp and it is unknown what kind of reaction will follow.
In the end, he comes to the conclusion that she does not pose a threat. And decides to return her to his son. Perhaps he kept her in stasis for many years and controlled her age. But in the end, Fulgrim is reunited with his daughter, who, consider, did not have time to see the world (and not with a 150-year-old independent and self-sufficient girl). This is just one of the scenarios, but it is from this I want to analyze.
Fulgrim: Whatever one may say, the story of the Primarch with his own daughter is extremely sad. Fulgrim suppressed the love for his adoptive parents and wives, because he considered it a weakness. And then, decades later, he learns that he has a daughter. The Emperor was wise to take her. So, is it not, that he returned her, a manifestation of a higher plan? Fulgrim tries to provide her with the best, to show her all the wonders of the Galaxy. But as a stranger. And in the most vulnerable moments, he always leaves, afraid that a little more and he will give in. Love for his father and brothers is boundless. But his own family... a daughter... that's different. That's a weakness.
A weakness that he gladly accepts after Laeran. His daughter thinks she's in a fairy tale. Finally, her father acknowledged her, opened up to her. But with each passing day, she is horrified by his strange behavior. How he is slowly becoming corrupted. The Primarch himself is becoming more and more obsessed with his daughter. At some points, he wants to cause her boundless pain. At some moments, thoughts of a... different nature appear in his head. Those for which he would be condemned. But the fall into Slaanesh clouds common sense and Fulgrim is sure that the love of father and daughter can reach a new level.
At some point, she escapes and he is not even surprised. After all, she is a half-primarch. And finally ascended, Fulgrim indulges in eternal pleasures in the realm of Slaanesh. While his servants and daemonettes scour all corners of the Galaxy, hoping to find the fugitive and present her to her father. Fulgrim is in no hurry to reunite with his prodigal daughter. The meeting will definitely take place. And then he will show her all the gifts of the Dark Prince.
Eidolon: Even before the Heresy, Eidolon behaved extremely arrogantly, even in front of the primarch. He would certainly admire Fulgrim's daughter, but in his look of boundless love there would still be more conceit and feigned importance. He would have thought that only he was worthy of seeing the girl and interacting with her in any way.
After Laeran, the man became even more brazen with the Primarch's daughter. However, he did not allow himself to cross the line for a long time. Not only because he did not have time to realize such a possibility. But also after Fulgrim cut off his head in a fit of rage. Nevertheless, after Terra, having created his own band, Eidolon intended at all costs to make Fulgrim's daughter his consort. He will receive recognition from the other Emperor's Children. Besides, no one else is worthy of her.
Julius Kaesoron: The first Space Marine with whom Fulgrim's daughter would truly have a wonderful relationship. Built not on hierarchy and her origin. But because the man enjoys discussing books, music, philosophy and other arts with her. He is inquisitive and kind. How can one resist such a thing? Julius sees Fulgrim's daughter as a small perfection that he cannot become, but must protect.
After Laeran... Fulgrim would hardly give his daughter to any of the Emperor's Children. But he will tell his beloved son, almost with tears in his eyes, that he wants him to fuck his daughter. The First Captain will only happily fulfill such a request. Having succumbed to the lust of Slaanesh, Julius sees no boundaries and is ready to receive pleasure and pain from anything. And the very thought of enjoying the girl's body, experiencing the sweet pain of her tears and feelings of betrayal only excites him even more.
Marius Vairosean: He was always Fulgrim's faithful dog. Like a true soldier, he carried out all the orders, wanting more than anything to get his attention. Therefore, for him, Fulgrim's daughter occupies an almost divine place. He tries with all his might to get her attention as a dog. But at the same time, his soldierly and menacing attitude does not go away. Partly, Fulgrim's daughter likes him, but on the other hand, she cannot get close to him.
After Laeran, Marius turns into not just a degenerate and a sadist, but a Noise Marine. A crazy lover of deadly music. Now he causes her only fear and disgust. His attitude towards her has not changed at all. But now, at every opportunity, Marius follows the girl like a terrible shadow as a protector from carnivorous glances. Without admitting that he enjoys her fear.
Lucius the Eternal: Quite an interesting situation. Before the siege of Laeran, Lucius was an ordinary legionary, not a captain. He had no opportunity to even approach the Primarch's daughter. Let alone talk. However, this did not stop him from looking at her from afar. He always wanted to become the best swordsman. But also to advance in his career. To earn honor, respect, adoration. Recognition from the Primarch himself. And Fulgrim's daughter was on this list.
When the Heresy began, he enjoyed her company to the fullest. And even though the girl was not enslaved by Slaanesh, everyone continued to love her. She did not oppose the newfound temptations of the Astartes (or simply could not). And she had to come to terms with the fact that when Lucius was not training with a sword, he sought her attention. He despised his brothers, but the girl was a special case.
After Terra, his attitude towards her did not change at all. He continues to seek out new pleasures that the Galaxy offers him. But he does not forget to search, hoping to find Fulgrim's daughter. His Primarch left his Legion. The girl too, but she was forgivable. And he was ready to forgive her. Just let her illuminate him with her half-primarch soul again. Perhaps someday she will even look at him not with contempt, but with lust.
Fabius Bile: Purely scientific interest. The Apothecary has already been honored to examine the primarch and at least slightly touch the Emperor's creation. And despite the fact that Fulgrim's daughter is theoretically weaker than the primarchs and even the space marines (while possessing eternal youth and phenomenal health), he is sure that her potential can be increased.
When the Heresy begins, various irrational and rather perverted thoughts also enter Bile's head. About causing pain, the desire to receive pleasure. However, not by conventional methods. Suddenly, mental psychology comes into play and now Bile begins to act not as a doctor. But rather as a mentor.
After Terra, he finally becomes her adoptive and named father (the most disgusting Slaanesh heresy). Oddly enough, the girl herself wanted it, trusting him more than Fulgrim (which is not surprising). He hides her from the Emperor's Children and introduces her to his "children". Meeting Fulgrim's clone was the strangest thing in her life btw.
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sealrock · 7 months
ask meme
cw: depiction of corporal punishment
(ty for the ask @abalathia!)
The unnatural humidity clung to his hair as he sat by the riverbed. His clothes unpleasantly stuck against his skin, meaning he would have to take a long bath afterward. The now lonely moon peeked through the canopy every now and then, its white glow illuminating an old pipe held between shaky hands. The trees were silent. He scratched at the still-healing tattoo near his cheek. The evening song of cicadas, crickets, and toads grew louder as the minutes passed. Thirsty mosquitos bit into Achille's bare arms and exposed lower legs with vigor, leaving behind swelling welts as he contemplated in solitude. 
No one's around to see me, it's ok. 
Everyone else's doing it.
Nel and Nilo'ya keep making fun of me. They call me a bloody altar boy. They piss me off sometimes.
If this was so bad, why do adults smoke it? Seems to be pretty good, I'd imagine.
A warm summer night such as this, especially deep within the southern parts of the Shroud, should be spent listening to bard tales around campfires with friends and family—on any other day and not in the aftermath of an apocalypse, not hidden away in the thicket of the forest alone... Alone. That's how Achille spends most of his nights recently. His foster father, Chiron, began working evening shifts at the mines after they moved to Boughbury roughly a few moons ago to escape the permanent winter that fell upon the lands when Dalamud fell. But Boughbury was not home—home was up north, in the crisp, open space of Coerthas. Besides his two only friends, Achille hated Boughbury—and the feeling's mutual with the older locals.
Chiron wasn't due home until late into the night. Achille was independent enough to make his meals and look after the cottage, and Chiron trusted him not to make a mess of things now that he was older. Achille had his chores to keep him busy—clean Talona's pen, feed Talona, scrub the floors, wash and fold the laundry, and inventory the food stores. But menial tasks led to boredom, which quickly led to mischief, and Achille found himself leaving the relative safety of his home to partake in youthful disobedience—such as drinking, stealing, and smoking.
Achille considered robbery immoral, and drinking dulled the senses. He tried a mug of ale once, it was disgusting. His peers, those he tried to integrate with, would hurl all kinds of names at him for his perceived self-righteousness, and Achille would respond with harsher insults and physical violence. But Chiron raised Achille with concrete morals and beliefs, like a true monk he once was. Chiron refused to indulge in these activities; to indulge in the base excesses of man would be to sever the connection to the Destroyer. He raised Achille to follow the same beliefs: he must never drink, smoke, or use violence for the sake of violence. Chiron had broken the creeds in the past, and he toiled every day to make up for it.
Unfortunately, this would make Achille the target of social pressure; as the new kid on the proverbial block, Achille was an outsider looking in. Nel and Nilo'ya, fellow outcasts in the tumult hierarchy of adolescents, saw Achille as a kindred soul. They, too, followed the rules set by their elders... When they were being watched, of course. Nilo'ya, a rambunctious Keeper boy with a blinding smile, gave Achille the initiative after snatching his grandpa's smoking pipe and tobacco for Achille to try out.
While Nilo'ya tends to snort the stuff as dried snuff, he considered this to be "too easy" and that "the reward must equal the risk." Achille was reluctant at first, but after watching Nilo'ya make smoke rings as effortlessly as he skipped stones across the water, Achille was quick to change his mind. Alongside Nel, a lively Duskwight girl as tall as Chiron, they taught Achille the know-how of pipe smoking. His heart hammered in his chest with excitement, but Achille's stomach rolled with anxiety. He drew in a few deep breaths to steady his hands; Nilo'ya would cry if he were to drop his grandpa's pipe into the water and lose it. From his front pocket came out a tiny pouch of fresh tobacco; it reminded Achille of mulch.
As instructed, Achille carefully packed the bowl with at least three pinches and packed it down with his thumb. He tested the draw once, twice—it was just right. All that was left to do was light it. He took a glance behind his shoulders on the off chance there was someone nearby who could spot him. He had walked a suitable distance away from the village, and no one besides his friends knew about this particular spot in the woods. It's now or never.
He clutched the mouthpiece between his teeth as he struck the match, watching the flame sway in the light breeze of the night. His hand was still trembling as he watched the flame dance across the top layer of tobacco. He could hear Nel in his ear telling him not to inhale the smoke as soon as it hit his tongue, just let the vapors roll around in his mouth before he released. Nilo'ya said to draw in small puffs to keep the embers lit, or else he would have to relight. Achille blew out the smoke slowly. It disappeared into the night air.
Achille took another draw, and before he knew it, he was smoking as if he'd done so for years. The flavor was something to get used to, however. It had a bitter taste as it sat on his tongue, and it almost put Achille in the mind of Gysahl greens. How did Achille know what Gysahl greens tasted like? He ate some on a dare once; he had to clean up the vomit before Chiron came home.
Thankfully, Achille didn't get hit with a sudden wave of nausea. The tobacco, or at least the thrill of smoking, calmed his nerves and settled his stomach. Achille couldn't find any reason not to smoke now that he was doing it, displeasing taste aside. But, like all things, Achille would get too bold and disregard consequences. Thinking himself a master, he drew in a deeper puff he wasn't ready for. The smoke reached past his mouth, slithered deep into his chest, and burned his insides. Achille dropped the pipe as a coughing fit overcame him, his eyes stinging with tears the more he hacked and wheezed up the smoke, his throat crackling from the dryness. Desperate for relief, Achille took a few gulps of river water, careful not to let the pipe roll away from where it fell into his lap.
"Who goes there?"
Achille nearly jumped out of his skin at the voice—he knew that voice. He tried to speak, but his throat was still raw. A flurry of coughs spilled from his lips instead, thus making the voice come closer to his location. In his blurred vision, Achille could make out a large and dark figure in the low light, and it carried a small ball of light that swung from left to right with every footstep. Achille rubbed at his eyes to see Chiron standing before him, confused and shocked to find him sitting here in the dark. Soot and dirt dusted Chiron's clothes, and the lamp he carried cast a deep shadow across his face, revealing a drained appearance.
"Achille? Seven hells, what in the world are you doing out here this late at night?"
Achille couldn't answer. His foster father must've got off early, of all the nights. He could feel his face burn from embarrassment, his ears drooping from being found out. Achille tried to hide the pipe from sight, but he couldn't conceal the lingering stench of tobacco.
Chiron sniffed at the air. He narrowed his eyes, "What are you clutching?"
Achille hummed in ignorance. Chiron set his jaw.
"Show me. Now."
Chiron's tone of voice was something not to argue back to. Achille had only heard it a few times in his life, and he could count on one hand how many instances Chiron was this cross with him. Unable to talk his way out of this situation, Achille shamefully gave the pipe over to the now greatly disappointed man before him. Chiron's shoulders sagged as he inhaled a steady breath, his nostrils flaring and eyebrows pinched. Achille awkwardly rubbed at his neck, his mind flailing to find an excuse, an apology perhaps. But no amount of pious posturing would make up for this latest act of rebellion.
"Achille," Chiron started, voice low, "I raised you better than this. I've tolerated your behavior because I can understand what it's like; becoming a man in this world, especially the world we have now, is not easy. A boy's coming-of-age is full of many trials. But this crosses a line that I cannot accept. You have disrespected me, my rules, and my teachings. We monks must keep our bodies and minds unclouded, and we must be diligent in our pursuit to become one with the Destroyer. You have used our techniques for petty squabbles and disregarded our truths as fiction. It's dishonorable."
"But Baba, it wasn't me, it was-"
"Not," Chiron's eyes grew dark with rage, making Achille shrink back, "another word. You will go home, and you will wash off this taint... And you will prepare the salt."
Achille's eyes grew wide in fear. He shook his head in a panic as he began to plead and beg, but Chiron grabbed him by the scruff of his collar and ordered him to walk. Achille only experienced this punishment once when he was younger; he acted particularly ornery one day and said something he shouldn't have. Punishment was swift—kneel in a line of salt until his kneecaps bled. The monks in Ala Mhigo used this against new initiates to fortify their resolve, a type of thick salt that could cut through flesh. But Achille broke down after ten minutes in tears and wails. It was an experience he wouldn't forget for as long as he lived.
The second time around was worse. Achille had done what Chiron requested: he washed away the stench and prepared the salt. The whole while, he willed himself not to cry. His fifteenth nameday was approaching, and men did not cry. Chiron sat at the kitchen table, his face stoic and hands clasped on top of the wood surface. Dressed in his smallclothes, Achille stared down at the salt before he lowered himself on top. The pressure from his weight allowed the sharp salt to pierce the skin almost immediately.
Achille bit down on his tongue to keep from crying out. His back stayed rod straight, and his hands were clenched so hard his knuckles turned white. His face started to turn scarlet from the pain, but he kept his eyes on Chiron with an unwavering stare.
"I hate to make you do this," Chiron had a tinge of guilt in his voice now, "but you know the rules, my son. You must endure it, embrace the pain."
My son. Spoken with the unconditional love of a parent. They weren't related by blood, but Chiron never saw Achille as anything else.
Achille wanted to cry. The more the crystallized salt dug into his bleeding wounds, the more Achille's resolve shrank. He felt himself double over, his nail-bruised palms flying out to keep him from falling facefirst into the hardwood. The fringe of his red hair kept his watery eyes hidden, but the tremble of his shoulders gave him away. The sob that threatened to spill from his lips caught in his throat; it was getting harder to keep his composure.
The dam finally broke when Achille adjusted his legs to keep the numbness away—the overwhelming pain was too much. His forehead met the planks of the floor as he wailed, tears and snot and drool staining the wood. Achille lost track of how long he stayed on the floor, but he wanted it to end. He screamed himself raw:
"Make it stop, Baba! Make it stop! Please!"
Before he knew it, Chiron lifted Achille into a tight hug, the air of the room cutting into his bleeding wounds. He openly sobbed into Chiron's shoulder much like he used to do as a child—he still was a child. Chiron shushed his sobs as he walked to the bathroom to clean and treat the wounds.
"You're alright... You're alright, my son. It's over, it's all over."
Achille continued to cry, breathless and wracked with exhaustion. He felt Chiron's hand card through his hair, making Achille curl into his chest in shame. Chiron held him close; he said nothing for a long while until he whispered:
"You may think me cruel and even hate me for this now. This seems fun for your friends, and you think I'm being too hard on you. But please understand, my son, I made a promise to someone when I found you: I promised to keep you safe. Don't give in to the temptations of man, for you will be lost. I wouldn't be able to live with myself watching you go down the path of wickedness. You will overcome this, I have no doubt."
Achille had calmed to sniffles as he listened, his eyes swollen and face splotchy. His head throbbed. He let the words of his foster father—nay, his father, sink in. He didn't have the energy to talk.
"Everything will come together in the end. I'll be right here with you. I love you, son."
Achille felt his heart stutter. He swallowed back tears and buried his face into the fabric of Chiron's work shirt. His words were muffled and small, but the message was clear.
"... I love you, too, Baba."
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valsdelulucorner · 5 months
obey me luke head cannons please
of course! just note that this will be strictly sfw and platonic. I wont be hearing any of the "oh, but he's like 1000 years old" stuff, he was the mentality, looks and attitude of a minor so this will be in no way a romantic
He absolutely sees you as a older sibling and a parental figure, he trusts you alot. You don't call him chihuahua, you are interested in his interests, you give him genuine life advice and not just tell him to get someone else to do it for him. He deeply appreciates that you are nice to him and don't just treat him like that one kid brought along to a friends dinner party, you actually talk to him about his interests and make sure he has fun.
I feel like the reason people started calling him Chihuahua is because he growled at a demon one time to scare them off, he's not a big fan of demons and is quite scared to be without someone he trusts so when a demon came up to him, he started growling to try and show them that he isn't just a small angel. Lucifer found him doing this and scared the demons away for him, calling him a chihuahua while walking him back to Simeon
Luke is protective over you, he sees you as family and he doesn't like the idea that you just walk around scary demons all the time on your own. If he is out with simeon and sees you alone, he will invite you to come along with them both by saying that he just wants hang out with you, hiding the fact that he's scared you'll be attacked by a demon. He will insist he and Simeon walk you home, scolding the brothers for not keeping you company. How dare they not protect his older sibling, its insulting!
My boy is absolutely petrified after finding out you were killed by belphie, my poor boy will probably cry into your chest and beg you not to scare him like that again. Please give him a hug and say you'll stay with him, he will be absolutely heartbroken if you don't promise to be more careful. He will give you a enchanted bracelet or a pair of enchanted earrings that will protect you from attackers, the brothers will still be able to interact with you but if anyone tries to attack you again, the magic in the jewlery will protect you
Oh my lord the glares he gives belphie after he finds out he hurt you, he may be scared shitless of the avatar of sloth but he will make sure to pull you away from him for the first week or two after he killed you. As I said in my previous belphie fic, I hate the fact that we were so forgiving of him after he literally killed us. If you are scared of belphie or get tense whenever belphie gets close to you, Luke will probably try and help by bringing your attention elsewhere or just straight up leading you away from him
Loves cooking with and for you, baking is one of his favourite things to do so if he gets to do it with you, he is extremely happy! Baking competitions are a must with him, he gets competitive and tries his best to impress you. Let him win alot of the time, he gets so happy when he wins and he gets to share his treats with you!
Ok hear me out, if you have tattoos he would 100% want to colour them in. If you and the whole gang are having a nice dinner up in the human world, the waiters will see luke and probably give him some markers and a colouring in sheet. Your going to have to explain to him that kids in the human world get these stuff in restaurants to keep them entertained, he will be a tad bit annoyed but he wont complain. If you sit next to him and have a tattoo along your arm or hand, he will probably ask you if he could see what it looks like in colour. If you say yes, he is going to absolutely make sure he does a amazing job at making it look so pretty
He watches those gacha reaction and music videos, you cannot change my mind about this. He will even try to make one and show you afterwards, he would be so happy with himself
Thrown a cross at a lower demon once, i just feel like he's done that before
If you come down to the devildom as someone that makes little crochet creations, he will absolutely be over the moon if you make him a little beanie or a little plushie. He really wants you to teach him how to knit/crochet so you let him use your needles/hook and show him how to do it. He cant get his head around crocheting for the life of him but he is slowly learning how to knit, tell him he's doing a good job please! He will trade you his cooking for your little creations, making you the best sweets you've ever had while you give him a life size swan creation. If he makes you a little crochet buddy and it comes out really wonky, you better treasure that for the rest of your life!
If feel like when he gets too tired, he will just rest his head against your side and not say anything (my sister used to do this to my mum all the time when she was little). If you pick him up and carry him around, he will probably just fall asleep on your shoulder. He feels safe with you so its easy for him to just fall asleep against you. He gets to experience the out body experience of falling asleep in the car and then waking up in bed
Luke is so adorable, he is my son and I love him. Sorry if i wrote him alittle younger then i expected, but i love the idea that sometimes he has that childish excitement and amazement to the world. Thank you for requesting this Anon, this was alot of fun!
Who should i do next?
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Heavy Lies the Heart - Chapter 6
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Masterlist // Continue Reading
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x F!OC Word Count: 2.6k Tropes: mutual pining, fluff, angst with a happy ending, royalty Warnings: death Summary: When two second-borns looking for direction meet by chance, can they find purpose in each other? Or will circumstance keep them apart? A/N: First of all, writing as Whistledown is rough. Second, I'm glad that it seems like everyone is liking this story so far! I had a lot of fun with this chapter, so hopefully you'll enjoy it too!
Dearest Gentle Reader,
This author hardly knows where to begin, with last nights ball so abound with secrets and scandals.
The young ladies of the ton never shine brighter than in the darkness of the evening. Yet last nights events have shown that, while some gleam as brightly as the stars, there are others whose light shines far dimmer then the rest.
Penelope Featherington, out now for her third season in the marriage mart, is one such dim light. Miss Featherington, who was so certain that she would be unable to find a husband on her own, enlisted the help of Mister Colin Bridgerton. And while we all knew Miss Featherington's hopes of finding a husband were slim at best, this recent scandal will certainly make any further hopes disappear. Whatever faint glow Miss Featherington may have once possessed has surely now gone out.
But Penelope Featherington was not the only scandal we witnessed unfold.
Her Royal Highness, Princess Beatrice shown brilliantly on her second appearance of the season. The young princess garnered much attention from the members of the ton, but none moreso than Mister Benedict Bridgerton.
Having shared her first dance of the season with Mister Bridgerton, it was clear to this author that sparks were flying. Their shared looks were hardly subtle, and one has to wonder how two relative strangers found themselves, by all appearances, so well acquainted.
The princess danced five times in total, sharing a scandalous three with Mister Bridgerton. Their lack of proprietary and the princesses clear favoritism shocked many of the ton, but this author cannot help but applaud their boldness.
A royal falling for a commoner is hardly a new story. However, with the crowns stiff traditions and the rumored strict parenting of the Prince Regent, will this tale end in tragedy? Is there to be a royal wedding in our future, or will circumstance keep these two lovebirds apart?
This author, as ever, eagerly awaits to see what unfolds.
Benedict once again found himself slumped deeply onto the settee in the Bridgerton drawing room. His arms lay crossed over his chest as he looked anywhere but at Anthony, whose scowl had made an unwelcome return after its brief, but welcome, absence.
"What in God's name were you thinking?" he asked roughly, brandishing the latest copy of Lady Whistledown in his hand. The rest of the family, excluding the two youngest members, sat around the room, with expressions ranging from sympathetic and worried, to extremely uncomfortable. "Of all our siblings, I thought you the least likely to cause trouble this season. I thought you had more sense than this Benedict."
Eloise scowled at the veiled accusation. She looked to Francesca, whose only reaction was to stare blankly at the floor until the hostility inevitably subsided.
"It was quite a surprise--did you not tell me yourself last night that it was your first time even seeing the princess?" Colin asked.
Anthony turned his scowl on his younger brother, "You are not off the hook yet either--while our reputation may not have been effected by your actions, poor Miss Featherington's is all but ruined thanks to you."
Colin looked away from his brother, a look of guilt clear on his face. Unnoticed, Eloise's expression mirrored his.
"However, that will have to wait," Anthony turned his attention back to Benedict, "At present, our biggest concern is what in the world possessed our dear brother to act so foolhardy, and what is to be done about it."
"Now, perhaps we can all calm down for a moment," Violet suggested, smiling as she attempted to defuse the situation.
"Yes Anthony, your mother's right," Kate agreed, "We have not even heard what Benedict has to say about it--this could all just be a misunderstanding."
Everyone turned their attention to Benedict, eagerly awaiting his response.
He had another choice in front of him. Either he could downplay the situation to the best of his ability, hoping to keep his family in the dark about the full extent of his relationship with Beatrice. This seemed at least somewhat doable; it was unlikely any of them suspected he was taking late night promenades with an unchaperoned princess.
The other option was simply to tell them everything. His family did seem to have a knack for discovering secrets that its members would rather keep hidden. He knew it was only a matter of time before they learned everything; and all the more likely, given his desire to be with Beatrice. It would be rather obvious he had lied if he continued to pursue her publicly.
Benedict sighed, sitting up as he clasped his hands in front of him. He looked at Anthony, who stared back exactingly.
"Alright fine, you've caught me. I suppose there is no point in lying about it now: Beatrice and I have been seeing each other in secret, and we have become quite...attached," he admitted.
There was a silence throughout the room as his family stared back at him in shock and horror. In an instant, the silence was filled with the roar of multiple voices shouting out at once--including two that had, until this moment, been eavesdropping quietly in the next room.
"You've been doing what?"
"Have you gone mad?"
"Did you just use the princesses first name? Just how close are the two of you, Benedict?"
"What does attached me? Brother, you didn't..."
"Heaven help us, how will her majesty react to all this?"
"If the two of you marry, will that make Benedict a prince?"
"What? Does that mean we would have to call him your highness? Because I absolutely refuse."
The jumbled voices mixed together until Benedict could hardly make out what was being said. Finally he stood, throwing his hands out.
"Alright enough!" he shouted, quelling the storm of questions and concerns, "I know it was...unwise to meet a young lady unchaperoned, but I can assure you the time was spent on conversation--nothing more," he emphasized, "I was...unaware of her station when these meetings began. She had kept it a secret, and I only learned of her title when she was presented at the ball last night--though I will admit to knowing she was likely of higher rank."
He ran a hand through his think, brown hair as he looked to the floor.
"I have no idea what is to be done now, if anything can be done but," he sighed, "That being said, it is my intention to pursue her...as far as we are permitted to go," he looked back up at them, "I...I love her."
The room was silent once more, no one quite sure how to respond to his bold declaration. Benedict swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat, uncomfortable in the uncharacteristically quiet room.
"Oh, Benedict my dear," his mother finally spoke. Her voice was a mixture of happiness and sympathy, clearly unsure what to make of the situation or how best to advice him.
Benedict looked down, "If you'll excuse me." Without waiting for a response, he quickly made his way out of the drawing room; the wide eyes of his family following him as he went.
Beatrice sat, stiff and silent, as the queen sipped her tea in the chair opposite her. Dread filled her as she waited for her grandmother to speak: To reprimand, to yell, to show some sign at all as to what she was thinking. Be she waited in vain, the queen seeming content in leaving the words unspoken as Beatrice's heart threatened to give out with every passing second.
Queen Charlotte had of course received the latest copy of Whistledown that morning, reading it with haste as she always did. Not that she had needed Whistledown to tell her what she had seen with her own eyes. After her first dance, the queen's eyes hardly wavered from Beatrice. Charlotte had watched her granddaughter like a bird of pray stalking a field mouse, observing her every move, her every expression and gesture.
Their carriage ride home had been eerily quiet. Charlotte was hardly known for keeping her opinions to herself, yet she had said nothing to Beatrice the entire trip back to Buckingham House. Now, having not spoken since their arrival at the ball the night before, Beatrice grew more and more anxious of what would be said when that silence was finally broken.
Her grandmother set her teacup down with a clank, and Beatrice sat up as straight as a board.
"Beatrice," Charlotte spoke at last.
"Y-yes, grandmama?"
"You know I am no fool." It was a statement, not a question.
"Ah...yes, grandmama."
"I am unaware how it is you've managed to spend time with that man without notice, and I suspect I would not be happy to know. However what I do know, is that whatever has been transpiring between the two of you stops now."
Beatrice looked down shamefully, "Yes, grandmama."
"Your father will no doubt have heard the news, and is assuredly on his way here to scold you severely. I suspect he will likely insist on you leaving Buckingham House immediately."
"But--" Beatrice began to argue, only to be silenced by a piercing stare from the queen.
There was a long moment of quiet as Charlotte ran her hands over the small, fluffy dog in her lap. She seemed to think something over.
"Tell me, what are your intentions with this Benedict Bridgerton? A passing fancy is well enough for the common crowd, but royalty hardly has such a luxury. Our every move is scrutinized--you moreso than others as the daughter of the future king."
"It is not a--" Beatrice was clearly upset, but willed herself to stop and take a breath, "I know father would never approve, but it is my deepest desire to be with him. I love him, grandmama, and I...well I don't care what father thinks, or anyone else for that matter." She held her head up as she attempted to look resolute.
The queen quickly took another sip from her teacup, hiding the slight smirk that had formed at the corner of her lips.
"I see," was her only reply.
Silence fell between them once more as they awaited the inevitable arrival of the Prince Regent. The queen's face was a mask that hid her true feelings, while Beatrice's face betrayed her renewed feelings of dread. Her grandmother may not have been harsh--a miracle if there ever was one--but her father would most certainly not have the same composure.
"The absolute indignity of it all--the indecency!"
George IV, Prince Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the future king, and Beatrice's father, paced the floor of the lavish drawing room as he ranted on and on. His displeasure with the situation had been expressed in at least one hundred different ways already, yet he seems to always have more to say.
"Papa, if you would only listen--" His daughter pleaded, but to no avail.
"Listen? As I listened when you requested to stay at Buckingham house for the season? As I listened when you promised me nothing of consequence would occur? As I listened when you assured me that you would behave as a princess should?"
"It was only dancing papa, nothing more!"
"Then why is there word across London that you've been having secret trysts with this man--this Bridgerton--since you arrived!"
Beatrice stood, her fist balled at her sides, "That is a lie! Whistledown has made everyone believe something untoward has taken place between us, but that is untrue!"
Queen Charlotte, who sat watching silently from the sidelines, eyed her granddaughter. Whether or not she believed her, she said nothing.
"So you would have me believe there is nothing between the two of you then? That you and he have no attachment?" George asked skeptically.
"I," Beatrice hesitated, "I would not say that is entirely the case."
Her father's face went red with rage as a tense air filled the room.
"You are to return to Warwick House immediately," the prince ordered through gritted teeth.
Beatrice shifted in place, before looking her father in the eyes with as much courage as she could muster, "I...I will not."
"I beg your pardon?" George stared at his daughter in disbelief.
"I, I wish to stay, and," she swallowed, "And I wish for Benedict Bridgerton and I to be allow to court."
Charlotte's eyebrow raised in interest, her gaze returning to her son as she waited to hear his reply. George was nearly dumbstruck at the request. It was a rare occasion that his youngest daughter ever spoke back or questioned his authority--for her to do both in one sentience was practically unheard of.
"You, I--How dare you ask--"
"You allowed Charlotte to choose her husband, why should I be allowed any less?" Beatrice questioned, feeling emboldened with every word.
"The situation with your sister was quite different, as you are well aware. And at the very least she had the good sense to choose a prince!" her father reminded her loudly.
Beatrice scowled, "That does not change the fact that she refused the marriage you arranged for her in favor of one she chose for herself! And did you yourself not try to take a commoner for a bride? How can you scorn me my love when you out of everyone should understand my feelings?"
"Love?" George repeated, clearly on the verge of another hours-long lecture.
"Alright, I believe I have heard quite enough," Queen Charlotte cut in, standing as she looked to her son.
"Enough, Georgie," she commanded, and, despite his position as regent, he obeyed, "You have already agreed to allow Beatrice to stay at Buckingham House--so she shall stay."
"But I--"
Charlotte raised her hand, "I am not done. In addition, I would have you consider the request your daughter has made from you."
"What? I would never--"
"It is your decision of course, you are the Prince Regent and thus have the final say on all royal marriages. However, I implore you to consider the misconduct and scandals you and your family have already brought to this, the noblest of houses."
"That is hardly--"
"Frankly dear, the people dislike you. Allowing Princess Charlotte to marry the man she chose was perhaps the one thing you've done so far that has won you any manner of good will from the people. Perhaps allowing Princess Beatrice, a current darling of the ton, to do the same will have a similar effect on the rather poor image the people have of you."
George stood silent, stunned at his mother's stance on the issue. Beatrice looked between the two of them, just as surprised. She hadn't a clue as to why her grandmother seemed to be championing her relationship with Benedict, but she would hardly complain. Her grandmother was perhaps the only hope Beatrice had of convincing her father to agree to her wishes.
"I," George paused, "I will take it under consideration, mother."
"That is all I ask. It is, as I said, your choice to make," Queen Charlotte smiled, "Though you should consider quickly--we will be expected to make a statement of some sort soon enough, lest the rumors grow wild and out of control."
"Yes, mother," he replied, his anger all but deflated in his mother's overbearing presence.
"Wonderful," Charlotte turned to Beatrice, "Now, shall we then, my dear? I believe I would enjoy hearing some music after all this noise."
Beatrice responded quickly, hoping to leave the negative atmosphere permeating the room as soon as possible, "Ah! Yes of course, grandmama!"
Queen Charlotte moved elegantly out of the drawing room, with Beatrice following close behind. This left George alone, standing awkwardly in a stiff, unpleasant silence. He huffed, shaking his head and grumbling to himself as he exited the room soon after.
Tags: @empressnatsume @sarahskywalker-amidala @may-and-lay @asterizee @g4ns3y @bubblegumcat229 @mhmoony
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traumasurvivors · 1 year
Here's another article I wrote. You can read it below the read more if you prefer.
Many people blame themselves for the abuse that they have lived through. This is a very normal way to respond, but the fact is that abuse is never your fault. Whether the abuse is physical, emotional, sexual, or any type of abuse. It is not your fault. This is no matter what the circumstances of the abuse are, or what your age is when it happens. This article is going to focus specifically on childhood abuse.
Many people who have been abused blame themselves for reasons they have come up with themselves, perhaps on a subconscious level. One of these is because they feel it gives them a level of control. If there is something you could have done to stop the abuse, then you might feel that there are things you can do to avoid bad things happening to you in the future. It also might be a way to justify to themselves why it’s okay to keep a connection with their abuser, especially if their abuser is a parent or other family member. They may feel they owe loyalty to their abuser because they love their abuser and feel sure their abuser loves them. They may believe breaking bonds with their abuser would be a betrayal of that love. If you were abused by a parent, you may subconsciously believe that admitting your parent abused you would also mean admitting your parent doesn’t love you, which may seem more painful than blaming yourself.
Many abusers will make all sorts of justifications for why they acted as they did, but there is something you should always keep in mind when you hear such arguments: There is *no* excuse to abuse a child. Ever. For instance, some people may claim the reason they were abusive was due to an emotional reaction, such as feeling extremely angry. But no matter how extreme a person’s emotions may be, it is their responsibility to control how they respond. It is never a child’s responsibility to manage other peoples’ emotions, especially those of an adult. Many abusers are well aware of how to manipulate children in order to make children blame themselves.
People abused as children may blame themselves because an abuser has convinced them it was their fault.
If their abuser told them such things, they generally did so only as part of their plan to transfer responsibility and guilt to the one abused. Abusers know that if they make a child take on responsibility, it will make the child less likely to tell anyone and improve the abuser’s chances of avoiding being caught and/or facing consequences. You were not abused because you were “bad.” You were abused because they were an abuser and trying to justify their abusive behaviours. Abusive adults find ways to emotionally manipulate children such as making them feel they are unlovable or deserve whatever abuse they receive - this is not a child’s fault at all. Abusers know how to exert power and pressure on children and make those children believe there are very good reasons to stay quiet. No matter what reason an abuser may give, the only one to blame is the abuser.
A child may blame themselves because they did not tell anyone, but there are many valid reasons a child would not tell.
It may seem easy, as an adult, to look back at your childhood and think, “I should have told someone.” But the reality is that it is not so easy when someone is only a child. (And even in cases where someone is not a child, this can be unimaginably difficult.) A child may not have told someone about abuse because they were threatened. The child may have felt no one would believe them. If they felt like no one listened to them about other subjects, it might feel very unlikely that people in their lives would believe them if they accused an adult of terrible actions. The child may have been conditioned by their abuser to see their abuse as normal. If they thought what was happening to them was nothing unusual, they may have seen no reason to talk to others about it. The child may be convinced that they would be in trouble for the abuse that was happening to them and worry for the consequences.
The child may not have understood what was happening to them. They may not be aware it was abuse. If this was the case, they may have had no idea how to put it into words in order to tell someone. The child may think it's okay for parents to say whatever they want to them. The child may have felt ashamed of what happened to them. Particularly if their abuser told them it was “dirty” or they had heard about someone else being bad for doing something which seemed similar to what the child went through, they might feel they shouldn’t tell anyone about it. Related to this, the child may have been convinced, by their abuser or by being told they are “bad” for other reasons, that they deserved their abuse. This is particularly true if that abuse was framed as “punishment.”
Even for an adult going through abuse, reasons such as these can be very convincing. As a child, it can be even more difficult to decide to go against such reasons and tell someone about abuse, because it is harder to have the knowledge and understanding that allows a person to disprove these reasons.
Many children feel they are to blame because they let abuse continue over more than one incident. While it is easy to look back and say, “I could have stopped things after the first time,” the truth is that abusers have the power in an abusive dynamic, especially when they are an adult abusing a child. Most children feel very little power to stop the abuse in such a situation, and their abusers manipulate things to make them feel more powerless. Even if a child feels like there is something they could have done or their abuser told them they just needed to behave better, the truth is that they had very little if any power to stop things. If a child “behaved better,” and their abuser wanted to abuse them, they would find a way to say the child still “misbehaved” or find some other excuse to abuse them.
In cases of sexual abuse, there are other reasons a child may blame themselves.
When a child is sexually abused, that abuse may not feel entirely unpleasant. They may have enjoyed the “special attention” because it made them feel important. Every child needs love and attention, and to feel special, and abusers know how to use this to take advantage of children to get what the abusers want. The child may be convinced that this is a way they are shown love. The child may have experienced arousal or physical pleasure during the abuse, and believe this means they wanted it to happen - but these are physical reactions and do not at all mean it was wanted or is okay.
In some cases, they may have thought or even said they wanted it. Children are not mentally or emotionally ready for a sexual relationship and adults should be mature enough to understand that and should decline any such “offer.” Instead, abusers take advantage of children in these situations.
A child being sexually abused may be convinced that if they tell someone, they will be the ones in trouble. They may feel ashamed or any number of things.
There are many reasons a child may blame themselves for their abuse. This is not even close to an exhaustive list. A child may blame themselves because they didn’t say “no” or didn’t say it “enough,” or feel they didn’t fight hard enough, or acted submissively, or did things to try to please their abuser. None of these actions means the child was in any way, “asking for,” or condoning their abuse. They were trying to find whatever way they could to make their abuse stop or make it not as severe, or at the least survive it. A child who is being abused has very little if any power over the situation, and it is not wrong or shameful or in any way wrong of them to have done what they could to survive.
No matter what your reasons might be for blaming yourself, your abuse was not your fault. The only one who should be blamed for your abuse is your abuser. No matter what they or anyone else might have said, there is never an excuse to abuse a child. And there was no reason, explanation, justification, argument or excuse that would make your abuse okay or make you to blame for it.
It was not your fault. It was never your fault. I promise.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Okay but Perunia, Vernon, Dudley, and Harry with Dursley!Reader who receives their own acceptance letter to Hogwarts??
Maybe the Reader is the younger cousin to Harry, being the only one in the family who has ever treated Harry like a human being and is good to him, standing up for him whenever their brother or parents berate him or torment him. Really they’re the closest thing to a sibling he ever had, making them the only good thing about being at Privet Drive. Heck, they even offered up to share their room with Harry so that he wouldn’t have to be in the cupboard under the stairs anymore. They’re also the only one who has given him birthday presents and little treats to make up for a birthday cake. Or they convince Petunia to help them or at least let them make Harry a birthday cake, even if it’s just a little birthday cupcake.
Given that the Reader is younger than Harry, maybe one or two years at least, he would have already been accepted to and in attendance at Hogwarts himself by the time they got their letter. Imagine his excitement at the fact that his favorite cousin is magical like him and that they’ve been accepted to come to school with him. He’s overcome with giddiness while the Dursley’s are reeling in their worst nightmare coming true.
Sure, there were some magical abnormal occurrences that took place when regarding the Reader but it couldn’t have been magic. It was NOT magical whatsoever! At least that’s what Petunia and Vernon stand by, but in reality they’ve been in complete denial about the fact that one of their children is just like Harry. It would honestly be a similar reaction to when Harry got his first letter and trying to hide the Reader/runaway with them so the letters couldn’t find or follow them. But Harry wouldn’t let that happen, he’s going to get his cousin to Hogwarts one way or another.
I definitely feel like Petunia would be conflicted. This is her child after all, her baby and they’ve ended up being just like her late sister. She feels terrible even thinking of turning her back on her own child but they aren’t ‘normal’ anymore. She may even feel some of that old jealousy that she held towards Lily when she turned out to be magical creeping it’s way back into her. But how could she be jealous and resentful of her own child? It’s not their fault! If anything this was all Lily’s doing from the grave to ruin something that Petunia held dearest. But Petunia wouldn’t allow this new development to ruin her relationship with her child. No, she would be there for them. Vernon on the other hand may need some coming around to. Dudley wouldn’t even know what to do, yet what to even think about the situation.
Imagine the Dursley’s and Harry taking the Reader shopping for their school supplies. Harry is happily dragging the Reader around everywhere they need to go for their supplies, their list in his hand as he does so. Meanwhile, Petunia, Vernon and Dursley are all trying to keep up behind them as they’re overwhelmed with so much abnormality and oddities surrounding them. Harry enjoys every second of it. But what he enjoys the most is the look of awe and amazement in the Reader’s eyes at everything around them.
Petunia would be extremely emotional when it came to the Reader leaving on the Hogwarts Express. She wouldn’t be able to contain herself. Everything she’d been holding in would come out in that moment as she tightly holds on to her child before they have to leave her for awhile. Vernon and Dudley are probably out waiting for her in King’s Cross Station, Vernon not wanting to take that final step into the wizarding world by entering the magical gateway. Not to mention he would have totally broke down watching the magical train leave with the Reader and he wouldn’t want Petunia or Dudley to witness that.
Harry would be on the edge of his seat when the Reader is getting sorted. He hopes and prays that they end up with him in Gryffindor but he would support them ending up in any other house. Even if it were Slytherin but he hoped they wouldn’t end up there. No matter what Harry would support and protect his cousin, especially if Draco were to make them his new target to bully. Harry will throw hands without hesitation and rearrange Draco’s ferret face if he said or did anything to his cousin. Not to mention the Reader would have Ron, Hermione, the rest of the Weasley’s and a good majority of the Gryffindor House to back them up and look out for them too.
Also, the Weasley’s totally adopt the Reader into their family and they get their very own special Weasley sweater. Molly adores them, especially since Harry’s spoken so highly and positively about them out of the family he has left. Honestly, they’re they only one of of his muggle family that he speaks about at all.
Imagine one of the Slytherin purebloods falling for and becoming yandere for Dursley!Reader and Petunia, Vernon, Dudley and Harry having to deal with that. Like, imagine Pansy Parkinson or Blaise Zambini showing up randomly at the Dursley’s house or something just wanting to see the Reader/be close to them and getting to witness what these muggles are really like. One visit, most likely only a few minutes in and the romantic!yandere already decides that yeah I need to get my darling away from these people.
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burningupp · 2 years
how about skz reaction or headcanon about you being pregnant
oooh okay, I do love when men are whipped for their pregnant partners i find it so cute :((
I'm gonna write this as a shorter headcanon paired with a tiny bit of dialogue for each, I hope that's okay <3
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pairing: afab!reader x skz (no pronouns - if i used any, lmk <3)
warnings: really fluffy, mentions of pregnancy (duh), mentions of body insecurity, mentions of anxiety about becoming a parent (jisung), mentions of food, joke about the word daddy (minho), lmk if there's anything else!
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I feel like he would be so extremely happy and proud all the time when you're pregnant. he'd just be like "we made that!! look at my partner, they're carrying our BABY!!" and lowkey everyone would be tired of him talking about you and showing pictures of ultrasounds, you and your belly bc mans shows everyone he talks to for more than 15 seconds. Real proud boi. also, 100% goes to birthing classes with you simply because he's more nervous for the birth than you are :((
"Y/n, have I ever told you how proud I am that you're carrying our baby?" he asks one night. You're half-laying on the couch, because honestly, that's one of the only comfortable positions you have left as your body grows.
You smile over at him, lightly rolling your eyes. He tells you every single day, but you can't say you don't appreciate it - kind of makes some of the pains and aches worth it. Well, more than having a baby already did.
"Yes, my love," you hum. At your answer, he cheeses harder than ever, his heart and chest so full at spending time with you and seeing the way your body changes to accommodate for the little one. He doesn't think he will ever be happier, except for the day that he finally gets to meet your little one.
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okay but this one would definitely be nagging you every single day to take your vitamins and eat enough to feed both you and the baby. he would be cooking every single day, just to make sure himself that the food is safe for you to eat :(( I genuinely think that while he may be a tsundere at times, this would really bring out his affectionate and responsible side in a whole new way. he would definitely whine every time you ask him to do something for you, but then turn around and do it with a smile after like 2 seconds. Whipped.
"Baby, did you take your vitamins today?" the love of your life asks over his shoulder while cooking lunch for the both of you.
"Yes, dad," you sigh dramatically, but you can't help the smile spreading across your features anyway. Instead of bothering him, though, it fills him with indescribable joy. He's going to be a dad, and soon. He can't wait.
"Yah, you eating the vitamins means that the little one will get them, and I'm their dad, so," he says back, squinting at you while he stirs the contents of the pan to make sure it doesn't stick.
He also wants you to have the vitamins, but you don't need to know that. It would ruin his image if you did, obviously. Although he thinks that if he thinks of the concept of being a dad again, he will explode.
"Mhm, well you could do with asking me less than five times before noon, daddy."
His heart damn near bursts, and he can no longer help but grin hugely at you and abandon the food on the stove in favor of kissing your forehead gingerly.
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the biggest hype man ever. tells you you're beautiful every time he sees you and 100% means it. tries really hard to do research on ways he can help you, and asks his mom and dad questions all the time. buys baby clothes from the moment you tell him that you're pregnant, and buys matching clothes for all of you. hears that swimming can help with the back pain, so he starts taking you swimming every single week - and compliments your swim suit every single time bc it accentuates his favorite belly.
"Wow," you hear your partner breathe as you walk into the living room in your new maternity pants. "I really am the luckiest man alive."
You know he means it, but it doesn't stop you from blushing and looking away. Changbin isn't having it.
"Hey," he says, coming over to wrap his arms around you gently and press a tender kiss to your forehead. "I'm serious. You've never been more beautiful to me. You're incredible."
Your knees grow weak, because honestly, what are you supposed to do with that? You just cheese at him and kiss his cheek in return. "Thank you, baby."
"I mean it," he murmurs, his hand coming up between you to touch your stomach softly. His eyes are so filled with love you almost start crying. "I can't wait to see you be a mom."
"I can't wait to see you be a dad," you grin, and his eyes widen for a second.
"I'm gonna be a dad," he says incredulously, the biggest smile on his face. His eyes glitter with excitement, and you think you've never been more in love with him.
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he's kinda scared, ngl. not to be a dad, that he's super excited for, but for you to give birth. he knows you're strong, but he doesn't know if he can handle seeing you in pain </3 definitely anxious all the time. you want to shower? not without him, you don't. wanna cook? don't you dare. reaching for something on a shelf? absolutely not. you're so annoyed but endeared bc he's so doting and cute :')
You know that Hyunjin doesn't like it when you change the sheets in the state you're in, but you couldn't help yourself. You changed them while he was at practice, and now he's huffing and scowling like you did something to offend him.
"Babe, I'm sorry," you plead, and due to the hormones, you feel tears build up before falling without your permission. At the sound of your sniffle, your partner immediately shoots up from the couch to come check on you.
"Hey, no, it's okay! I'm sorry, I shouldn't be treating you like this," he says sadly. You shake your head though.
"I know you just want to take care of me. It's okay. It's just the hormones," you pout. Hyunjin laughs.
"Okay. In the future, just wait for me, okay? I don't care if I'm tired; you're carrying a freaking baby, in comparison I'm better than ever, even after practice."
You nod, smiling at him and holding your tummy. He's going to make a fantastic dad.
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a Babie. kinda scared, and this time bc he doesn't know if he's gonna be a good dad. he's still super excited, though! cannot believe the way your body is changing, and keeps touching your belly in awe. also super impressed by how you're handling it all and your knowledge of babies. literally perplexed as to where you learned it all. just like hyunjin, he's super protective. he doesn't know much about pregnancies, they kinda freak him out ngl, but he knows you shouldn't be overexerting yourself. always asks for advice and reassurance, even though you know he's gonna be a fantastic dad. you're just lowkey worried it's gonna leave you with two babies instead of one lmao
"Hey babe?"
It's 3am, but it's not like you could get comfortable enough to sleep anyway. Not being allowed to lay on your back is literally the worst. As soon as you even accidentally try, Jisung yells at you - lovingly, of course.
You give a hum and wait for him to continue.
"What if it doesn't like me?"
You almost laugh, but the genuine fear in his voice makes you pause. It breaks your heart that he's scared, but you understand him - becoming a parent is scary.
"First of all, call my baby an 'it' one more time and I'll punch you," you say softly, and it makes him snort. Success. "Second of all, there's no way they won't like you. Have you met you? You're amazing with kids. You'll be just fine."
"Thanks, love," he mutters, turning around in bed to look at you in the dark. An arm slides around your waist gently, his hand predictably landing on your tummy. "It can't be that bad - I mean, I have you. Super-mom," he says with the biggest grin you've ever seen. You snort.
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hyper, learning everything he can from whoever he can. bothers any staff members with families, asking about their kids and how to parent. literally won't stop touching you for even a second, cheesing 24/7 like a total dork bc he can't believe that the love of his life is gonna give him a baby :(( keeps an eye on you, but isn't overwhelmingly worried - he knows you're fine to do most things despite your huge belly. he mostly lets you judge what you can and can't do, and thanks you every time you tell him something is difficult for you bc he's adorable like that <3
You're cooking dinner in the kitchen, but to no one's surprise, you're not alone. Felix hasn't left your side since he got home and wrapped his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your temple with a huge smile that would put the actual sun to shame.
You're feeling a bit crabby; your back hasn't stopped hurting for the past week. Your bump is becoming a lot more prominent, and boy, are you feeling it. You stir the sauce again, and step away from the stove. Your hands are on your back before you can help it, and you're hissing out a breath through your teeth. Of course, Felix notices.
"You alright, darling?" he asks gently. He's by your side in less than a second, hand on the small of your back to give you some support; it may not be much, but he's trying his best.
"I'm okay," you breathe after a second, smiling at the father of your baby. "My back's still feeling rough, that's all."
"I'm sorry, baby," he pouts, rubbing your back where his hand is resting. "If you want, I can finish this up?"
You consider it for a moment, but ultimately decide that you want to finish. You shake your head, and while you know he's dying to give you a moment to rest, he just nods and kisses your forehead. He doesn't leave your side until you're safely sitting in your chair at the dining table, just in case, but he doesn't try to take over. You have a big dumb grin on your face for the rest of the night.
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he's not very outwardly expressive with other people, but it's always been different with you. it's not very overwhelming tho, he just doesn't always know how to express what he's feeling. that changes when you get pregnant, bc suddenly he can't help but constantly tell you how amazing you are. it's insane to him to see your body modify itself to fit your little one, and the thought of a mini you makes him absolutely die on the inside. definitely does as much as he can to make life easier for you, but in the subtlest of ways <3
"Seungmin?" you ask out loud as you pad down the hall to the spare bedroom - soon to become the nursery for your first child together. You smile at the sight of him carefully placing the throw pillows you just bought together on the small loveseat in the room.
"Oh, hey," he says, moving towards you when he sees you. He puts a piece of your hair behind your ear and smiles at you. "Did you see the sandwich I placed on the kitchen counter?"
Your heart is bursting with love (and hormones), so you can't help but well up a little bit. You duck your head to hide the unshed tears, removing any lingering evidence lest the man teases you to infinity.
"Baby," he grins in a teasing tone, eyes twinkling mischievously, "did I make you cry?"
The question is accompanied by a pretentious and over exaggerated pout, so you snort and smack him on the arm. He just giggles and goes to bring you to his chest gently, carefully maneuvering around your belly.
"I'm sorry, baby," he laughs.
"No you're not, you liar," you tease back, and when he laughs even more, you somehow don't mind anymore.
"No, I'm not. Now, let's go get you that sandwich, yeah? Or are you gonna waste all my hard work?"
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kinda scared, but somehow calmer than jisung. just like felix, he asks literally anyone he can think of for parenting advice. people get sick of him real quick lmao. really adamant that he do literally everything in the house, since you're "hard at work cooking up a life". gets a tiny copy of every single ultrasound and puts it in his wallet. buys stupid books like "astrophysics for babies" and thinks they will genuinely work </3
"Y/n, come look at this!"
You turn around in the aisle of the grocery store, going back around the corner of the shelf to stare at Jeongin. He's holding up a tiny onesie with a matching hat. You quickly realize it matches his sweater and hat pretty well, and you can't help but giggle at him.
"Baby," you start, but he's not listening.
"Now we just need to get you one, too, and we can all match! Actually, we should just throw everything out and-"
"Jeongin. Sweetheart. Love of my life. You-"
"You forgot father to your baby," he grumbles, which makes you laugh even harder.
"Yes, my sweetheart, the love of my life, and the father of my baby," you correct, and when he looks satisfied, you continue. "I'm only like, 3 months along - we don't need to buy clothing yet."
"We also in fact did not need the bottle warmer, the book for teaching our child Chinese, or even the very expensive walker you bought." When he pouts again, you soften a little. "Look. One outfit, okay? But no more until I'm at least 6 months along, yes?"
He's not listening, but you don't care much when he presses an almost bruising kiss to your cheek in glee. You're definitely going to be losing a lot of arguments for the coming 20 years or so.
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a/n: that's it! i hope you enjoyed it <3 i'm sorry it took me a while, as i alluded to before, i have some pretty difficult uni courses rn but i am doing my best!
if you like my work, please let me know through a comment or a reblog! it gives me motivation to keep writing &lt;3
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you're trans, right? how did you come out to your parents? how did it go? how would you recommend someone go about doing it if they aren't sure how their parents are going to react? (positive to other people's kids being trans, dislike trans women in sports, generally vote democratic). i'm ftm.
sorry if this is too personal or already been answered or something
-- aar
Lee says:
As a matter of fact, I am indeed trans! I specifically identify as genderqueer, non-binary, transmasculine, transgender, and transsexual, although that's neither here nor there.
I actually didn't come out to my parents-- I came out to my friends, and then more publicly to my classmates at school. Then one of my classmates told her parents about me being trans, and that parent met my parents at a party and mentioned that I was trans. Unfortunately it just so happened that while they were at the party and out of the house, I took the opportunity to cut my hair short at home. Yikes!
Anyway, I would fully recommend actually coming out over being outed, if you have the choice, because then you have some control over the start of the conversation and can initially let them know whatever you want them to know.
As always, safety comes first. Do not come out if you do not think you will be safe. If there's any risk of harm or severe negative consequences, you should wait to come out until you're in a more secure position, like being 18 or older, financially independent, not living at home, or at the very least, having a support system in place like a trusted therapist who can help you deal with the repercussions of coming out.
There's a difference between being genuinely unsafe and feeling uncomfortable. Most people will feel their fight-or-flight anxiety response kick in when they have a really scary and stressful conversation, especially when they're talking with someone who means a lot to them and has a lot of authority in their life. But being anxious about their reaction might make something feel unsafe, emotionally, even if you logically know that you are safe and they will not kick you out, abuse you, etc.
That doesn't mean that your feelings aren't real feelings though. If you think that you would not be able to cope if your parents don't immediately and fully accept and support you, then maybe it isn't the right time to come out either. Your emotional well being is important, and if you would be unsafe as a result of mental illness/extreme distress after coming out (if your parent's reaction isn't what you had hoped it would be) then you should consider that to be just as important as if you were physically in danger from an external source. After you've had some time and therapy and got re-stabilized then you can reconsider coming out.
Let's say that you've decided to proceed with coming out. The next step is to continue to gauge their attitudes. You've already observed some of their views. This can be a good starting point to understand how they might react. Remember, though, that parents' reactions to their own child can sometimes be different from their general opinions. So they might be fine with your trans friends, but not be fine with you being trans yourself.
You can't fully predict what will happen, but making sure you have a sense of what they currently think might help a little-- if the topic hasn't come up in over a year and you're working off of what you remember them saying far in the past, it's possible their views have changed by now.
But either way, you'll never really know what will happen after you come out, so if you want to do it, you just gotta go for it.
Now it's time to prepare. You may want to have resources ready for your parents, so looking to find those resources should be your next step. Are there local support groups for parents of trans kids and do you know of any peers whose parents have attended? They might have questions or misconceptions about being a trans man, so be ready to share some basic 101 information with them and don't assume they understand what it really means to be trans. Websites, books, or even contact information for a knowledgeable counselor can be helpful.
Think about what you want to say beforehand. What's the point of coming out? Do you want something to change, like having them call you a different name, use different pronouns, buy you different clothes? Do you want them to understand the nuances of your identity and know the right terms and words to use and what terms and words are offensive? Think about all of your goals, and then write down the key points you want to get down.
This is the time to consider your answers to the questions they might ask you, like "how long have you felt this way," "do you plan on medically transitioning," "what does this mean for your sexual orientation," etc. Even if you don't know all the answers yet and are still figuring yourself out, you want to have an idea of what you'll tell them, even if it's just "I don't know yet, I'm still figuring it out".
I'm personally not a fan of gimmicky/"cute" ways of coming out when you aren't sure whether your family will be accepting. So I would recommend just using a letter to initially come out if you're worried about getting overwhelmed or forgetting important details, and being prepared to follow that up by having a sit-down conversation.
Have a support system in place. This could be friends, other family members, teachers, counselors, or online communities who understand and support your identity. I always recommend scheduling an event with friends either for directly after you come out so you have an excuse to leave the conversation and go, or at least for the next day so you can decompress and discuss it with people who support you.
When you're as ready as you can be, choose the right moment. Find a time when your parents are likely to be calm and not preoccupied with other stressors (so not on their birthday, a major holiday, etc) and either leave the letter for them or ask them if they are available to have an important conversation.
This might not always be possible, but a peaceful environment can facilitate a better conversation. Choose a time and place where you feel safe and where you won't be interrupted. This could be at home during a quiet weekend afternoon, an evening after dinner, or during a walk together, depending on your family dynamics.
Finally, it's time to have the conversation. You should be clear and direct. Tell them "I'm transgender and that means I feel I am a man," or whatever language you feel comfortable with. Don't hint at it because they might not know what you're trying to tell them, just tell them exactly what you want to say.
It’s okay to admit if you don’t have all the answers yet. Transitioning is a journey, and it's fine to be figuring things out as you go.
But if that isn't the case for you, and you are sure, then you should be ready to stand up for yourself and tell them that. They might react positively, negatively, or be unsure, but their feelings are not your fault/your responsibility because you're living true to yourself. It's okay if they need time to process the information, but don't back down and let them railroad you into saying that you're not sure or didn't mean it if you are sure and do mean it.
Finally, be prepared for the long haul. Understand that your parents might need time to fully grasp and accept your identity. Patience can be challenging but is often necessary since it can take several months to years before they come around and truly support you. That means that one conversation is usually not enough. Be open to ongoing discussions and expect them to be sometimes awkward.
We have a coming out page with more info, although some of the links are old and broke (I promise I'll get to fixing it some day!)
Followers, any advice for anon?
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keepingeahalive · 1 year
C. A. Cupid Headcanons:
Her full name is Chariclo Arganthone Cupid. She doesn’t introduce her first name, since she knows most people won’t be able to pronounce or even remember it.
She is a demigod. This means she is not immortal, but she is extremely long-living and has god-like powers. She is over 1500 years old and has been a teenager for a few centuries now. 
She caused the whole fiasco with Romeo and Juliet. She doesn’t like to talk about it.
Cupid has crazy abandonment issues. Having been left on the steps of Eros’s temple as a newborn, she’s always been grateful for her godly parents. That being said, she feels she has to prove to them that she’s worthy of being their daughter. 
She’s having a bit of an identity crisis at the moment. At Monster High, she had felt she wasn’t scary enough. At Ever After High, she feels too monstrous. She’s neither a true fairytale nor a true monster. She’s not even a true god. She tries to fill the void will some sort of distraction, whether that be her radio show or her love life. 
That said, since coming to Ever After, she’s had to change her entire personality for her own safety. She actually hates being sweet and saccharine, but she knows she has to so she may blend in. She wishes she could be more witty and outspoken like she was at Monster High, and she misses the freedom that came with attending her former school. 
She sometimes slips and calls her friends “ghouls” or “beasties”. Reactions range from confused to offended, so Cupid tries to use fairytale slang as much as possible to acclimate to this new society.
She has six older siblings called the Erotes. They are the biological children of Eros, are fully immortal, and focus more on lustful desires than real love. They would often pick on Cupid for being a hopeless, sappy romantic. They own a nightclub called Venus. 
Cupid desperately wants to know who her birth parents were. She already feels out of place in Monster High, Ever After High, and the rest of her family, so she figures knowing where she came from will help her understand her true place in the world.
She loves sweets, but she has her limits. She prefers dark chocolate and black licorice over other sugary snacks.
She hates archery. Most think it’s because she’s a terrible shot (which she is), but she doesn’t like the idea of messing with someone’s head. She will only use them if they are an absolute necessity, such as when Draculaura was hypnotized by Kieran Valentine. 
She hates love potions. She finds them deceptive and disgusting. She realizes that’s somewhat hypocritical on her end. But, in her defense, she knows the consequences that come with love and magical matchmaking. It’s why she prefers her radio show over her arrows.
Cupid is painfully aware of how fairytale society views beasts and monsters, and it’s precisely the reason she keeps Monster High a secret. She doesn’t want to lose any fairytale friends, but she also doesn’t want any of her monster friends to be disrespected. She reasons that if she doesn’t talk about it and fakes being afraid of certain situations, then nobody gets hurt. It does hurt that she can’t talk about it though.
She can fly, but using her wings for transportation takes a lot of energy. She hadn’t had to use them until recently, since her Monster High wings were made of bone. Needless to say, she’s still getting used to this new power.
She has a close relationship with Hades and his wife Persephone. She visits them during winter break.
Cupid has a thing for the color blue. She doesn’t know why, but everyone she’s been naturally attracted to has worn blue in some form. 
She loves horror movies. They remind her of her ghoul-friends, though she has a few words to say about how the fairytale word portrays monster representation. 
She’s a talented astrologer. She uses it in her love advice show and for her own life in general, mostly for her own peace of mind.
She prefers 1930s and 40s jazz on vinyl over mainstream pop radio music.
Cupid still remains close friends with Dexter. She did need some time away from him at first (obviously), but they still care about one another. She’s even formed a close bond with Raven after getting to know her more. She reminds Cupid of her friends at Monster High.
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wuxiaphoenix · 4 months
On Writing: Handicaps
If you give a character a handicap, be consistent. Odds are, a blind character is not going to know the color of the car that hit them. A character who’s lost their sense of smell to Covid may think they’ve run into fog, until their eyes start stinging and they hear the crackle of flames. A lame character is not going to be running from zombies - or if they are, they’re going to pay for it later, in extreme pain at the very least. No amount of Heroic Willpower gets you past muscles and tendons shredded and gone. The body is a physical thing, and has physical limits.
The same goes for mental handicaps. You can form habits to get around some weak spots. You can find ways to jury-rig some responses and reactions other people take for granted. In some cases there are medicines that can help with faulty brain chemistry. Sometimes.
But if, for example, you’re autistic, not all the will in the world can rev your mirror neurons up to speed so you automatically smile back when someone smiles at you. There’s always that mental hitch of, “What am I supposed to be-? Oh, right. Move the lips, open the eyes more, ow that’s bright....”
Meaning the expression on some level looks calculated and false. And that does an already shaky social situation no good whatsoever.
Yes, I’m mentioning this on purpose. I had to dump a Kindle sample the other day before I walled it. A Regency romance where the heroine is supposed to be, from our modern perspective, autistic; though at the time such a person would have instead been thought of as odd, eccentric, willful, or fey. Fine. But what the author had the character doing, and unable to do, spoke of a lack of research into both autism and Regency society. The combo snapped suspension of disbelief like an elephant trying to bungee-jump.
Things the character is shown as having a problem with: Dancing. Knowing when to speak and what to say to people. Keeping paint off her fingers from her paintings. Sometimes fiddling with a bracelet.
Things she is not shown having any problem with: Lights, sudden noises, crowds, odd food textures, remembering faces....
(Not all autistics are face-blind. But it is very, very common.)
Here’s where what I know about autism and the Regency social game intersects, painfully. The heroine’s mother is a wealthy would-be social climber whose silk merchant husband has a knighthood; an honorable title, but not an inherited one. She wants her daughters to marry well, and that means a lot more than just dressing them in silk and shoving them at the nearest Social Occasion. They need accomplishments. Their jobs as wives are not to merely spend money and look pretty. They have to organize households, hire and fire servants, make social connections, arrange Events, perform at said Events, and know how to both pick good performers and carefully work around the limitations of bad ones, so you never offend your guests. Accidentally, at least.
They need to know about, and if possible be able to do, things like embroider, sing, dance, and yes, paint. Aspiring parents would get their daughters not just manuals on what is the Proper Thing To Say on every occasion (such manuals existed!), but tutors for all of these. One good dance-master would have drilled the heroine in what each dance is, and how to do them by rote. One afternoon with a painting instructor would have covered, wear some work gloves just for painting, so you never stain your dress gloves. These are solvable problems.
Trying to figure out who you need to give the cut direct and who you must flatter when you are very bad with faces and all of them have a new outfit almost every night? That is a potential social catastrophe, and could let a writer get in all kinds of drama and tension as our heroine puts schemes into motion to try and keep track of who’s who and why it matters. It would be a major part of the plot.
...Because in real life, handicaps affect how you have to scramble over hurdles everyone else sails over without even noticing. That’s why they’re called handicaps.
Don’t shortchange your characters’ grit or intelligence. Show the readers how they do it!
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the-pink-quill · 7 months
Phee's Reaction to Non and Keng makes Perfect sense for the Character
And he's have felt very fairy-godfatherly if he had reacted any different.
Let's step back a bit, into Phee's shoes. Give up, for a moment, your omniscient knowledge of events as a viewer, and work only with the information and emotions of Phee, a 15/16 year old teenager. He's not an adult and not mature, so we will not judge his emotional response as such. He is also, far more privileged than Non, be it socially, financially, or in regard to his relationships with his family and his mental health. So, we shall keep that in mind.
Phee has no family pressuring him to prove himself, rather, from how politely his father talked to him in ep 9 despite having to cover for him in the accounts case (something which will anger any reasonable parent upon finding out their child was involved in illegal dealings), we can see he is fully secure in the knowledge that his father will back him up whenever he needs him to. His father probably also knows and is okay with the fact that his son is gay.
He is also charismatic, enough to wheedle into this friend group probably years after its formation and still have acquired enough authority to make them do something they didn't want to (the film) and take charge immediately after the fall of Por. He's also physically strong. That makes it extremely unlikely that he had ever been bullied or had to deal with bullying, and if you've never dealt with it, you don't know how hard it is for the victim.
Lastly, his family is not shown to be struggling and he is mentally sound (so far as we're shown).
Non is his boyfriend, who was, prior to the leak of the video, abnormally close to his teacher, enough for Phee to question Non about this. Despite reassurances, the doubt never went away. Phee asks Non, as any good boyfriend would, if he needs help, and Non says no.
And then the video drops. Phee is angry enough as is, as anybody, especially a teenager already frustrated with his boyfriend's secrecy would be, but then he catches him embracing the same teacher.
Again, I would reiterate that Phee is
1) a 15-year old child with the emotional and logical range of a 15-year old sheltered teenager,
2) not shown to be particularly taken with global scale activism which would be the only way he'd figure out, logically (and I would argue logic is not at the forefront of your mind when anger is the reigning emotion), that Non was being exploited.
Considering the response of the Thai public to the video and the fact that Keng wasn't immediately fired, the situation is not considered 'exploitive' by social standards. It seems to be taken for granted that the relationship was consensual. Coming from a country with similar values, let me tell you that students marrying their teachers is considered 'romantic' where I live. Heck, in my school, there was a teacher who flirted with some select students all the time, and was never fired. He was actually very popular, and it wasn't until years after I left school that I realized how problematic that was. It was not something we were taught, socially, was predatory.
Phee would have to be involved in global level activism, to see others from vastly different backgrounds talk about how problematic this behavior is, to realize that his perception of the situation was warped.
So, back to the video leak. Phee watches the video, and gets emotional fast. Despite his patience with Non thus far, he is not Buddha (if he were, he'd not have gotten involved in New's scheme). He sees proof of all his fears being proven true, and then sees, with his own eyes, further proof of the same. Of course he lashes out. Of course he leaves, because I suspect had he stayed, Keng would have gotten a lot more bruises, and not much talking would have been done.
Of course he says what he does to Non, from the innate urge to hurt him just how much he himself was hurting. In that moment, he may very well have used his knowledge of Non's insecurities and mental health issues to pointedly attack Non, because he is not thinking beyond his own hurt. And if you think you'd have reacted any differently, you're probably too old to remember what it felt like to be a teenager.
And of course he blocks Non.
If this were a reddit post, this is what it would read like:
"AITA for blocking my boyfriend after watching a video of him being intimate with his teacher, who he assured me repeatedly he was not involved with?"
Fill in the rest with Phee's knowledge of the situation (I do not think he knows about the mafia or the money he got from Keng or the true extent of the group's bullying; correct me if I am wrong) and tell me the replies, even from you, wouldn't be a resounding "Well Done!"
He finds out about a lot of things from reading Non's script, but the breakup was long before that. And I don't feel it right to blame him for a normal teenage reaction to his first relationship imploding in such a way.
Not when Chay from Kinnporsche was lauded for the same reaction.
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thotsforvillainrights · 6 months
May I request the all villain dads (and moms if there are any) when their s/o was pregnant?
(I've had to go back and dig through the masterlist because I was assuming you mean all the parent AU and I couldn't remember who all was written about. There are a few that already exist when looking on either the new or ESPECIALLY the old masterlist pinned. Also the Au's help too. I'm going to just do some off the top of my head because it would take me a while to hunt these characters down. Also I'm sorry if everyone can't fit themselves into this one. It's a specific one so you'll have to forgive me!)
~Pregnancy Reactions~
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Kai I'd imagine would be shocked at first but a small bit of relief would wash over him. Symptoms hit you hard at first so it had him rather worried about you. He was wondering if you'd been overtaken by some awful sickness. It didn't get any better when the morning nausea had kicked in. Now that he has a reason behind your suffering he at least doesn't have to worry as much about you as before. Now he can focus all his energy on the child at this point because how in the Hell could he possibly pull off being a father??? Stain or Dabi probably disappear for a very long time. I mean so long that you think you're going to be a single parent. I imagine Stain will come back to his senses long before Dabi. Luckily Dabi doesn't stay gone so long that you end up breaking things off with him. They both have reasoning of needing to clear their heads. Fatherhood has never been on the To-Do list for either of them. Nagant is surprised the transfer treatments worked. She's extremely relived when the doctor told you the transfer would be successful and the two of you were going to be parents. You both knew what you were taking on having going into this head first. Now you have the rest of forever together to figure things out. Nemoto would be the type to immediately accept things as they are. You're pregnant? Very well, then let's begin our new life as parents. He might even start to finally reconsider his blind support of Chisaki and the yakuza. That devotion was long since shaken when he'd first fallen for you. His duties have shifted. There's a small one growing that he needs to worry about now. Twice is panicking and half happy about the news. Maybe a tiny bit more panic kicks in when he starts realize just what exactly he's in for. No walk in the park but he'd be so fulfilled when he gets to meet the little one someday. They say things seem to connect when you hold them for that very first time. He's certainly no exception to this. ReDestro is prideful and over the moon at the news of course. Not just an heir to the cause but also a small piece of both you and him combined? Well that's just like magic to him. He opens his mouth and I swear he doesn't shut up about the news to anyone willing to listen to him. On and on all day long about the things he'll teach them and all the love he's got to give. There couldn't be a better husband nor father than ReDestro. Skeptic is...well...skeptical of the situation. Do you know just how much of a burden this could be? Well, when he brings it up like that then it might hurt your feelings. He's looking at things logically. Children are a massive responsibility to him. This isn't just a dog or cat...this is a living human being. He changes his tune near the end of the pregnancy. He loves you, he spends most time researching so much. He's got a digital book in his head with parenting info. He finds out soon enough that it's still not enough. Parenthood isn't easy but he's very thankful to be a dad and thankful for going through the experience with you. He's not so sure when his mind changed so much about things. But as he lulls his baby to sleep and places them gently in the crib at night, he realized he couldn't have a better life than the one you've given him.
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autisticrosewilson · 4 months
I am so curious to know what you think would Willis and Slade (and/or Billy) think of each other, provided their children are dating
So first you have to decide what kid.
If it's one of the boys Willis's reaction is *TwoWillis war flashbacks* "I had a boyfriend once..."
But he's generally really supportive!!
If it's Grant, Willis thinks he's kind of a delinquent but he doesn't have room to judge. They actually get along pretty well because Grant reminds him a lot of himself when he was younger. Of course this means that he's quick to identify things that caused rifts in his past relationships and he recognizes a lot of the problems Grant is going through. They do a lot of the traditional dad-son things together that Grant always found tedious with Slade. With Willis's help Grant grows into the barbecue dad he was born to be.
If it's Joey, he's mildly (extremely) terrified of him. There's just something in his eyes that sends a shiver down Willis's spine. That's before he even finds out about Joey's ability. May or may not have a prototype meta inhibitor at the ready should Joey get any ideas. As you can imagine after being held and experimented on against his will, often sedated or paralyzed, Joey's ability to take control from someone just by looking at them is. Triggering.
If it's Rose, he's ecstatic. In some ways she reminds him of Cathy and despite how much of a menace she is he can tell she's a good kid with a big heart. He doesn't really know how to bond with her, so he kinda just gets her gifts and gives her a hearty pat on the back.
I think in Grant's case in particular Slade is high key jealous that Willis seems to get along with Grant so easily, it's the kind of bond he's always imagined himself having with Grant but he didn't know how to be a good parent and Grant was a child so it never happened. Hates Willis, possibly more than he hates Bruce just because he at least respects the Bats skill.
Addie shares her child support paychecks with Willis. Neither of them need child support they just like making Slade pay them. She hires Wingman for jobs sometimes, it's family bonding.
For Joey, I think he's initially amused that Willis is so freaked out but he definitely knows about Willis's contingency plan and he's always a little extra on guard. Definitely drops not-so-subtle hints that anything done to Joey will get paid back tenfold. I do think they have the potential to bond over the whole victims of experimentation thing, and the guilt over not being there for their families. Eventually they develop a more cordial relationship and Willis lets his guard slip around Joey.
Adeline knows about the contingency but it's not like she doesn't have plenty for Jason, so no harm no foul. Proud of Joey's ability to strike fear, but eventually she does manage to convince Willis that maybe Joey isn't evil incarnate. Generally, she's had a lot of friends with PTSD and she understands that Joey is basically a walking flashback.
I think Willis kind of reminds both of them of what Slade could have been, if things turned out different. Like Slade he was absent a lot of his son's life, and him hiding his identity from Jason in the beginning is very reminiscent of Slade hiding his from Grant. The difference is that Willis did crime to support his family, he loved his wife unconditionally, he did everything he could to make up with Jason when he got back. He didn't choose to be absent, he was forced.
Also if you go with my open marriage/poly Catherine and Willis headcanon then there's a lot of parallels between them and SladeAddie, but Slade chose infidelity where Cathy and Willis came to a mutual agreement and there was no love lost.
I think Slade and Willis get along the best when Rose and Jason are together. They're not close enough to the others kid to step on any toes, they're both pretty fond of the pairing, and they are united in their desire for grandkids.
I think Willis and Billy get along like a house on fire, fishing trips, actual hunting trips, cookouts, the whole shebang. Willis and Alfred also meet through Billy, and I think while Willis will always resent Bruce his respect for Alfred at least inspires him not to plot Batman's downfall.
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aajjks · 17 days
the wedding is beautiful. the lilac flowers complimented by the dim blue lights foreshadows alina’s and eunwoo’s love for one another. it’s bright and mixes well, they go great together. i walk through the venue and examine the decor like i’m looking at an art exhibit; one day this wedding will be ours. except, the colors won’t be blue and lilac. the colors will be black and white like yin and yang, because that’s what we are. i’m jungkook’s yin just as he’s my yangs. although, i don’t appreciate hiding in the background looking like i don’t belong but if it means keeping an eye on my beloved, then i’ll play background for now. they say, good things come to those who wait but how long must i wait to play the main character in our fairy tale story? how long will you punish me for not stealing your heart sooner?
i turn around and see none other than jeon jiyeon dressed in an elegant white dress. in the corner of my eye, i see jungkook take y/n’s hand and leave the venue ‘secretly,’ but i see it. i see everything. “hi mrs. jeon, you look lovely” i bow with a smile on my face, slowly moving around to make sure neither alina, eunwoo, or any of jungkook’s friends see me. “so do you, dear” jiyeon responds as she eyes my floral corset dress.
“it’s a good thing i saw you because we need to talk about that case of yours”
“what about it?”
“y/n told me you assaulted my son. is that true?”
my eyes widen but not too much to give myself away. jiyeon is a lawyer and she’s very good at reading body language. i keep myself relaxed and play along with my shocked reaction. “a-assaulted? me?! oh my—of course not, mrs. jeon. i love jungkook! why, i would never do that. why would she make something like that up?” i place my hand to my chest and widen my mouth a little to add more dramatics. although jiyeon is skeptical, she takes the bait and at this point, i’ve lost track of jungkook.
“it is pretty extreme, but i just had to make sure” jiyeon says as she takes a sip from her glass drink filled with a red liquid, probably wine. “you and y/n look similar. were you two planning this?” i laugh. “maybe we went to the same store. i’m not sure” the twist and turn in the dress to show more of the floral design. “well, you both look beautiful. keep in touch with me, will you? oh, and try not to make a huge commotion about the case. you know i hate publicity” jiyeon says before waving goodbye and joining jaehan to sit with both alina’s and eunwoo’s parents.
now that our short conversation is finished, i hurry out the room and try to find where jungkook may have went but he’s nowhere to be found. as i’m looking for jungkook, i begin to panic about jiyeon finding out that i drugged jungkook with not-so innocent intentions afterwards. she could easily sue me or send me to jail for over 5-years! fuck you, y/n!
i search high and low for jungkook and come across a certain bathroom. for some reason, something is telling me to look inside and curiously, i do. i look both way to make sure nobody sees me and go inside:
“jungkook~ o-oh yeah…right there, daddy~”
my heart sinks as i slowly shut the door behind me and tip toe to find which stall jungkook is in. he’s not in the first one, the second, or the third. in between the spaces of the fourth stall, i can make out jungkook’s hair and the sounds of his voice telling a certain someone how much he loves fucking them—that he loves them. i squint my eyes to see y/n with her head thrown back and mouth ajar with the most filthiest sounds coming from her glossed lips. meanwhile, jungkook encourages it, not really caring if someone hears them or not.
i know i should walk away but i can’t look away. my eyes travel lower to see jungkook’s dress pants handing loosely and her legs wrapped around his waist. the smell of sex fills up the bathroom as the thuds of jungkook’s hips connecting with hers bounces from wall to wall. tears fill my eyes as i watch jungkook kiss y/n with so much love, so much lust...but through the creases of the bathroom stall, her eyes connect with mine.
“fuck me harder, daddy~ yeah…right there. you love this pussy don’t you? i’m yours, right? say it, daddy~ say that i’m yours”
you. bitch.
i bawl my fists up and grit my teeth. it’s all intentional isn’t it?
that’s when i realized, you aren’t as innocent as you appear to be.
“fuck me harder, daddy~ yeah…right there. you love this pussy don’t you? i’m yours, right? say it, daddy~ say that i’m yours”
Oh are you trying to make him go crazy? Jungkook fucks you with a newfound vigorous passion. His hips thrust harder and harder against yours.
His dick pistons in and out of you as he continues to fuck you against the wall. “Yes… you’re mine. I love this pussy so fuckin much.” He groans, leaning in to bite your neck as he sucks a dark hickey into it.
“This my fuckin pussy.. ugh— fuck— you feel so good.” He cries out, feeling his orgasm building up. “You’re mine-ngh.. that’s why I fuckin knocked you up.” He blabbers, breathing heavily as you both moan out.
Your cunt feels so hot. It’s sucking him in so deeply, it’s so hard to last.
Jungkook pulls you in for a searing kiss as he thrusts in to your pussy. “Y-Yn baby I’m gonna cum. Cum again for me..” he begs, his hips working overtime.
Your expressions are so fucking hot, he’s got you drooling and moaning like a whore, his whore.
“Cum for daddy- cum all over my cock.” He demands suddenly yanking your hair so you’re looking directly into his eyes.
“Who the fuck are you looking at- pay attention to me!” You cry out and jungkooks anger dissolves.
“Now.. cum for me.” He whispers in your ear. “Or we stay here until you cannot walk.” He threatens.
Jungkook smirks as you gush all over his cock. You’re such a slut. You love being degraded.
“Ahhhh fuck yeah..”
He groans as he shoots his load inside you, filling you up. He loves fucking you raw.
“Now let’s fix ourselves up.”
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cinamun · 8 months
Amaya is a talker, from the beginning. she has a been a let's lay it all out on the table so there are no question marks floating around kind of person. she spilled the WHOLE story to Indya after the kiss/push, was very up front with DJ about her concerns about sex with him (and they talked about it), and the glimpse of the argument indicates they talked about their future--together. now he knows how she is, why wouldn't he think she'd want to talk about such a significant change in plans?
not an excuse, just a possibility, but he could have not wanted to make a big deal out of it just in case he didn't make it. regardless of the support system you know you have, failing somewhat quietly (combines are often televised) may be a struggle, but failing in front of the people who have supported you and may have even sacrificed for you is a weight most people find extremely hard to bear.
though, even if that was the case, he still should have talked to Maya, but it makes me wonder WHO knew what his plans were? his parents? I know we jumped 3 months, but why no celebration? because I know Indya would have questioned why Maya wasn't there and if she was, she would have sensed the rift then. which is why I think the above is quite possible.
also, DJ said he messed up bad. and I don't think he's just talking about being seen there with Becky when he wasn't supposed to be there at all, I think his reflection is traveling farther back to the first misstep, whether that is not talking to Maya about a the change in plans, or even something he knows they should have talked about or clarified before that.
I feel like DJ called for the break because he expected her to be happy for him and that was not what he got, and he was hurt and angry so he lashed out. I think she packed her bags to call his bluff (direct action) but also, love him or not, she's not about to let herself be dismissed like that (contingency plan). so, two birds with one stone. And even though she still loves him and probably knows there weren't any negative intentions towards her when the decision was made without her, this whole thing had to put a major dent in the trust between them. they both seem to want to recover from that--together, but will they be able to?
"but it makes me wonder WHO knew what his plans were?"
"I know we jumped 3 months, but why no celebration? because I know Indya would have questioned why Maya wasn't there"
"DJ said he messed up bad. and I don't think he's just talking about being seen there with Becky"
"I feel like DJ called for the break because he expected her to be happy for him and that was not what he got, and he was hurt and angry so he lashed out."
"they both seem to want to recover from that--together, but will they be able to?"
So at my big age I've become somewhat of a creature of habit and if you take something from me that I've had since the 6th damn grade, I'm not going to fare well, I'm going to want to recover it. To your last question, absolutely they both want to, will they? Stay tuned.
All really great points to consider and continues to make the case for Indya and Darren not knowing this was happening. Was this going to be some big surprise (this = going pro) for his family and his girl? And did he tell Amaya first because he thought she would be happy for him? Did her reaction shatter his dreams?
I think the "messed up bad" is because he didn't tell his parents, went straight to Maya and it backfired. Add on Becky and we got dumpster fire.
And... this makes me think that, since they lost the family pet and everyone moved overseas, was he keeping this a secret for more reasons that one? How would you even keep something like this a secret?
What if.......
And hear me out......
What if he signed anything yet but the offer is there?
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 9 months
Hey jalebi, I want to understand why did Arnav ripped Khushi's dori is it because she poked wrong wounds? Honestly in that moment Arnav's felt more grey than black or white! Would he behave the same with any woman who would poke his wounds anytime or its just in the spur of the moment with khushi?
Hey Anon,
Because Arnav is introduced as an anti-hero and he does everything an anti-hero.
"An anti-hero is a character who lacks a handful of the traditional attributes of a hero but is ultimately heroic. They may be bewildered, ineffectual, deluded, or merely apathetic. More often an anti-hero is just an amoral misfit. Some common attributes are: rarely speaking, being a loner, either extreme celibacy or extreme promiscuity, parental issues, occasional Past Experience Nightmares and flashbacks relating to a Dark and Troubled Past that can take many forms depending on the Anti-Hero in question.Typically, an antihero is the focal point of conflict in a story, whether as the protagonist, or as the antagonistic force. This is due to the antihero's engagement in the conflict, typically of their own will, rather than a specific calling to serve the greater good. As such, the antihero focuses on their personal motives first and foremost, with everything else secondary."
So Arnav's actions are incredibly volatile because until Shyam is confirmed as a Villain, Arnav is not revealed as a Hero.
And I find that dichotomy delicious. The audience is meant to be conflicted because that was a terrible moment and the show displays it as a terrible moment.
Also Arnav & Khushi have a different connection based on the story. Like a fated thread. They're both uncomfortable at the attraction they feel for someone undesirable.
And it's a multiple things that leads to that particular action. If Arnav met another woman under the exact circumstances who affected him just as much Khushi did and then have his wounds poked then, yes, the same reaction might've happened.
Women have very little responsibility over how a man behaves. Whether he's being romantic or abusive - it has nothing to do with a woman and all to do with the man himself.
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