#so it lets me be in tune w them and their thoughts and feelings
jasmines-library · 6 months
Hey, I love your Batfam work! Is there any chance you could do a whump/angst one of batsis being kidnapped by a villian(you can choose whoever you want) and she’s tortured for days with it being broadcasted to the Batfam while they try to track the footage. I feel kinda bad but can you do maybe some head trauma md severe burns? Maybe she has to be put in a medically included coma or smth because of the damage? Also is there any way you could include Barb and Duke along w/ the four robins? If not that’s totally cool! Sorry for the long request but I hope you have a great day!!
Anonymous Requested: batfam x batsib reader whos the youngest and newest robin and is just really goofy and doesn’t take anything seriously (ex: them blaring “who’s the (bat)man” on the comms during patrol [that songs stuck in my head i had to mention it]) and something happens, maybe their first close encounter to death or a run in with the joker and they just become a shell of who they were and stuff
Jokes On Me
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Note: My god im so sorry this literally took me forever to write, thank you so much for being patient. I've been trying to write this all week but just couldn't sit down for long enough to finish it.
Warnings: Torture, blood, burns.
Word Count: 2.5k
“Y/N, turn that shit off.”
Jason grumbled at you over the coms. You had been blasting some wretched song that you’d found on the internet over and over again and it was beginning to drive him mad. 
“Nope.” You said, popping the ‘p’ loudly. 
“Seriously.” Dick deadpanned. He had found it amusing at first, but it was now beginning to test his patience. 
Agitated, you sighed and turned off the music. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” Jason expressed gratefully, turning his eyes back to the road he was patrolling. The night was cool and quiet besides the odd dog walker or couple returning from an evening out. It was one of those nights where patrol would end early and he could return home to take a warm bath and read a book before turning in for the night. Or so he thought. 
You were rounding the corner, humming that tune that was still stuck in your head when his laughter ricocheted across the walls. You stiffened, eyes widening and hands fumbling for your weapon as your breath hitched. No amount of turning and craning your head allowed you to catch a glimpse of the dreaded figure, and you thought for a moment that perhaps it had just been a trick of your mind, or one of your brothers playing a cruel joke on you as payback for winding them up earlier. But then you heard it again, only this time to your left. You clutched your weapon tighter, eyes scanning the area with a new found sense of urgency. 
“Wing…” You whispered into the coms so quietly that you were surprised he heard it.
“What now?” He somewhat snapped. 
“We have a problem.”
Dick’s heart sank through the floor, his ears pricking up and his demeanour changing completely. “Where are you? What’s the matter? He was trying to let his panic show, but you hadn’t been patrolling as a vigilante for very long, and while you were well trained, you lacked the experience to deal with something big on your own. And from your tone of voice, he could tell that you were in some deep shit. 
Jason worked his legs harder to push himself to reach the direction he had seen you head off in. Albeit it seemed even his hardest wasn’t enough.
When he stepped out of the darkness, the first thing you noticed were his eyes. Wide and bright, easily mistakable for a cat’s as they flashed in the darkness; wild. Rabid. As he emerged fully with that infamous twisted grin splayed out on his face, you felt like a cornered animal; a deer in headlights. You froze, unable to move despite how your heart screamed at you to run as it pounded, trying to break free from your ribcage. 
“He’s here…” A mere whisper sliding over your tongue, so fragile that you weren’t even sure if you had actually said it aloud. Jason had heard it. 
The Joker was circling you now, dragging out his strides in lazy circles. You should have fought but in that moment all of your training had drained out of you, along with the colour in your face. He smirked, leering down upon you as you tried to keep your trembling hand still. He pouted in mockery and at your silence, Jason repeated his question to you, but you never got the chance to respond. 
“Oh…Just an old friend, Jay-bird.”
“Joker.” Urging his body to move faster, Jason grit his teeth. 
Dick paled. “You leave them alone.” Dick spat. It tried to be a command, but the effect was lost somewhere in transmission.
The joker pursed his lips, tilting his head as he analysed. One of his hands had found his way to your jawline and he trailed it with a cold, gloved hand. You wanted to lean away, to run and find your brother but you knew that now he had you in his grasp there was no point in even trying. “And why would I do that? They’re right in front of me. I could just…snatch them up.”
“Don’t you dare!” Dick was frightened now. “Y/N, you stay there as long as you can, okay? You fight. We’re coming, you hear?”
The Joker frowned at you. “D’you hear that? Big brother birdy coming to the rescue. How sweet.”
His grip on you tightened. “Too bad you’ll be long gone by the time they get here.”
With one swift motion, he had thrown you harshly to the side, your head colliding with the wall with a sickening crack. 
The two boys skidded to a halt just a second too late. You were already gone. 
Your head hurt when you woke up. Your eyes squinted against the sterile light. They did no favours to your pounding headache. With a groan, you tried to twist, to roll over and soothe the crook in your neck but instead all that happened was the jinging of a metal chain. You craned your head and spotted the thick chain that had been wrapped around your wrist, confining you to the chair. Struggling, you tugged on them, trying to free yourself only for them to rattle and scrape against your skin. 
“Yeah, that’s not going anywhere, birdy.” The joker chided.
You glared at him through narrowed eyes, trying to mask the thumping of your heart. The joker grinned wildly at your frightened complexion. 
“It was such a shame that Grayson and Todd didn’t get to you in time, but it was far too easy to catch you, little bird: you completely froze.” He snapped his fingers to emphasise his point. “Didn’t batsy teach you better?”
“Don’t talk about them.” You snapped. 
The joker raised his hands, palms facing toward you in surrender: taunting you as if you were the one with the power in the situation. “Touchy subject I see. Too bad.” 
He gestured above you to an incessantly blinking light. “Smile for the camera, you’re live.”
Babs had been monitoring the street cameras when the computer beside her flickered to life. She had been searching for any sign of you ever since Dick and Jason came flying through the grandfather clock. Everyone was on edge. 
The moment the screen flashed on, her eyes perked up to watch it, alarmed. She hadn’t turned it on. And there were very few people who could bypass the caves system. So when she saw a small frame curled up in a chair she knew immediately what was up. 
“Duke…” she called to the dark haired boy who was trying to help decipher your whereabouts. “Go and get B.” 
It did not take long at all for everyone to gather around in the cave. Duke was fast, and everyone dropped what they were doing to race down: even Alfred had taken his leave from his duties to see. 
It was almost like some sick irony because as soon as they were all there, you began to scream. A guttering, perfect scream that cut that through them like a knife: unclean and pinging into them messily again and again. 
The joker had taken a knife to your left thigh, his smile dripping with malice as he watched the camera, somehow knowing that at least one of them would be watching. 
Your face was contorted in pain, twisting in agony as tears rolled flatly down your cheeks from fearful eyes. Damian felt sick, his stomach churning. Jason wanted to leave. But all of them were stuck watching. Barbra was tapping away, trying to locate the signal from the video to no avail. 
“I hope you’re watching this Batsy…” He moved round to trail your face with the edge of the knife. You whimpered. “I’ve got your little bird here and I must say, you need to work on their training. They were far too easy to catch.”
Bruce felt his jaw tightening and Tim had to place a hand on his arm to remind him of his place. 
“Anyway I thought we would play a little game… how long can little y/n survive for. I wonder if it’ll be any longer than our very own Jason Todd.”
Jason twitched. 
“I’m testing you here, Bat. Tick Tock.”
The transmission cut to black. 
It seemed hopeless. Even though they had been searching for days, they were no closer to finding you. And to make matters worse, they could see you. Not long after the first transition ended did it start up again. It had been lifestreaming since then, and although they had tried to block it from their minds, it was hard to ignore. Especially when your agonised screams ricocheted throughout the halls. 
You looked like hell. Dark bags occluded under your eyes and there wasn’t an inch of your skin that wasn’t marred or stained with drying blood. The burns were worse. Damian could still hear the scream you let out when the joker first brought the hot poker to your skin. It had bubbled and blistered as the skin peeled away; you had thrashed against your restraints violently. Tim was certain that they were going to get infected if they didn’t reach you soon. 
It felt as if they had searched everywhere. Dick and Jason had even asked around to see if anyone had heard anything, going as far to talk to the Jokers closest associates in Arkham, but even if they did know, nobody said anything. Duke had even gone as far to go back to the area to use his powers to see if he could trace anything, but nothing seemed out of place; they had hit a brick wall. That was…until a small light appeared on the monitor. Babs had managed to trace the signal to a small building on the outskirts of the city. 
They were suited up in minutes, making a beeline for the building. They stormed it, recklessly taking down the Joker's goons before Batman chased wildly after the Joker, his face stony and his fists burning with anger. The other four boys chased down the winding corridors, flinging open the doors until they found one that was locked. Tim wasted no time, picking the lock with ease he peeled it open. His breath hitched when he saw you. 
Your face was gaunt, hanging low by your chest. Your suit was torn and there was less of it on your body than there was ripped away. You looked so fragile as your chest heaved sporadically. 
Jason nearly had to take a step back. This place reminded himself too much of his own encounter with the Joker not too long ago. But he pressed forward, fighting his instincts. He had to be strong. Instead of turning back, he kneeled in front of you, whispering your name. His hand came up to cup your face. You flinched away. 
“It’s okay kid. It’s us.” He tried to reassure you, but you shrank back into yourself. 
“We’re so, so sorry kiddo.” Dick tried placing a gentle hand on your arm before moving to work on the cuffs around your wrists. “We’re going to get you out.”
You said nothing, just continued to stare at the black space before you, and Dami wasn’t sure if you even knew they were in front of you. But when Jason moved away from you to help remove your restraints, your fingers latched onto him and you squeaked in protest. 
He sighed shakily. “Don’t worry kid. I’m not going anywhere.”
Damian twisted from where he was guarding the door. “We need to leave.”
Dick nodded bluntly, finishing with the last of the locks. “I’m going to have to pick you up, okay sweetheart?”
You barely registered what he had said. Everything had grown numb, you nodded anyhow. Moving his arms underneath your legs and slipping one arm behind your back, Jason began to lift you. He nearly recoiled when you cried and whimpered with the way your wounds jostled as he sprinted out of the building to get you back to safety. 
You were yet to say anything since you came home. You had been back a few days and your wounds were healing up nicely thanks to Alfred’s handywork, but the air was eerily silent around you. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t been communicating with them; you spoke to them with gestures or writing but no one was used to not hearing your voice. The stark contrast between your loud and bustling personality and you now was unsettling. No one wanted to push you too far but the manor was beginning to grow lonely. 
It was one particularly rainy night when you finally spoke.  You were curled up in a large armchair by the window in the library, sinking back into the plush leather as you watched the raindrops race down the glass. Jason had been watching you from afar, contemplating whether to talk to you or not when he walked over. 
“What are you up to?” He asked you, making sure you knew that he was there before he spoke. 
You gestured toward the window,then to the half opened book at your feet and shrugged. 
“I see.” He nodded, taking a seat on the armchair opposite you. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you. Jason wasn’t much of a talker. He knew more than anyone what you were going through, which was why it was nice just to know that he was willing to sit with you, just so you knew that he was there if you needed him. It made you feel safe. But you also couldn’t help but feel guilty, and frustrated with yourself for being in a place that made him feel as though he had to do that. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. 
Jason had to do a second take. His heart swelled. “What for?”
You sighed. “This. When I saw him…i-i froze. If I had run then this would never have happened.”
“Shh. This isn’t your fault.”
“I promise, Kid. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
You nodded, looking away from him. But then you furrowed your brows and turned back to him. “How did you do it? How did you deal with this, Jay? Every time I close my eyes he’s there.”
“I guess I don’t, really. Or sometimes it feels like I don’t. I still get scared sometimes. I still see him in my dreams. But over time it gets easier. I had people around me to help me. And so do you, kid. We’re here. We’ll always be here.”
Jason shifted to brush away a rogue tear and you leaned into his touch and then wrapped your arms tightly around his middle. 
“I’m here. Always. We’ll get through this together.”
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff @alicedawitchbish
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leovenuslatina · 3 months
𝓓𝓞 𝓜𝓔(18+) ୧ ‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡ PT.1
tips appreciated
this is all about what your FS thinks while doing you
(as always this reading is 18+) MDNI
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
✧˖°. IM so so so sorry for being MIA so i decide to make this reading a three parter 💘 AND it was my bday month in June so turn up for me yall and after that i just took a small hiatus 🤭 also i wanna say thank you all for checking on me 🥲 it warm my heart so much knowing you guys care about me 🥹!!i may also be redoing some old PACS of mine so stay tuned !! ✧˖°.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ౨ৎ₊this is just a reminder that tarot isn’t permanent or set in stone YOU decide how your life goes no one or nothing else now take a deep breath and choose the pile that calls to you ₊˚⊹ ᰔ౨ৎ₊˚⊹
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pile one - knight of cups, the sun, two of wands, ten of pentacles
pile one when having sex your FS thoughts are “don’t finish too quick” and “i hope i last” lmaooo they’re literally laser focused on lasting as long as possible. they literally want to just pound into you and fill you up as quick and as fast as possible but they restrain because ultimately your pleasure is theirs. your FS main thoughts are all about being close to you and how much they love it they adore having sex with you because it means they get to be as close to you as possible: skin to skin limbs intertwined with one another. they also want so badly to be good enough for you your FS wants badly to pleasure you and they worry deeply about how they’re performing for you they take pride in making you feel good and communication is key with this person they loveeeeee when you tell them just how good you feel 🥹 or if you don’t like something they also love that because at least they will know how to better understand your needs. when having sex with you your FS has spent so much time thinking about this special moment they literally always fantasize about sharing really hot intimate moments like this and making you moan all night long. your FS thinks about all the different things he’d like to try and what type of kinks you two may share together your FS seriously is willing to do literally what you want to try they love to make you happy. while inside you pile one all your FS can think about is how you must be too good to be true you’re just too beautiful too gorgeous to be true. Your FS views you as their dream girl and all they think about is how they are so nervous and they hope that you can’t tell just how scared they are to let you down.
extra messages - creative, charming, dreamer, joy , success, anxiety, gain, goals,
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pile two - five of pentacles, ace of wands, page of swords, knight of pentacles
Similar to pile one your FS worries about them making you feel good your FS feels like they’re putting on a performance for you. they may even hold off on sex for a while in your relationship just because of how nervous w make them 🤭but eventually their love for you will overcome any negative thoughts they may have because their feelings are wayyyy stronger than anything. i’m also seeing that they have a huge fear of getting you pregnant so they will make sure to have hella protection on hand like always. i’m seeing you and your FS will have lots of conversations about his fears pertaining to intimacy and the bedroom which may sound like a scary thing but i’m seeing one or both of you could have major issues when it comes to being so intimate and vulnerable but it will make you so much more stronger as a couple therefore making your sex life ten times better. when the two of you are making love they will overcompensate in some ways like they have hella toys i’m seeing vibrators and d!ldxs and also getting they’ll get some pleasure from overstimulating you watching you squirm and jerk around it really gets him going like nothing else.
extra messages- new beginnings, intelligent, challenging, ambitious, dependable, honorable
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pile three - the emperor, knight of wands , four of swords, queen of cups,
right off the bat pile three your FS is very confident in their size i see him almost presenting himself to you. you know that snl sketch “d!ck in a box” it’s like that bc he’s like really proud of how big he is. Your FS is very confident in how well he can please and you know what he can most definitely back it tf up. he knows exactly how to walk that walk and talk the talk 👏🏾. i’m also seeing he’s like about to put it in and you’re all like “it won’t fit” and he kisses you and smirks and he’s like “i’ll make it fit.” Your FS feels like having sex with you as the most addictive drug he’s every done. literally even one single day without your body your kisses your touch and he’s itching for another hit of you. When having s3x with you pile three your FS thinks about how it feels like being intimate with you heals parts of them that you may not have broken but you play the biggest part in putting them back together again 💞 so even though the two of you are horny freaks in the bedroom your s3x is extremely healing ❤️‍🩹. Your FS thinks about how compatible the two of you are and how good it feels to be with you not just having sxx but outside of the bedroom. Your FS thinks about how luck ly he is to be with you how he truly feels spoiled by the universe to have found their perfect match 🥹
extra messages- passionate, masculine,determination, impulsive, rest, spouse
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fettuccin-e · 11 months
Just This Once
Kinktober Day 18: Squirting + Dacryphilia
Tags: Din Djarin x Reader, afab!fem!reader, unprotected piv (pls wrap it before you tap it irl), fingering (r!recieving), squirting, light dacryphilia, Din being feral but also emotionally stunted (w/c: 1.7K)
A/N: Guess who fell behind on Kinktober again, womp womp. I will not give up though!! I am determined to finish, so please enjoy this Din fic that I may or may not have gotten too invested in while writing it and stay tuned for some more filth coming (and cumming hahaha) soon!! (for Kinktober I have been using this list from flightlessangelwings!)
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There’s something about the coldness of space, the loneliness of it, that makes you so desperate.
When the Crest is quiet, the baby asleep, all you can feel is the vastness of the universe around you, your body cold and needy for touch. And Maker, the Mandalorian notices immediately, the way you cross and uncross your legs in the seat behind him, curling your fingers into your thighs as the stars fly past the ship. You don’t mean to be obvious, but Din always notices.
He knows how to treat you when you get like this, all needy and desperate for his touch, even when you don’t want to admit it. Din is willing to admit that you are far more than just a friend to him, but you both narrowly avoid the strength of the feelings between you both, the bond that drags you together. But still, Din knows exactly what you need, and he has absolutely no problem giving it to you.
He has you splayed across his lap, your back pressed against his chestplate, your head lolling back onto his shoulder. He’d lost his gloves the moment you’d peeled off your pants, his hands the only skin he’ll allow himself to touch you with. It’s a wonderful loophole for you, but an exercise in torture for him. He wants to feel your back pressed against his bare chest, trace his lips down your neck. Wants to feel your heartbeat against his, quick and warm and alive. 
This is the Way, he reminds himself, despite knowing, deep down, that he’s already broken something just by touching you without his gloves. But stars, how can he resist when your pretty, desperate little cunt pulses beneath his fingertips, begging for more, more, more.
He ghosts his fingers up the slick seam of your pussy, and has to hold back his own groan at the way you whine, pressing back against him as your hips twitch uncontrollably.
“Stars, you’re wet,” he grunts, pressing a thick finger into your entrance, already gaping with your need for something, anything to clutch onto. “Needed me this bad, cyar’ika?”
“‘M so- so empty, Din, fuck, it’s like,” you cut yourself off with a gasp as he starts fucking you with that one thick finger, feeling it drag across your walls. “It’s like I can’t fucking breathe without you touching me, Maker, I need it all the time, Din.” 
And it’s true. When you’d first started traveling with Din and the baby, you’d barely even noticed the loneliness. You’d been lonely your whole life, eager to escape your desolate little planet and see the stars.
But then Din had done this for the first time, when tensions had run too high, when things had gone just a little too far.
“Just this once,” he’d muttered, “Can I touch you?” he’d asked, and you’d said yes without a thought.
He’d peeled off his glove, touching your face gently, so gently with those calloused fingers. He’d laid you out on his small mattress, pressing the front of his helmet to your forehead as he let his hand roam the expanse of your body, squeezing your skin over your clothes before brushing them over your clit through your pants. When you’d jerked up and moaned, he could only let out a shaky exhale through his visor as he rubbed tight circles into it, enraptured by the way you whimpered and squirmed beneath him.
“Just once,” he kept muttering, even as he worked one, two orgasms out of your body, “just once.”
Except it happened again. And again. And again.
And now you can barely sleep without wanting, needing Din to touch you. He hasn’t fucked you; there’s an unspoken rule that he’s broken enough of the Creed for you, telling you his name, touching you like he does. You don’t question it, not when you’re the one getting fucked on his fingers until you’re in tears, ravenous for his hands on your body.
It’s like it gets worse as time goes on, your need for him. Even now, pressed against his chest as his thick thighs spread you wide for his hands, it’s like the first time. You writhe against him as he works another finger into your hot cunt, your slick covering his hand. You hump forward into them without meaning to, and you turn your head to tuck it into his cowl as he works you over.
Din fucks his fingers furiously into you, using his other arm to brace across your hips, keeping you pinned to him. He’s practically growling as he pumps his hand between your legs, crooking his fingers up to press against the spot that makes you cry so beautiful for him. He keeps his fingers pressed deep for a moment, just grinding the tips of them into that spot relentlessly and relishing in the way you cry his name so prettily.
“Din, please- oh fuck! Stars, it’s too much, it’s too much oh my- ah-” you wine, feeling tears start to build in your eyes as you edge dangerously close to that peak you need so bad.
“C’mon, mesh’la, let go for me, squeeze my fingers with this little cunt,” he growls, and fuck, you can’t even breathe as you let him work you over, making you cum so hard that you can’t do anything but gasp for air.
And Din can’t fucking take it anymore.
“Fuck, I-” you hear him say, and you turn your head to look at him, even as aftershocks wrack your body, even as his fingers stay buried inside.
“What, Din?” you whisper, and Din nearly curses at the sight of you. Your lashes are wet with tears, stars, why do you have to look at him like that? It wears at his carefully honed control, and fuck, he can practically feel it snap at the sight of you, as the feeling of you.
“Can I fuck you?” he rasps, and you hear him suck in a breath, “please let me fuck you.” You can't hold back the keening whine that leaves your mouth, and Din shivers behind you at the sound of it.
“Please,” you breathe, and Din pulls his fingers out of you without missing a beat, reaching behind you, between your bodies to pull his cock out of his pants haphazardly. You feel the hardness of it press against your lower back, and resist the urge to look. You don’t want to cross any more lines than he’s given you.
“Just this once,” he mutters, pulling your hips back over him, notching the thick head of his cock to your entrance. “Just need to feel you, once, fuck, just once,” and he pulls you down, down, letting his cock stretch you so wide, so perfect.
Months in space, just weeks of having Din touch you, stars, it’s nothing compared to this. You eyes roll to the back of your head as he settles deep inside, so fucking deep that it makes your toes curl.
“Dank farrik, that’s fucking tight-” he grunts, the hot, wet heat of your cunt pulsing around him almost making him fill you up right then and there. He bites his tongue, praying to the Maker that the pain stops him from ending this far too fucking soon.
He uses his hard, strong grip on your hips to roll you into him, grinding you down hard onto his cock. You can only take it as he punches his hips up in aborted, desperate little thrusts that grind into your sweet spot.
“Fuck, Din, it’s so big, I can’t-” you whine, but Din only growls beneath his visor, fucking up into you harder, and your head falls back onto his shoulder plate at the feeling of it. It’s so perfect, it’s everything you’ve needed, stars, how will you survive without him filling you up like this?
“Give me another one, cyare,” he mutters, and he uses one of his hands to bring his fingers to your clit, just like he did that first night. Except this time, his cock is inside you, spreading you so wide and pressing up into your g-spot with every fucking thrust in. You gasp for air, little whines punching out of your throat every time Din shoves in all the way. 
He’s a violent man, always has been, and fucking you is no exception. He fucks you like he hunts: fast, rough, fucking monstrous. Tears finally start to pour down your cheeks, and you hiccup through your moans.
“Look at you,” he rasps, “sobbing on my cock like the needy whore you are.” He doesn’t know what’s happened to him, he’s never talked like this, let alone to you. But stars, the way you moan for him has his head spinning, has words pouring out of his mouth like they’ve been trapped there all this time. “Mesh’la, squeezing me so perfect, never want to leave this perfect cunt.”
“Din, fuck, Din, I’m gonna- stars, I’m gonna-” you gasp, your hands scrabbling at the one hand he has rubbing at your swollen clit.
“C’mon, c’mon, let me feel it, need to fucking feel it-” he mutters, and oh-
You’re pretty sure you scream as you cum, but it’s hard to hear it over the ringing in your ears as you thrash in Din’s lap. You can feel him still inside you, his horrible fingers still rubbing dexterous circles into your clit as he floods your cunt with his cum. Your orgasm feels fucking endless, your thighs trying to close but still held wide by Din’s between them. 
When you finally start to hear again, the blurriness fading from your vision, you can hear Din behind you, muttering, “fuck, so beautiful, didn’t- didn’t know you could do that.”
“Do- do what?” you slur, still groggy, but as you look in front of yourself, you can see the mess you’ve made. You’d fucking squirted, your wetness drenching his thighs and the floor of the hull. The sight makes your head spin, and you hide your face in his cowl as he wraps his arms around you, hugging you close to him. The coolness of his armor is soothing to your overly-heated body.
“So good, you did so good for me, cyar’ika,” he mumbles beneath the visor. “So pretty, can’t believe- you looked so beautiful.”
You let yourself relax into his hold, and he doesn’t let you go. “Didn’t know I could do that either,” you mumble, sleep already weighing down your eyelids, exhaustion flooding your body. “We’ll have to try again later,” you mumble. “Don’t think once is enough.”
“It will never be enough,” you hear him whisper, “not with you.”
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lordprettyflackotara · 7 months
more than friends || Sam & Colby
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smut, literally smut w a string of a plot, pure filth, minors dni, 18+, obvi threesome
You should’ve kept walking.
It wasn’t unusual to overhear Sam and Colby talking or making noise.
After all, the three of you were best friends and lived together. As adults with busy schedules, it would be impossible to not accidentally overhear each other at a certain point.
You were fine with that. They were modest men, trying to keep the noise down so you could get some sleep at a decent hour. You typically tuned out the excessive noise they did make, their presence becoming normal to you.
But when you heard Colby’s pants and moans through the bathroom door, you couldn’t ignore it.
You froze in the hallway outside of the bathroom, the faint sound of running water from the shower hidden underneath Colby’s desperate noises.
Heat rushed to your cheeks, your mouth running dry.
It was wrong listening to your best friend jerk himself off.
But as he whimpered, you found arousal pooling in your panties. Colby was a dominate man, in the bedroom and out of it. And to hear him whimper?
It did something to you that you couldn’t even process. You held your books close to your chest, your breath hitched as you listened closely. Colby’s soft moans became a little louder, causing you to be able to hear more without leaning noticeably on the door. Your cunt was practically dripping, your thighs shifting uncomfortably.
A string of curses left Colby’s lips, the running water from the shower shutting off. You began to attempt to scurry away, a book falling off of your stack.
Fear ran through your body as you scurried to grab it, the bathroom door opening behind you. Afraid Colby would see how flustered you were, you continued walking down the hallway. You could feel Colby’s gaze on you as you turned the corner, swiftly entering your room.
That night you stayed secluded in your room, afraid Colby would try to talk to you. You couldn’t stop thinking about being the shower with him, letting him throat fuck you instead of him having to use his hand.
You thought maybe reading would take your mind off of it, deciding to open a book. As your eyes scanned the page, the sound of Sam’s voice came through the shared wall you both had.
“You look so pretty for me. Spread your legs,” Sam ordered, his voice sounding husky. You froze at his words, his tone one you had never heard before. You could feel the butterflies swarming around your stomach, your focus no longer on your book. You knew Sam didn’t have anyone over, the blonde struggling to get over his ex.
Involuntarily you did what he said, pulling down your shorts. His next command was even more satisfying to do. You could even hear the smirk in his voice. “What a good girl. Now pull your panties to the side, let me see that pretty pussy,” Sam groaned. You felt sinful, realizing he was having phone sex with someone. His hypnotizing words weren’t meant for you, but for whoever he was on the phone with. Your fingers ghosted your cunt, trying to break out of the lustful trance these boys had put you under.
You would’ve broken out of the spell, if it hadn’t been for the moans that left Sam’s lips.
After that, Sam and Colby fucking you senseless was all you could think about.
It was all that could get you off too, your mind obsessed with the idea of your two best friends ruining you. You weren’t a virgin by any means and neither were they. You had spent countless years with them, the friendly conversations about sex not something the three of you were afraid of.
The more addicted you became to the thought of them, the more you replayed those conversations in your head.
How Colby enjoyed being dominant and degrading. Sam was more or less the same, although he enjoyed being a soft dom more.
You tried to pleasure yourself when they weren’t home. Not only was it considerate of you for their sakes, but it also gave you the ability to moan their names freely.
Tonight was one of those nights, the boys having left to go to a party one of their creator friends were throwing. They had invited you, but they knew as well as you did that wasn’t your scene.
The moment they left you rushed upstairs, throwing yourself onto your bed.
It didn’t take long for you to grab your vibrator or for your fantasies to ensue. Your mind wondered to Colby’s veiny hands, how rough he would be choking you. You bucked your hips against your vibrator, groaning Colby’s name. In front of you would be Sam prying your legs open, overstimulating you into a permanent bliss.
You moaned Sam’s name as well, your hand slipping up to one of your breast. You teased your nipple, imaging it was Colby’s teeth grazing it. You felt so filthy and sinful, whimpering for your best friends.
But you just couldn’t stop.
The idea of them gave you pleasure that was blinding. So much so that you didn’t notice your door opening.
Colby clearing his throat caused your eyes to pop open, fear shocking itself down your body. Swiftly you turned your vibrator off, desperately covering yourself up with your comforter.
“I uh, well-” You began, awkwardly clearing your throat. Cotton mouth had just become your worst enemy. Sam and Colby couldn’t help but stare at you, their blue eyes focused on you as you scrambled to maintain composure.
“I thought you guys were supposed to be at a party?” You asked. As if the two could telepathically communicate, Colby approached your bed first. Sam shut and locked your door, before rounding your bed on the opposite side. “We were going to, until we realized we wanted to spend time with you more. I think we picked a good time to do that, don’t you Sam?” Colby teased. He leaned towards you, your face flushing red.
“I think we did. After all, you’ve been depriving us of those pretty noises all this time,” Sam purred. The two were inching closer to you. You knew you had been caught red handed, the humiliation and tension of the situation only making you more wet.
Colby leaned towards you, his breath hot against your ear. “I know you heard me in the shower y/n,” He whispered. He nibbled at your ear lobe as you quietly whimpered. “I-i’m sorry I shouldn’t have ease dropped-” You began apologizing, before Sam cut you off. He grabbed your face gently but assertively, forcing you to look at him. “What you should’ve done, is gone in there and sucked his cock like a good girl,” Sam answered for you.
The blondes eyebrows shot up in amusement as you rubbed your thighs together.
“It’s the same thing you should’ve done when you heard me on the phone,” Sam purred. Colby gently kissed the side of your face, his soft lips trailing down to your neck. “How d-did you-?” You began to ask, Colby’s firey hot touch distracting you from finishing your sentence. Sam grinned mischievously as he leaned forward, his lips an inch away from yours. “Our walls are paper thin remember? You can hear me and I can hear you,” Sam purred.
Colby abandoned your neck, your body feeling like it might burst into flames.
“We heard you moan our names pretty girl. Trust me when I say we want this as badly as you do,” Colby told you. He brushed some hair gently out of your face, your cheeks still full of warm. “We need to hear you say it y/n. Tell us you want this as bad as we want you,” Sam ordered. His voice sounded the same it did that night, your body becoming putty in the boys hands.
“I want you,” You whispered. You looked back at Colby, before looking back and forth at the two boys.
“I want you both, I mean. Right now. If you’ll have me,” You admitted as bravely as you could.
Sam and Colby exchanged glances, Colby working on pulling your comforter off of you. You would’ve been embarrassed, your vibrator still between your legs and your juices still coating your cunt. You would’ve been, if it weren’t for Sam placing his lips on yours. You groaned into the kiss, Colby’s hands hungrily spreading your thighs.
“You remember our last merch drop? How we had that photoshoot?” Colby asked. Sam’s lips refused to stray from yours, forcing you to nod in response. His lips worked harshly against yours, practically yanking your attention away from the brunette between your legs. “That’s when I knew I wanted you. You and that short skirt. It took everything in me to not fuck you then and there,” Colby said. You felt a chill go down your spine as he guided your legs to open. Sam readjusted himself behind you, your back leaning against his chest.
He chuckled at the amusing sight, moving your vibrator out of the way. “You won’t be needing this tonight. I have something better in mind,” Colby mumbled. He lowered himself onto the bed, kissing the inside of your thighs. The minimal touch made you groan into Sam’s mouth, the blonde finally pulling away from some air. His pale cheeks were pink, a playful smile dancing across his lips. “Desperate are we?” He teased.
His eyes darted down to your bucking hips, one of your hands having found its way to Colby’s hair.
Colby’s eyes remained focused on your cunt, teasingly opening your folds to admire you.
“Go ahead, beg,” Sam ordered. He placed a sloppy kiss against your neck, his hands grabbing your breast. You whimpered, looking down at your brunette best friend.
Colby’s big blue eyes met yours, waiting for your response.
“Cmon princess, just wanna hear you,” Colby said gently. You bit your lip anxiously, humiliation washing over you all over again.
“Please Colby, please eat me out. It’s all i’ve been able to think about. Fucking please-” You began rambling, your words stringing together. Colby cut you off, licking an antagonizing slow stripe up your cunt. He smirked as you groaned his name, your legs tightening around his head. Once your eyes met his, he began devouring your cunt.
Your cunt was dripping wet, two of his slender fingers sliding in with ease. You could feel the coolness of his rings against your cunt, causing you to whimper. He finger fucked you quickly, while continuing to suck and flick at your precious clit. He couldn’t get enough of you.
You couldn’t hold back your noises, Sam’s mouth fixated on sucking your neck completely purple. He littered your skin harshly, marking you for his own pleasure. Colby noticed this, releasing your clit with a pop. You shivered at the loss of stimulation, your hips buckling upwards involuntarily. He slowed his fingers down, but didn’t remove them from you.
“Hey leave some of her neck for me dude. She’s ours. Not just yours,” Colby spat. He brought his thumb to your clit, drawing slow circles around it. Sam released your neck, your tender skin throbbing from his assault.
“She likes it. And i’m going to give her whatever she likes, not what you prefer,” Sam argued. You could feel your walls squeezing around Colby, their argument over you exhilarating.
Colby grinned up at you mischievously, momentarily putting aside his jealousy.
“I think she likes it when we talk about her like she isn’t here. She’s squeezing my fingers,” Colby teased. You felt your cunt flutter around him, his circles on your clit speeding up. He slowly pumped his fingers inside of you, purposefully taking his time brushing against your g spot. Sam’s hand snaked away from your breast and up to your throat, his breath hot against your ear.
“You’re so cute when you’re about to cum. Your bodies tensing up, look at that,” Sam purred. You could feel the cord in you grow tighter, the boys filthy words driving you closer to the edge. Your thighs began to shake as they tightened around Colby, his fingers curling up into you with ease. “I can feel your legs starting to shake, cum for me,” Colby commanded. Your legs were visibly starting to shake, Colby’s hands relentless.
Sam’s hand slithered around to your throat, giving you a soft but assertive squeeze. “Thats it, cum for us,” Sam ordered, ensuring to emphasize the both of them. Your orgasm was blinding, your vision temporarily turning white. You had thrown your head back against Sam’s shoulder, while Colby slowly played with your cunt until you rode out your orgasm fully.
You whimpered as he slowly pulled out his fingers, a smirk on his face.
“You’ve gotta have a go at her cunt dude. Shes so tight,” Colby gloated. Sam quietly huffed behind you, the two boys readjusting themselves. He ignored Colby’s comment, Sam’s jealousy practically radiating off of him.
“Get on all fours love, i’m gonna fuck you senseless,” Sam ordered, his eyes focused on glaring at his best friend. Their tension drove you wild, so much so that you were scrambling to get on all fours.
Colby stood in front of you now, while Sam was behind you. You arched your back, flattening out your tongue for the brunette in front of you.
“You’re dripping on my fingers. You’re such a slut,” Sam commented, the sound of their clinking belts almost in unison. As Colby undressed himself he brought his thumb to your tongue, watching in satisfaction as you began sucking on it.
“And look at that arch,” Colby murmured. He leaned forward, slapping your ass harshly. You squirmed, swirling your tongue around his thumb. Colby bit his bottom lip to refrain from groaning, before guiding his cock to your mouth.
“Open up, let me see that slutty little tongue of yours again,” Colby told you. You did as instructed, releasing his thumb and allowing the brunette to slide himself into your mouth. At the same time, you felt Sam collect your slick on his cock as he rubbed up and down your folds. His hands dug into your waist, guiding his cock into your cunt. You let out a moan, the sound vibrating the cock in your mouth.
The three of you let out a sigh of satisfaction in unison, Sam bottoming out quickly.
“Oh fuck, you’re practically milking me,” Sam groaned. His fingers dug harshly into your waist, so much so you almost assumed he would leave bruises. Colby gathered your hair into a ponytail, his eyes meeting yours. “Can we move sweet girl?” Colby asked softly. You nodded as best as you could with his cock in your mouth, deciding moving your hips and bobbing your head would send the right message.
Sam found his rhythm quickly, muttering your name and curses as he found his pacing. He liked to fuck you fast and rough, barely giving you a chance to breathe. Colby was almost the same, his eyes gleaming with pride as you took him down your throat.
“Fuck can I face fuck you?” Colby asked, almost desperately. In response you tried to take him deeper down your throat, trying to say ‘yes’ as best as you could. But with his cock lodged in your throat, it just came out as a muffled incoherent babble. Sam’s thrust were relentless, his cock abusing your g spot with every thrust he made.
Colby began bucking his hips as he pleased, knowing he didn’t have to hold back anymore. The most sinful of sounds filled the room, tears filling your eyes as Colby used your throat as he pleased. “You were right Colbs, her pussy feels so fucking good,” Sam groaned. Colby didn’t let up his pace in the slightest, tugging at your hair as he forced you down on his cock. He groaned your name as you took him to the base, your nose nuzzling against neat pubic area.
“Next time we need to switch, you’ve got to t-try her mouth,” Colby sputtered, his hips seemingly fucking you on their own. The vibrations from your pretty noises only pushed Colby closer to the edge, causing his grip on your hair to tighten. Tears flooded your waterline, your gags ignored as Colby used your throat.
“Fucking take it whore, i’m gonna cum down your tight little throat,” Colby groaned. You felt Sam’s hand slither down to your overstimulated clit, causing you to only moan louder. Colby’s hips sputtered, his cock twitching down your throat. He moaned your name as he came, the heavenly sound almost distracting from the feeling of his seed flooding your throat.
You gagged trying to swallow him all, struggling to breathe through your nose. Colby slowly pulled his cock out, allowing you to gasp for air as you swallowed his cum whole.
Your moans now flooded the room, the boys names leaving your lips religiously. Colby knelt down in front of you, getting eye to eye with you as Sam fucked you harder and harder. “You’re such a good whore for us, taking both of our cocks,” Colby praised. He lovingly stroked your cheek, as Sam’s fingers circled your clit faster and faster.
“Feels so good Colbs. I c-can’t-” You began sputtering, your body shaking from pure euphoria. Colby’s hand slithered down to your throat, gripping it tightly. “I know how much you like choking. Wanna make sure our pretty girl gets off, right Sam?” Colby asked mockingly. His blue eyes never strayed from yours, assertively watching you get corrupted on his best friends cock.
Sam smacked your ass, a wave of electric shock shooting up your spine. They were ripping another orgasm out of you, your body engulfed in their flames. “I want you to cum on my cock and look at Colby in the eyes as I breed your tight cunt,” Sam ordered. You could feel your tender flesh turning red, Sam’s slender fingers surely going to leave bruises on your waist. Colby squeezed your throat, regaining your attention.
“If you close your eyes for even a second, we won’t let you cum. Understand?” Colby said sharply. You babbled out something of understanding, your brain not fully functioning.
Sam squeezed your clit harshly, your body feeling like it was about to collapse.
The blondes simple command made your body shake violently, your eyes fighting to stay open and focus on Colby’s blue ones. The lack of oxygen was making you dizzy, your body convulsing around Sam’s cock. A few slow thrust was all it took for Sam to cum, his warm seed filling up your abused cunt.
By the time Sam pulled out you were trembling, covered in sweat, tears, and dripping with cum.
As your vision settled and you tried to ignore your cotton mouth, the inevitable question escaped your lips.
“We’re going to be friends after this, right?”
Sam and Colby exchanged glances, telepathically communicating before Sam answered.
“I think we want to be more than friends,”
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soular-sisters · 4 months
Astro Notes 🤍
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🤍 with transits, when you read that “a planet is stationed in retrograde”, this means that it is closest to earth & the energy will be felt the strongest during this period of the transit. 🌎
🤍 aries sun & scorpio sun are common best friends. they seem to vibe & understand each other thanks to the mutual mars energy. (a best friend duo you don’t want to mess with lol). 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏿
🤍 pluto in 2nd house synastry is a gold digger aspect. the pluto person will benefit heavy from the 2nd house person’s wealth. just sayin’…. 💳
🤍 virgo placements tend to struggle with anxiety disorders. 😬  examples:
virgo sun will be anxious about their personality
virgo moon will have inner anxiety about their emotions
virgo mercury will struggle with anxious thoughts
virgo venus will be anxious in love 
virgo mars will be anxious about the actions they take
🤍 gemini mars are the types to prank out of revenge. when they are wronged, they may come up with revenge schemes that are w i l d. 🤪
🤍 all pisces moons tend to gravitate to astrology. i feel our spiritual nature just draws us to the beauty of the cosmos. ✨
🤍 venus/mars-uranus aspects are common amongst people in the LGBTQIA+ community. 🏳️‍🌈
🤍 females with cancer energy tend to have a beautiful chest if ya know what i meeean (cancer rules the chest + the mother = boobies lol). 👀
🤍 “oops, i did it again” gives me such libra ascendant/venus in 1st house/venus-ascendant aspects energy (which ms. britney spears is libra ascendant). they are the types to be friendly/accidentally flirt with others & then have people fall in love with them when they don’t even realize it. 💘
🤍 i feel for each moon sign element, we are meant to learn how to have good boundaries within that emotional energy.
fire moons: learning not to burn (fire) others with your emotion & properly extinguish (heal) any heated flames that arise. 🔥
earth moons: learning not to root (earth) themselves in unhealthy emotions to be able to grow (heal) past what hurts them. 🍃
air moons: learning not to be cold (wind) to both themselves and others with their feelings & let them pass (heal) without causing a windstorm. 🌬️
water moons: learning not to overflow (water) with emotion & allow the tides to calm (heal) without drowning in the wave. 🌊
~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~ ☁︎ ~
thank you guys so much for all the love & support as always. 🤍 stay tuned for a very exciting announcement coming soon!
I appreciate all of your love & support on my creative instagram!
IG: @dredivinecreates 💗
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pinkaditty · 1 year
WHB Sitri Thirst
teehee guess who's back (at long last!!!!!)
summary: sitri needs to give you devil energy in Satan's absence. you are tired of him calling you Solomon. a/n: you would not BELIEVE how many days this took like what if i keeled over and died fr. ANYWAYS ANYWAYS part 3 of the pervert obey me thing is still in the works as well as a few other writing projects im working on. please be patient with me i swear i will deliver what the crowd wants!!!!!!!!!!!!
also any anons that have sent asks: I SEE THEM! I PROMISE! I WILL RESPOND!
cw: cardiophilia, smut, creampie, begging, sub!sitri, dom!reader, gn!reader (none of the reader's physical attributes are mentioned with a specific description), some fang action, mentions of blood, NOT PROOFREAD, and i think that's all! let me know if i missed anything in the comments, please!
Word count: ~3k
By the time you'd returned to your lodging, Sitri was riddled with want and desire. Your face betrayed nothing, but you knew he could hear your heartbeat, beating a million times per minute as you attempted to unlock the door. The temptation to slow your pace to tease him was hard to resist, but you knew it would be useless when your heart gave away your every thought. Sitri is not a demon of many words, but you can hear his silent urging in his heavy breathing and twitching fingers against the leather of his harness. 
Thump, thump, thump.
You can feel your heart beating in your neck as you carefully turn the knob to the door, pushing it open and stepping inside, holding it open for Sitri to follow. He wastes no time in stepping through the threshold, the click of his heels stopping short before he turns to watch you as you close the door. You take your time doing it, the thumping of your heart harmonizing with the creak of the door. Sitri only watches, but you can feel his gaze boring into the back of your neck as you prolong the creaking of the door until it finally reaches the end. You shut the door in tune with your heartbeat. Thump.
The newfound silence of the room is almost deafening. You only realize how dark it is when you notice nothing but moonlight pouring across your skin. It is cool and glowing, illuminating the room in white light. You turn to look at Sitri, and the moment your eyes meet his, he approaches you. His light blue hair flows as he moves, shining white in the light. His skin is ever so pale, only dotted by a blue pentagram on his neck and the soft pink of his lips, pointed downwards in a soft pout. His eyes shine with what you can only assume is lust. He reaches for you, sharp blue nails curling into your clothing and holding you in place before he swiftly buries his face in your chest, listening intently to your heartbeat.
Thump, thump, thump.
He presses his ear to your chest and sighs comfortably, gripping your body like a lifeline.
Thump, thump, thump.
"Solomon…" He whispers quietly into your chest, relaxing against you. "How I missed this sound." His lips brush lightly against your chest as he speaks, making you shiver. 
You part your lips to correct him, remind him that you're not Solomon, but you don't bother after observing how peaceful he seemed, pressed against your chest. Despite him being so close, you could tell he was still antsy, his fingers tightening and loosening their grip on you, his thighs squeezing together and releasing, his breathing still heavy on your chest… 
Careful to avoid his horn, you gather some of his hair and tug on it twice, gently pulling him away. He hesitantly, and rather reluctantly, moves away from your chest, his lips still in a soft pout. He looks at you questioningly, and you simply shake your head. "Come on, let's get comfortable at least." You tug him along to your bed, sitting on it, and motioning for him to sit next to you. Instead of doing that, however, he situates himself on your lap, facing you. He curls his arms around your waist and once again presses his ear to your chest, as though desperate to hear your heart again. He pulled you closer with his arms and pressed into you further with his ear, so much so that you ended up on your back with him pressed against you at every inch, listening to your heartbeat.
Thump, thump, thump.
You hear him whispering Solomon's name multiple times, like a prayer, savoring the way it sounded on his tongue. You were not Solomon. But you could tolerate it… for now.
He just couldn't seem to get enough. He continued to press his ear into your chest, as though he needed to hear every single contraction, like he needed to hear the blood as it rushed to and from your heart. He started breathing heavier, his face turning red as he did. He began to press his body against yours a little rougher, breathy whines coming from his lips as he did. 
"Solomon, Solomon, Solomon…"
He begins to nuzzle his face into your chest, needing to feel more, more, and more. You hear him click his teeth in annoyance at your shirt, and he rather brazenly tears it away, as well as anything underneath, with his sharp nails. He tosses the ripped clothing to the side, ignoring your shocked noise, and presses his lips to your chest, right where your heart would be. He pulls away, his heavy breathing turning to panting, and he continues pressing kisses to your chest. You sigh in pleasure and let him continue, not that stopping him would result in anything fruitful.
The kisses become more and more desperate, and eventually, his lips make room for his tongue and teeth, licking and scraping his fangs against your chest. Occasionally he pauses, panting out of sheer excitement, and presses his ear against your chest again to listen to your rapid heartbeat. Each time he does, you feel him shift his hips and squeeze his thighs together, a shudder running down his spine. His hands grip anything within reach - your waist, your chest, your shoulders, your hair, the sheets - his hands rotate indiscriminately like he can’t decide what should ground him. You reach around him and tug on his hair, taming him. He hums into your chest and pulls back, lips swollen slightly from working at your chest, and eyes teary from stimulation. His face is bright red, barely visible in the pale moonlight. His chest heaves from his panting. You behold this sight for a while, gazing at him.
“I’ll need more than this to receive your devil energy, Sitri.” You gently remind him of the purpose of this endeavor, and his blush deepens. You reach out to cradle his cheek in your palm, and he leans into it, pressing his fingers against your wrist to feel your pulse. 
“I apologize, Solomon. I… I’ll make you feel good.” The words drip from his lips like saliva, thick and heavy with meaning, hunger laced in every syllable. He licks from your wrist to your palm, as though he could taste your pulse, before releasing your wrist and shifting his focus to your lower body. He grabs the hem of your clothing and gently tugs it away, removing your intimates as well. He seems to savor the way more of your skin is revealed, more skin through which blood flows, all for him to hear through a pulse. 
He moves further away to allow him access to you, kneeling just off of the bed and facing your core directly. He leans his head against your right thigh, pressing his ear to it to listen for a pulse, holding your left thigh away from his horn. You can tell immediately when he finds your pulse, as his grip on you tightens quickly, and he sighs in satisfaction. He starts almost immediately, licking a long stroke from the bottom to the top. You stiffen, trembling. You carefully prop yourself up on your elbows as he continues, sighing in pleasure. He maneuvers his tongue in long, careful strokes, exploring you as he pressed your thigh closer to his ear. All he needed was your heartbeat to know how well he was doing.
Thump, thump, thump.
You roll your hips against Sitri, reaching down for him and gripping his hair, encouraging him. He whimpers when you pull his hair, and you feel him shudder against your thigh. He peers up at you as he continues, his long tongue strokes turning into shorter, more focused ones at more sensitive points. He swirls his tongue in small circular strokes and the steady pattern of stimulation makes you see stars. You tugged harder on his hair, pulling him in closer to you, and he follows, malleable to your touch. It wasn’t much longer until you reached your peak, gripping his hair like a vice and trembling, pleased moans falling from your lips. He grips your thighs harder as you ride out the last of it, thumbs pressing painfully hard into the skin of them, feeling the blood pulse through your veins under his fingers. When you release his hair, he finally pulls away, his lips dripping with the remnants of your release. His hair is mussed, his skin is flushed red, his pupils are blown wide, and his lips are swollen and pink. He is beautiful.
His thumbs are still pressed painfully hard into your thighs and his ear is still pressed against your skin. He’s the picture of ecstasy, enjoying each and every thump of your heart, savoring the sound as though it’s the last he’ll hear of it. 
“Solomon…” He pants, licking his lips to clear them of your release. His eyes roll to the back of his head as he shivers again, and you watch as he bites his lip from the sheer thrill of listening to your heartbeat. “Thank you… Thank you for letting me indulge…” He pants between his words, rubbing his cheek against your thigh, still listening to your heartbeat. 
You decide you have had enough.
You sit up a bit more, adjusting your posture, and he watches you with adoring, lustful eyes. You roughly grab the front of his shirt, slightly damp with saliva, and pull him towards you. He obediently follows, watching with wide eyes as you lead him over you, pressing his knees into the bed. You take this opportunity to hook your legs behind his knees and flip him over on his back, pressed into the bed as you hover over him.
“I am not Solomon.” You stare down at him, adoring his shocked expression and red cheeks. You reach low for his pants, pressing a palm into his strained erection, gently pulling at his pants button before it pops open, revealing his zipper.
He squirms from your movements, excitement lighting up every nerve of his body. He looks away from you nervously, mumbling an apology. His words are breathless and desperate. “I apologize, Descendant of-”
“No.” You interrupt him quickly, reaching for his jaw and holding it in place. He stops talking purely out of shock, his lips snapping shut. He watches you with wide eyes, breathing heavily. “I do not care about being his descendant. I only want you to say my name. Say my name. It is me you are in bed with, not Solomon.”
He exhales, whimpering slightly. “Yes, yes… MC. MC.” He pants out your name, pupils blown wide with lust once again. “Please… please let me indulge myself, MC.” He begins to beg, squirming more. You knew perfectly well he could hear your heartbeat from where he was, but perhaps it was not enough. Ignoring his pleas, you instead reach down for his zipper, this time pulling it down agonizingly slowly. You watch as he twitches beneath you, his eyes rolling again in ecstasy, waiting for his dick to be free. He starts panting impatiently as you finally unzip them all the way. He whines, his fingers curling into the sheets. “Please… please please please, let me indulge myself. Please, MC.” He begs more, blinking away pitiful tears as you hook your fingers over the band of his boxers, pulling them down. He whimpers more, and you finally indulge him, moving your other hand closer to his head, turning so that your wrist was right against his ear. He sighs happily, and presses his ear to your wrist, sighing again when you finally free his length. He gently rolls his hips upwards, not high enough to touch you, but enough to send a message. He pleads with his eyes, wide and wanting for you. He awaits your movement, biting his lip and curling a hand around your wrist to feel for your pulse again.
Thump, thump, thump.
You simply smile at him as he pleads, and position yourself above him, at last. He visibly gulps, his eyes flickering from your core to your face. Various pleas and whines and broken phrases fall from his lips as you gently position his erection to align with you, and you begin to slowly lower yourself to where his tip meets your entrance. He starts to squirm, the pleas getting more and more insistent. You make direct eye contact with him and hold his gaze and you lower yourself onto him entirely, taking his length in full. He moans pitifully, never breaking eye contact. You bite your lip, gripping his side with one hand to steel yourself. You breathe deeply to calm yourself, still holding Sitri’s gaze. 
“Are you ready for me to start moving?” You ask, smiling and biting your lip.
He nods vigorously, too impatient to wait any longer. “Yes, yes!”
You waste no time in going slow. The want that burns within the two of you is far too great for that. Using your knees as leverage, you begin to move, lifting yourself off of him and immediately lowering back down to take him in. The sound of skin slapping on skin and the bed creaking begin to fill the room. Sitri rolls his eyes back and moves his hips to thrust upwards into you, though he can barely keep it up as the pleasure gets to his head. He keeps whimpering and moaning, writhing in pleasure and pressing his fingers to your wrists, savoring the feeling of your pulse. His light blue hair is spread out below him, his bangs sticking to his forehead. His eyes are wide and unfocused, switching between rolling back, staring at yours, or looking at your chest, listening to your thumping heart. His lips are parted and red, breathing heavily. 
You can feel him filling you up to the brim, his tip barely kissing a sweet spot deep within you as you continued riding him. You were panting, using up all your energy but unable to stop, purely from how good it felt. You suppressed your moans by biting your lip, but they would escape, betraying how quickly you were falling apart form the pleasure. Every time he managed to thrust upwards, he’d hit the sweet spot directly, and you would curl your back, moaning loudly. The pleasure began to build up within you, and you knew the same was true of him. 
You paused your quick movements to instead grind yourself on him, savoring the feeling of him inside and giving your legs a break. Sitri whines and curls his face towards your wrist, gently dragging his tongue across the spot where your pulse was strongest. He presses his lips to your pulse as you continue to grind, muffling his whines and savoring the feeling of your pulse on his lips. 
When you finally recover, you lift yourself up again, slowly dragging your walls across the entirety of his length. He pulls away from your wrist and moans, tightening his grip on your wrists and looking up at you pitifully. You lower yourself again, speeding up this time, and he sighs with pleasure, relishing the feeling of you riding him. The break was not enough, however, and you can still feel the pleasure building up. You speed up your movements, not bothering to hide your moans any longer. He simply writhes underneath you, his eyes rolling and his tongue lolling out of his mouth, tightening and releasing his grip on your wrists. He couldn’t ground himself anymore. 
You reach for his horn at last and grab it roughly, pulling his head towards your chest. He yelps in surprise, but that very quickly melts into a loud moan, muffled into your chest. He turns his head to press his ear to your chest, and wraps his arms around your back, listening for your heartbeat once more. 
Thump, thump, thump. 
You stroke his horn as you continue to ride him, and he’s practically yelling at this point, his moans so loud you were sure they could be heard down the hall. Your riding pattern becomes erratic as you reach your peak, and you can feel he is, too, as he desperately attempts to thrust upwards and scrapes his nails into your back, moans barely muffled by your chest. 
“MC… MC!” He calls your name and babbles pleas and broken words incoherently before you feel him thrust roughly upwards and still against you. His nails dig into your back and his ear presses harder against your chest than before. You feel him release inside you, warm and sedating. A similar liquid melts across your fingers from his horn, and it drips onto the bed. You are in a similar state, having reached your peak as well. You stiffen as you feel his release within you, panting and moaning, clenching your thighs together as tight as you could. 
He shivers against you before he collapses, releasing his grip on you and falling back onto the bed. His eyes are rolled far back into his skull, his lips parted wide and panting, and his cheeks are flushed a beautiful red. You relax and lean over him, not wanting to lift yourself off of him just yet. He whimpers softly at the feeling of still being inside you, twitching slightly. You press a gentle kiss to his lips, which he excitedly reciprocates, reaching weakly to cradle your chin in his hands. As the kiss deepens and becomes sloppy, your tongues searching each other’s mouths, he lazily wraps his arms around your neck, gently pulling you closer. You relax your body against him entirely, pressing your chest to his. Your heartbeats sync, slowing as you both come down from your highs. 
You break the kiss, licking your lips, and you look down at him. He looks up at you with hooded, satisfied eyes. His lips are parted, and his panting is slowly slowing down. 
“What’s my name?” You ask him, leaning towards him and pressing your forehead to his.
“MC.” He answers, smiling as he does. He curls his arms around you tighter, pulling you closer again and pressing your noses together.
Thump, thump, thump.
“You are not Solomon after all.”
a/n: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE SITRIIIIIIIIIII!! i admit i don't think this was my best writing ever but i hope it's good, genuinely, because i spent lots of time on it. reminder that i really appreciate likes, reblogs, comments, and asks!! please let me know what you all think!!
this was self-indulgent but also a gift for @jessamine-rose !!!!
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lnfours · 1 year
doll | l.n
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summary: ‘i’m not even joking when i say i’ve fallen in love w the way you write lando you have me giggling every single time and i love it - i’m not sure if your requests are open rn, but cld i request a lando x reader enemies to lovers kinda vibe? honestly whatever you wanna go with is fine but i need need tooth rotting fluff rn so maybe he has a nickname for her that only he uses and there’s a lot of oblivious-ness from both of them over the fact that they like each other :’‘)’ - @mars-dreamworld
warnings: fluff, language, enemies to lovers, female!racer, just overall a whirlwind of emotions. strap in.
masterlist | ask box 💌
lando norris was absolutely, most definitely, 100% the most insufferable person you had ever met.
in the beginning of the year, mclaren had announced that you’d be joining the team as a third driver, and of course people men took it to social media to express how they felt women didn’t belong in the sport. that racing was a ‘real man’s’ sport.
and now you needed to prove them all wrong, prove you were worth your spot on the team. you know you didn’t have to, that it wouldn’t necessarily change people’s minds, but you worked hard to be here. countless sleepless nights, crashes, tunings, everything, was worth this moment.
and now it was your chance. oscar had ended up with an injury after a crash in one of the practice races over the weekend, ultimately giving you his spot until he was recovered.
you and lando hadn’t really gotten along. you had found yourself battling with him on the track, the two of you going head to head in the garage after practices. you had thought his ego and his sarcasm was unattractive, whereas he simply just saw you as a threat.
but, deep down, he had a soft spot for you that he kept buried under the fake hatred. he didn’t actually hate you, who could? he admired your hard work and dedication, but be couldn’t help but feel like you were trying to take his spot.
“what the fuck, norris?!” you yelled, throwing your helmet to the ground as you stormed over to him. he wore a smug look on his face that you would’ve found attractive if it weren’t for the fact that he felt the need to cut you off in turn 5.
“are you thinking with your brain or your dick?!” you shoved his chest, but he didn’t move a muscle. he didn’t even budge, just looked down at you with those stupidly gorgeous green eyes.
“you’d know if i was thinking with my dick, doll.”
“don’t call me that.” you gave him a hard look and he put his hands up in fake surrender, shaking them like he was scared.
and that’s where it all started, that stupid fucking nickname. every time he said it, it made your blood boil, made you want to connect your knee with his crotch. now that he knew how to press your buttons, he wasn���t ever going to let you live.
right now, your face was red as your blood boiled, sitting in the drivers room as your leg bounced. the two of you had it out again today, the crew immediately separating the two of you and telling you both to knock it off.
the embarrassment from your crew telling you to quit acting like a child replayed in your head the rest of the day and as you sat in drivers room, and slowly your anger turned into sadness. you sucked in a shaky breath, trying to keep your composure, but you failed. the tear rolled down your cheek and you sniffled to yourself.
but of course, the door opened at the wrong time, causing you to wipe your cheeks quickly before looking at who decided to barge in. your eyes met lando’s green ones, which immediately softened upon looking at you.
“can i help you with something?”
he licked his lips, his brain going a mile a minute. why were you crying? was it because of him? fuck.
“i uhm,” he stammered over his words, letting out a breath before speaking, “are you crying?”
you shook your head, wiping your cheek on the shoulder of your race suit, “no.”
he knew better, though. the door closed behind him as he sat across from you, “you don’t have to lie, y/n.”
the way your name sounded rolling off his tongue with that stupid accent made your stomach do flips, but you refused to give in. this is what he wanted, right? pull you close enough to destroy you and prove to everyone that you’re actually not good enough to be here.
“why do you care?” you asked, an eyebrow raising, “it’s not like you actually give a fuck, so can you go somewhere else with your fake sympathy?”
he immediately got defensive, “what makes you think i don’t care about you? would i have run over to you the other day at practice when you crashed if i didn’t care about you?”
you thought back to last week, your car going into the barrier on the track. lando had seen the crash, immediately following the crew onto the track and ignoring the drop in his stomach. you had climbed out, shaken up but okay when he reached you. he grabbed onto your shoulders after you tugged your mask and helmet off, your eyes distant as he searched them.
“y/n?” his voice was laced with concern, “y/n, are you okay?”
you snapped out of it, meeting his eyes before you looked down at your body, “i think so…?”
he grabbed your face into his hands gently, turning your face side to side as he tried to examine you. the medics pulled up, rushing over to you.
“it’s okay, we’ve got it from here.” the female said to lando. he hesitated before he let go, letting them lead you over to the back of the ambulance to check you over. you looked back at him, the feeling of his hands on your cheeks lingering as they ushered you in.
you looked back at the brit, shrugging, “i dunno.”
he chuckled, but it wasn’t laced with humor, more like disappointment, “okay,”
“why would i think that when you’re always trying to prove that you’re better than me?”
he didn’t say anything, looking down at the tile floor, “because i’m threatened by you.”
you scoffed, “tell me something i don’t know.”
“no, you don’t get it,” he said, sitting up again, “i’m threatened by you because you’re good. you’re insanely good. you race well, you train hard, everyone here loves you, the fans. you’re an inspiration. something i’ve always wanted to be for someone.”
your attitude shifted, looking over at the boy across from you. he wore a sad, regretful face as he played with the zipper on his suit.
“you’re an inspiration, lando,” you said, “the little boy who dressed up like you the other day? the one who said he wanted to be just like you?”
he shrugged, “one boy compared to thousands of little girls who see themselves in you. i know i shouldn’t be upset, you’re literally changing history, but seeing it makes me wish i was someone like you.”
“you’re right, you’re not like me,” you said, moving to sit next to him, “you’re lando norris, the one who got P2 in your home grand prix a few weeks ago, the one who goes out of their way to say hi to literally all the fans and take pictures with them. you’re literally someone’s ray of sunshine.”
he smiled softly, letting you continue, “be like you. don’t be like me, lan.”
his head snapped up at the nickname, “did you just call me ‘lan’?”
a smile spread across his face and you let out a soft laugh, “i guess i did.”
he smiled back, “thank you, though. i needed that. and, i’m sorry for how i’ve been towards you.”
you waved him off, the smile still playing at your lips. you tried to bite it back with your lower lip tucked between your teeth. he swore his heart skipped a beat at the sight. you nodded your head softly, “we’re cool. just pipe down the ego a bit, yeah?”
he let out a chuckle. being this close to him made you realize there was a hint of blue in his green eyes, the short stubble growing back from where he had shaved his facial hair. he was undeniably pretty and you were getting wrapped up in him and distracted. he was doing the same, his eyes scanning over every single one of your facial features as he tried his hardest to memorize them.
you smiled softly, “why’re you looking at me like that?”
he smirked, “you mean the same way you’re looking at me?”
you blushed, turning away from him but his eyes were still locked onto you. you went to stand up, smiling softly at him as it was nearing the beginning of the next race.
“i’ll see you out there.”
he smiled, “see you out there, doll.”
you shook your head, letting out a soft laugh as you let the door close behind you, the nickname no longer making your blood boil but suddenly making your stomach do flips.
lando norris was going to be the death of you.
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rayraelleaizawa · 7 months
You find out they have very sensitive nipples
TW: mild sexual content, Minors DNI
Characters: Shanks, Benn Beckman, Dracule Mihawk
this guy walks around all day with his bare chest out, so getting to his nipples is an easy thing
you two were laying in his bed in the captain quarters, both of you panting from the wild love making you just did. You absently let your fingers trail over his chest while you two enjoyed the silence. His hand strocked over your side, keeping you close, as both of you basked in the afterglow. You then circled one of his nipples, and holy-
this man moaned
suddenly, unexpectedly, loud and deep
you looked at him in shock at the sudden noise, and he looked at you in a shocked and suprised way too
"W-what did you just do-"
He'd ask with a blush and tries to act like nothing happend, but you already noticed what was going on and are now smiling devilishly up to him
you pinch his nipple this time, and his whole body arches as he moans and yelps surprised at the same time
"That's it"
He says and grabs you and rolls you over that you're laying under him
"If you want to tease me that bad, you sure can have that"
Shanks is a man of his word, and he shows you that with another one, or two, or three rounds through the whole night
Benn Beckmann
You were sitting on Benns lap as he read the newspapers on deck
You and him both enjoyed the others presence, finding calmness and comfort with each other. And that is exactly what Benn needs after watching over his Captain and the other crewmembers everyday while also doing a bunch of tasks
He loves sitting with you and just relaxing. He's the king of quality time
You hum quietly to a tune in your mind and trace invisible patterns over his shirt, as you graze a nipple of his
His muscles tense at once and he makes a quiet and suprised groan
Tho he acts like nothing happened and just continues to stare at the newspaper
You on the other hand, trace over his nipple again, and again, and again, and you feel his body tensing more and more, and after some time he cant hold back his groan anymore and you feel goosebumps rising up your arms and back at the arousing sound he makes
You look at him stunned, you never thought he'd be that sensitive in that area, while he folded the newspaper together and laid it on the table. You just wanted to say something as he scooped you up and started walking with you in his hands under deck
"What, you think you can tease me like that with nothing incoming? I'll show you just how senstive your own body can be"
he grins as he says that, and just like his captain, he's a man of his word and makes sure to go over every inch of your body and find every sensitive spot you have and torture you with it
Dracule Mihawk
He is a stoic man
He won't tell you about his sensitive spots, he'll just make sure to please you in every way possible, but doesnt really care about himself, if he finishes with you he is more than happy
But just like Shanks, this man walks around with his bare chest and nipples on display for everyone to see
so one time, you just wondered if he also has sensitive areas. He always makes sure to stimulate you in every way, but you never saw anything that stimulated him except of the part between his legs
So, you were thinking if his nipples might be just as sensitive as yours
You walk up to him, knowing that a direct approach is best with him
He read the newspaper and sipped some of his wine as you came into the dining hall to him. You walked up to him and asked "Are you sensitive there?" and just softly pinched his nipple
You were shocked from his reaction to say the least
You figured that he might be senstive there like you are, but his reaction was way more intense than yours ever been
He gasps suprised and his back arches of the chair, his head falling back as a small moan escaped him at the end
You didnt know if you saw right just now, the Mihawk who only lets his emotions show in bed, and even then he seems to hold them back still, lost controll about his body so easily
You wanted to do it again, but he quickly grabbed your hand before you could reach his nipple again. He looked at you with a small blush
"Yes. I am sensitive there."
He answered you, and you already knew that you would use that knowledge against him the next time you two would get intimate
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smoothies-are-cool · 7 months
everybody talks
boyfriend! matt sturniolo x girlfriend! reader
summary: everybody talks is matt and readers “song”. they sing it all the time together but when matt and his brothers get covid they have to quarantine so matt can’t see his girlfriend.
warnings: swearing, kissing, pet names (baby, sweetheart, handsome, beautiful), being sick??.
a/n: @worldlxvlys told me to write this one next so here it is!! this might be a stupid idea but i thought it was kinda cute
me and my boyfriend matt have been dating for a year and 5 months. on our one year anniversary we decided to hard launch our relationship. the fans were a little rocky at first but after seeing our relationship over the last 5 months, they’ve grown to really love us together.
one day when nick was live, the fans could see me and matt screaming and dancing the lyrics of ‘everybody talks’ by neon trees. that was when we told them that was our favorite song to listen to when we’re together.
me and matt hadn’t seen each other in 2 weeks due to the fact him and his 2 brothers had gotten covid. he texted me everyday, telling me how much he misses me. i obviously missed him too. going from seeing him everyday to not seeing him for 2 weeks was definitely weird.
when the friday video came out i watched it, laughing as nick turned his ipad screen around to show my boyfriend. nick and chris had both tested negative, but matt was still testing positive so he was stuck in his room for a while longer. since matt was the only one who could drive, they filmed this video in the car.
15 minutes into watching the video, matt decides to burst out into song.
“and that is when i kissed herrrr.” he sings, bopping his head. i laugh, going to look at the comments.
user: awww matt singing him and y/n’s song 🥹
user: matt bursting out into song im cackling 😭
i smile as i scroll through the comments. suddenly a wave of sadness washes over me and i miss my boyfriend more than ever. 2 weeks has been long enough. i shrug, grabbing my keys and slipping on my uggs. rushing to my car, i immediately back out of my apartment building parking lot.
10 minutes later i pull into his driveway. slamming my car door shut, i walk up the front door and knock. chris opens the door.
“hey y/n?” he says, a questioning tone in his voice. “matt’s still sick.” he tells me.
“i know. i just didn’t wanna wait any longer to see him.” i explain, waiting for him to let me in. he moves to the side and opens the door wider.
“he’s streaming right now. just so you know.” i thank chris and walk past him.
i walk right up to matt’s room, knocking on his door.
“go away.” he yells and i laugh slightly. he must’ve changed his mind because he yells a, “come in.”
i walk into his room and he’s sitting at his gaming desk, his eyes towards the door.
“hi baby.” i softly say, walking over to matt and straddling his lap. i put my legs through the holes of the chair, making it more comfortable for us. my arms go around his neck, pulling him closer to me.
“what are you doing here sweetheart, i don’t wanna get you sick.” matt tells me, hesitantly wrapping an arm around me.
“i don’t care, i just wanted to see you.” i put my head in his neck. he wraps his other arm around me, holding me tightly.
“alright guys, i got my girl with me so i’m gonna head off. thank you all for tuning in.” he tells the stream, ending it and turning off his pc.
“how are you feeling baby?” i ask him, getting off his lap and standing up.
“a little better. i probably look like shit.” he laughs slightly. i shake my head, walking closer to him so i can wrap my arms around his neck.
“that’s impossible. you always look handsome. my handsome boyfriend.” i beam and his face goes red. i slowly move my face closer to his. just as my lips were about to touch his, he pulls away.
“i don’t wanna get you sick beautiful.” he whispers, his face so close to mine i can feel his breath.
“i don’t care.” i tell him. he quickly presses my lips to his, his hands planting themselves on my hips.
“i’m glad you’re here, i missed you so much.” he smiles, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“i missed you more.” i laugh.
“you know, people are gonna be talking about the fact that i called you sweetheart on the stream.” he points out, and i can’t help but laugh more.
“it’s okay, let them talk. everybody talks.” i tell him, smiling ear to ear.
a/n: okay hi. i didn’t know how to end this so we got that
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 days
Saw you took D&W- Gambit requests. 💜
Would you consider a mostly fluffy one where Reader was in the Void, caught feelings for Remy, & somehow got separated from him in the transfer to Wade's timeline, so they reunite after each thinking the other didn't make it? Like maybe Reader never outright said how they felt till after they thought they'd lost Gambit? Something like that.
🏆 Thank you! 🏆
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A/n: love this more than you know anon
Warnings: did a lotttt of canon switching for this one. So… yeah. Fem!reader, mentions of wounds and blood
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“Oh, look at them. They’re so adorable together.” Wade pointed to the both of you with a smile on his face, Logan furrowing his eyebrows.
“They just met.”
“Have you ever seen any disney movie ever? Love at first sight? I’m just glad my girl is finally getting some. About time. After that one breakup…” he rambled on.
Logan didn’t reply, just rolled his eyes and tuned him out, eyes glancing back up at the both of you.
The crackling of the fire filled the air as you sat next to him, feeling the warmth radiating from the flames and his leg touching yours. In that moment, the worries you had about Cassandra Nova and the desolate wasteland around you faded away.
He sent you a small smile, eyes lingering on your lips for a little too long when you laughed. It’s only been a few days, and he swears he’s known you his entire life.
He’s never felt this way before, the feeling foreign to him. It makes his heart pound and his soul yearn.
And everyone can notice it except for you, how hopelessly in love he is with you, and you him.
During the battle, he’s sending you a smirk, both of you working together to kill them all.
You stand by his side until you’re suddenly pulled by Wade into the portal, Remy holding a hand out, as if to try and stop him from pulling you in.
Wade assured you that he was probably okay, but let it slip that maybe, just maybe he was dead. He immediately covered his mouth.
You stared at Wade, the thought not crossing your mind in your shattered state.
The belief that he was dead, the simple idea of it, had you sulking in your bed, grieving for weeks. Wade had come into the room throughout the time, giving you food, telling you stories, speaking about whatever he could to hopefully crack a smile.
“Nice talk.” He murmured out, patting your arm while he stood up, sighing and shaking his head to himself.
“No luck?” Logan asked him when he walked out, switching through the channels on the tv.
“No luck. Still depressed as ever.”
Logan thought for a moment, pausing on one of the news channels.
“Why don’t you just do the portal… finger thing. Go back to the void.” He shrugged, “see if he’s alive or something.”
“Portal finger thing… haven’t heard that one before.” He said suggestively, Logan rolling his eyes at the man.
“You’re disgusting.” He murmured, standing up from the couch and into the kitchen.
But the more Wade thought about it, the better the idea sounded.
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That’s how he ended up dragging the bloodied, heavy, and tired cajun into his apartment.
“Okay, there we go.” Wade grunted out, carrying him to the table.
You strolled out, not paying attention when you walked out your room. Wade smiled, standing next to the man. You didn’t see either of them, still staring down at your phone as you walked past them and into the kitchen.
You didn’t know he was there until he let out a pained little murmur of “cher?”
You spun around at the sound of his voice, your phone dropping and your eyes widening in surprise. Wade still stood next to him, proud smile on his face.
“Sooo… happy birthday.”
You were speechless, only stuttering out a very quiet “Remy?”
“And me.” Wade chimed in.
Logan also came walking out, his eyebrow quirking at the sight of him bleeding onto the table.
“He’s- he’s bleeding!” You told Wade.
“Yeah, had to carry him in. He’s extremely heavy too. I’m convinced he is all muscle.” He spoke, you rushing to his side.
“Ah, it’s jus’ a scratch, don’t worry ‘bout me, cher.” He told you with a wave of his hand, small smirk on his face.
You shook your head at him, going into the kitchen and grabbing the first aid kit stashed in there.
“Why are you hiding first aid kits in my house?” Wade asked you with a quirked eyebrow.
“In case I needed them.” You shrugged it off, pulling out some of the things that you needed. You grabbed a rag, Wade groaning at how much of his kitchen supplies would be ruined after this.
You ignored him, focusing on the man who laid out in front of you. His injuries weren’t bad enough to be fatal, thankfully, but they still could probably very easily get infected.
He stared up at you while you cleaned off his wounds. You glanced down at him, offering him a small smile.
“Can you take off your… suit.. thingie?”
He raised his eyebrows at your words. “Ah, if you wanted me to take my clothes off, you coulda said t’at.” He said with a laugh, sitting up to pull off his jacket and his body armor.
You rolled your eyes at the man, lightly shoving him back down when it was done.
“You know, you worried the shit out of me, Remy.” You told him quietly, beginning to clean the wounds that were littered across his body.
“I’m sorry, cher. I didn’t mean to do dat to ya.” He spoke sincerely. “But, if ‘t makes you feel better, I worried ‘bout you more.”
You sighed, damn him and his charm, you thought to yourself.
After you had finished cleaning his wounds, he sat up on the table, looking at you walk around the kitchen for a moment before turning to him, offering him a cup of water, which he gladly took.
“Reunions are always my favorites.” Wade spoke dreamily, his elbows propped up on the table next to Remy, staring at the both of you with a smile.
You furrowed your eyebrows at the man.
“Except for family reunions.” He shuddered at the mere thought. “Disgusting. But… this is too cute. And I think we should all-“ he trailed off, still rambling on as he went into the kitchen, opening up the freezer.
“You wanna go up to the roof?” You whispered to him, to which he quickly nodded at in reply, hopping off the table and grabbing a random sweater strewn around while you both left.
“God, I’m just so excited that- and they’re gone. What the hell? Where’d they go?” Wade asked himself, a tub of ice cream in his hands. He sighed before his eyes landed on Logan, who had walked out at the worst moment possible.
“Peanut! You’re here!”
“What?” He grumbled out.
“Since y/n and her hot boy toy left, we are gonna have a movie night.” Wade practically dragged him out, ignoring his protests.
You giggled as you practically dragged him up the stairs, pushing past the doors and leading him to the edge of one of the buildings.
You both sat next to each other, legs dangling off the edge. He looked at you, soft smile stuck on his face.
“What?” You asked him, noticing his staring. He shook his head, looking ahead again. Both of you stayed looking at the stars for a moment, the sound of passing cars and chirping crickets filling the air.
“I… I thought that you were dead.” You told him finally, still staring ahead.
“I’m here now, ain’t I?” He turned to you now, his head slightly tilted.
“Yeah, yeah,” you laughed, “obviously. But…” you trailed off.
“Hey,” he nudged your shoulder with his own, making you look at him. “T’ey gonna need a lot more than dat to take me out.”
You chuckled again, him cracking a smile at the sound of your laughter.
You both stared at each other, gazing into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity. He was the one to make the first move, his hand gliding off of the cold cement underneath him, and moving towards your face, sending shivers down your spine. Your breath hitched when he leaned closer, his lips ghosting over yours.
You were the one to smash your lips against his, shutting your eyes. Your lips moved against each other, finally getting the one thing you’ve been longing for.
You pulled away after a few moments, both of you softly panting, his hand still on your face, your lips still close to each other. “Is now a good time to tell you that I like you?” You asked him, him chuckling, pulling his hand away from your jaw.
“Remy likes you too, cher.” He told you. You sighed in relief, him turning to look back out at the stars. He pulled you closer to his side, and you put your head on his shoulder.
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A/n: fuck yeah dude, this is what I call a comeback after not having written in forever
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ugotcooneycrossed · 9 months
let you break my heart again • alessia russo
part 2 of 'keep pretending pretty girl'
w/c: ~1.5k
a/n: sorry this took longer than planned my pookies but i hope its worth it🫶
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you make some half-arsed excuse to leave the table- an ‘emergency’ of sorts that you have to see to.
an excuse that has the girl sitting across from you rolling her eyes, and huffing out a breath- she stands to leave and you grimace at her retreating form.
apologise to lotte later you tell yourself.
each step towards the toilets your resolve disappears a little more- your dignity all but vanishes, and the ever-nagging thought that this is a bad, very bad idea fades into an afterthought.
your heart beats a little faster; nerves, excitement- or the sheer embarrassment of never being able to deny alessia what she wants, you aren’t exactly sure.
you’re the first to arrive- the walk from your table since her text, an embarrassingly short amount of time. ducking down to check each stall, making sure no one else would be there to witness.
the door swings open loudly- and your head shoots to the newcomer, your heart pumping impossibly faster- but a stranger walks through instead, shooting you a strange look at your dishevelled appearance and heaving chest.  
clearing your throat you avert your eyes- pretending to occupy yourself with washing your hands. and when the stranger leaves, you check your phone- five minutes have definitely passed, yet no sign of her.
it’s embarrassing how much you wish she would walk through that door right now. you huff out a frustrated breath- the tight feeling in your chest, coiling down into your stomach, and sitting heavily in your heart once again.
you turn to leave- barely making it out the door before a hand wraps around your wrist, yanking you back in.
a familiar voice questions you.
“where are you going?”
you reply- and alessia rolls her eyes at you- trapping you in between the sinks and herself.
“who was that?”
she questions you again- moving her head to catch your eyes when you avert them.
“no one less.”
her eyes narrow- moving impossibly closer to you- and your breath hitches in your throat, alessia opens her mouth to speak- but loud voices from just outside the door interrupt. instead, she grabs your hand- pulling you into a stall with her, just as a horde of women pile into the room.  
you’re pressed up against each other in the small space- alessia’s breath fanning your neck, her perfume thick and enveloping all your senses.
the chatter from outside the stall fades into the background- muffled voices talking about something that you can’t quite comprehend at the moment.
not when alessia is looking down at you with those eyes, and her hands are resting on your hips- squeezing ever so slightly.
she’s got a gentle smile on her face now- one that has your heart melting a little, one that makes you crumble all over again, one that makes you think she finally will tell you she wants you.
the toilets empty finally- and you take the opportunity to shove the door open, practically tumbling out of the cramped space- desperate to get away from the blonde girl.
“(y/n) wait!”
you turn to look at her- waiting for her to say something, anything.
and yet, she doesn’t.
“shouldn’t you get back to your boyfriend less?”
she doesn’t respond to that- cringing and taking a step away from you instead.
“i don’t want you to see her again.”
she whispers it- and if you weren’t so in tune with her you would’ve missed it.
“i don’t want you to see her again- i don’t want you to see anyone again.”
“but you right? ‘cause you just want me all to yourself? but it’s only when you want to see me- only when your boyfriend starts to bore you- only when you’re so pissed drunk you can’t even see straight- literally. and you want to know something alessia- you want to know the saddest, most pathetic part of it all? i’d let you break my heart over, and over again.”
you don’t know what’s come over you- you don’t know where this sudden rage is coming from, but when you see alessia shrink back- you can’t stand to be in the same room any more. cause you know the moment she speaks- the moment she reaches out, and holds your hand softly, the moment she whispers that she loves you; you’ll crumble and forgive her all over again.
you ignore her for days after that night- not that she has the nerve to say anything to you anyway, and you avoid her at training, going as far as to complain about a non-existent tweak in your knee to be allowed to skip training and stay in the gym.
leah shoots you strange looks over laura’s head- the girl too bust talking your ear off about how cute myle is to notice anything else.
kyra questions your sudden disappearance- poking you at lunch relentlessly, until you throw a chocolate bar in another direction, the younger girl chasing after it.
lotte catches you at lunch a few days later- grabbing your elbow and yanking you into an empty conference room.
“what happened?”
her tone is gentle but her hands holding you in place, not letting you escape- tell another story.
lotte’s eyebrows raise- gripping your arm tighter when you try to leave.
“i talked to alessia.”
you hum at that- shrugging your shoulders.
“what’d she say?”
“just that you were upset with her- and well grace told me and I quote ‘some jealous blonde crashed our date and your friend basically malfunctioned on the spot.’”
“yeah- that’s some way to put it. she was there, even came up to out table. we talked. that’s all.”
the arsenal christmas party serves a great place to get drunk- a couple weeks after ‘the great disaster’- the new name of your date gone wrong.
lotte gives you a disapproving look at the amount of vodka you’ve poured and you send her a thumbs up and a cheeky smile.
you’re a little warm- buzzing from the alcohol, and the stupid sweater katie wrangled over your head when you stepped through the door- some obscure christmas reference you don’t know.
there’s a sea of people to navigate through- most you know, friends and family of your teammates that you’ve known for years now.
the crown from the bon bon you won against kyra slips a little- the small tear in the back, a result of kyra’s displeasure at losing- your poor green, paper crown a casualty in her mission to steal the stupid knickknacks inside. momentarily blinding you, you push it up, coming face-to-face with alessia’s ugly mug of a boyfriend.
“hey, you seen less?’
you hold in your grimace at his annoying voice, swallowing down and shrugging your shoulders.
“dunno man- sorry.”
he rolls his eyes at you.
shoving past more people to look for the blonde- and with his back turned, you flip him off, mocking him, and pulling faces.
with the last bit of your drink gone- and the sudden need to pee the only thing on your mind. you wonder over to the toilets.
you stand in front of the mirror for a while after- putting your cold hands on your flushed cheeks to cool them down.
and finally, fully satisfied with your full proof method to cool down- you open the door to leave- alessia appearing right on the other side.
“(y/n)! i’ve been looking for you! i missed you sooo much!”
you don’t know whether the alcohol is coming from her, or yourself- regardless the blonde crashes into you- and you melt at her familiar hold.
“i missed you too less.”
“please, please- just one kiss, i missed my girl.”
she puckers her lips expectantly- her strong arms still wrapped around you, and the fight in your head to not kiss her, doesn’t last more than a second, before you connect your lips.
you try to pull away after a second, but alessia grabs you tighter, chasing after your lips.
you separate- heaving chests, and matching slightly swollen lips.  
“i love you so much (y/n)- i don’t ever want to go back to not talking.”
“i love you too lessi, i just-“
“there you are less!”
alessia’s boyfriend interrupts before you can say anything else- he pulls her away from you and you roll your eyes as they kiss.
he pulls away- sparing you one glance and trying to get alessia’s attention.  
“head home now?”
he questions.
“mmh you can- might crash at (y/n)’s.”
alessia is only looking at you- waving off her boyfriend. and he leaves without another thought.
“what we’re you saying?”
“nothing- don’t worry about it less.”
“tell me- please.”
“don’t leave if you do come back- stay, please.”
you wake to the sound of your front door closing- shooting up in bed.
the beds empty- because of course it is, and you fall back into the sheets with a sigh.
there’s no training anymore with christmas break- no need to ignore you and fuss over the phone with her boyfriend. no texts, no calls- she doesn’t even like your instagram photos.
not that you’ve been hanging out for a notification from her or anything.
then a few days before you’re set to start training- you get a notification.
lessi  to ‘you’
-> i miss you, i'm sorry for leaving- can we talk?
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pupyuj · 1 year
→ “dress.” || ahn yujin x reader fic.
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— you thought it was about time that you gift yujin a special present, especially after all she has done for you and given to you...
word count: 8.7k.
dynamic: dom!sugar mommy!ahn yujin x sub!sugar baby!reader.
content warnings: smut, use of strap-on, cunnilingus, fingering, nipple play, overstimulation, edging, praise kink, mommy kink, degradation, spanking, spitting.
requested ? : nope.
a/n: THIS ONE TOOK FOREVERRRR i'm glad to be finally letting it fly 🤓
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gift giving had to be your favorite love language. it’s the way your friends’ face lit up whenever they receive something they like from you. their smile, the way they would immediately hug you — it made your heart feel full. sure, the money you used was barely yours but technically, you did have to ‘work’ to get said money. your friends never questioned how you could easily buy them expensive jewelry and clothes at the drop of the hat and you were thankful, because you haven’t got the slightest idea as to how to explain to them that you have a sugar mommy.
and that it’s the very same sugar mommy that you ditched movie night with them for. instead of snuggling with your friends in a pillow fort watching bad 90’s movies, you were sitting at a lavish five-star restaurant that served exquisite french cuisine. and the pretty woman staring intently at you right across the table, wearing a loose suit that looked way too good on her? ahn yujin.
older, mature, clever, and roguishly handsome as much as she is beautiful, ahn yujin was simply an irresistible woman. she was charming, and had given you butterflies in a way nobody ever has when she first approached you with her offer—the offer—so naturally, you couldn’t say no. not that you wanted to say no to her anyway. just look at her!
she smiled once you met her eyes, “you didn’t have to doll yourself up for a simple dinner.” she said, taking note of the branded clothes that you wore. her gifts. you looked down at your food bashfully. was it obvious that you poured way too much effort into your appearance? you did spend at least an hour and a half getting ready for this meeting.
“we haven’t seen each other in a while. i wanted to look good for you.” you confessed, blushing.
“well, you look beautiful,” yujin says as she reached for your hand across the table. you muttered a small ‘thank you’, gently squeezing her hand. “although, had i known that you would do all this just for me, i would have picked you right up from your door instead of letting you take a taxi.”
you shook your head, “you just got off work, and i live on the other side of the city. i didn’t want to tire you out, mo— yujin.” you cleared your throat, hoping that the guests in the nearby tables did not catch on to your slip up. yujin definitely did, seeing the smirk that appeared on her face.
nevertheless, yujin pretends she didn’t hear it. she merely leans back on her seat and crosses her arms, “i guess not. we have a long night ahead of us, don’t we?” she asked. you stared at the suggestive look in her eyes, already feeling your core buzzing from anticipation.
you smiled innocently at her, “indeed.” you agreed, taking a sip of your water.
you couldn’t wait until she takes you to her home.
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and just like that, the night went by quickly. after dinner, the two of you decided to take a walk in a park, where you rested quietly on a bench, talking about what each of you had been up to weeks before. the entire time at the park, you couldn’t get over the way yujin’s dark eyes just pierced through you, more than eager to take you home, but she was too much of a gentlewoman to interrupt you while talking.
and of course, when the air got significantly colder, the night finally, finally started. the ride back to yujin’s house (her mansion, actually) was pleasantly quiet with only the soft tunes of the radio filling the silence in the air. yujin had her hand on your thigh, gently caressing your skin with her thumb and totally ignoring the way you occasionally squeezed your thighs together to calm that feeling in your core. towards the end of the ride, you couldn’t resist taking yujin’s hand and kissing it. she quite liked that.
you got some texts from your friends. they were asking if you got home safely from wherever you went and if you had fun, but you really couldn’t be bothered to reply when yujin’s lips were on your neck.
“did you miss me, baby?” she asked between kisses. you were on her lap, trying your hardest not to grind your core on her now exposed thigh because she was taking an excruciatingly long time touching you. it was irritating, but it always started out like this.
frustratingly slow, but so very worth it.
“ye—mhm… yes, mommy.. very much.”
she was leaving marks all over your skin; from your neck, to your collarbone, to your shoulders. she was usually more careful with that whole thing, but after not seeing you for weeks, she couldn’t help herself.
you turned your head to give yujin better access, not at all caring about the questions that might come from people once they see her work. conveniently enough, your phone buzzes. someone was calling.
“hm? who’s riki?” yujin whispered against your skin, glaring at the caller id on your phone.
“a friend… just a friend, mommy.”
“boy?” yujin asked, dark eyes looking up at you.
you nodded, “b-but he’s nothing. he’s not important.” did it hurt you to say that? a lot, yes. did it hurt turning off your phone, ignoring your friend’s call, and kicking it off the bed? oh, yeah. but it made yujin smile, it made her happy. and because of that, you decided that you didn’t care that it hurt.
“i’m all yours, mommy. nothing to worry about.” you reassured her, cupping her cheeks and putting your lips on hers. she returns the kiss, gripping you by the waist and pulling you closer to her. she brushes her tongue along your lips and you open your mouth obediently, moaning at the taste of her tongue.
on yujin’s crotch sat a strap, it was thicker than an average one and colored blue — your favorite. but you didn’t dare to make any movements towards it. as much as you wanted your mommy to pound you, you knew better than to be impatient and test her patience. you knew that yujin would give you anything you want anyway, you just had to wait.
yujin hiked your skirt up to your waist, her other hand making its way up to your thigh and then stopping at your soaked lingerie. she keeps on kissing you and even though your lungs burned for air, you kept the same energy for her. you didn’t want to disappoint her so early in the act.
you felt yujin’s fingers circling your clit gently. too gently.
you broke the kiss, gasping for air. “mmhm… mommyy…” you couldn’t help but whine.
“i know, baby. just be a good girl, m’kay?” yujin smiles at you, a clear message saying that you will be teased like hell tonight. you whined again, shaking your head, but you couldn’t do anything about it. it’s not like you could just push her down on the bed and ride her strap yourself. that would result in a punishment much more painful than being pounded out of your mind, which was being ignored.
“take this off,” yujin said, tugging at your top. obediently, you pulled the clothing over your head, revealing the thin bra that you wore just for yujin. she smiles when she realized your intent. “such a sweet girl. i missed you.” she kisses you again, much more softer this time.
yujin had been gone for a business trip weeks ago and even when she got home, she couldn’t meet up with you due to her busy schedule. and of course, yours as well. you had to suffice with sending her photos and videos of yourself. very rarely did she call you but when she did, you would end the night with your hand inside your shorts, touching yourself while yujin instructed you. none of it was really enough for you, though. even when you came several times during those calls, all you wanted was for yujin to come home and take care of you herself. it was actually a miracle that you managed to hold yourself back from immediately pouncing on her when she took you to her house tonight.
‘my poor mommy,’ you thought to yourself as you threaded yujin’s hair with your fingers while she kissed you. you felt her hands groping your tits and then move to your back to unclasp your bra. as soon as it was off, yujin starts playing with your nipples using her thumbs, smiling in satisfaction when you moaned into her mouth. ‘having to deal with those stupid men from her company for weeks on end.’
‘i’m gonna be really good for her. she deserves that much.’ you decided, throwing your head back in pleasure when yujin captures one of your hard nipples with her warm mouth. she pinches and pulls on the other one with her fingers which only made you tug on her hair a bit and whine. god, you were drenched. and horny to the point where you might just cum from yujin sucking on your breasts. just how much longer was she going to keep you waiting? you just wanted her to fill your holes already.
yujin flicks your hard bud with her tongue, and you grip her hair just a little tighter. yujin releases your nipple with a pop, and immediately repeats the same actions to the other one. one of yujin’s hands slips inside your lingerie and starts massaging your folds, while her other arm kept you close. fuck, it felt embarrassing moaning so loudly when she was barely doing anything but it was so hard keeping any sounds contained inside of you. yujin just made you feel too good.
“are you gonna cum just from this? huh?” yujin asked after a while, looking up at you with a smile. you could only whimper in reply, eyes a bit teary from the desperation. “you’re such a slut. you missed me that much? you’re not gonna wait for mommy’s cock?”
“nn-no… no, i’ll wait… ahh— i’ll wait for mommy…” you promised. she was challenging you. yujin knew from the way you closed your eyes tightly that you were trying your very hardest not to cum. your pride absolutely refused to allow you to, anyway.
yujin grins, “that’s my girl.” she places a kiss on your chest and pulls her hand out of your panties. you pouted, knowing it really will take a while before yujin fills you up. yujin notices this and pats your thigh, “don’t be sad, baby. we’re getting there. come on. on your knees.”
you kneeled down on the carpeted floor in front of her. your face was right in front of her strap, and then it hit you.
yujin chuckles at the way your eyes lit up, “i guess you know what to do, right? i can’t go inside you unless this is all wet.” yujin presses the tip of her strap against your lips and without wasting another second, you took it inside your mouth and started working. you already looked like a desperate whore, why not take it all the way? your eyes flickered up to meet yujin’s, and she was in the process of unbuttoning the white dress shirt she was wearing.
good god was ahn yujin’s body gorgeous. from her round, soft breasts to her perfectly sculpted abs… your clit throbbed just looking at her.
“baby, all of it.” yujin puts a hand on top of your head and pushes your mouth further down on her plastic cock. your hands clutched the bedsheets as you gagged from the size. “look at you sucking it off like it’s the real thing…” yujin says while chuckling. you could care less about how stupid this was — you’d do anything as long as it means getting fucked by yujin faster.
once she was satisfied, yujin pulled your head off the strap by your hair. “i have to admit… this little ‘riki’ boy got me worried about what you might have been doing while i was gone.” she said, pulling your hair down by the back of your head so you’re completely looking up at her.
you shook your head frantically, immediately knowing what she was implying. “no, no, mommy. i would never.”
“really? you’re telling me that you didn’t go around the city looking for someone to fill up that slutty little hole of yours while mommy was at work?” yujin tightens her grip. you could tell she was actually upset by the way her eyes showed zero signs of playfulness. she wasn’t teasing you this time.
“i didn’t. please—” you hissed at the pain. “please believe me. i belong to you, mommy. i promise. i promise.”
why would she even assume that you would even think of letting someone else touch you? even if other people got that chance, which is very fucking unlikely, they wouldn’t be able to make you feel good. nobody knows your body the way yujin does. no one else compares, it’s that simple.
“do you mean that?” yujin asked, her voice now taking on a more softer tone.
“every word.” there was simply no other answer.
yujin grabs your jaw with her free hand, “open up.” and so you do. you opened up your mouth, thinking that yujin was going to use your throat herself but instead, she leans close to your face, and she spits inside your mouth.
yujin quickly closes your jaw with her hand before you could even think of spitting it out, “swallow.” she demands harshly. of course, you had no other choice but to do what she says. you do what you were told, keeping eye contact to prove a point. yujin smiles in satisfaction and pats your cheek, once again happy.
again, you would do anything for yujin.
she lets go of your hair and starts petting your head, “you’ve been a really good girl tonight… wanna get your reward?” she asked.
you perked up, “yes… yes, please.”
yujin nodded her head towards bed and you immediately got up from the floor. your heart was beating erratically. finally. she was finally going to fuck you out of your mind.
you sat on the bed across from yujin, looking up at her. she tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, “you know your safe words, right?” she asked. you nodded, leaning into her touch. of course, despite everything that led up to this moment, yujin will still try to take care of you as much as she could. it makes your heart swell with something. you don’t exactly know what. and do you even want to know?
“tell me.” yujin said, running her thumb across your bottom lip.
“wait,” yujin hums, urging you to continue. “and no more. or i could tap out.”
“good,” yujin brings your face up to her and kisses your lips briefly. “now flip over.” she whispered against your lips. obediently, you did as you were told. yujin held your ass up with one hand and lined up her strap across your dripping, gaping cunt with the other. without warning, yujin plunges half of the cock inside of you, making you grip the bedsheets and gasp loudly.
you turned your head slightly to look at her, and she was smirking down at you. “take it, darling.” was what yujin said before pushing her strap deeper inside of you. you choked out a moan, and buried your head on yujin’s pillow, muffling any other sounds that came out of your mouth. but yujin was quick to grab you hair and pull your head back up, “scream. i want to hear you.”
as yujin thrusted her strap inside of you, slowly but roughly, you didn’t try to hide the sounds that she brought out of you. god knows you both needed this. you’ve gone weeks too long feeling empty, but now yujin was here, really here. she filled you up so well too, always making sure to use the entire strap’s length to penetrate your sweet spots just right. looking at yujin, with her dress shirt open and her black hair a bit of a mess from how roughly she pounded into you… it was enough to send you over the edge but you wanted to enjoy yourself a little longer.
yujin spreads your cheeks, finally picking up her pace and bringing you closer to an early climax. but you refused to give in just like that. yujin hasn’t even gotten started yet, you knew she would be disappointed if you let go of yourself so early. so you held on, completely ignoring the tightening in your abdomen and continuing on taking everything yujin was giving you: from her thrusts, to her hair pulling, her scratchings, and the slaps to your ass.
“if i were given a choice.. shit, baby… i would’ve brought you along with me on that trip,” yujin grips your ass tightly. she was going to leave marks for sure. “you know how much i missed this tight pussy of yours? hm? it was hard—fuck—trying to get through the day without having you writhe under me…” yujin moves down and leans her mouth close to your ear, “i’m gonna ruin you over and over tonight, baby girl. okay?”
god, her words just drove you insane. you nodded your head desperately, “yes, y-yes, mommy..! i’m yours, i’m all yours…”
yujin visits the gym regularly to keep herself healthy. and of course, you would know that because you have, in fact, accompanied her on one of her workout days once and miraculously did not get caught when she fucked you in the locker room. so, basically, it was easy for yujin to manhandle you, especially when you were in such a vulnerable position. she makes sure you were down on your knees instead of just laying down, and whenever you were losing strength in your legs, she keeps you up. you looked at her again, begging her to let you lay down with a look in your eyes but she merely glares at you before continuing to fuck into you like you were a damn fleshlight.
you clutched the bedsheets with a death grip, feeling the familiar pressure in your stomach building up when the strap starts brushing against all of your good spots. yujin would never let you come that easily. but fuck, you didn’t know how long you can keep it up.
“m-mommy…? please… i ha—aghh… i have t-to…”
“no. be a good whore and wait until i tell you when you can.”
you wanted to talk back and get her riled up, but at this point in time, she might just deny you of your release completely.
yujin keeps on thrusting into you in the same, mildly fast pace for minutes on end. every time you were brought closer to your climax, she rips it away completely and ignores your whines. you knew she wanted to make this night last as much as you did but fuck, you didn’t realize she wanted it to drag on! you loved it, of course. yujin was having fun and that all she deserved after weeks and weeks of nothing but work, but on the other hand, you fucking hated it too because you just wanted to cum so bad…
and you really thought she was finally letting you when she hits the spot.
you grabbed onto one of the pillows for dear life, soaking it with your tears. you were so fucking close. you didn’t even know how you’ve managed to hold on until now. “please, mommy..! please, please, plea—”
but all it takes for yujin to shut all your hopes down was to say one simple word, “no.”
fuck. at this point, you didn’t know if you were still moaning from the pleasure, or if you were sobbing from the pain and yujin being stubborn. maybe both. but fuck, you were exhausted and truthfully, a bit scared to make yujin angry so you still. keep. holding on. and it inflated the fuck out of yujin’s ego because wow, the things you would willing go through for her…?
“my obedient little slut… you make mommy so happy,” yujin said. she leans forward, putting her hands down on the bed (one holding down your wrist and the other intertwined with your other hand), and speeds up her thrusts. “you’re really gonna do anything for me, huh?” she says, her hot breath on your ear.
you nodded, leaning against her, “everything, mommy… i’ll do everything…”
“that’s my girl. you always know the right things to say,” she lets go of your wrist and uses her hand to pull your hair back, then she forces you to turn your head and kisses you. she was getting faster, bringing you closer to the edge once again. this time, however, you weren’t going to let her play with you again. you started moving your hips so that you would be fucking yourself into her strap. you feared that yujin might get angry at this but you hear her laugh. “fuck. good girl.” she said and then slaps your ass.
finally, she allows you to lay down. yujin grabs your waist in a tight grip and started moving you. she loved the sight of your ass bouncing as she pounded into you, and the red marks that started to form was an added bonus too. she might come with you at this rate.
“mommy’s gonna make you come real good, okay?” yujin said, peppering your shoulder with kisses while you’re nodding mindlessly. you would agree with anything she asked you, you were completely out of your mind. focused on one thing only. yujin uses her one free hand (she was still holding yours with her other one. she knew it kept you grounded.) and slides two fingers inside your mouth. you sucked on them, moaning and gagging on her long digits before she pulls them out.
yujin reaches down your body, “stay still, baby.” she says before circling your clit with her fingers that were covered in your spit.
you were pretty sure you were hurting yujin with the way you held onto her hand impossibly tight. tears spilled out of your eyes as she kept on pleasuring your clit, making it even more difficult for you to keep your promise of not coming. shit, it was too much. she has never edged you for this long and this intensely before… as bad as that sounded, it brought you comfort and you would be smiling at the thought if you weren’t fucking crying because if anything, this just confirms that yujin really did miss you.
“mommy…! sto—oh, god…!!” you sobbed, shaking your head as you felt yourself slowly losing control. you could feel yujin grinning against your shoulder. what a dick, but you couldn’t say that.
“it’s okay, baby. now. come.” yujin nearly pulls the strap all the way off of your cunt before plunging it back in, hard and using its full length. at the same time, she pressed her fingers against your clit and really, that was all it took for you to finally let go. you came with a long moan, shaking as yujin continues to rub your clit, riding out your orgasm and truly just making it all last.
your cum was seemingly everywhere: on her strap, her fingers, trickling down your thighs, on the bedsheets… it was relieving for all of that pressure that was stuck in your abdomen to finally be gone. after a while, yujin cautiously pulls the strap out of you, takes it off of herself before throwing it on the floor. she was going to have to clean up the mess the two of you made tomorrow. but for now? you needed her in another way.
yujin completely takes off her dress shirt and her bra before she laid down on the empty space beside you, immediately cooping you up in her arms and kissing your damp forehead. you were breathing heavily, chest heaving up and down, eyes dark and unfocused, and lips quivering.
yujin wipes the tears off of your cheeks and held you close, “you did a good job, baby. get some rest. i promise i’ll take care of you lots tomorrow.” unable to reply due to your voice completely just disappearing after you’ve used it to scream ‘mommy’ all night, you merely put your arm around yujin’s waist and rested your head on her chest. it was easy to fall asleep after that, with only yujin’s steady heartbeat accompanying you into your safe place.
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the morning after, you woke up alone.
which wasn’t a rare occurrence. considering it was nearly ten in the morning, yujin should be sitting in her office miles away from her house right now. it was routine at this point: you wake up, yujin’s gone and all she has left you is a text message, maybe breakfast, and a hefty amount of money in your bank. so, imagine your surprise when you sat up, rubbing your eyes and wincing at the soreness that coursed throughout your body, and there was yujin entering the bedroom in a bathrobe, drying her wet hair with a towel.
“oh, good morning,” yujin says. she approaches the bed, brushing your hair away from your face. her hands were so gentle, greatly contrasting the way she completely ruined you with them the night before. yujin leans in and leaves a quick kiss on your forehead, and then she chuckles lightly at your dazed expression. “what’s wrong?” she asks, sitting on the bed.
“it’s just… rare to see you here…” you said, your voice hoarse.
“i called in. i promised i would take care of you, didn’t i?” yujin reaches for the glass of water on the bedside table and hands it over to you. yujin watches as you drank the contents of the glass… it was a simple action but for some reason, you got her heart beating louder and faster, and warmth spread in her chest when you smiled at her, saying a small ‘thank you’ before putting the glass back on the bedside table. in yujin’s opinion, you’ve never looked more beautiful than this: a bit exhausted, and very obviously fucked out but the morning glow looked so good on you.
yujin gently takes your chin in her hand and pulls you in, catching your lips in a soft kiss. something about this one felt different. it was in the way her lips quivered as it moved against yours, the way her eyes held nothing but adoration for you when she leaned back, the way she smiled shyly under your gaze, and the way she laughed softly when you gave in to your temptations and chased after her lips.
you spent a good few minutes, maybe even longer, kissing yujin. ocassionally sharing soft smiles, longing gazes, and quiet, short conversations before connecting your lips again.
“i got the bath ready for you. can you walk?” yujin asked after a while.
you nodded, “a little.” it was a lie. you could lay on the bed the entire day if you had a choice.
“you just want me to carry you there, don’t you?” yujin teased, bumping her nose into yours. you giggled, basically throwing yourself on yujin’s lap and lacing your arms around her neck. yujin was able to lift you up easily, and she took you to the lavish bathroom that she had in the house. it was the size of your room in your apartment.
“you can help yourself in my closet after you’re done,” yujin says after you’ve put both of your feet on the ground. she kisses you again, a bit deeper this time but it was quick. you could not express with enough words how addicting her lips were. “breakfast will be ready soon. i’ll be downstairs, okay?” and with that, yujin squeezes your hands before leaving, closing the door behind her.
did she have to be such a heartthrob?
needless to say, you got in the bathtub happy. and as you sat there, basking in the warm water and the sweet aroma of whatever soap yujin used, you started to think about all of the things yujin has done for you. of course, she makes sure you’re secured financially and that every meeting was worth your time, not to mention her randomly-timed and unnecessarily expensive gifts too. maybe it was time that you give back.
but what could a filthy rich and accomplished cfo of a distinguished company want more in life? yujin has it all: looks, brains, a handsome car, a big mansion, the cutest pair of dimples of ever, and a doll she could play with whenever she pleases.
then, it hit you.
“that’s perfect!” you muttered to yourself after putting your idea together in your head.
after your bath, you made your way back to yujin’s bedroom and opened up her massive walk-in closet. there was an array of clothes tailored specifically for yujin, and some she bought for herself taht you imagine costs more than your entire life. but, you headed straight for a drawer filled with her t-shirts. all of them were just as expensive as the dress shirts and the blazers, but yujin allows you to wear them because she knew how much you liked them.
you decided to wear your favorite one: a grey oversized tee embroidered with shooting stars in front. you paired it up with some random jean shorts you kept in one of the drawers and rushed downstairs. you smelled entirely like yujin, you loved it, and you knew she would too.
when you reached the kitchen, yujin, now fully clothed, had just finished preparing your coffee. you reached out for her arm and pulled her into you, “mommy, you like pretty things, right?” you asked with a grin.
yujin turns around and pulls you into her embrace, her hands resting on your hips, “why do you think i chose you, baby?” you swore your heart grew several sizes. you smiled up at her and then put your hands behind her neck, gently pushing her head down and catching her lips in a searing kiss. when yujin’s hands once again sneak underneath your shirt, the next few things that happened became a blur but one thing was for sure… you were going to take care of her next time.
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“i’ve noticed something about you recently, (y/n).” your friend, wonyoung, suddenly said as the two of you browsed through a collection of expensive dresses at an outlet mall. her girlfriend, and your roommate, jiwon was elsewhere with your other roommate seonwoo and the friend that you ignored when you were with yujin, riki.
“what, do i have a pimple or something?” you asked, touching your face subconsciously.
“no,” wonyoung takes your hands off of your face with a laugh. “you’ve been looking… happier. not that you were ever depressed or anything but these days you’re glowing, you’re confident, and… you smile a lot more. specifically when you’re on your phone.” and of course wonyoung sees all that. as close as you were with jiwon, it was her girlfriend manages to read you like a book.
“what can i say? i love cookie run.” you joked, barely dodging the gentle slap on your shoulder that came from wonyoung.
“i’m serious, (y/n)-ah! are you dating someone?”
weeks ago, you would have denied her in a heartbeat with a reasonable enough excuse but now you don’t exactly know how to respond to that question. because after that meeting with yujin, the two of you have only gotten closer… and sweeter. you talk to each other in texts and not just send dirty photos, videos, or sexts. and the three previous meetings you’ve had, they have been so fun.
of course, the night always ended with you under yujin, but even the sex seemed to mean something more now.
wonyoung grabs your collar and opens up your jacket, and there she sees fresh hickies and bite marks across your neck and chest. “i knew it!” she gasped, bouncing on her feet and she excitedly hits your arm.
“wonyoung, you cannot be undressing me like that in public and while being taken by my best friend!” you said, swatting her hands away and covering yourself up again. oh yeah, apparently, yujin being careless with how she marked you was an added bonus in this level of your relationship.
'relationship'? you don’t even know anymore.
“tell me about her right now, (y/n)! does she go to our school? or some other university? older? younger? taller? i need to know! is she hot??” wonyoung was shaking you back and forth. the two of you have gotten several glances and looks from the other customers since wonyoung made no effort to lower her voice. nobody can blame wonyoung for getting excited though, you never really indulge yourself in romantic relationships since you had a lot to worry about. school, your family back at your hometown, money, rent… in fact, even before yujin, you’ve never let anybody make it past the first date.
you always thought it would be a waste of time, and that you’d rather put your energy into making yourself happy by tackling your hundred-or-so problems. turns out you can have both. and yujin made you realize that.
“w-we’re not dating, we’re just…” you sighed, blushing at the mere thought of yujin. this was weird. “it’s complicated, wonyoung. i don’t want to talk about it.”
the taller girl was smarter than that, however, and after staring at you for a good minute or two, she grins. “oh, it’s that kind of relationship.” she teased, nudging your arm while wiggling her eyebrows. you rolled your eyes. as pretty as she was, wonyoung can be so annoying. “wait… you’re shopping for her, aren’t you? oh my god, (y/n), you whore.” wonyoung slaps your arm, giggling.
you bowed profusely at the poor mother with a child who walked past as wonyoung said those words, and glared at your friend, “do not tell jiwon and the boys about this. they’ll have a heart attack.”
wonyoung scoffs, “they can’t just gatekeep you forever! sooner or later, they’re gonna have to accept that you’ll eventually claim your destiny as some sexy rich woman’s living fleshlight.” you kicked her in the shin, but it didn’t affect her whatsoever. god, you wished you brought jiwon along with you instead of her. at least jiwon wouldn’t even think to ask about your sex life!
“is she sexy and rich?” wonyoung asked. she was never going to leave alone, wasn’t she?
with a deep sigh you answered, “emphasis on rich. bigger emphasis on sexy.”
wonyoung squeals, suddenly grabs your arm and drags you away to some other section of the store, “you’re seeing her again soon, aren’t you? i have the perfect dress for you!” well, at least she’s helping. and when you looked in the mirror wearing the sleek and shiny black dress that barely left anything to the imagination, you can’t help but be as excited about this next meeting as wonyoung… perhaps even more.
“you are so going to get fucked out.”
“there are children in this fitting room, wonyoung. please—”
that night, after jiwon and wonyoung, as well as seonwoo, have tucked in for the night, you decided to call yujin, staring deeply at the dress that hung in front of your closet.
“hi, baby. it’s pretty late. do you need something?”
you ran your hand down the dress, feeling its silky material. you could just imagine yujin completely ruining you in it, and of course the thought gets you wet almost immediately.
“just wondering if i could come over sooner than we planned?”
you heard yujin laugh from the other end, “you miss me already?”
“i always do, mommy.”
“really?” you bit your lip, knowing full well what yujin was going to make you do next. you quickly pulled off your shorts, looking at your soaked panties and cringing at how much of a desperate slut you were. but how could you ever resist? especially when yujin says, “show me how much you miss me, darling.”
she was going to drive you mad.
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well, three days later, you found herself standing in front of the gates of yujin’s mansion, clad in that black dress and holding a paper bag with cake in it.
yujin had mentioned that she has gotten busy again, but totally agreed on letting you come over and allowing you to do whatever you want in the house before she finishes off what she was doing and joins you. but you had a plan in mind, one that doesn’t require yujin to leave her office, or her chair at all. as for the cake, well, yujin loved caramel cakes so you just thought it would be a nice gesture. especially after you heard how tired she has been leading up to this day.
no, it will not be incorporated into whatever you will be doing with her today… but maybe in the future.
you were forcibly taken away from your head when the gates slid open. you entered and headed straight for the front doors, a duplicate of yujin’s house key ready in your hand. upon entering the mansion, you took off your jacket and hung it in the coat rack by the door before heading straight upstairs where you know yujin would be holed up at. a few ways away from her massive bedroom was her office, and you’ve spent as much of your time there as you do in yujin’s bedroom. mostly because that was where yujin did a lot of her work when she wasn’t in the actual company building, meaning that she would be pissed off more than she was happy, meaning that you would be bent over her desk getting fucked to oblivion as a means to reduce yujin’s stress.
you knocked softly on the door, but there wasn’t a response right away. you were about to knock again when you hear yujin’s muffled shouting, possibly over the phone with one of her annoying coworkers or seniors. a frown makes its way to your face when you heard yujin curse sharply under her breath, then a soft ‘thud’, and yujin speaking more quietly but still scarily.
you wanted your surprise to be perfect, so you stood still in front of the door, waiting until yujin has at least calmed down a bit. but perhaps it was a bad time? maybe you shouldn’t have asked to come over ahead of what was originally planned… yujin sets them up for a reason, after all. maybe this was the reason. she is a businesswoman through and through, and now you were afraid that maybe you were just being a nuisance.
yujin clicks her tongue sharply again, and then she was raising her voice once more. you could hear her footsteps as she paced around her office — frantic, heavy, and angry. then, you heard another ‘thud’, and that was when you decided that you needed to be here. for her.
finally, you knocked. a little more loudly than the last time.
her voice was soft. your heart skipped a beat.
“y-yes. it’s me.”
oh, you were so whipped.
“it’s open. come in.”
you pushed the door open and it turns out that yujin had her back turned from the door, facing her bookshelf with her hand on her hip and her other hand still holding her phone close to her ear. she doesn’t look at you when you came in, probably hasn’t even realized it.
“who is…? she’s none of your business. don’t change the subject. focus, and do your fucking job,” yujin moves her free hand to massage her temple. she taps her foot on the carpeted floor, growing increasingly impatient once again. “if i hear anything about you mistreating my assistant in my absence again, i swear to god you’re going to regret choosing to work for this company. leave rei alone.”
you furrowed your eyebrows at the mention of yujin’s assistant. you’ve met her before. she was always the first one to greet you and talk to you kindly whenever you used to visit yujin at the building. she kept you company when yujin was in meetings, the ones that didn’t require for her to attend too, anyway. at first, you were jealous of her. she got to spend a lot of time with yujin and back then, you thought that maybe they had something together… but it turns out that they have been friends for a long time, and their relationship have always been, and always will be, platonic.
plus, rei recently told you that she was ‘rooting for you and yujin’. so yeah, somebody is going to lose an arm if you find out that they ever messed with her.
“feel free to not contact me for the rest of the week.”
yujin ends the call before the person on the other end could respond. you watched as she sighed deeply, took a few breaths in, and finally regained her composure.
“sorry you had to hear all that. they’re driving me crazy.”
you gently placed the bag on the couch and approached yujin, who was still massaging her temples. you grabbed her wrists and turned her around slowly, and immediately, she hugged you, burying her face on the crook of your neck and tightly wrapping her arms around your waist. you pat her back softly, your other hand combing through her hair before you pushed her back. you cupped yujin’s cheeks in your hands and stared deeply into her troubled eyes.
“are you okay?” you asked. yujin nods wordlessly and leans down to kiss you, which you allow her to. your kisses have turned into something else too. they’re more gentle, slow, and loving. even during the heat of a moment, you feel nothing but your growing feelings as yujin kisses you. you could only hope that she felt it too.
it takes a while for yujin to pull away. when she did, you head was hazy and you were gasping for breath, but you sufficed a satisfied smile when you saw the look on yujin’s face as she scanned your outfit from head to toe. yujin bites her lower lip as she checked you out shamelessly, even taking a step back to get a better view of your look. “for me?” she says, moving her hands to your hips and squeezing your gently.
“it’s always for you, mommy. you should know that by now,” you took note of yujin’s casual attire too. the oversized blue and white striped button-up and some simple white shorts and yet you would let her absolutely ruin you until sunrise. maybe it was the first three buttons being undone, or the half-up ponytail, or simply just yujin that made her so fucking sexy. “do you like it?” you asked.
yujin smirks, she cannot stop looking at you up and down, “you’ll find out.”
merely minutes later, you were sitting on top of yujin’s desk, moaning into her mouth as she kisses you hungrily while one of her hands is in between your thighs, pressing against your throbbing clit through your wet panties. as for yujin’s other hand, it was behind you, taking a hold of the zipper on your dress and pulling it down. you were so glad wonyoung bullied you into not wearing a bra—
(“(y/n), nobody wears a bra in a strapless dress. screw security, let the woman fuck you without interruptions!”
“wait, what?”
“oh shit. hey, baby! jiwon.. uh, long story…”)
—because it was easy for yujin to just lean down and catch one of your now exposed nipples in her mouth. while she did that, you opened up your legs a bit more and started grinding yourself on yujin’s hand, desperate for more but as always, not really having the patience for it.
yujin pinches your clit through your panties and you moan loudly, arching your back a little and pushing yujin’s head further on your chest. it only made you grind on her hand faster, and yujin grins while she looks up at you, loving the desperate look on your face. it felt too hot in here. and not the kind of hot that increased your libido, but the one that fucking irritated you. you tug on yujin’s shirt, “mommy… take it off, please…” you begged. you wanted to feel her skin against you… now that’s the kind of hot you could get behind.
“aw, well. anything for my princess.”
you could’ve come right there.
yujin starts unbuttoning her shirt, looking straight at you as she did so. you helped her pull it off her body and threw it on the ground, and then you pulled her back into you. you put one hand on her toned stomach—oh fuck, those abs—and leaned in, putting your lips on her neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses and a few marks here and there. yujin slides her hands underneath your dress and pulls down your black, lacy underwear before letting it fall to the ground, directly laying on top of her shirt.
you continued on kissing yujin’s neck, relishing in the sounds of her quiet moans. ocassionally, you looked up to find her smiling down at you and during those moments, you share a quick kiss before going back to marking her up.
you were yujin’s, yes. but the world has to know that yujin was yours.
yujin probably noticed your intent, hearing her chuckle before grabbing your face and making you look up at her, “i’m not going anywhere, baby. i belong to you as much as you belong to me.” she whispered against your lips.
ahn yujin belongs to you.
yeah, you were going to think about that all day.
yujin takes a seat on her chair, then she puts her hands on your knees and spreads your legs apart, giving herself a full view of your dripping pussy. you one of her hands and brought it up to your lips, giving it a kiss. “go ahead and make your day better, mommy.”
yujin glances up at you and smiles, a genuine smile, “it already did the moment i saw you.” she keeps your hands intertwined, and you stare at each other for a good minute.
that was where you realized that wow…
you were pretty fucking in love with yujin.
you had time to freak out about this revelation later, because when yujin's lips make contact with your folds, your mind goes elsewhere. your free hand goes to the back of yujin's neck, pushing her in further. fuck, if yujin was going to do two things great, it's using her hands and mouth on you. every lick, every touch, every single one, always had your head spinning, had you begging for more. and more yujin always gave you.
she is your sugar mommy, what else is she good for otherwise?
yujin reaches between your thighs and parts your folds with her fingers, giving your pussy one long lick before catching your clit with her lips. you gripped her shoulder tightly, throwing your head back and moaning when suddenly, yujin inserts two fingers inside of you and starts moving them in and out.
it was a reasonable pace but the feeling of both her mouth and fingers on your pussy was too good that she had your legs shaking already.
“mmhm.. fuck…! more, mommy.. more, please…”
you wrapped your legs around yujin's neck and pulled her face impossibly closer to your cunt. she moans at the flavor of your juices on her tongue, feeling like she could probably eat you out all day if she wanted. you were her favorite taste, and there was nothing better than yujin getting a well-deserved meal after dealing with the annoying fucks in her company. (save for rei, bless her heart.)
yujin was grateful for you, and through this, she gets to express just how much.
“ah— yujin…!”
has she ever told you how much she loved it when you said her name? sure, 'mommy' hits all the right places and that is the name you both agreed to when this all first started, but you saying her name was rare. and whenever you did, yujin feels warm inside. it was in your voice, the way you said it, how yujin knew that even something as simple as saying her name came directly from your heart.
as yujin looked up, head still in between your legs, she realized just how good it felt to be with you. besides the sex, you were good company and you knew yujin in a way some of her closest friends don’t.
ahn yujin has come to the conclusion that she was so sickeningly in love with you.
well, this realization gave yujin adrenaline somehow and she starts sucking on your clit, flicking the bud and moaning at the way you dug your nails on her nape.
“mommyy…! shit shitshitshit… i’m close, i’m coming…!”
you grabbed the edge of the desk with one hand as you fell apart on yujin's tongue. you’d think she’d be done. that’s how it usually was. come once and hard, and scene. but something was in the air today, apparently.
as you come undone, yujin finally lets go of your hand and uses both of hers to hold your hips down while she continues sucking on your sensitive clit. and holy fuck was she relentless. she dipped her tongue inside of your hole, making you writhe and scratch her back.
fuck, this felt good. even though it was more than you handle considering that you just came, you found yourself rolling your hips towards yujin’s face, wanting even more of what she wants to give you. she was completely entranced by your taste, blinded by pleasure and the only thing in her mind being you.
yujin presses her tongue flat against your clit before nibbling on it, sending you near the edge once again. she needed to make you come again. she has to have your juices completely cover her mouth and face again. that’s how thankful she was for your company and comfort.
she loves you, and this shows how much.
this time, you held onto her head when you came, gripping and tugging at her hair. your legs shook as yujin diligently lapped up your cum, feeling your ears burn at the sound of her savoring the taste. god, you were exhausted… although you wouldn’t mind if something takes over yujin and does it all over again, all day.
“mommy… thank you, thank you…” you managed to say.
yujin finished up her work and scoops you up in her arms, having you settle on her lap. your favorite place. “i should be thanking you, baby. you really did make my day better.” yujin said, planting a kiss on your forehead.
looking at her smiling softly at you, something pushes you to say a few words. “i love you.” …out loud, apparently. it was supposed to be a thought!
the complete surprise on yujin’s face scares you, but merely seconds later, she cradles you closer. giggling and… is she blushing? who knew the ahn yujin could be so… adorable?!
“i love you too,” yujin kisses your nose, and presses her forehead against yours. “a lot.”
who knew a few words could make you feel like flying?
for the next few minutes, the two of you stayed cuddled up in her chair. occasionally, sharing kisses and lingering touches in each other’s bodies. it wasn’t until yujin was kissing down your neck when you were reminded that you were still, in fact, clothed.
you sighed, “i should probably take this off before my friend berates me for ruining it…”
however, yujin shakes her head. “no, keep it on,” there was not a single sexual intent in her eyes, nor her words. she kisses you on the cheek, and stares at you in complete adoration and, now, love. “i love this dress on you.”
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book-place · 1 year
Fears and Facing Them
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Ineffable Husbands x daughter reader
Request: Crowley x Aziraphale x child reader (6 years old maybe), who caught Crowley in snake form and got scared because they have Ophidiophobia but after being comforted by Aziraphale, the child accepts it and actually likes to play with Crowley (crowley thinks the child is annoying but still loves the child) while he's in his snake form
Request by: @popfishjr
*not my gif*
Summary: You felt better about conquering your fear knowing it was just your father
A/N: Not proof read- I’m in a rush so I’ll do it later :)
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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You hummed an off tune melody to yourself quietly as you stacked legos together from where you lay, sprawled out on your living room floor.
Your fathers were both upstairs, to your knowledge, but you were fine with that. Contempt in your own little world of play.
That was, until a small hissing sound rang out and reached your ears, so faint that you almost couldn’t hear it as you placed another lego piece together with another.
With that, you paused, head turning from side to side in confusion as you tried to locate the source of the noise. When you came up empty handed though, you simply shrugged and went back to your building blocks as if nothing had happened.
When the hiss sounded again though, you could no longer ignore it, your curiosity getting the better of you.
Quickly, you dropped your toys and rose to your feet, eyes narrowed as they scanned the room for any sign of where the noise was coming from.
That’s when your eyes landed on it- or him.
Crowley didn’t know what he was doing to be completely honest, he knew that you had a fear of snakes- or Ophidiophobia, as Aziraphel kept reminding him. But he hadn’t thought anything of it when he transformed into his reptile form, if not to simply have the feel of it again. He had thought you were in your room however, or he probably never would have done it.
As soon as your eyes latched onto your- unknown to you- father, you let out a horrible shriek and quickly scampered up onto the nearby couch, trying to put as much distance between you and the snake as possible.
Crowley paused, confusion overtaking his senses as he momentarily forgot about your fear for the animal, and just sat there, staring up at you.
There was a clatter behind him as Aziraphel rushed down the stairs in order to see what was going on.
“What ever is the matter, young one?” Your father asked, striding over and scooping you up into his warm hold.
“Snake, papa!” You cried, “Snake!”
The angels eyes drifted over to his husband for the first time since entering the room and the reality of the situation seemed to click in both of their heads at the same time.
Right away, Crowley transformed back, not wanting to frighten you more than he already had, watching as your eyes went wide.
“Hush, it’s alright, darling. There, there.” Aziraphel soothed, throwing Crowley an extremely rare harsh look as he rubbed up and down your back.
“D-dad?” You hiccuped, looking at the demon with wide eyes.
He hesitated before nodding, “Yes, it’s me, child.”
“W-why were you a-a sn-snake?” You stuttered out, resting your cheek against Aziraphels shoulder.
“It’s- that’s just something I can do.” He admitted, sounding meek for the first time in a long while.
“You’re just the snake?” You asked softly, “It’s not a scary monster?”
Crowley felt as if his heart melted when you unknowingly admitted that you didn’t think he was a scary monster- unlike the rest of the world.
A silence settled over your little family before you spoke up again, small bursts of confidence seeping into your question, “Can you turn back into a snake?”
Your father hesitated, looking to his husband, only to not be offered an answer. But after a moment, he did what you asked.
Instead of shrieking and cowering away like he had expected you to, you just stood there for a few seconds, blinking down at him, before slowly peeling yourself from your fathers hold and approaching the other one in snake form.
Then, without any sign of fear or hesitation, you reached over and patted the top of his head, “Hi, daddy.” You giggled.
It might have been hard to see, but snake-Crowley grinned oh so very bright in that moment.
Ineffable Husbands 😇- @popfishjr @etanordoesbullsh1t
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 10 months
Tear stained pillow case - p4
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Pairings - Drew Starkey x reader
Summary - Trying to forgive and forget
Warnings - a little angst, handjob. (18+)
A/n - wow wow it’s taken me so long to finish this chapter and honestly I wanted it to keep be angsty and depressing but I’m a sucker for happiness.
Part 3
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Two weeks had gone by since you and Drew decided to move forward, it had been hard for you. Hard to let him back in, hard to trust, hard to let him touch you. But, even though it has been hard, the erratic beat of your heart and goosebumps that littered your silky skin when he was around was enough for you to know to push the negativity to the back of your mind.
You continued to tell yourself to take it slow and let the relationship start back up, you couldn’t jump back into the deep end. He was on board with everything you said, he gave you space when you needed it and he didn’t push you to talk when you didn’t want to.
But that didn’t mean you hadn’t thought about their kiss. Especially today when he was doing an interview just across town. He had called you when he was leaving and straight away he could tell, you were very quiet on the phone he almost couldn’t hear your responses.
“Please babe”
“Drew… you kissed someone else, you knew this wasn’t going to be easy” you sighed over the phone, pacing your bedroom floor.
You had been on the phone for just under 10 minutes. He had a lot of work commitments. You’d seen each other twice, both times had been great, he took you to the park for a picnic and the other time he made you watch rom coms with an abundance of snacks.
“It was just a kiss”
“Just a kiss?”
“Wait.. I didn’t mean it like that”
“Just a kiss? To you it may have been just a kiss… to me you were throwing away 4 years of love and adoration”
Your fingers hit the side button, closing down the call with him. You felt sick, you always felt sick. It had never been like this when he was filming for outerbanks but then he met Odessa and was booked for a role with her, you obviously didn’t care if he had to kiss or act out sex scenes for a movie,
You were so proud of him and you wanted him to have the best career, but the moment people started shipping them together that’s when it started making you feel sick because you could feel it within yourself that he was slipping away.
There was a soft knock on the door, followed by your Mum slinking in. She closed the door behind her and pulled you into a hug, brushing your hair from your face.
She guided you back to the bed and let you cry, tears staining her work blouse.
You didn’t want to keep crying over him, you wanted to forgive him and move on. But every time you looked at his lips the images of Odessa and him flooded you. You felt like you were drowning around him. And that couldn’t be good.
“He loves you dearly”
“Then why did he kiss her?”
“I don’t know baby… but I do know that man would do anything to have you forgive him. Do you want to forgive him?”
“Of course I do… I just don’t know how”
She continued to pat your hair, humming a soft tune before pulling you up right. Grabbing a tissue she wipes under your eyes and begins to pull your hair up into a ponytail.
It brought back memories of when you were a child, warmth surrounds your aching heart.
“Your going to get yourself dresses, your going to go to reach out to Odessa” “wait what” “let me finish”
“You're going to talk to her, ask the questions you need the truth too. You're then going to make the decision, do you stay or do you go”
You hadn’t told Drew that you contacted Odessa, a part of you wanted to make sure he couldn’t reach out to her and tell her to keep her mouth shut, it made you sick to even think that. Drew wasn’t that kind of person, he would have owned up to his mistakes the moment he told you he kissed her.
Surprisingly she had been more than willing to FaceTime you, she called you at around 5pm. Your fingers shook as you pressed the answer call, her face popped up on screen. She was a lot prettier than you, was the first thing you thought, it latched onto the part of your brain that had you feeling self conscious the whole call.
“I’m really sorry y/n, it was such a dumb thing to do on my part” your eyebrows crease together. “I kissed him”
“Oh” she doesn’t say anything for a moment, running a hand down her face and fixing the phone up. “Can you tell me what happened?” You question, you needed the full story. “Of course”.
Odessa admitted to falling for Drew, she said she had no intentions of doing so. That her and her girlfriend had broken up and he was there for her during the filming of hell raiser. She told you how she knew it was wrong and constantly fought with herself when she was around him, telling herself he was in a relationship. But it didn’t stop her from kissing him one night, the two of them left an event and were standing in the hotel hallway. He wanted to make sure she went inside before he went to his, she took his loitering around for something else and grabbed him by the shirt, the kiss lasted maybe 15 seconds.
She said he hadn’t kissed her back at first but then he did just before pulling away and leaving her in the hallway without a word.
She said he wasn’t their in the morning and she knew she fucked the friendship because he stopped answering her calls.
“And then I found out the two of you broke up and I wanted to reach out and say it was my fault but who wants to hear from the slutty friend”.
“Nothing else happened?”
“Nothing else, he left and I haven’t seen him since”
It’s silent for a few moments, you can feel her staring at you. “I’m really sorry y/n”.
You nod your head and stop the call, you didn’t owe her a thank you or a goodbye. You got what you needed.
You drove yourself over to your old apartment, bags packed. If you were going to give this another shot you needed to go back home, you couldn’t keep putting off seeing him. How were you meant to push through if you only see him once a week?
Your key is in the lock before you can wimp out, the house is dimly lit and you can hear the shower running. You drop your bags and lock the door behind you, your legs are taking you towards the sound of running water. Slowly strip off your jumper and shirt followed by the rest of your clothes until you're enveloped by the steam, clearing your nostrils.
You tap your knuckles against the bathroom door “it’s me”. His head pokes out of the glass door, you don’t miss the way his eyes widen at your naked body. “Hi”
Stepping into the shower he stares down at you with a smile but he doesn’t touch you, unsure if he is allowed to. So you reach up and press your palms to his chest, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him. His hand holds your jaw, you're the one deepening the kiss. He lets you take control, he doesn’t want to push you to do something you weren’t ready for. “Sorry” he mumbles as you're pulling away and looking between the two of you, his cock was hard. Poking you in the stomach, his cheeks flushed pink. You hesitate for a split second before your hand wraps around the base of him, looking up at him through your lashes you catch the role of his eyes.
His cock throbs within your hand, pre cum leaks from his pink tip. Your hand jerks up and down his shaft, emitting moans from Drew, his hips begin to jerk. Your thighs pressed together at the sounds he lets out, you can feel your own arousal leaking down your thigh. His large hands grips the glass door steadying himself, his knees weak under him. “Y/n” he groans, you looking between his face and his cock. His body shudders under the shower, spraying you with warm water. “I’m… oh fuck I’m going to cum” he grunts, your free hand cups his balls this tips him over the edge and his spurting his cum all over his stomach.
He takes deep breaths to calm his erratic heart rate, your small hands push him under the water and help him clean himself up. “What was that for?” He questioned, you shrugged and leaned up to kiss him again. “Paying my debts from the other night”.
He thinks back to the night he helped you get off on his clothes cock, another pink blush creeps onto his cheek. “You didn’t have to but thank you”. You kiss for a bit longer, his hands wander all over your body sending shivers down your spine.
A familiar warmth settles within you and you can’t hide the bin grin in your face. You missed this, you missed him.
Then he’s helping you wash yourself, wrapping a towel around you when you both get out. “Do you need clothes?” “My bags are at the front door”.
He can’t hide the smile that creeps on his lips, he practically runs out of the bedroom and grabs your stuff. He watches you pull things out and put back in their place, he quickly throws on a pair of basketball shorts and watches you change into a shirt and shorts.
“Is that my shirt?” “Yeah” another smile creeps on his lips. You had been wearing one of his shirts everyday since you broke up, it had started to smell more like you than it did him.
He’s sat on the bed watching you until you take a seat next to him. “I spoke to Odessa” tension fills the room but he doesn’t move, eyes still on you waiting for you to speak again. “I asked her to tell me everything” “okay”
He turns slightly and pulls you closer to him, your legs over his. “I’m still not over the fact you kissed her but it does make me feel slightly better that she initiated it and you did stop it after a split moment of hesitation”. He nods, his fingers are drawing circles on your thigh. “I’m so sorry” he breathes. “I shouldn’t have said it was just a kiss, it was a kiss that broke us up and I’m so stupid for saying I couldn’t do it anymore, of course I could. You're the only person I want, actually the only person I need”
“Your the only person I want too”
🏷️ - @vigilanteshitposting @pedrisgatorade @drewstarkeysleftfoot @cameronmedia @users09 @teresalesbian @outerbankspov @bbycowboi @stuffyownswrld @ietss @tastycakee @maybankslover @loverofdrewstarkey @wpdailyminimeta @willowpains @littlefirefly08 @brooklynscherry-z @imnotapretzelsstuff @ijustwanttoreadlols @its-ria-07 @onedayatatime6 @victory-in-the-llama @brooklynscherry-z @abbyshmaby @lassie-bird @daisylovesrafe @pet1t3 @crazyf0robx @willowalexissss @kys4-20 @xo-hayleyy-xo (I tagged a few people who commented on the last part, lmk if you don’t want me to tag you in the next part)
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animehideout · 5 months
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Gojo Satoru x Fem! Reader
A/N: Omg can't believe that we reached the end of this ff! I started this fic on Dec 12, 2023 and today it's ending on April 19, 2024 🥺.
Thank you everyone for Being part of this journey, thank you for reading, for your support and for your patience! I truly appreciate and you guys truly saved me! I love every single one of you 💗💗💗.
I hope you enjoy this final part as well, and stay tuned more fics are coming 🔜
I'll post an analysis of this fic to emphasize the meanings, morals and life lessons included, if you're interested of course!
Again thank you so much 🙏🏻🫶🏻
If you're a Smut Asmr enthusiast you can click on this YouTube link : Gojo Kissing Asmr to add to the experience while reading.
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In your house, the place that now you can confidently call a home. Crazy how when two souls bind they make any cold and abandoned place, alive and warm.
Satoru closed your bedroom door as both you got inside, his blue eyes never leaving yours, his hands circled your waist, as you walked backwards.
"You gave me a hard time y/n! I thought you hated me for real!"
With hazy eyes that seduced the shit out of him, you spoke,
"I had to give you a taste of your own medicine Satoru"
"Oh God, this attitude gets me fucking hard for you" he blurted out, growing more impatient.
You smirked as you saw how desperate he was,
"Too excited, Satoru?" you teased,
"Mhm, I know you are too!" he answered, pushing you on the big bed and hovered over you, taking you by surprise on how fast he was, "if you allow me my princess"
You nodded, your mind racing with wild thoughts that contradicted your innocent face, you can't wait to feel him inside of you, filling every inch that's screaming for him.
"It-its my first time though–"
"Don't worry princess, just trust me"
He leaned down pressing his lips on yours, moaning into the kiss. He stripped out of his clothes in front you, you watched him fully naked before your eyes that scanned him, your inside throbbing, growing impatient wanting him to fill the emptiness inside you. Now he helped you out of your clothes. He paused for a moment to admire your body that was under him. His blue eye glistening with love and lust. His large hands reached to touch your neck, chest, abdomen and then rested on your thighs, spreading your legs.
You closed your eyes as you felt the tickling sensation of his long fingers running on the soft skin of your inner thighs.
"Open your eyes princess, keep your eyes on me"
You nodded and did as he said feeling the heat,
"Fuck... look at you princess so wet for me"
You gasped a bit when you felt his breath on your pussy. He admired you for a bit, the his tongue started working on pleasuring you down there.
You felt the need to grab into something, so your hands found their way to his hair, pulling on it.
"S-shit" you moaned,
as he continued to eat you out,
"Let it go baby", he whispered still devouring you till you cane around his tongue.
"You taste so good baby, daamn" he exclaimed as he now slowly pushed himself inside you. "F-fuck baby" he groaned at your tightness.
"T-tell me when you w-want me t-to move baby" he groaned wanting to thrust into you so bad.
"You can move" you whispered
He slowly started moving, looking at you making sure you felt comfortable. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss, while he pulled out and pushed back into you. You whimpered from the new sensation that made you crave him even more.
"You okay?"
"Mhm f-faster"
He smirked, finally getting the green light ti pound you, each thrust sent both of you on cloud nine.
"Satoru don't stop" you moaned rolling your eyes back.
Your words and moans only motivated him to keep going faster and harder leading him and you to your climax.
"Shit, I-I'm close S-satoru" you shut your eyes tightly.
"Fuck—together baby"
You rocked your hips up, both of your hearts pounding out of your chests till both of you released at the same time.
"Yeaah oh fuck baby"
He laid next to you on the bed for a few moments looking into each other's eyes then started giggling as he pulled you to his chest.
"you did so good princess, I love you so much"
"I love you too"
"Here! lemme help you clean up!"
"Thanks" you smiled softly
"What about we watch a movie and cuddle till we fall asle–.. are you okay?" he asked as he saw you zoning out.
"I–I'm" but you couldn't finish your sentence, feeling out of breath.
"Y/n what's wrong?" asked Gojo worriedly,
"I- I can't breathe–" you stuttered,
You quickly put on your panties, and grabbed Gojo's shirt that was thrown on the bedroom floor and put it on, hurrying outside for some air. You clutched your chest, coughing violently, each cough racked your body making you stumble into the wall and random objects.
"Baby- y/n lemme take you to Shoko" he said trying to grab you, but you flinched away, you were too sensitive to any touch,
"Baby please wait" he pleaded, still fully naked,
You swung the house door open, rushing to the street trying to inhale fresh air as much as possible but it was too hard to do so, making effort to breathe. Barefoot, only in Gojo's shirt that became a dress on you. Desperately gasping for oxygen. Cold sweat trickled down your forehead, your vision blurred, dizziness taking over you, your world spinning trying your best to take control over your body that betrayed you.
Gojo rushed outside as well, he had to put his pants on before chasing after you. He couldn't leave the house naked.
"AAAAAAA" you screamed your lungs out, as your eyes scanned your surroundings,
"Y/N" yelled Gojo, fear taking over him, he hugged you tightly, you buried your head in the crook of his neck.
With a flick of his finger he exorcised the curses that were surrounding both of you in the area, making them disappear in a matter of seconds.
"A-re those–?" you mumbled, feeling your heart beats get steadier and your breathing back to normal.
"Yes, curses! wait– you can see them!??" he asked, his eyes widened when he realized you saw the curses.
"Wait!!! I saw them?!!" you looked at Gojo in surprise processing the fact that you can see curses now.
"Does that mean–"
"My curse broke!?"
"Your curse broke!?"
both of you exclaimed at the same time, looking at each other in surprise.
Gojo hugged you tight, spinning you around.
"Omg baby finally!!! We have to go to Jujutsu High now!" he added,
"Wait– can we go tomorrow? I don't think I'm ready to face them, besides I'm still processing it" you said looking uncomfortable.
"I know, but I'm sorry princess, we don't have a choice! it is a must that we inform them now! All of us have been waiting for this"
You nodded in defeat, after all informing them is totally the better option than seeing other curses and not knowing what to do beside screaming.
You went back to your house, took a shower and put on some proper clothes on while Satoru made a phone call to Principal Yaga.
"You ready sweetheart?" he asked.
"Yeah ready" you answered with a deep breath.
"Hey hey babe, look at me! it will be alright. I'll be by your side the whole time okay?" he said cupping your cheeks.
• At Jujutsu High •
You hesitantly sat on the chair, the higher-ups eyes fixated on your every move, making you feel extremely awkward.
"So Gojo Y/n, Satoru told us that you were able to see curses tonight and that you had trouble breathing and dizziness?" said one of the higher ups
"Mhm yes right, I couldn't breathe and I had a weird feeling as if I'm being choked or suffocated and when I went out for some air I've seen 3 curses surrounding us"
"And you're aware of what that means?"
"It means my curse broke— right?"
"Correct! how did it break though? what did you do to break it? It's been months since taking your vows why did it break tonight?" he asked
"uhm" you didn't know what to say,
You and Satoru looked at each other, and you can see the smirk on his face, then you realized that the vows were not the ones to break the curse, but true love bonding; by making love.
You can feel your cheeks warm up, a red tint colored them. Satoru lowered his head trying not to burst into uncontrollable laughter when he saw how shy you got from your realization.
You stuttered not knowing what to say, it was really inappropriate to tell them that sex with Gojo broke it. With a small chuckle Gojo looked at them and said,
"Don't worry about it, it just did, I helped her with it"
"It is official then. Y/n ! starting from today you're officially a Jujutsu Sorcerer welcome to our society"
You kinda felt proud that now you're part of something and not just a purposeless human being who doesn't even know themselves. But at the same time you felt terrified at the fact that you've got hella responsibilities on your shoulder starting from tonight.
"Thank you" you muttered, fidgeting with your fingers.
"But I must tell you, a lot of special grade curses will attempt to attack you and kill you–"
"Not only curses but also the other sorcerers" said one of the other higher ups
"other sorcerers? aren't all sorcerers serving the same purpose, killing curses?" you asked
"Well, as you can see, not all sorcerers are good, staring from your case with Mei Mei, there are many of them and more worse than her. You're considered both a balance and a threat to our world y/n" he explained
You felt extremely uneasy and uncomfortable, too much pressure, too much information to process. Feeling very overwhelmed more than ever. Your forehead dripping with cold sweat.
"I know you've already told me that the prophecy said I'll bring balance but how? what is my task exactly?" you asked, questions making your head spin.
"You're the strongest now, and to remain that way you mustn't die, it's all in your hands from now on, the Jujutsu Community depends on you for protection from the Ultimate danger"
"The ultimate danger?"
"You know our task as sorcerers to exorcise curses and protect the normals, those who can't defeat themselves"
"Well the prophecy didn't only mention you, it mentioned also the danger we'll face, it is mentioned that an ancient and dark sorcerer will try to invade humanity with curse energy leading an evolution, a world full of sorcerers and curses"
"So the non sorcerers are at risk?"
"Exactly but also the sorcerers"
"Is it Sukuna that will carry this deed?"
"No! not Sukuna"
"Huh? isn't he an ancient dark–?"
"He is a special grade curse, but it's not Sukuna's plan to make the world full of sorcerers that want to exorcise him, Sukuna's goal is to be the ruler, gather followers and execute those who do not submit" explained Satoru
"Then who's this sorcerer?"
"We don't know! but all what we know that you'll be the first one to confront him" added Principal Yaga.
You gulped, being the first one; without experience on how to use your Jujutsu, and to meet one ancient strong sorcerer that has destructive plans is kinda crazy and it made your heart go crazy. What if you're not capable of defeating him? What if you disappoint the Jujutsu Community that has faith in you?
All of these questions burned your throat, but you can't ask them, you'd be seen as weak and scared and you definitely can't let them know that.
"Alright then" you simply said, then excused yourself and left the meeting room.
Gojo followed you, he can sense your discomfort.
You stood in the balcony, joined by your husband.
"It's not an easy task you've got" he started,
"Ugh thanks for reminding me again Satoru" you rolled your eyes at him.
"Come on Y/n! you'll get used to it" he whispered pulling you close to him by your waist, his big arms surrounding you in a protective way.
"I don't even know what my technique is Satoru"
"Oh but I do!"
"You do?"
"Yes, your technique was already foreseen, its a heritage from a very ancient sorcerer, the last sorcerer that had it was like 200 years ago. That sorcerer maintained balance in our world for years, emphasizing safety for both sorcerers and non-sorcerers, there's a reason you won against me during our fight, it blew my mind that you succeeded in laying a punch even though i had my infinity on. Your technique is copying others techniques just by touching them while it is activated. You can use their techniques against them"
"Wait what?? How do I know? And what if I'm fighting against curses ? how am I supposed to defeat them since not all curses have a technique, not all of them are special grade or first grade after all?"
"Good question, actually you have a strong burst of curse energy that could easily destroy curses, you just need to learn how to activate it"
"So I need a lot of practice huh? A long way to go? What if I'm not ready yet to face that sorcerer?"
"You don't need practice, you're a natural at it, you just need to try and believe in yourself, in your abilities, in your technique, that's how you're gonna summon it, you've got the spirit of the great old sorcerers in you, you're capable of everything Y/n just search inside of you... you're capable of things you don't know you're capable of"
His words were very comforting and motivating, you can feel your tense muscles relax slowly, nodding your head at his words.
"I believe in you y/n" he added, kissing your forehead.
You closed your eyes taking into the moment.
You can't deny that his words boosted your confidence and your ego, it's finally your time to shine.
"Embrace this new version of you Y/n!" he added kissing your temple.
"–I wanna meet Mei Mei" you said out of the blue.
"Huh? meet Mei Mei?"
"Yeah! I'm not allowed?" you raised your eyebrow.
"No not like that, you're allowed of course, it just was unexpected, I thought you didn't wanna see her face"
"You're right, but you said I have to embrace this new version of me so maybe it's time to speak my mind and confront others instead of hiding" you said confidently.
"Damn I love this mindset" he said with a smile.
"Oh but trust me you're next" you said teasingly.
"Wait what?" he said panicking.
"Come on Satoru, you know I'm not fully done with you"
"But I thought you forgave me" he said pouting.
"Oh I did but it's about time I forget, come on take me to Mei Mei"
You were serious though, you didn't forget what he'd done to you yet. It's true you love him with all of your heart, and he does too but you felt that ignoring him for a week wasn't a proper punishment.
Gojo took you to the prison where Mei Mei is staying. He unlocked the door stepping inside.
"Gojo? you came!" said Mei Mei but het smile dropped instantly right after she saw you take a step inside her cell.
Satoru stood by the door, while you moved closer towards her, you can tell by the look on her face that she felt something different coming from you, something intimidating, something strong, not the usual you.
"Y/n y–"
without saying anything you interrupted her with a slap across her face. You slapped her with all your might earning a gasp from her and from your husband, his eyes widened, he didn't see it coming.
Mei Mei looked at you in shock, and said in confusion,
"You slapped m—"
"Oh I did! I could've done more but I just chose not to"
"Uh uh no no! I'll talk and you will listen Mei Mei, Im here to speak my mind, to say the things that I couldn't say before because I thought my words won't make any difference, and even if they don't now I really don't care because I'll speak any way"
You paused for a second, leaning towards her, your eyes piercing through her soul.
"I hope you're enjoying your time here in this cell, reflecting on what you had done and most importantly realizing that you deserve to be here. I hope you realize that all of us pay for what we do. Because sooner or later we won't escape the universe's justice. and I hope you realize that what you've done to me is terrible, I hope you feel the guilt every day and I hope it eats you up for trying to ruin what was already ruined life, for trying to kill me. You know something Mei Mei I allowed you to hurt me because I didn't know I can protect myself, I didn't know I was capable of stopping someone from harming me both physically and emotionally because I was weaker than all of you. But now I do and damn it feels great. You and Toji will both suffer. See all of what you do to others will come around to you and you can't hide from it so enjoy your stay here" You said,
and started walking towards Gojo who was leaning against the door frame proud of you happy that you finally realize your worth and potential.
You held his hand and then looked back at Mei Mei,
"Oh by the way Mei Mei, your attempts to tear us apart only drew us closer so thank you for that" you added,
then walked out hand in hand with Satoru making sure to lock the door.
"That was hot" exclaimed Gojo
"Oh you think so?"
" I know so"
He grabbed your chin making you look up at him,
"I know that you'll punish me anyway, you won't let it slip but I'm lucky that you didn't hate me I was worried really worried, you were so cold so distant as if I wasn't visible to you. So I'm going to accept any punishment from you as long as you don't hate me"
"you know I had to do it"
" I know I know I deserve to be treated like that, but I thought we had no hope I thought our marriage was over the moment I was hoping to fix things so I'm glad you gave me a chance to make it up for you to be a real husband so.you can punish me now but promise not to leave me cuz if you do then I'll drown again"
"You know something; we all make mistakes and wr are the ones who decide to fix them before it's too late or to ignore them but learn how to live with the consequence"
"You're right, I don't wanna live with the consequences, I wanna live happily with you Y/n"
You looked up at him, you can see the softness in his eyes and the way he speaks to you, you can't help but fall more and more deep for him.
"So please tell me that you won't leave me" he pleaded, a hint of worry visible in his tone.
He was feeling really overwhelmed, he knew you being the strongest now means you're at risk in every step you take, that you're targeted by many who want to haunt you down. He was worried that he might lose you, and besides he was afraid you might not be able to forget what happened in the past and end up hating him, even though you said you loved him. He was dealing with mixed feelings, trying to fix many things at the same time and trying to protect you but he knows the higher ups won't allow him to.
"I-" you started to speak but got interrupted by no other than Megumi,
"Oh Gojo finally!!!"
"Megumi?" you and your husband said at the same time.
"Oh Y/n sensei!"
"Is everything okay?" asked Gojo
"Nah it's far from being okay !! it's Yuji!!"
"What happened to Yuuji??" you asked worriedly as you walked towards Megumi
"Sukuna took over him, and we don't know where he is now"
"What do you mean Sukuna took over him?" questioned Gojo
"I was in my room sleeping then I heard a noise outsiders when I looked outside of the window I thought it was Yuji but when he looked back it was Sukuna, when I went down to stop him he was already gone"
"Shit shit shit" you said, "we need go and look for him...now"
"Baby—wait, you can wait in our room I'll go and look for him" said Gojo
"What do you mean Satoru! Yuuji is in danger and you expect me to hide in our room and do nothing to find him? I'm going with all of you, now!"
Megumi looked at Gojo as you started walking away,
"What's wrong? you look worried ?" said Megumi
"Yes Megumi yes, you know she's in danger and we don't know what to expect"
"You can't change fate Gojo! it's what the prophecy said, I'm sure Y/n will manage , you should be the first one to put your faith in her! besides she's got time till her curse breaks and she'll practice being a sorcerer"
"She's a sorcerer now"
"She's gonna be ok— wait what did you say?"
"Her curse broke tonight, she's announced a sorcerer by the higher ups"
"I can understand your worry now, but she's gonna be fine! she's strong!"
"I know, come one let's go" said Gojo with a sigh...
• Time skip •
A couple of hours are now separating you form the break of dawn, Gojo was trying not to leave your side the whole time you were searching for Yuuji, he was always keeping a protective eye on you, scanning your surroundings making sure no one around is trying to harm you.
All of you; students and teachers met up again in Jujutsu High, to find another plan.
You were in the school garden, sitting on the stairs waiting for the higher ups to call for an urgent meeting, your heart aching for Yuuji, he's the sweetest boy you've ever met and you were genuinely scared for him, all what you were thinking about was him, you were hoping to find him and save him from Sukuna's hands, Gojo was discussing things with Principal Yaga most likely about you and the students trying to figure out where he could possibly go.
"I see you're alone y/n. Stargazing as usual?" said a deep voice that made you stand up quickly from your seat.
"Ryomen Sukuna" you said and started walking towards him, "You better leave Yuuji alone" you threatened.
"Wait wait, it's true then, they weren't lying , I can feel it emitting from you" he said as he exhaled,
"What and who are you talking about? "
"Your curse energy, pretty strong, it's intoxicating"
"Yeah you were more than excited to fight me when I become a sorcerer, here I'm in front of you, I'll fight you so you better let go of Yuuji"
"Uh no, I know I said that, but I'm no longer interested in fighting you, someone else will"
But before you could ask him, you saw a group of people entering Jujutsu High, coming your way.
"Good luck beautiful, for now I'll watch through this brat's eyes" With those last words, sukuna switched back to Yuji,
"Sensei, sensei run!!!" said Yuuji
"Yuji-Kun are you okay?" you asked worriedly grabbing his forearm
"Yes I am, let's go we need to get inside and find Gojo sensei" he started pulling you away,
but you knew this time there's no running away, thia fight is yours. As much as it terrified you, you can't run away.
"Yuji calm down, go and find Satoru and the others...trust me" you reassured.
"Itadori Yuji, Sukuna's vessel, whats up with that look on your face? still grieving over Junpei?" said a long haired guy,
"Mahito" said Yuji through gritted teeth.
You looked between both of them, the sooner joined by your husband who rushed to tour side, still not aware of those who stood in front of you.
"Y/n, Yuji you're here!? are you okay? did Sukuna do something? where did you go?"
"He went to talk to these bastards" answered Yuji pointing at them,
The moment Gojo turned his head to look at them, his eyes widened, his heart dropping to his stomach, a shocked expression displayed on his face as if he saw a ghost,
"S-suguru geto?" he stuttered
"Geto?" you repeated
"Long time no see Satoru" spoke this so called Geto with a gentle voice,
You looked between both of them in confusion.
"Isn't he dead?" you asked out of the blue.
"That's not possible, I killed you" spoke Satoru, his eyes still fixated on the man in front of him.
Sooner you were joined by the other students, Nanami, Utahime and Principal Yaga.
All of them stopped in track the moment their eyes met Geto's eyes.
"Geto?" they said in union.
"I think it's an insult to call me Geto" he said, and walked forward his finger gripping a thin string, opening up those stitches on his forehead revealing his true self. "You can call me Kenjaku"
"Kenjaku?" said the others in union, eyes widening upon his reveal.
You were the only one confused,
"Who the hell is Kenjaku?"
"The ancient sorcerer, mentioned in the prophecy?" explained Nanami
"So I'm gonna fight him? fight a brain or what exactly?" you asked and pointed at him, genuinely confused.
"I see you brought all of them curses with you?" said Gojo
"You can say we work as a team Gojo Satoru, I hope you're not pressed that now you're no longer the strongest" exclaimed Mahito in an offensive tone trying to get in Gojo's nerves
"Is that guy a curse?" you asked Nanami,
"Yeah he is"
"He looks h-human"
"Deceiving right? I look human, but I'm not one, little one. Oh Nanami ready for another battle, I wasn't finished with you last time"
Nanami remained calm but you can see his veins popping out on his neck and temples. The presence of Mahito annoyed him to the core, he might be the most hatred curse out there, more than Sukuna himself. He's just an annoying bitch who likes to play games on others.
"We're here for only one reason, to kill Y/n so move and make it easier for all of us" said Kenjaku.
You can feel your heart jumping out of your throat, no one is able to save you now, you're the one to save you. The prophecy is now a reality and there's no escape from it. It's your fate, it's what you were born for, you existed this whole time just for this moment and you have no other choice but to win this fight and bring balance once again to this messed up community. But a surge of courage took over you, as if you weren't alone, feeling another kind of presence lingering around you.
"You can try and kill me..Kenjaku" you threatened and moved towards him.
And the battle started.
Gojo against Jogo, Nanami and Yuji against Mahito, Nobara and Megumi against Hanami, Inumaki, Panda and Maki against Dagon and You against Kenjaku.
Kenjaku summoned curses with a flick of his fingers, sending them swirling towards you like malevolent spirits hungry for your death. You moved with grace, your movements fluid as you deftly dodged the curses, each one hissing and snarling as it sought to tear you apart. Your moves were natural, a result of years of training in martial arts. You haven't used any curse energy yet. Not sure how to do it, how to summon your energy.
"Just search inside you" you remembered Gojo's word. .
With a deep breath, you tried to focus, looking in front of you as Kenjaku sent one of the curses running towards you, you were focusing, pressing your lips together as the curse was getting closer and closer, but you stood your ground, trying to trust yourself this time.
The moment the curse got right in front of you, inches away from your face, as if the time stopped and started moving slowly. The curse exploded. A burst of if energy left your body.
You successfully summoned that power and now you can feel it take over you, running through your veins. It felt great, you felt unstoppable, powerful and undefeated. You can now exorcise those curses.
With each burst of energy you felt yourself growing stronger, instead of feeling drained, you felt as if you were feeding of the death of those curses who's curse energies faded into the air.
"Next" you said as you looked directly into Kenjaku's eyes, who was hesitant to summon another curse.
"You think you can win against me? I'm no ordinary foe. I have been living through centuries of dark knowledge"
"Then prove it, you're nothing without those curse that you summon" you challenged.
You did trigger him, you actually looked down on him, making him appear as weak. But he didn't know that it was part of your plan to offend him and make him try to fight you. He didn't know about your technique yet so he wasn't careful with his next move.
He ran towards you, trying to lay a punch on you, but it was easy for you to dodge it. In a moment of daring, you lunged forward, your hand reaching out to grasp Kenjaku's cloak. Your skin touched, and in an instant, you felt the surge of power as Kenjaku's own curses turned against him. You can feel yourself taking control, and you were able to manipulate the curses inside Kenjaku, making them respawn no matter how hard he tried to stop you.
The very creatures he had tamed now obeyed your command, their twisted forms holding him down as you stood there looking down at him.
Hanami, Jogo and Dagon were already dead but Mahito was still alive, playing dirty tricks on both Nanami and Yuuji.
But ince you overpowered Kenjaku, everyone stopped in tracks, waiting for you to finish him off and kill him.
You were about to do it, but stopped the moment you felt a presence lingering in the air. It was a warm presence, comforting one it was similar to the one you felt around Gojo, Nanami and your students.
"Maybe it's him" you whispered to yourself.
You looked up, your eyes meeting Gojo's sad eyes. By the look on his face you knew he wasn't ready to witness his bestfriend get killed again, even though it wasn't really his bestfriend but it was his body.
In that moment, you discovered something new in you. You closed your eyes hoping that what you're about to do actually works and don't make a fool of yourself instead. You started focusing, summoning spiritual forces that you didn't know existed within you.
"I know what you're trying to do, but in order to do so you need to sacrifice someone you know that right, if you're trying to kill me to bring Geto back then it's not possible, you'll destroy the body" said Kenjaku out of breath.
"They didn't lie when they said you're ancient, I can tell now.. I have to sacrifice yeah but not necessarily a physical one, I do things differently, it will be a soul, and it's yours" you said with a dirty smirk.
You shut your eyes tightly, tracing Geto's soul energy that was felt. Using a secret and unusual ritual you resurrected his lost soul.
You summoned Geto back, Kenjaku's presence was slowly fading into nothingness, Geto's soul taking over the body once again. Everyone watched his body on the ground, slowly twitching fighting to gain consciousness.
Your eyes shifted to Mahito, you started walking towards him, your eyes darkening as if you were possessed , empowered by ancient souls of old shamans. By your aura, now everyone can tell why you're the strongest.
Being arrogant his whole existence, Mahito actually thought he stood a chance against you after witnessing how you finished off one of the greatest sorcerers across the centuries. He attacked you, thinking he was fast, he out his hand on your shoulder but in a split second before he can actually think of his next move you did the same and placed your small hand on his chest;
"Idle transfiguration" those words left your mouth smoothly, and you watched how his body exploded under your soft touch.
Silence fell over the place, witnessing how you destroyed Mahito easily as if he was nothing.
"What the hell?" said a honey-like voice,
Everyone looked around and it was Geto standing, trying to understand what happened.
"Satoru?" he added softly,
"Suguru" said gojo and ran towards his bestfriend,
He hugged him tightly, unable to process that he's alive and standing right in front of him. Unable ti believe he was real. You brought geto, you brought his bestfriend back, your heart ached for the years full of pain and regret Gojo had to endure, for the nightmares that visited him every night. You smiled to yourself as you saw both of them hug each other hoping that the nightmares will finally leave him alone.
"Suguru, this is my wife, Y/n" said Gojo introducing you to his bestfriend,
But before you could react or say anything, you unexpectedly fell on your knees, the world around you spinning, you over used your curse energy for a beginner. Summoning Geto's soul back took a lot of effort but it was all worth it.
You woke up in the hospital, you can feel every bone in your body hurt like a bitch. You looked around, many smiling faces were looking at you.
"SENSEI WELCOME BACK" yelled Yuuji happily.
"Shush Yuji you're so loud, she just woke up" said Megumi in an annoyed tone.
"Baby, are you feeling better?" said Gojo holding your hand, his thumb caressing your soft skin.
"Satoru! mhm I'm fine" you whispered tiredly,
Your head was pounding and you felt really sleepy.
"Ehm your family came to see you baby" he added,
You looked at the other side and then you saw your family sitting there in the corner, hesitantly trying to start a conversation with you.
"Mom? Dad?" you said in confusion, not expecting to see then after all this time.
"Come one guys let's give them some privacy hm?" said Gojo pushing his students out.
"Satoru! can you stay please!" you spoke softly, not wanting to stay alone with them cuz you know it might be awkward and you felt too weak and needed your husband to support you.
The others left the room and now you were laying on bed, Gojo holding your hand and your family trying their best to find the right words.
"Yn, my dear we're glad you're okay" begun your mom.
"We were extremely worried about you, when we heard that you had a fight with Kenjaku we thought that you got hurt" added your dad.
"You grew stronger Y/n! we're ready proud of you" said one of your siblings.
You looked at them then at Gojo, you didn't know what to say, it was really awkward. Your family did hurt you the most, and you were expecting them to apologize not to casually show up at the hospital.
"I don't know what to say, I really don't" you spoke, trying not to cry.
"Yn!! we know we failed as parents, we didn't treat you fairly, we messed up and we didn't realize then that it affected you, you always seemed strong, silent.. you didn't show that you were hurting because of us, you seemed normal—"
"Just because I don't speak about it doesn't mean I'm not feeling it mom!"
"We're so sorry about that my sweet Yn. I wish we can make it up for you"
"How? by being present now? after abandoning and neglecting me for years? I know, you came to see me just because I became like you; a sorcerer not because I'm your daughter right?"
"No no baby no, you're our daughter, our sweet Yn! we confess our mistakes, we mistreated you, and you didn't deserve that, not even a bit. I wasn't a good mother, I should have asked you how you felt, I shouldn't take your silence as an answer"
"We failed you Yn and you have every right to cut us off your life. But just know that we love you, and we realized our mistakes really late. We thought that you were living your best life when you got married, we didn't know about the abduction we didn't know about your suffering..and it's our fault because we should've reached out" explained your father.
"We should've been there for you, but just know that sorcerer or not, we love you for who you are Yn" added your mom trying not to cry, but a tear betrayed her. They started walking towards the door,
"We'll let you rest, Gojo take good care of her" he said his voice cracking.
"Wait!" you said,
"I know you messed up, you did hurt me the most, you made me feel neglected, different, weak and pathetic. You were the reason I found comfort in isolation rather than with you. Now I don't know if you mean this apology or not but I don't wanna cut you off. Family remains family whether we love it or hate it. Maybe it's kinda late to try to fix things with me, since the damage is already here in me. But I do forgive you, you fed me and provided a shelter for me when I was a kid, and I can't forget about that" you added in a sad tone but deep inside you were happy to see them again and to hear them apologize.
"Oh baby" said your mom and hugged you, joined by your father and siblings.
Satoru watched with a smile, he felt bad for you. He was ashamed of what he did, he didn't know you felt that way, he didn't know you felt so alone. He didn't know you were neglected by your own family.
"Come on, Gojo" said your mom
"Yes son in law, join us in this family hug" added you dad pulling Gojo as well.
Now you were alone with Gojo, your family is at Jujutsu High with the rest if the teachers and students preparing for a party that your husband had planned as a surprise.
*knock knock*
"Oh he's here! come in" said Satoru
The door was pushed open and it was Geto. You got into a sitting position.
"Hello" he said softly,
You smiled and nodded as he took a seat next to Gojo.
"Are you feeling better?" he asked,
"Yeah I'm fine thank you, what about you? how are you feeling?"
"Suguru wanted to see you and check up on you, he's a shy person tho, just like you.. I think you'll get along well" said Gojo jokingly,
"Thank you for- I don't know what to say, from bringing me to life again, even though I don't deserve it—"
"I think everyone deserves a second chance!" you reassured.
Geto smiled,
"Thank you, then I'll make sure to make the best out of this chance.. I won't fall into the trap of my old mistakes that got me killed" he giggled,
"What now you're gonna tease me for that?" said Gojo rolling his eyes,
"Nah Satoru, I know I deserved it, I was a jerk with that mindset and ideology"
"Oh I'm glad you realized that now"
You looked at both if them giggling at how they started bickering.
"Thank you Yn you're the reason I'm reunited with my best friend once again, thank you for giving us this chance to find each other again" said Geto truly grateful,
"Everyone deserves a best friend" you smiled,
"I thought you wanted to punish me, but you ended up bringing my best friend back, you always amaze me, I don't deserve you Yn, you're too kind for this world, even though a few hours ago you were completely ruthless with Mahito".
"That bitch totally deserved it" you exclaimed.
"Oh that attitude I fucking love it" said Satoru and pressed a kiss on your lips,
"Ahem, so I'll be in Jujutsu High" said Geto clearing his throat, feeling like a third wheel.
"Yeah we'll be there in an hour"
• Time Skip •
As you stepped into Jujutsu High, hand in hand with your husband Gojo, you blinked in surprise as you took in the sight before you; tables adorned with delicate flowers and twinkling lights. In front of you, stood your friends and family, gathered together to welcome you. But it wasn't just any celebration – it was a second wedding party.
Gojo got on one knee and looked up at you, you raised your eyebrows in confusion.
"S-satoru what are you doing?"
"Baby, we didn't get to celebrate our wedding properly. We both hated it at first, it was forced on us, we weren't happy back then, but now..now we are! With time we realized that getting married was the right thing to do, not for the prophecy no, but for ourselves, you summoned a buried part of me I didn't know it existed, a softness, a feeling I was carving for years but wasn't able to experience it, till you made it possible. I fell head over heels for you Y/n and I'll continue to love you till my last breath. Y/n will you marry me again?"
Tears welled in your eyes, it was too emotional. On one hand, you felt a surge of gratitude for the effort your family and friends had put into creating such a beautiful moment, a memory you would cherish forever. And on the other hand, your husband Gojo, you realized how much you love him, and that he's the one you'll be spending the rest if your life with, you complete each other, and you need each other.
"I do, and I'll never leave you" you said and at the same time you answered the question that he asked you yesterday but wasn't able to answer him because you got interrupted.
Everyone started clapping and cheering for you, as he spun you around and gave you as long passionate kiss, the sun glowing above you all.
You spent the rest of the day and night celebrating, chatting together, everyone got along, and you for real got along well with Suguru, you were joking together and making fun of Gojo, joined by Shojo who was the happiest, the smile never leaving her face. A smile that she missed for years. You brought their memories to life again and helped them to make new memories as well, memories they'll remember for a life time. Nanami, is now more open, no longer annoyed by Gojo but rather more grateful for the beautiful chaos around him, the chaos that used to annoy him, now all their laughter and loud voices are music to his ear, it made him feel less lonely, it made him realize that life is worth living if you're with the right ones. Your family were there as well, they were Yuji's victims, he couldn't stop talking to them on how amazing you are, and how you helped him as a teacher.
What a night, full of laughter, love and joy.
You looked at Gojo who was sleeping peacefully beside you, you kissed his cheek and then out on a jacket and walked outside. You wanted to watch the sunrise. You wanted to see the merging colors, the way the sun rays will take over the darkness and shine up the world announcing a new day ahead.
"Going somewhere?" asked Gojo in a sleepy voice , yawning.
"Nah just here waiting for the sunrise"
"Oh I thought you're escaping me" he said and circled his arms around you in a protective and firm way.
"Me escape you? come on don't be silly! I know you won't let me leave"
"Of course I won't! you belong here, you belong to me, to my arms, once you're locked here there's no escape"
You giggled, pressing a kiss on his neck.
"Wanna get a better view if the sunrise?" he added.
Without answering you, he used his teleportation skills to get you up on that hill where he found you that night where both of you confessed and shared your first kiss.
"Damn I gotta get used to you teleporting me everywhere" you joked,
"We'll get a better view from here"
You laid your head on his chest, taking into the moment and started speaking softly,
"You know sunsets used to be my favorite, I used to prefer it over sunrise"
"Any specific reason?" he asked, wanting to know more on what's going inside that head of yours.
"I wanted my life to end, I wanted that for years, so I kinda related to the sunset. Convincing myself that endings can be beautiful too, just like the sunset, trying to romanticize death, make it less scary. At least if I didn't live beautifully then I can die beautifully. But now I can relate more to the sunrise, I no longer wanna die, not now at least, I wanna live- my life now feels like sunrise a new beg—"
"Beginning- a new beginning" said Gojo interrupting you "I understand that feeling very well"
"How?" you asked,
"You broke my curse too, you broke it by another curse, or at least what I used to believe was a curse"
"What curse?"
"Love Y/n! Love is the most twisted curse of them all...." he paused and looked at you and then added, "But even if it's a curse, I still wanna feel it, as long as it's with you. I'd let my soul burn so you can feel my warmth, you've made my life a heaven cuz you're the greatest blessing I've ever had in my life" he leaned down a kissed your forehead.
"It was meant for us, we were meant to be together. Both of us experienced different things but ended up feeling the same thing; loneliness. I was the most wanted, feared and respected even by my enemies, I was up too high but too lonely, in the contrary, you were looked down even by your own family and ended up isolating and feeling the loneliness for years. That proves that what you felt, what you had been through is not your fault, it was never your fault. We were on opposite ends of the spectrum but ended up dealing with the same. But when we found each other, everything changed, I felt alive, I felt that I have a purpose in life, a reason to wake up each morning and feel excited and thankful that I'm breathing.. You saved me Y/n! You saved me from myself, from my loneliness. You just made my black and white life, colorful, you put an end to my nightmares... I love you."
"I love you too Satoru" you said, a tear of happiness rolling down your cheek.
Both of you kissed, as the sun light glowed on the horizon, announcing a new day, a new beginning, a new intake of oxygen and a new chapter. .
Taglist <3:
@janrcrosssing @lunaoyabun
@smolbeanzzz @khaleesihavilliard @tqd4455 @black-swan-blog27 @certainduckanchor @haitanibros0007 @goldenjoyboyy @lorako123 @kunikuzushisbeloved @saiyara05 @numblytemporary @soulofendlessbook @bookswillfindyouaway @sukunasleftkneecap @ryumurin @twitabread @f1uveryysblog @sleepyyammy @animechick555 @allofffmypeaches @inlovewithlondonn @tw0fvced @markleeisdabestdrug @blvckxb3vutii @bol0-de-morang0 @ghostfacefricker6969
172 notes · View notes
frenchkisstheabyss · 5 months
⛧𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙱𝚘𝚛𝚗 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙸𝙸𝙸⛧
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⛧ Pairing: poly!slasher!minsung x chubby!fem!reader
⛧ Genre: slasher au/horror/fluff/angst
⛧ Summary: It's been two weeks since that fateful night your crushes revealed their killer hobby to you. You promise yourself you'll never look back but your ties to each other can't be severed so easily. Especially not when your own gruesome urges begin to creep in and an unexpected visitor gives you the perfect opportunity to set them free. Do you have it in you to resist or are you destined to return to them?
⛧ Word Count: 2.1k-ish
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⛧ Warnings: horror elements, masturbation (f w/ vibrator), blood, violence (none between you 3 though. you psychos love each other too much), someone breaks into reader's house w/ short fight scene after, erotic homicidal urges, dead bodies, strong language, you become a killer bby girl, suggestive convos, everyone gets kinda sentimental, & that's all.
⛧ A/N: I'm such a spooky girl at my core (it's where my writing roots are) so it's been fun writing this dark comedy/romance and I love you forever if you're joining this quite odd ride with me.
Also thank youuu @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 and @lxsunshine for asking to be tagged! I've never really had a tag list but if anyone else wants to be, totally let me know! 🖤
💀 <<< Rewind to Tape 1 <<< 💀
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Somewhere along the way your wires got crossed. You could blame it on Han and Minho for what they did but that’d be unfair wouldn’t it? What they uncovered in you—the same darkness lurking within themselves—has alway been here and it refuses to be buried again. But you try.
It’s been a long 15 minutes soaking in this bath with one leg draped over the side of the tub and your waterproof vibrator buzzing away beneath the lilac bubbles. Music plays in your headphones, ambient tunes meant to melt the tension from your body. Squeezing your eyes shut you try—you really try—to chase off intrusive visions of two sickeningly handsome psychopaths. You don’t want to remember what you saw that night but the picture’s so clear in your head that it might as well be playing out in front of you all over again.
For the few seconds that you manage to shake the thought, your vibrator feels useless. It hums against your walls with all the enjoyment of a leg that’s fallen asleep. But when the image snaps back into frame—them standing there in nearly nothing, blood dripping down their bodies—it feels heavenly. The pleasure travels through you in pulses, spreading further out the longer you indulge in your memories.
This isn’t right. You have to stop. You know you do. So do it. You can’t. Lie to yourself all you want but this is what you need. Water splashes onto the floor as your leg slips into the tub, moans dancing freely from your lips. Your heart thumps like a techno beat, battling the light music in your headphones for dominance.
The pressure in your lower belly overtakes you, dangerously close to erupting. Crashing into your high, your eyes fall open and you’re met with a face you haven’t seen in months. You open your mouth to scream but a hand is already around your throat, dragging you out of the bathtub. 
“Where’s my brother?” the man shouts, the dim lighting in the bathroom only partially concealing a face twisted with rage.
You claw at his hands, nails slicing through his skin like razors. He grunts, gripping his bloody hand, and tosses you across the floor. A framed picture crashes to the floor as you hit the wall with a thud, your ears ringing at the impact. Turning to lunge at you again, he trips on the soaking wet bath mat and falls at your feet. You latch onto the toilet, struggling to pull yourself up when you’re still covered in bubbles.
“I know you know something! So tell me!” he demands, catching you by the ankle. He uses all of his strength to drag you down but you’re too slippery to hold onto.
“I don’t know where your fucking brother is!” you scream, grabbing onto the toilet tank. Tucking your fingers under the lip of the heavy lid, you pull at it as hard as you can. 
“You’re lying! Either tell me what happened or I’ll make you, you fucking bi—”
Ding! You swing around and crack him in the head with the porcelain lid. He stares up, not particularly at you, his gaze empty. Everything goes dark for him, blood gushing down his head, and he’s down. High off of adrenaline, you toss on your robe and run for the phone at the end of the hall. Hands shaking, tears running down your cheeks, you pick it up to call the cops. But something stops you.
Instinct takes over and your fingers are already dialing the new number. You wipe the tears from your cheeks and find yourself fixated on the bloody skin under your nails. The line rings so many times that you almost think no one will answer.
“My baby!” Han cheers on the other end of the call, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. “I missed you.”
 There’s some shuffling followed by Minho’s voice, “We missed you!” 
You flick the skin from under your nails, smiling to yourself. “Hi boys,” you sniffle, knowing there’s no turning back, “I missed you too. You wouldn’t happen to be, uh, busy tonight would you?”
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Minho feels like an old man who can’t get his dick up. It might actually be easier if he were. At least then there’d be a pill to fix what he’s going through. Ever since you walked out that door both he and Han have had the worst dry spell they’ve ever experienced. The only dry spell they’ve ever experienced. The last body they touched was your ex’s. They threw it, every last piece of it, somewhere no one would ever find him and left it at that. It just wasn’t fun anymore.
Detectives call what they’re going through a “cooling off” period. It’s the time between murders when a serial killer returns to their normal lives, biding their time until they can kill again. Poking his spoon around in a bowl of soggy cereal, a pouty Minho doubts that’ll happen any time soon. “I hate this!” he whines, kicking his feet up on the coffee table.
Han pushes his legs away, flopping down beside him on the couch, “Get your feet off my coffee table.”
“Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh” Minho mocks, deflating when it hits him that he can hardly enjoy picking on Han anymore.
Han scooches closer to Minho, offering him a shoulder to lay his head on. Minho takes it, feeling Han’s sadness without having to see the heartbroken look on his face. No matter how much he teases him, Han’s his best friend. They’re brothers. They understand each other like no one else can and he knows how badly Han hoped you would too.
“You wanna go to the medical history museum tomorrow?” Minho asks, calling upon all of his cuteness to make Han happy.
Han doesn’t answer but exhales a “Hmm…” that signals he might be interested. 
Minho bats his eyelashes, laying it on heavy, “Come on, they have the world’s largest collection of human skulls. You know you love good head. I mean, no, wait, that didn’t…shit.” Han hangs his head, laughing so hard it makes him wheeze. “Why would you say that? Just why?”
Minho sits up, elbowing him in the side, “Fuck you. I was trying to cheer you up.”
Han throws his arms around Minho, hugging him tightly, “Stop sulking! I’ll go! Who needs a girl when you have the world’s largest collection of human skulls, ya know?”
Minho narrows his eyes, resisting the urge to fight against the hug just this once. Deep down inside, really deep, he loves it. “Exactly” he huffs, “Women are a distraction anyway. We’re better off without her.” 
Ring! Ring! Ring! The sound of the phone sucks all of the air from the room and their stomachs collectively sink. In record time they’re halfway across the room, pushing each other out of the way to check the caller ID. Your name flashes on it and Han snatches it up just as Minho’s fingers graze the buttons. 
Han answers the phone, almost too excited to contain himself, “My baby!” Minho folds his arms, quietly judging Han for being such a dork about this.
“I missed you” Han says, lower this time, his back turned to Minho.
What happened to not needing you? What happened to being better off without you? Oh, fuck it.
Minho steals the phone, blushing so hard his ears turn red, “We missed you.”
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A minimum of six traffic laws were broken when the boys realized something had happened to you. Of course you couldn’t tell them the incriminating details over the phone. Luckily, hearing you cry was more than enough for them to stop everything and speed across the city to check on you. They really only cared about seeing you again but the presence of a possibly dead body doesn’t hurt.
In your second stroke of luck tonight, if you can call it that, you’re positive no one knows he’s here. There’s nothing on him to track him by. He came only with the tools he used to break in and a taser he no doubt intended to use on you. And there won’t be any fuss from your downstairs neighbor. She hasn’t been able to hear since 1982. All that’s left is the matter of what to do with him. 
Gathered in your bathroom, the three of you stand over the body carefully watching for signs of life. Han and Minho glance at each other behind your back. They’re both wondering the same thing but don’t know how to ask. They play a quick game of rock, paper, scissors. Han’s rock and he hates that for himself. Minho’s paper and he’s never been happier. Minho mouths, “Loser” and Han flips him off. 
“Baby” Han says sweetly, holding your hand, “Were you and this guy, like…”
You stare at him, happy to be holding his hand but genuinely confused, “Were we?” Reading the room, you pick up on what they mean. “No, no, no! Never! This…” you say, kicking the motionless body, “Is my ex’s shithead brother. He broke in cause he wants to know where his brother is.”
Minho shrugs, pulling the belt to your bathrobe out, “Let’s make sure they’re reunited then shall we?” He wraps the belt around each hand a few times until there’s tension in the fabric and just enough room to fit a human neck. Minho sits down on the floor, positioning the man’s head in his lap. He’s ready to tighten the belt around his neck but there’s something bugging him. “Do you guys hear that?”
You all listen closely, picking up on a nearly inaudible buzzing. Han follows the sound over to the bathtub where the bubbles have long dissolved and spots the source immediately. He rolls his sleeves up and reaches into the water, pulling out your vibrator.
“Oh my god. Give it here!” you shriek, taking it and switching it off. You toss it in the cabinet under the sink, unable to handle how much they’re obviously loving this. “So, did you come at least?” Minho asks, relaxing his hold on the belt. 
“I’m not answering that.” 
Han’s studied you enough to tell when you’re lying. “She did! Did you think about us when you did it?” 
Minho giggles, far too pleased with himself, “She did.” 
“Go to hell!” you snap, getting on your knees beside Minho. You take the belt from him, winding it around your hands the same way that he did. “Show me.”
Your boldness throws them off—this is far from what they were expecting—but they don’t hesitate to guide you. Han joins you on the other side, showing you how to hold the belt properly. Minho checks the pulse before propping the body up for you. It’s weak but it’s there. It feels natural to be doing this together, like the space between them was always meant to be one you’d inhabit.
“Thanks for coming, you guys” you say, seconds from strangling a man, “Most guys won’t even buy me flowers and you risked the electric chair for me. That’s way sweet”
“You’re worth risking the electric chair for” Han coos, kissing you on the cheek.
Minho nods in agreement, kissing you on the other cheek, “Cutie.”
Your cheeks are so warm and you can’t stop yourself from smiling. You’re basically glowing at the love being poured into you. It’s perfect enough that you regret running away from it to begin with but that won’t happen this time.
“Aah!” the man croaks, shooting back into consciousness. He tries to sit up but you use the belt to hold him down, squeezing it as hard as you can around his neck. You lock your legs around him, something they didn’t need to instruct you to do, and hang on until he goes limp. They look at you like they’re terrified of you, afraid to make any sudden movements in case you’re in the mood to come for them too. 
Han takes him by the wrist, checking his pulse, “He’s…dead. Holy shit. You killed a guy.” 
“I killed a guy?” 
“You did! Good girl” Minho applauds, breaking out into a happy dance.
You and Han join him, dancing to totally different songs in your head but celebrating together nonetheless. Han gets up from the floor, dusting himself off, “Now you’ve just gotta chop him up. Got any food in your fridge? I’m hungry.” He wanders off to the kitchen, leaving you and Minho alone in the bathroom.
Minho gets up too, kissing you on the top of the head. “I could use a midnight snack too” he yawns following Han’s lead, “Be careful with the radial artery, love. It bleeds like a bitch.” 
Pushing the body off of you, you hop up to chase after them. “Wait! You’re ditching me for snacks? I don’t have the tools for this. And what the fuck is a radial artery?” 
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