#so it just builds up and the pressure of it kinda hurts
reading-writing-dying · 5 months
God I wish I could turn off my emotions for just a little bit
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
Hi can I ask for a blurb where Peter accidently hits the reader while playing or something like he sometimes forgets about his super strength but fluff at the end please 🥺.
this got away from me but this was so fun and cute to write!
“I kinda want a black eye.” 
Your boyfriend slowly lowered the bag of peas on his left eye, his elbow dropped daringly, forcing you to look at the dark purple hue. 
“Oh, really?” 
You nod, “it looks gnarly but it’d be cool to have one.” 
“Baby, my heartbeat is currently taking place from my eyeball. You don’t want one.” 
Stretching across the space on the couch you raise Peter’s hand back up so he can ice the bruise some more, it does look painful. 
“I think if you loved me you’d give me one.” 
Peter took a second to see if that sentence would resonate with you but it hadn’t. 
“We should go to the women's shelter and spread that knowledge.” 
You scoff, “they weren't asking for it, Peter. I am.” 
Your boyfriend lowered his temporary ice pack and reached a hand out, his thumb rubbed under your eye, you almost thought he was thinking about it. Almost. 
“I’d never. I would, however, patch you up if you ever got one.” 
“Do you have a friend that could-” 
Oh FUCK did your eye HURT. 
It was on a level ten throb level, it felt like a ring stretching to your eyebrow and nose. You couldn’t even open it, all you could do was press your hand to it and try and stop the pressure from building, it didn’t work. 
You were able to blink it open just enough to be blinded by the living room light, you’ve never been so light sensitive. Squeezing it shut you winced, you tried to be understanding and calm; it was an accident after all. But the pain was spreading all over your face and you had a target right on the corner of your right eye, and it hurt. 
If your right eye could open it’d be shedding tears too, you had one continuance stream coming from your left eye. 
Your voice bubbles with pain, “petey, it hurts.” 
Your boyfriend couldn’t even breathe right now, he had hurt you. The one thing he swore he would never, could never do, and he did it. Panic flooded his body, panicked he’s caused serious damage, panicked you’d be scared of him, panicked you’d dump him, panicked your dad would come curbstomp him. 
“It hurts so bad,” he knows you’re calling out for him, he knows you need him, but all he could replay was the ‘whack!’ in his head. It wasn’t gentle in the slightest, you whipped away from him with a hiss, your hand immediately covering your eye. You had been okay at first but after a minute had passed it became nearly unbearable.
Peter knows how bad a black eye hurts, and he just gave you one. 
His short, barely there breaths start to stutter.  
And suddenly Peter couldn’t see because his vision was muddled by tears, he tried to blink them back but they ran. He can’t remember the last time he’s cried, but this brought him to his knees. He never wanted to punish himself more than in that second. He should’ve been quicker, he should’ve known you were behind him, he has those goddamn senses and they did nothing in that moment. 
“Peter!” A desperate cry for attention, you don’t know what to do, it hurts more than you could imagine. 
You look up at your boyfriend still standing in shock where he jumped away from you after hitting you directly in your eye. A wrestling battle, you had tried to take him down after he’d pinned you three times. In an effort of a sneak attack you crawled up the couch and tried to jump on his back where he sat on the floor. You dived and at the last moment his hand… well you don’t know what he was trying to do but it connected hard to your cheekbone. 
Your back hit the couch and you held your hand as you hissed and groaned in hurt, Peter scrambled up and backed up behind the coffee table, as if he was scared to be around you.  
He’s crying, your boyfriend’s crying. You’ve been punched and he’s crying. 
“I’m.. I’m sorr.. Fuck.” Peter snaps out of it, you need him. He crosses to the couch in two steps, his hand cupping your cheek. It makes everything in him deflate when you flinch as he touches you, he bites his bottom lip to stop a sob. “Baby, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” 
His heart hurts as you cry, his thumb taps at your hand covering the damaged eye. The one he caused. 
“Let me see it, please?” Peter said it like a question, like he’d ever be lucky enough to have that privilege. 
You sob, “it hurts.” 
Peter blinks, more tears. He can’t believe he’s crying over this, he also can’t believe he hit his fucking girlfriend. 
“I know, I know it does, baby. Please let me see it.” 
You choke in air to stop your crying, it works. You slowly lift your hand off your eye, it’s not throbbing as much but the pressure has inflated tenfold and you couldn’t open it if you tried, it was swollen shut. You tried to gauge a reaction out of him, to see how bad it is. You forgot your boyfriend had the world’s best poker face. 
Peter wanted to curl up into a ball when he saw the damage. 
It was bruising, and swollen and you couldn’t open your eye and it was all his fault. 
His fault, his fault, his fault. 
If he was normal, if he was a normal boyfriend, this wouldn’t have happened. A normal teenager doesn’t have the strength to hold a ferry or stop a runaway bus, he does. And he used that strength on you. 
His powers, his abilities, his strength.
His fault, his fault, his fault. 
“You need ice.” Is all that could come out. A wince wraps over your face when you nod, you try to sit up and groan. “Everything hurts. How do you do this? Pain has to affect you differently, right?” Peter ignored you as he backed away, you don’t think he’s ever been so aware of his surroundings and actions. 
He shouldn’t be getting ice, he shouldn’t be putting it in a plastic bag and wrapping a rag around it, he shouldn’t be grabbing you tylenol extra strength, he shouldn’t be icing your black eye he caused. 
His fault, his fault, his fault. 
It scared you how quiet he was, the accidental punch was just that. You weren’t upset at him or scared he would do it again, you were scared how odd he was acting. He was strangely quiet and standoffish, when he came back to you with ice and pills you watched him think about holding the bag to your eye but stopped and put it in your hand. 
He shifted his weight and looked at the couch, he stepped back and sat on the coffee table. 
Peter cried and was quiet and standoffish and scared to touch you. He was terrified of himself, you may be physically hurt but he was emotionally broken, his one major thing washed down the drain. Accident or not he gave you a black eye, and it was tearing him up inside. 
You hummed when ice hit the hot skin, suddenly it didn’t hurt. 
“Am I right, super high pain tolerance?” 
It’s like you broke through a wall, Peter looked up at you like he just found out you were in the room. 
“I hit you.” 
You would’ve rolled your eyes if you could’ve. 
“That’s a little dramatic.” 
Peter shook his head, upset you weren’t upset. 
“I hit you hard, I hurt you. I…” His hand pulled at his curls so hard you grit your teeth. “I fucking hit you,” he whispered it, like his own mind couldn’t wrap it around. 
He doesn’t pull out the fuck word often. 
You thought about reaching out for his hand, but you think that’d made things worse. 
“I’m not scared of you, petey. It was an accident.” 
“I swore i’d never hurt you, that I would never hit you and I didn’t-” 
“Mean it.” You cut him off, “you didn’t mean it.” 
Peter rubbed at his jaw and blinked, you saw tears puddling and you wanted to do nothing more than hold him. He couldn’t stop thinking about it, you lowered the bag of ice from your eye prepared to switch seats. He wouldn’t let you. 
“Ice.” Cold and hard, like you had no other option. You didn’t question him, you followed instructions. 
“Remember when you asked me to give you a black eye months ago?” 
It was a joke. Sure, you saw a tiktok with a girl who had one and you couldn’t deny it looked a little cool. Then seeing one on Peter the same night you couldn’t shake it. You were just playing around, it’s not like it was that serious. 
“I was joki-” 
“I told you I'd never, and I did. I hit my girlfriend and gave her a black eye.” 
Disgust. That’s what it was. He was disgusted with himself. 
You sat up straight, your lip curled up. 
A black eye? Sick.
“Wait, really?” 
Peter looked up at your excitement, it came from nowhere. 
“You gave me a black eye? I have a black eye right now? For real, for real?” 
This wasn’t a cute or funny thing, and he won’t let you make it be one. 
He hit you.
“This isn’t funny, I hit you and you’re happy you got a black eye?” 
“Pete, I forgive you. And not just cause you gave me a black eye, because it was an accident and you didn’t mean to and you’re obviously extremely remorseful.” 
“But I-” 
You reached out for his hand, “forgive yourself. You forgive yourself.” 
It wouldn’t be instant, until your eye healed, which would be at a much slower rate than him, he wouldn’t be able to fully forgive himself. 
“No more wrestling.” 
You scoff, “no more sneak attacks, how about that?” 
He shook his head, “I don’t want this happening again.” 
“If the situation was reversed would you want me to hold it against myself?” 
Peter scoffed, “absolutely not, but it wouldn’t hurt me like it does you.” 
“So you do have a super high pain tolerance.” 
He snapped and ripped his hand from yours, “yes, I do have a super high pain tolerance. I also have super strength and give my girlfriend black eyes.” 
You held your hand up, the other one slightly freezing from the cold but you were too scared to take it off. 
“First off, plural. Second, please stop. You’re making me feel bad, I’m really okay and I’m not mad and I forgive you a thousand million percent.” 
Peter inhaled sharply, he has to believe you. He’s more shook up than you are and he guesses he should agree with you, you were the hurt one. If you forgive him he could try and do the same.
“I think you need to give me a black eye to even it out.” 
You gasp like your offended at his words, your hand lays over your heart. 
“I’d never!” 
Your boyfriend ran his tongue over his teeth and gave you a dead stare, his hands pushed him off the coffee table. His words grumbled, “toxic.” 
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ifwebefriends · 6 months
My thoughts during “The Sign” [SPOILERS!!!!!]
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More thoughts under the cut
So I think most of us can agree that this is the best episode of Bluey so far. It was so emotional and satisfying in ways that are kinda new for Bluey. It answered so many questions while giving us a few new ones. I’ve been waiting for this episode for months and it did not disappoint in any way.
This is just a Chekov’s firing squad of an episode. As in a lot of stuff that was set up in earlier episodes all pay off in this episode. I kinda understand why people love soap operas now lol. I will say that this episode was a tad overwhelming for me in the best way possible. As in I had to pause and rewind every 30 seconds or so so I could emotionally process what was happening before moving forward (but that’s a me thing). There was just so much going on and I’m happy about that.
Now onto individual thoughts about specific things:
The callback to Baby Race (“you took your first steps in that house!”) really got to me because Baby Race was the first episode of Bluey that I watched and it immediately made me fall in love with it so it just got to me.
When Chilli said “Frisky and I came up here as teenagers to…um…think,” my mind started racing immediately with “what the FUCK happened at the Lookout?” “Who hurt Frisky and/or Chilli?” And I’m just so curious about what made Chilli say that line like that but we’ll probably never know what happened.
So yeah that scene at the end when the music was playing and Bandit ripped the sign out of the ground and Chilli tackled him to the ground ABSOLUTELY CHANGED my brain chemistry y’all. I can’t articulate my feelings any more than that.
I know some people were upset that Brandy ended up getting pregnant but I thought it was great for her! I’m happy for her! And I think that even though she got what she wanted in the end doesn’t negate the feelings she had about her infertility earlier. But I think we’re all wondering who the father is and I don’t know if the show really needs to answer that.
The whole message of “we’ll see” in terms of if something is good or bad is such a mature message that I never really thought of like that so I will be taking that philosophy forward in life. Congratulations Bluey, you managed to teach a 22-year-old childless person something new and insightful about life that I don’t think I’ve learned from another show.
I want to know more about what Bob was going through and feeling and why he went to India, but again, we’ll probably never know.
I just love how the wedding photos were beautiful but imperfect. Like of course we’re not perfect and nothing will ever be perfect but it’s beautiful and worth remembering anyway.
So many little jokes and moments were so funny in a mature way (I.e. “are we allowed to do that?” And Nana thinking there was about to be a baby announcement) were just so funny and memorable.
I think some people would say it’s a cop-out to end up not selling the house after building it up for 2 episodes but I don’t know, I think it works. I think Bluey and Bingo learned a valuable lesson and Bandit (and Chilli kinda) learned it’s not always about making their kids lives “perfect” in their eyes. Also I’m just personally glad they didn’t end up selling the house and I also kinda like that it wasn’t entirely their choice to keep it.
On a more serious note I think this episode has some interesting commentary on like gender roles and gender relations in straight relationships. In this episode Chilli and Frisky (both women) have to deal with their male significant others pressuring them to move with them far away from what they know and love. In the end they don’t end up moving and the men didn’t seem to have like malicious or selfish intent with it, they were just kinda basing their choices off their jobs instead of what’s best emotionally for their loved ones. But I think it’s interesting to have this conflict where gender is kinda brought up in a way (“because your husband is making you”). It kinda plays into the traditional idea of like men are the breadwinners and the family has to move with them regardless of what they actually want. And this episode kinda like deconstructs that and says “no, it’s not always about the job or money, it’s also sometimes about connections and emotional attachment.” And I’m not saying that you should never move or whatever, but really weigh your options. I just thought that it was interesting that this episode kinda touched on that.
So yeah that’s kinda the main thoughts I had on this episode if you made it this far thank you for reading my rambles and have a good one!
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poppy-metal · 1 month
Really truly pretending his cock is inside you with how he's thrusting and it almost kinda hurts because he's wearing those jeans and he's being kinda mean about it but it has your pussy throbbing and aching and the front of his jeans are so wet by the time he cums and he's making fun of you for it and and and 🥺🥺🥺
hhhhhh him fully clothed and you're half undressed. legs splayed wide around his waist as he grinds between your legs - aurrrrrr. in nothing but your little panties the friction of his cock through his jeans rubbing against you feels so intense. the pressure feels like he's really inside you -
"you're so big -" because you can feel him, can feel how big he is, how wide his cock is - can feel it broad and thick through his denim. "oh god patrick. it feels so good -"
and patrick never thought he'd get off this much from some clumsy rutting when his dick isn't even out, but fuck you're so pretty under him. how desperate you're getting - just from a little rubbing? he's theobbing - feels like he's gonna burst out of his jeans he's so hard - and that makes him rut against you harder, to alleviate the pressure building in his balls - "I can't wait to fuck you - " he tells you, because it's true. he braces his hands on either side of your head, but he uses one of them to curl around your head, cupping the back of it to drag your lips closer to his - "god, I wanna fuck you so bad."
he's okay with waiting, though. he is. he thinks about it constantly though - the anticipation of the day you finally give the okay for him to work you open on his bare cock. at this point he knows feeling it is going to alter his brain chemistry. he's never wanted something so much.
you whine under him. you want it to, "you'll tear me apart," but the way you say it, all breathless and whimpered, it doesn't sound much like a con. you're terrified of being in pain, the stigma around how the first time hurts and there's blood involved has always made you scared - and how big patrick is.... but the more and more time you spend with him, the more you kiss and hump against eachother like this, the less you start to care about the potential pain of his big cock breaking you in. sometimes, you even think that's what might make it better.
patrick doesn't even bother denying it, just kisses into your mouth, licks inside it with his tongue. your moan feeds into his mouth as he grinds down purposely, moves his hips in a way that has his clothed dick sliding right between the lips of your cunt - through the thin fabric of your panties. "I know." he bumps your nose with his, your hands glide up to grip his flexing forearms - "I know, baby, but I'll make it good for you - "
you feel the gush of wet come from your pussy. know it's soaking the front of his jeans and making a mess and you're too turned on to be embarrassed. clinging to him as he dryfucks you into your squeaky dormbed, your thighs hugging his hips, urging him on. "I want it," you admit - even if you're still scared, still intimidated, you can't lie, "keep talking, please. tell me - tell me how you're gonna fuck me -"
he groans from deep in his chest - sounds like a rumbling. he takes your lips again and starts working his hips faster against you, forcing you further down into the bed - "gonna get you so wet. spread you fucking open and eat your pussy till' you can't take it. but you're gonna take it - because it feels good - and you want it - want my big dick in that tiny little pussy -" you're sharing breaths now, panting against eachothers lips, noses brushing with every rock of his hips - you feel so close - you're soaking through your panties - throbbing and throbbing and throbbing for him, so fucking needy for something you've never experienced before. "- gonna fuck you just like this, on your back so I can see your face when I push inside you. fuck, you're gonna strangle my cock, I'm gonna give it to you so fucking hard - yeah, baby - " he nods when you gasp - and you don't know why you say it, it just comes out -
"no, no, you can't - you'll be too big -"
and he's right there with you, pinning you under him, heavy and big and imposing - gripping the back of your skull -
"yes, I can. I will, baby. I have to. I have to fuck you, I won't be able to stop."
oh, god. oh god.
"patrick -"
you cum.
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mockerycrow · 11 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a one shot with gn!reader who gets hurt in a mission trying to save Ghost and as he feels bad for it, so he gets reader a small plushie (kinda like those for the key chain) and when reader wakes up doesn't know it was ghost how gave it to them
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KEYCHAIN (Ghost x GN!Reader)
ghost masterlist — 1.3k words
authors note; it’s your local author criticizing their writing non stop again!!!!!! i feel like i could’ve written this better idk i’m sorry, anon! i wrote this whilst focusing on other projects </3
[WARNINGS; violence, descriptions of stabbing and choking, gore, hospital settings, fluff at the end.]
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Ghost did not expect you to do what you did. Someone somehow managed to get the jump on Ghost from behind, wrapping their arms around the man’s neck with a knife in their hand. It was right in the middle of Ghost claiming he cleared a building; in his defense, he had cleared the entire building of every hostile for the exception of one. You heard him grunt and choke before going radio silent, you decided that you were on your way to his location the second something sounded wrong.
Ghost gasps for air and reaches for a knife of his own, trying to stomp his foot down on the man’s foot, but the man grunts and laughs when Ghost discovers he’s wearing steel-toed shoes. Ghost struggles against the man, his head beginning to swim—when is the last time he’s been overpowered like this?—and Ghost manages to grab one of his knives, taking it out of the sheath—
Ghost’s vision goes white for a moment when he feels the man’s blade sink into his abdomen, the man shushing him in his ear. “It’ll be over soon, big boy.” The man hisses, carelessly ripping the knife out of Ghost’s gut, making his legs buckle. Ghost must have blacked out for a moment because the next time his vision and hearing work, he’s on the ground in immense pain, witnessing a figure fighting off the strong, armored man. Ghost hears someone cry out—is that you??—but his vision won’t focus just yet.
His ears are ringing as he puts a forearm against the ground, a groan leaving Ghost as his other hand goes to his gut, and he winces as he applies pressure to his stab wound, hot thick blood trickling between his fingers and onto the ground. Ghost’s throat aches terribly, so he clears it as his vision finally focuses and it’s you fighting off a man that’s bigger than him. His eyes widen as he shouts your name, his voice hoarse and broken, laced with panic.
There’s blood staining your uniform as Ghost lets go of his stab wound, and he groans loudly as he leans down and grabs his handgun out of his ankle holster. Ghost inhales through his teeth and he shakily aims his handgun, and holds his breath to steady his aim, and he pulls the trigger.
The bullet ripples through the air and rips through the man’s temple, causing him to stumble for a second before crumpling to the ground like a ragdoll. Unfortunately, you follow suit, a loud pained gasp leaving you as you land on your side. Ghost holsters his handgun and he calls your name again, fighting through the pain to quickly crawl over to you, blood trailing him. “Oi, oi—“ Ghost hisses, grabbing your shoulder and forcing you to roll onto your back.
There’s blood caking your uniform so horribly he doesn’t know where your wounds begin. It’s smeared against your neck and face, your eyelids fluttering from the pain. Your lips part and shut multiple times as your mind tries to comprehend what just happened. Ghost calls your name, a loud noise of pain leaving him, one hand pressing against his own wound whilst the other grabs your jaw to keep your head still.
Ghost hears Price shout your name through comms in an angry and panicked tone. “Ghost?? Fuckin’ hell, someone come in!” Ghost pants before he begins to tear the velcro straps off of your vest as he needs to know where you got hurt. He moves his hand off of his own stab wound—he is a bit lightheaded—and he presses down on his radio. “Ghost to Price, we’re both injured. One SW for me, I’m not sure how many for them.” Ghost croaks into the radio, trying to multitask.
“Bloody—where are you two?” Price demands through the radio, sounding a bit breathless. Ghost inhales sharply as he leans over, his body bending the wrong way as he grabs the front of your vent and he grunts loudly as he drags it off of you with one hand. He’s lost a bit of strength with the blood he’s lost. You gasp and grab for Ghost’s wrist as he begins to press down on one of your multiple stab wounds near your vital organs. “Building two, third floor.” Ghost responds with a strained voice. He notices your head rolling back, and you barely hear Ghost yelling.
Don’t let this be the end.
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You ended up passing out from pain and blood loss, despite Ghost’s best efforts of keeping you awake. You slowly awakened in a plush setting, slight pain humming through your veins, your throat dry and aching. You twitch, your muscles heavy from not being used for a bit. You hear a monitor or two, which gives you an indication you’re in the hospital. Your eyelids fluttered open and luckily, the overhead light in your hospital room was not on. The curtains were drawn open, and the light streamed into the room.
You glanced around, seeing Soap with his journal in his hand, sketching something. It gives you a warm feeling in your gut and you glance over to your other side, seeing Gaz sitting there, holding.. your keys with a little fuzzy thing?
“What’s that?” You croak, causing both Gaz and Soap’s heads to snap to look at you. “Aye, look who’s awake!” Soap exclaims, grinning. He closes his journal and puts it on the ground next to his chair before he grabs a foam cup. Soap brings it to your lips, and you realize it’s water so you greedily gulp it down, the water soothing your throat. Gaz lets out a breath before he scoots closer, the crease in his eyebrows finally relaxing. “It’s nice to see you awake.” Gaz murmurs with a soft smile of his own.
Soap pulls away the cup and sets it back down. “How long was I out?” You question. “What even happened? It’s in sections for me..”
Soap and Gaz share a look before Gaz fiddles with the fuzzy thing in his fingers, your keys clinking around. “You saved Ghost. He was being overpowered and you found him, but uh..” Gaz winces a bit, causing your eyebrows to furrow as bits and pieces begin to flood back to memory. “—But you got injured yourself. Luckily lil’ ol’ LT got off with one stab wound. You? Ya got off with six.”
You blink for a moment. “Oh.” You utter, taking a moment to process that. “You had to have surgery which is why your throat aches so much, the tube.” Gaz explains, putting your keys and the fuzzy thing in your lap. “They said everything should heal normally, but you'll be out of commission for a while.”
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding and you nod, your hand reaching out and grabbing your keys. “And Ghost?” You ask, your tone tight, expecting the worst. “He’s alright,” Soap assures, causing you to look at him now with a look of relief. “He just left a bit ago to get some rest, since he can’t stay and lay hunched over.” Gaz chuckles and you can’t help the smile that appears on your face. You finally look down at the fuzzy thing attached to your keys; it’s a little keychain plushie of a black and white cat. You let out a soft “aww” before looking at Gaz, and then Soap. “Who gave me this?” You ask.
Soap and Gaz share a knowing look—a glance you can’t quite yet decipher—before they shrug and mutter stuff like “i don’t know..” and “no idea” when in fact they watched Ghost, in a wheelchair, wheel himself into the room and grunt for your keys. Soap had wordlessly handed them to the man, and they watched him put on the kitty keychain and made them promise to not tell them he gave it to you.
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shy-writer-999 · 9 days
Something makes either Ace or Sabo (whoever you think fits this more) go, just, completely feral. Maybe some kinda aphrodisiac or they’re just really fucking horny, either way, they’re all over the reader- grinding their leg up against their cunt to make them whine, dry humping, frantically talking about how bad they need to fuck the reader, whatever works. I dunno, I’m just suddenly very horny for these two, lmao.
you said you’re suddenly very horny for these two? that’s crazy bcuz same… *eye twitch* anyhow, here’s what I came up with :3 i read it through a couple times but i'm certain there's many typos and overused words... please turn a blind eye... (*≧ω≦*)
His knee grinded on your cunt through your pants. It was harsh. Every time he jerked his knee up it hurt a bit, but the friction also felt good. His breaths were shallow and quick already, and his bulge was huge and visible though his boxer briefs.
“Ace, what’s gotten into you?”
He shifted himself and started rutting his erection into your thigh, humping you like a dog in heat. Each thrust of his hips elicited a groan from him—he was going fucking crazy. “Need you so bad, baby. Wanna put my cock in you.”
He paused to suck on your neck forcefully, leaving a trail of kisses and hickeys down to your exposed shoulder. He bit it, the speed of his hips increasing. “I’m gonna stuff you full, sweetheart, gonna fuck you till you can’t talk anymore.”
“Ace,” you whined his name and he brought a hand down to grip your clothed core through your pants.
He must have taken something. Maybe it was an aphrodisiac? Did he go sniffing around the cabinets again when he shouldn’t? Or was he just really horny? You didn’t know what the answer was, but you knew he needed you bad right now.
His eyes were glossy and flooded with lust already. Every word he said burned you like the fire he was made of. “Can’t wait to stretch you out then make you cum on my cock, angel. Want you to take all of me.”
His hand squeezed your core again and you squirmed at the pressure. He started to rub his fingers back and forth on the fabric, stoking the heat that was building between your lips.
Ace resumed grinding his hard cock back and forth on your thigh, dry humping you in a frenzy. “Baby, will you milk my cock like you always do? Will you make those pretty sounds for me?” Moaning and grunting carelessly now, fully lost in pleasure, Ace was barely cognizant of how desperate and needy he was being.
You started to whine. The caresses of his rough fingers through your pants felt great. You wished he’d stop rutting and saying dirty things to you and get to fucking you instead. “Ace, I want it.”
“You want it? Want me to creampie you, gorgeous? Want me to shove my cock inside? Fuck you senseless?”
“Ace, quit teasing and fuck me already.”
He snuck his hand into the front of your pants and played with you for a second, running his middle finger back and forth on your lips and then pushing it in and out of you. You were so wet for him already and it only drove him crazier. You wondered how much he could grind his cock into your thigh before he came all over himself.
His voice was gravelly and husky. “So needy for me baby, you want it so bad. Tell me how bad you want it.”
“Ace, please. I want it.”
He worked your pants and panties off of you then freed his cock and slowly pressed it into your folds with a shudder.
“Fuck, you’re so tight for me.”
Ace slammed his hips back and forth, rolling and fucking into you. He knew you so well, knew where your g-spot was and how to hit it just right.
Out of breath, he was heaving his words out with his face all scrunched up. Those freckles were to die for—absolutely charming no matter what he was doing. But during sex they looked extra good. The same goes for his long lashes, his dark hair, his muscles… he was perfect.
“Pussy feels so—so good on my cock, baby, I want it, want you to cum for me, love, wanna feel it.”
After a few more blissful thrusts you went over the edge and spasmed around him just how he wanted. He got off on that feeling so much, that throbbing feeling of you under him, convulsing from pleasure because of him.
When he came inside of you it was explosive. The noises and whimpers he made were delicious—you could savor them forever, ruminate on how badly he needed you. When he collapsed on top of you and gave you more kisses, his smile was sweet and a little bit giddy. “You’re the best, baby. Love you so much.”  
You asked later what on earth had gotten into him and his response was at the same time comical and endearing. “Ate a bunch of oysters then got a look at your ass on deck. Couldn’t help myself, sweetheart.”
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tenjikufag · 1 month
gojo caught cheating on reader with getou?? need angsttt
Gojo Satoru x Male Reader
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-angst, hurt no comfort, cheating, love bombing, reader actually fighting back I refuse to let you be a doormat!!, vomit mentions,
-thank you for the request, I typically don’t write cheating fics as they aren’t my thing or personal preference but I thought I’d give it a try. Not proofread, and kinda sporadic.
You knew what was happening. You knew all along, as soon as it started, down to the day it progressed past a best friend dynamic.
It was a hard truth, knowing you were being cheated on. Satoru was your first love, and he claimed you were his but you’d assume that was another lie that fell from his lips- Suguru was his first love and he hadn’t gotten over it.
Suguru didn’t love him back, he still didn’t, he didn’t really even like his best friend at this point in time. That much you were sure of. Suguru was treating your partner as a toy, an experiment without any ties on his end but Satoru was hopelessly following him whilst still dragging you along.
Graduation was soon.
Once you were out of the dorms, you were sure you’d be able to leave him but it was almost as if he knew what you were trying to do.
Small things of yours would go missing, only to find them in Satorus dorm when he managed to drag you into it..
The gifts, dates, physical intimacy were being pushed onto you the closer you got to having to move out and be away from each other..
You never gave into having sex with him anymore, feeling disgusted at the aspect of not consenting to “share” him.. shivers ran down your spine while his hands clung to your waist..
“We should go on a date later! You’ve been so busy lately.. no time for your boyfriend!”
He was playful in his teasing, the proposition forcing a lump in your throat and the pressure spiking your anger. You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you break down over this. You’d done it enough in your room, taken it out on the training grounds and very clearly spent yourself dry against field curses.
“I’m busy studying, I’ll take you out for a nice date after exams.”
The white haired male buzzed in excitement, squeezing you tightly before intertwining his hand with yours. You held it limply, now used to pulling yourself away instead of leading him with a tight hand and a smile.
Approaching the school building, you pulled your hand away- ignoring the way he pouted and reached for your hand again. You shoved your hands into your pockets, lightly glaring at him and walking ahead.. Satoru frowned deeply.
He was troubled. You were ignoring him recently, gapping a distance between you, he no longer felt the undivided love from you that he’d become accustomed to. No kisses, no hugs from you that he didn’t initiate, and no form of intimacy.
It broke his heart, even if he knew that he was getting his karma for what he had been doing behind your back. You didn’t know, right? You would tell him if you did.. right?
Furrowing his brows, he followed closely behind you and found himself standing awkwardly beside you while you conversed with your friends. They weren’t friends of his, and they didn’t seem to like him all that much either by the way a pair of them sneered at his intrusion.
Before he could ask you to walk him to class, you turned to him with an almost annoyed face.
“Why don’t you go find Shoko? Maybe Getou if he isn’t late.. I’m busy here.”
His heart thumped anxiously, why didn’t you rope him into the conversation like you always did? Why were you letting your friends look at him with such disdain? Why wouldn’t you accompany him to class.. you always did. This is the third time this week you’d dismissed him.
“No, Shoko came early and is studying in the cafeteria and Suguru is always late..”
It hurt his heart, your reply only being a laboured sigh through your nose.
“Yeah whatever Gojo, just go ahead of me and I’ll catch up.”
Gojo? What the hell! It’d been years since you called him anything but his first name- there was definitely something wrong.
“Satoru. I’ll wait for you.”
He corrected, and stood his ground. Stepping closer to you, your friends snickered at him.. he wasn’t used to being treated like this. Being laughed at, being judged, and being anything but the focus of all your attention..
“Ugh! I’m telling you I’ll catch up with you later, can you just go?!”
You pushed him away from you, glaring and turning back to your friends who led you away from him.
‘Come on! Just leave him already, it’s sad seeing him act like that!’
You weren’t sure if he’d heard it, but he did. An ache in his stomach arose and made him almost puke in his own hands. You didn’t spare him a second glance like your friends did, who only watched in amusement when he ran into the school- rushing to the bathroom.
He heaved, gagged, and gasped for air as he emptied out the small meal he had into the toilet. Sweat beaded on his face, legs trembling under him..
Even if you didn’t know, were you already planning to break up with him? Dating post high school is difficult but he was sure the two of you would make it.
Both of you had spent late nights speaking of your future together, already having long term plans of moving in together.. he already had a place picked out to show to you after graduation!
Pushing himself against the stall door, he tried to steady himself.. he would ask you during the first break.. even if you shared classes, you never sat beside each other..
He felt jealous, watching you enter the classroom smiling and laughing with one of your male friends.. the other man clutching your arm to keep himself from falling over laughing..
Satoru waved at you, giving a signature smile to you.. you glanced at him briefly, the look of joy and laughter leaving your face as soon as your gaze met his.
Suguru sat beside him, resting his head on his wrist against the desk.
“Trouble in paradise?”
Suguru chuckled, amused at the look of horror his ‘friend’ gave him.
“Do you think he knows?”
“Probably, but I also wouldn’t blame him for leavin’ ya after graduation regardless.”
“What? What does that mean?”
He choked out, eyes shaking and eyebrows twitching
“He’s too good for you, Satoru. We all know that much.”
We? Who is we? Did everyone really think this? Did everyone know of his affair?!
He couldn’t worry about that, he needed to worry about your relationship.
Even if he was a cheater.. he still loves you. Sleeping with Suguru would never change that- he couldn’t rectify anything at this point and often times he wondered why he even started this all.
When he was with Suguru, he thought of you. Thought of you ontop of him, thought about all of Sugurus moans as yours.
Why did he do it?
He couldn’t even remember anymore..
But it was all catching up.
“Hey, are you okay? You’ve been.. kind of ignoring me recently..”
Satoru sheepishly inquired, approaching you outside during break.
“Hm? Yeah I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? Because-“
“I’m fine Satoru. Drop it okay?”
He bit his lip, not even interested in the sweet bun you’d brought for him.
“It’s just.. I feel like you’re-“
“I don’t wanna talk about this right now. Eat the damn bun, we only have 5 minutes left.”
The packaged bun was shoved into his chest, leaving him to catch it while you walked away. Again.
He didn’t catch up to you until the end of the day, grabbing your hand without a thought. Tears welled in his eyes when you flinched away and limply held his hand..
You hummed, not sparing him even a second of a glance.
“Are.. are we okay? I heard what your friend said-“
“No. We aren’t. Let go of my hand since you wanna talk about it.”
He didn’t even have to let go before you ripped your hand from him.
“I know about you and Suguru.”
His heart dropped, his body tensing and saliva pooling in his mouth from nausea.
Walking into the dorms building, he kept shooting questions at you, following you into your own dorm.
“What do you mean you know?! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Slamming your bag down, you whipped around to glare at him. Your eyes held a rage he’d never seen in you before, not even thinking you’d be capable of sending him such an emotion.
��Why didn’t I tell you?! Why did you do it?!”
“You should’ve broken up with me to go fuck around! If you didn’t love me anymore I would’ve much preferred hearing that than having to learn you’re fucking cheating on me!”
“But I do love you-“
Shoving him away, your frantic hands started to gather all the gifts he had given you and started to throw them at him.
“Love?! You don’t love me! No one who loves someone does this!”
Heaving heavy breathes, you threw a final gift from him at his head. He brought a hand up to rub his head where it hit, wincing and opening his mouth to speak again
“Shut up Gojo! Don’t you dare speak a word to me.”
You spat, pure venomous rage in your tone
“I didn’t want to fight with you like this. But I guess you’re happy huh? Getting some sick fucking satisfaction seeing me like this?”
Growling, you paced around the room.
“No, this is breaking my heart.. I never wanted to hurt you-“
“Well you fucking did! I was waiting until we graduated to fuck you over like you did but it’s all out in the open now.”
Throwing your arms up, a delirious smile itched at your lips. You felt lightheaded, spurs of adrenaline shocking every cell in your body.
“What do you mean? What are you doing?”
“I’m leaving Gojo. That’s what I’m doing. I’m moving far, far away.”
Smiling at him, he trembled under your gaze
“I was going to disappear after graduation. Leave you wondering where I went, and maybe, just maybe, you’d feel the sickly heart break that I’ve been feeling this whole fucking time!”
Satorus eyes welled up in tears, imagining what it would have been like for him to lose you like that.. dread in his heart at thinking you’d magically disappeared but now you were outright telling him you were leaving. It didn’t ease any of the dread, he was still losing you.
“Where are you going? I can fix this, I can make it up. Please, you can do whatever you want to get back at me, don’t leave me! You can even sleep with a hundred men, just stay! Please!”
He begged, tears flowing down his cheeks- trying to reach out to you only for his hands to get slapped away.
“Like I’d tell you. I’m leaving to get away from you. The life I built here isn’t worth it anymore because it’s been stained by you.”
Sneering at him, you walked over to your drawer and picked up a small velvet box.
“If you hadn’t fucked me over like this and ruined my fucking life, this was going to be yours.”
Pushing the box out, you dropped it into his hands and he opened it- exposing a sleek silver band.
“But I guess I’ll let you have it anyways. I couldn’t imagine giving someone else a band that was for a cheater.”
It broke your heart, it really did. Even if you’d thought you were slowly getting over it or coming to terms, this fight had opened just barely scabbed over wounds. Your emotions and words pouring out of each cut and gash he’d left your heart with.
“Now get the fuck out. Don’t talk to me again. Have fun with Getou.”
Grabbing the back of his shirt, you shoved him out of your dorm- throwing him into the hall.
It was over.
It was done.
You weren’t his anymore, and he hadn’t been yours for some time.
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lastoneout · 10 months
I was too high last night to formulate this into proper words but something plagiarists(and by extension AI techbros) don't get about people who make things out of a love for that thing is that they are, consciously or not, doing it because they enjoy the process itself. Yes, it is easier to have a machine make a mug or painting or essay for you, or to steal someone else's, but again, people who actually like making stuff don't want someone else to do it for us because you have fully removed the thing we enjoy: the process of making a thing.
Like sure it would be nice to have a finished Gundam model or a trainset, but people who build gunpla kits and trainsets don't WANT someone else to do it for them, they want to do it. The sculptor or painter doesn't want a machine to just give them finished works of art, they want to MAKE that art themselves. The home gardner can just buy fresh food at the store, the tailor or knitter can buy a finished shirt or sweater whenever they want, but they don't because the act of gardening and sewing and knitting itself is what they enjoy.
Plagarists and AI techbros don't get that because they do not enjoy these processes. They enjoy making money and having social clout, and so they are perfectly happy stealing and automating things so that they don't have to do an ounce of real work while still getting all of the benefits of having created something. It really is all about finding the fastest and easiest way to get someone to hand you money or elect you god-king of the internet.
And the reason these two groups have such a hard time understanding each other is because of that fundamental disconnect. People who create things can never understand someone just wanting to press a button or copy-paste their way to having art because we want to indulge in the joy of creation itself, and those plagarists and AI dudes can't understand artists because to them it's just a means to an end so ofc it's in their best interest to make it as easy as possible. They don't get why someone would do this, or anything, if not for the social capital and/or actual capital it brings. Ofc it's better to automate it or steal it from someone else, that means you can make money faster and spend your time enjoying actual meaningful things like being wealthy and looked up to or w/e.
Plus creators(for lack of a better word) know keenly what it's like to BE stolen from or at least know people it has happened to, and so we are generally anti-plagarism by default.
Anyway yeah thats why to anyone who creates the other group seems so soulless and empty. It's because they kinda are. Because they don't value art or artists or care about creating things, and they certainly don't have any ammount of respect for the people they're hurting, they just want money and for "lesser" people to bow down as they walk by, and they are perfectly fine stealing to get there. It's the same mentality you get from people who pressure you to monetize your hobbies, they only see skills as an opportunity to make money. And it's really fucking sad.
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terresdebrume · 2 months
Work is kinda hectic rn, my knees are NOT liking how much traveling between floors I have to do, and I am missing sleep like crazy so my WIPs are staying largely untouched but I HAD to push out this concept for a maybe-someday fic in the I'm down on my knees universe
Written for the free square day of @painlandweek . Have some hurt/comfort ft Charles and how he feels about his mum. Also belatedly tagging @ghostinthelibrarywrites bc I think you'll enjoy it and I accidentally posted a thing that was meant to stay a draft again xD
Charles is sitting on the doorstep. It's almost eight PM on a weeknight, Edwin is just back from a fun-study session—which is really just Maren's way of saying she wants beer with her textbooks—tired, brain swimming with texts of law, and more than a little tipsy... And Charles Rowland is sitting on his doorstep. His building's doorstep. The difference is irrelevant.
Caught off guard, Edwin blinks, and stares at Charles.
He is curled up on the ground, spine back in that parenthesis shape it had back in school. His elbows are on his knees, hands buried into the hair at the back of his neck, his eyes closed. Edwin takes in the tension in Charles' shoulders, the way the fading sunlight catches the green vines tattooed on his left forearm, the slow, deliberate depth of movement around his ribcage, and decides against calling out to him. Instead, Edwin walks up to him until Charles can no longer ignore the footsteps, and waits for him to speak.
"Hi," Charles says, muffled, from between his elbows.
"Hi," Edwin replies, chest twisting when the last hope he had that Charles was just a bit tired evaporates like rhum from a flambé.
He steps forward again, then ignores the fresh layer of summer dust on the steps and sits down next to Charles, deliberately picking a position that makes their hips and shoulders touch. Charles leans into it immediately, turning a light contact into solid pressure, and Edwin sighs. Things could be worse.
"I did not expect you tonight," Edwin prompts, trying to make himself as gentle as he can.
Tuesday nights are when Charles and Niko's dance classes take place. Edwin has never known either of them to miss one, so Charles' presence here is one more sign that whatever is going on is not to be taken lightly. As if to confirm Edwin's suspicions, Charles sighs, and mumbles:
"I ran into my mum."
Edwin freezes. For some reason, in the few months since he and Charles reunited, it never quite clicked for him that Charles' parents, for all that Charles hasn't had any contact with them for nearly eight years now, exist in the same world they do. London is such a large, dense city, it is easy to make your life in a corner of it and never step outside its boundaries. Edwin's parents certainly treat Kensington like an insular country only worth leaving for the richer shores of Mayfair, when they deign to visit the capital at all. Just like Edwin and Charles existed less than ten minutes away from each other for months without having a clue, the possibility of him running into Mr. or Mrs. Rowland by accident did not even cross Edwin's mind. Nor Charles', from the look of things.
"That must have been a shock," Edwin says.
He does not know enough to infuse more feelings into his response. Charles, for all that he shares his smiles, his affections and the chief of his worldly possessions freely, has remained incredibly tight lipped about his past. The summary of what Edwin knows of Charles' youth is quite easy to make.
Fact the first: at the age of sixteen, not one term into his stay at St. Hilarion's School for Boys, Charles Rowland jumped into a pool full of a deadly allergy trigger to save Edwin's life.
Fact the second: for the remainder of that school year, Charles endeavoured to make Edwin's life as painless as possible. His presence remains, by far, the brightest highlight of Edwin's adolescence.
Fact the third: at the age of seventeen, or near enough, Charles ran away from what he described as a bad home situation exactly once and proceeded never to mention again. It is Edwin's understanding that Charles may have escaped with nothing but the clothes on his back that day.
Two of those facts, Edwin knows because he was a direct witness to them, and the third was only shared with him because he accidentally made it an implicit condition to renewing his acquaintance with Charles.
Charles Rowland is not an emotional sharer, and Edwin is sort of at a loss.
"Yeah," Charles mumbles after a beat. "It was a bloody shock alright."
Edwin bites on his bottom lip, resisting the urge to push his fists together.
"Would you like to talk about it?" He asks, hoping his voice conveys the appropriate mixture of care and caution.
Charles shrugs, sniffing and rubbing his face against one of his forearms. Edwin bites his lip a little harder, and cautiously raises his right hand to place it on Charles' back. He feels and sees the muscles tense, Charles arching his back like an angry cat for the half second it takes Edwin to take his hand back.
"I apologize," he says, hand hovering uselessly above Charles' shoulder blades, "I wanted—"
"Neck's fine," Charles mumbles, low enough that Edwin almost misses it.
He swallows thickly, pausing when the upstairs neighbors walk by with puzzled faces. Edwin doesn't quite glare at them but it's a near thing, and he turns back to Charles the second they're out of view.
"Alright," he says. "Neck, then."
He only touches two fingers to the nape of Charles' neck at first, trying to keep it light, but that makes Charles tense again so he changes to a more present grip, palm flat and only just brushing with the edge of Charles' hair. Charles doesn't move into it this time, but he doesn't flinch away either. Edwin feels Charles take a deep, soundless breath, like a swimmer before a dive, and braces.
"I. She asked how I was," he exhales at last, and the wind rushes out of Edwin's lungs with a punched out sound. "I haven't seen her in over seven years and she—"
Charles takes a shuddering breath, sharp and painful sounding, and his voice sounds utterly broken when he says:
"He used to beat me up, you know."
Edwin, who hadn't known but kept the possibility in his mind like a bad thorn, bites down on a sympathetic hiss and leans a little harder against Charles instead, stretching so he can lean his forehead against the back of Charles' skull.
"Charles, I'm so sorry," he murmurs, free hand grasping around until it can find the jut of Charles' left knee, and wrap his fingers around it, squeezing with as much reassurance as he can muster.
He wishes, abruptly, that he'd thought to take Charles inside before he started this talk. They both deserve better than the front step of Edwin's building, where another pair of neighbors gawks at them as they walk past. Yet, now that they're here, Edwin wouldn't cut Charles off for all the gold in the world. He fears with an intensity he didn't know he was capable of, that interrupting Charles now would send him back into his usual reserve, and Edwin knows with absolute certainty that he will go to great lengths to prevent that from happening.
"She never—every time he did it," Charles says, almost choking on the words, "she'd just stand—she didn't do anything! And now—now she—"
A long fit of coughing cuts Charles off, wracking his body and shaking Edwin's head even as he tightens his hold on Charles, as if he could make up for his childhood with how much he loves him.
"I'm so sorry," he tells Charles. "You deserved so much better."
Charles' cough subsides, melting into shuddering, soundless sobs that Edwin wants to take into his ribs and hide from the rest of the world. He straightens up and, as gently as he can, guides Charles to lean against him harder until his frame his half cradled in Edwin's arms.
"It's not bloody fair," Charles manages between sobs, gulping air like he's drowning, shaking against Edwin.
Edwin breathes in, tears crowding at the corner of his eyes, and holds Charles closer. He wishes, so desperately, that he could love him enough to erase the past and make all the pain go away.
"I love you," he says instead, recklessly, pressing a kiss into the side of Charles' hair. "I know it doesn't make anything better, but I love you."
They sit like this for a long time, Charles crying and Edwin rocking him lightly like a child, until things finally calm down enough that Charles is ready to go upstairs for tea. They drink it out of the blue mugs Monty bought when he and Edwin moved in, quietly sitting on the couch in one of those strange bubbles of relieved fragility that comes after a crisis. For a long while, they sit in silence on Edwin's couch.
Then Charles sighs, long and tired, and leans sideways until he can rest his head on Edwin's shoulder, one arm looping around his waist.
"I love you too, mate," he sighs, making Edwin freeze. "And it does make things better that you love me."
Edwin, his heart singing from Charles' declaration and bleeding from the way he meant it, nods, and drinks his tea.
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angelyuji · 2 months
yandere rick sanchez headcanons
(obviously very ooc… like im taking his worst characteristics and turning the dial to 100)
cw // spoilers for literally the entire show, noncon, stalking, kidnapping, torture, being kept like a pet, drugging
canonically big dick like i need him BAD
guys im so in love with this old fucker
season 1+2 rick would definitely just keep you around for sex
the only reason he hasn’t gotten rid of you is cuz you’re a “good fuck”
literally treats you like an object or a cute little pet
“e-eat.” rick places a plate on a table he brought for you. he moves away to type on some computer. all you remember is a green portal in your room and a man you had never met dragging you out of bed. the room you were in was filled with computers and equipment. he didn’t bother to tie you up.
you don’t move, hearing your silence, rick turns to look at you. he burps, “i-i-i bring you some food out of the goodness of my h-heart and you’re not going to eat it?” you don’t answer. “s-s-stupid fucking b-bitch.” he moves over to grab you by the hair and pulls you closer to the table. “eat the fucking food.” you scream, your scalp searing in pain, as he shoves your face onto the table.
s1+2 rick kinda feels like the type to peer-pressure you into a drinking or doing drugs because he can
like he’d definitely force you to some alien drugs just cuz he can or cuz you’re not as resistant when you’re high off your balls
but season 3 and onward??? oh he’s so obsessed with you
let me explain this personality change
by season 3, rick is starting to care for his family so if you meet him after the whole federation prisoner arc of his, he’s more of like a clingy wet cat vibe… like imagine wisp the cat…. guys i lowkey cooked with that comparison
he’s allowed himself to care for his family (even sometimes jerry)
so when he meets you, this sweet, kind, beautiful person. he wants to protect you. he wants to keep you safe from all the shit that happens to the people in his life
constantly checks on you, calling and texting you daily. he always tries to play it off as a butt-dial
‘sdas’ you’re at work when your phone buzzes as rick’s text comes through. you look at the gibberish, roll your eyes, and continue working. 15 minutes later, a green portal flashes open next to you. everyone jumps in surprise, looking at the portal as rick walks through. “why didn’t you text me back?” rick grabs your arm, looking pissed. you look around, embarrassed.
you lower your voice to a hush, “you texted me gibberish? what exactly was i supposed to text back?” his grip on your bicep tightens and you wince.
“i-it was an accident, but y-you didn’t text back and i was worried.” rick starts to pull you into the portal, but you stand your ground.
“rick, i’m working. you have to go.” rick’s face darkens at your words, but he lets go when your coworker comes up to you.
“is everything alright?” she looks concerned and alarmed at rick’s appearance, and he rolls his eyes.
“(y/n) here, didn’t answer my text so i got worried.” rick pulls you into a tight hug and whispers into your ear, “next time, text me back.”
builds you a bunch of stuff to keep you safe like a chip that insta-kills anyone that it detects to be bothering you
that first week of meeting you, he had broken into your house at night and planted a tracker in your skin when you were sleeping, so he knows where you are at all times
during the whole killing rick-prime arc, he was so scared that you would get hurt or prime would come after you
he didn’t want to lose you like how he lost diane and beth :(
“baby, come on, it’s for your safety.” rick pleads as you slam your hands against the force field.
“SO YOU TRAP ME IN A CAGE????” you scream as rick presses a hand against the wall.
“it-it’s just for your protection, baby, i can’t lose you too.”
“FUCK YOU, RICK. I SWEAR WHEN YOU LET ME OUT OF HERE, WE’RE DONE.” you wouldn’t stop screaming at him. morty watches, uncomfortably.
“are-are you sure this is okay, rick?” rick’s face is unreadable as he registers your words.
“it-it’s fine, morty. i just won’t ever let them out.”
rick also seems like the type to have a breeding kink, but like with the no kids yk (this mf does NOT want more kids) (especially after the whole ghia incident)
like he doesn’t use condoms and he doesn’t pull out, because he likes marking you as his from the inside.
he would definitely have a marking kink like hickeys, love bites, collars, anything that shows the world that you’re taken by him
rick’s hands caress you as you struggle in your bonds.
“i’m sorry, baby, so so-sorry.” he buries his head in your shoulder, sucking at your nape. his hands start to pull at your pants and you struggle harder. he pulls away from your neck to leave wet kisses down your chest, “i know, i know, i’m sorry, sweetie. you just looks so cute, so sw-sweet. it’s really not my fault.”
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limi-strology · 2 years
My astro observations:
I'm by no means an expert, this is based on my experience!
☄. *. ⋆*·˚ Leo suns are pretty warm people. I mean it as in they make you feel welcome in a new place and try to help you socialize with their friends. Even though they are really popular and usually in the center, they'll talk to you, pay attention to how you're feeling and encourage you to talk more in the group! It may put you on the spot, but that's how they show they care. I find it really sweet, they just want to help you get out there and approach people. They're great friends, especially if you were around toxic people previously, these fellas will kinda heal you in a way ❤️‍🩹
☄. *. ⋆ Leo risings also have a confident vibe surrounding them. Even those who are more on the introverted side give off the impression that they are quite dynamic? Idk how to explain this, they just kind of stand out. I think it's more obvious when they're with their closest friends, they're usually the ones cracking jokes, being loud, taking up a more leader-like(?) role. Part time entertainers, part time hype people. You go guys, let's keep up the fun vibes in our friend groups ☀️
☄. *. ⋆ Libras are so charming for no reason?? Like, both personality and appearance wise, I'm amazed. I love how they always listen to both sides of the story and try to find solutions that are fair to everyone. They're generally sweet and angelic, they tend to forgive a lot (don't you think they'll forget it tho, they'll probably be more cautious around you afterwards) up until you hurt them deeply. After that, they get sarcastic and cold, you do not want to get on their bad side. Regarding their physical appearance, I've noticed a lot of them have full lips and freckles (or multiple beauty marks on their face). I'm getting a cute energy just by looking at them, I don't know why, I just found every Libra I've met so far adorable in a way. Sure, they're mostly described as handsome and beautiful (and they are, not gonna lie) but I'm just seeing an innocent? youthful and carefree image of them. Also they're kinda curvy? Even the more lean ones are a little thick in the booty or thighs. 🤭
☄. *. ⋆ I've noticed Scorpios suddenly becoming really soft and smiley around kids and pets. They'll start cooing and waving at the kids, might even talk or play with them (if they know them well). Similarly, they'll get excited at the sight of a puppy or a kitten and will probably pet them and give them snacks. And what amazes new even more is that kids and pets seem to like them back! I don't know what it is about Scorpios and their energy, but I've seen so many babies/toddlers staring and smiling at my Scorpio peers in fascination, and whenever we encounter stray animals they seem to gravitate towards them. It's really cute to see that, warms my heart a lot. Like, intimidating who? I'm only seeing cute happy people ☺️
☄. *. ⋆ Capricorn moons have a hard time opening up about things that bother them. Even if they feel the most comfortable with you, they'll most likely hide some things. They'll talk about it eventually, but they'll probably reveal small parts of it each time, kinda like building a puzzle but taking many breaks in between. Maybe they feel like they can be judged and/or mocked and want to see how others react first? I hope you guys are surrounded by sweet and accepting people that you can trust and share things that trouble you with them 🤍
☄. *. ⋆ I used to think Aries placements make you more hot-headed/aggressive, but the more people I've met, I've realised they're more on the ambitious side. Strong willed, they know exactly what they want. Sometimes their parents may pressure them into studying something they think is best for them during college, and the Aries person will probably do that, but then they'll do the thing that truly interests them. I noticed Aries suns are quite fit and enjoy any kind of exercise/sports, it just makes them feel good, while Aries risings are mostly attracted to athletic people, or are fascinated by people who go to the gym. They also have a fiery, self empowering aura going on and I love that for them 🔥
☄. *. ⋆ Scorpio venuses, wowww... Okay, first of all, your loyalty is so admirable. And the fact that you always try to find solutions and maintain peace in your relationships, especially the men with this placement, I'm impressed every time 👏 I'm getting Morticia Adams vibes, and by that I mean that I'm seeing elegance with dark themes. Also, in formal/party settings, guys look great in all black outfits and girls rock red lipstick. I know it sounds a bit generic, but it makes you stand out from the rest, even if everyone is dressed practically the same. It's like you're just in your element 🤌
☄. *. ⋆ My fellow sun square moon people, how are we feeling? Do you also have that mind vs heart battle on a weekly basis? Like being two different people at once, with one being more assertive and independent (Sun) and the other more sensitive and insecure (Moon). Your upbringing could be genuinely good, with no one really hurting you deeply, yet you still struggle with your emotions and might have low self confidence. Probably people pleasers, even if your mind is telling you to do your own thing instead, you will probably have a hard time saying no. And don't get me started on this whole conflict of what you want exactly. You finally start living on your own like you've always wanted and make time for yourself? Yeah, but why is no one here to pat you on the back and give you reassurance yet? Where's the support? Hate independence. You eventually surround yourself on the daily with people who actually care about you and show you the affection you deserve? Well, now it feels too stuffy in here, let's self isolate from all the people we love until we feel horrible again because of loneliness. Don't know how else to describe it than just 🙃.
Thanks for reading! It's my first time making an observation post so I'm sorry if it's not that accurate, I'm basing this on people who are close to me and whose chart I've checked a few times.
Hope you have a nice day~
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mixtape-racha · 1 year
YAYYYYYY 100 followersssss :) im so happy for youuuuu :)))))
okay, here is my request... hehe, im suchhh a sucker for hurt comfort and I loveeee fem 9th member au's. but like not smut or like fwb, just like a really juicy story y'know? I haven't been able to find any of those two categories combined tho, especially into like a longer fic, like it's always in the hundreds (I would love it if it was a little longer, no pressure tho :). literally, anything works, from some kinda mess up on stage to maybe you messing up a relationship w a member??? idk. I'm letting ur thoughts run wild here... THANK YOU AND CONGRATSSSS
(im sorry im really vague in requests lol)
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thank you so much my lovely bae!! ilysm and i hope i did this request justice!! i kind of went off on a tangent and got carried away with the plot waaa &lt;3
sorry seems to be the hardest word
pairing: ot8 x fem!9th member!reader
warnings: angst, hurt comfort, reader snapping at the members, reader being physically unwell, fluff at the end
words: 2.29k
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everything was going wrong today, and you truly meant every. fucking. thing.
somehow, you had managed to turn your alarm off the night before (probably because you fell asleep while on your phone, accidentally calling your mom in you sleep in the process), and none of the guys took the initiative to wake you up when they got up.
okay, sure, you couldn’t blame them entirely. you were a grown woman, and you could look after yourself. but weren’t you supposed to be a team? eight other people surrounding you, and none of them thought to check on you? especially when you were usually up and alert before they were? no, instead they were all out the door without even knocking to see if you were feeling okay. so much for being your brothers and best friends.
so god forbid, you were late this morning. you managed to turn up at the company for your vocal lessons only ten minute late, but it felt awful as you’d never been late before. you were so incredibly lucky to get the opportunity to debut with skz, especially joining the group later in their career and being the only girl. you wanted to do everything perfectly to show that you deserved to be where you were, and with the way today was shaping out you were so disappointed with yourself.
but then - it got worse. you, in your rush to leave the dorms, had forgotten your sheet music, leaving your vocal teacher to be short and snappy with you. yeah, you brought it up on your phone instead, but she was strict, and a firm believer in “good old-fashioned pen and paper over your silly little radio devices nowadays”. her attitude towards you for the remainder of your lesson affected you more than you liked to admit - excusing yourself to the bathroom to have a little cry before you headed to the studio.
for some reason, none of your schedules were properly coordinated today, leaving jisung to be the one in the studio with you - rather than chan, like usual -  while you recorded your lines for the demos to be sent to the company later in the month, when you’d decide the songs for the new album you had upcoming later in the year.
jisung was always the nicest to you, especially when he could tell you were having a rough day - you were both very alike in that sense, very attentive towards each other as if you could tell what the other was feeling. 
however, it seemed today that something had crawled up his ass and died. he was almost as snappy as your vocal teacher, and you were quite frankly sick of it. you kept messing up your lines; whether from the stress or the ache building in your throat (god you hoped you weren’t getting sick), you weren’t sure. but clearly, jisung wouldn’t stand for it.
“honestly, (y/n), you might as well just call it a day and come back to this with chan-hyung another day. i need to get on with other stuff.” he sighed, dismissively, as you bit back the tears fighting to escape your eyes. he wouldn’t even look at you, and your stomach was doing somersaults. was he really that mad? surely he could see how hard you were trying.
but instead of confronting him, you just grabbed your belongings and left after silently agreeing. no one answered your message on the group chat when you asked if anyone was down to get lunch together, even though you could see basically everyone had read it, so you retreated to the canteen alone before you had to go to practice with the boys.
as the ache in your throat spread to your joints, fatigue plaguing you, you trudged up to the practice room for rehearsals with the boys. you were learning a new dance - in fact, the already chosen title track for the new album, and deep down you were dreading it. it was more difficult than you had imagined, and definitely aimed more towards moves the boys could do compared to you. you loved the boys, but sometimes you felt like they forgot that men and women’s bodies worked differently.
surprisingly, you weren’t the last to arrive, squashing your fear of another thing going wrong.
but just as soon as practice began, your fear was reawakened. the ache in your joints was making the dance more difficult for you to execute, and you could feel the annoyance radiating off of minho’s body even if he wouldn’t admit it. you stumbled a few times, almost knocking into felix, who looked at you more frustrated than concerned.
“seriously, (n/n), what’s going on? it’s really not that hard. get your head in the game.”
you huffed, shaking out your limbs and telling minho to start the track again. maybe if you ignored your surroundings, ignored how you were feeling, then things would be easier. you could block out minho’s harsh criticisms - he was probably just tired. you could block out everything, knowing the boys were suffering just as much as you lately. but when the music stopped again, and everyone was talking at you, voice after voice lapping over each other you just couldn’t take it anymore.
“shut the fuck up! shut up, shut up, shut up! give me a fucking break, i’m trying my hardest!”
you honestly didn’t mean to snap, you were just so overwhelmed and couldn’t take anymore. when chan tried to put a comforting hand on your shoulder, you flung it off, all your annoyance and stress from the day building up at once.
“don’t fucking touch me. i don’t need your pity, i don’t need you to tell me that i don’t know how to do my job well enough. this is the fucking worst day of my life and you all keep making it worse!”
every fiber of your being was telling you to stop, to be reasonable, but it was like your mouth was making its own decisions. you couldn’t tell which member it was, but you were interrupting the gentle call of your name before you could even control it.
“and no, before any of you try to be funny, i’m not on my period,” you sneered, anger bubbling under your skin as you saw jisung look away sheepishly. “i’m just sick of feeling like i have to fight to prove i’m good enough, like i’m not one of you guys yet. we’re supposed to be a team, but all day i’ve been pushed to the side and treated like i don’t matter. i’m sick of it!”
you breathed heavily, grabbing your duffle bag from the side of the room and storming towards the door.
“i’m staying with yeji tonight, leave me the fuck alone.”
was all you said before leaving the boys stood in shock, confused as to why you were acting like you hated them.
regrettably, the minute you found yourself in yeji’s dorm and explained your day to her, you knew you were in the wrong. how could you let yourself treat your best friends that way? they didn’t deserve that, and you would be most understanding if they never forgave you. it was only when the throb in your head and ache in your joints became too much that you finally allowed yourself to sleep.
chan’s apology
luckily, you and the boys were granted a week off a while ago, and today marked the first day of that week. however, knowing chris he was probably still hauled up in the studio from the night before. it was around 3am (yeji shouldn’t have let you crash so early, your sleep schedule was going to be manic), so you pulled yourself together before making the decision to go visit him.
he may not even want to see you after your little outburst, but you could still try.
you stopped by the convenience store on your way to the studio, grabbing some snacks and some drinks just to be on the safe side. carefully checking the group chat, you saw that changbin was still in the studio with chan and you hoped you could get there before he left - it might be easier to kill two birds with one stone. you were just glad you bought way too much food for just two people.
you smiled politely, bowing at the security guard as he let you into the building, heart thumping in your ears as you carefully traced the steps to chan’s studio.
when you finally approached the door, you had to take a minute to prepare yourself to knock. you heard chan’s voice mumbling behind the door once you did, nervously waiting until he came and opened it.
he looked surprised to see you, frozen for a moment before quickly ushering you in and sitting you on the couch next to changbin. almost in instinct, changbin’s arm was slung around your shoulder - something he always did when you were close by, relishing in the fact he wasn’t the shortest in the group anymore.
you sheepishly held out the bag containing all the goodies you got at the convenience store to chan, a small smile on your face when he took it.
“got you some snacks.. kind of guessed you might have forgotten to eat.” your voice was quiet, ashamed. you just hoped they wouldn’t hold your outburst against you.
but when chan grinned, you knew he could never be mad at you for long.
“we were worried about you, y’know? that’s why jisung let you go early today - something seemed off and we didn’t want you to get too overwhelmed.” changbin said from next to you, the hand on your shoulder rubbing it comfortingly. 
you couldn’t stop the tears from welling up behind your eyes again, but bit them back in fear they’d think you were looking for sympathy.
“i– i’m so sorry. i’ve just had an awful day, and i feel like shit, but that doesn’t excuse my actions, and i shouldn’t have snapped at you all - you couldn’t have known, and its not your fault.”
you explained why your day had been so bad to them (after some pushing from chan), and how you were feeling physically, causing changbin to look at you with great worry.
they indulged in a small cuddle session, feasting on the snacks you provided while they tried to help cheer you up. and honestly, it worked, just talking through how you were feeling, and gettin constructive feedback rather than just a shoulder to lean on was relieving.
you couldn’t apologize to them more, feeling so ashamed of your actions, but they were quick to reassure you it was okay - everyone had bad days, you were only human after all. you just needed to work on your communication a little bit.
when you finally got ready to head back to the dorm at 5am, you felt better than you had in a long time, actually.
apology numbers one and two: complete.
but when you arrived back at the dorm, head peacefully resting on changbin’s shoulder, what you weren’t expecting to walk into was what you all called a “cuddle pool” - the sofa bed pulled out, covered with pillows and blankets - and a spot waiting for you between felix and seungmin.
your eyes watered at the expectant faces of your soul-brothers, small sobs leaving your lips as your shoulders shook. god, the day had taken a toll on you - you couldn’t remember the last time you cried in front of the boys.
it was only then that minho - who you hadn’t seen standing by the door - scooped you into a hug.
“oh, angel,” he frowned, a hand pressed to your forehead. “you’re burning up. is that why you felt so bad earlier?”
words seemed to fail you, and all you could do was nod as your grip on his sweater tightened. it certainly wouldn’t be the first time you got sick from stress, but you hated being sick. you hated feeling out of control in your own body, and despised being doted on like you were unable. however, this time… you think you could let it slide. you just needed your boys close by right now.
they seemed to enjoy looking after you, and you felt you owed them that after the situation in the practice room.
minho was quick to place on you on the couch, felix and seungmin suffocating you in a bone-crushing hug. jisung handed you the tv remote, saying you could choose to watch whatever you wanted, and that everyone would be having a slumber party in the living room until you felt better.
minho and chan had gone to make you some chicken noodle soup - using felix’s mom’s recipe, which was known for being a lifesaver in your dorm. jeongin was quick to grab you your comfort plushie, taking his place on the floor by your feet - the two of you were 100% keen on physical affection, but having him close by helped.
within merely an hour, all nine of you were curled up, an animated disney movie playing, with soup and mugs of tea being passed around the room. it was nice, and it felt so good to have your boys so close and willing to help you.
you definitely took on changbin’s mention of needing to improve on communication, wanting nothing more than to improve yourself for the little family you had build around you. and yeah you were sick, and they would probably get sick too by being in such close proximity to you, but that was a problem for another day. you’d just return the favor of looking after them.
you just knew you were lucky to have them.
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taglist: join taglist here @pretty-racha @chubbyanarkiss @taeriffic @mits-vi @chanssmiles @5kayzee @torixx80 @fawnpeaks @bangtanmix73 @savluvsmingi @boi-bi-ahaha
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blu-ish · 8 months
Sticks and Stones
When Sonic ends up with an injury that lands him partially bedridden, Shadow has to come to terms that he's maybe, just maybe, a little annoyed by the self-proclaimed hero's disappearance.
What was he doing?
Shadow stood frighteningly still on top of one of the hundreds of office buildings overlooking Station Square, he could've been easily mistaken for a statue if it wasn't for the nights cold breeze gently swaying his dark quills.
He supposed it was routine. Being released from G.U.Ns clutches at an ungaialy hour, drop off Rouge at her club which may or may not be directly connected to Team Darks apartment; unbeknownst to their landlord, and eventually take a walk that ends up with him on top of a steel structure.
So why did it feel so... off?
The hybrid tightly furrowed his brow, deep in thought.
That's why he came up here; to think, ponder, reflect. It felt, content enough in-between the noises of the city life below him. It reminded him of his first ever conscious moment's on the planet. Even if a little fuzzy, recalling how he could never quite stop looking at the vibrant hues.
But none we're in comparison to the beauty of the Earth itself.
The fauna, flora, each individual ecosystems fascinated him. The one's he and Maria would read about on the ARK didn't do it any justice. So much so that he would occasionally lose himself staring at a bird feeding their family, or the ripples of a nearby stream. It seemed forbidden, like a treasure he didn't deserve to see, but did anyways.
There we're always new places to discover, places Sonic would drag him too in the dead of night--
Sonic grumbled, lazily tossing his controller off to one side. Not even video games could entertain him anymore, all the character did was run around collecting things... it was like it was making fun of him.
It was late, but he couldn't sleep. How could he? He's been in his room for days. His left leg propped up on the pillow Tails got him, wrapped in itchy bandages that were taking all of his willpower not to rip off.
Bouncing his good leg up and down, Sonic felt so much pent up energy it nearly drove him mad. He needed to do something, anything besides just sitting laying here.
It's not like it hurt that bad anyways, he's been hit way harder than this--he figures. Besides, he had natural chaos energy running through his veins, he'd be back up and at it soon.
Not soon enough for him though...
He wouldn't admit it out loud, but any sort of injuries Sonic got delivered to his legs freaked him out. Maybe next to water but, everyone kinda knew that.. and tight spaces.
But this? This is different. It wasn't like he was being "contained" per say. He was physically unable to run. To escape. To just ENJOY the feeling, he felt...
He shook his head, rubbing his temple. He really could use some fresh air, and to touch grass.
Sonic took a mental gamble in his head, figuring that if he was quick enough he could technically try going for a midnight walk, just for a bit.
Emerald eyes peered over to the foot of his racecar bed, where a boot made by a certain two Tailed fox laid. It was technically for waddling around the house with but he's sure it would function like a normal shoe--probably.
Doing the straps, and then redoing them again. He was satisfied, good enough he guessed. Gripping onto his sheets, he carefully set his foot down, trying to ignore the sudden pressure that shot up.
Sonic took a sharp breath.
He's fine... he's fine.
It was a long journey to the front door, he opted for that instead of his window escape due to a certain foot not cooperating with his master plan. Cringing at the loud creak the door made, he sighed, stepping outside.
His nose was greeted with the nights fresh breeze, instead of the cheeto puffs he's been smelling forever.
A smile escaped his lips, trying to suppress the urge to giggle too loud at how stupid of an idea this was. Too late to turn back now, and he wasn't looking back.
Besides it would probably take him until morning to waddle back to bed anyways. Night time adventure it is!
He must've really lost his mind now.
The agent couldn't tell you why he ended up skating into Green Hills, he wasn't too sure himself. But he supposed it was a nice change of scenery.
Shadow opted to sit next to a flower bed, examining each flower carefully, being sure not to crush any of them. There were so many different diverse species, they smelled lovely as well.
It must've been pretty shocking for any living organisms who observed the hedgehog from their nests or burrows, the Ultimate Life Form, stopping to smell the flowers.
His hand stopped near a blue orchid, it's bright blue petals curved behind it like a waterfall. While it's face pointed up towards the moon.
Shadow joined the flower, gazing up toward the heavenly rock.
"Did you know, they say the moon might have came from the very Earth?" He told the flower, that swayed in response.
"It reflects the light from our star, the sun, and watches over the Earth. ...Like it's shadow."
The flower might have lost interest, because it momentarily swayed away, Shadow huffed but without any real venom. "Well, excuse me."
"Are you talking to a flower?"
Shadows quills shot up, he quickly turned around to see a familiar blue hedgehog. Who was weirdly leaning his weight against a tree. Puzzled--and a bit embarrassed, Shadow stood up, dusting himself off. Trying to ignore the fact this is the first time he's seen Sonic in literal weeks.
"Sonic? what could you possibly want at this hour?" The hybrid crossed his arms, slowly regaining his usual composure, especially around Sonic of all people.
"To annoy you, obviously." Sonic winked, awkwardly shifting. Shadow tilted his head, gesturing to the other.
"Why are you doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"Tch, do not play games with me, your practically laying on that poor tree." Shadow stepped closer, attempting to figure this out himself. He noticed Sonics eyes grow wide, hiding himself behind the tree further. What on mobius?
"aH, UH-- I just really love nature ya know? Just showing it some appreciation!" He patted the tree for safe measure, maneuvering his way out of Shadow's sight.
If there's one thing that frustrated the hybrid to no end, was not being told the truth, being deceived, he was not a fool.
He growled, but stepped back. Resorting to rolling his eyes instead. "You are singlehandedly the strangest--"
Sonic screamed.
Shadow dashed behind the tree to swiftly catch him by the waist.
Shadow met Sonics teary green eyes, Shadow followed them until he was met with Sonic foot. Dirty ripped bandages covered it, and what seemed to be left of a boot was limply hanging off in straps.
"Sonic what the hell?!"
Sonic grinned, or tried to at least. He wrapped his arms around Shadow for support. "It's kinda a.." he winced "..long story.."
"So instead of telling me your injured right away you hide behind a fucking tree?" Shadow hesitantly lifted Sonic, he didn't think much about it in the moment. But lifting Sonic into a bridal carry was relatively easy.
"Dude, I don't know.. I just--" he was cut off by a growl, he could feel it rumbling in the others chest. "Shads I--"
Shadow didn't understand why he was so upset, there were most likely a whole list of reasons, he didn't really care, he just needed to get this stupid ass hedgehog home.
"I don't want to hear it, not now at least, I'm taking you back to Miles."
Sonic groaned, "He's gonna kill me Shads.."
"Better him than me."
It wouldn't be morning for a few more hours, the hedgehogs came to an agreement that Shadow would help Sonic patch himself up before the fox woke up. But only if Sonic agreed to tell him what happened.
How could he refuse?
Being carried by Shadow wasn't so bad, in fact, it was kinda nice. He could feel the wind in his quills just as if he was the one running. Closing his eyes, he let out a soft sigh. Gaia he was tired.
He could feel Shadows head tilt down to look at him, Sonic opened his eyes slightly to look. The moon shined brightly on him, the soft rays glimmering on darker quills. Sonic couldn't help but stare, just a little.
When they arrived, Sonic leaned forward to unlock the door. The pair stepped in, Shadows heavy air-shoes clicking slightly against the wooden floor.
After directing him to his room, Sonic was gingerly laid down on his bed. He could momentarily see Shadows confusion when they first walked into his room, his racecar bed was pretty cool.
The agent searched Sonics messy drawers, voicing a mumbled complaint about the others organization skills. He returned from the kitchen shortly after with a washcloth, handing it to Sonic.
"I draw the line at cleaning your foot."
Sonic snorted, trying so hard not to wheeze out loud. "Gee, remind me to rate this doctors visit one star."
Rolling his eyes, Shadow worked on undoing the dirty bandages for Sonic. His brow furrowing at the wound.
"You broke your foot..."
Sonic stayed silent, humming in agreement as he gently pressed the washcloth on his foot, cleaning any debris. He bit down on the inside of his cheek, only letting out a breath when it really hurt. Shadow's ears fell a bit in concern.
"When did it...?"
"Five-ish weeks ago.. I think?" The hero sighed, grumbling. "It's stupid.."
Shadow leaned forward, as a sign for Sonic to continue as he started to rewrap his foot.
"Got into a rough fight with some of Eggman's bots.." he started, playing with the fabric on his glove. "After I wasted them all--naturally," he added with a smirk, it was short lived due to Shadows unimpressed look. "A huge chunk of robo butt fell on my left foot, I tried to walk it off but.. it hurt, really bad."
The other hummed, making sure the bandages were nice and neat before looking back at Sonic.
"And that's why you we're here?"
The blue blur shrugged, nodding. "Pretty much."
Shadow held a piece of Sonics boot, raising a brow. "And this is?"
"The remains of my dear friend, boot brace, it shall be missed." he sighed dramatically, "Tails is not gonna let me hear the end of that.."
The agent didn't even want to try to comprehend how careless the hedgehogs been.
Shadow sat on the foot of the bed, "You still didn't tell me what you were doing out, especially if your supposed to be healing."
Before Sonic could open his mouth Shadow cut him off, "don't even think about saying you were coming to visit me--"
"But what if I was--"
Sonic raised his peach arms in surrender, "Alright, alright, I was getting SUPER bored, like MEGA ULTRA bored, so I planned a grand escape and just wanted to go on a walk..." his voice got quieter with every word, turning a bit away from the other hedgehog. He then mumbled the last part, and even with his advanced hearing, Shadow couldn't understand.
Grumbling even more Sonic raised his voice, "I fell, okay?!" Coming out a little louder than he meant, but he didn't care at the moment, all of his emotions he's been suppressing for the past few weeks were rising whether he liked it or not.
"I tripped! ON A STICK! A stick took out Sonic the Hedgehog, hero of Mobius!" Shadow blinked, failing to understand why something like that warranted an outburst.
"But how did the boot--?"
"Slipped off and fell down into some stones at a bottom of a cliff.."
He regret asking. Why is he not suprised.
Sonic groaned, holding his head in his hands. "I don't know what I was thinking.. I probably hurt my foot even more now and I'm never gonna run again."
Now this surprised Shadow, he knew it was late, he knew the hedgehog was tired, but he's never heard the hedgehog feel so.. defeated?
Sonic smiled through everything, even in the face of certain death at times. It frustrated Shadow to no end, but fascinated him at the same time. Sonic was a never ending wild force that could never contained, as gentle as a breeze or as fierce as a tornado.
He couldn't stand him acting like this, it, annoyed him.
"Sonic, you broke a bone. It happens, it's not the end of the world." He wasn't the best at this whole, comfort, thing. But he'd try, anything to get Sonic back on his literal "feet".
"You don't understand.." Sonic bit back a hiss. "If I can't run, I can't help anybody.. If I'm not there, who knows what could happen. Running is who I am, Shadow, I cant--" he stopped, taking a breath while holding back the hot tears that wanted to run down his face. Like a dam about to break.
"It scares me..."
He paused.
"That you'd lose your purpose?"
Sonic hugged his good leg into himself, burying his face away from his rival. He nods.
"You don't really believe that, do you?" Shadow asks, now a bit closer to the blue hedgehog.
The other doesn't respond, so the hybrid continues.
"You don't need me to remind you Sonic, if fact, I'm probably the last person who should remind you." He hesitates putting his hand on the others shoulder, but he does anyways. Sonic looks up, ears still pinned to the back of his head. Shadow noticed how his quills fell back like waterfalls.
"You are a protector, a leader, a guardian, and.. a friend. To so many different people. You make connections even when they seem, impossible." He glances toward the window, the moon greeted him like an old friend, he couldn't help but smile. "Your speed is just an extension of that, it's something you enjoy, something you choose to use to help others."
Sonic uncurled himself, sniffling. He let himself fall into Shadows shoulder, holding his rival-- "friend", close. The darker hedgehog stiffened, but allowed it.
"I don't mind if we can't race or spar for a while, I will only compete against you at 100%. No less. Breaking your foot like a dumbass doesn't change that."
Sonic chuckled, "Your acting weirdly nice today Shads. You like me or something?"
Shadow grumbled, gently forcing the hedgehog off of him. "Goodnight."
"Wait," Sonic wheezed, "Aw dude, come on I'm teasing--"
Shadow stopped climbing outta the window half way, he scowled, looking back at the hedgehog on his stupid racecar bed.
Sonic smiled, a genuine one. "Thanks. For everything by the way."
Shadow felt a flush flood his face, but looked away and cleared his throat. "Of course, goodnight."
Shadow, almost hesitated closing the window, he didn't know why. He peered through it once it was closed, to find a sleeping hedgehog on the other side. He smiled, and skated his way back to the city.
The moon, still high in the sky, continued to watch the Earth. And will always until the Earth is no more.
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jeongintwenty3 · 2 years
Tumblr media
pairing: bangchan x gn!reader
genre: hurt comfort
summary: trying to take care of your boyfriend caused an arguement to occur.
warnings: rude remarks, tears
author’s note: based on an annonie’s request! i hope this is what you were referring to (: enjoy the story as usual, don’t forget to leave me some asks, requests or anything in the ask box!
“That doesn’t seem like eating to me, Chris,” you claimed, surprised seeing him throwing away the paper bag you left for him just hours prior. It was still sealed, he hasn’t eaten. To be honest? You kinda expected it — the pale skin and dry lips give it away, the fact that he hasn’t been taking care of himself as he’s supposed to.
“If you’re not going to eat it, then at least give it to someone else, you know? Not everyone has the—”
Maybe it was the lack of sleep, maybe it was the soreness spreading through his back, maybe it was the burnout thrumming in his head — “Do you mind shutting up?” he spat, his emotions got the best of him. Chris was at high tensions the past month, the pressure from work getting unbearable.
You flinched at his tone, this isn’t the Chris you knew. You thought he’d stop his hurtful sayings, but you thought wrong.
“I’d love it if you’d just given me space. Let me work in peace alright? I have enough on my plate and I don’t need to be constantly pestered — I know what I’m doing. Just go home or something, don’t add my burdens,” even though his tone as calm, it was infused with much venom that pierced through your heart. You just want to take care of him, is that so wrong? Having enough of his habits, you decided to speak up — there’s no way in hell he’s stepping all over you like this.
“How dare you, Chris? Not everyone is privileged to have someone that takes care of them even if things get too much. If I’m that much of a burden, let’s call things off,” you retailitated, having none of his claims. Taking off the ring that was secured in your middle finger, you gave it back to him. Trying so hard to fight back the tears that welled up for the nth time tonight, you said, “You hurt me, Chris. Not just with your words, but with your absence too,” and with that, you left and drove off.
Chris exhaled, seeing the ring at the palm of his hands. It’s been a few months since the pair got engaged, but work only seemed to double just by then. He nibbled on his lower lip, the guilt finally sinking in. Chris did realize, he’d been not going home for the past 14 days, not to mention the many unread texts and miscalls from his one and only. Rubbing the gold band, he thought pretty well about what he should do.
“You fucked up, you realize that, right?” a voice bellowed across the hallway. Chris looked up, his eyes meeting Changbin’s figure. Rubbing the nape of his neck, Chris shot him a sad smile — “I can finish up, just go before it’s too late,” Changbin instructed. Curtly nodding, Chris took his stuff and left the building as well.
The house was empty, even the lights were off. Something was odd, Chris thought to himself. Prodding quietly up the stairs, he noticed the guest room’s door slightly agape. A faint light was shining through the gap which prompted him to enter the premises quietly
There you sat on the corner of the bed, rummaging through the many love letters Chris has gifted her from the past five years they have been together. Chris smiled at the sight, his heart chipping seeing the tears that streamed down her cheeks.
Chris knocked on the door, to alert you of his presence. You wiped your tears quickly, hating to present yourself like this in front of anyone. However, the pain in your heart didn’t seem to subside anytime soon, causing you to dig your nails to the palm of your hand — a habit that never seem to die down since your teenage years.
Noticing you were fizzing from anger and hurt causing you to shake, Chris engulfed you in a hug; his two arms securing your back and shoulder. You rebelled against his actions, his words replaying in your mind like an annoying melody. You tried everything you could to release yourself but it didn’t do anything
After a good three minutes of you trying to keep your guard up, the sobs finally broke, causing Chris to rub your back gently.
“What am I doing wrong, Chris? Why are you like this?” you cried, looking right at his two eyes, pain evident in both of yours.
“It’s not you, baby. I’m sorry, I’m very, very sorry,” he apologized profusely, knowing that the damage is irreversible — but he’s going to try everything he can to make it up to his beloved.
“Please stay with me, I can’t do this without you,” Chris pleaded, soothing your sides; you identified a teardrop dancing around his waterline.
“No, Chris. You can, it seems like you’ve been doing just fine without me,” you argued, his words stabbed that very delicate place of your heart.
“I can’t and I don’t want to do anything without you. I’m sorry, I really am. I didn’t know what I was thinking, the stress got the best of me and I know it’s not a valid excuse. You didn’t deserve any of those words but please, please, let me make it up to you,” Chris said, tucking away the hairs that fell upon your frame.
You broke away from his gaze, eyes still teary. You know he’s genuine, he’s always been like that from the start. Taking a glimpse of the letters scattered on the bed, you took a deep breathe, letting out a small okay.
“You don’t have to forgive me now, take all the time you need, yeah? I never meant any of those words, you’re everything but a burden. You always take care of him, ground me when things get too much, remind me of my roots, thank you for being here with me,” he continued, swiping away the residue of tears using the pad of his thumbs. Poor Chris, too caught up on his love for you to not realize he’s rambling. Your fingers went up and played with his curls, signalling him to come back.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t—”
“Chris, I get it. It’s okay, really,” you tried to reassure his mind who seemed to go at 180 kilometers per hour.
“No! It’s not okay, I hurt you and I’m not supposed to do that,”
“And you apologized, it’s okay Chris,” you offered him a small smile. Taking your hands into his, he rubbed the area that was reddening due to your nail digging. He felt like the worst person in the world seeing those marks.
“May I?” he asked, holding out the gold band to put it right back where it belongs.
Nodding, you watched as the band slipped onto your finger — it felt like a piece of you was restored. Kissing your hand, he pulled you into another hug.
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” he mumbled, kissing the top of your head — this man could never get enough of you.
“Promise me one more thing?”
Chris moved his head away, eyes focused on your face.
“Promise me to never, ever lash out on anyone, yeah? Let me be the last person to ever experience that side of you. Come to me when it gets too much, I’m more than happy to attend to your matters, okay?”
“Okay, baby. I’m sorry,”
“You know, the time you’re using to say sorry could’ve been used to make up the kisses I haven’t been receiving as often.”
And with that, Chris giggled, leaning in and capturing your lips into a passionate kiss. Even though the kiss was slightly salty due to the remenants of tears that streamed down, it was the sweetest thing Chris has ever tasted for the first time for quite some time.
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catacombbee · 3 months
school bus graveyard headcanons because im thinking about them
and because im projecting
just general / random headcanons
Tyler has arachnophobia and entomophobia. creepy crawlies are a HARD NO for Mr. Hernandez. Jackass bullies? No problem. Phantoms trying to eat him? Easy. Tree? Been there, done that. Fucking spiders? get it the FUCK away. mans has a visceral skin crawling reaction to even SEEING something creepy crawlie. it's one of the only things that makes him seriously panic other than yk someone being hurt
Ashlyn has autism yes this is basically canon i think. BUT Ashlyn has a lot of texture sensitivities both with clothes and with food. itchy scratchy clothes are a no. she cannot stand t-shirts keeping their tags they rub and scratch her neck and it makes her want to scream. she cuts the tags out before wearing anything. and food she can't have anything too squishy or tough or else she just loses her appetite entirely.
^^ to build on the clothing tags. everyone else in the group cuts the tags out of their jackets/hoodies and some shirts so if Ashlyn wants to borrow something she can be comfortable
Aiden is down bad for someone wearing his clothes. this can apply to any ship you want, i like him with Ashlyn Tyler or Logan (ive like never seen any talk abt Aidgan? Loden?) but regardless. whoever it is Aiden likes he gets so giddy butterflies giggly seeing someone wear his clothes. this is moreso for Ashlyn or maybe Logan because Ashlyn is so much smaller than Aiden that his sweatshirt would probably hang off her and Aiden would just abdjshfkefbns she's so cute!! this is mostly an Aidlyn hc for me but Logan would also be cute in anyone else's sweatshirt
uh if it's not clear by now im a multishipper ive said it before BUT i like Tyben a lot. they find calm and quiet in each other and bond through expressing themselves through something much healthier: music. i adore Tyben. AND because of Ben in the canvas webtoon: Tyler calls him ladybug. "Hey ladybug" "It's okay ladybug ive got you" "ladybug, you okay?"
kinda related to previous one but like blush hc. Ben does not blush. maybe a little pink on his cheeks. but his EARS. his ears get so RED when he's angry or when he's flustered. his face might be 😐 but you look at his ears and they're red you know he's flustered
ALSO everyone learned ASL for Ben so he didn't have to just use notes n stuff. Aiden was already learning but everyone else picked up on it
Logan likes compact spaces, they male him feel safe and secure. Like the tire! He feels very nice and snuggly in his tire. But also like. under beds. in closets (haha). one time they played hide and seek in Aiden's house and Logan won because he fell asleep curled up in an empty cabinet. Logan loves being little spoon because he just fits snugly in everyone's arms
it's been mentioned Tyler plays guitar, but i hc that he's also a really good artist. because he got into baseball for a scholarship he's kinda dropped both art and music, but in getting to know the others and especially Ben he gets back into playing music which leads to him drawing again. he doodles pictures of his friends and they realize what a good artist he is. that's how he realizes he actually has passion for creativity and decides he wants to be a tattoo artist.
(i was writing a tyden tattoo artist Tyler au on a reblog draft from a post @\the-killies made and like forgot abt it. someone peer pressure me if you think that sounds like snth you wanna read. it was probably over 1k words by the time i forgor)
Taylor likes mechanics (cus. the club) but she also knows some programming. this is solely because I think Taylor would like making little robots just for fun. Aiden would beg her to make him a little robot like that one companion toy robot Cosmo
in canvas sbg Logan brought a bunch of clothes for them to wear in the pictures/videos they took. so. Logan likes cosplay and renn faires. History is one of his favorite subjects (the other being science. english/literature is a very close third. he doesn't dislike math just isn't his favorite) so he has a lot of clothes from different time periods because of the renn faires he's been to.
This is a really unhinged headcanon and isn't something ive ever thought about before but thinking about Logan having outfits and stuff made me think who would be the most likely to be a furry. and no not Logan. it would be Aiden. hes rich enough to splurge on his fursuit. THIS IS A JOKE I DONT HC HIM AS A FURRY THIS IS A "WHOS MOST LIKELY TO" PLEAS
Aiden's favorite subject is history, he likes reading about wars but he also enjoys learning about other cultures and differences from how we live in modern day America. Aiden would probably study anthropology just for the fun of it. he and Logan bond over their love of history. Aiden can't remember what he had for lunch yesterday but he can tell you every little detail he knows about the Civil War start to finish, dates and names and locations and all.
this is a really weird hc but. Ashlyn is an amazing rapper. there was a karaoke night and one song someone did had a rap part coming up and they were like ahaha it's too fast for me and Ashlyn just stood up. took the mic. and fucking blew everyone's minds. and then she sat down like she didnt just rock their world
this last bit is self indulgent. assuming the phantom world things don't last forever, the kids get therapy eventually :D
^^ building on that, Ben specifically, he lives in my head rent free. i love him sm. Ben gets therapy for not just the phantom world things but everything beforehand. slowly and surely, starting with Aiden and Lily and maybe whichever person he's shipped with, he starts talking again. Some days are better than others, sometimes he gets quiet again, other times he goes for days talking as much as anyone (except aiden he yaps.) everyone almost cries when Ben is doing something and begins singing to himself because they realize he's better
im gonna do like gender & sexuality headcanons too,,, maybe later. might do silly ship hcs too cus i ship so many pairings here
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
in which you want to kiss jungkook's cheek...
[10:28pm] yn: you look handsome :p
you tossed your phone away as soon as you sent the message. you were used to thinking these thoughts not verbalizing them. but you know you appreciate it when he tells you that you look good, so it’s only right to reciprocate. your phone buzzed back almost immediately which you weren’t expecting.
[10:29pm] jk 🤪💜: thank yooouuuu
[10:29pm] jk 🤪💜: wyd
[10:31pm] yn: in bed
[10:31pm] yn: on my phone
[10:31pm] yn: looking at this and that
[10:33pm] jk 🤪💜: you should come over
you were literally looking at videos of him at the calvin klein launch party which was what prompted your message in the first place.
[10:34pm] yn: ??????
[10:34pm] yn: aren't u at a party
[10:35pm] jk 🤪💜: i was
[10:35pm] yn: ??????
[10:35pm] jk 🤪💜: i left
you furrowed your brows going back to check the time stamp on the video you just watched, but lo and behold there was a new video posted from five minutes ago and it was of him leaving. your brain short circuited at the clip of him walking past the camera to get back into his car. his cheek looked ripe enough to pick. you wanted to kiss it so bad
[10:38pm] yn: dang that was quick how long were you there
[10:39pm] jk 🤪💜: like 30 minutes
[10:39pm] yn: 😭😭😭
[10:39pm] yn: ur literally a brand ambassador don't u get paid to go to those things
[10:40pm] jk 🤪💜: LOL i get paid to APPEAR so i appeared and then disappeared
[10:40pm] jk 🤪💜: i don't like going to those things by myself i would've stayed if i could bring u with me
you jutted your lip out, heart softening as butterflies began fluttering in your tummy. you have no idea what you would do at a function like that even if you could show up with him. it was as much your scene as it was his, but if he needed the support you'd 100% step up.
[10:42pm] jk 🤪💜: so are you coming over???
[10:43pm] yn: it's kinda late ain't it
[10:43pm] jk 🤪💜: you could stay the night????
you bit your lip. your relationship was all of a week old and he already wanted you to spend the night? you didn't know what to say. it wasn't like you didn't want to. like, it sounded really good in theory, it's just... weren't you skipping a couple steps?
[10:46pm] yn: that's kind of fast, isn't it?
you sat waiting for his response, noticing the text bubbles come and go several times.
[10:50pm] jk 🤪💜: i mean if you don't want to that's fine but i think we should just do whatever feels right for us without thinking about other people.
your heart picked up its pace at his statement brain fixating on the word 'us'. you and him. he was right. that was all that mattered in your relationship. if he wanted you to come and you wanted to go then why not?
[10:52pm] yn: oh. yeah okay. i'll come
[10:52pm] jk 🤪💜: i'm not trying to pressure you !
[10:52pm] jk 🤪💜: you really don't have to come if that's too soon for you it won't hurt my feelings
[10:53pm] yn: no i want to! just let me throw a bag together and i'll be on my way!!!
you hurried, grabbing whatever laundry was at the top of your pile and haphazardly stuffing it in your backpack while putting all of your toiletries into your tote bag. you contemplate changing into an outfit but then shake your head. it was eleven o clock at night and you already told him you were in bed, he should be expecting the worse.
thirty minutes later and you were standing outside of jungkook's door, biting the inside of your cheek, as you rocked from heel to toe waiting for him to open the door. and dear god you must've saved a group of orphans from a burning building in a past life because being able to see jeon jungkook in the flesh, hair half up half down, bangs spread across his forehead, bunny smile blossoming on his lips was certainly some kind of blessing.
he grabbed your bags from you and set them down near the couch before pulling you into a hug, one arm wrapped around your hips the other around your shoulder, your face completely smushed into his chest which was deliciously firm and required every ounce of self restraint not to sink your teeth into his pecs.
"missed you," he said, pulling back to get a good look at you. there was a small section in your brain that wanted to feel self conscious but you couldn't find it in you to care all that much when he was rubbing small circles into your back. he made you feel too good.
"you saw me two days ago," you deflected.
"still missed you tho. wanna see you everyday."
you shook your head, toying with the hem of his shirt. he was still all dressed up. "how long have you been home?"
"maybe 15-20 minutes."
"why you still in your party clothes then?"
"you told me i looked handsome, so i wanted you to see me in person."
you breathed out a laugh and looked up at him again, letting go of his shirt, hesitating briefly before reaching out and twirling his hair in your hands and tucking that one loose strand behind his ear. "you are handsome and very very pretty."
"pretty?" he asked giggling.
you nodded resolutely, absolutely taken by the way his nose scrunched up as he laughed, cheeks puffed out reminding you of how badly you wanted to kiss them. you weren't sure how to go about it tho. like, you could just go for it. that was your boyfriend. cheek kisses were definitely on the table, but you just hadn't gotten used to wanting. you were always the one that gave yourself up to those who wanted you simply because they would have you but you don't think you've ever wanted someone back. so this feeling of actually being invested in a relationship was new.
he knocked his nose against yours. "you're prettier."
and you knew he was messing with you. could tell he was waiting on you to make the first move by the way he lingered, his breath intermingling with yours. but you just couldn't push yourself to do it. it felt like an invisible force was holding you back.
he backed up from you. "okay. i'm gonna go change now. you can find something to watch if you want."
you nodded mildly disappointed. the hug was really nice. much appreciated, but it had been two days. you wanted a little more. you groaned internally. you were just gonna have to go for it. "wait!" you called out when he was halfway down the hall, moving to catch up with him. "is it okay if- can i- can i-" you fumbled over your words before deciding to abandon them altogether, raising up on your tip toes to finally press your lips to his cheek.
you could feel yourself flush all over, heat sneaking up on every possible surface of your skin. ugh, why was showing affection so embarrassing?
jungkook cackled at the way you couldn't even look him in the eyes. "you're so freaking cute."
and next thing you know you were being pushed onto the wall, jungkook pressed against you at every possible point of contact as he kissed you hot and heavy. his tongue licking into your mouth at a salacious pace, swallowing all the little sounds you couldn't help but make for him, hands squeezing where they gripped your hips. you were honestly dizzy at the turn around, barely able to keep pace with the ferocity with which he came at you with.
he could sense it too, slowing down the kiss until he was pressing small pecks against your lips. you were so glad you were backed into the wall because you don't think you'd be able to stand otherwise. you'd kissed a few times before, but never like that. he breathed out a laugh. "i wanted to do that so bad."
"then why didn't you?" you asked, smoothing your hands over his chest.
"because you kept staring at my lips and i wanted to see how long it was gonna take you to break."
there he goes giggling again like he isn't a little demon seed. you scowled at him. "i was staring at your cheek actually." you pressed another kiss to it. and one to the mole that was on his chin because you had a minor obsession with it. and a final one back on his lips just because you could and you were starting to miss the feeling of them against you.
"alright i'm actually gonna change now. we can do sheet masks together when i'm done." he stole one more kiss before pulling away and walking to his room.
"please come back fully clothed!" you called after him. you had no idea what other kind of stunts he had up his sleeve and your self restraint was severely drained. if you saw his abs right now, you don't know what you'd do.
"no promises!" he called back. you sighed. it was gonna be a long night.
a/n: if you saw me say i wanted to kiss jungkook's cheek no you didn't <333
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