#so in love with ellise already
feveredblurs · 9 months
@apaise​​​​​ ( continued. )
after the crew’s ventures left the gala in complete disarray, beatriz was forced into a strategic exit. she trusted her skills enough to hide in the shadows and stay on castle grounds without being found – but mai wouldn’t allow her to act so recklessly.
“ you can come back for your sweetheart once the panic dies down, ” she had told her. an order, not a request. even bea knew better than to cross the head of their crew. with no time for a proper goodbye, she settled for hurriedly scribbling a message for ellise and slipping it in her hand, before disappearing into the crowd.
having targeted such high-profile guests, it took far longer than anticipated for searches in the area to stop. it was well into the next night when bea finally slipped out of the inn the crew was staying at and made for the castle. there were guards patrolling the gardens, as expected, but bea found no difficult in slipping past them, making use of the royal family’s vast garden as her cover.
the climb to ellise’s room does prove more of a challenge tonight. her legs lack their usual strength, with bea giving them no reprieve after such a demanding job. she couldn’t wait to see ellise. rest could come later.
she finds the princess about to return to her chambers. softly calling out to her is enough for ellise to turn around – and greet her with a warm smile. beatriz is so entranced by the lovely sight, it takes her a second to realize she’d been staying out in the open. it was far too dangerous to draw attention to themselves right now.
it’s impossible not to smile at ellise’s quick counter, her playfulness never failing to charm the thief. “ ah, yes. terribly contagious – so i’ve heard, ” bea offers a jest of her own, taking ellise’s hand in her own. “ i’m so relieved you got out unscathed. ”
head shakes at the other’s concern, feeling undeserving of it for a moment. were beatriz not so enamored with the princess, she would’ve been a target of their crew. she’d be cursing bea rather than watch her with such loving eyes. how far could their soft spot for each other carry them? for how long?
“ no offense, your guards couldn’t catch me if i stood right in front of them and danced the polka. ” an amusing idea. perhaps she’d try it next time.
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“ here. ” bea’s free hand slips into her pocket and pulls out a golden bracelet, adorned with small sapphires. she makes quick work of sliding it around ellise’s wrist, never letting go of her hand. “ perfect, ” she mumbles in quiet admiration, gentle smile on her lips. “ it looks beautiful on you – just don’t ask me where i got it. ”
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strwbrryeyes · 8 months
𖦹°。⋆ haikyuu boys as my breakup playlist
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⟡ featuring: suna, oikawa, tsukishima, atsumu
⟡ cw: angst, idk still bad at these
⟡ an: i found my old breakup playlist from three years ago and took inspiration from that so these songs are old lol. writing this was silly because im in a loving relationship but it was like i felt all the pain of a breakup again </3
⟡ part two, part three
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⟡ suna rintarou: you broke me first - tate mcrae
suna would be the one to break things off with you. when you first started dating he genuinely thought he loved you but as time went on and he became more distant, you started to feel like he was losing feelings for you so you asked him about it. in his words, "i think you were just the first girl to give me attention after my last relationship" and "im not ready for a relationship". a week later, he starts talking about all the girls that have come to him after the breakup and started talking about his hookups to you. this bothered you and hurt you deeply so you decided to cut things off with him completely and he was not a fan of this. so he tried everything to try to get you to talk to him again saying that he misses you and that he wants to get back together. you couldn't care less though, he's already broken your heart too many times for you not to notice his pattern of wanting your attention just to make you jealous or upset. in the end, it actually did end up hurting him and made him realize what he lost. he knew he fucked up but there's no going back anymore.
⟡ oikawa tooru: over breakfast - ellise
it's been a few months since oikawa left for argentina. it's been hard for the both of to be apart for so long and in completely different timezones. you could feel the connection fading but neither of you wanted to admit it because you both loved each other so much. but the longer you guys try to keep the relationship afloat, the more frequent you end up arguing over text or facetime. but you both decided that it could be something to figure out when oikawa visits for the holidays. well, the holidays come around and you finally have time to see each other and talk in person. from the moment oikawa entered your apartment, you both knew it was over. you could tell so many things have changed over the course of the last few months but instead of facing it, you just decide to spend one more night together just to have one final time to say that you tried. it was bittersweet and it hurt a lot but you didn't want the night to end. maybe you could fix this over night? in the morning everything will be better and you can set aside your differences! unfortunately, that morning, nothing had changed and you and oikawa finally came to terms with the fact that maybe you two just maybe weren't meant to be.
⟡ tsukishima kei: high definition - waterparks
when tsukishima was still part of the sendai frogs, he traveled a lot. it's not like he was off in another country like some of his old teammates and rivals, no, you lived with him. even though you two had been dating for quite some time by this point, tsukishima still had trouble expressing his love for you. he tended to push you away whenever he was stressed even though the one thing he wanted the most was your comfort and loving. he was just worried he would end up snapping at you and making you hate him. he didn't know that you'd end up upset with him regardless. you loved him so much but you don't know how long you could going on like this. i mean come on! tsukishima was always away for volleyball matches and even when he's home...it's like he's still not even there. tsukishima knew that you were starting to slip away from him so one day he sat you down and explained how he was feeling and it was finally then that you understood why he acted the way he did. you tried protesting his decision to break up with you but he kept insisting it was for the better. by the next week tsukishima had moved out leaving you alone in the once shared apartment, wishing and hoping he'd come back one day.
⟡ miya atsumu: better off - ariana grande
everyone knew that atsumu could be hot headed most of the time when it came to volleyball but what they didn't know is that it would sometimes affect your relationship with him. much like tsukishima, he would close himself off from you whenever he was mad at the world or whatever else there is that could make him upset. it was starting to get tiring for you. you felt like you had to walk on egg shells around him just so he wouldn't snap at you (wether he meant to or not- his mind would always fog up). towards the end of your relationship, you could feel yourself start to get numb in regards to your feelings towards atsumu. atsumu couldn't really tell at this point that you were losing hope for the relationship. if anything he thought everything was normal but that was only because half of the time he was too much into his own thoughts to notice any flaws between the two of you. it wasn't until he came home one day after an away game on the other side of japan and found that all of your stuff was gone along with you, that he realized nothing is what it used to be. he found a note from you that explained that you weren't happy in the relationship anymore and that you felt trapped. you also stated that you hope he figures out his issues and that you'll always be there for him if he needs but that right now you just needed space. atsumu spent that night crying and angry at himself for letting your relationship get to this point.
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darlenicy · 8 months
1, 3, and 26 for the character ask game for Darcy!
thank you <33
My first impression of them
As I said in the ask about Icy, I don't remember my first impressions on Winx or the characters. It's like it has always been a part of my life. What I can remember ist, that I shipped Darcy and Riven very early. Already as a kid and before I kinew what shipping actually is. They were the couple I found the most interesting and I loved them interact. In Germany we had a children anime magazine which didn't only feature animes but also shows like Winx. In one issue one could vote for one's favorite anime couple and I filled in the form with Darcy and Riven. But I never sent it in.
3. A song that reminds me of them
And again I have to go with driven because the song that immediately comes to my mind is Getaway Car by Taylor Swift. So iconic. If I had to pick one only for Darcy, I'd again look back at my childhood and the early years of YouTube which had at least 2 videos with Darcy and the song Angel of Darkness.
I know a lot songs that give me Darcy vibes though. Here is another example: Pretty in the Dark by Ellise
Relax It’s only magic
I want All the power and the pain I’ll love you in the flames Just tell me that you're mine
I’ll be your beautiful obsession Center of attention That’s just what I like
Run through your veins Got your heart to keep Calling my name Get down on your knees
I’m cold as ice Get what I like Won’t stay till morning cause I am the night
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most.
I think this is whenever her true self shows through the illusion she gives of herself. Darcy is seen as a shady and devious character whose power's sources are illusions and the psyche of her victims. She knows how to dissimulate her true intentions and she comes off like the calculating queen of darkness. But sometimes her mask slips and we see that she is a vulnerable character who hides her fears behind her powers. This can be seen for example in 1x8 where Darcy shows concern for Riven who is about to have an accident because of that helmet. It can also be seen in 2x11 where she tries to make Icy put the feather on the scale because she is afraid, it might be the wrong item and doesn't want to be punished by the scale's power. (Icy looked through this of course because she knows her sister) Another scene is in the 2nd movie when the Trix take over the Tree of Life and Darcy is shown to be unsure and a little afraid of what might happen to them. She plays cool but is actually a careful overthinker and these scenes are only some examples.
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Crown My Heart
Summary: After Regina rescues Snow White from the runaway horse, she becomes engaged to King Leopold. However, he quickly learns that Regina is less than thrilled with the arrangement. So he sees a chance to strengthen Mist Haven’s ties with a neighboring kingdom, and proposes that Regina marry the new king of Sherwood. This time, though, the decision is entirely in her hands and she agrees to the arrangement.Regina arrives in Sherwood already carrying a dark secret. While she and King Robert—often just called “Robin”—have an immediate connection, she learns she will be Sherwood’s first foreign born queen and the court is already suspicious of her because of that fact. Can she prove herself to her new people and will her secret affect her marriage to a man she falls further in love with each day?
Chapter 1: FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
Chapter 34: Preparing for Trial
FFN | AO3 | Wattpad
"I thank you for coming to this emergency meeting," Robin said, greeting his council as they took their seats. He reached over and took his wife's hand. "I have also asked Queen Regina to join us as well. I trust no one has any objections?"
He made eye contact with each member of his council as they all said they raised no objections to Regina's presence. Robin felt some tension leave his body but not all of it. Not with the topic they needed to discuss now.
"Last night, I was informed that Lord and Lady Ellis have been captured and are being returned to Locksley," he announced.
Gasps filled the room. Lady Robertshire pressed her hand to her mouth as Lord Hutton nodded solemnly. "When are they expected to arrive?" he asked.
"No more than three days," Robin replied, feeling Regina's fingers tighten around his. No doubt she was nervous about facing the couple. Lord Ellis had burst in on her while she was in a state of undress and Robin was away from the castle, accusing her of infidelity and carrying another man's child. Meanwhile, his wife had gone to extraordinary means to try to prove Regina was a witch – only for it to backfire on her. They had to be the last people she wanted to see and he hated that she would be forced to be in the same room as them once more.
"That would be during the Harvest Festival," Lord Jonstone noted. "Do we want such a spectacle?"
Lady Robertshire opened her mouth but Lady Wellingsbury held up her hand. "Don't you dare say 'They are one of us' again. Please."
"But they are!" Lady Robertshire protested. She then turned to Robin. "You aren't going to parade them around like you did your cousin, are you?"
"No," Robin replied, certain of that fact. "I don't want to give them any more attention."
Lord Hutton nodded. "I think that is a wise decision."
"I agree," Lady Wellingsbury replied. "I know we are eager to have the Ellises back here in Locksley to ensure they don't run off again but I would advise not bringing them here until after the Harvest Festival."
"Where would we keep them then?" Lord Jonstone asked.
Lady Robertshire raised her hand. "I could keep them in my house. Treat them the way they deserve."
"You sound like you would treat them like honored guests," Regina said, her hand tightening around Robin's. "They are traitors."
"Her Majesty is right," Lord Hutton said as other members of the council glared at Lady Robertshire.
Lady Robertshire frowned. "They have not been convicted of treason."
"Yet," Lord Jonstone said. "I think we all agree that the trial is just a formality at this point."
"I think we should keep them in Fort Nott," Lady Langston suggested. "Yes, it's a few days away from Locksley but the distance will ensure they can't escape and enter the city as well as give us time to prepare following the Harvest Festival."
Robin had to admit that was a good solution but did not say so out loud just yet. He glanced over at Lady Wellingsbury, who looked impressed as well which reassured him that he was not alone. It was likely that Lady Langston's suggestion would pass even with Lady Robertshire's inevitable objection.
He looked next to his wife, squeezing her hand to draw her attention to him. When her eyes met his, he asked: "What do you think?"
"I think that is a reasonable solution," she said. "We know they will be guarded and then they can be brought into the city once everyone is gone. No fanfare, no attention. They will seethe."
"I agree," he declared, looking back at his council. "All in favor?"
Almost every hand went up around the table. Only Lady Robertshire kept hers down as she stared defiantly at Robin. Once the names of those in agreement were recorded by Will, sitting behind him and Regina, Robin held Lady Robertshire's gaze as he asked: "All opposed?"
She raised her hand and he heard Will note it behind him. Robin then nodded. "Your objection has been recorded, Lady Robertshire. However, you are outvoted and so we will hold the Ellises in Fort Nott."
"Will they be held in a cell? Or will they be given rooms?" she asked him, frowning as her eyes kept flickering toward Regina.
"I think you know the answer to that question," Robin replied. "Nothing you say will change my mind."
Lady Robertshire sniffed. "This is disgraceful."
"Is there any other business to be brought before this council?" Robin asked, deciding not to acknowledge Lady Robertshire's comment. When no one else spoke, he nodded. "Then this meeting is adjourned. Thank you."
The first one to leave was Lady Robertshire. She stood and walked out without saying a word to anyone else. Everyone waited until the door closed behind her before standing as well. They all wished Robin and Regina a good night as they filed out of the room.
Lady Wellingsbury remained seated, adjusting to look at Regina and Robin better. "You two handled that brilliantly," she said. "Bravo."
Relief filled Robin as he leaned back in his chair. "Thank you."
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ziskandra · 2 years
Music Shuffle Meme
Tagged by @illusivesoul, thank you! Tagging: @sharksister @venatohru @lazyadmiral @enisywrites @ithoughteventheboneswoulddoot
Rules: shuffle your ‘On Repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks.
Unsurprisingly, my Spotify ‘on repeat’ is basically just a supercut of my Meresino playlist …
1. Redemption - Besomorph & Coopex (ft. Riell) They say I should feel guilty and change my ways Leaving crumpled bodies in my wake Swear I didn't mean to make them break (Swear I didn't mean to make them break)
2. Killing Butterflies - Lewis Blissett Now they're in our dreams Open up the box Now it never stops Full of little shocks
Wings, hearts, some things are meant to be torn apart Faith, hope, some things are meant to be gone broke
3. Control - Halsey I paced around for hours on empty I jumped at the slightest of sounds And I couldn't stand the person inside me I turned all the mirrors around
I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones
4. Queen - Stephen Jerzak She's got a way Walks, talks, like she's unafraid Blue, blond, royalty and fame She's got all of it in spades
5. Get My Way - Vosai & Riell It's delicate, a push and pull I let you out and then take you home Let you think your decisions are your own Make you ill to be your tonic
You'll gladly get down on your knees So hypnotized, unthreatening 'Til I knock you down just to hear you scream Addicted to the sirens
6. Like Lovers Do - Hey Violet  I see you watching me Eyes on your target Mix drinks and smoke rings, it's already started Let's roll the dice and we'll both make our moves Playing like lovers do
7. Can You Keep a Secret - Ellise I've got skeletons They're coming out the closet The hands around my throat Don't want me to be honest
If you know my sins? Will you still trust me? If I let you in Will you still love me?
8. i love you but i don’t like you - Molly Moore Stuck in a cycle Where did the time go? Used to be on top But down we spiral And I know, I know, I know It don't feel like it should I would if I could, babe
9. Borderline - Nico Collins I'm in purgatory Middle of the story Pulling back and forth from surrender and glory All the pressure internally It could very well be the death of me
10. BLACKOUT - AViVA Keeping back until it's found There's nothing new I haven't seen now Want to change me but I'm fine Think you're gonna brave me When you see you start to shudder (ah, aha) 'Cause you don't want to see behind the shutters
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moonrisecoeur · 10 months
(im on break rn but)
ive been considering giving u song recs bc IDK i love sharing music theres something so personal and full of love ab it to me
u do not understand i am so so sure that no one cares but FINE if u so insist please allow me to be annoying
deep breath in… AHHHHHHH
ellise is an artist that i have loved forever and ever and ever and ever which translates to for the past couple years and i LOVE ALL OF HER SONGS RAHHH
i love her lyrics they just connect to me so deeply. here are a collection of my favorite lyrics and songs!! all of these will be spotify links since i work for starbies and they give me spotify for free!! but pls look them up wherever you listen to music !!!
i could tell you i love you… but you wouldn't reply, wouldn't look in my eyes, wouldn't care when i cried
why would i tell you i love you?
we talked about a future, but now it's in the past
i don't regret the memories, but knew they wouldn't last
i know that it's not easy to give up what we had
i made myself a promise, and i’m not looking back
this song is so. ugh. love her. so sad yet so real. the realization at the end of the song is that she’s not pinky promising her ex that she doesn’t love him, it’s that she’s promising herself that she’ll leave him regardless of if she still does !! love !!
tell me it's a dead-end, you already got your flight booked
tell me over breakfast
'cause it's clear you don't care about me how you used to
this song makes me want to scream it’s so somber and resigned it’s so!! argggghhh i love it!! the way shes like ‘i know we’re done but please… it can wait until breakfast’ THIS SONG WAS ALSO OFF HER FIRST ALBUM WHICH CAME OUT ON MY BIRTHDAY so it was literallly fate.
talk to the moon from my window
she’s so cold, doesn't know
i think i might close my eyes for the last time tonight, i’ll go
look my name being moon is a coincidence BUT this was my favorite song of hers for a long while!! very very good song i love that it doesn’t stay all sad and slow the whole time!!
come wine with me, come dine with me
conspire with me, can't hide from me
kill time with me, like murder in the first degree
(okie so i tried to post this twice and it didn’t work LMAO it keeps failing to post and not saving anything i write up until this point so!! i’m just gonna write out everything else!!)
she ruins everything - ellise
she just released this song last night and it’s soooooo good!! pls give it a listen if literally nothing else on this list
arms length - king mala
i am so normal about this song. i am so sane.
spinnin - madison beer
mitski - i’m your man
this song is literally my personality my genuine favorite song of 2023 it runs through my veins i eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner
sad songs in a hotel room - joshua bassett
sand - dove cameron
cake and iced coffee - leyla blue
life was so much better back when you were mine.. :(
patient - charlie puth
i am so embarrassed that i like him and his music… but i really do…
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derpylittlenico · 1 year
Song Tag Game
I was tagged by the resplendent @exlibrisfangirl
the actual rules: pick a song for every letter of your username (if you can, don't hurt yourself looking. this is for FUNSIES). Tag as many people as songs (again, if you can. You don't have to go after strangers).
how I'm playing: ...I don't know that many people who a) actually like these and don't actively dislike being tagged, or b) were not already tagged in the post I was tagged in. So. If you follow me and WANTED to be tagged so you could play along? Consider yourself tagged (also? lmk for future ref, so I can).
D- Dernière Danse, Indila
E- Exploding, mehro
R- (couldn't think of one)
P- Protège Moi, PLACEBO
Y- You're The One, Charli XCX
L- Like You're God, mehro
I- I Don't Belong To You, MILCK
L- Love Made Me Do It, Ellise
N- Nancy Boy, PLACEBO
I- I Adore U, Adore Delano
C- CVNT, Sophie Hunter
O- Obsessed, Jade LeMac
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melnchly-a · 4 years
should i just.........change my fc for r.oslin to j.enna c.oleman like i did once a long time ago and actually? quite liked? or
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euphoricsunflowers · 3 years
he’s not you but i’m not complaining — im changkyun/i.m
a/n: i really liked the first half of this but tbh i wasn’t really vibing with the riding scene so i just ended it. hope you still enjoy it!! this is also vaguely inspired by the song take me to safety by ellise!
word count: 1.2k
content: light sub/dom themes, afab!reader but they/them is used at the end, oral(reader receives), ridingle dick, the reader has a vaguely described lover that isn’t changkyun, this can be taken as cheating but it’s also extremely vague
summary: he knows deep down what’s happening. he knows you have a lover. he knows that you don’t crave him, you crave them. he knows he’s just the stand in for the feelings you have for them, but for right now, you’re his, and he’s yours.
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his eyes are dark but soft as they gaze at you, fluttering closed as your hands wander his torso. his shirt was in some unknown corner of the room, hurriedly thrown off the moment you told him to discard it.
but they’re not here right now, you have him now. he’s a million times more docile and giving, and he’ll actually kiss you back. your thoughts may be clouded with them, an obsession filling your mind, but he’s in your arms right now, and he’s not going anywhere.
“changkyun,” you murmur, pressing your lips to his neck, leaving a trace of lip gloss that’s just so pretty to look at.
“you- won’t you call me baby? sweetheart? why just my name?” he asks, probably not even realizing he’s pouting. he’s cute.
he’s so cute and that’s the problem. he’s adorable and attractive and every second he’s in your vicinity is another second he has to make you fall for him.
“you’re not my lover,” you say.
“i am for right now,” he smiles, almost somberly, “whether or not it’s my name you’ll call in the morning, address me sweetly now, please.”
it’s almost easy to give in to his demands, cupping his cheek with one hand as you hold him close, “alright, baby,” and he hums approvingly.
“can i make you feel good?” he asks, knowing when you blink, you’ll see them, you’ll imagine it was them pleasing you, but it’s not like that matters right now. they’re not here, and he has you right now; that’s all he cares about.
you lead him to the bed, and your clothes disappear in seconds, recklessly abandoning them knowing you’ll find them in the weirdest places tomorrow. he rests his head against your thigh peacefully, kissing the skin of your inner thigh sweetly. he’s teasing you, sure, but it’s kind and soft and it’s almost docile how tentative he looks.
“sweetie,” you murmur warningly, and it takes nothing more to get him to stop teasing and get on with it. he eats you out with a certain kind of vigor that feels unreal. thoughts of your lover are heavy but they start to dissipate slowly when you see his dark hair, running your fingers through it as he pleases you.
it’s easy to think about how they’d rest their head in your lap, kiss your hip bone, look up at you with those eyes that you just can’t forget. they’d call your name so desperately and following them anywhere was just instinctual.
but it’s just as easy to think about how changkyun has a desperation of his own to enjoy you while he has you with him. it creates a certain feeling in your stomach that’s hard not to love.
“oh, baby-” you start to say, but he pulls away just enough to speak.
“i’m sorry,” he groans, “i’m sorry, i take it back. please say my name.”
“changkyun,” you whisper, “you’re making me feel so- so good.”
“forget about them for just a moment. they don’t matter right now, okay? it’s just you and me, just us two,” all the seconds he spends talking are seconds he’s not spending with his head between your legs, “when you cum, can you think of me? can you think of how good i made you feel?”
and before you could tell him to stop talking, he’s already back to it, and all the feelings come rushing back. he continues at it relentlessly, like a starved man who can’t get enough of you. he even moans himself as he eats you out, so turn on from pleasing you. he’s so aroused he’s becoming uncomfortable, but he genuinely can’t care about that at this moment. all that matters is you’re gasping and breathing so heavy and he knows it’s coming. his jaw becomes tired, but that’s not a problem he has the luxury of time to worry about.
and then it happens. he can tell from the way you move a bit uncontrolled and the way you hold his head so tightly against you, practically grinding against his face. he wishes he could see your face, try to imprint it in his mind so when you run back to them, he would still remember what it was like when you were his for just a night.
the second you let him go to catch your breath is the moment he stops to take everything in. you’re just so perfect to him that he can’t fathom this night ever ending. he doesn’t want to fall asleep and wake up with you not here.
“i’ll return the favor, just give me a second,” you mumble breathlessly, “that was incredible.”
the next thing he knows (he spent a lot of time just watching you, so he's a little out of it), he's under you with you straddling his hips.
“hi,” he breathes nervously at the new position, and you smirk at how off guard he looks.
“hi,” you respond, resting your hands on his chest partly for balance and also so that you can hold him down, “it’d be unfair to not help you out when you’re all hot and bothered, wouldn’t it?”
“a little bit, yeah,” he says. his bluntness is almost humorous.
“then let me take care of that.”
the last of his clothing comes off quickly as you touch him softly just to tease him. he shifts desperate, finally showing how needy you truly have him. it all happens in a blur, a long blur because all the time you spent teasing felt like hours, but a blur indeed.
“don’t think about them,” he whispers as you finally settle on him, waiting for just a second to adjust before making any movements, “think about me. i may not be them, but when you kiss me i kiss you back and i may not know you the way they do, but they’re not here. i’m here and i-”
“you’re talking too much,” you murmur, starting to move to try and get him to shut up a little bit. it works. he closes his eyes and takes it all in. he moans lowly, breathing heavily as you take him away, moving even quickly just to get reactions out of him. he’s already so worked up that it takes virtually no effort to get him close. but the closer he gets is the closer you are to leaving. he can’t help but want you and he just can’t have you for more than now and it makes him ache.
even as he cries out that he’s cumming, it’s not as satisfying as he wants it to be. and it’s because he was right. in the morning, he wakes up alone in his bed. it feels too big by himself, and he’s swallowed up by the sheets as he calls out for the one that stole his heart, and he cries wishing he had theirs in return.
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @multidreams-and-desires @hobilluvvr @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies @treasure-hwa @fleurshopsub @rubyscloud9 @silencefavarchive @nct99 @bigkpopstan @monstaxdirtywonk @domreaderrecs @mochi-ficz and always feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist <3
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thediktatortot · 2 years
Ooh I love sharing my music 🥰 Thank you for the tag @staticrain
Rules: put your “on repeat” playlist on shuffle and post the first ten songs that come up.
1. Under My Bed - Ellise
2. Landslide - Fleetwood Mac (This song is one of my top songs in my life. First heard it when I watched Jack Frost (1998) as a kid and it stuck with me ever since then.)
3. Medusa - Kailee Morgue (A very girl love pining song lol)
4. One Of These Days - Alex Dunaway (This song is super depressing so if you’re sad already be advised to get sadder.)
5. God Must Hate Me - Catie Turner (What can I say the pandemic hasn’t been good for anyone’s mental health xD)
6. Content - Bo Burnham
7. That’s Life - Shawn James (This however is a really good song to make you feel just a little better about all the BS and makes you feel just a little okay’er for existing)
8. All Eyes On Me - Bo Burnham (Inside was honestly just a great special and it stuck with me hard lol)
9. Moral Of The Story - Ashe
10. Me And Bobby McGee - Janis Joplin (This is just a good song and I learned the lyrics to it when I was like 6 xD)
I tag @miiss-scarlett If you would like :D
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
could u write something with dad!tom being absent for he and the reader’s kid’s school event, and the kid gets upset, so Tom comes back from filming a movie to make it up to him with some cute bonding- just like angst then fluff 😩🤌
Tom didn't like going away and leaving his kids but he was aware that it was a necessary evil of his job, but that didn't make the phone call any easier.
The ringing seemed to last longer than usual as he waited for you to pick up, it was your nightly call with him and you and your daughters.
The ringing stopped, his ear immediately filled with you scolding your daughter for fighting over who got to talk to him first. The elder one yelled at her little sister that she should get to talk to him first cause he was coming home to see her play and she wanted to talk about it.
"Girls, quiet or neither of you get to talk to daddy" you tell them off, the threat immediately causing them to fall silent and look up at you. Tom knew the threat was empty, knowing you would never keep his daughters from him or him from his daughters.
"Hello Love" Tom spoke, his voice lower than normal as he prepared to tell you he couldn't make it home for Ellises play.
"I know that voice" you speak, hearing the similar tones that you used to hear early in the relationship and he would have to cancel a date or something. "Please don't tell me that you're gonna say what I think you are gonna say '' your voice was soft, not wanting your child to hear unless you were misunderstanding.
"Depends what you think I'm gonna say" his voice was teary.
" Tom you promised" you sighed, knowing just how devastated your girls would be.
"I know, love, I know" he whispered, trying to hide the pain in his voice. "But I will be there the day after the play"
"That's too late, Tom, and this time you have to tell her, she cant keep associating bailing with me" you say, pulling the phone away from your ear and hanging it to your daughter, ignoring the faint calls of your name that came from the speaker.
"Hi Daddy” your daughter's voice being the embodiment of bouncy as she excitedly talked into the phone, but as you watched her face fall, large hot tears welling up in her eyes. “I hate you” was all she said, pulling the phone from her face and handing it to her little sister and letting them talk.
You followed your elder daughter into her room, her head buried in her pillows as her small form shook with sobs. You sat down on the bed next to her, rubbing your hand up and down her back to soothe her disheveled state.
The next day went by painfully, your daughter moping about that Tom wasn’t coming home, and you harboring a fair amount of anger towards Tom for his stupid actions. The play was wonderful but you saw the spark in your daughter's eyes fade when she saw that her dad hadn’t surprised her by showing up and it wasn’t all just a trick.
The next day was when Tom got home, arriving early in the morning but not early enough that you and the girls weren’t already awake. You heard the door open, the shuffling of suitcases before you heard his voice, calling out to you and the girls, as soon as Ellise heard him she ran in the opposite direction, back up to her room to avoid her father who she currently still had a bone to pick with. Your youngest greeted him at the door, a massive smile on her cheeks as she wrapped herself around her father, kissing his cheek as she squealed. He looked past her, eyes landing on where you stood, slightly defensive posture leaning against a doorway, his brown gaze cast downwards as he realized that his first born was nowhere to be seen.
“Where is Ellise?” his voice sounded small as he stood back up.
“Her room, I don’t think she really wants to see you but you can go and try” you inform him, giving him a kiss and stepping aside to let him pass. You may be mad at him but you still missed him greatly.
Tom entered the door, finding the room empty of a small child aside from the small lump under the bed spread, part of it rising and falling with ragged breaths of his distressed child.
“Sweetie?” he called out, “I’m home, love, I’m so sorry I missed your play, I really did want to be here, I wanted to see you perform just like I do, probably even better. I’m so sorry love, I missed you so much and I understand that you are mad at me but can I please see your face” he urged, voice breaking as he saw his daughter crawl from under the blanket, hair all askew from the friction, his heart broke as he saw the tears she was wiping away, staring up at him.
“You owe me” she bit as she crawled off the bed, walking over to Tom and wrapping her small arms around him.
“Lets go get ice cream and you can tell me all about it, how does that sound, we could also go roller skating, mommy told me that you had been getting really good”
His daughter eagerly nodded. They spent the whole afternoon together, eating ice cream and holding hands as they skated in circles around the rink, laughing when either one of them fell over.
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parkjiminiemouse · 3 years
Zipper Lips
Hi everyone! For this imagine it was written based on the song Zipper Lips by Ellise. I have you enjoy!
“Where are you going? You’re not still dating Mingi are you?” Your best friend asks which turns your friend group's attention towards you.
“Of course not, we broke up for a reason, remember?” Silence passes in the room for a brief moment before your best friend shrugs. “If you say so.”
Taking your bag you make your way towards your car, heart pounding as you had never been the best at telling lies. Putting your keys into the ignition you backed out of the driveway and made your way towards Mingi’s house.
Upon arrival you knock on the door only to be met with the male smirking down at you, “I thought you were busy today hm?” You wish he wouldn’t look at you like that. You were already ashamed that you ran back to him not even a week after your breakup. It was clear that he didn’t have real feelings for you as he would frequently sleep around during your relationship.
Stepping inside, Mingi drew the curtains. He was certainly ashamed that he couldn’t get enough of your lips on his and he wanted to cover both of your tracks as much as possible. He didn’t love you per say but he loved having you around if it allowed him to press his lips against yours.
You make your way towards the couch only for Mingi to pull you close and hungrily press his lips against yours. Instantly, you melt into the kiss, a small smile on your face as he deepens it. You, him, this, was all a secret and you both didn’t dare to talk about it. Instead, you kissed him on his zipper lips.
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hanninope · 3 years
i’ve been listening to my privately curated 100 song batjokes mix for three years now nonstop and I thought it was finally time to share the best of the best with the world, tragically 8tracks is dead so uh, enjoy youtube. i couldn’t resist copying out the best lyrics from each song, just in case the batjokes relevant lines weren’t already criminally obvious.
every single song by the wombats is an absolute batjokes infested delight to behold and trying not to put every one of their songs on this playlist was extremely difficult, but a special shout out goes to the batjokes anthem Be Your Shadow for being the thing i blasted in my car every summer night i was writing my fic 
listen and enjoy!!! lyrics and tracklist under the cut ↓↓↓
JOKER’S POV Be Your Shadow by The Wombats Tonight we'll scratch each other's face / If it's in the moment no one complains Kiss me with your fist it's all right / Wrap your hands around my throat I won't mind / I’m permanent, now I won't go / I just wanna be your shadow Those machine gun eyes, fire crystals into me / You're such a violent high / And I'm such a loose cannon can't you see?
Obsession by Ok Go And it's physical / It's like standing at the edge / Your blood starts to pump, 'cause you're worried you might jump
Guns and Roses by Bohnes Baby I hurt you / But you don't seem to mind / We all like to be destroyed sometimes Cause you're more beautiful / When you're broken You've got an appetite for destruction / I guess that makes you just like me / You put the barrel inside your mouth / Just to feel the metal between your teeth
Irresistible by Temposhark Makes me laugh, you are such a joker / You’re sick when you joke but you’re cruel to be kind / Love you best when you are savage and bitter Love the way you treat me so badly You and me are irresistible / You and me are indestructible
Kamikaze Lovers by The Wombats Twist your knife deep into me / We're different creatures with similar needs
Love Made Me Do It by Ellise Love made me do it, I couldn't stop myself / His name is on that bullet /Plead insanity to it, yeah Love made me do it / Love made me lose my mind
Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met…) by Panic! at the Disco Ever since we met / I only shoot up with your perfume You have set your heart on haunting me forever
Mama’s Gun by Glass Animals Little voices buzzin poison / Backward noise drown everything Play with Me my love In the Summer sun / I’ll be waiting it / Your favorite Cheshire grin / Lay with me My dear / In the evening clear / I’ll Be dreaming in My Paper pale skin / In the summer silence / I was getting violent
The Louvre by Lorde Our days and nights are perfumed with obsession I am your sweetheart psychopathic crush Can you hear the violence? / Megaphone to my chest / Broadcast the boom, boom, boom, boom / And make 'em all dance to it
The Drugs by Mother Mother I would lose my decadence / I’d do away with all the dirtiness / For your love
Choke by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME Now shut your dirty mouth / If I could burn this town / I wouldn't hesitate / To smile while you suffocate and die
Do You Want to Die Together by Stars Everything but you is an ugly lie Do you want to die together? / Yes I do
Your Love by Glass Animals We've got these summertime nights / Night by night / I let you eat me alive / I want you to eat me alive Don't you want some more / ‘Cause I can feel your love
Very Good Bad Thing by Mother Mother It was insane, the way we'd roll / You know the world at large / Is like a little rag doll / We were the big, bad pitbull / Try to get out but we just keep stickin' around / Cuz it is a very good bad thing we've found. We'll play 'til we die Gonna kill you yeah / You gonna kill me, true Gonna say true love is just a good bad joke.
I Found by Amber Run And I'll use you as a warning sign / That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind / And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be / Right in front of me
BRUCE’S POV Ice Cream by The Wombats You keep me wanting more / Everything gets blurry / Am I right where you want me? / Melting like an ice cream in the sun
Weak by AJR One kiss, bad for me / But I give in so easily
Heavy by Powers And now I'm feeling like I've got a sickness / Tongue-tied and white lie addicted /I don't wanna stop for a minute Heavy how I want you so bad / Heavy when it hits me so fast / Heavy and it's driving me mad / That I'm never gonna give you up
Lemon to a Knife Fight by The Wombats Lipstick on the backseat / Saliva on the dash / I’ve clawed my way out of here before / But I keep on coming back I push and you tend to shove / I give in and you don't give up / I’m not getting out of here this time / I brought a lemon to a knife fight / I kick and you like to punch / I’m unhinged and you're undone
Come Back For Me by Jaymes Young Afraid you might return for more / I miss your frozen love too much / And I'd overdose from just a touch
Worst In Me by Unlike Pluto I saw you standing there, and I knew / I’m done for, it's over, I'm through / Playing games from the start / Sinking your nails in my heart / You bring out the worst in me
Tormentor by The Wombats Sometimes I dream / Of your sweet demise Cutting the brakes and getting me Shanghai'd / Taking the cash and giving me side eye/ You're a tormentor
Oh My Dear Lord by The Unlikely Candidates Here's my confession, I've got a death wish / I’m in the fast lane, addicted to excess
Turn by The Wombats Baby, it's the crazy I like / I think I saw the world turn in your eyes
Emoticons by The Wombats It's tough to stay objective, baby / With your tongue abseiling down my neck / It's a bulletproof offer I can't accept You need to find a different boy's heart to chew
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jeorellafics · 3 years
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na jaemin x reader
GENRE : angst
A/N : hello !! i also posted this on my wattpad account ( @jeorellafics ) i have an on going series there as well ! ^^
in the beginning.. well, it was fun, just going up and down itself..
after getting dressed up, i checked myself on the mirror. i'm now wearing a knitted maroon button dress that is perfectly hugging the curves of my body. i smiled. jaemin really has a nice taste in picking this dress.
he gave me this dress last night so i can wear it for our date tonight, he said that he thinks it really suits me. and it did.
it's our first anniversary today and he invited on a dinner date.
“are you done?” he asked.
“yup, are you on your way here?” while wearing my necklace.
“mhm, wait for me. i'll be there in a minute.” he hummed. “see you, baby. can't wait to see you wearing the dress.” i can say that he's smiling while saying the last words.
“see you!”
before we knew, we both became sick of meaningless waste of emotions..
“eli, please! i'm tired, i just came from work and you're here shouting at me again.”
“yeah, right.. you're tired.” i stated. “you're tired after hanging out with that- girl! again!”
this is so frustrating. i've told him to stop seeing or hanging out with that woman because i'm uncomfortable with him being with that girl, but he still hangs out with her. is it that hard to stop seeing her?
“what? are you stalking me or something?” he asked, brows knitted. “i didn't hangout with her or anything, i just saw her outside the building and decided to ask her if she wanna ride home since it's raining and she's literally walking home without any umbrella.”
“that's not your problem! that's her fault for not bringing umbrella.” i screamed. “you can just go get a taxi for her to go home if you're THAT NICE.” i said, rolling my eyes sarcastically.
we've been arguing about that coworker of his for a lot of times now.
“let's stop this argument.” he sighed, leaving me alone.
it seems like we’re both tired and holding the same card in our hands..
jaemin didn't came home after that night. haechan texted me that jaemin came to their dorm. and now, it's been a week but he still hasn't come home. i told haechan last night that i'll be coming today to their dorm to talk to jaemin.
i want to apologize to him for being harsh. i know it's my fault. i should've understand him. he's just being nice to his coworker. and also, i don't wanna lose him just because of this small argument that i made a big deal.
“why are you here? if you're just here to-”
“no.. i'm here to apologize..” i said, avoiding his eyes. “i'm sorry, jaemin.. i was too harsh on you..”
he became soft, “it's alright, i'm sorry too.” he then hug me tight.
there has never been a paralleled balance from the beginning- would that be why we were more eager to reach the balance?
“hello, baby! are you busy tonight?”
“yes.” he answered, i almost get goosebumps at the coldness of his answer.
“o-oh.. is that it? o-okay..” i stuttered. “don't overwork yourself, jaem.”
my plan was to invite him to eat dinner at my favorite restaurant tonight since it's my birthday, but seems like he forgot.
“okay, okay.” then he ended the call.
i rented the whole restaurant to celebrate my birthday with my family, friends and of course with jaemin, but it seems like he forgot about it.
“eli, where's jaemin?” my mom asked.
“uh.. mom, he can't make it today.. he's.. uh.. kinda busy..” i answered.
“he's THAT busy to not attend your birthday celebration?” jeno butted in.
“i-it's okay, jeno.”
someone has to get off this seesaw, though i can’t..
“ellise, how are you and jaemin?” my dad asked. “he didn't came on your birthday celebration, right? and why is that?”
after my birthday, i decided to go home to my parents' house.
“i.. don't know, dad.” my voice is almost a whisper.
i can't even look at them in the eyes.
i don't know what's happening in our relationship. did he fell out of love or he already has a new one? i don't know. and i also don't want to know.
“i'll talk to him.” my dad stated. “i didn't let you live with him just to hurt you.”
“you shouldn't let men hurt you.” my dad added. “you are our princess, no man is allowed to hurt you.”
let’s now make the decision whether to get off or not..
“jaemin..” as soon as i went downstairs, i saw jaemin at the table.
he stood up when he saw me.
“ellise..” he called. “can i talk to you?”
i didn't answer and just sat down in front of him.
“i.. i'm so sorry for being an asshole.. it's just that i.. don't love you anymore. i felt boring with our relationship. that's.. the truth.” he admitted.
“you should've said that from the beginning..” i laughed even though there's already a tear rolling down my cheeks.
he was about to wipe the tears on my cheek, but i dodge his hand.
“i really don't know what to say right now, jaemin. i just know i'm hurt.” i whispered. “really hurt.”
“is it because of that woman?”
he nodded. and that was when i broke down. so that is why he can't stop seeing her. i get it now.
i repeatedly nod my head while smiling sadly, “i see.”
“you can leave.”
“eli..” he begged.
“i'll be fine.” i smiled. “leave.”
how crafty the heart of a person is, though we know one will get hurt if the other is not there..
someone has to get off this seesaw.
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nrkath · 3 years
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"Attack on Titan Mondays."
As a person who loves staying up at night, one of the hardest thing to do is to wake up early in the morning. But somehow in this month, I managed to wake up at 5AM every Monday. New episode of my favorite anime was released at that time and because I didn't want any spoilers I watched it after it was posted. I can proudly say that every episode of that anime was spectacular. Also, the monthly update on its manga made my eyes sore after a whole day of crying. I remember sending my friends tons of my videos while crying. I spent my money on buying merchandise to support the show. This year, another season of this anime will be released and I can't wait to spoil my weeb heart again.
https://pin.it/6kB92EZ https://pin.it/1uDIMyc
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“Sophia Ellise”.
Last June 2020, our family mourned the death of my cousin. Later that month, we found out that her girlfriend was pregnant. We supported her pregnancy in fulfillment of my cousin's death wish. Morning of February 01, 2021, our Pia decided to come out of her mother’s womb. We were delighted by that news and immediately visited her. Tears fell down on our cheeks as we saw the eyes of my cousin on her. We spent our weekends at their place to get a peek at our family’s youngest. I became eager to finish my modules ahead of time so that I can go with them when they visit. Pia will turn 1 next month and I'm already thinking of what I am going to give her.
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"Time passes and we may be apart, but cousins always stay close at heart." -Unknown
After almost a year of not meeting each other, my cousins from Manila decided to give us a visit. There are times when we will just chill out in one place while remembering our childhood. Isn't it always enjoyable to reminisce about our childhood? We hardly stayed at home because my cousins are outgoing people. We had a ton of things planned for them to make the most of their trip. We visited a beach resort and stayed there for the night. There, we explored a variety of beach sports such as boating and scuba diving. In addition, we had several road trips while listening to "Kanto Songs." Overall, that month, and particularly that week, is a much-needed vacation for us all.
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The last chapter of my favorite manga came out that day. It was a masterpiece; we finally saw Eren's actual emotions, and we learned that he adores Mikasa. We also got to see Eren's plan come to fruition, as well as a variety of other events, such as Eren sending Dina Fritz to kill his mother. I also believe that we all took a close look at the aftermath of the events. Mikasa also pays a visit to Eren's grave, which is really lovely. I really like Eren and Armin's exploration of the world in the routes before he dies. So, to conclude it was overall a good chapter definitely it could’ve been better — the ending felt a bit rushed and I think Eren deserved a better send off.
"If we win, we live. If we lose, we die. If we don't fight, we can't win. Fight! Fight!"
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"You should enjoy the little detours. Because that's where you'll find things more important than what you want." -Ging Freecss
I finally finished this anime after months of watching it because I am such a lazy watcher. HunterXHunter was, without a doubt, one of my favorite anime series. The plot and characters were both well-written. My favorite season is the Chimera Arc. I regret that I didn't watch it sooner, despite the fact that my friends told me to do so. I am looking forward to watching another season of this show but I guess we have to wait a little more.
Is there any show that makes you feel like you weren't complete as a person before watching it after viewing it? For me, that's hxh.
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After a year, our friend group finally reunited in one photo. We're not complete in that photo though. On that day, we had a photo shoot for our graduation picture. We had a lot of fun catching up and talking about other things. Our friend drove us to "Jocafe" to eat after the shoot. Truly that time flies faster while you are having fun. We didn't notice that we already needed to go home.
That overwhelming sadness after spending the whole day with friends enveloped my mind as soon as I got home. It seems like I will never get used to it. Looking forward to our next meeting was the only thing that I could do and that was enough for me.
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"Studying in a school without them just wouldn't seem fun" -Unknown
After years of studying in the same school with these people, our journey as junior high school students has come to an end. We finally finished our years at Sta. Monica National High School. We agreed to meet at our friend's place and make some food to celebrate our moving up ceremony. Even if it was unplanned, we were able to have a good time. As the days of this month passed by, we busied ourselves on our enrollment. We were opening a new page on our lives without the classmates that we got used to. I believe that we will be able to graduate from our chosen schools with knowledge that we can use nearly in the future.
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Started when enhypen edits dominated my tiktok for you page. At first, I didn't pay attention to them as my kpop phase was probably on pause. Because I used to wait for I-Land's announcements, I already knew several of their members by name but I didn't watch the show for whatever reason. After seeing their updates for weeks, I started questioning my friends about them. I began watching their music videos, listening to their songs, following their social media profiles, and creating tons of email accounts to vote for them. As an Engene who enjoys voting for ENHYPEN, August was a busy month for me.
My boring life starts being fun again. Thanks to ENHYPEN who made my kpop heart happy for the nth time.
https://pin.it/5EgkmKy https://pin.it/2CO1uFl
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The worst month of my 2021. Ask me what month of 2021 do I hate the most and I will answer September without thinking. Maybe at this point you're wondering "why does this girl hate this month so much?" Well, here's the thing. First, shifting from modular to online class was a hard thing to do, especially to people like me who are not comfortable in front of a camera. Second, I was sick for almost a month and that forced me to miss my classes. Third, I lost a friend that month. I will not state the reason by the way. Lastly, I barely managed to survive my mental breakdown every night. The stress on my cousin's module, the anxiety from online classes, and the longing for my friends just seems too much for me. But look at me now. Just the same old person that I know. Also, thanks to my friends who are always there for me and to ENHYPEN who became my source of happiness that time.
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G-Meet and the birth of our discord server.
Once, I asked my friends if they could accompany me in a gmeet to practice something. Little did we know, that was the start of our gmeet era. We were watching movies, playing virtual games, and doing our school works together at a meet almost every day. One day, my friend, Lewis, suggested if we want to make a discord server because it's more easy and convenient. We all agreed to make one. We were on our server almost 24/7. Doing our activities together seems easier since we are not distracted by our phones. Like what Misty Copeland said, “Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.”
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hanniba1 · 4 years
i was tagged by @strqvinsky and @serialcannibal (thank you lovelies 🖤) to share 13 songs i’ve been listening to at the moment, so here we go!!
daisy / ashnikko
what the water gave me / florence + the machine
fresh laundry / allie x
stud / troye sivan
big god / florence + the machine
movement / hozier
lilith / ellise
beautiful and bad / nicole dollanganger
the archer / taylor swift
warm honey / willow
sober ii (melodrama) / lorde
je disparias dans tes bras / christine and the queens
happy / mitski
i tag (and if you’ve already been tagged i apologize!): @honnibal @hannibalphobic @hannibalapologist @luvridden @luvecrime @iskarieot @wormspawn @matthewbrown @marg0t-verger @hughdancyx @nietzscheantrout @horrorlesbians @knifehorror @horrorcupid and any other mutual who wants to do it!!! xx
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