#so im gonna have to put my costume in the stairs to the stage before and change on the side
notsosmexy · 4 years
Heavens Love || Reggie x reader
Chapter one of ‘Heavens Love’
Part 2 // part 3 // part 4 // part 5 
A/N:Holy Shit its almost 1 in the morning. I have been working on this for 4 hours. Hopefully yall enjoy!
Word count: 1.8k 
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You knocked on the Molinas door and waited for someone to answer. After waiting for a good 5 minutes, you decided to just walk in. You took your shoes off and climbed up the stairs, as soon as you got to the top you could hear Julie talking to someone. You walked towards her bedroom and opened her door just a bit. As soon as you looked in the room, you could see three, cute, guys in her room. Your eyes almost popped out of your head and you burst through her door. 
‘Julie… who are these people?’ 
As soon as you said that, all four of them stopped their conversation and looked at you , shocked. Julie stepped forward and put her hand on your shoulder.  She looked you dead in the eye and asked, ‘You can see them?’ 
You were confused. Of course you could see them, they were right there, still looking at you like you had gone crazy. You nodded your head and laughed a bit. ‘Yes, I can, now are you gonna introduce me?’ Julie backed away and pointed at the guys, who had snapped out of it and were now just looking at you with smiles on their faces.
‘That’s Luke,’ she pointed at the brown head. He was pretty cute, you had to admit. ‘That's Reggie,’ She pointed to the one in the middle and he smiled and waved. ‘And that's Alex.’ She pointed to the tallest. ‘They're in a band called Sunset… Curve?’ the guys nodded. 
‘Tell your friends’ Reggie smiled. You laughed a bit and then walked up to them.
 ‘Well, im Y/N and it’s nice to meet you’ You stuck your hand out, waiting for Reggie to shake your hand. The boys all looked at each other and then at Julie. Reggie gulped and stuck his hand out as well. Instead of his hand stopping when it hits yours, it goes straight through. You kept looking at your hand, and tried shaking his hand again. You kept doing that until you realised you weren't dreaming. That’s when you screamed. 
‘WHAT IS IT WITH GIRLS AND SCREAMING??!’ Alex screamed over your screams. Julie ran up to you and tried to calm you down. You were a stuttering mess, and Julie was trying to tell that they were ghosts. The guys just stood there and nodded along with everything Julie was saying. 
As soon as you were calm, or as calm as you could get, she re-explained it. ‘Y/N… they're ghosts.’ 
You couldn't help but laugh at this.  You shook your head and smiled at her. ‘Julie, ghosts aren't real’ Alex stepped forward.
‘Well that’s what we thought, but you know,’ he pointed at himself. You just stared at him. NO, ghosts aren't real. They can't be real...or, maybe they are, You thought. You looked back at Julie and she smiled a bit. 
‘Soooo…you believe me now?’ You nodded your head.
‘But.. how?’ Julie told you to sit down and then began to tell you the whole story. As soon as she was done, her dad walked in.
 ‘Jules,I heard you talking to someone-’ he looked at you. ‘Oh! Hey, Y/N. How are you?’ He smiled. 
‘I'm good, and you?’ 
‘Not bad’ he smiled and looked at Julie. ‘Did you do your homework?’ She nodded his head. Ray nodded his head, said goodbye and left. 
‘He couldn't… he couldn't see them?’ Julie shook her head. 
‘We’ve been over this’ She laughed. You smiled and realised it really was true, they were ghosts.
The next day
You and Flynn sat in the band room, blowing trumpets. You could see Julie walking down the hallway towards you both and you waved at her. She walked into the room and looked around.
‘Where is everyone?’ She looked at you and Flynn with raised brows. Flynn shrugged.
‘Spirit assembly.. We were kinda blowing it off, cause we weren't feeling very’ she paused for a moment and thought. ‘Spirity’ Julie sighed and you and Flynn sat up straight.
‘You alright?’ you leaned your head to the side and Julie shook her head.
‘Not really, I had this huge plan to play for MIss. Harrison, hoping that she’d let me back in, but I guess I missed my chance’ She looked at the piano and then back at you and Flynn. You and Flynn smiled and looked at each other and then back at Julie.
‘No, you didn't’ You both said at the same time. You guys got up and swung one arm around Julie's shoulders. You all walked out of the classroom and smiled. You knew this was going to be awesome.
You all walked into the gym only to see ‘Dirty Candy’ performing. Carrie, of course, was the center of attention and you couldn't help but glare at her. All four of you used to be best friends and then the popularity took over Carrie. 
‘Looks like someone spent all her daddy's money on costumes and Katy Perry's choreographer ‘ Flynn crossed her arms and glared at them. 
‘Well it paid off’ You had to agree with Julie. As much as you disliked Carrie, she was a very talented dancer and singer. You watched ‘Dirty Candy’ for almost a minute and then suddenly, you heard a whoosh like noise and looked beside you. You screamed and a few people looked your way, but then looked back at the performance. Flynn looked at you and you nodded, to tell her everything was ok.
‘What’re you guys doing here?!’ Julie whisper yelled. Luke looked at her and smiled.
‘Wanna see you stick it to the man!’ you weren't really paying attention. For some reason you couldn't help but stare at Reggie. He looked at you and waved. You quickly looked away and blushed. You heard Reggie saying something about missing high school and you felt a little jealous.
You all watched Carrie and her ‘friends’ perform. Alex started dancing along and Luke kicked him softly and shook his head.  Carrie started talking about her Youtube video and you rolled your eyes.
‘Now’s your chance’ You said to Julie and she nodded her head. 
You and Flynn sat down on the stairs and waited for Julie to get on stage. You saw her sit at the piano and you smiled and gave her a thumbs up. She played a few notes and started singing. People stopped walking and looked at her. A few seconds later, Reggie, Alex and Luke were on the stage with her, playing their instruments. You clapped and joined the crowd of students. You pushed your way to the front and smiled at Julie and the boys. You could tell Julie felt at home while singing, there was something in her eyes that made you think ‘wow, she’ll be famous one day’ Julie did a super high note and your jaw dropped. You had no idea her vocal range was that far.You looked towards Reggie and he winked at you. You blushed.
As soon as the song was over the boys disappeared off stage and poofed beside the stage. You walked towards them, but people were still wondering what they were. After a few moments of muttering, a girl in ‘Dirty Candy’, whose name you couldn't remember, spoke up.
‘Were those holograms?!’ Julie stared at her and then nodded and gave a nervous but convincing yes. 
You turned towards the boys and started telling them how cool that was. Nobody noticed that you were technically talking to air, because they were still crowded around the stage. You started getting to know them and started falling even more for Reggie, but you couldn't tell anyone.
 ‘You can’t fall in love with a ghost, Y/N’ the guys gave you questioning looks and you realised you said that out loud.
Luke raised his eyebrow and smirked at you. ‘So, Y/N, you've fallen for one of us? It can’t be Alex, cause hes gay… and I don’t think its me, even though I wouldnt blame you if it was I am smoking, which means’ he suppressed a laugh and looked at Reggie and then you ‘It’s Reggie!’ Your smile faded and Reggie started blushing. You blankly stared at Luke and you could tell he was getting uncomfortable.
‘How.. wh- I jus-..’ you looked at behind you and saw people staring at you, probably wondering why you were talking to the air. You took out your phone and pretended to be talking to someone. ‘Can we talk about this later?’ you asked them. Alex and Luke nodded, but Reggie grinned.
‘So you DO like me’ he stated. You looked around the gym for Julie not really paying attention to the guys anymore. You found her talking to Mrs.Harrison and the principal. You wondered what the principal was doing there but knew Julie would tell you later. You looked back at the guys.
‘What were you saying?’ you asked Reggie. He started to speak, before getting interrupted by Julie who hugged the principal and said ‘thank you’ multiple times. You knew whatever it was, it had to be good news. Julie started walking towards you and the guys, until Flynn stopped her. She looked kind of mad, so you told them you’d be in the hall.
You and the guys had this master idea to scare or congratulate, whichever you prefer, Julie. You could hear her coming but you had to go to the washroom. You ran past her and waved. You opened the bathroom door and heard girls gossiping. More precisely, Carrie and a few of her so-called friends. They looked at you as you walked in and you felt a little uncomfortable, but still waved. Carrie glared at you, but you swear you saw a small smile appear on her face.
You walked back to where the guys were and saw Julie heading out the door, towards class. You ran up to her but stopped to talk to the guys for a bit. It was mostly about music and they asked if you played. You said no, which was true. ‘Let's just say, I'm not the most talented human being in the world’ you laughed a bit and so did they. Once the bell rang, you said goodbye and walked towards your class. 
As soon as you walked out the hallway doors, Reggie poofed beside you. ‘So, Y/N, what classes do you have?’ he looked at you with a small smile and put his arms behind his back. 
‘History… It’s a pretty fun subject, but I guess that's because we have a pretty fun teacher’ you smiled and he smiled back. You stood outside the classroom door and you cleared your throat. ‘Well, uh, I gotta go… but i'll talk to you later?’
@gcld-rush​ @spideyspeaches​ @dxestars​ @wukindly​ anyone else im forgetting. i cant remmeeber anymore. Itslate leave me along
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alloutshirt · 5 years
yes im debating if i should wake up at 6 for harry
#its gonna be like what 10 minutes ?#and something i can rewatch later#my dad is here so i wont get up at 2pm#its the last week at the studio before we start rehearsals on stage and my body already thinking about it#or maybe its just from friday we did it with all the costumes and with the little ones#well not so little theyre like 13 but we call them that cause were doing the coolest shit together#basically theyre like mini us do go on stage first they do almost the smae choreo we do then the music stops they go off stage and we go on#dressed alike and we do the full choreo this time that doesnt make sense not that anyone is reading but i have no one to tell so#and theyre 40 and all so incredible we were all watching them like guys we better step it up#and so well coordinated they dance as one its gorgeous#shoutout to you if you read this asjskshsk#i also might have my periods for the show istg if i do ill cry and call homophobia i literally cant even move on the first day im so scared#but apparently stress makes your periods late so i might not even get them this month#i checked with my teacher and i wont have to go back to change costumes between 2 choreos at some point#so im gonna have to put my costume in the stairs to the stage before and change on the side#guess whos changing in front of other dancers and light/sound technicians 🙋#its because i laughed at some changing in the stairs last year huh#anyway i went way off tracks lol#im just so excited#i should sleep but i miss him being goofy and its already 2am#i really talk so much when im tired its crazy#dance tag
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reanimationstation · 4 years
what r ur thoughts on 2004 phantom of the opera even though I don't know what that is
2004 phantom is the movie with . uh. i dont lnow names. it was on youtube for free last night!! legally!!!
:) my thoughts are somewhat incoherent and disorganized its gonna be long
spoilers ahead for POTO and LND
i love meg with all my heart and i would die for her in a heartbeat
shes so cute dhfjdjd i love her
this is the only adaptation so far that's made me enjoy Carlotta's character?
anyways im forming a meg and carlotta fan club
i stan the people in the elephant
im sorry but the black and white bits are HILARIOUS and i didnt pay attention to them at all
i reallt hated how all the men (minus Raoul. and Erik, to an extent) were fucking creepy towards the women
it was gross. why did they decide to put that in. its not funny
on a lighter note, the managers are definitely fucking
the opera is a lot. smaller? than imagined it?
christines dress in Think of Me is MUCH different than the stage version but still extremely pretty
hes so pretty,, only man to play all three people christine loves (her dad, Raoul, and Erik)
(hes erik in the 25th anniversary and i love him)
i am absolutely enamoured with this raoul BUT his hair was iffy and i rated it throughout the movie. you will now be subject to that
Raouls hair at his first introduction: 8/10 i love how the bangs bit swoops down and goes behind his ear, he looks like a schoolgirl
Raouls hair during little lottie: 6/10, why did they brush it back, he looked so cute before. still somewhat messy tho
raouls hair during Notes/Prima Donna: 4/10 WHY did they brush it back so much. he looks like a fucking barbie
raouls hair during masquerade: 5/10 the ponytail is hilarious and doesnt fit him at all
raouls hair post masquerade: 7.5/10 some bits have come loose because hes running around and he looks silly. i love him
raouls hair during all i ask of you: 6/10 i dont remember when this song is chronological so im putting it here (im stupid, i should know, i performed this song). anyways he just ran up several flights of stairs it should be messier
raouls hair during the swordfight: 8/10? idk i was distracted. hh swordfight and pretty men make brain go brrrr
like who LET him out of the house in high waisted pants and a thin ass blouse
but i gotta say, he looked nice as fuck
shit where was i
raouls hair during Don Juan: 7.5/10 it was ok. i was more distracted by his silly little expressions of confusion and disgust. his eyes were WATERING as he watched what was happening on stage. thats betrayal, babe.
raouls hair during final lair: 9/10 it was soaking wet. it lended to the situation.
ok done with that
masquerade couldve been BETTER
how COULD THEY LIMIT THE COSTUMES TO WHITE BLACK AND GOLD (with very muted colors throughout)
funnily enough in the stage production, Raoul is basically the only one who keeps this black and gold color scheme, and ends up looking underdressed.
not any of our leads (including the girys) not wearing masks smh
i will say that despite wearing masks, a lot of the ensemble is attractive
i spotted a person who would literally make a perfect book-accurare raoul
mustache and all dbfbdndnd
where was i
oh, Eriks costume was such a downgradeeee
raoul being a fucking idiot by A) leaving Christine to get a sword, and B) jumping down in tbe pit after Erik
dumbass. i love you
him sleeping outside of christines door was adorable
him. is adorable
on to erik
his face. is that cgi??? it couldnt be practical, right?
anyways i hated it. but not in a "ugh that's disgusting way", more in a "stage versions can and have done this makeup better"
try harder
i barely noticed it when christine ripped off his mask the first time
they really needed to just. try harder with erik overall.
uhhh whats next
oh im gonna talk about the swordfight again
and not even on purpose, thats just how he dresses normally
raouls arm really never got the proper medical care it needed. ill touch on this again in a sec
the way erik chased joseph buqet(?) had the energy of elementary school tag
the final lair
raoul just falling down into the water trap was the funniest shit
like. he takes a step and immediately DROPS
the water trap was fun!! poor design tho. why was the escape mechanism on the inside
erik is bad at tying people up. good thing instead of trying to escape, out local idior is singing
he liTERALLY couldve just leaned forward to let the first rope fall off this shoulders and worked to avoid the noose
idiot. babey.
his arm is bleeding again and honestly i cant believe it never got infected
like damn. thats been a day or two, right? it shouldve closed up by now. all you did was go swimming, the fuck you mean it opened again
that boat is TINY i gotta say
aaaa meg coming back to set up LND
i hate LND but meg in pants is just 💝💘💕🌈
aaand. uh. oh right
i hate LND
but the date on christines gravestone is 1917?
and i thought LND happened in 1907?
which is when she. dies.
back to the actual movie, the fact that they changed when the chandelier fell to be nearer the end of the movie IRKED me
i think thats all i have to say about this movie?
this was all done from memory, so forgive me if things are off, or if i forgot something
overall: im gay and i enjoyed watching pretty people. it has its problems but its not bad
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kyokajiro-imagines · 5 years
The league of Disney Villains part 2:
A/n: this is really long but totally worth reading!
[In the same industrial shed as the last part]
Hawks: *Is standing on pile of crates- The rest of the league are standing around*
Hawks: ALRIGHT! Votes are in for the cast places and scene recreations we’ll be doing from our first movie- Cinderella!
Shigaraki: The *bleep*.
Dabi: I second that notion.
Toga: Can I stab someone in it?!
Hawks: No-
Mr Compress: I’m looking forward to this- We should have fun.
Hawks: That’s the spirit!
Spinner: I refuse to waste my limited life on this- *Twice pokes him*
Twice: If you voted for who I did then this should be fun! > If you didn’t vote for them then this will totally suck.
Shigaraki: If any of you morons voted for me as the princess I’ll disintegrate-
Hawks: STOP! Come on guys, we’re having fun! I’ll announce the rolls.
Dabi: Kill me now.
Hawks: As the fairy godmother- SHIGARAKI. *Is trying to hold in his laughter as everyone howls with laughter- Twice and Spinner high five. Shigaraki looks lost, angry and confused all at once*
Shigaraki: Why is that relevant?!
Toga: It just is-
Hawks: NEXT! As the Prince- Twice!
Twice: GET READY FOR THE MOST CHARMING, MOST CAPTIVATING, MOST DEVISHLY HANDSOME- > This whole thing is a moronic- I won’t act for this!
Spinner: HAHA!
Mr Compress: Oh dear who’s the unlucky main?
Hawks: I don’t know- *Pulls paper out to check- Pauses, tries not to laugh, fails- Spends next 5 minutes on the ground crying from laughter*
Dabi: You right there?
Hawks: Fine- Alright- *Gets up* Ok- Our main star of this recreation as Cinderella is- *Covers mouth, winces and proceeds to stop laughter*
Hawks: Dabi.
*Everyone howls with laughter- Shigaraki joins and slaps the floor, accidentally disintegrating part of it
Shigaraki: Revenge has never been sweeter.
Toga: Oh my gosh! You’re gonna looks so pretty! *Pulls out knife*
Dabi: *Holds up cross- Hisses* Get away from me psycho-
Hawks: *Ignores the chaos beginning*
Hawks: As the step sisters we have Toga and Spinner, Mr compress is stage hand 1
[10 minutes later]
Hawks: Alright- *Looks up* Is everyone ready?
Dabi: NO! I will cremate you, you little- *Is using flames as defence against Toga*
Toga: *Giggling as she dodges* This is fun!!!
Twice: *Cheerleading* Stay alive Dabi!!! > Get im’ Toga!
Shigaraki: This is stupid.
Spinner: 60 bucks if Toga doesn’t stab Dabi in the next 10 minutes?
Shigaraki: Hell yeah- I’m in. I bet he does.
Mr Compress: I place a bet of 70 that Hawks stops them-
Shigaraki: Higher, old man.
Mr Compress: 100 dollars- If I’m right you both pay up?
Shigaraki: Better.
Spinner: Deal!
Hawks: Alright- You guy’s continue your bet and I’ll go get costumes!
Dabi: *Dabi runs past- His arms bleeding and Toga is slipping after him* Holy *Bleep* she stabbed me in the arm!
Shigaraki: Haha! Pay up morons-
Hawks: What measurements are you? I need to know for your costume.
Shigaraki: Guess chickenman-
Hawks: Says the future fairy godmother.
Shigaraki: *Taking coins from Spinner and Compress* At least I’m going to be a rich godmother!
Dabi: What the hell?!
#Take 1- Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo
Hawks: Alright- Everyone In positions! Handyman, you’ll run in when Dabi dramatically throws himself on to the nearest object and sobs about his problems!
Shigaraki: *Is in the fairy godmother costume- Bow and all. His hands are still on his body and face*
Shigaraki: Are you aware that after this I’m going to throw you off a cliff Lion King style?
Hawks: Ha- I can fly~ *Spreads out wings, Dabi whistles and Toga seems to be taking notes*
Shigaraki: Then I’ll throw you into the nearest meat grinder.
Spinner: Woah- Is there a need to do that?!
Twice: *Dressed as the prince but still wearing his mask*
Dabi: Ugh- Why are you talking like that?
Twice: Whatever do you mean my fair Cinderella? > Cinderella? More like lady cremation hehe < I talk as a prince of my standard should- My vocal presentation should be as strong as a dragon and as smooth as honey! Now come, take my hand! > Don’t do that- I don’t even want to do this.
Dabi: What. The. Hell. I refuse.
Mr Compress: Fabulous language my friend- Keep up the act! *Bows- Hawks claps*
Hawks: Alright, Cinderella - or lady cremation- Go get into the dress.
Dabi: No.
Shigaraki: I’m in this damn cloak, get into your dress.
Dabi: I refuse- *Toga runs in*
Toga: YEET! *Throws destroyed hot pink dress at him- Runs up to Hawks, high fives him and runs behind Twice*
Hawks: Fine- Take of your shirt and put that on. *Toga pulls out notebook, writes notes*
Dabi: The heck- No! *Picks it up* This isn’t even a proper shirt! *Throws it at Twice who catches it*
Hawks: Do it or Twice will clone Toga and leave you in a room with 10 of her. Doors locked, no escape.
Dabi: *Looks angrily at dress then Toga several times- sighs*
Dabi: Fine. Give me the *bleep* dress. *Snatches it from Twice- Storms off into other room*
Hawks: Alright- Here’s a pouch full of glitter and a wand~ *Passes both to Shigaraki- The wand is a stick*
Hawks: Wave your wand, do the lines we practiced and glitter bomb Dabi. Then Spinner will fix his outfit to the gown. Everyone ready?
Dabi: *Storms in- Is in shredded pink dress* Why the hell did you spend money on this?!
Toga: He didn’t- I stabbed it for him!
Hawks: Normally I waste my money on sparkly jewellery- This is way better!
Dabi: Wait what-
Shigaraki: Back on track hot topic and chickenman- I don’t want to be here all day.
Hawks: Right! IN POSITIONS!
(Five minutes later- A rock had been put on top of fake lawn and a forest backdrop had been hung on the wall. A spinner clone was hanging from the roof by string and holding a flashlight which was being used as a spotlight- All the lights were turned on. Dabi was standing near the rock and to the side out of the set was Shigaraki and a Spinner holding a large gown and clear flip flops- The conversation for those?
Hawks: Sorry, I could only find these- Can you make special and unique footwear for Dabi out of these?
Shigaraki: What do you want me to do? Throw glitter on them?
Hawks: Sounds good- Do Whatever you want.
Hawks and the rest of the league were sitting on crates)
Hawks: And action~
Dabi: *Deadpan* Oh dear my dress, my life is ruined just like it, I’ll never get my *bleep* happy ending, life isn’t fair- *Puts hand on head and throws self on rock* Sob sob sad noises whatever- My life is terrible-
*Glitter explosion, Shigaraki walks in*
Shigaraki: Stop Crying and get over it- I can get you to the ball.
Dabi: My is that- Who are you oh ugly mystical lady.
Shigaraki: Your damn fairy godmother- *Swishes wand- His face is blank and he looks dead inside* Now get up. Blah blah blah- pumpkins, horses and yadda yadda~
Hawks: *Gestures to Toga who starts playing music- gestures to Shigaraki who Inhales, growling*
Shigaraki: Stupid chicken- *inhales again* Salagadoola mechicka boola- Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo- (Proceeds to walk around Dabi and swish his wand, performing the song Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo- finishes*
Dabi: *Trying not to laugh as Shigaraki flips him off, hitting in the head with a wand*
Shigaraki: Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. *Throws glitter on Dabi and waved his hand* Magic happiness and cringe- Be back before midnight blah blah blah or else.
Dabi: Hey- *Is somehow in Cinderella ball gown with flip flops on- Two of Shigaraki’s hands are on each shoe- they’re his wrist ones. Looks like there were no glass slippers available*
Dabi: THE *bleep*?!
Shigaraki: Manners you ungrateful brat- *Hits Dabi with wand again- the rest of the league are trying not to laugh* What do you think?
Dabi: You’re suppose to be hitting less and rhyming more- *Is hit with wand again*
Shigaraki: Shut up, I do what I want. Now go- Be free. Preferably hit as many pedestrians on you’re way there- *Shoves a confused and outraged Dabi off set*
Shigaraki: *Walks to the centre of the stage- bows and throws glitter. Runs off*
Everyone: Silence.
Hawks: Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I actually got to witness that- *Bursts out laughing along with everyone else. Dabi and Shigaraki start growling at each other- It isn’t that intimidating due to their fabulous outfits*
Mr Compress: Now, now, time for the next scene!
#Take 2- Its midnight!
Hawks: Annnd action! *Crates have been stacked like stairs and a carpet has been stuck over them- a platform is at the top and Dabi is with Twice. Dabi is fidgeting angrily in his dress*
Toga: *Whispers* Stab him- stab him-
Twice: Come on Dabi- Just leap into my arms and dance! > Don’t- I can’t be seen with you like that~
Dabi: I got into the dress, am wearing dead people and am now being forced to re-enact one of the most annoying scenes of all time.
Twice: Like this- *Attempts to Grabs Dabi’s hand- He jumps out of the way and points angrily, picking up dress*
Dabi: *Bleep* NO.
Twice: Here, if you can’t dance I’ll guide you- *Dabi set hands on fire growls and crouches gremlin style*
Twice: Jesus- > We’re going to get killed by the mogwai over here! < I KNOW! I’ll just clone you Dabi and show that clone what we’re doing! Now prepare yourself my fair lady cremation, for I shall show you my love! > KILL ME NOW. *Makes Dabi clone- It’s just a normal Dabi, not a Cinderella Dabi. They look confused*
Clone Dabi: What the hell? Aren’t we suppose to be at the-
Twice: Shhh my precious Dabi- *Puts a finger over his lip, gestures to the stairs* We’re Disney now! > Run. *True Dabi watches near the edge of the balcony, observing*
Clone Dabi: What’s happening? And don’t touch me-
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ab-artist · 6 years
Trick or Treat
My Sanders Stories tag: @allycat31415 @ninjago2020 @ajdraws0430 @singingjo @detroit-become-pan
@katatles-the-fish  @sanders-trash-4ever @izzyfandoms
By AB Stories
WARNING: tiny sides, mention of poisoned candies and predators, nervousness, screaming/yelling, moxiety and roceit if you squint, POOR WRITING       
You Have Been Warned.
"Hey! Everyone come down here for a minute!"
Virgil paused in his reading. The voice sounded like Roman's, virgil debated for a second whether to continue reading his R.L. Stine book or actually go down.
"Kiddos! Roman has a surprise for us!"
Welp, guess he's gonna read another time. Can't say no to patton.
When virgil made it to the common room, he saw patton enthusiastically talking to logan, who looked a little out of his league trying to calmly talk back. Virgil could only guess that patton was trying to get logan on board with what he wants by bombarding logan with his excitement. This is why you dont say no to patton, you're gonna end up saying yes anyways. (Unless youre truly uncomfortable or can't, whatever patton is doing always end up being enjoyable)
"Virgil!". At the sound of his name, he is pulled out his thoughts and sees roman.
"So glad that you're here, i had an amazing idea! And i do hope you'll participate!" roman exclaims excitedly
"Well, whats the idea?" virgil asks
Roman bounces in place, obviously excited to share his wonderful idea. "We're gonna go trick or treating in the imagination!" he squeals "as children too!"
....we're gonna what now?
Virgil simply stares at the creative side as he processes what he just heard.
Well, he thinks, its not a bad idea. That is usually what one does on Halloween, if you're a kid. But roman said they would be going as children so...its fine right? But the imagination could be dangerous, monsters could appear, the dragon witch could appear, and poisoned candy, and predators, and- no. This is romans imagination, he can make it whatever he wants. He could make it safe. Yeah..its sounds fun too.
Virgil blinks as he comes to a decision, only to notice everyone staring at him. "What?"
"Kiddo, you've been standing there frozen-"
"With the most enraged expression that could bring even the dragon witch to her knees" roman interrupts
"-for that past five minutes" patton continues, ignoring the interruption
"Oh.." virgil rubs the back of his neck, a little embarrassed he did that
"What were you thinking about, kiddo?"
"Roman's idea"
Roman fidgets, smiling shyly "..do you like it?"
Virgil had forgotten how nervous roman gets about people liking his ideas, he grins "yeah, it sounds like fun"
Roman beams, excitedly jumping again. "Oh this is wonderful! Its gonna be so much fun! Youre coming too right logan?". Logan side glances at patton nervously, "indeed." "GREAT! We'll meet back down here at 9 pm, be ready in y'alls costumes!" roman yells as races up the stairs heading to his room.
At 9pm on the dot, virgil appears in the common room in costume. First one here huh?
As soon as he thought that, he hears someone descending the stairs.
Patton was walking with the grace of an angel. His cat bug dress flowing around above his knees and his wings bouncing with each step he took. He looked utterly adorable. He and virgil made eye contact and virgil was about to compliment him when-
Patton fled to the kitchen to hide, nearly tripping on himself. "Wait- pat- its me virgil!" he calls out. Green eyes peer around the corner.
"My dark strange Vee?"
"You look very, very scary....good job."
"I could change...if you want"
Patton lunges forward "NO! uh- i mean- you look good, its halloween, you're supposed to be sca-scary..or cute" patton stutters
Virgil blinks. "Oh well, thanks...you look cute..btw.."
A blush spreads across pat's cheeks. "..thank you"
"UGH! get a room you two! Gag!"
They both turn to the sound of the voice and see roman at the bottom of the stairs in all his costume glory. His Kusco costume a vibrant red, accentuating the curves of his body. His make-up lighting up his face.
"By the way," he purrs, " i looove both of y'alls costumes". He looks down at virgil pants, purple with red lines around the rips, curiosity taking over his features "what kind of spider are you stormcloud?"
"A peacock spider"
Virgil  proceeds to throws his hands up in a U form and simply stares at them.
Roman leans over, stage whispering to patton, "why is he doing that, its weirding me out"
A voice cuts in from behind. "That is the Maratus volans, or peacock spider, mating dance. Although you are doing it wrong virgil, the spiders vibrate to catch the attention of a mate and then they raise the legs for display and move side to side". Logan steps down from where he was standing on the stairs.
Virgil quickly drops his arm. "ITS A MATING DANCE!!" he screeches, voice rising on 'mating'.
Logan tilts his head "you didnt know?"
"Look virgil i love you and all but im not interested", mischief fills his eyes,  he leans closer "but i doubt patton minds" he whispers
Virgil flushes, "sh-shut up, you idiot!". Virgil grabs a couch pillow and flings it roman. Roman squawks.
Patton turns to logan, leaving the other two to banter.
"Who are you, lo?"
"The Doctor"
"Doctor who??"
"...no i meant- oh..", realization dawns on patton, he smiles, "you look great lo!"
Logan nods "Thank you, you look very good as well"
"Thank you!" pat chirps
"Virgil look your boyfriend is cheating on you-" WHACK.
"we arent dating!!" virgil yelps, furiously blushing
The other side also is as red as a tomato, staring at the other two with wide eyes.
Surely roman wasnt implying virgil liked him, that not true right? Virgil couldnt possibly like him back. Wait does that mean virgil knows about how he feels? Oh god no, he's gonna be rejected and they're gonna stop being friends and-
Everybody screams.
Deceit cackles while the other try to get their hearts to stop pounding at their chests. "If you guys aren't done, i wouldn't like to get going" deceit say after he stops laughing
Roman perks up, "OHMYGOSH! Are you Bill Cipher!!"
"No" he  proudly, posing a little bit
Roman squeals "I love you costume, you look so good!"
Deceit's cheek go little pink. "Lets not get going" he says, pointedly avoiding looking at roman.
When they get to roman's door, roman preceeds to knock on it.
Tap taptaptap tap!
It glows for a few seconds then opens.
One the other side is a neighborhood, houses decked out in decorations, kids and families dressed in costumes. The smell of candy and the sound of laughter filling the air. It looked absolutely amazing, the people looked happy, the decorations looked scary and almost real and some were just cute looking.
"After you" roman says
Patton steps through first, his size immediately shrinking and shrinking until he looked like a child.
Patton looks at his tiny body, "oh woah!" he squeals in his now squeaky voice, he turns back to everyone, "come on guys!"
And one by one the other stepped through the doorway and turned into a child. Once everyone was through the door closed and disappeared.
"Yo-you can make it come back...wight?" virgil asks, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he glances where the door once was.
"Of couwse" roman assures
"TIME TO TWICK OR TWEAT!" patton squeals
And off they went, starting with the house closest to them. Roman had made this world so that all houses has all the good candies and no spiders, theres nothing to wowwy about pat-pat!
They're knocking on the door, to the house they're at at the moment, excited for more candy, when the door opens.
"Dwagon witch!!" roman yells
Virgil puts an arm around pat and hold him closer. All of them looking ready to bolt(except roman who looks ready to fight)
The dragon witch just laughs, amusement in her eyes. "Worry not little prince", roman pouts at that, "im not here to ruin your night. I too, enjoy this night and simply wished to participate". She turned around to grab something, the small prince tensed, and turned back with a small cauldron. Full of candy.
All the sides yelled 'CANDY' when they saw.
"Of course you must say the magic words to receive some" the dragon witch said
After everyone got their candy, they thanked the dragon witch and started to leave. Except roman. Roman went up to the dragon witch and tugged on her dress.
"Yes, young prince?"
Roman didnt say anything. He just away and, to her surprised, hugged her.
"Thank you" he whispered quietly before running off back to his friends.
The dragon witch closed her door with a small smile on her face.
It was nearing the end of the night and everyone had long since grown tired. Pat was dragging his feet, virgil was cranky, deceit was pretending he wasn't tired, logan looked dead on his feet, and roman was shifting from foot to foot because his feet hurt.
"Who wants to go home?" the little prince tiredly asked
A chorus of 'me' rang about.
"O-...okay" roman yawned
He snapped his fingers and the door appeared.
It took much effort to walk to and through the door. Everyone turned back to their right age immediately after they passed through the door and then trudged to their rooms. Mumbles of 'goodnight' filled the air.
In the morning everyone will join up in the common room and sort through their candy, eating some along the way. But for now they'll go to sleep after an awesome night of trick-or-treating.
AN: idk where the moxiety and roceit came from, it just happened 💜💛 💚💖
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“Ladies and Gentlemen The King Has Left The Building!”
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Your feedback means everything to me honestly! so please don't hesitate to leave a wee note!
Pairing: Liam x Riley, Hana x Maxwell
Summary: … Liam and Riley are a little too ready to celebrate at the Halloween ball and Maxwell's costume has the guests talking.
Word Count: 2,268
Tagged : @starstruckzonkoperatorbat  @drakelover78  @queencatherynerhys @devineinterventions2 @jayjay879  @kawairinrin  @hopefulmoonobject @flyawayblue56  @gardeningourmet  @blackcatkita  @syltti78  @diamond-dreamland  @theroyalweisme  @hhiggs  @mfackenthal  @bruteforcebears @pens-girl-87 @barbaravalentino @umccall71 @darley1101 @crookedslimecreatorpasta @jamjar84 @starstruckpixelberryhistoryvoid @speedyoperarascalparty @katurrade @scarlettedragon @zeniamiii 
I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
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 Riley and Liam stood at the main doors, waiting to be called into the room. Tonight, was the annual Halloween ball, their first one as a married couple, the two had decided to dress as Professional assassins, the two dressed in all black. They had holsters, weapons, blood all over their faces. The king and queen had just made a deal with Italy that they had been trying to get for months, they were most definitely in the mood to celebrate! After they were called into the room, Riley and Liam descended the stairs, hand in hand.
The two made their way to the stage where they ascended the podium.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of the court” Liam started as everyone stopped talking with their eyes on the royal couple.
“Her Majesty Queen Riley and would just like to say thank you for coming tonight, you all look magnificent! Tonight, we are here to celebrate, enjoy yourselves. Again thank you for coming”
Liam and Riley climbed down from the stage and headed over to their table where Drake, and their friends where sitting they grabbed some champagne from a passing tray then greeted their friends.
“good evening your majesties” Hana greeted them with a gentle nod of her head as she stood from her seat.
“Lady Hana, its great to see you” Liam smiled “where is your fiancé? I can’t wait to see his costume, he’s been telling me about it for weeks” he chuckled
“he is over by the buffet table and I promise you…you do not…I repeat do not want to see his costume.” A light blush hit Hana’s cheeks.
“is it THAT bad?” Riley asked
“oh yes…it is THAT bad…and its his fault!” Hana pointed at Drake
“what did you do!?” Riley smirked
“I may have told him, if he wore a costume that I picked out for him, I would take him camping with me next weekend! I did not think he would do it! I’m annoyed that he did…now I gotta take him camping…I purposefully picked the worst costume ever so that he wouldn’t do it!!”
“all he said to me was he was going to be parking the beef bus in tuna town” Liam replied confused, riley nearly choked as she took a sip of her drink.
“he wouldn’t tell me what it meant though…” he added, Riley leaned close to his ear then whispered the meaning of the phrase as the words left her mouth, Liam's eyes nearly popped out of his head.
“wait…but how can he-”
“oh, my goodness here he comes” Hana sat down and covered her face.
Both Riley and Liam looked at each other confused then turned to look in the direction of the buffet table.  You couldn’t miss him…as soon as they seen him the two burst out laughing, Riley had to try and stop herself from laughing so much due to the tears daring to fall down her face and ruin her make up.
“no, he didn’t!?” she laughed “I don’t…I’m not…I don’t even know what to say” she guffawed as he approached them.
“SOOO…what’d’ya think?” he smiled that goofy grin he always had on his face.
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“Maxwell…I apologise…but I have to walk away…because…I’m unsure of…hmmm…I’m not sure if I could talk to you right now with a straight face” Liam walked away laughing as he shook his head, taking one last look behind him, he threw his head back laughing.
“it’s great isn’t it?” Maxwell laughed
“Max” Riley smirked “it’s funny I’ll give you that…but I should give you a warning…maybe avoid Hana for the rest of the night.” She chuckled
“yes, please do” Hana giggled
“hey Maxwell…has Bertrand seen your costume yet?”
“no, he was out with Bartie”
“well…he’s about to see it…” she laughed as she walked over to where Liam was standing.
“you don’t want to miss this” she took his hand and guiding him back to the group. Maxwell turned and looked at Bertrand, Riley was ninety nine percent sure…Bertrand almost had a heart attack…his face dropped.
“Maxwell!!!” Bertrand seethed “what have you done? look at you! This! This is why I tell you to let me approve of your outfits…look at this” Bertrand not thinking reached forward and grabbed the stuffed woman by her ass, within a split second he realised where his hand was, he cursed under his breath as he quickly pulled his hand away.
“Maxwell…are you gonna take that?” Drake laughed
“take what?”
“your brother grabbing your girlfriend’s ass right in front of you” everyone burst out laughing…well everyone except Bertrand of course.
“Bertrand…he’s just having a little fun, it’s okay” Riley chuckled
“do you understand what his costume is doing to my houses reputation”
“listen, if either of us thought it was going to ruin the houses reputation, we would tell him to go and change, everyone’s dressed up, having fun, has a grown man Bertrand, just breathe its fine”
“everyone is laughing at us”
“no…everyone is laughing at his costume, if Maxwell had a problem with people laughing at his costume then he would say, or he would change”
Bertrand grumbled and groaned saying things under his breath as he stormed off.
“Maxwell, I think Olivia would um…like to dance…” Drake chuckled
“really Olivia? you want to dance with me?! C’mon!!!” Maxwell rejoiced as he took Olivia’s hand and gently pulled her to the dancefloor. Everyone chuckled as they watched Olivia’s face over Maxwell’s shoulder.
“hey Olivia!?” Drake called “I didn’t know you could ballroom dance in three’s” everyone chuckled as she growled back at him.
Just a few minutes later, Liam slid his hand into Riley’s as he turned to look at her “come for a walk?” he smiled
“I would love to” she whispered as Liam guided her out into the garden, grabbing an unopened bottle of champagne with two glasses on the way out. The couple made their way to Liam's mothers flower garden, both taking a seat on the edge of the fountain in the middle of the garden, Liam popped the cork for the champagne then filled the two glasses before sitting the bottle between them. Liam watched Riley as she looked up at the sky, watching the stars, a smile fell on his face as he watched the woman of his dreams in front of him, nothing keeping them apart…no one getting in the way…just the two of them.
“why do you have to look at me like that?” she smirked as she turned to face him.
“because I have never seen someone so beautiful, I never thought that I would get the chance to call someone as beautiful as you…my wife”
“Liam” she blushed as she reached for his hand “you gotta stop doing that” she whispered with a smirk on her face
“Doing what?” he asked a little confused
“saying things that make me want to kiss you” she looked up, into his eyes. Liam gently ran a finger along his lip as he let out a light chuckle “come here then” he whispered as he moved the bottle of champagne and the two glasses to sit on the floor by his feet. Keeping her hand in his, Riley moved as close to him as she could. Liam gently lifted Riley's legs to lay over his own, He lifted his hands, placing them on her cheek as the two leaned in, their lips pressing together, slightly parted. One of Riley's hands sat on the back of Liam's neck whilst the other gently ran through his hair. After a few seconds they pulled back slightly, Liam leaning his forehead against Riley's. “I love you” He whispered as he ran his thumb over her skin.  “I love you so much” Riley smiled. Riley repositioned herself to cuddle into Liam's chest with her legs still over his, he wrapped his closest arm around her. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Liam whispered “penny for your thoughts?”
“for the last couple of months…I…I’ve been thinking about us…about our future.” She whispered as she intertwined her fingers with his. “ive been thinking about…our lives…but one thing that keeps coming to my mind…is children and not just because the damn tabloids won’t stop asking about them” she whispered with a slight blush to her cheeks
“children?” Liam smiled, admittedly he had also been thinking about having children, he had been thinking about it a lot. “I have too” he whispered in her ear.
“I…Liam I’m ready to start trying…really start trying…I mean if you are too that is”
“I think that’s a great idea, I would like that very much” he smiled as he squeezed her hand.
“really?” riley sat up and faced Liam with a grin on her face. “you really want to try for a baby?”
“yes Riley, I really do” he chuckled as he gently wiped the small tear that had fallen down her cheek.
“oh goodness, that’s…Liam that’s great” she giggled as a few tears fell. “that’s so great” she whispered as she gently picked his lips with a giggle “I love you so much”
“I love you too ri, I love you too” Liam replied with a grin on his face.
The two were interrupted by a couple of drunk nobles stumbling around the gardens.
“maybe we should make our way back…we’ve been out here a little while” Liam sighed
“of course, shall we take the long way back?” Riley smiled as she lifted her empty champagne glass from beside Liam's foot then stood from her seat.
“definitely” Liam smirked as he lifted the bottle and his glass then joined Riley. The two walked around the palace gardens, chatting as they went. By the time they got back to the ballroom they had finished the bottle of champagne and were both most definitely feeling the buzz. Liam handed the bottle to one of the waitresses as they walked into the room.
“dance with me!” Liam chuckled as he gently pulled Riley to the dancefloor where they twirled and turned, laughing and joking as they went.
by the time the end of the ball came, Riley and Liam were more than a little tipsy, let’s just say it was a good thing most of the nobles had already gone home. Riley was two types of drunk she was either a giggly drunk or a human dustbin, where she just laughed at everything, if she wasn’t laughing…she was eating, she was a happy drunk. Liam was a loudmouth drunk, you couldn’t not know where he was, he was a that silly kind of funny drunk. As the party started really winding down, Riley went looking for her husband. She approached the table that their friends had been occupying for the night.
“h-have any of you s-seen Liam” she smirked with a giggle. Every single one of them pointed over to the corner of the ballroom, where Liam was stood bopping a waiter’s nose…BOOPING A WAITORS NOSE! He was prodding this guy nose then just bursting out laughing. The man looked petrified!
“oh…I…I should go and get him” she giggled
Riley walked over, calling out to him when she got close enough.
“l-Liam what are you doing?” she laughed
“Riley!” he shouted back not realising she was basically right next to him.
“Li-Am w-what are you doing?”
“WATCH THIS! WATCH WHAT HE DOES” He called as he reached his finger out, the waiter stood watching the kings hand, watching his finger as it pressed his nose, the closer his finger came to the boy’s face, the more cross-eyed he went. Once Liam touched his nose he burst out laughing again, causing the remaining guests to look over. As Riley watched she stood trying not to laugh but failing badly.
“c-come on…it’s time for b-bed!” she whispered in a giggle
“RILEY ARE YOU TRYING TO GET INTO MY PANTS?” he yelled causing Riley's face to turn a dark shade of red. Liam laughed as he turned from the waiter to face Riley. As soon as the king turned to face her, the waiter bolted back to the kitchens. Liam smirked as turned his back to Riley and bent down, he lifted Riley onto his back causing her to squeal.
“Liam! what are you doing?” she laughed as he stood up tall
“TAKING YOU TO BED MRS RHYS” he smirked as he made his way to the main doors. Riley buried her face into his shoulder from being a little embarrassed. Liam made his way down the hall laughing away to himself. 
“Liam I can walk” Riley smirked
“Liam!” she laughed “people can h-hear you!”
“GOOD! THEY’RE GONNA HEAR US TONIGHT TOO! BEDPOSTS ARE GONNA BE BANGING!! IM GONNA BE PARKING THE BEEFBUS IN TUNA TOWN!” he laughed as he reached for the handle of the royal quarters. He walked into the room smiling then turned, before shutting the door, he leaned his head out into the hallway and shouted, “LADIES AND GENTLMEN THE KING HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!” he stood up then slammed the door shut, making his way over to the bed, he faced the wall then dropped Riley onto the bed behind him with a thud!
“ooff!” she gasped as she hit the mattress.
“LET’S PLAY HIDE THE SAUSAGE!!!” he laughed as he practically pounced on top of her causing her to laugh.
“god I love you” she smirked as she kissed him.
“hmm I love you so much Mrs Rhys!!” He groaned as he placed kisses on her shoulder. Riley closed her eyes leaning her head back in pleasure. After a minutes or so the kisses stopped...and loud snoring filled the room.
“Liam?...” she questioned as she opened her eyes to see him laying on top of her sleeping...mouth open like a fish...snoring.
“Lovely...just lovely“ she smirked
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ladysophiebeckett · 6 years
why did you call osha on a theatre once? (if u dont mind telling the story)
okay so i dont do theater anymore (tho nostalgia says i miss it). this, ‘company’ was looking for a stage manager last minute and an instructor (who is also a chair of this ‘company’ recommended me and got me in touch the director, we’ll call her ‘wendy’. 
wendy said she had an sm ready to go but bc of personal reasons the sm had to drop the job. this particular show was supposed to open in 3 weeks. so i would be coming mid rehearsals. i was told i would be getting paid $300, under the table. rehearsals were 3 days a week and then tech week(end) and i was told that the show was one weekend only. 3 days. fri, sat, sun. 
i really wanted to do theater again and this was considered community theater but the ‘company’ was also like an afterschool  theater educational thing. they offered voice lessons and whatnot. the cast consisted of a lot of either senior’s in high school or first year college students. and community theater actors that were basically doing gigs and this was particular show as a gig to them. (fancy way of saying a couple of these actor were Older). 
my version of community theater was basically educational theater where i was taught, what i believe is, the right way of doing things. i worked with organized people. 
when i got to this theater—if you work in community theater, anything can be theater so long as u got some chairs and like, a z-rack and one maybe one flat–this was place i get to is a death trap. it’s an old warehouse by the train tracks and the place next door teaches boxing so you’d hear a lot of bags being hit. the bathroom was up a flight of stairs to an unfinished second floor. when i say unfinished i mean like–it’s just wood and then debris. the bathroom faces the freeway and it was a toilet (clean tho) and sink was barely a sink. the floor–completely unfinished\gutted. it looked like when you’re renovating an old house and you have to gut it to its bare bones. 
there’s cables everywhere. a hazard. anybody could have tripped at any time. no dressing rooms. one little office for the girls to share. the guys changed anywhere. backstage was also where the props where. so anywhere and everywhere. no designated sitting area. before u hit the flight of stairs to the bathroom, its another unfinished section—fabric everywhere, z-racks with costumes with no actual logical order. everything is a fire hazard. no bathroom for handicapped ppl, unless they could climb that flight of stairs. 
did i mention the only way to get to the bathroom was by going through the ‘backstage’?? so youd have audience members using the restroom during the show or at intermission there’d be a line by the stairs as actors are also at intermission or changing or getting ready for their scene. 
and this is just the one theater–i was not told that if the show did well they were gonna transfer it for one night only to another city at an actual real  theater and that i was going to have to help load the show. i was not told this was going to be some mature bus and truck show. so i had to help load the platforms on to a uhaul on some saturday morning. and my sister drive me the 20 min to another time even tho to get the town A was already 40 min. and unload again once we got to the actual not hazardous theater. 
i was not told i would have to do any of this. i was told 3 weeks and one weekend of shows. and im not even getting into how disorganized the actual rehearsal process was and how wendy is would give me an order and not like how i did it, so i was constantly being undermined despite the fact that i had good stage managing experience and had never had a problem with directors when working under educational theater.
but i did as i was told bc i had already committed to this gig and i couldnt make my prior instructor who recommended me for this, look bad. BUT bc i didnt know about all loading and unloading, ect. once the show was over at this actual theater, we had to load again. which i did. but i did go back with the ‘crew’ to unload bc my sister was my ride and she had other things to do, so i helped load up and then excused myself bc of personal reasons. 
wendy didn’t like that but also didn’t stop me from leaving. wendy went on fb (there was a fb group. thats another story) and took pics of the unloading and said something like ‘thanks to those who stayed’ insinuating that i should have stayed. 
later that week i wrote to wendy and said ‘hey when am i gonna get paid?’ and then she said she would not be paying the promised amount bc i was not ‘seasoned’ enough–that i did not participate in the last unloading, that i was a beginner and that other ppl–my asm who was an idiot and had no prior theater experience and most unhelpful–had to do things to and that the money should be split. she was offering to pay me 215 or whatever. Bc i put myself in this very uncomfortable position of working with someone that was also friends with my instructor, i felt defenseless. My sister tired to write in for me and calculated a different number to negotiate, she sent that in for me and Wendy didn’t like that ect. Listed other ways that I sucked and I didn’t respond, bc of said uncomfortable situation. she messaged days later asking if i received a check,  i did not. she never ever sent me anything. 
bc i was upset and feeling defenseless about the situation and letting down said instructor and wendy probably most likely talking shit to my ex instructor about me, my sister and i called OSHA about the train track warehouse and all its safety violations. I then had my sister personally message the company that held the rights to the musical bc i firmly believe that Wendy did not buy the rights do that particular show based on she promoted it and bc i looked online and wendy’s ‘company’ was not listed under the companies that were producing this show at that particular time. 
edit: i dont know if they faced any consequences. unfortunately.  
yes, this experience is what ended my relationship with community theater and why i stopped looking for gigs. 
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curly-q-reviews · 6 years
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The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, 2018 (dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen)
Nominated for: Best Original Song, Best Costume Design, Best Adapted Screenplay
wowee what a cool film!!  i went into this not knowing much about it except it was directed by the Coen brothers (directors of Fargo and The Big Lebowski) which set real high expectations for me.  these guys are real masters of storytelling and what immediately come to mind when i think of movies that know how to effectively use dark humor.  i also love the kinds of stories they tell in general, how they take subjects and settings that seem kinda mundane and just give them this little extra spark. 
so is this newest film just as good as their other work???  well id say yeah for sure!!!  it reminds me a lot of a film they did shortly after The Big Lebowski called O Brother, Where Art Thou?, because theyre both period pieces AND because they both feature a myriad of eclectic and interesting characters.  the one thing that makes The Ballad of Buster Scruggs really stand out from their other films however is the fact that this is actually an anthology made up of six different stories, all set during the same time period in The Wild West.  its also worth mentioning that this movie was made to premiere on Netflix, which is something ive started to see more and more as the streaming platform becomes the new go-to source of media content.  its very exciting to see such prolific directors go the Netflix route and have great success with it, because it means that the platform really is capable of creating high-quality movies and TV shows and working with big-name talent.  im sure the big hollywood production companies are all quaking in their lil booties cause this means big BIG changes are on the horizon
ok so ive reviewed anthology series before, notably Black Mirror, and with those reviews i ranked the short stories in order of least to most favorite.  so i guess in this case ill do the same, although its hard to really rank these cause i truly enjoyed all of them in different ways.  there was one however that didnt really tickle my fancy much, which was “Near Algodones”.  this one stars james franco as a bank robber who seems to have met his match in a fiery (probably crazy) bank teller.  he gets caught and hung from a tree by the town’s sheriff, but nearly manages to escape death when a Native American tribe swoops in and kills the sheriff and his crew.  james franco is saved by a cattle driver, only to be caught again by the next town’s sheriff for allegedly trying to hawk the cattle (which was not the case at all).  right before they kick the chair out from under him at the hanging, he sees a beautiful woman in blue, who at first smiles at him but then looks unnerved as he stares back at her. 
i think with this one the ending really didnt do much for me, i kinda didnt get it.  i did understand the whole irony behind surviving punishment for a crime he DID commit but getting hanged for a crime he never committed, and the bank teller was pretty hilarious, but everything else about the segment was just ok.  james franco didnt really blow me away (he never really does but thats besides the point), the rest of the performances were fine, and the story just kinda zipped on through.  maybe ill give this one another watch to see if the ending makes any more sense to me, or if theres any sense to be made from it at all
next up for me would be “The Gal Who Got Rattled”, and this segment i have mixed feelings over.  its about this brother and sister who set out on the Oregon trail so that the brother can get his sister to marry his business partner in Oregon.  the sister seems like a kind of wishy-washy, subdued character who just kinda goes along with whatever her brother says without giving much of her own opinion.  i gotta give credit to zoe kazan (who starred in The Big Sick) cause she does a great job with this character, totally spot-on performance.  ok so turns out the brother is a fucken HORRIBLE businessman who screws up all his business deals all the time, and he tragically dies like two days into being on the oregon trail.  he has this annoying-ass dog that barks all the time and everyone else on the caravan is sick of it, so when the brother dies the sister just lets one of the trail leaders put it down.  turns out the sister like did not like her brother at all but was always too afraid to say anything.  now getting back to the bad businessman thing, apparently he had promised the helper boy that is helping move their covered wagon a large sum of money, half of it halfway through the journey and the rest when they get to oregon.  problem is, the sister doesnt have the money, so it was either left in the brothers pocket when he was buried or there wasnt actually any money at all and he lied, y’know, like a bad businessman does.  the trail leader who put the annoying dog down offers to help her, and the two start to get close.  so now its like a pseudo love story thing.  except it ends pretty tragically (the sister dies its a long story and pretty ironic just watch it if u wanna know)
so uuuhhhhh this one was long as shit, like a lot longer than the other segments when it didnt really need to be???  like it just kept  going and going, and again the ending didnt really make up for how long it was.  i really liked zoe kazan in this, but otherwise nothing to write home about. 
number four on my list would have to go to “All Gold Canyon”, which basically just follows the story of a gold miner in the mountains trying to get that money honey.  this segment is the simplest one out of the bunch, but i gotta say its absolutely gorgeous.  what beautiful scenery and cinematography.  it provides a nice contrast to our disheveled, run-down gold miner who is just tearing up the beautiful grassy fields trying to get to this gold.  there seems to be a theme in this one of man’s relationship to nature, and how the gold miner does put in effort to respect it but still takes advantage of it for his own benefit.  and i guess theres a broader theme of greed, or the ruthless and endless pursuit of wealth which can drive people to do crazy and desperate things.  i definitely really enjoyed this one, especially the gold miner character played by tom waits.  but otherwise it didnt stand out as much to me as the other segments im gonna talk about
SPEAKING OF WHICH heres number three!!  “The Mortal Remains” is right up my alley, and has some more mythical elements to it than the other segments ive talked about so far.  so we have a wagon full of passengers all going to this hotel for various reasons, and its a really diverse cast of characters: we have the older wife of a prolific religious lecturer, a rich Frenchman, a trapper, a foppish Englishman, and a cheery laid-back Irishman, the last two seeming to be companions of some sort.  they all get on the topic of the true nature of mankind, and the three characters opposite of the strange pair all have something different to say.  the trapper believes that all people are inherently the same, with the same basic needs.  the older woman disagrees and insists that there are two kinds of people, upright and sinning.  and then the Frenchman says that both of them are wrong, that human existence is much more complicated and nuanced than that; no one persons life is exactly the same as another’s.  and then we have the Englishman and the Irishman, who turn out to be bounty hunters of some sort (is heavily alluded that they are grim reaper-type figures).  they explain their method of completing their kills, and talk about how they enjoy watching their victims “try to make sense of it all” in their death throes.  these two clearly have a much more cold and sinister idea of the nature of mankind, and the rest become very unsettled all the way to the hotel.  no one else even dares to step out of the carriage while the bounty hunters drag their latest victim through the front entrance and up the stairs.
oh man this segment was great!  i think the reason its third on my list is cause i really wish there was more to it, like if the Coen brothers spent more time on this one instead of “The Gal Who Got Rattled” it would be perfect.  Jonjo O’Neill and Brendan Gleeson as the bounty hunters were so enthralling, and i loved watching them play off of each other.  hell, i couldve had a whole movie featuring those two.  and the screenwriting really shines in this segment too.  this segment almost feels like a fable or something, which is really fitting for the time period.  makes me wonder if they had based it off of an actual fable.  but anyway yeah this ones awesome!
i had a hard time choosing between “The Mortal Remains” and this next segment for second place cause i liked them both equally, but in the end “Meal Ticket” gets #2 purely because of the utterly fantastic performance by Harry Melling, who plays a quadriplegic actor in a traveling show run by liam neesons character, an irish traveling entertainer.   the story itself is really simple, we just see this disabled actor be carted from one town to the next, doing the same stage show which is basically just him reciting famous prose throughout the ages.  meanwhile liam neeson is trying to get as much money as he can out of the audience members.  he doesnt interact much with harry melling outside of feeding him and helping him piss and get dressed.  u get the sense that he doesnt really see his disabled actor as an actual person, but more of an entertaining object or a pet.  and this becomes even more apparent when the irishman gets some competition from another traveling entertainer who has a chicken that can do math.  he sees this chicken getting more money than him, so he buys it off of the other guy and takes it with him.  and finally, the poor limbless actor is literally and figuratively tossed aside for the next best thing.
man oh man what a great segment!  harry melling blew me away with his performance, the fact that he was able to get such a nuanced range of emotion out of the few lines he was given (basically he had to recite the same shit over and over again) was so impressive to me.  and his non-verbal communication was really solid too.  liam neeson did really well in his role too.  and again the story itself is really great, simple but effective and really gets the point across without having to beat the audience over the head with its message. OH YEAH ITS REAL GOOD LOVE IT
and finally we have my #1 pick, which i think the directors knew this was the best one out of the bunch too cause its the first segment as well as the title of the whole movie.  “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs” has that signature Coen brothers wit and dark humor that i love, it plays off of typical Western movie tropes and is very tongue-in-cheek and i ate that shit up.  tim blake nelson as the titular buster is just so fucken perfect for this role, he really shines in this and its kind of a shame that its one of the shorter segments cause it really is the best one and he knocks it out of the park.  we got some great music in this segment too, which is where that Best Original Song nom comes in.   this one also has some strong fable-y vibes to it, like this story could be amongst the likes of American folklore like Paul Bunyan and Johnny Appleseed.  i wont get much into the plot of this one but i highly recommend watching it, even if you dont wanna see the rest of the segments. 
the segments fit together pretty well overall, although the tone of each of them differs slightly the fact that the setting and time period are the same is enough to firmly knit all these stories together.  its a really unique idea for a movie, and is so far the best attempt at an anthology movie that ive ever seen purely because the stories really all make sense together and play off of each other well.  in other anthology movies ive seen like The ABC’s of Death the segments usually dont have much at all to do with each other, except that they all fall in the same genre.  so overall id say give this a watch, especially if ur a Coen brothers fan, cause theres some real good stuff in here.
well thats all i got for now cowboys!!  i watched Roma the other day and CRIED REAL HARD so get ready for me to kiss that movies ass in a review that should be done in the next few days.  until then go uuhhhhhh lasso a cow or something.  chew some tobaccy.  fondle a barmaids titties.  die of dysentery.  y’know just old west things~
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warmau · 7 years
Can we get a mermaid Junhui scenario pretty pretty please 😭 the others were so cute and wonderfully written!!!
find others: woozi | dino | hoshi 
a super playful mermaid who left his home waters to see what living like a “human” is like
unfortunately,,,,,getting a job in the human world was hard - but junhui realized he could use some of his talents in odd careers,,,,,,,am i saying he ran away and joined the circus???? basically
with a strikingly handsome appearance, junhui had convinced the ringmaster of a small circus to take him on as an escape artist - specifically,,,,escaping from water
junhui, unlike regular humans, could breathe under water for up to twenty minutes which shocked just about everyone
so putting him underwater in cuffs was really nothing - junhui got out of them in a flash
of course,,,,no one knows it’s because he’s a mermaid - thankfully his gills don’t come out right away and he doesn’t transform unless he’s in past twenty minutes
when he is in his mermaid form, he’s got a very thick shark tail with the tips of his back fin and dorsal fin a contrasting black against the grey-blue skin
his also is longer in his mermaid form, reaching a bit past his shoulders
whenever he returns to the water, the other local mermaids are amazed at what he tells them are “piercings” in his ears - all the mermaids say they look like fish hooks LOL
the only thing that remains sharkish about his human form are his teeth,,,,which just seem sharper than the average persons
his canines are prevalent and you’re sure you’ve seen junhui laugh hard enough that the back row of his teeth has shown - and that they’re,,,,,pointy,,,,,at least you think
but you think a lot of things about junhui - you’re a makeup artist with the circus so you’ve been close to his face a lot
which junhui seems to enjoy,,,,,,,immensely
“don’t know why i need makeup, im handsome without it and it’s gonna come off in the water but i still put it on, you know why?”
he says once as you’re searching through your pile of cosmetics for liquid proof eyeliner
you turn and junhui flashes you a big smile 
you see his teeth and stare
but then it’s gone and he winks, “because i like this alone time with you~”
you roll your eyes, shameless flirting is junhui’s thing,,,you don’t take it to heart
but it is nice,,,,to be complimented by someone with junhui’s looks because as big as his ego might be - he has the face to back it up,,,,,
everyone in the circus knows it
(half of the circus wishes he’d compliment them like he does you)
junhui closes his eyes as you get to work and mutter under your breath that this isn’t really alone time - minghao’s literally right next to you guys waiting to get his makeup done too
one night,,,,,on the final day of the circus’s tour of the philippines ,,,, you hear the crowd gasp and cheer
the closing act is junhui’s escape from a ‘water chamber’ and you’ve seen it a million times before,,,,always wondering what the trick is 
but junhui has never told you - or anybody for that matter
when it’s all over and everyone is taking off costumes and the cans are being packed to get back to the hotel
you sneak off and see that the ‘water chamber’ is still on stage
curious, you walk around it - trying to find a doorway or a duct where junhui can get oxygen
the handcuffs he’s put in are on the floor beside it and you pick them up,,,,,they’re heavy and definitely not fake
“now what are you doing with those? thinking of having some fun of your own?”
you’re startled by the sound of junhui’s voice, blushing when he looks between the cuffs and your face
you put them down and shake your head, “just,,,,trying to figure out how you do it.”
junhui comes closer, till he’s leaning against the chamber and grinning - those teeth,,,,,,,,,peeking through
“how i escape?”
“how you’re underwater for so,,,,long.”
 for the first time since you’ve known him,,,,junhui hesitates 
he stares into the water and then back at you,,,,,,you want to ask what’s wrong but junhui is suddenly pulling his shirt off and your eyes are going wide
“what the hell,,,,if i tell someone one it might as well be you” he says, pacing up the stairs to the top of the water chamber “you gotta wait a bit for the magic to work though.”
you’re still trying to process junhui shirtless when he dives into the water 
you look at him, through the glass and blink till you go “wh-what are you doing?”
you obviously can’t get an answer back, but junhui throws up two fingers on one hand and a zero with the other
“twenty,,,,,,,,,,” you start and then realize “twenty minutes?”
junhui nods and ,,,,,, you wait - you watch him,,,,perfectly still in the water
no one comes by to get the water chamber, it’s always lugged off last because it’s so heavy
so it’s just you and junhui on the empty stage - a glass box that he’s trapped in is the only thing that separates you two
and after what feels like twenty minutes - you see junhui change
at first, it’s the gills that spring from his neck,,,,,big gills,,,,,,like that of a shark
and then, with almost a cloud of what looks like steam within the water, his lower half is hidden and then - 
and then you see his tail,,,,,,,,a graceful mix of blue and silver lining,,,,,the tips of his fins are dark like coal
he opens his eyes, smiling at you and the teeth - all his teeth - are much sharper
that explains it,,,,,,,,,,,,oh my god he’s,,,,,,,,,a mermaid
you gape in wonder as junhui does a twirl within the chamber, not much room for him to move around his new found body
it takes a moment, but you rush up the stairs and junhui calmly swims to the top till his head is poking out
“and that’s how it’s done. no tricks, no nothing. im just,,,”
“part fish???”
junhui’s eyes narrow, “shark, part shark.”
you are speechless, watching the water glisten on junhui’s now longer hair - his sharp and perfect features highlighted by the drops of water that still cling to him
“finally you’re impressed”
he jokes and you furrow your eyebrows, he reaches out, hand on your  face
he pulls you just a little - just so you’re leaning over the water but not enough to fall in
and he whispers, low “are you interested in kissing mermaid me more than human me?”
you don’t know what he means,,,,for a second you think maybe the months of flirting on his part were legit,,,,maybe he actually likes you
and the thought is confirmed when you feel his lips against yours and it’s wet - but it’s,,,,,enjoyable
and you close your own eyes,,,,,,dimly aware of how impossible this situation is - you’re kissing a mermaid
when you both pull back, you come to your sense a bit about the whole thing and your eyes flick down into the water - junhui’s tail and fins all visible in the clear water
“ho-how do you transform back?”
junhui shrugs, “i can make it happen but warning; i transform back naked so you can stay and watch or-”
you stand up, nearly falling into the water but blushing as you take a step back
“i-i’ll go get you some clothes j-just don’t transform just yet-”
“too late~”
junhui laughs and your hands immediately come up to cover your face, the sound of junhui’s laughter fills your ears and you know your heart is acting up like crazy in your chest
you manage to turn, dash down the stairs without seeing anything
but junhui watches you lovingly,,,,,,,,,pretty content with the fact that if anyone knows his secret - it’s you
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writesandfights · 7 years
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Title: Struggling Actress Cody Christian imagine Requested: “Could you do another Cody Christian imagine where reader is part of teen wolf cast but is struggling financially so she has a job as a stripper on the side which no-one knows about. That is until it’s one of the boys birthday and they go to a strip club and see her. She’s humiliated and runs out, Cody knocks on her door later that night and she has obviously been crying alot and tells him to leave but he stays and ends fluffy. Thank you! Love your work!” Word Count: Song Suggestion: ‘Im in love with a stripper by T-pain” “Hex, I’m gonna need you on table 7, got a big group coming in.” Your boss told you, addressing you by your stripper name. You had been ashamed of your job, but there was no other real way to bring money in. You may have been an actress on teen wolf, but the budget cuts have caused problems for you, so your delightful friend told you of the wonderful wages of stripping. You nodded towards him, grabbing the last of your uniform, which was a tight bra that had strings going from one strap to the other, it looked matrix like. The bottom were a tight pair of leather bottoms, matching the leathery top, but the bottom was designed to be high top. “Now, Hex!” “Okay, Okay, Cam!” You looked in the mirror once more, you weren’t the top asked stripper for nothing, you were beautiful in costume and you danced with such a passion. You walked out into the crowded room, the club was always infested with groups of men, sometimes females, but they were all the same, horny and looking for someone to take home. There were 8 display poles, a different set each hour, you were assigned to pole 7, the stunt pole. The poles had different lights, different types, all different kinks, but the atmosphere over all was just flashing lights and horny people. Cam wasn’t wrong, you saw a group of 10 men, each one older than the last, you rolled your eyes, business trip? You recognize one of your regulars, a man by the name of Rob, his wife knew he came, so she supported him, but told him he could only look not touch. “Hex! My lady!” You smiled at Rob’s words, trying to play with him, you attempted to pull him into a hug, seeing if the man is determined to keep his deal with his wife. He shook his head, “Hex, you enchant me, but my wife is first.” “Just testing you, old man.” He winked at you and turned to his many many guests, they were gawking at you like a bunch of hungry dogs, “Men, this is Hex, she’ll treat us real nicely.” The men were all old, you didn’t want to give any of them a lap dance, so you figured to save that for last, work the pole then transfer to lap dances. You climbed up the stairs to the large stage, the pole was the longest one out of the 8, you started to do what you learned through classes of dancing. You put your right hand above the left, standing on your tiptoes, you started to lift yourself off the ground, twisting your legs around the pole. You allowed yourself to swing around the pole, this was a trick you learned called the firefly, you were taking flight, the musics started once you were in position. The men started to howl, cheering you on as you started to dance sexually, you moved to the front of the stage, the one move you never did was twerking, it was unattractive and harmful on the back. One of the men who looked oddly close to Dany Devito moved forwards, tucking a 100 into your pants, you winked at him, moving back to the pole. You climbed up the pole and prepared for the big drop, you’ve done it many times before, you turned yourself around, loosening your grip on the pole and sliding down the long 15 feet. The men gasped and rushed to catch you, but you stopped yourself, you loved seeing those reactions, they didn’t think you were gonna be okay. “That’s my girl!” Rob yelled loudly throwing out 20’s that you would walk by and pick up, you climbed off the stage, crawling seuxally towards the dany devito man, he obviously had the big bucks. He prepared himself, biting his lip and adjusting himself in the chair, you reached his lap, his legs were closed tightly. You forcefully pushed them open, sitting on his lap and moving your hips up and down, grinding into him. You looked up and met with a pair of familiar eyes, everything happened in slow motion, you knew those group of boys standing by the bar, Cody wore a large hat that said ‘Birthday boy!” His 22nd birthday, you had forgotten, Dylan patted his friend on the back, “well, this is a first.” You instantly felt sick to your stomach, you climbed off the man’s lap, he questioned your actions, “I’m sorry, I owe you Rob.” He turned to notice the 3 boys staring at you, Rob wasn’t dumb, you started to run out of the room, going back into your dressing room. “What are you doing, Hex, get back out there, you’re my money maker!” “I’m so sorry.” You grabbed your bag and planned to leave but Cam grabbed your wrist, “Cam, I have never asked for a night off, please.” Cam was a good guy, he nodded at you and had Rosa take your spot at table 7, you rushed home, and started to puke. You never wanted the boys to see you like this, at such a low point that you figured stripping was a better idea. All the pent up feelings started to pour out of you, you couldn’t help yourself, you had just been caught giving an old man a lap dance. You sat by the toilet for hours, your stomach soiled, tears all dried up, makeup smeared on the side of your face, you looked like a true mess. A knock came from your door, you had half the nerve to yell for them to go home, but they weren’t going to leave. “Hello?” You pulled open the door and greeted the same eyes you saw in the club, “Cody?” “Y/N, I wanted to talk.” You shook your head, “please, just, just leave.” You attempted to close the door on Cody, but he puts his hand on the door, leaving it open. Your eyes ached once more, you were gonna break down right in front of him. “Why did you leave?” “Because you saw me.” Cody shook his head, “that’s not why.” Cody had known you to well, you could never lie to Cody, you always looked down when you lied and he caught onto it almost instantly. “Because I’m embarrassed. “ He knew you were telling the truth, you had looked him in the eyes, “Y/N, why are you an excotic dancer?” “I couldn’t afford rent..” You stated while letting a tear fall down the side of your cheek, Cody’s presence was calming, you usually wouldn’t cry in front of people. But somehow it was easy to cry in front of him. “You can always ask for help, Y/N.” Cody was slowly working his way into your house, but you didn’t deny his entry, you wanted to him to hug you tightly, you needed one of his hugs right now more than ever. “I don’t want to sound like a charity case.” His thumb pulled your head up, forcing you to look in his eyes, he was so sincere with the words he said, “You will never be a charity case to me.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, he was taken aback by the action at first, but he wrapped his arms around your waist. His face cuddling into your neck, you smiled and thanked him while crying into his shoulder. “How about you come stay with me until you can cover rent?” “You serious?” You pulled apart from him, looking into his blue eyes, he nodded, holding onto your hands, “as serious as that badass drop you did.”
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Sunshine Part 1 (Ben Platt x Reader)
Prompt: requested by @just-another-imagine-writer : “Ben Platt/Reader in which reader is super anxious (generalized anxiety) and he tries to help as best as he can and tells her about how brave they are/how Evan would have handled his anxiety (since the reader heavily depends on Evan Hansen’s character as well as Ben himself) *screaming internally bc I don’t like asking off anon but I’m pretty sure you could write this way better than I coULD!!!*”
Gender neutral Reader btw!!
Warnings: anxiety, anxiousness, spoiler to the first lines of the show ig,
This is two parts bc I felt like this was too long to add a part about Ben helping the reader by saying what Evan would do. 💕💕
I said I while ago I wasn’t gonna write anymore cast member fics bc I didn’t feel like I could know them well enough to get their personality perfectly accurate but here you go it’s an exception bc this prompt is so cute and I feel like I can get Ben pretty accurate after being a ben platt stan™ for like 5 years now lmao. Also I’m so flattered that you think I could write this so good tysm!!!!
Honestly I did so much research for this I didn’t wanna fuck up the GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) parts and not describe them well because I didn’t want to not make it serious enough or just get it wrong bc GAD exposure (or any mental illness exposure) is so important to some people and if I’m gonna contribute to that exposure I’m not gonna get the info wrong!!! Source credits is Wikipedia tho tbh I read the entire wiki article on GAD. Also I tried to include Reader helping Ben too since Ben has anxiety as well so!!! Cute fluff of such a healthy helpful relationship!!!
Nickname (and title) credit to @chelykat451-blog Tysm!!!!
You had cried the first time you went to see Bens show. It was a clear memory for you, going to the Music Box Theatre much earlier than when the show was set to start. It was the opening night for their move to Broadway, so the street leading up to the theatre was crowded with cameras, fans, and interviewers all dying to get a glimpse of the cast. Ben brought you with him early, hoping that the rest of the cast and crew wouldn’t be mad about him bringing you backstage. You could hear the crowds from down the street, and your increasingly clammy hand began to unconsciously tighten around Bens. He looked at you, knowing your feelings of anxiety reciprocated his own and feeling sympathy. Pulling the hood of your jacket tight, you and Ben walked fast towards the stage door, you on the inside closest to the building, him on the outside waving to fans and smiling to a few before he got to the door, letting you two in.
Once inside the door you let out a shaky breath you didn’t know you were holding, closing your eyes and leaning against a wall, letting your head fall back against it. Ben hesitantly grabbed your shoulders, almost pulling away when you jumped at the contact. You leaned into his chest though, not letting him pull away just yet. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head.
“Hey, you were so brave, okay, Sunshine?” He said, using his nickname for you, a reference to your large love for the Beatles song Here Comes The Sun, “I’m so proud of you, you did it! Go Y/N!” Ben whispered into your hair, kissing your head again as you giggled into his chest. Pulling away slowly, he looked into your eyes and gave you a reassuring smile, before taking your hand in his and leading you up the stairs to his dressing room, where you stayed while he got ready for the show. You sat on the couch in his room after stripping off your coat and watched while he prepared. It was mesmerizing watching him put on his costume and get his hair and makeup done. He was so dedicated and focused and you couldn’t be more proud of him. When it reached seven they opened the doors for the nights audience to enter, the rush of the pushing crowd getting louder as more people filed into the theatre. You rubbed your right thumb against the palm of your left hand nervously, bouncing your leg as you knew eventually you’d have to go to your seat and you were sure something would go wrong somehow. Ben noticed your anxiety and walked over, kneeling in front of you on the floor, resting his chin on your knee that wasn’t bouncing, his hands resting on your waist.
“It won’t be long, Sunshine, okay? You’ll only be out there for forty-five minutes and then I’ll be onstage, okay? Just forget everyone around you and focus on me.” Ben said, looking up into your nervous eyes. You looked up from your hands and met his eyes, giving him a reassuring close mouthed grin, silently telling him you would be okay and could do this. You stood up, him following, and wrapped your arms around him in a big hug.
“I love you, and I’m so unbelievably proud of you, Benny,” you told him, feeling slightly emotional as you thought of this journey and all that Ben had done, “Now, break an arm!” You said, joking about the cheesy ‘break a leg’ saying and his characters broken arm. He snorted, his nose crinkling as he laughs.
“Thank you. I love you too, you nerd,” He kissed your forehead before you left his warm embrace, leaving his dressing room and going through a series of doors and down many sets of stairs until you got to your seat. It was in the front toe, with the rest of the friends and family of the cast, next to Ben’s parents and siblings. You smiled at his mom as you sat next to her, your seat being on the outside of the row so nobody was on your left side. She talked excitedly to Bens father for the next forty minutes while you continuously rubbed your thumb on your hand.
After the never ending forty minutes wait, the show started. You watched, tearing up at the sight of your boyfriend on stage, on Broadway, the lead in a show. You knew he was fulfilling his dream, and you couldn’t describe the pride you had for him.
“Dear Evan Hansen, today is going to be a good day, because, because all you have to do is just… just be yourself… and also confidence…” Ben began to ramble as his character, the audience and you included giggling at his nervous rambling. Soon enough, Rachel entered the stage as his mom, but your eyes were still glued on Ben. You noticed his anxious behavior and how he began chewing his nails and messing with the hem of his shirt and you geared up once again. You didn’t stop crying even after the show ended, many hours later.
“Oh my god, Benny, that was beautiful!” you say excitedly as you walk down the hallway backstage to meet up with Ben. He was sweaty and has tears staining and snot covering his face, but you didn’t care. You ran up to him and pulled him into a tight hug, still crying hard from the show.
“Thanks, Sunshine! You liked it? Oh I’m so glad you liked it!” Ben said with just as excitement, his nose crinkling in happiness again.
“Liked it? I loved it!” You pulled away and wiped your tears, even though t was pointless as more continued to fall. Even if Ben wasn’t the lead, the show was still amazing and meant a lot to you. It was very emotional for you being able to see representation of a teen with anxiety, since you were diagnosed when you were fifteen and had dealt with generalized anxiety ever since. Ben knew this, and had told you about the show and character when he first landed the part, telling you that he wanted to use some of your ticks and traits to help make Evan more realistic. You agreed, of course, wanting to see a realistic anxiety representative in media.
“You did great, Benny, that was perfect.” You cried, grabbing each side of his face and giving him a kiss. He rested his hands on your tear-stained cheeks as well, kissing back just as passionately as you did to him.
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