#so if you're willing to keep an open mind i think you'll enjoy reading it as much as i've enjoyed writing it <33
ejga-ostja · 1 year
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I love Kaz and Wylan. I don't ship Kaz and Wylan. I wanted to see if I could make myself ship them. And then I accidentally wrote a 40k word Kylan slowburn which I've been working on for the past 6 months lol
Coming out sometime next month ❤️
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animehideout · 9 months
Hiiii could you please add INTP for your MBTI series? 🩷🩷🩷
Your MBTI, Your Relationship With JJK Characters Part 6
Check out Part 5 here
check out part 7 here
a/n: Thank you Anon, @tojiiismyhusband @system753 @venus-xxoo for requesting INTP. Also thank you @suchasecretiveninja for reading 🫶🏻💕 I hope you enjoy these headcanons.
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Gojo Satoru = Fiancé
As an introvert who relies on the power of mind, I think you'll be fine having a loud extrovert as your partner; Gojo Satoru. INTP appreciates an open-minded partner who is willing to engage with them in intellectual conversations, challenges and debates, and Gojo is the one. INTP has a unique sense of humor that couldn't be understood by everyone, so with Gojo being witty, he'll find no problem in matching your vibe and continuing with your jokes even in serious situations, making the relationship even more enjoyable. Gojo is egocentric, so your wittiness would humble him everytime. INTPs prioritize logic, but also crave emotional connection which is the case for Satoru, he's so affectionate with you, and willing to satisfy your emotional needs. A balance between intellectual discussion and emotional support. Also both of you value independency so none of you feels restricted in the relationship. Let's not forget that Gojo is an ENTP so you're basically his introverted version.
Megumi Fushiguro = Friend
INTP values friendships that align with intellectual curiosity, and with Megumi being an intellectual himself with smart ideas, you'd totally become hooked. You would engage in deep existential conversations, debate and explore abstract concepts, while at the same time you respect each other solitude and independence without forcing your opinions on each other. Megumi is an honest person and honesty is something that INTP values. You are a fan of constructive criticism and feedback, you accepted it as long as it makes you grow mentally. Despite being logical most of the time you still have warm emotions which is the heart of your friendship.
Toji Fushiguro = Has a crush on you
INTPs are determined despite being a huge procrastinators. Toji likes how logical and rational you are and how you neglect your feelings when taking decisions and life choices. Despite being an introvert you engage well in conversations in public making you look like as if you are an extrovert. You are good at making your voice and ideas heard and understood. Toji appreciates your self-confidence even though you hide a lot of anxiety inside of you. He is also charmed by your mockery for situations that others may find scary, but you manage to find a humor in them, even though your humor serves as a coping mechanism. All these qualities made Toji drawn to you.
Ryomen Sukuna = Love hate relationship
Sukuna loves you but hates you at the same time. Despite him seeing humans as inferiors, he can't help the attraction he has for your badass side. He is attracted to your analytical thinking and overly logical mindset. As the king of curses, he sees human emotions as a weakness and burden so seeing a human who actually relies on their mind and neglect feelings intrigued him. Your unique and controversial thinking is also another hook for his interest. Your witty side completely swept him off his feet, you're kind of similar in this. Having a mocking and quirky kind of humor is kinda relatable for him. But at the same time he hates your resistance. INTPs worship independence and freedom, they completely oppose submission to someone else and don't accept forced rules. Let's not forget that Sukuna is an extrovert so extroverts that want to forcefully dominate introverts for perceiving them as shy individuals who are unable to defend themselves is a type that INTPs can't stand and that's how the tension / hate between you too was born.
Aoi Todo = Boyfriend
ESFP is a lively and affectionate partner you, totally match Todo energy. Your presence keeps him recharged, your energy and enthusiasm are infectious. Despite him being strong both physically and mentally he still needs your affection to function properly. INTP infuses excitement and passion in the relationship. Given that both of you and Todo are extroverts you thrive on social interactions and enjoy spending time together doing fun and spontaneous activities. You also have similar love languages. Both of you are also sensors so you have an awareness of each other's discomfort which brings a huge understanding between the two of you.
Geto Suguru = Rival
One thing that was able to make you consider Geto as your enemy; lack of emotions and empathy. ESFPs are highly emotional individuals they are expressive and very sympathetic towards others. Geto's ruthless side clashes with your nature, effortlessly creating a hurdle. His behaviors choices and mindset go against your principals and values leading to a significant conflict. You can connect with trustworthy people but with him there's no connection, you believe that empathetic individuals can't be trusted as they only care about their own desires without taking into account other people's well-being. On the other hand, Geto sees you as weakling and a burden on society for simply being an emotionally oriented.
Kamo Noritoshi = Source of comfort.
As someone who has dealt with a lot, lacking the families' warmth in his life, he always find himself indirectly dependent on you for some comfort. ESFP excels at expressing empathy through both words and actions Despite Noritoshi skills at hiding his emotions, you as a sensor you can sense his troubled spirit and provide for him a safe space by acknowledging and understanding his feelings without judgment and serve as a listener when he's ready to open up. Aside from comfort you also radiate a contagious positive energy that can break through the toughest walls. It makes ESFPs happy knowing that they had a positive impact on people around them.
Thank you for reading, remember this piece of writing is just for fun, also IMO so it's not necessarily accurate ✨
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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You might be a classmate of Kageyama or a fan of his or his classmate when he was a kid or whatever. But SOMETHING about you will CERTIANLY draw you towards him. You might be gentle and kind or fierce and strong and loyal, either way, he still finds you interesting and his eyes will be on you and aren't gonna move anytime soon, THAT'S for sure 
Milk boy will try to be your friend and try inserting himself into your life 
He is a silent and observing yandere and chooses to show his affection and love through actions rather than words since actions speak louder than words, right?
Possessive ASF and I mean that LITERALLY! He keeps notes and tabs on whatever you do, be it you going downtown to that new roller rink that opened, your favorite store to shop, your favorite cafe and he even keeps tabs on your friends whom he hates and loathes since he always thinks they're trying to get closer to you. If anyone from your friend group tries getting closer to you, he'll start plucking them like little weeds? How? By 'accidentally' spraining their ankle or fracturing their arm and NO, he doesn't give a DAMN if it's a guy or a girl, in the end, they're just trying to take your for themselves
He can be controlling at times, forcing you to eat your food when you're busy doing something else or insisting on walking you home or him dragging you to his volleyball practices and stuff like that
He isn't called 'The King' for nothing. When he's determined to make you his, he'll keep on trying till time ends
At some point, you'll notice a shadow around your presence when you walk these days and when you turn around, you won't see anyone and you'll just shrug and continue on your way. In case you're wondering what the heck that was, oh, it was just Kageyama stalking you so don't worry. He's just making sure you're doing all right and you're safe and he's like your personal bodyguard/ shadow from far. This man is an accomplished stalker no doubt about that. Not to mention that he's also EXTREMELY overprotective of you now. And if he wasn't clingy before, he certainly is now
Will he kidnap you? Well, it depends on the situation you guys are in. If he manages to find a way into your heart, well and good. If you're in a relationship with him, he'll slowly start to get more.... dominating and possessive and a bit controlling as well, telling you who you can hang out with and who is bad for you and all that. He'll try twisting your mind, convincing you what he's doing for you is all for your best interest and well being and that's all he wants. If you're being stubborn or adamant about something, he'll gently but firmly cup your cheek and tell you that he only wants what's best for you and he just wants to keep you safe and he'll plead and cajole you into listening to him and eventually, you'll just cave in. He KNOWS how to wrap you around his little finger. Slowly, he'll start to isolate you from your friends and start distancing you from the outside world and by the time you realize what's happening, it's going to be too late. If you try leaving him, he knows EXACTLY how to get you back since he can read your every move like an open book 
If you start fighting back, he'll just feel a mixture of sadness and anger inside him. But, mostly anger because he's doing so much for you and you're just not willing to cooperate and sad because he really doesn't want to fight with you 
He will sometimes take you out but ONLY if you hold his hand and not talk to anyone outside. And if anyone askes about the 2 of you, Kageyama will say that he's in a relationship with you and will ask that person to get lost
He likes having you lie down on him as he pats your head gently. He might not look like the person who likes cuddles, but he enjoys them with you and he likes your cute little hands as well and takes his time admiring how soft and small and gentle they are 
The more you reject and fight him, the more angry and intense he'll get. He'll literally be a beast if you keep driving him over the edge. He'll let your bad behavior slide for the first few months or so since he'll get how lost and lonely you're feeling but you have him now, you don't need any other person in your life. If you're REALLY feeling alone, he'll give you kids and have a family with you so you won't be able to leave him now and you're permanently bound to him for life 
His children would most likely be whacked out crazy psychopathic lunatic nutjobs like him and he'll help his kids in achieving the person of their dreams and will make sure to teach them all about courting a person. Btw, your kids have a platonic yandere love towards you and are VERY VERY overprotective of you, EXACTLY like their dad. Anyone tries hitting on you while you go out, they'll just kick 'em in where the sun doesn't shine and will ask dear old dad to finish the job by killing them 
When it comes to rivals/ enemies, Kageyama will want things done quickly, fast and as soon as possible so he can get back to you. He also knows how to get rid of any evidence of murder and will make sure not to leave any incriminating evidence behind whatsoever
If you try escaping, punishments usually include locking you up in a room for a couple of hours, that's all. And maybe restrict your usage of your favorite things but once you say sorry to him and apologize, he'll just say, "I hope you remember your lesson'' and will pull you onto his lap and cuddle you. If you're squirming and trying to get away from him, he'll just be like "Be quiet and stop squirming'' and nuzzle his face into your neck leaving your face a bright crimson red 
If you managed to escape from him or if someone were to take you away, he'd be EXACTLY like a storm. Too many emotions and feelings of his would come into play. He'd be feeling a mixture of anger, sadness, devastation and pain and he'll vow to find that person who took you and END them once and for all before you can even call it a day for even DARING to think about you. Will get you back no matter what 
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theravenchild · 6 months
What started out as a simple headcanon post has evolved into a full on fic snippet that I hope you all will enjoy!
So, I was thinking about how the game gives us no background for the thestral mount, Sepulchria, and how Hellendil just adores her. I head canon that she is one of the thestrals pulling the carriage during the dragon attack at the beginning of the game. She managed to survive the attack, but not without injury. Because thestrals are so intelligent, she remembers her destination was Hogwarts and continues on, showing up there a few days afterward.
Professor Howin finds her wandering the grounds and in need of care. After assessing the wounds and recalling Professor Fig's recounting of the dragon attack a few days before, she consults with him regarding the lost thestral. She puts the creature up in the stables with the others while they send a letter to the carriage driver, alerting him of the thestral's whereabouts and condition.
Hellendil enters Fig's office as he's reading the reply.
"Pity. She's quite a gentle creature." "Who do you mean, Professor?" the curious fifth year asks. "Ah, good to see you Hellendil," Fig answers as he looks up from the letter in front of him. "To answer your question, one of the thestral's drawing our carriage that fateful day. She found her way to the castle in spite of her injuries. Professor Howin has been keeping her with the others while we contacted the driver. It appears he's not interested in keeping a lame creature and has asked us to end her suffering." The fifth year's eyes widen and his jaw drops open, "But why? Surely someone knows how to treat her injuries? Won't a healing spell or draught help?" Fig moves around the desk to place a comforting hand on the tall Ravenclaw's shoulder, "Horses and thestrals are notoriously difficult to heal of such injuries. I'm no expert on the matter, but it's often kinder in the end to do just as her owner suggests." He bows his head and closes his eyes, "Even if she does recover, it's unlikely that she'll ever be able to perform her duties again."
"We have to give her a chance, Professor!" comes the impassioned reply, his brows pressed together in worried, begging expression. "What did Professor Howin say? Do we know that she won't heal? What if I take care of her myself!?" The professor chuckles, a soft smile forming on his face, "I must say, I admire your spirit, young man. You've not been here more than a week and already you're willing to take on tasks well above your current training, not to mention how well you did during our adventure at Gringots. Why don't we talk to Professor Howin about your request together? She's better equipped to know what kind of challenge we face. If she believes it is worth the effort, then I shall see what I can do to get the thestral signed over to our care." "Thank you, professor," Hellendil answers, a look of relief in his kind blue eyes. "I am curious though, as to why you're so passionate about this. It could come at great cost to heal the creature with no guarantees of success." "I like thestrals quite a lot, sir. There's a comfort in being able to see them." His eyes are a bit distant as he responds, as if there's something more on his mind. He doesn't elaborate and Fig respects his privacy. After a moment, he looks back at Professor Fig, "I just think we ought to give her a chance, professor. She made her way to us after our ordeal, and I think she deserves that much. If she's unable to bear the weight of a carriage, it doesn't make her any less deserving of a chance at life." Fig smiles at the young brunet, "You've quite a bit of compassion for someone your age. I hope you'll continue to nurture that side of yourself. The world could always use more people who are willing to give of themselves for others. Come, let's take a stroll down to Professor Howin's office and have a chat." Hellendil nods, "Of course, professor. After you," he gestures for Fig to lead the way and falls in step behind him.
After speaking with Professor Howin they decide to continue to treat the thestral. Even if she is unable to recover completely, her good nature makes her an ideal candidate to be a teaching specimen. Howin agrees to teach and supervise Hellendil as they care for the injured beast. The Ravenclaw grows ever more attached to the creature, somehow finding time nearly every day to visit and tend to her at the stables. Eventually she becomes strong enough to carry a passenger again.
Recognizing the care the new fifth year had taken throughout the healing process and his closeness with the creature, Professor Howin releases her into his custody, with the caveat that if he is ever unable or unwilling to care for her anymore, he would return her to the school and she would live out her days as an animal ambassador for teaching Hogwarts students.
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peachymilkandcream · 1 month
Written In Blood|Part 14|Modern Yandere Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: We all know everything I write is fucked, but this one is in its own league. So please keep that aware and properly read the warnings before continuing!)
WARNINGS: noncon/dubcon, graphic descriptions of violence, domestic violence, manipulation, mind breaking, yandere behaviour/themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, wishing rape upon someone, misogyny, mentions of child abuse, blackmail, revenge porn, murder, forced cuckolding, etc.
Petra had asked if they could talk, she said there were things she needed to say that she never got off her chest. When he had asked her why she would still be willing to talk to him after all of this drama and scandal her reply was simple.
"I just can't stop thinking about you..."
His smile grew wider, he had expected her to be hung up on him for a while, but for that to die down after he came out with all of his evidence. And yet here she was, still pining after his dick.
At first he was annoyed, wondering why she couldn't take the hint. But then it became increasingly obvious how he could use this. A way of further isolating those who cared about Evelyn so no one questioned her disappearance.
So he set up a time and place to FaceTime before laying his head down to rest, ignoring the banging from his victim.
Even from outside the door Levi could hear Evelyn's sobs. Poor girl was clearly shaken up about spending all night with a corpse. Good thing he had come to save her.
Her breakfast was ready, balanced with eggs and bacon and a little glass of water where he had crushed up the pill. All waiting on his bedside table for when he brought her back to his bed so she could understand he was a good guy when he wanted to be.
The door creaked open, and he saw Evelyn's sleepless eyes staring back up at him in fear. She had made a small circle for herself as far away from the body as possible. What a wreck.
"I suppose you understand now what happens when you test me."
She nods furiously, staring up at him with a new kind of terror, one he always enjoyed seeing in his prey.
"Good. Now listen Evelyn, I like you, so much that I went to all this trouble bringing you here. However, if I find that if you're not going to change your tune, you're going to end up like them and everyone else who came before you. Understand?"
Another nod, this one with more conviction.
"Now if you'll behave, I have breakfast ready for you in bed." He holds a hand out to her, and surprisingly she takes it, not wanting to test his wrath further.
Levi leads her into the bedroom and sets her on the bed, chaining Evelyn once more to her post. That room clearly worked on her attitude, perhaps he'd have to keep using it whenever she got a little rowdy. The threat of a horrible and tortuous death was enough to whip everyone into shape.
Evelyn had drifted into a sleep after she ate, feeling at least somewhat safe and comforted here instead of on the cold and bloodstained tiles.
She had drifted so much she didn't even notice the gag about to be tied around her until it was too late.
She shot out of bed, her mouth opening in surprise only pushed it in deeper, sealing off her screams.
Levi straddled her with a cold expression. He wasn't looking at her, he was on his phone messing around with something before positioning it above her on the headboard.
She didn't even realize what he had done was start a FaceTime call until she heard the ringing. A way to call for help? She was so focused on that, she didn't even register what Levi was doing until he suddenly pushed into her all at once when the phone picked up.
Levi watched Petra's face turn from happy, to shock, before horror. She wasn't expecting him to show her exactly what he had been getting up to ever since they parted ways. But she couldn't turn away.
At first when she saw what he was doing she ended the call, but he called her right back, and to his surprise, she answered. And this time she didn't look away.
Levi started slow, giving a few methodical thrusts so Petra could see his dick going in and out of Evelyn. Before pulling out all the way, showing her his dripping cock before pushing back in all at once again, earning a rather loud and muffled moan from Evelyn.
Petra couldn't help but watch, watching as Levi gave a few more rough thrusts before starting to pound into her former best friend. The jolts it caused Evelyn's body to experience was mesmerizing, her friend bouncing with each one.
She wanted it, Petra wanted to be Evelyn right now, gagged and bound at the mercy of this powerful man. She knew in order to preserve her dignity she should end the call and not answer again if Levi phoned, but she didn't move to the hang up button, but stayed their transfixed.
Before she knew it her hand was dipping into her pants, touching herself and scissoring her fingers inside her in time with each of Levi's thrusts. Since they had distanced themselves she had desperately searched for porn with a man who even looked close to him, and now she was experiencing the real thing. She could forget that it was Evelyn receiving the pleasure, and imagine herself as the one underneath that body.
Sure his fling now was Evelyn, but he'd come back to her. Evelyn was inexperienced and naïve with sex, whereas she had plenty of partners. Evelyn was just getting her sloppy seconds, if she played along and waited for him he'd come back to her when he got bored. The way Evelyn was moaning through her gag and writhing under him from the intensity was enough for her to want him back. The sounds of wet skin so enticing that even after her and Levi got back together, hell, even if they ended up getting married, she'd forgive any of his affairs. She'd give him hell for it but eventually she'd forgive him.
His intensity, his strength, the way he was focused on nothing but pounding Evelyn so well was too much for Petra, she felt herself reach that state of euphoria at the same time Evelyn did, her friend squirting through the other end of the screen.
She watched Levi pull out suddenly, his cum shooting all over her friend. She had never seen him do that before, even during their passionate night. The sight sent tingles straight to her core. The face he made when he climaxed, the thick consistence of his cum and the pattern he made on Evelyn's skin, was enough to make Petra ache and burn for more.
It didn't help when he picked up the camera and showed Petra Evelyn's state. Her wet pussy dripping down into the sheets while his cum slowly made its way onto her clit, Levi slowly rubbing it in making Evelyn twitch her already exhausted body. The stuff had gone everywhere, shooting up from her lower stomach, her breasts, and even a drop or two hitting her face.
She looked exhausted, spent, angry, but a touch of satisfaction on her face. How could she be angry at the man who just gave her the world? Spoiled brat. Petra was doing Levi a favor by taking him back as hers.
He ended the call with a wink, leaving her alone with her thoughts and need for a vibrator and dildo. She'd take care of herself first, and then think about how to win him back.
She had to win him back.
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draxumain · 1 year
Aghh hello!!!
I wanna ask if you're willing to do a Shifting reading?
Like, Ive always been very connected to my DR because i scripted it from the ground up, but its been almost 3 years and despite my trying and belief ive never bern able to get there.
I want to know if there's anything im doing wrong? Or any self blockages?? Im losing motivation but i aint gonna give up any time soon.
- 🗝 Anon
General Shifting Reading
You've worked hard to get to where you are now on your shifting journey, I can see you've been nurturing the knowledge and skills you have on shifting, constantly gaining new knowledge and skills to apply to shifting. However, you've been obsessing with shifting for a while now, your connection with your desired reality may have faded into something unhealthy or unbalanced . With this, you need to take a small step back and begin to look after yourself, you've already done so much and you are stable in your journey now is the time to sit back, relax and, enjoy the fruit of your labour.
Focus on creating a harmonious and balanced lifestyle for yourself. Continue to be practical with the resources you have this could be methods, subliminals, shifting friends and anything else, you've already maintained a good amount of knowledge to know solve any arising issues in your shifting journey this could be anything like lack of motivation or self sabotage by feeding into a toxic shifting routine.
What you need is confidence and trust in yourself and your abilities to shift, to do that you need to be honest and vulnerable with yourself in order to move anywhere. The most powerful bond you can build with someone, is yourself. Once you learn to love and build a strong connection with you, you being to have confidence in your abilities and honestly, confidence is crucial here.
What you need to do is treat yourself like you're going out with a new person and you really like them, so you want to get to know them. Ask yourself both surface and deep questions about yourself. This apply not only to shifting but your general life.
Why do you want to shift? Why have you been shifting for so long? What's something you love about yourself? Something you want to improve? What are your values? What's something you will or will not stand for?
Getting to know yourself, building a strong connection with yourself and having trust in yourself will be amazing for you.
With this, you should keep an open mind to anything, If there's something that grabs your attenti9n or you think can be beneficial for you, go for it! New opportunities are good opportunities don't get stuck on one thing that doesn't work and wonder for the next three years "why isn't this working?" Embrace new things you'll love it!
Starting fresh could be some help, restarting your journey from when you were a baby shifter can be refreshing, take the thing's you've learnt with you and try again but, this time from scratch. And, when you restart your journey get creative! Listen to your creative and emotional self, mix up some methods, try new subliminals!
Small side note: You might also want to consider developing your intuition and psychic self. As you're learning to trust yourself you should also develop and strengthen your intuition and learn how to listen to that "gut feeling"
You need to take some time off shifting and focus on you right now, not your desired reality not your current reality, you. You as a shifter, a manifestor, just you as a person.
I know you're second guessing a lot of things with your journey and your abilities, your questionings of if you're doing anything wrong or blockages but, you have to stop this. Going to other people for advice is always a good thing however, indulging yourself in what they say and think people's advice will guarantee you your shift is plain wrong. Only you can guarantee anything not others.
Keywords:: Healing | Shadow Work | Inner Child | Restart your journey | Trust yourself | Creative | Emotional | Intuitive
──  ﹫ 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘𝐒𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐌   ؛   𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗎𝗆𝖻𝗅𝗋
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stars-tonight · 2 months
Hi there!! So cool you're doing this! If I could get a match up that would be great and I would be so thankful! Can I also be 🌧️ anon! Thanks! :)
🔭 Long matchup; romantic
🔭 My pronouns: she/her, paired with male
🔭 Ideal partner: Trustworthy, someone who I can talk to about anything good or bad and not have to worry about them saying/telling other people. Who can also come to me and trust me with their own matters. Someone who can be mature and hard working but also knows when to be laid back and not take things so seriously. Someone who is caring and willing to help others in whatever way they can. Also, someone who loves to learn and is open-minded to new experiences and meeting new people
🔭 I would call myself an ambivert; I'll check the vibes of people or place and if I feel comfortable, then I'll start going into my extroverted self lol. I like to have a schedule and keep things organized but sometimes I'll just wing it. OVER THINKER. I really enjoy studying, especially health sciences. I'm bilingual- Spanish and English!
🔭 hobbies- love to read; make playlist for different moods, events, scenarios; working out/weight lifting
🔭 Love languages: quality time-giving, acts of service-receiving
🔭 Ideal date- either a cute date to a bookstore and cafe or going a soccer match
🔭 Other tidbits- I wear glasses and have a collection of them for different outfits, MBTI is ISTJ, favorite color is green, favorite music genre: R&B, I'm a Scorpio, Likes- rainy weather, coffee, dark chocolate, and gold jewelry, Dislikes- very loud places or with too much noise, very sugary or sweet drinks, being late
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🥛 maybe i've done too many of these in a short period of time but everyone just feels like an akaashi match atp
🥛 but anyway
🥛 akaashi would fs keep all your secrets (unless they're dangerous ofc) because he is NOT a gossiper
🥛 he probably knows all the drama everywhere because people feel comfortable telling him and he's just like "yeah yeah oh wow"
🥛 but he never actually says anything so people can't hate him yknow?
🥛 (i think i'm comparing hq teams too much to my volleyball team irl smh)
🥛 but yes akaashi is the definition of mature
🥛 he's a bit more stoic but i think he likes to relax and have fun every now and then
🥛 you just can't really tell if he's having fun lol; but he is, he loves spending time with his loved ones
🥛 akaashi seems big on scheduling as well, he's very organized and likes to know all the details
🥛 the two of you will probably need pushing by someone like bokuto to go out and let loose
🥛 akaashi is also an overthinker which may lead to some problems in the initial stages of the relationship
🥛 like if there are conflicts but neither of you bring it up to one another
🥛 you'll probably start communicating through writing cause it's easier than talking
🥛 but akaashi will eventually realize that talking face to face is more effective and from then on communication will be smoother
🥛 akaashi is a big reader, so you'd definitely read together before bed
🥛 if you have similar tastes, you might read the same thing at the same time to discuss
🥛 if you have different tastes, you might recommend books for each other
🥛 you two would probably get involved in a local book club and frequent the library / bookstore
🥛 he doesn't particularly like going to the gym but he'll use you as motivation to go lol
🥛 he's the most gentleman-esque boyfriend anyone could ask for
🥛 would constantly be taking care of you and doing things for you like holding your bags or opening doors
🥛 he also treasures the time spent with you and would be completely focused on you during dates
🥛 akaashi in a bookstore?? hello like the most natural thing ever
🥛 akaashi loves to match glasses with you! he thinks it's so cute and he often wears them too (idk if he actually needs them or if it's just for fashion but whatever)
🥛 he also strikes me as a coffee kind of guy
🥛 he just gives cozy vibes you know? cuddling up together on the couch with a good cup and a cup of coffee while it rains outside 🥺
runner up for you was yamaguchi tadashi!
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A/N: there you go 🌧️anon, i hope you liked your matchup!
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spongeofaces · 2 months
hi!! if possible i'd love to get a romantic matchup >< (sorry for being anon, i know its not preferred for you but i feel a bit more comfy this way if thats okay!!) ALSO WARNING i'm going to yap a ton here.
first things first, you can call me yun if you must !! i'm an enfj in terms of mbti BUT i find myself to be somewhat of an ambivert! my friends describe me as super quiet at first but the more i get to know someone the louder i become, and i get a lot more open! i personally really love hanging out with my friends but sometimes i just get drained so .. but otherwise hm i feel like with people who i'm closer with i'll probably be more blunt n banter with them more but again i walk on eggshells more with people im not familiar with. i love reading, art, nd trying new hobbies, right now i lovee crochet and crafts!
in terms of what i want in a partner, maybe someone who i can be truly comfortable around. someone who doesn't care about the way i act with them, and also someone who i'd be able to treat as a friend too, like being able to banter with them and not having to show them my best self and knowing they'll still love me for that! but through that also the small romantic things that scream "you're my partner" — also a bit like leona i've something with wanting to be someone's first choice and while thats not a trait persay do with that info what you will! i'd love someone who wouldn't mind me being clingy even if i'll do my own thing at times! and someone who wouldn't mind me being vulnerable, even if they can't give good advice they can just listen.
for traits — as long as they treat me well i guess, and honesty too. i don't need someone whose live revolves around me but also not someone who's distant from me 24/7.. a nice balance in between you know! like i said, small acts are cute to me too. i think bantering is cute in relationships but ofc not too much just! also i find possessiveness cute to some extent.. something i just don't like at all is dishonesty but oh well. someone who is the personification of the lyric "i know he did you wrong but we're not all bad" im a sucker for that (this isnt needed im just yapping)
my love languages are quality time, physical touch and gift giving! i'm not one to initiate physical touch but i do really like it. i am shamelessly touch starved and so i require someone who would enjoy things like cuddles (im a shameless little spoon too btw) but ofc we can work our way up to it im bad with words so gifts are the way to go.. defs related to my hobbies like annotated books if they like reading or just crochet stuff bc..
ofc spending time with them is super super important to me but as i said not 24/7 BUT also there are exceptions it depends i just like someone who can stay by my side and make me feel loved
i think i'm yapping too much so lastly maybe none of the first years because i see them all as platonic bffs ☆ and no teachers just in case
SOOOOO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG!! I hope the end result is okay 🙇‍♀️
I match Yun with...
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
Tumblr media
He may attempt to suggest otherwise, but this man is a hopeless romantic. Azul can be both confident and completely awkward in a relationship, not prepared to open up immediately, but not planning to lie either. It may take some coaxing, but the more time he spends with you, the more willing he becomes, even feeling safe enough to admit his insecurities and doubts. Azul is very, very nervous admitting it, but he doesn't want to keep things from you. As much as he wishes he wasn't, Azul is afraid that if you see anything but his best, you'll think less of him. But, you don't, which only makes him love you all the more.
It'll take a lot of time for Azul to gain enough confidence to ask for contact, but if you ever accept, he's going to be the hugger of huggers. He'll start small. Oh, you're sitting on the couch? Well, maybe he'll put an arm around your shoulder. Feeling sick so you've got to lie down? He could subtly shuffle over to crouch beside you and hold your hand. Only to keep you company, not because he wants to... is what he tries to tell himself. Eventually, Azul will get more bold and less ashamed with his actions, just popping over whenever he feels the need for the comfort of your touch. He'll back off if you tell him he's being too much, so just be honest with your boundaries.
Very willing to banter. He'll go back and forth with you for hours if you let him. He finds it incredibly entertaining. Sometimes you might catch Jade listening in from across the room; hopefully not for blackmail purposes.
As soon as he finishes classes and his work at the Mostro Lounge, he seeks you out; whether to take you out on a date, to help you with schoolwork, or just to be by your side. Azul wants to spend as much time with you as he can, while you'll have him.
If you give him a lil crochet octopus, he may just die on the spot. It'll be sitting on his desk 24/7 - along with any other gifts you make for or give to him.
You'll find yourself being treated to delicious dishes constantly. He won't admit he's doing it for your sake, he'll just lie and say that he's trying to test whether the dish is good enough to be added to the lounge's menu by watching your facial expressions as you eat it. Any positive feedback will be met with a flush and him trying to subtly hide his face behind his sleeve.
He'll always make time for you, even on his busiest days. He's ready to listen fully to whatever you have to say, or rant about. Azul doesn't care if you stumbling around the words, or can't quite get the right meaning across, he'll patiently wait until you've said your piece.
Extra tidbits:
MBTI Compatibility - Snippet taken from www.crystalknows.com:
ENTJs are likely to trust ENFJs who express themselves directly; ENTJs appreciate it when ENFJs participate in discussion or share ideas with them. ENFJs tend to trust ENTJs who try to build meaningful, personal connections with them; ENFJs will feel connected to ENTJs who are considerate and compassionate.
When did he start liking you? After his overblot, when the two of you were talking in the museum. He found the way you smiled endearing, although it wasn't until much later (and numerous occasions of teasing from the tweels) that he figured out why.
How'd you two get together? It was abrupt. Floyd was in a bad mood one day and he got sick of watching Azul pine after you. Like, just grow a spine and confess already? Jeez... So, as Floyd's unpredictable self does, he grabbed Azul by the collar, dragged him across the courtyard to your side, confessed for him, and walked off grumbling, leaving behind a very, very, flustered and indignant Azul. This was not how he planned to ask you out!! His heart is absolutely pounding. Oh, by the seven, how embarrassing... Floyd is definitely gonna pay for that later. (Floyd, in fact, did not pay for that later, because you accepted. Azul almost fainted, ngl)
A song for the relationship:
I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend by Hot Freaks.
Other options: Lilia and Cater.
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fluideli123 · 2 years
Would you mind giving me a crash course on writing plurality? It interested me the moment I read your analysis on Raph being plural, even more so when I went after the links in the post.
I'm going to be completely honest and upfront first. Writing Plurality can be hard when you know nothing about the community or only know how the media presents DID. Plurality is a diverse experience, so it's going to challenge your choice of perspective in your story, word choice, and self-awareness when you're falling into demonization about the experience. Especially when characters can be stereotypical and fall into demonization "easily." 
Writing a system is like writing a disabled character, a neurodiverse character, a cluster b character, a POC character, and so on. It takes a lot of understanding and discovering things you will have no idea how to explain because you've never experienced them or just don't know how to comprehend them. But the most important rule to writing any character(s) that go through things you don't is to remember that as long as you try your best, admit your mistakes, fix your errors, and never stop learning. You'll be able to achieve what story you want to tell with these characters. 
Like any community, you have a lot of different opinions, and the views from the community you're trying to write about are something you've got to at least have a basic awareness of. Because understanding what may be seen as problematic or what might cause someone to come bursting into your comment section on a fic or so on will help you decide whether you're going to change what this person takes issue with or keep it despite their beliefs on it. 
That doesn't mean you get to brush actual problematic things off, though. It's just a fine balance, especially if you're singlet. 
But with that out of the way! I will try my best to give a basic crash course on how to write Plurality. Now, I'm a very understanding, patient, detail-orientated person, so if you or anyone else needs to ask questions or need me to "dumb" things down, please don't hesitate to do so! This is a safe space; I enjoy teaching people and bringing more acceptance to issues and experiences many people don't understand, so it's okay to make mistakes here with the intent of fixing them! 
It All Starts With You
The first step to writing Plurality is to start with you. Now you might think, "What do I have to do about writing a system? Why does it matter that I've gotta start with myself first? :/" Well, I'll give a simple answer: 
Everything you write reflects who you are as a person and what work you're willing to do for your writing.
Now, I don't mean reflecting yourself as in, "Oh no! You write about murders, so you must be a murderer!" No, I mean how you perceive yourself, the world, and others affect your writing. 
An example of this is one of my favorite books, Life of Pi by Yann Martel. The author enjoys learning and believes in the ability to participate in multiple religions, so the character Pi in his story holds that characteristic, affecting how the story is written. I suffer from intrusive thoughts, so I write Mikey from ROTTMNT with pure O OCD (someone whose OCD doesn't showcase/have outward compulsions), which affects how I write his interactions with the environment and his internal dialogue. 
Why this is important is because if you believe there is such a thing as an "evil alter," that only disordered systems are true systems, and/or that there's no such thing as Plurality and people are just faking it, it'll show in your work whether you want it to or not. So, it's important to tackle your stance on Plurality. How who you are and what you believe and participate in affect how you write a system. 
I'll use myself as a perfect example! I'm very open-minded, but I'm very afraid of ghosts and demons. So when I learned that Possestive Systems were a thing, it scared me because the idea of being possessed makes me scared. I'm still afraid of demons and ghosts, but it no longer affects my interpretation and understanding of possessive systems. 
I'm not religious, but I love learning about religion and how people interpret it so learning about Spirigenic Systems was super cool! I believe endo systems deserve respect and exist. I also think that persecutors do not deserve to be treated unfairly, negatively, and purposefully hurt by their systems or those outside the system. They also deserve respect and understanding. 
This shows in my writing because I write Raphael as a diversian median system with a mixed origin with truamagenic and endogenic origins. I've made a few posts about Leonardo being a non-truamagenic system with non-religious spiritual connections to his ancestors (here, here, and here). I have even blatantly had Leonardo state in my Figuring It Out series the same perspective I have about Plurality: 
In summary, Leo's brother is a part of a system, and if anyone were to ever make Raph, or Mind and Red for that matter, feel awful about that in any way, he and his brothers and sister would fight them without hesitation. There was nothing wrong with being a part of a system, and anyone who disagreed could eat a dirty, used pizza box for all they cared. Red and mind are a part of their family, and no idiot could ever change that. 
Becoming aware of how Plurality makes you feel, think, and do is important, so while learning about Plurality, it's good to take time to assess why things make you feel this way or that way. Why you don't want to even try and write that experience but feel drawn to write about that one. 
And, by the way, it's okay not to write some experiences! I don't write much about DID systems, but a friend of mine does! A part of writing systems is writing what is most interesting/relatable/understandable to you! There will always be some system that resonates with a characteristic you've written about, and it's okay if you can't write some system experiences perfectly or at all!
This leads to the other half of what I said, that who you are will affect the amount of work you'll put into writing about Plurality, and I shall use myself as another example to help you understand what I mean. 
I am extremely passionate about learning about Plurality, so I am heavily involved in the community. I follow a lot of Plural blogs, have Plural friends, am a part of Plural discord servers, in activism, spend my time teaching others about Plurality, and have spent hours reading through Plural systems experiences over genuine, literal years. Because of this, I am very knowledgeable and deeply understand Plurality that not many singlets and even some systems have an understanding of. (This doesn't mean I am an expert and all-knowing, however. Please remember this. I am not a professional). I am willing to put years of research and interactions with the community into a piece of writing. 
You may be the same way, or you may just want to only know enough to get the basics down to a T, which in my opinion, is valid if done correctly! Understanding how willing you are to dedicate yourself to learning about Plurality to write it is just as crucial as understanding how you feel about it and tackling any Pluralphobia or hatred you have towards the community/experience. 
TL;DR: You have to figure out how you feel about Plurality and make sure you fix any issues you have towards or about Plurality. You have to understand how far you're willing to go to write Plurality, whether it's dedicating years to it or just wanting to know the basics. 
Where to Learn About Plurality 
Since I've spent years dedicating a portion of my life to learning and helping the plural community, I know a couple of ways that you can learn about Plurality for yourself and for your writing (because it is crucial you research before writing something). If you enjoy a laidback way of doing it, I recommend following blogs! If you want to read a lot, I recommend the dictionary! If you talk to the community directly, I recommend certain blogs, discord servers, and spaces where learning is the main idea!
Never just barge into any system/plural safe space with questions and concerns unless you know for certain they want to teach you. It isn't anyone's job to teach you or spend their day explaining what you want to know. They are beings with lives of their own, and they do not owe you anything. Respect is important; if you don't respect a system's time, boundaries, and wishes, you are in the wrong period. It is always important to ensure that you're asking questions and talking to systems that want to answer your questions with respect and patience. 
Here are the blogs and sites I recommend interacting with if you're not sure where to start (I will take any mentions off if those I've mentioned would rather I not @ them): 
Power to the Plurals
I am available to ask questions or get to know Plurality better, but as I said before, I am not an expert; I am not all-knowing; I am simply one opinion/experience in a sea of many, many others. Do not take my word as law and an end-all. 
I recommend following and interacting with open communities specifically for the kind(s) of Plurality you want to write. This will help you in writing system experiences/struggles/achievements/interactions relating to those experiences you choose to write about.
TL;DR: To write Plurality correctly and to the best of your abilities, you have to learn about Plurality in the best way that suits your learning needs. Also, systems don't owe you anything. Respect them. 
What to Avoid and How to Avoid it
Now, because there are a lot of stigmas, demonizations, misinformation, and discourse about systems, I am only going to talk about the main things you should always or at least try to avoid.
1) Gatekeeping Plurality 
Whether you're a system or a singlet, this is extremely important to remember. It is not your place to dictate who, when, or what is deemed "Plural enough," especially system experiences you/you& do not experience yourself/yourselves. 
You should avoid gatekeeping since it excludes systems from communities, help, and safe spaces. It's awful, and it hurts systems a fuck-ton. It's something that gets on my nerves because exclusion is literally the absolute worst. Excluding beings/groups/communities/experiences literally does nothing but hurt those just trying to exist. And it's never okay to hurt others on purpose. 
As someone who's super open-minded in the way that I am, it's honestly difficult for me to gatekeep, but here's what I have heard that might help keep you from gatekeeping: 
Not everything is about you. You may not get/need it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist/someone needs it. 
The existence of something/someone doesn't mean less for someone else who isn't a part of that group.
If it isn't hurting anyone, it's not a problem. (There may be struggles or a change that needs to be made, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily hurting someone/a group.)
Everyone is capable of change, and that's okay.
Everyone makes mistakes, and that's okay. 
Everyone is allowed their own opinions, and that's okay.
There are no rules for how being exist. 
2) The So-Called Evil Alter(s) 
We've all seen those characters in media that have that one side/alter who is slapped with the label of being evil. A perfect example is the Goblin from Spider-Man, the Beast from Glass, and literally any media you consume that has DID villainized. When writing Plurality, it is your job to avoid hurtful and harmful stereotypes such as the "Evil Alter." 
The reason it's important to avoid falling into the stereotype is simple: It's overused, demonizes, stigmatizes, villainizes, and continues to push forth the idea that systems are to be feared. Systems are real and valid, and creating fear around their experiences and existence causes real-life problems. If you're choosing to write about marginalized groups (just like drawing, it should be something you practice/incorporate often), you must always keep this in mind. What you write affects real beings. Write responsibly. 
The best way to flick a middle finger to the evil stereotype is by ensuring that a headmate is well-rounded, an actual individual instead of a plot device or just a flat character. It is okay to have characters who may fall into stereotypes, be a persecutor, or do bad things because they're a being; they're capable of such things. But you have to make sure to get across to the audience that they are not evil. You can do this by not having a headmate be the antagonist in the story or filling the common roles a villain does in most stories. 
If you're incapable or aren't sure you can write a character like that, avoid writing headmates who can fall into being a villain in your story. If you're sharing your work publically, it's best not to incorporate it at all, but I highly recommend practicing privately on how to write demonized headmates in a stigma-free light in your own time and pace. You're going to fail at first; what matters is that you're trying. 
3) Writing Only "Evil" or Antagonists as Pural 
Similar to what I said above, even if you don't follow the "Evil Alter" villainization of a headmate, it's important to always pay attention if all or most of your system characters are villains/antagonists in your story. While having a diverse set of characters with various roles in a story is fine, it's important to ensure that you're not accidentally falling into the thin line of villainizing characters. 
The best way to avoid this is to make sure you have an equal balance of plural characters spanning from "good" to "many shades of grey" to "bad." And to not use demonizing characteristics with "bad" characters but instead in good or a certain grey area. This will challenge you to break norms and think outside the box, depending on your character. But in the end, if you don't feel capable, practice! Learn! As long as you're trying, that's what matters!
4) Final Fusion
Many singlets don't know this, so I won't just link what Final Fusion is but define it. In the simplest explanation I can give, Final Fusion is when a system becomes a singlet. 
I would avoid this in writing at all costs. The point of writing Systems isn't to make them singlet, and it's like learning how to write black characters to make them white. You just don't do that. You write systems to write about system experiences/have a genuinely diverse cast of characters, not to make their existence in stories an end goal to become one single being in a body. 
If you're singlet, don't ever write about Final Fusion. In my opinion, it isn't your place to write about that; leave that to systems as it is a touchy subject and not one singlets should handle. 
TL;DR: When writing about Plurality, avoid gatekeeping Plural experiences/groups, falling into evil stereotypes, making all your plural characters antagonists, and writing anything on Final Fusion.
General Writing Rules
How you write systems depends on what system you decide to write about, the headmates within that system, and any other characteristics you choose to add to the body or the headmates themselves will influence how you actually write things out. An example is how I write my Shard System (fic here). 
First, my Shard System has polyconsciousness and can communicate internally, though it changes depending on who's talking and fronting. This leaves me having to find a format for the audience to know what is internal and external and who is specifically talking. I wrote that lil fic I shared while sleep-deprived, so it isn't the prettiest-looking format, but it's a format nonetheless, and that helps readers! I recommend having a key or using consistent formatting so readers understand what is happening. 
Secondly, my Shard System dissociates when switching and co-fronting, so I describe the experience as I would an emotion or when a character is using their powers. When you have systems that have characteristics that affect the body and their perception when fronting or in the inner world, it's good to describe it like you would anything else! And if there's something significant about it or it changes depending on what perspective you're writing from, that's just as important as writing feelings or background characteristics! 
Thirdly, systems have characteristics where they have a quirk where they'll write/type/speak in that quirk. For example, my Shard System has a few quirks where Red types in bold (hence why I wrote his dialogue in bold) and has a Spanish accent and a deep voice when fronting and in the inner world. Savage speaks in broken English, so it'll be very prominent when he communicates. Considering the little details about your headmates when writing them in your stories is never bad! Especially when it's a common quirk in systems to have! 
Finishing Thoughts
There is nothing wrong with wanting to learn how to write Plurality or any other marginalized and demonized experience. You're going to make mistakes, and you're going to be a fool the first time you write Plural characters, and hey, it's all a part of the learning process! What matters is that you try and remember to check in to ensure you're not excluding or creating real-life problems in your writing. 
This long-ass answer to your ask or anyone wanting to write about Plurality isn't meant to scare you off or overwhelm you; it's to simply inform you how you can write Plurality to the best of your ability. And like learning to do anything, it takes time and patience. Not everything will make sense right away, and it's expected that your first emotions learning about something you don't understand are fear, anger, and denial. But to grow as a person and as a writer is to tackle those feelings and remember why you're writing these experiences. 
I write about plural characters and experiences because I love Plurality. I love it so much that I just want to express my love through my favorite characters and spend my time learning and consuming content on it. I write plural characters because I care so deeply for the plural community. I am passionate about giving them media and content they can enjoy, where they feel safe, heard, and understood. I write plural characters to destroy the idea that Plurality is something to fear and hide away when systems should take pride and be able to be wholeheartedly themselves. I write plural characters because I choose to. Because I want to. 
Having a reason, no matter how "dumb" or "profound," for wanting to write Plurality is valid and good as long as it doesn't hurt real-life beings. And I am more than ecstatic to hear that you and others may want to write plural characters, even if you're singlet or not! 
It isn't that hard to write once you get the hang of it and the moment you get the basic understanding of the system experiences you're trying to write. But, I want you to know that no matter how hard it gets, how challenging and maybe even overwhelming it may be, your best is enough, and your trying is enough. That doesn't mean you need to stop learning because you're always going to keep learning things until you die, but just know that your best is enough and will always be enough. 
Thank you so much for reaching out, and I hope this long-ass post helped you or you&! I tried my best to cover everything, but if anyone else has anything more to add, feel free! 
Thank you so much for the ask! <3
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grievedeeply · 2 years
HIII I read some of your works and I really like them! If it's okay,please do something like mitch x reader! Like how he would comfort reader when she is getting over recently ended toxic friendships (I'm going through that right now)
Have a cool day :D
decided to broaden up this idea and include how he would comfort someone in general. also decided to make this platonic/romantic depending on how you want to interpret it! i still do talk about what you requested in this, but ik this isn't exactly what you wanted so feel free to let me know if you want me to write this again
i'm also going through something similar and i know how awful it feels! if you ever need to talk, my pms are open to you (and to anyone for any reason at all). hope you enjoy! and thank you for requesting!
gn!reader , no tws
tags: @sweet-daisies
mitch (twdg) comforting you headcanons
gonna start this off by saying that mitch has no idea how to comfort anyone. he's awful at reading people and being social has never been his strong suit so he doesn't recommend anyone come to him for anything serious
but if you are close enough to him, he'll make exceptions and for you. he doesn't know what to say to a lot of what you're talking to him about, but he's trying his best
he's a great listener. he always lets you know he's still listening by humming and nodding while you speak, making sure his eyes are on you
he's horrible at helping people but he's willing to listen to you talk about anything that might be on your mind to try to help you somehow
if you tell him about how you recently ended a toxic friendship and how it made you feel, he's still not sure how to react so he'll give you a reassuring look
"you'll always have me, at least"
he's been through situations similar to yours before so he tells you about them if that's something you want to hear about. he thinks that it could benefit you, knowing that you're not alone in your struggles
he knows that it's hard to lose friends even if they turned out toxic, so he tries his best to be there for you in whatever way you need
again, he doesn't know what he's doing, so he listens to you and what you need him to do
if you need some alone time, he goes off on his own for a few hours and comes back to check on you. if you want him with you, he'll sit next to you and let you ramble or just sit in silence if you prefer that
it all depends on what you need in the moment. he doesn't ever want to make anything worse for you so he just... lets you lead things
he can be a bit of an asshole sometimes, but that all goes out the window when you're feeling down. he's built up a tough personality but his soft interior shows through when the people he cares about are hurting
he goes out of his way to make sure you're doing alright. if you don't want to leave your dorm, he brings you food and snacks, makes sure you have everything you need and keeps you company if you want it
he doesn't ever make anything you're struggling with about himself. he makes sure you know that your feelings are valid and that you have someone willing to listen to you
he drills it into your head that you aren't a burden or a problem because you feel upset or angry over something. he is always there for you
he hates seeing you feel down in any way, though. he'll lose sleep knowing that you're feeling bad in some way and he can't do anything about it to fix it
he's used to fixing things easily and when he can't find easy solutions it makes him sad. he wants you to be happy but he knows happiness comes and goes sometimes
mitch has a hard time showing his emotions, but he will try to show them for you. he wants you to feel comforted and loved, so he tries his best even if it's awkward
he won't be opposed to a hug if you need it. anything he can do to help you, he'll do it
his advice is so bad. he's good at helping out in other ways, but never ask him for it because all you'll get is nonsense. he means well, but it's awful
he does care about you. he has ways of showing it when you're not feeling down, but whenever you need comforting all of those walls fall quick and he's right by your side, helping you through everything
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Ropes anon!
I know it’s been a hot minute since youve seen me pop up in your asks but that pirate au you just handed out was fucking HOT! Like holy shit!
I have to keep this thread going by asking for more if you can deliver some actual Pirate Sal or Pirate Dani? Maybe even something for Sasha from Safety? (Doesn’t have to be pirate au) The bashful little enby had been wondering their way in and out of my mind since the mentions of collars in safety and I’m such a sucker for collars.
I know this was long but I hope your having a lovely day Theo! 💜
First of all, thank you, dear ♥️ I'm so glad you think so 👀 I had a lot of fun writing that one 😌 And you'll be happy to know that I have both more pirate Alcina and some pirate Sal planned! 👀 (though, I am in the process of packing up a life time worth of stuff and moving twice over the next month, so it'll likely be a minute - unfortunately 😅)
As for Sasha, that is valid as fuck! 😌 Sasha is always wandering their way in and out of my mind 🤣👀 Enjoy this little snippet, tho, dear!
"Then fuck me, Mistress."
The feeling of their body under mine… the exquisite landscape of eager flesh brushing against me, ghosting over my breasts … it’s all enough to render me all too willing. Their desire for me glistening in the morning sun as I force their legs apart, smirking.
“Stop squirming and maybe I will.”
With a single wave of my hand my favorite harness fastens itself to my hips, custom fit against my body and adorning one of my larger toys - one made specifically for double penetration - a personal favorite of a certain needy demon.
My hands on their hips, holding them in place as I lean my body down - teasing my tongue over their lips before pulling back and kissing down the front of their neck instead. A firm nip to their skin when my mouth reaches the fine lines that reside just beneath their collar.
“Too needy to brat out, are we?” I ask teasingly even though I know I’m the one using my body to restrain them of all their movements.
I take my time working them up.. claiming them slowly just because I can. My mouth and teeth marking them with kisses that have been sucked over and bites that sink in just a little too deep. The vibration between us growing stronger with each mark as I build the need inside them to an unwavering force - their arousal dripping to the point where I won’t even need any lube.. for either hole.
I adjust myself slightly, moving my hands to their thighs and spreading them further for me. Sliding the toy down their entrance and over their ass - readying it as I lean back. The tips now resting teasingly against both of their openings.
“Now, tell your Mistress just how badly you need it, pet.”
Your Lady's voice swiftly pulling you from the page you were reading, forcing you to look up - your face completely flushed.
"Y-yes, my lady?"
Moving gracefully across the library, she stopped just short of where you're seated, looking down at the book in your hands.
"And just what are you reading that has you so flushed?"
You raised the book from your lap, allowing her to see the cover - the blush across your face immediately deepening.
"Mh.. 'The Witch and The Demon' ... good choice."
Her reply coated in a smirk as she let the book fall back into your lap.
"Y-you've read it?"
"Once or twice. Daniela added it to the collection several years ago."
"I can see why." You murmured under your breath, earning a prompt laugh from the Countess.
"indeed." She chuckled. "Well, carry on, pet. Though, try not to get too carried away... I do expect you promptly for dinner."
"Of curse, my lady."
She hummed - giving you a nod as she turned to leave, your eyes immediately falling to the next paragraph.
Also, I hope you're having a great day as well, dear! ♥️
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seacottons · 4 years
—ateez as boyfriends [ domestic au ]
notes: swearing. suggestive dialogue. fluff. i blame a certain someone for this, not gonna say who. @kireiwoo
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— hongjoong
very caring and attentive towards you
so much so, that even his friends have complained how it isn't fair he doesn't scold you like the way he does to them
he enjoys many activities with you, such as
helping him dye his hair an ungodly color every other month
he'll insist you try experimenting with your own tresses
but you only have the courage to dye the very ends of your strands
"i don't think i can pull off that color as well as you do," you'd say.
"that's a load of bull. you'll suit every hair color."
you'll just roll your eyes playfully at his biased behavior.
other activities include getting tiny matching tattoos together.
the tiny flower and butterfly on your wrists was most likely your favorite due to its simplicity in design and the meaning behind it as well.
spontaneous dates are his favorite.
behind closed doors, he loves to constantly shower you with pecks and smooches.
often gets teased by his friends from how whipped he is for you.
randomly books vacations for you two to relax and unwind every so often.
although he enjoys it, he is a big, tired baby when it comes to traveling
always wanting to lean his head against your shoulder
or cuddling you close for warmth due to the airport's air conditioners blasting frigid air.
has written many songs about you
and when he's finally ready, he'll not only ask you to listen to them, but to also spend the rest of your life with him and share his last name as well.
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— seonghwa
constant pet names
"the sun to my stars."
"the moon to my sun."
"love of my life."
you like to call him mars, mostly.
but he revels when you call him 'twinkle eyes' for some reason.
has a habit of pulling you into his lap.
you'll subconsciously play with the strands of his hair as he does so, him being too distracted bickering with his friends to realize sometimes.
will always give you pleading looks whenever wooyoung or san tease him.
sometimes, you walk in to find wooyoung settling onto your boyfriend's back while he greedily devours the bowl of popcorn entirely by himself.
or other times when both wooyoung and san constrict his limbs with their arms whenever you're near.
"y/n can't save you now, so cut the whining."
you'll only sigh and shake your head in amusement.
"what are you guys doing to my poor boyfriend?"
"he changed the movie we were watching without our permission!"
"because i have no damn clue what's going on, and harry potter is too confusing!"
coffee dates.
loves to sleep with you tucked against his chest.
always has an arm draped around your frame.
butterfly kisses on your neck.
soft touches against the small of your back and waist.
his favorite pastime with you would be stargazing.
"baby, look. it's me, mars-io," he'd say whilst pointing up to the large, bright star in the night sky.
when it's too cloudy outside, or when the weather isn't forgiving, he'll turn on the indoor star projector he bought so the two of you can stargaze in the comfort of your own bed.
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— yunho
is the epitome of romantic.
is constantly smothering you in love and affection.
always has heart eyes and admiration in his eyes at whatever small task you do or say.
rant about an ancient dynasty?
heart eyes.
bombard him with useless information about a certain abandoned island.
heart eyes.
gush about the new cute bakery that recently opened up?
heart eyes.
if you had a money jar for every time he says 'i love you', you'd have enough money to buy a plane ticket or two.
always willing to drop everything to help you with whatever it is you need.
will wake up in the middle of the night when you text him to ask if he's awake or not.
willingly stays up to keep you company.
but sometimes, when he's too tired, he'll knock out accidentally and profusely apologize to you in the morning.
very supportive of your life choices.
hates seeing you cry because it makes him want to bawl his eyes out as well.
his hugs are bone-crushing.
but he is a gentle giant nonetheless.
likes to attempt to bake pastries with you.
half of the time, the goods either turn out undercooked or burnt.
"they have love in them, that's all that matters."
will always insist that you can rant to him about anything and everything.
you've never felt so valued in your life before meeting him.
is the most understanding human being you've ever gotten the pleasure of knowing.
"i wish we were vampires," he says one day.
you give him an amused look, lips outstretched into a smile, "why, silly?"
"so we can spend an eternity together."
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— yeosang
his heart flutters when you notice the smallest things he does.
it makes him feel appreciated and acknowledged.
like when he changes up his hairstyle or earrings.
or when he wears a new sweater.
a big, big softie when it comes to you.
can and will want to spend all day in your arms on his days off.
quick witted and has a knack for noticing the tiniest detail.
very shy and awkward at first.
but when he gets more comfortable as time passes on, you won't be safe from his snarky little comments anymore.
will constantly bring up the thing you said or did months ago to prove a point.
"oh, you like this flavor? three months ago you told me it tasted like vomit."
"remember that time you woke up in a rush to get to work thinking you were late, only for me to drag you back inside because it was three in the fucking morning?"
you stop mid-chew and peer up from your plate of rice.
"your point, yeosang?"
"oh, nothing this time. i just wanted to tease you."
is the type to have a mid-life crisis when you can't decide on a restaurant.
"but i don't want to eat at the chicken place again," you'll whine.
"it's been thirty minutes, and you still haven't decided what you want!"
"you're rushing me!"
"y/n! just pick!"
loves to cuddle with you, especially in the colder months.
wraps a blanket around your frame and tugs you in closer against his chest.
pretends not to understand your jokes just to spite and tease you.
loves when you cling onto him.
his favorite pastime with you would be just walking around together at night and trying out different types of street food.
or even visiting any of the local beaches for a relaxing walk together.
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— san
persistently keen about whenever you feel upset or down.
he reads you better than any open book.
sometimes, it scares you, but you appreciate how he's always so eagle-eyed about your behavior.
loves to hug your head.
you allow wooyoung to crash some of your dates with san sometimes.
other times, san will whine and tell him to go find his own date.
"if y/n accepted you as a boyfriend, then you should've disclosed that i'm part of the deal as well. buy one get one free."
"as what exactly?"
"the hot, clingy best friend."
will take numerous duck-faced selfies of himself because you think they're cute.
often times, he'll ask you to mirror his expression, only for him to press his lips against yours a second before his phone snaps the picture.
likes when you kiss his dimple.
"y/n! it looks like a crater from the amount of times you've kissed it."
he likes to tease you.
a lot.
very touchy.
always has an arm around you.
rests his chin against your shoulders.
playfully smacks your rear when you're sassy with him.
or leans in to hold your jaw whilst whispering teasing words into your ear that has you becoming docile and bothered in mere seconds.
has you wrapped around his finger as much as you have him wrapped around your own.
likes to have weekly picnics with you at the park and admires all the dogs running about.
"i should bring byeol next week. maybe she'll like to play fetch too."
"i don't think that's a good idea.."
you often find him fast asleep holding onto a plushie for dear life whenever you're away.
you'll pull it away from his arms, causing him to stir awake groggily.
he'll stare in confusion as you throw the plushie aside, before pulling you in tighter as you wriggle into his arms.
"you're softer than shiber," he'll mumble sleepily against the crown of your head.
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— mingi
mingi is sometimes self-conscious around the public eye and others, but when it comes to you, those layers of fear and insecurity get stripped away instantly.
doesn't mind being vulnerable with you.
he craves affection, adores it even, but is insecure about not being able to return it well enough for his liking.
likes when you give him attention.
easily gets jealous when someone else grabs your interest.
reassuring him 24/7.
"yes, mingi. you're the love of my life."
kissing his pouting lips for good measure.
the smallest of gestures has him a blushing mess.
even holding hands in public.
when he's not being a sentimental sap, he'll like teasing you lovingly.
"wow, you have this many photos of me in your phone?"
you'll scrutinize him in confusion.
"are you that obsessed with me, y/n?"
"mingi! you told me to take half of those photos of you!"
"oh, right. i forgot."
a silence weighs down onto the two of you.
"but would you have taken them if i never asked you to?"
constantly laughs about the things you say, although you don't think you're that funny.
always seeks your approval subconsciously.
will always shield you from the rain, playfully yelling at the droplets sometimes.
"you can't make y/n wet! only i can!"
"mingi! we are in public!"
wanted to go strawberry picking because he saw a celebrity try it out on instagram live.
accidentally steps on many berries though.
"it's okay, they'll just make another plant. i did them a favor."
brags about you like no tomorrow.
even for the tiniest, minuscule thing.
"oh, i've already tried the brand of ice cream. y/n always buys that for me."
"i don't need to pay all this money for a measly slice of cake. y/n's cakes are much better."
"no, wooyoung. i'm not jealous of your new shoes." he'll lightly pinch the boy's side, "y/n and i have already bought ourselves matching pairs."
"you two are so fucking cheesy, it hurts."
when he's not bragging about you, he's boasting about himself.
but if that's what helps him raise his confidence levels up, you'll gladly sit down hours on end listening to how he has more 'swag' and 'charisma' than all of his older friends combined.
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— wooyoung
teases you like his life depends on it.
says you can't get enough of him, when in reality it's the other way around.
but you let him believe whatever he wants.
but deep down he just really gets satisfied with himself if he raises your mood and makes you smile.
especially when you're not having a great day.
uses way too many emojis when texting you.
"wooyoung, why am i saved as as 'clingy bug' on your contacts?"
he'll squawk indignantly and laugh awkwardly for a second.
"who told you this lie!?"
always wants to show off your love in front of his friends.
"no, i don't want my early birthday gift now. wait until the others show up, and do it front of them."
"but why?"
"so everyone can see how much you love me. can you also cry for good measure?"
"absolutely not."
he enjoys the dates you have in his apartment the most.
the ones where he cooks for you and asks for your help, only for him to pester you about over-seasoning or undersalting something.
"okay, fine! we'll just order take out if it tastes that bad," you pout, flinging a small piece of onion on his face.
his head instantly snaps back to eye you judgingly, fist gripping the poor spatula.
"over my dead body."
"so, y/n. how does my plating look?"
"it's beautiful, wooyoung. you've outdone y-"
"what else is beautiful?" he demands, face leaning over the table to give you a knowing grin.
you shove a piece of meat and rice into his mouth, shrugging nonchalantly.
he deflates at your answer, spluttering pieces of rice onto your face.
"jung wooyoung, you slob!"
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— jongho
is the type of boyfriend to stop you in the middle of the road to tie your shoe for you.
very charming and goofy in his own way.
takes pride in himself and his abilities to cater to your every whim and need.
even when you don't ask for his help.
aggressively opens jars for you when you struggle to pry them open.
"no one messes with my y/n."
"you're fussing at a jar of pickled radish, baby."
the type to cling close to you in public in fear of any of the bicyclists or pedestrians bumping into you and harming you in any way.
sometimes acts like you're made of glass.
while it's endearing occasionally, it is a bit suffocating at other times.
doesn't believe you when you say you're tough and don't need protection.
very selfless and willing to help you with anything you need.
never one to shy away from social gatherings with his friends, always pulling you along with him despite you being shy and clingy most of the night.
also a big tease.
when you help him hold down his legs for sit ups, he asks for a smooch.
pulls away from you when you try to kiss him.
and will laugh at your pouting face as he urges you to try once more.
"stop moving, i just want to kiss you!"
after numerous tries, he finally allows you ( you truly think you over-powered him though ) to kiss his cheeks or lips.
he then proceeds to squawk loudly in retaliation and playful disgust.
although he loves teasing you, when the game is flipped the other way, he'll be a shy mess of embarrassment.
"i don't mumble your name in my sleep."
"you always do, silly."
tucked underneath his macho exterior, you know he's prone to criticism and takes it to heart much more than he likes to show and admit.
so, whenever you get the chance, you always fulfill his need to be appreciated, loved, and taken care of.
is utterly and extremely protective of you.
"who just whistled at you?" he grumbles, "i'll break their jaw like an apple, you know i will."
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Some Unspoken Thing
Louis James Moriarty x Reader (Established Friendship)
After knowing that the next chapter will be released in September, I wrote some MTP x Reader drabbles in my notes to help keep my mind off things. (Also, because I love the characters). For my first MTP x Reader fic, it features none other than Louis!
If you ever come across this, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Louis had finally managed to finish doing his rounds all over the Moriarty Estate. His older brothers, Albert and William, had already left earlier that morning to their respective jobs.
The young, blonde man made his way into the second floor of the manor, his scarlet eyes darting about in case he had missed cleaning a spot or if there were any other chores that he had not started on yet. Given that it was Valentine's Day, the nobles ㅡ especially the women who were more than eager to make the Moriartys' acquaintance ㅡ decided it best that they were to hold a tea party to celebrate the occasion. Louis did not want to put disgrace to their family name, so he was as observant and as careful with his cleaning inspections.
Upon reaching the landing, he noticed that the door to your room was slightly ajar.
That's odd, he thought to himself. He remembered you locking it after you rushed to meet your date. Louis approached the room with cautious steps, careful not to startle the occupant. If there ever was one.
A look of confusion dawned on his features, his brows furrowed and his eyes squinted from behind his spectacles.
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❛ Y/N? You're back early. ❜
Louis remarked, slightly opening the door as he stood just outside your quarters.
You were absently staring out at your open window when Louis' voice snapped you out of your trance, bringing you back into reality. You turned towards where his voice had come from and gave him a halfhearted smile.
❛ Yes, I'm back. Unfortunately, plans have changed. My date ㅡ ❜
A sigh slipped out of your lips, your cheeks puffed and dusted with a pink blush. You averted your gaze from the young man at the entryway, diverting your attention to the floor.
❛ My date was with somebody else. I thought they were going out today to meet up with me. But as it turns out, they're already seeing somebody. ❜
You were embarrassed to relay your story to Louis. You two have known each other for a long time and he was always the one you relied on when your relationships don't go as planned. Today's incident was no different. You didn't bother going into detail because you couldn't deal with the humiliation that would creep up in your chest not long after, the feeling made even more evident by your reddening cheeks.
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Louis adjusted his glasses, a finger momentarily pushing up the eyewear's bridge on his nose's dorsum. There were many thoughts running on his mind; this was not the first time someone had turned you down in a mortifying manner. A glint of murder flittered past his crimson orbs, dissipating into a gaze of softness as he observed your crestfallen look.
He stepped into your quarters, the sound of his approaching steps making you look up.
Up close, he was breathtakingly handsome. Though the right side of his face was mostly covered with his lengthened fringe, you can't help but be mesmerized. His red eyes were rather hypnotizing, as if luring you someplace else the longer that you stare at them. The scar on his right cheek, left by a burn mark he had long ago inflicted on himself, resembled an unexplored area on a map that your fingers wanted to caress and trace.
You saw your face reflected on his lenses and you internally scolded yourself. Gather your wits about you, think straight.
Louis filled in the silence that settled between you.
❛ I'm sorry to hear about your date, Y/N. ❜
He said with the most genuine tone he could muster; his anger might take a while to subside. Knowing that you've been played again always puts a bitter taste into his mouth. He knelt in front of you on one knee, clasping one of your hands with both of his.
You felt your heart skip a beat, pounding at an increasing rhythm against your chest. Your eyes never broke contact throughout this exchange, resulting to you feeling more flustered than usual.
What was happening?! Louis was your friend! For years now, you had never felt anything romantic towards him. Yet...
❛ You know, I've finished doing my chores today, Y/N. As my means of lifting your spirits up, would you like to accompany me on a stroll? We could go somewhere you like. ❜
A smile crept up on your lips as you wordlessly nodded, a tear sliding down your cheek. Give it to Louis to come to your aid even if you didn't ask for it in the first place. It was one of the things you loved about him: he was willing to do anything for your sake without expecting much in return. He did it out of the goodness of his heart.
Though he appeared void of emotion, he was a man with a warm heart and a caring personality.
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With the use of his thumb, he gently wiped your tear away. A small smile of content was on his face, relieved that he had somehow helped cheer you up.
❛ Shall we, then? ❜
You breathed out, grinning from ear to ear as you stood up.
Louis chuckled as he followed suit, intertwining your fingers as he held your hand tightly into his.
❛ As you wish, Y/N. Which place do you have in mind, might I ask? ❜
There was curiosity in his tone, a subtle cluelessness hidden in it for his offer was a sudden one. Though he proposed the idea, he hadn't the slightest idea where to take you. After all, he did not expect the turn of events to take place nor did he anticipate that your date would embarrass you.
Fortunately for Louis, your mind was already abuzz with places to visit on that special occasion.
❛ You'll see when we get there. Worry not; I shall make sure we make it back before the tea party starts! ❜
This has a part two. If this will do well and reach a number of audience (manifesting that it will, I'm literally just starting), I'll upload it! ♡
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Dear Quil, it's June. Lately, I've been wishing I would just die. I would never do anything to harm myself, but I just think things like, "I wish that cupboard would fall and crush me" My parents say I should see a therapist too. I don't think I need to, but I said okay. Do you think something's wrong with me, Quil? Am I depressed? Maybe it's the pressure from school or the stuff being going on at home, but I don't know. I just want to be happy again. But that's not going to happen soon is it?
Hey June, I think I know what you're talking about. Sounds like passive suicidal ideation, where you're not actively making any plans but are instead thinking about or wishing for your own death. You can read more about that here if you're curious, which is more of an informal source but provides a nice summary.
It's very common for people having those thoughts to not think they need treatment or help because they'd never act on them, but I do think there's cause for concern that could be aided through therapy. That doesn't mean that there's something wrong with you or you're messed up or anything along those lines. It's not a reflection of you as a person or evidence that you're worthless or bad or anything else your mind may try to convince you of. But it's not healthy and not wise to leave it unaddressed; you deserve better than to endure those thoughts and while you may not have any active desires now, passive ideation can lead to active ideation, so it's better to work on things sooner rather than later.
I can't determine whether or not you're depressed or whether it's situational or clinical, but I can say that I'm proud of you for agreeing to seeing a therapist even if you don't think you need to. I'll confess that I'm not a huge fan of going to therapy myself. The first time I went it was because my parents wanted me to when I was 13 or 14, and I didn't want to be there so I lied to my therapist so I wouldn't have to keep going. I don't recommend doing this, just trying to show I understand not thinking you need or would benefit from therapy. And when I started going to therapy again of my own decision, I still wasn't super hyped about it, but I went through with it to give it a valiant effort to see if I could gain anything from it. And I did.
So if you follow through and start going to therapy, part of it is going to depend on how open you are to the experience. On if you're willing to try things and look at things differently and acknowledge things about yourself. No one can make you do that. I'd suggest giving it a solid attempt, even if you decide it isn't helping or isn't for you afterward. If they suggest a coping strategy, genuinely try it. Participate and engage during the session, answer questions the best you can. Maybe you'll find out you didn't need therapy or that therapy isn't right for you (and that's okay!) or maybe you'll find it's beneficial. You won't know until you try. And lying to your therapist like I did doesn't help anyone
I can't tell you when you'll be happy again, but I can promise you that what you're feeling now won't last forever and that happiness in the future is possible, inevitable even. It sucks what you're going through and I'm so sorry. But it is temporary. There will be a time when things aren't as bad, and when you're not wishing cabinets would crush you, and when you can enjoy being you. I know it sounds impossible, but thoughts like these can make it really hard to be hopeful about the future and everything gets skewed, so I promise you this isn't permanent
Until you get there, because you will, one thing I like to do when everything is so dull and seems pointless is to search for little things that are slightly better than everything else, just to remind me that good things still exist when life is bad. My partner and I call it "three things," where we list three things from the day that made us smile or were more positive than the rest of the things that happened. It can be big things like "I got a new gaming console today!" or small things like "I finally found that sock I lost forever ago and now the pair is complete again." Just things to help you sort through all the muck and remind you that not everything is bad.
I don't know if any of this will help you, but if there's anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask. If you want to try the three things activity but don't want to do it alone, I can do it with you! It can be nice to share with someone else sometimes. Or if you just want to talk I'm here.
I hope whatever you decide to do from here works out for the best for you, and I'm cheering you on from across the internet <3
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antigoneidk · 3 years
can't help falling in love|t.h.
summary: when words can't speak enough, songs will do
pairing: tom holland × reader
words: 2k
a/n: well I think we all fell in love with this Tom right? I mean who wouldn't??? Wish more of that content cause I'm a sucker for him..
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"Over yours tonight?"
"Yes. Bring your guitar too."
"We're about to have fun tonight."
"As we always do!"
And when it was just the two of you, you always had a great time. The chemistry that had been developed between you and Tom was indescribable and everyone seemed jealous of what you have created. It was amazing how much two people can connect, two different souls in such a little period.
You loved your little secret "rendezvous" as you liked to call them. He'd come to your place, or you'd go to his, sip wine and talk for hours and hours about everything. From how the world was created, to how your nail broke, or the way some theories of very famous scientists may be wrong, or how his brothers crashed his car without him knowing, even analyze the way social media work, or begging him to show you videos of the set for his upcoming film. Maybe you'd complain about how early you have to wake up the next day and he'd make fun of you before he realizes that he's going to wake up as early as you. And you'd beg him to stay, or the opposite. 
And after that, you'd grab your guitars and play until you fall asleep on the couch.
He looked so handsome concentrated on not losing any chord, not ruin the melody. His brown eyes focusing on the strings, his fingers following the sound in his mind, his body relaxed, and his ears longing for your voice.
How he adored listening to your angelic voice. He couldn't explain the way his heart melted with the sweet sound of yours, his stomach filling with butterflies, his mind following the heart on this chaotic, exciting, endless road. He didn't know if he was in love or not. It was confusing inside his head. He never knew what falling in love means, the symptoms are different from one person to another. But he was only looking forward to the time he'd have to spend with you, the feeling of enthusiasm getting stronger as the day went by. He knew that you were the only one that could bring the peace he searched for, it was you that brought those feelings that he wanted to see for himself. He admitted once that he wished you'd be more than just his close friend to himself. Yet, the fear of losing you was massive and your presence in his life was more important than his feelings. So the only way was to push them to the side.
You knocked on his doorbell and fixed your guitar on your shoulder while waiting for the door to open. You looked down at your shoes noticing how dirty they got but as you were about to somehow clean them with your hand, you heard the door open and your eyes met his.
"Hi," you said cheerfully leaving the guitar to your side and wrapping your hands around his shoulder. His familiar scent came to your nose, your eyes closing for a moment enjoying his smell, but also the sensation of his arms tightening around your waist.
"Hey, beautiful" he mumbled softly and let go of you. "How are you?" he asked grabbing your guitar and closing the door behind you. 
"Now that I am here I'm so much better" you confessed. "Oh, you didn't wait for me to help"  you complained seeing that everything was already prepared for you.
"Why would I need help?" he asked.
"Because...I am your friend and you don't have to do all of these for me"
"But what happens if I want to do all of these for you?"
You stared back at him without any answer to his question. You tried to read his face, understand if he was joking or not. If he was playing with your feelings or if he was just completely clueless. His puppy eyes nearly convincing your heart that everything was true, your mind shouting to not believe this. It was a battle happening right in front of you, however, you stood still and did nothing.
"I'm pretty sure you do not so stop saying things you don't mean and let's go drink"
"But she fell in love with him Tom. She was happier than ever. She was willing to be there for him  for the rest of her life, she stood by his side through everything, his madness, his anger, his sadness, his happiness-"
"He was suffering y/n-"
"If he loved her enough-"
"Do you know how is it feel to be stuck on a chair and not move even a single finger? No matter how big your love is for someone, sometimes you're losing the fight" Tom sipped his last drop of wine and looked back at you.
"If we were in this position, would you die just like him? Even if you loved me more than anything?" you questioned.
"I seriously have no idea y/n"
"I'd live for you Tom" normally you wouldn't admit this, the wine gave you the courage though to do so. "If I was William in that stupid chair, I would want to live with you for the rest of eternity" you glanced at him meaning every word you just said. Your love for him was like no other and for sure knew that you were more than willing to move every mountain to be with him forever.
"Stop saying things you don't mean y/n" he copied your words and grabbed your guitar from the floor, unsure if he should play it cool or say something more.
"You are not romantic babe" you played it off resting your hand on the couch and placing your head at the top of it while waiting for Tom to tune the guitar. "Also I was thinking of something today while I was working"
"You were thinking again?" he asked sarcastically.
"You piece of...give me that" you laughed and took the guitar in your hands."So, as I was saying, I was thinking that maybe today you should sing with me"
"Are you drunk?" Tom asked you disagreeing already with the idea you had in mind.
"You know that I can't sing and even if it wasn't for that I would never sing with you"
"Why?" it felt kinda offending hearing those words as you didn't know why he felt that way.
"You have the voice of an angel y/n. I'm never gonna sing with you 'cause you'll hear how bad I sound and we don't want this trust me" he pulled his guitar close to him and smiled in your direction.
"I heard you singing before and you sound incredible so cut the excuses and follow me okay?" you didn't wait for any of his complaints. You started playing the song you imagined singing with him all day. The first reason being the fact that it was an easy song to play and sing. The second reason was the lyrics of it.
"Wise men say
Only fools rush in.." you began singing.
"Come on Tom..but I can't help falling in love with you" you continued hearing only whispers.
"Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin... I can't hear you
If I can't help falling in love with you"
Tom gained some courage and started singing louder. He didn't want to be unable to hear you, it was the thing his heart desired. But your expression, your eyes wide open begging him to join you. He could resist to them ever.
And the lyrics.
"Like a river flows
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be.."
You both stared at each other as you kept going. It felt more than just a song, more than just a famous melody. Those were words that none of you had the strength to say, not even dared to try. The fear of loss, the shyness of the last minute. You were saying to yourself that his teasing was just for fun, nothing more. Tom was doing the same. It wasn't complicated at all, but both your minds trapped in this maze, wouldn't detect the way out that was right in front of your eyes.
"Take my hand, 
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you..
For I can't help falling in love with you" 
You bit your lip and positioned the guitar to your legs keeping eye contact with him. The silence in the room was comforting, calming.  It definitely could say more than words.
Fuck it.
"I wish I could kiss you right now" Tom whispered under his breath, loud enough for you to listen. It was shocking. You blinked quite a few times doubtfully, assured that this was only a prank. But he was there looking at you, waiting for a reply. You were confused and he saw it too. His palms started sweating and his heartbeat increased in the blink of an eye. The voice inside him would stop yelling 'you screwed it' and his feeling got hurt quickly. He was ready to listen to you making fun of him, the plan that would break his heart in two. But your silence was currently the only thing he didn't want to. He searched for any signal on your face, even your body language but you were standing still as time had stopped.
"Then do it" 
He didn't hesitate for long. He was dreaming after all. Because this wasn't the reality he lived for sure. 
Fireworks, fireworks, fireworks.
He swore he heard them. The moment his lips captured yours he could hear those fireworks in his heart and ears. Bells were ringing and angels singing. Damn, I'm kissing one of them he thought. His right hand touched your neck deepening the kiss he was yearning for. Your lips in sync warm against his skin. His tongue over yours exploring your taste. Your perfume fueling his nose and brain, the butterflies dancing in their music now. 
It was magical. The goosebumps all over your skin making it even more real. Heart about to explode, all of the happiness hitting throughout your body. It was happening and still, it seemed like a fantasy. You slowly touched his chest and moved upwards to his shoulders making sure that you were really touching him and not any of your pillows. The sensation of his lips in yours was so much better than your imagination. Perfectly made for kissing you and only you.
You broke the kiss and the brightest smile he ever saw was on your lips. The lips HE was kissing.
"Y/n you have no idea how bad I wanted this to happen" he touched your forehead and with his thumb started to draw small circles. A tear rolled from your eye and dropped to his hand.
"Why did it take you so long?" you asked and closed your eyes feeling his breath hitting the skin of your face and hands.
"Baby don't cry. Please" he murmured.
"I'm just happy you know. It's no longer a fantasy or a dream. It's real" you admitted with your shaky breaths making your work hard. But you couldn't care less at that moment.
"I was afraid of losing you y/n. What if you didn't feel the same way? How was I supposed to know?"
"You wouldn't lose me okay? I'm feeling the same way Tom" you carefully brought your fingers at the top of his lips and touched them as you dreamed to. "I'm yours. I'll always be yours."
**the movie mentioned was me before you
**the song they were singing was can't help falling in love by Elvis Presley
Thank you for reading❤
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bluemoondust · 3 years
I do have a question, if you'd like to answer it? Can you do some general headcanons for a yandere!Lucian? I don't see it often, despite there being potential there. Either way, have a nice day!
✧General Yandere Headcanons — Elite Four Lucian✧
Hello there! I honestly am very willing to write for him and any other characters that most don't really write about (which I find that a shame because as you said, there's potential there and reading his info, I wonder why people don't talk more about him). After writing concepts about him and other psychic specialists, I feel like I'll just end up writing a whole post about their yandere types like with the pokemon professors! Which sounds fun. I hope you enjoy this and also have a wonderful day!
Warning(s): Obsessive Behavior and Thinking, Slight Mentions of Stalking, Slight Manipulation and Gaslighting
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To start things off, Lucian is an extremely patient man. So much so that it is deemed scary at how calm and put together he is no matter how stressful the situation is. Though I will mention that he does have his moments, but those are rare because he has books to keep himself in check. He isn't immune to feelings of anxiousness, but he knows to evade them.
Putting that to the side, I can definitely see him as a very lucid yandere. To add on, he probably saw the signs coming and just waited to see what this would result in. You certainly were a unique person in his eyes, but did that go further? There's more to it, he knows, and he wants to witness for himself. Lucian deems himself to be capable of keeping his mentality, actions, and emotions in check so he doesn't worry about being a threat in the slightest. That's why he's so aware and okay with his yandere traits.
He also gives off obsessive type vibes, but not to an extreme extent where it can drive you away or make one uncomfortable (unless his type of obsessing does do so). Lucian finds himself staring at you often, watching every action you take with high interest. It does distract him from reading, which is a little unfortunate he'll admit, but at least it isn't a strenuous distraction. Can confidently say it's a welcomed distraction.
Certainly will try to get closer to you rather than just get antsy and take you away. Again, he's very patient and doesn't mind pining over you for a while. The amount of time just fuels his love for you even more. Because of this, with how much you've spent time with him, he'll gather any form of info on you. Whether it be the little habits you possess or the places you like to visits. It's all in his extensive mental archive he has on you. He makes sure not to let his knowledge on you slip up, because any mistake can cause a domino affect.
You'll soon become an open book to him, even though future chapters haven't been revealed yet. Even so, he really enjoys the time spent with you, and drinks up anything new he learns along the way. And you're none the wiser to what lies beneath his politeness and charm. It makes him wonder how and when you'll find out. Lucian doesn't want you figuring things out, but it does get the gears in his head running on the possibilities.
Oh, and he definitely does use his senses to keep track of you. It's more of a precaution for himself rather than just trying to see where you usually go. Lucian may have high trust and belief in his skills and wit, but at times there's a nagging speck of doubt he gets. This is why he tends to want to have absolute attention on reading; it allows him to pin his focus on one thing so wandering thoughts don't mess with critical thinking. Though, you also manage to do the same, and he wonders if it can either go well or badly in that case.
If you should show the slightest signs of suspicion upon his intentions, Lucian is not against a bit of manipulation and giving you self doubt. He won't outright guilt trip you, but he will make sure your assumptions are proven wrong; all the while accepting your apologies despite the fact that you were actually right. I mean, with how much praise he's given as a member of the Sinnoh Elite Four, why on earth would you even give this man a shred of doubt? You may feel like you're in control of the situation, but that's what Lucian wants you to believe.
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