#so if you're in the position to purchase a record please do
elceeu2morrow · 2 years
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
I'm intrigued by the idea of yandere priest harem.
Just a bunch of sexually repressed men that now have a tangible person to 'worship'.
Yandere! Priest Harem
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
Tags: @endism
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What the fuck. You can’t believe it but you accidentally started a cult. You weren't sure how but you managed to do it. Everything about it was planned perfectly for you. From the moment you were kidnapped to the moment where you gave in, there was always some sort of routine that the priest followed that seemed almost robotic. Every word or phrase spoken to you seemed somewhat rehearsed as if they were doing everything in their power to make you pleased and happy. Everything that you requested or asked for was quickly met. Did you just say that you were hungry? Don’t worry, wait a couple more minutes and a feast will be made just for you. Did something catch your eye while you were shopping? In a couple minutes it is purchased and given to you. Never in your life had you seen a group more downbad people then these priests. They are incredibly whipped for you and treat you as if you were some kind of God.
Although you were kidnapped you soon learned to just accept the role as their false God. Why? Well to simply put you were just plain lazy and if being kidnapped allowed you to live a luxurious life without needing to work then so be it. Screw having a job and screw having to pay for bills. You will accept this position with grace and take advantage of it however you would like. The only thing that bothered you was why the hell were people joining this stupid cult!?!? By now you expected the stupid priests to run out of money by now due to your spending habits but why on Earth are people still continuing to donate to them!?!? There just always seems to be a never ending supply of money!!!
“Did you see them? The God of this religion is such a cutie. Do you think I have a shot at becoming a priest? Hell, I wouldn’t even mind being a sacrifice to them.” (Go away).
“I just donated my entire retirement fund to them. It’s so worth it. Did you see how cute their sneezes are? I could literally just die!!!” (Then die).
“I shook their hand a few days ago with my right hand. I haven’t washed it since.” (Gross).
Dammit that's why. You're so called “followers” were nothing but a group of some weirdo simps. The only thing that you ever did around this place was give speeches to your cult that came right out of your ass and they would eat it up everytime too. It is so bad that you could literally say that the Earth was flat and they would go to war to defend that you were right. You’ve never seen a group of more stupider people. As of right now you were currently giving out one of those bullshit speeches to your followers.
“... which is why cats are superior over dogs. If you have a cat tell them I said pspspspsp.”
One of the priests raises their hand, “Can you repeat that whole thing again? That was super cute and I forgot to press record.”
Another priest responds with, “Don’t worry I caught it all and I’ll send it to you later. In exchange, can I have that limited edition picture of them sleeping with a teddy bear.”
Another voice shouts, “Wait! I have some never seen before photos of them. Are you willing to trade it for the limited edition picture?”
Later that night you soon discover that there is a “trading card game” going around the cult using your pictures. You weren’t even sure how they even managed to take these photos but they somehow have them and how were these mass produced without you even noticing!?!? Why are they out of stock and why are they so popular!?!? Everyday is a never ending migraine for you. Just when you thought the priests couldn’t disappoint you even further, they always manage to prove you wrong. If they weren’t the ones feeding you, you would have been long gone by now.
Waking up always felt like a struggle most of the time. Like it literally was a struggle because there was always someone in your bed with you. They would constantly cuddle up to you as close as possible and make it difficult to leave the bed with their weight holding you down. By the time you wake up breakfast is already made and there is someone constantly fighting to decide who gets to feed you. After breakfast, you stroll around the gigantic garden that was funded with the money of taxpayers. Afternoons are spent giving out wack speeches and talking to your loyal followers. Dinners are the same as breakfast and there is competition on who gets to bathe with you. Quite often these end up turning physical fights between everyone. During the night you're out like a light and it’s a repeat of everything the next day.
Every passing day makes you so concerned for the mental health of others. There is just no way that any of these people are mentally sane. They have to be on drugs or something. You refused to believe that these were rational adults that are contributing members of society. No matter how much you try to change your personality, they always find a way to coo at you. On the days that you act like a brat you are met with the responses of, “Oh my god look at them pout that's so adorable!! Now step on me–”. On the days you act lazy it’s met with, “You don’t have to move I’ll do it all for you! Just let me lick your–”. Are you acting happy today? Well that's met with, “Your smile is so radiant! You know what would make your day better if you let me suck–”. In the end though it really doesn’t matter because their main goal in life is to forever worship your being whether you like it or not.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 8 months
"i hate [character name] so much! they're clearly the villain! they oppose the actions of [protagonist]! why do people like them so much!"
if this sounds like something you might write, i need you to understand that sometimes, two different people can read the same piece of fiction, and walk away from the experience with two very different interpretations of the text. and neither person is wrong. even if one of those people is the author, actually.
"but [character name] is the antagonist, ray. are you stupid or something? do you know what an antagonist is? we are clearly meant to side with [protagonist] and accept that their experience is the morally correct one. not doing this is an incorrect reading of the text and contrary to authorial intent."
please picture me very tenderly and patiently taking your hands and looking deeply into your eyes. are you picturing it? ok good.
i do not care.
specifically, i do not care about authorial intent unless i have been specifically asked to help a writer clarify their intentions in the text. because once the text is finished and out there on bookshelves or ready to be purchased via your e-reader of choice, the text must speak for itself. if i wasn't meant to find an antagonist character as compelling and sympathetic as i do, then that's a problem for the author to solve in the rough draft of their next work, or a revised edition of the existing work. author commentary on a completed work of fiction is just that: it's commentary. it can be considered when assessing the completed work itself, but it is not part of the completed work. it exists as part of the conversation about the completed work, and carries as much weight in that conversation as any other piece of well-researched analysis out there. and if i find evidence in the text that contradicts what the author is saying in their commentary, well! 🤷‍♀️ looks like that one didn't make it past your editor! the story says what the story says! better luck in your future endeavours etc.
"but how can you dismiss the author's intentions like this? if they say that they meant for us to interpret the events in the text a certain way, shouldn't that matter? even if what they write is different, we should respect what they say they MEANT to write."
i mean, sure, i'll level with you on that point as a writer myself: it sucks when you spend a lot of time on a project and believe you've effectively told one story, only to share it with your beta readers and discover, much to your shock and horror, that you've actually communicated something totally counter to your intentions. it definitely is not a fun experience to have someone tell you, for example, "this antagonist you've written is very compelling, but do you realize you've accidentally written a negative indictment of powerful women because you have so few other women in positions of power in this draft?" that's very much an 'oh shit, i did not mean to do that' kind of moment, but if no one flags this to you before the story goes to print, your intent doesn't matter. you still wrote a story that communicates a message you did not intend for it to communicate. you might be able to revise it in later editions of the story, if you're lucky, but that first edition still stands, and it still says what it says, regardless. your commentary on that character doesn't change the material circumstances of the story.
it's impossible to divorce our biases and baggage entirely from the creative process. we are always going to end up writing things into our stories that we did not intend to place there. those unintentional inclusions in the story, however, are still absolutely part of the story. readers can't conveniently decide to strike those details from the record like they're jurors receiving instructions from a judge during a jury trial, that's not how storytelling works.
the story says what the story says, and sometimes writers are going to create an antagonist that deeply resonates with some of their readers, intentionally or otherwise. and you, either as a writer or someone who can't stand villain stanning, just have to deal with it.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
In Defense of Our Alliance
My dear friends, there's trouble on the timeline today and it hurts my heart. I'd like to make a case for peace, if I may...
Every group of friends and all communities need every so often to hash out differences in points of view, personalities, and policies--but I suspect there's a bit more to it than that, this time.
We are beset on all sides with enemies we cannot fight.
Billboard keeps deleting sales without explanation, deaf to our requests or complaints. They absolutely have a double standard for the artists who pay radio to play. We cannot be sure any of our new buying methods will work, and in this economy, nobody has money to burn without a care.
YouTube keeps deleting views, again without explanation, despite folks streaming under premium accounts and following best practices. Watching those counts go down by the hundreds of thousands every hour is maddening, especially when it doesn't happen to artists who pay for ads.
Spotify froze and split title tracks. Hanteo deleted sales data the second records broke. The company went completely silent--neither celebrating Jimin's Hot100 #1 nor publicly acknowledging his being unfairly pushed down the chart--again, without explanation or recourse. Even some members were silent about his achievement.
Meanwhile, the LA Times is writing love letters to other groups trying to use our group for validation, which is just baffling.
This is to say nothing of the cult, the haters, the shooters from other fandoms, dragging our friends and our members through the mud, nonstop, all day every day, with a particular viciousness I'd normally associate only with actual diagnosed psychopaths.
And we knew there would be challenges, maybe even a contrived scandal or two, around Jimin's release. But I don't think anyone could predict this level of a shit show.
Everyone is exhausted; everyone is on edge.
What was supposed to be a fun and safe space has become a battleground.
And most of us are so ready to defend Jimin and the other members, yet we have zero hope of a fair fight.
It is no surprise to me that, with all that fatigue and pent-up anger, we are starting to fight amongst each other.
I must acknowledge that there are a fair few things we need to hash out as a fandom--the ability to call a spade a spade and not be labeled an anti; the ability to block or take time away and not be called a coward; the ability to criticize but not give in to hate or cult-like narratives; the ability to speak our minds without spewing negativity. There's a lot that needs to be addressed, and it's for heads clearer and smarter than me to untangle it all.
But I will say this:
Jimin has only us. That much is very clear.
So I put it to you now:
We NEED our archivists, who help capture and catalogue the important milestones and the little moments that illustrate why our fandom believes what it does.
We NEED our tutors, who help us make the most of our streams and purchases and votes so we are not wasting time and money and effort.
We NEED our cheerleaders, who help reset our attitudes into more positive, gentler, kinder, more honorable kinds of fans.
And we NEED our discourse blogs, the ones who can entertain multiple points of view without bashing or adopting any particular stance.
Most of all, right now, we need to unite. Because Jimin has very few other folks in his corner. Hobi goes in today. And while his other members love him, I strongly suspect he will feel the absence of Hobi's unfailing support, his clear demonstration of affection, and his wise counsel.
Now more than ever, we must come together. And to do that, we each much decide:
Why are we here?
If you're here to experience pleasure over a ship or a rush of adrenaline over drama and tea, if you just want to look at pretty pics and fics and not really get involved--okay. You are a casual fan. Nothing wrong with that. All I ask is that you do no harm while in this space. Don't fuel the flames of any feud, please.
But if you're here for Jimin, for BTS, for Jikook... then the goal has to be to support Jimin and BTS and Jikook first and foremost, yes? Even though it would feel great to pop off on someone you don't like or agree with (and I'm in Super Menopause thanks to medication so I absolutely sympathize with folks who do pop off--god knows, I have), please try to ask yourself:
Does it serve our common purpose?
Does it help?
Is it kind?
Would Jimin and Jikook feel honored by it?
Would BTS be proud of us?
And if the answer is no, then: forgive yourself for being human. We are none of us perfect.
But maybe take some time away to reset and recharge.
Real life is stressful; fandom life is stressful. Try to get some deep sleep. Let yourself enjoy a nutritious, hearty meal. Watch a comedy show that makes you belly laugh. Look at something so beautiful it makes you tear up. Listen to uplifting music. Pet an animal. Take a walk. Enjoy a luxurious bubble bath. However you restore yourself to your BEST self, you deserve that.
And then? Bring your best self back to this fandom. Because otherwise, we abandon it to the loudest assholes out there.
In the end, I believe we all want to support our boys and to make the best judgements on how to be a good fan. We may disagree on how to do that. But that's no reason to insult our allies or harshly judge the way they conduct themselves.
Shame is not a teaching tool.
Let's lead by example.
I'm a small blog. I'm nobody important. If you've read this far, I'm already surprised. But if you're still with me--please take this much to heart: I sincerely want us to get back to being the loving, intelligent, hard-working, focused fandom we've always been.
We are just regular people. We are going to have bad takes, and bad days, and bad attitudes. But let's give each other a little grace.
And if someone truly has bad intentions, and wants to ruin things, then let us calmly, quietly walk away from them. No need to give our precious time and attention to anything toxic. Toxic people feed off it and only get stronger, anyway.
Our time and energy is best spent on what brought us all here in the first place: BTS.
These are my thoughts, and I mean to say them sincerely and gently.
If this post rubbed you the wrong way, my DMs are open and I'm willing to listen to your thoughts. (Because DMs are always the best place to question someone or discuss something sensitive, I think.) But it's very unlikely that you'll change my mind about the need for us to work together and treat each other compassionately, so, you might wish to just quietly block and be on your way instead.
In any case, I just wanna say... I see you guys, out there. I see you trying hard. I see you contemplating the best way to make use of your time and resources. I see your bubbly enthusiasm and your devastating frustration. I see you, and I think each of you are very human, in the best sense of the word. Despite all the heart aches and hardships, I'm still proud to count myself among you.
It's not much, but I'm sending you guys my love and support. <3
It's gonna be okay. We'll get through this.
I'll show you.
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gengrasfordd · 6 months
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askegwene · 1 year
Eight Traits to Consider Prior To Purchasing a League of Legends Account
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If you're wanting to improve your position in League of Legends, you might be considering purchasing a profile. Nevertheless, along with a lot of scammers around, it's important to do your homework before turning over your cash money. Within this blog post, our team'll examine eight things you must examine just before buying a League of Legends account, so you can help make a knowledgeable as well as safe selection.
Things to Consider Before You Get
Before you get an account, there are a few factors you need to have to take into consideration. Listed here are 8 crucial tips that you ought to keep in mind:
Profile Cost:
The primary thing you need to consider before buy handleveled lol account is actually the cost. Don't be tempted to opt for the most cost effective provide you view - these accounts are usually substandard as well as disallowed right after acquisition. Instead, search for accounts that fall within a sensible price variety based upon their in-game rank, champions, skin layers, and various other functions.
Profile Qualities:
When getting a profile, you need to consider what components are featured. Do you prefer a higher account level, particular rank, or even a specific amount of skin layers or even champions? Some vendors offer additional components like rune pages and also fee skin layers, which might be a deciding element when comparing profiles.
Seller Integrity:
Not all homeowners are actually made equal, and you should regularly think about the trustworthiness of the homeowner you are actually buying from. Try to find reviews and also ratings coming from previous customers and observe if the dealer possesses a past of offering high quality accounts as well as customer service. Be actually skeptical of dealers that ask for payment outside of the profile selling system, as this is actually often an indication of scams.
Account Safety:
The last thing you really want is actually to purchase an account and afterwards have it banned because of account sharing or enhancing. Make sure you are actually purchasing from a reliable vendor that guards the account's safety. Additionally, you should avoid purchasing accounts that were leveled or even botted, as these are actually most likely to acquire banned through Riot Gamings.
Account Unlocking:
Just before buy handleveled LOL account, you should make sure that the account is unproven, as Confusion Gamings performs not permit profile marketing. See to it that the dealer possesses the tools to reverify the profile as well as unlock after acquisition, thus you don't obtain stuck with a worthless profile.
Company Online reputation:
Make sure to look into the company's credibility and reputation if you opt for to get a profile coming from a company. A really good track record implies the company is actually credible, has really good client service, and will definitely supply you along with a top notch account.
Payment Safety:
Regularly see to it to use a safe payment procedure, including PayPal or even a credit card, when getting league of legends skin account. Do not use a banking company transfer or even other untraceable payment strategies, as it could be hard to acquire your cash back if the profile isn't delivered or is in poor quality.
Refund Policy:
You should look right into the reimbursement policy of the vendor, to create sure you do not acquire adhered with a profile you do not desire. If the vendor has a warranty of profile top quality or even a no-questions-asked reimbursement policy in scenario you are actually certainly not pleased with the profile, check out.
Purchasing a League of Legends account can be an excellent means to enhance your in-game position and obtain access to new champs as well as skins. However, it's important to carry out your research study as well as think about the above elements to ensure you do not acquire scammed. In rundown, you should take into consideration the profile cost as well as features, homeowner integrity, account safety and security, account unlocking, company track record, payment safety and security, and also refund policy before making a purchase. By observing these recommendations, you can easily make sure that you acquire a top quality profile from a dependable vendor and also steer clear of acquiring scammed.
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mark6f · 2 years
Classic Wedding Rings Set Solid 925 Sterling Silver Brilliant Cubic Zircon Engagement Ring JUST THE SOLID 925 STERLING SILVER BRILLIANT CUBIC ZIRCON ENGAGEMENT RING YOU'RE LOOKING FOR: NOW 36% OFF Get what you need at a price you can smile about. Our team is happy to offer a limited-time exclusive 36% off on our Solid 925 Sterling Silver Brilliant Cubic Zircon Engagement Ring. Find your ideal Solid 925 Sterling Silver Brilliant Cubic Zircon Engagement Ring with the Ring Size and Ships From that you like, then just click ADD TO CART. Shop with 100% peace of mind with our 100% satisfaction guarantee promise. SOLID 925 STERLING SILVER BRILLIANT CUBIC ZIRCON ENGAGEMENT RING FEATURES Item Weight: 5.67g Gender: Women In other words, this great product can become the exact thing that you have been looking for all this time. So, don’t hesitate - it’s high time to act. PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Do I see the real colors in the pictures? The colors in the product pictures fully match the real colors of our Solid 925 Sterling Silver Brilliant Cubic Zircon Engagement Ring. Nevertheless, keep in mind that different devices may show a bit different shades. You do maintain all the manufacturing standards, right? There is nothing to worry about because our supplier manufactures the Solid 925 Sterling Silver Brilliant Cubic Zircon Engagement Ring in accordance with all the required standards. Is the purchase tax-free? There could be some taxes depending on your location. If so, you’ll see it included in the price of your Classic Wedding Rings Set on the checkout page. It costs only $59.23. What’s the catch? Our store works directly with the manufacturer. Therefore, we bear less expenses on intermediary agents. What are the benefits customers get when buying the Classic Wedding Rings Set? Quality comes above all. So our clients keep leaving positive reviews on our Solid 925 Sterling Silver Brilliant Cubic Zircon Engagement Ring stressing that they’ve got no regrets about the purchase. Am I making the right decision if I buy it? Our store sells products of premium quality only. Meanwhile, our prices are one of the lowest on the market. That’s why all of our customers are happy with their purchases. We’re sure you’ll like the Solid 925 Sterling Silver Brilliant Cubic Zircon Engagement Ring too. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Do I have to indicate my personal address? Can I request the package to be sent somewhere else? Glad to inform you that it’s of no importance to us where and to whom to send the package. Therefore, you can freely indicate an address different from your place of living. I’m worried about my package. What if it breaks? We use all the possible methods of securing your packages because it’s our greatest responsibility to protect them from damage. How do I make a purchase? Select the product variation you need. Then click on the ADD TO CART button, indicate your contact details, choose the method of payment and pay for your order. After that, we’ll receive your payment and order details, and start assembling the package as soon as possible. If I have some questions about the Classic Wedding Rings Set, what should I do? Our Support team is happy to answer your questions! So feel free to choose the most convenient contact channel for you: you'll find them at the bottom of the page. You got my attention. However, is your store reliable? Thank you for the question. Please, pay attention to the feedback that our previous buyers provide us with. It clearly demonstrates our proper business record! What makes you different from other stores? In our store you may find the most popular products at the lowest prices. Moreover, our team of support managers is always ready to help you in solving all your problems. https://mark6f.com/classic-wedding-rings-set-solid-925-sterling-silver-brilliant-cubic-zircon-engagement-ring/?feed_id=1519&_unique_id=63a9ec5209bef
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cocochannel00 · 3 years
The Azoff Family: A Case Study on one of the Music Industry’s Most Connected Families
(ft. a breakdown of the Grammy voting process and problems)
This is very long so I will try and split it up into categories for everyone (sorry I got carried away- I spent like 2 hours writing this) but enjoy!
*Disclaimer: I want to preface while the majority of this is based in research, some parts may be speculation. I don’t know the family personally so I can’t tell you what goes on behind closed doors but I can tell you how parts of the entertainment/music industry work. I’ve had 5 internships in the industry (one in marketing at one of the big record labels) and the rest of my work is publicity (what I enjoy) and events and a former advisor used to run in the same circles as Irving Azoff (and he spilled some tea last year) I’m not out here to diminish the hard work of any artists or their teams, I’m simply here to showcase parts of the industry that aren’t always shown.*
Please also see: Story Time: How Fan Pages Directly Impact Columbia Records Decisions and Harry Styles Image
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Let’s begin with the great business man himself Mr. Irving Azoff Irving Azoff is the literal posture child for connections and power in the music industry (he was also inducted into the 2020 rock and roll hall of fame class which is like a huge fucking deal for a manager to be inducted so you know he's the real deal)
In conclusion, I love Irving Azoff and his drive.
Irving Azoff: Early Years Run Down:
He came up middle class (dad was a pharmacist, mom a bookkeeper) in Danville, Illinois
He dropped out of college to run a small Midwestern concert-booking empire and managed local acts in the era
Opportunity came knocking and he got the chance to manage the Eagles and the rest is history
He's one of the best negotiators and has negotiated business on behalf of stars like Stevie Nicks, the Eagles, and Jimmy Buffet
Azoff has been an incredible manager and his drive to always advocate for his clients while basically not giving two sh*ts about what people think of him has gotten him the incredible reputation he has today.
All of Irving Azoff’s Major Job Positions:
Former President MCA (major label)
Former CEO of Ticketmaster and executive chairman of Live Nation Entertainment, the behemoth formed from Ticketmaster’s merger with Live Nation.
In 2013 he and Cablevision Systems Corp. CEO and New York Knicks owner James Dolan formed a partnership, Azoff MSG Entertainment (Currently still CEO)
----> Azoff also ran the Forum in Inglewood under Azoff MSG Entertainment after MSG purchased it in 2012 (it was sold in 2020 to the owner of the Clippers) — why do you think Harry played the forum for the Fine Line show? Azoff connection
Azoff MSG Entertainment encompasses all of the other companies including Full Stop Management, Global Music Rights (performance-rights org), and the Oak View Group (arena developing company)
He also is the co-founder and manager of the lobbying group Music Artists Coalition, a group that helps lobby for artists-rights issues such as royalty rates, copyright issue and healthcare insurance (see he's not all bad)
Essentially what I'm getting at is this man knows anybody who's anybody. He's the man you want on your team to help promote your music, plan your tour, and get you on that Grammy nom list.
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So for those of you that don't know, Jeffery Azoff is Harry's current manager and the son of Irving Azoff (the third of four kids). He's currently a partner at Full Stop Management, the company owned by Irving and the one artists such as Harry, Haim, the Eagles, Kings of Leon, and Meghan Trainer are signed to.
Jeffrey graduated from the University of Colorado's Leeds School of Business and started working fresh out of college at his father's old Management company (Frontline Management) working under Maroon 5's manager Jordan Feldstein (the only way you get that kind of internship/job as a 21 year old fresh out of college is if your family or family friends gives it to you). He worked here for 5 years.
Direct Quote from Irving Azoff to Jeffrey (really tells you a lot): "Listen carefully, because I’m going to say this one time. You have a phone and you have my last name. If you can’t figure it out, you’re not my son."
After working for his father, Jeffrey moved on to the talent agency CAA (Creative Artist Agency) where he worked for roughly 3 and half years before joining his dad in forming Full Stop Management in 2016.
While he was at CAA, Irving moved over clients like Christina Aguilera and the Eagles to the talent agency to help with tour booking instead of doing it internally through LiveNation (he was CEO).
Even though I'm sure Jeff has had to work somewhat hard to get to where he is (or at least to mess up his dad's work as he doesn't seem like the type to take laziness well), the door into the industry and every job was basically handed to him on a silver platter.
Not to mention if you watch episodes of keeping up with the  kardashians (like myself) you can actually see Jeff hanging out with kendall and the rest of the fam at their Palm Springs house (you know you're a nepotism kid if you have an in with the Kardashian crew). Invite me next time Jeffrey!!!
Think of the Azoff's as the mafia family of the music industry, you don't mess with the mafia
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Ok so here's where we’re going to get into a bit more of the speculation/grey area. I don't need to tell you that award shows are corrupt (See the Golden Globes Emily in Paris scandal) and the Grammys are not an exception. Think of the Grammys as one big student council/government elections where despite the fact the teachers tell you six times to vote for the best candidate, you're still going to vote for your friends even if they aren't the best.
A simplified break-down of Grammy voting:
1) Recording Academy voting members (artists, producers, musicians- anyone involved first hand with the creation of music; All voting members must have been producers, performers or engineers on six or more tracks of a commercially released album (or 12 or more digital tracks) and record labels will submit nominations in various categories to the grammys (songs need to be released commercially between October 1 of the previous year and September 30th of this year). You can also become a voting member by either winning a grammy or being endorsed by a current voting member (hint hint)
2) Once received, the recording academy with have the academy of trustees and its reviewers organize them and approve any changes to the 30 categories/fields (aka they can add new categories or remove old ones; so no best ukulele album of the year -- this is where things get funky)
There's speculation that during this stage when these special groups of 8-10 people are organizing genres, there's an "unwritten rule" that you need to be careful what album you green light (especially for famous artists) if you don't want them to win) (Rob Kenner said this- he used to be on one of these committees). Famous people tend to get more votes from clueless or lay Academy members that don't know the specialized categories or don't care enough to listen to songs that aren't radio trending.
3) After the nominations occur, Voting members begin their first voting. Members can vote for the four general categories of record of the year, album of the year, song of the year and best new artist and a maximum of 15 categories, all within their areas of expertise. Now the interesting thing is that while these are the guidelines there is literally nothing stopping them from voting in whatever categories they want (i.g. a rapper voting in the opera category despite not listening to opera). Theses ballots are all tallied and the top 20 entries are determined in each category (funky moment #2)
In 12 of the 84 categories those top 20 go to the ballot and it's done; for the rest it’s not like that. 59 categories including the big four go to a "nomination review committees" (identities are protected so they can't get lobbied... sure) who take a look at the top 20 and narrow it down to 7 or 8. (these are the special committees the Weekend talked about when he was snubbed). They're supposed to choose the nominees "based solely on the artistic and technical merits of the eligible recordings" which lets be real if that was the case Watermelon Sugar (along with most of the others in the category) I don't think would have been nomimated as they are very generic pop (none of them are special... sorry to the WM lovers out there).
This committee is basically held to THE HONOR CODE SYSTEM... I mean tell me when the last time the honor code system worked in literally any scenario (literally wtf). Don't take my word for it though the former CEO of the Academy Deborah Dugan (a queen) filed a complaint against the Recording Academy basically claiming that the nomination review process was rigged (she was fired after 5 months on the job).
Quote from Deborah Dugan "Members of the board [of trustees] and the secret committees chose artists with whom they have personal or business relationships... It is not unusual for artists who have relationships with Board members and who ranked at the bottom of the initial 20-artist list to end up receiving nominations."
These review committees can also exploit there power by adding up to two nominees that don't appear on the top 20 list to the final voting ballot (except in the 4 big categories - which watermelon sugar that one wasn't nominated for)
They also have craft committees for like non performance stuff (like album notes, engineering and arranging) that don't even get voted on by the academy voting members
4) After all of that fucked up mess, the grammy's decided is ok, the ballots go back to the voting members for the final vote. Deloitte (an accounting firm) then counts all of them, seals them in envelopes, and delivers them to the Grammy award show.
** The Grammy's just announced this year they're removing the "secret committees" so let's see how things shift in the next couple of years**
So obviously I'm not saying this to discredit Harry's nomination or his win as Fine Line was in the US top 20 albums for the majority of 2020, however, we must acknowledge privilege. Harry has a big name to him and a huge following, and while all of that shouldn't be taken into account, it does. He also has the Azoffs, a very well connected family with friends in lots of places that would be able to put in a good word here and there to get support behind Harry. Harry won best pop solo performance for Watermelon Sugar in a category with Doja Cat, Justin Bieber, Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift, and Dua Lipa. Look at the names there, the songs (ya'll can try and remember them cause I'm too lazy to write it out) and tell me that those top names with all of the music produced didn't get there through some connections.
Do with all this information what you will and if you are interested in learning more about the entertainment industry on your own Endeavor (owners of WME, a big talent agency like CAA) is hosting a free online program called the Excellence Program to help guide the future generation of industry executives. The program is a-synchronous and starts on July 12th. Highly recommend giving it a go if you're interested!!!
Alright ya'll that's it. Feel free to message me with your thoughts!
Extra Sources if you'd like to read:
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Brackish And Briny Waters (three)
[Ralph Lamont X Female Reader]
Summary: Spend the weekend painting the house with your husband. Previous Masterlist Next
Tags: 17+ | 1.6k words | Painting a house together, aka domestic stuff, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex, pulling out, vague mention of rats.
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AN: part 4 is gonna get angsty I just finished it
Anything involving greens was a heavy battle between you two, as Ralph seemed to have some kind of vendetta against them. The more blue you got, the less you fought and you eventually settled on a cool tone to use for the laundry room with a compromise to paint floral accents in a forest green tone along the edges of the back wall. You did find an exact replica of one of the original wallpapers in your second bedroom which you wanted to move to the living room. 
Colors selected and purchased, you went home starving and managed to scrape together some left overs with a side of rice to fuel you to start on the real work. You also bought brown paper to cover the solar room window holes until you can finish that room as its own project. 
Ralph rolls up his sleeves and puts on his bleach stained lounge pants to help. You lay down tarp and use up 3 rolls of tape to cover the kitchen and the dining room. Every window and door is wide open as you set your record player to play some 'whistle while you work' type of albums. And whistle he does that husband of yours, enjoying your company and shaking his hips dramatically to make you laugh. You two haven't had this much fun in so long it feels like. 
The summer citrus color you chose for the kitchen was really working for you. Ralph intended to put the wallpaper up in the other room to get 'double the work done' but still you find him working the same wall just to be close to you. You talk about missing that classic NYC pizza and dinner tomorrow and Ralph promises to ask his colleagues about any music shops in the area. 
You take a nap on the porch swing to get away from the paint fumes, an iced tea almost slipping from your hand. When dinner time comes, you cook while he details the removal of the old wallpaper from the dining room to work tomorrow. He's rambling about using a third coat on the living room paint and you don't think it's necessary but you know he'll agree with you come morning. 
"Come eat Ralph Vincent," you scold him for getting paint on the door frame but all is forgiven when he sweeps you into a hungry kiss. 
"I'd rather eat you right now." 
Ralph's flirtations are interrupted by his own ractious growling stomach and you laugh at him as you shove a plate into his hand. You eat together by the window in the living room. While it hasn't been painted yet, you have moved the furniture to the middle of the room and the fumes from the kitchen and dining room are still very strong. You hope it doesn't affect your sleep tonight (or hope it puts you down like a dose of melatonin). 
"Floyd's got a boat," Ralph tells you. "Says he takes it out on the water almost every day. Asked if I wanted to join him." 
"And are you?" You spin another forkful of angel hair spaghetti on your plate. 
Ralph slurps his like a child. "Am I what." 
"Are you going to join him on his boat?" You speak slowly and patronizingly. Ralph pinches your breast and almost makes you drop your plate. "No. I hate boats. I hate water. I don't want to be trapped for hours out there listening to him talk about paintings and philosophers, at least at work I can walk away." 
You chuckle. "I think Floyd sounds very interesting. What do you have against him?" 
"Nothing," he protests, "he talks too much. He's loquacious– that's what Justine calls him, and she's one to talk. If you must know, he's actually my favorite– he knows when to keep his nose out of my business." 
Dishes are made slightly more difficult with Ralph hanging off your shoulders. He peppers kisses up and down your neck, even finds a hickey from the morning that's started to fade and he remarks you. You dig your dripping fingers into his hair when he finds that spot on your neck and gives it some much needed attention. 
"Ralphie, baby, please," you whisper, "I could use your help with these." 
Dishes are done in record time and suddenly you're being whisked away to your bedroom (not that you were complaining). This room has the wallpaper that you had no intention to change aside from a fresh upgrade. Ralph takes your hand to spin you around and back you into your shared room all the way to the edge of the bed. Along the way he plants kisses from your hairline to your collarbone before he lets you fall atop the thick quilted bedspread. 
He gazes at you with a warm expression. The soft "my girl" he whisperes makes your heart swell. 
You expect him to pick up your legs and pull you by your knees to the outside of his hips (want him to even), but Ralph has other ideas it seems. It's not until his head is between your legs that you realize what he's up to (or rather down to). You gasp a lung full of air and grab him by the hair of his head. 
"Jesus," you sigh. 
Your husband's rumbling laughter causes your thighs to twitch. "Say my name, I'm the one doing all the work." 
"Yeah but you love– aha!" His beard brushes your inner thighs and leaves a delightful burning sensation in the deepest part of your soul. "Fuck…" 
You pull his hair harder and feel the soft locks stretch in your bloodless grasp. You can feel that immortal coil wind tighter and tighter inside you as Ralph devours you. You start chanting his name, the pitch of your voice beginning to crescendo the closer you get to that fire cracker ending. Ralph doubles his efforts, eager to have you fall apart on his tongue and fingers. 
He's more than making it up to you tonight. 
When you come, your body curls in on itself and your thighs lock around his head, effectively deafening him. You have no idea if he can hear the scream that rips from your body but you can't either as your eyes rolls back in ecstasy. 
You relax onto the bed and feel it dip with an additional weight to your side. You slide into Ralph's easy embrace, his dry hand coming up to hold you to him and just rest for a bit. 
"Fuck," you say huskily, "you're really good at that…" 
Ralph kisses you in answer, trying to deepen the connection but you have to twist away to catch your breath. Instead he plants lingering, sweet kisses on your neck, your cheek, your hair. His hand caresses your back in circles until you're nearly asleep from the motion. 
You flinch when you feel his nose brush against yours. "Baby… don't fall asleep." He sounds so sweet until his voice darkens and he says, "I'm not done with you yet." 
You lose track of time and all you can feel is Ralph Lamont. You're both covered in a sheen of sweat and his hips rock leisurely into yours. You don't know who grabbed who but your hands are tangled together and refuse to let go. Ralph's breath dusts over your neck, cool in contrast to the fire of his physical form pressed against you. You want to come again but you let him draw it out, let him love you tonight. 
"Ralph." You whisper in his ear, begging with no pressure to change pace. You're happy if he's happy and he is very content to keep thrusting into you to his peak and slow down, never stopping but always making you want more. Your man kisses you flush on the mouth and adjusts his position. His thrusts change. They grow from hypotonic and shallow to a little hard and more purposeful. You moan at the feeling, your legs locking around his hips to draw him deeper despite your exhaustion. 
Your orgasm washes over you nice and gentle, nothing like the force of the first time. You're conscious enough to lock your ankles around Ralph's hips, but it still doesn't prevent him from slipping his flushed and reddened cock out and finishing on your stomach as he always intended. You feel a strange tickle of disappointment as you come down from your high but push it to the back of your mind for later. 
Some way, somehow, Ralph still has enough strength to clean you both up and tuck you into bed. He curls around your body despite the near unbearable heat and falls fast asleep, his soft snores right behind your ear lulling you under the tide of sleep. 
Your Saturday is awash of more painting and moving furniture with Ralph. He made coffee and eggs and brought it to you in bed, then dragged you down to look at the frayed wires on the clothes dryer machine. 
"Might be rodents," you muse. "I'll get some traps on Monday and find my soldering iron." 
"We'll get traps tonight," your husband countered, scratching his chin, "the sooner the better." 
You finish removing the old wallpaper in the living room and carefully put up the new one with little fuss. The kitchen still smells of paint but it's dry (it had better be, you left the windows open all night and it's freezing in here) so you put the kitchen utensils and appliances back and remove the protective tape and brown paper. Ralph is proud of the precision work done in the corners and edges, patting himself on the back and yours. 
"We did good babe," he said, "by this time next week, we'll have the whole house done!" 
You laugh at his optimism. There were still cobwebs to dust, cracks to spackle, floors to polish, windows to replace. This was the very reason he picked this place… 
To keep you busy. To keep your mind from wandering to those dark places that linger in your past. 
At least it was working.
Tagging people who might like to know: @werwulfy @hoodoo12 @escape-your-grape @go-commander-kim @fundamentally-lazy @mimiscappinisideblog do y'all wanna be here? If not lemme know please 😅 DM me
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 12 "Dorkus"
"I think you did it."
"These morons need someone to tear them a new one."
"I am going to write the missive to end all missives."
"I don't want your first time to be with a murderer."
"I love you. I would never, ever hurt you."
"I promise you're safe. That was part of the deal."
"You could never be touched."
"How many lives could you have saved?"
"Our mission never involved killing anyone."
"And it's not just wearing raw chickens on their heads and calling each other gay slurs while jumping around naked."
"It was a conspiracy."
"Stop rationalizing it. You killed people. You are not allowed to just say, "yeah, but I had a super good reason for it."
"Who did you kill?"
"What, are you gonna kill me now?"
"I would never hurt you. I just can't let you leave."
"If you could just stop, hear what I have to say, to understand---please--why I did what I did, you could still love me."
"Don't try to justify it all after the fact."
"They showed up one day thinking that I was a double agent, that I couldn't be trusted. They were going to kill me."
"Hey, hey, you can trust me, you can trust me! Ask me and I'll do anything. I'll prove it."
"Don't you see that they did that on purpose?! They knew that if you actually killed someone, you would be their slave!"
"We were the good guys. We were in this together!"
"I did this for you. Don't you understand?"
"The more I hear about this whole thing, the more I'm starting to think the idea that there are good and bad people in the world is just something adults use to get children to stay in line."
"I mean, aren't we being naive?"
"You took me literally?"
"You are already a murderer, [NAME], you don't have to be a douche as well!"
"This is not a philosophy course. This is murder-- serial murder!"
"I was so young and desperate to be special and loved."
"I never had a real girlfriend before."
"I was vulnerable enough to share my darkest fetish with you, and now you're making me feel self-conscious."
"Just come in and take me now."
"You are ridiculously and laughably gullible."
"What self-respecting man wouldn't do anything to get revenge for being degraded like that?"
"Unfortunately, I don't have great aim with a crossbow and I can't see anything in that mask."
"I don't want to be here anymore."
"I feel sick. This isn't what I wanted."
"Don't judge me for what we both know had to happen."
"You know what? Let's just run away together. You and me. Forget everything."
"Don't you see what I'm willing to do for you?"
"No! I don't want to speak to your supervisor!"
"I've gotten zero swipes on my profile!"
"Do you remember any aspect of this super simple plan?"
"I literally think you should consider undergoing a surgical procedure to remove your ovaries/testicles, thereby sparing human race exposure to your DNA."
"I mean, I'm all for public shaming. I practically invented it. It's the sign of a healthy culture. But not when I'm the one getting shamed."
"I wanted to be famous, but not like this."
"To all the so-called mainstream media, including weird web sites that nobody has heard of who have used my name as clickbait, and to all the relentless unwashed hordes on Twitter, who have taken every opportunity to mock and attack me mercilessly from the safety of their stained futons, I offer the following heartfelt sentiment. You can all suck it!"
"Despite my outward bravado, I was dead inside."
"I knew my glamorous reign of terror was over."
"I ordered an asp online so I could kill myself like Cleopatra, and now I'm just waiting for it to sense my body heat and come out and bite me so this will all be over."
"I understand that what you're going through is really intense. And I know you and I haven't really always seen eye to eye, And you say crazy-mean stuff to me all the time. And I have a real problem with your casual racism,
which is something we need to work on. But, girl, I promise I got your back."
"You're young, smart and beautiful, and you got a lot of living ahead of you."
"Maybe this is one of those teachable moments, you know? Like my grandmama says. Maybe this is where you learn the lesson that words really mean something and they can hurt people, so you just can't always say the first horrible thing that pops into your head all the time."
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Get me out of this suit!"
"What the hell is going on? Who is that guy?"
"Everyone on campus but me is a dork!"
"I'm gonna explode."
"When I woke up, I was wrapped in dynamite!"
"Oh, my god, it's a bomb."
"Yes, a totally innocent man who seemed super nice and probably did nothing wrong at all just got blown up in our living room. Bummer. Now, let's honor his memory by moving on."
"Can you not make it about you for one second?!"
"Stop wallowing and start concentrating on what's really important here--restoring my reputation."
"I need to go on an apology tour. You know, like celebrities, when they say something offensive, they just go on tv and apologize, and everybody forgives them, even though they don't mean it at all."
"I'm gonna fake apologize, you'll record it, we'll post it online, and it'll all be fine."
"But I thought that you said that you weren't the person who put the acid in the spray tanner."
"Why do you think the devil let me live?"
"I think you saw what you wanted to see."
"You can't kill people from a loving and positive place."
"Invasion of the dad bod snatchers."
"If it's good enough for the CIA, it's good enough for me."
"Get ready to make the most important playlist of your life."
"Well, I decided to stop denying what you and I both knew the minute we laid eyes on each other. And once I did, something inside of me, I don't know, it just, just clicked. And I guess I just wanted to get a little crazy."
"So you just decided to break into my house in the middle of the day?"
"I've been a very bad boy."
"I'm just trying to figure out what your angle is. What are you trying to get out of this?"
"You know what I'm trying to get? 45 minutes alone, so I can go crazy on you."
"Turn out the lights!"
"These are my minions."
"Those are the hounds."
"How do you know I'm not the killer?"
"This whole file is made up."
"Somebody just swiped right on me on Tinder."
"Any guy swiping right on you is a miracle."
"You want a drag?"
"That was the best sex of my life."
"I think you're just relieved to find out that intercourse doesn't have to be followed by hours and hours of crying and a weird purchase of an engagement ring."
"Look, I never knew sex could be like that. At first, I was like, I was like, "wow, she's being really loud. Are the neighbors gonna call the police?" And then I was like, "wow, now I'm being really loud. why am I screaming so much? They're definitely gonna call the police." And then I was just stunned at how flexible you are. I mean, I thought you had to be a gymnast to get both feet behind your head."
"I just think that maybe you and I were meant to be together after all."
"I find her unbearably annoying."
"I recognized the island splash scent of that douche you use."
"What movie are you even referring to?"
"Don't patronize me. I look like a monster."
"Well, have you thought of a little plastic surgery?"
"What are you doing? I thought you came here to apologize."
"I apologize for nothing."
"All evidence points to you."
"I know it was you. Have fun in hell, bitch. And fyi, this is probably gonna hurt a lot."
"Stop recording!"
"I knew that bitch was a nut burger the minute I met her."
"But remember, she's armed and dangerous."
"Oh, please tell me you did not bring your insane and obviously blind Tinder hookup back here."
"I lost my virginity to a Nickelback song."
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jcs-study · 3 years
According to Matthew 26:24 (NRSV), while the Last Supper was still in full swing, Jesus said, "The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that one by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that one not to have been born."
I'm sure Judas feels much the same way, or else why would we be discussing "Judas's Death"? Just as Jesus has his breakdown in the Garden of Gethsemane, now Judas has a parallel breakdown.
I return to the live Australian cast from 1973 because the late, great Jon English gives one of the most harrowing performances of this number I've ever heard (in a very good way). Please, if you do nothing else as a result of this blog, support the official release on Spotify, on Apple Music, or by purchasing the CD from Aztec Records.
I will resist the urge to make an awful pun about the manner of death and just say hit the jump.
(CW / TW: mention of suicide.)
The Lyrics
(voice trails away sobbing)
(repeat as directed, ending on:)
The Plot
Attacked by guards, Jesus is left half dead. How much worse is it, then, to be the man who delivers his friend into the hands of the abusers? Much to the bewilderment of Caiaphas and Annas, Judas laments what he has seen, appalled at what Jesus is being put through, and, worried about how he'll be viewed, Judas realizes that he will be blamed for what has happened.
Reflecting on his mixed feelings about Jesus, he recognizes that he is part of some grand design and that God is propelling him towards his destiny and he is powerless to change anything. Haunted by what he had done, filled with despair, Judas slips a noose around his neck and hangs himself.
The Analysis
To a certain extent, one of Judas' driving emotions throughout JCS has been anger, and he goes out on those terms. Whether or not his position is justified, he is now angry at Jesus for using him for his martyrdom, and he decides to commit suicide almost as an act of... well...
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...yeah, that looks about right.
On a different note entirely, getting more at underpinnings than motivation, the experience of life flashing before one's eyes has been reported for well over a century. In Judas' case, this plays out musically. As he prepares to die, all the music in this sequence is from earlier songs, a flashback in each instance to the events that have led Judas to this point. We hear snatches of:
"Damned for All Time"
"This Jesus Must Die"
An ironic and sad version of "I Don't Know How To Love Him" (especially poignant because in the beginning, everything Judas did was out of love and respect for Jesus, and now he has -- probably -- become the instrument of his death; like Mary, he literally doesn't know how to love him)
The vamp from "Heaven on Their Minds"
And, finally, the choral tag from "Blood Money," only this time, the lyric "Good old Judas" becomes "Poor old Judas."
Later Lyrical Differences
The changes to this number which remain in the currently licensed version have been relatively minor with time: Priest 3's line was reassigned to Annas as early as Broadway, 1971, and on a significant musical arrangement note, the ensemble's entrance at the song's close changed.
On the original album, and in most productions pre-1996, the "Poor old Judas / So long Judas" bit came in opposite the chugging rhythm and increased in volume until the band dropped out after Judas died, leaving just the cast singing as they transition to Jesus' trial. It was a great effect, but hard to rehearse, because the vocals were in a different key -- and the cast expected to sing at a different tempo -- to the underscoring. Many productions dealt with this in different ways: some pre-recorded a few vocal passes and the cast sang along to get their key; others had access to a tuning fork, keyboard, or another instrument backstage that could feed them their note in their earpieces, ignoring the orchestra; and, of course, if one rehearses a cast well enough, they may be able to do it with no help and little issue. Lloyd Webber remedied this in the revival by dropping the vocals from that section and cueing the chorus to sing only when the band drops out. It does make things easier.
On the note of lyric changes that did not make the currently licensed version:
Tim Rice made a minor amendment to Caiaphas' first couplet for the 1973 film, probably aimed once again at foiling the Jewish community sniffing out the show's perceived anti-Semitism. He replaced the word "Israel" with "everyone," which, in addition to being a true rhyme, made the offending lyric far less damagingly specific. (Though this change was likely made early on, at the prerecording stage, pay close attention and read Bob Bingham's lips at this point. He is mouthing "Israel" in the take that was used in the final cut.) However, this did not transfer to the stage version.
In the 1996 London revival and many subsequent productions, Rice also took a stab at rewording Judas' confused, anxious anger -- the Internet would call it "Angrish" -- from frantic, fraught fragments to a more fully realized thought: "And I acted for our good / Save him if I could." This made it even to the 2012 Broadway revival but is not in the show today.
Speaking of the 2012 Broadway revival... while tweaking things in rehearsal as previously mentioned, Tim also made an adjustment to a later Judas line for Josh Young, presumably for ease of phrasing (the change is in italic): "Christ I'd sell out the nation / Not to be spattered with the murder of you." Aside from thinking that keeping "saddled" there would be less repetitive when combined with the following verse in context, I actually think it's rather graphic and blunt, and I'm not displeased that it hasn't crossed over into licensing.
Coming Up Next:
Judas is dead and soon Jesus will be too. There will be a "Trial By Pilate," and "39 Lashes" will be involved.
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longwindedbore · 5 years
Today’s Friendly Reminder that one or two or ten times in our history we believed War Profiteers. Only to later discover “Attacks” by “bad guys” turned out out to be - oops - by Us. Or we needn’t have been so concerned or whatever.
Too bad so many innocent victims “had”to die
There is a LOT of money to be made in War.
US Wars instigated by Profiteers:
1755 - French & Indian War
1801 - Barbary War
1812 - Invasion of Canada
1848 - Invasion of Mexico
1861 - Firing on Fort Sumter (600,000 US dead)
1898 - Remember the Maine
1917 - The US enters WW1 (112,000 US dead)
1965 - Gulf of Tonkin Incident and subsequent land war in Asia (50,000 US dead)
2001 - Following terror attack by Saudi nationals including aid from Saudi embassy staff, US invades...Afghanistan. (See link below)
2004- searching for non-existent WMDs the US invaded oil rich Iraq. (200,000 deaths)
Thus Leaving only Iran and Venezuela as oil producing...competitors... “undefended” by the absence of US military bases on their soil.
History without Boosterism:
#1. 1755. 22 yo Geo. Washington involved in 3rd Colonists landgrab invasion of French Canadian territory. Inadvertently starts French and Indian War here and Seven Years War in Europe. (Cue song writers “Yankee Doodle came to town...”)
#2. 1801-1805. We and the other neutral profiteer, Sweden, blockade and invade North Africa (cue songsters “.. to the shores of Tripoli”) so that we can continue to supply both sides in the Napoleonic War through the Straits of Gibraltar.
#3. 1812. With the French Navy kaput after Trafalgar, and the Pennisular War going Britain’s way, the British begin interdicting US ships attempting to supply France. We engage in war - not just for war profiteering - but back to land grabbing. Attempted invasion of Canada #5 (3 French & Indian + 1 during Revolution) with, by then, predictable results. In 1814 with Napoleon on Elba the Brits send the fleet. For the first time, but not the last time, we’re caught by a surprise attack with our pants down. The Brits burn Washington and loot Arlington. Would have burned Baltimore but couldn’t get past Fort McHenry which gets a hell of a shellacking (“...rockets red glare, bombs bursting in air...”)
#4. 1848. Landgrab invasion Mexico. Famously Abe Lincoln did not believe that [a]Mexico had invaded Texas (Mexico hadn’t) and [b] that the Republic of Texas was part of the USA (it wasn’t). The newspapers decided that they could sell a LOT of advertising with war news, so “From the Halls of Montezuma...”
#5. 1861. Fort Sumter. “I shall await the first shot, and if you do not batter us to pieces, we shall be starved out in a few days,” Maj. Summers had informed the Confederates. Later telling them he was abandoning the post. Alas, abandoning a position because of a lack of supplies is NOT surrendering. No victory? What will the Newspapers and Clergy say? So South Carolina feels it must fire on a fort whose guns are all pointed the other way out to sea. 600,000 dead bodies later... But BIG money for the profiteers, the newspapers, and the clergy discover the money to be gathered during wartime. (“Mine eyes have seen the glory...”)
#6. Remember the Maine. A war solely for the purpose of selling advertising space. A landgrab thrown in. Over too quickly to make a war profit.
#7. 1917. The US profiteers, news papers, and presumably clergy have all made BIG money off the war that had raged for 2-1/2 years. So long that the Profiteers have had to accept credit instead of cash. Then Russia collapses. The Central Powers might win. Who will pay back the French and British war loans?!!!! One month thereafter on the laughable pretext of the Zimmerman Telegram the US joins the allies (Cue Broadway: “Johnny get your gun... Make your daddy glad To have had such a lad...So Johnny, show the "Hun"you're a son-of-a-gun. Hoist the flag and let her fly, Yankee Doodle do or die...” from Over There” by Geo. M Cohen; referenced in the anti-war novel “Johnny Got His Gun” by Dalton Trumbo).
#8. Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Fabricated incident. Lots of money in fighting WW2 style war with BIG bases and BIG harbors - why the concrete alone... As long as the enemy wants to fight like that loser Nazi Germany. Unfortunately US WW2 ally and Thomas Jefferson admirer Ho Chi Minh ALSO studied - extensively - the strategic thinking of the War-Time-Leader-Without-Honor-in-his-own-Country: George Washington. Turns out “lead ‘em around by their noses till they are exhausted” was effective not just against the Japanese and the French Foreign Legion but the nation that developed atomic weapons and landed men on the moon. (Cue “Fighting men drop from the sky...”) Despite Ho’s unwillingness to fight like it was 1944 in Northern Europe, we continued to spendlike we were fighting in 1944 in Northern Europe. When I say “spend” you understand that I am saying give blood-stained money to a few profiteers.?
9. 9/11. Redacted by Bush Administration until 2016 was the 28 page FBI report indicating EXTENSIVE Saudi government participation including Saudi intelligent agents dry run forcing entry into cockpit - PRIOR to 9/11/01. Most of the terrorists were Saudi nationals.
Subsequent Bush Administration investigation into the selling of stocks of companies soon to be devastated as well as purchases of stocks in companies soon to profit. Recall that the Bush Adminstration - and ONLY the Bush Administration - said Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban were involved. (“Huh?” said the accused) So any accusation of having prior knowledge by stock speculators PRESUMED innocence absent a connection to those terrorists ONLY accused by the Bush Administration.
The link below names suspects
“Although the connections to al Qaeda in three of these cases (Walker, the Viisage trader, and Wellington Management) can be seen as circumstantial, the amount of such evidence is considerable. The quality of the FBI investigations, considering the suspects were not even interviewed, was therefore much less than “exhaustive”, as the 9/11 Commission characterized it.”
The third jet terrorist jet on 9/11 ignores targets like the White House, the Congress, the FBI, the CIA, Annapolis, the State Department, the Treasury, the Washington Monument, and the four sides of the Pentagon with military personnel. Instead the pilot selects an unoccupied side. Unoccupied EXCEPT for 125 civilian accountants engaged in an extensive investigation of weapon system contractors.
Could be coincidence. Every debunker of the conspiracy theorists discusses “missing” money. Discusses, somehow, without considering that the accountants were looking for Trillions in overbilling by a few BIG corporations or surprisingly large Swiss bank accounts of some Officers in Purchasing. the records incinerated.
#10. If by this time you think ANYONE in the Bush Administration thought there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, then you are as ignorant as I was in 2004. I know that I was very ignorant.
PARTING THOUGHT: As a nation and people we are soaked in the blood of unnecessary victims. Many/most of our own soldiers died in the wars listed so a privileged few could have a war in order to overcharge for war materials. Or grab some land and resources.
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madamlaydebug · 6 years
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In a speech of 1882, Frederick Douglas relates his experiences as a slave during the Christmas season.
"The days between Christmas Day and New Year's were allowed the slaves as holidays. During these days all regular work was suspended, and there was nothing to do but keep fires and look after stock. We regarded this time as our own by the grace of our masters, and we, therefore, used it or abused it as we pleased. The holidays were variously spent. The sober, industrious ones employ themselves in manufacturing cornbrooms, mats, horse collars and baskets, and some of these were very well made. Another class spent their time in hunting oppossums, coons, rabbits, and other game. But the majority spent the holidays in sport, ball-playing, wrestling, boxing, running, foot-races, dancing and drinking whiskey, and the latter mode was generally most agreeable to their masters. A slave who would work during the holidays were thought by their master undeserving of holidays. There was in this simple act of continued work an accusation against slaves, and a slave could not help thinking that if he made three dollars during the holidays he might make three hundred during the year. "Not to be drunk during the holidays was disgraceful. "
We were induced to drink, I among the rest, and when the holidays were over we all staggered up from our filth and wallowing, took a long breath and went away to our various fields of work, feeling upon the whole, rather glad to go from that which our masters had artfully deceived us into the belief was freedom, back again to the arms of slavery. It was not what we had taken it to be, nor what it would have been, had it not been abused by us. It was about as well to be a slave to master, as to be a slave to whiskey and rum. When the slave was drunk the slave holder had no fear that he would escape to the North. It was the sober, thoughtful slave who was dangerous and needed the vigilance of his master to keep him a slave."
☆☆☆Excerpts from Afrikan People and European Holidays: A Mental Genocide Book One☆☆☆
In the spirit of Black Unity and love and with all due respect to my race I submit that it is absolutely amazing how so many of my people can gullibly accept something simply because it exists. Unfortunately a large segment of Black People will embrace and put their energy into a thing, without ever really analyzing the impact, for better or for worse, it may have upon them and their posterity for generations to come. This is the case with Afrikan People and European holidays, especially the most European of all holidays, Christmas.
There are even those among us who will look upon you as though you have the plague when you inform them you do not indulge in the celebration of the European fantasy commonly called Christmas. This attitude on the part of some Blacks exhibits their ignorance and lack of understanding of world history, without which one cannot understand the present or the future.
The main purpose of this chapter is to appeal to the common-sense and superior intelligence which lays dormant in so many of us, by introducing some very basic historical facts about Christmas. Because of the production limitations on the size of Book I, we are unable to give a full treatment of this subject in this chapter; however, we will devote more time and space to the study of Christmas, its origins and the deep dark secrets behind its true significance in Book IV of this series under the heading, "Xmas Madness: An In Depth Study of the Christmas Fantasy." Nevertheless, as you study the present chapter you find the information of the origins and purposes of Christmas as set forth here, reveal that the celebration and significance of this European holiday is indeed foreign to the nature of Afrikan people. As the facts unfold it will become clear to you that Christmas is not a part of us as a people, for it is certainly not a real part of our history.
The question may arise as to why we refer to Christmas as the most European of all holidays? The answer is in two parts, firstly, the practice of Christmas observance is the essence of ancient customs and beliefs of the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Teutons, Nordics, Germans, Slavs, and other come-lately-European-people. Although some vague remnants of Afrikan and Asian customs are still remotely present in its celebration and despite the claim of its exponents that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ (which we shall shortly see that it is not), this celebration is a direct extension of European customs and practices (many of which are shockingly eerie and disgusting as well) which took place during the coldest and darkest part of the year. Secondly, Christmas supports the existing economic power of Euro-America and European countries. What it does is bring up the slack in the gross national product at the end of the year. Any and everything is put on the market for the consumer, that is we produce less than 1 percent of the goods in this country, in the world as a matter of fact. This means, in essence, that as a people we help keep the economy of the United States of America and the western world in motion.
In 1978, as a race, we spent over 70 billion dollars in America alone, and that's not taking into account the expenditures and transactions that could not be statically recorded, which would probably push the figure to over 100 billion dollars. Where did all that money go? Why do we not see the benefits of same in our communities? Why are we still in the impotent position of seeking from others, that which we should be providing for ourselves? It is truly fantastic when you consider the fact that we have very little control over the tens of billions of dollars that come and go out of Black settlements each year. Why is that? The answers to these questions are too involved to be discussed here, but needless to say one of the key factors of our role as "vehicles of purchase" is the enormous amount of money Black People spend on Christmas each year.
Not only do you have a tendency to buy the most expensive gifts, but feel you are compelled to do so. Madison Avenue has so thoroughly taken over your mind that you fear the scorn and disapproval of your friends and loved ones if you don't spend that money on Christmas. This is why we refer to Christmas as the "Merry Mess", because it is one of those European instruments of mind torture that gets you in a mess and keeps you there.
Again, the main purpose of the information in this chapter is to help you liberate yourself from this madness which has imprisoned you and keeps you groveling at the feet of your natural enemy.
The Roman festival of Saturnalia was celebrated December 17th trough December 23rd. Later intron history it was extended until December 24th - 25th. December 25th being observed as the birthplace of Saturn by his devotees and Mithra by the followers of Zoroastrianism. Essentially Saturnalia was the feast of the winter solstice when the days began to lengthen and the sun starts its journey back towards the earth. This celebration was especially significant to Europeans because of the harsh and cold climate in most of their countries which left the land barren and non-productive. In a place where there was little summer it can be readily seen how this festival would have such great importance. On the second day of the Bacchanalian celebration of Saturnalia young pigs were offered on the altar and blood pudding was made. This disgusting dish was a primary delicacy of the European, a people who wants painted themselves blue (This is where the term blue blood comes from) and ran naked from cave to cave, busting each other in the head with clubs and engaging in combat over a piece of raw meat. When Afrikans were building the pyramids and wooing their ebony queens with incense and live poems, many Europeans were making overtures to their women by grunting Ugh!, smacking them upside their heads with a club and dragging them off by the hair to copulate. This is why rape is such a sensationalized phenomenon in European culture today.
During the six day festival of Saturnalia, slaves were temporarily freed to attend the festival. It is said that during this season, the slave holder would grant the slave any request except his freedom. Also during this period, the roles were supposedly reversed and the slave vicariously walked in the shoes of the master, who would serve him his breakfast in bed and many other ammenities which custom obliged, but when the festival was over a slave in the Roman Empire was still a slave. The Saturnalia which later became known as Christmas was one time referred to in Europe as the "Festival of Fools."
Christmas Lights
Lights were extremely valuable in ancient Europe because of its inclimate and foggy weather. Every since the post ice age Europe has been known for its cold and dreary climate, in ancient times, it was considered by most of the Sarah's inhabitants as a most undesirable place to live. Over the millenia, these harsh conditions gradually subsided in the southern portions of the continent until by the time of the Grimaldi invasions (called the Mesolithic Age) it was somewhat inhabitable. During the age of the Afrikan circumnavigation of the world it was a long time before they ventured to go into Europe again. Often as the ships manned by ebony crews sailed along the Mediterranean Sea, through the gloomy fog and must off the coast of Europe they could hear the eerie moanings, strange groanings and barking sounds of its inhabitants. In antiquity the continent of Europe was considered by many people of color to be a bottomless pit filled with unimaginable horrors, a forbidden land inhabited by hellish demons. Some have said that the word Europe means "you're roped in."
Another significant fact which deals with the importance of lights to the European experience took place during the Puritan prohibition of the celebration of Christmas, at which time the common folks would put lighted candles in the windows to let the Catholic priests know that the yuletide was being celebrated in that home.
Santa Claus
The designation Santa Claus comes from "Sinter Klaas" the Dutch name for St. Nicholas (referred to by some thinking people as St. Capitalist), a 4th Century bishop of Asia Minor who became the Russian patron saint of children, bankers, pawn brokers and thieves.
The origins of the Santa Claus hoax goes back to the time when in many northern European countries ghosts, witches, trolls, vampires and other demonic creatures were thought to stir aboard on Christmas Eve. It was on this night that Satan or Santa, the demon/saint (for there was little differentiation between saints and demons in Europe at that time) riding on a jackass or goat would lead the demons in a marry rivalry as he shared with them the intoxicating substance from his wassahl bowl.
According to German mythology Santa/Satan first appeared as a hairy imp named Pelz Nichol. In Holland and other European countries the original "old Nick" another terminology for "the devil" was depicted as a very stern person who rode across the frozen wastes on the satan's goat and left a whip instead of toys for naughty children. With the coming of European Christianity to the north the demon/saint "old Nick" evolved into St. Nicholas a bishop of Myra in Turkey, who lived sometime around 300 C.E. he is said to have transported himself on a grey horse or white jackass, an ancient Egyptian symbol of Typhon, the devil.
Tradition says that St. Nicholas restored to life three slain children who had been hacked to pieces and stored in brine by a wicked innkeeper. He is reportedly to have saved three young maidens from being sold into slavery as prostitutes by their father, through secretly providingthree bags of gold for their marriage dowries. This, the three balled or three belled emblem of pawnbrokers became one of St. Nicholas' sacred symbols. This dubious 4th Century bishop of Myra eventually became the patron saint of Russia. He was also designated the patron of children, pawnbrokers and theives. As a matter of fact during the middle ages in Europe thieves were called "clerks of St. Nicholas."
In reference to St. Nicholas and his criminal affiliationsthe Ansaru Allah Community News statss:
"He is really the patron saint of thieves and gangsters, who were tagged the "Knights of St. Nicholas." He is the patron saint of the pawnbrokers and their emblem is traced to him. Pirates emblazoned his likeness on their flags. Other wards of St. Nicholas are spinsters, sailors, etc."
St. Nicholas' increased prominence in Western Europe was a result of Italian merchants who were reputed to have stolen his bones from Myra and brought them to Bari, on the southeastern coast of Italy, May 9, 1807. The celebration of St. Nicholas' festival which took place December 6, the supposed date of his death was banned by Henry VIII when he founded the Church of England. Later in English history the festival was resumed when Queen Victoria married the German Prince Albert at which time St. Nicholas became Father Christmas. After the Protestant Reformation St. Nicholas was replaced by Christ child called Christ Kindl or Christ Kindli in parts of Germany and Switzerland. From this name came the character Kris Kringle, the "jolly old elf" figure who brings gifts at Christmas time sometimes accompanied by Pelz Nichol.
According to this particular tradition Pelz Nichol sometimes called Jan was a little black elf who Santa appointed the traditional H.N.I.C. to keep the elves in the factory busy making things. From this story we can see that St. Nicholas was indeed a cold blooded capitalist. You never hear of the elves in the shop getting any compensation or fringe benefits for their work. In fact St. Nicholas hardly ever went into the shop, the brother was in there taking care of the business. The legend says that St. Nicholas gave the toys and gifts away for free, well if this be the case, how come people are still paying money for them every year?
In 1822, Clement C. Moore, an American minister and poet, first described Santa's fur-trimmed suit and his sleigh pulled by reindeers. The description appears in Moore's famous poem called "T'was the Night Before Christmas." This poem firmly established Santa Claus on the American scene. The idea of his sled being drawn by eight reindeer comes from the Norse legend of Odin's white horse Sleipnir, who had eight legs and was according to this tale the fastest horse in the world. All in all the concept of the modern Santa Claus is a symbol of the poverty and selfishness of Europeans who only shared gifts with one another once a year at Christmas. In sharp contrast to this is the traditional system of Afrikan Ujamaa which encourages sharing with your neighbor on a day-to-day basis. How ridiculous is the idea of sharing things once a year when people have need of things every day.
One of the traumas of the Santa Claus myth is the fantasy that people tell there children about them. Imagine after you have worked hard to buy toys and gifts for your children, then turn around and lie to them by giving credit to some big fat white man named Santa Claus. When the children reach the age where they begin to question this madness, you wring your hands in frustration trying to figure out how you are going to tell them there is no Santa Claus. Do you know what you are doing when you do this? Do you? You are running risk of planting deep within the child's subconscious mind, the seeds of distrust for you as a parent. And for what? To what purpose? Don't you know that at the very same time you are unwrapping the gifts on Christmas morning, greedy white capitalists are at home setting around the tables with their families and counting your money. The next time you are tempted to go sneaking around on Christmas Eve after the children are asleep, stop and ask yourself why am I doing this? What is the meaning of this insanity? Even though like the rest of us you have been brainwashed by the economic powers that be, you are still supposed to be an intelligent accountable adult. So shake yourself of this foolishness and put aside these childish things. It is not too late for you, there is a better way.
Christmas on the Old Plantation
As regards Christmas and antebellum slavery, Mother Jenny Proctor, born a slave in Alabama in 1850, was eighty-seven years old when interviewed, but recalled: "Old master would kill a hog and give us a piece if pork. We thought that was something, and the way Christmas lasted was according to the big sweet-gum back log what the slaves would cut and put in the fireplace. When that burned out, the Christmas was over."
In a speech of 1882, Frederick Douglas relates his experiences as a slave during the Christmas season.
"The days between Christmas Day and New Year's were allowed the slaves as holidays. During these days all regular work was suspended, and there was nothing to do but keep fires and look after stock. We regarded this time as our own by the grace of our masters, and we, therefore, used it or abused it as we pleased. The holidays were variously spent. The sober, industrious ones employ themselves in manufacturing cornbrooms, mats, horse collars and baskets, and some of these were very well made. Another class spent their time in hunting oppossums, coons, rabbits, and other game. But the majority spent the holidays in sport, ball-playing, wrestling, boxing, running, foot-races, dancing and drinking whiskey, and the latter mode was generally most agreeable to their masters. A slave who would work during the holidays were thought by their master undeserving of holidays. There was in this simple act of continued work an accusation against slaves, and a slave could not help thinking that if he made three dollars during the holidays he might make three hundred during the year. "Not to be drunk during the holidays was disgraceful. "
We were induced to drink, I among the rest, and when the holidays were over we all staggered up from our filth and wallowing, took a long breath and went away to our various fields of work, feeling upon the whole, rather glad to go from that which our masters had artfully deceived us into the belief was freedom, back again to the arms of slavery. It was not what we had taken it to be, nor what it would have been, had it not been abused by us. It was about as well to be a slave to master, as to be a slave to whiskey and rum. When the slave was drunk the slave holder had no fear that he would escape to the North. It was the sober, thoughtful slave who was dangerous and needed the vigilance of his master to keep him a slave."
Finally, Christmas, historically, has no real religious significance except to the European world, as such it has no real meaning to us as a people for if does not culturally project us in a positive light. Therefore, its failure to meet this need means that it can only be working against our best interest. Understanding that there are still some immature members of our race who feel they couldn't live without Christmas, we appeal to them to stop the wild spending and acting so foolishly during the Christmas season and divest themselves of this mania. This supposed happiness obtained from the MERRY Mess is too brief to pay such a physical, mental, spiritual and economic price for.
Now we invite you to examine the next two chapters of this book which demonstrate and explore the historical roots and meaning of the Seven Black Holy Days of Kwanzaa, a holiday of freed Black people.
~ Rev. Dr Ishakamusa Barashango
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marketmenn123 · 2 years
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dyer58dyer-blog · 6 years
Are you aware somebody who likes to perform games? Is the fact somebody your self? Nicely, I'm positive you'd want to learn more regarding the activity so that it can be more enjoyable, correct? Whether you're seeking assistance with your game perform, general technique as well as other hint, you'll discover it in this article.
Buy your online games used. Games are costly. Having said that, lots of people insist on purchasing them new. The reasoning powering this is certainly that employed video games will probably be damaged or faulty. Most stores examine their utilized video games well before bringing them into their carry. Get applied and keep your invoices, in the event. The financial savings is well worth the small threat. When you are choosing a handle scheme challenging to use, optimize the configurations with your game. The standard control plan is not always for everybody. Many people want a brighter monitor, some more vulnerable management or even an inverted format. In numerous video gaming, you may manage these inside the setting's place. When you have to reload a weapon when actively playing a youtube video game which includes capturing involved, constantly get deal with initial. So many occasions you might have your character wiped out off due to the fact you're ranking nonetheless waiting to reload. Don't end up being the next victim of the mistake. Constantly seek protect, then reload. If as a parent you happen to be worried about game information, management what downloadable mods are put inside the video game. These downloadable mods are generally made by gamers, not the recording game companies, so there is absolutely no rating program. Everything you imagined was really a relatively un-dangerous activity can make a great deal even worse using these mods. Don't waste time in the training handbook. Understand when you perform. The video game will be considerably more intriguing if you body things out in the process. When you get irritated, you generally have the option of picking up the handbook and flipping via it for aid. Give it a try oneself initially, though. Check your child's game taking part in. Games have become graded the same as videos and which can help. This lets you keep an eye on the information your son or daughter is in contact with. According to your child's age, maintain him from video games which are meant for those who are more adult than him. Tend not to ignore the supplementary niche for gaming console video games when looking for titles. link daftar slot joker will find great condition utilized game titles at a variety of sources. On the web, they can be accessible through individual resellers and auction's websites, each as single titles and in choices. Offline, you can get them employed from game stores, video and audio retailers and also at flea markets. Mother and father ought to spend some time to try looking in this game console's options for adult handles. Consoles can have these controls in their setting's food list. These may enable you to management game titles by ESRB score, how much time on the system and reduce on the internet access. With one of these regulates established, your son or daughter may play game titles more securely. These days the vast majority of most favored and pleasurable video games out there can be found cost-free-of-fee. Be aware that programmers rarely generate these online games out from the goodness of the hearts and minds. Determine in which they intend to create a income, i.e., exactly how the game stimulates you to spend cash. If these kinds of games are well worth your hard earned money can be your own decision, however, you need to comprehend the system that's created to make the video game rewarding. Take advantage of the video game retail store clerks to help you determine what video games you could possibly get pleasure from. Many individuals understand what types they love, but may well not know any new video games which are out. The worker at the shop ought to know a lot in regards to what games are people's preferred. Question good friends for recommendations. Better yet, think about asking their little ones! You have to be equipped to discover the gaming fans within your societal groupings, so rely on them to your benefit. Your friends know you and also you have confidence in their views, which means you must be able to more easily opt for new online games to try out from their tips. Look for a couple of video gaming writers you love. If you have a job, you will be probably not into games just as much as you'd like to be. Video games blog owners, even so, often times have much more time to look into the business and move on information for your needs. Bloggers may help you discover fantastic game titles as well as enable you to shape them out after you've obtained them. Confident, you can be washing any room, doing your due diligence or perhaps be outdoors actively playing, why? Games are in which it's at! No less than you spent the time to discover some thing nowadays, as well as for you should be very pleased. Continue to keep video games, keep learning and maintain experiencing plenty of exciting!
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