#so if this is wrong i literally do not care
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No you know what I'm gonna take a second here. [Highly unhinged rant at the fundamental injustice, inefficiency, and sheer bloody-minded stupidity of current social technology below the cut]
Absolute horse piss. God, even setting aside how she deserved better from everyone around her and had the same right to a fully accepted authentic life as everyone else, imagine what she could have done if she was supported instead of being treated like this. If she wasn't fired from her job, ejected from her support network, and didn't have to constantly advocate for herself and people like her to be treated like human beings (which was brave and good work worthy of being honored but should never have been necessary in the first place, like rescuing people from a building that collapsed because it was built like shit)
Like okay I don't talk about this that often but I'm a kidney transplant recipient and I think a lot about how the field (like every other avenue of human endeavour) has been crippled by short-sighted bigotry. STEM fields are still hugely male-dominated (sidebar STEM is not the be all and end all creatives y'all super valid and important and your work is foundational to the functioning of STEM and human endeavour and quality of life as a whole; this is just the example that highlights the point for me personally) and it's like. If we didn't push literally everyone except cishet white guys well off enough to afford tertiary education away from everything in the area, would I just have an artificial kidney by now? Who knows?? I'm probably never fucking going to because stupid nonsense.
It's the same shit. And don't get me wrong, the individual human tragedy of unnecessary hardships on the part of this (and every) trans woman (and so many other groups besides) is morally horrible and an indictment of culture as a whole. But we'd probably have fucking blade runner robots or quantum computers or working fusion reactors or Actual Cool AI Instead Of The Current Horseshit by this point! Or a real Mars colony instead of some blowhard yammering on about it while he inflicts suffering on untold millions! Or God knows what else!
And don't even get me started on lack of opportunity for almost everybody in the world. It's like that quote about all the potential einsteins who were born and died impoverished without ever even touching a science textbook.
Like you wanna know why we're struggling so much? Population increase is supposed to mean more hands and minds on every problem but it doesn't because...ugh! Imagine if we cared about global poverty. Imagine how many more lives free of hunger. Imagine how many more people thinking about how to solve everything that needs solving.
I just. The morality is bad enough. It's a great evil by itself. But the sheer fucking gall of dressing it up behind progress and hard decisions. Do you have any idea how much "progress" this costs us? What a good investment humanity would be if we pulled our heads out of our asses for two seconds? What you, personally, have lost because the person who would have given it to you lived and died in preventable despair?
Again, I have to emphasise. People are worthy without contributing huge individual achievements to the arc of history. Society is a collective and everything everyone does adds to the weave and adds up to what we as a whole achieve, there's no real separating out of "this person did this thing" when they were supported by the entire collective of humanity past and present, and even if there was achievement is not the sole benchmark by which life is measured. A better life for everyone is the point, and the idea of "if I don't think you're contributing then you don't deserve anything" is a big part of how we got here in the first place.
There is no culling of the "unproductive". They are the ones who need this most of all. Every life matters, every life (yes, even that one) is a roll of the dice for a miracle of insight (not just in STEM; it all fucking matters and it always has), every life is its own purpose, every life is worthy, to save one life is to save all of mankind, to enrich one life is to enrich all of mankind, to be a life that is enriched is to be enriched on behalf of all of mankind, and none of these facts depend upon any others. There's a mind in there! A self-perceiving miracle of reality! Of course it's precious beyond measure regardless of context, you dipshit!
We can celebrate great advances and exceptional performances without ignoring that we, as a whole, made these things possible too. And we can recognise that these things are valuable because of what they do for everyone, and that the more everyone there is the more valuable they are, and that in order for making life better for the worse off to matter the worse off themselves must matter, and that every life is worthy and every soul is sacred and the people using Lynn's technology to help with their disabilities or live hidden from those who wish them harm or resist the forces I'm talking about here are why the technology is a force for good in the first place.
But I weep for the fact that we have squandered almost all human potential across all of history in short-sighted power-seeking and arbitrary outgroup punishments, and everyone everywhere has suffered for it. Yes, even the stupid billionaires; they'd probably live longer if they hadn't stepped on the people who would have discovered the cure for whatever ends up killing them. Today's average well-off human knows riches that would be the envy of the kings of old, and the average human if none of this was a problem would know riches that would be the envy of the oligarchs of today.
Lives being lived in ways that diminish other lives are ideally changed minimally so that they no longer do (this is the maximisation of collective freedom) and consigned to any other fate only with great sorrow. Even if it is right to do so, I do not believe it is ever righteous. Even if it is not regrettable that it was done in the present, it is regrettable that the past produced a present that required it, and a future that does better should ever be sought.
Just...fucking stupid. That we're so willing impoverish ourselves so that some other people we don't like for no reason can be impoverished more. That the only thing keeping us from Star Trek (not just the spaceships but everything else too) is petty fucking spite (and physics but who knows what backdoor bullshit we could find to work around that).
That Lynn Conway's life, extraordinary and laudable as it was, was made smaller by this rank fucking idiocy. I do not aim to diminish her work by considering what it could have been. I aim to diminish the age she was forced to live in.
Rest in peace, Lynn. You deserved unfathomably, infinitely fucking better, and we are all richer for what you managed to pull off in spite of it all.
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bunni-v1 · 1 day ago
Oh, I would absolutely love to find out (in response to the post about Reader treating his minions like kids)! How do you think Shadow Milk would be like as a father? How would he treat his kid? :)
I don’t think Shadow Milk likes kids… but I also think he loves kids. Does that make sense? Like, he finds kids snotty and annoying, but they’re also really funny. They do stupid stuff and they’re so simple, it almost makes all their annoying habits cute. Almost.
He doesn’t really think too hard about having kids, mostly because… why would he? He’s an immortal god, he doesn’t really need to reproduce for any reason. But if he were presented with the idea by his partner I don’t think he would oppose. In fact, he loved the idea of making a kid! That’s all fun and dandy, but after the child is born (baked?) how does he feel.
Well, believe it or not, he realizes that he does like kids really quickly! Just, only his kids. Every annoying trait he seemed to despise before becomes undeniably charming coming from his little one. Oh, and if they look anything like you, help his soul he may crumble on the spot. He can’t help the way his dough softens when they bat their little eyes up at him all innocent like.
He 100% has a set of twins (bless his insane gene pool), and they are the lights of his life. They’re a nice mix of the both of you, and you’ll catch him staring at them a lot. He just can’t help it, seeing the product of your love is nice. Just one glance and any cookie could tell who’s the parents, it’s nice to have that literal living reminder that you love him enough to settle (sorta) with him.
They really can do no wrong in his eyes, unless you say they’re doing wrong, then it’s “listen to your parent kiddo” because he’s still stupidly in love with you. If you’re not around to tell them no, he’ll let them do whatever the hell they want. Hell, he encourages mischief and misbehavior, so long as they won’t get hurt from it.
He’s the fun dad, which is to be expected. He takes them on adventures and teaches them how to play pranks and even teaches them magic if they like. He wants them to grow up feeling like they’re on top of the world, because they are.
Still, he instills and demands respect toward both of you from them. He’s not above (reasonable and approved by you) punishments for either of them taking it too far. He also won’t tolerate disrespect to you, even if you’re the “no fun” one.
And, keeping it real for a second, he loves his kids. He really does. He’d never imagined having little cookies to care for, but he’d kill for them. When he first held their tiny little bodies in his arms, his whole world came together.
He’d lived his whole life bigger and grander than any other cookie, but holding his babies with you at his side… well he’d never felt smaller. He doesn’t typically like quiet, but he had no words to fill up the silence as he stood in awe of the beautiful children in his arms.
He’s a good dad, he wants to be a good dad. I know it’s hard to believe but once he gets these things he cherishes them. He would never forsake the family he was able to build up and keep as his own. The few cookies in all of earthbread that he let in would be loved like no others.
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majoryeager104 · 1 day ago
I know we can’t say what we mean
Part 2 of Number one Girl in your eyes
Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Summary: Now that the cats out of the bag, you try to get closer to Katsuki, despite the fact that he seems to be avoiding you. But, his behavior is way less petty than it seems
Warnings: language
1.1k Word Count
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After last night, you weren’t entirely sure what to do. You’d confessed. You’d told him you liked him, and he said it back. He liked you back. And yet, he left right afterwards, not saying another word. Anyone else would be confused, but who am I kidding? It’s Katsuki. So instead of worrying, you called Mina up and told her everything. But as time ticked by, you wondered if letting him leave was the right choice, but really, you were just happy to have that confession off your chest. 
Meanwhile, Katsuki was panicking. Why had he done that? Were you serious? Why had he done that? Surely it was a prank. And the whole way down the hallway, to the elevator back down to the common room? The only thing he was thinking? Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit-
But while he ranted to Kirishima for the rest of the night, you slept like a baby. You’d finally told him, and realized you were content with that. Surely, since he’d admitted his crush too, that the two of you would talk about it later, right?
Because who am I kidding? It’s Katsuki.
You walked to class the next morning refreshed and happy- excited even, after all who wouldn’t be in this situation? You walked in, your eyes absentmindedly landing on Katsuki. You always gave him a quick glance when you were walking into class, it was a habit at this point… only this time he was looking back.
You blushed and waved, and, to your confusion and dismay, he narrowed his eyes and looked away, crossing his arms on his desk. You frowned, but figured he was probably a little embarrassed about it, and dismissed his behavior, and yet your eyes still lingered on him, the moment sticking in your mind.
And he noticed. Oh boy he noticed the frown. And once again, Katsuki Bakugo was in a state of pure panic. Why did I glare at her? Why couldn’t I just wave back? What kind of an asshole-
His thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Aizawa’s entrance, and he did his very best to focus on class after that, he really did. But he felt terrible. What kind of guy confesses to the girl he likes, and then leaves? What kind of guy then glares at her when he sees her the next day? God he felt so stupid.
After class, it was only a matter of time before you began to be anxious. He seemed to be avoiding you, and it confused you to no end. He did say he liked you back right? You weren’t dreaming? So then why was this all so…awkward?
It took till late that evening for you to really get an answer. You’d decided to take a walk around campus before heading back to your dorm, when you saw you-know-who (no reader, not Voldemort) doing the exact same thing. He was walking in the opposite direction, on the same strip of sidewalk, Katsuki Bakugo in his messed up tie, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. 
At first, when he spotted you, he’d made an attempt to look away and ignore you, walking past like you weren’t there like he usually did. It was a simple tactic that he didn’t realize he used fairly often to avoid people. One small issue is that you literally did not care.
“Hey Bakugo, can we talk for a minute?”
He froze, his already tense shoulders flinching slightly as he turned to look at you, but he managed to play off his anxiety as annoyance fairly well, as he always did. “What do you want?” He said bluntly, glaring back at you. You stared at him for a moment- after last night, you hadn’t really expected him to be this…snappy. You took a deep breath, sighing as you spoke.
“A straight answer” you replied, making the boys brow furrow even more. “Huh?” He replied, glancing away a few times, anything to avoid facing the music. “I mean it’s my turn to ask you…what’s wrong?” You replied, walking a tad bit closer to him. As expected, he backed away from you, scoffing. “Nothings wrong. Leave me alone” he replied, about to turn when you grabbed his hand.
He completely froze, his head slowly turning to look down at your hand on his, the way you held it so gently, it stuck with him. You knew that if he was mad at you he could probably rip it away from you in less than a second, but your grip was gentle anyways. Maybe it was because you didn’t want to make him more upset. Or maybe it was because you knew he wouldn’t pull away, wouldn’t stop you. You were right.
“I confessed to you last night, Ba- Katsuki. And you said you liked me too. Now are you gonna keep being an asshole, or are you gonna be a normal person and invite me on a date?”
Your words hit his ears louder than any of his explosions could- they rang and rang until eventually he finally looked up at you. His mind was full of so many anxieties and nerves that he couldn’t really tell which thoughts were his own, or were a figment of his fear anymore. He was so scared of making you hate him that it was driving him crazy. 
He pulled his hand away slowly, staring at yours for a moment before straightening up and looking at you, letting out a sigh. “Y/n L/n… will you… can… this is stupid-” he stopped, shaking his head and about to turn around before you grabbed his hand again. “no you’ve got it, keep going” you replied, and damn it, he’d think, you cheering him on wasn’t helping. Now he was a blushing mess, and had absolutely no idea what to say, so instead of acting like it, he just acted like he usually did.
“Damn it- Just go out with me!….please”
His words hung in the air, his gaze pleading with yours until you finally smiled at him. “Yeah, i’d love to” you said softly, still holding his hand. You weren’t really thinking about the touch, too happy in the moment, but he certainly was. He had to look away and turn from you entirely to hide his blush, and even then you could still see the pink tinge on his ears.
“K..whatever. See ya"
He began to walk away, his hands stuffed in his pockets once more. 
Once again, his shoulders tense
“Don’t you want my number so we can plan the date?”
For the record, he was locked in for every other date after this. Pookies still learning.
Tags: @mikestuffffs @ilovemushroomss @misfortvne @blue-sky336
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wonderjanga · 2 days ago
magicians use spells, pre-existing magic with predictable effects
the champion can MAKE spells, which a magician can then potentially learn.
Marvel: *makes a tiny ball of light and shoots it at one of Sivana’s robots*
Robot: *literally combusts*
Magical Kid: *in awe and starts writing stuff down on a notepad*
Marvel: *minding his business*
Magical Kid: “Champion!”
Marvel: “Ah. Yes?”
Magical Kid: “Could you teach me the spell you used earlier?”
Marvel: “Which spell?”
Magical Kid: “The little ball of light spell!”
Marvel: “Ooooh… Sure!”
Solomon: ‘Billy, that is not a good idea-”
Marvel: *helps the kid anyways*
Back at the kid’s house…
Magical Kid: “Mom! Mom, look! I want a new spell!”
Magical Mom: “Oh really? What’s it do?”
Magical Kid: *flicks the little light at a blender, which combusts too*
Magical Mom: “Oh my GODS?? Who taught you that?? I’ve never seen or heard of a spell like this ever!”
Magical Kid: “The Champion of Magic!”
Marvel: *casts a made up spell that throws a pie at a Magical Villain’s face*
Magical Villain: “Hey!”
Zatanna: *looks between the magical villain in Marvel before saying the spell backwards which threw another pie at the villain’s face*
Magical Villain: “HEY!”
Marvel and Zatanna: *share a look and start pelting the villain with pies*
Magical Villain: *gives up after the 13th pie to the face and just ends up laying on the ground getting pelted*
Marvel: *telling them about to spell he made up to walk on air*
Top Hat Magician: “But you can already fly.”
Marvel: “So?”
Top Hat Magician: “So there’s no point in you making that spell!”
Marvel: “Wha- of course there is! Why are you care anyways all you guys get to use it too.”
Top Hat Magician: *pauses, literally just remembering that he could learn that before whipping out a sticky note and starting to write the spell down*
That’s how after a couple more incidents like this, Captain Marvel’s School for Wayward Magicians was opened. Only, it really wasn’t a school. He just told anyone who wanted to learn a certain spell to meet him in a field in Fawcett.
Magician 1: *makes the mini star*
Marvel: “Now that’s wonderful! Good job!”
*trying not to preen*
On the other side of the field…
Magican 2: “Diagaara!” *says it wrong*
Marvel: “Try pronouncing it Dia-gay-ra, not Diag-ah-ra, miss.”
Magician 2: “Thank you!”
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pots-sibly · 5 hours ago
When I flared so bad in November that I physically couldn't be out of bed for more than like. Two or three minutes at a time. I did a loooooot of doomscrolling, to the point where I felt like I was mentally back in the place I was as a teenager when I had no friends and spent every waking minute on like instagram or something. I caught myself falling into habits I haven't had in years, like compulsively arguing with people online or engaging in content that made me mad or upset. If I was in the same place I was when I was younger, I would've just kept falling into that pit, but I know what it's like now to not feel that way, and I didn't want to go back.
So, I did the most logical thing to me: I went on Amazon and ordered a bunch of yarn and crochet supplies.
I haven't crocheted since I was in the single digits. My grandma tried to teach me, but I was never able to get past the chain stitch. Even so, I remembered absolutely loving it; I'd make chains out of whole balls of yarn and just like, have them in a drawer. I'd do it over and over again because I liked the colours and the repetitive motions. It was soothing to me.
I got a beginner's crochet book and started teaching myself other stitches. I was having really bad brain fog at the time, so I learned slow (and wrong), but I still learned. I made scarves for everyone in my family for Christmas that were way too long and just the same stitch over and over again. I took my yarn and hooks to the emergency room, to get blood work, to urgent care. I made a blanket that covers a double mattress and am hoarding yarn under my bed.
I'm just learning how to make other things, like stuffed animals and granny squares, but honestly I would probably be just as happy to make more mile-long chains. It's extremely calming (so much so that I fainted in the middle of doing a scarf in the ER once) and when I'm doing simple patterns, it's something I can do even with the fatigue and the brain fog. I no longer feel the need to engage with shitty people online or spend hours scrolling and rotting. I've successfully pulled myself out of doomscroll spirals with 'oh shit I need to finish that scarf/blanket/amigumuri'
I used to see posts like this going around and always felt a little defensive because I never really had anything like that. I was always so tired and sick and thought it was a personal failing, so someone being like 'hey maybe you should do something other than scroll instagram reels until you want to die' felt like a personal attack (yes, I was in a bad place). But it's literally so important to have Something like this and I'm so glad that I'm in a place now where I actually do
Most anti phone advice is so inane and regurgitated to me but one thing I’ve been thinking about for days is “social media is okay, but the real danger comes in when you think your phone should be your go to during your limited pockets of leisure” like that’s literally the truest thing ever
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lolitalovess · 2 days ago
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Legs Open, Hearts Broken.
sum: hockey player vi x reader.
warnings: smut, oral sex, fingering, big o, vi is kind of a dick, vi is stressed tf out, vi and reader are kind of sick of eachother, this is not proofread, i really struggled writing this so if some parts esp the start are sloppy that's why, the start is really bad but it gets better, reader has a brother in this, idk why, lowkey brothers best friend trope, that's it
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you know violet lane has always been a player - both literally and romantically. you can't blame all the girls on campus for eyeing at her everytime they catch a glimpse of her in the hallways or when she's playing a game with the whole school watching, not with the way her face is the most gorgeous one your eyes have ever had the privilege of looking at. you met her when your brother, who's one of her teammates introduced her to you. and jesus christ you're grateful for it.
she's stressed and has had one of the worst fucking days shes ever had and all she wants is to go to her dorm and text you to ask you to come over, not to ask you to get her shit for her because she fucking forgot it for practise. it's not like she'd want anyone else to go into her room when she's not there - you've been there at ungodly hours enough times to know where it is.
you don't know why you agreed to it in the first place, maybe because she's your brothers best friend, maybe because you feel bad, maybe because she's fucked you dumb almost every night this week, but you're already walking through the halls in the direction of her room. the way has been poisoned into your head ever since her essence and sweet words grew in your mind like ivy.
you're quick with it, entering her familiar room with red bedsheets, fairy lights and posters, slinging the black duffel bag over your shoulder and heading to the indoor arena across the campus. it's a nice one that's not that far, not when you're texting both her and your brother at the same time to tell them that you're coming and you understand that their coach is pissed at her.
"hey, i have your shit." you call out, walking toward the pink haired girl who's sitting on one of the front benches, her eyes watching the practise game in front of her. you hear the metal she's sitting on creak when you move the heavy bag off your shoulder and place it next to her. it's another hour and thirty minutes later after she convinced you to stay and watch. you knew you had better things but it's not even like you could have said no, not with the way she was looking into your eyes and asking so nicely, and it was the same when she asked if she could come over after.
"you look so pretty." your murmur on her clit. your eyes are trained on her face and your back is sore from the curled up position you're laying in on the end of your bed, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
she sighs out as her first response to your praise - the four words she's been called and has called countless of times coming and going from other girls during situations exactly like this, though the way your breath blowed on her clit had her fighting the urge to arch her back. "jesus, sweetheart. fucks wrong with you?"
you don't mind her words, you're clever enough to know that they don't have any bite in them whatsoever. it's not like you're teasing her, you're just sucking and licking at her clit like it's gonna take all her stress about nationals away and cater all her thoughts to you.
you pull away ever so slightly, your lips detatching from her with a tiny little pop. her clits swollen and puffy from how you've been sucking and flicking your tounge on it like how you do with her bottom lip, and she's got an insane amount of her arousal practically fucking dripping down her pussy.
you tilt your head to the side so your cheek is resting plush against one of her muscular thighs, your action causing them to spread even more. you're sure it's one of the hottest things you've seen her do. "are you okay? you seem really stressed." you begin, moving the hand on her other thigh to mindlessly rub her clit in slow circles, earning a moan from her.
"i'm- fuck. i'm not. it's just nationals. they're coming up in like, a month or whatever." she said through sighs and little moans, your touch on her clit is frustratingly not enough and she wants to scream at you for it, and holyfuck you're fingering her.
you push yourself to sit up on your knees, your hand reaching to grasp onto her shoulder to crawl ontop of her, your other hand still busy with slowly pumping your two fingers in and out of her. you remind her of a python at times, crawling ontop of her like you want to take her entire body and soul for yourself, like you couldn't bear the thought of someone else doing so.
you move the hand on her shoulder to hold her jaw, fighting back the urge the smile when she reaches her head up to kiss you, almost in a needy way. it's not like you pull away to tease her though, instead you're swallowing her moans and whimpers like you're getting paid to do it when your lips and tongue move in sync.
"you'll be fine, vi." you reply, kissing the corner of her mouth and beginning to trail them to her cheek and jaw, despite her whimpers of protest. "yeah, it's just... a big thing." she muttered, her hands coming up to hold your wasit when she feels you speeding up the pace of your fingers. her pussy is squelching and taking it with greed and not a care in the world - grateful for the attention you're giving it after what feels like you edged her for hours, even if it was only for 30 minutes.
her moans filling your room signify in sound when you curl your fingers so far into her pussy she's squeezing her eyes shut and arching her back off your mattress just barely enough for your tummies to touch. she's always pornographicly loud when she cums, and this time its no difference whatsoever when she's absolutely soaking your fingers without a single shame in the world like it's her job.
her eyes shoot open when she feels your body on top of her begin to move back down the bed and into the position you were in on the end of the bed after she just began to calm down, quickly propping herself up on your pillow with her elbow to look down at you. "you don't- uh, have to." she spoke as soon as she feels your palm on her inner thigh, spreading them apart. "i'm just gonna clean you up." you reply, resting your cheek on her other thigh like before. it's grown into a habit with how often you rest your face on her thighs like they're pillows, which they are.
"i've gotta study. for the history test tomorrow." she protests, almost weakly. her eyes are blown wide, powder blue looking into you with a mix of both anticipation and hesitance - you can't chose the dominant one, not with how the corner of your lips curl up into a small smile at you huff of laughter. "you never study for tests." you reply, kissing her inner thigh before ultimately sitting up and laying next to her, head turned to see her face.
"you've just never seen me study." she spoke with a sigh, sitting up from the mattress just as you settled, her eyes searching for her previously forgotten pants and boxers on the floor. "you just never seemed like the type to." was your reply, your eyes fixated on her ass when she leans over to reach for her socks - the spiderman ones that go with her boxers, and both are on her body faster than you'd like.
"hey, we should study together." you tease, which earns a "fuck you" when she's walking out your door and flipping you off, her duffel bag slung over her shoulder.
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hi!! genuinely sorry this is ass especially to the people that have been waiting for this. i honestly didn't really enjoy writing this so i think that's why?? the girlfriend version of this will hopefully be out tomorrow because i actually do have a history test to study for 😭 not sure if i'm gonna make this a series. i don't like how i made this look. pls help
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mattscoquette · 6 hours ago
reader going through perv!matt’s journal
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“i’ll be back in a sec, i just need to run downstairs and help chris with something really quick.”
that’s what matt told you over ten minutes ago, and he’s still gone. you were over at the triplets place hanging out with nick, when matt insisted he show you both his new pc set up. it only took nick five minutes to be over it, but you felt bad when you saw matt’s defeatist expression after nick went back to his room. you decided to stay, but soon after matt abandoned you to go do something with chris.
you could’ve gone back upstairs with nick, but you let your curiosity get the best of you, and somehow you were going through matt’s bedside drawers, seeing what he had in there.
you knew matt had a thing for you, he made it very, very clear. although those feelings weren’t really reciprocated, it was fun to tease him. like, really fun.
before you could stop yourself, the leather binding of matt’s journal was in your hands, itching to be opened and read. you thumbed through the pages, reading matt’s chicken scratch handwriting while he wrote about whatever. you didn’t want to be too invasive, but his journal piqued your interest a lot. you wondered if he ever wrote about you, or if he only kept those thoughts in his head.
your eyes skimmed up and down the pages, nothing really standing out to you until you saw your name.
today y/n came over to see nick. she had on this rly short skirt, i think they were going out to a bar or something later. i don’t really care. i overhear her talking to nick about the guys she gets with. i could be so much better than them. i would make her feel so good, where she’d be begging me for more. god her moans are probably so fucking pretty.
your cheeks got hot as they blushed a deep red, fingers flipping to the next entry.
it’s been a few days since i saw y/n, i miss her so much. i’ve probably touched myself to her more times than i can count in the last day or two. i don’t know what it is with her, but she just gets me so worked up. she doesn’t even have to do anything and i’ll literally get hard from her. a couple weeks ago we were at her place and i heard her in the shower. it turned me on so much i couldn’t handle it. i want her so bad.
there’s gotta be something seriously deranged about me. every time that y/n sleeps over here, i always sneak up to nicks room and take a pair of her panties. she has to have noticed by now. i can’t help it though. i use them to get myself off. sometimes she has really pretty lace ones, other ones are really really skimpy. i don’t care though. i wonder what they’d look like on her. she’d probably think im a fucking creep if she ever really found out. i wonder what she’d do.
at this point, your stomach was doing somersaults, and your thighs were pressed together, trying to relieve the ache that had grown in your cunt. maybe it was weird what he was doing, but the level of obsession was turning you on. bad.
you were quick to find a pen somewhere in the bedside drawer, popping the cap off and scribbling underneath the entry in your loopy handwriting.
you naughty boy. you didn’t learn that stealing was wrong? i would probably punish you and not let you cum. i would tease you, get you all wound up and make you hold it. id use my pretty pink panties around your cock to get you off and let you cum in them after edging you for so long. maybe i’ll use my hands too, or my mouth if you’re really good for me.
you grinned to yourself as you shut the journal, drawing your bottom lip in between your teeth before returning the notebook to its rightful place, exactly how you found it.
you knew that matt wouldn’t do anything about it, either. he would see the note, and probably get off to it a million times, but never actually reach out to you. until then, he’d just have to learn how to keep pleasuring himself alone.
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© mattscoquette | taglist
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬. ⋆˚꩜。 inspired by this fic from my girl @st7rnioioss ♡︎♡︎ perv!matt is soooo back i miss that freak
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lilianalovespink · 1 day ago
Your lungs burn.
Your skin does too.
Sweat soaked clothes cling to your skin, cotton made heavy by the sheer amount of it that you've let off in the last hour of training.
But most importantly, there's a lump in your throat that aches worse than any cough ever could've- feeling like that time you had tonsillitis as a child.
"'ny more wisdom or are you done, private?"
If you cry now, he'll be kind; understanding. He always is, but that's the problem.
"I'm done captain."
'Unable to follow orders without questions, unable to integrate into the team.'
Sincerely and with your entire heart, you wish only the worst upon John Price. You could follow orders, you could work with them- if they let you.
A discomfort of needle like nature pulls through your muscles at that thought, considering that you had in fact voiced it and that the consequence had been the training you usually do over the course of three hours having to get done within an hour, no breaks, no warmups.
The worst part, you thought as you stepped out of the showers, is that in his view, he didn't hate you but rather...think you incompetent; a cocky amateur with too much of their chest puffed out.
You, a little child, a toddler acting rebellious or throwing a tantrum, and him, the sensible adult, strict but 'caring'.
"Shh, I know. This is too much for you. I know."
Leave it to him to make comfort a painful act; one for you to be belittled during, made out to be just another stupid teen in over their head.
Yes, you were younger than your commander, your captain, but no younger than your lieutenant or seargant.
Just not at their rank.
Your transfer to the 141 was abrupt, but by no means unwelcome. You were the best in your recruitment class, you were capable but as price, at the time you thought jokingly, put it, you weren't 'broken in'.
And boy did he have every intention of breaking you.
Training was tough, but doable except-
"You were top of your class? Again."
"There's a reason you're still a private."
"If you can't manage, leave."
And then, whenever you snap at him, show teeth at the hand that constantly strikes you, he's a saint. He's really just putting you what everyone else is going through, why are you this upset? Clearly because you're immature.
If you can hold back your urge to bite bite bite- this man, if you try to ask him stuff it's really a coin flip of what version of Captain John Price you'll get.
"You can't handle it? That's okay. It's okay, hey- no crying. Come here...yeah, that's a good girl."
Or, in case you didn't crawl between his legs like a scared puppy-
"I'm only being hard on you because I thought you wanted to be better. Was I wrong about that? Or do you want to be something other than a private one day?"
The worst part is that, the team seems to see you as a puppy as well- with you literally getting that as a monicker.
Lt. Riley wasn't as cold and mysterious as you expected when you first saw the mask, but he certainly wasn't hellbent on letting you be his buddy, let alone his comrade. He never helped you out unless you asked, but, should you make that mistake, to ask for help, he'll nod and simply guide you aside like you're a sheep and he's your shepherd. Like teaching you wasn't literally his job.
Sgt. MacTavish as well as Sgt. Garrick had initially been warm and inviting, had made you feel like this was your team- until you noticed how they'd leave you out whenever they could. Sure, neither of them were rude but- they weren't proper teammates either.
And then, of course, Captain Price.
What should you say about this man? How horrible he is? Would that do what he's put you through any justice?
As if this alienation from the people you literally had to trust with your life wasn't bad enough, the way they seemed to pity you was worse. Like you were a small child who dropped your candy.
It hurt, badly.
So when Commander Philipp Graves joined for a mission in Los Alamos and was the only one who treated you like you were on one level?
Yeah, you took the bait.
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scoupsakakitty · 10 hours ago
Hii hellooo, may i have a request like svt 14th fem member youngest like they care abt platonically and protective specially when there's some male idol who wants to hit on her? Or like whenever they are shooting and some people stare at her, or during live some like that and like they become protective but the reader doesn't have any clue thank youu
Unspoken Rules | Seventeen x 14thMember | fluff
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"Y/N, stand over here," Seungcheol murmured, subtly guiding her to the middle of the group as they prepared for a live broadcast.
Y/N blinked up at him, confused. "Why? What's wrong with my spot?"
"Nothing. Just... better camera angle," he answered smoothly, glancing over at Joshua, who was already nodding in silent agreement.
"Right," Y/N said, unconvinced but not questioning it further.
The members had always been protective of her—she was their youngest, after all. But lately, something had been feeling... off. Like there were unspoken rules she wasn't aware of.
The broadcast started, and everything seemed normal—until she noticed the way Jeonghan casually placed a hand on the back of her chair whenever a certain male idol sitting across from them spoke to her. Or how Mingyu laughed a little too loudly whenever she responded to said idol’s questions, effectively drowning out the conversation.
It wasn’t until later, when she scrolled through comments, that she saw fans noticing it too.
"LMAO the way Seventeen turns into a human shield whenever a guy talks to Y/N." "DK literally just changed the topic mid-sentence when that dude asked for her number." "Do they realize she’s an adult? 😭"
Her eyebrows furrowed.
"Okay," she started as she marched into their waiting room, crossing her arms. "What is going on?"
The room went silent. Some members pretended to check their phones, others suddenly found their drinks very interesting.
"You guys are acting weird," she pressed.
"We're always weird," Vernon pointed out, unhelpfully.
"Don't change the subject!" She narrowed her eyes. "Tell me why you guys keep acting like my personal security team every time a guy so much as looks at me."
A long pause. Then, Woozi sighed, rubbing his temples. "Look, Y/N, you’re our little sister. We don’t trust these guys."
"Yeah," Hoshi nodded seriously. "Some of them seem... too interested."
"Too interested?" she repeated, confused.
"Like, flirting," Jun clarified, making a face as if the word itself was offensive.
Her jaw dropped. "Wait. You guys think they—?" She burst out laughing. "You guys are ridiculous."
Seungkwan scoffed. "Oh yeah? Tell that to the dude who tried to ask for your number last week."
"What?! When? Who?"
"Exactly," Dino muttered. "You don’t even notice."
Minghao crossed his arms. "That’s why we have to."
Y/N stared at them, realizing just how deep their protectiveness ran. It wasn’t just playful big-brother energy—they genuinely looked out for her.
She sighed, shaking her head. "And what if I want to finally meet someone? What if I wanted to give him my number?" She looked at them, exasperated. "You guys can’t protect me forever."
Seungcheol, who had been quiet until now, leaned forward, his voice firm but gentle. "Yes, we can. And we will. Until we know for sure that the guy is good enough for you."
The room hummed in agreement.
"Exactly." "Facts." "Scoups speaks for all of us."
Y/N groaned dramatically and fell backward onto the couch, staring at the ceiling. "I can’t win against you guys, can I?"
"Nope," Jeonghan grinned, ruffling her hair again.
She huffed but couldn't help the small smile creeping onto her face. Maybe having thirteen overprotective brothers wasn’t so bad after all.
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joloml · 2 days ago
stray kids younger ninth member headcannons
pairing youngot9 x stray kids
warnings mentions of teasing, cursing
notes i lost the request for this i think i accidentally deleted it bruh. but it was like can you do headcannons for stray kids as the ninth member but they’re still in high school — since some of yall are young and cannot date them i suppose i will grant you with how they’d treat you in a non bf gf relationship way
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  
duo: father x daughter
- this man would literally treat you like his kid
- you genuinely see him as a father figure and rely on him probably too much
- always watches you to make sure that you’re still alive and breathing
- checks up on you so much to the point where you have to remind him that even though you’re young, you can take care of yourself
- if you do something stupid with a member, he definitely scolds you both if something goes wrong
- wakes you up for school and makes you lunches
- would get in the car to pick you up from school, but all the members would beg to come along so you would be picked up by a bunch of loud childish grown men
- cries every year on your birthday because you’re getting older LMAO
- “why can’t you stay young forever” “i quite literally cannot control that”
- you call him dude and bruh and he’s given up on correcting you
- during interviews, if you’re not sitting next to him, he’ll always be glancing at you to make sure you’re okay
- also always makes sure you get the chance to talk if you’re more on the quiet side
- during games, if you’re competing against each other he always lets you win even though you just want him to play normally
- constantly checks up on you on stage especially during performances
- is always always always making sure that you’re eating good and taking care of yourself before and after performances (and just in general)
when you get mad/crash out (you’re a moody teenager it’s bound to happen):
- is lowkey scared of you
- you’re also lowkey scared of him in return so you’ve never snapped at him
- gets felix or i.n to talk to you
- if one of the members is the reason that you were mad, he gives them a talk and after that they never make you mad again
when you’re sad:
- once again gets felix or i.n to talk to you
- if you’re crying and he’s the one who finds you first, he just hugs you silently while you cry onto his shoulder
- i’m in tears i need to be comforted by him
- if you’re feeling really overwhelmed or stressed from work, he’s always willing to give you a day off
how he shows affection towards you:
- this man loves physical touch, so he would always be hugging you
- you always tell him to get off but he hugs you tighter just to be annoying
- thinks he’s sooo funny
- lets you sleep on him whenever you’re not near a bed
when he finds out you have a crush on an idol from a different group:
- let’s pretend it’s ni-ki from enhypen cause it’s more on the legal side
- thinks it’s so funny
- teases you whenever he’s brought up
- when you do collabs with other idols for tiktok and ni-ki is one of them, he makes you guys pair up (even though you both know it’s never gonna happen, he just thinks it’s cute)
when you do a scandalous tiktok dance:
- is SHOOK
- “absolutely not” “bruh”
- doesn’t let you post it or even show any of the other members
lee know:
duo: the bash siblings
- would probably try to be nicer to you when you first met
- but when he makes a snarky joke and you match his energy, he immediately deems you as his favorite person ever
- you both make rude/teasing remarks towards each other all the time to the point where the rest of the members think you’re actually arguing
- you also gang up on the other members to bully them
- however, if you’re more on the sensitive side, he tries to be nicer
- his members are lowkey scared whenever you both are together because they never know when they’re gonna get attacked
- definitely beefs with little kids on roblox with you
- like chan, is always checking up on you
- if you have to compete against each other during interview games, you both are so competitive that it gets out of hand sometimes
- during concerts, you both are always throwing water at each other or having trip wars - you try to trip each other in different ways
- chan notices you doing it every time and tells you to stop before one of you actually gets hurt
- you’ve only tripped him once and you absolutely died laughing when you did, but he’s never successfully tripped you
when you get mad/crash out:
- lowkey finds it funny
- just stays out of your way if you’re genuinely mad
- but if you’re just annoyed, he’s probably the reason why
- continues to annoy you until chan tells him to stop
when you’re sad:
- isn’t really sure what to do but feels bad
- like chan, just lets you cry onto his shoulder silently
- every member is just gonna direct you to felix or i.n LMAO
how he shows affection towards you:
- he lowkey doesn’t
- his insults are out of love so i guess that counts
- deep down loves and cares for you a lot though
when he finds out you have a crush on an idol from a different group:
- let’s pretend it’s ni-ki again!
- laughs out loud when he finds out
- is always teasing you about it
- teases you when you’re in the presence of ni-ki and you get so mad
- is genuinely the funniest thing ever to him
when you do a scandalous tiktok dance:
- judges you
- “where did you even learn to do that?”
- also doesn’t let you post it
- “you’re like five years old, you can’t post that” “be so fr rn”
duo: the favorite siblings
- you both are always making each other cackle with stupid jokes
- no one matches his energy better than you
- is definitely the type of person to smack you while laughing when you say something funny
- but you do it in return
- has so many inside jokes with you that the other members gave up on trying to keep up with you both
- when something exciting happens, he’s always excited to tell you because he loves how you match his energy
- you’re always cackling in the back with him during concerts over the weirdest things
- same thing with interviews - you guys have to be told to stop screwing around
- you always somehow end up on his side during team games so you’re always supporting each other
- saw you trip lee know that one time and died laughing with you
when you get mad/crash out:
- like chan, lowkey scared
- you’ve never snapped at him either because you know you’d feel bad
- always knows how to cheer you up somehow
- most of the time it’s with stupid jokes
- or he does it accidentally by running into a wall or something
when you’re sad:
- feels so bad
- wants to cheer you up but doesn’t always know how to
- lets you rant to him
- also cheers you up by doing something stupid
how he shows affection towards you:
- always laughs at your jokes
- + inside jokessss
- hitting you when he laughs
when he finds out you have a crush on an idol from a different group:
- ni-ki once again
- thinks it’s super exciting
- when you see him in public, he nudges you with a smirk
- “look, it’s your boyfriend” “shut up!”
when you do a scandalous tiktok dance:
- is shocked at first but then -
- “can you teach me?” “i knew you’d ask”
- learns it also and you both eat it up
duo: yapper x yapper
- you both are the biggest yappers
- put you both on live and there will be no silent moments. just constant yapping
- if you can draw, you definitely bond by drawing together
- if you can’t, that sucks idk what to tell you
- maybe he teaches you if you’re up for it
- you can’t help but think he’s the cutest ever because let’s be serious he literally is
- like all the other members, just has the urge to watch over you to make sure you’re always okay
- if you’re struggling to learn a certain choreography, he always helps you
- members sometimes have to separate you guys when you tell a story because you just don’t shut up
- the most unserious duo during games- neither of you gaf
- dumped water on you once during a concert and let’s just say you got your revenge and he has not done it since
when you get mad/crash out:
- tells chan
- then just leaves you alone
- not tryna get yelled at by chan or you LMAO
when you’re sad:
- hugs
- lots more yapping from you ranting to him
- if someone was being rude to you, he’s definitely the type of person to be like “she’s such a bitch, why would she say that?” “right??”
how he shows affection towards you:
- always keeps the conversation going (i be hating it when people don’t listen when i speak so personally i find this to be affectionate)
- is always just there whenever you need him
when he finds out you have a crush on an idol from a different group:
- yall know the drill- ni-ki;)
- thinks it’s funny
- teases you but is the most delusional supporter
- “we made eye contact the other day” “oh he wants you fr”
when you do a scandalous tiktok dance:
- is honestly probably the one who showed you the dance in the first place
- does it with you
- you guys would definitely do the money pull up dance just for funsies
- you post it and everyone in the comments hypes you up
duo: best friends
- loves doing stupid things with you
- you both will go live and just eat
- and i mean complete silence except for the sound of you both chomping down
- until you make eye contact and absolutely lose it
- being weird together is your guys’ thing
- there is never a dull moment between you two
- views you as his little sister and absolutely adores you
- when you get scolded by chan, it’s most likely because you did something stupid specifically with han
- loud duo
- the other members have to tell you guys to shut up sometimes
- always helps to calm you down if you’re feeling anxious since he understands:(
- if you’re not sitting next to chan during an interview, you’re next to han
- during games, you guys are always yelling and that’s when you’re told to shut up
- also saw you trip lee know and had to walk away before he lost it
when you get mad/crash out:
- is probably crashing out with you
- listens to your ranting no matter how long you go on for
- is like hyunjin: “no because that’s such a bitchy thing to do” “that’s what i’m saying”
when you’re sad:
- is sad for you
- hates to see you cry
- wipes your tears for you
- once you were crying so hard that he started crying with you
- you felt horrible for making him cry so you cried even harder
- it was a whole mess
how he shows affection towards you:
- annoys you sometimes
- lots of hugs, like chan
- you always fall asleep with your head on his shoulder, and he eventually falls asleep too by resting his head on yours
- never makes you doubt if he literally hates you or not
when he finds out you have a crush on an idol from a different group:
- “OOOOUUUUU, EVERYONE Y/N LIKES-” “shut your mouth right now before i shut it for you”
- big time teasing
- teases you even harder after you have a conversation with your crush and come back all red faced
- “im telling channie hyung” “you better fucking not”
when you do a scandalous tiktok dance:
- screams
- “why can’t you do the renegade or something?” “r u fr”
- doesn’t want you to post it because he feels protective but honestly doesn’t really care what you do
duo: therapist x client
- your #1 comfort person
- personal therapist
- is so so caring towards you
- his presence is just comforting
- you both can sit in complete silence and you’ll just feel calm knowing that he’s there
- since he’s on tiktok a lot and knows a lot of trends, you guys have the same humor
- teaches you how to play his video games
- you end up becoming better than him at them and he’s js like😦
- you force him to be by you during interviews
- you’re always either next to chan or han, but felix is always on the other side of you, no questions asked
- always checks up on you
- dumps water on you but you can never get mad at him for it
when you get mad/crash out:
- as i just said, you can never get mad at him
- one time you did snap at him and you cried after because you felt bad
- he told you that it was literally fine but you’re still upset about it to this day
- “y/n i swear it’s not a big deal” “i literally yelled at you, it is a big deal”
when you’re sad:
- the first person you go to
- is such an understanding person you lowkey wanna cry even harder just because he’s so nice
- he always cheers you up just by being there
how he shows affection towards you:
- is just always there for you
- understands you completely
- is always on you side during an argument
- i feel like he’s the type of person to have his hand on your back when leading you through busy crowds idk
when he finds out you have a crush on an idol from a different group:
- thinks it’s so cute
- doesn’t tease you but still finds it kinda funny
- he’ll see you talking to your crush and just smile
- doesn’t even need to say anything when you walk back, the look on his face says it all
when you do a scandalous tiktok dance:
- hypes you up
- probably ends up joining in
duo: tom and jerry
- he may not show it but deep down he cares for you a lot
- you’re lowkey the human version of puppym and that describes your guys’ relationship well enough
- you love annoying him
- secretly he loves it too
- he doesn’t realize it but he’s lowkey one of your top comfort people
- like lee know, you guys are mean to each other in a loving way of course
- you guys spend quality time together by watching movies in silence while chomping down on snacks
- after the movie ends, you share your thoughts with each other
- your skzoos + you both = absolute chaos
- i feel like your skzoo would be like a deer or something to resemble you being the youngest idk but it would be a menace
- tried to trip you after you tripped lee know but failed
- unfortunately chan saw too and he got a scolding!
- “she started it” “yeah blame it all on me”
when you get mad/crash out:
- just keeps his distance
- not tryna catch these hands👊
- warns the other members
when you’re sad:
- is always there to listen
- he may not know what to tell you or give the best advice, but he’s always willing to let you rant to him
- awkwardly rubs your back and hugs you
how he shows affection towards you:
- like lee know, he honestly doesn’t
- you know that all of his bullying is done out of love
when he finds out you have a crush on an idol from a different group:
- just laughs
- “good luck with that”
- can’t help but be excited for you when he sees you talking to your crush
when you do a scandalous tiktok dance:
- judges you
- bombastic side eye
- “why are you showing me this?” “nvm get out you’re such a negative nancy”
duo: snoopy and woodstock
- everyone’s favorite duo
- you have the most heartwarming relationship
- like felix, i.n brings a sense of comfort to you - just being around him calms you down
- adores you
- sees you as his little sister and feels the need to protect you
- if the whole group is ever hanging out and they can’t find you and i.n, you’re most likely hiding out in yours or his room, messing around
- as the maknae duo, everyone is always getting cuteness aggression from you both
- when you guys are left alone, chan doesn’t even worry about you guys getting into trouble because he trusts you both will just end up watching tv or doing smth chill
- you both check up on each other
- you make eye contact and give each other a thumbs up
- just silent symbols of showing that you’re fine
- you hate competing against each other
- you both are always full of energy on stage
when you get mad/crash out:
- knows that you probably just wanna be left alone so he tells the other members to leave you be for a bit
- after awhile he’ll come and check on you
- cheers you up with his cuteness
when you’re sad:
- one of the chosen members to check up on you
- if felix isn’t around, he takes over as the therapist
- an amazing listener
- “queen never cry” “where on earth did you learn that”
how he shows affection towards you:
- is always super nice to you no matter what mood he’s in
- ruffles your hair whenever he walks past you with a small smile on his face as you glare at him
when he finds out you have a crush on an idol from a different group:
- promises to not tell anyone
- you probably just told him instead of keeping it a secret because you trust him
- teases you quietly after he sees you interact with your crush
- “so when’s the wedding??” “oh shut it”
when you do a scandalous tiktok dance:
- doesn’t know wether to laugh or cry
- “…that’s nice” “thanks?”
- awkwardly leaves
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potato-lord-but-not · 12 hours ago
Oh geez okay hmm OH OH
What gives Oscar and Noel their first ‘butterflies’ for each other? Like, what moment/situation makes them go “Oh. Oh, it’s you.” I hope this makes sense Urgh
I think it took Noel a while to realize he loved Oscar like that (cough arospec Noel cough), once he did tho it was literally an oh moment. like all of the dots started to connect and he had no idea how to tell him. Especially since Oscar caught feelings first and was trying so so hard to hide it. like yeah sure he thought Noel was handsome at first but also extremely kind and funny and charming and caring and he doesn’t leave Oscar behind not out of pity but because he actually wants to be with him?? that was all too much and Noel definitely didn’t feel the same, right? so we’re just going to bury that for now.
I also think they started doing little, physical things that married couples do long before either of them admitted to loving each other like that. Everyone else around them was like,,,,, “you two live together,, and share a bed- yeah yeah because he sleeps better when he’s not alone but still- and you guys are inseparable and you share clothes and the way you look at each other is hard to ignore”
To actually answer your question tho- it was definitely something little for Oscar- like Noel remembering what his favorite tea is or going to help him at the soup kitchen. He was very in denial tho, and a blunt conversation with Marie was definitely what made him realize OH he likes me too doesn’t he??
And for Noel,,, he probably experienced A Cute Man Who Definitely Deserves Better Than Him Touching The Parts Of Him That Feel Most Inhuman And Wrong Affectionately. it made him sob and realize what being loved romantically actually felt like. he knew that feeling once, but it had been so long and almost entirely replaced with pain. until he got a gentle caress over an ugly scar from someone who never wanted to leave him.
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redjaybathood · 2 days ago
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That's probably because deep down you are tankie-adjucent or just not that good at judgment, maybe your own colonial past influences things, but you don't want to admit it. I recognise this manner of talking over Ukrainians ✨ for our own good✨ or ✨for the fairness ✨ , completely disregarding the current dynamics or how russia utilizes it's culture as a tool of imperialism and colonialism.
But Idk, I'm not your therapist or your priest. Face your idiosyncrasies yourself. Do some soul-searching. Read some Ukrainians. Idk.
I speak two Slavic languages, freely read another, learning yet another: believe me, speaking a Slavic language doesn't make you a tankie. Scaremongering and spreading pro russian misinformation about Ukrainians does, tho, depending on your motives
Where did I say it's good or bad for Ukraine? I said I will not support anyone who does learn russian in our god's year 2025, voluntarily, because it's fun, like I wouldn't support anyone voluntarily walking into a gas chamber because they have a kink for asphyxiation. But that never happened, and people are really learning russian and sometimes even proudly so.
Am I, a Ukrainian who spoke russian before they ever heard a word of Ukrainian; who grew up surrounded by russian language - at home, on the streets, in school, in books, TV, radio, movies; who grew up being told that I'm a russian because Ukraine doesn't really exist, but also that I am less than russian, because I am not really from russia, that I am from small russia, which makes me lessser than the true russian; that if I want to speak Ukrainian, read Ukrainian, watch a TV show in Ukrainian, I'm at best laughable, a village person, but I'm probably a Nazi and should be shot for my language of preference; I, someone who lived under russian occupation where people disappeared for just wearing wrong colours, much less speaking the wrong language; I, who is living under russian terror of rockets and Shakheed drones - and I am the lucky one, I'm far away from the front line, it's just won't help me to get even one night of sleep because my city under attack daily; am I allowed to feel a certain way about this, or do I need your permission?
And I dunno about russian breeds being cancelled. Maybe you are talking about Caucasian Shepherd, restricted because it is categorised as a dangerous dog, long before 2022 or even 2014 (but be for real, nobody cared about Ukraine in 2014). It's restricted by Belarus, too - what rusophpbia is this??? That's sarcasm if you don't get it.
I do know about cat and dogs shows that allow russian breeders to participate, giving them publicity and new clienttele. Like here, 2023, Geneva, World Dog Show: https://www.onlinedogshows.eu/Content/Catalog/v2.8/#/menu/breedDogs/ru/2548/2847
You can go look through the full catalogue, I spent literally 5 seconds to find the first russians:
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What long dead Ukrainian poets mistaken for a russian - except someone like Hohol, who was misappropriated as russian and never was a poet to begin with? And yeah, his surname never sounded russian. It sounded more like a slur on Ukranians if anything. What poets with russian sounded surnames cancelled? Unless you mean canceled as in killed by russia for, despite the surnames, not being russian like Mykola Zerov?
Or, from recent examples, Maksym Yemetz, or Oleksii Bezpaltzev, Yevhen Ponamoriov, Maksym Kryvtzov? And more, and more, and more: See for yourself in the "Nedopysani" project, to remember every poet and writer russia cancelled, permanently, for not being russian, for not speaking russian, for not writing in russian
What the actual fuck, really. Like, what?
there's literally no justification for giving people shit about what languages they've chosen to learn btw. some of you might not have dealt with it the same as i have, but it's been an annoyingly consistant theme in my life.
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blessedmisery · 2 days ago
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summary: sung jinwoo x reader - boyfriend headcannons. sfw and nsfw included. warnings: fluff, smut, idk this is silly authors note: ty for reading, hope u enjoy. likes and reblogs always appreciated <3
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sung jinwoo is super introverted and literally so oblivious to anyone liking him so it'll take a while before the two of you get together
but when you do it'll be sooooo good. so so good.
jinwoo is terrible at communicating his feelings, and he will struggle to show you that he loves you at first
so you will be the one saying "i love you" first
his love languages would be acts of service, physical touch and quality time because this man seriously needs a hug but also loves doing things for you
he likes his space and alone time, but he would love to be in the same room together while the two of you do your own thing.
he'd be surprisingly really good at cooking because he's super detail-oriented and attentive
that also applies to your feelings, if you're feeling a certain way, he'll catch on instantly
but he won't really know what to do, he's pretty cold sometimes so he's not great at comforting people.
terrible texter. he texts like my dad. "ok", "👍" he's just super dry and doesn't feel the need to say more than he has to over text.
very blunt and honest, if you need advice he'll never sugarcoat. he'll tell you how things are straight up, even it it's the last thing you want to hear. he's a very no bullshit kind of guy.
arguments with jinwoo would actually be the worst. he hates being wrong and will argue until you give in and agree that he's right. he'll also fuck you while arguing to really drive the point home.
possessive. so possessive. will never let anything bad happen to you, and likes knowing that you are only his.
on that note, he also gets really jealous. but he won't make it obvious in public. however you will pay for making him feel that way later when you get home.
i imagine he looooves having his hair played with.
and just loves feeling taken care of in general. he's always taking care of everyone else that the feeling of having someone take care of him is so new but so intoxicating to him.
hates pda. he thinks that shit has a time and place (and i mean he ain't wrong) the most he will do is wrap an arm around your waist in a crowded area
but in the car? hand GLUED to your thigh. at home? always touching you or coming by to give you a kiss.
speaking of cars, he'd be a really good driver. but why have a car when you have kaisel.
BUT when jinwoo is being a normal member of society (aka not getting around on a literal shadow wyvern) hear me out, he would totally ride a motorcycle.
omg can you imagine riding on the back of it with him, the wind blowing against you while you tightly wrap your arms around his waist to hold on. fuck.
really hates valentine's day (he thinks it's stupid and a waste of time)
but that doesn't mean he still won't go all out for you and buy you flowers, chocolate, a huge teddy bear and fucking pink and red heart shaped balloons (he's so extra)
also hates his birthday, to him it's just any other day. that's when you have to come together with beru and igris and plan something out to make this man feel special.
fav season would definitely be fall or winter. he seems like someone who would despise the heat.
really annoying when he's sick. he'll pretend like he's fine and then he will act like he's dying. (he secretly just wants someone other than beru to take care of him)
forehead kisses. he loves to kiss you on your forehead, it's one of his favourite ways to show intimacy.
also gives really good hugs. he just has a really comforting aura (at least to you. others would likely disagree.)
really likes seeing you wear his clothes, particularly his hoodies. or when you sleep in his t-shirts. drives him absolutely mad.
has really good hygiene. i imagine he always smells really good.
with that, he's also a clean freak, and really hates making a mess and will get mad at you if you leave your clothes on the floor.
not a huge fan of pet names but will mostly stick to calling you "baby", "my love" when he's fucking you in missionary late at night, or "kitten" when he's feeling playful.
he's a cat person. i don't make the rules.
huge fan of the rain. he loves rainy days because they're an excuse to relax and lay in bed all day with you. and fuck.
hear me out, he would definitely be a reader. i can picture him enjoying a nice rainy afternoon with a good book. (anything to not socialize with other humans)
NOT a morning person. he likes to sleep in if he has nothing to do that day.
on that note he's a very light sleeper and has trouble falling asleep. so when he does u better not wake him tf up.
super competitive. if you're playing any games or making any bets with this man, best of luck to you. he will do anything to win.
lowkey a gamer. he's got a nice, expensive setup and he likes playing video games. especially when you're sitting on his lap while he plays.
hates being in pictures. good luck getting this man to smile in a photo.
stares at you a lot? (kinda creepy ngl) but he just really likes looking at you
now lets discuss the sex:
realistically he wouldn't be very experienced because this guy spent all his time in gates instead of talking to women.
but ofc its sung jinwoo so he'll be instantly good at anything he does
very respectful towards you overall
i imagine he's actually pretty vanilla, at least at first because he hasn't had many opportunities to explore kinks
unless he's mad. then ur getting it babe. and ur getting it good.
he will push your head into the sheets and take his anger out on you, pounding into you mercilessly while whispering dirty, degrading things into your ear.
"act like a bitch, get fucked like one" attitude when he's mad.
he's not very vocal himself but looooves to hear you make noise
lowkey size kink cuz hes tall af (6'3 i think?)
despite being kind of vanilla and abit of a clean freak this man gets filthy with you when then two of you fuck.
really likes cum play. and oral sex. he will spend hours eating you out like there's no tomorrow. he also loves getting head.
like i said he's not very vocal but if you give this man a blow job. whew. he will make the hottest sounds you'd ever hear coming out of a mans mouth. can you imagine him breathing heavily, his voice all raspy saying "fuck baby keep going, just like that" while he grabs your hair, choking you on his cock. bye.
and licking. holy shit. once he starts he wont stop. he will lick you from ass to clit. no questions asked.
really likes edging you— "what was that baby? i couldn't hear you" he'd mumble against the sensitive skin surrounding your clit after eating you out for a whole hour, pushing you so close to the edge but denying you your sweet release. by this point you're panting, tears are prickling the corners of your eyes and you've become completely incoherent. "p-please jinwoo. p-please ah, i need to c-cum" you'd utter, taking all of your energy to form that one simple sentence while tugging on his messy hair. "mmm kitten i know. but i'm not done. you just taste soo good" he'd mutter drunkenly in response and continue licking and sucking you until you've quite literally lost your damn mind.
hes so pussy drunk omfg
dacryphilia. really likes seeing you cry from his edging or overstim during sex
"you're mine. only mine". constantly whispering this in your ear while you fuck. (like i said, the man is possessive)
has the prettiest cock (just like him). not wide but he makes up for that shit in LENGTH. def above average length. good luck fitting that shit all the way in (if u say u can't he'll make u)
one word: fingering. yeah. those long, slender fingers will be exploring every inch of your clit and pussy. and you'll be loving every second of it.
loves to cum together. he's a big fan of creampies.
big handcuff enthusiast. likes to see you struggle.
his favourite position would be missionary. like i said, he loves looking at you and hearing the noises you make. missionary is ideal for him.
very big fan of shower sex. something about getting home after a long day and having a good fuck in the shower is so appealing to him.
"good girl" yeah mhm. he'd say this. a lot.
praises. these will be rare with jinwoo and you'll really have to earn it but he will praise you so good when you do.
ass > boobs. like i said, i don't make the rules babe.
© @blessedmisery 2025.
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artemisia-black · 2 days ago
Sorry if you've answered this before (im sure you have) but do you think Sirius was a serial dater at school? How do you hc Sirius at school?
I think my over exposure (early in my fandom life) to school shagger/ sex pest Sirius made me really dislike the trope that he dated loads. But also in my analysis of his character, he’s pretty selective about who he spends time with. He’s way more polite than he’s often depicted as, but he also doesn’t suffer fools lightly- so I can’t see him tolerating dating people for the sake of it. I can see him going out on a few dates (with people who he deems clever or interesting) but his friendships would’ve always taken priority over any kind of romantic life.
I do think he was probably widely fancied, but given that Bellatrix literally tries to “trim the family tree” when Tonks marries Remus, I imagine there was a real danger in who he dated. He was related to active Death Eaters, and I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that if he publicly got involved with the wrong person in their eyes, they’d consider an honour killing (for want of a better term) and that would probably make him even more reluctant to date seriously.
At school, I think overall, he was just one of those people who’s effortlessly good at everything, and I do wonder how much jealousy that stirred. Because when someone is that good-looking, people tend to react in one of two extreme ways, either they’re deferential to the point of fawning, or they absolutely hate you. You become an object of projection (Good looks can be as much of a curse as they are a gift).
If you actually asked people for personal stories about going to school with him, most wouldn’t have much beyond, distant politeness or “oh yeah, I saw him break someones nose once.” Because I do think he got into fights. He’s a very physical fighter even in the Ministry battle (literally shoulder slams Dolohov) so I can absolutely see him getting into fist fights especially around the time he leaves his family. And on top of all that, I really don’t see him enjoying being part of the school rumour mill
I know Remus calls him and James “the height of cool,” but these are the same people who had stupid nicknames for each other and spent years as amateur cartographers. Sirius was thought of as cool because he was hot ( I said what I said) because this is a guy who remixed A Christmas Carol and willingly called himself Snuffles, he absolutely had a ridiculous side, we just don’t get to see it because by the time we meet him, he’s been so prison-hardened.
Also he clearly cared about his grades. He expected at least an Outstanding (which is the top grade- was he expecting them to make a new one for him?) and the fact that McGonagall still calls him brilliant when she thinks he’s a mass murderer says a lot. She has no time for people who slack off, so he must have been a good student. I don’t think he was a class clown or a class disrupter-he would never perform for people.
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sunsburns · 17 hours ago
Pirate Luke is the type of guy to flirt with you while he’s in in the middle of fighting or pretend his dead or injured followed up by “so can I get that kiss now” plus a corny joke about how you’ll heal him if you did
i would literally strangle the hell out of the guy, but yes pirate!luke would so do that. ᢉ𐭩
the raid had gone horribly wrong. chaos erupted the moment someone tipped off the navy, and now the crew was scrambling back to the ship, hauling whatever loot they could carry. adrenaline pushed you forward, your boots kicking up wet sand as you sprinted toward the shore—until you realized something.
luke was missing.
your stomach turned. your head whipped around, scanning the shore, the wreckage, the bodies littering the sand. and then—
sprawled out in the surf, unmoving. his shirt torn, his cutlass half-buried in the sand beside him, waves lapping at his boots.
"luke," you breathed, already rushing toward him, falling to your knees at his side. your heart hammered against your ribs as you grabbed his face, tilting it toward you. his skin was warm beneath your palms—too warm. was he feverish? injured? your hands shook as you skimmed over him, searching for wounds, for anything—
"luke, c'mon, get up." your voice wavered, panic clawing at your throat.
he didn't move.
your breath hitched. you could still see his chest rising and falling, but he was dead weight, unresponsive. your mind raced. could you carry him? should you call for help? if he was bleeding, how much time did you have?
you pressed your hand to his cheek, desperation creeping into your touch. "luke—"
a low murmur cut through the crash of the waves. his lips parted, voice barely above a whisper.
"i... need... i..."
your pulse jumped. you leaned closer. "what? what do you need?"
"i need you..." his lashes fluttered. "mouth to mouth."
you blinked. "what?"
"i need mouth to mouth," he rasped, finally cracking one eye open—just enough to peek at you, squinting against the sunlight. his lips quirked, and suddenly, he wasn’t some poor, unconscious soul, but luke fucking castellan—all smugness, all mischief. that son of a bitch. "from you, hopefully."
you stared. you stared.
then, very slowly, his mouth parted, waiting.
heat crawled up your neck, but the panic that had gripped you seconds ago curdled into something much sharper. your fingers twitched where they still cupped his face, and he must have noticed, because his grin widened, like he was thrilled you hadn't smacked him yet.
"you," you seethed, "fucking asshole."
you shoved him off you and stood, kicking him in the side for good measure.
he let out a pained groan, rolling onto his side as you turned on your heel and stormed back toward the ship. "you care about me!" he called after you, utterly unbothered.
you didn't look back, but you did flip him off.
he laughed. laid there in the sand, watching you go, his eyes trailing over you—lingering, appreciating the sway of your hips and the curve of your ass.
yeah. he was gonna milk this moment for weeks.
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like-the-midnight-sun · 4 hours ago
As an anti-Zionist Jewish conversion student whose first experience with Judaism was at an anti-Zionist congregation, I have to weigh in here, because I can’t in good conscience let hasbara go unchallenged.
Ethnostates are inherently immoral, even if Shoah survivors live there.
The State of Israel was founded by English philosemites who were hoping to curry Jewish favor for financial gain because they believed conspiracy theories about how we controlled the global banking industry.
The Nakba was in no way justified. I don’t care what Yasser Arafat said about the Palestinian identity in response, Israel is still a settler-colonial state founded on ethnic cleansing. (“So you oppose all settler-colonial states founded on ethnic cleansing, including the US and Canada?” YES IN FACT I DO. #LandBack)
Israel regularly uses white phosphorus and other inhumane weapons on unarmed civilians, including at least one instance of using white phosphorus on a children’s hospital.
Israel drove Hamas to the attacks last October by creating the world’s largest open-air concentration camp in the Gaza Strip. (Of course, this doesn’t justify the attacks. But when Jews fought back against the Nazis in 1930s Germany, they bombed railroads and fought dirty too. Just saying.)
There are literally Shoah survivors who see a repeat of Shoah-like atrocities in what Israel is doing to Gaza. https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/thirteen-holocaust-survivors-compare-zionist-policies-to-those-of-the-nazis/
Israel isn’t even a safe haven for all Jews. They gave Ethiopian Jewish women contraceptives without their consent because they didn’t want them reproducing. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26554851
Of course hating Jews because of Zionism/Israel is wrong. Of course using what Israel did to innocent Indigenous Arabs during the Nakba to fan the flames of antisemitism is wrong. Of course killing civilians is wrong.
But you can be Jewish and hate Zionism/Israel. Judaism is an ethnoreligion that is about 6,000 years old. Zionism is a racist settler-colonial ideology that is younger than some people’s grandparents. Conflating Zionism/Israel with Jewry is inherently antisemitic, but this is mostly because Zionism is a relatively new ideology that runs counter to many Jewish values, especially tikkun olam (“repairing [the] world”).
One of my closest friends, who was born Jewish, went on a Birthright trip and came back anti-Zionist because they saw through the hasbara. They are also of the opinion that Zionism is inherently Jew-hating because of the aforementioned British philosemites and because Zionism is a Jewish supremacist movement.
Don’t take my word (or my friend’s) for it, either. I highly recommend the writings of Rabbi Brant Rosen, a member of Jewish Voice for Peace’s Rabbinical council and the rabbi of an anti-Zionist Jewish congregation: https://rabbibrant.com. I also recommend The No-State Solution: A Jewish Manifesto by Daniel Boyarin, and I suggest you check out interviews with Israeli refusenik Yonatan Shapira. https://www.jurist.org/features/2024/03/29/from-zionist-dream-to-dissent-an-interview-with-yonatan-shapira-on-israeli-military-culture-personal-transformation-and-advocacy-for-change-part-1/ My aforementioned friend’s latest blog post also has plenty of other great resources by Jews: https://adhdredactedbrain.com/2025/01/10/when-you-a-k-a-i-have-hiatused-for-too-long-and-need-to-do-something-about-it/
OP, you’re probably too entrenched in your philosemitism to understand or believe me, so let me reblog this for all the goyim who don’t want to be antisemitic: don’t believe the hasbara. Want to learn about/from Israelis? Read about Israelis who watch the bombings of the Gaza Strip and cheer. Read the Tweets by Israelis who dehumanize Palestinians by calling them “rats” or “not even human” or worse. And definitely read about Israeli refuseniks (and read the pilots’ letter). Don’t be Jew-hating—or philosemitic—by conflating Jewry and Zionism.
And don’t act like non-Zionist, Diasporist, and anti-Zionist Jews and Jewish conversion students don’t exist, because erasing us is fucking Jew-hating.
I did not want to come home from a lovely Kabbalat Shabbat service welcoming new members to my synagogue, take off my kippah, scroll through Tumblr to relax…and see this shit on my dash. Fuck.
The moment for thinking “what would I have done in Germany before and during Hitler’s reign” is over. Look back over the past two years. What did you do? What did you think and feel?
Did your opinion about Jews change?
If you went from supporting all Jews to thinking that a least some Jews, (namely “Zionists” or “Israelis”) deserve suffering, exile, and/or death, then you fell for modern antisemitic propaganda, and you would’ve fallen for it in Nazi Germany, too.
Maybe you would blink if the police today started rounding up the Jews in your neighborhood, or smashing synagogues, or arresting Jews off the streets. But would you feel better about it if they call them Zionists or Israelis? They’re not arresting “good Jews”, they’re arresting Zionists, to make them pay for their crimes.
It’s not too late to fix that, though. You can come back from being sucked into antisemitism. You can do better going forward.
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