#so i've been consuming them
theradicalace · 4 months
idk who decided "soft lozenges" was an acceptable form for edibles but i'd very much like to smite them with lightning
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oatmealdaydreams · 17 days
Fiddlestan but they're desperately touch-starved. They're always leaning lightly against each other, brushing hands, knees against each other while sitting down, ruffling their hair or patting their shoulder, etc.
And when they sleep, they cannot physically sleep alone anymore. They fell asleep once on accident and felt the warmth of someone else and now cannot bear to sleep alone after that. They're so desperate for touch that even a gentle hand on their face leaves them begging for the other to stay and not leave. They hold on so tight to each other when they sleep that their knuckles turn white and there's a pleasant ache in their arms in the morning.
Anyway, desperately touch-starved Fiddlestan with a side of abandonment issues.
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solanj · 8 months
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Given how much heavy makeup (and general extravagance) is an important part of Theciya's character I just can't help but think of the ~consequences~ in this scene xD
So, here they are!
And a little totally self-indulgent bonus just because I can ^^"
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the great gatsby / kentucky route zero / koe no katachi / disco elysium / omori / night in the woods / homestuck / koe no katachi / l'étranger / disco elysium / firewatch / john dies at the end / everything everywhere all at once / the subtle art of not giving a f*ck
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franken-shits · 1 month
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Thinking about punk herstory again...
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honkshoo-zzz · 3 months
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happy pride (totally not last minute)
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beneathsilverstars · 5 months
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Drew some family portraits to figure out how I want to draw everyone!! I was so brave and basically kept them in canon greyscale even though coloring is my favorite thing in the world 😤
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loveryss · 1 month
I've been thinking about stopping playing sims altogether... don't get me wrong, I love sims and I love the community and I miss the Bunnies so so so much. But I simply don't have time for all of my hobbies (which as of now consist of puzzles, crocheting, writing, reading, painting, and I want to add jewellery making to that list).
I feel conflicted about this choice because I know at some point I'll miss sims so much I'll want to play again... but then I'll get into it too much and neglect my other hobbies. Basically I think my relationship with sims is very toxic 😆
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jaythelay · 4 days
Nintendo filed for the patent after Palworld was already out. In fact, the feature was already in several games before Pokemon.
So they legally stole an idea and are suing people for using such a broad concept of said idea.
Oh! And now they're taking down people's Channels for making videos about emulation (This (Emulation) has long be established as Legal? Legal. Bastards.)
If Nintendo wins this lawsuit, Japanese companies are going to patent Eeeverything and start suing Eeeeveryooone.
Nintendo Needs To Lose So Hard They Lose The Patent. Genuinely anything else? Kills the games industry.
Nintendo is willing to, Once, Again, Throw the entire Industry under the bus for Just A Bit More Money. These fuckers aren't even competing with Anyone, they just want to destroy competition. Remember what became the ESRB trials? Did you watch those? Because that was the first time Nintendo put the industry into uncertainty and censorship Just To Spite Their One Competition, Sega. Had the US government not been reasonable? And say "regulate yourselves" Gaming would have died.
Nintendo is absolutely disgusting, pathetic, incapable of competing with even it's own fans without pulling a gun on them, but hell has no fury like Nintendo's legal team seeing anything thay challenges Nintendo's perfect little image.
Please. Do Not Support Nintendo Anymore. If you care about Art, Creation, people's Careers, yourself and your friends, you will choose to harm Nintendo'a BottomLine by no longer giving them money, by talking shit online. Nothing else will work.
If Japanese courts take Nintendo's side, nothing will stop companies from patenting first person shooters, from patenting platformers, from patenting MOBA's, nothing is safe.
What Nintendo has effectively started is quite literally the end of gaming. They're Attacking Indie developers, they're attacking all artists of all sectors, they're attacking your ability to create, they're attacking people's livelihood, they're attacking everything built up over the course of nearly 6 decades, just to spite One Fucking Game.
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alsojnpie · 9 months
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dishes are forever
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brinkle-brackle · 7 months
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about time I threw some of my good omens art into the online ring, have a marvelous mister fell I doodled at work yesterday :D
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doodliver · 2 months
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wayfinderships · 1 month
The power has done out multiple times today😔 not the most ideal when it's been so hot lately-
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royalarchivist · 9 months
I really liked Ramon's idea of filling a tag with cute little things for Fit's birthday, and I was like "Hey, I got a bit of time to spare today, I can whip something up real quick. Surely I don't have THAT many clips of Fit!"
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#i want to learn how to vent healthily#bc i have this incessant pathological need to like share every thought i have#and if i dont i get this restless uneasy feeling in my chest and i get restless and worried and like wtf?#whats wrong w me? maybe it has smth to do w that during my entire life i have never been listened to or been helped#like during my life i've asked for help repeatedly but when i have i've only been dismissed or not believed etc etc#so maybe that translated into my head to just feel the need to share it in a public space.....#bc i used to write rverything in a diary but i filled them too quickly and i cant afford the money or space to do that#so i started using twitter and now tumblr... but that has only resulted in me like feeding into it?#it's not healthy to feel the need to share EVERY thought or else u feel crazy. i also shouldnt focus or dwell on thoughts sm#i do have issues bc of my disorders and anxiety. plus avpd in swedish is literally called 'anxious personality disorder' 💀#so it is in me to be anxious and worried and neurotic#but still i want to learn how to not be fixated on thoughts and feelings (also a challenge bc bpd makes feelings feel all consuming)#if i think smth - that also can be totally untrue and only based on my worries -#i can just think it and let it go. idk have to dwell on it and obsess over it. (im trying mindfulness for years lol)#bc most of my venting is like me getting stuck in feelings and idk why i feel the need to express it constantly?#it isnt worth it. bc actually it has caused rifts and missunderstandings in multiple connections i've had online...#i do feel like venting isnt smth bad.. and i think emotions are PERSONAL and like completely unrelated to truth and other ppl#but i get it.. esp when u only know eo online and dont know everything going on in eo's heads#then u only get that as a full image when it isnt the whole picture#so like idk. i WANT to be able to get a healthier outlook on it.. bc this isnt working#both bc of myself and for myself but also in relation to others#and like. why do i like never see anyone else on thmblr/twitter that post EVERY thought like me???? (i dont think its wrong to do bc *i*#have a different pov on it and idc abt other ppl's vents but .. yeah idk why do i do this but no one else does it at the level i do?#so idk i've just been thinking of this lately bc yeah.. yeah i just dont know i dont know.... :///#i actually want to be able to not ruminate and get stuck in it but idk how to break free?#plus expressing positive emotions & thoughts is terrifying to me like idk why but i cant????#why??? i feel like im undeserving of good things that i cant even express smth nice bc im like .. i dont deserve to think/feel that??
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chitsangenthusiast · 8 months
tagged by @ash-and-starlight to share 9 of my favorite books from the last 12 months or 9 books on my tbr list for this year!
i have been so bad about reading anything for the past [redacted time range] so first two are the most recent ones i have read and the rest are tbr! (eventually!)
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been a minute since i've opened goodreads to actually take stock of the things i wanna read vs just adding things to the tbr list. these sound awesome! this rules!
tagging @qinzai @chiptrillino @paddington-two @clubolive @aldergroves @lesmiserablol annnnnnd @adel-do 🧡
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