pressureplus · 3 days ago
hi!! could i ask for you to write a fic or headcanons about sebastian taking care of an agender or nonbinary reader during panic or anxiety fits? thank you for opening your asks for requests!!
Sorry this is so delayed!
Sebastian Solace x Reader Having a Panic Attack
Warnings: Panic Attacks Depicted/Mentioned, NB!Reader, Mentions of PTSD
◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟
He’s close with you, definitely, and seeing you begin to get that feral almost prey look in your eyes takes him back to when he used to have that same glazed over look
The haze of worry that falls over you, the weight, he recognizes it immediately
Sebastian understands your panic attacks on a deep, very intimate level. Mostly because he has them too.
He hasn’t in quite a while, but when he feels his chest tighten up and his breathing get funny. When he feels like he’s going to pass out or die, he remembers all those things that used to make him feel this way
He remembers how awful they feel, and is almost heartbroken you have to deal with them too
When he finds you struggling to breathe and shaking he’s slow to lower himself to your height, but not quite crowding around you
He doesn’t want you to feel caged
“Can I touch you?” He mutters softly, a question you can answer with a nod or a shake of the head. He doesn’t want to ask something complicated, something complex.
If you nod, he places one of his large hands against your back. He knows security is something that’s supposed to bring comfort. He’ll shield you away from everything but him by coiling his large form in front of you.
He drags your hands to his scales quietly as he taps on your back, a soft reminder to breathe
“Close your eyes, run your hands over the scales. Take a deep breath in and count, when you reach 7, breathe out. Can you do that for me?”
He works on grounding you to reality, letting you feel the smooth texture of his scales. The light warmth of his blood pulsing just below the surface. A reminder you are as alive and breathing as he is.
He helps you breathe through it, if you need to be held to quell the shaking he will wrap his tail around you for the pressure you’re seeking
If you’d prefer not to be touched or to touch at all, that’s also okay. He will help you breathe by sitting across from you and counting with you instead
He’s got some vivid memories, some of which send him right back to the state you’re sat in, and sometimes the only thing you can do is ride it out
“I know, I know it’s scary. I know you might think you’re going to die. You’re not, this is not going to kill you, you’re going to be okay. I promise you’re going to be okay.”
He will sit with you as long as you need, he’ll turn on or off that little esca of his if light or darkness helps. If you’d prefer to focus on him doing something, he’ll sort papers next to you
He will never force you to talk, and if you want total silence he’ll give it to you
He’ll never tease or poke at you for this either, it’s one of the only things he won’t tease you for
When you’re done with your panic attack, when you’re breathing steadily, he’ll pull you to him
He’ll wipe any tears away that fell. A hand on your hip, one on your cheek, and the third running through your hair as he shushes and coos
He’ll be soft, why wouldn’t he be? It’s you.
He’ll let you hug him if you need it, or get you something to drink or snack on
You don’t have to talk about it with him, you never even have to acknowledge that it happened
All you need to do is know that if you ever need someone there, a safe space to go, he’s right here and he’ll always be there
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insanermin · 1 day ago
ok so like this is my first ask so sorry if its worded weird!! but could you write a drabble for ellie where like reader is dinas step sister or sum and like reader lives a few states away and dina wants reader to meet her friends so reader visits and meets all of them and ellie is like nervous and stuff and dina teases her for it and eventually dina ships ellie and reader tg (once again sorry if its worded weird..😭)
it's okay! so i'm not gonna specify readers relationship with dina lmao, reader could be a family friend too... and it's longer than a drabble, sorry. but here you go!
why don't you stay, stay here after hours?
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ellie x reader, just fluff, not proofread, enjoy :)
you haven't been here for a while. but dina's apartment stayed the same, citrus-scented air freshener and deep brown eyes meeting you at the front door, it was all so familiar, even after all those years. however, you didn't expect a pretty face to emerge from behind her, in fact you didn't expect your little trip to good old hometown to be interesting in any way. when dina told you about her friends, you weren't expecting much, sorry dina. but shit, her friend is more than pretty, she's incredibly attractive.
"come on in," dina says, hugging you, miss pretty face standing awkwardly to the side. you let go, dina gestures towards her, you've been dying to know about her at this point and it's been only a few minutes since you got here.
"so, this is my friend ellie, we used to be a thing but—" ellie clears her throat, are her cheeks slightly rosy?
"we're really good friends, that's what i was trying to say," she continues, shooting ellie a glare. you awkwardly laugh, exchange some 'hi''s and 'nice to meet you''s with ellie, her raspy voice makes it harder for you to remember what you're here for. pretty auburn hair, strands falling out of her bun framing her face, green eyes and long lashes, freckles and kissable lips... what were you here for?
and ellie can't help but notice your eyes wandering, it's making her nervous. it's making her nervous that a gorgeous woman like you was watching her so carefully, she isn't used to getting this much attention next to dina who's incredibly extroverted and drawing all the attention.
she watches you leave and go up to dina's room. pulling dina aside, ellie elbows her.
"ouch," she hisses, rubbing herself.
"what the fuck? why would you mention we used to be a thing," ellie whispers. dina gasps, then covers her mouth, a sly smirk creeping up her face.
"don't tell me you like—" ellie cuts her off with a threatening, well not so threatening, 'hey' hoping dina understands that she needs to quiet down, you're literally upstairs.
"no, she's just pretty. you didn't tell me she's that pretty," she whispers, her face turning red. this will be a fun game for dina, for sure.
you all sit in her very cramped, but colorful kitchen, snacking and drinking while you and dina catch up. however, ellie can't help but steal glances from you, she couldn't help but study your face, the way you speak, the way you'd wheeze when you thought you said something funny, or when you—
"—and ellie is so, totally so single, incredibly single," dina laughs, pulling ellie out of thought. and you too, you've been thinking about ellie's green eyes lingering on your lips, is something on there? dina is the only one laughing while you and ellie are exchanging glances, for a second it feels like the world stopped for you to step closer to something unreachable.
"i guess i am? but why does that matter," ellie then responds, annoyance lacing her voice.
"because she's single too? and i just wanna be able to say that i'm a matchmaker," dina continues, stuffing chips into her mouth. you laugh, but ellie doesn't.
"you really wanna make us all uncomfortable, huh?" ellie mutters, fuck, why would she say that? she's been so overly self-conscious, trying really hard to leave good impressions, but having a pretty girl watch her bicker with her good friend, not how she imagined this to go at all.
"oh i'm not uncomfortable, don't worry," you say, the tension was thick. and dina notices this too, this whole thing took the wrong turn.
"well back in high school i walked up to someone thinking it was dina and scared that girl from behind, talk about uncomfortable," she scoffs. dina immediately throws back her head and cackles, but you can hear ellie's soft and low chuckles. fuck she's cute and you want to know more, know more about her and all the stories she had to tell and lived up until now.
and ellie is more than happy to see the smile that emerged on your lips when she said that, her eyes on you while you giggle at dina's silly stories about teenage ellie and dina's adventures. she just can't look away, your nose scrunches when you laugh, your eyes literally sparkle, you are just so endearing, and ellie would be a fool to pass up on this chance, on this chance to get to know you.
and you spend the rest of the afternoon at dina's place, laughter filling the room, glances and hands brushing filling up your heart.
"okay guys, we need to wrap it up, jesse is on his way and you know how he gets," dina shoots a look to ellie, both nodding in some secret agreement.
"can you get her to her hotel? but take it slow guys, never fuck on the first date," she chuckles, ellie scoffs while getting on her jacket, ellie would never be able to even hold hands with someone as beautiful and kind as you. but it for sure is a nice thought, a thought she saves for when she'll go to sleep later. and your thoughts are racing too, you're about to get in the car with ellie, she'll be driving you, you'll be alone with her, you are freaking out, but you can't let it show.
instead you awkwardly play with the leaves on the ground while you wait in front of her car after you said goodbye to dina.
walking out of dina's apartment, ellie can feel her heart jump out of her chest. she's a fucking wreck, but her urge for more is too big to ignore, she has to do something about all the feelings you made her feel. and for once in her life, she decides to make the first move once you're in her car, something dina always made fun of, telling ellie she's the biggest coward ever.
but not today, today she'll make you fall for her.
what she didn't know is that the second ellie opened the door for you and the scent of patchouli and tobacco filled your senses, you already fell, really hard at that.
you sit in her passenger seat, imagination running wild, the two of you could be knee deep—
"you comfy?" ellie asks, pulling you out of thought. you nod, yeah too fucking comfortable. you struggle putting your seatbelt on because your hands are shaking, but ellie is attentive, already helping you out, with shaky hands too.
to your disappointment, the drive was mostly quiet, so quiet you could hear your own racing heartbeat. but it's stupid to believe that someone like ellie would want to get to know you, you feel stupid for getting your hopes up.
ellie's eyes are on the navigator the whole time, two more streets and you're at the hotel. two more streets, she has to do something. the wheel is getting moist under her sweaty hands, she has never been this nervous in her whole life. but she might never see you again and does she really want to risk that? risk never going to meet anyone like you again? ellie clears her throat, she can't live with the thought of never having tried.
so she inhales deeply as she stops at the red light.
"so—" she starts, looking your way, making sure she got your attention. you tilt your head, you're gorgeous, god you are making this hard, ellie thinks to herself.
"—i made dinner, you should stay." ellie says, her voice low, eyes searching for yours in anticipation, she is about to explode.
"i'd love to," you reply. ellie smiles and hits the gas a little harder than needed as the lights turn green.
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docdudo · 1 day ago
Hybrid 141 As Parents - Foster Human Child!Reader (Part 5)
You were never one to complain. Living in the foster system means accepting all kinds of shit that comes with being an orphan in a stranger's house.
You almost never received any presents. It was rare the times you did get something at your placements, but if you did, it was a hand me down. Like the thin blue jacket you came wearing, that was a present from a divorced mother who kids were already too big for the jacket. Or the white dress that a christian family gave to you so you could go to church with them 'dressed appropriately'.
Well, you couldn't complain about that one. The simple white dress is to this day your 'fanciest' piece of clothing.
You wouldn't say you were that much of a picky eater either, but you certainly didn't like all kinds of food... which is pratically torture in the system. You just learned to push all kinds of food down your throat quietly, and if it was truly too bad for you to manage? You would simply come up with a weak excuse and run away from the food.
Being any kind of picky eater in the system was torture. Even worse if you have allergies. You knew a boy at your last group home that was allergic to glutten and peanuts, and he was basically as thin as you were. He was still bigger, being a cat hybrid and all, but at least you knew you weren't the only one suffering at these houses.
So imagine your surprise when John, the big hybrid dragon, spend his whole morning gently coaxing you to go shopping with him and Simon, to get 'things you might need', and 'snacks you might like to eat', and even 'go grab lunch at the mall'.
At first, you were too nervous and anxious to say anything, mostly just staring back at him as you fidgeted quietly in place. It took Johnny joining the conversation excitedly, Kyle sending you stupid thumbs up quietly from the living room couch, and Simon picking up the keys to their car while looking at you expectantly for you to finally agree to go with them.
So here you were, walking between two giants of men at a big and loaded shopping center, nervously trying to keep your pace matched up to theirs as Simon made sure to keep a hand enveloped tightly around your much smaller hand.
Worse of all? A lot of people were looking your way. Big hybrids like Price and Ghost weren't unnusual, but the small little human holding their hand surely was. Not only human, but a human under the care of hybrids. You wanted to burry your head in a deep hole and never come out.
"Darlin'." John's deep and purred voice called your attention immediatly as you looked up at him quietly. "Don't try and wander off, understood?"
You nod quietly, slightly intimidated by his tone and serious face.
"Good baby." He purrs out, giant hand coming down on your head as he messes slightly with the small strands there. "Now, sweetness, let's buy you some things."
"I... I really d-don't need anything..." You murmur quietly, a bit anxious about them wasting money on you.
Both of them looked at you with those serious expressions for a few seconds, considering you. John smiled slightly as he compromised, lifting both hands up.
"Then let's look around, if we find something, then that's good." His laugh is deep, slow and rough. It's clear the smoke from his dragon side had some effect on his throat. That, and he probably smoked cigars and cigarettes too.
You just nodded quietly, not willing to go against his word, as you three kept walking around. That is, until Simon grunted, fixing the surgical mask on his face and looking down like he was thinking of something.
".......what...?" You murmur softly, confused.
"I think you're breaking Simon's back, hun." John laughed deeply, shaking his head slightly.
"You're too small for me to hold your hand confortably." The wraith deadpanned. "Stay still."
"W-Wait, wh- Aah!"
You were stunned for a second, as you were suddenly held high up. Big, thick arms held your legs easily, making you sit in the crook of his elbow, as he held you to his side like a toddler. It was enough to shut your little squeak of surprise as you were just in shock now.
"Simon, I told you to be gentle." The dragon smirked slightly, tho his voice a bit more rough than usual as it seems to always have an edge of a growl on it.
"I am." The wraith grunted quietly as he started to walk once again. "This is the best option for the both of us. Right, luv?"
"A-Ah... I..." You were too flustered to properly say anything, but you still nodded your head slowly, trying to settle on his arms.
"See?" Simon smirked under his mask to John, as the older man simply rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.
"Say, darlin'. Do you like ice cream?" John offers out of nowhere as he smiles confidently, ignoring Simon's remark.
".....some flavors, yeah..." You mumble back, a little arm holding on Simon's shoulder as you looked around quietly, trying to ignore other people's looks.
"What's your favorite?" He asks easily, taking a different path as Simon followed close behind.
"...Vanilla is good..."
"Good, then vanilla is what you're gonna get." He answers simply, with the confidance you don't think you have ever seen on anyone else.
"'s... it's really okay if you don't..." You try quietly, only to see him shaking his head slowly, looking over his shoulder that didn't have the wing, expression serious and stoic as his rough voice murmured.
"I provide to my hoard, little hatchling. It would do you good to remember that."
Those words, spoken in that way, was enough to immediatly shut you up, your body instinctively curling on itself (more on Simon really) at the sigh of an intimidating predator.
Tho, Simon didn't let you suffer in your fear and anxiety, as his big and wide palm settled on your small back, pulling you closer to his chest for confort as he was speaking, slow and quiet, even if his voice always sounded rough.
"Price's not mad, fledgling. Stay calm. He's not mad, much less mad at you. He's just a protective bastard." He snorted quietly, bouncing you a little on his arms to help you calm down.
"Watch it, Riley." Price mumbled, tho he had a small smile on his face as he slowed his pace a bit to stand by you and Simon, big hand now being placed on your upper back, which was a slightly shock due to how warm it felt. Simon was wearing gloves, but he felt much cooler. "And i'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to scare you."
He was also doing that subtle baby voice, keeping his voice much quieter as he leaned in and gently nudged half of his face against yours, making you freeze a bit at the action. It really felt like a big animal was trying to be apologetic.
"If Kyle was here, you would've gotten an ear full." Simon commented simply as he watched, amused.
"Thank god he isn't." John huffs a little, stepping back. "I don't need mother hen scolding me for this. I didn't even growl." And now, he was leaning slightly closer again, that quiet and gentle tone coming back as he looked at your small, nervous face. "I'm not that scary, am I, darlin'?"
"'Course you are, for a small little thing like this?" Simon laughs roughly, shaking his head, his grip in you getting firmer.
"I-I'm not scared..." You mumble quietly, playing a bit with the sweater that they lent it to you yesterday, not making eye contact with either of them.
"Of course not, darlin'..." John cooed deeply, tho his tone made it clear that he wasn't taking your answer seriously, rubbing your head gently. "Come on."
In the end, they got you a vanilla ice cream on a big cone, that you were licking it quietly. They were speaking with eachother as they planned what next things to buy, and what stores to visit. You weren't paying that much attention, just focusing on your vanilla ice cream as Simon carreid you around.
You got used to him carrying you, and now, you were much more confortable on his hold.
"Baby, look here." John's voice once again called your attention as you lifted your head from the ice cream to stare at him. "What do you think of this blanket?"
You tilted your head to the side, slightly confused, but you reached for the soft blanket he brough close, feeling the fuzzy, confortable texture.
"It's... good." You mumble, unsure about what to say.
"Just good?" John asked, considering your answer, looking between you and the blanket, before putting it back in place. "Let's see others, then."
You were not entirely sure what John was trying to do. Maybe buy you a blanket, but... you already had lots of blankets on the bed they gave you. And on the weird nest on the middle too.
Still, you got distracted once again with the ice cream in your tiny hold, going back to licking it. You were already getting a bit full... you were never the biggest fan of ice cream, you got tired of it fast. So, as you looked quietly to the side to stare at Simon's face, you gently brought the cone close to his face, making him look at you passively.
"Do you want a bit...?" You mumble softly, only to see the man pushing his surgical mask to his chin and taking a big bite out of the ice cream you were holding in front of his face.
You managed to see his scary, pointy and large teeth, the slightly too long and sharp tongue at the action, making you instinctively shudder on his hold. It was natural, a human watching their predator showing their dangerous teeth like it was nothing. Still, you were thankful for his help.
"Oww...." You turned a bit alarmed to John's direction as you heard the dragon's deep croon, his eyes getting half-lidded and pupils dilating. "Always soft for the hatchlings, aren't you, Simon?"
Simon just hums, swallowing the ice cream and licking his lips simply, keeping his serious expression.
"I'm used to being the kids' trashcan." He... joked? You were not sure, since he kept his face and tone so stony, but by John's laugh, you deduced it was a joke.
"Here, hun, how does this blanket feel?" John asks as he brings another fuzzy blanket close, light blue and full of colorful little dots.
"Good... confortable..." You mumble, feeling the material.
"Hmmm...." John considered once again, humming as he squinted his eyes.
"John, you know humans don't nest. She's not going to have hard instincts towards blankets." Simon comments, almost bored as te took another bite of your almost finished ice cream.
"I know, it's just... different to see it." John nods slightly before shrugging. "Do you like this color, little one?"
You just nod quietly, now understanding a bit more what was going on. Indeed, you shouldn't expect nesting instincts from a human, but even you could tell when the blanket was confortable and made from a good material.
"Come on, doll. Let's see what else we can find for you before having lunch." John mumbles softly, leaning close once again, quickly kissing Simon on the lips, who kissed back easily, and then kissing you on the forehead gently.
They were... very nice. Even if a bit scary.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 19 hours ago
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: minor angst, sexual frustration and tension
Summary: You and Bucky don’t get along. Your best friend is dating his best friend, so you try to be civil. He just makes it so damn difficult to be nice to. When you go to a party and get stranded there, you ask your best friend to come get you but get someone else instead. You’re forced to confront your feelings.
Squares Filled: "it isn't real" (2021) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
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“Does he have to come over? I really don’t want to deal with him. I thought tonight was supposed to be a girl’s night.”
“We were, but he just got back into town, and I haven’t seen him for weeks.”
You huff out in annoyance. Not at her but at the situation. Her boyfriend is a sweet guy and treats her like she’s the only woman in the world. It’s his best friend that gets on your nerves. If you were her, you’d totally ditch girl’s night to hang with your boyfriend… if you had one.
“Yeah, I guess. Does Bucky have to come?”
“He’s his best friend. It’s like me without you.”
It should be illegal just how much Bucky gets under your skin. It’s like he knows and is doing it on purpose. He’s the definition of a playboy and it pisses you off. There isn’t a time that goes by that he doesn’t have a woman on his arm, on his lap, or in his bed. When he’s not fucking random girls, he’s always getting into fights that he usually starts. He does illegal shit on his bike all the time. You don’t know how many times you heard Steve say he had to bail Bucky out of jail.
He’s a menace and he’s fucking attractive. It pisses you off.
“Can you two just get along, please? I love you and I love him. I don’t want to lose either of you.”
“Fine,” you grumble.
Steve and Bucky show up an hour later, and it’s not surprising that Bucky brought a woman with him.
“Steve! You’re back!”
Jessica jumps into his arms and kisses him, and you look away from them knowing Bucky is looking for you. You slip into the kitchen unseen and grab a quick snack that you’ll probably eat in your room. What’s irritating is that you can feel Bucky before you can see him. You turn and see him just a few feet away from you wearing a cocky smirk.
“I was looking for you.”
“How unfortunate for me.”
“Awh, come on, Doll, don’t be like that. I’ve missed you.”
“And I’ve missed the peace and quiet you’ve disrupted.”
You grab your snack and try to move away from him but he won’t let you escape that easily.
“Where are you going? Don’t you want to hang out with us?”
“I’d rather stick needles in my eyes than hang out with you. Plus, I don’t want to get an STD from your whore on that couch.”
Bucky laughs and steps aside so you can leave the kitchen, but he only leaves barely enough room for you to squeeze by. You hate how much you like feeling his body as you pass by. Stop! He’s an asshole and a playboy! Bad Y/N! Steve and Jessica are already all over each other while Bucky’s date is scrolling through her phone, clearly bored.
“Hey, where are you going?” Jessica asks, giggling when Steve kisses her neck.
“My room. Have fun.”
You’d hope that the barrier between you and the rest of the party would be enough to block out the sounds, but Bucky is making it his mission to get you to hear him and his date. Whether that be her moaning or laughing. It makes you sick. You sit at your computer and browse social media when you get a message from someone on Instagram.
Brady: Hey! I’m having a party downtown and would love it if you came! It’s open bar. Tell your friends!
Brady provides an address that is halfway across town. You don’t know who this is but it’s an opportunity to get the hell out of here. You’re scared that the party in the living room will turn into an orgy if they all consent to it. It’s likely you won’t know anyone at the party either, but it’s a good way to meet someone. Jessica is right, you need to get laid.
You change into a moderately revealing outfit but it covers enough to keep some mystery. It’s a short, one-strap red dress that stops at your knees, and you pair that with black pumps. You don’t do much in terms of makeup and hair so you keep it breezy and light knowing it’s going to get hot and sweaty at the party.
You grab your purse before making your way to the front door. You look back and see Jessica and Steve lost in each other, and Bucky’s girl is sitting by herself on the couch.
“Where’s Bucky?”
“Bathroom. Where are you going.”
“Out. Don’t wait up.”
You leave the apartment and take a twenty-minute bus drive over to the party. You’re nervous to be going alone to a party where you don’t know anyone but you need to step out of your comfort zone. It’s getting lonely coming home to an empty bed while Jessica has hers full. The second you step into the party, you’re hit with a stench of weed and alcohol.
“Hey, you here alone?” a man asks.
A man who has got to be at least six foot four approaches you with a smile. First impression? He’s cocky but he tries to hide it through a shy smile. His attitude and confidence stem from his height. He must think he can get any girl he wants. It doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes. Still, you’re not an idiot and you won’t be oblivious just because he’s cute.
“No, my friend is parking the car.”
“Can I get you two a drink, then?”
“Only if I can come with you.”
“I’m Brady.” Oh, so he’s the one who invited you. You’re pretty sure he was mass-sending that message out to anyone in the area. “The bar is in the back.”
You follow Brady to the bar and watch the bartender pour your drink. You take it from her with a smile and turn to Brady who already has his eyes on other girls.
“So, is this your house?”
“Yeah, my roommates are out of town and told me to have fun.”
“Wow, I didn’t think fun meant throwing a party where half the state is invited.”
“I know, right?” He laughs. “Do you live around here? I would have noticed someone as beautiful as you around.”
You blush at the compliment but don’t comment on it. “I live across town. I normally don’t travel around here.”
“I think I have to change that.” He’s not doing anything wrong but you can’t help but compare him to Bucky. For some odd reason, you’re wishing that he was here with you instead. A woman walks up to the bar to get another drink, and Brady turns to her. “Hey, where did you go? I missed you.”
You should have seen this coming. All men like him and Bucky are the same. Always pushing someone away when someone better comes along. You look nothing like the beautiful woman Brady’s flirting with but that doesn’t mean he can just toss you to the side and pretend like you don’t exist.
“Bye, Brady.”
He doesn't even spare you a glance. You leave the bar and scout out someone new to talk to. However, the more you study everyone here, the more you feel out of place. You love a good party but this is just too much. People are on the couch smoking weed and making out, there is a mosh pit happening in the middle of the living room where everyone is grinding on each other, people are out by the pool drinking and smoking, and what you assume is more upstairs fucking.
It was a bad idea not to tell your roommate you were coming here.
You throw your drink away and push your way to the front door. You take in a lungful of fresh air and walk to the park right across the street. There are a few people that have taken the party to the park but it’s nothing like what’s happening inside. You took one of the last buses here so you know there aren’t going to be any that run this late at night, so you can either find a ride home or walk home.
You take out your phone and message Jessica hoping that she and Steve are done doing whatever they are doing.
You: Can you come pick me up? I went to a party and I don’t like it here. I don’t want to walk home this late at night.
Jessica: I’m on my way.
You’d take an Uber but you don’t have any money. Jessica usually lets you borrow her car, but you didn’t want to leave her without it. You wrap your arms around yourself since it’s a bit chilly. You didn’t think to bring a jacket because you thought the heat of the party would warm you. Ten minutes later, you hear a bike engine rev as it gets closer to you.
You don’t have to see who the driver is to know who it is. You’d know that bike anywhere. Bucky pulls up next to you and takes off his helmet.
“I didn’t call for you. Go away.”
“Whoa, calm down, Doll. I’m your Prince Charming. I heard you needed a ride.” He pats the seat behind him. “Your chariot awaits, princess.”
“You got me all fucked up if you think I’m getting on that death trap. Where is Jessica?”
Bucky smirks. “She’s kind of busy at the moment with Steve if you know what I mean.” You roll your eyes. “I offer my services.”
“No thanks. I’ll walk.”
You go to walk past him but he grabs your arm gently to stop you.
“I’m only going to say this once. Get on the bike, Doll.”
You try to yank your arm away but Bucky’s grip is firm yet gentle.
Bucky lets go of your arm and hands you a spare helmet. He puts his helmet on while you put yours on, and you use him for support while getting on the bike. He grabs your arm and pulls you closer but you refuse to be flush against him. You jerk back and sit as far away as you can from him. Bucky only chuckles and faces forward on the bike. He revs the engine and jerks forward causing you to slam into his back. Your arms go around his waist to keep yourself from falling off, and he grabs both your hands with one of his.
“Asshole,” you mutter to yourself.
“I heard that.”
Bucky’s voice comes through the small speaker inside the helmet that allows you two to talk to each other.
“Just drive.”
You and Bucky ride all the way home in silence. There is no way you’re going to talk to him. What would you even say? Would you pick a fight? Would you say thank you? The second Bucky parks the bike, you’re hopping off it. You take the helmet off and practically throw it at him before running toward the house. Bucky is hot on your heels so you don’t have much time to escape.
You grab the doorknob to open it but Bucky grabs your waist and flips you so you’re facing him.
“What do you want from me, Bucky?”
“Am I not going to get a thank you?”
“Thank you, Prince Charming. That was so nice of you to drive me home because they asked you to,” you say sarcastically.
He chuckles in a low tone. “They didn’t ask me to.”
“Yeah, because you came on your own free will,” you roll your eyes.
“What have I done to make you hate me so much?”
“Please,” you scoff.
“No, seriously. I want to know. Have I done something to piss you off?”
“You know exactly what you did.”
“No, use your words. What did I do to piss you off?”
Bucky refuses to let you go so either you two stand here for the rest of the night or you confess.
“Because you’re a bad person! You get into fights that land you in jail. You do illegal shit that also lands you in jail. You take home any girl who gives you five seconds of their attention. Do you know how many times, Steve, Jessica, and I have bailed you out of jail? You’re not good.”
“Oh, okay.” Bucky reaches up and grasps your chin between his thumb and pointer finger. He leans in so close that you think he is going to kiss you. He might have a metal arm but you don’t think he has super hearing. Otherwise, he’d hear how hard your heart is beating. It isn’t real, Y/N. He doesn’t feel things for you. He bypasses your lips and goes straight to your ear. “I think you want me to be the bad guy because I think you know I’d be too good to you.”
He casually nips the outside of your ear before pulling away.
“What are you doing?” you ask, breathlessly.
“Good night, Doll.”
He winks at you and walks back to his bike. He doesn’t spare you another glance as he drives away, and you fall against the door, completely flustered. You’re fucked.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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youronlydarlin · 18 hours ago
Hi dolly!:) silly idea, have you ever tried writing for the hybrid cod guys? Ie: dragon hybrid price or werewolf hybrid soap, not a Request, I just think their neat. Also, probably good for Halloween as it's nearly October!
warning: none. Crack and fluff kinda, hybrid tf141
Ah of course, writing for hybrid cod is tradition at this point
Romantic bits aside. I like to think that each of them are annoying in their own special way. Intentional or not.
For starters, DragonHybrid! Price just reeks off burning wood. No matter how many times he's taken a shower, –no matter how long too!– he always ends up smelling the same. Like a fuckin' pizza oven.
Must be because he's half dragon– you'd think, so you can't really hold it against him. But out comes the second problem, which what seems to be his unhealthy relationship with cigars. What good does he have for temporary, man-made, chemical smoke, when he can produce his own. More natural, more efficient, and quicker too. But alas. It's just one of those cases where you try one thing once, then you find yourself doing it all the time, over and over.
You love the guy, really, you do. But getting any closer than 5 feet would set fire to your lungs, a guaranteed visit to the nurse's office. Doesn't help that kissing him feels like swallowing a dozen lit matches.
While Price's stench is still somewhat tolerable. WerewolfHybrid! Soap's constant howling at the moon might just make you consider transferring to another task force. Unfortunately for you, you also love his stupid face too much to do that. Sigh, the things you do for love. He just can't seem to get enough of that stupid fucking rock floating in the ink of night. Like he was some desperate firefly, who can't reach the light of a bulb. Well, at least he'd be a very handsome firefly.
But oh he cries for it, howls for it, and makes everyone suffer because of it. Heartless monter. A part of you thinks that he's just feeding into the cliché –that his kind is unable to resist that shiny ball of white floating about the dark sky– and the other wonders if he just Palov'ed himself into doing that by accident, and now can't quit.
Next up is your dear HarpyHybrid! Gaz, darling boy he is. He's not much of a nuisance save for the occasional stray feathers you'd find scattered all over the damned base. He has no control over it.
Besides, it's not too much of a problem on most days, but if you're unlucky enough to catch him on a bad mood you'll be left with more feathers than the ones you ordered to clean. And if you happen to hit a very specific nerve he might just ask a favor from his bird friends to shit on your car. Or your head. Whatever quells his thirst chaos at the moment. Is that a new suit? Well it's definitely not gonna smell like one anymore, baby!!
Very petty, and pretty would be the top description for your love.
Lastly we have WraithHybrid! Ghost. Who definitely lives up to his call sign. Never brings shame to it. He haunts the halls like he gets paid to do it, said he'd love for that to be the case. But no. The prick just can't be bothered to alert anyone of his presence.
You'd feel him before you see him. Unexpected taps to the shoulder has you jumping out of skin, and bumping to an invisible body never fails to bring a chill up your spine.
But when you do see him? On the dead of night? Out to get a snack? Ohh, lucky you, if you're a horror fanatic because the worn out material of his mask. That soulless skull. It's enough to give the boogeyman nightmares. Scare the monsters out from under your bed. You'd be glad that it was just skeletons in your closet, and not his dark, grim, saturnine, figure.
The last thing you needed from that was the introduction of the bane of your very tired existence, or as others would call it, "the swear jar". Price was just looking to take advantage of your very consistent "Oh fuck!'s towards Ghost.
a/n: I forgot how much I loved writing. I missed all of you so much.
yours, truly
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otomehoneyybearr · 1 day ago
Kagari Amagase:
Entangled Threads and Hidden Allures
It was a calm afternoon, enveloped in the fleeting scent of cherry blossoms.
I couldn't help but call out to Prince Kagari as he passed by.
Emma: "Prince Kagari, do you have the day off today?"
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Kagari: "Yeah, how did you know?"
Emma: "You're not wearing your usual clothes."
Kagari: "Ah, I see. You haven't seen this yet, have you? I often wear these when I'm not at official or social events."
(So his casual clothes look like this. They look comfortable.)
Unlike his usual refined and elegant attire, today he wore something more relaxed, in a subdued color with a looser fit and an open collar.
Maybe it was because I'd always seen him looking so polished, but I found Prince Kagari’s casual look a bit cute.
(Even though it's just a change of clothes, it feels like I'm seeing a new side of him.)
Kagari: "…"
Suddenly, our eyes met, and for some reason, Prince Kagari spread his arms and spun around on the spot.
Kagari: "Since you were staring, I’ll give you a little show, Curious Princess."
Emma: "Um… thank you?"
(Actually, I was just admiring how he looks in that outfit, but it's kind of embarrassing to say it out loud.)
Kagari: "So, were you here under the cherry blossoms, enjoying a quiet little flower viewing by yourself?”
Emma: "Yes. I was also practicing cat’s cradle a little while ago."
Kagari: "Cat’s cradle?"
I picked up the looped red string resting on my lap.
Emma: "Your aide, Shigure, taught me how to do it. He said I might get bored just looking at the flowers."
Emma: "He even gave me this string."
Kagari: "…Really."
Kagari: "That string is usually used to tie up packages at a confectionery shop. Looks like he gave you some trash."
Emma: "Tra–"
Kagari: "Don’t take it too seriously; I was half-joking. I often use that string for cat’s cradle myself too."
(I think his words might be true though… I DID notice that Shigure had some snacks with him.)
Kagari: "How many patterns have you learned?"
Emma: "Three! May I show you?"
Kagari: "Sure, go ahead."
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He sat down in front of me with his legs crossed the unexpected closeness making me stiffen.
Prince Kagari sometimes has an odd sense of personal space.
(I don’t think he’s like this with anyone else, though...)
Trying to stay calm, I spread the string, recalling the steps as I began to create each shape.
Emma: "The first one is... a cradle!"
Kagari: "A cradle, huh."
Emma: "Next... this is a rice field!"
Kagari: "A rice field."
Emma: “And now… the jewel… um, let me see...”
Kagari: "…Your pinkies."
Emma: “Oh, right! Hook the pinkies… release the thumbs… and it’s a jewel!”
Kagari: “You pass.”
Kagari: "But you look tired Princess, even though you’re just playing cat’s cradle."
Emma: “I don’t usually use my fingers this much, so it’s actually a good workout.”
Kagari: “They say cat’s cradle is a great exercise for both the fingers and the mind.”
Kagari: “Your movements are still a bit clumsy, but you did well for your first time.”
(It makes me so happy to be praised by Prince Kagari …)
Kagari: “The next trick after the jewel is the drum. Want to give it a try?”
Emma: “I’d love to!”
When I nodded, Prince Kagari touched my hands and began to move his fingers slowly, making it easy for me to follow along.
Kagari: "Keep the shape as it is. First, move only your thumbs and slip them into the gap under your pinkies."
Emma: "…Okay."
(Oh… since he's not wearing his usual outfit, he's also not wearing gloves today.)
His hands, normally hidden by gloves, were surprisingly large, easily enveloping mine. They were firm, bony, and warm—enough to make me fully aware of him as a man, causing heat to rise to my cheeks.
(I need to focus since he’s teaching me.)
Kagari: “—Finally, hook the opposite string around your pinky and open your hands.”
Emma: “...There! I did the drum!”
Kagari: "Your finger movements were smooth. A gold star for you."
As Prince Kagari released my hands, I felt a strange, fleeting sadness—though it was probably just my imagination.
Kagari: "Are you feeling more tired than before, Princess?"
Emma: "It's probably because it was my first time trying the drum."
Emma: "Cat’s cradle is really fun. It helps improve my dexterity, and seems like a good way to sharpen my concentration."
Emma: “I heard that most of the children in Kougyoku know how to play cat’s cradle. Did you play it a lot too, Prince Kagari?”
Kagari: “...Yeah. My brother taught me.”
His gaze suddenly shifted toward the drum made of red string. His emerald-green eyes seemed to waver slightly, as if reminiscing about something.
(Kougyoku’s territory is roughly divided into three factions.)
(Prince Kagari and his brother belonged to different factions, if I remember correctly.)
(I don’t know how things are between them now, but I wonder if they used to be close brothers in the past.)
Kagari: “Princess, did you know that cat’s cradle can be played with two people?”
Emma: “Yes, I played together with Shigure earlier.”
Kagari: “...Is that so?”
Emma: (...?)
Kagari: “What about with me?”
(Does he want to play?)
Emma: “If you’re willing, I’d love to.”
Kagari: “Let’s do it.”
(So he DID want to play.)
(I understand the feeling, though. Childhood games can make you feel so nostalgic when you play them again.)
Seeing how much Prince Kagari enjoying cat’s cradle made me smile. We returned the string to a loop, and I created a suspension bridge, while Prince Kagari deftly made a rice field. Then I created a river, he made a boat, and as we continued to take turns—
(What… is this?)
Kagari: “What’s wrong, Princess? Did you forget the next step?”
Emma: “I’m sorry, I thought the next pattern would be the jewel, but the shape looks different, so I don’t know how to continue…"
(It looks like it could be a rice field or a net, but it’s slightly different. I’ve never seen this shape before.)
Kagari: “If you don’t know, that’s fine. First, pinch the ends of the string.”
Emma: “Got it.”
Kagari: “Now, insert your hands into the gap in the middle, up to your wrists.”
Emma: “Alright, done.”
Kagari: “Next, I’ll pull the string from one hand and use the other to tug the string hooked around your middle finger.”
Kagari: “That way, both of your hands will be tied together.”
Emma: “Wow! It really worked!”
I never expected to go from playing cat’s cradle to being tied up like a captive.
Prince Kagari hooked his finger around the string and gently pulled me closer.
Kagari: “If you let your guard down too much in front of a man, you’ll find yourself bound and helpless in an instant. Remember that.”
Emma: "Sure… but I only let my guard down because it's you, Prince Kagari. I don't do this with anyone else."
Kagari: "…I see. Only with me, huh?"
Kagari: "Good, then. Don’t forget that feeling in the future."
(Did his mood just improve a little? His expression didn’t change, so maybe it's just my imagination.)
Emma: "So, how do I get out of this…?"
Kagari: "Think of it as practice for the future and try untying it yourself. It’s not tied too tightly."
(I’ll give it a try, but…. I hope I never need this skill in the future.)
Thankfully, the knot wasn’t too tight, and under Prince Kagari’s watchful eye, I managed to untie it. He clapped his hands in applause, though I wasn’t sure if I should be happy about it.
(Was I really that careless…?)
But I didn’t want to end things just like that—
Emma: "Prince Kagari, can we play one more time?"
Kagari: "Sure."
We returned to making the suspension bridge, then the rice field, river, and boat, alternating turns with the string—
(This is it…!)
Seizing the moment, I tied Prince Kagari’s hands together with the string. My tying was a bit of a mess, but it seemed tight enough that it would take a while to untangle.
Kagari: "…"
Emma: "Ha! That was payback for earlier."
Emma: "Now, you’ll have to untie yourself—whoa!?"
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Kagari: "Untie myself… What? I didn’t quite catch that. Could you say that again?"
(He’s… so close!)
With his bound hands, he brought them behind my head and pulled me closer to him. The distance between us made it hard to even breathe, and my heart pounded furiously.
(Prince Kagari … seems to be enjoying this. Even more than when we were playing cat’s cradle.)
His green eyes, tinged with joy and a trace of heat, were so captivating that I couldn’t look away, despite wanting to escape. Whenever I moved, his grip tightened, further restricting my freedom.
Kagari: "Come on, if you don’t say it, we’ll stay like this forever. I don’t mind that, though."
Emma: "I’m sorry! I got carried away. I’ll treat you to as many dorayaki as you want, so please let me go."
Kagari: "Denied. You don’t have enough money for that."
(A man with a bottomless stomach for dorayaki!)
As our foreheads lightly touched, my heart practically leaped out of my chest. If anyone saw us like this, they would definitely get the wrong idea.
Kagari: "Your so flustered just from our faces being close. It’s cute, Princess."
Emma: "P-Please stop teasing me."
Kagari: "I’m not teasing you."
Kagari: "…But I was a little jealous."
Even though I kept trying to escape, he never let me go, and—
On that day, I firmly swore to never try to get back at Prince Kagari again.
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mambodork · 2 days ago
Hi, me again! In the buttercup HOA au, does Grian need to eat in his code bodies? Or is he like one of Martyn's lore Watchers where he only feeds off of emotions? Or maybe every time he makes a new body, he cannibalizes the code of the old one if Scar doesn't need it for snacking? I assume Scar eats normally with the exception of occasional flesh, and Mumbo, being a sort of parasite, either can make his host eat to sustain himself or just slowly eats the host and changes them every once in a while.
Also is there a reason Grian needs to keep making new bodies, like the code can only hold itself together for a short while before it starts decaying, or maybe because he can't eat it starts to die and that'd why he builds new ones?
I did not, in fact, find motivation to write anything today because my roommates distracted me with watching pirates of the carribean, but the ideas have been bouncing around in my brain all day long.
Anyways, sorry for the ramble can you tell I'm obsessed with your aus <3
In concern of Grian eating... I really like Martyn's interpretation of it with the watchers feeding off of emotions. Would also explain why Grian loves to make games and pranks all the time since he primarily feeds on positive emotions. Although I do believe his primary reason is always to make his friends happy, the benefit of being able to absorb their happiness for his own gain is an added bonus. I like to think the more emotions he gets, the more powerful he can be. Meanwhile, if he doesn't get enough to feed, he'll just dwindle out and fade back to become part of the universe.
My headcanon for the Watchers are that they're the main force to drive the world so it can continue living by making things interesting. Consider it like a book or a movie or even a game. Nobody would play it if nothing good happens, and if they stopped playing, the world within that game would just stop altogether. This is the primary worldbuilding I use when using the concept of minecraft inherently being a game as their actual world. The watchers are creatures created by the universe to keep it going by rousing powerful emotions like sadness, grief, or happiness. In this note, I am also a firm "the watcher's are morally grey" believer. They simply have their own goals and do what it takes to get it.
I think you're quite spot on with Scar and Mumbo's way of feeding! Mumbo is definitely a parasite and I agree with the fact that he makes his host eat for him to eat aswell.
As for Grian's body, my current headcanon of it at the moment is that unlike normal players who treat the world as real life and bodies, etc, as organic, Grian has ascended when he became a watcher and could see the world as what it truly is (code, for simplicity). As such, he treats his body and how he uses it more like an actual minecraft skin. Normal rules of real life and logic that ground a player also don't really apply that much to him now.
For why he has to change it every few days or so... I just think that Grian is just too weak or simply doesn't know that much about code yet to make a sustaining body (think of him like a highschool intern developer that's still learning how to code). I like to think that Grian's current bodies are being held together by duct tape and glue 😭 he doesn't really know what he's doing yet, hence the body malfunctioning or just simply disintegrating back to the universe's code (at this point, he would just give the body to Scar for him to snack on. Just because it's all useless code to him doesn't mean that it's not organic fresh meat for Scar). I also like your suggestion on the body decaying because it couldn't eat... maybe this can also be integrated since the entire organic world & code stuff is separated much like the 4th and 5th dimensions. It would SEEM that the body is rotting due to lack of nutrition, but it could also be a code error on Grian's part, who knows :3
Tysm for the interesting questions and ideas !! These are all just my headcanons atm and you're free to take anything you want from it, or not use them at all ! Again, I really appreciate it that you're willing to expand on this world lol <3 take your time on it !
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opiopal · 8 hours ago
imagine mephisto with a really sweet mc, because I find it really really easy to write fluff about him for some reason
I mean like, he tries to keep up his act of hating humans-since he’s above them and all- but it’s just so hard to look at that lovely smiling face and say anything rude whatsoever, so he can’t help himself but force away a smile any and every time they interact with him, he’s better at hiding it then mams is, but not that good. in reality something in his chest flutters the first time Mc excitedly offers to help with the news paper club, mentioning that they have some experience with publishing, and of course Diavolo thinks it’s a wonderful idea! and again he tries to act annoyed as he shows them around and tells them how to use the printer and such, they work for maybe about an hour and a half together organizing and coming up with the head line, what to focus on, ect. and before mc leaves to go home they dig around in their bag and pull out a little box and offers it to them, he gives them a suspicious look before they giggle and smile(making his heart rattle in his chest) “don’t give me that look, it’s just a muffin,”
“ah, I see- and why are you holding it out to me?”
“because it’s for you! I was getting a few snacks this morning because I woke up early- and I figured I’d get something for you to! Just a little gift since you have to show me how to do stuff, I know it can be annoying,”
as they talk he hesitantly grabs it from them, their hands grazing for a moment. He takes a pause before he speaks up again,
“well, I wouldn’t necessarily say I find you annoy-“
a rabid knocking on the newspaper clubs door interrupts him and spooks Mc, since they had their back turned towards it. They turn their head and see Mams waving a little passive aggressively as he opens the door, a few of the brothers had stayed after to walk mc back home to the HOL.(and also bc luci was a little anxious abt mc being completely alone alone with mephisto, as if he would hurt them in the first place)
“yo mc! Let’s go we’re waitin!”
“ah, sorry, I’ll see you tomorrow,”
they give him a quick wave and speed walk out while quietly talking to Mammon about how he didn’t need to knock like a mad man, and of course mams is heard brushing them off casually. Mephisto stands there for a moment, holding the little white box in his hand as he carefully opens the lid. it’s nothing fancy, simply just a chocolate muffin with large chocolate chunks, since mc bought it with their own money he can only assume it was the best one they could afford, and the idea of it made his cheeks run hot.
and that’s not the first time mc had gifted him items, they give him small items often or treats, little packs of cookies or things like a keychain, or a little clay animal, and maybe even a bracelet that looks to have been made by them. and strangely to him, despite the fact that he’s surrounded by wealth and items that were worth more then continents, an ugly little glass cat that only could’ve costed a few cents feels a lot more valuable to him, just because they gave it to him.
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gor3sigil · 3 days ago
Oh my GOD do I need to get something off my chest.
Let's talk about "name your price" events held by some "leftist" spaces a bit, that are NOT "name your price". Because this happened to me 3 times already this month while going to these events, to have organizers be really pushy that I make donation even when I couldn't do so and told them clearly.
So, I go from time to time at events held by local queer organizations to get out of my house. Being poor, you know it, is extremely isolating because you can't afford social events. And I've been feeling really lonely and depressed lately so I tried, 3 times this month, to attend queer events that were "name your price", with the understanding that you COULD attend these events even if you didn't pay anything (I even messaged the organisers first to be sure that I could come without donating). Everytime I tried to bring something to eat and/or drink to not come to these events empty handed and brought along some friends (who donated). So I wasn't "leeching" or anything.
And 3 times, I always got at least one of the organizers pushing me to donate because "even one € euro helps :) we're not FORCING you but you know, these events cost money and it'd be great to give back to the community :) but no pressure if you can't you if you find a coin in your pocket haha jk but yeah :)" and the last one took the fucking cake.
The dude, a so called super leftist anarchist, every time we took a break from watching the queer short films, came to me cracking a joke about how it'd be great if I donated in a very "commercial" way of joking without totally joking.
I snapped at some point and told him more harshly that I had brought food and drink, that it was all I could afford to do and it was supposed to be OKAY. And that one € for me meant a kilo of pasta that feeds me and my partner for 2 days. And he tried to imply that the orga wouldn't be able to hold events like this if everyone comes like I do.
I left the event so upset because I just wanted to have a good time and meet people and get out of my flat where money issues is the ONLY SHIT I THINK ABOUT. And I wish it was a one time thing but it happens so regularly I don't even want to attend these events anymore.
If your organization can't afford to hold events you have 2 options:
You can make price ranges for people, so people who have more money can donate more, and those who can't pay a little fee.
You fucking don't hold events.
You don't make your event a "name your price" event, do all your com about the fact that EVERYONE can come even if they just bring snacks or drinks, to harass these people during all the event until they give you the scraps they have because you guilt tripped them. That's just bullshit.
And coming from people that gloat that they're proud leftists/anarchists/communists or whatever the fuck, bitch, shut your crap up PLEASE you have the same method as a marketing professionnal.
I'm so fucking upset. Guess I'll just stay home then.
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dontopenfairies · 2 days ago
All Alfie wants is to sneak downstairs and past his housemates, who are all out on the couch watching TV together, to get a snack from the kitchen. He’s almost made it to the kitchen doorway when he hears a voice.
“Hey, has anyone checked Alfie lately?” asks Damian, loud enough that he can be heard clearly over the TV.
There’s a soft chorus of “no’s” and Damian stage-whispers, “Laila, you do it.”
“Alfiee,” sings Laila. “Come over here and get your pull-up checked.”
“I—I don’t need that,” stammers Alfie. “I just want to go to the kitchen and get something to eat…”
“Alfie. Come over here. Now.” Her voice is firm and authoritative, really contrasting the gentle singsong she was using a second before. She jabs one finger at the floor right in front of the couch.
Alfie walks over, very aware of the fact that four pairs of eyes are now staring at him instead of the TV. Laila’s manicured fingers quickly undo his fly and pull his pants down to his thighs. She smiles at him, a little wickedly. She has to be doing this on purpose. They’re all doing it on purpose, they can all tell that he’s been nursing a huge crush on her for months.
“Ohh, you peed your pull-up, Alfie baby,” she says. “You’re going to leak if you keep wearing that.”
“Alana, go get Alfie a new pull-up,” says Damian, and Alana quickly stands up and heads upstairs towards Alfie’s room.
“No,” says Alfie, “don’t dig in my stuff.”
“Shh,” says Damian. “She’ll be in and out. She just needs to grab you a pull-up from your bedside drawer.”
Alfie feels heat rising in his face knowing that everyone in the house knows exactly where his pull-ups are.
Alana thumps back down the stairs, holding the fresh pull-up casually in one hand. She passes it to Laila and sits back down on the couch.
“Okay, Alfie, let’s get this off you,” says Laila, pulling his pants down even further.
“Noo,” says Alfie, stomping his foot. “Not in front of everyone.”
“Do it behind the couch,” laughs Damian, and Laila rises, sweeping her skirt under her, and takes Alfie’s hand. His heart starts to beat faster.
“See, that’s more private, Alfie,” says Damian, laughing again. “Look, we’ll even turn up the TV. See, now it’s like you aren’t even there.”
But Alfie is there, right behind everyone, divided only by the back of the couch. Laila gently takes off his pull-up, setting it on top of his pants on the hardwood floor.
“Don’t do that,” Alfie whines. “You’ll get my pants wet.”
“Shouldn’t have peed yourself,” says Laila, holding out the clean pull-up. “Step in.” She pulls it up around his waist. She passes the wet pull-up to Pat. “Stick that in the pail in the bathroom when you get the chance,” she says casually.
“Oh my god,” says Damian. “That’s SOAKED. It’s a wonder he didn’t leak.”
“Stop talking about me,” Alfie mutters, trying to make his voice louder and failing.
Laila pulls his pants up off the floor and pats them. “Only a little damp, no biggie,” she says. She holds them out, just like she did with the pull-up, and pulls them up over his hips and zips him up again. “See? You’re fine.” She gives him a, frankly, very unnecessary pat on the ass.
“Come watch TV with us, Alfie,” says Alana. “Look, it’s that baking show you like.”
Alfie looks. It *is* that baking show he likes. He follows Laila back around the couch and sits down at Damian’s feet. He’s known Damian the longest, since way before they started living together, and feels the most comfortable around him, even when Damian teases him.
“Hey, go get your snack first, dude,” says Damian, pushing Alfie with his foot. Alfie obliges and gets to his feet, hurrying to the kitchen to not miss any of the show. Damian calls out after him. “It’d better be a string cheese and juice in your sippy cup,” he yells. “Or else we’re changing the channel. There’s a football game on in a couple minutes.”
Alfie’s face is hot as he pours juice into his sippy cup, accidentally spilling a bunch on the table because of how much he’s shaking. Laila hasn’t changed in him in a while and it’s like his body remembers the feeling of her fingers gently slipping into the pull-up to take it off him.
“There he is,” says Damian when he comes back, carrying the sippy cup in one hand and the string cheese in the other. “That took forever.”
“I spilled,” said Alfie.
“You cleaned it up, right?” asks Pat, always concerned about the cleanliness of the kitchen.
“Yeah,” says Alfie.
“Yeah, Alfie’s a good boy, huh?” says Damian, leaning over and rustling his hair. “Don’t you want to sit on the couch? Alana’s about to leave for rugby practice. You could sit next to your giiiiirlfriend.” Everyone laughs. They’re not saying it seriously; it’s like he’s a kid with an accidental but very serious crush on a babysitter, or something.
Alana stands up. “I’ve gotta get my gear together. You can take my seat, Alfie.”
“Come on, Alfie,” say Pat and Damian, voices overlapping. Alfie glances over his shoulder at Laila.
“Come on, Alfie,” she says softly. Alfie stands up and pads over, sitting down and pulling his legs up to his chest.
“Hahaha,” laughs Pat, “that got him.”
“You forgot your juice, dude,” says Damian, picking up the cup off the ground. Alfie holds out his hand for it but Damian passes it to Laila. “Make sure he’s hydrated, Laila.”
Laila laughs and looks at Alfie, eyebrows raised. What’s going to happen now? She raises the cup. It’s coming towards his mouth. Without time to really react, Alfie feels the cup’s nipple on his lips, parting them. Laila uses one hand to steady his head. “It’s okay,” she says. “You can take a drink.”
Alfie does, and Pat and Damian chuckle again. Alfie pushes the cup away. “You guys are making me miss my show! Look, it’s the final challenge!”
“Don’t push Laila away,” says Pat, “you’ll hurt her feelings.”
Laila pretends to pout, participating in the theatrics.
“Stopp, you guys,” says Alfie, burying his face in his hands.
“We’re just teasing you,” says Damian. “We’ll stop if you want to.”
“It doesn’t even matter,” says Alfie. “My show’s almost over.”
“That’s your main concern?” Laila says quietly. “After you peed yourself earlier?”
Not her, too! Alfie hides his face in his knees. When he looks up, the end credits are rolling.
“Okay, are you ready to go to the bar?” asks Damian, as he and Pat get to their feet.
“Yep,” is Pat’s answer. “I am so fucking ready to get wasted.”
“Hey! You said you’re driving tonight!”
“Not true! We already decided it was your turn!” They bicker all the way to the door.
Laila turns around in her seat. “You boys should just get an Uber.” After they’re out the door, somehow still arguing, Alfie realizes that he is in the house with Laila, alone. He stands up.
“I’m going upstairs,” he says awkwardly.
“Okay,” says Laila, shrugging her shoulders.
The evening passes quickly. Alfie spends a few minutes on his university homework and then plays video games. At nine, he’s starting to yawn. There’s a knock on the door.
The door cracks open. It’s Laila.
“Hi, Alfie,” she says. “Are you doing okay?”
“Um, yeah, uh…I just changed, so, I don’t really need…”
“Oh, I don’t mean *that*. I just feel bad that you missed your show earlier.” She’s holding her laptop. “Do you want to stream it? We can use my account.”
“What? Um, yeah, I’d be down.”
She smiles and enters the room.
“Um, are we alone?” asks Alfie, standing up.
“Oh, well, the boys are still out, but Alana’s here. But she just made a protein shake and went to do homework, or something.”
“Ohh,” says Alfie. “Okay.” Where in his messy room are they going to watch TV? All his chairs are covered in laundry and books and random things. She answers his silent question by sitting on his bed.
“Oh, sorry, I should have asked. Is it okay if I sit here?”
“Um, yeah, um, that’s fine, I’m just going to go to the bathroom real quick…”
“For what?”
He hesitates. “Oh, I…”
“You’re silly. Come here and sit with me.” She moves so that her back is to his pillows and her legs out in front of her. She pats the spot next to him and looks at him expectantly. He sits down. “Aw, not like that, so stiff. Relax a little.”
Alfie tries his best as he watches her log in and search the name of his show.
“Oh, come on,” she says, jabbing him in the arm as the opening music plays and she puts the show into full screen. “You can lean into me. We don’t have to sit an inch apart, it’s okay.”
Alfie slowly rests his head on her shoulder. She smells really nice. The episode is starting. Without thinking, his thumb slips into his mouth.
They watch the episode in silence, Laila occasionally petting his hair. The door cracks open about halfway through.
“Hey Alf, have you seen my…” It’s Alana, in her post-rugby sweatsuit. “Oh, hey Laila.”
“I’m just hanging out with Alfie before bed,” says Laila.
“Uh-huh,” says Alana, clearly not thinking very much of this. “Have either of you seen my phone charger?”
“Nope,” says Laila, and Alfie shakes his head. “But you can borrow mine. It’s in the kitchen, plugged in by the toaster.”
“Awesome, thanks,” says Alana, leaving and shutting the door behind her.
“Hey, Alfie,” says Laila, looking down at him. “It’s getting pretty late. You need to go brush your teeth soon, okay? How about when this episode is over? I need to go and get some stuff done, anyway.”
“Okay,” Alfie nods.
Later that night, Alfie is lying in bed, letting the comforting memory of Laila’s arm around him lull him to sleep. He hears voices outside the door. At first he can’t make out who is talking, but then he hears Damian’s drunken laugh.
“What?? I didn’t know he still sucks his thumb! Oh my god, Laila, that’s crazy.”
Alfie’s heart hammers. Was that all a set-up so that his housemates had new material to tease him over? He knew he shouldn’t take it seriously, but he hadn’t realized it was like *that*. Is he that stupid?
“No, we won’t tell anybody, don’t worry,” says Pat. “Besides, he’s a grown adult, he can defend himself if anyone says anything.”
“You mean, we’ll defend him,” says Damian, and then Alfie squeezes his eyes shut and forces himself to sleep as the voices fade and doors close in the rest of the house.
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gothamite-rambler · 13 hours ago
"This was supposed to be a two minute phone call." Damian said exhausted.
Batfamily Chronicles Microfiction Halloween
Ages of the kids: Carrie and Damian: 12, Lian: 9
Lian (eagerly talking while on the phone): And then I gave Tamara my pen and said to give it back after class.
Damian rested his head face-first on the desk, exhausted, as his phone laid on a stack of books next to him.
Damian: Uh huh.
Lian: Then the bell rang and she walked out with the pen!
Damian: Tragic.
Lian: Right! And I'm calling her like, "Tammy! Tammy!" because she also goes by Tammy.
Damian (hasn't gotten to the reason he called): You said that three minutes ago.
Lian: Yeah, and I chased after her and I'm like, "Give me my pen back!" And she barked, "You said I could keep it!" Which was a lie! I said she could use it for our class together! I was being nice! Like I'd give her my new glitter pen!
Damian lifted his head and rested his chin in his hand.
Damian: The audacity.
Lian: Oh my gosh, yes. The one time my mom sends me a cool gift and she think she can keep it? Not happening. And like Uncle Jace taught me—
Damian (finishing the advice he heard before): If they start lying, make them start crying.
Lian: Yes! I wanted to be nice, though, and tried to take the pen back, and she shoved me! She shoved me! So I shoved her back, then she tried to kick me in the leg and I yanked her stupid curly hair and long story short, we're not friends anymore!
Damian rubbed his tired eyes.
Damian: Which is why you're—
Damian and Lian together: Not trick or treating with her.
Lian: Yes! She was always a bad friend! Papa understood as well so I'm not on punishment either.
Damian: Sorrows, prayers about the failed friendship.
Lian (smiling): It's okay! But yeah, to answer your question, I'm not trick or treating with anyone from school this year.
Damian checked the ticking time on the call then sighed.
Damian (exasperated): You answered my question twenty minutes later, but I admit I wasn't bored with the ending of the friendship with Tammy. She seemed to mistreat you a lot. To cut you off, though, I called to ask if you wanted to get candy on Halloween with me and my new friend Carrie.
Lian (squealing): Oh sure! Wait—
Lian stepped away from the phone and went into the hall.
Lian (voice raised): Papa, can I go trick or treating with Damian and his imaginary friend?!
Roy: Yeah, I trust Jason to keep you guys safe!
Lian returned to the call, but Damian interrupted her before she spoke.
Damian: She's a real person! We've been friends a year and she's sitting next to me!
Carrie (in the background): Hey.
Lian: Oh cool, I thought you were one of those weird kids who had an imaginary friend at 12... No judgment though.
Carrie could be heard giggling as Damian growled.
Damian (mumbling): This is exactly why I had her next to me this time.
Carrie (laughing): Sucks that your friend from Metropolis thought the same thing as her.
Lian: Jon is coming too? Awesome! Then I have to go! Oo, I can't keep talking though, it's snack time! We can talk tomorrow about the spots to go to.
Damian pinched the bridge of his nose, unable to talk due to being incredibly annoyed.
Carrie: I already got the map of the best spots, but yeah, we can meet up later.
Lian: I like you already. Okay, bye Damian!
Damian: Yep. Bye.
With that, Damian ended the call, then let out an exhausted groan while tapping his forehead as a headache formed.
Carrie (trying to ease the tension): Your friends seem nice.
Damian: Yeah, don't you just want to smother them with hugs until they shut up?
Carrie: Bestie, don't be mad. We got a four T and T now. All that's left are the tools we need if we don't get treats.
Damian: My hesitancy on throwing eggs at people's doors remains strong.
Carrie: Don't worry, my brother actually gave me a couple better tricks we can do.
Damian: Grand.
Carrie (teasingly): You're excited.
Damian shrugged with a small smile because while he didn't want to admit it, he was going to enjoy this Halloween with his new and old friends.
pt. 1: Carrie's ultimate trick or treat map
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m00nl1ghts1vt · 9 hours ago
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Bestie Nick - Headcanon
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◈ You meet Nick at an influencers party, bumping into him and spilling your drink down the front of your shirt, making it see threw. He notices immediately, looking at you like a deer in headlights. He quickly takes his jacket off, slinging it over your shoulders, "don't worry, I'm gay!"
◈ You and Nick really hit it off at the influencers party. You guys joke all night long, it's like you've known each other for years. The two off you exchange social media's and hit each other up the next day, making plans for later in the week.
◈ The first time you guys hang out, it's with his brother too. He wants to make sure you're compatible with them like you are him, since they might as well be labeled as his two children.
◈ He warns his brothers you're off limits. He's too fond of you and doesn't want them to scare you away. Especially Chris.
◈ You guys are inseparable. Sleepovers easily turned into week-long stays. Nick really enjoyed your company; he finally had the girl bestie he had always hoped for. The bond you two shared was so strong to be damaged.
◈ Since you and Nick form such a tight friendship so quickly, you often refer to each other as ‘long lost siblings. You become a part of his family, joining them for holiday dinners and family outings. Momma Mary even includes you in the yearly family photos!
◈ The sibling-like friendship you share comes with its pros and cons. You and Nick argued just like he’d argue with Matt or Chris. It’ll be over the pettiest stuff too, cause that’s exactly what he is - petty.
“Y/n!” You near Nick shout from his bedroom, “if you’re gonna sleep in my room when I’m not here, you at least need to make my bed how I like it. Not a sloppy mess,” he complains walking down the hallway and coming to halt in front of you.
You roll your eyes, “Nick, you don’t even make your bed half the time,” shutting him up really quick and earning a snicker from Chris who was sitting on the couch with you.
◈ Acting like clowns every time you're in public together 🥰
◈ Cute bestie photos 🥰
◈ Having drunk movie nights with him!! You guys would plan a movie night, get a ton of snacks, and your choice of wine. Nick would order Chinese food while you guys lazed on the couch, watching movies his brothers requested from the next couch over.
◈ You’re so close with Nick, strangers either thinks you’re siblings or dating 😂😂 Nick cringed every time somebody ask if he was your boyfriends. You'd correct them, and once they were gone, he'd groan, "is it not obvious I like penis?"
◈ Game night with him and his brothers ❤️
◈ Nick contemplating whether or not he's bisexual after thinking too hard about your friendship. He had never formed a connection as close and meningful as the one he had with you. Nick being the person he is, he'd want to sit down and actually talk about it.
"I don't know, Y/n" he mumbles, his eyes still on the floor. Nick had just told you he didn't know if he was gay.
You let out a snort, "Nick. I'm pretty sure you're still gay."
He groans, "well, no shit. I know I like guys, but I think I like girls too," finally looking at you.
You fake gasp at him, "and you're just now telling me this after I've been half naked around you!" You throw your head back laughing at his silly confession. You didn't care what Nick's sexuality was, he was your best fucking friend.
"That's why I think I like girls now," he grumbles, rolling his eyes, and falls back onto the couch.
His confession shocked you, but not that much. He was probably just confused, after all you guys spent a lot of time together. You slept in his bed with him for crying out loud.
Knowing Nick was overexaggerating, "here," you tell him. You grab his hand and place it on your boob. He looks at wide eyes and pulls his hand away quickly, "yea you're definitely gay," you tell him before you both crack up laughing.
◈ Him telling you all the tea about his hook ups and you telling him about yours 🤣
◈ "Bestie Night" - You and Nick make plans to have one day a week dedicated to each other. Alternating who's house it'll be at each weekend. One night it'll be the paint swap challenge, and the next it'll be putting together Legos. It was truly a de-stressor, for the both of you.
◈ Piggy back rides ❤️
◈ At home dinner nights!! You and Nick loved cooking together, it was one of the many ways you guys bonded. You two would goof off in the kitchen, making a mess, and sometimes burning the dinner, while music blasted through their condo. Matt would come in the kitchen, complaining about how the music was too loud and he couldn't concentrate on playing his game. You and Nick would burst into laughter once he left the room, not taking anything he said seriously. It'd all be okay when you'd serve him the heart shaped mini pizza's you and Nick made, though.
◈ Matching onesie's 🥹
◈ Inside jokes. You and Nick tell each other everything, there's barely any secrets between you two. So, a lot of the times, someone will say something that reminds one of you of an inside joke you share. You'll find Nick looking at you from across the room, holding back a laugh. As soon as you crack a smile, he'll let out a roar, filling the room with laughter from just you and Nick. Everyone else tries to laugh along but they just don't get it like you and Nick do!
◈ Nick acting like your boyfriend so creepy guys will leave you alone. He's really good at it too!
You push thru the crowd trying to find your way back to your best friend. Once you finally make it to him, you latch onto his arm, “help,” you squeal at him.
His face crunches in confusion, “what? What’s going on?” He scans the crowd, trying to find the cause of your problems. You left to go to the bathroom, Nick staying behind when he usually stands guard by the door.
“Some dude,” you tell him, “I think he’s following me,” cowering behind him.
“Fuck no,” he wraps his arm around you and pulls you close, acting as if you guys are in a relationship.
The random creep doesn’t bother you the rest of the night. Out of sight and out of mind.
◈ Having a silly drunken hook up with Matt or Chris 🤭 you try to keep it a secret from Nick for a while, knowing he’d be livid. He didn’t want anything between you and his brothers to happen, what if it ended badly and drove you away? He feared losing you. Ultimately, the guilt eats you up so you end up confessing the truth. Nick overreacts, of course.
The two of you don’t talks for weeks, both too stubborn to apologize. Until said brother you hooked up with tricks the two of you, forcing the proximity, and locking you in a bathroom with him. You don’t know how he did it, but he did.
Nick gives you the silent treatment for at least 30 minutes, not looking at you once. You randomly sneeze and his eyes land on you. You hold his gaze, and a stubborn smile pulls at his lips. You and Nick leave the bathroom crying tears of laughter for no reason other than a sneeze.
◈ Nick proposes the idea to get matching tattoos. Your bond is just that strong. He’s certain you’ll be his bestie for life. Y’all are locked in
◈ The both of you knowing, no matter how much you bicker, there's no getting rid of each other. For lifer's🤞🏻
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Like a lot of us, I recently came across a post of someone body shaming Nick. ☹️ I just want to say nobody is perfect, but nobody deserves to be body shamed. Nick is the most genuine out of the three, in my opinion. And lowkey the funniest. Don't single him out because he's gay or has a different body shape than his brothers. And don't act like a fan just to talk shit on them!!
With that being said Nick deserves ALL the love tonight. Enjoy 🥰
Requests are always open
Check out my latest Matt fluff - Puppy Love & You Like Me?
Dividers & photos are not mine. All right reserved to original owners!
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luboy7rt · 10 hours ago
Task Force 141 as Your Roommate! (Gn!Reader - Headcanons)
(Includes: Jonathan (John) Price, Johnny (John) ‘Soap’ MacTavish, Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick, and Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley)
Jonathan ‘John’ Price:
- He is a clean roommate, whatever he dirties he always ends up cleaning it immediately. He folds laundry very tightly, everything he folds would be able to fit into a duffle bag. 
- John ends up buying quite a lot of the replenishables around the house. He just tends to spot the fact you need more things before you do, he replaces it without you even noticing half the time.
He knows if you have a schedule or not; he just picks up on things. He will attempt to subtly help you if you need it.
- John's great at communicating, every little issue you have with each other can and will be solved easily so there is no issue between you two. 
- He tries to sneak in quietly whenever he returns home late from missions, yet every time it’s one small thing that always happens that ends up catching your attention. (Ex: Accidentally smacking his boot against the door, or placing his duffle bag down too heavily) It’s always a different thing every time. This agitates him to know the end, he is not a clumsy man but it's just a bad habit he accidentally got into as he's not used to having a roommate.
- If you guys have a camera, before he leaves for missions he always says something to the camera, always something sneaky or something he found funny to try and bond with you even if hes away often. If you catch him doing stupid while leaving your apartment, no. No, you didn't.
- John is gone a lot on missions (like all of them are) so he really trusts you to take care of your shared home as he leaves his most important possessions there and will always return back to your shared space.
Johnny (John) ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
(Just using Johnny to not mistake him with Price) 
- Johnny eats all your groceries whenever he is home. He apologizes and gives you money to repay for it, but he also doesn't stop. Tries to make a conscious effort to do so, but he gets to comfortable and ends up eating them all anyway. Always makes it up to you though, gives you money or goes shopping for you whenever you need it.
- Leaves sticky notes around the house of tasks for himself or you to do, some of the notes of just really sweet reminders, requests, or compliments.
- He sometimes would forget to send you his half of the bills, he always apologizes for it and quickly makes up for it, pays it, and ends up buying you your favorite snacks/drinks. 
- Type of guy to sing at 2AM before realizing you probably might be trying to sleep 30 minutes into his amazing set. Peeks his head into your room with a sheepish smile to apologize under his breath if you're awake, and might even mutter an apology if you're asleep.
-Johnny would leave his stuff everywhere, despite the fact he's usually good at knowing where his stuff is. He's a messy ‘I know where everything is’. Will try to clean up If you ask though if you decide you both can't live in messy organized chaos.
- Johnny tries to do the dishes, cleans the living area, and takes out the garbage before he goes away on long missions because he doesn't want to leave it all on you when he knows he leaves it messy.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick:
- Pays the bills on time, he will pay your half but expects you to repay him if you forget. (if you both are 50/50 on bills) he would be willing to change up on what you guys buy or pay for.
- He dances when cooking, and sometimes you wake up to him vibing in the kitchen getting it down while he blasts music, he apologizes a lot if he wakes you up and tries to lower the volume every time he does want a small cooking party. (You will go to sleep one night while Kyle is away on a mission and might wake up to his music in the kitchen while he's partying like he hasn't been up for 42 hours and just returned from a long mission) 
- You'll know when Kyle's home, he tries to make himself known by humming or talking to you randomly to just try and check up on you. Really tries to get on your good side to make up for the fact he's not around very often.
- Kyle leaves you cooked food for when he knows he's going away on missions for long, leaves personally cooked containers in the fridge to try and ensure your caring for yourself while he's gone.
- He likes just being around when he's home, even if it just means silently sitting In the same room doing separate tasks. Kyle likes the ‘normalcy’ of it all.
- Kyle likes hiding nice things for you to find around the apartment (ex; flowers, pretty rocks, money that he definitely didn't place on purpose) he doesn't even tell you, just likes waiting for you to find it and texts him a picture because he gets giddy about it.
- Will always pick up the phone when you need him, sends you a text instead if he's doing something important. Will do you favors. If you ask for snacks on his way home? Yeah, he is getting it for you, doesn't end up letting you pay for it though.
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
- He eats your food accidentally some times, he always replaces it before you notice, if you cooked it? Oh wow, You have a totally different color food of the same thing from Simon attempting to re-make it for you. He ends up just leaving cash on top of it as an apology.
- He makes sure not to leave too much of a mess for you, he's busy but he really tries to clean before he goes away on longer missions. 
- You don't know when this man is home he is so quiet, you go for water at 4AM? You'll see him standing in the kitchen like a ghost staring at you until you notice him. (If you freakout, he flinches back but gives you a offended look like he wasn’t the one standing in the pitch black room)
- He moves stuff around sometimes when he's antsy, the living room might be rearranged by the time you leave your room. And he's already gone on a mission so you can't complain until he comes back. (He does try and keep this to a minimum and fixes it if you need him to. If you annoy him enough he ends up just changing his room and leaving the rest).
- He randomly leaves you money to find, simply plopping a 50 in your bag, or in your closet. Simon just doesn't tell you You randomly find it through the weeks. If you try to text him about it he simply doesn't give you an answer about it (also refuses if you try and give it back to him).
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canirove · 18 hours ago
The invinsible princess | Chapter 7
“Like the title of that Beyoncé song said…”
Author's note: This is one of my favourite chapters, so I hope you like it as much as I do. And to the anon who sent me the loveliest message ever the other day... I'm still thinking about it, thank you very much 😭💜
Chapter 6 | Chapter 8 (coming out next Friday - November 1)
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“I can't fucking feel my ass” I say while getting out of the camper van Pedri and I have rented for our road trip. 
“Sofía!” he gasps. “Those aren't words for a lady like yourself!”
“Oh, I beg for your forgiveness, my lord. Please allow me to rephrase it… Blimey!” I gasp, covering my mouth like women did in old movies. “I can't feel my lower back after being sat for the past two hours!”
“Much better. Thank you, my lady” Pedri says, doing a little curtsey. 
“My lord” I reply, doing the same before we both start laughing. Whoever sees us behaving like this at a petrol station, must think we are crazy. “Anyway, can you do me a favour before you start with that?” I ask him, nodding towards the van.
“Of course. What does the lady need?”
“I need to use the bathroom, but I don't want to go alone.”
“What?” Pedri laughs. 
“Yeah, I just… What if I'm doing my business and someone comes in and catches me there? I don't want to go online and see that a photo of myself sitting on the toilet has gone viral.”
After my first and so far only viral photo, the one with Charles Leclerc a few years ago, I've become a bit less invisible than what I was used to. Most people still pay more attention to my sister Leonor, but Carlos has had to stop paparazzis from taking photos of me and my aunt leaving work together more than once. 
“Ok, fine” Pedri sighs. “It is a bit weird to not have Carlos around, isn't it? He usually is the one who does these things.”
“It is, yes. But it was what we wanted, so” I shrug.
“I'm sure he still is keeping an eye on us somehow” Pedri says as we walk towards the back of the petrol station, where the bathroom is. “I can see him glued to his phone, checking the van’s GPS to make sure we are following the route we shared with him” he laughs. “He may have even set some microphones and cameras inside to make sure we are alive.”
“For his own sake, I hope he hasn't.”
“Because of what he may have heard last night, for example?” he smirks. 
“If you mean your snoring, then yes. But I was talking about you singing while driving.”
“I beg your pardon?” 
“Let's just say that becoming a singer isn't a career path you should follow once you retire from football.”
“So rude, my lady. So rude… And we've made it.”
“Aren't you going inside?”
“What?” Pedri chuckles.
“Yeah… To make sure there is no one hiding or something.”
“Sofía, this petrol station isn't like the ones you see in American movies. Here they clean their bathrooms and there isn't a guy hiding behind a door ready to kidnap you and take you to his cabin in the woods.”
“Better safe than sorry” I shrug.
“Urgh, fine” he replies, rolling his eyes and walking into the bathroom. “It's empty, you can come in.”
“Did you check it properly?”
“Yes, I did. There is no one inside, and it is quite clean. Maybe not as much as those golden toilets you have at the palace where you can see your own reflection, but they are ok.”
“Idiot” I say, giving him a little push and making him laugh. “But thank you, Pedri.”
“Anything for you, my lady” he smiles.
“I think we'll have enough with these snacks until we… Sofía? What are you doing?”
“Have you ever used one of these?” I say, looking at the machines outside the petrol station’s shop.
“Yeah. Who hasn't?” Pedri chuckles. “Oh. Sorry. You…”
“As a kid we often saw them when we were on holidays, but my mum never allowed Leonor and I to buy anything from them. She said they were just a stupid way to waste your money on useless stuff.”
“I mean, she's not wrong. But we used to have one at the bar in Tenerife, and just seeing the kids’ faces when the ball comes out of the machine and they open it to see which surprise they've gotten makes it worth it.”
“I guess...”
“Here, take this.”
“Why are you giving me these coins?”
“They are the change I got from buying our snacks” he says, nodding towards the bag in his hand. “You can use them on the machines.”
“You just told me that you've always wanted to give them a go, haven't you? Then do it, Sofía. You are an adult now, your mum won't scold you for doing it” he chuckles.
“I… I… Thank you, Pedri” I say before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. 
“That's ok” he smiles. “C'mon, let's see what they have.”
The first machine is a Pokémon one, and each ball has a different figurine inside it. 
“What is that?” 
“Pedri, this is Charizard!”
“I'm only familiar with Pikachu” he shrugs.
“You… seriously?”
“And then I'm the weird one.”
“You aren't weird, Sofía” he says, kissing my cheek before I put another coin on the next machine. This one has just little teddy bears made of rubber. Very ugly teddy bears. “That smile they painted on him is kind of creepy, isn't it?” Pedri says when I open the ball I got.
“A bit, yes” I laugh, moving to the next machine. This one has little racing cars, and he is definitely way more excited about it than me. “This one is for you” I say, giving him one of the coins.
“For me?”
“For you” I smile. “I know you are dying to do it and see which car you will get.”
“I actually am, yes” he smiles back.
“But wait, let me get my phone and film you. I have the feeling this is going to be the cutest thing ever.”
“Everything I do is cute, my lady” he winks before crouching down in front of the machine, looking like a kid on Christmas morning when he opens the ball and sees the car inside it. “Now it is my turn to film you” he says once he has calmed down. 
“The last one has jewelry or something like that. And you like your jewels, my lady” he smirks.
“I do, yes” I reply, my hand instinctively moving to my necklace. To the banana charm, the S one, and the new addition: a P one he got me for my birthday last year.
“And? What is it?” Pedri asks me when I open the ball. 
“I think… oh.”
“That actually is quite nice, isn't it? Let me help you put it on.”
“What?” I chuckle.
“I have to practice for when it's time for the real one” he smirks, taking the ring from my hand and putting the phone on his pocket. Because the surprise on that last ball had been a ring, one that didn't look that bad for just 1€. “There you go. Perfect.”
“Though not as perfect as you” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck once again. “Thank you very much for this, Pedri.”
“For putting a ring on your finger?”
“For everything. From checking the bathroom to see if there was a murderer lurking in the shadows, to buying me my favourite chocolate bar without me asking for it, and for letting me experience this and go home with a very cool ring. The real one is gonna have to be a really cool ring to be better than this one” I say with a teasing smile.
“It isn't gonna be an easy task, no. But I'll do my best. Because for you, my lady… For you I would do anything.”
“Aww, Pedri…” I say, trying to not start crying in the middle of a petrol station. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Sofía” he says before kissing me.
“Ok, what happened.”
“Pedri, you've been dating my sister for years and you know I love you like a brother” Leonor says. “But this is the first time we are having lunch together just the two of us without Sofía.”
“Then it was time we did it, don't you think?” he shrugs, focusing on his food.
“Pedri…” Leonor sighs. “What happened? Is everything ok between you two?”
“Then nothing.”
“Pedro!” Leonor says, raising her voice.
“God, you just sounded like your mum when she gets mad with your dad” he chuckles.
“Oh, this is not me being mad. Me being mad is something you don't want to see, so you better tell me what the hell is going on.”
“I…” he gulps. “I want to propose to Sofía.”
“No!” Leonor gasps, making Pedri thank everything for being alone in a private area of the restaurant. Because if they had been surrounded by people, all eyes would be in them after how loud that gasp had been. “You are going to do it?”
“Yeah” he says, nervously playing with his fork.
“How? When? Where?”
“I don't know yet. I actually decided it this morning.”
“Yeah” Pedri says again. “I had just left my therapist's office, and it hit me: I was ready. I am ready to ask Sofía to marry me and to deal with everything that will come once it is made oficial.”
“Wow” Leonor says. “But do you think she is ready for it too? To stop being the invisible princess like she always says? Because this engagement is gonna be talked about worldwide. The princess and the football player! The fanfic that becomes a reality!” she chuckles.
“Has she shown you the ring she got during our road trip this summer?”
“The plastic one she loves so much?”
“The very same. When I gave it to her I told her it was practice for when I put the real one on her finger” Pedri says. “And since then, we've been talking a lot more about getting married, about how it will be, what will change, discussed it with our therapist… And I think she also is ready, that we both are on the same page.”
“Then it is happening. It's happening!” 
“Leonor, what are you…”
“What happened?” the queen says over the phone.
“Hello to you too, mum” Leonor replies, rolling her eyes.
“Hi, sorry. But what happened? Why are you calling me at lunch time?”
“Is dad with you?”
“Hello!” the king says. “Where are you, Leonor?”
“I'm in Barcelona, visiting Sofía.”
“Oh, is she there? Are you girls out together?” the king asks her.
“I'm out with someone, but not her. Pedri, say hello” she says, turning her phone so it faces him.
“I… Umm… Hello” he says with an awkward smile, hoping her parents can't see that he is blushing. Even though he has known them for years and shared many things with them, sometimes he still goes all shy when he remembers he is talking to the King and Queen of Spain.
“Oh, Pedri!” the queen says. “How are you? Everything ok?”
“Yes, perfect. Thank you for asking. And sorry for interrupting your lunch.”
“Oh, don't worry about that. What happened?”
“Something must have happened for Leonor to call us and for you two to be having lunch together without Sofía” the queen says.
“Well… I… Umm” he mumbles.
“It's happening, mum” Leonor says, moving the phone so it is facing her again. “He's doing it!”
“He is doing what?” the king asks. 
“He is going to ask Sofía to marry him!”
“No!” the queen gasps as loudly as Leonor earlier. Maybe even louder. “You better not be messing with us.”
“I’m not, mum. I swear. Pedri, tell them” she says, turning her phone again. 
“I… Ummm… Yeah. It's true” he says. “I want to ask Sofía to marry me.”
“He's doing it! He is doing it!” the queen screams.
“I heard you, darling” the king chuckles. 
“Our baby is getting married!”
“First she has to say yes” he chuckles again. “And I have to give Pedri my blessing too.”
“Oh, please” she says, rolling her eyes. “You don't need to do that. It is just a formality, not something you actually have to do, and we live in the 21st century, not the middle ages. Besides, we all know you love him like the son you never had. You are as happy as I am about this. Maybe even more.”
“I am, yes” he smiles. “And even if you don't need it, you have my blessing, Pedri.”
“Thank you, sir” he replies.
“Now, details” the queen says. “Have you chosen a ring? Do you know where you are going to propose? And when? Because we have a trip to South America coming soon and…”
“Mum, relax” Leonor chuckles.
“Sorry, I'm sorry. I am just so happy for them!”
“We can tell, darling” the king says. “But tell us, Pedri. Have you thought of anything?”
“I have not, no” he says. “I was hoping that you and Leonor could help me, because I don't know where to start. I mean, I have some ideas about where I could do it, but the ring? She likes jewellery so much and each piece she owns is so different that I don't know what she could like. And maybe there is like some tradition to follow? A ring to pass from one generation to another? I don't know.”
“I think I have an idea” the king says.
“You?” the queen says, arching an eyebrow.
“Yes, me. Has she ever told you about her favourite painting?”
“I can't believe you managed to close an entire museum to celebrate our anniversary.”
“Perks of being your grandmother's favourite” Pedri winks. “And this is your museum too.”
“Reina Sofía?”
“Pedri, this museum was named after my grandmother, not me. We may share the same name, but I've never been and never will be queen.”
“You are the queen of my heart, tho” he smirks.
“Oh… my God” I laugh, my voice echoing on the empty corridors. Or almost empty since I know Carlos is keeping an eye on us from somewhere.
“What? It is the truth” Pedri says before making me twirl and pulling me against his body. “Have I told you yet that you look beautiful tonight?”
“You have, yes” I say, wrapping my hands around his neck while he starts to slowly rock us from side to side. 
We are dancing to no music in the middle of a museum, surronded by art and history eveywhere, and it is… It is the most romantic thing ever.
“Well, you look so beautiful that I have to say it many times so it is accurate.”
“Like me telling you that I love you many times per day and still not being enough to show how much I love you?”
“Exactly” he smiles before making me twirl again. “Should we continue with our tour?”
“I like it here.”
“But I don't like that guy in that painting. It's like he is judging us.”
“If he can read minds, he probably is judging me.”
“You? Why? What is that pretty head of yours thinking about?”
“This pretty head…” I say, moving closer so only he can hear me. “Is thinking about all the things she wants to do to you, and all the things she wants you to do to her once we are alone.”
“Oh… I see.”
“Yep” I smile. “Though that king should not judge me too much since history books say he had like ten lovers and more than twenty bastards besides the five kids with his wife.”
“I mean, the legitimate kids definitely were five, there are records of it. The lovers and the bastards depend on the historian you ask. But everyone agrees on him not being the most faithful of husbands. He was married to one of the most extraordinary women in our history, and he treated her like shit despite being the one who was keeping the kingdom from falling apart while he was hunting, partying and getting drunk with his friends.”
“You aren't his biggest fan, are you?” Pedri chuckles. 
“I am not, no.”
“But you do like his wife.”
“She is one of my favourite historical figures” I smile. “There actually is a painting of her here at the museum that is one of my favourites. Do you want to see it?”
“Of course” he smiles back. “Lead the way, my lady.”
“My lord” I giggle when he takes my hand on his and kisses it.
“She was beautiful.”
“She was, wasn't she?” I say while Pedri and I look at the painting in front of us. “And this is just a painting, so you can imagine how striking she must have been in real life. But she was more than just a pretty face. She was one of the most intelligent women of her time, and like I told you, the country didn't go to hell thanks to her.”
“So she basically was like you, but you have a faithful husband” Pedri winks.
“Oh, shut up” I laugh, giving him a little push. “First of all, you aren't my husband.”
“Yet” he smirks.
“And second, I've done nothing compared to everything she did.”
“Don’t say that, Sofía. You are helping people daily, making them happy and giving them hope, and I still haven't heard anyone complaining about it. And I'm talking about the people that matter, not the trolls online.”
“Yeah, I guess…” I sigh. 
“And if you don't believe me when I tell you that you are alike, just look at all the jewels she's wearing and the ones you are wearing right now. You are only missing the crown!”
“You know, I may like wearing so many things because of her” I chuckle.
“How so?”
“Even though I've always complained about my parents paying more attention to Leonor than me, there was a moment each month where I felt like that wasn't the case, and that was when my dad would bring me here to have something like a date just the two of us. We would visit a different part of the museum each time, but we would always come here and visit her, my dad always telling me something new about her. So I think I like jewellery so much because of all those hours I've spent looking at her and analysing every detail on this painting.”
“So like people say these days, you were influenced by her.”
“Exactly” I laugh.
“Do you have a favourite piece of jewellery she wears? Like one you wish you could have and wear every day if it was possible.”
“That ring” I say, pointing at it. 
“Wow, that was fast” Pedri chuckles.
“I've been obsessed with it since the first time I saw it for some reason. But unlike other pieces like the crown or the earrings, that one went missing. Some say she asked to be buried with it since it was a gift from the love of her life. And no, that wasn't the king.”
“So it was like… an engagement ring?”
“Something like that, yes” I say. “It was a ring that symbolised the love she and that man she loved so much had. A true and pure love that would last forever.”
“Like ours, then” Pedri smiles, kissing my hand again.
“Like ours, yes” I smile back. 
“One that we should also probably… seal, somehow.”
“Sofía…” Pedri says, letting go of my hand to pick something that was hiding behind one of the benches on the room. A little box. A… wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Is that… Is he… “We always joke about me being the cheesy one in our relationship, but the truth is that when I have to actually be like that and put into words what I feel for you… What you make me feel… Well, I suck” he chuckles. “You actually are the one who has a way with words, the one who can properly express those feelings, not me. So since they say actions are louder than words, that's what I am going to do.”
“Pedri…” I whisper as he gets down on one knee. He's doing it. He is actually doing it, he… Holy shit.
“Sofía… my lady” he says with that smirk that he knows I love, the one I fell in love with the moment I first saw it years ago in Germany. “Would you marry me?”
“Pedri!” I gasp when I see the ring inside the little box. “Is that… is it…”
“We didn't desecrate any grave, don't worry” he chuckles. “This is a new ring, a copy of that one you love so much.”
“But I just told you about it! How did you…”
“Your dad” he smiles. “I didn't know which type of ring you would like because you like different styles, so I asked Leonor and your parents, and he mentioned this ring and this painting you've always been obsessed with.”
“So coming here tonight was my dad's idea?”
“That was all me, he just gave me the inspiration I needed. Going to museums has always been one of our favourite things to do together, this one has your name even if it wasn't named after you, it has your favourite painting of one of your favourite people, and the ring was inspired by it, so I thought it was the perfect place to ask you a question you haven't answered yet.”
“I asked you a question, Sofía. Remember?”
“Oh, shit, sorry. Yes.”
“Yes, I want to marry you, Pedri.”
“You do?”
“Of course I do!” I laugh. 
“Great, cool… Cool” he chuckles, his hand shaking as he takes the ring from the little box and takes mine. 
“You know how to do it, Pedri. You already did it once” I tease him, showing him the plastic ring on the other hand.
“I know. But this is the real deal, you know?”
“I know. And I love it.”
“Do you?” he says once the ring is on my finger, his thumb caressing my hand while still holding it.
“I do. I love it almost as much as I love you.”
“Almost, yes. Because it is impossible to love anything more than I love you, Pedri.”
“I love you too, Sofía. Or should I say…” he says as he wraps one arm around my waist and leans me back like they do in movies. “Fiancée?”
“You should… fiancé” I smirk before he kisses me. “Did you hear that noise?” I whisper when we break apart.
“There is something… Carlos?” I call.
“Sorry, ma'am.”
“Carlos, are you crying?”
“I… I am, ma'am” he says, wiping his tears with the sleeve of his jacket. “It's just… you are getting married.”
“I am, yes” I smile, showing him the ring. 
“It's beautiful, ma'am. You look beautiful. Like, you should see your smile right now. It is the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.”
“Aww, Carlos” I say before hugging him and starting to cry too.
“I'm so happy for you, ma'am. For both of you” he says, awkwardly ending our embrace. 
“Thank you, Carlos” Pedri smiles. “We wouldn't be here if it wasn't because of you, you know? If you hadn't allowed Sofía to leave the Euros party…”
“Yeah” he chuckles. “Though I almost ruined it all when I heard your friends talking and I thought you were only interested in her because of a bet.”
“I actually think that misunderstanding is the reason why we are here” I say.
“I don't know if without it Pedri would have been brave enough to tell me that he had had a crush on me for years” I say while giving him a teasing smile, his cheeks turning bright red. “Him being so open and honest with me just after we had met, somehow made me trust him and see that he wasn't like the other guys I had dated. That there were no secret intentions. So thank you, Carlos. And we are sorry for everything you've had to see and deal with over the years.”
“It's ok, ma'am. Just doing my job” he smiles. “Would you like to see the photos I've taken?”
“Photos? What photos?” 
“Carlos may have been our personal photographer and videographer during the night” Pedri says.
“I wanted to remember tonight, and basically everyone in your family would kill me if there was no proof of what happened” he shrugs.
“That's… true, yes. Thank you” I say, kissing his cheek. “And thank you again, Carlos.”
“Ma'am” he replies, giving me his phone to check everything. From the sneaky photos he's taken of us smiling at each other throughout the museum, kissing or dancing together, to the video of Pedri getting on one knee and asking me to marry him. Because it happend, it was real. 
Pedri and I are getting married. 
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crimsonxcloverr · 3 days ago
there’s so many talented people in this fandom, dale would think highly of us. i know, i yap about it all the time, but it’s so fucking true. even if you don’t draw or write, dale would think you’re hot shit for loving him in the first place. we’re all so cool. i love it.
ANYWAYS! also pls ignore mistakes, this was a random post LMAO
writers- dale would definitely buy you journals and pens from the family owned store nearby. he’d be very supportive and tell you how he thinks you should get your work published, throwing a little fit if you tell him they aren’t worthy enough for publication. he’d force you to sit on the mattress and push yourself to write whatever it is you desire while he worked on his dolls. i feel like once in a blue moon he’d allow you to write at his work table. he would definitely come cuddle with you and lay next you while you worked, help you figure out what to write next if you end up with writers block! he’d give you so much love and support, rub your shoulders and such while you take a break. you want a snack or drink while taking a break? both? dale has it covered. he also keeps all your finished work tucked away safely on the massive media shelf against the basement steps. you know exactly what shelf i’m talking about. and don’t get me started on the nsfw stories or writing about him in general! WHEW! his ears will turn red and he’d blush, which is comically noticeable due to his pale skin. but then he’ll either have you read it out loud while he fucks you or while he jerks off. regardless of the style of writing, he would be so, so, so excited about sharing your work with the world. he’d even encourage ruth to read them as well, who would also enjoy your writing btw, minus the nsfw stuff. i think dale would be so inspired by your work, he may even dabble in writing himself. even if it’s just diary entries or stories about The Man Downstairs.
artists (fanart included, AU) - man, oh man! dale would be gawking over your shoulder impatiently waiting for your art to be finished. he would definitely have a collage of your art all around the basement. he’d even beg ruth to frame some of your art for upstairs (digital, he’d print your art out). of course, he’d be so supportive, probably adding his own little touches himself and smiling for your approval. this man would definitely pick you up some paints and brushes/markers and pens from the hardware store. he’d also deliver you drinks and snacks if needed. and if you’re busting your ass too much or being to critical, he’d tell you to take a break, rub your shoulders and tell you to come back to it. but don’t you dare touch his paints or paint brushes! not even his pencils or pens he uses for his codes! those are his and he’d definitely make that quite clear. for digital fanart, he’d probably be so confused on how the hell any of it works. he would sit and watch, definitely asking you a million questions on how the technology works cause he’s ✨an old fart✨. you’d help him make his own fanart of him and Satan at some point, which he begged for over and over. or being the perv he is, he’d probably make you draw something hot. you rubbing his cock or something. but if your device ever decided to take a shit, he’d do all he could to help you figure it out. he’d probably nag ruth for her disability check to pay for a new device. goddamn it dale. even if it was something minor like an ipad charger, pen too, he’s got it covered!
supporters in general- you just loving on him is enough. he’d admire you regardless, artist or not. the way you spend time with him and give him the love he deserves makes him feel so, so good. he’s YOUR number one fan! he’d definitely peek over at you while working on his dolls just to steal glances and take in all your beauty. he would treat YOU like a work of art, making you model naked for him while taking polaroids of you. not just to jerk off to, but he finds you immensely ethereal. his slender fingers would trail down your body as if you were a marble statue of a greek goddess. he would cup your face and just stare at you, admiring your beauty and wondering why you’d want someone like him? he’s so flattered, he could burst. although… sometimes he gets him hard when he randomly thinks about you. he’d mind his own business, working on a doll, then need to adjust himself cause he thought about your tits or pussy/ass the night before. also, don’t ever be mean to yourself in front of him. he’s scary. not in a “i’m gonna hurt you” type of way, but an authoritative “don’t say that again” way. he’d look at you from under his eyebrows, telling you not to say anything mean about yourself again. he’d make you feel better by playing guitar or singing a song in his karaoke machine. IM CERTAIN HE HAS ONE BTW! or you guys would take turns getting each other dolled up, squeeze each other into corsets, and having a little concert downstairs while blasting T.Rex. or if you were having some sort of mental health episode, he’d run you a bath and bathe you. he’d even lotion you up and help you get dressed, brush your teeth too. he’d suffer the atrocious sounds of meditation music so you could relax, unwind while he loved on you. and if you needed space? he’d give you just that, but would definitely keep an eye on you to make sure you’re safe. he’d eat meals with you if you asked him to. you probably wouldn’t even need to ask him. he’d just bring the food down and eat, telling you how much he loves you and appreciates you.
overall, i think dale would be flattered with all the love and support we’ve given him. giving us the support he’s never gotten <3
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crabsnpersimmons · 18 days ago
Your chef Sun is so interesting to me. If he ever has a crush he will deny it, right? Or not acknowledge it at all. Or maybe, I wonder if he'll be confused?
hehehe great question! i think he would be confused but... i think he would realize something about himself, just a little spark of something new and unfamiliar but something that's confused him for a long time now
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*this is a memory of the DCA's late Boss, the previous owner of the restaurant they now own
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a little context below the cut (cuz this post is long enough already!)
The DCA's late Boss was the previous owner of the restaurant. he was the one who found them after their PizzaPlex fell to ruin, and he brought them in and taught them how to cook. he's sort of a pseudo-father-figure to them.
he was a very passionate guy, he loved cooking and loved his late wife. and that piqued Sun's curiosity—to love someone even after they have passed. so along with teaching the boys how to cook, he also taught Sun about love. of course, Sun struggled to understand, but Boss always believed Sun would some day.
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