#so i'm looking at different breeds to see what would suit me best but it rlly comes down to The Dog
ratspider · 4 months
i have literally never been a dog person but lately i've been hit with What If I Got A Dog and it's rockin my world to be quite frank with you
#dogs are just. so cool. i want a medium/big dog IF i ever get one#but with the job that i'll have working evening shifts i would have time for one during the day#i've spent all my idle time today just mapping it out in my head and looking at dog breed vids on youtube#which is an ok amount of research for rn because it will be YEARS before i bring another animal into this house#for a dog to come into the house it has to be after my cat dies and that thought makes me very sad so i want to just focus on my cat#for right now#he does not get along with others. he's just a very anxious little boy because he's disabled and doesn't feel confident that he can#defend himself.#i have been watching bike riding videos with dogs cuz that's what i'd do if i had one. i can't run it's just not in my agenda#i don't have that kinda stamina or the right shoes or anything#but ohhhhh my god if i could train a dog so well that it could RUN BESIDE ME while i ride my bike? that would be SO AMAZING#first of all it would keep the dog healthy. second we'd look cool as hell and so coordinated. and it would mean that we'd bonded rlly well#idk man i don't want kids but i do want to guide a life and make it better. which i'm doing right now with my cat but like#idk i'm just daydreaming#dogs were bred to be trained. cats do whatever they want. you CAN train them but they're not bred for it#part of me is attached to labs but that is so BASIC and i know that people underestimate labs cuz they're so common in usa and canada#so i'm looking at different breeds to see what would suit me best but it rlly comes down to The Dog#which will not come along for HOPEFULLY many years#literally we'll just see how i feel tomorrow. cuz this feeling has come up as of today. i actually think i'm just pmsing#but i can tell this experience has changed me. i've been watching dog grooming videos that's what it is#i will come out of this with more of an appreciation for dogs. i know that. maybe i will actually adopt one in the far far future#it's a nice thought#txt
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hmmm-shesucks · 1 year
Once the foxes become more comfortable with each other, they begin to nag. Mostly little things, usually humorous things. They nag on Nicky for being too forward sometimes. They nag on Neil for his horrible life habits. They nag on Dan for her mother henning. They nag on Kevin for everything. It's fun, it's what families do. They all just pick on each other for fun.
It takes a little longer for them to feel comfortable nagging Andrew though, which, is understandable, but one of the first things they start picking on him for is his lack of communication in general. He NEVER talks. They just want him to participate sometimes.
Renee and Neil find this funny because Andrew talks A LOT just not around the foxes. He's not comfortable.
See, Andrew is fucking weird. Everyone knows this, but the foxes think he's weird in a “mysterious, murder you in your sleep, was totally the kid everyone thought was going to shoot up the school” kind of weird.
Andrew is not that kind of weird. He's a different breed entirely. He plans out how he'd survive the apocalypse, any of them. He is constantly fighting back the most wild intrusive thoughts. He is 24/7 existential crisis. His head is a wild fucking place.
But he is trying. Making progress. Trying to be more open and approachable, as Bee says. So he talks. Out Loud.
And the foxes hate him.
In the most monotonous voice ever
“Do you ever feel like your bones are dirty? Like, I could totally strip my meat suit and just give my ribs a good bleaching.”
“If that light fell out of the ceiling it would kill at least three of you and seriously injure the rest of us.”
“Nothing is stopping me from buying five ice cream flavors at once, but I'm learning self-control and Bee would be disappointed.”
“Currently having a manic episode. Should I A.) call Bee, tell her I'm not doing too great, and talk about my symptoms and how to best cope? B.) find the nearest mall and spend every dime I have in less than thirty minutes. Or C.) go apeshit and try to fight anyone and everyone who looks at me in a less-than-kind way. Children included.
*stage whisper* there's a secret fourth option but I'm saving it for later ;) (pronounced Semicolon left facing open parentheses. Yes he says this out loud)”
disappears for less than five minutes and comes back with three furrbies and a corndog, one that is obviously not from the mall's food court.
He's so fucking weird. Like, weirder than Neil, and it's awful (so good dude, the foxes eat it up)
And it's not the manic Andrew on meds. It's just Andrew. He's still Andrew. He's still quiet most of the time and he is still grumpy and apathetic, but he's also comfortable enoughto just blurt random shit out and have fun watching everyone figure out how to respond. He's found safety in his new family and he can openly be who he is without fear of judgment or rejection. He's happy in a way he's never felt nor ever thought he'd get to experience. He's just Andrew.
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affectionatecorpse · 3 months
Okay so I see some people are debating what the monster from Still Wakes the Deep is. I'm inspired by the support from my Death Angel post, so I'm gonna try giving an analysis. Now science is not my strong suit, I'm much better at zoology, but here we go.
Of course, spoilers ahead!
So, the entity comes to light in act one. While Caz is being yelled at by his power drunk boss, Rennick, a worker going by the name Gibbo calls up to say there's an issue with the drill, something highlighted earlier by another worker. Rennick orders the drilling anyway, and thus begins the nightmare, as the drill seems to unearth and awaken a destructive parasite out for revenge. But I don't think that's as deep as it goes, pun intended.
Let's say, the creature is a parasite. A form of near sentient bacteria, though take that description with a grain of salt, I'm no scientist. Parasites simply cannot live on their own. That's an objective fact. They need a host. They exist within another for survival and breeding purposes, and multiply and spread through the body of another.
Parasites, bacteria and even fungi can live underground for years, and have been discovered to do so. Ancient lifeforms have been discovered just under the surface of earth, let alone deep underneath the ground and in the bottom of our oceans, one of the most complex and diverse biomes that our current science has barely scratched the surface of. It's highly likely this creature is a self replicating bacteria or parasite that was unearthed by the drill, and took up new hosts to survive in this change of environment.
But not every host worked. You can see half transformed, mutilated bodies everywhere, and some that haven't even changed at all. These bodies could not support the parasite and shortly died.
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However, a few select hosts DID end up surviving; Gibbo, Muir, Rennick, Addair and Trots. It's unclear what sets these people apart from the others, and I don't know enough about this topic to claim an answer. But I certainly do think these folks died soon into the transformation, and are not fully conscious in the body. They frequently repeat terms and phrases, and never say anything you might expect from an entity possessing them, implying it's borrowing words and sentences that have been said by the host before, in other circumstances.
The entity plays with Caz's memories and definitely the others' too, though not all of them good. It wouldn't be a surprise to realise that's where it's getting information about it's host, as it reads the memories inside the brain to learn faces, names, and even the host's personality. Which makes me wonder, does it even realise what it looks like? Does the creature itself actually realise it's a parasite? Or does it completely and fully believe it is the person it's connected itself to? It almost downloads their personality and tries to pretend like everything is completely normal.
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Let's talk about arguably the best monster (in my opinion), Muir. Muir moves about the area he frequently worked as what I assume was an engineer. He roams the familiar ground, almost unsure of why he's by himself. He often calls out to his coworkers, wondering out loud why they're treating him like he's different. Sure, this could be the real Muir's consciousness slipping in and out of the seams, but it's highly unlikely he would still be alive. Much like the zombie fungus, as it's often called, the host is not alive when the fungus is controlling it, and is merely a puppet. If the spiders it was corrupting could talk, I daresay, they'd be acting like them. Taking their place in the world, even if they don't realise it.
But every animal needs to eat. And eventually, that body is going to run out of tasty, tasty neurons. Like I said earlier, a parasite needs to spread. It'll breed, then spread to another to keep it's species alive. By infiltrating a 'pack' of animals, it will take anything to spread to the others. Which is exactly what the parasite does whenever it sees another human. Either that, or it will consume them, theoretically to feed the host so it stays alive, while keeping those tasty, tasty neurons for itself. You can almost see this process with Innes, as the elevator ascends without him, and you just faintly see Muir doing something in the distance. Likely consuming him for nutrients, as he was not connected to the parasite yet.
Next, there's Addair.
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Addair, much like Muir, patrols familiar ground. Even though Addair himself wasn't even in that area when the drill struck. Now Muir was actively in that familiar space in the beginning, and it's safe to assume that's his place of transformation. But Addair was eating in the cafeteria when the incident happened, not deep down in the engine. Did he go down when the impact happened, while Caz was unconscious? Maybe. But the lights were fine then, and the engine wasn't the problem, so he didn't need a reason to. Plus, he doesn't seem like the type to be work dedicated, more inconvenience dedicated. Considering what I said about the parasite (badly) taking their place in society, did it go to his place of work after detecting that as his 'natural environment', per se?
Plus, unlike Muir, who greets the situation with quotes of confusion, fear and anxiety, Addair is instantly aggressive. Even an asshole like Addair is likely to panic if conscious in this situation, so the nervousness was Gibbo and Muir exclusive. But Addair and Rennick become immediately angry upon seeing Caz, as they actively disliked him in life, and so the parasite processes him as a foe to it's host. I thought that was neat.
Now another take I have admittedly heard from several other people, but I thought was worth mentioning. The monsters are incredibly similar to sea creatures. Which means this underwater bacteria was possibly leaking out already, and transforming our animals, not enough to completely corrupt them, but enough to twist their bodies. Think of the appearances of deep, deep sea creatures, such as the anglerfish. Isn't it possible this parasite was responsible for their uncanny appearance, in this universe? Muir especially looks like a spider crab, or perhaps even a bigfin squid.
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Which again, is a deep sea creature. Rennick also reminds me of a blobfish once removed from the pressure of the deep sea. Addair seems very jellyfish-like, but may be something else very... tick-like. And even Trots gives me major merfolk vibes, with how untouched his torso is in comparison to his lower half.
This parasite could have been feeding off the neurons and breeding through our very ecosystem as the ground slowly gave away above it. The drill unearthing the source likely gave it a burst of control as so much energy was released at once, hence why it was so fast to literally spiral out of control.
But Scotland, by all means, is not the only place in the world connected to the ocean. Sure, they destroyed this batch, but other forms of this parasite live on elsewhere on earth. And the explosion may not have even destroyed it. It definitely would've destroyed the host bodies, yes, but certain bacterias can survive impressive damage, even heat hot enough to burn off human flesh. We'd best hope this is not one of those bacterias.
I didn't really get as far with this observation as I did with other horror studies, but I had fun nonetheless! Like I said, I'm really better with zoology (hence the sudden enthusiasm when I started on sea creatures), but I loved Still Wakes the Deep SO much that I just wanted to write down my thoughts. If you have any other theories, feel free to add them!
Also if I used your pictures/gifs and you would like me to add credit, I am so so sorry, I will absolutely add that as soon as you say so, I just got most of these off Google and couldn't find most the original sources. So yeah if you'd like me to add your name and mention, or you want me to remove it in general, feel free to just say and I'll add it, I don't bite I promise. Well... I won't bite YOU.
Sorry sorry, had to make a zombie reference--
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imwall-e · 1 year
Pairing : Angel or Demon! Bucky x Reader
Warning : reader can’t get pregnant, ex-boyfriend cheated on reader, smut, unprotected sex, explicit sexual content, breeding kink, pregnancy. 18+, MINOR DNI
Word count : 2047
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The night was already well advanced, yet the lights lit up the city like a thousand suns. Wanda had insisted on spending a few days in Las Vegas, The Entertainment Capital of the World, to take your mind off things.  "You deserve it," she'd said, "especially after the year you've had."
The late-night parties, the booze, the gambling, the glitz and the lights - none of it suited you. You were more of a quiet diner, watching a series or a movie. But Wanda had a point: a new setting would do you a world of good. You were even ready to have a one night stand. A guy only for these vacations. Hell, maybe a new guy every night. Everything that could make you forget your shitty ex.
After all, if Vegas was really Sin City, you were going to taste every single one of them.
Wanda and you had a room at the Ocean, a new hotel that opened only a few months ago and it quickly became the hippest and most luxurious in town. 7 000 rooms, a big casino, pools, restaurants, and more. A city inside the city.
This was your third night here. And tonight you were going to fuck. The two previous nights were just drinking and playing with Wanda, flirting with guys, some kissing and foreplay but nothing more. But tonight was the night, you even had your eyes on one man.
He noticed you too. You were wearing a short, form-fitting, black dress. He was sitting on an arched sofa, drinking a glass of whiskey, his eyes never leaving yours. 
You were at the bar with Wanda, leaning to her you whispered : « Look at the guy over there. Isn't he super hot ? »
« Yes, and he's been watching you for a long time now. I think he was already looking at you yesterday. »
"What ?! How do you…? »
« Listen to me : you go talk to him and I don't want to see you until tomorrow. Have the best night of your life. As for me, I met a guy at the pool this morning and I'm about to have fun too. See you ! »
And like that she left you, leaving with a tall, blonde man wearing glasses. And when you turned your head back to the handsome man, he was next to you. He presented himself : James Bucky Barnes. You told him your name and a smile spread across his face as you took the time to detail him.
His hair was short, but long enough so you could run your hands through his hair. His suit was tailor-made and the color matched his ocean-colored eyes perfectly. You could guess his muscles and were surprised that the buttons on his shirt were still holding. Honestly, you would happily help him remove any of his clothes.
« Do you like what you see, милая ? » (=darling)
« Sorry, » you said as your cheeks took on a slightly pink hue.
« Don't be sorry, милая. I want you to look at me. I like it. » Never a man talked to you like this. Never a man made you wet only with words. His eyes pierced your soul as he was talking : « I saw you last night. I observed you, so beautiful in that red dress. You were with a guy, moving your body against him. You're acting like there is no tomorrow », it was like he could read your mind.
« Isn't that what everyone does in Sin City ? », you asked, biting your lip. There was something about him, something special and you were attracted to it. To him.
« You're right, but you are different », his thumb caressed your lower lip. You could see the beginning of a tattoo on his wrist. Did he have others underneath his perfect suit ? « I hated seeing you with another guy. I wished it was me. But if you choose me tonight, there will be no going back. This won't be a one night thing. I don't do this."
You just met each other, and yet it was like you knew him for years. He wanted you like no one before and you felt like you could cry. A tear must have rolled down your cheek because he gently took your face in his hands, his eyes showing that he only cared.
« What do you want, милая ? » The question drew you out of your thoughts.
« You can't give me what I want, » you answered, moving away from him, tears threatening to fall again. However, Bucky wasn't going to give up on you. You were special, he could feel it and he would do anything to keep you.
« Then let me help you forget, » he gently whispered, his hand opened as an invitation. You took it without hesitation. He never let go of your hand, even as he walked through the crowd of players, taking the elevators and walking through many corridors to his room. This one was very luxurious.
« You seem like a very rich person, Mr. Barnes, » you told him, impressed.
« Baby, I own the place. And please, call me Bucky. »
You entered and he closed the door, then he kissed you after asking your permission. Such a gentleman, you thought. You could feel that he wanted you, his erection was obvious. But he didn't put any pressure on you. 
« What do you want ?, » again with this question. « Ask and I shall give. »
This time, you were not able to stop the torrent of tears that poured out. Bucky held you as you were falling on your knees. He helped you sit on the nearest sofa.
« What is wrong, милая ? Please, tell me. » Bucky was worried. He just wanted to please you.
« I want a baby, Bucky. But that's not possible. »
And like that, all that happened during the past year came back, hurting as if it happened a few hours ago. You told him everything. You had a boyfriend, William, everything was fine and you wanted to start a family. But all the pregnancy tests gave the same response : negative. After some time, you decided to go to a specialist, you both had some tests. The results destroyed you : you were the one who was infertile. Yes, adoption was an option, but it wasn't the same as getting pregnant. You needed time to accept that it would never happen. You thought William would support you, that you would support each other. How wrong you were. He cheated one time, with his best friend. One time, and she was pregnant. Soon after he dropped the bomb, you left, never wanting to hear about him again. And you moved in with Wanda.
You didn't know why you were telling all of this to a stranger. Maybe it was because you never talk about this to anyone except Wanda. Pretending like it never happened was easier. At least that's what you thought. 
Bucky hold your hands all along. Not once did he judge you. Instead, he took you in his arms, kissing your head. Safety. That's what you felt with him : safe. You were safe. You didn't know him but you were sure of this. Raising your head, you let yourself get in his deep blue eyes and you kissed him.
« Come on милая, tell me what you want, » he desperately asked between two kisses.
« I want you, Bucky. » It was like you couldn't get enough of him. You were sure you wouldn't be able to breathe, to dream, to live if he stopped touching you, wanting you. « Please. » Who was he, and what was he doing to you?
« Fuck, I promise I'll buy you a new one, » and before you could ask, he was ripping your dress. His mouth moved from your lips to your nipples, making you moan. He didn't stop, lifting you off the sofa and putting your legs around his waist, guiding you to the giant bed. 
Only then, he let go of you. « Keep your eyes on me милая. » You could feel your pussy getting wetter as you watched him removing his clothes, revealing tattoos all over his arms and chest. You wanted to kiss and lick every last one of them. But what you wanted to taste even more was his cock. It was big and ready to slide inside you.
« As much as I want to feel your mouth around my cock, this night is only about you. » Was he reading your mind or did you just think out loud ? His hands removing your string brought you back to the present moment. After throwing your underwear somewhere in the room, he sucked on your clit, then inserted his tongue in your wet folds. « You taste so fucking good. »
Your moans filled the room, music to Bucky's ears. You were his goddess and he'll do anything to please you. Your hands were in his hair, pulling on it as he was licking you. Soon, his tongue was replaced by a finger.
« How do you feel, милая ? »
« Don't stop, please Bucky, » you begged him.
« Good girl, » he purred, kissing your inner thigh. However, he stopped fingering you only to align his cock with your entrance. « Are you ready, милая ? » You nod, shaking with excitement. « Use your words, » he said, gently biting your neck.
« Yes, Bucky. Make me yours. » Pleased with your answer and spreading your legs open further, he pushed his cock inside you. And damn, was he big. Your legs wrapped around his waist, encouraging him to go deeper. You needed this, needed him. 
Bucky pulled out and slid back in, making you moan louder and louder. With every thrust, it was like he was going deeper. His name escaped your lips. Again. And again. And again, each time he thrust into you, eating that spot. His hands were gripping your hips as he maintained a rhythm, your nails dug into his shoulder, holding onto him like you were going to fall. But he would never let that happen.
« Fuck, милая. You're so tight… that pussy of yours doesn't want to let me go. I won't last long, but trust me there will be other rounds. Night isn't… fuck… over. » His words were getting you closer to your orgasm. « What do you want ? » Again this question, but this time you didn't hesitate.
« I want a baby. Bucky, please breed me ! » You know it wasn't possible, but you needed to believe everything was possible, just this night. To forget this last year. To forget everything. Right now, only you, Bucky and his cock were the only things that mattered.
Bucky was going faster and deeper, giving no time to rest. You were on the edge of an orgasm, and you exploded when he whispered some Russian words into your ear.
« That's it, любимая (=my love), milk my cock », he said as you were holding the sheets, your orgasm still not over. He didn't last longer, filling you a second after. He collapsed on top of you. « How do you feel ?, » he whispered.
« Good, just need time to recover from this, » you chuckled.
« Sleep, любимая. Our night has just started. » And with his words, you fell asleep, snuggling up to him. Bucky watched over you, caressing your body. He couldn't wait until you found out what he gave you. He'll do anything for you, you just had to ask.
2 month later
You were in your bathroom. For how long ? You didn't know. 10 minutes? An hour? you couldn't look away from the pregnancy test. It was positive. But how ? It wasn't possible. Then you remembered your first night with Bucky. A night that led to many others.
I can give you whatever you want.
What do you want?
He often asked you this. And he always provided.
Looking again at the pregnancy test, you wondered who he was. Or what he was.
According to you, is Bucky an angel or a demon ?
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hyeque · 2 years
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always this nice [kuroo tetsurō] [nsfw]
synopsis: having overworked himself for the past few weeks, you decide to give kuroo some well needed stress relief
notes: part of @cirigiri / @bowmonde dilf collab! apologies for how late this is </3 i did my best but idk how i feel about this one
warnings: slight angst in first part, hard to soft dom!kuroo (yes, he's a simp), kuroo in a suit because i'm a slut for this man, unprotected sex, blowjob, mentions of fem body parts, breeding kink, implied age gap, use of the word 'sir', possible computer damage, mentions of kids
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by nature, kuroo tetsurō is a giver. he'd always looked out for others more than himself. as his assistant, you see this all the time at work and even with his daughters. you don't really understand what happened between him and his ex-wife because from the looks of you, he's the ideal husband and father. he couldn't be any more perfect than he is now. and being that he's older than you, he always felt the need to look after you. to take care of you. to praise and spoil you to death.
you remember the day you waltzed into his office, nerves running high and heart beating fast. you had just begun your first day as his personal assistant. you had heard the rumors and the horror stories of past assistants crying and leaving humiliated because of kuroo. you only hoped that you didn't suffer the same fate.
but luckily, kuroo likes you. he's enamored by you, really.
he knew from the beginning that a man of his age shouldn't get involved with someone so young, but he couldn't help himself. you fascinated him way too much. while he first thought you had a shy nature, he quickly learned that you would open up around those you knew well. and the two of you spent countless hours together because of your job. during that time he really learned how witty, fun, and engaging you are, and that made him attracted to you.
one thing leads to another and lines get blurred and boundaries get crossed. you never thought kuroo would look twice at you but the lingering glances and teasing touches thrilled you. you find yourself cumming as many times as you want by his hand. body worshipped every night the two of you end up in bed or over his desk with what ten minutes he would have before meetings.
from lunch meets and fending off office pervs, to getting the best oral and fingering of your life, kuroo will practically do anything for you.
with you, he's always this nice.
but today is different. from the look that kuroo has on his face, you can tell he's far from the grinning and teasing nature that he usually has around you. there's no sign of the familiar and gentle smile on his face. it's instead replaced by a stern expression as he concentrates on the screen in front of him.
you sit quietly, watching him work in silence. his knee bounces anxiously and he runs his hand through his greying hair. there are evident signs of age on his face, but you don't think it makes him look any less handsome than he is now.
in fact, he looks delectable.
you ogle him quietly and hope that eventually, he'll notice your neediness. a minute passes, then two, and eventually a whole ten. you've had enough. it's sad to say you can count on one hand how many times he's looked at you today, and you have to end that.
"kuroo?" you ask, moving so you're in front of his desk.
he hums, eyes not moving from the screen of his computer where he types. you huff, calming your nerves. the last thing you want to do is upset and aggravate him.
"would you like me to get you some food? a drink?" you suggest. he came in the office super early this morning to your surprise. he seemed fidgety and irritable every time you asked if he needed help, so you left him alone. time had passed though and you realize he hadn't eaten and it's noon now.
you prepare for him to say 'no, I'm fine', but to your surprise, he accepts the offer.
you order food from his favorite place, remembering his order like the back of your hand. it isn't long before you pick it up and swiftly bring it to him. you leave it on his desk, receiving a mumbled 'thank you' in return. going off to complete office duties, your worrying over him is subsided. but it all returns when you come back and look over to see his food still sitting in place and coffee long cold by now. something stirs within you and you feel your eyes twitch. it pains you to see that kuroo isn't properly taking care of himself.
you initiate phase one. the distraction. kuroo could never resist you, and a lot of the time you weren't even doing anything to purposely distract him. he's just that easy to rile up.
"oops," you mumbled under your breath, eyes wandering back to the man as you start to pick up the pens you "knocked over". you make sure to bend over where your ass is clearly visible.
unfortunately, he barely glances up at you and that irritates you to no end. but you're persistent and you're not going to give up.
it's time for you to initiate phase two.
since it isn't clear to the man himself that you want his attention, it appears that you have to be bolder with your actions. crawling under his desk to retrieve the pens you clumsily 'dropped', you find yourself between his legs. your eyes scan over his thick thighs curiously, admiring how muscular they appear in his slacks.
"w-what are you doing?" kuroo jumps back when he feels your hand rest on his knee. that doesn't deter you from your actions and you only slide your hand further up his pants leg.
"nothing. just resting here," you respond, moving to rest your head on his inner thigh. you innocently look up at him and gauge his reaction.
kuroo sighs, closing his eyes. he gently says your name before explaining that he doesn't have time at the moment to appease any of your 'games'. you scrunch your nose up, slightly hurt at the fact that he thought most of what you did together wasn't serious.
"last time i checked, not taking care of yourself isn't a 'game'," you mumble, eyes glaring at the floor. to not upset and aggravate him be damned, "way to be hypocritical."
kuroo's eyes shift from his screen to you, brows furrowed. "excuse me?"
normally you'd back down at his tone but not today. you roll your eyes, inspecting your nails, "you're not deaf, you heard me."
kuroo feels his eye twitch. "no, i don't think i did," he pulls you up by the arm so that you're in front of him. your breath hitches when he stands up, towering over you as his eyes glare down at you, "so why don't you repeat what just came out of that smart mouth of yours?"
your thighs squeeze slightly at his words and you hope he doesn't notice. by the unreadable expression on his face you can't tell, and that scares you more than anything. but for the sake of your ego--and maybe even possibly of your job--you stand your ground and remain level-headed and reasonable.
"you've been working yourself to death lately," you start, folding your arms, "i've been watching you for the past few days--no, weeks, and you haven't been taking care of yourself. i know you pride yourself in being hardworking but doing it to an unhealthy level is alarming and has to stop."
the sternness in his eyes softens slightly, but returns just as quickly. "this time of year always gets more busy than usual. you wouldn't understand that i have a lot more to take care of and do. i don't have time to take a break."
your blood boils, "you always tell me that if i need help then i should never be afraid to ask. well what about you? if you let me help you, then you wouldn't be so stressed all the time. isn't that what i'm supposed to be here for?"
"yeah, well you're being more of a hinderance than helpful." kuroo snaps. "i don't ask for you to breathe down my neck all the time."
a hurt look crosses your face, but instead of saying something nasty back you only will yourself to calm down. "i just want to look out for you. i'm not trying to be annoying, if you think that." a part of you wants to cry, but you know that that's stupid and you don't want to cry over a man of all people.
kuroo must've realized the weight of his words but when nothing else comes out of his mouth, you decide enough is enough. if he's truly too stubborn to apologize and understand your concerns, you don't want to be there.
you don't say anything else as you step away from him. only the words, "call me when you've calmed down" come out of your mouth and you're no longer looking at him.
"where are you going?" he asks, watching you move towards the front door after grabbing your jacket.
you raise a brow, "somewhere where i'm not a hindrance. i'm useful to other people, you know."
your words sting him, but he knows he deserves it after what he said.
"i-i'm sorry." kuroo says, his hand grasping your wrist before you can pull away completely. "i didn't need to be such an ass when you're trying to look out for me. that wasn't right of me."
your body relaxes after hearing his words and you watch him look sheepishly at you while he speaks.
"it's just, i'm not used to this kind of thing," he laughs bitterly, "all my life it's been me looking out for others so i learned to not ask for help. i always thought i could do what i could on my own."
you hum, running your thumb over his knuckles. "and you're great at it, but i promise you i just want to help because i want the best for you. i'll always be here by your side." you say, leaning into him. his arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer. the smell of his aftershave makes you close your eyes.
"i'm glad. i don't think i could ever let you go." he smiles, pressing a kiss to your temple.
you tighten your hold on him, "you better not." you hide your face in his suit jacket, head resting on his chest. he runs his hands along your back soothingly and notice how you curl impossibly further into his touch.
"someone's clingy today." kuroo teases, smirking against your forehead where his lips rest.
"i just miss you. that's all." you mumble into his chest. your hands move to work out the knots in his back and he sighs, reveling in your touch. he swears internally as he feels all of his blood rush south and the unmistakable notion of his pants tightening.
his hands rest innocently just above your ass, and he knows he can easily have you like putty in his hands if he grabs your plump ass.
"you okay, tetsu?"
a faint groan leaves his mouth upon hearing the nickname you give him.
"y-yeah..." he responds.
"liar. you're hard." you tease. he grumbles a ' your fault' under his breath.
"do you want me to do something about this, sir?" you ask, fingers hovering over his zipper.
"i think it's only right if you do." he answers, sucking his breath as he presses himself into your hand. "sounds like you want to more than i do."
you unzip him. "i do. i want you to use me to relieve your stress." you palm him through his pants. "want you to fuck all your stress away into my body." you slide to your knees in front of him, resting your cheek on top of his bulge.
"you sure?" kuroo looks at you with concern. the last thing he wants to do is hurt you, but you don't care. you just want to be useful for him besides being his cute little assistant.
"yes," looking up through your lashes, you huff out a pout. "i'm hungry."
kuroo sucks in a sharp breath, his cock throbbing hard in his slacks. he doesn’t know what past life he had to deserve you, but he isn't complaining.
"look at you being all good for me." his hand caresses your face before it moves to run through your hair, his gentle touch so familiar you melt into it and close your eyes.
...that is until you feel him wrap your hair around his hand and yank back your head. you gasp, eyes flying back open to look at him. his gold eyes glare down at you, a look of displeasure on his face.
"being good at the expense of being bratty. you know i don't like that."
your eyes widen and you protest, "but—"
"'but' what?" kuroo leans down to look at you, "don't think i didn't notice or forget how you talked to me earlier. no matter what, there's no excuse for it."
you grow silent at his words, not daring to say anything further.
he sighs, looking at his watch. "i don't have a lot of time. and since i'm being nice and devoting some to you, i expect that you follow what i tell you to do. understand?"
you nod solemnly, but he tsks, gently smacking your face. "that's not an answer, baby."
"yes, sir. i understand," you reply.
he seems pleased with your response. you watch him unbuckle his pants, excitement coursing through your veins as he pulls himself out. your breath audibly hitches the moment his thick length comes into view. you've never seen something more beautiful.
kuroo smirks. he could never get over the look on your face when you see his cock. it never fails to make him harder than he already is.
he sits back down in his chair. spreading his thick thighs apart, he sighs impatiently.
"well?" he raises a brow, "it's not going to suck itself, is it?"
you don't have to be told twice. your sinful lips part and you take kuroo in your mouth, nearly whining at the delicious, salty taste of him. it had been a while since you'd sucked him off and you don't know why you didn't beg sooner to have him.
you can't explain it but something about sucking off kuroo in his suit makes you absolutely feral. maybe it's the scent of him, the suit he wears, or the noises you're able to get him to produce. regardless, you get a little bit more aggressive, a little bit more eager, a little bit more passionate. and kuroo knows. he knows how you get, but still doesn't have enough time to prepare himself for what's to come—no pun intended.
"s-shit..." kuroo breathes, his eyes nearly rolling back in his head. he has to force himself to not get lost in the moment and watches as you play with his heavy balls, the noises obscene and wet. his nails dig into his palms as he tries not to take over.
you take him as far as you can in the back of your throat, eyes watering at you look up at him, wanting nothing more than to please him and making him feel good.
you're a sight for sore eyes for kuroo and his resolve snaps as he gently grabs the back of your head. "good fucking girl, making me feel so good," he groans, pushing himself to the back of your throat, slowly rocking himself. his pubes press against your nose and his balls slap against your chin as he abuses your wet cavern.
more tears brim your eyes as you take him further, deep throating him and his jaw slacks at the feeling.
he pulls you off of him and presses you against his desk. yanking your pencil skirt up to your waist.
"no panties, huh? such a minx." he slaps your cunt before you get a chance to speak, and you yelp out of surprise.
with his cock resting against your bare ass, you can't help but grind back on him, wanting to feel more of him.
kuroo tsks, watching you for a moment before grabbing your hips. "don't be greedy. you take what i give you." he scolds, smacking your ass. you whine out an apology, but that doesn't dismiss the irritation bubbling within you.
he collects your essence, coating his shaft well in you. he teases your entrance with the fat, mushroom tip of his dick and you bite the inside of your cheek to stop you from yelling at him to hurry up.
"i can see you quivering. you want it that bad, huh?" he chuckles, knowing he himself isn't doing the best either.
"you don't have to be an as—" your breath is quickly taken away from you as he fully sheathes himself inside of you.
kuroo’s composure slacks for a moment once enveloped in your warmth. “so tight, i really was away from your cunt for too long.”
"te-sir, i feel so full!" you scramble for your bearings but nothing can prepare you for this. ever.
"yeah? well you always feel so fucking good around me." kuroo grunts, his large hands resting on your hips as he has to mentally will himself to not cum so soon. work made him forget just how good your pussy feels and he mentally hits himself on the head for that. when he gets the chance, he's going to cockwarm your pussy for hours to make up for lost time.
kuroo moves his hips back, almost pulling out of you all the way before slamming back into you. before you can scream out loud, he shoves two of his fingers in your mouth, silencing you.
"can't have anyone hearing how pretty you sound, sweetheart." he hums, moving his hips faster. his hands pull back your hair and he presses a sweet kiss to your temple. his eyes look down at where you creaming his dick and that only motivates him further.
kuroo is a hypocrite. even with you silenced, anyone walking by his office surely can hear what's going on, but he doesn't care. it's not like no one knows you two are exclusive.
"this is what you wanted, right?" he grunts, hips drilling into yours at a rapid speed. "you wanted to be fucked like a whore, huh? used like a cumslut?" for some reason, a part of kuroo feels bad for calling you a 'whore' and a 'slut' but he knows that you like it. he can feel it in the way you gush around his shaft.
kuroo's eyes fall to the framed photo of his twin girls that sits on his desk and he quickly looks away out of slight embarrassment and awkwardness. but he soon thinks about all the times he's seen you take care of his daughters. how sweet and kind you are to them, and how you love and adore them just as much as they do for you too.
and the first time that they started calling you 'mommy'? kuroo didn't know what to think. he remembers apologizing to you when taking you home and that he would tell Hayami and Akari to not call you that. he remembers you saying not to worry about it and that you didn't mind. that you cared and loved them like your own.
he remembers seeing you in his kitchen, cooking dinner for the four of you since he nearly set the whole house on fire with his horrible skills. well, they weren't terrible but not the greatest either. but he knew he would have to learn for his girls.
he remembers calling you to watch them while he unexpectedly had to go to a meeting. he remembers coming home to the three of you sleeping on the couch, moving all of you to bed so none of you would wake up in discomfort.
he remembers all the times people mistook you for family, for his wife. and he can't help but think: what if it's always like this?
kuroo would be lying if he said he never thought about what you would look like in his arms, abdomen swollen with his third child. the thought of you having his child has crossed his mind one too many times. every time he fucked you, he can't help but think about his seed catching. then maybe all the other bozos he does work with would stop hitting on you once they saw you were his.
you yourself have crossed his mind one too many times. as much as he wants to keep the relationship professional, he couldn't help but be drawn into you initially. and now, he thinks he's ready to ask if you want to take the next step.
...and he will, when he's done fucking you.
something in him becomes more primal. softer. call him crazy, but being balls deep within you made him realize he wants to marry you. he wants to put a ring on your pretty little finger and make you his cute wife.
kuroo leans down, kissing your forehead before turning you around to face him. he wants to see your face when you cum.
you blink, confused by his actions, "sir, i--"
"tetsurou. call me tetsurou...please." you recognize kuroo becoming gentle with his words. he buries his face in your neck and plants a trail of kisses down them as he slides back inside of you.
the soft gasp that leaves your lips makes him twitch and throb.
"always so good for me," he coos, "always so beautiful and pretty when you're under me like this. isn't that right baby?"
"mmhm!" you nod and cry, feeling yourself cum at his words. you go to apologize for cumming without permission but he hushes you.
he groans at the feeling of your cunt clamping on him, his eyes drinking in the sight of you. "look at you, cumming so sweetly for me. you can give me more, yeah? you can cum again for me?"
your mind has gone into autopilot as you nod, body twitching and shaking with slight sensitivity as he fucks you through your orgasm.
kuroo's large hand wraps around your throat, leaning into your ear he says, "just for me, right? no one else?"
"no one else but you, only you." you answer, chasing his lips. he doesn't hesitate to kiss you breathless. the two of you become so lost in each other
"want me to fill you up? want me to pump this pussy full of my cum?"
you whine and paw at his arm before nodding. fuck, he can feel you clenching harder too.
"y-yes, please fill me up tetsu. need it all so badly!" you whine, eyes nearly rolling back as you become overwhelmed with pleasure.
kuroo's eyes soften at the sight of your fucked out expression and is completely enamored. "g-god, i--"
—love you, is what he wants to say, but he just says that he's cumming instead. luckily not long after does he spill his cum into you.
kuroo slumps his heavy body against you slightly before leaning down to kiss you.
you blink when you both pull apart. "that was..."
he stiffens, worry etched across his face. "too much? i'm sorry if—"
"perfect." you giggle, pushing his sweaty fringe out of the way to wipe his forehead of sweat.
"good! i mean, great!" kuroo grins widely. "that reminds me, please cancel my meeting at 6." he says, watching you redo his tie.
you tilt your head to the side. "'cancel'? may i ask why?" you inquire. it's very out of character for kuroo to cancel a meeting. he usually always makes them no matter what.
"I'm taking you to dinner," he answers, fixing the rest of himself up and then you.
"i-tetsu, you don't have to. i know you're busy." you respond. "i'm okay—we are okay."
kuroo pouts and shakes his head. "i want to. you were right about me overworking myself. i'm sorry for not giving you the attention i should." he says, a guilty look on his face.
"you should really apologize to your daughters. they miss you more." you tease, kissing him as a way of 'apology accepted'.
"yeah i know," he nods sheepishly, "but i just wanted you to know you're important to me."
"you're important to me too, tetsu." you smile, squeezing his hand.
a blush creeps up kuroo's neck as he stares at you and he mentally scolds himself for being what kenma called, 'soft'.
you tilt your head to the side. "why are you staring at me like that?"
"nothing. just happy that you're stuffed full of my cum right now and have to walk around trying to hold it in~" kuroo answers and you hit him in the chest.
"pervert." you hiss, face burning with embarrassment.
"you love me though," he says, heart skipping a beat when you say 'unfortunately' in return. yeah, you're definitely the one.
he only hopes that the ring in his suit jacket isn't that noticeable.
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do not copy and or repost. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated though! (c) 2022 hyeque
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
#1: the proposal | plan b.
pairing: angel reyes x black!reader | chapter rating: 💙
total # of parts in series: 10
join my gc for updates since tags are acting weird
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I keep falling for boys and mistaking them for men
series sum: After several failed relationships, you decide that you’re over waiting for Mr. Right to come around and help start a family. In a drunken ramble, you ask your best friend if he’ll be your donor. You didn’t expect him to say yes. As you and Angel enter uncharted waters, you both realize neither of you fully thought the initial proposal through.
words: 1.8 K
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What is it they say…hope breeds eternal misery.
Or, as Angel Reyes likes to say, “I don’t know why you’re wasting time on that asshole.”
Asshole is the nicest term you can dub your boyfriend--correction, your ex-boyfriend.
It’s strange how quickly two letters--a simple prefix--can change your life.
One minute, you’re joining your boyfriend and his family on a getaway to the beach. The next, you’re being kindly escorted out of a restaurant for tossing a drink in his face.
When you’d left Santo Padre Friday afternoon, you had a single thought in your mind. He’s finally going to propose. The nervous behavior, the talks about moving to a bigger apartment, him inviting you to a weekend getaway with his family.
How else would a rational person explain this behavior?
Well, according to Michael, all of those things do not add up to a proposal. They add up to “softening the blow."
As you sit on the curb waiting for your uber, with Michael's big splurge of the evening in hand--a bottle of Cabernet, you realize his explanation was complete bullshit. How is dragging you to Santa Monica for the weekend "softening the blow?" If he was going to break up with you, he could have done it in Santo Padre.
As you double-check the ETA on your uber, you remember.
Michael didn't drag you to Santa Monica to break up with you. He dragged you to Santa Monica to ask you to "take a break."
Apparently, there's a difference.
As Michael put it, with his birthday fast approaching, he'd had an epiphany. He needed time to "get out there" and "explore" his options.
"We're in our thirties," he'd explained. "We only have a few years left before we're expected to settle down, have kids. I think we should take this time to get everything out of our system, so by the time we come back together, we're ready to start that family you're always talking about."
The nervousness you'd seen the past two weeks? Had nothing to do with hiding a ring, or trying to find the perfect opportunity to pop the question. The nervousness was Michael trying to find the right time to ask you not to renew the lease of the apartment, you share, at the end of the month.
The talk about upgrading to a bigger apartment? Had nothing to do with having an extra room for the kid you've both talked about having. It was so that he could move in with his two best friends.
Michael’s epiphany left you in shock. You were caught between realizing the entire revelation wasn’t a complete joke and realizing you were expected to ride home with his family in the morning. The drink tossing didn’t come until Michael rubbed his hands together, a knowing smile sliding onto his face.
Taking your shocked silence as a lack of protest to his idea, Michael nodded over his shoulder. “You wanna head back up to the room...have some fun our last night together?”
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The weight of Samantha--wait. No. Savanna...Sabrina? No, Salena.
The weight of Salena’s body presses Angel into the mattress. Her body is nearly directly on top of his, her face nuzzled into the warmth of his neck.
He’s not used to women sleeping over. Angel has one rule. He wants to sleep alone. Translation, be gone when he wakes in the morning.
That’s why, when he wakes to the sound of a slamming door, Angel is pissed.
His initial thought is that Salena let the door slam on her way out. The only problem is, Salena is still in bed with him--sleeping soundly. If she wasn’t, he would have been up able to react quicker. Because if it’s not Salena leaving, it means that someone is coming in.
“You need to go,” Angel mumbles as he manages to escape her grip.
Salena responds by rolling over and ignoring his request.
When he leaves his bedroom, Angel finds his entire house in darkness. His hand runs down his face as your voice fills the air.
"Ow--shit!" Your keys and purse fall to the floor as you bump into the coffee table.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
“What are you doing?” You counter the slurring of your speech causing Angel’s head to shake. “...standing in the dark like a fucking creep.”
“Are you drunk?”
Your head shakes. Even if half-asleep, Angel knows you’re not drunk. You’re hammered, at least by your standards. He’s known you long enough to realize you’re a lightweight. A two and a half-hour ride with a bottle of Cabernet meant you were well past your limit.
“And why are you back early--did you drive here?”
“No,” you scoff. “I took an uber obviously--”
A second trip into the coffee table silences the rest of your response.
“Alright, come on--” Angel takes your hand in his, preventing you from falling forward.
“I don’t need your help.” Yanking your hand free of his grip--with more force than necessary--you stumble backward. Between the late hour and his body still attempting to shake off its grogginess, the action is too fast for Angel to predict. “Or any man’s help for that matter...fucking men--always thinking they need to save me--”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about you--and fucking...fucking Michael--that piece of shit...” Despite your previous attempt to escape him, you turn on your heels causing Angel to bump into you. Instinctively, his hands find your waist. An innocent attempt to help maintain your balance. “--I said I don’t need help walking, Angel--”
“Clearly.” The smirk on his lips narrows your eyes.
The pathetic attempt of a shove you apply to his chest is enough to tip your already unsteady balance.
In his defense, Angel isn’t used to “rescuing” you from a drunk faceplant. Usually, the roles are reversed.
It may not be the smartest move, but it’s the quickest way to prevent another one of your escape attempts. Angel tightens his grip on your waist, pulling a small yelp from your lips as he lifts you off the ground throwing you over his shoulder.
The sudden shift in your posture blurs your vision--sending the room spinning. The rush of blood to your head causes your palm to come down hard in frustration against Angel’s back.
“Put me down…” Angel’s head shakes as your slurred speech trails off for a moment. Seizing the break in your resistance, he carries you across the darkened room towards the security of the sofa. “...what the hell are you doing in my house anyway?”
“This is my house.” Angel huffs as he lowers you onto the sofa. “If you get up, I’m not stopping you. I'm serious, I'll let you bust your ass this time.”
But moving from the sofa has already left your mind. Instead, your focus has drifted. Scanning the living room as Angel disappears. Despite his words, you're still not sure why you've ended up at his house and not yours.
“Here drink this,” Angel sighs as he returns. He hopes the glass of water will miraculously sober you up. Between failing to kick Salena out, and you showing up drunk at 3 in the morning, Angel is considering giving up women. At least for a few hours.
Angel’s steps come to a slow halt as he rounds the sofa to find you gone. Somehow, in the time it took him to fill a glass with water, you have slid down to the floor. Your back against the sofa, you’ve given up the impossible task of unfastening your heels. Instead, you’re tugging at them. Groans of frustration fill the air once the heels remain in place.
The shaky breaths and trembling of your fingers widen Angel’s eyes.
“Shit--are you crying?”
“I’m not crying.” The shaking of your head only seems to push the tears out faster. The blurring of your vision makes the task at hand impossible. “I’m not crying.”
“My bad, you’re not crying,” Angel repeats, hopeful it’ll make the crying stop. Handling a crying woman is not his strongest suit. In fact, he tries to avoid crying women at all costs. He focuses on the easier task of removing your heels. He offers you an encouraging smile once he’s done. “See, you’re all good.”
“No, I’m not.” Reaching forward, you grab the nearest heel, launching it as hard as you can. “Michael got me these.”
You manage to grab the second heel before Angel can. You launch it in the same direction as the first.
“I’ve always hated those ugly fucking shoes.”
The second heel doesn’t land in the middle of the floor like its predecessor. Instead, it flies straight into Salena’s arm as she rounds the corner.
“Ow--what the fuck? Angel!”
The overhead light cuts on, temporarily blinding both you and Angel. When you open your eyes, you find a half-dressed Salena standing over you. Your discarded heel in her left hand, her narrowed eyes focused on you.
"So, this is why you wanted me to leave? Your girlfriend is home?"
"Neither of us is his girlfriend, sweetheart." you correct.
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“I’m not sleeping in your bed ever again,” you clarify, your voice muffled against your palms. “Not until you wash your sheets.”
In the time it took to get Salena out of the house you’ve found that your body has begun to crash. The idea of laying down the only thought of your mind. That’s why the moment he’s settled alongside you on the floor, Angel’s shoulder becomes your pillow.
“Please don’t say I told you so.”
Passing up the opportunity to be right, is not in Angel’s nature. But one look at you, he’s biting his tongue.
“I never liked him.”
“You've never liked anyone I’ve dated,” you laugh quietly.
“That’s because you only date assholes.”
“Takes one to know one.”
Angel's arm drapes around you, the gentle squeeze he gives bringing a weak smile to your lips.
“That’s it,” you sigh. “I’m done dating. Forever.”
“Dating is overrated,” Angel notes.
It’s a phrase Angel has told you nearly a million times over the years. Typically, after you’ve watched him ensnare yet another naive woman with his smile. You typically roll your eyes at Angel's mantra, but right now, you don’t even bother.
“I’m serious, if you see me even blinking at the same guy twice grab me.”
“Yeah, okay,” Angel chuckles.
He knows there's no point in taking the promise any further. If Angel is a cynic when it comes to dating, you’re the poster child for hopeless romantics.
When you fall in love, you fall hard. When you get heartbroken, the fallout hits the hardest.
“I can’t wait until my forties to have a kid.”
“I’ll be in my sixties when they graduate high school--my sixties!”
“That’s what this is about?”
“...he doesn’t want kids...at least not right now...he wants time to explore other options before being shackled to me forever.”
“I’m going to kick his fucking ass.”
“When you do, can I watch?”
“Fuck that, you’re getting in a few hits.”
“I can’t believe I wasted three years on him, thinking he was going to help me start a family,” you groan. “When I could’ve just asked you.”
Angel laughs, his smile growing as you giggle.
“I’m serious. Definitely would’ve happened faster.”
“If you want to have sex with me, there are much easier ways--”
“Shut up, it is not about sex,” you assure him as your eyes drift shut. “I actually pride myself in being one of the few women in this town you haven’t slept with. Being immune to your charm is a superpower.”
“You still ended up here tonight,” Angel grins.
You softly smile.
“That’s because you’re my best friend, and you always give the best hugs when I feel like shit.”
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series taglist: @youlovetkay @mochachocolatteyaya @chaneajoyyy @sesamepancakes
angel + all mayans tags: @turn-thy-paige @finalgirlhales @jadesid @poetically-0riginal @diaryofkali @babaohhhriley @katastrophic04 @partypoison00 @rose-bliss @mayansxlover @joannasteez @headrushxreeta @brwnlikefoxy @nemesis729 @destiny-tsukino @inyourbackpocketisbutterflies @straightestgay-voice
all stories: @rosieposie0624 @amberritonicole @agoldin @est1887@toni9 @chaneajoyyy @relaxing-najee @awkwardtayler @siempremamita @seize-the-droid @glimmerglittergirl @cutiebubbleboo @pearlkitten33 @tian-monique @megapeacelovemusic-blog @sincerelykas @brattyfics @ladyofsoa@browneyes912 @beiroviski @sadeyesgf @mrsmarvelous1995 @everyhowlmarksthedead @ourlittlesecretsoveragain @demonquartz @appropriate-writers-name @ughdontbeboring @cocotheclown @thesandbeneathmytoes @queenbeered @starrynite7114 @wiccanmetallicrose @tomhardydallasstarsgirl
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mysticalmayhem1930 · 2 years
A Tale of Two Weddings: Midgardian Mayhem
A Loki x Eva (OC) story
Part Three of Loki’s Dragon
>>Part Twenty<<
A/N I don’t own any of the Marvel characters. Just my own creations. This was originally posted in Wattpad. But I rewrote the parts as I transferred them, so there are some differences.
Summary: Eva shares with the girls the results of her visit, the boys pick up the suits for the wedding.
Pairing: I originally wrote this as Loki x Eva but it can be read as Loki x Reader if you desire.
Link to previous chapter
Link to next chapter
Link to Masterlist
Credit to artist
Overall Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Adult Language
>>>18+ ONLY<<
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Back at the tower Wanda went to gather Nat and Pepper while Eva waited in Wanda's room. The door opened and Nat grabbed Eva "sooo what happened?"
Pepper looked confused, so Nat brought her up to speed. "Ok so, as you know we just got back from Dr Mooney," there was a knock at the door.
"What!?" Called Nat
"Just me, let me in so we can talk."
"Do your thing and pop in then Oh Great Master of the Mystic Arts."
Stephen stepped out of the portal "no one should let you three alone, your sarcasm breeds like rabbits! So did you tell them yet?"
"Just getting to that. Well as if you couldn't guess I am pregnant! And now Stephen is going to hide the thoughts of this for all of us so Loki doesn't find out."
They all squealed in happiness. "How far along?"
"Dr Mooney thinks it's about a month, month and a half or so. As far as she can tell everything is fine. Now I'm super impatient for the wedding."
"I talked to Tony and he thinks that it's a good idea to keep you off missions until after the wedding he doesn't want anything else to happen to your face." Said Stephen.
"Thanks Stephen. You've been awesome today! Oh and don't forget you guys are 'going suit shopping' tomorrow."
"Yeah I know, Loki ever notice you took his suit?"
"No, tomorrows going to be awesome for yous I can't wait to see what Ralph Lauren has designed. I still can't believe the man himself is designing your wedding suits."
"Yeah that was all Tony. I'm quite curious myself he was secretive about it, Tony doesn't even know."
"Just make sure they're the right colors. You and Clint should have purple and Tony and Thor should be blue accents. Most importantly Loki's should be a sapphire suit, white shirts for all of you, nothing else will do. And not to add to your busy life, but the ladies and I have final fittings in 3 days, I NEED you to be there for me."
"I'll make sure, but darling. They're already made, this is just a final fitting for us."
"I know, and if they're not the right colors I will possibly lose my shit on Tony!" She laughed.
Stephen went back to the sanctum and The girls finished with final preparations, the flowers were chosen, and boutonnières were custom ordered to represent each Avenger. It was all coming together, the final touch being the complete play list for the reception, they would be going with traditional music for the ceremony played on a harp. But the reception playlist would be ironed out when the boys got back from Ralph Lauren the next day.
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Loki and Eva were laying in bed later that night going over last minute ideas. The wedding was in less than a week. "Darling, can you tell me why you are blocking part of your mind from me? Is there something bothering you?"
"It's just wedding stuff that I want to be a surprise for you. And honestly Nothing is bothering me yet, the best day of our lives is in a week. You're healed from the injury, I'm part Jotun, and don't care. You've been walking around the tower in your Jotun skin looking sexier than usual. Everyone is getting along.... Thanks now I'm thinking something terrible is going to happen."
"Nothing terrible, not if I can help it. So come on I know there's something on your mind."
"Ok, so after we make us official in New York, have you ever thought about having kids?"
"Yeah, I'd love one of each, so that's four right?" He tickled her.
"You know one mortal, one mutant one Aesir and one Jotun.... Seriously I'd be really happy with Two, one boy and one girl, but it doesn’t matter I would only want them to be healthy."
"You know, I think you'd make an awesome dad, you could be the father to them that neither of us had."
"You would be an amazing mom, and could be the mother you never had. Frigga was very good to me, and I hope being raised mostly by her would add to a tender touch if we had a girl. Why do you ask?"
"I was thinking about it the other day, you wouldn't be worried about them being Jotun or mutant or *Gasp* both?"
"No, I will treat them the same no matter what they were, you do know you'd be really sexy growing my child, I don't know if I could keep my hands off you."
She had already settled against him fighting off sleep while they talked her voice became quiet until he heard her breathing gently asleep.
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The following afternoon the boys piled out of the SUV and into Ralph Lauren's New York studio. Tony sauntered up to the counter, "Good afternoon, Tony Stark party of five, for Ralph Lauren."
"I'm sorry sir, Mr . Lauren is not to be disturbed. He left explicit instructions stating no one was to see him, unless it was the Avengers..." she never looked up.
"Hey, Janie Melnitz, eyes up here, I said Tony Stark party of five for Ralph Lauren. He's expecting us sweetheart."
She lifted her eyes slowly from her screen and saw infront of her in regular clothes, Iron Man, Thor, Doctor Strange, Hawkeye and Loki. Her mind registered the Avengers infront of her and quickly excused herself to get the Designer. As they walked back Ralph extended his hand to Tony. "Good to see you again Tony, and I see you brought company too. Please excuse my Niece she's still pretty new."
"No worries, say my fiend here is marrying my sister and we need to get some nice suits for the wedding, can you help us out?"
Playing along, Ralph smiled "sure I've got some suits I've been working on for my new collection, let's see if you like them." He led them to a large room with some suits on a rack. He looked around and sifted through some regular cuts and pulled out a plum suit and handed it to Clint, "why don't you try this one on." The next he handed to Thor, Tony both navy and Stephen, plum like Clint’s. Looking at Loki he smiled. "Your highness, it's a pleasure to meet you, I have just the suit for the Groom. I do hope you like it." He pulled a sapphire blue suit and handed it to him. As Loki looked at it he smiled.
"It's similar to my battle gear, this weaving on the sleeves blue in with black, and the embossing of the rib guards.. it's amazing,"
Ralph took the shirt and showed Loki "I designed this to resemble your tunic, and the pants also have the same weaving of blue and black, at the knee."
"How did you know...."
"I met with the rest of the group about a month ago, and your wife is quite the trickster, here is the suit she lent me to get your measurements."
Looking at Tony "how did you keep this from me?"
"Lots of deflecting, and quick changes of subject, do you like it Loki?"
Loki was still feeling the fabric between his fingers "yes, it's amazing, I.. must try this on." He spoke softly and excused himself to change. One by one each of the Avengers emerged from the changing rooms. All of their suits had been inspired by their battle gear. The suit jackets and pants were blind embossed, with the exception being Loki. As they pointed out the details of each suit they stopped silent as Loki walked out.
"Brother... she's going to be speechless when she sees you."
"I am not often at a loss for words, but currently I  am, Sir, this suit is everything I could have asked for, but apparently did not need to. And the fit is just fantastic. Thank you."
The group left with their suits and after grabbing a drink or two headed back to the tower to discuss the reception music.
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rainsongdean · 4 years
you’re always golden to me
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post-mockingjay / pre-epilogue everlark healing together, appreciating the sunset, and maybe even falling in love
"We should head back before it gets dark." Peeta's words rang out in the open air between them, but they were not enough to pull Katniss from her trance-like state.
It had been a rough day. Not enough so to be classified as a bad day, seeing as Katniss had found the motivation to move from the bed to the couch at some point in the afternoon. Now, though, watching the clouds paint watercolors in the sky seemed to bring her back to life. She was encapsulated by the sight.
"Not yet," she eventually spoke, her voice somewhat hoarse from not using it for a while. "I want to stay until it's over. Besides, we could walk home blindfolded from here."
It was true. Katniss had discovered the hill nestled in the woods behind Victor's Village not long after returning from the Capitol. She found solace in being embraced by the wilderness rather than being suffocated in her old home, so when she accidentally stumbled upon the tall mount that overlooked the wide plains and open sky, she knew she had found what she had subconsciously been searching for.
It had taken a few months before she brought Peeta to her secret spot. He'd only returned to District 12 a few days before she had found the hill, and they both needed some time to warm up to each other again. But one day, after suffering through a particularly vivid flashback that ended with him handcuffed to one of Haymitch's spare cages for his geese, Katniss figured it would do them both good to escape into the forest for a while.
That was the first night they watched the sunset from the hill. It had been slightly uncomfortable, sitting inches apart on the dewy grass, no attempt at conversation made by either party. Eventually, Peeta suggested they return home to make dinner before it got too late, but Katniss insisted that she could tell by the shape of the clouds that they would put on an impressive show.
As usual, she was not wrong.
It was the most vibrant spectacle either of them had seen - far more breathtaking than any Capitol party or fireworks display. Sure, they had both watched the sun go down in 12 before, but their view had always been clouded by the thick layer of dust in the air from the mines or obstructed by the cluster of buildings stacked practically on top of one another. Here on their hill, nothing stood between them and the sky. Beyond that, the best part was they got to share it together, just the two of them. 
Since that night, the pair made an effort to hike the two-mile trek to the hill at least once a week, though they typically found themselves there more often than that. Katniss still liked to visit the spot alone, sometimes using the safe space to speak aloud to Prim or Finnick and imagine what they would say back. Other times she just enjoyed the silence.
Peeta, too, ventured to the hill a few times by himself. He had tried on several occasions to paint the landscape, and while he was able to perfect the morning glow and mid-afternoon sun, he couldn't capture the colors of nightfall that he most desired to paint.
Despite the significance that the holy ground held for each of them individually, neither one could deny that they preferred to visit the hill together. Katniss had been unofficially living with Peeta for weeks now, and they even shared a bed most nights, but there was a different breed of intimacy that came with being in the woods, nestled in their own little corner of the universe. 
"Fine," Peeta sighed contentedly, breaking the silence again. "We can stay as long as you'd like." With that, he leaned toward the picnic basket they had brought and reached in, shoving aside the empty containers that once held a selection of berries, cheeses, and breads to reveal a neatly folded fleece blanket he had stashed in the bottom. "I came prepared," he announced with a sense of pride.
Katniss briefly pulled her gaze from the view for the first time since the sun had begun its descent to offer Peeta a small smile of gratitude. The gesture warmed his heart with the blaze of ten thousand sunsets.
Taking care to wrap the soft cover around their legs, Peeta pulled the fabric up to their chests and then eased his back to the ground until he was laying horizontal on the hill. Katniss followed suit so they were both engulfed by the blanket.
Their new angle only served to better showcase the colors stretching endlessly above them. One hue in particular transported Katniss back to a seemingly ancient memory of the two of them.
"Orange. Muted... like a sunset." Katniss didn't break her eye contact with the sky but smirked to herself as she spoke.
Peeta nudged her shoulder playfully in response, easily picking up on what she was referring to. Their conversation on the train about favorite colors was one of the first to come back to him after he had been rescued from the Capitol. Shifting slightly toward Katniss, he reached out and twisted his finger gently around a stray strand of hair that had escaped from her braid. "You're so poetic when you quote me," he mused sarcastically.
"Well, your choice of favorite color is much more poetic than Effie’s choice of wig," she quipped. It was ironic how some of her and Peeta's best conversations had happened in the midst of some of the worst times of their lives. And yet, there they were: safe and relatively happy, just two kids trying to piece themselves back together with some pastel paints, cheese buns, and hidden hills. It may not have been anything profound, but it was living, and Katniss figured that, for time being, that would be enough.
She inhaled deeply, trying to absorb the moment. They had reached the peak of the sunset when every particle in the air seemed to glisten from the giant star's final attempt to remain on the topside of the world. There was only one word to describe it.
"Everything is golden."
And, for an instant, it was.
But as the sun succumbed to the pull of dusk, the raging reds and oranges that had scorched the sky swiftly turned to delicate pinks and purples, paving the way for the black of night.
It was then that Katniss realized Peeta had been uncharacteristically quiet, his sunset commentary usually being much more prolific than hers. When she turned her head to the left to face him, she found he was already staring back at her, still toying with her hair. His deep blue eyes twinkled like he knew a secret and was about to let her in on it.
When they first met, that kind of look from Peeta overwhelmed her. Sometimes Katniss would catch him staring at her like she carried the world in her hands, or spun threads of gold with her words. It puzzled her, annoyed her, and at times even enraged her. But after his hijacking, it had been so rare for that young, innocent Peeta to reappear and give her that look which spelled out his love for her so plainly on his face, and she had grown to cherish it.
"I change my mind." For the third time that night, Peeta's voice sliced open the veil of silence that covered them. 
Katniss abruptly rose to a sitting position, an expression of confusion clouding her face as she leaned over Peeta's resting form. "What do you mean?"
"I change my mind," He repeated calmly, shrugging as if the answer to her question was obvious. "The sunset isn't my favorite shade of orange anymore."
Katniss bit her lip and furrowed her eyebrows, causing the wrinkles on her forehead to deepen. Peeta could tell she was trying to keep herself from challenging him, so he decided not to torture her any longer.
"You are my favorite shade of orange," he reached his hand up to caress her cheek, easing away the signs of worry that had risen on her face. "You, sitting here with the sun reflecting in your eyes, your skin glowing in the light." He lowered his voice to a whisper and retracted his hand, slowly guiding Katniss's head to rest on his chest so she could hear his heart beating. "The way you make me feel like I'm on fire inside, all the time."
Girl on fire. The words echoed in his mind and, although he did not dare speak them, he internally admitted they rang true. And it was in moments like those, as he held her under the night sky with millions of stars blazing above them, that he saw Katniss burn the brightest.
"Oh, shut up," she exhaled, turning away from him in an attempt to conceal the blush that had overtaken her smiling face, but Peeta didn't have to see it to know it was there. "You're so cheesy."
"Hey now," he feigned a hurt expression, "I thought you liked my cheese."
Katniss couldn't hide her outburst at his nonsense and they both fell into a fit of laughter together. They hadn't spoken much about what exactly their relationship status was at the moment, hesitant to put labels on anything, but he still wanted her to know how he felt about her. And while Katniss had never been proficient in using her words to convey her love, the way that she clung to Peeta, burying her head in his arm while gasping to regain her breath from laughing so hard, told him everything he needed to know.
"Come on, we should really head back before Haymitch gets worried." Peeta attempted once again to persuade Katniss to return home after they had both calmed down. His stomach was beginning to growl - the small rations of their picnic earlier weren't nearly enough to tide over his appetite until morning - and now that the sun had set, he'd much rather snuggle up with Katniss on their couch than on the cold, hard ground. And besides, while he didn't really think their mentor would be waiting up for them, he figured the argument might be enough to persuade her.
"Seeing as it's past 3 p.m., I think it's safe to say that Haymitch is passed out on his couch," Katniss countered, but her actions said otherwise as she began to gather herself up off the ground. Peeta knew she had a soft spot for the old man.
It took them a little over half an hour to walk home, leisurely following the path that their own footprints had created over time. Upon entering the house, Peeta made a beeline to the kitchen to heat up some leftover stew from the night before. While he ate, Katniss headed to Haymitch's house, opening the unlocked door to find him asleep in his living room as she had predicted. She pried the half-empty bottle from the arm that hung off the couch and set it on a nearby table before turning the lights out and closing his front door behind her.
She had recently made a habit of checking in on her friend, especially during the weeks when Effie travelled back to the Capitol for work. She knew he had done the same for her countless times. Haymitch never seemed to question why he would sometimes wake up with a blanket draped over him or a pillow propped beneath his head, and Katniss didn't plan on bringing it up. Like most things between the two of them, it went unsaid.
Later that evening, tucked under the covers of Peeta's bed - their bed - Katniss felt more at ease than she did most nights. Maybe it was the serenity of the particularly striking sunset, or maybe it was Peeta's roundabout confession of the feelings he still had for her. Either way, she was pleasantly content. 
On the other side of the mattress, as Peeta danced on the cusp of sleep, his mind dragged him back to something Katniss had said on the hill. Everything is golden. He knew what she meant; that the landscape had been blanketed by the radiance of the sunset. But he felt it was true in another sense, and that maybe this new phrase was an even more appropriate way to describe the true essence of Katniss Everdeen.
Before drifting off herself, Katniss heard Peeta mumble one last line of admiration, causing her to fall asleep with a smile ingrained on her lips.
"You're always golden to me."
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Are the requests truly open? ;u; does that mean I may request more neko content, possibly with la squadra? I know the brainrot on here is real for Prosciutto and Risotto but I'm weak for Illuso and Formaggio and I'd die a happy kitten if you could write about them being alone at hq for the weekend to care for the neko which turns into a contest: whose food does neko like more, whose bed does the kitty build their blanket nest in... who breeds them better? I hope this isn't too much/ too weird!
not sfw, afab reader, petplay/kitty hybrid reader! 
The hideout isn’t often as quiet as it is this weekend. Though La Squadra are often needed on various jobs, they tend to be a little more sporadic than this; it’s unusual for there to be more than three or four assassins out on a mission at any one time. It’s even more unusual for seven of them to be out on missions that are expected to last at least the weekend - but that’s what’s happened, in order for Illuso and Formaggio to be the only two left to take care of you. 
As a whole, you’re well-behaved - you’re good-natured, sweet, nice to look at. All of the assassins are very fond of you, and competitions to see who you are going to give your affections to are regular and can get exceedingly competitive. They all see your smiles, and are pleased by your soft words, feel special when they’re chosen to be the one whomst you sit by in an evening and allow to pet your ears as you relax into the touches. 
There’s definitely an aura of foreboding about Formaggio and Illuso being left to care for you. Usually, it’s Prosciutto who takes care of your food (he’s the best cook in La Squadra, after all), and Melone who makes sure your environment is suitable (being the most interested in your biology). Risotto tends to have a lot of time spent with him by dint of him being peaceful and leaving you to your business. 
Formaggio, they think, will not take it seriously enough. And Illuso - well, all of La Squadra are guilty of looking at you and imagining what it would be like to have you folded in half beneath them, your tail curled around your ankle, your ears twitching as you purr and pant in equal measure. Illuso has a tendency to whisper things closely to people, to get in personal space, to make one feel as though they’re the most fascinating person in the world - perhaps, then, they’re worried that if left on your own with Illuso, he’ll get the spoils of war they’ve all been hoping for. 
Illuso and Formaggio are used to working together; they’re the natural leftover pairing against Sorbet-and-Gelato, Prosciutto-and-Pesci, and Melone-and-Ghiaccio. But they do have a rivalry that’s kept up with barks of laughter and accusations of one being far cooler, more powerful and all-around better than the other. It’s not surprising, then, that the two of them concoct a plan to see which one of them does a better job taking care of you - with the caveat that if one of them gets to breed you, they’re the automatic winner. 
They’re stoked in their resolve by how happy you are to see them - the purr of their names, the way you follow close by them, the happy swish of your tail and ears. Neither of them can resist petting you and telling you how cute you are (though Formaggio is rather more affectionate about the whole thing). They explain their plan to you - after all, who better to judge than the person that it’s all happening for?
They omit one important part of the plan. When you tip your head to the side and pout and ask;
“But how will we know when it’s the end? How will we know who wins overall?”
Formaggio ruffles your hair and grins at you.
“Ahh, gattina,” he says to you. “We’ll know, believe me!”
So they do. They start with your food. Illuso is a surprisingly good cook, it turns out - Formaggio doesn’t really know what to do in the kitchen, and he attempts to order in. The pizza that he presents you with is too greasy with not enough meat - Illuso one hundred percent wins the feeding round, and you tuck yourself up next to him on the couch to watch a movie whilst Formaggio stews angrily on the other side of the room. 
Next is the brushing. Everybody knows you like to be preened and cared over; there are a hundred different products in the bathroom to make sure your fur stays soft and shiny, and to keep your hair looking its best. When you’re sat between Formaggio’s legs and waiting to be pampered, you feel his fingers give a little tug to your ear and you know that this is going to be an uncomfortable experience. You can barely stop yourself yowling in frustration as he tugs on another knot, and uses the wrong brush, and brushes you all the wrong way--
You’re relieved when Illuso sighs and pushes him away and puts all of those things to rights. Two points for Illuso, then. it seems as though poor Formaggio is doing a very bad job of this competition. 
The final competition for the night is who you’d rather sleep with. Illuso has fancy satin and silk sheets and pillows on his bed - he doesn’t think there’s going to be a competition, honestly. His room is quiet and peaceful and smells good. He’s very smug about it as he asks you if you want to come to bed, reassuring you that if you want someone to be around whilst you’re sleeping - as you do, you can’t help it! - there’s plenty of room on his bed.
Formaggio, though, insists you come and have a look at the space he’s made for you first. You humour him, not really expecting it to be any good - you stay away from Formaggio’s room at the best of times - only to find a carefully constructed nest on his bed, made entirely of clothes of various La Squadra members and your own favourite blankets.
(”Prosciutto is going to be so mad about that Prada suit,” Illuso murmurs from the corner of his mouth, as he frustratedly watches you pounce on the nest and begin to roll around, getting comfortable. “I’m going to tell him.”)
(”Whatever,” Formaggio grins, unable to stop himself watching the way your ass wiggles as you get comfortable. “You’re just jealous I won one.”)
And he did. Not that he planned much further than that - by the time he gets into bed himself, he’s horribly aware that he’s given you too much leeway. You’re comfortably curled up already, and he’s trying to get all of his body under the duvet. It’s three in the morning before he manages to let his eyes fall shut--
And then, there’s a heavy weight on top of his chest and a hand swatting his cheek gently. He wakes up, groaning, to see that you’re sat on him with your eyes big and glowing in the moonlight.
“Maggie,” you tell him, all whining and pouting and purring (and he can’t deny that something about the pout and the way you stretch out the pet name sends a ricochet of heat right to his cock), “wanna play.”
Who is he to deny you that? 
It’s you who’s surprisingly physical with him - pouncing across at him, your hands scrabbling over his chest, your face rubbing against his. You keep purring and rumbling chest deep, your body warm and needy. Formaggio doesn’t know what’s going on until you grab his hand and push it against your chest, almost hissing in frustration--
And then he recalls something, in the very recesses of his mind, Melone said once. About how your species is supposed to get very physical in heat. About how they’re more likely to seek out scents of people they care about when one is approaching. About how they’ll often approach the first person they see when waking up for some relief--
“Oh, gattina mia,” he murmurs. “You could have just said--”
Illuso finds him with his cock hilted all the way inside you, your hands flexing on Prosciutto’s expensive Prada suit as all of the other various clothes beneath you are rendered filthy by the slick that’s dripping out of you with every hungry pump of Formaggio’s cock. You’re mewling and whimpering out his name, your keening echoing through the house - nobody ever said you’d be quiet when you were in heat. Illuso stands at the doorframe for a minute, his face stony.
Formaggio sees him and laugh-gasps out a greeting;
“Lulu! Looks like . . . I won, huh?” In between thrusts, you’re practically purring, your eyes rolling back into your head. You look sweaty and fucked out, blissfully pleased to be in the position you’re in - but when you see Illuso, you whimper out;
“W-wanna play, too?” You look at him with your eyes all big and needy, and Illuso sighs as he begins to shrug off his clothes, though his cock is stirring rapidly and hungrily as he watches Formaggio’s cock drive in and out of your body. Catching Formaggio’s eye, Illuso grins;
“Well. It’s not a competition unless we both try, is it? Our piccolo micio will tell us who wins, won’t you?”
As Illuso’s fingers graze your face and you lean into the touch, you agree without so much as blinking. They might need to have a couple of rounds. 
You know. To help you choose.
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A night of tricks cost me a fortune - literally
It was a warm night in new York, the streets were deserted as I sat in the back of my limousine, the light from the street lights beamed in through the one way glass, making patterns on the black leather seats, and creating beams of light as they hit the diamonds on my cuff links and the gold on my watch.
I was being driven around the lower class backstreets, looking for some hot young cock. I had come straight from my 5th avenue office, where I was the president of a major company, so I was still in my tailored blue suit, silk shirt and tie.
I pulled at my diamond cufflinks as I looked out of the window, for a particular hustler.
His name was Joel, a  muscled, but dumb young fucker about 22yrs, always wore tight leather chaps over his gorgeous ass and a huge package.
I had fucked this guy before but tonight I wanted to breed him so badly.
Leroy was my driver a huge handsome gay black man. He didn't worry about my special needs, as he understood them. It was Leroy who had found Joel for me a few months ago, ensuring
that the kid had everything I wanted.
Leroy was such a hot guy I have always wanted to get into his pants, but I ensured our relationship was kept strictly employer and servant. I knew he felt the same about me and at times the electricity was so powerful, but I always resisted and put him back in his place.
I wont say what I would have liked to do with him, but boy it would be really dirty.
We drove down a deserted backstreet, by now it was raining and the light hit the puddles of water on the ground. Suddenly Leroy started to slow down and I saw a figure in a doorway, it was Joel.
AS the light hit him his muscled legs stood out in his leather chaps , and the light hit his shaved head , he walked over to the limousine and Leroy got out and chatted with him, handing him a wad of notes, they chatted for two or three minutes, I saw Leroy grabbing his crotch and then kissing him before he opened the passenger door.
In he came , he was a vision of a young dumb horny and hot prostitute. Dressed in worn leather chaps, boots shirt and jacket. His head was shaved, with tattoos on the left side of his skull of a butterfly, he had rings on every finger and two gold chains around his neck which I had bought him.
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As he got in the bulge in my tailored suit pants began to expand, 'Hi Joel' I said, 'evening Mr Strang" he replied, 'do you want my place again he said. "Yes Joel I do, lets spend a few hours doing what we do best"
I never took him to my home or any of my apartments, I didn't want anyone to know about my extra curricular activities, plus I loved the idea of going to his housing project home, cheap home cheap or second hand furniture, it gave me a real buzz, as my life was sheer luxury.
He got down in front of me and pushed my legs apart as he gently unzipped my pants and started to feel my package through my silk boxers.
He started to chew through the silk at my dick. As I moaned with pleasure. He knew I mustn't cum until I was inside of him and that would only happen in his bed.
It wasn't too long before we reached the housing project.
There were a number of black kids outside his block. They knew the score, but were only sorry it wasn't them.
Leroy paid them to look after the limo, and he put my thick leather coat on my shoulders, as Joel led the way to the sixth floor.
The lift wasn't working so we walked up the stairs, lined with rubbish and stinking of piss. This place was one hell of a slum. But I liked the idea of slumming it, it was so different from what I knew, the smell so horny rather than the cleanliness of my home which was spotlessly taken care of by my two servants and the immaculate lawns. My body smelt of the expensive washes and colognes, so this for me was so erotic. I knew the price of my coat alone could buy one of these places.
We went into his apartment a one bedroom hovel. He was not a tidy kid, but that's what I liked about him.
Le Roy took my coat and sat to watch TV as me and Joel disappeared into his bedroom. The bed was unmade and u could see where his body had been, I leant down and smelled it, so manly so horny, he watched and smiled.
I walked up to him and we embraced, our tongues in each others mouths tasting each other pulling in each others breath. My hands ran to his perfectly shaped ass cheeks as he started to undo my belt and work on my zip
I was rock hard by now seeping precum into my expensive silk boxers, his budge was it normal huge size accentuated by the chaps.
I took off my dark blue pinstriped jacket and put it on a chair, he looked up at me and smiled ‘you smell so good sir’ he said, ‘thanks boi’ I said, he took off his leather jacket and dropped it on the floor, then the leather shirt.
His body stunk of BO, and that drove me crazy, I got down and started to lick at his left arm pit enjoy the smell of a real man.
As I was doing this he pulled off my tie, and shirt followed by my vest so I was bare cheated like him
'what have u got for me Joel ' I said, and he pulled out some spliffs. 'light up boi' I said, we sat on his bed as he lit up the spliffs in the slightly lit room, his face so young so hard so horny, as I watched every move.
The light hitting the rings in his ears, three on each ear and the ring in his nose, he had two in his left eyebrow, not to mention the two I had bought him for his tits.
I reached over and rubbed my hands on the tats on his arms and chest, enjoying his young muscular body.
The match went out and he took a couple of drags and handed the spliff too me. He only bought the best Leroy saw to that, and boy did it have a kick. We kissed and exchanged the smoke as we rebreathed.
The sound of the police sirens and gangs shouting in the streets added to my excitement, it wasn't long before I pushed him on the bed and was removing his boots, pulling gently as the came away from his heels.
I had to smell my boi so I placed them to my face pulling in the smell of the leather and his foot sweat, which made me stand even harder.
He was desperate to unloosen his chaps and jeans so I could gain entry and so gently I pulled them off to reveal the goods I had paid for. His cock was huge and erect the ring through the centre stood up straight as if at attention for its master, his metal cock ring embraced his balls, and helped them gently fall towards the bed
Within seconds my face was in his crotch, smelling the sweat and man smell of his dick and balls, no cologne just pure male, I rubbed my face in it, to ensure his smell was on every part of my face. I held out my hand and he passed me the spliff, I took two deep breaths and handed it back, my head was light I was spinning and in ecstasy as I put his huge member in my mouth enjoying this young boys taste and feel.
He wrapped his muscular legs around my neck to hold me there
I reached for his tits until his dick started to seep, I loved his young manly taste. . I indicated enough and he released me.
I undid the belt of my suit trousers and let them fall to the ground. Looking into his black eyes as huge smile, wanting so much to breed with my tattooed pierced slut boi.
I kick off my shoes and got in-between his legs putting his ankles on my shoulders, ‘you want me boi’?’ yes sir, every bit of you’
I pushed the head of my dick against his man hole and gently began to push
I has so much pre cum it lubed my entry and then gently I moved in, he knew what to do pulling at my tits as I went deeper and deeper into that filthy prostitutes body ramming my manliness into his guts, the sweat was pouring the smell riveting I started to pound him
Stopping only to drag on the spliff.
I didn't hear but Leroy but he had entered the room and was watching it was only when Joel smiled at him that I saw him, he came over,’ no Leroy, you the rules stand back’
Leroy was angry but moved away muttering something like ‘I will fuck you sometime’
I continued to push into Joel, as Leroy watched with his package getting bigger, Joel was ripping at my tits, and I was so high on the spliff, suddenly my balls started to pull and I shot a huge load several wads deep into my boi, god his face was in ecstasy as his cum shot past him hitting the window and gently running down the glass, I collapsed on him, my sweat mingling with his and started to kiss him deeply holding him in my arms as he pressed himself against me, we just started at each other smiling.
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Suddenly there was a snide look on his face, something I hadn't seen before.
‘My turn’ he said, I looked quizzically at him, ‘what’?, ‘my turn to fuck you’ he said smiling, ‘dont be stupid Joel’ I said, and called for Leroy, Leroy came over and grabbed hold of Joel but not in the way I expected, he started to kiss him .
They both looked down at me on the bed smiling, Leroy spoke up in his deep black voice, ‘you heard him, he wants to fuck you boi’ he said 
I started to stand up, but he pushed me back down holding a menacing fist to me, ‘what the hell Leroy, don&#146; be so fucking stupid, ill have you inside if you don't do as I say’
He started to laugh, ‘who do you think you are. Its only your money and possessions that define you, if someone else was in there they would be a better person than you, you fucking snob’ , with that he slapped me hard on the face, I winched, ‘don't be fucking stupid’ I shouted, ‘how much do you want?
Joel came over to me and caressed my face with his hand, ‘your a handsome fucker, I want it all’ ‘all’ I said  ‘yes everything’ he said, ‘once my cum is in your hole our DNA will mingle and you will be one low male prostitute, you like it here and u like me, so you can really enjoy it, I'm off to the Hamptons’ with that he slapped me
‘What! ’I screamed, with that Leroy pushed me down on the bed and gagged me, I struggled but he was too strong, the drugs were also affected my ability.
He tied my hands to the bedstead and within seconds Joel was in-between my legs, ‘I want to taste him first’, said Joel to Leroy, ‘Ok baby’ he said. and with that he pulled my ankles over my head so my ass was easily accessed, I tried to scream but couldn't.
Joel got down and started to lick at my ass, the feeling was unbelievable his warm tongue deep inside me,
He looked up at me, ‘you look terrified, don’t worry, you taste so damn good, but that taste will soon be mine’
He aimed his huge erect cock at me with its piercing, ‘you always liked this soon it will be yours’ Joel said. Suddenly I felt may arse being defiled, id never been fucked before and I screamed through the gag and tried to get free, I was too drugged and weak, inch by inch he delved into me pushing deeper and deeper, it was painful, but felt damn good.
Suddenly Leroy appeared, he had stripped, and stood over my head, he took off the gag and sat on my face, that huge black ass, down on my face his smell over my nose and mouth he was suffocating me. I was struggling as I was being defiled at one end and suffocated with man smell at the other,
I was as hard as steel and excited, then it happened, Joel shot into me I could feel his dna entering my guts and swirling around my body.
My own cum shot all over Leroy, as he got off me.
Joel pulled out of me and kissed Leroy, ‘it will be ours soon baby’ he said, to Joel  ‘yeah and this fucker will get his just deserts, shames its so good a body your giving him’
Joel started to pull out all his piercing and put them on the table and his rings, ‘mustn't have anything on baby when the change happens these are his now’  he said, he then lay down next to me.
He leaned over and started to kiss me with his tongue going deep into my throat, his arms went around me and he wrapped his legs into mine, I enjoyed it and responded, as we kissed he seemed to be sucking me out from the inside my memories intelligence everything.
Suddenly I started to shake and see lights in my eyes I couldn't move.
Memories started to appear in my head, memories of a deprived childhood in the ghetto drunken mother and criminal father, somehow it was as if they were my family.
I was an intelligent guy but it was as if holes were appearing in my brain and the light was getting out, my mind was slowing down a pace and I couldn't calculate or think in the same way, memories of sleeping in the park, being raped it was all me I was that person.
My body was being pulled somehow on the sheets in fact it was reducing in size, I could feel my ass getting tighter, and numerous changes in my muscles and face.
My knowledge as a city broker disappeared although I knew who I was, even my vocabulary was reduced, I felt so dumb so stupid, not in control.
I could hear Leroy from elsewhere in the room shouting ‘its unbelievable were going to be filthy rich’
I was in terror at what was happening, what were they doing to me, and what were they going to do with me, I started to shout, ‘help me, help me’ but it wasn't my voice it was Joel's.
The pain lasted for about twenty minutes, and when I woke up from it, I was soaked in sweat,
I looked around the room and saw Leroy smiling, and lying next to me it was, ME, I screamed and stood up, but it wasn't my body I was younger and covered in tattoos.
Leroy grabbed me tightly from behind holding my arms, and walked me to a mirror, ‘NOOOO’I screamed out ‘NOOO it cant be real. I was Joel the short male prostitute, ‘help me Leroy help me!’ I screamed.
‘Hey babe what do you want me to do to you?’ said Leroy, ‘Leroy its me Mr Strang, your employer’, ‘No man, your Joel a prostitute, a fuck boi’, he laughed and released me.
I looked over and Leroy was kissing my body and it was responding, ‘damn I'm a rich man now, my mind feels so alive’, and he kissed Leroy.
he took some piercing from the table, ‘Joel these are yours now’ he smiled I tried to run but Leroy grabbed me pushing me to the floor, ‘now come on slut’ he said, ‘do as your master says’ ‘Ill give you an extra $50 for this’ he started laughing as Leroy held me down.
He got on tip of me and put the piercing in my ears and then my nose, he moved to my tits which just started my dick rising, and then my dick. ‘all in place’ he said to Leroy, Doesn't he look the part.
I looked at them in tears, ‘but why?’ Leroy looked at me ‘youre a mean fucking bastard Strang, you never cared about any one, now ill get to fuck your ass your useless piece of trash’
‘No,’ I cried .
The old Joel, now me, started putting on my vest and silk boxers, followed by my well pressed silk shirt and tie. He adjusted my diamond cufflinks, and then pulled up my suit pants over his ass and belted himself in. He picked up my socks and put them on sliding into my shoes.
He smiled as he did it, with Leroy watching and getting more aroused.
‘there my clothes’ I shouted, both of them laughed at me and threw Joels jeans and chaps at me, ‘’dress slut’, he said in my body and voice
I pulled the worn 501s up over my ass they felt good as the caressed my balls and dick, then the used dirty leather chaps, they fit me to perfection.
‘Woof’ he said, ‘you'll get some business tonight with that’ as he sneered&#146;
‘Hey Leroy’ he said ‘try out my slut boi, and give him 100 dollars extra, no, he’s given me a lot, millions in fact, tonight $150 should do’
I knew he has control of my millions and there was nothing I could do, Leroy grabbed me and in seconds he was inside me fucking me raw, whispering in my ear as he rammed it home, strangely I enjoyed it, the body was used to this treatment.
I felt I should love Leroy but it was apparent that wasn't the case. Joel was the one he wanted not his body and that is all I was to him.
He stood in front of Leroy and pulled out what was my dick, Leroy sucked it, he had always wanted his bosses attention.
Leroy enjoyed sucking all the pre cum he was in his element. My body suddenly said, ‘interesting memories here Leroy, this body always fancied you, perhaps if he had acted on it he wouldn't be me now, eh Joel’ he said laughing at me.
‘Its time Leroy’ the thief who stole my body said. I was terrified. leroy put my leather coat on his shoulders, ‘get him dressed, his rings are there he said pointing to the table., Leroy got hold of me and made me wear the leather shirt and the jacket
He took my hand and forced 10 rings on them, ‘perfect’ he said, he got hold of my head, I was crying ‘ ah shucks,’ he kissed me,’ ‘heres your keys, lock your place up ’he said ‘and come with us’. I locked the door of the apartment and followed them down the filthy litter ridden stairs to the limo, he got in, then me. Leroy paid the guys for looking after the limo and we were off,
We stopping in the alleyway where I had picked Joel up, he looked at me ‘out boi, go earn some money’ I was terrified, I touched his hand, he slapped me hard his gold ring cut my face, ‘never touch me, my pants are worth more than your life , now get out'
Leroy opened the door and let me out, ‘enjoy’ he said, ‘I will’, they drove off in my limo with my body and my life, I looked down at myself I was a male prostitute with little chance of doing anything else.
A car came by, I got in my life of tricks had begun.
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wolfs-hunt1 · 4 years
Love in the form of four paws
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word count: 1551
Warnings: fluff, angst?, mentions of depression and some past traumas. sorry for any typo
A/N: Drunk drabbles for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ After so long of not writing anything (uni is chaotic at the moment) here’s something that starts out sad but will hopefully warm up your heart.
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After everything that has happened, Bucky felt lonely despite being surrounded by his teammates. He was never the same after Hydra, and no amount of therapy was helping him feel like he fit in.
He could feel Steve was trying his best to bring his best friend back, but that Bucky was gone, killed during the war, all that was left was the shadow of the man he was. And that scared him more than he would like to admit it. He started skipping morning practices with Sam and Steve and before he knew it, he wasn't even showing up for sparing with Natash anymore.
Slowly he isolated more and more from the others and eventually even moved out of the compound, getting a small apartment in Brooklyn to try and reconnect to his long lost self. He started putting up a bit of weight, but admittedly, it made him feel like he was finally moving on, like he didn't have to be constantly fit and ready for a fight. He liked this new him.
But his apartment still felt too big and lonely. He wanted company, despite having run away from it, he wanted comfort only another soul could give him. So he made up his mind and search for a shelter around his area that he could go to. He found one only half an hour drive away, so without thinking more of it, he picked up his keys and made his way to the elevator descending the five floors to the underground parking lot and getting into his car.
The drive was mostly spent thinking about what type of dog he thought would be best for him. A bigger dog would be preferable because he was too scared that if he was too small he would step on him, and the less fur he had the better, because he wanted to be able to pet him, and whit his metal hand his fur could get stuck in it.
Once he parked outside of the animal shelter he had a pretty nice idea of what type of dog he wanted, and so he walked inside with confidence and waited at the front desk for someone to show up. The shelter had a pet store in the front, and the animals for adoption in the back, so it was easier to pick out all the items the dog would need after he found the perfect dog.
He could hear sound approaching from behind the door, and he saw a little girl leaving with a small dog followed by her mother and a girl with a grey shirt with the shelter logo embroidered on it. She looked at Bucky and smiled, telling him she would be right with him in a moment. He only nodded and waited patiently for her to return.
"Hi! My name is (Y/N), how can I help you today?" she says cheerily once she returns to the desk, shuffling around some papers and storing them inside a folder.
"I'm looking to get a dog, if it was a larger breed and with no fur, it would be…." Bucky gets interrupted by her light giggle, and suddenly feels himself relax his tense shoulders and smiling softly at her. He took her in, her bright eyes and soft-looking hair up in a messy bun, paired with her rosy cheeks and a bright smile.
"Everyone usually walks in with the same idea. They want a specific pet, but what they don't know is that that's not how it works. The animals here choose their owners. Not the other way around." She grabs some keys on her desk and walks closer to the door she had come from before. "Come along, I'll show you our beauties. And then we can select some for you to spend some time with to bond and see how they react around you."
Bucky nods and follows suit. "Sounds good." he says. The first room she unlocks leads to a big room filled with cages with cats of all breeds. They all started mewing and preening up at Bucky, wanting to catch his attention.
"The dog's pen is right ahead…" she stops talking when she sees Bucky looking at some of the smaller kittens, that are playing around with their brothers. There's a smaller cat with them, that was just to the side of the cage, not movie too much.
"What's wrong with the little guy?" he asks, getting closer to the cage and slowly raising his palm to the door.
"He was the only survivor of his litter, even him mom passed away, and so he wasn't alone we put him with the others kittens, he's having a hard time adjusting though, so he's always alone in that corner." She puts a hand on his shoulder and smiles up at him once more while looking at the small kitten. "I can take him out for you, if you want? To see how he reacts to being picked up."
Bucky's forlorn look vanishes and he looks at her expectantly while nodding, stepping away from the cage while she unlocks it so that Bucky could have access to all the small kittens. She stays silent for a while, just looking at the way he's being gentle with them all and pats his arm to catch his attention.
"You seem quite smitten with these kittens, and I might have someone that will be happy to see you and have some company for his final moments. Why don't you stay here while I go pick him up?" Bucky nods and turns his attention back to the small balls of fur currently climbing his henley shirt and nestling up to his arms and neck.
She returns with a bigger cat, fur white with small grey patches. Once they're both close enough Bucky can take a better look at the cat in her arms, and notice the missing leg and left ear.
"This is Pirate. He came to the shelter really beaten up, lost his ear and his leg, and because of that, no one wants him. This is his last week here, and I want him to be happy. He's a big cuddle bug and loves to be petted, but I can't give him attention all day, unfortunately." (Y/N) moves closer to Bucky and gently motions for him to pick up the white cat, which he does gladly, while the furry thing starts to lick up his palm and purring low on his belly.
"He's so calm and friendly, why wouldn't anyone take him home?" Bucky's frown fades once the white cat lays on his arms, and the kitten snuggles with them, their size contrast warming up Bucky's heart.
"Some people prefer the cute pups or kittens, and end up leaving the older animals here to be forgotten. But all they want is just to be loved, and a few treats." she says with a giggle.
Bucky is silent for a few moments looking at the two so different cats on his arms, but yet so equal. All they want is a loving home and a place to belong. Just like him. They were all looking for the same thing, and together they could have it.
"I never thought myself to be a cat guy, but they are quickly warming up to me." The small kitten started mewling and trying to climb higher, reaching up to Buckys stubbled cheek and scratching it's tinny head on him, all while he tried to stay still so as not to make the little one fall from his shoulder. "And I guess I'm also warming up to these guys."
"I'll make all the arrangements then!"
Half an hour later, with a lot of cat items in the trunk of his car and the two furry creatures nestled together in a carrier Bucky was ready to sign the adoption papers and get home with his new companions.
"This is all the papers you will need, along with the notes for the checkups and any medical need they might have, you can directly come to us and we'll help."
Bucky looks fondly back at his car, seeing the two cats curled up together, the two cats that I heartbeat took over his own heart and made him want to take them home without a second guess.
"I'm going to be honest, I'm gonna miss Pirate a lot. But I'm extremely grateful that he's going home with such a nice person. Thank you for saving him. Both of them."
"You know, you can still see him... we could go for a coffee one of these days?" Bucky's voice is low, almost as if he was too shy to even ask her out, but the slow smile spreading on her face let him know that she had heard it.
"I would like that a lot." she scribbles something on a post-it and hands it to him, her phone number. "Give me a call?" He nods enthusiastically and the rest of his ride home he can't help but smile at the decision he had made that morning of driving to the animal shelter. Not only he got two new adorable cats, he had also met someone that made him want to get back out and give love another chance.
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ku-ro-kai · 4 years
Lust at first bite
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This was inspired by Trevor and sypha from the series Castlevania- personality wise so on
This is a one-shot★
Warning;fluff and angst,sexual tension, blood drinking, heat mentioned,missionary, squirting, praise kink, manipulation,aphrodisiacs, blood, multiple orgasm
He's been sneaking and stealing looks for too long, he's grown tired of it despite his small attempts at gifts he's been getting the nyphms to deliver or trying dispatch a plan in starting a conversation with you without being killed.
To his castle before the huntresses and witches hunt him down, touya was from a Royal bloodline of vampires. He's been going out every sunset in looks for his favorite huntress
She wasn’t like the other huntress’s in his eyes.
He had come to her in the middle of the night,he was looking for fresh virgin blood,he found you out on a night stroll.
He recognized you from flyers that he would come across when wondering in abandoned villages. He came to the conclusion you weren’t no ordinary boring huntress.
You were different,unique is what he would say, your family tree was dangerous to other creatures,coming from witches and huntsman.
(A month ago)
His father warned him about your family,beware of them, don’t never go by the (L/N) markings in the woods,every creature thought your family tree was killed off.
You were out getting fresh air,you couldn’t stand being in rooms with other huntresses and huntsmen, they envied your family,despite their hate for you,there was no escaping the headmasters.your family payed their debt years ago,why were they still inviting you to these silly meetings.
You heard a low groan from behind you,a annoyed sigh left your lips”At this time,show your face”.
Dabi thought you were some stuck up whore at first, “what if I don’t want too?”Gonna skin me and turn me into boots”
You turned around to face the unknown man ,he looked like a victim of fire,ebony hair that was spiked from front to back, blue eyes that sparkled like the ocean on a full moon,he was dressed down to toe in leather ,only a upside cross hanging from his neck,fingers covered in all different metallic silver rings, ones with diamonds,rubies and sapphires.
“Who exactly are you and how’d you get passed the barrier ?”
“You’re barrier is a piece of shit ,sorry darling I just don’t state my name to any stranger."
"It's like that with you vampires? Stuck up"
"Feisty, you huntsman look down on the rest of the world and expect everyone to get on their knees and praise you"
"You monsters have curses put on y'all,so you take your anger out on the huntresses and huntsman,since we hunt you down"
Dabi rubbed his chin, you weren't wrong,if anything he would do anything to take this curse off and have a normal body.
"You're a very stubborn human"
"You're one to talk"
A small chuckle came out, dabi was a man of many lies but he couldn't lie that you weren't an interesting huntress, maybe his favorite out of the ones he met in his life.
"I'll spare your life this time darling but if we come across again, there will be no mercy"
You never met a vampire like him before, he's cocky and comes with too much pride, A total prick.
"Same to you, just keep in mind that sneaking up to your prey comes with being completely silent"
You two parted ways that night and now he hasn't been able to get you off his mind
He took you're words to heart, the sunset were his time to go see you.
Quietly hiding in the shadows, you were always out taking a stroll, did you not receive a good capture?
The headmasters have been keeping you stored away from missions,you were completely drowned out from all the drinks you spent at the tavern,only thing in that god forsaken castle was old people and moldy fruits.
You could proceed with skinning this annoyance of a vampire and receiving money
“Do you have nothing to do besides stalk me “
Dabi never understood how you could figure out how he was there,he was the best when it came to sneaking in the shadows,or so he thought.
“Your always walking around this area,I figured I’ll stop by”.
“You’ll be foolish to think I’ll believe that lie”
“Look my name is touya todoroki,first son to the King vampire Enji todoroki but refer to me as dabi for now “
That name was catching like wildfire when you were younger,it was a story of a little vampire boy playing by himself in the mountains near a peasant village ,his father made him go up there if he couldn’t make a flame change it’s color to blue.The boy was too careless with the way he would shoot his fires into trees ,as in result,he struck a branch, that caught half the village on fire ending with getting stuck under a large burning oak tree.Some say he hunted the woods looking in revenge for his father,others say he was in search of better body.
“I’m (name),how long have you’ve been living on your own since the forest fire “
“ for 210 years, it took months for my body to get used to staples"
You had guilt in your eyes,he always saw this in his victim's face when he would suck them dry,the stares he got from their cold,decaying corpse. He loved that look
"Does it hurt?"
"What do you think" he snapped.
"Hey no need to get rude" you looked at the full moon, maybe this prick of a vampire could help you with a drink "dabi wanna go out for a drink"
He looked you dead in the eye "with you? No thanks, trying to finesse me out of my money, I knew you huntresses weren't always good out if the bunch"
"I guess we are both liars than, well I'll just take my leave, if you wanna suck my blood I'll be at the blue soul lake"
You walked away into the forest
"Why that specific area- it's hunted by witches"
"Not the big bad vampire being scared of witches"
"Who the hell said I was scared, if anything I'm just concerned why that cursed part of the forest"
"That cursed place is my home"
Blue soul lake was wretched area, swarming with witches and witchcraft. The only thing is that place is good for is the glowing lake that only shines on a full moon.
"My father told about that place, used to be ritual when witches would bring kids, kill them, sacrifice them to whatever God you nut jobs believed in and kept the skulls and eyes for gross potions. What do y'all do now, pretend to be gypsies"
You chuckled at him "no we don't do anything out of that kind, I just live there because I love the way the lake shines at night and because I grew up there"
Dabi didn't understand why you would just invite a vampire to your house as if it's the normal, he could care less,long as he can be near you, you made him feel whole again, maybe because he hasn't gotten a load off in awhile, where you good at massages?, he could make you queen, give you children and regain his body back with your weird passed down powers
He wasn't thinking right, make you queen? Breed you? Spend the rest of eternity with you? He surely wasn't in love with some thorn in the side huntress,that's below him.
"Dabi why do wear the rings and what's with the silly name"
He got embarrassed, hiding his face “it’s not silly “
"It’s a little silly"
He turned back facing you,you’re warm smile brought him comfort
“The rings are from my mother, she gave all my siblings rings”
“Ah you royals always have the easy life ahead”
“You could say that , I’ll probably still have my body back if it weren’t for my father”
“I guess the stories were right”
“I hate him , I can’t stand to even look myself in the mirror when I remember I used to look like him”
Awkward silence was there for a while
“I could've easily snapped your neck when we first met"
"Why didn't you do it"
"You intrigued me"
"Not me catching your interest -what now you want me to be your queen"
"If if weren't for your cocky mouth,you could be heir to the throne of my queen"
"you like me?!"
"I'll kill where you stand"
You covered your smile with your cape.
"you didn't say no"
Dabi turned away to hide his blushing, you were a silly little thing with the ability to have him head over heels in love with you. You were just food to him now he has to deal with red swallowing his face and this shaking feelings in his chest.
You two reached your home-it wasn't too bad, A little snags and there, he could probably fix it with a little magic, too his disappointment you didn't have nothing crazy going on- it's cozy and warm
He picks up a picture "nice place you got here darling-a little sad there isn't hearts in jars and a shit load of strange plants"
"Are all vampires like this? Assuming all witch descent are into witchcraft"
"Must be the huntsman genes"
Dabi put the picture in his suit pocket, he continued walking around your house coming across from a family tree of pictures
"Dabi what's it like living like a vampire?”
“It’s quite fun,scaring frisky young ones comes with the job,sucking blood all night long is the dream,don’t have to worry about dying since I can live for centuries also the garlic shit is a myth"
You carry a bottle of holy water out "how mad would you be if I sprayed this on you"
"Try me"
After running, what seemed about an hour, you came to a stop leaving you panting on top of the stairs"you sly bastard" your clothes were tattered and scattered all around your house
Dabi covered a burned mark of you splashing him in holy water " just wanted to mark you as mine and only mine, what do you say doll? Wanna come back and live with me"
Dabi show case devilish smile was vacant , now a show of hostile in his face
“What if I come across that corner and bite that neck of yours (name)”
His voice was calm but his demeanor was sinister.you could see red gleaming in his eyes
You saw a flash of black,now you ended up upstairs in the middle of the hallway on your back with vampire in the crook of your neck ,his keen fangs edging on your vital
"...your the devil touya"
He licked a long stripe on your neck, now placing kisses on your jaw "if I'm the devil you must be the devil's woman huh" he let out a raspy chuckle, he lifted your thighs up" your something else you know that (name),Do you get off to me to trying to kill you " he moved to the side staring at the wet mark on your neck.
He licked a long stripe on your neck, now placing kisses on your jaw "if I'm the devil you must be the devil's woman huh" he let out a raspy chuckle, he lifted your thighs up" your something else you know that (name),Do you get off to me to trying to kill you " he moved to the side staring at the wet mark on your neck.
"Dabi why is it so hot" you tried to push him off you but he wouldn't budge
"Don't worry doll, the aphrodisiacs are doing that" dabi ran his hands around your waist"those huntsman have treated you so badly, don't you wanna get revenge"
"Yes... But"
Your body was burning in the inside, how did he get his hands on aphrodisiacs? Did he sneak something on his tongue
"Dabi-please" at this point you were begging to have some sort intimacy
He took your face in his hand "but what? Together we can be unstoppable, a powerful couple, rule over kingdoms although You would look better holding my children in that stomach of yours " he ripped your tattered clothes off with ease" all you gotta say is yes darling "
"Yes, fuck yes -please dabi"
His clothes were vacant, you felt something hard press against your outer lips, you begin grinding on to his cock
Your being such a needy bitch in heat" his length closing around your walls like a fitted glove,in such a slow manner ,now accompanied by him placing a hand on the bulge poking in your stomach”your such a good huntress doll, now your becoming my prize possession, mind to ravish every night and every day" he was half way in your pussy,groaning at how tight you are "for a pesky girl, your cunt is perfect".
Dabi got closer to the stained mark on your neck, placing hickes all over it. His thoughts were clouded with marking you as his,nobody can touch you with their filthy hands again .
He pressed his fingers against your throbbing clit, soft rubbing making you walls clench around his shaft.
He pulled out, letting out a deep grunt only to plunge himself with a hard thrust, his tip pushing against your womb.
You let out a groan feeling a sharp pain,his keen nails clawing at your waist, watching your blood pouring out on to floor. The pleasure mixed with the pain sending over the edge,he went a couple thrust before cumming releases a raspy moan,dabi took his fingers licking off your blood.
"You taste just as good too" you heard coming down from your high, dabi pulled out uncovering his seed soaking out, he put your legs over his shoulders "wait dabi" you felt his fangs graze your pearl "don't order me around (name)" you jolted when his two fingers went inside your sopping pussy
He pressed the flat of his tongue on your clit with his fingers working on sending you into another orgasm. The Flicking of his tongue and the curling on that gummy spot, sucking on your inner lips with a small pop.
You couldn't hold it, your juices spraying you and dabi face. "What a slut you are doll" he licked his lips watching you pass out from exhaustion
You woke up in room that didn't belong to you, dressed in a beautiful chemist,with a robe hanging off your shoulders .there was pain in the side of your neck, two swollen puncture holes. you had a aquamarine necklace and blood red ring in your hands,the sounds of the fire popping and cracking on the side of your chair. "dabi?" you called out,hearing steps coming into the room behind you.
"Yes doll" "where are we and what did you do to me" he went over to the fire place to throw in some more wood, a navy blue half buttoned down shirt with black tuxedo pants,he was holding a glass in his hand,the liquid in the cup was too murky to be wine "If I can recall you said yes to staying with me or were the drugs that powerful to have you say anything" you remember saying agreeing to staying with but that doesn't excuse the pain in your neck
"My neck?"
"I had to for the sake of you staying with me,if you continued remaining a human I would've"accidentally" took your blood"
"What about the huntress and huntsman looking for you!"
"I killed them, you were sleep for about a month, for the remaining time I put up warnings to stay away from the castle, would hate to have humans killing our children"
Thank you for reading💖, I will be taking a small break for a while after I post my headcannons
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ahsokasanity · 3 years
Chapter Eight
A Court of Shadow and Ribbons Missed any Chapters? Go to the pinned post
– With credit to song words (only slightly messed with) Melissa Etheridge “Do It Again”
Nessian mating ceremony.
Idisi comes from Nordic mythology around the Valkyries – ours didn’t want to be a replica of the original female warriors, but something new and their own.
Apologies if you’re fitting this in during lunch break (@TrashForAzriel !) It’s a bit longer than normal
Nesta was not nervous on the day. She was already so entwined emotionally with Cassian that it actually seemed a natural progression to confess it in front of a few important friends and family. Some of the training group would be at the service, some could not make the step from the House of Wind to Velaris proper. They had tentatively begun to call themselves Idisi – the name itself made them more a part of the Valkyrie mythology, Nesta grinned to herself as she remembered Gwyn coming to them with the idea “Well, we can’t just keep calling ourselves the training group or Cassian’s defenders.” Although Nesta quite liked the second.
Nesta had stayed at The River House overnight and Cassian, Azriel and Rhys were to fly as many from the library as they could. Mor was going to Windhaven to collect Emerie who would stay the night in Velaris. All of them might end up out on the town. Nesta was wishing for, and dreading that night as the first she would take as Cassian’s mate and the first time she would return to the nightclubs and drinking bars that she had frequented before her recovery. With Cassian by her side, she knew it would be a fun night. The House of Wind had been entitled to them and tonight she would host her friends. The House had promised to care for them all if Nesta was occupied once they got home.
Gwyn had agreed to sing but she was nervous about leaving the library. The last time she did was to support Nesta and they had ended up abducted. She knew the circumstances were entirely different and the River House was so very safe, but it did not stop the butterflies swarming in her gut or the slight vibrato when she did try to speak at breakfast. She’d put on her best prayers robe. It was a pale blue and pleated around the neck to be fastened at the waist with a gold thin rope. He feet were shod in thick leather slippers that would protect her while travelling and walking in the garden.
There were just five of them to attend from the priestesses and being that Azriel and Rhys could winnow, they took Margot, Lorelei, Deirdre and Roslin. Cassian was grinning at Gwyn. “I think that the first Idisi to cut the ribbon with her sword should have no problem getting a ride to MY mating ceremony with her best friend’s mate?”
Gwyn laughed a nervous laugh and pursed her lips. “No, you wouldn’t think so would you” She stepped toward him and stood at his side, offering her arm for him to take. Cassian wrapped one arm around her waist and took her forearm with his other hand. “I’ll hold you and I promise I will not let you fall”
She nodded but closed her eyes. The hand around her hip was firm not punishing and his other hand was gentle on her arm. She told herself over and over. It’s OK, this is Cassian, it’s OK”
“No harm will come to you” Cassian had sensed her thoughts and she tried to look up at him, to give permission for this flight. He grinned down at her
“Don’t have too much fun will you” and launched off the training area into the bright summer sky. Gwyn screeched, not in a scared way she surprised herself, but with exhilaration. Cassian merely flapped harder to get into the slip stream heading up the face of the cliff from the city. As they got into that rising warm air he extended his wings to their widest (Gwyn remembered something that Nesta had told her that night in the library of the House of Wind, about Illyrians wing spans), but she shut down that thought as they began spiralling down, down, so smooth, so free.
The feeling was immense. She had shut herself out of this world for years now and could suddenly see what she might be missing. Yes, High Fae, Illyrians and half breeds like her, could all be cruel to each other. There was also this, flying (she was flying for the Mother’s sake) and heading to a celebration of love of togetherness and she loved her friends. She felt wonderful and alive and impatient to enjoy more.
The garden and lawn of the River House (it should be called the River Palace she thought), looked picture perfect today. Elain had worked hard on getting the flowers to bloom, in the right colour order to suit where Nesta would stand. Rhys had spared no expense in the set up of a pavilion and chairs, with a spread of food for all, once Cassian and Nesta had officially Mated.
Cassian could sense her excitement and a change in her scent from flat out petrified to wonder and a happy nervousness. One more thing that he could do to make her comfortable was to set her down where Mor and Emerie were talking at the outskirts of the party.
“Thank you Cassian” Gwyn stood on her tip toes to peck him on the cheek. “I did not know that it would be like that, so free. I can’t really explain it”
Cassian merely shrugged and replied “You don’t have to. I am glad that you are here, and that Nesta doesn’t have to attempt murder because I scared her friend!” He winked and headed off to Rhys and Azriel who were clucking over baby Nyx.
“Gwynie, oh wow, you are so lucky. How was the flight? It looked so glorious today and you took the slow way down. Oh, I am so jealous” Emerie was at her side and Mor a step behind.
“It’s nice to see you Gwyn” Mor intoned. There was more to that statement than your average greeting. It’s nice to see Gwyn in Velaris, it’s nice to see Gwyn outside the protection of the library. The first time that Mor had met Gwyn, she had just been repeatedly raped and her world was imploding. Mor here, in the sun on this grassy expanse of the river flat was a beautiful sight. Her words were a balm and Gwyn just nodded.
“It is so nice to see you again” she replied, again meaning a lot more than pure greeting.
Emerie took Gwyn’s arm but steered her close to Mor as they seemed to be in the middle of something “Just stay here until you have to sing will you Gwyn?” her friend insisted “I’ll get you a drink and we can applaud from here!”
Mor laughed at that and the two of them returned to talk of fabrics and colours and what Emerie sold in her shop and what Mor wanted to show her from Vallahan that was “like a second skin that shows every curve and highlights every asset” Whatever that meant. Emerie was immersed in the conversation and brought Gwyn in on it every now and then to suggest a colour for her or to ask her opinion. Gwyn was happily edging the topics as she was having more fun watching the others, Cassian being teased by his “brothers”, Feyre taking Nyx away from them before Rhys threw the boy high enough he’d have to learn to fly to get back, and Elain talking with some others whom Gwyn did not recognise. An auburn haired Fae with a mechanical eye. One of the sons of the Autumn Court by the looks. She remembered that Nesta did not like him much but that Feyre and he were on good terms. Elain seemed very quiet. Gwyn understood her shyness.
Emerie whispered to Gwyn “The red headed male is Lucien, Elain’s mate” she just nodded her head and looked their way. There was no explanation necessary, the relationship apparent. That mating was not the happy affair that Nesta and Cassian were celebrating. Elain looked a little more alive when Azriel joined their group, but Az stayed by Lucien’s side and spoke politely to all before moving to seat people around the central point of the yard, an altar and a table.
Gwyn was not at all present, she realised. The small tension of singing while Cassian and Nesta would be preparing and eating food together had been overtaken by the large stressor of being surrounded by people that she did not know. She found a place backing on to a heavily thorned rose bush bursting with red flowers. She felt better having her back protected. Little tremors shot up her spine and across her skin every few minutes and she held one hand in the other so that she could hold herself still. Deep breathing was the only thought that she had, her singing voice would not appreciate having no wind. Emerie touched her arm every now and then, but she was engrossed in the service and in leaning in to Mor’s side to whisper comments.
Gwyn found Emerie leading her toward the centre of the gathering and realised that she had better be ready to perform. A few strong breaths down into her stomach and she found her place, Nesta smiled through some tears as she moved aside to the table with food, Cassian so pleased, the look on his face many of them had never seen before.
Gwyn tried to look over the small crowd, but her gaze snagged on the darkness in one corner. Azriel. He gave her an encouraging nod and she was able to start
The song had originally been a nightclub hit, Nesta had played it for her on the Synphonia. Gwyn had tweaked it a little bit to be more soulful. More like a prayer.
Walked your fire I got a little bit burnt
Hold on tight cause I, I never did learn
You were the one they tried to warn me about
I jumped into your ocean knowing I could never get out
Oh darling it hurts, hurts to be in love
Oh darling it hurts but I do it just because
I walk straight through your mountain
Crawl right under your sea
And if you do not know it by now
You're the only one who does this to me
But I’d do it again
Yes I'd do it again
Even when I'm tired and my feelings are hurt
Never lost desire only made things worse
I hope I'm holding out for something good
Cause we're that combination yeah we're the kind that could
Oh darling it hurts, hurts to be in love
Oh darling it hurts but I do it just because
I walk straight through your mountain
Crawl right under your sea
And if you don't know, know it by now
You're the only one who does this to me
But I'd do it again
She looked up to see Cassian kissing Nesta passionately and smiled to herself. Only to become more self aware as people started to approach her with congratulations and it was hell.
Emerie was making her way to help, with Mor at her side, but Azriel and his shadows dispersed the few gushing admirers with excuses and subtle manoeuvring to suddenly be next to her. He lightly took her arm and guided her into the house and to the summer parlour by the kitchen. He sat her down on the nearest armchair and stepped back toward the door. “Wait Azriel, please” She was surprised to hear her own voice in such a clear request.
Azriel simply turned and stopped. He did not want to be closer to this woman than he already was. She was so beautiful and her singing always seemed to open a door to his emotions. He could not hear her without remembering old forgotten feelings of being held by his mother, of being full, not the furtive being that he had become. It was undoing his resolve, his very footing on the earth.
Gwyn composed herself and looked straight at Az. “Thank you for helping me out of that situation. I didn’t want to be with so many people, but I don’t want to be alone either.”
It took three steps for Azriel to be seated next to her and looking around the room, not at her. He looked at her all of the time. He couldn’t do it now. His chest was thundering. Do not ruin this Az, he thought savagely. This woman has been through hell. Do not overstep
“I have to tell you something Gwyn” he knew once he started he would have to finish this. “I have noticed you wearing a chain at training…”
“Oh well, it’s OK if I shouldn’t wear it, it’s nothing much”
Az swallowed his next words and re-thought where he was going with this. “Really, it’s nothing much?”
Gwyn blushed a little. “Well, I do really like it but it was an anonymous gift and I probably will never know who gave it to me, it shouldn’t be important to me”
Azriel decided then to struggle on. This could not stand. “It was me”
The room was silent. Gwyn’s face went through about fifteen expressions while he watched and waited. She looked sad then like she would yell at him, then pensive, finally she looked at him and spoke. “Why?”
“You are not going to like this, but I am going to tell you the absolute truth. That is all I can promise you” Azriel got out of the chair and started to walk this way and that about the room.
“I bought the jewel and the chain for Elain before Winter Solstice, I know that sounds bad, but please listen” Gwyn was discomforted but not scared. Azriel having feelings for her would be more scary.
“Rhys made me understand that any relationship outside of her being a sister to me was off the table. So Elain and I talked and she is my sister now. She will be making changes and I will support her decisions, but we will not be together”
Gwyn was struck dumb as to how she would feature in this story. How she became a part of this story.
Azriel could tell he was losing her. “After that night when you were training in the dark” She did smile at that “I wanted to give you something that was just appreciative of you”
“Do you think that Elain will see this and be upset?” Gwyn took the rose out of her top and it caught the sun. Azriel held himself together at the sight of Gwyn seated before him, rose between the thumb and forefinger and an absolute innocent look on her face.
“I, well, I hadn’t thought of that” he shifted to the far wall of the room and looked out over the gathering and smiled at his brother being fed bread by Nesta and laughing with less worry than he had even seen. He didn’t notice Gwyn had got up from her chair and approached him. When he turned back to her she was under his nose and he stepped back hurriedly
She had never felt threatened by Azriel, never nervous in his presence, but his closeness, his casual demeanour. He was not her trainer today. She held out the chain with the rose dangling and handed it to him.
“I think that it was a lovely gesture Azriel”, she liked the sound of his name and wanted to say it more, to moan it. “But, I think that you should take it back. Keep it until you can tell Elain that you found someone that you really want to see wearing it forever.” Azriel held out his hand and accepted the chain, quickly pocketing it with shame written across his downturned face at her words.
“Thank you, for thinking of Elain Gwyn. Five hundred years is not enough time apparently to turn me into a thoughtful male”
Gwyn could not bear the tone of his voice or the hunch of his shoulders. This was not Azriel on the back foot, this was him retreating. She knew the feeling. The self-loathing, the depression. It was not something that she wanted for him.
“Don’t say that. Don’t think that you are not every bit as noble as the best males in Velaris. You are thoughtful and you are kind. Think of all of our friends, our Idisi who are starting to feel, whole again.” She touched his cheek with a shaking hand “Think of me Azriel. I would be dead, and without the training I would be close enough to dead that there is little difference”
His eyes found hers but she stepped back away from him, hand still in the air between them.
“Azriel, would you walk with me in the garden?” She raised her elbow for him to take it, prayed that he would take it. He hesitated only a moment before sliding his arm through hers and they left the parlour then the house.
The party was getting properly started now, Cassian and Nesta had left, but that was no big deal, they would resurface later in the evening and it was the guest’s responsibility to eat, drink and enjoy themselves. It was being accomplished. Mor and Emerie were talking, heads close together by the edge of the crowd. Gwyn saw Elain speaking with Lucien in the company of Feyre and Nyx. That baby certainly garnered attention. Some of the priestess’ saw Gwyn with Azriel and waved them over.
They spoke for a little while, but the overall impression was that they were generally ready to leave. Lorelei and Deirdre had enjoyed perhaps a smidge too much strawberry wine and were giggly enough for the others to worry about their choices over the next few hours. The others had felt pleased and proud to be at the ceremony, but the ongoing music, drinking and laughing was not what they wanted for their first trip out from the library in an age. Azriel went to speak to Rhys, leaving Gwyn with the others with a smile and a nod that he would arrange transport for them.
Emerie found them and spoke to Gwyn “I think I’m going to stay here”, she nodded to Mor. “She has invited me to go out to Velaris to a night Club! I think I’m going to like it. Mor said she’d take me to the House of Wind to the guest suite whenever I wanted to leave.” Emerie’s cheek flushed as she said “I can’t believe she’s here talking to me,…. I really like her” the last quietly and aimed only for Gwyn
“That’s great Em, you seem comfortable today, you look; yourself” Gwyn had noticed the calm stance and the open face while Emerie talked with Mor. She was really at home here.
“I feel amazing Gwynie, not like anything I’ve ever felt before. Free and happy and maybe,…excited” She hugged Gwyn. “Do you want me to ask Mor to winnow you home?, you look tired. Oh, where’s your chain?”
Gwyn looked slightly unsettled “Can I tell you about that later? , it’s alright though” She smiled to show Emerie that she was really fine with the loss and added “Would it be silly of me to ask, could I suggest that Mor help with Deirdre and Lorelei and the others? I’d like to speak to Azriel”
Emerie noted the confidence in Gwyn’s request and the lift of her head. She was sure about this.
“OK, sure. I’ll see what I can do” Emerie squeezed Gwyn’s hand then turned to Mor who was speaking with Lucien now.
Gwyn focused on the rose bushes and wandered around the edge of the revellers. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to talk to Azriel about, but she couldn’t leave him tonight without another word. She wanted to make sure that he was good. That he knew she was a friend. She was happy with her decision to give up the necklace. Even though the thought that it had been from Azriel was thrilling and scary all at once. She had now made a plan that he would find in the future, a need to gift it back to her with emotions attached. She didn’t know why that thought had occurred to her. It was something she could not have imagined before today.
Azriel approached her as if summoned. He was looking down and around, anywhere but her face, so she lifted her hand for him to take and stared him down. “I wanted to ask you, if you wouldn’t mind, could you please fly me home?
Azriel’s shock at the request was covered quickly. What he did know was that Gwyn was asking for physical contact with him. Winnowing only required the slightest touch. A hand or an arm. Flying on the other hand would be body contact on a larger scale. This was her choice. He nodded his head, lost for useful words. He didn’t want to sound like a clumsy novice male. He merely stretched an arm out for her to step into his side.
Gwyn turned to Emerie and Mor who were organising the other Idisi and gave them a smile. Emerie grinned in return and Azriel wrapped her in an embrace that was solid and calming yet her blood pounded and her eyes blinked. She couldn’t remember feeling so safe.
His wings spread and flapped and Azriel bent his knees and sprung into the breeze of the evening. Gwyn found herself tightening her grip around his neck and bringing her face closer to his
“You’re safe” is all he said
Gwyn simply replied “I know”
The trip down with Cassian had been exhilarating and freeing, the flying back required going across Velaris, coming to life with street lights and coloured flashes from the restaurants and dance rooms opening for the night. Gwyn got the feeling that she was missing a lot so she turned her head and took in the marvel of the city, the lights and the sun setting across the ocean. “Oh my goodness, Azriel, it is so beautiful” Azriel smiled and nodded, but he too looked properly at that view re-appreciating what he always knew was there. Trying to see it as Gwyn saw it for the first time brought a wonder to his heart that he had forgotten.
Gwyn looked at his face, and he caught her eyes. It was a charged moment. Azriel composed himself first and looked out to the sea and the river. With his free hand he began to point out landmarks and favourite haunts. From the Rainbow where Feyre went to paint and to teach, to the townhouse in the residential area and of course the sparkling flashing lights of Rita’s – their most frequented nightclub. “I guess I’ll be finding Mor and Emerie and probably the others there later” he smiled to think of what he knew of Mor now and the simmering looks that she and Emerie had been sharing during the ceremony. Only happiness filled him at the thought.
Gwyn was getting comfortable and moved a little in his arms. She squealed as she felt herself slip, but Azriel simply held her tighter and put his other arm under her legs, carrying her through the air like a princess. She surrendered, just for now she told herself, to the warmth and the stillness here in his chest.
Azriel relaxed into the embrace and flew steadily ignoring the thundering of his heart and the closeness of her lithe warrior’s body. The distance was covered all too soon and he stepped onto the roof of the house, jogging a few steps toward the double doors before coming to a halt. He placed her on the ground feet first, before facing her with his arm still around her middle. Gwyn stepped away first and walked backwards toward the entrance. She smiled at him
“Thank you Azriel” She looked down as if remembering where that jewel had rested until this afternoon. “I did really love that chain” She winked, as she had to him once before. This was not a student teacher interaction, this was a suggestion, a question to his searching. He took a step toward her and she held up a hand
“See you at training” and she turned, with every fibre of her being she kept walking toward the library. Willing him to watch her, to make a plan for the future to stop her from walking away. But not today. She was tired, she was wrung out and she did not trust herself to spend any more time with this male. He had opened too many doors within her to be careful of her wellbeing. She needed more time.
Azriel was old. He had bedded women across continents and had held a candle for Mor since he could remember wanting. Gwyn had him questioning any reaction that came to mind. Instead of those he just whispered “You will” He meant more than training tomorrow. He fully intended to show her what a thoughtful, evolved Illyrian male could evoke in a woman. She would not have a straw of fear left for him by the time she came to him ready to accept the necklace as truly hers.
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a-blue-secret · 4 years
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Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V
GENRES: royal au; fantasy au; magic au; friends-to-enemies-to-lovers; king!beomgyu, vizier!taehyun
PAIRING: taegyu
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AN: I did a little fencing when I was younger, so this is based on my very limited experience. I had fun writing this part- there's not as much angst!
SUMMARY: Best friends turned enemies, Kang Taehyun has managed to trick Choi Beomgyu into his service, and to rule for a year and a day, until his youngest brother would be old enough to take the throne. Choi Beomgyu has no intention of being obedient however, and tries to thwart Taehyun’s orders at every turn. With a growing amount of distrust and lies within the court, will Taehyun manage to keep the kingdom of Gojongja from falling apart?
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So how good are you at fencing, Yeonjun?” Beomgyu asked, picking up his foil. He’d already finished getting dressed, and was waiting for Yeonjun to be ready too.
“Me? Oh, I am by no means a master,” Yeonjun said as a servant tightened his gloves. “But I am rather good, if I do say so myself. How about you, Your Greatness?”
“Well, I am a master myself. Be prepared to lose in the sorest ways possible,” Beomgyu grinned. Yeonjun smiled back, picking up his own mask and foil. “Ready?”
Yeonjun nodded, and stepped aside. “After you, Your Greatness.”
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
“En guarde.”
They raised their foils towards each other.
Beomgyu was rather surprised to see Yeonjun’s stance looking so firm. No one he’d sparred with had looked that comfortable in a fencing stance before.
Beomgyu advanced almost immediately, thrusting his foil out towards Yeonjun’s side. The elder back-stepped quickly, staying just out of reach. They exchanged hits, moving backwards and forwards as they alternatively defended and attacked. Finally, Beomgyu managed to strike Yeonjun on his back, using the flexibility of the foil to curve it round to touch Yeonjun. They parted, panting.
"Break?" Beomgyu offered. Yeonjun nodded, already taking off his face guard.
As a servant handed them a towel each, they walked over to a table with drinks on them.
"Wow, you're pretty good," Yeonjun marveled, gulping down the water. "No one I've met has ever been able to perform that so well before."
"Thanks," Beomgyu said, patting the towel along his hairline. "It takes ages to master as well. I'm not surprised there are few people you know who can execute it."
"How did you learn it?"
"My father," Beomgyu explained. "He was a general slash Lord. He taught me how to fence, how to do bareback horse riding, how to sword fight, and so much other stuff."
Yeonjun nodded. "Wow. Your father sounds so cool."
Beomgyu smiled. "He was. Anyway, how did you learn fencing?"
"In court. I was born a noble, so it's kind of a given that I had to know how to do it, so I was taught by fencing masters."
"Cool. Here in Gojongja, I believe we have a swordsmanship school where the kids can learn sword fighting and fencing. It's kind of like a summer camp thing I think? I heard we had it anyway."
"I heard that you do."
Beomgyu set down his glass, and placed his mask on top of his head. "Ready to go again?"
Yeonjun grinned. "Get ready to be beaten by me."
Beomgyu laughed, taking his foil from a servant as they walked back. "Oh, you wish."
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
"It almost looked like you were using a whip! How did you do that?"
Beomgyu and Yeonjun finished fencing (with Yeonjun not even managing to touch Beomgyu once), and Beomgyu suggested they go do archery. They were currently walking through the castle to find the door which led to the outdoor fields.
Beomgyu laughed. "You're not going to let go of that, are you?"
"No, I'm not! I've never seen someone do that before!"
Beomgyu let out a chuckle, tapping the side of his nose. "It's a secret."
"...It was luck, wasn't it?"
"What are you talking about?? It was a tactic which I 100% meant to use, and how dare you think otherwise!"
"Yeah it was. Don't deny."
".... Okay fine, maybe it was, but it was still cool, right?"
Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu, and they both burst out laughing. Their light-hearted banter reminded Beomgyu of how it used to be between him and Taehyun. With Taehyun always saying a sarcastic comment, or seeing through Beomgyu's bravado, and then all it took was one shared glance and they'd start laughing. The thought made Beomgyu a little sad, and then angry. He pushed thoughts of Taehyun aside. He shouldn't be thinking about the younger. Right now, it was about bonding with Yeonjun, and becoming friends.
"So," Beomgyu said. "You have any experience in archery?"
"Oh, loads," Yeonjun said. "I'm a bit of a Robin Hood myself."
"Ah," Beomgyu sighed regretfully. "I'm not the best archer in the field, so it seems like in this sport you'll have the upper hand."
"Hey, don't doubt yourself," Yeonjun said. "You never know! You might beat me again."
"No, but archery seriously isn't my strong suit," Beomgyu said. "I remember in one of my archery classes, we were meant to hit the board which was like three metres away, and I managed to get the arrow caught in the tree. Behind us."
Yeonjun laughed. "But this was when you were little, right? Surely much has changed since then."
"It was five years ago."
"See? Five years! Not that bad, eh?"
"I was twenty."
"Ah." It was obvious Yeonjun was at a bit of a loss as to what to say to that. Beomgyu laughed, nudging Yeonjun.
"I'm joking! I was five. This wasn't five years ago, don't worry. I've improved since then, I'm sure. I think. I hope."
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
Beomgyu stared at Yeonjun's target. The elder had managed to get two in the bullseye, and three in the red ring. He was watching intently as Yeonjun shot his last arrow.
It landed right in the center of the yellow bullseye, and Beomgyu clapped.
“Whoo! Well done!”
Yeonjun grinned, and playfully bowed. “Well, I did say I was a master at archery.” He sighed a little regretfully, walking up to the target to tug at the arrows. “It’s annoying I didn’t get these three in the bullseye too.”
“You're good, though. Like, really good."
"Thanks. How did you- oh," Yeonjun laughed, seeing Beomgyu's target. Beomgyu had managed to hit everywhere apart from the centre. "Hey, at least you hit one into the red ring, right?"
"That one I shot with my eyes closed."
"Even better!"
Beomgyu laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "I was aiming for the target's leg."
"You what?!"
“Yeah. That was my last arrow, and I thought, ah, whatever, let’s just aim for the leg stand, and then it just flew straight to the red ring.”
Yeonjun shook his head in wonder. “Wow. I guess archery really isn’t your area of expertise, huh?”
“Standing archery isn’t, but I can do it pretty well on horseback," Beomgyu said conversationally, going to take his arrows out of his own target.
“Woah,” Yeonjun said. “I can sort of do it, but isn’t it harder when you’re moving?”
“I dunno,” Beomgyu shrugged. “I find it easier because the momentum adds to the power of the arrow, and I was pretty much brought up on horseback.” He mimed going up and down as if on a horse, and brought an imaginary bow up to eye level and mimed shooting into the air. “Yeah, I find it easier on horseback.”
“That’s so weird! Most people are the other way round, because you have to take your hands off the horse, and your legs are like the only thing securing you. You must have really strong thighs then.”
“Yeah,” Beomgyu laughed. “I do. But my butt’s been hurting like hell recently every time I’ve gotten on a horse, so I’ve been taking a break from horse riding.”
“Well, you still up for a little horse riding session?”
“Hell yeah! I miss Toto.”
“He’s my horse! Well, I say mine, but really he’s one with nature.” Beomgyu began talking animatedly to Yeonjun about Toto as they walked to the stables. “Oh, and just a fair word of warning: some of our horses are very, um, unique.”
“Unique, huh?” Yeonjun laughed. “We have unique horses back home. One of them has three legs.”
“Three legs? They’re not a race horse, are they?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I said yes, would you?”
“No way! You make the three-legged horse run a race?”
“No, but Nellie is really, really good. Seriously! She’s won three times out of the five races she’s competed in.”
“Three-legged horse wins the race, hmm?” Beomgyu mused. "Well, our horses are even more unique than that."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. You'll see."
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
“I… When you said they were unique, I didn’t think you meant like this.” Yeonjun was staring at a horse in a dumbfounded state. The horse nickered, tossing its orange mane. Yeonjun started a little, stepping away. His wide eyes were fixed on her orange, beak-like muzzle. “How do you even breed these types of horses?”
“Easy. They breed among themselves. No, we don’t cross-breed the different animals,” Beomgyu laughed at Yeonjun’s shocked stare. “Starburst, for example, the horse you’re looking at. She’s just like that. We think a curse, but we’re not sure. Orion over there, though, is a type of elemental horse we found in the woods. He's among the last of his kind, and we're breeding them until they flourish again.” Beomgyu patted Orion's watery muzzle. "We're going to protect you, aren't we? As for Starburst, we're trying to make sure she stays okay while under a curse."
“How old is she?” Yeonjun asked, still standing a good deal away from Starburst.
“I don’t know. I think Taehyun said she’s been around even before he was born.”
“Woah.” Yeonjun raised his eyebrows. “He’s around the same age as you, isn’t he? And Starburst looks so young.”
“Yeah, Kang’s a year younger than me. I dunno, she might be immortal.”
“Can I…?” Yeonjun gestured to the horse.
“Oh yeah, yeah,” Beomgyu said. “Despite her appearance, she doesn’t bite. Well, she doesn’t bite much. Stroke her nose. She likes that.”
“How do you know so much about them?” Yeonjun asked, gingerly reaching out to Starburst. “About court and stuff.”
“Kang and I used to be best friends. He told me so much about everything. Also, I’ve been doing my own asking around. I like horses.” Beomgyu walked up to a greenish horse with a feather-like mane standing in the corner. “Hello, hello. Yes, I’m back now. Did you miss me?” The horse whinnied, tossing its mane before nuzzling its nose into Beomgyu’s shoulder. The boy laughed, stroking the horse. “Alright, alright, I get it. I missed you too, Toto. Are you ready for a ride?” He turned to Yeonjun. “You picked a horse yet?” he asked.
Yeonjun was still staring in surprise at the unusual horses. “I knew you had pegasi,” he said. “Those take part in your wars and parades. I knew about the unicorns, ‘cause we have them too. But everything else?” He turned around, face a mixture of shock and awe. “I didn’t even know half of them existed.”
“Benefits of our long history of preserving wildlife and our abundance of wild forests, I guess,” Beomgyu said, taking out a brush. “Anyway, do you want me to choose you a horse? Tell me what you want and I’ll pick for you.”
“No, no it’s okay,” Yeonjun said slowly. “I’ll go with Starburst.”
Beomgyu nodded. “Good choice. Seems like she likes you as well. Oh! Yeonjun, meet Toto. They said he’s a breed of Amazona Equus. Apparently he’s a parrot-horse? I’ve never seen him sprout wings though, so yeah.”
“Well, uh, nice to meet you, Toto. My name is Lord Yeonjun.” Yeonjun bowed to the horse. Toto regarded Yeonjun for a few moments, before inclining his head in a bow of his own. Yeonjun smiled at Beomgyu in disbelief. “Did he just bow back at me?”
“Yep,” Beomgyu smiled. “It means he trusts you.” Yeonjun gave a smile.
"Okay, so let's go brush and tack the horses. Meet back in front of the stables?" Yeonjun asked. Beomgyu nodded.
"See you then!"
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
"Whoo!" Beomgyu yelled. "Race you to the oak tree!"
"Hey!" Yeonjun called. "That's not fair! You're in front of me!"
"Come and catch up then, slowpoke!" Beomgyu laughed over his shoulder, galloping full speed towards the tree. He yelled out again, the yell turning into an overjoyed laugh at the end. His face was split into a wide grin. God, he'd missed this. The stinging wind whipping against his cheeks, the feeling of the powerful horse beneath his legs, the exhilaration he felt from riding. He'd missed it.
He glanced over his shoulder back at Yeonjun, who was riding behind on Starburst. He grinned. Leaning forward, he patted Toto’s neck.
“You ready? Wanna do the trick?”
Toto flicked his ears, letting out a neigh as they continued to canter towards the tree. Beomgyu laughed. “Okay bud. Get ready, ‘kay? I’m trusting you!”
Gingerly, Beomgyu released Toto’s reins. Toto seemed undeterred, continuing to go forward at a steady pace. Now was the hard part. Gritting his teeth, Beomgyu brought his knees up, closer to the saddle, before slowly easing them up further until he was crouching on Toto’s back. He looked back at Yeonjun.
“Wanna see something cool?” he yelled. Then, he stood up on Toto’s back fully, raising his arms up and letting out a loud whoop. Yeonjun cried out, either in terror or amazement, Beomgyu wasn’t sure. He couldn’t hear much over the whistling of the wind and the happiness in his heart.
“Whoo!” He tilted his head back, closing his eyes. But he immediately shot them open again, seeing that they were close to the tree. He jumped back down into the saddle again, laughing. “Was that fun? God, I haven’t done that in ages.” Toto flicked his ears again, and Beomgyu grinned, riding faster.
When they we're a short distance away from the tree, Beomgyu pulled at the reins, slowing Toto down to a walk. Yeonjun came thundering up beside him a few moments later, grinning and panting hard.
“Oh my god! You actually did that?”
Beomgyu laughed. “Oh, it’s nothing special.”
“Special? You stood on a horse’s back! And at that speed too!”
Beomgyu shrugged. “I find it easier at higher speeds.”
"Wow!" Yeonjun laughed. "I don't think I've ever galloped that hard before."
"Better get used to it," Beomgyu grinned. "Here in Gojongja, we ride hard and fast."
"Evidently," Yeonjun said, still out of breath. "Why don't we, uh, go for a little walk?"
"Okay," Beomgyu laughed. "Follow me. There's a cool lake around here somewhere I think."
Beomgyu and Yeonjun rode side by side, in amiable silence.
"So, tell me Yeonjun," Beomgyu said. "What was your life like in Aruyeonan court?"
"My life? My life was, well, almost ordinary for an Aruyeo noble. I live in a big house, have a large inheritance, have matters within court. I suppose what makes me different, however, is the fact that I always have matters within court. Her Supreme Highness is fond of a few select nobles, and those are the ones which she sees all the time."
"I assume you're one of them?"
"Yes. While you here in Gojongja have meetings with lots of Lords and generals, we narrow it down to five people plus the Queen."
"Ah yes, your Queen does not have a vizier, does she?"
"Queen Erajin does not, no."
"Hmm. Ah, we're near. See that shiny, round thing in the distance? That's the lake. We nicknamed it 'the Shield', because in just the right angle it looks like it's a huge, silver shield."
"Who's 'we'?"
"Oh, Kang and I. We used to come here," Beomgyu muttered. "But anyway! Here we are. You up for another race there?"
"You bet," Yeonjun grinned, already galloping off.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
They reached the lake and dismounted, letting the horses drink and rest for a little. The two of them wandered a little aimlessly around the lake.
You know," Beomgyu said, "I have experience within the Aruyeo court as well. You probably don't remember, but about two or three years ago I came to stay in your court."
"Oh really?" Yeonjun raised his eyebrows. "Hm, no, I don't think I remember."
"You guys were really welcoming," Beomgyu remembered. "Especially this one Lord. I can't remember his name exactly -I think it was foreign?- but he was adopted by the Jinju Choi clan. Kai? I think that's his name? Wait- Yukai? No, no, I remember. Hueningkai. He was really kind."
Yeonjun tripped over a pebble. "Sorry, didn't see the rock. Hueningkai, huh? Hmm… I know a lot of the nobles in my court, but I can't remember seeing a Hueningkai…"
"I dunno. He was really nice. I remember him because he was adopted by this clan, so he wasn't even native to Aruyeo court. And yet, he was welcomed so readily. You could see it, because everyone greeted him so normally. It was obvious he wasn't a pure Jinju Choi, and yet they didn't treat him any differently. It was nice."
Yeonjun nodded slowly. "We in Aruyeo pride ourselves on making no one feel excluded. It's one of the things we are adamant about."
"You guys sure do a good job of it then." Beomgyu laughed slightly. "I must confess, there were times I felt more at home within Aruyeo than I'd ever felt inside Gojongja." Yeonjun gave a small, proud smile.
They stood there, silently. Beomgyu was staring down into the lake, but Yeonjun was looking out back into the direction of the palace. He squinted.
"Hang on… is that Kang Taehyun?"
"Hm?" Beomgyu turned around, following Yeonjun's line of sight. "Oh. Yeah it is."
"And is he riding that horse… bareback?"
"Yeah." Beomgyu turned away, walking up to Toto before mounting the horse. "He's coming to lecture us about staying out. Must be almost supper."
"That's so cool though. He's riding bareback!"
"Eh, he's gonna lose his cool in a minute if we don't get going."
They both began making their way back to the palace, and Taehyun, seeing that they were coming towards him, halted his horse to wait for them.
"Do you know how long you were gone for?" Taehyun glared when Beomgyu was within hearing distance.
"No, and I don't care," Beomgyu retorted. "And did you seriously have to come riding bareback?"
"What, you have a problem with it?" Taehyun scoffed, turning the horse around back to the direction of the palace, Beomgyu a couple of places behind. "You shouldn't have a problem with it. It's better for the horses to have no saddle on them anyway."
"Uh huh."
"You're just mad that I'm right," Taehyun said. "Anyway, would Lord Yeonjun care to join us for dinner? It seems a little mean to get him to eat on his own."
"Since when did you care about seeming mean?" Beomgyu scoffed. Taehyun glared at him.
"Shut up. That's rude."
"Hey, don't tell the King to shut up. That's rude."
"Anyway," Taehyun said. "Would you like to eat with us? You spent the whole day with His Greatness, so perhaps it's only fit you eat with us as well."
Yeonjun inclined his head. "I'd be much obliged." He gave a slight grin. "I've been having meals in my room these last few days, so a change of scenery will be nice."
"Well let's hope there is any food suitable enough to eat," Taehyun said, glaring at Beomgyu. "It's an hour past supper time. An hour!"
"Stop nagging, geez! You sound like a mum. Ow! What the heck?”
Taehyun hit Beomgyu around the back of his head, causing the elder to glare at him.
“I’m the King! You can’t just go round hitting me on the head! What were you doing??”
“Simply trying to knock some sense into you,” Taehyun said calmly. “But then I realised you didn’t have any in the first place.”
Beomgyu rolled his eyes, before slowing down his horse so that he was in step with Yeonjun. “See? Kang has literally no respect for me whatsoever.”
“I can hear you,” Taehyun called. “And hurry up, or you’re not getting any food at all.”
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hoeiplier · 4 years
You fuckers have got me thinking about how differently the guys would be with breeding kinks. I think Eth//an would be really sweet about it, almost begging for it. Maybe Ma//rk would be serious? Like he'd be scheduling peak ovulation times and best positions (I'm getting that vibe from his "a day with" video - boy was STRUCTURED). Tyl//er would be really sensual and almost coercive, trying to get his partner to be just as on board as he is. What do you think?
my goal for 2020 is to give everyone an impreg/breeding kink so *eyes emoji* these headcanons are so CUTE AND GOOD THO????
Ethan would definitely beg for it, fucking into his partner nice and slow. His blush heavy on his cheeks, “babe, wrap your legs around, pull me in closer, please please please--” 
He’d keep his thrusts up, slow and deep, his cock throbbing deep inside his partner. Huffing, quietly laughing, “can we try it again? Please? God, I just wanna cum inside you, I wanna start a family babe, please? I need to start a family with you...”
He’d stroke his partner’s face, softly pleading, “I want our kids to have your eyes, your smile, everything that makes me love you, so please babe, can we try for a baby? Now?”
His partner nodding their head, his eyes lighting up, his cock buried deep inside them throbs. Their legs lock around him, keeping him tight inside them.
“You serious? Oh, babe, thank you, thank you, thank you--” Ethan would moan, shallowly thrusting in, skin against skin, his breath hot against their neck, “they’re gonna be so beautiful, they’re gonna be the sweetest baby, God we’re finally gonna be a family...”
Ethan continuing his slow and deep thrusts as before, watching his partner whine and moan around his cock, their inner walls squeezing around his length as they pin him in place with their legs. Ethan rocking his hips, “I can’t believe we’re finally gonna have a little boy or little girl...”
Mark would be SO ON TOP of everything. He buys all the books about getting pregnant, helps track his partner’s most fertile days, even holds back on sex for a week before their most fertile days hit so he can cum more than normal inside them.
It’s not a surprise when his partner wakes up one morning to Mark kissing them, his hands gliding down their hips, their chest, slowly working their pajama shorts down.
“It’s the 14th,” he huskily whispers their name into their ear. His partner bucking their hips up, already worked up as Mark kisses down their neck. “can’t keep my hands off you, God, today might be the day we finally get you pregnant...”
The way his partner arches their back makes him smile, biting along their jawline, down their neck. Mark’s fingers working them open nice and slow, “remember we have to change positions, or I won’t get in deep enough.”
His partner laughs, getting up and into position, face down, ass up. Already leaking pre cum.
“You look so beautiful, so fucking beautiful,” Mark groans, finally pushing his lubed cock inside them, their warm tight heat nearly making him cum early, “I can’t wait to see how much more beautiful you’ll look when you’re carrying our baby...”
Tyler would be more romantic, more sensual, trying to win them over. Leading his partner to their shared bedroom after a romantic night out, still in his suit and tie. The lights dimmed to a soft orange hue, rose petals scattered about the bed and floor. Champagne resting besides two tall glasses on the nightstand.
He kisses his partner with passion, with a burning desire, his hand reaching up to hold their head back. Deepening their kiss as he slowly disrobes them and himself. Smirking into the kiss as he leads them towards the bed.
“I know it looks a little cliche, but...I just want to make their night extra special. I really do,” Tyler groans. His partner straddling his lap, grinding against his hard on. Watching it throb under their touch. Teasing the leaking head, ever so softly stroking him.
“I want to make love with you all night. I want to feel your body against mine, I want to watch you flood with pleasure, I...I want to cum inside you, and...God, I want to have a baby with you. I want to create something special with you...” Tyler’s warm hands reach up, running down his partner’s sides and groping at their ass.
“Wouldn’t you like that? We’d have a perfect little baby, we’d care and love them, we’d finally start the next chapter of our lives together. And...” he sighs their name, “I can’t think of anyone else I want to start that chapter with than you...please, let’s make love, let’s make a baby...”
The adoring smile and nodding is all the permission Tyler needs, switching them around. Ready to hold up his promise and make love to them until they’re sure they’d be expecting.
adding him in, sorry aaaaa
Jack would have baby fever badly. Leaving hints around the house, buying parenting and fertility guide books. His phone and computer has bookmarks of the best positions to get pregnant and his favorite baby names. It’s not hard for his partner to smirk and know he’s too shy to ask what he really wants.
As soon as his partner sits him down and explains -- yes, they’d love to try and have a baby with him, and it’s about time they started to try -- Jack nearly cries happy tears. His dreams of fatherhood and becoming a family finally coming true. 
Jack can barely keep his hands off his partner after their conversation. Grabbing and giddily pulling them into their bedroom any time he finishes a stream or recording session. Kissing them deeply, his smile never fading as he works to get their pants down and work his cock deep into them.
He fucks into his partner quick, and deep. His moans mixing with his partner’s. The smell of sex heavy in the air as he lowers himself down to his partner’s face. Kissing them tenderly, softly, his voice soft as he smiles down at them.
“I feel like today’s the day, I just feel it,” Jack groans, his cock throbbing deep inside them. Pre cum messily leaking down his partner’s soft inner thighs, “today’s the day it happens, and think -- heh -- this time next year we’ll have our sweet little son or daughter. They’ll be as beautiful as you, and we’re gonna make the perfect little family.”
“I love you,” his partner softly moans. Pulling Jack down into another passionate kiss.
“I love you too, so very much...” Jack groans, finally spurting inside his partner, feeling their orgasm as they squeeze around him. Cumming as deep as he could go, still liplocked with his partner.
Wondering if they’ll like any of the baby names he picked out.
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Stress Relief -M-
Synopsis - Doyoung is rethinking his decision to give Jaehyun's cousin an internship. He's constantly messing up the shipping orders, he spills coffee everywhere, he takes too many breaks, but Jaemin is his best friend's cousin, so Doyoung deals with it. One day, Doyoung has been stressed out so much because of Jaemin's bullshit, he freaks out. His maid offers a source of relief.
Warnings - Office sex, Window sex, Phone masturbation (it's on speaker while they're doing it), mentions of a pregnancy/breeding kink, Power dynamic (CEO/Maid), Soft Dom!Doyoung (probably could've written him more dommy, but I was feeling a bit soft)
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"I know he's your cousin, but holy hell, Jay, Jaemin can't do shit right," Doyoung held his head in his hand as he talked to Jaehyun about his cousin's daily antics, "he fucking ordered 500 tons of printer paper, we only needed 50."
"It's a simple mistake, I promise. He's just a ki-"
"He's 19 and he's a dumbass. This isn't the fuckup he's done," Y/N came over to Doyoung, handing him a peppermint tea and a croissant to Jaehyun, "Thank you, Y/N. I know you're related and I'm doing this as favor, but shit, dude, you couldn't given him an internship? If his parents wanted Jaemin to get experience, why not just do it with family?"
Jaehyun wiped his mouth as he took a bite of his pastry, "Blatant favoritism. Since we are related, the company would see it as a conflict of interests. It was either ask you or have him clean vomit up at the carnival with Yuta's younger brother, Yuto."
"Baking soda or corn starch," Y/N started wiping down the trophy case, full of Doyoung's medals and awards from years past and present, "Dries it out, that way you can easily vaccum or sweep it up. No smell as well."
Doyoung nodded towards Jaehyun, a smug smirk on his face, "See? No smell."
"Ok, asshole," Jaehyun threw a napkin at the older male, "I'll talk to him, tell him to shape up or clean up. Y/N, always a pleasure. I wish you could come clean for me, but what from I've heard, sounds like Doyoung gives you a hell of a paycheck."
"3 year contact, full benefits, an pet-friendly apartment with half-priced rent as well as Holidays off? I sure hope that's a hell of a paycheck," Doyoung stood up, shaking Jaehyun's hand.
"Jaeh-" Doyoung was standing in his office, pants soaked in various caffeinated beverages, his phone on speaker.
"I know! I know! He accidentally spilt coffee on your pants in front of Mr. Park and his son, Jinyoung! Just send him ho-"
"We were so close to a possible merger! A small startup was in my grasp! He even flirted with Y/N as she was cleaning up his mess!"
"Listen, I'll knock some sense into him, just one last chance, please?"
Doyoung ran his fingers through his hair, Y/N taking Doyoung's jacket as she attempted to clean, "Fine. One last chance, but if he fucks up again, he's out."
Before Jaehyun could say his thanks, Doyoung hung out, slamming the speaker, a piece flying onto the floor. His head pressed against the desk in annoyed anger as Y/N stopped cleaning his jacket to grab the disjointed speaker piece. Doyoung noticed as Y/N bent down, her skirt rode up, a sliver of her black cheeky panties showing. He quickly diverted his attention when she straightened up, placing the small object on his desk. Doyoung fiddled with his tie as he continued to watch Y/N cleaning his office, poorly hiding the thoughts in his mind.
"Y/N, you're always so hard working. Don't you have a social life? Any friends or boyfriends or girlfriends," Doyoung tried to talk in his smoothest voice, concealing his speech of any suspicious tones.
"Nope, I'm single and I don't really go out. Honestly, Mr. Dongyoung," a strain in his pants emerged as Y/N's voice became more sensual to Doyoung, maybe a sip of water would help, "I just kinda stay home, watch some Netflix or Hulu and play with my cat."
Doyoung choked on the water a bit, his mind dirtying up Y/N's sentence, "your cat?"
Y/N grabbed the feather dust out of the office closet, her movements much more fluid than Doyoung has ever realized, "Yeah. She's a little puffball, only about 2 years, her name is Mimi."
"Oh," Doyoung let out a relieved sigh, a hand reaching under his desk while his free hand continued scrolling mindlessly through a document, hovering the mouse over his two screens, "I bet she's really cute."
Y/N chuckled, "She's an asshole, but a great cuddler. So basically it's like having a boyfriend, except the cat knows how to take care of itself."
Doyoung palmed himself through his pants, continuing to watch Y/N as he pretended to be interested in the annoying numbers that appeared on his screens. Y/N smirked, feigning innocence as if she hadn't noticed Doyoung craning his neck when she bent over again to fluff the couch cushions.
"Is there anything else you need help with, Mr. Dongyoung? I know you're stressed, so I can stay if you'd like," Y/N subtly bit her lip at the growing tension, walking over to fill his mug up with more tea, "maybe help with some stress? I know peppermint tea can help."
Doyoung chuckled at the question, "we have very different ideas of stress relief, Y/N."
"What's your idea of relief?"
"Call me forward, but bending you ov-"
The phone rang, Jaehyun's number appearing on the caller ID. Doyoung breaking out of his melodic way of speaking and answering it with anger and annoyance, Y/N hiding her surprise at Doyoung's bluntness.
"What, Jaehyun?" Doyoung almost growled, a shot of hotness going to Y/N's core, "I'm sort of busy."
"So I talked to Jaemin," a groan out of Doyoung's mouth as Y/N placed his tea on the desk, rubbing his shoulders, "Don't groan. He says he's sorry for messing up the order, he said Ten's handwriting was atrocious and he misread it. He also said he wasn't flirting with Y/N, he was just trying to be nice."
"I think he was being more than just nice. Talking to Taeyong about how he would love to make out with her in the 15th story hallway closet?" Doyoung heard a little giggle from Y/N, a sense of annoyance coming over him. Doyoung pointed to the couch, Y/N thinking he meant to clean it, but as she went to grab the lint roller, he signaled her to just sit on it. He scooted his seat from out under the desk, turning it to face Y/N, the bulge in his pants noticeable, "that's not being nice, Jung."
"He said that? The little shit told me Taeyong said that!," the air started to grow hotter between the two, Doyoung pointing to the door and making a locking motion with his hands, Y/N making her way, locking it as Jaehyun continued to defend his cousin, "anyway, he just became an adult this year, we did stupider shit when we were his age."
"Name one time I fucked up by ordering 10 times the amount of product needed or I tried hitting on my boss's employee," Doyoung motioned Y/N to take off her panties, Y/N sliding them down her legs as she walked back to the couch, throwing them at Doyoung, the fabric landing on his black suit pants, "Seriously dude, one time."
Jaehyun stammered as he failed to register one time that Doyoung had fucked up as badly as Jaemin, "there was that one time at Cube Cafe where you spilt coffee o-"
"On Y/N. Who, if I remember correctly, said it was her fault, we exchanged numbers and three years later, in a cruel twist of fate, became my employee," Doyoung unzipped his pants, his free hand going in his pants, the sight entrancing Y/N to start teasing herself, "The defense being one situtation was two college students being dumbasses on campus while the other is a college intern being a dumbass towards a CEO."
"Fuck, I hate when you're right. But you know you did that on purpose so you could 'talk to the pretty girl with the caramel frappuccino', don't even lie" Jaehyun sighed over the phone, Y/N unzipping the back of her uniform, exposing a matching black bra, Doyoung finally pulling out his cock as he started pumping, "I'll talk to Yuta, see if he can give a job to Jaemin that doesn't involve vomit. I'll call you in a bit, bye dude."
"Alright bye," the line went dead as Doyoung let out a growlish moan, his eyes watching Y/N push in one finger, "God, I needed this release."
"So you were saying?" Y/N pulled out one of her breasts from her bra, rolling the nipple with her free hand as she added another finger, "how do you relieve your stress?"
"Where was I before I was interrupted?" Doyoung kicked off his pants, pulling his boxers up as he walked over to Y/N, pulling her fingers out of herself as he helped her up to her feet, "I think I was talking about bending you over my desk, in your maid outfit or even naked. But I like the outfit better, it just reeks of desperation, so hot and passionate, I couldn't wait to strip your clothes, so I just said fuck it and started fucking you."
The two walked over to Doyoung's desk, him grabbing at the papers and files, moving them out of the way, Y/N playfully swaying her hips. Doyoung pulled down his boxers again, this time taking them off as he leaned Y/N over his desk. He flipped her skirt up and pulled her bra all the way down as he reached in his desk junk drawer to pull out a condom. Rolling it on, he rubbed his cock over Y/N's core, gathering some of the wetness that had occured.
"Of course, a condom for safety. As much as I'd love seeing you with a swollen belly and covered in my cum, we can't do that right now. You'd look so beautiful carrying my kids, then I'd get to spoil them as they grow up," Doyoung pushed into Y/N, a moan escaping her lips as her breasts pressed against the glass table, the coldness bringing a new sensation against her warmimed body, "we can talk about that later, if you'd like. To be honest, I've thought about you and I doing this ever since I spilt that drink on you."
"Was it in purpose like Jaehyun said?" Y/n questioned as Doyoung kept thrusting, the glass desk moving in rhythm with the pair, "needed a reason to talk to me? It seems like you got a bunch of more confidence."
"Could you tell? Becoming a partial CEO with your brother of a multi-million clothing company can do wonders," Doyoung admittedly regretfully pulled out, bringing Y/N to his chest as he became nibbling on her neck.
"Why did you pull out?" Y/N arched her back and started rubbing her thighs together, "do you have a meeting?"
"No, hell no, not until later. I would cancel it if I did," Doyoung walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window behind his desk, opening the curtains as he looked over the 6th story pane of glass, "come here."
Y/N walked over to Doyoung, his hands finding their way to her hips as he turned her around, unzipping her top the rest of the way and throwing it aside, leaving Y/N in just her bra, skirt and stockings, Doyoung slipping off her kitten heels as he kissed up her legs.
"So gorgeous, so beautiful," Doyoung kissed Y/N's back, shivers spreading throughout her body as Doyoung reached her neck, light bites accessorizing her skin, his long fingers tangling in her hair, pushing into Y/N, "I don't think you've seen my house in the few years we've known each other, we should change that, show you some of my toys I have, maybe get you some."
The sharp, calculated thrusts and smug taunts from Doyoung made Y/N hum in ecstasy, Doyoung's free hand reaching down Y/N's skirt to play with her clit. Y/N grabbed at Doyoung's forearm as he started at a fast pace, his fingers rolling the small bundle as he kept up fucking Y/N into the window. Doyoung pulled out for a second time, spinning Y/N so the duo is now face to face, Y/N biting Doyoung's lips. Slipping in one more time, Doyoung lifted Y/N's leg to rest on his hip.
"I want to take you on a date, I want to make you mine, years of seeing you in those skirts and shirts that my brother has designed," Doyoung leaned down to kiss Y/N's breasts, his thrusts starting to be more sloppy, "your tits peeking out of them, your skirt raising up everytime you reach up to clean the higher shelves."
Y/N leaned down to bite down on Doyoung's neck, her moans muffled and vibrating against his sweaty skin. Doyoung felt his high coming on, his thrusts slowing down, milking every drop into the condom. He pulles out, tying the condon and throwing it away. Noticing Y/N didn't get off, he dropped to his knees, spreading her legs apart, kissing her thighs.
"Doyoung, you don't have to do that, I'll be fine, I should get back to work, the 4th floor needs to be done and I have a vibr-"
"It's the gentlemen thing to do," Doyoung kiss her clit as Y/N leaned her head back on, the pleasure spreading through her body, "I'll have Hongjoong do it, don't worry."
Doyoung sucked and lightly nibbled on Y/N's clit, pushing 3 fingers into Y/N as he thrusted them in and out, working to Y/N's high, he would feel bad if he got off and she didn't, even though he's her boss and this started because he need some sort of release. Y/N's thighs started to shake as Doyoung continued licking at anything he could find, his fingers going at a merciless pace once he found the spot that made Y/N go high-pitch in her moans. Y/N didn't even notice her high had came until Doyoung stood up and brought her in for an intense kiss, her essence on his lips as she could taste herself on him. Doyoung helped Y/N over to the couch, taking off his jacket and giving it to Y/N as he gathered her clothes.
"I can't believe I just screwed my bo-"
"The next word out of your mouth better be boyfriend," Doyoung kissed her forehead as he walked over to his desk, looking for a specific piece of paper and calling the front desk, "Hey Ms. Sana, can you cancel the rest of my appointments for the rest of the day, Ms. Y/n isn't feeling well, so I think I'm going to give her a ride home and make sure that she's okay. Also, ask Hongjoong to clean the fourth floor, I'll give an extra 1,000 dollar bonus this month."
"Ok, Mr. Kim, I'll do that right away."
The phone hung up with a click as Doyoung texted the valet to bring the car around to the back, Y/N putting on her shirt and Doyoung's jacket. Doyoung helped Y/N up as he slid her shoes on.
"Where's my underwear, those are kinda my favorite pair."
Doyoung took them out of his pocket with a smirk, "they're mine too and I think I'm going to keep them with me. I'll get you more pairs, one in every single shade, hue and color."
The pair walked out of the office, Sana looking concerned and shouting an admittedly adorable "Y/N fighting!" as Doyoung and Y/N made their way down the hall to the back elevator. They waited for the elevator to come to the 6th floor, Doyoung's hand gazing over Y/N's.
"So, I assume we're going to your house."
"Like I told you, I've known you for a few years and I want to show you my house."
Y/N sleepily groaned, "I kinda want a shower and a nap first."
"Fine, a shower and a nap first," Doyoung put his arm around Y/N's waist as they stepped in the back elevator, her head resting on his chest as she curled up into him. Then with one last devious smirk on his face.
"But then, I'll give you a tour. Maybe show you some of my playthings."
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