#so i'm fixing it. later i'm gonna fix the date on this post to last week huzzah :)
stabbyfoxandrew · 1 year
WIP Wednesday (9/27)  | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU
Neil is about to go out for a bite when his pocket vibrates. He freezes solid at the sensation against his leg. His phone never rings. He… He doesn’t have any friends and his mother is long dead. Who in the world would possibly text this number? 
It must be spam. Or a telemarketer. Right? Neil nods. Yeah. It has to be. That or Agent Browning needing some sort of information that Neil’s already spoon fed him four fucking times— he hates that dick. Neil rolls his eyes, then pulls his phone out and flips it open to find something totally unexpected. A message from a number he doesn’t recognize.
??? Why do you do it? — Mr. Firefighter
Neil stares at the message for a good minute. What the hell? Oh fuck. The fire people are messaging him?! Neil pushes back the curtain and looks out into the motel parking lot. It’s basically deserted, as usual. Neil hasn’t seen anyone new in the two weeks he’s been in Columbia. Two weeks… Has it been that long already?
Neil counts the days up on his fingers. It has. Shit. He should’ve gone by now. He should’ve left after that ghost of a restaurant called his name, asked him to burn it down. It really was asking for it, Neil recalls. A couple of its windows were busted out and the sign was so faded he couldn’t make out the words. He shakes his head. He’s got to go. He…
Wait. There isn’t anyone outside waiting to arrest him. How odd.
Neil looks at the message again and considers the question. Then, with slightly clumsy fingers he types a response.
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fhatbhabiee · 3 months
Punto De Perder
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Prisoner!Frankie Morales x Plus Size Reader
word count: 1k
warnings: DDDNE (some topics in this fic might be triggering for some, please be advised), talks of gang affiliation (kinda-ish), special guest 👀. that's all the warnings i'm going to give to not spoil anything. read at your own risk.
note: i'm slowly getting back into the grove of writing my friends so i hope you enjoy and YES there's gonna be a part 2!
part 2
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“How did you even meet this mystery man?”
“Pen Pals.”
“Oh? Where's he from then?”
“He's in prison…” you muttered under your breath.
She gave you the most judgmental look you'd ever seen on your mother’s face. Something changed only a few seconds later, and she started laughing.
“That was a good joke,” she laughed. You scoffed, tossing down money for your half of lunch and walked out. Everyone had laughed at you when you mentioned Frankie. Said he was either a figment of your imagination or that all you did was tell them a joke. But he wasn't. He wasn't an imaginary man or a joke, he was real - he was just someone who had made a bad decision and was paying the consequences.
You brushed it all off as you pulled into the parking lot of the correction center. You flipped down your visor, fixing your lip gloss before getting out and fixing your dress. It may have sounded and looked silly, but you loved dressing up when you came for visitation.
It always looked the same. You and a group of people sat in a boring beige room filled with plastic chairs and steel tables bolted to the floor, with guards posted at each corner in the room. The door alarm went off, grabbing everyone's attention. As the door opened, a small sea of dark teal jumpsuits filled the room. Everyone stood up, hugging their loved ones before sitting down and talking. You looked up towards the door, and just like always, he was the last one to walk in. Tattoos on display and his dark curls being somewhat tamed by his cap.
“Conejita…” he whispered before wrapping his arms around you.
“Hi, baby,” you smiled, placing a small kiss on his cheek. “How are you?”
He let out a small sigh as he sat down in the chair, placing his hands on the table. “You know. Same old, same old. How about you, amor? How's the outside life?”
“Good. Just got settled into my new apartment.”
“That's good…” his lips turned into a smile as his eyes scanned your body, admiring how your dress defined your curves. “Te ves hermosa…” (You look beautiful.)
“Gracias, amor. Wanted to look nice for you. I know looking at men all day isn't really your style,” you joked, pulling a laugh from his lips.
Your heart swelled at the sound of his laughter, something that couldn't be expressed through pen and paper.
As visitation came to an end, you wanted nothing more than to walk out with Frankie by your side. But you couldn't. You said your goodbyes and shared a sweet kiss. One that you'll cherish until the next time you visit.
Frankie sat in his cell, reading over the letters and looking at the pictures you've sent him over the past few years. As his release date got closer and closer, he missed you more and more. Knowing that any day now, he'd get released, and you'd be there to pick him up. A tap on the steel door grabbed his attention.
“Fish.” His close friend and one of his crew members, Benny walked in. “Santiago wants to see you.”
Frankie rolled his eyes at Santiago's name, tucking the letters and pictures back in their safe spot. “What for?”
Benny shrugged. “He came to me personally. Didn't send one of his minions.”
“Shit… Fine. Where?”
“Laundry room.”
Frankie nodded, patting Benny on the back as he walked out of his cell. When Frankie first got here he had quickly gained the respect of most of the men in here, except for Santiago's team. Santiago had connections from the outside that helped him while he was on the inside, and one of those connections was someone serious, which then made some men look up to Santiago as a leader. Just how some looked up to Frankie.
Frankie walked into the laundry room, looking around and noticing he was surrounded by Santiago's crew.
“Fish.” Santiago chuckled as he walked to the center of the room. “Great to see you.”
“This another meeting? I told you I'm not-”
“No, not like that. Wouldn't want you to ruin your chances of getting out of this dump. Which is soon, right?”
Frankie nodded. “Yeah…”
“Pleasure working with you, Fish. Won't be the same without you.” Santiago got closer, handing Frankie an envelope. He shook Frankie's hand and pulled him close, whispering in his ear, “Don't open it ‘til you get back to your cell.”
Frankie tucked the envelope into his jumpsuit, wondering what the hell it could be. Knowing Santiago, it was probably just heroin. Frankie would just flush it when he got back to his cell.
“Anything else?”
“Nope.” Santiago smirked. “Have fun on the outside.”
Avoiding the guards at all cost, Frankie walked back into his cell. If Santiago had given him drugs and the guards were to have found it, Frankie's chances of getting out would quickly disappear. He closed the cell door and pulled the envelope out, quickly tearing it open. Thankfully none of his cell mates were there, so no one would see what's in the envelope.
To Frankie's surprise, it wasn't drugs. It was a polaroid. He pulled it out, heart sinking to the pit of his stomach. His hands started to shake as panic and anger flooded his system.
It was you. Curled up on a dirty mattress with what looked like shackles around your ankles. His eyes scanned the background, hoping to see some kind of hint on where you were, but the room was dark. All he could point out were cement walls. He felt handwriting on the back of the polaroid, which made him quickly flip it over.
“Shouldn't have fucked me over.”
His eyes scanned down to the signature scribbled at the bottom.
Dave York.
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beta'd: @nerdieforpedro @kilamonster @ak-vintage @80ssong
divider: @saradika-graphics
Masterlist — Frankie Masterlist
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Ricky Starks Saves The Day
Summary: Ricky refuses to watch his ship fall apart, and makes it his mission to get Y/N and Hook back together.
Warnings: angst, cussing, arguing, drinking, implied smut, fluff, lil bit of spice
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this imagine!!!!! All the support on my last one has been SO amazing and I cannot express how grateful I am for it!!!!🥹🥰 I love all of you so so so so much!!!!! And once again, a special shoutout to my bestie @99hook !!!!! Ilysm bestie and thank you!!!!🧡🤍 If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be posting this🥹🩷
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It was never a good idea to spew words without thinking them through while you're both furious.
Because when the feelings of anger fade, you are left with nothing but sadness and immense regret.
This was something Hook learned a little too late.
All Y/N wanted was for him to spend a little more time with her, and neither of them could even remember why it escalated like it had. But it did.
And then Hook decided to blurt that he thought it might be better for them to break up.
Now both of them were miserable, and everyone could see it.
But Hook was too nervous to approach Y/N, as she had avoided him entirely since that night.
And Y/N had been avoiding him because seeing him made her so sad.
It was just a cycle of sadness, that all of their friends were sick and tired of seeing them be stuck in.
Enter Ricky Starks; who made it his mission to get them back together.
He loved both Hook and Y/N dearly, and just wanted them to be happy. He wasn't gonna sit back and watch true love go to waste.
But at that same time, Y/N had decided enough moping was enough.
And with some encouragement from her best friend Kris Statlander, she found herself considering dating again.
So when Ricky walked into catering and plopped down next to the two women, their conversation almost gave him heart palpitations.
"I'm telling you Y/N, the best way to get over a guy is to get under another" Kris smirks.
Ricky starts choking on his food, making Y/N's eyes widen and she pats his back. "Are you ok Ricky?"
"Y-Yeah" he croaks out, clearing his throat. "You know, personally, I don't really agree with that philosophy"
Kris raises an eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah? And what would you suggest?"
"Um," Ricky falters, unsure of what to say. "I, uh… maybe some ice cream?"
"I like his idea way more" Y/N immediately says.
Ricky feels momentary relief, before Kris scoffs. "Ignore him. Look, just give it a try. Once you go out with another guy, you may realize that you don't miss him as much as you think"
Ricky cringes, as he can tell Y/N is considering it.
"But who would I even go out with?" She asks after a moment.
This makes Kris perk up. "Take your pick hon. I mean, honestly, have you seen yourself?"
"I don't know" Y/N sinks in her chair.
"Hey Y/N" She looks up when she hears her name and sees Darby Allin approaching them.
"Hey Darby, what's up?" She asks with a smile.
"Do you remember that one night you did my face paint when the makeup artist had an emergency and had to leave?" He asks nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah" Y/N answers.
"It's just.. the way you did it was really cool and I wanted to ask if you'd do it again?" He rushes out.
Y/N grins. "Of course I will!"
She sits her plate down and waves goodbye to Ricky and Kris. "I'll see you guys later"
With that, she walks off with Darby.
Ricky scoffs at the pleased look on Kris' face.
This causes Kris to raise an eyebrow. "What?"
Ricky shrugs. "Nothing"
Kris narrows her eyes at him. "Oh hell no! You wanna get her and Hook back together! That’s why you said all that stuff!"
"So what if I do?" Ricky challenges. "Her and Hook are true love! Hook made a stupid mistake, and he wants to fix it"
"Too bad" Kris immediately snaps back. "She is just getting better, and I'll be damned if I let you bring her down again"
"I ain't gonna bring her down!" Ricky defends. "I wanna reunite her with the love of her life!"
Kris scoffs. "I'll believe Hook is sorry when he starts showing it. Until then, expect me to run interference on whatever little plan you have cooked up"
Ricky leans back in his chair with a groan as Kris walks off.
It's then that Hook enters, and raises an eyebrow at the exasperated look on his friend's face. "What's wrong with you?"
Ricky glares at him. "I'm gonna punch you"
"There! All done!" Y/N grins.
Darby opens his eyes and smiles widely when he looks in the mirror. "It looks amazing! Thanks Y/N"
"My pleasure" she smiles back, leaning down to hug him from behind.
He puts his hands on top of her’s and leans back into her. "I have a question"
"Hmm?" Y/N hums.
"Would you like to go out after the show?" Darby asks.
Y/N bites her lip. "Darby.. you’re a really great guy. I just... I don’t think I’m ready to date someone else yet. I’m sorry”
"No!" Darby exclaims. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that. Not go out like a date. I meant just go out as friends”
Y/N lets out a breath, and they both laugh. "Then I'd love to”
"Yes! You're going on a date!" Kris exclaims obnoxiously loud, making Y/N quickly shush her.
But the damage was done, and Ricky overheard Kris' yells.
Ricky's eyes widen, and he scrambles over to them. "So Y/N, a date, huh?"
"No! It's not-" Y/N tries to explain, but is cut off by Kris.
"It totally is" Kris grins. "Y/N and Darby are getting drinks after the show tonight"
With that, she grabs Y/N's shoulders and guides her away, and looks back to send Ricky a triumphant smirk.
Ricky scoffs and runs off down the halls to find Hook.
He finds him sitting on a crate in the hallway, and Ricky snatches the earbuds out of Hook's ears.
Hook looks up with a glare. "What the hel-"
"No time for pleasantries!" Ricky yells. "You need to get off your ass and apologize to Y/N! I know she still has feelings for you, she's told me! And you still love her! You're just too chicken to tell her that you’re sorry, and she's about to go on a date with Darby so you have officially run out of time! You need to go get your girl and live happily ever after! I'll be damned if Kris will beat me!"
Hook stands up with a scowl on his face. "She's going on a date with that little prick?"
Ricky frantically nods and exasperatedly yells “Yes!"
"Where?" Hook demands, causing a smirk to grow on Ricky's face.
"How do you know they're here?" Hook asks as Ricky pulls into a parking spot at a busy bar.
"I asked her. You know, like talking to her" Ricky deadpans, making Hook shoot him a glare.
"Now get out of my car, and don't come back until you've professed your love to her" Ricky demands.
Hook does get out of the car, and takes a deep breath before entering the building.
Y/N and Darby were tucked away in a booth near the back, talking and laughing without a care in the world.
Hook can feel his face flush when he sees what Y/N is wearing, in both anger and attraction. He knew Kris must have picked it because she always needed to be hyped up a little to wear that damn dress. It was the definition of that little black dress every guy loves. It was a short, fitted bodycon dress, with a bustier top and ruched detail on the skirt that accentuated her curvy waist and hips.
That damn dress made her look both classy and sexy all at once, and Hook wanted to go snatch Y/N away from Darby and take her back to his hotel room and have her all to himself.
It was then that Y/N noticed Darby staring at something over her shoulder.
“What’s wrong? You got quiet” She leans in close to speak in his ear so he can hear, and places her hand on top of his.
Darby hesitates before answering. “Hook just walked in, and he’s coming over here”
Y/N’s head snaps around, and she easily spots Hook making his way through the crowd towards them.
Before she can debate between jumping up and running, or hiding under the table, he’s standing in front of them. “Hey Y/N”
“Why are you here Tyler?” Y/N asks with an annoyed expression.
“Can we talk?” Hook replies, shooting a rude look at Darby which only pisses Y/N off more.
“She obviously doesn’t want to talk to you, man. And we’re busy right now, I’m sure you can talk some other time” Darby says, a clear edge to his tone.
“I wasn’t fucking talking to you Allin” Hook snaps.
“Darby, it’s fine” Y/N cuts in, trying to prevent a fight from breaking out.
But neither one of them listened, and Y/N buries her head in her hands when Darby stands up and gets chest to chest with Hook.
She can’t hear what they’re saying to each other over the music and people, but she scrambles to get between them when Hook’s face hardens after Darby pushes him back.
“Hey! Enough!” Y/N exclaims.
But the two just continue to glare at each other over her head.
She scoffs and rolls her eyes at their childishness before reaching down to snatch up her purse and storm out of the bar.
She walks a little ways down the road, before stopping when she realizes she left her coat as a chill runs through her body.
“You left this” she hears Hook’s nervous voice behind her.
She turns, and the scowl on her face softens when she sees the sad look on his.
She takes the coat he was holding out for her. “Thank you”
“You’re welcome” He answers, shuffling back and forth on his feet.
The two of them stand in awkward silence for a moment before Hook speaks up. “Do you need a ride to the hotel?”
Y/N thinks for a second; while she is mad at Hook for coming here and ruining her fun, she’s also mad at Darby for pushing Hook.
“It won’t just be you and me” He elaborates. “Ricky’s waiting for me in the car”
“Why’d you come here Tyler?” Y/N asks after a short moment of thinking.
“I..” Hook falters, scrambling for an excuse before finally realizing he just needs to tell the truth. “Because Ricky told me you and Darby were going on a date tonight”
“So you came to crash it?!” Y/N snaps.
“Seriously Tyler?! You’re so fucking childish” Y/N rants as she starts speed walking to the parking lot, Hook following close behind. “You broke up with me, but you still think you can control who I go out with?!”
Ricky glances over when he hears yelling, and cringes when he realizes it’s Y/N.
She swings the passenger door open and plops down in the seat, before crossing her arms and leaning her body towards the window.
“Hello Ricky” she grumbles as Hook climbs in the backseat.
“I do not think I have any sort of control over you Y/N” Hook insists. “I just-“
“You just what?!” Y/N interjects, whipping around in her seat to glare back at him.
“I didn’t want you to go out with someone else! But that doesn’t mean I think I have control over you!” Hook yells back.
Ricky lets out an overly dramatic sigh as he starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.
This was totally not going to plan.
Ricky practically dives out of the car when they get to the hotel, as Y/N and Hook take their time; more concerned about arguing than getting out.
Taz, who was also just arriving at the hotel, stops short of entering when he recognizes the voices of Y/N and Tyler fighting.
He walks over to Ricky. “What the hell’s going on?”
“I heard that Y/N was going on a date with Darby, so I told Hook. Thinking back I wish I hadn’t. And then I found out where they were going and me and Hook went to crash their date so he could tell Y/N that he’s still in love with her. He went inside and the next thing I knew they came out arguing. They’ve been arguing ever since” Ricky rambles out the entire story.
Taz scoffs. “You two are idiots. In what world was crashing her date gonna do anything except piss her off?”
Ricky rubs the back of his neck. “Our world I guess?”
Then Hook gets out of the car, and he goes to open her door but she swiftly opens it herself. “I don’t need you opening my damn door Tyler! I’m more than capable of doing it myself! Just like I’m capable of deciding who I spend my fucking time with!”
“I never fucking said you weren’t!” Hook exclaims.
“Then why even go to the bar?! You still haven’t given me a straight answer!” Y/N fumes.
“Because I’m still fucking in love with you!” He finally exclaims, stopping Y/N in her tracks.
The two stand in silence for a moment, before Hook lets out a shaky breath. “I’m still so in love with you Y/N, ok?” His voice cracks, and tears well up in both of their eyes. “That’s why I went to the bar. Because the thought of you being with someone else makes me feel like someone is trying to rip my heart out of my chest. I know I fucked up that night Y/N. I was mad, and I was just spouting shit, and I caused myself to lose the most important thing in my life. And I know you’ll never fucking forgive me; I know how much I hurt you. And I fucking hate myself for it! And I know you deserve to move on, and I had no right to go there tonight. But- fuck Y/N! I don’t know how to come to terms with losing you! I can’t..”
Y/N stares at him for a moment, and Hook feels like his heart is going to beat out of his chest from the anxiousness coursing through his body.
But Y/N was using that moment to attempt and find the right words to say. “It wasn’t a date..”
Hook furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “What? Ricky said..”
“He just overheard Kris” Y/N elaborates. “She’s been trying to get me to go out again. But I couldn’t do it”
“Why not?” Hook dares to ask as she takes a step towards him.
She puts her hands on his tense arms and makes eye contact before answering. “Because I’m still in love with you. And no matter what mistakes you made, I know that no one else will ever make me feel the way I do for you”
And with that, Hook sweeps her up by her waist and hugs her as tight as he can. She lets out a relieved laugh, and hugs back just as tight.
He places her back on the ground, and their lips collide in a messy, but sweet and passionate kiss.
They only pull away from each other when they hear an obnoxiously loud cheer from Ricky, and they turn to face him and Taz with amused laughter.
“Sorry guys! I didn’t mean to break up your moment. I’m just so excited!” Ricky bounces up and down, and Y/N laughs again when she notices he has his phone out recording them.
“Why were you recording us, Ricky?” She asks with a giggle, as Hook leans down to kiss her head.
“Two reasons. One, I needed footage of my ship getting back together. And two, I gotta show this to Ms.Statlander! True love prevails!” He yells with a victorious grin, before running into the hotel to find Kris.
After Ricky’s gone, Taz approaches them and places a hand on Hook’s shoulder with a delighted smile. “I'm glad you two are working this out. I missed you being around Y/N”
She smiles back. “I missed you too Taz”
With that, Taz bids them goodnight and heads up to his room.
Hook places his hand on the small of her back and guides her inside.
He places one more chaste kiss on her lips. “Now that I can kiss you again I don't ever wanna stop”
“Then don’t” Y/N quips back with a cheeky smirk.
He grins down at her when she pecks his lips once again.
“I gotta get us checked in; but after that, your cute little ass is all mine mamas” he whispers lowly in her ear, and his hand trails down to sneakily grab her ass.
“It’s always been your’s” She giggles and stays tucked into his side as they head over to get checked in.
Hook talks to the desk clerk as she pulls out her phone after it buzzes in her pocket.
She laughs when she sees a message from Ricky.
It was a selfie he took of a rather pissed off Kris, and him grinning like a kid in a candy store.
She shows Hook as they’re walking towards the elevator, and he lets out a hearty laugh. “He better stop messing with her before she knocks him out”
When the elevator door opens, they quickly slip out as Hook’s hands start to trail up and down her body.
They get to the room, but as Hook swipes the key card the two of them look up when a yell echos through the hall.
“I told you to shut up Ricky!” They hear Kris yell, followed by more yells from Ricky.
Y/N goes to walk towards the screams, but Hook snakes his arm around her waist and pulls her into the room.
“Tyler!” Y/N chides, but her protests get caught in her throat when he presses her up against the door.
Their bodies are flush against each other, and Hook immediately dips his head down to start trailing kisses along her neck. “They aren’t our problem right now mamas. All I’m concerned with is reminding you how good it feels when I make you scream my name”
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disasterbuck · 3 months
Hi!!! Ooooh There is so much to choose 🤪🥰💕❓️💻💖🤝🤖🌎🥵
omg just go ahead and make me write everything lol (affectionate) I couldn't keep myself to strictly 3 sentences for all of these, so they vary a bit 🥰
🤪 - clumsy
first time in MONTHS I've written anything for this wip 🥰
This lasted for approximately five minutes before the bell went off and he found himself piling into the truck next to Eddie. He'd tried to slip into another seat, but Chimney had gotten there first and shot him a curious glance. After that, Buck had resigned himself to his fate and sat down beside the love and torturer of his life.
🥰 - confession / surprise date
this one ran away with me a little, how exciting!!
Eddie's lips parted in surprise as Buck began ladling the stew into their bowls. Buck was nervous, accidentally moving a bit too quick and splashing some sauce out of the bowl onto Eddie's shirt.
"Shit! Sorry," he said, moving the dish back to the island bench and taking a step to go and fetch a wash cloth.
Before he could get far, Eddie grabbed his arm and gently reeled him in until he was standing right beside Eddie's chair, looking down at him.
"Relax," Eddie said softly.
"I just want it to be perfect," Buck said. "But now I've already gotten food on you and we haven't even eaten anything yet and–"
Pushing his chair back to stand up, Eddie silenced him with a kiss.
💕 - first kiss
Eddie wasn't sure what to say to that. The truth was he was scared, but he knew he needed to face this no matter what. If Buck had picked up on enough to think they were dancing around each other, that had to mean something.
❓ - is this a date?
It turned out that there was only one table left, which Buck accepted eagerly.
"Alright, up you get," Buck said once the booking was finalised and he'd hung up the phone. "There was only one slot left and it's for 6:45, so we've gotta hustle."
Eddie let out an exaggerated groan as he got to his feet.
💻 - eddie's online friend
this is a goldmine that I completely forgot about lol. I might have to share more snippets at some point.
Stranded: so?
Stranded: are you gonna ask him if he's into men?
GI: stop asking me that
💖 - sorry but I fell in love tonight
Buck watched in delight as the fear drained out of Eddie's face, replaced with wonder.
that's all I've got in me for this one atm
🤝 - touches
The next escalation comes one evening as they're curled up on Eddie's couch together. Eddie sits between Buck's legs, his back to Buck's chest, when Buck takes a risk and slides his hands up the man's thighs. Eddie hums, happy, and tips his head back.
After that, they kiss whenever they can.
🤖 - who's got a crush
a few extra lines for this one as well 🥰
Had Buck really just said what he thought he'd said? No, he couldn't have. Eddie must have misheard.
"Sorry, what?" he asked, giving his head a slight shake.
"Oh my god, Dad!" Chris exclaimed, rolling his eyes dramatically. "He wants to have your babies!"
"Christopher!" Buck wheezed.
🌎 - alternate universe
How could he be right about when Christopher was coming back, but wrong about so many other things? Why didn't he have any memory whatsoever of getting married to Eddie? It couldn't be amnesia, because he had too many other memories all packed into his brain.
🥵 - that's hot
A moment later he heard footsteps and turned to see Bobby and Eddie walking towards him. Bobby looked extremely proud, and Eddie looked…
"Marry me," Eddie said, eyes fixed on Buck's face.
Make Me Write ✨
(I hope it's okay that I'm adding you all here! Just thought you might like to read some snippets, and figured this was a good post for it since there's such a variety. If you're interested in even MORE, go to my blog and search 'make me write'. I've tagged all of these asks with that tag.)
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@i-am-married-to-my-fandom @therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @speggle
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @izzysbeans @sunflower-eddiediaz
@darkrose6578 @veronae-buddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @loveyouanyway @inell
@spicyrottingbrains @gnoeltop @idealuk @donationwayne @lemotmo
@smilingbuckley @realpersonwithrealfeelings @superlock-in-the-tardis @mjthe14thdoctor @strxwbereee
@idontknowwhatimdoing777 @ashleigh2658 @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog @mineyneedsmoney @faithhopeandmisery
@spotsandsocks @unlifeira @tofanasmuse @pirrusstuff @buddiedaydreamer911
@littlevampireprincessuniverse @misshiss727 @i-put-the-star-in-bastard @hermioneindisguise @dangerpronebuddie
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
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lambertdiary · 1 year
Jealousy, Jealousy
"Sorry Won't Fix This" Masterlist
A/N: So I posted part two a couple of days ago and I had a few people asking for a part three, and I'm not gonna lie... I got a little carried away lol, so definitely I'll post a part 4. This was really fun to write and hopefully it'll be fun for you guys to read it! PLEASE let me know what you think 🫶🏻 Also I was watching an Andrew Garfield movie so keep that in mind.
Word Count: 2.1k+
Warnings: angst, language, jealousy, Dalton being shitty (again)
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After Dalton left, Y/N just stared at the door trying to hold her tears in. She was doing a good job, until Chris walked through the door and asked her what was wrong. She broke down immediately, but Chris stayed with her comforting her all night. She cried until she couldn't anymore, and all that was left was a raging headache. 
Y/N told Chris everything, she had been avoiding that subject but letting it all out made her feel a lot better. She felt bad for Chloe, she really did, but at this point she just wanted to detach herself from the whole situation and just Dalton in general, so her next step was moving on.
“You need to forget about him Y/N, he’s not worth it” Y/N nodded agreeing with her friend, but a part of her still felt like she lost someone really important.
“I know I do” She sighed deeply before continuing “I guess the last time we broke up I thought we would somehow find our way back to each other, you know?”
“Y/N, I love you and I know what you mean, but I just want you to think of all the times he did something shitty, and then tell me you still want him”
Y/N laughed a little, admitting to herself stupid her feelings were “You’re right”
“I know I am, dude. Go out, have fun and meet guys who are not gonna kiss someone else in New Year’s”
After a minute of silence, Y/N finally built up the courage to ask “Did you know?”
“Know what?” Chris asked in confusion.
“That Chloe and Dalton were like together together”
Chris thought about her answer for a moment, but ultimately decided there was no point in hiding it anymore “Sort of… I mean I knew he was getting invited to her parents’ house and hanging out with some of her friends” Y/N just nodded, a sad look still on her face “But it doesn’t matter because you’re over him now”
Chris encouraged her to go out with someone. Y/N wasn’t the type to approach a guy and ask for his number, so Chris offered to introduce her to one of her friends she thought Y/N could get along with. 
She met Andrew a couple of days later, and she was surprised when they immediately hit it off. He was cute and funny and really easy to talk to, so Y/N was excited when he started to take her out on dates. They were seeing each other almost every day, and Y/N even took him to her favourite coffee shop, telling him that she got her best work done there and how it was the best coffee she ever had. He chuckled at her statement but agreed with her, sharing his love for coffee too.
⋆ ★
Dalton didn’t tell Chloe what happened that night, of course he didn’t. He kept seeing her like nothing happened and she couldn’t be happier about it. 
The thing is, Chloe felt like she didn’t have him for a number of reasons, even when they started dating he was barely any special towards her. Sure, she would spend a lot of time with him and he would seek her attention, he even drew her for an art project but that was before they became a thing, and the portrait was just somewhere in his dorm. 
She would go there with him and see the wall with a bunch of paintings and drawings of Y/N, and before he told her about them she had no idea they used to date, but she couldn’t help but feel jealous that she never made the wall. 
So one day she decided to ask him to put it up “I’m your girlfriend now, don’t you think it’s time you put the drawing of me on your wall?”
“Uh” He looked at his art displayed on the wall, realising a lot of them were Y/N “I will” He simply replied, thinking he could maybe do it later, but the look Chloe gave him made him understand that she meant right now. So he did, he stood up and removed a few portraits, making space for the new one. He couldn’t bring himself to actually get rid of them, so he decided to just leave them on his desk. That was weeks before he told her about his past with Y/N.
The day after Y/N rejected him he concluded it was officially over, so his relationship with Chloe got a little more serious. Chloe properly introduced him to her parents, they started to have more dates and they even had ‘romantic’ weekends.
Days went by and Dalton tried his best to keep Y/N out of his mind, constantly telling himself that he was with Chloe now and that it was for the best. He wanted to be a better boyfriend for her but he sometimes forgot to put in the effort.
One day Dalton decided to get coffee after class, buying one for him and one for his girlfriend who was waiting for him in his dorm. After receiving his order, he turned around and was ready to walk out, but a familiar face stopped him.
He saw Y/N sitting at one of the tables, talking and giggling with some other guy. Dalton stared at them for a moment, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the cups he was holding. He decided it would be better if he left, but just as he started to walk again he noticed the guy stand up and make his way to the washroom. 
Before he could think about it, he found himself standing in front of Y/N, giving her a questioning stare, as if she owed him any explanations. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked in a demanding tone.
Y/N was both surprised and annoyed at his question. She scoffed and crossed her arms, giving him a bland tone to make him feel like she didn’t care about him “What kind of question is that?”
“I know you’re here with someone, I saw him”
“Why do you care? Aren’t you still with Chloe?” Y/N asked him, pointing at the cup with her name on it. Dalton shrugged and thought about something else to say. She had a point, he was with Chloe now so he shouldn’t care, but he did “You should probably take your girlfriend her coffee, it’s gonna get cold”
“We need to talk”
“There’s nothing left to talk about”
Before Dalton could say something, someone else joined the table “Hi, I’m Andrew” He said, sitting across from Y/N. 
“Dalton” He replied, pressing his lips together.
“He was just leaving” Y/N quickly added.
“Oh” Andrew immediately suspected she didn’t want him there “Well, nice to meet you man”
Dalton clenched his jaw, he didn’t say anything else and just gave them a quick nod before leaving the coffee shop. He was walking to his dorm and the whole time he wished he had said something clever to Andrew.
When he got to his dorm, he was received with a sweet hug and kiss from Chloe, telling him how much he has missed him. As usual, they sat on his bed and talked about their day before moving on to schoolwork. 
“So, my birthday party is this Saturday and I was thinking we could wear the same colour” Chloe said out of nowhere.
Dalton tried to hide the fact that he forgot about her birthday “Uh- yeah, what are you wearing?”
“The dress I bought last week. I told you it was for my birthday, remember?” She asked, hurt and mad he forgot such an important detail. 
He nodded his head quickly “I remember baby, I’m sorry” Dalton brought her closer to him and gave her a reassuring kiss “We’ll both look phenomenal in pink”
⋆ ★
Y/N wasn’t surprised to see Dalton, it was impossible to avoid him completely given they lived in the same building, but anytime they saw each other they just pretended the other didn’t exist, it was working just fine for Dalton until he saw her with someone else. 
Her feelings towards him definitely changed, while she still felt like she lost someone important to her, she was also disappointed at how much he had changed since the party, so they were a mix of many different things. Often she couldn’t help but wonder how different things would be if she tried harder when they were together, but at the same time she resented him for not always showing that he loved her the way she wanted him to.
“How long do we have to wait?” Andrew asked, holding his hair away from his forehead so the face mask wouldn’t stick to it.
“About 20 minutes” Y/N was smiling down at him, finishing up with the thick paste on his cheeks.
He opened his eyes and smiled back at her “Do you have like a hair thing I can borrow?”
Y/N chuckled and reached for another headband, carefully sticking all of his hair back “This is a great look on you” She joked.
They laughed as he looked at himself in the tiny mirror “I guess you’ll have to style me more often”
“I mean, you already look great all the time so I don’t think you need my help”
She watched as his smile went shy, almost sure he was blushing under the face mask. Andrew handed her the mirror and she put it back in a small vase that had a few makeup brushes in it.
“Did you make that?” Andrew asked, paying close attention to the drawings on it, recognising Y/N’s favourite flowers.
“The vase?” She asked and he nodded “Yeah, last year in a pottery class”
“A pottery class?”
“Yeah. I mean, I only went like 3 times but this is great, isn’t it?” She picked it up and examined it. It had been a long time since she did.
“May I?” Andrew grabbed it and looked at all the different colours on it “And you drew these?” He asked, pointing at the beautifully painted flowers.
“Not really, my- uh friend helped me with those, but I still did most of the job” She clarified.
“Oh…” He faked disappointment “And you had me over here thinking you were an artist”
She scoffed playfully as he took the vase from him “I am, did you see the one at the bottom?” Y/N showed him a smudged spot of paint that looked like it was supposed to be a flower “You wouldn’t get it, it’s abstract art” Andrew gave her a frisky look that made her blush  “Are you an artist?”
“Born to be but my lack of skills didn’t allow it, very tragic” Y/N giggled at his dramatics as she scooted closer to him “I can’t really draw… I mean I can, but it’s not very good” Andrew laughed “Why? Do you have a thing for artists?
A strange feeling took over her heart, but she just shook her head and forced a smile “No, just for guys that look good in headbands” She teased. Andrew felt his face get hot again and an impulse made him lean over, getting really close to her face but Y/N stopped him.
“You don’t wanna taste this face mask, it’s gonna linger for days” Andrew shrugged his shoulders and took a quick look at her lips, and then back at her eyes.
“You already have that effect on me”
Y/N was speechless. For a moment they stared at each other intensely, Y/N almost gave in, but the door swinging open made both of them jump.
“Oh- sorry to interrupt” Chris said slowly, dropping her things on her bed.
They turned red and quickly got away from each other, trying to cover their embarrassment “You didn’t, we’re just doing face masks”
“Without me?” Chris joked.
The three of them stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, and as soon as Andrew left Chris couldn’t help but tease Y/N about what she almost witnessed.
“So, I see you two are really getting along”
“I guess” Y/N replied, unsure of how to feel.
“What? Do you not like him?”
“I do… I think I do” She stopped to think about it for a moment “It’s been great but honestly i don’t know if I can take it any further”
“Y/N he’s like perfect for you” Chris stared at her friend, waiting for an explanation “Why not?”
“Because he’s not Dalton”
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malicedafirenze · 1 year
I unintentionally skipped a lot of the romance content in Baldur's Gate 3 and I want others to learn from my mistakes:
So: I managed to lock myself out of romance entirely and ended up alone, which was a huge bummer and a serious crack in my motivation to play the game. I finished my playthrough (because I was already close to the end of Act 3 when I realized it), and plan to do another one eventually. I'm making this post in hopes of a) keeping others from making the same mistakes and b) to possibly get some additional insight re. what to watch out for in my next playthrough.
PSA: Pick a Partner before Act 3
The key learning here for me was this explanation from the poly mod
In BG3, romance is divided into 2 steps: dating and relationship(also called partner). Dating is basically where you are at after the 1st romance scene. Relationship is where you are at after the 2nd romance scene (relationship also unlocks the kissing menu). BTW, If you enter A3, all dates will break up with you (partners won't, ofc).
I hadn't realized this until well into Act 3, at a point where going back to a save to properly fix it would have meant replaying large parts of Act 2 as well - I decided to finish my run instead and then start a completely new one later.
Note: lots of spoilers below. (click here to read this post on reddit instead)
My Romance Woes
I read in advance that you couldn't romance multiple people (except for the specific Halsin combos with Shadowheart and Astarion) and therefore turned down Gale and Lae'Zel early in the game (not realizing you could just date/bonk them without fully committing or getting anyone upset)
I didn't take approval all that seriously, thought I'd have more opportunity to fix things later. I was playing pretty good guy, and ended up with high approval for Karlach and Shadowheart, but low for Astarion. Weirdly, I don't recall an option to romance Shadowheart (no clue what I missed?) and the only option I had for Karlach was at the Tiefling party, where I went with Astarion instead. I had a scene or two with him, but then didn't progress further in the relationship, without really realizing what I was missing.
I wanted to romance everyone, sat on the fence for too long, and ended up not romancing anyone at all, by missing a thing or two in act 1 and 2 and being too late to fix it in act 3. Don't be like me, it feels bad man.
Early Act 3, I got Astarion's breakup dialogue ("we haven't spent a night together in some time" --> him explaining it was just transactional and he doesn't see the value in it anymore) and got super worried, but when trying to look up if I'd messed up, I didn't find a clear answer for without more spoilers, so I just continued playing Act 3, including all of the companion quests.
I later learned that I missed out on at least one important Astarion romance interaction by not going to Moonrise Towers until after freeing Nightsong. (when the Towers are already on high alert, i.e. I could only fight and not have a lot of conversations)
After realizing I had messed up companions romance, I instead fucked everyone it was unwise to fuck (Emperor, Mizora, Harleep...) for fun and to see what would happen... but chickened out and reloaded after Emperor and Mizora. Still, got to enjoy some fun content that way!
The ending I got (going to Avernus with Karlach) was really cool and made me cry a lot. I then did try to reload my last save though, to see if I'd get any other epilogue content if I didn't go to the Hells, but... apparently that scene on the docks (Astarion goofily running off, everyone kinda agreeing to go party after this, no other conversations with anyone again.... is just... it?
Idk how much of this is the lack of romance, but I really felt like something was missing there. I at least wanted to talk to everyone again one last time.
This is a post about my romance failures and regrets so I'm not gonna talk about everything else that I loved about the game, but just in case this is getting a bit too negative: I had an absolute blast with the whole game regardless, I'm stoked to give it another go the "proper" way (i.e. with romance). I also generally think it's really fucking cool that this game's romance options depend on how you behave, and that you can't just e.g. give someone the right kind of gift 20 times in a row to make them love you, like it works in games like Stardew Valley.
Next Playthrough Plans
I'll probably wait for another patch or two - considering how much got fixed and tweaked with the first three patches, I suppose it's worth to wait a bit and see what's coming
I'll play with the Poly mod next time and try to romance all of the Origin characters.
I plan to play with the camp notifications mod, as well as the approval ratings in dialogue mod. Both in hopes of being able to game the romance a bit better and get much of the romance in one playthrough
I'll play Dark Urge (haven't seen any of that so far!), but probably still go for a "good" playthrough mostly
I plan on equipping & levelling all Origin companions and switch them out more freely, in order to get approval from everyone and edit my party as makes sense depending on story events (e.g. take Lae'Zel to the Creche, take Gale to the Ketheric fight...)
I want to romance everyone. I already saw some tips for early game Astarion approval and assume the aforementioned mods will help in optimizing this
Am probably not gonna do anything all that differently otherwise because my heart can't take an actually evil playthrough
Aand that's about it. As mentioned, I'm mostly posting in case this helps anyone else.
I was really damn sad when I realized I had locked myself out of all romance, because the romance was a significant part of my motivation to start playing this in the first place. At the same time, I loved so much about the game that I still got a lot out of it in 110+ hours even with minimal romance content.
If you see any red flags about my plans for the next playthrough (or if you have experience with the mentioned mods!), I'd appreciate comments and insights. Other than that, here's hoping others can learn from my mistakes. Thank you for reading <3
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biolizardboils · 5 months
Sorry to do this so suddenly, but I'm putting all my blogs on hold until further notice. I might log in to like or private-reblog some posts for reference, but that'll be it.
The short reason is that I wanna work on myself. Mostly personally, but with a side of visual art skills.
The long version is under the cut. Content Warnings: current geopolitical events, mental health.
So I'm writing this part for two reasons: so I can send it to friends and others when they ask what I'm doing; and to remind myself why I'm doing it, in case I'm compelled to come back too early. This is gonna be a ramble; I'm writing this after midnight, cus I'll forget or lose the nerve in the morning.
You likely already know what this is about from the emoji tag. You'll also notice that I won't mention any proper names in this post. That's one of the issues I'm stepping away to work on.
I've been quiet about it ever since it started, for a few reasons. Unfamiliarity with the history behind it, fear of spreading misinfo or propaganda, doomscrolling tendencies. For months, I've done the daily click and left it at that.
(Speaking of, last month I found out that the site doesn't track cookies or whatever its called? TL;DR: you can click as many times as devices you have. That's 3 for me.)
But anyway, this week it stopped feeling like enough. From this post's date and what I usually post about, you can probably guess what broke the camel's back.
And... I feel guilty that this is what broke it. And I feel guilty that I feel guilty. It's not my struggle; I'm a bystander. But I chose to be, and I can't tell how much of it was for my own mental health, and how much was denial, selfishness, misplaced optimism.
I want to believe people aren't so cartoonishly cruel. I want to believe people do their research before acting on or speaking about these things. I want to believe people can treat these things with the delicate nuance they deserve. I want to believe that one side destroying innocents on the other is inexcusable, no matter the historical context, and that the rest of the world's powers will act to stop it.
I'm scared of how much I still want to believe it, despite reality. I'm scared of how long it took me to feel the appropriate horror. I've had intrusive thoughts and pits in my stomach all week, and it's compounded by the guilt that I'm only having them now.
I still want to believe some things were misguided, or made before the situation, or will be fixed later. And I can't tell anymore what's a coping mechanism, and what's just a selfish hope that it'll all be fine.
So... I'm gonna get better coping mechanisms.
I'm looking for therapists. Not just for this, but some other things that happened to stack up this week. It doesn't take much to throw off my daily functioning, and I've been holding off addressing that. Again, it's horrible that it took something like this to make me realize that.
To fill up the spare time, I'm gonna put more work into my art skills. I can finally afford better tools, so it's time I practice more professional techniques.
So, yeah. I'm leaving because I feel I can't address things like an adult, and I hope to learn how before I come back.
Thanks for reading, and goodbye for now.
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403tarot · 1 year
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DISCLAIMERS: this is for entertainment purposes only. tarot is a game. it shouldn't be used to take serious decisions or anything in this aspect. take everything with a grain of salt.
* this was supposed to be under an ask but my dumb ass posted it out of time so i had to exclude lol
** with "dating" i mean a serious relationship, not a fix hookup or something like that. notice that a lot of them might be having affairs.
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⊹ chaeyoung:
no! but seems that she is into two different men... a lot of thoughts about who is the one. i don't feel like she's gonna take a decision too early. just enjoying the moment.
⊹ nayeon:
not yet. looks like she really wants to be with someone but none of her affairs lasts. there are a lot of daydreaming about this. hopeless romantic.
⊹ jeongyeon:
oh, she's in love. maybe they just meet or he is just someone new in her life. they're not dating and the wheel of fortune indicates "later". there are also something about fearing to be in a relationship, probably because of a past one.
⊹ dahyun:
no. there's someone who's she's into but also there's a lot of "i'm good by myself". probably younger than her.
⊹ momo:
yes. it seems it's not a good one tho. free momo
⊹ mina:
nope. i see someone, but maybe they're at the inicial stage, not really dating yet. good and refreshing vibes.
⊹ tzuyu:
yes! it's recent, not even 3 months long.
⊹ jihyo:
no! and apparently is not looking for it by now and don't want to attach strings.
⊹ sana:
no! i feel like she's not open to a new relationship right now... maybe she's still recovering from a previous bad one or just not interested at all.
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deck used: the marigold tarot. 🫧 method used: yes - soon - later - no, with the wheel of fortune
you can give suggestions or request personal readings/with an idol of your choice. check my pinned to know more!
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justalittlethought · 3 months
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HEYO! Im not sure how I can do this but I'll try to!
(last time I made an intro was during my amino days 😭)
well for starters I'm going to say abit about myself, I am a minor turning 15 in October, I go by he/they pronouns preference for they/them and my favorite animal is a raccoon and favorite color is green! I have ADHD and autism and I don't understand much stuff sometimes so sorry if I as alot of questions! I'm a very loud person but very shy and quiet when I talk to someone I don't ussaully talk to (think about a living tamaki amajiki) I draw and I do photography, I'm a theatre and band kid and chorus kid too! This will probably be changed and updated whenever I'm on the app and I had a crappy posting schedule 😞 but its ok I swear I'l fix it,
My fandoms do change alot so it might not be updated as fast (apologies in advance);
-marble hornets
-love chunibyo and other delusions!
-my dress up darling
-Ect. Ect. (There's too much and I'm too lazy to type them all out)
-sanders sides (The reason I downloaded tumblr)
-sally face
There is more but I forgot 😞🔫
I will allow anyone to become moots/friends, I have discord so if you want me to give you that you can private message me, I do have rules for who can message me tho. If you are above 18 or under 12 please don't message me. same thing goes for if you want to date me or anything. Other than that go ahead and dm me!
-zionist/pro isreal (I'm Palestinian buddy)
-18 and above
-12 and below
-same fandoms!
-kemonomimi (please I love y'all sm and I'm one myself it's just I literally cannot dress the way I want to bc of my parents 😞🙏)
I'm a Wattpad author and I have 2 books in the making, one is a shigadabi story that is an alternative ending to the one we got, it takes place after the liberation front attack. And another one which is a haikyuu oneshots.
USER: brendoggxxX
Discord...I'm not gonna give that away yet but I will when I'm ready! :P
Tik tok I'm a editing account that posts anything but I didn't get started on anything yet
USER: brendogxx
I also have a spam account called justalittlespam
Alright, that's all for now. I'll probably add on later but for now that's all. Thank you for reading and I hope I can make some friends bye gang!
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after-witch · 2 years
THEEOOO are you alright???
Please tell me you're alright
Give us some update T_T
hey 'non so uhhh, u mm. I didn't want to post because I feel like lately all I do is just post "my life is going to shit" but ;;; YOU ASKED... SO IT'S OKAY.... and uh, truthfully:
I'm not okay. At all. Things aren't okay in a serious way.
gonna 'keep reading' cut this so it's not clogging up anyone's dash ;;
Furnace tech came out, there's a crack in the furnance (He showed me & I got it confirmed) and he tagged my furnace as unsafe for living conditions and turned off power/gas to it.
So I have no working heat throughout the house. In the winter. In an area where it can get down to the 10s/20s or colder, particularly as we get into January-February.
I don't have the money to buy a furnace, but I literally need one to live in this house and make sure my pipes don't freeze/burst, and to sell this house for anything remotely resembling a reasonable price.
They send someone out for an estimate, and it’s $4000 for a new furnance install. I don’t have it. And they gave me info to apply for a loan, but like. I can’t... take out a a $4000 loan to pay for a new furnace when I’m supposed to be moving in 2 months. 
My family found a used furnace, but we need someone licensed to install it. So far the quotes for installing it are just as much as buying the new furnace and having it installed, so it’s like. Hrm. People are asking around to see if we can find someone who will do it for a different rate. But I mean, it’s a complex installation, so I’m not hopeful.
And on top of all this, it's just like. Me trying to sell the house on my own? Somehow? Trying to declutter and clean and pack a 2000 square foot house and then figure out how to list it and for what price and do all the paperwork?
All this was already overwhelming without the "I HAVE NO FURNACE NOW" element hanging over me. And now? I just feel so lost.
So I got approved for the apartment which has a move-in date in early March, but now I'm just like, how am I going to afford the apartment $500 hold deposit in 2 weeks and later on afford the move-in costs and get a furnace installed and get renter's insurance and sell a house with presumably no working furnace in the winter and get everything decluttered and packed in very cold temps and still pay my regular bills and start saving for the next round of car insurance and make enough for gas and and and...
I've actually never felt this level of stress and despair before. I just keep bawling. Like, "when someone you love dies" level of bawling.
I'm just really not okay.
My cat and I are currently in my office with a space heater while I try to do some remote freelance work so I can pay my current bills, hopefully she joins me in the bedroom after I warm it up & stuff a blanket in the doorway cracks to keep it in. I also bought room thermometers so I can see if it's getting to dangerous cold levels and if it is, go to a relative's house.
Thankfully, I do have places I can stay at during the night (siblings houses) but the financial situation & making sure my cat is safe & making sure I'm not in dangerous cold conditions & making sure my pipe's don't freeze is just... overwhelming. idek what to do at this point.
Every time I'm like "Okay, it can't get worse," it just does. Every little positive thing (finally getting my driver's license, finding a way to pay for car insurance, getting help from commissions & amazing donations so I can get my furnace fixed last month) is immediately met with a massive backhand.
Def going to like. Post more about emergency commissions & stuff like that soon. Just right now I need to... figure out... what to make a priority.
Sorry for the long rant. I wish things were going good so I could just say that. I wish I just. had a secret stash of money that I could use to pay for this stuff and not have to worry. 
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Hey all! It's been a little over two weeks since I posted the last chapter on ASLI, and with the way the last few months have gone, I just thought I'd provide an update on how things are going.
A Shared Likeness & Intensity: Currently going through the AO3 chapters and making notes on what I need to change, update. There are several small changes/fixes I'd like to make (such as solidifying and nailing down dates, or fixing Ingrid's early description to match her later appearance). To Stand Against the Dark: Chapter 7 (Wow, am I really on chapter 7 in this?) is in the planning stages of my writing process, it's next on my list of things to write. We're going to be dealing with a little of the aftermath of the last chapter. If you haven't read it yet, you're in for what I think is a nice twist on 3h's original plot.
Through Time's Tarnish: Entry #4 is, I think, going to be a nice non-linear flashback, to a time I don't cover in any one of my stories: the Holy Tomb. Obviously, featuring my SS Byleth, you're in for a lot of angst.
The Scars We Can't Erase: This collab fic with @artofsitriga/@sitrigachaoscorner is really one of my joys of opportunity. Definitely a passion project and labor of love, but we've figured out our long-term narrative structure and have been working on our entries for chapter 2, which is gonna tell you the beginning of the story we're telling. (Side note: I hate that AO3 doesn't give you the option for a Chapter 0 or prologue. Because this chapter would technically be Chapter 1) The story will then proceed in a frame-story style! I'm excited. And honestly, this 'epic fantasy' approach to writing FE3H is fun!
On another note, I've done a little bit of rebranding. Ever since I coined the phrase "silly sapphic with a penchant for trauma" back in one of the earlier chapters of ASLI, I've fallen in love with the moniker. So you can now find me on Twitter @sillysaffic (why two ff's instead of a pph, you ask? Because Xbox and censoring are dumb and filter the word "sapphic" hahaha). If and when I get a different social media, more than likely I will be using that (or a similar) handle.
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iviarellereads · 10 months
The Plan, Such As It Is
tl;dr: System Collapse finishes the Murderbot series on Christmas. Last week of the year is a break, and then it's the Wheel of Time with likely between-book breaks for one-offs or shorter series, and someday maybe Alecto the Ninth.
I had a great time watching Desert Bus, and helping with the VST documenting and editing and uploading clips of the process of raising over a million dollars (over ten million in the lifetime of the event!) for a good cause. A most excellent week of "restoring my faith in humanity". But that's a little beside the point of this post.
I also got my hands on System Collapse, but because of how my brain works, I won't be reading it ahead, so we're going to have lots of fun as I read it for the first time in the format of the blog. Let's see if my style changes, if my predictions are well on or off the mark. (I have seen a few posts that spoiled a few moments and character bits, but I'm not concerned about those. I rarely feel like learning things that happen "ruins" anything about an experience anyway. If the story's well told, it's still fun to experience for myself.)
After System Collapse, well, that's the end of Murderbot to-date. And, I haven't run any polls for covering other things. That's because I'm pretty well set on rereading the Wheel of Time series, and revising my previous notes to this format.
It's something I could keep putting off, but the show has gotten so good, and it reminds me of all the things about the books that I loved so much (and how the show is fixing some things I didn't love). I'll also be very excited to do full-series spoiler posts again, Murderbot didn't have a lot that I felt needed commenting on, but the Wheel? Oh, buddy.
But, the caveat here is that the Wheel of Time has, well, fifteen very large books. Eleven thousand pages, over four million words. Coverage would take about three years if I didn't take breaks for other books in between, and I definitely will, so we're gonna be here for a while. I've said before that I was hesitant to cover Discworld for this, and I still am. Discworld has over forty books just in the main series besides the spinoffs, with a comparable total wordcount to WoT. Several of those, I have negative interest in ever rereading. Even if they're largely shorter than WoT bricks, they're also trickier to split, and I won't have as much context to share about them that isn't available elsewhere already. Whereas, the Wheel of Time lacks a lot of spoiler-free resources in print, despite the series being almost 35 years old. There was a huge influx of podcast coverage once the show publicity ramped up, but not so much blog style content. The few prologues and chapters that do need splitting, I've already calculated out from the first time I took the notes.
Mind you, I will be finding time for Alecto the Ninth coverage when Tamsyn Muir finally graces us with her presence, I'll just take a break between whichever WoT books I'm up to by then. And if something else strikes my fancy, I might alternate books. Like, making it through the Eye of the World might scratch the itch well enough, and make me want to dig into the Princess Bride as I threatened to once before, or perhaps when I reach my least favourite sequence of books in the middle, I'll alternate them with the His Dark Materials trilogy, though probably not its supplementary later materials because I'm still refusing to read the Book of Dust.
I totally understand if folks who followed me for other stuff want to jump ship when my WoT coverage starts. I love and can recommend it with some massive content notes and caveats which will be in my intro post for it, but it's not for everyone and treating it like a universal joy is nonsense. But, especially if you can get a library borrow of the first book, whether you get it in print or ebook or either of the incredible audiobook narrations (the full series by Michael Kramer and Kate Reading, or the first three are now available narrated by Rosamund Pike, who plays the character of Moiraine Sedai on the show), I hope you'll give it a try with me, and my analysis and commentary might help pull you into a series that's otherwise quite intimidating.
So, System Collapse will finish posting on Christmas, I think I'll take the last week of the year as a breather, and the Wheel of Time will kick off my 2024. I hope you'll consider sticking around and reading with me, especially my Locked Tomb girlies because I've said it before and I'll say it again, these two stories have SO much in common, hashtag Women's Wrongs and unreliable narrators. And, I am gonna try to break it up every so often since these are LONG books, most of them have 40+ chapters so will be two months apiece. But either way, if I'm gonna follow my heart, it's gotta be next.
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weirdgirlcroix · 2 years
Blacktober 2022, Week 1: The Cookout
I'M BACK BITCHES and this time it's to post a short story I wrote for blacktober. This one was a blast to write cause Russ is a new oc and I just fixed up Ivan's backstory, so I got to explore writing their backstory for the first time. Content warning for mildish homophobia and uhhhh a lot of fire. Previous chapter (technically) is here and the follow-up is right here.
Russ didn’t give a damn about the 4th of July. That holiday was for white people who thought that slavery actually ended with the 13th Amendment. That being said, he was a hell of a good griller, and he’d take any chance he could get to host a cookout and invite a bunch of friends over. As the fateful holiday approached, he texted and called nearby family and old friends to invite them.
He hadn’t done the best job at socializing lately, but there was one new name in his contacts that stuck out: Ivan Beatty. They’d met because Russ had gotten Ivan out of a sticky situation recently, and they hadn’t talked in a couple of weeks. Russ wondered if they were doing better now. He shot them a text, Yo I’m hosting a cookout on the 4th. Wanna come? and stared at his phone, hoping for a quick response.
A minute later Ivan responded, maybe and sent a thinking emoji.
What you thinking on? You don’t know no one who’s coming but it’s all family and friends they’re chill.
………… ok.
Russ sent a couple of skull emojis. The periods LOL. I’ll text you the date and addy see you there. He couldn’t help smiling to himself, feeling like he’d accomplished something. Ivan was so quiet, but maybe now Russ could finally figure out what was going on inside their head.
Finally, the 4th of July arrived. Russ got an early start on grilling since there was a lot on the menu: a few fruits and veggies, hamburger, hotdogs, and wings. One could smell grilled pineapple and barbeque chicken wings from anywhere on the block. Jamie, his beloved golden retriever, kept begging him for a piece of chicken. Since no one had arrived yet, Russ relented, tore off a piece of meat from a chicken wing, and tossed it to her. She snapped it up and wagged her tail in thanks. He grinned, pet her, and finished up the wing so he could go back to grilling.
As the guests arrived, Jamie greeted them by running up to them and barking, and she received plenty of pets in return. Russ shook hands and bumped fists with each of them and offered them sodas from the cooler. One of his friends from high school smirked and asked, “It’s been forever, Russell! You still on that sigma male grindset shit?”
“I’m on that focusing-on-health-instead-of-relationships shit, if that’s what you asking,” Russ retorted as he flipped a couple of burgers.
One of his cousins spit out her soda while laughing. “I thought you was gonna ask if he was still on that homo shit. He gotta be ‘cause he be wearing them flannels every day. Ain’t that a lesbian thing?”
Russ slowly began to remember why he didn’t talk to his friends and family as much. He had the urge to take off his unbuttoned green flannel, but that would make him look worse. “There ain’t nothing gay about knowing how to dress, Michelle. Y’all know I like bitches.” Russ couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually fallen in love with a woman, but that was beside the point.
“The nigga you was fucking with in 9th grade—”
The flames in the grill flared up like a horse rearing its head, spooking everyone in the conversation, and Russ hurriedly checked on the burgers and hotdogs to make sure they weren’t burnt. “Aight, y’all, that’s enough. Relax ‘fore I burn everything on purpose,” he said jokingly. He couldn’t sound too serious, or he’d get accused of overreacting — not that he wasn’t prone to taking things too far, but he was totally in the right this time. He was a normal gym bro and he was straight as an arrow.
Before someone could think of another jab to throw at him, he decided to change the subject. “Speaking of fire, y’all wanna see something impressive? I’ve been working on this one. Stand back so y’all don’t get hurt.” Russ didn’t keep his ability to control fire a secret, and it was the reason he was always the life of the party. He poked a finger through the bars of the grill, and a few small flames latched onto it as if he were lighting a candle. They gave his finger a warm tickling sensation, but they didn’t burn him in the slightest. He pulled his finger back out and held it in front of the crowd. The flames grew large enough to engulf his hand, and he lightly flicked his wrist upward. The fire plopped onto the grass and formed a self-sustaining ball of energy that didn’t need to burn an inch of grass to keep itself alive.
People clapped, already impressed by the display, but Russ wasn’t done yet. He furrowed his brow and concentrated even harder on the fireball. It grew bigger and bigger, taking on a humanoid shape. Eventually it formed a blazing silhouette of Russ himself. He handed it the pair of tongs it was holding, and it took some finished hotdogs off the grill before setting the tongs down and fizzling out. He bowed dramatically and went back to grilling, taking in the audience's whoops and cheers.
That trick was exhausting, so he wouldn’t be showing off for a while, but at this point he didn’t need to. The conversations had moved on from targeting him to the usual cookout talk: the latest sports and music news, how everyone’s relationships were faring, and venting about the latest white bullshit. Russ chimed in whenever he thought of something to say, and he really began enjoying the cookout. He was surrounded by people who enjoyed good food, good conversation, and thought his jokes were hilarious. There was nothing to be mad about.
Russ finished grilling when there was enough for everyone to have seconds and then some. He made himself a juicy cheeseburger with a side of grilled pineapple and a can of Mountain Dew. As he ate, he realized that there was a glaring problem: Ivan hadn’t shown up yet. They’d seemed hesitant to come, so maybe they just needed some convincing. Russ pulled out his phone and called them, but they didn’t pick up. Instead he received a text that simply said, hi.
Hey. Where you at? You’re missing the cookout.
Ivan took a couple of minutes to respond. ik. idk if i should go.
Russ frowned at his phone, earning him a few judgemental looks from the people sitting near him. Why not? I made a ton of food and it’s lit you ain’t got nothing to worry about. You scared ‘cause you don’t know nobody here? Russ couldn’t imagine what it was like to be an introvert who didn’t like social interaction, but he supposed that anyone who’d been invited to a cookout with people they didn’t know would feel overwhelmed.
yeye. I can show up for a few ig. omw.
“Score!” Russ thought, pumping his fist. Now he could finally learn what Ivan had been up to these past few weeks in a face-to-face conversation.
Ivan knew they’d regret going the second they got on their bike. Not knowing anyone at the cookout besides Russ wasn’t a plus, but it wasn’t the main problem either. If they weren’t able to keep it together, there’d be another disaster.
They parked their bike outside of Russ’s place, a brown brick row house at the end of the block. It had a porch with a swinging bench and a lawn chair, and some people were relaxing there while nursing cans of coke. When they saw Ivan they waved and wished him a happy 4th. He nodded back, too nervous to speak. Russ had bragged over the phone about how good of a griller he was, and at first Ivan had his doubts. But the grilled-food smell wafting from Russ’s backyard was delectable. Maybe things would go well if Ivan focused on how good the food was.
When they opened the gate to Russ’s backyard, the first thing they noticed was the amount of people. About 25 people outside, an unknown amount inside, and even one fluffy golden retriever. That meant at least 26 possible casualties. Pressure started building up, and they took a few deep breaths to try and calm themself down.
The second thing they noticed was Russ in the middle of the crowd, chatting with someone who looked kind of similar to him — a half-sister or cousin, maybe? — about how well different NFL teams had performed during the last season. Russ stood confidently with his arms crossed and his dark red hair falling over his left shoulder. His tan face was coated in brown freckles, as were the faces of a few other people at the cookout. Ivan figured it ran in the family, which he thought was nice. Russ’s bushy unibrow was raised in surprise as his relative said that she actually wasn’t a fan of the Baltimore Ravens at all, her boyfriend just made her go to their games.
When Russ spotted Ivan, he walked over and dapped them up like they were old friends. His dog, who Russ had mentioned was named Jamie, bounded up to them and sniffed their hand. “How you living, man? You came just in time, the food’s still warm. You more of a burger or a hot dog guy?”
“B-B-Both,” Ivan stammered, absent-mindedly reaching down to pet Jamie. They hadn’t gotten a good look at Russ’s face up close since the day that they’d met. They liked how so many of their features were the opposite of Russ’s: dark ebony skin, short curls cut into a frohawk, a pair of brows that they shaved into dots. They were much stockier than Russ, and he was toned but fairly tall.
Russ waved a hand in Ivan’s face. “Earth to Ivan? I was saying this is my stepsister Anita.”
Anita had a sweet smile painted on her face. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Ivan nodded again. Russ hadn’t made fun of his stutter yet, but what if someone else did? He couldn’t afford the extra stress right now.
Russ patted Ivan’s shoulder and explained, “This guy is just super quiet. Come on, Ivan, lemme show you around some.” Russ led Ivan around the backyard and introduced them to people that they’d probably never see again. His little tour ended in front of the grill, where he explained, “And this here’s my pride and joy, besides Jamie. I’ve had her ever since I moved here and she ain’t failed me once.”
“W-Wow.” The grill wasn’t lit right now, which gave Ivan a little time to think of an excuse to leave if Russ did decide to start it up.
“It’s a little harder to tell now, but I actually just cleaned her the other day. Finna clean her again tomorrow,” Russ continued. “Oh, you wanna see something sick? I already ate some regular food — which was hella good, by the way — but I haven’t eaten any fire yet. I was doing some intense tricks earlier, so I gotta get my strength back up.”
Before Ivan could react, Russ jogged to a small garage on the side of the house and returned with a couple lumps of charcoal. Ivan wanted to protest, but all that came out was a jumble of stuttered syllables. The pressure within him was growing exponentially as Russ took his lighter to the coals and let the flames engulf them. He was starting to grow dizzy. The sun was glaring down on him like a laser beam, and he was sweating bullets. Jamie barked incessantly at him, aware that something was about to happen, and it made his ears ring. There was only one way to return to normal now.
“Ivan? This the second time you’ve spaced out, man. What’s up?” Russ snapped his fingers in Ivan’s face, and they exploded.
The ground shook with the force of a 5.7 magnitude earthquake, if Ivan had to guess. He was frozen in place, filled with a mix of horrid relief and regret. The guests screamed in fear and confusion, and Russ desperately tried to evacuate them. He’d finally figured out what was happening, but he wasn’t a professional and he had trouble corralling everyone. Ivan wanted to explain that everyone would be fine if they got as far away from him as possible, but his voice could hardly be heard over the sound of shifting earth. He recalled the days when he could raise his calm yet authoritative voice loudly enough to cut through any commotion, and the earthquake’s magnitude ticked up to a 5.9.
Once Russ managed to get every guest out of the backyard, he began trekking his way back to Ivan. “What are you doing?” they thought. “You’re going to get yourself killed!”
As if reading their mind Russ called out, “I fucked up! I wasn’t thinking ‘bout how you hate fires! I got no idea how to make it up to you, but I’m sorry!”
Russ’s apology made Ivan feel a little better, but it wasn’t enough. What if Ivan killed someone? Or decimated Russ’s house? What if someone else figured out they were the problem and ostracized them for it?
To Ivan’s surprise, Russ stepped closer. “You remember how you calmed down last time, right? I think you was thinking about happy thoughts! And, uh, we was holding hands!”
Fragments of memories from that night popped up in Ivan’s mind. Russ was right; he did hold Ivan’s hand while they thought about the good things in their life. But Russ couldn’t get any closer to Ivan than he already was. Ivan jerkily raised their hands in protest, hoping that Russ would stay away.
Luckily, Russ got the message. “You right, I’ll prolly die if I get too close. Maybe try… pretending to hold my hand?” He outstretched his hand, squeezing his eyes shut as if keeping them closed would make him closer to Ivan. They mirrored him, holding up a trembling hand and closing their eyes. Had anything good happened today? Besides petting Jamie, not really; they’d spent the entire day worrying themself sick about the cookout. How about this week? They’d gotten hired to be a personal trainer, which was definitely a good thing. Plus, Russ had called them eight days ago to rant about the best puppy he’d ever dogsat, and that was an uplifting phone call. Life wasn’t all bad, Ivan realized. There were plenty of low points, but the good moments balanced them out.
Slowly, Ivan’s seismic waves grew weaker and weaker. Suddenly, they felt a large, rough hand latch onto theirs. They cracked an eye open and saw that Russ had finally reached them, awkward smile painted on his face. The last couple of seismic waves flowed out as Ivan smiled back. “Y-You saved me. Again.”
“That’s what friends are for, yeah? We still friends?”
Ivan looked around. A few of Russ’s guests nervously peeked into the backyard, assessing the damage from afar. Russ’s house had sustained a couple of cracks, but it was still standing. Jamie had calmed down a bit, and she ran between Russ and Ivan to make sure the two of them were okay. Nobody was badly injured or dead, the damage was fixable, and Russ still liked him. “Yeah. We’re, we’re still friends.”
Russ’s smile grew wider. “Good. This cookout’s officially over, but you can stay for a bit if you ain’t well enough to go home.”
“I’d like that,” Ivan decided, smiling back.
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quetzlepretzel · 1 year
Videos Games #1, 7/30-8/5
I've always wanted a place to blab about whatever random game I'm playing. Livetweeting didn't work out, but maybe something like this will? If you don't want to see these posts, please block/filter the tag: #quetzlegaming
Games from this week: Pokemon Polished Crystal, Fool's Gold, Infinite Fusion. Palia MMO, and House Flipper (I fucking LOVE Johto)
Pokemon Polished Crystal
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I've got two badges and I just hit Goldenrod! Been loving all the upgrades this hack added to the main game: most HGSS stuff like Lyra, Proton, etc, mild "alt colors" for pokemon based on their DVs (you can see it most clearly in my slightly green Furret there), expanded route maps and hidden grottos... Oh there's in game wonder trade too! That's how I got Skarmory and Clefairy. The last egg there is the Odd Egg, still wondering what 'mon I'm gonna get from it. Pokemon Fool's Gold
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Wild looking, ain't it? Fool's Gold is a bit like... if every pokemon in Johto was a "regional form", including its OG cast. From left to right, that's Pidgeotto, Jolteon, Wartortle, Quilava, Corsola, and Houndoom. (Pidgeotto and Quilava are shiny, too.) (Yes I'm playing with the built in shiny code active). They're a pretty great team, have carried me through six badges. 🥰 Literally every pokemon is different, and I've loved playing through the game and seeing familiar faces with a fresh coat of pixels. Pokemon Infinite Fusion
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I went with a bit of a theme, obviously. Can you guess it? Can you guess all my favorite pokemons just from looking at one image? Jokes aside, I kind of loved how this team turned out in the end. Two witches and their familiars uwu. I played on the most chaotic randomizer settings, and I lucked out with it being generous with the eeveelutions. I beat IF this week, clearing Mt. Silver on Thursday. I know there's still some postgame stuff to do and I may get back to it eventually, but I think I'm ready to shelve the game for now. Some of the route design got hecka frustrating by the end. Man, I love Johto. Palia MMO
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I got in on the open beta this week! Just finished building my starter home last night. Really love the art style and environment design in this one, and goooosh the townsfolk are so cute. I already want to marry Jel. It's really scratching that farmer game itch, and I'm sure once they implement more minigames and areas to explore, I'm gonna get totally obsessed. Hopefully they'll have controller config set up for PC by full release, cuz my wrists are BEGGING me to play less KB+M games. Speaking of... House Flipper No pics for this one. I'm still in the early stages of the game where I only fix homes, not buy and flip 'em for sale, so I ain't got shit to show off. But GOSH it's like if they took AC's happy home paradise, mashed it with powerwash sim, and made a game *just* for me. It's so cathartic- at least when I'm not yelling at my customers for making TERRIBLE decisions that strip away any and all character in the home (yes, I'm complaining about the Michael B. job, you're a MONSTER sir/ma'am/they'm). Looking forward to making my first barbie dreamhouse at a later date.
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gurugirl · 1 year
hi! same anon about the boyfriend who broke up with me. can i be 🍸 anon? i've been drinking my weight in vodka lately to drown my sorrows so a dirty martini emoji might just be for me. 😭
the ex called me yesterday after i posted a selfie on ig. i knew i was looking fly so i had to post it. did i do it so he'd see it and feel like he'd made a mistake? yes. a little. but also i was just really cute last night with my new haircut and color (some highlights) and I was wearing this dress i hadn't worn in forever.
anyway... the asshole called me an hour later and apologized about how it ended so he wound up coming over and we fucked 😫 i know it was a bad idea. and we aren't back together or anything either. he just came to "apologize" he said and then he like had me on the couch and kissed me and i just didn't stop it. and i really liked it though.
you know how i said he was boring? well. he wasn't boring last night. he ate me out (first time ever) and i didn't cum but then he begged me to let him fuck me and i really liked him begging me cause i told him no but he was like holding onto my dress and pushed his face into my stomach and begged me and i felt so powerful. but i know i was actually just weak but he fucked me so good and i came so hard.
i don't know what to do. i was gonna wait to start up my dating profile again but now he's gone and fucked me proper and i'm confused. i haven't even heard from him today at all.
and my boss was really nice to me. told me i did well on fixing the issue at work and then bought me a starbuck's coffee just now 😭
i'm in the bathroom sending this to you while i'm at work. i was gonna tell my bff about my ex but she's going to kill me and figured i'd send this to you first and see what you think. she's gonna kill me isn't she?
what do i do guru? i'm not getting back with my ex. i still hate him right now but my brain is all messed up after last night. i sound crazy and i'm really not.
Hi babe! Yes you can be the dirty martini emoji 🍸
Yay about your boss! Sounds like you worked out the issue :)
So, you have gotten yourself into quite the conundrum with your ez. I cannot say I've not dealt with what you're going through, though. I've hooked up with a few ex's before. And the only thing I can really say is that it never winds up being a happy ending. Not for me anyway.
I feel like your ex was regretting breaking up with you and since you two are familiar and are used to one another he probably just figured he'd test it out. It's actually not that uncommon to have sex with an ex. It's not a great idea, but humans are like that - we are full of bad ideas and can be messy.
Don't worry too much about it, don't beat yourself up over it - and I know that's easier said than done but you can look at it like this... you got a little closure, you know he still thinks you're hot and now you know he kind of regrets letting you go. But he did let you go, so that part you need to hold on to and remember.
And just because he was a little more adventurous last night (girl that was the first time he EVER ate you out and you didn't drop his ass from the start?) doesn't mean he'd continue that. It was hot, spur of the moment sex with an ex thing.
I would also say it might be too soon to start up your dating profile yet. You literally just got out of this relationship. Give yourself some time to be single. If it happens it happens! Just go out and have fun.
As for your bff... if she knows the story then yeah, she might be disappointed but she's your bff for a reason. She's gonna love you and tell you her thoughts openly. She'll probably also be able to offer better advice than I can since she knows you.
Don't stress. Don't call him or text him. Just think of it as your closure and you do your best to move on and live your life.
Good luck, babe!! xoxo
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jamie2lamie · 1 year
April 6th, 2023
I'm in 6th period, not surprising. I'm supposed to be doing work, but I don't really feel like it rn, and my bra is uncomfortable, but I don't want to fix it :,) Nvm I fixed it. My grandpa still hasn't left my house, and I feel bad saying it, but I don't think anyone wants him in there. Even my dad says he wants him to go back. I find that when my grandpa in the house my dad smokes more, which I want him to do less, also my dad just gets irritated easier in general when he's over. It kinda sucks having him over, but, again, there's nothing I can do about it right now. My prom is next week, and I'm not that excited for it, like I have a couple more years to get excited about it, so I'm not that disappointed. Also, I don't have a date, but I'm not worried about that at all, what I AM worried about is that I'll get called "Wednesday Addams" because I'm gonna be wearing a black dress and shoes :,,,)))) but it's whatever ig. I just wanna go home to my dogs rn. I emailed my art teacher during my 4th period, giving him a music recommendation, so I hope he plays the song during class, I have him as my next period. I recommended the song 'The Bad List' by Z Berg and Ryan Ross. It's such a good song, and I'm OBSESSED with Ryan Ross, so crossing my fingers he plays it. One last thing before I get back to work, Jon Walker reposted a post by an Instagram account, called theyoungveinsmusic (I think) with just a post of the 'Take A Vacation!' album cover, so now everyone thinks that Ryan and Jon are coming back, and I'm PRAYING they come back. Especially Ryan, bros been gone from Insta since 2020. I can't keep listening to 'Take A Vacation!' over and over again, I hope that Ryan confirms this anytime soon because I'd rather have my hopes brought down now, rather than later :,( ANYWAYS I gtg <3
Have a good day, noon, or night <333
-Jamie :)))))
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