#so i’m gonna try to use her more and make it easier to approach her uvu
tvrningout · 5 months
i’m giving rin a modern verse and using her more overall if it’s the last thing i do 🔪
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idkwhatever580 · 4 months
Are you mad?
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader
Prompt: Natasha is jealous and y/n is a bit sensitive. Y/n overthinks wayyyy too much.
Warnings: slightly toxic nat (in the middle), cheating accusations, cussing, lmk if there’s any I missed.
A/N: I have a good idea for this but idk if it’s gonna turn out. Lmk if you like it and my requests are open! Also she’s so pretty like pepper spray me pleeeeeeaaassseeeee
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Y/n’s pov
Another night full of loud noises and bright lights. This party had no significance. No birthday, no win, no nothing. But Tony Stark will always find something.
Even if it is nothing. He will use it.
So like I was saying, I’m sitting here at this party just wanting to go back to my room. But unfortunately I need to be here for publicity purposes.
I make it through most of the party with minimal effort. Not many people have the urge to talk to me aside from the occasional drunk person. But Bruce comes up to me and sits down with his drink.
Like me, bruce doesn’t really do big interactions and stuff.
Natasha on the other hand, is one of our most popular avengers and the most sought after. So she must deal with people all night. I don’t mind though. She has her fun. And I watch.
Bruce cuts into my thinking with a sigh and I look over at him and say
“Penny for your thoughts?”
He looks at me and shakes his head a bit.
I nod knowing sometimes people just don’t want to talk. But I still leave the offer open.
“Well, if you need to talk I’m here till Natasha gets drunk. Which, knowing her, won’t be for a while.”
He sighs again after a while and turns to me and says
“I like this girl”
I immediately perk up and say
“Ooh! What’s her name? Do I know her?”
He blushes and nods and says
“Who she is is not the problem I’m having”
And I nod my head and say
“Right… so… what is the problem?”
He thinks for a bit and says
“How do I know that she will want me even after she sees the other guy.”
I sigh and take a minute to think about it. That’s a tough one and I don’t want to say the wrong thing. After a second I decide to try a different approach.
“Why don’t you think she will like you?”
He gets a bit awkward and says
“Well, you’ve seen the other guy. You know how he is. How could anybody love a monster like me?”
I frown and say
“I don’t think you’re a monster”
He scoffs and brushes my comment aside and I tilt my head and I say
“Do you think I’m a monster?”
He looks at me and says
“No! No you’re not a monster!”
I nod my head and figure out where I’m going to go with it.
“Do you think Natasha, or Wanda, or the rest of the team are monsters?”
He shakes his head and once again says
“No! I’d never think that about you guys”
I give him a look and then say
“So what makes you think we would think of you any different? Or better yet, she”
He thinks and says
“Well- the other guy, he’s dangerous and scary. And he hurts people”
I nod my head for him to continue
“And I can’t control him.”
I nod my head and sigh. I think for a second while biting my cheek and I say
“Well. Like I was saying. We have all been dangerous and scary before. But that’s not what makes us us right?”
He nods his head and I continue
“And as for your worries about losing control, have you ever thought about the fact that you desensitize him?”
I reference hulk and he shakes his head
I nod mine and say
“Well, I think that maybe you are having a hard time controlling him because you’re constantly fighting with him, and you never really have given him the chance to be anything other than angry.”
He nods his head and says
I put my hand on his knee for reassurance and I say
“Bruce, if you take time to learn more about him and if you work with him instead of working against him, then maybe he’d be more willing to work with you as well. Maybe the switch between you and him would come easier even.”
He looks at me and says
“Well how would I do that?”
“Maybe give him a safe space. It sounds weird, but when I am feeling trapped and like I can’t breathe, I freak out and lash out on everyone. Maybe he does the same. Maybe if you give him a space where he doesn’t feel any pressure, then he might be able to work with you better”
He nods his head understanding and says
“Thank you y/n, you always have the best advice”
We hug each other and I say
“Now go get Dr. Cho.”
I smirk when he blushes and I say
“I knew you had a little crush the whole time. Sorry. I couldn’t help but let you have your moment though”
He laughs it off and gets up to go talk with her.
What I didn’t see happening during our conversation is Natasha.
I turn around to see her starring daggers into my soul. I walk over to her with a confused look and say
“Hey baby!”
She has a really tight grip on her drink so I softly take it from her and hand it to a random person who gladly takes it.
She grabs my hand and pulls me to an empty hallway and as she’s pulling me her grip on my wrist hurts and I say
“Ow! Baby you’re hurting me”
She grips tighter as if she doesn’t even hear me. Or maybe she does and just doesn’t care.
She only lets go when we’re in the hallway and I say
“What’s wrong?”
I rub my wrist which now has a growing red mark on it and she says
“What’s going on with you and Bruce?!”
I look at her confused and she says
“Huh? Are you just gonna sit there acting dumb or are you gonna answer me?!”
Her voice is laced with venom. And I say
“Baby I don’t know what you’re talking about”
She huffs and says
“You and Banner! You think I wouldn’t see how you were both giving each other googly eyes and how you put your hand on his knee?! And that hug! God that hug was so touchy!!”
I furrow my eyebrows and say
“Baby nothing is going on between us! He was asking for help about a crush. And I also talked to him about hulk”
She scoffs and says
“You’re lying to me. You’re such a fucking cheater!”
she goes to walk away but I say
“Wait! You don’t get to call me that and just walk away! I didn’t do anything baby”
I try to think on my toes since if I don’t act fast she’s leaving. So I do what my heart says to do.
I pull her into me for a kiss and she melts into it. Once I pull away I know she is calmed down a bit and I brush some stray hairs from her face and say
“Baby, I would never ever in a million years cheat on you. I’m sorry it looked like that but I can assure you I only have eyes for you. And he likes Cho anyways”
She sighs and mumbles
“You’re right. I don’t know what came over me. I’m sorry”
I nod my head and say
“We’ve still got a few hours before the party is over. We better get back out there before we get in trouble”
She nods her head and leaves promptly. I take a minute and let out a breath. She didn’t even say I love you to me. No kiss. No nothing. Just left.
I look down and my now slightly raw wrist. I sigh and roll my eyes knowing that I have to cover this up before going back so I run to my room and use my makeup skills to cover it up and for good measure I put on a few bracelets. Then I head back down to the stupid party.
I sit in a corner hiding from everyone even more than before. And I think about Natasha. I immediately get lost in my thoughts.
Did it really look like I was cheating? Maybe it did. Maybe I was cheating. I mean. That hand on his knee was weird I guess. I thought I was comforting him though. Oh my god. I was cheating on Natasha! She had every right to be mad at me. God I’m such a bad girlfriend. She should have broken up with me!
I snap back into reality when Wanda waves her hand in my face.
She looks worried. I furrow my eyebrows when I feel hot liquid running down my cheeks.
I reach up to touch it and realize I’m crying. I softly look back up at Wanda and then before she can say anything I bolt.
I run to my old room. I don’t stay here anymore since I’ve moved into Natasha’s room.
But there’s still some essential things in there in case someone needs a place to stay.
That someone is apparently me now.
I can’t go back to Natasha. I can’t face her. I’m a fucking cheater. She hates me. That’s why she didn’t say she loves me when she left.
She must not have known how to break up with me. So she just walked away and that’s how she broke up with me.
I snap back out of my thoughts once again and I get in my pajamas and in my bed. It’s not comfortable at all.
I’m only comfy when Natasha is with me. When her warm touch combats my cold one.
Guess Im never gonna be comfortable again. She is leaving me.
A soft knock comes from my door about an hour later. I check the time and see that the party is probably over by now.
I don’t answer but they come in anyways.
I look over and see Wanda and she immediately comes over to me and envelopes me in a hug.
“What’s wrong sestra?”
I shrug my shoulders and she says
“Don’t shut me out. Please. It’ll only make whatever is happening worse. Please talk to me”
I sigh knowing she’s right and I try to find the right words but I can’t so I just blurt out
“I cheated on Natasha!”
Her eyes widen in shock but she quickly recovers the best she can and tries to assess the situation before making assumptions.
“Okay. Um. What happened? With who?”
I look down and say
“With Bruce”
She furrows her eyebrows and says
“I thought you were only interested in girls?”
I nod my head and tears are falling but I don’t let them affect me
“I am! I’m only interested in Natasha!”
She is confused and she says
“Okay then how did you cheat on her?”
“Well. During the party Bruce came to me about his crush on Dr. Cho, and I ended up talking with him about her and the hulk. I tried to be comforting for him and I put my hand on his knee. Then we hugged and I went to Natasha and she pulled me out and yelled at me and got all sideways. Then when I tried to clear it up she agreed with it and dropped it but when she left back to the party she didn’t kiss me or say I love you to me or anything! So she just didn’t know how to break up with me for cheating on her!”
Wanda listens to my rant but before I can go any further she stops me and says
“Y/n you did not cheat on Natasha. Sure she might be a bit salty but you didn’t do anything wrong okay?”
I sniffle and nod my head and say
“But she still doesn’t want me”
Wanda shakes her head and says
“No. That’s not true. She loves you. You just need to talk to her about it okay? I’m sure she is missing you right now”
Right as Wanda says that, we hear another knock from the door. And in comes Natasha.
“Y/n? Are you in here?”
She says softly and then sees us together and says
“Oh. Hey.. Are you alright?”
I sniff and nod my head still thinking she is mad at me and Wanda gets up to leave. I try to make her stay but she whispers softly that I need to talk to nat about it.
Wanda goes to nat and says
“Listen and talk okay?”
Nat nods her head and immediately after Wanda steps out she rushes to me and says
“What’s wrong baby?”
I sniffle again. Damn snot. Then I whimper out.
“Are you mad at me?”
She furrows her eyebrows and says
“Why would I be mad at you baby?”
I shrugged my shoulders shutting down a bit but Natasha knows this all too well.
“Baby don’t shut me out. Tell me please”
I sigh once again and say
“You were so mad when you said I cheated on you.”
She shakes her head a bit and says
“No. I was not thinking straight. I let jealousy overtake my reasoning and I blew up at you. It was wrong of me.”
I look up at her and say
“So you’re not leaving me?”
She laughs a bit and says
“You didn’t think you could get rid of me that easily did you?”
I giggle a bit from her laughter and I shrug my shoulders saying
“I dunno.”
She pulls me into a tight hug and whispers in my ear
“Baby. I am not breaking up with you. Not now not ever.”
I sigh at her reassurance and nod my head. Then I yawn and she says
“You wanna head back to our room?”
I nod my head and say
“Can we cuddle?”
She frowns at me and immediately gets tense and says
She starts walking away and I look at her in surprise and bow my head low and say
“Oh. Okay”
I trail behind her and she turns around and starts laughing and says
“Baby I was kidding. Of course we can cuddle”
I look at her and immediately get excited again. She holds her arms open for me and says
“Come here detka”
I run into her arms and hug her. Then she ends up picking me up and carrying me to our room.
She carries me to our room and since I’m already in my pajamas, she just plops me on the bed and gives me a kiss.
Then she trails her kisses down to my neck and I say
“Baby not tonight I’m tired”
She doesn’t listen and keeps kissing me. I go to say something and she suddenly blows a raspberry into my neck and makes me laugh and I say
“Stop! Stop! That tickles!!”
She giggles and pulls away and says
“Sorry. I had to”
I smile and hold my arms out for her to cuddle with me but she pulls away and I pout.
She smiles and says
“I have to get changed first baby. This dress is uncomfortable”
I nod my head and curl up in our sheets.
She comes back and snuggles up behind me. She decides to reassure me once again and says
“I’ll never leave you. Not in a million years.”
I smile and say
“I love you”
She kisses my shoulder and says
“I love you more”
I smirk and combat
“I love you most”
She giggles at our little battle and says
“I love you mostest”
I smirk and say
“I loved you first”
And she scoffs and shoved my shoulder a bit saying
“You can’t use that! It’s not fair!”
I smile at her and say
“Life’s not fair. Suck it up buttercup”
She smiles and kisses my lips and says
“Sleep detka. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow”
I smile and close my eyes softly.
“I love you”
I hear Natasha mumble into my neck and I squeeze the hand that’s wrapped around my waist a bit to say it back without words.
I love you too.
A/N: man that took a while. I forgot about this one lol. Don’t forget I take requests!! Not gonna lie I was way too nice to Bruce in this one. I love me some good Bruce slander. So I might make a fic with Bruce slander lolololollll (it’s not the fact that I hate him. It’s the fact that he likes my girl)
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cremedensada · 6 months
I’m gonna need general hcs on interactions with the boy next door… like what if we just moved to town and we first meet him as we’re moving in… Also can they be in like highschool? I don’t know if that’s already the gist but yeah. She’s moving in with her mom and he’s there…
Yandere Boy Next Door
sorry anon i think i went way to far away from what you wanted shdhdh also theyre senior high school students (grade 11 - 12) which is like, two preparatory years for college. so theyre adults bc im much more comfortable with that :33
btw his name is lukas !! he's named now
male yandere + gender neutral darling/reader
lukas is easily approachable - he's got that warmth about him that just draws people in. it's all practiced to maintain his popularity though.
he's also a huge people-pleaser, despite the fact he easily gets burnt out and has his social battery drained.
so when his mom asked him to be a dear and help the new neighbor's kid on their way around the school + neighborhood, he just couldn't say no
sure he's tired, possibly close to having another breakdown just thinking about being pestered by fellow students for answers to homeworks and other menial stuff, but he still manages to say yes and give her another perfectly practiced smile
when he goes over to the house next to theirs - the ones you moved in to, you had no lasting impression on him
now, don't be mistaken, he does think you're good looking but at the end of the day he'd much rather curl up in bed and sleep
so he puts up that perfectly crafted persona and invites you to head to school with him. a new environment is much easier to deal with when you're not dealing with it by yourself! (or something like that)
he tries not to be overbearing, trying to get you to open up while also making sure he's respecting your boundaries and comfort as you made your way inside the school gates
you don't share the same classes, so he asks you for your time table so he knows your schedule
he hopes he's not being creepy or anything, he's just making sure your first day transferring here goes well
sure he's known for being a caring person in general but he does feel like it's his responsibility to make sure you're doing well you know? you're neighbors now, you guys should get along!
it's smooth sailing until it's time you guys finally went home
like that morning, he waits for you and invites you to walk home with him to familiarize with the shortcuts and local lounging spots for students
all the while he tries to get you to talk about your experience today
it must be due to the amount of stress piled up on his plate that lead him to feel... nervous.
his perfect persona cracking as his calm demeanour and collected way of talking slowly devolved into nervous tangents talking about anything at all
were you displeased? his perfection was practiced and polished since he was a kid, was it still not enough for you?
he could handle disappointing people a lot better now but paired with his currently leaning towards unstable, your displeasure is something that's slowly tearing him from the inside
he's jolted out of his thoughts when you suddenly speak up.
"thanks for showing me around. i thought i was going to struggle getting used to things all by myself."
you smiled up at him. "so... yeah. you're... okay."
his heart thumped.
everywhere all around him feels a ton of degrees warmer.
"...okay." lukas was tongue tied.
on the remainder of the journey back home, he walked you to your house, ensuring you got inside safely before making a beeline towards their house and into his room.
normally at this hour he'd be passed out in bed, tired after a whole day of pretending and smiling. today was perhaps the first time he didn't go to bed with his cheeks hurting and aching from smiling so much.
laying in bed, making an excuse as to why he's not going to be joining for dinner, just thinking about you and your words.
lukas grew up living to the standards of being perfect. a perfect son. a perfect student. a perfect friend.
anything less is... unacceptable to say the least. when you do or think of something so often in your day to day life, it becomes a habit. and lukas' habit is perfection.
but you thought he was okay.
suddenly 'okay' sounds much better than being perfect.
suddenly your opinion towards him becomes much more important than anyone else's.
lukas is a people pleaser, and onwards from that moment, the only 'people' he will ever want to please is you.
i hope this is sufficient? i'm actually v sleepy rn lol but thank you for the idea!
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rosemariiaa · 16 days
~Lines We Drew~
part: 2
pairing- Paige x Azzi
a/n: I was gonna post this tomorrow but today was a good day!
warning: language
Azzi’s POV:
My first few days at UConn have been a whirlwind. Classes are intense but manageable, and my teammates have been great—well, most of them. Paige is a whole different story. She’s made it clear she doesn’t like me, though I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe it’s because of our past or something else I just don’t know of. Whatever it is, she’s not making things any easier.
Practice has been tough, and Paige seems to find every opportunity to make it hell. Most of the time the rest of the team just looks at her like she’s crazy because, honestly, I don’t know what I’ve done to her that bad to be treated like this, but I hope she knows she’s not just going to push me around like a dog.
This morning, we were running drills, and Coach decided to pit me against Paige. Of course, she couldn’t resist making some remark about my shooting form, which is actually perfect by the way. “Nice shot, Fudd, maybe next time try aiming for the basket.” Paige snickered.
I rolled my eyes and shot back, “At least I can make a shot without spraining my ankle.” Her eyes narrowed, and I could see the surprise flicker across her face before she masked it with a scowl. We kept bickering throughout the drill, and eventually, Coach had enough.
“Bueckers! Fudd! Locker room, now!” Geno shouted.
We both hesitated, but the glare he sent us had us moving. The walk to the locker room was tense, and the silence that followed once we got there was even worse. I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me, and it was only a matter of time before one of us snapped.
“What the hell is your problem?” I finally demanded, turning to face her. “My problem? You’re the one acting like you own the place,” Paige shot back, her tone icy.
“Maybe because I’ve actually earned my spot here.” I said throwing my hands in the air. “Yeah, because everyone just loves the shiny new recruit,” Paige sneered, crossing her arms. “But they don’t know you like I do.”
“Oh really , and what exactly do you think you know about me, Bueckers?”
“I know you’re all talk. You act nice, but deep down, you’re just as cutthroat as the rest of us. You’re not fooling anyone.”
The accusation stung more than I expected. I opened my mouth to retaliate, but before I could, the door creaked open, and Laila, a girl i met my first day at Uconn slipped in, casting a worried glance between us. “Hey, Az, you okay?” she asked, her voice soft.
I nodded, but I couldn’t help noticing the way Paige’s jaw tightened as Laila approached me. Why did she care? It’s not like we were friends or anything.
Paige’s glare was sharp, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was angry at me or at Laila. But that didn’t make sense, I pushed the thought aside, focusing on Laila as she pulled me aside to talk quietly. Even though we were trying to be discreet, I could still feel Paige’s gaze burning into us.
“I’m fine, just… annoyed,” I muttered to Laila, though I wasn’t sure if I was trying to convince her or myself. Laila gave me a reassuring smile and squeezed my shoulder. “Don’t let her get to you. You belong here just as much as she does babe, you know that.”
“Thanks Lai,” I replied, though my mind was still partially focused on the fact that Paige had been glaring at us the entire time. What was her deal?
When Laila finally left, Paige and I were alone again, but the fire in her eyes had dimmed, replaced by something unreadable. The silence stretched on until it became unbearable, and finally, she stood up, brushing past me without a word.
I watched her leave, trying to figure out what just happened. Why did she look so pissed when Laila showed up? Did she think I was going to talk about her? Or maybe… No. I shook my head, dismissing the thought. Paige Bueckers couldn’t possibly care about me.
Paige’s POV:
I never expected Azzi Fudd to get under my skin like this. I knew she was coming to UConn, but I wasn’t excited about it. Everyone was hyped up about her for god knows whatever , acting like she was going to be the savior of the team. I couldn’t stand it. I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am, and now, here comes Miss Perfect, just strolling in like she owns the place.
But that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is that everyone seems to love her. Even my own friends, who should be on my side, are falling all over themselves to help her move in, introduce her to everyone, and make her feel at home. What about me? I thought bitterly. Where’s all this support when I need it?
The accusation hung in the air between us, and for a moment, I thought she might actually cry. But then the door creaked open, and Laila walked in, instantly killing whatever momentum our fight had.
“Hey, Azzi, you okay?” Laila asked softly. Azzi nodded, but my whole body tensed up as Laila walked over to her. I didn’t know why, but something about seeing Laila with Azzi made my blood boil. Laila had a long kind of slim body, a little similar to mine, but of course I had the muscles. She had this long blonde hair dripping down her back..also similar to me. I felt this unfamiliar twist in my chest, like jealousy, but that couldn’t be it. Could it? No.
I watched as Laila reached out and touched Azzi’s arm, and I had to fight the urge to get up and push her away. What was wrong with me? This wasn’t my business. I didn’t care who Azzi talked to, or at least I shouldn’t care. But as I watched them whisper to each other, something ugly and possessive churned in my gut.
I turned away, trying to focus on anything else. The lockers. The floor. My shoes. Anything but the sight of Laila comforting Azzi. I didn’t care, I reminded myself. I didn’t care at all. But when I looked back, and saw Azzi smile at something Laila said, it felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. My fists clenched involuntarily. I hated this feeling. I hated that she could get under my skin like this.
When Laila finally left, the tension in the room was suffocating. I wanted to say something, to demand to know why Azzi even needed Laila to comfort her, but what right did I have? We weren’t friends. Hell, I didn’t even like her. But that didn’t stop me from wanting to scream at her, to demand answers to questions I didn’t even understand.
I shoved my hands in my pockets and stormed out of the locker room without another word, leaving Azzi behind. I needed to clear my head, to figure out why seeing her with Laila had set me off like that. This didn’t make any sense. I couldn’t possibly be jealous. Not of Azzi. Not over something as stupid as Laila talking to her. Right?
But as I walked away, the twisted feeling in my chest didn’t go away. If anything, it got worse. And I had no idea what to do about it.
Back in my apartment, I tried to focus on my assignments, but my thoughts kept drifting back to the locker room. No matter how hard I tried to push the memories away, Azzi kept creeping back into my mind. Why the hell did I care so much? I asked myself this knowing why i did care. But It wasn’t like we were friends. We weren’t even close like that anymore. But everything about her now kept nagging at me.
I leaned back in my chair, running a hand through my hair in frustration. Studying was pointless. All I could think about was the way she looked at me, the way her voice had risen when she confronted me. And that damn moment with Laila. Why did it bother me so much to see them together?
My phone buzzed on the desk, snapping me out of my thoughts. Nika had texted the group chat, suggesting we all head over to Aubrey’s apartment for a study session and hangout. I almost ignored it, but I figured it was better than sitting here, stewing in my own confusion.
When I arrived at Aubrey’s, the place was already full with energy, KK and Ice bickering, paying no attention to the work we’re actually supposed to be doing. Everyone else was scattered around the living room with their laptops and notebooks. I found a spot on the couch and tried to settle in, hoping the chatter would drown out my thoughts.
A few minutes later, the door to one of the bedrooms creaked open, and Azzi emerged, looking half-asleep with her curls falling down her shoulders and her eyes half-closed. She was wearing black Nike shorts and a tank top, and as she stretched, revealing a sliver of her toned stomach and that damn silver belly button ring, I couldn’t help but stare. She looked effortlessly beautiful, even with her sleepy face and bed hair. My eyes traced the length of her long, tanned legs, and I had to remind myself to blink.
Everyone greeted her with a chorus of “Hi’s,” but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. I was too busy trying to ignore the way my heart skipped a beat when she rubbed her eyes and yawned.
Azzi must have noticed me staring because she glanced in my direction, her lips curling into a smirk. “Like what you see, Bueckers?” she teased, snapping me out of my thoughts. My cheeks burned with embarrassment, and I quickly looked away, pretending to be interested in my notes. “Whatever,” I muttered, but my mind was racing. What the hell was wrong with me? I shouldn’t be thinking about her like that, and I definitely shouldn’t be blushing because of some stupid comment.
Azzi disappeared back into her room to change, and I tried to refocus on my work, but when she came back out, looking more awake and dressed in sweats, I found myself sneaking glances at her again. This was getting ridiculous.
As the study session dragged on, I realized I was completely lost on one of my assignments. Everyone else seemed equally confused doing their own thing, except for Azzi, who was calmly working through her own tasks. I knew I had no choice—I had to ask her for help. But the thought made my stomach twist.
After a few minutes of struggling, I finally caved. “Hey, Azzi,” I called over, trying to keep my voice neutral. “Can you help me with this?” She looked up, surprised, but quickly nodded. “Sure.”
I expected her to just explain it from across the room, but instead, she got up and came to sit next to me. My heart pounded as she settled in beside me, her shoulder brushing against mine. I tried to focus on the work, but her presence was overwhelming. We hadn’t been this close in years. She leaned in a little too close, her hair brushing against my arm, and all I could think about was the scent of vanilla and strawberries that clung to her skin. Get a grip P.
“See, this part here…” Azzi began explaining, her voice calm and patient, but I could barely process her words. All I could focus on was how close she was, the warmth radiating off her body, the way her pink and plump lips moved as she spoke. I almost smiled at the absurdity of the situation. Here I was, supposedly hating this girl, yet I couldn’t stop thinking about how good she smelled or how soft her skin looked. It was infuriating, and I hated myself for it.
I forced myself to concentrate, nodding along as Azzi explained the problem to me. I was determined not to let her see how flustered I was. But the more I tried to focus, the more distracted I became. Her closeness was driving me crazy, and I had no idea why.
Eventually, the study session wrapped up, and everyone started packing up their things to head back to their apartments. I was relieved when Azzi moved away from me to help clean up. I needed space to breathe, to get my head on straight.
As I stood up to leave, I caught a glimpse of Caroline teasing Azzi about how close we’d been sitting earlier. I figured what’s the harm in eavesdropping just a little. Azzi laughed it off, but her response made my heart clench.
“She still hates me, Caroline,” Azzi said with a shrug. “I have no idea why, but it’s whatever.”
No idea?
Caroline chuckled. “You sure about that? I saw the way she was looking at you.”
I quickly turned away, pretending I hadn’t heard anything, but my mind was racing. Azzi thought I hated her..well I guess that’s what it would seem like. I thought rubbing my temples. I wasn’t even sure anymore. All I knew was that something about her being here, being so close to me…was driving me absolutely insane and I needed it to stop.
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I'll come pick it up after pt.8
John Egan X Female! Reader
Sumarry: Bucky is woken up by bombs, but not he one he's usually drooping...
Warning: +18/ smut/ p and v/ unprotected sex (wrap it up)/ grinning/ talk about death/ use of Y/n/ historical inaccuracies/
Word count: 890 words
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She was woken up by flash of lights. She didn’t know what it was, until her head turned to look at the window. Bombs, a town near London was getting bombed. The place next to her was cold, John Egan was not beside her. She sat on the bed and saw the men on a chair, in front of the window. ‘’Bucky, are you okay?’’ She asked, making his head turn. ‘’Did I wake you up?’’ he asked her. She shook her head, bringing the white blanket to cover her breast. ‘’The lights did’’ she answered. He deeply exhales and looked at the bombs. ‘’I’ve never been on this side of the bombing. I’ve always dropped them’’ he says. Y/n took at deep breath, she thought about what she was gonna say to him. ‘’Do you regret it?’’ she asked. He shook his head. ‘’It just feels weird, woke me up with the sound of the explosions’’ he explained. Y/n got up, left the blanket in the bed, took her panties off and walked towards her pilot. Bombs occasionally making enough light to see the hole room. When she reached the chair, she sat on the lap of her pilot, who had taken his boxers off when he saw her approaching. He instinctively put his hands on her hips, he started kissing her, hoping to get a distraction from the sounds of the multiple explosions. ‘’Do you think it’s weird?’’ she asked between kisses. ‘’What?’’ he said, with a raspy voice. She grinned against him, creating friction. She felt him getting hard underneath her, it made her wet, seeing the power she had over him. ‘’The closer you are to death, the more alive you feel’’ she stated, kissing Bucky, again. He putted one of his hands behind her neck, just like when they kissed for the first time. He stopped kissing her, took her chin with his fingers, while she tried to kiss him again. ‘’And I thought, I was dramatic when I drank’’ He chuckled. She smiles as she let out a breath. ‘’You are dramatic, Major.’’ She laughed as she placed herself on his hard cock. She sunk down on him, she was wet enough to make it easy and painless.
‘’What are you’’ he moaned. ‘’You need a, ah, a distraction from this.’’ She started moving her hips, to a slow, sensual pace. She wanted to help him to try and forget the bombing. Bucky’s heart was racing, they were kissing lazily. It wasn’t fast sex, or the type of sex they had earlier. It was gentle and familiar; it was sweet. ‘’How should I call you now? Sir, major or Bucky?’’ she teased, between kisses. He smiled against her lips, caressing her lower back, gently guiding her to a fastest pace. ‘’Hold your horses, Major, we have all the time in the w-world’’ she stuttered when she felt him hit her G-spot with his cock. She kissed his neck as she kept the sensual pace. The rhythm was killing him, but he was enjoying every second of it. ‘’Please, darling, go faster, you’re killing me here’’ he whimpered, sending butterflies to her stomach. Making her squeeze his length. He chuckled. ‘’You like when I make noises, darling?’’ he teased. She nodded and kissed him again. She started to roll her hips faster, letting his hands guide the rhythm. He left his head fall on the chair. ‘’Atta girl’’ he breathed out. She smirked and continued her fast pace. He started to kiss her tits, she arched her back, making it easier for him to kiss her breast.
She moaned his name as he kept kissing her chest. ‘’Forgive my lips, they find pleasure in the most unusual places.’’ He said, smirking. She kept rolling her hips until his breathing became faster. ‘’Darling, I’m gonna c- ‘’ he couldn’t even finish his sentence as his orgasm shook his hole body. Y/n came too, they kissed again. Not even bothering in taking their breath. But eventually, they had to breath, so they stopped kissing. They looked at each other before she brought her head closer to him. Their forehead was touching. They kept chasing after their breath, bombs brining enough light for the both of them to see the other’s face. ‘’Thank you, darling’’ he said, tugging a piece of her hair behind her ear. ‘’For the orgasm?’’ she joked, quoting him. ‘’That’s my line, sweetheart’’ he laughed.
She smiled as she got up from his lap, putting her panties back on. He did the same thing as he went back into the bed. ‘’If you wake up again, wake me up too. You won’t be alone’’ she smiled. He nodded kissing her forehead. ‘’Try to get some sleep, Bucky, after all, you deserve it’’ she said. He nodded; he kept her in his arms. He was a cuddler, he felt like he was protecting her from everything when she was in his arms, it helped him sleep, it calmed his mind from the things he was seeing, she was calming him down. She felt asleep hearing his heartbeat. It calmed her down, hearing he was okay. She was used to unregular or really fast heartbeat, but Bucky’s was just normal. It calmed her down, helping her to fall asleep.
Part 9⬇️
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waynewifey · 1 year
aporia — b.w
part one : dear mr. wayne
part two: aftermath
part three: aporia
sumary: aporia suggests “an impasse”, a knot or an inherent contradiction found in any text, an insuperable deadlock, or “double bind” of incompatible or contradictory meanings which are “undecidable”. [reference]
pairing: battinson/bruce wayne x reader
genre: drama & romance
warnings: mental health struggle, miscarriage, car crash, a lot of internal dialogue
word count: 2k
A/N: the more i write, the more i put myself in this story. i feel like this ‘you’ is so complex i can’t help but try to explain her further. part four will be bruce’s perspective on all of this + an epilogue. i’m so grateful for the amazing feedback given on the last two parts and for the new followers, thank you so so much. i hope you enjoy this. (also this gif??? HELLO???)
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— bargaining.
the uncomfortable silence makes you want to scream. she told you that was a normal reaction and they couldn't get rid of those moments, they were essential for your self reflection. the problem was being alone with your thoughts, even for just one minute. they keep deciding you won't recover any time soon. everyone keeps holding you like a cracked vase. even negligence was better than being put under the microscope.
"i don't know what you want me to say" you respond, your gaze anxiously shuffling between the objects in the room. the woman's eyes, however, don't ever leave your face. she holds that journal like a scientist analysing a mutation. like you're some weird thing.
"you should say whatever you feel like saying." that's what she always answers. dr. quinn was extremely stoic, even for a therapist. you still liked her, though, because her pragmatic approach helped you shift your point of view and see yourself from an outside perspective, which made you want to help yourself. after weeks of feeling extra irritable, still trying to forgive your husband for lying to you, you realised maybe everything was too much for you to handle by yourself. you wanted to go back to the real world but before that, you had to do this. a quick chat with your psychiatrist and he gave you the contact to harley quinn.
"i think i've been way too mean to bruce" your confession has her nodding, like that observation had been made sessions before and she was waiting for you to realise that. "he's been so supportive and helpful, but sometimes words just fly out of my mouth and i don't even mean them"
"do you think it's easier to blame him than to come to terms with what actually happened?" you can't answer, because this was all you've asked yourself lately. you were a coward, hiding behind his suffering to prevent confronting yours. it's easy to curse him, to reject him, but it's not what you want to do. lately it feels like you don't have any control over your emotions and actions. you thought maybe if you pushed away the last person that still cared for you, you could disappear in your loneliness and finally stop hurting. "y/n you've been through something terrible. the kind of thing we never think it's gonna happen to us. i know it doesn't feel real, but you have to face it that it is. the thing about trauma... you have to keep living with it. you have to keep going, because it doesn't go away. but this is your life and you don't get to stay on standby. you hurt the people you love because it's better than hurting yourself. you told me you feel bad about it, so why won't you change?"
why won't you? you don't even know where to start. it felt comfortable living in sorrow forever. horrible, but comfortable. again, it was in fact easier to blame him than to accept this was reality. but he's right outside, been waiting for you for two hours, as he has done twice a week for over a month. you weren't being fair to him. he didn't deserve this. dr. quinn sees the defeat in your eyes and sighs in a mission accomplished type of breath.
"think about this, okay? we'll talk on friday." you nod, as if you weren't already overthinking it.
bruce sees you before listening to you. he's created the habit to stay in the waiting room with headphones in, blasting loud music. he didn't want you to feel like he was prying on you. he also didn't want to listen anything you had to say about him. you had the right to be mad at him, given everything that had happened. he knew you didn't mean it when you bomb dropped the word 'divorce' every now and then. it would take you some time to get back to normal and he wouldn't rush you.
you walk to the car quietly and get into the driver's seat. he agreed to let you drive to and from therapy. the office was actually in dr. quinn's house, a little bit on the country side of the city, if you could call it that. it was a 50 minute drive with no traffic, roads empty enough for you to drift off in you thoughts. he watches you drive, eyes brightening up a little more everyday. he realised that trying to shield you from the world wasn't going to work out. you need to learn how to be on your own. he needs to learn how to care for you while away.
"i'm sorry," you caught him off guard, observing the curves of your face. he frowns at the unexplained sentence. you glance at him but look back at the road. "for the way i've been acting. for pushing you away. for being too complicated. i know you're trying to help… thank you for staying."
"darling, of course. for better or for worse, remember? i'm never leaving you. we're getting through this, together. and don't you worry about me, i'll be okay when you are too, alright? you're doing great, i can see how much you're working towards it." he holds out a hand for you and you take it, intertwining your fingers. his calloused palms are softer now, courtesy of the months without batman-ing. they still embrace yours entirely and warm the cold tips of your fingers.
"i love you" the sweetness of that feeling dominates your tastebuds and it's almost like the day you started dating. that innocent type of love that consist of the pure enjoyment of each others company. however, your attempt to savour the moment is ruined by a shape in your peripheral eyesight.
"i love you too" bruce's voice is muffled by the anxious thoughts taking over your mind. the panic starts to overflow. he notices your body getting stiff and the wheel looking loose on your hand. your breathing lost it's rhythm to creaking gasps. there's something wrong. your eyes are frozen in a vehicle. he's seen this van before. maybe not this one, but an identical one, in a security camera tape in court. it looks exactly like the one that took you. "baby, hey, hey. i'm right here." you don't pay any mind to the man beside you. you can't, not when your instincts are telling you to run. not when you can feel the gun getting knocked on your head over and over again. bruce is saying something. the tears are blurring your sight. this is too much.
he's calling you screaming at this point, tears are rolling down your cheeks and you still haven't looked away from the van. there's a bump coming up, the car is dangerously fast and you're not driving at all. he goes for the wheel but isn't quick enough. the tires wiggle, going in their own direction. the car changes lanes, getting in the wrong way of the street. another car is coming and the impact isn't light. your head is thrown forwards, the airbag covering your face. the windshield shatters and little pieces of glass get stuck in your hair. the crash isn't too bad, you're both still awake and only the front has been smashed. but you get out hyperventilating, falling onto the ground and weeping.
bruce gets out as well, only a scratch on the forehead. he has to kneel on the dirt to hold you up. for a while, he doesn't say anything. the other driver is standing, phone in the ear. he's also fine. the cars were the only damage. two other drivers stop by, offering help. you wish he could help you, but it seems as if there's something inherently wrong with you.
— depression.
the weeks following the accident were harsh. it took a while to get you believing in recovery again. you still weren't sure. somehow there was press at the site, so pictures of you crying next to a car crash made it to the papers. there's minor commentary online about you faking it for your husbands popularity. most of the netizens feel desperately sorry for you and have painted you to be their new princess diana, the comparison seems wild to you.
you only go online every three days or so, because you can't resist the urge to know what bruce hasn't been telling you. jokes on you, he's actually been a lot more transparent lately. you agreed that the batman would show up to the sentence of edward nashton, to pressure the jury with his presence. it worked and the criminal got life without parole. the lawyers said that your public presence impacted on his trial, as 20 years was the standard. you were just glad he wouldn't do that to anybody else ever again. the case got national and your family from outside the state, that you not-so-kindly kept in the dark, started making contact, victimising you all over again.
but things were getting better, gradually. it had been almost a year and it felt like that chapter of your life was finally being finished. you were trying to get your life back, including your driver's license. it was suspended for a while after the accident, so now you had to submit a bunch of medical records to prove that you were mentally fine to drive again. that's how you found yourself in bruce's home office, searching everywhere for your documents. you could've asked him where he put it, but he had just fallen asleep in the living room and you didn't want to disturb him.
in one of the desk's drawers, you find a folder with the local hospital logo on it. you open it, shuffling through the papers you've seen before. only one stands out, with "ob/gyn" on the top of the sheet. you wonder if there's anything helpful there. your eyes start reading the words one by one, listing the examinations they've done on you. the subject changes abruptly.
the ultrasound analysis reports the miscarriage of an unknown pregnancy to the patient's spouse.
you feel like you're about to throw up. the world starts spinning as you force yourself to continue to read.
the fetus was estimated to be in the development stage of the beginning of the second trimester. the miscarriage was most likely a result of several mechanical trauma. dilation and curettage was performed with the patient in a medically induced coma.
you try to remember to breathe in and breathe out just like dr. quinn taught you. you expect the tears but they don't come out. the panic doesn't come. it's suddenly so quiet. it's not like a hole has been punched through your chest, it's like you have no chest at all. it's like you don't even exist. you somehow sit down, your body does. you feel as if it's moving on it's own and you're just watching from afar. your thoughts sound so distant, so irrelevant. you can only think of the baby that had once been inside of you and you didn't even realised. you didn't have the time to love him. you've had him there, right there, the thing you wanted the most in the world and he was taken from you. everything was taken from you.
if a tree falls on a forest, and there's no one around to hear, does it still make a sound? it felt like your fall was silent.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 6
It's Wednesday! (I'm ignoring the clock that says it's 2 AM. It's totally still Wednesday. I haven't gone to bed yet which means it can't be Thursday.)
So, since it's obviously still Wednesday, it's time for another WIP Wednesday. We're getting into the real meat of the plot of this arc with this update! And now you'll maybe start to see where I'm gonna take this.
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
And that was when a large, swirling-green gash opened up in the night sky and dozens of ghosts started pouring through.
“Oh man!” exclaimed Sam as they watched the ghosts wreak havoc on the street. “I’ve never seen this many ghosts attack at once!”
Danny held out his thermos as he stared. “I’m gonna need a bigger thermos.”
The ghosts all appeared to be wearing uniforms and held batons as they attacked civilians and police indiscriminately.
“Uh, Danny?” asked Tim. “Should we call in back up?”
“No!” One of the ghosts got close to their group and Danny quickly sucked it into the thermos, dropping Jazz’s milkshake in the process. “Dammit. Absolutely not. It’s bad enough with three metas here. No more.”
Across the street, they saw a couple running from three of the invaders. One of the ghosts turned invisible and entered the body of the man who went stiff before sprinting to catch up to his partner and grabbing her to hold her still.
Then one of the other ghosts turned a garbage can over the both of them. The one overshadowing the man left his body, leaving the humans crying and covered in garbage as the ghosts laughed.
“I see,” said Tim. “How do we protect Bart, Cassie, and Conner?”
“You’re metas?” asked Sam.
Cassie nodded. “Yeah, nothing special, but… I don’t want to see what a ghost could do with my powers.”
“Let’s get back to my place. My parents might be crazy, but the ghost shield works. And then we can make a plan.”
Tim nodded. “I’ll lead. Kon, Bart, Cassie, you three need to stay in the middle. Sam, Tucker, you watch our sides and Danny, take up the rear. Capture any ghosts that try to approach us.”
Amity, even during a ghost invasion, was much easier to navigate than Gotham and Tim was able to lead them back to Danny’s house without getting lost. Every scream made him want to stop and help, though. He hated being useless.
Behind him, he could hear muttered curses from his teammates and knew they felt the same. But they needed weapons. Ones that could actually hit a ghost. And they needed to make sure they could fight off any overshadowing.
A TV was thrown out of a house through a window next to them sending shards of glass raining on the ground. Sam let out a string of curses.
“Sam!” called Danny. “Are you okay?”
“I think so. Just a slice to my arm.”
“We’re almost there,” said Tim. “We’ll check it out.”
He was flat out running now, could hear the others just behind them. They turned a corner and he could see the glowing FentonWorks sign. He grit his teeth and continued to run away from the mayhem, fighting every instinct he had. He wouldn’t be able to help if he stayed. He repeated it as a mantra with every step.
And finally they were there, he grabbed the door handle and pulled it open, ushering his friends in first.
Once inside, Danny flipped a few switches and metal slammed down over the windows, though no guns or lasers came out of the walls.
“Okay. No ghosts can get in now.”
“Danny!” Jazz came running down the stairs. “You’re all okay! Mom and Dad rushed out as soon as the attack started. What’s going on?”
“Jazz! Sorry, I dropped your milkshake on the way here. And not much, just, you know, a ghost invasion.” Danny’s laugh was bordering on hysterical.
“But you’re all safe?”
“Sam?” asked Danny. “How’s your arm?”
“I think it’s all right.” Sam grimaced as she held some tissues to the injury.
Jazz joined and led her to the kitchen. “Come on, let me clean that up for you. What happened?”
“A ghost threw a TV through a window. A piece of glass got me as we ran by.”
Tucker turned on the Fenton’s TV and switched to the news channel.
“I’m Shelly Makamoto and this is Ghost Watch,” an Asian woman said in a cheerful voice. “Ghosts, can you believe it, real ghosts are invading Amity Park right now. Emergency vehicles are struggling to get through the invasion, so if you are injured and in an area of high ghost concentration, help may be delayed. It is recommended you remain put and wait until first responders are able to get to your area. Currently, the ghosts are most focused on the downtown area, so the hospital is spared at this time. We can only hope this doesn’t change. Now, our weatherman Lance Thunder is out right now, so lets switch to him to get an on-the-scene report.”
They all watched in silence as a male reporter cowered behind an overturned car as he gave his report.
Sam and Jazz returned just a moment later. Sam had a large bandaid over her arm but shook her head when Danny shot her a questioning look.
“It’s fine. Clean cut.”
Tim relaxed as well. “Glad to hear it,” he said.
Jazz nodded. “Nothing to be concerned about at all. Thanks for getting the ghost shield up, Danny. I always forget which switch is the weapons and which is the shield.”
Tim’s eyes narrowed. She was lying. Why was she lying?
“Yeah, no problem. We’re gonna go to the lab. Tim and his friends have self defense training, Gotham, you know? So I want to see if we have any weapons in the vault that they’d be comfortable with.”
“Great. I’m gonna be in my room. As class president, I want to try and make sure everyone is safe so I’ll be on the phone with my door shut. Knock before you enter!” Then she was running back up the stairs and slamming the door to her room.
Tim exchanged a glance with Cassie. That was weird.
But next to him, Danny let out a breath. “Okay, so she’s out of the way. Sam, you sure you’re okay?
Sam grimaced. “It stings a bit, but it’s fine. Jazz put disinfectant and antibiotic cream on it.”
“Great. Well, not great.” Danny grimaced and Sam punched him on the arm.
Tim cleared his throat. “You said something about weapons?”
Conner nodded. “Yeah, did you say you have a weapons vault?”
Danny laughed. “You saw the home defense system. Are you really surprised?”
Cassie shook her head. “Your parents are evil scientists, aren’t they?”
Danny led them down a set of stairs. “I wouldn’t call them evil. They’re just… a bit single minded.”
And then Tim was standing in their lab for the first time. It was all silver chrome and neon green accents. But worse, it was messy. Half assembled inventions were scattered haphazardly over every surface. And was that a half eaten sandwich on the bench? Ectoplasm dripped off one of the counters onto a puddle on the floor.
Sam, Tucker, and Danny walked in without concern, but Tim and his team held back.
Danny realized they weren’t following and looked back in concern. “What’s wrong?”
“No offense,” said Bart as his eyes darted around, “But, uh, is it safe?”
“What do you mean?” asked Danny, but then he looked around and noticed the mess. “Ah. Hang on a sec. I’ll get you rubber gloves and boots you can slide on over your shoes. That’ll keep you safe enough.”
Sam helped and soon enough they were passing the protective gear over. Meanwhile, Tucker sat down at a computer and pulled up the news report so they could keep tabs on what was going on.
“Can we get eye protection as well?” asked Tim once he had everything on.
“Sure. Mom and Dad have plenty of goggles.” Danny grabbed a few of those as well.
Still not entirely comfortable, Tim finally stepped into the lab. On the far wall, behind yellow and black doors was the portal he’d heard so much about.
Danny followed his gaze and put a hand on his arm. “Come on, Tim. The weapons vault is over here.”
This should be enough to figure out which episode I'm using as the base for this arc! It's not quite the Ghost Fight people were hoping for in the comments of the last update, but I think this is gonna be better.
Tag List Part 1
@gremlin-bot, @bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @we-ezer, @markus209, @sjrose1216, @onyxlightdragon, @dragonsrequiem, @jesus-camp-the-sequel, @spidey29phangirl, @kyrianclawraith, @evilminji, @introvert-even-on-the-internet, @emergentpanda-blog, @lexdamo, @v-inari, @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, @longlivethefallen, @undead-essence, @xye-chan, @liandrin, @seraphinedemort, @kisatamao, @schalensitzbucket, @caelestisdreamer, @runfromthemedic, @nutcase8691, @channajen, @tonicmii, @ambiguouslyominous, @vythika96, @addie-lover-of-stories, @ironicvixen, @violetfox2, @pickleking8, @mysticalcomputerdetective, @ark12, @mygood-bitch99, @squirrel-wolf, @satisfactionbroughtmeback, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @automaticsoulharmony, @d4ydr34min9, @revnantdpxdclover, @midigeria, @raginblastocyst, @feral-bunny31, @lunaria618, @ghostreblogging, @ace-aro-as-shit
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
My girl
Pairing : Mason Mount x plussize!reader
Theme : Angst (idk 😭) / fluff
I’m not sure if I did justice to your request, anon. I hope I did. I can’t make it 100% igau because I always feel the need to elaborate more so igau alone won’t make me feel satisfied. Sorry about that… oh and I used olenia as face claim because her settings made it easier for me to use, I’m sorry if she’s not what you imagine the reader to be 😭
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Liked by ynusername, benchillwell and 787,641 others
masonmount 1 year. She’s the reason I get up in the morning. She makes me feel enough and stop doubting myself. I don’t know what I’d do without her. Thank you for giving me a chance to be loved by you, darling.
username aww this is cute i wish we get to see her
sophiaaemelia i miss u guys!!
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Liked by masonmount, sophiaaemelia and 3627 others
ynusername Thank you for choosing me and loving me. I love you so much! ❤️
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You met Mason through a mutual friend. When he first approached you, you made it clear that you were not interested and if he was looking for a girl to play around, he could count you out but he insisted for you to go out with him for just one date and you could be the one to decide about the next one, either you wanted him to leave you alone or you wanted to give it another chance.
Mason was really nice. You thought he would be a cocky guy, thinking he was above everyone but he was everything but that. Your first date with him was an unanticipated one, you wasn’t hoping for anything but he really knew the way to win your heart.
And that was how he became your first ever boyfriend.
You refused to talk about this matter a lot but another reason why you had a hard time to accept Mason into your life was because you didn’t believe he would fell in love with someone like you. He was surrounded by models, social media influencers, heck, even some of his fans have ‘better’ body image than you. Sure, you don’t like to talk badly about yourself but it was hard not to do so when you were raised in a society that set an inconceivable image on women.
Mason knew about this though you rarely talked about it which was why he respected your decision to not have your face posted on his social media accounts.
“Mase…..can we agree on one thing?”
“What is it, sweetheart?” Mason took a step forward and took your shaking hand in his to leave a peck on your fingers. He had realised you were being quit this whole day so he asked you to have a cooking session together because he knew you loved trying out new recipes.
“I don’t want you to post my face on your social media.”
“That’s it…? You are not gonna ask why?” You immediately looked up to look at him, his answer made you stunned.
“I know the reason why, baby and I know you don’t like talking and explaining about it so I’m not gonna ask.”
“Are you mad…?”
“Mad? Silly, why would I get mad at you?” He chuckles and enveloped your figure in his arms, your head fitted perfectly around his forearm and he loved it so much. “I am not mad at you, baby. I just..I can’t…how do I put this in words. I can’t tell you to stop hating on yourself because I don’t know what you actually feel like. I’m not in your shoes. I don’t know what it felt like to grow up as a woman who was constantly being told by the society that you have to look this and that to be called pretty.”
And you heart bursted, not because he made you feel heartbroken, but because of the huge amount of love you felt for him.
“But I know very well how it felt like waking up in the morning being greeted by the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I know how it felt like falling in love everytime I see your captivating smile when we successfully tried a new recipe, I know how it felt like when my heart swelled in pride seeing how you got excited over cookies or cakes because you loved sweets. You are my girl and it’s my job to make you feel appreciated, to cherish and admire you. I won’t push you to step over your comfort zone if you are not ready, you know that, don’t you?”
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Liked by masonmount and others
ynusername life lately 🤍
username girl are you holding mason at gunpoint
username mount is embarrassed to be ur bf
username maybe you should start following mason’s diet plan
masonmount my darling ❤️
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Liked by ynusername, kaihavertz29 and 674,598 other
masonmount cheat day with my favourite girl 🍕❤️
username lmao if i were you i would have starved her
masonmount You have no right to comment about how I treat my girlfriend.
username i bet everyday is a cheat day for her 😭
username can she even fit your hoodie lololol
username IM CRYING 😭😭😭
You did read the nasty comments but it didn’t made you cry. Probably because you were used to it, not sure if that made it any better but there were days where it made you stared at yourself in the mirror hating every single part of your body, there were days where you had no appetite no matter how famished you were but Mason would always made it better, it was as if he could read your mind.
Mason did in fact could read your mind like an open book. He knew when your smile had a hidden meaning, he knew it when you looked at him and he could see all those black clouds hovering your head but he never pointed it out. He knew you didn’t like to talk about it so he helped you through his acts.
“Hi there, princess. What are you staring at?” Mason came home to see you standing in front of the mirror, hands on your hips and you just looked so broken. He stood by your side, arms wrapped around your waist to pull you close and you leaned on his chest in response and heaved a sigh.
“Nothing, Mase..”
“Do you wanna bake something tonight? It’s Friday. We always bake something on Friday.”
“Can we skip it tonight? I don’t feel like it…”
“Remember the beignets we saw from Princess and the Frog last night? I found the recipe on Tiktok.”
“Really?!” Your face instantly lit up and turned to look at him. You had told Mason how much you craved for the beignets but non of the recipes looked legit.
“Yeah! I think we have the ingredients already. Wanna give it a try?”
“Yes! Yes, please!” You squealed and hugged him, causing him to stumble back from the sudden change of mood.
So, beignets were your recipe of the week.
It was a success, which was a surprise. So now you have a plate of beignets and ‘Princess and the Frog’ on play.
“You know, princess..” Mason spoke all of sudden which caught you by surprise. The audio from the movie is now long forgotten.
“You know how you always told me you wondered why I chose you over anyone else? I wished you could see yourself from my point of view because when I tell you how perfect you are, how beautiful you are, I mean every single words I said. And I’m not talking about your appearance alone, you have such a good heart, Y/N. We used to meet up with Jason, our mutual friend, at the same old club, remember? One day I walked outside the club to get some fresh air and I saw you rummaging through your handbag just to give a heat pack to an old man who was walking home from a night shift. The other time I met you outside the club, you were calling out to this stray cat and I thought to myself, what the heck is she doing this time. Turned out you got a small pack of cat food, again, in your handbag so I saw you feeding the cat to which I had to stand on guard nearby because you were so busy talking to the cat that you paid no attention to your surrounding.” He poked on your nose which made you chuckled.
“It frustrated me so much that those people on the internet never bothered to know you, the real you that made me fell in love. I just— I wished I could just grab their heads and let them know what kind of person you are. It pained me to just constantly having to see all those comments on yours and my accounts because you didn’t deserve it, heck, no one deserved that but you told me to not entertain any of them because it would be like fighting with a wall. I always remember you told me to not fight with someone who speaks with their ears closed so I held myself but it’s just..”
“It’s okay, Mase. You have been the biggest help I could ever asked for. I think it was kinda hard for me to think that none of them actually have powers against me because I felt like they would always win but all this time, I have always won. I have a boyfriend who always made me see my worth every single day, a boyfriend who never missed to compliment me every day, a boyfriend who always respected me and I think I’ll manage…with you by my side.”
“Always, baby. You can always count on me.” He wiped your tears off and cupped your cheeks to brush his lips against yours. A single kiss turned into two, three, and a shower of kisses all over your face which caused both you and Mason to giggle at it together.
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Liked by ynusername, judebellingham and 859,807 others
masonmount I know how hard the internet has been on her and I know no matter how strong of a person she is, one can only bear too much before it break you down. Y/N is one of the strongest person I know and to see her breaking down from the comments that were quick to judge on her based on how she looked broke my heart. I am no saint and best believe, I don’t even deserve to be with someone as quintessential as her so if there was one who deserved to be judged, it should be me, not her. Please be respectful towards my girlfriend, and everyone else as everything you comment would linger in someone’s mind for god knows how long.
Comments on this post have been limited.
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Liked by masonmount and others
ynusername Life has been pretty rough lately but I was blessed with this man to help me through day and night. 🧸🤎
masonmount My beautiful princess ❤️
username i wish i have your confidence
username girl fck off ur just ugly no amount of confidence can fix it
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Liked by masonmount and others
ynusername surrender to my vision 👑
masonmount my girl
username QUEEN
username 😍😍😍😍
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themotherofblood · 2 years
My dear author, I know your requests are closed, but I couldn't miss the opportunity so I'm going to try my luck… If you can make an exception, I can get an inspired imagine/oneshot Daemon x Dornish reader in "tabaah ho gaye" by Shreya Ghoshal, with a lot of anguish (breaks my heart) but with a happy ending, please? (feel free to ignore and if you can't accept it I completely understand)
yes!! i’m loving all the bollywood inspired chapters. I was hoping I could use this as a part of the dragon and the dancer since y/n is a dancer and she could be ripping a solo in the mirrored palace like madhuri. Also just for the sake of the story we are gonna pretend that these girls magically know the same choreo as Y/N because we are doing things old school bollywood
Part 2 of The Dragon and The Dancer
Daemon Targaryen x Martell! Reader
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There was much bustling around the Old Palace in the past fortnight, Qoren’s nameday was upon Dorne and the celebrations as usual were to be magnificent, the Mirrored Palace was brighter yet again, every candle burning anew as sweet jasmine filled the palace; coating its walls in the sweet aroma of the flowers. It had been ten years since this palace was used, there was no joy in using it other than when you spent your nights there.
Another reason to rejoice was thrust into your hands by the gods and you simply didn’t want to linger in the misery of your loss, you provided the Sand sisters with keys; under guise that they would be performing for Qoren, along with your younger cousins of nines and tens. You step daughter Rhaena amongst the little girls, you had gotten her ghungroos of her own, made of blue cloth and light gold bells of her ankles to adjust to. She had been running a muck in her chambers, the little bells jangling as she tested her newest trinket.
You had already been dressed for hours, dressing your little cousins as they could barely standstill for more than a few moments, Rhaena’s curls were put in a puff over her head with a stringlet of dahlias, in a beautiful gold ensemble that matched yours, Baela had gone out with her father to mingle with guests arriving from all over Westeros and Essos.
You had led her out, hand in hand as her eyes wandered over to the sea of guests, many ladies approached you; to greet the newly minted wife of the rogue dragon. Many wondered what you had that they didn’t, many frowned at your colour; scoffing at your exoticness. Your husband was rather easier to spot, his striking silver hair inviting you over from a crowded room of people. You shuffled your way to him, offering more polite greeting to whomever spoke to you.
Daemon had been scowling at an envoy, sent to sway your father about the fighting in Stepstones and side with Craghas Drahar; your father had another reason to remain neutral, he wouldn’t harm your husband’s prospects for your sake but refused to side with them for old time nemesis sake. You reached near him as you followed his path of vision to lay upon a much familiar man, a man you wished you would never see again when you left his court at six and ten.
“You are going to make my men and I very happy.” His grimy fingers held your cheeks as he presented you with your own ghungroos.
You immediately intertwined your hands with Daemon’s, almost slotting yourself behind him as the old master recognized your face and gave your a filthy once over before approaching you. Daemon hadn’t quite realized what the man was looking at until the old master stopped to greet them.
“Ah, sweet Y/N. Look at how you have grown,” He gestured at your body as you partially hid behind Daemon. Given where the man had come from, it didn’t take long until Daemon out the pieces together.
“Prince Daemon!,” The old man sneered “Are you here to entertain us with your dragon?” He japed, you could see a nerve bursting in Daemon’s head as he held your hand tighter.
“Here to celebrate with my wife actually, you know. The princess of Dorne.” He gestured at you.
“I wish- wish you good luck in convincing my father, old Ser.” You gave him a practised petty smile before letting Daemon drag you along to the main hall in the Old Palace. The old master’s eyes widened as he watched you embrace Qoren and he placed a fatherly kiss upon your forehead as you wished him a happy name day.
You had found yourself in the chambers were your sisters and cousins all lounged before the performance, you informed them of your withdrawal without any reasoning before stomping to your own personal chambers. Daemon had caught up to you as he found you angrily undoing the knots of ghungroos to free yourself of them. Daemon kneeled infront you, offering to replace his stable hand with your shaky one’s as he undid the knots as you ranted your reasoning.
“I re- refuse to dance for such perverse, his entire court has seen me much bare than I am.” You sighed angrily, “I really wanted to dance for Qoren.” You pouted. Daemon found your reasoning justified as he pulled you onto his lap.
“You have the world’s time to dance for him again, you should do it when you feel ready, not when the known world thinks you are.” He pressed a kiss to your temple.
That was weeks before Daemon Targaryen had decided to descend dragon fire into the Stepstones.
“Your niece’s husband has a dragon!” You reasoned in stress as Daemon prepared his dragon.
“This is the matter of my house, wife. I must fight.” He urged frustrated, hoping for you to see reason in his excursions but all you could picture was you being widowed.
“And what of me? Your daughters? Don’t you owe us your life too?” You bellowed, yanking his gloves from him. He now looked at you perturbed and the scene you were causing. He motioned you to return his gloves and you insolently refused.
“Perhaps if your father would have provided men, this wouldn’t have happened!” This time Daemon let his frustrations get the best of him as he yelled at you, yanking his gloves free from you hands.
“You know I tried!” You shook your head, hoping to fight the tears that threatened to spill.
“You should have tried harder! Or mayhaps your claim to his heart isn’t as meaningful as he poses it to be.” He snapped before existing the chambers. He too didn't want to fight this war and yet he wouldn't allow shame to loom over his brother’s name.
You followed the girls out to the beach mount, Caraxes remained idle as he waited for his rider to mount him. Baela began petting the red dragon, talking to it as if he understood every word. However Caraxes held an odd attention towards you as his giant nostrils flared as he kept sniffing at you. You couldn't quite place what he meant to do and yet pet his snout, hoping he would return your husband to unspoiled; regardless of how angry you were at him at the very moment.
Daemon embraced both his weeping girls, kneeling at their level as they pressed kisses on either side of his cheek before he kissed their foreheads. He looked at you with guilt, hoping to gorge his words from before down his stomach and hitting his head with a rock over how tactless he had been, he came to embrace you; leave you with a parting kiss and yet you pulled away. Pointing at his red dragon, demanding him to leave, he approached once more but you shook your head. Again aggressively point at his dragon.
Daemon’s guilt-ridden eyes gave the women of his life one more look as they embraced one another before Caraxes let out a shrieking whistle and whisked him to the orange clouds of dusk. Just like that he was gone.
Your anger simmered in the coming fortnight as letters began to arrive from the Stepstones, they were written in haste as stains of dirt adored the corners of the papers. He wrote for his daughters and you, making the war sound like an entertaining ballad for his daughters and yet you knew the truth of how ineffectual the dragons had been in this war. He was fighting by hand, starved and pained.
Perhaps the distance and stress for your husband began to claw at your health, you grew nauseous everytime you laid awake to brink of morning as you wondered what he would be doing, was he hurt; was he alright?
Then the universe japed at you as you sat with Maesters, your stomach could barely keep down anything you were eating and as of last fortnight, your handmaidens began behaving oddly up until when they dragged you to the Maester’s chambers.
“Mayhaps two moons princess,” He exclaimed as he washed his hands “Shall I call for your father?”
You shook your head as you rubbed your belly, shaking your head as you realized the night conception. Qoren’s nameday.
More letters were shared between Daemon and you, yet you hid your condition from him; you knew if you told him he would evade his sense of strategy and begin recklessly tearing through people to end the war, with no adhere consequence of his own mortality. The fighting turned dirty as more Velaryon men lost their lives.
You had confessed your pregnancy to your father as you lounged with him at the beach, he had been elated; far too ready to throw yet another extravagant feast and you refused. Urging for him to hold off until your husband returns and not to mention this to anyone else. Perhaps they would figure it out as your belly grew but for now you needed to tell Qoren just to alleviate the gnawing sense of doom in your heart.
Then the letters grew less frequent, muddier and rushed as he professed his love over and over again. Every time you would wish upon them and burn the letters, praying he be returned to you whole. Until a moon turned and his letters stopped entirely, within the three moons he had left, you had never felt the kind of dread you had felt in the moment when the Maester informed you of no letters.
You fought your hasty beating heart, quarrelling for it to stop, to let you breathe normally for just a moment. You rummaged through your chests, hoping to find your ghungroos. For just a while you needed to escape this fear, it was the only thing that would protect your child from yourself. You hurried towards the Mirrored Palace.
The doors had been wide open as echoes of girls giggling and talking were heard from within the main hall, you didn't care to usher them out. You just needed to dance. You had opened the palace for the girls to dance in, it was a shame to keep such a place locked away when it was built with much love for your mother.
Your sisters saw you approach looking troubled, they understood why and sympathized. Some of them caught onto your growing belly during the last turn of the moon. Others figured it out from how you refused to eat certain foods that were once your favourites. Many figured with the four months remaining of your pregnancy, any wife would grow paranoid about their husband’s absence.
“Care to join us, dear sister,” Aliandra spoke up, shushing all your Sand sisters in the process. You didn't say a word, just nodded as your handmaiden helped you tie the ribbons in your ghungroos. Your sisters, with Baela and Rhaena had spent a better part of an hour; arguing over which song to dance over. They knew a few pieces that your mother had taught them and yet everyone had their favourites.
You simply walked to the middle, shrugging your shawl off to not have it in your way, you needed to dance, free-hearted and unabashed. They all awaited, letting you pick the song out of courtesy in your distressed state. You let out a wavering sigh before tucking your right leg behind the left.
Your sweet voice let out the first line of the song, and the master of musical arts and his entourage immediately recognized the song. The strings played their part as a melancholic tune echoed the marble in the palace.
A war widow’s prayer, a macabre choice in tunes and yet far too fitting to portray what it is you were battling within. It called for the safe return of her husband, how she offered her life to the gods for the safe keeping of her husband. Your sisters looked at one another before joining you at the center, all of your ghungroos created a melodic jangle as you danced as one. Rhaena remained seated, still unaware of this piece.
The flute chimed in, calling for the joyous days between Daemon and you, you closed your eyes envisioning the afternoons you had lounged on a sailboat as his daughters swam in the sea. The second verse forces you to remember the sheer aura that drove you toward him, the adoration you held toward him that scared you to the core, praying that your own envy of his essence wouldn't reflect as ill will.
You turned, and so did your sisters; making your skirts flare out in unison. You had to stop for a moment, your singing choked in a sob, as the words whimpered out of your mouth. The colours of your sisters' dresses blurred within the tears pooling past your eyes, they kept dancing knowing better than to not let you feel the anguish you were in.
You recalled your arguement, you hadn't let him kiss you when he left. It couldn't be the last time you kissed him, it simply couldn't. You refused to let that fight be the last of your conversation; even if you had to travel to the Stepstones yourself. There was one thing evident in the last three moons is how incapable of pure joy you were without him. A piece of your heart, packaged in the belongings that he took with him.
Your feet began to ache, from the change in your body due to babe but also how hard you landed on the footwork. The last verse past the bridge echoed across the walls, the notes of your siren-like voice called for far more spectators as you laid your emotions out on the floor, he needed to be okay- he had to be okay. As the last beats of percussion led to the crescendo of footwork, a foot soldier stopped at the gates of the Mirrored Palace, whispering something in your hand maiden’s ear, Her eyes widened as she ran inside, looking toward your dancing figure.
You paused in the middle, everyone still finishing the piece around you, she whispered something to your daughters who ran out of the palace. The shock in her eyes filled your stomach with dread as you walked past your dancing sisters, the thud of ghungroos as you took hastily walked towards the main gates, rubbing at your swollen stomach; far too afraid that if you lost your husband your body would force you to lose this last part of him too.
“Please don't be dead.”
“Please don't be dead.”
You stopped right by the doors, far too afraid to witness what was behind them. You patted your tummy, taking deep breaths as the knights stationed by the door opened them at your approach. There kneeled Daemon, head buried between his daughters’ shoulders as he engulfed them in his giant arms, you stood atop the stairs as tears of relief replaced the ones of anguish from moments before.
You hurried down the stairs, stopping merely a few feet away from him, praying that he was real. He looked up, face still spotted with specks of soot and dirt; his hair chopped much shorter as he wore a crown made of bone. His lips widened in a smile, a soft smile as he took sympathy to your tears. You threw yourself at him, sobbing the moment his arms wrapped around your shaking body.
“I thought- I thought.” You stammered still sobbing as he held your face in his hands “Your letters stopped and there was no news Daemon.” He nodded, letting your emotions pour out of you “I thought you were dead.” You wailed. He lifted you hand to his thudding heart inside his chest
“See, not dead,” He wiped your tears “I’m here, I’m here.” He cooed as his daughters also wrapped themselves around you and him. You caressed Baela’s hair as you felt her rubbing your arm.
You finally calmed down enough to pull apart, most of your emotions were to be blamed on something Daemon was unaware of, until he pulled back to give you an adoring once-over. His eyes stopped at your middle, letting his hand trail to the soft yet firm swell of your belly. It was unapparent from the fullness of your skirt at first glance but his eyes shot to you, a thousand questions looming behind those purple eyes.
“Five moons now,” You informed him, still sniffling as you smiled wider at his shock.
“Healthy?” He asked, still unable to grasp that there was a child within you.
“Healthy.” You nodded, Daemon’s eyes remained fixated on your middle before he engulfed you once more, picking you off your feet and twirled you around. You shrieked.
Daemon had not only returned victorious despite his brother's shunning and misjudgements but also returned to become a father to three children. There was much preparation to be done since he planned to take his wife to the king's landing, and use the celebrations of his great victory as a momentous event to introduce his wife, and now oncoming child to the court. Just as he had his twin daughters.
That night a steaming bath was prepared for the prince to wash himself of the muck and grime from all the fighting. It has only been mere hours since he learned of your pregnancy and had already begun the chicken mothering, he insisted that you lay in bed until he was done, before that he scolded you for bending to untie your ghungroos and anklets, kneeling down himself to undo them. You, however, as little defiant as ever followed after him to the bath.
He dropped his robe, giving you a full view of his back and the newest burns coating his left side. You gasped making him turn and scowl at you. “What did I say about going to bed?”
You shrugged the subject entirely, frowning at the gashes and stabs of arrows on his body. Your feelings bubbled up to a precipice yet again as your bottom lip wobbled. This time you scowled at him, pushing him towards the bath before dropping your own sleep shift to the ground.
Whatever Daemon was mildly irked over just moments before absolutely abandoned his mind, his eyes took in your bare body, the swell of your breasts and your prominent belly. He had no choice but to cave as you joined him in the bath, shuffling to straddle his legs as you gently washed at his wounds. He hissed out loud making you flinch your hand away.
The frown on your face was all too adorable as he chuckled at your reaction, he had lost feeling to the burned side of his shoulder long before and yet the concern on your face for a devious man like him made him melt behind his demeanour. One thing he knew for sure, was that after this bath, with no mind to the injuries that still caused him discomfort, he was going to ravage your swelling body like a beast gone feral on a full moon.
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annimator · 23 days
Chapter 4: It’s Not All That Bad
(Chunsik gets a lot of gifts! It almost makes him forget that Acau left him behind :D)
Acau was right there last he checked.
Why wasn’t he and Quackity there anymore?
Chunsik was distraught over the thought of being left behind by the same person that was supposed to be his caretaker.
Then again, he’s been through worst. He still gets nightmares about what happened with the lava parkour test all those months ago.
And as much as he wants to worry about Acau’s whereabouts, Chunsik noticed the other egg with sunglasses slowly approaching him. So he quickly placed down a sign to greet her, “Hello! I like your sunglasses!”
The other egg —whom he would come to know as Sunny— immediately placed down a sign to reply to his greeting, “thank you :) I like ur hat.”
After glancing at Sunny’s sign, Chunsik immediately hears Phil calling out for him, holding a bar of chocolate in his hand,
“Hey Chun! Chun! Which chocolate do you want?” Phil then showed the Korean egg three different kinds of chocolate bars, giving him the chance to pick which one he would like to have.
Chunsik was bouncing out of joy over his question. He’s never really tried any sweets before, so he was definitely excited to try some for the first time. On top of all of that, Phil gave him a little nickname despite only knowing him for a couple of minutes by that point.
“OOOO SWEETS!!!” Chunsik quickly realized how that sounded impolite and quickly placed down two more signs, “I mean… uh.” “One chocolate please :)”
To his surprise, Phil then proceeded to give him each and every chocolate bar he had within in his inventory. Chunsik didn’t ever think he really deserved any of the chocolate bars in the first place, shaking his head as Phil gave them all to him.
On top of all of that, another person that was there also gifted him a candy cane.
The other person was bald, had glasses on his face, wore a brown t-shirt and jeans, alongside green knee-pads & bandana, and also had one arm that looked like it was pulled straight from a robot. Chunsik could recognize his voice since is sounded somewhat deep compared to everyone else. That and he also complimented his hat when a bunch of people were crowding around him earlier. His name was Fit.
Chunsik already had a bunch of things gifted to him, chocolate bars of varying flavours, a candy cane, a flower, and by the looks of it, he was also given some golden apples!
He placed down another sign, overwhelmed over all the items he was just given “I’m being spoiled for Lunar New Year.”
Phil laughed as he saw what Chunsik wrote on his sign, “You get all the things. All the things for today, yes. And then we will totally, totally hold back on gifts after that… we’re not, we’re not gonna hold back on gifts, we’re gonna give you more things.” Immediately after saying that, Phil gave him yet another chocolate bar
He was really grateful for this, also noticing another somewhat far away sign from Empanada, “Gave you some golden apples!!”
Chunsik was really grateful over everything everyone has gifted him (even though most of it was from Phil) and placed down another sign to express his gratitude, “Thank you for the flower and apple!”
Empanada was bouncing as she read his sign, almost as if she’s saying that you’re welcome, and Lullah placed down two more signs for him to read, “You are so smol. Please be safe :D” “If you need anything let us know!”
Chunsik didn’t know who she was at the time, so he politely asked her, “Thank you! What’s your name?”
Lullah quickly replied to him with another sign, “Tallulah :D but you can call me Lullah if easier.”
“Hello Lullah! Thank you for the gifts!” Chunsik really meant that. He’s been given a multitude of things only after being introduced to her and a bunch of other people less than ten minutes ago.
He was grateful for everything and everyone there, and also Chayanne offer to stay with the rest of them for now, but it still didn’t change the fact that Acau wasn’t there to see all of this, placing down another sign to vent it, “I think my caretaker left me.”
Immediately after placing down that sign, more people started to crowd around him, all in an affectionate manner. Someone even gifted him a couple of TNT blocks to his excitement as he placed another sign to express that, “Ooo Explosions.”
It was all starting to get a little too overwhelming; Tina greeted him fully in Korean, and he greeted her back, someone else gifted him more than a dozen cupcakes, Richarlyson enthusiastically greeted him again & offered to bring him to some place, a bunch of kind-hearted stuff.
He eventually ended up going to Phil to thank him again, placing down a sign to do so, “Thank you Mr. Philza for the gifts :)”
Phil smiled as he read the sign, “Yeah! No problem! No problem at all. What would y- what would you like to do?”
Chunsik quickly answered him, “See my caretaker who left me :(“
As Phil offered to take him to Acau, Quackity suddenly arrived to the building they were all in, saying that he was gonna get some money.
Right when he finished saying that, Phil replied, “Wait- okay, well- well bring the egg also. There’s just- the egg has been sat here.”
Quackity immediately noticed Chunsik walking towards where he was standing, “Egg, come with me, come with-“
Before Chunsik could listen to whatever Quackity was saying, he was immediately teleported to a location he’d never been to before.
The place looked like some kind of unfinished village, all of the buildings were made from wood, dirt, and cobblestone by the looks of it. And the whole thing was encircled by a forest, with a couple of flowers planted around the buildings.
More importantly, it looked like no one else was there-
“Oh, Chunsik!” Acau immediately called out for him the moment he sees him
In turn, Chunsik immediately runs to his caretaker the minute he hears and sees him.
He’s here! He still remembers the name he gifted him! He didn’t really leave him behind after all!
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Misfits (yeah like the Arcane song) XL.
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Summary: From the dark musty cell of Stillwater all the way to the very base of Firelights, but where to from there? Guess you'll just have to let fate lead you.
Author's note: Guys please don't be affraid to comment literally anything that comes to your mind, I love reading and responding to your comments, it genuinely makes my day!!
Thirty ninth chapter
You pulled a wire and it popped, causing a slight explosion. 
Echoed from the room above you, before rapid footsteps approached your door and threw it open. You had your back turned to it and as it flew open, you slowly rotated your head to look its way. Your face was covered with gray dust and your hair pointed in every direction. Your ass was sat on the ground and an almost disassembled hoverboard laid in your lap, eyes wide.
You raised your hands to your head and shrugged.
“Is that a hoverboard??”
“How did you manage to blow up a fucking hoverboard?!”
“I dunno.”
“You’re gonna get yourself killed one day I swear.”
“C’mon, I’m fineeee.” You waved your hand dismissively and wiped your face clean, leaving a dirty trail on your forearm. “What were you doing with it anyway?” “I was just tryna figure out how they work, that's all.”
Ekko shook his head and slipped into your room, closing the door behind him and joining you on the ground a few seconds after.
“Why not just ask me?”
You shrugged and started to gather the blown up bits, gathering them in a pile in front of you. “You’re busy enough as it is, I’m not gonna bother you with something as stupid as that.” “Stupid?? I’d love to tell you how they work, why would you think otherwise?” “I dunno, I mean, I just felt like you have better things to do, especially after the Council blew up.”
“Please, nothings better than spendin’ time with you.”
You felt your body freeze a little and his words lingered in your head. What was that even supposed to mean?? Ekko quietly scooted closer and started rummaging through the pile you made, pulling out a bigger piece of the board. Your mouth was slightly agape as you watched him for a few moments, trying to figure out what to make out of this whole situation, then you shook your head, making you concentrate on the present.
“Still, I have a feeling that the wellbeing and safety of the people here are a priority right now.” “Yeah well, maybe that's why you should ask me next time, instead of blowing yourself up, don’t ya think?” He nudged you with his elbow and began to fix the device with the tools you had lying around, previously using them to disassemble the machine.
“Okay, you got that?”
“I think so? I never really did stuff like this, but I think I’m starting to get the gist of it.” “What made you want to know how my hoverboards work actually?”
You chuckled, a wave of nervousness washing over you, eyes tearing away from him and burying into the ground in front of you. “You know how we found the big lizard?”
The boy paused what he was going for a moment to look at you, only to realize you were already avoiding his eye contact. “Why am I afraid of where this is going [reader]?” He said and continued to look at you, waiting for you to look back at him, finding your nervousness quite amusing. A sigh escaped your lips as your head finally turned his way and gave him an awkward smile. “I’ve been visiting her and-”
“So it’s a she now?”
Ekko straightened his position and raised his brow, ignoring the fact that you were supposed to visit the animal with him. He knew very well you’d just go there alone anyway and it was easier to just let it go than argue with you. “I think so, I’ve named her Fae.” You replied to him, a little more cheerful now. Ekko scoffed and shook his head, an entertained smile growing on his mouth.
“You named it?” “Her, yea, why not?”
The boy stared at you for a few moments, then he rubbed his face with his hand and sighed, his lips still curled into a smile. “You’re lucky that I like you. ‘couse… whatever, how does it connect with you blowing up a hoverboard?” “Well I thought that if I could understand how they worked, that I could make a bigger one and transport her here. She doesn’t want to leave the street no matter what I do and I can’t just leave her there.”
“Hol’ up, hol’ up, you wanna bring the big lizard, INTO MY BASE?” He stared at you for a moment with wide eyes, before continuing to talk. “What about asking me first huh?” “I know, I know, should have, but c’mon, you’ll help me right?”
“Wha- ugh, yeah I’ll help you, but the creature…”
Ekko paused for a moment, looking at your face as you raised your brows at him before he rolled his eyes and corrected himself. “Fae is your responsibility, not mine okay?”
“Of course! Thank you!” Your face lit up with a smile and you embraced him into a quick, tight hug.
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rosyrosethorns · 1 month
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“So, ma chérie, when did you first realize that Maxime was a prime catch, huh?~”
Maxime Le Mal’s teasing as he swirled his glass earned a blush on Madi’s face. He seemed to have experience from his casual relationship with Valentina…
“Um… This feels… kind of embarrassing,” Madi admitted as she adjusted her glasses, “but… It sorta clicked when you… you, uh, started teasing me for being… ‘brash’? About hitting you over the head…?”
The confession earned an amused chuckle from the cockroach man. “Bit of a masochist, no?~”
The blush on the girl’s face darkened. “That—That’s not masochism!!”
“Hmmm; what would you refer to that as, then?~”
… Madi’s eyes shifted as she pondered this for a second from the fancy dinner at the table to the little roach minions scuttling all over the floor. “I… I don’t know,” she lied. Truthfully, her first thought was fearousal; but it felt awkward to admit such a thing on a first date…
Smug Maxime, however, saw right through her. “Was it like, you were not used to your feistiness being shut down like ‘poof’?~ Is attractive when someone is—what’s the word?—domineering like that?~”
Madi’s flustered stutter as she hid her reddened face behind her hands made Maxime chuckle in response.
“Oh, you are so adorably timide when one presses the right buttons~ I do not know which one I like more: the feisty Madilyn or the shy and blushy Madilyn…. Ah—Why not both, huh?~”
… The implication that he already liked her admittedly helped her relax as she slowly moved her hands down. A thought also crossed her mind as she sat up straight before speaking up:
“Ma… Maxime… Um… If we’re going to keep seeing each other… I need to ask you something…”
The cockroach man raised his brow, taking a sip from his glass before setting it back down. “Oh?”
Madi took a deep breath, slightly nervous as she was about to voice this concern… Placing her hands on the table, she stood up from her chair.
“I need you to keep my friend out of your antics… from now on. It’s troubling enough that… I think she’d be upset with me over dating the guy who… literally almost turned her into a cockroach. I—I don’t care if you’re trying to get to her boyfriend, or her brother-in-law, just—just leave her… directly out of it, or I… I’m gonna be upset. Alright?”
… Maxime cocked an eyebrow as he swirled his glass, a slight smirk across his lips.
“Well well well, your bold side is showing again, princesse; eh?~ You are lucky that her little boyfriend gave me too much trouble over her for me to consider trying that approach again with him, or I would be iffy about making such a promise.”
The girl’s expression softened. “You’re… You’re complying with me..?”
“Hmm, for now~” the man admitted in reply. “But it will not apply if she were to directly infiltrate my defenses and invade my lovely domain, huh?—you understand?~”
Madi hesitantly nodded in reply as she slowly sat back down. “M… Makes sense… I guess,” she admitted. That was easier than she feared it would be, at least.
“But let’s not talk too much about that kind of stuff, eh?~” Maxime chimed as he raised his glass, “Is a chance for us to get more personal with each other, so what say we discuss ourselves instead?~”
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Whumptober day 13- infection
Idk if any of you remember the post about me asking about how to write signing, but that post was for this fic. This is about Moon, my beloved Link oc and he is deaf, so I needed to write a way for him to be signing. I was originally going just use apostrophes but most of the deaf people who responded to that post said how I should use normal quotation marks, so that’s what I did. I hope it won’t get confusing, I tried to make it clear that Moon and Groose were signing, so just know that when they’re talking to each other, they’re signing. Thanks again to the deaf people who responded to that post ☺️
Anyways if you wanna know more about Moon, you can just go on the “moon” tag or “the hand of Farore” tag. There’s A LOT to Moon. You can even go to @thehandoffarorecomic if you want, but there’s no comic just yet. Rn I’m playing with the story.
Warning for an infection. It’s pretty mild lol.
Link had been distant from the others for a while now, and Groose was starting to get worried about him. Link wasn’t a very social person, so him keeping to himself wasn't at all strange, especially after what happened in Groose’s own home. But the way he walked away from Groose everytime he approached him was odd, it was almost as if he was avoiding him. Farore noticed his behavior as well, and though she tried to talk to him about it, it seemed to have been in vain.
“He won’t talk to me,” she said, her little bunny nose twitching, “I know that he’s still new at signing, but I figured that he’d at least tell me something.”
Groose shrugged. “Link isn’t that new to sign language. He’s actually quite a chatterbox whenever we talk.”
Farore frowned. “So he’s good at sign language, why isn’t he telling me anything?”
“You’re a goddess aren’t you? Shouldn’t you know everything?”
“Knowing everything is Nayru’s job, not mine!”
Groose rolled his eyes. “Isn’t that just convenient.”
“Watch it Groosie, I’m still a goddess.”
Groose snorted. “Sure sure, don’t call me Groosie. So what should we do?”
Farore hopped closer to him and rested against his legs. “Have you tried talking to him?”
“I have. He just walks away from me. I’m worried.”
“Well, you should try harder.”
Groose was taken aback. Of course he would’ve tried harder, but after what happened, he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries. “W-why me? He’s with you all the time!”
“Yes, but… I think you’re the first friend he’s ever had. Plus, you’re both the same age, I think you’ll have an easier time connecting with him.”
“Farore, I’ve tried to talk to him. It’s not gonna work now.”
“Then try harder.”
“Oh my Din, why do you want me to try harder? You’re around him more, you know him more, I… my mom tried to get him killed, why would he— why would he want to talk to me?”
“Groose, please,” Farore pleaded, giving him a serious look. “Just try one more time.”
Groose groaned “Fine! Fine, I’ll ‘try harder’!”
“Thank you.”
Groose glared at Farore and stomped away. He didn’t care that she was a goddess and that he was sassing her, she was annoying, and it wasn’t like she was Din anyways. It took him a moment to find Link, but Groose finally found him under a tree by a pond. His eyes were closed, and he was holding his leg with a strained expression on his face. Groose frowned and knelt down in front of him, lightly tapping him on the knee. Link flinched and his eyes opened wide as he stared at Groose in shock, but he calmed down when he realized he was in no danger.
“Are you ok?” Groose signed, titling his head in concern. Link was pale, and his eyes had bags underneath them.
“I’m good,” Link quickly signed back, and Groose figured that he would say that. It’s all he told him since he started acting strange.
“Just try one more time.”
Farore’s words echoed through Groose’s mind and he rolled his eyes. He should obey the goddess, or at least put some effort in. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that Link was still upset over what happened with his mother… he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries.
Link’s eyes closed and Groose tapped his leg again, being met with annoyed blue eyes.
“You’re not good. You look sick.”
Link looked away, and Groose moved so he was in his vision.
“Are you sick?”
Link pursed his lips and looked down at his leg. “It won’t slow me down. Don’t worry,” he finally answered. Groose frowned. That was a weird thing to say.
“I don’t care that it won’t slow you down, I care that it will hurt you, or worse.”
Link stared at him, his grip around his leg tightening. Groose noticed and reached for his hand, but stopped.
“May I?” He asked, and Link didn’t respond. Groose slowly reached for his hand again, and Link didn’t fight back, instead, he let his hand be taken off his leg. Groose didn’t know what he expected, but he realized that with Link wearing pants, it would be difficult to see anything wrong. Groose sighed, at least there was no visible blood. “Does it hurt there?”
“I got a cut. It’s been there for a while.”
Groose felt his blood run cold. Was there an infection?
“I need to see it. Now,” Groose signed rather quickly, and Link looked at him confused. He brought his fingers together in one hand and pointed them all to his palm, then dragged a finger up his arm slowly. Groose sighed and signed a little slower and more clearly. “I need to see your injury. This could be serious.”
“I’ve turned out fine before.”
“Have you had cuts like this before?”
“I have. And I’ve walked them off before.”
“Link, you can’t just walk injuries off.”
“I had to,” Link’s face had nothing but anger written on it, and he stared straight into Groose’s eyes that it made him squirm. “If I couldn’t, then I would’ve been left for dead!” Link’s arms flailed slightly as his hands flip-flopped at the end of his sentence.
Groose backed away a little as Link’s breathing grew heavy, tears beginning to appear in his eyes. Guilt gripped Groose’s heart as he thought about everything that happened before. His mother trying to kill Link, the slavers tormenting Link with their very existence, and Groose didn’t do enough to stop it. He sighed and stared at Link’s shaking hands. He looked up and waved at Link to make sure he was watching.
“You won’t be left for dead. Not with me. I promise,” he signed slowly and clearly, making sure that Link understood that Groose would never do such a thing. “You’re my friend,” Groose’s pointer fingers hooked together, and he kept them there for a while while Link just stared, looking more exhausted than before, and Groose tried again. “Let me help you. Please.”
Link finally nodded and let Groose check his leg. He rolled up his pants and inspected his shin, which was where the injury was. Groose was not a medic by any means, but he could tell that with the way the cut was inflamed that it was infected. He decided to go to Farore to help, figuring that she would know what to do more than himself. Groose’s worry grew when Link limped painfully to Farore, and he knew that the infection was severe, he just didn’t know how bad it was.
Thankfully, Farore knew ingredients for a healing potion, which Groose was able to make right away. As soon as Link drank it, he started to act more like himself. His color returned to him, his fever went down, and his eyes were lit up again. Groose was relieved that the healing potion worked, and he stuck by Link’s side while it went through his system. It didn’t take long for Link to finally fall asleep, and Groose was left alone with Farore, who was curled up on his chest for comfort.
“I knew you could do it,” she said after a moment of silence.
“Do what?” Groose asked.
“Get through to him.”
Groose rolled his eyes, but he smiled slightly.
“Why were you so intent on me getting through to him though? He likes you more, you—“ Groose paused, feeling guilty again, “you aren’t responsible for his pain.”
Farore tilted her head. “You’re not responsible for his pain either.”
“No, not for all of it, but… if I had stood up to my mother more, or had spoken up against the slavers that she worked with or—or anything to stop my mother’s involvement with slavery I— Link wouldn’t had suffered like he did!”
Farore frowned. “That’s not fair to you Groose. You are not responsible for your mother’s actions. You were manipulated by her. You didn’t understand the extent of what was happening with slavery.” Farore got close to Groose’s face. “You didn’t know any better.”
“I should’ve known. I’m going to be the king of the Gerudo, I should’ve known better.”
Farore made a sad face and backed away. “You’re only sixteen. You’re still a child.”
Groose didn’t say anything and instead held onto Link’s hand. Farore rested her paw on their clasped hands and they all stayed there for a moment, until Farore spoke up again.
“I’m not gonna be with him forever.”
Groose looked at her confused. “What do you mean?”
“When this is all over, me and my sisters will return to the sacred realm, we will leave Hylia to protect Hyrule again, and… I’ll have to leave Link behind.”
Groose stared at her. She was going to leave everything behind?
“I won’t be gone gone,” she quickly clarified, “I’ll be here in spirit, and I’ll listen and answer your prayers. But physically I won’t be here anymore. I just want…. I just want Link to have support when I’m away. That’s why I pushed you to talk to him.”
“O-oh,” was all that Groose was able to say. Though he knew she was a goddess, it was easy to forget. Farore gave Groose a smile and hopped away. But before she jumped off the bed, she turned to Groose.
“Link doesn’t blame you for anything. I hope you know that.”
Groose’s hand tightened around Link’s. He didn’t believe her, even though he knew she was right, it wasn’t ok for Groose to believe her. Farore hummed at his reaction.
“You should talk to Link about it.”
Groose pursed his lips and stared at his unconscious friend. “I’ll do it when he’s better.”
Farore smiled slightly. “Ok, fair enough. Do it when he’s better.” Groose smiled at Farore before she jumped off the bed, leaving him alone with Link.
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edupiii · 5 months
🦇The Cryptic Tales of Coppersfield Update!!💛
Now I’m not entirely sure how many people on here actually read my fic The Cryptic Tales of Coppersfield, but incase you do I just wanna give a small update!
I’m more than halfway through finishing Chapter 10 as well as beginning Chapter 11, however, I am in the middle of final exams and essays for my first year of uni so my attention is focused on that stuff. I checked the other day and realized I hadn’t posted a new chapter in a while so I just wanted to put out this PSA incase any readers were wondering what was happening.
I’m also finishing up the designs for Lizzy and Khan, and sketched out Alice and Beau (even though they aren’t gonna show up for a while, I wanted to draw them). I think I’ll be making a new design for Uzi and possibly Thad since they were the first ones I made and looking back I think I could do better on them. To thank you for your patience and understanding, here is the intro to the next chapter!!
(Uzi uses she/they pronouns interchangeably btw, just a heads up incase you get confused reading)
TW: mention of body horror
Chpt 10, Game Plan
It was getting closer, she was sure of it. They couldn’t hear it over the sound of her own laboured breathing and the crunching of fallen leaves underneath their heavy steps; but they knew it was coming. They had been running in the dead of night for…she wasn’t sure on the exact amount of time, but a long time would suffice for an answer.
She stopped in the middle of a clearing and spun around, feeling the distinct fear of recognition growing. She had already been here. They’d gone in some type of messed up circle. But how?
Without warning, the sound of whatever was chasing her had caught up. They could hear it’s own heavy breathing and it’s snarling grin as it approached the small, tired figure. She begrudgingly turned their form to face their enemy, feeling her gut twist as the moonlight glistened off its torn and broken flesh’s
The creature cocked its head while making some sickly attempt to laugh at its preys reaction. It looked like it could have at one point been human, but its length and height were far too unnatural of any persons. Where Uzi assumed its eyes would be was covered by greasy hair while its mouth hung open. It’s not that it was opening its mouth, it’s that it no longer had a bottom jaw to close its ever gapping gob.
Long, spindly arms helped it crawl its thin yet heavy body closer to Uzi, her feet trying to move but unable too. Finally this thing stood over the terrified teen, drool dripping from its hanging maw onto Uzis hair and face. Its head drew closer and closer, its features becoming more prominent with every passing second.
The filthy hair covering its eyes slanted as it smiled down at Uzi, allowing her to be able to see the creatures face. As they looked in horror, a tinge of confusion began to swell. What gazed back at them were not eye’s necessarily, but two sagging black sockets. In the middle of each empty hole was that strange three pronged symbol Uzi had seen so many times before. They were glowing yellow and shaking sporadically.
Uzi snapped out of their trance as the thing inched its putrid face ever so slightly to her own, causing them to try and retreat. But they couldn’t. She looked back up and gazed at the beast whose warm breath incapsulated their face.
“Wha-what the hell are you?” they asked in a shaking voice. “Some kin-kind of eldritch monster?”
The thing reared back slightly, almost like it was in shock. However, this feeling quickly faded away as it brought its face right back up to Uzis.
“It hurts our feelings you don’t remember us.”
Uzi tried to pull away once again while looking at the things mouth. “How can-can you talk!? Some psychic link! You don’t even-“
“Easier to assimilate then explain.”
A large claw seemed to almost emerge from the shadows, its skin black with webbing between the talons. It rose up quickly and came back down on Uzi who readied for their painful demise, when suddenly-
Uzi shot straight up from their sleeping position, her alarm clock blaring it’s awful symphony. The noise hurting her very being, Uzi wasted no time scrambling over and slamming a shaking fist on the old electronic. It finally shut up.
Leaning back slightly, Uzi began to notice how much they were shaking. Their breathing was incredibly heavy with her heart rate sending small tremors throughout her body. She also began to notice how sweaty they were (gross! i hate waking up sweaty)
However, like the past week of restless dreams, it’s memory quickly faded from her mind. They couldn’t recall any of it. At least…they’d like to not recall any of it, because the one thing that stuck in her head were the unnerving words that were spoken to them before they awoke.
Spoken in that god awful, familiar monotone voice that chirped in their head.
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nightghoul381 · 1 year
HeYYooo! I'm so happy you reached 100 followers!!! (Insert party popers emojis because I'm on PC) I would love to have Harrison with the injury prompt (The reader being injured) in Harrison's POV. I hope you have a good day (Or night), and again congrats!!!
Thank you so much for the request! I love writing from the suitor's POV and this was a great way to explore Harrison's personality and inner monologue. I hope you enjoy it!
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At Fault
Pairing: Harrison Gray (POV) x Reader Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort WC: ~1.3 C/W: Mentions of blood and critical injury
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This wasn’t supposed to happen. It was supposed to be me. They were aiming at me. Me!
I slam my fists on the wood of the wall outside your hospital room. You were in there fighting for your life because I was too stupid to see you coming until it was too late.
The moment keeps replaying in my mind in slow motion. You jumping in front of me as the silver bullet hurtled toward me. The second the metal pierces your delicate skin of your chest. The spurt of crimson blossoming in stark contrast to the white of your blouse. The way your eyes rolled back in your head as your body slumped to the ground.
Vivid images flash through my mind in a torturous torrent, leaving me trembling.
“Harry—” Liam’s cautious approach seemed to be drowned by a thick curtain of water, so very distant and gentle. It never would have made sense to anyone else. They didn’t understand how gut-wrenchingly guilty this entire situation was making me feel. I was supposed to know he was going to shoot.
I can’t believe I didn’t pay close enough attention. I can’t believe I let myself get distracted. And now you’re paying the price. You were lying there, critically injured because of my incompetence.
I shoot a glare at Liam, trying to keep my rage in check. The startled look in his fuchsia gaze is almost painful to see. I know it’s not his fault, I know that taking my internal hatred out on him will do nothing but make me feel even more guilty later.
I try to keep a lid on my emotions. I’ve prided myself on keeping a level-head in the most heated situations, but now I don’t think I can force myself to hold back anymore. I’m drowning in the sea of pain and rage and sorrow and fear.
Liam moves just a bit closer, hand ruffling his pink hair in apprehension. He can tell. Of course, he can tell. He’s known me better than anyone else in Crown and I know I can’t truly hide anything from him.
“—we should go to another room,” Liam offers gently, holding out a hand to me. “I stole a bottle of whiskey from Roger so let’s go knock back a couple of drinks.”
It was a lie. I didn’t even need to use my ability to know that. There was no way Roger would let his alcohol go without a fight, but even still, I appreciate the sentiment and solemnly follow Liam into the other room.
“You want to talk about it?” Liam asks hesitantly, handing a small glass to me. I take the drink and swirl it around in my hand, but set it down on the table in front of me. I slump down onto the couch, shoulders hunched and head hanging.
“It’s my fault Liam. It’s completely my fault that she got shot and I don’t know how to handle it.”
The admission causes hot tears to prick at my eyes. God, I haven’t cried in so long, it feels so wrong.
“The guy said he wasn’t gonna shoot if I backed down. I wasn’t paying close enough attention. I should have seen that he was lying. That’s my entire job and I failed at that. And now she’s paying for my idiocy.”
“Harry you wouldn’t have been able to stop her, even if you had known he was going to shoot. Knowing her, she’d already made up her mind to protect you, regardless of if you knew he was telling the truth or not.”
Liam’s words cut into me like a red-hot knife. I want to keel over. It’s so much easier blaming myself. It makes so much more sense to blame myself. Surely you weren’t foolish enough to put yourself in danger just because of me.
I wanted to keep telling myself it was a mistake. My mistake. I know it’s not true, but I want it to be. I want it to be true so badly I’d been repeating it to myself like it was a mantra.
“I just need her to be okay…” My voice cracks on the last word and I wince at how weak I sound.
Liam places his hand on my shoulder, a sign of support. He knew me well enough to know that words weren’t going to do much of anything to help ease the painful ache in my heart.
Just a short moment later William entered the room a soft smile on his face. I jumped to my feet as he approached me, anxiety causing every nerve to burn while I awaited his news.
“They were able to remove the bullet. It seems that she was quite lucky. The bullet had managed to lodge in one of her ribs, and this was enough to prevent any vital organs from being hit. She’s going to be extremely sore for a few weeks, but she’ll be okay.”
I felt an overwhelming rush of relief wash over me and the strength seemed to vanish from my legs, sending me to my knees.
I felt so light headed and dizzy, I couldn’t even move.
She’ll be okay.
The words kept cycling through my mind and I didn’t hear Will continuing to talk. Liam crouched down and shook my arm.
“Did you hear him? He said she woke up. She’s asking after you. She wants to see you and know you’re alright,” Liam murmured gently. The obvious love and care glistening in his pink irises warmed me and I was finally able to regain my composure. I nodded, unsure if I would be able to form any coherent words.
Liam bounced up, offering me a hand, and helping me to my feet. Together we made our way down the hall back outside your room. Pushing through the door, I saw you reclined on the bed, a tired smile gracing your features as our eyes met.
Once again the relief I felt knowing you were okay seems to sap the strength from my legs and I shakily stepped over to you, dropping to my knees at the side of the bed. I grab one of your hands in mine and pressed a kiss against it, a tear managing to escape and roll down my cheek.
“Harry. I’m so glad you’re okay,” you smile, voice shallow and raspy.
“Shhh, sweetheart. You shouldn’t be worrying about me. I love you, I’m so incredibly relieved that you’re alright,” My words come out in a choked whisper as another tear falls from my eyes.
I have so many things I want to say. I want to scold you for being so reckless with your life. I want to thank you for saving mine. I want to tell you how lost I felt at the thought of never seeing you again. I wanted to make sure you knew how much I love you.
But my throat was too tight. Too choked with emotion to allow any verbal expression. I pushed myself up, curling onto the bed beside you and pressing the softest of kisses to your hair. Your scent filled my nostrils, calming my racing heart.
You were safe. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to finally relax. As the tension left my body, so too did my energy. I heard a soft huff of a laugh and the comforting touch of your hand filled me with so much warmth.
“I love you Harry,” you whisper. The sound of your quiet breathing is the last thing I hear as my mind fades away and sleep overtakes me.
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Taglist: @aquagirl1978, @themiscarnival @abundance-pathchooser @candied-boys
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Your footy au is so awesome and giving me all the feelings
[hopefully i’ll be able to finish & post ch4 tomorrow but a little preview (& ode to tobin, if u know lol) to offset how bOring the uswnt game is rn 🙄]
you get a few questions about your continued work in advocacy, team chemistry, and how you’re looking forward to your club season and the world cup.
‘there’s a few new players on the roster that you’ll play against in a few days, maybe a different look to this team than what you might be used to,’ one journalist says. ‘do you have any specific team tactics you’re bringing into this upcoming match, especially as the world cup approaches?’
‘sure. any player called up and rostered is going to be dangerous, of course,’ you say. ‘and their veterans, as well, deserve a lot of credit. i’ve played with mary for years and there’s no better a leader than her.’ you really are thinking about the upcoming match when you continue, ‘and, obviously, in regard to some new faces we’ll see, ava silva can score when she wants, so we’ve got to make sure we keep her in check.’ you can’t help but smile. ‘easier said than done, of course. but beyond that, we just need to stick to our game plan: be patient, control the midfield, win tackles, finish. we’ve come together really well after this break, so i’m excited.’
you answer a few more specific tactical questions, and then you’re done. you say hi to a few of your favorite journalists that you haven’t seen in a few months, and then make your way back to your room. when you look at your phone, you roll your eyes at the number of texts you already see, try to wrack your brain for something you’d said that had been that interesting.
you answer when ava calls, and she’s laughing. ‘hi bea!’
‘hello, ava.’
‘wait, one second.’ she facetimes you with mary in the background, who waves with a good-natured eye roll at ava’s antics; she’s practically vibrating. ‘okay, here,’ she says, then turns her camera around so you can see her laptop on a youtube video, then presses play. ‘ava silva can score when she wants,’ you hear, and you groan.
‘this is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.’
she’s smiling too big for you to fight it: a laugh bubbles up out of your chest and then mary is laughing too. ‘lilith is gonna have a field day with this,’ she says.
‘i’m gonna print this out as a poster, i think,’ ava tells you, still playing it on loop in the background.
there’s a knock on your hotel room door and when you open it lilith is, indeed, holding out her phone.
‘hi lilith!’ ava says from your screen. ‘looking hot, as always. great and terrifying to see you, please don’t kill me in two days.’
you sigh. lilith leans against the doorframe. ‘ava silva can score when she wants?’
‘okay, you know what i meant.’
‘yeah!’ ava says. ‘i can score! in more ways than one!’
‘goodbye, ava.’
‘bye, love you,’ ava says, still laughing, and you hang up.
lilith just looks at you for a moment and then rolls her eyes, but it’s not cruel. you think, maybe, she might be amused. ‘see you at dinner, beatrice.’
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