#so i was going to take the 9:30 bus home
todaysromano · 11 months
Today, Romano received a package in the mail meant for Romania.
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i spent all morning looking for the cheapest ways to get to venice next monday and i feel like i've cracked the code or something i think i got it
#i have to talk it with my mum cause she's the one with the money#but i've seen some good ideas#i have 5 options for now#for some reason flights to and from venice from madrid are expensive as fuck#so i'll have to get to another airport first#here are my options. keep in mind the exam i have to take is on monday 10 at 9:30 am. also ideally i wouldn't want to pay a hotel room#in venice. cause they're expensive as fuck#so let's see. you can also help me out all help is welcomed:#option 1. on sunday i get on a train to barcelona. i sleep in bcn (most likely in a hostel at the airport)#and at 6:35 am there's a flight to venice from bcn for 64€#i arrive at 8:25. i go take the exam#and there's another flight off from venice to bcn at 16:45 for 75€#this is the cheapest flight out of venice i could find so this will always be the flight back#and then i arrive at bcn at 18:45 and have cheap trains to madrid at around 20:00#option 2. i think this is the most likely one. it's similar to the previous one BUT instead of bcn i'd be flying from alacant#why is this important? because i have family there#more precisely my grandpa's sister. who just had a surgery#and my grandma wanted to go visit her. she was literally talking about this two days ago#so. if my mum agrees to it. she could drive us three to alacant on sunday#we would sleep at my great aunt (?)'s place#and then i'd have a flight at 5:45 to venice for 70€#i'll get to venice at 8:00 and then the going home plan is the same#if she doesn't agree i have trains to alacant for 49€. and even if i wouldn't sleep with family (i have tons in alacant not just#the great aunt) hotels are definitely cheaper than in bcn#option 3. there's a flight from santander on sunday 9 for 14€ !!!!!#i could get on a night bus to santander for 71€ and be there at 6:30. the flight is at 10:10 and i would be in venice at 12:15#i would have to sleep in venice but i think it would compensate for the flight being so cheap#and then you know the drill with the flight to bcn#option 4. this is also quite likely i think this is the cheapest and my favourite i think.#i could fly on sunday to florence from madrid for 54€. i would arrive at florence at 12:15
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elizabethlailfricked · 8 months
"We don't talk anymore. Do you not like me? 🥺"
Ok first of all my schedule is literal shit during the weekdays and second you literally told me you were gonna off yourself 12 times this summer and to all of my friends just for shits and giggles 🤓🤚
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bywandandsword · 8 months
My gods, as much as I greatly appreciate having access to public transport, this is a royal pain in my ass
The nearest bus stop is in the next town over, a mile away, and with the snow and hills, it takes me about half an hour to walk to it. More if they haven't plowed the sidewalks yet. The buses only come once an hour, and the one I catch comes at 55 after the hour and gets to the school at 30 after the next hour. Which is fine I guess, but it means if I have a 9:00 class, I have to catch the 8:00 bus, so I have to leave the house by 7:30 at least
But today, I had to go get groceries and the only grocery that isn't a gas station near the route is a stop on the way to school and the circle the buses take only goes one way. The bus that leaves campus going toward my stop does so at 45 after the hour, hits my bus station at 55 after, and hits the grocery at 5 after in the next hour. They only come once an hour, so once I finished shopping I had to wait until the bus came again. After the grocery, the bus gets to the school at 30 after, whereupon it becomes the Inbound bus (going towards the city) and you have to get out and wait for the Outbound bus to come back to head towards my stop. Then of course it takes half an hour to walk home, which is how despite getting out of class at 12:50, I didn't get home until ~4:30 as the sun was setting it getting cold enough for my hands and feet to start hurting despite the layers, and if you think I have any energy to do any work after I thawed out, you'd be sorely mistaken
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texas-bbq-pringles · 10 months
i love student housing (get me the fuck out of here)
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bengals-barnesbabe · 3 months
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Coach Burrow
Pairing: Dad!Joe Burrow x Nurse!WifeReader
Description: Joe gets offered his favorite job yet!
Warnings: Fluffy, but suggestive towards the end ;)
Word Count: 2.4k
Main Masterlist
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚ °
Life after the NFL wasn’t that much different for Joe Burrow. The 4x SuperBowl MVP was practically handed an elite coaching position the second he announced his retirement. So yea, not much is different from when he started all those years ago.
“MOM, where’s dad? We need him ASAP! MOM!” Your 6th grade son, Leo shouted running into the house.
Ok some things are different.
“HEY NO RUNNING IN THE HOUSE! Take your shoes off please.” Rolling your eyes at the boy and his friend as they removed their muddy cleats then continued their rampage. You’d spent the entire afternoon cleaning the house and doing the laundry so when you left for your 13 hour shift tonight you wouldn’t have to worry about your kids not having anything to wear or your husband having to focus on anything but work and your 4 kids. So you were not letting some 11 year olds mess it up.
 That's when you realized it was only 4:30, “hey!”
The two middle schoolers stop just before entering the backyard and turn to face you in the kitchen. 
“Aren‘t you two supposed to be at practice? Why’d you take the bus?” You ask.
“Our coach was fired!” Chris, Leo’s partner in crime exclaims with a smile.
“Okay, that doesn’t answer the running in my house or the smile on your faces.” Your forehead creases looking at the overly giddy kids.
“We want dad to take his place.” Well that makes sense. 
“Ok what makes you think he has time to coach both your team and Ohio State’s?” Joe’s job is flexible, but not that flexible.
“Easy, he goes to work from 9 to 4 and comes home at the same time practice is. So if he was our coach he could change our practice time from 4:30 to 5. BOOM he has time.” They say will full confidence in their plan.
If only he’d put that much effort into his math homework. But you give them credit for putting it together in such a short notice.
You chuckle and wave them off to pitch their idea to your husband of 15 years.
The boys find your husband outside “playing” around with his new grill. 
“Dad!” The man turns around confused at his youngest son’s voice.
“Leo, what are you doing home? Chris does your mom know you’re not at practice?” He pulls the lid down on the grill and gives his best ‘dad glare.’
“We came to get you! We need a new coach! And we want it to be you.” They plead.
Joe smirks and crosses his built arms. “Oh yea? Give me one good reason why I should be your coach?”
The boys look at each other a bit panicked, so they discuss it in a little huddle that makes Joe smile. 
When they break, Joe puts back on his serious facade. 
“Ok dad here’s our offer, if you agree to be our coach, I’ll get all A’s this year.” 
The dad’s brows raise in a surprised and impressed way.  
Truth is, Joe knew all about their coach’s departure. Over a week ago, the school sent an email to him personally asking if he could fill the position temporarily or even permanently. He said he’d have to check with his family before making any decisions. 
Yesterday they decided to inform him that a number of other dads/ supporters had already applied so there’d be a formal try out today at 5. 
The boys walked into the house at 4:30 and all he’d been waiting for was his son’s approval.
“You know what bud, I’ll gladly take you up on that offer.” He says shaking his mini-me’s hand. The shake quickly turns into him being ‘dragged’ into the house.
“We gotta go! You need to be there right now.” Joe just shakes his head and grabs his keys.
“I see you didn’t take much convincing.” You give him a knowing look as he walks around the kitchen counter to where you’re seated.
He chuckles, “I may have had some insider knowledge of the situation. But here’s the kicker, he agreed to make all A’s if I tried out.” Your husband smiles widely knowing how hard you’ve been trying to get the 11 year old to take his schooling seriously.
You scrunch your face as he pecks both cheeks before placing a much deeper kiss to your lips that you can’t help but reciprocate. 
“Mom… dad that’s gross, we need to go it’s 4:45!” Leo whines causing you to separate from his father.
“Yea go kick butt Shiesty!” You wink as he’s pulled out of the house laughing.
When the boys get to the field they are surprised by the sight of your 14 year old twins, Malia and Miles, standing by the fence.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite firstborns, what are you doing here?” Joe asked giving them side hugs, the only acts of affection they’ve allowed him to show outside the house.
“I wanted to get burgers, but was dragged here by her.” Miles dead tones.
Malia rolls her eyes. “I came to fill out your application for coach so you’re welcome, please come up with an adequate ‘daughter’s appreciation day’ present to thank me.” She smiles, Joe snorts at teenager.
“Are you sure you’re my daughter because that was all your mother? Thank you for helping out Lia and Miles…” The young boy shrugs. “Exactly. You guys plan on staying until we’re done or do I need to call mom?”
“We’ll stay, I wanna see the looks on the other dads’ faces when they see you.” Miles replies rubbing his hands together.
“I guess I’m staying too.” Malia shrugs.
“Ok then.” 
The tryouts had barely already started by the time Joe finally got to the field and just as Miles anticipated, the reactions were priceless.
“Mr. Evans, he’s here!” Leo yells running onto the field. His wild presence causes everyone look in his direction. 
“You’ve got to be shitting me.”
“The kid’s dad is Joe Burrow?!”
“I don’t know if I should be honored or scared.”
“We should all just leave now, he has 4 rings.”
Leo’s teacher, Mr. Evans shakes the former quarterback’s hand and welcomes him onto the field. 
“Mr. Burrow, it’s good to see you again.”
“Please call me Joe, it’s nice to be able to come out.” He says.
“Of course Joe, you’re right on time too. Would you like to introduce yourself to everyone?”
Joe nodded, “yea of course.” Then turned towards his competitors. “Hey guys I’m Joe, Leo’s dad. I guess I kind of played for a bit, but that’s all behind me now.” He chuckles.
“If played for a bit means leading the best team in LSU history to an undefeated championship then going from ‘the underdog’ of the NFL to a future hall of famer with 4 SuperBowl rings? Than the rest of us haven’t even heard of the game.” Will, Chris’ dad scoffed. Joe patted his long time friend on the back then joined him in line.
“Ok so first we’re going to test your football knowledge then see how well you coach other kids, not your own.” Evans claps his hands and they get to work.
By the end of the first round, half of the applicants have been dismissed and unsurprisingly Joe leads the pack going into the second round. 
“You know this isn’t fair right?” Will says in between rounds.
Joe sighs, “you do realize Leo and Chris practically tracked mud through the house just to get me here right?” Then smirks as the other guy rolls his eyes.
“Hey what if we made it fair?” 
Will looks at him intrigued, “I’m listening.”
“Split the job, we already know it’s going to come down to us. So what do you say, partners?” Joe suggests.
“Damn Burrow,” Will instantly agrees. “I don’t know how you stay so humble.” He laughs.
Joe just points to his fan club on the bleachers. “Chris is your oldest, so you don’t even know the degree of humility teenagers will teach you but my wife helps also helps with that.” 
When the men line back up for the rest of try outs, all of the other guys had already left.
Then Mr. Evans walks up to them. “So, I think it’s pretty clear who’s going to get the position.”
“Actually, we’ve decided to split it.” Will leads, the teacher looks to Joe confused.
“Yup, it would actually work out better if both of us share responsibility. There’s a lot of benefits to having two coaches, plus we’re doing it for free.” 
Mr. Evans couldn’t argue against the offer so he just shook their hands.
“Alright Coach Burrow and Coach Williams. Welcome to the Wildcats.”
❀。• *₊ meanwhile at the house °。 ❀°。
“Mommy, I need help...” 
You had just finished putting on your scrubs before your 6 year old started crying bloody murder. “What is it my love?” 
Walking into her My Little Pony room you scanned every crevice for threats, but only landed on the young girl sitting on her floor with a notebook.
“I don’t know how to do this.” 
You melted at the cute pout on her face as she pointed to her math book. “Jazzy, babygirl. Are the fractions giving you a hard time?” She nodded her head, you checked your watch (5:15) and decided to join her on the floor.
“Ok I have some spare time to help you on a few, but when daddy gets home I have to go work okay pretty girl?” She happily nodded and scooched herself into your lap. 
For the next 20 minutes you simply watched and fiddled with your daughter’s dark curls as she studied her math. It became very clear within seconds that she just wanted to be with her mother as she didn’t ask any questions about the material. 
Being a charge nurse meant your hours were more unpredictable, especially at your hospital. Most nurses worked 12 hour shifts but you were currently understaffed so you took it upon yourself to be a leader and help your team. You usually worked 3 overnight shifts a week, so you could be there when the kids get home from school. Even though you were home more often than not, there are times when your babies need you, so if one of them wanted more time with you there was no way you were going to reject them of that opportunity.
While you and your youngest were cuddled up on the ground in your own little world, Joe and his fan club arrived right on time for dinner. 
“I’m starving, why couldn’t we stop for burgers?” Miles groaned throwing his backpack onto the couch.
Joe picked up the bag and put it back in his son’s hands. “Because even though she didn’t have to, your mother cooked before her shift. So you’re going to take your stuff upstairs and get washed up for dinner.” He gave him a pointed look and dismissed the teenager.
“Wow, I can’t wait to deal with that.” Joe shook his head and led his friend to the kitchen.
“You have no idea. I love my kids, but the older they get the more of me I see in them. It would cool when all he wanted to do was throw the football around, but now the stubbornness gene is really coming to bite me in the ass.” He snorted while warming up their dinner.
“How’s he doing with that, has he made varsity yet?” Will asks as the kids make their way downstairs.
“He’s good for a sophomore but not there yet. If he put more of his time into practice instead of chasing cheerleaders he could be better.” He responds just as the boy rounds the corner.
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game dad. I got Becky Jackson’s number in third period, nothing’s stopping me now.” He smiles taking his place at the table.
“What happened to Marissa? I thought she was nice.” Joe chuckles as his wife joins the crew. 
“You know how he is babe.” You give him a quick kiss wrapping your arms around him.
“Yea mom, he’s for the streets.” 
“I am not for the streets! At least I have a date.”
You shake your head and slowly make your rounds. You quickly greet Will, grab your work and dinner bags, kiss the kids and walk with Joe to the front door. 
“You’re really going to leave me in this chaos.” He sighs his hands still holding yours.
“I heard my teacher was for the streets.”
“What’s for the streets?”
You smirk against his chest, “oh I think you got this Shiesty, this is nothing compared to your O Line in those early years.”
His hands quickly drop your hands and find your waist. “Ok alright I see how you want this to go.” His voice low against your ear.
“What, I’m simply saying your risks for injury are dramatically lower.” Your arms go around his neck as he backs you into the corner out of your children’s vision, then a hand on your waist moves to grip the meat of your ass. You bite your lip as a low moan muffles against his chest.
“You think you’re funny. If it was just us right now, I’d show your ass what being funny gets you. But when you get back, you’re all mine mama.” He groans nipping your ear then pressing a hungry kiss to your lips. You moan into his soft yet bruising lips, pulling him in further. 
“Oh god, Jazmine close your eyes.” 
You both sigh as the giggles from your permanent cockblockers acknowledge their existence to you. 
“I’m sending them to my parents tomorrow.” 
“Do that and we might end up adding to the population.” You chuckle pulling away from your husband, who raises his brows at your comment. 
“Don’t tempt me, you know exactly how I like you.” He playfully slaps your behind. “Kids, say goodnight to mom!”
You shake your head at him while being engulfed in hugs. “I love you, I’ll see you when you get home from school.”
“Bye momma..” The chorus sings.
They return to the table and you turn back to a smirking Joe. “See you tomorrow beautiful.” You blush hugging him once more before opening the door.
“Goodnight Coach Burrow, can’t wait practice with you tomorrow.” You wink as his eyes cerulean eyes darken then shut the door.
“Fuck, who said 5 kids was too many.”
A/N: Looks like a bitch came back to life! My trip was nice but not writing for so long killed me. Can’t wait to see how much gets posted in the next week
Xoxo Babe
Likes, comments and reblogs are welcomed and treasured ♡
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oracle-of-dream · 9 months
Your Admirer
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Minors DNI
Summary: Recently, you've been receiving gifts left at the door of your apartment. From a secret admirer. You're too busy trying to guess who's gotten a small crush to notice how mad he is for you, and there's no telling how far he'll go to get to you.
Warnings: Stalking, Manipulation, Use of Aphrodisiacs, Unprotected Sex, Stomach Bulge, Breeding, Mention of Pregnancy, Daddy Kink, Size Kink
Wordcount: 4.4k
You woke up with the sunlight peeking from behind your curtain as the wind coming in from the window blew them open. Slowly, you managed to find the strength to roll out of bed and shut the window. You don’t remember opening the window, but it was weirdly hot while you slept so you figured that you must’ve gotten up in the middle of the night to open it. You swiped your phone off the charger and walked into your bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face off. After wiping your face, you checked the time. The clock said 9:30 am. It was another workday, so you needed to get moving before you were late. You only worked every other day, so you were able to spend most days at home. But Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays you had to come into the office to check in with your boss for the projects for the week to get finished on time. You put on your outfit for the day. Another perk of the job was the lack of strict work uniforms. You put on dark denim jeans, a sleeveless white shirt, with moon earrings, and a YXL chain to go around your waist. You couldn’t afford YXL products on your salary, but it was just another gift you’d gotten from someone who’s been leaving you gifts at work. 
    The gifts would get delivered a bunch of different ways, so you were never able to find out who was the one sending them. First, it was flowers delivered to the office, then your favorite snacks and the most recent was the YXL chain. Each gift came with a handwritten letter, which you kept. You thought it was sweet that someone was so interested in you to try and get your attention in some way, but you wanted to find out who it was. None of your coworkers were your type, but it had to be someone there who knew which floor you worked on, right?
    Your alarm to head out went off, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
    You rushed out the door of your apartment to catch the bus to take you further downtown. The bus was always a little early, so you managed to get the timing to arrive just when it did so you could get the perfect seat. You set your bag down in the seat next to you, waiting for your friend to get there. But he always was one of the last people to get on the bus, so you scrolled through TikTok while waiting for him.
“Hey Y/n, good morning!”
 You heard his voice, which made you look up from your phone. “Soobin! Good morning!” 
You met Soobin a little after you moved into this part of town a few months ago. He was nice to you, so the two of you got pretty close easily. Soobin was wearing a black and white flannel, a black undershirt, blue jeans, and black glasses. His hair was messy like he was rushing to get to the bus.
“Running to catch the bus again?” 
“Yeah, I woke up late again,” Soobin laughed. He sat down next to you, holding your bag for you as he messed with his hair. That’s when he clocked your new chain belt. “Whoa! I didn’t know you had money like YXL, why don’t you take a limo to work?”
You punched his arm playfully as he teased you. “I didn’t buy it! It was him again.”
Soobin rubbed his arm where you punched him. “So you don’t know who this guy is?”
You shook your head.
“Are you sure it’s someone from your job?”
“Well, of course. Only my coworkers know which floor of my job I work in. You need a keycard to get up to the 5th floor where our offices are. None of the other businesses use our floor, the only other people I could think of are like… janitors.”
Soobin chuckled. “Hey, maybe he IS a janitor! Don’t break his heart.”
“Well, if a janitor can afford YXL gifts for his crush. Then I think I at least owe him dinner.”
“Dinner?” Soobin’s eyes widened. “I didn’t think you’d be okay dating a janitor.”
“A rich janitor!? Why not? I don’t mind being a house-husband. I’ll cook and clean at home like the perfect spouse.”
Soobin laughed even harder. “I think you’d be pretty sure in a little maid costume, waiting for your husband to come home.”
The two of you cracked a few more jokes before the stop where you needed to get off arrived. The both of you stepped off the bus and parted ways. Soobin worked at a cafe a few blocks down from your office building, but he always insisted on walking with you before walking in the opposite direction to his job.
“Okay, Soobie, I’ll see you around lunch.” You waved as you walked into the building.
Soobin waved back, waiting until you were in the building before heading back the way he came.
Work was just a bunch of boring service meetings, going over goals for the next few weeks. But you couldn’t focus as you kept staring at the clock. It was always a little before your lunch break at 12:30 pm that someone would come by and drop off the gifts from your admirer. You nearly fell out of your chair when you saw the parcel delivery man walking into the 5th floor. 
You stopped him as he got to the door of your offices.
“Hi there! Anything for me today?” You asked politely.
The man looked through the boxes he had, “No, sorry. I don’t see anything.”
Your shoulders dropped at the thought that you didn’t get another gift. Maybe you’re admirer found someone else they’re interested in… But at least you could go on lunch break.
You thanked the delivery man and went back to your desk to collect your things before leaving. You looked in your desk drawer at the letters you’d received from him. You looked at each, comparing them. The color of the card was your favorite color and it smelled sweet like roses. On a whim, you took them with you as you left your office. You left the building and walked a few blocks to get to Soobin’s cafe. 
Soobin winked at you as you walked in. “Hi, Welcome in!”
You smiled at him as you found an empty table. You set your things down and looked at the cards again. The handwriting all looked the same, even like it was written with the same pen. 
Soobin came over to you with a plate a sandwich and a warm cup of tea. “The usual for ya.”
“You know me so well…” You put the card down and took a bite of your sandwich.
“Well. You get the same thing every time you come here.” Soobin stuck his tongue out at you.
You didn’t notice as you were reading the card again. “Of course, I do because you’re the one who recommended it to me. And it turned out so good!”
“What’s this?”
“One of the cards he left me. The one that came with the flowers.”
The cards were nearly written, clean, and smelled good. Sometimes at work, you catch yourself wanting to just smell the card again. You didn’t know the scent, but it was something that made your body warm and fuzzy.
Dear Y/n,
The sweet flower that I’ve watched from afar. I hope this comes to you as warmly as you did into my life. I fell for you the moment I saw you and when you speak, I can only hear a symphony of your voice. My thoughts about you are truly impure, but as a man of honor and respect, I hope that earn your affection in your heart, mind, and body with my gift. And expect more from me.
Your new admirer.
Soobin read it. “I didn’t know that you were into this kind of stuff.”
You shrugged. “I don’t know if I am, but I know that I don’t hate it. It’s really sweet! But I also want to be able to see the person and know about them, instead of them just knowing about me.”
“You want them to show themself?”
You nodded. “Of course! How am I supposed to know if I like them back?”
“What if it's someone you’re not expecting? You said it’s a coworker, so what if it’s someone you’re close with as friends?” Soobin’s voice was soft and deep, with his face spelling concern.
You pat him on the shoulder. “Why do you look so worried? I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’m open to meeting people, even if it's someone I know. Because it seems like we’ve spoken to each other at least once according to this. I just want to give him an honest chance. And…”
You shift nervously in your seat. “I’m kinda interested in this whole, impure thoughts thing. It’s kinda hot…”
Your last sentence hung in the air between the two of you. It somehow felt like the whole room got a little quieter.
You struggled to find your words. “That was a little…” 
“Out of pocket? Yeah. But, it's cool, I’m glad you’re into this guy. He’s lucky. So tell me how it goes if you get the chance to meet him.”
You nodded. “Yeah totally! I’d call you asap.”
“I don’t have your number…”
You cocked your head to the side. “How did that happen?” You reached into your bag, but couldn’t find your phone. “I think I left my phone at work, let me borrow yours, and I’ll give you my number.”
“I can’t, it’s not one me.” Soobin pulled out a napkin and pen from his apron and scribbled his number neatly on the napkin. “Here’s my number, you can text me when you get back to the office.”
You took the napkin and carefully tucked it away in your bag.
You finished your food as Soobin went back to work, he occasionally would stop near you to chat for a bit before going back to his job. After finishing, you left a tip in the jar since Soobin never let you pay for your meals. Then you headed back to the office.
You finished the rest of your workday and while packing your bag to head home you remembered Soobin’s number. You put the napkin on your desk while you looked for your phone, which somehow ended up in the drawer where you kept the other cards. You put the cards on your desk and added Soobin’s number to your phone. Naming him Soobie on your phone, you shoot him a text to give him your number.
“Yo, Soobie, I got the number. I’ll be over to pick you up real soon.”
You packed everything else on your desk and tossed it in your bag to hurry out the door to get the Soobin’s cafe before the bus started to get there. 
You walked into the cafe to see a different barista working. He smiled at you as you walked up to his counter.
“What can I get for you?”
“Oh, I’m not here for food–I’m looking for Soobin.”
The barista nodded in understanding. “He said he had to be somewhere, so he left early today. A little after 1ish.”
You pulled out your phone to text him, “Hey, is everything alright? You’re not at work, so I’m just going to head home. Let me know if you need anything.”
You thanked the barista and walked about out the door, heading to the bus stop. It felt strange to go home alone again, like how it had been when you had first moved into town. Like you were alone but somehow someone was always looking at you. Even when you couldn’t see anyone looking, you could just feel the eyes watching you… But when Soobin started going with you, the feeling would be gone. His presence was nice to have around and protected you from whoever was out there…
You ride the bus back home, alone and in silence. The feeling makes your skin itch a little. You tried to distract yourself from the feeling by reading the letters again. Your head was foggy, your hands were damp, your body felt warm, and you realized your heart was racing. You somehow popped an awkward boner that you had to use your bag to hide. You got off at your stop, the bag still covering your bulge as you walked quickly to your apartment building. 
When you got to the door, there was a small bag at your doorstep. You looked around before picking it up. It smelled like roses and candy. It was a gift from him? But how did he know where you lived?
You looked around with a little bit of panic as you put in your door pin code and unlocked the door. You slipped inside quickly and locked the door behind you. You were home but didn't feel safe. Your mind was racing at the thought of someone following you home, the worst possible scenarios playing in your head. The sound of you getting a text broke your train of thought.
It was a text from Soobin! 
Soobie: Hey, sorry y/n! I had to take care of some stuff, did you get home alright?
y/n: Soobin!! This is crazy, and I’m freaking out! The admirer guy left a gift outside of my apartment!
Soobie: That’s crazy! Did you see anyone near your house?
y/n: No, I didn’t see anyone. But I think I’m gonna lose it. And my head isn’t right.
Soobie: Is there something I can do?
Soobie: Do you need someone?
y/n: I think I do… Can you come over?
Soobie: Yeah, of course. I’ll bring some medicine for your head too.”
y/n: Thanks Bin, I’ll send you address.
After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door. You looked at the peephole to make sure it was him before letting Soobin in the door. You hugged him as soon as the door was locked behind him.
“Jeez, y/n. I didn’t think you’d get spooked so easily.” Soobin hugged you gently.
“It’s just weird!”
“Did this gift come with a letter?” 
You nodded.
“You haven’t read it?”
You shook your head. “I’ve been too scared.”
Soobin patted your head. “That’s okay, let’s give you that medicine I brought.” Soobin gave you two blue pills and walked into the kitchen. He pulled a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water from your filter in the fridge.
You sat on the couch while he was in the kitchen, filling your glass of water. The letters were scattered on the coffee table in front of you with the unopened one waiting patiently for you. 
“I think I wanna open it since you’re here now.”
“Let’s give you this medicine first…”
You waited for Soobin to come back with water and he brought a coaster with him for the water to sit on the coffee table. You swallowed the pills and a big gulp of water. 
“How much for pills?”
“Don’t worry about it, I was going to buy them anyway.”
You nodded. “O-Oh okay.” 
Soobin sat next to you on the couch, letting his body lean into yours. “You sure you wanna open it now? Or do you wanna wait?”
“I’m gonna do it now.” You snatched the bag off the table and looked inside the gift bag. It was a pack of King-size condoms!? And a letter. You tossed the condoms away and read the letter.
Dear y/n,
I know I’ve probably given you quite the scare with this gift, but I want you to know how much you mean to me and I wanted to know how you feel about me. I know I can never enter your home by forcing my way in, as I’d never forgive myself either. I knew that I’d only be okay being intimate with you, in your home, if you invited me over. I hope you understand me…
Your Admirer.
You could hear your heart in your ears. “Soobin…”
“You’ll be honest with me, yeah?”
“How did you know where I kept my coasters in my house?”
Soobin didn’t answer…
“I…” Soobin started but couldn’t find the right words. “Please understand me–” Soobin moved toward you, but you flinched away from him.
“Are you my admirer!?”
“I am,” Soobin said without blinking. His eyes were full and his expression was one you couldn’t understand. “Please try to get why I did all this. You said you’d give me a chance anyway, so please let me have this.”
“How long have you been following me?”
“Please don’t–”
“Answer me!”
Soobin sighed. “About two months. I’ve been in love with you since I first saw you but I couldn’t find a good way to tell you. But when you started taking the bus, we ended up talking and getting close. I tried to give you hints. I wanted things to be different…” Soobin leaned in to kiss you, his hand slipping to the back of your neck to keep you from running. 
As your lips met, you could smell Soobin. Roses and sweet candy, just like the cards. You pushed away from him, but his grip on your next was like metal with his other hand snaking around your waist. He finally let you go so he could breathe.
Your body was warm, and you were so hard it was impossible to hide it. 
“The medicine’s working now too. It’s faster than I thought…” Soobin muttered.
You felt like you’d been slapped. “Did you drug me?”
“Yeah, I did, baby. But it was just to get you in the mood, I’ll take care of everything else. I’ll take care of you, baby.” Soobin pulled you in for another kiss, catching your mouth open just a crack to force his tongue into your mouth. 
You tried to fight the feeling, but your brain was starting to numb out and you felt yourself giving into the kiss, pulling Soobin into you as you laid back on the couch. Your hand moved to his cheek, continuing the make-out session. You were in charge, exploring the dark-haired boy’s mouth as the kiss started getting wetter. You broke the kiss, the two of your foreheads rutting against each other. 
“This isn’t right, you tricked me.”
“Only cuz I love you. Please, just let go. Let me do the rest…” Soobin moved his hips, rutting into your crotch to show you he was as hard as you were. Soobin moved to your jaw, kissing down your neck as his hands started to slip your shirt off. 
You started sobbing as Soobin started to explore your torso.
“Shh baby, there’s no reason to cry. I know you love me, just as much as I love you. I can feel it right here,” Soobin said as he started to suck one of your nipples. You squirmed and shook at how good it felt. “See? You like this!”
“Yes, love?”
“It’s my first time…”
Soobin stopped in his tracks. “Really? You’re a virgin?”
You nodded slowly, tears running down your face. “I do like you, but this isn’t how I wanted things. This isn’t right.”
Soobin moved back up to your face, cupping it with both his hands. “I’m so sorry baby. I wasn’t considerate, was I?” Soobin kissed the tears on your face, tasting their saltiness. “I’m sorry, baby. I really am, can you forgive me? Daddy’s really sorry.”
You cried more, your body shaking like a leaf in his hands.
“Daddy promises he’ll take care of you. Forever, and whatever you want, you can have. Just promise to be my baby. I promise I’ll never do something like this again…”
You covered your face, wiping your face. 
“No, no, let me see you. Please, baby. Let me look in your eyes to show you how much I mean it.”
Soobin lifts you up, sitting you on his lap and holding you close to him. His large hands take yours and he looks deep into your eyes. “I’m sorry Daddy used tricks to get you, baby. If you forgive me, I’ll make you feel so good. I’ll buy you anything. And I’ll make sure I take care of you, always. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
You didn’t know if it was the pills or Soobin’s look, but your heart melted at his eyes looking into yours. Your crying slowed to hiccuping and sobbing.
“There you are.” Soobin hugged you tighter. “I’ll do it right this time. Do you want to continue, baby?”
You couldn’t fight it. The way “baby” rolled off his lips did something to you. You gave in and nodded slowly. “Please, keep going…”
Soobin’s smile was bright and kind. He stripped off his shirt, and pulled you more onto his pelvis, letting you feel his cock under you. “You’re body is doing this to me. Do you feel it?” Soobin slowly shifted his hips up into you, making sure to poke you with his dick.
You nodded.
“Daddy’s gonna put that in you.”
You shivered at his words.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you…” Soobin laid you on your stomach and slid your pants off you. 
You heard a box opening and some clothes shuffling. You get impatient and turn over onto your back to see Soobin naked, you looked down to see his intimidating cock. The tip was swollen and red, begging to enter you while precum was leaking down the veins of it. Soobin was holding the box of condoms with one of them in his mouth.
“Am I making you wait too long, baby?” He looked down. “Don’t be scared, I’ll be easy with you.” Soobin brought out lube from his bag and coats his cock. “I’m guessing you’re not prepared, but I think I can handle that easily.” Soobin started coating two of his long fingers.
You took the bottle from him. “I can do it myself.” You sat up, but Soobin held you down.
“Nope. I’m taking care of you, so no extra work from you.” He smiled evilly before kissing you again. While distracted he slipped his fingers in together.
Your eyes rolled in your skull. “Holy–” 
“See? Isn’t it better when I do it?” Soobin swirled and stretched you with speed and ease, making you squirm under him while he held you down. But Soobin smiled more when you suddenly screamed in pleasure, telling him he found what he was looking for. “Say it.” 
You looked at him with confusion. “Say what.”
“Call me, Daddy, baby. I just wanna hear you say it.” Soobin hit the spot again.
“Oh, god. Please, again.”
“Again, what?” Soobin started thrusting his fingers but avoided hitting your spot again.
“Please Daddy, I–” As soon as the word left your lips, Soobin took his fingers out and put his tip at your hole.
“Oh, I’ll hit it again and again. So hold on.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and brace for him, trying to stay as loose as possible for him. And even with Soobin’s masterful prep, he was still stretching your walls. Soobin’s scent filled your lungs as he started to push into you, holding your body to his. The sweat made your bodies stick together. Your face streamed more tears and your eyes started to get hazy as Soobin kissed you through the pain.
“I know you can do it. Come one, for Daddy.” Soobin whispered in your ears as he kept pushing deeper. 
Soobin hit your spot and you came on the spot. “Please s-stop! Please! Don’t move anymore…”
Soobin froze, trying his best. His groans of restraint as his cock is almost in you completely. “You’re so tight–and somehow still squeezing more…” Soobin was looking into your eyes, waiting for you to let him move again. He could’ve cum from the sensation right there, but he wanted it all. He needed it. He tried to move a little deeper, but you hissed in complaint.
“Please! Don’t do anything, I need to… calm down.” You almost mewled as you were drooling from the sensations. 
Soobin was biting his lip, trying to keep himself in control, but seeing you like this was difficult. Surely you could take him, all the way? Even though it was your first time… He was sure he could make it fit.
You were taking deep breaths, slow ones. But suddenly flinched when Soobin flexed his dick. “Just… do it.”
“What was that?” Soobin, struggling to hold back, said playfully.
“You can fuck me, just do it…” You had your eyes shut, trying to focus again.
“You gotta say it right.”
You peeled one eye open to look at him. You could tell he was trying to hold it together too. So you pushed yourself deeper using the couch for leverage. You were slow… you needed him to do it. You couldn’t even make it an extra inch before you couldn’t go any further…
“Daddy… please fuck me…” You said in defeat.
Soobin’s brain snapped at “Daddy”, as he lifted one of your legs. “Try not to wake the neighbors,” Soobin said before pushing in the rest of his length. 
Your head flew back with your eyes wide open. You had used toys before, but nothing touched so deeply as Soobin did. You looked at your stomach and saw a slight bulge in your stomach. You watched as the bulge moved and pulsed as Soobin started slowly moving, fucking slow but deep. It was enough to make you scream like a lunatic. 
By the end of it, you knew you had come at least two more times before you heard Soobin whisper. “Oh, it’s cumming.”
You could feel Soobin’s hot cum shooting into you. Soobin broke the condom and was pouring cum directly into you. Pump after pump.
“Oh please, get pregnant for me. Be my housewife forever. Our little babies will be so cute.” Soobin moved as he fucked you through his orgasm.
If you could, you definitely would’ve been pregnant…
You don’t remember much after Soobin finished. You passed out from exhaustion shortly after. But you woke up the next morning in bed with new pajamas and Soobin sleeping next to you.
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jealousmartini · 26 days
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✦ My average schedule + Get ready with me on a random college day as an art student and an LOASS babe ⊹₊ㆍ👜
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Long ass post ahead
FYI!! We only have 4 days of college, so we get Friday off. My longest days in college are Monday, 11:15 am to 4:45 pm (depending on if we have tutorial first thing. If not, we will come in at 1 pm), and Tuesday, 11:15 am to 4:15 pm. My shortest days are Wensdays, 11:15 am to 3:00 pm and Thursday, 9 am to 12:30 pm. The days that are shorter than the others (mainly Thursday) are the ones that I prioritise focusing on extra work after hours. It is super important to me to use my Thursday free time for extra research/analysises/art work at home so I can so I can stay ahead and not fall behind in class
╰┈➤ " She's an overachiever " click here!
«───────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────»
GRWM! The longest day of the week, Monday!
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The goal is to get a bus around 10:25 am to 10:45 am in order to get to college at 11:15 am
[ 000 :: Getting up ]
✦ I wake up at 9:15 am and immediately make my bed because no one likes to come home to an untidy bed.
✦ And then my first favourite thing I do is wonder what I wanna smell like today, I take out my specifically scented body wash, 2 in 1 shampoo, hair gel, body cream, deodorant (preferably scentless), and perfume with the scent I chose and then I do my blanket affirming in my 15-20 minute shower. After the shower, I moisturise my body with my scented body cream, spray deodorant, and move onto my clothes.
[ 001 :: Getting dressed ] — estimated time 9:35
✦ I love dressing up. At this point, I do my best not to overthink what to wear because I know I will be there forever, making multiple outfits but never choosing one. So I focus on what style I'm going for and pick out my clothes, always being mindful of the colours of course and then put them on
✦ Next I decide wether or not I want to wear make up (more times yes than no) but before I do my usual make up look, I quickly do my skin care routine to protect my skin and then I do my cutesy girlie make up all while affirming my blanket affirmations
✦ And then I move on to do my hair. Because I have super curly hair, depending on what style I want, it takes a bit of time to manage. So I usually settle with doing something simple like brushing my curls out into a fro and then putting it into a bun or puffs, or I leave my curls defined and either leave my hair down or put it in a bun, space buns or a tail type which usually takes me 10-15 minutes, taking us up to 9:55-10 o'clock.
✦ But if I'm feeling ambitious, I'll straighten/blow out my hair and do a straight hairstyle. I usually go for bantu knots, spikey buns (my signature half up, half down), pigtails/ponytails, or leave it down. Doing this would take me around 15-20 minutes, taking us up to 10 o'clock to 10:10.
[ 002 :: Breakfast time ] — estimated time 10:00
✦ It's always important to start your day with a satisfied stomach, which is why I always make sure I know what I want to eat for breakfast and if I want to eat a lot. Once I've made my breakfast, I like to look over the work I have already done on my ipad to see what more could be added while I eat.
✦ I try not to eat too slowly or take too much time doing tiny bits of extra work because I still need to brush my teeth and get my bag (which is always already packed). When I have finished my food, brushed my teeth and got my bag, I should be at the door by 10:30 to 10:45
[ 003 :: Ready to leave ] — estimated time 10:40
✦ I don't live far from my bus stop, so it usually takes me around 5-6 minutes to walk there, and then around 25 minutes to get to college on the bus.
✦ But sometimes my man best friend drives to my house to pick me up and then we both go to college together. I don't know which one I prefer the most to be honest but going by car is definitely a lot quicker (given that there isn't any traffic) and I just love beening in the presence of my boyfie bff
[ 004 :: College hours ] — estimated time 11:15
✦ Hurray we arrived on time! Looking delicious and smelling delicious. Now it is time to get to class and get a load of work done like the overachiever I am.
✦ Lunch time comes around and I leave the classroom to the couch area where my (girl) best friend is waiting for me. We chat and eat and chat some more until it's time to part ways back to class.
✦ Another more than generous amount of work gets done be me and my two super cool art besties, I'm sure the same can be said for the rest of the class but this isn't about them rn.
There's five people per table in my class, but only two tables in the middle have the ten of us, the other 3 tables are empty because we're a small class but I sit along side my two good classmates on the left side. We are very attentive, concentrated, and skilled art students. We always check up on each others art and written work, giving each other ideas and such. We are even jokingly referred to as "competition" by two of our other classmates (im not a fan of those two but it is what it is)
[ 005 :: Home time ] — scheduled time 4:45
✦ Sometimes, college can be grueling. Especially on Mondays. So to be able to have a close friend group to reunite with after the last hour of college is so so comforting. ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS AUTUMN/WINTER SEASON because it gets really dark in the late afternoon very quickly and I always prefer to go home with company in these seasons.
✦ I take the same bus as I did to college back home with my friends, usually right after getting a snack together and because we are a group of four (six if i include boy bestfriends sister and her boyfriend), none of us have to worry about strangers sitting next to us.
The bus drive home is always relaxing and in my opinion fun too.
[ 006 :: Arriving home ] — estimated time 5:10
✦ First day of the week done. Time to unwind, clean up, eat, relax and sleep. As soon as I get back home, I love to have a quick gossip with my mum about my day and get unready with my best friends of face time
There's this very common belief that you always have to talk of face time, but that's not all ways true. Me and my friends just like to have each others presence in silence, occasionally being nosy every now and then about what's for dinner, what's on TV and that's about it. Nothing more nothing less and its perfect that way.
I inform my friends I'm off to get a shower, I like to use my scentless soaps and body creams for bed time or maybe some light essential oils like lavender, I get out and throw an oversized T on because I don't like sleeping with bottoms on, yank my pink bonnet over my curls, slip my feet into some fluffy pink sliders and whatever I choose to do with the rest of my evening is random and spontaneous depending on what I'm in the mood for in the comfort of my home that I manifested ♡
∘₊ ✧───────────────────✧₊∘
જ⁀➴. And that's my average GRWM/schedule of a random day on a random college day as an artist and an LOASS babe ⊹₊ㆍ♡⋆₊˚⊹ I dunno if you could tell but this was secretly a vault lmao
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman - Part 9
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternate Universe : Military School
Words : 4k
TW : Drugs , Vomit
Sunday, October 25; 1:30 PM - Miller House.
I get slapped on the cheeks several times. I groan as I emerge from my heavy sleep. I start to hear voices gradually. I squint as the pain in my head intensifies. I blink to adjust to the daylight in the room.
“Damn it, Ona! What did you do?”
I'm completely lost. I can hardly make out what's happening around me. Finally, I find Mapi's eyes, looking deeply worried. Her voice betrays her concern. What could I have done to make her so panicked? I glance down at my arm, where she’s undoing a tightly wound elastic band. Realization hits me when I see the marks on my skin. I can’t show any emotion at the moment.
“She’s coming around!”
I manage to make out Miller's face. My vision is very blurry. I’m utterly confused, but I recognize his voice.
“Damn it, why did you do that?”
Mapi's eyes are filled with tears. I feel terrible seeing her like this. I try to sit up but can’t. I’m in pain all over, which is a very bad sign. I don’t remember anything. I don’t even know how I ended up here. And my headache is only getting worse. Mapi sighs as she helps me swallow some water and a pill. I’m really in trouble.
“What am I supposed to do now, huh? We need to tell your mother, damn it…”
“No!” I finally manage to speak. “N-not my mom… P-please.”
“What do you want me to do, Ona? You injected yourself, damn it,” she snaps.
“Not my mom,” I insist in a small voice. “She’ll send me to rehab. Not my mom,” I repeat. “I’d rather face Bronze.”
“Bronze?” Miller repeats. “Who’s that?”
“Her supervisor,” Mapi sighs, running her hand over her face. “Her mother sent her to a private school in Manchester.”
“Oh crap... I didn’t know. So what do we do now?”
“She didn’t want it to get out for the school’s sake, so keep it to yourself. As for what to do, I have no idea.”
“What time is it?” I manage to ask.
“It’s past 12:30.”
“My flight is at three…”
“Don’t you get that you can’t go?” Mapi snaps. “Your withdrawal symptoms will start, damn it!”
“I have to… I can’t go home. If my mom finds me like this…”
“You’ll end up in rehab, I get it,” she grumbles.
She sighs heavily. I try to think about how I ended up here, but I can’t remember. I panic. Looking around, I finally realize we’re in the bathroom. I must have really overdone it with the alcohol. I feel a deep sense of guilt and start to worry. I’m a mess. I promised Bronze I wouldn’t mess up, and now I’ve done the worst thing possible. I don’t know what’s worse, her or rehab, but I’d rather take my chances with her. I don’t want to set foot in a rehab center again. I really hope they don’t take me home. Mapi seems to be thinking, glancing at Miller.
“OK. What do you suggest, Batlle?”
Ouch, if she’s calling me by my last name, she’s really mad at me…
“My bags are already packed… We just need to get them and you drop me at the airport. I can manage for now. If the withdrawal starts, I’ll deal with it.”
“You have a two-hour flight, damn it! You’ll never make it unscathed!”
“I know my body... I’ll probably just get a fever at first, it should be manageable… Then I’ll text Alexia to have someone pick me up at the airport… I have no other choice,” I sigh.
I see the worry in her eyes. I close mine to keep thinking about my plan. It’s risky, but I can’t let her see my worry, or she’ll never let me do it.
“Are you sure?”
“I don’t know what’s worse, rehab or Bronze… But I think I’d rather face Bronze… She’s going to kill me, damn it.”
“Does she know about your drug problem?”
“Yeah,” I mumble. “She won’t leave me like this, but at least I’m sure she won’t send me to rehab… I hope.”
“Fine. Can you stand?”
I nod. I’m starting to regain some strength, so it should be fine. She gets up first and helps me. It’s hard, but I manage thanks to Mapi and the bathtub I was leaning against. My headache spikes as I stand, but I manage it by closing my eyes. My body feels numb. I silently hope it’s just from my position and not from the heroin.
“I’ll get your bags. Miller, get the car ready. You’re driving. And you,” she points at me. “You’re taking a good shower and changing into the clothes we prepared.”
No one dares to contradict Mapi’s organization. Everyone leaves the bathroom, giving me the space I need. I’m glad they removed all traces of drugs from the room. They must have gotten rid of it before I woke up. I shower as quickly as possible. I dress in my clothes and pack my dress and heels in the bag I brought. I don’t even bother with makeup and leave the bathroom. I go downstairs to find Miller and Bryan in the hall. They smile at me timidly.
“Are you going to be okay, Ona?” Bryan asks.
“No choice… I just have a headache for now.”
“Mapi’s waiting for us. We’d better go.”
We nod and head out to Miller’s car. We stop at my place to pick up Mapi. She says she informed Hector and Joan. My stomach knots at the thought. I’m the worst big brother ever. I didn’t even spend much time with him. I feel terrible because I promised him that if I came back, it would be for him. I can’t even say goodbye to him myself. He deserves so much better. I’m just a selfish idiot. I look out the window to hide my feelings from the others. The drive to the airport is silent. They help me check in my bags and stay with me until the end. I use the waiting time before boarding to text Alexia. I thank Miller for charging my phone a bit while I got ready. Luckily, Ale gets home earlier than me on weekends, or my whole plan would be ruined. I just write that I’d prefer someone from camp to pick me up without giving details. I really hope it’s not Bronze, even though it’s likely. I put my phone away when the intercom announces my flight. Everyone looks at me with worry, especially Mapi. I smile softly to reassure them.
“Good luck for the next few days,” she murmurs.
“It’ll be fine…”
I’m not sure who I’m trying to convince more with that phrase. Probably myself. I have no idea what awaits me once I land on the other side of the country, and it scares me.
“Thanks for everything…”
I hug them one by one. I shorten the goodbyes to stop their worried looks. I join the line to board my plane. I find my seat as indicated on my ticket, and ten minutes later, the plane takes off. I’m already feeling cold, and I know it’s not the altitude causing it. Now that I’m alone, I start to worry. This flight will be the longest I’ve ever had. All I can do is pray that I sleep during these six hours.
Sunday, October 25; 6:00 PM - Manchester Airport.
Finally, I get off this endless flight. I only managed to sleep for half of the journey. I exit the plane with the other passengers, my headache worsening. Fortunately, there was a super nice flight attendant. She took care of me when I woke up and even gave me a sedative, even though she wasn’t supposed to. She must have felt sorry for me. It only worked for a short time, so I’m glad to be on solid ground now. When I reach the terminal, I look for someone familiar. Alexia replied that she passed on the message and expects an explanation. My vision blurs slightly due to the intense light, but I manage to find the person in question. I lower my head and walk timidly towards her. She doesn’t seem very happy to be here. I think I’d really have preferred to see someone else too.
“I hope you have a good excuse for cutting my weekend short, Ona.”
I don’t even dare look Bronze in the eye. Of course, they sent my supervisor. What was I thinking, hoping for someone else? I don’t hear her anymore, and strangely, she doesn’t force me to answer.
“Are you okay?” she finally asks with concern.
“I’m sorry, Bronze,” I say in a trembling voice. “I-I really messed up this time…”
I lift my head to see her frowning eyebrows. She places the back of her hand against my forehead. Her hand is cold, sending a thousand shivers through me on top of my trembling. I’ve felt frozen since leaving Barcelona. The flight attendant gave me a blanket, but it was useless. I’m really starting to feel bad.
“What did you do to end up in such a state?”
My voice is stuck because of a lump in my throat. No words come out. She sighs when I close my eyes after a dull sound. I let my emotions answer for me with an uncontrollable sob. My vision gets even blurrier as tears fill my eyes. I hate feeling so weak, I hate crying in front of someone. Especially my supervisor. I am really ashamed of my behavior and my state. I am simply ashamed of myself.
"I-I don't know how I ended up like this...," I respond in a broken voice. "I don't remember anything, I promise. Believe me, please…"
I avert my eyes. There is no chance she will believe me... I wrap my arms around myself to try to warm up. She sighs again. She must have figured out what is going on. It's not hard to understand, after all.
"At least you don't deny your addiction, that's something. Give me your bag. »
"I can carry it. »
"I'm holding back here, Ona," she warns me with a hard look. "You're not in a position to negotiate anything, so give it to me."
I am unable to argue with her, so I hand her my Eastpak bag without protest. She puts it on her back, then she surprises me by putting her hand on my back.
"Let's go. Let's not waste time before your condition worsens."
If she is angry, she hides it very well. We go to retrieve my suitcase before heading to the camp. This is the second time I find myself in her car. I had to ask her to turn off the music because of my headache. The fever keeps increasing as I feel colder and colder. My head is just resting against the seat. I tried the window, but it was moving too much for me to leave it open. I must have fallen asleep because we arrived very quickly. I slowly open my eyes, then close them immediately, groaning in displeasure when she slams the car door. My head is going to explode. She comes to open my door shortly after.
"Wake up, Ona."
"Do you need help?"
I recognize Engen's voice. I gradually wake up. When I open my eyes, I see Bronze's hair. She is unbuckling my seatbelt before standing up straight. I have aches all over my body, and I don't think it's just my position.
"Help me lift her."
"It's okay, I can do it," I say.
I try to get out of the car, but it's a complete failure. Bronze sighs and helps me with visible annoyance this time. My shaky legs don't allow me to stand on my own. I have to lean on her while finally spotting Engen in front of us. She looks visibly confused.
"What happened to her?"
"She used drugs during her stay at home."
"So what? She's young, it happens."
"It shouldn't when you're coming out of rehab," Bronze growls, holding me up as best as she can.
"So, are you helping me or not?"
Bronze finally expresses her anger. I was starting to worry that she wouldn't. I prefer her to show it; at least I know what to expect. I feel my free arm being lifted and put around Engen's shoulders. My supervisor locks her car, and we head away from the camp. I don't recognize the path they are taking, but eventually, we arrive in my room. I hear Alexia's voice, but I haven't been listening for a long time. I feel myself being laid down on my bed. Bronze removes my jacket and shoes before covering me with the blanket.
"I’m cold," I muttered.
"You only have yourself to blame," Bronze scolded me. "Can you watch her while we talk to Wiegman?" she asked Alexia.
"You’re going to talk to Wiegman about this?!" Engen asked.
"What else do you suggest? We can't hide her for a week!"
"You're right," she sighed.
"Putellas, can you do it or not?"
"Yes, yes, of course! But what’s wrong with her?"
"We’ll discuss it later. Meet me in Wiegman’s office if there’s an issue, okay?"
"No problem..."
I grabbed her sleeve as best as I could, looking panicked. She turned back to me, her features tense. She was clearly holding back from yelling at me.
"I’m sorry... I- I... I didn’t..."
"It’s okay, Ona. Calm down."
She surprised me by sitting on the edge of my bed. She brushed the hair out of my eyes. Strangely, this calmed me down immediately.
"D- don’t... leave me... p- please."
"That was never my intention."
"I... Not... ag-"
"Don’t worry," she cut me off, understanding where I was going with this. "I’m going to take care of you personally to make sure you don’t do this again. Now stay calm until I get back, okay?"
She’s funny. I’m completely out of it anyway. I nodded to show I understood. She smiled before removing her hand from my cheek and standing up.
"Call someone so you’re not alone. Leah, for example," she said to Alexia. "I won’t be long."
I didn't perceive anything anymore. I couldn't keep my heavy eyes open and let myself drift off to sleep. I don’t know how long I stayed like that, but when I opened my eyes, I saw Alexia on her bed and Leah on my desk chair beside me.
"Well, it’s about time you came back to us, princess."
I smiled softly and tried to prop myself up against the wall behind me. I pulled the blanket up to my neck to cocoon myself. I sought warmth wherever I could, even though all I felt was cold. I started trembling again like at the airport.
"Are you going to tell us what’s going on?" Alexia asked.
"It’s complicated," I said, lowering my head.
"Bronze seems to know what’s going on with you," she snapped.
"Don’t listen to her. You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to."
"I’m in withdrawal," I whispered.
"What? What did she say?" Alexia asked Leah.
"I knew you were a junkie!"
"How could you know that?" I growled.
"I grew up in bad neighborhoods," he admitted. "I guessed it after spending time with you."
"What? You do drugs?" Alexia finally understood.
"It’s more complicated than that," I said, playing with the blanket in my hands.
"You can talk to us, you know... We won’t tell anyone if you don’t want it to get out," Alexia reassured me.
"I was forced to go to rehab before coming here," I explained. "I was clean... But I don’t know what happened this weekend. I spent the evening at an old high school friend’s place... I drank, and I don’t remember anything. I would never have risked using drugs knowing I was coming back here... I- I have no desire to go through withdrawal again..."
I started having acid reflux and migraines. My head was spinning. It was getting worse. I felt like I was going to experience my worst episodes.
"Wow... And Bronze knows all about this?"
"That I’ve used before? Yes. I almost went to meet a dealer when she took me shopping. She stopped me and scolded me... I realized afterward that it was a stupid idea... I would never have used here."
I lay back down in my bed. My head was spinning uncontrollably, and it was a horrible feeling. My friends must have noticed because they kept asking how I was and if they could do anything. I managed to sit up just in time to vomit on the other side of the bed. I already heard Alexia’s remarks, but I didn’t have time to react before vomiting again.
"Damn, what do we do now?" I heard her say.
"Go get Bronze," Leah commanded. "She told you to get her if there was a problem, didn’t she? I think this qualifies."
I couldn’t stop. The door to the room closed, and I felt Leah grab my hair as the acid reflux continued. The door reopened a few moments later behind me.
"It’s okay, I’ll take over," I heard Bronze say. "Go get a wet washcloth. Preferably cold."
Leah, who had been behind me, stood up to make way for Bronze. She efficiently cleared my hair from my face and ran her fingers through it. She gathered it into a messy bun with a hair tie. She thanked Leah a second later and then placed something on my neck without warning. I gasped at the cold against my skin. I coughed to avoid choking on my own saliva mixed with the remnants of vomit. I spit it out onto the floor with Bronze’s help patting my back, then closed my eyes, appreciating the cold presence that felt surprisingly good.
"Sorry. It’s just a wet washcloth. The cold will help, you’re burning up," she said, pressing it lightly against my skin. "Feeling any better?"
She leaned forward to see me. I pushed her away to lean over the empty space, feeling another wave of nausea. I didn’t want to risk vomiting on her too. It didn’t take long before I vomited again. My stomach was already empty, so it hurt even more with the acid reflux. This was just the beginning, and I was already exhausted. I collapsed against Bronze’s shoulder. Realizing this, I tried to pull away, but she held me close. I abandoned any attempt to get out of her grasp. She flipped the washcloth to find its cool side against my burning skin. I heard noises but didn’t dare move because I was so comfortable. It was short-lived as I had to lean over again to avoid vomiting on Bronze.
"Are you sure you want to take care of her?" Engen grimaced, appearing in front of me. "She’s having quite a fit! Here, vomit into this. I’m not cleaning your mess a thousand times."
Bronze took the basin from Engen and placed it on my lap. I watched her clean my mess off the floor with a mop. I wondered how I managed to vomit so much. The last thing I had in my stomach was the alcohol from the evening.
"I really love Ona a lot," Alexia began. "I understand she needs time to... recover from... this. But I’m not sure I can handle her vomiting every day."
"Don’t worry, she won’t stay here," Bronze replied. "I need your discretion about this. Rumors must not spread."
"What do you mean, she won’t stay here?" my roommate asked.
"We’re moving her to another room to avoid suspicion."
"We need to monitor her and take turns during her withdrawal," Bronze explained. "As I said, this must not get out. Is that clear?"
"Yes, of course. When are you moving her?"
"Now. Most people are in the dining hall, and you should be too."
I was glad not to see Bronze. Her sharp voice gave no option but to listen. I was the one who broke the silence by vomiting again, thankfully into the basin. I think Engen would have killed me if I had missed.
"I think that’s a very good idea. You coming, Leah?"
"Yeah. Will we be able to see her this week?"
"I don’t think so," Bronze replied.
"Okay... Will we get updates at least?"
"I’ll try, we’ll see."
"Well then... Good luck, Ona."
I would have liked to respond, but my nausea wouldn’t stop. The door closed behind my friends. The silence was immediately broken by a sigh from Bronze.
"You’ve really put me through the wringer," she complained. "You need to get up. Can you manage?"
"Hmm..." I moaned in response.
"I think we haven’t seen the worst of it yet tonight..." Engen commented.
Engen finished cleaning before we moved. I don’t know how long it took to reach my new room, but it felt like a long time. We stopped countless times so I could vomit into the basin. I was in a daze but recognized Bronze’s room when we arrived. A single bed had been added, and hers had been pushed to the back. They placed me on the new bed, and I immediately wrapped myself in the blanket. Engen put the basin on the floor so I just had to lean over to reach it.
"Thanks, you can go now. I’ll take care of her."
"So, we’re taking turns then?" Engen asked.
"Let’s see how she is tonight. If she sleeps, it won’t be necessary. I’ll call you if needed."
"Are you sure?"
I lost track, but the answer must have been positive because I heard a door close. I sank deeper into the pillow. I had never felt so weak in my life. I was trembling like a leaf. The mattress dipped behind me, and a hand came to stroke my hair. She replaced the washcloth, which startled me again.
"Why did you move me here?" I murmured.
"Wiegman wanted to send you to a center," she admitted. "I negotiated by offering to be responsible for you. Having you here makes it easier to move around and avoids attracting curious eyes because of the commotion in your room. Just remember, you owe me one."
"Thank you..."
"Your parents will be notified since I imagine you left home without telling them."
I didn’t respond. She was absolutely right anyway. I wouldn’t have come back to the camp if that had been the case. I expected Bronze to scold me, but nothing came.
"You were lucky to arrive here safely, Ona," she finally said. "Imagine if you had gotten sick before getting here?"
"I took the risk," I murmured. "I had a good hostess."
She sighed and removed her hand from my head. Her weight disappeared from behind me. I didn’t have the strength to turn and see what she was doing.
"I guess you don’t want to take a shower?"
I shook my head slightly to indicate no. I managed to shower this morning before I felt really bad.
"Change clothes either?"
I responded the same way. I should, but I didn’t feel capable of moving at all. Plus, I had no clothes with me. I thought Bronze’s clothes would fit me, but it would be weird to wear her pajamas. I finally saw her crouch in front of me with clothes in hand.
"I’m going to take a shower. Try not to choke during that time."
"Very funny," I muttered.
"I think so too," she smiled. "Let’s be clear, I expect explanations from you about this incident. Oh, and also," she added, standing up. "Don’t expect to receive any substitute medications. I’m in charge of you, and I’ve decided you’ll face your withdrawal head-on."
"Try to sleep. We’ll talk when you’re feeling better."
Of course, she wasn’t going to give me anything to ease my withdrawal. It’s harder, but I prefer it that way. I don’t want to become addicted to something else instead. She left for the bathroom. I was relieved to feel my eyes getting heavy. That’s all I wanted. I wanted to sleep to escape this hell that would last a while.
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penny-anna · 1 year
i bought a flat this week.
was off work sick last thursday/friday with what turned out to be the beginnings of a bad cold but at the time i was just like 'oh no why am i so tired is this the return of the Mystery Fatigue'
let's backtrack for a second!! back when i had the offer accepted on my flat my solicitor suggested october 6th as a move in date and i was like sure that works (this was around the beginning of september). then i didn't hear anything from them for many days and then i started getting major dry eye problems that became all consuming so i didn't get around to chasing them.
anyway!! tuesday last week i get an email from my solicitor like 'hi are you still able to complete friday' and i did not have the headspace to deal with it so i didn't reply
Wednesday my solicitor calls like 'hi. we need to know if you want to complete friday'. i'm like 'actually i'm really not feeling well this week, could we postpone'. she calls back a few minutes later like 'they cannot postone'. at this point i'm still thinking that if i get a decent night's sleep i'll feel better so i tell her i'll deal with it in the morning.
Thursday i feel spectacularly worse. have to get up to go to an appointment with my optometrist. almost start crying in their office bcos i'm just so exhausted. (he seemed weirdly unfazed by this?? looking back i wonder if he thought my eyes were hurting or something and didn't realise that i was holding back tears gfhglj) call out sick from work.
plan is to take a nap and then look at the documents my solicitor sent over but she calls me again like 'hi. sorry to bother you i know you're sick but can we complete today' so i'm like ah shit ig we're doing this now. please walk me through exactly what you need me to do here. 'we just need you to send us the money'. yeah i can do that. i've never made a payment this big before tho.
(i'm buying w money inherited from my mother so even for a flat purchase it's an unusually large amount of money)
'oh yeah you won't be able to that online. *pause* are you well enough to go to the bank?' i am tired enough that going to the bank will suck but not so sick i cannot go to the bank.
i had gone fully back to bed. spurred on by sudden wave of adrenaline, get out of bed and dressed and get the bus into town to the bank.
my bank closes at 3pm weekdays and by the time i get that it's about 1:45. explain the situation. turns out that to make a payment this big you need a sit-down meeting with a member of staff and they are booked solid till 3. 'can you come back tomorrow at 9:30 when we open' *dying inside* yes. i can come back tomorrow at 9:30.
go home. remember that i'd told my manager that i'd call her at 9 to let her know if i'm going to be working (i will defo not be working & she knows this) which will be tricky if i have to leave at 9 to go to the bank. have a pretty interminable IM conversation via microsoft teams about this wherein i suggest i message her first thing and call a bit later and she isn't going for it. eventually agree to call at 9 just so i can end the conversation and go to sleep.
Friday morning end up calling my manager from the bus. get to bank. whole thing takes a full 30 minutes so yeah i can see why they couldn't fit me in thursday afternoon ghfdljkfhdj. i'm so so tired. they have to go over a whole fraud prevention statement with you. 'you should be aware that scammers can pretend to be your solicitor'. me, exhausted: okay what if just this one time. a scammer is pretending to be my solicitor.
make the payment. go home to sleep finally.
later in the afternoon get another call from the solicitor. 'hi we have the keys you can come get them whenever'. oh yeah i'd been so caught up in trying to get them the money i'd kinda forgotten about. actually getting the flat.
(side note at no point was i planning to move in on 'moving day', an advantage of being a first time buyer is that i don't have to & i want to redecorate the place which is easier while it's empty)
initially say i'll come in next week but then realise that ideally next week i'll be back at work (i am not but anyway) so i might as well go now. it's pushing 4pm so will need to head out ASAP.
eyes are very dry and itchy from sleeping all day but fortunately i just (on a recommendation from my optometrist) bought a thing called a facial sauna which is a very weird contraption but does work extremely quickly.
pack my eye drops and also a peanut butter sandwich to eat in my new flat (why not) and go get the keys.
arrive at the flat. on inspection realise that the envelope i've been given seems to contain the most random assortment of loose keys. eventually identify an actual set of keys.
put my key in the lock of the flat door. abruptly hear a cat meowing, somewhere very close by.
previous owner had cats (plural) (i know this bcos i saw them when i was viewing the place). have a sudden moment of panic that i've somehow wildly misunderstood the whole situation and that she and her cats are still in residence.
look down. there is a very large, very fluffy white cat standing next to me, looking up at me as if expecting to be let in.
'you can't come in. this is my house.'
make my first mistake: think that if i open the door i will be able to prevent the cat from entering.
cat goes straight on into my flat.
i'm now pursuing the cat from room to room saying 'hey! hey you can't be in here! this is my house!'. the cat doesn't give a shit for obvious reasons (it is a cat)
i might have considered just shooing the cat outside and shutting the door but have arrived at an IMO not unreasonable concern. cat seemed very determined to enter this flat in particular and is now roaming around as if looking for something. previous owner had multiple cats and moved out AFAIK today. i have heard stories about people accidentally leaving cats behind when they move.
at this point it's 4:55 on a Friday. call my solicitor and explain the situation. ask if she could pass on a message to the seller's solicitor. unfortunately they have already closed for the week so it will have to wait till Monday but she will do her best.
decide the next course of action is to see if the cat has any ID. the cat is wearing a harness & collar so might have a tag with an address. make my second mistake: pick the cat up.
the cat does not have any ID on the harness. the cat does NOT like being picked up. cat gets very squirmy and then begins scratching me. cat manages to break my skin through a hoodie.
i put the cat down. the cat hisses at me. this is very rude considering that it is in my house.
head across the landing to see if the people opposite are missing a cat or, failing that, know their neighbours well enough to recognise the cat. there's no answer.
however!! i hear a voice down in the stairwell that sounds like it could be someone calling out a cat's name. 'hi!! is someone down there looking for a cat?' no answer.
look down the stairwell. on the ground floor there is a very large fluffy brown cat wearing a harness. !!!!! that is my cat's friend!
retrieve the cat from my flat (fortunately it just follows me out) and head downstairs. am met partway up by the cat's owner.
'oh thank god is this your cat'. it is her cat. apparently she had opened her front door to let them out into the garden and it had wandered off. 'i just moved in today it came into my flat'.
she is very apologetic. cat is unrepetent.
go back inside. call my solicitor's office. 'hi was it you i spoke to just now about the cat' (I told 2 people about the cat) 'no i just answered the phone because it was ringing. what cat.' 'can you tell *solicitor's name* that i have found the cat's owner. she will know what you mean'.
problem solved!! time to eat my peanut butter sandwich. :)
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leafyaa · 1 year
Chapter 4.
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You groggily wake up with a heavy headache.
Your head was pounding so hard you almost collapsed on the floor as soon as you tried to get out of bed.
'What even happened last night?' Was what you would question yourself. But you didn't remember anything.
Anything but a stranger helping you home.
"Did he ever say his name to me..?" You try to remember but sadly fail.
"Wait a minute.." You quickly searched for your phone and found it in your purse on the kitchen counter.
It was fucking 9 am. And your shift starts at 8:30 am...
You frantically unlock your phone to send a message to your manager but to your surprise he already texted you first.
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After you reply back, you put your phone down on the counter and sigh. For the split second when you panicked your headache was gone but now it slowly started to come back again. You slump onto the chair and lay your head on the counter. Expecting to feel the wooden counter, but you instead feel a piece of paper.
You sit up straight again and look confused down at your counter and realize there was a sticky note pasted on it.
'Hey, we need to talk. Text me when you're awake. -06xxxxxxxx'
You were still dazed from your hangover but somehow thought it was Gorou's number because he said you could talk to him.. Right? And then he was probably the one who carried you home?
Whatever the case was, you were going to text the number.
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And then the person left you on read.
"So it's.. Gorou..?" You say with a confused expression.
It had to be him right? He was the one who wanted to talk to you after all..
'Whatever.. I should just eat some breakfast..' You think and put your phone on the counter. You make a simple egg and toast for breakfast and carry on with your day. Just cleaning up and doing some chores.
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Evening rolls around and it's almost 5 pm. You look at the text message again and start to wonder: what should you wear?
Because you've looked up Uyuu restaurant and it was a pretty expensive place.. It kinda made you wonder what police even make as a salary.
So because of your indecisiveness you decide to text your friends for what to wear!
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After choosing your dress and contemplating on wearing the same jacket from last night (you decided to wear it) you leave your house and wait at the bus stop. The ride from Konda village to Inazuma city was pretty far, 30 minutes, but you have taken the bus for the past 5 years so it wasn't much of an issue.
Since summer was approaching that meant that the sun stayed up longer too, so no sign of darkness yet. 
The bus itself was pretty quiet. Just you and a few other passengers, presumably to the same destination.
You take out your earphones and phone from your purse and start listening to music, enjoying the calm atmosphere around you. 
In an instant, time seems to be passing by quickly and it was already the last bus stop. You and a few others step out the bus, each going separate ways. 
You went on your phone to navigate where the restaurant was- which was only a 10 minute walk away. 
As you walk into the restaurant you're met with the scent of Inazuman dishes being freshly prepared as well as people loudly chatting. 
Everyone was dressed well, even the kids who may or may not unwillingly went. But like really really well dressed while you walk in with a casual dress. 
"Miss L/n?" A waiter approaches you with a kind smile. 
"A-ah yes, that's me." 
"Please follow me to the vip room." 
"vip room??" You exclaim in a shock. 
"Yes, your husband booked it. Didn't you know?" The waiter chuckles. 
"Huh.. No.." You mumble, completely unnoticing the fact that he called Gorou your husband. 
"Oh and by the way, next time you come here just enter the other entrance. It's less crowded and only for the VIP guests." The waiter explains, showing you the quiet waiting room with the entrance leading to the other side of the restaurant. 
"May I also inform you that he signed for a subscription under your name with his bank account linked to it? It's a yearly subscription for having access to the VIP rooms as well as other extra things we don't offer to normal guests.." He added. 
"What??" So many things being explained in 5 minutes- you feel so confused. 
"Yeah, he paid it for the next 10 years and everything that you order in those years will be charged under his bank account. Isn't he sweet?" 
"Wait what-" 
"Anyway, this is the room where you'll be dining. He requested for the room which was the most soundproof one which I wonder what he's planning for you~ It's officially under your and his name for the next 10 years so please enjoy it. If you need anything you can just order it from the tablet, however it seems like he already ordered some of your favorite dishes in advance. Isn't that just heartwarming?" The waiter sighs and looks proudly. 
"Is there anything you want to order now? A drink? I can bring it right away then." 
The waiter stares at you with a friendly smile while you are in shock, trying to process everything. 
"Uhm.. A glass of water please." You mutter and take off your shoes, placing it on the wooden floor before carefully walking on the tatami floor where a large table with two seats were placed. 
"Coming right up!" The waiter says, before giving you a chance to ask any questions. 
Honestly now that you weren't hungover anymore you feel pretty weirded out by how Gorou arranged everything? 
Like you just met him yesterday and he's already treating you like some goddess??? 
No way that that was logical?
Except... If he has a crush on you??? Wait. A. Fucking. Second.
Sure he was one of the sweetest person you met but what?? This is too much for you- You feel overwhelmed.
In a panic you pull out your phone, about to text Heizou and Sara. Though you immediately stop when the waiter comes with a beautiful glass filled with water. 
He had put the glass on a plate with some fruit accompanying it. 
"Please enjoy your water, miss." 
He said and gently closes the door of the room. 
You stare at the expensive looking water. Being intimidated just by thinking of how expensive it could be.
It looked even fancier than the f/f that was placed on the table like what the heck??
You take a sip and somehow are surprised at how clean it tastes. How did it taste different from the water at home??
Honestly you feel kind of weird just sitting here. You feel like you don't belong in this fancy restaurant.
You wait for 15 minutes, feeling kind of annoyed at the fact Gorou still hasn't arrived.
Then another 15 minutes pass by and still no sign. Not even a text.
In frustration you start to call Gorou, feeling super annoyed at this point.
"Hey Y/n! How can I-"
"Where are you??" You interrupt his cheery voice with your very irritated voice.
"Uhh at the station? Why? Do you need something?" Gorou asks, sounding concerned.
"Didn't you tell me to meet you at Uyuu restaurant? You even booked a vip room for us-?? Like what the fuck?" You kind of whisper yell.
"Y/n? What are you talking about? Are you drunk perhaps?" 
Now you were even more confused. Was it not Gorou that texted you?
But you named the contact Gorou, right?
"I'll call you back..." You mutter and quickly hang up, looking through your contacts.
And there you find two contacts named Gorou.
You look at the previous conversations and it turns out the number you thought gorou texted you from was just another number.
Basically meaning you were meeting up with a fucking stranger??
You quickly get up and run to grab your shoes, sliding open the Shoji door with a hurry.
The waiter was talking with another waiter and noticed you and waves.
"Hey! Do you need anything?"
"Please tell me the name of the bank account this is registered on!" You request in a frantic state.
"Well, let me check.." The waiter pulls out his phone and scans the qr code on the wall.
"It's Raiden Kunikuzushi."
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⇠ previous ⭒ masterlist ⭒next ⇢
Finally we found out that the person who brought you home wasn't Gorou, but it was Kunikuzushi!!
You've dated Scaramouche in your high school and college years but just as you wanted to announce your pregnancy to him he broke up with you without any reason. He left you to be a single mom for 7 years. But now that your daughter has been missing and abducted for a year and you've not been doing well and out of a sudden he showed up into your life again trying to apologize for his past mistakes..?
@swivy123 @kichiyoshi @wwwrizchan @k1t0 @killumeo @pinkdreamerbailifflawyer-blog @samarill @xiaotopia @aqualesha @eattingshits @omoriaddict @mave-in @sketcheeee @xiaossocksniffer @elernity @ohmyfinggod @izukusshuu @divinechicha @arrowximpack @kariuu
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deltaharrington · 2 years
“Don’t tell…”
Robin Buckley x Female!Reader
Warnings: angst (happy ending), make out
Summary: You and Robin have been dating for months, and keeping it a secret has been taking a toll on you.
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“It’s 9:30. Robin, where are you?” You said to yourself, checking her watch.
“Is the person you’re waiting for coming? We’re about to close the kitchen” The waitress said and you shook your head before standing up, paying for the drinks you ordered.
You and your girlfriend of almost a year had planned a date about a week ago. You were going to eat at your favorite diner and go for a movie after.
That was supposed to happen 2 hours ago.
Robin had been very distant lately, and you knew it was due to the pressure of keeping your relationship a secret from her friends.
The drive back to your house was filled with tears and sad songs as she had never stood you up before.
Once you arrived home, you went straight to your room, not bothering to call Robin to tell her what she had done.
The next day you took the bus instead of riding with Robin and Steve, not wanting to see either one of them.
The ride was long, but you still made it to school.
When the bus stopped, you noticed Robin waiting where the drop off was. “Fuck” You mumbled to yourself before making your way off the bus, trying to pass Robin.
“Hey-“ She started but you walked past “Y/n!?” She questioned and followed you. “Why are you ignoring me?” She asked and you had heard enough.
“Did you have fun yesterday?” You said plainly and she looked confused but nodded.
“Yeah- me Vickie and S-“
“You were with Vickie?” You said, hurt that your girlfriend blew you off for her old crush.
“Yeah- what’s the issue?” She said, confused.
“Y-You fucking blew me off- blew our date off…” You trailed off, your eyes welling with tears “For fucking Vickie?” You questioned and her eyes widened.
“Y/n- shit I must have forgotten” Robin said and pulled you away from everyone else “I felt pressured to stay so Vickie wouldn’t question me-” She said.
“So you didn’t forget? You just didn’t want her to know we were together?” You said, more hurt than ever. “And you lied to me” You added and wiped some of your tears away.
“I can’t keep doing this Robin” You said and she looked confused.
“What? I’m sorry, Y/n…please” She pled and you shook your head.
“I don’t want to be your little secret” You said “We need a break” You added and turned to walk away, leaving Robin shocked.
That week went by slow. You didn’t have to face Robin unless it was at work, which you loathed. She gave you a lost look every time she caught your eyes.
You felt terrible, but you wanted to be open about your relationship it was hurting you more to keep it a secret.
That Thursday you and Robin had to work alone together since Steve was off.
You didn’t like that idea but maybe this could fix things between you two. You missed her, and of course you still loved her.
Halfway through your shift, when the store wasn’t busy, you got Robins attention.
“Hey, I’m sorry for being rude the other day” You said and she shook her head.
“No- no you weren’t rude” She said “You had every right to be angry, I shouldn’t have ditched you” She said and sighed.
“It might be too forward, but I wanted to ask you if we could try again?” She said “No hiding this time” She said and you looked up at her.
“I’d like that” You said and she made her way towards you, causing your face to flush.
“Glad to know I still have an effect on you” She said and leaned down to capture your lips in hers.
You let your lips move in sync, your fingers gently tugging at her hair as the two of you kissed.
Things almost went further but the bell at the door rang.
It was Vickie.
You tensed up a bit and Robin noticed.
Vickie tried to flirt with Robin and it made you uncomfortable. You thought you were going to need to step out.
That was until Robin spoke up.
“Vickie, this is Y/n” She said and you waved, gasping a bit when Robin wrapped her arm around your waist.
“My girlfriend.”
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lucidfallacy · 17 days
This Is Halloween (Copycat Part 2) Spencer Reid x Reader 18+
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As a child, Halloween was a time for smudged black cat whiskers and a dotted nose, drawn on my face with cheap crayon face paint. Momma would drive me all the way into town in our not-so-reliable blue station wagon so that we could hit the 'rich people' neighborhoods. My pillowcase would be bursting at the seams after just a couple of houses. We'd prance up and down the city streets, hand in hand as I wore my little black leotard and tutu that I'd end up refusing to take off for the next week. Back at our farmhouse, Momma searched my stash for candied razorblades as I cuddled up, comforted by the cherry almond scent of her hair. Daddy still isn't home? Why does she look sad? I remember thinking. But our wood stove carried on, heating the living room in a heavenly glow as I stuffed my cheeks with chocolate. In a pure sugar coma, I'd pass out in her arms to a movie like Halloween Town playing in the background. I found comfort in the restless hum of cicadas on the quiet, rural Pennsylvania nights. My reality was always peaceful like that.
But I was only eight on that Halloween night. After I had just experienced the good things all kids should. The hogs squealed with glee out by the side barn, startling me from my sugar-induced sleep on the couch. When I tiptoed to peer out of the kitchen's candlelit dusty windows, I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. Why is Daddy feeding the pigs trash bags? I wondered. And the swine were far too hungry to pass it up.
Little did I know how numbered my days really were. How I'd end up chasing familiar smells and childhood memories, forever damned to be without the high of blissful freedoms again. The real world, in simple terms, is scary. That fact alone had me maturing overnight. Every day people can be villains. You may have sat next to one on the bus this morning or had a mindless conversation with them while you both stood in line for coffee. But, the real monster in my life will forever haunt my bloodline. The Clearfield Butcher. He's the very real reason I'll never stop working for the FBI. And I swear I'll be the reason that some little girl might not have to grow up so fast someday.
"Oh my god bitch slow down!" Penelope squeaks as I knock back another disgustingly colorful zombie brain shot.
"Yeah L/N it's not going anywhere, we have all night," Emily adds, patting my back.
We are seated at a rounded corner booth of the progressively indie bar, Tipsy Pumpkin. I watch on as the other partygoers lose themselves on the dance floor, dressed in all sorts of intricate costumes and already sloppily drunk. It's intoxicating, how heavy the atmosphere is with shared breaths and hot sensual sweat. The DJ is sporting the same sunflower glasses worn by Art the Clown from the movie Terrifier. He hypes up the crowd with the song Nasty Dog by Sir Mix-A-lot. It's pitch black in here, only illuminated by the occasional white and red strobe light flying around the club. Very cutesy, very gothic.
Penelope surprised me with her rendition of sexy Velma from that one live-action Scooby-Doo film. She's literally in a full fuckin' orange latex suit, zipper pulled down leaving little to the imagination. Morgan is gonna drool all over himself when he sees her ass at the function. Emily decided to match her, wearing a dark green crop top and brown corduroy bell bottoms. Yes, like sexy shaggy. Remember in the movie, when he drank the wrong potion from the fridge? Well anyway, we are already a margarita flight deep now that it's 9:30 pm and still waiting on JJ to arrive. It never crosses our minds to antagonize her about being late. After all, she has two little ones to care for. Hotch is hosting the actual party at his house, surprisingly. Beth probably talked him into it. But that doesn't start until 11 pm and is apparently going until he decides to kick us out.
My buzzing phone catches my attention as the screen lights up from inside my bag. I pull it out, slightly distracted by someone in a blowup dinosaur costume attempting to twerk in the sea of people. My smile quickly fades as I look down at my screen. No Caller ID. I look to both of the girls feigning ignorance and politely excuse myself. I slink away into a quieter side hall next to the booth. Annoyance overcomes me as I prepare to answer.
Me: Look dude I don't-
Caller: Forget something? Leaving candles burning now are we?
Me: What the fu- excuse me?
Caller: Don't worry, I snuffed it out. Smelled so good, just like you.
Me: Okay, haha I'm so scared, you got me. Now fuck off. or I'll-
Caller: Oh? You'll what? Don't be like that. I'm not quite done with you yet-
I hang up the call in a huff. What in the hell? Did I not blow my candle out? No, I must have. I'm good about remembering things like that. Whatever, I'm just about to hand my phone over to Garcia and have her deal with this shit. I stomp back towards the table and see JJ snuggled up in the middle of the other two, wearing historically accurate pirate gear. My brain quickly forgets the strange caller. I really just want to make some good memories with my team.
"No way! Did your boys pick that out? That's too cute! Just remember, I'm supposed to be the one getting booty tonight," I giggle, holding each of JJ's hands from across the table.
"Ahhh stop! I love you. No but seriously, is there a single cute guy in here? I can't tell from all the body paint and blowup dinosaurs," she laughs, tucking a golden strand of hair behind her ear as she adjusts her hat.
It's true. The girls took me out tonight because I'm in a 'rut' or whatever they called it. I haven't been with anyone in a couple of years now. Putting relationships on the back burner was the smartest decision I could've made for my career anyway. I sped through my degree, did my community service, and boom I was hired into the FBI. Maybe I do a decent job of hiding it, but I haven't been interested in anyone really. Well, there's Spencer, but we all know how that's going for me. And the team would bother the absolute dog piss out of me if they knew about it. For now, I'm cool with them believing we are mortal enemies for life.
"I don't know, but there's bound to be a man in uniform somewhere around here," I tease.
The rhythmic bump of the club's music evolves into a sluttier beat. Pain by Boy Harsher echoes in waves through my chest as the strobe lights fade to a deep ultraviolet. Must be the combination of alcohol and musical energy working in my favor to soothe my earlier inhibitions, because now I'm ready to dance. Almost in unison with my eager thoughts, a firm hand wraps around my waist and pulls me close. Penelope quirks an eyebrow as JJ and Emily giggle like a couple of school girls. I crane my neck to look up at the towering man whose chest I'm fitted against. He wears a simple black leather jacket on top of his hoodie. His mask is a dark silver metallic, made to resemble a chiseled skull. It's outlined in intricate lace patterns, with two horns sprouting from the forehead. And his eyes are a jaded hazel, littered with flecks of gold and emerald green. Damn. Did I say uniform? This is fine too. We enter a sort of silent staring contest as the music fades out. Our pupils dilate, darting to meet each other's as we search for unspoken intentions.
"Well you two go have funnn, I'll be here finishing up your drinks... Y/N, play nice," Penelope suggests as she shoos me away.
Before I can protest, the masked man spins me around, leading me to my certain doom. He filters us through the busy crowd, sheltering me from flying elbows in his arms. We find a comfortable spot away from the DJ booth's mammoth speakers and fall into the rhythm. His gloved hands rub tender circles over my hip bones as we sway around. We press close together once more as he kneads my flesh. I must be insanely touch-starved from how weak it makes me. His gloved hand glides up to brush against my bottom lip, making me shy away. The man leans down into my ear as we spin, breath tickling me through his skull-faced mask.
"I've been watching you all night," he admits, voice huskily accented by a language I can't quite pinpoint.
"Yeah? Well, you're not the only one," I reply, hand traveling up his chest. A quiet laugh rumbles in his chest.
"That's why I had to snag you up. God knows who you could've ended up with. There's a bunch 'a freaks out tonight," he explains, voice low.
I finally get a good whiff of his cologne and decide I am definitely a fucking goner. The woodsy musk has my mouth watering, but I gotta play the game first.
"Hmm, well I can take care of myself. And God knows if you're any better. I don't even know what you look like. Hiding something?" I say sarcastically, my pointer finger pressed up against the bottom of the mask. But he grabs my wrist firmly before I press any further.
"I'll make a deal with ya. If you kiss me I'll take off anything you want. Scouts honor, it'll be worth your time," the man groans, taking in my scent through his mask.
I gasp from the cold sharp plastic brushing against my jugular. He backs me into the bar's brick-lined wall, tipping my head up to await my answer. This annoying god damned phone begins ringing once again in my other hand, but I wait a few moments and ignore it. My nose crinkles nervously as I avert his eyes for a moment in thought. I look around his shoulder to the red LED light-lined bar across the room. On the other end of the L-shaped counter, a man sits completely focused on us. He's a spot-on scream copycat. Completely cloaked, almost unnoticeable among the commotion. The three dark voids of his white mask are hypnotizing, making me forget the very situation I'm in. The crimson glow of the bar casts eerily picturesque shadows across him. He crooks his head, fingers wiggling as he brandishes the bright screen of a cellphone in the air. Buzz. Buzzz. No Caller ID. My throat dries, swallowing hard as I clutch my companion's jacket. My thumb slides to answer, never looking away from the ghostly face across the bar. The blaring music is synchronous on the other line.
Caller: How fast do you think he'll bleed out once I cut his dick off?
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stratossphere · 2 years
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backstage | v.v
you’re waiting for ville in his dressing room when he gets done with his show.
warnings: a tiny bit of arguing in the beginning, smut, oral (f. receiving), slight spanking, unprotected sex, ville’s a little dominant, mentions of drug use at the end
word count: 4.7k
— —
"Sleep on the fucking couch. I don't care." That was the last thing Ville said to you before he went to meet everyone else on stage. You had flown all the way back from LA to Finland after missing only two days of his tour, and Ville was pissed because you had admitted that you were too exhausted to stand in the crowd to watch the band play tonight. After a 10 hour overnight flight and a 9 hour time reset right in the middle. Not to mention the 6 hour layover in between.
You didn't argue, because you really were exhausted and sleeping on the couch in his dressing room sounded pretty enticing, and Linde had been nice enough to bring in a blanket and pillow that had been on the tour bus for you. So, while Ville was outside with the rest of the band probably pouting his ass off, you were inside taking one of the best naps of your life.
Sure, you were probably going to be woken up when the concert was over just in time to get in an argument once Ville got back, but oh well. You were too tired to care.
When you woke up, it was because you were disturbed by the sound of hacking coughing. You cracked an eye open, because there was a chance it could've been one of the stagehands that had been coming out of the back room on and off, only to see your boyfriend standing with his back turned to you and a cloud of smoke wavering above his head as his coughing dissolved into continuous clearing his throat.
"Fuckin' stagehands." He grumbled, seeming to have realized that the copious amounts of half finished booze bottles and cans that he had been collecting on the vanity on the center wall of the small dressing room throughout the day had been cleared away.
He then turned, as if he was about to go back out and retrieve a new one, only to pause when he realized that your eyes were open. With a cigarette still between his lips, he raised an eyebrow with a hint of a smirk on his lips.
"Morning." He said simply. It was almost 11:30 at night, but you stretched and smiled regardless, pulling the blanket further over yourself. It was already cold outside, but air conditioning had kept the dressing room ice cold at Ville's request. Europeans.
"Morning." You mumbled in response, turning on your side where you had been lying on your stomach so that you could face him fully.
"How'd you sleep, my love?" And with that, he was forgiven for his earlier transgressions before the show. You watched as he began to towel off the sweat that had built up on his face and bare torso from running around on stage for so long before shrugging.
"Good enough. Didn't hear the stage crew come through at all." You sat up on the couch then, finally accepting that you had to get up due to the fact that he was going to want to go home before raking your fingers through your hair. He scoffed at the mention of the stage crew.
"Did you see that they cleaned out all my fucking drinks? I told them not to." He protested as he finished drying off and slipped his Black Sabbath shirt that he'd shown up in. You rolled your eyes.
"It's good for you. Those have probably been sitting out all day." You had no idea how room-temperature whiskey and flat beer could appeal to Ville in any way shape or form, but it was becoming an increasingly bad habit. Especially when he was drinking things that had been left unattended all day in the presence of others. It's a good thing he was nice to all the people that worked around the band, or else he was presenting a class A chance to drug him right up.
"Whatever." There was still a deep pout on his face. Your face softened as you held out a hand for him.
"You know, I barely even got a chance to say hi to you when I got here. You were already pissed off." You pointed out, noticing his clear hesitation to penetrate the space between the both of you. "I talked to Linde more than I talked to you."
"Hi." He said with a hint of a smile as he took your hand, letting you pull him further towards you until he was standing right in front of you. He sighed softly with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't sleep last night."
"Neither did I." You spoke quietly as he moved to kneel on the edge of the couch between your legs, not letting go of his hand as you kept your eyes trained up at him. "I missed you."
"Yeah? How much?" Now there was a full smile on his face, and you could tell that you had won him over out of his bad mood. He was usually close to exhausted once he got done with a show, but there was a look in his eyes that told you he wasn't ready to leave quite yet.
"Come here." You motioned next to you on the couch, and he quickly obliged your request, moving to the side so that he could slide down next to you and put his arm over your hip so that you were right up against each other. You were praying that no one came to check on you, because you knew that there was no lock on the dressing room door. After he took his cigarette out from between his lips you pulled him into a kiss, wrapping one arm around his neck as you inhaled his slightly-sweaty scent. He always smelled (and looked) so fucking good after shows.
"Everyone else is upstairs drinking backstage. I told everyone I was coming to check on you." Ville mumbled against your lips as his hand slipped underneath the material of your shirt, cold fingertips shocking your skin as he continued to kiss you sloppily. "We've got time."
You responded with a hum as you deepened the kiss, your fingers hooking in the collar of his shirt at the same time he began to undo the buckle of your studded belt. The kiss wasn't desperate, but it was hungry, and you could taste beer on his breath as his tongue licked into your mouth. He was half-reaching back, and you opened your eyes just long enough to see that he was putting his cigarette out on the metal railing that was bolted into the wall above the couch before his hand was in your hair instead.
With arousal starting to take over, you helped him get your belt the rest of the way open, then lifted your hips as he pulled your black jeans down your hips, his lips finally breaking from yours as he started to move. Once you had your jeans completely kicked off in a pile to the side, he slid down to his knees between your legs on the floor, his hands skating down your thighs as he did so.
"Are you still mad at me?" He asked softly as he pressed a kiss to your knee, ending it with just a little bit of teeth as those sloppily eyeliner and eye shadow-lined eyes held your gaze with searing intent. You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself enough to answer.
"Don't know. Maybe a little bit." You knew how he liked to apologize for things, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t doing your best to increase your chances of getting exactly that by as much as you could manage. He let out a hint of a scoff as his hands slid back up your legs to hook his fingers in the waistband of the thong you were wearing (god forgive you if you wanted to rile him up into fucking you sometimes, alright?) before beginning to pull it down your legs.
"You wear this for me, then?" He looked pleased with himself as he held your underwear up hooked around his finger, and you rolled your eyes as you watched him tuck them right into the back pocket of his jeans.
"Yes. And I hate when you do that." You complained, motioning to where he'd just basically stolen the only underwear you had on you. You knew he liked wearing jeans while commando, but you absolutely did not share the same preference. He shushed you and then began to guide your leg over his shoulder, kissing at your knee and thigh the whole time as he clearly attempted to pull your attention away from his actions.
"You smell so good." He mumbled against your skin, moving his face closer to your pussy but not yet closing the distance completely. You could feel yourself getting worked up; breath catching in your throat and heart racing as you watched him so easily toy with you. You knew he was lying, because you’d been sleeping on a probably-disgusting dressing room couch for over two hours, and had before that been in an airport for almost 18, but it was nearly impossible to get him out of his own head when he was...being himself.
He could tell you were getting impatient, and he pressed his lips to your very inner thigh so softly it was almost unnoticeable before he was moving his mouth to lick an open-mouthed kiss to your clit. You moaned at the feeling, your leg tightening over his shoulder as you watched him basically make out with your pussy. If you were going to make a sex tape, this would definitely be the starring event.
"I think I'm starting to forgive you." You breathed out as one of your hands moved down into his hair, pulling gently as his lips lingered enough to suck at your clit with every lazy kiss. He hummed out a laugh against your pussy, the vibration of his baritone voice only adding to the feeling as you fought the urge to slam your eyes shut. You wanted so badly to push your head back with your eyes closed and let your mouth fall open, but you wanted to continue watching the sight in front of you more. The previous quiet of the dressing room that you had been savoring while you’d been asleep was now filled with wet sucking sounds and your uneven gasps of breath, and you silently wondered if you had enough strength to keep yourself together for longer than the next minute or so.
"Yeah? Just because you're getting your pussy eaten?" Ville paused only momentarily to speak before he was back to licking long stripes from your entrance back up to your clit, circling the tip of his tongue before he continued to push it back down once more as he pulled moan after moan out of you. "I wasn't aware you were such an easy fix, sweetheart."
"Ville. Please." You didn't really know what you were begging for, but by this point you were grinding yourself against his tongue, fingers threaded tightly in his hair as you felt your head start to swim with pleasure. It wasn't false when people assumed that Ville's tongue was good for more than all the singing he did. His hands pushed at your inner thighs to hold your legs open as your muscles started to tense on him, and suddenly you felt his tongue slow down considerably. That fucker was teasing you on purpose.
When you let out a sound of disdain he let out a mocking coo, never stopping the movements of his tongue as he continued to slow down until he was barely kissing at your clit, eyes locked up on yours with a teasing glint as he sucked gently with every kiss. Sometimes it really fucking blew that Ville had no care for time management when it came to sex, and was perfectly content with being in this position for the next hour despite his band members that were currently waiting on the both of you.
Hopefully they were playing chess for the time being.
"More." You pleaded with him, fingers tightening even more in his hair as you arched your back more and more by the second. He was barely touching you at all, but you were still moaning. "It hurts."
"Shut up and be patient." He smacked your ass hard where one of his hands was resting against it, and you just moaned again. God, he knew how to fuck with you in just the right way to where you always managed to lose your dignity in the process.
Despite his harsh words, you felt his tongue begin to find purchase again, and although he didn't go any faster, he began to lick long, slow stripes from your entrance up to my clit again. Your voice went up a pitch despite your attempt to bite back, and you bit harshly on your lip as the hand that wasn't in his hair gripped helplessly at the worn-in fabric of the couch.
"Ville. Fuck, just like that." You whimpered as he then began to pick up the pace of his tongue, his lips eventually wrapping back around your clit as he began to suck harshly paired with his quickly swirling tongue.
If anyone was anywhere near your dressing room, you were going to have a really embarrassing walk of shame when you and Ville finished what you were doing.
He continued to pull gasps and moans from your lips with every quick movement of his tongue, his hands back at your hips so that you couldn't grind yourself against his mouth any more than he felt like allowing. At this point your legs were starting to shake, and your voice was starting to go hoarse in your throat as you pulled on his hair with every lick and suck.
"I'm gonna cum." You groaned, already starting to feel the ache of overstimulation setting in even beforehand as he ate you out like it was the last time he was ever going to get to. He hummed in encouragement as he again started to make out with your clit, those wet sucking and licking sounds getting louder once again as he coaxed you closer to your climax.
When you came, your back arched as you pulled on his hair harshly due to the intense wave of pleasure that pushed through you, and you moaned loudly as his grip on you loosened enough to where you could move freely. He continued to suck on your clit until your voice was dead and shaky in your throat and you were pushing him away, that cocky glint still in his eyes as he finally broke away to sit back and watch the way you came down from your high.
"You know, you should be more considerate to our neighbors." He teased as he pressed a (very) wet kiss to your leg where it was still over his shoulder and then sitting back on his heels as he slowly slid it off. "Screaming your fuckin' lungs out, for Christ's sake."
You shot him a dirty look as you stretched out your leg that you’d been holding bent up, leaning forward and smoothing his hair down where it was sticking up everywhere because of your hands.
"You know, we wouldn't always join everything late if you didn't insist on always taking forever." You mocked his tone of voice as he got up off of his knees, laughing when he climbed right on top of you on the couch and basically sat in your lap in the process.
"I like to take my time. Savor the flavor." He grinned like an idiot as those words came out like silver on his tongue, about the same time that you made a disgusted face once you heard them. He could say things like that, but he didn't like the word 'cuddle'. Figures. "You ready to go, or do you want to fuck?"
He was trying to play it off as if he was only going to fuck you if you wanted him to, but you could clearly see how hard he was in the decorative jeans he had been wearing on stage. It was a little bit of an ego boost, considering all he'd been doing was eating you out. You shot him a coy smile, wrapping your legs loosely around his waist and sliding one hand under his shirt.
"I mean, if you really want to." You teased, sensing his eye roll before it even made it to his eyes. He leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to your lips, fingers wrapping around your wrist so that he could pull your hand out from under his shirt.
"You're fucking ridiculous. Desperate for cock and then you get here and act like you don't even want it anymore." He scoffed, snapping his fingers for you to lie back on the couch. Despite his words you grinned happily as you fulfilled his request, lying back against the arm of the couch with your legs already spread for him.
"What? I do!" You protested, pulling him in towards you with my feet hooked around his back so that he was forced to lean forward. "Please. I haven't been fucked in three whole days."
"Yeah, I should fucking hope so." He scoffed, undoing his black studded belt and then unzipping his jeans. "Three days and you're this eager?"
"It's because I love you." You pouted, watching with hungry eyes as he got his jeans down enough to free his hard and leaking cock. God, you wanted him so fucking bad. "Can you be nice to me while we do it?"
"Why do you have to ask like that? You make me sound like I'm spitting in your face after I've just slapped you." Ville's eyes softened at your words, and he ran his hands up your legs while squeezing softly. "Of course I'll be fucking nice to you."
"I just meant that I missed you, and I wanna touch you." You explained, feeling your face heat up slightly at the way he was looking at you. He had a habit of leaning back off of you so that he could fuck you harder, and as good as that felt, you would’ve rathered to have him in your arms by far.
"Touch me whenever and wherever you like, my love." He reassured, holding onto your knee as his other hand moved to position his cock before he was slowly pushing into you. As you let out a soft moan, his hand moved from your knee to push under you, pulling you forward at the same time he leaned down until your chests were pressed together and he was thrusting into you slowly with his eyes on yours. "Can feel your pussy squeezing me already. Are you that desperate?"
"Yes. Baby, please. More." You begged desperately, wrapping an arm around his neck while the other stayed with your hand on his bicep as he thrusted his cock into you with full, drawn-out pushes of his hips. He cooed at you against your cheek where his lips were brushing, nipping at your skin just barely.
"Oh, my poor girl. I know." His words came in response to the moans that he was pulling out of you with every brush of his cock against your sweet spot inside of you. He then connected your lips, his tongue swiping over your bottom lip as he groaned into your mouth.
You wrapped your legs tighter around his waist as you laced your fingers into his hair to hold his head with yours, starting to roll your hips along with his thrusts in an attempt to chase your own high in spite of the pace that he had so clearly set for the both of you.
"Stop it. You're gonna make me fucking cum if you keep doing that." Ville groaned at the feeling, holding you tighter where his arm was wrapped underneath your hips so that you were forced to be still. You whined against his mouth, your fingers brushing his where they were digging into your hip.
"Please." You said breathlessly, pulling on his hair just slightly when he snapped his hips harshly into you. He could tell you were getting close, and you in no way cared that you’d only been going for a few minutes. "Cum inside me."
"Jesus fucking Christ." He sighed in pleasure, and you felt him twitch inside you at your words. Mission accomplished. His kisses resumed once more, lips moving from yours over your cheek and down across your jaw as he continued to fuck you, getting sloppier and sloppier with each thrust as you moaned against each other. Ville's hand gripped your hip almost hard enough to hurt, and you couldn't help but feel coyly satisfied with the feeling. Sometimes he left bruises, and you had a feeling this was going to be one of those times. "Fuck. You sure you want me cumming in you?"
Sometimes you wondered if he even paid attention to anything you said due to the actual feeling of fucking you.
"Yes. Please." You begged, whimpering with his cheek against yours as he kissed and sucked at every sensitive spot on your skin. You were going to have to have a very serious conversation about carrying condoms on the both of you so that you’d stop doing things like this, but in the heat of the moment all you could focus on was the drag of his cock inside you over and over again.
"Ah. Ah! Right there..." Ville fucked into you deeply a few more times before he was letting out a long moan, his voice tapering off into a whine that made your whole body thrum in arousal as his release spilled inside of you when he came.
He continued to fuck you through his orgasm, and then you were cumming too, your climax pushing through you strongly as your back arched up towards him while you moaned repeatedly to the pace of his thrusts.
Eventually both of you couldn't take it anymore, and then Ville's hips slowed to a stop, the absence of skin-on-skin leaving room for the sound of your ragged breathing to fill the air.
"I wish I could take a picture of the way you look when you cum." He mumbled, kissing you softly and then lingering against your lips as he looked at you. You felt yourself go a little bit red at that considering how intensely he was looking at you, but it didn't stop you from running your hands through his hair and giving him another kiss.
"We are so late." Hopefully everyone else was already drunk enough to where they wouldn't point it out. You weren’t sure you were in the mood for teasing about your sex life. Especially not when it was from Ville’s best friends.
"Good. Unless you want to sit through ten chess matches, we're right on time." Ville scoffed, finally sliding out of you and then pulling back to look down while chuckling as he did so. "Fuck, we made a mess."
"Just put it back in and make out with me and then we don't have to worry about it." You whined at the loss of his touch, your hand falling to rest above his where it was resting loosely on your leg. You watched him bite his lip as he took a deep breath.
"Don't say shit like that. You're going to get me hard again." Despite your request, he got up and off of the couch, gesturing for you to wait while he fumbled his jeans back up and zipped before starting to rifle through the small care package that was sitting on the vanity that took up the opposite wall. When you let out a disgruntled huff, he glanced back towards you. "Just be patient."
"Do we have to go for drinks? We can't just go home?" You knew that going home meant cigarettes, CD's, and definitely more sex, and at that moment that was all you wanted. For once, you just wanted domestic cuddling on the couch where you could listen to Ville talk until the late hours of the night instead of hard partying and a painfully long slew of bad decisions to ruin your day in the morning. He came back around with one of those fancy hand towels given to celebrities too good for using paper towels in bathrooms, letting out a soft sigh as he sat down on the couch next to you to begin cleaning you up with it.
"I promised, love." He reminded you gently as he used the fancy celebrity hand towel to clean his cum out of you and off of your thighs and the material of the (slightly ruined) couch. You would've grinned at the irony of that had you not been so busy pouting. When he caught a look at your face, you saw a look of exasperated irritation pass over his features as his free hand gently held your legs open. "Don't make that face."
"I'm not making a face."
"You are." As he tossed the towel in with the trash (which you thought was kind of a waste, but also who wanted to clean up jizz rags anyway), you sat up and he reached out to swipe his thumb across your lips, an unimpressed look in his eyes. "What do you want?"
"You." You were whining, and you knew it, but he was used to it. In fact, Ville was probably one of the only people that ever indulged your whining. It was, if you did say so yourself, his weakness. He ran a hand over your hair, quirking an eyebrow.
"You have me." He reassured, leaning forward to kiss your forehead as he cupped the back of your head. "An hour. Give me an hour with them, and then I'll take you home."
"Yeah. Okay." You agreed tiredly, suddenly feeling the energy exertion of what you’d just been doing paired with your long flight and sleepless night starting to hit you. You were feeling more and more boneless by the second.
"I missed you." He concluded, leaning down to kiss you and then lingering just enough to where you lingered back before he pulled away at that exact moment. "And you've earned full rights to me tomorrow night because I was such a dick when you got here."
"Yeah. I'd hope so." You gave him a teasing grin and mouthed one more wet kiss to his cheek before pushing yourself to finally get up, pulling away from his hand holding yours in search of your pants. Underwear was out of the question by this point due to Ville's attachment, but you knew you’d get them back at some point in the (vaguely) near future.
Once you had pulled your jeans back on and did up your belt once more, Ville's hands found your hips and he pulled you forward to where he was still sitting on the couch, his arms wrapping around the back of your legs.
"Just another minute." He mumbled as he rested his chin against the strip of skin between the hem of your shirt and the waist of your jeans. His breath was soft on your skin, and you rolled your eyes as you cupped his cheek.
"Do you like being ridiculed for being late because we were fucking? Because it happens every time." You reminded him sardonically, watching the way he tipped his head to the side to catch the tip of your thumb between his teeth in amusement.
"Maybe." He replied, just brushing his tongue over the pad of your thumb before he was letting you go and wrapping his arms tighter around you so that his cheek was almost touching your hip bone. "Pop something while we're out and we can fuck off of it in bed when we get home."
Some people deeply believed that soulmates didn't exist, but some people also had never had Ville Valo tell them to drop acid so that he could fuck them into oblivion when they were alone once more. You sometimes felt sad for all the people in the world who would never get to be in your position.
"Oh my fucking god, I love you." You groaned as he finally stood up, sweeping an arm around your hips (which he had, in fact, bruised his fingerprints into) and then pulling you in to kiss your temple.
"You're really going to love me when we get home tonight, sweetheart."
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I must know a day in the life of Jervis
A day in Jervis' life
(I asked before he goes to work)
Note: As Jervis is here in France (read the pinned post) he has to change his name and find a job. Currently he is a neurologist for children and works for a clinic.
Waking up at 7 am, directly takes a shower because he really HATES smelling bad at work (one day he was almost late, so he didn't have the time for a shower and then a kid said he smells bad to her mom ). Then he is getting dressed with clothes he prepared the day before.
Time for breakfast, without forgetting the tea, most of the time he makes toasts with butter and jam. One day we ate chocolate muesli and we noticed some cereal were stuck in the mouth (+I have braces 💀), so we stopped to take them.
Brushing the teeth, the hair and looking at the mirror to know if his face is clean and presentable.
Prepare his bag, with a phone, the keys, the computer, the files he took for home, etc... And the lunchbox with the food he made yesterday, generally a hot plate and a yoghurt.
He stays here, talking with me or watching TV before going to work at 8:30 am. He takes the bus to arrive at ≈8:45 am and prepares his work.
He starts at 9 am, studying on patients' IRM (and other things I forgot the name of, it's about the brain's O2 and CO2 transmission).
If the weather is sunny, he goes to the park next to the clinic to eat, he loves going outside now, as before he was afraid to get out as a Wayne Tech's neuroscientist, because Gotham is a dangerous city (then he was getting out more as the Mad Hatter).
If it's rainy, he stays in the clinic, even if his coworkers want to share the moment with him, he's still the coy Jervis Tetch.
After eating, he takes a walk (or not) until 2 pm at the end of lunchtime in the timetable.
Visits are more numerous because children and parents coming to plan visits in their schedules are more available in the afternoon, especially when it's 5 pm.
He takes some files and his laptop to take his work at home. He finishes at 6 pm.
He takes his car and returns home.
Ahhhhh now I can relaaaaaax 🤤.
He goes in the room and takes off his stuff, then joins me on the sofa and we talk a lot. He enjoys his free time to make a new hat, draw or again continues to make a Cheshire Cat bot, but he just made the blueprint. When my sister (4 years old) came and saw the drawing of the bot she pointed it with her finger and said "Meow meow cat!!!". Jervis' heart was melting of cuteness.
He takes a shower and then we eat dinner. Then he prepares his lunchbox with leftovers from the dish and chooses his clothes for the next day depending on the weather.
We go to bed and talk a lot AGAIN, read, sleep or else, it depends on the mood.
Good niiiiight!!!
His schedule:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:
9 - 12 pm | | 2 pm - 6 pm
Little drawing he made of his job attire
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anonsally · 24 days
Days 10-11 in Chile: Evening of Day 2 of conference and Day 3 of conference
Oof. I'm having a bit of a relapse of whatever illness I have.
I did rest a little in the afternoon yesterday, but then I checked my work email (which I have not really been doing on this trip other than to contact some of the people at the conference) and noticed that the journal had sent the proofs for my paper that was accepted for publication. They always want those back in 2 days, and they'd sent them on the first day of my vacation, so I'm fully a week late. I frantically started going through the author queries to make clarifications and corrections. But I'll still need to read through the whole paper and make sure it's okay, and I didn't have time to do that.
And in other stressful news, Wife flew home last night, but she arrived at the airport just after a man flew into a rage, took out a hammer, and started smashing the screens and computers at the airline counter. It seems he'd been scammed and sold a fake ticket (for the flight my wife was on) and only found out when he tried to check in at the airport. So things were kind of chaotic for her departure, though at least by the time I went to bed I knew she had gotten on her flight okay.
Anyway, I ended up taking the metro to the conference dinner with an old student from my group who is now a professor at another institution, and one of her colleagues. He regaled us with a hilarious story of inviting all the neighborhood dogs to a birthday party for his dog!
The conference dinner was held at an event venue located on top of a parking garage. We were taken up in a sketchy freight elevator, which was sort of entertaining. We arrived onto a balcony packed with people (we were sort of late); waitstaff came around with various drinks (I only drank juice and water, since I'm still recovering from illness) and canapés, only a couple of which were things I eat. After a little while we were allowed to go into the hall, which was sort of cavernous and full of tables. I sat with this same friend at a table that had a few other people she knew and some she did not. One of those she didn't know was familiar to me; he recognised me and introduced himself (he is going to be working in the same department as my mom and I think she'd told him I would be there). I also chatted some with the people sitting nearest to me.
But we did not get served appetisers until after 9:30pm. I had unfortunately not requested a vegan meal. I am not vegan, but I am picky. The first course had shrimp (which I don't eat)--luckily I could just push them off the top of my quinoa salad and eat that. And the second course was mostly beef (which I don't eat), though at least the meat was separate from the vegetables and corn puddingy stuff it came with. (I think it was a deconstructed version of a traditional Chilean dish.) I was so tired I wasn't even hungry anymore. The first bus was supposedly leaving at 10:30, so I skipped the dessert and went out to see but they said the bus would only leave when more people were ready to go, so I had to wait a while. I did get on the first bus home, but I still didn't manage to get to bed until midnight.
I was sure I would sleep like a log for 8 hours.
I did not.
I woke up at 4:45am drenched in sweat. At this point I have 3 theories about this recent waking up sweaty thing:
It is due to staying in a hotel without really figuring out the proper setting for the thermostat and/or issues with the blanket.
It is due to this illness.
It is due to the sudden onset of perimenopause symptoms. I am certainly of a reasonable age for that to happen, only I didn't expect it to happen because of some other health things that I thought might preclude it, and it hadn't happened up to the past few nights.
The thing is, I don't especially mind waking up in the night if I can get back to sleep. But this is the second night in a row when I couldn't get back to sleep; the second night in a row of only about 5 hours sleep.
I cannot live like this.
Anyway, today I was totally wrecked but got up and went to a session at 10:15 that had some good talks. Then I chatted with some alumni from my department outside for a bit, and then I went in to get my lunch and meet a group of people for lunch--only it turned out we were going out for lunch, so I went up and left the lunch in my room fridge so I could eat it for dinner if needed. We walked about a mile to the restaurant, but it was through a park with a sculpture garden and various birds, so that was nice. It was a nice enough lunch, but the food only came around 2pm. It was getting pretty chilly by the time we came back. I wanted to take a nap so I went up to my room, but it hadn't been cleaned yet, so I went back down to the conference.
That turned out to be good, though, because I finally ran into one of my old colleagues from Europe who I hadn't seen in many years, and it was really nice to catch up. Then I attended another session and finally came back upstairs to have my long-anticipated micro-nap. That was refreshing. I ate the lunch for dinner. I might go downstairs to ask when checkout is, as I can't find any information in the room about this. I leave tomorrow night.
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