#so i saw lana and i was like HELL YEAH!!!!!
moltensunlight · 2 months
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Lana - The Dancing Ice Guardian Character design (including dragon) belongs to @dorky-malorky
My first artfight attack is actually a revenge for Dorky-Malorky after they drew my fungril character, Coprinus! I was going for a mystical feel with Lana's dragon form behind her - I hope you enjoy!! :D
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dazedandconfused-15 · 4 months
Heaven's in your eyes (Part 2)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader
Summary: Life in Hawkins is dull and lonely, especially after your mom abandoned your family, leaving you even more isolated amidst school rumors. Already shy and with few friends, you find solace in your solitude—until Billy Hargrove, the intriguing new boy from California, comes into the picture. To your surprise, Billy seems to seek you out, finding ways to talk to you despite the odds. Never in a million years would you have imagined forming such an unexpected bond with someone.
Link to: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
@tatumrileyslover @nocturnest @i-keepmyideals @eddiestans-blog here you go!
It has been exactly six days since Billy dropped you home that Monday after the trip. The following days he never fails to greet you if you cross paths in the hallways. He hasn't ignored you once, even though you haven't called him yet. The truth is, you are terrified of doing so. When you think about dialing his number, two days later, you think it's too soon and you will look desperate, so you put the phone receiver back in its place. At the same time, you keep mulling over his words. 'Call me when you feel like it'. It means you don't have to call him right away, maybe he really means to call him when you feel like it. On Saturday morning, you decide it's the perfect time to call him. Enough time has passed to avoid seeming desperate, but not so much that it seems like you don't want anything to do with him. You need to repay the favor, and even though it's pouring rain outside, you pick up the phone.
After a couple of hours of pondering and racking your brain, you decide to take the risk and go for it. You had written Billy's number down as soon as you got inside, safely on a piece of paper. As the phone rings, you're already regretting your decision, feeling nervous as hell.
“Hello,” a girl's voice answers.
“Oh, um, hello. Is Billy there?”
You definitely didn’t expect a girl to answer. She sounds very young.
“Hold on,” she says, sounding bored. You quickly move the phone away from your ear as she screams Billy’s name.
A few seconds later you hear the rustle of the phone being moved around. “...cking yelling like a banshee. Hello?”
“Hey, it’s Y/N” you say, hoping he remembers your name. It would be weird if that’s the case.
“Hey. What’s up?” he says instead.
You instantly feel relieved. 
“You told me to call you when I wanted. I hope it’s not a bad time.”
“‘Course not,” he says. “You okay?”
“I’m good, thank you. And you?”
“Yeah, same. What you’re doing today?”
“Um, nothing special.” You glance at the window. “The weather is awful. I was actually wondering if you wanted to go grab a bite?” It feels like you’re inviting him on a date. It’s embarrassing. “Since it’s raining.” Now you’re repeating yourself. You’re glad he can’t see you blushing furiously as you keep rambling. “I mean, remember you told me you wanted to see more of Hawkins? I saw the weather and thought about this place. It’s a bit outside of town. If you don’t have anything planned.”
“Yeah, sure. Just need to finish working on some stuff. I can pick you up at seven.”
“Seven is perfect,” you say, your heart still hammering in your chest. “I’ll see you then.”
“See you.”
You change clothes at least three times, unable to decide what to wear. You don't even know why you're making such a big deal out of it—it's not a date, just an outing between friends. Actually, you two aren't even that close. But don't dwell on that too much; what is the reason for your outing, anyway? Originally, it was to show Billy the rest of Hawkins. Dinner is part of that plan, but Benny's Burger isn't one of the places he mentioned, even though it's a bit more isolated. However, that didn't seem to bother him. This time, you decide to bring enough money to pay for both of you. It's the least you can do.
Despite anticipating this moment with secret enthusiasm, seven o'clock arrives faster than you'd like. You leave the house in the pouring rain to find Billy's Camaro idling in front of your trailer, its low rumble cutting through the night. You hurry to open the door and close your umbrella, trying not to let any water into the car. As you settle into the seat and turn to greet him, your breath catches. You try not to look too impressed by the sight of him as you fix your wet hair, but a quick glance is enough to get your heart racing. You’re increasingly convinced that this man has no physical flaws, and that thought destabilizes you. He’s wearing a white tank top under a black leather jacket, with blue jeans that fit like they were tailor-made for him. As he puts his hand on your seat and looks over his shoulder to back up, he manages to keep his cigarette firmly between his fingers, one hand on the steering wheel. You take the opportunity to steal a glance at him. The movement brings him closer, and the scent of his cologne reaches your nostrils, making your skin prickle. His long curls are perfectly styled, reminding you of a lion.
“I didn’t think you’d actually call.” he says as he shifts from reverse to first, heading toward the end of the trailer park. 
“Oh,” you say. “Why is that?”
“Dunno.” he chuckles, his long lashes brushing his cheekbones. “Maybe you were scared of me or something.”
His sentence moves something inside you. "Oh. Not at all,” you say, your voice carrying a hint of determination. You are determined to make him understand that you may be shy, but you are not a fragile little thing. "I'm not scared of you."
“You’re not?” his voice is like a low rumble, it burns through you and sets you on fire.
“Uh-huh.” your mouth feels dry, and you distract yourself by feeling the hot air coming out of the vent with your hands.
When you walk into Benny's Burger, it's practically deserted. There's just a couple of old gentlemen. From the way they are dressed, they look like fishermen. It looks like they have recently ordered because there is only cutlery and two glasses of beer on their table. Benny Hammond comes to take your order and greets you warmly. He and your dad are good friends, they went to school together here in Hawkins. Billy orders a double burger and a large portion of fries, and you order a steak with a small portion of fries. You were afraid the evening would be punctuated by few words and awkward silences. Billy is not the biggest of talkers, but the feeling of uneasiness quickly vanishes as the night goes on. You tell him about your dad and Benny, recounting how your dad was born and raised in Hawkins. When you tell him about his travels, you linger and talk a lot about California. Billy is curious about what your dad did there for five years. Then you tell him how he went to Jamaica alone and risked his life several times but had a good time. Then Billy tells you how his group of friends in California had been very diverse, two of them being a Jamaican and a Filipino. He tells you how good their mothers' cooking was when he was invited to eat at their house. You are surprised how the conversation always manages to bounce back. 
Half an hour later, Billy has cleared his plate. You, on the other hand, are still struggling to finish your steak, so he finishes it for you. You comment in amazement that he eats like a horse, then immediately apologize, feeling your face flush with embarrassment. Billy laughs and tells you he does weight training five times a week. You feel like saying you've noticed, but luckily manage to stop yourself in time and avoid further embarrassment.
You insist on paying to make up from last time, but Billy refuses categorically. You feel guilty, but his stubbornness prevents you from doing anything else. When you leave the restaurant, it has stopped raining. The smell of rain rises from the asphalt of the car park. As you walk towards the parked Camaro, you cross your arms over your chest, suppressing a shiver. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Billy take off his jacket.
"No, don't take it off, I'm good, really." you tell him, already knowing what he’s doing.
“Here,” Billy drapes it over your shoulder anyway. The weight of a jacket and the smell of leather envelop you. You try not to show your surprise as his warm hand gently squeezes the back of your neck. “Just wrap it around yourself. Don’t wanna catch a cold.” 
His hand seems to leave an imprint on your skin. You didn’t know you would like his touch so much until now. The sound of zippo rips through the silence and your mind. Billy walks past you, the orange glow of a freshly lit cigarette is the only light in the evening darkness. He opens the driver’s door and bents inside, inserting the keys and fiddling with the radio. You lean your back against the side of the car, enveloped in the warmth of his jacket, still carrying the lingering heat from his body. You breathe through the collar of it, smelling the faint scent of his cologne. 
The gentle guitar strumming of ‘Landslide’ wafts through the air as Billy closes the door, windows down, and leans against the car, beside you. You turn towards him, your eyes dragging over his body covered only by his wifebeater. He takes a drag from his cigarette, the tip of it vibrating until it almost turns red. 
"You’re sure you're not cold?" you ask, daring to be a bit bolder and nudging his shoulder gently.
Billy nudges you back, mumbling around his cigarette. “Hey, I’m a tough guy.”
You softly shake your head at his answer, looking at the trees in front of you, forming a wall of darkness, a trickle of wind shakes them slightly in the breeze. “I love this song,” you say with a soft smile. Then you look at him. “I didn’t know you liked Fleetwood Mac”.
“What did you think I liked?” Billy asks after exhaling the smoke, taking the cigarette from his mouth.
“I don’t know,” you hesitate, hoping he doesn't misinterpret your words. “I thought you were more into metal. Just ‘cause I heard you playing it from your car sometimes.” you hastily add.
Billy hums in acknowledgment. “So you were watching me, huh?”
“No, it’s not that! You just, sometimes the music is very loud.” 
He laughs, and it’s such a pleasant sound. It makes your insides swirl. “S’alright. I do play my music very loud.” he flicks the cigarette on the ground, the glowing ashes extinguishing silently on the wet asphalt. “I listen to metal, yeah, but I like rock in general. Hard rock, folk rock,” he jerks his head to his right where the music comes from. 
You hum thoughtfully, tightening his jacket around you. “That’s nice. I think they’re among my favorite folk rock bands.
“Those guys?”
Billy nods his head. “They’re cool, yeah. What else do you like?”
You hum while thinking. “There’s lots. My dad likes all these rock bands, like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and a bunch of others. I picked it up from him. He used to blast them in the house when I was little," you recall with a soft smile. "He's a big fan."
“Well, well, well.” Billy grins in appreciation, his smoldering eyes on you. “Didn’t know little miss was so cool.” 
You let out a small laugh, and put a strand of hair behind your ear with a shake of your head to do something with your hands. You thank the night for hiding how flustered you are. “I just…” 
“What else are you hiding?” he tilts his head toward you, the warming mood bringing him closer than before, his shoulder brushing against yours.
“Not much.” you laugh again, unable to meet his eyes. 
“Huh-huh,” he mumbles playfully, bringing the cigarette to his mouth. 
You switch the conversation on him, to shift the attention from you. “And how did you start listening to rock?” 
Billy initially stays quiet. At a certain point, you’re almost convinced he either didn’t hear you or doesn’t want to answer.
“My mom.” he finally says. You look at him, instantly feeling the shift in his mood. “She listened to all this folk stuff, like Joni Mitchell, Mamas and Papas, Bob Dylan. I remember hearing it play in the house since I was a toddler.” he muses, and for a moment seems lost in the memory, breathes a silent laugh through his nose. “She was a bit of a hippie.”  
You can imagine his mom dancing barefoot in the living room, him mirroring her movement with a smiling chubby face, his bright blue eyes looking up in adoration at her.  
“And my old man didn’t like that part of her one bit,” he says then, his voice turning acidic. He flicks his cigarette again. “You meet someone and expect them to change what they are for you. Kinda makes sense, huh?” 
Something in the way he talks about her suggests to you that her mother is part of his past. You don't know on what level, but surely the whole thing didn't end well. And that's one of the sensitive topics regarding his life in California. 
‘Dreams’ starts playing next, filling the last few seconds of silence. It makes you think about the vinyl of that album you bought in Chicago when you spent part of last summer at your grandparents’. It was the right before your mom left.
"I think it’s kind of cool. It's usually always dads who listen to that music,” you say gently in an attempt to lighten the mood. 
“Yeah, no.” Billy snorts. “Surely not mine. He thinks that’s the Devil’s music. Still into that conservative bullshit.”
“My grandma thinks the same,” you comment. “I had ‘Rumours’ on vinyl before.” you start, referring to the current song’s album. I bought it that summer when I visited them in Chicago. It got damaged shortly after buying it. I still think she broke it on purpose.
“Shit. That sucks.” 
“Yeah,” you sigh. “It’s my favorite one.”
“Do you still have your record player?”
“Yes. I have a few other vinyls too.”
As the two of you continue to talk about music, a topic you didn't think you'd be on the same tune on, the mood returns to a lighter one. Soon later, the rain starts falling again stopping you in the middle of your conversation and you both realize it got late. Billy crushes his unfinished cigarette with his boot and you get in the car.
“Thanks for paying tonight. Again,” you tell him sheepishly once on the drive back home. 
Billy slightly lowers the radio's volume until the guitar strums are just background noise, his eyes fixed on the road. “There’s lots of other ways to make it up to me, but I won’t let you pay. Sorry, sweetheart." 
His tone suggests he's not sorry at all. It almost sounds like it’s out of the question for him. You try to ignore how the nickname makes your heart flutter, refusing to dwell on its meaning.
“But why?” 
“Because,” he chuckles, probably amused by how you seem fixated on the question. “It’s just the way it works.”
“Doesn’t make sense,” you mumble quietly, burying half of your face in his big jacket still wrapped around you and suppressing a shiver. 
“Shit. Does it always rain in this shithole?” he squints his eyes a little bit as he lifts the lever to increase the windshield wiper's speed. The rain is now pelting the car more aggressively. 
“I think it’s because you’re used to California,” you say gently. 
There still are a few droplets of water on his naked arms and shoulders. However, he doesn’t seem to feel cold since he’s not shivering.
“Guess so,” he mutters. 
For the first time, you notice he has a tattoo on his shoulder. It’s a skull smoking a cigarette. You wonder when he got it done, what does it represent? 
Before you can stop, your mouth talks. Your voice is quiet, but it is still audible. “That’s a cool tattoo.”
He turns his head toward you, and for a moment he seems surprised. Then his face settles back into a composed expression, his eyes flickering with a hint of amusement. "Yeah, you like it?" he responds casually, you swear his tone betrays a touch of warmth.
“Mh-mh.” you nod, feeling comfortable enough to say what you really think next. “It suits who you are.”
He lets out a quiet chuckle under his breath. “What do you think that is?"
Maybe it’s the relentless thundering of the rain over you, maybe it’s the fact that it’s pitch dark or you’re slowly being accustomed to being around him. You feel a sense of comfort enveloping you. 
“I think… You’re tough on the outside, you always act distant from what surrounds you, like you don’t care about anything and anyone. But deep down, you’re kind-hearted and really gentle.” 
The only sound breaking the silence is the soft hum of the music and the harsh drumming of rain against the car. Your swallow seems thunderously loud in the quiet, but the collar of his jacket offers some solace. Glancing at him, you breathe in the scent of leather and him, focusing on his forearms—robust yet slender—then his hands gripping the steering wheel, long fingers lightly wrapped around it. You wonder what it would feel like to have his arms around you, his hands on your waist, neck, cheeks. Every thump of your heart against your ribcage feels hyper-aware.
“Like, incredibly kind and gentle,” you venture, sensing the weight of your words. It's why you try to cloak yourself in the armor of a rough exterior, a fortress formed by sharp cutting gazes, sharky smiles and skinned knuckles. You want to say more, but it feels too personal, too revealing. You know he wouldn't handle it well. It would make him feel vulnerable, prompting him to close off. You guess he’s hiding some things from himself and the world, afraid it would spill over and flood the fragile sanctuary of his soul. 
Billy chuckles softly, his tone light yet evasive. "You're painting me as a real softie, aren't you?" his words carry a playful edge, his gaze still fixed on the road ahead. His eyes won’t meet yours, though. There are a few seconds of silence before he speaks again. "Got it last year. The tattoo. Hurt like a bitch."
You notice his subtle attempt to divert the conversation. But you can’t blame him. You went a bit too hard. 
“I want to get one too. Someday,” you murmur. 
“Yeah?” he glances at you.”D’you have something in mind?” 
“Not really…I guess I’d have to think about it.”
“You should. It’s gonna be there forever. Unless you get it lasered off, which is a new thing. And that’s a whole other level of pain.”
Just to make you think about it makes you shiver. “Laser it…?”
Getting a tattoo is something you have to ponder for a long time indeed. And you’ve always had a penchant for changing your mind. Getting excited about ideas, projects, and it always seemed to work for a long time until you changed your mind. Or something happened and you consequently changed your vision of things. You’ve always been uncertain. Your life had a penchant for unexpected events and uncertainties as well.
“Maybe getting a tattoo is not for me,” you mumble. “I’m bad at making decisions. I feel like all of my life is going to be like this.”
“What do you mean?”
As the car slows down, you realize you’re already driving on Forrest Hill trail road.  
“I mean…” you sigh, uncertain whether to delve into what’s on your mind and risk exposing yourself. But Billy opened up tonight, so you feel compelled to do the same. It also feels kind of natural. “In my life, things always seem to take unexpected turns. Often in a bad way. I can never know what to expect. And I don’t like that.”
The car comes to a halt, and you find yourselves parked in front of your trailer.
“Well, I could tell you ‘That’s the beauty of it’ or some stupid shit like that. But huh…” he chuckles, shaking his head as he rattles the pack of cigarettes in his palm to extract one. “My life has been a shit show itself. So, I get it.”
“I’m really sorry,” you say softly. That’s all you can say, you can only imagine from the vague piece of information he gave you. 
Billy shrugs as if to brush it off. It’s so natural it looks rehearsed. You wish you could tell him it does matter, that he deserved to have a happy childhood, he deserves a happy life.
“I wish I could at least have a hint. Even if it’s just one piece of information. I don’t like all of this uncertainty,” you continue. You've known Billy long enough to understand he doesn’t appreciate pity, or even anything that remotely seems like pity. “I wish I could see my future. My grandma…” you stop yourself with an embarrassed laugh. “I know this is gonna sound stupid. It’s probably not true anyways. But I’ve always wanted to get my palm read. My grandma used to know how to do it.”
Met with silence, you feel the familiar burn of shame and regret welling up inside you. Why would you say that? He’s probably thinking you’re crazy for believing in this stuff.
“Wanna give it a shot?” 
You turn toward him in surprise. “You know how?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty good at it.” he shrugs, putting the pack of cigarettes in the compartment. Then places his cigarette behind his ear. “Come on.” he holds his palm in invitation. You place your hand in his, palm facing up. 
“Alright,” he begins, tracing a line with his fingertip, “This here, is your headline. It’s curved and wavy, which means you’re creative and intuitive. You think outside the box, not afraid to follow your own path.”
You watch his face, his concentration as he reads your lines. “And this one. Huh. Oh yeah. See, your lifeline is strong and deep,” he continues, his voice a low rumble. “That means you’re full of energy, and vitality. You’ve got resilience, no matter what life throws at you.”
He shifts his focus to another line, “An this, here, this is your fate line. Not everyone has one. Suggests you’ve got a purpose, something you’re meant to do, and it’ll shape your life significantly. Basically, your destiny is in your hands.”
His thumb moves lightly over your palm, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. “Your skin is soft. How's it so soft all the time?” he almost mutters to himself. “Means you’re sensitive, maybe a bit sheltered. Shows you’re not letting anyone in. But it’s not a bad thing, you know what I mean?”
You could listen to his voice forever. It’s like a low melody, resonating deep within you.
“How do you know all this?” you breathe, your eyes studying his face. 
“Told you my mom was a hippie. She was into all of this stuff. Taught me how to do it. Shit”, he chuckles. “...haven’t done that since I was ten probably.”
Finally, he traces the heart line, deep and prominent. “And this,” he says, rubbing his finger across a line that nearly runs the full width of your palm. “is your heart line. It runs deep, straight across. It means you feel things intensely. You love deeply, but you also hurt deeply. See this?” he presses his thumb into the little fleshy space between the first and middle fingers, then meets your eyes. “When it curves outward like this, it means you’re willing to give a lot to the other person. Like, you give all of you.”
You are caught between the urge to look away from him and hold his gaze. His tourmaline eyes are two deep pools in which you swear you can lose yourself.
“I uh, we’ll see about that.” you manage to say. “I haven’t had anything like that before.”
“Haven’t had a boyfriend yet?”
A small laugh escapes your lips at your own embarrassment. His own slightly twitch too. “God, no. I haven't exactly been in the game.”
“So nada, huh?”
One of his thumbs caresses your palm, the other the skin of the inside of your wrist, drawing circles. It sends tingling along your body. A pleasant shiver that makes your whole body aware, a hot sensation in the pit of your stomach, all your nerves rising. You can feel something hanging in the air, a palpable tension, but you also wonder if it's just your imagination running wild. Being inexperienced as you are, perhaps it’s all in your head, and all of this is fueled by the undeniable attraction you feel toward him. Then Billy jerks his chin toward your right.
“Looks like your dad is waiting for you.” 
You follow the direction he’s pointing at. Indeed, the little light outside the trailer is lit. Your dad is peering at the small window on the door, you can see him munching a pickle in the meantime. As you’ve been burned, you quickly retract your hand from his.
You are grateful to your dad for entering the picture and getting you out of this situation. With him looking at both of you, you can do little other than simply greet Billy without a second thought. Had he not been there, you would surely have stumbled over your words.
“Oh, uhm. Sorry about that.” you chew at your bottom lip before looking back at Billy, an apologetic expression on your face. It’s embarrassing. “He was probably worried, he does that when I come back late. Oh,” you suddenly remember you’re still wearing his jacket, so you quickly take it off. “Here. Thank you. I’ll see you at school?”
Billy takes the jacket. “Yeah. See you there. Sleep tight.” 
You want to ask him if another hangout is on the program, but you don’t wanna press too much, so you hurry inside the trailer with your heart a little lighter and a thousand questions. In your bed, you keep replaying the hours spent with him unable to fall asleep. His change of tone and attitude when he talks about his parents lingers in the back of your mind. You don't know his story in depth, but you are increasingly convinced that he and you share more than you think.
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s1utlvr · 8 months
Chemtrails Over the Country Club ﹏
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Luke Castellan X fem!aphrodite reader
In which Luke comes to recruit you.
a/n: Honestly this fic is so unserious and unhinged 😭😭 also listen. Idk how this got so long but it did. Also don’t know how this got so angsty but it did. Anyways takes place during sea of monsters just some heated making out and arguing mentions of bullying kinda Luke being well Luke. This was supposed to be inspired by I can see you by Taylor swift but then it got really long and angsty so here’s a little playlist of all the songs that inspired this. (Listen in order or don’t idc) Not proofread yeah that’s it lmk if I missed something.
Reflections- The Neighborhood
Chemtails Over the Country Club -Lana Del Rey
Money power Glory- Lana Del Rey
I Can See You - Taylor swift
Listening time- 17 mins
Word Count- 4.9k
There was no one at camp who hadn’t heard the story of the night Percy Jackson returned.
It was a night of triumph as the son of Poseidon had saved Olympus and prevented war, until Luke castellan outed himself as the lighting thief and disappear.
And just like triumph came it diminished and once more there was talk of war.
But between all of this there was just something you couldn’t wrap your head around.
After the summer solstice most people left feeling frazzled, those like you who stayed for the remainder of the term continued picking sides preparing for the war that was said to come just like before Percy had returned.
Just like all the other cabins yours had come to a consensus as well, despite the fact your mother was a war goddess most were against a war out of hatred and spite for the gods and while you agreed part of you couldn’t help but feel…different.
Sure you were against a war breaking out any sane person would be, but part of you couldn’t help but sympathize with Luke.
See for a while you were your mother’s pride and joy, the epitome of what it meant to be Aphrodites daughter. You were charming, sweet, and had a beauty that could only come from the goddess of love and beauty herself and you lived for for the love and attention of your peers and your mother til you realized that was all you had to offer, and once someone sweeter, kinder, prettier came along you were left with nothing.
Your mother gave you everything, and then she took it all away.
It was humiliating being the “dumb Aphrodite kid” constantly being ridiculed for being shallow and vain but how could you not when all you were left with was your beauty?
You couldn’t even recount the amount of times you had sobbed and sobbed and sobbed about it the amount of times that you had prayed to something that you hoped could be bigger than the gods to give you a different parent someone who could gift you with knowledge or wisdom or skill or creativity just something that could make you feel like you were more like you were worthy, for a while you even considered joining the hunt. It wasn’t like your mother would ever let anyone endure the misery that would be loving you.
However despite all of this Luke still saw you.
You weren’t exactly friends throughout your time at camp half-blood but he treated you a hell of a lot better than most of his siblings whom would just look at you and whistle.
Whenever you two would spar he’d always give you a real challenge not letting you stop until you finally beat him and it was during the brief conversations after these moments where you found yourself seeing bits of you in him.
You were both runaways desperate to cling to something,desperate for glory, nobodies son and nobodies daughter; the wasted potential of your parents.
It was for this reason that you found yourself laying awake in the middle of the night pondering about Luke. War was bad for everyone there was no question about it and no sane person would just start of war out of spite. You knew it wasn’t right but part of you felt like he had to have had a reason for his doings something that had to have pushed him over the edge.
You hated to admit it but for the months he’s was gone you were miserable. You were loosing yourself without your conversations with Luke and worst of all you were loosing your beauty.
Sure it sounded vain but it was an odd phenomenon that occurred one in a million. See Aphrodites kids lived off of love, self and that of others it was one of the things that helped them thrive, and seeing as you were lacking both your hair began to thin and your face had begun hollowing out,suddenly you really started to feel for Luke.
It was your last straw, and what you would go on to say was your reason for the decision you made the night you saw him.
It was Labor Day weekend which also happened to be the last weekend before most began returning to camp and it was tradition for the year round campers to throw a final intimate campfire.
You had tried to ride out the night with some of your siblings but you had found it to be just as insufferable so you made your way back to your cabin.
It was quiet for a change, and for a minute it felt quite peaceful as you felt yourself closing your eyes until you heard the cabin door open once more.
You had expected to look up and see one of your siblings but instead, it was him.
You wore a shocked expression on your face your eyes looking his body up and down.
it was really him.
You didn’t know how to react he looked the same wearing sweatpants and a gray hoodie that hugged his arms a bit tighter, he had been training.
Despite the fact that he looked the same you knew he wasn’t, all you knew was that he was out for blood and he was standing infront of you.
Breathing was getting harder, as you moved back onto your bed your eyes stuck on the man infront of you.
“What…what do you want with me?” You asked still completely dumbfounded.
“Relax…..i have no intentions of hurting you.”
His expression remained the same, he was calm and collected. You felt absolutely insane.
“Why are you here Luke” you asked trying to match his tone and failing as the shakiness of your voice came through.
“I’m here to recruit you.”
You swallowed a lump in your throat. “Why me?”
“Because I think you can help me. You see when people see you all they see is a pretty face……they underestimate you, but i can see you y/n. And as far as I’m concerned you’re the smartest demigod i know” He sounded so sure of himself for a second you almost believed him.
“You’re lying” You scoffed as you watched his expression change he wasn’t as calm as he was before, he persistent on recruiting you
“Would you look around y/n? You’re the only one who even knows I’m here. Everyone else is oblivious not just to this but everything. You see the world differently, you understand me y/n i need you.”
“But why would should I?” It was vain. You needed no more convincing.
“If you join me no one is ever gonna dare look at you the wrong way, ever. I won’t let them underestimate you y/n.”
It wasn’t right. You knew it in your gut it wasn’t.
But for once in your life you felt seen,wanted, you had the chance to do something that was bigger than yourself.
“When do we leave?”
“It’s not quite like that, I need eyes on the inside….just for now until Percy arrives…not that he’ll be staying long.” Your expression dimmed as he spoke.
“You have to trust me on this”
“How do you know you can trust me?”
“I don’t, but I do know something.”
“You’re your mother’s daughter. As much as we all despise them it doesn’t change the facts. And the fact is you Aphrodite kids are too loyal for your own good.
He could read you like a book, yet there was something freeing about the vulnerability you felt, like he was setting you free.
“I’m in”
He walked closer to you placing a few golden drachmas into your hand before closing your palm.
“I expect to hear from you soon.”
You had no idea what you had gotten yourself into.
The next couple of weeks were quiet, until they weren’t.Thalias tree had been poisoned and monsters were getting closer and closer each day,something told you it was Luke behind it. If you were right it was redundant to call him but something inside of you was telling you to call him anyways, so you grabbed a golden drachma from the pile that had been hiding away in your vanity followed by a prism of clear quartz and hoped for the best.
“Oh iris goddess of the rainbow please accept my offering” A rainbow reflected upon the window next to your bunk.
“Give me Luke Castellan, Princess andromeda, New York Harbor”
When you got to Luke he was in a meeting and didn’t notice your message at first but he looked different. His curls were shorter,shiner, like he had started taking care of them. He was wearing an emerald button up, trousers, and loafers that you could’ve sworn were gucci. To say he looked attractive was an understatement.
“It’s about time” He said startling you a bit as you had begun to zone out.
“I think you know why im calling, Thalias tree is dying”
“Perfect” a smirk landed on his face.
“That’s not it though. The barrier’s diminishing there’s talk about having twenty-four seven security on half blood hill and Clarisse is already there like every hour of the day”
His expression changed.
“How fast can you get to New York harbor?”
“I’m not finished. Chiron doesn’t want Percy going to camp this year, says it too dangerous.”
That was it, his eyes darkened as his mind wandered aimlessly in panic. He looked no where near as confident as he did just minutes ago.
“Pack up im calling a car, we’ll figure out what to do about Percy once you’re here”
You watched as his face quickly faded from the kaleidoscope of colors. Something was wrong very wrong but whatever it was he trusted you with it, and you trusted him.
Packing was always your specialty, you’d had the ability to pack your entire life into a duffel bag since you had started coming to camp; shoes,toiletries makeup, on bottom, in the upper part underwear, pants,dresses, shirts, in that order, and right on-top the thing that was missing this go around. The bright orange colored “Camp Half-Blood” shirts.
There was something almost liberating about being able to abandon them on your bed. Maybe that’s why the gods always abandoned their children.
It wasn’t hard slipping out from camp, not than anyone really noticed you nowadays but it was dinner hour, and by the time it was over you were already boarding the Princess Andromeda where you were greeted by a cabin stewardess.
“Good evening Ms. Y/n. We’ve been expecting you” She was tall blonde and had dry almost scale-y hands, something told you she wasn’t exactly human but you didn’t have to be afraid anymore.
She took your bags and led you to your room, the decor ironically reminiscent of the Poseidon cabin.
“Mr Castellan needs you in the orlop at ten but until then feel free to enjoy any and all amenities, enjoy your stay.”
You nodded as you watched her leave the room closing the door behind you.
You began to unpack while simultaneously trying to figure out what to wear. You weren’t exactly sure what the dress code was for a meeting to plan the downfall of Percy Jackson but based off of what you’d seen Luke wearing in your iris message you assumed business formal.
You didn’t know what you were thinking when you’d pack the dress, it was a gift from your mother from when she’d actually bothered to try and have a relationship with you. It was a long black dress with chains around the waist. You hadn’t worn it in months. The words that came out of her mouth as she handed it to you played in your head on repeat.
“Your beauty is all powerful. What you do with that is of your choosing but choose wisely.”
You weren’t sure if you believed that anymore, if you believed her at all. But the dress felt appropriate.
You let your hair down and got ready applying some light makeup, something you hadn’t done since last summer. Meanwhile you’d thought about what people had said about Luke last summer, wondering if they’d say the same things about you once they found out, if they’d call you a “traitor” and a “monster” But If what you were doing was so wrong then how come you finally felt like yourself again?
A bit later the stewardess who had greeted you earlier escorted you down some corridors to the bottom deck to an old maintenance room that was now being used as a lair of sorts.
Inside Luke was sitting crouched over in a chair with his head down,next to him was Chris Rodriguez one if his siblings you’d seen around camp and two other men who appeared to be older than you three.
Tensions were high, you felt it as soon as you walked in.
As he heard you walk in Luke looked up adjusting himself as he looked your body up and down.
“Good you’re here. Take a seat we don’t have much time.” He said as he motioned to the seat next to him.
You sat down, the other two men watching you closely.
“How much do you know?” One of the anonymous men asked.
“Percy was supposed to go back to camp at the end of this week, Thursday. Chiron has been trying to convince Sally Jackson otherwise but Percy Himself isn’t aware of the state of camp.” You said
“He doesn’t get to camp he can’t take the bait and all of this is fucked we need a plan and we need it now.” Luke was getting agitated.
“We need to make him not going not an option.” Chris added.
“Exactly” luke replied
It was silent for a moment, the sound of Luke tapping his foot filled the room until one of the men spoke.
“I know some people we can call up, get him in some trouble at school. If he’s still under the impression camp is safe he’ll go running to Chiron.”
You watched as a wave of relief washed over Luke’s face.
“Get to it we don’t have time to waste.”
The man nodded before walking out of the room followed by the other man.
“Hey man I’m gonna go grab a drink you want?”
“Yeah I’ll meet you there” Luke said to him as Chris nodded before walking out.
You watched as he left your eyes locking on Luke once you heard the door shut. He looked even better than he did in the iris message now that you were seeing him in person. You couldn’t help but imagine things that would make even your mom blush.
“You came” He said as he turned to face you.
You sound suprised”
“Not surprised, relieved. Without your intel Percy wouldve had us chasing our own tail. I’m glad you made it.” He sounded sweet, genuine. It was hard to believe he was the same person people had talking about at camp.
“Glad I’m here.” You said shooting him a soft smile as he stood up offering out his hand, you took it as you stood up.
“You wanna come with?” He asked motioning to the door.
“I’m ok, I’ll see you later”
“I tried” He said with a fake dramatic sigh as he held his hand to his heart you rolled your eyes at his antics.
“You look good y/n” He said before exiting the room.
His words shouldn’t have made your heart flutter like they did, you were nothing more to him than a pawn, but if he could get something out of this why couldn’t you?
You decided to grab a jacket from your room and make your way up to the deck, it was late and empty for the most part as you settled on the ledge of the boat looking out at the New York skyline in the distance, the Brooklyn bridge illuminating the night sky. As much as you may have hated the gods you had to give them some credit. They picked a beautiful city to move Olympus too.
“What are you doing?” You heard from behind you as you turned to face Luke.
“Admiring the view” you responded letting out a sigh at the look of his face of disdain.
“It’s not safe out here, they’ll smell you.” He said as he walked towards you his expression ever so slowly relaxing.
“nothing you can’t handle.” You replied with a smirk. It was true, Luke was the best swordsmen you knew there wasn’t a monster he couldn’t handle.
“Doesn’t mean you can just go around getting into trouble, what am I your saving grace?”
Hearing those words come out of his mouth made you blush, he really did save you.
Cmon, you ought to get back to your room” he said as hey began walking back inside.
“It’s ok I’ll find my way around” you said as you scurried infront of him.
“Nonsense youre staying next to me I’ll walk you” Luke replied continuing to walk as you stopped in your tracks.
“You know I can look out for myself”
“Believe me I know, you wouldn’t be here if you couldn’t…..it just helps me sleep at night.” There was something comforting about his words that made you smile as you caught up to him.
“Kinda sounds like you do wanna save” you teased as you walked alongside him.
“Did I not?” He replied making a fake face of confusion causing you to roll your eyes.
“Yeah you totally did” you said as you entered the hallway your rooms were on.
“Get some rest, things should be pretty calm til we get to Miami.” Luke said resting his arm on your shoulder.
“What’re we doing in Miami?” You asked.
“Just….rest up”
“I’ll see you in the morning then” You said as you walked down to your room glancing at him down the hallway one last time before entering.
You couldn’t think straight, you couldn’t think about anything at all really. Only his words that replayed in your head over and over and over and the way his lips seemed to glisten and the way his shirt hugged his arms and most of all fthe fact that there was nearly a thin wall separating you and Luke, and the things you’d be able to hear through it.
For the first time in months you slept like a rock knowing you weren’t alone knowing there was someone looking out for you. Sure you weren’t helpless but you weren’t against the idea of Luke wanting to look out for you.
The rest of the day was nice, peaceful, for the most part that was until evening.
Word got around Annabeth had single handled gotten Percy back to camp and they were figuring out things too quickly which called for an emergency meeting meaning Luke practically dragged you out of your room while you were half dressed leaving you in a tank top and some sweatpants.
“Wait so what’s happening?” You asked as you scurried to the lower deck
“Clarisse was sent on a quest to go obtain the Golden Fleece for Thalias tree”
“Which is good for us right?”
“Wrong, cause we had assumed Percy would go”
“So what now?”
“‘thing is because of that we had started to reroute only to find out the impertinent shit and his entourage are planning on joining her” He said slamming open the door to the old maintence room and slamming it just as quickly as she opened it.
“Listen Luke our options are limited-“ Chris stated as you entered the room.
“You think I don’t know that?” Luke hissed.
“I’m just saying our best bet is to lure him on board when he gets to the harbor.”
You scowled at his words. “We can’t do that”
“Says who?” Chris scoffed
“It’s not logical. We’d be risking everything we know little nothing we don’t know who or what he could have with him all we know is who he is and he is not to be underestimated for this to work we need more. We might aswell be serving ourselves up on a silver platter”
“She has a point” One of the guys from yesterday responded as you felt Chris’ piercing eyes on you.
“Why should we listen to her? She’s always just been a dumb Aphrodite girl what like that changed overnight”
Your heart sank. Just like that you were back at camp.
“Excuse me?”
“Y/n-“ Luke said reaching out for your arm only to be pushed away.
“No what the fuck did you just say? Aphrodite may be my mother but atleast I know who my godly parent it. You’re just an unclaimed kid who Hermes took pity on so if I were you I wouldn’t be talking.”
“What did you just say to me?”
“This is a fucking joke you’re a fucking joke-“ You cursed as you stormed out Luke following quickly behind you.
“What the fuck was that?” He shouted as you walked into your room
“I don’t know you tell me”
“You can’t do that”
“I thought we had an agreed no more of that bullshit but i guess since it’s your best fucking friend that doesn’t apply to him huh?”
“What’s it gonna take for you to keep your fucking mouth shut huh?” He shouted cornering you into a wall.
You were tongue tied. For the first time you’d seen the monster people had described at camp for months. But under the anger in his eyes you saw something else, a deep hunger and desire.
“I’m sorry-“
“Luke” you cried out as you swallowed a lump in your throat causing it to come out as more of a breathy moan.
You watched his eyes lighten as the anger turned into pure lust in his eyes your shaky hand making its way up to his neck only to be met by his wrist.
“If his happens you will be putting yourself into immediate danger, and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe but not a single person can know. You are my weakness and if someone figured that out I cannot assure you that you won’t end up dead and I can’t loose anyone else y/n especially not you, but you have to understand I will not have you mess this operation up do you understand?”
You couldn’t speak.
“I said do you understand?” His voice was louder harsher.
The moment the word slipped off your tongue his lips were pressed against yours with full force. There was absolutely nothing romantic about the way his hands gripped at your sides and the way his lips gnawed at your skin. It was pure lust and desire.
And it was everything you had ever wished for.
you despised your mother, but for once in your life you couldn’t thank her enough.
It was rushed and sloppy but Luke had never needed anything in his life so badly like he needed you.
He could’ve kissed you forever and it still wouldn’t have been enough, his tongue longing for the taste of you the moment you pulled away from him.
“Not a word about this.”
“Maybe you’ll just have to keep me quiet.”
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listofwhyyouloveher · 3 months
Happy 4th of July 🎆🎆 since its 4th of July can I request reader "accidentally" throwing a firework at the gang? Can you do it separately (hc) if it makes sense
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Summary: 'Accidentally' throwing a firework at the gang! Warnings: Fireworks Author's Note: You know I had to disregard all my other asks for this one!! Happy Lana Del Rey Day! PONYBOY CURTIS Took him a little convincing to even go out with fireworks. Yeah, his gang is rowdy but he's still just a kid! He doesn't really like the loud noises and the possibility of injury. So if you throw a firework at him he's screaming, like those full throated, horror movie final girl screams. It's probably louder than the firework. It doesn't harm him, you made sure it would but he's running for his life and you swear there are tears in his eyes when you catch up to him. He made Darry make you promise to never do it again. JOHNNY CADE Johnny likes fireworks but he doesn't absolutely love them, he'll keep his distance, watching the annual drive in firework show from the lot and will always leave before it ends. He's not afraid of fireworks, he's handled them once or twice because of Dallas but he's running like a track star if you throw some at him. He'll scream at first, but then his mind just zeros in on the fact that he's being chased by a FIREWORK and he just shuts up and runs as fast as he can. SODAPOP CURTIS Sodapop probably puts fireworks in his chocolate cake, like fully brings it outside, lights it, challenges Steve to see who can eat more of the cake before the firework explodes. More often than not, he ends up with singed hair or eyebrows. But because of these close calls he's never been afraid of fireworks and has some sort of 'immortality' ego. However, when you throw that firework at him, his life flashes before his eyes and he genuinely swears that he saw God. He's like a deer in headlights, unmoving, so you had to tackle him and tell him that he was supposed to run.STEVE RANDLE Steve is secretly very afraid of fireworks. He used to hide under the blankets with his childhood dog when there was a firework display. Safe to say, he doesn't really like them. The only reason he hangs out with Soda when it's the 4th is because he loves the chocolate cake and because he doesn't want to be seen as a pussy. When you throw the firework at him, he's screaming but he doesn't run, he falls to the ground and tries to cover himself. Thankfully, the firework goes above his head, but he's telling you that you owe him big time. DARRY CURTIS Darry really likes fireworks, his parents used to take him to watch them all the time, especially the ones at the drive in, so he's actually initiating the hangouts on the 4th
He doesn't allow anyone to play with the fireworks, he only brings everyone to watch it, but some how, Dallas gets ahold of some and hands them out. You throw it directly at Darry, which, to your suprise actually looks horrified. It doesn't bother him much because it flies right past him and explodes somewhere father away. But he's lecturing you so bad after that. DALLAS WINSTON This man has so many issues, fireworks is one of them. He used to play with fireworks when he was left alone as a kid. Sometimes Buck pitches it to him and he hits it with a bat and they all run as a game. Of course, he offers to play this 'game' with you too, and you're a hell of a good throw so you curveball that firework right at him so it'd miss his bat and head straight for his stomach. Eventually he realises what's going on and drops the bat and runs. he ends up tripping (out of your sight of course) and getting a nasty cut on his torso. He yells at you so much after, saying that he was done with your bullshit, but you just stuck your nose up and said that if he stuck around longer he would've seen the ball go far right and it would've never hit him. Now he says that the little scar on his torso is from a firework and not from tripping.
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syoounn · 5 months
𝓓𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓵𝓵 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝓮 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂?
•Asking them, "Do you think you'll kill for me one day?"•
Characters: Chuuya, Nikolai, Fyodor
Inspired by this song. Have fun reading
After a long exhausted day, you and chuuya were both tired and finally at home and cudding. Chuuya then gently lays you down on his chest. He adjusts the position until he’s holding you in his arms comfortably, with you laying flush against him. Once he’s done with that, he gently wraps his arms around your body and pulls you even closer to him. Chuuya chuckles softly as he speaks.
"I missed you a lot..." You said.
“Miss me, did ya?~”He asks her playfully as a smirk forms on his lips.
“What did ya miss? My voice? My hands? Or maybe—“
He pauses there, but he was clearly hinting at something else. Even though he usually wouldn't say it out loud, he was in the mood for teasing with how tired he was.
Your eyes were getting tired as you thought about something you've wanted to ask him for a while.
"Hey.. chuu.."
Chuuya lifts his head up, his arms still holding her in his grip. His tired eyes, though they seemed full of energy and alertness, had a sort of weary look. As if deep down, he was feeling exhausted and worn out beyond his usual tolerance.
He asks you softly as he watches you. His brows furrowed as he awaited a response, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"Do you think you'll kill for me one day?"
Chuuya is caught off-guard by this sudden question of hers. His brows furrowed, looking away from her as he ponders her question. He didn't expect something like that from her just yet. He's quiet for a few moments before he speaks up once more.
"...I would. Anything for you my doll."
His voice is quiet, no doubt because he's still a bit tired. But, there was no hesitation to his words.
"Wha-.. really?!" You were surprised as the drowsiness left your body.
"...Is that so bad?"
His voice was a bit softer than usual, though it certainly didn't mean his tone lacked conviction. He was being genuine.
"No... but killing is still a no-no...!"
Chuuya gives a small chuckle at your response. Though he certainly couldn't blame her for such an opinion, he couldn't help but feel a bit amused by it.
“...A no-no, huh?”
He asks you, chuckling a bit further before continuing.
“To you, maybe. To me, I wouldn't even regret it.”
A brief moment of silence passes between both of you as Chuuya looks away, a silent gaze passing over her. He takes a breath in, exhaling shortly thereafter.
“I wouldn't hesitate to do it, even if it were for you. If killing meant making you feel... safe and secure, then I would do it.”
He pauses for a second before adding a few words.
“...Even if it meant I would rot in hell.”
He said completely serious.... you were just asking him out of curiosity and how the hell it ended up this serious?!
You woke up in the middle of this night and saw your lover still awake, as you approached him and still feel a little bit sleepy.
"Myshka... why're are you awake my dear?" Fyodor spoke gently as he gets up and he wraps his arms around you, his tall frame looming over you as he places a chaste kiss upon your lips. "You should go back to sleep.."
"Can't sleep without you.." You said sounded sleepy
Fyodor chuckles softly, his hold upon you tightening. His breath stirs your hair lightly. His gaze falls upon your form hungrily, though he is able to restrain himself. Such a devoted lover...
Suddenly as your curiosity got you.. you decided to ask him that question.
"Hm.. fedya.. Do you think you'll kill for me one day?" You said sounded more sleepy.
Fyodor's face is calm and serene. He runs his hands through your hair, his tone affectionate. "My, my, what a question, Of course, my Myshka. You are my one and only and my most precious little jewel. I will do whatever it takes to protect you and ensure your happiness. Did you doubt it?"
You're not surprised... he's fyodor after all.. as you continue to hug him and slowly falling asleep. Fyodor's eyes are now full of an unusual intensity, and his voice is cold.
"I don't want to hear of another man giving you a glance. Not even one."
His words are sharp as his expression seems almost cold, and the usual playful glint in his eyes is missing. I hope you understand?
You nodded.. as you continue to fall asleep on his embrace and sleep comfortably.
Nikolai was clinging at you the whole day.. as both of you were just relaxing and out of nowhere... your lover decided to play some quizzes with you.
"Then im gonna ask a question now..~" He said excitedly.
He held your chin and made you look at him, smiling brightly.
“Do you love me?”
As predictable as he is, this was obviously going to lead in some sort of sadistic thing.
"Mhm.. I really love you a lot.." You said.
“Do you really love me, my dear?” His grip on your chin tightened and he leaned closer to you.
You exactly know what he is about to do as you speak. "Ah... i know what you're playing at.."
He chuckled at your response.
“Awww, it’s easy for you to see through me?
tell me what you think I’m going to do now~”
"Stealing some kisses?"
He smirked as he slowly went down to your lips when you said ‘stealing’ and stole a kiss from you before speaking some more.
“Hehehe, did I steal it~?”
He said as he leaned back up, still smirking.
You were surprised as you just smiled.. he's always been affectionate and teasing.
"Then my turn to ask a question. Do you think you'll kill for me one day?" You asked out of curiosity.
He got an even bigger glint in his eyes. His bloodlust was rising up from that innocent sounding question.
“Kill for you~? Hmm, that’s an interesting question~”
He leaned in closer to you as he spoke.
“Oh.. my dove~.. Anything for you.."
He said as he gently kissed your knuckles and looked directly at your eyes, making you feel flustered. You can't handle the way he looks at you. He is so dreamy, and he looks so handsome. I guess no more asking questions like that if you don't wanna see yourself red as tomato...
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sweetyluvs · 9 months
imagine ellie getting ur name tatted on her opposite forearm hehehe i need her so bad it’s never been funny
I LOVE THISSS I think she'd be so impulsive and so cocky LOL
ellie woke up on a Tuesday morning with a mischivies grin on her face. She'd fucked you stupid the night before- almost confident you'd sleep for the next 12 hours and try to stand up for another 12. Her green eyes flickered to you when she woke up, slipping out of bed and throwing some random clothes on she wasn't even sure were hers- grabbing her wallet and keys and heading out. The ride to the tattoo shop was filled with Tyler, The Creator and Lana del rey blasting through her cars windows until the familiar stop came to view; tats for t!ts & sh!t.
Honestly, ellie herself didn't even know how they got away with that name. I mean, maybe the exclamation points helped their cause, but not that much. she parked her jeep and hopped out, wallet in hand as the bell rang to announce her arrival. Let's just say she took a moment to decide the tattoo- or, well, what it looked like. As she sat on the chair, a slick smirk was on her lips as she thought about your reaction. "ready?" the tattoo artist, Cat, asked. "hell yeah."
You woke up with a prolonged yawn, stretching in that way that felt just so good. You went to cuddle against ellie to find that she wasn't there. Your brows furrowed, pushing yourself off the mattress and gasping at the pain in your.... 'hips'. you sigh, struggling for a good 10 minutes trying to get out of bed without breaking your body. You successfully ended up doing so, walking to the living room and hearing the sound of star wars faintly from the TV. it got louder as you approached, "luke, I am your father." you heard a gasp from ellie, even though she's seen the movie probably 100 times. "nooooo!" luke screamed, and you walked in just in time to see her left forearm.. wrapped in Tattoo protection. what the fuck did you miss?
"ellie?" you ask, confused. her eyes snap to you, "Oh, hey babe." she said, placing the ice cream she had down in the table beside the couch side. "sleep well?" she smirked, and you rolled your eyes, nodding. "yeah.." you trailed your view back down to her arm. "what the fuck did you do?" you sigh. the smirk that engulfed her face almost made you want to punch her. god, it was gonna be that luke skywalker tattoo she'd been going on and on about, wasn't it?
You approached her, watching as she delicately unwrapped her bare arm. Your eyes widened with surprise when it was revealed. It was a strangely beautiful tattoo of your name. Your heart beat soundly, genuinely touched by it, "oh, ellie. it's beautiful." you smiled... until you saw what was beside it. The luke skywalker tattoo and a pair of your breasts. how do you know? you just do. "ellie! what the fuck!"
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captainfern · 1 year
hiii, how are you?? :)
so, I saw that your request is open and I would like to place an order if possible and especially if you like the idea!!
price x femreader, they met because of the friendship between reader and gaz/laswell (or whatever character you prefer!!!) and you know they fall in love but eventually john ends things because he thinks he's putting reader in danger. anyway they end up meeting again at a party/bar/club or some IDK social event and then they end up coming back!!! fluffy, smut and a little bit of angst.
I ended up thinking about it while listening to love song and california by lana del rey + attention by charlie puth lol lolol
ps: I just want to say that I love your writing and your fanfics!! you are one of my favorite call of duty blogs!!!!!!! 💗
ps²: sorry if what i wrote was confusing to read, english it's not my first language
I hope your week is great and full of good things!!! bye bye 💞💗💘💓💕💖💝
Come As You Are
Captain John Price x fem!reader
[“Come As You Are” by Nirvana]
• summary - your captain ends your relationship after thinking he’s putting you in danger. a year later, you meet again, and he shows you how much he regrets his original decision lol. • rating - 18+ • wordcount - 2.4k • warnings - fem!reader, unprotected piv, some sub!price, praise, oral [f!receiving], cum eating??? ugh idk, implied age gap, strong language, i tried to make it a bit fluffy but my whore brain blinds me 😔🤚, a smidge of angst but not really cause i just can’t write angst 😭
✿ thank you you’re too sweet !! i love the idea <3 i’ve altered it a bit for the smut storyline but i hope it’s ok !!
Your relationship with Captain John Price had been nothing short of tumultuous.
It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but the entirety of your relationship— both platonic and romantic— was much different to others your age.
You had met Price on a whim— Gaz, your best friend since childhood, introduced you to the idea of joining the military. You did, and he eventually got you the opportunity of a life time, working in an actual task force.
You had been ecstatic. You were a good shot, a machine with a gun, and you knew your skills were unmatched. You had walked into your first day on the task force thinking you were more than just a rookie.
One meeting with Captain Price changed that.
He made sure you knew you had to work for it. You had to work as a part of the team, pull your weight, and ensure that everyone else got to the same point as you did. He put you through your paces, he pushed you to your limits, and eventually, it all came to a head.
You fired up at him. Why was he picking on you? Why was he singling you out? You were just as capable as Ghost and Soap and Gaz. Why did he insist on making your rookie year a living hell?
His answer caught you by surprise— a deep grunt, a jerk of his hand on your shirt, and the slamming of his mouth to yours.
And that’s how it started.
Much similar to how it ended.
“I can’t keep putting you in danger like this.” Price said, as you lay on a hospital stretcher, blood marring your face and a deep wound to your stomach, wrapped in gauze.
“It’s not your fault, captain.” You breathed, the lights of the hospital room giving you a headache.
He grimaced. “It’s is my fault. And… the thought of losing you… bloody hell, sarge, it’s tearing me apart.”
You blinked at him, raising a weak hand to place on his, rubbing his knuckles. “You’re not going to lose me, Price.”
He nodded slowly, eyes glistening. “Yeah… I won’t lose you, love. Because you’re being discharged.”
You were confused. “From the hospital?”
Price cleared his throat, emotion choking him. “No, love. From the task force.”
You stared at him, thousands of different emotions brewing inside you, bubbling in the cauldron of your mind. The final product was tears, unexpectedly, streaming down your face. He looked at you, flooded with guilt, shifting his hand so he could grip yours tight.
“I’m sorry, love,” he whispered. “I’ve lost too many people in this profession. I can’t lose you too.”
“That’s not your choice to make.” Your voice broke.
Price just nodded. “It is. Captain’s orders.”
Then, he kissed you— gentle, slow, an apology. Your face was wet with tears, shining in his facial hair. He put every bit of emotion he had into that kiss, before he stood up, squeezed your hand one last time, and walked out of the room.
A year later, you sat at the bar of the most popular night club in the area. The music pulsed around you, bright lights flashing through the darkness, painting the walls neon.
After leaving the military— a gunshot scar on your stomach as a souvenir— you pursued what you always wanted to do. Morphing back into civilian life after spending a couple of years in the military was difficult, but you made it work.
You especially made it work when you finally had the freedom to go out and get absolutely wasted.
But tonight was different.
You sat at the bar, swirling your drink in its glass, pouting into space. Today was the one year anniversary of you being discharged. Despite having knocked back several drinks, your appetite for alcohol had soured, and you suddenly just wanted to go home.
You exited the club and were met by the crisp night air. Shivering, you wrapped your arms around you and prepared to call yourself a taxi.
“All alone?” A random man approached you, around your age, and smiled.
How the literal fuck did he want you to reply to that question? Does it look like you’re standing with a bunch of people?
“Oh, uh, no. I’m just waiting for my… boyfriend.” You stammered, hugging your arms around you tighter as you tried to pull out your phone with shaking hands.
“Well, you want some company while you wait?” The man asked, and you shook your head, trying to be as polite as possible.
“No thank you, I’m fine,” you were trying to think of something to say to get him to leave. “My, uh, my boyfriend doesn’t like me talking to other guys.”
The man hummed, getting closer to you. “Sounds like a prick, your boyfriend. How about I buy you a drink then?”
Was this guy dumb?
“No, thank you.” You said, taking a large step away from him.
He went to follow, but suddenly, he was yanked backwards by the collar of his shirt, and he made a distressed sound from the back of his throat as he stumbled.
You did poorly to hide your shock as Price, in all his glory, stood on the pavement, grabbing the random man by the scruff of his neck.
“She said no, did she not?” Price growled. “So fuck off.”
The man scrambled to regain his footing, before he was hurrying away. You took a deep breath, body suddenly hot as Price approached you, a solemn look on his face.
“Look, thanks for that, but I should really get going—” You rambled, turning away, but he caught your wrist.
He pulled you closer to him, the warmth of his body comforting in the midnight chill. His eyes scanned your face, soft. He brought his free hand up to the side of your head, running his thumb along your cheekbone.
“What are you doing here, Price?” You forced yourself to ask, voice quiet.
He didn’t reply straight away. He just cradled your face after bringing his other hand up from your wrist, cupping your other cheek. He stared at you, like he was memorising your features, eyes suddenly glossy and a small smile quirking at the corners of his mouth.
“Just out for a drink.” Price answered, and you could smell the faint aroma of tobacco, whiskey and mint on him. “You?”
“Same.” You replied, relishing in his large hands around your face.
He thumbed your cheekbones, sighing softly to himself. “I’ve… I’ve missed you, love.”
You were trying not to cry now.
“Think about you every day,” Price breathed. “I… I made a mistake. I’m so sorry I let you go.”
You felt paralysed by his words, pinned beneath his gaze. Your body was hot and cold at the same time, your hands clammy but goosebumps still rippled along your bare arms.
“I’m such an idiot. I should never… I should never have let you go the way I did,” Price said. “I was just so scared of losing you that, in reality, I did lose you, didn’t I?”
You nodded slowly, tears stinging in your eyes. “Yeah…”
Price held your face tighter, but still gently. “Jesus, love, I’m so sorry. Will you let me make it up to you? I… I have so much to say. So much to apologise for.”
You felt yourself nod again. “Let’s go back to mine.”
“I’m sorry, love—”
When you went back to your place, you had every intention of talking it through with Price. After all, it had been a year since you had last spoken to each other.
“I’m so sorry, my love. I missed you so much—”
You had a feeling deep in your stomach that you’d forgive him, that you’d give in to his charm. So you accepted his apology. Of course you did. You loved him.
“Missed you so much— should never have made you go— I’m so sorry—”
You loved Captain John Price.
“Ah, fuck, love, missed this, missed you—”
Which is why the two of you were fucking on your couch.
“Missed this pretty cunt— ah, fuck.” He gripped your hips as you rode him, moving back and forth, up and down on his lap.
He was panting and whining beneath you, your hands on his shoulders, keeping you grounded. He watched the way you sucked him in; where his cock slipped in and out of your dripping heat. Each bounce you made on his cock, each squeeze of your gummy walls, made him spew out even more rambles, throwing his head back and huffing loudly into your living room.
“So good, s’good as I remember,” he groaned as you ground yourself against him. “Missed this wet cunt. Missed you, love.”
A broken record, he was. But it was playing the most beautiful of symphonies.
“I know, Price, I know,” you said. “Missed… ha… missed you too.”
He looked at you, and that’s when you noticed his eyes were brimming with tears. He moved his hands from your hips to your waist, gripping you comfortingly as you worked your cunt around his cock, moving in tandem with the small thrusts of his hips.
You felt your heart melt. Leaning in, you sealed his mouth in a warm kiss. He moaned into it, tongue licking against yours, chest flushed to your bare tits. The coarse hair made you squirm in his lap.
“So good, love, so good, fucking hell,” Price mumbled as you pulled out of the kiss. He ducked his head to suck at your neck, and you could feel a slightly cold wetness. Tears? “Love you so much, my love.”
You were relishing in the way he whined into your neck, holding you as if you’d fly away at any moment. His thrusts were becoming more desperate, you noticed, and your thighs began to ache in your attempts to keep up.
“I love you too.” You whispered, legs shaking.
Usually, it’d be you reaching your peak first. But, just as that burning sensation began to build in your lower tummy, Price was letting out a guttural moan from the crook of your neck.
He was thrusting into you in mismatched rhythm, teeth skimming against the soft skin of your neck.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry— fuck, I can’t—” Price moaned, shooting his load inside you.
You hummed a moan, mouth parting as his motions stilled. You stopped your movements as well, cunt aching with the need for release. You were so close—
Price held your flushed body to him, whimpering softly into the curve of your neck. His semi-hard cock plugged his seed into the depths of your cunt, which throbbed around him in tandem with your racing heart. You could feel slight droplets of his cum and your arousal begin to seep out of you.
“‘M sorry,” he whispered, sucking at your neck. “Couldn’t wait. Felt so good ‘round me. So wet and tight.”
Your stomach fluttered, body tight and tingling and your core was almost aching. You let out a shaky exhale. Price could feel the way you were twitching around his cock, and he suddenly felt even more guilty.
But an idea came to mind.
Carefully— with whatever remaining strength he had after coming the hardest he had in over a year— he lifted you off of his cock. He moved you from his lap so that you were laying on your back across the couch.
You stared at him as he massaged his hands up your bare legs. His eyes trailed along your dripping cunt, watching his cum leak out. He gripped his cock, stroking it a few times, before groaning and releasing it. He instead grabbed hold of your thighs as he positioned himself along the couch also.
He placed your thighs on either side of his head, the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs tickled by his beard. You writhed against the couch as his warm breath fanned against your dripping core.
“Price?” You voiced.
“Yeah, love?”
“What’re you doing?”
His hands tightened around the fat of your thighs. He grunted, “Apologising.”
Then, his mouth came into contact with your heat. You jerked, eyes rolling in your skull, hips pushing against his face. He probed your abused hole with his tongue; thick and warm, making you moan loudly.
The sounds were obscene. He was literally lapping his own cum out of your cunt, mixed with your arousal; a lustrous elixir that continued to pool down the slope of your arse, smearing across his face.
His tongue moved in and out of you. With each movement, he was grunting and releasing guttural sounds from the back of his throat. He massaged your thighs, kneading the soft flesh with large, calloused fingers.
Price’s nose nudged your clit repeatedly; the enflamed nerves hyper-sensitive. You moaned his name, shooting a hand down to clamp into his hair. You tugged, pulling his face further into your cunt, and he hummed, satisfied.
He traced his tongue up and down your folds, circling around your clit before applying suction and drawing it into his mouth. You wanted to scream as the pressure built, before he was dragging his mouth back around your hole, stuffing his tongue back inside with an embarrassing squelch.
“Price, oh my god, Price,” you groaned, grinding yourself onto his face. “So close, ‘m so close.”
Price spurred you on, redoubling his movements, fucking his tongue into you faster. Your stomach was growing tight with pleasure, your legs shaking against his head, breath coming in pants.
“Hngh,,, oh, fuck, Price—!” You moaned as your orgasm slammed into you.
You felt yourself gush into Price’s mouth as he continued his ministrations, tongue stroking you through your release. His happily lapped up every last milky droplet of you release, humming contentedly against you.
You whined, tugging his head away from your core, urging him to kiss you. He complied, his face wet, the taste of you on his lips.
“Missed you so much, my love,” he whispered, kissing you again. “I’m never letting you out of my sight again. I promise.”
You giggled. “Well, I am going to have to go to the bathroom.”
“Guess you’ll have an audience.” Price said jokingly, and you laughed again.
“I didn’t take you for a voyeur, Price,” you winked. “I also didn’t think you had a piss kink. Damn. The more you know.”
Price rolled his eyes. “Don’t even start, love.”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, his lower face tacky and still rather wet. But you didn’t care.
“I love you, Captain.”
“I love you more, my darling.”
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mewhenimanangel · 4 months
cherry, eren jaeger
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—synopsis. historia and annie go after you after finding out about your night with eren
—chapter 5 ౨ৎ
𝜗𝜚 content!: au-high school, ballet dancer, teenage romance, black reader, cheesy romance
previous ౨ৎ next ౨ৎ
lana slept over at your house that night. she made you share and reenact every detail of what happened with you and eren. you both even screamed and giggled when he texted you asking if you got home safe.
"girls quiet down!" your mom shouted from downstairs. "sorry!" you both giggled. she went on to tell you about connie asking her on a date next weekend and how they had a steamy make out in one of the bedrooms, she reenacted that for you too.
once lana was sleeping, you texted eren until you fell asleep too.
the next morning you woke up and went on your phone and your heart sunk. on annie's profile was screenshot of a picture of you and eren on the couch, the night before. the caption read "when a slut bitch dates the dance teacher's son to get a solo 🤣"
"what the fuck??" you furrowed your brows. "what's going on?" lana turned to face you. you showed her your screen. "there's no way, that bitch is asking to get her ass beat" she grabbed your phone and screenshot the story before texting annie 'what the fuck??'
"i bet that bitch historia posted that too. i saw them at the party, they must've seen you and eren together" she said.
you checked your phone to see if annie answered but all she had done was open your message and then block you. "her ass is scared as fuck. she's probably mad as hell that armin stopped fucking with her after historia and eren broke up" lana said.
"oh my god this is so embarrassing. i literally look like a slut" you said, looking at the picture again. "no you don't" she put her hand on your thigh. "if you 'look' anything, it's sexy as fuck" she said making you smile. "im just worried like what if ms jeager sees that and takes the solo from me" you sighed. "take the solo from you for kissing a boy?"
"a boy that's literally her son" you deadpanned. "no she won't care you know she likes you. i'm sure she'll think it's a misunderstanding or something" lana rubbed your shoulder. "yeah i guess. definitely not looking forward to tomorrow though. historia's in my sociology class" you groaned. "fuck that bitch" was all lana had to say.
the next day during class, you could feel historia's glare burning into the back of your head. you decided you weren't gonna say anything and just put the whole thing behind you, the story's expired by now anyways.
when class was over, you packed up your stuff and head for the door. historia walked by you and bumped you with your elbow "oops" she feigned an apologetic voice before turning around to leave the room. you scoffed before leaving class too.
eren rolled his eyes as he saw historia walk up to his locker. "hi" she smiled at him. he rolled his eyes "what." his tone was cold. "aw don't be like that" she whined. "literally what do you want from me?" he furrowed his brows and put his books in his locker.
"i miss you" she frowned, putting a hand on his arm. he scoffed, she was being so ridiculous all he could do was laugh and move his arm from her touch. "we're not fucking doing this again. i made it clear that we're done. leave me alone" he shut his locker, holding his books down by his side, beginning to walk away.
he turned back around to her for a second "oh and leave y/n alone too. i saw that bullshit you posted, it's fucked up and you know damn well that shit is not true" he said to her before heading to class. "i don't know why you don't just go fuck that gay friend of yours. you're both clearly in love with each other. find yourself and leave me alone" he told her off.
yesterday, connie had shown him a screenshot of annie's story that lana sent to him. eren's heart sunk and he grabbed his phone to text you, wondering if you'd seen it.
eren 🎀: hey
have you seen that picture going around
you: yeah...i'm pissed the fuck off
eren 🎀: yeah
shit is weird idk what annie's doing but i feel like it has to do with historia
you: great 😐
eren 🎀: listen i'm sorry, i'll talk to her
i don't even know who took that picture
you okay?
you: i mean yeah i'm fine but what if your mom sees that
eren 🎀: i'm sure she won't and if she does i'll just explain it to her.
don't worry, she's not gonna like cut you from your solo or something.
she doesn't really know about us
but she is suspicious of it lmao
you: lol
yeah you're probably right i'm just anxious
historia's probably ready to kill me
eren 🎀: nah i'll talk to her
you walked into math class to see eren already at your table. your heart rate kind of picked up, this was the first time you'd seen him since you made out on that couch.
eren smiled once he saw you walk in. today you were back in the uniform skirt, this time with a crewneck over it. you had on the sneakers you wore on friday and your hair was bound back by a white headband.
he was excited to see you again, you didn't leave his mind at all after saturday night. you actually managed to make him look forward to a math class.
"morning" you smiled at him as you sat down in your seat. "hey princess" he sat up. "hm, that one's still going strong?" you smiled. "for you of course"
"by the way, i talked to historia. i think she'll leave you alone now. them taking and posting that picture is so stupid" he shook his head. "it's whatever" you shrugged.
as math class went on, you and eren talked before being told to be quiet by mr ryan. you focused on the lesson as much as you could until you noticed eren nonchalantly moving his hand closer to yours.
you bit your cheek in a grin as you slowly brushed yours against his too, hand moving to touch his. he slowly placed his hand to slightly hold yours, he grazed his thumb over a spot on your knuckles. you turned to see him staring at the board with a smirk on his face, and shook your head.
your mind raced to saturday night's events and the kiss. his touch was so intoxicating, you wanted to kiss him again, maybe even more than just that..
the bell rung and you gathered your things. "i've got dance today. wish me luck with annie, i already know she told the other girls" you rolled your eyes.
"you'll be fine. if anything i'll come save you" he nudged your shoulder. "ugh please do" you smiled as you turned down the other direction of the hallway.
you and lana walked into the studio and dropped your bags down. you looked over to see annie whispering something to mina as they both looked over at you.  you rolled your eyes "that bitch better cut it out. her busted ass pirouette is why she didn't get the solo" lana joked as she watched annie warm up.
ms jeager walked into the room and you saw annie dart her gaze over to you. "everyone in positions let's get warmed up" she said. "y/n can you come here please? i'd like to speak to you" she said, lana gave you a worried look. you heard giggles from behind you as you followed her out of the room.
"so...i've heard some rumors" she started off. you sighed, knowing what the rumors in question were.
"listen, i picked you for the solo because you're extremely talented and i love the style you dance. i did not pick you because of whatever is going on between you and my son. i had no idea there was even something going on. is there...something going on?"
"no" your voice came out a lot less confident than you'd hoped, "i mean not really?"
"are you asking me?" she chuckled. "listen whatever my son's got you wrapped up in has nothing to do with your solo" she told you and you nod your head. "just don't let it distract you. you've done some great work these last few weeks. you can go join the others, i'll have a chat with annie"
once practice was over, you went to the private rehearsal room to work on your solo. eren went to say hello to his mom before walking around to look for you. he peered into the rehearsal room and saw you dancing. today you were in grey yoga pants with pink leg warmers and a white tank top. eren loved your outfits, everything you wore always suited you so beautifully.
"maybe you should take a break" you heard from behind you. you smiled through a pant, pausing the music "who says i haven't?" "i know you haven't, you hungry?" he asked you. "i'm not eating till i finish practicing." you told him.
he squint his eyes, fine. he wouldn't push you, he'll just give you the sub sandwich he bought for you on the way here later. he moved into the room, dropping his bag before sitting down on the floor by the wall.
"don't you have basketball practice today?" you asked him, stretching your feet to continue.  "i just came from there"
you turned to acknowledge his attire, grey sweatpants with a hoodie that had the school's name on it. his hair was more out of place than usual, you liked this laid back look on him.
"you know you're coming here a lot more often lately, it's getting a little suspicious" you smiled.
"hm, i better not let annie see me" he joked, making you laugh.
he stayed sitting there until you decided you were done practicing. he ate the sandwich he'd bought for himself and listened to music. he looked up from his phone when you stopped the music and began taking off your dance shoes. "don't those hurt?" he asked you. "oh they absolutely do" you sighed.
you packed your things, putting on your jacket and a pair of slides on your feet. "i got you a sandwich by the way" eren said, grabbing the bag from his backpack. "aww thank you, god i'm starving" he handed you the bag before holding the door open for you.
once you guys were in his car, you opened the bag to eat your sandwich. "you wanna put some music on?" he offered. "sure" you connected your phone to his car and put on some music.
"by the way, what are you doing this weekend?" he asked you. "probably just work and going to the studio, why?"
"you know mikasa right?" "yeah, i mean like know of her at least" you shrugged. "she's having a birthday party on saturday, i get to bring a plus one"
"are you asking me to be your plus one?" you smiled. "i'm asking you to be my date yes" he nod his head. "sure then yes i will be your date. what do i wear?" "it's roaring 20s themed" he told you.
"oh i have the perfect thing for that" you pulled out your phone to look for a picture of the long black sparkly dress you'd bought a couple months ago.
you saw eren's smirk grow as he looked at the picture "what?" "you look amazing in that, you should for sure wear that" he nod his head. "right?!"
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racheljosblog · 9 months
tulsa jesus freak
theodore nott x fem!reader
WARNINGS: smvt, drvg use, hard drvg use, dealing, c0ke use.
minors dni
i rolled over onto teddy’s bare chest and slowly opened my eyes.
8:07 AM
“shit!��� i hit teddy, “we have to wake up, it’s sunday.”
he groaned and his rippling abs curled inward as his head rose up my bed frame. “baby. what.”
“we’ve got church come onn”
i got up and saw Theo’s eyes look me up and down. i was wearing his Slytherin sweater and his boxers. i knew he liked seeing me in his clothes so i made sure i would wear them around him.
i walked into my bathroom and heard the familiar click of his lighter and started to smell his smoke. once i was in my bathroom i got ready for the day. pulling my hair into a loose ponytail and putting on some makeup. i grabbed my red rosary and placed it in my pocket.
“theo, are you ready to go?” i asked.
“yea” he muttered and he took the last drag of his cigarette. i can’t believe he just smoked a whole cigarette in…
27 minutes… wow ok.
he got out of my bed and we walked downstairs. my parents weren’t home that’s why he was sleeping over in the first place. i wasn’t hungry this morning and theo already had his breakfast of nic so we were off to go.
i held his hand as we walked through the little town. we got to church and went in through the door.
After we left the service Theo told me he had to go meet with someone. So I sat on a bench. when he came back he concealed two bags of white powder and slightly showed them to me.
“Thought we could have a little fun today”
Theo grabbed my hand and took me to a daytime bar. He whispered something in the Hosts ear and he was led to a back room taking me with him. We walked into a smoke filled room and other wizards doing drugs.
“baby, are you okay with this?”
“yeah why wouldn’t I be?” I responded
“I just know you don’t really do this kind of thing.”
“Well I do so go let’s do this.”
he spread out the lines of the glistening sugary substance and got an $100 bill out of his pocket to snort with. he hit two lines and obviously had no reaction. i had smoked before but i had never done something like this and the drugs hit hard. My brain was clouded and I felt light, and horny. I looked at Theo and blatantly said,” can you eat me out.”
His face looked bag and me and a surprised look on his face appeared. “hell yeah y/n/n.”
He pulled me into the bathroom of the secret room we were in and immediately pulled off my skirt and panties.
“God damn you are hot”
He grabbed me by my bare ass and sat me down on the cold bathroom counter. Theo spread my legs and hungrily lapped up my pussy.
“oh my god.” I quietly said.
“YES?” Theo yelled
some angry man called out.
Theo lifted me up and whispered.”we’ll finish this later.
we got back home and my parents were both obviously doing hard work for the ministry because they weren’t back yet. so that meant theo could stay overnight again.
we sat on my couch and he held me in his big arms. “do you wanna go change baby?” i nodded my head and picked up my feet to go upstairs.
i looked through theos bag to grab something to wear but i thought of something better. i shuffled through my pj drawers to the back where hidden from everyone was a black lace lingerie set. it was a see through push-up and a set of see through shorts with a skirt attached. they also had a lacy thong that i knew theo would like. i put on black heels and strutted down the stairs, faking my confidence in the extremely revealing clothes. he saw me out of the corner of his eye. “holy fuck”
i grinned cheekily as i continued to strut over to him.
“come ‘ere baby”
i saw his growing bulge through his pants and i settled myself right in front of him. his and my high started to wear off but i didn’t care i wanted this.
he looked me up and down and licked his lips then he hungrily grabbed my ass, but hesitated.
“baby are you ok with this?”
his asking of consent just turned me on even more.
“yes” i said with a slight groan that slipped out.
“remember our safe word?”
“mhm” i said as i pushed my pelvis onto his erection. which exited a a grunt out of him. theo then started to kiss me, first soft and slow. then he picked up the pace as i grinded on his clothed dick. he moved down from my lips and started to leave harsh bruises on my neck. his hands moved from my ass to my tits as he massaged them. he unclipped the back of my bra and mumbled,”is this ok”
“mhm” i lustily responded.
what little fabric had been taken off my skin left me fully exposed and Theo liked the way i shivered. again he moved down and started to suck on one of my nipples. My eyes rolled to the back of my head because of the pleasure I was feeling down there. the crackle of the fire made the ambiance even more special. like the fireplace next to me the fire in my stomach grew and i motioned for Theo to take my panties off. he gladly did and with a swipe of a hand i was fully exposed. he took his large hand down to my lower region and slipped a finger in. i yelped out in suprise and Theo’s grin grew wider. he pumped and curled two fingers in and out of me and I groaned with pleasure.
Then we heard my parents apperate onto the property.
“Fuck, Theo, shit shit shit”
“Don’t worry I’ve got this” he grabbed me bridal style and apperated upstairs to my room.
Hi!!! Thank you for reading!! Sorry there was a bit of c0ckbl0cking there LMAO. That was also my first time writing yk stuff soooo. But I hope you enjoyed. I’m gonna post more and I am OPEN to ideas pls.
if you like rafe Cameron, jj maybank, Draco Malfoy, and coryo snow then you have come to the right blog. Stay tuned
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blackdollette · 1 year
Hey could you write a Euronymous x innocent (basically complete opposite) reader, where the reader thought her crazy friend was bringing her to some regular party with a lot of convincing cause they usually don’t party (since it’s not her thing) , but instead goes to a metal party and meets him.
Can be fluff/smut whatever hihi
ask & you shall receive :))
"playing a dangerous game." | euronymous
here is part 2!
playing dangerous. - lana del rey
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p.s. this has nothing to do with the original oystein aarseth. this is rory's portrayal of the character.
female!reader x euronymous
contents: praise (only once), use of y/n
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"you'll have a good time. i promise." your best friend said, ringing the doorbell to the host's house. you sighed, fidgeting with your baby blue gingham print dress. you looked like a doll the way you were dressed and how your makeup was done perfectly.
"if you say so..." you considered going back home, but you'd promised your friend that you would drink the night away with her, and that was an offer that you simply could not turn down.
the door swung open, and a metalhead with a giant cut on his forehead greeted the two of you with a sickly smile. you could see glass bottles flying by behind him. you were confused and slightly irritated. you had been told that this was going to be a friendly little get together, and this looked nothing of the sort.
"what the hell is this?!" you whispered to your friend, but they were already inside, cheering and joining in the commotion. you grumbled softly to yourself before walking into the house.
you looked completely out of place. a drop of colour in a sea of black. there was loud heavy music playing in the speakers that were all over the house. you kept your head down as you tried to get away from the crowd.
your friend had gotten lost in the crowd, leaving you completely deserted. you should've known better since you knew that the two of you had completely different definitions of "fun".
after minutes of searching, you found a back door, leading to a closed yard. you pushed past a bunch of drunk people to make it there. when you finally got out of the house, you took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of fresh, untainted air.
you sat down on the little steps right in front of the door, pulling out your phone to call a ride home. you had no cell service, so you were stuck here. you put your head in your hands, trying to think of a way out of this situation.
you were thinking to yourself for a while before you felt a tap on your shoulder. you looked up and saw the most terrifying face youve ever seen. it was painted white with black eyes, and a mop of black hair to top it all off.
"what's a little thing like you doing here? you get lost on your way to the nursery or something?" euronymous said with a cruel laugh. you felt yourself getting embarrassed, making your cheeks burn.
you stood up and tried to walk past him, but he firmly grabbed your shoulder, making you wince. "i asked you a question." he said, his voice intimidating you so much that you felt your legs starting to tremble.
"i-i... i j-just came here w-with my friend.." you tried to hide your fear, but you failed miserably. eurronymous smirked as he saw the effect he had on you. "a friend, huh? well let me tell you something, doll. friends will do nothing but let you down." his grip on your shoulder tigthened.
"y-yeah. noted." you tried getting away from him again, but he pulled you closer to him. his eyes scanned your entire body, stayed glued to your chest for a fraction of a second.
he let go of you and pulled out a cigarette a lighter from his pocket. he put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it, taking a long drag. you watched as he did this. he blew the smoke into your face, making you cough.
he laughed before offering you the cigarette. you shook your head. "i-i dont smoke." he gave you a cold glare before muttering under his breath. "fucking poser." you were getting desperate to end this strange interaction. "well, i think ill be going now." you said with a nervous laugh.
"no, i dont think so." he takes another drag. "if you know whats good for you, you'll stick around with me for as long as i say. got it?" he said with a little grin. you werent scared of him anymore, but you still didnt want to rub this guy the wrong way, so you nodded.
"good girl..." he said quietly. he put a hand on your chest and wan it down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. "how about we get out of here and head to my place..?" he asked, though it was more a statement than a question.
you nodded, not because you felt that you had no choice, but because you were intrigued by him. you wanted to dig through the layers of his identity.
"the name's euronymous, by the way. but you can call me oystein." he said, his voice softening a little. he extended his hand out to you, waiting for you to take it. you smiled a little. "nice to meet you, oystein. i'm y/n." you took his calloused hand, squeezing it gently.
he looked down at your hands together, a tiny little smile creeping up on his face. he walked out the the back gate of the house, walking away into the night with you trailing beside him.
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author's note: im very tempted to write a part 2 of this, but yall should let me know if you would be interested in that. thank you for the request and i hope you enjoyed!
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Never Been Kissed - Part Three - Matthew Knies
Below is part three of my entry for @cellythefloshie's birthday BINGO, featuring Matthew Knies. Again, my 5 tropes (Virginity, Age Gap, Secret Lovers, Meet Cute, Pining) are spread across the 3 parts.
In case you missed it - linking Part One and Two
Warnings/Notes - general smut (p in v), allusions to smut (both m and f oral), swearing. For anyone who read the first two parts, I did adjust the OC's age slightly. I hadn't received any feedback, but after some more research to get a grasp of overall public opinion on age differences in dating, I did change Lana's age slightly.
Celly - I hope you had the most amazing birthday....you are truly one of my favourite writers on here so it makes me happy to try and do something for you. I hope you have enjoyed this journey with Matthew Knies -- I have really enjoyed writing him.
Word Count - 6.7k
With the promise of their lunchtime rendezvous solidified, the pair went off in their separate directions—Lana heading into the office and Matthew to his condo and then to the gym.
Lana's casual attire—flowy linen pants and a t-shirt—was a clear signal that she did not plan to remain in the office for long. When Ainsley walked in and saw Lana's outfit, with her hair swept up in a loose bun, she knew something was up.
Ainsley approached Lana's office and softly knocked on her door. "Lana… are you okay?"
Lana noticed the concern on her assistant's face and tried to sound reassuring as she fibbed. "I'm fine, but something's not agreeing with me. Since it's slow today, I think I'll take the rest of the day off and deal with this at home."
"Is it like food poisoning or something?"
Lana wanted to tie up the line of questioning quickly and just get the hell out of there. "No—but let's just say my stomach isn't thanking me for the hot dog I had at the ball game yesterday."
"You ate a hot dog? Were you drunk or something? You never eat stuff like that…"
"Yeah, well, now I remember why." Lana rubbed her stomach for extra effect as Ainsley winced in a show of sympathy. "Anyway, call me if there are any issues. Looks like it might be a slow week anyway with the long weekend coming up. A nice relaxed week would be nice before the craziness of September hits."
Ainsley nodded and wished Lana well, telling her to go home and rest before the forecasted downpour begins. Lana felt a twinge of guilt for being untruthful to her assistant, but in this case, the less Ainsley knew, the better. Besides, Lana was aware that Ainsley had veered off the path of truth and accuracy on more than a few occasions.
Although it wasn't because of the hot dog, drinks, or anything else she had eaten the day before, Lana's stomach felt like it was turned upside down. Nervous energy swirled within her as she returned home with a few grocery items and one box of condoms that she painstakingly selected. After seeing so many brands, sizes, sensations, and everything else under the sun in the family planning section of the store, in a panicked state, she called Jason. Lana decided calling her brother would be awkward, and other friends might pry too much, so Jason became her unlikely condom consultant—a role he embraced with surprising enthusiasm.
Lana guesstimated that Matthew might return by about 11:30, so she had time for some personal care. With underarms, bikini line, and legs as smooth as silk, she slathered her favorite lotion from her neck all the way to her polished toes.
She dressed in a simple white t-shirt and loose-fitting pants and went about assembling fresh flatbread pizzas, salad, and some sweet but healthy options for dessert. Lana had no clue what hockey players ate while training, so she was forced to wing it to the best of her ability.
Meanwhile, across the city, Matthew smirked and shook his head as he evaded questions about his recent whereabouts from a few of his teammates, as he quickly packed up to leave the gym. Joe wasn't among those who kept pestering Matthew to come out with them after their session, but being one of his closest friends, he knew something was up with his buddy.
As Matthew smiled and bee-lined it to the door, giving a rather hurried wave to those around him, Joe quickly gathered his things, grabbed his bag, and bolted after him.
"Matty—hold up a sec…" Joe hollered as he ran to catch up to Matthew at the door. With a few long strides, Joe was next to him walking out into the parking lot. Joe chuckled at the determined expression on his good pal's face. "Hot date? Where're you heading off to in such a rush?"
Matthew decided to stretch and manipulate the truth as best as he could. Lying wasn't his forte. "I have an appointment with the realtor—just some things to, uh, you know… finish up—I guess…," his voice trailing off.
"How about we go out to that ping-pong bar tonight—y'know, get some of the boys and get some challenges going?"
Distracted by the rumble of thunder in the distance, Matthew fidgeted, shifting his backpack from one shoulder to the other. "Uh—yeah, maybe… I'm not sure just yet… let me do what I planned to do and I'll let you know after I get a nap in."
Given his recent mood shifts and the fact he'd been a bit of a ghost for the past couple of weeks, Joe had all but expected Matthew to decline. "Yeah? OK… yeah, man… sounds good… shoot me a text then and we'll figure it out."
Matthew hurriedly threw his bag in the backseat of his vehicle, quickly blurted a "I'll message ya later" towards Joe, and promptly sped off, leaving his good friend even more puzzled than before.
As Matthew eased along Dundas Street West, he thought solely about Lana. He knew he might be too young to even have this notion, but he had never known a woman like her. He scoffed at himself, acknowledging how much of a cliché it was to even think the thought. Falling for a bona fide woman—a stunning, successful, electrifying woman—is what Matthew realized he craved. Girls his age were fun, vibrant, and awesome to hang out with, but the influx of women who'd emerged this past season had provided Matthew with a clearer picture of what he didn't want.
Matthew realized he was licking his lips incessantly as the nervousness began to build when he turned onto Lana's street. Drops of rain began to spatter onto his windshield, filling him with anticipation of the hours ahead. Unless something drastic had changed, he would be making love to Lana sooner rather than later, and this time, he was prepared.
Using the garage pass Lana provided him with that morning, he parked his vehicle beside Lana's in the underground lot and used the elevator that stopped directly in her place. Lana knew he had arrived even before the elevator doors had opened, having spotted him on the security monitor in her kitchen. How the sight of him walking across the lot to the elevators felt bizarrely familiar, Lana would never know. It felt as though he was meant to be there all along.
Matthew's face lit up as Lana came to greet him. She was about to ask him how everything went, but Matthew's mouth was already on hers, muffling her words. She couldn't help but smile and chuckle into his kiss before Matthew's kiss became a little more hungry and his grip around her more needful. She closed her eyes and offered everything she had within her to him.
Matthew began to walk them upstairs to her bedroom, but the sight of the prepared lunch stopped him in his tracks.
He looked at Lana bashfully. "Oh—man, everything looks incredible—sorry, I didn't mean to just come in hot like that… I just couldn't help it. We can eat—I don't want anything to spoil."
With a newfound confidence, Lana spoke as she kissed him. "None of it's gone into the oven yet—so… it can wait… if you had something else in mind…," Lana said softly between kisses, followed by a wink.
That's all the invitation Matthew needed. Within minutes, the two found themselves naked in bed, hands and mouths exploring in tandem, drawing out the most erotic sounds from each other.
The now torrential downpour added a glorious backdrop of white noise which accompanied the sweet, suggestive murmurs spoken against each other's warm flesh.
The condom conversation eventually occurred, and they couldn't stop laughing when they discovered the new bounty of latex sheaths that each had brought.
Lana was ready for Matthew, but nervousness continued to twist in her stomach. She bit her lip and tried to catch her breath as she watched Matthew carefully roll the condom down his firmly erect shaft. Like the day before, she fixated on every detail of his cock, and she felt a greater need for him blossom within her.
Matthew's hips pressed against hers as he leaned over and kissed her deeply. She raked her fingers through the longer strands of hair towards the base of his neck before her palms descended across his shoulders and along the ridges of his back muscles.
Lana spoke near his ear. "I think I'm ready, Matthew. Can we try now?"
Matthew nestled his face in the crook of her neck and responded "Yes" while softly kissing along her throat.
He positioned his cock at her entrance, rubbing the tip through her inner pussy lips. Slowly, he guided the head of his cock into her entrance as he gently pushed the full tip inside of her.
Matthew was careful and studied Lana's expressions and movements after she encouraged him to keep going deeper. She moaned and gripped his rock-hard forearms as he gently pumped his hips, allowing more of his shaft to slide inside her.
Matthew's full length was inside of Lana. Their gaze trailed from each other down to watch his cock enter and stroke her inner walls. Matthew noticed Lana start to relax as her initial discomfort began to dissipate. Her eyes fluttered closed, her mouth fell open, and her head lolled to the side as her hands roamed along all of his well-sculpted muscle groups. He gently worked his thumb around her clit, using the same technique that had brought her such bliss the night before. Steadily, Matthew continued his fluid motions, gliding in and out while he carefully caressed her highly sensitive bud, only stopping to wet his thumb, tasting her on his tongue.
Try as he might to prolong it, Matthew was getting close. He threw his head back, grunting loudly as he pumped Lana a little more quickly. When he heard her moan his name, he stretched out on top of her while her hands grasped onto his ass. Lana cried out and held onto Matthew's body as he tried to maintain his rhythm, but she just felt so good. Matthew gasped out that he was going to cum and gripped the pillow on either side of her head, flexing his muscles as his body spasmed and twitched with his release.
He remained on top of and inside Lana for a moment, breathing heavily, knowing how incredible he felt but unsure about Lana. But when their eyes connected, they shared a moment that was full of awe and amazement as their rapid breathing slowed.
For Lana, she had no expectations of what her first time would be like. She knew there would be discomfort and it wasn't going to look like the glorified Hollywood sex scenes she had seen in movies. But Matthew made losing her virginity feel natural, beautiful, and more enjoyable with his attentiveness and care.
The rain continued steadily into the early afternoon, but the dreariness outside was a perfect recipe for some relaxation, which Lana realized she had been lacking. Barely clothed, the two brought the flatbread creations back to bed and only stayed upright long enough to eat and drink. They kissed, chatted, and laughed while their hands feathered over each other's bodies. As they lay together, she learned about some of Matthew's physical scars, and he learned about the more emotional ones from Lana's childhood.
Eventually, Matthew enveloped Lana in his arms and held her tightly as he settled in for a nap. To Lana, a midday nap was unheard of; however, not long after Matthew's rumbling snores filled the room, Lana's eyes grew heavy, and she nodded off to sleep as well.
She awoke hours later to Matthew's mouth kissing her shoulder and his arm reaching over her to grab his phone. She smiled, hearing him groan and yawn beside her. She could hear him swiping and tapping the screen as she remained still with her back facing him.
Lana stirred slightly to signal she was awake. The typing on the screen ceased, and Matthew promptly set his cell aside. His hands then roamed her body, fondling everything within reach.
"Do you have anything going tonight? Or is it okay if I hang out here? I hope you're not sick of me yet," Matthew said.
She visualized his smile, one she found so disarming that she'd immediately cancel her plans, if she had any.
Lana kissed along Matthew's arm. "No, I have no plans… if you would like to, I would love to have you stay." She shifted her body, turning to face him. "So, you have nothing going on? I thought you boys would be constantly out on the town during this last stretch of summer," Lana said with a grin as she ran the back of her fingers down his cheek.
Matthew had just sent a message to Joe cancelling their potential plans for that evening. He knew he had begun to raise some questions in Joe's mind—questions that he would need to address at some point. But how could he when he really had no idea himself about what he and Lana were—or weren't?
"My buddy—Joe Woll—not sure if you know him?"
Lana nodded her head that she did.
"We had talked about getting together tonight with some of the guys that are in town now. But I just cancelled—I sort of wanted to stay here… hang out some more with you." Matthew seemed a little sheepish, now that he actually heard how the words sounded out loud.
Lana's brows furrowed with Matthew's admission. "Matthew—I hope you didn't feel like you had to stay… I know you have a life too—I'm not looking to get in the way of that."
"I know… I'm just not ready to leave this little space that we're in right now." Matthew's voice trailed off and then he chuckled. "I really like being with you and I want to do so much more of this… like, the last couple of days—getting to know so much more about you—I just—fuck—I think you're amazing…." Matthew's cheeks flushed at his confession, uncertain of whether Lana felt an ounce of what he had been feeling. "I hate asking this but, do you feel the same about me? Sort of like—do you have a picture of what we are… or could be? Maybe I shouldn't even be asking this…."
Lana looked up at Matthew, her expression warm and soft and full of affection for him. It boggled her mind that the soon-to-be 22-year-old would ever consider a relationship with someone well beyond his years.
"I'd like to continue this—whatever 'this' is... spending time together. I'm not sure of the proper label. Dating? Seeing each other?" Lana nestled closer to Matthew's chest, her fingers tracing patterns on his skin. She paused, then added softly, "But there's something I can't quite grasp."
Matthew shifted to get a better view of her face. He hadn't anticipated Lana's question and had to bite his tongue, allowing her to finish before he spoke.
"Why me? I'm not meaning to sound like I'm putting myself down, but I have tried to consider a few angles—you've got this incredible career ahead of you. You could have your pick of women—women more your age. Young women—models, athletes, whomever—that you can start your young lives together," Lana paused, gathering her thoughts. "I'm just… worried… I have lived my twenties. I'm in a whole other decade than you. And please don't get me wrong, when we're together, I rarely think about our age gap. You're so mature, intelligent, articulate, thoughtful..." She punctuated each compliment with a soft kiss on his chest. Then, worry clouded her face. "But don't you ever worry—if we were to start a relationship—that your family, your friends might feel I'm too old for you? You might even feel that way at some point down the road. I've seen all sorts of relationships with athletes, but this—this with me and you is something entirely different—"
Matthew interjected, shaking his head. "God—no. I know there's still so much we have to figure out about each other, but this being different is exactly what I want. I know I might seem too eager with wanting to spend as much time with you as I can—maybe I come across as immature... but it's because ever since we met, I never want our conversations—our time together—to end. It's like the biggest no-brainer I've ever had. So no—I don't think about whether there's a difference in age… I don't feel anything like that. I just can't ignore how great I feel when we're together."
Lana listened closely to Matthew's words, trying to uncover any red flags in how he viewed her. This didn't appear to be a ruse or him looking for a mother-figure, or anything else of that nature.
"Lana—look, I've been on the other side of things with my past girlfriends, even more than once—when everything becomes an argument, when even the simplest things seem hard, and being around them feels like a chore or an obligation. Fuck, I wasn't even looking to start dating—meeting you took me out at the knees and every single time we were together… you just—you brought out the best of me—and I think I did that for you too. So... if you're willing to give me a shot, I'm all in."
Lana's mind, once again, instinctively drifted into her natural mode of calculating risk. She could certainly see risks with Matthew, not just solely from his age, but questioning whether it was emotion or logic driving his feelings for her. She was in her own struggle between using logic or emotion, which was proving easier said than done.
But as Lana ran her hands down his broad chest, she agreed with him in her mind. He brought out the lighter parts of her personality, and she liked it. "I'd like to try. Take things day by day… spend what time we can with each other. I'm not looking to rush anything, and until we're both comfortable, I would prefer to keep this totally private. Does that sound okay?"
Matthew thought for a moment, reminding himself he had to be patient—this was her first relationship and she was understandably cautious. Matthew lifted her chin and kissed her gently while saying "Absolutely."
The rain subsided just before dinnertime. The two hadn't ventured much beyond the bedroom, and Lana fully and completely reveled in their lazy day together. Matthew's mouth explored more of Lana, and she, in turn, fueled by her fascination and internal drive, gave him her very first blow job. She thoroughly enjoyed the act, but it was the praise she received which made her positively giddy inside.
In Lana's mind, there could never be a comparison for the day she just spent with Matthew. He eased her comfortably into a whirlwind of changes and new experiences. Nothing felt overwhelming. It all just felt exactly as it should be.
In the days leading up to the Friday before Labor Day, Lana and Matthew managed to deftly arrange their respective schedules to maximize their newly sacred alone time. Knowing that Lana would remain up north for two weeks from Labor Day, Matthew pulled out all the stops, with romantic gestures and all-out wooing her before she departed for Muskoka Friday morning.
First, the bouquet of 11 long-stemmed white roses and 11 chocolate-dipped strawberries that arrived the following day. Ainsley delivered the gifts to Lana's office just as she exited the conference room, bidding farewell to her new client. Lana stifled a smile when she saw Ainsley's puzzled expression. She knew her assistant was bursting at the seams to ask the million questions she surely had bouncing in her mind. Lana glided over to her desk, marveling at the perfectly formed rosebuds, blushing as she removed the sealed envelope attached to one of the stems, and another on the box of strawberries.
"LANA—oh my god, it's killing me… who sent you roses and strawberries? Please… I won't tell anyone… please—are you seeing someone?"
Ainsley did not know about Lana's personal history. Although Lana had a good relationship with her assistant, it was after careful observation once Ainsley was hired that Lana saw Ainsley might be a touch too comfortable in sharing the private matters of others.
Lana fibbed. "Just a thank-you from Aryne Tavares for helping Matthew. I'm just going to call her now—I'll stop by your desk afterwards so we can go over some things while I'm away."
Ainsley recognized Lana wasn't eager to dive into a personal chat and quietly closed her office door, stopping to gossip with another sales rep in the break room.
Lana double-checked the door was closed before she opened the first envelope. The card read:
"11 is my new favorite number."
Lana wasn't sure of the reference right away, but it soon dawned on her. Their difference in age.
She chuckled and shook her head, grinning widely as she opened the second envelope.
"Better than beet juice. You can share these at the office—there will be more later."
Lana pressed the card against her heart. There will be more later echoed in her mind.
And there was more.
After Lana sent Matthew a quick thank-you note, they swiftly made plans to meet as soon as she arrived home from the office.
Just as Lana returned home, Matthew arrived at her door with two more bouquets of 11 long-stem roses—one red bouquet and one yellow, as he wasn't sure which color she liked the most.
Matthew also brought a second box of strawberries, dipped in rich Belgian chocolate, which had a dual purpose.
The strawberries, which were later placed on Lana's bare torso, would serve as edible foreplay.
After the delectable appetizer, the sustenance it provided fueled the pair for a marathon in bed. The freedom of knowing they wanted to try for a future together proved to be a powerful aphrodisiac.
Night had fallen, and Lana lay across her bed, breathless. Her skin still rosy and flushed, covered in a light sheen of sweat as she watched Matthew return from the bathroom. He crawled onto the bed, placing kisses over her naked body as she lazily ran her hands through his hair and down his back.
Lana mused that she could get used to this.
The Saturday of the Labor Day weekend was picture perfect. Bright and sunny skies, with every shade of blue on display in every direction. Lake Rosseau was still for the moment, the surface of the water would rival the smoothest glass.
Lana and Andrew's shared lakefront home was already buzzing with activity. Their Labor Day shindig was one of the area's most popular get-togethers, as the brother-sister duo were known for their warmth, hospitality, and delicious offerings from local food and drink venues. Lana and Andrew had long ago decided to take turns organizing the annual event. After Lana threw one of their most revered parties the previous year, Andrew and Jason were determined to outdo her this time. This friendly sibling rivalry to host the better get-together likely made their end-of-summer event one of the most sought-after invitations around Port Carling.
Andrew spotted Lana stealing a few moments alone on the south-facing deck of a sitting area. He handed her an espresso, which she hadn't asked for but deeply appreciated.
"Just got a message from Aryne Tavares," Andrew said. "She already RSVP'd for her and John, but it sounds like they have a few guests staying at their cottage. She wondered if we could accommodate some extra mouths to feed. What do you think?" Andrew maintained a straight face until he saw Lana trying not to smile, as she quickly guessed who one of the "extra mouths" might be.
"Drew, this is all yours," she replied, feigning innocence. "If your numbers say yes, then there's your answer."
"Aryne mentioned one of their guest's names is Matthew Knies. Ring any bells?" Andrew teased.
"You're such a donkey sometimes, Drew. Total jackass." Lana scoffed and bumped against him.
"I actually cannot wait to meet him. See the guy that's lifted all of that shit off your shoulders that our mother laid on you. Did you know he was up for the weekend?"
"He messaged me that he was staying with John and a few teammates for the weekend. Said he hoped that he could stop by for a bit."
“Well, once we’re all cleaned up here after the party, Jason and I are going on a little road trip, so your two weeks alone will be starting tomorrow. Although, the alone thing…maybe not so much anymore, eh?”
Lana chuckled and shrugged her shoulders.
“Sound carries like crazy up here but the glass doors are sound proof - I recommend keeping them closed if you and Matthew are - you know…”
“Jesus Andrew - will you stop?” Lana laughed.
“I forgot to mention - well done too….Jason and I were watching some press conferences… he sure looks like he’s got stamina. Built like a brick shithouse, as they say….”
“Fuck - I’m outta here…you’re too much…”
Lana stood up but stopped to wrap her arms around her brother. “I love you, Drew.”
“Love you to sis. I’m happy for you. Jason and I both are.”
Matthew spotted Lana first. Her naturally wavy hair flitted in the breeze with the ends brushing the small of her back. She absolutely took his breath away. She looked happy, relaxed, and incredibly beautiful as the light wind off the lake swept her hair to the side.
The man Lana was speaking to was no less beautiful, and Matthew had to get his bearings and calm his mind before he approached her. It was difficult not to react to the knot in his stomach given how close Lana seemed to be with the unknown man, who appeared athletic, tanned, and pretty much perfect.
Aryne, John, Joe Woll and Fraser Minten (otherwise knowns as Mints), signaled to Matthew that they were heading to get a drink and waved for him to join them. When Matthew indicated he’d be there in a minute, barely taking his eyes off Lana, Joe - in a flash - pieced it together of why his good friend had been so distant since he first started his search for a new place to live.
Joe watched from afar as Lana sensed a presence behind her. She turned around to see Matthew's face, and her own lit up, with bashful adoring smile. Lana approached Matthew and introduced him to the man she had been standing with.
"Matthew Knies—this is Jason Morin, my brother's partner. Jason, this is Matthew."
Jason shook Matthew's hand. "Great to meet you. I'm a really big fan of yours - and the team. Hoping for an amazing season ahead for you guys."
Matthew’s eyes widened once he realized he had misinterpreted the situation. “Oh - Jason - wow, awesome to meet you too. Yeah, it’s going to be an exciting season I think.”
The three chatted for a few minutes before Aryne, John, and the rest of their group made their way over to greet them. Hugs and handshakes and introductions were made and the group fell into mostly a comfortable exchange.
Eventually Lana ushered Aryne back into the grand main cottage - Aryne had her eye on some fixtures and dressings throughout the main room and Lana was glad to give her the details of the designer.
John and Fraser wanted to go explore the massive boathouse and the multi-dock/deck system, leaving Matthew and Joe with their Corona beers. They did a quick cheers and silently surveyed the southern view from the main deck at the back of the cottage.
Joe broke the silence but didn’t turn his head from the view. “Amazing spot.”
“Sure is.”
Joe smirked knowingly. He could tell Matthew was aware that Joe's keen "spidey senses" had picked up on something.
“Lana seems nice. Oh - right - she’s the one that helped you find your new place?”
Matthew fought against wanting to smile. “Yep.”
Joe bided his time and took another sip from his bottle. “Yep. Seems really nice.”
Matthew tried to fight it off but he broke in to a laugh. “Fuck dude - just ask what you want to ask or say what you want to say man - might as well get it over with.”
Joe teased his buddy. “You better work on not cracking under pressure like that - jeez, I was barely egging you on…”
Matthew rolled his eyes and scoffed. “So? What do you wanna know?”
Joe shrugged. “Anything you’re willing to divulge….”
“Well….. Lana and I are seeing each other.” Matthew exhaled deeply without even realizing he’d been holding his breath.
Joe’s eyes smiled for his friend. “Good for you, man - that’s great…”
Matthew nodded and looked around at the groups of party goers that had congregated near the bar. “She wants to keep it private - she’s worried that my family and friends are going to think she’s too old for me.”
“Ahhh - yeah, I get it.” Joe knew Matthew’s family would just want him to be happy but he certainly saw Lana’s point. “How old is she?”
“32. So just over 10 years difference.”
“Shit, that’s not bad at all. You’re 22 next month so yeah, ten years isn’t bad.”
"But… Jesus, Joe. Fuck, I couldn't help it. I swear, she took me out at the knees — first time I saw her, I was standing in her office behind John worrying I was about to pop an awkward boner."
Joe laughed, nearly choking on his gulp of beer.
"I couldn't have cared less about viewing the condos — I probably could've gotten everything decided in the first couple of hours, but I acted all indecisive for weeks, just to see her again. Man — she's just such an amazing person. She really is."
Aryne's voice behind Joe startled him and Matthew. "Is John still down at the boathouse?"
Matthew peered around a few groups of people and pointed John out to Aryne.
"Lana — I'll be back in a sec…," Aryne called over her shoulder as Lana approached Matthew and Joe.
“How are you guys doing? Do you need anything at all?” Lana said as she assessed the remaining beer in each of their bottles. She pointed out so additional food stations that had just been set up and rhymed off the varieties of cuisines, if they were hungry of course.
Joe smiled widely and chatted with Lana briefly before excusing himself, leaving Matthew and her alone together.
Barely moving his lips and pretending to look around, Matthew spoke under his breath to Lana how gorgeous she looked. Blushing, Lana did the same.
She paused for a moment and then asked if Joe knew about them. Matthew glanced downward and then apologetically looked into her eyes. Matthew explained that Joe had guessed - and that Joe was also exceptionally smart and seem to notice….well, everything.
Lana’s soft voice soothed Matthew’s mild panic, telling him it was ok that Joe knew. Her brother and Jason knew so it really was only fair.
Matthew had a sudden need to be alone with Lana and he leaned in towards her. “Think I could get a private tour of the inside?”
Lana’s eyes were directed towards a local power couple as she smiled and waved at them, but her mind was solely on Matthew. “Mmmm…I can give you a tour a little later - I have something else in mind. There’s a main staircase inside - follow it upstairs and I'll meet you up there in about 5 minutes, okay?”
Matthew chuckled and jokingly looked over his shoulder, then back to Lana. “Yes ma’am.”
Long after Matthew left with the Tavares’ Saturday evening, and once Andrew and Jason had departed on their scheduled road trip the following day, Loren was alone. She traipsed around from room to room absorbing the tranquility of the house, and the bright a breathtaking scenery outside. She always loved this time of year, and there was an odd satisfaction with taking time off when it felt most were venturing back to the work week and school grind after their summer breaks.
Lana changed into her typical work out attire, and headed down to the lake where her one-person scull awaited her on shore. Lana loved her solo rowing trips, especially on a day where the lake was as quiet as it was.
She rowed the lightweight boat along the shoreline at an impressive speed, concentrating on her tempo, proper posture and breathing. She was far off in her own world inside her mind, and barely glanced at the million dollar lake houses with their enormous floating docks and monster ski boats and jet-skis tied to each one.
After an hour-long trip around the lake, she approached her own dock and spotted a tall figure standing by the swim ladder. She stopped rowing to shield her eyes from the sun to get a better look— unintentionally rocking the boat and squealing a little when she realized it was Matthew.
As fast as she could, she hopped into the water and dragged the boat onto the sandy part of the shore, and ran up towards the gangplank where Matthew was climbing down to meet her.
Lana wrapped her arms around Matthew. “I am so happy you’re here but - I thought you had planned to go back to the city yesterday?” She was still puffing - partly from rowing but mostly from Matthew surprising her.
“Sorry - I hated being sneaky but yeah, I really wanted to surprise you. Worried me a little when I showed up and I couldn’t find you. I came out here and kept seeing a flash of something - it was the sun reflecting off your oars. You’re such a badass out there….”
They strolled up the path and chatted animatedly about the hours that passed when they were apart. They entered the main cottage through the large glass doors just off the kitchen.
Matthew was still in awe of Lana’s lake front setup and as they talked, he would meander off, poking his head in and out of rooms with a “not too shabby” expression on his face.
Lana beamed, looking at Matthew as he approached her, backing her up against the countertop by the kitchen sink. He slowly pressed his mouth onto hers and asked if he could interrupt her "quiet time" and stay for a few days. He would need to make his way back into the city at some point that week, but it was Joe who encouraged him to take the chance, come back to Lana's, and spend time with her before training camp got fully underway.
Lana wrapped her arms tightly around Matthew’s neck, her kiss full of need and desire for him. She was elated that he came back, otherwise, the thought had crossed her mind to leave the cottage, surprise him at his condo door - like they do in so many rom-coms - probably drenched from rain, too.
Every moment that followed, a sense of peace washed over Matthew and Lana, which neither had even known they needed. They simply wanted to be together. Whether they were exploring the beautiful towns nearby, sunning themselves on the dock (Matthew couldn't believe what a rocket Lana was in her bikini), or enjoying dinner for two on the boat as they cruised the lake — anything that allowed them to be near one another.
If their shared sense of peace was a surprise to them, their appetite for each other was not. At the party, after they stole away into Lana's bathroom for a few minutes (in reality it was more like 30), Lana channeled her newly discovered sexuality. Behind the locked door, Lana stripped down to her strapless bra and lace panties, and promptly palmed Matthew's cock through his pants. It wasn't much longer before Lana had her hand over her mouth, stifling her cries of bliss while Matthew kneeled in front of her, her one leg draped over his shoulder as he dined on her.
A "Car Ride" soon took on a completely different meaning after their road trips would extend past sunset. Lana was surprised to find a number of secluded spots to climb onto Matthew's cock and experience heaven — sometimes more than once.
For Matthew, picnics in bed had become a fast favorite. The amount of teasing that they unlocked with various edibles was positively sinful. If things got too sticky or messy, well then a joint shower, and everything that entails, would need to be had.
It was Lana's appetite for Matthew that brought her back to the city early, well before her two-week break had concluded. After Matthew had left their bubble to go back to Toronto to buckle down with training, Lana tried to push past the longing that had settled in deep for Matthew. She knew how to be alone—she had always been comfortable with her own company. But she missed him, plain and simple. As Matthew drove home after a morning skate, he scrambled to press "read" on his dashboard after a text from Lana appeared.
"Good morning, Matty. Would you be around for dinner tonight, or sometime soon? Just arrived home. Was missing someone terribly."
Matthew called Lana immediately.
"You're back?! God—that's really—wow… really good news. I was missing someone pretty badly too." Matthew heard Lana giggle and he felt his heart could burst with happiness.
"So, I was wondering if I could take the someone I was missing terribly out on a date tonight? That is, if he's available?" Lana asked hopefully.
Matthew was positively moony. "Does he have to wait that long—or can you maybe fit him in before tonight? Like, maybe now, if not sooner?"
Lana's smile could be heard in her voice. "I can. I'll meet you at yours in the next half-second."
Matthew's cock twitched at Lana's suggestive tone, and he let out a little groan. "See you soon then."
The afternoon was mostly spent horizontal—limbs intertwined and lips connected to each other in every way possible.
They slowly peeled themselves off each other, enjoyed a long and lazy shower, and got ready for their date. Matthew peppered her with questions as to where they were going, and Lana simply answered, "To dinner… and then I guess we'll see after that."
The only other hint she gave Matthew was that she was taking him to her favorite restaurant.
From a window seat atop the ManuLife Centre, 51 floors up, Lana gazed out at one of the most stunning sunsets she'd ever seen—a breathtaking display of reds, oranges, and purples. It felt as if the universe itself was sharing a knowing wink with her. She had gotten her wish - and what a redemption this was from the last time she sat in this restaurant.
The only thing that surpassed the outside view was the man she sat across from. His magnetic charm, disarming looks, with a genuinely kind heart.
Matthew Knies had been well worth the wait.
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zabala0z · 1 month
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Hi I listened to six episodes of S3 and I’m back. I have nothing to do and school starts on Monday so lemme give my thoughts 🗣️
MAG 81: A Guest For Mr. Spider
Happy that Jon’s safe and in hiding! I remember Georgie was mentioned in Melanie Kings first statement so I guess she counts as a friend. Another spider theme. There’s so many spiders and I’m wondering what entity that could like fall under. I’m curious on “The Eye” because it hasn’t done anything, it just watched. Which makes sense. But Michael mentioned before that Jon being protected by it so is it like…chill????
MAG 82: The Eyewitnesses
Oh I hate Elias that little bitch I swear to god. Also the fact that the recorder didn’t turn off when they tried during Tims statement was interesting. Is The Eye doing that?? I don’t know maybe it’s just going weird.
Feeling bad for Daisy. Like she’s a murderer yeah but I like her ☹️ and I hate Elias. Super curious on his backstory though
MAG 83: Drawing a Blank
Auughhegughf I hate mannequins. Especially in games when you look away and they’re like getting closer. I’m wondering what the hell the deal was with this. Cause sometimes you can kinda gauge a motivation but this mannequin kinda just did a lot of stuff. Although the circus theme kinda reminded me of that one circus mentioned before. Maybe it’s like an element of The Stranger. Cause like mannequins are faceless and kinda take on different identities everytime you dress them y’know?? Lana was found partially skinned. Maybe the mannequin wanted that. Now that I know about these entities, I’m totally gonna search for links with them. I’m a sucker for cool horrors of humanity.
Also Breekon and Hopes deliveries mention!! I’m thinking they replaced the OG mannequin.
MAG 84: Possessive
Kind of another disease/gross shit theme in here? Also chills when they said “Gordie’s Dump” like eugh that got me. I’m still trying to understand what Maggie was doing. Like the boy saw Gordon’s face out of newspaper in the mud but Gordon was also in the house, Maggie smoothing paper over his face. Is she making like clones out of paper. Is she paper machéing clones???? They said whenever Gordon came to school, he had dirt under his fingernails so I’m thinking like every day he’s like replaced or something and then Maggie buried him??? I think.
MAG 85: Upon the Stair
This one was a lil hard because it’s a very strangely narrated statement but I managed! It made me think of Cheating Death where someone will replace the other person in whatever (someone replacing death after beating them in a game-someone replacing the stair figure after calling for them)
Jon did mention this but might as well say it; very Michael-esque. Somehow I don’t think he’s involved though 💀 I don’t know who is sending the statements to Jon. My first thought is Elias since he actually knows where Jon is and who he is with. Or so he says. Also the comment on like people becoming warped creatures is so true now that I think about it. I don’t want Jon to be a warped creature he’s too boring for that guys
Also Georgie is real. Go get that Hungarian dinner girl
MAG 86: Tucked In
Eughhhh it moves when you look. I hate that even more then when it moves when you DONT look 😭Also Tim has some problems he probably needs to work through. I feel like he knows more than he lets on. Like he did say to Martin that something worse is happening to the institute than it being haunted. Also, love Melanie King 🫶 it’s funny she doesn’t know what Og Sasha looked like since she knows she looks different then Not! Sasha. She just doesn’t know how.
Scary ass episode. I’m wondering if the creature in this and the one in A Fathers Love and Exceptional Risk are like…cousins or something because the one in this left behind “a small patch of foul smelling water” and in the other ones, brackish water would come out taps when I think it’s like close I think? Bit a stretch but maybe they belong under the same entity. Like darkness I dunno
Okay that’s everything! So far season 3 is super good. I love hearing the stuff outside the statements, it’s super interesting and I’m excited to see what happens next
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Pairing: Enid Sinclair x fem!reader
Summary: You've had a crush on Enid for the longest time, but she was with Ajax. Ajax, who was boring and uninspiring and not thoughtful at all. You couldn't help but feel jealous, knowing you could treat her better than him.
Warnings: unrequited love, jealousy / envy, Ajax slander
Words: 910
Part Two // Part Three // Part Four
Enid Sinclair.
The perfect girl.
She's bubbly, loyal, easygoing, funny, and not afraid to stand up for what's right. She's gorgeous, inside and out. Her cute dyed hair, her pretty blue eyes, her smile- God her smile.
She's everything.
And he's just... him.
He's... a loser. Just some Stoner kid with the personality of a wheat thin. Him and his stupid hoodies, him and his stupid dumb smile and stupid laugh. Why, why, why did Enid like him? He was rather boring, not much to offer conversationally. He was attractive you supposed, but not that attractive. Maybe he was a good kisser? God, you really didn't want to think of him kissing Enid.
It was all so unfair. Why couldn't she see him for what he was? He's just a loser. Some kid, with nothing special or particularly interesting about him. Hell, on their first date he stood her up, and didn't even bother telling her why! You would never have done that to her.
If only she saw you. She'd maybe realize....
You'd do anything for her- move heaven and earth- anything she asked. You'd get her flowers every week, make sure to get her favorites and not just red roses like Ajax. You knew Enid was partial to peonies. You also knew she didn't like dark chocolate, unlike Ajax who always bought her assorted chocolates. You knew she hated pineapple on pizza, you knew her favorite artist was Lana Del Rey, you knew her favorite color was pink but she also favored yellow. She preferred gold jewelry, she only liked her coffee sweet, and she never ate pancakes for breakfast ever since she had the stomach flu when she was twelve.
But Ajax- that stupid boy- didn't know hardly any of these simple things about his own girlfriend. He buys her silver jewelry, Taylor Swift albums, dark chocolate- all the little things he should notice he just doesn't.
But you do.
And yet.... Enid sees Ajax and not you.
You suppose that makes you bitter and jealous. Probably toxic to some degree as you glare at them during lunch, while Enid sits in Ajax's lap, telling him about her day as he gazes at her with glazed over eyes. 'Is he even listening?' You think bitterly as you clench your jaw, suddenly losing your appetite.
"Jeez, I'm not a fan of Ajax either, but you look like you're trying to blow him up with your mind. You good, girl?" Yoko asks as she takes a seat next to you, stealing a french fry off your tray. You push your tray towards her, no longer hungry as you see Ajax and Enid begin making out.
"Yeah I'm just peachy." You say drily as you pry your gaze away from the two to look at Yoko, who looks unimpressed. She heaves a sigh and rubs her forehead wearily.
"Listen, I know you've had a thing for Enid for like, years, but you really need to let it go. She has a boyfriend and it doesn't look like they're breaking up any time soon. There's so many other girls too! Don't miss an opportunity just because you're so hung up on Enid." Yoko says, her voice slightly uncertain as she speaks, a hint of worry in her tone. You knew somewhere in the back of your mind Yoko was just trying to be a good friend, and you knew she was probably right. Your heart however didn't care, bitterness and envy swelling in your chest like acid.
"I don't want other girls. I don't care about other girls. Enid is just- she's different. There's nobody like her, shes so sweet, and pretty and smart and warm. And loyal! I mean look what she did for Wednesday last year!" You huff angrily as you look back towards Enid, seeing her and Ajax now standing and saying their farewells, Enid giving Ajax a big hug and a kiss before happily skipping away. 'I wish she hugged me like that.'
"I know... but still it's not healthy to keep pining after her like this. She just... doesn't see you like that." Yoko said gently, her gaze soft as she tried to catch your gaze. You felt a familiar squeezing in your chest at her words.
"I know but... I don't think I can help it." You say softly as you look down at your tray. standing up and taking it with you, dumping the rest of your food in the trash before heading to your next class, ignoring the lump in your throat.
How could you think such cruel things about Ajax anyways? Why must jealousy burn you up from the inside? Why couldn't you just be happy for Enid? She seemed pleased enough in her relationship. So what if she wasn't with you, so long as she was happy, right? You just couldn't help but feel she would be happier with you. Such a selfish thing to think.
In the end, Ajax was with Enid, not you.
Perhaps you were the one who was a loser.
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useramor · 2 years
it's you, it's you, it's all for you (everything i do) word count: 1.1k
eddie asks about buck's coma dream, 6x11 coda (also the title is from video games by lana del rey because they're playing a video game in this sdlfgjh okay enjoy)
“So,” Eddie says after they’ve both died in the video game. Christopher got it recently and already completed the entire game — a magical quest one that ends with them fighting off an evil wizard that turns into a dragon. Very Maleficent, if you ask Buck. 
“So?” Buck echoes, looking over at him. They’re sitting on the floor, backs resting against the couch. Eddie looked at him curiously when he plopped onto the ground, but a couch feels like a little bit of a sore subject at the moment.
Especially when his mom recently bought the largest, ugliest, most uncomfortable sofa Buck’s ever sat on. It’s an eyesore. And it is, unfortunately, taking up half his loft.
It feels kind of pointed. Like the universe is trying really hard to tell him something. He figures he better figure it out soon, because he doesn’t feel like getting struck by lightning or something.
Point is, Buck wants a comfortable couch. It doesn’t have to be huge, or have reclining seats, or anything, but it needs to feel right. He needs to sit on it and feel like he’s home. Like he can relax and shed some of the pressures of the day.
It might be a lot to put on a couch, but Buck’s willing to wait. 
So, basically, they’re on the floor. 
“What was I like? In your dream? I mean, I was in it, right?”
“Kind of?” Buck tilts his head, scrunching his nose as he looks at it. “I don’t think you’re gonna like what my subconscious came up with.”
Eddie shrugs, leaning against the couch, head tilted slightly. He’s very pretty, Buck’s been noticing. Not that there has ever been a moment where he thought Eddie was unattractive, but it’s been a kind of new discovery to realize the small smile on his face as he waits for Buck to move on makes his heart swoop.
It’s not a new feeling, either, just one he wasn’t ready to look at, yet. He’s still not quite there, if he’s being honest with himself.
It’s just—
Eddie’s couch fits him, Eddie, and Chris pretty comfortably. Buck’s spent an awful lot of nights (and a lot of awful nights) sleeping on this couch. And it’s not like Buck’s ready to put this couch in his loft or move into Eddie’s house so he can sit on this couch all the time, but. Maybe soon he’ll be okay with…sitting on it, or something.
And he thinks Eddie might grab some beers from the fridge and sit beside him.
“I still wanna know,” Eddie says, low and soft, quiet under the repetitive tune of the video game still playing on the TV.
“Okay,” Buck says. “Well, I didn’t see you.”
“You saw everyone else but you didn’t see me? I thought we were best friends,” he teases.
“We are. You were alive in it. Chim mentioned you.”
“Your subconscious puts Chimney over me?”
I think my subconscious knew that if I saw you and you weren’t the Eddie sitting in front of me, I wouldn’t know how to cope, he thinks, but keeps the words to himself. Rolls his eyes fondly and mumbles a “shut up,” instead.
“No, seriously. Here I’ve been considering you my friend, bringing my son to see you in the hospital — sneaking him into the ICU, by the way, because he wouldn’t leave the hospital without seeing you—”
“Really?” Buck asks, and he hates the awe in his voice. He hates the way, even after all this time, he doesn’t know how to trust that people want him around. Not fully, anyway. 
Eddie catches onto it. Of course he does. 
“Buck, of course. Chris needed you to come back. We all did.”
Buck hears the silent I needed you to come back. He doesn’t point it out. 
He swallows around a tightness in his throat.
“Oh,” he whispers. Eddie snorts, looking at him fondly. 
“Yeah. Oh.”
“You didn’t have Chris. In my dream,” Buck blurts.
“Your parents fought for custody and won. You—I didn’t know you. In the dream. Or, you didn’t know me, but, hell, it’s my brain, right? So I knew. I knew you fought like hell to keep him, but your hours in the end—Eddie, I hope you know I don’t think I, like, am the reason you have Chris. You’re the best dad I know, okay? I know you would do anything in the world for him, I was just living in my worst case scenario, and—”
“I didn’t have you,” he says simply. “I would do anything for my son, obviously, but without the right help, without Carla, I can only imagine the kind of hell my parents would’ve given me.”
Eddie’s looking at him so gently that Buck would trip over the feelings he’s spilling onto the floor if he weren’t sitting down. 
“You’re not wrong to assume our lives would kind of suck without you, Buck.”
“My life sucked without you. You were the first person I thought of, when I woke up in that dream. You and Christopher,” he admits softly, his words washing over them like a blanket. Eddie scoots closer. Buck can’t tell if the action is intentional or not, he just knows that from one second to the other there’s a new, unmistakable warmth along his side.
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, like he can’t believe Buck. Like he can’t believe he got lucky enough to have him sit here and admit that Eddie and Chris were the first tethers, his first pulls back home. 
“Yeah. Always. Fought to come home, y’know.” Buck hopes it comes off casually. Hopes it comes off like his heart isn’t lodged in his throat, like maybe the 118 is his home, but Eddie seems to get it, anyway.
Eddie knocks their shoulders together, and it’s a quiet promise. They both know, he’s pretty sure. They both know they’ve got something going, something good, something with a couch and a house and a family. A love Buck doesn’t have to die to experience.
But it’s not the right time. Close. Just hovering around the corner. Buck can be patient for once in his life; Eddie’s worth everything. 
He picks up his controller, silently asking if he wants to go again. 
Eddie nods, but his finger hovers over the play button. His brown eyes are warm and dark when they land on Buck’s, and it takes mental effort to remember he needs to keep breathing when Eddie smiles at him — soft and fond and flushed a peachy pink. 
“For the record,” he says, clearing his throat like the words don’t know how to come out. “I always fight to come home to you, too.”
Buck’s character dies three times in a row, the words home to you on an endless loop in his mind.
Yeah, he thinks. Knows, really. Soon. 
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stllite · 2 years
yes to heaven  •°ˎˊ˗
chishiya shuntaro x fem!reader
word count 5.7k
summary you and chishiya met in an intense life or death situation. and with this odd fascination of his that he can’t seem to figure out, he aims to always keep an eye on you in this dangerous world.
warnings niragi being an ass, very long😭
authors note based on lana’s song obv. i think this is one of my fav stories i’ve ever written so i hope you enjoy! requests are open <3
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there was something different about you. chishiya couldn’t put his finger on it.
and it was killing him.
what was it about you that made you different from the rest? that made it worth seeing the other side and beating the games to leave this borderland?
it all started during the tag game. chishiya was on the top floor, examining everyone playing the game and looking for the safe spot.
muttering some words to himself about the other players, his voice paused—like something being caught in his throat—when his eyes landed on you.
you looked like a deer in headlights. instantly, chishiya knew this must’ve been your first game. you wandered around aimlessly, hiding from killers every once in a while. chishiya almost forgot what he was looking for, his eyes staying on you.
he shook his head, remembering what he was looking for and why he was here. he wasn’t going to let someone get in the way of that. no matter how much help it looked like you needed. that’s when he saw one of the killers shooting upward towards one of the doors.
he smirked, removing his hood and making his way towards the door. he walked with his hands in his pockets, sly like a fox. he was now going down the stairs to the desired floor. turning the corner to the last few steps, he collided with something— or someone.
“oh my- i’m sorry,” they said.
“just watch where you’re going,” he replied coldly, still looking forward.
“i didn’t mean to, sorry.”
at this point, chishiya was already walking forward to the door. he sighed, stopping and turning around after what he heard from the person he ran into. they sounded confused and scared, making him almost chuckle to himself. chishiya’s eyes then landed on you again, his cold features now softening. “don’t worry about it.”
turning his back towards you, your voice stopped him.
“wait,” you started, looking down at your feet to figure out your words. “do you happen to know what’s going on? i just kind of-“
“ended up here?” he finished for you.
you looked up from your hands to chishiya’s cat-like eyes, furrowing your brows. a sense of relief hitting you. “yeah, exactly.”
despite his intimidating aura, you felt comforted. knowing that what had happened to you and how you ended up in a hell-like place happened to someone else and you’re not going crazy, gave you a sense of hope. you weren’t alone in this.
he sighed, licking his lips before replying. “we don’t have much time. now if you’ll excuse me, i need to take care of something.”
finally, he turned around and continued his route to the door. making sure there was no threat near, he began to place his hand on the knob of the door. that’s when he heard footsteps next to him. he turned his head to the noise, seeing you standing next to him with your arms crossed, awaiting his next choice of action.
“you’re following me.” he mentioned lowly, returning his gaze back on the door.
“i don’t know where else to go.”
he turned the knob and paused. “don’t slow me down.”
you gulped, feeling out of place once again. part of you wanting to just walk away from his intense persona but a part of you thinking that was a very stupid idea. he seemed like he knew what he was doing. and even if you felt like you were burdening him, you didn’t want to end up like the people in a puddle of their own blood right now. you made your choice however, when you followed him inside the door.
three minutes remaining, the robotic voice stated.
you two walked in carefully, unsure of what could be hiding in this room. you followed close behind him while examining your surroundings.
chishiya then heard what sounded like shuffling. turning around thinking it was you, he saw another horse-masked killer with their gun aimed on you.
impulsively, he pushed you on to the floor causing him to fall on top of you, gunshots firing against the wall behind you. he reached into his pockets to pull out his taser and tased the killer in the thigh, stopping all the gun fire.
you caught your breath, looking up wide-eyed at the blonde-haired man in front of you. he met your gaze, realizing the position the two of you were in and quickly removed himself off of you.
you sat up on your elbows, turning your head to the killer who was now collapsed on the ground. you moved your eyes to chishiya, who was now standing over the killer. “thank you.”
“don’t mention-“
the killer, who you two thought was down for good, began shooting again. you and him ran to an empty room and shut the door behind you.
trying to catch your breath, you collapsed against the door, closing your eyes and wishing that this was all just some sort of nightmare. that you’ll wake up soon.
“watch out!” chishiya shouted from below.
you ducked your head and now collapsed on the ground next to chishiya as the killer was now shooting at the door.
“what the fuck,” you muttered to yourself.
you looked around trying to search for a weapon to defend yourself with. however, your eyes landed on a red button on both sides of the room.
you tapped chishiya on the shoulder and motioned to the buttons. “hey, look.”
“that’s where it ends,” he said calmly with a slight smirk.
your were in so much distress to recognize how a person could be so calm in a situation like this. you just wanted this to end. especially when the door was almost one shot away from being knocked down.
10 seconds remaining.
chishiya looked at your nervous features. “together?”
you turned to him, nodding your head.
the two of you got up and jumped to press the buttons right as the killer barged into the room. you both fell to the floor as the robotic voice began speaking again.
game cleared. congratulations!
you let out a breath you were holding pretty much during the whole game. turning next to you, chishiya looked like he was doing the same thing.
while it seemed like he had a tough and calm exterior, there was something about him that was enticing. especially since he had the courage to save you. he didn’t have to do that. and from the looks of it, it surprised him too.
“hey,” you called out.
he kept his gaze straight forward to the killer who was now sitting on the ground. still, you tried. “what’s your name?”
he paused, contemplating on whether or not to give his name to a stranger. a stranger that he impulsively saved.
sighing, he answered. “chishiya.”
“i’m y/n.”
his muscles moved his head to meet your eyes, something he didn’t realize he was doing until he noticed a small smile form on your lips.
it felt so familiar. a feeling he hasn’t felt in a very long time— or now that he thinks about it, ever. it was uncomfortable, but alluring.
the sound of exploding and blood being splattered on your faces, disrupted the moment. as awful as it sounds, chishiya was thankful for the disruption.
he hated overthinking.
you gasped, slapping a hand across your mouth at the sight in front of you. what you hadn’t noticed was that the horse-masked killer removed their mask, revealing a woman who looked to be playing the game as well. her blood was now splattered all over the white walls of the room and now, you. you felt disgusted as well as an overwhelming feeling of dread.
chishiya stood up and walked towards the dead woman. you stood frozen, watching while he began rummaging through her pockets.
you removed your hand from your mouth, your fingers trembling. “does this happen to the opponent in every game?”
chishiya noticed the quavering of your voice. he almost forgot that this was your first game.
“this was a five of spades game. each symbol represents something different. whereas the number represents difficulty,” he answered.
still searching, his hand now felt a paper inside the woman’s pockets. he opened it, tilting his head whilst examining the weird line work on it.
“i- what?”
he chuckled, stuffing the paper in his pocket and looking back towards you.
a puzzled look was written on your face as well as your chest heaving from your still heavy breath.
he examined your face more, seeing tears still running down your eyes. he felt that unfamiliar yet familiar feeling again. he didn’t know what he was doing. he didn’t know what it was about you. yet, he felt deep down that he had to.
“follow me,” he finally stated.
you squinted your eyes, only growing more confused. “what?”
something about him seemed like he can be worth trusting. i mean hell, he literally saved your life. however, he seemed so closed off. like what he just said was so out of character of him. it only grew your curiosity.
but, was that such a good idea?
he rolled his eyes, his smirk disappearing. “would you stop asking so many questions?”
“would you please explain to me what the fuck is going on here?”
from the short time chishiya has spent with you, his eyebrows raised at your sharp remark. it even surprised you.
right then, you realized that maybe the good idea would to be with someone who seemed to know what they were doing in this dangerous world— which you sure as hell would need to survive.
and by the looks of it, no matter how odd it seemed, chishiya looked to be that person, no matter how closed off he seemed to be.
he interrupted your thoughts by getting up and walking towards you, reaching a hand out.
you looked at his hand and then at his apathetic features. and like second nature, you grabbed it.
he didn’t know what caused this impulsive fascination of his, but he didn’t feel regret. and neither did you.
•˚* ੈ✩‧₊
since then, you two stuck together. turns out that he was a part of a community called the beach and ended up getting you to join, even though you had your guard up about them at first; and still kind of do. chishiya understood, reassuring you that he felt the same way but had a plan that he would tell you eventually.
during one of your games however, you met kuina, who would end up being one of your closest friends in the borderlands besides chishiya. the three of you became a trio, defeating the games as a team when needed and stuck together at the beach.
over time, you got better at playing the games and grew to become stronger mentally and physically; which was a huge difference to how you were in the real-world.
you used to let people walk all over you, giving your kindness away to people who would just step on it like it was nothing to them. and as shitty as the borderlands were, you’re grateful that it has made you stronger in more than one aspect in your life.
you’re also grateful that you met people that give you a sense of normalcy in a world far from it.
chishiya even noticed this change in you. from being confused and scared and depending on other people to succeed, to someone who won’t take shit from anyone and is confident in themselves no matter how scared they are deep down. its safe to say it put a small smile on chishiya’s face. it made him almost…proud. but he would never admit that.
despite your new found strength, it didn’t stop chishiya from protecting you whether that was in the games or at the beach. kuina noticed this one day and talked to you about it at the pool. and to be honest, you were glad she did. cause you noticed it too.
you weren’t going to lie and say that you didn’t have feelings for the blonde-haired man. ever since that night he saved you in all honesty. but boy, is he hard to read.
“don’t think i’m crazy or anything,” kuina started, taking the dummy cigarette out of her mouth. “but don’t you think chishiya could be a little…overprotective?”
you turned your head towards her, your hands behind your head, attempting to get some relaxation. “what do you mean?”
she gave you a look that said you’re stupid if you don’t know. “y/n, come on.”

“i seriously have no idea what you’re talking about, kuina.”
she sighed, now turning her whole body to face you. this caused you to sit up from your position.
“don’t you notice how in every game we play he always makes sure you’re right there next to him?”
you rested your chin on the palm of your hand, rolling your eyes.
she hit you playfully. “or how he gets closer to you when the militants are around?”

“i’m not dumb, y/n.” she interrupted. “shall i also mention how he quite literally saved your life in your first game?”
she was beaming right about now. and she did have a valid point. valid points to be exact.
“listen, i know it’s weird cause its chishya we’re talking about. someone who shows zero emotions,” she chuckled before continuing. “but i see some emotion when he looks at you. and that’s a lot coming from him.”
you smiled and looked down at your lap, playing with the rings on your fingers and sitting with the words she told you.
she lifted your chin up with her one hand, examining your face. “i can also see the way you look at him.”
you blushed, quickly looking away from the smiling girl in front of you. “i don’t know, kuina.”
“hey, i just wanted to let you know what i’ve noticed.” she placed the dummy cigarette back in her mouth while you laid back down on the pool chair. “i also consider myself to be an empath, so.”
the two of you then bursted out laughing. the last thing on your mind in that moment wasn’t chishiya’s confusing ass self, but rather your dumb, but admiring best friend.
your laughter was then cut short by the white hooded male walking towards you guys.
he can read my mind, you thought.
“what are you two laughing about?”
“how stupid kuina is,” you chuckled, kuina then hitting you on the arm. you teased more. “okay! i’m sorry miss empath.”
she dramatically rolled her eyes, collapsing down on the pool chair. you grinned at her before sitting up and turning your attention to chishiya. he was looking at both you and kuina with a perplexed look on his face.
he stuffed his hands in his pockets causing his half-zipped jacket to lower, exposing more of his bare chest. you glanced down at the sight before he interrupted. “y/n. you still have two more days left on your visa, correct?”
you nodded, now looking at his eyes hoping he didn’t notice where your gaze was originally. based off his slight smirk though, he most likely did.
“well,” you started, getting up from your pool chair and putting on your shoes. “i need a drink. anyone want one?”
kuina perked up. “yes please! you already know which one.”
you smiled at her in approval, turning to chishiya who was closer to you now that you stood up.
his enchanting eyes were glistening when met with yours. it was inviting yet forbidding. like something was holding them back. you backed up a bit. “what about you?”
his lips curled into a smirk. “i’m good.”
you pursed your lips, going to move past him in the small space between yours and kuina’s chair. your chest brushed against his when trying to squeeze past him, leaving you to walk to the bar quickly. once you were there, you let out a breath. crossing your arms and waiting in the line.
even so, you still felt that stare, almost burning the back of your skull. you slowly turned your head, seeing that same gaze of his. he tilted his head slightly, now breaking the stare and moving to sit across kuina.
“next in line!”
you snapped out of your trance and moved forward to where the man was ready to take your order.
“i could cut the tension with a knife,” kuina told chishiya, sitting up and leaning forward.
“what are you talking about?”
“god,” kuina placed a hand on her forehead frustratingly. “you guys are so clueless.”
chishiya snickered, resulting in kuina giving her attention back to the man in front of her. “what?”
“you’re looking too much into it,” he replied.
“looking too much into what, chishiya?”
he fell silent, annoyed with kuina’s constant nagging.
“kuina,” he huffed. “we’ve been over this numerous times.”
she licked her lips, glancing over at you who was leaning against a table waiting for the drinks. this made chishiya twist around towards your way.
“see!” she shouted, the people next to her furrowing their brows at her choice of action. she muttered a soft sorry before perking up at the clueless boy again.
aggravated, chishiya returned his attention to the giddy girl. “what is it now?”
“you’re always being overprotective of her. keeping an eye on her during all the games and even here,” she continued. “i mean come on, you saved her in her first game.”
“come on, she needed the hel-“
“you wouldn’t do that for anyone else, chishiya.”
he closed his mouth, knowing there wasn’t really any excuse for that. it wasn’t like he was trying to make excuses. he just genuinely didn’t know this odd feeling in him. it was tormenting. you were tormenting him without even knowing.
yet when you were around him, you made it feel heavenly.
“did you even tell her about the plan yet?” kuina whispered, dispersing him from his thoughts.
he let out a breath. “no.”
“and why is that?”
“kuina. don’t.”
“why?” she exclaimed. “just tell me. you really think me of all people is going to judge you?”
he was furious. not at kuina. but at the fact that maybe what she’s insisting is right. he just didn’t want to accept it.
he didn’t know this feeling so how could he express it to anyone else? let alone, be okay with this uncomfortable feeling? he just couldn’t.
he broke the silence. his next course of words almost being forced out of his body. “i don’t know what it is. i don’t know how to get rid of it. this isn’t something i can solve logically or plan out. and it’s making me feel out of control.”
she leaned forward more, letting him know she was safe with his words and she would listen intently.
“there’s just…something. and whatever it is, i feel the need to protect her.”
to anyone else, this may have seemed like a normal conversation, something to look past at. but knowing chishiya, admitting this and being so open even if it’s a small crack into his mind, was a huge deal.
you did that to him. and as much as much as kuina wanted to jump up and run, like hearing her favorite celebrities announcing they were together, she held it in for chishiya’s sake. silently wanting you guys to be endgame.
she placed a hand on his knee. “thanks for telling me, dork.”
he snickered slightly. he still felt a bit uneasy.
“and can i just say,” the girl began, removing her hand and crossing her arms. “i fucking knew it.”
the blonde closed his eyes and exhaled. “don’t start,” he simply said.
kuina smirked. though, that was soon interpreted by the music abruptly stopping and the militants barging in the scene.
chishiya perked his head up, everyone running around to move out of their walking way.
“emergency meeting for beach executives!” a voice yelled.
at this point, you were still waiting for your drinks when you heard the commotion. you turned to kuina who looked at you with a worried face.
while you weren’t an executive, chishiya was. and by the looks of it, hatter was no where to be found who would usually host these meetings.
this wasn’t good and you knew it. something serious must’ve happened if the militants were barging in like this.
you turned your attention to chishiya who was already up and starting to make his way towards the militants. yet right before, he met your eyes, giving you a slight smile to let you know it was okay.
usually, that would comfort you. or confuse you. but all you felt was panic.
once all the executives at the pool met up with the militants, the music started playing again. people shook off the odd encounter by continuing their dancing and drinking.
however, you felt something deeply wrong.
you’ve learned that you’re instincts are always right and to trust them. especially in a world like this. you abandoned your drinks and walked to where kuina was at.
“hey,” you started once you made your way there. “what do you think is going on?”
“i’m not sure,” she paused, looking up at you. “i don’t think it’s good though.”
you exhaled before walking back into the building suddenly.
“where are you going?” kuina yelled out.
“my room,” you replied, still walking towards your destination.
kuina knew you were worried. she was too. and it’s like she could almost see right through you. you were in fact not going to your room and instead were going to, very quietly, figure out what was happening.
if one thing was going to kill you in this world, it would be your curiosity. but knowing you, you wouldn’t be able to function properly without knowing what was happening.
without knowing if chishiya was safe.
like a stealthy cat, you pushed yourself in between and away from people. you walked quickly just in case something were to go down, yet at a steady pace so nothing looked suspicious.
you knew this was an awful idea. but you couldn’t get yourself to stop. you just kept walking with chishiya in your mind the whole time until you made it to the front door of their meeting room.
looking both ways, you began to lean carefully against the door whilst placing your ear to hear what the commotion was about. yet, you couldn’t make out a single word. all you heard was people talking over each other in a worried and frustrated tone.
you leaned more against the door to make out at least one word. what you didn’t know was the door wasn’t closed all the way, causing you to tremble into the room.
your face turned pale like you had just seen a ghost. everyone looked at you while you stood there not being able to form a single word. what made you feel real faint was the sight in front of the executives.
hatter’s lifeless body.
“well,” someone said smugly. “what do we have here?”
you shifted your attention to the voice, seeing niragi now walking towards you. you quickly scanned the room to see chishiya staring at you in both disappointment and worry.
niragi grabbed your arm. “what did you think you’d get out of eavesdropping on us, huh?” he pulled you towards him harshly. “if you wanted to be an executive so bad, why didn’t you just ask? although, i might’ve asked for a favor in return.”
he smirked, now moving closer to your face. chishiya perked up from his seat, practically almost standing.
you moved your head back while his face still chased yours. now, chishiya was fully stood up and ready to walk over to you. he almost did until you spat in niragi’s face.
“fucking bitch!”
you snickered, niragi wiping the spit off of his face in disgust. while chishiya was proud of you for doing that to a prick like niragi, he thought that topped your stupid ideas for the evening behind eavesdropping.
niragi in a swift motion held the gun up to your neck. “wanna keep laughing now?”

you gulped, squinting your eyes and clenching your jaw. you were fucking terrified. yet you knew better than to let someone like him get under you. sure, he was capable of a lot. but so were you. and you were going to act strong as hell no matter the terror deep down. “what? you going to shoot me?”
“keep fucking talking and that’ll answer your question.” he moved the gun against your neck, pushing harder and harder. you just smirked.
“hey!” the two of you turned your attention to the voice, aguni staring at you both intently. “we have a serious issue here. either kill her and move on or tie her up on one of these chairs.”
your heart started pumping wildly. niragi turned his head towards you once again, smirking even wider. “hm. I’m thinking the first option.”
at this point you were sweating, still keeping up the strong barrier you built.
“no,” a voice interrupted. you released a breath when you realized the voice belonged to chishiya.
niragi grinned at him, now turning his gun towards chishiya. he slowly walked over to him, chishiya standing still like a statue. “and why is that, shuntaro?”
“because we have more important things to worry about,” he spoke. “i’ll take care of her.”
“what is she your girlfriend now or something?”
“niragi,” aguni interrupted calmly.
chishiya curled his lips into a smirk. “nope. just want to take care of the things that are important.”
niragi moved the gun closer to the blonde, his smirk widening even more, like a joker. “so, you wouldn’t mind if i got a piece of that?”
chishiya’s smirk disappeared. now clenching his jaw, he moved closer to niragi despite the triggered gun in front of him.
“niragi!” everyones focus went into the man in front of the room who was annoyed with the mess of the situation. “just let him take care of her, i don’t care at this point. just focus!”
he snickered, turning his attention back to the blonde who still looked like he was about to strike. “those eyes of yours really piss me off.”
he swiftly removed his gun from chishiya’s frame, then moving over to you.
chishiya sat back down still staring carefully as he walked over to you.
you were shaken up by the whole interaction the two of them had. you caught yourself holding in your breath at times, wishing you could just grab chishiya and escape this hell.
niragi grabbed you by the arm, causing you to yelp and pushed you into a chair across from chishiya.
before you could even look at chishiya, niragi pulled your hair to look his way. “and don’t even think about moving from this seat, princess.” he let go of your hair aggressively, leaving you to sink down in your seat in pity.
how could you be so stupid? risking your life because of your overthinking? i mean, you were correct about one thing. something bad definitely did happen. and you’d probably would’ve gotten closer to the answer of what might’ve happened to hatter if you weren’t to busy trapped in your thoughts.
that’s one of the things you admired about chishiya. he was intelligent, only acting on something if only he knew all the answers and the effects it could cause.
you on the other hand, acting on instinct and emotions, not even batting an eye. it made you wonder more on why he stuck with you this whole time. most importantly, why he saved you.
you gathered up the courage to look up at him, seeing that he had the same idea. although, your face was written with apologies while his was written with anger.
you couldn’t blame him. as much as you wanted to, this was your doing.
after some time, the meeting officially ended. people parted their ways while the militants stayed behind. the main point you took from the meeting was that aguni was the new leader, despite the rules hatter had set previously.
instincts are always right, you thought.
“shuntaro,” aguni called out. chishiya, already up from his seat crossed his arms. “take care of her for me, will you? i don’t want any of this bullshit again.” he glanced at you before continuing. “or next time, she gets killed.”
chills ran through your spine and you instinctively looked away from his gaze.
chishiya nodded at the man, stuffing his hands in his pockets and motioned for you to follow him, being sure to shoot daggers at niragi before making his way out. you got up and followed chishiya out the room, still unwary with the past forty minutes of absolute chaos.
you stood behind chishiya, who eventually went into a random room that wasn’t yours nor his. “um- i don’t think this is-“
“just get in,” he said sharply.
you didn’t hesitate.
chishiya closed the door behind him once you were inside. you fidgeted with your fingers, your previous strong facade now vanished within seconds.
chishiya huffed before speaking. “what do you think you were doing?”
you stood silent, unable to get out any words. he narrowed his eyes at you after a moment of silence, attempting to get something, anything, out of you.
“come on, y/n! are you that stupid?”
you fumed. “i don’t know, okay? but i felt something was wrong and trusted it.”
“oh, so now you’re living off your instincts,” he snickered.
“yes, actually. it what’s been keeping me alive.”
“well its not good enough cause you almost fucking died back there.”
you clenched your jaw, looking anywhere but him as his gaze was still burning through you. “but i didn’t, did i?”
he moved closer, now looking down at you. “in case you were forgetting, i’m the one who saved you in your first game. and i sure as hell didn’t do that for you to do stupid shit like this.”
“why do you care so much?” you laughed. “please, tell me. why do you care? you won’t even tell me your little plan of yours.”
“y/n,” he warned.
“what? god dammit, chishiya i did it for you. is that so hard to believe?”
he looked away from you and at his feet. at this point, you could tell what you said did something to him. it was like he was finally letting go of that touch exterior of his, yet holding on to it tight with one hand.
you softened, realizing how tense you were.“chishiya?”
the muscles in your hand moved to cup his face and to your shock, he let you. you gently moved his face to where he was looking at you.
“i’m sorry, okay? i just- i care about you. that’s all.” you moved slightly closer. “i was just worried.”
he moved his face quickly out of your grasp. “and you think i don’t? you don’t think i worry about you?”
“chishiya, you’re closed off. i cant read your mind. it’s fucking confusing.”
“you don’t think i’m confused too?”
now, you didn’t say anything. you wanted to hear what he had to say. the hand gripping on to his exterior slowly slipping away.
“i don’t know what it is about you, but it’s driving me crazy. i would have never done what I’ve done for you to anyone else. and i can’t seem to figure out why,” he continued. “all i know is that, i don’t want anything to happen to you. and i’ll keep my eye on you forever if i have to just for it to stay that way.”
the grip finally let go. revealing a bundle of messy and confusing feelings. to anyone else, this sounds hard to read — like chishiya himself.
to you, it’s him finally comfortable in letting you see such a vulnerable side of him.
you moved slowly and closer to him. careful like he was going to vanish at any point if you made even the slightest of a wrong move.
his eyes back on the floor, slowly crept up to yours when your faces were inches away from each other.
“i’m grateful for you. please, don’t think i’m not,” you muttered.
“do you trust me?” he whispered, so quietly that you wouldn’t have been able to hear it if you were an inch farther from him.
you nodded.
chishiya didn’t know what he was doing. he didn’t know what he had gotten himself into. yet, he let his muscles and emotions take over when he placed his lips on yours.
he moved his hands to your face to cradle you gently whilst you kissed back with just as much passion, feeling every part of him that you could. cherishing every part of him that he allowed you to see.
it was like he was telling you everything he wanted to say but didn’t have the words to do so.
you moved your hands to his neck, tilting your head deeper into the kiss. you felt that smirk of his, so proud and so free.
eventually, you both pulled away, still inches close to each other. chishiya wanted to hold on to you still, moving his hands from your face to your waist.
while chishiya still didn’t know what it was about you that made you so different from the rest, he did know that it felt right. something had finally felt right in his life. he couldn’t calculate or prove it — he just had to let it be. and over time, he’ll learn to be okay with that. as long as you’re next to him.
you smiled up at him, giving him that familiar feeling he first felt during the tag game, further proving his point.
“a whole lot i got from you there,” you joked.
he smirked, knowing how out of character this must’ve been. “please for the love of god, don’t mention this to kuina.”
you rolled your eyes playfully, motioning your fingers across your lips like you were sealing them.
it would take time to get used to. but for now, it felt right. you were the heaven in this god forsaken hell. and he will cherish you with all his being.
he smiled at your gesture. for once he felt at peace. you were his peace.
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Pretty When I Cry
Warnings: Infidelity/cheating, toxic behavior, angst, smut, light fluff, (dom Nat, dom Carol for like the beginning) strap-on use: (reader receiving) fingering: (reader receiving)
Words: 1,479
Summary: When your gf neglects you, who do you turn to?
A/N: Hi! This was an idea by my beloved @abbyromanoff , don't forget to drink water and eat my darlings! <3
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You're girlfriend happened to be one of the most powerful Avengers, much as you loved it, it had its negatives too. “Carol! You're back!” you ran over to her, hugging her tightly. “Hey baby, did you miss me?” she kisses your cheek, causing you to blush slightly.
“Yeah I missed you.” you smile at her, “And I know you just came back from space but Tony's throwing another party today, he invited us.” you two walk into her room, “Tell him I'll be there.” you sit down on the egde of her bed, “Okay.”
She walks up to you, putting her hand on the side of your face. “I missed you too baby.” you smile at her, “I love you.” you say, “I know.” she places a rough kiss on your lips, making you moan. “Carol please..” she goes down to your neck, sucking onto your skin.
She snakes a hand in between your thighs, rubbing your clit. She leans down to whisper in your ear, “You want me to fuck you?” you nod, looking up at her. She slips in a finger inside of you, you grip onto the covers, letting out a moan.
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Here you are now, sitting at the bar in Tony's party. “What's gotten you looking so sad?” Natasha comes up from behind the bar, holding a shot glass. You sigh, looking at Carol from across the room. “Nothing, I'm fine.” she smiles, passing the glass to you. “Are you sure?” you take the glass, downing the drink. “Am I?”
Natasha notices your girlfriend getting too friendly with other girls, “You wanna get out of here?” you look up at her, “She'd get mad.” she grabs your hand, “So?” she pulls you of the room and into the hallways.
“Natasha! Why would you do that, Carol's gonna get mad at me and then—” she cuts you off, placing her lips against yours. “Mm– Nat I can't do this to her.” you pull away from her, “But she can do it to you? You saw it for yourself in there Y/n.” you keep your mouth shut, not knowing what to respond back with. “I know.. but she's my girlfriend Nat.”
She takes a hold of your hands, gazing deep into your eyes. “If she really loved you, I wouldn't have been here, it would've been her.” tears pool in your eyes, “I–” you suck in a sharp breath, "fuck it." “Touch me Natasha.” she smirks, colliding her lips with yours.
She lifts you onto her waist, pulling you into her room. “Natasha..” you gasp out, looking up at her, “Shh.. detka.” she shoves you onto the bed, her hands roaming around your dress. Undressing you down.
She pauses, and walks to her dresser. You sit up, looking over at her, “Nat?” you notice her taking something out of a drawer, “Is this okay with you?” she moves back to you, holding the toy up. You hesitate, “Yeah– it's fine..” she smiles, putting it on.
“Spread your legs for me baby.” you spread your legs, giving her full view of your dripping slit. “You're so wet.. is this all for me?” you nod meekly. She chuckles, aligning the tip of the strap-on with your entrance. A soft gasp escapes your mouth as you feel her push into you, inch by inch. “Gonna fuck you so hard, everyone's gonna hear how much of a slut you are.” she shoves her faux cock deep inside of you, causing you to let out an embarrassing loud moan.
She thrusts slowly into your pussy, watching how you body reacts to her deep into you. “Fucking hell, kotenok you're so tight. Does blondie fuck you properly?” you groan at the reminder of your girlfriend, “Natasha please don't mention her right now.” she smirks, grabbing onto your hips, sliding in and out of you. “Whatever you say princess.” she grunts as she fucks into you harder.
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This goes on for weeks, stolen glances across the meeting room. Carol barely notices, she's been distant lately, you can't seem to figure out why.
You sigh as you flop onto the bed after a long mission, “Y/n?” you sit up, “Nat?” she laughs, “No..? Why would it be Nat baby?” you look up at the blonde, “Carol! Hi– when did you.. when did you get back?” she sits next to you, “Just now.”
She looks over at you, “Did you miss me?” you nod. She smiles, bringing her hand in between your thighs, “I missed you too.” your breath hitches as you grind against her palm, “Do you love me?” you squeak out. She looks up at you, “Do I love you?” you nod breathlessly.
“I'll let you be the judge of that.” her gaze lowers down to your neck, as she presses a kiss on there. You let out a soft gasp, “I said– do you, love me.” she groans, ignoring your question. You feel her shove a finger into your throbbing core, you can't help but let out a moan. “Mmh— Carol- stop.” she takes her hands off of you, “What is it?”
You chew on the inside of your cheek, looking down at your hands, “I can't.. I can't do this anymore.” she furrows her brows, looking down at you. “And why's that?” you sigh, playing with your hands, avoiding eye contact with her. “I can't pretend that you love me when you don't.” she opens her mouth to say something, you interrupt her. “And, I can't pretend that I'm in love with you either.”
Anger, not sadness or despair that her love is leaving her, anger displays on her face, “You can't break up with me, you love me.” you shake your head, disagreeing with her. “I don't love you.. not anymore, I can't be in a relationship with a woman that doesn't love me back Carol.” she clenches her jaw, taking in a deep breathe, “Fine. You wanna leave? Go ahead.”
Tears pool in your eyes, you dig your nails into your palms, “Bye Carol.” she glares at you, “You'll regret this Y/n.” you force a smile at her, leaving the room and closing the door shut. You feel the tears fall down your face, you bring a hand up to your cheek, wiping the tears away.
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You knock on the ex-assassins door impatiently, blinking back some stray tears as you wait for her to open the door. The door opens, you look up at the red-head. “Y/n?” you step into her room, closing the door behind you. “Detka what's wrong? What happened?” you run your hands through your hair, as you walk around the room. “Natty I broke up with her.” her eyes widen, pulling you into an embrace.
“Are you okay?” you shake your head as her shirt sleeve soaks up your fallen tears. She takes a hand to lightly stroke your hair, “Do you want to get it off your mind kotenok?” she rasps out. You nod slowly, “Please 'Tasha..”
She kisses the top of your head, stepping back to her bedroom. She slips your top off, leaving you in your bra, “Can I..?” you nod. She smiles, unclasping your bra, revealing your breasts, grabbing onto your thighs, she gently lays you down on the bed.
She slowly spreads your legs, gripping onto your thighs. “Fuck baby.. just wanna mess you up.” she whispers into your ear. Your eyes roll to the back of your head at her words, “Ruin me Natasha.. I don't care– just use me!” she slams her lips against yours, kissing you deeply. You moan, feeling the bulge of her strap-on underneath her clothes.
“You want this hm?” you nod vigorously, looking up at her. She takes the toy out, discarding her pants. You desperately grind against it, “Look at you.. grinding against me like the whore you are.” without any warnings, she shoves the silicone dick inside of your pussy, deep inside.
You let out a gasp, gripping onto her shoulders. She slowly thrusts into you, increasing the speed with every thrust. Causing you to emit breathy moans, and whimpers. “She never deserved you, moya lyubov.” she says, fucking you harder. Your moans gradually get louder, as she pounds away at you.
“Are you close baby?” you nod, whimpering as she keeps thrusting into you. She pants, “Let go for me detka, cum all over my cock.” your walls clench around the faux dick, as you came letting out soft moans. “You did so well kotenok..” she praises, kissing you softly. “Natasha I—”
She cuts you off, “It's okay detka, I love you too.” you smile, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. “Natty can I stay here?” she nods, looking down at you. She takes off the toy from her waist, laying down next to you. “I love you so much 'Tasha..” she kisses your cheek, “I love you too baby, goodnight.”
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