#matthew x lana
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couldawouldashoulda50 · 6 months ago
Never Been Kissed - Part Three - Matthew Knies
Below is part three of my entry for @cellythefloshie's birthday BINGO, featuring Matthew Knies. Again, my 5 tropes (Virginity, Age Gap, Secret Lovers, Meet Cute, Pining) are spread across the 3 parts.
In case you missed it - linking Part One and Two
Warnings/Notes - general smut (p in v), allusions to smut (both m and f oral), swearing. For anyone who read the first two parts, I did adjust the OC's age slightly. I hadn't received any feedback, but after some more research to get a grasp of overall public opinion on age differences in dating, I did change Lana's age slightly.
Celly - I hope you had the most amazing birthday....you are truly one of my favourite writers on here so it makes me happy to try and do something for you. I hope you have enjoyed this journey with Matthew Knies -- I have really enjoyed writing him.
Word Count - 6.7k
With the promise of their lunchtime rendezvous solidified, the pair went off in their separate directions—Lana heading into the office and Matthew to his condo and then to the gym.
Lana's casual attire—flowy linen pants and a t-shirt—was a clear signal that she did not plan to remain in the office for long. When Ainsley walked in and saw Lana's outfit, with her hair swept up in a loose bun, she knew something was up.
Ainsley approached Lana's office and softly knocked on her door. "Lana… are you okay?"
Lana noticed the concern on her assistant's face and tried to sound reassuring as she fibbed. "I'm fine, but something's not agreeing with me. Since it's slow today, I think I'll take the rest of the day off and deal with this at home."
"Is it like food poisoning or something?"
Lana wanted to tie up the line of questioning quickly and just get the hell out of there. "No—but let's just say my stomach isn't thanking me for the hot dog I had at the ball game yesterday."
"You ate a hot dog? Were you drunk or something? You never eat stuff like that…"
"Yeah, well, now I remember why." Lana rubbed her stomach for extra effect as Ainsley winced in a show of sympathy. "Anyway, call me if there are any issues. Looks like it might be a slow week anyway with the long weekend coming up. A nice relaxed week would be nice before the craziness of September hits."
Ainsley nodded and wished Lana well, telling her to go home and rest before the forecasted downpour begins. Lana felt a twinge of guilt for being untruthful to her assistant, but in this case, the less Ainsley knew, the better. Besides, Lana was aware that Ainsley had veered off the path of truth and accuracy on more than a few occasions.
Although it wasn't because of the hot dog, drinks, or anything else she had eaten the day before, Lana's stomach felt like it was turned upside down. Nervous energy swirled within her as she returned home with a few grocery items and one box of condoms that she painstakingly selected. After seeing so many brands, sizes, sensations, and everything else under the sun in the family planning section of the store, in a panicked state, she called Jason. Lana decided calling her brother would be awkward, and other friends might pry too much, so Jason became her unlikely condom consultant—a role he embraced with surprising enthusiasm.
Lana guesstimated that Matthew might return by about 11:30, so she had time for some personal care. With underarms, bikini line, and legs as smooth as silk, she slathered her favorite lotion from her neck all the way to her polished toes.
She dressed in a simple white t-shirt and loose-fitting pants and went about assembling fresh flatbread pizzas, salad, and some sweet but healthy options for dessert. Lana had no clue what hockey players ate while training, so she was forced to wing it to the best of her ability.
Meanwhile, across the city, Matthew smirked and shook his head as he evaded questions about his recent whereabouts from a few of his teammates, as he quickly packed up to leave the gym. Joe wasn't among those who kept pestering Matthew to come out with them after their session, but being one of his closest friends, he knew something was up with his buddy.
As Matthew smiled and bee-lined it to the door, giving a rather hurried wave to those around him, Joe quickly gathered his things, grabbed his bag, and bolted after him.
"Matty—hold up a sec…" Joe hollered as he ran to catch up to Matthew at the door. With a few long strides, Joe was next to him walking out into the parking lot. Joe chuckled at the determined expression on his good pal's face. "Hot date? Where're you heading off to in such a rush?"
Matthew decided to stretch and manipulate the truth as best as he could. Lying wasn't his forte. "I have an appointment with the realtor—just some things to, uh, you know… finish up—I guess…," his voice trailing off.
"How about we go out to that ping-pong bar tonight—y'know, get some of the boys and get some challenges going?"
Distracted by the rumble of thunder in the distance, Matthew fidgeted, shifting his backpack from one shoulder to the other. "Uh—yeah, maybe… I'm not sure just yet… let me do what I planned to do and I'll let you know after I get a nap in."
Given his recent mood shifts and the fact he'd been a bit of a ghost for the past couple of weeks, Joe had all but expected Matthew to decline. "Yeah? OK… yeah, man… sounds good… shoot me a text then and we'll figure it out."
Matthew hurriedly threw his bag in the backseat of his vehicle, quickly blurted a "I'll message ya later" towards Joe, and promptly sped off, leaving his good friend even more puzzled than before.
As Matthew eased along Dundas Street West, he thought solely about Lana. He knew he might be too young to even have this notion, but he had never known a woman like her. He scoffed at himself, acknowledging how much of a cliché it was to even think the thought. Falling for a bona fide woman—a stunning, successful, electrifying woman—is what Matthew realized he craved. Girls his age were fun, vibrant, and awesome to hang out with, but the influx of women who'd emerged this past season had provided Matthew with a clearer picture of what he didn't want.
Matthew realized he was licking his lips incessantly as the nervousness began to build when he turned onto Lana's street. Drops of rain began to spatter onto his windshield, filling him with anticipation of the hours ahead. Unless something drastic had changed, he would be making love to Lana sooner rather than later, and this time, he was prepared.
Using the garage pass Lana provided him with that morning, he parked his vehicle beside Lana's in the underground lot and used the elevator that stopped directly in her place. Lana knew he had arrived even before the elevator doors had opened, having spotted him on the security monitor in her kitchen. How the sight of him walking across the lot to the elevators felt bizarrely familiar, Lana would never know. It felt as though he was meant to be there all along.
Matthew's face lit up as Lana came to greet him. She was about to ask him how everything went, but Matthew's mouth was already on hers, muffling her words. She couldn't help but smile and chuckle into his kiss before Matthew's kiss became a little more hungry and his grip around her more needful. She closed her eyes and offered everything she had within her to him.
Matthew began to walk them upstairs to her bedroom, but the sight of the prepared lunch stopped him in his tracks.
He looked at Lana bashfully. "Oh—man, everything looks incredible—sorry, I didn't mean to just come in hot like that… I just couldn't help it. We can eat—I don't want anything to spoil."
With a newfound confidence, Lana spoke as she kissed him. "None of it's gone into the oven yet—so… it can wait… if you had something else in mind…," Lana said softly between kisses, followed by a wink.
That's all the invitation Matthew needed. Within minutes, the two found themselves naked in bed, hands and mouths exploring in tandem, drawing out the most erotic sounds from each other.
The now torrential downpour added a glorious backdrop of white noise which accompanied the sweet, suggestive murmurs spoken against each other's warm flesh.
The condom conversation eventually occurred, and they couldn't stop laughing when they discovered the new bounty of latex sheaths that each had brought.
Lana was ready for Matthew, but nervousness continued to twist in her stomach. She bit her lip and tried to catch her breath as she watched Matthew carefully roll the condom down his firmly erect shaft. Like the day before, she fixated on every detail of his cock, and she felt a greater need for him blossom within her.
Matthew's hips pressed against hers as he leaned over and kissed her deeply. She raked her fingers through the longer strands of hair towards the base of his neck before her palms descended across his shoulders and along the ridges of his back muscles.
Lana spoke near his ear. "I think I'm ready, Matthew. Can we try now?"
Matthew nestled his face in the crook of her neck and responded "Yes" while softly kissing along her throat.
He positioned his cock at her entrance, rubbing the tip through her inner pussy lips. Slowly, he guided the head of his cock into her entrance as he gently pushed the full tip inside of her.
Matthew was careful and studied Lana's expressions and movements after she encouraged him to keep going deeper. She moaned and gripped his rock-hard forearms as he gently pumped his hips, allowing more of his shaft to slide inside her.
Matthew's full length was inside of Lana. Their gaze trailed from each other down to watch his cock enter and stroke her inner walls. Matthew noticed Lana start to relax as her initial discomfort began to dissipate. Her eyes fluttered closed, her mouth fell open, and her head lolled to the side as her hands roamed along all of his well-sculpted muscle groups. He gently worked his thumb around her clit, using the same technique that had brought her such bliss the night before. Steadily, Matthew continued his fluid motions, gliding in and out while he carefully caressed her highly sensitive bud, only stopping to wet his thumb, tasting her on his tongue.
Try as he might to prolong it, Matthew was getting close. He threw his head back, grunting loudly as he pumped Lana a little more quickly. When he heard her moan his name, he stretched out on top of her while her hands grasped onto his ass. Lana cried out and held onto Matthew's body as he tried to maintain his rhythm, but she just felt so good. Matthew gasped out that he was going to cum and gripped the pillow on either side of her head, flexing his muscles as his body spasmed and twitched with his release.
He remained on top of and inside Lana for a moment, breathing heavily, knowing how incredible he felt but unsure about Lana. But when their eyes connected, they shared a moment that was full of awe and amazement as their rapid breathing slowed.
For Lana, she had no expectations of what her first time would be like. She knew there would be discomfort and it wasn't going to look like the glorified Hollywood sex scenes she had seen in movies. But Matthew made losing her virginity feel natural, beautiful, and more enjoyable with his attentiveness and care.
The rain continued steadily into the early afternoon, but the dreariness outside was a perfect recipe for some relaxation, which Lana realized she had been lacking. Barely clothed, the two brought the flatbread creations back to bed and only stayed upright long enough to eat and drink. They kissed, chatted, and laughed while their hands feathered over each other's bodies. As they lay together, she learned about some of Matthew's physical scars, and he learned about the more emotional ones from Lana's childhood.
Eventually, Matthew enveloped Lana in his arms and held her tightly as he settled in for a nap. To Lana, a midday nap was unheard of; however, not long after Matthew's rumbling snores filled the room, Lana's eyes grew heavy, and she nodded off to sleep as well.
She awoke hours later to Matthew's mouth kissing her shoulder and his arm reaching over her to grab his phone. She smiled, hearing him groan and yawn beside her. She could hear him swiping and tapping the screen as she remained still with her back facing him.
Lana stirred slightly to signal she was awake. The typing on the screen ceased, and Matthew promptly set his cell aside. His hands then roamed her body, fondling everything within reach.
"Do you have anything going tonight? Or is it okay if I hang out here? I hope you're not sick of me yet," Matthew said.
She visualized his smile, one she found so disarming that she'd immediately cancel her plans, if she had any.
Lana kissed along Matthew's arm. "No, I have no plans… if you would like to, I would love to have you stay." She shifted her body, turning to face him. "So, you have nothing going on? I thought you boys would be constantly out on the town during this last stretch of summer," Lana said with a grin as she ran the back of her fingers down his cheek.
Matthew had just sent a message to Joe cancelling their potential plans for that evening. He knew he had begun to raise some questions in Joe's mind—questions that he would need to address at some point. But how could he when he really had no idea himself about what he and Lana were—or weren't?
"My buddy—Joe Woll—not sure if you know him?"
Lana nodded her head that she did.
"We had talked about getting together tonight with some of the guys that are in town now. But I just cancelled—I sort of wanted to stay here… hang out some more with you." Matthew seemed a little sheepish, now that he actually heard how the words sounded out loud.
Lana's brows furrowed with Matthew's admission. "Matthew—I hope you didn't feel like you had to stay… I know you have a life too—I'm not looking to get in the way of that."
"I know… I'm just not ready to leave this little space that we're in right now." Matthew's voice trailed off and then he chuckled. "I really like being with you and I want to do so much more of this… like, the last couple of days—getting to know so much more about you—I just—fuck—I think you're amazing…." Matthew's cheeks flushed at his confession, uncertain of whether Lana felt an ounce of what he had been feeling. "I hate asking this but, do you feel the same about me? Sort of like—do you have a picture of what we are�� or could be? Maybe I shouldn't even be asking this…."
Lana looked up at Matthew, her expression warm and soft and full of affection for him. It boggled her mind that the soon-to-be 22-year-old would ever consider a relationship with someone well beyond his years.
"I'd like to continue this—whatever 'this' is... spending time together. I'm not sure of the proper label. Dating? Seeing each other?" Lana nestled closer to Matthew's chest, her fingers tracing patterns on his skin. She paused, then added softly, "But there's something I can't quite grasp."
Matthew shifted to get a better view of her face. He hadn't anticipated Lana's question and had to bite his tongue, allowing her to finish before he spoke.
"Why me? I'm not meaning to sound like I'm putting myself down, but I have tried to consider a few angles—you've got this incredible career ahead of you. You could have your pick of women—women more your age. Young women—models, athletes, whomever—that you can start your young lives together," Lana paused, gathering her thoughts. "I'm just… worried… I have lived my twenties. I'm in a whole other decade than you. And please don't get me wrong, when we're together, I rarely think about our age gap. You're so mature, intelligent, articulate, thoughtful..." She punctuated each compliment with a soft kiss on his chest. Then, worry clouded her face. "But don't you ever worry—if we were to start a relationship—that your family, your friends might feel I'm too old for you? You might even feel that way at some point down the road. I've seen all sorts of relationships with athletes, but this—this with me and you is something entirely different—"
Matthew interjected, shaking his head. "God—no. I know there's still so much we have to figure out about each other, but this being different is exactly what I want. I know I might seem too eager with wanting to spend as much time with you as I can—maybe I come across as immature... but it's because ever since we met, I never want our conversations—our time together—to end. It's like the biggest no-brainer I've ever had. So no—I don't think about whether there's a difference in age… I don't feel anything like that. I just can't ignore how great I feel when we're together."
Lana listened closely to Matthew's words, trying to uncover any red flags in how he viewed her. This didn't appear to be a ruse or him looking for a mother-figure, or anything else of that nature.
"Lana—look, I've been on the other side of things with my past girlfriends, even more than once—when everything becomes an argument, when even the simplest things seem hard, and being around them feels like a chore or an obligation. Fuck, I wasn't even looking to start dating—meeting you took me out at the knees and every single time we were together… you just—you brought out the best of me—and I think I did that for you too. So... if you're willing to give me a shot, I'm all in."
Lana's mind, once again, instinctively drifted into her natural mode of calculating risk. She could certainly see risks with Matthew, not just solely from his age, but questioning whether it was emotion or logic driving his feelings for her. She was in her own struggle between using logic or emotion, which was proving easier said than done.
But as Lana ran her hands down his broad chest, she agreed with him in her mind. He brought out the lighter parts of her personality, and she liked it. "I'd like to try. Take things day by day… spend what time we can with each other. I'm not looking to rush anything, and until we're both comfortable, I would prefer to keep this totally private. Does that sound okay?"
Matthew thought for a moment, reminding himself he had to be patient—this was her first relationship and she was understandably cautious. Matthew lifted her chin and kissed her gently while saying "Absolutely."
The rain subsided just before dinnertime. The two hadn't ventured much beyond the bedroom, and Lana fully and completely reveled in their lazy day together. Matthew's mouth explored more of Lana, and she, in turn, fueled by her fascination and internal drive, gave him her very first blow job. She thoroughly enjoyed the act, but it was the praise she received which made her positively giddy inside.
In Lana's mind, there could never be a comparison for the day she just spent with Matthew. He eased her comfortably into a whirlwind of changes and new experiences. Nothing felt overwhelming. It all just felt exactly as it should be.
In the days leading up to the Friday before Labor Day, Lana and Matthew managed to deftly arrange their respective schedules to maximize their newly sacred alone time. Knowing that Lana would remain up north for two weeks from Labor Day, Matthew pulled out all the stops, with romantic gestures and all-out wooing her before she departed for Muskoka Friday morning.
First, the bouquet of 11 long-stemmed white roses and 11 chocolate-dipped strawberries that arrived the following day. Ainsley delivered the gifts to Lana's office just as she exited the conference room, bidding farewell to her new client. Lana stifled a smile when she saw Ainsley's puzzled expression. She knew her assistant was bursting at the seams to ask the million questions she surely had bouncing in her mind. Lana glided over to her desk, marveling at the perfectly formed rosebuds, blushing as she removed the sealed envelope attached to one of the stems, and another on the box of strawberries.
"LANA—oh my god, it's killing me… who sent you roses and strawberries? Please… I won't tell anyone… please—are you seeing someone?"
Ainsley did not know about Lana's personal history. Although Lana had a good relationship with her assistant, it was after careful observation once Ainsley was hired that Lana saw Ainsley might be a touch too comfortable in sharing the private matters of others.
Lana fibbed. "Just a thank-you from Aryne Tavares for helping Matthew. I'm just going to call her now—I'll stop by your desk afterwards so we can go over some things while I'm away."
Ainsley recognized Lana wasn't eager to dive into a personal chat and quietly closed her office door, stopping to gossip with another sales rep in the break room.
Lana double-checked the door was closed before she opened the first envelope. The card read:
"11 is my new favorite number."
Lana wasn't sure of the reference right away, but it soon dawned on her. Their difference in age.
She chuckled and shook her head, grinning widely as she opened the second envelope.
"Better than beet juice. You can share these at the office—there will be more later."
Lana pressed the card against her heart. There will be more later echoed in her mind.
And there was more.
After Lana sent Matthew a quick thank-you note, they swiftly made plans to meet as soon as she arrived home from the office.
Just as Lana returned home, Matthew arrived at her door with two more bouquets of 11 long-stem roses—one red bouquet and one yellow, as he wasn't sure which color she liked the most.
Matthew also brought a second box of strawberries, dipped in rich Belgian chocolate, which had a dual purpose.
The strawberries, which were later placed on Lana's bare torso, would serve as edible foreplay.
After the delectable appetizer, the sustenance it provided fueled the pair for a marathon in bed. The freedom of knowing they wanted to try for a future together proved to be a powerful aphrodisiac.
Night had fallen, and Lana lay across her bed, breathless. Her skin still rosy and flushed, covered in a light sheen of sweat as she watched Matthew return from the bathroom. He crawled onto the bed, placing kisses over her naked body as she lazily ran her hands through his hair and down his back.
Lana mused that she could get used to this.
The Saturday of the Labor Day weekend was picture perfect. Bright and sunny skies, with every shade of blue on display in every direction. Lake Rosseau was still for the moment, the surface of the water would rival the smoothest glass.
Lana and Andrew's shared lakefront home was already buzzing with activity. Their Labor Day shindig was one of the area's most popular get-togethers, as the brother-sister duo were known for their warmth, hospitality, and delicious offerings from local food and drink venues. Lana and Andrew had long ago decided to take turns organizing the annual event. After Lana threw one of their most revered parties the previous year, Andrew and Jason were determined to outdo her this time. This friendly sibling rivalry to host the better get-together likely made their end-of-summer event one of the most sought-after invitations around Port Carling.
Andrew spotted Lana stealing a few moments alone on the south-facing deck of a sitting area. He handed her an espresso, which she hadn't asked for but deeply appreciated.
"Just got a message from Aryne Tavares," Andrew said. "She already RSVP'd for her and John, but it sounds like they have a few guests staying at their cottage. She wondered if we could accommodate some extra mouths to feed. What do you think?" Andrew maintained a straight face until he saw Lana trying not to smile, as she quickly guessed who one of the "extra mouths" might be.
"Drew, this is all yours," she replied, feigning innocence. "If your numbers say yes, then there's your answer."
"Aryne mentioned one of their guest's names is Matthew Knies. Ring any bells?" Andrew teased.
"You're such a donkey sometimes, Drew. Total jackass." Lana scoffed and bumped against him.
"I actually cannot wait to meet him. See the guy that's lifted all of that shit off your shoulders that our mother laid on you. Did you know he was up for the weekend?"
"He messaged me that he was staying with John and a few teammates for the weekend. Said he hoped that he could stop by for a bit."
“Well, once we’re all cleaned up here after the party, Jason and I are going on a little road trip, so your two weeks alone will be starting tomorrow. Although, the alone thing…maybe not so much anymore, eh?”
Lana chuckled and shrugged her shoulders.
“Sound carries like crazy up here but the glass doors are sound proof - I recommend keeping them closed if you and Matthew are - you know…”
“Jesus Andrew - will you stop?” Lana laughed.
“I forgot to mention - well done too….Jason and I were watching some press conferences… he sure looks like he’s got stamina. Built like a brick shithouse, as they say….”
“Fuck - I’m outta here…you’re too much…”
Lana stood up but stopped to wrap her arms around her brother. “I love you, Drew.”
“Love you to sis. I’m happy for you. Jason and I both are.”
Matthew spotted Lana first. Her naturally wavy hair flitted in the breeze with the ends brushing the small of her back. She absolutely took his breath away. She looked happy, relaxed, and incredibly beautiful as the light wind off the lake swept her hair to the side.
The man Lana was speaking to was no less beautiful, and Matthew had to get his bearings and calm his mind before he approached her. It was difficult not to react to the knot in his stomach given how close Lana seemed to be with the unknown man, who appeared athletic, tanned, and pretty much perfect.
Aryne, John, Joe Woll and Fraser Minten (otherwise knowns as Mints), signaled to Matthew that they were heading to get a drink and waved for him to join them. When Matthew indicated he’d be there in a minute, barely taking his eyes off Lana, Joe - in a flash - pieced it together of why his good friend had been so distant since he first started his search for a new place to live.
Joe watched from afar as Lana sensed a presence behind her. She turned around to see Matthew's face, and her own lit up, with bashful adoring smile. Lana approached Matthew and introduced him to the man she had been standing with.
"Matthew Knies—this is Jason Morin, my brother's partner. Jason, this is Matthew."
Jason shook Matthew's hand. "Great to meet you. I'm a really big fan of yours - and the team. Hoping for an amazing season ahead for you guys."
Matthew’s eyes widened once he realized he had misinterpreted the situation. “Oh - Jason - wow, awesome to meet you too. Yeah, it’s going to be an exciting season I think.”
The three chatted for a few minutes before Aryne, John, and the rest of their group made their way over to greet them. Hugs and handshakes and introductions were made and the group fell into mostly a comfortable exchange.
Eventually Lana ushered Aryne back into the grand main cottage - Aryne had her eye on some fixtures and dressings throughout the main room and Lana was glad to give her the details of the designer.
John and Fraser wanted to go explore the massive boathouse and the multi-dock/deck system, leaving Matthew and Joe with their Corona beers. They did a quick cheers and silently surveyed the southern view from the main deck at the back of the cottage.
Joe broke the silence but didn’t turn his head from the view. “Amazing spot.”
“Sure is.”
Joe smirked knowingly. He could tell Matthew was aware that Joe's keen "spidey senses" had picked up on something.
“Lana seems nice. Oh - right - she’s the one that helped you find your new place?”
Matthew fought against wanting to smile. “Yep.”
Joe bided his time and took another sip from his bottle. “Yep. Seems really nice.”
Matthew tried to fight it off but he broke in to a laugh. “Fuck dude - just ask what you want to ask or say what you want to say man - might as well get it over with.”
Joe teased his buddy. “You better work on not cracking under pressure like that - jeez, I was barely egging you on…”
Matthew rolled his eyes and scoffed. “So? What do you wanna know?”
Joe shrugged. “Anything you’re willing to divulge….”
“Well….. Lana and I are seeing each other.” Matthew exhaled deeply without even realizing he’d been holding his breath.
Joe’s eyes smiled for his friend. “Good for you, man - that’s great…”
Matthew nodded and looked around at the groups of party goers that had congregated near the bar. “She wants to keep it private - she’s worried that my family and friends are going to think she’s too old for me.”
“Ahhh - yeah, I get it.” Joe knew Matthew’s family would just want him to be happy but he certainly saw Lana’s point. “How old is she?”
“32. So just over 10 years difference.”
“Shit, that’s not bad at all. You’re 22 next month so yeah, ten years isn’t bad.”
"But… Jesus, Joe. Fuck, I couldn't help it. I swear, she took me out at the knees — first time I saw her, I was standing in her office behind John worrying I was about to pop an awkward boner."
Joe laughed, nearly choking on his gulp of beer.
"I couldn't have cared less about viewing the condos — I probably could've gotten everything decided in the first couple of hours, but I acted all indecisive for weeks, just to see her again. Man — she's just such an amazing person. She really is."
Aryne's voice behind Joe startled him and Matthew. "Is John still down at the boathouse?"
Matthew peered around a few groups of people and pointed John out to Aryne.
"Lana — I'll be back in a sec…," Aryne called over her shoulder as Lana approached Matthew and Joe.
“How are you guys doing? Do you need anything at all?” Lana said as she assessed the remaining beer in each of their bottles. She pointed out so additional food stations that had just been set up and rhymed off the varieties of cuisines, if they were hungry of course.
Joe smiled widely and chatted with Lana briefly before excusing himself, leaving Matthew and her alone together.
Barely moving his lips and pretending to look around, Matthew spoke under his breath to Lana how gorgeous she looked. Blushing, Lana did the same.
She paused for a moment and then asked if Joe knew about them. Matthew glanced downward and then apologetically looked into her eyes. Matthew explained that Joe had guessed - and that Joe was also exceptionally smart and seem to notice….well, everything.
Lana’s soft voice soothed Matthew’s mild panic, telling him it was ok that Joe knew. Her brother and Jason knew so it really was only fair.
Matthew had a sudden need to be alone with Lana and he leaned in towards her. “Think I could get a private tour of the inside?”
Lana’s eyes were directed towards a local power couple as she smiled and waved at them, but her mind was solely on Matthew. “Mmmm…I can give you a tour a little later - I have something else in mind. There’s a main staircase inside - follow it upstairs and I'll meet you up there in about 5 minutes, okay?”
Matthew chuckled and jokingly looked over his shoulder, then back to Lana. “Yes ma’am.”
Long after Matthew left with the Tavares’ Saturday evening, and once Andrew and Jason had departed on their scheduled road trip the following day, Loren was alone. She traipsed around from room to room absorbing the tranquility of the house, and the bright a breathtaking scenery outside. She always loved this time of year, and there was an odd satisfaction with taking time off when it felt most were venturing back to the work week and school grind after their summer breaks.
Lana changed into her typical work out attire, and headed down to the lake where her one-person scull awaited her on shore. Lana loved her solo rowing trips, especially on a day where the lake was as quiet as it was.
She rowed the lightweight boat along the shoreline at an impressive speed, concentrating on her tempo, proper posture and breathing. She was far off in her own world inside her mind, and barely glanced at the million dollar lake houses with their enormous floating docks and monster ski boats and jet-skis tied to each one.
After an hour-long trip around the lake, she approached her own dock and spotted a tall figure standing by the swim ladder. She stopped rowing to shield her eyes from the sun to get a better look— unintentionally rocking the boat and squealing a little when she realized it was Matthew.
As fast as she could, she hopped into the water and dragged the boat onto the sandy part of the shore, and ran up towards the gangplank where Matthew was climbing down to meet her.
Lana wrapped her arms around Matthew. “I am so happy you’re here but - I thought you had planned to go back to the city yesterday?” She was still puffing - partly from rowing but mostly from Matthew surprising her.
“Sorry - I hated being sneaky but yeah, I really wanted to surprise you. Worried me a little when I showed up and I couldn’t find you. I came out here and kept seeing a flash of something - it was the sun reflecting off your oars. You’re such a badass out there….”
They strolled up the path and chatted animatedly about the hours that passed when they were apart. They entered the main cottage through the large glass doors just off the kitchen.
Matthew was still in awe of Lana’s lake front setup and as they talked, he would meander off, poking his head in and out of rooms with a “not too shabby” expression on his face.
Lana beamed, looking at Matthew as he approached her, backing her up against the countertop by the kitchen sink. He slowly pressed his mouth onto hers and asked if he could interrupt her "quiet time" and stay for a few days. He would need to make his way back into the city at some point that week, but it was Joe who encouraged him to take the chance, come back to Lana's, and spend time with her before training camp got fully underway.
Lana wrapped her arms tightly around Matthew’s neck, her kiss full of need and desire for him. She was elated that he came back, otherwise, the thought had crossed her mind to leave the cottage, surprise him at his condo door - like they do in so many rom-coms - probably drenched from rain, too.
Every moment that followed, a sense of peace washed over Matthew and Lana, which neither had even known they needed. They simply wanted to be together. Whether they were exploring the beautiful towns nearby, sunning themselves on the dock (Matthew couldn't believe what a rocket Lana was in her bikini), or enjoying dinner for two on the boat as they cruised the lake — anything that allowed them to be near one another.
If their shared sense of peace was a surprise to them, their appetite for each other was not. At the party, after they stole away into Lana's bathroom for a few minutes (in reality it was more like 30), Lana channeled her newly discovered sexuality. Behind the locked door, Lana stripped down to her strapless bra and lace panties, and promptly palmed Matthew's cock through his pants. It wasn't much longer before Lana had her hand over her mouth, stifling her cries of bliss while Matthew kneeled in front of her, her one leg draped over his shoulder as he dined on her.
A "Car Ride" soon took on a completely different meaning after their road trips would extend past sunset. Lana was surprised to find a number of secluded spots to climb onto Matthew's cock and experience heaven — sometimes more than once.
For Matthew, picnics in bed had become a fast favorite. The amount of teasing that they unlocked with various edibles was positively sinful. If things got too sticky or messy, well then a joint shower, and everything that entails, would need to be had.
It was Lana's appetite for Matthew that brought her back to the city early, well before her two-week break had concluded. After Matthew had left their bubble to go back to Toronto to buckle down with training, Lana tried to push past the longing that had settled in deep for Matthew. She knew how to be alone—she had always been comfortable with her own company. But she missed him, plain and simple. As Matthew drove home after a morning skate, he scrambled to press "read" on his dashboard after a text from Lana appeared.
"Good morning, Matty. Would you be around for dinner tonight, or sometime soon? Just arrived home. Was missing someone terribly."
Matthew called Lana immediately.
"You're back?! God—that's really—wow… really good news. I was missing someone pretty badly too." Matthew heard Lana giggle and he felt his heart could burst with happiness.
"So, I was wondering if I could take the someone I was missing terribly out on a date tonight? That is, if he's available?" Lana asked hopefully.
Matthew was positively moony. "Does he have to wait that long—or can you maybe fit him in before tonight? Like, maybe now, if not sooner?"
Lana's smile could be heard in her voice. "I can. I'll meet you at yours in the next half-second."
Matthew's cock twitched at Lana's suggestive tone, and he let out a little groan. "See you soon then."
The afternoon was mostly spent horizontal—limbs intertwined and lips connected to each other in every way possible.
They slowly peeled themselves off each other, enjoyed a long and lazy shower, and got ready for their date. Matthew peppered her with questions as to where they were going, and Lana simply answered, "To dinner… and then I guess we'll see after that."
The only other hint she gave Matthew was that she was taking him to her favorite restaurant.
From a window seat atop the ManuLife Centre, 51 floors up, Lana gazed out at one of the most stunning sunsets she'd ever seen—a breathtaking display of reds, oranges, and purples. It felt as if the universe itself was sharing a knowing wink with her. She had gotten her wish - and what a redemption this was from the last time she sat in this restaurant.
The only thing that surpassed the outside view was the man she sat across from. His magnetic charm, disarming looks, with a genuinely kind heart.
Matthew Knies had been well worth the wait.
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sturnsmadl · 3 months ago
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christmas dad!matt headcannons!
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warnings!- light angst, suggestion of sex, mostly fluff, pregnancy mention, no actual smut, cute dad matt.
divider by @canon-in-too-deep !!
a/n at the bottom :)
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dad!matt who just stares at you as you wrap the presents.
"what are you staring at?"
"can i help?"
dad!matt who doesn't even know what she's getting.
"when did we get her this?"
"i got it when you were at work."
dad!matt who sets up the santa trap.
"ill just put flour on the floor and step in it in my boots."
"good idea..what about the whole cookies and milk thing?"
"i ate them cookies a while ago..."
dad!matt who buys her expensive stuff.
"matt. she doesnt need an a hundred dollar stuffed bear."
"but its cute..like her..no?"
"just wrap it."
dad!matt who is more excited then anyone.
"are you awake?"
"i am now."
"i cant sleep..im too excited.."
"matt. its 2am...shut your fucking eyes."
dad!matt who gets up really early just to bother you.
"hey baby!"
"hi. why are you up so early?"
"fuck off matt."
"im kidding! unless you wanna?"
dad!matt who end up dragging you out of bed himself.
"get uppp! we wanna open presents!"
"oh my- 5 more minutes matt!"
"no! now mommy!"
"exactly. you tell her baby."
dad!matt who makes sure he gets you something valuable every year.
"matt..? this is so expensive.."
"so? you deserve it. come 'ere."
dad!matt who records most the presents your daughter opens.
"what is it baby?"
"oo! show the camera sweetheart."
dad!matt who finds out you're pregnant through his gift.
"wait..no- you're lying.."
"nope...what'd you think?"
"oh fuck- this is the best present ever.."
dad!matt who gets tired quickly.
"can you guys just shutup?!"
"matt nobodys speaking."
dad!matt who feels better after a nap.
"sorry...i was just tired.."
"i know."
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a/n - i really wanna make a boy next door part 2 but i have 0 ideas so idek but i want it out for christmas kinda idk!
taglist! @bellaonthelow @hopelessfawn @moonk1ss3d @sturnclouds @christophersgf @ellizzyy @fratbrochrisgf @phoenix062 @pixxiies @conspiracy-ash @blahbel668 @monroesturnns @gwennybenny @sturnobsessedwh0re @xoxo4chrisss @pixie-sticks-are-good @wurlibydominicfike @anitahunt @ilusa @mattstrombolii @stvrlighht @asherrisrandom @amelia-sturniolo3 @pvssychicken @owensbabygirl @ncm9696 @sturniolo-fann @watchu-mean-baby-keem @babyalliah-777 @imtheprett @coochiedestroyer1 @scarlettbitches @slutniolo @idkwhatthisis2009 @anabanabanana @chriscorqutte @slvttie-zx @hi-7-hi @sophand4n4
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girlyrafe · 1 month ago
──── ꜱᴍᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ...ᴍᴏʀᴇ .ᐟ
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ᡣ𐭩 ❝ ꜱᴏꜰᴛ¡ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ⟡ ݁₊ ❞
⌗ with chris sturniolo .ᐟ.ᐟ
ᝰ summary .ᐟ You convince Chris to let you smoke weed; you know it has some effects. I mean, you've seen it on him enough times to know, but it seems to be having a physical effect on you that Chris has never experienced.
₊ ⊹ ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
The dim glow of the room wraps around you like a secret, the air heavy with the tang of incense and the sweet, sharp scent of weed. Chris is perched on the edge of the bed, one leg stretched out all casual while the other’s bent under him. He’s watching you, eyes glinting with that teasing edge that always makes your stomach flip.
You’re sitting there too, legs tucked under you, trying not to squirm under his gaze. He’s got a blunt in his hands, rolling it up like it’s second nature, his fingers moving with this lazy confidence that somehow makes your heart beat faster.
“You sure about this?” Chris asks, his voice low, smooth, laced with just enough playfulness to make your cheeks heat. There’s something about the way he’s looking at you tonight—like he’s trying to figure you out, but also like he already knows more than you’re ready to admit.
Your heart’s racing, but there’s no turning back now. You’ve been replaying this moment in your head for weeks, the way just being around him makes you feel safe and electric all at once. You want this—want him—more than you can say out loud. “Yeah… I trust you,” you murmur, your voice softer than you’d like, betraying the nerves you’re trying to bury.
Chris grins at you, slow and warm, his eyes dragging over you in a way that makes your skin tingle. He pats his lap, smirking just a little. “C’mere, sit with me.”
You hesitate for half a second before scooting over, and he pulls you in, settling you so your back’s pressed to his chest. His arms naturally wrap around your waist, and you can feel the heat of him, the way his presence seems to fill every inch of space around you.
The lighter flicks, a quick flash of orange illuminating his face as he lights the blunt. You’re mesmerized by the way he moves—the easy rise and fall of his chest, the way his lips part just slightly as he inhales. It’s all so casual for him, but for you, it’s a lot. You can’t take your eyes off him.
Chris exhales slow, the smoke curling between you, and then he leans in, so close you feel his breath ghosting against your ear. Before you can process what’s happening, he blows the smoke directly into your mouth, his lips just barely brushing your skin. The sensation hits deep, leaves you breathless in a way that has nothing to do with the smoke.
Your pulse is wild now, your whole body buzzing from how close he is, from the way his hands rest so casually on your waist like it’s nothing. Except it’s not nothing—not to you. You lean into him a little more, trying to play it cool even though you’re anything but.
“Take a hit,” he murmurs, holding the blunt out to you, his grin full of mischief and something else you can’t quite name. Your fingers brush his as you take it, and even that small touch feels like too much.
You bring it to your lips, copying what you saw him do, though your hands are shaky enough to make you blush. The smoke fills your lungs, heavy and unfamiliar, and you hold it in as long as you can before letting it out in a slow exhale.
Chris chuckles, low and rich, the sound wrapping around you like a blanket. “Not bad for a first timer,” he teases, his lips brushing your ear again. His voice has dropped, deeper now, and it makes your breath catch.
You take another hit, this time with more confidence, your lips wrapping around the blunt as your eyes drift closed. The smoke floods your lungs, warm and heady, settling into your veins like a soft glow. As you exhale, the world softens, its edges blurring until there’s only you and Chris. The room spins lazily, a hazy circle of light and shadows, and you find yourself leaning further into him. His chest is solid against your back, grounding you as his hands rest gently on your sides, steady and deliberate.
“You’re kinda cute like this,” he murmurs, his voice low and teasing, sending a shiver through you. His lips brush against your ear, and the soft graze of his cheek against yours feels almost too intimate. His words are playful, but there’s something beneath them—a quiet intensity that makes your pulse stumble. “Sure you don’t want another hit?” His grin is unmistakable in his tone. “You look like you’re having a good time.”
You bite your lip, fighting the blush threatening to give you away. It’s not just the weed coursing through your system; it’s him. The nearness of him, the way his voice settles in your chest, the heat of his hands, the way he’s looking at you like you’re the only thing that matters.
“I—uh, yeah, sure,” you whisper, your voice barely audible as he hands the blunt back to you. Your fingers brush his, and the contact feels electric, sharp and fleeting, but it lingers in the air between you. You inhale again, the smoke curling through your lungs as your mind swims, and your heart races faster than before.
His hand glides up your side, slow and deliberate, his fingers trailing over the fabric of your shirt. The touch sends a spark down your spine, and you shiver before you can stop yourself. He notices, of course he notices. His lips curve into a grin you can feel without looking. “You get even cuter when you’re flustered,” he whispers, his voice smooth and teasing, but there’s a softness there, too, like he doesn’t mind how vulnerable you are around him.
You turn your head slightly, meeting his eyes, and the air between you crackles. His gaze is heavy, dark, and impossibly warm, and it makes your breath catch in your throat. “Stop teasing me,” you murmur, trying to sound annoyed, but your words come out shaky, almost pleading.
Chris chuckles, low and husky, the sound curling around you. His fingers brush against the side of your neck, his touch featherlight and maddening. “I can’t help it,” he whispers, his lips hovering so close to yours you can feel the heat of his breath. “Not when you’re this cute.”
The room feels impossibly small now, the haze thick and charged. For a moment, you hesitate, the tension pulling taut between you like a string about to snap. Then you exhale the smoke, your lungs trembling as you close the distance, your lips finally meeting his.
The kiss is tentative at first, soft and searching, like testing the edges of something you’ve both been afraid to ruin. But it deepens quickly, the hesitation melting away as your mouths move together, hungry and deliberate. His hands find the curve of your back as you turn around without breaking the kiss, pulling you closer, and the weight of his touch makes your head spin more than the weed ever could.
It’s not just the haze in the air or the warmth in your veins—it’s him. The way his kiss feels like a promise, the way his touch anchors you, the way you’ve been holding this inside for so long, and now it’s finally spilling out.
And as his lips press against yours, slow and deliberate, you realize you’re not the only one who’s been waiting for this. Every stolen glance, every lingering touch, every unspoken word—it’s all been building to this moment.
Maybe Chris has been feeling it too? or maybe its just the weed? right?
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blackdollette · 9 months ago
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₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹ "𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢'𝐦 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐫." | 𝐬. 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: bau!unsub!female!reader x dom!spencer
⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 521
⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: smut with a little plot, praise, dominant spencer, he get's a little forceful
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“is this what psychotic girls like you fantasize about..? huh..?”
spencer’s chest pressed against your back, your saliva coating his fingers as he curled them against your tongue. how ironic was it that he was fucking the criminal that had cost him hours of sleep right on his personal desk?
you were what the BAU ranked a “stalker” class unsub. an erotomanic individual who had convinced themself that someone completely out of their grasp was head over heels for them. not particularly dangerous, but more than desperate to get a taste of what you had been longing for for countless years.
you had watched him in action for as long as you had served the fbi. every worthless factoid and obsolete piece of information he spat out tattooed itself in your brain, making you more whipped for him with each passing day. and by the time you got caught for your criminalistic tendencies, you wanted nothing more than to have his body against yours.
earlier in the day, he had asked you to stay late at the office with him, said it was private stuff that he wanted to discuss with you. but surely, the BAU’s boy genius had used his skills to see through your semi-flawless facade. and now he was dealing with you the only way he knew how.
and you had gotten exactly what you wanted, but at what cost? 
spencer’s cock slipped out of your hole, the tip swollen and red with anger as he teased your puffy entrance with it. he reentered with a deep groan, your pussy making an audible squelch sound as you toyed with your clit.
“i-i’ve always noticed you…” he started, “...giving me those eyes of yours during conferences… trying to get me alone at any possible chance…”
your face pressed into a pile of paperwork, mewls and moans and little sobs slipping from your parted lips. a harsh slap landed on your ass, making you squeal.
“...and you really thought you’d get away with it, huh? or maybe you just wanted this outcome. smart girl…”
the rapid, almost painful rhythm of his thrusts adjusted to a softer pace, the brutal abuse on your cervix reaching a halt. you panted greedily, arching your back against him in an attempt to feel him stretch you out again. he pulled his fingers out of your mouth, drawing sloppy threads of saliva from your lips.
“i wonder how the team’s gonna feel about this. i’d be a real shame if they found out about this little game you’ve been playing…”
your blood ran cold. it hadn’t even occuured to you that you had gotten caught in this scheme of yours. and now spencer had the power to ruin your life right in his hands. you opened your mouth, starting to beg and plead for his forgiveness, but his lips found yours and shut you up immediately.
he moved himself against you, feeling the vibrations of your whimpers jittering through his veins. he pulled away, taking your pretty face into his firm grip and staring daggers at you.
“then i guess they’ll just never find out… ”
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heartshapedbabydolls · 9 months ago
Let me show you how bad girls do 💌
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sunbleanchedcassie · 2 months ago
am i a weirdo if i say i like his teeth? like truly.
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sp6ncers · 2 months ago
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4ever-feral · 1 month ago
✨Everybody knows I’m a good girl officer ✨
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m4ttslvr · 1 year ago
High By The Beach
sub!chris x fem!reader
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one shot: where you get high by the beach with your bff chris but things get heated when you two are left alone ;)
warnings: smut, riding, fem receiving, drug use obv
Your guys' last day in Hawaii was coming to an end, the sun disappearing behind the slow waves of the clearest ocean you had ever seen. You, Chris, Matt, Nick and Madi had spent the day doing all sorts of fun activities- swimming with dolphins, taking a tour on a helicopter, walking all over the island visiting stores and restaurants. Needless to say, you were all exhausted from the days itinerary.
That's why you were all resting at the beach, sitting in a circle by the fire, recounting the days events while passing a joint around.
"And then Nick slapped the dolphin!" Matt was saying, all of you dying of laughter. Nick who was taking a drag of the joint choked on the smoke, making everyone laugh harder.
"I apologized to Mr. Squeaky!" Nick defended between coughs and laughter, "He sneaked up behind me, I didn't mean to do it!"
Chris, who was laying his head on your lap, took the joint from Nick's hand, "If I was Mr. Squeaky, I would have bit you" he joked, earning a dramatic scoff from Nick.
You giggled, Chris grinning up at you, his eyelids low. You watch him as he wraps his pink lips around the roll of weed, his cheekbones prominent as he inhales the smoke, his hair tickling your thighs, and his jawline sharp as he blows the smoke up at you.
“Hey!” you protest, falling back into the sand. “Stop that you goof!”
His head rolls over onto your exposed tummy and he looks at you with a mischievous smile, discarding the finished joint. He puffs his cheeks and before you realize what he’s going to do, he leans forward and blows a raspberry on your tummy making you laugh uncontrollably.
“Chris! Chris!” you say between gasps for air, he’s now tickling your sides while blowing raspberries. “Stop it” your hands are on his hair but you’re too weak to push him off.
He pulls away laughing with his tongue sticking out “You’re tummy was right there, I had to!” You roll your eyes. You’re about to protest when he stuffs a marshmallow in your mouth. Your protests are muffled by the marshmallow and he breaks into a louder fit of laughter.
You can’t get annoyed at his actions. His laughter is super contagious and with the weed in your system you can’t help but join him.
Your laugh is cut off by Madi yelling “I’m awake!” out of nowhere. You all watch her as she slowly falls onto Matt’s shoulder and she shoots up again “I’m awake I swear!” she mumbles, her eyes closing.
“Alright!” Nick exclaims, “time for bed!”. Matt agrees and carries Madi to the hotel.
“Whaaat?” Chris whines, sitting up. “I was about to light up my other joint!”
“You haven’t had enough?” Nick asks.
“No” Chris deadpans. “Have you y/n? Cmon back me up” he pleads.
“I could have another few more hits” you shrug.
“Alright you stoners,” Nick replies. “Have fun!”
“Niiiight Nicky” you both wave goodbye.
The fire is dying out and the breeze is getting cooler, as Chris searches his shorts pockets for the other joint. “Whoops.”
“What?” you ask.
“I…may have… already smoked the other joint earlier”
“Sorry y/n!” he falls back into the sand next to you, defeated. “I forgot I did that”
You both sigh, looking up at the starry night, the fire died out completely.
You turn to look at him, his side profile stunning. You were always taken aback by your best friend’s beauty, no matter how many years of friendship you had under your belt. His wavy hair fell over his face perfectly, like a prince. His nose sculpted like a greek statue, and his cheekbones like a model’s. His dark blue eyes as blue as the ocean a few feet away from you.
Those eyes were looking back at you now. “Hey” his voice quiet.
“Hey” you smiled.
A silence settled between you. The silence usually comfortable, but right now, for some reason, you were getting nervous with his eyes on you. You felt your cheeks get hot and you couldn’t hold eye contact with him.
“Am I making you blush y/n?”
“What? No!” you quipped. It wasn’t unusual for Chris to jokingly flirt but something about how he looked tonight and the heat of his body…it was making you panic.
“You sure?” he has a smirk on his face, unaware of his effect on you.
“Yeah- yes I’m sure. I’m just getting chilly. The sun set already, the fire is out and the breeze is cool, I’m in this swim suit.” you ramble. “Can we get in the tent or something?”
“Sure” he helps you up and tucks you under the blankets, cuddling up against you.
This was okay. You were cool about this. You and Chris cuddled all the time. Best friends cuddle. Best friends share the same tent and cuddle under the same blankets. Right? Yeah! Of course. This was normal and cool.
His arm brushed your breasts as he lifted it to wrap it behind your neck. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt something flutter down there. Alright, now you were blushing hard. Like this your breasts pressed against his side and you you felt your nipples get hard. You knew he could feel them through the thin fabric of your bikini top.
“You alright?” he asked, his voice huskier than before. God, what was happening to you? Now you were noticing a change in his voice? It must be the weed in your system. Of course! The weed is the one making you think like this.
“Mhm” you hummed, your pitch high. It was obvious you were not alright. He must feel your heart beating out of your chest and your legs rubbing against each other.
“You sure?” he asks again.
“Yes Chris I’m alr-“ you stop mid sentence when your leg slides up his body and it hits something hard, causing a low moan to escape Chris.
You both freeze in place, both of you shocked at what just happened. You had just felt Chris’ erection on your leg and clearly heard him moan.
Chris is the first to move, sitting up and hiding his face in his hands. You sit up next to him, placing a soft hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry y/n, I don’t know what happened” his voice muffled against his hands.
“It’s okay Chris, don’t worry about it”
“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, i’m sorry”
“I’m not uncomfortable Chris” you reassure him. “I’m actually…feeling…the same.”
Your feel him tense under your hand. You can’t believe you just admitted that. You just admitted to your best friend that you’re as turned on by him as he is by you.
He slowly lifts his face from his hands, turning to look at you. You see a hunger in his eyes that you’ve never seen before as he scans your face, his gaze lingering on your bitten lips. “R-really?”
You nod slowly, shuffling closer to him. Your body was acting on its own, as if by a magnetic pull. You wanted nothing more than to be pressed up against him again. You wanted to be the cause of his moans again. Now that you’ve had a taste, you were starving for more.
You leaned forward and kissed your best friends lips. They were softer than you thought and you tasted marshmallow. His lashes tickeled your cheeks as you deepened the kiss, his tongue gliding on your bottom lip. You pulled him closer, your fingers in his hair. You parted your lips, letting him explore your mouth with his tongue. He hear him moan for the second time tonight and the sound goes directly to your pussy, making it throb with yearning.
You guided his body down to lay on his back, his eyes locked on yours. You could both see in each other’s eyes that you both thought this was crazy, you had been best friends for years now, nothing more. But you could also see the fiery desire in your expressions and that overpowered any other reasoning.
You lifted one leg over his body and he quickly guided your hips down to his groin with his hands. You could feel every inch of his growing erection against your wet heat, making you both moan in unison. He felt big which didn’t surprise you, but it did make you instinctively grind against it.
“Fuck y/n” Chris groaned underneath you, his head tilting back in pleasure. Your tummy did a flip, desire growing hot inside of you. It was intoxicating to be the reason he’s making those filthy noises.
He gripped your hips tighter, his biceps contracting, grinding your hips against him. “More more more” he pleaded. You had never seen this side of Chris, so needy and whiny. Every sound escaping his mouth was heavenly.
His cock was rock hard now and your bikini bottoms were soaked. “Enough grinding” your voice breathy but your tone stern. His eyes wide and expectant. “I’m dying to ride this cock”
“Mmm yes please” Chris whimpered, his hip bucking up as you slid his shorts down. “God y/n, youre hypnotizing” he mumbled, lifting himself on his elbows to admire you. Your ass was up in the air, back arched, and your teeth biting down on your lip to keep from drooling.
His boxers were wet at the spot where the tip of his cock was leaking precum. You leaned your head down toward it, licking through the fabric. Chris inhaled through his teeth, his eyes rolling back.
You reached over to grab his hand and place it in your hair, “pull it”
He quickly obeyed, wrapping your hair in his long fingers and pulling. You moaned against his clothed cock, the vibrations making his dick twitch. “Holy shit” he groaned out.
You wrapped your lips around his hard cock, tasting his precum through his boxers. He was watching you in awe. You took in every expression he made, looking up through your eyelashes.
“y/n?” he moaned as you started palming him.
“I…..I-I've dreamt of tasting your pussy for the longest time y/n, can I please? I promise I'll make it good, please let me taste you on my tongue” he begs.
You're hypnotized by his string of pleas. You quietly crawl up to straddle his face. He takes your ass in both of his big hands, pulling you down quickly onto his mouth.
Your back arches in pleasure as his hot tongue licks a fat stripe up your folds. Your head falls back, your eyes in the back of your head. “Fuck yeah Chris,” you moan, riding his face.
He’s making all sorts of porn-like noises into your wet pussy. “Just like that Chris, fuck yeah, right there”
He is assaulting your hole with quick jabs of his tongue. It reaches impossibly deep inside you. He folds it in a way that scratches that sensitive bundle of nerves, making your legs shake.
You feel pleasure pool in your belly and you lift off him. He whines at the loss of contact.
“Need your cock now” you shuffle down to straddle his lap and align his memeber with your pulsating hole.
You sink down on his cock, balls deep. His jaw hangs open, his body washed in so much pleasure that the only noise he’s able to form is a small squeak. “You like my tight pussy taking in your entire cock like this, hmm baby?
He nods, another small squeak, his jaw slack, his eyes in the back of his head.
You start bouncing on his cock, sliding all the way to the tip and slamming back down to the base. His girth is spreading you wide open and his length is hitting you just right. “Your dick’s so big, making me feel so good baby,”
“Mhm,” his grip on your thighs tightens.
“Am I making you feel good baby?"
He nods fast, his hair sticking to his forehead.
“Tell me how good”
He moans louder, biting the sheets at his side.
“Tell me how good Chris”
“So fucking good y/n/n, you're fucking me so good”
Your hips stutter at the mention of your nickname. He usually ever only called you that when he was being serious with you. In this context, it only motivated you to give it to him harder and rougher.
“Yeah baby? You like my pussy slapping down on your balls like this?”
“Yes yes yes, you're riding me so well y/n/n" he said between gasps for air, "your pussy feels heavenly y/n/n- ah just like that mhmm”
You take his hands placing them above his head as you arch your back so your clit is rubbing against his groin. His attention is now completely on the feeling of your pussy grinding down on his cock. He’s moaning and whining incoherent praises, his eyes shut closed.
You wrap your free hand around his jaw making his eyes widen, “be a good boy and fuck up into me” you pant into his open mouth.
His breath hitches and a beat later he’s slamming his dick up into your pussy, making wet sounds reverberate inside the tent. You are both panting hot air into each other's mouths. Chris starts whimpering when you swivel your hips in small circles. You take his bottom lip between your teeth, “want it to last”
He slows his movements, pumping slow and deep into you as you grind down into him. “Yes y/n/n, whatever you want”
“You're so good to me baby, doing everything I say”, your legs start to quiver and your elbows fall on either side of his head. This pace is excruciatingly pleasurable and you feel your cunt clench around his full member.
“Make me cum sweet boy” you whisper shakily in his ear.
He wasted no time pumping fast into you, his hands flying down to your waste, slamming your hips down into every thrust up of his hips. Your hands grip onto his hair as your pussy clenched around him, your orgasm ripping through you in a string of loud moans.
He spurts hot cum into your pussy with a couple last hard thrusts, coating your walls and groaning deeply in your ear. The mix of your juices with his cum drip out of you coating his balls and your spent body drapes over him.
He stays inside you as you both come down from your highs.
“Loved every fucking second of that Chris” you whisper, lifting yourself to look him in the eyes.
“Yeah?” he asks softly, a sweet smile on his face.
“Yeah” you replied, elated.
“Me too y/n/n” he kisses your forehead and you smile, resting against his chest. You both drift off to sleep at a beach in Hawaii.
a/n: my first chris smut 😵‍💫 i’m feeling things !!!! hope u enjoyed<3
— LEV ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
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sunrisemill · 7 months ago
Matt being edited to Lana does something to me
Like my thighs are CLEEEENNNNCHED rn
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couldawouldashoulda50 · 6 months ago
Never Been Kissed - Part Two - Matthew Knies
This is Part Two of my Never Been Kissed mini-series for the amazing @cellythefloshie's birthday BINGO, featuring Matthew Knies. My 5 tropes (Virginity, Age Gap, Secret Lovers, Meet Cute, Pining) are spread across the 3 parts.
In case you missed it, here is the Link to Part One
Warnings/Notes - swearing, not quite smut but more than fluff? Just a bit of time spent on Matthew and Lana taking the next step (p and v exploration)
18+ only please.
Word count - 6.4k
"Ok, you need to start talking… I'm dying here—tell me everything," Jason said as he handed Lana her martini on the rocks.
Lana chuckled slightly as she took a sip, savoring the taste on her tongue. It was another gorgeous evening in Toronto and the three relaxed on the terrace, enjoying the breeze off of Lake Ontario. Her brother's building had the most stunning southern view of the city, and she never tired of how the CN Tower looked at dusk. The sky boasted an ombré effect from blue to pink, and a string of small clouds rolled in, eventually engulfing the round observation deck at the top of the tower.
Lana explained meeting Matthew, who he was, and how for weeks, they had developed something—a connection—or whatever one would call it. She listed off the myriad of conversation topics and how, despite their different upbringings, they shared many similar views and ways of thinking. She spoke of his thoughtfulness; how each time they met, Matthew greeted her with a cappuccino and her favorite cold-pressed juice (even though he thought beets were gross). The way she caught him looking at her with his distinct green eyes and a gaze so hypnotic, she had to avert her eyes to try and remain grounded.
Andrew and Jason held hands as they listened to Lana describe her confusion with the onslaught of what she was beginning to feel. They both knew she had never experienced love or being in love, or even having so much as a high-school crush. The vitriol their mother spewed was simply too hard for Lana to comprehend from a young age, but now, meeting Matthew had resuscitated a part of her that had withered a long time ago.
Andrew sat down next to his sister as they began to eat their tantalizing dinner of barbecued black tiger shrimp, mixed green salad, and red potatoes.
"Okay, so… you've rhymed off the positives—what are your concerns? And don't think about it… just say it. I don't want you to sanitize what really is worrying you."
Mid-chew, she rolled her eyes at the amazing taste of the food. "His age. He's just 21. I'm more or less 11 years older - I mean, I know it's not totally unheard of but it's still a bit of an age gap."
"Keep going," Andrew prodded further.
"Well, again, I'm 32 and he's a young NHL'er. Do you know that virtually every time we passed a younger woman, Matthew made their heads spin… they completely melted at the sight of him. My assistant was one of them." Lana's eyes cast down to her plate and she shook her head. "This is the first man I have ever felt this way about, and he's barely an adult himself. I don't even know if he feels any of this or not but even if there is something there, how could I measure up to a stacked 20-year-old? I'm in a whole other decade than anyone in his social circle. And… I've been around these guys long enough to know there's no shortage of women that are at their disposal."
Jason and Andrew nodded in agreement.
Lana's eyes felt the pin prick of tears, and she blinked them away before they fell.
"And then there's that whole other issue." Setting her fork down, she looked at her brother with a pained expression. "Once more… I know how these guys operate—Matthew's very attractive… I'm sure he had his university experience with God knows how many girls. And then there's me. Never kissed anyone before, never been touched—never even…"
She put her face in her hands as she exhaled heavily. "Goddammit, it's getting harder all the time to even admit to myself that I'm still a virgin. How do I even begin to explain this to him or anyone else?"
"Lana, stop. Just stop now. You're getting upset, so let's just take this one step at a time. He's asked you out for dinner to say thank you. So go out to dinner with him and let him say what he wants to say." Andrew spoke softly as he continued. "You've had meals with him already, so don't put pressure on this. I realize this is new territory for you, but don't get ahead of yourself. Jesus, I'm just happy you admitted to liking someone. Hell just fucking froze over." Andrew flashed a crooked smile at his sister.
Jason interjected as Lana swatted Andrew lightly with her napkin. "Why not do something else? Dinner, schminner—we've got fantastic seats to the Jays game this Sunday. If you ask him and he's available, they're yours. It's a 1:30 start, so just go, grab an overpriced hot dog and a beer. Relax and have fun. You'll know more once the game's over than you did before."
"But—I thought… that was our Sunday thing…," Andrew said, his dark brown eyes full of disappointment as he turned towards his partner.
Jason draped his arm around Andrew's shoulder. "I was going to surprise you, but I've figured out something better—I'll tell you later."
Andrew smiled at his partner, and then turned to Lana and nudged her arm. "Do it—message him now just to get it over with and let's see what he says."
When Matthew first read Lana's message, a wide smile spread across his face, and nervous excitement fluttered in his stomach. The prospect of spending an entire afternoon with Lana, relaxing and savoring the last days of summer, made him wish he could fast-forward through the hours and days until he saw her again.
As it went, the preceding days before their date flew by quickly. The pair fell into a comfortable routine of text messages throughout the day and longer phone calls in the evening. Matthew had even floated the idea of a "pre-date" dinner, but he discovered Lana was virtually Wonder Woman, juggling the many responsibilities and demands that pulled her in all directions day after day.
Sunday arrived, and Matthew had insisted on picking Lana up at her place. Her condo-townhouse was uniquely surrounded by expansive parks, forests, and ravines alongside tourist spots such as Casa Loma and the Royal Ontario Museum.
Matthew had hoped that Lana would invite him inside, but as he pulled alongside the curb, she emerged promptly, waved, and turned to ensure her front door was locked. Matthew bit his lip when he couldn't help noticing how fucking amazingly sexy she looked in a simple pair of jeans.
His stomach was aflutter as she slid in next to him wearing a José Bautista baseball jersey and a baseball cap. Her long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail, reaching midway down her back.
Lana suddenly felt a little paranoid being decked out like a super fan versus Matthew's simple t-shirt and shorts. "Is this too much? I hope I'm not going to embarrass you," she laughed.
Matthew blushed. "God no—no… you look—just… wow… can't even think of the words…" He inwardly groaned. At times, he felt so immature compared to her effortlessly elegant demeanor.
Feeling his cheeks burning, he quickly changed subjects. "Oh, traffic was crazy coming up here, so what's the best way of getting down to the Rogers Centre? I'm not familiar with this area of the city at all."
"Hmmm, well… we have time… if you don't mind a little walk, we could just catch the subway. I'm planning on indulging with a couple of totally overpriced coolers at the game," Lana smiled. "I'm not sure if you can with your training, but could I twist your arm to have a beer or two with me?"
Matthew chuckled while giving a resounding "yes" to Lana's suggestion.
As they walked, Lana gave Matthew insights into the surrounding districts and popular neighborhoods. While still maintaining a level of privacy and confidentiality, she spoke of the residences of both past and present athletes and other prominent people whom her firm helped get situated in the city.
"Just a few streets over, that's where William's place is," Lana pointed to the east and then smiled. "Well, you likely know that already."
Matthew wasn't prepared to feel the sudden twist and lurch of his stomach hearing her mention his teammate and friend, Willy Nylander.
With ticks of what he could only decipher as pangs of jealousy, Matthew's thoughts bounced furiously inside his head. He knew he had no right to feel jealous or even a little bit possessive towards Lana, but god, he liked her so much. He wondered if she and Willy had spent extensive periods of time alone together as he had done with Lana while searching for a place. Matthew had seen first-hand how easy it was for Willy to attract women, and he wondered if they had a tryst or two—or even more. God knows she was hot enough to entice any man, athlete or otherwise.
Suddenly, the stark realization that he knew nothing about her personal life cast the harsh sting of doubt deep within him.
"Oh, you know Willy? Really good guy," Matthew said more blandly than he intended to.
"Not well, but yes, I met William years ago… he wasn't much more than a rookie when he and his roommate were looking for places to rent. His roommate's girlfriend was known for her modeling mostly, but she also worked for us as a sales rep at the time."
Matthew nodded his head, feeling a sense of relief that he at least didn't have to worry about any former escapades with his teammate.
However, between the walk, the subway ride, two drinks, and now two foot-long hot dogs at the game, Matthew still had a million questions floating around in his mind about her personal life. He couldn't put his finger on whether her reserved responses stemmed from being humble or modest, or if she was being completely evasive when he asked her a couple of basic questions about herself.
By the bottom of the third inning, with his second beer kicking in, Matthew finally mustered the courage to ask Lana more intimate questions about her personal life. Though he worried his questions might dampen the fun they were having, he couldn't resist—he was utterly smitten with this woman and needed to know more.
Taking another sip of his overpriced beer, Matthew, alongside some liquid courage, dove into the line of questioning. "I've got to know—why aren't you with anyone? No boyfriend, husband, wife, or even a girlfriend? I’m assuming you’re not with anyone, since you’re on a date with me."
Lana raised an eyebrow, followed by a smirk. Needless to say her two vodka coolers had loosened her up somewhat. “I didn’t know this was a date. I suppose I’ll have to break the news to my husband and my boyfriend once I get home.”
She glanced over at how Matthew both laughed and pouted at her poking fun at his question.
"Shit… I'm sorry. I blame the coolers if I'm being an asshole." Lana took a small bite of her hot dog and tried to tread lightly as she continued. "I am absolutely unattached. No husband, no boyfriend, wife or otherwise."
Matthew shook his head in disbelief. “Yeah, but how is that remotely possible? Like, I’m sorry - you’re really fucking awesome, and women like you rarely single. I’m surprised I guess - just trying to get my head wrapped around how this can be?”
Lana looked straight ahead as she thought of how to begin her explanation. "Dealing with people on a business level is something I do well—with both men and women. But on a personal level, I've always been a bit… I don't know—cagey around men."
From her peripheral vision, she could see and feel Matthew's gaze as he listened intently.
Tilting the cooler can to her mouth, she took a healthy sip before continuing. "It's terrible to say that more often than not, even from a young age, most men tend to ogle me like an object as opposed to a functioning human being. Or even a woman with some level of intelligence. So where it started as an awkwardness around men in general, I suppose I just continued to keep men at arm's length. That's mainly why I'm single, I guess. I have never actually dated anyone…ever."
Matthew's eyes grew wide, and he unintentionally expelled a short breath from the surprise of Lana's admission.
He turned back to look at the game but he could not care less about what was happening on the field. He could not think of one word to say.
The once easy and comfortable atmosphere the two had shared all day seemed to disappear within seconds.
Even as the crowd erupted in cheers for the Jays' popular right fielder hitting a line-drive double to the left field corner, Lana and Matthew were surrounded in a deafening silence, and were virtually oblivious to the excitement around them.
Based on his initial reaction, Lana began to write Matthew off in her mind as being yet another man who could not accept her for what she was.
In an attempt to break the tension, Lana was the first to speak. "Sorry, I really didn't mean to drag you down with all of that. I just wanted to answer your questions honestly." She pursed her lips together as she searched Matthew's expression. "If you'd rather end the date early, I understand."
“No, god…no. I don’t…unless you do?”
Lana glanced down, a faint smile playing on her lips that she tried, unsuccessfully, to hide as she shook her head.
The two remained at the game until the bottom of the eighth inning when they decided the Jays would win by a mile, barring any catastrophes in the final inning.
As they walked back to her place from the subway, their conversation still flowed easily, yet it was apparent that something between her and Matthew had shifted. With a heavier heart than usual, Lana put to rest thoughts of ever seeing him again.
Which is why Matthew seemed a bit confused and disappointed when Lana thanked him for coming, wished him well for the season, said goodbye and turned on her heel to start walking up her front steps.
“Lana? Wait…what’s - what’s happening?”
She stopped on the top step and turned around to face Matthew. She could see his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat again. She had noticed it when they first met and on a number of occasions when they spent time together. She started to wonder if that was a sign of him being nervous.
With an air of uncertainty, Lana responded. “I assumed - well, that we were sort of….done…here. I felt like I more or less killed the vibe earlier.”
Matthew looked down at the sidewalk for a moment and then returned his gaze to Lana. “Well, no…it wasn’t you. I feel like shit because maybe I kept pressing you to answer. I do feel bad…it really is none of my business.”
Although he spoke the truth, he secretly wanted to push her for more information. He wanted to know everything. He just hoped she would let her guard down enough to let him gently prod her. He desperately didn’t want to their date to end so abruptly because now, he was more enthralled with her than ever.
Lana’s expression was soft as she recognized the tension in Matthew’s stance, his hands jammed into his pockets and his brows furrowed. “Would you like to come in for awhile? Order some dinner maybe?”
Cooley, Matthew nodded and tried to stifle a smile. He climbed the steps and joined her on the stoop. He stood close behind her as she unlocked the door, and her heart raced as he followed her inside.
Matthew’s jaw dropped from the moment he stepped through the frosted glass front door. The flawless interior design embodied Lana perfectly. Elegant, stunning, sophisticated, and inviting.
Lana walked Matthew throughout her home, smiling and often giggling at his reactions in each room as they entered. They decided to order a less-than- nutritious dinner, and ventured up to her rooftop terrace to enjoy the warm evening as they ate.
Calculating risk and probability had worked in her career and in her very few blind dates prior to meeting Matthew. Lana realized she had to shelve the mathematical formula and let her emotional intuition take the reins. After all, she had misjudged him. The labels she realized she had given herself mattered little to him.
Dusk settled over the city, and a cool evening breeze swept in as the two spoke about family, exchanged stories from their respective alma maters, and shared snippets of how they pictured their individual futures.
Matthew ever so subtly guided the conversation back towards Lana, but this time, he held her hand as she spoke of her upbringing, brief bits and pieces of her parents, her school years, and her mentor. Lana sipped her wine and allowed the little buzz she had to further fuel her openness with Matthew.
The nighttime temperature dropped rapidly, so the pair headed indoors and continued their conversation in the living room, settling on her plush grey sofa.
When she finally broached the subject of her complete inexperience with a man, Matthew simply could not process what he was hearing, and he went back for some clarification.
"So, wait—what do you mean? Like…you've never been kissed? Or ever had - "
Lana's face was flushed as she shook her head. "Nope. Never been kissed. There's even a movie with the same title with Drew Barrymore. I cringe every time it's listed as 'Recommended for you' on Netflix. Same with 'The 40-Year-Old Virgin'—I'm not 40, but I still avoid that movie like the plague. It’s too bad because I love Steve Carrell."
She chuckled at her self-deprecation and turned to Matthew, expecting at least a small grin.
But he wasn't smiling. Matthew's intense eyes were fixed on Lana's face. The distinct and sexy shape of his mouth was slightly open, and his lips were colored the most delicious shade of pink.
Matthew leaned towards her. The very second she felt his mouth on hers, she was sure she could live happily in that moment for the rest of her days. But when his hand gently cupped her face at her jawline, joining their mouths softly and passionately, that’s when Lana started to feel the effects between her legs.
There was heat. There was wetness spawned from urges that had long been keeping her awake at night, and her not knowing how to relieve any of it.
It was surprising to Lana how quickly her mouth learned to move so beautifully in sync with Matthew’s. He leaned her back onto the pillow against the arm of the sofa, and as he shifted to kneel between her legs, it was the first time Lana had ever seen an erection on a man. Matthew’s shorts were fully tented and Lana swallowed hard at the sight of it.
Stretching out on the length of the sofa, Matthew gently positioned himself between her legs. She expelled a small gasp as Matthew’s concealed member pressed against her clothed pussy. Matthew traced her neck with soft kisses, moving slightly up to her ear which elicited more soft moans.
Matthew spoke softly by her ear. “I never ever want to push you further than what you’re comfortable with. Promise me you’ll tell me if you want me to stop.”
Lana responded just above a whisper as she kissed his temple. “I promise - I promise I will.”
Matthew moaned against her skin in response.
Lana was reeling from all of the exquisite firsts she was experiencing. The sensations from each kiss which made her feel like she could drift away only became deeper when he lightly stroked his tongue against hers. The feel of his tongue sparked a fervor for him that she could have never anticipated, even in her wildest imagination. She lightly gripped his hair at the scalp which only excited Matthew more.
“Is it ok if we go to my bedroom? Give us both some more room?” Lana said breathlessly. She could feel the puffiness of her lips and grazed her fingers over them as she looked up at Matthew.
Matthew’s eyes were like a rare colour of green glass, and had always cast a sort of spell on Lana since they first met. But now - now, she knew what it meant to touch and taste him. To feel his broad and strong frame between her legs. Whether their connection progressed further that evening or not, Lana knew that the long wait for a man's touch through adolescence into adulthood was well worth it.
She loved how swollen and pillowy Matthew’s upper lip looked, which formed into a borderline cocky smirk as he studied her face. Lana rolled her eyes a little at how he suddenly looked like a frat-boy ready to score. Chuckling at him, she pulled his mouth onto hers for another deep and passionate kiss.
They held hands as Lana led Matthew upstairs into her stylish master bedroom, trying to appear less nervous than she actually was. She watched Matthew look around at the furnishings and décor and look back at her, visibly impressed by it all. But she could also sense a mix of nervous anticipation as he slowly brought their bodies together.
Lana's breath trembled slightly, looking up at his face as she felt Matthew's hands glide down the length of her spine and land on her ass. "I'm not sure if I should wait to ask—there's no pressure…we don't have to go any further but will you stay—sleep here with me tonight?"
Leaning his forehead against hers, Matthew drew her body into his. "Of course. I would love to stay with you. Anywhere. Anytime."
Lana rose on the tips of her toes to kiss Matthew again. Just like that, he had made her feel so comfortable and secure enough to initiate touch, kiss, and openly want him. It was baffling and exhilarating to her at the same time.
After freshening up in separate bathrooms, Matthew returned to the bedroom first. He stripped down to his boxer briefs and slipped between the sheets. The comfort of Lana's bed made him groan as the mattress soothed his aching muscles from his daily workouts. As he settled in bed, he gazed in awe at the expansive city view through the windows which were tinted for privacy from the outside.
Lana emerged from her ensuite bathroom feeling timid and unsure. She had no idea what to do or what to say, or even what to wear. Was she supposed to walk towards the bed acting sexy and confident?
The only thing she knew was that she felt neither confident nor sexy in her plain white tank top and shorts.
Watching her slide in next to him—her eyes wide and cheeks flushed with shyness—his heart swelled with admiration for Lana. He would do anything to make her feel at ease.
She lay on her side, her long, honey-blonde hair sprawled across the pillowcase as her eyes scanned Matthew's muscular frame. She hesitated touching his skin at first, but she figured they had come this far….
Lana stared with wonderment at Matthew’s conditioned body, allowing her hand to lightly travel from his collarbone, down between his pects and across the ridges of his abdominal muscles.
Lana’s hand stopped moving just around bellybutton as she tried not to gawk at his erection. She looked back up at Matthew’s face, his expression filled with adoration as she explored his body.
Matthew gently pulled her tightly against his body, his desire for her apparent. He leaned her onto her back and his lips kissed a path down towards her taut nipple showing through the thin cotton fabric of her tank top. The very second his tongue connected with the tip of her nipple, Lana’s back arched wanting everything Matthew was offering. His hand was quick to slide her top up, uncovering her full, round breasts.
Lana whisper-moaned how incredible Matthew felt as his tongue lapped, flicked, and stroked each peak while his hand cupped underneath her breast. Lana recognized that her body had long been sending her signals, virtually pleading for a man's touch. Now she was experiencing what it truly felt like to be intimate with someone she really liked, and she was not at all prepared for how badly she wanted to feel him inside of her.
She wanted to tell Matthew she was ready for more but she wasn't sure what to say or how to say it.
Tracing the contours of his broad shoulders, she threaded her fingers through his sun-kissed brown hair. She bit her lip, mesmerized, as Matthew alternated between kissing and sucking her breasts.
"Matthew — my god, you feel so amazing…" Lana said softly. When Matthew raised his head, his hair tousled and eyes heavy with lust, she smiled and stroked the small scars along his jawline. "I'm not sure what the right words are… but if you could — I mean, only if you want to… I'm ready for you tonight… I want to experience everything with you…"
Matthew brought his face closer to hers. "Only if you're positive. Even if you change your mind — if it's too much, I promise, I won't go any further." He kissed her gingerly, showing his complete devotion to her.
Lana nodded and smiled. “I’m sure.” Butterflies flitted in her stomach as Matthew’s tongue touched hers in a deep kiss.
Matthew suddenly groaned and pulled away slightly. The look of dismay on his face was concerning as he hung his head.
“I know it’s a long shot to ask…but you wouldn’t happen to have condoms lying around somewhere? I don’t tend to carry them with me…” Matthew said apologetically.
Lana's eyes grew wide with the realization that she had not even thought about protection, and if she and Matthew were going to continue these types of activities in the future, she needed an appointment with her doctor quickly.
"Should I run out now—grab some maybe?" he asked.
She looked at Matthew's handsome face and shook her head with a sweet smile that held a hint of regret. "No…..maybe we should forgo that for tonight.” She focused on the same scars on his jawline and kissed each one softly. “I've waited this long for sex… I can wait a little longer."
Lana seemed a little more confident and comfortable as she made an unexpected and rather seductive move by sliding her body on top of Matthew's and straddling his hips. She watched as his mouth first fell open, followed by a firm bite to his bottom lip at the sight of her before him. Her hair was mussed, her tank was stretched and barely covering her voluptuous breasts, and her toned thighs, which were now spread apart, showed the wet mark in her shorts from her seeping arousal.
She trailed her fingernails lightly across his chest. “If it's okay with you, can we see what other things might give us a bit of pleasure?”
Matthew was speechless—he could only nod and grin as he ran his hands up and down the sides of her legs.
Lana could feel his erection, still concealed by his underwear. If she listened solely to her bodily instincts, Matthew's cock would be inside her right now. Both wanting and not wanting to give in, she lightly slid her panty-clad pussy against his hard shaft. When Matthew moaned and gripped onto her hips and told her to keep going, she repeated it until she was masterfully grinding against his growing cock.
Her mind was a whirlwind, full of needs and sensations that she had never felt before. To say this moment was one of the most exhilarating of her life would not have been a stretch.
She leaned over and brought her mouth onto Matthew's, as his hands roamed and caressed every accessible inch of Lana's soft skin. She gazed at Matthew as he murmured sweet encouragements against her lips. She could feel a blissful pressure in her core as she squeezed her tight pussy walls as he gripped her ass, pressing his cock firmly against her sheathed folds.
“Come - lie here on your back,” Matthew gently directed.
Lana and Matthew worked in tandem to remove her shorts and top. The soft glow from the bedside lamp perfectly illuminated Lana's athletic, toned body. Though initially feeling timid and exposed, Lana was quickly put at ease by Matthew's gentle affection.
Lana couldn't take her eyes off his face as he lay on one side of her, running his fingers along her abdomen. When he asked if he could keep going, she nodded emphatically, giving him permission to explore her aching pussy.
With his finger at the top of her slit, Matthew asked if Lana had ever touched herself.
Her breath hitched as she said "No." Her eyes remained fixed on Matthew as he kissed her, ensuring she was comfortable before he wet his thumb in his mouth and began to slowly rub small circles just above her clitoris.
As if with a mind of its own, Lana's hand grasped Matthew's forearm as he continued to gently massage the delicate, sensitive areas within her warm, wet folds. Short, erotic-sounding breaths escaped her parted lips as her eyes closed and her head pressed into the plush king-size pillow.
Lana began to moan Matthew's name while her hips moved almost in tandem with Matthew's circular strokes. She opened her eyes and they met his, so mesmerizing and entrancing.
Lana’s hand loosened from Matthew’s forearm, travelling up along the showy vein along his bicep eventually snaking along the base of his neck. She pulled his mouth onto hers - her kiss laced with a fire and hunger for him that she unconsciously yearned for.
Lana cried out as her body suddenly shuddered and spasmed when Matthew continued stroking the inner lips of her pussy, while lightly touching the nub of her clitoris.
She wasn’t sure if the surge of intense warmth from her core was an orgasm, but whatever it was felt absolutely exhilarating as gripped and pulled Matthew into her panting and breathless body.
Lana's body twitched as she laid her head back on the pillow. She and Matthew shared a look of pure contentment, until Lana's hand grazed against the prominent wet spot on his briefs. Her eyes trailed down to his cock, which stretched the light cotton material that concealed it.
Lana’s doe-eyes trailed back to Matthew’s face, unsure of how to give Matthew the same kind of release he just gave her. She continued to look at him as she ran her hand up his rigid shaft. “Does it hurt when I touch it?”
“No - it feels really good….you can keep touching it.”
Lana adjusted her body, laying on her side and guiding Matthew onto his back. “Can I take off your underwear?” she asked in a sweet and suggestive manner.
Matthew moaned softly. “Mmmm….yes - please…take them off.” He lifted his hips as she gently tugged the briefs down his thighs, exposing a very generous and thick cock. Lana couldn’t help but to stare at it as it lay stiff in the middle of his pelvis.
“Can you show me how - maybe how to stroke you to make you cum?”.
Lana was eager to learn and Matthew was more than willing to show her how he liked being touched.
But what surprised Lana more was the intense urge she had to put his cock in mouth.
Jesus - one step at a time Lana….even though it does looks fucking yummy she thought.
With a few tips and pointers from Matthew, Lana began to stroke Matthew's cock, from the tip of the head down to his balls. She propped up onto her elbow and found herself to be a fast learner under Matthew's guidance. She studied his expressions—what movements made him squirm and moan, what made him flex his feet back and forth, and what made him groan and call her name. She never let his sensitive flesh get dry—she was salivating so much at the idea of one day sucking his cock that she would continuously moisten her fingers before massaging the glistening head and his girth. When Matthew's hips began to rise and his breathing became erratic, Matthew gripped the sheet and gasped for Lana to keep going, just a little faster. The erupting cum shot from his pulsating cock was Lana's reward—it was as perfect for a night of firsts as she could have ever hoped for.
Still looking a bit dazed, yet extremely satisfied, he turned his body towards Lana, resting his lips against her neck while his hand glided up from the back of her knee and up her thigh.
His breath was warm against the soft skin of her throat as he murmured how good she was. And something about being a really good student.
After tidying up with gentle, affectionate gestures, Lana and Matthew settled into bed. Initially drowsy, Lana's senses awakened as lamps were switched off and the glimmer from the city lights was softened through the dark solar shades. She yearned to savor this final "first" with Matthew—the experience of falling asleep and waking up beside someone she truly cared for. She smiled to herself when she heard his breathing pattern slow and even out, and then gingerly moved into her favorite sleeping position. Matthew awoke for a brief second, pulled her in close next to him, and drifted off to sleep once more. Lana's eyes grew heavy once she had calmed the thoughts that danced in her head, and fell asleep with hints of a smile remaining on her face.
As it always did during the work week, Lana's alarm sounded at precisely 5:25 am, and her window shades, set on an automatic timer, retreated into their housing. Typically, she'd be heading to the bathroom at 5:30 sharp, ready to tackle her standard exercise regimen. However, with Matthew's body still spooning hers, her traditional morning routine could take a backseat—just for one day.
Rubbing the tiredness from her eyes, she reached for her phone while Matthew’s arms tightened around her, silently pleading that she stay close to him. Setting her phone back down, Matthew kissed her exposed shoulder and groaned contentedly as he drifted back to sleep.
Lana lay awake, gazing into the darkness of the early morning hours. She found this time of year to be bittersweet with the days becoming shorter and the leaves beginning to change. After her traditional September vacation, when she rid herself from the hustle and bustle of her career and the city, she would return clear headed but yearning for a change. A change which she could never quite put her finger on.
Lying with Matthew that morning, she realized the change she had longed for and her desire to invest time in someone worthwhile were deeply intertwined. She would never dream of putting pressure on this new found whatever this is, but fuck if she wasn’t going to enjoy the moment to its fullest.
At 6:25 AM, another alarm sounded before Lana could silence it. Matthew stirred, whispering a husky "Good morning" in her ear.
Lana smiled and said the same to him while stroking his forearm. She softly said she needed to get ready for work and began to shift to leave Matthew's side. He pulled her back towards him in protest, opening up one eye as he moaned a long, drawn-out "Noooo….can’t you call in sick or something? Look at the clouds - it’s going to be a shit day outside….better off staying here…."
Lana playfully feigned exasperation, giggling as he nuzzled the back of her neck, while his free hand roamed up her thigh, circled around her torso before his palm rested under her breast, giving the soft roundness a gentle squeeze.
Lana savored Matthew’s early morning advances and thought perhaps she could call in sick, or at least cut her day short. “Do you have somewhere you need to be today?” she asked mid-squeal as he hands continued to wander over her skin.
“Supposed to be doing my lift training today at 9:30, but I can see about postponing it for another day - if you can stay in bed with me, that is.”
Lana shifted her body enough so she could turn to look back at Matthew. She enjoyed the feeling of being wanted but their respective careers still needed tending to. “How about this - I go to the office while you train. I’ll ask Ainsley to shift some calls around and we can come back here for lunch…something like that?”
“Mmmmm….something like that….”
Lana’s eyes grew wide and she bit her lip with the feeling of Matthew’s growing hard-on poking against her ass cheek.
You better pick up some condoms while you’re out Lana mused.
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sturnsmadl · 3 months ago
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christmas bf!chris headcannons!
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warnings!- swearing, suggestion of sex, mostly fluff, no actual smut, cute bf chris, mentions of pregnancy.
divider by @canon-in-too-deep !!
a/n at the bottom :)
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bf!chris who spends months finding the perfect gift.
bf!chris who made sure your bedroom was fully decorated for when you got home from work.
"fucking stupid ass lights."
bf!chris who was so excited to suprise you.
"i hate my boss."
"well your're gonna love me."
bf!chris who makes sure your christmas is as special as possible.
"you like it..?"
"wow..thank you baby.."
bf!chris who knows you never really used to celebrate christmas.
"so. some people get stockings, some people get christmas eve boxes."
bf!chris who loves making cookies with you.
"lets do a decorating competition."
bf!chris who always has to make dirty jokes.
"ill bend you over this counter."
bf!chris who basically forced you to spend christmas with his family.
"babe im not leaving you across the country, on your own, on christmas. pack now."
bf!chris who gets you the most thoughtful presents.
"wow..omg- wait-"
"hey. hey dont cry."
"omg..thank you.."
bf!chris who makes sure his family are aware you're his.
"hey cutie. who are you?"
"my girl. thats who."
"oh- i-"
"yeah. keep it moving buddy."
"who was that..?"
"one of my stupid ass cousins."
bf!chris who decides to make christmas the day you won't forget.
"will you marry me..?"
bf!chris who makes the cutest instagram post for it.
christophersturniolo im officially engaged to my best friend,very excited for our new life together. merry christmas to you all.
bf!chris who needs to piss you off atleast once a day.
"ill cut your jellycats head off."
"dude. fuck off."
"love you baby."
bf!chris who says the wildest things when tired.
"let me get you pregnant for christmas."
"imagine you cute and full of my baby."
"night chris."
"night baby. merry christmas."
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a/n- its basically christmas in the uk so merry christmas to you all i hope you have the best day every thank you so much for all the support you're the best gift i've ever got <3
taglist! @bellaonthelow @hopelessfawn @moonk1ss3d @sturnclouds @christophersgf @ellizzyy @fratbrochrisgf @phoenix062 @pixxiies @conspiracy-ash @blahbel668 @monroesturnns @gwennybenny @sturnobsessedwh0re @xoxo4chrisss @pixie-sticks-are-good @wurlibydominicfike @anitahunt @ilusa @mattstrombolii @stvrlighht @asherrisrandom @amelia-sturniolo3 @pvssychicken @owensbabygirl @ncm9696 @sturniolo-fann @watchu-mean-baby-keem @babyalliah-777 @imtheprett @coochiedestroyer1 @scarlettbitches @slutniolo @idkwhatthisis2009 @anabanabanana @chriscorqutte @slvttie-zx @hi-7-hi @sophand4n4 @pasteldreams
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girlyrafe · 30 days ago
──── ᴠᴀʟᴇɴᴛɪɴᴇꜱ .ᐟ
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ᡣ𐭩 ❝ ꜱᴏꜰᴛ¡ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ⟡ ݁₊ ❞
⌗ with chris sturniolo .ᐟ.ᐟ
ᝰ summary .ᐟ Valentine’s Day always feels like it belongs to someone else—until Chris changes that. A knock, a bouquet, a note that makes your heart race. And then, his voice, warm and certain—“Fifteen minutes, sweetheart.”
₊ ⊹ ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
Valentine’s Day never really feels like it's meant for you. It always seems like a day for people who have someone—who are wanted, adored, and loved in that special way. Sure, your friends send sweet texts, and your mom never forgets to wish you a Happy Valentine’s, but it’s not the same. It’s not the kind that makes your heart race or feel special in that way.
So, you spend most of the day trying to ignore it, scrolling past pictures of flowers and fancy dinners, pretending it doesn’t bother you. But deep down, it does. You don’t want to admit it, but part of you wishes someone would think of you like that.
You’re curled up in bed when you hear the knock. Moving slowly, still wrapped in your oversized hoodie, you shuffle to the door, rubbing your tired eyes. And then you see it.
A bouquet. The most beautiful one you’ve ever seen—roses, daisies, and tiny wildflowers carefully arranged. It looks delicate, thoughtful, and completely overwhelming. Your fingers tremble as you reach for the small card tucked inside.
For my sweetheart.
Your heart skips a beat.
You stand there for what feels like forever, staring at the flowers, at the note, at the proof that he thought of you today. That he wants to make you feel special. And you do. More than you ever have before.
Back in bed, still holding the bouquet close, your phone buzzes. Without thinking, you answer.
And he looks good. Hood up, chain catching the light, that lazy smirk playing on his lips as he adjusts his phone.
“Hey, pretty girl.”
You duck your face into your sleeve, already feeling warm. “Hey.”
His grin deepens. “Did you get my flowers?”
Your stomach flips. “Yeah, I did.” You glance at them beside you, soft petals brushing against your pillow. “They’re beautiful, Chris. You didn’t have to—”
“I wanted to.” His voice is softer now. “Didn’t like the thought of you spending today without knowing how loved you are.”
Your throat tightens, eyes stinging just a little. “You’re too sweet to me.”
“Gotta be,” he murmurs, watching you closely, “you’re my girl, well you know.”
Your breath hitches.
Before you can even process it, before you can overthink, he’s already speaking again. “I’m coming over, by the way. Can’t have my Valentine all curled up and sad in bed. That’s actually criminal.”
You let out a soft laugh, heart fluttering, warmth spreading through your chest. “You don’t have to.”
Chris rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I do. Need to see you all happy ‘n’ pretty in person. Fifteen minutes, sweetheart.”
And just like that, he hangs up, leaving you smiling like an idiot, cheeks burning, heart completely, utterly his.
The knock on your door comes just as the weight of the evening starts pressing in, thick and unmoving, settling into the hollows of your ribs. It’s soft, unhurried—three taps, slow and deliberate. You know who it is before you even check.  
When you pull the door open, Chris is already reaching for you, fingers hooking around your wrist with an easy kind of certainty, like he’s done this a hundred times before, like he already knows you’ll follow. His hood is up, casting shadows over his sharp features, and the chain around his neck catches the dim porch light as he tilts his head, assessing you.   
“C’mon, sweetheart,” he murmurs, voice low and sweet, roughened at the edges.  
You barely have time to slip on your shoes before he’s pulling you forward, guiding you into the cool night air with that effortless pull of his. The sky stretches wide and endless above you, deep navy and scattered stars, the wind crisp against your flushed cheeks.  
“Chris,” you start, but he cuts you off with a quiet scoff, shaking his head as he tugs you toward his car.  
“I’m not about to let my Valentine just lie there in bed, all sad and mopey,” he says casually. “That’s straight-up illegal.”
You don’t argue, not really. Not when he’s looking at you like that—fond, teasing, something softer lingering beneath it. You let him open the passenger door for you, let him wait until you’re settled before he shuts it gently, the sound a quiet click in the stillness of the street.  
Inside, the world shrinks to just the two of you, the cabin of his car wrapped in familiar warmth. The scent of his cologne lingers in the air—something clean and musky, tinged with the faintest trace of smoke. You tuck your legs beneath you as Chris settles into the driver’s seat, exhaling a slow breath before reaching into his hoodie pocket.  
The flick of his lighter illuminates his face briefly, flickering gold as he lights the joint, the flame catching on the curve of his jaw, the soft dip beneath his bottom lip. When he inhales, his lashes lower, eyes dark and unreadable, the ember at the tip burning steady.  
He exhales slowly, gaze flickering to you through the curling haze. “You okay, ma?”  
You nod, watching the way his fingers turn the joint absently, the silver rings glinting against his skin. He always asks, even though he knows you don’t mind, even though you’ve never once complained about the scent of him, about the way the smoke curls around his face like it belongs there.  
Chris hums, dragging his thumb across his lip. “You’re quiet tonight.”  
You shrug, fingers playing with the hem of your sleeve. “Just thinking.”  
He glances at you, something thoughtful in the way he watches you. Then, as if making a decision, he flicks the joint out the window and shifts to face you fully, one knee bending up onto the seat.  
“Alright,” he says, lips twitching. “Enough of that sad, quiet stuff. I want giggles.”  
You blink. “Chris—”  
He holds up a finger, brows raising. “Shh. I’m working.”  
You roll your eyes, but he’s already rubbing his hands together like he’s plotting something ridiculous. The faint glow from the dashboard casts his features in soft light, makes his blue eyes shine even brighter as he grins at you.  
A sigh, but you can’t stop the way your lips threaten to curl. “Chris.”  
“Knock-knock,” he insists, nudging your knee with his own.  
You exhale, playing along. “Who’s there?”  
Your brows pull together. “Olive who?”  
Chris smirks, eyes twinkling. “Olive you, sweetheart.”  
It’s stupid. So incredibly, ridiculously stupid. But warmth unfurls in your chest before you can stop it, bubbling up into a soft, startled laugh, slipping past your lips despite yourself.  
Chris leans back, triumphant, watching you with that quiet sort of pride—the kind that makes your stomach flip, makes your heart ache in a way that’s both sweet and unbearable.   
“There she is,” he murmurs, almost to himself.  
Your laughter fades into something softer, something more fragile. He’s still watching you, gaze slow and steady, like he’s taking his time memorising you—every little shift of your expression, the way your lashes brush your cheeks when you glance down, the way your fingers toy with the hem of your hoodie when you’re feeling shy.  
His knuckles brush against your knee, barely there, but enough to make you freeze. His touch is light, easy, like it’s second nature, like he just needs to feel you close.  
“You’re real pretty when you laugh,” he says, voice low and warm, something almost reverent in the way he says it. “Gotta make sure I hear it more often.”  
Outside, the world stretches quiet and vast beyond the windshield—soft city lights flickering in the distance, the sky endless above. But inside the car, it’s just the two of you, wrapped up in something weightless, something delicate, something unspoken.  
And Chris is looking at you like you’re the only thing in the world worth looking at.
Before you know it, you're cozied up in the passenger seat, the warmth of his presence surrounding you, as you gaze out at the city lights below, a smile tugging at your lips.
but Chris Sturniolo is nervous.
Which means something is seriously wrong.  
Chris—the same Chris who can sweet-talk his way out of trouble, who never second-guesses himself, who somehow always lands on his feet—is shifting in the driver’s seat like he’s got a storm raging inside him. His fingers drum anxiously against the steering wheel, and his jaw is clenched just enough for you to notice.  
The car hums beneath you, parked at the very edge of the cliff, overlooking the sprawling city below. It glitters like a sea of tiny constellations, golden and endless, stretching into the horizon. Normally, you’d be taking it all in, leaning against the window with a dreamy sigh, watching the headlights flicker like fireflies in the night.  
But right now?  
Right now, all you can look at is him.  
Chris never fidgets. Chris never hesitates. Chris never looks like this—like he’s fighting against something he really doesn’t want to say.  
Your heartbeat stirs.  
"Chris?" Your voice is gentle, curious, like you’re afraid pushing too hard will spook him.  
He takes a deep breath, but it doesn’t settle him. If anything, his knee starts bouncing faster. His hands flex on the wheel before he lets go entirely, pressing them against his thighs like he needs to ground himself.  
"Give me a sec."
That’s when you see it.  
The small pink bag in his lap.  
Chris Sturniolo, your best friend, the least gift-giving person you’ve ever met, has a gift bag.  
And suddenly, everything makes sense. The nerves. The shifting. The way he’s acting like the air in the car is suffocating him.  
Your lips part slightly.  
"Chris, what—?"
Before you can finish, he thrusts the bag toward you, eyes trained stubbornly out the window.  
"Here. Whatever. It’s stupid, don’t make it a thing."
And God, your chest aches.  
Because it’s not stupid. It’s not stupid at all.
You take the bag carefully, reverently, like it might disappear if you move too fast. The soft handles press into your palms as you peek inside, and—  
Your heart stops.  
The first thing you see is a tiny pastel box, sealed with a mystery label. Sonny Angels.  
You gasp.  
Your head snaps up to him, eyes wide and sparkling, but he’s still looking anywhere but at you.  
"You’re probably into that shit, uh, right?" he mutters, trying to sound casual.  
Like he doesn’t know that for a fact.  
Like he hasn’t watched you scroll through endless listings online, practically vibrating with excitement over each new release. Like he hasn’t heard you talk about them a million times, seen the way your face lights up at the idea of opening a new one, even though they’re random.  
Your fingers tremble slightly as you set the box down beside you, reaching into the bag again.  
Your fingertips brush against something smooth, something heavy, something—  
You pull it out slowly. A journal. Not just any journal—a deep red, gorgeously embossed, gold-edged one that looks like it belongs in an old library, tucked away between poetry collections and handwritten love letters.  
You swallow hard, blinking quickly against the warmth rising in your chest.  
Chris shifts, rubbing his jaw. "You’re always writing shit down, so—"
Your breath catches.  
You don’t even have time to process that before your fingers find the next thing—light pink bottles, familiar in shape. You lift them out and—  
Victoria’s Secret body spray and lotion. Your favourite scent.
Chris groans, throwing his head back against the headrest. "Worst experience of my life going in there. Did not fit in. Even tried to get Matt to do it for me, but he bailed like a little bitch."
And that’s it—that breaks you.  
You can see it so clearly—Chris standing in the middle of a Victoria’s Secret, looking deeply out of place, surrounded by pink lace and satin, trying to act like he totally belonged there while sales associates side-eyed him.  
You can’t help it—you giggle, the sound soft and so full of affection.  
And then you reach in again.  
Deep red nail polish. The exact shade you always wear, and now it makes sense when you were getting ready in your bathroom a couple of weeks ago, Chris was in there with you yapping and basically being a child that needs constant entertainment. Seriously, this man was picking up all your stuff and pulling faces. But what you didn't realise was that he rummaged through your nail polish and saw your favourite dark red polish was coming to an end, so he sneakily took a quick photo of it to maybe—maybe—get you a top-up as a gift because he knew he’d forget after he'd had a joint the second he got out of your room, so yeah.
A lip gloss. Perfectly chosen, like he somehow knew exactly what color would suit you best.  
And then—  
Your breath hitches.  
Snoopy socks?
Your fingers brush over the soft fabric, the tiny little Snoopy pattern scattered across them.  
Chris clears his throat, a little gruff. "Uh-huh. Think I was high. Or found them funny and thought of you."
That’s what makes your throat tighten, your heart swell until you think it might burst.  
Because this? This isn’t some random, thoughtless gift bag.  
This is you.  
Every single thing inside—every detail—is something so deeply you.  
Things you’ve never even told him you wanted, but things he somehow knew. He noticed. He remembered. And then he went out and got all of it.  
For you.
Your eyes sting. The gift bag shakes slightly in your grip.  
And before you can stop yourself—  
You launch yourself at him.  
You don’t even think. You just move. You throw your arms around his middle, press your face into the warmth of his hoodie, hold onto him like he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
And Chris—Chris stiffens
Like he wasn’t expecting it, like it startles him.  
But then—  
Then he melts.  
His arms wrap around you, warm and solid, one hand pressing between your shoulder blades, the other curving against the back of your head. His fingers curl *just slightly* into your hair, grounding you, holding you closer.  
"Chris—Chris, I love everything. I don’t even know how to thank you—"
His grip tightens. His voice is rough, slightly muffled against your hair.  
"Yeah, yeah. Told you not to make a big deal out of it."
You pull back slightly, just enough to see his face—  
And you nearly laugh.  
Because Chris Sturniolo is blushing.  
His ears are pink. His cheeks are pink.  
Chris—the king of always being cool, the king of never losing his composure—is sitting here, looking at you, blushing.  
And it’s—God, it’s so endearing.  
Your lips curve, eyes way too bright. "Oh, I am making a big deal out of it." 
Chris groans, tipping his head back against the seat, but—  
He’s smiling.  
Trying so hard not to, but failing.  
And then—  
His gaze flickers back to you. Something unreadable crosses his expression. And he mutters, so quiet, like he doesn’t mean for you to hear—  
"Yeah, well. You mean a lot."
Your breath catches.  
The city below blurs into nothing. The air in the car shifts—thicker, heavier, buzzing with something weightless and fragile all at once.  
And Chris?  
Chris is looking at you like he’s just now realizing how deep he’s in this.
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ᝰ Avery yaps .ᐟ So it's just a little long, but umm, I got carried away, but I guess I don't mind at all because I'm super happy with this for them, and I really hope you enjoyed this. Find more of my valentine series here. This is probably one of my favourite things I’ll ever write. I love it so much please interact.
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blackdollette · 11 months ago
"riding the ride." | spencer reid
get free. - lana del rey
⊹₊⋆ synopsis: it was a win-win for you. you could finally shut spencer up, and managed to get a good orgasm too.
fill out the taglist form!
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female!reader x spencer
word count: 1.6k
contents: cunnilingus, cum-eating, snowballing (inverted), not proofread
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date night. the one night a week where neither of you were working late and finally had the chance unfold in each other’s arms.
as cool breeze blew through the living room window as you flipped through tv channels, spencer’s arm wrapped around your torso as you rested your head on his chest. “what do you feel like watching tonight?” you asked, his thumbs rubbing slow circles onto your flesh. “i don’t mind, baby. i’m not picky.” you nodded, clicking the down button on the remote and landing on a reality show.
spencer hissed and you looked back at him. “what’s the matter?” you asked. “i don’t mind it, but i’m just worried about you. you know i found a really intresting article about reality tv. statistics show that around 47% of people use them as guilty pleasures and 92% of that is the female population who admit that they feel pressure to conform to the unrealistic beauty and relationship standards portrayed in the shows. besides, everything is one-hundred percent staged anyway.”
with each word he spoke, you felt braincells getting killed off in your brain. you nodded, consdiering what he said. “alright then. no reality tv, got it.” you scrolled further down the tv guide, landing on a horror film this time. but he spoke again. “are you sure you wanna choose that, babe? horror movies have been proven to desensitize viewers to violence, major disturbances and other dangers, which may all end up messing up your perception of risks.”
you felt your eye twitching as he droned on. you decided to find something that he couldn’t nitpick and analyze. you click on a weather forecast. boring, monotonous, but no dangers in sight. or so you thought. “did you know tha-” you rolled your eyes, snapping at last. “god, don’t you ever get tired of working that mouth of yours?” 
you squirmed at how provocative the statement came out. surprised at your outburst, spencer smiled proudly. “i have yet to, darling.” his arm tightened around your waist, pulling you in even closer to him. you rose an eyebrow, eyes narrowing at him ever so slightly. “is that a challenge, spence?” he caught a glimpse of the cheeky grin on your face in the corner of his eye. 
as the weather man blabbed on in the background, your face lit up as an idea popped into your head. you clicked the off button on the remote, making the tv screen turn black. you crawled so that you were fully sat on his lap, your hands starting to play with his hair as you whispered in his ear. “i’ve got a better idea for date night…”
spencer reid, the human computer who could sense even the slightest change in atmopshere seemed to be having a malfunction as you gently pressed his face into your chest. his breath heat up, the warmth seeping throug the thin fabric of your tank top. you moved your hips against his lap, taking the air from his lungs. “how about i put that tongue of yours to good use..?”
it was at this moment that he knew he was powerless. his hands were at your waist, clinging to them like he was afraid to let you go. his eyes trailed down to where your two body connected, taking in the sight of your legs in those little pajama shorts. he brought his hand down and began twirling the drawstring between his fingers, gazing up at you with those deep brown eyes. he tugged at the waistband, silently begging for the shorts to come off. you grinned, seeing that he was finally lost for words. “use your words, spence…” you never thought you’d have to tell spencer to speak, but here you were, watching as he struggled to formulate basic english.
he pressed his chin into your soft chest, muttering under his breath. “can you take ‘em off, hon..?” his biceps flxed slightly under his t-shirts as his grip tightened. you dug your thumbs under the waistband of your shorts, giving him a teasing glance of your bare hips and listening to his breath hitch.
you grinned as his eyes widened like saucers at the sight of your panties. “why don’t you lie down for me, spence.” he nodded, following your command in an instant like an obedient puppy. you stood up from the couch, his eyes glued to your body as you finally took off your shorts, letting them fall to the ground before kicking them off your feet.
the tension in the room grew thick enough to cut through as you lowered yourself onto his chest, not wanting to move too fast. spencer was panting like a dog, eyes triling down to where you cunt with covered by that pesky little strip of fabric. he longed to tear it with his teeth, to finally have access to the honey between your legs.
you slowly rose up once again, crawling slowly until you were hovering over his face. spencer’s mouth watered at the area of saturated fabric that was the perfect telltale of your arousal. your hips swayed slightly, hypnotizing him and making that familiar sizzle burn in this grey sweatpants.
a taste of heaven was just a touch away, and he didn’t know how much longer he could wait. you took a deep breath. “a-alright, just lemme know when you’re rea-” he couldn’t bear the torture any longer. he grabbed your ass, tearing off your panties and connecting his lips with your dripping cunt. 
completely taken by surprise, you yelped, gripping the couch cushion as your whole body tensed. he was going at it like a starved dog, his tongue greedily lapping up all your juuices as he tossed the leftover fabric of your panties to the side, his hands kneading the soft flesh of your ass as he flicked his tongue over your puffy clit.
he groaned deeply as he finally tasted you, desperate to have you. his pulsating cock twitched in his pants, begging to be let free. he bucked his hips into the air, moving against anything he could. “you taste so good, baby…” he muttered into your pussy, moving a hand down to rub quiet circles on your clit.
you tossed your head back in pleasure, grinding against his face as he found the perfect rhythm between his tongue and his fingers. he jutted his tongue in and out of your hole, hasilty bringing a hand down to his sweatpants and needily palming himself through the plush fabric. the contact made his vision go starry, the abundance of pleasure doing wonderful things to his head.
he snaked his hand into his pants, whipping out his precum-glazed cock. the tip was red and swollen from being neglected for so long. he gave himself a few lazy strokes, more focused on your right then than anything else. 
his tongue ventured deep inside of your hole, desperate to taste every fold and crevice. you were sure that he wasn’t even breathing at this point. he was completely drunk off the taste of your body. he pumped his cock at a more rapid pace, feeding his moans into your core and sending powerful vibrations through you.
the base of his hand slapped against his balls each time he went back down, his thumb ghosting against his tip when he came back up again. the living room filled with the succulent noises of him devouring you like your were his last meal.
your back arched as he suckled your hard pearl between his lips. you attempted to rise up from his face to let him have a breath of air, but he gripped you even tighter. “c’mon baby, i’m not done yet…” he had your cum pouring down his neck, grool bubbling from his lips and nostrils. he was making an absolute mess of you, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
his hips violently thrusted into his fist as the sounds of your moans and whimpers fueled his desire even more. he growled into you, eating you up like a starved predator who had finally caught its prey. your legs clenched aorund his head, nearly suffocating him. you rode his face rapidly, tits bouncing through your tank top.
the sight from above made him run wild. he moved his hand from your hip, sneaking it under your shirt and starting to knead your breasts, toying with your hard nipples.
you were so close to reaching such a satisfying climax. every nerve in your body was responding to his intimate touch, never wanting him to stop. your hands grabbed his hair as the band in your stomach snapped, utnring you into a screamed mess as thick white liquid cascaded out of your pussy.
he hungrily lapped up every last drop, not wanting to let a single drop go to waste. his cock had ejaculated hot strings of cum so far that they had hit your back, painting you like a piece of art. he took his time finished you off like the last scoop of a sweet dessert before finally letting you off his face. as you got back to your feet, he sat up and pulled you into a sloppy kiss, feeding your cum into your mouth and groaning softly. “...see how good you taste, my love..?”
your lips began to swell at how deeply he took you in, the heat in your body reaching an all time high. after several long minutes, he pulled away from you, a string of saliva connecting you two before breaking. he looked down, seeing the cummy mess on his t-shirt. but it was nothing compared to what streamed down his neck. you giggled softly, patting him on the cheek. “such a messy boy…”
he stood up from the couch, picking up your shorts for you. “how about we take this date night to the shower? would you like that, baby?” you smiled, nodding as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. he walked away with you, a smle on his face and a sticky mess flowing down your inner thighs.
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author's note: thank you everyone for 1,000 followers! never thought i'd live to see the daythat i reach my longest goaal
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heartshapedbabydolls · 9 months ago
What type of name is Rustin?
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sunbleanchedcassie · 2 months ago
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