#so i know a lot of these are duplicates obviously but i also kind of wanted to show which ones showed up over and over
mlobsters · 4 months
winchester family photos
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season 1
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season 2
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season 10
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season 14
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season 15
posted here about the repurposing of the john and mary picture, including john removal
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eddiediaaz · 11 months
alie! I absolutely adore this mirrorball x buck set that you made last year! (/post/701462848238403584/) (also I can't believe it's been a year, like seriously what is time?) I was wondering how you did the shattered glass effect in the first gif? in particular how you made the black and white gifs appear distorted within the glass if that makes sense? thank you!!!
ahhh thank you so much renee! literally what is time lol, this gifset is still one of my faves that i made. the shattered glass effect is mostly just a lot of layer masks to be honest hahaha. i'm so glad i still have the psd, so here's how i did it under the cut~
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(this tutorial assumes you know how to put multiple gifs in the same canvas and are familiar with layer groups and masks)
first things first, create an empty canvas of your desired size. mine was 540x540 px.
then, you need to find a cracked glass texture. if i remember correctly i simply googled something like "broken glass png", "cracked glass png", because i wanted something already transparent.
(a texture that's something like black lines over a white background definitely works too, you'll just have to put that layer's blending mode to darken or multiply.)
here's the png i used (and a download link for best quality):
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and after positioning it into my canvas.
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so basically when i did is i sectioned parts of the texture for each gif that i wanted to put. following the texture's lines, i zoomed in and carefuly drew a first shape along the lines with the polygon tool. you can also put a color fill layer behind the cracked glass layer so it's easier to see, like i did.
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once you have your shape selected, click on the folder icon (1), then on the layer mask icon (2). it should give you a nice masked group to put gifs in hehe
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then i repeated the process until i had all of my desired shapes. i've put some color layers so it's easier to see, but here are my 6 main shapes and how my layer groups look like so far:
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after screencaping and making all 6 gifs required for each section, you need to put all of them in the same canvas. i simply put one smart object gif layer in each group created earlier. then, i resized and rotated each gif to fit its group (by hitting ctrl + T while selecting the gif layer), as you can see with the gif labeled 6x02 in the layers preview. for the coloring, i went simple with black and white for most of them.
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once i have all six gifs sharpened, colored, and placed in each shape group, the gif looks like this. the broken glass texture does most of the work to be honest:
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obviously the center gif doesn't have any kind of effect, it's just colored as usual, so i'm not gonna go over it. it's just one gif layer in a masked group.
okay so for the distorted effect it's even more layer masks! basically i created more smaller sections within each main shapes already, still following the cracked glass texture's lines with the polygon tool and put them in individual masked groups like i did in the second step. here's how i ended up dividing each main sections:
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yep, each color here is a different masked group, for example the 2nd and 3rd shape sections:
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for each main shape section, you want to duplicate your gif layer the same amount of times as you have subsections within that shape. so if the main shape has 5 smaller subsections, i want 5 layers of that same gif. just make sure to not change its duration or position yet, and make sure the coloring layers/group stays on top of the groups in its shape section. then, simply put one gif layer duplicate in each group. example of my layers for the second shape so far:
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then just repeat this until all subsections have its own gif layer.
this is the best part! and it's really easy. basically you want to slightly move each subsection by a few pixels, so they're in a slightly different position than the ones next to it.
to do so, select one of the gif layers and with the arrows on your keyboard, move it left or right, and even up or down if it looks good. i do this for all duplicated gif layers, making sure it looks like they're all slightly offset. focus on the cracked glass overlay's lines while nudging the gif layers, it's easy to see how the shapes break when you move them. for example here:
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this is really just all trial and error, you just need to move each subsection gif layer by a few pixels with the keyboard arrows until it looks good to you.
here's my result once i've done this for all (23!!) subsections:
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i don't think i did much else to this before typography besides adding a bit of contrast overall and a thin drop shadow to the cracked layer texture on top of everything. if you have a transparent png this definitely helps to give a bit more dimension to the effect. so here's the final result:
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i hope that was clear enough hehe :D
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suzukiblu · 11 months
Day five of fic NaNoWriMo; obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
The Superboy problem is a problem, but it's a backburner problem. There isn't really much Tim can do about it, after all. Bruce isn't gonna accept "hey so I know secret identities and maintaining the Bat-mystique and everything but could you just like . . . take in an extremely high-profile teenage superhero with no vested interest in maintaining any kind of secret identity of his own, maybe?" as a plan. Tim needs something better. Something more functional. And also something Kon will actually go for.
And there's just no way that Tim can just walk up to a notoriously independent and proud and defensive teammate who barely considers him an acquaintance and say "do you want an apartment and monthly living expenses and maybe also an allowance, no strings attached?"
That would be weird, definitely.
Like. Very definitely.
Tim's still tempted to try it, mind. It's not like he couldn't afford it, with a little bit of abuse of his trust fund and a lot of lying to his dad. And really, would that even be an abuse? If helping his teammate live his fucking life outside of a fucking lab counts as an abuse . . .
Well, maybe he really will move up his supervillain timeline, that's all.
But it's a backburner problem, still, and Tim isn't actually thinking about it at all when his best chance to solve it pops up. What Tim is doing is suffering through a field trip to a Metropolis art museum, because the school board is full of cowards and thinks sending his grade to an outside-Gotham museum will decrease the chances of said field trip being interrupted by a museum robbery.
Obviously it will, but come on, they're from Gotham. Like they can't handle a museum robbery.
Also all the art here is pretentious. Like, in obnoxious Metropolis-type ways.
If Tim has to look at one more stylized interpretation of the sun reflecting on a skyscraper while a "subtle" caped figure flies by in the background, he will actually choke. Like literally, actually choke.
Get one original thought. Please. Someone. Anyone.
(No, the stylized interpretations of the moon reflecting on a Gothic building while a subtle caped figure looms among the gargoyles are not equally uncreative, thank you very much. At least duplicating Gotham architecture involves some actual artistry beyond "paint a few straight lines and add a lens flare".)
Tim takes some half-assed notes about the boringly generic exhibit they're here to see and then goes looking for literally anything more interesting than said exhibit. There's got to be some photography somewhere in this place, right? Or at least some loaner art that somebody outside of Metropolis put together before Superman's public debut. Or something.
He ends up in the ancient Mesopotamian exhibit mostly by trying to avoid people and, unfortunately, immediately runs straight into a magical artifact. He doesn't actually know it's magic at the time, but the assholes who are about to blow in an outside wall in pursuit of it sure do.
Tim, unfortunately oblivious to phenomenal cosmic power in clay form, thinks it looks kind of like a cute little toy goat and is just grateful it isn't another skyscraper.
Then the wall gets blown in.
"The school board deserves this," Tim mutters, closing his notebook and sticking it back in his bag because sure, why not. This might as well happen.
The very obvious thieves rush in through the gap in the wall. A few people scream–Tim assumes to be polite, since this is already the most unimpressive museum robbery he's seen in months–and the civilians scatter as the guards rush forward. Tim wonders why anyone's even bothering, given that this is Metropolis. What, are they worried the thieves aren't gonna validate their parking for them?
Seriously, Tim knows all the robbery statistics in this city. Even when Superman doesn't show up, the injury and fatality rates are shockingly low. It's statistically more dangerous to go for a walk in Gotham Park mid-afternoon than it is to be present for an armed robbery in Metropolis.
Which is funny, considering the people doing armed robberies in Metropolis come armed for Superman.
Look, Tim doesn't understand the statistics, he just records them.
The thieves tie up the guards first, which seems like a waste of time to Tim when time is of the essence but probably will be for the best if they get pinned down in the gallery, he supposes. Then again, that'd likely end up in a hostage situation anyway, so why worry about containing a couple of unarmed guards over saving thirty seconds when you're doing a smash and grab?
Seems inefficient to him, considering.
He keeps assessing the situation and taking mental notes as he ushers various classmates and museum-goers towards comparative safety, since a successful supervillain timeline requires appropriate research and development. And also, Metropolis-based criminals should know how to work around Superman, at least in theory, so it's best to keep an eye on what does and doesn't work for them.
Not for any specific reason, obviously.
Definitely not.
One of the thieves goes for the little clay goat, smashing its glass display case with their armored elbow, and only then do the museum alarms start screaming. Seems like a stupid design choice when an exploding wall doesn't set them off, but whatever, at least there are alarms.
Honestly, if it were him, Tim would have a silent alarm and a secondary alarm set to a specifically Superman-discernable frequency, though he's sure Superman would get sick of that quick in non-life-threatening situations, so maybe there are local regulations about that or something, who knows. He should look into that, actually. Or just play something annoying on a frequency normal human hearing can’t discern and see what happens, if nothing else.
They make sonic fences to keep dogs in and teenagers out, don't they? Same theory.
The thieves are all yelling orders to each other and arguing; no clear chain of command and a poorly-established plan, Tim notes. Most of the civilians are clear or behind cover, so if he just–
Right, Tim remembers belatedly as one of the thieves makes a grab for him. He's currently wearing civilian wear, isn't he.
That probably means he needs to let this incredibly clumsy grab work, doesn't it, he reflects resignedly. Definitely it does, actually.
Tim, dubiously, lets the thief grab him and debates how upset he's supposed to look about this situation. A Gothamite can't look too freaked out over a Metropolis criminal, obviously; he'd never live it down at school. Seriously, is this guy even armed, he–
Ah, never mind. Definitely armed.
And an idiot with no concept of trigger safety, judging by the way he's holding the gun he's currently jamming into Tim's temple.
Great. Just great.
What does this moron even think he's doing, anyway? The guards are all tied up, as far as he knows there's no superheroes on scene, and nobody's actually trying to stop them. If he accidentally murders a civilian right now, they're all going to be in way, way worse trouble than just stealing a little clay goat would entail.
Tim resists the urge to point that out since there is, again, a gun to his head right now and the person holding it there is in fact a moron with no concept of trigger safety. Not an ideal time to start a conversation, especially not to criticize said moron.
It's tempting, just again, not ideal.
"The fuck are you doing?!" one of the thieves yells to the one going to a really unnecessary amount of effort to drag Tim along. "You were supposed to grab a little kid for the hostage!"
"There's no little kids, Mark!" the thief holding Tim protests petulantly. "I'm doing my best here, man!"
"No names, asshole!" the apparent "Mark" yells back at him.
Tim is pretty sure these thieves are just not very good at crime in general. Or possibly just not very good at anything at all.
He starts calculating the best place to "trip" out of this guy's arms and "accidentally" elbow him in the dick–off-camera, obviously, he doesn't want to leave any footage for anyone to review later–and pretends to be a good little hostage in the meantime, if not a particularly cowed one. Again: Gothamite. He can't actually let it look like a Metropolis criminal did anything worse than mildly annoy him.
Okay, maybe like, Lex Luthor or Brainiac could get a Gothamite past "mildly annoyed", but not a half-assed handful of petty thieves with a shitty plan and an even shittier exit strategy. They would've been better off running in, grabbing what they wanted, and then just scattering; even Superman can't be everywhere at once, especially if the thieves all blended into the crowd or had a couple of getaway cars waiting or something similar. Multiple targets, it'd be easy for him to miss the right one until it was too late.
That would require actual skill and planning and genuine forethought, though, which are very clearly not things this crew has bothered with either developing in themselves or outsourcing to someone competent.
Tim is going to be so fucking embarrassed if he dies to a low-level Metropolis criminal's craptastic trigger discipline. At least the Joker got Jason. There was a plan and actual malicious intent there, and also intentional targeting of specifically him. Tim has apparently just been tagged as "person who looks easiest to hold hostage", which he guesses he could take as a good sign for his acting abilities but honestly is more likely just this guy being a fucking dumbass with less brains than a mummified limpet.
God, imagine what his classmates would put in the yearbook if he died on a Metropolis field trip, too. Actually, no, never mind, he doesn't even want to think about it. Too fucking mortifying a possibility.
The thief drags Tim closer to suitable "tripping" territory, Tim debates how hard he can elbow him and still claim it was accidental, and somebody says, "Are you fucking serious, man?"
Somebody, specifically, is Kon. He's standing in the middle of the hole in the wall in the full leather jacket and S-shield combo, hands on his hips and expression exasperated. Tim has a weird, irrational moment of thinking he actually recognizes him and wants to know how he fucked up this bad, but Kon's eyeing the thieves, not him.
"You know I'm gonna get blamed for this, right," Kon says, gesturing meaningfully at the smashed-in wall. "I always get blamed for the property damage."
"Back off or I'll shoot!" the thief holding Tim yells, jamming the barrel of his gun annoyingly hard into his temple.
"Does 'faster than a speeding bullet' mean nothing to you people?" Kon asks, tilting his head just enough to make it obvious that he's rolling his eyes exaggeratedly.
"Superman is faster than a speeding bullet," another thief snaps. "Not you, you shitty little poser."
"I mean, you could try testing me and then get attempted murder on your crime bingo cards for absolutely zero reason," Kon suggests conversationally, smirking in amusement. "Security cameras still running in here?"
Tim guesses he's saved, technically, but this definitely means he can never tell Young Justice his secret identity, because if Kon recognizes him he will never, ever let him live this down.
Also, everybody at school is going to give him so much shit for getting saved by a Super.
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theblogwithoutfear · 3 days
But didn't Frank lie to Karen and used her a literal live bait to lure out his enemies in Daredevil S2? Putting Karen in direct danger more than Matt or his lies has.
And I often see how one-sided these things are, people pointing out Matt's lies and secrets but never Karen's, the fact that she didn't reveal that she killed Wesley to Matt and Foggy to the point that the FBI and Nadeem actually pinned his death on Matt, thus the manhunt for him in S3. When Matt asked Karen if anything happened when they were in the office, she lied and said nothing about the Ben incident of them meeting Fisk's mother.
As for "Karen didn't get an explanation about Elektra"...because she walked out before Matt could even get a single full sentence in. Is Matt supposed to telepathically communicate the explanation to her? All I'm saying is, you can't get what you don't even give a chance to be given to you. Clearly during that period Matt was ready to be forthcoming since in the bathroom scene at the courtroom he did say the truth to Foggy about Elektra and the Hand. But Karen didn't even give him a chance to get a word in.
And I feel like the fact that Danny Rand being kidnapped by the Hand, Luke and Jessica not being fully aware of who their enemies are and clearly needing help, and thousands of lives being at stake are enough extenuating circumstances for Matt to forgo his promise of not being Daredevil. In that context it's really poor taste and self-oriented to be navel-gazing instead of understanding why Matt had to suit up...is he supposed to leave Jessica, Luke, and Danny to figure things out themselves and that he just sits idle just so he doesn't offend Karen? Despite the fact that he's the one who knows the most about the mission and the Hand?
Okay there's a lot to unpack here. My response to your first point is that Frank and Karen weren't dating—she was in a relationship with Matt. So there's a bigger sense of betrayal there, at least emotionally. That's why she has a bigger issue with Matt's deception than with Frank's, at least in my opinion. Also, Frank had already proven himself to be murderous and dangerous; Karen knew that ahead of time. Matt's lying was new to her.
For your second point, I'll just say that if you read my other posts about Karen, my whole argument is that she is FLAWED. That's the whole point. She makes mistakes; she does terrible hypocritical deceptive things, like all the ones you mentioned. Just like Matt Murdock does. The point is that they both lie. And they're both mad at each other about it. Because they're both human beings (also part of the reason they work so well together, imo. They're both kind of idiots at times, lol). I don't know how you can say I'm being one-sided if my whole point is that they are alike—even mirrors of each other—in their duplicity and hypocrisy.
For your third point—I mean, yeah. Karen walked out on Matt before he could explain. I think most people would after seeing something like that. Because what else is she supposed to think happened??? And to be honest, Matt didn't put in a whole lot of effort to run after her and explain. That's on him, since he was the one causing the situation. He had lots of chances, but he didn't do that because he was already invested in his life with Elektra at that point. Don't get me wrong, I ship Karen and Matt, and I truly believe that show was moving in the direction of bringing them back together (if they'd been allowed to continue on to season 4). But Matt was absolutely at fault in that Elektra situation, and was low-key emotionally cheating by that point. If he didn't have his head up his ass, he would've run after Karen and explained it to her, even if he had to chase her down at her apartment or at The Bulletin or wherever. But he didn't. It took Elektra's death to make him realize his mistake.
And finally to your last point, obviously I agree with you—Matt is making the right decision when he picks up Daredevil again and joins the Defenders. Every viewer of the show agrees with you there, because we're with Matt the whole time; we see firsthand the battles he's fighting. Karen and Foggy, though, don't get to see that. They can't truly understand it because it's just utterly unfathomable to them. For the most part, they're hearing about all this stuff secondhand (and sometimes not hearing about it at all, just having to piece together information), so they can't really conceptualize the gravity of the situation. But you know what they can conceptualize? Their fear for Matt. This problem that they've witnessed firsthand for months outweighs (in their minds) the abstract threat they're hearing about. This is because—and again, this is the whole point—they are human, and human beings are flawed and selfish and often can't see past the end of their noses. Matt was in the right when he was fighting for the city—but Karen and Foggy weren't wrong to be afraid and angry. It's scary and sad to watch their best friend constantly in danger of killing himself. It's just a terrible situation, and they're doing the best with the limited information that they have.
Listen—you don't have to like Karen Page. You're free to engage with the material and the fandom however you see fit. If you want to hate her, that is your prerogative, and you're welcome to do so. Assuming you're the same anon that asked the other questions, I think it's unlikely that you're going to change your mind about her. And that's valid! You're absolutely entitled to your opinion. And, in that same vein, I also don't think I'll change my mind about her. Every single point you've brought up is something I've already thought about—and those points don't make me dislike her. It all just informs the character. So again, you can feel however you want to feel about her, and I'll do the same.
In the end, I'm just happy to have the comics and the show and the content that comes with it. I don't think there's any reason to get up in arms over it. We're all just engaging with a great story :)
(Also, sorry for the delayed response to this. I had an unexpected death in the family and I just didn't have the headspace to respond to this for a while. Usually I try to be more timely but it's been a rough few weeks lol)
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angie-long-legs · 4 months
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rp blog for angel dust from hazbin hotel
18+ | indie | selective | carrd
♡ performed by phoenix ♡
drafts: 20
queue: 3
inbox: 2
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Rules Under Cut
This blog is 18+: absolutely no exceptions. I will not RP with minors, nor will I allow minors to follow or interact due to the adult content portrayed on here. If your blog does not clearly state that you are an adult, you will be blocked.
My blog is mutuals only and selective. Standard RP etiquette is expected. I don't do exclusives, but I do have mains. I am a slow writer, please be patient with me! I don't do passwords, but rest assured I have read your rules if I've followed you. No limit to the number of threads between us. OC friendly. Crossover friendly but will require major plotting to build a workable verse. I follow duplicates but likely will not interact IC unless it's crack. Currently high activity. Do not involve me in drama or discourse.
Multi-para/novella is my preference, but I am open to single para. One-liners are reserved for asks and crack. I don't expect length-matching - I have a tendency to write a lot and I don't want to overwhelm my partners. However, mutual effort is necessary. Not bothered by literacy skill, however, if your language or grammar make it so I cannot understand you then I won't be able to write with you.
Angel Dust is not a "nice" character, to put it simply. He might not be kind to your muse, even if your muse is kind to him. I will always ask if I feel he is about to say anything particularly hurtful or get physically violent. Angel will also portray views or hold ignorance that does not align with what the mun thinks, believes, or understands. This is a work of fiction.
This is Angel Dust - dark topics and are going to be a common occurrence. Please be mindful of your own wellbeing and/or triggers. Sexual violence, physical violence, abuse, trauma, sex work, substance abuse and addiction are all big parts of Angel’s story, and while I will do my best to tag things accordingly, if this is likely to trigger you, I would advise not to follow.
I tag common triggers such as abuse and violence, but if you need anything more specific tagged, let me know! The only non-standard trigger I ask be tagged if we are mutuals is animal cruelty.
I would suggest not following if you do not want suggestive content on your dash - I try to tag it but it's a struggle with this particular muse. However, I will always tag and censor NSFW and explicit content.
NSFW content will be present! However, I won’t write smut unless we’ve been writing together for a while, and usually with some OOC discussion to get a feel for my partner’s ideas, preferences, and boundaries. All NSFW content will be tagged, and anything explicit will be under a cut.
My main ship for Angel is Huskerdust. However, I ship based on chemistry, so if our muses develop a connection, I’m open to exploring this. I prefer this to be discussed OOC if it starts heading in that direction. And, obviously, Angel Dust is gay - I will be writing him as such.
I love writing Angel and Val and their dynamic is intrinsic to my portrayal, but I don’t consider my particular interpretation to be shipping. Writing characters who have a toxic and abusive relationship while also acknowledging love, sex and trauma bonding as a realistic part of that relationship is, in my opinion, a nuanced approach to take when portraying abuse. I enjoy exploring the dark aspects of their dynamic as well as the lighter and more comedic ones - and, consequently, all the horrible grey areas these contradictions create.
Do not involve me in shipping discourse.
I consider my soft limits to be topics or actions that require permission/prior discussion before implementing into a RP. Please ask me before including the following in any thread of ours: sexual assault, mentions of CSA, suicide, self-harm, one muse causing massive injury to another, or one muse killing another.
These are topics that I will not touch. I will not write: Non-con/graphic descriptions of sexual violence, sexual or romantic interactions with a character who is a minor, incest, zoo, or m/f ships (last one is muse-specific, obviously).
I only block for age restriction reasons, bad conduct, or for posting content I find triggering to ensure my own wellbeing. If I no longer want to interact with you, I will unfollow or soft block. If we have written before and I decide to unfollow, I will message beforehand. If you prefer to be blocked to avoid accidental re-following, let me know. I have no issue with anyone blocking me for whatever reason, curate your online space as you please! It's just my personal preference to be restrictive with my blocking habits.
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99pacificpassions · 11 months
Cat Corners a Mouse
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese AKA Kyuso wa Chizu no Yume wo Miru (Japan 2020) - Drama llama queers so queer and so dramatic it's like Japan is trying to PROVE something: obsession, cheating, break-up, reunion, then break up again, all of it explicit. This show is just SO JAPANESE. I can't even, but you should watch it and you'll know exactly what I mean. Something like My Personal Weatherman owes it's lineage to this kind of BL. If you like Japan naked, boney, emo, and smoking (hot & ciggy) you will love this, and should watch it. It's objectively amazing, I can't stand it, but I NEED people to talk about it more.
Absolute-kun gives so much and asks for so little. Here's my personal appreciation of this terrific film, for him and others interested in top shelf BL…
Spoilers ahead, but I felt Cornered Mouse (currently on Viki) was better the second time because I could soak up the details. If you haven’t seen it, you might enjoy it more with some background beforehand. It's a bit difficult to keep up with.
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The seme is Imagase Wataru (on left above), a gay man passionately in love with Otomo Kyoichi, a businessman married to a woman. Wataru (given name) is like a character out of American Noir… literally a chain-smoking private investigator.  Like a Noir protagonist, we may not like his means, but he has a code he lives by.
Kyoichi is handsome and sympathetic, but he places himself in situations where women eventually suggest a sexual liaison and his fatal character flaw is that he can’t say no to women. But the philanderer can say no to Wataru, to a point. He’s much rougher with Wataru’s feelings than he is with any of the women in the movie.
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese is based on a manga of the same name and reviewers say that it’s about 65% faithful to the original story. Another reviewer compared it to Wong Kar-wai’s In the Mood for Love, which is one of the best films ever made. I won’t claim Cornered Mouse is in Mood's league, but I would say it's close and that the main differences are Mood’s opulence and heterosexuality. Cornered Mouse is the best-crafted BL I’ve seen to date.
The film has some great writing, but prefers to show instead of tell, which requires a lot from the talented actors. Narita Ryo as Wataru is remarkable and a couple screenshots aren’t going to do his performance justice, but here he's hunched on a stool like a cat:
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Here's Wataru after Kyoichi wakes up to find him looking through the text messages on Kyoichi's phone... in the same room: 
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Narita Ryo transcends the AbsoluteBL bar for great acting. Elsewhere, he’s not afraid to look ugly in a scene.
Obviously, this film’s in the BL category of “gay man converts straight man”, generally considered a doomed goal within the queer experience. Somehow, Cornered Mouse’s river of details makes this seem realistic, mostly due to the straight lead’s indecisiveness and Wataru’s persistence... and his fellatio techniques.
Negative reviewers of Cornered Mouse never dispute that it's well-crafted. They tend to complain about the ending and that the characters were difficult to like. Yet, the movie is about accepting people for who they are. If you don’t believe me… well, here’s the director Yukisada Isao:
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My hot take is that Cornered Mouse is less about the lead characters accepting each other for who they are and more about the audience accepting them despite Kyoichi’s duplicity and Wataru’s lack of ethics.
The audience is also asked to accept the dilemmas inherent within the “gay man converts straight man” BL subgenre. At a key moment, well along in the men’s sexual relationship, Kyoichi’s college lover has called them both separately for drinks. She makes Kyoichi choose between them, resulting in this exchange:
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Kyoichi (to Wataru): “I could never choose you. No straight guy would. You get it, don’t you?”
Wataru, smirking: “Yes.”
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Kyoichi then goes to bed with the ex-girlfriend, but can’t perform. He returns to Wataru and is “punished” for his hubris. 
Previously, Wataru has asked to be the top during sex, but was rebuffed. After getting drilled, Kyoichi treats his relationship with Wataru with new respect. Yes, he will break up with him and even get engaged with a woman, but he goes through the formalities of a break up, on par with a heterosexual relationship. He’s far more concerned with Wataru’s feelings, even as he’s crushing him, than he was before that key moment.
The film asks its contemporary audience to come to terms with this more traditional implication: that Kyoichi “turned gay” by taking the sub role.
The other problem for many reviewers was Cornered Mouse’s open ending. They thought it was open, anyway. I didn’t. Kyoichi breaks off his engagement to a lovely woman and vows to “prepare” for the return of his lover Wataru. Kyoichi has always been the reluctant partner. Throughout the film, Wataru pursued Kyoichi no matter his target’s resistance... stalking, blackmailing, pleading... as if he had no limits. Of course, he’ll be back for more. Besides, in the manga, it’s made clear that’s what happens.
Wataru talking earlier in the film:
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
ARC Review: Most Ardently: A Pride & Prejudice Remix by Gabe Cole Novoa
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4.25/5. Releases 1/16/2024.
Vibes: Pride and Prejudice but make it queer (obviously), light humor around big issues, family warmth, that ol' Darcy Darcy-ness in a younger package
Oliver Bennet has a problem: aside from his sister Jane, his family doesn't know that he's not a girl. Trapped by societal norms and the persona he's forced to wear, he sneaks out as his true self and runs into the stiff, cool Darcy (who was actually a major dick to Oliver when he was dressed as a girl). The thing is--when Darcy is actually able to be himself, he's actually quite kind. Also? Very appealing. But no matter how much they connect, a future for Darcy and Oliver, as their true selves, seems impossible. Unless....
I don't usually read YA, but I was kind of fascinated by the concept of this series of remixed, diverse takes on old classics. And a retelling of P&P starring a trans boy was too good to resist. Also, this is my favorite cover I've seen in a LONG while.
Luckily, it lived up to my expectations beyond the cover. It's sweet and unique, while honoring the original story. And right now, I think that seeing a trans kid living out the happily ever after of one of the most enduring love stories of all time is something we need to see.
Quick Takes:
--To be clear, this is a true YA romance. The characters that need to be aged down are. I think it was totally necessary to appeal to the target audience, and it works. I mean, being a youth~ in 1812 isn't exactly like being a youth~ in today's world anyway. It's just like P&P in that it's chaste, but unlike P&P in that there is kissing. (Yay!)
--Like I said, the book stays true to the original story, but obviously it's not married to it. Oliver has a lot in common with Elizabeth, but he's not Elizabeth, and his relationship with Darcy is not Elizabeth's relationship with Darcy. It's more based on friendship and understanding--in a lot of ways, it's a friends to lovers story. Which I think adds a sense of queer found family to the romance, and I think that's necessary here.
--It would be very easy for Oliver's mindset to be quite dark. Understandably so, as most of his family is ignorantly (and it's true ignorance, they don't know) deadnaming him on the regular. He's forced to wear dysphoria-inducing clothing, to act as a girl. But I think Novoa understood that there did need to be a somewhat lighter touch here. The point is not to paint a tale of like... a historically accurate trans experience. It's to tell a love story.
And in that sense, I found that the way Novoa approached the Bennets reacting to Oliver's transness really refreshing and lovely. Like, the point here is not to make you feel down about Oliver's future, but to celebrate who he is (and maybe feel seen--as a cis woman, I can't speak to how effective that is).
I suspect that this lighter touch won't work for everyone; and that's valid. If I'm being honest, I don't super care about whether or not it works for cis people.
--There's a molly house scene! Darcy is in a molly house! I loved this. I found something about placing a romantic hero we often so associate with heterosexuality and the ideal for women in a super queer space... And making it this place where he feels comfortable and true... Really compelling. It was one of my favorite scenes in the book.
Also, it allowed for some real romantic connection between Oliver and Darcy. Their relationship is super sweet, and I found the twist on how that relationship would have developed if we did have an Oliver and a Darcy rather than an Elizabeth and a Darcy super smart. It would've been super easy for Novoa to just duplicate the original dynamic and go "but here's a boy". That would've done a disservice to both this work and the original, in my opinion. I appreciate him doing the work to make something super distinct that is AWARE of the differences here, as I do think some queer retellings of het stories occasionally do just execute a quick genderflip and call it a day.
And I get why they do. But at the end of the day, it does remind me of the sensibility that queer love stories need to be palatable and safe for straight audiences, to appeal them and to make them seem "just like them". However, a queer romance isn't 1 to 1 with a straight romance. There often are different dynamics at play. I so liked that we got that here.
TW: transphobia (from characters, not the narrative), general queerphobia, deadnaming, dysphoria
I was super happy with this book, and I think it will definitely appeal to a ton of teens out there. Definitely going to recommend this to my teen sibling. However, it's well-written and mature enough to hold a crossover appeal towards adults. A smart and sweet take on a classic book.
Thanks to Netgalley and Feiwel & Friends for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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lynxmisnomer · 11 months
hi I want to know everything about boe forever please
Ok ok more oc posting
Full disclaimer: BOE is very heavily based on the antagonist from Wings of Fire arc 3 and they share a ton of similarities down to the name. Spoilers ahead for The Poison Jungle and beyond.
BOE is an iterator/plant. Its full designation is Breath Of Evil, but that name raises a lot of red flags so it typically just goes by its acronym.
It started out as a normal iterator, and the design of it I posted isn't actually what its real puppet looks like. BOE was always a bit of a narcissist and apathetic towards others, ancients and neighbors alike, with very little interest in changing. A while after the mass ascension it got bored of iterating, as many iterators do, and decided it wanted to be top shit. Except it wasn't group senior so obviously it had to change that. It made various subtle attempts to gain power and privilege among its local group, but BOE isn't exactly a nice person, and eventually its neighbors suspected it of duplicity and ill-intent and stopped talking to it.
Eventually it came across a plant. This was The Plant. BOE observed the plant had properties that allowed it to compel small insects to carry its seeds to new places. This gave it the brilliant idea to use the plant to mind-control animals for fun. So it took the plant's genome and bioengineered it to work on larger creatures such as lizards, slowly building its potency to work on bigger and bigger organisms. It continued to evolve and refine The Plant until it eventually wondered if the plant could be used to mind-control an iterator, so that maybe it could "convince" its senior to give it privileges.
Since its neighbors ghosted it, there was only itself to experiment on with the plants. In the process of this experimentation it fucked up and accidentally let the plant take over its systems as it grew out of control. That was fine though, because it had merged with the plant and still retained its super smart iterator consciousness. Only now it had the added plant instinct to grow and spread everywhere, which combined to form the logic "If I spread everywhere I will be top shit." From there it continued to specifically tailor the plant's adaptations towards thriving in superstructure-like environments. The plant's roots dig into the iterator's systems and can control electric impulses, allowing it to manipulate functions. BOE could control and manipulate the plants itself since the plant was now a part of it. It also sped up the plant's growth rate significantly.
What followed was the takeover and subsequent murder of its neighbors, Sounds of Endless Summer, Thousand-Eyed Autumn, Winter's Plumage and their senior Springing Scents. Autumn was the one to coin the name "Breath of Evil" when the mysterious plant arrived to invade their systems, and BOE decided to adopt that name both for the plant and its own designation. BOE doesn't need to kill its hosts, as the plants can survive in a standing superstructure just as well as a collapsed one, but it decided to kill its neighbors because they were being annoying.
Once it had eliminated its old group, it turned its attention to conquering other iterators, with the eventual goal of mind controlling and/or killing all iterators in existence. Kind of an unrealistic goal, but it has a plant brain so.
The design I posted for BOE is how it appears in the mindspace, a manifestation of its consciousness that it can pull hosts into to talk to them. It cannot physically harm anyone in the mindspace, as its essentially a dream, but it loves socializing with hosts in a creepy, over-familiar way. The mindspace can appear however it pleases, though usually the setting is based on places it has seen or places in the memories of hosts. BOE cannot access a host's memories without their consent, so if a host says no to sharing memories there's not much it can do about that.
I think that covers most of it. Basically it is an evil parasite that hijacks other iterators' brains for fun using plants. It also got very fruity somehow.
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delurkr · 1 year
More Little Hope models 🤩
This post has been in my drafts for a long time lol but HariboStixx on deviantart posted a bunch of extracted LH models! I come bearing some pics and commentary but go look at the rest of them because there's quite a few.
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YOUNG VINCE MY BELOVED. I love him and his corduroy coat. You can get a hint of the western style seams on the front, and now I see that's a denim jacket under the coat instead of a shirt. I LOVE. Unfortunately his pants and shoes are just the ones from his funeral outfit (which is clearly a duplicate of Anthony's funeral outfit, a true fashion faux pas) so unfortunately that doesn't say what he was "really" wearing.
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Passerby seems to be wearing a suit under that coat. And btw only recently did I come across a playthrough bright enough to notice that his coat has a belt that's undone and dangling at the sides. I really want to know about him and what he was doing on that night 😂 Also his pants are a good 20 years out of date but we love him in spite of it (or maybe because of it).
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About time we get a full view of Wyman lol. Lookit all those snazzy buttons 😁 (They must catch on things all the time.)
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Is Taylor's watchband red in the game? I don't think so but if it is it's a nice nod to Tanya's red bracelet.
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David was executed because he's been flaunting his collarbones in public. Tsk tsk, David. Cloth hose though instead of the other guys' knitted ones, fun detail.
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Joseph's top layer thing looks like it was a pretty fancy garment at one point. There's a lot of (faded?) detailing down the front and around the armholes, which would have to be done by hand and that's a lot of effort for something a farmer will be bumming around in. And something was ripped out of the armholes (which shows better in the game), maybe sleeves that wore out before the rest of the garment and didn't get replaced. I don't know much about clothing in this era but anyway it's such a deliberate design choice. I love Joseph's outfit and I wish the devs would post his model so we can get closeups of the proper textures on it.
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I need help. Is Abraham's outfit actually blue in the game? Obviously some of the colors aren't accurately represented here but other extracts I've seen of his model are blue. It just kind of looks brown in the game to me.
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Anne with red hair again. Honestly the more I look at it in-game with enough brightness it looks like a shade of red there too. I'm slowly starting to consider that Anne's hair may be red enough to be related to the fact that they adopted a red-haired kid 🤔
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Lastly, vehicles. Words cannot express. How much I LOVE the Clarke's station wagon. Just, them, in that car. (Imagine road trips.) Anyway I finally have a clear enough view of it so... yes, I tried to find a real-world make, and, just like Vince's car, I don't think it exists. The lights and grills are never comparable, but ignoring the structure the vibe works for a good chunk of the 1960s, which means I get to imagine at least some of the Clarke kids learning to drive in it 😊
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commsroom · 1 year
Essay question, sort of? Mostly just curious about your thoughts on it; Was the destruction of the alien knowledge given to Eiffel ultimately better for humanity? I think about it a lot,,
short answer? i think so, yes. probably. in terms of the process - fourteen thousand years is an incomprehensible length of time from a human perspective. even if you wanted to set a plan in motion to secure the future of humanity... how? and should anyone be the arbiter of humanity's fate? cutter and pryce certainly wanted to be. maybe the point is that, whether it would be "better" to know or not, no one should ever have the power to make that choice.
(of course, there's also the question of the dear listeners being the arbiters of humanity's fate, but they operate on a completely different level of understanding - what they represent is a force beyond human control or comprehension, a shadow cast by an impossibly Big Picture, and that can't be reasoned with from the same perspective.)
in terms of the knowledge itself... some if it is practical, like the ability to create duplicates - obviously, that could be very, very dangerous in the wrong hands, and it puts a massive target on eiffel's back. the rest of it... would people even believe him? most of it isn't really something you can prove. "astronauts return from the dead; claim to have made first contact - are we being observed?!" ... it's tabloid material. most people would just go on with their lives, i think.
... but i also think this ties into another question. in the context of wolf 359, is there a categorical difference between memory, knowledge, and information? i think i might elaborate on that in a separate post, so that this isn't way too long, but... i'm not entirely convinced that knowledge is destroyed? the information recall the dear listeners put in eiffel's mind functions, in my understanding, kind of like hera's servers - it's information he has access to, but not necessarily something he's learned, or processed through memory in the same way. and the dear listeners seemed very adamant about not allowing them to return to earth without a debriefing. i doubt that "killing" bob, a being that doesn't have a concept of death, in a form they didn't even truly inhabit, would've been enough to disrupt that. i assume they were satisfied with what the hephaestus crew was taking back, and that is... a whole other can of worms.
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breannastewart · 1 year
thoughts on New York so far these playoffs? are you worried about Stewie's game right now?
I wouldn't say I'm worried, no, she's still breanna stewart after all. but it certainly is odd and frustrating right now to watch. and you know she's frustrated with herself, too. no one is harder on her than she is, or knows better what her standard is. but she can only control what she can, and so much of it is out of her control. which leads into thoughts on the team...
the playoffs are gonna expose you in ways you could maybe get away with during the regular season, because at this point you're dealing with the better teams in the league. new york has definitely been exposed. they may have won that first round, but did they win it handily? no. so far in these first three games the opposing team has had their number, and glaringly so on the things they did well (passing, assists, defense, 3 point shooting.) new york fans love to cry HATER! if you say anything about her, but SI had that one good offensive game but she's been absolutely obliterated since, especially on the defensive end. everyone can just blow by her, and sometimes I swear she just stands there while others are scrambling and idek how you don't lose your mind watching that with a vested interest. someone needs to teach super fans it's okay to criticize or hope a fave player improves on something, it doesn't mean you hate them 💀 but different topic for a different time. the guard play has been truly the weakest link thus far, I have no idea what vandersloot is doing out there. I have always said I truly do not care if she puts up 10 assists every single game; she will have some of the most mindbogglingly ugly or strange pass attempts or turnovers you could possibly imagine you have to cringe at the decision making, and that has happened a lot already in three games. it's not a good sign when you resort to breanna stewart being your point guard bringing the ball up. your other two aren't doing their jobs well enough? yikes. and at the end of the day, it's a point guard that is supposed to be the leader and the steadying force and so far, I'm seeing none of that. obviously you know the kind of point guard I'm missing seeing out there, and especially playing along side stewie. she does not have that complimentary level of counterpart out there, and that will always be hard to replace or duplicate, but it's been very noticeably bad so far when it's supposed to matter most. today especially, those guards were getting chewed up and spit out. but what hurt as well was there was noticeably no effort on the boards. defensive or offensive. it just looked like everyone was asleep all game long. despite stewie's shooting struggles and despite JJ's tendency to get in foul trouble, those two have been the only link ups and individual play that's looked halfway decent at times? but I swear new york loves to move away from people if they start getting going. especially the post players. stewie had a good rhythm to start that second game in round one, they went away from her, and she lost it. same happens with JJ. all in favor of letting a certain someone at times just chuck up her deep threes whenever she wants, and when it isn't always the smart gameplan whatsoever.
final thoughts on stewie, going back to her having to pick up slack on things she shouldn't have to. I just think she's tired at this point. there are things she has covered up well all season long when new york has been exposed before. whether it's defense, having to end up the PG at times now??? like??? and scoring at the clip she can when she's actually given the ball and or takes charge herself and scores at will. and bringing it all the way back around, all of those things are being exposed FAR more at this point, she's trying to plug up those holes, and she's tired. if there's anyone who can kick it into another gear, it's her. and I hope just for her sake she can otherwise it's gonna be a quick, but also at the same time long and exhausting playoffs to watch with the rest of that group doing... whatever the hell they've been doing.
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>HSR Multimuse & OC Roleplay Blog. >Indie. >Selective/Mutuals-only. >OC/Duplicate friendly. >written by Willow. (she/they | 22 | EST)
An RP blog ft. Jing Yuan, Feixiao, and Dr. Ratio from Honkai Star Rail, as well as multiple OCs. Please read the rules before following; dark content is present on this blog! banner ©
Personal Blogs DNI! 20+
> Roster | Verses | Headcanons | Memes | Tags | Relations
Wishlist | Crush Check | Dynamics Interest | Perm. Inbox Call | Owed Replies
>Replies: 10 | Starters: 0 | Inbox: 5 | Queue: 0
Rules under the cut: [Updated 09.07.2024 (m/d/y)]
Howdy, I’m Willow! You'll see that I use Tabasa from END ROLL as my faceclaim. As I'm perpetually tired, my activity is irregular, but I tend to stay fairly present even if it's just as a lurker. My Discord is available for chatting, but I will only give it out to trusted individuals.
1. OC friendly! Duplicates are welcome, too! For comfort reasons, I try to not follow duplicates first unless they state they're okay with it. I am hesitant on crossovers unless I know you, the mun, well. It's just a bigger comfort zone for me to step out of.
2. I am mutuals only. If I can’t read your carrd/theme, I will softblock or hardblock you to avoid interaction. If I don’t see our rules and preferences meshing well, I’ll hardblock to avoid any conflict! Feel free to softblock/hardblock me as well if that’s the case on your end too, but if there’s a specific issue you have please come talk to me!
3. Please take a look at each muses’s bio for more details on their ship status! I am very open to multiship and shipping in general; so long as our muses have chemistry, I’ll likely vibe. That being said, some muses might have restrictions based on their character or sexuality, so it’s best to look at each muse. Please also take a look at the relations tab for other restrictions, such as potential exclusives. 3a. I’m open to having you as a main if we RP a lot or talk extensively about our muses OOC! Exclusives are rare and more circumstantial based on friendship or dynamic; I do not default to limiting my ships. Of course, I respect others' rules on exclusivity. 3b. I am a dark/toxic dynamic enthusiast, and shipping to me does not necessarily connote a healthy romance for that reason. I will of course require discussions for that kind of thing, but note that I'm absolutely not opposed to the occasional dead dove, or even (noncanon) drabbles, asks, or threads where my muses are killed or worse in those scenarios. Obviously, rape, incest, and pedophilia are absolute no-gos.
4. I am very willing to have duplicates interact, particularly for Stelle! I think there's a lot of very fun potential to be explored there. Due to the inherent multiversal nature of HSR, as a general rule my canon HSR muses are aware of the multiverse and will react accordingly. You will not see any surprised by another version of themself. 4a. Please check this post for more information.
5. Magic Anons. I will not participate in these, so please do not send them to me.
6. I will also not pressure myself to answer every single ask I receive or commit to every starter. I delete asks, a lot, especially if they're spontaneous/unprompted. This is nothing against you if I don’t respond to your ask or starter, though I do my best; my energy can be rather fleeting and unpredictable, and though I love unprompted asks I sometimes struggle to maintain the motivation to answer them. I will absolutely let you know if I feel I need to drop a thread. 6a. If you don’t specify which muse you want me to answer for in an ask, I may not answer it.
7. Mun is of age, HOWEVER I will not be roleplaying anything explicitly smut-related on Tumblr (though sexual HC memes might be shared for my adult muses depending on my mood). Some things might get a little spicy, but at most I will fade to black. Gore and other disturbing scenarios are more than okay. Angst is tasty. That being said, see the next rule:
8. I’ll do my best to tag potentially triggering topics, but if something comes up that I haven’t tagged properly, do let me know! I tag as #trigger tw and #trigger cw.
9. Respect my muses’ power. I do play some very powerful characters, including gods. I will not metagame nor godmod, and all I ask is that you do the same.
10. Communication is key! Please talk to me for anything, whether it be potential plots, current ones, headcanons, active threads, etc etc. If you have questions or concerns, please please reach out.
11. As a selective blog, I won’t be roleplaying with non-roleplay/personal blogs! Sorry! If you’re a personal blog and you don’t have an RP dedicated sideblog, please do not interact with my posts. I will block personal blogs that reblog my content on sight. 11a. DNI list: for my own comfort, I found that it is best for me to set up a DNI list for fandoms/series that I'd like to avoid. That being said, please dni if you rp the following series: Helluva Boss. Hazbin Hotel. Welcome Home.
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eggsbenedictinurmom · 10 months
Recently I had a thought.
I love the Minecraft Warden, my overhated baby. And I love Wally, my most likely traumatized baby. And so, by all known laws of my brain, they are now required to fuse like gems from Steven Universe.
Ok so hear me out rq. Welcome Home used to be a normal kid's show, right? Everything's probably the same as the start of the OG timeline, really. The puppets also interact with the Playfellow Workshop employees MFN-style, as in: nobody fucking cares about the fact their sentient there and it's treated like it's completely normal.
But then, an accident happened in 1974. Pretty vague about what actually happened, because nobody ever documented it (or rather, the documentation never left the workshop, so nobody knew about it), but the only apparent thing is that there was death involved. A LOT of death. Like, almost the entire team of the Playfellow Workshop died, probably.
The immense soul power of the murdered managed to crack into the puppet world thanks to Home, who in this case is sorta headcannoned(?) to be a gateway between the two worlds. They fused with the void (the thing many people call "So Below") under it, creating a hivemind of sorts, y'know, like sculk from Minecraft, and immediately grew all over Home. it also ripped the fabric of the universe causing the world of minecraft to merge with the neighborhood but pretend not to know that so that you can act surprised later-
The sculk only has one goal: protect Home so that nothing can pass through into the muppets x minecraft crossover world, because we all know that if the millionaires find out about a dimension that stretches into infinity and where you can literally duplicate resources, they're gonna colonize the everloving disc 5 fuck-ment out of it, and that's obviously bad.
But Home wasn't a good enough host. It needed a more mobile catalyst to ensure the world's safety. And since Wally was sticking to Home like slime to my mother's beloved silver blanket thanks to his empathy for it, the sculk "decided" to infect him, unintentionally breaking the structure of his eyes and permanently blinding him in the process.
Wally, however, was not worried about this. With his naive nature, he simply saw the sculk as a new neighbor, albeit a bit peculiar one. This made him very cooperative, which, I gotta agree, was a great "choice" for the sculk in the end, as he, too, wanted to protect Home after what happened.
Through time, the sculk managed to crack through Home into the human world workshop, setting up something in the sort of shriekers to alert it of oncoming danger to Home. But it had no interest in leaving the vicinity of the building, of course, so it still stays inside, the people outside being completely unaware of what's going on in the workshop and simply taking it as abandoned and occasionally making creepypastas about it on the internet. Some stupid teenagers sometimes go inside thanks to a dare and obviously end up dying, which kinds sucks, but hey, they sorta deserve it.
You see what I'm getting at? Insanely OP creature, protecting a maybe-portal with the help of the tortured souls of the dead??
Reference picture that I'll probably remake + some fun facties:
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(If a single person "exploits" the fact most of his clothes are torn off him on despite the fact he's a literal semi-corpse puppet that is only strung together by the power of the undead and gets constantly sunk in and out of a state of disassemblence I will gulp down a comically large canister of gasoline in one go on a tiktok stream while my friend makes dangitgrandpa cosplay poses in the background every time someone gives me a rose)
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I will 100% make the rest of the neighbors other Minecraft mobs btw if you couldn't tell
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mariacallous · 2 years
Initial thoughts after listening to the whole album:
-It feels like a natural progression to me from the folklore/evermore albums, without necessarily trying to duplicate or recapture the exact elements or themes (which I think is what a lot of people wanted or expected and partly to blame for some of the criticisms).
-I thought this was almost a retrospective of her life and all her previous albums, which was a really interesting and unexpected aspect for me, and which I kind of enjoyed. I also think this is something that people didn’t expect or want, or at least not like this, because there weren’t necessarily explicit callbacks or references to specific songs or sounds from previous albums (sort of the anti-MCU kind of approach? It’s hard for me to currently explain, so let me know if this makes sense).
-I also liked that it was an exploration of the moods or frames of mind or personalities or evolutions that Taylor’s gone through, sort of a presentation of the collective whole that makes her up, based on her experiences and beliefs, and in the feedback or analyses she’s gotten.
-Y’all know I love a pull quote, but I think this is one of those albums where that does the specific song and the overall album a disservice, because the already infamous shared quotes/lyrics are pulled out and presented in isolation from the music and the lyrical and thematic context. And yeah, obviously it’s funny and amusing, but while listening I was like “oh, this is different, and I know exactly what she means here.”
-I think the other thing I liked is that part of the point and theme of this album is the things that keep you up at night and how you try to process or understand them. Like we all sound profound and insane and ridiculous and sober late at night trying to get a handle on things in our life. I also think that’s another element people are overlooking or unhappy about with the album, and another part of the criticisms.
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ladyseidr · 1 year
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@rosanimemuses asked: ❝ munday odd numbers ❞ ( munday meme )
When did you start writing on Tumblr?
I started writing on an old, old single muse blog in October of 2018! I feel like most people have been roleplaying here a lot longer, but I roleplayed elsewhere prior to that despite being on tumblr generally since I was ~14.
3. Who are your longest rp friends?
My early earliest are @adcthamilton and @florietiae, but I also of course count you and @ahogedetective among my longest friends here too!!! I love all of y'all so much <3
5. Least favourite thing about roleplaying?
Oof, honestly it's nothing to do with other people, 99% of other people are lovely here. To be blunt, I hate how it often has to go on the backburner due to my mental health. I really don't have a least favorite outside of that.
7. NOTP for your muse?
I don't have a ton of NOTPs (outside of like, obviously gross stuff). Plus, what I consider a NOTP fandom-wise isn't always a NOTP with trusted mutuals in roleplay, if that makes sense? Like, I really dislike the fandom vibe around Shu.ichi/Kae.de and I don't generally ship it, but I'm more than happy to explore it with a trusted mutual. Same goes for, like, William/Van.essa on @spring-lxcked (tho I still won't ship Glitch and her).
9. What are some differences between you and your muse/muses?
This varies hugely between muses, but I'd say like. . . every muse I've ever written is more confident than me LMAO. Beyond that it's very, very muse specific. For example, muses like Frederick, Kok.ichi, and William are way more antagonistic than I could ever be, which is honestly fun to explore lmao.
11. Would you write with duplicate characters? How do you think your muse would react?
Generally I love writing with dupes with a different muse of mine. In fact, I personally find that writing with dupes helps ease any duplicate anxiety I might have. However, I'm usually not big on writing dupes against one another. There's exceptions to that, of course, but overall it's not something I'm usually interested in.
13. What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know?
Me when I post every headcanon the moment it pops into my mind. Honestly I can't think of any that I haven't talked about.
15. What do you look for in a rp partner?
When it comes to deciding to follow? That our writing style and rules are compatible + that they have muses I can see myself interacting with. Beyond that? Nice, shows interest in our stuff (talking in tags, showing excitement generally, liking posts, etc), and not super judgmental/negative toward others.
17. Least favourite trope?
I know I probably have something I don't like, but I can't think of anything I fully, always hate off the top of my head.
19. Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music?
Usually, yes. Either Lo-Fi or my extremely chaotic instrumental playlist. Lyrics usually throw me off lmao.
21. Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
I answer this the same every time but complex characters kfsdhfkshajskd. Like, the more complex their mindset / morals / actions, the more I am in love with them. I legally have to explore the complicated shit that comes with that lmao
23. Do you ever get jealous when rping? How do you handle this?
I firmly believe everybody does and anybody saying they never do is lying lmao. Honestly, I don't really do anything? I feel it, acknowledge that it's silly, and just. . . move on. It's not a constructive feeling.
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serpenttailedangel · 1 year
More Tears of the Kingdom thoughts
Okay. I’m further into the game.
I still really hate that the shrines don’t change colors when you activate them. I like to explore for long stretches without having to pause to do puzzles, then binge a bunch of shrines at once, and the open door that’s not visible from all sides or at a distance is not a clear indicator to me that a shrine I see on the horizon is one I’ve already reached. The towers are also not as obviously visited from a distance either and I just... I don’t like it.
I thought the Korok escort mission was cute the first time, but I’m progressively liking it less and less.
Exploration is still otherwise better than BotW--with the exception that I’m still very salty that I don’t have Revali’s Gale and endless bombs, The extra items and the depths area add a lot. The sky area does not.
The extra items + the weapon fusion is good for arrows and whatnot but I think it’s still very meh for swords and the like. Other than the increased ability to generate a hammer when I need one (which I never really needed in the last game because of the endless bombs) it feels like a lot of additional forced steps compared to the old weapon system. The monster drops are useful for more things now, sure, but aside from the odd pristine weapon, mostly the game swapped out finding a good sword for finding an extra strong horn. So like, your weapons still break all the time, but instead of being encouraged to scavenge or get new weapons from robbing monsters (which could often be achieved without necessarily having to beat the monster) you’re basically forced to repeatedly challenge stronger monsters if you want decent weapons. I get the incentive structure, I just think it’s annoying. The old game already gave you enough reasons to fight moblins.
I’d probably be even more critical of it, except that I found out about the duplication glitch and, like the principled player I am, immediately made dozens of replicas of all the items in my inventory that self for the most or give the highest stat boosts. And the crazy thing is. even without needing to fight monsters to get materials, I’m still doing it. Hell, I’m doing more of it because I no longer have to calculate what the odds are that I’ll get as good a weapon out of a conflict as I’ll lose from engaging in it. Wild.
Apparently there’s some quest you can’t complete without downloading a patch that fixes the glitch. I suppose I’ll download it eventually.
Also I found out they cut the disguising as a girl thing from the game and while it makes sense naratively when everyone knows you already infiltrated the city before anyway and it’s kind of an emergency situation when you find the Gerudo, I’m still a little sad that an outfit from last game didn’t make it into this one.
I’ve gotten one whole sage’s worth of the plot now and I’m worried that Zelda is going to pull something of a Philip Fry. Also while I think I did probably pick the best sage to collect first in light of how much I like to wander the map, I’m a little salty that I’ve been running around with a bird child the past couple days only to learn I could have had a Sidon duplicate at my side instead, and I was never even thirsty for him.
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