#so i get it !!!
evilwizard · 1 year
“everything exists on a spectrum, except for morality, which abides by strict logical rules allowing me to determine from First Principles whether any particular action is 100% good or 100% evil” <- supposition of the utterly deranged
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worstwolvie · 1 month
idk exactly how to say it but there is something off about how so many people just ignore wade when he says he’s not a natural bottom
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dailymanners · 6 months
Be respectful of other people's time. If you make plans with someone else, avoid being late (at least beyond fashionably late) or flaking on them last minute, and especially avoid being a no-show. This is especially applicable for time sensitive things, such as going out to a movie or live performance.
This also applies to appointments with professionals, such as hair appointments, nail appointments, ect. Because the person you've made an appointment with is likely a working class person just trying to earn a living and make it through the day, but when their clients are late this can affect their ability to keep their work schedule and keep all their clients happy, as well as keep them at work late and affect their personal life (such as being late to pick up their child from day care because they had multiple clients who were late to their appointments that day)
Flaking last minute on appointments also affects their livelihood, as it can be hard to fill an appointment time slot last minute so this can affect their earnings for the day. Respect working professionals by respecting the appointment times you've made with them to the best of your ability.
Of course, life happens. We all forgot things, and we all have unforeseen circumstances pop up which force us to be late or cancel plans. But it is important to at least make an effort to be on time, and to honor the plans you've made, so as to be respectful of other people's time and energy.
If you must, set phone alarms and/or leave notes for yourself.
Part of this is being honest with your friends about making plans you don't actually want to do. It's better to be honest with your friend that you don't want to see that movie with them on that night, rather than lying and faking interest only to flake last minute. With the former they could have planned more accordingly and found someone else to go with or even been prepared to go alone if they wished, with the latter you are wasting their time and energy.
Again, life happens, sometimes the bus or train is late, sometimes the traffic is worse than we anticipated, sometimes health problems crop up. But at least make an effort to be on time and honor the plans you've made, as this is more respectful to other people's time and energy. When we make no effort to be on time or honor the plans we've made this can come across as disrespectful to other people's time and energy. Your time and energy is not the only time and energy that matters.
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r-truth · 2 months
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arcadekitten · 3 months
me when mary: hshhkjkkdssisghhskasfnhsansjigf ahaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh msmsmsmsmm h h h ddhhdkhfh she hshsnfgs thr ussir yes dfhhss her <3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hi reggie hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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rubixcuby · 8 months
People be drawing Luke with pale skin, light blonde hair, rock hard abs, and pink nipples. That’s when I gotta pull out the:
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That boy is TAN. DIRTIEST BLONDE YOUVE EVER SEEN. SOFT AND SQUISHY (a little defined, but really shows when flexed). AND NIPPLES BROWN ASF. Take notes Luke fans.
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jeanmoreaue · 4 months
The way both Cat and Cody are like “Omg he’s tall!” when they meet Jean is so shorty coded. We shorties love an Amazonian 🥵 Also love how it’s emphasized several times he’s got long legs (like when he straight up kicked Lucas on the ground lmfaooo). I just know Jeremy’s gay ass is thinking about too.
o ya i KNOW when Jean threw Lucas to the ground and then kicked him back down Jeremy was like.. that’s the real reason why we don’t hear about Jeremy trying to interfere w that interaction even tho he was right there
and ik it’s been said before but this part too:
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like i know that the fact that Jean is long-legged and tall, but also so well-coordinated since he’s obv doing the most on the court gets Jeremy
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devastatinglygreen · 3 months
look at him before and after seeing penelope in her wedding dress😩
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
Scully's Survival Broke The Field Where I Died's Cycle
I noticed something while scrubbing through Mulder's hypnosis: in each past life (the concentration camps and the Civil War battle), Scully is always killed first; then Mulder; then Melissa Reidel.
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I think that not only were the souls reborn correctly in this life, but they also ended in the correct order-- that Scully circumvented her destined end in order to save Mulder from his tragic, heroic pitfalls. And, more importantly, that she was alive at the crucial moment of Mulder's life: the moment his exhausted soul was almost doomed to repeat another failed cycle at the hands of Melissa Rydell's destined self-sabotage.
Mulder has a history of being the first one to get into trouble: it's not two cases in before Mulder sneaks onto an airfield base and gets mindwiped. We know Mulder takes impossible risks even when Scully isn't there to back him up; so, it's more likely he would die on the field than live long enough to be canned from the FBI.
Although Mulder wasn't going to be killed in Deep Throat (just returned more scrambled on release) Scully wouldn't have been able to save him from fate or himself if she'd died later in Squeeze, Ghost in the Machine, Eve, Gender Bender, Lazarus, Young at Heart, Shapes, Darkness Falls, and Tooms. Or, more particularly, in One Breath.
If Scully had died in the forests of Darkness Falls, then Mulder would have been died underground in Tooms. If Scully had died in One Breath-- as she was meant to, it seems-- then Mulder might have died in Firewalker and Aubrey but most certainly in End Game; and when Irresistible didn't kill her, cancer tried to throughout Season 4, which almost caused Mulder's death in Demons, regardless. If Scully died in Kitsunegari, Mulder would've died in Kill Switch and Bad Blood. If Scully died in The Red and the Black, Mulder would've died in Folie a Deux. If Scully had died in Fight the Future, Mulder would have died then or perished soon after in Triangle. If Scully had died in Tithonus, Mulder would have burnt alive at the One Son hanger. If Scully had died in Field Trip, then her presence wouldn't have brought Mulder out of his psychosis (and death) then or in Amor Fati. And lastly, if Scully had died in Orison, Mulder would have died in First Person Shooter and Brand X, etc.
The infamous ending to Pusher exemplifies this dynamic to a 'T': Mulder rushes in without caring for his own safety; but the kill shot was turned on Scully, not Modell or himself. And if Scully hadn't saved them both, Modell might have taken a bullet to the chest or he might have manipulated Mulder's mind further for his own ends.
But it all ties back most pivotally to One Breath, where she chose to stay instead of pass on. By fighting to live another day, Scully began a pattern that lead to her and Mulder's salvation.
Not only is this the first life cycle that Scully survived, but it's also the first cycle that places Scully, Mulder, and Melissa on an even romantic playing field. Mulder subtly acknowledges this by asking where he and Scully still fit with, he assumes, a soulmate wedged between them: "Dana, if, um, early in the four years we'd been working together... if we'd been friends together, in other life times, always, would it changed some of the ways we looked at one another?" Scully doesn't believe in fate, living her life by the dictates of her conscience; and Mulder's question doesn't shake those beliefs, either.
And not only does Scully survive with the ability to rival Melissa's hold on Mulder, but she and Mulder are also this cycle's first unprecedented survivors: Melissa (Mulder's tragic mirror) dies first and dies alone. Mulder still broke rank in his attempts to save her; but by heeding protocol as long as he did, Mulder was too late to be killed before Rydell or to join her in death.
Why did he play by the rules that long? Because the impact of Scully's partnership-- years of insisting he follow the guidelines created for his protection-- kept his destructive tendency at bay long enough to save him from certain death. Her active presence by his side reinforced this decision when it mattered most: the moment that changed the course of their fate.
It's like Scully said: "Even if I knew for certain, I wouldn't change a day." She doesn't believe in fate; and The Field Where I Died's implications would therefore suggest Scully beats back destiny through sheer force of will, besting the monsters that hunt her as easy prey and saving Mulder from the demons driving him harder and faster into irrational action.
And she won. Cancer was already growing in her brain; but Scully outlasted the cycle that trapped her, Mulder, and Rydell's souls: that she die first (or that she die at all.)
Souls may mate eternal; but her choice broke old chains and saved their fate.
Thanks for reading~
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chakotaybodypillow · 3 months
I can't believe they put prodigy chakotay on ozempic 😔
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eyeofnewtblog · 10 months
Things that happen at work:
Me, walking the New Guy around on his first day: And yeah, that’s pretty much it as far as the tour goes, so we’ll just hang out here in the driver room until your trainer shows up.
New Guy: Yeah ok, that’s cool.
*HR/payroll lady walks in, I say hi, we chat for a second about a pumpkin spice cake recipe she gave me right before the holiday*
Me: Oh! By the way, New Guy, this is the HR lady, her name is *redacted* and she’s very nice!
HR lady, that I know full well used to be the ONLY accountant and called “the accounting nazi” but has honestly been nothing but kind and helpful to me personally: *does that old person, no bullshit, over the glasses with raised eyebrows look* Oh, you really are still new!
Me, to New Guy: Okay, she’s honestly been really nice to me personally, but there’s a rumor from the veterans to not get on her bad side.
HR lady: *straight up cackles, then does that sweet old lady shoulder pat where they barely touch just the outside your shoulder their finger tips* There we go!
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someforeignband · 17 days
destiel shippers ,,,,, is this anything
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locamotivednp · 5 months
I’m sooooo happy for everyone who is like “dnp keep me sane through difficult times in my life” but I CANNOT relate. They actually make me crazier <3
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chongoblog · 1 year
The Notebook was how I found out I was bisexual because I wanted to be in a poly relationship with Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams, and James Marsden.
On one hand, I want to respond with something snarky like saying "just play Star Fox like the rest of us" but honestly, more power to you for finding the straightest way to become bi
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RWBY fans will theorize that literally anyone fucked Summer Rose except Taiyang.
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barrenclan · 1 year
i know it’s annoying when ppl ask this, but when can we expect the next issue ?
It's about half done and I'm working to get it out this weekend, but it may be postponed to next weekend.
See, once I finish this issue, then I do my monthly Patreon illustration, and then I work on my Honors capstone project proposal, and then I work on my Honors contract proposal, and then I work on the next page of my first comic, and then I work on job applications, and then I work on the credits for my upcoming MAP, and then I work on my class homework, and then I work on -
So on and so on, anyways. This project was never intended to regularly update, haha, I was just possessed by some insane spirit last fall that allowed me to do two comics once weekly.
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