#so i could make a collage lol
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bitten-button · 1 year ago
Nanamin time!!
(tumblr image compression is probably doing it's thing so click for better quality ig)
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chibishortdeath · 4 months ago
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The Vampire Survivors art makes him look so pookieeeee! I made this in like a frantic state of squeeing over it— if that’s a word anyone uses anymore lol XD. In other words, raw emotion in the form of a gif collage. He’s so bestie :3
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xx-sketchy-xx · 1 year ago
my account got deactivated
so ill be using this one ;-;
I’m so glad your back! ❤️❤️❤️
I’m sorry about making the Art for you, I’ve been struggling as of late, but I have some school art I’ve been working on!
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Lol, paper was my main majority of my life, but not for long if I keep at digital for much longer haha.
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werebutch · 1 year ago
Anyone can make a zine btw most of mine are made from literal trash. I have a hoarding problem to be honest. I’ve had a lot of those scraps for years and years. Even those illustrations were trash - I found that book in an old house. Firm believer in people making zines and collages out of what they have. Start with a small space, like post it note size. I find that the smaller the space the more fun trying to fit everything together. It’s like a puzzle, and everyone has their own unique collage style. Find yours. I would love to see it :’)
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naenaex0xx · 1 month ago
"what if a grand piano fell on him and crushed him completely 🥺" NAE .
I. I have no excuse.
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togoldlilya · 7 months ago
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Get out of here you heathen!
light began to filter through the trees, the rising sun growing brighter and brighter each passing moment. the world was mostly still asleep, except for those few early birds including this lovely little bakery.
"kiki honey, could you check on the sourdough loaves, they should be done now" sayaka calls out across their small establishment.
"in a minute natto, im trying to get these croissants rolled perfectly!" toge yells back, tongue sticking out in concentration as he meticulously rolls up the dough.
"i don't know why you're always so determined to make the perfect croissant, people enjoy the homemade look you know" sayaka can't help but sigh fondly and roll her eyes at the other.
"you'll never understand my pursuit of perfection, just admit it already, you're content being an amateur!" he boasts, tone light with amusement.
"yeah yeah whatever you say you croissant visionary" sayaka crosses the kitchen to take out the sourdough herself, not wanting it to burn. in a blur of baking and bickering, they are soon ready to open up shop. after a small argument over who gets to flip the sign, which toge won much to sayaka's chagrin, they are open for business!
"goooooood morning wonderful people! ive come to get my usual spicy noodle doughnut!" bursting though the door, same time as always, is one of their usual customers.
"we don't have those you numbskull, stop asking for them!" sayaka automatically shoots him down, used to his incessant insistence for one.
"why are your combos always so gross yuuji?" toge's disgusted face says it all as he joins them from the kitchen.
"well you guys are just lame that you never have them" he pouts, crossing his arms dramatically.
"get the man his fruit tart and sandwich would you kiki" sayaka, unrelenting in the face of his doe eyes, continues to stock the display case. in no time yuuji is settled at a table with his food, watching the couple bustle around setting up last minute things for the day. "so yuu, what are you doing after work today?" sayaka askes joining him at the table with a cup of steaming coffee.
"im going to visit megs down at florist to grab a late lunch but after that i'm wide open!" yuuji explains, a happy glint in his eyes.
"well would you like to catch a moive with me? i heard they're showing a sequel of that one movie we watched last week" she offers, a mischievous look in her eyes.
"you mean that one star shit movie we randomly found? there's a sequel?? im totally in, i need to see how this is gonna end" he immediately agrees, nodding sagely as he does.
"sweet! i'll pick you up at 6:30 then, be ready!" standing up she points at him knowingly before retreating back behind the counter as another customer walks in.
"you got it boss, see you then!" yuuji sends her a salute, which she rolls her eyes at, before he's slipping out the door to go to his own job.
the movie was terrible by the way, just the way they like it. and they might have made fun of it the whole way home.
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yaminerua · 8 months ago
It’s a bit funny how originally it was probably meant to be at the very least implied that Jamie has feelings for Victoria (and Frazer has pretty much said he played it that way at the time) but like in the years since the original run in the series, other materials that came much much later like audios and novels and stuff have ended up giving them ages that kinda change the vibe. Like the birth year Victoria was given in one piece of media now works out to her being around 14-15 when she joins the two of them, and Jamie’s birth year in another making him around 22 at the time he joined.
so it’s shifted a bit from being viewed as Jamie being protective of her in a romantic sense to Jamie is protective in something like an older sibling-ish kind of way. It’s funny how extra info can completely change the way the same thing is viewed, even if the extra info came much later. And also it depends a lot on people actually Knowing the extra info and whether they consider it canon cos not everyone even seeks out stuff beyond the tv show itself.
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shimelyasmin · 2 days ago
i always think about how much i want to get into photography but never get to slow down and actually make plans for hobbies like that til i get a break and get to go home, where i start thinking about it a lil too much. maybe this is the break where i actually start making plans about it 🤨
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hemmohoran · 2 years ago
this is probably a long shot but if anyone finds any photos from the cleveland or cincinnati shows that are wallpaper material, PLEASE send them to me 😭😮‍💨
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seungfl0wer · 3 months ago
*𝑶𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝑴𝒆*
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Pairing: Jeongin x Reader (Fem)
Genre: Smut (Short One Shot)
Warnings: Corruption, Virgin!Jeongin, Oral(Both), Multiple: Rounds, Orgasms, Creampies, Unprotected sex, Slight degrading, public, hair pulling, I think that’s all? Sorry for any mistakes or missing warnings!
A/N: This is my first time attempt at a corruption kink so I hope I did it justice! This came out way longer than I anticipated and I wrote it over two days so I’m sorry if it’s kinda weird? Idk man lol. I hope you enjoy it!
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Jeongin was known as the shy guy in class. You had never seen him talking to anymore, he always just kept his head in his books. You always wondered to yourself if he lived a double life or something because he was way too handsome to be this anti social kinda guy. As class went on you had to pick partners for a project so you made the choice to ask him to your partner.
When you walked up to him his eyes blinked at you in almost confusion. “Jeongin wanna be my partner?” You asked with a smile.
His eyes blinked quickly then down at his desk to avoid your gaze “I- uhm- s-sure” he managed to stutter out.
“Awesome! Here’s my number! Let’s meet up and talk about the project later yeah?” You smiled writing down your number on his paper. You flashed him that sweet smile one last time before walking back to your seat.
Jeongin breathed out like he was holding his breath. His face beat red not knowing what just happened. You were one of the most beautiful people to him. You were smart, kind and just stunning. He thought the world was just playing some jokes on him to have you come over to him. As he stared down at your number he felt a lump in his throat swallowing hard, he got his phone out putting your number in.
Jeongin: Are you positive you wanna be my partner?
He texted feeling regret after sending it. You smiled to yourself seeing it pop up.
You: Duh, you wanna meet at the library later? How’s 5 sound?
Jeongin: Sounds good.
Jeongin was screaming inside, he was so nervous. He’s never really talked to many girls only ever having one relationship ever when he was a teenager. He’s only ever had one singular peck on the lips so having you want to be his partner kinda made him feel proud almost.
When 5 came you were sitting in the corner of the library, the collage had comfy sides so you could relax and work. You sat on a beanbag chair almost curled up just waiting for him to come. When you saw him walk in you smiled waving him over to where you were sitting. His eyes didn’t meet your gaze looking everywhere else but you.
“Hey! You ready to start” you asked.
“Y-yeah uhm so what uhm did you want to do it on?” He asked back.
“Well from the topics why don’t we do it on gaming soundtracks?” You said looking at your paper.
The class you both were in was music production. Funny enough you both were in a lot of the same classes because you both were looking for a future in some sort of music field.
His head perked up at the thought of it. “Wait you wanna do video game stuff?” He asked almost dumbfounded.
“Yeah! I think it would be fun, I actually enjoy gaming a lot” you said with that oh so sweet smile.
He felt his heart do flips, he started asking about your favorite games, what console you used etc. You’ve never seen him so excited or talk so much for that matter. You happily answered all his questions each one making his heart just melt even more. I guess he can add gamer to the list of things he found attractive about you.
As you both started to talk about the project you moved closer to him. Your leg brushing against his. He felt a jolt go up his back his body stiffening. You were so close to him he could smell your perfume. “Hey, the library is gonna be closing soon you wanna come back to my apartment and keep working? I can order us some food.” You said before getting an excited “I can show you my gaming set up!” You said with a bright smile. He nodded feeling a bit excited as well to see your set up.
You got back to your place throwing your stuff down at the coffee table. “Make yourself at home” you said. Your apartment was small but it was cozy, it was a little messy with papers cluttering places. “Sorry for the mess” you said feeling a bit embarrassed. “Oh oh!” You said taking jeongin hand “let me show you my set up!” You said dragging him down the hall to your bedroom. His eyes widened as he walked in feeling like he shouldn’t be in here.
His attention was on your set up now though “No way! It looks awesome!” He said with a wide smile. He started geeking out over your equipment and how nice your color scheme was. You both almost completely forgot about doing the project sitting at your desk and just talking about gaming.
“You wanna test it?” You asked moving from the chair.
“Definitely” he said with a smile.
You pulled up all your games letting him pick whatever. When he started to struggle a bit with the controls you moved him a bit sitting on his lap. “Here let me change them for you so it easier” you said. His mind was blank. Every thought he might have had gone. Here you were sitting on his lap like it was nothing. He felt a breath get caught in his throat his hands not knowing where to sit.
You really didn’t do it for any other reason to help him until you felt his cock starting to poke at you. You smirked to yourself ‘this would be fun’. You moved your ass back against him a bit testing his reaction. He bit his lip feeling a groan dare to escape. This sweet innocent man didn’t know what to do. He had his eyes shut tightly hands gripping at the arm rest. Oh was it so hot to know how you were driving him crazy without even doing anything. In that moment you knew you wanted to corrupt him. To make him only be able to think of you. To only have one thought behind those beautiful eyes, you.
“Jeongin’ie are you alright?” You asked in a sickeningly sweet tone.
“Mhm” he said not being able to get anything else out.
You bit your lip moving your ass more against his now fully hard cock. You could feel his body twitching under you. He didn’t want you to move away but he didn’t think he’d be able to stop himself from cumming in his pants either. You turned your head only to be graced with the sight of him. His face was red, eyes glazed over his lip a bit swollen from him biting on it. “I can help you with that you know” you said with a grin.
His eyes just blinked at you not knowing how to reply. “Want me to make you feel good Innie?” You asked. He only nodded a little making you tilt your head. “Tell me, use your words” you said.
“I- please m-make me feel g-good” he stuttered out.
“Such a good boy” you said before moving off of him. You knelt down between his thighs pulling down his pants and boxers slightly enough to let his cock spring out. His fists were gripping the chair hard, eyes closed tightly shut.
You took his cock in your hand making him let out a soft moan at the contact. You smiled before licking up his cock rewarding you with another sweet moan. “Look at me innie” you said. His eyes slowly opening, the sight he had made his cock twitch in your grasp. While he still had his eyes on you, you quickly took him in your mouth. Slowly moving yourself over him eyes glued to his. He let out such a desperate moan as he watched you. You bobbed your head trying to keep a slower pace, your tongue swirling around his length.
“Ah- y-y/n” he moaned. His hands came up to grip your head however they just hovered over it. Scared to do something that would make you stop.
“Innie do what you feel comfortable doing” you said before reaching yourself to him.
His hands found their way to your head softly holding onto it like he’d brake you or something. He bucked his hips up into your mouth eyes fluttering at the feeling. “C-can’t I’m-“ he whined bucking his hips one more time before cumming hard back your throat. A long guttural moan left his lips as his body shook. You pulled away licking your lips eyes still glued to him.
“Didn’t think a sweet guy like you would fuck my face so well” you said with a smirk.
He was panting trying to catch his breath, when he looked down at you again his cock twitched. Your lips were swollen, eyes a bit teary and glassed over. When you stood up he watched you intently “wait- what uhm what about you?” He asked softly.
“What about me?” You said.
“I- uhm- do you want me to- h-help you?” He stuttered out.
“You wanna help me hm?” You smirked.
He nodded his eyes looking like a puppy trying to beg. “Alright come here” you said bringing him to your bed. You laid down pulling your pants down with your panties. Jeongins mouth dropped at the sight of you. He’s only ever seen a naked women through online videos it was even more jaw dropping that it was you who he was looking at. You gave him a small lesson on where to touch a girl and where it’ll make her feel good. He nodded taking in all your words like it was a class.
When he kneeled down between your legs looking up at you he felt his legs shake. He slowly leaned into you licking slowly up your folds as a test. Your words swirled in his head of what to do and as the good student he was he listened. He took your clit in his mouth sucking softly when he heard you moan he groaned back. You could see he was moving his hips against the bed trying to create some friction for himself. “Gonna be a good boy and make me cum innie?” You said with a sweet honey voice.
There it was that word again ‘good boy’ it was making his head all foggy. He wanted to be your good boy wanted to make you feel as good as you made him feel. He brought his long pretty hand up to your cunt slowly pushing a finger into you. The warmth that engulfed him made his cock somehow even harder. The taste of you was driving him even crazier. He lapped at your cunt like some dog pushing his fingers in and out of you. “Just like that, you’re doing so well- ah-“ you moaned out.
His eyes rolled back it was like some light bulb went off in his head he started to move his fingers faster curling them inside you. His lips sucked and nibbled at your nub. He wasn’t ready for what was about to happen though, your legs clamping around his head as loud moans left your mouth. “Shit- innie- I’m- fuck- cumming!” You moaned grabbing onto his hair moving your hips against his mouth as you chased your high.
You moaned out tasting every thing you gave him, he licked you clean. He moaned out loudly only to be muffled by your thighs. He bucked his hips again cumming in his pants. He looked up at you with those same almost puppy eyes, you smiled at him “you did good innie, such a good boy” you said pulling him up to you. You kissed his forehead softly holding him tightly to you.
The next couple days were a bit busy for the both of you only seeing one another in class while exams were going on. You two sat back in the back in class going over your project. Your hand resting on his thigh. A grin grew across your face feeling his cock already getting hard. You looked around knowing no one was even paying attention. Your hand brushed over his cock making him jump. You leaned into him a little before whispering into his ear “you’ve been working so hard, let me make you feel good hmm? Just gotta be a good boy and stay quiet, can you do that for me?” You asked.
He nodded, your hand dipped into his sweats slowly stroking him. He gripped onto the desk hard knuckles turning white. You kept your eyes on the paper asking him questions about it. He tried his best to answer it all coming out as a mumbled mess. Your fingers pressed against his tip hand speeding up. You could feel his cock twitch in your hand knowing he was already so close. “Tell me when you’re close hm?” You said softly. He nodded once more biting his lip harder.
Your hand gripped around him moving up and down faster than slower paying extra attention to his leaking tip. “Y/n-“ he said softly hand coming down to your wrist. You looked around once more before leaning your head down. His eyes went wide when he felt your mouth around his cock. Hand came to the back of your head pushing you the whole way down his length. His cum shot back your throat, you could feel his legs shaking from his orgasm.
When you finally pulled away licking your lips you smiled at his dazed over eyes. “Such a good boy, you did so so well” you said. He smiled at your words leaning into you more. He wanted nothing more than to cuddle up against you like last time.
Another day went by when you got a surprising text from him.
Him: Y/n are you busy?
You: No why what’s up?
Him: I uhm can you help me?
You: were you at?
Him: In the bathroom by room 235
You didn’t text back already on your way down to him. You smirked to yourself that he was reaching out for help. When you opened the door to the bathroom you softly said his name. He peaked out from one of the stalls his eyes looking at you like some sad animal. You quickly made your way to him you could already see how hard he was. “What’s wrong innie” you asked.
“I- I couldn’t stop thinking about the other day- please I-“ he whimpered out.
“What do you want me to do for you?” You asked.
He fiddled with his shirt not looking at you “come on baby, be a good boy and use your words” you said.
“Please I can’t cum with out you-“ he choked out. “Help me- I-“
You would have made him beg more but he looked utterly pathetic already. “Ok baby I got you, let me take care of you yeah?” You said getting down on your knees. You unzipped his pants pulling them down with his boxers. He was so hard it looked like it hurt. You wasted no time wrapping your mouth around him. You swirled your tongue around his cock looking up at how wrecked he already was. You pulled away pumping him with your hand “my sweet boy has become so dirty hasn’t he?”
He shook his head “I’m- I’m not-“ you whinnied out.
“No? So you didn’t text me to come suck you off in the bathroom?”
“I- m’sorry” he whinnied more.
“Such a dirty little boy hmm? Can’t get off by yourself anymore need to- to fuck my mouth just to get off?”
He whimpered “y-yes” he said truthfully.
“Then use my mouth to get yourself off” you said wrapping your mouth back around him but not moving.
He looked down at you eyes filled with tears he grabbed at your head pushing his cock back your throat. “Y/n” he whimpered out I’m already so close” he said head falling back. He pushed in your mouth a few more times his grip holding you in place. He was fucking your mouth like a flesh light. “C-cumming!” He moaned out a familiar warm liquid shooting back your throat. When he pulled out his eyes were glued to you. “Y/n I- wanna make you feel good again please- I need to- to- t-taste you again” he begged.
“Innie wants to eat me out hmm? How bad baby tell me how much you want too” you said.
“So bad, so fucking bad please- please I’ll make you cum like a good boy” he whinnied.
“Mm such a dirty mouth you’ve gotten, let’s put it to use yeah?”
He smiled he pulled your pants and panties down hosting you up against the stall. You were taken back by his surprising strength he had. He wasted no time diving straight into you. He lapped at your folds his tongue darting into your wet cunt, His nose rubbing against your clit. You grabbed onto his hair for some stability only making him moan into your cunt. “You like when I use your face hm? I bet you like it when I pull your hair too- such a dirty boy. You’ve become such a little whore” you said dripping at his hair harder.
His mind went blank his cock twitching already so hard again. He ate you out like a starved man. Nipping at your clit before somehow letting one of his arms go. He pushed his fingers deep into you curling them perfectly. “J-just wanna make you feel good” he said. “Wanna be- be your good boy” he continued. He sucked harsher at your clit your walls tightening around his fingers.
“Shit- innie-“ you moaned out “don’t stop- fuck I’m gonna cum!” You said. He listened, he didn’t stop he in fact took a mental note of what he was doing. When you finally came you came hard against his lips body shaking against the stall wall. To your surprise he came with you, untouched for his second orgasm. He let you down stumbling back a bit. His legs felt weak his body shaking. You wrapped your arms around him kissing his cheek softly “you did so well you know that? You’re such a good boy innie” You said. Making him relax a bit. He cuddled up to you holding tightly like you would run if he didn’t.
Today was the day to present your project, both of you were super nervous. However it went over really well. The teacher was really impressed even more so as he listened to jeongin talk. He was happy to see him out of his shell more than ever.
When you both got the grade back smiling wide at the big A+ you got, you hugged him tightly. He was taken back a bit, you were hugging him so openly he was just surprised you didn’t care that people saw. “Innie how about we celebrate today! I’ll order something and we can celebrate at my place yeah?” You said excitedly. Of course he nodded feeling excited too. He was just happy to see you so happy.
When jeongin knocked on your door he was greeted with you in an oversized shirt with nothing else on. His jaw dropped at the sight of you. You hugged him again pulling him into the apartment. “I’m so proud of you!” You said. “You talked so well in-front of everyone!”
“It was- easier.. you know having you up there with me” he said shyly.
Your heart melted at his words “yeah? Well innie I got a special surprise for you!” You said pulling him into your room. There was a box sitting on the bed with his name on it. “Just a little something to tell you I’m proud of you, it was actually gonna be a birthday present but- I think you deserve it now.” You said excitedly. When he unwrapped it he almost cried, it was a new headset he showed you before. There was also another small box in it. When he pulled it out he felt his chest tighten. It was a small necklace with the first letter of your name on it.
When he looked up at you he could see a small blush peppering your face. He felt all shy again like the women of his dream didn’t just basically ask him to be hers. He smiled putting it on right away before coming to hug you. In the moment he didn’t even realize before he pressed his lips to yours. He kissed you lovingly his heart pounding in his chest.
The kiss caught you by surprise but you couldn’t help but feel yourself melting at his touch. You moved yourself walking backwards to find the bed. You kissed him one last time before pushing him to the bed. It didn’t take long for you to be onto of him again lips pressed against one another. The kiss was more hungry this time more desperate. You grinned your hips into his already hardened cock making you both moan into the kiss. You quickly pulled away ridding yourself of your shirt. His eyes went big never seeing you fully naked before. His hands quickly grabbed ahold of your chest. He rolled his hips to meet your movements making you both moan in unison.
“Innie take your pants off for me?” You asked. He quickly did so pulling them down fast. You rolled your hips against him once more his cock pressing against your cunt. You yourself couldn’t take it anymore you needed to feel him inside you. You moved your body back holding onto the shaft of his cock before slowly sinking yourself down. It almost looked like his soul was pulled from him his breathing almost stopping. The warmth of your walls was too much for him.
“You ok if I move baby?” You asked softly.
“Y-yes” he mustered up.
You moved your hips sinking down fully into him. His hands gripped at your thighs digging in harshly. Your walls were clenching so tightly around him, the sight before him was not helping his situation. He watched as your perfect breast bounced with every movement. Your face contorting in pleasure and the sweet moans that left your lips. Oh man was he a goner. “Y/n! Stop I’m gonna cum!” You almost screamed out. But you didn’t care you kept moving, faster even.
You felt his cock twitch inside you cumming deep into you. His hot cum coating every part of your insides. You didn’t even notice your own orgasm creeping up on you until you were cumming from the sensation.
There was a moment of you both breathing until you felt yourself being hoisted up and pushed back down on the bed. “I- fuck- y/n I’m sorry- please I-“ he whimpered out. His cock already rock hard again. He pushed into you once more this time moving fast. He felt the warm cum around him letting him slide in and out with ease. “T’good- can’t- can’t stop- m’sorry” he groaned. He was fucking you as if he’d done it a million times. His pace perfect hitting all your sweet spot.
“Ah- innie- you’re such a dirty boy- ah- ah- fucking me again without even asking” you teased.
“M’sorry-“ he whimpered.
“I feel that good hm?” You said.
“Fuck- yes- feel good- s’good- can- can I cum inside again? Please please I’ll be good and make you cum again too” he begged.
“Be a good boy and make me cum first” you said.
He was on a mission after that his hand coming down to play with your clit. It really backfired on him though as your cunt clenched around him so tightly. “Fuck- fuck” he moaned out before he realized he was cumming again.
“M’sorry- m’so sorry” he cried out his head coming to rest in the crook of your neck. Even after cumming twice he was still so damn hard. He rocked his hips into you so overstimulated but he needed to make you cum.
He gripped at your thighs pushing them up, he fucked into you harder pushing his cock to the hilt. “Jeongin! Your- fuck your so deep!” You moaned out.
“Your- your not mad at me for cuming again?” He asked.
“It’s ok baby, fuck- you’re still my good boy” you said softly against his ear.
He moved back looking down at you “n-no not a good boy till- till I make you cum-“ his hand came down to play with your clit once more fucking into you like he almost hated you. His movements were sloppy but rough. You felt your high at its braking point watching as he fucked into you until the necklace caught your eye. Fuck- seeing the necklace knowing he was fully yours pushed you over the edge. You came hard around his cock pulling him down to kiss you as you swallowed each others moans. He came for a third time his body shaking like crazy against yours.
As you both calmed down a bit you kissed him softly “did such a good job- always be my good boy” you said softly.
“Your good boy” he said just as softly.
“Yes, you’re my. Good boy.” You said with a smile “if that’s ok with you? To be mine?” You asked.
“Like- like your boyfriend?” He said looking up at you with puppy eyes.
“Yes, silly” you smiled.
“of course! Yes yes! I’d love to be!” He said happily.
“Then it’s settled. You’re all mine. And you know what that means?” You asked.
“What?” He said.
“I’m all yours too!” You said making him smile even more. He kissed you softly cuddling up into you. “All mine” he said in almost a whisper before slowly falling asleep.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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Taglist: @satosugu4l @do-you-remember-summer-127 @xines16 @minh0scat @troublemaker02 @tr-mha-fan @lunearta @velvetmoonlght @minghaosimp @ldysmfrst @felixleftchickennugget
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prozacwhorehouse · 4 months ago
instagram feeds - mgg x snl cast member gf ⭐️
hey guyss so this is not the promised piece because im still working hard and hardly working BUT i am happy with this sort of trailer for concept 😌
all pictures are taken from Pinterest but collages made by me !
instagram feed concept entirely inspired by @gibson-g1rl i love your insta aus 💗💗
hope you enjoy and i cannottt wait to get the full works out xx
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❤️112k 💬 9k | liked by gublergram, marcellohdz and others
y/ny/l/nforreal not a moment of peace in this office @snl
marcellohdz: who is that dashing gentleman in the first pic
—> y/ny/l/nforreal: @marcellohdz idk I think it’s Colin Jost?
longfellow_michael: YOU are the reason there’s no peace.
❤️ by author
—> egonwodim: longfellow_michael disrespect my baby one more time. 😡
martinherlihy: Hey so I think you put the wrong selfie because I’m not in that one lol 😂😂
—> y/ny/l/nforreal: Noo i dont fink so
criminalmindsfanatic: MATTHEW LIKED???
—> hotchqueen4: HELLO??
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❤️8k 💬358
mggupdates: Matthew with mystery girl in New York City, rumored to be comedian and SNL cast member y/n y/l/n
—> unknown9495: @y/nfan I noticed that too!!
mggy/nfanclub: someone posted that they saw them it’s def her!!!
—>user63: @mggy/nfanclub pls tag me omg
movieluvr: livinggg for this friendship/relationship 😫
—> girlpwr88: @movieluvr46 i want him so bad
—> prncsspch: @girlpwr88 him?? I want HER
spencerreidswife: we lost him guys 💔
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❤️ 116k 💬 13k | liked by gublergram, marcellohdz and others
y/ny/l/nforreal recently in nyc
marcellohdz: sonny ANGEL 💜
—>y/ny/l/nforreal: @marcellohdz you need to be stopped
gublergram: rubber duck
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—> randomuser281: @gublergram MGG WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??
—> whore4spencerreid: @gublergram HUH??
—> mggstan: @gublergram oh they for suree dating
—> spencerreid2005: @mggstan they could also just be good friends??
—> emilyprentissfan0: @randomuser281 someone PLEASE tell me if they’re dating
janewickline: coffee dates with my wife >>>
—> y/ny/l/nforreal: @janewickline marry me.
—> janewickline: @y/ny/l/nforreal I do. 💍
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❤️106k 💬18k | liked by y/ny/l/nforreal, yourbsfuser and others
y/ny/l/nforreal my friend wrote a book and it is quite nice. now he’s giving free copies out on his book tour which is why he’s broke anyways go read 💚
gublergram: thank you y/n this is the best publicity I’ve ever recieved!
—> y/ny/l/nforreal: @gublergram sure thing do you need a money loan too
—>yourbsfuser: @y/ny/l/nforreal Y/N 😭😭😭
—>spencerreidwhore: she ends him every day and I love to see it
user18834: FRIEND?? we were all ROOTING for you 💔💔
randomuser: can we talk about how cute it is that she’s promoting his book 🥹🥹
—>matthewy/nshipper: @randomuser890 IK I love them so bad 😭
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❤️382k 💬30k | liked by y/ny/l/nforreal, kirstenvangsness and others
gublergram you make me laugh every day. maybe it’s because you’re a comedian im not sure happy birthday 😊
y/ny/l/nforreal: wow thanks get rid of these pictures
—>gublergram: @y/ny/l/nforreal no
cmaddict: he’s def so in love with her omg
—> snlbiggestfan: @cmaddict1 I meannn who wouldn’t be
—>randomuser: THE it couple I love them so bad
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❤️300k 💬27k | liked by y/ny/l/nforreal, aubreyplaza and others
gublergram bet you didn’t know y/n is also a professional makeup artist. i look spookier than ever @y/ny/l/nforreal
y/ny/l/nforreal: I just screamed
❤️ by author
cmfan3747: stoppp she’s doing his gublerween makeup now 🥹🥹
—> hater123 @cmfan3747 she’s almost 20 years younger than him. mad weird
—>yourshipnamestan @hater123 so they’re both adults hope this helps! ❤️
y/nfandom45: when is it my turn for a relationship like theirs 💔💔
—>user284: real asf 😖
—>troller293: so you want an inappropriate relationship with an inappropriate age gap?
—>user48: bro shut up
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❤️130k 💬 22k | liked by gublergram, marcellohdz and others
y/ny/l/nforreal it appears your smile has always been contagious. happy birthday old man
gublergram ❤️
gublergram: old man? i retract my previous comment.
❤️ by author
bsfsusername: THE LAST PIC HELLO
—> y/ny/l/nforreal: @yourbestfriendsuser the og hitch hiking ant
marcellohdz: gross ushy gushy caption delete this
—> y/ny/l/nforreal: @marcellohdz I still love you!
—> marcellohdz: @y/ny/l/nforreal better. 😊
mgg x SNL cast member tag list <3
@sarcasm-and-stiles @mystargirl-interlude @rubyirene @ashrrams @ghostatrixx @forevermorepassionate @saint-boudica @reidmarieprentiss @awakeforu @spencerlicious @kittycat-april @baudarling @delusional-4-fake-people @avenlymars @angelinajolie0213 @arusio @littleslayofhorrors @jezabelle9299 @jaemnationnn
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heartlilith · 9 months ago
Astrology Observations
Mercury/Gemini/Virgo/Chart Ruler in the 6th house natives have a telepathic connection to their pets
Water mercuries/water signs in the 3rd house have the perfect ASMR voices, so soothing
Saturn shows where you'll experience your karma, both good and bad. It also shows where others will experience their karma if they wrong you, for example. 1st house = your perception of the world, your looks. 2nd house = your finances, self worth. 5th house = your ability to have fun/date, your creativity, your kids. 7th house = your business partners, your lovers. 10th house = your career, public image.
The house your Pluto is in shows the themes that will be forever changing throughout your life.
Aries Mercury/Mars in the 3rd house always cuts people off when their talking (lol same) they're so impatient in communicating and hate when people beat around the bush
Your ASC sign + ASC persona chart ASC can tell you a lot more about how people see you. For me, I have natal Capricorn rising and my ASC PC has Aries rising = hardworking, moves fast, impatient, wants to finish projects in one sitting, bitchy, can be very harsh
^Example = Natal Libra Rising with ASC PC Scorpio rising, could make the Libra rising more secretive, creative, more attractive and alluring, can make a native more manipulative, "pretty privilege"
^Example = Natal Taurus Rising, ASC PC Sagittarius Rising - Can have a voluptuous body, more carefree, loves to travel and try new things, probably cooks great food from different cultures, extremely chill and laid back
5th house ruler in the 8th house loves to do taboo things on their free time (astrology, learning psychology, reading self help books, watching true crime docs)
5th house ruler in the 2nd house loves to go shopping and experiment with their style on their free time, loves design and probably rearranges their space a lot lol
5th house ruler in the 3rd house loves to read and write on their free time and talk to their friends on the phone. Loves to go for drives and try new spots that have opened up in their town
Fire signs in the 12th house dream a lot. They're more inclined to have "action" dreams.
4th house sign can give insight on the best way to emotionally nurture yourself, since it rules the mother. Fire signs = exercise, moving around, exploring, trying a physical hobby (rollerskating, a sport, yoga). Water signs = taking a shower, swimming, going to the beach, allowing your emotions to flow, art. Earth signs = spending time in nature obviously, walking around the yard barefoot, gardening, getting in touch with nature somehow. Air signs = talking to friends about stress, journaling, collaging, reading books, therapy
Check out my July Reading Specials
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romantically-yours · 1 month ago
It was not a prophecy T^T
🤏this close to going to the local queer book store and looking confused in the hopes a cute girl swoops in & shows me her favorite sapphic book
#i did do some side quests I guess though#I ended up being like 2 hours late due to being behind schedule getting ready bc I had to redo stuff as well as having trouble getting#a ride due to it being valentines + snow eventually I did get a ride but then we got super turned around and had to stop to get gas so I was#even MORE late but also important context my uber driver happened to be a local politician?? so I invited her to help plan Pride next week#I also wore only one lash this whole time also I didn’t have time to diffuse my hair so I think it was probably wet the whole time too lol#I only talked to one person at the bookstore and it was someone I already knew & it was NOT in a flirty way lmao#there’s another sapphic event tomorrow so maybe it will be better? who knows tbh there’s also ANOTHER queer event Sunday too#there’s like kind of a lot of events this month man#thoughts#oni talks#I did also buy some books at the book store but I didn’t have time to find one of the books I wanted coz I wanted the first in the series#I got carmilla coz I’ve been meaning to read it & a book about dead brides#I also posted a personal ad seeing if anyone wants to join a queer writing group since my friend wants to start one but doesn’t know anybody#in hindsight I probably could have written more personal ads but I didn’t wanna take up all the space#this was definitely the sort of event I’d want to have come early to like they had a collage table but by the time I got over there it was#like maybe 15minutes before they would have to start wrapping up at max? fuck am I gonna make in that time bro#also in all this chaos I was unable to eat bc I didn’t have time so that was not fun there was also some other dramatic stuff but eh
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celerydays · 1 month ago
long time no see…
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Hey, hi, hello~
I don't know if anyone is still around this little blog o' mine or if I'm just showing up suddenly on the dash and whoever is seeing this might not recall ever even following me lol.
But – whether you remember me or not – I'm just dropping by to say that...I've missed you and that I truly hope you're doing well 🫂💗
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I...have not been doing so well. But I've been working on it.
In a way, it's been healing to reshape my approach to things like journaling and capturing photos. I've been taking the time to develop a practice in documenting daily life – the people I care about, the places we visit, and all the random little moments in between – with more intentionality and care than I have in recent years.
(tw: grief and loss/death under cut)
I lost my mom very suddenly last November – and things have been unbearably hard the last few months.
In a lot of ways, 2024 was one of the best years: my partner and I traveled to Japan for the first time ever, my family had a small reunion in our hometown to watch the total solar eclipse together, my best friends got married, and we went on so many amazing trips and had the type of experiences that made me so inspired, optimistic, and excited about life and the future.
But in so many other ways, it was also one of the worst years I've had in a long time: starting with a hard-learned (but perhaps overdue) firsthand lesson and reminder on how scary and fanatic strangers on the internet are capable of being and also how mean and catty peers can be, spending the majority of the summer being sick with chronic illness flareups, and – of course the hardest of all – losing both my grandfather in the spring and then my mother just before the winter holidays.
I'm not particularly good when it comes to emotions– forget about even processing grief or putting into any sort of meaningful words how it all feels. But I guess all of this has made me shift my mindset when it comes to wanting to just...remember. To not forget.
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On documenting life through journaling...
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I had always journaled in some way or another all my life, but I only really started considering it a serious practice and hobby sometime around 2020. But I had lost my way with it in recent years, treating it solely as some kind of aesthetic-only venture, and only dedicating the time if I knew that I could make it "pretty" and "palatable for sharing".
And so, many entries were missed; days and weeks lost to fuzzy recollection, months bled into each other, and little moments only existed as vague and passing snapshots on my phone gallery (if I even remembered to take a photo).
But I now wish I had just written it down; whatever it was – big, small, angry, funny, sad, happy – just wrote it all down. It didn't have to be an aesthetically collaged spread or artful doodle or drawing. I wish I had documented some of the last times I had seen or spoken with my mother; what she had said, did, or how she reacted to silly news or quips I told her. I barely remember anything even just from the last year.
So now I write it all down, day after day: I'll write what's on my mind, what we did before, what I'm doing currently, what I'm planning to do. If someone calls or my partner walks in to my studio while I'm working and tells me something that has me reacting in the moment I'll jot down a little "omg!!" or "lol" or "holy shit" next to whatever they said or did.
If I get little scraps from the day – receipts, tags, tickets, wrappers – I'll paste it in wherever it happens to fit in my journal, with a little note of the date or what the outing was. And every so often, I'll print out photos to paste in with notes relating back to past entries or junk journal spreads.
Is always pretty? No, but it's pretty in its chaos. Is it always even chronological? Not at all, but I've embraced the organic nature of pages and dates that sort of jump around, just as long it gets recorded. Does it always make sense? Not really, but it makes sense to me and that's really all that matters. And I love every page so, so much more than anything I had carefully curated before in my previous journals.
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On documenting life through photos...
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I had once carried a camera with me everywhere before phone cameras became decent enough that I didn't feel the need to have a dedicated tool for just taking pictures anymore.
It wasn't until we were all looking through our collective family photos to use for my mother's memorial service and headstone that it hit me that I just don't take as many pictures as I used to– and even when I did, they just don't compare to the ones that I took years ago when I did carry a camera with me on every outing and trip.
We ended up choosing a photo of her that I had taken on my once-beloved dSLR camera I used to haul around with me almost 10 years ago; she was smiling, strong, radiant, beautiful– and it was just a random moment I took my camera out in a Taiwan hair salon while she was waiting for me and my sister to get our hair done for our cousin's wedding.
A bit indescribable – and not even something I realized was missing – but there's something about having an actual camera on hand that pushes me to take more photos, and somehow better and more mindful photos at that.
And so I made the decision to invest in a new camera. An absolute necessity to take photos? No, of course not; I do still have my phone camera after all. But they say (apparently) that "the best camera is the one that you actually use"– and I was most definitely not using my phone as much as I could have been.
This new camera though? Only time will truly tell, but the past has shown that I've worked better with a dedicated camera on hand and already I can't begin to explain the difference it's made in the last week alone since I picked up the habit of carrying a camera around with me again.
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This was a crazy long post that sort of got away from me. Not sure where I want to go from here – I guess I just want to say that if you ever felt called to document your life in some way, it's never too late to start; you'll only wish that you had begun sooner.
If you're still here– I love you. I hope you're taking care of yourself.
And thank you for reading along with my incredibly longwinded life update of what was essentially just "I'm grieving so I started journaling more and also bought a camera" lol.
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3igbootyl0ver · 4 months ago
A New Face Pt.3
pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
summary: You and Tara finally went out on a date and feelings are revealed.
word count: 2453
Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.4
a/n: Hey all, I hope ya'll enjoyed this last part for this one-shot. I tried putting in more details so lmk your thoughts. I also made Sam a little laid back for this part since I honestly didn't know how to make her intimidating without ruining it lol. Anyways, I'm always open to feedback!! Thanks for all the love and support! (p.s. i got motivation for the flower scene from tasm where peter gave gwen her flowers hehehe so just imagine that because i still have no idea how to add a collage of pictures here)
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Tara was walking back and forth the apartment while waiting for you to pick her up. She had suggested on going to yours instead but you insisted on picking her up for some reason. Sam was just observing her sister roaming around the living room, amused by her antics. She was picking her fingernails and fixing her hair every 15 seconds. It was 3.45 p.m and you were supposed to be here at least 15 minutes ago. Her mind was going through a ridiculous amount of scenarios as fast as the speed of light at this point. Did you suddenly decide to ditch her or realised that she wasn’t good enough for you? 
“Tara, relax. You’re freaking out so much- I can see your brain working overtime,” Sam simply stated, laying on the couch while rewatching Modern Family for the fifth time. Just as Tara wanted to give a snarky remark, she heard the doorbell rang. If she was wearing a heart rate monitor, she was sure it would give her a warning about her sudden heightened heart rate, assuming she was getting a heart attack. She looked at herself once again and fixed her hair after the 55th time before opening the door.
There you were. Looking all cute and flustered while holding a bouquet of flowers and a posy on one hand while balancing two motorcycle helmets on the other. While she appreciated and blushed and the gesture, she can’t seem the ignore the fact that the bouquet and posy is a little… lopsided.
“Hey, I’m sorry I’m late. I went to buy this for you but it’s a little harder when you’re riding while holding it, which explains the snapped stem for one of them…Oh! And I bought a small one for Sam, if she doesn’t mind, of course.” You explained with a little blush from the awkwardness. “How embarrassing, this is your first date and you’ve already messed up. Nice one, Y/N.” You thought, mentally slapping yourself for forgetting that it’s nearly impossible to hold a bouquet of flowers while riding and not mess it up. While you were having your own crisis, Tara was in her own head too.
“Seriously? Is there even a flaw flowing in their bones? ” Tara pondered internally while struggling to put out actual words, holding onto both the bouquet and posy, when Sam came to rescue after hearing the painfully awkward one-sided conversation.
“Wow, nice job, Y/N. A liiitttle crushed, but I like the effort. You’re own my good side, for now. Just make sure you bring her home by 9..or I’ll hunt you down.” Sam stated sarcastically, enjoying how you squirmed after her statement. She’ll never tell you this, but she appreciated the gesture and the thought of buying her a small bouquet. The few people Tara had tried dating has never thought of that, so she really meant it when she said you’d “earned a point”. She was impressed surprisingly, and it was hard to impress THE Sam Carpenter.
“Y-Yes ma’am” You replied with faux confidence, even though both the sisters could tell you were intimidated, rightfully so. Tara rolled her eyes at her sister’s statement and dragged you out of the apartment, after placing her flowers nicely by the table beside the entrance, of course.
“I’m sorry about Sam, she can be a bit.. Much.”
“Don’t worry about it, I have to admit I almost peed my pants though.” You joked, trying to ease the tension so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Your attempt was successful when Tara giggled effortlessly, while staring at you with those big doe eyes.
The engine roared beneath them, vibrating through Tara’s body as she clung to Y/N’s back. The cool evening air brushed against her face, the city lights streaking by in a blur. The smell of gasoline and fresh rain mixed with the earthy scent of Y/N’s jacket, and Tara could feel her pulse racing in time with the bike’s engine.
Tara knew she would be your ‘backpack’ as you informed her about riding your bike for the date a few days prior. That doesn’t mean she didn’t freak out when you went up a needle on your speedometer though. She was hugging you so tightly around your waist, it could almost suffocate you. You said you didn’t mind it though, and Tara took every opportunity to hug you tighter, and shamelessly run her hands from your back to your shoulders, caressing and admiring the flexed muscles from handling the two-wheeled vehicle every chance she had, enjoying your warmth that contrasted with the chilly weather.
 Her heart was pounding as she felt the warmth of Y/N's back against her chest, the gentle hum of the motorcycle beneath them. She noticed how her grip tightened instinctively, wanting to hold on to something solid as her thoughts swirled in a mess. “Is this real? Is this really happening?"
After finding a parking spot near the theaters, you helped Tara with getting off your bike seeing as she couldn’t even reach the floor if she wanted to. You assisted with taking her helmet off and fixing her hair, pushing her messy bangs away and tucking it behind her ears absenmindedly without her needing to ask for help. Tara wanted to take you right then and there. “Who cares if it’s public indecency? Both of us are hot.” Tara thought. She had never met a more thoughtful and respectful person before she laid her eyes on you; You really knew how to please a girl. 
You proceeded to lead her to the entrance of the theatre, which was filled with people that was keen on watching the premier of The Terrifier 3. Tara was buzzing with excitement, practically hopping up and down and effortlessly having a conversation with you after easing her nerves, while waiting on your turns to get some snacks and get seated.
The film was amazing. It was almost concerning with how Tara didn’t even bat an eyelid during the more gory scenes, but you were glad she enjoyed it. You mentally gave yourself a pat on the back after successfully making her glee and rambling about the film afterwards. You both decided to walk to the restaurant you were having dinner at, since it was only a few blocks away. You couldn’t ignore the fact that both your and Tara’s hands kept brushing against each other. You finally made the courage to hold her hands while she was still rambling about the show, your heart leaped when she interlocked your fingers together and continued talking, not commenting on the sudden act of affection.
Meanwhile, Tara was so damn glad you made the move first because she was overthinking too much to make the first move. She tried to act as nonchalant as possible, making it seem like your  gesture didn’t really affect her even though she had her heart in her mouth. When you both arrived at the restaurant, you had to wait for a while to be assigned a table. She finally made the courage to let go of your hands and to hold onto your ridiculously toned biceps, running her hands up and down your arm. She was tracing her fingers on the outline of your tattoo, making you shiver.
“You never told me this, but what’s the meaning behind your tattoo? I mean- It’s fine if it’s personal and you don’t wanna talk about it, though!” Tara stated with a slight panic in her voice. The last thing she wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable and share something so intimate to you. You found it cute that she was trying to be mindful and considerate.
Tara was tracing your tattoo, which was full of different designs, mainly two dragons being intertwined and a date underneath it. “It’s fine- I don’t mind, really. It symbolizes the Chinese zodiac calendar. My mum and dad was born in the year of the dragon. I initially didn’t think of having a tattoo, but I considered it to honor them. They died a few years ago from a car crash, which explains the date beneath it.” You explained your tattoo in detail, including all the different strokes and lines on your hands. 
Tara wanted to cradle your head and hold you tightly, hiding you away from society after hearing that your parents are gone. It must’ve been tough handling life alone in your twenties. “At least I had Sam,” Tara thought. She gave you her condolences and you took her hand and kissed it, specifically where her scar is, before shrugging it off with a smile, not wanting to ruin the mood of the date. 
Dinner went by quickly, with Tara having a glass of wine (not you though, you knew you had the responsibility to send her home and you didn’t want Sam to kill you either) and getting to know each other more. Tara’s indication of having too much to drink is that she often hiccups, and that’s when you knew you had to pay the bill and send her home. On your way back to your bike, you and Tara were giggling and she kept trying to squeeze your face cheeks together, with your hand swatting her away. You decided to make a pitstop at a small bodega and buy a bottled water for Tara, attempting to sober her up, knowing she can’t ride on the bike being that drunk. You slowed your pace, allowing Tara to recover while interlocking your hands. She was effortlessly flirting with you, probably from the liquid courage she was sobering up from.
You finally reached your bike, with having an intention of helping Tara putting on her helmet when she hugged you, her arms wrapping around your neck and leaning her chin against your chest, staring at you. “I really, really like you y’know. Like, like-like you.” She stated, staring at you with her brown doe eyes that resembled a deer. 
Tara’s heart skipped again, but this time, it wasn’t from nerves. It was from a sudden realization—this was different. She hadn’t felt this kind of pull in a long time. And maybe—maybe—she wasn’t just hoping Y/N would kiss her. Maybe she was ready for it. And when the moment came, she wasn’t going to hold back. You softly chuckled, your cheeks tinting slightly at her sudden confession. “I’m glad you like me Tara. I really, really like you too,” you reciprocated and hugged her waist, embracing the intimate moment. Both of you leaned in, nose touching each other before you decided to lean away; Making Tara whine and roll her eyes. 
You really wanted to kiss her, but you didn’t want it to be in a random street where some creeps can be watching you both kiss for their own entertainment. Tara huffed in frustration and wore her (your) helmet, stubbornly trying to get on the bike without needing you assistance (she needed it, she was practically falling off that damn bike if it wasn’t for you). You softly chuckled at her act before wearing yours and turned on the bike, the engine growling. Throughout the ride, you knew Tara was still upset at you since she held her hands on your shoulders instead of your waist. 
After reaching her block, you followed her up to her apartment, making sure that she’s safe. Tara was being grumpy, having her arms crossed which prevented you to hold her hand. After reaching her apartment, she went to open the door, trying to enter before you had to chance to talk to her. “Tara- wait, give me a mi-“ 
“I don’t get you, Y/N. First you bring me out to this date, held my hands and now you don’t want to kiss me? Are you serious-“ Tara’s blabber was disrupted when you grabbed her by her cheeks and leaned in for a kiss, lips colliding. 
Tara melted in your hands like putty and wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you in and craning your neck, trapping you in her spell. You could taste her cherry lip gloss, secretly hoping that you get to kiss her more often to get accustomed to the taste. She lets out little sighs in between the kisses to take a breath, before pulling you in again for more. You bit her lip which made her gasp, having the opportunity to slip your tongue in, making her moan and kiss you fiercely and fight with you tongue to tongue.
You pulled away gently, making her whine at the sudden end of the passionate makeup. You gave her tiny pecks and chaste kisses which made her giggle before you pulled away. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way, Tara. I just wanted it to be private, I can’t let the creeps down the street see me kissing the girl I like,” You confessed, blushing heavily now that Tara’s attention is all on you. 
“Aw, you sap. I don’t mind letting them watch, at least they know you’re all mine now.” You gave another kiss, when the door opened abruptly.
“Well, well, well, look who’s grinning like a cat that got the cream.” Sam smirks, glancing between Tara and Y/N, making both blush out of embarrassment.
“So, did you two finally make it official, or am I gonna need to take out the old shower and have a little chit chat with Y/N? I know you have no problem with public declaration of ownership.” She gives Tara a teasing look, knowing full well that her sister’s not shy when it comes to flirting. “Shut up, Sam. I’m fine.” She rolls her eyes but it’s clear that she’s still caught up in the moment.
Sam shrugs dramatically, leaning closer to Y/N, lowering her voice with mock seriousness.
“You better keep your hands to yourself, or I will find out where you live, and I’ll have a serious talk with you. That’s your warning.” She threatens, almost breaking character but keeping it cool.
Y/N, clearly caught off guard but managing a nervous chuckle, nods quickly. “Yes ma’am. I’ll take good care of her, I swear.” They look at Tara, a little embarrassed, but there’s warmth in their eyes. They’re obviously not intimidated, but they know enough to respect Sam’s warning.
“Good answer, Y/N. Good answer.” She flashes a grin, pretending to be serious before stepping back from the door. ”And for the record, I’m definitely expecting a full play-by-play tomorrow, Tara. I’ve got all kinds of questions…”
Tara shakes her head, but there’s no hiding the smile on her face now. She turns back to Y/N, giving them a peck before slipping back inside her apartment with a soft click.
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angeliccss · 13 days ago
A Witch’s Prayer, A Saint’s Sin
Pairing: Joan Ramsey/FemWitch!reader
Chapter: 1/?
Words: 1618
Summary: Joan has an obsession with her neighbor, something she despises, a witch.
Read on AO3
An: This is the first thing I've ever written so please be kind! I normally stick to my collages lol
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With a gasp, Joan wakes in the dead of night. The dream still lingers—your fingers caressing her skin, the whispers you leave in her ear are like angels singing down from the heavens. She grips the crucifix around her neck like a lifeline, willing these sinner's thoughts out of her pious mind.
It's you. Always you.
The witch. The woman who plagues her dreams. The blasphemy she can't stop thinking about. 
Joan knows that it’s wrong, but she can’t stop herself from looking at you. The way your mouth curves when you smile, the way your hair shines when it catches the light. You look like an angel. Her angel, even if you don't know it yet.
She slips from her bed, trembling she slips to her knees beside the bed with her hands clasped so tightly that her knuckles pale beneath the strain.
“O Lord, grant me the strength to cast out this temptation,” she whispers, voice unsteady. The room is dark save for the moonlight spilling through the open window, silver and soft—a cruel imitation of divinity. Her crucifix hangs heavy around her neck, the chain biting into her skin as she presses it to her lips. Purify me. Deliver me. Make me clean. But no matter how fervently she prays, the warmth of the dream lingers.
Your touch still ghosts over her skin, trailing down her arms like a benediction. The scent of something unholy—herbs, smoke, you—fills her lungs with every breath. Your voice curls around her like a serpent, whispering something sweet, something damning.
Her whole body tenses. It’s not real. It’s not real.
But it feels real.
Her grip tightens around the cross. "Get thee behind me, Satan." The words come out hoarse, almost desperate. But even as she speaks them, she feels the lie laced in each syllable.
Because the truth is, Joan doesn’t want you behind her. She doesn’t want you gone.
She wants you closer, and when she wants something she gets it.
The next morning after she’s gotten dressed she moves towards her bedroom window like she always does. It's become a ritual now, one she refuses to acknowledge for what it is. Peeling back the curtain, she tells herself it’s only curiosity. She expects to see you through your bedroom window like she always does. But instead, her breath stalls in her throat. 
Her son is standing with you on the front porch of the academy. 
A sharp tension coils in her chest, something colder than fear, hotter than rage, jealousy. She watches as he speaks to you, his posture relaxed, open. And you—you’re smiling, it sends a pulse of heat down Joan’s spine. You should be looking at her like that, smiling at her like that. Not her son. He doesn't deserve it, no one but her deserves it.
Her fingers tighten around the curtain as she strains to hear, but the glass and distance keep the conversation a mystery. What could he possibly be saying to you? Worse—what could you be saying to him?
Joan knows she should step away. Should close the curtain, say a prayer, and push the memory of last night’s dream from her mind.
But she doesn’t.
She stays, watching, waiting—until, as if sensing her gaze, you lift your head.
And look straight at her.
With that, she slams closed the curtain and marches from her bedroom and across the street.
The air between you and Luke turns thick, charged with something tense and unspoken.
You glance at Luke, confusion knitting in your brows as his expression tightens. The easy smile he wore just moments ago has vanished, replaced with something wary. You don’t have to turn to know why.
Joan Ramsey is coming.
Her footsteps are sharp and purposeful, the kind that would make people step aside in church pews. The kind that demands obedience.
Luke stiffens beside you, eyes flicking toward the ground. "You should go inside," he mutters.
But before you can ask why, she's there.
"Inside. Now."
Her voice is ice, and it takes a second to realize she isn’t speaking to you—she’s speaking to Luke. He hesitates, his jaw clenching, but ultimately nods. Without another word, he brushes past you and disappears across the street and into the house.
You blink, watching him go, before turning to face the woman before you.
Joan Ramsey looks at you like she already knows every sin you’ve ever committed. You've never even met her before.
You swallow, fingers twisting together. "Mrs. Ramsey?" you offer hesitantly, voice soft. "Is… something wrong?"
Her lips press into a thin line, eyes scanning over you like she’s searching for the devil himself.
"You tell me," she says coldly.
You frown, shifting uncomfortably under her gaze. "I—I was just talking to Luke. We weren’t doing anything wrong, I promise."
Joan exhales sharply through her nose, jaw tight. She steps closer, and suddenly, you feel small.
"You think I don’t know what you are?" she murmurs, voice low, dangerous.
Your breath catches.
What you are?
"I—I don’t understand…" Your voice wavers slightly, but it’s the truth.
Joan scoffs, shaking her head. "Of course you don’t."
For a moment, she just looks at you. You, standing there in the soft morning light, wide-eyed and unsure. Nothing like the wicked thing she imagined you to be.
Something flickers behind her gaze. Something almost like hesitation.
And then, just as quickly, it's gone.
Her grip is iron as she seizes your arm, fingers pressing into your skin with enough force to make you gasp.
"H-Hey—!" You stumble as she drags you forward, her stride unrelenting.
"Enough," Joan snaps, her voice sharp as a blade. "You’re coming with me."
Your heart hammers. She’s stronger than she looks, her grip unshakable as she hauls you through the academy’s doors. The other girls barely have time to glance up before she’s marching you down the halls, past the grand staircase, straight toward the woman you fear almost as much as the one currently holding you.
Fiona Goode looks up from her place in the sitting room, whiskey glass in hand, eyes flickering with interest at the sight of Joan Ramsey shoving you inside like she’s caught you committing some unspeakable crime.
There’s a beat of silence.
Then, Fiona exhales a slow, amused breath.
"Well," she drawls, swirling the amber liquid in her glass. "To what do I owe this lovely surprise?"
Joan releases you roughly, pushing you forward like she doesn’t even want to touch you any longer.
"This girl," Joan spits, voice dripping with contempt, "has been speaking to my son."
Fiona raises a perfectly sculpted brow. "And?"
Joan stiffens, nostrils flaring. "She’s a witch. A snake in the garden. A—"
"A fragile little thing, from the looks of it," Fiona interrupts, her gaze dragging over you like she’s appraising something insignificant. Her lips curl, amusement dancing behind her eyes. "Really, Joan? This is what has you in a righteous fit? I was expecting fangs. Claws. At least a little brimstone."
Your cheeks heat, shame curling in your stomach. You don’t know whether to feel relieved or utterly humiliated.
Joan crosses her arms, her glare unyielding. "Keep her away from my family," she says, voice sharp as cut glass. "This is your only warning."
Fiona exhales, slow and unbothered, taking a lazy sip of her drink. "And if I don’t?"
Joan steps forward, lowering her voice, but the weight of her words is suffocating.
"Then I’ll handle it myself."
The air in the room shifts—a tension that sinks into your bones.
Fiona’s smirk falters, just for a flicker of a second. A knowing look passes between the two women, something unspoken but heavy.
Then, without waiting for a response, Joan turns on her heel and storms out, her presence lingering long after the door swings shut behind her.
You swallow hard, glancing at Fiona. But she only watches the space where Joan had stood moments ago, her expression unreadable.
You swallow hard, glancing at Fiona. But she only watches the space where Joan had stood moments ago, her expression unreadable.
Then, slowly, she exhales through her nose and shakes her head, a dry chuckle slipping past her lips.
"Religious nuts," she mutters, bringing her drink to her lips. She takes a sip, then tilts her head, finally setting her sharp gaze on you. "Tell me, dear—what exactly did you do to get under her skin?"
You frown, shifting uncomfortably. "I—I don’t know. I didn’t do anything. I was just talking to Luke."
Fiona hums, unconvinced. She studies you for a long moment, tapping her nails against her glass.
"Well, whatever it is, you’ve certainly got her," she says, a slow smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. "And trust me, sweetheart, that woman doesn’t lose sleep over just anyone."
That doesn’t feel like a comfort.
You glance toward the door, where Joan had stormed out just minutes ago, her presence still lingering like a shadow.
"She hates me," you murmur.
Fiona scoffs. "Oh, please. If she really hated you, she wouldn’t look at you the way she does." She takes another sip, then leans back in her chair, watching you over the rim of her glass. "I’d say she’s got a different kind of sin on her mind."
Your breath catches. "That’s not—she wouldn’t—"
Fiona laughs, tilting her head. "Wouldn’t she?"
You don’t answer. Because you don’t know.
But as the weight of Joan Ramsey’s words settle over you, the lingering burn of her touch still ghosting on your arm…
You realize something, you have a crush on her. The woman who hates you for something you were born with, something you still don't fully know how to control.
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