#From the limitations of my knowledge lmao. I’ll just rely on what y’all post about them and apply those to my belief systems lol
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yaminerua · 8 months ago
It’s a bit funny how originally it was probably meant to be at the very least implied that Jamie has feelings for Victoria (and Frazer has pretty much said he played it that way at the time) but like in the years since the original run in the series, other materials that came much much later like audios and novels and stuff have ended up giving them ages that kinda change the vibe. Like the birth year Victoria was given in one piece of media now works out to her being around 14-15 when she joins the two of them, and Jamie’s birth year in another making him around 22 at the time he joined.
so it’s shifted a bit from being viewed as Jamie being protective of her in a romantic sense to Jamie is protective in something like an older sibling-ish kind of way. It’s funny how extra info can completely change the way the same thing is viewed, even if the extra info came much later. And also it depends a lot on people actually Knowing the extra info and whether they consider it canon cos not everyone even seeks out stuff beyond the tv show itself.
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adamantiii · 5 years ago
(*°ー°)ノ -slides everything else on that Munday meme here- do it~♡
† Do you portray your muse as religious? Why or why not? How does your own religion (or lack thereof) influence this?
I do not portray Delia as religious and there are two reasons for it. The first, and the most prominent reason, is her personality and attitude in general. I just can’t see her being the type of person who’d really follow one, honestly. It has less to do with her beliefs in a god or higher power and more her free-spirited nature; she does not like being told how to live her life, especially by other people. She would not take well to being told she has to act, think, or live a certain way - she gets enough of that from her aunt as it is. 
My own tendency towards non-religion does have some part in it as, because it’s not a huge part of my life, it doesn’t seem like it would be something significant. There is also the fact that I do not trust internet sources on the matter of religion or culture ( I can’t tell you how many time I’ve read something and then had someone who is actually part of that religion or culture explain that it’s inaccurate or incorrect), and would rather not make it an aspect of my character than run the risk of misportraying it. 
☑ What is a plot idea you’re willing to play with virtually any partner? What makes that plot so special to you?
I don’t do plot ideas, per say. I mean, I have them, but any idea I would want to do stems from original works of mine that, as a result of past issues (read: people lifting stuff off my old dA account and trying to sell it on Amazon), I’d rather not put online. Let’s just say I have the worst luck when it comes to theft and I’ve gotten extremely stingy about posting original content or mentioning it to people. But I’m always up for AUs, especially anything Star Wars or Fantasy related.
✰ How did you decide your muse’s skills and talents? Do they relate to their occupation in some way?
In most cases, I look at their personality and occupation and figure out what fits best with it, but with Delia, I wanted to step outside of the norm, at least in my case. Most of Delia’s however, are learned and mostly self-taught. Like, she’s that person who gets bored and spends hours binge-watching internet tutorials on some of the most random things. One or two things may be a natural talent, such as her artistic ability, or taught, like her figure skating ability, but the rest are mostly  She sees something that sparks her interest and she just does it.
Except cooking. No matter how many times she’s tried, she just cannot grasp the concept. She can barely make toast without burning it. 
Ⅶ If you have multiple blogs and/or muses, which one is your favorite? Why?
I’ve had numerous blogs but one of my One Piece OCs will always be my favorite. I put years of work into her and her personality and general set up isn’t like most characters I normally write. She’s not my first, by far, but she’s definitely the one I’m most proud of. (I’m actually in the process of working out her BNHA verse, even if she would be Midnight 2.0…).
✎ When choosing a name for your muse, did you pick something special or meaningful in some way?
I’m a huge sucker for hidden meaning and symbolism, and in most cases, there usually is some underlying meaning in my characters’ names, but with Delia, it was less meaning and more “I like how that sounds”.  That, and finding English names that work with Japanese surnames is harder than you’d think. 
☺ If you have a faceclaim for your muse, why did you choose them? Are you satisfied with your fc, or would you rather find a different one?
The short answer is I already had icons when I used her for a previous OC. As for satisfied? I’m never satisfied, lmao. But honestly, finding an FC for a character that isn’t too expressive, but not completely stoic, that also doesn’t look twelve is a lot harder than it seems. Especially for me, considering how picky I am with art style.
♥ When it comes to shipping, what factors are absolutely necessary for a ship to develop?
This ain’t tinder, y’all. There’s none of that this ain’t working and bail with the breadsticks twenty minutes into it. Chemistry is an absolute must. I know my character and I know what types of people she does and doesn’t like and if I feel that a ship won’t work, it most likely won’t. Of course, the actual development is also important, but if that initial “spark” isn’t there, then there’s already a problem.
Communication and discussion between partners is also super important. I get very invested in my ships and, to be 100% transparent, easily discouraged if I feel my partners aren’t as interested. 
❝ ❞ Is it easy for you to write dialog for your muse? Do their speech patterns come naturally to you while writing?
Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t. My main issue is keeping a couple of things in mind when writing her dialogue. Delia’s a little tricky because she’s bilingual and she’s pretty obvious about it, but her Japanese isn’t perfect. It’s basically textbook Japanese with some phrases or wordings she’s picked up over the years and she has a habit of throwing English words into the middle of her sentences (I italicize them and she does this to try and cover up the fact that she doesn’t actually know the word she’s looking for). The hardest part, as my knowledge of Japanese is limited to maybe three or four words, is knowing which words she’d mispronounce - because it’s supposed to happen a lot, especially with the ones that rely heavily on emphasis. Like, if she ever says “bridge” out of nowhere, she probably actually meant “chopsticks”.
Normally, I wouldn’t bother with that, but it is a big part of her character (she gets really defensive if someone points it out), and it makes replies a bit difficult to do at times. 
❀ What is a muse you want to play but haven’t? Why haven’t you played them yet?
I considered Shinsou at one point, but the whole canon privilege issue I talked about in an earlier ask is pretty much what stopped me from doing so.
✸ Tell us about any NPCs on your blog. Who are they to your muse? What do they contribute to your blog?
I’ll be honest with you, I don’t even know what could be considered an NPC in reference to tumblr roleplaying…
✼ When it comes to worldbuilding, what are some ideas you’d like to explore in rp?
Just about anything, really. Like, literally any scenario brings the potential for development in general and I’m always down for that.
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