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levihanskid · 7 months ago
‘Till the End of the Line: Bakugo Katsuki’s Twin AU chapter 2
Ch1 ao3 link wattpad link i'm sorry this took so long, vet school is killing me ;-; this chapter has been sitting in my drafts for so long but the latest episode made me finally do it
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The following months have been extensive for both Katsuki and Mitsuko. They tried to be consistent with their morning runs, but there were times where one or both of them would sleep in. Mostly Mitsuko, which pissed her twin a lot. After school, they would spend an hour improving their physical condition and stamina, and another hour training with their quirks. All while trying to keep up with their studies and reviewing for the entrance exam.
Ten months had passed, and the twins are now walking towards the enormous gates of UA High School. They took the written exam a few weeks ago, which was easier than they expected. Today is the day that the twins are anticipating the most, the practical exam. Mitsuko felt a mix of emotions as she looked up the school’s crest on top of the gate. She’s nervous, but at the same time she’s excited and can’t wait to put her training to use.
As they entered the school grounds, a familiar curly green hair caught her eyes. “Hey look, it’s your bff,” she nudged her brother.
From a few feet away, Midoriya Izuku stood at the middle in deep thought. Probably freaking out on the inside.
“Out of the way Deku!” Katsuki yelled.
“Kacchan! Micchan!” Izuku called in surprise.
Mitsuko visibly cringed at the nickname he used to address her and eyed the boy. “I told you to stop calling me that.”
“Move it! Or I’ll kill you!” her brother spat, unaffected by the childish nickname.
The boy immediately stepped out of the way and stuttered. “G-good morning! Let’s uh— let’s do our best!”
The twins didn’t say anything back, but she gave him a small smile before continuing to walk to the building.
“Isn’t that Bakugo? From the Sludge Villain Incident?”
“Yeah. And that’s the girl from the video. They’re twins aren’t they?”
Mitsuko is used to people murmuring about them, given that her brother is a big show off. This isn’t the first time they had people talking about something that one of them did, so she chose to ignore the whispers and looked ahead.
Inside the auditorium, they were greeted by the Voice Hero, Present mic. Mitsuko sat next to her brother, as well as Izuku who chose to be seated next to them and is currently fan boying over the pro hero at the podium. Katsuki tried telling him to shut up, but the boy kept muttering to himself and Mitsuko had to lean away from his direction to avoid getting distracted.
“As the application says, you’ll be participating in a ten minute battle in a mock city. Get ready! After this, you will head to your assigned battle center.”
She looked at her examination card, and then glanced over her brother’s.
“In other words, they’re not letting friends work together, huh?”
“You’re right,” Izuku agreed, his eyes glued to the blonde boy’s card. “We have consecutive numbers, but different centers.”
“Don’t look, want to die?” Katsuki threatened. “Tch. Now I can’t crush you, damn it.”
His last words made the curly boy move away a bit and turn his attention back to the stage.
“Makes sense,” Mitsuko whispered, her focus still on her card which displayed a letter C while her brother got A. “The exam is meant to test our individual abilities. They wouldn’t want us to tag-team.”
Present Mic continued his presentation. He went on to inform them about the types of mock villains they will be facing and that each type represents 1, 2, and 3 points each. They were also told about the gimmick villain that they’re supposed to run away from since it’s just there to cause trouble and not give points.
She played with her fingers as she tried to listen, making sure she knows every detail.
“Stop fidgeting,” her brother snapped. “It’s annoying. Why are nervous anyway?”
“I don’t know. It’s a mix between excitement and anxiety. And this orientation is taking so long,” she replied, intertwining her fingers to keep them steady.
“You’re right. We’ve heard enough, I can’t wait to crush those bots. Think you can get a hundred points?” her twin asked, still looking ahead. Although it’s obvious that he’s also starting to get restless.
“A hundred might be impossible, considering the time limit, the competition, and the fact that we won’t have any idea where the villains would be.”
“I can make it possible,” he brother scoffed. “And I’ll make sure to get the first spot.”
“Is that a challenge?” she raised a brow. “Whoever gets less points have to do the other’s chores for two weeks, then.”
Katsuki grinned at the raised stake. “Deal. Let’s show these extras how it’s done.”
Mitsuko tried containing her loud heartbeats as she stood before the door where the exam is going to take place. After the orientation, they were directed to change out of their middle school uniforms and get on the bus that would take them to their respective battle centers. She had changed into a white racerback tank top and some sweat pants.
The format of the test is very fortunate for her, since her quirk can easily be utilized. She imagined how those with quirks that only works to people would do against robots.
“Let’s do our best!” she heard an excited voice. Mitsuko looked over her shoulder to see a girl with pink hair and pink skin talking to the people around her with no tinge of awkwardness. They locked eyes for a moment.
“Huh? Why do you look familiar?” the girl looked at her with a hint of recognition.
Before she could respond, the voice of the hero Present Mic echoed through the speakers.
“Start! What are waiting for? Real fights don’t have countdowns!”
Mitsuko didn’t waste any second and ran inside the training grounds, using her quirk to propel herself forward.
She saw a couple of number 1 and 2 robots straight ahead. Without any hesitation, she pointed her palms toward them and willed her quirk out. Her forearms glowed in bright white-yellow color. The light traveled onto her hands into her palms before blasting to the direction of the robots. They exploded with the contact, leaving electric sparks and smokes.
“Nice quirk ‘ya got there,” a voice from behind commented. Mitsuko whirled around and saw a boy approaching her. He’s got blonde hair and gray eyes, but what caught her attention (in a bad way) was the annoying smug face that he has.
She didn’t reply, so the boy continued. “Must be nice having a quirk so flashy, huh?”
He tapped her on the shoulder, and a look of recognition flashed across his face for a second, before being replaced with a smirk. “Weren’t you that girl from the video? Didn’t expect you to be here after all that shit talking to those heroes.”
The smirk was one thing, but his words made Mitsuko’s blood boil. Her red pupils dilated and her right eyebrow raised as she tried to stop herself from blinding the guy. She shouldn’t be distracted right now.
Another batch of robots showed up, and she thanked the heavens for giving her an excuse to walk away from where she’s currently standing.
“Sorry, but I don’t have time for a chitchat,” she said in a monotone voice, swatting the guy’s hand away from her shoulder.
She ran to destroy the robots, but before she could stretch her hands out, quick flashes of light reached and blasted them into pieces. No, those were not just lights, they look too much like hers.
She looked back to where the lights came from, confusion clearly visible from her face.
“Whoops! Sorry for stealing points from ‘ya, but I gotta do what I gotta do, don’t ‘ya think?” it was the same blonde guy, still wearing his irritating smirk. He turned on his heel and began walking away. “I’ll be having this flashy quirk for a while, better make use of it!”
Those words confused her even more. Did he just get her quirk?
She shook her head and put her focus back on the exam. Shit. Was he trying to stall me for some reason?
The exam just started, but she could’ve gotten more points if she wasn’t standing around having a one sided conversation with that guy. She can’t afford to waste more time.
She flew around the grounds looking for more targets, blasting her quirk backwards to levitate and propel herself faster. Taking down every robot she encounters along the way as quickly as she could.
She was at 23 points, if she counted correctly, when she reached the area where a lot of the kids are gathered. Present Mic’s voice echoed through the speakers again.
“We have reached the half time!! Five minutes left before the exam ends!!!”
She saw a bunch of robots with different points surrounding the students. More people means more robots to see them as targets. Just as she figured.
Mitsuko jumped over, smirking in satisfaction as she shot her quirk out at every single robot within her sight while using her flexibility and agility to maneuver herself.
The kids stared at her in awe. “What an awesome quirk she’s got.”
“Isn’t she the girl from that one video?”
“Hey! Leave some points for us!” one of them shouted out.
She continued gathering points, keeping herself airborne using her quirk and sometimes stepping on the robots to use them to keep her momentum. She kept going, faster and quicker, not letting the others steal points from her again.
By the time her feet touched the ground, all of the robots around the area were already blown into bits. Mitsuko wiped the sweat from her forehead and tightened her ponytail. She also noticed her arms glowing a bit. She must’ve used up the stored energy in her body since it’s currently absorbing sunlight again.
“You are so cool!! Those movements were amazing! You look like you could be a great dancer!” the same pink girl ran to her with enthusiasm. Mitsuko just noticed a pair of horns protruding out from her pink curly locks.
“I don’t dance,” she replied, looking around for more robots to destroy. She realized she lost count of her points after her exhibition earlier.
“Really? You should try! The way you’re moving while fighting is awesome!”
“I came here to be a hero, not a dancer,” Mitsuko cut the girls’ blabbering. “Sorry, but I really don’t have the time to–“
The ground shook, and a loud grumbling mechanical sound cut her last sentence. She looked up to see a huge robot approaching. It’s the zero point they were supposed to run away from.
Anyone with no balls would run away from that thing, all right. She thought to herself.
“Let’s go! That’s a no-pointer!” the pink girl pulled the back of her top.
Before they could take a step back however, the robot continued to stroll through the streets, destroying the buildings and causing debris to fall down.
Talk about keeping the damage to a minimum!
People began to scatter in a panic. Everyone was pushing trying to run away.
A huge piece of the building’s wall caught Mitsuko’s attention. It was plummeting into the direction of the students, specifically the pink girl. Mitsuko didn’t even realize that the girl started running off. The girl was looking over her left shoulder, seemingly trying to call Mitsuko to join the retreat. While the debris was coming from her right side, a complete blind spot.
She hasn’t trained much to target moving objects, not to mention fast ones. So she decided not to try and shoot it while it’s falling down.
Her next action was caused by the heat of the moment. It was a crazy idea, but she prayed it would work.
Mitsuko ran towards the girl faster than the rock. When she reached her, she pushed the girl out of the way and produced the strongest energy barrier she could muster. It was a move she’s been improving for the past year. It worked against her brother’s attacks, so she’s hoping that it’ll work against the huge piece of rock.
It did. Sort of.
She was able to stop the debris without her barrier faltering, but its weight and momentum was too heavy. She couldn’t free a hand to blast the rock into pieces. Now she’s stuck holding both her hands up to maintain the barrier.
She heard the pink girl grunt from behind her, and a spray of acid splashed onto the lower part of the rock causing it to move a little. In that given moment, Mitsuko quickly released her barrier and used her quirk again to make the rock explode.
The debris was casting a shadow over her so unlike before, her arms seemed to glow brighter. The rock blew up into pieces, but her body continued to glow a little as it absorbed sunlight to compensate for the energy she just lost.
Mitsuko turned around, panting as bits of sweat began forming on her forehead. She saw the girl trying to stand on her feet, but she couldn’t seem to put weight on her left foot.
“Can you run?” Mitsuko asked.
“No, I think I sprained my ankle from falling down earlier. Why’d you have to push me so hard anyway?!” the girl exclaimed.
“Huh!?” Mitsuko’s brows furrowed. “How is that my fault?! I just saved your ass!”
They didn’t have more time to argue, because the zero-point robot was nearing their position. As much as she hated it, Mitsuko took the girl’s arm over her shoulder and began moving. The people had thinned out, the other examinees must’ve managed to run off far from where they were.
Great. That just made their situation worse, because now the only targets the robot has was the two of them. And it’s currently aiming its enormous metal hand to swat them like little flies.
Despite trying to convince herself that UA wouldn’t allow anyone to get killed for an entrance exam, Mitsuko’s wracking nerves still got the best of her.
With gritted teeth, she let go of the girl’s arms, “Take cover!” she yelled and turned around to face the giant villain. She raised her arms, still glowing from the absorption, and waited for the perfect time to blast. But before that perfect time came, she felt a sudden smack behind her head.
Anger and confusion took over her as she tried to process what just happened. Mitsuko looked around with furrowed brows and saw a guy walking past her.
The annoying blonde kid from earlier stood in front of her and threw an energy blast towards the hands of the robot. Just like their first encounter, his blast looked so much like her quirk. The villain stopped, and the boy snickered before looking back at her. “I never planned to go after the gimmick, but I thought you needed saving,” he said in an arrogant voice which made Mitsuko’s mind ring in irritation.
“YOU FUCKING COPYCAT!” she began stomping towards him.
“Oh, you finally figured it out? You’re welcome, although that’s not a very nice nickna—“
There was a loud metallic creaking sound. Mitsuko looked up, the smokes are gone so she could clearly see how right she was. The robot is still standing, not even a dent could be seen in its huge hands that is now coming down to them faster than before.
She muttered a curse before running to the right side, leaving the other two frozen in their place. When she reached the right spot, she raised her arms once again and acted as fast as she could.
She willed her quirk out, this time much stronger and concentrated than before, making her entire arms glow instead of just her forearms. The light traveled through her hands and palms before shooting out, her legs almost giving up from the shot's recoil. It hit the robot’s elbow, just as she planned. Her attack was powerful enough to pierce through its armor and cut its forearm off, stopping it from hitting the other kids.
Panting, Mitsuko then just realized that she lost track of both the time and her points. She was about to run to gather more points when Present Mic’s voice echoed once again.
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levihanskid · 8 months ago
‘Till the End of the Line: Bakugo Katsuki’s Twin AU chapter 1
i haven’t made a fic in years so idk how this is gonna go, but i’ve been cooking this one for a while now! i’m planning to make more in the future but idk
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“Where the hell is that bastard?” the girl muttered to herself as she stares at her phone, pissed at her twin brother for not picking up her calls. 
She and Katsuki were supposed to meet up at the grocery store and run some errands after school. Although it seems like the other twin had forgotten about it and decided to storm off somewhere.
The girl walked towards the nearby shopping district, with her long sand blonde hair swaying with the wind. As she approached the store, she fished her phone out of her pocket and attempted to call her brother one last time.
The phone rang for a second before a sudden explosion reached her ears. It seems to be in quite some distance since the sound was not as loud, but it still caught her attention. She saw people on the main street running in different directions, some ran towards the commotion, while others went the opposite way in a panic. 
She heard the sounds of explosions again, this time a lot louder for her to hear properly and recognize. The awfully familiar noise made her stomach twist. Who wouldn’t recognize the sound of their own twin’s quirk?
The blonde girl marched into the crowd, which was a few blocks away from where she was at. Anxiety engulfs her as the explosions continued and smoke started rising. She knew right at that moment that it was something serious, because she knows for a fact that Katsuki wouldn’t carelessly use his quirk that much in public if he wanted a clean record before getting into high school. Her twin brother is in real trouble.
As she finally reached the commotion, she felt her heart drop to her stomach. From the other side of the road, she could see the street on fire. The scene made her stop on her tracks, her crimson eyes wide as she makes out the figure of a sludge looking thing enveloping a kid with the same hair and eyes identical to hers.
The sight made her stand on her spot frozen as questions ran through her mind. What the hell is happening? Why is that thing trying to kill her brother? Where are the pro heroes? Surely they will help him, right? 
Another batch of explosions snapped her out of her brain and to her disappointment, her last question was answered. A giant hero stood on the side of a street just watching the boy struggle. With furrowed brows, she scanned the area and saw the other pro-heroes standing around and doing nothing to rescue her brother. 
Her anxiety was immediately replaced with raging anger when she realized that no one was trying to help Katsuki. She began crossing the road as tears welled up her eyes. 
“No you idiot! Stop! You’re gonna get yourself killed!”
She heard people gasp and pro-heroes yelling at another kid running to the villain. That unmistakably curly green hair… no way. Is Izuku trying to help Katsuki right now? Out of all people, a quirkless, scrawny boy is the one trying to rescue her brother?
Out of the corner of her eye, a skinny man seemed to have grown five times larger his size and jumped up. She didn’t pay much attention as she was too distracted to what was happening in front of her.
She was struggling to enter the scene because of the crowd when All Might appeared out of nowhere. Everything happened so fast, All Might quickly grabbed the two boys as he punched the villain, yelling his signature move. Everyone was stunned for a moment as they saw how the number one hero changed the weather because of his powerful move. But that’s none of her concern, she didn’t waste anymore time and quickly ran to her brother. 
“WHAT KIND OF PRO-HEROES ARE YOU?!?” the girl’s voice thundered. 
Moments after All Might’s victory over the sludge villain, media arrived to cover the incident. People praised Katsuki for his bravery, while they scolded Izuku for running into the scene like an idiot. Which riled her up even more.
“How could you just stand around knowing a villain is trying to kill someone!?” she continued yelling at the pros. 
“Mitsuko, calm down. You’re too loud,” Katsuki said in a low, raspy voice.
“No, I will not calm down!” she regarded her twin before turning back to the pro-heroes. “You call yourselves heroes yet you can’t do anything against a single villain even when you have the numbers?!”
“Relax kid, none of us had the quirk to go against that slime villain so we had to wait for someone with the appropriate ability. We did everything we could, we kept the damage to a minimum and kept civilians safe,” the hero with a large build said. He’s wearing a yellow and black-striped headband that matches his wrist guards and the belt around his waist. Mitsuko recognized him as the Punching Hero: Death Arms.
“Besides, your brother is fine. He was able to hold off on his own. You should be glad he had such powerful quirk,” the woman who was a giant earlier added, which she didn’t recognize at all so she assumed that the hero was fairly new. 
“And what if the victim was another person? What if it was someone who was not strong enough to fight the villain off? Would you be able to live up to that if someone died because you weren’t able to do anything to help?” Mitsuko said in a stern voice, eyeing every single pro-hero in front of her. 
The heroes fell silent so she chuckled in disbelief. “I can’t believe a middle schooler beat you in having the balls to at least try and do something.” 
She picked up her brother, who has been sitting on the floor, and started walking away. “Come on, Suki. Let’s go home.”
The twins walked home in silence. None of them dared to speak until Katsuki stopped before a corner of a street. 
“You go ahead, I want to do something first,” he told his sister as he started walking to a different direction.
“Hell no. Do you think I’d let you go on your own after all that? Are you stupid?” Mitsuri raised an eyebrow.
“Just go! I can handle myself!” he yelled at her without stopping in his tracks.
Mitsuko could hear the exhaustion lingering in her brother’s usual rude tone. So she decided not to follow but to wait for him instead.
“Fine, I’ll just wait for you here. Just hurry up or mom’s gonna kill us.”
Several minutes passed before she saw her brother walking back with hands in his pockets and his back slouched. None of them spoke as they navigated their route home.
The twins were greeted with their father’s worried face the second they opened the door of the Bakugo residence. 
“We saw the news. Are you guys okay? Were you hurt, son?”
Katsuki let out an audible scoff. “I’m fine, old man! I could’ve freed myself on my own if no one intervened!” 
“STOP LYING!” their mom yelled before walking out the kitchen. “If you weren’t so stupid you wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place!”
“SHUT UP! It wasn’t my fault that some heroes were dumb enough to let that ugly slime loose! He was so weak I could beat the hell out of him!” the boy yelled back.
“Could you guys at least let us take our shoes off and walk in? Jeez,” Mitsuko said in a condescending tone.
“Right. Well, you see my brother here got into a slimy situation so we forgot. Sorry about that,” she pointed her thumb at her brother, unbothered by the volume of their mom’s voice.
“It’s fine, I can get the groceries later,” their dad said, trying to calm everyone down. “Dinner is ready, let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
Katsuki and their mom’s banter continued to the dining table. Still talking about the incident and how much of an idiot Katsuki was for getting in trouble. Mitsuko didn’t mind, she focused on eating her food in hopes of not getting the same yelling her brother was having. After dinner, the twins automatically stood up to help cleaning up but was stopped by their mother.
“I’ll do the dishes. You guys go and wash up. Especially you, Katsuki!! You reek of sewer and trash!” unlike her tone before, she said that in a much friendlier way except that she didn’t miss the opportunity to scold one of her twins.
After washing up and changing into her pajamas, Mitsuko sat at her desk, facing her laptop. A video of her yelling at the pro-heroes earlier is playing on the screen. The news didn’t include her in the reports, but some citizen had taken a video of the scene and uploaded it to the internet, which garnered tons of views and attention. She only found out about it when some of her classmates notified her and sent her the link.
Mitsuko could clearly see her furious expression from the angle the video was taken, and she wondered what kind of impression that gave to other people, especially the heroes. Just as she was about to open the comment section to see what people think, a hand came from behind and closed her laptop shut. She looked up from her shoulder and saw her twin standing next to her, holding a mug of milk chocolate. She realized how unaware she was because she didn’t even hear him come in her room.
“Don’t even bother paying attention to that video. Most of the comments are full of morons,” Katsuki told her before setting the mug on her desk and plopping down her bed.
“You read the comments? What did it say?” Mitsuko asked, sipping her milk chocolate. It relaxed her a bit, and she silently thanked her brother for always remembering her comfort drink.
“Yeah, most of them are just dumb enough to not know the context before putting down a comment, calling you disrespectful and whatnot. While some of them agree with what you said. Especially with the ‘what if the victim was someone weak’ statement,” Katsuki answered, taking one of her pillows and wrapping his arms around it. “You didn’t have to say that, you know.”
“What? And have you get all the spotlight?” she raised a teasing eyebrow to her brother. “There’s no way I’ll let you have all the fame.”
The boy sat up, and was about to hit his sister with the pillow before realizing that she is still holding the mug. “I’m just saying! I get what the heroes were trying to say. Even if they tried, none of them had the quirk to counter that sludge. It’s unfortunate, but they did everything they could.”
Mitsuko put the mug down and crossed her arms. “I just don’t like the idea of just watching someone struggle and nearly die. I hate to say this but even Deku had more balls than those heroes.”
“That damn nerd is an idiot! Don’t even remind me of him! You should have seen his face. The moron was obviously terrified. And he had the guts to dream about getting into U.A. Thinking about it makes me want to puke,” her brother exclaimed.
“Well, at least he tried to do something,” she said in a low voice, facing away from her twin. “I couldn’t even do anything. I was frozen in my spot, my mind was all over the place and I couldn’t think straight. I don’t know what I would do if something bad did happen to you with me there.” She doesn’t want to admit it, but she felt guilty that she didn’t react faster to help him, when she knew damn well that her brother would’ve done everything he could if it was her in that position. 
“Don’t be stupid,” Katsuki sat up straight, whirling her chair around so they could face each other. “It’s over and I’m fine, stop overthinking things. Besides, that’s why we train right? So we can handle our own shit and not rely on each other every time,” her brother looked at her in the eyes with a serious expression. “Not that I need it, cause I’m stronger than you,” he added and his face grew into an annoying grin. 
“Don’t kid yourself,” Mitsuko rolled her eyes before drinking her milk chocolate ‘till the bottom’s up. “The reason I train is so I can become a better hero than those ones earlier. Someone who is able to help in any situation,” she added. It has always been the twins’ dream to become the best heroes. As kids, they used to role play with one twin playing as the hero who rescues the other and vice versa. 
“That reminds me, did you fill up those forms they gave to the classes earlier? The one where you put your school of choice for high school?” her brother asked.
“Yep. Obviously I only put U.A. and nothing else. I’m sure I’ll get in easily. Wouldn’t it be funny if I passed and you didn’t? That would be embarrassing,” she replied, teasing her twin again.
Knowing that she had finished her drink, Katsuki hit her with the pillow he’s been holding. “Like I’d fucking let that happen! And if you didn’t pass I would definitely not want to be seen with you, either!” he yelled and stood up to walk towards the door. “I’m going to bed. Don’t you dare stay up late! We have our morning run tomorrow! I swear I will literally throw you out of your bed if you’re not up!”
Mitsuko laughed, proud that she successfully annoyed her brother once again. “How the hell am I supposed to sleep now? You just gave me a chocolate drink!”
“That’s why I put milk in it you idiot!” Katsuki screamed before shutting the door. 
Like her usual routine, Mitsuko woke up before the crack of dawn, but this time she had dark circles under her eyes making it evident that she stayed up later than normal. Despite her twin’s advice to not read the comments under the viral video, she was too stubborn and still decided to go through them. The public’s opinion was mixed up, there were some who criticized her for being ungrateful. While some applauded her for being able to speak up and call the heroes out, which started debates on whether or not heroes are competent enough to do their job.
Part of her felt guilty for what she did, maybe she was wrong for lashing out at the heroes before knowing their side of the story. After all, they were pros, they knew better than she does. Now those heroes are getting hate comments on the internet because of her.
However, another part of her has too much ego and refuses to admit she did anything wrong. If there’s one thing Mitsuko hates, it’s people not living up to what they said they would do. Those pro-heroes became heroes because they exerted efforts to have their licenses and work as professionals. If they can’t do anything about a simple incident, then maybe they should just find another job.
An impatient knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be right out,” she stood in front of her mirror to put her hair up, grabbed a face towel and walked out of her room.
She walked down the stairs to see Katsuki standing by the front door holding a piece of toast on his left hand, while he munches on another with his right hand. Mitsuko eyed him, and chuckled at the very similar outfit they were wearing.
“Wow, Suki. You really love idolizing me, huh?” she teased, taking the toast from her brother.
Both of them wore black tank tops, gray jogging pants, and the same pair of shoes that they got last Christmas. It’s not rare for them to have some twin telepathy moment, but it was still amusing.
“Shut the fuck up! I finished before you did so if anything it’s you that’s copying me!” Katsuki flicked her forehead before heading out, lowering his voice so he doesn’t wake their parents up.
The twins started jogging, and by the time they reached the beach, the sun could be seen in the horizon. The stopped by the shore and did some stretching. Mitsuko faced the sun rise, her head held high and arms stretching out on both sides. When the sun rays hit her skin, she took a deep breath and felt the energy fill her system like she’s a battery getting charged up. Her brother, continuing his stretches, watched her skin glow as bright as the morning sun.
Despite being twins, Katsuki and Mitsuko had different quirks. While Katsuki can produce nitroglycerin-like sweat and can make them explode on command, Mitsuko’s pores absorb sunlight and act like solar panels. She converts the sunlight into her own energy, which she then can create into solar barriers and blasts. Having sunlight to absorb is essential for her quirk, so doing a run before sunrise has become her routine. Since sweating opens up her pores and she gets the best amount of energy from sunrise.
The girl opened her eyes, and faced her twin, her body still glowing from the absorption. “We better come up with a new training plan if we want to get into U.A.” she told him, not feeling satisfied with her current physical condition.
“We have a few months. The written exam is a piece of cake, I doubt that we would have a hard time passing that one,” her brother replied. When it comes to academics, both of them can pass anything with no efforts. “It’s the practical exam you should worry about, because I’ll definitely beat you.”
“Stop being delusional, the only thing you’re good at is acting like a rabid chihuahua,” Mitsuko tried hiding her laugh but failed.
“THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN!?” before Katsuki could do anything, his sister had already sprinted away from him. “COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. He ran after her, small explosions coming out of his balled fists. “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!”
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levihanskid · 8 months ago
thank you for reading! i really want to try and update more often but i dont wanna promise anything 😭
‘Till the End of the Line: Bakugo Katsuki’s Twin AU chapter 1
i haven’t made a fic in years so idk how this is gonna go, but i’ve been cooking this one for a while now! i’m planning to make more in the future but idk
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“Where the hell is that bastard?” the girl muttered to herself as she stares at her phone, pissed at her twin brother for not picking up her calls. 
She and Katsuki were supposed to meet up at the grocery store and run some errands after school. Although it seems like the other twin had forgotten about it and decided to storm off somewhere.
The girl walked towards the nearby shopping district, with her long sand blonde hair swaying with the wind. As she approached the store, she fished her phone out of her pocket and attempted to call her brother one last time.
The phone rang for a second before a sudden explosion reached her ears. It seems to be in quite some distance since the sound was not as loud, but it still caught her attention. She saw people on the main street running in different directions, some ran towards the commotion, while others went the opposite way in a panic. 
She heard the sounds of explosions again, this time a lot louder for her to hear properly and recognize. The awfully familiar noise made her stomach twist. Who wouldn’t recognize the sound of their own twin’s quirk?
The blonde girl marched into the crowd, which was a few blocks away from where she was at. Anxiety engulfs her as the explosions continued and smoke started rising. She knew right at that moment that it was something serious, because she knows for a fact that Katsuki wouldn’t carelessly use his quirk that much in public if he wanted a clean record before getting into high school. Her twin brother is in real trouble.
As she finally reached the commotion, she felt her heart drop to her stomach. From the other side of the road, she could see the street on fire. The scene made her stop on her tracks, her crimson eyes wide as she makes out the figure of a sludge looking thing enveloping a kid with the same hair and eyes identical to hers.
The sight made her stand on her spot frozen as questions ran through her mind. What the hell is happening? Why is that thing trying to kill her brother? Where are the pro heroes? Surely they will help him, right? 
Another batch of explosions snapped her out of her brain and to her disappointment, her last question was answered. A giant hero stood on the side of a street just watching the boy struggle. With furrowed brows, she scanned the area and saw the other pro-heroes standing around and doing nothing to rescue her brother. 
Her anxiety was immediately replaced with raging anger when she realized that no one was trying to help Katsuki. She began crossing the road as tears welled up her eyes. 
“No you idiot! Stop! You’re gonna get yourself killed!”
She heard people gasp and pro-heroes yelling at another kid running to the villain. That unmistakably curly green hair… no way. Is Izuku trying to help Katsuki right now? Out of all people, a quirkless, scrawny boy is the one trying to rescue her brother?
Out of the corner of her eye, a skinny man seemed to have grown five times larger his size and jumped up. She didn’t pay much attention as she was too distracted to what was happening in front of her.
She was struggling to enter the scene because of the crowd when All Might appeared out of nowhere. Everything happened so fast, All Might quickly grabbed the two boys as he punched the villain, yelling his signature move. Everyone was stunned for a moment as they saw how the number one hero changed the weather because of his powerful move. But that’s none of her concern, she didn’t waste anymore time and quickly ran to her brother. 
“WHAT KIND OF PRO-HEROES ARE YOU?!?” the girl’s voice thundered. 
Moments after All Might’s victory over the sludge villain, media arrived to cover the incident. People praised Katsuki for his bravery, while they scolded Izuku for running into the scene like an idiot. Which riled her up even more.
“How could you just stand around knowing a villain is trying to kill someone!?” she continued yelling at the pros. 
“Mitsuko, calm down. You’re too loud,” Katsuki said in a low, raspy voice.
“No, I will not calm down!” she regarded her twin before turning back to the pro-heroes. “You call yourselves heroes yet you can’t do anything against a single villain even when you have the numbers?!”
“Relax kid, none of us had the quirk to go against that slime villain so we had to wait for someone with the appropriate ability. We did everything we could, we kept the damage to a minimum and kept civilians safe,” the hero with a large build said. He’s wearing a yellow and black-striped headband that matches his wrist guards and the belt around his waist. Mitsuko recognized him as the Punching Hero: Death Arms.
“Besides, your brother is fine. He was able to hold off on his own. You should be glad he had such powerful quirk,” the woman who was a giant earlier added, which she didn’t recognize at all so she assumed that the hero was fairly new. 
“And what if the victim was another person? What if it was someone who was not strong enough to fight the villain off? Would you be able to live up to that if someone died because you weren’t able to do anything to help?” Mitsuko said in a stern voice, eyeing every single pro-hero in front of her. 
The heroes fell silent so she chuckled in disbelief. “I can’t believe a middle schooler beat you in having the balls to at least try and do something.” 
She picked up her brother, who has been sitting on the floor, and started walking away. “Come on, Suki. Let’s go home.”
The twins walked home in silence. None of them dared to speak until Katsuki stopped before a corner of a street. 
“You go ahead, I want to do something first,” he told his sister as he started walking to a different direction.
“Hell no. Do you think I’d let you go on your own after all that? Are you stupid?” Mitsuri raised an eyebrow.
“Just go! I can handle myself!” he yelled at her without stopping in his tracks.
Mitsuko could hear the exhaustion lingering in her brother’s usual rude tone. So she decided not to follow but to wait for him instead.
“Fine, I’ll just wait for you here. Just hurry up or mom’s gonna kill us.”
Several minutes passed before she saw her brother walking back with hands in his pockets and his back slouched. None of them spoke as they navigated their route home.
The twins were greeted with their father’s worried face the second they opened the door of the Bakugo residence. 
“We saw the news. Are you guys okay? Were you hurt, son?”
Katsuki let out an audible scoff. “I’m fine, old man! I could’ve freed myself on my own if no one intervened!” 
“STOP LYING!” their mom yelled before walking out the kitchen. “If you weren’t so stupid you wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place!”
“SHUT UP! It wasn’t my fault that some heroes were dumb enough to let that ugly slime loose! He was so weak I could beat the hell out of him!” the boy yelled back.
“Could you guys at least let us take our shoes off and walk in? Jeez,” Mitsuko said in a condescending tone.
“Right. Well, you see my brother here got into a slimy situation so we forgot. Sorry about that,” she pointed her thumb at her brother, unbothered by the volume of their mom’s voice.
“It’s fine, I can get the groceries later,” their dad said, trying to calm everyone down. “Dinner is ready, let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
Katsuki and their mom’s banter continued to the dining table. Still talking about the incident and how much of an idiot Katsuki was for getting in trouble. Mitsuko didn’t mind, she focused on eating her food in hopes of not getting the same yelling her brother was having. After dinner, the twins automatically stood up to help cleaning up but was stopped by their mother.
“I’ll do the dishes. You guys go and wash up. Especially you, Katsuki!! You reek of sewer and trash!” unlike her tone before, she said that in a much friendlier way except that she didn’t miss the opportunity to scold one of her twins.
After washing up and changing into her pajamas, Mitsuko sat at her desk, facing her laptop. A video of her yelling at the pro-heroes earlier is playing on the screen. The news didn’t include her in the reports, but some citizen had taken a video of the scene and uploaded it to the internet, which garnered tons of views and attention. She only found out about it when some of her classmates notified her and sent her the link.
Mitsuko could clearly see her furious expression from the angle the video was taken, and she wondered what kind of impression that gave to other people, especially the heroes. Just as she was about to open the comment section to see what people think, a hand came from behind and closed her laptop shut. She looked up from her shoulder and saw her twin standing next to her, holding a mug of milk chocolate. She realized how unaware she was because she didn’t even hear him come in her room.
“Don’t even bother paying attention to that video. Most of the comments are full of morons,” Katsuki told her before setting the mug on her desk and plopping down her bed.
“You read the comments? What did it say?” Mitsuko asked, sipping her milk chocolate. It relaxed her a bit, and she silently thanked her brother for always remembering her comfort drink.
“Yeah, most of them are just dumb enough to not know the context before putting down a comment, calling you disrespectful and whatnot. While some of them agree with what you said. Especially with the ‘what if the victim was someone weak’ statement,” Katsuki answered, taking one of her pillows and wrapping his arms around it. “You didn’t have to say that, you know.”
“What? And have you get all the spotlight?” she raised a teasing eyebrow to her brother. “There’s no way I’ll let you have all the fame.”
The boy sat up, and was about to hit his sister with the pillow before realizing that she is still holding the mug. “I’m just saying! I get what the heroes were trying to say. Even if they tried, none of them had the quirk to counter that sludge. It’s unfortunate, but they did everything they could.”
Mitsuko put the mug down and crossed her arms. “I just don’t like the idea of just watching someone struggle and nearly die. I hate to say this but even Deku had more balls than those heroes.”
“That damn nerd is an idiot! Don’t even remind me of him! You should have seen his face. The moron was obviously terrified. And he had the guts to dream about getting into U.A. Thinking about it makes me want to puke,” her brother exclaimed.
“Well, at least he tried to do something,” she said in a low voice, facing away from her twin. “I couldn’t even do anything. I was frozen in my spot, my mind was all over the place and I couldn’t think straight. I don’t know what I would do if something bad did happen to you with me there.” She doesn’t want to admit it, but she felt guilty that she didn’t react faster to help him, when she knew damn well that her brother would’ve done everything he could if it was her in that position. 
“Don’t be stupid,” Katsuki sat up straight, whirling her chair around so they could face each other. “It’s over and I’m fine, stop overthinking things. Besides, that’s why we train right? So we can handle our own shit and not rely on each other every time,” her brother looked at her in the eyes with a serious expression. “Not that I need it, cause I’m stronger than you,” he added and his face grew into an annoying grin. 
“Don’t kid yourself,” Mitsuko rolled her eyes before drinking her milk chocolate ‘till the bottom’s up. “The reason I train is so I can become a better hero than those ones earlier. Someone who is able to help in any situation,” she added. It has always been the twins’ dream to become the best heroes. As kids, they used to role play with one twin playing as the hero who rescues the other and vice versa. 
“That reminds me, did you fill up those forms they gave to the classes earlier? The one where you put your school of choice for high school?” her brother asked.
“Yep. Obviously I only put U.A. and nothing else. I’m sure I’ll get in easily. Wouldn’t it be funny if I passed and you didn’t? That would be embarrassing,” she replied, teasing her twin again.
Knowing that she had finished her drink, Katsuki hit her with the pillow he’s been holding. “Like I’d fucking let that happen! And if you didn’t pass I would definitely not want to be seen with you, either!” he yelled and stood up to walk towards the door. “I’m going to bed. Don’t you dare stay up late! We have our morning run tomorrow! I swear I will literally throw you out of your bed if you’re not up!”
Mitsuko laughed, proud that she successfully annoyed her brother once again. “How the hell am I supposed to sleep now? You just gave me a chocolate drink!”
“That’s why I put milk in it you idiot!” Katsuki screamed before shutting the door. 
Like her usual routine, Mitsuko woke up before the crack of dawn, but this time she had dark circles under her eyes making it evident that she stayed up later than normal. Despite her twin’s advice to not read the comments under the viral video, she was too stubborn and still decided to go through them. The public’s opinion was mixed up, there were some who criticized her for being ungrateful. While some applauded her for being able to speak up and call the heroes out, which started debates on whether or not heroes are competent enough to do their job.
Part of her felt guilty for what she did, maybe she was wrong for lashing out at the heroes before knowing their side of the story. After all, they were pros, they knew better than she does. Now those heroes are getting hate comments on the internet because of her.
However, another part of her has too much ego and refuses to admit she did anything wrong. If there’s one thing Mitsuko hates, it’s people not living up to what they said they would do. Those pro-heroes became heroes because they exerted efforts to have their licenses and work as professionals. If they can’t do anything about a simple incident, then maybe they should just find another job.
An impatient knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be right out,” she stood in front of her mirror to put her hair up, grabbed a face towel and walked out of her room.
She walked down the stairs to see Katsuki standing by the front door holding a piece of toast on his left hand, while he munches on another with his right hand. Mitsuko eyed him, and chuckled at the very similar outfit they were wearing.
“Wow, Suki. You really love idolizing me, huh?” she teased, taking the toast from her brother.
Both of them wore black tank tops, gray jogging pants, and the same pair of shoes that they got last Christmas. It’s not rare for them to have some twin telepathy moment, but it was still amusing.
“Shut the fuck up! I finished before you did so if anything it’s you that’s copying me!” Katsuki flicked her forehead before heading out, lowering his voice so he doesn’t wake their parents up.
The twins started jogging, and by the time they reached the beach, the sun could be seen in the horizon. The stopped by the shore and did some stretching. Mitsuko faced the sun rise, her head held high and arms stretching out on both sides. When the sun rays hit her skin, she took a deep breath and felt the energy fill her system like she’s a battery getting charged up. Her brother, continuing his stretches, watched her skin glow as bright as the morning sun.
Despite being twins, Katsuki and Mitsuko had different quirks. While Katsuki can produce nitroglycerin-like sweat and can make them explode on command, Mitsuko’s pores absorb sunlight and act like solar panels. She converts the sunlight into her own energy, which she then can create into solar barriers and blasts. Having sunlight to absorb is essential for her quirk, so doing a run before sunrise has become her routine. Since sweating opens up her pores and she gets the best amount of energy from sunrise.
The girl opened her eyes, and faced her twin, her body still glowing from the absorption. “We better come up with a new training plan if we want to get into U.A.” she told him, not feeling satisfied with her current physical condition.
“We have a few months. The written exam is a piece of cake, I doubt that we would have a hard time passing that one,” her brother replied. When it comes to academics, both of them can pass anything with no efforts. “It’s the practical exam you should worry about, because I’ll definitely beat you.”
“Stop being delusional, the only thing you’re good at is acting like a rabid chihuahua,” Mitsuko tried hiding her laugh but failed.
“THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN!?” before Katsuki could do anything, his sister had already sprinted away from him. “COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. He ran after her, small explosions coming out of his balled fists. “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!”
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levihanskid · 8 months ago
‘Till the End of the Line: Bakugo Katsuki’s Twin AU chapter 2
Ch1 ao3 link wattpad link i'm sorry this took so long, vet school is killing me ;-; this chapter has been sitting in my drafts for so long but the latest episode made me finally do it
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The following months have been extensive for both Katsuki and Mitsuko. They tried to be consistent with their morning runs, but there were times where one or both of them would sleep in. Mostly Mitsuko, which pissed her twin a lot. After school, they would spend an hour improving their physical condition and stamina, and another hour training with their quirks. All while trying to keep up with their studies and reviewing for the entrance exam.
Ten months had passed, and the twins are now walking towards the enormous gates of UA High School. They took the written exam a few weeks ago, which was easier than they expected. Today is the day that the twins are anticipating the most, the practical exam. Mitsuko felt a mix of emotions as she looked up the school’s crest on top of the gate. She’s nervous, but at the same time she’s excited and can’t wait to put her training to use.
As they entered the school grounds, a familiar curly green hair caught her eyes. “Hey look, it’s your bff,” she nudged her brother.
From a few feet away, Midoriya Izuku stood at the middle in deep thought. Probably freaking out on the inside.
“Out of the way Deku!” Katsuki yelled.
“Kacchan! Micchan!” Izuku called in surprise.
Mitsuko visibly cringed at the nickname he used to address her and eyed the boy. “I told you to stop calling me that.”
“Move it! Or I’ll kill you!” her brother spat, unaffected by the childish nickname.
The boy immediately stepped out of the way and stuttered. “G-good morning! Let’s uh— let’s do our best!”
The twins didn’t say anything back, but she gave him a small smile before continuing to walk to the building.
“Isn’t that Bakugo? From the Sludge Villain Incident?”
“Yeah. And that’s the girl from the video. They’re twins aren’t they?”
Mitsuko is used to people murmuring about them, given that her brother is a big show off. This isn’t the first time they had people talking about something that one of them did, so she chose to ignore the whispers and looked ahead.
Inside the auditorium, they were greeted by the Voice Hero, Present mic. Mitsuko sat next to her brother, as well as Izuku who chose to be seated next to them and is currently fan boying over the pro hero at the podium. Katsuki tried telling him to shut up, but the boy kept muttering to himself and Mitsuko had to lean away from his direction to avoid getting distracted.
“As the application says, you’ll be participating in a ten minute battle in a mock city. Get ready! After this, you will head to your assigned battle center.”
She looked at her examination card, and then glanced over her brother’s.
“In other words, they’re not letting friends work together, huh?”
“You’re right,” Izuku agreed, his eyes glued to the blonde boy’s card. “We have consecutive numbers, but different centers.”
“Don’t look, want to die?” Katsuki threatened. “Tch. Now I can’t crush you, damn it.”
His last words made the curly boy move away a bit and turn his attention back to the stage.
“Makes sense,” Mitsuko whispered, her focus still on her card which displayed a letter C while her brother got A. “The exam is meant to test our individual abilities. They wouldn’t want us to tag-team.”
Present Mic continued his presentation. He went on to inform them about the types of mock villains they will be facing and that each type represents 1, 2, and 3 points each. They were also told about the gimmick villain that they’re supposed to run away from since it’s just there to cause trouble and not give points.
She played with her fingers as she tried to listen, making sure she knows every detail.
“Stop fidgeting,” her brother snapped. “It’s annoying. Why are nervous anyway?”
“I don’t know. It’s a mix between excitement and anxiety. And this orientation is taking so long,” she replied, intertwining her fingers to keep them steady.
“You’re right. We’ve heard enough, I can’t wait to crush those bots. Think you can get a hundred points?” her twin asked, still looking ahead. Although it’s obvious that he’s also starting to get restless.
“A hundred might be impossible, considering the time limit, the competition, and the fact that we won’t have any idea where the villains would be.”
“I can make it possible,” he brother scoffed. “And I’ll make sure to get the first spot.”
“Is that a challenge?” she raised a brow. “Whoever gets less points have to do the other’s chores for two weeks, then.”
Katsuki grinned at the raised stake. “Deal. Let’s show these extras how it’s done.”
Mitsuko tried containing her loud heartbeats as she stood before the door where the exam is going to take place. After the orientation, they were directed to change out of their middle school uniforms and get on the bus that would take them to their respective battle centers. She had changed into a white racerback tank top and some sweat pants.
The format of the test is very fortunate for her, since her quirk can easily be utilized. She imagined how those with quirks that only works to people would do against robots.
“Let’s do our best!” she heard an excited voice. Mitsuko looked over her shoulder to see a girl with pink hair and pink skin talking to the people around her with no tinge of awkwardness. They locked eyes for a moment.
“Huh? Why do you look familiar?” the girl looked at her with a hint of recognition.
Before she could respond, the voice of the hero Present Mic echoed through the speakers.
“Start! What are waiting for? Real fights don’t have countdowns!”
Mitsuko didn’t waste any second and ran inside the training grounds, using her quirk to propel herself forward.
She saw a couple of number 1 and 2 robots straight ahead. Without any hesitation, she pointed her palms toward them and willed her quirk out. Her forearms glowed in bright white-yellow color. The light traveled onto her hands into her palms before blasting to the direction of the robots. They exploded with the contact, leaving electric sparks and smokes.
“Nice quirk ‘ya got there,” a voice from behind commented. Mitsuko whirled around and saw a boy approaching her. He’s got blonde hair and gray eyes, but what caught her attention (in a bad way) was the annoying smug face that he has.
She didn’t reply, so the boy continued. “Must be nice having a quirk so flashy, huh?”
He tapped her on the shoulder, and a look of recognition flashed across his face for a second, before being replaced with a smirk. “Weren’t you that girl from the video? Didn’t expect you to be here after all that shit talking to those heroes.”
The smirk was one thing, but his words made Mitsuko’s blood boil. Her red pupils dilated and her right eyebrow raised as she tried to stop herself from blinding the guy. She shouldn’t be distracted right now.
Another batch of robots showed up, and she thanked the heavens for giving her an excuse to walk away from where she’s currently standing.
“Sorry, but I don’t have time for a chitchat,” she said in a monotone voice, swatting the guy’s hand away from her shoulder.
She ran to destroy the robots, but before she could stretch her hands out, quick flashes of light reached and blasted them into pieces. No, those were not just lights, they look too much like hers.
She looked back to where the lights came from, confusion clearly visible from her face.
“Whoops! Sorry for stealing points from ‘ya, but I gotta do what I gotta do, don’t ‘ya think?” it was the same blonde guy, still wearing his irritating smirk. He turned on his heel and began walking away. “I’ll be having this flashy quirk for a while, better make use of it!”
Those words confused her even more. Did he just get her quirk?
She shook her head and put her focus back on the exam. Shit. Was he trying to stall me for some reason?
The exam just started, but she could’ve gotten more points if she wasn’t standing around having a one sided conversation with that guy. She can’t afford to waste more time.
She flew around the grounds looking for more targets, blasting her quirk backwards to levitate and propel herself faster. Taking down every robot she encounters along the way as quickly as she could.
She was at 23 points, if she counted correctly, when she reached the area where a lot of the kids are gathered. Present Mic’s voice echoed through the speakers again.
“We have reached the half time!! Five minutes left before the exam ends!!!”
She saw a bunch of robots with different points surrounding the students. More people means more robots to see them as targets. Just as she figured.
Mitsuko jumped over, smirking in satisfaction as she shot her quirk out at every single robot within her sight while using her flexibility and agility to maneuver herself.
The kids stared at her in awe. “What an awesome quirk she’s got.”
“Isn’t she the girl from that one video?”
“Hey! Leave some points for us!” one of them shouted out.
She continued gathering points, keeping herself airborne using her quirk and sometimes stepping on the robots to use them to keep her momentum. She kept going, faster and quicker, not letting the others steal points from her again.
By the time her feet touched the ground, all of the robots around the area were already blown into bits. Mitsuko wiped the sweat from her forehead and tightened her ponytail. She also noticed her arms glowing a bit. She must’ve used up the stored energy in her body since it’s currently absorbing sunlight again.
“You are so cool!! Those movements were amazing! You look like you could be a great dancer!” the same pink girl ran to her with enthusiasm. Mitsuko just noticed a pair of horns protruding out from her pink curly locks.
“I don’t dance,” she replied, looking around for more robots to destroy. She realized she lost count of her points after her exhibition earlier.
“Really? You should try! The way you’re moving while fighting is awesome!”
“I came here to be a hero, not a dancer,” Mitsuko cut the girls’ blabbering. “Sorry, but I really don’t have the time to–“
The ground shook, and a loud grumbling mechanical sound cut her last sentence. She looked up to see a huge robot approaching. It’s the zero point they were supposed to run away from.
Anyone with no balls would run away from that thing, all right. She thought to herself.
“Let’s go! That’s a no-pointer!” the pink girl pulled the back of her top.
Before they could take a step back however, the robot continued to stroll through the streets, destroying the buildings and causing debris to fall down.
Talk about keeping the damage to a minimum!
People began to scatter in a panic. Everyone was pushing trying to run away.
A huge piece of the building’s wall caught Mitsuko’s attention. It was plummeting into the direction of the students, specifically the pink girl. Mitsuko didn’t even realize that the girl started running off. The girl was looking over her left shoulder, seemingly trying to call Mitsuko to join the retreat. While the debris was coming from her right side, a complete blind spot.
She hasn’t trained much to target moving objects, not to mention fast ones. So she decided not to try and shoot it while it’s falling down.
Her next action was caused by the heat of the moment. It was a crazy idea, but she prayed it would work.
Mitsuko ran towards the girl faster than the rock. When she reached her, she pushed the girl out of the way and produced the strongest energy barrier she could muster. It was a move she’s been improving for the past year. It worked against her brother’s attacks, so she’s hoping that it’ll work against the huge piece of rock.
It did. Sort of.
She was able to stop the debris without her barrier faltering, but its weight and momentum was too heavy. She couldn’t free a hand to blast the rock into pieces. Now she’s stuck holding both her hands up to maintain the barrier.
She heard the pink girl grunt from behind her, and a spray of acid splashed onto the lower part of the rock causing it to move a little. In that given moment, Mitsuko quickly released her barrier and used her quirk again to make the rock explode.
The debris was casting a shadow over her so unlike before, her arms seemed to glow brighter. The rock blew up into pieces, but her body continued to glow a little as it absorbed sunlight to compensate for the energy she just lost.
Mitsuko turned around, panting as bits of sweat began forming on her forehead. She saw the girl trying to stand on her feet, but she couldn’t seem to put weight on her left foot.
“Can you run?” Mitsuko asked.
“No, I think I sprained my ankle from falling down earlier. Why’d you have to push me so hard anyway?!” the girl exclaimed.
“Huh!?” Mitsuko’s brows furrowed. “How is that my fault?! I just saved your ass!”
They didn’t have more time to argue, because the zero-point robot was nearing their position. As much as she hated it, Mitsuko took the girl’s arm over her shoulder and began moving. The people had thinned out, the other examinees must’ve managed to run off far from where they were.
Great. That just made their situation worse, because now the only targets the robot has was the two of them. And it’s currently aiming its enormous metal hand to swat them like little flies.
Despite trying to convince herself that UA wouldn’t allow anyone to get killed for an entrance exam, Mitsuko’s wracking nerves still got the best of her.
With gritted teeth, she let go of the girl’s arms, “Take cover!” she yelled and turned around to face the giant villain. She raised her arms, still glowing from the absorption, and waited for the perfect time to blast. But before that perfect time came, she felt a sudden smack behind her head.
Anger and confusion took over her as she tried to process what just happened. Mitsuko looked around with furrowed brows and saw a guy walking past her.
The annoying blonde kid from earlier stood in front of her and threw an energy blast towards the hands of the robot. Just like their first encounter, his blast looked so much like her quirk. The villain stopped, and the boy snickered before looking back at her. “I never planned to go after the gimmick, but I thought you needed saving,” he said in an arrogant voice which made Mitsuko’s mind ring in irritation.
“YOU FUCKING COPYCAT!” she began stomping towards him.
“Oh, you finally figured it out? You’re welcome, although that’s not a very nice nickna—“
There was a loud metallic creaking sound. Mitsuko looked up, the smokes are gone so she could clearly see how right she was. The robot is still standing, not even a dent could be seen in its huge hands that is now coming down to them faster than before.
She muttered a curse before running to the right side, leaving the other two frozen in their place. When she reached the right spot, she raised her arms once again and acted as fast as she could.
She willed her quirk out, this time much stronger and concentrated than before, making her entire arms glow instead of just her forearms. The light traveled through her hands and palms before shooting out, her legs almost giving up from the shot's recoil. It hit the robot’s elbow, just as she planned. Her attack was powerful enough to pierce through its armor and cut its forearm off, stopping it from hitting the other kids.
Panting, Mitsuko then just realized that she lost track of both the time and her points. She was about to run to gather more points when Present Mic’s voice echoed once again.
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levihanskid · 9 months ago
it took a bit long, but i finally published this fic on AO3!!
here is the link <3 i didnt realize a single chapter was too long but i dont think it's a good idea to break it into to chapters so ;-;
‘Till the End of the Line: Bakugo Katsuki’s Twin AU chapter 1
i haven’t made a fic in years so idk how this is gonna go, but i’ve been cooking this one for a while now! i’m planning to make more in the future but idk
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“Where the hell is that bastard?” the girl muttered to herself as she stares at her phone, pissed at her twin brother for not picking up her calls. 
She and Katsuki were supposed to meet up at the grocery store and run some errands after school. Although it seems like the other twin had forgotten about it and decided to storm off somewhere.
The girl walked towards the nearby shopping district, with her long sand blonde hair swaying with the wind. As she approached the store, she fished her phone out of her pocket and attempted to call her brother one last time.
The phone rang for a second before a sudden explosion reached her ears. It seems to be in quite some distance since the sound was not as loud, but it still caught her attention. She saw people on the main street running in different directions, some ran towards the commotion, while others went the opposite way in a panic. 
She heard the sounds of explosions again, this time a lot louder for her to hear properly and recognize. The awfully familiar noise made her stomach twist. Who wouldn’t recognize the sound of their own twin’s quirk?
The blonde girl marched into the crowd, which was a few blocks away from where she was at. Anxiety engulfs her as the explosions continued and smoke started rising. She knew right at that moment that it was something serious, because she knows for a fact that Katsuki wouldn’t carelessly use his quirk that much in public if he wanted a clean record before getting into high school. Her twin brother is in real trouble.
As she finally reached the commotion, she felt her heart drop to her stomach. From the other side of the road, she could see the street on fire. The scene made her stop on her tracks, her crimson eyes wide as she makes out the figure of a sludge looking thing enveloping a kid with the same hair and eyes identical to hers.
The sight made her stand on her spot frozen as questions ran through her mind. What the hell is happening? Why is that thing trying to kill her brother? Where are the pro heroes? Surely they will help him, right? 
Another batch of explosions snapped her out of her brain and to her disappointment, her last question was answered. A giant hero stood on the side of a street just watching the boy struggle. With furrowed brows, she scanned the area and saw the other pro-heroes standing around and doing nothing to rescue her brother. 
Her anxiety was immediately replaced with raging anger when she realized that no one was trying to help Katsuki. She began crossing the road as tears welled up her eyes. 
“No you idiot! Stop! You’re gonna get yourself killed!”
She heard people gasp and pro-heroes yelling at another kid running to the villain. That unmistakably curly green hair… no way. Is Izuku trying to help Katsuki right now? Out of all people, a quirkless, scrawny boy is the one trying to rescue her brother?
Out of the corner of her eye, a skinny man seemed to have grown five times larger his size and jumped up. She didn’t pay much attention as she was too distracted to what was happening in front of her.
She was struggling to enter the scene because of the crowd when All Might appeared out of nowhere. Everything happened so fast, All Might quickly grabbed the two boys as he punched the villain, yelling his signature move. Everyone was stunned for a moment as they saw how the number one hero changed the weather because of his powerful move. But that’s none of her concern, she didn’t waste anymore time and quickly ran to her brother. 
“WHAT KIND OF PRO-HEROES ARE YOU?!?” the girl’s voice thundered. 
Moments after All Might’s victory over the sludge villain, media arrived to cover the incident. People praised Katsuki for his bravery, while they scolded Izuku for running into the scene like an idiot. Which riled her up even more.
“How could you just stand around knowing a villain is trying to kill someone!?” she continued yelling at the pros. 
“Mitsuko, calm down. You’re too loud,” Katsuki said in a low, raspy voice.
“No, I will not calm down!” she regarded her twin before turning back to the pro-heroes. “You call yourselves heroes yet you can’t do anything against a single villain even when you have the numbers?!”
“Relax kid, none of us had the quirk to go against that slime villain so we had to wait for someone with the appropriate ability. We did everything we could, we kept the damage to a minimum and kept civilians safe,” the hero with a large build said. He’s wearing a yellow and black-striped headband that matches his wrist guards and the belt around his waist. Mitsuko recognized him as the Punching Hero: Death Arms.
“Besides, your brother is fine. He was able to hold off on his own. You should be glad he had such powerful quirk,” the woman who was a giant earlier added, which she didn’t recognize at all so she assumed that the hero was fairly new. 
“And what if the victim was another person? What if it was someone who was not strong enough to fight the villain off? Would you be able to live up to that if someone died because you weren’t able to do anything to help?” Mitsuko said in a stern voice, eyeing every single pro-hero in front of her. 
The heroes fell silent so she chuckled in disbelief. “I can’t believe a middle schooler beat you in having the balls to at least try and do something.” 
She picked up her brother, who has been sitting on the floor, and started walking away. “Come on, Suki. Let’s go home.”
The twins walked home in silence. None of them dared to speak until Katsuki stopped before a corner of a street. 
“You go ahead, I want to do something first,” he told his sister as he started walking to a different direction.
“Hell no. Do you think I’d let you go on your own after all that? Are you stupid?” Mitsuri raised an eyebrow.
“Just go! I can handle myself!” he yelled at her without stopping in his tracks.
Mitsuko could hear the exhaustion lingering in her brother’s usual rude tone. So she decided not to follow but to wait for him instead.
“Fine, I’ll just wait for you here. Just hurry up or mom’s gonna kill us.”
Several minutes passed before she saw her brother walking back with hands in his pockets and his back slouched. None of them spoke as they navigated their route home.
The twins were greeted with their father’s worried face the second they opened the door of the Bakugo residence. 
“We saw the news. Are you guys okay? Were you hurt, son?”
Katsuki let out an audible scoff. “I’m fine, old man! I could’ve freed myself on my own if no one intervened!” 
“STOP LYING!” their mom yelled before walking out the kitchen. “If you weren’t so stupid you wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place!”
“SHUT UP! It wasn’t my fault that some heroes were dumb enough to let that ugly slime loose! He was so weak I could beat the hell out of him!” the boy yelled back.
“Could you guys at least let us take our shoes off and walk in? Jeez,” Mitsuko said in a condescending tone.
“Right. Well, you see my brother here got into a slimy situation so we forgot. Sorry about that,” she pointed her thumb at her brother, unbothered by the volume of their mom’s voice.
“It’s fine, I can get the groceries later,” their dad said, trying to calm everyone down. “Dinner is ready, let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
Katsuki and their mom’s banter continued to the dining table. Still talking about the incident and how much of an idiot Katsuki was for getting in trouble. Mitsuko didn’t mind, she focused on eating her food in hopes of not getting the same yelling her brother was having. After dinner, the twins automatically stood up to help cleaning up but was stopped by their mother.
“I’ll do the dishes. You guys go and wash up. Especially you, Katsuki!! You reek of sewer and trash!” unlike her tone before, she said that in a much friendlier way except that she didn’t miss the opportunity to scold one of her twins.
After washing up and changing into her pajamas, Mitsuko sat at her desk, facing her laptop. A video of her yelling at the pro-heroes earlier is playing on the screen. The news didn’t include her in the reports, but some citizen had taken a video of the scene and uploaded it to the internet, which garnered tons of views and attention. She only found out about it when some of her classmates notified her and sent her the link.
Mitsuko could clearly see her furious expression from the angle the video was taken, and she wondered what kind of impression that gave to other people, especially the heroes. Just as she was about to open the comment section to see what people think, a hand came from behind and closed her laptop shut. She looked up from her shoulder and saw her twin standing next to her, holding a mug of milk chocolate. She realized how unaware she was because she didn’t even hear him come in her room.
“Don’t even bother paying attention to that video. Most of the comments are full of morons,” Katsuki told her before setting the mug on her desk and plopping down her bed.
“You read the comments? What did it say?” Mitsuko asked, sipping her milk chocolate. It relaxed her a bit, and she silently thanked her brother for always remembering her comfort drink.
“Yeah, most of them are just dumb enough to not know the context before putting down a comment, calling you disrespectful and whatnot. While some of them agree with what you said. Especially with the ‘what if the victim was someone weak’ statement,” Katsuki answered, taking one of her pillows and wrapping his arms around it. “You didn’t have to say that, you know.”
“What? And have you get all the spotlight?” she raised a teasing eyebrow to her brother. “There’s no way I’ll let you have all the fame.”
The boy sat up, and was about to hit his sister with the pillow before realizing that she is still holding the mug. “I’m just saying! I get what the heroes were trying to say. Even if they tried, none of them had the quirk to counter that sludge. It’s unfortunate, but they did everything they could.”
Mitsuko put the mug down and crossed her arms. “I just don’t like the idea of just watching someone struggle and nearly die. I hate to say this but even Deku had more balls than those heroes.”
“That damn nerd is an idiot! Don’t even remind me of him! You should have seen his face. The moron was obviously terrified. And he had the guts to dream about getting into U.A. Thinking about it makes me want to puke,” her brother exclaimed.
“Well, at least he tried to do something,” she said in a low voice, facing away from her twin. “I couldn’t even do anything. I was frozen in my spot, my mind was all over the place and I couldn’t think straight. I don’t know what I would do if something bad did happen to you with me there.” She doesn’t want to admit it, but she felt guilty that she didn’t react faster to help him, when she knew damn well that her brother would’ve done everything he could if it was her in that position. 
“Don’t be stupid,” Katsuki sat up straight, whirling her chair around so they could face each other. “It’s over and I’m fine, stop overthinking things. Besides, that’s why we train right? So we can handle our own shit and not rely on each other every time,” her brother looked at her in the eyes with a serious expression. “Not that I need it, cause I’m stronger than you,” he added and his face grew into an annoying grin. 
“Don’t kid yourself,” Mitsuko rolled her eyes before drinking her milk chocolate ‘till the bottom’s up. “The reason I train is so I can become a better hero than those ones earlier. Someone who is able to help in any situation,” she added. It has always been the twins’ dream to become the best heroes. As kids, they used to role play with one twin playing as the hero who rescues the other and vice versa. 
“That reminds me, did you fill up those forms they gave to the classes earlier? The one where you put your school of choice for high school?” her brother asked.
“Yep. Obviously I only put U.A. and nothing else. I’m sure I’ll get in easily. Wouldn’t it be funny if I passed and you didn’t? That would be embarrassing,” she replied, teasing her twin again.
Knowing that she had finished her drink, Katsuki hit her with the pillow he’s been holding. “Like I’d fucking let that happen! And if you didn’t pass I would definitely not want to be seen with you, either!” he yelled and stood up to walk towards the door. “I’m going to bed. Don’t you dare stay up late! We have our morning run tomorrow! I swear I will literally throw you out of your bed if you’re not up!”
Mitsuko laughed, proud that she successfully annoyed her brother once again. “How the hell am I supposed to sleep now? You just gave me a chocolate drink!”
“That’s why I put milk in it you idiot!” Katsuki screamed before shutting the door. 
Like her usual routine, Mitsuko woke up before the crack of dawn, but this time she had dark circles under her eyes making it evident that she stayed up later than normal. Despite her twin’s advice to not read the comments under the viral video, she was too stubborn and still decided to go through them. The public’s opinion was mixed up, there were some who criticized her for being ungrateful. While some applauded her for being able to speak up and call the heroes out, which started debates on whether or not heroes are competent enough to do their job.
Part of her felt guilty for what she did, maybe she was wrong for lashing out at the heroes before knowing their side of the story. After all, they were pros, they knew better than she does. Now those heroes are getting hate comments on the internet because of her.
However, another part of her has too much ego and refuses to admit she did anything wrong. If there’s one thing Mitsuko hates, it’s people not living up to what they said they would do. Those pro-heroes became heroes because they exerted efforts to have their licenses and work as professionals. If they can’t do anything about a simple incident, then maybe they should just find another job.
An impatient knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be right out,” she stood in front of her mirror to put her hair up, grabbed a face towel and walked out of her room.
She walked down the stairs to see Katsuki standing by the front door holding a piece of toast on his left hand, while he munches on another with his right hand. Mitsuko eyed him, and chuckled at the very similar outfit they were wearing.
“Wow, Suki. You really love idolizing me, huh?” she teased, taking the toast from her brother.
Both of them wore black tank tops, gray jogging pants, and the same pair of shoes that they got last Christmas. It’s not rare for them to have some twin telepathy moment, but it was still amusing.
“Shut the fuck up! I finished before you did so if anything it’s you that’s copying me!” Katsuki flicked her forehead before heading out, lowering his voice so he doesn’t wake their parents up.
The twins started jogging, and by the time they reached the beach, the sun could be seen in the horizon. The stopped by the shore and did some stretching. Mitsuko faced the sun rise, her head held high and arms stretching out on both sides. When the sun rays hit her skin, she took a deep breath and felt the energy fill her system like she’s a battery getting charged up. Her brother, continuing his stretches, watched her skin glow as bright as the morning sun.
Despite being twins, Katsuki and Mitsuko had different quirks. While Katsuki can produce nitroglycerin-like sweat and can make them explode on command, Mitsuko’s pores absorb sunlight and act like solar panels. She converts the sunlight into her own energy, which she then can create into solar barriers and blasts. Having sunlight to absorb is essential for her quirk, so doing a run before sunrise has become her routine. Since sweating opens up her pores and she gets the best amount of energy from sunrise.
The girl opened her eyes, and faced her twin, her body still glowing from the absorption. “We better come up with a new training plan if we want to get into U.A.” she told him, not feeling satisfied with her current physical condition.
“We have a few months. The written exam is a piece of cake, I doubt that we would have a hard time passing that one,” her brother replied. When it comes to academics, both of them can pass anything with no efforts. “It’s the practical exam you should worry about, because I’ll definitely beat you.”
“Stop being delusional, the only thing you’re good at is acting like a rabid chihuahua,” Mitsuko tried hiding her laugh but failed.
“THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN!?” before Katsuki could do anything, his sister had already sprinted away from him. “COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. He ran after her, small explosions coming out of his balled fists. “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!”
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levihanskid · 11 months ago
‘Till the End of the Line: Bakugo Katsuki’s Twin AU chapter 1
Ch2 ao3 link wattpad link i haven’t made a fic in years so idk how this is gonna go, but i’ve been cooking this one for a while now! i’m planning to make more in the future but idk
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“Where the hell is that bastard?” the girl muttered to herself as she stares at her phone, pissed at her twin brother for not picking up her calls. 
She and Katsuki were supposed to meet up at the grocery store and run some errands after school. Although it seems like the other twin had forgotten about it and decided to storm off somewhere.
The girl walked towards the nearby shopping district, with her long sand blonde hair swaying with the wind. As she approached the store, she fished her phone out of her pocket and attempted to call her brother one last time.
The phone rang for a second before a sudden explosion reached her ears. It seems to be in quite some distance since the sound was not as loud, but it still caught her attention. She saw people on the main street running in different directions, some ran towards the commotion, while others went the opposite way in a panic. 
She heard the sounds of explosions again, this time a lot louder for her to hear properly and recognize. The awfully familiar noise made her stomach twist. Who wouldn’t recognize the sound of their own twin’s quirk?
The blonde girl marched into the crowd, which was a few blocks away from where she was at. Anxiety engulfs her as the explosions continued and smoke started rising. She knew right at that moment that it was something serious, because she knows for a fact that Katsuki wouldn’t carelessly use his quirk that much in public if he wanted a clean record before getting into high school. Her twin brother is in real trouble.
As she finally reached the commotion, she felt her heart drop to her stomach. From the other side of the road, she could see the street on fire. The scene made her stop on her tracks, her crimson eyes wide as she makes out the figure of a sludge looking thing enveloping a kid with the same hair and eyes identical to hers.
The sight made her stand on her spot frozen as questions ran through her mind. What the hell is happening? Why is that thing trying to kill her brother? Where are the pro heroes? Surely they will help him, right? 
Another batch of explosions snapped her out of her brain and to her disappointment, her last question was answered. A giant hero stood on the side of a street just watching the boy struggle. With furrowed brows, she scanned the area and saw the other pro-heroes standing around and doing nothing to rescue her brother. 
Her anxiety was immediately replaced with raging anger when she realized that no one was trying to help Katsuki. She began crossing the road as tears welled up her eyes. 
“No you idiot! Stop! You’re gonna get yourself killed!”
She heard people gasp and pro-heroes yelling at another kid running to the villain. That unmistakably curly green hair… no way. Is Izuku trying to help Katsuki right now? Out of all people, a quirkless, scrawny boy is the one trying to rescue her brother?
Out of the corner of her eye, a skinny man seemed to have grown five times larger his size and jumped up. She didn’t pay much attention as she was too distracted to what was happening in front of her.
She was struggling to enter the scene because of the crowd when All Might appeared out of nowhere. Everything happened so fast, All Might quickly grabbed the two boys as he punched the villain, yelling his signature move. Everyone was stunned for a moment as they saw how the number one hero changed the weather because of his powerful move. But that’s none of her concern, she didn’t waste anymore time and quickly ran to her brother. 
“WHAT KIND OF PRO-HEROES ARE YOU?!?” the girl’s voice thundered. 
Moments after All Might’s victory over the sludge villain, media arrived to cover the incident. People praised Katsuki for his bravery, while they scolded Izuku for running into the scene like an idiot. Which riled her up even more.
“How could you just stand around knowing a villain is trying to kill someone!?” she continued yelling at the pros. 
“Mitsuko, calm down. You’re too loud,” Katsuki said in a low, raspy voice.
“No, I will not calm down!” she regarded her twin before turning back to the pro-heroes. “You call yourselves heroes yet you can’t do anything against a single villain even when you have the numbers?!”
“Relax kid, none of us had the quirk to go against that slime villain so we had to wait for someone with the appropriate ability. We did everything we could, we kept the damage to a minimum and kept civilians safe,” the hero with a large build said. He’s wearing a yellow and black-striped headband that matches his wrist guards and the belt around his waist. Mitsuko recognized him as the Punching Hero: Death Arms.
“Besides, your brother is fine. He was able to hold off on his own. You should be glad he had such powerful quirk,” the woman who was a giant earlier added, which she didn’t recognize at all so she assumed that the hero was fairly new. 
“And what if the victim was another person? What if it was someone who was not strong enough to fight the villain off? Would you be able to live up to that if someone died because you weren’t able to do anything to help?” Mitsuko said in a stern voice, eyeing every single pro-hero in front of her. 
The heroes fell silent so she chuckled in disbelief. “I can’t believe a middle schooler beat you in having the balls to at least try and do something.” 
She picked up her brother, who has been sitting on the floor, and started walking away. “Come on, Suki. Let’s go home.”
The twins walked home in silence. None of them dared to speak until Katsuki stopped before a corner of a street. 
“You go ahead, I want to do something first,” he told his sister as he started walking to a different direction.
“Hell no. Do you think I’d let you go on your own after all that? Are you stupid?” Mitsuri raised an eyebrow.
“Just go! I can handle myself!” he yelled at her without stopping in his tracks.
Mitsuko could hear the exhaustion lingering in her brother’s usual rude tone. So she decided not to follow but to wait for him instead.
“Fine, I’ll just wait for you here. Just hurry up or mom’s gonna kill us.”
Several minutes passed before she saw her brother walking back with hands in his pockets and his back slouched. None of them spoke as they navigated their route home.
The twins were greeted with their father’s worried face the second they opened the door of the Bakugo residence. 
“We saw the news. Are you guys okay? Were you hurt, son?”
Katsuki let out an audible scoff. “I’m fine, old man! I could’ve freed myself on my own if no one intervened!” 
“STOP LYING!” their mom yelled before walking out the kitchen. “If you weren’t so stupid you wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place!”
“SHUT UP! It wasn’t my fault that some heroes were dumb enough to let that ugly slime loose! He was so weak I could beat the hell out of him!” the boy yelled back.
“Could you guys at least let us take our shoes off and walk in? Jeez,” Mitsuko said in a condescending tone.
“Right. Well, you see my brother here got into a slimy situation so we forgot. Sorry about that,” she pointed her thumb at her brother, unbothered by the volume of their mom’s voice.
“It’s fine, I can get the groceries later,” their dad said, trying to calm everyone down. “Dinner is ready, let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
Katsuki and their mom’s banter continued to the dining table. Still talking about the incident and how much of an idiot Katsuki was for getting in trouble. Mitsuko didn’t mind, she focused on eating her food in hopes of not getting the same yelling her brother was having. After dinner, the twins automatically stood up to help cleaning up but was stopped by their mother.
“I’ll do the dishes. You guys go and wash up. Especially you, Katsuki!! You reek of sewer and trash!” unlike her tone before, she said that in a much friendlier way except that she didn’t miss the opportunity to scold one of her twins.
After washing up and changing into her pajamas, Mitsuko sat at her desk, facing her laptop. A video of her yelling at the pro-heroes earlier is playing on the screen. The news didn’t include her in the reports, but some citizen had taken a video of the scene and uploaded it to the internet, which garnered tons of views and attention. She only found out about it when some of her classmates notified her and sent her the link.
Mitsuko could clearly see her furious expression from the angle the video was taken, and she wondered what kind of impression that gave to other people, especially the heroes. Just as she was about to open the comment section to see what people think, a hand came from behind and closed her laptop shut. She looked up from her shoulder and saw her twin standing next to her, holding a mug of milk chocolate. She realized how unaware she was because she didn’t even hear him come in her room.
“Don’t even bother paying attention to that video. Most of the comments are full of morons,” Katsuki told her before setting the mug on her desk and plopping down her bed.
“You read the comments? What did it say?” Mitsuko asked, sipping her milk chocolate. It relaxed her a bit, and she silently thanked her brother for always remembering her comfort drink.
“Yeah, most of them are just dumb enough to not know the context before putting down a comment, calling you disrespectful and whatnot. While some of them agree with what you said. Especially with the ‘what if the victim was someone weak’ statement,” Katsuki answered, taking one of her pillows and wrapping his arms around it. “You didn’t have to say that, you know.”
“What? And have you get all the spotlight?” she raised a teasing eyebrow to her brother. “There’s no way I’ll let you have all the fame.”
The boy sat up, and was about to hit his sister with the pillow before realizing that she is still holding the mug. “I’m just saying! I get what the heroes were trying to say. Even if they tried, none of them had the quirk to counter that sludge. It’s unfortunate, but they did everything they could.”
Mitsuko put the mug down and crossed her arms. “I just don’t like the idea of just watching someone struggle and nearly die. I hate to say this but even Deku had more balls than those heroes.”
“That damn nerd is an idiot! Don’t even remind me of him! You should have seen his face. The moron was obviously terrified. And he had the guts to dream about getting into U.A. Thinking about it makes me want to puke,” her brother exclaimed.
“Well, at least he tried to do something,” she said in a low voice, facing away from her twin. “I couldn’t even do anything. I was frozen in my spot, my mind was all over the place and I couldn’t think straight. I don’t know what I would do if something bad did happen to you with me there.” She doesn’t want to admit it, but she felt guilty that she didn’t react faster to help him, when she knew damn well that her brother would’ve done everything he could if it was her in that position. 
“Don’t be stupid,” Katsuki sat up straight, whirling her chair around so they could face each other. “It’s over and I’m fine, stop overthinking things. Besides, that’s why we train right? So we can handle our own shit and not rely on each other every time,” her brother looked at her in the eyes with a serious expression. “Not that I need it, cause I’m stronger than you,” he added and his face grew into an annoying grin. 
“Don’t kid yourself,” Mitsuko rolled her eyes before drinking her milk chocolate ‘till the bottom’s up. “The reason I train is so I can become a better hero than those ones earlier. Someone who is able to help in any situation,” she added. It has always been the twins’ dream to become the best heroes. As kids, they used to role play with one twin playing as the hero who rescues the other and vice versa. 
“That reminds me, did you fill up those forms they gave to the classes earlier? The one where you put your school of choice for high school?” her brother asked.
“Yep. Obviously I only put U.A. and nothing else. I’m sure I’ll get in easily. Wouldn’t it be funny if I passed and you didn’t? That would be embarrassing,” she replied, teasing her twin again.
Knowing that she had finished her drink, Katsuki hit her with the pillow he’s been holding. “Like I’d fucking let that happen! And if you didn’t pass I would definitely not want to be seen with you, either!” he yelled and stood up to walk towards the door. “I’m going to bed. Don’t you dare stay up late! We have our morning run tomorrow! I swear I will literally throw you out of your bed if you’re not up!”
Mitsuko laughed, proud that she successfully annoyed her brother once again. “How the hell am I supposed to sleep now? You just gave me a chocolate drink!”
“That’s why I put milk in it you idiot!” Katsuki screamed before shutting the door. 
Like her usual routine, Mitsuko woke up before the crack of dawn, but this time she had dark circles under her eyes making it evident that she stayed up later than normal. Despite her twin’s advice to not read the comments under the viral video, she was too stubborn and still decided to go through them. The public’s opinion was mixed up, there were some who criticized her for being ungrateful. While some applauded her for being able to speak up and call the heroes out, which started debates on whether or not heroes are competent enough to do their job.
Part of her felt guilty for what she did, maybe she was wrong for lashing out at the heroes before knowing their side of the story. After all, they were pros, they knew better than she does. Now those heroes are getting hate comments on the internet because of her.
However, another part of her has too much ego and refuses to admit she did anything wrong. If there’s one thing Mitsuko hates, it’s people not living up to what they said they would do. Those pro-heroes became heroes because they exerted efforts to have their licenses and work as professionals. If they can’t do anything about a simple incident, then maybe they should just find another job.
An impatient knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be right out,” she stood in front of her mirror to put her hair up, grabbed a face towel and walked out of her room.
She walked down the stairs to see Katsuki standing by the front door holding a piece of toast on his left hand, while he munches on another with his right hand. Mitsuko eyed him, and chuckled at the very similar outfit they were wearing.
“Wow, Suki. You really love idolizing me, huh?” she teased, taking the toast from her brother.
Both of them wore black tank tops, gray jogging pants, and the same pair of shoes that they got last Christmas. It’s not rare for them to have some twin telepathy moment, but it was still amusing.
“Shut the fuck up! I finished before you did so if anything it’s you that’s copying me!” Katsuki flicked her forehead before heading out, lowering his voice so he doesn’t wake their parents up.
The twins started jogging, and by the time they reached the beach, the sun could be seen in the horizon. The stopped by the shore and did some stretching. Mitsuko faced the sun rise, her head held high and arms stretching out on both sides. When the sun rays hit her skin, she took a deep breath and felt the energy fill her system like she’s a battery getting charged up. Her brother, continuing his stretches, watched her skin glow as bright as the morning sun.
Despite being twins, Katsuki and Mitsuko had different quirks. While Katsuki can produce nitroglycerin-like sweat and can make them explode on command, Mitsuko’s pores absorb sunlight and act like solar panels. She converts the sunlight into her own energy, which she then can create into solar barriers and blasts. Having sunlight to absorb is essential for her quirk, so doing a run before sunrise has become her routine. Since sweating opens up her pores and she gets the best amount of energy from sunrise.
The girl opened her eyes, and faced her twin, her body still glowing from the absorption. “We better come up with a new training plan if we want to get into U.A.” she told him, not feeling satisfied with her current physical condition.
“We have a few months. The written exam is a piece of cake, I doubt that we would have a hard time passing that one,” her brother replied. When it comes to academics, both of them can pass anything with no efforts. “It’s the practical exam you should worry about, because I’ll definitely beat you.”
“Stop being delusional, the only thing you’re good at is acting like a rabid chihuahua,” Mitsuko tried hiding her laugh but failed.
“THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN!?” before Katsuki could do anything, his sister had already sprinted away from him. “COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. He ran after her, small explosions coming out of his balled fists. “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!”
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levihanskid · 11 months ago
this is so cute
The Powerpuff Girls!
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levihanskid · 11 months ago
also from what i remember Poseidon once said that “the sea does not like to be contained” goes so well with eren and his dream of freedom
Who would the veterans and eren mikasa and armin godly parents from pjo be?
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Answering these two asks after 81 years of them fermenting in my ask box because- well I don't even have an excuse. Sorry anons, hope you're still out there in the shadows of my blog and you get to see this
Have a messy art of Levihan and EMA as campers. They're all babies, because demigods are babies
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My take on this, under the cut because I wrote more than intended
- Hange, Child of Hephaestus: because, yeah, it's Hange. They are curious, they like building stuff. Plus I can totally see Hange with fire powers.
- Levi, Child of Hades: because Levi is definitely a child of one of the Big Three, he's special, he's powerful. And he reminds me of Nico, all brooding but so soft on the inside and full of trauma. Give these boys a hug. Oh and the fact that Levi's from the underground just really fits.
- Eren, Child of Poseidon: I know, I know, Eren being Eren would probably be a Child of Ares with war and stuff but- I just- listen to me. Poseidon is the god of earthquakes as well. Rumbling, oh yeah. And I know the ocean was more of Armin's dream and all the symbolism, but Eren wanting to go and see the ocean... I don't know, in my mind his Godly parent is Poseidon.
- Armin, Child of Athena: not much to say, Goddess of wisdom and war strategy. Armin's smart, strategic, always got a plan. Alternatively, I've thought of him being a child of Aphrodite, and I don't dislike the idea.
- Mikasa, Child of Athena: I'm kinda lost with her but I like to think she's the other side of the coin. Like, the part of Children of Athena that's pure talent for arms and battles. Because Mikasa is pure talent for battle, but I feel she lacks the aggressiveness of Ares children.
- Erwin, Child of Zeus: yes I know he can be another child of Athena but his confidence, his presence, his leading abilities. Just big Zeus vibes I get from him.
- Mike, Child of.... Well I like him being a child of Apollo like anon suggested, and it fits my headcanon of Mike. But, I feel canon Mike would probably be a Child of Ares.
- Moblit, Child of Apollo: I really like the idea of him being able to heal. Also, he's a talented artist and a ray of sunshine.
- Nanaba, Child of Demeter: I really love what anon suggested. Totally with them on this one.
Addittionally, have Springlestein
- Jean, Child of Hermes: I don't really have an explanation. I just feel he would be a son of Hermes. Maybe it's just that Jean feels so incredibly human to me, and children of Hermes do too.
- Sasha and Connie, children of Dyonisus: they're siblings your Honor. Nothing else to add.
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levihanskid · 11 months ago
okay but why are his eyes different in here compared to the anime
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"but I don't want to lose you too,"
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"I love you."
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levihanskid · 1 year ago
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a fic where muichiro got turned into a baby . hes so itty bitty
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levihanskid · 1 year ago
when i read ch 132 i literally bawled my eyes out to the point that i had to restrain myself from sobbing out loud bcs it's like 4am. i was sad watching the animated version too and cried but the pain wasn't the same thing that i felt when reading ch 132. the scene seemed more "epic" instead of emotional which i'm not really a fan of. also the animation changed how Levi did his salute, adding in that frowning shot of his eyes which didn't really show what he's feeling the way it did in the manga.
saw a tweet that they intentionally made 132 less sad bcs they wanted to emphasize the beauty of it.
But sir, ..
sad not even the opposite word of beautiful
understanding Hanji's character and levi&hanji's decision back in ch 126 are what made ch 132 beautiful
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levihanskid · 2 years ago
What about levihan through the eyes of other parents at the school when they drop off their kids. Hange usually drops off the kids but was busy was work so Levi had to. Levi being nonchalant but a little worried that he might give off a bad impression which could affect their kid's life at daycare. Hange laughing and reporting the next day that most parents had a crush on Levi what with him being affectionate with their kid, preparing lunch and making sure their kid was cleaned. How he is now the husband the mothers want to have.
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so i tweaked both prompts a bit but i hope you still enjoy what i came up with!!
Bad children do not exist. There are unruly ones, yes, undisciplined too, disobedient and rude, and some too angry for their own good, but there is not a single child that you cannot redeam with a bit of kindness, patience and understanding.
That's the first lesson that Petra learnt as she became a teacher at the preschool, and this belief remains unchallenged even after many years of work.
Although no one came quite as close to making her rethink it than an adorable ball of happiness with two pigtails who goes by the name Mia. 
The girl is an angel, there is no denying that, she’s kind and curious, and her mere presence fills the room with warmth, but god almighty, Petra definitely doesn’t envy the girl’s parents. Her energy appears to be unending and her curiosity seems to know no limits. Mia is interested in seemingly everything around her and anything that captures her attention must immediately be studied in great details - if she sees a peculiar tree, she has to climb it, if a rain filled the ground with poodles, she has to jump in each and every single one that happens on her way, if she notices a flower, she has to smell it, if it’s a berry, she absolutely must taste it. Petra can only guess how many stones the girl finds to be ‘cool’ she has stashed at her house. 
And the most unusual thing about Mia is how different she is from her father. Levi is probably the most reserved man Petra has ever seen. He is quiet, a man of so little words that it sometimes seems that he prefers to communicate with only nods, grunts and occasional one-syllable words. He is also surprisingly peculiar about cleanliness - always clean-shaven, wearing clothes that have not a single crease and never, ever a stain, he even smells like soap and washing powder. If it wasn’t for Mia’s features, her black hair and narrow, grey-blue eyes that she undoubtedly inherited from Levi, Petra would never guess that the man is her true father.  
So alike to one another, father and daughter act like direct opposites. Mia is loud, while her father is quiet, she is expressive, while he’s reserved, she's unbelievably messy even for a kid, with hands often covered in dirt and pants marked by caked mud, while his appearance remains impecable, no matter the circumstances, she is warm and kind, while he appears to be distant and cold. 
And yet, one has to be completely blind not to notice just how much Levi loves and treasures his child. He provides the girl with everything she can possibly need - he brings her extra clothes in case she needs to change, makes her lunch and her favorite juice when she doesn’t want to eat at school, fills her little frog-shaped backpack with toys, coloring books, pencils of all colors, a small shovel and a bucket so that the girl can dig up and collect all the cool stones that she comes across. 
So, it’s not at all surprising that Levi is impossibly popular with every mother at their school. Loving, gentle and attentive, he’s an example of a perfect father, and, of course, a no less perfect husband. Although he does wear a wedding ring, it doesn’t stop most women from desperately trying to get his attention. He gets surrounded by them every time he brings Mia over, and no matter how many of them he politely, but firmly rejects, his popularity not diminishes even a bit. It seems that his aloof, distant persona only adds to his charisma. 
Petra honestly feels bad for him, such constant and clearly unwanted attention must be quite grueling, but- even she can’t deny that she developed a sort of crush on the man, although she does her best to conceal it. She knows better than to chase a married man, after all. 
She does wonder, and not seldom, just what kind of a person Levi is married to. As far as Petra’s aware, no one at their school has ever seen his wife, Levi is the one, who always drops off Mia and he’s the one, who always takes her home. But it doesn’t seem that she’s completely absent from the family, she’s just a very busy person, or so Mia says. It’s obvious that the girl adores her mother no less than she adores her dad; when she feels like talking about her, there is no stopping her ramblings. If Mia is to be believed, her mother is the smartest person in this world, a scientist, who works tirelessly to make their lives so much better. And although Petra has never met Mia’s mother personally, she’s inclined to believe every word that the girl says about her. After all, the person, who managed to raise a child as precious as Mia and not only earn, but to also keep Levi’s love and devotion, must be nothing short of extraordinary. 
Most moms of the school would disagree, however. In their opinion, Mia’s mother is the most despicable person on this planet, a cruel, heartless person, who cares not for her child and even less for her husband, who surely is a gift from the heavens above. 
So, naturally, when the day comes that Mia is dropped off not by her father, but her mother, it causes quite an uproar amidst teachers and parents alike. 
Everyone at school turns speechless, when they see Mia hand in hand with a tall, slim brunette in glasses, who wears a grin nearly identical to the one that Mia always sports. 
“Good morning all of you, I’m Hange!!” Mia’s mother exclaims in a voice so cheerful and warm that it’s impossible for Petra not to answer the greeting with a smile of her own. “Since my precious husband feels a bit under the weather, I’ll be performing the role of a doting parent today! Mia,” Hange kneels before her daughter, pulling the kid for a swift forehead kiss. “Be good, don’t annoy your teachers too much, and… what dad usually says to you?” 
“Don’t get in trouble?” Mia offers with a delightful chuckle. 
“Mm, yes,” a thoughtful frown appears on Hange’s forehead, “I’m afraid I can’t in good conscience forbid you from doing that, so… don’t get into too much trouble, alright, pumpkin?” 
“I’ll try my best!” 
“Good,” Hange smiles and ruffles the girl’s hair. “Now, go, your friends are probably already waiting for you. I’ll take you home at… four o’clock, right?” she asks, causing a wave of disapproving murmurs all around the playground. 
“Dad usually takes me home at three,” Mia corrects with quiet amusement she definitely inherited from her father. “And…” she adds with a mischievous glint in her eyes that Petra now sees she got from her mother. “He also takes me out for ice-cream afterwards.” 
“Take you home at three, then treat you to ice-cream, got it. Anything else, my dear?” 
“Well, there is this game dad promised to buy for me, and also…”
Petra decides it’s time for interruption, gentle, albeit firm.
“Mia,” Petra approaches the girl with a slight frown on her face. “All the kids are already on the playground, why won’t you go and join them?”
Mia huffs, but takes the backpack out of her mom’s arms and, after waving at her one last time, hurries to the playground. 
Watching her kid, Hange emits a fond sigh, then turns to Petra. 
“I know that Levi doesn’t actually take her out for ice-cream every day,” she admits. “Says that sugar is bad for children and all that. But the kid should be pampered from time to time, don’t you think?”
“In reasonable amounts, yes,” Petra agrees. 
Hange lets out a short chuckle. “That's something me and my husband disagree on, usually, but… she seems happy enough, no?” 
“She does. Mia’s a nice kid. And already very smart.”
“And so cute!” Hange gushes, her eyes glinting. “She’s Levi’s little copy, isn’t she? Just without his ever present scowl.” 
“I… guess?” Petra murmurs, not quite sure if the answer was the expected of her or not. 
“Maybe, we’re not that bad at it, after all,” Hange whispers, seemingly to herself. She observes her daughter for another moment, then turns to Petra, blinding her with a radiant smile. “Thank you for looking after her. I know Mia isn’t the easiest one to handle.” 
The girl certainly isn’t, with her constant thirst for adventures and surprising stubbornness at times, but Petra doesn’t say it out loud. Hange appears to be a good mother, who cares for her daughter no less than her husband does, and Petra feels the need to ease her worries. 
“You raised her good,” she says, reaching out to squeeze Hange’s forearm reassuringly. “She’ll blow us all away one day, I have no doubt.” 
“Let’s hope she’ll do it in a metaphorical way, eh?” 
Petra joins Hange in her laughter. 
After spending a few more moments gazing at her kid, Hange leaves, and when she does - the hushed whispers around the playground stop being so hushed. Without even trying, Petra hears other parents discuss Hange, critic her admittedly a bit messy appearance and scorn at her forgetfulness and supposed carelessness. Although, after observing her interaction with her daughter, no one dares to claim that Hange is cruel and heartless and doesn’t care for her child. 
The talks about Mia’s mother don't die out for weeks to come, even as Levi returns to his duties, and they reach a crescendo, when one sunny day Mia arrives at school hand-in-hand with both of her parents and the biggest smile Petra has ever seen on her little cute face. 
Mia’s mom and dad drop her off, then stay a little to watch over their daughter, as the rest of the adults turn to watch over them. 
Petra is no exception, of course, she is no less curious to witness the relationship between Levi and Hange, and pretty quickly she comes to the conclusion that they share a bond only few are lucky to experience. The subtle, quiet affection with which Levi gazes at his wife is as surprising as it is beautiful, and the loud fondness that Hange expresses so freely towards her kid and husband is amusing and heartwarming. 
Levi’s popularity doesn’t decrease even after that, although invitations to coffee dates become nearly nonexistent. 
After all, there is no chance of winning over a man, who’s already dedicated his heart to another.
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levihanskid · 2 years ago
asking the hashiras to braid their hair for the first time part 2
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- you're the newest hashira and you try to befriend everyone by asking the hashiras to braid their hair ft: giyuu, sanemi, tengen cw: just (platonic) fluff a/n: so sorry it took time i was busy the past week ;-; also thanks for the love on part 1 i hope you enjoy this one too! <3
part 1
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"why do you want to braid my hair"
guy doesn't admit it but he's giggling and kicking from happiness on the inside
he's glad when you said the reason why you want to braid his hair was to befriend him
cause that doesn't happen often
he's very awkward and nervous about it
he'd sit upright and stiff like a bonsai
dude relax i won't cut your hair at least not today
his hair may look spiky but it's actually not that bad, it's got some tangles but soft
you'll try to talk to him but his response are so short and found it hard answering some questions
you figured it's just because he's shy and introverted to you decide to just ask him yes or no questions
he appreciated that you understood how he felt and the way you respect him by skipping to another topic when he does want to answer a question
after the braiding session he asked you one question that surprised you a bit
"what's your favorite food?"
confused, but you answer him anyway
out of all questions he could ask why did he choose to ask you that
"so we could get along"
he said that in a tiny voice and immediately left without looking
you found that very endearing and thought that it might be his way of befriending someone
next time you met, he definitely brought you your favorite food
he'd stand in front of you with the food almost shoved into your face and he's like "here 🧍🏻‍♂️"
‌"why tf would i let you braid my hair?"
‌would decline you for weeks but you still persist on doing it
‌after some time he'd finally give in telling you how you're so stubborn and annoying
‌but deep inside it's because he's kinda jealous of how you get along with the others
‌he doesn't like the fact that after every hashira meeting, everyone would go home with braided hair except for him (ik their meetings are like twice a year but ignore that)
‌you cannot tell me this guy doesnt use gel to keep his hair spiky
‌at first you were unsure if you'd comb his hair bcs he might get mad but he'd notice your hesitation and would hand it to you himself
‌surprisingly patient
‌he'd sit there with his palm resting on his chin
‌but if you try and start a conversation he'll go "shut up and finish what you're doing"
ok 🧍🏻
so you two sit there in awkward silence (at least for you it was)
some minutes passed, you notice a dog approach sanemi
where did that dog come from
you asked him if it was his, he answered you (to your surprise) and said it wasn't and he just feeds it whenever he can
you leg out an "aww that's cute" and dude got flustered
no you were not. you were just about to tie it
so you tried to pull him back down
but you yanked his hair a bit harder than it should be which caused him to fall butt first
"i am so dead" you thought to yourself
you quickly tied his braided hair and he marched off with steam coming out of his ear
expect him trying to get back to you the next time you meet
‌"i'd like to believe i've got the best hair among all the hashiras. so you may braid my hair. but be sure to make it flashy!"
‌y'all know how steve harrington from stranger things have a secret hairspray for his hair? tengen has something like that as well.
‌his hair is have so much volume and soft and bouncy
‌he's such a narcissist tho
‌like the guy's god complex is huuuuge
thinks you're doing this as a service because he's some kind of god
‌he'd talk about his flashy lifestyle, how he takes care of his hair, his skin, how he's got three wives, everything
‌"you've got three wives?!"
‌not that he doesn't seem to be the type to have more than one spouse, it's just the first time you met someone like that
‌he would boast about them and talk about how pretty, sexy, and flamboyantly skilled fighters they all are
‌would constantly ask "are you done yet?" not because he's impatient but bcs he's excited to see what you did
is the type to use a mirror to look at how you're doing with his hair
after minutes you finally finished braiding
guy was so amazed he asked you to be his official hairstylist
he told you that he'll introduce you to his wives so you could braid their hairs too
so he did. literally the next day he invited you to his place
the girls were so nice to you and told you how much they liked tengen's hair when he went home
suma immediately asked you to do her hair
the four of you ended up forming a circle braiding each other's hair
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levihanskid · 2 years ago
asking the hashiras to braid their hair for the first time part 1
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- you're the newest hashira and you try to befriend everyone by asking the hashiras to braid their hair ft: mitsuri, muichiro, kyojuro cw: just (platonic) fluff a/n: hi hi this is my first post hopefully more to come i have so much kny brainrot rn (if you have some requests feel free to tell! i'd love to try make them!)
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"omg sureeee"
she loves it sm you'd hear her giggle and squeal
would ask you if she can braid your hair after
would talk to you all the time, ask you your favorites, pretty much anything to know you more
sometimes she'd get some food first so you guys can snack on them while you're braiding her hair
her hair is very well taken care of. i'm talking no split ends, healthy scalp, silky soft, and smells like flowers
she would share her hair care routine to you ofc
she'd also give you tips and recommendations on good products to buy
would teach you how to do other hairstyles so you could do them to each other next time.
after you hair braiding session you definitely know pretty much her whole life (you're also full from all the food)
you guys are besties now
"i dont have anything to do so ok"
was a bit confused why you asked him
it's because your hair is so long and pretty
i feel like his hair has many tangles bcs he always forgets to comb them
so you would spend like 10-15 minutes trying to detangle them
you definitely had sore arms before even starting the braids
you are very gentle doing it tho
he just lets you do your thing while he spaces out or look up the clouds
"that cloud is shaped like a bunny"
you try to open a conversation by asking him random question like his favorites or how his day went
sometimes when he disassociates he'll completely ignore you so you just hum to yourself to ease the awkwardness
after a while you'd notice him swaying a bit as his breath becomes deeper
guy fell asleep
you just quickly finish braiding his hair and gently lay him down on a pillow or your lap
ofc sir anything for you
i'd like to believe his hair got layers so it's a bit hard to braid with all the fly-aways
he doesn't mind tho
would occasionally startle you by talking all of a sudden after a long silence
asks you questions like you're in a job interview
you'd answer and he'd be like "IS THAT SO?" or "THAT'S GOOD TO HEAR"
he's very open so he'll tell you some things about himself as well
would tell you that his hair is like this because his family loves tempura as a joke
you almost believed it
he'd be very delighted by your work with his hair
he brought you to his favorite restaurant and the food was so good (his treat) you may or may not have burst your eardrums a bit with all the "UMAI"
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levihanskid · 3 years ago
📌drinkyourfuckingmilk (DYFM)'s Levihan arts/comics masterlist
Here is the list of @drinkyourfuckingmilk 's levihan fanarts I've collected a while ago. Thank you for giving me the permission to make this list 🙏🏻.
Because of the filter doesn't work well sometimes, so I decided to listed them out. Not all the arts are listed here, because tumblr limit the number of attached links in one post. Please visit the artist's page or this link to explore more arts.
A year ago today.... I lost them
the Survey Corps Open Day
Veterans snapshot
The origin of the shitty glasses
Those two psychopaths
Don't make a scene
Hange does impressions
Mulan au
The abnormals advice hour on date
Levi & Hange's 5-Step Guide to Romance
Guess, I'm not the only one with something stuch up my ass.
Titans do not defecate
He has resigned himself to his fate
*internal screaming*
You both still can't f*cking kill Reiner Braun...
Have you no respect? He's mine!
Do you think the 104th accidentally called Levi or Hanji "dad" or "mom"?
It's time, I've head enough
Wall date
This is why I like you
Levihan Week : Beauty
"Hange brought leather and whips.... and handcuff" Erwin thought
My type of person
Some losers hugging the shit out of each other
Revs the levihan shoujo engine
Just a little happier than tea
Time to test brain vs brawn
Levi, do you think titan have nightmares?
Anyway, please be my shitty bae, if you want
I told you Levi, you are kind.
I fixed your teacup with science!
Levihan Week : Childhood
Levihan superhero/villain au
It's an ackerman thing
Mexican vacation
Levi & Hange's travel adventures
Hey handsome, need a rescue?
"Little guy"
Ice skating Levihan!
"Don't take me ouuuut tonniight, because I want to see the world and I want to stay alliiiive"
Shitty-glasses, are we dead?
What is that weird shaped lump over there?
Life has been so exhausting without you
This is why you're my favourite
Well, helloo captain!
Levi's room
Hange's room
DYFM Levihan family profiles
Samson doesn't get angry very often at all
Thank you for this great sources of protein little L
Pocket sand mutherf*cker
I love you, but you're all terrible
What are you doing Arlert?!
Ackerfam teamwork
The alphabet of ackerman
My spine can't take much more of this ackermuscle weight
Check out this genetics
What do the levihan babies usually argue about?
Levihan babies' nightmares
Daddy, can you tell me where babies come from?
Levihan baby shenanigans
I'm not even sure you have souls!
It's warm down there and my feet are cold
Smile for us Papa!
You're gonna look so pretty Daddy!
Gotta protect my idiots at all cost
Leelu "We will dominate the earth"
Leelu, an ackerman baby
Hey guys, wanna see something amazing?
Baby first words
Freshly bathed
You are not yourself
Post war
48 hours of paperwork
Levi's chronic resting b*tch face
The first person who ever pooped
I see it
My dear, I'll be there soon
Hello sunshine!
Levihan Titanic AU
Drunken Levihan Shenanigans
Levi's drawer
Hange's drawer
Ackerman bloodline research
You know the rules
Levihan GOT au
Speak for yourself
Erwin's hair
1. Please do not repost the arts w/o the permission and credits
2. Link of this masterlist is in my pinned post Part 2
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levihanskid · 4 years ago
Watch "EXO 엑소 'Don't fight the feeling' MV" on YouTube
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levihanskid · 4 years ago
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