#so i asked lady hekate for help
tinyscaredwitch · 1 month
first time doing a baneful ward
i feel tired but i think it was worth it !
i’ll update this if anything hits it ! ♡
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A chat with Lady Hekate
.... Well, holy shit.
I do not work with Hekate. I do not plan to- I don't get the vibe that she plans to work with me in the future, either.
But I have a friend who had a period of time where they were seeing her EVERYWHERE, signs of her everywhere, but were too scared to work with her. Recently I offered to do a reading and see if I could confirm or deny that it was Hekate, and see if they truly missed that opportunity or if Hekate still wanted to work with them. (For the record, she did.)
The first card I pulled, asking if Lady Hekate was willing to speak to me, was upright (yes) and the death card. I had thought not long ago that it'd be funny to see that from her, but thought it was "too big an ask" for something that obvious.
Of course, Hekate proceeded to give me a card with imagery that strongly resembles how I've seen her portrayed twice after the first death card. She doesn't fuck around, I've noticed.
At one point, I felt like I needed to "reconnect" the cards to her for lack of a better word, so I sat with them in my hands and asked her to reconnect her energy. I didn't expect her to suddenly put her hands above mine, over the deck, and I felt them. Not physically, but I felt them. Her energy was... soothing. Comforting. Gentle. Kind. I told her that, and that it surprised me since I knew her only as a force to be reckoned with.
"Of course I'm kind, my job is to help people transition from to the afterlife. That's a scary transition to make. Part of being a good guide to them is listening to their stories, their regrets, their fear- all of it." I won't lie, I almost teared up.
At one point, I was feeling nervous about the cards since they felt a bit personal, and I was sending this to my friend, and "what if they shoot the messenger, I'm gonna delete that line-" and I felt Hekate just. "Do not get between a goddess and her child."
Overall, she was very kind and I'm no longer nervous about doing readings involving deities and entities I don't work with. I know not all of them will be so gentle, but she was wonderful and just generally pleasant to be around.
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Any advice on strengthening ones relationship with Hekate?. Thank you kindly.
Hello 👋🫂
One of the amazing things about Lady Hekate Nyctipolus is how broad her domain is. She has so many forms and facets, so take everything I say with a grain of salt! She appears in unique ways for everyone.
Many of her followers associate her with witchcraft. I personally don't consider myself a witch, so I'm a little distanced from this aspect of her. But if you do practice some form of witchcraft, perhaps you can start dedicating your spell work to her.
If you engage in spirit work, ancestor work, death work, deity worship more broadly, etc, you might consider asking Lady Hekate to aid in that communication. And for her protection in her role as a death/underworld goddess. I know she acts as a guide for many of her followers (myself included!)
Communication is definitely key (pun intended) for many Hekate worshipers. Getting into a specific kind of divination (I personally prefer tarot, but there also pendulums, meditation, etc) can help strengthen that relationship. She is the patron of boundaries and thresholds after all! Find a way to breach that wall has been a personal favorite way of connecting for me.
For me, I think I sense Lady Hekate most clearly in those 'in-between places.' I love going out for nighttime drives and finding her at empty intersections, in abandoned buildings, in any space that feels liminal.
And, of course, go ahead and ask her! In my experience, Lady Hekate is one of the more 'receptive' or 'quick to answer' deities that I work with. That's not to say that she is at your beck and call, she definitely demands focus and commitment. But she's also very dedicated to her followers just like they're dedicated to her.
Ask her in your own way with whatever divination tool you prefer how to advance that relationship! Start offering antique keys or vintage things or flowers and see how she responds! I personally don't buy the whole 'you have to wait eagerly for a sign from Lady Hekate before you start working with her.'
She can be intimidating and intense certainly, but not necessarily in a frightening way. Just in a way that demands respect. So as long as your approach her with good intentions, I'm sure she'll be willing to listen.
Thanks for the ask!
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lostinvasileios · 6 months
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Yeah, that's nice. But, why do you fear so much? No, I'm - serious, why?
A lot of the times, as sad as it is, I've encountered people who often lower their own power by fearing all the possible outcomes. Key word, love: possible.
Take it from me, for the first year or so of me practicing and getting close with deities, no matter how obviously real things were, I always had a lingering thought of "what if I'm just making it up?" or "they'd never say that to me."
While being able to differentiate your own thoughts and your own projection while interacting with deities or magic(k) at all is important, you don't need to fear it. If you mess up, you mess up. Nobody's angry or disappointed at you because the universe, your deities, they understand. You're only human. And you're trying. That's what matters. Trying.
Your failures are not measured, they aren't keeping score of all the times you accidentally fucked up something small like interpreting their exact wording or actions like if they waved their hands at a specific point in their sentence or not. You know??
Here's something that helped me: if it makes you happy, then fuck all else. Everything can technically be perception, anyways. If something's fake, you'll find out eventually. You'll be able to tell at certain points.
Lady Hekate once told me, "things are only as real as you want them to be."
Of course, grounding and else other are also important factors, but if the only thing that's realistically stopping you here is the fear of them being figments of imagination, fear of "failing" to reach out to them, ect... You don't need to worry about that, dove.
Most of the time, it's just brain fog. It's just the fear of the unknown, rejection, and other things of those categories. And that's all valid.
Most of the time, at least for me, it was the fact that I was in the presence of such magnificent beauty that made it difficult to believe I was actually experiencing what I was. It was the amount of incomprehensible, out of this world love that the entities I connected with had for me. It was - them, in general at times.
I suffered from psychosis for years when I was younger before starting my journey, and despite how I've gotten drastically better over the years, I still contain some certain... Tendencies you could say.
I constantly questioned if things were real, and, yes asking questions is alright. It's great to do, actually. But don't drive yourself into a sorrow pit over them. You know? Don't bring yourself down more by believing those overthinking fears you can have at times.
I was under such immense fear of making things up that I failed to realize that the only reason I was having such a hard time was because I doubted myself way too much. I was way too hard on myself on multiple cases, and still can be at times unfortunately.
Have more faith in yourself, have more patience with yourself. No matter how experienced someone is, there's always something new to learn, and learning is difficult for everyone at times. Everyone's gone through the same thing in their own variation before, and most likely will a thousand times again. The more you learn to trust yourself, the more you can overcome that battle - which might be one of the hardest, to tell you the truth - the smoother this will get for you. But it takes time, it takes breaks, it takes tears and effort, it takes a lot. It takes you.
One of the points of magic and deities or whatever the hell else is to simply learn to enjoy life more. To live. To experience. You can't do that if you're too caught up in your fears to see how far you've gotten, to see at all.
You know the truth, deep down. Just shh, and listen. It may take a long time, but eventually, you'll find your answer to the reality of things. To the emotions of things. Don't pressure yourself, don't suffocate yourself with doubts and fears.
Everything that's yours is yours, everyone creates their own realities and fates. Just be you. Just grow. Just feel. Just... Live your journey. Everything's gonna be fine, bee.
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suit-of-cups · 1 year
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Hello! You can call me Avery or Ry and I use they/them pronouns!
◌ I’m a Hellenic polytheist, I mainly worship Lord Apollon, Lady Asteria, Lady Hekate and Lady Artemis but i honour other gods as well
◌ All my posts about the greek gods are religious and not fandom related
◌ Messages and asks are always open!
◌ Please tell me if I’ve done something wrong or reblogged something I shouldn’t, I don’t check peoples profiles when doing so and can sometimes miss things
I have separate blogs for each of my gods so that I can dedicate them each a space and while there may be a lot they’re mainly for personal use and it helps me to organise my worship
@apollons-laurel @hekates-torch @asterias-fallen-star @artemis-of-the-wild @in-memory-of-mnemosyne @theoi-of-olympus @theoi-khthonioi @theoi-of-the-titans @praise-to-the-theoi
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ravendarkwood · 10 months
My Theory about the painting lady I guess? Or two other alternatives
So I watch the clip of the painting lady, and I'll be real for a second I don't think we have enough to figure out who it is. The painting is of a generic spooky lady, so it could be a lot of different people and I had my own theories so I figured I'd throw my hat into the ring.
So Hekate is the one that I see people talking about the most, and I can't really figure out why? So Hekate is the Greek goddess of witchcraft, crossroads, ghosts along with other stuff like night and the moon which more falls under other goddesses but she is associated with. Could this be Hekate? Yes, it could be literally anyone, but couldn't see anything that would specifically lead one to think Hekate other than Dapper has mentioned her a couple of times. The only iconography that could link back to Hekate is that she's associated with two torches, and there were some torches and candles in twos beside the painting, but that could also be lighting. She also isn't someone I could see climbing out of a painting and stabbing a bitch. Her most notable role in Greek mythology is cursing people and helping a mother find her daughter, so it doesn't seem in line to me?
Miss Trixtin, Death
So, you guys probably know her better as Kristin or Mumza, but I will be talking about her as Miss Trixtin because that's how I separated the character from the person and I'm not calling someone in their thirties mum when I'm twenty six. Now, despite what some people think Miss Trixtin is canon to QSMP, and I don't just mean in the way that the other goddess wives are. Philza started collecting wither roses early on and started leaving them places, saying that they were proof that Miss Trixtin's presence, and when asked questions by Cucurucho he's answered talking about her. She just straight up is canon. Her symbolism usually centers around the wither rose, and to a lesser extent crying obsidian. The only things that I could see that could match her symbols is the lantern, and maybe the background of the painting. Bad stops running to focus on a lantern for a few seconds, and there is some purple on it, so it does look a bit like crying obsidian? Also, she's just associated with black and purple in general, so the back round of the painting also matches her vibes.
I will also say that Miss Trixtin's hair and skin tone match the painting a bit? I'm only mention this because Bad focuses so much on the hair at the very end, but she does have black hair and tanner skin. Would she jump out of a painting to stab a bitch? I don't know honestly, maybe if she thought it was funny? It depends, we haven't seen a lot of her other than her brief appearance on DSMP where she spookily whispered to Philza, making him think he was crazy, testy because he made the nether portal into a table, but also saved him and Niki from the nuke.
Another interesting thing is that Phil often talks about her like she's a cyclical goddess, like yes she's goddess of death but death leads to new life sort of thing, so she could also be associated with nature. It makes sense with her being a minecraft goddess so like respawning.
So my two additions to this theory:
If it's going to be a Greek goddess, honestly I think it being Nyx would be more likely then Hekate? Nyx is the greek goddess of night, and Bad was given the darkness effect when he was stabbed.
Okay so, Bad has been going pretty hard on the Christian stuff for Bad's backstory, and he is probably either Death the horsemen or associated with it, so this dark figure could be Famine. Famine is the black horseman, so it would make sense for them to be linked with black. Their weapon is scales, not a wand of darkness though so the weapons don't match up, but it does link back to a lot of the sources that Bad seems to be using for his character's backstory
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hekates-torch · 1 year
hello, i hope you’re well:) I’ve been looking through your blog and I really appreciate the information you compile here. I’ve ‘worked with’ and worshipped Hekate since I was a teenager. however I’ve always been very on and off and not be able to hold a consistent unbroken linear practice. i wanted to ask, if you didn’t mind answering, how do you implement worship in your routine and daily life? if you can offer any advice. thanks <3
Hi there! It’s nice to know my blog is helping other people in their practice, and I’m always happy to give advice!
I also just want to state that I also struggle with consistency in my worship, I might go days without giving a physical offering or saying a full prayer, but I find having small references to my gods in my daily life helps to keep me connected and thinking about my gods.
I find that having physical reminders helps me to stay connected with my gods, I have statues that I keep in a visible place that remind me to pray or give and offering (they don’t have to be actual statues, I have a black hound figure and some sketches I did), I also wear devotional jewellery and it feels wrong to leave the house without it, so I I’ll say a prayer or talk to my gods as I put them on. I’ve started keeping a physical diary next to my statues as well that I keep all my notes in, and because it’s in such an accesible place i find it easy to begin writing about my practice and create things that are devoted to by gods.
I know some people also devote their morning/night routines to particular gods, so beginning to simply think about Lady Hekate at a consistent time or talking/praying to her during every day activities can be a free way to start
I think finding small things that you can begin to fit in around your schedule is a great starting point until you want to commit to a full routine every day, like daily offerings or divination.
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theic-manic · 2 months
(Helpol blog @divine-thievery)
Helluu!! Your consent post replying to that user talking about Lord Apollo was so eye-opening for me. I named myself a devotee to Lord Hermes because I felt it was the right thing to do.
I became a Hellenic Polytheist in april 2024 and he had actually been on my mind since 2020 (possibly earlier, im bad with dates and remembering) when I first saw him in lore Olympus, to my assumption it was on purpose that i took a liking to him straight away, when I asked if it were true he pleaded the fifth 😂, anyways, so that's why i named myself a devotee, so i will be apologising to Lord Hermes after sending this ask Because as you stated in the post I hadn't asked for consent.
And I would like to thank you for making that post it's really helped me. 🧡 also, I'm Australian, too 😂
Hey mate!
All good and I am glad you appreciate it, it only took me a few hours and asking both Apollo and Hermes nicely to assist.
From my observation, Hermes is certainly a great choice for beginners as he's quote friendly and doesn't quite have Apollo's BPD-coded RSD however Hermes isn't to be taken lightly either.
One notable example
He's a trickster deity and rather amoral at that because his roles simply can't be held back by traditional morals.
I'll note here that our modern morals also don't entirely align with the societal standards of the past, which is why extra care is needed with establishing boundaries and also judging their actions through a modern lense.
This is touched upon in a decent post about rape in Greek mythology
I will also add that Apollo and Hermes just ignored the concept of consent to create this Olympus-level Maury Povich paternity test eposode event of conceiving twins together to the same woman...
Personally, Hermes became my patron deity after appearing to me as other deities... since he does participate in so many domains it's real easy for him to perform jobs for other gods.
However I had, for about a year, lightly worshipped him and included him in my daily prayers so after a while he revealed to me that it had been him all along and not Hekate and Hades those times I thought they were working with me.
While I am glad that you enjoy his portrayal in Lore Olympus (though he especially likes his visual appearances in the Hades games) the webcomic doesn't totally align with mythology...
Admittedly, I've not read much of the comic yet since I am trying to focus on more traditional portrayals of my deities for now (Blood of Zeus is somewhat decent) I did find it very nice that both the author of LO and myself interpreted Melinoe to be deaf/non-verbal (based on some comic panels I came across on tumblr featuring her anyway).
That said, Melinoe was thought to be conceived by Zeus disguised as Hades, something I assume isn't covered in the comic(?)
I'm particularly mindful to consume minimal to no fictional content about deities when I first become acquainted with their energies as I don't want my interpretation of their character to taint how I perceive them.
Even then I only consume such media as devotional acts to deities I already have a firm relationship with, but I do see modern adaptations as a way to gauge whether I'm interested in researching the original lore in-depth.
Should you decide to become a devotee of Hermes then please remember to establish firm boundaries and I hope that you represent Hermes well as one of his many "smol ambassadors" (his term).
Thanks for the ask!
I wish you luck on your spiritual journey and may Hermes guide you to the right path.
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cardicoven · 8 months
🎭🌞🎉🧭🪄 For the Pagan/polytheist ask game
🎭 : What is an emotionally impactful or a silly worship-related experience you've had? Something silly comes to mind: Once in Uni got super high with a friend, and hosted a Pagan House party with tarot, themed cocktails for our patron gods and spent the night toasting 'Lady Pomegranate' and now it's an annual event. Persephone seems to vibe with it. 🌞 : Which deity(ies) are you closest to/do you worship the most often? By far I'm closest to Persephone, been worshipping/working with her since like 2020. 🎉 : Do you celebrate any festivals? If so, which ones? If we're thinking along the lines of the Wheel of the Year for simplicity (although I'm always looking for new festivals):
Yule and Litha: The Solstices, I celebrate them the same way, with a simple vigil, I like to Stay awake from sunset to sunrise, and just watch the night go by, normally coupled with some tarot or reflection and a bonfire.
Ostara through to Beltane: Here I celebrate Persephone's Ascent from the Underworld, normally with a month long working/dedication/offering, coupled with a special candle, and additional offerings to Hades (day after Ostara), Hekate (1st New Moon) and Demeter (1st Full Moon).
I refer to Beltane (May 1st) during this time as "The Day of Flowers" where i celebrate Persephone's return as a full Spring/Nature Goddess by gifting flowers from 'The Queen of May' and generally act the fool.
Mabon through to Samhain: Is when I celebrate Persephone's Descent into the Underworld, basically the same idea as above, a large month long working, and offerings to Hades (Samhain eve), Hekate (1st New Moon) and Demeter (1st Full Moon).
I mark Samhain as among other things as 'Presephone's Coronation', where I invite people to a Feast, with plenty of Pomegranate wine, but in general it's normally a more sombre elegant affair. 🧭 : What led you to your practice? At Uni I was an Equality officer for the SU student council. met a bunch of pagans who felt like they were underrepresented, so I helped them get a Society set up and acted as a liaison for them. had to fight the Christian union a few time for those witches but it was fun. Long story short, they noticed I had a talent for divination, especially tarot and encouraged me to explore it, tarot led to Witchcraft and witchcraft led to Persephone, now its like 5 Years later and I'm still cooking. 🪄 : Do you practice witchcraft? If yes, do you keep it separate from your deity worship? I do practice witchcraft. Sometimes I ask for Persephone's assistance but in general the two are mostly separate. -- Thanks for the ask @witchboysupreme !! Here's the link is anyone wants to join: OG post
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witch-is-cauldron · 10 months
ok so i did some spellwork with Lady Hekate and Cernunnos’ wife who ill call Mrs B for short.
I was outside talking to mrs B and she recommended i do some spellwork with her. But not just any spell, a road opening spell which ive never done before. I told her ill do it inside since i have privacy and cause the sun was setting.
I asked her later if lady Hekate could help because she IS the goddess of magic and path guiding. Mrs B had no opposition and nor did Lady Hekate. I opened my spellbook and did wrote up my ingredients, process, etc.
The spell called for a road opening oil so i made one (and will sell the oil on my etsy soon) and got down to business.
I cleansed my room and got a key that i had as well as a tigers eye, coated them in the oil, and stood infront of my doorway, petitioning the goddesses of Transformation and rebirth to light the way and lay down this new path that i will walk on.
I twisted the key, then put it inca sachet with the crystal in a baggie, finally placing it on the doorknob. I thanked the goddesses for their time and effort and i left them some offerings. For lady Hekate a glass of watef, a knob of garlic and some crème brulee. Mrs. B just wanted water.
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atmymercy · 1 year
Hey there!
How are you doing? :)
I hope you're doing well!
Can I please know what Goddess Hekate wants me to know? I've been feeling like she's wanting to talk to me, the signs are everywhere.
I'm RA, a taurus♉
Any advice would help!
Thank you in advance 💖
hello ra! i'm doing great! how about you? i hope you are well too! and of course, you can! omg! i'm a fellow admirer of hekate so this should be fun! i'd love to hear about your signs! i once wandered straight into a three lady statue once and i was omg! okay! yes! i think i get it! lol i'm thankful she was protecting me during that time! it wasn't even that long ago! lol ps i hope your birthday went well, honey!
for you, i got the king of swords (reversed), 5 of coins (reversed) & 6 of cups.
lol well damn! thanks for the shadow work moment there, hekate! let's do this! i say, crying! lol but seriously, let's do this, oh my hekate! let's do this! lol this should be fun! lololol...
hooo! okay! hekate knows you're feeling low and kind of eh lately but honey, you have to stop comparing yourself to others. would you want people thinking these thoughts about you? she is asking this to you. "probably not, right?" is what i heard her say. because if we all start comparing then it just doesn't end and it only leaves you in a hole, doesn't it? and you don't feel great and if you do, it's because it's on the back of the person you compared yourself to and thought you 'won'. this is a hard time but please don't make it harder on yourself by letting your harsh thoughts win because friends don't look at friends that way. she is saying it's time to bring in more compassion and patience in your actions, words and thoughts. because you are going through a hard time, does not mean you are low on compassion and joy for others. there's no use fighting others. she wants me to remind you now that she is now also saying this with compassion to you because she wants to be your friend and it's time to relax and let things be as they are right now. fighting will not kill the silence, she reminds. the storm will pass and she won't leave you until its over. aww, honey! wow!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee when you can! also please tell your friends if you enjoyed this! if you want to explore this further, please consider a private read as well. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
as always, my rules & info are in my pinned post if you're interested in a reading of your own!
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tarotbee · 3 years
hi! could you do diana? and if you can, could you please tell me how to start worshipping, i'm a new witch and im really lost
Offerings and ways of Worshipping Lady Diana
(In mt experience the best way to begin worshipping a deity is to first establish communication, this can be through throwing together a quick pendulum board and using a paper clip on a bit of string or using a tarot app (I recommend golden thread tarot) if you don't own a deck of your own. Establishing contact is an important first step, it can tell you why the deity is there and give you an insight into what they may be seeking from you in return. (I suggest biddy tarot for card meanings. Next what you'll wanna do is create a devotional space for them, this can be anywhere, outside, a desk, a bedside table, in a small box, wherever you can fit one. This space will be where you put offerings, candles and incense. (Of its in a box use electric candles or remove the candle from the box when you light it. Once you've made an offering commune with them Once more, see if they liked it (I do this through pyromancy but other divination works just as well), find out your deities sacred day(s), or honestly whenever you have free time and use that time to set offerings (I do mine weekly or whenever feels necessary.) Proceed as feels correct (or ask for help from fellow practitioners)
Incorporate elements of worship for Latona and Apollo into your practice with Lady Diana, in ancient Rome she was most commonly worshipped alongside her brother and mother
Aid pregnant people and animals however you can
Study midwifery
If you hunt, do so ethically
Diana is the goddess of the wild, children, providence, abundance, harvest woodlands, the hunt, fertility and domestic animals, and in Italy, the sun but she became associated with the Moon when people equated her with Artemis (and later, Selene, Luna and Hekate) so anything moon shaped would be an acceptable offering for her
Moon cakes
Sun or moon water
Items found in the forest, this can be leaves, flowers, sticks, rocks or even interesting trinkets you may find
Leave (decomposable) offerings by a lake or body of water
Bow and arrow imagery
Practice archery or knife throwing
Things in threes (Diana was sometimes called Threefold Diana Trivia, this was one of her earliest Epithet)
Learn about her epithets, such as Trivia, Diana Lucifera, Diana Triformis, Diana Tifatina and Diana Nemorensis
associated scents for candles and incense: jasmine, frankincense, lemon, aloe, ginseng, verbena, camphor, rose and sandalwood
associated plants: apple, rue, balm, beech, vervain, jasmine, mugwort, lavender, walnuts, willow, Oak, aloe, cedar, tarragon, wormwood, lemon, anemones, flowering almond, Hazel, ranunculus, honeysuckle, passionflower, thistle, laurel, fir tree
associated gems and metals: amethyst, emerald, moonstone, pearl, quartz, crystal, silver, turquoise, iron, aluminium, moss agate and diamond
Associated animals: Dogs, deer, goats!, guinea fowl, horses, bear, dove, and bees
Dog teeth (ethically sourced)
Dog fur (ethically sourced)
Deer antler (ethically sourced)
Goat horns (ethically sourced)
Candles of silver, white, red, purple, green and turquoise
Celebrate August 13th (Diana was worshiped at a festival called Nemoralia, or the Festival of Torches, beginning on August 13 each year. After washing their hair and dressing it with flowers, Diana’s followers would proceed around the sacred Lake Nemi) and 15th (her feast day, now the Catholic day of Mary's assumption into heaven)
A statue of her! Or her two dogs
Just spend time outside under the sky (Diana's name derives from the word sky/daybreak)
Fresh fruit (particularly apples)
A mirror or mirrors on her altar or shrine
Clay figurines
Foster dogs
Feed stray dogs
Leave dog biscuits and meat offerings for her hounds
You can also refer to my posts or other sources about the worship of Lady Artemis from the Greek Pantheon if you need more inspiration for worship and offering ideas but keep in mind they are different deities
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teawiththegods · 3 years
Preferred deities for mental health? I work mostly with Lady Hekate and Apollo for it. Hecate for like shadow work and demons and therapy obv and Apollo for like psychiatry and the courage to take charge of my mental health path.
Something that I've learned over the course of working on my own mental health with the gods is that really any of them can aid you. It all really depends on what exactly you need because mental health as a whole doesn't exist in one realm. So which deity is preferred is really a personal decision based on your specific needs. You basically described this idea in your ask by saying Hekate helps you with one aspect and Apollo the other.
Its best to think about the areas you struggle with or need guidance/assistance and see which deities rule over those realms. So for example i struggle a lot with self-love which is why I work with Aphrodite (and also Apollo because self-love is also a broad concept that can branch into other areas), I'm also a chronic people pleaser that was conditioned to value others over myself so I work with both Artemis and Eris in different ways for this issue, I also have a lot of anxiety around driving that Hermes has helped me tremendously with and Athena being the god of logic has helped me looking my anxious thoughts in a more rational way.
So yeah it really all depends on your personal needs.
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scarletarosa · 4 years
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Greek goddess of agriculture, harvest, grain, nourishment, and fertility
Demeter is the Olympian goddess of agriculture, and a daughter of Kronos and Rhea. She presided over the foremost of the Mystery Cults for women, which promised its initiates the path to a blessed afterlife in the realm of Elysium. In Rome, she was known as Ceres. Demeter was depicted as a mature woman, often wearing a crown and bearing sheaves of wheat or a cornucopia (horn of plenty), and a torch. 
Perhaps the most famous of Demeter’s myths is that of her beloved daughter, Persephone, being kidnapped by Hades, the god of the Underworld. This occurred when the young Persephone was out in a meadow with nymphs, and Hades suddenly came crashing towards her in his chariot. She ran, but Hades grabbed her and took her off towards the Underworld, with Persephone crying out for help. Here, Hades is said to have tricked Persephone into eating the pomegranate, forcing her to remain with him for a portion of each year for all time.
Apollodorus in the following passage summarizes the contents of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1. 29-33 (trans. Aldrich) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.):
“Plouton [Haides] fell in love with Persephone, and with Zeus' help secretly kidnapped her. I begin to sing of rich-haired Demeter Semne Thea (Reverend goddess) - of her and her trim-ankled daughter [Persephone] whom Aidoneus rapt away, given to him by all-seeing Zeus the loud-thunderer. Apart from Demeter Lady of the golden sword (khrysaoros), Giver of glorious fruits (aglaokarpos), she was playing with the deep-bosomed daughters of Okeanos and gathering flowers over a soft meadow, roses and crocuses and beautiful violets, irises also and hyacinths and the narcissus, which Ge (Earth) made to grow at the will of Zeus and to please the Host of Many [Haides], to be a snare for the bloom-like girl...The girl was amazed and reached out with both hands to take the lovely toy; but the wide-pathed earth yawned there in the Nysion plain, and the lord, Host of Many, with his immortal horses sprang out upon her...
Hades caught her up reluctant on his golden car and bare her away lamenting. Then she cried out shrilly with her voice, calling upon her father, the Son of Kronos [Zeus], who is most high and excellent. But no one, either of the deathless gods or of mortal men, heard her voice, nor yet the olive-trees bearing rich fruit: only tender-hearted Hekate, bright-coiffed, the daughter of Persaios, heard the girl from her cave, and the lord Helios (the Sun), Hyperion's bright son, as she cried to her father, the Son of Kronos [Zeus]. But he was sitting aloof, apart from the gods, in his temple where many pray, and receiving sweet offerings from mortal men. So he, that Son of Kronos [Haides], of many names...was bearing her away by leave of Zeus on his immortal chariot--his own brother's child and was all unwilling.
And so long as she, the goddess, yet beheld earth and starry heaven and the strong-flowing sea where fishes shoal, and the rays of the sun, and still hoped to see her dear mother [Demeter] and the tribes of the eternal gods, so long hope calmed her great heart for all her trouble; and the heights of the mountains and the depths of the sea rang with her immortal voice: and her queenly mother heard her.
Bitter pain seized her [Demeter's] heart, and she rent the covering upon her divine hair with her dear hands: her dark cloak she cast down from both her shoulders and sped, like a wild-bird, over the firm land and yielding sea, seeking her child. Demeter roamed the earth over in search of her, by day and by night with torches. When she learned from the Hermionians that Plouton [Haides] had kidnapped her, enraged at the gods she left the sky, and in the likeness of a woman made her way to Eleusis. But no one would tell her the truth, neither god nor mortal men; and of the birds of omen none came with true news for her. Then for nine days, queenly Deo wandered over the earth with flaming torches in her hands, so grieved that she never tasted ambrosia and the sweet draught of nectar, nor sprinkled her body with water. But when the tenth enlightening dawn had come, Hekate, with a torch in her hands, met her, and spoke to her and told her news: ‘Queenly Demeter bringer of seasons (horephoros), giver of good gifts (aglaodoros), what god of heaven or what mortal man has rapt away Persephone and pierced with sorrow your dear heart? For I heard her voice, yet saw not with my eyes who it was. But I tell you truly and shortly all I know.’ So, then, said Hekate. And the daughter of rich-haired Rhea [Demeter] answered her not, but sped swiftly with her, holding flaming torches in her hands.
So they came to Helios, who is watchman of both gods and men, and stood in front of his horses: and the bright goddess enquired of him: ‘Helios, do you at least regard me, goddess as I am, if ever by word or deed of mine I have cheered your heart and spirit. Through the fruitless air I heard the thrilling cry of my daughter whom I bare, sweet scion of my body and lovely in form, as of one seized violently; though with my eyes I saw nothing. But you--for with your beams you look down from the bright upper air Over all the earth and sea--tell me truly of my dear child, if you have seen her anywhere, what god or mortal man has violently seized her against her will and mine, and so made off.’
So said she. And the Son of Hyperion answered her: ‘Queen Demeter, daughter of rich-haired Rhea, I will tell you the truth; for I greatly reverence and pity you in your grief for your trim-ankled daughter. None other of the deathless gods is to blame, but only cloud-gathering Zeus who gave her to Aides, her father's brother, to be called his buxom wife. And Aides (Hades) seized her and took her loudly crying in his chariot down to his realm of mist and gloom. Yet, goddess, cease your loud lament and keep not vain anger unrelentingly: Aidoneus, the Ruler of Many, is no unfitting husband among the deathless gods for your child, being your own brother and born of the same stock: also, for honour, he has that third share which he received when division was made at the first, and is appointed lord of those among whom he dwells.’
So he spake, and called to his horses: and at his chiding they quickly whirled the swift chariot along, like long-winged birds.
When Zeus commanded Plouton to send Kore [Persephone] back up, Plouton gave her a pomegranate seed to eat, as assurance that she would not remain long with her mother. With no foreknowledge of the outcome of her act, Persephone consumed it. Askalaphos, the son of Akheron and Gorgyra, bore witness against her, in punishment for which Demeter pinned him down with a heavy rock in Hades' realm. But Persephone was obliged to spend a third of each year with Plouton, and the remainder of the year among the gods.”
This tragedy hurt Demeter so deeply, that every time Persephone is forced to return to Hades, all of life fades from the planet; creating Autumn and Winter. It is also said that Demeter is the creator of the Sirens, the bird-women who sing sailors to their deaths. In myth, the sirens were once nymphs who were the friends of Persephone. Two versions exist which tell of how they became as deadly bird-like women: one, where Demeter granted them wings in order to find her daughter, and another in which Demeter cursed them for not trying hard enough to rescue Persephone.  
In my personal experiences with Demeter, she is motherly, wise, empathetic, and deeply protective. She values generosity, honesty, and humility in her followers, and does not tolerate anyone who harms the Earth or is simply neutral towards its treatment by humans. Demeter is strongly connected to women and watches over them, even having the ability to sense their own sufferings. She herself has trauma due to what had happened with Persephone, since she had been kidnapped and taken advantage of for many ages by Hades, but she eventually escaped him. Hades learnt the error in his ways and seeks to mend what he has done; for he had taken the young goddess not out of sadism but out of deep loneliness, but this does not excuse his actions. Zeus however, is not to be blamed for this in any way, for he took no part in what had occurred; only being added in by the Greeks later on. When working with Demeter, you may ask her for whatever advise you need, and she will seek to teach you in the ways of compassion, patience, and nurturing emotions towards yourself and others.  
Some of her epithets:
Æratí (beloved)
Afxithalís (granter of growth)
Aglaódohros (bestower of splendid gifts)
Aglaókarpos (giver of fruit)
Agní (holy)
Dræpaniphóros (she who carries the scythe)
Éftæknos (bestowing children)
Iærothallís (blooming in holiness)
Kourotróphos (nurturer of children)
Mægála Mítir (the Great Mother)
Olviodóhtis (she who fills souls with bliss)
Pammíteira (mother of all)
Polýphorvos (feeder of many)
Prostásios (protector from evil)
Timáokhos (the honourable)
Vrimóh (the terrible one)
Koura (maiden)
Khrysáoros (bearing a golden sword)
Offerings: white wine, milk (all types), wheat, seeds, nuts, honey, cheese (all types), fruits, loaves of bread, butter, agricultural produce (all types as long as they are from the first ones harvested), cornucopias, white quartz, brown obsidian, calcite (all types), sunflowers, lilies, margarita, lemon trees (and all fruit bearing trees), incense of mastic or pine resin.
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hekates-torch · 1 year
Hello! I’m not sure if you’ll answer this but I wanted to ask you about something since I’ve been devoted to Hekate for a while and you’re probably one of the best Hekate blogs I’ve seen! ✨
A couple of months ago I had a terrible experience. I found a dog that was lost and I knew I couldn’t bring him to my house because I already have a dog, and since I didn’t know if this other dog was healthy or was so scared that he could turn aggresive I decided to call many shelters and even vets. However everything got a bit worse: everyone was telling me that I had to take care of him because it was almost midnight and no one’s was going to come to him. I was so desperate because I couldn’t take him to my house and because no one would help me that I think I got consumed by my anxiety. All I could do is put some towels and old bowls with water and food in a safe place and hope that he’ll be okay so the next morning I could do something else. Fortunately, I saw him two days after and he found his own home so I’m happy he’s ok. But since then I’ve been feeling quite far from my devotion and therefore Hekate. I know it is probably my anxiety and maybe even trauma but somehow I feel she’s kinda upset with me for not taking care of that poor baby. Maybe I’m here to seek some validation but here’s my question: do you think is it possible to disappoint the gods (Hekate in this case) by doing all you could do? I’m better now but those days I felt I didn’t do enough 😓
Thank you so much for time ♥️
Hello! Sorry for the late reply!
And I think you did as much as you could in the moment, and that’s all she could’ve asked you for. Most people would’ve just assumed the dog had gotten lost and would make it’s way back home, but you used all the resources you had to care for this dog while still keeping your self and others safe. While I think it’s important to look after the things our gods are shown through, you shouldn’t do so at the expense of yourself.
And I don’t believe that Lady Hekate would be upset with you for this, rather proud that you’ve done something good. If you’re still feeling anxious and disconnected try communicating to her in some way and leave her some larger offerings (doesn’t have to be anything to extravagant, but maybe something different from what you usually do) I always find this as a sort of peace offering, even if you’ve done nothing wrong, just for yourself and your anxiety.
I hope this helps! And I hope you and Lady Hekate were able to communicate and strengthen your worship!
(If I didn’t answer everything feel free to send another ask!)
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iant0jones · 4 years
That Greek gods post was interesting, but I would enjoy hearing ypur thoughts on it.
Ahh thank you so much for asking! 💖
This post had a lot of good takes, and doctor who characters obviously have many-faceted personalities so more than one god or goddess could suit them. I’m by no means saying that post was wrong.
Also, disclaimer: I have been dabbling in and out of Hellenistic polytheism for the past year and don’t intend for any of this to sound remotely like hubris, pls don’t smite me @ the gods
Rose - Aphrodite
I agree with that post, not only because Rose is the love interest of the Doctor, but because I think her character exemplifies love in so many forms throughout the series--self love, familial love, platonic love, romantic love, and the love of strangers and the world at large. Also I think she completely captures Aphrodite’s dynamic of being soft and adoring yet viciously ferocious
Jack - in doctor who? Ares. in torchwood? Zeus
Jack as represented in doctor who can be extremely brash and gung-ho. The Doctor and the audience in general are supposed to have a somewhat tense relationship with Jack due to the fact that he’s very willing to bring violence to the table when he feels like it’s needed (which is more often than the show is used to). But in some ways, it’s still kinda comical. That’s absolutely how the Greeks viewed Ares. Also, Ares has a strong association with Aphrodite. This level of passion could only be found in our boy Jack
That being said, I think if we take his characterization in torchwood into the equation, he’s absolutely Zeus. When the Doctor takes on power, it’s often seen as out of step, out of line, and a little insane, but Jack? Jack in torchwood commands respect. He’s the father figure that has been around for a long, long time, and is often right in his decisions, even if we don’t want to admit it. Also, horny as hell
Martha - Athena
Although I think a lot of goddesses could suit Martha and, vice versa, Athena could suit a lot of doctor who characters, Athena perfectly captures the grace and strength of Martha. Her intelligence and her dignity shown throughout the series (and torchwood) are absolutely honorific and suited for this amazing goddess. This is especially true when she really comes into her own as a member of UNIT and is able to combine her skills as a doctor with her skills as a strategist. And I can totally see Athena watching that scene of Martha reciting the bones in the hand and cheering her on
Donna - Nike
As the goddess of victory, strength, and speed, Nike reminds me of Donna due to her absolute devotion to justice, whether it be towards the people of Pompeii, the Ood, or how she herself is treated by others. That woman has held so much weight on her shoulders, but she’s more than capable of pushing through all the hard times to make sure everyone comes out okay. Also, "Did I ever tell ya? Best temp in Chiswick. Hundreds words per minute.”
Amy - Hera
Oooh, my god. The level of Queen in this lady. Amy completely gives off Queen of the Gods vibes. She’s strong as hell, stubborn, and quick to temper, but she’s also incredibly sweet, devoted, giving, and motherly. The scene where she attacks the Silence after reminding them that River became who she is because she’s Amy’s daughter? BIG HERA ENERGY
Rory - Hades
Now I’m by no means suggesting that Asclepius was a bad choice for Rory, but truth be told I don’t know much about that god and so I can’t really judge how well that choice sits with me. However, I do think Hades would be an excellent choice for Rory. He’s sensitive, reserved, and often gets left with the worst lot in life. He’s also highly intelligent, shrewd, and incredibly devoted to his wife, who he puts on a pedestal and treats her like the queen she is
River - Hekate
I’m a little on the fence about this one, especially considering that the post used Hekate’s traits as the goddess of crossroads and magic to highlight for River. I think Hekate’s more accurate for River if we consider that she’s essentially the female version of Zeus, due to her insane amount of power. Despite her level of power, however, she remains humble and is willing to service Persephone and Hades by helping them in the Underworld, which is similar to how River helps her parents and the Doctor. Also, I often associate a level of controlled chaos with Hekate that River would thrive in
Clara - Dionysus
Okay, hear me the fuck out. I think Athena suits Clara best, but because I already used Athena for Martha, I’m going to use Dionysus here, and this is why: Dionysus is the god of chaos, but he’s not really ever depicted as being chaotic himself. Instead, he surrounds himself in chaos. I think this speaks to the duality of Clara needing absolute control in her life, but also being an extreme thrill-seeker who could go over the edge at any moment. Also, the level of drama that she cultivates is absolutely suited for the stage of Dionysus
Bill - Artemis
To me, every aspect of Artemis suits Bill perfectly. Bill is fiercely sharp-witted and I could easily see her taking up a bow and arrow with ease. She’s both incredibly serene and intellectual (which reminds me of Artemis’s association with the moon), yet she’s not unwilling to jump to the offense if she feels like she or a loved-one is being threatened. Incredibly just and hates unnecessary violence.
Also, LESBIAN!!!!!!!!!! Bill and Artemis drink loving-women juice for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert!!!
The Doctor - Apollo
Going back to what I said when discussing Jack, there’s always something disturbing about the Doctor when they’re given too much power. Zeus is simply too godly, and as Nine put it, “I’d make a very bad god.” I think that’s why someone like Apollo is more suitable. He’s the god of light, music, and medicine, which speaks to the healing nature of the Doctor, their creativity, and the profound influence they have on people’s lives. But at the same time Apollo can also be vicious with a bow and arrow, and is considered to be the bringer of plagues. This is reflected in the destruction that follows the Doctor wherever they go. To me, this dual nature is the most important thing there is about the Doctor
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