#so i am suddenly NOT in the mood to write angst and have to go back to the unfinished art
aq2003 · 9 months
next couple doctordonna prompts are gonna be a day or two late but GOD i am fucking finishing all 7 of these creatures i am. doing it
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"The Dare"
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Pairing: Show!Luke Castellan x demeter!fem!reader
Summary: You and luke have been best friends forever but after the incident things have been awkward between the two of you. Until you're forced to spend the night together...
Contains: percabeth, angst?? (i think? idk bro), swearing, fluff, kissing, ONE FUCKING BED TROPE
Word Count: 2223 did i get carried away? yes.
A/N: Im back bitches! yes i disappeared there lol, but i've resurfaced with my luke obsession (its never going to end). i've always had a small obsession with living in buses and so from that came this. i have little to no idea what im writing here im going off a random idea while half sleep deprived :)
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You roll your eyes and grumble as you follow Annabeth out of the apartment.
"This is stupid," you groan. "I'm serious. Are we really going through with this shit dare?"
Annabeth just smirks, shaking her head. "Yes, y/n. We're not going to be chickens and back out," she turns around and eyes you. "It's one night, besides, Percy and I will be there."
You roll your eyes and grip the strap of your bag a little harder. One night with Luke Castellan? After the incident? No way. Nuh uh. You'd rather step on a lego than that.
"Annabeth," you groan.
"Y/n," she looks back with a dead serious look. "I will drag you there if I have to."
"It's a bus!" you almost shriek, but noticing the few people who turn their heads at you, you quiet down and pocket your apartment keys. "I'm serious. Where'd they even find a damn bus? It's a bus!"
"I know!" Annabeth grins, clearly ignoring your bad mood. "I've never stayed in a bus before. This is going to be so cool!"
"Who the fuck hires a bus out to live in?" you grumble clearly pissed.
"Percy-fucking-jackson- that's who," a voice in the distance yells. You look up and fight the wave of panic that overcomes you when you see Luke and Percy walking towards you both.
"I found the two best buses in the area!" Percy announces dropping his bag at his feet. Luke stands just behind him with a forced smile on his face.
"Wait two?" you ask suddenly, your face scrunching up.
"Yeah four of us couldn't fit in one so I hired two out," he says. "The guy was really chill about it and they're parked right next to each other!"
The cab pulls up and all four of you clamber in. Percy in the front, Luke, you and Annabeth in the back. Annabeth being squished between you and Luke.
"this fucking bet," you mutter to yourself, trying to ignore the palpable tension in the cab.
Luke was basically sweating through his t-shirt. He was so glad to have a sweater on, covering his nervousness.
When the four of you had arrived at the bus guys house two pieces of news reached him. One; that while buses look big, they can't fit more than two people. Two; he was going to be sharing a bus with y/n.
The girl he's been desperately in love with since the day she showed up at camp.
This was either going to be really bad, or really bad. He sighs as he picks his bag and climbs into the bus you're both staying in.
It's got a nice crisp, white interior with flashes of wood throughout it. Luke drops the bag on the sofa that runs along the edge of the bus meeting with the kitchen counter.
He sighs when he hears you enter the bus. You awkwardly shuffle past him and put your bag on the bed. The bed. There is only one bed.
"Y/n!" Annabeth calls out to you climbing inside and dragging you out. "They have connecting rooftop decks!" she cries and pulls herself up onto the ladder. Chattering to herself about how cool this place is, and even though you can't help it you let a smile slip onto your face.
You think you see something inside the bus but it's just Luke's back.
Sighing you clamber on behind her trying your very best to forget the fact that there is ONE BED. ONE BED. Oh gods. You smirk seeing Annabeths cheeks turn bright red when Percy whispers in her ear.
"Am I interrupting anything?" you laugh when you see her whip her head around and blush even more.
"So have you changed your mind about the buses?" Percy eyes you.
You roll your eyes and move your shoulders in what you think is a half shrug but it just ends up making you look like you're trying to do a weird dance move.
"Ahh, so you think it's a dance worthy bus?"
"No that's not what I meant-" you start but Percy jumps up and starts to shimmy.
"I'm actually gonna push you off this roof," you mutter when a presence comes up behind you. You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. It's him. You suck in a breath and force a smile.
"So what's for dinner?"
Three hours later you are all sprawled out in Percy and Annabeth's bus with boxes of pizza and containers of blue ice cream (courtesy of Percy, thank you) around you all.
"I'm not getting up ever again," Percy groans from his spot over the table next to Luke.
"Well, to make sure Percy dies in peace let's play truth or dare!" Annabeth smirks.
"No!" you and Luke both burst out at the same time.
"Relax, babies," Annabeth teases, and pats Percy on the head before groaning and pulling herself up off the seat. "I'm not going to put you through all that again," she says, picking up the boxes and putting them in the small bin.
The tension in the room suddenly increased. And you swore you could hear a pin drop. Silence descended and you slowly peel yourself off the seat. "I'm gonna go."
You slip out of the bus breathing in the night air trying your best to not blush.
Luke watches as you walk out of the bus and groans when he sees Percy and Annabeth's knowing looks.
"You couldn't be cool about it could you?" Percy asks Annabeth.
"What?" she shoots him a look. "They've got to get over it sometime! It's Luke and y/n. They're best friends. I feel like a grandma helping the two bozos get over whatever happened that day. Nobody even knows what happened!"
Luke sighs and collects himself. "Right I'll leave you two, and go deal with this incredibly awkward night by myself."
Annabeth starts to say something but Luke cuts her off. "I swear to god Annabeth! Please don't make this worse than it already is, I'm trying my very best to not focus on the fact that its weird between y/n. So please, please don't say anything to her that'll scare her off. I want to talk to her first."
Annabeth just smirks and nods pushing you out of the bus as Percy wraps an arm around her waist. "Of course lover-boy."
Luke rolls his eyes and walks over to his bus and clambers inside, shutting the door and locking it behind him. He makes his way over to the back of the bus.
You're sitting on the bed on top of the covers, in beach themed pj's (thank you again Percy) and playing with a small flower crown you'd made. Luke falters slightly when he sees you. You look so calm and at peace that he can't help the small smile that slips onto his lips.
Luke has been trying his very best to talk to you ever since the incident a few weeks ago - when this dare was made - but you've been avoiding him, scampering off whenever he tries to talk to you.
You still haven't noticed him and a bright grin lights up your face when you add some daisies to the crown. Luke's heart warms and he clears his turning around to dig in his bag for sleeping clothes.
Your eyes shoot up and your smile wavers. "Hey," your voice is meek. "Do you... uh want," you clear your throat. "Uh... um, which side of the bed do you want"
Luke spins around. "Uh, I'll take the couch. Don't worry about it."
You sigh, stifling your nerves. "Luke, it's a bench seat with  padding. Just choose a side of the bed."
Panic flits into his eyes and you're reminded of the way he acted the night of the incident. It's been rocky ground ever since then and you've avoided him as much as you can. Being hopelessly in love with the Luke Castellan is clearly not an easy task.
"Choose Luke."
Luke nods to the left side of the bed and you move over letting him sit on the edge of the bed. His presence calming you while at the same time putting you on edge.
"G'night Luke," you mumble and he smiles at the sleepiness of your voice. "But don't you dare come on my side of the bed."
The first thing you notice when you wake up is that you're warm. It's cozy and you just want to snuggle into the warmth more.
The second thing is that you're lying on top of Luke's arm. If you roll to the right you'll fall off the bed and if you roll to the left you roll into him. Him, Luke. The reason you're so warm right now.
Pulling yourself up you try to move away from him but his arm wraps around your waist and you freeze. "No stay, sunflower," he mutters in a sleepy daze.
Sunflower. Luke hasn't called you that in a long time and it always makes your insides melt.
"Sunflower?" you whisper and Luke's head whips up.
"Y/n?" he says softly.
"Luke?" you whisper back.
"What are we doing?" he asks, noticing his arms around your waist and the fact that you haven't instantly pulled away.
You look up at him. His dark curly hair tousled by sleep and the focused look in his eyes making you very tempted to stay like this forever. But remembering the night of the incident you pull away and clamber out of the bed, cheeks flushing.
"Y/n," your name comes out of his mouth almost tortured.
You ignore him and continue to walk down to where the drapes aren't shut, peaking out to see if Percy and Annabeth are awake yet. And judging by the fact that it's first light.
A blanket wraps around your shoulders. You turn your head to see Luke standing there- shit, he's shirtless. Your eyes trail down his body in a daze. Woah.
Holy Shit.
Now you've seen him shirtless before, but this, this feels more personal somehow. You look up at him, an amused smirk gracing his lips.
"I'm going up onto the deck to watch the sunrise," you say, not looking at him. "Let me know when Annabeth and Percy are awake so I can get out of this dump."
You open the door and climb on to the roof deck, dragging the comforter up with you because yes, as much as you want to be all tough shit and all its freezing and you want the damn warmth - besides it smells like Luke as well.
Luke follows you outside after he puts a shirt on and plops down on the deck next to you. Without even thinking about it you open the comforter for him and he wraps it around himself as well.
"Sunflower, we need to talk."
Here it comes. The inevitable rejection.
"Okay," your voice is small.
"About that night..." he starts trailing off.
"Look," you cut him off, wanting to save yourself the embarrassment. "You don't have to say anything. I get it. That night I kinda jumped on you and I'm sorry. I get it, you were on the spot and then I started acting really weird. But I get it. You don't feel the sa-"
You feel a kiss press gently onto the corner of your lips. What? Pulling back you look at him in shock. "No, please don't humor me on this Luke." A lump forms in your throat.
"Humor you?" Luke asks, puzzled. "Sunflower, I'm not humoring you. I'm serious. That night... I freaked out, I was so surprised when you told me that you liked me, that I froze. Hearing the one thing I'd been dreaming about for years, shocked me," he looks at you, his eyes full of adoration.
"So you don't hate me?" you ask.
"Hate you? No Sunflower, I love you."
Your eyes flit up to his and in the few seconds you take to try and think of something to say Luke presses his lips to yours, pulling you close. You gasp and meet his lips with force.
Luke wraps his arms around your waist, laying you down on the deck, him hovering above you not breaking the kiss once. You wrap your arms around his neck and part your lips, moaning when he slips his tongue inside your mouth. The comforter, forgotten beside you both.
Luke kisses you as if he's never seen the sun before and you are the bright beams shining on the earth for the first time. He kisses you adoringly and groans when you slip your tongue into his mouth. He gently bites your lip and pulls back, gasping for air.
"I love you, Luke," you heave catching your breath. Luke's face breaks into a grin and he presses a soft kiss on the end of your nose.
"Love you, Sunflower."
"Love you, Luke."
He sits you up and wraps the comforter around you both. Resting your head on Luke's shoulder you settle in next to him wrapping an arm around his waist. You swear you can hear Annabeth and Percy cheering in their bus.
"I'm gonna kill them," you mutter.
"I got some ideas," he chuckles back.
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bangtanficsforyou · 1 year
Fine Line (JJK)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader.
Au: Enemies to lovers.
Word count: 2.4K
Genre: angst, smut, fluff (i am ninety percent sure I'll write a part two at some point with all the spice)
Summary: You hate Jungkook. Jungkook hates you. It's simple. Until it isn't.
A/N: here's my patreon for early access to all my works and exclusive drabbles and aneek peaks!
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"You're beautiful," he speaks loudly to be heard over the loud blaring music.
"Thank you," you express your appreciation not only through your words but also through your red hot cheeks and shy smile.
His hand tightens around your waist as the both of you sway gently along with the music. "You're welcome, pretty."
Chuckling, you place one of your palms on his chest and look up at him.
The night has been filled with subtle touches, light teasing and full of laughter. You didn't expect you'd have this much fun when you agreed to go on a date with the guy you matched with, a few weeks ago. But it has been a pleasant surprise so far and you have been feeling glad over the decision of going out tonight.
You both dance with low giggles and occasional compliments are thrown in the air. That is until the music changes into something more upbeat.
"Would you like to go to the bar?"
You're relieved on hearing that question and couldn't agree sooner. It's not unknown to you that with the change of music comes the typical club activity aka grinding on each other. And you're not in the mood for that so it's rather wise to remove yourself from the dance floor.
One might question, why then did you choose a club of all places? Simple reason, a crowded place is safe for a first date. Why not a restaurant? Because you were not really that excited about the date at first and a restaurant felt a bit too intimate. What if there's no flow of conversation? What will you do then? Sit there awkwardly and enjoy the sounds of knives and forks?
Hence, clubbing.
You two sit yourselves next to each other on stools and ask the bartender to make the both of you drinks. Something sweet for you, something strong for him.
"What's the last book that you have indulged yourself in?"
You perk up at the mention of books. You had mentioned to him previously that you absolutely love reading books and you would stay in fictional worlds if you could. And you're impressed that he remembers that small piece of detail.
You tell him about the book you're currently reading and all the reasons why you love it. You get even more excited when he adds his recent reading experiences and from then on, there's no stopping the chit-chat between you two.
The conversation moves on from books to people in both of your lives and then to food and then lord knows, to what.
At some point, you both get tipsy and you can tell he's more affected by the drinks than you are. It gets to the point where you feel like it's better for him to head home now before he gets to a stage where he cannot get home by himself.
"You should probably stop with the drinks now," you suggest, softly. "Would you like for me to book you a cab?"
He dismisses your words with a wave of his hand. "Nah, sweetheart, I am only getting started."
He throws his hand in the air and before you can register what's happening, he's placing them over your shoulders. His fingers rub the skin of your arms and he grins at you. You squirm in your seat, suddenly finding his grin to be not that attractive. You try to tell yourself that there's nothing to be scared of, some people tend to get a little touchy when they get drunk.
"The night has only got started, sweetheart," he mutters, getting incredibly close to you. You think he's attempting that thing where someone whispers in your ears in a sexy gruff voice in hopes that it'd be attractive. But if anything, you shiver in disgust and fear.
You try to put some distance between the two of you but he doesn't budge. It's only when you put a little more force that you're successful at your attempts.
He's taken off guard by your sudden use of force but his surprise fades and he smirks. "Do you like it rough, babygirl?"
Okay, that's it.
"I need to go use the washroom," you come up with the most basic excuse ever but you doubt in his drunk state, he'd ever pay attention to how lame you sound.
You're right in your assumption that he doesn't pay attention. However, he's not happy that you're leaving him. "You should not leave me here. We should leave together for my place."
The lopsided grin on his face makes your stomach churn in a bad way. Before you can get a word out to come up with some excuse, a glass of shot is being placed in front of him.
"Sir, your order," the bartender says and that seems to be the magic words as he seems to forget that he had an issue with you leaving him moments ago.
You ease up a little bit and don't miss the look the bartender is giving you. She seems to be telling you with her eyes that she will make sure that your date doesn't follow you.
The relief on your face is the only thing that serves as a mode of expressing your gratitude as you quickly flee the spot. Not knowing any place better, you actually do find yourself in the washroom. What if you were to stand outside the club and somehow he catches up with you? In the washroom, at least there will be other girls.
You take your phone out and hesitate for a brief moment. Would it be the right thing to do to ask your best friend, Jisoo, to come and pick you up? You could take a cab but with the sudden turn of events, you feel scared to be alone.
Pushing your hesitance aside you shoot her a text, knowing she would be very mad if she were to learn you didn't text her when in need.
You: can you please come and pick me up?
Jis 🥵: sure can
Jis 🥵: but is everything alright?
You chew on your lower lip and decide this is no time to go into details.
You: I'll tell you once I reach home
Jis 🥵: sure
Jis 🥵: i can see your location
Jis 🥵: I'll be there in fifteen
You sigh in relief when you read the text. You wait for exactly twelve minutes before stepping out of the washroom, getting a little impatient to get out of the club.
However, the moment you step out, you're met with a figure that you recognise immediately. Jungkook. And by the looks of it, he looks agitated about something as he looks at his phone screen.
You're no fool to think that Jungkook being here is a mere coincidence and walk towards him. The sound of your heels catches his attention and he looks up, finally noticing you.
"Why are my calls not reaching you?" He asks, looking absolutely pissed. Any other time, you'd have felt extremely satisfied at that but you fail to feel any of that right now.
To address his question, his calls are not reaching you because you have him blocked. Why?
Before answering the why, you should probably get into how you and Jungkook know each other.
You see Jisoo has a boyfriend, Taehyung. And Taehyung, bless his sweet soul, has an absolute devil of a best friend, Jungkook.
You never imagined that you'd ever have this much animosity with your best friend's boyfriend's best friend. But for some reason unknown, you and Jungkook just simply do not get along. You both are involved in constant bickering, pulling pranks and throwing insults at each other.
Which leads to the why, you have Jungkook blocked. Last time, he posted an advertisement on his social media saying there's a need for someone who can do a good Minnie Mouse impression and put your phone number at the bottom of it. For several days people kept calling you asking if they can give you their demo. Some didn't even bother asking, they thought saying hello in the Minnie Mouse voice would earn them brownie points. It made you so incredibly furious that out of sheer pettiness, you blocked Jungkook.
"Why are you here?" You ask instead of answering his initial question.
"What? I'm your prince charming for tonight," Jungkook smirks, his previous agitation melting away and it immediately irks you. "I heard you needed a ride and so here I am."
Your eyes follow his and you immediately shake your head when you realise he's asking you to get on his bike. Jungkook and his bike go hand in hand, so much so that you hadn't paid attention to it when you first saw him. However, now you feel incredibly stupid for not realising any sooner that his bike is supposed to be your ride for the night.
"No, no, no, I'm not getting on that," you shake your head vehemently.
Jungkook raises a brow. "You have no other choice, sweetheart."
"I'll book a cab," you grumble, knowing very well that you are not quite fond of that idea.
"I'm already here. Just get on the bike Y/N."
You don't reply for a few moments before sighing when you realise how your argument is incredibly stupid. "Fine."
Jungkook grins and gets on the bike. He starts the engine and motions you to take your seat. You hesitate for a moment but then get behind him. He hands you a helmet before putting one on himself.
You wait for him to start the bike but you are confused when Jungkook doesn't do so. "What are you waiting for?"
"For you to wrap your arms around me," just by the tone of his voice, you can tell he's enjoying this thoroughly.
You scoff. "Why would I ever do that?"
Your question is answered when he revs the engine and the force of it makes you stumble forward. Involuntarily, your arms wrap around his torso as you cling to him for dear life.
"There's my good girl," Jungkook comments with a cheeky grin on his face and takes off.
With how fast he's going, you find yourself feeling scared and hold on to him tighter. His hard back presses against your chest and you rest your chin on his right shoulder, soon finding the position comfortable and despising it at the same time. You both spend the entire journey to your place in this manner and in absolute silence.
You're surprised at how quickly you reach your destination. It's like his motorbike flies. Untangling yourself from Jungkook, you get off the bike. You remove the helmet and throw it at him, not wanting to spend another moment in his presence.
But before you can walk inside your home, he grabs your hand. "Woah, woah, woah. Do I not get a thank you?"
"Fuck off, asshole," you roll your eyes and free yourself from his grip. You're aware that if you were to ask anyone they'd tell you, you are the one who's being an asshole but you and Jungkook simply do not share the kind of dynamic, where one thanks the other. If it were Jungkook in your place, he'd probably say something cheeky or call you names. He'd do everything but not say thank you.
You take the key out of your purse and are about to unlock your door, when you're swiftly turned around in the blink of an eye and the next thing you know, you are caged between your front door and Jungkook.
"What do you want, Jungkook?"
The corner of his lips lift up. "A simple thank you."
You smile too, the only difference being yours is sarcastic. "Thank you so much Jungkook for coming to pick me up because Jisoo asked you to."
"She didn't ask me to," he replies, immediately, shaking his head. The action causes a few of his curls to fall on his face and with him being this close to you, you let your mind drift to how easy it would be for you to just gently remove those strands out his face. However, you control yourself, getting annoyed with the whole situation.
"Of course, she didn't ask you to! You came because you wanted to really help me." Your words are so sweet that they drip venom.
Jungkook observes you closely, before curiosity gets the best of him. "Why do you hate me so much?"
You're caught off guard by his question. The hate between you and Jungkook has always been mutual and reciprocated. None of you have ever questioned it. Hating each other is what feels right, what feels natural. You never imagined that any of you would ever question it.
"Well…you know," you stutter, finding yourself at a loss of words.
"No, I don't," he challenges. "Tell me Y/N, what have I done for you to hate me so much?"
"Y-you know, y-you know you are not a good guy," the words sound lame to even your own ears but that's the best you come up with.
"That's it, huh?"
You roll your eyes and look away from him, not wanting to make it obvious that you do not have a proper answer to give. However, Jungkook grabs your chin and makes you look at him.
He leans in incredibly close and you feel his breath on your skin. It makes you wonder what he's doing, it makes you wonder if he's going to kiss you and it makes you wonder why you aren't moving away from him. Your breathing speeds up and your chest heaves to give testimony to that. Your eyes drop to his lips and for the first time you find the previously annoying mole under them, cute. Just when you think he's about to close the distance he goes straight to your ears.
"I think you want me to be the bad guy," he whispers. "Because you know I'd be too good to you."
He nips at your earlobe before backing away, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
"What are you doing?" You may not have been kissed but you sound just as breathless as one gets after a heavy session of kissing.
"Good night princess," he winks at you before getting on his bike. "Have sweet dreams."
What just happened?
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Part two is available here.
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starjaeyun · 6 months
gatekeeper — tsukishima kei !
— tsukishima assures that he is not embarrassed of dating you, you think otherwise
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warning/s : fem! reader, misunderstanding 😁 & a small fight at the beginning, profane language, tinsy bit of angst, fluff & crack from the second half ‘til it ends
note : had this little idea while writing a kageyama drabble so they might be quite similar
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“just give up already”
y/n’s tip-toeing came to a stop. seriously? this was the 4th time this week! with an annoyed groan, she turns around, fists clenched, brows furrowed, and it looks as though a tick mark was formed on her forehead. behind her stood her oh so loving boyfriend, tsukishima kei, who somehow always catches her trying to sneak in the volleyball gym.
“oh c’mon kei! why won’t you let me watch your practice?!” tsukishima sighed, “we’ve talked about this” he grumbled, why does she have to be so stubborn?
“don’t talk like those romanticized, toxic boyfriends on wattpad!” y/n hits his arm, which barely does any damage to him, “and don’t act like them as well!”
tsukishima raises a hand to fix his glasses, “are you saying i’m toxic?”
“i never said that! i just said don’t talk and act like—”
“so you’re implying it?”
“well, you’re going to be if you carry on with that bullshit!” tsukishima grows silent and stares at y/n, who had seemed to be reaching the highest point of her annoyed meter, which would then slowly escalate into anger.
after a few seconds of silence, he spoke, “take these, don’t wait for me and go home. cool your head” in each of his hands were his hoodie and an umbrella, which he brought with him on the way to the gym incase it might rain before they’re able to go back to the locker rooms. with y/n giving no sign of taking it, he placed it on her foot and carried on walking past her.
“i don’t understand you” tsukishima comes to a halt, looking back almost immediately upon noticing y/n’s change of tone. crap, was i too harsh?
“why are you acting like that if you’re embarrassed of me?” he couldn’t tell whether she’s sad or angry.
“acting? acting like what? and what do you mean embarrassed?!” his tone immediately gave away his nervousness.
“in school or when you’re with someone else, you avoid and act like you don’t know me but when we’re alone, suddenly you’re taking care of me! make it clear whether you love me or not to save both our time because i am not about to start losing myself for a boy who can’t love me the way i deserve!” it’s clear that she wanted to say more so tsukishima stayed silent. “if you’re going to love me, at least be honest with me! am i embarrassing or not?!”
“of course not!”
“then why?!” it was a miracle that y/n was not crying nor shouting at the moment.
tsukishima fully turns his body this time, “what’s embarrassing is my explanation…” and the mood suddenly lightens.
“TSUKISHIMA, YOU BASTARD!” tanaka and nishinoya’s yelling made tsukishima sigh.
“you call me selfish but keep shimizu-senpai’s sister all to yourself” kageyama grumbles
tsukishima stands still. hands clasped together behind his back and head bowed down. he looks like a child getting a scolding, or how the the freak duo looks whenever daichi catches their slip ups.
nishinoya and tanaka kneels in front of the first year. head bowed down as if they were praising him, and that they are.
“on this day, we honor you. congratulations on getting a shimizu!” they say in unison.
“you’re overreacting” tsukishima simply says.
“nope, i, too, would congratulate you tsukki. no offense, but you’re not exactly the ideal boyfriend” yamaguchi says with a finger under his chin.
“mhm! so you better treat her right tsukishima! she’s like our little sister” sugawara’s smile does not look comforting at all.
“call me if you need help in buying gifts!” daichi volunteers happily.
“and me if you need advice!” asahi adds.
“why are you guys taking my job?” shimizu comments while giggling. “but, i do think that tsukishima is just right for my little sister” she turns to look at her sister who was now playing around with kageyama and hinata, “she’s as chaotic as those two, he’ll be able to handle her. so i trust that i won’t have to worry much?”
“of course” tsukishima didn’t seem like himself at the moment. his eyes seemed to have soften at the sight of his girlfriend. he smiled, though not too obvious.
“why are you smiling like a male lead in a drama?” tanaka teased. and though tsukishima hates expressing his emotions to his teammates, he certainly loves poking their annoyance scale, “because this is what it’s like to love and be loved”
“Why are you making it seem like kiyoko does not love me back! she does love me! right? right?” tanaka gave kiyoko hopeful eyes and received no response aside from her turning around.
“I’m not talking about platonic love”
“KEI!” apparently, while he successfully annoyed the second year, his girlfriend heard what he said and would definitely never let it go.
“when have you been so sweet?! love and be loved? seriously?!” she bounced up and down, hands on tsukishima’s shoulder for support.
“she’s no different from the freak duo, i’m afraid” sugawara comments and laughs along with the third years.
“but am i really that beautiful that you had to gatekeep me from your entire team?” she laughed, still bouncing, and tsukishima only stood there with his smile never seeming to fade.
“if that were me i’d be receiving his train of insults by now” hinata says, joining the rest of the team as they watched how tsukishima seemed to be a lot softer around y/n.
“you’re such a gatekeeper kei!” she teased, this time, she stopped bouncing and have started poking her boyfriend’s sides.
“that he is! how dare he gatekeep kiyoko-san’s sister?!” tanaka kneeled back down on one knee with a hand on his chest.
nishinoya followed suit, “and what’s annoying is that she reciprocated his love!”
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© starjaeyun on tumblr | do not steal, copy, translate or repost
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demonpiratehuntress · 10 months
The Straw Hats realise they like you and confess
Featuring: Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Usopp x F!Reader
Warnings - angst to comfort (Zoro and Sanji). this is my first time writing for the anime, I'm still very new (only on episode 194) so please be nice, and let me know if they're ooc
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"He's avoiding me."
"He's not-"
"He can't stand to be in the same room as me."
Despite Nami's protests and reassurance, you were convinced that the green-haired swordsman was doing his utmost best to stay away from you. There was a distance between you two that hadn't been there until two days ago. Two days ago being the moment he realised he had feelings for you - unbeknownst to you.
"I'm sure there's an explanation-" Robin started.
"Well whatever it is, I don't want to hear it."
You were hurt. He had just stopped talking to you, stopped seeking you out for naps, and stopped being in your presence entirely. You don't even know what you did, and that hurt even more. You stood up from the table, brushing past the frozen swordsman as he entered the room. Tears evident in your eyes to all of them as they watched you go.
Why were you crying? Zoro was immediately concerned. He cared about you, after all, much more than anyone else on the crew. He hadn't realised that until he learned his feelings towards you were romantic, which is the reason for his distancing. He was, admittedly, scared by the fact that he liked you, and his defense mechanism of avoidance kicked in.
"What did you do now?" Nami practically growled at the swordsman.
"Me?" He protested. "I didn't do anything."
The orange-haired navigator rolled her eyes, "You're an idiot. You're avoiding her, and it's making her think you suddenly hate her."
Zoro's mouth opened like he was about to say something, but he didn't know what. You thought he hated you? That couldn't be further from the truth. He, the man who had your favourite colour, favourite food, and favourite everything committed to memory, he who knew your birthday better than his own, he who looked through every store on island stops to find something you would like, could never hate you.
But, he supposes avoiding you might have sent the wrong message.
The next day is pretty much the same, with you being in the room and Zoro not. You sighed and buried your face in your arms, just as the swordsman walked in. This time, he didn't leave.
You looked up, surprised to hear him saying your name. Then you frowned, and dropped your head onto your arms again. You weren't in the mood to deal with him right now.
"I'm...sorry," he got out, a little slow but he managed. "Please look at me."
You sighed again before lifting your head, "What?"
You froze in place, seeing a familiar flower being held out to you. The green-haired swordsman had a bright blush on his face, but he had his head turned as he offered your favourite flower to you, probably too embarrassed about blushing to look at you. You took the flower gently, your own blush forming on your cheeks.
"I like you."
You were stunned for a moment, before your burst into laughter. His eyes widened, his blush darkening as he frowned at you.
"What-what's so funny?!"
"You're adorable."
The rest of you laughed as he grumbled and hastily trudged off, and you smiled as you looked at the flower in your hand.
"I like you too."
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It was a well known fact that Sanji was a massive flirt. Everyone knew about the cook's flirtatious antics, because he got heart-eyed over every woman he saw and everyone had witnessed it at some point. Even Nami and Robin were victim to his advances. But you, for some reason, were not. And it was confusing, to say the least, but it also sparked a deep insecurity.
Were you not pretty enough?
Little did you know, Sanji's aversion to flirting with you was only because every time he tried to say something to you, his tongue would tie itself up into a knot. He would not be able to get a word out, and would just end up looking like an idiot. He didn't want to give Zoro more ammunition. Because even looking at you sent all the thoughts in his head flying out, made his heart beat faster than he thought possible, and stole the breath from his lungs. He couldn't look at you without feeling faint.
"Why am I so unattractive?" You groaned one day, flopping down on the kitchen counter while he was cooking.
His eyes widened at your words, because there was simply no way you really thought you were ugly. He stared at you for a moment, and set down what he was holding to come over to you.
"You're not unattractive."
You scoffed, sitting up to look at him, "Please, you should be the last one to tell me that."
Before he could say anything, your eyes filled with tears and you retreated to your room, leaving him feeling so guilty. So it was because of him you felt that way. He thought it would be more romantic if he didn't flirt with you like a common woman, but it seemed that only made you think you weren't worthy of his affections.
Sighing, he followed you and stopped in front of your room door. He tried calling your name, but you didn't respond. Then he began to call you by other names - sweetheart, love, darling, anything romantic he could think of.
"You're the most beautiful woman in the world," he leaned his forehead against the door, "And I'm sorry I made you feel like you aren't. But I just like you so much that you have me tongue-tied every time I set my eyes on you."
You slowly opened the door, "You like me? You have a weird way of showing it."
"I'm so sorry!" He apologised, falling to his knees and clasping his hands together, "Please forgive me! I promise to make you feel prettier than anything and anyone else in the world, my sweet (Name)."
He looked on the verge of tears, so you shook your head with a smile and grabbed his arm to make him stand.
"You're so lucky I like you too."
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Lord help you. That's pretty much all that can be said. Because when Luffy develops feelings for you, he has absolutely no idea. He doesn't think much of the fact that he constantly wants to be around you, that he constantly wants your attention and that he suddenly shares his food with you. He's so oblivious that romance could smack him in the face and he still wouldn't know a thing about it. So, naturally, Nami and Sanji have to help him realise that what he feels for you is not the same as what he feels for the rest of the crew.
"Oi, (Name)!"
"Luffy, I-" Nami sighed. There was no point in trying to talk to the captain now, you had come into view and stolen his attention. He could simply not focus on anything but you.
You laughed as you came towards the pair, "Luffy. What did you do this time?"
He pouted, "Why do you always think I did something?"
"You're Luffy," you replied, "When are you not doing something?"
"I just wanted to show you this funny fruit!"
He held up a fruit that he had picked from one of the trees on this island, which did admittedly have a funny shape. He then proceeded to break the fruit in two, and gave you a half. Nami practically fainted. You took that half in shock, but upon closer examination you realised it was no ordinary fruit and you tossed it aside, jumping on Luffy.
"Luffy, spit it out!"
"Why?" He asked, mouth already full.
You groaned, and then slapped his cheek. He spit it all out, stunned by your slap and you sighed in relief that he hadn't swallowed any.
"Why did you hit me?" He asked. "I thought I was showing you that I like you. Do you not like me?"
Your eyes widened when he said this, and a deep blush crossed your cheeks, "I do like you, why do you think I was trying to get you to spit out that poisonous fruit?!"
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Pretty sure the only guy to react in a relatively normal way to liking you is this guy. He probably wouldn't notice at first, but he did realise it mid-battle. Some pirates jumped the ship, and his first instinct was to run until he saw you in trouble. You were fighting them off, but one grabbed you from behind and got you into a dangerous chokehold. The bravery to stand up for you that overcame him then was his first indication he had more than friendly feelings towards you.
"(Name), duck!"
That's fair. You could barely talk, but you had managed to scream at him. The sharpshooter raised his shaky arms to take aim at the grinning scum that was hurting you, and without hesitating fired one of his exploding stars at him. You gasped and rolled away from the pirate, clutching your throat as you tried to inhale as much air as possible. Usopp rushed over to you, kneeling beside you as the rest of the pirates were dealt with by the others.
"Are you okay?" He asked, so concerned he was fussing over you, checking for any serious injuries and almost fainting when he saw one small cut on your neck. "You're not okay!"
"Hey, I'm fine," you rasped, "It's just a small scratch."
"CHOPPER! CHOPPER!" Usopp was already screaming for the reindeer.
Once you were treated - in other words, given a plaster for your tiny cut - you smacked Usopp on the back of his head, "Zoro and Sanji had much worse injuries, you know."
"W-well, I-I-" Usopp started stammering, his legs wobbling like they always did when he was scared or nervous. "I came down with this new disease, you know-" He rambled. "It's called 'i-like-you-osis' and it's very serious, you know."
You laughed as he took off on his shaky legs to hide after saying that, apparently too flustered by his own words to face you. You smiled and shook your head in dismay.
"I have the same disease, idiot."
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schmidtsgirl · 8 months
You are in love -S.R
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— Spencer Reid x fem!reader
— summary: in which your love for one another comes to light
— warnings: angst, light heartbreak, some cringe fluff. Writing fluff isn’t my usual writing style but i was in a mood. Proofread but maybe some errors
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The question itself had caught you off guard, your hand you were using to write coming to a halt as you looked over at the man across the table. The music in the background suddenly seem to fade away in your head.
“Yet.. i mean” Spencer finished off his sentence. Shifting a little uncomfortable in his seat as your gaze lingered on him for a while.
You cleared your throat. “No, I don’t think so” you saw the way his eyes emptied out like he was expecting a better response from you, but truthfully was now the right time to just burst out the truth you were dearly in love with Spencer Reid?
“Oh” he went right back to looking at the files on the table. Bottom lip caught between his teeth, something he usually did when he was holding himself back from opening his mouth to speak again.
It fell into an uncomfortable silence now.
"are you?” Spencer snapped his head up to look at you so fast you thought he'd might hurt himself. There was something in the way he'd look at you told that you right there and then you might regret asking him that deeply Afraid you wouldn’t like the answer back.
A blush creeped up to his cheeks and neck, his fingers fumbling with his pen. God you were going to hate the answer back. “Yeah, I am actually” you felt like somebody had pushed a knife into your chest.
Like him before, oh. Was all you could say at that moment, throat becoming too tight to form a proper response back. You should have known that he’d been in love before, or is in love. because Spencer reid was somebody who fell for someone easily, like if they were to offer him candy, gift him some sort of book, sweater vest or even a old school watch. he'd swore he found his soulmate right then.
Masking up your hurt you prepared your heart for the next sentence you wanted to ask, “what was she like” your voice came out small. You were even surprised he actually heard it.
God you wished you could go back five minutes ago before he asked you that stupid question.
You saw the way a light formed in his eyes as he thought of his answer, it was then you realized he wasn’t joking when he’d said he’d been in love before. Because the way his eyes light up, was like he'd solved the worlds hardest equation.
“She is-“ he chuckled a bit obviously opening a book of memories in his head. “She’s so beautiful, kind and smart” you’d never seem that big of a smile on his face when talking about someone, besides his own mom.
You froze a bit, is?. You couldn’t form a response back which made matters worse because he rambled on about her. “She’s great to my mother and friends. The first time we met she brought flowers for my mom and afterwards she cooked this delicious meal, oh my God it was good, feels like I can still taste on my tongue oh and she-“ you could only nod your head at him, feeling like you had blacked out because you couldn't quite hear the rest of what he had to say.
you wished you'd told him how you felt sooner, because then you wouldn't be feeling like this, chest feeling heavy and the tightness in your throat almost hurting you at this point.
"and then I remember one time, she saw i was sad and took me to this movies" he stops himself mid-sentence chuckling at the memory "she brought me so much candy, the cashier looked at us crazy"
Oh …
"I remember I spent that weekend panicking on what I should make you"
realization hit you like a truck. "And she thought we had taken shrooms..." And then silence took over the both of you. You both now just looked at each other from across the table, the once work you both were working on long forgotten.
you both laughed a more comfortable feeling in the room set upon you both. but you couldn't help but still feel embarrassed from not realizing he was pointing you out in the story from the beginning.
"that was still the best pasta I've ever had" he pushed himself up and out of his chair, taking long steps to your end of the table.
you felt glued to your chair as he stood in front of you. Warm hands cupping your cheeks. you nervously gluped, chest heaving up and down the room suddenly felt ten times hotter than before.
"would you mind making it again for me, honey?" honey God you could die right at that moment
"i-i sure.. if you want... I don't mind...um" you nervously chuckled mouth moving faster than you could register.
Spencer softly moved a strand of hair away from your face, before leaning in lips brushing against yours so gently like he was afraid you'd run away. but it soon turned into more passionate, as your hands gripped onto each other wanting so desperately to export one another at that moment.
the position was uncomfortable, which made him lift you up and place you on the table standing between your legs. "Y/n" he muttered against your lips. "I love you"
you pulled away from the kiss, foreheads leaning against each other. "I love you too, Spencer"
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serxinns · 2 months
idk if u do angst or not but i love me so good angst so if u dont mind can u do some kiribaku x reader angst plz i would love that thx like they cooking for kiri and bakugo and bakugo complains about how little reader dose and kiri agrees cuz they just kinda stay at home and clean do the laundry and so like after he says that she gets mad so the next day she does nothing and like just reads like doesn't cook for them that night doesn't do there laundry and doesn't clean the house that day and at first bakugo's mad about it and kiri doesn't know what to feel and this go's for a few day and kiri and bakugo have to do everything and the see how hard it is and apologizes to reader! i think it cute
thank you plz dont feel like u have to! i love ur writing
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You were humming along to your favorite song as you were carrying 3 baskets of both your husband's clothes "That's About all of them" you huffed in relief you then grabbed and poured all the bleached cleaning chemicals in there and the clothes and turned on the washing machine "ok so I cleaned the room unclothed the sink and the toilet went and got groceries what else..." you were thinking for a while until a delight smell met your nose
"Man whatever Kats is cooking must be good I might sneak a bite or two.." a mischievous grin started forming on your face you crept out of the laundry room in the halls to where the kitchen to hear Kiri and Katsuki talking, you leaned your ear closer and it seems like they were talking about you
"And then when I came back I saw y/n tried and laying on the couch sleeping like a layout sloth with MY favorite chips in hand! " You giggled as you heard Katsuki angrily rambling on to his other lover Kiri about you slacking off thinking he was still holding a grudge about the snack incident"God I wish she could just do SOMETHING around the house rather than clean and BARELY cooking shes so..LAZY" "bakugo don't be so mean but yea I kinda agree I wish she could do more in the house rather than clean.."
Your heart stung at that very moment tears started to swell up in your eyes you had to carry Kiri's 2000-pound dumbbells when it was delivered at his home which bruised your hands and arms pretty bad, another time you saw permanent stainsmon Akatsuki's hero suit due to a battle with a notorious villain and decided to spend all your savings try and get it off, the more rambling they went on about you being "Lazy" the more angry and hurt you were
You then ran up the stairs and stuffed your face into the pillow and cried softly were you not working hard enough? After all the bruises cuts and money worth nothing? Were you actually Lazy? Thoughts swirled around your head and you lost your appetite you didn't feel like sleeping with them so you grabbed a pillow and blanket and slept in the guest room for tonight, you locked the door making sure they wouldn't barge in
Suddenly a knock on the door alerted you "Hey baby you there why are you in the guest room?" Kiri asked concern filling his voice but you ignored him getting the pillow and putting it on your head, Kiri tried a few more times getting more worried for you so he quickly ran down to get Katsuki about the situation "hèy blast y/n locked herself in the guest room... I think they're ignoring me" katsuki rolled his eyes while brushing his teeth getting ready for bed
"She's probably in her "dramatic bitch phase moods" or whatever she calls it she'll prob get over it in the morning," he said waving it off "but it feels like shes mad at us.. I think we should-" he was cut off by katsuki kissing him on the lips "El they'll be fine I'm sure of it plus she'll prob crawl back into bed without us knowing in the middle of the night now good night" katsuki pecked kiri on the cheek and jumped into bed Kiri took one last Glance in corners and slowly climbed in the bed feeling a bit empty even katsuki felt it so he clung onto Kiri but it was still empty and cold without you
The next morning they woke up and there was still no you, katsuki glanced at the space and rolled his eyes maybe you are mad.. or you woke up early to cook breakfast? Katsuki then took a shower and then got ready, you normally already had his warm dry clothes in the drawers but to his surprise, they were all soaking "Y/N!" He yelled out stomping around to hunt you down for this cruel prank but to find out you already left without their breakfast... only but a note and plain grain cereal saying "Here's your breakfast breakfast 😁"
Katsuki was stunned knowing that you would go all out making them a big breakfast with their drinks and everything decorated Kiri followed behind him yawning he glanced at the table and looked a bit worried "Katsuki what if we did make her upset" Katsuki groaned at his boyfriends whining and turn towards him "she's not mad she's probably was too lazy to do it and even if she was she can't go that far we can outlast her rebellion" he said with confidence
It's been 2 days and it's been hell you weren't lifting a finger for them and both of your boys weren't too pleased with that, katsuki wasn't used to washing clothes so he accidentally mixed the colored clothes with the white clothes which stained some of the white clothes to his annoyance, Kiri was freaking out that there was red hair dye left and he had hero meaning to go and his hair was almost turning black he begged you to go to the store but to his defeat you just stared at him and politely said no and got back to your reading
Katsuki was getting enraged by your sudden behavior so he confronted you with a beaming glare "Oi what's with this shitty attitude your pulling?" "Blasty no!" You tilted your head innocently at the 2 Men "What do you mean I'm doing something" You were about to go back to your read when Katsuki snatched the book and slammed it on the counter you glared at him "I had enough of this shitty attitude woman you have been doing less and less work each day and we're paying the consequences"
you scoffed "But is this what I am right a Lazy bum" Katsuki was about to question you about your statement but then it hit him..the memory of him and Kiri talking about you... "you heard our conversation" you looked over to him as your eyes narrow "at every single last word" Kirishima swelled up with guilt avoiding eye contact with white katsuki was still glaring
"Listen, baby, we're sorry it won-" "Oh don't give me that half ass apology you're gonna have to work for it BIG TIME" "Oh please like we deserve your forgiveness just because you're not doing much" You laughed sarcastically and got in his face
"I bet your ass wouldn't last a week without me doing the housework" "Fine winner gets to use the others credit card for the day and make them breakfast in bed for almost a week" "what!? Bakugan I dont think-" "Deal" you cut off Kirishima as you shook hands with the blond "what have I gotten into"
The next few days were hell! Most of Kiri and katsuki's colored clothes were bleached due to Kiri accidentally putting them in the colored clothes rather than putting them in the white clothes all their clothes were full of dye stains that day while you happily shopped you some clothes,
Katsuki, on the other hand, was worse he didn't have any time to make breakfast or lunch so he went on for the day cranky and hungry having to eat cheap instant ramen in his break and was questioned by fans on why was there Clear dye stain on his suit and kiri got laughed by both his friends and in the agency about his hair drooping and all black colored making his fans chased after him with questions or stating they liked his hair red which was to his annoyance
You watched as the two boys struggled with doing their jobs as you sat there secretly giggling to yourself and talking with your friends on the phone like a form to brag it to them
"Katuki im gonna apologize it's getting too much..." Kiri told Katsuki as he was struggling to mow the lawn (you also do that) "Are you kidding you giving up that easily because she was a" "No Bakugo because I know to feel what's it like its hard, look at you, your struggling to turn on the lawn mower your clothes are stained and we haven't eaten no good meals in over a week I'm tried katsuki and you are too"
katsuki stood they're quietly he didn't wanna admit but it was true it had been torture without you hell even if they kept going like this the whole house would be a disaster but not inky that their relationship would be stained and he didn't want that he truly loved you two even if he doesn't show it and he doesn't mean or intentionally wanna hurt you was he really taking it to far? That's what he made his final decision
"Fine.." Kiri turned slowly turned into smirk a bit "what was that couldn't hea-" "I SAID FINE DONT PUSH IT YOU DAMN ROCK" he chucked putting hands up in defeat "alright alright I heard you thr 1st time kats!" He chuckled as both was finding a way to make it up to you when you got home
You arrived at your home signing it's been a long day for you even tho you barely did anything you had a lot on your mind wondering was too far but were still confident that they needed to learn their lesson!, you got to your doorstep seeing a note that said "come in there's a surprised" in both Katsuki and Eljirou handwriting you raised your brow a bit but curious to know what was the surprise about
You slowly open the door revealing a fancy dinner table with all your favorite foods' petals on the floor what's next to the dish is a small gift right beside it "You look over to see both Your husbands' faces guilt written all over, you narrowed put your hands on your hips pretending to not be happy "so what's all this" katsuki sighed knowing that you were still mad at them which was reasonable "an apology i-no we're sorry for what we say I know this isn't much" you glanced I silently "but we also ran a warm bath for you with your favorite show recorded-"
you cut the men off by tackling them with a hug happy tears fllow "I COULDNT DO IT ANYMORE I HATED THIS CHALLENGE" Kiri's face was starting to swell up in tears as well "ME NEITHER" Both you and Kiri cried dramatically while Katsuki stood there genuinely smiling and chuckling a bit
"What are you laughing at blasty" glaring playfully at the blond who was on the edge of wanting to bust out laughing at his partner's dramatic performance
"Nothing" he smirked he was just glad everything was back to normal "So who wanna watch (favorite show)"
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dilemmaontwolegs · 10 months
i know u have a gazillion requests but what if we spice up that Carlos fic? if you decide to do a pt 3. maybe Carlos is once again is frustrated because of the penalty after a good quali and has sex with Rebecca cuz he can't find the model. a lil angst
It’s no secret, I’m in an angsty kinda writing mood at the moment 😅 I also forgot who was meant to be the toxic one...and now it's both of them.
Lady in Red (3) || CS55
Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, cheating, manipulation WC: 1.5k
One || Two || Three || Four
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You had been called away to work just before qualifying finished. You and half a dozen other models were asked to stand behind the top three drivers and wave feather fans for the cameras while an Elvis impersonator pumped out his signature dance moves. 
From your position you could see the frustration on Carlos’ face. He had qualified second fastest yet he was going to have to start from 12th on the grid. You weren’t the only person in the area upset by the 10 place penalty and the Ferrari supporters were making their opinion known as they chanted for Carlos.
“Alright, sweethearts, we need you over at the Bellagio for some promo shots and then you’re free for the night,” one of the headset-clad organisers said to the group you were with before checking her watch. “Or should I say morning.”
The drive back from the Bellagio to the paddock seemed to take hours with the road closures and checkpoints, but finally you made it back. Knowing Carlos would be waiting somewhere for you, you scanned each floor to find him before heading straight to the top.
“Fuck, mi amor, this is what I need,” Carlos moaned. 
You froze at the sordid scene you had walked in on. Neither one saw you in the doorway of the darkened room, their backs to you as Carlos bent Rebecca over the desk and pounded into her. He curled her hair around his fist and pulled back so to expose the pleasure painted on her face. 
You didn’t even notice you were crying until a droplet fell from your cheek to land on your breast, the feather girl outfit he enjoyed on full display. You suddenly hated how exposed you felt in the ridiculous costume. It was almost as ridiculous as you - for thinking a man like him could change. 
“Take it, cariña, take it,” he stammered as you recognised the pinch of his brow. He was close. He was close to finishing and you were more than done with seeing it. 
You were conscious of your footsteps as you retreated from the room and descended downstairs. You just needed to make it to your dressing room so you could get your stuff and go. 
“Hey,” Charlotte called out as she caught your arm and pulled you to a stop with a friendly smile. “Carlos was looking for you earlier. Did you find him?”
“Yeah, I did,” you whispered, quickly wiping the tears from your cheeks. “Don’t bother drafting up the breakup post.”
Her smile dimmed as confusion replaced it. “What breakup post?”
“Huh,” you laughed humorlessly as you shook your head at your stupidity. “The one Carlos clearly didn’t talk to you about. God, I am a fucking idiot.”
You left the track, heading straight back to your hotel room and before you even reached the room you saw Carlos’ name come up on your phone. You sent him straight to voicemail, again and again.
You barely slept as you thought about how humiliated you felt. You wanted to get him back but you weren’t innocent yourself. You knew your career would be over if you outed the relationship you had with Carlos, even if it made you feel better momentarily. No, you weren’t going to bloody your hands for him, there was already a stain on your soul for what you had knowingly done.
You were a survivor and you were smarter than your recent actions showed. You knew things about Carlos that he had been foolish enough to share in the unburdened state that came after sharing his bed. You were going to use it to your advantage and do what you did best, be the envy of every man.
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You had turned your phone off when you arrived at the paddock for the race but it was going to be impossible to ignore Carlos when you were assigned to the Ferrari team. 
“Stacy, swap with me?” you begged as she waited for Charles to escort him to the grid. “Pleeeease.”
“Whatever, French boys aren’t my thing anyway,” she said with a grin before heading next door to Carlos’ side. 
“I’m not French,” Charles corrected as he stepped out of his room. “I’m Monégasque.”
“Today, you’re pole,” you said with a grin as you offered your elbow out to him. “Ready to go?”
You didn’t glance in Carlos’ direction as you accompanied Charles out onto the grid. You didn’t even have to fake enjoying the company as you found the Monégasque had a good sense of humour and made you laugh the entire way. 
From the slamming of Carlos’ car door you knew you were getting to him. Carlos’ fear was losing to his team mate and he was sick of always being compared to Charles Leclerc. 
Carefully angling the feather fan to hide your faces from the jealous driver, you leant in and wished Charles good luck for the race. To the fans, you were clearly talking, but to Carlos? He would always think the worst.
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Charles was high with adrenaline when he arrived at the Bellagio after coming second place. It wasn’t the win he was obviously hoping for but you could see how happy he was with the result. 
“So, you like Charles now, huh?” Stacy whispered as she stood as you did, a fake smile on your faces as you lined the interview stage. 
You cast her a quick side glance and winked. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“I know why you wanted to swap, Carlos acts like a fucking baby. He practically trashed his garage after Charlotte spoke to him about something. God, I wish I could have heard what that conversation was about.”
“Hmm, me too,” you said with a sick sense of delight as the interviews wrapped up. “Oh, finally, almost time to party.”
“You must be happy, proving Carlos wrong,” you teased Charles as you escorted him back to the Rolls Royce he arrived in. 
His steps faltered and he slowed his walk as his other podium finishers drifted further ahead. “What do you mean?”
“Well, he’s been telling everyone how much better a driver he is compared to you,” you stated with a shrug. It was an exaggeration, you had overheard him complaining to his father in the garage. “But you showed him.”
“A better driver?” Charles scoffed. “He is full of shit.”
He seemed to be in deep contemplation as he walked silently, until he reached the car and turned to you. “You should come to the after party.”
Carlos had already added you to the invite list but you smiled and batted your lashes as Charles. “Are you asking me?”
He blushed and laughed at himself as he nodded. “Would you like to come to the after party with me?”
“You don’t have a girlfriend do you?”
“No,” he laughed warmly. “I wouldn’t be asking to take you if I did.”
“Then I would love to go with you.” You gave him your room number that was conveniently in the same hotel as him, since both Ferrari drivers stayed in the same one. 
You already had the perfect dress waiting in your room and as you stood in front of the mirror you had to admit you looked stunning. The red dress was tailored to your body and the plunging neckline was risque and exactly what you envisioned it to be. You couldn’t wait to see Carlos’ face when you walked into the party on his teammate's arm.
“Hey,” you greeted as you opened the door after the knock, but it wasn’t who you expected to see on the other side. “Carlos, what are you doing here?”
His jaw fell slack, lips parting, as his eyes trailed down your body. “Mios dios, hermosa.”
You held your hand out, planting it on his chest as he stepped forward to kiss you. “Woah there, buddy, not happening.”
“Why not? Why have you been ignoring me?” he asked with genuine confusion.
“I saw you fucking Rebecca last night after Qualifying.”
He looked a little sheepish as he scratched the back of his heated neck. “I couldn’t find you.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better when you call her ‘mi amor’ too?”
“I didn’t mean it, I-I was thinking about you,” his eyes widened as his voice went up a pitch. “I swear.”
You nodded sympathetically as you rubbed his arm. “Of course, like you were thinking about me when you didn’t have that chat with Charlotte. Yeah, I know you didn't, so just go back to your girlfriend.”
“But I want you,” he pouted as he bowed his head and looked up with big brown puppy dog eyes.
“But I don’t want you. Not anymore.” You gave him a push and he ceded the space in your doorway as the  elevator across the hall opened and Charles stepped out looking good in a pair of jeans and a fitted shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow. “Hey handsome,” you greeted him with a smile as you grabbed a black clutch with your phone and money. “Perfect timing.”
“You are breathtaking,” he said after a few blinks to recover from the sight of you. He smiled as he brushed past Carlos to kiss your cheek, ignoring the Spaniard completely. “Ready to go, chérie?”
You took his hand and sent a dark smile in Carlos’ direction as you passed by. “See you around, red man.”
Click here for part four.
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 11 months
Hello!! Can I have a request for MC would turn to sheep form when they detected the brothers are. In the mood and try to comfort them (let the brothers hold them and maybe cry for) please? I love your drabbles, but you have the right to not write this, all up to you!
Also, can you fold your fic by use the keep reading between the paragraph please? Ot would helpe more to reblog them and won't cause other people have to scroll down whole fic if they're not the fan of OM. Thank you and wish you have a good day.🍀
Obey Me! Brothers react to: Mc turning into their sheep form to comfort the brother when he's upset.
Lucifer's (you are here), Mammon's, Leviathan's, Satan's, Asmodeus's, Beelzebub's, & Belphegor's reactions.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Hello! Thank you for the request! If this isn't what you had in mind feel free to request again! I am going to write it in a different style like you requested but I might not write everything like this! Might have some angst but its mostly comfort! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
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Lucifer's reaction:
Finding Lucifer upset or crying is a rare occasion. It's a side of himself that he doesn't let others see often, if at all. Lucifer takes pride in being seen a certain way, so he may yell or try and scare anyone who sees him crying off. He may even claim he wasn't crying at all. If Mc and Lucifer are together Lucifer won't be as bad about pushing Mc away when he's crying, but there may still be occasions when he tries to get Mc to leave him to cry alone. He just doesn't want Mc looking down on him or looking at him differently.
For this little scenario lets say this is the first time Mc finds Lucifer crying. Mc was probably just trying to bring Lucifer some coffee or tea, they had become so used to stopping by and checking on Lucifer that knocking just slipped their mind. The sight Mc finds is one that suprises them, Mc didn't expect to find Lucifer sitting at his desk crying, his gloved hands cover his face partially but Mc can still clearly see the tears streaming down his face. Everything seemed to happen in a haze, Lucifer didn't even look up from his hands, just started yelling to 'leave him alone' or 'go away' as he turned his chair so he was facing away from the door.(I've never written about Mc's sheep form before, so this may be a little off, just bear with me) Mc didn't even mean to, but suddenly a *poof* happened, there was a bunch of smoke and Mc was in their sheep form.
The tea Mc had intended to give to Lucifer dropped to the ground and spilled everywhere when Mc transformed into Sheep Mc. Lucifer didn't even turn the chair, figuring the person dropped whatever they had in a hurry to leave his study. What Lucifer didn't expect was to hear tiny taps on the floor to his study, the taps seemed to get closer to him, causing Lucifer to turn his chair in the direction of the sound. Lucifer's cheeks were stained with tears but his crimson eyes were as intimidating as ever, his eyes bore anger, but after seeing Mc tiny and small in their sheep form, Lucifer's expression turns soft. No words are spoken, even though Sheep Mc can talk, instead Sheep Mc climbs onto Lucifer's lap. with Lucifer's help.
Sheep Mc places their tiny arms around Lucifer, hugging him gently, treating him with care. Lucifer hold's Sheep Mc close, not even trying to stop himself from crying anymore. Lucifer doesn't say anything, he just hugs Sheep Mc until the tears stop falling down his face, he may even occasionally pet Sheep Mc in attempts to calm himself. Once Lucifer has calmed down and is no longer upset, he will quietly thank Mc. If Mc chooses to stay in their Sheep form he will gladly allow them to continue to keep him company. Having Sheep Mc in his lap while he works and deals with his brothers just makes everything better. Lucifer doesn't ever tell Mc why he was crying, and Mc shouldn't ask. Its just an unspoken rule, if Mc doesn't ask questions Mc can comfort him. He doesn't need someone to talk to, he needs someone to hug and care for him, his pride would never let him admit that though.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Sorry this feels rushed and short! I will be posting the other brothers reactions as well. & I'll try and make the other brothers versions a bit longer! i'll add the links to the other drabbles once they are posted! Please be patient!! More content is coning, I promise so stay tuned! Stay safe! & Stay healthy loves!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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weasleytwinwheezes · 2 years
smart man, smarter mouth
tsu'tey x na'vi!reader
in which jake tells tsu’tey about some of the more intimate ways earth people mate
warnings: this is pure filth, minors PLEASE do not interact
a/n: i seem to write smut much quicker than angst so requests open! please nothing weird for the younger kiddos, i dont feel comfy writing that :)
Mated life with Tsu’tey was bliss. He was caring and attentive to you in all ways. Never eating too much food until you had your fill. Letting you lead the way in decorating your home. He had even gone so far as letting you name the new banshee he bonded with after the War. 
The way he treated you in the domestic roles of your relationship definitely carried over into the more intimate side of it. He was what the elder ladies of the clan called- a giver. He was all hands, tongue, and teeth when he had the chance. Tsu’tey enjoyed mating like any other male, but he especially enjoyed it when he knew you were just as hungry for him as he was for you. 
The two of you weren’t shy about sex. It was a normal thing to do, but it seemed like something was missing. You had heard of the things Jake and Neytiri had been doing behind closed doors. Neytiri was not afraid to share the intimate details of her mating with Toruk Makto. She often snipped about how his smart mouth had other uses to her. The things you learned had you more than a little interested in experiencing them yourself. 
You just didn’t know how to broach the subject with Tsu’tey, but thanks to the insufferable Jake Sully you wouldn’t have to. 
One rainy evening you laid around the small fire in the middle of your home. Your mate at your back, strong arms thrown over you. You had not anticipated him wanting to mate this eve. He had a rough hunt today and the weather didn’t help his somewhat sour mood. 
You didn’t know what exactly caused the puckered look on his face, but he had worn it since he arrived back to high camp. Knowing how he could be, you decided not to press. He would share when he was ready, you just didn’t expect it to be so soon. 
Settling into your mates arms, his breath fanning lightly against your neck-you heard him let out a deep sigh. 
“What troubles you my yawne? You do not seem like yourself?” you lightly asked, playing with his large hands. 
You watched as he balled his fist over and over, going tense at your back. Almost as if at war with himself. 
Tsu’tey stayed quiet for several moments, before his deep voice replied, “There was something interesting Jake mentioned today. About how people of Earth would mate.” 
“Oh? Do they not mate as we do?” you questioned, heart pounding as Neytiri's words swam to the forefront of your thoughts. 
He sat still for a what felt like eternity, seeming to be searching for the right words, “He says that they will use their mouths on each other. All over each other and I think I would like to try that with you. If it’s fine with you yawne.” 
Suddenly you were very aware of every place your skin connected, especially his hard groin pressing into your back. The air in your tent felt smothering as Tsu’tey ran his hands along your still form. 
“I-I do not mind. I would like to know. If you’re sure?” you answered through a shaky breath. 
With your now spoken permission, he was like a man possessed. Flipping you underneath him, his lips met yours in a fiery kiss as he pressed his full weight into you. 
“Do you feel that my yawne? Do you feel how excited I am to please you?” he growled into your lips, slightly rocking his hips against yours. 
Before you had the chance to answer he was nipping and sucking at all the skin in his path downwards, leaving dark purple marks that you were sure would be noticeable tomorrow. 
Your body felt like it was on fire from the attention he was giving it. Minutes felt like hours as Tsu’tey took his time reaching the band of your loincloth. You nearly jumped when you felt his sharp fangs graze the soft skin of your navel. Peeking downwards you were rewarded with your mates lustful eyes as he pressed his long nose against your clothed cunt. 
A wave of arousal flooded you as you watched him inhale deeply, before pushed your loincloth out of the way. The cold air against your hot folds was enough to make you whine loudly, wanting any kind of friction you could get. 
The first lick was tentative, him unsure of how you would react. But the loud moan that ripped from you lips, had him digging in like a man starved. 
You didn’t even have a word to describe it, your mind completely blank as he worked his tongue and lips along your sex. Below you could feel the slight move of his body, most likely rocking himself into the soft furs to relieve a bit of tense. Knowing what he was doing and the feeling was otherworldly, you felt like you were floating. 
Until he nipped at the little bud that sat atop her folds, resulting in you fiercely grabbing his braids. The sharp tug you gave his hair, pulling a muffled groan from the man below you. The vibrations directly on your clit quickly overwhelming you. It didn’t take much more for you to reach your high as his large hands came up to knead your heaving breasts. Pushing your top out of the way, he twisted one as he also paid special attention to your clit.
 Your orgasm hitting you like a direhorse as you pulled even harder on his hair. A low moan mixed in with your more high-pitched one and you knew what had happened. Tsu’tey came from what he was doing to you. 
Neytiri was right, his smart mouth really did have other uses.
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tkaulitzlvr · 1 year
I love your writing so much!! Could I request reader giving tom the silent treatment cause he did something and it goes like him getting irritated and then comfort and then smut ??
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synopsis: refusing to talk to tom even days after he had forgotten about your date night, he begins to get frustrated, doing whatever it takes to get you to speak to him again.
content: little bit of angst, smut.
a/n: i love writing this kind of stuff omg, thank you for requesting!!
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“jesus baby are you still not talking to me?” tom sighs, sitting down onto the couch beside me as i ignore him announcing that he is home, after spending the day at the studio. “you can’t still be mad?”
stupid question - of course i was. it was now tuesday, and i hadn’t spoken to him since saturday night. we had both agreed that we had been spending less time with each other, with tom so busy preparing to release his new album with the band. so, we had planned a small date night at home, which was going to involve ordering take-out and watching movies, maybe taking a bath together before bed. we had agreed on 6pm, giving him thirty minutes to begin the drive home, allowing for traffic.
so i had sat on our couch, my pyjamas on, all of his favourite snacks laid out on the table with a few of mine, waiting for him to come home. 6:04pm - maybe he had to stay behind at the studio for a few minutes, this happened sometimes, and it was usually out of his control.
6:17pm - it could be traffic, everybody else was leaving work at the same time, the roads were bound to be jammed, i can’t blame him for that.
6:32pm - he could’ve gone to the store? maybe he wanted to get some more snacks for tonight?
my mind was thinking of any excuse that it could, trying to convince myself that tom wouldn’t stand me up - we had had this night planned for over a week, and he seemed pretty excited about it. but as the popcorn on the coffee table began to get cold, my body aching from sitting in the same position for so long, i knew. i knew that he wasn’t going to show. my phone was silent, no text, no call coming through, at least letting me know if he was running late, or not able to come at all. no apology, no promise to make it up to me - absolutely nothing.
9:56pm - my eyes were growing heavy, no longer paying attention to the random movie on the screen, my hand lethargically dipping into the bag of skittles that were meant to be for tom, but i had given up on him coming home long ago, deciding to eat them for myself - it was better than them going to waste. my tired eyes suddenly shoot open when i hear the front door opening and closing, keys being dropped onto the table, and shoes being taken off. i roll my eyes, shaking my head and turning my attention back to the movie, not in the mood to speak to him at all.
“baby?” i hear him call out, his body appearing in the door frame of our living room.
silence. i stay quiet, ignoring him completely and gluing my eyes to the tv screen. he sighs, slowly walking towards me and sitting beside me, trying to wrap his arm around my shoulder, but i shrug him off.
“liebe…i am so sorry.” he apologises, taking my hand in his. i accept his touch, though i still refuse to look at him, way too furious to properly listen to his pointless apology. “the guys, they kept me back at the studio. we want to get this album perfect and i just, i lost track of time-”
“you lost track of time? are you fucking serious?” i finally snap, quickly taking my hand out of his, turning to look at him with my eyebrows furrowed, completely shocked at his shitty excuse. “could you not have texted me, at least let me know in advance? you’re an asshole.”
“look, i promise i’ll make it up to you. i’m really sorry baby.” he says, his voice soft.
“we had this planned for fucking weeks! you agree that we never spend time together, and then you don’t even come home when we plan something? you basically live at that damn studio and i’m sick of it! go back there, i don’t want to see you right now.” i scoff, turning away from him and getting up, turning the tv off and walking to our bedroom.
he quickly follows behind me, not giving up that easily. “come on baby, don’t be like this. i promise you, we can have a date night way better than this, i’ll take you somewhere real nice, yeah?” he suggests, standing in the doorway of the bathroom as i do my skincare, getting ready for bed.
“what so you can stand me up again? saying you got ‘carried away at the studio’ exactly like you do every fucking night? do you know what’s funny, i can’t even remember the last time we spent the day together.” i say, looking at him through the reflection in the mirror, his face dropping a little.
“schatz- look i’m sorry, okay? work has been really hard lately, just give me a chance and i’ll fix this, i swear.” he pleads, walking towards me and trying to put his arms around my waist from behind, but once again, i shrug him off.
“whatever, i’m too fucking tired for this shit.” i sigh, walking out of the bathroom and into our bedroom, switching the light out and leaving him in the dark. “i’m going to bed, do whatever you want.”
i climb into the covers, hearing him take off his clothes and crawl in beside me. he gets closer, trying to wrap his arms around my waist and spoon me as he usually would, but tonight, his touch is the last thing i want. in response, i move his hands away, shuffling to the end of the bed. he sighs in frustration, but accepts my silent request for space, laying flat on his back.
“i love you.” i hear him say from behind me, his voice slow and quiet.
i don’t respond, laying beside him, seeing his face drop a little at my silence. no matter how bad our fighting got, i would always tell him that i loved him, and he would do the same. but this time, i didn’t want to, tired of him throwing me aside.
that was how it had been since that day. i refused to speak to him, despite his constant attempts. he had tried everything, just flat out speaking to me, complimenting me, buying me my favourite snacks, giving me expensive gifts, even coming home early from the studio, but i didn’t budge, still not wanting to talk.
“please, meine liebe, you can’t ignore me forever.” he sighs, shuffling closer to me, beginning to plant slow and soft kisses on the bare skin of my neck, my body shivering at the sudden contact, not used to it as we hadn’t had any physical intimacy since that night, not even a small kiss or cuddle in bed, my stubbornness pushing him away each time.
“i said i was sorry, please forgive me baby.” he mutters against my neck, continuing to kiss it slowly, getting a little more sloppy with his movements.
i push him off me, my hands flat against his chest. he groans in frustration, becoming angry at my determination to keep this going.
“seriously, i don’t know how much longer i can go on like this. come on my love, please just forgive me.” he sighs, not giving up as he returns back to his position, his head in my neck.
he moves his hand to my waist, lifting my oversized t-shirt and caressing the smooth skin of my hips, testing the waters and waiting for me to push him away yet again. but i don’t. i let him carry on, his lips attaching to my neck once again, thumb running up and down my hip, but i know exactly what he wants, the way he gently uses his hold on me to move my body against his lower half giving me a pretty good idea.
“schatz…” he mumbles, his sounds muffled into my skin, breathing against my neck slowly, his teeth slowly grazing against it. “let me make it up to you. let me show you how sorry i am, hm?”
my breathing hitches, my heart running ahead of my mind as i find myself unable to speak, feeling tom smirk against my neck as he realises that he has finally won. he gently turns my body and lays me down so that my back is flat against the couch, climbing on top of me and quickly pressing his lips against mine. he is eager, desperate to feel me against him, wanting to make up for the lost intimacy, kissing harder as a silent way to encourage me to kiss back. i finally do so, threading my hands through his dreads, pulling his cap off of his head before pulling him closer to me, feeling him smile against my lips.
“i love you.” he whispers against my lips, running his hands smoothly up and down my waist before continuing the kiss, not even giving me chance to respond as i am far too lost in the moment. his hands reach for the hem of my t-shirt, stopping for a second and breaking the kiss, looking into my eyes, waiting to see if i am okay with this. i nod my head and he smiles slightly, a cocky smirk on his face as he lifts the material up and over my head, studying the red lace bra i have on before impatiently reconnecting our lips.
he slips his tongue into my mouth, mine moving together with his, the kiss now heated and desperate, my hands moving to cup his face, bringing him closer towards me. i hear him reaching for his belt buckle, pulling away from the kiss to undo it as i take this as an opportunity to lift the large hoodie off of his body, revealing his toned frame, my hands instinctively running down his chest, feeling each muscle as he groans at the contact.
“what happened to you being so angry earlier, hm? haven’t seen you this desperate in a long time, i would’ve done this ages ago if i had known this is all it takes for you to forgive me.” tom says, enjoying the way i gaze upwards at him, my eyes filled with lust, completely different to the coldness i had showed him these last few days.
“who said anything about forgiving you?” i breathe out, looking into his eyes as my hands run down his back, enjoying the way i can tease him. “you haven’t done anything yet, and, who knows, maybe this will show me you aren’t sorry enough.”
“oh baby…” he mocks, slowly tugging my leggings down, leaving me in only my lingerie. he pauses after doing so, leaning downwards so that his lips are right next to my ear, gently sucking on it before speaking again. “i’m gonna fuck you so good that you won’t even remember why you were mad at me in the first place.”
my breathing hitches in my throat, my body feeling hot as his words are enough to make me cum right there on the spot, no need for him to touch me. his lips place a single kiss on the spot directly below my ear, nipping at the skin slowly, taking advantage of the way i angle my neck upwards, giving him more access.
but he doesn’t carry on for long. his lips move lower, starting at my collarbone, planting a few tender kisses there, moving to the flesh of my breasts that are on show, kneading the one that his mouth isn’t paying attention to with his hands, soon becoming tired of my bra still being on, wanting to feel every inch of me. his mouth still on my chest, he reaches behind me, undoing the clasp of my bra with one hand, throwing it somewhere on the floor - neither of us really caring where.
he moves backwards, staring at my breasts in front of him, his lips slightly parted, curving into a gentle smirk, his brown eyes full of desire, watching the way my chest moves up and down with each heavy breath i take.
he wastes no time in reattaching his lips, moving them to my nipples this time, taking them in his mouth and letting his teeth graze them lightly, my back arching in pleasure as i move my hands, using them to push his head further downwards.
“so fucking hot.” he mutters against them, paying each one attention before moving downwards. his lips begin to kiss my upper stomach, his eyes still staring into mine, never breaking eye contact as he crawls further down my body, making sure nothing goes untouched, until he reaches the hem of my panties.
his fingers tease the top of the material, slowly dipping inwards and caressing my lower abdomen, a quiet whine escaping my mouth as i become more and more desperate. he lifts the material upwards with his pointer and ring finger, letting it go as it snaps back into place, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip.
“please.” i breathe out, tired of his teasing as he has pretty clearly made his point, i just need to feel him inside me.
“please what?” he teases, his lips dangerously close to my inner thighs, planting a single kiss there, enjoying the way i squirm a little from the smallest of touches. “use your words, or i won’t know what you want baby.”
“please just touch me.” i sigh out, slightly embarrassed as i have to verbalise my needs, tom knowing full well what i want, loving how he has me at his mercy, willing to do anything if it means he will pleasure me.
“where?” he trails off, tugging my underwear down at an agonisingly slow pace, leaving the red lace on the floor. he kisses my inner thigh again, closer to my heat this time.
“here?” he asks, acting oblivious, getting closer and closer to the place i need him most.
i cannot even respond, my chest heaving up and down as i attempt to utter any sort of coherent speech, my mind too focused on the pleasure that i am so close to receiving to be able to do so.
“or…” he starts, moving his lips from my thigh and hovering directly over my clit, my heart racing as i anticipate his touch, finally where i want him. but, to my disappointment, he moves his head, placing a short kiss, directly above it. “here?”
he knows what he is doing, teasing me beyond belief, leaving me a complete mess, never having to wait this long to feel any kind of pleasure. i make eye contact at him, seeing him already looking upwards at me, a proud smirk tugging on his lips whilst he uses his hands to spread my thighs apart. i rest my head back against the couch again, an exasperated sigh escaping my parted lips.
“stop fucking playing and just-”
my needy rambling is soon cut off by a loud moan as his tongue quickly collides with my clit, his hands pressing into my inner thighs, prying them apart, the pressure he is applying definitely leaving marks, but i am too hazy to care, my mind lost in pure satisfaction. he uses his finger to slowly enter me, my mouth falling open as he picks up a steady pace, his tongue never leaving my clit as all i can do is cry out, incoherent curse words escaping my mouth, tom lowly breathing into me as my release is fast approaching, his slow torment before meaning that it really didn’t take much to get me there.
“fuck- don’t stop.” i let out, this signalling to him that i am close, my climax within arms reach, my hips beginning to grind against his face, yearning to let go of the knot forming in my stomach.
my head falls backwards, back arching off of the couch, seconds away from letting go, tom only speeding up his pace, but, before i can even release, he suddenly stops. my head shoots up in confusion, forehead glistening with sweat, more frustrated than ever.
“tom what the fuck?” i whine, pulling his body upwards so that his face is inches from mine. “why’d you stop, i was so fucking close!”
“be patient baby.” he whispers, planting a soft and quick kiss to my lips, reaching downwards and pulling his boxers down, letting them join the rest of our clothes scattered around the living room. “i said i would make it up to you, so that’s what i’m going to do, no rush.”
he rests both his arms at either side of my head, his hands positioned above it as he starts slowly stroking my hair, dipping his head downwards as he meets my lips, the kiss messy and heated. i am too lost within it to notice one of his hands slipping downwards, taking his dick in it as he positions it at my entrance, a soft whine muffling into the kiss from my lips.
he continues kissing me as he slowly slides in, stretching me out completely, my body never getting used to his size despite the countless times we have done this. he stops kissing me for a second, his forehead pressed against mine, his dick about halfway in.
“you okay?” he asks, wiping a single tear that i hadn’t even realised had fallen from my cheek.
“yeah…keep going.” i reply, placing both hands on his neck and pulling him back downwards, reconnecting our lips as he continues to move inside me until he bottoms out, so deep that i swear i feel him in my stomach. i wince a little, trying to see the pain through, the pleasure building up little by little whilst he stays still inside of me, letting me adjust, his lips still working against mine.
“move.” i manage to say into the kiss, tom pulling halfway out before sliding back inwards, my eyes squeezing shut as he builds up a steady rhythm, moving in and out of me at a slow pace.
“faster.” i say, the pain quickly subsiding, leaving me feeling nothing but pure pleasure. he wastes no time, now thrusting in and out of me at a much faster pace, low grunts emitting from his mouth as he moves his head, kissing my neck slowly, running his tongue over where he had been sucking, soothing the marks a little.
“fuck- you feel so good…” he groans, taking my hips and grabbing a stable hold of me, kneading the flesh and allowing himself to thrust in and out of me easier. “missed this so much, missed you so bad baby.”
all i can do is let out a barely audible ‘mhm’, clinging to his back and running my hands down the soft skin, feeling his muscles flex with each strong movement. my body is flush against his chest, moving in sync with his own, chasing my release as he does the same.
he moves his head, resting his forehead on my own, staring into my eyes as he fucks me, his mouth open, breathing heavy, face glistening with sweat as his pace never falters. i watch the way his eyebrows furrow and eyes flutter shut when i clench around him, knowing exactly how to get him to his climax, his tip brushing over my spot as he helps me get to my own, the familiar knot soon forming in my stomach.
“i’m getting close baby, you close?” he breathes out, his hips stuttering a little, letting me know that he can’t hold on much longer - and neither can i.
“mhm, fuck- please tom, don’t stop…” i cry out, eyes rolling to the back of my head, breath hitching as i am almost there, seconds away from finding my release, chasing it desperately as my hips begin to meet his thrusts, lazily hitting his pelvis as he lets out small moans.
“where do you want it?” he asks, his movements slowly becoming irregular. “fuck- i can’t hold it, where?”
“inside.” i say, tom saying nothing in response as i feel his dick twitch inside of me, followed by his cum coating my walls. his head falls backwards, chest heaving up and down as his eyes screw shut, mouth open as a long groan leaves his mouth, his hips moving at a slow pace, riding out his own high, this triggering my own release.
tears roll down my face as the pleasure takes over, the feeling so strong i question wether i am on the verge of passing out, or, perhaps i am in heaven, the sex almost too good to be true.
he collapses on top of me, his breathing loud and heavy, bodies glistening with sweat as we lay in silence, tom stroking my hair, moving the loose strands that had fallen onto my face.
“did that show you how sorry i am?” he breathes out, slowly pulling out of me and caressing my waist, looking into my eyes as i manage a lazy smile.
“you need to be sorry more often.” i say, holding his face in my hands as my body lays limply below him. “if it means you fuck me like that then you can mess up every single day.”
he grins slightly, kissing my collarbone gently, looking upwards at me as our eyes meet.
“seriously though. i’m really sorry baby. please forgive me.” he says, moving so that his face is hovering over mine, his thumb caressing my cheek.
i smile upwards at him, placing a soft kiss on his lips as he kisses back, pulling away and kissing my forehead quickly, sitting upright and pulling me into his lap, my legs wrapping around his torso, arms around his neck.
“i love you.” he says, bringing me in closer to his embrace. “please say it back, you haven’t these past few days and i fucking hated it.”
he lets out a small laugh, but i can tell that it genuinely hurt him, guilt beginning to rise in my stomach.
“you know how stubborn i can be, but you were also a massive asshole.” i say, looking upwards at him, his eyes already gazing into mine. “i love you though, you know i do.”
not even bothering to get dressed, or go to our bedroom, we both fall asleep in each other’s arms, silently promising to never let our arguments get to that point, although we now knew that we had a way to fix it, no matter how bad it got.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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redheadspark · 8 months
Hello! I am a creeper who LOVES your work! I have had this idea for an Az fic, but as I am not a writer, I cannot do it justic!
So its an Azriel x Reader. They both have a thing for each other but obvi neither know about it, but the whole Inner circle know . So the inner circle are having fun and some shenanigans happen, and somebody asks the reader about the person that she likes. Reader gets flustered, Az gets ✨jealous✨ and says screw it and kisses the reader. Im talking the kind of kiss that makes you forget everything and your brain melt. Lots of fluff, some angst because they are silly and maybe some smut at the end? 😎😎😎
Youre incredible!
Happy New Year!
A/N - HOORAY! I am so sorry for writing this BEYOND late, I'm battling a sinus infection and was in no mood to write when I was hurting, but I finally finished it and I hope you like it!
Warnings - Fluff with a some smut towards the end, so 18+ for this one!
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“Okay, now that we have the presents out of the way, I think we should move onto a hot topic,”
“And what would that be?”
“A certain person’s love life,” 
You saw several pairs of eyes looking over at you as you were mid-sip with your glass of wine.  It suddenly felt like you were the topic of conversation, much to your dismay as you slowly lowered your wine glass down and stared at the others that were gazing at you.  As if you weren’t in on the joke.  Perhaps you weren’t, and clutching your wine glass a bit too tightly you looked to your right to see Nesta grinning at you.
“Nesta…..what’s going on?” You asked her tentatively as she linked arms with you.
“Nothing at all,” She replied smoothly as she gave you her signature smirk, “We are just inquiring about your personal life since you never tell us, your friends and found family, anything about your love life,”  
Of course, this was not how the night was going to go.  It was the Annual Winter Solstice Party amongst the Inner Circle in Velaris, the second one you have been a part of since you were the newest member of the Inner Circle.  Nesta became fast friends with you when she walked into your little bookstore, striking up a conversation with you about new books that caught her attention.  
You showed her a few titles, and you two have been friends ever since. 
After Nesta came her mate Cassian, the suave and yet kind Commander of the Illyrian Army.  He was dragged in by his mate, amused at the sight of Nesta almost sprinting to the New Arrivals section and he hung back and started a conversation with you.  You liked his attitude, the calm to Nesta’s storm, the sun to her moodiness, and he almost seemed like a lovable younger brother to you.  
Not too long after that, you were surprised to see Nesta again, but she was not alone.  She brought along both the High Lord and the High Lady of Night Court.  It never occurred to you that she was sisters with High Lady Feyre, to which you were beyond entranced to meet her.  Feyre was beyond kind, wishing to find art books and some other novels for her.  High Lord Rhsyand was more curious about the historical novels you had, along with adventurous fiction pieces to help him pass the time.  
You gave him a great recommendation, and your life was forever changed.
Rhysand hired you to help fill his personal library with books from the bookstore, paying you handsomely for your assistance and recommendations.  You were shocked to see the mass sum he placed in your hands, to which you were able to not only get more books for the store but to get a bigger apartment for yourself since you were living in a cramped hole in the hall.  After stocking his library with novels and volumes in every genre that he could ever want, Rhysand kept you in the Inner Circle.  Being alone for some time and having to survive with no one to lean on, it felt surreal to have a new family.  
A support system, and lifelong friends, it overwhelmed your heart tenfold. 
Nesta brought you around the first Winter Solstice party with the Inner Circle, you were wearing a modest yet captivating dress.  You were beyond nervous to meet the rest of her friends, but Nesta reassured you that you were going to mesh well with the group.  So when you and Nesta walked in together and you saw the rest of the guests, you felt so small compared to the rest of the beings there.
Especially with Azriel, the Illyrian Spymaster.
He took your breath away from the moment you saw him perched by the fireplace.  He cool demeanor contrasted with the roaring fire, the brooding stare he had on his face, and even the small licks of shadows that were hovering against his body and his wings that were tucked tight against his backside.  Nesta spoke plenty about him and his duties for Night Court, Being the Spymaster of Rhysand and seeking out information from other courts.  To anyone else, he would be intimidating and almost frightening to gaze at.
But not to you, you weren’t frightened at all.
Nesta introduced you two, walking you over to him and saying your name to him.  He simply stared at you, you seeing the bright hazel eyes he had brightening from the cracking fire as he held out his hand for you to shake.  You took it instantly, feeling the warmth of his hand and the scars that were etched along his skin as well.  
“Pleasure to see you,” He said to you, his voice deep and soothing like a balm against a fresh wound.  It felt it along your own skin, the tremor of his tone and how he was gazing at you with both intrigue and interest.  You couldn’t help but smile, something inside of you told you not to be afraid of him.  No matter that he could be a killer or someone who brings torture.  That’s not what you felt in that moment shaking his hand, and you always relied on your intuition in the past. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too,” You said to him, and you saw him smile.  It was the most beautiful smile you have ever seen from another being in your life.
Since then, you have been taken by him.  The way he walked into a room and was cool and collected, how he would conduct himself in conversation and with the others in the Inner Circle.  Although you never saw with your own eyes how he would conduct himself in meetings or during his missions, you knew he was someone not to be trifled with.  But then again, anytime you two were in the same room, he showed none of those. 
He was introverted at best, willing to watch from a distance as the rest of the group would joke and chit-chat.  But he was also consistent in his opinions and banter with Rhysand and Cassian, showing the long relationship he has had with them.  You admired it all the more, seeing the love they shared for one another, not to mention the kindness that was laced with his stubbornness and determination.  
Something drew you to him, like a moth to a flame, wishing to discover him more and more as you two became friends over time. He never minded talking with you, wishing to know more about your knowledge of books and history and even coming to your shop every once in awhile to purchase something for himself.  He looked over very book that intrigued him, taking his time with the purchase that he wanted to do.  It showed that he was not going to waste his time in anything he did, he took precision and never jumped to chance.
Another trait that drew you in more with Azriel was his attention to detail.  He could analyze a person for a certain amount of time and get more information about them than anyone else can do.  It was a true gift, one you wish you had since his ability was more advanced.  He knew the precise information to give to Rhysand, the right paints to gift Feyre for her birthday, even the exact number of soldiers to tell Cassian in one of their Illryain training sessions.  It was his way in showing that he cared for the other person, listening to them and picking up and what they would say in passing.
He did that with you one time in the summer, hearing you talk with Mor about a broken window pane at the shop and some creaking floorboards that were on the verge of snapping.  You were mostly venting to her, knowing that you were going to have to fix it yourself since you weren’t going to overpay someone to fix it.  But the next morning, you heard Azriel knocking on your door with some tools in hand.  
“You don’t have to fix it for me, Azriel.  Honestly, I can—“
“It’s not trouble for me.  Better for you to be safe than an injury happening,”
He fixed the floorboards and the window pane within a few hours, you paying him with a homemade lunch and you two perched on the front porch of the bookstore gossiping about Cassian and Nesta’s upcoming wedding.  You hear him laugh from a comment you made, a whole-hearted laugh with his eyes crinkling and his teeth glistening in the sun, making you fall for him harder.
As the months passed, your friendship deepened and your crush on Azriel was still present, but it was placed on the back burner.  It felt like a fever dream for you to be on the same platform as him, only seeing yourself as a bookkeeper and nothing more important than that.  Azriel had power, he had a past of using that power on others to gain knowledge and intelligence.  His cool demeanor and uneasy stature would make others flee and run away, but you felt closer to him than anyone else in the Inner Circle.  Even with Nesta, who would tease you about how you two would be perfect together.  But of course, you would push those possibilities and dreams away with a wave of your hand.
“I don’t think he would be interested in someone like me,”
“Like who?!  Someone kind, intelligent, and beautiful from the inside out?  I think he would, and he would be a fool to think otherwise,”
Leave it to Nesta to build you up when you feel low.
This led you to this night, a snowstorm roaring outside the Townhouse while you were all sitting together in one of the casual sitting rooms.  With all eyes on you, you were still looking at the wine glass in hand as you were now the center of conversation.
“My love life is…..complicated to say the least,” you said aloud to the group, all of whom were simply smiling as you spoke again, “I am interested in someone, but nothing past that,”
“Oh, do tell!” Elaine said in glee as she was perched on a loveseat with her Mate, Lucien.  Feyre and Rhsyand too seemed interested, wrapped in each other’s arms while Cassian was grinning widely from his perch in an armchair.  You didn’t see Azriel, who was over on the other side of the room leaning against the wall, clutching his whiskey glass in a death grip as his hazel eyes were drilling into your own orbs.
“I doubt she wants to talk about it in a room filled with gossipers,” Cassian joked as Nesta glared at her mate.
“As if any of this will leave the Townhouse,” Feyre countered with him, though she gave you a knowing look, “You don’t need to tell us if you don’t want to.  I know how secretive you are,”
“Yes, she does!” Nesta said with a smirk as she clinked her wine glass with yours, “I know you far too well, and you are in need of some love in your life.  So tell us, what is he like?”
“Or she,” Rhysand hummed, though you rolled your eyes, “I’m only leaving it open, who are we to judge?”
“It is a male,” you corrected, seeing some smiles all around as you blushed.  Once again, without you knowing it, Azriel was standing so still as he was drinking in this information of you being smitten by someone else.  It was making his cool demeanor almost snap.  You had no idea that he was fuming inside, the thought of another capturing your heart and making you feel loved and adored, the notion that another could take you away from him and leave him high and cry.  
He was using all of his willpower to not stalk across the room to claim you as his, having months of practice in him pining over you and wishing you to be his.  
He found you infectious to his soul, whether it was your laugh or your smile that made your freckles pop and your face light up in joy.  He would find reasons to visit you at your little shop, just to talk to you for minutes at a time because it would fill up his soul with hope and love he missed out on for years.  Azriel thought of you as beautiful in both image and in heart, a shining ray of light in his dark world.  Yet he knew deep down he had to be careful, letting in people who were close to him would automatically link them to his dangerous life and his dangerous job.  The last thing he would ever want is to bring potential danger to someone he loved.  
It would kill him to bring you harm, the one person he would face danger for.
“All I will say is that this male is someone I feel will not wish to be with someone like me,” You said to the group with a shrug, Nesta rolling her eyes as Elaine looked at you almost in remorse.
“You speak so low of yourself!  You are far too beautiful and intelligent for any male to pass on,” Feyre reasoned with you as she smiled sweetly at you, “That male is a fool to pass you by,”
“You are a catch,” Cassian agreed, then throwing up his hands in defense, “And I say that as a friend!”
“And I agree with my mate,” Nesta said to you, “I find males who cannot make up their minds on what they want to be fools,”
“Babe,” Cassian sighed as she gave him a knowing look.
“You are no longer a fool, sweetheart,” She said to him as she winked at him before looking back at you, “Your heart is far too sweet and far too kind for any male, no matter how they are, to simply cast by.”
Perhaps it was the one thing that Azriel needed to hear, the one phrase that made him throw out the rational side that he was trying to hold onto.  The thought of some other male casting her side, or using her as a pawn in their game, it made his blood boil.  The affection he felt for you over the year grew day after day, and it got to the point of it coming to a head at any moment.  No matter the scenarios he played in his head in how he would ask you to dinner or to an outing in the park, nor the talks he confided in with Cassian in how he wished to talk to you about his affections for you.  All of that was out of the window.
He had to act, and he did just that.  
He moved before he could stop his feet, walking across the room with his eyes on you like you were a target for his mission.  Everyone was floored by how fast he was moving, you were almost spooked by the way he walked swiftly and his shadows were attempting to catch up to him.  He took your hand in his own, making you stand up from your spot on the loveseat and look at him with shock and worry.
“Azriel? What is—“ you were about to ask him.  But he instantly silenced you, reaching up to frame your jaw in his hand as he kissed you.
Nothing else mattered, everything ceased to exist, and you felt your heart bursting.
His lips, soft and yet firm in how he was kissing you, ingested a fire in you as you were still frozen in your spot and in his embrace.  The thoughts and daydreams of kissing Azriel were all out the window since this was real, breathing in his cologne and the scent that was etched on his skin and feeling his body temperature mingle with yours.  The way he kissed you was both gentle and possessive, maybe he was claiming you as his and at the same time wishing to show his affection to you.  Either way, you were filled with love with that simple kiss, filled to the point of almost overflowing, and then some.  
Before he could pull away, thinking he made a huge mistake in kissing you in front of all of your closest friends in such a brave declaration, you kissed him back.  He heard the others intake a short breath from the gesture, your fingers reaching up to touch the front of his shirt to feel his rapid heartbeat that was threatening to burst out of his body. His mind was on overdrive, not believing what was occurring.  You kissed him, and the gentle kiss against his lips unleashed a new sensation deep within him that he never felt for another.  Affection, protection, possession, and most importantly love.
He loved you.  Cauldron he loved you. 
It didn’t occur to either you or Azriel that the rest of the room was watching on bated breath, both in shock and in pure happiness as you two finally pulled away from one another and gazed at each other.  The realization of what happened sunk in, but in the best way possible.  There was a glow about the two of you, almost like a new shade of emotion over the pair of you like a blanket to shield you from the rest of the world.  Azriel smiled, in which you grinned in return as he laced your fingers together and gulped.
“Come with me,” he said, you nodding without you realizing it.  He then moved, having you follow him like a puppy as he led the two of you out towards the hallway.  Yet he looked over his shoulder at the rest of the group, all of whom were still looking in shock at what happened.
“Thank you for the party,” he said abruptly, and then you two walked into the darkness of the hallway before the faint sound of him winnowing was heard.  You both were gone in a second.
Silence was heard in the room, everyone looking at each other.  The only sound heard was the fireplace, but it only took a few solid seconds before Cassian gulped down the last of his whiskey and placed the glass on the mantelpiece.
“Fucking finally!” He said in a sigh of relief, the others grinning as Nesta shot up and glided over to her mate, “I swear to the Cauldron, It took too damn long for them to get together!”
“Aren’t they simply lovely together?” Elaine asked with a sweet grin to Lucien, who nodded at his mate in agreement, “They both deserve to be happy together!”
“It was getting them both to realize it that took too long,” Rhsyand snorted as Feyre slapped his arm, “What?  It’s true!  Cass and I had a running bet on how long it would take for them to get together.  Which reminds me, you owe me some money, Cassian!”
“Damnit,” Cassian groaned with a rub of his eyes with his fingers as Nesta grinned in victory.
“Well I am glad they finally realize they are meant to be together,” Nesta said with her smile, “Those two are meant to be.  I know they are.”
“To the lovebirds!” Rhsyand announced, raising his glass in the air as the others did as well, “And a life filled with happiness and love for the two souls who deserve it the most out of all of us!”
The group raised their glasses, knowing deep down, that your future together was bright and full.
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“Here, for you,”
“Thank you,”  
You sat up in the bed, your bare body covered by the bedsheets as Azriel fell back into bed with you with no care of covering himself up while he handed you a plate filled with some fruits and crackers.  You were blushing like mad as he played kisses along your skin and shoulders, you giggled as he wrapped you in his arms.
“Are you going to let me eat?” You asked in a teasing tone, though he passed and stared lovingly at you.  Just being there, bare and glowing in both bliss and happiness after spending a few hours in pure pleasure and euphoria, it was all life-changing for him.  Even with his hair askew and a thin sheet of sweat on him, there was no sign of fatigue on him.  He was far too happy, too energetic even, to have another moment without you.  After a year of pinning over you and seeing you from an arms’ reach, he would never let you go from now on.  
“Are you willing to share?” He teased back, you rolling your eyes as he fed him a few grapes.  You loved seeing this side of Azriel, the playful and gentle side that you knew was buried deep down under his tough exterior.  But Hours before when he winnowed you both to the House of Wind, pressing you against the wall and kissing you deeply, you were unraveling with no sign of resistance.  If the kiss in front of the Inner Circle erased your mind, the kisses he gave you when you two alone erased your sanity.  He was possessive with his arms around you, his kisses along your neck, and your pulse racing.  
No longer were you two just friends, you both knew it.
He flipped your world upside down, it was no simple fuck.  No, with Azriel, he was precise in how he brought you pleasure and made you moan his name like a prayer.  From the way he undressed your and perched you on the edge of an ottoman at the foot of the bed, to the way he licked your folds with his wicked tongue and made you watch his lips and tongue get your beyond wet just for him.  You were on fire, chanting his name and tugging at his locks as his hands were bracing your hips to keep you still, even with your thighs perched on his shoulders and shaking in pleasure and madness.  
There was no daydream that you ever had that would compare to the real thing, even when you came in a shout and Azriel grinned against your now sensitive pussy before he ascended to stare at your blissed-out face. He kissed you softly, you trembling against his lips while your orgasm was slowly coming down, but you moaned once again as his fingers sunk into you.  It made you realize he was simply warming up, and the night was just getting started.
That night was the best night of your life.
“How long have you liked me?” You asked as he placed the now empty plate away and had you snuggle in his arms, you half on top of him as his fingers were tracing your bare back and along your spine.  He grinned at you, scanning your eyes and your messy hair.
“Since the moment Nesta introduced you to me,” He answered, you blushing like mad as he kissed the tip of your nose, “I knew then, even in that smile on yours, that there would be no one else for me in this life.”
“From a smile?” You asked.
“You can tell a lot from a person in how they smile,” Azriel explained, “Those who force a smile are not to be trusted.  But those who have a real smile, a kind smile, are those who can depend on in hard times.  Your smile entranced me, and I never wished to see another smile since it would never compare to yours,”
“Well, for me, it was when we shook hands,” You explained, reaching over to take his spare hand and lace your fingers together gently and look at the scars along his skin, “Your hands were warm, and you were gentle in shaking my hand.  I knew then, because of the warmth I sensed in you and the goodness you had in you.”
Even bathed in the moonlight, bare with no abandon, Azriel’s smile he gave to you was beyond beautiful.  Your love for him was shining bright no sign of darkness or blemish, it was making everything else in your life seem dull in comparison.  He made you feel loved, not just with the physical pleasure he gave you but the emotional too.  You knew he adored you, loved you beyond reason, and you were feeling just the same.  He would walk through fire for you, experience pain so you wouldn’t, and there would be no hesitance when It came to bringing you love.  All because you loved him for who he was and brought him pure joy.    
And as he sat up with you in his lap, guiding his cock into you to make you cling onto him and moan in bliss, you both knew there was no going back as your lives were forever intertwined.  
The End
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raspberrybesitos · 11 months
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Deja Vú | javier peña x f!reader
Summary: You and Javier, your best friend and neighbor, have been hooking up for a while now. He’s infiltrated your daily life, lingering in your thoughts, seeing him everywhere - you’re unable to function without him crossing your mind. However, nothing has been exclusively established by you two. At least not until shit hits the fan when the two of you go on dates with other people. Will things between you and Javier turn into something more?
Word count: tbd (it’ll probs be long i can’t control myself)
Rating: 18+ MDNI (All ageless blogs will be blocked.)
Series warnings: friends with benefits, friends to lovers, lil bit of enemies to lovers at some point, idiots in love, miscommunication trope, flirting, mutual pining, some angst, Javi is a fucking idiot bc he is a man, jealous!Javi, possessive!Javi, protected and unprotected PIV (wrap it up y’all), fingering, oral (f receiving), spanking, some ass play, creampie, aftercare, reader speaks and understands Spanish, reader is female and has hair you can pull but has no other physical descriptions, no mention of hair type/skin color/body type, NO USE OF Y/N, translations will be available at the end of each chapter.
A/N: Mood board does not depict reader, she is completely faceless through and through. This is loosely based off Deja Vú by Beyoncé because how could i, Nini, not write a fic based off of a Bey song??? if y’all don’t know me, i am Beyhive 4L 🤞🏼i was listening to B’day and it’s so Javi coded to me, it’s crazy
Divider by @saradika
Full series here! 🫶🏼
As promised, my lil 200 followers celebration (and my WIP Wednesday) so, snippet under the cut!
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You shut the door before he can answer, huffing out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding in, and lean against it. What a long fucking night. Padding into the bathroom, you remove your makeup and sigh into your towel. You stare at yourself in the mirror and bite back tears.
Shaking your head, you will yourself not to cry - refusing to shed tears for him. You walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from one of the cabinets. Opening the fridge, you reach for the open bottle of wine. Sighing, as you’re reminded of Javi, having shared the bottle with him after a hookup a few days ago. 
You fill your glass to the brim and chug half of it, slamming down the glass on the countertop. You drag your feet towards the living room, plopping down on the couch. Your head hangs in your hands as you curl into a ball.
“Javi!” You perk up at the sound of a woman calling his name. Rising from the couch, you press your ear against the thin wall that separates yours and Javi’s apartments. “Sí, Javi, sí!” Your brain is short-circuiting as you hear her moan Javi’s name. You can’t help but let your jaw fall open, shocked that he’d be so bold to rub this in your face. Tears of anger and heartache well in your eyes. You attempt to storm off until you hear your name.
A man screaming your name - Javi screaming your name. Everything goes silent. Your ears are ringing and your body is hot, flooding with emotions as your head spins. There’s no way any of this is happening.
Suddenly, you hear shuffling and shouting from outside. Running to peer out of the small peephole at the top of your front door, your jaw drops again at the scene playing out in front of you. Cassandra, the woman from earlier in the night, is fixing her clothes while screaming at a shirtless Javi in the hallway.
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i’m excited for this one! it’s like seeing the novelas in my head come to life on the page lol this is very self-indulgent for me
some moot/npt tags: @joelsgreys @nostalxgic @party-hearses @daydreamingmiller @tinygarbage @bastardmandennis @javierpena-inatacvest @amanitacowboy @undrthelights @gracieheartsspedro 🩷
ty @mandoisapunk @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @jenispunk for the wip wednesday tags <333
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arioloyal · 10 months
Could you please write a fanfiction based on previous request of obsessive insecure Baldwin IV with female reader
I'll accept this idea since all of you are in love with his obsessive mood but I warn you, it's angst :) but don't worry, I'll do fluff one next time♡
(King baldwin iv x reader one shot)
Warning: angst, mention of blood and d🥀eath
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:"I thought that you kept me by your side until now just because of your interest in me"...
:"It's not what you think, I have kept you until now so that I can keep the peace between Jerusalem and your father's empire . Believe me. It's good for both of us."
:"How could you be so selfish like your father?...
:"I'm not!...
"Please... let me go. I have to go back to my family. My father is surely mad with that. I beg you."
:"what about me?"...
Teardrops appeared like a shaky curtain in front of y/n's large and beautiful eyes. Her mouth was open and ready for another protest, but no words came out.
While holding both of y/n's hands in his own, the half-life king, in a sudden movement, weakness overcame his strength and fell to his knees.
"You thought I would let you go? I will never let you be separated from me.
:"I...it really breaks my heart to think that I've only been here as a hostage until now. I swear I'll get out of here anyway."
:"I am ready to k*ill you with my own hands, but I will never let you leave here. Your whole body and soul belong here. And also to me. Only me."
:" god help me!... My legs can't take it anymore. How much left?...
"My lady! Now we are approaching the gate of Damascus, but the front of the gate is full of guard knights. It seems that the king has heard of your escape."
"My lady, do you have any idea?"
:"We have to wait for a convoy so that we can impersonate them and pass through this gate. A convoy is coming from far away. Hurry up and tell them that we will join them from now on. don't Tell them our real name. Hurry up."
:"Obeyed, my lady."
They finally managed to convince the head of the caravan to join their trade caravan. It wasn't long before the sound of fast hooves could be heard, kicking up dust on their way. After the guards finished inspecting the convoy, a man's loud voice broke the silence.
:"Stop! Nobody move!"
And that was the exact moment that panic sent shivers down y/n's spine. her eyes widened. This was the voice of Tiberias who had come here with his knights. There could not have been a worse disaster.
:"What happened, Lord Tiberias?! It's usually very rare to see you among the caravans!" The leader of the caravan stated with an almost mocking and sweet tone.
:"We're looking for a lady! She's tall and fair-faced. With dark,long curly hair. Have you seen such a person here? Has she asked you for help? If so, hand her over to us, or I'll confiscate this caravan and get you all in prison."
His strong words and threats caused a wave of protest and panic among the people who were there. Y/n would never let innocent people be sacrificed for her. There, she gathered all her courage and surrendered to God's will. she suddenly came forward from the crowd and shouted...
:"Wait!..." y/n took off her veil and black turban. For a few moments, breaths caught in their chests and all the knights stared at their king's lover in surprise.
Finally accompanied by Tiberias and his knights, Y/n arrived at the entrance gate of the palace. That palace was like a hell that had no escape and the owner of such a beautiful hell was a masked ghost whose blood stained eyes were visible under the mask.
Soldiers and knights were lined up on either side of Baldwin, all the templars, lord Lusignan and some nobles were also there. Was this a greeting? Or a trial?
:"my lord. We found Lady y/n trying to escape from Damascus Gate. This was her third failed attempt to escape."
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Baldwin IV didn't seem to pay attention to what Tiberias was saying and the whole time he was staring at y/n who was now helplessly looking down at the ground.
:"Didn't I tell you some time ago that I won't let you go?"
:"My love for you was undeniable. But you abused my love and chose selfishness. I will never stay here as a hostage. I won't stay where I don't belong."
Everyone present witnessed their conversation when suddenly y/n turned away from the leper king and looked towards the exit gate. ready to leave for good.
:"STAY THERE!" His loud and scary voice made the heart beat in everyone's chest. In an unexpected move, he took Tiberias's sword with his good right hand. Everyone there looked in horror at the king approaching y/n and now standing in front of her. No one dared to speak.
:"If you take one more step..." The hand that was holding the sword started shaking. he wished this wasn't the last resort.
Unfortunately, y/n moved forward without listening to him. A tear fell from her eye at the last moment...
That was the moment...
y/n's scream echoed there. No thoughts, no words. just pain the pain. just pain.
There was nothing she could do but helplessly hold her hand to her stomach to stop the warm, red liquid from running down her long dress. The king's sword was stained with blood...
Her knees was getting weaker by the minute. Y/n was hugged by baldwin iv before she fell to the ground. The king, who was now out of his instincts, just realized what a disaster he had caused. He had sent his lover to d*eath.
:"No...n...no! I..I didn't mean to...I was wrong...forgive me. Please...forgive me my y/n. My beautiful white rose, Forgive me..." he sobbed nonstop and begged like a little boy.
:"Still... I still love you... poor you... poor me..."
:" Y/N!!"....
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hardbeingcasual · 1 year
hiii ! this is a req for ethan landry! a super sweet reader who's best friends with ethan but introduces her friend to ethan but the friend falls for him & ethan obviously wants the reader but reader gets all insecure & then they confess ? love ur writing btw <3
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at the end of the day, ethan landry
warnings: angst ??? if you’d even call it that, but fluff in the end, mentions of y/n, jealousy
thank you so much anon for your request and your kind words <3 , ps ghostface doesn’t exist in this story !!! the friend is kinda like an oc but she’s irrelevant ,whatever !
♪ at the end of the day by wallows / masterlist
The bright lights from the party you were attending slowly started to mess with your mind, along with the amount of alcohol you had drank tonight. You were fighting the urge to leave, but Ethan hadn’t even shown up yet. He said he would, and you know he will.
You were starting to get sick of your friends company, all she did was try to shove drink down your throat and try to matchmake you with random guys, who definitely were not your type.
Eventually, the boy you were waiting on finally showed up, his hair was a mess and he was sweating like he ran there.
He spots you sat alone on the couch, staring at the liquid in your cup as it swirls around in the red plastic.
“Y/N, I am so sorry.” The apologies stumbling out his mouth were rushed.
You shrugged as it were nothing, “Its alright, let’s have fun shall we?”
Ethan nods as he motions for you to grab his hand so he can pull you up off the comforter. “Have you been here alone the whole night?” His tone was dipped in concern and guilt.
“No, I had my friend, don’t know where she is now, though.” You answer, hand still in Ethans as you drag him to the drink table.
You hear your name being shouted from the big crowd, your eyes roll as you recognise the voice, “Speak of the devil,” You say, making Ethan raise an eyebrow as he sees a blonde girl walk towards you both, but it was more like a wobble, as she was totally drunk. She bumped into a few people as she made her way towards you.
“Hey, Cynthia.” You greet, in a less enthusiastic way.
Her eyes dart to Ethan, looking him up and down, “Who’s this?”
“Cynthia, Ethan, Ethan, Cynthia.” You introduce them, suddenly feeling awkward with Cynthias stare.
“Ah, so this is the famous Ethan?” She smirks, eying you both.
Ethans head whips to you at the blondes words, “You speak about me?” He asked, flattered.
You shrug, “Sometimes.” You mumble, suddenly finding interest in your shoes.
“Let me get you guys a drink!” Cynthia insists.
“I’m okay.” You tell her, making her turn to Ethan.
“Me too, I have Econ tomorrow.”
Cynthia rolls her eyes, “You guys are lame.” Her eyes shift to Ethan, “Hey, Ethan, we should dance!” Before the boy could get a word in she drags him to the dance floor.
You stare at them go, Ethan turning back to you, an innocent look on his face, you would’ve found it funny if you were in the mood, but you were tired and just wanted to go home at this point.
You were sat on the same couch as earlier, again. Bored out of your mind. Cynthia had completely stolen Ethan from you, after you waited so long for him to even appear.
You got up from your position, making your way out the door, not noticing Ethan watch you leave from his spot where he was awkwardly dancing with Cynthia against his will.
He excuses himself from the girl, ducking under her arms that were weirdly placed on his shoulders, making his way after you.
He sees your retreating figure in the distance, making him jog a little to catch up to you. He shouts your name, “Wait!” He eventually does catch up, bending over with his hands on his knees, catching his breath.
He looks up from the ground to see your confused expression, He stood up straight now, putting his hands on both of your arms, “Are you okay?”
You nod, “Yeah. Sorry, I was getting tired.” You tell him, swallowing down the regret as you and Ethan held eye contact.
“Sorry, for leaving you, she sorta just — dragged me.”
You snort, “Yeah, she does that. She has no care. I wish I was like that.” You didn’t know if it was the alcohol talking or true honesty, but you haven’t had any alcohol in like two hours and you felt a little bit sober than earlier.
“Look, Ethan.” You sigh as hesitation takes over your words, you swallow your nerves as you look up to the boy, who was obviously taller. “I really like you.” You confess, your eyes watering a little. Which was random, why are they watering? Who knows.
Ethan was speechless, you suddenly felt embarrassed that you’d even say that. You probably just ruined everything. “I’m sorry, thats stupid, pretend it never happened —” Before you could get another word out Ethans hands were on both sides of your face, his lips were on yours in an instant, the kiss was slow and steady. On of your hands was on his cheek, the other at the back of his head, trailing it along his curls.
If it was any other time you would be embarrassed that you were kissing in the middle of the street, but right now you didn’t care.
tags @larccroft @bisexuabed (lmk if you want added)
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sofasoap · 1 year
First time - Part 2
Pairing : Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x F!reader
Summary: years of pinning, you find an excuse to get close to your best friend, Kyle. Now Is he going to say yes to your plan?
Part of Gaz Fest 2023
Warning : E rating. Slight angst. Pinning. Friend to lovers. Insecurity. Smutty smut.
A/N: Thank you @glitterypirateduck for organising the writing festival!! * cheering *
Master list
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His hand glides back and forth the small of your back, the other slides up along the spine, coming to a stop at the nap of your neck, lightly holding it. 
Leaning closer, he whispered in your ears.
“I have one condition.” Pulling back slightly, staring into your eyes with the usual softness you noticed that is only reserved for you. “I’ll treat you to the full package.”
“Full package?” your eyes narrowed slightly, confused. 
“Like I said before, Sunflower, I don’t want this to be a loveless sex.” You open your mouth, trying to say something, but the gentle caresses of his thumb along your neck, rubbing little circles stopped you. “I want you to treat you to dinner,” Clearing his throat, “A…  a date, first, if you can call it that.”  Please call it that. You thought pleadingly.  But you know he doesn’t mean it by a real date. “To, to get you in the mood.”  Why is he getting flustered and nervous all of sudden? You wondered. 
“And um, then, we can. Proceed. With ..” stuttering slightly, he took a deep breath.
“The deed.” 
You suddenly burst out laughing. Breaking the moment. 
Biting your lip to try to control your laughter, leaning into his shoulder. “I am sorry if I am pressuring you into this, Kyle. You don’t have to go through with this if you don’t want to. I can find someone else. “ letting out a sigh as you finally calm down from your laughter.  “Sam seems to be pretty enthusiastic when I mention to them last time that I haven’t had anyone…”
“No. NO please, let me do this. I don’t trust anyone else looking after you.” There’s his knight in shining armour attitude again. Always there to protect you. That is why you fell for him. Love him. He’s always looking out for your back. As you do for him. 
Straightening himself up, gaining his confidence back slightly as he plastered his signature smile on his face. 
“So, Sunflower, where would you like to go for the pre-deed date?” 
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“You look very lovely with that dress, Sunflower.” He smiled.
You are sure there’s one. Yours. You are for sure he is going to break your heart again for the second time by the end of the night. Shattering it even harder than the last. When both of you part ways. And with possibly complete change in your friendship. 
Your mouth gaped as you see there, stands Kyle Garrick, in dark colour tight jeans, long sleeve turtle neck with a sand colour leather jacket. With a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Ready to pick you up for … the supposed pre-deed date.
How many hearts has he captured and broke with his handsome look?
Before you spiral down too far, you decide you should just enjoy this moment, living out your fantasy. The fantasy of Kyle Garrick has finally asked you out on a date, to be his lover, the one and only, your happily ever after. 
He isn’t joking when he mentions to get you into the mood during the date.
“You know that is my favourite dress? It really accentuates your figures well.” 
“You smell really nice. New perfume?”
“There's a bit of chocolate on your face…Let me wipe it off for you.”
“Come. Hold my hand. So I don’t lose you in the crowd.”
The few comments and warm looks from the passerby as the two of you standing by the dock, watching a cruise ship slowly pulling away from the port, sailing into the distance, chatting about the possible destination of the travellers.
“Oh,aren’t you two a cute looking couple. I remember my husband used to take me walking along this Strand for dates when we were too poor to go on proper dates in a restaurant..” The old lady smiled and looked up to the old man beside her, who was lost in his own fond memories. 
You can almost feel Kyle's smile as he kisses the top of your head, pulling you tight against him before replying, “Oh, this is why I am bringing my beautiful girlfriend here now, creating memories so we have something to look back to when we grow old together.”
To anyone’s ears, this would certainly be a possible marriage proposal. But you know it isn’t. 
That sincerity in this tone just makes your heart flutter and melts. You start to waver, does he really mean what he just said?
No. he makes it very clear. This is only a pre-deed date. Just to get you into the mood.
And he certainly has done it. 
Now, standing in the middle of your bedroom, clasping both of your hands together,  you look down onto the floor at your own feet. 
You couldn’t stop shaking as both of you waited for each other to make a move. 
Maybe this is a bad idea after all. Maybe you should have just faced the fact that you're going to stay a virgin until you die. Or you will never have Kyle to yourself. Not even as …… 
“We can stop here if you want Sunflower. I don’t want you to think we have to go through with this.” Sensing your hesitation and discomfort radiating through, he took a step forward, breaking your thought, gently enveloping your hands with his, caressing your knuckle with his thumbs. “We can just end the evening here, I’ll just … “
“No!” Coming out slightly more forceful than you expected, you gulped as you shake your head before tilting your head up, glossy eyes slowly blinking with a softer but determined tone.
“I want you, Kyle. Take me. Please.” 
He lets go of your hands, slowly sliding up your arm, towards your shoulder, your neck, and comes to a stop as he cups your jaw, leaning down with his lips hovering over yours, as if asking for that final permission again. 
Tilting your head slightly, closing the gap. Feeling his warm and slightly chapped lips on yours.
Since when you hit adolescents, when you realise your attraction to him is not just mere childhood crush. 
How you have dreamt of this moment for a long time. YEARS. 
Maybe there was some teenage hormone rage happening at the same time. But even now, there are nights of dreaming about him, trying to relieve that ache with your own hands, it was never enough.  Nothing ever satisfied you. 
Boldly, sliding one of your hands behind him and sliding down between the gap of his pants, grabbing onto his butt, the other underneath his top, feeling both of his firm abdominal muscles, lightly scratching it with your nails. Teasing him a bit. 
That seems to tip him over the edge. He grabbed you by the waist, pulling you closer to him. 
“For someone who claims never had any experiences before, you are certainly a tease. Look how hard you make me.” Rolling his against you, feeling the almost hardened cock even through the material. 
Fuck. If you weren’t aroused before, now you were pretty sure your core is dripping wet. You never heard him talking in such a dark and lusty tone before. You wouldn’t say you dislike it. What you will do to hear more of it. 
“Lacey lingerie? All for me? What a pretty girl…” you can hear his amused tone as he turns you around, pulling down the zipper of your dress, letting it drop down to the floor. 
Your body is heated up with his comment. You have debated days ago if you should wear something special underneath, or just a plain safe option of your normal underwear. But now you are glad you bit the bullet and went to the shop and got the lingerie set after hearing his praises. He leans down and plants light kisses trailing down from the tip of your ears down towards your neck and shoulders. 
“Kyle….” You whimpered as you tighten your thighs together, trying to get a bit of relief. He quietened you with a little shush, before coming back up and kissing your temple. You need him now. You can’t take anymore of his teasing. 
“Just relax. I will take care of you, love. Don’t worry.” lightly grabbing onto your breast, teasing the nipple through the thin fabric, as the other hand slights down, cupping your sex, and slide his hand back and forth
You moan and gasp as he pushes the fabric aside and slides one of his fingers in, rubbing lightly on your clit with his thumb and slides his other fingers through the slit. 
This is better than your own finger. Even better than you imagined. 
Before you know it, your first orgasm hits you fast as he rubs circles with his thumb on your clit, eyes closed, you lean back against him, biting your own lip trying to suppress the urge of screaming out loud. 
He slows down his ministration as you ride out the waves of your orgasm, whispering words of praise. If not for his strong arm circling around your waist to hold you up, your jelly like leg wouldn’t even support you up. 
Slowly pulling out his fingers and after tilting his head down to give you a deep kiss, he bent down a little, arm behind your knee to scoop you up into a bridal carry.
Carefully lowering you on to the bed, taking a moment to admire you, he stood back from the bed, slowly undressing himself. His beautiful toned body slowly reveals as he shreds each piece of clothing. Until the last one disappeared onto the floor. 
OH. he is. 
Well endowed. 
Like the rumours you have heard. 
Jokes have been made around the table amongst close friends how “well grown” Kyle has been, but you always thought that is just shits and giggles amongst the mates and men throwing at each other, but seeing is believing. 
Rumours confirmed. Fact. Ticked. 
You tense up. Feeling like a novice jumping straight into the hardest setting in a game, you wondered how in the hell are you going to take him?! 
Snapping back from your thought, you saw Kyle crawling onto the bed with a box condom and a tube of lubricant. 
“I, ah, didn’t know if you have any so I brought some for you..” he smiled shyly, holding the items up. 
The ever thoughtful Kyle. It's actually quite touching.
When he was about to grab the packet of condom, your hand reached over, asking in a quivering tone.
Your shoulder relaxed slightly, nodding your head as silent thanks. He edges forward on his knee, and nudges your leg to spread open slightly. Although you only just came down from your orgasm, you feel like you are ready to go again with his fingers works around the area, gently applying the lubricants.
You don’t think you will ever get enough of his touching you. Nor you touching him. 
“Can.. can I.. put it on for you? Can you please teach me how?” you pull a nervous smile, asking him for permission. 
His gentle hand guides yours towards his arousal, taking in a sharp breath as you hold the base of his cock and slowly roll the condom down his length.  
Aiming at your sex, he slowly and gently pushes his tip in, inch by inch, letting you get used to the stretch.
“Try to relax, love.. Take your time. No pressure here..” he leans forwards, giving you light kisses on the face as he notices your face contorted with discomfort and pain. “You are doing so well.. Taking me…just tell me when I can move, at your own pace.”
Grabbing onto his shoulder, you try to relax as much as possible, nodding your head to urge him to push on, until he is fully seated inside you. 
Such a strange sensation, him inside you. So big. So hot. You feel like you are melting into one with him. 
You take another deep breath in, looking up at him with your hooded eyes. You can see his jaws tighten and eyes full of lust as he looks back down at you, trying to control himself for your sake. 
“I am ready. Please. Kyle.” You begged. 
Starting slowly, he slides his cock out, before thrusting it back in again. And repeating the motion, again and again, but you can feel he is holding back slightly, afraid to hurt you if he moves too much. 
You throw your head back, reaching your second orgasm of the night, screaming out his name. Amongst the haziness of orgasm, you feel him going for a few quick short sharp thrust before reaching his own high, groaning out loud as he rides it out. 
Slowly the discomfort and pain is taken over by that familiar feel of delightful heat pulling around your lower region. You start rocking your hip upward, to meet with his thrust, trying to chase that bliss that you have felt earlier on.
He pushes your legs towards your body more, hitching the feet onto his shoulder to get a deeper angle, you let out a loud moan as he has hit the perfect spot. One of his hand made its way towards your clit, pinching it lightly.
Collapsing on top of you panting away, he buried his face in between your breast, trying to steady his breathing. 
“Heaven..… I can’t believe it.. Oh gosh.. I love you.”
Your head snapped up from the pillow, looking down at him. You felt him tensing up as soon as he realised what had slipped through his mouth. 
“You…“  Did you hear him right? “You.. love me?” you asked in a very small voice. Body starts to shake. This must be just post-sex brain talking, right? There is no way possible he loves you. 
Awkward silence lingers, you try to push yourself up, trying to get away from him, but he grabs onto your arm before you can fully pull away, and head raises up and looks at you, with pleading eyes. 
“I.. I never intended for it to come out this way. I am sorry.” he replied in an almost choking voice. 
See? He is regretting what he said already. There is no way he loves you.
“That’s why you refused.” you whispered.
“You don’t know how happy I was when you came to me about your… proposal,” he continued.  Closing his eyes, recounting the memory. “I don’t know how you feel about me, other than being a close friend. I didn’t want to take advantage of you.”
He nodded. Face falling back in between your breast again, feeling his hot breath on your skin as he let out a breath. 
“But I was so heartbroken seeing you running away from me..planning to run away into another person’s arms with the same proposal. How can I let that happen? I want to be your special one.. I want to be your first.” he gulped, “I want to be loved by you.” 
“Way too long. Even the others have noticed it.. I suspect.” 
“Kyle…” you lift your hand, running your finger through his short curly hair. “I.. I've been in love with you since we were young.” You confessed. His head snapped back up, suddenly hope glittering in his eyes, “I .. never thought you will return my feeling, I was too scared to make a move, and I was sick and tired waiting for you to make a move.” tears streaming down your face, he reaches up gently, wiping it away. “And I thought, using this excuse, at least.. At least I can be with you first and last time, and move on. Forget about going after you. Just keep our relationship as friends.”
“Oh my Sunflower…” he leaned his forehead against yours. “Looks like both of us have been hiding from each other. For a long time.”
Kyle’s eyes snapped open, brows raised. 
“One of them pushed me to just get on with it and ask you.”  you smiled. “ and I am glad they did.” 
“So do I..” After a brief pause, Kyle wriggling himself around a bit, to pull out from you, throwing away the used condom. You moaned slightly at the loss of the heat and feeling of him.. 
You raise your eyebrows as he grabs another condom from the box, and his cock already recovering from the session. 
“We gotta make up for all that lost time, right?” he winked. 
Oh, you wouldn’t say no to that. 
“Like I said, my Sunflower, there are still a lot of tricks up my sleeve I need to show you.. We have all night to go through it all.” 
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This chapter went on way longer than I expected. oops.
@nrdmssgs @schr-torta @glitterypirateduck@devcica @cumikering@roosterr
@obsolescent @whydoilikewhump
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