#so her words and how she acts etc have the same tone
fffanii · 13 days
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3hks · 7 months
How to Write REALISTIC and SMOOTH Dialogue
In a story, dialogue is quite important, it helps the readers paint a picture of what's happening and the characters themselves. However, it can be difficult to avoid the unnaturalness and choppiness that comes with a lack of experience. But luckily, I have put together A LOT of advice on how you can get over that rockiness and improve!
>> Keep your characters in character:
Dialogue is a remarkably quick way for readers to determine your character's personality. Thus, you want their speech patterns to remain fairly consistent so the audience won't get confused. If your character is more serious, then they will use less slang and perhaps a more impressive vocabulary. If your character is more relaxed, they will use more slang and compress the words. (such as "dunno," "kay," "y'know," etc.)
Basically, you want their tone to match their traits so the way that they talk is more realistic and personlized to themselves. If the way all your characters speak is the same, there's something wrong. A strong tip is to put yourself in your character's shoes and imagine how they would respond!
>> Take the situation into consideration:
This is another part of keeping your characters in, well, character. Different emotional situations will have a different effect on separate people, so make sure that you have an idea of how your character will act during stressful, irritating, and sad times.
If your character is normally cold, they will struggle if it comes to comforting other people because they have less experience in that field.
>> Don't take too long with their words:
Unlike when narrating something, most people talk just to get the idea across. They will be more specific and quicker with what they say. (This excludes any character who likes to talk a lot.) Unless it's on purpose, they won't dance around the topic. Think of when you casually chat with your friends; you're pretty unlikely to use certain words and/or phrases that might be common to use while narrating.
If you want to explain something complicated, instead of writing out a paragraph of just one person talking, use a question-and-answer prompt! This is where another character continuously asks related questions that get answered by another person, so you can indirectly reveal your explanation.
>> Having a variety of dialogue tags:
This is a pretty basic thing to look out for if you're new to writing conversations. Using words like "said," every other sentence can easily make it feel choppy and robotic. Instead, use words like "murmured," "smirked," etc. to paint some emotion into their words. Additionally, vary the location of the dialogue tags! They don't all have to go after the statement, you can include something in the beginning or even the middle, too!
Beginning - She tilted her head, "What are you talking about?"
Middle - "Oh," he blinked, "I actually never thought about that."
End - "Wait up!" She exclaimed loudly, waving her hands around.
>> Using no dialogue tags to create a smooth conversation:
Having too many tags can also overwhelm your reader--remember, sentence variety is a crucial part of writing--so you can always drop them if they're unneeded. This applies when your characters (two is the suggested amount) are talking back and forth in a pattern straightforward enough for the reader to understand who's talking without it having to be labeled.
Dropping dialogue tags in these moments can create a smoother atmosphere during the conversation because the reader only has to focus on the talking present.
Human speech is often not perfect; when talking, we often make mistakes such as filler words, grammatically incorrect phrases, etc. Hence, for more natural-sounding dialogue, it's important to incorporate some of these.
>> Pauses and stutters:
When reading dialogue, we read it at a steady pace unless it's written otherwise. However, that steady pace can soon get too robotic and too smooth. Luckily, there are several ways to change this! You can use dialogue tags, (ex: she quickly spoke) commas, and ellipsis (...). These are often integrated when the character is hesitant, nervous, answering something, or when they need to admit something. The same idea applies to stutters--they're mainly used to demonstrate anxiousness, which can be found in varying situations.
>> Filler words and slang:
Filler words can really just be used where you see fit. They may be used in the situations I previously mentioned (because it shows someone stumbling over their words) but it's ultimately up to you!
Slang, just like everything else, should not be used too often, or it will seem forced and exaggerated. The point is to sound natural, and increasing amounts of repetitiveness can ruin it. It's also important to remember that in real life, our conversations move slower; when someone speaks, another person usually doesn't respond quite literally, right after. However, in writing, dialogue can actually often seem that way, which is why using tags and these imperfections of speech is pivotal for building a realistic conversation!
Lastly, a key point when writing dialogue is to ALWAYS read the conversations! Whether it be in your head or out loud, it can often help you catch anything that seems off! Additionally, like I mentioned at the very beginning, write dialogue from your character's perspective! Imagine yourself as them and how they/you would talk. Try to keep your dialogue tags, sentences, and word use varied to create a natural conversation!
If you were struggling before, I hope that this (extra) long guide was able to really offer you some insight and useful tips! If you read this far, thank you!
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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myspacebrat · 2 years
I’ve had this thing in the back of my head for awhile about Phone Sex Operator!Eddie and the reader going through a dry spell so she calls to get out her frustration OR the other way around and Eddie constantly calls because he’s obsessed with her voice, and most of the time he just wants to hear her voice so he’ll spend his time just talking to her
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Phone sex operator!eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: you and your ex broke up more than five months ago and you’ve refused to start dating again, even the thought of a one night stand puts a bad taste in your mouth but on a lonely night something you thought you’d never be desperate enough to do, becomes as tempting as ever.
⚠️warnings: eventual smut, 18+ mdni, phone sex, dirty talk, masturbation, sweet eddie, talk of sexual acts, lots of pet names (baby, sweet thing etc) readers been deprived, one little mention of readers ex being a cheater, they fall fast.
notes: thank you so much to whoever requested this. I’m obsessed with this prompt. Yes, there will be a part 2. (don’t forget to tip your writers with a comment and reblog)
wc: 3k
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You’re not sure what lead you to this point, what has you so desperate to stoop to a new low. But you’re willing to bet it’s the fact that you’ve not been touched in several months. After you ended things with your cheating, lying, sorry excuse of an ex boyfriend Troy, the thought of moving on and putting yourself back out there in the dating world just didn’t seem appealing to you in the slightest. You decided after the break up to throw yourself into work, so you didn’t have to deal with the hollowed out feelings of loneliness that had taken over.
Up until now, you thought you’d be completely fine, you thought you would make single life your bitch by doing just that, staying single. What’s the point of moving on when you’re just bound to get hurt? You couldn’t risk feeling that pain, again.
So instead of being a normal person and going out to a bar or club to find someone to offer you the release you’ve been craving, you’re dialing a number you got off the the tube as you watched some late night tv. The commercial alone had you hot and bothered, the men they used for the ad reeled you in so easily, but the sultry sound of the man’s voice that read off the number, beckoning you to call and talk to “hot local men” had you shamelessly clenching your thighs together. Has it really been so long, that you’re this desperate? The answer is yes, absolutely.
So here you are laid in bed, silky pajamas adorning your curves, as you wrap the red cord of the landline around your manicured fingers. Awaiting a voice on the other end, as the phone continues to ring. You debate hanging up, this was embarrassing, surely the man that picks up will know what a desperate loser you are, so desperate you have to call a phone sex operator to help you get off. But your curiosity out weighed your pride at this point.
“Hello, thank you for calling dial-a-thrill, what’s your name?” The low husky voice greeted, knocking you right out of the back and forth thoughts playing ping pong in your mind.
“Hi, hello.” You replied, as all confidence left your body “m-my names, y/n.” You closed your eyes in shame, rubbing your hand down the side of your face, it’s been so long that you can’t even speak to the opposite gender without fumbling over your words, or it could be the insanely attractive voice of the man on the phone, that is making you lose all resolve.
“Nice to meet you y/n, my names Eddie. How are you this evening?” He mused, you could hear the hints of a smirk said through his words.
“I’m doing okay, how’s yours?” And you definitely sucked at small talk.
“Can’t complain now that I’m talking to you.” He flirted, you know he probably says that to everyone who calls in, but you couldn’t help the blooming heat of your cheeks at his admission.
You giggle like a little school girl, “well same here, Eddie.” You try out the same salacious tone he’s using, but end up cringing at yourself.
“What can I help you with tonight, sweetheart?” Your panties are ruined, you mind as well take them off now because if he keeps up with this you’ll be drenched. “Hmm, I don’t know, I just wanted to talk.” You responded, immediately realizing how desperate that sounds, you should’ve just hung up when you had the chance.
“Just to talk? Are you sure about that?” He laughs a little before continuing. “I mean, we can talk, don't get me wrong but people don’t usually call just to talk.” Yup, you were right, you are humiliated.
“Yeah, I’m sure they don’t, but um I’ve just I don’t know maybe this was a dumb idea, I’m sorry.” You almost slam the phone down back onto the receiver before you hear his voice again, “no, no, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel bad or weird just because you want to talk. I don’t mind talking, sweet thing, I’m just not used to it, that's all.”
You bite your lip, mentally battling with yourself whether you want to continue, his voice once again knocks you out of your inner turmoil, “hello? Sweetheart?” — “mmm, yeah I’m here, sorry!” You say after clearing your throat. “Well what would you like to talk about? we can talk for as long as you'd like, but just to remind you, it is 5 dollars per hour.”
“Right, yeah I remember,” you clarified as you lay back into your pillows, getting more comfortable. “So, how do these calls usually go for you?” Probing purely out of curiosity, a little part of you wanting to know how this phone call could possibly go.
“Well, that depends on you, sweet thing.” He chuckles, “but, usually it’s women wanting me to help them get off.” He sighs, as if he’s deep in a memory, “mm, I see, so what do you usually say t-to help them?” You were aware Eddie could practically feel your nervous energy through the phone, “hey, baby. I can tell you’re nervous, I'm sure this is your first time doing this, but I promise you I'm not here to judge you, I don’t bite okay?” His voice going from an almost low growl to that of a tone with genuine compassion, it put you at ease and made you feel ten times more comfortable with the whole situation.
“Thank you, I needed that.” You lightly chuckle, “so, do you also touch yourself? Or, I mean I’m sure you get so many calls, sometimes you have to fake it.” You continue prodding until the conversation slowly goes in the right direction, in due time. He hums before he begins speaking, “I’ll be honest, I fake it about 80% of the time, after doing this so long you kind of get immune to the dirty talk and the moans.” You weren’t sure if you wanted that honesty, you definitely don’t want him to fake it with you.
After a beat of silence from you, as if he’s telepathically reading your mind through the phone he lets out a held breath softly distorting the sound on his side. “Shit, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that, I’m trying to make you comfortable and now you’re probably going to be worried about whether what I’m doing or saying is real.” He huffs. “No, I mean yeah that was my first thought but I guess I asked so you’d answer honestly. You’re right, I’ve never done anything like this before and I’m just curious on how it all works.” You begin playing with the buttons on your silky top out of nervousness.
“That’s alright, I’ve never had anyone call in curious about any of this, so it’s a nice change. You just tell me what you’re comfortable with and I’ll follow along. How does that sound, baby?” His tone pulls you in like a siren's song. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
You bite your lip, and begin rubbing at your pert nipple as you continue to speak. “Eddie?” Your voice sounded so soft, you almost didn’t recognize it. “Yes, sweetheart?” His voice, just as soft, answered. “Can you not pretend with me, please?” You sounded so delicate, so sweet. “I wasn’t planning on it, y/n.” His voice was wrapped in honey. ‘I wish I knew him outside of this’ pops into your head, but you quickly shake that thought away.
“Your voice is really sexy.” The burst of confidence makes your heart rate pick up. “Oh yeah?” His tone now cocky, you couldn’t help the movement of your right hand making its way into your little sleep shorts. “Mmhm, it is.” The words come out breathy. “Well thank you, sweet girl.” He says. “Mmm.” Is all you let out as you begin to rub your clit over your cotton panties, you can feel the very prominent wet spot in the center. “What are you doing, baby?” The seductive voice on the other end asks. “I have my hand in my shorts, I-I’m rubbing myself.” You say shyly.
Eddie’s eating it up on the other side, your innocence for what you’re engaging in, is really turning him on, he hasn’t been this aroused by a caller in what seems like forever. “How bout you take your little shorts off? Get comfortable.” He suggests, you oblige by lifting your hips and pulling your panties and shorts down in one go, dropping them off the side of your bed. “Okay, they’re off.” The last thing you wanted from this call was to feel desperate, yet here you are completely and utterly desperate for this man, who you didn’t even know. “Good girl,” his tone getting even more salacious, “open your legs up wide for me, baby.” You couldn’t hold back the moan that bubbled out of your chest at his words, you’d never been talked to like this, it was sending you into an orbit and you began to wonder if he was really local to your area like the commercial said, what you would do to meet him in real life and have all these words whispered into your ear as he pounded into your pussy.
“You like that, baby? You wanna be my good girl?” As those words left his mouth, you began to sink a finger into your drenched hole. “Fuck yes, I wanna be your good girl, please?” You beg as your lower lip slightly puckers. “Listen to you baby, you’re a natural.” He says with a chuckle, “such pretty little noises. You’re makin’ my dick hard, sweet thing.” He growls, “mmm, am I really?” You’re continuing the assault on your pussy, pushing your finger all the way in to the second knuckle, but you need more so you add another. “I told you baby, I’m not faking it with you, you make the sexiest sounds I’ve ever heard, fuck!” He groans, you hear shuffling going on in the background. After adding the second finger you’re now letting out little sounds of “uh, uh” and “ah”. You can hear slick, wet sounds coming from him, “If I was there with you right now, what would you want me to do to you, baby?” He sounds breathless. “I would have your fingers inside of me, instead of mine. They’re too small.” You whine with a pout. “I would love to finger fuck you, baby.” He groans, “would you let me eat your pussy?” He sounds so needy, needy for you and it’s turning you on even more, if that’s possible. “I’ve never had anyone do that before.” You timidly say, “no? Well fuck now I wanna be the first guy to eat your pussy, make you feel so fucking good! I’d make you forget what your name was, after I’m done.” His breathing continues to pick up.
“Oh you’re cocky.” You giggle but it’s cut off by a guttural moan you let out after you take the wetness from your hole and begin rubbing your clit. “Fuck,” he moans before continuing. “I have a good reason to be.” He says with a heavy sigh. “Really? Why is that?” Your ministrations have picked up as the knot in your belly begins to tighten, “if you saw my dick in person you’d understand.” He chuckles, “describe it to me, Eddie.” You know the description is going to be what sends you over the edge. “It’s about 8 inches, cut and thick.” Your legs start shaking as you tense up your body, “keep going, omg please keep going.” You squeak. He laughs before he continues, “It’s so fucking hard right now, the tip is so red and I’m already leaking precum, baby.” The picture in your head is so vivid, god what you would do to be able to suck it, or bounce on it. “Eddie, fuck! It sounds so pretty.” The knot is wrapped so tight and your body is unbelievably tense. “Spit on it for me, baby and pretend it’s me on my knees, sucking your cock.” You were full of confidence now that you were on the verge of an earth shattering orgasm, “fuck, I’m the one suppose to be talking to you like that, but holy shit sweet thing, you’re about to make me cum. Are you close?” You debate on lying and edging yourself, you don’t want this phone call to end, but you can’t you’re already there and fuck does it feel amazing. “I’m cumming! Oh my god Eddie, I’m cumming!” You’ve never been a loud person in bed but you’ve also never been this turned on. If that says anything about your ex, then maybe you should be more appreciative that it ended.
“Fuck, I’m cumming too, baby!” You hear the slick noises get faster as Eddie’s moans get louder, as the crescendo of his orgasm crashes over him and now all you hear is the loud breathing of you both, coming down from your highs. “You still there?” He asks, after inhaling and exhaling a particularly deep breath. “Yeah, I’m still here.” You didn’t want this call to get awkward, you should probably just thank him for his time and hang up. “Do you wanna keep talking or are you good for the night?” His cocky laugh makes you playfully roll your eyes. “Well maybe I can call again, sometime?” You get up and slip your panties and shorts back onto your lower half. “Yeah baby, you can call whenever you like.” You can hear his smile, even though you can’t see it, but god you wish you could see it. “So if I were to call, say tomorrow same time, would you answer?” You ask nervously, “Well, I’m not supposed to do this and I never have, but I do have an extension number you can reach me on after dialing this one, if the line is busy then just hang up and try again until I answer, does that work?” You nod before remembering he can’t see you, “y-yeah, that works. What is it?” You dig in your side drawer pulling out an old receipt and pen, “it’s extension #045.” You scribble it down before throwing the pen back in the drawer, “okay, sounds good. You have a goodnight Eddie.” There was a giddiness to your tone, you hoped he didn’t pick up on. “Goodnight, baby. I’ll talk to you later?” He questioned, “yes, talk to you later.” You hang up and stand from your bed walking over to your mirror, sticking the number on one of the open spaces between the mirror and the wood encasing it.
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You didn’t call Eddie until four days later, you were swamped with work and when you’d get home you were absolutely exhausted, you also didn’t wanna seem too eager so you were grateful work took up some of your time. But today was your day off and your plan was to stay home and talk to Eddie, maybe it’s stupid to spend your time talking to a phone sex operator but you can’t deny, he made you feel things you never have before.
When the clock hit 7:30pm you punched the number and the extension into the phone, to your disappointment it was busy, so you hung up and decided to occupy yourself for a little bit. After about 20 minutes you called back, Eddie almost immediately answered.
“Hello, thank you for calling dial-a-thrill, what’s your name?” You smile at the sound of his voice.
“Eddie, it’s y/n.” You were afraid the next time you called you’d feel as nervous as the last time, but luckily you had some sort of confidence this time round.
“Fuck, thank god! I had some real weirdos today.” He snorts “I haven’t heard from you, thought you wouldn’t end up calling back.” You could hear the disappointment in his voice. Wow, did he actually want to talk to you? A part of you thought he wouldn’t even remember you the next time you called, but here he is basically telling you he waited for your call, he thought about you. The thought made your cheeks rosy and made a warmth descend over your body.
“I’m sorry, I was really busy with work, and honestly way too exhausted, but luckily I didn’t have to go in today, so..” you trail off before he interrupts. “You don’t have to be sorry, baby. Guess I was just excited to hear from you.” Your eyes slightly widen at his words, excited to hear from me? You silently asked yourself. “Yeah, right. How many women call in and hear that?” You cackled at your words, but Eddie stayed silent. “I actually don’t tell anyone that, just like I’ve never given out my direct extension.” He takes a deep breath, “look, I’m sure you have your thoughts about me considering what my job is, but when I speak to other women it’s about sex and that’s it, for me and them. They don’t care if they’re talking to me or some other guy, I-I know this is weird, given this is our second time talking on the phone, but I really felt this connection with you I’ve never felt, talking to anyone else.” Your stomach fills with butterflies, you knew you felt something, you just didn’t expect him to feel it too. You couldn’t help but do a little giddy dance at his words, you felt like you were dreaming. You’ve been pining over this man for days, unable to get him out of your mind and you don’t even know what he looks like, you only have his voice and personality to go based on and somehow that makes the connection feel deeper. “Hey, um are you really local to Indianapolis?” You sheepishly ask. “I actually live in Hawkins, so kind of.” He says, but his next words catch you totally off guard, “would you like to maybe meet up sometime?”
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Thank you for reading!
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princessmaybank · 2 months
Hey Princess 👑! Chefs Kiss 💋😘 for writing and you deserve the 1.5K celebration 🎉 and may I please get Cherry red 🍒 with prompts 24 and 25 cause they are my fav! Thank you so much have a wonderful day! Love you lots!😘
Thank you so much honey and absolutely! Sorry it took forever baby, I hope you like it though!
Gettin' Mouthy
Pairings: Dom!Boyfriend!JJ x Kook!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Annoying!reader, public, hickeys, fingering, grinding, oral (Fem. receiving), rough!JJ, gagging, daddy kink, unprotected p in v, creampie, etc.
Summary: Reader had an attitude problem and JJ decided to fix it!
Author's Note: I hope you all like this one, I would really enjoy some feedback on this one! Enjoy!
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"I just don't see why you can't get me both Jay!" She whined. All day long it's been this back and forth game of which thing to buy her. I couldn't afford both and she damn well knew that but didn't seem to care I guess.
"You know I can't afford both!" I said, irritated. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Maybe you should get a better job." That's when I snapped. I pulled her by the wrist until we were far enough away from the street in a small alleyway. I pushed her harshly up against the brick wall and my hand found its way around her throat. "Who do you think you're talking to?" I ask through gritted teeth.
She rolled her eyes again, not giving a fuck. "You. Who else would I be talking to?" She snipped at me. "I suggest you choose your words very wisely darling." Her attitude hasn't gone away, I can still see it in her eyes and in her body language. "Or what?" She asks. I paused. She's a brat but she's never been this bratty. "Who do you think you're talking to?" I ask, getting genuinely upset. Her arms crossed against her chest with another huff and eye roll. "There's no one else around...who do you think I'm talking to?" She said in the same tone that started this mess. I let out a huff as my tongue swirled the inside of my cheek.
"You're testin' my patience darlin'." I gave a small fake laugh. "Oh boo hoo.." Y/N mocked. I slammed her against the wall again, keeping my hand around her throat. "Fix your attitude or I'll fuck it out of you." I snapped. "Take me home then." She rolled her eyes with a huff. I let out a deep chuckle.
"Oh no princess, you wanna act like a spoiled little bitch in public, you're gonna get punished in public too." I smirked and her eyes finally went wide. "What? No Jay..I was only playin! Swear!" She tried to save her ass but it wasn't gonna work. "Too late for that princess. You're fucked." I grinned.
I swiftly grabbed her wrists and held them above her head with one hand. My other hand roamed her body as did my lips. I kissed and bit at her neck, leaving a path of beautiful red markings. "Jay- s-someone might see us!" She whined. I continued my line of kisses down her breasts and smirked against her skin. "Shoulda thought about that, huh." I said looking up at her with a shit-eating grin. All she could do in response was whine some more and wiggle around, but she wasn't going anywhere.
"Remember princess...I'm still in charge, no matter how bratty you think you can be." I whispered in her ear before flipping her around and pinning her to the wall. I put my hands on her hips and pushed my hips against her ass. I placed gentle kisses on her shoulder, causing a small gasp to come from her lips. My hand snaked its way up under her dress. I gasp in her ear when I find a little surprise. "No panties? Naughty girl." I tease her slit by lightly running my finger over her folds. "For you daddy. For later." She whined again. "You're lucky it isn't a windy day, doll." I release a breathy moan in her ear as I insert my middle finger into her. She moaned and tried to grind against my hand. "Ah ah ah. I don't think so princess." I pulled my hand away from her and placed them both back on her hips.
I jutted my pelvis forward, lightly grinding my cock against her ass. "JJ, please, stop teasing!" Y/N yelled. My hand slapped over her mouth to keep her from shouting more. "Gonna get us caught with that loud mouth of yours." I pulled her a little bit away from the wall so I could bend her over. "C'mon princess you know what to do...hands on the wall." I smirked as she huffed before complying.
"Mmm good girl.." My hands slowly massaged her ass, giving each cheek a little slap before dropping to my knees. "Wha-what are you doing Jay?!?" She yelled again. Without a second thought I gave her pussy a nice slap causing a yelp. "Shut that pretty little mouth princess, ya never know what could get shoved in there."
She finally settled before my tongue swiped from her clit to her asshole. I grabbed her thighs to support her as my tongue swirled around her perfect little cunt. Moans spilled from her lips, even when I peppered her lower lips with kisses. My tongue circled her hole before plunging in and out with the most beautiful noises coming from my little lady. "Oh fuck Jay- need more!" She always loves to whine.
Before I knew it she was fuckin' herself with my tongue. Her hand crept down to her clit and toyed with it as she pushed herself backwards. "Oh..oh shit..." Moan after moan leaving her body. Just when she thought I'd let her cum, I pulled away and stood up. Once again she whined and complained about me doing this to her. Y/N turned around to start arguing with me.
"Really Jay?! You knew how close I wa-" I cut her off by slamming her against the wall. I quickly pulled off my belt and wrapped it around her head and used it as a gag. I stepped close to her and bent down to her ear. "Since you seem to have no control over that pretty little mouth princess.." I smirked.
One hand stayed on the extra length of my belt while the other worked my jeans down. My lips attacked her neck, earning me some muffled moans. I got my cock out and started pumping myself and continued. Y/N was eager and so was I, she took my cock and led it to her entrance. "Someone's needy.." I tease. She rolled her eyes at me. "Even gagged you find a way to give me attitude.. unbelievable" I let out a small laugh before slipping inside her juicy pussy.
I lifted her leg up and gently started thrusting. Her head fell back against the wall and she closed her eyes. Y/N didn't get to sit like that for long because I pulled her head back up with the belt. "Eyes on me princess." My thrusts got faster and I forced her to keep looking at me.
I was a mess. She looked so beautiful like this. I took the belt off and urgently attached my lips to hers while speeding up my thrusts some more. I reached down and started circling her clit. "Ya ever-gonna mouth off- again princess?" I said through pauses for breaths. "mmmm fuck, probably!!"
I pinched her clit. "Ow! fuck, no! I won't ever mouth off ever again daddy!" She squeezed her eyes shut as my pace quickened and I suddenly got sloppy. "Almost there princess..c'mon.." I grunt. "Oh fuck- don't stop daddy! please please please...right there" She squealed and came on my dick, nearly sending me over the edge.
"Where do ya want it princess?" My breath hitched. "In-inside.." I smirked. "Fuck..yea take my cum princess..fuck- just for you..oh shit.." I released inside of her just like she wanted. She was still recovering as my liquid shot into her.
"Sorry for mouthing off Jay, I learned my lesson, even though, no one came down here." She giggled and I chuckled. "Next time your ass is on display princess. But I am glad I fucked your little tantrum away."
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wintersoldiersoul · 11 months
Bucky x reader- super angsty but fluff ending
In a relationship, bucky doesn't want reader going on mission because it's a hydra Misson, they argue and don't talk to each other, bucky hears reader get hurt and he hears her say "im sorry buck, i love you" and then her comms go out and he can't do anything to help because he's pinned down and by the time he gets to her she's bleeding out and passed out and bucky is breaking down apologising and saying he didn't mean anything of what he said etc and I dunno how you would wanna end it
A/N: So sorry it took me so long to get to this request!! I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of blood, injuries, throwing up, lots of angst and fluff
“Bucky, stop it!” You shouted. “I’m going on this mission, okay? I can handle myself.” You had been having this fight all morning. The mission you were going on was extremely dangerous. You were basically marching right into the center of Hydra. 
“I am begging you,” Bucky pleaded. “I can’t let anything happen to you.”
“You do realize I’m a superhero in my own right? I don’t need you to protect me!” You snapped back. You knew he just wanted to protect you, but the fact that he acted like you weren’t capable of this made you angry. You had spent years fighting with the Avengers back when he was still the Winter Soldier. You had fought aliens and bionic humans and monsters. You didn’t need him to help you.
“I know but you don’t understand. They know we’re together. That means you have a target on your back. They’d do anything to hurt you because it would hurt me!” You almost felt bad but you had to stand up for yourself. You weren’t some helpless little girl.
“You’re being stupid! I thought you were smarter than this, Y/N. You’re acting like a child!” Bucky said, matching the stern tone of your voice.
“I don’t care! Let me be stupid then!” You left your room, slamming the door on your way out to go meet everyone at the jet. Bucky followed shortly after and the team got ready to leave. 
The two of you didn’t say a word to each other on the flight across the world to Europe. The tension between the two of you hung heavy in the air, casting a fog over the entire jet. Everyone could tell something was going on, but no one dared to ask. Your relationship was incredibly passionate - full of love that could burn the world down. But the same principle applied when you fought.
You were paired up with Natasha, splitting off from Bucky, Steve, and Tony when you arrived. You subtly snuck around the Hydra base, using your spy skills to remain hidden. You had been trained by the Red Room like Natasha, turning you into a silent killer full of stealth and surprises.
“Status?” Bucky spoke through the com device in your ear.
When you didn’t immediately make a move to respond, Natasha filled him in. “There’s agents everywhere. We’re hidden right now but we gotta make a move soon.”
“Same here,” Bucky answered.
An agent passed by but didn’t spot the two of you. All at once, you and Natasha passed, jumping onto the man's shoulders from behind and snapping his neck. “One down, a hundred to go,” you smirked at Nat. You could do this. You could prove to Bucky that you didn’t need his help.
Steve updated everyone, panting through the coms that they were deep into battle now. You and Natasha took a more subtle approach, trying to remain as hidden as possible before sneaking up and stealthily taking out agents as you could. Everything was going well. It was all under control.
Until you felt the gun against your head.
“Don’t move a damn muscle,” a low russian accent purred in your ear. “I’ve got you right where I want you,” he said, dragging the gun from your temple around to the base of your neck. Your arms were pinned behind you. You couldn’t move.
Natasha was too far away, locked into her own battle with an agent. A battle that she was winning but one that could easily go wrong if she turned her focus. You wanted to scream out but you were terrified that if you did, the man would shoot.
In the blink of an eye, the man who was holding you pulled out a knife and sliced your thigh deeply. You couldn’t help the cry that escaped your mouth as he did it, grabbing Natasha’s attention just as she finished off her victim.
“Y/N!” She ran over to you but was sidetracked by another agent stepping in her path.
“What’s going on?” Bucky’s voice rang out in your ears. “Y/N? Natasha?” Panic was evident in his voice. “Someone talk to me!”
“Bucky!” You cried out, hoping he would show up any second to save you. “Help me!”
The Hydra agent laughed, hearing your calls for the man. “You’re Barnes’ girl, aren’t you?” He laughed, coldly. “Oh, we’re gonna have fun.” His voice sent chills down your spine.
“Y/N, what’s going on? Where are you?” His voice came through your ear.
“I-I don’t know!” You answered. “He-has me!”
“I’m coming, baby, I’m coming. Are you hurt?”
You were still terrified each time you answered, expecting that the man would pull the trigger every time you opened your mouth. But if these were your last moments, you wanted to spend them talking to the love of your life.
“Y-yes,” you choked out.
“Alright, I think I’ve been nice enough to let this go on for so long,” the russian accent spoke before ripping the comms out of your ear and smashing it on the ground.
“No!” You cried out. The blood you were losing from your leg was already making you feel dizzy. A puddle of crimson from your body began to pool on the ground. 
“I was gonna shoot you in the head,” the man behind you whispered in your ear, making you feel sick. “But it would be such a shame to mess up this pretty face.”
Before you could even register what was going on, the gun was pressed to your back and a bullet was fired into your body. He shot you two more times. The man laughed as he walked away, leaving you to bleed out alone on the floor. Natasha had left, you had no idea where she had gone. She didn’t mean to abandon you, she really thought you’d be able to get out of your situation on your own while she completed the mission.
Across the building, Bucky was frantic. “Y/N? Talk to me! Where are you, baby?” He was panicking. One minute you were talking to him and then you were just…gone. His worst fear was coming true.
He sprinted as far as he could, dodging Hydra agents left and right, taking them out with the metal arm that they had put on his body.  He swore he had never run faster in his entire life. He knew back at their post, Steve and Tony were still fighting, yelling at him as he sprinted away. He knew he’d be in trouble later. But he didn’t care. He only cared about you.
But he was intercepted by more agents. Suddenly, he was pinned down, completely unable to move. “Y/N!” He yelled out again while he thrashed. He didn’t even care that these men would probably kidnap him again. Turn him back into the Winter Soldier. All he cared about was reaching you.
He tried as hard as he could, thrashing and squirming. Time was running out. He didn't know exactly what had happened to you, but he knew you didn't have long. Especially with the nature of the enemy you were dealing with.
After minutes of trying to escape the agent's grasp, he was able to free his metal arm, punching hard and knocking down the agent who had his legs. He was then able to use more strength to fight, taking down each person who had tried to separate him from the love of his life.
He was sick when he saw you, bending over to throw up at the sight in front of him. You were laying on the ground, still as a rock. Blood stained the concrete below you. He swore he had never seen so much blood come from one person at once. 
“Y/N!” He screamed out, running over to you. Your eyes were closed. “Y/N, wake up! Wake up, please!” He cried. “Oh my god, please!” He chanted over and over, trying to get you to open your eyes while putting pressure on you to stop the bleeding as much as possible. 
Suddenly there was a gasp from your frame. “B-bucky!” You called out weakly using every ounce of strength you could. “I love you.” 
“I love you, angel. So much. I didn’t mean a word I said! Please just hang on! Please! I can’t watch you die right now.” Tears streamed down his face as he spoke.
"So...tired," you said weakly, your eyes fluttering between opened and closed.
"I know, baby, I know," he stroked your hair. "But you gotta stay awake, okay? You gotta fight."
"What's going on, Buck?" Steve spoke in his ear.
"It's bad, Steve. I gotta get her to a hospital. Now," he said, through tears.
"Alright. It's clear now. You can take her."
Bucky swore time moved in slow motion as you waited for an ambulance. He held your hand the entire time, terrified every time your eyes closed for more than a second. You kept drifting in and out of consciousness even as the paramedics began to work on you in the vehicle. He couldn't believe this was really happening. If he lost you, his entire world would stop.
9 hours and an emergency surgery later, you were still unconscious but stable. He sat by your hospital bed, eyes red from crying, still holding your hand.
"Baby, I don't know if you can hear me right now," he said to your unconscious body. "But I need you to wake up. I need you to come back to me. I can't do this without you, I-" he paused as his voice broke. "I never thought I'd have any good in my life again. And then I found you. And I can't lose you. I don't know what I'll do. I don't know who I am without you." Tears wet his face as he spoke. "Please, baby. My darling. Please, come back to me."
He didn't leave your side all night. He waited and waited for hours, not sleeping or eating. He was terrified to not be watching you even for a second.
The sun was rising the next morning and he was exhausted and scared and he just wanted you. His head was in his metal hand as he cried, still holding yours with his flesh one, when he felt it. It was small, but he felt it. The subtle squeeze from your hand. "Y/N?" he said, immediately lifting his head.
You groaned softly, eyes still closed. "Am I dead?" You asked as you very slowly opened your eyes, trying to adjust to the light.
"No, baby," he sniffed, getting up and kissing your forehead. "You're not dead. You're alive. Oh my god, you're alive."
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
Hii! I love your writing. 🙌🏻 May I have a sub! Larissa dom! tall! Reader request where they have an argument in Larissa’s office about something but they end up having a heated..🫢. Larissa tries to take the lead and act tough, but eventually fails because Reader overpowers her, but actually Larissa secretly enjoys it. I hope it’s not too much, it’s alright if you’re not doing it, don’t feel pressured. :))) have a nice day!
I Don’t Go Down Easy ~Sub!Mommy!Larissa Weems xFem Dom!Daddy!Reader
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Summary— Reader and Larissa get into a heated argument. Reader suspects that Larissa’s a little pent up, so she takes the lead… But Larissa isn’t going down without a fight. Anon Response— Hey Heyy @misswittylistyc !! Thank you for the request! I love this idea so much. Sub!Larissa could always use more content… Hope you Enjoy! Have a nice day as well!!
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, eating out, implied smut, kissing, marking, dom/sub relationships, fights for dominance, mommy kink, daddy kink, semi-public sex, implied future smut, swearing, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Im ridiculous…?? Larissa, you never take care of yourself!!” You exclaimed with a jarring tone, throwing your arms up flamboyantly, letting them land square on your hips.
Larissa huffed, as she paced the room, her face screwed in a distasteful look.
“Oh please…!! You barely get 6 hours of sleep a night—!” She sneered back.
You two had been at it for at least twenty minutes. Anyone and everyone in the near vicinity of the halls or rooms close to Larissa’s office had vacated. Your heated argument was seaping through you two and the walls of Nevermore.
And it had all started because you had come into Larissa’s office and found her working still far too late…
You gritted your teeth and let groaned in frustration, fisting your hand together, so much so so that your knuckles were white.
“God you’re incorrigible!! You can’t even see your own hypocrisy—!” You yelled.
“Well maybe I would if you weren’t being such a dick about it?!!!” Larissa shrieked.
This made you stop in your tracks. You unclenched your fists as your eyes widened. You realized how harsh you’d been...
Because Larissa rarely swore… Really the only time was when you two were intimate. Never anywhere else… So her addition of the curse in her verbiage made you rethink the whole situation…
Larissa took your silent response as even more of an insult. She had now wandered towards the door, so that you were in the middle of the room, in between her and her desk. Larissa stood tall and looked down at you, trying her hardest to act intimidating. She craned over you.
“So that’s what yore going to do…?? Go silent on me?!” Larissa spat in a mocking and dominating tone.
But this time, her words sparked a different fire in you. Instead of anger, lust was bursting through your veins, causing you to smirk and tilt your head upward at the tall principal.
Larissa looked a little confused at your reaction, quirking her brows and wondering what your game was.
“What..??” She spat yet again.
You gave the woman a small, mocking pout, clasping your hands together behind your back, and slowly starting to stalk towards the blonde.
“Is someone pent up…??” You taunted the woman.
This made Larissa scoff and roll her eyes. Yet at the same time, she started to back up as you approached her.
“What? No, that’s absolutely ridiculous!” Larissa squeaked, trying to sound intimidating but desperately failing.
You backed the tall blonde up all the way against her office door, when she then heard the click of you locking the door, wearing a grin the entire time. Larissa’s breath hitched. You were flush against the woman. Your closeness made Larissa gulp and blush lightly.
But just as you thought she was given in, a new gust of confidence took the blonde principal over. She suddenly lengthened herself and towered over you, even though she was the one trapped in between you and the office door.
“You think this is going to work…?? What are you going to…?? Seduce me…?” Larissa jeered.
You said nothing, staring up at the woman and looking her directly in the eye, not faltering. You simply dropped to your knees and began to roll up her dress.
Larissa went silent and her breath was bated as she watched you on your knees, rolling up her dress, removing her knickers, and spreading her legs for access. When you finally got to the woman’s glistening cunt, you looked up at her with a Cheshire Cat like grin, before leaning forward and licking her entire cunt from bottom to top in one fell swoop.
Larissa threw her head back and waves of pleasure hit her like a brick. Her legs immediately threatened to buckle, but she was quick to widen her arms and hold onto the wall to keep herself from collapsing.
Once you had pulled away and Larissa had come back to reality, her eyes met your gaze and they flashed with challenge.
“Is this your way of apologizing…? You gonna eat mommy out…?” Larissa taunted.
You shook your head with a chuckle, ignoring her taunts, because you knew she would be putty in your hands in about five seconds.
“Keep your eyes on mine…” you growled in your sultry, lustful tone that always sent Larissa into a frenzy.
Larissa’s eyes widened and she bit her lip. She was about to challenge you again, but then your tongue slid its way into her fluttering cunt and the woman was a goner.
Her legs began to bend and threatened to buckle, so you were swift to place your hands on each of her thighs to keep her propped up. Larissa’s hands were still outstretched against the walls and clinging on tight, as she let out her first desperate groan of the night.
You began to pick up the pace and really started to fuck the blonde’s cunt as like you knew would destroy her… As your tongue took turns lapping away at her folds and fucking her hole, your brought your thumb up to her clit and put tight circular pressure on her bundle of nerves.
“Ohhh f-fuck Y/N…” Larissa whimpered with a groan at the end, tilting her head back and screwing her eyes shut tight.
You quickly pulled away, stopping all administrations with a smirk. Larissa’s head shot back and her shocked gaze furiously found yours. As she saw your smirk, she realized you had her right where you wanted her.
“I said…” you growled, licking a stripe off her cunt, making Larissa’s knees wobble and her lip tremble, before counting, “Keep your gaze on mine…”
“Sorry yes Daddy…”
Larissa gulped and she immediately nodded vigorously. You chuckled and nodded in response, burying your face in her cunt once more, quickly returning to your destructive pace.
As Larissa quickly approached her high, all the while you stared her down with a wicked grin, one of the blonde’s hands jolted to your hair, pushing your head closer to her cunt as her hips grinded against your face. You let this act slip, because of how desperately gone the woman was by now.
You, thank fuck, let Larissa cum when she got to the edge, riding out her high as she came hard. Larissa was panting and by the end of her climax, her legs did in deed gone out on her, so she fell to the floor still trapped between you and the door.
You moved away from her cunt, now at eye level with the fucked out woman. You smirked and leaned in, pressing your cum splattered lips against Larissa’s. Larissa groaned as she happily licked all of her cum off your lips and from your mouth, her hands lunging forward to pull you impossibly closer.
The kiss was bruising, dizzying, but neither of you wanted to pull away. Alas, you both eventually needed to breath, so you had to detach momentarily, also giving Larissa some time to catch her breath.
“Poor mommy’s out of breath, just from Daddy’s tongue, huh…?” You teased the woman lightly.
“Shut up…” Larissa grumbled, crossing her arms defensively, “Didn’t enjoy it that much…”
Now this made you flat out laugh out loud.
“Ha!” You laughed with a smile, “Yes you did…”
Larissa blushed and looked away.
“Ok fine I did…” she muttered, before looking back at you with that same needy look, “fuck me properly, Daddy…?” She whimpered, already squirming where she sat.
You smirked once more and nodded.
“Of course, baby… Come on, let’s go to the bedroom” you said in your sultry, knee wobbling tone, making Larissa already start to ride the waves of pleasure again.
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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athenaluciscaelum · 2 months
Pairing:DMC5 Dante x Reader
Rated: Mature
Words: 3134 word
Warning: unprotected sex, nsfw, talk of marriage
A constructive criticism in right tone can be welcome. But anything unkind or disrespectful or homophobic or any hate shall be deleted. I do not entertain such things and I do not mind simply deleting them. This being said I will try my best to put trigger warning rightfully in every post but if sometimes, I miss something. You can let me know and educate me on topic respectfully and I will add it promptly.
My Beautiful Bride
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Summary: You and Dante have been dating for the longest time. Surprisingly, it was not you who wanted marriage, but Dante.
You and Dante had been dating for quite a while, it's been more than two years now, since you first met, and about 18 months of dating. You still remember the day you met him in the library, and you acted all weird. Later you think to yourself, 'why does it matter? If I was weird, it's not like I might see him again. But you saw him, again and again and again and again. Dante was like a sweet drug that you need in your life. He smiled, people claimed he rarely smiled. But you always saw him smiling and you loved that smile. You swear to yourself this smile is worth everything, and you swear to make him the happiest man, so no matter how hard it gets, nothing will stop you from making this man smile.
You were a little selfish, you wanted him to always smile, yet wishing that if not all, most of those smiles were because of you.
The first time you two decided to get intimate. It took time, not because you didn't crave Dante. You have wanted him since the day you understood he is all you ever wanted...yet you understand this is special, and you wanted nothing in this sacred connection you two shared to be some rushed sex on his desk, or somewhere insignificant.
You wanted it to be special. Dante was on the same page, you were all he ever knew he wanted, but now he needed. It was a soul mate kind of feeling. Though he never believed in one. And he wanted to do everything right. He got clean, got his act together, took jobs which were within his principles but also made money, he even paid attention to making space comfortable for you. All sorts of furniture in your shared bedroom, a bathtub for you, all the little decor you bought for Devil May Cry to make it home. Dante needed this to make a perfect nest for his bride. Bride? Wait. You were not his bride yet, he wanted to do it right with you. And the idea of exchanging vows to be each other. It is a perfect way to show you how much this whole thing means to him.
You both were on the same footing in most things, like the idea of humanity, how important empathy is, the idea of family, etc.
So Dante started planning. He knew he needed the whole crew to get this party started. So he got your ring size with the help of Trish. And also an idea about what sort of jewelry you like and which precious stones. You were in the shopping center with Trish...as you guys strolled around. Trish took you to a jewelry store. You didn't think much of it...just usual shopping... Trish looked at the rings, she spoke in her usual calm voice,"Anything that catches your eye, Y/N." You looked at the display and answered, "yes, this, I think you're a gold kind of girl with yellow Montana sapphire..." Trish nods trying the ring, she spoke composed, "Nice...is this what you like?" You shook your head, "No... I'm more of a platinum kind of girl.... And a ruby in the middle.." Trish raised her eyebrows, "Ruby? Huh?" You blushed, "I don't know, I wanted a red stone in my jewel for long...reminds me of Dante..." Trish smiled, her mission was a success.
Trish and Dante were on a mission. When they reached the agency, you were asleep in the shared bedroom. Dante peaked in and smiled and graced his lips as he saw your pretty sleeping form. He still remembers when he took you to his room to have your first night of intimacy together. Back then, he only had a single bed in his room, you squeezed in with him without complaining, you suggested how it meant you were closer to Dante. He held you throughout the night. He couldn't let his precious angel fall and hurt herself. And soon enough, as he spent more and more nights there, he was quick to buy a king-sized bed. You comfort was his priority. He couldn't give you all the luxury in the world, he think you absolutely deserved it. It's not like you ever complained about trivial materialistic things. But he made sure to give you all he could.
Dante went downstairs, Trish was sitting on the desk... He looked at her, "Soo?" Trish looked up at him from a magazine, "She likes platinum with ruby and I marked some design she liked in this magazine with her ring size above." Dante grinned, "Jackpot! I will ask Morrison to get me in touch with a jeweler..."
Trish smirked, "you're planning to spend a fortune on this...huh?" Dante nodded, "Best for my girl!" Trish let out a small chuckle..." So when you're proposing..." And for the first time, Trish saw Dante nervous... Trish sighed, "You ever asked her about her views on marriage or getting married." Dante was a mess, running fingers through his hair..." Not exactly..."
Trish patted his shoulder as she got ready to leave the agency, "You will figure this out." Dante sighed, sitting on his chair, his feet propped on his desk, looking at the picture of Eva on the desk, "You would have loved her.....she is not perfect, yet she is everything right in my life. A new beginning, right, mom?" Dante smiled to himself and got up to shower. He put on his sweatpants as he walked into the room drying his hair. You were sleeping, but as soon as his heavy body got deposited beside you to dip in the bed, you smiled and turned to look at him sleepy, "there is a handsome devil in my bed, I should call a devil hunter." Dante wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you flushed against his body making you giggle, you were already nuzzling his silver chest hair, you lip softly feeling his skin... Dante let out a sigh of satisfaction, "At your service...and I give discounts to beautiful babes…" He smirked as you laughed, looking up into his icy blue eyes. The room was dark and only moonlight poured in. Dante was a handsome man and this moonlit room only made him more handsome, if it was possible... you touched his cheek, your thumb softly caressing his face, he closed his eyes. You pulled yourself up a little to place soft kisses against his lips, he snaked his arms around your waist, tightening his grip to deepen the kiss, he licked your bottom lip, and you complied, as you opened your lips for his demanding tongue to come in and explore your mouth.You followed his lead. He shifted you carefully without breaking the kiss..he was above you now. He made sure his weight was not directly on you, you were so small compared to him, he wouldn't risk crushing you. You cupped his face and kissed him again and again. As his hand worked the delicate strings that were keeping your night dress tied behind your neck. Dante pulled it and started to pull the dress down, exposing your chest. He was greeted by the sight of your pretty breasts, he groaned. His hand was flat on them, feeling them taking a nipple between his index finger and thumb to squeeze it. you moaned in the kiss. He pulled away from the kiss with a string of saliva attached and lowered his head a bit, both his hands kneading your breasts. He loved how they were perfect in his hands, not small or big, just perfect, made for him. He left a trail of kisses from near your mouth to your jaw line to your neck. Now kisses turn into sucking, enough to leave marks, while sucking turned into little bites, as he trailed down from your neck to your breast. His hand feeling your curves from down the waist, stomach to your hips... keeping you firm and grounded on the mattress. He licked one of your areoles with his tongue flat, the tip of his tongue assaulting your nipple, your fingers in his soft silver hair. You moaned, as he sucked on your nipple...it was torture how good he made you feel, your core throbbing. Yet his hands keep your hip grounded on the mattress, you were flustered, he always knew how to rile you up. You let out a whine, he smirked against your nipple and let it go with a pop. He gave the same treatment to your other nipple. You tried to move your hip up for much-needed contact, but his grip was firm, he pulled up to look at your needy face, caressing your cheek with the back of his finger, "my precious angel, you're so needy..." Your eyes were full of desire, and you let out a whine, "you're such a tease..." Dante chuckled, "C'mon, babe, I just enjoy your needy face, now tell me what you want." You closed your eyes as he pulled down your dress to take it off and spread your legs, starting to rub a finger along your slit through your panties... Dante smiled, "I love your sweet noises."
Dante pressed his forehead against yours as he took off your wet panties and threw them, who knows where? His thick finger. He slid up and down your folds.....and then inserting it in as you were slick and ready, you moaned as he slowly put his middle finger in your throbbing core, he smiled, "your pussy is practically crying for me baby..." You nodded moaning, "love you so much, Dante..." Dante sighed as he kissed your lips with unadulterated love, "And I love you princess." Dante start to drag his finger in and out building up pace and making you comfortable to put second finger in..he was patients and curled his finger in as he reached your familiar spot. He was caressing your spot, making you see starts and knots in your stomach snap...as you came, he dragged his finger in and out slowly to drag out your orgasm...you were a sweaty, panting mess, hair stuck to your forehead. Dante is proud of the beautiful renaissance painting he made of you. As you were collecting yourself, Dante positioned himself between your legs, taking his sweats off, his thick and veiny cock sprung out, leaking pre-cum. Dante was big, but by now, you have got used to it. He knew how to make it all comfortable and you trusted him. He grabbed your calves, your feet on each of his shoulders. Kissing, sucking and biting the inside of your legs and thighs to litter them with his marks, same as he did to your upper body. You were sleepy and gripped onto the pillow above your head, your eyes were so beautiful, glistening, and he wanted nothing more than to get lost in them. You smiled tired, "sleep is winning." Dante pumped his cock and rubbed it against your folds to gather slick, your thighs stained from your last orgasm, Dante groaned, "Don't worry, I will leave you satisfied, and then you will be set free." You laughed but soon, he pushed himself balls deep, his eyes squeezed shut...air knocked out of your lungs as you gasped. Dante stood still cherishing how perfect your pussy felt. No matter how many times he has had you, he will never be satiated enough. He gritted his teeth and started to move, slow and deep...it was all sweet and passionate. You were sleepy, but how can you sleep when the love of your life was balls deep in you...you smiled, eyelids closing yet refusing to fall asleep..."so good... Dante...so good...." Dante picked up his pace and thrusted in and out, but not rough or fast, he wanted to feel you tonight. He will savor you. Dante snapped his hip, wet noises filled the room. He puts down your legs and lets them wrap around his waist...he leans down to entangle his fingers with yours, holding them above your head, and kiss you deeply. As he moves slowly and deep, hitting all the right spots. You came again, this time with no warning. His eyes closed as he nuzzled your face. He loved how you came around his cock, "I'm close, babe, one more for me, together?" You nodded drunk on his cock and sleepy, you were overstimulated by and aching a bit "anything for you..." With few more thrusts of his added with him cupping your face with one hand and his thumb rubbing your clit with another. You both came together. His hot cum filling your pussy, he collapsed on top of you, so satisfied. You were both sweaty and tangled, you held his face against your chest, as he nuzzled it. You softly swept his hair sticking on his forehead... He smiled and pulled out. Your pussy dripping with his and your combined fluid, making the demon inside him crave for more...you shook your head nervously, and he smiled, burying your little form against his big furnace-like body. He chuckled, "It's okay...your no is a no...my angel..." You smiled and felt like the luckiest woman in the world.
The next day, you and Trish were in the office sitting on a couch talking. You both have a curiosity about knowledge, somehow the topic of marriage came and it's technicalities. You were trying to make a comment on how marriage is, in a way no guarantee, unlike what is believed, it was seen as a safety net throughout history or said to be a safety net for women throughout history, when men benefited more out of it. It was by no means a comment on Dante, or your idea of your own life, but a general statement on how it goes with majority, in your mind, you and Dante were special. You made a hypothetical statement, "I mean think Trish. What if Dante and I were to get married? What is even the point? About the legality of it, or even church. It's not like any court or religious authority can hold him to the sanctity of marriage." Trish was shocked and quiet. You didn't understand it and smiled, "What?" You turned around to see Dante, who looked visibly hurt....but quickly tried to mask it with a smile. He grinned, "Hey babe," you stumbled on your words, "H-H-Hey, love, I-I-I-I just want to clear....." Dante laughed to cut you off in the middle, and spoke calmly, "Can we do this later, babe. I'm really missing some strawberry sundae, I'm off to Freddy's..." You were a mess and tried to grab his shoulder, "Let me come...." Your eyes pleading with him. Dante looked away keeping a fake grin, "Aren't you busy with Trish? Keep her company, I don't want to interrupt you ladies."
Dante walked off quickly, as he was away from the agency, he just walked mindlessly, his hand in his coat pocket feeling the ring. He went to his mother's grave before, his way of getting her blessings. He looked up at the sky and thought, 'What an idiot I am. Of course, why will she settle for me? Sooner or later, I always knew she would know what an idiot I am. I should cherish her, as long as she will let me have her.'
You were back at the Devil May Cry agency, but as hours passed by and Dante didn't come back, you went out. Freddy told you Dante never came. Lady didn't know, neither Morrison, nor Nero. You were so worried, you could always recognize his fake smile. You just wanted to cry, what an idiot you were, you should have never said it, even hypothetically. You have to find him and explain this to him, you can't bare the thought of losing him. Your heart pounded in your chest, the sound drumming in your ears as you ran to one place Dante would be.
You walked to the lake in the forest, moonlight glowing on it. It was a little place you both found and a secret you two share. You sat beside Dante, sitting near the lake. You wrapped your hands around his arm and put your face on his shoulder. You spoke in a small nervous voice, "Hey..." Dante sighed, "Hey." Your hands cupped his face, "I love you, I didn't mean it that way." Dante chuckled sadly, "yeah....." You wanted to explain it, "Dante...." You were blank. Dante looked at you, "You should find someone better than waste your time on me." You were shocked, hurt and eyes wide, "Dante! How can you say this!? I love you! There is no one else! Nor ever will be!" Dante looked at his reflection in the lake. He hated seeing his reflection, "I always mess up, you're right. Nothing can hold me to sanctity of marriage." Your face showed pain and guilt for making him go through this, "We all mess up, like I did today, it's only human, but we got each other..." You held Dante's hand in yours, taking off his glove, bringing his hand to your face, pressing soft kisses to his knuckles. Dante said nothing, you sighed, summoning all courage, your head pressed against his, "nothing can hold you to the sanctity of marriage, no power, except our love. And I dream of the day when I will exchange vows with you. Marriage or no marriage. I am not leaving your side." Dante melted, the word took his breath away. He kissed your lips softly, and you kissed him back .....you pulled away and smiled, looking into his beautiful icy blue eyes, caressing his face. "Let's go back home...." You stood up and dusted your dress, as you turned around, Dante was on one knee with a ring in his gloved hand. Dante spoke, clearing his throat, "Miss Y/N L/N, will you marry me?" You were ecstatic, this was perfect. The forest, lake, moonlight and Dante, you nodded and threw yourself in his arms. You kissed him deeply as he twirled you and slipped a beautiful platinum ring with a ruby on your delicate finger...you smiled, laughed, you were red, you were a flustered mess. Your stomach felt thousands of butterflies, you were trembling from happiness. You can't contain your smile, your legs feel wobbly. Dante picked you up bridal style, "My bride! My beautiful bride!"
You swear you could hear Dante's demon and see it's flash, only making you happier. "My handsome devil..."
Next day, you both visited Eva's grave together. Dante smiled, "She said yes, mom." You smiled, "Thank you for raising a kind and thoughtful man."
Tag: @marshmallows-and-champagne
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fuck-customers · 3 months
I guess I didn't get the memo about today being Raging Bitch day because holy fuck these people were intense.
First, a Karen comes to my register and announces that she has a return.
As per store policy, I ask if she has her receipt, she does not. I tel her that without a receipt, we can only give her the lowest price in the last 90 days, as per store policy. But she is welcome to take her items and come back another time with her receipt.
Her: So how much would I get back from the lowest price?
I scan her items and tell her the price. I forgot the actual dollar amounts, but you get the idea.
Me: So the lowest price for this item is $19.99 and this one is $21.99 so you'll get $45.36 for your entire return.
Her: That's UNACCEPTABLE! I paid $75 for that! You're STEALING from me!
Me: I'm sorry, but since you don't have your receipt, I have no way of verifying what you paid, and store policy says that without a receipt, you can only get back the lowest price in the last 90 days. But again, there is no time limit, so you're more than welcome to do the return later when you find your receipt.
Her, going Karen mode: NO! You're going to give me back what I paid. You're STEALING FROM ME!
Me: Ma'am, when you purchase something from a store, it does not go directly to the employee. I couldn't steal it from you if I wanted to.
This goes on for a minute or so of me telling a grown woman no and her throwing a temper tantrum, then I call up a manager and a lead arrives. The lead tells her nearly word-for-word what I told her and ends up in the same argument loop for 10 minutes or so, during which I ring up other customers. Lead eventually calls up store manager, who, shocker, tells the woman the exact same thing that I and the lead before her told her.
Eventually, after a combined total of around 30 minutes, she gets it through her stupid head that she's not going to get her way and leaves without doing the return, yelling weird vague threats that sound like a cartoon villain. She didn't say "you'll rue the day!" but it would fit better in the story if she did.
About 5-10 minutes later, she comes slinking back into the store. Guess who found her receipt? You'll never guess. Of course not a single apology was uttered or even an acknowledgement of how ridiculous she was acting was made. I processed her return with receipt and she was on her way. She didn't utter a single word the entire time. Just to make her feel like the asshole that she is, I was sickly sweet in my tone of voice and overly friendly just to emphasize what a bitch she was being. I felt bad for the kid that was with her, I'm not sure if he was her son, grandson, nephew, etc, but he seemed all too used to her being a Karen in stores. I sort of wish he had the guts to stand up to her and tell her to knock it off, but I can understand why he didn't.
Then I had several other smaller interactions that basically amounted to: stupid customer can't read ->customer is already in a bad mood ->takes it out on me->I'm not a pushover and I'm one of the best and most knowledgeable workers at this store and everyone knows it so I am unlikely to get fired unless I do something extreme, so I push back-> customer argues for several minutes and eventually either gives up or demands manager->manager can't do thing for them->argue->eventually accept fate and leave.
Posted by admin Rodney
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m1sa-w1sa · 5 months
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Harbingers (+ Scaramouche and Signora) finding out that your dating the traveler :3
(Mentions of drinking, Harbingers speak other languages, maybe a bit OOC? This us my first time writing something like this)
Hes happy that your happy! But even though he might know the traveler (definitely more nice to them than the others) his personality would change like a light switch, he would ask the traveler questions like a over protective dad questions as such “do you drink? Put [NAME] in dangerous situations? Are you reckless? (Tartaglia is the most reckless person you know)” etc etc but overall he wants you to he happy but also safe :D
Alrlecchino is kinda like Tartaglia but slightly worse, as a father Arlecchino is more protective trying to keep you away from getting into a relationship not wanting you to go down the wrong path. She would give the traveler death stares whispering cuss words in french silently knowing you would be angry if she cussed put your significant other (Traveler) but like Tartaglia she wants you to be happy and safe
Scaramouche and Signora
These mfs would try to CONVINCE you to NOT date the traveler “But he is really nice!—“ “The traveler looks filthy” “His clothes are stingy”
He didn’t hold back by criticizing the Traveler about how he looks, acts, ESPECIALLY having Paimon around, how he didn’t take you on a date yet etc, using those as reasons for you to NOT date him or even better not to hang out with him in any way shape or form! They want you to he happy but especially not with him
Dottore and Pantalone
For them Im kinda stumped but I feel like they would take action if the traveler hurt you in any kind of way but they would be like Scaramouche and Signora commenting on how the traveler is presenting “ Couldn’t he wear something nicer..?” “[NAME] at least find someone with a sense of style..and maybe mora to..” but overall they don’t really say that much besides maybe ask the same Questions that Tartaglia asked but not to big
She would try to manipulate you to not date the traveler saying it in a calm soft tone to really get to you “Sweetheart..Maybe you should choose them..Would they really choose you to..?” And maybe after the meet up she would go into your room talking about how she thinks its not the best choice or its not the best idea for you to date the traveler (Maybe trying to convince you to close your eyes like her so you wont fall in love with the traveler again.)
“Are we finally done meeting all of them?”
“Nope! 4 More to go!”
(Thats all!! If you have any tips or things I should add please lmk^^ Tags: @jadestone2
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testingthewatersss · 9 months
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Jericho Trigger warnings for PTSD, mentions of war, torture, flashbacks etc. Bucky Barnes x (injured) F Reader Oneshot 4430 words Angst, fluffy, fluff.  18+ MDNI
Reader is Tony’s sister, a non-enhanced shield agent who recently resurfaced. Bucky loves her. He really loves her. So what happens if she gets hurt? not for long, just for angst.
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She wakes up slowly at first. Consciousness creeping in towards her like a flame flickering at the end of a very deep tunnel.
It’s memories. Jumbled and inaccurate. And then it’s voices.
It’s Tony’s voice. His laughter, echoing around her. It’s the sound of his panic, thick and hidden under the more familiar lilt of frustrated sarcasm.
And then it’s screaming.
It’s Natasha shouting urgent, desperate phrases in English and Russian.
It’s the word Sister, and Sestra- which mean the same thing.
And it’s Steve. Steve using the Captain tone he usually reserves for lectures.
And then it’s silence.
It’s silence, and an ache in her side as the reason for the darkness behind her eyes comes back to her at once.
I got stabbed, she thinks— or was I shot?
Both, maybe? Probably both, knowing my luck.
She hadn’t thought about how likely this outcome was when she’d acted, really.
She hadn’t thought of anything other than Steve.
Of the way his shield was on the ground behind them both, and the way that he was looking the wrong way, talking to Bucky-
Oh, god— Bucky.
His face, watching horrified as she’d pushed his old friend out of the way— only getting more distraught as she’d fallen.
At least she didn’t have to hear him screaming.
Her chest aches as she tunes into the distant sound of beeping.
It’s getting faster by the second.
She wonders if she’s dead. If maybe this is- well, it’s probably not hell.
Remembering the traumatised look on her lovers face is painful, but it’s not torture.
Not hell torture anyway. Though the more she dwells on the last thing she remembers seeing that wasn’t darkness she’s not certain that it’s not getting harder to bare.
Purgatory seems possible.
That would be okay. She could make her peace with purgato-
Okay- Okay- that’s new
A hot, sharp pain flares across her flank, making her whole body tense.
She still has a body.
That realisation makes her head spin.
And then, yeah- that’s a groan.
She’s groaning.
Not dead, then.
Wounded, though. Definitely wounded.
Her hand goes to feel the source of the pain, but no-
“Hey, No”
Back to voices then, she thinks grimly, surrendering to whatever state her body wants to be in with a sigh.
“Are you awake?”
Am I? she thinks, trying to decide on an answer.
“Y/N- Can you hear me? It’s Bruce.”
Bruce. Bruce Banner.
“You’re in medical” he says next, “You took a hit, been out a few days”
She tries to reply, knowing she should, but all she hears is a moan, barely louder than a breath.
Still, she hears a spool of elated laughter.
“Good! That’s good- I’m going to get Tony-”
and then she can’t decipher words anymore. Just steps and excited chatter.
and she wants to ask him not to go- because now she’s aware, she’s scared.
The beeping is getting faster, and faster and the pain is getting sharper and sharper and she doesn’t know what’s happening other than that she’s clearly in bad shape—
“—Hey, Hey—” she hears, “—calm down, you’ve got to stay calm”
That is so annoying.
It’s the same thing she’s said to hundreds of patients, but still, hearing it from the other side is just… annoying.
She tries to roll her eyes and realises they’re taped shut.
That only makes her panic more, because if they’re taped shut then she’s been unconscious for more than a day—
days, he did say, days
“Where is she?!”—“What’s goin’ on?!” —“Is she awake?!” “—get out of the way—”
The last voice is Tony’s.
It’s the only one she recognises instantly, and it’s the only one that actually makes her feel better.
“Hi, kid” he says, tone soft and almost relieved, “can you hear me? You’ve gotta let me know you’re okay..”
He sounds desperate. It hurts worse than her ribs.
I’m okay, she tries to say, “-‘m okay”
and then he’s laughing, loud and relieved, and she realises that at least some of that had been audible.
“Get the tape off her eyes” Tony instructs next, “up the pain relief.”
Just the knowledge that he’s there. That her brother is there taking control of the situation makes her feel better. Safer, and more able to relax.
She feels fingers on her face, gentle and cautious as they peel the adhesive strips away from her lashes.
“Keep them shut” a voice she recognises as Bruce advises, “Just for right now.”
“I know” she thinks— she says. That’s her voice. She’s speaking.
A smile tugs at her lips as she tries to wet them.
“I’m a doctor, remember?”
Yeah, it’s a little dry, but it’s her voice for sure.
And now there’s laughter, again.
So much laughter. Tony’s and Bruces, and others, mixing with the annoying medical sounds that are still going off in the background.
“Friday, dim the lights-”
I’m in tower medical, then, Y/N thinks, or Tony wouldn’t be talking to FRIDAY.
“-Alright, slowly—”
That’s Natasha.
That’s Natasha’s voice and god, she’s almost certain that’s her hand on her brow.
“—Open your eyes.”
With a poor attempt at a grimace, Y/N obeys. Blinking tiredly until her vision clears enough to make out the collection of faces surrounding her.
Tony and Natasha are the two closest. Both look hopelessly relieved. Steve is there too, off to the side with Bruce, he looks elated. They both do, actually, they’re both beaming so wide that she can’t help but try and return the expression, even though her cheeks ache.
He’s not there.
Her poor attempt at a grin drops instantly.
Eyes flicking around the room in frantic search-
What if he did something stupid after I went down?
“Hey” Tony cautions, reaching down to steady her head, “Hey, relax”
“Where is he?” she asks, dry voice cracking, “Bucky, is- is he okay?”
“He’s fine” Natasha replies, “He’s there, see, he hasn’t left.”
She watches the red head nod over to her right, to the side where the others aren’t gathered.
He is there.
He’s sat on a plastic chair that looks ridiculously small compared to his frame, starring at her with wide, sore looking eyes and all she wants to comfort him.
She goes to reach out, but then she feels it.
Metal fingers curled around her palm. Warm and solid and locked in position.
“Hi” she whispers, seeing the sheer exhaustion he’s sporting, and realising he probably hasn’t even been blinking much while she’s been out— “Did ya’, miss me?”
Tony scoffs again, and she feels something cold running into her vein from the cannula he’s clearly messing with;
She doesn’t even bother to look. She trusts him completely, and besides, her gaze is set on the tears that have started to stream across Bucky’s face.
He’s still. Not even breathing in a visible way, but tears are now pouring from his eyes.
“I’m alright” she swears, “I’m okay, I promise.”
As she says that, she cringes. Something hurts.
There’s pressure on her side, and it’s painful. She grits her teeth and breathes.
“Sorry” Tony tells her, “I’m almost done.”
“What happened?” she asks, looking back at Natasha now.
“You got shot” the other woman replies, “Pushing Steve out of the way.”
“I’m so sorry-” Steve goes to say, Y/N cuts him off with a shake of her head that makes her temples throb.
“How long was I out?” she asks firmly, directing the conversation away from his misplaced remorse.
“3 days” Bruce replies, before Natasha can, “2 nights.”
“From a bullet wound?” she says, exasperated, “I’m getting old.”
Tony scoffs again, and then he’s back in her line of sight—
“It wasn’t a bullet that hit you, it was Steve they were aiming for-”
When she furrows her brow, he sighs, pawing at his goatie and frowning.
“-Remember those Super Solider ballistic plans we found in Berlin?”
She vaguely remembers a USB stick full of weapon plans.
Tasers and grenades and smoke bombs full of crippling gas and -
Bullets that expand upon impact, releasing toxins into the muscle to paralyse the target while increasing the amount of blood loss—
“Oh, god” she moans, “That sucks.”
“You’re an idiot—” Natasha cuts in, just as Tony starts laughing again, relief making him almost giddy—
“I’m a hero” Y/N corrects smugly, “I”
“You could’ve died” Bucky says suddenly, in a voice that sounds totally shattered-
That hurts more than whatever her brother was doing to her wound.
“Hey” she exhales, turning her head back over to stare at him, “I told you, I’m alright”
“…I- I could’ve lost you” he replies weakly, like he hasn’t even heard her reply, “…You went down and I- I couldn’t-”
“-Buck” Steve cuts in, tone sympathetic but warning, “It wasn’t your fault.”
“Of course it wasn’t” Y/N agrees, hating how injured she looks, flat on her back on a hospital bed, “Is this what you’ve all been doing while I’ve been past out? Trying to decide who’s fault it was that I got shot?”
The disbelief in her tone turns almost angry by the time she’s finished her question.
“Seriously?” she says, bitter now, “It was my fault- There- I’ve answered it for you— Ow! Tony, what the hell are you doing?!”
“Sedating you” he replies calmly, “Your pulse is 210”
He mutters out a ‘yep’ that sounds so cheerful she almost suppresses her groan of dismay-
“I thought you wanted me awake” she says, angry now. “You’re going to sedate me because I’m telling you-“
“I’m sedating you because you’re going to give yourself a stroke” Tony cuts in.
She hears it then, the strain in his tone that lets her know that he’s no more happy about her returning to unconsciousness than she is.
That’s all it takes for her to stop fighting. To sag back onto the trolly with a sigh of defeat and final glance at Bucky which is half apologetic and half accusing.
Has he really been sitting by my bedside wondering if he could’ve gotten himself hurt instead? She thinks bitterly, Maybe he just wishes you could’ve changed things some how? But- how exactly?
What could he have done?
What could any of them done?
Darkness shrouds her before she can come up with any answers.
Her lack of clarity doesn’t matter, though. Because Bucky- Bucky has a list of answers.
He’s been formulating it since the second he took his place at her bedside, aching and non blinking with the image of the love of his life lying wounded on the ground.
Reminding himself of her new position, safely within the medical bay of the tower hadn’t helped much. Not with her looking the way she did.
Steve had called it ‘peaceful’.
“She looks peaceful, Buck.” He’d told him, “not like she’s in pain, she just needs to sleep it off- she took a hit”
Like he didn’t already know that she’d taken a hit.
She’d taken more than a hit.
She’d taken a super-soldier grade ballistic to the chest to save him. To save Steve. To save him from losing Steve.
‘It’s not his fault’ The ghost of Y/N’s voice had reminded him, or- or maybe it had been Natasha’s? Soft and Russian, whispering like their conversations should be a secret.
‘Don’t blame Steve, Barnes. He feels bad enough about it already’
In hindsight that was definitely Natasha.
Y/N only calls him by his last name when he’s in trouble. It’s always playful and teasing and never, ever, sandwiched by Russian.
Ms Romanoff on the other hand? She calls him Barnes more than any other name or title, and she’s always barking at him in whatever language she wants, though, somewhat expectedly, Russian is the default when they’re trying not to be overheard.
Why are they trying not be over heard now, anyway?
It’s not like it would’ve mattered if someone had heard them. Steve would be upset, he supposes, but, even that wouldn’t make a difference to his current situation.
Realising that almost makes him feel something other than the all consuming ache he’s been drowning in ever since he’d seen-
Absolutely not.
Bucky is very good at not letting himself dwell on certain memories and that is one he has no intention of ever revisiting.
All he knows is that something changed the moment it happened.
Something in him changed. It’s like his DNA shifted to allow for more pain than he’d ever felt before, which is saying a lot really. Considering how much pain he’s lived through already.
All of that had been better.
He’d happily beg for another lifetime of Hydra tortures if it meant he could erase the memory of that.
But he can’t. He can’t do that. And he can’t feel anything other than the agony now it’s there. So, even when faced with the very real possibility of hurting his oldest friends feelings in a way that even he recognises as cruel, he can’t bring himself to care.
Not about anything other than Y/N, and the way her breathing is slower now.
Not much slower, but, yeah- it was rhythmic before. Quick, but stable. Now it’s… less.
Panic makes his throat tight as he watches.
‘She’s fine’
That’s not Natasha.
That’s Steve.
There’s a brotherly hand on his shoulder and he doesn’t even make himself shrug it away. No, he just sits. Watching.
Making his list of what he could’ve done differently.
Of what they all could’ve done differently.
It’s a long list.
429 items long by the time she opens her eyes.
By the time Tony has made sure she closes them again its up to 500.
He wonders absentmindedly if he’s ever going to stop adding into it.
Probably not.
He knows people are talking around him. Tony and Bruce, Wanda even drops in to check on Y/N, but Bucky tunes them all out. Eventually Steve and Natasha become background noise. They blend in with the rhythmic beeping of machines and hum of the air conditioning.
‘Buck, did you hear me?’
He tilts his head a fraction, eyes not shifting from his lovers chest as a familiar voice presses for his attention.
‘I’ll go’ Natasha says calmly, clearly not expecting him to reply.
That’s fair. He wasn’t listening anyway.
‘I just thought he’d want to-‘
‘Want to what?’ He hears himself say, voice gruff and dry.
It’s sounds foreign to him now, like it’s coming from a stranger.
‘She’s going to want her own clothes’ Steve repeats, putting his palm back on his shoulder, "since she’ll be up soon, I figured you might want to go grab her something from your room’
It takes a while for his brain to process the other man’s sentence,
‘Where’s her brother?’ He asks, looking around for the other Stark, wondering why he wouldn’t have gone himself.
‘Tony crashed a couple of hours ago’ Natasha says conversationally, ‘now they know she’s out of the woods, him and Banner decided to finally try getting some rest- you might want to think about doin’ the same’
He shakes his head sternly. Eyes back on his partner.
Her chest is still rising and falling so gently that his own heart races in response.
‘She still keep her sweats in the second drawer across?’ Romanoff aks, not bothering to press the issue of him sleeping.
It takes Bucky a few seconds to answer her with a confident nod, and then she’s gone.
Steve leaves at some point too. Silently, or at least, without Barnes noticing, and then, Natasha comes back. She hands him a bundle of cream cashmere that is so soft that his metal fingers barely register the weight of it.
‘Be careful putting the top on’ Natasha advises, ‘it’s a button up, so it should be pretty easy’
He looks at her, sore eyed and confused. She cracks a laugh at his expression before crouching beside him so that she can make eye contact more easily.
‘If you swap her outfit now, she won’t have to move, if she does it herself when she wakes up, she’ll feel it’
He swallows drily, understanding. He looks over at Y/N again and feels tears spilling across his cheeks again.
Natasha shakes her head kindly, before reaching up to wipe them away with her palm. The action reminds him so much of Y/N and how she comforts him that he flinches. She stays silent, looking at him with sisterly concern.
‘This time tomorrow she’ll be telling you she’s fine’ Natasha says calmly, ‘until then, I promised her I’d always look out for you if she couldn’t, so do us both a favour and drink some water-‘ she pauses, handing him a metal flask, ‘and help her into her clothes, you’ll be gentler than me’
She pats his knee fondly before standing and leaving the room, knowing he’s more likely to follow her instruction if given space and privacy to do so.
He’s not sure when he brings the bottle to his lips, or when he puts it down, empty and light by his boots.
He doesn’t know when he makes the conscious choice to move either- to stand, peeling the covers away from Y/N so that he can remove the thin hospital gown from her body and start to replace it with the cozy offerings Natasha had brought down from the room they share.
The room he hasn’t been able to force himself to enter without her.
He disconnects her IVs with ease. Slipping her arms into the sleeves with such painfully gentle movements that she would have struggled to feel them even she had been awake. It’s only when he has to shift her hips to raise the bottoms that she seems to notice at all.
It’s only the slightest furrowing of her brow, but it makes his breath catch painfully in his throat all the same.
The thought of her hurting her is more than he can bare.
He finishes quite quickly after that, and then, he realised that he doesn’t want to return to his chair. He wants to stay right by her side, where he can feel the warmth of her breath in the air, where he can see details of her face, even when his eyes inevitably glaze over.
He drops to his knees without hesitation, resting his cheek on the pressed sheet by their tangled palms.
It’s dark.
Y/N realises as she blinks tiredly that it must be night time, now. There is a gentle glow from the monitor and the lights in the hall, but otherwise the room is shrouded in shadows.
Her eyes find the seat that Bucky had been in before, when she finds it empty, she hisses in a nervous breath, catching a glimpse of her own chest and noticing the clothes she’s wearing. Before the distraction can take too much of her attention, she hears the low breathing beside her. It’s so familiar that her pulse settles in response.
There he is.
Sleeping quietly with his face by their hands.
He looks exhausted. Even in the dark she can see the deep-set hollows beneath his eyes. She can see the sunken edges of cheeks that always appears when he skips a few to many meals.
“Your metabolism runs too quick for that, Barnes’ she reminds him in a horse whisper. “You need to eat”
That’s all it takes to startle him awake-
Her almost inaudible scolding.
“Hey” she purrs, seeing his eyes snap open, “I’m sorry, sweetheart… I didn’t mean to wake you”
She means that. He clearly needs to rest.
He’s gawking at her, horrified that she’s apologising to him.
Before he can formulate a response she swallows dryly. It looks painful and he’s instantly moving, reaching over with his flesh hand to pass her the glass of water that’s waiting on the side table.
She takes it silently, draining it before passing it back to him. He discards it quickly, and then she sighs;
“Come on, angel” she murmurs, “come snuggle up”
He blinks at her confusedly until she humours him, offering a smile as she pats the space beside her on the bed.
It’s small, a regular hospital trolly, but she moves herself over before he can object, knowing the pain the adjustment must’ve caused her-
“I’m worried about you, Buck” she says quietly, “I know I scared you, I’m sorry, but I’m okay- I promise, alright? I’m gonna be just fine”
He opens his mouth to object to her apology, but she shakes her head to silence him before he finds the words,
“I missed you” she adds gently, “I’m tired, baby- You must be too”
When he sees the way she’s looking at him, he finds himself nodding in agreement.
“Yeah” she says encouragingly, “yeah I thought so, come on, come up here” again, before he can object, she adds, “You’re not going to hurt me, Tony’s got me on so much morphine I can’t feel anything, and we both know I’m not going to back to sleep with you down there…”
It’s Bucky’s turn to sigh then. He knows when he’s beaten, and even though he knows he doesn’t deserve it, he really does want to just hold her.
Despite her assurances, he’s so afraid of harming her that he barely lets himself touch her, leaving half of his body over the edge of the bed as he puts his head mechanically on the pillow. He’s on his side to face her, and when he sees her laughing silently, shaking her head fondly he feels himself crying again. The tears burn his eyes, stinging sorely before spilling across his cheeks,
“C’mere…” she purrs, adjusting herself and trying her best to tuck him into her front, “don’t cry, sweet boy… I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere….”
“I’m so sorry” is all he manages to say as he surrenders, sniffing lamely as he curls into her embrace, “It’s all my fault- I nearly got you killed-”
“Hey” she cuts in, reaching down to cup his jaw, “it wasn’t even you I took the hit for”
He shakes his head stubbornly,
“I was watching Steve” he reminds her quietly, “I had his six, that way my position-”
“Yeah, during the job” she counters dryly, “we were done, Buck… nobody was holding their positions or I’d have been with Natasha, not Steve”
He goes to shake his head again, but her hand on his face stops him,
“James” she says seriously, “I knew what I was doing- I thought it was a bullet, but still- the only people to blame are me and the bastard that shot me, I’m guessing there’s no point asking how he is?”
“No” Bucky admits quietly,
“Did Natasha get him?” She wonders,
“Tony” he corrects gently, ashamed that it hadn’t been him.
She beams at his response though, and then he feels her fingers in his hair and has to bite back the desperate whine it draws from him.
“Did she take good care of you for me?”
He feels his cheeks burn pink,
“She tried” he confesses, “I-”
“Haven’t been very cooperative?” She guesses softly,
He nods, biting his lip to stop himself from sobbing.
“That’s okay” she purrs, leaning in to press a kiss against his brow, “I’m not always good at that either”
The skin is hot against her lips, she nuzzles into him, knowing how desperate he is for the contact. It feels nice for her too, having him so warm and close beside her-
“Let’s call a Jericho” she suggests next, knowing that considering their situation, that should’ve been the first thing out of her mouth.
He blinks at her, stunned.
A Jericho was something they came up with when they first got away from Hydra. When the idea of working with SHIELD was first broached with the young Stark, when Bucky had panicked and gushed about his fears about not being able to handle being in the field, despite his overwhelming desire to help out.
No matter what was going on, no matter who was asking either of them to do anything. If either of them ever wanted to pull out, for any reason, they’d call a Jericho, and they’d both know that until further notice, fighting was out of the question. They’d gone over the details with Tony, knowing that he’d be the one dealing with any disappointed council members should the two former winter soldiers decide to take a leave of absence.
He’d only ever called one, when he’d had a flash back so terrible on route to the job that he’d whispered the word frantic and in Russian to his partner, while they’d been sat together on the Quinn jet. She hadn’t said anything to him, just nodded once and whispered something to her brother. All Bucky remembers happening after that, was the hanger emptying around them, and Y/N turning the craft around, flying them both straight back to the tower. Nobody had ever questioned them, and he’d never had to explain.
Even now, he thinks she’s probably calling it on his behalf. Despite the nagging guilt that thought breeds, he can’t help but feel an overwhelming wave of relief.
‘Yeah’ she nods encouragingly, ‘yeah, baby… Jericho, huh? I’ll let you fuss over me for a while… just promise me one thing”
He’s exhausted he realises. 3 days without sleep had finally caught up with him, he can’t even make himself reply.
Anything, he thinks tragically, I’ll do anything, I swear-
“Stop blaming yourself” she requests gently, knowing he can’t really help it, “don’t blame Steve, don’t blame anybody, okay? If I thought any of you could’ve done something to stop it, I’d have told you…”
Hes crying again. He can feel it. And then, before he can lock his jaw to stop it, a sob jumps up from his throat.
“Barnes” she whispers again, “it wasn’t your fault, don’t beat yourself up because I got brave, you held your position, you did so good in there—”
“I- I- didn’t keep you safe” he argues wetly, words cracking in his throat,
“Sweet, sweet, solider” she says adoringly, “of course you did, even while I was passed out you kept watch”
I did, he thinks urgently, I kept watch- just like he’d done back then, when the medical staff were far from caring, where watching from wherever they could was the only way they could protect the other from further harm-
She nods in agreement, even though he hadn’t spoken.
“You did great” she murmurs gently, “now, you need to rest up, okay- rest up with me”
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you-know-honey · 11 months
The L rule
Part 1/2
Sodo/Dewdrop x f!reader
Summary: You know what they say about short boys...
Word Count: 1930
Note: bad english, the L rule is something that until now I have only heard in Latin America but if you are from other countries and have heard it, comment :).
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"Yeah!" You squealed excitedly at your phone, you were in Aurora's room where a girls' night out and Swiss was taking place. Aurora had begged to be let in and well…no one can resist that smile too much and a blackmail of candys that Swiss had brought with him.
As a fun act in your pajamas, you had been logging into internet forums about yourselves, looking at fan edits, and overacting fanfic scenes, plus of course a LOT of Reddit gossip, and now you were trying to get into a group of theories about the band by idea of Swiss. You offered to take care of searching the forums, but the WiFi signal in the ministry is terrible, especially in the ghoul area, so you were lying on the ceiling of Aurora's closet, with the ceiling of the room at few centimeters from you, while the page loaded.
"I'm sorry Rain, I can't be with you" Cumulus posed as Sodo in a fanfic about him and Rain, the performance fell into ridiculousness and that was the funny thing "I am a fire demon, you are water, we are opposites, destined to never be together." He flopped onto the pillow fort.
"Love can do everything Sodo!" Cirrus responded with the same drama. They both read the lines from their cell phones. "Let me love you" Cirrus dramatized, dropping onto Cumulus in the fort and ending his excellent play amid laughter from everyone present.
"I almost cried," Swiss exaggerated while applauding as if he had seen the pinnacle of theater drama.
"Stay still!" Aurora scolded the ghoul and pulled her left hand back in, trying to finish polishing her nails.
The night was more than perfect, even though it was a 'girls' sleepover, the idea of the masks and manicure had been Swiss's idea, he had really committed herself to making sure everyone had a good time. They had eaten popcorn, pizza and done spicy food challenges, challenges that Cumulus had won.
"Girls, enter the forum" you said as you slide out of the prison between the closet and the ceiling, Swiss made space for you next to him as he waved his hands to dry the polish.
"Let's get this started!" Cirrus said, excited to hear the fans' crazy ideas.
They avoided all theories that had to do with Papa Tenzo since it was a nostalgic topic, it was funny how many tried to guess Montain's height, he had made edits about Swiss promoting toothpastes, or about Rain being a kawaii girl.
"Wait! See" Aurora pointed out on the screen.
Test Who is your Ghost Soulmate ¡Click Here!
Without asking permission Aurora clicked, they were stupid questions like: What is your favorite food? What is your favorite instrument? What is your favorite color? Favorite Ghost song? Etc.
The results were curious to say the least.
Cumulus result was Mountain and she seemed to blush a little as she sank into the pillows. Something that you guys didn't waste and joked about.
Cirrus was paired with herself, and in an exaggerated way she went for a hand mirror from among Aurora's makeup and kissed her reflection, definitely nothing better than being your own love of your life.
Aurora and Swiss's turns were fun, they both appeared as the love of each other's lives, they looked at each other and burst into laughter. Swiss put her arm around Aurora's shoulders. "Maybe in another life, dear" she said in a diva tone as she laughed and Aurora agreed.
When it was your turn everyone was curious, you completed the questions and waited a few seconds before the pixels showed an image of Sodo on the screen with a brief description of why he would be your soulmate:
'A wild boy who will get you out of any boredom✨, his hands work magic🔥, his name says it all.🥴 All good girls die for a bad boy like Sodo. You already know the L rule 😏'
You laughed nervously as you shook your head, there was no way the gremlin was your ideal soulmate "No, never that" you said between nervous laughs but the others only gave each other knowing looks, perhaps your insistence on denying everything ended up confirming it. “Come on guys, it’s just a silly test,” you tried to ignore him.
You and Sodo weren't very close, but on the part of the ghoul who always seemed to want to be away from you, you had even felt that being close to him drained his energy and you weren't really looking for that. So if Sodo was in the room you practically became part of the furniture and in the few times they had to interact you were always too stiff to be natural while you stammered vague responses or ran away from the room, leaving the ghoul somewhat bewildered. The group had interpreted those things as 'romantic advances' and if they were like that they would be the most pathetic romantic advances in the world.
"Stop guys, seriously, it's not funny. It's fake." It was actually funny, if you weren't the victim you would joke just like they do now.
"Of course it's funny, just look at you, if it weren't real, your cheeks wouldn't be as red as tomatoes" Cumulus took the opportunity to say.
"You blushed too!" You replied, you weren't expecting that attack from Cumulus.
"At least I can admit that Mountain is cute!" Cumulus said. Low blow for you.
You wouldn't deny that Sodo was cute, it was an opinion that you and millions of others shared, even in his demonic form, you had always thought that there was no way Sodo wouldn't look attractive. But he had to stay alone in your thoughts.
"One way or the other!" You raised your arms in a sign of peace. “Also, what the hell does the L rule mean?”
"I don't know" Aurora answered, looking at the others for answers but both Cumulus and Cirrus raised and dropped their shoulders.
"No idea girls" Cirrus said.
A small, almost imperceptible laugh escaped Swiss's lips and like owls they all turned towards him, smiling maliciously at each other.
"You know what it is, right Swiss?" Cumulus approached him with a tender puppy look.
"I won't tell them," he replied, but there was a small crack of weakness in his voice. If they pressed harder he would speak.
"But we invited you to our girls' night" Cirrus pouted and crossed her arms childishly, something very cute and she knew it.
"It's a boy thing" He responded, crossing his legs looking at the ceiling to avoid falling into the manipulative tenderness of the ghoulette.
"But you said you were one of us. We girls tell each other everything" you said in the sweetest tone you had, one that worked very well with Rain or Phantom. You leaned on her shoulder like a cat to be closer to her ear.
If an outsider saw the scene they would think it was some kind of satanic harem and not a group of girls trying to convince their dear friend to betray their gender and tell them the secret.
"If it's not the good way, it's the bad way." Aurora pretended to roll up the sleeves of her pajamas. "Girls, hold it down."
With evil smiles they all understood the plan, Cumulus and Cirrus held the legs and you held their wrists. Swiss writhed like a snake but it was impossible for him to get free.
"It's not okay! It's cheating!" he screamed as he tried to get away, laughter escaping him.
"Come on Y/N, you wouldn't do this to your good friend" he begged you with his cute smile.
"Sorry Swiss, curiosity first. Give it Aurora!" Swiss opened her mouth to say something but Aurora rushed over her stomach, beginning the torture.
Aurora's hands ran over the most sensitive areas of Swiss's body, causing him to tickle and laugh loudly and uncontrollably, as well as broken pleas for them to stop. The scene made the girls laugh.
"Confess!" You yelled at him between laughs.
"No," he replied. "It's a boy thing," Swiss gasped as he tried to take a breath, his chest rising and falling violently, tears beginning to escape from his eyes and roll down to his neck.
"We can do this all night!" Aurora hummed and she wasn't lying.
"I…" I gasp "Fuck it…Fine!" He gasped again but louder, "I will confess!" the tickling stopped abruptly letting him breathe properly after some endless minutes.
"Okay" Aurora stayed on him for a few seconds waiting for some sign of a lie but it wasn't like that. She raised her hands in peace and moved away from her stomach. You and the girls let it out too. Swiss wiped away his tears and took some time to get back to normal.
He stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from Aurora's nightstand before sitting back down on the cushions and scribbling a few things down. She ended up showing them an L on the paper, next to the vertical line she had written the letter 'B' and under the small horizontal line the letter 'D'.
"Any idea?" Swiss asked and the four shook their heads, Swiss sighed.
"What does 'D' mean?" you asked innocently.
Swiss smiled mischievously "This" he pointed to his own crotch.
You looked at his crotch for a few seconds before understanding, the blood went to your cheeks at a fantastic speed and you covered your face embarrassed to let your gaze go to the area of Swiss's body and everyone's eyes widened in surprise when they understood. They didn't need to look to understand.
"So if I have the page vertically and the B refers to the boy and the D refers to his… 'little friend', it means that the taller the boy, the smaller his 'D' will be, do you understand?" I explain Swiss as if it were a university class.
"But Sodo isn't that tall, the rule doesn't make sense then" Cumulus was the least uncomfortable of all, Aurora had a nervous smile, you and Cirrus covered half of your faces with a cushion each, absolutely embarrassed.
''Quite the opposite, my dear Cirrus." Swiss turned the page horizontally and changed the place of the 'B' and the 'D'. "As you see, everything changes, now the boy is small so his 'D' will be bigger."
If it could still be possible, your cheeks took on an even redder color. The girls let out a group "Ohhhh…" as Swiss threw the piece of paper against the door.
"Happy with the answer?" Swiss asked, crossing his arms, proud of his explanation. "I hope this betrayal of my gender merits some reward." She looked at her nails with feigned disinterest, before Aurora handed her a handful of candy.
"I was expecting something funnier, but it's okay," you said as you looked out the window, hoping that your blush would stop and that no one would notice.
"Forget it, let's do something interesting now" Swiss said, returning to the fun of a sleepover.
Swiss had finished singing 'London Boy' by Taylor Swift and had even tied the sheet of Aurora's bed around her waist as an elegant dress. You regretted not being able to record that moment. Now it was your turn. You spun the little spinner on the screen of Swiss's phone, it spun for a few seconds and stopped on 'I Love It' by Icona Pop. Your eyes sparkled with excitement.
A long night of talented divas was coming.
I hope you like it, I plan to write some "short" stories to cover my obsession with the band while I continue writing the fanfic.
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blank-slate-jay · 2 years
Joel/m reader, where Ellie is jokingly “disgusted” by how gay they act, kissing, holding hands in front of her, just being sappy etc etc ❤️
'Enough You Two'
Joel Miller X Male!Reader
Tags: Fluff, lots of fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Thanks for the submission! I won't even lie, I was smiling the whole time writing this. Hope you enjoy!
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You, Joel and Ellie decided to call it for the day. After driving for most of the day, switching between you and Joel as the driver, tiredness was starting to set in. In addition, dusk was just upon them, there was no need to go any further.
Joel pulled the car off the road, driving them through a plain field until they were in the thick of the woods.
"Should be a good spot," Joel exclaims, stopping them with a heavy sigh under his breath. Stepping out the vehicle, he stretches, the cracks in his joints ringing out from being cooped up for hours. He groans in retaliation.
Ellie exits as well, followed by you out the passenger side. She excitedly huffs, as she steps away from the vehicle. "God, about time we stopped." She looks around at the trees, spread far apart from each other only to see more emptiness ahead. To her, it looked like Joel picked a good spot.
You wipe at your eyes, yawning as you place your bag onto the grass. You knelt down and started unpacking your stuff, pulling out the essentials needed for your camp spot. Flicking the sleeping bag until it was flat on the ground you look over to Ellie who looked to be trailing off. “Hey…” you call out.
She turns around.
“No wandering off. Get your sleeping bag out, okay?”
She obliged. If Joel had ordered her to do so, she’d probably retort, but you were at least nice to her so she does so. The girl places her resting spot a couple of feet away from yours, she felt the spacing was enough; giving her some room to feel the comforting aura you provided
Joel, was placing all their other needs just off to the side of the truck. Their lantern and of course his coffee maker. He couldn’t live without it. Afterward, he comes over to you with his sleeping bag, stretching it out next to yours. You were still rummaging through your bag, that is until Joel’s hand graced the back of your neck.
“I’ll keep watch," he says, "Sleep.”
You turn to him, “You sure? I can watch for a bit.” The man had to be just as exhausted as you were, if not more.
He shook his head, “m’sure. Rest, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart, Ellie repeats in her head. Interesting. It came out of left field for her and was so unexpected that she furrowed her brows unconsciously.
Joel continues, now glancing over at Ellie, "And you too," his demeanor switching from softly to a demanding tone. She doesn't argue still caught off guard by the sight of intimacy, so she just nods, watching as the older man walks away from you.
Ellie brings herself back to you, staring, in an almost judgmental manner. She waited until you took notice of her eyes piercing through you.
Locking gazes with her, you quickly look over your shoulders and then back to her. You thought she might be looking at something off to your side, but nope, she was staring right at you; into your soul.
"Didn't know he was your type," she starts, patting her blanket to flatten it out.
You tilted your head, confused, "Excuse me?"
She doesn't respond, only leaving you with the same look on her face, the one that voiced all she wanted to say passively.
She tucked herself into her bag, snuggling up inside the fabric. Still with nothing left to say, she closes her eyes, feeling your glare still burning into hers. She got comfortable, leaving you with her comment was something she wanted to have you chew on.
Sometime later, Ellie awoke from her slumber, feeling light as she didn't sleep for very long. The woods around her were dark, enough to frighten her if she'd forgotten that she had two guardians nearby.
Her eyes came into focus, seeing the lantern Joel had set up far out of reach, enough space to where the light couldn't touch her. Including you, who looked to be preoccupied with Joel's coffee maker. It looked as so, the small trail of steam was the dead give away.
She watches as you stabilize the maker, the high chimes finally low enough to where it was barely audible. You stood up then and walked off until you were out of sight for her. Ellie was too lazy to turn and follow where you'd went. It was likely your turn to keep watch anyway, hence the need for coffee.
She expected to hear one pair of footsteps, Joel to be exact, coming over to rest finally for the night. He needed it, more than anyone in the trio. Driving most the day and then getting on watch out duty, the man needed a break.
Instead it was two pairs of footsteps, both you and Joel walking over to the lightly lit area. You were pulling the man over, untangling your hands with his until you both were sat comfortably near the light.
Ellie watched as you poured the man some coffee into his canteen before handing it to him. With both of your backs to Ellie and your voices close to a whisper, it was difficult for her to listen in on the conversation.
No matter, it was probably something awfully uninteresting, she thought. Closing her eyes, she wanted nothing to do with you two much that night. If you two were going to be an intimate with each other she didn't wanna see. After all with you being shoulder to shoulder with Joel, she was sure things were headed that way.
She shuts her eyes, trying to get in as much sleep as she could. This didn't happen, not for long, as she heard a unrecognizable chuckle.
Her eyes fluttered open, gaze back on the pair. Sure enough Joel's back was heaving up and down, with his thick voice breaking through his laugh. The guy could actually crack up. That was surprising to Ellie. She almost smiled hearing him, but had no time to, cause next thing she knew both you and Joel were kissing.
To say that was expected, was about on par. Ellie expected this, but she wouldn't want them getting away with it scot free.
She gagged, high enough to catch the pair's notice. They turn back toward her, both with different expressions.
Joel made his feelings apparent by his annoyed sigh, "Shouldn't you be sleeping"?
"I was," she retorts, "But you two ruined it, being all up on each other."
You could feel Joel's irritation rise as he continued looking at the girl, menacingly. Interrupting the moment only served to make him more frustrated. Not so much for you since you adapted well to her bratty persona. She was just fucking with you two.
You grip onto Joel's shoulder to pull his focus back on you. "Don't worry about her. I'm gonna go keep watch."
Joel hesitated, but ultimately felt he needed the rest. He hands the rifle over to you. Before you could stand the man grabs your arm, preventing you from getting up. "Wake me up if you need anything."
You nodded, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss.
Ellie intervened, "Eww, gross."
Joel scoffs while you get to your feet, "Shut up," he orders.
Ellie could've continued her tiresome quips, she in turn, giggles and pulls her covers over half her face. You turn on your heels and walk off, smiling, finding the girl's attitude to be quite funny. She could be quite the pain in the ass, but couldn't deny her sense of humor was contagious.
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so I just listened to Florence+the machines Cassandra and ts Cassandra one after the other and like…listen I know i don’t like ts but I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and judge her music without letting my dislike cloud that judgement the worst part about that experience is that it’s genuinely an ok song. Like I write poetry(cringy poetry but it’s a good outlet and over the years I’ve learned the difference between actual poetic devices and just spitting out words that rhyme) and it sounds like something I would write?? Like not in a rude or patronising way but when I need to journal or whatever and I just write out the first thoughts I have and think its an absolute masterpiece and then a few hours later I look at it and go oh so I was delusional lol but by then the emotions have passed and I don’t feel like working on that poem anymore. That’s what her lyrics make me think of😭 like it’s an ok song but the references to her life actual ruined it for me I was trying to enjoy the song but then there’s a line about filling her cell with snakes or smth and it took me out of it immediately I was like ugh this drama again?? Really?? And without the Easter eggs the song is…boring?? Like she sings a portion in the beginning then the rest of the song is lines from that portion rearranged and sang the exact same way again?? And musically like there’s nothing?? With Florence’s Cassandra the music builds and makes you feel something for yourself whereas ts is meant to make you feel smth for her. Florence’s lyrics and melody were like a breath of fresh air after listening to ts. Florence feels like she truly has something to say and embodies that character she’s created for the song idk maybe that’s my own personal bias getting in the way tho sorry for the long ask I just wanted to get your thoughts because I really enjoy your analysis of her music it helps me feel less insane lol❤️❤️
Hello dear!
Hope you are doing well, and if you are not- I hope that you will be doing well soon.
I cannot express enough how awkward the placement of Taylor Swift's "Lore" interjections has become in her music. Sometimes I truly feel like I am listening to two different songs every time she breaks the flow of the music to add so throw-back call to old drama. It's maddening- because on one hand I know that Swift wants people to think she is a great artist- yet she cannot stop acting like a preteen with a popular gossip blog by interjecting cheap-shots at her enemies at every possible turn. It's so- bad.
I am going to explain in a different post by Swift's "confessional" style of music doesn't actually live up to the precedent standard of the confessional poets from the 1960's- just because I want to clear the air in stating the literary difference between what Swift does (writing hit pieces against people she hates) and what true artists do with their confessional poetry (think Slyvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Robert Lowell- Etc.) wherein often the poets express dislike, hatred, messiness of human experience and the like. However, it's a remarkably different tone, and effectiveness, compared to Swift's rapacious, barbed insults towards her fellows in the industry or in life.
She really just can't ever let anything go, huh? It must be terribly stressful and lonely to live like that.
To the point you mention above- on how Swift's writing is so continuously self-reflexive that it no longer elicits any empathy in the audience- so that, yes, we do only feel something "for her." She does this by design. I think you are quite clever to see the rhetorical difference here. Swift is writing for herself- for her own "woe," but other writers are capable of writing from a broader perspective- one that elicits empathy in the audience- that builds on our common humanity. More detail on what I mean here will be posted in the "Cassandra" post soon. :)
Anywho, I quite enjoyed reading your perspective on the two songs. I feel a little bit more based seeing that other people key into the innate difference between the two texts- much like I do.
I enjoy much of Florence's work- though not all of it. I do, however, respect that she, unlike Swift, actually seems to understand the Cassandra archetypal pattern. All I'm really after here- is just some artists who know how to think and create!
Swift's work is just cringy self-effacing "poetry" meant to pull sympathy and pity from people. It's actually giving me second-hand embarrassment. I think everyone at some point in life seeks pity and sympathy from others- yet most people grow out of this impulse somewhere around the teen years. Because it's just dreadfully juvenile to always being seeking pity- it's like when toddlers whine to get something they want. The proper thing to do is to tell the toddler- "Hey, use your words to tell me what you want, because I cannot understand you when you whine like that."
I wish someone would tell Taylor Swift to grow up and stop whining like a toddler who never learned how to properly express themselves.
But- I think you are right. Without the odd interjection of "lore," she wouldn't be able to write a full song. She's completely dependent on her audience's juvenile interest in gossip.
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danothan · 1 year
started reading robin 2021 and i wanted to take the time to appreciate two of the most beautiful spreads in issue #1. they captivated me with how gorgeous and momentous they felt, which must have been the point bc i ended up staring at them sm that the symbolism finally kicked in
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1) LOVE the red and green at play, it’s such a difficult color scheme to get right lest you end up making the whole piece feel like a christmas card, but gleb melnikov pulled it off. the environment is rich and elegant and well-contrasted; it rly brings out damian’s classic red/green robin combo, even tho he’s not actually wearing his robin suit here. the green of his clothing highlights the green of talia’s, as well as the assassin’s tattoos, and, when combined with the cool-toned background, makes the red just pop out at you. pretty palette aside, it’s a very calculated choice in colors.
2) speaking of red, melnikov rly wanted you to notice the blood in these two pages. from the emphasis of the words DEMON BLOOD to the reflection of damian in the blood puddle, it only draws attention to the fact that his blade is perfectly clean of it in the second panel. one can only assume that talia killed that guy so hard that damian’s sword was caught in the collateral (damn talia !). it frames damian as the one to land the killing blow, as though his doubts/restraint with killing mean nothing because he still has the blood on his hands, blood passed down from talia. that doesn’t necessarily make it true ofc, but it does give us a reflection of his mindset with the blood acting as a literal mirror.
now before we delve into the second spread, lemme preface this with some context: many characters will refer to damian as an actual bird (“what better way to take out a robin than with a hawke,” “i’ve fought little birds like you before,” etc.) which speaks to his reputation, but i think it’s most notable when coming from talia:
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at first, it’s used condescendingly, as it usually is from most ppl, and she speaks in a possessive tone when she talks abt returning him to the nest. she even tells him that if he IS to be taken under her wing, she would not treat him as her son but as a weapon. however, we know that this contradicts her intentions as she later uses the same “baby bird” petname as a term of endearment, even to calling him her son—notably when he is out of earshot.
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you get the sense that they have this unspoken code of conduct around each other—family dynamics tend to be rigid in that way—but there’s also this feeling of regret as well as unfamiliarity navigating it coming from talia. i mean, she said it herself: damian was just a baby bird. he flew out of the nest too early.*
*see read more
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so why does she taunt him for running back to his mother? why is she pushing him away? and why does she monologue for so long that she lets her guard down and closes her eyes long enough for him to disappear…?
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talia doubled down on her militaristic plans as an opening for damian to leave. with that sense of regret mentioned earlier, talia knows she raised damian under harsh conditions, but she doesn’t know to raise him differently either, so she urges him to find his own path. presenting “the way of the demon or the way of the bat” as the only 2 options to her already rebellious son was guaranteed sabotage. she pushed him too early when he was younger, but she knows that her baby bird is ready to fly now :”)
bonus: what a classic jason todd move to wear a mask underneath your mask btw. guess it just runs in the family! (but on a deeper, unironic level, damian switches out both his robin and his demon suit into this new one. this obviously symbolizes his forging a new path, but also reveals his intent/doubts abt the whole confrontation. a mask underneath his mask? he was never truly looking to rejoin the league. after running away from bruce, he runs to talia to test the waters and see if he would do better there. and when it ends in the same shadowing of an ambitious parent, he ditches the whole thing. the fact that he had a back-up plan meant that his heart wasn’t in it, just as talia’s heart wasn’t in keeping him caged. a confirmation bias given permission by a mother’s facade. god, the al ghul mindgames are truly smth to behold)
*so much can be said abt how talia’s approach to parenting parallels and contrasts bruce’s. they both have the same good intentions for their son, and they both realize that he’s too young to face what he had and what he’s abt to. but talia wants to start the healing process of her control in his upbringing, and bruce wants to prevent damian from having to face it alone knowing firsthand what suffering he “endured to become batman.” one is letting go, the other is desperate to bring him back.
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it’s such a fascinating look into the push and pull of their fatal flaws and mistakes as parents, as well as making them feel human and reasonable within the limits of all they know and are capable of. OF COURSE they’re overcompensating for their regrets, that’s just so… them!
and the fact that you can see both parents’ traits and influence in damian as he searches for his own identity just makes the whole family feel well-rounded. robin 2021 is so good you guys, it’s too fucking good
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yakuzacanons · 4 months
how would ichigang make it up to their s/o if they accidentally hurt their feelings? could be after an argument or careless joke or comment, etc - feel like Joongi is so straightforward/blunt he would deffo get in trouble with his s/o at times
Yessss a little angst this evening, also sorry for such a late reply! Also you're so right about our Joonie lol he would totally do that.
Ichiban Kasuga
It's 100% an accident, actually. Ichiban actively tries to avoid arguments so it's more likely that he just said something randomly that didn't come off the right way.
Apologizes fervently. Even if you're not that upset or it's not a big deal, he's going to apologize. He'll probably overdo it too, bless his big dumb head.
He doesn't really ever try to make things up to people by doing things for them or buying them favors but beyond an apology, he'd probably offer to do something you want to do right then and there.
Tianyou Zhao
With Zhao, it's a 50/50 chance that it happens due to a joke that didn't come across well or from an argument. He's definitely more of a spitfire than the rest of the group.
He's more of a charmer so he'll try to cheer you up by distracting you. More inclined to try to get you to smile or laugh than to just immediatelly apologize.
Of course, eventually he'll give you a sincere apology once the tension subsides. Yes, he will offer to make you some food to make it up to you.
Joon-Gi Han
Most of the time, his blunt way of speaking and tone of voice is what hurts other people's feelings. The man doesn't even realize he's offended someone until long after the fact sometimes.
With that in mind, his apologies are kind of blunt too. He's very straightforward and never flowery with his language. Don't mistake that honesty for a lack of sincereity though, he really does feel bad.
There's not much he does to try to make up for it, mostly because he doesn't really know what people want. If you have feedback for him, he'd love to hear it though and he'll try to act better in the future.
Eric Tomizawa
He's one of the more hardheaded and stubborn guys in the group so he's more likely to upset you during an argument. He immediately regrets it though.
He's like Ichiban in that he wants to apologize immediately, but the difference is that he won't just start verbalizing his every thought. Sometimes this comes off as insincere, but truthfully he's just ashamed of his behavior and doesn't want to say anything to make it worse.
It'll take him a little time to gather his thoughts but his apologies are very thought out and sincere. He can be good with his words when he's put thought behind them. Might even bring flowers too.
Yu Nanba
One of the more sensitive of the group and somewhat likely to pick up on the fact that you're upset before you even tell him. He's also the guy the rest of the group goes to for advice if they've upset someone, for some reason.
Honestly, he'll outright ask you if he's said or done something to upset or hurt you. Being honest with him in response is the best way to work through this, as Nanba is the kind of person to want to work through it and be better afterwards.
He can't always afford to buy you favors to make up for his behavior but he is so honest and kind about it that it almost hurts in a good way.
Adachi Koichi
Shares the same trait as Ichiban in that he just sometimes says something dumb on accident and it winds up hurting someone's feelings. He just doesn't always think before he talks and Nanba usually ends up being the one to tell him that he shouldn't have said that.
The least eloquent of the group so he's pretty awkward when he apologizes to someone. He doesn't word vomit like Ichiban does, though.
Nothing solves hurt feelings better than a big hug, at least according to Adachi. Which is exactly what is going to happen as soon as he's done apologizing.
Saeko Mukoda
Similar to Joon-Gi in that her bluntness can catch people off guard. Unlike Joon-Gi, she is somewhat more aware of it but she doesn't always realize it.
She is much better at realizing after the fact she's hurt someone's feelings and will go out of her to properly apologize.
Her one weird tick is that she's a little too formal. She'll pull you aside for a private conversation or even set up a time and place to meet for her to talk about it with you.
She and Joon-Gi really do take turns sharing a braincell sometimes. Most of the time if she accidentally upsets someone, it's for the exact same reasons as Joon-Gi which is ironic given that she's usually the one giving him crap for upsetting someone.
Seonhee won't ask if you're upset, she'll just say "I've upset you." like it's a scientific fact. Chances are, she can exactly pinpoint what she said that upset you too. Her precision is insane sometimes.
As always, our Seonhee is absolutely no fluff and no nonsense. Her apologies are straightforward as they come, with a promise to do better.
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scorpionrising · 7 months
there is love that doesn't have a place to rest — ch. 2
pairing: finan x fem!oc word count: 2709 content warning: this fic deals explicitly with the trauma of sexual assault. while there are no drawn out, graphic scenes, it is made explicitly clear what is going on. for context: oc is uhtred's daughter and was captive in dunholm for all her childhood. proceed with caution. additionally, expect canon typical attitudes, behaviors, violence, etc.
read on ao3
“and if i would've known how sharp the pieces were you'd crumbled into i might've let them lay" –big red machine ft. taylor swift, renegade
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“Why are ya’ doin’ this, Lord?” 
“You know why.”
“No, I really don’t.”  
Ravna knew she ought not to be eavesdropping. Her father would be quite cross if he found out, but her time at Dunholm taught her several things. The first being how to sneak around without being caught. She did not catch the beginning of her father’s conversation with Finan, but she could surmise enough what it was about. 
Father sounded pained, as if the words were being choked out of him. She dug her nails into the bark of the tree she was behind to keep from poking her head out. Surely then, they would see her.
“Lord, I belong at your side on the battlefield.” 
“I trust above all others, but what’s more important is Ravna trusts you above all others.”
She bit her lip to refrain from letting out a gasp. 
Finan sighed audibly. “She will not take kindly to ya’ leaving me here to spy on her.”
“You are not spying.”
“Oh, I’m not?”
“Just keep her safe, and make sure she eats.”
“Lord, is that not what Gisela is for? I’m a warrior, not a nursemaid.” 
The metallic taste of blood bloomed on Ravna’s tongue. A nursemaid. The urge to storm out there and confront them both nearly overtook her. A nursemaid! She wanted to scream. The last four years, she had thought Finan to be her friend—a true friend. Just as Sihtric was; just as Osferth was. She had for so long thought them equals. Clearly, he did not feel the same and saw her as a mere child. Squeezing her eyes shut to keep from crying in her rage, Ravna reached up to where her teeth had split her lip and rubbed the blood away. 
“She will not talk to Gisela. She will not talk to me. She talks to no one as she does you.” 
Had he been reporting her words back to her father all this time? Her stomach churned. How many of the abuses she suffered at Dunholm that she spoke only to Finan of to spare her father the heartache did he know about? 
Perhaps she really was no more than a child, because she had been silly enough to think of him as an individual rather than her father’s man. Anger surged through her, a defense from the rushing wave of sadness pooling beneath her ribs. 
“Surely Sihtric would be better suited for the job. They grew up together, and his wife just had a baby.” 
“I need Sihtric to spy—”
“Lord, you have me acting a spy here!” 
“Finan!” Father’s words came out in a venomous hiss. “You will remain here, and you will take care of Ravna.”
“Very well, Lord.” 
“Osferth will stay as well. Invite Ravna to train with you both. It will serve her well. She ought to learn to protect herself.” 
With her father’s tone a bit lighter at the end, the two men began to walk away. Once she could no longer hear their footsteps, Ravna let out the short sob she had been holding in and sank to the ground. Back pressed to the tree, she drew her knees to her chest and pressed her forehead down. She stayed like that for some time, switching ceaselessly between furious and horribly sad. 
Still gnawing on her raw lip, Ravna hoisted herself up and marched straight for town. Nursemaid, she thought with a scoff. She was no child. She would prove both her father and Finan wrong. She did not need someone charged to look after her. She had survived on her own well enough at Dunholm. 
She entered the hall in a storm of rage, kicking up dust and dirt behind her as she stomped up the stairs to their living quarters. She slammed doors behind her, kicked objects out of her way, flung her boots off and across the room. It was a good thing she was alone. If her father or Finan dared show their faces anytime soon, it was likely she would make an attempt at stabbing them. 
“I’m a warrior, not a nursemaid,” she mocked in a horrible mimicry of Finan’s brogue. She blew a raspberry and entered her room. “Pathetic.” 
She flopped facedown onto her bed and sprawled her arms out. She would remain here until someone came to find her, and they would need to drag her from the bed if they wished her to move. 
Eventually, she must have fallen asleep, because soon flames were licking at her skin. They curled around her limbs like scorching hands, forcing her limbs apart and clawing at her throat. Smoke entered her lungs and her vision went hazy. She was burning. 
She coughed desperately, praying it would be enough to keep the fumes from choking her. She coughed and screamed and thrashed until—THUNK! 
She came to, no longer on her bed, but in a heap on the floor. She must have banged her head, because it was throbbing with a large lump forming on her forehead. Quietly cursing, Ravna rubbed her eyes and grabbed the bedpost to use as leverage to stand up. The world spun, all out of order for a moment. 
Feilan’s sweet voice drifted through the closed door. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes once more and wrenched the door open. Her little brother’s eyes did not even reach her hips, but they were gleaming up at her as wide as can be. 
“Mama sent me to come get you,” he said quietly. “Father is leaving.” His nose wrinkled and he looked around past her. “I heard you shout.”
“I merely fell from my bed,” she said, running a hand over the braid she had slept in. “I am well.”
His eyebrows crinkled together in concern that was perhaps too great for a six year old, but he stuck his bottom lip out and his hand as well. She forced a smile and took his hand, allowing him to lead the way down the stairs. 
Everyone was gathered down in the hall; Sihtric and Sig and their baby, Osferth, Hild, Gisela with Stiorra in her arms and Father at her side, and Finan—the great traitorous bastard. Father grinned at her, as though he had not been plotting with Finan a few mere hours before to spy on her.  
“And to think, I thought I’d be leaving without a goodbye from my eldest,” Uhtred said, raising his arms out as if to hug her.
Ravna permitted the hug, but cut it short. If he noticed her aversion, he hid it well. But then, a crease formed between his eyes. 
“What is this on your head?”
He raised a hand to her face and she promptly swatted it away while ducking out of his reach. 
“I fell,” she said. 
“Are you well?” he asked suddenly, fretfully. “Perhaps you should sit down—”
“I am fine!” she snapped. 
It was rare that Ravna ever thought to raise her voice. She did not like loud, sudden noises, and the shouts of men did little to make her feel at ease. She kept quiet for a great many reasons, but especially because she did not want to frighten others as she had been frightened. Father looked even more concerned now, which only served to infuriate her further. She was neither soft nor fragile, and she hated being treated as such. 
She had been thirteen when her father pulled her from the dark cells below Dunholm, but she was no longer that shivering, bruised child. Yes, the nightmares still plagued her, but if they had not stopped in the last eight years, she just supposed she would have to live with them forever. Just as she had been doing. Shooting her father a vicious glare, Ravna stomped over to Sihtric to wish him goodbye.
“Do not get yourself killed,” she said sternly. 
“He has already gotten this speech from me,” Sig said. “But we both know he won’t listen.” 
“No, he’s too pigheaded,” Ravna agreed. 
“I will not have you two conspiring against me while I am gone,” Sihtric said with a frown. 
Ravna smirked and looked over Sig’s shoulder at their son. The boy’s eyes had not been open once any time she had gone to visit, and she wondered if he shared the same mismatched eyes as his father. 
“I can hold Bjørn so you two can have a proper goodbye,” Ravna offered.
Sig grinned. “He got his proper goodbye this morning.” 
“Sig!” Sihtric hissed. “The baby!”
“The baby is too young to understand words, husband,” Sig said, eyes rolling up to the ceiling. “Here, Ravna, you can take him if you like. He’s getting heavy in my arms.” 
Ever so carefully, Ravna reached out to take little Bjørn from Sig. With her oldest friend’s son in her arms, she could feel some of her anger sapping out of her. It was hard to be infuriated when holding something so sweet and small. She hummed quietly, bouncing the child in her arms as a tiny smile crept onto her lips. 
Ravna held him until Sihtric and her father left the hall together, already locked in fierce conversation about the rogues they were sure to encounter. Heaving out a great sigh, Ravna handed Bjørn back to Sig and made her promise to reach out if she needed help. Gisela had even offered her a space in the hall, but Sig—ever the self-sufficient woman—declined quite gracefully. Very pointedly ignoring Finan, Ravna marched straight for Osferth.
“I’d like another lesson on your Holy Book.” 
Osferth’s face split into a grin. “Of course, Lady.” 
He held his arm out for her. Snorting, she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and began to walk.
“You know you do not need to call me that.”
“Oi! You two!” Finan called after them. “Wait!” 
Ravna rolled her eyes, which Osferth certainly noticed, giving the look of surprise that overtook his face. His surprise did not come as a shock, of course. How often did Ravna treat Finan with a sweet smile and wide eyes? Perhaps she really had been acting like a child this whole time; well, no more of that. She could be just as independent as Sig. 
“Is everything alright?” Osferth muttered. 
“Yes, of course,” Ravna said, smiling and batting her lashes. 
The monk’s face darkened by a few shades and he briefly looked away from her. He cleared his throat and avoided eye contact with her until Finan reached them. 
“Where ya’ off to?” 
“Prayer,” Osferth said. 
“Alone,” Ravna added sternly. 
She did not think she could bear to be around Finan right now, not with the knowledge that he would be likely reporting all her comings and goings back to her father. Would he write it down so he would not forget a single action she took? Or would he commit it all to memory and just inform Uhtred of the exciting bits? 
At her unusually cross tone, Finan and Osferth alike widened their eyes in shock. It was rare she ever got snippish, and even more rare for it to be directed towards Finan. She glowered, tightened her grip on Osferth’s arm, and began pulling the monk after her to walk away. If Finan thought he was being left here to act as a nursemaid, he could spend his time with the actual children. 
She led Osferth through the woods to the spot she loved so much, and sat down in a huff. There was a small smile toying at his thin lips as he mirrored her position. They sat close, facing one another with their knees touching. 
“So,” he began, “why are you angry with Finan?”
“I am not angry at Finan,” Ravna said defensively, scowling.
“Could’ve fooled me.” He grinned a bit teasingly. Then, his face organized itself into something a bit more somber. “Something is clearly bothering you, Lady.” 
“I’m not a lady,” she said, half blushing.
“You’re an ealdorman’s daughter,” he said as though she needed to be reminded of it. “That makes you a lady.” 
She rolled her eyes and lifted her face to the sun. The air was getting warmer each day, and soon she would be able to swim in the river without catching a chill. With summer came a sense of freedom she constantly longed for. It was a happier time, and Father’s eyes always had less worry in them when he looked at her. 
“Ravna,” he whispered.
She snapped her eyes towards him. Just like her father, and Gisela, and Sihtric, and even Finan now, there was a look of deep concern clouding his blue eyes. She clenched her jaw and tried to ignore the rush of anger. He reached forward tentatively and placed his hand over hers atop her knee.
“What is troubling you?” 
Was it pity in his eyes, or was it something else? 
“Everyone thinks me a child,” she finally said after a long moment. 
“Who is everyone?” Osferth asked. “Because I certainly do not see a child before me. I see a woman grown.” 
“That is different,” she said. “We are… of an age, with one another.” She wrinkled her nose and looked down at his hand covering hers. “I speak of Father and Gisela, and Beocca and Thyra, and—”
She stopped herself before she could say the last name, but Osferth saw straight through her. 
“And Finan?” he asked her.
She was not proud of how her face burned in response. Embarrassed at how obvious it was, she pulled away from Osferth and brought her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. 
“I always thought him to be my friend,” she said quietly, ashamed at how stupid she had been all these years. “I thought he saw me as I am, not merely his Lord’s daughter.” 
She was not proud of the bitterness she heard creeping off her tongue as she spoke, but Osferth never judged. 
“You should not let it bother you,” he said in that quiet, contemplative voice of his. 
“But it does!” She exploded, falling backwards to lay across the large boulder. “What of when I have a family of my own? When I am a mother, will my father still have his men watching my every step to report back to him?” 
“I think it’s hard for him,” Osferth said. “He lost you when you were still a child, and he thought you dead for eight years, and when he found you again, you lived in Winchester with your aunt until you reached majority.”
“And that is my fault?” Ravna asked, shooting up with blazing eyes. “He did not yet have Coccham and I could hardly galavant across the country with him!”
“I did not say that,” he said gently. “I mean to say, you left his life as a child and reentered it as a woman.”
“It has been years,” she hissed. 
“But far less time than you spent away from him,” he said. 
She hated how he was right. Letting out a loud groan, she slumped back down and stared up at the cloudy sky through the tree branches. The birds above were chirping some absurd song, louder even than the rushing of the water below them.  
“Your father loves you, Ravna,” Osferth said, a heavy sigh falling from his lips curdling the words a bit. “Many cannot say the same.” 
She thought briefly of Kjartan, and the bruises he would paint across Sihtric’s skin, but what was most prominent in her mind was King Alfred. His cruelty to Osferth was an understated one. Whelped onto a servant girl, tossed into a monastery without a second thought, and never acknowledged. It always brought an overwhelming sadness to her heart when she thought of it. She reached a hand out until her fingers found his, and she grabbed onto him.
“You are loved, Osferth,” she said. “Surely you know this.” 
She turned her head to look at him. His head was bowed down, the hand she was not holding tracing the cracks in the boulder. He glanced back at her and smiled just a bit. 
“Now, tell me about Eve and the apple again,” she commanded. “I do not understand it.”
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