#so he'd stop purring and she could listen to his heart
glorious-spoon · 3 months
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human mattress for the world's happiest old bastard cat
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dira333 · 3 months
Oh oh oh! For the plotbunny game, what if someone set Shinsou up for a blind date at a cat cafe? Is that too specific?
"You're a real beauty, aren't you?"
"Errm," you cough awkwardly. His eyes move lazily, starting from your shoes and traveling up your legs and torso until they finally meet your own. For a second, they remain there, warm pools of purple that do their best at making your heart beat out of your chest.
He's attractive, too much so for a blind date. Usually, your blind dates seem to come with a warning label. "He's really nice as soon as you get to know him, okay? I know you don't care about looks, so I'm sure you'll be perfect for each other."
"I was talking to the cat," he drawls and his voice feels like a shawl draped around your shoulders.
With a soft hiccup you offer him the carnation you'd brought, the sign your acquaintances had agreed on. You had dyed it purple overnight with the help of some felt pens after Denki had blabbed about it being his favorite color.
His eyes move to the flower and back at you. Understanding dawns in his eyes. Something like a blush forms on his cheeks as he moves to pick up the carnation he'd put in his glass of water and almost drops it. It had caught your eye coming in, the only reason you even made it to his table.
"Hi," you whisper shyly, wishing the ground could swallow you whole as you try to shake his hand when he tries to hand you the flower.
"I... I can..." You want to say leave, but you don't want to assume... Please, you think, don't send me off before I even sat down.
"Sit," he asks, picking up the fat orange cat that has taken over your chair.
"So.. uh, she.. or he... bewitched you?"
You point at the cat when he looks at you with confusion in his eyes.
He laughs, the sound rumbling in your ears like the first thunder on a summer night.
"This is Carla," he explains, "she claimed the chair the minute I sat down. I think she's a movie star turned into a cat by someone who was envious of her success."
You eye the cat for a second, listen to her purring.
"She's pregnant," you tell him, "she's thinking about the children."
"She's thinking..." He stops. "What's your Quirk again?"
"Oh, I... uh... I can talk to Cats." You sink lower in your seat. "Not the coolest Quirk, I know, but I don't mind it."
"So that's what Denki meant-"
You blink. "What did he say? He wasn't really... He's not the best at setting people up, you know. I swear I'm better than he made me out to be."
He laughs again. "What did he tell you about me? I'm... I'm Shinsou, by the way." He holds out his hand, this time without a flower. It curls around yours as you take it and warmth settles in your stomach.
Please, you think, let this date be a success.
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myymi · 7 months
Sonic never thought running too fast would ever be a problem. If you went fast enough nothing could be able to stop you.
Tails had been nagging him about it for a while though, scolding him every time he ran straight into a fight without stopping to think of what might happen.
It didn't matter to him though. Even if he somehow got hurt, it'd eventually heal and he'd be back on the run in no time.
But now that he was on his knees, cradling his brother as he desperately tried to stop the red from staining the white fur on his chest, he really wished he had listened.
The only reason this happened was because he ran too fast. He didn't stop to check for any sort of traps or hidden badniks, far too focused on beating Eggman so they could all go home.
He never thought that going too fast could get someone else hurt.
He still wasn't sure what happened. All he knew was that he spindashed into a motobug, then a laser fired and a horrible, loud scream followed.
It took him two seconds to realize it was his brother that screamed. He could feel his heart stop beating as he watched the fox drop to his knees, his paws clutching his chest.
Sonic had the kit in his hold a second later, whispering about a million apologies to him. Knuckles and Amy decided to deal with the combat, letting the hedgehog take care of the youngest.
They had managed to drag Eggman's attention to another area, which meant that the two brothers were alone.
Sonic had tried to pick the kid up to take him to a hospital, but Tails refused. He begged the older not to take him anywhere near a hospital.
He wanted to die in his brother's arms, not in a hospital bed.
Sonic tried to tell him that he wasn't going to die. They just needed to get to someone who could help him and it'd be fine.
But then Tails showed him his communicator.
The screen was colored in the brightest, most headache-inducing shade of red he's ever seen.
Written in a bright white text were the words, ‘!Vital Organ Critically Damaged!’
That was the message that was programmed to show if they were ever too injured to receive medical attention. Going to a doctor would be useless, they wouldn't be able to save him.
So Sonic just held him instead. He had called Knuckles and Amy a few seconds ago so they could come see him.
Tails whimpered and pushed into the hedgehog, clinging onto his chest.
“Just a little longer, buddy.” Sonic whispered, trying his best to keep his tears from falling as he held the fox tighter. He couldn't cry right now, Tails didn't deserve to see that.
His ears twitched at the sound of footsteps approaching. He turned to watch as Knuckles and Amy ran up to them with matching horrified expressions.
Amy dropped in front of them to grip the youngest’s paws, “Oh, Tails..” It was easy to see that she had already been crying, but her eyes grew wet once again.
Knuckles kneeled at Tails’ head, but stayed silent. He placed his paw on the back of the kit’s head, gently rubbing it with his thumb.
It wasn't long until a soft rumble filled the air. It was shaky and it stumbled every now and then, but it was there. And it broke Sonic's heart.
Tails was purring to try and comfort them. Even while he was dying, he decided to put his siblings first.
“I'm scared.” Tails admitted quietly, closing his eyes as he hid his face in his brother's shoulder.
“I know, bud.” The hedgehog ignored the way his voice wavered. He's not sure how much longer he can hold back his tears.
“You'll be okay, little one.” Sonic's never heard such a gentle voice come from the guardian, but he guesses that's because it was saved for moments like this. “Your fight is over. You can rest now.”
“I–I don't wanna go.” Sonic bit down on his tongue at the sound of Tails’s small, broken voice. Every whimper or whine that came from the youngest broke his already shattered heart even more.
He could feel a tear run down his face. He was going to just let it fall, but Amy reached over and gently wiped it away.
“Think of it this way,” She whispered, her gaze moving back to the eight year old, “You can always keep an eye on Sonic now and yell at him for pulling stupid stunts.”
That at least managed to put a smile on the fox’s muzzle, even if it was small.
The air fell silent around them. Sonic knew that other people had gathered around them by now. They were in Station Square after all, there's always people staring.
“Guys?” Amy’s hold on the youngest’s paws tightened at the quiet voice. He was basically whispering, too weak to talk any louder. “Please—Please look after each o-other.”
“Don't you worry about us, keed.” The response was natural. It's what he always said whenever Tails got too worried about them. It was sweet, but he tended to ignore his own needs when he focused on his siblings.
“We’ll be alright, bud.” Knuckles said, still continuing his gentle petting. The fox whimpered at the nickname. He wished he could hear Knuckles say it more.
“I'll keep these boys in line,” Amy promised, smiling at the kid despite the tears streaming down her face.
“We love you, kiddo.” Sonic whispered, nuzzling the younger’s head. He hated how he could feel the strength in his little brother's body fade out.
The small paw that had been clutching his chest finally let go, limply falling to the ground as the little fox released his final breath.
Sonic curled around the lifeless body, hiding his face away in the soft, golden fur as his tears began to fall down his face now that the hedgehog had stopped trying to hold them in.
Knuckles pulled Amy into a hug as she began sobbing. He ignored his own tears that trailed down his muzzle as he embraced his little sister.
Losing someone during a battle had always been a possibility, they all knew that.
But even so, none of them ever expected their youngest brother to be the first.
It wasn't right. He should've been the last of them to leave Mobius, not the first. He was far too young to be taken from them already.
But there was nothing they could do about it now.
Tails was gone.
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tinyarmedtrex · 1 year
From the prompt list... "I work at the animal shelter and you always come in to pet the cats when you’re sad" (if you're so inspired) 💖💖
“Hey look! He’s back!” Jesper tapped the back of Nina’s shoulder. “Look! Nina!”
“I don’t need to look Jesper, I already know what he looks like.” She said, not glancing up from the computer. 
“But he’s in a new sweater today!” Jesper said, craning his neck to get a better view of the man in question. “It’s giving major 80’s dad vibes. I bet he’s someone who likes mowing the lawn in socks and sandals. I'd let him mow my lawn."
“Ew." She kept typing then added, "Well, you could know for sure if you, I don’t know, actually spoke with him.” 
Jesper snorted. “I have!”
Nina finally looked up at him. “Directing him to the cats doesn’t count. You stare at him every time he comes in, it’s getting weird. You need to ask him out already, for all our sakes."
Jesper opened and closed his mouth. They’d had this discussion before and his excuses were getting worse and worse. “I haven't had a chance, I don’t work with the cats.”
He was in charge of the dogs. He liked their energy more, loved getting outside and playing with them. The cats always seemed boring by comparison. Until Wylan at least. The man came in at least once a week and always asked to sit with the cats. It seemed like he was always sad when he came in but, after an hour with the cats, he perked up. The first time Jesper had seen him smile he swore his heart stopped. 
Jesper had found excuses to talk to him briefly. Once he’d pretended to clean the cat cages, just to talk to Wylan. Another time he said he was taking pictures of the cats. He didn’t even notice until Wylan left that he hadn’t even brought a camera.  He just hoped that Wylan didn't notice either.
Each time they talked Jesper fell for the man more. He couldn’t help it. Wylan wasn’t like anyone else he’d met and Jesper wanted to learn everything about him. 
Nina clicked a few more things on the computer before handing Jesper a key with a cat keychain on it. “Well today you do.”
“Nina!” He stared at the key. “Tolya is going to be pissed.” 
“He can deal with it for a day. Now, go ask him out already! I’m not doing this again.”
“Thank you!” He said, kissing the top of her head. “You’re the best.”
“Remember this next time I ask you to cover a shift for me!” She called as he ran out of the small office. Wylan was in the waiting room, looking at the cat toys. 
“Our worst customer.” Jesper called, practically running to Wylan. The man turned and offered him a watery smile. 
“What’s wrong?” Jesper wanted to hug him but knew better. They were barely on a first name basis. Hugging him would probably send him running.
“Nothing.” Wylan said, rubbing his eyes on his sweater. “Can I sit with the cats?”
“Always!” Jesper jangled the keys. “I’ll come with you. They always need more attention.”
Wylan smiled at him again and followed Jesper into one of the cages. Jesper knew Wylan liked long hair cats, so he picked an enclosure with three of them. Wylan sat and one immediately jumped into his lap, purring loudly as Wylan started to pet.
They sat quietly for a few minutes then Wylan said, “Cats are so much easier than people. They tell you exactly what they want.”
“Partner troubles?” Jesper asked. He'd been petting another cat but it got bored of him and went to Wylan, rubbing his side.
He huffed a small laugh. “No. I’m painfully single.” 
Jesper tried not to perk up at the good news. "What happened? Not that you have to tell me but-" He stopped before the rambling started.
"Stuff with my dad." Wylan said, turning to pet the new cat. "It's a long story."
"I've got time."
Wylan raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you working?"
"I'm on break." Not true but he hoped Nina would let it slide.
Wylan thought for a second then launched into a story about his dad and how he was getting remarried for a third time and expected Wylan to sit in the back and stay silent. Jesper tried to just listen but couldn't help but rail against Wylan's dad, just a little.
"Thanks for listening." Wylan said as he finished. He looked at the cats. All of them were sitting by him now. “I think I’m going to adopt one. Then I don’t need to keep coming and bugging you.”
“Oh. Um.” Jesper looked away to hide his disappointment. “Yea, of course. Do you know who you want?”
“Cosmos.” Wylan said, gesturing to the cat in his lap. “We already have a connection.”
“Great. Yea. Okay.” Jesper stood. “I’ll get all the paperwork.” As he got the paperwork ready his mind whirled. He should have seen this coming. It made sense for Wylan to adopt a cat, but it meant that Jesper wouldn’t see him again. He really was running out of time.
“Here, fill this out. The fee is fifty dollars.” He held out the clipboard, but Wylan didn’t take it. 
“Um, my arms are full of cats. Could you do it for me?”
“Sure thing.” Jesper sat again, closer to Wylan this time. He started reading the questions and writing down Wylan’s answers. It was slower but he didn’t mind, it gave him more time with Wylan.
Jesper took his time completing the adoption process and helping Wylan wrangle Cosmos into a carrier. Finally, though they were at Wylan’s car and Cosmos was strapped safely in the backseat. Wylan was about to get in his car and leave forever and Jesper still hadn't asked for his number.
Wylan glanced at the cat carrier and asked, “Do you have access to the adoption requests?” 
“No.” Jesper shook his head. “Only my manager Nina does.”
“So if you, um, needed to call me I would have to give you my number now?” As Wylan spoke a blush spread across his cheeks. “About the cat.” He added.
Jesper's heart leapt. “Yes, I would need it now. And you should have mine. In case you have any cat related questions.” 
Wylan nodded. “I think I might have a lot of them. Cat questions that is. Is that okay?”
Jesper put his hand on the car, leaning closer. “Maybe we should go out to dinner? Then you can ask me all your questions at once.” 
Wylan’s flush deepened as he smiled. “That sounds like a good idea.” 
Jesper pulled a pen from his pocket and took Wylan’s hand. “Here’s my number. Text me and we’ll set something up.” Jesper didn’t think it was possible, but Wylan grew even redder as they touched.  "And I'll get yours from Nina."
"Sounds good." Wylan said, stepping back and getting into his car. He gave Jesper a small wave as he drove away and Jesper darted inside, eager to get Wylan's number and text him to set up their date.
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linkemon · 1 year
Confession headcanons 2
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
This was written around the 3.1 version of the game so characters' personalities and information about Sumeru might differ today.
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✧ To say Tighnari wasn't happy with your behaviour would be an understatement. When he found out that you decided to eliminate the withering part of the forest yourself and you were injured, he was furious. He yelled at you first. Soon after, however, he calmed down.
✧ He didn't say anything the whole time he was tending your wound. At first you tried to explain yourself but you saw that he didn't want to listen to you. There was only dead silence.
✧ Collei gently investigated things between the two of you in the following days. She was also the one who came to change your bandages. You were very concerned that Tighnari didn't come to see you even once during your recovery. He made an ointment for you but he never came with it himself.
✧ Once you felt well enough to be able to stand on your own feet, you decided to talk to your friend. He received you and listened to you. However, he couldn't forgive you for putting your health at risk. He asked you to tell him why you didn't ask other forest rangers for help. You were afraid to tell him the truth. But what scared you more was the thought that he would fire you and you'd never see him again. So you did it.
✧ When you said it was because you wanted him to finally appreciate you because you fell in love with him, he didn't say anything for a moment. Only in retrospect did you realize how stupid you were. So you waited with your heart pounding for what he would say.
✧ What give Tighnari were his ears. He moved them towards you. After being with him for a long time, you were able to read his signals. He was happy with the confession. The boy didn't say anything for a moment. He walked over to you, pushed your hair out of your face and made you promise never to scare him like that again. He was mercilessly worried. As you nodded your head, he placed a soft kiss on your lips.
✧ Somewhere from the house next door, you could hear Collei's excited squeal. She was bad at pretending she didn't know anything in the days that followed.
✧ You have been punished for insubordination however. Even as Tighnari's girlfriend, you won't get a adventage. He won't tell you that he planned to give you a month to check the lamps and instead you got a week...
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✧ His confession was unplanned and somehow forced by an unfavorable turn of events.
✧ When you told him you only had a few minutes to run, he looked at you with disgust. How did you know he'd be here at this time? He didn't tell you anything about trying to steal forbidden books from the library. And you showed up there in the middle of the night.
✧ You led him towards a secret passage. Or at least that's what you thought it was. When he asked you why he should trust you, you were stunned. You thought you knew him better. And he was afraid that you would hand him over to your enemies. Hearing footsteps, you told him he had no choice anyway. So he followed you, clutching a bag of valuable information.
✧ When he found the guards at the entrance, he was ready to blame you. Until you started using your vision, screaming for him to run. A curtain of water covered his figure. The Akademiya couldn't find out that he had robbed them, otherwise it was all for nothing. Eventually, however, the man pulled you by the hand, saving your life at the last moment. Now he really believed you.
✧ You almost made it past the last patrol under the cover of night. As you mingled with a group of people having fun, the chase eyed you suspiciously. At that moment, only one thing came to mind. Saying a silent apology, you pulled Alhaitham's lips to yours. You drowned in a colorful, slightly drunk group of party people. To your surprise, the man didn't stop kissing you even after the pursuers left. He pulled you to him again.
✧ On the way to the port of Ormos, you asked him if those kisses meant something. He answered the question with a question: did you want them to be something more? He never planned to fall in love with you and has never been in a normal relationship, but he's willing to try for you.
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✧ Serving the Homayani family, it was not difficult to run into Dehya more and more often. She seemed to be an even better person each time. Her strength and devotion to Dunyarzad particularly touched you.
✧ Dehya as an intelligent woman realized her feelings before you realized yours. But she preferred to wait. After all, she was supposed to leave here in a while. Was it wise to associate with anyone?
✧ As the head cook, you always managed to leave some baked goods for her or cook her favorite dish on the side. It has become a tradition to such an extent that when she didn't find you in the kitchen one time, she immediately knew something was wrong. She asked the helpers, who said that you felt worse and went back to your little room.
✧ When you didn't answer her knock on the door, she decided to just come in. The sight of you, unable to move, terrified her. She knew the sight of those scales. Words stuck down your throat. She had never seen them pn you before because you hid them so well under your uniform. Dunyarzad also suffered from Eleazar, so she couldn't believe she hadn't noticed sooner.
✧ Despite your protests, she asked her employer to stay at the mansion today and spend the rest of her day looking after you. She didn't tell your secret to anyone.
✧ She asked how much time do you have left. However, she had a feeling that whatever you answered, she would consider it too small a number. It was the first time you saw Dehya shed a tear. You wiped it with your hand, saying that sadness doesn't suit her.
✧ This evening she decided to confess her feelings to you. You protested that your illness would only make her suffer. She said she didn't care. All that mattered was whether you felt what she felt. You confessed your love to her, she kissed your forehead, after which she fell asleep in your arms.
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Tav's sex parade – Chapter 4: Where the sun kisses the sea (Gale x Tav)
(Trigger warning (18+): graphic description of sex, smut, gentle slow sex, coitus a tergo, fluff, the feels)
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.
Karlach’s and Wyll’s faith and Tav’s promise to them are based on one of my other fics.
Tav sat in the middle of Gale’s living room, cross-legged, strumming her lute, surrounded by papers and ink. She faced the open double-door window which led onto the small terrace, towards the sea. The evening sun shone right through the window, bathing the room in golden light. Tara, Scratch and Naïlo were resting on the carpet and pillows, listening to Tav's warm voice. She sang uncharacteristically high-pitched and softly.
"Down, down by the river,
where the ancient trees shiver,
are sleepy bears and night orchids in caves.
Ruby-red diamonds and purple waves
swirl farther down into water, deep,
where the winged beasts sleep."
Smiling, Gale lingered in the doorframe, not wanting to disturb his beloved's streak of creativity. He'd read and dabbled enough in poetry to understand the symbolism of her lyrics.
Tav stopped singing, but kept humming the melody that reminded him of a lullaby.
"Fire, fire, desire, hmm... Blade... shade? Hells, bells. Metal heart... part, apart..."
The bard stopped mumbling and frowned at her ink-smeared notes.
"Metal heart, forged in fire, found the blade of her desire?" Gale suggested after a moment of silence.
Tav turned around with a smile.
"Not bad. Maybe I'll use it. Thanks for the input."
She quickly scribbled it down. Gale finally walked closer and remarked: "It's wonderful to see you compose again. I missed watching you weave your own kind of magic."
"Mh, poetic as always, love," Tav smirked. "I thought while you and Astarion work through every single book in Waterdeep, Shadowheart helps your mother with her clients, and Halsin does his part to search for answers, I can make myself useful otherwise. You all keep your noses to the grindstone to find a way to get Karlach and Wyll out of Avernus, meanwhile, I go and make some money. We could use it, to be honest."
"You don't have to do this, if you don't want to," Gale told her.
"That's sweet, but I want to pull my weight. As you know, I taught myself to read and write, and I'm still very slow at reading. 'So slow that the bookworms eat away the paper in front of my eyes', as you've put it so politely."
Ashamed, Gale lowered his gaze.
"I'm sorry, that had been tactless of me. I shouldn't have said it."
"Well," she replied, with a shrug. "It's true at least. Thus, I'll do what I can do best: sing and perform. I miss it, honestly; the crude tavern goers, the passed-out drunkards, the strongly-perfumed working girls, the ill-tempered tavern keepers... I had quite the life before I've met you and got all boring and tame."
At that, Gale barked a laugh.
"You and tame? That fits as well together as oil and water! Don't worry, you definitely didn't lose your spark."
"Good," Tav grinned. She got up to kiss and hug him. Then, she looked at him mischievously. "I might need a reminder of my wild side."
Gale glanced towards the animals and cleared his throat. Tara snickered and herded the dog and the owlbear out of the living room.
"Thank you, Tara. You're a gem."
"I'd prefer if you'd show your gratitude with a big plate of Beholder jerky instead of polite words, Mister Dekarios," the tressym teased.
Gale bit his lip to keep himself from laughing.
"Of course, Tara. I'll remind 'Mister Dekarios' tomorrow morning," Tav filled in for him, amused.
The tressym let out a satisfied purr before pushing the door close, and Tav chuckled.
"Tara's rather handy. I know why you love her so much."
"Hm," smirked the addressed.
He leaned down to kiss the bard again and she wrapped her arms around him.
"I have an idea," Tav all but purred.
"I'm scared," Gale smiled.
She snorted a laugh and kissed him again. Then, she got up on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear.
"I want you to take me on the terrace. I want to do it while the sun goes down and witnesses our act of passion."
The wizard turned crimson, spluttering: "You want to do it out there?! Where everyone can see us?"
"Yes," grinned Tav. "I want to overlook the water while you take me from behind."
"Gods..." Gale wanted to hide somewhere. "That's rather... feral."
The bard grinned devilishly while playing with his hair.
"As I said; I need a reminder that I'm not boring and tame."
"I see why you get along so well with our druid," the wizard muttered. "Holy..."
Tav put on her best show, fluttering her lashes at him with a pout.
"You don't want to? I'm devastated."
"You don't look devastated," Gale retorted amused. "You look like the cat that got the canary."
"Do I get the canary?" Tav smirked and Gale sighed.
"I'm not sure. Doing it from behind... I can't see your face that way and it feels impersonal."
"Are you truly worried about this? We know each other for a year now, and I trust you – in and out of the bedroom. You said it yourself; there are infinite ways to be intimate. So, why not this way too?"
"Alright, let's try this. Anything for my insufferable bard, I guess."
He kissed her again before they moved onto the terrace. Tav leaned her back against the wooden railing, pulled Gale into another kiss, and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"You stole my lavender soap again," he remarked, no heat behind it.
"I just borrowed it – as always," she replied cheekily.
"Mhm. 'Borrowed'."
"Stop complaining and take your pants off. If we wait any longer, the sun will be gone."
Gale sighed, but took a step back to doff his trousers and underwear. Tav did the same, kicking everything into the living room carelessly.
"Come here."
She pulled him into another kiss. This time, it was much sloppier and less tender. The bard turned around, gripped the railing of the terrace, and spread her legs wider.
"Gods... look at you," Gale muttered, flustered. "Do you have no shame?"
"No. Not when I want something. And what I want now, is you in me. So hurry up. Please."
Gale had mercy on her (and himself, let's be honest here), crowded in on her, kissed her neck, and entered her slowly. Tav arched her back into it, panting. The wizard placed his hands on hers and buried his face in the side of her neck, breathing right into her ear. The bard shuddered, it was perfect. Gale's thrusts were slow but deep and precise. He knew how to make it good for her. Tav moaned and tilted her head more to the side to give him more space to kiss her and pant into her ear, while they watched the glary, red sun vanish behind the sea.
"Where's your infamous verbosity now?" Gale asked lowly. "Tell me what you see, in all your flowery words."
Tav moaned and tried her damn best to articulate the scenery.
"I- ah! I see how the sun kisses the sea. The sun... ngh... sinks into the sea, gently like a mh... lover. I see how... ah... flaming red... makes love... to blue to create... purple. Aah... Gale... please."
The addressed hummed and used his elegant, deftly fingers to massage her clitoris. Moaning, Tav dropped her head between her arms and arched her back more, pushing her buttocks into her partner's lap who's breath hitched.
"F- fuck! Please!" the bard sobbed, desperate for release. Panting, Gale leaned his head against her shoulder, flicked his wrist over her pubic mound, and climaxed with a guttural moan. He didn't stop moving his fingers though and shortly after, Tav followed him over the edge noisily. They stayed where they were, panting into the young night. The sky had turn light-blue and the first stars were visible.
Tav sighed and twisted her torso around to kiss Gale gently. He slowly pulled out so that she was able to face him fully.
"You were never this loud before," Tav remarked.
"I'm not the noisy type," Gale answered.
"But you were today. Why? Was it the semi-public setting that turned you on?"
"No! It just felt... I don't know... more intense? I've never - hm. I've never took anyone from behind before."
"And you liked it that much?"
"I don't know. Maybe," Gale muttered, slightly uncomfortable.
"Well..." Tav sighed and pulled him into a hug. "I liked it too. It was really nice. Something else for once. We can do it again if you wish."
"I'd like that," Gale admitted and blushed.
"Great," Tav smiled and kissed him again.
The cool evening breeze from the sea caressed them while they stood on the terrace and kept kissing each other tenderly.
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perseusannabeth · 1 year
One Day I'll Be Good - Chapter 1
A/N: Hi guys! Happy first day of nessian week! I've decided to get in on the action. This fic is one I started a long time ago, around the same time as let me be your home. As you can imagine, that then took over, but when I saw the day 1 Nessian week prompt, it felt like the perfect time to finish this chapter.
There are themes of child abuse in this fic, but I will make sure to warn you which specific chapters.
Thank you so much to @nessianweek for organising such a brilliant event!
Word count:  3,010
ODIBG Masterlist| My Masterlist | My Ask Box | Read on AO3
Cassian decided that waking up with his arms and wings wrapped around his mate was the best feeling in the world. He didn't know how he had lived without it all his life but was especially in awe of himself for being able to live without Nesta since he met her. Past Cassian was something.
Cassian was content to watch Nesta as she slept. She looked so peaceful, he almost couldn't believe this was real. But it was. Nesta could even look peaceful when she was awake, too. His beautiful, talented mate had managed to overcome her trauma for the most part and was happy and comfortable in her skin, which Cassian thanked the mother for every day. 
It had been a month since their incredibly extravagant mating ceremony, and Cassian supposed that this was what they called post-mated bliss. Everything was calm in their relationship now. That wasn't to say they didn't have their moments of heightened emotions, but they knew that no matter what, they could always count on each other. That was all they needed.
Nesta started to stir in his arms. Nesta now had adapted the same morning routine as he had, meaning that she would wake up around the same time as him so she could get ready for training. It was nice to wake up and sleep together. However, Cassian still had to pinch himself to remind him that this was real. He couldn't believe his luck still, that a lowly bastard from Illyria could have this life.
"Morning," Nesta yawned, rubbing her eyes sleepily as she smiled at him. Warmth hit his chest like he'd been hit with a firework. It spread through his body like wildfire, filling him with joy that he felt like he couldn't breathe.
Cassian beamed down at his mate, kissing her forehead because he needed to express his joy somehow before he burst. "Morning," he said, his voice hoarse from not using it all night and from their late-night activities.
Nesta smiled and nuzzled herself deeper into his chest, smiling. Cassian let out a slight rumbling noise of contentment as his mate took in his scent. Nesta looked up at him, humour sparkling in her eyes. "You sound like a cat with all that purring you're doing," she said, trying to hide a laugh.
"You're giving me an identity crisis. Am I a cat or a bat now?" Cassian asked, raising his eyebrow at his mate as he ran his hands up and down her back absent-mindedly, enjoying her soft skin against his calloused hands.
Nesta let out a tiny little huff at his ridiculousness but didn't stop smiling at him. That smile directed at him was like being shot through the heart. Cassian still couldn't believe that Nesta would smile at him like that. He couldn't help himself when he saw that beautiful, sleepy smile. He leaned down and kissed her lazily like they had all the time in the world. Nesta kissed back at the same leisurely pace, running her hands over his chest.
Nesta's hands left a trail of blazing fire; every bit of skin she touched with her sinful hands while Nesta was pressed against him so deliciously had him wanting more. Cassian deepened the kiss, causing Nesta to moan into his mouth. She pulled away, closing her eyes and trying to catch her breath. Cassian felt a rush of pride that he did this to her, that he could cause Nesta to lose composure so quickly. He waited for Nesta to make her move, grinning at himself as he listened to her heavy breathing.
Nesta pushed away from Cassian and sat up, letting the blanket fall to her waist as she looked at Cassian with a lust-filled gaze. Cassian shuddered at the intensity of what he saw in his mate's eyes, excitement coursing through him.
Nesta sighed and shook her head fondly as though she knew what Cassian was thinking. It didn't take a daemati to figure out what Cassian was thinking, not with his cock already hard under the blanket, which did nothing to hide it.
Cassian tried to lean in for another kiss, only for Nesta to softly push him back, shaking her head and sighing in regret. "I have to go to the library this morning."
At that, Cassian froze. "No training this morning?"
"Stop pouting," Nesta laughed, giving him a slight shove in the chest.
"I'm not pouting," he said, although he knew his bottom lip was jutting out remarkably like a pout. "You never miss training!" Cassian said.
"I know, but this is important. Gwyn needs me to be there for her," Nesta explained, getting up from the bed and walking across their room naked.
Cassian followed her with his eyes, not even blinking, just in case he missed something. "What's going on with Gwyn?" He asked, his curiosity peaked now.
"I promised her I wouldn't say, so you'll have to keep your nosy self out of it until she's ready to share it with you. And don't you dare try and ask Az to send his shadows to find out," Nesta said, turning from the wardrobe and glaring at him. Cassian tried to compose his face into the picture of innocence and act as though the thought hadn't even crossed his mind. Of course, Nesta could see right through it, and her scowl deepened.
Cassian held his hands up in surrender, to which Nesta rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom to quickly wash away the scent of their late-night activities and get ready to meet Gwyn. Usually, Cassian might have joined her, but he knew that if he did that, they would not be ready for Nesta to meet Gwyn if he did that today. As much as Cassian would love to join his mate, he knew he needed to behave right now.
Nesta came out of the bathroom quickly enough with a towel in her hair and was already dressed, which was probably the wisest choice. If she had come out in a towel, or even naked like she sometimes did, Cassian might not have been able to help himself.
"I think I'll probably just spend the day in the library today, so I'll see you tonight at dinner," Nesta said as she quickly braided her wet hair. She walked over, gave him a quick peck on the lips, and then moved towards the door before turning around. "Behave yourself today," she said sternly, raising her eyebrows.
Once again, Cassian schooled his face so that he looked innocent. He called it his 'butter wouldn't melt' face. "Nesta, I would never misbehave!" Cassian said, raising his hand to his chest in mock defence.
"Tell that to the archery practice you did last time I wasn't there!"
"The paint was so they could see how far they managed to shoot! It was for training purposes," Cassian protested, trying to fight a grin.
"Cass, when I turned up, everyone was just throwing paint at each other."
"Okay, okay, point taken. I'll be boring and super strict," Cassian said in his most monotone, bored-sounding voice.
Nesta snorted in disbelief and shook her head as she left the room, leaving a grinning Cassian in her wake. He still had some leftover paint from the last time Nesta hadn't turned up to training.
  Nesta marched down to the library as quickly as she could. She knew that Gwyn was meeting Clotho first thing, but Nesta wanted to get to the library before the meeting so she had time to talk to Gwyn. She knew without a doubt that Gwyn would be nervous, even though she had nothing to worry about.
Gwyn had decided that she wanted to write a book on the Valkyries. Specifically, she wanted to write about their new version of the Valkyries. She wanted to chronicle everything and even write about their experiences during the Rite.
Nesta thought it was a brilliant idea. What happened during the Rite should be written down if for nothing else; then, it could show future Valkyries what they could be capable of. Their experiences in the Rite would be there to help and guide future Valkyries to find their strength. Nesta knew that after everything they had been through, her friends, no sisters, would be by her side for the rest of their lives. The bond they had created was stronger than anything she had ever felt. Other Valkyrie needed to see that being a Valkyrie wasn't just about being warriors; it was about being a family and having each other's backs.
Nesta and Gwyn waited outside of Clotho's office, Gwyn picking at invisible pieces of fluff on her priestess robes nervously. Nesta had given up trying to distract Gwyn, and the two sat silently. When Clotho's door eventually opened, Nesta felt Gwyn startle beside her. As Clotho called them in, Nesta took Gwyn's hand in her own, squeezed it and gave her a small smile. Gwyn squeezed back and smiled in thanks as the two Valkyries walked into the office.
They sat down on the chairs at the other side of the desk to Clotho, Gwyn folding her hands in her lap to try and stop herself from fiddling with her clothes with her nerves. Clotho offered Gwyn a soft smile. It was easy to see how nervous she was. Gwyn couldn't seem to hide it.
"There is no need to be so nervous, Gwyn," Clotho wrote on the notepad before her. Gwyn let out a nervous chuckle, and Nesta could tell that Clotho's words were only making Gwyn more nervous.
"Let's get started, shall we?" Nesta asked, turning to Gwyn.
The priestess nodded at her before taking a deep breath to steel her nerves. "I would like to write a book on the Valkyries reborn. I specifically want to focus on me, Nesta and Emerie and our trials throughout the Rite. I feel like it needs to be chronicled for future generations." 
"That sounds like a wonderful idea. What would you require from me?"
"Obviously, with all the researching, writing, and drafting it will take for me to write a book, it will seriously lessen my time for other duties. I know that might be a little problem, but I promise I will pick up all my duties again once I'm done!" Gwyn said in a pleading voice.
"Of course, that will be okay. I'll arrange things with Merrill so you are free to research." Clotho smiled at them. 
"Thank you so much!" Gwyn exclaimed, jumping up from her seat in excitement.
Clotho and Gwyn couldn't help but smile at the excitement practically seeping from Gwyn. Nesta felt like she practically glowed with it and that it suited her. The change in her friend from when they first met was evident. The amount of growing she and her friends had done together and separately during the Rite was clear to see. She was glad that Gwyn would write this book if only to immortalise the trio's journey.
Gwyn and Nesta took their leave and started going up to the training ring to tell the others the good news. Gwyn was practically shaking with excitement now, and Nesta knew she couldn't contain herself when she got to the training ring. She was almost vibrating with excitement, and Nesta could see that Gwyn would be supercharged in their training. Gwyn had a lot of energy anyway and was always very competitive. Today, she would be even worse than usual, but Nesta couldn't help but smile at her friend's antics. She was glad that her friend had successfully gotten what she wanted. Gwyn deserved the world.
"Oh wait! I need to return Emerie her book, and it's in my room," Gwyn exclaimed.
Nesta huffed out a little laugh, "What did you think of it?"
A soft blush covered Gwyn's freckled cheeks, telling Nesta everything about Gwyn's feelings for the book. "It was certainly... intense," she said, avoiding eye contact with Nesta at all costs now.
Nesta gave a non-committal hum, not wanting to say more to embarrass her friend. She didn't exactly need the help. "I'll wait here for you then," she said, gesturing at the shelves near them. Gwyn nodded and walked off quickly to get the book from her room.
The library was quiet; some of the priestesses were probably already at the training ring, and the others were probably doing their jobs, so nobody was around in her area. To pass the time, Nesta decided to look at the books. They probably wouldn't be the books she was interested in, but she had nothing better to do.
She heard some rustling behind her and turned, expecting to see Gwyn returned. Instead, it was Merrill. Nesta turned back around to carry on looking at the books. Although it had been a while since she had defended Gwyn, Merrill still seemed to hold a grudge. Nesta could understand that clearly; she had embarrassed Merrill, but that didn't mean she had to care about the petty grudge she held. Merrill seemed petty enough for the both of them.
She heard Merrill clear her throat behind her, but Nesta studied the books with added vigour. When Merrill cleared her throat again louder and more aggressively, Nesta knew that if she ignored her again, she would be pushing her luck.
"Are you quite alright, Merrill? You keep clearing your throat. If you feel unwell, then perhaps you should be in bed today. I'm sure Clotho would be more than fine with you taking a day off for yourself," Nesta said, keeping her face neutral and tone matching. She didn't know what was wrong with Merrill, but her instincts told her to run. But Nesta knew that if she did, she would worsen whatever was happening. If Merrill's attention were on her, she wouldn't focus on Gwyn or other priestesses who may still be around. 
Merrill hissed and took a menacing step towards her. "You! You have been the bane of my existence since the day you arrived here. I don't know why the high lord and lady couldn't have just dumped their drunk sister in a ditch where she belonged. Instead, they had to make her everyone else's problem!"
Before Nesta could even think of a retort, she was hit with a glass bottle on her forehead. She stumbled back as the liquid in the bottle dripped all over her front. Her eyes were watering far too much from the liquid and the glass hitting her forehead, so she couldn't see what was going on with Merrill, but she tugged the mating bond, letting her mate feel the panic as she collapsed on the floor. 
Before her eyes closed, Nesta wondered what she had done to deserve that from Merrill.
  Cassian had not been doing much training. He wouldn't lie; he was standing on the side of the ring talking, not gossiping like Nesta said he was. He couldn't help it, though. Nesta was much less willing to talk about whatever was happening between Azriel and Gwyn. 
His brother had looked around and seen that the firecracker priestess wasn't there, and he had frowned. He had shown a real emotion without meaning to. Nesta would never have understood it, but that was a huge deal!
He was halfway through explaining to Emerie how big of a deal the frown was (and thankfully, she seemed to understand the significance) when Cassian felt a tug on the mating bond. Then, he was flooded with fear and pain before it just cut off, and suddenly there was nothing. He tried to reach out, but something was blocking him. He could tell Nesta was alive; he could feel some connection to her, but it wasn't the same as it had been moments ago.
"Fuck," he said, grabbing his chest, looking around frantically. 
"Cassian? What is it?" Emerie asked, grabbing him as he stumbled. 
"It's the mating bond; something's wrong," he explained before taking off. 
He could hear Emerie call after him, but he didn't stop. He ran as fast as he could down to the library where Nesta had said she would be. The closer he got, the louder the commotion became. Cassian stopped by the entrance as he saw a group of priestesses gathered around someone on the floor. He just knew it was her. 
"Nesta?" He asked, moving quickly. He startled some of the priestesses but was too concerned about Nesta even to register it properly. Thankfully, Emerie and Azriel came rushing in and moved everyone away from Gwyn. 
As the crowd dissipated, they noticed a heap of Nesta's clothes and something small curled up inside. Cassian couldn't see what it was, but it looked like the size of some small animal. 
"Gwyn, what happened? Where's Nesta?" he asked urgently. 
Gwyn looked at him, concerned. That wasn't good; she was looking at him like she didn't know how to break some bad news to him. "Gwyn, whatever happened, it's fine. I can feel in the bond that Nesta is alive, but there's something wrong with it. Please, tell me what's going on."
"I wasn't here to see it, but there was some sort of altercation with Merrill." She paused and then looked at Azriel. "I think you need to go looking for her immediately. We have no idea where she is, but she did something dangerous."
With that ominous declaration, she slowly moved the heap of clothes until a little head popped out. "Nesta, darling, please come out," Gwyn pleaded. 
The head shook from side to side, indicating nobody would be coming out today. Then, she slowly moved the clothes so she could look around, keeping the rest of her face covered. She glanced at him, Gwyn, and then Azriel and Emerie stood behind them, looking just as bewildered as Cassian felt. Then, when she was done assessing them all, she quickly buried herself under the clothes again. 
Gwyn looked to Cassian and confirmed his fears. "Merrill attacked Nesta and somehow turned her into a child."
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theyanderespecialist · 7 months
Dance with me darling (Yandere Alastor x Michelle (Me The Yandere Specialist) (Valentine gift)
[Made by my partners as another gift for Valentine's Day FLUFF (on tumblr) @mamamaries THEY ARE BAE THE BEST LOVE MUFFIN] 
Alastor hummed as he sat in the radio station. It was Valentine's Day, and the radio host was working late. He'd already called to let his girlfriend Michelle know.
He was sure she was exactly where she normally would be when he was late. Curled up on their couch with the blanket his mother had crocheted for her, drinking some hot tea, and listening to the radio frequency that his show happened to be on. Ah, how many nights he'd come home from a particularly demanding day to see her asleep listening to it.
He'd planned an incredibly romantic dinner for her, taking her out, treating her, and just indulging in her presence. Instead, his coworker would be late, and he had to stay until they came in.
Michelle wasn't new to Alastor being late, but she knew he would be here in a heartbeat if he could. While he enjoyed his job, he didn't enjoy being apart from her. He made this incredibly clear when after a long day, he would come crawling to her, and wrapping her in his arms from behind, just happy to hold her, even if she was in the middle of something. Sometimes he would simply just pick her up and bring her to their room so that he could cuddle into her. Of course- that was their little secret.
And she was doing exactly what he thought she would. She was waiting patiently for the jazz song playing to finish, waiting to hear his voice. Oh his voice..sometimes, that little transatlantic voice he used would slip, and that little Cajun accent he had would slip out, even when he tried so desperately to hide it. Michelle never understood why he would, she adored it. But that was his story to tell.
"Well, it's a very special night today, but I'm sure you already knew that. I hope everyone is holding their lovers close, whispering sweet nothings to them, and being there if they can be. I myself, have a darling at home, I have a feeling she's listening right now." She could hear the smirk in his voice, even from over the radio.
Alastor took a quiet breath. This was worth it, and it would be worth it when he did it at home to see her reaction in person~
He leaned into the microphone, changing the track to one of her favourite songs. "When I hear this song, I think of my perfect little darling, the light of my life..mawn ange~" he purred out as Michelle who'd been smiling shyly up until that point stopped. Her face went a deep red as she covered her face.
"When ah get home mawn ange, we're gonna dance together to our song." He said, turning on the tune as it came through the speakers. He smiled before his coworker came in- and without even greeting them, he shot up and left.
When he got home, he could see Michelle still on the couch, her face red and just looking at the radio in shock and then at Alastor. First off, he used his accent, on air, to talk about her. Second, he remembered their song. Third off, he wanted to dance, meaning he wanted her to touch him back.
Alastor liked touching her, and he liked when she touched him, but he was finicky about when she could touch him back. This was a pretty big deal. Also- he was soaking wet from the heavy rain outside.
She noticed the flowers in his hand, her favourite flowers..and a little stuffed animal. He probably stood outside for the flowers, hence why he was so wet, and his coat was keeping the stuffed animal dry. Michelle could feel her heart swell as her face got redder.
"Mawn ange, ya look so cute like dat~" he said as he walked over, leaning down to kiss her. "Come on, up ya get." He said as she took his hands when he offered them. "Al- you're gonna get me wet." "shh.." he pressed his forehead against hers as his fingers slotted between hers, his other hand on her waist. "Let me hold mawn Cher..~" He kissed her forehead as their song came back on, and he lead her around the room, both just enjoying each others presence, taking comfort as the old radio played in the background and the rain beat against the roof. 
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Molly! Can we see Anthony snapping and growling at his brothers as a vampire? Do his family tease him for Kate? How does Kate respond?
Lots of looveeeeee for you and greggy
Legit having a nightmare work day. Can you write some vampire kanthony pleaseeeeeeeeee. Need something to ease the pain of capitalist existence
Ugh I had this entire thing written, and then the tumblr app crashed and I lost the entire thing. So let's go for round two.
Anthony could quite honestly say he didn't care for 90% of the emotions that had started flaring up inside him since he'd run into Kate Sharma in an alley, defending herself from three men. But by far his least favourite: Was nervousness.
He had good reason to be nervous, he thought. He was, after all, driving his very fragile, human mate to a house filled to the brim with blood drinkers with very little reason to believe he'd expect a good reception, but his mother had understood. Surely the rest of them could.
It had been so long, nearly 150 years since Anthony had become who he thought he was. Since Kate's kind had hunted his father until he'd lost his life screaming tied to a stake with fire all around him. And they all remembered it, Anthony most of all. For so long after he'd taken from humans, using them for his needs with no regret. But he hadn't even known Kate for a month before he'd recognised her for what she was: The soul that was meant for him. Just as he was meant to be hers. Wholly and completely.
He could still taste her on his tongue, a tiny memory of Kate just 5 years old, begging her Papa for a puppy still replaying in his mind. I'll get you a dog. I'll do that for you.
"You don't have to do this, you know. We could go back to yours and-"
Kate gasped in faux surprise, tugging their intertwined fingers further into her lap. "Trying to get me into bed is a little shameless as far as distractions go, don't you think?"
Anthony twitched at the thought of how She'd cradled him between her hips just an hour ago, her fingernails digging into his back as he'd moved against her. "Well, would that be the worst thing?"
Kate leaned across the centre console her lips brushing the corner of his. "You met my Mum."
Anthony flushed at the memory of how Kate had had to hold him upright as his heart had pounded in his chest and he'd been sure he was about to die when her mother had asked for compensation. Even as Kate's laughter had tinkled his ears She's joking, Babe. Mary knows that ship sailed a little while ago.
"Yes, and I thought I was dying."
Kate rolled her eyes, "And now you're best friends with my sister, and Mary wants you to join her book club."
Something a little proud burned in his chest eve as he shook his head, "Well it's a little more dangerous for you than it is for me."
He could hear her heart racing faster, her fingers tightened on his. "Your family won't hurt me."
Anthony's teeth shut with an audible snap. " I would kill anyone who tried."
She rolled her eyes, "Well, you won't have to." She jumped out of the car as soon as he'd stopped it, her hand held out for him, and even then something purred in his chest. For the fact she loved him too, eagerly shared herself with him, with the faint mark on her neck that his teeth had left there: A sigh that they belonged together.
"Come on, Killer." He muttered, his stomach churning nervously as he listened, pushing the front door open. Colin and Benedict were close by, Daphne as well, the others out and about, and his mother was alone. "This way."
His mother was perched on the sofa, a book held in her hands her hands flipping the pages far father than any human would be able to. Her eyes snapped up from the pages when she caught Kate's scent her eyes widening in surprise, lips parted.
"Mum, this is who I was telling you about. This is Kate. My Mate."
His mother darted forward far quicker than human eyes could catch if Kate's gasp at his mother's appearance just inches from her was anything to go by, but she stayed put. Her fingers intertwined with his at her waist.
"Kate! It's so lovely to meet you! Anthonys been hiding you away from me."
Kate's heart was thundering, they could both hear it but she took his Mother's hand gently. "It's lovely to meet you. And he's sweet isn't he? Even if he is like a grumpy bear."
His mother laughed, eyes shining, and whatever she was about to say was cut off the next second.
"Did you bring a snack for us home with you Anthony?" Colin's voice lilted down the stairs, appearing int he doorway seconds later. And Anthony surprised himself with his reaction.
He leapt forward, placing himself defensively in front of Kate, his protective instincts flaring viciously, a growl rising in his chest. "Colin, get the fuck away from her!"
"Colin." His mother's voice warned, "Don't push him."
"Someone's testy today." Benedict had appeared now, Sophie staring brow furrowed behind him, trying to piece together his odd reaction.
A furious growl ripped through Anthony's chest, his vision tinged with red as his teeth snapped together.
"There's a human here." Daphne had dropped from the tree outside, sliding through the window with Simon following dutifully.
"Get away from her." Anthony roared, panic flaring in his chest as his siblings sniffed the air. "Don't touch her!"
"Enough!" His mother's voice snapped through the air, "This is Kate. She's-"
"You mated her." Sophie's said gently ignoring the stunned silence, as she stepped around Benedict, smiling softly. "I'm Sophie, Kate. I'm Benedict's mate."
Anthony growled, tucking Kate closer to his chest as Sophie moved closer.
"I'm not going to hurt her, Anthony, none of us will. She's your mate."
"Anthony, It's okay." Kate took his hand gently, tugging it to rest on her chest, tucking his face against her neck, letting him breathe her in gently, his pulse slowly returning to normal.
"It's lovely to meet all of you." Kate said gently, "You all know him, I don't need to apologise for him right?"
Benedict chuckled as he stepped forward, slinging his arm around Sophie's shoulder. "You're a funny little thing."
"I'm sorry to say, Only Anthony's allowed to snack on me." Kate quipped, poking him in the ribs.
Daphne moved a little closer, ignoring Anthony's warning growl her curious sniff turning disgusted almost immediately. "No offence Kate, but I don't think any of us would want to. Jesus Anthony, is there anywhere you didn't scent her."
Something smug settled in his chest again, purring gently, his arms still wrapped around Kate.
"Do I smell odd?" Kate asked a little bemusedly.
"You smell exactly as you should." He snapped at his siblings.
"It's a little overpowering, darling." His mother hummed, still taking Kate in, mouthing quicker than Kate would be able to catch. Sweetheart she's so beautiful! she's Perfect!
Kate tutted, teasing him as she left a kiss on his chin, "You are the stupidest man I've ever met. We're married in the eyes of your kind, Did you think I'd run off with one of them?"
"Well, you haven't met Greg yet. He's very Charming." Anthony mumbled, and as the room burst into laughter, he knew more than ever that this was right.
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Part one. Master list for plus one can be found here.
Just a nice fic I decided to write for fun. Please enjoy!
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He was nothing but a huge, giant fucking ASSHOLE for the entire two years the two of you were dating and he decides NOW is a good time to break up with you?
Two days before your cousin's wedding and over TEXT MESSAGE?!
That fucking asshole.
He knew how you felt. Exactly how you felt about going alone to your cousin's wedding after your family begged to meet your boyfriend and teased you for "probably making him up." Which hell, he may as well have been made up considering how absent he was in the relationship. Using work as an excuse to come home late but forgetting to turn off his snap location when he showed up at the bar.
So you did what any rational woman in her upper twenties would do.
You drowned your sorrows in booze, tonight red wine as it was the only thing around, and you scrolled through your socials in hopes of distracting yourself from your suffering.
Alas the devil that is Instagram only amplified your sadness and irritation. Showing couple after couple, your friends on hikes kissing on the mountain top, kissing in the flickering light of candles at a fancy dinner or, worst yet, getting proposed to. The video showing her in hysterics screaming, "YES I DO I DO!"
And it feels terrible to feel this way. Especially about your friends, the people you love and want to support, still it stings. You hadn't told anyone about the breakup, you weren't even sure your friends even remembered that asshole's name.
A teardrop lands on your screen, magnifying all the magical lights of the led beneath the glad. You wipe away the tear and with that the feed refreshes. A new post has come in at the top, Res Riot's official account.
Kirishima stands with a fat white cat in his arms. He dwarfs the animal with his large stature that looks larger as he still has his Red Riot gear on. The caption reads something along the lines of "missed my precious baby."
Red wine is a dangerous thing as your body acts on its own. You go to his page to hit the little arrow to DM him. Typing out and backspacing your message as you struggle from the booze, you decide to say fuck it and use the voice memo feature. Before you know it your sniffling voice is playing back to you after you've hit send.
"My ex broke up with me before this stupid wedding. It's in two days and my family is going to roast me big time when I show up alone. They think I made that asshole up. I don't know why I'm even in your dms. Your account is probably run by some dick head who can't even capture your kindness. I guess I'm here cause my first thought seeing you on my timeline was Red Riot has always been my hero…"
Ugh totally fucking cringe.
There is no surprise as you see the three normally ominous dots pop up, probably his social media manager about to ask you to stop your "advances" as Kirishima is too busy to date and he'd hate to block you or some other bullshit.
But there it is a surprise to see a little bubble with the play button and some vertical lines in various heights. It takes your sluggish brain a moment to realize you've been sent a voice memo. Odd. Your thumb smashes the screen faster than you can think and a deep voice rumbles through the speakers of your phone.
"Actually I run my official and personal socials. And I'm sorry to hear about your ex doll. He sounds like a real ass. I'll be your hero, I'll go with you to the wedding."
Your heart stutters, no way, no way in HELL this was Red Riot. You had read about the horror stories before or pervy account managers taking advantage of women who so desperately wanted to talk to their hero.
Hell, it's happened to Dynamight plenty of times.
You swallow quickly but the bile rushes up your throat. Not just from the anxiety of a possible con but from drinking an entire bottle of wine with nothing on your stomach after months of sobriety. Quickly you stumble to the bathroom, abandoning your phone on your bed. You barely make it in time to praise the porcelain Gods before you fall onto your back. Looking up at the light in your cramped bathroom, the orb doubles and spins as you feel the Earth turning on its axis. You curl into your side using your bathmat as a pillow as you drift off into sleep, totally forgetting about the voice memo on your phone.
As you sleep peacefully on your memory foam bath rug, Kirishima settles into his nightly routine. One giant hand grabbing strands of long dark red hair into a towel while another sits snugly around his Adonis belt and the thick, black happy trail that follows up the center of his abs before spreading out onto his chest. He tosses the towel over the open door of the bathroom before sitting in his favorite armchair with phone in hand. Diamond, his beautiful white cat he rescued a few years ago, jumps onto the arm of the chair, purring loudly when Kirishima's free hand scratches her ears absentmindedly.
He chuckles to himself as he realizes exactly what he's done. Acting on a feeling instead of logic all because he heard a "damsel in distress." Starting off his rare vacation with spontaneity starting with an impromptu date with a stranger. He really isn't sure what you look like and it's obvious your handle doesn't have your real name in it, just PrincessPeach with some random numbers at the end. He takes the time to scroll through your profile. Seeing pictures of food, of many sunsets, a friend's dog that guest appears often, your own cat and plenty of strays.
It takes him a while before he sees a photo of you. His heart stutters in his chest as he looks you over. Laughing with a friend, soft lighting from strings over head that blur like little fireflies. Your smile is wide, half hidden by your hands as your eyes seem to smile with you. Sparkling as if they held stars.
For a moment Kirishima forgets how to breathe, it isn't until Diamond jumps down from the armchair does he inhale. He smiles softly to himself before he drops his towel, puts his phone on charge and promptly falls asleep in his bed.
Kirishima rises before the sun even has a chance to filter through his blinds. He sighs softly, getting up to a sitting position disturbing a fluffy white ball that lays beside him.
"Mmrow." Moon stone eyes blink slowly as they look at the mountainous man hogging the bed.
"I didn't mean to wake you sweet baby." He says softly, going to pet the soft white fur only for her to get up stretch and give him her butt before plopping back down.
"I know, mean ol' daddy woke you up too early again." He says softly, his hand falling onto her back before he rises from the bed. Fishing for his running shorts, socks, headphones and shoes. He makes his protein shake, leaning on the counter as he drinks it, looking at how you read, or better yet, listened to his message but still no reply. It was late and there was a small slurring of your words, he figures you've passed out. He just hopes you're okay.
His run goes as usual, up before anyone else unless they were the normal avid runner. Passing by the usual array of people. An old man holding onto his youth by jogging through his daily five mile morning run, Kirishima knows he runs another five in the evening while the sun is setting. He hopes he can embody some of this man's commitment when he is older. Then he passes a middle aged woman, who gives him the biggest smile as she pases, jogging backward to send him a wink before plowing ahead. Occasionally he'll see a running group or a few teens training to be heroes, they always ask if they can run his route. "It's long." He always warns in a kind, warm voice. They assure him they will be fine so far only one other person could handle his 12 mile morning run. A young woman in her second year of hero courses at UA. Since then Kirishima put in a word with his boss and so every time internships roll around she's in the office.
By the time Kirishima is rounding back towards his high rise apartment, the city begins to stir. Slowly waking as men and women in business suits rush towards the train, parents flinging open the doors or curtains fussing at their children who cling to an extra few minutes of sleep before school.
This was always his favorite part of the run, not because it was almost over, oh no it was because he had a chance to glimpse at everyday life. Of nine to fives, of school hours and after school hangs outs at snack bars or the library.
What most would call the mundane but Kirishima would never call it that. It's why he worked so hard to protect it.
Diamond greets his sweaty form at the door. Glaring angrily with her moon stone eyes. Tail swishing before she goes to the kitchen by her bowl. Waiting impatiently.
"I'm not late, sweet cheeks." He coos, and she glares, "I know I know. You're hungry now."
He opens the fridge, gets out the highest quality food there is and places it on her dish, sure to keep it all in the middle or she'll claim her bowl was empty. He added a splash of water too since the weather was starting to get hot.
He sucks down a water or two, demolishes a protein bar and then heads to the apartment gym.
A few hours roll by and without hearing from you yet his worry over your well being begins to cloud the forefront of his mind. He pauses his music, picks up his phone and talks out a voice memo.
A loud DING echoes from your room and around your skull as you rise with a throbbing headache.
"Fuck." You hiss to yourself grabbing at your head as you shakily rise to your feet. Yanking the handle of the faucet to drink from the stream before looking at yourself in the mirror.
"Ugh." You grunt ignoring your swollen face and eyes, yanking the mirror door open to snatch at the bottle of aspirin. Swallowing THREE extra strength pills before slamming the door shut and turning off the faucet. You make your way towards your bedroom, more than ready to sleep the rest of your day away. Grabbing at your phone to charge it you see the push notification of an Instagram message from Red Riot.
The fucking Red Riot.
Internally you scream before it bubbles up your throat and escapes. You fumble to unlock your phone before looking that it's a voice memo.
Mortified you realize you sent one too. And first at that.
"Fuck MEEE!" You plop onto the bed. Nervous this second voice memo is probably about how you're a weirdo or something as you relive the memory of asking him to be your plus one.
Hesitantly your thumb hovers over the play button before you find the strength to press the cool glass. A soft thunderous voice plays out.
"Good morning sleepy head. I haven't heard from you yet, I hope you're okay. Be sure to drink some water and eat something greasy. Trust me, late nights with Denki and Bakugou taught me something. Since the wedding is tomorrow I'll need a picture of your dress for the color and style so I can match you Sweet pea. Contact me soon so I can know where to pick you up."
Did he… did he just call you SWEET PEA? Your heart pounds in your chest before it registers he's asked for your dress color and lowkey asked for your address. This couldn't be real. It sounded like Kirishima, his voice familiar from interviews you've watched but it very well could be a prank. Defeated you hit the small microphone and reply.
Kirishima hears a sharp DING in his headphones over his music as he finishes his set. He wipes the sweat from his face on his shirt giving the few people in the gym a lovely view of his sweaty and thick torso. One woman trips on the treadmill but it goes unnoticed by Kirishima. He pauses his music and hits play on the little memo. Your beautiful yet groggy voice comes in through his ear buds causing Kirishima to bite his lip. It causes such a flutter of butterflies in his stomach he has to listen a second time to actually hear what you said. Although he understand, he cannot help but feel hurt by your reply.
"How do I know you're not just some pervy guy using Kirishima's Godly looks to prey on unsuspecting people."
Your phone chirps at you from the bed stand and you growl reaching for it. You had hoped your message would have been clear. An unspoken of you know they're a fucking creep taking advantage of their PR job.
"What can I do to prove it to you, Sweet Pea?"
You hate how that cute nickname sends your heart into a somersault and your stomach in delightful knots. Still your doubt pulls a harsh tut from your lips before you reply.
Kirishima doesn't need his phone to alert him that you've messaged him, he's been looking at his screen for far to long without having to restart his set. He listens to your voice as if it were music.
"Fine, you wanna prove it to me so bad. Take a picture of yourself shirtless with the word 'Sweet pea' you love so much and send it to me. No photoshop I know what my favorite hero looks like!"
For over an hour you don't hear back and you figure you showed that perv.
But now you can't sleep so you nurse a water, door dash a "greasy" breakfast all before cranking your shower as high as it can go. Your phone dings and you try to ignore it. You really do but as the saying goes curiosity killed the cat. Opening the message you see a classic guy mirror selfie. Kirishima is clear as day in the photo, his large hand pointing to his bare, hairy chest where sweat pea is scrawled in his adorable handwriting. He winks at the camera as his kissable lips wear a dangerous, almost cocky eyes travel down his bulk following his happy trail that dives under a pair of black shorts, the best part of the view getting cut off by the vanity. At first you try to rationalize that this was fake but damning evidence was sitting on the vanity. A fluffy white cat in a diamond and ruby encrusted collar sits on the counter giving her owner an odd look.
His cat Diamond that everyone knows he loves and adores. Slick begins to collect between your thighs and especially so after you listen to the voice memo that comes through shortly after. His normally friendly and soft voice comes out a bit dark, husky as he says in a playfully annoyed tone.
"Now send me a picture of that dress, Sweet Pea."
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lovebillyhargrove · 2 years
Steve jumped in, and Billy started the engine. The Camaro purred, Billy revving it up a bit. Steve looked at the steering wheel with a little glint in his eyes and asked the question he'd already asked a few times before, but Billy's answer had always been NO
"Maybe I can drive?"
"You wish, Harrington."
"Hey don't be like that. When are you gonna let me drive it?"
"Never, Steve, drop it."
"Oh come on, Hargrove! I actually drove it once already."
"No shit. When?"
"When I was picking it up from the repair shop, dummy. How else would it have gotten here?"
Steve tapped his head with an index finger.
Billy was slowly getting out on the road and driving through the woods. Both windows were rolled down, the sun was warm and kind, birds were singing and there was practically no wind. The day was gorgeous.
Steve remembered the feeling when he was driving Billy's Camaro. It felt absolutely different from driving his beamer, or any other car that he had ever sat in the driver's seat of. The gas pedal was so sensitive, the moment he touched it with his foot, the car surged forwards and he had to take his time to actually get used to it. It felt like taming a wild horse. At the same time the camaro was so responsive. Of course he immediately thought about the car's owner. How wild and rough he was to the touch, but how receptive and giving he could get when Steve eventually found his way with him.
"Right.. well, that's it then. You've done it."
"Yeah, so why not let me drive it again? I know my way around your precious baby. Got it here in one piece."
"Well, maybe some day. Not today, Harrington."
Steve pouted
"That's kinda unfair. You know, you could drive my Beamer if you wanted to."
"See, that's the point. I don't want to. I would only drive it if I had to."
"You are such a greedy asshole, Hargrove, I can't believe it! What's gonna happen if I get behind the wheel again?"
"You're not gonna do it right. She's a capricious one. She's not gonna like it."
Steve was getting a bit jealous.
"SHE didn't mind us having sex on .. practically everywhere in and on her."
"Harrington, stop it already, it's different!"
"No, I won't stop it! If not for me, your camaro would still be rusting away in the back of that old junkyard I found it at."
"Stop pushing it, Steve, just let it go, for fuck's sake!!!"
"Admit it, Billy!"
"Okay, okay, I admit it!!!!! Can we just please have a quiet drive and a quiet picnic????"
This goddamn Harrington. Billy felt pricks of conscience needling him from the inside. The whole thing was meant to be a thank you for Steve for actually bringing the camaro back, but he had to go and sabotage it from the beginning!!! Or maybe .. maybe Billy was the one ruining it??? What was the big deal anyway .. No, it was a big deal, no doubt, but Billy had already trusted Steve with .. a lot of things. His heart being one of them.
"Okay, listen." Billy gripped the wheel tighter. "You can drive it. Just .. not now. I have to get .. emotionally ready for it or whatever."
"Thanks babe." Steve beamed. "That's what I mean when I say that I love seeing you meet me halfway. Compromise looks sexy on you. Whenever you're ready."
Billy couldn't hold back a smile. That cute motherfucker, looking absolutely adorable in yet another polo shirt.
The thing is, Steve had been dying to drive Billy's car for a long long time now. When he first saw it, in Hawkins High parking lot, he couldn't help but notice how it stood out, catching everyone's eye. Later, when they began hanging out together and Billy drove them places, he always wanted to feel that power, to be in control, to feel this rumble resonate in his body. He was also somewhat jealous of the camaro, okay? He knew it was stupid, but it was what it was. Hargrove was always going on "my baby this, my baby that .." That's how he literally called it - BABY. What was special about this car anyways, why was Billy so .. in love with it??? So possessive of it?
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dragon-in-a-mug · 2 years
"You make no sense to me!"
Natsume week day 4: isolation/loyalty
Summary: Natsume falls ill and Nyanko-Sensei is once again stuck at his bedside. Time for some thinking.
His stupid human sure is weak, isn't he.
Additional: Nyanko-Sensei & Natsume Takashi, mentioned past child abuse
The air in the room was hot and stuffy and it smelled of sickness. Madara wrinkled his nose. He was sitting next to Natsume's head, who was currently asleep, a wet rag laying across his forehead.
Natsume was sick again, but surprisingly enough, this time it wasn't the fault of a yokai. He'd just gotten a plain old fever from not wearing a jacket when he went outside. Madara scoffed. Humans were so fragile, especially this one.
Natsume was weak, even during the times he wasn't ill, but now? It would be so easy to steal the book of friends with him knocked out cold like that.
He was incredibly vulnerable whilst his bouts of sickness, it was almost laughable. Like a newborn kitten.
He should be thankful that he had Madara by his side. Stupid human couldn't even look after himself. Pathetic.
Natsume made a pained sound in his sleep. Madara checked if his rag was still cool and then laid down on the futon, nestled against the boy's arm.
He could feel Natsume relax beside him. So needy.
After he started purring lowly, Madara felt him practically melt into him and a few minutes later a pale stick-arm snaked its way around his majestic, round form. The boy hadn't woken up though. Clingy as ever, but he didn't protest it. The longer he was able to rest, the sooner Madara could get out of the house again.
Seriously, how had Natsume survived without him? Sometimes Madara got the impression this particular human was completely incapable of taking care of himself. He was too soft, too helpful and kind to a fault.
Since the day they had met, Madara had seen Natsume in all kinds of predicaments, not few were a result of his own stupidity. He got tricked, used and was lied to all the time.
Madara kept telling him he should stop involving himself with youkai, but did he listen? Of course not!
At the beginning Natsume had been anything but fond of youkai and ayakashi, that was clear as day. But over the time, Madara had felt this shift and to be perfectly honest? He didn't understand why.
Nothing had changed! There were still a lot of terrible monsters out there. Natsume had suffered so much because of them. His nightmares and fever dreams gave Madara glimpses into a lonely, painful, no-good childhood.
Even after all that, all that hurt and viciousness they'd inflicted upon him, Natsume still decided to help every spirit that he met. That kindness would kill him one day, Madara was certain of this.
That was also where the differences between him and his grandmother got apparent. Reiko had no connections to humans whatsoever. But even though she surrounded herself with youkai and gods, she had built an iron fortress around her heart. Nobody was able to reach her, she made sure of that.
Natsume on the other hand had experienced the same cruelty she had, the same neglect, the same disdain. But here he was, still standing and holding his fragile heart in front of him like the most powerful shield.
No matter how many times someone chipped away at it, he collected the fragments and pieced them back together, somehow getting even kinder in the process, heart shining brighter than before. Time and time again.
They both learned loneliness and hatred from childhood, but Reiko had closed herself off, leaving her isolated even against those who wanted to welcome her.
Natsume Takashi never gave up and it led him to have a loving family, true friends and youkai, that would do pretty much everything for him.
Madara really didn't know how he managed that. Being alone for that long wasn't healthy for humans, he was aware of that. For a great beast like him, it made now difference. The decades he himself had been trapped in that shrine were nothing more than the blink of an eye.
But for a human child? Shunned by its own kind and hunted by monsters? No, Madara had seen dozens of exorcists who had been shaped by events like that. Many had become bitter and cold with time. Not Natsume though.
Natsume was physically weak. A strong breeze could take him out of commission. His insides were a completely different story though. With a spiritual power so immense that it allowed him to knock out mighty beings even with his puny punches.
If Madara wanted to admit it or not, despite his naivety and many other flaws, secretly he knew that it also needed an incredibly strong spirit, to be able to maintain such a gentle and kind soul.
Of course he would never tell Natsume that. The boy might get the wrong impression and would start to think that he actually liked him or worse, cared for him. Definitely not. The great and noble Madara wasn't attached to some pitiful meat-sack. That was just preposterous. Whoever suggested such things had clearly lost their mind.
He was just here for the book. Once the child met his end - most likely sooner rather than later, all things considered - he would grab the single thing that kept him in this place and would go on his merry way. Natsume would become just another memory, just like Reiko.
Madara wasn't a fool. Thanks to Natsume he saw enough youkai, that stupidly attached themselves to humans and vice versa. Love, friendship or simple comradery, it didn't make any sense. Sure feelings were strange things and seldom logical, but it just wasn't worth it! Humans and youkai lived in two different worlds. They may have shared the same plane of existence, but not only time, but also the ways various beings perceived it, were creating an insuperable gap between them.
Madara looked at Natsume. A thin sheen of sweat shined on his face, which was slightly scrunched up and his breathing was heavier than normal. The grand beast in cat form let out a regretful sigh. What had he gotten himself into?
He slightly shook his head. Wallowing in self-pity was useless. He had made a promise to Natsume and Madara always kept his promises.
Also living with him had his upsides. He got to eat amazing food and had a comfortable and warm place to sleep. If he had some humans around him as well, that provided entertainment and kept away the boredom for a while, he surely wouldn't complain about it.
Again, not because he liked being surrounded by the demanding boy, his adoptive parents or his insufferable friends. They certainly weren't making Madara's everyday life more enjoyable. Pfff, of course not.
Natsume shifted. "Sensei?" he rasped, eyes cracked slightly open. Madara huffed out a breath and resettled himself more comfortably and - purely coincidentally - closer to the sick boy.
"I'm here. Go back to sleep, brat," he answered.
When Touko later went upstairs to check in on Takashi, she found him cuddling with his calico cat, curled around it like it was his anchor. She smiled softly at the pair. As long as they had each other, she was sure, neither of them would be lonely.
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dmc-tings · 3 years
Valentines Day With Dante
(I wrote this for myself and wanted to share)
Dante had planned this day for months!
Even going as far as asking Trish, Patty and Lady to help him with all he wanted to do for you!
Lady wasn't much help, and Trish could only do so much, but Patty!
Man did the young woman (cause she's 18) have all the ideas!
Which made Dante happy!
He wasn't alone in planning any of this
Patty sat him down with a game plan
One: woe and serenade you with a poem/song (from the heart)
Two: take you out to a dinner (no pizza!)
He whined at the lack of pizza on such a special night, but for you he could suffer for a little bit
Three: Be your knight in shining armor
Dante frowned at that one
"What the hell-"
"Quiet! What I mean is just be you! I talked to them and they are fine with just simple night, but you asked for my help!"
Patty pouted at the half-devil
He put his hands up defensively and nodded
There were a few more things to be done (but that's for later)
Then Patty hopped up and shoved a bag in Dante's hands
"Now go put this on! I hope it fits..."
He sighed, getting all clean wasn't his stick but for you.... He'd do it.
You walked in the shop, Patty, Morrison, Nero, and Vergil in their usual spots
Vergil looked up at you and pointed at the stairs
"The idiot will be down soon. He's getting ready."
Nero hopped up and wiggled his eyebrows at you,
"Ready for a wondrous night?" He nudged you and he left for his own night out
You rolled your eyes, then gasped at the scene before you
Dante stepped down the steps and straightened out his sleeve cuffs and cleared his throat
"Hey, Babes.... You may wanna close your mouth, something might fly in there."
He gave a wink and walked up to you, using a finger gently close your mouth
"Go upstairs and get dressed, there's something for you to wear tonight"
You did as you were told and quickly came back
The outfit matched Dante's (use your imagination)
And the devil man took your hand in his
The ride on Cavalier was actually smooth and not filled with too much wind to mess up your hair or clothes
Your jaw dropped again
Dante stood and buttoned his coat back up
Purring he helped you off the devil-bike, and led you in
"Babes. It's not all th-"
"Who helped you. Because I didnt-"
He spilled the beans as you both sat down,
"Patty did... I didn't know what the fuck I was doin... and I wanted this one to be special... Cause I know I'm not always here for tonight... I mean-"
You cut him off by smacking him with a menu
"Just order..."
You smirked at him and Dante relaxed and smiled back
The night went... Almost as planned, save for the fact that a few demons thought the Devil Hunter was unarmed, which he never was
In Dante's usual style, he did his job in the flashiest way possible, even including you in his deathly dance
Afterwards, he gave you a kiss, well tried to, you not wanting to be kissed on camera, shoved a rose inbetween his lips, and pushed him away
The man frowned until he saw the people surrounding you both, to which he stood you both straight and gave a wave to the small crowd
Ushering you away, you both finally made it to your final destination
Demon free and paparazzi free, Dante shrugged off his coat and smiled at you
"Babe... Im sorry, you know I can't help myself..."
You rolled your eyes at him and gave him a hip-bump
"Dee. I know you can't help yourself. Don't worry about it. I just don't want my face plastered all over the paper, in Redgrave."
You both strolled in the public park, hands intertwined and Dante stopped, pulling you flush against him
"Look... I know I'm not the best choice-"
You gave him a soft kiss, and pulled away
"Who put that in your head? Vergil? I'm going to blu-"
He let out a laugh,
"No. It wasn't Verg... Its just... I know that I'm a half demon, while lots of people think that that's an amazing thing but the cons outweigh the pros... and I just worry that your gonna-"
He was letting his insecurities flow out.
And you listened to the man's plight, or what he thought was his plight
Once he was finished, you kissed him again, deeper this time
Wrapping his arms around your frame, Dante let himself follow your lead
Once you felt like he was breathless, you pulled back,
"Is that enough insurance, you Dummy?"
Dazed but happy he nodded, and led you back home
For a bit of extra insurance
I want yall to know that: Dante is no 1 in my books. I love all 5 of his designs. I'd let this man break my back
Also, I know I did others a bit shorter than this one, if your unsatisfied with what was given, request a longer post for the ONE character you want (you can even request it to be personalized, in which I may just send it to you through dm)
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professorsnape394 · 3 years
The Potions Master’s Apprentice
Chapter Eighteen: Faith 
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A/N: This is the Eighteenth part to my fanfiction ‘The Potions Master’s Apprentice (Severus Snape x OC)’. Chapters 1-18 can also be found already uploaded on Wattpad under the same name. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox for anything Snape related you want me to write. Leave a comment below or send me a message if you wish to be added to my tag list.
Pairing: Severus Snape x OC (Dumbledore’s Granddaughter)
Summary: A talented young witch is employed as an apprentice professor at Hogwarts, but who will she be working under? Severus Snape is not best pleased with his new responsibility of taking on an apprentice, however she is relentless to create a friendship between them. Will she be successful? Or might the friendship just go a little two far? With the eyes of her grandfather constantly watching over them, an attempt at a relationship might not be in the cards for Aria Dumbledore and Severus Snape.
Word Count: 4199
Warnings: n/a
Credits to Gif Creator
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The rapping of knuckles against the old oak door echoed throughout the potions master's office. Breaking through the thick silence that had engulfed the room, a wave of anxiety washed over Severus Snape.
"Can I not go one day without you bothering me, Miss Dumbledore." Snape complained, trying to hide slight crack of nervousness in his voice.
"Sadly, Severus, it is not your beloved Miss Dumbledore." A thick Bulgarian accent announced.
Admittedly disappointed by the unveiling of his visitor, Severus lowered himself back down into his chair, not willing to make an effort for anyone but his apprentice.
"Why are you here, Igor. You should have learned your lesson by now to leave me alone." He said, rubbing his eyes back into focus and running a hand through his hair lazily.
"I have something you'll want to hear." Karkaroff divulged mysteriously, plopping himself down on the chair across from the professor.
"I do not imagine anything you have to say is of any interest to me."
"Then lucky for you Snape, I won't be the one talking."
Unbothered by the man's deliberate awkwardness, Severus allowed him to ramble on, too exhausted to argue with him.
With a flick of his wand and a small puff off smoke, the space between the two men began to whirl and spin, slowly forming a picture-like image in the air, the scene beginning to unfold. Revealing a staff room full of unusually dressed professors, the focus turned to a small cluster of teachers gathered in the centre of the room. Recognising both Igor Karkaroff and Aria Dumbledore sitting side by side on the old couch, Snape grew suspicious of the man's intentions.
"Why are you showing me this?" Severus asked, unsure of whether he wanted to see what was about to happen.
"Just listen." The Durmstrang headmaster hissed.
"How do I feel about Snape?" Aria wondered, the scene enclosing in on her.
"He's... curious. He has the capacity for love and friendship just like the rest of us, yet he chooses to be mean-spirited."
"I don't want to hear this." Snape declared, turning his eyes away from the woman.
"You must." Igor demanded.
"...he can be mean and arrogant and cruel. And despite it all I try my best to show him kindness, but where does that get me? He calls me out in front of practically the whole school? That was so fucking humiliating, and I'm just supposed to forgive him? I think it's safe to say I'd live a happy life if I were to never see that man again."
Severus felt his heart drop in his chest, unable to process what he had just heard. Slowly a sharp ringing in his ears grew louder and louder, deafening him to the scene before him, as well as the reality in which he existed. He refused to believe the woman he cared so much about, the woman who had demanded to be his friend, had lied about everything. Did she truly hate him beneath her annoyingly cheerful demeanour, was it all a façade?
He wanted to insist Karkaroff had fabricated the whole thing, but he knew exactly what spell he had cast, there was no way he could have faked it.
A deep rage grew within the man, an anger he had not felt in a number of decades. Severus Snape prided himself on having a monotone disposition, void of all emotion. But that familiar feeling of being betrayed by someone he trusted brought forward a plethora of pent up emotions, namely anger and frustration.
A wide, devilish grin spread across Karkaroff's face, satisfied by his colleague's reaction.
"You see now what she is truly like, Severus. You see now that she was playing you all along. That girl pretends to be your friend to keep her job, not because she likes you." Igor laughed maliciously. "You and I both know what is coming, and when it does, Dumbledore is prepared to replace you. Even he knows where your true loyalties lie. Do not be fooled into thinking the Dumbledore's are your friends. They use you for their own advantage, but the second you are no longer useful, or you become a threat to them, you'll be taken down by any means necessary."
"You're lying." Snape tried to convince himself, refusing to meet the professors gaze. "You're scared of what he will do to you if he returns. You need an alliance with someone on the inside."
"He has returned, you must feel it just as I do." The ex-deatheater practically screamed.
"I will not be manipulated by you Igor. This changes nothing, the girl was nothing but a distraction."
"We both know that isn't true." He sniggered, attempting once last time to convince Snape. "Do you know what she said to me, the last time I was in this office? She told me she could never be with a man like you, she told me your actions were unforgivable. I can prove that as well if you don't believe me."
"Get out, Igor. Just leave." Severus exhaled, starting to pace slowly behind his desk. He knew Karkaroff was trying to manipulate him, he was not stupid enough to fall for that. But proof does not lie, and the facts remain. Everything he was saying true, there was no denying it.
With a short bow, Igor danced out of the room. Completely satisfied with the havoc he'd reeked. He'd successfully toyed with what little emotions the great dungeon bat had left. And who's to say what can happen when Severus Snape's feelings get hurt?
Hoot. Hoot.
The bird bleated as it swooped through the open window.
"Another letter for the pile?" Aria sighed to herself. "Will he ever stop?"
It purred in response.
The witch couldn't help but laugh at the coincidence.
"You know exactly who." She giggled, plucking the envelope from the creatures beak, and throwing it on the ever growing pile.
"I just wish he would give me some time to think, you know?" She asked turning back to the barn owl, only to witness it taking off, disappearing into the distance.
Look at me. I'm talking to a bird. She thought with a roll of her eyes. I need to get some sleep.
Catching a glimpse of herself reflection of the window, Aria decided she needed to freshen herself up with a little pamper time, finishing the day off with a very long and well deserved nap.
Dumping almost a whole bottle of bubble bath into the tub, topping with springs of lavender and dried chamomile, Aria plunged herself deep into the warm water.
Relaxing for approximately 2.5 seconds, the woman flew out of the bath, her naked body sopping with bubbles, dripping puddles of water as she explored her quarters impatiently.
"Why can I never find any of my books when I need them most!" She groaned, shivering from the sudden change in temperature as goose bumps formed all over her arms and legs.
Letting out a single yelp of excitement, Aria grabbed the first book she laid eyes on and dived back into her tub.
"Pride and Prejudice, of course." She mumbled, thinking back to that night Severus visited her quarters.
As she read and her mind wandered, Aria found herself making unconscious comparisons between the infamous, brooding Mr. Darcy, and her stern, yet lovable Potions mentor, Severus Snape. They were both mildly rude and arrogant, determined to never show their true emotions, but deep down it was quite possible that they loved more fiercely than anyone ever could.
Elizabeth Bennet enchanted Darcy mind, body and soul. If only there were someone brave enough to do the same to Professor Snape. Aria thought, as she allowed herself to drift off to sleep in the water.
Hours later a thunderously loud 'Bang' frightened Aria awake.
Although not positively sure of how much later it was, she could be certain a decent sleep was had given the icy temperature of the water.
Aria allowed herself a moment to come to, bracing herself against the cold, her was body aching from the ceramic constraints of the tub.
A series of bangs came this time, chapping very loudly on her chamber door. Who ever it was was clearly extremely impatient, forcing her to hurry herself up.
Wrapping herself in nothing but a white cotton towel, the witch slid her way through her rooms to the door. Clearly she wasn't even awake enough to remember where she was, and that answering her door half naked wasn't exactly professional.
Bang. Bang. BANG.
The knocks reverberated through her body, sending shivers down her spine.
Gingerly she opened the door, revealing a more than pissed off Severus Snape.
"Severus." She yawned. "What's wrong?"
"Don't act dumb with me, girl. I am not falling for this act any longer." He snapped.
"What act, Severus? Why are you here?"
"Just tell me why?" He seethed. "Why did go to so much trouble trying to convince me to be your friend, only to confess to Karkaroff, as well as the rest of the Hogwarts staff, your true feelings. Why couldn't you just leave me alone."
"Severus listen, I think we need to talk about this in private. Please come in."
"So you can try and seduce me again? I don't think so. Jesus, look at the state of you, are you really that desperate to entice me? What's next, showing up to dinner completely naked? You really are just as I thought." The potions master growled, his pitch back eyes looking her up and down.
"Severus stop" Aria begged. "I thought we had moved past all this."
"So did I. But considering you have deemed me as "unforgivable" then there doesn't appear to be much point in trying to redeem myself, does there?"
"But you're only going to make everything worse. Let me explain myself, please."
"There is nothing to explain, I shall be putting in a formal request for the headmaster to employ a separate tutor for your apprenticeship in the morning, so you never have to see me again."
The professor stormed off, just as quickly as he had arrived, achieving exactly what he had come to do; humiliate Aria Dumbledore.
Desperate to apologise for her cruel words, Aria made to follow Severus to his classroom.
Forgetting her attire, or rather lack of, she was soon reminded of it when a crowd of Slytherin students erupted in a fit laughter with its fair share of cat-calls and whistles. Clearly they had emerged from their common room to investigate the noise, but stayed for the show of the two arguing potions professors.
"Nice legs, Miss." One of the older boys called, sending a wink in her direction.
Shit. She mumbled under her breath, rushing back to her quarters to change.
Hair still dripping wet, Aria shoved it into a bun on top of her head and pulled on some shorts and an oversized t-shirt, before hunting down the potions master.
"Severus, open the door." She called, upon initially finding it to be locked.
He didn't even bother to reply.
Fine. She thought. I'll do it myself.
"Alohomora." The lock burst apart, allowing the door to slowly creep open, revealing a dishevelled and distressed professor sitting at his desk.
"Severus, please." She whispered softly, realising he had clearly come down from his short outburst of rage.
"Get out." He commanded, though he didn't make any effort to remove his head from his hands.
"Let's talk about this." The woman pleaded, pulling a chair up next to the man. "Let me explain everything."
Snape stirred from his position the closer she came, until finally he was able to look her in the eye.
"Go on." He droned. His eyes red and blood shot, whether it was from lack of sleep or tears was unclear.
"You know more than anyone that Karkaroff cannot be trusted-"
"Don't try and lie to me, Miss Dumbledore. I saw the whole thing with my own eyes." Snape snapped.
"Will you let me finish. I'm not lying to you, Severus." Aria promised. "I said what I said because I didn't want them to know the truth, Karkaroff especially. I don't know what his problem is but I know he's up to something and it involves you. You really think I'd answer any question he asked me truthfully. You're my friend, Severus, I care about you, and that man is a snake for trying to turn us against each other."
"Why should I believe you. I've barely known you a few months, I've known Igor decades."
"That is precisely why you should believe me. He's not your friend, Severus. If he was he'd be able to see the real you; the man behind the mask." She urged, begging for his trust.
Reaching out her hand to take his, Aria stroked a thumb over the cold and calloused hand of her friend.
"And who might that be?" Severus questioned in return, feeling slightly nervous under her touch, but not enough to want to pull away.
"A man." She stated simply. "Not a beast, as you and many others may presume. A good, and decent man. Perhaps he's a even a little bit scared, of what I'm not entirely sure yet. But I will find out one day, if you'll allow me, that is. Let me be your friend, Severus. Let me see what you hide from everyone else. And I promise, I'll be there for you when it matters most."
Her sweet soft tones encapsulated Severus. He had become so lost in her words and her touch that without realising he found himself falling for her speech wholeheartedly. He even risked settling his remaining hand upon hers, clasping her delicate fist between his palms.
"Well then I suppose an apology is in order. I believe I may have acted rather rash and unprofessional."
"There's really no need. You reacted just as you should have to the things you heard. I would have done the same thing in your circumstance." Aria admitted, removing her hand from his, as she made to stand up. "Though there is one thing you could do to make it up to me." She suggested.
"Dare I even ask?" Severus joked.
"I want to know what Karkaroff's after. Tell me how you know him. Why does he care so much about your life?"
Snape practically laughed in response.
"We may be friends now, Miss Dumbledore, but I'm afraid that information is rather personal. And I am not convinced we are quite at that stage in our friendship, just yet."
"I respect that." She shrugged, knowing he wasn't about to give in that easily. "I suppose that just means we'll have to get to know each other a bit more." She smiled almost ear to ear at the prospect.
"What do you have planned for your lesson today, Professor Dumbledore?" Severus queried, finally using the woman's rightful professional title.
"Ooooh 'Professor' now, am I?" She smirked, sashaying in front of her co-worker, balancing a handful of potion ingredients in her arms.
"I suppose that is your given title after all, I might as well start using it."
"Hmmm I'm not sure. I think it make's me sound too much like my grandfather. I'm not sure I could pull of the beard quite as well, what do you think?" She giggled, holding her long hair in front of her chin, imitating the old wizard playfully before clumsily dropping another dozen bottles on the table.
Severus tried his hardest to conceal his smile, busying himself with paper work, but however hard he tried he could not hide it from Aria. Every so often she managed to catch him off guard, with a silly joke, or a quick witted comment, in those rare times he allowed himself a glimmer of emotion she always managed to notice. Most of the time Severus found himself smiling at the woman for no reason other than she was simply smiling too.
Finally turning her attention away from the potions master, Aria finished setting up her table full of small bottles and vials.
"We're going to play a game." She announced cheerfully spinning on her heel.
"A game?" Severus asked, unable to stop himself turning his nose up at her idea.
"Yes. It's like a test, but more fun." She persuaded, sensing his judgement.
"And what, might I ask, is wrong with a traditional test."  He queried bitterly.
"The students need motivation, Severus. The word 'test' makes people nervous. With nervousness comes panic, and with panic comes mistakes. Fear is not an accurate motivator, however competition is. The students will be less inclined to make mistakes, if they are rewarded for their efforts." The apprentice hypothesised.
"And this reward is?"
"I haven't decided yet."
Severus fought the urge to roll his eyes, but allowed her to do her thing uninterrupted.
Since their little 'heart to heart' that night in Snape's office the two professors were finding working with each other a lot more amiable. Severus had given Aria a little more free reign with her portion of the lessons, which in turn, allowed her to respect Severus' strict theoretical practices without causing too many interruptions. The pair had almost started to enjoy working together.
Student by student the class trickled in, each of them intrigued by the new set up of the class room.
"Everyone please take your seats, do not touch the table at the front of the room, class will begin momentarily." Miss Dumbledore announced.
A moment of panic set in as Aria scrambled around Snape's desk, looking for her list of possible potions. This may not have been her first time teaching solo, but it was, however, her opportunity to prove her practices are successful in front of her mentor, Severus Snape. The man in question could see the fear in her eyes, and that she was desperate to impress.
"Here." He mouthed, handing her the piece of parchment. "Relax."
Brushing fingers, as she took the parchment from him, Aria grinned.
"Thank you." She whispered, once again turning to face the class, now with a little more confidence.
"Now today, as you may have guessed, we are going to do something a little different. Professor Snape and I have chosen to take this opportunity to allow you, our promising young N.E.W.Ts students, to show off your skill set to the best of your ability's. On this table in front of me you will find a select variety of potions ingredients that correspond to a number of potions all very much within your capability, your task is to complete one of these potions within the allotted time, at the end of which, a winner will be selected by us."
"What do we win then, professor?" One eager student asked.
"A potion of their choice." She declared, impulsively.
A murmer of chatter instantly broke out among the class, intrigued at the prospect of winning such a thing.
"That all sounds very exciting, Miss Dumbledore." Snape cut in, unwilling to take a backseat quite so easily. "However, sadly as an apprentice professor you are not permitted to take anything from my stores to use so frivolously. The prize will have to be decided at a later time."
Unsurprisingly the students weren't too pleased with Snape's intervention causing for a series of disappointed groans and heckles.
"Then I shall make it myself." Aria concluded.
Another bout of cheers erupted.
"Collect your ingredients, light up your cauldrons, your time starts now!"
Immediately the students jumped from their seats, swarming the table to get what they needed. The professors moved away from the crowd, giving the class a moment to get started.
"Miss Dumbledore, this is not a wise decision." Severus spoke in hushed tones. "I understand entirely the prize of a potion chosen by you, but to give them a choice could be extremely dangerous, think of the chaos that will ensue."
"How about you have a little faith in them for once. Trust that they will make the right decision."
Looking down on the woman, Severus couldn't help but trust she would be right.
"I have faith in you. Not in them." He made clear.
Severus made to walk away, leaving Aria to relish in her small victory, until he was suddenly pulled back by the young woman's hand in his. Not saying a word, Aria Dumbledore gave him an appreciative squeeze, before releasing him back to his desk.
The first hour of the classes passed by effortlessly, the students worked quietly and Severus found no reason to complain. All in all, Aria was quite pleased with how her lesson was going.
That was until...
"Oh shiiiiit."
"Language Mr. Lawrence." Severus warned, briefly looking up from his marking.
"Right, sorry sir. But what the fuck am I supposed to do when this thing starts bubbling like crazy." He freaked out, completely ignoring the potions master's warning.
"What?" Aria gasped, only just becoming aware of the situation.
"Yeah like this thing looks likes 'bout to blow, to be honest with you." The seventh year Hufflepuff boy informed nonchalantly.
"Step away from that cauldron students, quickly!" Aria ordered, ushering them to the sides of the classroom.  "You were attempting a wit-sharpening potion, is that correct?"
"I'm afraid there's no saving it now, Mr. Lawrence, the best we can hope for is that it does not turn to acid and burn through bench."
"Out of my way." Severus huffed impatiently, forcing his way through the crowd of students that had formed around the cauldron.
"Pass me that root of ginger" Snape demanded, positioning himself in front of the ever growing cauldron of bubbling green liquid. Aria obeyed hastily, as the professor performed what she could only describe as a miracle on this horrifying concoction. "Some more newt spleens." He requested, holding out a hand expectantly, while the other gripped onto his wand, casting an enchantment over the potion.
The potions master continued adding a bit of this and a dash of that to the potion, all ingredients Aria Dumbledore would never have considered to associate with this particular brew. Jars of herbs, spices and animal parts were passed through the classroom in order to reach Professor Snape who continuously stirred the potion, muttering all sorts of charms and spells.
However skilled Aria had assumed she was at the art of potion making, it was made clear to her that she was no match for Severus' skills, brewing potions was second nature to him now. Within minutes he had achieved what Aria Dumbledore had deemed impossible, and thus the potion was brought back to it's natural state.
"Severus..." The apprentice gawped. "That was amazing."
"That was nothing." He replied curtly, removing himself from the scene. "Everybody back to work, this is not an excuse to slack off."
Still in awe at the pure artistry she had witnessed, Aria trotted sheepishly back to the front of the class.
Blissfully unaware of the pure talent they had just seen, the students continued on with their work. The Hufflepuff boy did not even have the decency to thank his professor for salvaging the mess he called a potion, let alone be grateful he never received a detention, or deduction of house points.
"What are you staring at, Miss Dumbledore, is there no better way you can spend your time?"
"I'm sorry Severus, but that display was just... brilliant." She beamed.
"Like I said, it was nothing. It comes with the job, I refuse to have any of those delinquents burn through my entire store cupboard because they cannot brew a simple potion, a year below their level no less."
"Well, at least we know who definitely won't be winning anyway." Aria giggled.
"The most we can hope for from that boy is that he manages to finish his potion, god knows he'll need it."
Playfully slapping Snape on the arm for his cheek, the witch perched herself on the edge of the professor's desk, attempting a quick sketch on a scrap piece of parchment, while the students begun to finish off their potions.
"Professor Snape, the winner?" Aria asked, turning to her colleague for a verdict once all of the potions had been completed.
"You want me to choose?" Severus replied, skeptical of her offer.
"Of course. I don't think it would be fair of me to do it, considering I've been giving all of them tips this lesson."
"Very well." He droned, stepping forth to analyse the contents of the cauldrons.
"This one." He announced, pointing a single finger to the cauldron of a young Slytherin witch. "Given that it was the only potion brewed to complete perfection, there is no other possible candidate. I suggest the rest of you get studying before your N.E.W.T's exams, at the rate you lot are going, none of you besides Miss Johnstone here is likely to pass." Snape scolded.
"Well then, congratulations Miss Johnstone, you are the winner of a potion of your choice. See me after lessons tomorrow and let me know your decision."
The girl practically beamed with pride, expecting nothing less than first place.
"Class dismissed."
@ayamenimthiriel @lizlil
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babyboyblasty · 3 years
Chapter 8:
Bakugou opened his door the next morning, his hair a bit squished on one side, to three excited idiots. "What?" he frowned, rubbing his eyes rid of sleep.
"HAPPY LAST DAY AS A GIRL, BAKUGOU!" was screamed in his face by Mina, Uraraka, and Hagakure. "We're going shopping today, okay?" Mina grinned. She /did/ tell him yesterday that she wanted to take him to the mall so if he thought she was just joking he had another thing coming.
Bakugou stared at their bright smiling faces (or two of them at least) for a good three seconds before he slammed the door in their faces and went back to continue getting ready for school. He was usually an early riser but ever since the quirk he didn't really feel like having his morning run or doing his usual morning routine. Being a girl was exhausting. He grabbed his comb and started brushing out his hair.
From the other side of Bakugou's door, Mina turned to Uraraka and Hagakure and smirked. "You know what this means, girls?" she asked and they both nodded. "Time to pull out the big guns."
"Why am I doing this again?" Kirishima asked, nervously scratching the back of his neck. He wasn't sure if their plan was the best.
"Becauseeeee~ You're the only one who can. Convince him to go please?" Mina pouted and the other two girls joined in in pleading with the redhead to do them the favor.
"But why me?" he asked, looking at the girls then at Bakugou's room. It was convenient to the girls how they didn't have to go far to find Kiri since their rooms were literally right next to each other. When they were going to knock on his door, said boy was already on his way back from the gym so they just grabbed him and told him their brilliant plan.
"You're his best friend, Kirishima-kun. If anyone can do it, it's you!" Hagakure cheered on.
"If you ask, I just know he'll agree. Bakugou can't say no to you" Uraraka jumped in with a grin. Kiri slightly smiled because well, not to brag, but it was kind of true. He prided himself in the relationship he managed to build with Bakugou over the years. Still, he didn't want to abuse their friendship and get Bakugou to do things he didn't want to do.
Mina could tell what he was thinking and put an arm over his shoulder to reassure him that wasn't the case. "We're inviting the whole class, Kiri. It'll be a class outing and we just want Bakugou to come. Ever since the quirk accident he just goes from class to the dorms. Let's take him out for a bit. Try asking and if he still doesn't want to go then we'll stop insisting. We promise."
Kirishima was a bit hesitant but he ended up agreeing. It'll be very unmanly for him not to at least give it a try to convince Bakugou when everyone else was going to go. He didn't want the blonde to feel left out and stay at the dorms alone. Worst case scenario is that he tells him no. If that happens then Kirishima will just stay behind too.
The girls waved him goodbye and Kirisima was left alone in front of Katsuki's door. He gave himself a little pep talk then knocked. He heard noise from the other side then the door opened to reveal an expectant looking Bakugou holding the door open with one hand and the other resting on his hip, an raised eyebrow as he looked up at Eijirou. He was wearing the girl uniform again, all except for the blazer, and Kirishima turned a light pink. Momo really did make everything to size. The clothes hugged his figure really well. "Hey bakubro. Can I come in?" Kirishima smiled and Bakugou stepped aside wordlessly to let him inside. Kirishima thanked him and stepped into the blonde's room. Bakugou closed the door behind him and leaned back against the door to look at Kirishima who was taking a seat on Bakugou's desk chair. The boy twiddled with his fingers, trying to figure out how to bring about the topic as casually as possible.
"What is it? I can tell you have something to say so hurry up and spit it out. I don't want to be late" Katsuki crossed his arms over his chest in impatience. All that did was push Katsuki's breasts up and since Bakugou never really bothered to button up his school shirt all the way, it showed a bit of the cup from the black bra he was wearing and Kirishima gulped, looking away. "I, erm, are you going to go to the mall with the rest of the class today?" he asked and cursed himself that he wasn't more smooth in asking.
Katsuki raised an eyebrow. So that's what he wanted to ask? He kicked off the door with a scoff. "Fuck no. I interact with those losers enough as it is" Bakugou answered, going over to his closet to grab the blazer he had hung there the night prior. Kirishima knew Bakugou didn't mean it though. He knew that Katsuki secretly really cared about his classmates especially after three years of getting to know them, but he just didn't like admitting it. He didn't have a reputation as class 3-A's bad boy for nothing.
"Oh come on, Bakugou. It'll be no fun without you there too, man" Kirishima stood up and went behind Bakugou to wrap his arms around his waist like Mina did, resting his chin on top of his head affectionately. If Kirishima was a cat then he'd definitely be purring.
"Oi! Do you wanna die, hair for brains!?!" Bakugou growled and turned around in the boy's hold, reaching up to put a hand over Kirishima's face and let out an explosion. Kirishima, who had predicted he'd do that, hardened his face just in time and only laughed but let go of his Bakugou regardless. He couldn't help but feel fond of the angry look Katsuki was looking up at him with. When did angry Bakugou start looking so cute? If Eijirou was two or three inches taller than Bakugou when the other was a boy, as a girl Kirishima had to be at least a head taller now. Maybe even slightly more.
"Please Bakugou? Just for a bit and if you want to leave afterwards then I'll go with you. We can even go pick up a bowl of that spicy curry you like so much or something" Kirishima smiled cutely, pointy shark teeth showing. Bakugou looked like he was thinking it over and Kirishima already counted that as a win in itself. There was only one finishing move left. His secret weapon. Kirishima used his quirk to change his face into ragged pieces of rock to look like how it did when he was using unbreakable. Because of this, his vocal cords were also hardened and it's difficult to talk much in that form so in a deep, hoarser voice than his usual one, he got out a 'please' and that's what finally did it.
Bakugou felt like he was just struck through the heart and he turned an embarrassingly fast shade of red. He groaned and put his hands over his face to hide it from Kirishima. "Fine" he mumbled out quietly but Kirishima heard nonetheless and unhardened to hug Bakugou excitedly.
"Yay! You won't regret it I promise!" Kirishima was shining brighter than the sun as he held a flushed Bakugou against him. The shorter boy/girl let him this time since he was still too busy hiding away his face with his hands.
"I better not, shitty hair, or you're dead" Bakugou answered before adding in "And stop begging me when you’re like that, dumbass! I'll kill you!" Fuck how that form made Bakugou weak. Why does Kirishima have to look so cool?
Izuku was already in class for the day and he listened as Mina announced to the class that they should all go to the mall today since it was Saturday and they don't have school tomorrow. It had been a while since they went out as a class so Midoriya was excited to go to the mall together with everyone. Apparently he wasn't the only one who thought that way because almost everyone instantly agreed. They've been working so hard that it was a good idea to go out and distract themselves. Have some fun.
Mina's phone beeped and she pulled out her phone and read the text she received with a huge smile. It was Kirishima telling her Bakugou was going! "Ochako-chan! Bakubabe said he'll come with us!" she squealed and Uraraka cheered.
Izuku was surprised that Kacchan had accepted since it was rare he wanted to hang out with them but he was very happy he said yes. Maybe outside of a school setting he could try and get closer to Kacchan? They could maybe even get some alone time together. 'That's if Kirishima could leave Kacchan's side for at least a few seconds' Midoriya thought bitterly to himself with a frown before he snapped himself out of those thoughts. Why did he think that? Midoriya loved Kirishima-kun. He was so nice and a great friend so he doesn't know where that thought came from. Izuku couldn't help but feel a bit guilty afterwards.
Katsuki arrived to class a few seconds later with Kirishiman laughing beside him, the blonde wearing a scowl but that wasn't anything new. They both went to their assigned seats and Izuku blushed a bit when the blonde sat in the chair in front of him. The rest of his classmates were excitedly talking about what they wanted to buy and do at the mall and Iida was at the front trying to get them to settle down. Only when Aizawa walked in did everyone immediately shut up. Izuku could tell today was going to be a great day.
A series of knocks on his door made Bakugou groan. School was over and he had barely arrived at his dorm. He tossed his backpack on the chair of his desk and pulled open the door. "You've got to be shitting me."
There, facing him, were Kirishima and Uraraka holding up hair clips, a straightener, a brush, and a hairdryer. "Oh don't worry, this isn't everything. The rest of the girls will be here in a bit with the rest" Uraraka informed him.
Bakugou regretted all his life decisions.
Todoroki tapped his pencil on the desk. The night before he had a bit of trouble sleeping because he just couldn't seem to get Bakugou out of his head. He had tossed and turned almost the whole night so when Mina told them they should all go to the mall, Todoroki wasn't really feeling it. "Are you alright, Todoroki-kun?" Momo asked from beside him with a worried face.
"Yes. You don't need to worry, Yaoyorozu. I just didn't get much sleep last night" he explained and Momo nodded in understanding, continuing her talk with Jirou who was standing beside her desk. Uraraka bounced over to Todoroki with a grin.
"Todoroki-kun, are you going to the mall with us? Deku-kun and everyone else is on board so I wanted to ask" she smiled and Todoroki gave the girl a small smile.
"I don't think I will, Uraraka. I think I'll be using today as a chance to catch up on a bit of sleep" he politely declined. Uraraka pouted.
"Well, alright. If you're sure" Uraraka smiled at him in understanding. At the call of her name Uraraka turned around to see Mina excitedly waving her phone over her head a few desks away from them. "Bakubabe said he'll come with us!" Mina continued and Uraraka cheered because their plan had worked. She knew Kirishima could do it.
Uraraka turned back to Todoroki. "I hope you get some rest, Todoroki-ku-" she began but was cut off when the dual haired male interrupted with an "I'll go" with the most serious face she's ever seen. Uraraka beamed.
[word count: 2030]
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willow-salix · 4 years
This little piece came about after a conversation with @myladykayo and a couple of post/prompts.. I'm only going to include one here until everyone has read it otherwise it'll ruin the whole thing.
This is what happens when my two want fluff and a little spicy time together... Let's heat up this Monday morning.
Selene paused, the wagging finger of doom pointing right at his chest. "What did you just call- don't yell at me in languages I don't understand!" 
"Well don't be one then!" 
"Don't be a what? What did you just call me?" her eyes narrowed dangerously. 
He had two choices, stand his ground or retreat and try to make things better, but if there was one thing he'd learned from spending almost two years of his life with a mad witch, it was to never back down. 
He squared his shoulders, looked her dead in the eye and answered her honestly. "A snot spoon."
She blinked. "A what now?" 
"It's loosely translated…" he waved his hand vaguely. 
"And it means?" 
"A brat."
"You just called me a brat?" 
"Well don't do that!" 
"Don't act like one then!" 
She bit her lip, trying very hard not to laugh. She failed. 
"A snot spoon? Seriously? That's what you came up with?" 
"Alan never knew what it meant either."
"You're an idiot."
"An idiot that you love," he shot back, an evil grin beginning to form. 
"Urghhh," she stopped pacing and flopped backwards onto the bed. "When did we move from arguments that turn to kissing to arguments that turn into childish insults?" 
"Around three table decorations and a cake ago."
She raised a hand. "I would like to put in a formal request to go back to the former, thank you."
John caught hold of her hand, lacing their fingers. "That could be arranged," he squeezed her fingers lightly. "But, you did just call me an idiot."
"My idiot," she tugged on his hand, pulling him down on top of her. "So, kisses?" 
"Kisses are good."
They both moved closer, moving instinctively from much practice. Their lips met, softly at first, little warm up kisses that were sweet rather than sensual. 
Her tongue dabbed softly at his lips, trying to tempt him to open and allow her to deepen their kiss. 
She moaned happily, letting her hands get in on the action, one travelling the length of his spine, nails scraping lightly through the fabric of his shirt, the other journeying upwards to tangle in his hair. 
Their kiss deepened, lazy kisses, taking their time, just enjoying a rare moment to be alone together. Selene could feel her heart speeding up and her breath becoming a little ragged as the fluttering butterflies of arousal began to multiply from their ever present "damn my guy's hot" to "gotta have him now."
"Does this mean I'm forgiven for shouting at you in German?" 
"That depends."
"On what?" 
"On how else you're going to use those hot language skills of yours." She kissed her way to his jaw. 
"Does my lady have any requests?" 
"Dealer's choice, I just like listening to you. Surprise me."
"Mm, I'm sure I can come up with something." He turned his head to capture her lips again. 
Using her grip on his hair she broke their kiss, stopping to rub her nose against his. 
"Talk to me," she pleaded in her most seductive voice and he was powerless to resist. 
He broke away to kiss his way down her neck, nipping lightly here and there, nuzzling her soft skin. He worked his way up to her ear as one of her hands found its way under his shirt to stroke bare skin. Well, that wasn't helping, was it? How was he supposed to concentrate while she was doing that? 
Her legs lifted, wrapping around his waist to pull him closer so she could feel his hard length through his jeans. 
"Tell me what you want," she encouraged, her own lips attacking the side of his neck. That was not playing fair. 
Thoroughly enjoying her current mood and in no way wanting to jeopardize that he said the first thing that came to mind although it was cheesy as hell. 
"Est-ce que ton père a été un voleur? Parce qu’il a volé les étoiles du ciel pour les mettre dans tes yeux." 
She purred a low moan in his ear and he filed that information away for later, how to stop an argument, grab her, kiss her, whisper in french, got it. 
"Je te trouve belle." 
Her fingers had got to work on the front of his shirt, unbuttoning it quickly, pushing the material off his shoulders. 
Huh, they were now at the stripping part of the proceedings, he was down with that. Luckily for him she was wearing one of her black blouses today, this one decorated with a fine covering of silver spider web, not that he was paying much attention to the intricacies of the design right at that moment. 
He popped open the first two buttons and lowered his head to kiss a path down her neck, pausing to suck lightly on her collarbone. Her shuddering moan was accompanied by a seductive hip roll that almost made his eyes cross. This wasn't good, she shouldn't have told him to say what he wanted. Quick, he instructed himself, think of something else! 
"Mélanger les jaunes d’œufs avec la moutarde, le sel et le poivre dans un saladier." 
Her back arched, thrusting her still caged breast closer. 
"Ajouter tout doucement et peu à peu l’huile sur le mélange en battant au fouet." 
Her fingers played with the shorter hairs on the back of his neck, nails scraping lightly at his skin. 
Honestly, when she had started the day with a full list of shit she didn't care about but Grandma insisted was important, she had questioned the wiseness of dragging her Spaceman home. Especially when it had disintegrated into her tossing his carefully crafted list into the trash and refusing to make another decision again. But now that she'd seen how they could resolve an argument she might be tempted to start one daily. 
One of the things she loved most about her man was how he could be so incredibly sexy without even knowing it, there was no big headedness from John that would make him insufferably smug like some men she knew. 
She loved his voice, it was the first thing she had fallen for, wanting to be closer to him before she had even seen his face and she always found it incredibly hot when he would casually drop into another language like it required no more effort than blinking. 
This was doing all kinds of good things to rev her engine and if he wasn't careful she'd be forced to roll him over and have her wicked way with him before he knew what was going on. 
"Remplir les avocats avec des crevettes et les recouvrir de sauce cocktail." 
She stiffened as the tip of his tongue traced the lacy edge of her bra but she was far too distracted to pay much attention. Had he…
"Dude, did you just say cocktail sauce?" She didn't know much French, in fact she was limited to a couple of cheeses, bread, chicken and French fries, she was very food based, but she had definitely heard that before. 
He froze for a second then sighed, his head dropping to bury his face in her neck. 
She didn't know whether she should laugh or cry although as usual, laughing won. 
She began to giggle, unable to hold it in. 
He lifted his head to look at her, completely bemused. 
"What the hell were you even saying?" 
He shifted uncomfortably, both from the sudden shift in position as well as the metaphorical bucket of cold water that had been dumped on top of them. 
"Well, at first I was complimenting your eyes, but then I had to think of something a little less exciting and I skipped breakfast -" 
"And lunch knowing you."
"And so you were saying…"
"I may have been telling you how to make a shrimp and avocado salad." 
To his intense relief her giggles turned into full laughter which he couldn't help but join in with. 
She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight, struggling to breathe but not for the reasons they had first been planning. 
"Gods, I love you," she gasped, trying to catch her breath and not crack up laughing again. She kissed his cheek and let go, pushing him gently to the side. 
She sat up, wiping the tears from her eyes and buttoned her blouse back up. 
"Sorry, that kinda killed the mood," he winced. 
"Rubbish, if we can't laugh then there's no hope for us, it's laughter and love that keeps a couple strong and we've got that in abundance."
She held out her hand to him, dragging him to his feet. 
"Back to the list?" he sighed. 
"Hell no, we're going to the kitchen." She reached out to give his firm abs a loving pat. "I'm gonna fuel my sex machine and then take full advantage of you being home for the rest of the night."
"Sex Machine?" he arched a disbelieving eyebrow as he fastened his shirt. 
She shrugged, unrepentant. "Meh, I thought it'd try it, it obviously didn't work." She sighed dramatically. "Most men would be grateful their girl thinks they are a stud." 
"Good thing I'm not most men then, because that was a terrible line," he followed her to the door.
"This is coming from the guy that just told my boobs how to cut a cucumber."
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