#so he had to assume his brother wasnt gonna make it
weirdcat1213 · 6 months
Look I will forever shit on the fact that everything happened without a confirmation that the brother actually kicked the bucket BUT if you think about it there's nothing more relatable than going Full Panic Mode when you're an anxious person and many bad things happen at once
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bugsinshoes · 6 months
ok so i just watched @fordtato and @hkthatgffan 's respective videos about their interview with THE alex hirsch and i wanna just say OH MY GOD like SERIOUSLY
im gonna put my thoughts under the cut so theres no spoilers if you havent seen it already (BUT GO WATCH THEM NOW PLEASE !!!) + its gonna be LONG so BEAR WITH ME
ok, so i have MANY thoughts so sorry if none of this is coherent 😭 (this is not in chronological order of when the questions were asked, just me spewing out my totally normal thoughts about this interview so apologies for that)
starting off:
THE BABY IS SHERMIE?!?!?!? IM SO SO GLAD WE FINALLY HAVE CONFIRMATION WE CAN FINALLY LEAVE THIS TO REST !! I WAS RIGHT THOUGH SO HA !!! ACTUALLY SCREAMING !! TIMELINE BE DAMNED (also another thanks to hana, your timeline video is genuinely awesome. i never shut up about it. ever. any time i talk to my friends abt gf and i need to refer to the timeline i go: "IN HANA'S VIDEO-") anyways, i do understand it was a last minute decision on the writer's part of "oh. dipper and mabel need a grandfather, its not ford, and its sure as FUCK not gonna be stan sooo... third brother?" and i do understand alex being like, "oh, this is about ford and stan only having eachother" so i think making shermie younger was a GOOD THING? like, stan and ford had 18 years of just them so shermie wasnt in the picture, so stan and ford technically grew up on their own so ig it works? also, when stan got kicked out, he never got to see shermie grow up, probably only saw him at events when he had to pretend to be ford (post-1983) and as for ford himself, he was too busy in college and gravity falls to really visit the family so... it works! (despite everything)
that aside, lets talk about THE CRUMBS??? like i have some quotes here because i have a LOT to say:
"theyre both so damaged and they desperately need each other" - alex hirsch (talking about stan and ford)
LIKE SUIUHUSHUSH i HATE these brothers SO MUCH (LIES) i cant actually properly express my thoughts because WOW like its clear that they both have their own trauma and they NEED to address it but theyre both too STUBBORN to do so. theyve both been alone for 40ish years so of course they need each other. they grew up by the hip, so theres no surprise that they both need each other (whether they like it or not)
"[ford's] grateful for the forgiveness he thinks he doesnt deserve" -alex hirsch
ford thinks so lowly of himself at times it HURTS. like the lines in the journal about "only then would the freak return a hero" or about his guilt with bill and everything its just so important to his character im so glad we got so much ford content in this interview. like i am EATING ALL THIS UP RN
"[ford] has to always have a mission in front of him, because if he doesnt have a mission in front of him, hes thinking how have i treated people in my life?" - alex hirsch
ford distracting himself with things instead of facing his problems. probably something he had to do a lot, especially with his time in the multiverse. but it really hurts because i can imagine in the 60s, they never had any great coping mechanisms? so i can assume ford was just conditioned to distract himself from stuff so he never learned how to deal with things. and i KNOW in the journal hes like "i meditate!" and im sure that does help somewhat, but it doesnt address the issue itself soooo... sorry ford, but you cant just breathe your way out of everything
ALSO alex calling ford and fiddlefords falling out a "BREAKUP" (air quotes used) BUT A BREAKUP??? this is just adding fuel to my fiddauthor-infested brain rn. i CANT
and alex saying mcgucket is thinking like, "oh i gotta be a better partner" is HEART SHATTERING like the whole talk about fiddleford being "the building guy" who is kind of just there to make machines and please ford. its honestly so heartbreaking because fiddleford loves ford so much he'd leave his wife and child to go to absolute nowhere, oregon and the fact ford is too arrogant to see fiddlefords admiration and overall love for him its just IUIUAHHAS
and i do wanna say, i KNOW bill played a big part in this, by stroking fords ego and buttering him up with his kind words because he knew exactly what ford wanted to hear and that really affected how ford and fidds' relationship was like but THATS A TOPIC FOR ANOTHER TIME. all i know is that ford isnt entirely to blame, but he still is a massive arrogant asshole and he wasnt the best person to fidds at times (love him tho <3)
but im actually so happy because this interview sheds SO much light onto FORD bcs we BARELY got to know him, and hearing it from MR HIRSCH HIMSELF is just so good because we KNOW its a reliable source because its coming from ALEX YK??? like he wrote ford so he probably knows "oh yeah, that man is guilt-ridden as FUCK" and im so glad we get some crumbs of this guy i cant get enough of him !!! (impatiently waiting for the book of bill)
ANNNDD THE TALK ABOUT MAYBE GETTING A SEA GRUNKS SPINOFF/MINISERIES??? I WOULD EXPLODE GENUINELY ANYTHING WITH MY FAVOURITE OLD MEN PLEASE !! i would genuinely love to see more of their dynamic and how everything is after weirdmaggeddon and like dealing with trauma and UGHHH i would kill for stan/ford content PLEASE
hippie ford.
hippie. ford.
i am never getting over this (im internally SCREECHING)
im genuinely so happy with all the questions that got answered, as well as getting some deeper insight into characters and stuff. IM NEVER GETTING OVER THE AMOUNT OF FIDDAUTHOR CRUMBS YOU GUYS
im gonna end this by saying another MASSIVE thank you to hana and hk !! you both put so much effort into your respective videos and it was super super cool !! this was totally worth the wait !!! :D
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rinrinx2 · 1 year
Hey rinrin ^^
I wanted to ask if you would do me a request about prisoner!ran x lawyer/prosecutor! Reader
You’re ran his (step-)sister and didn’t want to be in his case cause you don’t get along well with ran but your boss forced you and now you stand in front of his cell and talk with him about his case but it doesn’t end by just talking.
Could you maybe do this nfsw?
Prison pleasures
Ran x reader
Warnings: Language, prison s€x against the bars, p0rn with a plot
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You had always warned your older brother that his actions would have consequences but everytime you’d mention it you were always dismissed with a
“Maybe if you catch a dick you’ll loosen up a bit”
With a snickering Rindou everytime he made the comment.
But now with the tables turned as you stood parallel to your brothers jail cell as he looked up at you from the bed at the back of cell.
“So you gonna stare at me or help me prove my innocence?” Ran questioned as he kept eye contact with you.
Even behind bars he still kept that snarky uptight attitude thinking that he was better than everyone else and it was because of his attitude that caused you to beg your boss not to take your brothers case.
It wasnt a matter of your abilities to defend your brother that you were worried about, if you were able to win the case of a thief who stole a million yen’s worth of jewellery then getting Ran out would be a piece of cake, but you didn’t want to help your brother to get out you wanted the asshole to sit in that cell for as long as possible and maybe fix his attitude.
That attitude that he didn’t even bother hiding when your parents got married.
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“You’d think she’d make an effort at her own mothers wedding” you heard Ran whisper to Rindou as you stood with your bouquet next to your mother as the photographer merrily took pictures of what he assumed was a happy family.
And his attitude didn’t get better as step-siblings it in fact only got worst.
“Are these your panties?” Ran asked as he held up the triangle piece of material.
“Yes” seven teen year old you said without much thought.
“God I could jump off a building and whip one of these bad boys out and float gently down to safety, with these parachute panties”
“So you helping or should I go back to my nap”
And your eye twitched at his comment.
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“I wanna watch you rot in that cell” you said through gritted teeth as you clutched your brief case tighter with years of repressed anger coming out.
“You and the whole of Tokyo” Ran said with a snicker as he broke eye contact and opting to lay on his stone hard bed.
“As much as I want to watch you die in this cell I can’t my boss had a lot riding on this case” you said with a stoic expression trying your best not to give your brother the satisfaction that he would be free soon.
“I can imagine, Mikey needs me so I can only imagine the pickle he must have your boss and his family in right now” Ran said with without a care in the world.
“Doesn’t mean I won’t take my time to get you out” you said with a half smile, you were trying to show that even in this situation that your brother didn’t have dominance that for once it was you.
You had the power, you controlled whether he was able to walk out and when he would.
You didn’t even realise the effect your comment had made as you barely noticed that Ran had stood up from his bed walking over to the cell bars where you stood.
“I don’t think you wanna waste time getting me out” Ran said as he peered down at your figure.
“And why wouldn’t I want to waste your time” you said trying to stand your ground.
“You really think you can stand like that, like I don’t have an effect on you” Ran said with a smirk as he pushed his nimble hands through the bars placing them on your chin.
“You don’t” you replied removing his hands off of you.
“I do” Ran said as his hand went around your waist catching by surprise.
“And I know I do, because now you’re breathing faster, you’re taking deeper breathes and your pupils are dilating”
And with his words did you realise he was right he did effect you even if you didn’t want him to.
“Come on as much as you hate me I know I make you excited” Ran said as he moved his face closer to the bars as he looked down at you.
“Those walls at home are sturdy but they’re not sound proof, I use to hear you loud and clear every night as teenagers”
You bit down hard on your teeth trying your best not to show how flustered you were from Ran’s words.
And as much as you didn’t want Ran to be right you knew he was, you had in fact use to touch yourself to the thought of your step brother as much as you dreaded him. You weren’t sure why you felt attracted to him maybe it was how much he towered over you or maybe it was his self assured ego that drove you to feel flustered.
“Don’t get all pouty with me, you want me baby girl it’s natural”
You felt as Ran’s hands moved from your face outlining each curve till he was met with the mounds of your breasts giving them a firm squeeze that caused a breath of air to escape from your lips.
And you tried your best to compose yourself, trying you best to put on your unbothered facade but as your eyes once again met with Ran’s you were met with something you’ve never seen before.
His lilac eyes were now covered by black as his pupils dilated to its max, his gaze intense like a hunter waiting to capture its prey.
“I like it when you make those noises” Ran said as he pulled you closer by your waist, now you were squished to the bars but the feeling of Ran’s hands on you drove heat to your core.
And within an instant your felt his hands begin to hike up your pencil skirt feeling as the cool air hit your bare thighs.
“Ran I-“
“Just enjoy it” Ran replied cutting you off as his hands now shifted to your pantie massaging your clit through the thin material.
You tried your best to bite back on moans, to both not alert the guards as well as not to have him fully satisfy him.
And the minute you felt as if you were about to release Ran removed his hands.
“Getting to excited now” he said with that same animalistic gaze which was your sign that he wanted it just as much as you.
And then suddenly your felt a warm appendage poking at you womanhood.
“Time to make those fantasies come true. Turn around and bend over” Ran commanded and before you could protest it Ran spoke again.
“Do it, don’t make me repeat myself”
And just as Ran commanded you did.
Turning yourself around feeling as Ran’s harden cock poked at your wet panties.
And like some pray being answered you felt as he shifted your panties to the side and slipping the tip in .
“Fuck you’re tight” Ran moaned at as he slipped himself in the rest of way as you bit your lip holding back moans that begged to be spilt.
Ran began to move his hips back and forth as he fucked you through the bars of his cell.
The cold metal of the bars adding to the pleasure as it contrasted to how hot your pussy wrapped around Ran’s cock.
And your imagination never prepared you for how good Rans dick actually was, the way it rubbed perfectly against that one spot that your fingers could never reach.
The feeling of his cock rubbing against your walls were making you see stars and soon your felt that urge that had you screaming out for dear life approaching fast.
And Ran felt it too, and then suddenly it happened and you felt as liquid dripped down your thighs as your pussy milked Ran’s cock as he shot hot cum into you.
Ran pulled out with a grunt as he released his dick from your tight cunt. As he shifted your panties back over your cunt keeping his cum deep in your pussy
Tucking his cock back away as you tried your best to compose yourself gripping onto the bars you were just fucked against as Ran sat back down on his cell bed.
Ran watched as you pulled your skirt back down calming your breath as you reached for whatever disregarded briefcase you had.
“That’s why you shouldn’t waste time getting me out of here”
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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resurrectionist3 · 4 months
June 6th, 1755 - Happy Birthday Nathan Hale!!!
We are gonna pretend like this isn’t several days late.
And this post is about to be super long…
Disclaimer: for the entirety of the post, I’m recalling information that was told to me by the tour guide from the Nathan Hale Homestead. If anything I wrote here is incorrect or not complete information, feel free to KINDLY correct me in a comment or repost, I would appreciate that☺️
Back in May (05/18/24), I visited the Nathan Hale Homestead in Coventry, Connecticut with my sister!!
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I always drive by it when I go home from school and I finally got to visit for a tour! They also have a farmers market on grounds in the summertime as well as a couple other events throughout the year. I do hope i get to attend their Halloween ghost stories.
One thing i learned that i guess i didn’t ever realise was that Nathan never actually lived in this house. After his mother passed, Nathan’s father, Deacon Richard Hale and all 9(?) of his children lived together in a very, very small house. It wasnt until after Richard was remarried, that this newer and larger house was built. By this point, i believe Nathan had already moved away to be a teacher in New London.
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Here are photos of their medicine cabinet and their fireplace✨
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Photos of their piano forte in the sitting room and a drawn family tree.
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And this was Deacon Richard Hale’s writing desk. If I remember correctly, he was a deacon in the church and a magistrate. He dealt with small court disputes in their house which I found very silly (and the wax stamp had an H on it idk why that made me die😭)
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And here, in one of the upstairs rooms, they displayed artist renditions of what we think Nathan Hale and his brothers looked like. I think Nathan had 9 (?) biological siblings that survived to adulthood, one of which being his sister Johanna. And then i believe he had 3 step siblings after his father remarried (im trying to recall everything the tour guide said).
Johanna isnt depictied in these drawings, its only the brothers, but her room was on display for the tour and it had a lot of windows. The tour guide said it was because she apparently loved to read, so they made sure her room had the most windows for the most light??😭😭🥹🥹
Anyways, all of Nathan’s brothers went to war except for the youngest one. Also, if you look at the years of their deaths, Samuel Hale (the oldest sibling) actually outlived them all?? Which makes me want to scream???? Samuel also didn’t inherit the family farm, it actually went to his brother John.
Joseph Hale- (damn he can get it lowkey..🥵) while in the war was captured by the British and was on a prison ship until he was exchanged and honestly I’ve been thinking about it too much. So glad he didn’t die of dysentery or something. But he did pass of consumption at only 34 which I can’t even handle.
Enoch, went to Yale along with Nathan and they were in the same graduating class which i think is so cutesy. The tour guide also said that one of the pewter steins in one of the sitting rooms (i don’t actually have a photo unfortunately) belonged to Enoch and I wanted to scream, like was it ACTUALLY his???
They had a display of several items they found on the property like coins, buttons, ect. but I didn’t take a photo of that either. It was in the same room as these images of the brothers.
I think we all know Nathan, and quite honestly i didn’t even realise he had so many siblings until this tour. I suppose one could assume given the time period - everyone had like 5+ children. But of all the times i was taught about Nathan Hale (and that was kind of a lot, being a Connecticut resident for my entire life) no one ever mentioned his family or his siblings. There was a portrait of Deacon Richard Hale in the downstairs area- I didn’t realise this in the moment, my sister mentioned it later, but (based on the artist’s rendition) Nathan looked just like his father. I found it really funny when i realised it.
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This was Nathan’s hunting rifle as well, another thing that apparently belonged to one of the members of the Hale family that made me want to scream (more on that in my final thoughts).
And last photo (the Turn: Washington’s Spies baddies are gonna LOVE this one)
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This is a list of the Yale University (back then, it was just Yale College) honours graduating class of 1773. On it, is Nathan and Enoch Hale of course. But also, Nathan’s friend and “roommate” 👀 (and our favourite spymaster) Benjamin Tallmadge!!!!! I had to keep my mouth shut when the tour guide mentioned that he was on this list, but I was screaming internally and my sister and i made goofy ahh eye contact.
Their names are towards the top, Enoch and Nathan are listed in the third small column while Benjamin is in the sixth one all the way to the right.
Things that i saw/were talked about that i didn’t take a photo of was a shadow drawing of Nathan’s side profile. At some point, Nathan stood in front of a door in the house while someone traced the outline of his shadow onto it. I don’t quite know why that was done..? Perhaps it was for a genuine reason or maybe the Hale siblings were just messing around. But it’s a pretty big deal considering there are actually no true portraits of Nathan or his siblings. Just statues and drawings that are artist renditions based on historical accounts. There was a historian who wrote about Nathan Hale and came in contact with a member of the Hale family (Rebecca Hale, I believe). She told him about the shadow drawing and it was a long and interesting story that I unfortunately don’t remember all the parts to. A piece about the portrait is typed on a paper in the photo of Nathan’s rifle, if you can zoom in, you can read a little more on it.
Their gift shop was also small and cutesy and I spent a lot of money there on books. On display there, they had an old piece of wood from the original house. I got a published copy of Reverend John Hale’s, A Modest Inquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft.
If anyone wasn’t aware, Reverend John Hale (Nathan Hale’s great grandfather) was called to Salem, Massachusetts from Beverly to assist in the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. He was partially responsible for the persecution of several innocent people however, nearing the end of the trials, he began to disagree with the accusations. He published this firsthand account to condemn the actions of those involved with the trials and I’ve always thought it was so interesting. I’ve wanted to read this since I read The Crucible back in high school and i was very excited to see it at the gift shop.
You can also visit the Hale Farm in Beverly, MA where Rev. John Hale used to live and I want to someday. I’ve only ever been outside of it, I’ve never properly visited for a tour. (Cutesy fact as well: Rev. John’s Hale’s birthday is June 3rd, which is only 3 days before Nathan’s).
Final Thoughts:
The Hale Family was absolutely MASSIVE. Our tour guide mentioned being a descendant of the Hale Family and im sure a number of “born and raised” New England residents are as well somewhere in their ancestry. Based on the drawn family tree, most of the members had probably 4 kids minimum and then those kids all had a ton of kids. It’s also very funny to me how there are probably several Hale’s who are decently significant figures in history and it’s just wild that it’s all one family. I know it’s the same for royal families and such but it feels different somehow.
According to our tour guide, one theory about how Nathan Hale was captured was by Robert Rogers. That Rogers invited him to dinner and convinced Nathan that he was also part of the Continental Army. Nathan then confided his mission in Rogers and was lured into a false sense of security that lead to him being captured. Which is another one for the Turn baddies that almost made me die when I heard it. Especially since I don’t believe I’ve heard that theory before.
Something I did really enjoy about this tour was how it didn’t completely focus on Nathan. Of course that would have been fine and equally as interesting, but it was mainly a lesson on his family and some of his descendants. After being taught about Nathan Hale so many times, I had no idea about his entire family and his siblings.
It also never TRULY occurred to me that there aren’t any real portraits of Nathan Hale. They’ve all been artist renditions as paintings or statues based on historical descriptions of him and something about that is extremely wild to me. It makes me somewhat grateful for our easy access to camera and video in our modern world. There are so many faces and stories that have been completely lost to time - even some very significant historical figures have little to no surviving images. Like, we know who they are and that they were here at some point - we have their belongings and things that they used. Thats why seeing Nathan’s rifle in the bedroom or Enoch’s stein in the sitting room cause me to have such visceral reactions. This was theirs once. This was used by someone probably everyday. And now its almost like a ghost or memory of them. The land around the property is heavily wooded as well, lots of trees and stones. My sister and I took a short walk around the property before leaving and it really made me think: how many of these stones did they touch? How many of these large trees did they lean on? It drives me so insane honestly.
One last thing that hadn’t occurred to me before this trip was how the Hale family learned of Nathan’s hanging. According to the tour guide, Enoch and a couple his brothers had heard of a Hale being found guilty of espionage and being hanged. And after looking into it more, Enoch did confirm that it was Nathan and sent word to the rest of the family. It’s said that before being hanged, Nathan only asked for a few things: A priest (which he did not get), parchment, quill and ink for writing. He wrote a letter to his commanding officer and one to his family. According to the guide, i believe neither one was sent. Perhaps the one to the officer was sent, however he never received it because he was killed in battle before he had the chance. And allegedly, the one written to the Hale family was seized by the British and was likely used as a written confession rather than being sent home to Nathan’s family. I honestly can’t imagine how upsetting that must’ve been for all of them. Especially with each of the Hale brothers being in the war and likely all in different places, there wasn’t really any other way for them to find out that their own brother was hanged aside from the way everyone else learned of it - through the newspaper or by word of mouth. No other Hale brother died in the war either, they all survived and had relatively high rankings by the time the war was over.
So that was my trip, it was fun and informative and I would really love to visit again sometime. I highly recommend anyone who is a fan of history, or Turn: Washington’s Spies to visit if you can! They are only open seasonally though, and only on weekends. They do a tour every hour, so plan accordingly if you want to visit!
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shreddeddescent · 3 days
What are Jennika, Venus, and Kirby like?
AHHHHHHHHH they're wonderful...... fucking wonderful tbh. hhhhhhhh
im debating on if i wanna let yall in on just how crazy ive gotten and show you like them explain it themselves. but its hhhhhh its a lot and theres other bits that arent so fun so i dont really want to rn cuz i wanna gush.
they were raised in some other dimension by draxum, who worked for big mama. draxum was essentially raphs doctor while you know. with eggs. but he took them away afterwards, raised to be warriors to protect the hidden city from vague demoney alternate dimensions hit, idk the details yet.
draxum wasnt the best but grew into a good parent for them so theyre okay. more okay than the brothers are for sure. but they grew curious about where they came from and did travel to that exact time when they were around 18, had some boundary issues, read big mama's therapy files on them and spiralled over how fucked up their origins were. debated going back in time to try and prevent their own existence. but draxum had to sit them down and tell them it wasnt their fault. so thats its own whole thing.
but theyre all 28 now. and theyve processed a lot more of it, but feel like 'hey, these kids arent okay at all, and they seem trapped in big mama's hotel. and we are adults with the ability to help. and also maybe some small part of us knows this is our family, we're clones, we're siblings. lets try to just be that.'
kirby is a hulking behemoth of a turtle man, like 7 and a half feet tall very wide very strong very good at being a warrior. never gave anything else much thought. he's kind of like.... what shredder fucking wanted out of that whole situation. perfect son, perfect general. but hes also a little shy with his feelings. he's kind of the leader, the one with the plan, the one who gets frustrated when his sisters get distracted and do other shit instead. he looks a lot like raph. but hes a male so raph cant see that at all. he's pretty quiet but hes very funny when he tries to be.
venus was taught magic when it became clear fighting wasnt a thing she was gonna physically be able to do. physically she's weak, her body looks a bit deformed. the magic came with a kind of accessibility for her, so she floats to ease the pain. she's very introspective and assumes people know just as much as her, tends to ramble on about things without realizing everyones lost. shes a lot like donnie like that, and realizing thats where she gets it makes her go 'ugh... of course this is your fault' but shes very sweet. little bit of boundary issues, cuz she may or may not be able do mind magic, but she knows to ask permission.
jennika is goofy and kind, a bit scatter brained, but very protective. shes the most easy going, but she's also the most emotional one. has the most confused feelings over raph specifically, probably just as excited to meet a trans turtle as he was. let alone cuz theyre family. but yeah, she's very fun loving and absolutely the problem child of the bunch, the one most likely to not follow orders and get into trouble. absolute coolest big sister alive vibes for sure.
again, theyre very much like 'oh, these kids are our family in whatever they need us to be, and we're gonna fucking be here for whatever they need'. like theyre so nice. and things are so weird. but theyre here to be like. the first grown ups to be kind to these kids without expecting anything out of them. cuz thats a new fucking concept!
but really. theyre big siblings, thats how we're gonna try and explain the vibes of what they are to them.
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sassykinzonline · 5 months
lmk if im annoying you with my questions. 🫣
the will of fire had been originally about how love would bring peace but within the series it seems to have been twisted into a nationalist idea — maybe im wrong so i want another pov as im working on this essay rn (bc im an adhd mess who cant focus on one thing at a time).
seen with shikamaru’s arc and how he is obviously very pro-konoha. how exacrly do yoi think this idea got twisted so badly? i assume its due to tobirama and danzo tbh. but im not sure. (maybe im not explaining well)..
and also, what are your opinions on every in konoha 11 and how they treated naruto. i think theres a weird conditional acceptance they give him in shippuden but doesnt seem like true friendship. yk)
sorry for the long ask!
i'll just keep telling you i love your questions, someday you'll believe it.
ok so the will of fire: in my opinion its inception is kind of what got fucked up. if we're to believe that the sage and the myth about his kids happened in the land of fire, then thats where that starts. the sage's original mistake was the idea that because one brother had a different perspective, he could be excluded from cooperation. its objectively true that to build civilization you need to have a sense of community, but that doesnt implicitly mean that that sense of community needs to manifest in the same way. indra had that, it just wasnt necessarily his priority. they basically punished him for being an introvert (INTJ specifically) ☠️.
so basically the issue with the will of fire is that from the start it was self-defeating. if we need to "pass on" the will of fire because its about building love and community, then we should be finding ways to include everyone regardless of who they are. if theres some arbitrary point where someone is no longer "part of the group", then youre not building love and community.
thats why you end up with the warring states period, where clans are fighting for no real reason, then the founders era where ultimately hashirama doesnt do a very good job of respecting madara or the uchiha, then like you said things absolutely snowball with tobirama because hes essentially just repeating the mistake the sage made on a systemic scale rather than a personal scale like hashirama did.
i would also say that in making "the will of fire", a fairly jingoistic concept in practice, the founding principle of konoha, hashirama is to blame for the naturally occurring state of fascism konoha descended into. so thematically speaking it IS appropriate that naruto becomes hokage in boruto to "end fascism" (or whatever kishimoto thinks fascism is) because he includes EVERYONE even if theyre villains or war criminals or what have you. hes the embodiment of radical empathy. people might not like that but thats pretty much the only way to have a restorative and progressive society particularly to avoid a boomerang back into fascism to begin with.
generally speaking too, pretty much everyone in a position of power is linked to hashirama in some way because of the way succession works in konoha, so its pretty easy to spread propaganda fast and have it take its foothold across generations. your example of shikamaru being -> asuma -> hiruzen -> tobirama -> hashirama.
konoha 11: i might have a different take on this since i know these people so im gonna try to be a bit open-ended
kiba - i actually think kiba has a somewhat fair interpretation of naruto which is that hes annoying, but just another kid, but also they have the same dream so theyre "rivals". especially since they have the same personality (kinda), i think its easy to see why theres friction between them but theyre also both pretty tenderhearted people. in my opinion they have the kind of relationship most people (usually straight guys) think me and naruto have; that rough and tumble Boys Being Boys crap. in shippuden i think hes in the middle of the pack when it comes to being kind to naruto, from what i remember he seemed to be struggling more with the idea of where his allegiances should lie. the fact that he was questioning it to begin with is more than you can say for a lot of them.
hinata - mouse. wants something from naruto but at least its fairly unconditional, and based on his actual spirit. completely useless to being a straight up liability to him though. but in shippuden at a certain point she seems to be aware of that and doesnt force herself to get in his way and stuff the way sakura does.
shino - irrelevant.
ino - her relationship with naruto is pretty funny. this may be controversial but if i think theres someone who's the biggest victim of misogyny in fandom its her. shes smart, shes a good fighter, shes brave, shes kind, she has a lot of accomplishments to her name, shes talented, i could go on and on, but people think shes "unrealized" because she likes hot guys. but it isnt even like she lets that get in the way of her work like others? she just has high self-esteem? shes another person where i think she was indeed kind of mean to naruto when he was a little shit, but also was nice to him when he was nice. as in she treated him more fairly than others when she didnt have too much of a reason to. i do think though that in shippuden it becomes more clear that at the end of it all though she still subscribes to the "hero of konoha" narrative (her sudden thirst for him 😒), but she still treats naruto the same as always so its less conditional.
shikamaru - hes a bit of a user isnt he? im under the impression his father knew of naruto's lineage and THATS the reason why he encourages his son to try and get closer to him. their family are known to be smart and kind of manipulative so....theyre definitely playing chess in that regard. i think, at least, that hes pretty open about his sentiments towards naruto being largely professional, so naruto doesnt have any misconceptions about where they stand.
choji - follower but also a nice guy so hes kinda in the kiba boat of "probably wants to be genuine with naruto but struggling with how much hes allowed to do that".
sakura - shes a down low hater, an opp and a bootlicker. she exemplifies naruto's conditional acceptance. pass.
sai - hes slightly closer than kiba and choji on the "struggle" bus, where he ends up being closer to being genuine with and siding with naruto. im sure his experiences with root are what influence this. i also dont necessarily think his allegiances are to "konoha", i just think he doesnt really get whats going on so hes kind of just reacting to whats happening and deciding how it feels in that moment. hes like a telltale games character with a compass guiding the decisions he makes as he goes along.
lee - openminded, doesnt seem to have a strong creed and is focused more on being of service whoever is doing the most work. if thats naruto then hes helping naruto. if thats konoha then hes helping konoha. he has good mentorship from guy in that sense.
neji - pro naruto from jump. not even a question.
tenten - she doesnt really have anything to say does she? shes not really a political person, she likes blending in, doing her job, and collecting her weapons.
so overall i would say that theres a good amount of people at least trying to question the system and not stand in opposition of naruto, but the people beholden to the system would pose a decent threat.
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spamtoon · 1 month
DCRC PKNA Week 11--Silicon Time!
thankfully our little book club break has meant i've had enough time to rest, get into what is potentially a new hyperfix, and feel motivated to read paperinik! ...and um ducks on the road. at some point that's not now.
you know what. im feeling ultra relaxation for this issue let's go to the cove. nevermind i got distracted and entered the pizza parlor
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angus fangus cosplay
starting off and first of all i have to say dear lord. the airport experience is indeed horrendous as someone who has been on an airplane recently the sign "clogged toilets delay flights" baffled me. like i understand why but im also like okay. the toilet is clogged. there are two toilets per plane surely the line woudlnt get that long
im gonna be real i thought big nosed human guy was gonna be exclusive to silicon. like i didnt think he would just. also show up here
the idea that angus fangus hasn't had a day off makes me wonder like. was the new zealand thing last issue technically a work trip despite the fact he was there to save his tribe. because if so that rules
it's nice getting to see scrooge again despite the fact he's probably gonna be written out of the story. i missed him
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thought he was wiping his sweat with his money for a second here i'm goign to be so honest. and in the second panel he's sillouetted for no reason it amuses me. i mean i know why hes threatening to ruin donald and uno's situationship but he doesn't know he's doing that
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i love you chilling in purple shirt donald
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i love their little dumb mirco-bickers. they're so domestic
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rip to whatever italian pun was lost in translation here. unless there was no pun and donald is just like ughhhhhhhhhh because he does not care
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hi little drink serving robot... these things did exist in the 90s but they were very very basic and mostly for flash. which is why it would absolutely get on the news when the only other news is its hot. donald's pose and uno's response is also so cute im. who would have expected comic silicon would have Uno Content
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ohohohohoho... oh no, how tragic! how tragic it would be if a certain robot enjoyer skipped to the next town over for this specific day--nevermind he's on vacation too he's at the supervillain convention in florida (SORRY)
cog these car panels are cool... i am once again praising paperinik action moments
rest in peace all the computers at duckburg technofinancial im glad they at least got a viking funeral
it feels so werid to see angus fangus in a tank top and shorts. he belongs in a trenchcoat. and i just
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the way he gazes into the distance makes this panel feel so much more contemplative than it actually is i love it
i love how the evronians have a whole division that's job is just. to deal with xadhoom. who is presumably killing evronians off camera all the time
i hope its a story where its the computer in the tower that did it like we saw in the start but he's just messing around. he's just like hi uno!!! :) remember when ducklair made you i was there when you were born uno and he's like oh BROTHER this guy STINKS !
:// i know the computer literally said the evronians might be useful but like i saw computer wanting to use the spore hatchlings and i was so dissappointed. especially disappointed that he wants to shut uno down. i think. at least i assume its a computer hence the name silicon if it was silicon and it wasnt even a computer there was a guy in front of it i would be SO dissappointed but im pretty sure its the first ducklair sentient technology at this point
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i have absolutely zero thoughts about this robot rhyno thing its just an important enough detail i have to bring it up. actualy i do have a thought and its look at him. he's so fucking stupid looking. neutral connotation ITS FUCKING DUE AGAIN? FUCK OFF DUE. i gaslighted myself into thinking we were gonna get a different computer but no. okay. alright
of all the villains to figure out donald's secret identity im so. two. of course. not that he's going to get it i dont know if they'd go that route but
im gonna be so real after his introduction issue i fulyl expected them to never use due again
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this panel si so dramtic (i LOVE the rainbow windows) but out of context its just like TWO !!!! im so mad
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i know its the 90s but i like how it was confirmed later in ducktales 2017 if due did launch donald like that it wouldn't have done anything as long as he thought about the triplets (or maybe uno in this case) hard enough. our bravest man on two worlds... (yes i know they're different donalds)
IM SO MAD donald just kinda handwaving away the duck avenger's inveolvement. they hate each other so much
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im so mad the way he's just. at channel 00 news now. due and the evronians deserve to be fighting each other for a while i think
and that was silicon!! i enjoyed seeing more of uno but i was disappointed the computer turned out to be. due again. but maybe im just a little loser who always wants a new robot OOPS i miss lyla lay hopefulyl we see her next issue considering we're going back to channel 00. hoepfully she had a really good vacation while this was all giong on
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229zmi · 2 years
PAIRING: Miya Osamu/Reader
CONTENT: reader is VERY in love with osamu and VERY delusional about it, mentions of food
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You don’t know what prompted your brain to come up with such an awful dream. Maybe it was the horror movie you and your best friends decided to put on for this week’s Saturday movie night, or the three year old expired fortune cookie that Atsumu double-dog-dared you to eat (you couldn’t say no to that of course, even with the lacklustre protests from Osamu, aka the sanest of you three, for you to not do it) — either way, you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, eyes wide open before your eyebrows furrow together in a relieving realisation.
The first thing you do is slide your hands down and up your face to somewhat wake yourself up. (You come to another realisation as you feel the water that stains your cheeks.) The second is aimlessly search for something on the nightstand beside your bed until your fingers latch onto a familiar rectangular object.
The light from your phone causes you to squint momentarily before you lower the brightness and start typing something.
YOU: hey u
YOU: osamu
YOU: osamu
YOU: samu
YOU: you
YOU: hello
YOU: are u awake
OSAMU: yeah
OSAMU: are you?
YOU: ur so funny
YOU: i just woke up from a rlly bad dream
OSAMU: lol
OSAMU: I told u not to eat that expired cookie
With a frown, you thumbs-down his message. If there’s anything you absolutely hate, it’s being proven wrong. Plus, you’d like to think that you did a morally brave thing by eating that fortune cookie. Maybe not the smartest course of action you’ve ever taken but a courageous one nonetheless.
YOU: shut 🆙 it wasnt the cookie
YOU: it was obviously because of the horror movie we watched
YOU: and that was mostly YOUR idea
OSAMU: I think you’re in denial
YOU: i think ur WRONG
OSAMU: leave your window unlocked I’m coming over
You start to smile fondly with a blazing feeling in your cheeks before snapping out of it, blinking a couple times at your bizarre-ish behaviour. You’re not sure what’s gotten into you lately or why exactly, but you’ve found that you have become more susceptible as of recent to a strange, uncomfortable warmth that first accumulates in your face and then rushes down to your chest, sending your heartbeat racing. And, you’ve noticed, it only happens whenever you’re around Osamu.
It’s gotten to the point where you’ve told Atsumu about it once, and all he did was call you the biggest idiot he’s ever known, second to Osamu of course (his words, not yours), before Osamu himself materialised out of thin air and defended both yours and his honour by slapping the back of his twin’s neck.
After he left, Atsumu clarified himself and said you were in love.
“With who?” you asked. Maybe the fake-blond was justified in calling you an idiot, but that’s besides the point.
“With ‘Samu!” Atsumu threw up his arms in exasperation. The two of you were currently basking under the sun in his backyard while Osamu had gone inside, so you weren’t concerned about his loud mouth exposing you around anyone else. “Who else are we talkin’ about other than that dumbass?”
“I dunno. You’re kind of all over the place.”
He snorted and then proceeded to shove you over with a hideous sneer on his face. “And you’re delusional. Can’t believe you’re into someone as ugly as my brother.”
You wrinkle your nose at the memory. Obviously, you weren’t gonna listen to some idiot like Atsumu at the time, but looking back now, you suppose he may be right as much as you hate to admit it.
Minutes later, you hear a muffled grunt outside, followed by the familiar rustle of someone climbing up the big elm tree right by your window and another grunt that makes you assume they’ve finally made it to the top. With a dramatic eye-roll, you flop over onto your side, reach over your bedside table, and flip the latch, and seconds after, Osamu makes his grand entrance into your room by sliding your window open and seamlessly jumping right through.
After shutting the window, he stands in the middle of your room, unsure of what to do now.
“Hello,” you greet him. You can’t help but observe his outfit of the night through narrowed eyes: a graphic t-shirt you’re sure you’ve seen him wear at least a million times, plain pyjama pants, and Ty Beanie Boo Pink Puppy Dog PRECIOUS Plush-Lined Slippers. Meanwhile, Osamu’s eyebrows pinch together, noticing that your voice sounds particularly nasally.
“Are you cryi—“ His question is interrupted when you promptly chuck a pillow at him, which he, thanks to his athletic reflexes, manages to dodge. For a second, he blinks and stares at the pillow, now laying pathetically on your rug behind him, and then stiffly turns back to you.
You sniffle with one exaggerated inhale that makes it extremely obvious your nose is clogged and plaster on a crooked smile for the effect of what you think is reassurance that you’re okay. “It’s just allergies,” you tell him.
He side-eyes you, clearly unconvinced, but regardless, he decides not to comment on your obviously tear-stained face or even say anything at all to the matter. Instead, there’s a Brobdingnagian thud! as he drops his bag onto the floor, which you frown at, before he shrugs off his jacket, slips his shoes off, and makes himself comfortable at the end of your bed, sitting with his legs sprawled out across it horizontally. You show no visible effort to make room for him, opting to instead swing your feet onto his lap and sink further into your pillows.
He leans his back against the wall, eyes scanning your face for a couple of moments as if he’s trying to read your mind until he finally speaks up.
“So,” he starts, his voice sizzling out near the end before he continues much more clearly, cutting straight to the point, “how’re you feelin’?”
For some odd reason — maybe it’s the gentle lilt of his voice as he asks you this question or how weirdly attractive he looks in the shitty lighting of your bedside lamp — you feel the urge to cry again. It starts as a lump lodged somewhere in your throat and then, much to your horror, morphs into tears pooling in your vision, threatening to spill out like a giant pimple on the verge of popping. With a grimace and yet another obnoxious inhale, you blink away the tears in a vehement manner as if your life depends on it, while Osamu fiddles with a loose thread on your sock, patiently awaiting your response.
“Like shit,” you answer after you’ve successfully pulled yourself together.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Oh,” he says lamely, though it’s reasonable given you’re not giving him much to work with here. Then he shifts in his seat, twisting his entire body to reach into his bag on the ground and toss whatever he retrieved at you. You catch it with relative ease and open your hands to find that it’s a plastic-wrapped rice ball, at which you gasp in surprise.
“I figured you’d say that since you’re so emotionally constipated and all, so I brought some food for ya,” he explains, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he offers a small smile. “Thought it might cheer you up some.”
There may as well be hearts in your eyes right now. You can’t believe he’d go out of his way to do this for you. He’s literally so romantic, you think as delusion colonises the rational side of your brain.
“‘Samu,” you begin dramatically with a hand against your chest in preparation for the speech you’re about to give expressing how grateful you are, “anything good I’ve ever done in my life will never amount to the kindness of your heart. Thank you so much. I am forever in debt to you. I lo—“
Right as you’re getting caught up in the moment, Osamu interrupts with an awkward cough, his ears tinted red in what appears to be embarrassment.
“No need to get all sappy, [Y/N]. I’d do anything for ya anyway,” he says, scratching an itch at the side of his head. “Now, hurry up and eat that. You’re going right back to sleep after this ‘cause” — he lets out a yawn loud enough to wake the entirety of Hyogo — “I gotta help ‘Tsumu mow the lawn tomorrow mornin’.”
Aaand cue the heart eyes again. Of course you’re only focused on the first half, though the mental image of him all disgustingly sweaty with his sleeves rolled up to his shoulders while towing the yard or whatever he just said isn’t too bad either.
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For some reason, Osamu takes it upon himself to make sure you’re asleep before he leaves. Probably out of the kindness of his heart again, you figure. He’s got a lot of that when it comes to you.
“Ya good there?”
“That’s great. Me personally, I feel like I’m gonna fall.”
“Oh my god.”
You grumble and dig your elbows further into the mattress as you shift over for the millionth time. It’s a bit… cramped, to say the least. Your bed’s only intended for one person to sleep in so trying to include Osamu becomes somewhat of a challenge. Osamu, clueless and also blind in the dark, can only lay there limp as you try to manoeuvre him onto the bed in a way so that he won’t fall out the second he moves so much as a millimetre.
“I don’t think this is working.”
“It is,” you tell him.
“It’s not. Hey, how ‘bout I just—“ This time he’s the one to be doing all the annoying movements and shifting as he turns around and wraps his arms around you. Before you can even protest, he swings a leg over yours, reaches toward the foot of the bed where the blanket currently lays, and brings up to your shoulders in one swift motion so that it covers the both of you.
“There,” he declares. “Problem solved. Now no one’s falling out of the bed.”
“Hurray,” you say dryly. You totally could have thought of this on your own… eventually.
“Thanks. Now sleep.”
“Shh. Sleep.”
You roll your eyes and then sneer at him. “What am I, a dog?”
“Something like that, yeah.”
You feel him chuckle against the top of your head, and a hand comes up to stroke the back of your head, pushing you a little closer to his chest.
“I’m kidding, ya troglodyte.” Then, his voice sounds ten times nearer, his breath tickling the shell of your ear. (There’s that weird fucking feeling again. You’re literally about to explode.) “But really. Please, SLEEP.”
You smile to yourself. He’s such a romantic.
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“Man, what the hell. Where were you last night?” Atsumu blocks the doorway to the house and sharply points a finger at his brother as if it’ll automatically arise some answers out of him. To his disappointment, Osamu only responds with a slightly unamused expression, so he repeats the question in an even more domineering tone.
“[Y/N] had a bad dream so I went over for some moral support.”
“All night?” Atsumu asks suspiciously.
Osamu shrugs. “I fell asleep. Now, shove over ya pig.”
The fake blond can only gape at his brother, who pushes past him, before grumbling to himself, “I can’t wait until you two confess your undying love for each other. All this emotional baggage I’ve been keeping on your behalves has been giving me frequent bowel movements.”
Osamu suddenly turns around, eyes wide. Atsumu panics a moment too late, realising he may have just accidentally betrayed your trust and exposed something he shouldn’t have.
“What’d you just say—“
“SHUT UP! I didn’t say nothin’!”
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terminalmistake · 4 months
Ok, so I'm gonna get brave because I have no one to talk to and I wanna yell about my Newsies OC. (Please be kind to me-)
If anyone feels so inclined you can ask questions about him, but no one is required to do so.
Tw: description of Transphobia/transphobic parent. (nothing in graphic detail, but just in case. If you feel something else should be tagged please send me a message and I will warn accordingly!)
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Luke with long hair, and Luke after he gets his hair cut, images from Picrew, linked at the bottom of the page!
Luke Dawson
Age: 18
Gender: Trans Male
Sexuality: Gay (absolutely has a crush on Jack but that's cause I'm cringe.)
Backstory: Born Dorothy "Dottie" Lorens, Dottie was raised as any girl would be. Her father was well off, oil money, and has a snobbish attitude. Dottie never subscribed to what he wanted. She failed out of her etiquette classes for being "Boyish, bratty and crass", much to her father's dismay.
At age 15, Dottie told her father that she felt "More like a boy, than a girl." To which he reacted very negatively, threatening to send her to an institution, or even the refuge, just to keep her in control. It worked, though, not for long.
One day she just couldn't take it anymore.
Just before her 18th birthday, Dottie Lorens stole clothes from her brother's closet, money from her father's safe (around $50), and left.
While she had the stolen money, she was smart enough to know it wouldn't last forever, and now, being on her own she could be whoever she wanted to be. Didn't matter that she was sleeping in an alleyway, at least she could buy food.
She could also tuck her hair in her hat, and bind her chest with bandages, that combined with clothes that were a bit too big on her, made her look...like she wanted. Like a boy.
He is a boy.
And that was all he really cares about. He didn't really make waves, he didn't hang around other newsies, and no one even really seemed to know his name. He just got his papers and did his job.
He was on the streets for a little over a month and a half before having the fortune to meet one Jack Kelly on a rainy evening. When asked his name, he stammered, he didn't even come up with a new name? How stupid.
He glanced at a sign, and remembered his old dog. He'd gotten good at lowering his voice.
"Luke Dawson."
With a smaller frame and a babyface, Jack just assumed the hesitance was him intimidating a younger kid.
"I'm 18."
Not to the people on these streets he wasnt. 18, but could pass for 15, especially if he was pouty.
So Luke and Jack found an agreement, Jack would teach Luke everything he knew about sellin papes, and Luke would split the profits 60/40.
"I'm not stupid. 50/50 or no deal." Took some butting heads, but the agreement was made. 60/40, and Luke could come to the Lodge House.
Jack doesn't find out that Luke wasn't born a boy for a while, and when he does it's on accident, though it was well intentioned.
Sleeping in a lodge house with 10+ other boys, Luke doesn't take his binding off anymore. He doesn't want them to know.
Before he could tuck away in an abandoned building or some other shelter and at least breathe soundly at night, but with constant and dangerous binding, it was barely a month before Jack saw the boy pass out, and after waking up with an argument, and Luke passing out again, Jack dragged him back to the lodge house and wanted to check the boy.
He wanted to make sure he wasn't mugged, that he wasn't hurt badly.
What he thought was dressings for broken ribs turned out to be...not that.
"I thought you were a guy!" "I am!!" Luke hadn't cried in a while, but he was damn close then.
In the end, while he took a minute to understand, Jack ultimately decided that if Luke was a boy then...fine. Who was he to say otherwise? It's not his life. But he does haphazardly help Luke cut his hair, though when the scissors broke halfway through, he had to take him to Miss Medda to get it fixed and cut properly.
And he brings him up to the rooftop with him and Crutchie so he can unbind. Luke told Crutchie when he asked why he was staying with them. He trusts Crutchie.
They're the only two that know, and only because Luke trusts them. Otherwise he would've been gone the second Jack found out.
This is all I have for now! But I hope you all like him...I've been working really hard on him.
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blueempty · 11 months
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Me and the Pita Man are on a first name basis now
My review of today is I'm sooooo sleepy. Before work I played all of the new FF16 songs in Theatrhythm and without context I was thoroughly whelmed. They are good, I do not feel strongly. But I was glad to be playing Theatrhythm again its been a minute
Then I went to the Pita Man's Pita Hut. That isnt what its called but I'm so sleepy. He got a new card reader which rules for him but I missed the tip screen cuz I'm used to him handing me a receipt to sign so I had to try to find paper money in my wallet to give him even though he said it was fine. I've been going there for a long time and he's never let me down, I love that guy. Then as I was leaving he asked my name and then I asked his and our names are like two letters off. It was a good start to the day
But then it got BA- no it was fine. I had to go into the cleanroom again and ran into some trouble which was rough cuz I'm still very tired and dizzy but it wasnt a big deal. I thought about how much time I spend in there doing the job that a machine could do in like a 100th of the time it takes me all because my boss is too cheap to pay for fast delivery, but I get to just listen to music the whole time so its not that bad. I'm gonna be in Pinegrove's top 3% of listeners on spotify this year
Then we had a situation in the Barony community discord where some guy joined and started spamming racist memes and zoophilia and gore and stuff, which I always forget people still do, and I hurt my own brain trying to understand the motivation. Theres a type of person who spends real effort and significant time in their day just making the world worse, and theyre proud of it and I just dont understand how a person becomes like that. Or even to a lesser extent theres another person in there who just jumps between chats acting disinterested in what people are saying and calling them stupid, and when I asked them what their deal was today they were like its funny to annoy people. I was like brother it isn't annoying its just confusing lol. Like you could be cranking your hog or learning to tie knots right now but you're in a server for a game I assume you dont play replying "ok" to everything we say. What is the motivation, what do they gain
I think its one of those things where the scariest answer is "nothing" but thats likely what we're looking at. I just wish there were a way to like appear beside them irl and be like what are you doing man, to remind them that other humans are physically real and that my big bag of rocks I brought with me is also real
I know you the reader understands this but like just try to make the world a better place because you were in it. Leave things better than you found them. Nihilism be damned, I'll tellin you that things do matter, and its important to care about stuff. Irony poisoning is a real disease affecting our youth
My night sky pics came out bad so here's Mocha reading the internet
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Peace and Long Life
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daemosghost · 11 months
gonna be real, the writing in the fnaf movie was bootycheeks and I believe it was held back by being a pg-13 movie
I went into the movie with lore knowledge up to when I stopped being interested in fnaf, which was around the time of fnaf 4 or sister location's release. The story within the game series is incredibly dark and should have had an R rating so they could have actually delved into the actual story and implications sprinkled throughout each game. In the fnaf games(from what I recall) all those kids died rather gruesomely via animatronics or by the hands of William Afton or other kids at the pizza place. A key point is that they all died in the pizzeria and they were all there unsupervised by any adult(it was the 80s and people loved leaving their kids unsupervised for some reason despite the sheer amount of kids being snatched up at the time) Mike Schmidt was a security guard and was one of the older sons of William Afton, Mike changed his name so he wasnt affiliated with his father I'm assuming. The fact that his father was a serial child killer who accidently killed his own daughter when making one of his animatronics also could have been used in the movie.
Despite being labelled a "horror movie" its not in anyway horror. The only jumpscare was MatPat for me because for some reason they decided to use fucking Balloon Boy as a cheap jumpscare not once, but twice. The whole movie was just piling on references for fnaf fans and hoping nobody paid attention to the writing. I was unironically kinda bored the whole time.
Mike Schmidt/Michael Afton in the movie for some reason is not William Afton's son. I dont know the Vanessa character but I do know she's from Security Breach which looks to take place in modern times or perhaps the future, for some reason in the movie she gets teleported to the late 80s or 90s as a character.
Then there's the whole thing with Mike's brother that literally makes zero sense. Why did Afton go out to the middle of buttfuck nowhere Nevada just to kidnap some kid in a forested area and then kill him? His pizzeria was already an open haven of unsupervised kids so doing all that was literally not necessary.
Also there was no phone guy even though I wanted to hear phone guy. The thing with the vhs tape was giving corny analog horror, I wanted my man phone guy, he wouldve added much more atmosphere then some dream sequences or that vhs.
I was also waiting for Mike to work at least once through those few days or maybe a fast forward to the day when phone guy got clapped and was actively dying on the phone call whilst Mike dookies himself in fear when the animatronics start disappearing and move the people there to vandalize to show up when all that is happening.
[Edit: Oh and the vandelizers that were hired to destroy the pizzeria so Mike gets fired all get offed off screen too and arent mentioned ever again even tho one of them was literally Mike's sister's babysitter like huh????]
Also the aunt????? Got folded like a lawn chair???????? And thats never addressed????? No line, no investigation or anything, they forgot the aunt got folded????
There could've been a change in the animatronics attitudes where they realize Mike is an Afton but never outright state it, like the animatronics act like children but then that changes instantly when they put two and two together and become more hostile.
So much interesting shit could have been done even if it adds its own lore but nah they dropped the ball by just filling the movie with as much references as possible without having a real coherent story.
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jokeson-u · 12 days
No offense and I don't mean any disrespect to you, but I'm sorry. Your sister is a straight vile and disgusting piece of shit and fucking cunt to be defending Ryan Murphy's portrayal of the Menéndez brothers, and suggest that the real life brothers are lying about being abused. She's part of the problem and the reason why abuse victims don't speak up. And then as you said, she has the nerve to claim she's woke and all that? If she's the type that accuses victims of lying, then I don't put it past her to also be the type to say that victims "ask for it" and deserve it, because they don't fit "the perfect victim" standard. Seriously, FUCK HER! In fact, you can show her this message for me and tell her I said so, so she knows just what a shit person she really is. I don't even know her, but this is enough to make say I hate her. Anyone that accuses abuse victims of lying or agrees with them being painted in a bad light in media gets no compassion or grace from me.
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NO DISRESPECT TAKEN AT ALL LMFAOOOOOO heres the thing. its not that she doesnt believe them NOW. its that shes so incredibly ignorant that, before watching the show, she somehow thought it wasnt public knowledge that they were victims. she thinks her bank of knowledge is the same as everyones. so shes acting as though ryan murphy 'showing they were abused' is some revolutionary act of justice. simply because she somehow never knew more about the case than 'crazy rich kids kill parents.' shes basically praising ryan for 'shining light' on their case..?? despite the actual facts already being out there?
so theres that ignorance. but then theres the part that really bugs me: her selective activism. bc my sister really does care about 'woke' things, but she'll look the other way if its someone she likes. or go out of her way to defend them. she likes ryan murphy, therefore any project he does shes gonna defend with 'well ryan murphy does things for controversy/shock!' I DONT GIVE A FUCK. he can easily do that by creating his OWN stories and not making a mockery of a real life tragedy. but she doesnt care! bc its ryan murphy and 'thats what he does.' SO WHY DOES HE DO IT??? like thats my issue. she gives half assed reasons like that without realizing that 'reason' is an issue too.
but her defense didnt end there! bc for some reason she realllly wanted to justify it so she spun this whole thing about what she 'thinks' ryan murphy is doing, which is this: "the first 4 episodes were super sensationalized and fictitious to represent how the press was depicting the boys and the case. and then on episode 5, things get serious and thats ryan bringing out 'out of the press' and 'into reality.'" .....what??? HUH? if that was what he was doing it would BE CLEAR. NOT SOME THEORY YOU WHIPPED UP AND ARE CLAIMING TO BE TRUE AS A DEFENSE OF HIS SHIT WRITING.
but basically. she does believe the boys were abused, but she believes what was in the ryan murphy show. AND she thinks this is all NEW knowledge that ryan is groundbreakingly showcasing. bc shes incredibly fucking ignorant. what she implied possibly NOT believing was eriks statement, as if he did it for publicity or smthn because 'he met with the actor the next day.' like how tf do those 2 things correlate?
anyways. my sister isnt one of those 'u were asking for it' people and she is knowledgeable about the concept of a perfect victim and why thats problematic. BUT, as i said, its selective in all aspects based on her knowledge. in this case, she had none, assumed no one did, and is taking ryans word for it (and spinning the non factual parts of the show it to make it look better in ryans defense.)
also there was a point where i said ryan shouldve named it 'monsters' and then the parents names instead, and she was like 'well that wasnt the name of the case' BITCH HES NOT MAKING A SHOW ABOUT THE CASE HES MAKING FANFICTION OF IT
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fearlessleaderslove · 2 years
Can You Do A Vampire Raph x F!Reader But In Bayverse And With Prompts And Can You Do It In A Lemon 🍋
123. “Don’t hold back.” 58. Turtle bedroom 89. Mating season 151. “Do you know how a turtle takes his mate?” 132. “Argue all you want, we both know you belong to me.” 5. “MINE.” plus 142. “Bite me.” and Turning into a vampire
So first things first, I have never really written out vampires before so honestly I dont know a whole lot about them. So for context:
I think that everyone has there own scent when it comes to their blood (I think I read it in a book somewhere? idk) and everyones is different
The brothers dont have the power to turn others. They're something like less vampires whereas greater vampires (like OG coven leaders) can.
They brothers have their own 'covens' but its more like harems.
Raph would be EXTREMELY gentle when it comes to initiating their mate into the 'coven' or if its their first time.
Raph and the F!Reader are WELL over 18 in this fic so without further delay, enjoy you sinners ❤️
WARNINGS: Blood and mentions of blood, Stalker behavior, Swearing, NSWF content (i.e. sex, mentions of sex, sexual acts)
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Sweet Night
Raph wasnt one to move so quickly into choosing mates, especially for his coven. He liked to observe his potential wives/husbands before making the commitment and following through. It was the one thing he and Leo had in common when it came to their covens. But this was…different. A stirring in his stomach and the deafening screaming of his instincts told him that he needed you. And Raphael was betwixted and between something as cliche as “love at first sight” or just the mating season that had just begun.
It didnt matter either way, the young turtle patiently waited until the streets had become less crowded and problematic to make his move…
Its not a secret that creatures of the night like himself were attracted to certain…smells. Particularly the way blood smells. Everyone has a different scent, some smelled like mint and some smelled like sweets. Raph was never a big fan of coffee save for his ‘morning’ cup but you…you smelled like freshly brewed coffee and sweet, warm vanilla shortbreads. God he was getting impatient, hiding himself in the darkness of the alley, waiting to reach out and whisk you away.
The day had been long for you and all you could think of was your cozy bed. It didnt help that you had been just slightly…frustrated as of late. And while most times in the past you could satisfy yourself this time was different. Somehow, it just wasnt enough now.
As you pondered and mulled over more possible ways to sate your needs, it had not dawned on you that the streets were now starting to dwindle in population. And from the shadows two large hands sprung forward like a silent, well placed trap and pulled you into the shrouded alley. One hand around your waist and the other covering your mouth and chin but not your nose. The next thing you knew you were standing on a secluded rooftop away from the hustle and bustle of the city with a large dark figure.
You should be terrified right now, right? You should want to scream! Run! Anything! And yet...your legs wouldnt move and your body felt like it was weighed down or stuck underneath sand. And the dark figure? He (you assume it was a he) just stood there and stared. Stared with beautiful eyes that illuminated a brilliant gold in the darkness.
There was a strange force drawing you to him, not fear or curiosity, but something else. As your eyes bore into each other the mysterious figure spoke in a gravely, heavy voice, snapping you back into reality.
“Ain’t yous gonna scream? Or run? Aint ya scared of me?” He asked you in what seemed to be confusion.
“No…I’m not afraid. If you were going to harm me or kill me, you would’ve done so already.” Was all you could say until he started to move closer and into the soft light that hung on a wire overhead. He was large to say the least and was a…turtle? A mutant? You had heard rumors and stories but never thought you would encounter one.
“Whats ya name, kid.” The mutant demanded as he crossed his arms, looking ya up and down with those vibrant eyes.
“Its Y/N…Do you have a name?” You asked the large mutant and copied his action, a slight heat raising to your cheeks. He was amazing. Gorgeous green skin and scales, his height was astounding, his tattoos looked like they could tell stories, and he looked like he could bench a BUS if he wanted too.
“Names Raphael. Imma be straight with ya, Y/N, I aint ya average mutant. I’m more than just a turtle…” Raph said as he slowly approached you as to not scare ya or make you bolt. Once he was a mere two feet from you, you could feel it again. That strange force was drawing you closer, wanting to know more. See more. Feel more.
“Imma vampire, too. An’ I want you.” He husked out softly, “What’d’ya say, Y/N? Wanna know how a turtle takes his mate?” His whisper was enough to send an electric tingle up your spine and unexpectedly, you nodded your head slowly. “Yeah…I think I wanna know.”
Well…You didnt expect to be taken underground and end up in this large turtles lair. The Neon signs, the skateboards, all of the different personalities combined into a smooth flow. Through the lair Raph escorted you, saying that his brothers shouldnt be around tonight.
His room had a theme. Red. Which explained his red mask. And workout equipment like weights, jump ropes, and other assorted dumb bells.
“So are you, like, gonna bite me? Turn me into a vampire too?” You asked him as you looked around his bedroom, hearing him laugh at your question. This made your cheeks blush and puff, your eyes casting to the side in embarrassment.
Raph hummed and reached his hand out, gently grabbing your chin to make you look back at him. “Aw, c’mon Y/N, dont be mad. I didnt mean ta laugh. It’s just it dont work like that. See, only really powerful vampires can turn humans or mutants into vampires. I aint so sure what theys called but me and my brothers dont have that kinda power.” He chuckled before he tipped your chin up more, exposing your neck.
You could hear your heart beat loudly in your ears and your body started to tremble, which made Raph pause. He drew closer, placing a soft kiss on your skin before he pulled himself away.
Fuck this was bad. Raph could hardly keep a grip on himself and the way you looked right now…innocent and vulnerable. Gave him the overwhelming urge to not only ravage you but protect you. The hell were you doing to him… “Ya sure you wanna do this, Y/N? It aint too late ya know…” Raph asked you, still close enough that you could feel his hot breath on your skin. His question made you think for only a moment. Your life was dull, uneventful, and boring. It was the same thing day in and day out and you started to wonder if there would ever be a change. And as strange as it was, you felt an undeniable attraction to Raph. You both only just met, however, and you wanted to get to know this confident turtle. What made him tick? What was he like on good days? On bad days? You wanted to know it all. “I’m sure, Raphael. Please…Dont hold back.” You whispered back to him.
As soon as his name left your lips Raph scooped you up into his powerful arms, pinning you to one of the cold concrete walls of his bedroom as he feverishly kissed your lips in hot desperation. His large calloused hand felt its way up and under the soft fabric of your shirt, caressing the warm skin underneath. Raph was never the patient one though…
The red banded turtle only ceased his barrage of kisses to lift your shirt over your head, throwing it randomly to find later. His lips trailed across your cheekbones to your ears, nibbling them teasingly before he laid you on his bed. Even the sheets smelled like him…
“Fuck…ya gorgeous Y/N.” The terripan husked softly before starting to shed his gear and clothes until all that remained was his red boxes. He was absolutely stunning. Raph crawled over your body, leaving a trail of kisses as he tugged off your pants and panties.
Once you were laid bare to him he sat up, marveling at your now vulnerable body. “Raph…you’re making me blush.” You cooed out to him, your arms trying to cover up what little they could though that didnt last long. Firm yet gently he pulled your limbs away.
“Can’t help it. Ya driving me nuts, Y/N…I can smell ya blood and excitement.” Raph gave a toothy grin before he pushed you a bit further up the mattress, spreading your pretty thighs apart. A deep churr thundered through his chest and it sent a shudder down your spine. You heard him curse under his breath before he dove down, licking and slurping at your sweet nectar. Your hand shot to your mouth to suppress the loud moan escaping your lips, your back arching up in pleasure
“If you know whats good for ya, you’ll take that hand away from yer mouth. I wanna hear ya moans. I wanna hear ya screaming my name, Sweetheart.”
Raph growled, his tongue slipping its way into your pussy, massaging your sensitive walls. After a few moments of him sucking, slurping, and devouring your juices Raph pulled away and gave your clit a small flick with his tongue. A chuckle rolled from his chest when that earned him a twitch from your hips but he wasnt finished. In one quick motion the large mutant bore his fangs into your thigh, making your gasp and yelp out of pain.
Ever so slowly Raphael lapped and suckled down a little of your blood, his breathing starting to quicken. You tasted just like you smelled, sweet and warm like shortbread with a hint of bitter coffee. It now became the barra turtles mission to leave you so marked up that there would be no question who’s mate you were.
A small whimper came from you, grabbing Raphs attention. He pulled away from the punctures, pressing a kiss to them before his gaze was on you. Small tears burned in your eyes and you couldnt help but to look away, trying to hide your face from him. In seconds Raph was hovered over you, his hand cupping your cheek.
“Hey, hey…I’m sorry, Y/N. ‘M sorry…I got carried away. I promise ya I’ll be more gentle, dont cry Sweetheart. I aint gonna hurt ya.” He reassured you, giving you a sweet and gentle kiss. “Ya gotta relax for me, aight? ‘M uh…pretty big. It might hurt a little at first.”
You nodded and took slow, deep breaths, wiping the tears from your eyes as your passionate turtle stripped himself of his boxers. And he wasnt kidding…he was BIG. You swallowed hard and glanced at Raph nervously and he nodded, grabbing both your hands only to pin them above your head.
With his free hand, Raph rubbed the head of his cock against your drenched pussy, making you quiver with anticipation. He prodded and poked the head in and out, flicking your clit to get you more excited and relaxed. With one thrust, Raph shoved himself completely in, kissing you at the same time to muffle your pained moan.
After letting you adjust for a few minutes as well as madly playing tongue hockey with you, you broke away from his lips breathlessly. “I’m okay now, Raphie. Please…please move.” Your voice begged him as your hips bucked, the lust and desire rising.
Fuck how did you know about his nickname? How did you know it would drive him utterly and wholly up a wall? Raph used every ounce of control to set a deep yet steady pace, small grunts and moans filling the space between you and him. This time though, Raph was careful when he let his fangs sink into your now sweaty skin, tenderly placing kisses onto the wounds once he finished sampling your blood again.
Your body moved with his in a fiery rhythm before the mutant began to thrust fervently, the hand that was pinning your wrists down now moved to your hips. He gripped at your flesh tightly, making you mewl his name in throws of pleasure. And you can bet that he’s now left bite trails on your neck, shoulders, breasts, and even your collarbone.
“Fuck, ya amazing. Ya taking almost all of my cock. Tell me ya want more, Y/N. Call my name.” Raphael whispered in your ear, encouraging you on.
“Raphael! A-aaah, please! M-more…I need you to fuck me more…” You whined, bucking your hips down onto his. In an instant you felt your head get fuzzy as your turtle thrusted into your pussy hard and fast, earning him your screams of pleasure as your orgasm quickly approached.
“C-cum! G-g-gonna cum-!” Was all you could manage you moan out before your entire body convulsed, your legs snapping shut around Raph as your pussy squeezed his cock like a vice.
“F-fuck, Y/N!” Raph groaned loudly before pulling back as far as could, slamming himself as deeply as he could reach. Both of your bodys twitched as the impassioned terrapin emptied his seed into you in long bursts. It took a hot minute for him to completely finish and he pulled you in close to his chest, cradling you.
“Ya MINE now, Y/N…Mine ta me. And Im gonna make sure you know that every chance I get.”
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
Blue Lips (temporary title) 1/?
I finished up a personal WIP for @wixterirox . after seeing a post that was very similar.
its a Billy-centric, angsty, sickfic type type thing. This might turn into harringrove by the end, depending on how far I end up taking it; not really sure yet. I will also come up with a better title eventually, I just needed something quick so I could post this.
basic premise; Steves gets back to the Byer's residence ready to sleep off the aches and pains of the night, only to find out his kids drugged a certain Hargrove and left him there without telling anyone. Billy isn't doing too hot, damn near dies.
TW for sedation. Cpr, near-death experiences, semi-graphic cpr/related medical happenings.
Other info, I intentionally had Steve's thought process stay kinda toxic and self-centering (with wanting to help billy, it'll make sense when you get to that part). I think by the end of season two, he had more or less figured out who he was supposed to be and wanted to be, but he wasn't fully there yet; he was still a little self-centered and assholish, so that's how I wrote him. He's trying; he'll get there eventually. Also, if you see typos, no, you don't.
Steve really thought the night might be over; he might finally get to put his aching body to rest without worrying about someone's well-being. Will was safe, the kids had been reunited with their supposed long-lost friend El, and they were all generally in good health. All was well until steve got the kids back to Joyce's.
Joyce had offered her home to the kids, who were still very much shaken up, while she stayed with Will, El, Jonathan, and Hopper at the lab. Nancy was tagging along with Jonathan, leaving steve with the kids. Steve was just happy he didnt have to go home to that big empty house and that he could keep the kids at an arm's distance while the adrenaline went down.
What he didnt expect to find was a comatose Billy Hargrove half-dead on Ms. Byers's bathroom floor. He hadn't even been the one to find him, nor did he even know he was still in the house. The kids hadn't mentioned how they got billy off of him or where he ended up after.
He just kinda assumed he gave up when steve was out cold and fucked off to lick his wounds in peace. But, in actuality, he had been drugged by his little sister, while in the best intentions, and was now od-ing on heavy-duty sedatives, mind flayer level sedatives.
He had been searching for extra blankets when he heard a yelp from the bathroom, followed by a few 'shit's, 'oh my god's, and 'Jesus Christ's.
When he had rushed to see what the fuck was going on, he found billy, grey in the face and belly up, sprawled out on the bathroom floor. He was covered in vomit as if the boy had attempted to get to the toilet only to fail and find himself stuck on the floor.
"Shit," steve muttered under his breath, quickly scooting past the kids and getting on the floor next to Hargrove. "What the fuck happened? Was he like this when you guys dragged me to the car?" he questioned while trying to find billy's pulse. It didnt matter if he had gotten his face practically punched in by him a little over an hour ago; he didnt want him to fucking die, especially not on his watch.
"I had to drug him to get him off of you, I didnt really think… he was gonna kill you, so I just gave him the shit will was perscribed… is he dead…" max piped up, clearly scared shitless at the thought of potentially killing her brother.
Steve had yet to find a pulse, and billy's skin was ice cold. It really didnt look good. So he kicked into old habits as a diver and lifeguard, assessing billy's entire lifeless form. The first thing he did was throw his ear to billy's sternum, thanking his lucky stars when he heard a feeble little beat, way too slow, but there. Billy wasnt fucking dead. He never thought those words would ever enter his train of thought, let alone give him such a sense of relief.
"He's alive, but he's in rough shape," he blurted out, not even really thinking, just throwing out information.
The next thing he did was open the boy's airway; he had to pull billy to the center of the small bathroom just so he would fit length-wise before he could even attempt to work the vomit out of his airway. He pulled his jaw up and pushed his forehead back. He pressed his cheek against a slackened mouth, barely feeling any air exchange but hearing a steady rasping sound. Fluid was caught in his airways, or if he was really unlucky, in his lungs.
"One of you go get me a towel or a blanket, just somthing to keep his head propped up, someone else go call 911, right now, if you can find it bring me the vial so I can tell them what he has in his system. Max, how much of that shit did you give him?" steve rapid fire went through orders, all while getting billy onto his side. Lucas, Mike, and Dustin left in a hurry to do what steve asked.
"There was a full syringe next to the vial, I just gave him all of it, I didnt mean to hurt him, I just wanted him to get off of you," though her voice was flat, there was a shake to it that made steve feel helpless. Max was never scared, but here she was looking at the near corpse of her brother, terrified. It felt wrong.
"It's ok, I mean, this is a nightmare, but it's gonna be ok, you didnt mean to do this, you were looking out for both of us. You did what you could and probably saved all of our lives by keeping me in commission." he needed her to stay calm because if she started to flip out, he wouldn't be able to keep his attention on billy, and he was fading far too quickly for that to end any type of well. He didnt know how to feel about max or the kids right now cause, on one hand, they were kids, and seeing billy beat him would make any of them freak out. But on the other, they also drugged him with something they didnt even know the name of, let alone understand, and left him on the floor with no means of escape. It was too cold for him to walk, and he had no car. Plus, they hadn't even thought to tell Steve, Steve being way too out of it and way too focused on keeping them alive in those hell tunnels to even think about the other boy. So it was safe to say he had mixed feelings and would be having a serious conversation with all of them as soon as Hargrove wasn't dying. For now, he was going to compromise with himself and just focus on keeping them as calm and compliant as possible.
He was currently wacking the shit out of billy's back, trying to get him to cough up some of the shit blocking his airways. He tried to keep the blows sharp between his should blades, but it was hard at the awkward angle he was forced into, so he opted to pull billy up onto his lap, so he was face down. He hoped gravity would help get something out of him, but with each passing moment, he was turning bluer.
"Don't give up on me now, Hargrove; you dont get to kick my ass and die in my arms all in one night, you hear me?" he choked back a lump in his throat as he put billy back down on the floor. He checked his mouth and throat for any obstructions but found none, and billy's breathing hadn't improved any. "You're a fucking prick, you know that," he mumbled, not even thinking.
He held Billy's jaw open as he locked his lips over Billy's cold, slackened ones. Then, using his free hand, he plugged the boy's nose, blew a puff of air from his lungs to billy's, let him exhale, and then repeated. Over and over again, billy's attempts at breathing got impossibly weaker as he accepted Harrington's help.
"Hey, you don't get to quit now. You have to keep fighting Hargrove. Where's my blanket and my call to 911, is one of you on the line?" he called down the hallway, praying to god these kids were capable of following directions, just this once. Billy was fading. Every time steve would try and listen for his heartbeat, it would get weaker, slower. He was honestly shocked he had lasted this long, but he didnt want to test his luck.
"I got it," Dustin came shouting down the hall, holding a big blanket in his hands." Mike's on the phone with them right now, the line doesn't reach down by here, they're coming,"
Now that steve had given up on trying to clear billy's airway, opting to get air into him, he quickly draped it over billy, hoping it would bring him some sort of relief. he tried to run warmth into the boy's hands but with the lack of blood flow, it was pretty impossible.
Billy started to jerk around, his arm would tense, or his leg would kick out. It scared the shit out of the kids, as they thought he was coming to, but Steve's stomach just dropped. Billy wasn't getting enough air, and his body was starting to freak out. His heart was going to slow, so matter how much air he gave the other boy, enough of it wasnt getting to his brain.
"Out, all of you, get out, go wait in the living room." he really didnt want the kids to watch him perform cpr, it was rough, and they had already seen enough tonight. Most of the kids listened, choosing to linger in the hallway while max stepped forward, almost out of spite.
"Why? Steve, what are you doing that we have to be out of here?" max questioned, tone accusing him of something.
"His heart isn't beating fast enough, meaning his brain is getting enough air, so his nervous system is going haywire trying to get him to breathe, which is why he's jerking around. Soon enough, he's gonna start agonal gasping, which is pretty fucking scary to watch, I'm gonna try and keep that from happening, but that would involve cpr, which I dont want you to watch. Please, just go wait in the living room," he unbuttoned billy's shirt and worked the blanket down to his waist so he could get a better view and access to his chest. Trying not to gasp at all the bruises in various stages of healing that steve definitely didnt leave. Billy's knuckles weren't bruised before their scuffle. He didnt cause these, not by means of street fights or petty violence.
"I'm staying here. I can't leave him, fuck you fuck that," she retorted, the other kids leaving, going back down the hall like he had asked.
"Max, I'm gonna break his ribs, you don't want to hear that. Trust me, being a lifeguard long enough leaves you with some not so nice memories, but that, those memories are the ones you hear in your nightmares. Go sit in the hall for your brothers sake." his voice shook as he remembered some past experiences, but he never broke eye contact with max, holding it till she rolled her eyes and took a seat on the far wall of the hallway.
Good enough.
"Alright hargrove, this is gonna hurt like hell, but I don't want you to die, so you're gonna have to forgive me." he muttered, placing his hands on billy's chest. Here we fucking go.
He got up on his knees and used his weight to compress billy's chest, again and again. He kept them quick and precise, compressing deep enough each time and letting up so his chest could expand. It was rough. He felt out of breath after his first round, arms screaming when he paused to give him breaths again.
"I swear, Hargrove if you die after all of this, im gonna crawl into whatever afterlife you get into, and I will drag you out by your stupid hair cause you're really doing a number on me," he grunted, getting back onto billy's chest. The chest covered in healing bruises, ones clearly left by a belt. "And I need to know what happened to you."
Steve was coming to terms with the fact he was a nurturer by nature; even if he had ignored it for years, he wanted to heal and care for things, for people. Thats why he put his life on the line for these kids and never planned to leave them. Even if he was fighting monsters and babysitting a bunch of kids, it felt like, for once in his pathetic life, he had a purpose. He didnt feel lost or confused. He acted on autopilot like it was second nature, jumping between his kids and danger, offering a gentle hand or well-needed advice, patching up and calming down scared kids. And now he's breaking this already broken boy's chest, forgetting the anger he had felt after he got his ass handed to him because he felt that pull to nurture once again.
Billy Hargrove has to survive because steve could feel he needed something, someone to hold onto. Steve knew that crazy look, worn by someone who had given up, accepted any night could be their last, whose anger boiled in their belly and burned their throats. He wanted to help, he would help; no matter how stubborn billy might be about it, steve was determined.
The color in Hargrove's face was getting better, even if just a shade or two, small victories. But he was starting to gasp like a fish out of water, not so good. Steve knew it was a natural reflex that would happen whether or not he was giving compression. Because compressions and rebreathed air would never satisfy someone's body the way an actual heartbeat or breath would, it would happen regardless, but it still made him feel uneasy.
He gave his all (which was not much at this point, and what was left was quickly fading) into working billy's chest and giving his lungs air, but by the time paramedics got there, his attempts were lackluster at best. His head was killing him, his throat felt like he was swallowing razors every time he breathed, he couldnt see out of one eye, and his vision was getting spotty in the other. He tried, he really tried to stay consistent, but he himself was fading out, so he was more than happy to hand over billy's care to professionals.
He actually passed out a few seconds later, adrenaline finally leaving him, and he gave into his concussion, minor blood loss, and exhaustion. The last thing he remembered was asking someone to stay with the kids, that he needed to see dr. Owens asap, and that he was staying with billy since this whole situation revolved around them. He blacked out after that, feeling the warm lull of pain meds and the manhandling of paramedics who were most definitely not being paid enough for this shit.
I will post a chapter 2 eventually.
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
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part 2 after the author replied i wasnt sure if i should carry on but with their unapologetic attitude ofc i went through with it
omg kadar is 16 and maliks 19 shut the fuck up EWWWWW
ok let me explain it properly this author fetishised kadars teenage hormones why do we keep coming back to kadar wanting to have sex esp if hes a minor its disgusting theyve made a point that u can explore gross things in fiction because yk its fiction and not irl and tbh idgaf because youre telling me you enjoy reading about a minors sexual life? youre telling me you enjoy reading about a brother telling his MINOR brother about HIS sex life? defend incest if u want im not here to change ur mind about incest but if u think that u can just write about minors sexually u are fucking disgusting
a lot of talk about god but none of it relates to the story or being gay so idk not interested
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chapter 27^ i cant do it anymore its 3am as im typing i’ll finish the rest when i wake up
kadars only personality trait is being horny tf
adha is very religiously strict and thinks altaïr is a godless pig uhm. ok… making adha rude is very uncalled for you couldve chose to use a random woman like…. a stranger but no it had to be canon altaïrs dead ex… and altaïr says ‘i dont know much about islam’ i dont understand why some fanfic authors insist on making altaïr completely atheist, i feel like altaïr wouldn’t be religious tbfh but hed still have islamic norms and values. when we can write characters in a way the original source material doesnt why cant we include cultural and religious aspects? why do ppl try so hard to remove the fundamental aspects of islamic culture. altaïr not knowing islam just drags the story more because if he did then hed understand adha and like idk hed connect with malik more and adhas anger would be justified but here she is being an ass and assuming the worst because…? she could’ve just called him an asshole idk why she dragged religion into this its reminding me of strict religious ppl who hate the new generation so far there hasn’t really been much about the good things of islam
adhas apologising now for assuming the worst. she paints smth for him? doesnt really make sense but alright
if altaïr can honor his mum with a tattoo (which is haram but anyways) he could surely honor his dad by celebrating eid or smth or just praying some time idk the paragraph im reading is about how his grandmas not religious and his dad was a practising muslim but never taught altaïr which ok he died when altaïr was 5 fine but idk the authors very intent on making sure altaïr isnt muslim but personally if he was muslim it’d be interesting because then hed struggle with his faith and himself i mean malik doesnt seem to struggle at all so idk ig everyones different
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excuse me? so we can add black fetishisation to the list as well cuz wtf was that? it doesnt even add to the story its so random and unnecessary?
uhm altaïr and adha fell in love not a lot of depth to their relationship considering this mustve been over the course of days maybe even a few weeks idk just not a lot of time as it is to uh fall in love but shes engaged so theyve left it at that still not a bad plot point ig but it doesnt affect malik as of yet which undermines this plot point but lets see what happens
leo and sofias interactions are cute i like this leo malik and sofia friendship going on
im not gonna comment on any more incest its obvious this author just has a thing for it and theres so many fics that have incest and if i was to really fight that id do it for the other fics too also i wont comment on their writing as a whole anymore the main issue here is the cultural erasure and fetishisation
these do not affect the plot in any way shape or form, yes its an old 2014 fanfic but the author seems to not give a fuck that theyve written gross things. as well as poorly write islamic characters, it feels like a ‘youre either religious or your not’ and writing things like this is harmful! youre telling readers that muslims are either very harsh (like adha was) or very sweet (like maliks mum for being okay that maliks gay) but what about the catholic side of the family? theres no indication that they’re homophobia stems from religion. also ppl think its okay to just make altaïr unaware of his own heritage and faith? yes hes not muslim per say but hes syrian? his father died young but you can choose to write about the family wanting to help altaïr keep his customs alive. its white. its so white. it makes me more upset that the author will only focus on us disliking incest rather than accept that they’re wrong for cultural erasure. youve told hs that he’s syrian and white but just added that he misses his dad. and u cant defend sexualising kadar at all i wont hear anything about that because what u enjoy in fiction is also a reflection of what you enjoy irl. if you think incest is cool you will have a natural interest of it irl theres a reflection of your interests in your writing. if for example i wrote angst you would naturally expect that i like it or have a connection to it in some way, that i enjoy somehow. but i dont really like angst i could write for it but thats from my experience and thought process. someone who writes smut doesnt mean that they’re sexually active but theyve thought about it, they might’ve done some research to it. do u see what im tryna say? you are actively advancing on your interests when you right about them in fiction, you have a connection to it. if you hated smut someone would assume you hated it irl. the logic applies here too, if you dont like incest irl and it grosses you would simply not read incest in fiction because it grosses you out. if you dont like cultural erasure and sexualising minors irl then why tf would u add it to ur fic? why would u think that the boundary fiction would allow that to be okay? and the thing is micro-aggressions back in 2014 were bad and i know that but the author having had feedback and not even acknowledging it in this day and age is disgusting. ppl say they like sass verse, i have to say the plot of it is interesting but there were so many unnecessary aspects that did not contribute or feel nice to read at all. even if someone uses the excuse that they didnt know smth about islam, i as brown muslim you can not dismiss my feelings towards the way they wrote any muslim characters.
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chxwrites · 3 years
Fool in love Pt.2
Carlos Madrigal x She/them Reader with a gift
Genre: angst/fluff? it’s mostly carlos this chapter
warnings: none
Pt1 masterlist
tagging: @dai-tsukki-desu @m1ntyspiiees @elegantkidfansoul @yoursimpingfan @goddesslilithmoriarty @camilos-mivida @queen-of-embracing-uncertainty (Ik you didn’t ask but since you wanted a pt 2 i thought it’d be nice to tag you for it..? Sorry if you don’t wanna be tagged)
Slow update, it’s been.. roughly half a month? I’m busy with school sorry.
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The next day, he went back to his usual — avoiding all tasks and maybe steal something from the bakery that’s by chance near your house even though he could’ve just asked Tia Julieta for arepas or any type of bread he wanted.
He stayed hidden in the alley, slicing his bread in half with his pocket knife to save for later. He glanced at you not so subtly as he enjoyed his breakfast.
“Are you going to keep staring like a creep or?”
He heard your unmistakable voice and looked around, trying to see who you were talking to.
“I’m talking to you, señor with the hair covering an eye while eating bread”
He gulped down his mouthful of bread, thinking if he should make a run for it. But he’s no coward so he stepped out into the light, shrugging like this was his plan all along.
“Whats a Madrigal doing here, casually watching a local anyways” You tossed the blob of an apple core you liquified up and down your hand. “don’t try to deny it, i’ve seen you there for days”
He grinned a mirthless grin, “Bold of you to assume i’m watching you, señorita.” He walked closer. You took note of how tall he is as he towered over you.
You scoffed, “whatever, see you around stalker” You turned to go back into your house, not bothering anymore since he’s not gonna answer your question.
Eventually he’ll get bored of whatever interested him and leave. right?
Wrong. He came back day after day, just standing there eerily in the shadows of the alley. Sometimes with a fruit in hand or a new trinket he snatched. You’ve learnt that his name was Carlos, the trouble maker of the Madrigals. A sort of outcast, black sheep of the family.
You noticed the townspeople didn’t really like him either (more like they completely avoided him as much as possible) and it wasn’t surprising if he thought you would’ve backed off or at least be put off by it like other people did. But you didn’t, instead you just.. sort of coexisted in silent in some sort of truce.
He would stay near you, minding his own business while you worked on chores or just watching the clouds float by.
He enjoyed the peace while you enjoyed the quiet company.
You were laying in your usual shaded spot, enjoying the cool summer breeze while you chewed on a popsicle stick mindlessly. Until some guy decided to get real close to you while sitting, completely uncaring you’re there.
“Has anyone told you about personal space..? Because clearly you don’t know about it.” you scoffed as you sat up, now standing in front of the guy who decided to invade your space.
It was Carlos Madrigal, who’s name you had learnt. But he was.. different today. You squinted your eyes, confused. He didn’t look different. Actually he did, his expression was.. odd. not one usually seen on the scowling, pissed-off-at-everyone boy. The beauty mark was also gone. you noted.
“Uh. Are you okay.?”
“Totally, why would you assume i’m not?” He snapped back at you, but it was.. weak compared to his usual snide comments. It also had weird ups and downs in accent that he didn’t do. And was that a voice crack.?
You reached forward, pinching Carlos real hard and you watch as his image shifted and changed, turning into Camilo. You rolled your eyes, as if one madrigal wasnt enough, now there’s two.
You caught him by the back of his collar as he turned to flee, “hold it, why’re you impersonating your twin to see me”
He turned around, eyes darting everywhere.
“Look i mean no harm, i was just interested in why my brother was always out here and found out he was with you. Are you guys dating?”
You let go of his collar, “Dating him?” You snickered, “Of course not.” You quickly dissipate the thought of dating him that flashed through your head. Dating him? He was just.. nice company. Yeah. Besides you weren’t that close, he just stayed near and had short conversations with you. sometimes joining you as you laid near the riverbank or watched the stars on your roof.
Camilo seemed to be thinking, hand scratching his head absent-mindedly.
“That’s weird. Carlos doesn’t really enjoy company. I was surprised he was hanging around you so much. What’s your name anyways” He stretched his hand out, wanting to shake yours.
“Y/n, You’re done with this whole investigator thing right? I’ll go back to my nap” You shook his hand briefly so he doesn’t have his hand out awkwardly and tossed the popsicle stick that’s been in your mouth for a while into the bin next to you.
He waved, setting off with mischief in his mind as he thought of the ways he’ll tick his brother off.
He hurried home, greeting casita and passed by Mirabel who was fixing up his other torn ruana. He found Carlos leaning against the balcony and smirked, walking up to him.
“So… what’s up hermano” Carlos ignored Camilo’s question, rolling his eyes as he’s close to walking away.
“What.” He snapped, eyes narrowed and lips a thin line, annoyed his peace was disturbed. Camilo never went to him during the day unless to tell him about news.
“So hostile towards tu hermano” Camilo shook his head “Not to disturb your creepy stalker thing but Mama told me to tell you y/n’s coming over for dinner tonight.” Camilo grinned seeing Carlos’ expression change, his eyes widening.
“What’s wrong hermano?” He prodded him further, testing his patience.
Carlos turned away without a response, trying to leave.
“not so fast, whats this about?” Camilo put a hand on his shoulder. He grits his teeth and swats his hand off.
“Let go already, it doesn’t concern you.”
“You’re so obvious. It’s clear that you-“ Carlos slaps his hand over Camilo’s mouth, irritated.
“That was a joke Carlos, shes not coming over to dinner. I talked with her just now. She has a gift too, i think it’s manipulating liquids and turning things into liquid state.”
Carlos nodded, attention drifting from his brother’s words to something else, until his brother’s voice became background noise again.
“Carlos!” He snapped back to attention, closing his eyes in annoyance.
“make it short i’m tired of your ramblings”
“Do you like her.”
He turned around, unsure as well. “I don’t know” He muttered.
“Just say you do” He could already imagine the stupid smug grin Camilo was wearing. “Just cállate before Dolores-“
A small squeak could be heard behind them. Carlos facepalmed, of course she heard.
“What’s this about Carlos liking someone? Mi hermanito tolerating someone?”
Carlos had enough of this and pushed past her. “you’ve heard everything already, don’t tell anyone, got it?” He glared at her but Dolores was already turning to leave, trying not to spill the newest news she got.
“She’s gonna tell everyone. starting from mirabel and then mama” Camilo stated.
“No shit.”
“Maybe you could try confessing..?”
“We’re not.. close. At all. And what would she see in me anyways” The insecurities rose and tangled his insides into knots. Bile rose and he gulped, pushing the thoughts down.
Camilo sighed, shaking his head. There was no convincing Carlos once he set his mind to something. “I’ll leave you to your thoughts then. Hasta luego hermano.”
That night, carlos’ thoughts ran wild as the night got darker.
What if you thought the same as he did?
Unsure of your feelings as well? He knew you were sort of an outcast as well. On the surface you got along well but you didn’t have anyone close. But you had him around everyday.
Maybe his brother is right for once. He had fallen for you and he can’t seem to get enough of you — The one thing that seems nice in this town besides his family.
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