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summer's golden haze - chapter six
pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: a love confession, a PR scandal, and an explanation (5.2k)
a/n: don’t hate me for this folks 😅 things are going to be fine with our favorite couple, don’t worry! (or are they??? guess you’ll just have to read and see mwahaha)
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Somehow Lando convinces you to stay the night with him after spending a little quiet time together at his place once the jet lands, instead of going home like you’d originally planned. You won’t go into detail, but it involved little talking and a lot more kissing.
He lets you shower off the nightclub musk first, and only when you’ve made yourself comfy in his bed can you shoot a text to your friends.
You: staying at lando’s tonight. no need to wait up for me, he’ll drop me off at ours in the morning
Samira: ouuu get it girl
Maren: be safe wear protection etc etc
You: GOD no not like that you perverts
Camille: sure 👍🏼
Camille: is he reading over your shoulder? WE’RE ONTO YOU NORRIS.
You: i hate you guys ❤️
Maren: why are u still texting us go spend time with ur man
“Everything good?”
Lando’s toweling his hair dry as he walks into the room, wearing only a pair of shorts. He’s a bit sunburnt on his chest and shoulders from today, but he’s still got that aftersun glow about him as he makes his way over to you. He collapses dramatically beside you on the mattress, wasting no time in sprawling into your space with a content sigh.
“Yep, fine. The girls say hi and goodnight,” You say airily, putting aside your phone. Lando lets out a noncommittal hum, too busy with making himself comfortable next to you to form a response. In the end, he finally settles with an arm thrown across your thighs, face pressed into your side snugly.
Your fingers trace the dip of his spine gently, coming up to brush over his reddened skin. “You’re all burnt, Lando.”
“Sun cream is for wimps,” He mumbles, words muffled. “I’m tough.”
“You might rethink that when your skin starts to peel.”
“Did you have fun?” He asks, changing the subject in favor of aiming a hopeful smile up at you.
“I did. I still can’t believe you’re friends with Martin Garrix, though.”
Lando chuckles, shaking his head. “You’re still hung up on that?”
“Uh, yeah! Normal people usually don't know world famous musicians!”
“Guess I’m not normal then, am I?”
“No, you’re not,” You hum, pushing his damp curls away from his forehead. His face screws into an overdramatically offended look that makes you giggle. “You’re not normal, you’re better.”
“Good save, that,” He mumbles, face morphing into what has to be the most fond, heart-melting, doe eyed expression you’ve ever been looked at with.
What you say next seems to fall out of your mouth before you realize just what you’re doing. All you know is he’s gazing at you like you’re holding up the moon and the stars, and suddenly it feels like exactly the moment to say what you’re thinking.
“I think I’m in love with you too.”
Funnily enough, Lando’s eyes widen the same way Max’s did when he’d accidentally told you. “What?”
“I love you too,” You say, though a little more unsure this time. There’s a key difference between your first and second confessions, but saying it out loud the first time only solidified what, deep down, you think you’ve already known.
You love Lando. You’re in love with Lando, and you want him to know.
Only now he’s staring at you like you’ve just told him some deep dark secret that he wasn’t supposed to know, which definitely isn’t the response you thought you’d get from him, and it makes your brain kick into overdrive.
Max had seemed entirely genuine at the time, but maybe he was just messing with you. Maybe your entire relationship with Lando was some sort of a prank, or god forbid, a fucking bet. The thought had crossed your mind at the beginning, but you’d shoved it aside because Lando was so charming and so painfully your type that you were willing to take the leap.
Less than two weeks. It took less than two weeks to fall in love with the boy in front of you, less than two weeks for you to put your heart into his hands and pray that he wouldn’t break it. The heart that he’d already wormed his way into and made his home.
It’s definitely fast, you’re fully aware of the fact. At the beginning, you weren’t expecting to get into anything serious. Telling yourself you’d let things play out, let whatever was to happen happen, prepared to leave any and all thoughts of Lando behind if things didn’t work out.
You didn’t actually think you’d end up in love with him, and for some reason, it scares you more than you could’ve ever imagined. There’s something terrifying about falling in love, but something even worse than it was him not feeling the same.
“How did you—” He stops mid-sentence, looking so utterly floored you’ve figured it out that you forget any and all previous doubts of Lando not sharing your feelings. “Have I been that obvious?”
“Max let it slip.”
He lets out a groan, squeezing his eyes shut momentarily before opening them again. “Max couldn’t keep his mouth shut if his life depended on it, the twat.”
“Y’know, he said the same thing,” You giggle quietly.
“Because it’s true! His big mouth has been getting me into trouble since the day we met.”
“Do you think falling in love with me is trouble?”
“No! God, no, absolutely not,” Lando insists, shaking his head. In one fell swoop, he manages to shift the both of you so you’re on top of him now, sitting on his thighs with a leg on either side of him. His hands travel up from your waist to cup your face in his palms reassuringly. “The opposite, really. I think you’re the best thing to ever happen to me. I just…I wanted to tell you on my own terms. Had it all planned out too.”
“Oh yeah?” You hum, hooking your fingers over his biceps. “What'd you have planned?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He teases, grinning from ear to ear. You make a pleading noise from the back of your throat, but he just shakes his head, zipping his lips with an imaginary key and pretending to hold it high above his head.
You play along, going to reach up for it, but Lando leans forward, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. It’s a total distraction move, and it works. You forget all about what his plans could’ve been, the thoughts quelled by his mouth on yours, kissing you sweetly.
Your hands slide over the broadness of his shoulders without thinking, fingertips pressing into lean muscle to keep yourself upright.
“Ow, fuck—” He hisses, pulling away from you with a wince. Thinking you’ve hurt him, your eyes go wide. “Sunburn,” He explains hastily.
You scramble off of him. “I am so sorry!”
“No, no, it’s fine, I’m fine, let’s just—” He leans in for another kiss, but the moment is over now.
You snuggle into his side, splaying a hand over his chest. Your fingers immediately go to toy with his necklace. “What will things be like when your break ends, when we have to go back to our separate lives?”
If your question catches him off guard, he doesn’t show it. He just sighs like he’s been thinking about the same thing, rubbing a hand down your arm. “Honestly? I’m not sure. Tried not to think of it much, really.”
“It’s coming soon.” Your voice is almost a whisper, like saying it as soft as you can would make the day you have to leave each other never come. “Too soon.”
“Too soon,” He echoes sadly. “Do you—I mean, would you want to go public?”
The first answer that pops into your head is no.
No, you don’t want to make your relationship known to the public. Lando is a celebrity, and within that territory comes many things you aren’t comfortable with sharing. And it might be selfish of you for the thought to even cross your mind, but part of you doesn’t want to share Lando with the world.
You’ve gotten used to your peaceful little bubble the last few weeks, and once he returns to racing, that bubble will be popped. It might only be a matter of time before people start to figure things out, and you’re not ready for that. Until you part ways, you don’t even want to think about it.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Lando murmurs, drawing you out of your spiraling thoughts. His hand is on your face again, cradling your cheek tenderly, thumb rubbing over your cheek. “We’ll keep things under wraps. I’ve got no problems with that.”
“You don’t?”
“You sound surprised.”
“I’m not,” You say immediately. You must not sound very convincing, because Lando tilts his head in question. “I mean—maybe I am? I just thought you’d want to, y’know, go out and stuff. Press events and races, like the other drivers’ partners.”
“You’ve been looking?” He sighs, but not unkindly. More like an oh, I wish you hadn’t kind of way.
“Yeah. A little.” You feel a little embarrassed admitting it, but you just wanted to know what might be expected of you as Lando’s girlfriend.
In doing so, however, all you’ve done is hurt your own feelings. In your hours long deep dive about Formula 1 WAGs, as you’ve come to learn they’re called, there seem to be some commonalities.
They’re all brilliant, accomplished women. Some of them are models, some athletes, some businesswomen. Everything about them seems pristine and polished, always perfect. From their makeup, to their clothes, even their posture is perfect. You, on the other hand, you’re nothing like them. You’re not a model, you’re not as accomplished or as brilliant, and yeah, most of the time you slouch when you sit.
You’re just…you.
And for some reason, Lando likes you. Loves you. That should be enough for you, and you hate that it isn’t.
You hate that at the very back of your brain, the thought that you’re not good enough for him digs its way into your self conscience, burrowing deep into the pit of your stomach. It has its claws in you, and it isn’t letting go any time soon. You’re not sure it ever will.
“You’re spiraling again, baby,” Lando chides lightly, bringing you back to the present moment once more. You meet his gaze again, thinking you’ll find pity, but seeing nothing but adoration. He bumps your chin with his knuckles lightly. “I love you. Not who you think you should be.”
Your heart swells so big you’re certain it might burst out of your chest. Lando knew exactly what you needed to hear in this moment of self doubt and didn’t hesitate to tell you.
You smile at him, leaning forward to press your lips against his with all the love and affection you can muster, because words aren’t enough to explain just how lucky you are to have found someone like him.
Lando sighs against your mouth, having no hesitation in swinging himself to hover over you.
You let him nudge you back gently against the pillows, knees falling apart easily to accommodate the thigh he slots between them, and it has him pushing in even closer, chasing the breath right out of your chest with the way he’s kissing you.
Safe to say, sleep does not take you until a long while later, not until you're both wearing a lot less clothes, tangled in each other’s embrace, fighting to keep your eyes open. Lando tells you he loves you one more time before you drift off for good, a whisper pressed against your temple in the darkened room.
You’ll sleep well tonight with the ease of knowing that there is no question of how Lando feels about you, about your relationship. Everything is perfect.
“No, that’s bullshit. I’m not doing that. I don’t care if that’s what they want, I’m not doing it.”
Lando’s hushed voice is what wakes you up, quiet but still sharp. Firm.
Light from the bathroom pours in one beam through the cracked door on the other side of the room, piercing the darkness of early morning. You can see him pacing back and forth too, phone pressed to his ear, and it piques your concern. Whoever is on the other side of the line has obviously said something to get him heated.
Work again, maybe?
“Is everything okay?” You yawn, squinting at him through the sleep in your eyes as he shuffles back into the bedroom after the call ends.
“Sorry for waking you,” He says stiffly. You pull yourself into an upright position.
“S’okay. What’s wrong?” Lando just tosses his phone into the mess of clothes in his bag on the chair. You’ll take that as a no, everything is not okay, and yes, something is wrong. “Lando.”
He sits at the edge of the bed, facing away from you, elbows braced on his knees. You scoot towards him, smoothing a gentle hand over his back as your chin presses into his shoulder, his skin still warm under your fingers. You’re not sure what's wrong, but whatever it is, you’re there for him.
“There’s pictures of us from the other night, at the club, and the beach. People took pictures of us together and now they’re all over social media.”
Your heart sinks. “Oh. That’s not great, is it?”
“No. Not really.”
“Was that your PR officer calling?” You ask. Lando nods. “What did they say?”
“Best to not go online today. And turn off your notifications too, because they’ll find you fast. Honestly, just turn off your phone.” He stands abruptly from the bed, away from you, pacing and muttering and raking his hands through his hair. You can almost see the cogs in his brain spinning from where you are.
This is foreign territory to you. You haven’t the slightest idea on how to deal with a situation like this one. You’re not even sure Lando fully does, given the way he’s acting right now.
Still, it feels…violating. Having photos taken of you without your knowledge or consent, then having those photos spread around like they’re some sort of gossip. Even more so because you’ve felt safe around Lando up until this moment.
Now he’s telling you to stay offline, to turn off your phone because strangers on the Internet will find you. You don’t even want to know what’ll happen when they do.
“Will you slow down for a minute, please?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest. He doesn’t answer, just continues in his back and forth actions. “Can we talk about this, or have you gotten everything about our relationship figured out on your own already?”
It’s a bit petty, a little bratty of you. Of course he hasn’t gotten much of anything figured out—he’s only just been made aware of the situation that had likely progressed overnight. It isn’t something he should be having to deal with on his summer break, but he does.
He stops in his tracks, stares at you blankly, and for a second, you think he’ll sit down and listen to you. But then he’s on the move again, rifling through his bag for something. “I think I should take you home.”
You let out a sharp exhale, raising a skeptical brow. “Are you serious right now?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? This isn’t a joke, this is my image we’re talking about.” He procures a wrinkled shirt from the depths of his bag, wasting no time in pulling it over his head.
That leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. You’re very aware that you have no idea what it’s like for him, no idea what it’s like to have your every move be so up for public speculation. That being said, you do know how a biting jab like that makes you feel.
“Your image!” You chuckle wryly. “Oh, I’m so sorry, you’re right. You need to keep up your image, my bad.”
There goes the tic in his jaw again. He’s still not making eye contact with you either, which irks you to no end. “Let me find my keys, I’ll drive you home.”
“No, that’s okay. I’ll just take an Uber. Wouldn’t want to put your image at risk any more than I already have.” You throw the blankets off yourself, going to find your clothes yourself.
Lando lets out a frustrated noise from the back of his throat. He’s probably just as ticked off as you are, but you're not really thinking of that right now. “C’mon, don’t be ridiculous. I’ll drive you home, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. He’s being all pissy like this and he still has the nerve to call you that. You fight to ignore the butterflies in your stomach at the nickname. You’re still getting used to it. Right now, you have a love hate relationship with it.
That’s the last word said by either of you until you're almost back to your place. By this point, you've cooled down considerably. You’ve gathered your thoughts enough to realize you were being a little bitchy about the situation. He’s frustrated, you're frustrated, but it's not either of your faults.
The car pulls to a stop and the doors unlock automatically, so technically you could just let yourself out without saying anything at all. You almost do, but you don't want to leave things the way they are with Lando right now.
“I love you,” You say softly, carefully watching him for a reaction.
The clench in his jaw softens almost imperceptibly, but the crease between his brows, the set of his shoulders, the laser focus he's got on something off in the distance, those still remain.
It’s an entire world away from the way his face had lit up brighter than the sun when you said the exact same three words to him for the first time, just last night. “Text me when you get back so I know you're home safe?”
“Yeah, sure.” His voice is clipped, void of any emotion. He doesn't want to talk. That you can see loud and clear.
Still, you try again. “I’m sorry about the photos, Lan.”
“Not your fault.”
It’s not your fault either, you want to say. You want to look him in the eyes and tell him everything will be okay, that things will work out in the end. You don't—you can’t—because he’s angled himself away from you.
Tears burn at the edges of your eyes and you think you can feel your heart crack a little bit, but you will yourself to get out of the car before he can see them fall. The last thing you need is to add to whatever is going on inside his head right now.
Yeah, maybe you’d been a little combative with him at first, but at the end of everything, you love him now. You still want to figure things out together. But judging by the way he won’t even look you in the eye right now, it isn’t what he wants.
How could you go from basking in the light of newfound love to barely being able to get a word out of him, with just one phone call? A phone call about you, your relationship with Lando, one where you don’t even know what was said.
You hear him pull away as soon as you shut the door behind you.
Is it bad that a small part of you is glad he waited for you to get inside? It means he still cares about you enough to make sure you’re in safely, even though he might be upset with you.
Then you’re hit with the fact that he is upset with you, and that sliver of hope vanishes.
You sink down onto the cold tile of the entryway, back against the door. Everything was so good and now it’s all going to shit, and you hate to think about how you’ve messed things up.
“Tell us everything and don’t leave a single detail—” Maren’s gleeful shout dies in her throat the second she comes barreling around the corner and sees you on the floor with your head in your hands.
She’s quick to call for the other two, rushing to your side in a second and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“I’m gonna kill him. Do I need to kill him?” Samira sounds beyond angry. You’ve only ever seen her this angry a few times, all of which you were glad to have never been the source of.
Camille hushes Samira’s threats, kneeling by your other side. “What happened?”
“Too much,” You mumble, half muffled by the sleeve of your jumper. Lando’s jumper. You want to rip it off and chuck it in the bin, but it’s the same one he’d been wearing the first night you spent together—soft and well loved, smelling like his cologne. Instead, your hands clench into fists around the worn cotton, squeezing the material tight between your fingers.
You eventually find your way to the couch, where you remain until nightfall nears, a half empty bottle of wine sitting open on the coffee table in front of you while your comfort show plays quietly on the television. Realistically, you should be getting ready to go for a night out on the town, but you’re all in your pajamas, curled up against each other nicely.
You’d managed to tell them what was going on through tears that had stopped a while ago, but the thought of Lando putting up walls to keep you out of the situation still burns bright in your mind.
The doorbell rings suddenly and you wrinkle your nose, confused.
Camille untangles herself from the pile, squeezing your hand gently. “I’ll get it! It’s probably our food.” You didn’t even know she’d ordered dinner, but you won't complain. All this wallowing in your hurt feelings has really spurred an appetite.
But then Maren and Samira leave for the door too and you're alone on the couch, even more confused.
“Don’t get mad at us, okay?”
Your mouth pulls into a confused frown at your friends who’ve just reappeared, but then you see Lando step into the room. He looks disheveled and just like you were hoping he’s been feeling—guilty.
Your eyes flick to the girls. You don’t feel betrayed, but rather the thought of them reaching out to Lando brings you a surge of love.
They’ve always known what you need, even if you don’t know it yourself.
“You two need to talk things out, so we’ll be in the kitchen. But if you make her cry again and I’ll kick your pretty rich boy ass, I swear to—” The rest of Samira’s threat is cut off by the other two pulling her out of sight.
That just leaves you and Lando, staring at each other, expressions unreadable. He steps forward, hesitant feet bringing him to the edge of the couch, where he perches awkwardly.
“Hey,” He says meekly, shoving his hands into the big pocket of his jumper. You can’t bring yourself to greet him back. “You weren’t answering any of my texts or calls.”
He looks like he wants to reach out for you but refrains himself from doing so. You’re partly glad he does, because if he did, you’re not sure you could’ve stopped yourself from burying yourself in his arms.
Instead, you stare at him blankly. “You told me to turn off my notifications.”
Lando sucks in a breath through his teeth, head bobbing slightly. “I did say that, didn’t I?”
“You shut me out, Lando. You wouldn’t even tell me what was happening,” You grit out. You’re hurt, to say the least. You hope he knows that. “Don’t you think I have the right to know what’s going on?”
“I know. I know, and I’m sorry,” He insists, almost pleading. “I didn’t mean to shut down like that. I guess I’m just used to doing these kinds of things on my own, y’know? Usually when my name trends on social media, it’s something I’ve done. Something I’ve got to deal with the aftermath of. But now, this time…”
“This time, there’s me,” You finish, frowning.
“Yeah. It isn’t just my life I have to think of, it’s yours too. Having your every move watched and judged by people who don’t know you is the last thing I want for you to have to go through. I can handle it because it comes with the job, but you shouldn’t have to. It isn’t fair to you.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Isn’t it? We’re in this situation because of me. Because of who I am.”
“You didn't ask for this. Like you said, it comes with the job, no matter what you do.”
“Yeah, but I—”
“Lando, I’m not mad that the photos got leaked, I was hurt because you just took me home and left me here without telling me what was going on,” You say. Your voice only wavers the tiniest bit, and you fight it even more. “It felt like you didn't want me to have any input on our relationship, and that's not what a relationship is supposed to be like. At least, not one that I want to be in. I would hope you’d feel the same way.”
“I do. Baby, I do feel the same way. I love you, and I should’ve said it back in the car, I know. And I was angry this morning, but not at you, and I should’ve made that clear too. I was upset and I made some rash decisions, and I’m so sorry,” He sighs, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. When he opens them again, there's pain swirling within them. “I just wanted something to be just mine for once. I wanted our relationship, I wanted you to be that something, because in my life, everything is public. Even if I’d rather it not be, somehow it always ends up out there for the whole world to see, and I don’t want that for us. I know you don’t want that. I don’t ever want you to feel like you're giving up anything to be with me. That being said, I understand if you want to call things off.”
He doesn’t look at you when he says it, but the pure sense of defeat in his tone makes your guarded posture finally soften.
Despite how things were left this morning, the thought of calling things off with Lando had never even crossed your mind. The fact that he thinks it was enough to make you want to break up with him has every ounce of frustration you have towards him leaving your body.
“I don’t,” You say firmly. His head flies up, gaze snapping to yours, a mixture of relief and confusion. “I don’t wanna break up, Lan.”
“Thank god, ‘cause I don’t either.” Finally, he reaches a hand out towards you, and you feel okay enough to crawl over and curl into his side. He immediately presses a smattering of kisses against the side of your head that makes your stomach feel all fuzzy again. “I hate that your privacy was stripped away so soon.”
“Honestly? Part of me knew something like this might happen,” You admit, pulling his arm around you snugly. “I’ve made my peace with it.”
“You have?”
You shoot him a tiny frown paired with a sharp exhale. “Well, obviously it’s not great, but it was bound to happen at some point, right?”
“So you’re cool with it?”
“I’m not ready to make it publicly official, if that's what you're asking. But I’m…not as upset as I thought I’d be.” You shrug, humming thoughtfully. “Can I ask what your team said on the phone?”
Lando lets a mirthless scoff escape from the back of his throat. It stings less now that you know he's not upset with you for asking about it. “They wanted me to say you were just some random girl. That you were a fan, or something, and that I didn’t know you.”
“Well, that seems a little excessive.”
“Yeah, I know, I said the same thing! Nobody with half a brain would believe it either. I mean, just look at us.” He digs his phone out of his pocket, scrolling around until he finds what he’s looking for and flipping it around for you to look at.
Turns out you’d been right on the nose about someone recognizing Lando at the club. The photo is grainy and a little blurry, but you can tell it's him cozied up behind you even though his head is tipped down. There’s no mistaking that messy head of curls.
Then there’s the one at the beach, of the two of you holding hands as you walk along the shore with your heels dangling from Lando’s fingers. There’s a video too—Lando brushing your hair away from your face before leaning in to kiss you gently.
It’s still an invasion of privacy, definitely, but there's something romantic about it. Like, at least it's nothing bad. It’s just an outwards expression of your love. You might not be quite ready to share that love with the world just yet, but one day, you might.
“Y’know, if you ignore the whole gossip mill of it all, the pictures are actually kinda cute.”
“Ha! You think so?”
“Sure do. My boobs look great in the club one.”
Lando draws his lower lip between his teeth, shamelessly zooming in on the specific photo. “Mm, yeah they do, huh?”
You scoff, digging your elbow into his stomach lightly. “Stop that!”
“What? You said it, I’m just agreeing!” He protests, holding his hands up in surrender. Then he tilts his head hopefully. “We’re okay now? I’m forgiven for being a big stupid idiot?” He asks, tilting his head hopefully. You chuckle, nodding, and he beams. “Mint! Love you.”
“I love you too, you big stupid idiot.”
"Fuck, I love hearing you say that."
"What, big stupid idiot?" You tease, dodging the decorative pillow Lando swings your way.
"Funny. The first part, obviously. Say it again for me?"
"I love you, Lan," You say again, looking directly at him.
The giddy smile that curves his lips and makes his whole face brighten is worth everything to you. You'd tell Lando you love him every single day if it'd make him happy.
“Am I allowed to ask you all to come over? Max is fetching Pietra from the airport and she wants to meet you all so badly, I don’t think I’ll be allowed back in the house if I don’t bring you back with me,” He says, smile turning sheepish. “D’you think the girls are gonna try to kill me?”
“Uh, I’m not sure.”
“You’re not sure? It’s a yes or no answer, baby.”
“I’m ninety percent sure you’ll be fine.”
“Eighty five.”
“That’s so much worse.”
When you inevitably do make it back to Lando’s villa, Max and Pietra have just arrived home too, still outside as Lando pulls up right next to their car.
Max folds you into a hug once you’re in range, pausing briefly to say quietly into your ear, “I knew you’d work things out. I’d have kicked his ass if he didn’t.”
You squeeze his shoulder gratefully, because you know he’d had something to do with getting Lando to make things right.
Pietra and Lando bicker kind of like siblings, but even then you can tell they're close. He introduces her to all of you, and she instantly melds in so seamlessly with you and your girls it feels like you’ve been friends for ages, chattering away about what Max has told her about your adventures in Greece so far.
Finally, things really are all perfect in your little world.
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post a new chapter :)
#lando norris#lando norris x reader#ln4#ln4 x reader#lando norris x fem!reader#lando norris x you#lando norris fic#lando norris series#lando norris imagine#summer's golden haze
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Did I just spend like 10 hours making my Looks to the Moon plushie a sundress?
Yes. Yes absolutely.
I have never sewn doll clothing in my life, nor have I knitted in over a year. I did not do any measurements so it is very wonky, but it's ok she looks cute <3

In the morning I need to take some photos of her actually in the sun :D But for now... it is 1am. I need to sleep. Goodnight folks
#looks to the moon#rainworld#rain world#rw lttm#i figured she needed something better than a tattered cloak#this is a nice soft fabric for her#im normal about moon#clearly#obviously#ghost art#ghost rambles
663 notes
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first date with lu headcanons!!!
seeing this in my asks made me SO giddy omg okay
- you and lu would have met through mutual friends at a college party/little get together
- the second you laid eyes on him you felt like you were about to faint because hello ? he’s GORGEOUS
- the sentiment was very much mutual because lu almost did a double take when he saw your beautiful self
- you’d both be sharing shy smiles from across the room, trying to figure out how to start up a conversation
- lu would find the perfect opportunity when he sees you head towards the kitchen to get yourself a drink
- he’d approach you with the most beautiful smile on his face, and introduce himself to you
- he’d offer you a handshake and you guys wouldn’t let go of each others hand for some time and when you or he realize, you’d just bashfully smile while he’d chuckle and do that scratching the back of his neck motion *cue his bicep contracting and your knees almost giving out*
- you guys would just start talking casually, ask each other questions about your majors and what part of the campus you’re living on, where you’re from etc; he’d crack nerdy jokes and talk so animatedly about robotics while you’d just have the biggest smile on your face because he’s just so cute rambling
- you two didn’t notice time pass by and next thing you know your best friend is coming to get you because it’s pretty late into the morning
- lu would ask for your number and ask quite shyly if he could take you on a date and you would agree of course
- he’d plan the cutest little date in fairmount park one sunny saturday afternoon, you guys would set up a little blanket under the cherry blossoms and he’d have drinks and little snacks prepared
- you’d both talk about everything and anything, the conversation would flow so easily that you felt like you’ve known him since forever, it felt so natural and easy being around him
- as it started getting chillier and the sun started setting down, you guys would pack up and start strolling around the park hand in hand, laughing together, cracking jokes, just truly enjoying your time together
- once it was time to head back home, lu would give you his adidas zip up jacket (i had to) because you forgot to bring one and would then proceed to pull you into his side, arm around your shoulder while walking you back to your dorms
- when you arrive in front of the building you tell him you had an amazing time and he cheekily asks you if he can take you out again
- you’d make him work for it a bit by bantering but ultimately you agree and lean up to press a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth because “sorry mangione i don’t kiss on the first date” which would make him laugh and press a kiss to your temple in return
- you’d both leave each other grinning and wishing each other goodnight, giddily thinking about the next date and praying to the moon for this blooming relationship to grow and last forever <3
i hope you enjoy it anon, thank you for requesting i had so much fun writing this <333
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Dragon!Knight!Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
guess who's baaaack!!!
Fanfic commission for @jewish-jason-todd, thanks for buying me minecraft <3
"Mm.. the flowers are wilting again.." You murmured, your fingertips just barely grazing over the rotting petals of your garden.
Jason, your personal knight, trailed behind you, scars adorning his face, the rest covered by his armour. "Shall I inform the royal gardener, your highness? I'll make sure he does his job correctly this time." He said, his voice gruff and stern.
You shook your head. "No need. I'd rather I take care of my lovelies myself. Besides. I'm sure the gardener has already... received your message." You said, referring to the last time the gardener had allowed the flowers to wilt, making Jason give him a fearing earful.
You turned to Jason just as the sun began to set. "Will you be staying over in the castle this time? Or will you be staying in the village as usual?" You asked as you held onto a small glimpse of hope that he'd stay.
"My apologies, your highness. But I'd much prefer to rest in the village. I'll return on time tomorrow for my duties." Jason said, a small part of him also wanting to stay, but knowing well that he could not.
You sighed, hiding your disappointment. "Alright then. As you wish. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Jason."
He nodded. "Goodnight, your highness."
"Goodnight, Jason."
The second Jason knew you were safe inside the castle, he legged it into the woods, away from the castle, away from the village.
A few years prior to his job of protecting you as your personal knight, the poor young man had been captured as a teenager, taken away from his adoptive father, who taught him all he knew about being a knight.
The Joker, a man who used to serve as a royal jester, tired of being the laughing stalk, being nothing but a joke, became hateful, villainous, with nothing but spite and pain coursing through his veins.
Though Bruce, known as the Dark Knight and head of the royal guards, tried to keep the Joker in containment, the jester managed to escape, continuously slipping out of Bruce's fingertips.
The Joker now only appeared occasionally, teamed with a group of bandits, terrorising the village.
But, when the Joker got his hands on young Jason, he cursed the young boy, hexing him into the same fate of turning into a beast, a monster of fury and horror, having the kingdom only fear him for what he is.
A giant, scaly, fire breathing dragon.
Luckily, Bruce managed to find some sort of cure to counteract the effects. By day, Jason remains a ruthless knight, living to serve you. But as the moon rises, he lives as this beast, hiding away, deep into the woods that no one dared to enter. No one knows about this treachery except for him and Bruce.
He'd never tell you, no. You were too innocent and kind. You were kind to him. What people and himself saw in his scars and brutality, you saw beauty. And he made the grave mistake of falling for you.
Jason's lungs hurt as he dashed further into the woods, his swords slicing through the branches in his way. He could feel the scales appearing on the side of his head. He could feel his nails grown into claws.
He fell to his knees, panting. He could only imagine the scared, disgusted look on your face if you were ever to see his transformation. No, he wouldn't handle it. He couldn't. You were very dear to him. So many nights he wished to stay at the castle, to be closer to you.
But he couldn't. Instead, he was here. In the middle of the ghastly woods. Black and red scales covering his giant body, wings tucked to his side, tail flicking back and forth.
He growled at the beast he became, extending his wings as he flew into the air, looking at the distance where he could see the castle.
You're resting. That's all that matters to him.
Except you weren't.
You knew your knight would scowl at you for sneaking out at this time. But you rarely got to see outside castle walls. You wanted adventure, you wanted freedom, you wanted thrill. And you were gonna get it.
Now, you've seen the village plenty of times before. But what you haven't seen were the treasures and secrets hidden within the woods.
You threw your cloak over yourself, your hood over your head as you began your walk through the thick trees.
Sure, you should be scared of the potential dangers, but how could you fear the way the moonlight danced over the branches, the trees creating beautiful silhouettes among the leaves the crunched beneath your feet.
You would've preferred to enjoy this walk with your trusty knight beside you.
But he's resting. That's all that matters to you.
Except he wasn't.
The dragon had, unfortunately, lost his balance when flying, landing onto a bush of thorny vines.
It didn't hurt, of course. Though, the pain of pins and thorns was quite irritable, especially since he was unable to remove them himself.
He seeked refuge in a cave, deciding that he'll just have to remove the thorns once his body shifts back into human again.
The walk was incredibly more peaceful than you thought. Not a peculiar sound to be heard, not a strange shadow in sight.
Though... that sudden low growl might've been a sign for you to turn around and run back to the castle where it's safe.
Unfortunately, your curiosity got the better of you. Bevause what could be possibly making that sound? It definitely wasn't a bear, no. It's too loud.
You crept your way, closer to a cave where the sound was sourced, and peered your head through the opening.
Whatever it was, it was deeper in the cave. You took a breath, carefully walking in as quiet as you could.
And if your eyes gotten any wider, they probably would've fallen out of your sockets. You were amazed at the magnificent creature in front of you.
A dragon, probably bigger than the castle, with beautiful scales and sharp wings, lying at the back of the cave.
Only a fool would approach such an unpredictable beast.
You kept walking.
".... Hello?.." You softly said, a sharp gasp escaping as the dragon growled, trying to scare whoever dared intrude his place of refuge.
Jason's eyes slightly widened, seeing you in front of him. What the hell?
He glared at you with a huff, smoke coming out through his nostrils. What the hell were you doing here? Why aren't you at the castle? Why are you alone?
You glanced down, seeing parts of his body covered with thorns. "Are you hurt?.." You asked softly. You thought if this dragon were to hurt you, he'd to it by now.
He huffed, turning away, hoping you'd go back to the castle.
"I can help you.." You gently offered, stepping closer.
Jason growled, wanting you to be gone already. He didn't want you to see this. To see him as a monster.
You clicked your tongue. "Come on now, now you're just being stubborn." You said, walking up in front of him.
Jason scoffed in his head. He loved hated how persistent you were. Always helping others, getting what you wanted. He laid down, at this point, not caring what you did.
"There you go.." You whispered, your hand flat against him. "This might pinch.." You said before plucking out one of the thorns. You looked up to see he he was in any sort of discomfort. But Jason didn't budge. He's definitely been through worse.
You shrugged and continued to pluck the rest of the thorns.
"I've never seen a dragon before. I almost thought that they were a myth." You said softly as you picked out the thorns. Jason just lied down and listened. "The people of the village said that they were cruel and baked, ugly monsters."
'Yeah, that sounds about right,' Jason thought.
"But you are quite beautiful." You whispered. Jason felt like he couldn't breathe. There's absolutely no way you called him beautiful. Him? Beautiful? To you? He must be dreaming. This is wrong. This isn't how people react.
"There we go. All done." You said, kicking away the discarded thorns. Jason sighed, slightly nodding, appreciating your help, though still pissed that you're out at this hour. "Well, I should head home now.." I murmured. "Although, I do wish to see you again soon." You said, about to make your way out.
Though Jason groaned, quickly making his way beside you. He knelt down, wanting to accompany you on your journey back. No way was he letting you venture on your own again.
You glanced at his back, then back to his eyes. "You.. want me to..?" You said questionably, pointing to his back. He nodded. "Are you sure?" You asked again. And he nodded again.
You gulped before carefully trying to mount his back. Jason raised his wings, creating a border to make sure you didn't fall off.
He then began stalking through the woulds, occasionally using his wings to push away the branches to prevent them from hitting against you.
He reached the edge of the woods, kneeling down. He sighed, not being able to take you all the way to the castle. He refused to leave the woods in this form. It'll be too dangerous.
You slid off his back, resting your hand just at the side of his face. "Thank you.." You murmuted softly. "You're very kind. I promise to visit you again soon." You said. Jason didn't want you to leave the castle this late again. But, oh, how good it felt to have someone, especially you, look at him with awe instead of fear.
Jason nodded with a huff as he turned around, returning back to his cave.
"I saw something last night." You said as you and Jason strolled around the garden.
"What? Did you go outside?" Jason said with annoyance, pretending that he had no clue of the adventure you've been up to.
"It was fine, Jason. I wasn't hurt or anything." You reassured him.
"You shouldn't be going outside after dark, princess. It's too dangerous."
"It was a dragon." You bluntly said, waiting for his reaction.
Jason lightly scoffed. "A dragon hasn't been spotted for centuries, your highness. Are you sure you weren't just dreaming?"
You pouted at his dismissal. "Don't mock me, Jason. It was real. I know it was. And it wasn't like those silly stories the townspeople talk of. The dragon was kind. Quite a gentleman, I might add."
"A dragon? A gentleman? Are you sure you're not feeling ill, your higness?" Jason said with a kight chuckle, a faint dust of pink over his cheeks, turning his head slightly so you wouldn't see.
"I wish for you to accompany me tonight, Jason. I want to see the dragon again."
"Why not?" You said with a frown, looking up at him.
"I'm busy."
"I said no."
You huffed in defeat. "I wish you would. It really is a marvellous creature. Ethereal."
Jason raised a brow. "You should stay inside tonight. Get some sleep. Dream about this dragon again."
"It wasn't a dream!" You retorted, annoyed that your knight doesn't believe you as you stormed back inside the castle. Jason sighed, running his hand through his hair in frustration, praying you didn't go back to the woods tonight.
But, of course, you did.
"You'd think that spending years by my side, he'd believe me." You muttered, basically ranting your frustrations to the dragon lying in front of you.
The dragon let out a low whine, barely rolling his eyes.
"What? Don't tell me you're on his side." You said, crossing your arms. "I didn't come all this way at this time to be told off by a dragon too."
He grumbled, nudging his snout against your hand. You sighed, one hand held under his chin, the other petting over his muzzle.
"Just wished he'd spend time with me. When he's not on duty." You muttered quietly. "He's quite the charmer, you know." You said with a small chuckle.
Now you had Jason's full attention.
"Very handsome, too. Just like yourself." You said, stroking the side of the dragon's face. Jason's heart raced. Maybe he was the one who was dreaming and not you.
"But, I'm sure he's much more interested in women who know how to fight for themselves. You know.. warriors. Not dainty princesses who have servants to do everything for them.."
The dragon let out another low whine. 'No. That isn't true.' Jason thought as he leaned further into your touch
So, for the next few nights, you've been spending your time in the cave within the woods with the dragon. It's been comforting. Because of your royal status and the difficulty of stepping outside the walls, making friends hasn't come easy.
But still. It was nice to have some company during the nights. However, ot has been taking a toll on your energy.
"Are you alright, your highness?" Jason asked, concerned with how tired you looked. The guilt pooled in his stomach. He hated how much he enjoyed spending time with you, listening to you praise him, as knight and dragon, but simultaneously stealing away your sleep.
"I'm just fine, Jason." You said, waving him off
"Is it because of this dragon again?"
"Would you even believe me if I said yes?" You huffed.
You looked up at him, eyes wide. "What?"
"I believe you. You don't lie. And even if you do, you do a god-awful job at it." He said, looking down at you.
You scoffed. "You even mock me when you try comforting me.." You pouted.
"It's true, though," Jason said, patting your head, the small gesture itself being enough to flush your cheeks a soft pink. "Maybe you should take a nap, however. You look exhausted."
You shook your head. "No, no... I'm fine— oof!"
You accidentally tripped on an overgrown root in the garden, your leg scraping against a rose bush as you fell to your knees.
"Your highness!" Jason exclaimed, kneeling at your side.
"I'm— I'm alright, Jason.." You said, lifting up your dress slightly, wincing at the two thorns stuck in your leg.
Jason sighed, shaking his head. "Come on, let me take you to your chambers.." He muttered, lifting you uo bridle style unexpectedly.
You gasped, wrapping your arms around him. "Ja— Jason! Put me down! It's just a thorn!" You exclaimed, your face now a bright red.
"Do not argue with me, your highness." He said firmly, taking you back inside the castle, straight to your room.
He carefully settled you down onto the bed, kneeling in front of you. He hesitated, gulping as he looked up at you. "I.. May I?"
If your cheeks could've gotten any redder, then they certainly have. You nodded slightly, looking away.
Jason then gently took the hem of your dress, lifting it just enough to see the thorns. "I told you to get more sleep." Jason whispered, grabbing the tweezers off your nightstand.
"Be quiet.." I murmured in response.
"This might pinch." He said before plucking out one of the thorns. You slightly wince as he pulled out one of the thorns. Oddly enough, this seemed quite familiar.
"There we go.." He muttered, taking out the second thorn before taking out a cloth, cleaning away the speckled blood.
You cleared your throat. "So... it's getting late... Will you be staying tonight this time?" You said, just as you did every evening.
"What?" Jason said, his head snapping up to look out the window. "Shit." He hissed as he saw the moon begin to rise. "I must go." He said in a panic. "Goodnight, your highness." He said before rushing out of the room.
"Wait! Jason!" You called out for him, pulling your dress down as you rushed after him. Why did he always leave before sun down?
He laid no mind to you as he dashed out of the castle, straight into the woods. Not onto the path to the village.
"Jason?" You called out as you followed him, but he still kept sprinting.
Your lungs hurt as you tried to keep up, but even with that heavy armour on him, he was still so much faster than you. Where the hell was he going?
But the deeper you went into the woods, the more familiar it looked.
Your eyes widened when you saw Jason dash into the cave.
"No— Jason, wait!" You tried to warn him, not wanting him to disturb the dragon inside.
You ran into the cave, but the dragon wasn't there. Just Jason backing up into the cave wall.
"Your highness?! Go! Go away! Get out!" Jason yelled.
"Jason?—" You stepped forward, but your eyes widened as you saw the scales appearing on the side of his head. You saw his nails growing into claws.
"Don't! Don't look at me!" He screamed, turning away, hiding his face as he transformed into the monster he saw himself as.
You gasped, watching Jason grow into that ferocious dragon you've been spending your nights with.
Jason, now a dragon, roared out in agony, his wings covering his face.
"Jas— Jason, it's okay!" You yelled, trying to calm him down, but to no avail. He turned to you, roaring in your face, fire shooting out in front of you, blocking you from Jason. You gasped as you turned, sprinting back to the castle.
There it was. The panic and terror that Jason anticipated if you ever saw the truth. He panted, lying on the cold stone, his wings going limp as he wallowed in his returned lonliness.
You returned to the castle, back to your chambers, tucking yourself to bed, and closing your eyes, praying that it was just a dream.
But the next morning, when you exited your room, it was Bruce awaiting for you. Not Jason.
"Bruce?.." You said questionably, tilting your head in confusion.
"Good morning, your highness. Please excuse the unexpected change. Unfortunately, Jason is feeling ill, so I shall accompany you until he is better." Bruce explained.
"But, I... I thought he did not get sick." You said, noticing how Jason never had even a small cough ever.
"Today must be an unlucky day, your highness. But, do not fret. He shall return to his duties the second he is better." He reassured as you nodded with a sigh. Guess last night wasn't a dream.
So, Bruce accompanied you through your day, walking around with you around the garden.
"Mm.. the flowers are wilting again.." You murmured.
"I'll let the royal gardener know, your highness." Burce said softly.
"No.. no, it's fine Ja— Bruce." You quickly corrected yourself. You didn't like this. If it were Jason, he'd take great offence that someone dared to allow your precious flowers to wilt. He would've started threatening the gardener again.
Your day went on, but you began to miss the presence of your loyal knight. Maybe if you didn't follow him, nothing would have changed.
"Bruce?" You called out to him as you strolled around.
"Yes, your highness?"
"Has Jason ever gotten sick before?" You asked.
"When he was younger, yes. I always told him to stay inside our home, yet he always snuck out to the pub to listen to the live music." Bruce said.
Your ears perked up at that. Maybe Jason would be at the pub. You look up at the sun. It was late afternoon.
"So... he'd be at the pub?" You asked, double checking.
Bruce nodded, looking down at the flowers. "He always was stubborn. He hasn't been sick in a long while. But I reckon he'd be there right now, your highness— Your highness?" The second Bruce looked back up, looking around the garden, you were suddenly gone.
You didn't even give it a second thought as you raced out of the castle, throwing your hood over your head. You didn't care if Jason scolded you for being outside the walls without permission. You wanted to see him.
You panted as you made it to the village, people setting up for the night market, as you tugged your hood down.
You entered the pub, the place bustling with laughter, music, and drunkards. You glanced at the counter, and lo and behold your beautiful knight, slumping at the bar, his head on the counter.
"Is... he okay?" You quietly asked the bartender, looking at Jason with concern.
"He's been here since early this afternoon, miss." the bartender said, shaking his head. "I'm surprised he's not losing his liver yet. Mighty impressive, to be honest." He said, cleaning the rim of the glass.
You sighed, staring down at Jason's state.
"Jason?.." You softly called his name, lightly brushing the hair away from his eyes.
"What..." The knight murmured, drool drying down his chin, his eyes droopy. But even so, he could still recognise this beautiful eyes of yours.
"You're.. you're not in the castle..." Jason mumbled, his words slurred.
You shook your head. "No, I'm not."
He scoffed, turning his head to the other side. "You're.. go— *hic* going to get in trouble again.." He grumbled, clearly annoyed. You sighed, placing your hand on his shoulder.
"Jason, it is almost sundown." You said worriedly.
Jason scoffed once more, waving his hand, dismissing you. "Who cares? Let everyone find out. That horrible, terrifying dragon they fear of in their stories is really the princess'— mmph.." You quickly covered his mouth before he could finish his sentence, looking around, making sure no one heard.
"Jason, please," you almost begged, "Let's go to the cave, hm? I'll stay with you, I promise." You whispered.
"Yes, just as how you stayed last night, too, huh?" He retorted in spite.
"Well, maybe next time to shoot fire at me, hm? Now, please, come on. I will not take no for an answer." You said stubbornly, swinging one of his arms over your shoulder, lifting him up, though his weight with his armour knocked the air out of your lungs.
"Uhm— Thank you, good sir." You nodded to the bartender, struggling to put the money in the counter before waddling off with Jason leaning on you.
"Get— ngh.. get off of me.. I don't need you.. or your help.." He muttered weakly as you made it into the woods. But, he made no effort to push you away, instead clinging onto you just a little bit tighter. And of course you noticed.
You huffed, rolling your eyes at his persistence as you made it to the cave, already noticing how his scales began to appear on his neck.
As you reached the back of the cave, his wings emerged, though the limped to the cold ground. As Jason fully transformed, he laid down on the ground, letting out small, low whines.
You sighed, kneeling in front of his face, gently placing your hands on either side of his head.
"It's okay, Jason.." You whispered. "I'll stay with you.."
The dragon whimpered, only leaning into your touch, not pushing you away this time. Not breathing fire at you or trying to scare you on purpose.
And you did stay with him. Jason was already fast asleep, his snores echoing through the cave. But you? You didn't even get a wink of sleep, but you couldn't care less. You needed Jason to know how much you cared for him, how much he makes your heart swell from his presence alone. How much you love him, knight or dragon.
Eventually, the sun peeked over the horizon, the ray barely making their way into the cave. You watched in awe at how Jason morphed back into human. God, he was absolutely gorgeous.
The knight remained lying down, his head resting on your lap as you threaded your fingers through his hair. You didn't want to wake him. He deserved his rest. And as he slept, you realised.
You finally spent your nught together with him.
Granted, they weren't under the best circumstances. He probably wouldn't even remember you bringing him into the cave, but... It's good enough for you.
Soon, he stirred awake, letting out a quiet groan. But as his eyes opened, he was taken aback to see your face above his. He quickly sat up, hissing as his head pounded, his mind dizzy.
"Your— Your highness—" He said frantically, trying to stand up, but you grabbed his wrist before he could.
"Stop. You're hungover. You need rest, Jason." You said, your thumb smoothing over his wrist.
Jason looked down where you held him, his thoughts scattering, his mind fuzzy.
"Your highness, please.." He muttered. You didn't know what he was asking of you, but if he were honest, he didn't know either.
"Don't be ashamed, Jason..."
"No. No.. this.. thing— this monster. It's vile and disgusting." He spat, looking away.
"You're wrong." You said firmly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "It's— It's the most magnificent thing I've ever seen!"
"You don't know what you're taking about." He hissed.
"You're beautiful, Jason." You said, staring right him, refusing to take anymore of his stubbornness.
Jason looked at you with wide eyes and disbelief. Beautiful was a completely new one for him. It's always been dangerous, scary, ludicrous. Beautiful hadn't been in his dictionary.
"Your scales are so sharp and bold, your wings are strong, your colour is gorgeous! Gosh, it's so hard not to love!" You said passionately, desperate for him to believe you.
Jason froze. How could you, such a perfect woman, love such a horrid.. thing?
"Your highness.."
"No... no, please, Jason.. no more of that.. no more honorifics.." You whispered.
He sighed, saying your name, rolling off his tongue so smoothly. Your heart raced hearing him call you by your name for the first time. "Don't do this.." Jason whispered. "Don't pretend to love.. this.. for my sake."
"You don't understand." You said. You tilted his chin up, making him look at you. "I am in love with you, Jason Todd. You have been by my side since day one, and you've never left, even when you had the opportunity to. And even as a dragon... I still can't stop myself from falling in love with you.." You quietly admitted.
Jason's breath hitched. This isn't right. He thought it wasn't right. A royal princess falling in love with a cursed knight. But, god, he'd be lying if he said it didn't make his heart pound.
He barely registered what happened. You barely registered what happened.
His hands somehow found themselves grabbing your waist, pulling you flushed against him before he pressed his lips upon yours.
You melted into the kiss before you could even acknowledge he was kissing you. But no matter. How much you've dreamt before that this moment would happen. And how much it's better than you ever imagined.
His lips were chapped, just as you predicted. His hands felt snug around your waist. It all just felt so natural. So perfect .
Jason pulled away as you both lightly panted, catching your breath.
"I— I'm sorry.." Jason muttered breathlessly. "I—"
"Jason.." You said his name softly, your hands on the collar of his armour, lightly pulling him closer. "Kiss me again... please..." You quietly begged.
Oh, and who was the loyal knight to deny a request from his princess?
He sighed, knowing well that he'd easily comply. This time, the both of you, knowing exactly what you needed, kissed each other once more, lips moulding perfectly together.
The fierce and mighty dragon, falling hopelessly for his dear princess. And the princess falling hopelessly for her dear knight.
@jewish-jason-todd I hope you enjoyed reading!! I haven't written in a looooong while, so I really hope this is good!! If i remember right, this is my first au fic, so I put lots and lots and lots of thought into it just for you! I can't thank you enough, you're the first person to ever commission me, and it really has made my day! I've already spent hours and hours on minecraft. Again, thank you so so much, I really loved writing this, and I hope you like it! <3
#jason todd#jason todd x reader#red hood#red hood x reader#jason todd is my life#titans jason todd#i love jason todd#dc titans#jason todd titans#jason todd headcanon#jason todd au#red hood au#jason todd x y/n#jason todd x you#jason todd x fem!reader#jason todd x f!reader#red hood x female reader#red hood x you#red hood x y/n#jason todd ff#red hood fluff#jason todd fluff#red hood fanfic#jason todd fanfic#jason todd fanfiction#red hood fanfiction
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⋆·˚ ༘ * where’s the trophy? he just comes running over to me

warnings: literally none, this is tooth-rotting fluff
pairing: luke castellan x daughter of demeter
summary: the three times luke knew he was in love with you and the one time he told you
1. your beautiful eyes stare right into my eyes
trying to pretend your best friend (aka your crush) wasn’t staring at you was almost impossible. it was even more difficult when he was sitting directly next to you, and you couldn’t help the pink hue making its way to your cheeks
you thought he wouldn’t notice because the sun had set and the only lights were the moon and the fire in front of you
but he did.
“what’re you thinking about?” luke asks, nudging your shoulder with his own
“nothing, just watching the stars” you quickly pull you gaze down from the sky to the boy beside you
“are you in love with them?” he teases
“shut up” you laugh
“well why are you blushing? do you have a crush?” he pokes your cheeks, but you slap his hand away
“I’m not blushing, it’s just hot” you make up an excuse
“it’s cold outside” he stated
“I have a sweatshirt on, einstein” you roll your eyes
“then why are you still wearing it?” he inquired, giving you a confused look
“It smells like you, I like it” you bite your bottom lip
and know it’s lukes turn to blush
“are you in love?” you joked
but he knew the answer to it. the real answer, he was in love, so so deep, and he wanted to tell you since the first day your gaze met his but he didn’t want to risk a perfect friendship, so he stayed silent, hoping one day you would realize how much he truly loved you
2. so make the friendship bracelets
you had spent the past hour trying to make this bracelet perfect. you wanted to make it for luke for no specific reason, at first you were doing it because you were bored, but as more time passed you thought you should make it for someone else
and who’s better to make it for than your best friend?
“hey flower, what’re you up to? I haven’t seen you all day”
speaking of
he takes a seat beside you on the grass
“I’ve been busy” you say, not taking your eyes off the bracelet as you finish tying it up
“did you eat today? you weren’t at breakfast” he questions
“no, skipped. wanted to make a bracelet,” you take his arm and slid the bracelet around his wrist, “for you”
you look up at him only to find him already looking at you with the most lovestruck expression ever, and you blush madly at this
“It’s beautiful” he whispers, not once looking down at the bracelet
and oh gods you could have passed out right there
and as for luke, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you, no matter how hard he tried (which wasn’t very hard, he wishes he could stare at you for the rest of eternity) his eyes were permanently glued to yours
3. I’m sinking, our fingers entwined
counselor duties had been called off for the day and you thanked the gods for that, these kids are absolutely exhausting
you walk over to the nearest tree and lean against it for a moment, taking a moment to breath
“hey stranger”
oh that voice
“hi luke” you beam
“what’re you doing here? you don’t want the harpies to get you, do you?” he teases
“you’re out here too” you point out
he shrugs, “c’mon I’ll walk you back to your cabin”
he holds out his hand for you and you take it without hesitation.
It’s so warm is the first thing you think. it’s comforting, and you wish his hand could always be intertwined with yours
and of course, luke thinks the same. he could die happy if his last moments were spent holding your hand.
the walk back to your cabin was silent, but not awkward, you both enjoyed just being in each other’s presences, even if that mean you weren’t talking
this was enough
“here we are” he remarked
“yep… I’ll see you in the morning?” you ask
“always” luke smiles and gives you that same lovesick expression he always does
and you can’t fight the large grin making its way to your face, “goodnight luke” you whisper
“goodnight flower”
and he doesn’t untangle his fingers from yours until he’s to far from you to touch them
4. the sign on your heart said it’s still reserved for me
you weren’t the biggest fan of capture the flag, but you knew it always made luke happy when you did
so you played
the majority of the game you sat and watched, looking out for anyone on the opposing team until you heard horns, signaling that the game was over
you quickly sit up, running to wear you hear cheers, hoping it’s from your team
and it is.
you reach the crowd, eyes meeting the chocolate brown ones you loved
you reach luke, swiftly throwing your arms around his neck, and he wastes no time in dropping the flag, putting his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer
“I’m proud of you” you say pulling away, arms still around each other
luke is wishes he knew where this confidence came from, but seeing you so close to him, a large smile on your face, and the same lovesick expression he always gives you in your eyes this time, he can’t wait any longer
“I’m in love with you” he blurts out
your eyes widen at those words, and you stay like that for a moment, but you knew this, didn’t you? you always saw it in his eyes
and you pull him in for a sweet, long-awaited kiss
it was as perfect as you imagined, the kiss, the boy, the moment, everything
#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo series#pjo tv show#pjo fandom#percy jackson#pjo#pjo spoilers#percy series#pjo disney+#luke castellan#pjo fanfic#pjo x reader#pjo hoo toa#luke castellan x you#luke castellan fluff#luke castellan fic#luke castellan x reader
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Chaotic Neutral
Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising
・Everyone knew Randall was an asshole from the get-go. Loud-mouthed, aggressive, and does not play well with others.
・He rubbed people the wrong way, his defense was up 24/7. The dude was a pure menace.
・But everyone reacts differently to this town. There were so many questions and hardly any questions. Could an individual's personality be turned up? Maybe.
・So you decided to give him a chance.
・Knocking on the bus' door, a shout came from inside ("Yeah, Yeah, I'm coming!")
・Swinging it open, he looked at you expectantly. It made your confidence waver.
"I ugh, I thought maybe I could show you around town? Ya know, since you've been in the bus for so long."
"Ugh, maybe another time..."
"Oh, okay," you couldn't lie - rejection still hurt, even in this purgatory of a town.
As you turned away, you heard Randall's voice.
"But um, maybe tomorrow?"
A blush crept onto your cheeks as you nodded.
・It took a while for him to warm up to you.
・And when you kissed for the first time; it freaKED HIM OUT.
・He emotionally pushed you away. Afraid of his feelings, of opening up, of caring and then having it all ripped away.
・But after two weeks, your feelings solidified for each other. And it was all because a monster nearly killed you.
・Randall's feelings came at him full blast once he realised you could have died. And if you have ever seen a protective boyfriend ... no you haven't. Not until Randall.
・He was by your bedside - even after you had fully healed. He wouldn't leave you alone.
"Oh, you do care-" you said playfully one morning. And Randall had a tear in his eye.
"You don't understand..." He said, quickly wiping it away, "I don't understand this place, fucked if I know how or when we'll go home. But ... you're mine now."
・His nicknames for you started out as your last name, and then he chose your eye colour. But after your relationship was officially he started calling you, 'babe', and mockingly: 'sweetpea,' 'honey buns.'
・Likes sharing his clothes with you (but NO ONE ELSE. Seriously.)
・You definitely do not call him Randall, when you do it makes him think he's in trouble.
・So you call him the most randomest, sickly-sweet nicknames; just trying to make him blush. He usually just rolls his eyes.
・He moved out of the bus and into the room you'd been staying in.
・Since the bar no longer had a shop keep, the two of you kind of took it over.
・Even if either of you don't like to drink alcohol, you somehow brighten up the place and people feel more welcome.
・Always kisses you goodmorning and goodnight. (He stays awake all night, checking and rechecking the monsters can't get in (they can't) but the thought of being caught asleep next to you, completely defenceless causes so much anxiety for him.)
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Asshole To Everyone Except One Person (Randall) x Is That One Person, Will Never Admit That It Makes Them Feel Special (You)
“I care about you!” (You) x “You shouldn’t!” (Randall)
Thinks They're In Charge (Randall) x Is Actually In Charge (You)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Defying Expectations
Bickering and Banter
Mutual Growth and Empowerment
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Talk Show Host by Radiohead
Please Please Please Epic Version by Morgan Clae
Too Sweet by Hozier
#witchthewriter#headcanons#from tv show#from epix#from season 3#from 2022#from epix imagine#from mgm#from tv#randall kirkland#randall kirkland x reader#randall kirkland x you#randall kirkland imagine#FROM fanfiction#boyd stevens#ellis stevens#fatima hassan#kristi miller#kenny liu#tian chen liu#donna raines#relationship tropes#romantic plot tropes#theme song#mbti#hogwarts house
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Sharing Isn't Caring
💘💘Midnight's DCA Valentine's Day 13💘💘
Hello! Finally finishing these up, bit of a busy weekend and this one in particular got VERY long lol, that being said hope you enjoy!
Prompt: i really liked that one promptober you made about the reader having robophobia ( cause sun killed a few workers and has been avoiding him ever since, scary ass animatronic) is it possible to have a prompt where yn is doing better, has work besties. Aside from the constant threat of being brutally murdered by a friendly animatronic, theyre work life is chill. Its around valintines day where y/n has made friends with the cute new girl. Both have platonic feelings for each other while also being flirty (satire, gotta kiss the homies goodnight) with each other, kissing cheeks, hold hands, other friendly touches. However this does not go unnoticed by our favorite daycare attendants. They too try to be playfully flirty and touches yn any chance they get. However envy gets the better of them when they want to be yn's valentine...
Word Count: 3475
Content warning: non-graphic mentions of death, dying, violence, etc.
Read here if you prefer ao3!
"Good morning!" A voice greets as you walk into the break room.
You look up from your phone, small, tired smile on your features. "Ah, morning Jaz."
"You sleep alright?" She asks, taking a sip of her coffee. "You look exhausted."
You wince, a reminder of your nightmare last night coming forth.
Running, running, running, tripping, falling. Claws sinking in, a scream ripped from your throat, cruel laughter ringing in your mind as it happens and being able to do nothing to stop it—
You shake your head. It was just a dream. They hadn't figured you out. At this point, you don't know if they ever would. Lucky, you'd been so, very lucky so far that they were solely focused on being your friend. Not a bit of suspicion in either of them as to what you knew.
You hoped to god it'd stay that way, too.
Several months have passed, and you haven't beared witness to anything quite so terrifying since. Though, you'd made sure you wouldn't. You never let yourself get caught up in the evening hours, and you never let yourself be alone with either Sun or Moon.
Save for the few times they'd managed to make such a scenario happen themselves, however.
Sun had meant it when he said he'd cure your 'robophobia'. They were sure trying their hardest, at least.
Chatting with you every time you came to drop off a delivery or supplies, dragging you along to partake in some on days they were—suspiciously—lacking a helper. Sun particularly like to play hide and seek or house, whereas Moon wouldn't let you leave until you took a nap.
Both made it their mission to be as up close and personal as they could too. Touches lingering just a tad too long, cornering you in one way or another, tones playful, cheeky. To an outsider it would seem like harmless fun, but to you, all it did was make you keep your guard up more. Which in turn, only made them try that much harder.
It was a vicious cycle, but after the incident that occurred a little or a month ago, you could at least say—for now—that your chances of dying were significantly lower than you'd have thought otherwise.
You'd forgotten your keys. Or maybe lost them, you still weren't entirely sure. You'd gone through every inch of the Plex where you'd been working that day, without a sign of them. There was only one place you hadn't checked, and it scared you to your core.
You had debated whether to knock on the doors or not. Ultimately deciding that you'd rather take your chances slipping in and out unnoticed then actively invite the devil to your doorstep. Or you to the devil's, you realize there's little point to figuring it out much further.
The speakers play the usual tune, the space is empty as can be as you peek inside.
A quick glance around and you spy your keys on the desk. It takes everything in you to not make a beeline for them, instead walking calmly over and picking them up. You're about to turn back around when—
Directly. Behind you.
"Hello Sunshine! What brings you here so late? Did you stop by just to see little ol' me?" Again, that cheeky voice that perhaps only you can hear the sinister undertones of.
You suppress the scream and the shiver you want to let out. Instead, you turn around with a small, forced, smile. "H-hi Sun! I was just um, looking for my keys. And what do you know, they were in here all along!" You lift them up, making yourself laugh to keep your nerves in check. "I'll get out of your hair now."
"Silly, silly, I don't have any hair! And besides,"—a hand to your wrist, tone dropping just a tad—"You just got here. Would be a shame to leave so soon, hm?"
You start to falter. "I—"
"So come on then! You look ready to fall apart at the seams, and I can't have that happening to my favorite little assistant!" Sun shifts his grip to your hand, pulling you further along into the Daycare. "Don't you worry, I have just the thing to ease that tension."
He pulls you over a set of beanbags, he guides you to sit down in one, while he does in the other. Before you can blink, there's a coloring book and crayons in your lap.
"Coloring is always soothing for the soul!" He states, finger pointing up in an affirming manner, then gets to work on his own book.
There's only one thought in your head at that moment; you're going to die here.
But, you're not quick enough to make a break for the door, so you have no choice but to accept your fate. Shaky hands gripping crayons in an attempt to distract yourself from your impending doom.
As you go along, Sun pesters you constantly with conversation and questions. It confuses you, does he just like playing with his food or what?
You answer best you can, but all the air leaves your lungs when he pops a question you were more than simply fearing.
"—since we're such good friends, right?"
You freeze, and curse yourself for it, mouth feeling like glue as you tumble out a stuttered response. "Y-yeah. We're friends."
"Best friends?" Sun presses, leaning in close, you're waiting for him to take hold of you and slam your face into the mats just like—
"A-ah. Um, I don't know, I-I guess so? Sorry, I've um, not really had a best friend before..."
You were so screwed.
Yet, Sun doesn't miss a beat, words a light as ever as he pouts. "Oh, well that won't do. I'll just have to keep trying until you feel completely confident in the notion that we are!"
And you were still standing the next morning. You don't know if it was a fluke, or what, but it certainly didn't seem that way. You'd take what you could get, though, and double, triple checked that you had all your belongings in their proper places from then on.
Jaz clears her throat. Right. Back to the present.
She'd been a nice change of pace over the last month or so. A fresh face to help you with things or pass in the hall. You were the same age, and related to each other a lot. It was… nice. To have someone to talk to, even if she couldn't know even the beginning of what you'd witnessed.
But, you could tell her little things, insignificant, things that nobody could pick up on.
"I had a nightmare, is all. I'll be alright." You sit down in the chair beside her, sighing.
She tsks. "You seem to have a lot of those."
"It's not a willing participation, I assure you." You're rubbing your eyes when you spy a steaming mug being held in front of you. "Oh, you didn't have to do that."
A shrug. "Wanted to. Now drink up, I heard from Gary that we've got a lot of inventory to move today."
"Going to be a great morning then." You mutter into your cup as she snickers.
Work had in general been a lot easier with the additional help, and just in general because of your new friend. She made you laugh, cheered you up on your rougher days, and was just in general a light in your life as of late. Not to mention, she'd inadvertently managed to help you overcome your fear of being touched you'd developed from witnessing the Attendants' actions.
It was simple things, like touches to your shoulder and arm. Holding your hand and dancing around at the end of the work day, jokingly flirting and cheek kisses and the likes. No double meaning or the likes either, Jaz was just like that with everyone, you'd soon found. It eased you in a way you couldn't describe. You could relax around her and it felt like you'd gotten a bit of normalcy back into your day to day.
Not to mention, through getting to know Jazz you'd gotten a bit more confidence in talking to others at work, and now had several coworkers you'd consider friends both in and outside of work. Things were… weird beyond that, but at least for the moment they were going alright.
"So then I finally just told him, 'boy if you don't get your act together, she's going to leave you' and do you know what he said?"
You snicker, adjusting the boxes in your arms. "What?"
"'But that's so much work'" She exaggerates the tone, with an extended groan and you let out a shocked laugh. "Like? Excuse me? You can't be serious right now."
You're still laughing hard as she pushes the roll cart through the Daycare doors. "That's insane. Does he just not care or is he stupid?"
"Between you and me,"—she leans in, voice low—"I think it's both. Fu-freakin' moron."
You giggle, about to give a quip in response when a loud voice interrupts.
"Good morning Starshine! Oh, and hello Jaz!" Sun stands just to your left, you don't know how you didn't hear him. "I didn't know you knew each other!"
Jaz lets go of the cart, arm wrapping around your shoulder. "Sure do! We're stuck being storage monkeys together. They've been a big help in showing me the ropes."
"As if you needed help, it's pretty straightforward." You set down the boxes in your arms finally.
You glance over and see Jaz put her hand to her chest, feigning misery. "Oh, but if it weren't for you, i'd be completely and utterly lost! I don't know what I'd do without you, my best friend." She makes kissing noises at you as you laugh, gagging.
"Knock it off." You swat at her lightly, then you look up to Sun. "If you just tell us where you want everything, we'll move it, Sun. Stop it!" You shove Jaz away as she pretends to try and kiss you cheek again.
There's a snap then, drawing your attention to the attendant, you see the marker he'd been holding is broken in half, movements stiff as he glances down to look at it.
"Oh. What a shame. Follow me, I'll show you exactly where to put everything." He turns, steps precise as he marches across the Daycare.
While you pick up on the shift, Jaz doesn't seem to, simply taking hold of the cart again and following after him. You debate for a moment, and against your better judgement, swipe a wet wipe from the desk. The supply closet is tucked away in a hallway lacking light. So much so that it's Moon who finishes leading you.
While Jaz starts to unload things in the closet, Moon waits at the doorway, attentive, unyielding in his gaze.
You clear your throat. "Um, need some help with that?"
His faceplate snaps to look at you and you swallow. It clicks to the side a few times as he examines you.
You nod to his hand, which you've no doubt is stained a deep purple by now. "I meant with the um, marker."
"Ah, thank you, Star." Moon snickers, opening his hand for you to wipe it off.
You take his hand in both your own, wiping off where the marker has changed the color. It's a bit harder to do in this low light, but you manage.
You don't expect Moon to speak up again. "Best friends?"
It takes a moment to click to you. "Ah. Yeah. We are."
Moon makes a noise then, grating, you can't make sense of it. So, you just ignore it and finish cleaning him up before going to help Jaz. Had you paid closer attention, you'd have noticed how tightly his hand grips the doorway, making it creak under the pressure.
After that day, you notice that both Sun and Moon have somehow become more clingy.
It wasn't just short conversations and little activities anymore. It was full blown discussions and non-stop things to do. Anytime you tried to protest that you were far too busy to spend so much time with them, they simply argued that nobody would say a thing. Which, they were right, your manager didn't seem to care in the slightest.
Those touches from before were ramped up, in that there was more hand-holding, more hugs, more everything, that you'd let them get by with, that is. All of their previous efforts from before felt ramped up, and you had no idea as to why. Not to mention that they appeared to be more flirty as well.
And then came February.
Right from the start of the month, something was different with them, you could tell instantly. And you soon found out what.
When you came in to drop off supplies or such, there'd be little notes or doodles waiting for you. You'd find their comments going from less friendly to having a more flirtatious connotation. And all of it only got worse the closer you got to Valentine's Day.
"Sunshine, come dance with me!" Sun would say, dragging you with him to spin through several songs. Hand on your hip and words soft as he gave you compliment after compliment.
Moon would do similar, asking you to sit with him and read the children stories at naptime, watching over your shoulder and softly singing your praises. Or even better, acting out the stories with you, especially enjoying the more romantic fairy tales in particular.
And the thing was, much like their attempts at friendship, all this doting felt genuine.
It confused you beyond belief, besides the fact that it concerned you deeply. You were already struggling enough with this 'friendship' you'd been cornered into with the murder robots, the fact that they were acting as if they were romantically interested was only making things worse.
The morning of Valentine's you were a ball of nerves. You were hoping—praying, really—that they wouldn't try anything, though you knew the unlikelihood of that happening. At this point, your feelings were so confusing, twisted. You thought they'd approached you because they knew you knew what they'd done. And yet, countlessly time and time again you'd been—seemingly—proven wrong.
"You alright over there, Sunshine?"
You jolt at the nickname, sending a scowl Jaz's way. "Not cute."
"I think it suits you well." She snickers, checking her phone. "What's on the agenda for today, boss?"
You tsk. "Not your boss. And I have no idea, I haven't checked yet." You rub your face, pulling up your schedule, only to find it's blank. You sit up, muttering. "That can't be right..."
"Something wrong?"
You try refreshing the page, no luck. "Yeah, my schedule's empty. See if you can pull up yours."
After a moment, Jaz holds up her phone, her own schedule showing up without issue.
You both share a confused look.
"Dude, did you get fired?"
You feel flustered fear build up in you then. "Better not of. They have no reason to get rid of me."
It's then that you notice an email in your inbox. Clicking on it, you see it's from your manager, telling you to see him in his office about a 'change of location'.
"I don't remember you saying anything about wanting to transfer." Jaz comments as you stand up.
You shake your head, grabbing your jacket. "I didn't."
On your way to your manager's office, passing by the Daycare, you hear a low whistle calling out to you.
You turn, it's dark, the only light is glowing red eyes on the top of the wall. Knowing you don't have much a choice, you walk over.
"Hi, Moon." You say, unsure. "How's um, naptime?"
He twists, hanging upside down from the wall. "Boring. No one to talk to."
"Well what about Jean—" You cut yourself off, words dying in your throat with realization.
Moon doesn't catch it, instead snickering to himself. "Sick."
Something in your gut tells you that's not in the slightest bit the truth.
"Ah. Gotcha. Well, I should get going now." You wave and turn around. "See you later."
A hand resting on your shoulder, and the sudden up close and personal presence behind you startles you, to say the least.
"Wait. Have something for you."
You swallow the urge to run away. "Oh?"
"Mmhmm." Moon hums, right beside your ear. "Close your eyes."
You do, it's not as if there's a scenario where you don't.
A pause. You're half-expecting something terrible, be it something grotesque or even something as cruel as your own end—
Flowers. It's flowers.
Origami flowers, at that. You're impressed by the intricacy of the folding, they're delicate, precise. Something that would have taken even the most skilled of individuals genuine time and care to make.
And you're being presented a massive bouquet of them.
"Wow..." You trail off, consumed with genuine awe. "I, for me?"
Moon snickers, faceplate spinning once. "Happy Valentine's, Little Star."
Right, Valentine's. You'd entirely forgotten for a moment.
While you're in your daze, Moon plucks a flower from the bouquet and tucks it behind your ear. He then sets the bouquet into your arms with a gentle pat, then hops back up on the ledge.
"See you later~" Another giggle, and he's gone, leaving you dumbfounded.
Your boss hardly glances up at you when you step into his office. "Ah, finally. Sit down, let's make this quick."
You sit down, still not quite thinking clearly as a stack of papers is tossed in front of you.
"Sign these, and then I'll switch you over to the Daycare in the system. Their liability and the likes since you're working one-on-one with the Attendant. Fionna will be in charge of you from now on, paychecks, etc. Think she lets the robot pick the schedules, for whatever reason. Any questions?" He finally looks at you then, raising a brow. "Quite the bouquet you got there. Do I need to get you a relationship form from HR too?"
You shake your head. "I, no. No, not at all. I, why am I being transferred?"
"Well, you asked." Your manager states plainly, then shrugs. "And you got a couple good recommendations so I figured 'eh, whatever'. You can start today once you're done here. Or take the day off, I don't care, not my problem."
You just sit there a moment, taking it all in.
'You asked.'
You, asked.
You know a sign when you see it. And you know when an alarm bell is blaring in your head, it's best not to ignore it.
But when you've got a gun to the back of your head, that's much harder to ignore.
You pick up the pen, and sign.
Your steps are heavy as you walk back to the Daycare. Jaz has texted you a couple times, your like a zombie as you type by brief responses. You don't know what to think. Should you be relieved, or counting your days?
They wouldn't have put in this much effort if they weren't genuine. Surely they weren't running this long of a con. But then that meant they were genuine. The killer robots were infatuated with you.
You don't know which is worse, you don't know which is worse, you don't know which is worse—
"Hello Sunbeam! I'm so happy to see you!"
You look up, Sun stands before you, rays spinning gleefully. You didn't even realize you'd walked into the Daycare.
He claps his hands. "Oh! We're going to have so much fun, fun, fun! We get to spend all day long together! Just you and me! And well, the children too. But still, isn't it great?"
"I, um sure. I guess so." You mumble out.
The slight twitch to his rays doesn't go unnoticed by you. The slightest of shifts in his tone as he glares down at you.
"Come now, friend. Aren't you excited? After all,"—He suddenly bends to your height, leaving you face-to-face and inches apart—"Aren't we best. friends?"
You struggle to maintain eye contact, focusing slipping to the bundle in your arms as you try to think up a way to respond.
A low chuckle interrupts your racing thoughts. "Ah, but maybe that's not enough for you either?"
"I, um." It is a miracle you've lasted this long with how you're fumbling over your words.
Sun's hands cup your cheeks, tone still a hum. "Love, all you had to do was say so. In fact, we wish you'd done so sooner." His smile presses to your forehead. "Not to worry, we're more than happy to make up for lost time."
You can only stare up at him with smothered horror as his thumb strokes your cheek.
"And now, there's nothing that's going to get in the way of that."
Thank you @pip-plz for the request!! As you can see I had a lot of fun brining these two back lol
My writing Masterpost
DCA Valentine's Masterpost
Tag list (if you would like added, simply say so!):
@machopeach @beemyhuneybee @fishm0ther @deviouscrackers @elsajoyagent8 @luckyyyduckyyy @zenkaiankoku @jogimote @local-shrub @milosmantis @robinette-green @everlightreader @sinister-sincerely @starredeclipse @dangerva @juukai @crystalmagpie447 @mothgutz236 @lizyxml @divinit3a @amarynthian-chronicles @crystalfay @that-one-unknown-artist @rosescarletful @buzzybee3
#fnaf dca#dca fandom#fnaf sun#fnaf daycare attendant#fnaf moon#sundrop#moondrop#dca fic#x reader#mm dca valentine's#i enjoy writing for these two a lot#fun little scenario/idea i came up with fr fr#last one will be up later today hehe ^^
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daylight .ᐟ
Paring; dean x reader
Prompt; 'I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night. And now I see daylight, I only see daylight'
Requested; @jellyfishjo
Notes; requests are open again!
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
For as long as he could remember his whole life had been shrouded in darkness. From the first lick of fire which took his childhood home, Dean’s life had seemed to dull to the same colour as the ash which had covered his brother's nursery the morning after.
The last time Dean Winchester saw light was when his mother kissed him goodnight before turning back to his little brother.
In some ways, he thought it was the universe playing some sick joke. His life had gone up in flames so bright that his eyes had watered only glancing towards the house, only for the sun to come up and cast his world into a neverending darkness.
Tragedy, after tragedy, after tragedy.
That was until he met you.
The first time he’d laid eyes on you it was almost as if for the first time in his adult life the sun finally seemed to peak over the horizon. Even now, the darkness of night surrounding you both like a blanket the world seemed lighter.
“You okay?” Your voice broke through the silence, the wind blowing your hair gently as you turned to look at him from where you were sitting on the hood of his car. He hummed leaning back against the hood. “M’fine.” He said turning to face you fully.
“Really? Cause you look like you're about to give yourself an aneurysm.” You joked lightly your hand finding his on instinct. You squeezed his hand for a moment as he rolled his eyes. “That's a lotta large words sweetheart.” He mused, a playful glint in his eyes.
You raised an eyebrow gently pulling him closer, to stand in front of you. “Do you even know what an aneurysm is?”
Dean scoffed. “Course I know what it is? I did go to class…sometimes.” He smiled rubbing his free hand over your knee.
“Yeah. Sometimes.” You squeezed his hand again as he rolled his eyes, his finger jabbing into your knee for a moment.
You both fell quiet again, eyes on the sky above. The night was surprisingly clear for September, the moon cast a dim light across the field you’d both taken refuge in for the moment. The stars themselves seemed to be out in the masses, a sight which was so rare and almost jaw-droppingly beautiful.
Dean’s gaze flicks back from the sky to you, his face showing a rare moment of vulnerability as his eyes trace the shape of your face, watching the way your eyes seem to light up just slightly in the moonlight.
His thumb rubbed over the back of your hand as he cupped your cheek with the other. Your own eyes moved back to him, a small smile tugging at your lips as his thumb brushed your lips for a moment.
“I love you.”
Dean’s voice was barely a whisper as his eyes darted over your face, logging details he’d long since memorised. “I love you too.” Your voice matched his as you subconsciously leaned into his hand.
His own lips pulled into a smile as he hummed lowly. He could happily live in this bubble forever.
You, him, his car, and peace.
He knew in the morning you’d both go back to everyday life, back to the horrors which were your normal and this simplicity would fade away until you had enough time to yet again step into this small bubble.
Yet, for the first time in his life, he realised he didn't hold resentment to the idea. Hunting was okay, he was used to it. It was his normal. The darkness had become his normal, had been his normal.
Yet the darkness didn’t seem to matter anymore.
For the first time in almost 20 years, he finally saw the light again.
#supernatural#spn#dean winchester#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester x you#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester x y/n#dean winchester imagine#dean winchester drabble#dean winchester fic#spn fanfic#spn fic#spn x y/n#spn x you#spn x reader#spn imagine#spn drabble#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural drabble#supernatural x you#supernatural x reader#supernatural imagine#supernatural x y/n#supernatural headcanon#supernatural fandom#spn headcanon#spnfandom#jensen ackles#jensen ackles x reader#jensen ackles fanfiction
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Infernal Sweet Dreams:
Tav fell asleep in the presence of (Zevlor, Rolan, Raphael, or Haarlep). How will they bid goodnight to the sleepy adventurer? The nights have been coming earlier so I felt it is about time I wrote a night time inspired prompt.
You've fallen asleep on my watch again as we looked on at the city's burning lanterns flicker from far down below. At your insistence you wished to see the morning together. Though I could have awoken you when that time had come after my patrol had concluded of my nightly service. Still your presence is appreciated even when you are whisked away, Off to wherever your consciousness puts your mind at ease.
Leaning yourself onto my weighted shoulders but with you I paid no mind. Our legs swinging with the warm night's winds balancing precariously on the edge of our rooftop reconnaissance. I will be on guard till you a rise from your peaceful slumber. May you take as much rest as you need. For the only one who held faith I could be redeemed. But for now let your head rest, my dear. I will be your shield for the endless nights. I reliable blade coming morning should you ever need. With you I'll become anything to protect that tender heart of yours. I'll bid you well with a hush lullaby as I bring your kind hand to my lips. “The sun has come to say goodnight, little hellion. The moon will say farewell soon. Before they leave, they will impart a small parting gift upon your head. For every star out is a little sun, Another soul that will be guided within your rays. Another dawn and another tomorrow. Another moment for me to adore you.” You are worth more than I am deserving, my dear. I would happily kneel before you, to swear another oath under your name. I will follow wherever you shall lead, my humble liege. Till then my radiant rays, I'll be here awaiting for your return.
The nights were the times I am left alone with all manners of thoughts. For better or for worse, I've been unable to keep my hand steady. At midnight in the wake of my studies I am only left to chastise myself yet again begrudgingly so. There is no end to my work in sight. There is too much for my mind to say if I'm truly capable of maintaining the life that I've built. I only have you to thank for that possibility to be my reality. To even exist and have these late night confessions at all if I were to call it that. To have some semblance of normalcy for a life filled with uncertainty. You know you could have fallen for any other but you have chosen me. Well your taste is impeccable I must admit and hopefully my siblings hadn't played a part. Shifting your head against my chest, I rubbed your back absentmindedly to usher you to rest. I wish to not be just some pitiful tiefling you took charity of you know. I should have dissuade you from falling asleep in my arms for you to lay in plush pillows and quilts instead. For how long will I allow you to continue your experiment. Somehow this is the only place you have found, that you sleep so sound within the blink of your eyes. Tonight was another trial to test if that hypothesis of yours is true. This is not the best for the both of us. I looked on at the piles of books and scrolls that cluttered my desk. There is still much work for me to get done and having you curled in my lap won't be a good sleeping habit of yours. My claws reach out to you seeking to stroke your downy hair. But I would be lying to say I didn't enjoy your snores that have me cracking a smile. To your random spurts of dream mumblings that have me interrupt my calculations to let out a silent chuckle, that I have to suppress to not jostle you awake. The gentle rhythm of your breaths between the scratching of quill marks putting my anxious mind at ease. I'll finish my work earlier than usual these coming days so you won't have to continue to suffer on my behalf. Sleep soundly for now my love. I'll apologize to you when I come to wake you for when I have breakfast ready and served. Let me finish this one last line that I have dipped onto my hand. Soon I'll carry you off to our proper bed and tuck you comfortably in for the night. You'll receive a long rest I assure you. That is a promise that I seal with a lingering press to your crown. Pleasant dreams, my meddling love. I will join you in just a moment.
It was only a simple task I assigned to you. To transcribe the rules of obedience and personal conduct that is to be upheld in my humble home. Yet, here I have found you in a pool of your own spittle smearing the fresh ink on your written parchment. Gripping the hairs of your scalp, I checked the progress of your lines. How you disappoint me. Dark blotches dripped down from your chin, the words of my law branded onto your cheek, arms covered in my principles of proper decorum. Maybe those should be permanent and kept onto your flesh as a faithful remainder of your insolent insubordination. I held your face up for you to read your poorly written script aloud. Unfocused hazy eyes jumping across the page, mouth crooked speaking half thoughts of a rattled mind, limply your head dangled as if awaiting your sentencing within my firm hold. Maybe there is only so much knowledge that can be chiseled into that thick skull of yours. From your lips you mumbled the first line you have scrawled. “The Master's word is law.” There is still hope for you yet. Even the most exquisite materials are fickle to command without the use of proper techniques and pristine care. Like the many souls that came before you, overworking marble will surely shatter such as the fragileness of your kind. Picking you up into my arms, you remained sleeping soundly. I will set your lesson aside for now. Under my disciplined hand your finer flaws have begun to crumble away as how I envisioned following in the blueprint of my design. Letting you lay upon the expansive silks, I will grant you a moment of reprieve. Time means nothing for I and now for you, little mouse. I will indulge in every chip to that mental fortitude of yours. Striking away at your layers with precision till you conform to my outline upon your skin. Appraising the rich veins that run through your interior you are such a fine grade indeed. A beautiful work of art by my own creation. A treasured centerpiece for my grand pedestal. The great savior of Baldur’s Gate was made to be ruined. To be reduced to nothing more than a symbol of subservitude. The being who acquired my precious hammer, a possibility. For a crown, a certainty for there to be a uniting muse. Throwing onto you a blanket of crimson to conceal your delicate mortal vessel. I will be waiting to unveil you for my exhibition. The realms are filled with eager observers. My prestigious gallery awaits us outside these walls. Closing the doors of my boudoir, the candles’ light are now singed. Sleep well, little mouse. I will come bearing tools in hand for when you awake. Your lessons will still resume tomorrow. You will suit my needs in time till then. My request made to you as your body comes to still, is for you to dream my dreams, mouse. You can do that won't you?
Could you snore any louder, mousey? I looked on as you tossed and turned in your sleep. Dreaming strange dreams probably, hopefully it is of me. Coughing and choking on your own spittle, how becoming of you at least you have stopped snoring. You grasp for the fleeting air that eludes you. There you laid huddled, willing your throat to be cleared with every fit. Your desperation clings heavily teasing my senses when taking a deep breath in. You know mortals have perished for much less but where is the fun in seeing you gone so soon. With a couple firm strikes between your shoulder blades, you gulp down the air so eagerly dear to you. The raise of your chest as your lungs were refilled once more with an exhale you mumbled something incoherent. Another line of that brat’s doctrine. "Was this how you treat the one who cares for you hmm?" He would have stood back and ignored you like all those many times before you know. I am generous enough to have some fleeting concern over you that is more than he's willing to bestow. Reaching out with a delicate claw, I traced the path of beading sweat that rolls down your stained face. "How many tears will you shed? How much pain will you tolerate?" How long will he be the reason that circulates through your airways? That contraption of yours is still leaking and what will you do when the beating finally ceases? Would you like that tragedy to unfold? There is nowhere else for you, mouse as I pull you in closer with the tie of my tail. My what terrible predicament you have found yourself in but there is only one way to save that precious apparatus of yours. All you have to do is hold your breath and give yourself to me, my precious little thief. "If you beg so sweetly I will have you patched up." There will be meaning to the hollowness you have felt for so long. No more of the dryness of this plane or the staleness that coats your tongue. Under my wings there will be a refuge. You will be whole once again like the day you first stepped into these wretched Hells. My wings come down onto you as you lay limply by my side. Wild winds will course through you when you open those eyes. I will remind you what it means to be alive. "You only need but to ask. I will continue to take care of you, little mouse." I have yet to take your breath away. "Sleep tight but be forewarned, the incubus does bite."
#bg3#bg3 zevlor#zevlor#zevlor nation#bg3 rolan#rolan#holy rolan empire#bg3 raphael#raphael bg3#raphael the cambion#bg3 haarlep#haarlep#haarlep the incubus
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bro bless us with some song recs. i wanna be put on TFF?? (love u)
OMGG OMG IT’S HAPPENING. i’ve waited so long for someone to ask me this—thank you. (and ily2). this is the moment i’ve been waiting for, the prophecy finally fulfilled. i’ve drafted this response in my head a thousand times like it’s sacred scripture, scrawled it in the margins of a book no one was supposed to read. the stars have aligned, the omen is clear. finally, the prophecy unfolds.
okay here we go, in no particular order: (also, my music taste is an iceberg and this is just the tip—there’s way more, across way too many genres, but this is what’s floating to the surface rn. some of these aren’t even out btw && yes, i know this playlist makes no sense).
moments by moio
kissland, life of the party, love through her, as you are, initiation, thursday, oddlook, montreal, enemy, king of the fall, house of balloons, twenty eight, the town, professional, tears in the rain, love in the sky, the birds pt1 & pt2, wicked games, the zone, gone, til dawn (here comes the sun), adaptation, belong to the world, lonely star, the knowing, valerie, live for & high for this by the weeknd
bad religion, white ferrari, pink matter, voodoo, seigfried, ivy, chanel, self control, godspeed, forest gump, futura free, nights, moon river, trouble (unreleased), dear april & nikes by frank ocean.
pretty privilege by stunna girl
you tried it, fuck the D to the A & pussy talk by city girls
cognac queen, kitty kat & cocky af, by megan thee stallion
everything nice by dreamdoll
chiraqimony by lil durk
cigarettes by amir obe
thunder, serial killer, is it wrong?, mermaid motel, fucked my way up to the top, money power glory, be my daddy, your girl, body electric, paris, texas, you & me, burning desire, chelsea hotel no 2, Happiness is a butterfly, pretty when you cry, black beauty, velvet crowbar, groupie love, trash magic, million dollar man, ultraviolence, white mustang, margaret, herion, your girl, prom song gone wrong, never let me go, hollywoods dead by lana del rey.
needy, ridiculous, jada, nasty, let me love you, sweetener, goodnight nd go, shut up, bad idea, bloodline, in my head, ghostin, god is a woman, moonlight, touch it by ariana grande.
bored, xanny, blue, chihiro, ilomilo, wish you were gay, bellyache, ocean eyes, when the partys over, my strange addiction & not my responsibility, by billie eillish
jus know pt2 by black mayo
princess bubblegum by ILYTOMMY
corazon sin cara by prince royce
coffee in the morning & adorn, all i want is you by miguel
bad boy, automatic & be natural by red velvet
noise, sadderdaze, the beach, a little death, baby came home 2/valentines, crybaby, fallen star, void, stuck with me, compass, 24/7, flawless & you get me so high by the neighbourhood
house of cards by bts
the boys by girls generation
poison, paper soldier, WY@, running on e, all mine, rehab, dead man walking, been away, clouded, 16 missed calls, best time, wish you well & rolling stone by brent faiyaz
love somebody by gucci mane ft young thug
goodies by ciara
sofia, bubblegum, 4eva, bags, hello? & how by clairo
the 1975 by about you
be the one by llyod ft trey songz
change, cherry waves, beware, my own summer, mascara, rosemary, digital bath, beauty school, entombed, sleep walk, bored, be quiet and drive (far away), sextape & 967-evil by deftones
show me how by men I trust
what you heard by sonder
love songs by kaash paige
bed peace, stranger, sativa, stay ready (what a life) & 3:16 am by jhene aiko
thirsty, TBH, make it to the morning, break from toronto, belong to the city, sex on the beach, resentment, wus good/curious, make a mil, her way & freak in you by partynextdoor
love drought, partition, deja vu & 7/11 by beyonce
break it off, pain & attracted to you by pink pantheress
after the storm, melting & dead to me by kali uchis
child psychology by black box recorder
a sad cartoon & is it really you? by loathe
i hate myself and i want to die, marigold, you know you're right & heart shaped box, by nirvana
petals by hole
coupe by bktherula
kids by MGMT
each time you fall in love, john wayne, truly, young & dumb, opera house, nothings gonna hurt you baby, I'm a firefighter, dreaming of you, stop waiting, starry eyes, cry, sunsetz & flash by cigerettes after sex
master of none by beach house
be the one by lloyd ft trey songz
fourth of july by sujans stevens.
tunnel vision & roll in peace by kodak black
princess, sixteen, emo boy, iconic, princess & ngsunc by aeysha erotica
gallowdance by lebanon hanover
so anxious by genuwine
#music recs#music#song recs#music taste#song taste#songs#asks#LOA#loa#loass#loassumption#law of assumption#fame dr#shifting community#shifting#shiftblr#shifting motivation#shifting blog#shifting realities#reality shifting#permashifting#scripting#shifters#shifting advice#shifting reality#shifting consciousness#shifting antis dni#shifting diary#shifting to hogwarts#shifting mindset
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on one condition.
harry styles x original character
part five.
word count: 12.6K
warnings: talks of a past physically abusive relationship, smut (finaalllyyy!!!), nsfr!

27 JULY 2018
harry wakes up to lynn sitting on the arm of the couch. her fingers dance along his arm as his name falls from her lips in quiet whispers. it’s still dark outside, and he rubs the sleep out of his eyes, struggling to remember just exactly where he is.
silas and lynn had gone into the bedroom shortly after dinner. he wasn’t really sure why he was expecting silas to take the couch, but when the click of the lock echoed through the quiet condo, harry knew that he was stuck with the short end of the stick.
there were no goodnights said and no sleepy smiles from lynn. harry sat in the dark for what felt like hours, listening to the muffled laughter coming from behind the bedroom door while he tried to swallow down the ugly, burning jealousy that came bubbling up in his throat.
“harry,” she whispers again. her touch moves from his arms to his hair. “are you awake?”
“yeah,” he hums. “what’s going on? are you okay?”
“i can’t fall asleep,” she says. “not when i don’t know if you’re alright.”
“why wouldn’t i be alright?” he can barely make out anything in the dark. the only source of light was the dim glow of the moon coming in through an uncovered window. it doesn’t do much, but it illuminates her face enough for him to see the way it’s etched with worry.
“the same reason i can’t sleep unless all of the doors are locked,” she doesn’t elaborate any further, and harry’s not really sure what she means by that. “i’m sorry for waking you. couldn’t tell if you were breathing.”
“do you wanna lay out here with me?” she only blinks at him. “you don’t have to, but i think you’d be able to feel if i was breathing or not.”
“are you sure?”
“c’mere,” he presses himself further into the couch, and lifts the blanket for her to slide under. harry’s shocked a little when she actually does.
it’s uncomfortable at first. he lays there like a board, arms straight down at his sides until lynn reaches behind for his hand. he thinks she’s giving him the key to the front door, but instead she presses his palm to her stomach just like he had done the night before.
it really was a complete accident. harry was so embarrassed to open his eyes and find himself wrapped around her the way he was. lynn was still sleeping when he woke up. she never mentioned it, and he had hoped that maybe she never noticed. he could not have been more wrong.
she doesn’t say anything when she does it, so instead of overthinking the situation and letting it keep him up until the sun rises, he leans into it. harry molds his body to lynn’s, letting his fingers stretch across her tummy just like she wanted them to. their legs are crossed at the ankles, and harry can’t help it when he lets his lips press right where her neck meets her shoulder. he half expects her to push him away, but she only sighs, falling asleep mere seconds later.
“good morning, cuddle bugs,” harry doesn’t wake up again until silas is practically whisper singing right into his ear. the man’s standing over the two of them, a mug of coffee in each hand and a wide grin on his face.
when harry blinks enough to get the sleep out of his eyes, he sees that lynn’s got her cheek squished against his chest and her arm thrown around his torso. both of her legs are in between his and she had stolen their previously shared blanket and selfishly wrapped herself up in it. “were my cuddles not good enough for you, lynn?”
“oh my god, shut up, silas,” lynn groans, letting herself lean into harry even more. “and close the curtains while you’re up. m’so tired.”
silas does as he’s told before coming back over to harry to hand him one of the mugs he was holding. he sits down in the recliner next to them without saying a word, and turns on some local news station for the two to watch.
the volume’s on low, and silas is too focused on whatever stories that are running that he doesn’t try to engage in any conversation. he is so incredibly thankful for it, too. he wasn’t exactly sure what the other had to say about walking out of the bedroom to find his best friend wrapped around him. he wasn’t sure what lynn has told silas about them, but she surely had to have mentioned the fact that he has been treating her so terribly for the last two months.
harry’s free hand absentmindedly travels to lynn’s hair, fingers gently scratching her scalp as quiet, appreciative hums leave her mouth. he can’t really tell if she’s just in and out of sleep or if she’s fully awake, but he doesn’t care as long as he got lynn like this. he’d be stupid not to wrap himself up in everything that she was willing to give him. after all, it’d all go away as soon as they got back to new york.
part of him couldn’t wait to get home, even though he knew that going home meant he would have to face his parents. he also knew that it meant he would be getting back to his new routine. ever since he stopped sharing his days with an entire bottle of hard liquor, waking up has never felt so good.
he was productive. incredibly productive, actually. during the first week, he got around to turning his office into a small art studio. harry had purchased easels and canvases and nearly an entire display of oil paints. of course he put the transactions on john’s credit card. he thought of it as reparations for his shitty childhood, but if his dad asked, he would say it was a parting gift for his frat.
the other part of him wanted to be anywhere but home because home meant no more waking up to lynn and no more soft kisses and warm touches. home meant morning coffee alone and silence so loud that if he closed his eyes hard enough, he would swear he could hear it screaming.
you’re alone. you’re alone. you’re alone. you’re alone.
and honestly, the first few days wouldn’t be too bad. harry thinks he’d use the time to clear his head. the forced proximity had him thinking (and feeling) so many confusing things when it came to lynn. he knew that once they were apart for a little while, they’d all go away. maybe the two would even go back to hating each other.
they’d see each other once a week, maybe twice if they were feeling crazy, and harry would only be brutally reminded of just how alone he actually was. the words would echo in his head like they always did. just like the ticking of a clock.
you’re alone. you’re alone. you’re alone. you’re alone.
maybe it’s his fault for giving himself away so easily. there are so many people who know absolutely nothing about him except for what gets him going in bed, and normally, that fact didn’t bother him one bit. he likes feeling good and making other people feel good, and he loves the fact that he can participate in both of those activities with no strings attached.
however, on the rare days like today, the mere thought of it makes harry want to scratch the skin off his body and start fresh. he wants to be someone new. someone who is loved, and someone that people actually want to know.
and really, that’s where this whole thing stems from. the constant craving for something that is so unattainable for him. he just wants to be known.
harry itches for the day that someone knows just how much he loves ballet and theater. they’ll know he spent the first three years of high school dedicating his life to the drama club, spending afternoon after afternoon designing and painting sets. those long afternoons would soon turn into rehearsing lines in the passenger seat of oliver’s car, nothing but a flashlight on one of their phones illuminating the words on their scripts.
they’ll know he stopped because of how his dad felt about it. they’ll learn all about his senior year football stint, and maybe he’d also be inclined to tell them that he did it just to please him, but even then, john never went to a single game.
“harry,” silas’s leaning forward to nudge harry with his hand. “did you hear me?”
“no,” he admits. “what did you say?”
“i asked if you were hungry. we’re supposed to meet everyone for breakfast in ten.”
“i’m okay,” harry hums. his eyes fall to lynn who’s now created a small wet spot on his shirt with her drool. “you go. she’s been having a hard time sleeping.”
“she has for years,” silas responds. harry isn’t sure if he’s just stating a fact or if he’s trying to make sure he’s aware that he knows lynn in ways that harry never will. “i’ve never seen her out like this though. it’s weird.”
when silas decides to take harry up on his offer, he stands up, stretches, and then puts his shoes on before walking out of the door. it slams a little bit behind him, and lynn jolts at the sound. her head flies up, and she’s looking at harry with wide eyes and parted lips.
“just silas, honey,” his knuckles drag across the highest point of her cheek. “you can go back to sleep for a bit.”
silas: it’s amelia day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
silas: you better be awake when i get back
silas: first round is on you btw consider it your apology for having to look at you and harry all morning #YUCK
lynn shuts her phone off and peers up at harry to make sure he wasn’t reading over her shoulder. (that would be so humiliating.) she finds him fast asleep underneath her. his head is tilted back, resting on a pillow that was propped up on the arm of the couch. his lips are parted, and she thinks that if she’s quiet enough she could hear tiny snores fall from them. god, he is so cute.
“harry,” she gently shakes him, and when he opens his eyes and blinks a few long blinks like he’s trying to gather his surroundings, she can’t help but laugh. “good morning, sunshine.”
“what time is it?” he rasps out around a yawn.
“nearly noon.” lynn sits up so harry can stretch and sit up properly. “it’s amelia day, so we have to leave soon. get ready, and i’ll make you something to eat. my treat for sharing this uncomfortable thing with me all night.”
lynn only makes them a plate of leftovers that consists of stuff she found in various take out boxes in the refrigerator. it wasn’t anything crazy; yet, it takes nearly fifteen minutes before she has it all set out on the breakfast bar. she shouldn't be blamed though. it’s not her fault that she couldn’t stop thinking about last night.
it wasn’t until silas was knocked out next to her that she realized harry was out in the living room all alone. she didn’t mean to exclude him. it kind of just happened, and she felt so guilty for it. she couldn’t stop wondering just how upset harry would be with her in the morning, and soon after, all of the overthinking turned into wondering if harry was okay.
honestly, she knew deep down there was no reason for him not to be, but that didn’t stop her from going out and checking. that’s all she meant to do, really. she planned on making sure he was alive and well and then she would climb back into bed with silas, but when he made room for her on the couch, lynn couldn’t say no.
she missed sleeping next to him.
it was stupid. they had only been on good terms for a few days, but lynn couldn’t imagine ever falling asleep without him pressed against her again. she thought that maybe it was just the simple fact that she was next to someone that had her sleeping so well, but no. it was harry.
silas has probably spent hundreds of hours helping her fall asleep. nearly every time he’s in town, he sits next to her in bed and runs his fingers through her hair until she’s napping. lynn really did appreciate it so much. she knew she would never get those precious naps in without him, but that was just it. they were always a quick little nap, never lasting more than an hour.
with harry, it was so different. all he had to do was be in the same room as her and she’d be out for hours. it was silly, and all in her mind. of course she knew that, it’s just… she doesn’t really want it to end.
harry doesn’t talk until the two of them are sharing an uber to the town square. he’s exhausted. lynn knows that, and she feels so shitty for having him take the couch. he was doing her a favor being there. the least she could do was give him the bed.
“it’s amelia’s birthday?” his voice is quiet when he asks, like the uber driver hearing would give away the faux relationship.
“no,” she laughs a little, not because of him, but because of what amelia day actually is. “silas pays amelia to watch jane while the adults go out for a few drinks.”
“is it the same day every year?”
lynn shakes her head, “just whenever silas feels like it. it’s usually just the two of us, and he convinces her when he thinks i’ve burnt myself out watching them.”
harry only hums and looks out the window.
lynn sits at the bar, nursing her third dirty martini as she watches silas and harry play a game of darts. silas was honestly great at the game. never once has he let lynn win. however, when harry threw his first dart, she realized that today might be the day her dreams of silas losing come true.
she’s been dreaming of the day ever since she had played against silas for the first time at a bar in her college town. he was visiting her for spring break. nearly the entire school had gone further south to a beach, so they pretty much had the bar to themselves. they played forty seven games that week, and lynn had only been close to winning once.
so, she offers to buy harry a shot if he wins, and when he says he’d rather have a kiss, she says he can have that, too.
she watches as harry goes to throw his dart. he closes one of his eyes and the tip of his tongue sticks out a little at the corner of his mouth every time he brings his hand up to aim. normally, she would’ve poked a little fun because he looked crazy, but she was a couple drinks in and she couldn’t help but find everything harry did to be at least a little bit attractive.
harry throws the winning dart, and lynn already has a shot of don julio waiting for him. she holds the little glass in between her fingers and the lime wedge in between her lips as she moves over to the two guys. a little pool of anxiety fills her stomach when she thinks about what exactly she’s doing. the lime placement seemed like a good idea after she had finished her third drink, but when she sees silas’s face, she thinks that maybe she was wrong.
the worry is only there for a second because harry tips the shot back, and then presses his mouth to hers and takes the wedge in between his teeth. the whole thing has her skin burning all the way from her toes up to her ears, but she doesn’t have time to be embarrassed about it because as soon as he’s done, he’s kissing her.
their kisses are messy and wet, and lynn can taste the lime sitting on his lips and the tequila coating his mouth. his mouth is practically devouring hers in a way that has her chest aching and her fingertips tingling. there’s no way that the vodka and olive juice she had been drinking tasted as good as he’s making it seem.
harry pulls away when silas clears his throat and lynn can’t even work up enough nerve to look over at him. the blush on her cheeks. her heart skipping beats in her chest. the way she feels so giddy. god, it was like she was a teenager again.
“i think we should get another drink before we head back,” silas breaks the silence first.
harry agrees and the two of them follow silas over to the bar. harry’s got his arm around lynn’s back, and his hand rests on her waist. he orders his drink and her dirty martini while she pretends not to feel the way his thumb is sliding against the small sliver of skin poking out between her top and skirt.
lynn sits on a bar stool next to kathleen when her fourth dirty martini is placed in front of her. harry keeps his arm draped around the back of her chair, chatting to silas about their last game. silas claims harry cheated, but harry insists that silas is just a sore loser.
“are you three enjoying your vacation,” lynn hears her dad’s voice from down the bar, and makes no move to respond. instead, she brings her glass up to her lips and takes a big sip.
“i am,” harry turns his attention to the older man, offering him a small smile. “thank you for having me. i really appreciate it.”
“it’s the least i can do since you’ve been putting up with my daughter. she can be a lot to handle sometimes.”
her dad laughs, and lynn can’t help the rage that’s bubbling up in her chest. putting up with my daughter? how would he know what putting up with lynn was like? peter was only around for half of her life, and even then, they’ve only shared a few hundred words with each other, if that. the man barely fucking knew her.
“it’s quite the opposite,” she feels harry moving his hand from the chair to wrap around her shoulder and pull her into his chest. “really, lynn puts up with me.”
“good to know, but i was referring to jane,” he brings his bottle to his lips. “she has so much energy, and at my age…”
lynn doesn’t really care what else her father has to say, so she turns her attention to the bartender and orders herself one more. it would probably end up being a mistake because she could already feel her head going all fuzzy. (and that was obvious a drink ago when she made out with harry in the back corner of the bar.) but, she felt like she needed it in order to stomach being around her parents for a second longer.
“you’re sure you need another?” kathleen’s speaking to her. “don’t want to have a repeat of the last time where you didn’t even make it to dinner.”
lynn decides to pretend like she didn’t hear, and insteads thanks the bartender when he slides the glass in front of her. she didn’t come to dinner the night her mother is referring to because of something more than a little too much to drink, and she thinks that if she lets herself think about it for a minute longer, she’d start crying so hard that she might end up coughing up a lung.
aunt cecilia moves from the other side of her father to sit next to silas. she strikes up a conversation with the two boys, and lynn can’t make the buzzing in her brain quiet down enough to focus on what they’re saying. it is so unfair that being around her mother has the ability to ruin what was supposed to be a fun day with her friends.
lynn gets why silas invited her parents. really, she does. just because they treated her so poorly, doesn’t mean they treated everyone else the same. that was obvious when silas came home from his freshman year of college to all of his stuff sitting on the front lawn of his parents’ house. peter and kathy had moved every discarded item of his into the guest room within the day, and silas claimed it as his own until he moved out for good two years later.
“y’alright, honey?” harry’s voice is so low and breathy. it tickles her ear enough to make her laugh, and he offers her a warm smile at the sound. “there we go.”
his lips tenderly press against her forehead and then he’s leaning back to look at her, worry deep in his eyes. she loves when harry’s soft like this, even if she can see silas rolling his eyes at the two of them in her peripheral.
“i miss your last boyfriend,” lynn’s brought out of her trance by kathleen’s voice. “he never touched you like this in front of us. it’s just disrespectful.”
lynn thinks that she’s misheard her mom at first, but when harry’s hands fall from her, she knows he’s heard it, too. silas and aunt cece are deep in conversation, missing what kathleen had just said, and harry’s looking at her with a frown on his lips. his eyes are pleading with hers, like he’s trying to apologize for something that isn’t even his fault.
“i’m sorry, ms. kathy. i didn’t eve-”
“yeah, well,” lynn clears her throat. “jaxson used to hit me when we weren’t in front of you guys.”
she knows that she shouldn’t have said it, especially not here. lynn’s just so upset and angry and sad, and all she wanted to do was make kathleen feel the way she has been making her feel since the day she was born. like a complete and utter failure.
“i couldn’t make it to dinner last time because my mouth was bleeding so bad,” her voice is quiet, yet her confession draws the attention from the rest of the group. “not because of one too many drinks.”
it was definitely the five dirty martinis that had her spilling the secret she’s held on to the tightest, but it’s out now and so were the tears that came flooding from her eyes.
“why didn’t you tell us?” her mom has tears of her own on her cheeks, and it only makes lynn roll her eyes. kathleen never really cared about her, and she wasn’t about to start letting her now.
“don’t you see how you treat me? of course i didn’t come to you. nothing i ever do is worth a second of your time,” lynn feels so incredibly vulnerable as she speaks. she half expects kathleen to tell her to grow up, and the other half expects her to get on her hands and knees and apologize profusely for being such a shit mother.
she does neither. instead her eyes fall on silas and aunt cece, a look of realization spreading across her face. “you two knew.”
when lynn showed up on her aunts’ doorstep after a particularly rough fight with her ex, aunt cece helped put her back together again and let her move in for a few months. they hid it from peter and kathleen, per lynn’s request, and when jane was born, she went home. the three of them never really spoke about it, but lynn thinks she wouldn’t be standing here right now if it wasn’t for aunt cece and aunt rosie.
“this is exactly what i fucking mean,” she stands up from her stool, using harry to steady herself, and then she begs him to please, please take her back to the condo.
and he does. harry doesn’t say anything the entire uber ride back. instead, he holds her hand in his lap and wipes under her nose with the sleeve of his shirt when he’s had enough of her loud sniffing.
“i could’ve found a tissue,” her voice is so scratchy it hurts when she speaks.
“but you didn’t,” harry counters. “‘was kind of grossing me out if i’m being honest.”
“heeeeey,” her hands gently shove his shoulders as she laughs under her breath. it’s quiet for a second, and she can’t seem to tear her eyes away from his. it’s like she can feel the pity from his eyes seeping into her own, and it makes her a little sad. “please don’t look at me like that.”
harry looks away and clears his throat, and lynn feels so incredibly guilty for even saying anything, “i don’t like when people pity me. i didn’t mean…”
“i know you didn’t mean to tell me, but knowing now helps me understand you better.” he’s running his forefinger along the creases in her palm. “and i don’t mean to make you feel like i pity you. i just… you didn’t deserve to go through that.”
“okay,” she offers him a warm smile. “i was going to tell you, but i was nervous that i’d scare you away.”
“you could never scare me away.”
“why’s that? am i your only friend?” lynn only means it in a teasing way, but the way harry’s smile drops says that she’s hit the nail on the head.
“yeah,” his face draws together when he speaks. “um, i don’t know. there’s not really anyone besides you. sorry if that’s weird or makes you uncomfortable. i’m not the best at making friends.”
“s’not weird. i was only joking, harry. i didn’t mean-”
“you don’t have to apologize,” his eyes fall to his lap, and then he looks back up to her. “that’s not why you can’t scare me away. i just… i like having you around, lynn. i don’t want that to change once we go home.”
his words make her cheeks warm, “it won’t. i like having you around, too.” and when that doesn’t feel like enough, “i’m really glad you came, harry.”
29 JULY 2018
when harry wakes up, the bed is empty and the condo is quiet. there’s no echoes of an overworked coffee pot and no hushed whispers bouncing off the walls. his phone reads 11:53am, and there is nothing but a singular text from lynn sitting in his notification center.
getting breakfast with si & then going to the beach. join us when you’re awake :)
harry gets out of bed and heads for the shower to wash the sleep off of his face (and also the sweat off of his body). he’s spent the last two nights wrapped up with lynn in the bed while silas took the couch. the girl loved her blankets, and being next to her sometimes made him feel like he was next to a furnace.
he decides against joining the two when he’s on his second lather of shampoo. after lynn had talked about her last relationship at the bar, the three have practically been conjoined at the hip doing pretty much everything together. even at the family dinners, they sat at the end of the table next to jane and amelia to keep kathleen, or anyone else, from bringing it up.
as soon as harry heard what lynn said, he wanted to throw up. he felt sick the entire uber drive back, and even worse when they sat on the couch next to one another and she told him about the time she had brought him here. lynn was so incredibly kind, and the thought of anyone hurting her was just so devastating.
but, he did as she asked, and tried acting like looking at her didn’t make his chest feel like it was caving in. (because it did.) instead, he offered her kisses and soft touches every time the thoughts got to be a little too much. lynn deserved to feel loved and appreciated, and he was going to make sure she never forgot that.
harry: i think i’ll spend some time with your sisters. have fun with silas
her response comes through almost immediately.
lynn: they’d loooove that!!! couldn’t stop talking about you at breakfast
lynn: i’ll miss you today :(
the grin that spreads across harry’s face when he reads the message is embarrassing. he never really understood what people meant when they said ‘giggling and kicking my feet’, but when he catches his reflection in the mirror, he gets it.
jane and amelia are waiting for him on the front porch of their condo, and as soon as he’s in sight, the little girl runs to him like she’s an olympian sprinter. she giggles as she does, and harry soaks up every last one because he knows there will be a time when he is nothing but a distant memory for her.
the three of them walk to an ice cream parlor that harry has been dying to go to since the first day they arrived. the outside was painted a bright pink and had mismatched patio furniture sitting out in front of it. he always found these ice cream shops to be the best, and preferred them over the lousy chains.
harry orders his usual mint chip and jane her chocolate chip, and then he tells amelia to get whatever she wants. it was his treat today, even though the two girls were the ones to bring up the idea to go. the older sister decides on a plain strawberry shake, and once it’s all paid, they sit at one of the tables outside.
“don’t forget your napkin,” he reminds jane. “i don’t want to return you all covered in sugar.”
the little girl laughs, and wipes awaythe river of melted vanilla ice cream flowing down her chin, “s’okay. mom says it’s bath night anyway.”
harry listens as jane then goes into a play by play of her day. if one singular detail was wrong, she’d have to pause, reset the scene, and then she could continue. it starts with her saying she chose a red shirt to wear, but actually it was more orange now that she’s thinking about it. then, it’s what she ate for breakfast. jane realizes midway through that she had actually eaten four apple slices instead of the five she said previously because silas had taken one from her plate. the whole thing is painful, but harry sits through every second of it with a smile on his face.
“you alright, amelia?” harry asks once jane has quieted down and turned her attention back to her ice cream. “you’ve been quiet.”
“does lynn ever talk about her last boyfriend?"
he swallows. "yeah. she talks about him sometimes. why?”
“he was mean to me,” amelia states. “and i thought you’d be the same.”
“melia, i would never-”
“i know. i know,” amelia’s quick to cut him off. “that was obvious when jane hit you with that ball.”
jane’s shoulders drop at her sister’s words, “i’m still very sorry, harry.”
“i know you are, janey,” his hand squeezes her little arm from across the table. “i already told you to stop worrying about.”
“i feel bad for being so rude to you,” amelia admits. “and for trying to get lynn to break up with you.”
“you what?”
“i’m sorry. i didn’t-” the girl’s stumbling over her words like she can’t get them out fast enough when harry interrupts her with a laugh. really, he doesn’t mean to, but the thought of amelia trying to end a relationship that wasn’t even real to begin had him giggling.
"no need to be sorry," he says. "if i saw my sister in a bad relationship, i'd probably act the exact same. probably even worse if i’m being honest.”
“a man who grew up with girls,” amelia nods her head slowly before sitting back in her chair with her arms crossed. “makes sense.”
“now, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“it’s a compliment! ugh, you’re so old.”
harry laughs at the girls in front of him, a feeling of genuine happiness washing over him. maybe he was planning too far ahead, but he can't help but think that he actually does want to be a dad.
“hurry up and finish your ice cream,” he says. “i think there’s a souvenir shop we can go to just a few stores up the street.”
the three don’t end up going back until dinner time. the two girls walk in front of him, each swinging their shopping bags at each other for no other reason than to be annoying. he didn’t really mean to spend a hundred dollars on the two, but he did. jane always looked up at him with big round eyes and he could never say no.
they had passed a boutique with a blue dress hanging in the window, and amelia made a comment about it matching the shade of lynn’s eyes. she was right. it was printed with this floral pattern and had ruffles at the sleeves. harry couldn’t stop thinking about just how pretty lynn would look in it, and that’s how he ended up with a bag of his own.
maybe it was pushing the boundaries of their friendship a little too far, but he really didn’t care. harry thinks it would be a crime for that dress to belong to anyone besides lynn.
aunt cece is the one who opens the door when jane knocks, and to his surprise, she invites him in to enjoy the dinner that she had prepared. he’s about to say no when she lets him know that lynn and silas had gone into town for an early dinner of their own before he had to go to the airport, so he changes his mind and joins the two aunts in the kitchen.
harry sits at the table while the two shared red wine out of a singular glass along with what seemed like a million kisses. rosie rested herself against cece’s back as she finished transferring the meal to serving dishes. she’d whisper things to the other in tones so quiet harry couldn’t make out the words, but each time aunt cece’s face would flush and she’d playfully push the other woman away.
he hopes he gets a love as pure as theirs when he’s older.
“what’s in the bag?” aunt rosie joins him at the table.
“it’s nothing really,” harry can feel his cheeks grow warm and he does his best to avoid the woman’s stare.
“oh come on, you’re blushing all the way to your neck. what is it? we’re very big on sex positivity, so-”
“oh my god. it’s a dress. a normal dress,” harry can’t listen to it a second longer. his finger pulls the collar of his shirt away from his neck. god, why was it so hot it here?
“aww,” aunt rosie coos at him, peaking into the brown paper bag. “it looks gorgeous, harry.”
he hums. “it reminded me of her.”
“you should take her to that restaurant she was talking about this morning tomorrow. give her a chance to wear it,” aunt cece says from the kitchen, and rosie seconds the idea.
“i overslept today, so i don’t really know which one you’re talking about.”
“hmm,” the woman in the kitchen has her hand on her hip and her face in her hands. “i’m forgetting the name.”
“latitudes,” kathleen’s voice comes from the doorway. “that’s the restaurant.”
harry can tell by her demeanor that she’s trying to be nice, so he offers her a warm smile before thanking her.
dinner isn’t as bad as he thought it would be. he imagined it being incredibly awkward because of what had happened a few days prior, but surprisingly it’s not. he’s not really sure what was said or what happened after he had left with lynn, but he suspects it was something eye opening by the way kathleen is acting.
when gets back to his condo, he finds lynn sitting on the living room floor with at least twenty photobooks sprawled around her. there’s a half full bottle of wine on the side table, and an empty glass seated at her feet. he wasn’t really sure where she kept getting so much wine. they had only purchased three bottles.
“hey,” he’s kicking his shoes off by the door.
“hey,” she doesn’t look up. her eyes are too focused on some photos that she’s holding in her lap, and he takes the opportunity to slip the boutique bag into one of his drawers.
harry changes into his pajamas and then gets himself a glass from the kitchen. with a deep breath, he moves to the living room and sits next to her on the ground. “can i join you?”
“you don’t have to ask,” lynn reaches for the bottle before filling both of their glasses and setting it back down. she offers him a smile, “such a silly question, harry.”
“did you and silas have a good day?”
“the best,” she says with a grin on her face. harry can’t help the jealousy that starts burning in his chest. he wonders if she says the same when silas asks about him. “we found all of these photobooks. what about you? were the girls good?”
“so good,” he replies. “we got ice cream, and had a little shopping trip.”
“i bet they had so much fun,” she takes her eyes away from the photo book to look up at him. her mouth opens and she pauses, and then, “i missed you today.”
they sit next to each other as lynn opens up a fresh book. it was full of photos from when she was only a kid. there were so many pictures of her in the summertime, lounging around a swimming pool wearing rugrats themed swimmies and eating ice cream, and there were even more of her hanging from the monkey bars in playgrounds and posing cutely in flower fields. his favorites were the ones of her standing behind a mixing bowl with a monogrammed apron tied around her waist.
as she turns the pages, the pictures turn from summer to fall and it goes from wide toothy smiles soaking up the sun rays to close lipped grins at school events. there were photos of her at chorus concerts and class parties and some of her sitting with her arms around her friends in the school cafeteria.
there’s a woman who appears in quite a few of the photos, not enough that he would say she was in almost all of them, but enough that harry recognizes her presence. she looked nothing like lynn or any of her family members. her skin was tan and she had long dark hair with matching dark eyes. she wore red lipstick in a lot of the photos, and every time she did, baby lynn had a matching red lip print stamped on the side of her cheek.
“who’s that?” harry decides to ask when she pulls out a picture from the plastic sleeve. it was of the woman hugging her tight while lynn held up a little certificate indicating she won some award.
“she was my au pair,” lynn traces the corners of the picture as she brings it closer to her face.
“the one your dad had an affair with?”
lynn shakes her head. “the one after. elena,” she clarifies. i spent most of my childhood with her.”
“yeah? it looks like she loved you an awful lot.”
“y’know like that feeling that you get when you think of your mom?” she asks. “i get that when i think of her. she was wonderful, harry.”
“do you still talk to her?”
“no, i think my mom stopped hiring her when amelia was two,” her voice is thick when she speaks, and harry can see the glassiness in her eyes when she looks over to pass him the photo. “i still use that recipe in my bakery today. i wish she could see it.”
harry looks at the photo and can’t stop the smile from growing on his lips. little lynn was grinning so wide, her smile nearly went from ear to ear. the certificate was proudly displayed in her hands with a large FIRST PLACE written across the top. elena had her arms wrapped around her body so tightly, you could see the imprints of her fingertips in little lynn’s flesh. his fingers flip the photo over, and his eyes scan the words written on the back.
e. adams, 1998
“you’re what?” harry speaks. “24? 25?”
“i’m 27,” the girl laughs when she sees harry’s face. “what? is 24 too young for you?”
“i’m 21, lynn,” he deadpans. “freshly, too. my birthday’s in february.”
“oh god,” her wine glass nearly tips over when she turns to face him, and harry wraps his fingers around the stem to catch it.
neither of them speak for a moment. her eyes are scanning over his face like she’s not really sure what to say. both of them had just assumed they were each other’s age.
“is that,” harry pauses. “does that bother you?”
lynn’s bottom lip goes between her teeth before she sighs, “i mean, it’s all pretend, isn’t it?”
harry wants to say that it doesn’t feel all pretend when lynn’s got his mouth pressed to his. or when they’re alone and her fingers rub every ounce of stress from his body. or when they’re in bed every night, pressed so closely together that harry can feel the way her heart beats against his own.
instead, he only smiles. “yeah, i guess it really doesn’t matter.”
they each finish their glass of wine, and harry’s quick to pour them the rest of whatever’s left in the bottle. honestly, she was right. what they were doing was supposed to be pretend. it was his fault for letting parts of it get too real.
maybe lynn didn’t need to know that some of his family disowned him because of his queerness. she also probably didn’t need to hear harry’s drunken confession about him being a friendless loser, and she definitely could’ve gone without seeing him sleeping with someone else.
he takes another large gulp of wine when the realization hits. he likes that she knows those things about him.
“evelyn,” her voice is soft as it pulls him from his thoughts.
“i know you saw it,” she points to the discarded photo on the ground between them. harry was so focused on the bolded 1998, he didn’t even notice the tiny e that preceded it.
“evelyn,” the intensity of his voice matches her, and as soon as the words leave his lips, her eye’s fill with tears. “oh, don’t cry.”
“they’re good tears,” she breathes. “promise.”
his hand cradles her face and tucks her hair behind her ear so it doesn’t get all sticky from the now falling tears. the way she looks up at him feels so real to harry, and it makes his chest grow tight. he didn’t know how he’d be able to walk away from all of this unscathed, but at least he had her now. he’d be stupid not to soak up everything she wanted to give him.
“it’s a pretty name,” he’s nearly whispering now. “fits you.”
“it was my grandmother’s,” she chews on her lips. “she was lovely, harry.”
“she sure seems like it,” her head feels heavy in his hand like she’s relying on him to hold it upright for her. “why’d you change it?”
“jaxson ruined it for me, and hearing it was a lot,” she sighs and her eyes squeeze shut. “it’s stupid i know.”
“i don’t think it’s stupid, blondie,” she looks up at him like she doesn’t necessarily believe him, and harry thinks that if he didn’t find out that she was twenty fucking seven years old minutes prior, he’d kiss her. “not stupid at all.”
really, he still wants to. harry wants to kiss her so hard that she forgets that goddamn loser that made her own name sound unbearable to her. the thought just makes him so incredibly angry. he could kill him.
“hearing it used to make my stomach churn,” she admits.
“it doesn’t anymore?”
her head shakes, “no. at least not when it comes from you.”
“i can call you evelyn if that’s something you want,” lynn sits up when he offers, straightening herself so she’s no longer leaning into his touch. he instantly misses the weight of her.
“yeah, i mean if it’s not too much of an ask. and maybe not in front of my family? it’s been forever since anyone’s called me that. i just- haven’t been able to recognize myself in the mirror since i started going by lynn.” she laughs lightly, but it just sounds sad at this point. “sorry, i think i’ve had too much wine.”
“yeah, i can do that,” harry hums, and he can’t help it when he reaches for her hand. his finger trails across the back of her knuckles. “it’ll be our little secret, won’t it, evelyn?”
30 JULY 2018
harry is absolutely gnawing the fuck out of the sides of his fingers while he waits for lynn to get out of the shower. as soon as she went in (for the third time because she kept forgetting things), he had laid out the dress neatly on the bed with a necklace that kathleen had slipped him at breakfast. she had said that it was lynn’s grandmother’s.
he wasn’t really sure if this whole thing was crossing the line of their fake dating arrangement. they’d be going for no other reason than to spend some time together, but really, friends spend time together all the time. silas and lynn just had dinner last night.
but did silas buy her a dress for it?
whatever. it was too late to take it all back now. he hears the water shut off, and harry knows he’ll see how she really feels about it soon. he was going to be sick.
the sound of the door knob twisting echoes through the quiet room, and then, “harry?”
“yeah?” he sounded so fucking stupid.
“what’s all this?”
“um, a dress?”
lynn moves into the doorway of the bedroom to look at him. she’s wearing a robe around her body and a towel in her hair. “obviously. where did it come from?”
“a boutique,” he replies, and she raises her eyebrow. “i bought it for you yesterday. with amelia and jane.”
“you bought me that?” her voice is quieter than before, and she no longer has the teasing smile that was sitting on her lips just a moment ago.
“yeah,” why did he feel so shy? “if you don’t like it, i kept the receipt-”
“don’t like it? harry, i love it. it’s gorgeous.”
“good,” he sighs. “i thought so, too.”
lynn doesn’t say anything else, but she doesn’t move from her spot in the doorway either. she’s got the softest smile on her face, and she’s looking at him like she’s not really sure what she wants to do next.
“well, go put it on,” he’s moving in her direction to get to the shower. “you don’t want to miss our latitudes reservations, do you?”
“no way!” she shrieks, and when harry follows it with a corny little ‘yes way’, she hugs him around his neck so tightly, her feet aren’t even touching the ground. “thank you. thank you. thank you.” her words are being whispered against the skin of the crook of his neck.
“it was nothing, really.”
“you always say that,” lynn leans away from him, still keeping her arms around his neck.
“i just like seeing you like this,” and maybe he should have picked different words.
“what?” she laughs. “half naked and pressed up against you?”
“jesus christ, no,” his cheeks warm, and he can feel the way her fingers are rubbing the back of his neck. “happy. you’re different here.”
“only when you’re the one here with me,” she presses a kiss to his cheek before stepping back. “now get in the shower. we are not missing latitudes.”
lynn talks so much during the uber ride to the ferry port. she does it with a big grin on her face, and harry can tell that she’s genuinely excited about their night he had planned. she spends the entire drive discussing the menu and comparing it to yelp reviews, and when they’re on the ferry, she tells him stories about coming here with her grandma while her fingers toy with the small pendant that hangs from the gold chain around her neck.
the two talk all the way through two appetizers and a bottle of wine. harry lets lynn order everything for them because she was the one who wanted to come in the first place, and also because she had spent so much time dissecting the menu. honestly, he didn’t really care what he ate, as long as she was having everything she wanted.
their table was right on the beach, and he had a perfect view of the sun starting to set right behind lynn. harry was sure of only two things at this moment. lynn looks breathtaking in her pretty blue dress, especially during sunset, and he absolutely adores hearing her voice. harry thinks he could hear her talk forever and ever.
she tells him the story from the picture of her and elena with the first place certificate. it was a simple strawberry cheesecake cupcake, and the two had spent nearly a month practicing beforehand. lynn swears that they came out perfect every single time, except for the day of the contest. apparently, the first batch of icing wasn’t setting properly because she had cried too hard over the bowl.
when their mains come, harry realizes that this is the first time the two have hung out and gotten to know each other without some depressing undertone hanging around their conversation. sure, harry learned about elena last night, but the conversation was sad. here, lynn talked about her childhood with shiny eyes, and laughed with harry when he did the same with his.
“have you ever been grand gestured?” lynn asks around a forkful of seared grouper. her dish looked absolutely delicious, and harry regretted not getting it himself.
“not unless you’re counting a cheesy promposal.”
“hm,” she hums. “i’m going to have to go with no.”
“what about you?” harry picks up the wine bottle sitting in the chiller and works on refilling both of their glasses. “have you ever been grand gestured?”
“this is as close as i’ve come.”
“this is not a grand gesture,” harry stresses. he’s worried it’ll come across wrong for a moment until she laughs. “i just meant this is the bare minimum.”
“i know,” she smiles at him, and harry wishes he could take a picture of this moment and keep it tucked away inside his brain forever. “thank you for this again, harry.”
he’s a bit tipsy, and he can tell she is too by the amount of giggles leaving her mouth. harry always saw a sad lynn when she was drunk, and he can’t believe he was lucky enough to see this side of her, too.
this side was magical. there was really no other way to put it. she was the kind of woman that people write books about.
when harry gets tired of his pasta, he twirls little bites around his fork before leaning across the table and feeding it to lynn. it was probably a little immature to be doing at a restaurant like this, but he didn’t really care, and he could tell that she didn’t either by the little appreciative hums that fell around his fork everytime.
“ugh,” she groans when harry orders a slice of key lime pie for dessert. “harry, i’m going to explode!”
“s’okay,” his hand reaches across the table to pat the top of hers. “you don’t have to eat any of it.”
“of course i do. you know i love a sweet treat,” and really, he didn’t, but he does now.
their arms are wrapped around each other’s backs as they walk in through the front door of the condo. lynn immediately goes to the kitchen to get the last of their remaining wine while harry takes the bedroom to change into something a little comfier.
“more wine? where all you getting all of these?”
“been swiping them from my mom’s cabinet,” lynn’s sitting on the floor with her back leaning against the couch, and she laughs at harry’s words, the half empty bottle of wine pressed to her lips. after a sip, she stretches her arm out to harry, “c’mon. it’s our last night.”
he sits next to her, taking a gulp from the bottle before passing it back. “did you have fun tonight?”
“of course i did,” her voice is quiet, not much above a whisper. “i always have fun when we’re together.”
harry turns his head so he’s looking at her. he watches as her eyes drop to his mouth and then travel back up. a little laugh makes her hair float around her face, and as soon as harry thinks she’s leaning in, she stops with a loud ow falling from her lips.
and that’s how harry ends up sitting on the couch with lynn between his knees, working at the pinched nerve she complained about.
"jesus, you're so tight," harry mutters as his thumbs dig into the flesh of her shoulders.
"you're not the first guy to say that.”
"absolutely filthy tonight, aren't you?"
she laughs, and rests her head on her knees. a breathy moan pushes past her lips when he digs into a particularly sore area, "feels good. my neck fucking aches."
harry continues working her shoulders and neck, paying extra attention to the areas that make her breath hitch. he can’t stop looking at the way her lips part and eyebrows draw together. her head tilts back, and her neck strains, like she’s trying to stop herself from making a sound. the soft sighs and muffled whines that she does let fall from her mouth are enough to make him half hard.
he’s embarrassed by it, and really, he tries to think of anything else. if lynn knew he was feeling this way, they’d probably never speak to each other again, but her skin is just so soft and warm, and she sounded so fucking pretty. he really couldn’t help it.
“didn’t realize how much i missed this,” she murmurs with her head leaning against his knee.
“getting a massage? you know they have places for that.”
“knock it off,” he can feel her fingers pinching at his ankle. “i meant this… touching.”
harry hums. “i know what you mean.”
“what?” lynn laughs. “is seven days without taking someone to bed too long for you?”
harry hasn’t been with anyone in weeks. not since lynn had walked in on him and the girl from the bar. he wasn’t necessarily avoiding sex. it’s just that every time he’s gotten close to bringing someone home, he couldn’t stop thinking about her.
“s’different when it’s someone you care about,” he says instead.
harry can feel the way lynn stops picking at the carpet. her body stills except for her shoulders which move up with a deep breath when his fingers brush over her neck. he’s not really working out the knots in her muscle anymore. he’s just… touching.
it doesn’t last for very long because lynn is soon crawling up to sit next to him on the couch. she drapes her knees over his with a sigh on her lips and color blooming on her cheeks. her eyes are glassy when he looks into them, and her mouth is open like she’s going to say something. she doesn’t.
instead, her fingers cup his cheek, and then her mouth is pressing short, sweet kisses to his. she’s slow with it. her lips lazily sucking, and sometimes she drags her tongue slowly across his bottom lip, never letting it venture past that. harry savors her kisses, letting her do whatever she wants.
he knows it’s just fun for her. she’ll probably pull away with a giggle and say something about how it’s been so long since she’s been kissed like that. she’d press her lips against his once more and then they’d go to sleep. it was his fault for letting it feel intimate. with every suck of her mouth, he felt the want for her grow hot in his belly. she was just so perfect.
her lazily kisses pick up a little more pace until they’re feverish. she sucks and licks and harry groans when he feels her teeth nip at his lips. he thinks he possibly couldn’t get even more turned on than he is right now and then she’s straddling his lap, her knees tightly pressed at the sides of his thighs.
“fuck,” she gasps into his mouth as soon as he feels her against him. harry can’t even think straight. the warmth of her has his brain going foggy and his heart racing in a way that should probably be concerning. all it took was one roll of her hips, and he was a pathetic, whining mess beneath her.
"maybe you'd like a reward for all of your hard work?" she breathes into his mouth as she grinds down against him.
"i hope it's that mouth," the pad of his thumb brushes across her lips. they’re swollen and shiny with their spit. "y'know how much i like kissing you. still sweet from dessert, too.”
"how does my throat sound?" harry thinks that he’s heard her wrong, but then she parts her lips and takes his thumb into her mouth, sucking hard.
he can’t help the way he groans at the sight in front of him. her pretty blue dress all the way up to her thighs with her red lips wrapped around his thumb. she is going to kill him.
when she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue, harry pushes his thumb further back before pressing it down right at the back of her mouth. she gags at the intrusion, looking down at him with big, teary eyes.
"don't think you could fit all of me in there," he pushes down a few more times just to see the way her eyes water over, and then he lets his thumb smear the thick saliva pooling at the corners of her mouth down her chin and all the way to her chest.
"wanna find out?"
he hums, leaning forward. "how bad do you want it?"
she laughs a little, the air from her mouth fanning across his face. "i don't beg, harry. especially not for you. don’t you see that?”
"oh really?" he pulls her into a searing kiss, letting his fingers slide all the way around to the back of her neck until they’re threaded in her hair. harry grabs a fistful of the soft strands and pulls her mouth away from his while his other hand nudges her leg over so she’s back sitting next to him. "that's too bad, blondie."
his lips sponge soft, wet kisses from her mouth down to her shoulders, and then back up. he angles her head so he can trail them up the front of her throat all the way to right below her ear. he lets his teeth graze at the soft skin until she’s letting out a shaky breath and pushing his face away.
"god, harry," he thinks she's going to cave. "i know you're practically a teenager, but you don't have to try and mark me up like one."
"didn't realize turning thirty meant you can't have any fun," harry bites back.
"i am not-" he presses his lips to hers, swallowing down whatever else she was going to say. he thinks if he had to spend one more second without his mouth on hesr, he’d die. "you're lucky you're pretty."
"you think i'm pretty?" he's got a teasing grin on his face.
"don't be annoying. look at you.” and that was it. he knew exactly how to get under her skin.
"do you think i'm prettiest in those yellow swim shorts you put in my suitcase?" he’s leaning in so his nose is nudging hers. lynn’s face flushes and she opens her mouth to speak but closes it. "don't get all shy on me now. i've felt you staring all day."
she scoffs, hands coming up to push at harry’s chest. "you wish."
"maybe i do," a kiss. "wore them just for you after all."
lynn fists his t-shirt, bringing his mouth back to hers. they kiss like they’ve been starved of each other for weeks. harry lets his touch slide up her calf, and his fingers caress the back of her knee.
"harry," her words are soft. a whimper.
"evelyn," harry’s fingers push higher, running all the way up to the inside of her thigh and back down. each time his touch gets closer until he’s thumbing at the cotton edge of her underwear. "what's the matter, blondie? you've gone all quiet on me."
"please," is all she says. it’s so quiet, harry barely catches it over the sound of his heart thumping in his ears.
"what was that?"
"you heard me.”
"i don't think i did."
"please, harry," she rolls her eyes at him, but harry sees right through it.
"please what?" his thumb slides a little under her underwear where he could feel the heat pooling. "are you still all achy?"
lynn nods with a whine in her throat and she turns her head to try and hide the pink flush in her cheeks. looking at her is practically intoxicating.
"gonna tell me where so i can make it better?"
when she doesn’t answer, he squeezes her shoulder, "here?"
her head shakes.
“hmm..” his fingers trail to her neck. “here?”
another shake.
“what about here?” he says as his fingers pinch back at her calf.
lynn groans as she takes his hand, pressing his fingers against her cloth covered center. "here, harry."
"poor, baby," harry murmurs against the crook of her neck. his finger is only gently running against the dampness of her underwear. enough to make her whine, but not enough to give her much relief. "got yourself all worked up over what? little old me?"
"you're ridicu-" a moan from deep in her chest cuts her off when harry thumbs at her clit. she’s looking at him with wide eyes and a heaving chest. he’s not sure if she didn’t expect him to actually touch her, or if she wasn’t expecting to sound so loud.
"here's what i think," he’s only looking at her, his hand back to barely touching her. "you like to act all tough, but it's quite the opposite, really. my sweet honey just needs someone to take care of her, doesn’t she?"
he adds a little bit of pressure. a treat for giving him what he wanted. "wanna hear you say it.”
lynn doesn’t answer, and harry tsks before pulling away from her. “nothing? what a shame?”
"i need someone to take care of me," she rushes out like she was so desperate for his touch to be back on her. and what kind of man would harry be if he didn’t listen?
"who?" he pushes further. she's looking at him with furrowed brows. "who do you need to take care of you? to make it all better?"
"you," she cries, her voice broken and needy. "need you to make it better. please, harry.”
"there you go," he praises her with a few kisses to her face. "c’mere, baby."
he tugs her hand so she’s seated in between his legs with her back pressed to his chest. she spreads her legs over his when he nudges her with his knee, and then his fingers find the hem on the pretty blue dress to bunch it at her waist.
"being so good f'me," he kisses her neck while he lets his fingers travel over the plush flesh of her tummy. sure, he felt her like this every night, but this was different. "don't wanna do anything you don't want to, okay? just have to tell me if you want to stop."
"okay," she rushes out. "just... please."
"such good manners," he murmurs against her skin. "think you deserve a little reward."
harry wishes he could forever hear the sound she made when he first dipped his fingers in the front of her underwear. he never imagined her to be so noisy, so loud, but with each stroke of his fingers came whines and moans and whimpers so filthy, they would make the devil look away.
his hand is cramping against the restricting fabric, so he pushes her ruined underwear down her legs, leaving her to kick them the rest of the way off, before moving her hand to the back of her thigh and instructing her to hold herself open for him.
“you’re so fucking hot when you listen, y’know that?” lynn whines at his words and squirms against him as his fingers slowly make a mess of her, watching the way her arousal strings between his fingers. harry’s breathing stops when he catches the perfect view of her. all spread open and glistening. just for him.
harry’s thumb rubs circles against her clit while the rest of his fingers move all the way down, teasing at her entrance. he never pushes in further than his fingertip before he moves them back up and starts again. he does this until she’s so wet that he knows it has to be dripping down onto the couch, and then he slowly pushes a finger in.
lynn’s head is tilted back against his shoulder, and he sponges kisses to the part of her neck that she has bared to him.
“do you think y’can come from this?” he murmurs against her skin. “i know it’s-”
“yes,” she’s quick to breathe out. “god, yes. you’ve got me so fucking horny right now. i’ll be the easiest you’ve ever had.”
and she’s right. once harry moves his free hand from her waist to her center to give her a bit more stimulation, she’s a goner. her moans and whimpers turn into high pitched whines, and her back arches away from him. he can feel her clenching on his fingers, and all it takes is one more curl and she’s nearly convulsing.
harry’s fingers offer lazy touches until she’s whining and snapping her legs together. his lips press warm, encouraging kisses against her neck and shoulders and really, anywhere they could reach. lynn melts in to him, her face falling in the crook of his neck. little giggles tickle his skin as he pulls her dress down to cover her back up.
“so perfect, evy,” he whispers. he expects another laugh or maybe a bashful shove, but instead she’s quick to stand up and head for the front door. “wait.”
"i- um, sorry i just," she clears her throat, and then. "i need some air."
"lynn-" the door slams, and harry’s left wondering what exactly he did wrong.
harry: im sorry
harry: i shouldn’t have let myself get so carried away
harry: i don’t know what else to say but i am so sorry.
lynn shuts off her phone and slips it into her pocket before quietly opening up the door to the bedroom. all of their stuff was packed up. only an outfit that she had picked earlier in the day was left on top of her suitcase in a nice neat pile. the huge mess she had made in the bathroom before dinner was all packed up into her toiletry bag, and when she stepped a bit closer, she could see harry stretched out under the covers all the way on the other side of the bed. he was such a gentleman.
she felt so embarrassed when she found herself calling her aunt to let her into her condo. she didn’t mean to run out on harry the way she did, but once everything started to feel a little bit too real, she didn’t know what else to do. what was she supposed to say? i actually haven’t let anyone touch me like that in over half a decade, but yeah, we can call it two friends just helping each other out.
her aunt offered her a shower and a change of clothes and then sat with lynn on the bathroom floor while she cried so hard, she nearly threw up. aunt cece rubbed her back while she dry heaved over the toilet bowl, and then she sat and listened while lynn told her all about their fake arrangement.
“isn’t that pathetic?” lynn had said once she was finished.
aunt cece only sighed, “i think it’s more pathetic that you’re crying this hard over here instead of just telling him how you feel.”
and once aunt cece mentions that she thinks that harry likes her in a way that’s more than just platonic, lynn starts thinking that maybe letting him know about her feelings wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
they’d spend more alone time together once they got home. lynn would probably invite him to the bakery on a sunday where she could show him everything elena had helped her create. she’d send him home with loaves of bread and all of the muffins his heart desires.
maybe he’d let her watch him paint. they could spend sunny afternoons in the park with a picnic and a canvas. she’s only ever been artistic in the kitchen, but she’d definitely try to paint something for harry. it’d probably end up terrible, but he’d keep it. maybe even hang it up in his house. she knows she’d do the same. covering her walls in harry’s art just because they were made from him.
long nights would be spent in between her sheets, where he’d give her the best orgasms she’s ever had in her entire life (just like he did tonight). and then maybe, he’d let her touch him, too.
“he called me evy,” lynn told her aunt. it was the very phrase that had her running, but this time a smile forms on her face when she thinks of it. “i told him about evelyn, but not evy.”
it was a nickname her grandmother had given her. everyone had called the older woman evie, and so she called lynn, evy. she had said she wanted her granddaughter to feel like her own person, and the name stuck.
the first time her dad called her evy after her grandmother's passing lynn cried so hard she threw up in her front yard. it didn't feel right coming from peter, and even when luke wrapped her in all the love he could muster, pressing kisses to her face and promising evy that everything would be okay night after night, it still felt wrong. it was like there was an itch that could only be scratched by her grandma's voice. and now harry's.
“maybe she sent him to you,” her aunt’s fingers smoothed her hair away from her face before kissing her head. “go see him.”
harry looks up from his phone when he hears lynn step into the small room. “i’m so fucking sorry, lynn.”
his voice is raw and scratchy, and the thought of him crying over what she did to him makes her heart break. she climbs into the bed, sitting with her feet underneath her. “you’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”
“but, i-”
“nothing, harry,” she stresses."you didn't do anything wrong. i just... i get in my own head sometimes. i'm sorry i left the way i did."
"it’s okay," he rolls over so he's facing her. his hand covers hers. "you can talk to me when you feel like that, lynn."
"the guy i dated before my last, he was," she clears her throat. "he was a friend. well, he is a friend and i think..."
she doesn't know how to say what she wants. lynn thinks dating her friend was one of the best decisions she's ever made. that relationship happened nearly a decade ago and she still secretly wishes that she was selfish and asked him to stay when he came to her door.
well, she used to wish. she hasn’t thought about it in a while.
she thinks that maybe her and harry could be like that. or they could try to be like that. they were friends. they knew each other and she was comfortable with him. comfortable enough to let his hand go up her dress. her cheeks warm at the thought.
she'll tell him that being with luke ruined their friendship and she was never close with him again. lynn never really minded the way luke slipped so easily from her life, but she’s terrified that the same would happen with harry. she really likes having him around.
she’s going to tell him regardless, and perhaps she’ll make him promise that trying wouldn’t ruin anything. that if their relationship went south, they’d still have their friendship to fall back on.
"i think that, um," she closes her eyes and harry squeezes her hand. “um, well-”
"it's okay. i'm still hung up on my ex, too. what happened between us doesn't have to mean anything."
"okay," she breathes, trying to make sure she didn’t look as devastated as she fucking felt. "good. that’s what i was going to say."
harry sighs, "i haven't been able to stop thinking about him recently, if i'm being honest."
shut up! shut up! shut up! shut up!
"why don't you tell me about him?" she gets under all of the covers, an excuse to pull herself away from him. "since you know about mine."
lynn doesn’t really know why she asks, but she did. so, she listens to harry talk about his stupid ex named oliver with a huge smile on her face. like she could not be more elated to be hearing about how much he loves him if she tried. lynn wipes his tears when he talks about how mean he was to the boy when they were in high school, and even holds his hand when he hiccups about how much he misses him.
“you should reach out to him,” she says, letting her fingers card through his hair.
“you think so?” harry sniffs.
“yeah,” lynn hums. “it might be good for both of you.”
when lynn mentions it, she doesn’t expect him to do it right then and there, but he does. he pulls out facebook messenger, and she has to pretend not to notice the way that oliver jones was the only saved search.
maybe they’ll meet up, oliver will want nothing to do with him. harry will have a cleared conscious and he'll come back to lynn. she’ll go to therapy as soon as the plane’s wheels touch down in westchester, so when he ultimately comes knocking at her door, she’ll be better. good for him. yeah, she thinks. that will totally happen.
she clings on to whatever little sliver of hope she had left because that stupid scenario was the only thing keeping her from bursting in to tears.
when lynn looks over at harry, he’s tapping away on his phone screen. the dim light illuminates his face, and she decides if that moment were to ever come around, she’d be selfish. just that once.
a/n: this felt like sooo much information but! part six sooon (hopefully by the end of next week)
#enemies to friends to lovers#enemies to lovers#fine line#harry styles#harry styles fluff#harry styles imagine#harry's house#harry styles one shot#harry styles x oc#dadrry#if you squint#harry styles fic#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fanfiction#harry#harry smut#harry styles smut#harry styles series#harry styles story#harry styles short story#artist!harry#baker!harry#harry styles angst#hslot
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Summer skies illustrations for my daily meteorological fiction project, Reports From Unknown Places About Undescribable Events (Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon).
Keep reading for the companion texts.
June 27th - We report: very hot today, so that at this late hour, the ground radiates heat though the sun is already low. Our expert, too, radiates heat, and we wonder when their skin got darker (today? No, over the course of this month, little by little every day). The sky is so big.
July 10th - We report about watching clouds go by and their shadows running across the fields; about stepping in and out of those shadows as they move, following them, sometimes walking ahead of them. On top of a hill, we are surprised to notice that the clouds are still not within reach.
July 26th - We report: the warm notes of the sun are remaining suspended in the air tonight. It is late, and the sunset is well underway; the streets are quiet, so it feels a little bit solemn, to witness the day going out like this. Counting down the last few moments of light.
August 1st - We report many months when we looked forward to the full moon, but missed it by a few days each time. This time, we found it by chance, felt a pang in our chest when it showed up through the clouds; suddenly emotional about it still being here, even though so much was changing.
August 4th - We report about the sunshine coming through the leaves like stained glass, creating shades of green within the spectrum of light that we did not realise existed. The afternoon is coming to an end at a very slow pace, watching the sun come around the forest in between branches.
August 7th - We report about the clouds that look the most solid in the sky - for how fragile and ever-changing clouds are, that is. There is a landscape there, one that nobody can ever walk, but it exists in this specific time and place. Sometimes, we wish we could freeze them like that.
August 9th - We report that we slept through the storm, but our expert told us all about it in the morning, how it caught the sky and did not let go until long after even thunder had ceased. How the lightning lasted for less than a second when it struck, but it touched every shadow each time.
August 10th - We report: we have lived hard and well every day and night since we were born, and we try hard to remember this in the pit of our heart every morning. That the planet spins, that we live there, that the sky is new every day, and that we have a lot more to do under that sky.
August 13th - We report about specks of dust suspended in smoke, or snowflakes caught in car headlights, or maybe stars in a cloudy sky. The scale is slightly different for all of these options, but in the end, they all look alike. We slowly make our way across the constellations. Goodnight.
September 5th - We report: the clouds are collapsing, over and over again. This kind of rain falls regardless of the seasons, it does not care about summer or autumn nearly as much as we do, about the days crossed out on our calendar. The afternoon goes on, soaked to the bone.
#drawing#illustration#digital art#digital#artists on tumblr#clouds#sky#night#weather#stars#thunderstorm#lightning#rain#nature#image description in alt text#reports#weather report
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hello glad you are back :3 could I request hcs for going to a fancy ball w papa? ty ilysm 💓
Thank you so much! I had lots of fun with this, please enjoy! I imagine this to be somewhat of a Regency Era AU <3
sfw but a smidgen of spice at secondo's part, fluff, regency era-ish
Balls aren't usually his thing-- not anymore, at least. Maybe when he was younger but now in age, he's been and seen hundreds to the point that a fancy ball is just another fancy ball to him.
For you however, they are novelty and a wonder. Something sparkly, something new, something to be excited about and look forwards to. And fuck if that's not cute and incredibly endearing to see. Once you enter his life, he'll never ever voice boredom or disinterest for balls ever again.
Actually, you make him interested in balls again-- if not only to see you at the center of attention, beaming his way.
He's the type to sip at his wine while he watches you have the time of your life across the room-- he doesn't see any point in socializing himself, but if you urge him to, he'll mingle for a little while.
After the ball, he'll escort you home and ask if you had a good time-- the answer is always yes. He'll kiss you goodnight, sweet and gentle under the crescent moon that leaves the both of you breathless, before bidding you a farewell until the morning.
"I'll see you in the morning, tesoro. I'll dream sweetly of you tonight."
Spares no expenses on you-- whether it be accessories, makeup, outfits, you name it-- he'll get it for you. What's the use of money if he can't frivolously spend it on the people he loves?
Whether it be a ball gown or a suit, everything you wear is perfectly tailored to your form. If you get a dress or skirt, it has pockets!
An expert at the social game at balls, always knows what to say and exactly how to say it. His presence is most coveted and he'll almost always have an invitation to even the most exclusive of balls.
You'll always be his plus one-- there's never a doubt. Unless you have no interest in attending, you can practically consider an invitation to him as an invitation to you. However, you needn't worry because plenty of invitations of your own will come your way because others know that if you attend, he surely will as well. Never one without the other.
Protective; if he has business or other things to attend to at a ball, one or more of his ghouls will always be nearby to make sure nothing happens to you. This is with your consent of course. If you don't feel comfortable with it, he'll at the very least make sure you're equipped and armed with your own personal dagger concealed in your sleeve or somewhere on your person.
As is proper, he'll always make sure to personally escort you home. The kiss you share before you depart is deep and meaningful-- but no less dirty or charged. Pulling you into his lap and claiming your lips with his, he'll roll his hips up to meet yours just to hear the little hitch in your breath. It's usually a game between the two of you; who can get the other more worked up by the time it's time to say goodbye. Most of the time he wins, smirking as you let out a soft little whimper when the carriage finally stops in front of your estate. He'll give you one last kiss before huskily bidding you adeiu.
"Time to leave, amore mio. Think of me tonight, si?"
This man definitely 'pre-games' before the ball-- manicures and facials and any type of beauty self-care under the sun. It's a whole spa day the day of the ball, he shows up at your doorstep and kisses the back of your hand before whisking you off to get absolutely pampered.
The two of you have matching outfits probably, the same theme or color or style. You're both the center of attention at balls, charming the ladies and men. Terzo usually keeps a possessive arm around your waist, leaning in close to gossip or whisper some kind of comment that only you have the luxury of being privy to.
Terzo is ever so attentive to you and your needs during balls-- always checking in for your comfort, asking if you need a drink or snack, making sure you know that the two of you can leave at any time you want.
Despite what a flirt this man is, he'll only ever have eyes for you and anyone with eyes can see that. He's a little bit of a prima donna and likes having your attention on him-- but he'll give you your space if you request it.
Whenever there's dancing involved, the two of you always captivate onlookers. The way he twirls you (or vice versa if you prefer leading), the looks the two of you exchange as your bodies move in tandem to the music. When the two of you take to the dance floor, usually it becomes just the two of you, as others will stop just to watch.
Dropping you back home after the party is Terzo's least favorite part-- because he has to say goodbye to his most beloved. You'll spend at least twenty more minutes down the block from your estate just to make out in the carriage until one of the coachmen impatiently interrupts and asks if you're ready to go. With one last parting kiss, Terzo will see you off with a promise to call on you again in the morning.
"Till tomorrow, beloved. Don't miss me too much, bene?"
The two of you are anxious beans that find comfort and company in each other at social functions and especially balls. You'll always have an eye out for him and him, you. Eventually, you'll just start attending balls and other events together.
The first time you meet, he's hiding in host's library-- the very same place you had decided to hide in as well. You bump into each other what starts as profuse apologies from each side blooms into a long lasting friendship and companionship.
The day he asks you to come with him as his official plus one, his date, you can't stop smiling which flusters him and makes him bashfully but oh so insanely happy.
After a while, balls become a favorite to the two of you because it would always be full of shenanigans and fun. The two of you together and loitering by the refreshments table and stuffing yourselves full of snacks, giggling to yourselves as you chat and peek into his pocket to see that he's smuggled a rat friend in, touring the gardens outside where it's less crowded and hold hands until you inevitably share a kiss under the gazebo by the lake.
When the night comes to a close, he'll see you home with you cuddled at his side on the carriage ride back. Hushed and sweet tones as you decompress together and he'll tell you that he enjoyed every moment he had with you. He'll crack a few jokes that leave the two of you giggling and by the time it's time to leave, you're left with a warm and fuzzy feeling from head to toe. His kiss goodnight promises more in the future; it's soft and resolute. He holds you in his arms afterwards and you sigh contently and bask in the moment before he rests his forehead against yours to say goodbye.
"First thing tomorrow, i'll be outside your window throwing little stones, si? Like uh-- who was that fellow? Row-me-o? Wha- cuore mio, why are you laughing?"
#the band ghost#copia#terzo#secondo#ghost band#ghost bc#papa emeritus iv#ghoul#cardinal copia#primo#papa emeritus i#papa emeritus ii#papa emeritus iii#papa emeritus i x reader#papa emeritus ii x reader#papa emeritus iii x reader#papa emeritus iv x reader#cardinal copia x reader#papa emeritus x reader#headcanons#asks#<3
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Parallel Hearts - Chapter 10

Synopsis: Never in your wildest dreams you imagined that you’ll meet your ult bias. Maybe you finally have your shot at love and happiness. Or not.
Pairing: fem reader x idol Jungkook fem reader x idol Mingyu fem reader x idol Hoshi
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Kissing-Nudity-Sex 18+-Harrassment-Stalking-Death mentions-Cheating
Word count: 10.453
Previous chapter
Rebloging is important and much apreciated. Leave your comments, oppinions, ideas, whatever you like. My inbox in open. Kpop writers, let’s be moots?
Things were awkward at dinner that night. You wanted to just stay in your room and sleep, but Hana didn’t let you be so petty.
Even though you knew you had feelings for Soonyoung, you were not sure how deep they went and you didn’t really know what to do about them, because you promised yourself to never fall in love again or get involved again.
You also didn’t know that he felt pretty much the same, maybe a little more confused and in denial about his feelings.
He knew he had feelings for you and that he found you ridiculously sexy.
Right after dinner, the guys decided to watch a movie. Jun dragged you to the couch and made you sit next to him for cuddles.
He felt you were not in a good mood so he wanted to keep you close and safe. You thought you will tell him tomorrow about the conversation you had with Hoshi.
The couch was in an U shape and everyone was sitting and laying on it. You could feel the whole movie Soonyoung’s eyes on you.
The back of your head was burning, you felt really conflicted and flustered.
Jun: Are you ok?
Y/N: Not really, but I don’t want to talk about it today.
Jun: Ok, whenever you’re ready.
Y/N: Thanks, Juni!
And you ended that with a kiss on his head.
You couldn’t miss the way Hoshi was watching you that moment. He looked almost… jealous? You were sure you were wrong.
As soon as the movie ended, you said goodnight and ran to your room, not waiting to hear a response from anyone.
After some minutes, Hana came into the room.
Hana: Ok, let’s talk.
Y/N: Not today. Pleeeaase!
Hana: Like…Soonyoung looked like a sad puppy all night. What are you planning on doing about this situation?
Y/N: I don’t know, I’d rather not do anything and it will go away with time.
Hana: Stupid, but whatever.
Y/N: Why, what would you do?
Hana: First, I would stop being a coward who’s running away from love.
You scoff and move to the window to watch the moon.
Y/N: Pffff love? Let’s say that’s what I’m feeling. How do I know it’s what he’s feeling? We know he doesn’t want to get into something serious anytime soon. He said it himself, he said he’s not ready for that. What f it’s just fun for him? What if I give him a chance and after he gets what he needs and he gets bored, I end up broken again? Then what, start from the beginning again and again?
Hana: Nobody knows what could happen. And I really doubt that he is that type of guy to just look for an easy fuck. Like come on, he’s so harmless. Even when he gets angry and yells at his members it makes you laugh you ass off.
Y/N: Exactly! I can’t even take his anger seriously. Don’t you think that’s an issue? How could I take his words, his confession seriously?
Hana: Girl, you’re talking nonsense right now. I thought you were smarter than that. Is it the Sun? Did it fry your neurons? I think that you laughing when he gets angry is the cutest thing ever, I wish I had that with a guy.
Y/N: You know what? This conversation will end up frying my brain, let’s just talk about it another day. I just want to sleep and start work again in two days. There is so much to do for the next concerts, we should focus on that.
In the morning, you made sure to wake up really early and be in the parking lot first, so you could get a seat in the car in the front and next to someone else, not Hoshi.
You decided you will try to stay away from him for a while.
It was not easy thought, because you worked together. You had to see him every day. You took the plane together, had all the meetings together, all the rehearsals, and almost all dinners after the show.
You would catch him looking at you with sad eyes and pouty lips. You thought he hasn’t changed at all from his baby pictures. The same pouty cute face.
You were sure you never met anyone cuter and more adorable than him and it was driving you crazy.
You were sure he was doing things on purpose just to get a reaction from you. He would bump into you “by accident” while in a crowded space when there were rehearsals or shows going on.
He would just look you right in the eyes and say sorry, then run away like he got shy.
You were having a couple concerts in France and you were in Paris for the week. The company decided that it was good for publicity to have the boys attend some shows for the fashion week.
Somehow, you ended up going too at the YSL show where Jeonghan was a brad ambassador. You had to go shopping for this and pick some fancy clothes and accessories.
At the event, you chose to wait a little outside to see the boys arriving. It felt thrilling. The crowd was huge and so noisy, everyone brought albums and photocards, hoping they’ll get signed.
You remember when you were like them few years back, dreaming of seeing your idols. Now you are working for them and it gave you some encouragement that your life is good and you’ll be fine.
Maybe dating an idol was never a good idea for you. While you were deep in your thoughts, you felt someone pat your shoulder. You turn to see an unfamiliar face. A guy who seemed to be a paparazzi.
Paparazzi: Excuse me, do we know each other? I feel like I know you.
Y/N: Uhhh, no, I don’t think so. You don’t look familiar.
Paparazzi: Wait, were you in Italy like 2 years ago?
Y/N: I was, yeah. Why?
Paparazzi: Damn, I still have a good memory.
Hana: So how do you know her?
Paparazzi: It’s a crazy story, but I was paid to follow you on your vacation and take pictures.
Y/N: Ohh? People would do anything for money, uh?
Paparazzi: Hey, was just doing my job and the money were really good. But I remember that just a few of the pictures were published, I never found out what happened with the rest.
Y/N: Do you happen to still have the rest of the photos?
Paparazzi: No, the guys who paid me made sure I deleted everything after. But I could just tell you what they were about.
Y/N: Yes!!
Paparazzi: Well, it showed you and your boyfriend holding hands, kissing, stuff like that. What was the deal, was like one of you cheating on your spuse? Why would someone want normal photos like those?
Y/N: Oh, no, nothing like that. Just a stalker ex, but it was all solved in the end and he stopped with his harassing.
Paparazzi: Glad to hear that. Well I need to go and photograph some celebrities now. Take care!
Y/N: You too!
Hana: That was weird. What a strange coincidence.
Y/N: Indeed. Weird.
You could barely see the boys behind the crowd of screaming fans, so you decided it was better to go inside the venue and find your seats.
It was an old theatre where all guests were sitting all around the huge place. the models would walk between the seatings. The lighting show was really something, and the music went to perfect with it.
You were like a little kid, fascinated by this new world you were discovering. It also made you feel somewhat happy that Soonyoung was there too.
He was doing everything in his power not to look at you too often, because he was afraid it would be obvious and raise suspicions.
But Jeonghan really wanted your team to be there and just have a fun evening doing something different.
When the show was over, everyone came around the boys to take photos and interviews. There were other idols invited there, Jackson, Bam Bam, Eunwoo, Karina, Sana.
Your eyes immediately went to Hoshi when he started interacting with Karina. You remember they filmed for a show together, but you couldn’t help the jealousy that was creeping up.
Afterall, you could not compare to her. She was so pretty, charming and she’s in the same industry as him. You’re sure she would be a better match for him than you.
Yeah, of course you dated idols and you weren’t ugly, but look at her. She’s famous and rich, you’re not.
Y/N: Hana,let’s go, ok?
Hana: But we decided we’ll have dinner all of us together after this and discuss some more about the show in 3 days.
Y/N: Ugh, fuck! You’re right, it’s important to decide tonight what are we going to do about the videos we’ll chose for the big wall.
Hana: Let’s have a drink then we’ll head with our team to the restaurant, ok?
After one drink you felt a little tipsy. You thought you barely had any alcohol in your cocktail, but guess not.
The guys were still mingling with organisers, press people, celebrities and even models.
Hana: Stop being so obvious! Those girls won’t eat him.
Y/N: What if they do? He looks like a tiny delicious cute cake. They have eyes.
Hana: God, you’re an idiot in love.
As you two were whispering net to your colleagues, some guys that were much older than you came over to talk to you.
“Hello there, can we offer you girls a drink? We’re William and David, nice to meet you!”
Hana: Hello, thank you for your offer, but we are on our way out soon.
William: Oh, no way! Why leave so early?
Y/N: We have dinner reservations and need to meet our friends.
Davis: We won’t hear that. Tell you what, we have a better idea. How about you join us on our yacht and continue the party there?
These guys were becoming annoying and you just hate people who won’t take your first answer and will keep insisting.
You look around, trying to not get angry, because you know if they won’t shut up soon you’ll make them eat their words.
While you’re trying to distract yourself and letting your friends manage the situation, you catch Mingyu staring your direction.
He shakes his head, trying to figure out if you’re ok. He could see your annoyed face and they old guys who looked a little drunk all over your group.
Then you see him walk in your direction and you gulp. What is he doing? There is press here.
He puts his arms around the two men’s shoulders, towering over them.
Mingyu: Hello! How are you, my friends?
William: Oh, excuse me, we were having a conversation here. Who are you?
Mingyu: You don’t remember me? Come on, drink with me!
And he drags them to the bar with his strong arms, the men not realising what’s going on. He saved you. Once again. A little giggle went trough you, as you were watching him trying his best to make the men feel uncomfortable, giving them some of their own medicine.
You took advantage and left to the restaurant and after half an hour, the rest of the people arrived also. You wanted to thank Mingyu in person so you gave him a sign with your hand to follow you, after you all ordered your food.
You found a place outside where you sat on a bench.
Mingyu: Are you ok?
Y/N: Yes, just wanted to thank you for that.
Mingyu: Oh, don’t mention it. I will always help a friend in need.
Y/N: We’re friends?
Mingyu: I hope we are. You don’t want to?
Y/N: Umm…I don’t want to be enemies and we work together. So we kind of need to be friends.
Mingyu: I guess I’m not forgiven yet.
Y/N: Sorry, was not trying to sound rude. I forgave you, but it feels weird.
Mingyu: Yeah, true. But how are you after…everything that happened?
Y/N: Good, I think. It’s been some months since we broke up. It’s been tough at first, but now I can say that I’m over it and happy. What about you?
Mingyu: Um, yeah. I am fine. It left me disappointed in myself that I wasn’t more careful about the people around me. I can be pretty naïve and stupid. Anyway, it’s in the past and it’s done.
Y/N: You think we can be friend just like we used to be before?
Mingyu: You bet! I’m ready to start over.
Y/N: I think I’m ready too. I miss you. Our friendship
He takes your hand is his, while looking ahead at some trees. A moment of silence follows. This was a decisive moment that helped you realise your feelings for him were not there anymore. He felt just as a friend and you were glad.
Mingyu: Let’s get back inside, don’t want your boyfriend get the wrong idea.
Y/N: My what?
He just have you a wink and ran away giggling.
Y/N: Yaa, Kim Mingyu!
Seungcheol: What are you two up to? Come on, food is here!
Mingyu: Yes, dad!
Soonyoung avoided your eyes for the rest of the night. He felt sad and angry. He couldn’t believe Mingyu would try to get back with you after he said he is over you and there can’t be anything between you anymore. After he told Mingyu he liked you and asked for advice.
But Mingyu played with him before, he could do it again, right? He decided to have a work with him after dinner.
Kwon Hoshi: Mingyu ya, let’s take the same car to the hotel, I need to talk to you alone
Mingoo: Why are you texting me, I’m right in front of you
Kwon Hoshi: None of your business, I do what I want
As soon as they were in the car alone, Hoshi started talking without breathing.
Hoshi: What the hell are you trying to do now, get back with her? Are you trying to play games with me again, selling me lies? What the fuck, Mingyu, what’s wrong with you? You said it’s over over and you know how I feel about her.
Mingyu: Hold on, tiger! You’re jumping to conclusion again. See if you’re not paying attention to the people around you? Things happen and things are said and they go over your head.
Hoshi: Just answer my questions
Mingyu: Everything I told you is true, it’s over between me and her and she and I made that very clear tonight. We shook hands and decided to leave the past behind and be friends like we used to be. And how could you think I would try to hurt you?
Hoshi: What was I supposed to think? You two were in love, she won’t give me a chance and you were gone like 20 minutes tonight, alone.
Mingyu: Awww, little tiger is jealous. Don’t be, you’re safe with me. But can’t say the same about other men, strangers. She’s a beautiful and smart woman, men will try to win her over. Didn’t you see the two guys who were trying to offer her drinks at the event?
Hoshi: No, what guys?
Mingyu: Don’t worry about them, they had no chance. Now tell me what’s your plan on breaking her walls down. Because I just know she’s very strongheaded and she is closed off now.
As Soonyoung got into bed, he was a little buzzed from the alcohol and from Mingyu hyping him up so he needed to hear from you. He just misses you. Even your little bickering.
Soonyoung: Y/N!!
Y/N: Soonyoung!
Soonyoung: What are you doing?
Y/N: Texting you
Soonyoung: Besides that
Y/N: Lying in bed, trying to sleep
Soonyoung: Who were those guys?
Y/N: What guys?
Soonyoung: The guys from the fashion event who were hitting on you
Y/N”: Oh, grandpa and grandfather. I have no idea, they just invited us on their yacht
Soonyoung: Do you want to go?
Y/N: On their yacht?
Soonyoung: Yeah. Did you like them?
Y/N: Ridiculous to think that, they were my dad’s age, maybe older.
Soonyoung: I wouldn’t know what your’re into, you’ve rejected me, so you might not be into guys your age
Y/N: I’ve had boyfriends my age and you know some of them
Soonyoung: Don’t remind meee, you are so mean
Y/N: Don’t tell me you’re jealous
Soonyoung: You got a problem with that? I can feel whatever I want
Y/N: You shouldn’t feel jealous, I’m not your girlfriend
Soonyoung: Because you don’t want to
Y/N: You never even asked me to be
Soonyoung: Then be my girlfriend
Soonyoung: See? Mean
Y/N: Shut up
Soonyoung: You shut up
Y/N: YOU shut up, hamster
Soonyoung: Take that back!!!!!!
Y/N: Nah
Soonyoung: Why are you so annoying?
Y/N: And you like me anyway
Soonyoung: You shouldn’t make fun of my feelings…
Y/N: I’m sorry, didn’t mean to do that
Y/N: Soonyoung?
Y/N: ☹
Soonyoung felt hurt by your words. You knew he is a sensitive and impulsive guy, but you were close enough to joke like that. He decided to stop replying, worried that he might say to much or maybe become mean himself.
As he was trying to get comfortable in his bed, he heard a faint knock on his door. Thinking that he probably was not hearing well, he closed his eyes again. Then he hears knocking for a second time.
Getting out of bed, he walks to the door and checks the little visor. There you were, in your pj’s, waiting for him to open.
Soonyoung: I don’t want to talk to you, go away
You look at him and you don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you push him, step into his room and close the door behind you.
He gets quiet and just looks at you with pink cheeks and pouty mouth. That ridiculously pretty pouty mouth you can’t take your eyes of. His brows frown and he swallows hard.
You take one step. Two steps. He doesn’t realise how he’s stepping back slowly. He thinks you look beautiful like this. Furious and angry at him, but still beautiful. His heart beats so fast and he thinks you can hear it.
His legs reach his bed and he stops. You stop also, right before him. Your bodies are so close that you can feel the heat coming from him.
Y/N: Why are you ghosting me now?
Soonyoung: I don’t talk to bullies. I could be a jerk to you too, you deserve it. And I still don’t do it
Y/N: So do it! Be a jerk to me!
Soonyoung: Why would you want that?
Y/N: Like you said, I deserve it.
With that, you turned around and left his room. You left him confused and annoyed. Why did you want him to be a jerk to you? At some point he even thought you were going to kiss him.
All the way walking back to your room, your heart was beating like crazy. You don’t know when you even left your room and how you found the courage to knock on his door.
As you reach your bed, you sink into it face down and growl into the sheet.
Hana: Now what’s wrong?
Y/N: I think I am going mad.
Hana: What you mean?
Y/N: I have no idea how I ended up in Hoshi’s room 5 minutes ago.
Hana: It’s ok, it’s normal in old age.
Y/N: Fuck off! (you say, throwing a pillow at her). Just make sure to sit next to me in the car tomorrow morning, please. I can’t be around him right now.
Next morning, the whole road back to Barcelona, you kept your headphones on, music blasting in your ears. You needed a good distraction, but even that ended up not being enough to take your mind of Soonyoung.
You felt almost stupid for this, for not being able to control yourself. Yeah, you told him no, you denied him, but you keep on going back to him, replying to his silly texts, being silly with him.
You could just block him, but you practically work for him. Maybe talk to him seriously and tell him to give you space. Maybe ask Jun to talk to him? Ugh, you feel a headache coming.
Why does love have to be this difficult? Why can’t you just shut feelings before they evolve into something more? Why can’t you choose who to fall in love with? You’d chose a tree and you’d live happy and in peace forever. No drama, no disappointment, no pain.
The next few weeks of tour were to say the least, hard. But it pushed you to be even better at your work. The whole staff you interacted with had only praises for you and your team.
You tried to avoid spending time outside work hours around Hoshi. He did text you a few times to check on you and you only replied with short answers, not asking him anything back. You hoped he will read the room and give you time.
You were in Milano right now, few days of preparations and events before the first concert. You get a call from Mingyu.
Mingyu: My dear friend, ex girlfriend, Y/N, I have some invitations for you and your friends for the afterparty for the Dior show tomorrow evening.
Y/N: Oh, now I find out I was your girlfriend? What an honour, mister sir.
Mingyu: Why of course, miss lady. So what do you say? Wanna get drunk tomorrow?
Y/N: Of course, why not.
Mingyu: But..
Y/N: What?
Mingyu: Jungkook will be there with Eunwoo.
Y/N: Oh, fucking hell!
Mingyu: Your team will be close to us, you’ll be right with the staff, don’t worry. And I am sure he won’t be dumb enough to try something so publicly.
Y/N: You’re probably right. You know what’s funny?
Mingyu: What?
Y/N: I’ll be in the same room with two of my exes. Weird, isn’t it?
Mingyu: Nah, you’ll be fine, trust me on this.
Y/N: You would know, you big slut.
Mingyu: Can’t deny that hehe. So I’ll leave you go to sleep, it’s late. Make sure you look extra sexy tomorrow.
Y/N: Yeah yeah, goodnight you silly skyscraper!
You called Hana to give her the news. You knew she was having dinner with some of the members and staff. But a man answered her phone.
Y/N: Who’s this? I need to talk to Hana.
Soonyoung: I have her phone, so you can’t talk to her.
Y/N: Are you drunk?
Soonyoung: Yeah, and?
Y/N: You’ll cry out about your face being puffy tomorrow at the Dior show.
Soonyoung: Shut up, you’re not my girlfriend or my mom!
Y/N: Don’t tell me to shut up and give the phone to Hana, drunk hamster!
Soonyoung: I’ll get you for this, mark my words. You’ll be sorry for calling me hamster.
Hana: Soonyoung, give me that! Wife?
Y/N: Ugh, finally! Why was your phone with him?
Hana: I have no idea, I guess it was just on the table and he thought it was a good idea. Did you call or he called you?
Y/N: I called, to let you know that we’re going to the Dior afterparty tomorrow evening, with the team.
Hana: Wow, can’t believe I will be surrounded with celebrities again. I think I love this job.
You hear Hoshi’s voice in the background.
Soonyoung: Hana, is she upset with me?
Hana: Yeah.
Soonyoung: Nooo, that’s so saaad!
Hana: Sorry, wife, but a crying Hoshi needs a hug. (and she hangs up the call)
You missed drunk needy Soonyoung. You wanted to be there to hug him and wipe his tears off his cheeks, then kiss his eyes and give him some cake.
Now, whenever you eat cake, you think about him and how he would also enjoy having a piece of it.
Many times when you met Jun and you knew Hoshi will be there too, you brough cake for him, made by you. He never believed you when you said you made it, he always thought you bought it from a store.
You just wanted to watch his face light up every time you’d take the cake out of the box. He looked adorable stuffing his mouth with it and trying to say how good it is.
Anyway, you needed your beauty sleep, because tomorrow you needed to look your best.
In the morning you woke up alone, no Hana in sight. Ugh, is my wife slutting around?
You check your phone and only see the group chats filled with unread messages. Everyone seems to have gotten drunk last night. You feel a little sad you were not there with them, but it is what it is.
There are also texts from Soonyoung and you immediately click on his chat to read them.
Soonyoung: Dout be upsjet p;ease
Soonyoung: heeejjjjjj
Soonyoung: heyy
Soonyoung: missyoiu
He misses you. You could ignore his drunk texts, but you know that what he’s saying while drunk it’s what he really feels. Then again, doesn’t mean he’s in love.
He’s always such an i-pad kid, always joking around, rarely taking anything seriously. Except when he’s working. Of course, you can’t say you really really know him, so you can’t just jump to conclusions about him.
That’s why you’re so confused and you can’t be radical about staying away from him. And even if you know someone really well, there’s nothing to vouch they’re going to be predictable.
You’ve gotten ready for work and 30 minutes later you’re in your usual meeting room, sitting at the table, working on your laptop. Hana and another girl from your team joins, bringing breakfast.
Hana: Mornin wife!
Y/N: Mornin to you too, cheater! Where did you sleep?
Hana: Hehe! Well, you see..I kind of ended up kissing Hyunwoo from the dance team and…we went to his room after.
Y/N: Uhhh! You big slut! How could you do that, here, at your workplace where these people are treating us so kind, and respect us……without telling me how the sex was? So disrespectful!
She leans closer, over the table, gesturing you and your other colleague.
Hana: It was really good. And I don’t think it was because of how tipsy we were. Plus, he’s packing.
Y/N: Ok, no need to rub it in. It’s been months for me, it hurts, so please.
Hana: Do we need to go shopping for some dildos and vibrators?
Y/N: I have enough sex toys, silly.
Hana: Or maybe you could ask your ex to help you, if you’re not going to do anything about your crush.
Y/N: My god, Hana! Never! Oh, I forgot the gossip. Jungkook will attend the Dior show too, and I guess the party also.
Hana: You know what that means. You need to look irresistible. And by the way, I’ll be spending some time in Hyunwoo’s room after we finish work today, and my advice since you’ll have some alone time? Use those toys, girl. Unwind.
4 hours later you find yourself walking the hotel’s hallways. With your laptop in one hand and your room card in the other, you’re excited about Hana’s advice. You decided that an orgasm would help you relax, especially since tonight you will see JK.
Reaching inside your room, you take a quick shower and get comfy on the bed. You got your special box with your toys next to you. You pick the vibrator that can stimulate your g spot and your clit at the same time.
You’re feeling so hot and bothered, especially after all the last weeks spent around Soonyoung. Your mind goes straight to the week you were in Spain and how he looked with just swim pants. How he would swim in the pool and all his back muscles would contract.
How he would grip the edge of the pool with his pretty hands, strong grip. And how he would use his arms to lift himself from the water. Oh, the water. The water that was dripping over his abs down to his swim trunks, down his jaw and neck. The water dripping slowly from his strands of hair.
You’d think about how you wanted to lick that hard body of his. You kept working on your vibrator that was giving you so much pleasure right now. You so wished it was Soonyoung making you feel like this.
So wanted to feel him inside you, thrusting slowly, dragging his length deep into your walls, making you cum over and over. Feeling his lips on your breasts, sucking on them.
A knock on the door got you out of your trance. Fuck!!! You kept going, you were so close. Sweat forming on your forehead. Go away!(you whispered)
Then another knock and a call for your name.
Y/N: I’m coming, I’m coming!!! Shit!
And it was not the way you wanted to come. You had to stop. You cursed under your breath. You grabbed a silk robe you had on the bed and went to open the door.
Oh, you were pissed. You open the door to find a flustered Soonyoung standing there, almost guilty and ready to leave.
You were sure your face was pink and sweaty and you were panting.
Y/N: What? You seemed eager to talk, with all that knocking, and now you’re silent?
Soonyoung: Are you with someone? I swear I heard moaning.
Y/N: I’m all alone, Soonyoung.
Soonyoung: Oh! Oh…we’re you…
Y/N: Yeah, I was. I’m a single woman, free to masturbate if that’s what I feel like doing. You got a problem with that?
Soonyoung: Noo, I will just let you get back to what you were doing, sorry for disturbing you.
His face was flushed red and he didn’t just walk away, he ran away. You never seen him run so fast.
You felt like joking around and ask if he wanted to help, but it was not appropriate in your situation. So you kept quiet and went back to business.
Back to your toy and your fantasy about Soonyoung doing filthy things to you. It helps that you just saw him minutes ago. You could still feel his perfume lingering in the air and it drove you crazy.
You ended up cumming while moaning his name. In a way, you wish he heard you right now.
I think a nap is what I need right now before getting ready for the party.
You send a quick text to Hana and one to Jun and you go to sleep for 2 hours.
You wake up at 3 PM, getting into the shower. Meanwhile, Hana arrives to and you both help each other with your hair and outfits.
Y/N: Soonyoung caught me masturbating.
Hana: Whaaaaat??
Y/N: I was about to finish and he knocked on the door. He said he heard me and he figured out, so…
Hana: Geez, that’s..pretty hot, I have to say.
Y/N: How is that hot?
Hana: You like each other and now he’ll think about this all week. Shit, he’ll be looking at you tonight at the party and only see one thing, you touching yourself. That’s hilarious.
Y/N: It kind of is, not gonna lie.
7 PM and you were in one of the company’s car with Hana, 2 of your colleagues and one of the managers.
You were checking the reels from today’s Dior fashion show to see how handsome the boys were. The fans are so quick to edit the craziest and thirstiest reels.
You were wearing a black dress that hugged your body perfectly and dropped sensually over your breasts. You thought that you should wear your hair up in a simple ponytail, to reveal more of your shoulders and back.
Feeling very confident, you walked toward the building, presenting your names at the entrance. The inside of the building was spectacular. Old and new architecture combined, scenes displayed on the walls with thousands of lights, slow electronic music and expensive clothes.
Everything smelled and looked expensive. You start with a glass of champagne, giggling with Hana and noticing familiar faces. This time there were no outside paparazzi or fans around, so you could tell everyone was relaxed.
Hana: There’s Eunwoo. Let’s say hi.
Y/N: Hana, let’s let him come to us, he would know better what to do. Maybe it’s better for him not be seen in company of women.
Hana: You’re right. I just feel weird about it because we’ve been friends for years and he’s like my brother.
Y/N: Jungkook might also be around him, so let’s just not gather to much attention on us.
Hana: Looking like this, you think you won’t catch attention? Giiirl!
Minutes later, you’re enjoying some appetizers and you’re at the second glass, this time a cocktail. As you’re sipping your drink and look forward into the crowd, you notice someone’s eyes on you, the person not flinching, not blinking.
You choked on your drink a little and Hana asked what happened. You told her you just saw Jungkook killing you with his eyes.
She immediately turned and there he was, talking with Eunwoo and some other people.
Hana: Shit, the bastard looks even hotter after his military. Fuck that guy!
Y/N: Ewww, no thanks.
You try not to look in his direction after that, your eyes looking for Soonyoung. You missed him. And you also wanted to see his face when he sees you like this.
Hana: Let’s go mingle and look around. Let’s look at pretty men.
Y/N: Ooookkk.
Hana: Come on, let’s pretend we’re two rich bitches.
The building was huge and the event was taking place outside to. There, they had a different dj with a different music. Here, there was something more like jazz and they had tables with chairs where guests were sitting and enjoying a nice conversation and a cigar.
You saw many celebrities, models, actors, musicians, athletes. It was a little too much for you, but fun nonetheless.
You could get a glimpse of some of the members, but they didn’t see you. They were pretty busy talking to people you didn’t know and taking photos. So you continued your little adventure and walked back inside.
As you turned to walk away, Mingyu saw you and he told Jun. They decided to go look for you.
Reaching a big room, you could tell here it was where the dance was happening. And you wanted to move a bit, so you took Hana’s hand and took her in the crowd of dancing people.
Y/N: It’s been a while since I’ve had so much fun.
Hana: Me fucking too.
Soonyoung was taking pictures with Taemin right in the dancing room where you were, but you could not see him from the people gathered around them.
At some point, a little tunnel formed between Soonyoung and where you were dancing. He could see with his peripheral vision someone in a black dress dancing and it didn’t mean anything, but then when he moved his eyes he saw your face.
Coloured lights were playing on your body, hips making circling moves in the rhythm of the music. Damn, she’s not wearing a bra. Again. It all turned in slow motion again. This always happens to him when he’s mesmerised, and it doesn’t happen often.
He’s never seen you dance before. You’re out of this world, you’re glorious, breathtaking. He needs you.
He was stunned. I’ll marry her.
Taemin: What?
Taemin: Hosh! Planet Earth to Hoshi!
Taemin needed to pinch Soonyoung’s arm to get his attention.
Soonyoung: Ouch! You know I’m sensitive, hyung.
Taemin: Well I needed to make sure you were alive and well. You looked like you saw a ghost.
Soonyoung: No, I just saw my future wife.
Taemin: I thought you liked someone. Didn’t think you were a player.
Soonyoung: Nooo, it’s her. She’s here.
Taemin: My god, I want to meet this woman that has my friend around her pinky.
Soonyoung: Might introduce you later
After dancing you felt thirsty so you went to get drinks.
You were back to the room where you started. As you waited at the bar, you hear someone calling for Hana’s name. You look around and see Eunwoo and Yugyeom.
Hana: Guyyyss!
They hugged both of you. It was the first time you saw them acting normal in public, not having flashes in their faces. Then there he was, Jungkook came behind them and greeted with a shy “hi”.
You and Hana just nodded. You think she hates him more than you. He has a stupid grin on his face and you can feel his eyes scanning your body. Something he will never get to touch again.
Eunwoo: What are you two doing here?
Hana: Well, we are working for Hybe this year, helping with Seventeen’s world tour. And sometimes we’re getting a little spoiled.
Eunwoo: Does that mean Mingyu is here?
Hana: Yeah, somewhere.
Yugyeom: How come we didn’t know?
You shrug and lift your shoulders. Are they not that close anymore?
Jungkook: So the whole gang is here except Jaehyun who’s on tour also.
Eunwoo: We should get some dinner and drink after this, like old times.
Y/N: I don’t know, Woo, not sure it will be like it used to.
Eunwoo: Jungkook, this is your fault. Y/N, you can ignore him. Plus, if he upsets you he’s going to have to deal with me.
You feel an arm coming gently around your waist and pulling you into him.
Mingyu: Who’s going to upset my bestie?
You look up at him with big eyes, wondering why he’s acting like this.
Eunwoo: Gyu! Come on, give me a hug. I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages. You’re a big shot now.
He takes his arm away and hugs his friends, including Jungkook.
Then comes Jun from behind and puts his arms on both your and Hana’s shoulders, standing between you two.
Jun: Hey guys, what a surprise seeing you here. And you found our girls.
Jungkook scoffs and rolls his eyes.
Eunwoo: I was just telling our girls that we should go out to eat and drink after this, like old times. Are you in, Gyu? And Jun, you’re invited too.
Mingyu: I would go, but we already have a thing planned with the members and some of the managers and staff. But you’re invited to come with us.
He looks at you for a bit, almost like asking with his eyes if it’s ok and you nod.
The three guys accept the invite and you already try to think of excuses of how to skip this late dinner.
Mingyu: Let’s take some photos for the gram, shall we?
Then he leans into your ear to tell you something.
Mingyu: Look over my right shoulder. You see Soonyoung there in the crowd?
You look as he says and you see him.
Mingyu: Take Hana and go to him. I know you want to escape JK right now.
Y/N: Thanks, Gyu.
You take Hana’s hand and excuse yourself, walking straight to Soonyoung. You felt like you could not breath unless you head him or touch him.
He immediately saw you coming toward him and he felt his heart race. His friends were talking to him but he couldn’t hear or see them anymore. There was just you. He could only see you.
Hana: Yaaa, Hoshi! Where were you?
She went for a hug. She was clearly tipsy. His eyes were on you all this time and she was trying to talk to him.
Hana: Oh, yeah. Right.
He could see you were not feeling your best, you had puppy eyes and pouty lips.
He takes your hand to rub gentle circles on the back of your palm.
Soonyoung: What’s wrong?
Y/N: Nothing, just saw someone I’d prefer not to.
Soonyoung: Oh. What can I do?
You pouted some more and looked down at your connected hands.
Y/N: Um. Hold my hand for a bit and I’ll be better?
Hearing this, his eyes turned into half moons and he smiled widely.
Soonyoung: Come on, I’ll introduce you to some superstars.
Y/N: Oh my
Soonyoung: Guys, this is my very good friend Y/N and this is Hana
Taemin: We finally meet you, Y/N friend of Hoshi. I’m Taemin
Key: Hello, I’m Key
Y/N: Nice to meet you, I feel honoured
Hana: Hello! So I don’t get the title friend, eh, Hosh?
Soonyoung: You are my friend also.
Leaning into you, he asks if you’re better and you nod, smiling at him. His hand still holding yours tight.
The room cleared a little, since some of the guests went outside to watch the fireworks. Behind you, the ’97 group and Jun were still talking. Jungkook had a clear view at you now and what he saw shocked him.
Why the fuck is she holding hands with Hoshi? He became enraged and drank his whisky glass as a shot. He needed another. Now he really needed to know what the hell was going on. He knew you and Mingyu were not together anymore. But he was not expecting you having another relationship.
He was enraged because he tried so hard to break you and Mingyu, and after the success, now he needs to do more work. He can’t stand and watch you with another man that’s not him. Not again.
Soonyoung: Want to watch the fireworks?
Y/N: I love fireworks
He doesn’t let go to your hand, leading you outside and calling his friends and Hana to join.
Y/N: Is this ok? Someone might see and take pictures.
Soonyoung: It’s fine, trust me.
Even though earlier you were feeling sick to your stomach because of Jungkook’s presence, this moment was making you feel happy and complete. You had Soonyoung next to you, his hand burning hot in yours.
He looks at you and he sees tears in your eyes.
Soonyoung: What’s wrong?
Y/N: I’m just being emotional. I guess a lot happened lately.
Soonyoung: I get that. I’m here (and he squeezes your hand tighter). It will feel better after dinner. Just a little longer, ok? You’re riding with me in my car to the restaurant.
One hour later you’re in the car with Soonyoung, Jeonghan and Seungkwan.
Seungkwan: Why are you holding hands? What’s wrong with you two?
Soonyoung: My friends needs emotional support so I’m giving it to her.
Seungkwan: Ugh, you two make me sick.
Jeonghan: Why is Mingyu saying in the group chat that the ’97 gang will join for dinner?
Soonyoung turns his face to you in shock.
Y/N: Oh, yeah. It was a weird situation and Mingyu had to invite them.
Jeonghan: But won’t Jungkook will be there?
Y/N: Yeah…(you move your eyes into your lap where you are fiddling with the rings on your fingers)
Soonyoung: Don’t worry, you’ll sit next to me and far from him and we won’t leave you alone. Right, guys?
Both Jeonghan and Seungkwan nod and it’s like a promise.
Jeonghan: I can’t promise I will be able to hold on too much, I am already fucking tired. I could sleep right here right now. But I’ll do my best.
Y/N: Thanks, guys. You’re the best!
The restaurant was empty, no other customers. It was very late too. But it filled with all of you once you all sat at the tables. Everyone ordered drinks and food and the drinking started.
You say between Hoshi and Seungkwan that were taking their mission very seriously. They took care of you all night, asking you what you needed, fixing your food, feeding you. That was a bit much, but funny still.
Seungcheol: What’s going on there? You two look like a couple, feeding their baby.
Seungkwan: We’re just spoiling our girl. She’s been working so hard.
Hana: Hey, what about me? I’ve been working hard too. Who’s feeding me?
And 4 guys offered her food to shove into her mouth. Joshua took a green salad leaf and really managed to put it into her mouth aggressively. Mingyu took a piece of steak and shoved it there too. Dokyeom wanted to go crazy and pushed a spoon with soup close to her, but it ended up on her plate. Then there was Jeonghan that took a piece of cake.
Of course he pushed it in her mouth along with the salad and steak.
Hana was stunned, trying to talk and complain, and at the same time she burst out laughing. So all the food went out her mouth. Luckily, she put a tissue in front of it before she made a mess.
Everyone laughed and you took advantage of the moment to go to the restroom.
Y/N: I’ll be right back.
Soonyoung: I’ll go with you.
Y/N: Soonie, noo. You wanna hold my hand while I pee?
Soonyoung: If you wanted me to, yeah.
You slap his chest gently and get up.
Soonyoung: Ouch, not my tiddies! (he brings his hand to his slapped tiddy to massage the pain away)
Nobody noticed that after 3 minutes, Jungkook got up from his chair and walked to the restroom too.
He was waiting for you to come out, outside the bathroom doors.
Y/N: No, just no. don’t wanna talk to you.
Jungkook: Please! I’ll behave, I promise. I’m not a monster.
Y/N: Could have fooled me after all the shit you did.
Jungkook: I’m so sorry about everything. I wish to explain myself. I know I have no excuse and I don’t deserve forgiveness. I just want to explain why I did what I did.
Y/N: Go ahead, explain.
Jungkook: I was very stupid. Young and dumb you could say. I didn’t tell you about the army because the company found out about our relationship and they were very strict about it and told me to end it. And the reason they wanted me to end it was because some stalker of mine had photos and videos with us, even from my apartment and your apartment. And she threatened that she will expose me. You have to understand that my career would have been over.
Y/N: You could of told me.
Jungkook: No, because I needed a reason for the breakup. And the company came up with the idea that I could go to the military, just like that, without a word. And it worked, didn’t it?
Y/N: And after you were a complete asshole.
Jungkook: I was mad angry when I found out about you and Mingyu. I still loved you.
Y/N: You could still text me after you went to the military and explain.
Jungkook: I just didn’t feel it was the right thing to do. I needed to get away from you completely. I also tried to forget you but I couldn’t.
Y/N: And then you started to get your tail between me and Gyu.
Jungkook: I’m sorry about that too.
Y/N: Were you the one who attacked me in front of my building that night?
Jungkook: I would never do that. Could never hurt you physically.
Y/N: And you think emotional pain is ok? You think it was easy for me when you left me? You pushed me and Gyu together. He was there for me when you weren’t. you chose to leave and he stayed. He’s still there for me after everything.
Jungkook: I need to confess something. I need to get this off my chest.
Y/N: What?
Jungkook: Mingyu never cheated on you. I planed that night. I spiked his drink, and the girl n the photos was a friend. I’m really sorry.
Y/N: What? What? Are you telling me that all those miserable weeks and months, all those nights when I could not sleep, those days that I could not eat and was close to collapsing at work because of it… all of that for nothing? Just because you were jealous?
Jungkook: I have no excuse.
Y/N: No, you fucking don’t. You took away my happiness twice. And you took away Mingyu’s happiness too. We were so good together. I even thought he was the one. I fucking hate you, Jungkook!
Tears run down your cheeks, reminiscing all that pain you felt when you thought Mingyu broke your trust. And all this time since then, that you spent punishing yourself because you thought all men are the same and all will cheat. You punished yourself to be alone.
Y/N: I can’t believe how sinister you can be.
Jungkook: I’m sorry, I am really trying to be better.
You look at him and you can see he’s tearing up too. His eyes look honest and you never seen him in this state, almost broken.
Jungkook: You have to believe me. I am really trying. It’s hard. I’m even seeing a therapist to help me. Please, believe me. I am trying to keep the bad thoughts away. Even tonight when I saw you holding Hoshi’s hand I went mad. I don’t know, I thought I was over you. I guess I’m just a sick person.
He gets on his knees, his face filled with tears that roll down his chin, dropping onto his shirt.
Jungkook: Please, forgive me! Please Y/N!!
You take his hands into yours. He’s trembling like crazy and you need to calm him down. You can’t stand him, but you can’t leave him like this.
So you pull him up and into your arms, hugging him tight.
Y/N: It’s ok, it’s going to be ok.
Jungkook: It’s not ok, I did horrible things.
Y/N: Let’s relax for now, ok? We will talk another time when we’re both feeling better. But now we are here and the food will be ready. Also, we don’t want anyone knowing we bawled out eyes out, do we?
Jungkook: No, we don’t
Y/N: Come on, let’s go into the restroom and make ourselves looks presentable.
Jungkook: I feel like you should kick me in the balls or something, because you’re too nice to me.
Y/N: Do you want me to kick you in the balls?
Jungkook: N..no?
Y/N: Then don’t put nice thoughts like that in my head.
Hoshi noticed you were gone for quite some time and Jungkook was not in his seat. He got up, going to look for you. Going into the restroom, he found you and Jungkook fixing your makeup in the mirror.
Soonyoung: What the hell is going on here?
Y/N: Soonieeee! Come here and help me!
He looks at you and he can see you’re eyes are red and a little swollen.
Soonyoung: Y/N, did you cry?
Y/N: This one cried harder.
Jungkook: I’m going back to the table. Thanks, Y/N.(he stops in his track and gives a nod, then leaves)
Soonyoung: What the fuck! What was that about?
Y/N: We talked
Soonyoung: About?
Y/N: About how he was a butthole.
Soonyoung: Are you ok though?
Y/N: I am now.
Then you pinch his cheeks and place a soft single kiss on his lips.
Y/N: Let’s go, tiger. I’m starving and I need a drink.
Soonyoung: You’re not actually going to pretend you didn’t just kiss me?
But you did just that. You got back into the room bickering like always.
Seungkwan: That’s more like it. I was starting to miss this bickering. Y/N, when are you going to kick him in the balls next? That was really fun to watch
Y/N: Kwaaan! Why would I kick Soonie like that?
Seungkwan: Soonie? I think I’m going to puke.(he makes a dramatic scene where he pretends like he’s puking and fainting)
Food came and Hoshi continued to feed you. It made him feel good.
Y/N: I can do it myself, you know.
Soonyoung: Shut up and eat, I’m an expert with food and eating.
As he feeds you, your hand goes to sit on his thigh. You didn’t even notice, but he did. Oh, did he. You were even squeezing it whenever he was giving you too much food that you could not fit into your mouth.
Y/N: Soonie, slow down. Can’t eat this fast.
Soonyoung: Sorry, but your hand it kind of distracts me from thinking straight.
You look down at your hands. One is on your thigh and the other on his. You pull it away immediately, apologising.
He feels like he can finally let out a breath that he was holding for decades. He thanks himself for wearing oversized clothes tonight. You just have this effect on him and he’s just a weak man.
You’re both blushing. You’re acting like you haven’t been teasing and bullying each other since you met. But that was your thing. When it was banter, you two were at each other’s throat, daring and shit. But when it was serious, you were both a shy mess.
Jeonghan and Minghao were the first ones to leave. Hana asked them to take her with them. He told you she needed to go meet Hyunwoo the dancer.
Hana: Wife, I’m going to leave with Jeonghan. Hynwoo is waiting for me. Can you sleep in Jun’s room tonight? Hyunwoo’s roommate is sleeping already in their shared room.
Y/N: Ok, have fun and use protection my silly slut.
You scoff and sight and Soonyoung asks what happened.
Y/N: I need to ask Jun to sleep in his room tonight. Hana is having some action in our room.
Soonyoung: Sleep in my room!
Y/N: Oh! Really?
Soonyoung: Yeah. My bed is huge and I’m a good boy.
You look at him and you can tell he’s pretty drunk. There are two scenarios that go trough your head. One-he’s going to fall asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow and he won’t bother you. Two-he’s going to be clingy and needy and he’s going to cuddle the shit out of you.
You don’t plan on doing anything else, though your whole body wants to. But no. Even if you’d decide that you want to accept him romantically, this would not be the right way to start.
You’d want to try a different path and make sure this one would last. He is indeed very different from all the guys you met in your life. Maybe that’s one of the reasons you’re so drawn to him.
So you accept his offer. You have nothing to lose. Maybe just your sanity for being this close to the guy you’re in love with. Maybe you’re sleep, knowing he’s right there, arm reach, and you’re all sweaty and wet and needy.
But no. You will behave and you know he will too.
Y/N: Ok, then I’ll sleep in your room.
And his face lights up at that and he pats your head, calling you a good girl.
I mean, he could keep these remarks to himself. It’s enough that I’m having such a hard time already. My sex life it’s inexistent and he’s so…
Soonyoung: Why are you looking at me funny?
Y/N: Oh, am I? Sorry, no reason. You’re just cute when you’re drunk.
You continue eating and hiding the alcohol from Hoshi. He already had 2 glasses of whatever, you don’t even know what was in there. You catch his glass that he just filled earlier and you take it to your mouth to taste it.
You decide he won’t drink that, Afterall, you are the one who’s going to be dealing with him later. You don’t want to break you back from dragging him all the way to the bed.
He pouts a little whenever you take his glass, and doesn’t even realises when you switch it with water. You’re not much sober than he is, but you’re more responsible.
Now it’s your turn to feed him and you don’t mind. Seungkwan shoots you dramatic looks. He likes to act like cute things make him sick but everyone knows better.
You hear Mingyu, Eunwoo and Jungkook argue about who’s the most popular idol among them. You’re glad to see they are still close. Noticing Jun on the other side of the table you want to go sit next to him and spend some quality time with your bestie.
When you get up, you tell Seungkwan and Joshua to keep their eyes on Hoshi and not let him drink alcohol anymore. A grip on your wrist keeps you from walking away.
Soonyoung: Where are you going? Why are you leaving me alone?
Y/N: You’re not alone though, and I’m going to sit next to Jun for a while.
He sights and puts some food into his mouth, nodding. As you sit next to your bestie, you have Soonyoung right in front of you and you can’t not notice how often he looks at you.
He’s being quite flirty, you think? Sending flying kisses, then he catches them himself. But there is someone else watching you. Jungkook. You caught him a few times while you were having a conversation with Jun.
He looks lost, you might say. It’s impossible he still has feelings for you, right? It’s been such a long time and he’s sure met plenty of interesting girls.
You even heard a rumour about him having a girlfriend not long back. And also, you didn’t think of yourself like such a great catch. Why would someone like him would not be able to get over a nobody like you?
It’s not that you are not confident, but you like to keep it real. There are others far more beautiful, talented, richer and more suitable for him. Maybe you’ll have a nice grown up conversation with him sometime and unravel this mystery.
You’ll need to talk to Mingyu also and apologise for what happened and all the hurtful words you said to him in the past.
But until then, you needed to get Soonyoung out of there and into bed, because the poor guy ‘s face was red and puffy and he could barely keep his eyes open.
So you ask Jun if he will go to the hotel with you in the same car. Hearing that you want to leave, Minghao says he wants to join you too. Good, more help with carrying Hoshi.
You announce that you’re going to leave. Jun helps Hoshi to steady himself. He can walk straight, but he could bump into something because of his blurred vision right now.
Mingyu comes outside with you, asking if everything’s ok and you tell him you’re fine and that you need to talk to him soon when he gets some free time. He nods, gives you a warm hug and goes back inside.
Mingyu: Someone needs to drink Dino under the table.
In the car, Hoshi puts his head in Minghao’s lap, falling asleep. 20 minutes later you find yourself knocking at your room, waiting for Hana to bring your sleepover backpack. That’s your drill whenever one of you needs the room for herself.
Then off you go to Hoshi’s room. You find him collapsed onto the bed, clothes on, shoes on.
You start to take his shoes off and he starts to kick his feet ap and down.
Soonyoung: Hihihih it tickles.
Y/N: I know, but we need to get you into bed, ok?
Soonyoung: Ok, mom
Y/N: I’ll also take your shirt and pants off and put your pj’s on.
He just keeps on giggling and kicking his feet. He’s so cute. You’re glad his’s this type of drunk.
You look for his sleeping clothes and you find a tshirt and some shorts. These will do.
Then the hard part begins. You get him to sit on the edge of the bed and pull on his shirt over his head. Then you pull the tshirt on.
When it’s time for the pants he gets shy.
Soonyoung: I’ll do it, you can’t see me naked.
Y/N: But you have underwear on. Right?
Soonyoung: So what. You’re not taking my pants off
Y/N: I thought you wanted me to do that
Soonyoung: Y/N, this is not the time to be thirsty
Y/N: If I was acting thirsty I would be in your lap right now. Do you see me there?
He looks at his lap, brings his hands in front and looks at them. Then all of the sudden you’re in his lap.
Y/N: What are you doing?
Soonyoung: Now you’re thirsty.
Y/N: Am not!
You try to get up but he keeps you there with a strong grip around your waist, holding you tight.
Soonyoung: Don’t go!
Y/N: I’m not going, I’m just trying to change you into sleep clothes then we can go to bed
Soonyoung: Can you cuddle me?
Y/N: I don’t know if we should, Soonie
Soonyoung: I should have known to ask Jun to sleep here tonight. He would cuddle me
He buries his face into your chest. More exactly between your breasts and you wonder if he’s realizing what he’s doing.
Y/N: Hoshingi, my tits are in your face. Stop being so thirsty
Soonyoung: So warm, could sleep like this.
Then you push him on his back and get off him. You grab his belt to take his pants off.
Soonyoung: Whoah, take it slow, I’m sensitive.
When his pants are on the floor you pull his short on, and he huffs disappointed.
Soonyoung: I thought you wanted to take advantage of me.
Y/N: Shut up and sleep. Tomorrow you’re having rehearsals for 10 straight hours.
You go into the bathroom to get ready for bed and when you return, he’s already sleeping. You exhale loudly and find a spot on the other side of the bed.
Not even 5 minutes passed that you feel movement and an arm coming over your waist, pulling you into his warm body. His leg going right over yours. You’re caged in.
This feels nice, but how are you going to be able to sleep now? You feel his breath on the back of your neck. Makes you feel butterflies. You smile and you feel like crying.
You remember all those times you felt alone at night, wanting someone to just hold you. It feels nice even to just hear his gentle snores. Sometimes his fingers would twitch in his sleep and you so wanted to hold his hand right now.
So you put your hand over his and the twitching stopped. It was like you calmed him down. At some point, you don’t really know when, you also fall asleep.
#seventeen fanfic#bts fanfic#kim mingyu#bts x reader#kpop fanfic#hoshi#jungkook x reader#jeon jungkook#jungkook#mingyu#seventeen scenarios#seventeen fluff#seventeen smau#seventeen x reader#seventeen#seungkwan#wonwoo#boo seungkwan#svt#jungkook scenarios#bangtan#jungkook smut#mingyu smut#jeon wonwoo#jeonghan#mingyu x reader#hoshi x reader#hoshi smut#scoups#seungcheol
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Between The Lines, Episode 3: Flowers in the Spillways
Adult content. NO MINORS. This is a late night, NSFW TV slot.
"Unless your hand is in mine, I will miss you to my my last dying breath." - Plecoa Z.
"Come, stay, with, me..." Copia whispered softly...
The stone bench in the center of the labyrinth of rose hedges glowed white under the silvery moon. Beside him was a man who he had fallen for like a man having flown too close to the sun...
He had fallen so hard that he forgot what it felt like to be flying... flying felt like nothing compared to the way his core clenched tighter at the sensation of the other man's kiss invading his mouth. This affair may be forbidden, passionate, or maybe even wrong, but he didn't care or at least didn't want to. All he cared about was feeling more of that high burn brighter, and lower in his belly.
*Burnìng for the man who served a faith and ministry that rivaled his own. Yet it wasn't an enemy he found himself entangling with in the hedgrows, no, it was with his complementing half, that held his gaze, Copia's white eye shining like a morning star. Jim's dark lashes brushing the tops of his cheeks.
Jim's hand cupped the back of Copias neck as he deepened the kiss, feeling his beloved black cardinal melt into his touch. Jim's hand slipped higher up Copias thigh, and Copia repeated his breathless plea, "Come with me Jim, stay by my side," he uttered, like a prayer.
Jim murmured into Copia's mouth as it opened between kisses, "You know I can't go where you're going... even if I wanted to stay." The words made his heart ache and his hands more desperate to touch his beloved, who he felt could dissappear any second. He wanted Copia. Needed him in a way he had never felt before... and certainly not for any mortal man... the closest thing to love he had ever known had been born of his blind devotion to his god. He had fallen even farther from grace for a man; This Satanic priest, of all things had, Jim wanting to worship something other than his own, so called, god...
Copia leaned forward, clutching Jim's shirt as if to draw him ever deeper into his affectionate ministrations. Copia was already at Jim's neck, flinging the stiff white collar away and exposing the hollows of his throat to his hearts desire, to squeeze firmly and yet gently, his kisses blooming.
Copia's toungue joined his lips and fangs as the vampire was suckling and nipping gently at the tender flesh of Jim's exposed throat, so warm and soft under his humid breaths, heavy and hot mouthed
*They were both playing with fire. Jim knew exactly what kind of creature Copia was... and it thrilled him... thrilled him to know he was the one making Copia feel this way, making the Dark Cardinal need him...crave him...grow desperate, and harder for him.*
"Fuuuck" Jim groaned as he pulled Copia into his lap, giving in a little, both easing and heightened the tension between them.
He captured the vampires lips, feeling the gentle prick and scrape of the fangs chewing at his lower lip. Jim had a hand exploring the planes of the Copias back, and stroking along the peaks and valleys of Copia's tingling spine, while his unoccupied other hand, tangled in the dirty-blond locks of soft hair, pressing that warm wet mouth , unyielding and unending of its kisses, against his neck once more. Jim wanted it. He wanted to belong so deeply to somone he forgot the reason why he was trying to tell Copia he couldn't stay. Why he was still trying to bid Copia goodnight...why he was holding back...
Copia broke off for air, his strained seams below his waist giving pause to the moment. Jim's lower lip trembled. Most certainly,this was a sin. A forbidden thing. To let a Darkling like his beautiful black Cardinal lead him so willingly down to hell without milestones or sign-posts to remind him of whose territory he was straying into, except when this happened. When sins of the flesh called so earnestly to him. When Copia's excitement made his own jump up, ready and aching to feel the desire build him higher and higher towards a release he had only known through the lenses of guilt and shame... and it wasn't unfamiliar to the satanic priest either...
*Both men realized what they were feeling and almost felt embarrassed by it, the way their bodies betrayed them of their deeper seated needs. Needs for both body and blood , sharing in common, their faith , their rage, their lasciviousness...the forbidden desires between darkness and light, between love and lust.*
As Jim's breath hitched at Copia's hand settling over his hammering heart, he knew it would only be a matter of time before he gave in. The thought terrified him. And it also made his body burn, and ache.
Jim's fingers laced over Copias, trying to ground himse. He tried in vain to settle down, which only served to heighten Copia's arousal. Try as they may, Copia couldn't stop for long...he watched as a gasp sighed from the mans lips. Jims head fell back, eyes fluttering, and now half closed, as the silvery moonlight shined down on the star crossed pair in the night, the celestial body witnessing their struggle.
Jim was feeling Copia's kisses gentle themselves over his skin. Oh so softly, those lips painted with black, moved softer than moth wings dancing along the slope of his neck that was now more exposed than before, thanks to Copias deft fingers. They felt hot as the cool midnight air flowed over Jim's flushed skin.
Jims mouth hung open slightly as he gasped at the new sensation. Copia was being so tender in his affections that it made his cheeks burn and his thighs squeeze tighter on the warm ache, impossible to ignore now. His desire throbbing as it drooled slick beneath his clothes. The hand on Copia's back slid lower, thumb digging into Copias hip as it found a grip to steady himself, as he unconciously rocked towards his lover, needing. Craving connection beyond simple touches and breathless words.
*How could someone so beautiful, so gentle, be called so wicked? How could something so sincere, so powerful, be considered so wrong. How could he love such a man. How could he ever make his angel of music sing for him someday,he wondered. *
*Copia could sense the way Jim's thoughts were wandering. He had a knack for it. Sometimes, it was a gift, sometimes a curse.*
"If you can't stay then let me stay. Please, amore... please let me help take care of you."
Copias hips pressed forward, the added friction through their clothes making Jim gasp. Jim felt so vulnerable, his weakness so openly percieved, the very same weakness that kept his hand on copias hip, moving it in a gentle rythm against his own, burying his face into Copias shoulder, unable to face the truth...he was worn down. He was tired of holding back. He wanted to let go. He wanted to be irrevocably *his*.
He wanted to fuck this priest.
He could make it happen, he knew it wasnt yet too late. He knew he could still go with Copia, the hunter's moon not yet dissapeared...he was resisitng but deep down he knew, he would follow his unholy love into the dark, into the very fires of hell, even of Copia ran straight into them...
But the real reason Jim wouldn't was because he was afraid, afraid to be rejected. Afraid to be hurt, to be punished, made to feel deprived of someone he had become so dependent on to keep the peace in his heart... because he had been wrong once...what if now, he was wrong? "Christ, please don't let me be wrong." Jim silently muffled into copias shirts, his grip on the Cardinal's hip intensifying as he felt a familiar feeling gnawing inside of him, a delicious pleasing darkness, and it's unfortunately familiar friend: Shame.
*Every year, the offer stood the same. The ritual of the hunter's moon was always waiting for Jim to be ready for it... except he never was. There was always something getting in the way. And it pained him feel like he was dissapointing his lover, depriving him of his satisfaction once more.*
Copia could tell Jim was feeling overwhelmed, and he sighed softly... he was painfully aware of the throbbing below his waist and the darkening spot on the cotton fabric under his pants, but that didn't matter as much now. The man in his arms was more important. The man was struggling, his soul at war between his conditioning and his heart. Copia's pace petered out of its engaging rhythm as he tried to reign in his desire, letting the both of them catch their breath. "We, we dont...we don't have to do anything you don't want to, Jimmy." Copia said quietly. Jim's body was trembling, but the crooked smile on his face let Copia know, that even if he was scared, he still wanted him..somehow...somehow...
*Jim let out a breath he didn't realize was holding, his hands drifting to hold Copia on his lap at the waist, still close, but not too close...
Not close enough.*
"Yeah..maybe..maybe we should slow it down some." Jim said, voice shaking slightly. The coursing buckshot of adrenaline in his body struggled to dissipate, ever at odds with how his heart was struggling to calm and beat slower. He was glad Copia was letting him breathe. Even if they both needed to but didn't want it, he was thankful for the way his Cardinal would always slow down, even stop, whenever he asked. The intimacy of their trust, glowing between them.
Jim pulled Copia's hand and kissed the back of it, thumb tracing affectionately along Copia's knuckles. "Thanks, I, I'm sorry I just-" he stuttered.
Copia cupped Jims face in his hands, "Darling, you don't have to explain anything to me. There is no audience here. It's just me"
*"Just me."* Jim echoed, closing his eyes.
"And just you"
"It's you" Jim whispered, ghosting over Copias lips with his own.
"It's us." they both murmured together, the love spell weaving in and around them as they shared this moment of stillness and vulnerability.
* There was always next year... always another Hunter's moon to revisit the sensative subject of Jim joining Copia, in every way possible, or, to go on wishing...*
For now, they swapped gentle kisses and soft pets, generating an intimacy between them unlike any other.
"Now and for always." Copia prayed, planting a long kiss on Jim's forhead, sealing his benediction. The tender gesture made his lover pliant and drowsy under him. It was hard to stay in control when Jim's blood flowed so warmly under his touch. Like spillways...
*Copia always had a knack for disarming Jim. But Jim didn't mind. Even if this was but a stolen moment in their lives, it was theirs. And he'd be damned to let it go without a fight*
Copia climbed off Jim's lap, settling beside him on the bench once more, and pulled his knee into an angle. He guided Jim to lay back on the bench, careful to lift Jim's dark head to rest in the cradle of his lap. He used his fingertips to card through Jims hair, nails satisfyingly dragging along Jim's scalp, sending sensuous thready tingles down his body. Copia's thumbs expertly worked the tense spots on Jim's forehead and pulled across the skin firmly, massaging the tension away.
Despite his remaining hardness, thankfully comming down now, he wanted to stay and take care of Jim...to do otherwise made him feel like he was dying, when they had to eventually part...and he was damn sick of it. Copia took his time, his thumbs prodding around, sensing his lovers mind. He knew Jim was thinking the same. And he knew once he left on tour. How deeply he would be missed...
This peace. This understanding this effortlessness of care for one another, and acceptance for where they were at this moment of intimate expression, this...
It's what they had always wanted. What they had always been looking for...
They just never expected to find it in a clergy man who was batting for the "other" team...
And they knew it was only a matter of time, before they were discovered, before they would be driven out of their secret garden, and made to face the world they were living in. Yet while the world was rarely, if ever kind, they knew there was always someone there to hold their hand through the dark...
#the band ghost#copia emeritus#cardinal copia#jim defroque#father jim defroque#star crossed lovers#roses#Ghost#comming out#Spillways#Decopia
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