#so fed up with cg at the moment
daydreamsia · 1 year
Mirta, Galatea, Nova and Krystal join Alfea in the same year and share a dorm. They become a great friend group and also club of fairies.
They also become good friends with Roxy and Selina who are in the same schoolyear, but over at Cloud Tower.
Mirta, Fairy of Emotions - went to Cloud Tower at first but had an easier time using Fairy Magic, so she changed schools. Her grandmother isn't the greatest fan of that desicion, since Mirta stems from a long line of witches. She was in a romantic realtionship with Lucy during her time at Clout Tower but they broke off due to Lucy being too fixated on the Trix.
Galatea, Fairy of Melodies - a princess of Melody, the seventh of nine. Has already a great amount of practice with her magic.
Nova, Fairy of Warming Lights - Amaryls little sister and a good friend of Stella.
Krystal, Fairy of Sand - Helias sister. Grew up in Magix City. Has already good practice in Healingmagic.
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nu-carniviva · 9 months
A censored version of Nu: Carnival is coming to the app store... Which is not good
When this was first brought to my attention, I honestly didn't believe it at first. I mean, why would I? Nu: Carnival has advertised itself as an adult-only game since it's release. I rarely go on Twitter since it's a total shithole, but that's how I found out that the rumors were true. Nu: Carnival - Bliss, they're calling it. The overall plot, events, and gameplay will be the same. But many crucial changes will be done to the dialogue, CG, and audio. Long post ahead, but I'll be ranting about it below
Why is this a bad move?
There are multiple reasons as to why making a censored, teen friendly version of Nu: Carnival is a horrible decision. I might not get them all, but here are a few I can think of off the top of my head:
It is literally impossible to separate the nsfw from the source. Whether the devs like it or not, they made an nsfw game. After the first half of the prologue, the game opens with porn. You are introduced to two characters at the time — Aster and Morvay. That right there is already an issue. Morvay is an incubus. He is a sex demon who wears leather lingerie. While there is certainly more to his personality, his is very existence is sex. Sex is what keeps him alive and fed. Morvay is very open about his sexual desires and the topic of sex as a whole. He doesn't find it shameful or taboo. So... What are they going to do with Morvay? He can't be removed since he's bonded with Aster. Censoring him will have him take a MAJOR hit. Now that leads me to the second part of this bullet point: sex is a crucial part of the plot. Essence is what keeps Klein stable. Eiden and his clan's job is to use their essence to fix the gem altars so said altars can keep the essence regulated throughout the continent. While there are several ways to replenish one's essence, the most effective way is through sex. Sex also plays a crucial role in expanding on the plot and the characters. Sex scenes aren't just there for entertainment, there is genuine lore within the dialogue. Through sex, Eiden bonds with his clan members in the most intimate and personal ways. He sees his clan members at their most vulnerable moments, and through that they share a deep connection. You can see when sex scenes go from Eiden and whoever the clan member is having sex just to have it to having sex because they genuinely care for each other and want to physically bond. I could delve deeper into this topic, but I'm sure you all understand by now what I'm trying to say. Sex is not just an accessory or perk. It's part of the worldbuilding
Minors will not be able to escape nsfw within the fandom. Since the game's release, the fan base has been entirely made up of adults. Since we are all adults, we freely talk and post about the nsfw parts of the game. You go on any social media platform where Nu: Carnival is discussed, and you will see nsfw. It's a very casual topic in the fandom, and in a way it's something that bonds us together… As weird as that may sound. My point is, making a censored version of the game is pointless, because the source itself in inherently nsfw and the fan base is full of adults making nsfw content which is usually uncensored since the artists expect for anyone in the fandom to only be adults
Minors in fandoms often bring drama... Hear me out on this one. Not to sound like one of those "grr minors dni I hate minors" people, but kids in fandoms often bring drama and discourse. As aggravating at it is, I have to admit that it isn't entirely their fault. When you're in your early teens, you're starting to discover yourself. You become very opinionated and defensive over your beliefs because you're trying to figure out who you are and where you stand in life. You're trying to gain independence and autonomy. It's normal... But it's very draining. Since Nu: Carnival has an all-adult fandom, there isn't a lot of drama at all. Sure, you're going to have stupid people saying stupid shit to start drama, that happens everywhere, but those people are typically ignored because it isn't too common. With kids coming into the fandom and starting unnecessary drama, it'll be so much harder to avoid. Not only that, but kids don't have as much media literacy as adults do. It's not an insult, but simply a fact. Nu: Carnival delves in a LOT of heavy themes in the game. Some of which are stated outright while others require you to read in between the lines to pick up on them. Since the fandom is all adults, it's easier for us to handle these topics and discuss them maturely
Why are the devs doing this?
My guess? Money. The devs are part of a company after all. At the end of the day, all companies want to make money. By making a game they can put on app stores, the game becomes more visible to a broader audience. People who have never heard of Nu: Carnival before will see what appears to be an innocent anime game when it's far from that. All it will take is a simple google search for people to see the the game is very much nsfw and not something minors should indulge themselves in. It's dangerous for both parties involved, both the minors and the adults
But hey, whatever's bringing in the money, right? Sigh...
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v3nusxsky · 7 months
i’m not 100% sure your requests are open or if you’ve done this before but i’ve read some of your leonora lesso fics and i’m in love
i’m was wondering whether you could maybe right a little!lesso x caregiver!reader. they’re both teachers, maybe r is an ever
but tbh maybe just some hurt comfort <3
The Little Lion
*Authors note~ ahh little Leo and Agere is my life, may be horrid I am currently in a lecture for behaviour with a massive headache but I’m determined to catch up on writing fics*
Trigger warnings~ Agere little Leonora, cg y/n first time regression star struck Leonora
Prompt~see ask^^^
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Being the Dean Of Evil wasn’t ever Leonora’s plans but it’s where she ended up and appeared to be amazing at her job. But was she evil? Or maybe just hurt deep down? The world would never know the pain she’d been through and just how she dealt with her pain. While she held her scary exterior inside lay a soft gooey core that is ever so fragile and to be protected at all costs.
Being evil for so long tends to drain the red head, and with her Never students acting up more, it was worse than ever before. No one knew of the tentative relationship you and Lesso had began, but the tension between you both was simply too hard to ignore and one night with a lot of alcohol had confession’s of truth spilling from you both. Agreeing to try this out but of course no one could know, not until you both knew it would work of course.
That was a couple of months ago and things had been going rather well. You being an Ever made things slightly harder but both of you worked to find ways to meet in secrecy and have subtle changes in your daily life’s when it came to communication. That’s why it wasn’t uncommon for you to sneak into the Deans room after hours. There would be no students to catch you and should a member of staff see you, then you had a well rehearsed reason to be there.
Entering her room tonight felt different but you couldn’t put you finger on the reason why. With a quick scan of the room you could see nothing was out of its place however, Leonora was no where to be found which is odd. Normally she’s waiting with a signature look that’s just for you as her eyes room your body just drinking in your beauty.
“Nora?” You murmured in a hope she would appear but all that greeted you was silence. Moving forward into her chamber you made your way to her sleeping area. “Nora, darling?” You mumbled before knocking and pushing the heavy oak door open, never in a million years would you have expected the sight in front of you.
In the bed, Leonora was dressed in fussy orange socks with a lion onesie, colouring some pages that looked to be animal prints. Clearly she was in her own little world and you almost felt bad for intruding. Almost. The way she was currently looking at you jade you feel you were more needed than ever before. Being an ever you knew exactly what was going on here.
“Hi darling, watcha got there?” You whispered to her before settling on the edge of her bed. But Leonora said nothing just staring at you with her mouth agape like she’d seen a unicorn or something equally as magical. You couldn’t help but chuckle at her star struck expression, “close your mouth darling, you’ll be catching flys in a minute.”
“Princess” the red head stated still absolutely entranced by you. “You think I’m a princess darling?” You happily fed into her statement hoping to gain her trust. “Pretty” was slurred around the woman’s thumb that had made its way between her lips. It was so obvious what was happening here. With a gasp you responded, “well thank you little darling. I think you’re pretty too.”
Silence fell over the room again, you didn’t mind of course, clearly Leonora needed this and now wasn’t the time to talk about what this was, so you settled for giving her whatever she needed from you in this moment. “Raw!” Lesso growled as she continued to scribble in a pen that could honestly rival the woman’s hair colour. “Such a cute little lion” you murmured to her causing her to smile, not smirk but smile at you and blush. Leonora Lesso doesn’t blush… but your little lion here seemed to be the opposite.
It wasn’t long before Leonora had shoved a pen at you and instructed that you colour in certain areas, “ands no out of lines!” She firmly reprimanded after you went ever so slightly went over the lines. “I’m so sorry little cub” you feigned a pout.
“Im not use to sharing I sorry, I fix it then pretty princess happy and loves Leo lion!” A childish slur causing words to blur together and just sounding adorable. “Thank you little cub, I still love you little lion, how could I not with this cute mane on your head hmm?” You whispered before ruffling the fake mane on the hood of the lion onesie.
It wasn’t long after that small interaction you could see her little balled up fists rubbing at her eyes, a clear indication that it was in fact past midnight. “Little lion, aren’t you getting sleepy yet?” You attempted not knowing how to bring this up with her. But luckily she nodded and crawled straight into your lap, her head nestled into your neck and a hand resting above your heart. It was clear you weren’t going anywhere tonight but opted to soothe Leonora to sleep so you could move the woman without disturbing her. Although the little version of Lesso was okay with you acting like a caregiver that didn’t mean Leonora was too. Your hand gently rubbed soothing circles on her back as you swayed your legs ever so slightly in hopes to comfort her. Just when you thought she’d drifted off you caught her sleepy mumble off, “thank you for looking after me princess.”
Word count ~ 1023
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3unnyceleste · 1 month
Accidents happen
CG! Eggman x Little! Metal Sonic (special request!)
Poor metal sonic got beaten by sonic and his friends, and he just needs his papa for some love and care!
Tw: mention of changing and nappy, mild violence mention.
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Metal sonic stormed into Eggmans base, his metal feet making loud clanks across the floor as he limped. He shoved the door to his base open, and Eggman turned his head, looking irritated as usual.
“Who dares interrupt a genius in his work?” His loud voice boomed through his lab. However when he saw the state of Metal Sonic, he couldn’t help but let out a small gasp.
“Metal! What happened to you? Was it that blasted blue hedgehog and his pesky friends?” He clicked his tongue softly as he examined the extent of the damage on metal.
“What have they done to you, my poor little Metal….” His voice softened significantly as he stroked his metal head. Metal sonic let out a rev that sounded like a purr. He felt weak and vulnerable, a rare sight for such a powerful and evil machine. Eggman scooped Metal up and carried him to his laboratory.
"Let's take care of you, shall we?" Eggman laid Metal onto a work table, a soft mat underneath him as to not ruin his paint finish. Eggman set to work analyzing him for dents or breaks. He found that Metal Sonic's legs were weakened, making him limp, and he had a few dents, and an unfortunate oil leak. Eggman began crooning over metal sonic as he worked. He'd always seen Metal Sonic as his greatest creation, and a little son to him. His little baby villain.
"Poor baby, did that wretched rat hurt you? He wouldn't know art if it hit him square in the face! You hit him right?" (~referencing IDW comics~)
Metal sonic lifted a thumbs up in response, uttering a robotic chirp.
"That's my boy. Now let's get you fixed up." He began repairing Metal, and pulled out some of the accessories he'd made for his special baby:
He pulled out a special Blue and yellow pacifier that had a charging property in it's teat: It would provide Metal sonic with comfort, and recharge him as well. He put it in Metal's mouth and pulled out a sweet star coated onesie and little baby nappy for potential oil leaks. He wrapped the nappy around him and slipped the onesie over his head, all the while Metal Sonic purring and his stomach engine revving. He picked Metal back up and held him close to his chest while patting his back.
"That's my baby boy...." He cooed softly. It was a rare moment of gentleness that Eggman displayed. The evil doctor was usually cackling with pride or irritated, but with his little metal creation, he couldn't help but be uncharacteristically soft. He carried Metal Sonic to his room and sat him in a little bouncer on the door. He let him bounce around on it for awhile while he beeped and made little happy noises. Eggman stole the opportunity to go and grab him a baby bottle full of hot oil, since he'd need it to recharge. He came back over to him and scooped him up.
"Alright, my little star, let's get you fed shall we?" Metal Sonic didn't necessarily need nourishment, just the occasional oil refill. Eggman held him up to his chest and took his pacifier out before putting the bottle in. As Metal Sonic began taking in the oil, his jet engines began quieting down. Everything was calm and well for the little one and his caregiver....
Until Eggman felt oil leak onto his legs.
He glanced down at his legs and the onesie Metal was wearing and gasped a bit. He was taking the oil in alright, but old oil in his metal body was leaking out due to the extent of the damage sonic had done. Eggman picked poor Metal up and carried him back to the work table.
"Oh dear! Would you look at that? My poor little villain needs to get cleaned up..." He quickly got the oil-blackened onesie off and got him changed into a brand new onesie and nappy. He could see the discontent in poor Metal's eyes, so he quickly grabbed him his favorite plush rabbit, Reaper. He rocked him gently and patted his back. "There, there, papa's here." He cooed gently before tucking him into his own bed. He turned on a nearby nightlight and white noise machine. However he saw metal beginning to claw at the pillows, and Eggman grabbed his hands.
"No, no, where are the mitts I made for you Metal?" He scolded. Metal let out a chirp, and Eggman waggled his finger;
"You naughty little one, don't get smart with me. I don't wanna have to put you back in time out. that'd make twice today. Now where are those mits?" He searched around the room and the lab until he found them stashed under a box of tools. He grabbed the pink mits and returned to Metal Sonic. He tied them on firmly and put his pacifier back in.
"There we go.... now dream well. May you kick sonic's butt in your dreams." He spoke softly, pressing a gentle mustache kiss onto metal's blue metal head. Metal sonic let out a tired chirp before his jet engines fell quiet. He was asleep.
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Thank you, Metal Sonic, for this reccomendation!
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wanderingelvis · 1 year
Okay, just...imagine CG Elvis feeding his little while she sits on his lap or in a large highchair.
This is super cute! I'm gonna make it a headcanon:
🧚🏻 Masterlist 🧚🏻
Pairings: CG!Elvis x Little F!Reader
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Elvis loves to feed you, and you love being fed by your Daddy
Elvis always wants to make sure you're well fed, so mealtimes are the most certain thing in the day, despite Elvis' ever-changing, hectic schedule
He knows all he needs to do is pat his thigh and you'll come running, clambering up onto it so you can straddle it
You're usually always well-behaved, sitting on your Daddy's knee whilst he wraps a strong arm around your tummy, his large hand gripping your side to keep you in place
He'll use his other hand to feed you, passing you bits of fruit or spoon-feeding you your meal
You're soft natured and pliant, which Elvis loves, making meal times a tender and intimate moment for you two
That doesn't mean it can't get messy, oh boy, it can get messy
Sometimes you're just feeling too little, and you miss your mouth when trying to feed yourself, causing Elvis to intervene
"Hold still, will ya baby? Whatchu got? Ants in yer pants?" Elvis chuckles, teasing you as you giggle
He'll end up taking a damp cloth and wiping it across your face at the end of the meal as you giggle at the tickling feeling it gives you
Your set up of eating whilst sitting on your Daddy's lap never changes and you both love that
Even if there are guests
You'll be quieter than usual, naturally shy at a lot of attention directed in your direction, even if it is mostly at Elvis
But Elvis will rub soothing circles on your tummy, or have his thumb trace your sides, discreetly albeit comfortingly
He'll pass you your food or feed it to you, and you'll concentrate just on that, thinking about the grown-up conversation going on at the table would just be too much for little, sweet, you
Elvis knows when you're full, it's when your head is lolling on his shoulder, your whole body relaxed and melting into his
But that's usually before you've finished your vegetables, with them still scattered on your favourite, pink plate that has pictures of bunnies on it
"Just got ya vegetables left, sweetpea." Elvis reminds you gently
"Can't do it, Daddy, m'full," You mumble
"You can do it, Daddy knows you can, you gotta eat your greens." Elvis reminds you, with a slightly sterner tone, and you know that you're not going to win this battle, even if you don't like vegetables
"Now, open that pretty little mouth for Daddy and finish your plate, like a good girl."
You'll reluctantly yet obediently open your mouth, letting Elvis feed you the final vegetables, even if it does take ages, Elvis will wait it out to make sure you're being healthy
Elvis will whisper sweet praises in your ear, which he knows will make you just melt
Once you've swallowed the last bit of veg, Elvis will always kiss the top of your head
"What's for puddin', Daddy?" You'll ask sweetly, fiddling with his rings, distracted and feeling small
Elvis will chuckle at your delicate state, he loves meal times as much as you do, it's the time when he feels most like a caregiver to you
"Thought your tummy was all full, little girl?" Elvis says, raising an eyebrow at you
"Still got room in my tummy for puddin', Daddy." You giggle
And he always gets you pudding
taglist: @dandelionxbby @littleloveysworld @lana-4life @kxnnxy @mygreenlights @domaniquessidehoe @reddie-freddie @meetmeatyourworst @octobers-snow @slimerspengler @elvisbf @astralheart21 @fallinlovewithurlove @eliseinmemphis @gothicphantom @sassanoe @hollbunn @ellie-24 @elvispresleywife @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @billhaderstan420 @wwebaby657 @wolywolymoley @ccab @librafilms @presleyenterprise @imaginationlast @vintagegirl2005 @prompted-wordsmith
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littlehypnone · 6 months
I'm struggeling so much rn with my diabetes. Could you possible write one of the little struggeling with cg Aether?
hi! it took me a moment, but it's here, just a little thing. im sorry you're struggling and I hope it gets better soon. also i don't know much about diabetes so i went with phantom having low sugar issues. hope it's okay
730 words, little phantom, cg aether, blood sugar dropping but it's not emergency, it's mostly comfort and cuddles
Phantom’s summoning hadn’t gone smoothly in the slightest. He had been summoned with a multitude of health issues, not seen often in ghouls. He'd been lucky, though, that he ended up summoned into the Ministry, into his pack. He couldn’t have been luckier with that. He still struggled, but he had so much support it wasn’t… that bad.
One of his issues was diabetes and the thing he struggled the most with was low blood sugar. With how active he was it was a frequent occurrence for his sugar to drop and with his slightly chaotic personality he often forgot to check it and he hardly ever had any snacks on him in case of little emergencies. It happened especially when they were little. Fortunately, they had already learned what to do when the symptoms of their blood sugar dropping started and it was to find a big ghoul. Preferably Aether.
One of such times Phantom was small, but they were alone in their room. They were playing by themself and they were doing okay, but they hadn't eaten breakfast and soon enough it became a problem.
“Uh–oh… whoopsie,” Phantom muttered as their head spinned. “Uhm…”
They stood up and their dizziness got a bit worse, but they knew they had to go. They got all warm, but started to shiver at the same time. The little ghoul stumbled out of their room and went right across the corridor, where Aether’s bedroom was. They hoped he’d be there.
Phantom knocked, but it was weak. If Aether was sleeping there was a chance it wouldn’t be loud enough to wake him. “Aeth? H– help?”
They leaned against the wall and waited. Their eyelids drooped and they swayed, but then the door opened. “Phantom, kiddo, what’s– ah. Let’s get you inside.”
“Mhm,” the little ghoul hummed and slumped in Aether’s arms as he picked them up. He carried them inside and turned right to his desk and one of his special drawers, full of something that couldn’t be called anything but very specific first aid stuff for each ghoul. Aether was always prepared for everything.
“Juice first,” he announced, pulling out a Capri-Sun as he held Phantom against his side with his other arm. “Then some chocolate and proper breakfast when we get you feeling better.”
“Mmm… c’n I get culddles, too?” Phantom asked as they looked up at Aether with their big, glassy eyes.
The older ghoul chuckled, “Of course, kid. All the cuddles you want.”
Phantom smiled at him goofily and took the straw that Aether moved to their lips. They sucked and purred weakly when the sweetness of the juice filled their mouth. They loved Capri-Sun. 
In the meantime Aether dug something else out of his drawer and walked them to his big bed. He settled by the headboard but on the edge, not that easy to maneuver the two of them deeper into the nest while holding Phantom. 
The little ghoul drank up all the juice and Aether laughed at the way they slurped, trying to squeeze some more out of it. “I’ve got more for you, don’t you worry, but have some chocolate now, okay?”
“M’kay,” Phantom nodded and stuck their tongue out for Aether to place a little piece of their favorite chocolate on it. They hummed as they closed their mouth and started eating it, purring quietly in contentment. It was already a bit stronger. The older quintessence ghoul smiled and booped their nose with a finger. “C– can I get s’m more?”
“Sure thing.” Aether fed them two more pieces of chocolate before he deemed it enough for now. Phantom didn’t protest, grabbing the second Capri-Sun and slurping on it again.
“Do you want to go get breakfast now or get your cuddles first?” he asked.
“Hmmm…” Phantom thought, even though the answer they were going to give was obvious. “Culddles p– please.”
“Get comfy, then.” Aether scooted down a little bit, and further into the nest, and patted his chest in invitation. Phantom took it, curling themself against his side with their head on the older quintessence ghoul’s chest, right over his heart. He picked up a fluffy blanket and tucked it over Phantom and their purring increased in volume.
They’d get up soon enough, because Phantom did have to eat something proper, but for now they’d both enjoy their little moment.
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tinytinybumblebee · 11 months
ack thank youthankyou for being ok with getting these hcs!! It’s just a long ask is all and I didn’t wanna like. Destroy your inbox and I also don’t really wanna come off anon to do a submission because my softness for agere is something I’d rather keep to myself, people can be nasty about it :( but yeah here are some of my bby astarion hcs!!
• Regresses from 3 months to 2 years
favored nicknames include little star (since that’s what his name means and all), prince/little prince, starshine, starlight, and ofc the classic baby boy
teethes like a baby shark in that he must investigate everything with his mouth! If he’s feeling especially little as well he’s not good at asking his cg for much of anything so if he’s hungry he’s going to be nibbling at them and whining all the while. Pacifier very necessary with him, he definitely needs a clip so he never loses it
I play by the rules that vampires can better pass for living people the more well-fed on blood they are and having enough blood reactivates some body processes like warmth, a false heartbeat, breathing, and digestion for nonblood things so basically what I’m saying is if he has enough blood in his system he can have some normal baby treats. He likes bottles of milk with vanilla and honey, and all kinds of red berries mashed up for him to enjoy, like strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, etc. Those are his favorite treats:)
Some little ones encourage their cgs to discipline them but astarion is not one of those. No discipline, please, just give him a stern-talking to, he’ll get so upset at anything else
Because he’s astarion with his massive ego no matter how much he trusts someone he represses his tiny side a lot and is pretty embarrassed about it, but the right actions from his designated cg can make him drop like that.
Picks one designated cg and that’s it, no one else. Will pitch a fit if separated even for a moment
He likes to be held, cuddled, anything that has him close to his cg. Rocking him is an instant happy boy.
Some little ones never say anything about needing a diaper change and must be checked constantly. He is NOT one of those little ones. When he has an accident it will be known, he hates how yucky it feels and will immediately start whining and crying
He’s a big crybaby but he recovers fast. Usually it’s just when his cg pushes the right button then bam tears stop instantly.
Doesn’t really do toys, he doesn’t get them… he just wants dada/mama. The things he does like to play with are his blankie, his one special stuffy (a floppy white bunny) and puppets and rattles if his carer is waving them at him
Brush his hair, give him baths, button his clothes, dress him, change him, ultimate sign of trust because of his horrible background is when he lets his cg interact with his clothes, especially undressing him. But it takes time to get there, such as the first few times they had to give him a bath he shrieked like a banshee but was distracted with words of reassurance and kisses
Loves to be praised!! Call him a brave little boy or tell him how pretty he is or how happy he makes you, he will be such a happy boy
Giggles+wiggles!! When he’s happy he squirms and giggles and babbles, oh boy does he babble, little Astarion and big Astarion have one thing in common and it’s that they’re soooo chatty
Must be held at all times and NEVER to be left alone. Especially while sleeping, waking up without his carer in arm’s reach is a one way track to meltdown town for good reason
Must be the most precious, delicate and adorable thing in the room at all times. Will also never willingly share his carer.
Big Astarion hates being coddled but baby Astarion? coddle coddle coddle, must treat like he’s made of glass
When he’s big he will deny literally everything that happened when he was little but rest assured he treasures every last minute of it.
Grabby hands all the way! Grabby hands at everything he wants… most of the time that would be mama/dada
Doesn’t like reminders of his vampirism when little, just whatever is instinct to him but he doesn’t like thinking about much else
Loves aaaaaall the little gear. He is not the type to want to regress with whatever is lying around, he wants all the diapers and onesies and strollers and what have you, whatever keeps him as removed from his adult life as possible
That’s just some of what I have!! I’m so sorry for this absolute monster of an ask, your blog just inspires me so much I’m such a big fan <33
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WAAAAAAA oh my goodness these are absolutely phenomenal aaaAAAAA 🥺💖💖💖💖 rotating these in my mind forever now!!!
Thank you so so much for sharing these😭💖 Bby Astarion deserves all the coddling and loving praise aaaaAAAAAAAAA
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Ooo! May I please request Steve Kemp coming home to his little angel? He got home late, and his angel had fallen asleep waiting for him to get home. She's in a super young headspace, so when she stirs, she's super clingy to Steve and whines about how long Papa's been gone.
Yes! But I decided that in this story fresh ended differently with Steve killing both Noa and his wife and the reader is his new darling he's holding captive.
Pairing: Cg!Steve Kemp x little!reader
Contains: kidnapped reader, forced established relationship, cg/l dynamics, Stockholm syndrome, mentions of cannibalism, reader is not a cannibal, cursing, honorifics (papa) used, short story
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You had laid on your mat on the floor as you awaited for Steve, a deep part of you was scared maybe he wouldn't come back, you had lost track of what time was, you knew it had been a long time, long enough for all the girls you originally met to be dead and gone.
You had no idea why Steve hadn't started to take your meat but he threatened you with it if you got too out of line, not that you would ever disobey your papa, you had grown to love Steve dearly.
Your body was exhausted, Steve had only fed you your morning meal before he left which is the only reason why you knew he was so late, you were hungry and you were growing tired,
All you could think about as you ended up drifting to sleep was Steve.
As soon as Steve was home he raced down the basement stairs, there had been a roadblock for miles searching for one of the missing women and it had made him a couple of hours late getting home, a baggie of fast food was clutched in his hands as he scanned himself into your room, he looked at your sleeping form for a moment and sat your food down on a shelf before coming over to you, he smiled down at you before sitting down next to you and gently petting your hair,
“Hi, baby, I'm home.” he said as you stirred, you peeked your eyes open and looked up at him,
“Oh, hi, Papa, you're late.” you mumbled sleepily, and he nodded with an apologetic look on his face.
“I know baby, but I brought you some food.” he said as you sat up,
“I didn't like that you were gone so long.” you said sadly and held your hands up to him he stands before bending down and picking you up, holding you tightly to him as he gently kissed your forehead, you laid your head on his shoulder and clenched his shirt tightly, the two of you stayed like that, holding eachother close, Steve grabs your food and carries you upstairs,
He sits you down infront of the coffee table and sets your food down, carefully getting each of your things ready to eat, he then turns on the tv and plays your favorite cartoon, you eat contently looking back occasionally at Steve to make sure he was still there,
“Oh shit, baby, give me one second.” He says before walking to the kitchen you watch as he grabs a sippy out of the fridge and brings it over to you,
“I forgot I poured your drink in here.” He explains and you beam at him, very thankful he remembered the sippy cup this time. Once you’re done with your food you cuddle up with Steve, enjoying watching your cartoon before you drift back off to sleep in your papas arms.
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mooodyblue · 2 years
here's a request! how about cg!jerry and little e having a hard week? maybe baby is exhausted and overworked so he slips into babyspace and baby has been having a big meltdown and just tantrums all day, and jerry is tired and trying to calm him down. maybe he gets to calm him down with some peaceful night routine with a bottle, nursery themes, comfort food and snuggles? just angst with happy ending
hope this is okay! idk why i struggled with this one, my brain wasn't working LOL ty for the request!!
wc: 984
elvis was on his plane back home from a long tour, exhausted and hurting and just ready to get back to the comfort of his own home. as they began to land, jerry shook elvis gently to wake him. "elvis, we're landin' soon." 
elvis let out a groan, stretching his arms to allow his bones to crack and pop in the right places. "hey, jer?" he cleared his throat, glancing over at jerry. "do you....um...think ya could stay with me for a while? i-i think-"
"need me to take care of you?" elvis nodded shyly in response, feeling the cloudiness slowly take over his brain. jerry gave him a warm smile and patted elvis's knee, "think you can make it till we get home?" 
"i-i can try. my heads just...gettin all...y'know." 
jerry nodded in understanding, giving his knee a gentle squeeze. "i know, prince. as soon as we get home, i promise." 
elvis felt himself fully relax the moment he stepped inside his home, letting the fuzziness fully take over and feeling much smaller than usual. he brought himself right on the floor, resting his head against the wall, too tired to walk up to his bedroom. jerry looked down at him sadly, crouching down. "let's get you upstairs to sleep, yeah? sound good?" he shook his head in his response, a tired look on his face. "don't wanna sleep just yet, huh?" elvis reached up for jerry, bringing his hands up. 
the problem is, jerry was also tired. he just wanted to sleep, but he wasn't going to let elvis roam free around graceland while extremely little. "you don't wanna take a small nap? maybe let jer' get some sleep too?" elvis i only let out a small whine, still begging to be picked up. "c'mon, it's been a long week. what could you possibly want to do with all that energy?" 
frustrated with himself for not being able to properly communicate, he spoke in babbles and whines. jerry had yet to get used to elvis's younger headspace, his babbling consisted of mostly 'ba''s and 'mmm!'s. elvis glanced over at the kitchen then back at jerry, pulling on the leg of his pants. "ah, hungry?" jerry asked, getting a happy babble in response. he picked him up, earning a squeal from elvis, and brought him to the kitchen, setting him at the table. 
he didn't feel like cooking him anything and he was far too gone to make him his usual pb&j. elvis tapped his hands patiently on the table and jerry prepared him food. he went with mashed bananas, opting with just hand-feeding him. he sat next to elvis and prayed to god he'd eat. "alright, c'mon." he brought the spoon to his lips, elvis shaking his head. 
jerry let out a sigh, "here comes the airplane!" he made a flying motion with the spoon and made airplane noises as he brought it to his lips once again, only this time elvis happily taking it and giggling at the sounds jerry made. 
"silly baby, aren't ya? just a silly, yittle baby." he chuckled as he continued to feed elvis. 
after getting him fed, elvis only got crankier. he thrashed in jerry's hold as he carried him up the steps. "good lord, what's got you so upset today? what's goin' on?" he muttered, finally setting him down on the bed. 
his eyes began to well with tears as he looked at jerry, reaching for him again. "stay!" elvis managed to blurt out. there was a look of fear in his eyes as if jerry was going to just set him down and leave. "stay! stay! stay!" he repeated over and over again. 
jerry frowned at him, sitting beside elvis and rubbing his back as he immediately clung to jerry's side. "stay." he said once again. 
"you thought i was gonna leave?" he said lowly. "is that what you're so upset about?" 
elvis nuzzled into his neck. "mmmm." he hummed out. "stay?" 
"of course, i have to get you changed though." he stood up only for elvis to cry again, stomping his feet rapidly. elvis yanked him down immediately. "honey-" he got up again. "i promise i'll be back. you have to trust me." he only cried more, wailing as jerry left the room. he didn’t understand the sudden tantrum. on the plane, he was about ready to go home and get some sleep. it had been a long week after all. 
jerry returned shortly to the bedroom with a bottle in hand, greeted by elvis still crying and begging for his attention. “see, look. i came back, didn’t i?” he said to him. sometimes he just didn’t want to be left alone, especially while in his younger headspace. that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make things more difficult for jerry. “can we get you in your pajamas? then you can have your bottle and i’ll come get in bed with you. doesn’t that sound like a good idea?”
he gave him a sad look, nodding slowly, and allowed jerry to help change him into his pajamas, still sniffling. despite jerry still being there in front of him, he was still worried he’d leave him for whatever reason. he got into bed, pulling elvis into his lap as he grabbed ahold of the plushie sitting in the middle of the bed. “you want your bottle now?” 
“mmm!” he got himself comfortable in his lap, pulling the covers over them both as jerry held the bottle to elvis, allowing him to drink peacefully. “you did so well holdin’ it together this week, hon. my good boy, you must be so tired.” he sighed, using the other hand to run through his hair. he smiled as elvis’s eyelashes began to flutter, the bottle slipping out of his lips as he snuggled into jerry, finally feeling comfort in his warmth and love.
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vivalgi · 9 months
My review on BOLAS 2
In general I found the sequel to be a worthy successor to book 1. It had lots of funny scenes, heartfelt moments and surprising twists. Most of the new art was great and high quality as usual and I really enjoyed the world building. The main aspects that felt lackluster were romance and the final battle, plus a few smaller annoyances.
Things I liked:
world building - the story not only vastly expanded but almost turned the lore we'd learned in book 1 upside down. It was cool learning that the world isn't just black and white, the evil shadow realm and the good light realm, but much more complicated and each side sees the other as bad guys. It was a positive surprise to learn that amongst the dangerous monsters there were ordinary and good-hearted people living in the shadow realm. Tyril and Nia even had existential crisis after learning that dwarves were using shadow magic without getting corrupted.
complex (ex-)villains - that snarky Aerin was very annoying at first but it was hard to keep hating him even after the damage and heartache he'd caused in book 1, especially since Nia who'd suffered the most was able to forgive him. Similar thing with Valax. At first she seemed like a typical one-dimensional villain with a single wish to wipe out the light realm. Then it turned out she was just a purpose built tool and brainwashed to carry out someone else's world domination plans. In reality Valax was compassionate and cared about her people and sadly had never felt love and affection. Even the couple from the shadow court was strangely sympathetic.
dark and twisted moments - especially what happened to Cherta's grandmother. The way she turned into an ugly and murderous creature when Cherta was trying to keep her alive must have been an extremely traumatic experience. All the challenges the girl went through to find cure for her grandma only for it all to end in such an ugly manner. The couple of times when the MC had PTSD attacks were also heavy and heartbreaking. Or how we fed a cute puppy to a dragon for a magical feather.
Art - I loved most of the CGs, the one with Nia telling a story to kids was especially sweet and tear-jerking. The party artwork was a bit funny though, especially giant Nia just posing for us while others were busy with important stuff. New backgrounds were beautiful and new characters like the dwarves and goblins looked interesting. And why are evil women always so damn hot? I liked the original looks of LIs more but the redesigns were alright too, although I had to correct Nia's hairline to keep it consistent with book 1 hairstyles. Premium outfits were well done too, though I complained how different in style the male and female Whimsywood outfits were. My favourite was the male Shroudwatch outfit.
Things that weren't so great
pacing - The story started off very quickly. Following a short recap the MC was immediately kidnapped and after escaping and getting the gang back together it was a constant running and fighting. Luckily the story slowed down a bit later and we finally had more time to really catch up with our friends and loved ones after 3 years of waiting. The story should have focused more on how the kidnapping affected everyone. Those were the best scenes.
romance - some may like the poly/harem style freedom that they can easily romance anyone whenever they want without any limits and repercussions but for me it took away the sense of progression. It often felt like romancing my LI in book 1 meant nothing. There were a few rare moments where it changed a scene a bit but most of the time it seemed like we were merely friends. I'd like to see more acknowledgement that I'm dating one character, especially from other characters. I don't want my LI to be called just a friend when they're clearly more than that. I would have loved for an opportunity to lock to a certain romance path or involved parties to sit down and discuss polyamorous relationship. It was also strange that the MC had to sleep alone and couldn't choose to stay with the LI after making love. Another thing that grinded my gears were the romantic choices. Almost all of them were about asking a kiss from the LI, even with Valax after just a few flirty options. It's nice when picking romantic choices leads to kissing as well but romance is so much more than pushing tongues down each other's throats. Where are the tender moments, pouring one's heart out, cuddling etc? The romance has become too shallow and lustful in Choices books.
the main villain - The Ash Empress could have been an equally complex character like her daughter. After all, she turned out to be the former Mother of Grey, an old deity with an unfortunate destiny who was good-natured at first but banished to the shadow realm where she got corrupted. However, besides a tiny glimpse of hope for redemption, she remained a typical one-dimensional evil character with a banal desire to conquer the world. She didn't seem very dangerous and frightening either, despite her looks. Everyone kept making fun of the empress which easily triggered her. And defeating her felt super easy, barely an inconvenience.
the final battle - I think it was too big and convoluted. There was a lot going on, the MC kept running from one place to another to help others but the stakes never felt high enough or the odds against us, unlike the first book.
Other remarks + hopes and expectations for book 3
I wonder why the Watcher left the rift near the White Tower for last. After all, that's where our journey began in book 2. It doesn't make any sense besides plot convenience.
I guess since the story teased a new world deep below ours, we are going to spend most of the time there, which is how PB was able to give us such important choices at the end. We probably won't be seeing the consequences of our choice for long, only in the first chapter until we get the gang back together and start a new adventure. Later on it will probably just be mentioned here and there.
throughout the first two books we've had a chance to learn so many skills and find so much helpful magical bling that our MC feels very overpowered already. All of them seem underused as well. So, instead of being introduced to a plethora of new stuff, we could finally put the 27(!) already learned skills to good use and focus on something else...
...like characters. We now have 6 LIs who all are hungry for our attention. Let's spend more time with them. And the social quests could also have platonic routes. I would have gladly spent on scenes with others besides my LI but unlike WTD the 30-diamond scenes were purely romantic.
Threep (and Loola) should rejoin the crew. The owlbear cub was cute and Mal constantly picking on Tyril was funny but Threep was one of the highlights of book 1.
No more "💗 I'd like a kiss" choices. The heart icon already hints at the romantic choice, the rest doesn't have to be so obvious and should allow the writers to be more creative.
I hope to experience more moments that make us laugh, cry, puke, pull the hair out and punch the screen. Action scenes can be fun but it's the emotions I mostly look forward to.
Unlock the damn closet!
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agerefandomrambles · 4 months
hii! sorry i didn't specify, yes a drabble would be just fine :) (if it's okay, romantic relationship between the caregiver & little !! aswell as no "daddy", dada is preferred & if little gender needs to be specific, nonbinary femme they/them would be nice :)) and as far as hypoglycemia goes it's just low blood sugar without diabetes, i have it myself, basically when your blood sugar drops, you'll break out into a sweat, get fatigued and dizzy, shaky etc till you get fed anything with a high sugar content to get it up so like just a little drabble of little readers sugar dropping while they're regressed and colby helping get it back up would be really nice!, I hope this clears everything up !! -- (prev ask sender)
Ok! I hope this is what you were hoping for :)
Disclaimer! I don't have hypoglycaemia and haven't seen villians of valley view so this is written off of a lot of research but not lived experience
Title: juiceboxes and cookies
Word count:
Cg! Colby Madden
Little! Reader
Tw: health issues, low blood sugar
Plot: readers get low blood sugar. Colby helps to correct it
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"Guess who?" You hear a voice behind you and a pair of hands cover your face.
"Dada!" You reply, the presence of your boyfriend, best friend and caregiver pushing you into littlespace that you'd been teetering on all day.
"Hi sunshine" Colby replies, not skipping a beat and matching your energy. He spins you around and pulls you into his arms for a warm hug.
His smile quickly fades into a frown as he registers the sweat coating your body and the subtle shaking as you relax against him. Colby pulls back to get a look at your face, noting the pale, sickly tinge to it and the bags under your eyes.
He quickly fixes his expression, putting on a happy face to not freak you out. He squats down to your level, keeping your hands in his. "Hey Hun, are you ok?" Colby asks, eyes searching yours.
A keening noise escapes you as all the Bad™️ in your body hits you at once. He lets out a tut as he pulls you in for another hug, mind going through the list of what might be wrong and how he might be able to help.
"Have you eaten yet today?" He asks, eyes still searching for what's wrong and how he can fix it. When you shake your head after a moments consideration, Colby visibly relaxes. If it's just low blood sugar, he can fix it easy.
"Tell you what, I bet I can beat you to the kitchen." He jokes, trying to make it as fun as possible. And despite the fact that he has super speed and you're well... running like a toddler, you still "somehow" manage to beat him.
He effortlessly picks you up and pop you into your chair. He fusses over you for a moment before turning around and grabbing the things he needs.
He grabs a blood sugar reader first. "This is going to sting a little" he warns, even though you've done it a million times
He checks the reader. 50 mg/dl. It's a little low but nothing dangerous. He grabs a juice box and a cookie.
"Here sunny, drink the juice box and then you can have a cookie." He smiles, going to hand you the juice box. But as you go to grab it, he raises it above where you can reach. He does this a couple of times, each time revealing in your giggles before he hands you the juice box.
He keeps a careful eye on you as you slowly improve as your blood sugars rise. All is well again.
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abcdosaka · 1 year
i have such a love hate relationship with how gege writes women like he’s tackling the oppression of women and yet the women aren’t the important part of that conversation like he keeps killing them off 💀 it’s like how the walking dead would introduce a black character and immediately kill the previous main cast member black character
☝️ thing i can’t fault him for is that every female char is incredibly likeable. except maybe hana but tbh i still like her bc i could forgive women for anything she just got done dirty by the narrative. same with remi but honestly, instead of disliking her she made me dislike fushiguro a bit. (it’s not that i thought he’s at fault for anything i just disliked the set up for that arc) personally i think those two were the only major fumble writing wise. oh and tsumiki although i guess there wasn’t much more for her to do i was hoping she’d be more than a plot device (she was likeable anyway she made me like fushiguro more lmao)
omg i just realized what they all have in common is that they’re all related to fushiguro somehow.
another thing he does well is giving them their MOMENTS which to me is kinda more important than their depth in a battle shonen. like almost all the female combatants get a super raw moment. even hana shining that light on meguna was soo beautiful like idk that sticks out in my mind (until she fucked it up ofc)
nobara i think was actually rly well done. i still think there’s hope she’ll come back tbh. even though i said otherwise that’s just me pretending idc. yuki had a really good fight and she was so charismatic that i can forgive her death being related to choso so much (also bc i like choso). i just really wish we could have seen more of her earlier and know more abt her, esp her being a star plasma vessel, ik she was a supporting character but i was so hyped to see her in action. she’s one of my favs. tengen is also low key a fav even tho she didn’t rly do anything she’s well established and idk i just like her. uro is another fav who i need to see more of i hope she isn’t done for i feel like she got spared for a reason. yorozu was pure comedy i liked her and i kinda miss her i wish she stuck around longer. i stanned mai from her first appearance. maki is obviously my queen no words needed. i also thought momo was super cute and i still wanna know wtf that miwa panel was in the cg arc i think that was a genuine he forgot moment. mei mei and momjaku are freaks but i like them both they really help set the tone
ig the only issues are that 1) they keep dying and 2) their most important moments are related to a man somehow. i guess it makes sense bc it is aimed at a male audience but like if you’re writing abt women’s issues then you have to acknowledge the women in question as…people? that’s not rly what i mean to say but idk how else to phrase it. it feels like he wants to do a good job tackling these issues but he doesn’t rly get the core of the issue.
anyway it sounds like i’m shitting on him but the fact that he’s clearly making an attempt at expanding on the female characters instead of being like “here bitch damn” (and it’s a girl who gets one chapter of depth and is written out immediately after) is what actually touches my heart. altho ig he kinda did that with everyone but maki like i remember being surprised he went so far in the perfect prep arc for maki like i didn’t think she’d get a power up like that. and then in the sakurajima colony arc i didn’t know she’d continue to be relevant and then jumping sukuna with yuji like okayyy
the nice part of never getting fed is that crumbs are so delicious and nutritious for me. anyway i believe in kenjaku (old woman) x tengen heian era old woman yuri
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shackld · 8 months
in which mak absolutely loses her shit below the cut
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the moment right before she woke up and she chose to have a sip of coffee i like. okay im !!! AAA. esp when before in the story she commented that with so many sugar cubes it was the only way it began tasting like anything again as all this stress took away her sense of taste for a bit i just. what a callback
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welcome back you fuckin loser <3333
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 15 JON II (pages 202-219)
Jon counts the giants, enjoys the latest songfic interlude, then has to answer some hard questions as Mance's scouts discover the aftermath of the Epilogue at the Fist.
"Big enough for you?" Snowflakes speckled Tormund's broad face, melting in his hair and beard.
gentle like a lover's kiss ahem. sorry, I just came from some pure, 300% crack fic in another fandom, my brain is... I might need a moment. Just got to remind myself Tormund is older, and Jon is younger, than their show counterparts.
... yep, that seems to have worked, I think the giggle-brain is off. We'll see if it stays that way.
In Old Nan's stories, giants were outsized men who lived in colossal castles, (...) These were something else, more bearlike than human, and as wooly as the mammoths they rode. Seated it was hard to say how big they turly were. Ten feet tall maybe, or twelve, Jon thought. Maybe fourteen, but no taller. Their sloping chests might have passed for those of men, but their arms hung down too far, and their lower torsos looked half again as wide as their upper. Their legs were shorter than their arms, but very thick, and they wore no boots at all; their feet were broad splayed things, hard and horny and black. Neckless, their huge heavy heads thrust forward from between their shoulder blades, and their faces were squashed and brutal. Rats' eyes no larger than beads were almost lost within folds of horny flesh, but they snuffled constantly, smelling as much as they saw. They're not wearing skins, Jon realized. That's hair. (...) And Joramun blew the Horn of Winter, and woke the giants from the earth. (...) The song never says if the horn can put them back to sleep.
Huh. GRRM gave us something so alien, something ancient and primal, and D&D gave us... well:
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A more handsome Qui-gon Jin in skins. (Went looking for Wun Wun reference pictures and made myself sad. It's okay, they only killed him off in the show because they didn't want to use their budget for the cg needed to paste him into the shots. he's fine. don't tell me if he's not. Let me have this.)
D&D suck at their job = 🍷 ... hmmm... Horn of Winter = 🥛
I am a man of the Night's Watch, he reminded himself. So why did he feel like some blushing maid. He spent most of his days in Ygritte's company, and most nights as well. ... Lately, though, he was noticing some other things. When she grinned, the crooked teeth didn't seem to matter. And maybe her eyes were too far apart, but they were a pretty blue-grey color, and lively as any eyes he knew. Sometimes she sang in a low husky voice that stirred him. And sometimes by the cookfire when she sat hugging her knees with the flames waking echoes in her red hair, and looked at him, just smiling... well, that stirred some things as well. But he was a man of the Night's Watch, her had taken a vow.
So at the moment, it does seem like his lack of interest is more about the vow, than actual lack of interest, but, at the same time, it's never going to be that simple because Jon is undercover, and any relationship between them would be under false pretenses, with possible Stockholm flavouring on the side.
(Stockholm Syndrome isn't real, but you all know what I mean when I say it. Clarifying that: apparently Stockholm Syndrome was originally invented to discredit a woman (a bank teller) after a bank hold up, during which time the only person with any power over the event who wasn't (effectively) fully prepared for her to die in the event, was one of the bank robbers. The "negotiation expert" who had a psych background and had actually made everything worse every time he opened his mouth, invented what would later come to be called Stockholm Syndrome, because she (the bank teller) tried to tell the world he sucked at his job. As far as I know, it's not really a recognised thing in the psych field itself, you only really see it bandied about with cops and feds and the like. That said, humans really will attempt to pack bond with anything, even under duress, and even subconsciously. Alpha Male Swag Bros, miss me with your Lone Wolf Bullshit.)
Although, while we're on the subject:
Hey Robb! Look how easy it is to keep it in your pants for a vow.
I know, I know, he was emotionally compromised, I'm being mean to him. Too mean, especially given... future relationship evolution. That, may or may not, go on to seal his doom. and the doom of his entire faction.
Varamyr Sixskins, a small mouse of a man whose steed was a savage white snow bear that stood thirteen feet tall on its hind legs. And wherever the bear and Varamyr went three wolves and a shadowcat came following.
"Sixskins" because he can warg into the skins of five animals? So he has six skins including his human skin? Pokemon, gotta wear 'em all.
If that is the case, I've got to wonder if being the recipient of a warg changes the subtle nature and awareness of the animal for the five creatures to be ... well maybe not safe for public, but tamed enough I suppose.
... Jon's making a good point, Mance's warriors being spread out means they have no solid defense anywhere along the train, but, given that it's a refugee caravan in reality, it's actually pretty smart to spread the warriors out. It ensures that where ever a threat comes from, there will be someone close by to respond quickly, and given everything, the only things around that could cut through the host quickly and violently enough to make the warriors pointless no matter how closely group they are, would be maybe the Watch, but more likely: The Others and their Wights.
"Ooooooh, I am the last of the giants, my people are gone from the earth."
The video I grabbed Wun Wun screenshots from was set to this song. I'm not crying. you're crying. Okay, It's me. I'm crying.
Gosh, I was literally just listening to this song and I was thinking "fuck this slaps, came straight for my feels, this has to be a fan song right? specifically written for this? It's too perfect not to be."
and it was GRRM! He wrote it!
... and D&D fucking cut it from the show like it meant nothing. They cut so much of the music from the show, like the books have had at least two, three songfic chapters by now, plus there's been, what? a dozen references to music going on in the background of various scenes, music and song is so present in A Song of Ice and Fire, you'd think D&D would have kept more of it. Oh, but I guess singing is boring when you can shove in more blood spray and cool sword action.
D&D suck at their job = 🥛
There were tears on Ygritte's face when the song ended. "Why are you weeping?" Jon asked. "It was only a song. there are hundreds of giants, I've just seen them." "Oh, hundreds," she said furiously. "You know nothing, Jon Snow. you- JON!"
The only reason, that I am not currently taking another drink, and/or smashing D&D's kneecaps with a steel chair, is because while D&D turned this line into a meme about Jon's sex knowledge, they also turned it into an evolving meaning line. (Where in as the line is repeated, its nuance and meaning changes, or the characters'/readers' relation with it does.)
Because, D&D made this line so memeable, but it is so rage filled? Like, Ygritte is so (justifiably and rightfully) angry at Jon's ignorance here.
Jon says 'hundreds,' but we aren't given an exact number here. Fun Fact: a species with a population of 250 mature adults or less is considered Endangered and at risk of Extinction. Fun Fact: a species which has lost between 50 and 70% of its average population can also be considered endangered.
That's just talking about the giants that are here, now. I'm getting vibes that these are either not the giants from the songs, the giants know their days are numbered, or this song is old and the giants have come so close to extinction in the past that any of them being alive now is a miracle.
Jon doesn't know, I don't know, but Jon is making light of Ygritte's emotional response because he doesn't know, and Ygritte has every right to be upset by that.
But No, D&D saw a chance for a sex joke.
Actually, given how much of himself Bran's been loosing in the warg, I wonder if keeping your sense of self is something you can teach, so that even after death, the warg in the bird knows what he's doing, or if the death grudge is just so strongly imprinted on the warg, that even lost to the animal instincts and mind of the bird, the hatred for Jon lives on, even if the warg/bird no longer understands why he hates this human specifically.
"There were three hundred of us." "Us?" Mance said sharply. "Them. Three hundred of them." Whatever is asked, the Halfhand said. So why do I feel so craven?
Probably because you've just realised you are alone with no back up from the Watch, telling Mance is different when it's a ploy you can justify as orders, compared to now when the plan, such as it is, has been stripped away and all that's left is handing over information to save your own life because your people are already dead.
I do love that he spared a moment to wonder after Sam. besties!
(... It would be a little funny (to me) if he mentioned the worry about Sam out loud, and Ygritte and Tormund (and others) got the impression that Jon's just not into girls. Cock works fine, he's just not into girls. ... except with how this series treats non-straight sexualities, and the free folk's focus on siring strong children. meh, free folk are free-love/love-is-love positive AU)
... I can't decide how I feel about the book Ygritte/Jon ship.
On one hand, she is protecting him, lying to say he's more loyal to the free folk than he is, at her own risk. But then she turns around and uses that to make him feel indebted, even if that wasn't her intention, because, on the other hand, like Tormund was saying earlier in the chapter, by the ways of the free folk, Jon has 'stolen' Ygritte, by her own culture, they're effectively in a relationship already, Jon did the equivalent of courting.
I don't know, I think, book version, I'd feel more comfortable seeing more shifting in their power dynamics, a sense of equality and friendship grown free of deception, some time apart and a reunion in which they're actually meeting on equal footing before any kind of sexual shenanigans happened.
(I'm just one of those people who thinks fully informed consent is The sexiest thing in the universe. followed closely by competence.)
Show ship had more appearance of equal footing, and the actor chemistry carried a lot of the ship weight for me. There was more return flirting before they wound up in the cave, and afterwards, the regrets (felt like they) were about ending up on opposing sides, and then never getting a chance to reconcile before she was dying in his arms.
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
STUNNING cinematography. The red on white in the battle scene was quite striking.
I thought Finn and Rose being arrested for parking violations was the funniest part of the story
Rey finally gets told to her face that she IS projecting her desire for family on older mentor figures. Will the story do anything with this? Probably not, but it was good for her to have that revelation.
the fact that “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to” (Kylo's line) is deconstructed and proven wrong again and again. The past is not dead and he is unable to kill it--much to his own chagrin. (Figurative and literal.)
the stable boys and stable girls on the casino planet. Especially the scene at the end where the Force-sensitive little boy looks to the stars and holds his broom like a lightsaber. THAT scene was one of the few that really felt like it belonged to Star Wars.
BB8 is always a delight
“The greatest teacher, failure is”
the parts that are actually FUN. Like Yoda giggling and swinging his legs. Like the jail guy (well, at the beginning, anyhow).
Leia is a sort of mother and mentor figure to Rey and Poe, which was really heartwarming to me
Luke kissing Leia on her forehead; Leia’s first words to Luke since her son went bonkers being, “I know what you’re going to say. I changed my hair” and Luke saying that it looked nice this way (these were very sweet scenes and there should've been more Skywalker sibling moments)
too much CG, not enough practical effects
(licks finger) "it's SALT!"
Luke Skywalker's character and everything the plot did with it
the flatness of the characters I thought would be central to the story, namely Finn and Poe
the script. The SCRIPT. The actors carry it. They're such good actors (Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, and Domnhall Gleeson in particular stood out to me here) but they're given so little to work with, which felt like such a waste.
some incredibly bizarre lines that took me straight out of the story (such as Rose's line about the 'lousy beautiful town'
the costume and hair design. Holdo and Rey in particular were quite bizarre to me, as was most of the hair decisions for Rose. I will say prop design was very well done at certain points, though
this is a movie that a lot of children went to see. On account of Star Wars being a franchise that is partially targeted towards a certain audience, who are the main consumers behind SW merchandise and toys, etc. etc. I think this is plenty reason for there NOT to be profanity.
this is also personal preference but I think that shirtless scenes should be killed with fire
Rey is presented in certain scenes as stronger and more impressive than Luke and always surprises him or has the upper hand. This is irritating and does not endear her to the audience in any way. This felt like a different application of killing the past, which I thought was poorly done and a bit disrespectful.
the Finn/Rose romance, which is so uneven and badly delivered. It could've been developed in a believable and organic way. Or they could've kept them as good friends (as Finn grows to appreciate Rose's bravery and gentleness, and Rose starts to see Finn as a human rather than a hero). But this weird middle ground didn't really accomplish anything.
Did I like this movie? Not by a long shot. I was so fed up by the end that I was ready to give up on Star Wars entirely. The last time I felt that level of Kylo Ren-esque rage was after I watched Multiverse of Madness.
But did it make me think? Yes, quite a bit. Mostly about what I didn't like about this movie, but also about what DOES constitute a good, beautiful, meaningful story.
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littleavengerfics · 2 years
maybe uh thor and loki accidentally walk in on reader being in their little headspace? and then reader like kicks them out of their room and for the rest of the week reader avoids any sort of contact with them but then they get fed up and decide to confront reader and say they’re both willing to be reader’s cg? idk i just rly like thor and loki
Our tiny mortal-
Warnings: age regression, cg loki, cg thor, pacifiers
"Hello y/n. Can we come in tiny mortal?" My idiot brother asked knocking on y/n's door. We didn't get a response so I pulled on the handle and it opened. When we walked in I saw a small pile under the blanket.
"Oh sleep well tiny one." Thor smiled trying to leave. I got a strange feeling so I pulled back the covers. "Brother!" Thor yelled before his face shifted to confusion.
Y/n looked at us with sheer panic, a small object falling out of their mouth as they cried. "Go way!" They shouted throwing... a baby bottle? I looked down at the object that had bounced of my chest before looking at y/n.
"Okay calm down little one it's alright." I grabbed the bottle and placed it back on their pillow. "M not a wittle ge ou!"
"Y/n, I know you're lying but it's okay." Y/n lost the look of fear and innocence instead they got off the bed and started screaming. "I said get out loki! I dont want you in here get out!" They gave me a slight shove, which I was slightly taken aback by but I grabbed thor and pulled him out of the room.
Over the next few days we tried to cheer y/n up but they would barely go near us unless they really had to, even then it was when we were in a large group so we couldnt speak to them properly.
I told Thor about little space and how littles need someone to look after them and keep them safe and he agreed to help me.
We tried several times to get y/n to even start the conversation but they walked off each time.
I eventually got tired of this and went to find them. "Y/n!" I found them in the gym and stood by the door so they couldn't get passed.
"Loki I am busy, just let me go." I stayed by the door until Thor came. "Oh there you are. Hello Mortal."
"Guys I am really not in the mood to talk right now." Y/n sighed continuing their workout. "Is this because we know you are a little?" Thor asked making them freeze and look at me.
"We want to help you." I said, giving them a reassuring smile. "Yes we want to do that giving care thing."
"He means being a caregiver, we don't have to if you aren't comfortable but we want to help."
"Wait you want to be my caregivers?" We both nodded and y/n stood still for a moment like they were holding back for some reason.
"Do you want that?" Thor asked making y/n nod.
"See brother, that was easy now we have a tiny one." Y/n gave a small smile so I offered out my hand. "Come on little one." Y/n came closer but opened their arms doing grabby hands. "Up pwease." I let out a small chuckle and lifted them up into my arms.
"I am going to get us some poptarts then we can cuddle and watch some movies." Thor grinned rushing out the door.
"What do you think little one, cuddles and a movie?" Y/n nodded nuzzling into my neck.
"Cuddles and a movie it is." I smiled imagining what life was going to be like now we had found our little y/n.
Hope you like this <3
Thank you for the request, sorry for how long this took.
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