#so far Arthur scenes are for me checking out and doing something else so I can lock the fuck in when Shilo appears
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guys can I be honest the way grizzly plays Arthur is pissing me off so bad I might stop listening. like im not going to because Shilo and Emizel but im thinking about how beautiful that would be. the suckening supercut but all the times grizzly does the stupid attempting to be sexy breathy vaguely British voice are cut out
#SORRY. I NEED TO HATE.#everything else about this campaign I kinda rock with like I do love a Charlie horror campaign it must be said#'horror' idk if this counts as horror. its vampires.#and the other pcs are fun as hell. and its even vampires.#so far Arthur scenes are for me checking out and doing something else so I can lock the fuck in when Shilo appears#I just can't stand when grizzly tries to get sexy with it. like it's not working!!! stop white boy stop!!!!!
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I’m finally making it, My Beyond Reach Review
Disclaimer: While I didn’t have the best time with this mod, that doesn’t mean you may not. I never want my opinion to sour someone else’s, and have the risk of them not playing the mod. So I highly recommend you check it out.
I’m putting this disclaimer as well since my playthrough of the mod is a bit unfair. I played it with godmode (since I suck at game combat,) and after a while started to clip through dungeons to get them over with. This started to happen around halfway through as I found myself more frustrated with the mod and kinda wanted it done. I also played through only mostly the main quest. However, a friend of mine did tell me about one sidequest I do have a problem with. So keep this in mind with my review that I may be treating it a little unfairly.
There’s also the point that mods are hard to make, let alone one of this scale. The mod author did an amazing job at creating this mod and I never want to invalidate that. With all that said, let’s get going.
CW: Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, Ped*****, Cannibalism, and Harm Towards Women.
And Obviously Spoilers!
First off, I’m not the best at writing reviews. It won’t be wonderfully crafted or anything, just mostly detailed bullet notes of what I liked and disliked. While there is more I disliked, I did find some positives and will be layouting things in a sandwich review (that’s the right word?) going from positive to negative. Here we go!
This is a review for the mod, Beyond Reach by razorkid.
Good: Grimdark. I will always love me some Grimdark. Hell, my current playthrough of Skyrim is currently a grimdark playthrough all with dead trees, gallows, horror monsters, ect. And while I think some parts of Beyond Reach’s grimdark-ness falls flat, most of it holds up and creates an eerie atmosphere. There were bodies hanging, creepy monsters, creepy dungeons, and a lot of stuff that fit the tone of the mod. However... some of it did not...
Bad: A lot felt like shock value. In grimdark there’s always a tendency to add a lot of stuff for shock value, and sadly, BR had an abundance of it. I knew the mod got dark, but still I decided to play the uncensored version as I did want to get all the content. However, some it felt just... unneeded. At one point the player is tasked to go raid an Orc stronghold where there are legionnaire prisoners. However, you end up finding two of them, both women, one alive, one dead. The player can piece together what happened from that alone, and yet the mod goes as far as to have the alive prisoner wail at one of the soilders about how she was raped and would have an Orc child. The only purpose of this scene felt like to show how horrible these Orcs were. But why not just do that with dead prisoners (doesn’t need to be SA,) or why have her go on a whole speech about it. After playing through this part I really was trying to rack my head around how it could have been done better. And honestly, after a day, I was reminded of Red Dead Redemption 2, and the scene were Arthur finds a woman who was also SAed. The only difference is that the scene added more than just “wow, those guys we killed were pretty bad,” instead, it added to Arthur's character. He helps the woman home. When she’s about to explain what they did he simply said “I know.” Subtly in situations like this tend to be the most powerful. As people our brains peice together what we want to see and having the woman simply say “They...” and the solider reply with “I know,” would have made the scene much more powerful. (She’s also naked during the whole ordeal, let me give the woman a blanket, something!) There’s other darker themes that I felt like were shock value (mainly the ending place with some children, however, talking about will just make me sick. So I think I’ll just move on. Basically, some stuff happens to kids and again I feel like it’s only there to prove how bad someone is and doesn’t give much of anything else. I feel like something horrible and big like that need to have numerous reasons to be there than a singular “look how terrible this dude is!”)
Good: Cool enemies. I don’t really feel like there’s much to say on this part. I just thought some enemies were really cool. I think the ones that stuck out to me are part of Vicn’s Creature Pack, but could be wrong. Mostly it was the bloody skeleton monsters. Very cool to see.
Bad: Not much role playing. Honestly, this part kinda made me the saddest as after one sidequest (which may have been my favorite part of the mod,) I had become an enemy of the state. It felt super in character as I was playing Alllin and despite being a serious guy, is also a little chaos gremlin who will flip off authority. But despite all that, I still ended up becoming a knight of the very state I was an enemy of and was forced to pick dialogue options that bended my knee to the king and was very formal. I’m not saying multiple path options in the way of a knight or criminal are needed, I just wish there were more dialogue options.
Good: Neat dungeon horror design. So this one is a bit here and there as the dungeons I went through had super neat astrosphere that did have the grimdark feel to them. One was an asylum dungeon which I found pretty neat. However, there was also a problem with length...
Bad: Long Dungeons. While this whole review is subjective, this part may be the most as I hate dungeons. If they’re neat looking I don’t mind. But when they take around thirty minutes to complete and little progress has been made I get real tired of them. This is why I started clipping through dungeons to just get the thing I needed and get out.
Good: Music is nice. (But as I type this I went to go find the composer. But I don’t see any credits to music, so a slight bummer. If you know who did the music, please let me know and I’ll edit this part with credits.)
Bad: A lot of dead women. And I get it, a lot of people in general die in this mod. And maybe I’m misremembering stuff, or looking to deep, but in the main questline there was one main female character. And she is killed. And then there are several spots that are just about women in harm. (Like the SA I mentioned before, a part where a little girl is killed by a griffin, an Orc woman being tortured, a brothel getting massacred.) And I just didn’t see so much focus on men. And that sounds weird. But when it leans to one side so much, it is just super noticeable.
Good: Voice Acting is nice. I know there isn’t too much to say there. I just really liked it. There were some unvoiced lines, but I don’t have too much of a problem with that since they are still looking for voice actors for various roles. I think the only problem I have with the unvoiced lines is that there’s no white noise for the line so the dialogue would just blink in and out and I couldn’t read what was said.
Bad: Very railroad path. You are forced to be a knight, and see red flags of the nobility and yet you can’t do anything. Most of the time when you question a noble why you should do something it’s “well I’ll just have you killed,” and sure, not dying is great, but then the next line I’ll talk as if my life wasn’t just threatened. A friend of mine who tried to be a bit more through in the mod took a sidequest where it told you a noble (who turns out to be evil later on in the main quest,) is a cannibal. Can we confront the noble about it? No. Can we warn those who may be hurt by him in the future? No. Do we talk to him as if we don’t know that he eats people? Yep! It’s all just odd and I think again it just falls back to the lack of player choice.
Good: So on my list I wrote “Liked sick town,” which makes no sense to those who haven’t played it. So to explain it better there was a Side quest I really liked. Not only did it give a ton of player choice, but it actually made me feel like a good person, and the people were nice to me! During my playthrough I made a rule that if someone was mean to me, I wouldn’t help them outside of the main questline. Cause why would I help someone who is rude to me? (There’s also an issue that most of the place is filled with mean people, so it creates little to no agency to help High Rock.) But one event was with some guards at a city I had to get into. I had to help them with an issue of some sick people and one of their guards who went missing. Come to find out the guard got sick and was trying to find medicine for the town so that they could live about three more years in peace. And in the end I was given a choice to kill the town, or help it. Obviously I helped it and became an enemy of the state. But I loved it! While the sick people would threaten you if you got to close to them, the guard with them was understanding. And his compassion for these people really stood out to me. It’s a shame I later had to bend my knee to the very people that wanted to kill them...
Bad: Lore Friendliness. This one is very short as I see lore in ES as free real estate. I don’t care what you add in your mod. That what makes it fun. However, I know this will be a turn off for some so I thought I would say it. I think the main factor is you talk to Mara on various occasions and I’ve been told that isn’t possible.
Good: City Design. I just like the layouts and looks of the city. What else can I say? Districts were interesting. (I think I'm running out of typing juices...)
Bad: Too much going on at one. There’s an Orc extremist group, there’s reach men attacking, there’s Namira shit, there’s a plague, and there’s a civil war starting. That is a lot, and it’s just the main quest. I realize it’s good to have a lot going on in a location, but not all of it needs to be in the main quest. All this stuff makes it super confusing and hard to keep track of what is really going on.
Bad: Buggy. I’m doing two bads in a row as I do want to leave the review off on a good note. There were quite a few buggy stuff. However, considering how I played through it I wouldn’t doubt if a lot was my fault. That being said, I know some who did play through it correctly did also suffer from bugs. That being said, I know the mod author is still working on the mod so bugs will most likely get fixed.
Good: Dialogue explanation. One thing I really found helpful was that in front of dialogue options were [lore], [quest]. These little tidbits made it super easy to tell what dialogue I was picking or which one I needed to pick. Very small detail, but works wonders.
Oh me, oh my, that is long... Sorry about that.
TLDR: The mod is successful in it’s eerie astrosphere, but is dragged down by heavy writing. lack of player choice, and shock value issues.
Thanks for reading all this and want to say again I don’t want to sway anyone away from this mod. I think it’s always important to try out something for yourself. Though, if the Content Warnings from above upset you, I recommend playing through the censored version (it will ask you in the game.) I haven’t played through the censored version, but it says it get’s rid of those events.
I may try and do more reviews in the future, but understand these reviews are never an attack on the modder as I get modding is extermley difficult. My reviews are here to be optional constructive critism, and if I’ve said anything wrong or you disagree with I’m more than happy to have a conversation in the comments. (I also say optional as sometimes modders aren’t looking for critism and just want to mod/create and that is 100% valid.)
Thanks for reading again, and hope y’all enjoyed!
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Foad Excerpt [7]
It’s been a whole ass month since I shared a raw snippet lmao oops
I got my writing mojo back and I’m making good progress though! I just hit 31k today ☺️ Here’s a snippet in honor of it. It’s probably longer than what I should be sharing, but fuck it! In honor of the milestone, we ball.
All fluff between Emily, Arthur, and Ilya as they relax at a garden party being held at the uni. This is actually one of my favorite scenes so far. I almost shared the more angsty, climactic half of it but I just shared some angst in the word search tag I did a few days ago. Plus I don’t want to spoil too much ;)
Taglist: @wordwizards @flowerprose
I run my fingers along the sides of a heaping glass of sweet tea bought from the refreshments table. Arthur, at my request, fans me with Ilya’s book—a copy of an old Russian novel none of us are familiar with. It isn’t long before he fumbles with his pockets, taking out a silver coin. Be flips it in the air before sliding it across the table. “A penny for your rose, Ilya, what do you say?”
Ilya pushes all his spare flowers towards us. “Take ‘em all. I’m done anyway.”
Arthur plucks a rose from his pile. Using a pocket knife, he cuts the stem little over halfway, and whittles away all the remaining thorns. Meanwhile, Ilya weaves the last stem into his crown.
“Lovely work.”
Arthur glances up from his work. “Quite. How’d you learn something like that anyway? Pardon if I’m wrong, but you don’t strike me as the artistic type of fellow.”
“I’m not. I picked it up to surprise Cal.”
“Aw, isn’t that lovely? You know, that reminds me of a bloke I once knew back in secondary. This was after I went back. Big sort of school, so new kids weren’t at all uncommon. But this fellow—he was the beefy sort of type, you know. Rugby player. Thing is, he had the most demanding witch of a girlfriend…”
The rest of their talk melts into a slush pooling at the sides of my sweating tea glass. The rich brown liquid is a prism catching the few strands of sunlight that peek beneath our umbrella. On the table, it projects glimmering visions of Matthieu’s eyes.
His absence hasn’t been lost on me. I must’ve given him a dozen reminders of this event within the past three days alone. My hair has gone white stressing the significance to him, not that he isn’t already aware. The Agricultural Society is the backbone of Ravnna’s funding. Our pride. This is their chance to display the fruits of their monumental care for their craft. If not for the sake of nature, I would’ve at least expected him to at least come for that. The fact that it means something to the people he cares about. But low and behold, what does the man text me this morning?
“Sorry babe I’m gonna be late. Y’all go without me.”
A simple line without a rhyme nor reason. While a late entrance would be superior to his complete absence, I’m still expecting a strong excuse.
I check my phone. Nothing new. Only the time shifting.
“Haven’t heard from Matt, have you?” Ilya asks.
I cross my arms. “He told me he’d be late, but he never said how late. God only knows if he’s planning to show up at all.”
“Depends on how bad his uncle needs him.”
“That’s what he blew this off for?” I slam my wedges against the ground. “Fuck. I’m happy it’s not anything else, but… Dear Lord. They act like those trees are going to sprout legs and walk away.”
Arthur and Ilya share a laugh.
“You act like he didn’t tell you or somethin’.”
“He didn’t.”
“Logger, isn’t he?” Arthur takes a sip of my tea.
“Yes. Also that’s my drink.”
“But I bought it with my money, love. Technically it’s mine.”
I twirl my hair and give him my richest fake laugh. He rests his elbow on the back of my chair, all pride and playfulness. Speaking again. I fall deadpan.
“Careful with the roses, love, some of them have thorns.”
Arthur, unchanging, returns to his pruning. “And some like to think their thorns are much sharper than they realize.”
Ilya breaks out in a fit of laughter. I’m shocked he isn’t falling with how harshly he’s leaning back.
“Oh quit your laughter over there!” I snatch one of the thorn-laden stems Arthur broke off and throw it at him. “It wasn’t that funny.”
“Yes it was.”
Your smile says it all, dearest,” purrs Arthur.
“You—“ I slap his shoulder. “Shut up! This isn’t a smile. Even if it was, it’s surely from the heat and nothing else. God knows that joke was so dry, I can hear my Grandpappy coughing.”
Ilya keels over the chair next to him. “Oh my God, Em.”
Arthur, groaning, buries his head in his hands. At this point, I can’t resist my lips springing up like the flowers surrounding us.
“Lord almighty, this entire conversation has to be cleansed.”
“Hand me my book, Em,” asks Ilya as his hand pops up from the table.
My lungs birth a half-formed laugh that more so resembles a breath of air. I throw his book across the table.
“Too lazy to fetch it yourself, huh?”
“Damn right.”
Arthur clears his throat. Between his fingers, he twirls the freshly cut, dethroned English rose. He says nothing but wears a smile—go figure. Is there some sort of question he’s expecting me to answer? Perhaps a continuity error between the strands of silk petals? Before I can ask him such, he raises the rose to my ear, intertwining it with my curls.
“Love,” he says while his breath, like the late summer sun, tantalizes my skin. “Won’t you take a walk with me? For the better part of an hour, all you’ve done is sit here waiting for the likes of some guy to show up. Take a look at where you are, darling, we’re in paradise! I don’t want to see you wasting any more time not savoring it.”
My heart is exiled to my guts, where it becomes a feast for the wriggling maggots churning my intestines. I reach for my phone. If Matthieu catches me alone with him… The thought of that possibility is enough to bring me chills. It’s best if I wait here for him, really, but… without any news of his arrival… I could very well be damned to this chair for another hour before I get so much as a text claiming he’s on his way. In the grand scheme of things, what is a brief little distraction?
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That other girl (Thomas Shelby x Reader) [Part 2/3]
Okay so I’ve made a few improvements, first one being I won’t be writing at 2 AM after 4 hours of sleep because I read back part one and honestly wanted to shoot myself, I also added paragraph/scene dividers because the first part was very messy and I kept fucking up the tenses! My imagination has been going wild for this fic so I need to calm myself. I don’t intend for this to be a long story, I hope to finish it by the next part. Hope you guys enjoy :))
Part 1 | Part 3
Warnings: implied family abuse, swearing (doesn’t even need to be a warning)
Word Count: 1,452
You stared at the woman at the door, what seemed like millions of thoughts rushing through your mind at once. She was beautiful. Not to say you weren’t beautiful yourself, but insecurity seemed to be the main component of the blood flowing through your veins at the sight of her. She looked like the models you would see at the fashion shows your mother would take you to as a kid, and she made the plain barmaid’s uniform look like the most expensive piece Chanel could offer.
The woman’s eyes darted between you and harry as she spotted the two of you together.
“Thanks for the help” Harry said, taking the glasses from the basket the woman carried them in. As though he forgot something, he quickly turned around after placing them on the counter behind the bar.
“Grace” he acknowledged the woman, “this is Y/N, your co-barmaid” he said, turning to you.
You were secretly hoping she was just here on delivery for the shop Harry had bought the glasses from, and wished so deeply she wasn’t the barmaid he had mentioned earlier, but alas, she had to be.
“Oh, it’s very nice to meet you” she smiled extending her hand towards you
“Likewise” you gave her a small smile, taking her hand and shaking it
“Harry’s told me a lot about you, about how you help him around the bar and whatnot, how good you are at dealing with the rowdy customers” You picked up on her Irish accent
"Well, that’s nice to hear. Are you not from Birmingham?” you questioned
“Oh no, I’m not. I only got here about a week ago. I used to work at a bar in Galway, so I got quite lucky to be able to get a job at a bar here” she replied.
Quite lucky I sprained my fuckin’ ankle you mean. You mentally scoffed at her
“That is quite lucky” you laughed
By now Harry had left to sort out the glasses in storage, so you figured you might as well pry for something out of her
“So Harry tells me you’ve been serving the Shelby boys while I’ve been gone, you know they’re trouble?” You asked, staring into her eyes, trying to gauge any sort of reaction you could receive. She seemed unfazed.
“Well, they’ve been quite nice to me, given me lots of tips”
“Is that so? Who’s been giving you tips?” They never gave you tips, even on the busiest of nights when you were running back and forth serving their requests for beer which seemed to come through ever 10 fucking seconds
“Uh, the tall one” John. Damn him.
“Ah, I see, hopefully it was good money” you ‘beamed’ at her, trying to be friendly
“Good enough” she laughed back
“So what brings you to Birmingham?”
“My father passed away and I just needed a change of scenery” she replied, her eyes showed sadness, so you figured her father passing couldn’t be a lie, but a change of scenery in Birmingham? Yeah right. Maybe on some farm surrounded by chickens and mosquitoes, or in some tropical American city, but not in Birmingham. Most people want out, not in, unless they have good reason to favour the latter.
“I’m sorry to hear that”
“It’s okay, he was quite old anyways, I had expected it at some point” she replied with a half smile, eyes still sad.
You both sat in silence for a moment until you spoke “I’ll be back next week to help out” you looked towards the door, more customers starting to pile in, Harry back from the storage room, rushing to get their orders, and back at Grace “things are starting to get busy, I won’t hold you any longer. It was nice meeting you” you smiled at her, getting up from your seat and heading out of the Garrison, trudging to the betting shop.
The Shelby family were in the midst of a family meeting, discussing business you honestly didn’t care much about, thoughts racing with how you were going to have Thomas’ head on a stake.
“That copper, is going to try and bring this family down with every fuckin’ cell in his body” Thomas exclaimed
“What copper?” you asked. Thomas looked at you like you had just asked him if the sun was a rock
“Campbell. We’ve been talking about him this whole meeting Y/N” you could tell he was annoyed, but you didn’t care
“When did he get here? When did this start?” you asked
“Why does that-” Thomas started
“Answer the fucking question Thomas Shelby” you interrupted
“About a week ago, he worked as a copper in Ireland, and has come with his troops to Birmingham to try and ruin all of my fucking plans. Keep up please!” He replied, clearly frustrated.
You knocked on the door to Thomas’ office and waited before you heard a low “Come in”
You walked into his office, Thomas looking down at some papers, and sat down on one of the chairs at his desk
“How are you liking the new barmaid?” You asked, staring him down.
At the mention of the barmaid he looked up at you, a mix of panic and annoyance flashing in his eyes
“She does her job Y/N. What else can I think of her? He replied with a sigh at the end
“Oh I’m sure she does her job well enough for you to be having secret meetings with her” you replied, venom laced in your voice. You were starting to get angry, and him behaving as though he was annoyed by your presence wasn’t making it any easier
“Y/N what are you-”
“Don’t fucking what me Thomas Shelby! Harry told me all about the lovely interest you’ve taken to her, enough so to meet with her every fucking day! Did you fuck her?! If you did you better tell me because so help me God if I find out from-”
“I did not fucking sleep with her Y/N will you PLEASE calm down?” Thomas yelled, his voice booming through the office
“If you didn’t sleep with her then what did you do?”
“We just talked” he answered, as though everything was normal
“Just talked?! Have you forgotten that you have a girlfriend Thomas, a girlfriend who had a sprained fucking ankle and couldn’t walk, who you could’ve come to any time to just talk?! You think I’m supposed to believe that’s all you did? Why would you just talk to her and not me?!” You were screaming again, your anger reaching a tipping point
“Because she isn’t like you Y/N!”
You looked at him, visibly confused
“She didn’t grow up with daddy’s loaded bank account in some posh city, she’s genuine, like a breath of fresh fucking air in this place! She gets me, and I get her, and she happened to be there when I needed someone to talk to! Is that so bad?!” You stared at him dumbfounded, not only had he implied that he could not come to you -his girlfriend- when he needed someone to talk to, he also brought up your family and history, knowing damn well the riches your family had, meant nothing to you, constantly overshadowed by the yelling, bruises and loneliness.
The true weight of his words seemed to register with him as regret flashed in his eyes under your dumbfounded, yet angry gaze
“Fuck you Thomas Shelby. Fuck you. She’s working with that fucking copper”
He moved to say something but you quickly interrupted him
“I know you did your stupid background checks, I asked Arthur about it. She’s not from fucking Galway, she never worked in any bars, meaning she lied about everything, and she, your lovely Irish angel shows up at the same time that copper does, and you still willingly walk into her presence every damn day while your girlfriend is alone, to talk?! To fucking talk?!”
Thomas was visibly getting angrier as you accused her of working with Campbell, moving to defend her
“Don’t you think you’re going too far?! I get you’re jealous but you can’t just make shit up!”
You scoffed
“Polly was right about men only being able to think with their cocks. Even you, the oh so smart Thomas Shelby, are a blind fucking idiot. Fuck you, I never want to see you again, you hear me? You can go talk to that fucking barmaid as much as you want” You spat, leaving his office with a loud slam of his door, catching John’s worried eyes as you stormed out of the shop. Your ankle was radiating with pain, but you ignored it as you stormed home.
Fucking Shelbys.
#cillian murphy x reader#Cillian murphy fanfic#tommy shelby x reader#thomas shelby x reader#thomas shelby fanfic#thomas shelby imagine#peaky blinder imagine#peaky blinders fanfic#peaky blinder x reader
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Damsel in Distress part I
This is a two part Arthur Pendragon x Reader based on the season two episode four of the show. Enjoy! Also you can find more of my writing here: Masterlist
Merlin woke up to a feeling of foreboding. There was something in the air that made his stomach turn with dread. As he prepared to go wake his clotpole of a master, he tried to push this feeling out of the forefront of his mind. But even as he made it down to the kitchen there was this sense of apprehension in the air. He hoped that he would run into you somewhere in the halls and that you would be able to set his mind at ease. He however was not so fortunate.
Instead, he trudged onward, setting Arthur’s food down and opening his curtains before declaring a half-hearted, “Rise and Shine” before quickly gathering some of his clothes to be washed. Arthur didn’t even have time to come up with a jest before Merlin was out of the door. Merlin busied himself, quickly polishing Arthur’s armor and completing other daily chores. He mentally prepared himself to deal with the prince as returned to his door.
“Ah, there you are, I was beginning to think you were avoiding your duties. And what’s this?” he asked, watching as Merlin laid everything out, “You’re actually doing your job for once? Are you feeling alright?” Arthur joked.
His smile soon turned to a frown as Merlin ignored his comments. He shrugged it off and allowed Merlin to help him dress and put on his armor. While Arthur was looking over some papers on his table he noticed that Merlin had already made his bed and was starting to take the dishes from the table.
“Merlin, clearly something is upsetting you,” Arthur pointed out.
“It’s nothing sire, do you need anything else?” Merlin asked with his back against the door.
“No, that will be all,” Arthur dismissed, sending a concerned glance towards his friend as he exited.
Merlin took leave and went back to his chambers to help Gaius. He tried to occupy his mind, but nothing he did seemed to ease that burning pit in his stomach. Something had happened, was happening, or was about to happen, he could feel it.
Somewhat abruptly, he decided that he needed to see you. He went to seek out Morgana, as you were filling in for Gwen while she was taking care of her brother. He knew that wherever Morgana was, you wouldn’t be far away.
It was in his search that he saw a few of the knights rushing for an audience with the king. Something had happened. Merlin followed at a close distance and listened in.
“As you know Sire Morgana, her maid, and a few knights rode for a pilgrimage to her father’s grave early this morning. They were meant to be back by now, but there is no word or sign of them. That was until one of the patrols came across one of the knight’s horses. I am afraid something went wrong..”
“Send men out immediately. Arthur, you will lead the search, do whatever you must to bring her home,” the King ordered concerned for his young ward.
“Of course father,” Arthur answered before hastily making an exit. Merlin was right on his heels, and left to prepare their horses.
The mercenaries had both you and Morgana in a tent with a guard posted right outside the doors. The two of you had come up with a plan, it was risky at best. However you were both aware of the fact that the further away from Camelot you traveled, the less likely you were to ever see it again.
“Are you ready for this?” Morgana asked, preparing herself.
“As ready as I’ll ever be”
She was about to step forward when you grabbed her arm, “No matter what happens, I want you to take any opportunity you get. Don’t worry about me. Promise.”
“There is no way I’m leaving without you.”
“Morgana, you have to promise me. I cannot bear the risk otherwise.”
“I promise, but only as long as you promise me the same. We take any opportunity we get.”
With that, the plan was in motion. Morgana demanded that she be allowed to bathe and you both were escorted to the river by two of the men. You took the distraction of her undressing to manage to disarm one of the men and tossed Morgana the sword just in time for her to take out the other. The two of you started running back towards the castle, but there was another mercenary that intercepted you. Being as you were the one with the sword you opted to fight him, thankful for the many hours you had spent training with Arthur when you were younger. Morgana turned back to help you.
“Go, I will be right behind you!” you shouted, watching her hesitate, “Morgana go! Now!”
She turned and ran only looking back when she heard your scream in the distance. She quickly picked up her pace again and ran without looking back. She pushed through the aching in her muscles until she was faced with a crossbow aimed at her face. Relief filling her features as soon as she saw its holder.
“Where’s Y/n?” Arthur asked immediately.
Morgana merely shook her head and Arthur turned before his face could give him away. Merlin pushed down his own feelings and went to Morgana to make sure she was okay and offer her water and food. They set off immediately for the castle and soon came the reunion between Uther and Morgana. She begged him to send out another search party for you, after all you had saved her life.
“I am not going to waste the time and resources on a servant girl who has most likely already been executed as she provides no worth to the mercenaries without you,” he explained to Morgana. The words cut Arthur deeper than any sword ever had.
“Please, there is still a chance. Arthur?” she turned towards him hoping he would take her side.
“I’m sorry Morgana, father is right” Arthur managed before turning and exiting a very angry Merlin on his heels.
“How could you say that? How could you possibly agree with him after everything that you and Y/n have been through? I knew you were a clotpole, but this, this is unforgivable!” Merlin all but shouted.
“Merlin Shut Up!” Arthur raised his volume before regaining his composure as he entered his chambers, “Of course I don’t agree with father, but there was no point in making a scene about it. We will pack and leave at first light. We will find her, one way or another.”
Merlin was speechless for a moment, before uttering an apology for overreacting before. He was then quick to leave and make the preparations for the next day as it was already early night.
The next morning he was surprised to see that Arthur had managed to not only wake himself up, but dress himself. He was looking over maps as Merlin entered. Soon the two of them were off on their quest to save the damsel in distress. The rode for the better part of the day before coming to a caves that were inhabited by wilddeoren. As they made it through the other side Arthur let out a breath he hadn’t even known he was holding, “I can’t believe the Gaia berries actually worked.”
“Hold up, you mean to tell me that you didn’t know that they would work before you lead us in a cave with giant flesh eating rats!”
“I mean not for sure, I heard stories, but I figured we’d find out one way or another.”
“Now you tell me?! Oh! Oh, what's that wilddeoren eating? It's all right. It's just Merlin. You trying to get us both killed?”
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't've risked your life like that,” Arthur said a new hint of seriousness in his voice.
“I didn’t realize that even the great Arthur Pendragon could fall victim to the blindness of love,” Merlin joked.
“What in the world are you going on about?
“Your feelings for Y/n. Why can’t you admit that you like her? I mean you are risking your life and even your father’s wrath just for a one in a hundred chance of rescuing her.
Arthur scoffed rolling his eyes, “She is just a friend, I’d do the same for you. In fact I seem to remember disobeying my father before in order to get you an antidote when you decided to get a few days off my drinking out of a poisoned chalice.”
“That was different and you know it. Besides, anyone who has ever seen the two of you together can pick up on it. Why is it so hard to admit you like her? It’s only me, just say it,” Merlin encouraged.
“I can't! How can I admit that I think about her all the time. Or that...I care about her more than anyone. How can I admit that...I don't know what I'll do if any harm comes to her?” Arthur confessed struggling to keep his emotion in check.
“Why can't you?”
“Because nothing can ever happen between us! To admit my feelings knowing that...hurts too much.”
“Who's to say nothing can happen?”
“My father won't let me rescue a servant. Do you honestly believe he'd let me marry one?”
“You want to marry Y/n?”
“No! I mean maybe someday...I...I don't know...Regardless, it's all talk, and that's all it can ever be.”
“When you're King, you can change that. If she feels the same way, she would wait for you.”
“I can't expect her to do that, it’s not fair to her. Besides, we don’t even know if she’s alive,” he said regretting the words even as they left his mouth because they caused his stomach to drop.
“I’m sure she’s fine Arthur. She knows that you’ll come for her and that hope will keep her alive.”
The words seemed to offer Arthur some comfort, “Come on. We've got a long trek ahead. Oh, and Merlin...if you dare tell anyone about this, I promise I will make your life a living hell.”
“You mean more than you do now?” Merlin joked, earning a playful smack from his friend.
#bbc merlin x reader#bbc merlin imagine#bbc merlin imagines#merlin bbc#merlin imagine#merlin imagines#king arthur x reader#arthur pendragon x reader#arthur pendragon imagine#arthur pendragon imagines
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Summary: Some members of the Order are reticent about letting in a Lestrange, specially after Snape's betrayal. Whilst taking Harry to the the burrow, an ambush has place. Everything points to Y/n, right?
Pairing: George Weasley x Slytherin!Lestrange!Reader
Genre: angst
George Weasley: @meph1stophelian
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @skarlettmikaelson
Warnings: blood, injuries, death
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
Lestrange wasn't a good name.
It wasn't a good name in the streets, nor in close-doors, let alone amongst The Order.
That's why I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that they had accepted me— well, maybe 'accepted' was a strong word; they had let me in, reticent, weary, but still they had done it. Plus, after Snape's betrayal and Dumbledore's death, no one would think there was a vacant for a Slytherin and a Lestrange.
It wasn't until I found myself exiting the abandoned Grimauld's Place along with the rest of the volunteers to go to Privet Drive, that it dawned on me; they were short on people.
They were so short on people that the Order would have to swallow my name, my family and my House.
That didn't mean they would quiet down their opinions about me being there.
"I'm gonna say it." Fred announced, taking a spot in the living room's corner while Shacklebolt, Arthur and Lupin searched the place.
"Again?" Fleur groaned.
Fred had already spoken his mind about my presence before we reached Potter's house.
His and George's shocked looks had been on me since the very first moment I had walked into the old Black's home, which was understandable; last time they saw me I was joking about joining the death eaters.
Although the shock on their faces had been accompanied by very different emotions on each.
Fred's held reticence. During our school years, he had never liked me; I would dare to say he was scared of me, even.
George's gaze, on the other hand, held hope —maybe even excitement— which was comforting.
In our first year, I had managed to draw George's interest, and for three years he was adamant about Slytherins not being 'all that bad'.
George's friendship was the thread I was hanging on; he was the only thing stopping from taking the easy way and live up to my name.
The thread was cut after he asked his mother to bring me over during Christmas, which ended up in her forbidding him to talk to me. He, being George Weasley, ignored his mom's pleads and twin's scolding and still tried his best to stay close to me, so I did what was right and, at the end of our fifth year, I cut ties with him.
It hurt more than I would dare to admit.
After our drifting apart, I was forced to completely rely on Slytherins. And you see, Slytherins, as 11 year-old George would say, aren't all that bad, but the ones my name attracted were.
They were bad sort —the worst—, and keeping that company around after our sixth year wasn't the best record to have, but Merlin's sake, I was there, I had volunteered— people change.
"Son." His father warned Fred, well aware this wasn't the time, though he obviously wanted to side with him. "Don't start again."
"Someone has yet to tell me why is she here?"
"She has a name." I hissed, unable to stop myself.
"Which is why you shouldn't be here, Lestrange." The name rolled out of his tongue like poison. "She's not one to trust."
"Oi, she's willing to risk her life, isn't she?" George's words seemed to be meant to calm his twin's temper, though his warm eyes did land on mines with a reassuring look.
"Yeah but for whom?" I tried to stay quiet as Moody had asked me too, but Fred was making it quite difficult. "If something goes wrong—"
"Weasley!" Mad-eye's tone was dry as he bursted into the room. "Are you questioning my judgment?" Fred scoffed, but stayed quiet.
"If we're throwing in the surnames, you're gonna wanna know her mum's my auntie." Tonks spoke, folding her arms.
"But you're a Hufflepuff." He was quick to respond, giving me a disgusted look. "She's a Serpent."
"And you're still a mouthful, aren't you?!" I snapped, stepping forward, though Tonks gave me a lazy tug before I could get to Fred.
"Wanna fight, Lestrange?" He had taken a couple of steps in my direction already when George yanked his twins arm.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled, giving his brother a push. "She's here for Harry! She's helping! What else do you want?!"
"Oh my gosh, Georgie— get over your teen crush already, she's not on our team!" George's knuckles went visibly white, unlike his cheeks, which turned red.
"Are you done making a scene? The three of you." Bill questioned in a calm tone, resting against the window's bench. "I don't fancy the idea either, but we need help, Fred, so shut your mouth because we have things to do."
"Pity, I was enjoying the teen drama." Moody teased before grabbing his flask and the ones who would take the Polyjuice potion moved to stand in line.
"Y/n." George's hand brushed my hand, drawing my attention to him as we stood besides one another. "I'm glad you're here." He whispered with a side smile.
"Missed me much?" I couldn't help but grin back, bumping his arm with mine. I stole a proper look at him and thought I might as well ask before the mission. "So... Teen crush huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him, though I could feel my own face flushing.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't fancy George —could someone blame me?—, and the idea of those feelings not being unrequited was very appealing.
He only threw his head back and looked away, the half smile growing wider and more bashful. "We'll talk about it at the Burrow." He assured me, taking the flask with his right hand and squeezing mine with his left.
"If we don't die before that." I was joking, but fear was shaking me to the core.
"We won't." He looked at the potion disgusted and gave me a peeked at me saying, "You have to hear me embarrass myself first." And with a wink, he drank the potion and passed it to me.
Gosh, I couldn't get over the mission to hear him 'embarrass' himself.
The first five minutes were calm, despite all of us being on edge. We kept checking on each other, dreading if we lost sight of someone, that someone would banish.
The storm came when we had to dive into the dark clouds.
Funnily enough, I did think it was a literal storm before entering; oh, what I would have given for it to be a literal storm.
Black, cloaked intruders flew among us, making us divide in the pairs we had been assigned to.
Lupin started casting protegos and hexes to everyone that got too close while I tried to take down as many enemies as possible.
A couple of yelled warnings were heard when both Moody and the real Harry had entered the ambush.
"WATCH OUT!" Tonks screamed, flying past me with Ron at her tail. "REMUS!" She made a signal to her husband "ESCORT!" I got the hint; we were supposed to clear Moody's and Y/n's way so it would confuse our attackers while Tonks and Shacklebolt made sure to get Harry out of there.
"ON MY LEFT!" Lupin shouted over the chaos, changing to my right for me to be by Y/n's side.
"WE'RE FUCKED!" She yelled dropping her flight to dodge an Avada Kedavra.
"WE'LL MANAGE!" I automatically dropped my flight with hers too, which was a bad decision, since we had gotten rid of the protection provided by Lupin, Mad-eye and Bill and Fleur.
Soon enough three death eaters came flying towards us.
"STUPEFY!" another Harry with the voice of Fred passed by us, closely followed by my dad.
"GO BACK UP!" Y/n was quicker than me following my father's instructions; when I did though, I realised the little formation we had going on was gone.
Suddenly, all we could hear were screams; it felt as if someone was missing but I blamed it on everyone flying around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Tonks almost crashed against me on her way down; Ron was nowhere near me, nor Lupin.
We were outnumbered, and instead of moving forward, we were stuck in the grey clouds, trying not to die.
It took me a hot second, a crash against a death eater and a couple of hexes to get to Lupin, and even when I did, it was a hard task to keep track of him.
I had just taken out someone in my way when I caught a glimpse of something my eyes refused to believe.
Our bloody professor was trying to kill us.
I felt the need to laugh at the situation.
"GEORGE!" It was Y/n's voice snapping me out of it, although her actions shocked me even more.
Y/n casted a spell on me, pushing my broomstick to the left and consequently making me crash against Lupin and lose balance.
Then something happened, something my mind didn't quite process.
At first it felt like a slap, but the pain stung my side as if someone had sliced me with a blade.
I didn't hear my own cry, nor Lupin's desperate 'help'; I didn't feel his hands struggling to take a firm hold of me, nor my own shakily reaching to my side, searching for an injury I didn't want to find.
A second after that, everything was black.
As soon as my father and I apparated in the fields of our home, I ran into the house. For some unexplainable reason, it felt as if something wasn't right.
A couple of steps into the house were enough for that 'something' to strike me. George had been laid on the settee, barely conscious; blood was covering the side of his face, neck and left shoulder, making his hair and clothes stick to his skin.
I was left speechless at the sight, my eyes welling up while I dragged my feet towards my twin.
"Mad-Eye is dead." Bill's words, despite sounding far away, made the gears in my head turn.
Lupin was quicker than me, though, "I told you we couldn't trust a Lestrange!"
"Remus! we don't know—" Tonks tried to calm him down, just to be cut off by Bill.
"Mad-Eye and Lestrange traveled between us and" he gestured at our wounded brother, "Remus and George." His jaw twitching let me know that he was desperately trying to stay calm. "Mad-Eye is dead and my brother just lost an ear, who is it if not bloody Lestrange, Dora?"
"Bill..." Fleur held onto her fiance's arm in an attempt to ground him.
"Did you see her disapparating?" Tonks's point was logical and hopeful.
George would have sided with her.
My eyes fixed on my wounded twin again. He was as pale as a corpse now, and the absence of his ear was way more noticeable now that my mother had begun to remove the blood.
George would have sided with Tonks because he wanted to trust Y/n, and he couldn't even speak because of that same reason.
Since everyone was arguing, they missed the flash of someone apparating near the front door.
I didn't.
Before I knew it, I was running outside with my wand in hand, Lupin and Bill following me instantly when they realised what I had just seen.
"EXPELLIARMUS!" Y/n's wand flew to my hand even before I could properly see her.
My rushed march came to a halt when I was a couple of feet away from her, making Bill bump into me; she was as pale as George, maybe more.
She took a seemingly calm, deep breath before attempting to walk.
Luckily, I saw the pools of blood on her shirt and stepped to reach her before she could touch the ground.
"Oh my..." Lupin covered his mouth with both his hands and Bill stood frozen at the sight of the girl in my arms. "MOLLY!!" my old professor yelled at the top of his lungs, going as livid as me.
We shouldn't talk on impulse, I told myself, rushing into the kitchen with Y/n in my arms. A series of gasps and regretful whispers broke the silence while I laid her on the dining table.
"Y/n?" George's trembling voice was heartbreaking, and, as my dad forced him to stay on the couch, I prayed the girl in my arms would survive.
"Oh Lord..." My mother muttered, examining her. It wasn't only her shirt stained with blood; her left leg and arm were too. "Oh dear..."
"She took the blow." Lupin ran his hands through his hair, understandably stressed. After a couple of seconds, her turned to my dad and commanded, "Get him up. Quick— go get him up." His eyes stared right into my soul and I dreaded the worst, but still obeyed and helped my dad drag George to the dining table.
I heard Lupin telling Bill something about Sectumsempra, and my heart sunk.
She took the blow.
"No..." George's murmur was close to a cry, but it was enough for Y/n's eyes to snap open.
"George." tears were effortlessly streaming down her cheeks at the sight of him. "You're... A-alive..."
"Please stay" My brother fell on his knees, reaching for Y/n's bloody hand with his own. We all looked away to give them some kind of intimacy, except from my mother, who was still trying to fix the poor girl.
I heard them both whispering sweet nothings with shattered voices until only one of them died out. I looked over to Tonks, whose eyes were gleaming with tears, and then to Lupin.
I couldn't bring myself to look at George.
After a moment of intense sobbing, my dad managed to pull my twin away from the corpse, and we carried him back to the settee.
I stayed with him the night, holding his hand and assuring him it was not his fault, but I knew my words would have little effect on his state; after all, he had been in love with Y/n for years.
All those years he had spent trying to convince all of us that Y/n was a good person, that we should give her a chance; all those years begging our mother to bring her over because she wanted to see our home.
Now her body was lying on our kitchen and I knew none of us would forgive ourselves for misjudging her.
"Nervous?" A tall, redheaded kid appeared besides me; I supposed he didn't know my name by the warmth and curiosity with which his eyes stared at me.
"Aren't we all?" I replied with an anxious laugh.
He seemed to think for a moment before nodding. "Fair point, though I'll probably go into Gryffindor." He assured me with a proud smile, causing my head to cast down. "What is it?"
"Oh nothing," I shrugged, aware I would not be able to befriend that sweet boy with warm eyes. "I think I'll be sorted into Slytherin."
"Nonsense!" His intentions had been obviously to reassure me, but when he realised his response only made it worse, he added. "It'd be wicked to have a Slytherin friend, though." My eyes widened at his words; did he just— "I'm George, by the way."
"I'm Y/n."
"That's a very pretty name." Professor Mcgonagall led us into the Great Hall, and before I knew what was happening, George's hand was holding mine. "It'll be fine."
The lighting of the Castle changed once the Great Hall's doors opened; a bright, white light seemed to be coming out of it.
"Wait!" My hand gripped George's before he could leave my side. "Can you hold my hand? I-I'm scared." My voice no longer sounded like a 11 year old.
For some reason I didn't comprehend, my eyes were watery, making the view in front of me blurry.
"Don't be scared, darling." When I turned to George, I didn't see a kid; it was him, in the expensive suit I had seen him mere hours ago. "I'm here."
I just nodded and, swallowing my fear, took a step ahead, and then another one, and another, until I reached the Great Hall.
#harry potter fanfiction#george wealsey x reader#george weasley x y/n#george weasley#george weasley x reader#george weasley fanfiction#george weasley fanfic#george weasley angst#george x y/n#george x reader#george x reader angst#george weasley one shot#the seven potters#deathly hallows#deadly hallows part 1#hp fic#hp dh
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Black Hand.
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warnings: usual Peaky shit
Prompt: none bar the scene itself.
Word Count: 1,796.
Author note: wrote this three fucking times I’m at my wits end! Unsure to make this into a few parts.
Y/N woke again, at the crack of dawn, rolling over checking her watch, 5.36AM. This was the usual for her, since leaving Birmingham she could barely sleep past 6am, since the breakdown of her marriage.
It was Christmas morning, the first she was spending with only one of her two children. Charlie, y/n’s eldest son was spending his Christmas with his father this year, since splitting y/n and Tommy regularly had sex behind her boyfriends back, and then she fell pregnant, with her now two year old Harry. However, Tommy wasn’t aware of this child being his, and as far as everyone else was aware it was Roberts child.
Y/n rolled out of bed, and began to wash and get ready for the day ahead. She sat at her dressing table, thinking, as she did regularly, how it would’ve been if they didn’t spit. There was still very clearly tension there, sexual especially. Due to this, y/n cut all interaction with Tommy, whenever they needed to talk over Charlie, she would get nanny’s and maids to travel with him.
Just finishing her makeup, finishing her all off with a spritz of perfume and putting on her watch, which now shown it as 6.56am. Y/n went downstairs, starting to make herself a cup of tea when she was startled with the letterbox chattering as the postman put today’s Mail. She moved over to the door, bending over to pick up the letters, opening the first one to reveal a white card with a black hand on the front.
“Fuck!” Y/n’s heart started beating at a rapid rate, she knew that this meant kill or be killed. She needed to get her and Harry out of there ASAP. They weren’t far behind and they already knew where she lived. She ran back upstairs, grabbing overnight bags and stuffing them with her most valuable items and clothes she could possibly wear before doing the same for Harry. All while trying to be as quiet as she could because she didn’t want to wake Rob.
Y/n ran from the house to the car sat on the front drive, she didn’t even bother to ask a driver. She was going alone. Leaving alone. Without an explanation. Despite the severity of the situation, this was brewing for a long time. The current relationship was a cover up. Y/n accepted the fact that the only man she will ever love will remain Thomas Shelby, and she knew it would be the same for him. And I think that’s why they both didn’t file for a divorce.
Quickly packing the car with things she may need for herself and Harry, she ran back upstairs to collect the sleeping boy from his bed and placed him into the front seat of the car. He continued to sleep throughout the car ride, back to Small Heath. Y/n knew Tommy like the back of her hand, she knew that everyone that is associated with the Shelby name would have been dealt a black hand, and knew the only place they could possibly be safe would be in the polluted streets of Birmingham.
Turning the car onto Watery Lane, as all those childhood memory’s flooded back. From when she ran about with John as a kid, to when her and Ada would get into trouble together in her early teens, all the way to building a large profitable business with her husband, all came flooding to her. A rush of emotion, clearly visible on her face as the car came to a halt outside the once betting den. Y/n rarely had any emotion showing, only Tommy would see that in the many nights they spent alone, but that was the same for both of them. They acted tough to everyone else but vulnerable for each other. The bond they had, partners in crime, was admired, despite them both being gangsters.
Tommy was very clearly heartbroken from the downfall in their relationship, he also believed that y/n was the only woman for him in the long run. But the only way he felt that he could get over that was her under someone else. He turned to Lizzie on the regular, and as y/n still kept in contact with Ada, she knew about this. Y/n was very alike Tommy in this sense, if she needed to find something out, it would always come her way, weather she needed to look for it or not. Ultimately they shared a child together, technically two, but there was still so much love there between the both of them.
“Fucking hell,” y/n muttered before kicking in the door that stood before her. Her two year old son clutching to her chest, still fast asleep as she walked towards the family she still loved dearly. Pol loved her, loved her like her own, but they both had a similar trait, they never backed down. And sometimes like Tommy, they would argue for days on end.
Y/n stood before the table, where all but Tommy sat before her. She quickly scanned the room, noticing a blonde woman, she knew was Linda, but hadn’t met was looking at her with a very foul face on her. Ada on the other hand was smiling, excited to see her best friend after years of being away. Tommy standing to her left, eyes wide wondering why his wife was stood before him, in small Heath, with a young child in her hand.
Pol broke the silence first, “What the fuck are you doing here? Tommy tell ya?”
“No however, since you know, I find out absolutely anything I need to,” y/n spoke directing a foul look to Lizzie who was stood over in the corner, “I have also been dealt a black hand.”
There was a mutter of fuck sakes throughout the room, as they realised this was a bit more real than before. Tommy then started to talk about the issue at hand.
“Why are you starting when Johns not here?”
The room fell cold, distant and all eyes were trying to avoid hers. But Tommy wasn’t, he didn’t avoid her gaze as y/n turned to look at him. He very rarely lied to her, he simply couldn’t get away with it if anything, y/n found out everything.
“Fucking ‘ell Tommy, tell me!”
“John was killed this morning, on his front door step infront of his wife.”
Tears started to form in the once emotionless woman, the room felt as though it was caving in on them. Her legs felt heavy, like she could collapse to the ground at any moment, but her head felt light. She quickly muttered to Tommy, handing the baby over, stumbling back to process what she had just been told. John was before all this, they were best friends since they were about 4. They went all throughout school together, and because y/n dad had passed before he could walk her down the isle, John did.
“Those fuckin’ bastards! Christmas Day! Im going to fucking kill them myself,” y/n screamed in frustration.
“She won’t cope well with this,” Ada spoke quietly enough that the table could hear but y/n couldn’t. Ada approached her, giving her a soft cuddle of comfort. Y/n didn’t cry, she didn’t cry infront of anyone. But she was very close today.
She composed herself, breathing out before standing up, “why did I have to marry into this shit?”
“Why haven’t you divorced him?”
Ada knew the answer, she always had.
They both moved back over to the table, Ada returning to her seat while y/n stood by Tommy’s side. He still stood there holding his own child, without the knowledge of it. He continued to speak about the issues they were currently facing with Luca Changretta, but y/n wasn’t even listening to what he was saying, simply zoning out to how weird her life was. She’s looking at the love of her life while they’re no longer together, holding their second son that he has no clue about.
Her head quickly shot up following the direction of the voice. Arthur.
“Peace or truce?” Tommy spoke.
“Very well. Six peace, two truce.” He quickly handed Harry back over to y/n before heading back upstairs. The group got up and left to do their own thing, while Ada sat at the table waiting for the catch up that was well needed between them both.
“Two seconds, I’m just gonna put Harry up to bed.” Ada nodded in response as y/n made her way upstairs to put Harry to bed. She opened the door to find Charlie sleeping in the small bed, leaning over to put Harry at the back of him, giving both of them a peck on the cheek before turning to see Tommy in the door way.
“Your new boyfriend is the dad? But your not married to him?”
“No I’m not married to him.”
“So you had a child out of wedlock?”
She sighed. She wasn’t going to lie to him anymore, there was enough damage and if she knew she would have to spend the next few months living with him, she needed to get it out there as soon as possible.
“No, I’m married.”
“yes, to me.”
Y/n walked over to him, pulling him into the room and closing the door behind him, aware of the fact this house was full. He took a seat on the small chair in the corner, while y/n stood slightly back from him.
“Remember that last fuck we had. Before I refused to see you.”
He nodded.
“I refused to see you because I was pregnant, and I knew it was yours.”
“Fuck sake y/n.” Tommy spoke, running his hands through his hair.
The room then went silent. The two of them not knowing what to say next, for the first time in years they were speechless.
Y/n decided to break it, “He knows. Rob knows he’s not his, he can see it, but it’s never been mentioned. Harry also knows who you are, I’ve shown him pictures of you that I have.”
Tommy stood up abruptly, making his way over to her. His hands wrapped round her waist as he pulled her closer to him. Y/n was looking, and clearly getting lost in his blue eyes. Tommy leaned in to her, their lips meeting softly,y/n began to kiss back. The feeling this was what they both had longed for. Both of them having sex with others that meant absolutely nothing to them. The bedroom door swings open to reveal Finn stood there, his mouth hung wide.
“A - Ada’s wondering where you are?”
Y/n smiled before pulling out the embrace, muttered a thanks then proceeded to go downstairs. She turns round as she’s on the third stair down, “don’t say a thing Finn,”
#cillian murphy#tommy shelby#tommy shelby x y/n#tommy shelby fluff#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby fanfic#peakyxtommy#peaky blinder fanfic#peaky blinder imagine#peaky blinders
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Regarding your recent ask, could also elaborate on differences for Dalim?
Hello, Anon. Of course I can :)
Dalim (Dum) Tweedle JP vs ENG localization changes
The thing about Dalim in the JP version vs the ENG localization is that his nickname of “Evil Prince” is much clearer in the JP ver. The “Evil” came from the fact that he end up breaking girl’s hearts. Countless girls. But JP Dalim has a very “princely” and “gentlemanly” personality which led to the “Prince” part of his nickname.
ENG Dalim on the other hand, is much more of a “bad boy” who is “rough/crude” and his dialogues / speech pattern were changed accordingly. Comparing Dalim in Zero’s route for instance, JP Dalim was portrayed in a “someone who’s trying to do something for the vast majority but his options are limited” light, while ENG Dalim was portrayed much more “villainy” especially in the way he speaks that lean more toward taunting. It’s worth noting that JP Dalim even through out those scenes continued to speak in a “princely and gentlemanly” way. Furthermore, this is most likely to cater to the Western audience / English player’s preference because compared to how he is in the JP ver, ENG Dalim has more of a “daddy vibe” to him.
I know this ask is about Dalim, but since this relates to him too, let me just point out something I've been noticing.
I've seen so many people says Nokto is like Arthur. But no, that is not the kind of flirt he is. At least, not JP Nokto. The ENG localization has certainly been turning Nokto into an Arthur-esque character; however, in the kind of "flirt" they are, it is much more accurate to compare Nokto with Dalim (especially in the JP ver), they flirt the same way Sid from MidCin does. For information / intel / to have people do something for them. All three of them don't actually like dealing with women.
Nokto Klein JP vs ENG localization changes
The thing about Nokto is that, with the way ENG localization is handling his dialogues and such thus far, ENG Nokto is really turning into an Arthur-esque character but that is not how he is in JP at all. That's not the sort of flirt Nokto is. The thing is Nokto actually flirt “with a motive behind it” to achieve something else and flirting is just the mean to do so.
So far ENG been making Nokto act like Arthur on multiple occasions (example can be seen here [Contains spoiler for Starter routes and card lines]), probably to cater to Western audiences / English players due to Arthur’s popularity like how they made Dalim more “daddy”. While although JP Nokto may by more blunt than ENG Nokto, he’s... for the lack of a better term, not Arthur-esque like ENG portrayed him to be. Because you see, Nokto doesn't enjoy dealing with women (unlike well, Jin, who just loves women). Nokto tries and escape from them whenever he can and it's even a running gag in JP because he kept getting himself chased.
That's really it. Nokto, Sid, Dalim. These suave men flirt for info but they don't actually like dealing with women. They do it for the intel. If it's not for that, or if there's nothing they can gain from it / have the girl do something for them, they won't even waste their time with them.
For more details on Nokto's personality based on how he is in the JP version, feel free to check my other post (here) [Contains mild Nokto route spoilers]
To sum up some of IkeSeries’ "flirts" in a nutshell...
Sample scenario:
A wild woman appeared and attempt to flirt and make the guy go out with her because she just "want them"
Arthur - Flirts back
Shingen - Flirts back
Jin - Flirts back and settle for a one night stand together
Clavis - Flirts back (but end up doing stuff that makes the woman leaves him and never come back to him again)
Sid - Escapes
Nokto - Runs away
Dalim - Yeet
#asks#ikemen revolution#ikerev#ikerevo#ikepri#ikemen prince#ikerev dalim#ikepri nokto#dalim tweedle#nokto klein#localization changes#ikerev jp#ikepri jp#yes i have a type
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♪ The Last Day of Summer With You
DK/Dokyeom/Lee Seokmin : Tag Along the Beach

You felt the summer air hit your face, mixed with the soft sound of the crashing waves.
The sand beneath your feet was soft and you loved the feeling of sinking your toes in it. Seokmin was holding your hand, gazing at the beautiful baby blue sky. The ocean was a beautiful deep blue, sprinkled with the sparkles of the sunlight's reflection on the waves.
“This feels so good!” Seokmin said, opening but of his arms, his right hand still clasped with your left. “The breeze of the ocean blending in with the hot summer day just makes everything perfect!”
You smiled, turning to look at your boyfriend who had his eyes closed. You couldn't help but stare at his side profile, admiring his sharp nose and jawline, thin soft lips, and cheekbones, and eyes, and everything else about his face. You loved this look of his; his hair was a bit messy, flying with the direction of the breeze, and he just looked so genuinely happy, and this ball of sunshine you were staring at was your boyfriend.
“Are you happy?” You asked.
The wind was practically roaring, making it hard for him to hear you. He knew you said something but for some reason, the fact that he didn't hear what you said even though you two were standing next to each other made him laugh.
With his hand habitually covering his mouth while he laughed, Seokmin opened his eyes and turned to you. “Sorry, I didn't hear what you said, can you repeat?”
You chuckled, wondering how he could look so innocent. Even when he asked you to repeat what you asked, his eyes were twinkling.
“I asked if you were happy,” You replied.
“Hmm, happy?” Seokmin turned back to face the waves, slowly moving his feet to the left, to be closer to you. “Of course I am. When I'm with you, I'm happy.”
You smiled at his sweet, sincere words. You turned to look at him, who was now less than 8 inches away from you. He was staring at you with loving puppy eyes which made you burst into soft giggles.
“How about you? Are you happy to be here with me?” Seokmin asked, gently placing his chin on your shoulder. You kept wondering why you had to fall in love with such an attractive man. Each small thing he did was heart-wrenchingly adorable to you.
You moved his head from your shoulder with your hand and tilted your head. Today, you just couldn't stop smiling. You couldn't tell if it was because of the weather or because your boyfriend was just being so adorable on the last day of summer. Of course, it was the latter.
In a soft voice, you leaned in and bumped your forehead against his gently, your hand moving to his cheek. “I am over the moon right now, Seokmin.”
Seokmin smiled and placed his hand on the back of your head. As your foreheads broke apart, Seokmin raised his head and pressed his lips on your forehead tenderly as his hands patted the back of your head. It was just something about his touch that made you feel euphoric.
Once his delicate lips left your forehead, his hand traveled to your neck and he leaned in, ready to give you a sweet kiss on the lips, but before he could, you dodged his lips by ducking and began to run.
Seokmin was a bit confused at first, wondering why you had avoided his kiss and ran off like that. He would have been hurt if not for your healing, mischievous giggles that echoed through his ears as if there was no other noise.
Seokmin quickly realized that you wanted to play a game of tag! He chased after you, yelling with an innocent smile, “Hey!”
Running on the sand was hard and drained a lot of your energy. You thought you had run a far distance but when you looked back at the beach, you were surprised to see Seokmin quickly catching up. The chase was thrilling and your laughter from the excitement only made you more tired.
Seokmin was laughing a lot too. The moment was just beautiful, it was fun, and though he was wasting a lot of his energy, he didn't want to give up. He could tell that your pace was gradually slowing down so he took the chance and charged at you.
You were panting, trying to run on, but the hot golden sand under your feet was much more difficult to run on than it seemed. You turned back to check on Seokmin's progress only to get surprised by his arms lifting you into a bridal carry.
You let out a surprised shout and your hands reflexively wrapped around his shoulders.
“Woah, woah, woah, Seokmin!!” You already knew what his next destination would be. He was smiling mischievously and the only thing you could see reflecting in his eyes was the ocean.
“Do you want to go in there? I think you'd like some nice salt, don't you think??” His sarcastic tone was making you laugh as you kicked your feet.
You did your best to cling on to him. The sound of the ocean waves was getting closer. You shut your eyes and buried your head in his shoulder. “I think I'll pass on the salt-!”
“Oh?? I heard that saltwater is healthy for you though??” Seokmin teased. His legs were now soaked in the water and he held you out a little toward the ocean.
There was nothing wrong with getting wet a little but you didn't want to because your clothes would then need to dry and the process would be very long.
“Stop spouting nonsense!” You replied, clenching your teeth. You tightened your arms around him and Seokmin laughed, slowly getting out of the water.
“Okay, okay, I'll let you go this time.”
Gently, Seokmin placed you down on the soft sand.
“Now, what do you want to do?” Seokmin asked, dusting off the sand stuck on his legs.
You naturally walked behind him.
Without a response, Seokmin found that rather odd, and within seconds, an idea of what you were trying to do sparked in his head.
Quietly, you were about to push your boyfriend's back into the water but you were caught. Seokmin had turned around just in time to catch your hands and you in the mischievous act.
“Hey, you- seriously!” Seokmin said. He tried to walk forward but you continued to step back with a childish smile. “Come here!”
Both of you were being so immature but for some reason, it was so fun and you were laughing so much. You continued to back up but suddenly, you slipped and fell, your butt hitting flat on the sand.
Seokmin burst out into laughter and you did too. He didn't help you up, instead, he just fell onto the sand with you.
The sun was now hiding behind a cloud so staring at the sky wasn't as bright as before, when you two were playing tag.
Seokmin threw his head on the sand, tiredly lying down, and slipped his hand in yours naturally. You smiled and joined him on the sand, not caring if sand would get in your hair or stick on your clothes. With your hand in his, you just wanted to lay down.
Both of you were panting, feeling the last summer whispers blow past the tip of your noses.
Out of the blue, Seokmin yelled to the sky, “I LOVE YOU!”
You laughed, turning your head to him. “All of a sudden?”
Seokmin giggled and shrugged, you could tell he wanted to say, ‘Why not?’
Both of you laughed and he took into your arms. Both of you rolled in the sand for a bit before deciding to stop since the sand was getting in your hair and sticking on your faces.
You didn't mind getting a bit dirty. It felt like you and Seokmin had suddenly become kids, spending the whole day doing childish activities on the beach.
It was the last day of summer, after all.
Why not enjoy it to the fullest?
a/n: okay I know I'm a bit late but I wanted to save my fangirling over DK's Xcalibur musical until his imagine was posted so here's my initial reaction when he finished his first 2021 show: I woke up (the day after his musical) and saw so many posts about him having 4 kiss scenes in one act, his acting improvement, and carats simping for Guinevere 😭😭😭 I hope that they record it and sell it as CD... I would love to see it... I also saw that Moonbin and MJ attended his second show but I'm not sure??? I don't know and I might not be in the position to feel proud, but I really do feel proud of him!!! I heard that his acting improved a lot and that he did much better than the first time he played King Arthur!! I really want to see the musical ❤️
#seventeen kpop#seventeen#svt kpop#seventeen imagines#svt imagines#seventeen scenarios#svt#seventeen fluff#svt fluff#the last day of summer with you#도겸#이석민#seokmin imagines#svt seokmin#seventeen seokmin#lee seokmin#seokmin#seokmin seventeen#seokmin svt#seokmin scenarios#dk svt#dk imagines#dk seventeen#svt dk#seventeen dk#dk#dokyeom imagines#seventeen dokyeom#lee dokyeom#dokyeom
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Cuteness Overload
Hello! So I’ve never written a fic before and English is my worst subject in school but when I realized I read every single fic on this app for Fire Force I got sad so I made this. Please enjoy and if you like it maybe I’ll make more! Also thank you to @seashellsandshores for getting me into Fire Force, proofreading this for me and overall being a great friend!! She is a much better writer than I am so please check her out!!
Viktor x Reader
Being a new recruit to Company 8 was something you thought you were prepared for but apparently weren’t. You were a little shy in the beginning but over time you warmed up and created a family within Company 8. Sure most families don’t have siblings getting attacked and kidnapped by a cult every 2 weeks but it’s still a family nonetheless. Your power was the ability to use your hair as any sort of weapon you want. It was a little hard to get used to but once you got the hang of it was super useful on the field.
However, you still had a hard time controlling your power, especially when you were flustered or nervous. When you were a bit flustered like most people you’d blush but sometimes you’d been known to get so hot your cheeks would go up in flames. Sometimes going as far as your hair catching on fire and wrapping yourself in a cocoon.
At first, it was annoying but overtime you got used to it, and overall most of your shyness was just you trying to avoid having to explain why you were having a mini bonfire on your face. You had been doing a great job until Viktor showed up.
When he joined Company 8 you just about burst into flames. In your eyes he was perfect. He was everything you wanted, witty, smart, kind, and extra points for the height and that beautiful head of hair
When he first came to Company 8 he wanted to learn as much about everyone as he could. This meant he wanted to set up appointments to meet with each and every one of you guys, this obviously including you. Due to your condition and his overall, well everything, you were dreading this moment. You had gotten better at hiding it but normally you weren’t going to be as close as you were with him. It was just going to be you and him with all his attention on you.
“SHIT” you screamed, at the mere thought of talking to him you had burned your pillow and effectively rendered it useless. Sighing you threw it with the other ones and went to get a new one.
Viktor saw you as an enigma. You had been actively avoiding him ever since he came to the company. Only ever speaking to say Hello or goodbye or “Arthur accidentally stabbed himself with his sword again” You barely even made eye contact with him and he was starting to get curious. He knew he could be a bit eccentric but you haven’t even spoken enough to see that side of him.
Truth be told he also fancied you. He thought your quiet nature was cute but he also found it fascinating how you became so confident and fierce when you were in battle or when you were in a meeting. He wanted to get to know you but every time he got close you’d dodge him or go off with someone else.
He was patient though because he knew his time would come where he could sweep you off your feet and impress you with his intelligence.
While you avoided him for a while it was finally time to have your meeting with him. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You were like a walking radiator at that point. It’s amazing how you aren’t a puddle right now.
After standing outside the lab door debating the consequences of just quitting and joining the circus you finally gained the courage to knock. Before you could though Viktor was already opening the door on his way to find you
“Y/N! I was worried you wouldn’t show up!” He exclaimed just a little louder than he wanted to and instantly regretting it once he saw you flinch
“Well, I wouldn’t miss an opportunity to improve on my abilities!” You said trying to come off confident but ultimately failing when your voice started to crack. You walked into his makeshift lab. It wasn’t perfect but it would do for now. You observed all the equipment like a child, curious on how it works and what it was used for.
You stopped when you felt a pair of eyes watching you. You turned and saw Viktor looking at you with a dopey grin. You spun around fast, feeling your face warm up not even a minute into this and you were already on the verge of erupting.
For the first 5 minutes, it was an awkward silence. While he took your vitals you were trying not to turn into hades as he was just inches away from your face. He was trying to scramble for something to say. (All that brainpower and he can’t even think of a dad joke smh)
“Well it looks like you are perfect!” he said after finishing the first round of tests. You knew he meant you were in good health but to hear him call you perfect was enough to set your cheeks blazing. You were scrambling to calm down before he took notice of your predicament
The next test was just accessing your abilities. Show all the things your hair could do and so on. Nothing really interesting, although you did burn a hole through the wall and almost gave yourself some wicked whiplash.
For a while he was chalking this up to the uncomfortable setting of him constantly probing you with tools and questions. After a while though he started to worry it wasn't the setting that was making you uncomfortable but him.
Viktor tried to make conversation but all he would get was a few chuckles and some nodding. It was starting to get to him. He knew he wasn’t as sweet as Shinra or as Attractive as Obi but he thought he was good enough in the looks department and overall a pretty nice guy.
The meeting eventually came to a close and he had just about enough of your lack of response. As you were on the way out he just couldn’t help himself
“I’m sorry but am I doing something wrong?” he asked, concern lacing his voice, you stopped in your tracks and looked at him in confusion
“No you have been great-” “ Then why won’t you talk to me, hell you barely even look at me!” He cut you off. He was frustrated at this point, and rightfully so.
Thinking back on it you had been a bit ruder than you intended to be. While trying to keep your distance you had basically ignored him. It was almost as if he was just another wall to you.
“I have been trying to talk to you for weeks only for you to avoid me at every chance you get. I was hoping to maybe establish some sort of friendship during this meeting but you have been ignoring me and when you do acknowledge me it’s with short responses and nods. You don’t have to like me but at the very least you could pretend for a second-” He blurted out.
He hadn’t intended to word vomit all at once but he couldn’t help himself. He was a curious creature by nature and he needed to find the answers to all these questions he had.
“It’s not that I don’t like you, it's just the opposite! I just…” you trailed off you had noticed that in his state of frustration and your panic you 2 had inched closer to one another. Your faces just within inches of one another.
Ultimately it was too much and you could stop your cheeks from flaming up. Viktor backed away in shock wondering why you didn’t mention this before. Before he could ask what was wrong you had cocooned yourself in a little hairball out of complete embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to! You are just so nice and smart and I just get so flustered when you are around! I want to get to know you but then this happens and I’m sorry-” you were trying to calm down but you just kept getting more embarrassed causing your cocoon to heat up more.
Viktor was just in awe. Besides the fact that you were in the process of turning into a human butterfly, he sort of found it adorable. This combined with what you were saying he was also in the process of burning up
“Y/N! It’s ok! I’m not mad!” he said in an attempt to calm you down “I actually think it’s sort of cute” he mumbled just loud enough for you to hear. This intrigued you enough for you to calm down so that you could look at him, cheeks blazing an all.
“Really? What’s so cute about me turning in a human lighter?”
Viktor laughed while taking a seat next to you “I find everything you do cute when you laugh and your nose crinkles; cute when you yawn and instantly cover your mouth with both hands to hide your face: cute, and when you turn into human torch from fantastic four when you get embarrassed: cute” he confessed
You slowly cooled down and let your hair unravel. You mustered up all your courage to look at him. Your cheeks were still emitting flames but not as bright as before. He gave you a soft smile which you returned. You don’t know how it started but slowly you 2 started to lean in. Lips just a breath away from each other until
“Viktor Y/N its time for dinner…” Hinawa said, bursting into the room. You and Viktor bolted away from each other, flames starting to engulf your face. Hinawa paused, processing the scene that was in front of him.
“Lieutenant this is not what it looks like! I mean it sort of is but it’s also no-” You screamed frantically
“When you two are done making out can you please join us for dinner. Afterwards we can discuss workplace romance and fill out the proper paperwork.” He announced while on his way out.
Mortified you wrapped yourself up into a burrito and ran out the room. Left in the lab was Viktor who looked just about as red as you, wearing a lovesick smile, “Like I said: Cute”
#viktor licht#fire force#fire force viktor#fire force imagines#fire force x reader#enen no shōbōtai#enen no shouboutai viktor#enen no shouboutai x reader
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Mystery March Day 3- "Alternate Universe"
(the idea of this au is that the gang never met which leads to a different encounter with the supernatural. this came from just an idea for a scene in my head so- hope it turned out good!)
In hindsight, he probably shouldn't have gone this way.
Lewis thought his sense of direction wouldn't steer him wrong. Besides, he knew the area. There were only so many twists and turns between him and home, no matter which road he took.
Or at least, that's what he thought. Now he couldn't help but sit a little straighter, hold the wheel a bit tighter, and turn the radio up just a touch higher. This back road was deserted. It stretched far ahead of him, flying by in the glare of his headlights. The light didn't do much for the oppressive dark just outside his car though.
He shook himself. There was nothing out here besides some deer maybe. Get ahold of yourself, he thought, you'll be back on the main roads soon. Except Lewis could've sworn he should've hit a highway already. But still, the road stretched on. He hadn't even seen any houses or barns.
Lost in his own head, Lewis almost didn't notice the man on the side of the road. The glare from his vest caught Lewis's eye. He was short, thin, and limping slowly along. There was a beat of hesitation and then Lewis was slowing down, pulling over towards the shoulder. The guy didn't even look.
A pang of fear twisted in his gut; it was irrational but there all the same. Lewis told himself he should just keep going. The same icy feeling that had him driving faster than he usually would had settled under his skin.
But as the man kept walking, closer towards the headlights now, those thoughts fled. He was hurt. Ripped clothes and all, the guy looked like he'd been on the wrong end of a fight or two. The way he held his left arm had Lewis moving.
"Hey," Lewis had already hopped out of his car, moving into the man's path, "are you okay?"
Seeing as he almost bumped into Lewis the answer was obviously no. The man took a step back, looking up with a furrowed brow like he hadn't expected him to be there.
"What happened?" Lewis stopped just short of touching him. "Do you need to call someone?"
The man swallowed, his mouth worked for a moment. "No," he said distantly, "I don't need to call anyone."
Lewis had checked his phone anyway. Of course, no service out here.
"Can I give you a ride somewhere then? Maybe a hospital?" The offer was out of his mouth before he realised. Lewis didn't regret it much. The halting way the man spoke made Lewis think concussion. Despite that same cold knot in his stomach, it wasn't like Lewis could just leave him. Besides, the guy didn't look up to trying anything.
The man blinked at him. "You'd do that?"
"Yeah, of course it's no problem just-" Lewis opened the passenger door with one smooth motion. The man considers it for a moment before slowly, painfully, climbing in.
The ride after that was incredibly awkward. Lewis wasn't sure where to keep his eyes. Well, the obvious answer being the road but he kept catching the man in his peripheral. He didn't even get the man's name. Lewis cursed himself for the impulsive decision but he doesn't think he'd do anything different.
Lewis jumped and glanced over. The man was still just looking out of the window, holding his arm close to himself.
"My name's Arthur," his eyes darted Lewis's way. "And thanks for the ride."
His mouth was dry. "Lewis. And no problem."
With that they lapse back into silence. Lewis quickly chalks it up to a coincidence and keeps looking forward. They really should've hit the highway by now. Lewis squirmed in his seat. He should say something, anything.
"What happened?" He asked before catching himself. "If you don't mind me asking, that is."
Arthur doesn't respond immediately. "I think I crashed my car."
Lewis whipped his head around and it was a miracle he didn't jerk the wheel. "What?"
"A mile or two back, maybe," Arthur squinted. "Kinda lost track."
Lewis cursed under his breath, going just a bit faster. Definitely concussed, he thought. "You were walking for that long?"
The dreamy tone of voice had warning bells ringing in Lewis's head. Arthur needed help. There was no telling how long it'd been with him in this condition. Plus Lewis didn't remember seeing any wreck on the way.
"Well there's a hospital just a few minutes from here." Or at least there should be, Lewis thought. "I'll take you there."
There was shifting beside him. "Do you think," Arthur paused. For once his words were clear, more in the present. "Do you think you could take me somewhere else actually?"
Lewis turned to see Arthur staring at him. "Uh- I could but I really think you need to get some help, Arthur. Your arm looks broken and-"
"I know," his tone was gentle but his eyes weren't. "Trust me. I just- I need to get home."
At first, Lewis went to argue. He was injured and badly. The head wound alone was worrying enough. But something about Arthur's stare, something about the determination in his voice had Lewis shutting his mouth.
"Okay," he said slowly, "okay. Where's home, Arthur?"
Arthur let out a breath, slumping back against the seat and leaning his head against the window. "Just a bit farther now."
Then, and only then, did they finally hit the highway. Against his better judgement Lewis blew past the hospital. Arthur offered quiet directions the whole time. They lead Lewis to pull into the parking lot of an old, run down mechanics shop. The place clearly hadn't been used in years. Weeds poked up from between cracks in the pavement and signs were peeling off the windows.
Lewis frowned as he parked the car. "Are you sure this is the right place?"
The passenger door opening was enough of an answer. Arthur only had eyes for the abandoned building in front of him.
"Yeah, thanks for the ride," he said, distant again.
"Wha-" Lewis went to go after him, "Arthur-"
In the time it took him to open his door and get out, Arthur had disappeared. Lewis froze. He stared at nothing where just a second before there had been something, someone. The only sound was the breeze now. It chilled him more than it should.
Numb, Lewis slowly lowered himself back into the car. He could only look at the shop, eyes straining to see any movement inside. It was a long time before he could bring himself to drive again.
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Notes: Bill Williamson x Male Reader Injury and blood mention, nightmares, small panic attack, cursing, excessive drinking mention. Starts tense but ends up fluffy I promise! Bill and reader have been together little over a year. Have been in Horseshoe Overlook a couple weeks now and reader knows Bill is getting close to a breakdown as he’s been bottling up everything he feels about the Blackwater mess.
The last thing you expected or wanted to hear at 7am as you were coming off your shift of guard duty was Bill shouting, really shouting. “Get the hell away from me!” Being the words that reached your ears and you were breaking into a jog to get to the scene quickly. And indeed it was a scene that was unfolding quickly as you arrived, but what the hell had set it off? You would try to figure it out quickly, but all you could really tell was your man was getting ready to beat on Swanson who was on the ground and obviously drunk again.
Cursing under your breath you would see others gathering and a couple moving to intervene, but you were already much closer. Unfortunately your choice of action was not the best as you reached to grab his shoulder, speaking as you did, “Bill, take a breath” being what you said, but the man was taking a swing instead. All you could figure is he must not have seen you approach because in the next instant his fist would be connecting with your jaw and you would go stumbling back. Tripping instead of getting your balance you would land on your left shoulder with a grunt as a jolt of pain coursed through it.
Everything would just go silent and you could feel eyes on you as you pushed yourself to sit back up, your gaze looking up to the powerful man and feeling your heart clench. Not at the fact he had hit you, no that was a stupid move on your part, but at the look on his face. The color had drained from his features and he almost looked as if he had been shot by the pure shock and almost horror on his features. He almost couldn’t believe he had hit you, but as his knuckles throbbed and the color began to bloom on your jaw it was clear.
“Darlin’? I…no…I didn’t mean” He couldn’t get out a full sentence and everyone was just staring at the both of you. He felt sick at what he had done and when Charles moved to help you up he just had to get out of there. Pushing past anyone in his way he was nearly running for Brown Jack and mounting up. He just needed to get out of there, to try to breathe or hit something else, he wasn’t sure yet. How could you forgive him for this? He was certain you wouldn’t and it terrified him even more as he rode off.
Letting Charles pull you to your feet your hand immediately went to rub your throbbing shoulder as you thanked him. Normally landing like that wouldn’t hurt so much, but a still healing gunshot wound was a tender thing. Sure the wound was completely closed since it had occurred in the whole Blackwater mess, but the muscle was still tender and a sudden shock just had it pulsing. “You alright?” you would hear your friend ask and you found yourself just sighing as you got your feet moving towards your own horse, “I’ll live, but I gotta head after him”
You could tell several were surprised at that, Arthur even stopping you with a hand to your good shoulder, “You sure you shouldn’t let him cool off first? He’ll come back” he try to reason, but you were shaking your head. Patting his own shoulder in return before pulling away, “You didn’t see the look on his face, he shouldn’t be alone right now. I know where he went, up on Caliban’s Seat, if we aren’t back by tomorrow morning send a search party” And you were certain that you were right as you and Bill had been up there just a couple days ago on your way back from Valentine. Just taking a moment to yourselves and he had mentioned you should go back there soon, maybe overnight.
Getting to your horse you would pull yourself up into the saddle with a grimace, checking your weapons quick, before you were pushing your horse into a trot. Ignoring anymore calls after you, you were just focusing on Bill and praying that nothing happened before you got to him. You had been worrying about him for weeks now, honestly, he’d been drinking more. Especially at night and waking hungover nearly every morning, the only explanation being he couldn’t sleep otherwise, but he wouldn’t tell you what the problem was.
You had a good guess, though, it was a problem for most of you. Nightmares of Blackwater. While most of you had confided in others, you knew Bill hadn’t. If he was going to, you knew it would be to you and it had yet to happen, so you had slowly been watching him get more and more tense. His temper was shorter, the brawl in the Valentine saloon proved that, and at Sean’s welcome back party you hadn’t seen him without a bottle in his hand even if his other was around you. As much as you hated something like this had happened, you hoped it would actually help in the end.
Your mind focusing back in as you got close to your destination you would feel a bit of relief as you spot Brown Jack grazing near the base of the hill. If you had been wrong where he’d gone, well honestly you probably would have started to panic, but you pushed that thought away as you dismounted. The walk up to the top was a bit steep and you had to be careful, but the view at the top was worth it as you had found out the last time. That was not where you would be looking, no, you were casting your eyes about and feeling your heart clenching again as you spot him sitting at the base of one of the trees.
His head was leaned back against the bark, eyes closed and you could see his chest rising and falling with deep breaths as his hands clenched at his sides He was trying to calm down, really, but his thoughts were spiraling out of control. He had nearly lost you to a bullet, but now he had definitely lost you to his own fist were the most prominent and he did not even notice you approaching or crouching in front of him.
This time you would be a bit smarter, just calling his name for the moment, “Bill? Bill can you hear me darling?” you call twice, the second time louder and you would see him jump. Eyes finding yours as his hand went to his gun for a moment before letting it relax again. You could see the fear in his eyes as he met your own and the tears that were on his cheeks, it broke your heart. “You followed me?” You would barely hear it, but the tone was complete shock, he didn’t think you would have.
Surprised as a small smile came to your lips you would move closer, shifting yourself to sit next to him against the tree and leaning your right shoulder to his, “Course I did, you know how much it scared me you takin’ off like that?” you ask, keeping your tone calm. You knew he thought you were mad, but you were far from that and didn’t miss how just you leaning against him had a little bit of tension leaving him. “You remember you can talk to me right? About anything, especially nightmares.” You say after a moment and hear him suck in a breath.
It was silent for a few minutes, you just watching him from the corner of your eye, seeing he was thinking and trying to figure out what to say. You would be patient, knowing rushing him never helped, and would just idly rub your still aching shoulder without thinking. The action seemed to finally be a tipping point, though, and he would speak quiet as he asked, “Even if they’re about….you?” That would almost surprise you, but after another moment you realized exactly what he kept dreaming about.
“Me getting shot.” You say simply, feeling him tense again before a shudder ran through him. It had you shifting, arm wrapping around him as your other hand came to his bearded cheek. Coaxing him to look at you and leaning in to press your lips to his slowly, grounding the both of you with the gentle action. “Of course you can talk to me about them, any time,” you assure him as you rest your forehead to his, thumb rubbing over his cheekbone. Feeling him nod you let him take his time, of course, letting him lean back and almost shuddering yourself as his hand came up.
It would come to rest just a little to the right of where the scar of your wound actually lay, “I keep dreaming you get shot here….not here” he start, hand sliding just into the top of your slightly unbuttoned shirt to actually rest over the scar. “You’re bleeding bad…yellin’ for me…for anyone, but no matter what I do I can’t get to you” His voice was shaking as he spoke more and the next words were almost choking him, “When I finally do you’re….I wake up soon as I touch you and I just..” The sentence would break off as his strong arms would nearly shoot around you, pulling you tight to him and he buried his face into your chest.
You could feel the tears and how he shook with almost sobs, your arms coming around him in return and rubbing your hands up his back. Resting your head to the top of his own you just tried to keep your breathing even, “It’s alright darlin’, just let it out. I got you and I ain’t letting go. All this bottling it up and using a bottle to try to silence it isn’t good for you. You feel it starting to eat away you just find me, we can come up here or find somewhere else quiet, just the two of us” you murmur against his hair as you hold him tight.
In the end you would have no idea how long you sat like that and just let him get it out, but eventually he would pull back to look at you. His eyes falling to the bruise forming on your jaw and a new, deflated look would come to his eyes. Oddly it would just have you chuckling and you turn your head so he can see it better, “Yeah you laid me out real good, my own damn fault too for startling you” The smile on your face was wider now and you would feel your heart warm some as he chuckled, “Yeah, was meant for Swanson, but you just had to take it instead” he tease back lightly before dragging a sleeve across his face.
“How’d the reverend set you off anyways?” You finally ask after a moment as you both settle back against the tree, his arm slipping around your back to pull you against him again as he shook his head, “Honestly? I don’t think it was really anything, think he was just singing and stepped in front of me. I just…snapped” and you would nod understanding, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek before settling your head against his shoulder and closing your eyes, “Just next time you run off, can you wait till I’ve had a nap?”
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Playing With Fire
While playing a perfectly innocent video game you get thrown into a dangerous world on the brink of incineration! At least you’re surrounded by a bunch of hot people. If nothing else you can shower them with copious, well earned affection.
You come awake with a start.
Everything is just a little off kilter. Like your eyes aren’t focused or you're wearing someone else's glasses. It takes you a few long minutes to realize that you’re staring down at a piece of paper.
It’s listed one through eight, with a check box next to each number.
At the top you see ‘Company Preference List’, and beneath that is your name scrawled in your own handwriting. But, when did you write it? And what was the list? You look up to find yourself in a library, surrounded by a bunch of other people all dressed in orange uniforms. You look down and find yourself in the same one. You recognize it as the Fire Force boiler suits.
You touch your cheek slowly. Then poke the corner of your eyes. You’re not wearing your VR visor. And you’re not holding handles either. Are you hallucinating? You were playing the game, in the middle of some side quest. Did the game reset? This looked like a scene from the start of the game. It followed the beginning of the series, but through the eyes of a random side character researching Haijima on their own. There was some kind of revenge plot and a lot of stuff about their big sister, but you hadn’t gotten to the full reveal of the tragic back story yet. They interacted with the main characters plenty, but mostly they spent their time in their own squad, the fourth.
You were halfway through the game, and now you were back at the start?
You look around for something to tell you what’s going on. You try to poke the menu button, but you’re not holding controllers. So all you really end up doing is poking the air between your hands with your thumbs. You’re starting to panic, when something shiny catches your attention.
When did you get that ring?
Plain silver on your forefinger. You poke it and gasp when the world shifts minutely.
A flicker of fire, a figure dark against the light. It warps in and out of your vision in a split second.
Right. Tragic back story.
The ring was from their (your?) older sister. Now disappeared a-la-infernal fire. You were like the reverse Shinra.
Your head snapped around quickly from one person to the other. Most of them were boring background characters. No, no, no. Boring. Lame. Basically grey blobs.
Were you going crazy and you couldn’t even enjoy it?!
“Uh, hey? Are you okay?”
Your head snaps sideways to find bright red eyes peering at you in concern.
Red eyes. Black hair.
You stare hard at him until the corners of his mouth start to twitch and curl upwards.
“H-hey. Why are you staring at me?”
Abruptly you reach over and cup his cheeks. His face is hot beneath your hands. You can touch him. You can feel the heat of his skin. He’s blushing something fierce.
“You are… adorable,” you declare.
He turns bright red and squeaks at you until you finally let him go.
“Did I stutter?” you prop your chin in your hand and look him over. Yep. Definitely cute. You just wanna squeeze him. But, you should probably do other things first. Like figure out what exactly is going on.
Not that you can come outta the gate with ‘hey I was playing a video game and now I’m stuck in it, also I thought you weren’t real? What gives yo?’
Even you aren’t that impulsive.
Actually, in real live you’re not very impulsive at all. That was what made games so fun, especially open world ones where you could do basically whatever you wanted. IRL you were more withdrawn than anything, even when you wanted to be social.
Now… You could be whoever you wanted, right?
Did you even have to follow the plot? Could you put a preference for another company and go there? Or would you still end up in the forth? And what about your abilities? In the game you’d had a choice at the beginning between a second gen ability and two third gen powers. You’d ended up picking at random, since they all seemed cool and you hadn’t been very far into the anime yet at the time.
How would you even use those powers here, assuming that you could?
“Sorry, I was spacing out,” you finally said, “What were you saying?”
“Oh uh,” Shinra looked away, his grin still pulling at his face. “I was just asking if you were okay. You were looking at the form for so long, but whenever you talked about joining a company before you always said you would go to the fourth. Not that we talk a lot, so I wouldn’t know if you wanted to go to the fifth or the sixth or the seventh or-”
“Babe, you’re rambling,” you cut in, starting to smile yourself. Even though you’re beyond confused something about Shinra puts you at ease. Everything about him seems so… warm. And yeah, the smile could be off putting. If it wasn’t so damn adorable.
“O-oh!” aaaand he was blushing again.
You look down at the paper, your brows furrowing. What are you even supposed to say to this?
“I dunno,” you said at last, “I guess I was reconsidering. There’s a lot of companies, and a lot of options out there. I might end up going a totally different path if it’s not too late… What about you?”
“Me? Well I didn’t really have a particular preference, but I heard that they’re trying to send more people to the eighth this year. Since its such a new company, and so small.”
“Mmmm. That’s true. Maybe I’ll go there,” you muse. It would put you smack in the middle of all the action, and you could see the sweet Iris, and the too-hot-to-be-fair Maki. You could stay with adorable Shinra and the well meaning dumbass that was Arthur. Not to mention the two guys in charge. If you could get Obi to bench press you-
Nope! Bad! Focus on the task at hand. No thirsting over captains right now!
“I was thinking the same thing,” Shinra admitted, looking down at his own paper.
“Yeah? I guess such a small company would make it easy for you to stand out and come a hero, right?”
Shinra looked startled. You offered him a sweet smile and turned back to your paper and picked up your pen.
You marked your preferences.
Eighth, seventh, fourth, second, fifth, sixth, third, first.
“The eighth and the seventh?” Shinra asked, peaking over at your sheet.
You shot him a grin. “They both sound like fun to me. Hey, Shinra?”
Your grin grows wider. “Let’s both do our best, and save lots of people okay?”
Shinra’s smile is small, but true.
You bump your fist to his to seal the deal.
It had taken you a couple of tries to find your dorm room.
Your body seemed like it knew what it was doing, even if your mind didn’t. You had to explain away your frazzled state to the woman in charge of your wing, a nun who’s name you couldn’t recall to save your life, as nerves. She had looked dubious, but hadn’t questioned you when she pointed you to your room.
Probably thinks I’m hung over, you thought as you stepped inside. If I didn’t know better I’d think I was drunk enough to hallucinate. But it’s all way too real. Just what happened? One second I was playing the game, and then my phone went off, and then it was all dark. After that I was in the library.
It was making your head hurt thinking about it.
You poked around the room. If you remembered right you’d had a roommate, but she’d already been assigned her company a week early. Her dad was some top brass in the military, so off to the second company she went,
You made sure the door was locked before you started riffling through your things.
Books, papers, clothes. Personal items.
You had a collection of antique keys for some reason, and a blanket shaped like a tortilla that was warmer than most space heaters. There was an old lighter with a hawk engraved on it in one drawer. When you touched it you got the sudden smell of pipe tobacco and a man laughing far in the back of your mind before it was gone. Just like when you touched the ring earlier.
Memories that weren’t yours. You had stepped into someone else's life.
When you looked in the mirror you found the face that your had designed for your character staring back at you. There was a thin ring of white in your eyes, cutting through their color and marking you as a pyrokinetic.
Shit. Each of those abilities had a different eye. Which one was the circle? There was a circle, a pointy cross, and teardrop because the designer was some edgelord. Which power does this mean I have? Wings? Magnet sand? Or the spear torch thingy?
You wished this could have been more like Fate/Grand Order. Then you would just have to keep track of your teams abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Not your own.
You spend a long time in your room, packing up all of your belongings. None of them really belong to you. They belong to your character, and they’re only familiar in the sense that you’ve thrown them over your shoulder when you were looking for something specific before. Only now if you throw them they won’t puff back to where they were before eventually. You’ll actually have to put this stuff away.
Damn it, you’ve never liked packing.
Still, you carefully rolled your new found clothes into baggage burritos. They were pretty plain, all in all. Oh well. You could make adjustments later if you really wanted to. Was it a game mechanic you haven't unlocked? Full customization? You could pick gender and hair, and the eyes depended on your pyrokinesis. Maybe at some point you got to change clothes too.
You’d figure it out.
You hoped.
Your head was still reeling the with the idea of what was going on, but for now, with nothing else you really could do, you decided to go with it.
Once you had everything all packed up you left your room to do some exploring. You tried to keep track of where you were going in the big fire station/training academy, but before long you were hopelessly lost.
You stumbled upon a training room, where a familiar boy with a dorky pony tail was slashing a glowing blue sword through a training dummy. The poor dummy fell to the floor in pieces.
You watched him for a few minutes before he noticed you.
“Oh,” he said, “It’s you.”
Which was… pretty lame, if you’re being honest.
What, did you one pop his delusional bubble?
“Yep,” you popped your ‘p’, “It’s a-me.” Mario. “What did that guy ever do to you? Try to challenge the great Knight King Arthur on a troll bridge?” you meant it to be a joke, but Arthur actually lit up.
“Hardly! This was merely training. A Knight King must always be ready to defend his people!”
“Of course,” you nodded along, playing with him. “And soon you’ll be embarking on a great quest to your new company, right? Do you know which one?”
“I didn’t bother with those silly preference sheets. Let whichever company requires a knight most vie for my presence.”
You were honestly impressed Arthur even knew the word ‘vie’. Wasn’t he kind of a loon?
“Mhmm, mhmm, I see,” you nodded seriously. “Then in case, I might see you in my own company.”
You wanted to ask him to spar, if only to see Excalibur in action more, but you still weren’t sure what your power was or how to use it. So you ended up bowing out.
It took you another hour to find your way back to your room.
You don’t really sleep. You lay down and try to wake up, and hope that come morning you’ll be back in your living room with a vr stapped to your head and this whole thing will have been a (not so terrible) dream.
Keep Dreaming.
~ ~
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Devil's Advocate
Tommy x Arabella
Word count- 1.8k
Trigger Warnings- None as such
A/N- It is kind of a rebuilt of a scene in S5 E1 when they all have a family meeting in The Garrison. I've included it just in the starting to form a base for writing the rest of it. I wanted to accommodate my OC in there because it felt right. And yes I always want Tommy to get some sleep. God knows he needs it.
The title is from "Devil's Advocate" by The Neighborhood. Felt good for a title to this. Though I wouldn't say the song itself fits in this scenario.
All settled in the old area of the Garrison when Lizzie spoke up "Can I begin this family meeting with a proposal? From now on we find somewhere else to meet?"
"Your boss believes that being seen mixing with the common people is good politics" said Ada
"Well if it's our campaign for socialism, perhaps next time, Polly, you won't wear earrings worth more than the pub" retorted Roslyn who found a place beside Polly to sit
Arthur occupied a table as well and Tommy took his place standing with a pillar, lighting a cigarette
"Right. Family meeting. First Item. This" Ada slammed a spent bullet on the table "Dug out of our Finn's arm yesterday by Aberama Gold, using your Gin and a razor blade"
"Finn?" asked Lizzie
"He says they were sent to Limehouse, Chinatown" Ada continued
"Sent by fucking who?" asked Lizzie, again.
"Sent by me" Tommy answered "I told Finn to stay outta this. He obviously didn't listen"
He was clearly annoyed
Roslyn just sat there and listened. It wasn't too surprising for her to see that her husband had sent his little brother to do something like that. But she hadn't known about this "What's in Chinatown, Tommy? What is going on?" she asked calmly.
Tommy sighed a little and answered "50,000 pounds, in cash"
"He said they were sent to Chinatown to kill somebody" Ada said
"The kid needs education Tommy, he really does" Arthur was irritated by his kid brother's inability to keep things confidential, ofcourse.
"It was a particular opportunity" Polly started
"A particular opportunity presented to me in confidence, I dealt with it in confidence" Tommy said as a matter of fact.
"How important was it?" Roslyn asked, her voice levelled
"Tommy told me there was a pimp in east London who sold kids" Polly defended
"Fucking kids, right?" Arthur came in
"This pimp was blackmailing a senior member of the house of Lords, a very wealthy man" Tommy tied to explain
"Now this pimp is lying in a ditch, covered in flies. The world is a better place" Arthur supported him, opening a bottle of whiskey
"Holy fuck so now your business is improving the world?" Ada scolded them, very mad that they had sent their little brother to do Blinder business.
"The man we did the job for is a high court judge. We received intelligence from a senior police officer in Scotland yard. I've made lots of friends in London, Men with influence. The Police felt the same way about this pimp as we did" he explained further, again, as a matter of fact "He wasn't worth a trial. The coppers cleared the streets for us. This work was commissioned by a High Court judge, by Scotland Yard and by the House Of Lords"
"It's a particular opportunity. It's not to be repeated" Polly defended him
"And it was the right thing to do" Tommy tried again
"Fucking right" Arthur joined him
"I can't be bothered with this shit" Lizzie muttered, irritated and mad, and left.
Roslyn was mad too, that they had been careless enough to send Finn for this job. But she knew this wasn't to be dealt with that easily "They're right, Ada" she glanced at Ada and then to everybody else as she spoke "If Finn is to take care of that side of the business he'll have to go out, witness and experience how it's done. Dangers and Bullets included, Isn't it?" she gave Tommy a side eye, talking in a dangerously calm tone "Anyway, he's a Shelby. Being afraid of bullets shouldn't be in him. It's only practical"
Tommy, Polly and Ada looked at Roslyn like she'd read verses from Satan's own holy book. Arthur nodded.
Roslyn got up "Now if you'll please excuse me, I am getting late for my train to London", she nodded once at Arthur and Tommy before leaving.
"What's wrong with her?" asked Polly, still a little in shock
The meeting went on till Tommy and Arthur were the only ones remaining, discussing bullets and Chinese
Tommy came home tired, straight from Westminster. The strange interaction with his son left him a bit more drained. Arthur had told Charlie it was in God's hands, the death of his favourite horse. If Tommy believed in God then maybe he would agree with this someday. But he didn't. Couldn't.
He asked for Roslyn the moment he came back inside. He wanted to talk to her about what she'd said in the meeting. It had left him angry and called-out.
He knocked on the door of her study. Walking in before she permitted him to, clearing his throat, found himself a place on the opposite side of the desk.
"Good evening, Tommy. How was your day?" she greeted him, without looking up from her papers.
"Why'd you say that in the meeting?" he asked, totally ignoring the greeting.
"Coming straight to the point, are we?" she said, still not looking up.
He just waited for her to answer.
Roslyn knew what he was here for and there was no use going around in circles.
Looking up, she started to speak, but for a second she noticed how tired he looked and almost wanted to take him to bed to just let him sleep comfortably in her arms. Oh how she wished, she could but they didn't work that way, did they?
"I meant every word I said in the meeting, Tom" she paused in case he wanted to react, but carried on when he didn't "If Finn is to handle that side of the business he will have to face the dangers. He can't sit here protected. No one comes out in one piece handling that side of affairs. You and Arthur, of all people, understand that don't you?"
He just stared at her. She shifted in her seat, leaning in, arms on the desk "Tommy, you and your brothers had to get into dirty business because you didn't have a choice. But Finn has a choice. He is very young and now his family is more than capable of giving him a better life than any one of us has had" she wanted to let it all out "I know you do not want him to get hurt, but if you keep pushing him he will get hurt it's inevitable. He's not like you or Arthur or John"
"What do you imply?" he asked, voice deep and low. Calm.
"I say we send him off to a good university. That's the only way to get him away from the bad side. I'm not saying we send him somewhere far away like America. I say we keep him in Britain. Oxford, Cambridge, London"
He hardly spoke but she could sense the gears of his mind working
"He will mingle with intelligent, brilliant and decent people there. See the world for what it really is. Away from all this dirt. He will take up Law or Commerce. Come back as an asset to the company. Tommy, it's not such a bad idea you know that" she knew he understood the language of profits better, so if she had to use that she would.
Now he nodded, his gaze had shifted down to the desk where her hands lay. He was thinking, gone in his mind.
"Think of him as an elder son of yours"
He looked up at her, hints of sudden anger but an overall understanding
She sat back. Roslyn had said everything she had wanted to. Now it was up to her husband to decide.
"We want people here" he quietly said "To keep the cash coming in"
"I know. But we have Mr. Gold and Isiah for that and we can hire more people. I can give you more of my business. We have alternatives" she said
He ran hand through his hair and face, fingers landing on his eyes. He was exhausted. Spent. From all the thinking.
"You're tired. Go get some rest we can talk about this some other day" she felt like she was talking too much anyway
He laid back in the chair, eyes closed, head resting on the back. Stayed there for a few seconds before getting up.
"I will consider this, Arabella" he said before leaving
"Mrs. Shelby, you could've called me if you needed anything" Frances said, a little worried, when she found Roslyn in the kitchen
"It's okay, Frances. You and the staff can retire for the day. Goodnight" She said with a polite smile. She liked Frances but also disliked her a tad bit because of how nosy she was sometimes. She was Tommy's personal informant in the house.
She nodded "Yes. Goodnight, Mrs. Shelby"
Roslyn had decided to make a calming tea for Tommy. She had it sometimes when she was too tired to sleep. The tea made her relax. She was hoping it would have the same effect on Tommy, though it was questionable.
She put in tea, some herbs she used, lavender and a dash of rum. She even made this tea for Alfie once and he slept like a baby for atleast two hours. A smile played on her lips when she thought of it.
She checked the library first. That was Tommy's sanctuary. She knocked before entering with the tray.
He looked up from his desk, confused, watching her as she kept the tray on the table in front of the couch.
"I made tea" she said, inviting him to the couch with a tilt of her head, while pouring the drink into her favourite cups.
Surprisingly he obeyed. He was a little taken aback because he didn't know she could make tea. Or be that homely. Or maybe he had completely ignored it till now.
He sat to her right. She shifted to the far left of the couch so they weren't too, at all, close.
"Here" she bent to hand him the cup.
They drank the tea in silence.
When they finished, she softly said, while getting up "I drink this tea to help me calm down. If you feel sleepy in a few minutes, just sleep, okay?"
Tommy looked at her get up, laying back on the couch.
She left, hoping Tommy would sleep a few hours atleast. Made a mental note to come check in an hour,
She immersed herself in work because she didn't want to sleep just yet. After fighting sleep for an hour, she finally made her way to the library, praying in her head for him to be asleep.
Much to her shock and relief, he had dozed off. He was sleeping, lying fully down on the couch. She was proud of her tea today because if it could make Tommy sleep, it could make anyone sleep.
She quietly left. Content that he'd atleast get some, if not much, sleep tonight.
#thomas shelby#tommy shelby#finn shelby#peaky blinders#peaky blinders fanfic#tommy x oc#arabella roslyn asheton
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So I feel like these characters have never been in a fic before- Can you do something with Arthur and his male partner during the scene at the Aberdeen pig farm (the weird asf incest couple) and Arthur getting really over protective
Sorry if this is super late anon I didn’t get the notification :(
I only just recently played that mission and the whole time I was just as stiff and uncomfortable as Arthur was I genuinely thought they were cannibals and we’re gonna eat me. Well, eat Arthur.
Glad I got to blow their heads off with a shotgun
Also fun fact! I’m writing this on a plane
“Arthur, you sure this tip is good?”
“Well, I did get it from a feller who just got out of jail.”
You shoot him a look.
“I ain’t sayin nothing, but relax. Farmers usually got lots o’ money anyway. If they ain’t good, shoot ‘em and run.”
“If you say so..”
Probably the last thing you expected to see from the house you were gonna rob was a very fat man in nothing but overalls reclining on the front porch. You and Arthur stop in your tracks, glancing at each other. Should you go back? And leave all the money behind?
Before you can decide what to do, the fat man notices the both of you awkwardly standing there.
“Well hey there friends!”
You swallow, moving your hand slightly to brush your wrist against the handle of your gun.
“Don’t be shy, partners! No such thing as strangers here!” His eyes trail over both of you, staying on you for a little longer than necessary. He grins.
“Yeah, you two look like you need to take a load off...”
The door suddenly opens, drawing yours and Arthur’s attention. A thin yet busty woman steps into the porch, a light smile on her pale face.
“Well...” she drawls, “ain’t this a rare treat?” She goes to stand beside the man, placing a hand on his chest. So it was a couple. “Why did you tell me we had guests comin’? I’da fixed myself up nice...”
Couple of lunatics.
“Aw, now, you know you look perfect princess...” fatty laughs.
“Erm, we ain’t no guests, Miss,” Arthur glances at you. “Just passin’ through.”
The man waves his hand. “Oh, nonsense, come on in, rest a while. We got food on the stove, and a bottle of the good stuff we been savin.”
“It’s decided then,” the woman steps back into the house. “I’m gonna go freshen up...” her voice is light, seductive as she winks at you.
Arthur’s jaw tightens. “We appreciate the offer but we best be on our way.”
“Oh, come on now!” Spreading his arms wide, he grins at Arthur. “Are you gonna turn down a hot meal and good company? Ha! I’ll go open that bottle!”
Arthur sighs heavily. “I don’t like this.”
You place a hand on his arm, frowning. “Me neither. But think about the money, Arthur. We could really use it. And like you said, thing go south, we hightail outta there.”
He shakes his head, thinking it over. Eventually, he nods.
“Hey there they are!”
Fat Man (sorry if that’s offensive idk what else to call him other than man and besides- outlaws were mean) is already sitting at the rickety-looking table. “Come on in! Come on!” He gestures for you to sit.
Arthur makes you sit in the seat further away, giving you a look once you open your mouth to question him.
“I hope she ain’t preppin’ for hours up there or we’ll never eat!” He turns his attention to you, a weird smile on his face.
“Hey, tiny, go check on her, will ya?”
You begin to stand, but Arthur’s firm hand on your shoulder stops you.
“No...I’ll do it. He can stay here.”
Fat Man shrugs. “Fine by me! I just wanna eat!”
Yeah, you could tell.
After a few moments Arthur and the woman come back down, an odd look on Arthur’s face. You try questioning him, but he quickly shakes his head, taking a seat while she goes to the stove.
“Well ain’t this just about perfect!” Fatty says in a weird voice. “Just one of them moments you wish could last forever.”
“Like we said, we can’t stay long,” you give him a fake smile.
“Just look at us,” the man waves a hand at you and Arthur. “Like a couple of old friends.” He laughs as the woman sets plates down on the table. “It’s a short life, but a merry one.”
You look up from the food to see the woman looking at you with dark eyes. She’s bent over in such a way you could tell she’s purposely trying to show you as much cleavage as possible. Her husband doesn’t even seem to notice, or if he did, he doesn’t care. She giggles as you quickly avert your eyes. Right after, there’s a strong hand on your thigh, gripping tightly just above your knee. You glance over at Arthur, but he’s looking at the man.
“All the fixens. I hope you boys left some room in your trousers.” She looks between you and Arthur, a smirk on her face. “I can tell there ain’t much.”
Fatty inhales deeply and moans, opening his eyes to look at his wife. “That smells delicious.” He takes her hand. “Food don’t smell too bad neither.” They both laugh as he pulls her to sit on his lap.
“Oh, stop it, you!”
The continue to laugh, turning their attention to Arthur and you who’d been trying the food.
“How do you like it?” The woman asks.
Arthur nods. “Mm, it’s good. Different.”
The woman goes to get another chair from the side of the room as Fatty eats the food, moaning.
“That meat is so tender...” he glances at you, an unreadable look in his eyes.
You pause from eating another piece. “Yes, it’s uhm, good...”
“And you know what? This place it used to be a pig farm- when we was-“ he picks at his teeth. “when we was kids?”
Wha- oh...oh dear...oh dear...
It hits you before it hits Arthur. You place down your fork slowly, loosing your appetite.
He continues. “Before we lost our Ma and Pa...horrible business.”
The woman’s mouth tightens into a thin line as she shakes her head. “Horrible.”
“But we still got each other ain’t that right honey pie?”
That’s when it hits Arthur.
“And we still know how to have a hog killin’ time.” (someone told me what she said ty)
You meet his eyes. He glances at the door before glancing back at you. You shrug, shoulders stiff.
“Here, here, that’s for you...”
They both feed each other food with their forks, eyes locked in a intimate moment, both moaning once they taste the others food. They don’t seem to remember you and Arthur were there until they slowly turned their heads. An awkward moment of silence passes before the woman puts down her forks abruptly.
“Where are my manners? Drinks!”
“Yeah, I could defiantly use a drink.” Arthur shakes just head, making you quietly snort.
“And you, sugar?” The woman smiles at you, holding a bottle.
“Yeah.” You really needed to forget all this in the morning.
She laughs, pouring you and Arthur each a small glass.
Arthur downs his in one gulp, and he immediately recoils at the taste. He clears his throat, looking at you.
‘Fucking strong’ are what his eyes tell you.
You down yours too, coughing. It burns your trait and stings your eyes. It’s strong that’s for damn sure. Stronger than any whiskey you’ve ever had. Doesn’t taste like anything you’ve ever had neither. It leaves an unpleasant feeling in your mouth and your gut.
“Ha! That stuff’ll put hair on your chest!”
“Oh, I doubt the big one needs that,” the woman rounds the table with the bottle, passing Arthur as she says that. But she stops at you, putting a hand on your shoulder and slowly sliding it down your partly open shirt and across your chest. You tense, holding your breath.
Oh, you can feel Arthur’s anger.
“But this one here needs some more. Whadda ya say, hun? Let’s loosen the both of you up some more.” She removes your hand, much to yours and Arthur’s relief, and goes back around the table to sit on her *brothers* lap.
Neither of you say anything, only looking at each other. You can tell Arthur doesn’t want to stay.
But the money is the main thing on your mind at the moment.
You just barely nod your head, and Arthur understands. He clenches his jaw, and begrudgingly takes another shot of the strange alcohol. The siblings laugh gleefully, looking at you for your turn.
You’re way lighter on alcohol than Arthur. Only your second shot and your head is already swirling.
The three are talking, laughing, but you don’t hear anything. You sway in your seat, pain flowing throughout your entire body. The last thing you feel is someone picking you up before everything goes black.
“Woo wee, we done and got ourselves a real nice one here!”
“We sure did!”
Ugh, what in the hell did you drink?
Your bleary eyes blink open. You’re standing, but your eyes are tied above your head and around a high railing of the stairs. You’re on your feet but barley. For a moment nothing is clear before you focus on the large figure of the Fat Man and his sister not two feet away from you.
“Oh, you sons of bitches,” you groan, hanging your head. Just listen to Arthur next time you moron.
They both laugh.
“Mama would be real proud of us wouldn’t she sugar?”
“She sure would honeybun!”
The woman turns back to you, getting on her knees. You struggle against the bonds, pushing your self as far away from the crazy woman as possible.
“Oh, don’t be shy, sugar, I only wanna taste you!” She giggles and puts one hand on your crotch and the other on your hip.
“You crazy bastards! Where’s Arthur!”
“Oh he won’t be back for a while, now hold still darlin’-“
Right as she reaches to unbuckle your belt, the front door flies open and a gun immediately goes off. The woman gasps in horror, rising to her feet. The large body of her brother crumples to the ground.
She screams, rushing at- thank the heavens- Arthur. Before she can reach him another shot goes off and she crumples right on top of Fatty.
You take a deep breath, head rolling back in relief.
“(M/n)? (M/n)!”
Arthur catches you once he cuts your bonds, holding you to his chest in a crushing grip.
“Goddamn, you alright?! The hell did they do to you?!”
“Nothin’ thanks to you.” You give him a long kiss, holding his face in your hands. He pulls away to put his forehead against yours and you can see the unshed tears in his eyes.
“Thought I damn near lost you...”
“It’s okay, Arthur. I’m alive, and they aren’t. Now, where is that money?”
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3 _ 44 _ Not the Best News
The light flashed green, but Arthur wasn’t paying attention. The action didn’t quite ignite in his mind, though he was looking right at it. Lost in his thoughts, searching for guidance to connect the now to a future he didn’t understand. Did Lewis not trust him? He didn’t get it.
A crackle of static burbled through the radio.
“Lights green.”
Arthur shivered. “Yeah. Just checking for traffic.” There was no rebuke on that, though the intersection was bare of vehicles aside from one car creeping forward. The town shut down pretty fast following six PM.
Streetlamps flashed through the windshield at off intervals, flooding black through the van interior. The rose tinge of Lewis eyes glittered, his shape near insubstantial within the periodic dips of flare bursts. Sometimes, Arthur thought he saw the death suit and skull, despite knowing Lewis would not drop his living guise unless his focus broke. It must suck, maintaining that sort of concentration.
“Y’know, you don’t have to look that way around me,” Arthur admitted. “I actually don’t mind Sir Bones Esquire.” Lewis generated a sound, but he couldn’t place if it was a hiss or static.
“I prefer to look not like I crawled out of a grave,” he muttered. The face didn’t move, but the shimmering ember shifted to check Arthur. “Thanks for the offer.”
Arthur shrugged his shoulder. “I try and keep the board clear. Whatever works for you, I’m game.” It wasn’t resentment, it was something else seeping off of Lewis.
“You too,” Lewis uttered. He leaned back a little in the seat and crossed his arms. “You got a lot on your mind. You wanna, I dunno, talk?”
Arthur sniffled. “Not really. It’s, well….” He flexed his fingers on the steering wheel. “Maybe later, I gotta tell you some things. Not bad or anything, but it’s pretty heavy. I might… y’know, never mind. That pizza was heckin’ good. How many times did you burn ‘em.” The radio sputtered.
“Five, I think….”
“Awesome.” Arthur pulled into the carport for Kingsman Mechanics. The lights were all out, the parking lot empty; the space barren, but for the vehicles dropped. He climbed out of the driver side and shut the door. On the other side, Lewis swept through the grill of the van in a swell of light and embers.
“Dude, c’mon,” he uttered. “Don’t risk the gas tank.”
“It’s ethereal fire,” Lewis rasped. “Absolutely harmless.” He walked with Arthur to the front doors, the keys already twinkling.
“Hard to tell with you.” Arthur slotted one key, then the next. Until, Lewis brought his hand close, sparking a smoldering ember at his palm. Arthur jolted. “Shit! Warning, next time.”
“Siento.” At the entrance Lewis waited, while Arthur popped inside and gave the building a brief exploration. Within seconds, Arthur returned and beckoned.
When exiting out the entrance corridor, Arthur flicked a switched on the panel and activated the lights throughout the main work floor. “Okay, the boxes are upstairs by the door of my work room. Stacked. I meant to grab them, it didn’t happen. You can’t miss them.” The details dropped, he skittered out of Lewis company, sprinting across the work floor.
“Where are you going?”
“Need parts for my arm. I was kinda in a hurry, excited I was gonna get out of here before Viv started texting me. I didn’t want her to worry.” He spun around, throwing a finger gun Lewis’ way. “I’ll be up in a sec.”
“What else did you forget?” Lewis departed on his alternate route to the dark corridor, leading to the stairway. “Should I grab the kitchen sink, too?”
After a beat, Arthur called back in a sharp whisper, “It couldn’t hurt.”
The worktable was as he left it, which was what he liked. He pulled open the drawer where he kept a sturdy case for the tools he routinely transported in or out, depending on his schedule. There was a specific method for undoing the clasps without the aid of a second arm, it was a little awkward to do since it required the use of his knee. It mostly kept the case stationary while he pried up the latch, but his movement was so practiced it took a mere five seconds. In a smaller drawer beneath the table surface, he kept the soldering wands for minute detail work. If he could, he wanted to get the remedial delicate stuff. It was simple enough, but tedious—
Arthur jolted and whipped around, instincts on high alert. His eyes flashed around the room, studying the vehicles left prepared for tomorrow’s shift, the rotary lifts and supply carts spaced throughout the work floor. What was that? It was loud, the clamor reverberated through the hollow garage, emphasizing isolation and a prowling threat.
“Um… Uncle?” he called. No response. Not good. Arthur reached behind him and clenched a wrench. “Who’s there?” He didn’t risk calling the name of the one that should be, but the fact an answer was NOT forthcoming was worst of all. It was okay. It would be okay. He took a breath and crept forward, moving behind a small car and checking through the windows – searching through the tinted glass for an amateur hasting to relocate amidst his momentary ‘distraction’. The silence peeled apart his senses, he should pick up someone breathing or even their deepest thoughts. Was anything missing? He couldn’t tell, and it wouldn’t matter. Someone was here, he was certain.
After taking a short trip around the work floor, he scurried to a far wall and set the wrench down on a table, then jammed a fist into his vest pocket. Before his fingers could grasp at his phone, the hair on his nape prickled, spurring him to whip about. With a yelp, he backpedaled from the hulking shape. His yelp was more of a ‘YEEE!’ and his retreat sent him staggering, when he brushed against the corner of the desk.
“Who the fack?! Hey—” He tumbled to the floor, as the shape snatched at the wrench abandoned upon the table. He rolled until his arm was situated under him, and sprung onto his feet. “Who the—” His voice sputtered, the wrench gave a menacing CLANG! upon skipping across the concrete floor.
At first, he did believe in his heart that this was Lewis. In the dark and sinister parts of his memories, Arthur believed that the spirit had crept down to invoke some cruel ploy to torment him. But as the shape swept through the dull glow of light, he could cleanly distinguish that this was a grunting, breathing, agitated man in a mask. The intruder person kept weaving in and swiping for his arm, intent on incapacitating him through crude means. A shame that Arthur was much too spry and hardwired for evasion, the vandal didn’t expect such resistance either.
The irony of everything, that a masked person would intrude in the shop and assault him. What the hell? He got enough of this crap on rando assignments, this was break from that drama. So much for that fantasy.
Did something crash, elsewhere? Oh boy, oh shit!
“Man, you don’t wanna do this!” Arthur vaulted over the hood of a van and zipped around the side. The big guy was quick too, though not as agile. He huffed and puffed, pursuing like a bear on honey. “You really don’t wanna! I’m warning you! Yikes!” With a lunge he crashed to the floor - he cleared the table, but got snagged by an impact drill and its cord. “YOU! You’re getting into some bad shit!” He screamed bloody murder and scrambled to his feet. The intruder hauled up a whole muffle and swung it down – cracked the concrete and missed his foot by an inch.
Arthur sprang one way, then the other around a small convertible. Intruder followed, swishing the muffler like a damn katana. In a risky slide, he dove by and scrambled to one of the rotary lifts with a jeep suspended. He shimmied up one tower and clambered through the vacant side door, scarcely hauling his legs out of the way before Intruder with muffler could swing and knock his knees off.
“I’m tellin’ you! You gotta leave,” Arthur went on, speech breaking. A fleeting glance surveyed the room, but established no sign of eyes or fury. Still time before this guy got cooked. “For your own—” The muffler collided with the arch of the jeep and the jointed pipe glanced his shoulder. The world twisted as he toppled backwards, and off the hood of the jeep. It was oddly reminiscent of those dreams, the nightmares. He knew what came next.
Unexpectantly, his body collided with a stack of empty boxes.
The masked intruder gulped down cold air, more excited than winded through the exertion. They glanced around, where was it? In all the ruckus, their mind blanked on where they dumped it. Turning, they spied something that made them abandoned the search cold turkey. This was entirely due to the large hand snagging their shoulder, and flinging them like a doll. Heat and an overwhelming scent of char clouded their senses, dissipating only when they descended from the short flight.
The trajectory sent them on a collision course for a flatbed cart, which they tumbled off and skidded across the floor. They didn’t stop, barely checking that their legs remained connected to their spine before retreating from the scene. Exit! Escape! Where was the way out! As they fled, they patted at their sleeve and mask, embers scored their clothing – The hell? The intruder was unable to make sense of where they went, and crashed into a work bench. With admirable grace, they recovered, a pronounced limp following; metal parts and tools clanged in a cacophony of symphony across the floor. They kept going, not chancing a look back and barely examining the area through the sparks dazzling their eyes.
Posed from throwing whoever that was, skull and death suit, eyes blazing, and fire still crackling at his ribs. Lewis would have given chase and done some real damage; there might’ve been something like self-control, perhaps even a capture if he was feeling generous. However, he couldn’t detect Arthur, and the figure buried under boxes was unresponsive to all the horrendous business afoot. He was not playing possum; Arthur couldn’t fool him.
“Arthur?” his tone withered, and became distorted. He glided closer to the comatose figure and towered, gazing down. With hesitance and some second thoughts, he reached down slowly—
Right through the heart he’s shot! A full slug punched directly through his facade and tore the locket clear off his coat front. WOW. What a mistake that was. Lewis twitched, fists clenched tightly at his sides. The last time he felt a sensation like that, it was after falling a considerable amount and choking on his last breath. He could almost feel the heavy tempo of a heartbeat fade out a second time.
Directly behind Lewis at a two-meter pace, Uncle Lance stood with a rifle, barrel smoking. It was a good and clean hit, the gray wall on the other side visible through the incision torn through. He waited, uncertain what should happen next. The thing in front of him, how could it be described? It looked vaguely man-like, it had the shape of a person. Except for the ‘head’, and the gap above the open collar where a neck should occupy.
Lewis cocked his head and let his skull swivel, peering back. Another igniting thunderclap, and the spirit snapped around fully, cowering. Fist trembling beside his hip.
“Yu step back from m’boy, ya reject Hall-oh-ween Deck-ARATION!” Lance gave the rifle a crank and took aim. As he watched, the vacant hole in the torso filled in with a strange, glossy light. The chunk in the shoulder sizzled, and what looked like fire crackled over the rich color of the suit. A skull and suit; a very malevolent and pissed looking skull. “YA HEAR!”
Terrible and antagonistic ruminations boiled through Lewis’ consciousness. An endless fall, the impact – mind fractured and every piece of his body dislocated. Shadows sweeping in, swirling around that bent figure high-high above, and the jewel glittering at the center of its sneer. Wild, unruly cackles clattered across the walls of the abyss, mocking his pain. Drinking up the agony spilling across the sharpened stalagmites, as every ounce of care and thought drained away.
He glided toward the attacker, taking another bullet seamlessly in the abdomen. Ribs next, splintering – each patch of destruction inflicted, vanished in a swell of heat conjured by his blazing soul. The pieces and sharp fragments of Lewis fitted back, reworking a bizarre pattern of that day many-many moons ago. Rising, the bitter aversion for this betrayal. Abandoned, isolation and pitiless grief that followed. The loneliness, and sense of loss saturating his very essence. Corrupting, robbing him of warmth and tenderness, replacing everything with whispers and fire. Another piercing bolt, to his lower arm – a wild shot. Panic infused.
Someone was very deserving of all this pain. It would feel better to share it, cleave a sliver loose. Release a portion of that fury threatening to boil over like a raging, scalding tsunami. Let them feel a taste of the bitterness that plagued him.
As the thing approached ominously – clear malevolence burned in the pits of the skulls eye sockets – Lance became steadily more alarmed. There had to be a way to stop it. Someway, he had to put an end to it. But it was apparent brute force wouldn’t do it in. He backed away, nearly colliding with a supply cart.
“Stop!” he snarled. “You can’t do that! No! S’not possible! I won’t believe it!” The next projectile tore through the apparition���s center, but before the echo faded the gaping breach vanished. Lance buckled backwards, gun dry. “ARGH! What are yu made of!”
The rifle swept from his grip and the spirit hosted him up by the front of his vest, yanking him clear off his feet. It glared into him with those intense, blazing embers bristling deep within the cavernous eye sockets. “The souls of the innocent….” Lewis wound back an arm, fingers twitching—
“A bagel?”
Lewis froze. “Artie!” He dumped Lance and whipped around, shooting to the cluster of busted boxes. Before he could lean down, he hesitated – the lights about the work station flashed. “What… happened? I, uh… you’re hurt.” Arthur was sitting up, holding his neck and quivering under the drill of pain in his head. It was vibrant, he could almost feel it in his own skull.
“Honest, I don’t… remember. Oof.” His hand reached over and touched the empty spot of his shoulder.
The confusion was apparent, as well. Lewis needed to wait and see what Arthur came forward with. It might confuse Arthur if he bombarded him with questions, or prompts; he didn’t get a good view of the whole scene. Aside from the flush of rage that compelled his reaction. This couldn’t be rushed, and the other needed time to adjust and come around. Especially since Arthur appeared uncertain of what happened, despite his poor negotiations.
“Did you… try to dump me off somewhere? High?” Now, Arthur peered up at the looming shadow. He couldn’t gather much of Lewis’ features, aside from a towering silhouette and the heated fuchsia orbs peering down. It was super unnerving. “That seems like somethin’ you’d do. Fuk… m’back.”
Lewis smashed a fist into his palm. “That person! This guy!” A puff of flame sparked at his collar, and the embers in his skull snapped into hostile pinpoints. “I don’t know what happened, but he threw something. And then, you FELL! It – uh, I thought….” His speech sputtered into harsh screeches, staccato and hard to distinguish.
“I’ll go ahead and take your word on— No, wait. I don’t remember some guy.” Arthur flinched, his head ached too. “I remember running, and I know I was scared shitless.” Lewis gawked down at him, for once it was endearing and mortified despite circumstances. “Some… guy?”
“In a mask?” Lewis cocked his skullish brow.
Arthur nodded. Ooh. Hurt. “That I remember, I think. Fuck… damn. You didn’t go after him?”
“You. FELL.”
Arthur pinched his brow. “Okay. Shut up. You… I can barely understand you. What? I’m the one that—” He withered, trapped in place by the barrier of boxes bent around him. The barbaric cry could terrify morally questionable crocodiles.
The wild and furious snarl was Lance’s doing. He crept in closer to the spirit with his arms outstretched and two fingers locked together forming a significant and easy to recognize T. Or X. No, it was a definitely a T. A crucifix, like in the movies.
“Evil… BOO! I banish yu!” Lance scooted in closer, edging out around at an imaginary tether which directed him toward Arthur. Determination in his eyes and sweat on his brow, his beard frazzled, that glare did not loosen from the invading spirit. “I don’t believe in this spook fun house nan-sense, but I’ll not have yur sort here terrorizing my kid!”
A touch annoyed Lewis drooped. He debated straight up punching Lance’s lights out or stuffing him in a car trunk. Anything to get him out of the way, if only for a couple minutes. They didn’t need this.
Arthur groaned. Everything was loud and annoying, it wasn’t just Lewis. His grumbling kicked up into a theatrical scream, “A g-g-ghost! Here! You’d better leave, disgruntled… apparition? Fuk, I don’t have the pharmacy enough for this bullshit.” He leaned to the side, moaning. “I mean, eeek! Argh! Spirit! You had better leave, before… I dunno, you’re banished by my dear Uncle’s very clear, um… exorcism. Or whatever he’s doing. OOoooOOooOOOOOoooohhhh….” Under his breath, he spat, “For fuk’s sake, you’re compelled to obey!”
Lewis crossed his arms and leaned a little away from Lance. “Yeaaahhhh, gunna hit that up with a hard no. Not really in the mood, capiche?” He glowered directly down on Lance, right at his face with gloved hands outstretched with that ridiculous T. “Stop that or I’ll give you something to bitch about.”
Arthur took a sharp breath. “Why do you hafta be so pissy?” Everything. HURT.
“Stop with the language, and I might consider an attitude adjustment.”
Arthur screwed his eyes shut. “Uncle Lance, that’s not gunna work.”
Lance fizzled out. “Ehh.” He gawked at the skull, and the skull glared back. For the life of him, he could not begin to figure how it was suspended there. “Then… what will work?” He shuffled the remainder of the way to Arthur and crouched down, protectively. His gaze never wavered from the hostile… it was a ghost, wasn’t it? “What d’we do? How d’yu get rid of it?”
“We don’t get rid of HIM,” Lewis huffed, pointing at Lance. “HE gets an ice pack for Arthur. Keep an eye on him.” In a flash of sparks, Lewis vanished – the extinguished cinder formed an outline before the ash hit the floor.
The unexpected flare forced Lance to recoil, more from the vibrancy than any anticipated retribution. Once the haze faded, he searched around. No sound, no evidence of the spirits presence – aside from that familiar burning. That wasn’t important, what was important was Arthur.
“Yu’re the expert. Is there… a pesteecide? Tell me, and I’ll get it done.”
Arthur struggled to get up. “It’s a….” He flopped back, it was worse than a ballpit, made worse by the throbbing in his head and shoulders. He could remember up to the jeep, then it all got somewhat fuzzy. Lance assisted in easing him off the crumpled mold of his shape, nice and easy, careful not to rush. “He’s like a thorn bur, you try plucking it off and you’ll get third-degree burns.”
Lance blinked. “WHAT?! Is that whut happened to your neck?!”
This was not needed right now. And the guy, their mysterious assailant. Where was he now? Arthur couldn’t debate it out too hard, though some of the ache was fading, subsiding into a monotonous drum. He groaned in his throat.
Then, on the floor. He noticed it beside one of the crushed boxes, snowed in by packing peanuts. The cracked locket. Despite dislocation, it persisted to pulse in time with the throbbing in his ears.
“Shit-shit!” He scrambled out of Lance’s grip and snatched the thing up; it took a beating by the looks. The hinge creaked and unexpectantly the door swung open, threatening to pop off. Cursing, he struggled to hold it one handed without the whole thing coming apart. Without meaning too, he saw within. There was a photograph. He inched down, squinting at the textures and shapes, trying to make sense of what was there. He didn’t know there was—
A dark hand snapped the locket from Arthur’s grasp and shut it. He bristled. Lewis had returned. The spirit looked downright sinister, as he set the ashen artifact back to his chest.
“I didn’t—” Lance grabbed Arthur and heaved him back. Lance’s valiant efforts halted, when Lewis unceremoniously shoved him off. An icebag settled on Arthur’s head.
Lewis knelt on one knee, one hand loaded with supplies. “I’ll invoke my deeply nefarious plot for revenge at a later time. When you’re fixed and patched, and likely better apt to outrun me.” He adjusted the last few items in his hand, by tucking a water bottle into the crook of his arm and twisting open a pill bottle. “You get one of these.” He set aside the pill bottle and popped the cap on the water bottle, enough to break the seal.
Sprawled on his back, Lance observed with a perplexity beyond known rational. “Okay. What is goin’ on ‘ere?” He moved upright and jabbed out a hand toward the spirit. “What is this thing, really?”
Lewis glared. “Rude.”
Arthur swallowed the pill and took the water bottle. “It’s not the strong stuff.” Rather sip, he pressed the chilled bottle to his neck.
“The strong stuff will put you in a coma, and as much as I’d prefer that, I need you awake for awhile. It’s a concussion, not a concession.”
“Mmm, I’m lovin’ the bedside manner. You’re such a dish.” He took a sip and let the water warm before he swallowed. “Oof.”
“Thank you for noticing, I’ve been wor—”
“What in blazes is goin’ on!” Lance exploded, figuratively. “Arthur Kingsman! Explain! Should I call a priest, a medic! Or… what! What m’I suppose to do? Yu’n Viv-vi dealt with this’n supernatural mischief! Professionally! I can’t have these….” He jabbed a hand the spirits way, grasping for words, “…these critters, creeping into my shop! I need somethin’!”
Arthur hung his head and sipped more water. On the sideline stood Lance tapping his foot, veins popped on his face. This was such a mess he wasn’t sure what to say or do, where to begin. “I need another pill.”
“No,” Lewis grated.
“Arthur,” Lance grumbled, tone stern but considerably nerfed since the eruption. “Tell me somethin’. What am I supposed to do here? I wan tu help.”
“It’s me, Uncle Lance. Lewis Pepper.” Arthur choked on the water he was sipping. “You shot me, by the way.” Arthur made a sound, but if it was human or not was the riddle. “Maybe don’t inhale….”
Lance stiffened; teeth clenched. For a full minute he didn’t say a word, but his sturdy outline quaked. “No!”
“Well,” Lewis chattered, “You didn’t… kill me, I’ll give you that. Don’t worry. But you did shoot me, like, twenty times.”
“It was four!”
“Whatever.” The Lewis spirit fixed Lance with his scalding ember eyes, not looking pleased. And there was some familiarity in that expression, despite how feral and agitated it was now. Despite it being a bleached skull, lacking traditional and easily mapped expression. “It didn’t feel nice.”
“Impossible! Yu can’t be Lewis!” Lance stamped a foot. “Yu are not Lewis! That dusn’t work!”
Arthur exhaled, catching the attention of both. “Can you not shout?” He pinched the water bottle in his arm crook and adjusted the ice bag on his neck, before it slid off. “He’s Lewis, okay? He’s not alive, but he is Lewis. We sort of… Viv-vi and I, ran across him awhile back.” How to explain THAT mess! “He was there, and we had car trouble….”
“Funny story,” Lewis broke in. “Thrilling in a lot of ways. Quite the adventure.”
“No! No-no-no-no-no- no-no-no-no! And NO!” Lance swung his arms out, declaring, “Lewis Pepper is dead, gone! He’s never coming back! You said so yuserlf! Yu and Viv-vi, you kids gotta let that go.”
Arthur face palmed against the water bottle. Oh boy.
Lewis rose to his full height, was it possible he made himself taller? He became a looming, malevolent shadow with piercing eyes. “And maybe I don’t want to let them go. Have ya ever thought of that? Uncle Lance?”
Arthur dumped everything and leapt up. He caught Lewis by the tie. “That’s it! I’m calling time out!” To Lance, “Uncle, this is Lewis! He’s dead, it’s a long story, and it is my— ”
“A bitch!”
“You! Lew? What’s gotten into you?”
Lewis hunched over placing his skull inches from Arthur’s face. “He. SHOT. Me!”
“And? You can’t feel it!”
“It hit me right in the feels! Nineteen times!”
Lance hooted, “It was four, ya dumb spook!” He flinched when Lewis looked his way, eye sockets flooded thick with flames flickering. “I don’t BELIEVE in this bogus heebie-jeevies! Why d’I hafta look at it, when I don’t believe in it? This ain’t right!”
“That’s offensive,” Lewis shrieked, “I don’t appreciate your tone!”
A ringing chimed loud and brilliant in the momentary calm amid the fury of the storm. Arthur staggered away, first jamming a hand into his pocket and realized his phone wasn’t there. Of course she would call. They were super fucking late, they should’ve been back days ago.
Arthur pushed through the office doorway and fumbled for the light. In his alarm, he forgot it was on the side of his left arm. He gave up, and went straight to the buzzing receiver on the desk.
“Lords, I hope they don’t kill each other….” He shifted around and checked out the doorway. “Or, I hope Lewis doesn’t— Viv-vi! HEY!” The icepack was sorely missed. “No, everything’s fine. What, uh… gave you that idea? What about my voice?”
Lance squeezed into the office, rifle in hand. “It doesn’t belong ‘ere. End of discussion.”
Lewis hung in the doorway, eyes flashing and flames swelling off his shoulders. He was going to ignite something. The whole shop would implode, just like the mansion. “I’ll tell you what doesn’t belong here! We need to exorcise that nasty attitude! See how you like it!”
Arthur pulled the phone from his ear and fitted the mouthpiece into his palm. “WHY! Did you two follow me.” He shoved the phone to his shoulder. “No! We, er… yu see what happened here, we’ll— I really can’t explain. I need an adult.”
Lance reached for the phone. “Lemme talk to her!”
Arthur sprang back, holding the phone high above his head. “No!”
“Te satisfaría? If I show you? Arthur, I need a mirror.”
Arthur climbed onto the desk, screeching into the phone, “Vivi, for the love of holy doughnuts, please come here, asap! I don’t care if someone sees Mystery! You! Here! NOW!” He slammed the phone down and scrambled off the desk, completely losing his footing in the process and nearly faceplanting. “Can you both NOT SCREAM bloody murder for two minutes! Five minutes? S’all I’m asking!”
After that outburst, both Lance and Lewis clamped up. Arthur shoved his way out the door past Lewis, and crossed the floor back to where he abandoned the ice bag and water. He plopped down on the ground with his back to them, his lone hand fastened to his springy hair, and wilted.
“Fuck.” Lewis swayed, drawing a hand up to the front of his suit. He eased a ways out beyond the portal but paused, once more fiddling with his tie. To the side, Lance was inching out.
The look on Arthur’s face, he’d never seen an expression on his nephew quite like it. Except when…. Lance’s first instinct was get to him, the lad was distraught – the intuition an understatement – Arthur needed… a word. Support. But an arm slashed through his path, stalling the reflexive drive. He nearly refuted the action, the protest was on the tip of his tongue. But something snatched the words away, his throat became dry. For the first time in a long time, he was at a loss.
Given the chance to observe the spirit – as it were – a moment to examine the features, it’s strangeness; a sense of familiarity soaked into him. When it wasn’t glaring or coiled up, he could get the feel for something else. Like a shadow stamped into the world he understood, a vivid memory of someone he could easily recognize from a distance. An unmistakable figure, distinct from a crowd. This… thing, it looked nothing like Lewis Pepper, but the gait it carried, the movement of its arms, it was unmistakable. Somehow, he knew this… thing, but dissension saturated the connection, and its presence was disjointed. It wasn’t alive, yet it was here. Most important of all, it wasn’t going away.
“You, uh… I think he’ll be fine.” When Lance spoke, the smoldering returned. It did NOT like him. So, what was it? What, not who. It couldn’t be…. “I’m… gunna sit down, fer a bit.”
Lance left for the breakroom and made himself a pot of coffee. When he returned from the recess, pot in hand and a stack of Styrofoam cups; Arthur was still seated far from the office, but updated to a stack of boxes that bore his weight. He gave a brief nonintrusive examination, only to confirm he was still breathing and not in any sort of apparent pain. From there, he went to the office to clear his thoughts and keep an eye on the area.
The lights hadn’t been turned on at all, and he almost forgot about the… thing. In the shroud, he nearly missed it seated at one of the chairs facing the desk, eyes aglow, the faint shimmer of its stylish hair. It sat arms crossed tightly, one leg slanted over the other. It didn’t respond when Lance entered.
“I think you have a story to share.” Lance sat one cup in front of the spirit and poured some coffee. The spirit refused to acknowledge his presence, and almost appeared photographic in its uncanny stillness; it wouldn’t even look at him. He reached over the side of his desk and pried open a drawer, and from the drawer, pulled up a small tray with containers of sweetener and nondairy creamers. “You a lil sour? What’s up?” He poured a cup for himself and blew at the harsh steam. “Not doin’ nothin’ but broodin’.”
There was a change in the spirit. The gleaming eyes were now locked on the white cup steaming in front of it.
“I don’t understand how this works,” Lance admitted. He plucked up the dislocated phone from the desk and set it back to the receiver. “Am I supposed t’say a special codeword? Is there a ritual, an uh… Ouiguh board.” The lamp on his desk flickered, came on, and then the bulb popped in a firework splash. Lance winced, sharply withdrawing his hand. Okay, what the FUCK. “Did yu do that?”
“Not on purpose.” Praise the stars, it spoke. “Check on Arthur.”
He wasn’t certain if that was a hint, or a direct command. “Juz did. He’s fine. This is mah office, by the way.” He managed to get a sip of his coffee. “I won’t harass him with this, not now. And I won’t wait for Vivi-vi. Before we get tu this…. Yu say a person….”
“Guy in a mask.”
“All right.” Lance nodded. “Before we pop that can of worms, before any of that. You’re here. I’ll go so far as admit that. But,” he gestured vaguely. “How did this happen?” Those vibrant eyes flicked up to him.
“It’s complicated.”
“Hmm. Don’t like t’way you said that.”
“Funny. I could care less what you think.”
Lance took another sip, and set his cup down. “Listen. Ghost Lewis.”
“Just Lewis,” the spirit had a wispy, sometimes airy way of speaking. The voice didn’t come from it, which made sense, because it didn’t have a mouth. “I’m still Lewis. The only difference, I lost custody of the body.” He huffed, and a bright flame flashed from its neck collar. Lance leaned back in his chair, uncertain what to make of… everything.
“Lewis, then.” He moved his line of sight out of the office, once more checking on Arthur. “Y’know Arthur’s m’boy, and I won’t have yu tormentin’ him.”
For a few minutes Lance sat, mulling through a history he thought was sheltered away in the deep parts of his memories where he preferred not to dwell. His fingers pressed tighter around the defenseless cup in his grasp, the warmth seeped through the insulated material and into the thick gloves he wore. The white of the cup cut through the bleak patterns of the gloom, reminding him of the brightest sheets he’d ever seen – specks of crimson and brown, where the bandages couldn’t stifle the work to recreate a shoulder. Arthur delirious and agonized, unaware that he was maimed as badly as he was. The details were unattainable, shattered and cast out a window. Nothing helped, no amount of medication.
Something happened. Vivi lost her memory. It was awful. Mystery was gone, vanished entirely like a… well. Arthur was beyond consoling, overrun by trauma, nearly splint in two. There was no way to construct a complete narrative, aside from it being a terrible Accident. Irreversible. Lewis never came back, and Arthur insisted that would never change. And they had to accept that.
If he held the Styrofoam cup any tighter, it would spill all over his desk. Lance rubbed at his face, trying to quell his thoughts. Those nightmares kept him up some nights, but he was a master of not showing on the worst days. Arthur had enough to deal with, and apparently more so these days. He sighed, still refusing to raise his gaze to the thing seated across from him, trying to dwell on the mystery of how it could be so devoid of warmth despite what looked like an ember wavering near its shoulder. He tried once more:
“He’s said some things I don’t fully grasp, admitted stuff I don’t have a full spectrum or insight intu.” He rubbed a thumb over the rim of the cup, gazing into the dark depths of the liquid within. “‘E’s been through enough, he’s regretted t’things that happen’. Losin’ you… I don’t even think he realized ‘iz arm was gone, not until—”
“Uncle Lance.” It was almost heartening, the way the spirit – Ghost Lewis. Just Lewis – persisted to refer to him as Uncle, same as his friends. The same way he did when alive. “I lost my life, and all of that had a negative effect on me, on my… prospect for living, and being.” The spirit moved, uncoiling his arms and gently caressed the vibrating heart at its chest. “It’s a topic we try not to touch on. I tend to stray far away from it all.”
How easy it touched upon the subject of its demise, as if it was all a matter of inconvenience. Was it meant to comfort him? Lance took a sip. “Juz curious, but… was there plans to… accept and reconcile, or something?” The eyes narrowed at him and the bristling embers constricted into a needle point dot.
“What are you getting at, now?”
Lance blew at the steam in his cup. The eyes of the spirit flashed, agitated by something, some unknown insult. “I’m not getting’ why your still ‘round. Aren’t spooks supposed to do’n the, is it the crop circle thing?”
Lewis cocked a rigid eyebrow. “Cross… over? No. Nope, it’s not a requirement for certain cases.”
“I have a suspicion that there’s more tu it than—” Without warning, Lewis bolted up from the seat – the flash of movement shocked Lance, in that it was vacuum less and silent. Only the light dousing out, as Lewis’ wide shoulders zipped out the doorway. The embers once swirling his space extinguished altogether, plunging the room into total darkness.
The catalyst must’ve been the racketing dog yaps, which entered onto the work floor. Soon after there was Vivi, racing over to the middle of the room and dashing her eyes around. Mystery was her guide, leading directly to the side wall where Arthur had remained hunched over. Arthur gave her the barest attention when she reached his side and leaned low. An exchange of words followed. Then, Vivi raised her sight to the office doorway.
Without a word, Lewis approached the group, arms clasped behind his back. When Lance emerged from his quarters fully and the light ensnared him, Vivi set her eyes upon him, and they became saucers. In retrospect, it did explain some things, though not nearly enough if Lance was honest. Something about all this didn’t settle right, and at the core of this drama was his boy, Arthur. If he couldn’t enlist Vivi’s aid in this, he might have to pursue other drastic means. But it wouldn’t work to be reckless. Being reckless is what nearly got him socked in the face, by something that claimed to be Lewis Pepper.
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