Truth to be told, I'm just a sad possum.
19K posts
 A french speaking, bisexual aromantic hufflepuff. 1/3 fandom, 1/3 social justice, 1/3 aesthetic. I love aliens, possums, Bauhaus, star trek, southern gothic and mad max fury road. 
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thesmokingpossum · 8 years ago
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Bath Magic Masterpost
from 8/17
Herbal Bath Charm - milk, salt, lavender, mint, vanilla
I Wash My Troubles Down - shower, soap/shampoo
Mars Bath - Tuesday, thyme, black tea, coffee grounds, bloodstones
Bath Spell to Grow as a Diviner - Monday, tea light candles, anointing oils, blue embroidery floss, blue food dye, glitter, peppermint oil
New Moon Bath Spell - glass jars, herbs, olive oil, vanilla extract, white/pink/red thread & candles, calming tea, music
“Bathe Me in Love” Spell - Friday, cinnamon, basil, rose leaves, dried lemon peel
Bath Ritual - jasmine oil, lemons, basil, salt, candles, incense
Confidence Bath Spell - red/pink/green/white candles, rosemary, dill, lavender, lemon juice, rose water, stones/gems
Simple Beauty Spell - full moon, usual beauty supplies, moonlight
Positivity/Confidence Bath Spell - citrus/citronella scented bath product, selenite, rose quartz, orange/white candles
Spoon Regenerating Bath Spell - oatmeal, kumquats, witch hazel, epsom salts, cinnamon, dried apple slices, cloves
Spirited Away Herbal Soak Bath Spell - sea salt, lavender, basil, coconut oil, orange essential oil
Breakfast Bath - oats, cinnamon, coffee grounds/tea/orange peel
Bath Sachet for Spirituality -  Saturday, cinnamon, coffee, black tea
Get Well Bath Spell - green candle, epsom salts, baking soda, tea tree oil/other essential oil 
Gossip Stopping Scrub - sea salt, white sugar, black lava salt, rose geranium & dragon’s blood essential oil
Sea Witch Bath - sea salt, epsom salt, kelp powder, baking soda, rosemary essential oil
Beauty Bath Glamour - salt, epsom salt, fresh lavender, orange zest, pink rose petals, tea light candles
Goddess Glamour Bath - sea salt, epsom salt, red rose petals, sweet orange, rose & jasmine essential oil, cinnamon
Witchy Bath Salts - sea salt, various essential oils
Shower Disks for Cleansing and Purifying - baking soda, corn starch, rosemary & lemongrass essential oils, dried peppermint leaves, dried lemon rinds, dried rosemary
Happy Day Shower Spell - lemon, rosemary, daisy petals, honey, hair oil
Mental Clarity Shower Spell - coconut oil, mint, peppermint oil, sugar 
Anti-Negativity Shower Spell - shampoo and/or bodywash, lotion
Violation Bath Salts - coarse sea salt, epsom salts, baking soda, basil, eucalyptus, lemon
Black Tea Scrub - tea leaves, sugar, oil
Ritual Herb Shower - herbs, salt
Moon Soap - sandalwood, camphor, lemon, eucalyptus
Bath Salts - sea salt, epsom salt, herbs, essential oils
Bath Ritual for Healing - candle, anointing oil, green/pink/light blue embroidery floss, honey, lavender, chamomile, thyme, garlic, onion, green tea
Cinnamon Dolce Latte Grounding Scrub- coffee grounds, cinnamon, honey, sugar, oil
“Banish the Bad” Bath Spell - Saturday, black tea, basil, bay leaves, garlic powder
Coffee Banishing Bath - coffee grounds, ginger powder, cayenne powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, baking soda (be careful with this one - very irritating to the eyes)
Bath Sachet for Peace - Friday, rooibos tea, vanilla, ginger
Money Bath - allspice, cinnamon, rosemary leaves, sage, sesame oil,  small silver coin, green candle
Self-Esteem Bath Spell - lavender & jasmine essential oil, green oak leaves (or basil), purple and yellow candles, purple thread
Bath Spell for Friendship - Friday, green tea, lemon juice, rose petals, yarrow, pink embroidery floss
Wealth Drawing Dragon Bath - LUSH’s dragon’s egg bath bomb, dragon’s blood incense, candles
Prosperity Bath Spell - almond milk, cinnamon, cloves, oats, epsom salt, green candle, clear quartz, music
Sun Energy Bath Spell for Depression - lemon rind, cinnamon, bay 
Bath Spell - salt, essential oils, dried flowers, candles
Shower Disks for Protection - baking soda, corn starch, lavender & eucalyptus essential oil, dried basil leaves, dried lavender flowers, ground cloves
Bath Spell for Protection - Thursday, basil, cinnamon, onion, cumin, green tea
Shower Disks for Attracting Money - baking soda, corn starch,  patchouli & juniper berry essential oil, dried mint leaves, dried thyme, allspice
The Empath Bath - gem elixir, lavender, wormwood, sage, angelica root
Peppermint Milk Bath - powdered milk, corn starch, baking soda, peppermint essential oil/peppermint leaves
Bath Spells , more Bath Spells 
Bath Magick Tip
Bath Magic: Where to Begin
Goodness that’s a lot of baths! Thanks for joining me today!
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
Do you have anything to help with negative thoughts?
Sorry this took a while for me to get to! It got lost in my drafts…
[Banish the Negative, Bring in the Positive Spell]
[Black Hole Jar]
[Box Up Negativity]
[Burn Away Negativity]
[Cut It Out, Cut Them Off]
[Easy Spell for the Secret Witch: Bubbles and Negativity]
[Feeding the Dark Serpent]
[Helping One Control Their Negative and Intrusive Thoughts]
[New Moon Banishing Ritual] (tw: gif)
[Purify Negative Self Talk Spell]
[Rain Washing Spell]
[Saturn Banishing Ritual]
[Sea Spell to Rid Yourself of a Bad Thought]
[A Spell to Transform Destructive Feelings]
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
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BLOODY MARY’S ARE MY FAVORITE // Available as a bag, shirt, etc
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
Eh peps, Tumblr decided that it was no longer gonna let me log into my 5 years old account because fuck me, that why. I still can access it via mobile but I feel like this is a temporary solution so I moved my bitterness to @thesmokinpossum I’m pretty bummed out by the whole thing, not gonna like, so all follow will be really appreciated
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
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look at my beautiful children
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
Eh peps, Tumblr decided that it was no longer gonna let me log into my 5 years old account because fuck me, that why. I still can access it via mobile but I feel like this is a temporary solution so I moved my bitterness to @thesmokinpossum I’m pretty bummed out by the whole thing, not gonna like, so all follow will be really appreciated
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
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Exercise 39 Results and Step by Step Chart
Artist: Tim Von Rueden (vonn)
Check out our juicy exercise 39 results along with some awesome user submissions HERE.
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
Make Some Pocket Extenders for Your Pants
So I don’t know about you, but I’m often frustrated by the ridiculous smallness of girls’ pockets. At a bare minimum, I need to be able to shove my cellphone in there - come on, pants companies! So what I started doing was making myself pocket extenders. I’ve done this several times, for pants and shorts. It’s great.
I just got this pair of jeans, so I thought I’d show you how to do it. I kind of feel like it just hasn’t occurred to some of you that this is an option, so maybe now it will. All you need is your pants, some fabric (I just took a random piece from a scrap bin), a needle, and some thread (thread doesn’t even need to match the fabric since literally no one will see it).
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See? Ridiculous. Like, half a cellphone, or only 2.5″. Useless.
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 So turn those inside out to expose the pockets.
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Figure out how big you want your pockets to actually be. I kinda go by whatever looks like might be right. I didn’t really measure them. Fold the fabric in half, so you have a pocket, and then fold it in half again so you can have two equal ones.
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Try to get the edges to line up enough, pin it in place, then sew up the sides! Are your stitches crazy uneven and wonky looking? Doesn’t matter; nobody’s going to see it. These are in the inside of your pants. The only thing that matters is that it holds up. So I double-did the corners, since those tend to get the most stress.
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Cut open the bottom of the existing pockets.
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Pin it in place, then sew around, joining the new pocket to the old pocket. I did this by keeping my hand on the inside, so I wouldn’t accidentally sew through the other side. Again, I reinforced the corners, and didn’t worry about what it actually looks like. Then I turned it in side out to make sure the inside was all joined properly.
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Yay all done! And the pockets are so much bigger now!
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Whaaaat I can fit my entire phone and entire hand and probably something else now, are girls’ pockets even allowed to do that?! Heck yeah they are.
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
Eh peps, Tumblr decided that it was no longer gonna let me log into my 5 years old account because fuck me, that why. I still can access it via mobile but I feel like this is a temporary solution so I moved my bitterness to @thesmokinpossum I’m pretty bummed out by the whole thing, not gonna like, so all follow will be really appreciated
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
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Dolly Parton and Keith Haring photographed by Andy Warhol, August 1985.
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
Moon Garden
A moon garden is a garden specifically designed to be enjoyed by the light of the moon at night. It is typically planted with flowers and plants that are at their best after the sun has set. Some have blooms that only open at night, some release their fragrance into the cool night air and others simply have lovely silver foliage and white flowers that glow softly in the moonlight. Plants that resonate with the energy of the moon are also welcome in a moon garden, although they usually meet the other criteria as well.
A moon garden is a wonderful idea for night owls, for people who work long hours during the day and only get to enjoy their gardens at night, and, of course, for moon-worshipers!
Design Elements
To fully enjoy your moon garden, you will want a comfortable bench or perhaps a wooden swing to rest on in the cool of the evening.
The sound of a waterfall trickling through your plantings will provide a soothing backdrop to your evening meditation.
Consider adding a few (but not too many) glow-in-the dark garden decor pieces to help you navigate your way through the garden in the darkness and also to add a bit of magical flare. Consider creating stepping stones with glow in the dark pebbles or solar mason jars along your path to light your way.
Suggested Plants
Please note that many of these plants are poisonous and some are invasive. It is up to you to decide whether and where to plant them and to manage them responsibly. Please read the individual plant’s page carefully and do further research from other sources before purchasing and planting any of these.
Flowers that Open at Night:
evening primrose, night blooming cereus, night phlox "Midnight Candy", moonflower, night blooming daylily "Moon Frolic" or “Toltec Sundail”, night blooming water lily, night gladiolus, Casablanca lily, Nottingham catchfly, Four O'Clock, Dragon Fruit, Dutchman’s pipe cactus, night-blooming jasmine, angel’s trumpet, Evening Stock, Nicotiana/flowering tobacco
Flowers that Smell Their Best at Night:
Night Phlox, Night Blooming Jasmine, Evening Stock, Four O'Clock, August Lily, Moonflower, Tuberose, Garden Heliotrope, Mock Orange, Honeysuckle
Plants that Look Great in the Moonlight:
yucca, lily of the valley, magnolia, dogwood, lamb’s ear, sage
Plants that resonate with lunar energy:
Alder, Evening Primrose, Lemon, Maple, marsh mallow, Monarda, Mugwort, Poppy, Rosemary, Water Lily,
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
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@panic-volkushka yep, i know. And of course, this blog was made with my high school email adress that I haven't used in years (I tried to regain it and hotmail pretty much laughed at me) so I just lost a blog I had for almost a quarter of my life:)
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
Eh peps, Tumblr decided that it was no longer gonna let me log into my 5 years old account because fuck me, that why. I still can access it via mobile but I feel like this is a temporary solution so I moved my bitterness to @thesmokinpossum I'm pretty bummed out by the whole thing, not gonna like, so all follow will be really appreciated
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thesmokingpossum · 9 years ago
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this is the purest package design mankind has ever and will ever produce
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