#so excuse the wonky hand writing
jebtruther · 2 years
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skelliko · 11 months
★- Tokyo revengers
- cute, little, not so subtle things they do to show that they like you
featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, Baji, Inui, rindou
-honestly some of these aren't even hints they're just straight up green flags-
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°- kazutora hanemiya
• he'd innocently tap his fingers or pat his hands on you to a certain beat of a song, on your shoulders, head, knees or arms. he'd do it out of nowhere and without a warning and it'd last between a few seconds to a minute
• sometimes he'd tease you with small annoying acts, that could go from from taking your pens and pencils and holding onto them in his grasp as you try to take them off from him but fail, or taking your work sheets that you need and making little origami boats all with a mischievous smile.
• he'd do anything with you, but only if it's just the two of you and he'd make that clear. you only have to ask once if he wants to join you in something or if you need help with anything, but if you ask while you're in your group he'd be reluctant and always make an excuse for it to just be you two
• when you're both doing something mischievous in school like cheating or going in places you shouldn't be, if you both get caught kazutora takes the fault and would try to get you out of detention, (despite him blaming others for certain things if it revolves around actual punishment he doesn't point to someone) though if your still dragged into detention then kazutora would throw a little note at you and try to humor the situation
• his love language is physical touch and quality time
°- chifuyu matsuno
• he'd hand write little sweet notes while you're there and watching chifuyu write and pass it towards the corner of your desk but then act like he didn't do that, "oh what's that?" "hm, who's that's from?" all with a good poker face
• he'd ask the question "if I were a worm would you still love me?"
• whenever you mention that you were out late at night he'd become a little protective and insist that next time when your alone at night to message him and he'd accompany you, that's exactly what happened. every time you're out and it's late he'd comes over to the location that you sent on his motorbike to safely take you home - like Baji though he'd use that as a slight advantage to feel a hug from you but he won't admit it
• when you'd talk about manga he'd slip up a little about "that character reminds me of you" and then the character is the most gorgeous, most likable and so like you that you hadn't even thought of comparing yourself to them until chifuyu mentioned it that sometimes it got you thinking into how well he takes notice of some things about you.
• his love language is acts of service and words of affirmation
°- Baji Keisuke
• whenever he walks past you in hallways or even if you're both in your separate groups and accidentally meet in public, he would bring his hand up to pat the top of your head once while walking past ya and not say anything about it but hold a grin
• he'd always try to bring you out on his motorbike just so you could wrap your arms around him and he's admitted to that before, "I just like it when you hug me" he said that with a small shrug and a confident smile. sometimes when the road is all clear he purposely speeds up just so he can feel your grasp get a little tighter and become closer
• in lesson or if you're trying to help Baji with some work he'd lean over to your page and do a quick little drawing. one of them was of the two of you as stick figures, holding hands above your heads. other drawings he'd done is wonky, unsymmetrical stars and flowers, very rare occasions mainly at the end of the lesson he's quickly do a tiny little heart at the very bottom corner but only if you weren't paying attention.
• whenever Baji comes across a cat, either a stray or an outdoor cat he'd take a picture of it and send it to you with a text, sometimes you'd be compared to the cat, "you if you were a cat" "it has your eye colour" "the cat has the same personality as you" "I bet you both would get along great"
• his love language is quality time and physical touch
°- Inui seishu
• he would straight up stare at you, without saying anything he'd shamelessly look at you and admire you, a lot of the time with a small smile and if you catch onto him and ask him about it he just shrugs and carries on looking at you
• out of nowhere, rarely, when hes behind you he'd be holding your favourite snack and hold it behind the back of your head until you turn around to notice it, sometimes if you take too long he'd crinkle the package to make you notice
• he'd fix up your hair for you, if the wind blew it and made your hair to be a little off than how you want it to be then he'd move the strands for you without saying anything
• he'd observe you and remember everything, not once did he forget any little detail about you, your temporary favourite colour for the week, what you ate last Thursday at 2:37pm, that one scene in an episode of a series that you mentioned last month that inui was so far behind in watching but then brought it up that he got up to that part, it's as if he keeps note of everything
• his love language is acts of service and quality time, a bit of gifting
°- rindou haitani
• whenever you're both together, for even a brief moment, if he sees a flower outside in the grass, concrete, over someone's garden fence or even on someone's private property he will pick a singular flower and then pass it to you (he expects you to keep it until you both part) and it'd be a large variety wherever you both go out, it's hardly ever be the same flower and he makes sure of that
• at some point he let you try on his white gloves that he uses to fight people with and someone else saw that and asked him if they could also try it on and rindou went, "no fuck off" with no hesitation whatso ever, even his mood switched up a little but then immediately went back to smiling at how the gloves were a little bit too big on you
• if you're both together and walk past a group of guys he'd place his arm around your shoulders and keep you close, his reasoning was so that they don't try to hit on you knowing damn well your a single and a free person (someone's protective?)
• he loves to braid your hair, long or short doesn't matter. he's braided his brother's hair before and even though it took him a few tries to get it right he wouldn't miss a perfect opportunity to try and braid yours if it means to get close to you
• his love language is acts of service and gifting
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jasminsstories · 8 months
[01:22 am]
pov: you want to wait until zayne comes home, but he works overtime again. when he comes home he finds you asleep already.
fluff. just pure soft fluff. use of pet names (angel, love). zayne x reader
your tired eyes wandered to the top left of your smartphone screen where the numbers of the current time was displayed. “seems like zayne is working overtime again huh”, you muttered to yourself and a yawn left your mouth. your fingers opened the message from him earlier that day where he wrote how we wanted to come right to your place after he is done working. those were the last words he left you. it seemed like the cardiologist got too busy right after. you didn’t even realize how your heavy eyes closed on their own while you read the message again and your phone display darkened right afterwards.
you didn’t know what exactly woke you but you noticed a shifting on the bed and a rustling of the bed sheets. “mhmn..?”, you turned on your back and managed to crack your eyes slightly open. however due to the darkness of the room you couldn’t see or make out anything. “go to sleep again, angel”, you heard a familiar low voice whisper and the warmth of a hand caress your cheek, “sorry, i didn’t want to wake you up.” your drowsy eyes closed again in relaxation, because you were now certain who the person next to you was. so you just leaned your head into his hand and rubbed your cheek slightly against it with a soft sigh, “zayne.. you late.” your sleepy brain was not quite able to form a coherent sentence, but the chuckle from your lover revealed that he couldn’t care less and probably even found it adorable. “i got a sudden emergency operation and it took longer than expected”, the raven haired doctor answered and that’s when he made out your phone right next to you, laying there discarded. carefully he picked it up to put it to safety on your bedside table. you could feel the warmth of his body loom over you while he did this. “…you waited for me?” “mhmm.. yeah” “i didn’t want to make you wait, i’m sorry” you could already imagine his furrowed eyebrows and the apologetic gleam in his orbs behind your closed eyes, so you just shook your head and reached your arms upwards in hopes to find his body. you were lucky and without hesitation you enclosed his broad form to pull him towards you. he let out a surprised sound and instinctively quickly propped his hands against the mattress to prevent his weight completely fall onto you. “doesn’t matter- you are here now”, you mumbled and nuzzled your nose into his hair. a fond smile spread across zayne’s lips and he felt how his exhausted body absorbed the warmth and comfort you provided him even when you were half asleep. slowly he shifted his weight to lay down beside you, snaking his arms around your body to completely engulf you in a hug. you felt his familiar smell and warmth wrap around you and you immediately nestled your head against his chest. the rhythmical, strong beats of his heart, pulled you to sleep again. “i will always come back to you”, he said quietly, not sure if you were still able to hear his words. “good night, my love” zayne pressed a loving kiss on the crown of your head, before he closed his eyes and the world of dreams called him.
✨ note: this got way longer than i thought and intended to, but i’m so down bad for this man. had to get my brain rots out somehow. it’s been really long since i wrote something like this and english is not my first language so excuse me if there are mistakes or it’s a bit wonky on some ends. thinking about writing more zayne stuff in the future, but i’m not sure if there are people who would want to read these ><
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buzzcutlip · 2 months
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What You Can't Bury Give Away - NY!Carmen Carmen x Fem!Reader Explicit! 2257 words
A/N This was supposed to be a drabble - haha! I don't know what is it now. Have some sad NY!Carmy after he finds out Michael's died and how he deals with leaving NY (not in a great way but excuse his broken little soul). I know I said I wanted to write Copenhagen!Carmy, so that one's coming too eventually.
When you open the door for Carmen and see him after, like, three weeks, you almost flinch. He’s always looked tired and worn out—while also attractive and weirdly hot—but today he looks particularly bad. Dreadful. His eyes are red, the bags underneath them grayish. It���s obvious that he hasn’t washed his hair in days. He looks as tragic as you feel.
“Hi,” you say tentatively, unsure if he wants to address the reason why he’s here.
Carmy only nods, eyes trained on you, even as he takes his denim trucker jacket off. You hang it on the only free, wonky peg on the wall, feeling him follow your movements all the while. Undoubtedly, it makes you antsy and uncomfortable. You’re not used to guys’ attention. You’re not used to attention from guys you like at all.
When you turn around and find him staring, you sigh. The jumper he’s wearing hangs loosely on his body, the sleeves too long. The navy blue color highlights the paleness of his face, the hollow cheeks.
“When was the last time you ate?”
Carmy opens his mouth to say something smart, probably, but you’re faster: “Ate a proper meal,” you clarify, propping your hands on your hips. You’re trying to act stern, babying him a little without making him seem like a baby. It’s the last time you’re seeing him, probably.
“I dunno,” he admits quietly, impatiently. He thumbs his bottom lip, scratches his head. He’s all sorts of jittery energy turned into a human being. You don’t know him like this.
“I can cook some pasta,” you offer. The idea is absolutely disproportionate to the situation, you think hysterically, as you turn to walk to the kitchen cabinets. “I’m actually a pretty good cook, you know,” you say just to fill in the space, afraid of the silence that might provoke unwise happenings.
As you reach the pack of fusilli, you feel him stand directly behind you. You exhale sharply. Something unwise is already happening. Settling the pasta on the counter, you turn around.
“I—” but before you manage to get out a single word, Carmy’s mouth is on yours, and he’s kissing you. Of course, it doesn’t take much for you to reciprocate. You kiss him back, hands squeezing his biceps, enjoying the thickness and how strong his arms feel.
“Don’t you think this is a bad idea?” you say as Carmen crowds you against the kitchen counter.
“I don’t—think. I don’t want to think,” he stutters out, grabbing at your waist and squeezing.
“But we’re adults, Berzatto,” you stand your ground even though your hands find their way into Carmy’s hair without much thought, “and thinking about our actions is the annoying part of adulthood,” you explain, and when Carmen kisses your jaw, you feel your determination slipping.
You met Carmen a couple of months ago and saw each other like four times. Apparently, he works in a restaurant, and you know that people in hospitality have crazy work schedules and practically no free time. Or social life. Carmen is proof of all that—he doesn’t talk much, doesn’t ask many questions. There are silly tattoos on his hands and scars—some looking fresh and painful. You never confront him about them, never look too long.
He didn’t have to tell you that he’s leaving, you know. If he didn’t, he would just be another boy who disappeared from your life quietly. And you wouldn’t blame him. You’re not a particularly interesting person. Rather dull, some member of your immediate family would say.
“Have you been drinking?” you check as you dodge another kiss. Carmen doesn’t ask questions, but suddenly you do—way too many, you can see the annoyance on his face, as you shrug him off of you, reluctant.
Carmen looks at you, all serious. “I don’t drink.”
“I know. I’m just asking,” you shrug. “Trying to find out what’s gotten into you.”
Because the second time you were with him, on some well-hidden, tourist-less rooftop bar, you drinking bottled beer and him Coke, laying next to each other on loungers—you touched him casually a couple of times while talking shit about your office work and annoying colleagues and canteen coffee that tastes like burnt water. Those fleeting touches that can be easily excused. You were testing the waters. And Carmy didn’t budge. He even laughed when you told him “your hands are pretty large,” let you press your palms together to see the size difference that lit up a flame in your lower belly. Fuck, the lamest trick, and he ate it all up, clueless. He even walked you home after that. For twenty minutes, your stomach was in twists with anticipation. You even considered fucking without a condom because you knew you had none at home, and Carmy didn’t look like the type who would carry one in his wallet. However, when you arrived at your apartment building, Carmen said “goodnight,” waved at you awkwardly, and left, cigarette in hand. That’s how you know the attraction was one-sided.
It makes the current event even more weird.
“You know, I was trying to let you know I liked you,” you say nonchalantly, biting your lip. “I even did that thing with hands.”
“What thing with hands?”
“Where we measure our hands,” duh.
“Oh. I didn’t know it was a thing.”
You stare at him for a moment.
“It was basically an invitation to fuck me, Carmen.”
He stares, then squeezes your waist. “Oh yeah?”
‘Oh,’ you think. This sounds very much like another invitation, doesn’t it? And Carmy takes it, and this time, you let him.
“Oh my god, Carmy,” you gasp when he gets down on his knees for you, and you don’t have any idea that they only call him Carmy at home, that no one in New York ever calls him that. He freezes for a moment, but you don’t catch that, too lost in the idea of having him for yourself, finally.
He pulls down your baby blue sleeping shorts along with your panties, revealing tan lines—the stark contrast of the untouched, milky skin of your crotch and the darker shade of your legs. You worked hard for that stupid tan, taking a week off in March to go to Hawaii, splashing a disgusting amount of money on the vacation, desperate to get away from New York, from your office, to get some warmth. He should congratulate you on your efforts, really, being the first man to see you like this. You hate baking in the direct sun.
But Carm doesn’t say anything, just lowers down, getting hold of your hips, licking along the crease between your thigh and crotch. You’re not smooth down there. You haven’t shaved in a while, and the growing hairs must prickle his tongue. He doesn’t protest though, only grunts and licks more, then kisses your pussy, sucking the lips into his mouth, making loud, obscene noises. He’s desperate but very strategic.
His hands feel huge, cupping your pelvis, fingers digging into the flesh. You grip the countertop behind you to keep your balance as Carmen sticks two fingers into you unceremoniously. You yelp, shucking off your shorts and underwear jerkily all the way down. He helps you one-handed, looks up to check on you. You bite your lower lip to keep yourself from making more embarrassing noises, while Carmen throws the clothes somewhere behind himself and goes back to eating you out while fingerfucking you.
He is frantic but good, concentrating only on you. He stares up right into your eyes, not even blinking, as he sucks your clit. It should not be allowed, you think briefly, for sad, strange boys to make you feel this good, practically against your own volition. It’s always cold in your apartment, more so in the winter, but you’re on fire now.
Carmen’s still dressed in his clothes, and you’re wearing your t-shirt and an old, faded hoodie, white thick socks on your feet. Neither of you cares too much about it as you focus on each other. You dare to touch one of your hands to Carm’s wild curls, and he hums against you, getting ahold of your ankle without stopping what he’s doing with his clever mouth, propping it against his shoulder. He helps you adjust your stance, and you moan loudly as he reaches deeper into you with the changed position.
“Please,” you whisper, head tipped back in pleasure, holding onto the counter one-handed for dear life.
That’s when Carmen chooses to stop, and you look down at him sharply, half-mad with want, watching his wet mouth kiss your ankle just above where your sock ends, then higher up along the inside of your leg, the side of your knee. His eyes are closed and he seems lost in his head, holding your ankle steady on his shoulder and continuing up, up, up. It makes your chest ache for a fleeting moment. Then, out of nowhere, Carmen bares his teeth and sets them into the meat of your inner thigh. You yelp at the sharp pain, jumping up so your head connects with the cabinet behind you with a loud noise.
“Fuck!” you swear, thinking of literally kicking Carmen as your leg is conveniently positioned near his head.
“Careful,” he says instead of ‘sorry’, and bites you again. You inhale to shout something nastier, but then he presses his thumb to your clit and the pain, added to the pleasure, creates a mixture so delicious that your vision blacks out for a moment. Once it clears, you spot Carmy between your legs, his eyes glazed and fixed on what his thumb is doing to you, all frowny in concentration.
“You alright?” he asks as he feels your gaze on him. As you nod and add a breathless ‘yeah’, he bites you again, this time on your other thigh. You jerk every single time he does that, but not from the pain. No, you seek more friction with your pelvis, hoping to make him press his thumb down harder against you. Of course, Carmen, as smart as he is, catches on soon. The next time you lift your hips up, he simply pushes his fingers back into your dripping cunt again, and from then it’s a quick undoing for you. 
You ride Carmy’s fingers, chasing the pressure both inside and on your clit, enjoying the pleasure-pain his mouth is eliciting. Just before you come, you dare to look down, and the sight of bright bruises blooming red like peonies on your skin is what tips you over the edge.  
You barely manage to kiss him back as he stands up between your legs, disoriented and shaky from just orgasming. You’re clumsy with it—teeth clicking and lips landing off-center. Before you can properly catch your breath, Carmen’s turning you around so you face the tiled wall, pushing you against the counter, and this time you mind the cabinets above your head.  
“You did so good f’me,” Carmy says against your ear, sending violent shivers down your spine. His large hand cradles your jaw, and Carmy kisses behind your ear and down the side of your neck, holding your head tilted to have better access to your burning skin. He’s frantic, breathing raggedly, pulling the neck of your jumper to lick at the vertebrae protruding at your sensitive nape. 
Trying to take your arms out of the sleeves to get rid of the jumper is harder than you thought as you get distracted by Carm absolutely ignoring your efforts when he slips one of his rough palms under the clothes, up your tummy to your chest. 
“Can I—can I touch your tits?” he asks hoarsely while still holding your head in position. You consent and stop trying to help him out, dropping your head back to rest on his shoulder. 
Carmen fucks you like that, from behind, all desperate and urgent. The noises he makes are almost like quiet sobs, which alarm you slightly, but then you forget everything when you start feeling you might come again. You don’t, but as soon as Carmen feels he might, he slips out and you spin around to face him. 
Without any room for making this cute, you spit in your palm and grip his cock, all dark red and throbbing, while Carmen fists your jumper, holding you close and watching open-mouthed as you jerk him off. When he comes you’re almost sure he’s gonna bite through his bottom lip from how hard he’s biting on it. He lets you stroke him for long moments after that, even though he’s shaking all over, overstimulated. You love watching his tummy muscles jump every time you squeeze at the head, dragging more delicious, wrecked sounds out of him. 
Afterward, Carmen’s awfully flushed in the face, eyes glistening. He asks where the bathroom is and stays there for ten long minutes. Or so. You’re not timing it. You cook the stupid pasta, even though you’re lazy, and feed him. The atmosphere’s charged with something unspoken, and as much as you want to ask what his plans are after he leaves New York, you don’t. 
After the meal, Carm doesn’t linger. He puts his jacket on, pecks your cheek, and leaves without looking back.
Oh, so that was a pity fuck, you realize with much disdain when you’re lying in your bed. Only—you’re not sure who pitied whom there.
He will never know how much you cried that night.
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bkaulitzz · 7 months
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐭
more like this on my wattpad :3 @/b_kaulitzz
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info: LASER TAG LEMON, enemies to lovers if you squint, f!reader x dom!bill
c/w: just dirty talk, choking, fondling (f receiving)
a/n: THE FIRST HALF IS FROM JULY…my writing has improved so some stuff might be wonky
more under cut :)
"Happy birthday, to Valerie. Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang, as Valerie leaned into her cake, blowing out her candles. I smiled as I watched her, she looked so gorgeous today, all dressed up for her birthday. I sat back on the couch, in a party room of the arcade place. It was lit with neon lights, the walls were carpet material with a purple hue. I hummed as I saw a plate of cake, held in front of me, looking up at the person who handed it to me. I felt my heart flutter as I met his dark brown eyes, taking the plate.
"Thank you, Bill, " I pursed my lips as I rolled my eyes, and he only smiled back as he handed me a fork. I began to eat the slice of cake.
"We're gonna play laser tag in a few, do you wanna join?" He said as he pointed his thumb back in the direction of the laser tag arena. I raised an eyebrow and looked over his shoulder.
"There's laser tag?" I muffled through the piece of cake in my mouth. He gave me a nod, grinning as he eyed me. "I'll join, I guess."
"I'll see you then, " Bill leaned down into my ear as he spoke. I felt my face heat up as he leaned back with a smirk, and walked off to get his piece of cake. I nibbled on my lip as I watched Bill awkwardly grab a plate from Valerie, they weren't even close. I don't even know why he got an invite. It was as if he HAD to be everywhere that I was. God, he annoys me. His stupid sly talk, his stupid hair, his pretty lips. I clenched the fork as I zoned out, my eyes on him. He turned to me, feeling my eyes on his. He tilted his head, coming over to sit next to me. "You shouldn't stare at people, it's rude, " He teased as he nudged me in my side with his elbow. I widened my eyes as I turned to him, we were so close that our thighs could overlap one another.
"I wasn't staring...I just zoned out, " I furrowed my brows, finishing the piece of cake. He tilted his head as he held a piece of cake to his lips.
"Why are you avoiding it? I know you were staring." He chuckled as he ate the piece of cake.
"I wasn't! Bill, just!... I just wanna play laser tag, " I huffed as I got up, to rush out of the rented party room. I left the used paper plate on the table in front of us. Bill frowned and watched.
"Wait!" I heard him call behind me as I excused myself past the other party people. I sighed in relief as I finally got out. I needed to get away from him. I looked around the arcade, eying each game. Guitar Hero? No, already played that. Dance Dance Revolution? No, too tiring. Air hockey! I widened my eyes and ran over, watching as a male leaned against it as he talked to another friend.
"Are you guys playing right now?" I spoke as I fidgeted with the hem of my long sleeves. The tan male turned to me, looking like he came straight out of a boy band. I felt a lump in my throat as my palms sweated, he smiled and shook his head.
"No, do you wanna play?" He asked as he went to the opposite side of where I stood at the air hockey table. I nodded, taking hold of a mallet. He smiled as he placed quarters in, taking a mallet and sliding the puck towards him. He hit it toward me, starting the game. I bit the inside of my cheek, hitting it back away from my goal. I smirked as the game went on, hitting the puck into his goal. He was so dreamy, his curls laid over his face so nicely, I almost lost the game from eying him. I furrowed my brows as my eyes went back and forth between him and the puck. We were tied, in the last seconds of the game. Come on, come on. I thought as I watched the puck slide back and forth, it was to the point you couldn't even see the distinct shape of it. I clenched the mallet as I tried to focus on the game, harshly hitting the puck. I gasped, feeling a pull on my wrist; my mallet gliding away from the goal as my grip pulled off, which caused the male to win.
"Come on, laser tag is starting, " Bill grumbled into my ear as he glared at the tan male. The male raised his arms as he watched us, smirking widely.
"I won! Have fun with your boyfriend!" I heard him say from a distance, as we walked off. I huffed as I stumbled along.
"He's not my boyfriend!" I responded, feeling Bill's grip around my wrist tighten. I frowned as we made it to where the others were. "What the hell, Bill? I was about to win!" I groaned as he let go of my wrist, once we got to the gear area. Everyone else was suited up, some fixing their shirts as they suited up.
"It's fine. You can play again later. This is more fun anyways, " Bill huffed as he walked to the opposite side, to put his gear on. I frowned as I watched him, what is wrong with him? I looked over to my side, only one vest left. I placed it over myself, sighing as I tightened it. The game controller opened the door, and everyone walked in. I followed behind, holding my gun up. I regret not inviting at least one friend here, everyone seemed to have a buddy. Techno music played above us, a countdown started and everyone ran off away from one another. Their vests lit up either blue or red. I chased after someone with a red vest, it was so dark, I couldn't make up their features or hair at least. My vest blinked as came close to them, giving off a zapping noise. I shot at them, before running off to hide behind a wall.
My palms sweated with the grip on the plastic laser gun. I backed up into a corner, behind a wall with a sigh as I wiped off the sweat on my forehead. The blue light from my vest lit my face from underneath as I took a seat on the carpet. I sighed, fanning myself. The noise and the heat were way too overwhelming. I checked my face with the back of my palm, hoping my makeup didn't melt off by now. I sighed in relief as no color transferred, standing up again with the gun. I looked at the time on the gun, listening to the computerized gunshots as people ran by. Maybe, if I stayed here, I wouldn't have to deal with anybody. I raised my eyebrows as my blue light began to flash, aiming the gun around. My back pressed up against the wall. My heart dropped as I watched a figure enter my vision, turning around the corner to face me. The dark-haired male aimed the gun at me with a smirk as the red light under him blinked, making him look more intimidating.
"Bill?! Don't scare me like that!" I scowled, aiming the gun at him to shoot with both hands. He shook his head, putting a finger over his lips as he quickly used his own gun to push mine away. The plastic harshly clashed against each other as I tried to keep my grip, my sweaty palms worked against me. I folded up a bit as I tried to pick my gun back up, only for Bill to take my wrists in either hand. He grinned, looking down at me as he pinned me. "You're cheating! Don't try to steal points off of me, " I tried to fight against his restraint. He bit his lip with a smirk as his eyes were hooded, leaning close down to my face. My heart raced, looking up at him as he glanced over my lips.
"It isn't cheating if both of us are in on this, " He leaned down to my neck, brushing his plump lips against my sensitive skin. I shivered, closing my eyes as I tilted my head away.
"I don't think laser tag is played this way, Bill, " I looked back down at him as he looked up at me through his eyebrows.
"You know..." He slowly stood up, taking both of my wrists in his left hand. He moved his free hand down to my lower jaw to lift my attention to him. My face heated up as he admired my features. "I think it's unfair how you always try to tell me what's right. Why don't I show you?"
"What?..." My stomach turned as his hand slid down to wrap around my neck. His grasp on me was firm, yet so gentle. My breath hitched as I watched him lean down to my lips, his lips parting with a grin as he looked up into my eyes.
"You're not fighting with me over something for the first time, " He whispered as he hovered his lips over mine. I slightly leaned closer, only for him to lean away.
"Bill, please..." I felt so ashamed, looking up at him with pleading eyes. He let out a mocking gasp, gently rubbing my neck with his thumb.
"This is new, I like this look on you, " He leaned back down, smirking as he hovered over my lips. Our vests were so close by now, forming a slight purple together in the middle. I clenched my jaw as I looked up at him. I leaned close, gently taking his bottom lip between my teeth. I slowly pulled back on it, watching his content expression. "You could've just said something, babe, " He finally pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes, letting out a small whine as his grip around my throat gently tightened. His warm and soft lips moved harshly against mine, and my head leaned back against the wall. Bill's lips chased after mine with a small chuckle as he moved his hand away from my wrists. My hands shot into his slightly sweaty hair, his hands gripping my waist as he pressed his body into mine. He groaned, the vests creating a barrier.
"You're so frustrating, " I said into the kiss, tilting my head as I pulled him closer by his head. He chuckled against my lips.
"Yea?" He hummed in response. I let out a small satisfied sigh, my legs feeling like overcooked noodles as I grew weak. My stomach turned as I felt heat grow between my legs.
"You annoy me so much, " I groaned as my lips begged for more. Each kiss feels just as addicting as the first one. He gripped my jaw, causing me to whine softly as he moved his lips against mine.
"Mhm?" Bill smirked against my lips, moving his knee between my thighs. I gasped softly, clenching my eyes as my arms slowly fell to his shoulders. I desperately moved my lips against his, my eyebrows curving inward. His free hand glided down my body, tasting my lips as his fingers dug into my thigh. I let out another sigh, allowing him to slide his tongue entrance. I slowly opened my eyes, his eyes meeting mine as he swirled his tongue against mine. I moaned softly, feeling his fingers slide against my folds through the thin leggings. He pulled away from the kiss, looking down at me as he slowly traced my clit. I arched my back, tilting my hips into his touch. "I'm so frustrating, I can't help it, " He breathed down my neck. My head went dizzy with the grip around my throat and his hand applying pressure onto my clit. I let out small moans, his face holding a proud smile as he continued. "I'm so annoying, " He dragged out, speaking into my ear. "Aren't I?" He placed a soft kiss on my ear. I let out a high-pitched moan as his finger gently flicked against my clit. I dug my nails into his shoulders, his vest protecting him as I tried to keep my moans down. "Tell me how annoying I am."
"Fuck-- you, " I managed to let out, biting my lip to fight back moans.
"Yea? Say that again, " He narrowed his eyes as he applied more pressure, circling my clit with his fingers. I trembled, letting out repeated pants. "Answer me."
"Fuck-" My voice shook as he continued to keep eye contact, sliding his fingers against my folds. He kissed my lips again, I let out a small whimper. He chuckled against my lips as his thumb pressed against my jaw. I desperately whine, curling my fingers into the sleeves of his shirt.
"I win, " Bill smirked against my lips as he stared down at me. I raised an eyebrow, my eyes following down to the dying light of my vest. He held his gun in his free hand, the audacity of him still having his hand on my throat. I clenched my fists, furrowing my eyebrows.
"No way. You're serious?" I picked up my gun, trying to shoot at him yet it was off. He slid a hand down to my vest as he kept me against the wall.
"I'm sorry...that you lost..." He mockingly frowned and pecked my jawline. My eyes were wide as I watched him leave with a smirk on his face. My nails dug into the gun, nearly breaking apart the gun at the seams. I'll get him back.
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© bkaulitzz; dont steal :(
bill kaulitz, bill, kaulitz twins, smut
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ursachaotic · 27 days
i posted a snippet of this on ig and a few people wanted to see the full thing so asdhfoiadsh HERE'S A THING I WROTE WHEE
I don't know if I'll finish this or not, but I really like how it turned out so far so I wanted to share! (It's not super edited so pls excuse any mistakes 🥲)
Anyway uhhhh hi here's a fic I wrote where Bill Cipher gets a panic attack okay bYE
[PREMISE: Bill and Mace are arguing about something, but Bill's powers start to go haywire and shift reality around them. Bill thinks he's alone but Mace can see everything he's seeing.]
[Summary of part beforehand because I got too excited and started writing the ending: Bill has a derealization episode or a PTSD flashback. He sees his mom sitting in the living room of his old house growing up, but just sees her sitting in front of a television screen with static on it. He realizes who it is, but he's scared to call out to her. Then she starts calling for him, calling him "Billy," as she starts to melt in front of him. Flames pick up around them as he hears screams of people being burned alive and his mom screaming and sobbing, begging to know why he did it. Bill has a breakdown, but Mace manages to get through to him.]
Bill felt something grab his hand. Eye wide, he immediately shoved it away.
The voice was fuzzy. It didn't sound like it was part of the droning screams or part of the blaze around him. It was different.
Something had gotten through into this world, phasing through the images. He saw what looked like a hand laced in TV static, reaching for his hand. He went cold, hands shaking. There was a loud ringing in his ears and then...
"Billy," said a voice, "It's okay."
The triangle winced, glow around him flickering. He squinted his eye open and stared up at the idiot human who had been tagging along with him. Mace was holding onto his hand, gently holding it with both of his, as he knelt down on the floor next to him.
Bill looked up – the walls around them were dark again. The fire was gone. There was only the glow from the TV screen, and the only sound was the fizzle of static from it.
"You might be having a panic attack? I think?" said Mace, looking around the room, "Can panic attacks make reality all wonky...?"
Bill said nothing. He stared at the TV screen. He stared at the silhouette of his mother.
Mace knit his brow, frowning.
"I... don't have to hold your hand," he said, slowly starting to release his little hand from his grip, "I know you don't like your hand held, but I thought it might--"
Bill clung on in a vice grip, yanking Mace forward and holding the human's hand to his face. He clung on tight with both of his little hands.
"dontleavemedontleavemedontleaveme--" The triangle stared blankly at the ground, a tear welling up in his eye. The glow around his body flickered and glitched.
Mace initially tensed up at the sudden yank over to him, but lowered his shoulders upon realizing what had Bill so scared. He knit his brow.
"Can you focus on the ground under your feet?" he said, pointing down to the ground with his free hand. He then rubbed his hand over it. "It feels grassy, right? Like dry, crunchy."
Bill blinked. His gaze turned to the ground. He picked up one of his feet and then placed it back down, rubbing his heel into the ground. Grassy. Dry. It didn't feel like carpet, despite him staring at the old, blue carpet.
"Now, think about my hand. Is it cold, hot, clammy...?" he said with a weak grin.
The triangle narrowed his brow for a second. He held Mace's hand to his face like he was listening for something.
"Geez, kid, why are your hands so sweaty?" he retorted, glaring up at the blond haired human.
Mace laughed, "Sorry, I was kinda panicking..."
"Why were you panicking?" Bill snapped, narrowing his eye.
"Cause you made reality all wonky! And I got scared that you were scared!"
"Please, kid – nothing could EVER scare me--"
The TV screen wailed with static. Bill clammed up again, clinging on tighter to Mace's hand.
He laughed. It wasn't a fun, chaotic laugh. It was dry. It was nervous. He stared blankly at the floor again, his entire body rigid.
"What. Do I. Do."
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 4 months
jance, 7 😌
hi💜thank you for sending me the prompt i suggested you send me because you inspired me when we were talking about them!! they always somehow end up 500x softer than i originally intend them to be when i write them so uh idk how this happened but yeah.
the prompt is a kiss to shut them up, which i also posted to ao3 here
For as long as they’ve known each other, Nace has always suspected that Jan somehow exists in a different dimension. It’s not that he’s careless or lazy; he just seems to operate on a different time scale from all the rest of them that doesn’t translate easily into the real world, despite Nace’s best efforts at learning his language. Whenever the band are making plans together, they always have to give Jan at least a half hour buffer if they want any hope of him arriving on time. It’s such a big problem that, for particularly important events, one of them has to be placed on ‘Jan watch’ to ensure that they can’t lose him. Nace has come to appreciate the importance of this job on another level now that he’s become Jan’s designated minder rather than Jure or Kris. 
It’s not just an important consideration when scheduling band events; Nace also has to be mindful of Jan’s wonky internal clock when they spend time together in a more personal capacity. The first time he invited Jan over for dinner several months ago, the meal he’d prepared had already begun to get cold by the time Jan showed up. Nace can’t hold this forgetfulness against Jan when it’s such an intrinsic part of him. He suspects that it’s a side effect of being a genius that the rest of the band have simply learnt to live with. Nace himself is slowly figuring out how to work around it; he’s started texting Jan a reminder of the event an hour in advance, he’s created a shared calendar in the hopes that Jan will check it more regularly, he convinces Jan to spend the night at his before any particularly important occasions. It’s not foolproof, but it’s certainly helped coordinate their lives more effectively than any measures the rest of the band have tried.
Jan is bad enough at remembering when he has to leave the house, but he’s hopeless at recalling when he’s offered to host instead. Nace has shown up multiple times on Jan’s doorstep to a disgruntled and still half-asleep Jan with the excuse that he lost track of time in the early hours and overslept. Nace has yet to come up with a solution to this problem, but he has plenty of time to think it over in the next few months as Eurovision approaches. Jan is certainly much better at remembering that the rest of the band exists when he has to share a hotel room with one of them.
It’s snowing heavily when Nace pulls up in front of Jan’s place and he takes out his phone to send him a message. As beautiful as this weather is, he’d prefer not stand outside in the freezing cold for half an hour if Jan has forgotten that he’s invited Nace over for lunch today. He’d also rather not pique the interest of the neighbours, who surely have noticed by now that Nace frequently shows up without the rest of the band accompanying him. It’s not exactly suspicious behaviour, but he knows that Jan would rather be as surreptitious as possible and not broadcast their budding relationship to his neighbourhood. Luckily, Jan answers Nace’s message within a few minutes, and Nace pulls on his winter clothing, gets out of his car, and hurries across Jan’s driveway to his front door.
Nace must have inadvertently interrupted a jamming session because when Jan answers the door, he still has an acoustic guitar in his hand. He’s clearly wide awake and well-rested, and he smiles brightly at the sight of Nace.
“Good morning, Mr Jordan,” he says cheekily.
“Good morning to you too, Mr Peteh,” Nace laughs, and steps forward to get out of the snow and the cold. 
Jan has other ideas. He blocks the doorway by propping his guitar up with an elbow against his chest and begins to play the opening riff of A Sem Ti Povedal. Nace is being serenaded by Jan, and suddenly there’s something tight in his chest that’s making it hard to breathe, and it’s not just the minus-ten-degree air outside. It’s wildly romantic considering that Jan is not usually one for grand gestures such as this, and it’s also embarrassingly public, even if the only possible observers are Jan’s neighbours. No one is out with the weather as bad as it is, but Nace still feels unbearably self-conscious, and he bundles Jan inside and closes the front door swiftly behind him. Jan is still playing and looking at Nace in a way that makes him feel raw and desperate. They’ve never said they love each other before, but this feels like the kind of moment in which Nace won’t be able to hold his tongue for much longer, and it’s not that he’s unsure of how Jan feels about him, he’s just terrified of scaring him off when he’s become one of the best things in his life. He’s overwhelmingly hot in his outdoor clothes in Jan’s warm house, and he tears off his hat and scarf but it doesn’t help the commotion in his brain, and Nace is suddenly desperate to shut Jan up before he says or does something he regrets.
He fists a hand in the collar of Jan’s shirt and tugs him in to kiss him hard. Jan’s fingers stall against the strings and he drops his pick as he reaches up to cup the back of Nace’s head with one hand and pull him in closer. The guitar is still between them and Nace fumblingly removes it from Jan’s grasp and sets it on the floor against the wall without breaking the kiss, leaving him free to move further into Jan’s personal space.
They’re panting when they break away, and Jan looks down at his empty left hand as though he hadn’t registered Nace taking his guitar away from him.
“Didn’t you like my playing?” Jan asks breathlessly.
“I loved it,” Nace says and laughs. The forbidden words are on the tip of his tongue and he has to take a moment to hold them back before he can continue. “No one’s ever serenaded me before.”
Jan kisses him again then, brief but hot, and Nace chases Jan’s lips futilely when he pulls away.
“You don’t know what you’ve got yourself in for,” Jan says. “Soon you’ll be wishing you’ll never have to hear me play ever again.”
“Absolutely not,” Nace protests. “It’s definitely a perk of dating you if you play for me like that.”
“I’m always playing for you,” Jan says sincerely, though he seems a little surprised to have said it. “I love you.”
Nace’s heart skips a beat and he pulls back so he can properly look Jan in the face. If he felt hot and bothered before, it doesn’t hold a candle to how he feels right now. There’s no air left in his lungs to say anything, and even if there were, he suddenly feels as though he’s forgotten how to speak. Jan is smiling a little nervously at him and Nace realises that he’s been staring at Jan, speechless, for far too long.
“I love you too,” Nace chokes out past the lump in his throat, and then he’s kissing Jan again fiercely, unrelentingly, like he doesn’t know how to stop, all lunch plans forgotten.
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stevie-petey · 3 months
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Decided to just send this in directly but! I have explanations for everything so buckle in bc when i say i have brain rot about this fic I MEAN IT ITS SO GOOD
2. I will never forget reading that scene from season 1 of steve driving bug home w her bike in his trunk and her all flustered about it and i dont super remember what time of day it was in the scene but in my head it was right after sunset where the sun has set but its light creates this contrast that makes everything look cool toned in comparison to whats in the light n i wanted to play w that in the coloring also im a sucker for steve n his big arms so this was almost entirely self indulgent
3. The cardigan bc i needed to. I re read that chapter constantly it gives me all the warm n fuzzies and thats good for the soul
4. The phones were both an “i need to put this in here immediately bc my brain never stops thinking about it” and a filler for blank space. The colors for each are tied to what s3 bug and what s3 are associated w in my head like you cannot tell me bug isnt soft ivory coded and steve is not light grey-blue coded in s3 it just feels right for them (plus i needed to reference the nicknames at least once my very soul craved it)
5. Dustins hat was a lil bit of a last minute thing, i was working on a bigger piece w all of this kids n their looks for season 3 but it wasnt coming out the way i wanted it to so i scrapped it but i still wanted a something in there that wasnt steve or bug related and it felt fitting to put in dustins camp know where cap both bc of his relationships w steve n bug and bc every now and then i think about how dustin felt ditched by the party at the beginning and how heartbreaking that scene was when i read it n how much i just wanted to hug the lil guy bc feeling lonely at an age like that is so devastating it made my heart hurt for him so i wanted to have a lil thing for dustin in there somewhere
6. In the show i really liked the whole bit w steve asking girls out and robin keeping score n before you wrote this scene i was curious as to how you were going to go about it and it ended up cracking me up dude i love that scene if him just being awkward and so not “king steve” suave and i needed to put down how my brain saw that scene to something visual bc it was so ugh hes such a dork i love steves himbo self
7. Follow up is the lil doodle of steve n robin running around high as hell and there was no way i wasnt going to include that somehow if i am given the chance to write the phrase “trash popcorn” and draw robin frolicking i will take it with both hands and bolt
8. Going back to the whole “steve is a desaturated light blue in s3” thing i just wanted an excuse to draw my boy being cute in my head this is when hes helping bug put away books at her job and yes the anatomy is a lil wonky but i luv him and his hair swoops and joes side profile is so very fun to draw <3
Over all come home is wonderful n amazing and i love it n ur brain is so big n full of wrinkles
i genuinely cried when i first saw this im not kidding. im speechless, its so fucking beautiful and everything you drew from the fic is captured SO perfectly i cannot even begin to explain how much this means to me :(((( thank you so so so so much. truly.
the DETAILS ???? you brought the cardigan to life. its exactly how i envisioned it in my head, its BEAUTIFUL :((((( and bug being ivory and steve a blue ,,,, god you really truly nailed this i again cannot put into words how PHENOMENAL this is. the telephone lines being connected with their nicknames, steve carrying a box of books at bugs job, him driving and the setting sub (which you got EXACTLY. it was the same i envisioned in my head writing that scene), the bi colors on the lady bug like are u kidding me !!!! youre insane and i LOVE YOU !!!
steve n high robin doodle is so <333 and the steve scene at scoops with his flustered monologue in the background made me giggle so hard oh my god.
i know you dont know this, but my birthday is tomorrow and this is the best gift ive ever been given. i want to frame the doodles and put it on my bedroom wall because i am astounded and in awe of your talent and still so baffled my fic was brought to life !!!!! its mind boggling and i cannot thank you enough for this experience <333
(obviously with ur permission in reference to wanting to print n frame the doodles because theyre so dear to me and i respect ur talent !!)
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Where Evil Nests 
Chapter 1: The H Word
HELLOOO!!! this is smth i’ve been wanting to draw/create since literally september, at least. i don’t want to spoil the “plot,” if you can call it that, but if ur like me and ur an absolute sucker for feral/possessed will, miwi, and Paranormal Shenanigans™ then this AU is for you. it’s highly self indulgent if u can’t tell
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
rambling under the cut:
this is alternatively known as: i haven’t drawn anything in like three months and i had no intention of doing so today, but somehow i ended up with a killer hand cramp, 4 full pages of a comic i’ve been meaning to write for four months but at this point i had basically given up on actually doing it, and almost 8 hours of my life mysteriously missing; help
sorry for the wonky ass perspective, i never really draw backgrounds and certainly not whole ass buildings. whatever architect designed the creel house is my archnemesis for real, i am biting them biting them biting them >:[[[ i don’t rlly have any excuse for the anatomy other than the aforementioned “haven’t drawn anything in 3 months” tho lmao
hopefully the rain translates okay?? like it looks fine to me but i’m the bitch who’s been staring at these for 8 hours so i don’t trust my own judgement
also this is a will-centric AU and the boy is literally only here as a stick figure-silhouette??? smh smh
it’s 5am i need to collapse now. peace&love on planet earth <333
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fanstuffrantings · 10 months
I came across someone who doesn't like Hbomberguy and called him a liar for his rwby video criticizing it. I've loved his videos since high-school and the rwby vid was one I watched when it first came out so I'm going to have to rewatch it to see how I view it now that I've seen the show fully (originally I watched it after falling off in vol 4).
But I do feel like a lot of fans who hate the video are fans who don't like criticisms of rwby and have an excuse for every single thing that happens in the show regardless of how bad the writing gets.
I tend to stay within the rwde tag most times because the toxic positivity within the rwby fandom is one of the worst I've seen in any fandom I've been in. There's no room for criticism and if you watch the show you have to approve of every choice or people will argue with you about why you're wrong in your thoughts.
I once had someone try and justify why branding a villain during s racism plotline was okay and how "extremism and racism are completely separate" despite the fact that anyone watching the show would've known the extreme actions of the white fang were a result of constant brutality and mistreatment at the hands of humans. Like that criticism will get so many people jumping on you for "excusing abuse" because apparently Adam being abusive is a shield people hide behind to ignore criticisms of his writing.
There's the fact that you can tell in the first two volumes they still hadn't fully fleshed out the world building and were still deciding what to add in despite the fact that that should've been done before the show started.
How they didn't develop most of their main cast and still killed off one of the underdeveloped ones only to not use that death as a focal point of the following volume.
The power scaling issues within the series that makes it hard to understand why Qrow is on such a vastly different level than the kids because he seems to carry as much weight in a fight as them most times.
I enjoy rwby a lot. But I also know it's not a show I can exactly recommend to people without warnings about the wonky writing.
Hbomberguy chooses his videos and researches them before he makes them. Disagreeing with his points his fine, but that doesn't make him a liar for having them.
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existslikepristin · 1 year
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I should keep this up. My writing output is insane. Has anyone noticed that none of these are edited? (Probably, because they're fuckin bad XD)
(Story Index)
Not a moral implication in sight
“So Joy,” you say.
“Yes?” she asks in the kind of tone that implies she already knows what you’re going to say as she wipes a tiny bit of spit from the corner of her mouth. Your dick already feels lonely.
“You’re great at this, but I’m really in the mood to fuck your pussy. Mind getting undressed?”
Joy scowls and takes a sharp breath. “Ooh, sorry. That’s not going to be possible.”
“The undressing?”
“Oh no,” Joy chirps. Her green bikini thing expands away from her body for a moment, then becomes wispy and fades away like smoke. Her jewelry remains. “That part is easy.”
Your breath hitches at the uninhibited sight of her body. Sure she was mostly already naked and giving you a blowjob, but the wonders of her parts previously obscured are incredible. You’d spend quite some time staring blankly at her top-tier titties if she didn’t continue speaking.
“No, it’s the pussy part. See, I don’t have one.”
“Excuse me?”
Joy stands up (a beautifully graceful motion), backs up against the table, and points between her legs. Good golly, she’s right. Where her pubic mound goes between her thighs, you see no cleft signaling the beginning of some labia. Instead, it’s just blank space.
“See, within the genie genre or supernatural literature as a whole, there always has to be something that makes the genies unique. Some unexpected twist that gives underlying tones of ‘not like the other genies,’ right? Like if vampires sparkled in the sunlight for example. It’s ridiculous and arbitrary. So, I have no vagina. Why would I need one? Genies obviously don’t reproduce in the same way humans do.”
You’re not sure if you were actively listening. Your hand is already hovering toward her… nether region? It’s unclear what it should be called. Joy simply watches with an amused smile as you touch the space you would normally expect a pussy to be. She moans loudly, sensually, shocking you into removing your hand.
“I’m kidding,” she says, “I don’t feel anything down there besides your touch.”
“Do you not feel sexual pleasure, then?” you ask, “Because genies don’t need to or something?”
“Oh, I definitely feel the same sensations you would associate with sex, but it’s like a psychic thing. The happier you are with me, the more of a pleasure sensation I experience.”
“So you’ll always cum at the same time I do or whatever?”
“Nope!” Joy takes your hand and places it back between her legs. “It’s more like a constant pleasure. Like, I don’t know what the human equivalent would be. Alcoholism, maybe, without the constant threat of death.”
You gingerly rub at the empty space, still having a hard time mentally piecing together what you see. “That’s weird.”
“Nah. It’s your humans’ genitalia that’s weird. I don’t know what the big deal is. It’s just awkwardly placed wrinkly stuff that you love touching. I love touching it because I get a lot out of it, but aesthetically, you’re kind of wonky.”
You raise an eyebrow, wondering if you should be offended on behalf of humanity.
“You know what though? You could totally wish for some good pussy. It’s entirely reasonable, even expected, that at some point during our time together you’ll build up a substantial harem. If you want to hold off on getting off that way though, I can definitely go back to the blowjob. It was giving me lots of happy tingles. Or alternatively…”
Joy turns, swishing her hair over her shoulder so you can see her entire, smoothly muscled back. She bends over at the waist, leaning on the table. Between her excellently sculpted ass cheeks, clearly inside her, is a familiar sight: The butt plug you brought home.
“You could fuck my ass.”
Options (I still haven't decided on the best format for these):
Nope. Too weird. Tell her you want to go back to the blowjob.
Go ahead and wish for some of that good pussy she’s talking about.
Oh hell yes. Pull out all the stops/plugs and fuck Joy’s ass.
Hold the fuck up. If she doesn’t need a pussy, why’s she need an ass, or anything for that matter?
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mrpenguinpants · 2 years
Hi! I know requests are closed but I have an idea for the Razor Headcanons/series. Maybe Razor is excited about his new 'mate' and finally tells Bennett about it and is like, "what do I do!? What do human mates do??" so next time he sees the reader he kisses her and the reader's brain goes into hyperdrive and is super confused because do wolves do that with their family?? I'm sorry, I just absolutely LOVE the way you write Razor, he is adorable and your writing makes me so happy 😭❤
What's this? I'm actually posting a fic in probably two years?? Excuse me if this is wonky, it's been a while. But thank you anon! That's really kind of you to say (❤´艸`❤). Side note, I honestly forgot I had a razor semi-series lol.
[ General HCs ] [ Pre-Relationship HCs ] [ Cuddle HCs ] [ Jealous HCs ]
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Razor: Early Relationship HCs
When Razor and you finally confessed your feelings to each other and got together, it came along with new emotions and feelings. One's that Razor had never felt before and couldn't tell if they were good or bad. He adores you so much that he doesn't think he'll ever look for someone else. He doesn't want to mess anything up with his limited knowledge of human customs. When he was younger, his lupical explained what mates were and that while some wolves don't mate for life, he should find a strong partner to live the rest of his life with. Razor didn't really understand what they meant since a mate sounded similar to how he felt about his family, that he would want to protect and support them but ever since he meant you, it's been increased tenfold. He wants to see your smile, he wants to hold your hand, and he wants to make you happy. He's so excited to finally meet his mate but now he's faced with the truth that...he doesn't really know what to do.
He nervously went to his teacher, Lisa, to get a better understanding but that was an awkward conversation. She only giggled at him, ruffled his head, and told him to follow his heart. Razor didn't really understand what that meant but his teacher was smart so she probably knew what she was talking about. Follow his heart? He wasn't even sure what this mess of emotions was let alone be able to tell what he wanted to do.
Bennett and Fischl start to pick up on Razor's souring mood. Usually, the wolf boy is short with his words and quiet in his affection, but it seems as if there's this constant cloudy grey storm above his head. Naturally, as the leader of Benny's Adventure Team, Bennett takes it upon himself to question Razor. It only takes a few questions before Razor gives and tells his friends that he doesn't know how to show you that he loves you. He's only just recently become more social with people.
Fischl begins to get excited about the topic, almost dropping her unique way of speech just to squeal and congratulate Razor on his new relationship. Bennet on the other hand thinks long and hard about how to solve Razor's extremely important issue before inevitably burning his brain out and saying that he'll go ask his Dad's for any ideas.
"I asked my dads and they said you can give a gift to show your appreciation if words aren't your thing. Next time you see her, maybe you could make her something?"
The words from Bennett repeat in Razor's head like a mantra as he searches for you. A small trinket in his pocket wrapped in paper is secure in his pocket. There's apparently a festival going on outside of the city that you mentioned that you wanted to go to. Normally he would be a bit apprehensive being surrounded by so many people but with you and his friends there, he thinks he'll be able to manage. Plus, he really wants to be able to hold your hand in public. Let everyone know that he's yours and you're his. Maybe there's a bit of wolf in him talking or that's how he justifies it.
He perks up at the sound of his name and turns to see you standing under the shade of a tree waving excitedly to get his attention. Razor can already feel his palms getting clammy before balling them into fists and steel's his resolve. He double-checks that his gift is still in his pocket as he quickly walks over to you and joins you under the leaves and you open your arms to hug him.
"Did you have any trouble coming here? I know it's not as far as the city but I got a bit worried when I couldn't find you," you say as you look up at him nestled into his chest. Unbeknownst to you, all Razor can think of is sweeping you off your feet and taking you somewhere private where it can just be the two of you. You look so comfortable and absolutely adorable in his arms and you start to ramble about different things that are dotted around the festival. To be frank, all Razor wants to do right this moment is kiss you. Is this what his teacher meant by following his heart?
"Is something wrong?" you asked concerned about the lack of response. Razor slowly but gently guides your body to face his, as if you were a scared animal, before bringing his hands to cup your cheeks. He touches your nose together as he tilts your head slightly before pressing his lips to yours. Your body immediately goes ridge, face exploding in heat, and hands grasping at nothing as you fumble at the unexpected kiss. What? What?? Is this something wolves do? Is this their way of greeting someone? What are you supposed to do? Well obviously return it but your brain is currently working in overdrive as you try to process what's happening. Are you dying right now? Actually, you are because it's starting to register in your brain that Razor has a better lung capacity than you do. You quickly pat him on his arm to let you breathe and he pulls away.
"U-Um..wow, hi to you," you giggle a bit as you finally rest your hands back against his back. You can feel Razor's face is warm and you're sure that your face isn't doing any better than how hot your body feels.
"I wanted to. Suddenly. Sorry," Razor apologies but he doesn't look the least bit sorry, "Ah. Wait."
You tilt your head to see what he's shuffling around in his pockets before he pulls out a small pouch. You can hear the small chimes of bells coming from inside as it's placed into your hands.
"For you. Gift." Razor mumbles shyly, pulling your body closer as you say your thanks into his chest. You can hear his heartbeat pitter patter and you wonder if he can feel your heart beat just as fast.
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kilibaggins · 9 months
A Wilson Christmas | Sambucky
Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes
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Request: From my New Years Celebration (which is still open) from @iignissfatuus : 🍎 sambucky, bucky joining sam's family for christmas week/weekend and him seeing the chaos during christmas dinner
A/N: my new years celebration is completely open still so head over there with the link and send me some stuff! i'd appreciate it <3 i loved writing this and i hope it fits how you saw it when requesting. this is a lot longer than i planned considering my celebration is supposed to be short fics but here i am… ADSFLJKJAsd
Words: 1441
Christmas with the Wilsons is nothing short of magical. Sam, who literally spent hours putting up the tree in the living room, let Bucky put on the lights. It was his way of showing Bucky that he was a part of the family. Bucky doesn't admit how emotional that makes him, but he thinks that Sam could tell by the way he wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed his cheek when Bucky got even quieter than usual.s
There are decorations everywhere, lights, wreaths, ornaments hung up on hooks on the walls, and Christmas paintings, it's like he walked into a stereotypical house from a Hallmark movie.
Bucky loves it. He loves the little coasters with cute snowflakes on them that Sarah made by hand, the paper snowflakes hanging in the air that the boys made, and every other little detail that brings together this wonder Christmas landscape for him to enjoy.
This morning when he and Sam were woken up by the insistent loud banging on their door at 6:47 AM, Bucky forced himself to get up, woke Sam up, and they had all made their way to the large tree with all the neatly wrapped presents.
Well… Some of them were neatly wrapped. Some were thrown together with too much tape, Aj, and some were thrown together with too much paper, Cass, and some were just outright… A little wonky. They could thank Bucky, who had not wrapped a Christmas present since the 1940s.
They had all opened their gifts and it had been wonderful. The kids each got Bucky a little keychain to add to his ever-growing set of keys. Who knew actually doing things outside of assassinations could make you accumulate so many keys? The key to the house, a key to Sam's car, a key to Sarah's car for when Sam was busy out and Sarah was busy in the house, the key to the old truck that Sam's been fixing up for him, even a key to his AND Sam's work. It's a little absurd.
Sarah had given him an old cookbook of hers, something passed down to her by her aunt. It's a beautiful one with handwritten notes on the edges. She told him that she'd noticed how interested he was in cooking and wanted to open that world to him more… She also said that now that he has a cookbook he has no excuse not to cook and Bucky had laughed.
Sam, wonderful Sam, gave him an antique chest with a few items inside. An old photo of the howling commandos, an old bottle opener, and varying other items. But one thing caught his eye. The bottom held a book. He pulled it out and stared at it with a smile on his face. There the book was sitting in his lap, and when he opened it he could tell how old it was. Something like this, at that age, must have been hard to find. He had thanked Sam and pulled him into a big hug and he could hear AJ and Cass whispering amongst themselves that next year they'd have to get him more keychains to beat that.
When Bucky and Sam first started dating the first gift Sam gave him was 'The Hobbit' trilogy of movies. Sam had insisted that even though Bucky might hate it since it was fairly different from the book itself, he just had to watch it. They sat on the couch and watched all the movies in one sitting and Sam couldn't believe when Bucky told him he loved it. Bucky's still not sure if the love he has for the movies is because of Sam or because of the movies themselves.
Bucky's gift… Paled a bit in comparison. At least, he thinks it did, but Sam's face lit up and it made Sam happy when Bucky embarassedly handed over the two smal gifts he got Sam. The first one Sam opened was a painting of the backyard on a small wooden board. It had taken Bucky hours and Sam knows that because Bucky had forced Sam to go on a trip to the store and kept texting him every half hour to stay away.
The second was in a small cardboard box and when Sam opened ithis eys widened. It was a key to Bucky's apartment. The one thing that Sam didn't have access to because it was always Bucky's "safe space" that he could run to, even Bucky's therapist had said at the begininng of their relationship it'd be best if Bucky left his apartment to meet with Sam just so he had his own space.
Bucky had awkwardly explained how he talked to his therapist about being ready to give Sam the key, and she had thought it'd be a good idea. Bucky had been quick to say it didn't have to mean anything but that after everything, after the way they accept him into his home the way they had, he was finally able to return the favor. Sam had teared up and hugged him and Bucky's never felt so loved than he did in that moment.
Even though Bucky saw how much it meant to him he still couldn't see how his gifts were anything compared to what Sam has given him. A new life… A christmas.
He used to love Christmas, back when he still had his family to be around. It was a small holiday, nothing too special, nothing like this. It was something that brought them together though. Christmas dinner was quiet, comfortable, and safe. It was Bucky's favorite night of the year.
Bucky wasn't entirely expecting the pure chaos to come from the Wilson family Christmas Dinner. He probably should have, he's seen the cookouts, but he didn't really expect half of the town - yes he's aware it's an exaggeration, Sam - to show up and squeeze into the small little house. There are people everywhere. Couples singing to the Christmas music playing in the living room, Sarah and her girlfriend cooking some dessert as everyone crowds around them in the kitchen, Sam talking to some of the locals about the boat, it all seems so perfect but way too loud all at once. Bucky is trying to keep track of the conversation with Sam and a friend of theirs, Jake, as a few of the kids try to grab his arm. It's getting a bit… Overwhelming.
Bucky throws a fake smile at the kids and tries not to get too freaked as more people join the party. How many people did Sam invite, the whole neighborhood? It's only 3 pm and everyone is already crowding in before the dinner at 5. Even though it feels like the whole neighborhood, he knows there are probably only 10 people excluding Sarah, Sam, Aj, Cass, and himself. He takes a deep steadying breath and he feels a warm hand on his lower back. He looks over at Sam to see him smiling softly at him.
"Let's go get a breather," Sam whispers in his ear. He turns to the guy he's talking to and flashes his winning smile. "Gonna go get some air. Getting pretty crowded in here, even for me."
Bucky feels grateful for the escape as Sam takes him to the backyard and sits him down in one of their chairs. Sam sits next to him and gives him a knowing look, which Bucky chooses to ignore.
"Lot of people," Bucky says simply, nodding. Sam chuckles and nods.
"Yup. Warned you it'd be a bit much for you. You doing alright?" Sam asks, reaching out and taking his hand. Bucky smiles and nods.
"Oh, yeah. Great. It's… It's nice. Just. A lot." Bucky admits, shrugging. Sam smiles and kisses his hand.
"Just let me know when it gets to be too much. I'll rescue you. Knight in shining armor, the whole deal." Sam says, nodding seriously.
"The pretties knight to exist." Bucky snarks, trying to keep a straight face before laughing. Sam rolls his eyes and stands up, stretching. "Getting old, there?"
"Oh shut it, gramps." Sam jokes. He leans down and gives Bucky a kiss. "Come back in when you're ready. Nobody'll judge."
"Got it. See you soon."
"See ya, baby," Sam says, before patting his shoulder and walking back in.
Bucky takes a few moments to breathe in the chill air. Yeah, he's happy here. He goes back inside and is instantly bombarded by kids on both sides, asking him hundreds of questions at a thousand miles an hour and when he looks up he sees Sam laughing.
This is perfect.
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snek-panini · 2 years
So a while back I took up bookbinding so I could have print copies of my favorite fics. I don't usually post about that on here, but one of the authors whose fic I bound reached out to me asking to see photos of the finished work, so here they are. I'm not a photographer, these were taken on my phone, and I'm still fairly new to bookbinding so please excuse some of the messiness. The fic is The God Below by @kreauxlighe and it's in the Good Omens fandom. Give it a read if that's your thing, it's awesome!
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The front cover. I don't know how to do fancy titles yet so I wrote it in by hand with embossing powder. It's inset into the cover--title is on paper, main cover is book cloth. This was my first time using book cloth and all the tutorials were correct, it's so much easier than the scrapbook paper things I was using before that. Edges of the cutout are more rounded than I wanted, but for a first time it's not bad, I think. Before this I just left the covers blank.
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Edge view. Embossing powder doesn't work that well on book cloth (it sticks but the metallic shine doesn't show up) so the spine is blank. I might try to get fancy on it in future if I figure out how, but I might leave it. It's a first try and I like to see the progress. It is very square and I am SO proud of that because previous books I'd made came out wonky. It was the longest thing I'd bound at the time, with the thickest spine.
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Top view. Again, very square, very proud. It has a ribbon bookmark and glued-in end bands. I thought ribbon bookmarks were Fancy Luxury Features that would be very hard to do, but it turns out they're easy, you just glue a piece of ribbon to the outer part of the book block before you put the end bands and cover on. Everything I make is going to have them now.
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Page edges. Less proud here, they are very ragged. I was trying to trim the edges to make them even and the internet said I could do it with a craft knife. The internet was lying. It was hard to get them looking even this good. After this I sprang for a small book plow, which is what professionals use to get those nice flat even edges, and it was expensive but so very worth it.
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Interior view, with bonus second shot of the bookmark! I typeset everything in MS Word, which I'm told is not very good for this but has the advantage of I don't have to pay for it because I already own it. Fancy capital letters are courtesy of the author, I pulled them from Ao3 when I copy/pasted the fic. Typesetting is hard, guys. Most resources online about how to make books don't bother to cover it, and searching for how to typeset a book usually results in lots of pages saying "don't do that, pay a professional to do it." Which is what you should do for self-publishing, absolutely, but I wanted to make one copy, for me, of a transformative work that I didn't write, so it was not useful advice in this case. This is something else I'm still learning, cobbling together the info by trial and error, but I'm still proud of what I accomplished with this one.
So that's it! I hope you like it, Jace! (I saw that on your blog, I hope it's ok to call you that? If not let me know and I'll edit it out.) I'll get started on your author copy once I finish the project I have ongoing, which is another fan binding but it's almost done.
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flowercrown-bard · 2 years
For the writing prompts, Eskel and Jaskier making lucky charms for each other?
Thank you for the prompt!
Eskel had never spent much time thinking about his hands. His hulking figure, the scars cutting across his face, his sickly yellow eyes - they all took up enough of his mind to leave any space for his hands. 
That was until Jaskier entered his life. Jaskier, who would grab his hand, whenever he got excited, when he was scared or sometimes simply because he wanted to. 
Jaskier had beautiful hands. Soft, with long fingers that were perfect for plucking the strings of his lute. And yet, there were calluses on his finger tips. Calluses, that weren't that unlike the ones on Eskel's hands, despite how different they were otherwise. 
Eskel couldn't tear his eyes away from Jaskier's hands, as they nimbly plaited some old lute strings into a braided band, in the same way that Jaskier would sometimes weave Eskel's hair into small braids, when he was bored. 
The memory of Jaskier's clever fingers in his hair was so strong that Eskel could almost feel it. He swallowed thickly and forced his eyes away from Jaskier's hands and towards his own. The other three lute strings that Jaskier had replaced, looked so small and fragile in Eskel's big hands. So breakable. Logically, he knew that these strings held no more value. They were old and nearly broken anyway and Jaskier would have discarded them if Eskel hadn't asked if he could hold onto them instead. It had been a silly idea, to make lucky charms out of them. Yet that had been the first excuse Eskel had been able to come up with, when Jaskier had asked what he wanted the strings for. What else had he been supposed to say? That he wanted to have something of Jaskier's to remember him by, when the bard inevitably left him? That he wanted to have something to hold on to when there was no one beside him to hold his hand anymore? 
So he had blurted out that he wanted to weave a good luck charm for Jaskier. He didn't believe in those anymore, of course. Hadn't done so in a long time, but he still recalled being a little boy, watching in fascination as his mother wove long blades of grass together, claiming it would bring Eskel luck to wear them as a bracelet. 
He had believed so desperately. But the band of grass had fallen off, when a man, he had yet to recognise as a witcher, had taken him away. 
He shook his head harshly, banishing these memories. He shouldn't linger on them. Jaskier liked the idea of lucky charms - matching ones at that - so that was reason enough to make them, regardless of whether Eskel still believed in their use or not. Jaskier was humming softly as he worked, smiling and wiggling his shoulders, when his excitement couldn't be contained. The bracelet he was braiding was almost done. Eskel had to be quick if he wanted to catch up.
So he began to plait the lute strings together. At first, his fingers were clumsy, unpractised. The strings slipped from his fingers and the braid started out wonky and misshapen. But soon enough, his hands found their old rhythm, a habit long forgotten and slumbering, only to be now reawakened. He was so focused on making the braid, that he almost didn't notice that after a while, Jaskier's movements beside him stopped. It was only when he finished the braid, tying it up with a knot, that he looked to him again. He startled, when he met Jaskier's gaze, that was locked on him with an intense sort of wonder. It was the same look Jaskier wore when he watched a sunset beautiful enough to inspire a new song. 
"Here," Jaskier said and held out his hand. Eskel thought that Jaskier was offering the charm he had made to him, so he reached out to take it. But before he could do so, Jaskier gently took hold of his hand, tugging at it lightly so he could secure the braided strings around his wrist himself. Eskel's breath caught in his throat, as Jaskier's fingers brushed over his pulse point. Soft and gentle. 
"There," Jaskier said, when he had secured the braid. "It's fits perfectly." 
Eskel couldn't help but agree. The band sat snug enough not to slip off, but it wasn't so tight as to restrict his movement. 
He held his wrist up to better inspect the braid. It looked strange; the fragile band around his thick wrist. Yet it felt so right. For the first time, he thought that perhaps his hand looked almost pretty, adorned with this bracelet. His heart picked up, as he ran a finger over the charm. Jaskier had made this. For him, to keep him safe. 
His eyes met Jaskier's, that still held that u bearable tenderness. 
"I love it," Eskel said hoarsely. "Thank you."
He coughed awkwardly and tentatively held out his own hand. There was no hesitation on Jaskier's part, before he placed his wrist in Eskel's hand. Eskel was as gentle as a cat, as he placed his own charm around Jaskier's wrist. It was big enough that he had to wind it around twice. 
Jaskier's smile grew, when Eskel tied the ends together. 
"I love it," he echoed Eskel's sentiment, looking straight at Eskel as he said it. 
Eskel returned his smile, momentarily forgetting the way his split lip must look even more twisted as he smiled. 
Jaskier didn't seem to notice either. 
"You better make sure not to throw yourself into danger," Jaskier said, his tone only half-teasing, "I don't know how sturdy the bracelet is. I don't think your charm would survive being snatched by a - a ghoul's claw or something."
"That would be alright." Eskel leaned closer, as if sharing a secret. "That's the best part about lucky charms. They bring you luck while you wear them and when they fall off, you may make a wish."
"Oh?"Jaskier's brows shot up and he tilted his head to the side in contemplation." Do you already know what you're going to wish for?"
Eskel was silent for a heartbeat, simply taking in the curve of Jaskier's smile. His eyes dropped down to their hands. Hands that he wished more than anything, he could hold onto forever. 
"Yeah," he whispered. "I think I do."
As if reading his thoughts, Jaskier took Eskel's hand and gave it a little squeeze, before threading their fingers together. 
"So do I. And something tells me my wish will come true, whether the charm falls off or not."
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pitruli · 1 year
Hey guys I'm back !! Did I miss anything bigbsincelast week ?Excuse me if my typing is all over the place right now it's part of the recovery haha I was about to infoump about the crab situation but actually that felt unes especially long so I'm gonna shorten it the best I can hahabut now, that it's finally all behind I feel the need to explain at least a bit ^^"
So you know, the jokes about having. A CRAB I had been making for a few months ?
Well it's gone now, ! Like, gone gone N!! Woohoo !
I'm trying to keep it short but^^'' warning for medical issues and surgery if you're uncomfortable with talks about these (a friend of my family almost fel unconscious when whe tried to explain everything to him, I kno it can throwpeople off quite a bit (not surprising tho,)
Back In October, just when I turned 22, hospital found out a spot we had been surv eying in my brain for more than a year was actually a (non cancerous) tumour and needed to be removed through surgery,c,
"the Crab" is just how I ended up talking about it with friends just to cope after a few days, If anything happened it was always because of the crab haha (no)
Due to being left handed, the functions the most at risk inß my brain were languages (cause apparrently it's t' s more common for left hnaded peopleto have their languangue center more to the right, ... Where emy "crab"Was spotted so to make sure nothing is dammged2 I ,I would have to be concoiuous during the surgery, so they could test my ability to speak (in Both french and English, an make sure they removed as most they can without turning me mute or something lateron haha
So sxi months of preparation laed me to last fri day’ morn.ng, the surgery itzsel f ,went all supér ell! But the concoiuous part sas ßomrrhing to go through for real, sbur honestly I'm more surprised I didn't have a break down lzst minute from axietyry an tried to escape the waiting room hahaa
I çan't eeseally draw for now , even just holding a spoon is tricky lately, but it's just the recovery process, I have to shake myself.a little and go relearn stuff by myself., So I hope tomorrow is can go and doodle for a bit and hopefully see a see progress! Other than that, language should be all normal within a few months, so don't mind me if I'm wonky at times, I'll try my best to write,well enough!!and train whenever I can
I have a mega head scar now tho! I think it's quite epic, I look like I got into some fucking wild shit haha
And the thing is totally removed btw, if it (ever,),grows back, I won't be bothered for years to come !
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