#so easy … yeay
shalpilot · 1 month
my brain. is so fried now. woag. i’m going back again to help other ppl get the mounts tomorrow … i also want the dyeable version of my top even tho it’s cute as is
diadem and youtube video now. holy shit
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notsoattractivearenti · 10 months
Beautiful Surprise (Mason Mount x Fem!Reader)
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WC: 1.7K
Warnings/Tags: pure fluff!
A/N: united got me so depressed i ended up writing this fic for a few hours for my own comfort 🥺 anyway hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 this isn't proofread so apologies for any errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍
It was a quiet afternoon at home because Lana – your and Mason’s 4 years old daughter – was playing with the next door neighbour’s child, Charlie, at their house. Mason was also at the neighbour's house to keep his eyes on Lana – even though you said it was unnecessary, he insisted to do so because he can be a bit overprotective at times – and knowing Mason, he would spend his time there by chatting with Charlie’s parents. Usually, you would go with him but this time you chose to stay at home because you wanted to rest.
A few hours later, Lana and Mason finally came home. You were in the living room, sitting quietly on the sofa while watching TV. After giving Lana the afternoon bath, Mason came to the living room to join you.
“So, what did you do there?” You opened a chat with your boyfriend.
“Nothing, really. Charlie’s mum was out so it was just me and Charlie’s dad talking while Lana and Charlie were playing in the backyard. He asked me a lot about football he eventually made me feel like I was in an interview.” He laughed.
“Well I’m sure he just wanted to gain more knowledge from the expert!” You responded.
Not long after, Lana joined her parents. She sat on Mason’s lap then began asking him the unexpected questions.
“Daddy, are you and Mummy married?”
The question was so out of the blue, it got both you and Mason startled.
“Umm, we aren’t, sweetie…” Mason nervously replied. Why'd you ask?”
“Charlie told me her parents are married... Will you and Mummy get married one day?”
Mason immediately looked straight at you, who was sitting right next to them – he wanted to make sure you would be fine with whatever answer he was about to give to Lana. You assured him by smiling and nodding. He smiled back at you, then turned his attention back to Lana.
“Yes, sweetheart, we definitely will.”
He sounded so sure and confident when he said it.
“Yeay!” Lana excitedly shouted.
Lana then continued asking, “Charlie said she was a flower girl at her aunt’s wedding. When you and Mummy get married, can I be the flower girl?”
“Of course you can!” Mason said as he kissed Lana’s head. “You will be the most beautiful flower girl everyone has ever seen.” Lana blushed then gave his beloved Dad a little hug. “I can’t wait until you and Mummy get married!”
You and Mason have been together for almost six years, but you kind of feared the idea of being married. You were surrounded by a lot of failed marriages including your own parents, and even though you felt like you have always wanted a marriage, you were afraid you couldn’t keep it for the long term. Mason on the other hand has no fear whatsoever, but he has never wanted to rush you into changing your view about marriage. Though you two have had some conversations about the possibility of being married, he has always respected your decision to stay in a committed relationship without officially being married for a while. It wasn’t like you would never want to get married, it was about when you would feel ready instead.
But when it comes to children, you always knew you wanted to be a mother. And Mason also wanted to be a father. So, it was a quick and easy talk when you both decided you were ready to bring a child into the world, therefore a year into the relationship you both started trying and you got pregnant with Lana not long after.
You and Mason genuinely love being parents, though yours and his parents kept asking why you haven’t tied the knot. They thought now that you had Lana, it would be best to think about marriage. But Mason always defended our decision – he told them that we are focused on raising Lana and content with the way things are.
But since Lana asked whether you and Mason would get married or not, you started questioning if you are ready to marry the love of your life. And after spending some time thinking, your mind is finally made up: you are ready. You opened up to Mason about it, and he was so excited – however, you made it clear that you didn’t want to rush into it, and he understood.
Today was your and Mason's six-year anniversary, but it has been a very busy week at work so you let Mason know a few days prior you wanted to keep this year’s anniversary simple. After another long day at work, you were looking forward to coming home to your boyfriend and your daughter and spending the rest of the day with them – Mason had also promised you an anniversary dinner at home because he knew you would be too exhausted to go out. 
Once you got back home, Mason – who was nicely dressed up – greeted you at the front door. He took your hand and gave it a kiss.
“Happy anniversary, my love. Dinner is ready for you.”
He had prepared a candlelight dinner at the dining room. The area was all decorated and the table was set beautifully.
“Wow!” You were in awe. “My goodness, this is perfect Mase.”
“Well, I got the best little helper,” he pointed at Lana who was already seated at the table.
“But honey, I am so underdressed right now,” you pointed at your outfit, “do you mind if I change first?”
“Don’t worry about your clothes, my love. I think you’re perfectly dressed! You know I just like to be extra.” He assured you while making fun of himself.
You chuckled. “Yeah, you can be so extra sometimes.”
You were ready to be seated but Mason held you back.
“Wait, before we have dinner I have to do something first.”
Mason nervously exhaled then got down on one knee. He really caught you by surprise – you weren’t prepared for what was coming.
“Okay, here we go.” He cleared his throat before starting his speech.
“Y/N, these past six years have been the most unbelievably wonderful years of my life. And it’s all thanks to you, my beautiful, amazing woman. The moment you entered my world, you instantly and naturally became the centre of it. My life has changed for the better because of you, and I don’t even remember my days before you.”
Tears slowly fell down on your face while listening to his heartfelt speech. Your hands were cold and visibly shaken from the shock and excitement.
“I can never thank you enough for bringing the most precious little girl four years ago into our lives, and making my heart and soul feel complete.” He continued. “Y/N, since our first date, I knew you were it for me… I really can’t imagine being with anyone else but you. I love you so much and I love our little family. I know you were scared and worried about the idea of marriage, but I am so proud of you for overcoming your fear. So… I am here to ask you to marry me.”
Lana, who was watching the proposal from her seat at the dining table, immediately got off her chair and giddily handed the ring box to Mason.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” He whispered softly to Lana.
Your heart nearly dropped when Mason opened the box and showed you the ring. You couldn’t believe it was actually your dream ring: a 3-carat oval-cut diamond with pavé rose-gold band. You had casually mentioned it to Mason one time but you thought he wouldn’t remember any details. 
“Mase…” You weakly sobbed.
“Y/F/N,” his voice started shaking, “will you spend the rest of your life with me by being my wife?”
You eagerly nodded your head and screamed out the loudest “yes” repeatedly. Still on his knee, he placed the ring on your ring finger. He then got up on his feet, pulled you in and passionately brushed his soft lips against yours. Your arms were wrapped around his neck while he was holding you tight. As you pulled your lips away, you both tearily whispered “I love you” to one another. Lana then joined her parents to celebrate the joyous occasion with hugging your and Mason’s legs.
“Yeay! Mummy and Daddy are married!” She cheered.
You and Mason immediately burst into laughter.
“We are not married yet, sweetie! But there’s going to be a wedding soon and we will be married then!” You quickly explained to Lana. “Don’t you want to be the flower girl?”
“Yes, Mummy, I do!” She enthusiastically jumped up and down. “I want to be a flower girl!”
Lana then impatiently pulled the back of your shirt over and over, letting you know she was starving. “Come on, Mummy, I need to eat! My tummy is empty!”
You laughed at how dramatic your daughter can be. She gets it from her father, for sure.
“Okay, okay, let’s eat!”
After you all finished your dinner, you stayed at the table for a while. You and Mason couldn’t stop yourselves from smiling and you kept admiring your engagement ring.
“This ring is so beautiful…” 
“I helped Daddy pick it out, Mummy!” Lana claimed proudly.
“Yes, you certainly did.” Mason winked at her. He then whispered into your ear, “she actually just helped me pick the colour of the band but you know what, I’ll let her have the credit she wants.”
You couldn’t help yourself but giggle. “Mmhm, I believe you.”
When Lana left the table to wash her hands, you poured your heart out to Mason.
“Mason… This is the best anniversary ever. I know I said I don’t want to rush anything but I really feel like I can’t wait to marry you. And you got me my dream ring! My God, I don’t know what I did to deserve you, baby… I’m the luckiest girl in the universe. I’m so excited for other anniversaries in the future. I love you so much, fiancé.”
“I love you so much more, fiancée… You deserve the best in the world! I will always give you what you want and need.” He said in response. “And trust me, there will be more exciting anniversaries to come.” 
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
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archiverstappen · 1 year
Thank you for having an organized and updated master list. It’s so easy to read your fics that way
yeay you’re welcome! so glad that you find the masterlist helpful <3
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lovealisha · 2 months
Hi Jonathan, this is gonna be a short monthly letter for you.
Kamu mungkin tahu, di akun tearjercky setiap hari Jumat aku selalu punya 1 tweet khusus TGIF buat kamu. I know the hashtag made to celebrate the existence of friday, but actually I feel the greatest gratitude towards your existence. Aku berharap kamu juga bisa merasakan betapa bersyukurnya aku karena kamu ada, dilahirkan.
Hari jumat ini, bertepatan dengan tanggal 19, dimana we’re reaching another milestone yeay! I always excites to celebrate this day because our relationship is not as easy at it seems. But somehow I also feels that I can go through this easily because it was you, who I am with. In this second month we got less qtime than the month before because of some reasons but that doesn’t makes me love you any less! I always believe that we’ll have so many time to spent in the future sooo let’s make the best use of the time that’s been given to us! Once again, thank you for doing your best as my boyfriend this month. Let’s keep hold our hand and move forward together and make our life the happiest.
Looking forward to another 19th of the month with you, Nathaannn! I love you the most ❤️ dan terima kasih sudah mau jadi pacar alishaaaaa!!!
Forever yours, Alisha.
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ram-de · 10 months
[read] ravensong thoughts vomit (pt. 3)
the post is too long so i made another
FIRST OF ALL. WHY. WHY WHY IS THE BOOK TRYING SO HARD TO MAKE ME FEEL SORRY FOR THOMAS?? Mr klune can you stop mentioning how oh Thomas did it for good or Thomas regretted it or Thomas really wanted to do right. I'm so sick of it. Because he's doing it for good reason (it's not) then suddenly he's absolved of all the wrong, the hurt, the pain he caused to Gordo? Get the hell out. I hate it here.
Ermmmmm this feel like a copout... I'll stop being a downer and just read
I think the book is very long
I'm losing the enthusiasm I'm sorry I took a break hsgshsjsh
Fucking Thomas again. I'm. 😮‍💨 Can't he just be put in like limbos for alpha until he repent. HOW COME HES LIKE IN WOLF HAVEN STOP IT
Fucking Elizabeth. Is this really the time to do a gotcha moment. I'm. 😮‍💨 OK SHE'S HIS WIFE. alright. Whatever. Biased. OK. I'LL STOP. BEING BITTER. YEAY! Closure acquired!
Is it me or Alpha Bennett (THE GOOD ONE AND BY THAT I MEAN JOE NOT THE PRICKASS THOMAS) is getting sidelined. What I said about ox shgsjsjs he's truly the protagonist of the story. The chosen one. Human Alpha, Alpha of the Omegas, what other power-up will he gets in the next book
WHY AM I COMPLAINING the story tension is on all time high and I'm not really invested in the... Fuck ass Thomas plot so other things was buried under... I'm sorry my son (one-handed) gordo...
AUSGHJ I NEED MEREDITH TO dye her hair green so we all can feel relief
Until this point I still can't feel the... What's the term... The... AHHH I'M FORGETTING WORDS.... Like. The actual stake here. Never mind. I'll try it again later.
The book is very long
Meredith chuuni's monologue is very long
I swear I can read... I just need... Line break... 😭😭😭
Elijah didn’t recoil. If anything, that made her angry. “But we couldn’t take them all. I watched as my family fell around me. I saw their skin tear. I heard their screams. I was a child, but I saw it all from the trees.” A tear fell from her eye and onto the knotted tissue of the scar on her face. “My family. Aunts and uncles. Cousins. People who believed such as I did. The wolves didn’t know I was there. The blood was too thick in the air for them to notice me. My father, he…lost his way, after that. He didn’t understand why God had forsaken him. Why he had abandoned us when we needed him most. Fucking words on pages in like three pages ranting about fuckshit referencing Bibles and Meredith King being all righteous and stuff while she never pause LIKE I FUCKING GET IT!! YOU'RE A FREAK!! SHOUTING MORALS WHILE KILLING INNOCENTS ALRIGHT!! I GET IT. STOP!!"
ELIJAH TALKING HER ASS OF BEING A REASON THE PEOPLES ARE SAFE IM. Ok that makes it a little bit better. Fuck u Elijah for talking.
Strangely I don't mind if ox talks long ass paragraph. I love him he's my son. he used to be so quiet and now look at him speaking for two pages long :') my son
I will suppress my resentment to how happy go lucky easy the problem just because it's over. IT'S SO DRAGGED.... FOR HUNDRED OF PAGES...
...by the time I read the epilogue I'm just...
:-( I know I complained a lot but the ending... It's not really fulfilling. It's more to a prelude to the third book and I know, I know, this is an interconnected series. I just wish I, what? Got to see more of Gordo and Mark post-reconciliation. Last third of the book spent Mark being an omega. He barely talks except gordogordogordo MatePackLove... Felt like the second half is dragged. Too many subplots (which? Not a lot solved?), and the one that they decided to focus, the Elijah plot, I ended up snoozing. I love love love Gordo though I think this might be a torture book with how long he's portrayed to be hurting and broken. I love love love Mark of his devotion and honesty. Individually I love them both but paired up I wish they had more time to reconcile. For Mark to properly apologizes and pamper Gordo with more love to make time.
I know I always will side with Gordo, because he is so raw as a character. His pain, his hurting, it's just so emotional to me. The first half? Of the book is what I loved the most. The tidbits of Gordo's memories, switching up to Gordo bonding with Joe, Carter and Kelly. Other character, man, the Team Humans really shine. The bar scene still cracks me up when I think about it. What else. Ahh...
I'll rant about other things instead. I'm a bit baffled that when Mark and Carter were infected, the whole pack, heavily on Gordo promised to find a way for that problem. Issue is, I don't really think they delve a lot into what they're doing? The research? The progress? Because there's also the problem of Elijah, ok. But suddenly, Gordo, thought the way was to... Mate? And I was, ok. Sure. What about Carter? He can't be mating to his tether. It's like... Have you really done anything, Gordo...?
Its my opinion but it's not really, satisfying? In Wolfsong, even though I still think the ending part needs to be longer, it pushes me to "I want to read more!" hence, I'm here. But for Ravensong, it's a bit... There's too much going on. World building, and all. I don't like how proper apologies are barely presence, from Thomas and Mark, and to an extent Elizabeth too. This bothers me a lot. But I ranted too much about it already. I'll stop.
Actually I won't stop. I hate hate hate that they're pushing Gordo, the one that they left to eventually patch things up. Where's. The. Proper. Apologies. Now that I think about it if I'm looking at this book as a typical second-chance stories I usually read, I will say that the groveling isn't done well. Fuck Thomas Bennett. And they still. Tried to portray him in a good light even after death? I fucking hate anything Thomas related.
I'm super, super excited for Kelly and Robbie's book. But I don't know? Finishing Ravensong is a bit of a letdown... Maybe because I expected more like like that of Wolfsong?
Why does this turned into a rant post idk but. Yeah, I don't really enjoy is as much as Wolfsong. I still love the characters (except Thomas), I just... Aaah guess I'll read Book 3 later. When I'm over this, unsatisfactory post-reading experience.
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jakkesim · 1 year
( 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟎𝟑 ) ㅤ ͡✿ 𓂂ㅤ𝗁͟𝖺͟𝗉͟𝗉͟𝗒͟ 𝖼͟𝗁͟𝗎͟𝗌͟𝖾͟𝗈͟𝗄͟, 𝖾͟𝗇͟𝗀͟𝖾͟𝗇͟𝖾͟!
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yeay, chuseok 2023 is finally here! are you all enjoying the chuseok holidays right now? for this Chuseok, we also played lots of games and had a fun time together. we hope engene all have a happy chuseok as well. and we can't leave out making a wish on the full moon for chuseok, right? let's go around and share our wishes for this year.
𖤐⠀ 𓂃 ⠀༝⠀ ོ 𒑊 ⠀ ꒰͡⠀⠀ׂ     ׅ      𝅄    𝆬⠀⠀͡꒱  ׂㅤ𓇼  ㅤ𝆬       𝇈    𐚁ྀ ㅤ ︵ ۪ ⭒ 𔓘 𝆬 𓈒 ︵
for me, i feel like our upcoming tour isn't going to be an easy one. so i wish for all of us not to get sick or hurt and for us to wrap up the tour in good health. my wish is that we can continue seeing engene and be happy. i would like to wish for everyone to always be healthy. i'd wish for engene to have tasty food too!
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make sure to have lots of good food i'll go with having another comeback this year. i wish for all of us to be healthy and happy. i hope that all the wishes engene make to the full moon will come true. that’s right! there’s the saying:
"Not more, not less let it just be like Hangawi"
we hope that engene will also have a happy, wonderful chuseok with family. be sure to eat lots of great food over the holidays and we really hope that all of the wishes you make will come true. more than half of 2023 has passed already. time really does fly. we hope that enhypen and engene can continue to make lots of happy memories for the remainder of 2023. please stay with us for the remainder of 2023, engene!
Happy Chuseok   𐚁ྀ
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7dayscrumpled · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ : ¨ ·.· ¨ : ㅤㅤㅤ
ㅤ⁺ ♡!¡ 🐾// the concept ☆ ₊ % ૩
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would you like to dwell in old memories with us? well, we are about to bring you to the childhood era! who’s excited?! :] that’s the moment where happiness can be obtained just by exchanging a simple slash special paper to fill your binder! < psst, especially harvest, right?! >
“build friendship with honesty!” 🧸♥️ it’ll be full of miracles and excitement to trade binders, then get to know your friend better < by reading their brief information & fun facts that inscribed on their binder > !! it’s an easy way to get new pals and keep it long-lasting! xp
📢 a little notice: write your biography using a crayon so your paper will be more endearing and eye-catching! c: anw, there’s no way you could resist such a fun adventure with us, right?! 😼💥 don’t think too much, cuz we just want to have a blissful time forever, yeay! ^_^
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genevra-von-krolock · 2 years
Yo, I hope your doing well! I was wondering if you'd be willing to write anything with hemmer being a mentor to a gender neutral ensign. I was really upset after he died and I couldn't find any platonic and fluffy fanfiction. If you aren't up for it I totally get it and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night!
Yeay my first request! Thanks so much anon and I hope I didn’t let you wait too long . This is my first fanfic and it being about Hemmer, I couldn’t be happier.Hope you like it :)
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~Sleepless in Space ~
Star Trek SNW ✨ Hemmer x Gender neutral reader
Nighttime was always the most dreaded time of day for you, ever since you were a child. You would roll from one side to another, trying to find a comfortable position but never were successful. Every time you closed your eyes, thoughts run wild in your consciousness and kept you up all night. So sleep never came easy to you but when you boarded the Enterprise, it took insomnia to a whole new level. With the lack of daylight it was difficult for your body to adjust to a proper day/night cycle. Still you tried your best but were obviously failing. Bunching the soft fabric of your blankets between your hands, you gave a frustrated sigh and decided to head to the mess hall to get a tea. You pulled the blankets aside, slipped on your favorite cardigan and put on some shoes before heading out the door in search of some tea to calm you. The halls were eerily quiet as during the gamma shift, only a fraction of the personnel was up and ensured that all run smoothly. Turning into the hallway leading to the mess hall, you pondered your problem. Why was it always so difficult to sleep? Even children could do this, it was ridiculous!
The doors whizzed open and you headed straight to a replicator. “Hmm, what do I get?”, you thought to yourself. A small cough sounded from the sitting area. Your heart pounded and you whipped your head around. There, alone at one of the tables, sat Commander Hemmer, your superior officer down in Engineering. He wore some loose fitting lounge pants, a button down shirt and clutched a mug of tea in his hands. “ Ensign, what are you doing up at this hour, shouldn’t you rest?” When your pulse was somewhat back to normal you took a seat beside him. Normally, you wouldn’t share such personal stuff with others but the Chief Engineer was your superior and you regarded him as a mentor. “I..I have some trouble sleeping, always had”, you muttered and looked at the tabletop as it was very apparent how embarrassing you felt. “Something troubling you in particular?” Suddenly, the dust on the table looked very interesting to you. After a few beats of silence, you cleared your throat and looked into his face. “Not really, it’s just that whenever I lie down and try to sleep, there are so many thoughts in my head and I can’t seem to shut them down. I have tried so many things already, like doing some sports before bed to power myself out or take a bath but nothing works.” Frustrated, you put your head on your forearms and sighted. Hemmer contemplated what you said and sat his mug down in front of him. “May I offer some help Ensign?” Surprised, you looked up in his face. Normally, Hemmer wasn’t very social and tried to keep interactions with other crew members to a minimum as others often were intimidated by him and kept their distance. “Of..of course ! What do you have in mind, Commander?” He stood up and made a beeline to the replicators. “First, would you like some Srjula tea? It’s an Andorian herbal tea that has some calming qualities, as you will find.” “ Great, I will trust your tastebuds, Commander”, you smiled nervously. He gave the replicator some commands and after a few seconds, he sat down a steaming mug of tea in front of you. It was deeply yellow and a citrusy aroma wafted in your face. Tentatively you took a small sip. It warmed your body and maybe you were imagining it but you swore that you could feel yourself becoming drowsy already. “So, what do you have in mind?” You looked up to him expectantly. “Before I go to bed, I usually meditate and do some breathing exercises. Due to my telepathic abilities, I often have trouble blending out all the noises and colours, metaphorically speaking. Sometimes, it can get a little too loud in my head and it’s preventing me from getting adequate rest. I could teach you how to do it if you like.” You were still processing that he was talking to you so openly about his problems, he always appeared so perfect and composed to the other people on board. “I would love that, Commander. I’m willing to try anything to catch a few hours of sleep.” He nodded his head and stood up to put your two used mugs into the recycler. Wordlessly, you followed him out into the hallway and to the nearest lift.
You rode silently to the deck that held the quarters of the senior officers. The lift doors opened and he guided you to a set of doors nearly at the end of the hallway. Hemmer keyed in his codes and let you into his rooms and you followed him in what appeared to be his bedroom. “Please have a seat”, he waved his hands to a large, dark red mat which occupied the far left of the room and went into the main living area. Getting into the lotus position, you took a seat. A few seconds later, he came back into the bedroom, carrying what appeared to be an oil candle and a lighter. Taking a seat opposite you, he lid up the flame and put the candle in between you two on the mat. It gave off a warm red light that reflected on his stark white face and made him look warmer somehow. “Close your eyes please.” You did as he said and tightly closed your eyes. “ You have to take deep and even breaths, not too rushed but very slow. Try to imagine the flame in front of you in your mind. Focus on it as the center of your being.” You concentrated on what he said and tried to follow his instructions. You imagined the deep red flame that sat on the mat before your mind’s eye and attempted to shut out everything around you. Hemmer’s sudden voice brought you nearly out of your dream-like state. “Don’t forget your breathing. Deep and even breaths.” You breathed in deep, held it for a few seconds and breathed out. You repeated this till you felt a calm wash over you. Over the crackling of the flame you could hear the Commanders matching breath and simply continued on with the exercise.
After what appeared to you like half an eternity, you sensed some movement in front of you and opened your eyes. Hemmer looked at you with curious eyes, the white of his irises reflected the flame that had become smaller as time passed. “Are you feeling better now?” His tone was warm and you could have sworn you saw a tiny smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Yes, it does not seem as loud in my mind as before”, you answered surprised. “It’s an Andorian meditation technique that I learned during my academy years, when I was first confronted with all the thoughts and emotions of my classmates. Whenever I feel that it gets too much here, especially during tense times when the crew is not nearly as relaxed as they used to be, it helps a great deal and lets me focus.” Gratefully, you smiled at him and folded your hands in your lap. He cleared his throat. “If you ever feel restless again, try this and hopefully you will be able to sleep better after that. Or if you don’t want to be alone, don’t hesitate to call me.” That took you by surprise but you gratefully smiled at him. “That would be amazing. Thank you for your help, Commander.”
He nodded and gracefully he got off the mat and offered you his hand. You took it and got into a standing position. “Thanks again for everything but I should let you rest now, Alpha shift starts in only a few hours.” “Yes, it would be best if we tried to catch some sleep.” He let you to the door and with a nod, he bit you goodbye. When the doors slit shut behind you, you let out a long breath and made your way back to your quarters.
Maybe you had finally found a way to control your wandering thoughts and get proper rest like everyone else on this ship.
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sapphirestuff · 3 years
Oh, sorry about that!
Could I just request for Albedo and Venti?
And yeah, np, I can swap!
Will 💀 work?
Humble Person Can Still Hide Secrets
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⚠️warning: hanahaki = coughing up flowers, mentions of dying
Characters: Albedo, Venti
Synopsis: feelings are surely complex, easy to deceive, but sometimes easy to believe. The carefree nature of Venti, and the stern look of Albedo's sure are assuring they will be great partners, but who's to say there are no dark secrets behind them?
Tags: gn!reader, angst, unrequited feelings, hanahaki disease, drabbles, genshin impact, modern au
A/n: anon omg did u just send me an angst with my faves? Smiles thru the pain, but im in for my genshin beloveds some angst, u can tell how excited i am i rush this request mwehehehe😄 and welcome 💀 anon! Yeay my first anon here! I hope u're comfortable here!!
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Hearing y/n coughing, in a not so familiar way either, Albedo rushed immediately to their side with grabbing some tissues. "Here, lay on the bed for a while, i'm gonna search a way to stop the coughing" He said, holding them tight and bringing them up to his bed.
Before going, he checked their heartbeat, pulse, throat, etc. But it seems like everything was normal, but what was normal about coughing up flowers when they didn't even eat one?
"Wait right here, i'll be back soon" he assure y/n, whilst kissing y/n's forehead and rubbing their hands. As soon as he leaves,he rushed to his lab, specifically his bookshelf. Searching up reasons why can someone throws up something as unique as flowers, and soon, his answers are revealed.
He remembered some old fairytale Sucrose told him. Analyzing the shelfs, and once he found it, the book that contains everything about flowers and it legends. He began searching for the certain page, that said "Hanahaki."
Reading it, Albedo was shocked, not because of why the sudden symptoms, but how quick was his secrets is revealed, and that the only way y/n can be cured is to have their unrequited love being requited, or erasing y/n's feelings for him.
Even if he didn't love them, the thought of pushing y/n to move on from him, and letting them know about the cold, hard truth still hurts him.
To make things right, he came back to y/n's lying figure, "Y/n, how are you feeling-" "You don't have to hide it anymore."
'Why would y/n thought of that? Surely they-' his thoughts were cut by their further explanation.
"I'm not dumb, even if Sucrose already told us that fairytale long ago, it always has stucked in my mind. And even if *coughs* i-if it doesn't have a logical answer behind it, it proves so much as to why i n- *coughs* never felt that warmth when you are with everyone else. You're already so unsincere, and that's why *coughs and collecting the flowers to your hand* you can't never feel my pure feelings for you, ever again." Y/n said to him.
Silence rang between both of them, only when y/n coughs was the only voice they heard. Looking at the flowers they have coughed, y/n played with them. Fiddle on the times y/n's so thought boyfriend had been tolerating them, and that they didn't know the meaning of how his hands grab their shoulder when they grab his waist to hold him. The way his tone grew when he told them he's busy at his research, even if y/n only want him to rest.
Y/n's heart aches more than their throat, 'why was i so oblivious? It's not just his fault, even if he didn't love me, i-' "Can we.. still be friends, at least?" Albedo reached out. He refuted y/n's thoughts, it's his fault, for not.. telling them sooner.
"I don't know..." Y/n hid their face, looking at the sheets. Remembering that he pushes himself to hold them in their sleep there, the more the flowers are blooming inside of them.
"I understand... You can't push yourself, y/n, i'm sorry..." The apologetic look on Albedo's face, they themselves can't handle it. "Haha... Since when you care about my feelings? If you care, it'd be better if you reject me from the start..." And as you continue on,
"And you don't need to worry about me, i'll move on from you. And even if i die before that, it's none of your business." Y/n's words at the end made it clearly for Albedo that it'd be better if he didn't bother with them anymore.
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"What are you playing, Venti?" Y/n asked their beloved partner who is fiddling on his lyre's strings. "Ehe, just practicing that song i always play, i want you to be the one who hears it first, y/n!" He smiles cheerfully, but behind that bright smile, lies a certain feeling he wish will go easily,
Because of his free nature, Venti is not a guy who wished to be tied to a relationship, he considers everyone as his friend, including y/n.
But what's wrong with that? He can learn to love, and maybe their relationship will grow-
*cough cough*
"You've been coughing like, a lot since yesterday, are you sure you're okay, y/n?" He looks at them, worry starts to linger. Y/n themselves has never really been doing anything that can trigger coughing.
"Yep! Totally fine! Just focus on the song so i can hear it sooner...!" Y/n whines, but their coughing is still going on, until,
*Cough cough cough* a flower petal appear unexpectedly from y/n's mouth.
Both y/n and Venti shook their eyes, and panick immediately rushed through Venti's veins.
"Is it... H-ha... Huaa..." The look on y/n's face was unbearable, feeling like their heart crushed like a falling building, once the flower fall to their hands, the feeling of disbelieve, shock, fall, sadness mixed into despair.
"Y/n! Thi-this is-" "Don't touch me!!" Y/n slapped the braided boy's hand who was trying to reach their shoulder. Disbelief has broke their way to y/n's heart, therefore, making their heart feel betrayed. Betrayed by such a carefree boy. Sweet, innocent, playful boy.
"Y/n...! I-i'm sorry...!" As much as y/n was felt heartbroken, they know they can't force love, especially from a boy who never has experience in love.
Determined, not wanting any more trouble, y/n made up their mind as they rose up from the floor,
"Ple-please don't contact me, it'll be harder for me if you keep on living in my head" y/n exclaim as they head towards the door, the young bard hesitates, and decided to stay in his position. Four eyes looking at the floor, with only the wind, and sounds of y/n's whimpering sounds from crying can be heard.
"Goodbye, Venti." Y/n's hands reach the doorknob, opening it and soon left the room.
Still staying in his position, the bard has no courage to even move his feet. He has no romantic feelings for y/n, but he can tell that he messed things up with illusioning y/n's feelings from being hurt and didn't tell them sooner.
Hands only able to reach his lyre, Venti's fingers started mingling on the strings, playing a familiar song, a song he had been planning to practice to show off in front of y/n.
Melody started ringing, reminding him of what just happened, making his knees weak. He fall down, and position himself to sit crossing his legs, keeping on playing the song.
Do you know what kind of song is it?
It is indeed a song about his happy life, his gratitude. Now ruined by the aggressive wind, it has turned to be about wishing for that happy life, his only wish.
Sobbing, the air is different now. No storm, no rain, no sunshine. The melody sounded dark then what he composed it to be.
"Why can't i make things right..."
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mintwithchoco · 4 years
loonathesmut: Tease
LOOΠΔ Kim Lip x Male Reader
Word Count: 7100 words
Categories: smut, oral, facefucking, facial, subtsundere! kim lip
note; finally after weeks of writing, i'm back with another story! this is a continuation to my first smut, so i suggest you read it first to understand the story a bit better.
this story is also dedicated to one of my favorite writer, @nsfwtwicecatcher ! since he likes giving kimberly lippington a facial, this is gift for him :3 happy belated birthday! (hopefully i'm not too late oof)
special thanks to @arrivalatdawn for helping me out with the story.
again, happy new year and enjoy! ;)
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"That's all for today. Remember to read chapter 7 and 8 for our next class!" The lecturer said before everyone stood up to leave the lecture room. 
You pack your notes and laptop into your bag hastily, rushing for your next event for the day. 
"Hello, baby brother? Can I ask you for a little bit of help? I'm gonna be busy this Wednesday and we haven't finished packing up stuff for our move to the new dorm. Since half of us will be staying at the dorm to finish packing, I figured that they would need some...extra hand. Hopefully you can help out!"
You walked through the crowd of students while keeping a safe distance from them. You looked at the watch on your wrist. 12:14 p.m. You gasped silently and started to run, eventually reaching your car at the parking lot after almost hitting on a bunch of people on your way. Getting inside your car and taking a couple of deep breaths, you calmed the adrenaline rush in your body. After a few minutes, you start the engine, turn on the radio and drive off to loonathedorm.
20 minutes later, you finally arrive at the building where your stepsister's dorm was.  You parked your car at a nearby parking lot, grabbing your stuff and a few bags of snacks that you purchased from a nearby convenience store. You make your way into the building and take the elevator up to the level where the dorm was at. As the elevator reaches the designated level, the door opened, revealing two people that you are all too familiar with.
"Oh, hi oppa!" "Hello oppa!" Both Heejin and Hyunjin greeted you.
"Hey! Where are you guys going?" You asked them as you got out of the elevator.
"We're gonna get some more boxes! We have too much stuff…" Heejin said while pouting. Hyunjin just stares at the plastic bags that you were holding.
"Oh, alright then. I bought some snacks, so be quick before the others finish it. And don't worry Hyunjin, I bought bread as well." You said, making Hyunjin smile.
"Thanks oppa!" Hyunjin responded.
"We'll be right back!" Heejin said and grabbed Hyunjin's hand as they went inside the elevator. You wave at them goodbye and head towards the dorm.
You arrive at the door within seconds. A nervous feeling suddenly came over you as this is the second time you are visiting the dorm. The first time was around a month ago, when Jinsoul invited you to Yeojin's birthday party. You haven't gotten closer to Jinsoul's other bandmates besides Heejin, Yerim and Jiwoo. You got close to them during their debut concert when you visited Jinsoul backstage. You pressed the doorbell followed with a nervous sigh. A few seconds was all it needed for the door to be opened by Chuu.
"Oppa! Come on in, we just started packing!" Jiwoo said in a happy tone.
"Perfect, right on time!" You said and went inside the dorm. Jiwoo goes back to her room to continue her work while you take off your jacket and shoes in the doorway. You hang up your jacket and put your shoes on an empty spot at the shoe rack. As you walk to the living room with the bags of snacks in hand, you look around the surrounding of the dorm.
The dorm was pretty clean but full of boxes scattered around containing the girls' stuff. It was a pretty small dorm for 12 people to live in, so you were happy that they are finally moving out after 3 years. You put the bags of snacks on the living room's table. Yerim suddenly appears in front of you , carrying a box that looked far too heavy for her. You quickly went to her and grabbed the box as her hands were getting shaky. 
"Phew! Thanks oppa! You can put it there," Yerim said as she points to a stack of boxes beside the couch.
"No problem. This is really heavy, are there rocks inside?" You joked.
"It's just some clothes!" Yerim chuckled at your joke.
"Well, surely you have a lot of them. There you go." You put down the box carefully on top of a bigger box.
"Thanks oppa!" Yerim beams a cute smile at you.
"You're welcome. Have you guys eaten yet?" You asked her.
"No, we were too busy packing…" 
"Well, I bought some snacks so-" You sit down on the couch and take out the snacks inside the plastic bags that you brought.
"Let's take a break!" 
"Yeay! Thanks oppa!" Yerim sits on the couch and immediately opens up a bag of Cheetos.
"I'll get the others real quick." You stand up and head towards Jiwoo's room while Yerim munches down on the Cheetos. As you arrive there, Jiwoo is taping up a box while Jungeun is cleaning the windows. 
"Hey guys! Are you done with your work yet?" You asked.
"Uhh, just a bit more oppa. I just have to tape up that box and I'm done!" Jiwoo replied.
"Alright then. Jungeun?" 
"Can’t you see that I'm still cleaning?" Jungeun replied in a cold tone.
Kim Jungeun, a.k.a Kim Lip. Presumably, the sexiest member in LOONA. While her face emits the vibe of a charismatic woman, her personality is completely different. She has a great sense of humor as most of the memes in the LOONA fanbase are about her. She's also a caring and liable person. Jinsol once told you that she is one of the members that usually cooks for the others and she always loves cleaning around the house.
But, for some reason, she always seemed angry at you, keeping her words to a minimum and striking you with harsh facts sometimes. You asked Jinsol why she was acting that way and she simply replied with, "I don't know, maybe she's interested in you." You simply disagreed with her as there was no way you would fall in love with Jungeun since you have Jinsol embedded deep in your heart.
"Jungeun! That's not how you talk to oppa!" Jiwoo scolded Jungeun.
"It's fine. I just wanna say that the snacks are waiting for you guys and it won't take long before Yerim finishes it all,” You said and left the room to join Yerim back at the couch in the living room.
"Oh my god, you annihilated a bag of Cheetos already?!" You hold up the empty bag of Cheetos on the table. 
"Hehe, sorry oppa! Can't help it," Yerim said while drinking her Coke.
"Is there any bread left?" Hyunjin bashed through the front door followed by Heejin who was holding a bunch of folded boxes. Both you and Yerim jumped in shock because of the sudden interruption. Hyunjin quickly sits beside Yerim and searches for her precious bread. Heejin puts the folded boxes at the hallway leading to the living room and joins the rest on the couch.
"Mmm~! Ish bwead ish sho fwuffy!” Hyunjin said as her mouth was already stuffed with bread.
“Yah, don’t talk when your mouth is full! Especially when oppa’s around,” Heejin said as she grabbed a pack of candies from one of the plastic bags.
“It’s fine, it was cute anyways,” Hyunjin choked and spat out her drink as she heard your compliment. Heejin and Yerim just laughed at her as she was coughing pretty badly.
Eventually, Jiwoo and Jungeun joined in after a few minutes. The room was quickly filled with conversations, the girls talked about their successful comeback while you talked about how you almost burned your house down when learning how to make macarons.
Whenever you talk, you realize that Jungeun will always focus on you, even though she was keeping a straight face. She spoke the least out of the six of you and will constantly nod or shake her head to a question. At one point, you made eye contact with her and in a split second, she turned her face away from you, hiding her shyness. 
‘What's up with her?’ you thought. 
But the conversation that was happening was too interesting for you to think about it furthermore.
2:15 p.m. All of you start packing the girls’ room items. Your job was mainly to pick up the boxes or lift some furniture since you are the only male there. Sounded easy, right? That was your thought before Kim Jungeun caught your attention with her outfit. She was wearing a black tank top that didn't do well on covering up her black bra underneath and black tight shorts that were showing off her beautiful legs. 
You wondered why she picked that outfit for the day as it was clearly uncomfortable for her. Her top was always slipping down everytime she moved, allowing you to see her cleavage. You tried to avoid looking at her but she keeps coming into your sight as if it was intentional. Your lower region was starting to get warm and it was definitely not the right time to get a hard-on. You kept thinking about gross things that can help your boner to calm down but the moment when Jungeun bent down to pick up some stuff right in front of you, it was game over. You immediately go to the toilet to cover up your raging boner before any of the girls notices it.
About two hours later, Heejin taped up the final box, officially ending all of the work. All of you sit down on the couch and let out a sigh of relief. You were grateful that no one notices your bulge throughout all of that, otherwise you would be dying because of embarrassment. 
“Hey guys! Sooyoung unnie just texted me that they are at the arcade nearby, should we join them?” Jiwoo asked while looking at her phone.
“Heck yeah!” Heejin excitedly replies.
“Oppa, are you going too?” Yerim asked you.
“Nah, you guys go ahead, I’ll just wait for noona here.” 
“Lip unnie?” Hyunjin asked Jungeun.
“I’m too lazy…” Jungeun said and slowly laid down on the couch.
“Okay then, let’s get ready!” Jiwoo said and went to her room, followed by Heejin, Hyunjin and Yerim. 
“Don’t bother me unless it’s something important.” Jungeun said to you before going back into her own room. You just shrugged off what she said and played around with your phone. After seeing the girls leave, you turn on the TV and watched a drama to kill time. You thought that Jungeun had already fallen asleep since she is tired and you didn’t hear any sounds from her room.
An hour passes by and your stomach starts to grumble. The snacks earlier didn’t really fill up your stomach, so you decided to cook some ramen. Before going into the kitchen, you remember about Jungeun and decide to ask her if she wants some. You walk up to her room’s door and knock gently.
“Hey, I’m gonna cook some ramen, do you want some?” You asked through the door.
“Ugh..hah,” You hear Jungeun’s voice through the door. It sounds like she is struggling, you thought. You knock on the door again.
“Are you okay in there?” No answer. 
“Do you need help?” Still no answer.
Worried about her, you swiftly open the door. Your eyes search for Jungeun who was fixing the window curtains while tip-toeing on a chair to help her reach it. She didn’t notice your presence at all and was struggling with the curtains as it was stuck on the curtain rod. Before you can ask her anything, your attention suddenly diverts to her back that is facing you. You slowly eye her from head to toe a few times before locking your eyes onto her ass. Heck, you know it was wrong, but who can resist closing their eyes to this perfect and handful butt? You were hypnotized, dirty thoughts were already generated in your brain as you stared at them longer.
Suddenly, Jungeun loses her balance as her right foot slips on the chair and makes her fall. Luckily, you were there and reacted quickly enough to catch her from falling. Jungeun was shocked to see you catch her. Not to mention, she perfectly landed onto your arms and you both were in an awkward position of a bridal carry. Time stops for you as your eyes land onto hers, seeing another side of Kim Jungeun who was always giving you cold glares. You feel her body getting warmer on your arms and her cheeks turn red.
“Are you okay?” You asked her.
“Y-Yeah..you can put me down now..” Jungeun spoke in a soft tone for the first time with you, making you also blush at how cute she sounds. You gently put her feet first on the floor and removed your arms from her legs and her back. The air around the both of you was getting awkward and after a few seconds of silence, Jungeun finally speaks.
“Why did you come into my room, pervert?” Jungeun was back to her cold self but her shyness still remains visible on her cheeks.
“Chill out, I was just asking you if you wanted some ramen or not. And, if I didn’t barge into your room, you could end up with a back pain.” You answered back, making Jungeun sigh.
“You got a point. I am feeling hungry right now so why not. I’ll cook though, I don’t trust you in the kitchen.” Jungeun said before heading to the kitchen followed by you.
“The bags of ramen are on the right cabinet. If you wanna add in some more stuff, look in the fridge.” Jungeun said while washing her hands. You simply nod and open the cabinet that Jungeun pointed out. You grabbed three bags of spicy chicken flavored ramen and placed them on the kitchen counter. As you are about to check out the fridge for some ingredients, you saw that Jungeun is struggling once again, this time with getting a pot on the top of the cabinet.
“You know that it’s easy to ask for help, right?” You said and went behind her to reach the pot. Jungeun’s eyes widened as both of your bodies are closer to each other once again. She looks at your face that is focusing on the pot. Seeing how much you like to help her out makes her feel something funny. As she thinks about it longer, she starts to blush madly and her heart pounds fast until she realizes that you had grabbed the pot and saw her blushing.
“Here.” You said while giving her the pot, ignoring the fact that she is blushing.
“Thanks..” Jungeun replied, feeling relieved that you didn’t ask further.
After the little sweet moment, both of you start on making the ramen. You mostly prepared the ingredients while Jungeun does the mixing and cooking. 25 minutes later, Jungeun places the pot of hot ramen that is ready to be served on the dining table, which you have already cleaned and prepared with bowls and chopsticks. The savory aroma of the ramen fills the air, making you drool even more. Both of you sat down at the dining table, facing each other and started to dig in. You scooped a spoonful of the ramen with the ladle and put it in your bowl. You lifted up some of the ramen noodles with your chopsticks, gently blowing onto it to cool it down before putting it in your mouth.
"Mmm! So Jinsol noona was telling the truth about your cooking," You complimented her as the ramen you tasted was very delicious.
"Of course she would tell the truth. But I feel like I've added too much spice.." Jungeun said before taking a sip on her drink to reduce the heat on her tongue.
"I can handle the spice though, you're not that big of a spicy fan eh?" You said, continuing to slurp on the noodles.
“Shut up.” 
A few minutes passed by and the pot was already empty. You both are still eating the last bits of the noodles in your bowls. Jungeun is fanning her clothes, feeling hot because of the spiciness of the ramen. This allows you to have a great view of her cleavage under her tank top once more, which almost made you spat out the noodles in your mouth. Even though the air conditioner was turned on, sweat formed on her forehead and her neck and your eyes focused on the beads of her sweat that was dripping down her cleavage. You gulped. Jinsol would probably kill you right now as your cock started to grow hard again.
“I feel so hot…” Jungeun said as she kept fanning her clothes that were drenched.
“You really are hot, Kim Jungeun.” You say softly, not wanting to be called out as a pervert by Jungeun again. You both finished up the food eventually and you offered to wash the dishes since she helped to cook the food. It was also a way for you to cover your bulge that is sticking out. You cleaned up the dining table and brought the dishes to the kitchen sink to wash them while Jungeun went back to her room.
You dry off your hand with a cloth near the sink after washing all of the dishes. You walked back to the living room and saw Jungeun doing yoga in front of the TV. She was still wearing the tank top from earlier, but has changed her shorts into leggings which hugged her thighs and her cute butt perfectly. She is doing a position where her feet and her hands are on the ground while her hips and her torso are kept high, like a certain sex position. You were stunned at your place, completely seduced by her sensual aura that is making you hard for the third time. You watch every part of her body like a hawk, gradually increasing your arousal level as you already think about how to take her down. You quickly put that thought away once Jungeun realizes that you are looking at her.
“W-Why are you doing yoga at this time?” You ask her before she could say anything in hope that she won’t call you out.
“I wanna work off the ramen that we just ate.” Jungeun said before moving into another position. This time, she lays down her body flat onto the yoga mat and lifts only her torso up with her hands, allowing her butt to clench and showing you how perfect it looks. You bit your lips at the sight, thinking how easily you could rip her leggings off and fuck her ass right at that moment. But you surely don’t want to be killed by Jungeun for suddenly invading her privacy so you have to keep your cool. 
You slowly walk towards the couch and sat there while Jungeun is focusing on the TV that is playing a yoga guide show. You pull out your phone from your pocket and play around with it to distract yourself from staring at her body. As she wasn't looking at you, you fixed up your pants to hide your boner. You scroll through your phone, opening up apps that you never really open while burning the image of you fucking Jungeun in your head. After a while with a few more position changes, the yoga guide show is almost at the end as there is one more position to do. Jungeun lays down on her back and raises up her legs while bending her knees. She places her knees around her shoulder area and her arms on her feet to exert some pressure on it. 
The position is called Happy Baby as said on the TV, but to you, it just looks like she was ready to receive a cock in her pussy. Because she is on the floor, her crotch area is exposed to you and your imagination of stripping her naked in that position is starting to flow. Your dick was painfully hard at this point, and your patience is starting to run out. Eventually, you stand up, planning to let out your desires in the toilet until Jungeun stops you.
"Giving up already?" Jungeun said in a teasing manner.
"I'm sorry?" You pretended to be confused.
"Hm, still want to defend yourself eh? I know you're having a boner right now." Jungeun releases herself from the position earlier, stands up and gets closer to you. Your eyes widen as you are getting exposed by her.
"I've noticed that you've been eyeing my body, especially my ass." Jungeun gives you a little smirk while crossing her arms.
"I-I'm sorry, I-"
"Shh...There's no need for that. I'll forgive you, but with one condition..." Jungeun gently pushes you back to the couch and straddles your lap. She brought her lips to your right ear and blew hot breath onto it, making you squirm under her body.
"Please me, just like how you did to Jinsol unnie." 
The gentleman switch inside your body was turned off once you hear those alluring words. You wrapped her legs around your hips and lifted her up to carry her to somewhere comfortable. You made your way to her bedroom and pinned her down to the bed, not caring to close the door since there is no one else that can witness this sinful act.
"You are going to regret saying that, Miss Kim Jungeun." You leaned your head closer to her and pressed your lips against hers. The taste of her cherry lips makes its way into your taste buds while she reciprocates by moaning into your mouth. You feel her body is getting warmer with each passing second and her kisses are getting a bit more rough. Her tongue asks for entrance in your mouth, so you part your lips and both of your tongues dance while exchanging saliva into each other's mouth. Your hands makes their way down to her thick thighs, the culprit that has made your dick feel pain throughout the three times you got hard for her. You moved your hand up and down, caressing it to show your affection. As you continue to explore each other’s mouth, both of your breaths are decreasing overtime so Jungeun pushes you away from her lips and pants heavily.
“Jinsol unnie was right, you are a great kisser.” Jungeun says and wraps her arms around your neck. You looked deep into her brown eyes and admired her facial features. You gotta admit, she is one of the most beautiful women that you have ever seen, alongside Jinsoul of course. Her gaze that was filled with lust enamored your heart, making it beat faster than normal. 
“Do you want me to suck your cock?” Jungeun asks you and you unhesitantly nodded to her question.
“Eat my pussy out until I cum, then I’ll let you fuck my face.” Jungeun moves her body back to the headboard of the bed, inviting you to strip her naked. Like a cat, you crawl towards her and tower over her body. You grab the bottom hem of her tank top and pull it upwards. Jungeun raises her arms to allow you to remove it from her slim body and throw it away somewhere in the room. Even though Jungeun is not as thick as Hyejoo or as curvy as Jinsol, her body is still a killer, packed with a sexy ribcage, a small waist and of course, beautiful legs.
Your lips instantly latched on her neck, giving her a few kisses here and there to increase the tension between you both. The sweet scent of her perfume was still there despite her being sweaty because of the spiciness of the ramen and the yoga that she did earlier. Jungeun moaned softly at your kisses but tries to silence herself to keep her cold act. Feeling a bit bolder now, your hands slowly reach behind her and unhook her black bra. You heard the hooks come off one by one, eventually letting her bra fall down by itself. A sigh of relief was also heard by you as Jungeun felt the tension on her chest was released. Her perky breasts were finally revealed to you - Jinsol is bigger than her, but you can say that they are pretty handful.
“Fuck, you’re so hot Jungeun.” You say before planting a quick peck on her lips.
Unable to contain your lust for her anymore, you forcefully grab onto her leggings and rip them open, earning a screech from Jungeun that you always hear in the LOONA memes compilation videos on YouTube. “Hey! Calm your hormones down! Thank god that this is already ripped, otherwise I will be chopping your dick off.” Jungeun was slightly mad at you for destroying her leggings but thankfully, she was okay with it.
You continue to strip her naked by peeling off the ripped leggings off her legs. As you throw away her bra and her leggings off the bed, you are slightly shocked to see Jungeun wasn’t wearing any panties underneath her leggings and is now fully naked right in front of you. Fully mesmerized by the sight, your cock was begging to be released from its confines. But, you already had a deal with her - make her cum and you’ll get a facefuck. Easy. 
“Are you gonna eat me out or-ahh..” Jungeun let out a soft moan as you drive your hands towards her clit that is already wet with her juices. You traced her clit with your fingers as you watch Jungeun’s face gradually easing into the pleasure. Jungeun closes her eyes and leans back while you smirk, thinking that she is now under your control. As you continue to move your fingers on her clit, Jungeun spreads her legs and throws her head back, giving you the approval to taste her.
Your hands have moved itself to her thighs to keep her in place while you eat her pussy out. Steadily moving your head down to her glistening clit, you stick out your tongue and lick the juices on her clit, making Jungeun squirm slightly. She tastes sweet and you are addicted to it right away. Not wasting anymore time, you capture her clit with your lips and swirl your tongue, making small circles around it. Jungeun’s hands made it to your hair, gripping onto it tightly as you keep giving her clit the attention that it wants. You feel the burning sensation on your scalp but nothing matters at this point. The only focus that you have at this point is to give Jungeun what she desires.
No progress will be made if you keep using your mouth, so you start moving your hands to her clit and use your fingers to stimulate it. Jungeun's pussy continues to flow out more nectar and her eyes roll back in satisfaction. You pull your lips away from her clit and teased her splayed lips using two fingers before pushing them into her warm and tight cavern. Jungeun reacted with an erotic moan once your fingers enter her body. Moving the joints of your two fingers inside her pussy causes her to flinch around and breathe heavily. She equips herself with a pillow nearby to muffle her moans in reason to keep her tsundere character alive.
You pull your fingers away from her clit slowly and thrust it back inside her deeper than before. You repeat this action several times and eventually find a perfect rhythm. Jungeun was not expecting you to be this good as her moans were getting louder each time you thrust into her. After a few more thrusts, you felt a certain type of flesh inside her pussy has made contact with the tip of your fingers. Jungeun immediately reacts by pulling your hair harder and bucking her hips onto your face even more.
“F-Fuck yeah, that’s the spot...keep doing that,” 
Upping the pace of your thrusts into her, you continue to hit her g-spot. Your lips latch onto her clit once again, this time with your tongue assisting your fingers to thrust into her pussy better. Jungeun has lost control over her body, shaking violently and constantly screaming out curse words into the pillow she is holding. 
Suddenly, Jungeun lets out the loudest scream into the pillow. Her thighs spontaneously wrap itself around your head, locking you in as she climaxes. You feel her juices flowing into your mouth like a waterfall and drenching your palm at the same time. Her orgasm was really big as you failed to keep all of her juices in your mouth. When you feel that her thighs have weakened its grip on your head, marking the end of her orgasm, you pull out your fingers from her pussy and lapped up the excess juice on her folds. You gulp down on her sweet cum and with a big sigh, you move your face away from her thighs.
There is no other sight that can beat the sight that you have now right in front of you. Jungeun’s face was flushed with satisfaction, her legs were still spread open and her chest was heaving up and down as she was still in a daze after her strong climax just now. You smiled, admiring how much of a mess that she has made.
“Hah..v-very well then, you have impressed me. Now, for your reward.” Jungeun said before moving herself away and pushed you to the headboard, replacing her spot earlier.
She straddles your lap once again and smashes her lips onto yours, tasting herself in your mouth that was filled with her cum just now. In the meantime, her hands find the hem of your pants, reaches inside and drags it off your legs. Pulling her lips away from you after several minutes, Jungeun’s face makes its way down to your crotch that shows off your prominent bulge under your boxers. You squirmed as Jungeun cups your bulge and blows a hot breath onto it. She licks the tip of your penis through the thin fabric of your boxers before pulling it down to uncover your penis. You felt the cold air around the room on your shaft, making it throb and twitch harder. 
“Hmm, not as big as I thought, but surely this is enough.” You felt a bullet was shot through your heart.
Jungeun places her hand on the base of your cock, causing it to leak out precum from your slit. She licks her lips before painting a strip of saliva along the underside of your shaft and stopping on the tip. You moaned as Jungeun spits all over your cock and starts sucking on your tip. Her tongue collects all of your precum while her hand spreads her saliva all over your cock, not leaving any parts of it dry. Your cock continued to throb in her small hand alongside your moans that are beginning to increase in volume. 
You can’t believe that the cold Kim Jungeun is now on your cock, giving you the fantasy that you desired. Spitting more saliva onto your cock, her hand glides up and down you with no resistance. Her lips detached itself from your tip, giving her fingers access to it to trace your slit and releasing more of your liquid. Jungeun giggles at the expressions that you were making.
“You really are a pervert…” Jungeun said before indulging your cock into her mouth.
Your body weakens once you feel the insides of her mouth with your cock. Jungeun began to bob her head up and down while still grabbing a hold on the base of your shaft. You brought your hand to her head, running your fingers through the soft blonde strands of hair. As she looked up at you, you realized that she looks gorgeous with a cock in her mouth, a sight that will surely make any man happy. Her mouth continued to fill itself with your length until you felt your tip reach the back of her mouth, causing her to gag loudly. Your hands automatically hold her head as the warmness of her mouth and the lustful gag that she lets out is driving you into maximum pleasure.
Jungeun taps on your thigh after a while as she was losing some oxygen. You quickly removed your hand from the back of her head and Jungeun releases her mouth from your cock with a pop, leaving strings of saliva along the way. She takes this time to breath properly to prepare herself for the next act.
“Get off the bed and fuck my mouth.” 
You got off the bed quickly while Jungeun gets on her knees. After you remove the last piece of your clothing, she parts her lips, ready to receive your cock again. You hold onto both sides of her head and push a few inches of your cock into her mouth. You start your thrusting with a slow rhythm to make her feel comfortable. As she looks up to you with a gaze filled with lust, you push your shaft even more, causing saliva to escape from the sides of her mouth. When your shaft hits the back of her mouth, she gags on your cock, followed by teardrops on her eyes as she is on cloud nine on how well you are using your reward. 
Developing a faster rhythm as time goes by, Jungeun’s face is starting to get messy with her tears and her saliva. You didn’t care about it since you were chasing on your own desires. Sweat formed on your forehead as you fuck her mouth harder. An idea suddenly popped into your mind and after one final deep thrust, you withdrew your cock out of her mouth. Jungeun hyperventilates once you release your grip on her head and wipes off the excessive saliva on her face with her hand.
“Impressive...considering that you haven’t cum yet, you are allowed to fu-” Jungeun was cut off by you grabbing her arms and pinning her to the bed.
“I’m done with you being in charge, now let me take over.” You said sternly, emphasizing on the words, ‘take over’.
Your lust for her was unstoppable at this point. Turning her body around, her face was now buried into the bed. You forcefully grabbed her hips and bent her knees, allowing her hips to stay up. Raising her head slightly to look at you, Jungeun was stunned at your changed behavior. She found it rather attractive, how your eyes were burning with lust and how rough your actions were getting. 
As your hands were still on her hips, you moved them to her butt and gently squeezed her cheeks, causing Jungeun to squirm under your touch. Seems like your idea is starting to work out. Using your right hand to stroke your hard cock a few times, you line it up with the pink lips of her pussy that was radiating with heat. Jungeun feels your tip nudging at her entrance and bites her lip once you push it in further. With a satisfied grunt, a few inches of your cock is finally in her cunt. Her walls were suffocating your cock with its tightness but you ignored the pain that you were feeling. Your hips begin to move, thrusting your shaft into her in a slow manner. Her juices were smearing your length, allowing it to slide in and out of her pussy with ease. Jungeun buries her face into the bed to silence her moans, not wanting to show herself falling into your dominance.
You realize what she was doing and you definitely didn’t like it. So, you grab a handful of her long blonde hair and pull it towards you, raising her head so that you can hear her lewd moans. Jungeun stayed strong however, holding her breath a few times and biting her lips harder to resist herself from moaning. Increasing the rhythm of your thrust into her tight cavern, your goal is to make her moan and give up on her tsundere character. Her body shakes in your arms as your thrusts get more aggressive, considering how you are gritting your teeth while pounding her. You lean your body onto her back and rest your head on her shoulder, giving kisses on her neck right after. 
“I know that you’re enjoying this, so drop the tough act already,” You gave her butt a harsh slap before bringing your lips closer to her ears.
“And moan for me.” 
Like a spark ignited in her body, Jungeun finally lets out her beautiful moans. You smirked, delighted at the fact that Jungeun is now under your spell, which is the pleasure that you are giving her. You continue to thrust into her warm walls even further, increasing the volume of her moans before putting an end to your rhythm and pulling out your cock out of her body, earning a whine from Jungeun.
“Tell me how much you love my cock.” You grab her by the neck and gently squeeze it to force out an answer from her.
“I love your cock so much oppa! Please keep fucking this slut until she cums!” Jungeun screamed.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” You said and gave her ass two hard slaps.
“Ahh! I-I’m sorry oppa…” 
“Lay down on the bed. Now.” Your cold tone sent shivers down Jungeun’s spine and quickly enough, she laid back down on the bed and waited for your actions.
You climb back on the bed and move towards her, putting her under your body. You gave her a quick peck on her lips before spreading her legs apart and lining up your cock with her damp pussy once again. 
“You can’t cum until I say so. If you cum, I won’t hesitate to punish you.” You said and immediately inserted your cock back into her pussy, making Jungeun scream with ecstasy.
The intensity between you both was at its limit as Jungeun leaked out more and more of her juices from her pussy and your cock throbs harder inside the tight grip of her pussy. Your head leans closer to hers, intently gazing into her heavenly brown eyes that filled with passion and desire. At that moment, Jinsol was completely lost in your mind as you have fallen in love with the woman right in front of you named Kim Jungeun. The rhythm of your pounding never slowed down, instead it keeps going faster and harder. Although your back is starting to emit sweat, your lust for her powers your body to keep going. 
No other sounds were heard in the room except for the squelching of her wet and warm walls receiving your shaft, the squeaking of the bed because of your hard thrusts and the symphony of moans from the both of you. Challenging Jungeun’s endurance, your hands land on her perky breasts and begin to knead it gently, aiming to stimulate her into her orgasm. Her pink nipples erect once you use your fingers on them, pinching and pulling it until you replace it with your lips. Gently sucking on her right nipple, a persistent flow of high-pitched moans escapes Jungeun’s lips as the pleasure was too much for her.
“Oppa…please...” Jungeun begged you.
“Giving up already?” You said with a smirk, referencing her words earlier.
Without giving a care to her words, you keep penetrating her hot flesh while teasing her tits. The tip of your cock came into contact with her g-spot and Jungeun screams out your name. You were in euphoria, the pleasure that you were getting was a lot for a man to have. The knot in your stomach is starting to build itself, signaling your upcoming orgasm. 
"Do you want to cum baby?"
"Yes please! I want to cum all over your cock pleease!" 
"Then, cum. Cover my cock with your cum." You demanded.
Jungeun came instantly. You feel as the walls of her vagina gripped onto your shaft. Her juices gushed out everywhere, mainly coating your cock and your balls. Some leaked out and landed on her bed. Her orgasm was bigger than the first one, acknowledging how you have successfully raised her senses. 
"B-Baby..I'm close..." You alerted her.
"O-Outside…" Jungeun weakly replied.
Hearing her words made your brain come up with one decision. You fuck her in a relentless pace as the knot in your stomach grew tighter. Feeling your cock is twitching inside her, you immediately pull out from her tight pussy and straddle her torso, aiming your cock right in front of her face. Jungeun was still weak from her orgasm just now and didn't realize what you were doing. You stroke your cock with a fast motion, easily sliding in and out of your hand because of her juices lubricating it. Eventually, with a big groan, streaks of white and thick semen burst out of your tip, painting Jungeun's enticingly beautiful face. She closes her eyes as she comes back to her senses with more ropes of cum landing on her cheeks and her forehead.
After the last streak of your cum lands on her nose, her gorgeous face is fully covered. You sighed and admired the mess that you had made, the cum that was dripping down and the satisfied expression pictured on Jungeun’s face. Jungeun slowly opened her eyes to be greeted with your sweet smile and your cock that was still throbbing. She was lost in your eyes for a brief moment but suddenly, she pushes you away from her.
“Goddamnit, now I have to clean your filth off, ugh...” Jungeun said and went to the bathroom to wash her face.
“Jungeun I-” You sighed as she closed the bathroom door. 
Jungeun looked at herself in the mirror from head to toe. Her thighs were stained with her own cum, her nipples were still erect due to your teasing and of course, her face was coated with your semen. She smiled. Licking a bit of your creamy semen on her lips, she squealed at how she finally tasted a part of you. Worried that you might leave soon as she has another plan set up with you, she quickly washed her face at the sink and got out of the bathroom. You didn’t realize that Jungeun was already out of the bathroom and were about to wear your clothes before a hand stopped you from doing so.
“Shower with me?”
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gendieanonsideblog · 3 years
:] your such a nice being!!!! You're so sweet (/gen /p) | I'm glad your spoon count has been getting better! Remember to take breaks if you ever feel like you don't have the energy to do things tho!!!! | They are a strange and mysterious species! [Referring to the allocishets] | ty! I got the sketch for a bunch of headshots gone, but then I had to leave for something! I'll show you when it's done :] | Awwww! I've never gay panicked quite that much. | Maybe I will! She is just ajdhkajs /pos. -⭐
its really easy to be nice because its only the truth !! if being nice is being honest then i love being both !! :D <3 /p /gen yeah me too !!! imma post a gendie this weekend i also have a special announcement too !! :O its very /pos you as well zeeg !! make sure you take care of yourself too and never force yourself !! >:3 mhmm !! like how can you NOT be gay ??? /lhj ooo yeay im very very happy to hear that !! SHOW /nf /lh im literally gay panicking rn xenie is just so ,,, so ,,,, ahhh warm and cuddly and FIREWORKS AND POPROCKS /pos im literally having another gay panic because of nuim and im having to write this 3 times T_T /pos yeah you deffo should !! dont overthink it though that just leads to icky stuff go slow and breathe :3
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nikinramblings · 3 years
Another fic I don’t have time to write, yeay
Prompt for a fanfic I would have written if I didn't already have two works ongoing and not a minute to spare:
Chuuya fights an ability user and gets sent to an alternate universe. He ends up in the Gakuen AU while his counterpart gets thrown into the main universe in his place.
In both worlds Dazai immediately realizes that’s not his Chuuya but in the GA he’s not familiar with abilities so he thinks it’s just a prank. Meanwhile in the main universe he thinks he can fix it with just a touch but this Chuuya is not created by an ability, just transported there by it, so they need to find the one who did it to put the two where they belong.
In the GA!universe Dazai and Chuuya are classmates and sort of frenemies who always compete with each other. Main!Chuuya gets to witness Dazai being all happy and easy-going even though he catches glimpses of the darkness he knows so well behind his eyes. He witnesses him having a somewhat normal friendship with Oda and Ango while still tormenting everyone and mourns for the life they both missed out. He watches him genuinely care for others while still struggling with loneliness despite the large group of friends he has. He begins to wish he could help him in both universes. GA!Dazai for his part misses his less hardened version of Chuuya.
In the main universe Dazai and GA!Chuuya go look for the responsible, at first Chuuya doesn’t fully trust Dazai but follows him because he seems to know what’s going on. This Chuuya is happier, he’s had a better life but is easily excited and even though he doesn’t have his ability he still knows how to put up a fight, soon though he begins to get scared and homesick but tries not to let it show. He sees in this Dazai something he had suspected about the one he knew, a darkness that was always there despite the different upbringing. He wants to pull him away from that path at least in his universe. Dazai’s admiration for him grows because he is a normal kid and isn’t ready for that life, he’s especially not ready to kill but he never backs down, he’s almost impossible to break, he’s also more openly kind and it affects Dazai, so he wants his Chuuya back both because he starts to miss him and because it’s easier to deny having any feelings around him.
It's not completely fleshed out but I have many little details to make this work and even two possible endings. I need a holiday to work on this.
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greekbros · 4 years
"greek-Bros: Theseus"
Zeus: *in his usual soothing and calm voice* BOYS! *thunder commences*
Apollo, Hermes and Dionysus: *all three scramble to enter the throne room* Yes dad?!?
Zeus: One of you must help your wonderful baby brother Theseus.
Apollo: ....hmmm...I can go.
Hermes: Well I have my own responsibilities dad.
Zeus: Acceptable Hermes. Dionysus?
Dionysus: hmmm...yeah sure.
Hermes: Wait don't you have a date with Karen?
Dionysus: *slumps a little* it didn't work out, turns out she cheated on me with a centaur.
Zeus: .....she... really wasn't good for you.
Dionysus: well I tried. Yeah I'll go with apollo. So...what do we need to do?
Theseus: *panicking a little* th-thank you guys so much for coming along.
Apollo: You're very welcome Theseus, so you need to fight the minotaur?
Theseus: yes, king Minos has been taking young woman, men and children to the labyrinth to feed the minotaur.
Dionysus: Brah, that's brutal.
Theseus: Oh we're here! And there's our contact. *Points to a young lady around his age at the coast* *waves to her* she's my girlfriend.
Apollo: oh that's so wonderful Theseus, what is her name?
Theseus: Ariadne.
Apollo and Dionysus: *recognizes the name* You mean King Minos's daughter?!
Theseus: yep. *Leaps off the boat to embrace her*
Dionysus: wow even his own daughter hates him. *Scoffs a little at the thought* Good for her I guess, royalty really isn't important anyway.
Apollo: hush dionysus, don't be rude. Not everyone can appreciate the carefree life style you have.
Dionysus: Dude it's a necessity, who told you that a carefree life style was supposed to be a luxury?
Apollo: .... people with jobs?
Dionysus: it's a lot of hard work being happy.
Ariadne: Oh Theseus you've returned! And you've brought help as well. It's a great pleasure to meet you two.
Dionysus: *gets a better look at her and suddenly has a deep seated feeling of love* .....
Apollo: It's a pleasure as well ariadne. *Looks at dionysus*..... dionysus aren't you going to say anything?
Dionysus: *panics* HONK.
Ariadne: *laughs a little* well honk to you too ^_^
Dionysus: *basically turns red*
Apollo: ....*turns dionysus around* ....are you ok?
Dionysus: nofin....
Apollo: ....*deep sigh* well let's get on with it.
Theseus: Yes, I shall defeat the Minotaur and ariadne and I shall wed right afterwards! (insert irony)
*a little later, after rescuing several of the men and women who were sent to feed the Minotaur somehow he followed Theseus out of the labyrinth*
Theseus: *screaming and running away from a clearly angry minotaur*
Apollo: *aims an arrow at the minotaur while running* HOLD STILL YOU RUNNING WALL OF BEEF SKIRT!
Minotaur: *roars and translates to: "You two are a most troublesome duo who've irreparably spoiled my luncheon, for that, both thou shalt be dealt with posthaste!"*
Theseus: *stops a swings his sword at the minotaur*
Minotaur: *roars again and translates to: "Sword? Hardly a worthy instrument of battle!"*
Dionysus: *talking with ariadne* So what does a girl like you do with a really cruddy dad like yours?
Ariadne: *surprisingly invested in the conversation* Well honestly my life is really not that easy, I mean what's the point of royalty if there's no real freedom. Sometimes I just wish to have a carefree life style where life isn't really too complicated and things just with the flow.
Dionysus: *eyes sparkle at that* r-really?
Ariadne: yeah, just to sit in the field, drink wine and just have fun. Happiness isn't a luxury you know.
Dionysus: *about this have a mild heart attack of love* R-right.
Theseus: *leaps on to the minotaur and stabs him, meanwhile apollo successfully lands an arrow in his neck* YEAY I DID IT!
Apollo: *catching his breath* yes. Well done brother.
Ariadne: You did it! *Runs up to Theseus and makes out him*
Dionysus: ....*sad whine and thinks maybe she's better off with Theseus in the long run*
Apollo: *huffs from exhaustion* Don't you dare.
Dionysus: it hurts so much tho.
Apollo: *suddenly remembered Eros exists and frantically looks around*......did...you feel anything?
Dionysus: I'm feeling a lot of things but an arrow is not one of them if that's what you're implying.
Apollo: *sigh of relief* .....OH WAIT....THATS WORSE.
*later in olympus*
Dionysus: sad.....saaaaaaaad.......*moves a little* saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
Zeus: Oh stop that now dionysus, it's not like there's anything stopping you from getting ariadne for yourself.
Dionysus: daaaaad, I have standards.
Zeus: *remembering Aphrodite's really long tangent on how great it was having sex with dionysus a few moons back* ....yes.... standards.
Dionysus: Plus I would never do a brother dirty like that.
Apollo: *comes in* FATHER, Theseus has for some reason abandoned poor ariadne on a deserted island! Can you believe that after all the help we gave?
Zeus: *shrugs* well apollo he's a grown and mature young man responsible for his own actions. Dionysus as fo-*notices he's gone.* ...what the?
Apollo: holyshit that's the fastest I've seen dionysus do anything.
Zeus: Ah yes...it must be those *does the air quote thing* "Standards" of his.
Apollo: ....well good for him then.
Zeus: *thinks deeply about "standards"* hmmm.....are these the same standards that Hera was talking about? *Turns to a cork string board with various pictures, red string lines, documents and the words "STANDARDS" circled in red like some conspiracy theorist* mmyes......I'm getting close.....what ARE they though.... confounded and mysterious indeed.
Apollo: *looking at this scene* ....jeez father it's not that hard.
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
New Year! Red and White Kakushigei Tournament! Event Translation Ch9-Epilogue
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! My bf got extra holiday during christmas and I ended up spending more time with him, thus the delayed translation. At least I can still make it before new year~
Anyway, I hope that everyone have a great holiday ahead! Here’s the final part of the new year event, enjoy~
New Year! Kakushigei Tournament Ch1-4 / / Ch5-8 / / Ch9-Epilogue
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A3! is owned by Liber’s Entertainment
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“It’s the season of pure white snow.
Everyone, as per tradition, let us make some snow bunny.”
“Yeah. Let us offer our prayer, for the weather not to be too heavy.”
“Surely, the snow bunny will deliver our thoughts and prayers to heaven.”
“Then, I’ll start gathering snow. Will you help me.”
“Yeah, of course.”
“I’m leaving it to you.”
“Let’s make them, so the snow bunny can run under this winter sky.”
<Short Time Skip>
“Oi, why are you wandering around our little hut.
Are you here to steal our food.”
“What are you saying.
I’m just trying to shovel the snow on the road back home.”
“So suspicious, don’t lie.”
“What the. You too, aren’t you planning something!”
“What…! This guy!”
“What’s this noise about!”
“…! The snow bunny’s statue…!”
“What a disaster. The snow statue that offers our prayer is destroyed…”
“It’s not my fault! This guy…!”
“No shit, it’s him!”
“Stop it, the two of you!”
Banri & Tenma:
<Short Time Skip>
“This is bad, the snow never stops.”
“If this continues, what should we do.”
“It’s, it’s cold…”
“Soon, the crops will be affected too.
The village might not be able to survive…”
“Ah, as I thought, the heaven is looking down on us.
I’m sorry for raising suspicion on you.”
“No, me too, I’m sorry.”
“Let’s try to fix the snow bunny statue together.
From now on, to be considerate with each other. Let’s offer our oaths and prayers sincerely with a dance.”
“Yeah, let’s do that. Let’s put all our thoughts, and dance.
“Those feelings of yours, I’m sure it will be delivered to the snow bunny.”
“Us too, let’s dance to offer our prayers.”
“Yeah. I hope for the snow to subside, for the crops to continue growing, and everyone in the village to prosper.”
Audience A:
Woah… So beautiful…!
Audience B:
It’s so dignified, it’s wonderful!
Audience C:
The atmosphere around them is so wonderful, I’m so fascinated.
<Short Time Skip>
Everyone, good work.
The performance and dance were great!
Thank you.
Well, this much is easy.
Eh? Speaking of which, the snow stopped before we realized…
Maybe it’s the power of the dance.
Well, looks like it.
Everyone looks so cool!
It’s so wonderful and fascinating.
Yeah, what an artistic performance!
I’m overflowing with inspiration.
The dance was very elegant. The thoughts and prayers were conveyed properly.
More than anything else, I’m glad that the audience seems to enjoy it.
Everyone, thank you so much!
The performance and the dance were wonderful.
I’m glad everything went smoothly.
<End of Chapter 9>
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Next will be the result announcement for the Kakushigei right.
Will the red team win, or is it going to be the white team…
I’m feeling kinda nervous now.
Settzer’s tablecloth trick and Chikchon’s miracle magic were wonderful, surely it’s the red team win right!
It will be great if that’s the case.
The audiences are pretty excited too.
Without further ado, I will announce the result of the Kakushigei tournament.
The winner is… White team!!
Yeay! It’s the white team win--!!
Both teams were wonderful, the voting results were close too, but among them, Citron-san’s belly dance from the white team is very popular.
I did it! Everyone gets it~!
That’s too bad.
Well, I guess this kind of thing happens.
Well, it’s true that Citron’s belly dance has the impact and it’s pretty interesting too.
I’m a bit disappointed, but everyone did their best and I was able to see a lot of different performances!
Yup! It was so much fun~!
<Shifts to Bonfire>
The festival’s going to end soon.
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It’s going to be over before we know it.
It’s amazake. Please take one.
Hmm, are you giving out amazake.
It screams end of year, it’s great!
Everyone, would you like one too? Please take it.
Woah, thank you so much.
It’s warm and delicious.
Yeah, not bad.
… There you go, Banri. We got some amazake.
It’s been a while since I drank amazake with Chikage-san like this.
Good work for the Kakushigei, the performance, and the dance.
Good work. Cheers.
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How does it taste?
Just drink it.
… Ugh, it got ginger huh.
But well, it tastes a bit better than what I remember from my childhood.
That time, I could only think of it as disgusting.
Hmm, isn’t is just the thing about growing up.
But as I thought, I prefer the sweet one.
…  About my family too, I think I’ll show my face when they’re back from their trip.
That’s great.
The two of you, what were you talking about!
Let’s go pull omikuji together!
Don’t you pull omikuji at the beginning of the year?
Pulling omikuji at the end of the year is also good!
There goes the nonsensical stuff again.
Well, it seems that it’s actually fine to pull it at the end of the year.
Come on, let’s go~!
Fine fine.
Then, let’s go.
<End of Chapter 10>
Epilogue: The fate of the Victor
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Alright, it’s finally the long-awaited end of year party!
Let’s have fun and get excited today!
There’s also ‘that thing’ that we’ve been looking forward to!
It’s the highlight of today’s party!
I’m so excited~!
Everyone, it’s ready~
It’s the white team’s request, ‘Sukiyaki’.
Woah, what a great smell…!
It’s the prize of winning the Kakushigei tournament, it’s the winning sukiyaki!
We were deciding what’s good for the main dish for the end of year party, even though it became a draw between crab pot and sukiyaki…
The red group for crab pot and the white group for sukiyaki, it was decided through the Kakushigei tournament in the end.
No one who watched the Kakushigei tournament would have thought that it was actually held for this reason.
Ahaha, you’re right.
But the shrine was bustling with people, the audiences seem to have enjoyed themselves too, it’s great wasn’t it!
Yeah, Mr. Priest seems to be glad too.
Thanks to the gift cards from him, we were able to upgrade the meat for sukiyaki too!
Then then, first of all…
Everyone, good work for the Kakushigei performance and the dance!
Congrats to the white team for winning! Cheers!!
Troupe Members:
Woah…! The sukiyaki is very delicious!
Yeah, it’s great.
It feels different from the usual one! It’s the best!
Everyone from white team, congratulations on winning.
Sukiyaki is lit~!
Well, I’m for the crab pot, but I don’t mind as long as I can eat delicious food.
Fuh… fuh…! It’s so delicious~!
For Hisoka-san, I’ve prepared a main dish with broiled tofu and vegetables, I’ve put some mochi inside too.
Thank you, Omi.
Ah, oi! I was about to eat that meat!
No no, the faster hand got it
Calm down, we still have a lot coming.
The sake that Azuma-san prepared has a nice fragrant, it suits sukiyaki pretty well.
Fufu, right? I was interested in it, I’m glad I got it in the end.
This sake is delicious too.
Takato, you should try it as well.
Thank you, I’ll try some.
The Kakushigei tournament was so fun.
Yeah. I’ve seen the others practicing sometimes, but seeing the real thing properly for the first time is different.
Director, did you enjoy my Kakushigei performance?
Yeah! Masumi-kun’s pretty good at ventriloquism.
I got surprised by a lot of tricks too!
The venue was also an exciting one~!
The dance was fantastic too, it was beautiful.
It’s so elegant, I was impressed!
I’m glad everyone enjoyed it.
I also learned a lot from it.
The tension’s up! By everyone’s request, I will do my belly dance encore~!
As I thought, Ronron’s belly dance is the best~!
I also took a video!
Yo, white team’s general! Japan’s MVP~
I’ll dance together too~!
Tenma too, Kumon too, let’s dance~!
Me too!?
<Short Time Skip>
Ah, is it time for the go-home group to leave?
Yeah. Then, I’ll be going.
Thank you for your care this year.
Looking forward to next year too.
Thank you too.
Looking forward to next year with everyone.
Everyone, have a good new year ahead.
Yeah, have a great new year!
We’ll be going too.
Ah, Banri! Since Big Brother won’t be here for a while, don’t just eat the snacks he has in his room okay!?
There’s no way I’ll eat them!
Don’t eat them.
I told you there’s nooooooo way!
If you miss everyone, you can play the games I have in the room, senpai.
I will refrain from doing so.
Masumi-kun too, have a good new year.
Remember to keep warm.
Then, see you next year.
We’re going off.
We’re going off!
Have a safe trip!
<Shifts to Balcony>
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Oh, Chikage-san.
You’re reading the script for your new year performance huh.
Good work.
Here, I brought some new year soba.
… Eh, this is a curry soba isn’t it?
It’s the director’s hope.
Right, I remember she said something about arranging them.
It is indeed a very strange new year soba.
*phone vibrates*
It’s from Big Sister.
… Eh, she took the time to send pictures from Hawaii.
Look, there.
Hmm… Your Big Sister looks just like you.
Geez, that’s so random.
Don’t just send me this kind of thing every time.
Well well. She might be worried about her lone Little Brother that she left in Japan.
Banri too, why don’t you try to send her a picture?
I don’t have any picture…
Then, why don’t Chikage-san take a picture together with me?
With that reasoning, she won’t be worried anymore if I take a picture with someone else right.
Ah! There you are~!
Banri-kun, Chikage-san!
We will be starting the new year countdown soon.
Banri and Chikage too, let’s do it together!
Ah, it’s already that timing huh.
… Anyway, it’s not only me who’s here, why not take a picture together with everyone?
… You’re right, this kind of new year’s eve is rare.
The two of you, quick~!
Then, should we go.
<End of  Epilogue>
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loadmu662 · 3 years
Plants Vs Zombies 2 Hack Ios All Plants
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Plants Vs Zombies Hacked Download
Pvz 2 Easy Cheat
About Plants vs zombies 2 Hack. Plants vs zombies 2 Cheat (Cheat Codes) - is a promo codes, which you can enter in Android and iOS games, even without Root and without Jailbreak. Note: this cheat codes works only with original games. To hack Plants vs zombies 2, your game must be downloaded from App Store (if it iOS) or Google Play (if it Android). Plants Vs Zombies Hacked All Plants Unlocked - factornew. Plants vs Zombies 2 MOD APK is a tower defense game with its awesome powers and characters. Game gives totally addicted fun in playing, Different kind of zombies and plants to unlock.Make it a worth playing. Sequel to the original Plants vs zombies has won many hearts.
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Unlimited Coins
Unlimited Gems
Unlimited Fuels
Unlimited Seed Packets
Unlimited Gauntlets
All Plants Unlocked
All Costumes Unlocked
Version: 8.7.3
Updated: February 22, 2021
Category: Casual
Pkg ID: com.ea.game.pvz2_row
Root Access: NO 😊
Yeay, game save is located in /Android/data/ directory, so doesn't need root access
Es explorer
you can use any file manager, but you need manually extract and copy to /Android/data/ directory
Download game save file
Force stop game and clear data
Go to downloaded save file
Extract to /Android/data/
Overwrite if any existing file
Play the game and enjoy the cheat!
Make sure you force stop game and extract to correct location Some games need to clear data first before extracting NA version is North America with id com.ea.game.pvz2_na You can update the game from play store Will not changes user id / will generate new one Will work to newer version
HOW TO....?
Plants Vs Zombies Hacked Download
This is an epic continuation of the first part of Plants vs Zombies, which was released in 2009 from the studio PopCap Games and became a very popular game of that time. As in the first part, in Plants vs Zombies 2 you need to protect your hero’s brain from being attacked by zombies with the help of plants. Become a hero who will save the world from zombies, collect the sun (the main resource of the game for building plants). Build your army of plants to confront zombies led by Dr. Zomboss, who wants to capture the whole world and eat all the brains.
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The plot Plants vs Zombies 2 is quite simple. Mad Dave eats up tacos, but this is not enough for our hero and to get enough of this dish again. He sets off to the past with a time machine in the form of a caravan that has artificial intelligence called Penny. But because of the malfunction of the machine, he gets into ancient Egypt, it would seem it could not be worse, but still can. Dr. Zomboss follows Mad Dave into the past, hoping to change his position, you must absolutely destroy all the zombies in ancient Egypt. After that, you will go to the pirate seas, and then to the Wild West and many more locations where new and new types of zombies will meet.
We recommend you to play the exciting game Plants vs Zombies 2 in the Tower Defense genre and plunge into the world of opposition from zombies and plants. The game Plants vs Zombies 2 has received a huge amount of positive feedback all over the world. You can become a participant in the confrontation on iOS or Android. Become the one who will save the world from zombies with the help of plants, you are waiting for epic battles and a lot of mini-games between levels and many other in-game add-ons.
Pvz 2 Easy Cheat
The game Plants vs Zombies 2 is absolutely free to download, but in the game itself there is an opportunity to speed up the process of the game and facilitate the passage by purchasing additional resources. But you can complete the game without any purchases. Waiting for you a huge world Plants vs Zombies 2, with a convenient and easy interface and great features. Join the confrontation of zombies and plants right now and save the world from brain eaters!
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xnerdiebirdiex · 5 years
Obey me! Shall we date x MC
Some days after the chat about MCs favorite type of person, the brothers discussed the topic further. Every one of them claimed, that she liked them best. They argued for hours, until the idea came up, that they should start a competition, to decide who could woo her. The others would step back. One of the ideas was that they could fight each other. Lucifer would win this for sure, since he was the eldest. Satan wanted a quiz about various books, while Levi suggested a video game contest. Their bickering got louder, until it reached the point, where it attracted the attention of MC. She was at her room and came down quickly, afraid that they would start a fight.
"What's going on here?", she panted. She came as quickly as she could.
The demon brothers froze at her sudden appearance, afraid that she heard everything. She didn't.
“We're tryin' to figure out who da best is, out of us", exclaimed Mammon, which earned him an evil glare from the oldest.
MC tried to think of a way to find out. Maybe a game of chess? No, it was unfair for Mammon. He could never win. An eating contest? Also not good. Beel would finish his plate before the competition would've started.
"How about a game of UNO?" she suggested.
Levis eyes lit up, as he heard the word "game". MC shook her head and explained to him, that it wasn't that kind of game. His face fell immediately.
"What exactly is UNO? Do we have to get out of our clothes for it?" wanted Asmo to know.
She shook her head.
"It's a card game, guys! From the human world. Have you never heard of it?"
They shook their heads in unison. The female left the room and came back with a card set of UNO, which she bought in London, as she went there with Satan, Lucifer and Mammon.
"It's easy. Even Mammon would understand it", she sang happily.
"Oii! Whaddaya mean by that?!", he screamed.
She chose to ignore the second born.
"Everyone gets 10 cards. The goal is to get rid of all the cards in your hand. If you have only one card left you have to shout UNO. If you don't do that, you have to draw a card"
MC gave everyone 10 cards, including herself , and laid one open in the middle of the table. It was a green 8.
"Ohhh, the colors look sooooo pretty", Asmo exclaimed happily. The female smiled softly at the Avatar of Lust.
She explained the rest of the rules, before they started to play. They got the hang of it pretty quickly. Mammon received multiple +4s, while Belphie could choose which color he wanted. It escalated the moment Lucifer got a +2 card from Satan. He believed that he did it on purpose, which he actually did. Before he could reach for his brother, MC laid a hand onto his shoulder and shook her head.
"It's just a game Lucifer. You have still a chance to win".
The female sent him a beaming smile. Grumbling he turned back from his brother and looked unto his cards. Soon Belphie had just one card left, but because he didn't say UNO, he had to draw another card. They were so absorbed into each other, that they paid no attention to what MC did. They didn't even heard her, as she said UNO. That was until she put down her last card.
"Yeay! I win!", she shouted happily. With wide eyes they looked at her.
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