#hemmer x gender neutral reader
starmended · 10 months
My Rules…. My Guidelines
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‧₊˚⊹ please be respectful in my inbox,, do not send me hateful messages anywhere…. anywhere
‧₊˚⊹ my requests are open until i have at least 10 or 12… after that im closing it until i finish all 10-12 requests.
‧₊˚⊹ if you are a minor.. DO NOT request smut.
‧₊˚⊹ please note that this is a blog that contains nsfw content, they are labeled so if you are under the age of 16 avoid interacting with that content please…
‧₊˚⊹ please don't constantly bombard me with messages to publish or write anything, because sometimes I do have a tight schedule and may not be ready to publish anything at that time…
‧₊˚⊹ i would very much appreciate it if you had an age indicator !! anything works really! #teen #ies, 20's, adult, 18+
‧₊˚⊹ i will not follow back if you lack a pfp, have the classic "untitled", & have no posts whatsoever— really anything that makes it seem like you’re a bot. i go through my following regularly, so if you don’t fit these, you will get hard-blocked.
‧₊˚⊹ please do leave feedback,, just not mean criticism,, it makes me feel better if i have feedback in my stories and stuff
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my request rules + what i don’t write (&& why!)
i will not write this…
‧₊˚⊹ male x male, woman x woman ,, it is not that i’m opposed to doing anything platonic— however, i am a straight woman and i will NOT fetishize LGBTQ+ there are plenty of writers who will gladly write those though !! please support them.
‧₊˚⊹ —— any incest, piss kinks, r*pe, ddlg, scat, extreme bdsm, beastiality, character x character, real people like celebrities, male!reader, anything for characters that are minors.
i will write this…
‧₊˚⊹ smut, fluff, angst, hurt, comfort
‧₊˚⊹ sfw/platonic one—shots, drabbles,
‧₊˚⊹ smut with plot, smut with no plot,
‧₊˚⊹ siblings or child reader,, platonic always
‧₊˚⊹ two- three parts, series
‧₊˚⊹ betazoid! reader,,, vulcan! reader,, human! reader, even a romulan!reader for all i care… it doesn’t always have to be human… you can even make your own species (just give me the details babe lol)
‧₊˚⊹ pregnancy stories,,, i don’t mind them.
‧₊˚⊹ —— my default is femalebodied readers,,,
‧₊˚⊹ to compensate my LGBTQ+ readers, i am completely open to doing gender-neutral readers. i won’t be specific when it comes to details regarding the reader like hair colour or eye colour, etc. unless you request it of course.
When you request… please include,,
‧₊˚⊹ which character you want me to write for (obviously the ones i list.)
‧₊˚⊹ give me a summary. if you want a certain story, be much detailed in the summary, enough for me for work with.
‧₊˚⊹ indicate the vibe of it, is it dark, romantic, suggestive, even a combined vibe.
‧₊˚⊹ is the reader a human or not… if she’s not, what is she. be detailed.
‧₊˚⊹ you want me to include certain looks? details please, is she black? or from a certain background, does she have straight hair? curly hair? colored hair? you tell me please.
really anything that can help me out will be appreciated <3
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I write for….
mainly spock. doesn’t matter which version, you tell me !!!
you can request for chris pike, hemmer, data, picard, riker, sulu, mccoy, kirk, Q, worf, elnor, tom paris, vorik, taurik, brad… even sam
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genevra-von-krolock · 2 years
Yo, I hope your doing well! I was wondering if you'd be willing to write anything with hemmer being a mentor to a gender neutral ensign. I was really upset after he died and I couldn't find any platonic and fluffy fanfiction. If you aren't up for it I totally get it and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night!
Yeay my first request! Thanks so much anon and I hope I didn’t let you wait too long . This is my first fanfic and it being about Hemmer, I couldn’t be happier.Hope you like it :)
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~Sleepless in Space ~
Star Trek SNW ✨ Hemmer x Gender neutral reader
Nighttime was always the most dreaded time of day for you, ever since you were a child. You would roll from one side to another, trying to find a comfortable position but never were successful. Every time you closed your eyes, thoughts run wild in your consciousness and kept you up all night. So sleep never came easy to you but when you boarded the Enterprise, it took insomnia to a whole new level. With the lack of daylight it was difficult for your body to adjust to a proper day/night cycle. Still you tried your best but were obviously failing. Bunching the soft fabric of your blankets between your hands, you gave a frustrated sigh and decided to head to the mess hall to get a tea. You pulled the blankets aside, slipped on your favorite cardigan and put on some shoes before heading out the door in search of some tea to calm you. The halls were eerily quiet as during the gamma shift, only a fraction of the personnel was up and ensured that all run smoothly. Turning into the hallway leading to the mess hall, you pondered your problem. Why was it always so difficult to sleep? Even children could do this, it was ridiculous!
The doors whizzed open and you headed straight to a replicator. “Hmm, what do I get?”, you thought to yourself. A small cough sounded from the sitting area. Your heart pounded and you whipped your head around. There, alone at one of the tables, sat Commander Hemmer, your superior officer down in Engineering. He wore some loose fitting lounge pants, a button down shirt and clutched a mug of tea in his hands. “ Ensign, what are you doing up at this hour, shouldn’t you rest?” When your pulse was somewhat back to normal you took a seat beside him. Normally, you wouldn’t share such personal stuff with others but the Chief Engineer was your superior and you regarded him as a mentor. “I..I have some trouble sleeping, always had”, you muttered and looked at the tabletop as it was very apparent how embarrassing you felt. “Something troubling you in particular?” Suddenly, the dust on the table looked very interesting to you. After a few beats of silence, you cleared your throat and looked into his face. “Not really, it’s just that whenever I lie down and try to sleep, there are so many thoughts in my head and I can’t seem to shut them down. I have tried so many things already, like doing some sports before bed to power myself out or take a bath but nothing works.” Frustrated, you put your head on your forearms and sighted. Hemmer contemplated what you said and sat his mug down in front of him. “May I offer some help Ensign?” Surprised, you looked up in his face. Normally, Hemmer wasn’t very social and tried to keep interactions with other crew members to a minimum as others often were intimidated by him and kept their distance. “Of..of course ! What do you have in mind, Commander?” He stood up and made a beeline to the replicators. “First, would you like some Srjula tea? It’s an Andorian herbal tea that has some calming qualities, as you will find.” “ Great, I will trust your tastebuds, Commander”, you smiled nervously. He gave the replicator some commands and after a few seconds, he sat down a steaming mug of tea in front of you. It was deeply yellow and a citrusy aroma wafted in your face. Tentatively you took a small sip. It warmed your body and maybe you were imagining it but you swore that you could feel yourself becoming drowsy already. “So, what do you have in mind?” You looked up to him expectantly. “Before I go to bed, I usually meditate and do some breathing exercises. Due to my telepathic abilities, I often have trouble blending out all the noises and colours, metaphorically speaking. Sometimes, it can get a little too loud in my head and it’s preventing me from getting adequate rest. I could teach you how to do it if you like.” You were still processing that he was talking to you so openly about his problems, he always appeared so perfect and composed to the other people on board. “I would love that, Commander. I’m willing to try anything to catch a few hours of sleep.” He nodded his head and stood up to put your two used mugs into the recycler. Wordlessly, you followed him out into the hallway and to the nearest lift.
You rode silently to the deck that held the quarters of the senior officers. The lift doors opened and he guided you to a set of doors nearly at the end of the hallway. Hemmer keyed in his codes and let you into his rooms and you followed him in what appeared to be his bedroom. “Please have a seat”, he waved his hands to a large, dark red mat which occupied the far left of the room and went into the main living area. Getting into the lotus position, you took a seat. A few seconds later, he came back into the bedroom, carrying what appeared to be an oil candle and a lighter. Taking a seat opposite you, he lid up the flame and put the candle in between you two on the mat. It gave off a warm red light that reflected on his stark white face and made him look warmer somehow. “Close your eyes please.” You did as he said and tightly closed your eyes. “ You have to take deep and even breaths, not too rushed but very slow. Try to imagine the flame in front of you in your mind. Focus on it as the center of your being.” You concentrated on what he said and tried to follow his instructions. You imagined the deep red flame that sat on the mat before your mind’s eye and attempted to shut out everything around you. Hemmer’s sudden voice brought you nearly out of your dream-like state. “Don’t forget your breathing. Deep and even breaths.” You breathed in deep, held it for a few seconds and breathed out. You repeated this till you felt a calm wash over you. Over the crackling of the flame you could hear the Commanders matching breath and simply continued on with the exercise.
After what appeared to you like half an eternity, you sensed some movement in front of you and opened your eyes. Hemmer looked at you with curious eyes, the white of his irises reflected the flame that had become smaller as time passed. “Are you feeling better now?” His tone was warm and you could have sworn you saw a tiny smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Yes, it does not seem as loud in my mind as before”, you answered surprised. “It’s an Andorian meditation technique that I learned during my academy years, when I was first confronted with all the thoughts and emotions of my classmates. Whenever I feel that it gets too much here, especially during tense times when the crew is not nearly as relaxed as they used to be, it helps a great deal and lets me focus.” Gratefully, you smiled at him and folded your hands in your lap. He cleared his throat. “If you ever feel restless again, try this and hopefully you will be able to sleep better after that. Or if you don’t want to be alone, don’t hesitate to call me.” That took you by surprise but you gratefully smiled at him. “That would be amazing. Thank you for your help, Commander.”
He nodded and gracefully he got off the mat and offered you his hand. You took it and got into a standing position. “Thanks again for everything but I should let you rest now, Alpha shift starts in only a few hours.” “Yes, it would be best if we tried to catch some sleep.” He let you to the door and with a nod, he bit you goodbye. When the doors slit shut behind you, you let out a long breath and made your way back to your quarters.
Maybe you had finally found a way to control your wandering thoughts and get proper rest like everyone else on this ship.
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