You, my dear are written in the stars
532 posts
((Tracking: Tenthdoctorallonsy)) M!A:None
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
REBLOG: go to your blog and click the egg to see what hatches
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
"There's no more time.." He said in a hushed voice. 
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
"Watch out!"
"You could have been killed!"
"Run! Hurry up, go!"
"Save yourself, I’ll hold them back."
"Leave me here! Go! Hurry! I can handle it."
"I promise I’ll make sure they don’t hurt you."
"They better not have laid a damn finger on you or I’ll [insert...
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
Oh please, I'm nothing compared to you!
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{very much dead right now bc feels bc All My Love To Long Ago, and the fact that your Eleven is beyond perfect
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Thank you so much! ‘Beyond perfect’ is very strong but I do love that thread! tenth-doctor-allons-y is superb as a writer and gets 10 just right!
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
"What hardships lie ahead for me, I'll be prepared for. Thanks to you-" He gave his older self a sincere pat on the shoulder. He stood tall and proud in front of Eleven. He felt the need to stand respectfully in front of his elders. "But what now? Do we go our separate ways?"
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
He simply smirked brushing his hands through her her hair. "Sure.."
Veronica smiled up at the Doctor. "I love it when you're feisty..." She told him softly before kissing his neck. (moretomethanbooksandcleverness)
The Doctor’s mouth dropped as if he was about to say something, but he lost his train of thought. “Oh, Veronica-” He started grabbing her by the shoulders. “You’re something..” 
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
"That's a load of lies." He teased smirking at him crossing his arms
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
He followed her grabbing her shoulder. "You don't get it! I don't WANT another companion. I want you, it has to be you." 
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"I know!..I know-" He shouted his back toward you. "I messed up..But here I am trying to fix it!" 
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
"A bit.." He said his hands behind his back, almost like a school boy confessing to his crush, but what was shielded behind his back was a bouquet of roses, just for Rose. He seemed rather embarrassed.
"Is it possible to love too much?"
"I don’t think so." Rose answered, looking up from the magazine she’d been reading. "I mean, there are those people that have shrines and are really obsessive, but that’s infatuation more than anythin’. Not love." She gave him a teasing smile as she sat the magazine down on her lap. "Why? You worried?" 
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
"But we sure did a lots of snogging in it, didn't we?"
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Open for anyone to reply to!
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
"You'll be fine."
"I'm afraid it's very fatal."
"These test results..don't make any sense."
"How far can your arm go before it breaks?"
"I'll carve your eyes out with a spoon."
"What does he have that I don't"
"Why did he choose her instead of me?"
"Make as many stab wounds as you want."
"I am destined as your tool."
"The girl must die."
"The boy must die."
"I want to taste your blood on my lips."
"Where do we go from here?"
"These voices..cease to let me be."
"I..can't stop crying."
"Use me as you will."
"None of it matters now."
"Shadows fallow my every step."
"You've gone..completely mad."
"I'm barking mad."
"Winter is coming."
"I could kill you right now."
"You..You're dead!"
"May the lord have mercy on your soul."
"The mental ward let me out early this year."
"Oh how i miss the voices."
"Everyone is equal when they're dead."
"Cancel Christmas."
"Bring me more war."
"I love war."
"I piss on your traditions."
"I hate your heart."
"I hate your soul."
"I promise, you won't feel a thing."
"Bring her to me."
"Bring him to me."
"A few holes in the head give the madness more space."
"I hate everything about you."
"I will abandon you."
"What is that girl up to?"
"I am stretched on your grave."
"Kill me now.."
"If I fall from the grace of God where no murdered ghost can haunt me.."
"You are one in from the plank, don't make me push you."
"I don't care."
"Leave me behind."
"Everything you've told me was a lie!"
"Everything I've told yo was a lie!"
"How could you ever think to leave them behind?"
"Someone should nail your feet to the floor."
"My last breath will be your curse."
"He will KILL you."
"She will KILL you."
"I did noting."
"It was an accident!"
"You've killed your own brother!"
"I want nothing to do with him!"
"How can I possibly trust you?"
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
He smiled along with her and gave her a nod. "Fair enough, if that's what you desire" 
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
"I know!..I know-" He shouted his back toward you. "I messed up..But here I am trying to fix it!" 
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
He playfully rolled his eyes as he held her close to him. "Maybe, maybe not?" He teased before placing a kiss on her cheek. You're a tease." He chuckled. 
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Veronica smiled up at the Doctor. "I love it when you're feisty..." She told him softly before kissing his neck. (moretomethanbooksandcleverness)
The Doctor’s mouth dropped as if he was about to say something, but he lost his train of thought. “Oh, Veronica-” He started grabbing her by the shoulders. “You’re something..” 
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
"Jim? Whose this Jim?" He asked squinting at the girl before him. "This is ridiculous!" He cried "At least give me something to eat!"
"I'm going to ask one more time and then I'm not going to be a nice person." Elizabeth said, looking at the man she'd put in a glass holding cell. "How did you get onto this starship?"
"As I told you before" The Doctor said rather irritated. "By my own spaceship, The TARDIS" He wondered lightly why she didn’t believe him, it was a believable answer on his part. "Now may I please be released, I got places to go people to see" 
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tenth-doctor-allons-y · 11 years ago
'I don't know how I got here' she said frowning. 'I feel asleep on earth .. In my home.. In America.. Then I woke up here..'
"Odd.." The Doctor said scratching his chin. Something like this happened once, with Donna. But that was a while ago. "Well, Charlotte, how about I make some tea and we can chat about this?"
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