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i have approximately one interest, can you guess what it is
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exponential-disaster · 7 months ago
just wanted to say that i found your fanfics a couple months ago and they are??? so good???? like genuinely they’re written so well and your writing style is just. perfect. thank you so much for writing them!!!
this is so so kind of you to say!!! I have been away from my fics for so long but I swear I’m coming back soon!! It’s wonderful to hear they’re appreciated, definitely gonna cry about it!!
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exponential-disaster · 1 year ago
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order Series (Video Games), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cal Kestis/Merrin, Cal Kestis/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Merrin/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Cal Kestis/Merrin/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister Characters: Cal Kestis, Merrin (Star Wars), Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Greez Dritus, BD-1 (Star Wars), Bode Akuna, Cere Junda, Kata Akuna, Mosey Cimarron Additional Tags: Star Wars: Jedi: Survivor Spoilers, Slow Burn, I mean slooooow, Sort Of, Eventual Smut, but it's not the point, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, from all three of them Summary:
Trilla Suduri lives post-JFO (as she should), gets dragged unwillingly into the events of Jedi: Survivor (as she SHOULD), and falls in love with Cal and Merrin (AS. SHE. SHOULD.)
Cal finds himself feeling at home; Trilla finds herself feeling alone. Chapter 5 is here :)
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exponential-disaster · 1 year ago
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order (Video Game), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cal Kestis/Merrin, Cal Kestis/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Merrin/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Cal Kestis/Merrin/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister Characters: Cal Kestis, Merrin (Star Wars), Trilla Suduri | Second Sister Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Explicit Sexual Content, Threesome - F/F/M, Polyamory, OT3, Established Cal Kestis/Merrin, Eventual merricaltrilla, the ship needed a name sorry, Casual Sex, but not really, you don’t have to tell me this is weird, trust me i know Summary:
Cal and Merrin love each other very much; Trilla hates herself roughly the same amount. A mishap in adjoining hotel rooms drastically alters their respective paths. A merricaltrilla Modern AU with canonical levels of self-loathing and significantly more smut!
The trio has a somewhat disastrous evening out and then a rather eventful evening in. It’s terribly fun :)
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exponential-disaster · 1 year ago
Imagine the explosive disaster that would be a Cal, Trilla, Merrin, and Bode polycule
you're right, they would be pure chaos!! this is conceptually interesting but I also think it would ultimately be impossible! The only realistic way I see Bode being in any variation of the polycule (and I can see it) is pre- him being a dick and also with the stipulation that Trilla isn't in the picture. Trilla is, as we know, mostly down with murder so I think they would genuinely try to kill each other, and of course my money is always on her! The way I write Trilla, literally nothing is more important to her than Cal and Merrin, so any threats to that perceived relationship would need to be eliminated in her mind. I suppose another fun option is both of them being in the polycule and like... still just constantly trying to kill each other anyway? The thought of that kind of chaos is actually funny enough to be tempting so thank you for that!!
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exponential-disaster · 1 year ago
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exponential-disaster · 1 year ago
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Some of you really liked my Trilla sketch dump where she survived the events of JFO and joins the Mantis Crew. Happy you liked it. Here is a slightly reworked and colored version of it.
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exponential-disaster · 1 year ago
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order (Video Game), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cal Kestis/Merrin, Cal Kestis/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Merrin/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Cal Kestis/Merrin/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister Characters: Cal Kestis, Merrin (Star Wars), Trilla Suduri | Second Sister Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Explicit Sexual Content, Threesome - F/F/M, Polyamory, OT3, Established Cal Kestis/Merrin, Eventual merricaltrilla, the ship needed a name sorry, Casual Sex, but not really, you don’t have to tell me this is weird, trust me i know Summary:
Cal and Merrin love each other very much; Trilla hates herself roughly the same amount. A mishap in adjoining hotel rooms drastically alters their respective paths. A merricaltrilla Modern AU with canonical levels of self-loathing and significantly more smut!
Watch me crank the ridiculousness up even further by writing this chapter as a love letter to IKEA disguised as gratuitous smut and witty banter!
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exponential-disaster · 2 years ago
three is not a crowd - a merrin/cal/trilla taylor swift playlist
This is all because @exponential-disaster accidentally dared me into making a Taylor Swift playlist for Star Wars characters, and also her fic deserves every accolade and cheer possible.
Chapter 1: Cal Kestis
The Archer || I'm ready for combat. I say I don't want that, but what if I do?
mirrorball || I'm still a believer, but I don't know why
You're On Your Own, Kid || 'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned, everything you lose is a step you take
Chapter 2: Nightsister Merrin
my tears ricochet || I didn't have it in myself to go with grace
invisible string || time, mystical time, cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine
Mastermind || If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail
Chapter 3: Trilla Suduri
hoax || You knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart
the great war || my knuckles were bruised like violets
this is me trying || maybe I don't quite know what to say
Chapter 4: Together
peace || would it be enough if i could never give you peace?
daylight - live from paris || I once believed love would be black and white, but now it's golden
sweet nothing || All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
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exponential-disaster · 2 years ago
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order Series (Video Games), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cal Kestis/Merrin, Cal Kestis/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Merrin/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Cal Kestis/Merrin/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister Characters: Cal Kestis, Merrin (Star Wars), Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Greez Dritus, BD-1 (Star Wars), Bode Akuna, Cere Junda, Kata Akuna, Mosey Cimarron Additional Tags: Star Wars: Jedi: Survivor Spoilers, Slow Burn, I mean slooooow, Sort Of, Eventual Smut, but it's not the point, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, from all three of them Summary:
Trilla Suduri lives post-JFO (as she should), gets dragged unwillingly into the events of Jedi: Survivor (as she SHOULD), and falls in love with Cal and Merrin (AS. SHE. SHOULD.)
Trilla informs Bode that she is, in fact, that bitch; Cal feels things almost against his will. Chapter 3 is here :)
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exponential-disaster · 2 years ago
Here's some artwork I made for these two space idiots. I love them sm
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All the love to the merrical discord server that put a gun to my head and made me make a Tumblr finally. Love them
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exponential-disaster · 2 years ago
Hi I’m here from your merricaltrilla fic on ao3 & I wanted to say that you write some spectacular smut and you’ve absolutely drawn me in to the characters & their relationships & their growth.
hello kind stranger I love you! This is the first ask I've ever gotten and you mean the world to me, I'm so glad you're enjoying the fic!!
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exponential-disaster · 2 years ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Jedi: Battle Scars - Sam Maggs, Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order Series (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cal Kestis/Merrin, Kata Akuna & Cal Kestis, Greez Dritus & Cal Kestis, BD-1 & Merrin (Star Wars), BD-1 & Cal Kestis Characters: Cal Kestis, Merrin (Star Wars), Greez Dritus, BD-1 (Star Wars), Kata Akuna, Maz Kanata Additional Tags: Grief, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Star Wars: Jedi: Survivor Spoilers, Post-Star Wars: Jedi: Survivor, Nightmares, Cal Kestis Needs a Hug, Merrin Needs A Hug (Star Wars), Touch-Starved, secret character to return later, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Jedi as Found Family (Star Wars), but the family is hurting right now, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, as this is posted Summary:
The Mantis crew is left unmoored with a mission their lives depend on that they cannot safely start yet.
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exponential-disaster · 2 years ago
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Cal and Merrin being good adoptive parents to Kata.
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This is what I kind of imagined a Merrical bio baby to look like. With the son being named after Jaro Tapal, but getting his own name as well.
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I headcanon that all the bio merrical kids can teleport even as babies. The idea of a baby being able to teleport will never not be funny to me, and Greez being the one to discover it would be the icing in the cake. Also, if they did have bio kids, at least one of them would be a gremlin child.
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Basically their son is offended that his bounty is the lowest in the family and thinks that he is worth far more credits then that, like it's some sort of competition on who can get the largest reward on their wanted poster.
The baby's name is Lillyana, who is named after Illyana but is given her own name, her nickname is Lilly. I tried to make the kids be a mixture of both Cal and Merrin. Lilly's hair colour is a mixture of Cal and Merrin's hair colour, with Jared's skin colour being a little bit of mixture of Cal and Merrin's skin colour.
Kata's lightsaber can extend to become a spear/pike kind of weapon so that she can incorporate a mixture of fighting styles from both Cal and Merrin, since she is being trained by both.
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This is a what if Merrin had two biological brothers who ended up settling on Tanalor to help out their little sister. Since Jared is half Nightsister/Zabrak they expected him to have horns on his head like they do but are disgusted that he does not have any horns, while Jared is trying to turn his hair into horns but his hair is too floppy.
Anyway, I would've done more little funny scenarios, and have rough storyboards for them, but that would've taken an even longer amount of time. These took me a while to complete but it was worth it. Right now I'm tired. Anyway, I hope that you guys enjoy it and have a goodnight.
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exponential-disaster · 2 years ago
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another prompt from @veterinaryrambles “cal introduces merrin and kata to turbo dogs”
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exponential-disaster · 2 years ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order Series (Video Games), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cal Kestis/Merrin, Cal Kestis/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Merrin/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Cal Kestis/Merrin/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister Characters: Cal Kestis, Merrin (Star Wars), Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Greez Dritus, BD-1 (Star Wars), Bode Akuna, Cere Junda, Kata Akuna, Mosey Cimarron Additional Tags: Star Wars: Jedi: Survivor Spoilers, Slow Burn, I mean slooooow, Sort Of, Eventual Smut, but it's not the point, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, from all three of them Summary:
Trilla Suduri lives post-JFO (as she should), gets dragged unwillingly into the events of Jedi: Survivor (as she SHOULD), and falls in love with Cal and Merrin (AS. SHE. SHOULD.)
Cal makes a friend; Trilla makes an enemy.
(I’m sorry, here is more of my nonsense!!!!)
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exponential-disaster · 2 years ago
when your only contribution to a fandom is to write rarepair fanfic that caters to your own incredibly specific tastes
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exponential-disaster · 2 years ago
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dude has no game
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