#so best to transfer all the fics over now rather than later
absolute-flaming-trash · 10 months
Hi hi. How are you? I am trying to finish my Mahito fic (I have three I started writing lol I have too many ideas). I love how you have a separate masterlist just for Mahito. But I'm glad, because there's a few I haven't read yet! I love love love your stuff!
AAA thank you!
I continue to be chronically sleepy but well.
!! Love to hear you're working on your own Mahito fics! The more the merrier! And yeah, I thought it was about time he got his own personal masterlist since the list was getting a bit on the long side and it is only going to continue growing.
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captainsophiestark · 21 days
No Way To Know For Sure Part 2
Daniel Sousa x Reader
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Also written for @ghostofskywalker as a part 2 to the fic you let me adopt a while ago! I've had this in my drafts since all that AI stuff and I'm happy to have rediscovered and finished it 😄 Hope you like it!
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Now that you've decided to move to LA with Daniel, there's a few loose ends left to tie up in New York.
Word Count: 2,174
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I sighed dramatically as I sared straight ahead out the window, watching all the people bustling around the streets and the familiar, giant buildings hovering over them. I'd been gone for some time now, but New York hadn't changed.
Jarvis, currently in the driver's seat of the car, was positively buzzing, and I could tell he was struggling not to say anything. Even the great city of New York couldn't keep me distracted from all the ridiculous energy he was projecting.
"Alright, Mr. Jarvis, spit it out," I said, at last turning from the window to look at my friend. He glanced at me, lips pursed tight to try and hold back a smile before he had to turn his gaze back to the road.
"I'm sorry, it's just... I must admit, I'm rather excited. Since Mr. Stark has been spending more time in Los Angeles, I've missed seeing all of you here in New York. Having you regularly in Los Angeles as well as Rose and Chief Sousa... well, it will be a delight."
A smile made its way onto my face despite my best effots. I'd wanted Daniel to drive me in to the office this morning to put in my transfer request for the LA office, but he had a meeting with an informant he couldn't move. I hadn't really wanted to resort to Jarvis, only because I knew he wouldn't be able to stay calm about my decision, but now I had to admit I was happy to be here with him.
"It'll be wonderful to get to see more of you too, Mr. Jarvis," I said with a smile. "You, me, Ana, and Daniel should set up a regular double date."
"Oh, that would be lovely!" Jarvis turned to give me a big smile as we at last pulled up in front of the New York SSR. He hopped out and ran around to open my door for me, beating me to the punch of opening it myself, something we'd turned into a bit of a competition. "Ana will be delighted at the idea too, I'm sure."
"Maybe we can even invite Howard," I said, my voice serious even though I was cackling in my head. I got out of the car and stood, smirking at Jarvis' less than enthusiastic expression as I continued. "He can bring along whoever he's brought home with him on any given week."
"That may be the single most horrifying suggestion I've heard in my entire life."
I cackled, clapping Jarvis on the shoulder as I walked past him and towards the entrance to the "telephone company".
"Thanks for the ride! I promise I won't let Howard crash any of our couples' nights, unless he finally gets a girlfriend who sticks around for more than a few weeks."
"At this point in Mr. Stark's life, a few days would be impressive," he called after me. I laughed, then turned back at the door to give Jarvis a smile.
"I'll see you back in LA!"
"I'm looking forward to it!"
I smiled and waved before finally heading through the door and back into the familiar hallways of the New York SSR. Daniel would be picking me up later, after I got everything sorted out for my move, and then who knew when I'd next be back in this place and this city. We had plenty of friends here and the other half of the SSR, so it's not like I'd never see the city again, but for the first time since I'd started working here I had no idea when I'd next be back. I tried not to let it get to me, but stepping into the currently-empty bullpen of the place I'd spent so much time in the last few years drove the knife in a little harder.
I'd intentionally arrived before most of the other agents got here, hoping to avoid a lot of hubub about my transfer request. No matter how nostalgic I felt being here, my decision had been made. I loved Daniel and the life I'd started building with Daniel in LA enough that nothing could make me want to leave it. Not even my favorite pizza place on the way between here and my former apartment.
"Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in."
Of course, I couldn't get away with avoiding Chief Jack Thompson, especially not when I had to turn my transfer request papers in to him. He came striding out of his office, a massive grin on his face as he crossed the bullpen towards me.
"Long time no see, Agent."
"I saw you two weeks ago, Jack."
"Yeah, but in LA. You've been on-loan for a while. I haven't seen you as my agent, in New York, in a long time."
I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well, enjoy the next half hour then, because as soon as these papers are finalized, I'm officially Daniel's agent."
"Now hold on a minute, I have some serious concerns about you leaving that we need to address before I finalize anything. I mean, is it really appropriate for a chief to be dating one of his own agents? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen if you ask me."
"Jack. You are the one who sent me there, you meddling mother hen, with the exact hope that this would happen. I will literally fight you in the middle of the bullpen if you want to use that against me now."
Jack held up his hands. "Alright, relax. Your transfer's basically already finalized, I just need your signature next to mine. Then you can go run off into the sunset with Sousa and leave the greatest city in the world behind like it's nothing."
"Alright, you went to Ithica for college. At least I'm leaving for another interesting city, even if it's not as good."
"At least we can agree on that last part."
I snorted, but I couldn't totally keep a smile off my face either. Jack and I had actually kind of become friends in the past few months, especially in the wake of Daniel leaving, and I was surprised to find a little ping of sadness in my chest at the thought of leaving him behind with the rest of this city. If you'd told me a few years ago I'd be missing Jack Thompson, I would've laughed in your face.
Jack pulled the transfer papers out of a file on the nearest desk where they'd apparently been waiting for me all morning, setting them down in front of me. In turn, I handed him the papers I'd filled out since I last saw him, then glanced at what was in front of me. True to his word, they only needed my signature to be finalized.
"We're gonna miss you around here," he said, his voice unusually serious. I glanced up to find him holding out a pen to me, a small smile on his face. "Seriously."
"...I'm gonna miss you too, Jack."
We held each other's gaze for a few moments, maybe the first time we'd had a sincere exchange in my entire time working here. Finally, he cleared his throat, looking away as I finally took the pen from his hand.
"Alright, that's enough of that sappy crap. You bring a box to clean out your desk? I don't want to have to waste agency time clearing out whatever garbage you left in there before you went to LA."
"Don't worry, I've got a plan for all my leftover trash and scribbled notes I don't need anymore."
"I don't like the way you said that. What do you-"
"Oh, thank goodness!"
I straightened from signing the documents after finishing the last one to find Peggy coming through the doors into the bullpen, looking slightly more frazzled than usual. She shook her head at me as she approached, dropping her stuff at the base of the desk and putting her hands on her hips.
"I thought I'd missed you. I can't believe you were planning to just duck in and duck out this morning. What were you planning to do if Thompson hadn't called me to tell me when you were coming in? Just leave for Los Angeles without a goodbye?"
"Actually, Daniel and I were planning to invite the two of you to dinner tonight for a real goodbye. I'm just trying to avoid causing a scene in the middle of the bullpen, in the middle of the SSR's workday."
Peggy and Jack both scoffed, the sounds eerily similar. I raised an eyebrow, but Jack leaned in and snatched the papers off my desk before I could comment.
"Alright, I'm gonna go process these since you don't want to hang around here. By the time you're done with your desk, I'll be done with these."
I nodded, watching Jack's back as he headed back into his office. As soon as he disappeared through the doorway, I turned back to Peggy.
"I need you to get him out of his office for, like, five minutes between when I finish cleaning out my desk and when I head out of here. I'm gonna put all the papers and stuff I don't need in his desk."
Peggy grinned. "I'll make sure you have the window of opportunity you need."
"I knew I could count on you."
We snuck a high-five before Jack could notice, then I headed over my desk to start the packing process in earnest. There really wasn't much I needed to get, since I'd brought most of the things I needed with me to LA the first time, but a handful of the things I'd collected found a temporary home in my bag. Even better, the stack of trash I was planning to stick in Jack's office was substantial, and just like Peggy'd promised, she dragged Jack away from his desk long enough to give me just the opening I needed.
I stepped out of his office and back into the bullpen after finishing my mission, and a moment later, Peggy and Jack came around the corner to join me. I smiled at the both of them.
"Desk's been cleared. Papers are done. I think... I'm officially all finished up here."
"You sure I'm not going to find some trash you forgot about when I try to put somebody else at your desk?" Jack asked, hands on his hips. I rolled my eyes and sighed, responding without missing a beat.
"Of course not, Jack. You're not going to find any forgotten trash in my desk. Come on."
All true, technically. Peggy grinned at me, but I managed to keep a straight face as Jack put his hands on his hips and sighed.
"...I guess this is it, then, huh?"
"I guess it is."
I sighed, looking around at the empty bullpen one last time. I hadn't been working out of this office for a while now, and it's not like I'd never be back. But something about having my desk packed, ready to head out the door with the last of my roots pulled up still hit me a bit.
"I'm... gonna miss you guys," I said, shaking my head as I turned back to my two friends. Jack rolled his eyes, since we'd already exhausted his reserve of sincerity for the day, but Peggy gave me a soft smile.
"We'll miss you too. And you can expect regular visits from us in the winter, when we're sick of the snow and need to use our friends for access to the sunshine in Los Angeles."
I grinned. "As long as you promise to bring real pizza with you whenever you visit."
We shared a smile, and thankfully, before any of us could get any sappier, Daniel walked through the door, his meeting with his contact apparently over with.
"Hey," he said, giviing me a smile as he walked over to join us. He leaned in to give me a quick kiss, then pulled back with a smile. "You ready to go? Our favorite breakfast place is waiting for us."
I smiled, then gave Daniel a nod. We were technically on vacation, so we'd planned to spend the rest of our day on a tour of all of our favorite places in New York city.
"We'll see you guys for dinner tonight, right?" Daniel asked as he took my hand, the two of us taking a few steps towards the door.
"As long as you're buying," called Jack, and Peggy nodded. Daniel shot him a thumbs up as I rolled my eyes, and just like that, Daniel and I were standing on the threshold of the New York SSR.
"You ready?" Daniel asked, leaning in to whisper to me. I took a deep breath, sparing one last moment of reminiscing for the place I'd spent so much of my life in over the last few years, then turned to Daniel with a smile.
"Yeah. I'm ready."
He smiled back at me, giving my hand a quick squeeze before we turned our backs on the office, officially and completely moving forward together. It still stung a little to be leaving, but not nearly as badly as it could've, since I knew and loved where I was heading.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmelts @gaychaosgremlin
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Karma is... a Barbie Premiere (1/2)
I completely blame @jamespotterthefirst for this! It started as a simple edit, then it became a gossip page, and now it's a full-blown fic.
I've long hinted about Dr. Eva Mendoza joining as an OC in my Tobias & Casey world. She's only been briefly introduced once, but what better way to bring her back than for the Boston premiere of the Barbie movie? 💄💗💋 It's definitely a date for the Carrick's, but what about their friends, Ethan & Eva? No one can get a straight answer, and rumors are swirling.
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Part 1 of fic below.
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairings: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey) Ethan Ramsey x F!OC (Eva) - Maybe? Rating: Teen Words: 1,700 Summary: Tobias scores tickets to the biggest event in Boston, and he & Casey each invite a friend. When they learn who each invited, the wheels start spinning. A/N: See above. It's all Bree's fault. lol. This is just a two-parter, and part two will be up later tonight. This was fun, I hope you enjoy it, too! Participating in @choicesflashfics (prompt in bold below)
Part 2 found here
It had been a brutally hot summer in Boston, leaving most residents eager for something to do indoors just to keep cool. That included the doctors at Edenbrook. So Casey was elated when Tobias told her he scored four tickets to the event of the summer, a premiere of the Barbie movie being held by a local charity. She had told him she didn’t mind missing it, but her reaction when he said they’d be going proved otherwise.
“So,” he smiled between breaths as Casey rolled off him and snuggled into his side. “I’m glad to see you really didn’t want to go.”
“Oh, stop,” she giggled with a playful shove. “You know we would have done that anyway.”
“Good point,” he agreed. “Now, who should we offer the other tickets to?”
“I don’t know. Why don’t we each pick a friend?”
“Bryce would be all over this, but he’ll be in Hawaii that week.”
“Same with Sienna. That’s the week she’s visiting her family. Jackie would rather have food poisoning.”
“I think you’re right about that,” he laughed. “Don’t worry, we’ll think of someone.”
But with the movie premiere just a week away, neither had picked anyone to go, and they made a pact to correct that by the end of the day. 
Casey was reading an article on her phone in the cafeteria when she heard a familiar voice. Desperate for adult conversation that didn’t involve medicine, she eagerly waved Eva over.
“Hey,” the stunning brunette smiled as she approached Casey’s table. “I saw you, but I didn’t want to interrupt. I thought this might be your only alone time.”
“Nah,” Casey smiled. “Tobias is a great hubby... he makes sure I breathing room when I need it. But what I need now is some mindless girl talk! I haven’t had that in ages!”
“Oh, wonderful,” Eva sighed. “I’ve never been terribly good at mindless girl talk, but I promise I’ll give it my best shot. What are we supposed to discuss? Boys? Make-up? Waxing?”
“No, silly!” Casey laughed. “It can be anything... just not work and nothing too serious. Like, tell me, do you have any summer plans?”
“Mmm, not really,” Eva replied, biting into her sandwich. “My first anniversary at Edenbrook is in September; I don’t have much vacation time until then.”
“Well, that sucks! I hope you’re doing some fun things anyway.”
“Oh, I am! I love exploring Boston. I’ve been going to a bunch of concerts and rollerskating in the parks... It’s sort of my thing!”
“Now, that is something I’d love to do with you!”
“You rollerskate!” Eva enthused.
“Ice skating is more my thing, but... transferable skills. I’m going to have to get a new pair of rollerskates. The last ones I owned were Barbie skates to show you how long it’s been.”
“So... last year,” Eva chuckled. “Sorry, you strike me as a woman who would wear Barbie rollerskates even now. And I don’t mean that as an insult.”
“Mmm,” Casey hummed. “GUILTY! But it really was some time ago.”  Then, a lightbulb went off. “Hey! Wait! Were you a Barbie girl growing up?”
“Not exactly,” Eva sighed sadly. “I wanted to be. It’s so steeped in American culture; it’s a right of passage. But my traditional Greek and Cuban families felt they were too provocative. So, I only got to play with them when I visited my friends’ houses.”
“Well, that sucks!”
“I think my parents would have been OK with it, but my Abuela and Yiayia wielded far too much power with my Mother in those days. My father sneaked me off to the Barbie section when he took me to the toy store. He also encouraged playdates with Mindy Schumacker, and I believe her rivaling the Barbie Dreamhouse had something to do with it.”
“I think I’d like your Dad!” Casey smiled.
“I’m certain you would.”
“Well, I would be a failure as a physician if I didn’t do my part to help cure your Barbie Deficiency Syndrome! Tobias and I are going to the premiere at the IMAX next week, and I have a spare ticket. Want to join us?”
“Wait! Those tickets are impossible to get? How’d you score them?”
“My husband is a miracle worker,” Casey winked. “And he loves spoiling me.”
Eva shook her head. “I’ve known you a while now; I attended your wedding and witnessed that man being the most doting husband and father I’ve ever seen... but it’s still hard for me to reconcile that he’s the same man I knew back at Kenmore.”
“Well, love has a way of doing things to people. But I know he’d love it if you joined us. What do you say, are you in?”
“Oh, you couldn’t keep me away!”
Tobias stepped into the Diagnostic Teams office, humming a song vaguely familiar to Ethan as he entered. Looking up from his paperwork, Dr. Ramsey feigned annoyance with his friend. 
“I don’t understand how you’re always so chipper. You have a newborn and don’t sleep.”
“She’s three months old now, not a newborn.”
“Practically ready to go off to college then!” Ethan teased. “What were you humming... was that... Taylor Swift.”
Tobias raised a brow. “And what if it was? I have an excuse for humming it twenty-four/seven, and it’s called Casey. But what’s your story for knowing it?”
“Also, Casey! I’m trying to be supportive with her returning to work part-time, so I let her play the godforsaken stuff when we’re in here together.”
“She really can convince anyone to do anything, can’t she. Do you like any songs?”
Tobias stared at his friend with a wicked grin. "You always were a terrible liar. 'Fess up! What are your favorite Taylor songs?"
Ethan sat back in his chair and rocked as if deep in thought. “Some of her work from Folklore and Evermore is quite appealing. But if you tell Casey, I’ll fire you.”
“My lips are sealed,” Tobias laughed. “I heard you canceled your trip to the Cape. Everything all right? I’m happy to take over some of your work if you need help.”
“I appreciate the offer, but it’s not canceled. Just delayed. I was foolish to plan it around budget time.”
Tobias rubbed his chin as he studied his friend, his concern growing. “You know, Ethan... I’ve been a little worried about you. I’m a new dad, and I do more fun things than you. You need to work some playtime into your life.”
“Please,” Ethan groused. “I hope you’re not suggesting another boys' night out with Lahela. I have neither the budget nor the energy.”
“You damn well do have the budget! As for the energy, I can see how it's hard at your age. But you have to push through.”
“I’m a year older than you!” Ethan reminded.
“But you act twenty-two years older!”
“I can’t help it if you’re immature,” Ethan countered with a grin.
“Say! Case and I are going to the premiere of the Barbie movie next week...”
“She has you so pecked,” Ethan chuckled.
Ignoring him, Tobias informed him he had an extra ticket, Ethan was coming, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“I’m more of an Oppenheimer person. Barbie isn’t exactly my thing.”
“I don’t care; you’re coming.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Fine,” Tobias grinned, picking up his phone and pretending to dial. “I hate to do this, but you leave me no choice.”
“What are you doing?”
“I’m letting Casey know how much you loved Folklore and Evermore. I’m even going to fabricate and tell her you’re experimenting with Midnights; she should play that for you on her next shift. Don’t worry, Ethan. You’ll love it!”
“Hang up that phone right now,” Ethan ordered.
“Too late!” Tobias smirked. “Casey, baby, how’s your day going? Guess who's coming with us to see Barbie? Ethan! I know it’ll be a blast. See you at home soon, hon.”
Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.”
“Hey, it’s joining us at the Barbie movie once and maybe... gasp... having some fun... or listening to Taylor on loop for the remainder of time. I think you made a wise choice, Ethan.”  
“I didn’t make a choice!”
“Oh, you did,” Tobias winked as he left the room. “You’ll need to wear something pink!” he hollered as he entered the hall.
“I don’t own anything pink!”
“Good, you have time to fix that!”
Tobias opened the front door to his home and couldn’t help but smile. Casey stood just beyond the foyer, holding little Sammy on her hip as they danced to The Temptation's “Ain’t Too Proud to Beg.” 
“Look!” Casey beamed, pointing towards him. “Daddy’s home! Now he can dance with us, too!”
“You better believe I am,” Tobias grinned. He took Sammy from Casey, then wrapped his arms around her hips. “I’m so glad you’re giving our daughter a balanced musical diet. It can’t be all Taylor, all the time.”
“Hey, my love of Motown is what sealed the deal and made you fall in love with me,” Casey said, kissing his cheek.
“Heh,” Tobias snickered. “It certainly impressed me, but that wasn’t what sealed the deal.”
“Oh, really, then what did?”
“Not in front of the baby, dear,” he grinned. “But hey, speaking of Taylor Swift, your fellow fan at work is joining us at the Barbie movie next week.”
“My fellow fan? I told you Sienna is away next week.”  
“I know, but I’m talking about Ramsey.”
“ETHAN? Ethan is coming with us to the Barbie premiere?”
“Yeah,” Tobias replied. “He really needs to expand his horizons. I hope it’s OK with you.”
“Of course! It’s just... he doesn’t seem like the Barbie type.”         
“He’s not,” Tobias laughed. “But we’re going to have so much fun with this. I even told him to wear pink!"
"We're going to have fun, for sure! But Ethan? The jury is out on that. There’s just one tiny problem, babe. I asked Eva to come along.”
Tobias’s face fell. “Oh, shit. They’re totally going to think we’re trying to hook them up.”
“Which we’re not,” Casey replied. “I mean, I would... but this wasn’t our intention.”  
“Maybe not,” Tobias smirked. “But you know... me and karma vibe like that.”
“T.,” Casey said, shaking her head. “Please leave inserting Taylor quotes into situations to me... but... we are going to have so much fun with this!”
Tobias jiggled Samantha on his lap. “You hear that, Sammy? Your Mommy’s got ideas in that head. No one is safe now.”
Part 2 found here
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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nkn0va · 6 months
Tsubaki's S/O finds a way to free her from the Mind Eater curse, but do so by transferring the curse to themselves.
Ok god damn you're really going straight for the gut this time, aren't you? I could probably make a whole fic out this if I wasn't so lazy lmao. Hope this is satisfactory, this was fun to do.
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-It had gone so well almost all the way through, exactly according to plan. Tsubaki had successfully awakened the Zero-Type Izayoi and you were doing your best to hold her off while she resisted the curse. She'd been showing signs of at least somewhat successful resistance. This was not the way the Imperator had expected things to go.
-The Major had gotten far too close to her liking to break the curse, it seemed somehow all but certain at this point. That was until a rather dastardly idea came to mind. Phantom had recently made some modifications to the spell...yes, this could work quite nicely. All she had to do was wait for the right moment.
-Tsubaki held her head in pain as she struggled against the spell, fighting back with all her might. Seeing your lover struggle, you tried to reach out to her physically. What you didn't know was that was exactly what the Imperator had been waiting for.
-As soon as your hand touched her shoulder, you felt a sudden, invasive, encroaching presence weigh on your mind. Tried as you might, you felt your consciousness slip, become chained down by some force that wasn't there before, as Tsubaki fell to the floor, exhausted and Noel and Makoto cried out your name in worry.
-It was as if you'd fallen into a deep sleep, or as if you were having an out-of-body experience as your conscious was practically thrown into the backseat as something else took over. You could still see from your point of view, yet your body and voice were acting on their own without your volition. Everyone else saw you slowly rise to your feet, your original eye color gone, replaced by the same crimson red that Tsubaki's eyes had turned to. Worse yet, Tager's Eclipse Field had now run out of power, now Observers could use Phenomenon Intervention to change the outcome of these events if they so chose.
-However, nothing happened. The Imperator watched simply watched with interest. She wanted to see how this turn of events play out, and how everyone would respond.
-Tsubaki soon awoke, coming back to reality as she took one look at you and realized what happened. No...no no no...!
-This wasn't what was supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to take the curse from her. This was looking really bad.
-However before she could really start to panic, she was snapped out of it by Jin's voice. Now wasn't the time to falter. They finally had her back, and now was the time to start redeeming herself.
-The words Tsubaki had died in her throat. she was about to question Jin if that was really possible, but she quickly realized he was right. That was for later, now they needed to focus more than ever, to save you from the same fate she was about to suffer.
-Thankully you had no sort of hidden weapon transformation they needed you to awaken, so they could skip straight to the important part. Tsubaki was immediately the one to volunteer. Noel and Jin were too tired to continue fighting, especially someone of your considerable strength, and Makoto didn't really quite have the same stakes. Sure, she was your friend just like the other two, but the progress of the Mind Eater curse had been carried over to you. Your mind had already been almost completely consumed. Tsubaki was now the only one who could save you at this point.
-Her will reclaimed and her resolve now stronger than ever, she immediately took the offensive. You knew how she fought too well for her to beat you normally, but she wasn't fighting normally anymore. Now with the Zero-Type Izayoi at her side, she was far stronger than before.
-Even still, you were never a pushover. The both of you push each other to your very limits, all the while Tsubaki keeps ecouraging you to fight back against the curse as well.
-The look in her eyes...the part of your consciousness that was still left couldn't stand to see it. You didn't want her to be hurt because of you. However the more you fought back, the more the Imperator's voice rang in your head, telling you it was useless to resist.
-Yet for however loud and overpowering her presence was in your mind, one thought refused to be extinguished; Tsubaki.
-Memories of her, of your time together flashed before your eyes. Feelings began welling to the surface as you thought of her face. Joy, admiration, the nerves that went off in your mind the day you told her of your true feelings, and so many more. All of them culminated into one thing.
-You could hear Tsubaki from the outside, reminding you of the promises you made to each other, the way she loved you like no one else did. She gave you strength, and that strength turned into defiance against the Imperator. No longer would you be another one of her NOL lapdogs. Now, you were going to fight for your beliefs, your future. Your future with the people you cared about. With a final scream of effort, your surroundings soon turned to black.
-Darkness. That was all you could see. You called out in a desperate attempt to hear even the slightest noise that wasn't your own voice. That sound, and sight, came in the form of Hakumen, or rather a version of him in your head made by your subconscious.
-Your will had been so strong, that it overpowered even the Imperator's, and now you had a choice. To wish for Tsubaki, to wish for your future with her even more than you wished to live. The strength she gave you was enough to return to the real world, the curse broken for good.
-You vision returns in a flash as you take a deep gasp for breath, you're back in the colosseum. Tsubaki, tears in her eyes, instantly brings you into the tightest hug of your life, almost suffocating you, but you're more than eager to return.
-She's sputtering put apologies profusely, both for everything she'd done while under the Mind Eater and for unknowingly passing it onto you. It's a long time of you having to reassure her that nothing was her fault, and that you still loved her with all your heart.
-It was a long road, but you both came out of the other side together, stronger than ever before. No longer would you let other people decide your lives for you. You'd forge your own path to the future you wanted, to the life you envisioned.
-And you would do it together.
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god-of-dust · 2 years
For the Fic Writer Ask:
3, 9, 12, 13, 15 and 20 (sorry for asking so many, but I'm really excited for your answers!)
hey friend, thank you! and don’t worry about asking too many questions, i felt talkative :D
[deep fic writer asks]
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
in all honesty, a lot of the fics that i love the most will probably stay forever unfinished in my drafts. as for the fics i actually have finished and posted, i have a soft spot for unscripted, and the reason is that writing it has been fun. readers have praised the character development in it, but it’s something that just happened while i was busy being outrageously self-indulgent with a plot that, to me, was head-empty-just-smut. it reminds me that a story doesn’t have to be that deep to be enjoyable and worth telling.
9. what's your writing process like?
an important part of my process is that appreciation and community-driven deadlines are the main motivators that drive me to actually finish works, which is why shipping weeks are very useful indeed. most of my fics (if not all) are birthed through hyperfixation, which in my case means that i have to squeeze the creative juices on the page before the enthusiasm fades.
on the plot side of things, there are vibes at the wheel rather than a well-thought plan, which is why i usually don’t go for longer stories (though i want to learn to.) i imagine a scene, a concept or a collection of them, and then i string them together until they’re coherent.
thus, when i know that i have a story i want to tell and there’s an audience that makes me excited to sit down and get my fingers on the keyboard, i found out that having a daily word count goal and a timer is the best way for my brain to stop obsessing over every single word and produce instead a repetitive, absurd, unhinged stream of consciousness that i can nonetheless edit later. i put on some background music, open focuswriter with its handy word count options to set my daily goal, start the timer and then i type away until i’m done, even if nothing that comes out makes any lick of sense. all that first draft has to do is exist.
12. What’s your perfect environment to create/write?
for the timed sessions i enjoy sitting at the desk in my room where i usually work. when inspiration strikes me elsewhere i use one of those note-taking apps in my phone and then transfer it to my computer later if i feel like it.
mostly, i want to have time and space to relax and do my thing.
13. Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?
interesting question 👀 a bit of both, i think. i do like it at times, but when i go back and read my fics i also feel like my style is kind of immature and the story could have been told better.
15. How do you think your writing as improved over time?
i learned not to judge myself too much during the writing process, so i gained more inspired turn of phrases and emotional depth that i could never have reached if i kept obsessing over good form and not sounding like the ESL speaker that i am. my mother tongue bleeds through my words in many ways and that’s okay.
20. What’s the greatest gift you’ve gotten from your writing?
readers who care about the stories i tell and who leave comments to let me know that they appreciate what i do. it’s humbling and exciting in a way i can’t describe. in the past, it often felt shallow and shameful to think that i create not only for myself but also because i love the validation, but i realize now that it’s true: community is great. sharing my stuff with people who are excited about it is amazing. the more love my creative works receive, the more of them i want to put out in the world.
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phosphorus-noodles · 4 months
1, 6, 7, 8, 16, 22, 24, 28, 46, 49, 68? (if that's too many u can leave some out yesyes)
WAHH that's so many,, /pos
1 - Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I usually get struck with a Vision and hurry and write down the outline of the thing I want to write with bits and pieces sprinkled in, and then I flesh it out with daydreams over time, so... both?
6 - What’s the last line you wrote?
Already did this one, but here's s'more context before it:
“Aw, don’t be like that, this will be fun! Besides, I promise it’s safe.”
“Promise, huh?” Joel’s tone is skeptical, but he’s smiling just as wide.
“I promise!”
7 - Post a snippet from a wip.
“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever, my maths assignment isn’t as important as time with my favorite person in the multiverse,” Oli says. “Besides, it’s due next week! I have pleeenty of time.”
“Favorite person in the multiverse?” Joel snorts a small laugh and shoulders his bag. “That’s sappier than fresh azalea honey.”
“Aww, but you liked it!” Oli says, lightly poking Joel’s cheek with his finger. “You’re all pink!”
(I just think this part is cute <3)
8 - Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Ohh... hmm that's tricky... probably. it was bound to happen sooner or later, right?
16 - Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop?
I usually record my Visions on my phone in a note and then transfer it to a google doc on my computer, but I write on my phone sometimes when I'm out and about too
22 - Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
It depends? Usually after, but my current wip I had the idea for a title and based the story around it kinda. All the titles in my current 'era' of writing have come from my au playlist ^^
24 - How do you choose whose POV to write in?
OHH I was thinking about this earlier... usually it's whatever character will lead to the better "reveal" if that makes sense?? Like in my last fic it was Joel, because Oli knew something he didn't, and it would be more interesting to read about piecing events together from clues Joel picked up rather than just knowing what happened automatically from it being Oli's pov. There's gotta be built up, y'know?
28 - What area of writing do you want to improve in?
Gosh... probably descriptions? And more natural word variations... I usually edit the same sentence over and over to make sure the structure and words are different from existing sentences, so I can fake it just by overanalyzing, but it'd be nice to come easier ahjfsdfh
46 - If you could only write one type of AU for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmm... probably soulmates, it's all I've written so far tbf /lh
49 - What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
Probably this one bc it's the only one right now that I don't have major problems with HAH
68 - Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
Every time I go to write about the Boys I go back and reread the snippets you wrote bc I love how you write them so so much and I Need to absorb your writing style right now !!! /silly
(Ask game!)
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majahu · 2 years
To Die on Your Lips
Chapter 1: Late Night Outbursts
Next Chapter
Robert Pattinson Batman x Gn Reader (angst, slow burn)
Note: This fic was just supposed to be a one shot but I got carried away so now it’s a full story lmao. Trying to use gender neutral language on this one. Let me know if I slip up. Comment or message to be added to the tag list.
Summary: With Bruce Wayne’s attention anywhere but Wayne Enterprises, Alfred makes the decision to hire outside help managing the company. After a while, you begin to share the butler’s frustrations with the company’s heir, the two of you constantly butting heads during working hours. Soon, however, your feelings towards your boss begin to change as you start to unravel one of his best kept secrets.
Warnings: angst, lots of yelling, graphic language, suggestive content (wink, wink) in later chapters. Minors DNI.
Word Count: 1.3k
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  You had been working for Wayne Enterprises for the better half of a year, doing everything from book-keeping to meeting with potential and current investors and not once had you received any kind of help from the company’s owner.
 You rarely saw Bruce Wayne except for the rare occasions where he was dragged to a mandatory meeting with the company’s board. Your interactions with him were mostly countless unanswered messages that you left on his work phone, asking for clarification regarding various paperwork, transfers of funds, etcetera.
 Mostly, your communication to your boss was through Alfred Pennyworth, his butler, who you bet did more for the company than Bruce Wayne ever did. It wasn’t fair that he was the face of this whole company, when it seemed like he’d rather be doing anything other than his fucking job. 
You were currently at your desk, your office being located at the very top of Wayne Tower (which was a pain in the ass when the elevator was being serviced; at least all the stairs gave you some pretty killer calves). One hand rested in your hair, while the other clutched a mug of drip coffee; it was your third of the night and you had hoped that it would help you stay awake long enough to go over the book-keeping you needed to, but all it had managed to do was give you a massive stomach ache. The glare of street lights barely reached your office window, and illuminated by the light of a single desk lamp, the majority of your office was bathed in shadows. 
Wayne Enterprises had several branches, and though they all had their own team of accountants and managers, you were entrusted with giving everything a final look-over to make sure that nothing was amiss. With so many employees and branches, it would be relatively easy for someone to embezzle a couple hundred dollars, thousands even, without being noticed. It could easily get lost in piles of paperwork had it not been for your or Alfred’s tireless efforts. 
 “Thank god I’m getting paid overtime for this,” you sighed, eyes grazing over lists of charges  from the past month from Wayne Electronics. There were, of course, deposits of investments that you easily recognized; the withdrawals were the tricky part. Most of them had clear names, some money even being transferred to various branches like Wayne Tech, others, the ones that you didn’t recognize, you scrawled down in a small leather bound notebook to bring up to Alfred or try to decipher on your own.
 The numbers on the page started drifting slightly to the left as your eyes came in and out of focus. 
 God, you were tired. 
 You had been at work since 8:00 AM and it was currently—you checked your watch—9:47 PM. 
 Your eyes fluttered closed, and you had nearly drifted to sleep when you thought you heard your office door creak open. 
 “I’m really starting to lose it,” you muttered to yourself, eyes warily scanning the dark corners of your office. 
 Sure enough, your door was closed. You turned back around only to come face to face with a shadowy figure standing at the front of your desk.
 “Jesus, fuck!” You shouted, nearly falling backwards in your swivel chair. 
 “What are you still doing here?” the figure said, voice strained like he hadn’t talked to anyone in a while. 
You blinked a couple times, eyes coming into focus, and sure enough there was the face of your boss, dimly illuminated by the lamplight of your desk.
 “Mr. Wayne?”
 You said, tilting your head to the side, “What are you doing here?”
 As your eyes further adjusted to the man standing in front of you, you noticed what looked like some intense dark circles under his eyes. “Maybe you should go back home and get some sleep…” you muttered, not really meaning to speak the words aloud.
 “What?” he said, the beginnings of a sneer on his lips. He seemed more annoyed by your presence in your own office than you would’ve expected him to be, especially since you were working overtime to help make sure his company was staying afloat.
 “Look, is there something I can help you with?” you said, bitterness creeping into your tone. It’s not that you meant to give your boss attitude, but you had had a long day, you were tired, and you wanted more than anything to be back in your apartment under the covers of your bed. 
 He paused for a moment, opening his mouth as if to say something before looking away from you, “No, it’s nothing. I noticed a light was on and I came to check and see if everything was okay.”
 You said nothing, staring blankly back at him.
 “You can go,” he said.
 Your annoyance at your boss was starting to bubble over, a long rant about responsibilities and leadership pulling at the corners of your mouth. You were so so tired, and you probably shouldn’t provoke one of Gotham’s most powerful men, but before you could stop yourself the words were flowing out of your mouth, 
 “You came to see if everything was okay?” you scoffed, “since when do you ever do anything for this company?”
 The man stared at you, brows knitting together slightly, his expression hardening. 
 Gripping the arms of your chair, your knuckles began to turn white as you leaned forward in your seat, “I have been working myself to the bone, coming in early, staying late, all to make sure nobody is taking advantage of how fucking disorganized this company is. You only ever come to meetings when Alfred drags you there like you’re some spoiled little brat, and even then you look like you’d rather be anywhere else. You could at least try to care! Or put nearly half the work in that your employees do, who, by the way, make a fucking fraction of your annual salary when they’re the ones carrying this place!”
 You were shouting now, and only when you noticed the expression on Bruce Wayne’s face did you shut your mouth, wishing you could retreat into the cushions of your chair.
 What did I just do?
 You had just lost your cool; majorly, by the way, in front of your boss. You were almost positive you were going to be fired for this.
 Bruce Wayne looked like he was about to have an aneurysm, or wrap his hands around your throat, or spontaneously combust. You weren’t sure what was about to happen, all you knew is that it wasn’t going to be pretty.
 He placed his hands on your desk, thumb covering the corner of your notebook. He opened his mouth, speaking slowly, choosing his words carefully. He leaned in, bringing his face closer to yours as you fought the urge to shrink away from him, “do you think I chose this?”
 “I never wanted to run this company,” he said, “It wasn’t supposed to happen like this,” he tore his eyes away from you, casting them to look out of your window, studying the Gotham skyline, “do you know how hard it is to live up to his legacy?” he said quietly. 
 “Mr. Wayne I-” 
 “Don’t speak.” he said, pausing for a moment.
 “Every time I set foot in this place, I am reminded of what I’m not.” 
 “And I don’t need you, someone who I hired not even a year ago, to remind me even more of it or to pretend you know me and what I do for this company, for this city.” He said, his tone venomous. 
 Bruce Wayne looked back at you, his eyes narrowing, “Do you really think you’re such an invaluable piece of this company? That you can’t be replaced? You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes.” 
 He looked as if he wanted to say something more, like he was holding back. 
 Instead, his eyes studied you for a moment longer before tearing away from you again, “Get out.” 
 Not daring to say anything more, you stood, not even grabbing your notebook, and walked out the office door.
Tag List: @lesyeuxdebritty @rat-theghoul @withbeautyandrage
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dauntless-gothamite · 3 years
Prove Them Wrong [1/?]
Fandom: Divergent Pairing: Eric Coulter x Fem! Reader Summary: Y/N is a Dauntless transfer from Erudite, and she has a drive, an ambition that sets her apart--it always has, even back in Erudite. She brings her perseverance (and need to prove others wrong) to Dauntless when she transfers, and she uses her mind to make her way through the initiation process. Along the way, she makes friends and enemies, and she finds herself comfortable around the man most people in Dauntless avoid at all costs: Eric Coulter.  A/N: hey, everyone! so some elements of this are based on myself and how I interact with people, mainly because I tend to bond with people who are not well-liked (i.e. I got along well with teachers everyone hated, consistently). I plan to keep most descriptions of the reader vague so you can insert yourself, though! this first chapter is a little bit slow, but I am already well into writing chapter 2, and I am really excited about where this fic is going! Enjoy!!
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“Dauntless!” Marcus Eaton called out--Abnegation was hosting the Choosing Ceremony this year--and as your blood hit the burning coals, a series of cheers and claps erupted from the fearless faction. You took your place next to the other Dauntless transfers and snuck a glance at your family. Your parents looked sad--disappointed, almost--but it was nothing compared to the way some parents reacted to their children choosing another faction. Your father caught your eye as he pulled a handkerchief from his crisp blue suit and handed it to your mother, who was just barely containing her tears. Quickly, you looked away. A moment later, a girl with dirty blonde hair sat down beside you. Her loose grey clothing indicated she was in Abnegation, or at least she had been. She was Dauntless now, and so were you. 
A series of names you only half heard filled the room, and before you knew it, the ceremony was over. Then, as if they’d been waiting for the chance to get up from their seats, all the Dauntless rushed out of the building, racing for the train tracks. You and the other initiates stared at them as they began to climb, shocked. Sure, you knew you’d be taking the train, but you’d never thought about how you’d actually get there. Shoving the thought out of your mind, you began to climb, the Abnegation girl from before and a girl from Candor scaling the poles on either side of you. Once you made it to the top, you saw everyone standing in a line, facing away from the train. That’s when it hit you: they were going to run and jump onto the train. This was unlike anything you’d ever done, but it was exciting, and you knew that with the right speed and angle, you’d be fine. When the rails started to vibrate and the train came into view, you took off. 
You weren’t the fastest, but you weren’t the slowest either, and that was worth something. At the very least, you would make the train. Then, out of the corner of your eye, you saw an opening, and without hesitation, you jumped. It was so different from life in Erudite. There, nothing was done without consideration. You had to look at a problem from all angles and weigh the possibilities, consider the outcomes of every scenario, even for the simplest of tasks. Here, you could just do. It was liberating, and you knew you’d made the right choice. Although, it would be damn near impossible to drop all of the habits you’d picked up in Erudite. Some aspects of the scholarly faction were simply a part of you; it would be impossible to erase that. But, for the sake of your survival, you’d have to do your best. 
“Hey,” said a voice from behind you. You turned around and saw a boy with brown hair and dark eyes, which stood out against his pale skin. “I’m Albert,” he said. “But everyone calls me Al.” He stuck his hand out and you shook it.
“I’m Y/N,” you said, glad to have already made one friend. You smiled before turning away to look out at the city; the train provided a great view when it wasn’t in the center of the city surrounded by buildings. While you were looking at the skyline, you saw movement and heard screams of both terror and excitement to your left. You turned to see what was causing the commotion, and you saw people jumping from the train onto a gravelly roof. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Al said as he joined you at the edge of the train. 
“This is crazy,” you agreed. But whereas Al looked terrified, you were grinning, adrenaline from boarding the train still pumping through your veins, making you aware of each and every nerve in your body. Then, with the roof coming up, you took a few steps back, ran forward and jumped. 
Your body hit the gravelly roof hard, ripping a hole in your blazer. Thankfully, it seemed like that was the only thing that broke; your body felt perfectly fine, if a little sore from the impact. You looked around to see Al a few feet away from you, and you smiled, glad he’d made it. The two of you got up and headed to the other end of the roof, where the initiates who had already jumped off the train stood facing a tall man with cropped hair and neck tattoos. “Alright, listen up,” the man said when the last car of the train passed the edge of the roof. If someone wasn’t off of it yet, there was only one stop for them now: factionless. “I’m Eric, one of your leaders here at Dauntless. I will also be overseeing your training, which began the second your blood hit the coals. So, rather than waste any more time, let's get on with it. You want to get into Dauntless, this is the way in. Who is going to jump first?”
At this point, everyone was peering over the ledge Eric stood on, more focused on what was behind him. A dark hole in the concrete far below where we stood. You looked around you, nodding at Will, who you knew from Erudite, happy to see a familiar face amongst all this chaos. As you moved towards him, the girl from Abnegation who had sat next to you earlier stepped forward. “Me,” she said, volunteering to jump first. Everyone looked around with wide eyes while Eric scoffed. 
“The Stiff? Alright.”
Unbothered, the girl stepped onto the ledge, and a few seconds later, she disappeared into the shadowy depths of whatever lay below.
Watching the girl in grey jump first had sent a shock of surprise through you, but it was followed by something new, the desire to try this new and dangerous thing before you, and as the third jumper stepped off the ledge, you found yourself stepping forward, volunteering to go next. As you stepped onto the ledge, Eric raised a pierced brow at you, waited a few seconds for the previous jumper to get off of the net, and jerked his head towards the net, motioning for you to jump. And then, in a silent response, you jumped, a smile unexpectedly gracing your lips as you made contact with the net below, landing with a bounce. You turned to the man standing next to the net who helped you out of the net, and he introduced himself as Four before directing you to stand in line with the other initiates who had already jumped. Minutes crawled by as you waited for the rest of the initiates to jump, and after what felt like forever, Eric landed in the net and directed his cold stare at the initiates lined up as he slid off the net without Four’s assistance--though it didn’t seem like Four was inclined to help him, either. Interesting. 
The transfer dorm was small, crowded, and damp--somehow it was exactly what you expected and entirely different at the same time. As everyone claimed a bed, Four and Eric stood near the door, ready to make an announcement. You smiled at the Candor girl with short, black hair who was setting up the bed next to yours, about to introduce yourself when one of the trainers by the door--most likely Eric--cleared his throat, silencing the room. “Welcome to Dauntless, Eric said. “As Four just explained, this is where you will be staying for the next few weeks while you complete your training. You will receive more information about the training process tomorrow morning at the first session, but for now all you need to know about it is that the training room is three floors up, down the hallway, and to the left. Meet in the Pit, which is upstairs, in fifteen minutes for some announcements from Max and dinner.” Then, he left.
“That guy is all business, huh?” the girl you were about to introduce yourself to said lightly. 
“Yeah,” you smiled back. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Christina,” she replied with an outstretched hand. As you shook her hand she looked you over and said, “So, Erudite. What made you want to transfer?”
“Well, it is best for one to go to a place for which they are well-suited…” you trailed off. “What about you, Candor?”
“Candor is a place of words and action, with slightly more words. I wanted more action,” she shrugged. A thud on the bed on your other side distracted you before you could respond, and you turned around to see familiar light green eyes.
“Will!” you said, wrapping your fellow Erudite transfer in a brief hug. You’d vaguely registered his name at the choosing ceremony followed by the word “Dauntless”, but it hadn’t really dawned on you until now that there were fellow Erudite transfers here. “Have you seen Edward?” you asked.
“Yeah, he’s right over there,” Will replied, pointing to the corner of the room. You waved at Edward, and he smiled back as he continued setting up his bed. 
“Amazing,” you said softly, more to yourself than to Will. “By the way, this is Christina, she’s from Candor,” you said, remembering your new friend. Will shot her a smile, and Christina reached out to shake his hand.
“Nice to meet you,” she said enthusiastically. 
“Likewise,” Will replied. Seeing all of your fellow transfers getting to know each other was exciting, and even though you wanted to stay in this room with all of them and get to know everyone else, you knew it was a better idea to start making your way to the Pit; there was rarely a time when showing up early was a bad thing, and leaving early would make sure you got there in time even if you got lost along the way. As you started to head out down the hallway, the former Abnegation joined you, seeming to have the same idea. “Hi,” you said, introducing yourself. “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Tris,” she replied quietly. “You were in Erudite, right?” she asked.
“I was. And you were in Abnegation?”
“Yeah.” There was something sad about the way she said it, but you decided to let it go; you didn’t really know her yet. As you were thinking of what to say next, Tris interrupted your thoughts saying, “My brother just transferred there. To Erudite, I mean.”
“Don’t worry, he’ll love it,” you said, smiling fondly as memories of the Erudite libraries surfaced in your mind. “You get to spend so much time learning and teaching others, and they actually respect personal space--at least a little bit. I’ll even let you in on a secret: the suits are much more comfortable than they look, I promise.” She laughed a little bit at the last statement, and you relaxed, starting to enjoy her company. 
As it turned out, you and Tris had no trouble finding the Pit, and it wasn’t surprising that you were the first ones there. Both of you sat down, and you did your best to ignore the occasional looks from Four and Eric as they stood on a balcony overlooking the Pit with Max, the head of Dauntless leadership and the faction’s representative when the five factions held council, and talked amongst themselves. Soon, thankfully, a few more of the transfers sat down with you and Tris, and they were soon followed by a steady trickle of transfers, the room getting louder with each person who entered. Max walked to the edge of the balcony and called for everyone’s attention, and the room got quiet, a nervous excitement filling your body. 
“Welcome, initiates,” the leader’s low voice filled the room. “We are glad to have you here at Dauntless. Here, you will be trained to be protectors of our city. You will be tested physically, emotionally, and mentally, and it will be hard, but you will come out stronger and braver, which is what you need to be to survive in this faction. Your training starts tomorrow; you will be working with Four and Eric, the initiates who aren’t transfers will be working with Lauren. For now, dig in, you’re going to need your strength for tomorrow.” Cheers erupted across the room, and people got up to grab food before racing back to their new friends. This was the beginning of something new for everyone, and excitement raced through your veins. You were ready to start your new life.
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Appointment Scheduled
Summary- 2.7k Ransom Drysdale x Reader. Since that night at your parents, you haven't been to see Ransom. Not that he wasn't always on your mind. But you continue to defend your 'FWB' term that is all he is. Ransom gets tired of receiving physical silence from you.
So he made himself an appointment.
Warnings- somewhat mad mean Ransom, reader in denial of her feelings, some in the office over the desk sex. This is a cheater fic, the reader is cheating on her boyfriend and Ransom is encouraging this. Please if this bothers you, do not read it.
A/N- another self-indulgent fic featuring these two? Yes please, it's what I wanted, so it's what I wrote. As always, thank you for reading, comments and reblogging. You all have to thank @sagechanoafterdark for Ellie showing up in the story. We were talking that the reader needs a best friend who is like "Duh, you two are meant to be, it is so obvious." to our reader.
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“Ellie no I haven't seen him since my dad's birthday party. I mean a few messages here and there, but nothing more about meeting up.”
You hear your best friend scoff on the other line. She was your confidante, your tried and true, better or worse, the bitch who will help you bury the body friend.
She also lacked sugar coating anything.
“Well, you two are just dumb. One of you has to open that line of conversation, might as well be you.”
You hit the button to the lift, sighing into the phone as you watched the numbers ding. “I don’t know what conversation you are talking about El.”
“Uh, the one where you two have been in love with each other since basically middle school? The one where whenever you feel lonely, that's the man you call? Or how about the one how he runs to you whenever you even put out a HINT that you might need him? That one Y/N.”
“We are just fuck buddies-”
“Really good, rock your world, the best sex and head you’ve ever gotten, buddy. Right?” Ellie’s tone is dripping with sarcasm now and you pinch your nose in aggravation while stepping onto the elevator.
“Exactly like that.” You go a bit quiet. “Listen, I’m at work, so talk later, okay?”
“Sure, I miss you. I wish you would move back to the city.” Ellie softened her tone a bit. “Girls weekend soon? I love you.”
“I love you too and of course!” You hit the end button and stuff it in your bag, staying quiet the rest of the ride up.
Working as a lawyer's assistant wasn’t too bad. Although it's often said couples shouldn't work together, you hardly saw Neil while you were there. He was usually in some kind of pissing match with another DA in the building, which made for some interesting rants from him when he got home.
You dutifully listened, but with little interest. They got old and boring, which was how you were feeling in this ‘safe relationship.’
Really you felt something must be fucked up with you. Neil was a good guy, supportive, he didn't have much of a jealous streak, although you wished once in a while he would get a bit riled up about when someone was checking you out when the two of you went out for a date night. Everything was stable in your relationship, aside from the fact you basically were away to Ransom's bed any chance you could.
Then there was Ransom. The man you were able to actually swear yourself off from two years straight and got your life in order.
So you thought. It took one drink and conversation to fall back to where you two were two years ago. Only this time you found him missing him while you were away, thinking about him more.
You opened your office door and propped it open for your boss's clients to come inside and wait, your boss's door opened on the other side. Shaking off your over-the-top feelings going on, you went to pour Johanna's coffee and grab the files for today's cases. She was on the phone, so you just set them down with a small wave of your hand and settled behind the desk to get started transferring her notes into the system.
Ransom though was never far from your mind when you gave your cell the occasional glance.
Lunchtime approached which meant you would meet up with Neil and head to the small cafe on the corner. He would ask you about your work, you would ask him about his. There would be pleasantries shared. You sighed once more to yourself at the thought of it.
Johanna closed her door with a sudden click. You jumped a bit in surprise as she shouldered her handbag. “You okay Dear?” The woman asked kindly and you smiled, brushing it off.
“Caught up in these files.”
“Ah, yes there is a lot with this case. Sorry about all the extra notes. I know it's a tad boring. But take your break, stay out with Neil a little extra. It's a nice day and you've earned it.” She smiled kindly.
“I will be sure to, maybe Neil and I can breeze around the park before returning.” Fat chance… you thought as you smiled kindly at your boss as she took her leave. You picked at your cell phone, working your lip about to message Neil that you would meet him when a rather loud distinctive tone filled the entryway to your and Johanna's office.
“I have a meeting lined up with Johanna Klein, if you could let her assistant know that Ransom Drysdale is here to see her.”
Dropping your cell phone, forgetting about Neil, you rise out of your seat and go to your door, peering out. Ransom is leaning against the desk to the receptionists of the lawyer's offices explaining how it was your lunchtime and you were out of the building.
Ransom’s voice was about to release, you could see him drawing in the air to make himself a bit more imposing at the idea that he wasn’t allowed to see you when his icy orbs lifted from the receptionist to you, a perfect smirk crossing those pale pink lips that could be so soft at the moment while dropping venom just as easily. “She looks like she is available to me.”
The receptionist spun her chair to see you in the doorway. “It’s okay, Johanna booked him as the last one this morning.” You lied while Ransom made his way around the desk to enter your office. The receptionist looked like she was about to say something more when you quickly clicked the door closed and pulled the shade over the frosted glass to keep from anyone seeing the two of you in there.
“What are you doing here Ransom?” You ask yet again, while he was leaning against the desk with his arms folded over his chest.
“I have an appointment. Seems it's the only way to properly see you again.” He pushed up the sleeves of his long sleeves over muscled forearms. You being you, was absolutely unable to take your eyes off that action.
“Well, I’ve been busy and you never made mention of it again.”
“Kitten…” His tone lowered with a warning. “I didn't think I had to imply that you could come over whenever. But if I'm going to have to do it this way from now on.” He pushed off the desk to stalk the small space to you. “Guess that's what I will do. Book my appointments between-” a slight snarl darkened his face, the crease between his eyes deepening as his hand rested in your lower back and pushed you closer to him.
Overwhelmingly closer. His muscles through the shirt flexed under your hands coming to rest on his pecs and his cologne made your mouth water with the familiarity. The scent of bergamot and cedar gave an almost smoky scent, a touch of sweetness with vanilla had you inching closer to Ransom. “- your time with Neil.”
Your eyes flashed angrily at him then, pulling back a bit in his hold. “What does it matter to you, Ransom?”
“It doesn't. Like I told you before Kitten, you and I will never be over.”
“Feels a lot like jealousy to me then.” You spat a bit. “Since we're just this.” You shrugged a bit, now your temper is getting the best of you. “What was it that Ellie said to me this morning. Fuck buddies.”
“Your term, not mine Kitten.” Ransom yanked you in close again, this time his kiss was a lot different than that night in your bedroom. It was harsh and demanding, forcing you to open your mouth to him and swallow his passion. “You know fucking Neil is skating on thin ice, keeping you all the time.” He shoved you roughly against your desk, your hands flying to the paperwork you were working on before and it went flying for the most part. Some of it fisted in your hand as your ass arched out and pressed against Ransom's groin, making you hiss when he jerked your hips further back.
“Neil is technically my-” You started when a hand slapped over your mouth, fingers digging into your cheeks roughly.
All of it was turning you on, making your thighs squeeze together and you breathe harshly through your nose the more excited you got. “Don’t say it Kitten. Not right now, this is my time. Remember. I made an appointment.”
You felt your skirt get rucked up around your hips and Ransom leaned over, his chest pressing into your back as he flushed hot kisses on your neck, a yank to your shirt dragged your shirt over your shoulder. It wasn't gentle kisses, it was deep leave his mark there that was making you tilt your head and push back into him once more while he fumbled with his own pants to yank them open.
“Yes, yes your appointment. Did you miss this pussy?” You purred, mimicking the nickname you had earned. His fingers pushed aside the bit of cotton that was now sticky clinging to your folds and he stroked you with precision, spreading your slick all around till he swirled a finger against your clit.
“Enough to come searching your ass out.” He remarked when you felt his cock take over where his fingers were, thicker, velvet hardness in your soft folds make you mewl while gripping your desk's edge.
It was the right call, as soon as Ransom felt you start to take him, he pressed harder. Making you both hiss, your head falling against your desk as he stretched you open, his cock filling you quickly. His teeth sunk into your shoulder, registering the sting of it when he rutted into you, slamming your hips into the desk suddenly. “Fuck Ransom,” You hissed out and bit your lip to stifle a moan.
“This perfect round ass that is so fuckable.” His hand came against a cheek while his hips slammed into you steadily. Jerking you on the desk. But it all felt so good, the stink of the slap making you tighten around his cock while you gave a yelp in protest.
Again his hand came around your mouth, stuffing fingers in your mouth which you wrapped your lips around and sucked on them, making your eyes roll when you tasted yourself on them. “Shut it Kitten, suck yourself off me like a good girl while I fill this perfect cunt.” Ransom snapped his teeth near your ear. You moaned, trying to confirm that you would, you would do just as he said while he fucked you harshly from behind.
It clouded your mind, forgetting everything you had been stressed about all morning. Ransom's cock pounded into your wanting body like it was all you ever needed. Your smooth walls flexed around him, tightening till you felt the throbbing ridges that dragged and pulled through you.
It wasn't just his cock driving you mindless. It was the grunted words in your ear. “Perfect little clock slut, Kitten you love getting fucked on your desk don’t you?” He hissed in your ear as another drive made you moan incoherent at him. “Just so cock drunk slut, who is too stupid to answer me.” A tongue was dragged on your tongue, kisses right at the hinge of your jaw made you whine and press back against him. He knew that it drove you crazy to feel the flush of his lips along your neck, driving you mindless. “Just my sweet little Kitten taking it so well.”
All you could do was mewl around his fingers stuffed in your mouth, drool escaping from the corners of your stretched lips and dribbling on the paperwork you had crumpled in your fists. Your chest pressed harshly against the desk, making you wheeze under Ransom’s weight. It was smothering, him all over caging you against the furniture, pumping his cock harshly into your core and your mouth stuffed with his fingers keeping you quiet.
It was too much and not enough, cause you still weren't quite there. The heat burned in your belly, wanting to implode you into oblivion. Ransom gritted his teeth as he wedged a hand under you, fingers feeling for your throbbing clit that ached for his touch.
The roll of his fingers made you moan at the tension. The rush made your spine snap and fight against Ransom, which he felt as you squealed in protest, his teeth snapping near you while he sputtered.
“Just fucking cum Kitten, then you can relax. Your boss will be back any time now.” Nearby you glanced at your phone that somehow was still on the table, the time wavering in your sight, as well as some ‘Where are you?’ texts from Neil.
Ransom wanted you to relax and cum, which is what you wanted as well. The numbing release was right there with his help and you let go. The wave was mind blanking. You sagged under Ransom, and he tightened his hold on you as he used you. But you were in bliss as he grunted over you, hot shots of cum filling you while he sagged in relief against you.
Jerks of his cock still quivered your sensitive walls as he took a few last slow pumps into you before he plated his hands against your messy desk and pulled himself up, pulling out of your messy cunt.
“Gonna have to go the rest of the day like that Kitten.” He chuckled as he straightened your panties back in place and pulled your skirt down over your ass. His hand went around your waist and he helped guide you back to a stand to face him. Brushes of his thumbs over your face was an attempt to fix your makeup which made you wince while you rubbed the drool from your chin.
“How bad is it?”
Ransom winced when you asked. “Pretty bad… looks like you've been crying… or got properly fucked. Take your pick.” He said as his hands dropped to pull his pants back in place and zip them back up, the button going back through the loop.
It was unfair that Ransom didn't get completely ruined like you did when this sort of thing happened. You rushed around your desk to grab some wet wipes to wipe the smudged lipstick and mascara off.
‘You know… I never have this problem with Neil.” You muttered and Ransom snapped back as he watched you, leaning down to pick up some of the papers that fell and shuffle them together while you did a quick reapplication so no one would question it.
“Kitten, obviously the man isn't fucking you right then.” A smirk flashed up at you as he handed you your papers and you were quick to tuck them away.
You broke into a small dirty smile, a roll of your eyes playing with him. “Well… you are correct in that Ransom. Now split, Johanna will be back soon.”
“Nope." A pop of the p that made you huff at him. "I have an appointment Y/N.” He swept down into a seat just as Johanna clicked open the door and stepped back in.
“Y/N, did you have a good lunch? I didn’t expect to see you back so soon. But I was told my next client is here.” She glanced towards the corner of the room where Ransom was picking at his sweater. “Mr. Drysdale, come on in with me, please? We will get started.” She smiled warmly as she went around your desk to let herself into her office, Ransom moving to a stand with a chipper.
“Absolutely, thrilled to get started. Y/N here has been a perfect host in the meantime.” He winked at you with a light brush of his fingers along your arm before disappearing into Johanna’s office, the door shutting behind them.
You could only begin to guess what Ransom was up to coming all the way here. Which you would find out later, either from Ransom or Johanna.
Right now you had to deal with standing up Neil, which when you picked up your phone, chewing your lip that you still could taste yourself on from Ransom’s fingers, you read the message.
Y/N, where are you? I have been waiting for an hour for you.
You started to text out your lie of an excuse hoping that this wouldn't be the day it would all blow up in your face.
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diavolosthots · 3 years
YAYAY THERE OPEN!!! Okay so can I ask for Mammon angst with the brothers reactions to Mammon breaking from their comments
I looked through all 14 beadcanon masterlists because I couldve sworn I already did this. Turns out I only ever did this in fics.
Warning: angst? Maybe? Depends on your definition of angst. 
THE BROTHERS reacting to Mammon breaking from their comments
Never would he have thought that Mammon would actually break. Sure, Mammon would give him the usual whine spiel of “I didn’t do it!” “Lucifer, please!” while screams echoed off of his walls, but never had Mammon actually… broken. Granted, Lucifer is more of a physical “I’ll show you!” type rather than a verbal fighter, and Mammon would usually take those like a champ. But him breaking from words? It’s unusual, to say the least. Of course he’d tell the rest of his brothers to stop immediately while he goes and takes care of Mammon. He is his favorite, after all. No direct verbal apology will come from him, but he will sit there and listen and then do a few of Mammon’s favorite things. That’s his way of apologizing. 
Usually he’d suck it up and just take it, maybe pout in his room later, but when he has someone to impress? Aka MC? How is he supposed to keep cool? The words always got to him and damn, he KNOWS he’s not the brightest star in the sky, okay?! Not everyone can be as smart as Satan, c’mon! But at the same time… it’s so, so exhausting and hurtful to constantly hear it. Yes, he knows there’s things he needs to fix, but habits are so hard to break. Having everyone around him yell instead of helping him isn’t doing any good, either. Of course he would break… At this point, it was just a matter of time.
He doesn’t hate Mammon, far from it actually, but he wouldn’t consider him his favorite brother, either. Seeing Mammon break would, however, bring a lot of guilt to light and he suddenly finds himself sad along with the 2nd eldest. Yes, he knows that he doesn’t have a right to feel sad over this, but it’s hard because it just reinstates that he truly is nothing more than useless and stupid. Maybe even more stupid than Mammon. He wouldn’t outright go to Mammon to apologize, either, and only when he has had enough of his self-wallowing pitiness would he go and seek out his second oldest brother, mumbling an apology and inviting Mammon to hang with him. Maybe, just maybe, he would even let Mammon win at a few games. 
His first reaction to Mammon breaking is… laughter. As a matter of fact, he and Belphie would most likely be the ones who add tears to the already streaming waterfall. It’s only hours later when he realizes that Mammon was truly, really breaking when he makes an effort to reconcile. Then the guilt hits him like a ton of bricks and honestly… if it weren’t for Mammon, he wouldn’t have half the thirst for knowledge he has today. Satan always told himself that being smart, being intelligent, was a necessity, but truthfully he just feared being played, especially being played by someone like Mammon. The second eldest does have issues that need to be fixed, no doubt about that, but they shouldn’t have taken it this far. He does go and apologize, even going as far as to planning a brotherly make-up dinner where Mammon gets to choose, but he knows Mammon would take advantage if he was shown too much kindness, so that’s where it stops. 
Truthfully, he tries to steer away from Mammon as much as possible, unless it benefits him in some way, shape, or form. Parties? Modeling? Mammon is the best one to go to for that, but actual, deep conversations that make one pour their heart out? Not really. Still, he does feel extremely bad that it has come to this point. They’re brothers, after all, and the last thing he wants is for Mammon to do something truly dumb. He does give a verbal apology and he even pampers Mammon for a die, offering an open ear and his shoulder, if he so wishes to use it. 
He’s one of the lesser culprits. Sure he has said his fair share of things, but more often than not, besides Lucifer, Mammon usually would come to him if anything was up. Crazy, right? To now be part of this endless batter, makes Beel quite sad. After all, he’s the one who would like for all of his brothers to get along and for them to be a real family. He wishes they were closer, although they’re already extremely close. Less of the fights… less of the accusations… more love. So he also verbally apologizes to Mammon and offers to listen. Hell, he even shares his favorite snacks with the guy, but he’s also the one giving Mammon a reality check. Some things he does deserve and as long as everyone’s on the same page and actively working toward a better future, Beel doesn’t see any problems
Like mentioned before, him and Satan are most likely to continue the mocking and teasing long after the guy breaks down. In all honesty, Belphie feels little to no remorse at first and, if anything, thinks Mammon has no damn spine to be reacting that way. He’s also most likely to be the one that says “if Mammon wasn’t so stupid to begin with….” and it’s not until Beel gives him a scolding that he realizes what he said is unacceptable. He doesn’t even hate Mammon. He hates Mammon’s constant lying and idiocy. Much like Lucifer, he can’t bring himself to verbalize this apology, though, and he instead just tries to forget it while also doing small acts of kindness for the demon. By small he means he transferred some money onto Goldie. You’re welcome. 
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
The Raven Haired Rebel
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: After invading New York, it was decided that, as a punishment, Loki would work for SHIELD. Yeah, right. After escaping from their custody and stranded on Midgard, the God of Mischief decides to prove he’s the one thing no one ever thought he was: the good guy. Now a vigilante, Loki attempts to make amends for his past wrongdoings while also evading the Avengers, including their newest member. You. Brought in specially for the case, you notice more and more details about the prince’s story don’t add up. When you get the chance to turn him in, will you listen to your employers or your heart that believes Loki’s done nothing wrong? Chapter Summary: In which Loki decides to forge his own path. Chapter Warnings: none :) A/N: Welcome to the start of my new mini series! The idea came from the Send Me a Fic Title ask game. This was a title sent in by @lokistan​! Hope you enjoy!
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8 @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan​ @lowkeyorlokificrecs​ @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​ @castiels-majestic-wings​ @kozkaboi​ @cozy-the-overlord​ @birdgirl90​ @myraiswack​ @mythicalgarlicknot​ @what-a-flammable-heart​ @marvelouslovely​ @laurenandloki​ @fallinallinmendes​ @sophlubbwriting​ @mooncat163​ 
RHR Tag List: @happygalaxymilkshake​ @electroma89​ @stardust-walker​ @i-would-kneel-for-loki​
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Loki wondered what his cell on Asgard would look like, for surely he’d be transferred there any day now. For three days now, he’d been held in the belly of a SHIELD base in these ridiculous cuffs. Tony had, at least, sent down that drink Loki had asked for. Whether it was a taunt or a small bit of kindness, Loki honestly wasn’t sure. Either way, he’d downed it in one gulp; Midgardian alcohol never having a strong effect on him. Honestly, he probably should have been concerned if it was poisoned or not. Then again, after everything he’d been through, what did he care?
“Brother,” Loki greeted Thor as he walked into view. “How lovely of you to finally grace me with your presence. Though I take it this is not a leisure visit, hm?”
“You know full well it is not,” the God of Thunder replied with a stern tone.
“And here I was so hoping we could catch up.”
“If you want to talk, then talk, Loki. Explain yourself. What has transpired that you have attacked so many innocent people in this way?”
Loki wanted to laugh at that. Innocent? Who was Thor to talk of innocent with all the unrighteous battles he’d fought, all the blood spilled by his hands? The God of Mischief had done what? Attacked a military base? Made a few people kneel? Corralled a few groups into buildings? Which really was for the own safety so they wouldn’t be in the way of the battles on the streets. But no; conquest was apparently only just when Odin decided to do it. When Thor wanted to follow in his footsteps. But for Loki, there was a whole other set of rules. Of course, no one ever bothered to outline them for the trickster, just let him know he failed to obey them.
Besides, he hadn’t been in his right mind. Rather, he’d been under the mind stone’s influence, under Thanos’s control. He worked his jaw as he tried to figure out whether to say that or not. If he had any sense of self preservation, he probably would have. Yet after living his whole life being told he was weak, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Whether Asgardian culture, his family, or he himself were to blame for that, he wasn’t sure. Still, best just to stick with his wit.
“Pardon, brother,” Loki finally replied. “If it bothers you that much, I will stop following your example.”
“You dare insinuate I would do such a thing?” Thor rhetorically asked, appalled and shocked now that his honor was called into question. “Truly, brother, your mind is far more twisted than I had imagined. I see now I should not have advocated for you; you are too far gone. And yet, I already have, so your second chance you shall have.”
“How benevolent,” Loki rolled his eyes.
In reality, Loki was actually kind of touched Thor had spoken on his behalf. It was more than he expected from the blonde. Though, he had a feeling he hadn’t been spoken of in the most flattering light. Regardless, Thor opened his cell and, accompanied by a couple agents, led him to the upper floors of of the base.
The light blinded Loki for a minute as he saw sunlight for the first time since he’d been locked up. The glares passing agents gave him did significantly less to burn him, though. He was used to scorn. Of course, he did feel a wave of regret as he realized he’d probably killed some of their colleagues, their friends. Even if he didn’t have control of himself, he’d still done it. Why did he have to be so weak as to let Thanos gain control of his mind, he wondered? Such horrid deeds had never been in his nature before, though it seemed Thor was ready to believe he’d been evil all along.
The brothers were silent the whole way to Fury’s office, even as they waited for the director to come in. From his seat in front of the desk, Loki surveyed the office. Nice enough, he mused, but could use some more color. Maybe some drapes. Loki wondered if he should laugh that that’s what he was thinking. Though, in all honesty, it might be a chuckle of relief, knowing that his thoughts were finally his own again.
When the director did finally walk in, he and Loki just eyed each other for a moment, sizing the other up. Loki was fairly confident he could get out of this room, out of this base, if he really wanted to. But what was even the point? He wasn’t particularly interested in playing a game of cat and mouse, as SHIELD would try desperately to recover him. No, he’d rather take whatever punishment was about to be doled out. At least for now, anyway.
“Well, thank you for having me,” Loki quipped, being the first to break the silence. “I am afraid I have never been much good at small talk, though. How about that weather?”
“Funny,” Fury deadpanned. “Glad you didn’t lose your sense of humor when you killed my men.”
Loki’s smile faltered ever so slightly. It seemed like people were going to keep bringing that up despite that it had not even been his intention to kill anyone. Injure and temporarily dispose of, sure, but not kill. He supposed that having been on the verge of collapse himself, he wasn’t able to be as precise as he usually was.
“That little stunt you pulled should have you locked up for life,” Fury continued before Loki could respond. “However, we are prepared to offer you a deal. You are going to work for SHIELD to make up for your crimes.”
“Ah. I see. So gracious of you. And my other options are?”
“You come with me back to Asgard,” Thor chimed in, “and father can do whatever he wants with you.”
Well, that created three possible paths, really, Loki figured. Be sent to Asgard and locked up there was option one. Then the second was to be sent back and killed. Was it bad he kind of hoped for the latter? Oh, it definitely was. Yet, that’s how he felt. And then he could stay here, play along until the opportunity came to break free. Live his life as he wanted for once.
“Alright,” Loki agreed with a smile that he was sure would be seen as more untrustworthy than anything else. “When do I begin?”
A week of tedious lectures later, Loki was out in the field. He’d listened with rapt attention as he’d undergone his brief training. And somehow they deemed him trustworthy enough to send on a mission already. So, here he was in a Quinjet with his fellow agents. Maybe they didn’t entirely trust him. After all, Clint kept eyeing him with something akin to murder in his gaze.
Still, once they touched down, Loki followed the procedures he’d been taught. Thankfully, they hadn’t trusted him with any of the more important jobs, just securing the perimeter. That, of course, was a mistake on their part. As soon as it was time to break apart from the others, Loki created a double of himself. Meanwhile, he causally strutted over to a nearby motorcycle. Ok, he had to admit he didn’t really know how to ride one, but he’d make do.
Loki’s drive was surprisingly smooth as he escaped his would-be employers. The joke was on them for trying to tie him down, he thought. It was actually rather freeing to be racing along the open road, wind in his raven-black hair. Maybe he could find a nice little secluded home somewhere and live the rest of his days out in peace. And then he saw a burning building. Really, he should just keep going. You Midgardians had forces to deal with this. And yet, something made him pull over and rush inside, saving those he found trapped by the flames.
“I can never thank you enough,” a lady blubbered as she clung to her child, who Loki had just saved. “Please, what’s your name? How can I repay you?”
“You can call me, Loki,” he replied with a charming grin. “And really, no thanks necessary. It is just what I do.”
And as he rode off again, Loki decided he was going to make that last statement true. Look out, Midgard, he thought to himself. Looks like you have got yourself a new superhero.
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stardust-kenobi · 4 years
Din Djarin x reader
Summary: You had been traveling with the Mandalorian for weeks now. He’d saved your life, inevitably creating a stronger bond between the two of you. One evening, Din opens up to you.
Warnings: just fluff (“no smut?” yes! I am just as surprised as you are), Din being starved of affection
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: In this fic, the child is not with him (don’t kill me). this has not been proofread yet, might be some grammatical errors.
I have requests sitting in my inbox and I’m so sorry for pushing them to the side right now but I got hella inspired to write for mando and could not wait. I’ll get to them soon I promise 💕
gif is not mine
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He saved you.
Three weeks ago, he broke his metaphorical tough exterior shell and saved you from an impeding doom.
He didn’t have to, in fact it was probably easier for him to leave you there, but he placed himself in that same danger to rescue you.
You were standing there, suddenly surrounded by troopers, some with artillery questionably beyond his defense capabilities. Mando had escaped, he was fleeing successfully, but he returned when he realized you weren’t with him anymore. 
Never had you seen a human being destroy so many armed enemies so swiftly in the realization that he may lose you without even a single scratch upon your skin. Prior to this occurrence, you didn’t believe he cared about you at all. You were just temporarily valuable to him.
You joined him on his adventures after meeting him in the cantina on Sorgan, with the promise to present him with information on a bounty if he provided you shelter from people who wanted to harm you. You told him it was complicated, and you couldn’t go into detail about the situation. He was reluctant, and even told you no initially. You weren’t sure if it was the motive to collect the bounty money or his secretly warm heart that changed his mind, but you were thankful nonetheless.
After your rescue, you gave him the information he sought, he captured his target and gathered his reward, but still, three weeks later, you remain a passenger of the Razor Crest, and he hasn’t insisted that you leave him. 
After it happened, there was a lot of silence between you two. Gradually, though, he spoke to you more. To your surprise, he initiated most of the conversations. He wanted to know about you. Unfortunately, your past created a wall, a barrier, between you and anyone who tried to get too close. You bonded with him slowly, and you were appreciative of his company. Against your strong intentions, you were starting to have romantic feelings for him. Feelings you had tried to ignore for the sake of having your heart inevitably broken in time. Feelings for a man you’d never even truly seen with your own eyes. Somehow, though, the mysterious nature of the Mandalorian was all the more interesting to you.
He was lonely, living in the vast galaxy all alone. No matter someone’s lifestyle, surely that becomes hard after some time. You wonder if his loneliness drove him toward you. He was kind, that much was obvious, but even with his warmth, he seemed to block himself off from you as well. You’d call him a friend, or an acquaintance at the very least. The new feeling of being able to trust him with your life added a thick layer of depth to your friendship.
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Tonight, both of you were rested opposite to each other around a crackling fire located in the distant forests of the lusciously green moon of Endor. The air was thin, and a slight breeze sent chills down your exposed arms every now and then. Mando wanted to stop here as peaceful place to rest for the night rather than sleeping on the Crest again. A change of scenery is certainly nice, you thought.
“Its quieter here than I imagined” you break the silence. 
“Wasn’t always quiet here” he mumbles, looking up at the stars beginning to peak into the evening sky.
“That is true...” you agree, remembering the events that took place here only a few short years ago in the days of the Empire.
Mando brewed some tea on the fire. You’d both grown to enjoy the soothing heat of the tea before you went to sleep.
“Do you want some?” he called out to you, pouring a cup for himself in the process.
“Yes, please”
You walked over to him, the fire warming the skin on your arms as you passed it. You attempt to look him in the eyes, only to be met with the reflection of the small flames staring back in the shine of his helmet. You smile softly, still aware that he could see into your eyes.
“Thank you” you nodded to him, accepting the mug from his gloved hands. As you move to return to your seat across the fire, a leather encased hand wrapped around the small of your wrist and pulled lightly toward him.
“Stay, please” he gently pleads. You were surprised, he’d never been so forward before.
“Okay” you responded, turning back toward him.
“I need....someone” he released his hold, spilling his words out uncomfortably.
“I’ll stay here, I don’t mind” you comfort him, noticing in his tone and shifting body language how shy he was becoming. You sat next to him, your knee barely brushing against his.
“Thank you” he spoke quietly, dropping his head.
“Are you okay, Din?” You asked, uttering his name out loud to him for the first time since he’d told you his real name. He looked toward you again, likely warmed and charmed by hearing you address him correctly.
“Yes. I’m okay. I’m just..” he started. It was obvious he was struggling with his words.
“Lonely?” You filled in his sentence for him. He audibly exhaled, indicating that you hit the nail on the head with your assumption.
“I guess you could say that” he mumbled.
“Din, I’m always with you” you consoled him.
“I know. Sometimes I just need more than that” he said sadly. You knew he didn’t mean sexually. You knew he wasn’t implying that he wanted you to give him anything.
“I know what you mean” you admitted.
“You do?” his tone was hopeful.
“Yeah...sometimes you just need the touch of another human being” you said, moving your hips- toward him. You were as close to his body as you could be.
“Sure” he agreed immediately, thankful that you formed the words for him.
“Have you always been alone, Din?” 
“Not always, there were more of my kind that I was close to, years ago” 
You dared not question what happened to those people as you were certain it would upset him.
“I thought, after what I’ve been through, that maybe I wanted to be alone” You began. “But, its growing old and I’m growing lonelier”
“You’ve probably wondered why I’ve let you stay with me this long”
“Everyday, I wonder why...every single day”
“You’ve grown on me, y/n” He said after moments of silence. “I care too much about you now to leave you in danger. I realize that may be overstepping some boundaries” he was gentle in his words. A smile was plastered onto your face. Never had the Mandalorian dug so deep into his feelings for you.
“I care about you, too” you reciprocated the gesture. He snapped his attention to you, certainly not expecting this from you either.
“Its not something I’m used to. Being cared about” he said, looking down to the forest floor again.
Your heart was shattered at the sound of his confession. This gentle giant was deprived of affection and was turning to you for comfort.
“You are just as deserving of love as any other being in this galaxy” you blurted suddenly. You realized the weight of your words, and you worried none for how he’d respond.
He was without words and you expected no response.
“That’s...that’s kind of you, y/n” he says. You could hear the blushing smile he possessed.
You planted your palm on top of his hand that rested upon his knee. You slowly, and hesitantly, leaned your head onto his shoulder. The beskar shoulder plates made it uncomfortable against your skull, but it was the best effort you could make in the moment. His body shifted, noticeably unaware of how to react to you.
“I know we are still getting to know each other, but, I’m here for you” you said.
Din was silent. But after a deep breath, his hand pulled itself away. You were worried you’d made him uncomfortable, but it was quite the contrary. His other gloved hand gripped the tip of the middle finger and pulled the thick covering from his hand. For the first time since you’d met this man, you were seeing his bare skin. Internally, you gasped, but you were inaudible to him in response.
As your palm lay flat on his lower thigh, you watch him lower his newly exposed hand move to lay atop of yours. The warmth collected on the surface of his skin from being encased in the glove immediately transferred heat your frigidly chilled hand.
“You’re so cold” he sweetly states the obvious.
“I’m okay”
“You need to get warm” he says, wrapping his fingers around your hand and squeezing lightly. Your heart fluttered.
“I feel warmer sitting next to you” you reassured him. This was true, as the heat from the fire stored itself in his armor at a quicker rate than that of your skin.
“You can get closer, if you want”
You did just that, and removed what little space remained between you and him. You looked up at him, wishing so badly that you’d be able to kiss him. You knew the impossibility of doing so.
“Your cheeks are red” Din said with concern. He released your hand and slowly raised it to meet your cold cheek. There was not only another transfer of warmth from his skin to yours, there was a spark of electricity that felt so deeply intimate. You leaned your face into his hold, and closed your eyes with the feeling of affection he offered.
You opened your eyes again, to see him intently staring, or so it seemed. You wrapped your hand around his wrist, encouraging him to continue his touch against you.
“I wish I could be even closer to you” you muttered. Speaking partially against his palm. You respected his culture but wanted nothing more than to really feel him.
“Can I trust you?” He spoke at a whisper. Your mind wandered. What could he mean?
“Of course. You’ve saved my life. The least I could be is trustworthy to you”
“Can I kiss you?” He inquired. Your heart began to beat rapidly in eager anticipation.
“How would y-” you began, knowing it wasn’t allowed for you to see his face.. He already knew the end of your sentence.
“Close your eyes, cyar’ika” he said sweetly. You didn’t know what that word meant, but with his tone, you assumed it meant something kind. “As long as you don’t see me, it’s okay”
You did as he asked, nonverbally giving him permission to kiss you. You heard the beskar unlatch and be lifted from his head. You breathed in sharply and slowly released your lung’s capacity.
“Keep them closed” his voice, now not muffled by his helmet, was such a wonderful sound. It graced your ears so raw, and so close to you. You’d always imagined what he sounded like without the thickness of his helmet blocking his mouth, but actually hearing it was breathtaking to you.
His hand returned to your face to cup your cheek. You felt him move closer to you without saying a word.
Suddenly, his lips delicately crashed into yours, and you form your lips into him. Your mouths were fused and still for a few moments, just taking each other in. You were able to finally smell him. He gave off an aroma of cedar that mimicked the scents of the luscious forest trees mixed with a deep masculine scent. You absorbed the presence you could observe of him without the sense of sight.
His lips were surprisingly soft and supple as they pressed into yours. He was gentle, and by the sharp breath he took, it was obvious he had not kissed anyone in a long time. If ever. You were both enthralled in one another’s affection. Neither of you expected this contact when you first sat around the fire. Slowly, you both rotated your lips in sync together, as if you’d both rehearsed it.
After what felt like a lifetime of connection to Din, you both made the decision to pull away. He breathed out in a giggle. The type that you hear when someone is overwhelmed with passion. Your eyes remained closed until he couldn’t put his helmet back in.
As you hear it latch back, you still wait for his confirmation.
“You can open your eyes now”
And he looked the same as he did the last time your eyelids were open. You tried to wipe the uncontrollable smile off of your face, but that effort alone made it more noticeable.
“Thank you for trusting me” you broke the silence. He grabbed your hand again, and lightly squeezed as he did before.
“Y/n” he called to you.
You looked to him.
“I don’t want to be lonely anymore” he said plainly.
“You don’t have to be, Din” you promised him.
“That’s why I never asked you to leave” he started “You make me feel whole...I don’t know how else to say it” he spilled out. It was clear that he was hesitant to say these things and be so forward, but it also seemed to be a relief to him.
“I’d love to stay with you. Wherever you go, I’ll go. I’ll stay until you decide you don’t want me around anymore” you said. You were both speaking at a whisper, despite being alone in the forest.
“That won’t happen” he assured you. “I can’t let you go now”
You smiled ear to ear. Your heart was full in the intimacy of your conversation. You couldn’t wait for the endless travels and adventures that the two of you would have to come.
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internalsealpanic · 3 years
What’s Wrong with Superman?
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Summary: Flyman is a really stupid name.
a/n: I got a little excited so here’s my entry for @redhoodssweetheart​ ‘s writing challenge. If you’re a fic writer, I highly recommend joining.  This is for Quotes #1 This fic is based on the Superman Man of Tomorrow movie so it may not make sense otherwise.
Warnings: Reader is a bendy person so the physical descriptions will be weird and there will be some nsfw language but nothing happens.
"What's wrong with superman?"  You ask, raising your feet up over your head and resting them against Clark's wall. The blood rushes to your head but you couldn't find the energy to care, not when the work day had you drained and aching. You're just happy to stretch your limbs and contort in angles that would loosen them. You need to convince your supervisor to transfer you to a different division.
"It's kinda..."  Clark waves his hand. "Yanno..."
Eloquent. You raise a brow at him telling him exactly what you thought about his solid argument.
"How about Flyman?" He says quickly.
"Ah yes, like the illustrious Batman but somehow worse." You say, turning onto your belly and nearly knocking over the things on Clark's bedside table. You shrug innocently. You shift, putting your feet over your shoulders as you think. "How about uuuuuh Captain Barbel?"
"Cus the guy could chuck them at people real easy." You answer simply. Clark really can't tell whether it was your excessive fidgeting or your monumental leap in logic that entertained him more.
He snorts, "That sounds like a dumb gimmick."
"So is being called Flyman." You huff.
"Careful, you're gonna hurt my feelings." Clark huffs in return, shaking his head as he grabs your favorite mug and one for himself. He has no idea how this specific mug was lucky but he's learned not to question a scientist's superstitions. Though he suspected it had less to do with actual superstition rather that you didn't want to admit that you just found the little cow-shaped mug adorable. He'll have time to tease you about it later. For now, he had to figure out this conundrum.
"If I was concerned about that, I would have pronounced Kansas properly by now." You say, sitting up to face him properly.
"What would you call him? Seriously." Clark says, resting against the kitchen counter. He's watching you with a hint of fond frustration. His leg bounces against the floor, fingers tapping on the linoleum countertop.
"Hmmmm," You purse your lips and lean forward- elbows on your lap, fingers laced together, and chin resting on your hands.  "Wonder Man?"
Clark's handsome face breaks into an incredulous smile. "Pfft, you’re joking right?"
"I have never made a joke in my life." You grin, taking the cup of coffee from Clark and scooting over to make room for him. You shrug. "There is a reason I'm not in advertising but seriously I think you should just go with superman."
"And give Lois the satisfaction?" Clark asks over the rim of his mug. He raises his brow.
"Think about it."
"Rather not."
You push on, ignoring him."If you popularize it, guess who gets the credit?"
"Are you telling me to steal?" Clark gapes at you and the mischievous glint and his blue eyes make laughter bubble in your chest.
You blow out a breath into the neck of your sweater. Well, his sweater up until 2 months ago. "Nope. You're the one interpreting it that way."
"Your boss is rubbing off on you."
"Oh, don't remind me."
"How about Captain Marvel?" He suggests, wrapping around his arm around your shoulder. You can smell the caramelized sugar in his coffee. You blanch.
"Oh. So you want a lawsuit."
"No..." A complicated expression takes over his face. His lips purse to one side as he thinks. You wait patiently for his answer, snuggling up to his side.   "How's it working at star labs by the way?" He says finally and you just had to love the clumsy way Clark tries to redirect conversations. He needs to get better at that if he wants to be a reporter. Then again, he's never failed to get an answer out of you with the earnest look in his eyes.
"I'm supposed to be in the engineering division, yeah?"
He nods before resting his face in your hair.
"Yeah, yeah. Him. Blegh." You wrinkle your nose and stick out your tongue, waving your hand in the air as if to shoo a thought away.
"But they stuck me with checking on that asshole biker wannabe..." You sigh.
"Lobo?" He asks, his voice rising a bit. Clark's grip in the mug tightens a bit but he has enough presence of mind not to break the mug.
"Well, did he say anything?" Clark asks, adjusting his glasses.
You squint. "My name isn't going on the paper."
"It won't." He says flat and steady. And you know you can trust him because, well, it's Clark.
You give him a crooked smile. "Nothing useful really. How much patience do you have for shitty pick up lines?"
Clark stiffens. "He was hitting on you?" He squares his shoulders. You see his jaw tighten and you think you can hear him grind his teeth. God, he's cute when he gets like this.
"He was hitting on anything with two legs."
And he was. Well, not really. You honestly couldn't really tell what his category for this thing was but you're pretty sure Clark doesn't care. He seems to care more about the fact that Lobo was hitting on you judging from the way he's borderline pulling you into his lap. You, frankly, were more concerned about what weird category you fit in to catch his eye.
"Maybe if I go with you next time..."
"You're cute Clark but I'm not sneaking you in there for a story." You pat his cheek.  Clark pouts at you. You try your best not to squeal at how cute he is. You fail.
"Let me come in with you." He presses.
"Honestly, it’s fiiiiiiiiiiine. Nothing I can’t handle."
He still looks unconvinced.
Clark buries his face deeper into your hair. "Hmmmmm, he sounds like an a- a jerk." He grumbles into your hair. You will get Clark to swear at some point.
You're extremely amused by Clark's behavior.  You wrap an arm around him. "Clark, he is quite literally contained in a cage I helped design. He is not getting out."
"Should I tell him I have a boyfriend and show him a picture of you?"
Clark's face goes ashen.  "Don't tell me you've done that before." That would explain so much.
"Then I won't." You laugh. That sound sends butterflies fluttering in his stomach no matter how many times he's heard it.
"I’d still feel better if I could come with you." He sigh. You would be lying if you said that you wouldn't feel better with Clark accompanying you. Sure, he wasn't Heracles but Clark was no pushover contrary to the shy demeanor. But... admitting that kind of thing was... not something you're comfortable with or used to so you let it settle like the cheap coffee in your mug.
"It’s really not necessary."  And Clark knows from the frequency of your heartbeat that you're lying. He knows you well enough to let it go. You kiss his cheek.  "But thank you, you’re disgustingly sweet."
You kiss him again. "Sides, I think he's just bored." Your eyes brighten, a memory resurfacing. Clark watches with interest, knowing there's a 50-50 chance that it's something like the material of Lobo's shoe. "Get this he says that superman guy is a kryptonian. Sadly, when I asked him the typical anthropology question he made farting noises." You tilt your head. "Well, he did say they were a good lay and... well the super guy was hung."
Red blooms on Clark's cheeks as he sputters out a response. You squish his face with your hands. You love messing with Clark way too much. You really should feel bad that look on Clark's face was priceless.
"Oh relax Clark, we both know my type is small town dork and not man from the moon." You giggle.
Clark kind of hates you sometimes.  He hates how easily you throw him off balance. Clark rights himself but he can't quite get rid of the blush dusting his cheeks. "Did he say anything else?" He asks, face still squished.
Unable to stop your giggling, you put your hands away. "Well, he called our mystery streaker a pretty boy."
"Very relevant."
"Yanno..." You drawl, taking Clark's glasses off. "yanno if you push that hair out of your face you'd look pretty good too."
Clark swats your hand away. You pout at him.
He looks at you wearily. "I like my hair how it is." He mumbles, fiddling with it.
"I'm not gonna cut it you dork. I just want proof that you have a forehead." You say, brushing some of his hair out of his face. Clark really does scream handsome when given the chance.
There's a flicker of recognition in the back of your mind that has your pulse quickening. Clark can already see the pieces falling into place, your mind whirring to get the answer.
His mind sprints to keep up and counteract the flow of your thoughts. Clark leans forward and kisses you softly. Without needing to open his eyes, he knows your mind is short-circuiting. Affection was a sure-fire way to get your mind to slow down. It was dumb but you really should be allowed to be dumb sometimes. Especially now when Clark isn't exactly sure how your feel about the mystery streaker.
You laugh your easy chirpy laugh sure but that didn't guarantee you were on board with an alien of all things. He wasn't even sure if you would think of him as any more than a test subject. No, he knew you too well to think that but there's still some part of him that isn't entirely sure and it scares him.
"Behave," he says, his face in a grin. The expression lights up his face. The smug satisfaction of finally catching you wrong-footed fills up Clark's features and shapes them into something borderline evil. "Tell me more about Lobo and his ramblings."
You shake your head. You mumble some version of “I always behave”.  You know Clark's hiding something from you. You can see it in the delicate way he's looking at you. You purse your lips deciding whether this is a good time to push but in the end, you decide to let him keep his secrets for now. If Clark of all people has a reason to keep a secret then it must be important. You brush your lips against his before laying your offer on the table. "A kiss per story."
Clark stares at you. "I can live with that." Clark huffs, adjusting his glasses.
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Manyang Meta
Or Something.
Because I have feelings about Manyang. And while I have discussed those feelings in the one Beyond Evil Fic I´ve written so far I feel the need to put them down here as well.
And I best start discussing those feelings by involving a town that is not called Manyang, that is not even located in South Korea. The town I am talking about is located in Germany, and my gradparents live there, my mother grew up there, even I lived there for a while.
The shopping district of the town in question is half empty, because people buy online, or take their cars to go to nearby, bigger, towns. By now, even the stores selling neccessities are closing down. If you´re looking for an appartment, well, tough luck, because while half the town seems to stand empty, all those empty flats are owned by one guy, who´s just keeping them empty for tax reasons.
In county of the town in question, two hospitals have closed in the last three years. Covid deaths are twice as bad as they are in the surrounding areas. Even my Eighty-something grandpa went out on the streets demonstrating agaist the closure of the local hospital. At least during the second demonstration. As, (you see,) the first demo was organised via Facebook and the people who live in the town are, for the most part at least, way to old to have Facebook. The second demo was much better, it was coordinated via the local message boards and churches. The hospital closed anyway. Meanwhile the government is investing in the medical infrastructure of the worst medically connected county around: It´s the next one over.
(I could go on...)
That´s why I have feeling for Manyang, as a city.
Because in 2000 it was inhabited, alive. Now, twenty years later, most of the younger generation has left for Seoul as the camera pans over empty buildings. There is no more bustle on the streets. The government is rather investing into the nearby Munju, than in little Manyang, which has only the one grocery store  (that has a proper selection) left, and then even that closes down. The place where the Live-Cafe shut down and the Deer farm lies abandoned. Where the police is requesting for back-up for their Sub-station and gets ignored for over a year, and that´s before half the local police force either die, quit, transfer away or are arrested. That place where Lee Chang Jin is the only person crazy enough to try and buy real estate. And he fails. Even in the epiloge we see one more  empty room, once occupied, but now falling into disrepair, like so many others. And nobody is bothering to buy them up and repurpose them. Which sadly is, what happens to small towns like these.
So in fanfics that present it like everything turned out alright for little Manyang, where investors bought up the empty properties and the Manyang substation is fully staffed with new transfers and the town is not dying, I have to think:
“...If only... “
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isolemnlyswear · 4 years
hey! i just read one of your sirius fics and it was so adorable- like- super cute-
newayz! if you’re willing to take a request for sirius that’d be pretty cool-
i was just picturing a relatively new girl catching the marauders’ attention. she grows close to remus and they become best friends, but sirius catches her eye— thing is, he’s a fuckboy. due to his “title” , remus wants him far away from her because he doesn’t want her heart broken. obviously sirius can’t respect remus’ wishes for long..
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young!Sirius Black x fem!reader
warnings : none
taglist : @oldschoolkiddo @amourtentiaa @anchoeritic @faeinorbit @tomriddleswifey @inks-and-jinx @blacksbooksx @punkrific @truly-insatiable @cedricsbrowncurls
You sighed, setting your books down on the desk as you slumped into your seat, adjusting your rather uncomfortable robes. They aren't as comfortable as the Ilvermorny ones, and the Gryffindor - at least you think that what your house is called - red is terribly garish. You’d get used to it, supposedly.
You surveyed the classroom, careful y/e/c eyes observing the nature of your classmates. One, in particular, caught your eye. A strikingly handsome boy, with longer raven-colored hair and silver eyes with a mischievous glint in them, leaning back in his chair nonchalantly.
You made a mental note to ask around about him; you saw his red tie, so you assumed he's in the same house as you, too. Not that you knew who exactly you'd ask - this was your first class, of your first day, of your first semester ever after transferring from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts.
The class period mulled on, with nothing particularly interesting happening, so your eyes were glued on the dark-haired boy, who was now talking wildly to a friend with light brown hair, who looked incredibly friendly as he smiled with a laugh at the boy. You'd have to ask about him, too.
Then, you had a free period. The bell rang, and you meandered out the door, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
The funny thing was, you had precisely no clue where you were going. Where did people go in their free periods here? You'd heard about a common room, even though you’d floo’d here and gotten sorted privately early this morning, you still had no clue how to get there. The password was Shrew, you knew that much, but how to get in was another question.
So you simply made your way around the school, hoping someone would see your lost expression, and someone did.
“Are you lost?” a voice asked, and you turned around to see the boy with light brown hair that you'd noticed in class.
“Yeah,” you breathed a sigh of relief. “I am, I'm looking for the- the Gryffindor common room? I don't-”
“Ah, you're the new girl?” he said, and in most circumstances, the words would've felt condescending, but his were genuine, kind.
“C’mon, I'll show you. I'm Remus, by the way, Remus Lupin.” he said, smiling at you.
“Well, Remus, it's lovely to meet you. I'm Y/N L/N.”
A week later, you'd spent most - if not all - of your time with Remus, but he’d been yet to introduce you to the rest of his friends, including the dark-haired one you couldn't keep your eyes off of.
“Remus?” you inquired, bathing in the (albeit small amount of) sun near the black lake, where Remus sat beside you, reading a book. You turned onto your side, looking up at him. “What’s with your friends?” you said bluntly, figuring it was better to be straight-forward than avoid it for too long.
“What about them?” he replied, putting down his book.
“Why can't I meet them?”
“I never said you couldn't meet them,” he replied with a chuckle. “I just didn't want you to meet them.”
“W-what? But- I swear I'll be nice, I don't have to if you're ashamed of me or something but-”
“No, no, s’definitely not a you problem.”
“Him.” he replied, scowling.
“Which one?”
“The one you stare at all the time. Sirius,” Remus said, causing a fierce blush to bleed across the apples of your cheeks.
“Y-you see that?” you said quietly, wincing. “Don't answer that. Why?”
“Because he's a - mind my language - a fuckboy. He toys with girls like they mean nothing, and then leaves them with a broken heart. I see the way you look at him. He’ll do exactly the same to you, if you let him, and I know you would - and I don't blame you - unless I step in. So I told him to steer clear of you, alright?”
By the time he finished speaking, you were scowling, and an internal battle raged in your mind and in your heart. You wanted Remus to let you at least speak to the boy, but you also didn't want to be toyed with. Eventually, you came to the conclusion that Sirius couldn't be as bad as Remus said, but still obeyed his wishes.
That is, until one day, about a month later, as you walked through the halls in yet another free period.
You were looking down at your notebook, and in your concentration, you ran smack into a wall.
“Shit,” you muttered, stumbling back a bit.
“Are you...?” the wall - not a wall, you realized - said.
Not a wall, no. But you wished it would've been something as innocent as some bricks, alas, you’d ran into the chest of Sirius Black.
“Am I?” you questioned, internally cringing at your idiotic response, but Sirius didn't even laugh.
“You're Y/N.” he said simply, and it looked as if he was biting back a smile.
“I am,” you replied, smiling at him. “And you're Sirius. The one I'm supposed to avoid.” you added, wanting your body to move, to push past him and leave, but you were rooted in place.
“How mysterious,” the boy said with a smirk, running a hand through his ebony hair.
“Is that so?”
“Mhm. Adds a little... Intrigue,”
“Does it, now?” you said, cursing yourself for your flirtatious replies when you should be running away, back to Remus, to respect his concerns. But you couldn't stop; they just came out.
“Well, Y/N, you are a Gryffindor. And I’d say an honorary marauder,” he paused, “What do you say to a little... rule-breaking?”
“I like rule-breaking,” you breathed, enraptured by the glint in the boy’s silver eyes. Sirius seemed satisfied with that response, and your breath hitched in your throat as he leaned in to your ear.
“So it's settled, then,” he whispered, voice low and husky. You could feel his breath on your neck, and it sent shivers down your spine.
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starshine583 · 4 years
New Girl on the Block (2)
(So there are Journal Entries that are supposed to go with these fics, but I’ll admit they’re not as details haha. It’s up to you if you wanna read them or not, but please enjoy this chapter either way!)
Ch.1 / Ch.3
Chapter 2: Looming Support
Marinette bustled down the last few steps to the bakery and made a mad dash for the door. She should arrive at Rosemary right on time- for once in her life -but Felix was supposed to be meeting her there since they shared their first class together, and his demeanor gave her the impression that he preferred to get to class early instead of right on time. 
“Oh- don’t forget you’re croissants for lunch!” Sabine called after her, causing Marinette to screech to a halt.
“Right, right, thanks Maman.” She replied hastily, nearly yanking the paper bag from Sabine’s hands.
“Careful with those! They’re fresh!” Sabine warned. 
Marinette only nodded, as it was the only thing she had time to do, and ripped open the bakery door. The school was now five blocks away instead of two, but if she started running-
All thoughts of Felix and Rosemary flooded from her mind when the chipper voice of Adrien Agreste reached her ears. 
She glanced up to see her former classmate- and former crush, for that matter -stepping out of his silver car. Her first instinct was to run, but her feet refused to move, as if they were rooted to the spot from sheer panic. Why was he here? No, nevermind. She knew why he was here. The look on his face gave it all away. That easy smile paired with those stupid, pitying eyes was a look she’d seen a thousand times before. He always wore that expression when he was about to give her another lecture on why she needed to be the bigger person and let Lila figure out the error of her ways on her own.
“Marinette, I’m so glad I caught you! I tried to visit yesterday, but Mme Sabine said you weren’t home.” 
Marinette held back a smile, knowing full well that she’d been home all evening yesterday. Her mother was such a saint.
The humor didn’t last long, though, because Adrien continued, “I wanted to talk to you about your transfer? When did you decide to change schools? You didn’t even say goodbye.”
Involuntarily, she started shifting from foot to foot. Aside from the fact that merely looking at Adrien made her immensely uncomfortable, school would be starting soon. The last thing she wanted to do was cause Felix to be late if he decided to wait for her. “A-Adrien, I really need to go.” 
His smile wavered. “Maybe I can give you a ride? I really think we should talk.”
Finally regaining command over her own two feet, Marinette shuffled a step back. “No, t-that’s alright. I don’t want to trouble you.”
Adrien stepped forward. “It’s no trouble-”
“ThanksbutIreallyhavetogonowbye-” The quick farewell shot from her lips as she tore off down the sidewalk, giving him no room to argue. She knew Adrien all too well, and she knew that he would keep her there all day if it meant persuading her into his vehicle- or anywhere private -for them to “talk”. 
Marinette turned left and right, winding through the streets and back alleyways of Paris. It wasn’t the ideal detour, but she wanted to be absolutely certain that he didn't follow her. If Adrien was willing to show up at her house, she doubted that he would hesitate to show up at her school too. 
So she ran, ignoring the burning in her legs and desperately praying that Felix wouldn’t glare at her too much for the inconvenience.
Time: eight thirty-two in the morning, exactly two minutes after classes were supposed to start. 
Felix never considered being late a problem so long as it wasn’t a regular occurrence. The tardy marks that assaulted his otherwise perfect attendance, however, were a bit of a nuisance. If it had been anyone other than Marinette, he would have left as soon as the class bell resonated within these borderline cavernous halls. 
A pair of footsteps developed in the distance, faint at first. He didn’t bother turning his head until the sound grew into a loud tapping on the pavement, but what he saw surprised him. Marinette, the very girl he was waiting for, was sprinting towards him. If that wasn’t enough, she ran right past him and into the school! Granted, she spouted something in his direction as she passed, but he certainly didn’t catch it. 
Felix, despite being thoroughly confused, followed her inside, where she was now bent over and gasping for air. 
“I’m- I’m so sorry for- for being late.” She panted, briefly glancing up as she did. He noted that her gaze was focused more on the windows than him, though.
“It happens.” He murmured, curiosity prompting him to look out the windows as well. A few cars passed, but nothing out of the ordinary. What was she looking for?
“You’re not mad?” She huffed, flicking her eyes to the window again and taking a step to the right. Was she trying to hide from something? 
Felix frowned. “No, but we should get to class. Getting detention on your first day isn’t the best first impression.” 
Marinette nodded, drawing in one last breath and straightening. “Okay.. History’s first, right?” 
“Correct. They’ve already started, though, so we’ll need to be discrete.” 
She pulled a sheepish smile. “Sorry.”
He shrugged. “It’s only the first class of the day. Once the next class starts, our schedules will right themselves, and our lateness will be forgotten.” 
And it was. By the time Felix met up with the others for lunch a few hours later, Marinette was bright and cheery and not nearly as distressed as she had been that morning. He idly wondered what could have caused so much panic for her, but it wasn’t his business to ask. They’d only known each for a day, after all. If she wanted to tell him about her problems, she would.
“Ready to go, Mari?” Allegra asked, looping her arm with Marinette’s. “The restaurant is a bit far so I’m gonna have you ride with me, if you don’t mind.”
“We’re going to a restaurant?” 
“Yeah, where else would we go?” Claude replied.
A soft “oh” passed Marinette’s lips, and she looked down at the small, pink package in her hands. “I, um.. I thought we were just going to eat at the park or something, so I brought my own lunch.”
“That’s alright!” Allegra smiled. “We’ll just go to a cafe instead. I know this outdoor one a few minutes from here that has the most splendid pastries.”
“Are you sure-”
“Of course we’re sure.” Allegra insisted, waving off Marinette’s concerns as they walked outside. “This lunch is for you, after all.”
Her bluebell eyes blew wide at the information. “For me?”
“It’s our way of celebrating a new member of the group.” Allan casually explained.
“Felix didn’t get a lunch since we already have to drag him by the ankles to everything else we do.” Claude added with a smirk.
Felix rolled his eyes, though he couldn’t disagree. They really did jump through a lot of hoops to hang out with him. Why the trio went through so much trouble, he’ll never know.
Marinette, however, giggled at the knowledge and stole a glance in his direction.
Feeling as if he should acknowledge her look, he leaned towards her and murmured, “You can still run. The ‘initiation lunch’ hasn’t started yet.”
She put a hand over her mouth to stifle her increased laughter. “I think I’ll take my chances.” 
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “Suit yourself. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Fifteen minutes later, they were all climbing out of their respective cars- Marinette hopping out with Allegra -and deciding which table to steal for the half hour they had left. Claude jumped to a circular table near the edge of the street because it “had more sun”. Since no one else had a specific preference, they followed along behind him.
“We try to make it a point to have lunch together whenever we can.” Allegra said to Marinette as they sat down. “Usually, we get to have one at least once a week.”
“Felix always tries to escape, but struggle is futile when Allegra is involved.” Claude whispered to the ravenette. The fact that he had to lean all the way across the table to do so, however, caused everyone to hear it anyway.
Allegra pulled a cheeky smile, not even denying the comment. She knew how ruthless she could be when she wanted something, and it was a trait that she held in high esteem.
Marinette, once again, fell into a small fit of giggles. Felix found that he rather enjoyed hearing her laugh, which was surprising. People who laughed at every other word in a conversation usually irritated him. They were either looking for his approval or just had dreadful, snorty laughs in general. Not hers, though. Something about Marinette’s laugh reminded him of tinkling bells or pure sunshine. It almost made him want to laugh along with her. 
“How long have you all been friends?” Marinette asked curiously, resting her elbows on the table and her chin on the back of her folded hands. 
Allegra was the first to answer. “Claude, Allan, and I have been friends since childhood, but Felix was roped into joining us a little over two years ago.”
A waitress came by to take their orders for drinks and food, but after she left, Marinette continued the conversation.
“It’s cool that you all have stayed such good friends over the years. At my other school, I somehow got put in the same class of people for six years straight, but..” She trailed off, her smile fading slightly. 
“But what?” Felix prompted, ignoring the surprised look the others gave him. 
If someone had told him yesterday that he’d be asking a random girl about her troubles, he would have said they were ridiculous, or better yet, not responded at all. When it came down to it, Felix wasn’t a sensitive or compassionate person. 
And yet, here he was, asking Marinette to continue addressing her woes- and they were woes. No one looked that depressed when thinking about cherished memories. -for a simple life story. Felix wanted to know what made her tick, how she became the person she was today. He couldn’t do that with the scarce information that he currently possessed. If she was close to telling them something important, why waste the opportunity?
Marinette’s eyes met his, also holding a bit of shock.
“But..” She repeated, casting her gaze downwards and lowering her hands. “I guess being childhood friends wasn’t enough to keep us from drifting apart.”
The table fell silent. 
Even as the waitress came back with their drinks, even though Claude- who usually never shut up -was sitting right there, the table fell silent. It was one of those moments, Felix supposed, that had to be silent, to reflect on the grief that hung so heavily in Marinette’s words.
Finally, Allan put his hand on hers. “We’re here for you.” 
The statement was soft, but strong and filled with sincerity. Allegra and Claude reached forward and grabbed her hand as well, showing their shared support.
Marinette put her free hand on top of theirs, her eyes glistening with tears, but her smile warm and grateful. “Thank you.”
Although Felix didn’t partake in the handholding, he offered her a meaningful look. “I told you: once the ‘initiation lunch’ is started, you’re stuck here.” 
A choked laugh came from her, and she wiped away a single, stray tear. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
Marinette popped the last bite of her meal into her mouth and started balling up the wrappers and dirtied napkins to put them back in her lunchbox so she could throw them away later. She’d decided to wait until the others got their meals from the cafe before eating her prepared lunch, which resulted in a time crunch that required her to somewhat scarf down her food. Marinette didn’t mind it, though. Allegra moved their entire lunch date to another location in an effort to accommodate her. The least she could do was wait an extra ten or twenty minutes before eating. 
“What is that heavenly smell?” Claude asked, going so far as to stand from his seat slightly.
Marinette, who had just taken out her mother’s croissants, smiled. “Maman packed me fresh croissants from our bakery this morning.” 
“You have a bakery??” Claude asked next, rising further from his seat.
Allegra swatted at his arm. “Claude, behave yourself. We’re in public.”
The brunette sat down immediately, but his eyes remained on Marinette. Or rather, the paper bag she was holding. 
Marinette giggled. “Yes, about five blocks from Rosemary.” She then opened the bag and fished out a croissant. “Would you like to try one?”
“Absolutely!” Claude said, almost urgently, as he shot out of his seat to grab the offered food.
“Claude!” Allegra hissed.
Instantly, he sat down again, reminding Marinette of a hyperactive, yet well-trained puppy. She couldn’t help grinning at the sight.
“They’re chocolate flavored.” Marinette informed as she handed it to him. “We also have a cheese-filled one, but I don’t have any of those today.”
Claude didn’t hesitate to take a bite of the croissant, and she watched with an amused smile as his entire being seemed to melt into the chair. 
“Is it really that good?” Allegra inquired, reaching up to take a piece.
Claude jerked away, clutching the croissant to his chest as if it were a priceless heirloom. “No! She gave it to me!”
Allegra lips pressed into a thin, impatient line. “I just want one little piece.”
He shook his head. “Get your own croissant.” 
Before she could argue any further, Claude shoved the entire croissant into his mouth. 
“Claude!” Allegra cried, both annoyed and concerned at the same time.
“I have more!” Marinette rushed to say, not wanting the conflict to worsen. Thankfully, the two turned back to her. 
“Maman packed a few extras since she knew that I was eating with you guys.” She explained, taking out another croissant.
Allan put a hand to his heart jokingly. “Aw~, you talk about us?”
A light blush dusted her cheeks, and she handed Allegra the croissant. “Well, you four are definitely a memorable group.”
“We wouldn’t be fun if we weren’t.” Claude winked, taking another croissant himself. It was actually Marinette’s croissant, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. His giddiness as he bit into the breaded treat was too good to ruin. Besides, she could always snag another one when she got home.
Allan hummed with pleasure next to her. “How did you make them so fluffy?”
“Maybe you guys can come over sometime to find out.” Marinette suggested with a smile. They’d taken her to lunch, so it seemed only fitting to invite them to her house as thanks.
Claude immediately brightened. “Can we really?”
She giggled. “I don’t see why not. I’m sure Maman and Papa would even teach you how to make the croissants yourselves if you’re nice enough.”
“Girl, you just say the word. I will be the epitome of nice.”
A round of laughter spread amongst the group. As if Claude could be anything but chaotic for more than a few minutes.
“We would love to come over.” Allegra said, still holding a wry smile from Claude’s comment.
Marinette beamed. “Great! I’ll see when Maman has a free day.”
A beeping sound cut into the conversation, and Felix glanced down at his watch. “Time’s up. We need to get back to the school for our next class.”
“You have a timer?” Marinette asked, purely curious, as they all started getting up.
“Felix always has a timer.” Claude interjected.
Felix sent him a glare. “It’s a practical thing to do. If I didn’t set a timer, we would all be expelled by now for being late to class too often.”
“He has a point.” Allegra allowed, pulling her purse onto her shoulder.
Claude shot her a betrayed look. “Don’t side with him!” 
Allegra merely shrugged in response. “We’ll see you guys back at school.” 
Allegra made a small gesture between herself and Marinette. “We’re riding together, remember?”
Claude straightened. “Hey, that’s not fair! You got to ride with her on the way here.”
Allegra rose a brow. “Your point?”
Claude flailed his arms, as if it were obvious. “So it’s my turn to drive her.”
“Your turn?” Allegra scoffed. “She’s a human being, not some object to be thrown around!”
“Says the person who gets to drive her.” Claude retorted. 
Allegra narrowed her eyes. “Fine. Why don’t we let Marinette decide who she rides with?”
An involuntary squeak escaped Marinette’s lips as the two turned to her. 
“Oh, um, well-”
Felix’s sigh cut her off. “Enough. I’ll drive her.” 
Claude’s jaw dropped open.
Allegra blinked. 
Marinette just stared at him, vaguely aware of Allan smirking approvingly next to her.
“If that’s alright with you.” Felix added, breaking their stunned silence.
“O-Oh! Uh, yes. That’s fine.” Marinette replied unthinkingly. 
He nodded. “Good. Let’s get going then.”
Marinette shuffled along behind him, sparing a quick glance to Claude and Allegra. They were still staring, though Allegra now had enough sense about her to clench her jaw from displeasure. 
She managed to give them both an apologetic look before Felix led her around the corner to where his car was parked. 
He helped her in, then got in himself and ordered the driver to take them back to school. 
Felix stared out the car window as he tapped his index finger against his thigh. They were alone now. Just him and Marinette. This situation provided a million opportunities. He could ask her more questions about her old school, or her home life, or how she was enjoying the school so far. If she assumed that he was prodding, she might clam up, though. So he should probably choose one subject for the time being. Which question was most important? Which would give him the most information?
His finger started tapping faster in thought. Her old school seemed to be a touchy subject. That would be shut down quickly. She’s also extended an invitation to her house. Any questions he asked about that would be answered eventually anyway. That left her opinion of Rosemary Highschool, but that hardly reflected much of her personal life.
Felix checked his watch. They would be at the school in roughly five minutes, and there was no telling when they’d be alone again, what with Claude and Allegra running about. He had to ask something.
He stole a glance in her direction. Marinette was staring out the window as well, quietly twiddling her thumbs. He found that it was something she did often- fiddling, that is. It must be a coping mechanism for her anxiety. She practically couldn’t sit still during their first class after the mysterious scare she’d had that.. morning..
Felix cleared his throat. He knew what he wanted to ask her now. 
“Can I ask you something?” He began, hoping she wouldn’t be as annoyed by this as he himself would be.  
Marinette startled, whirling around to face him. “Sorry?”
“I wanted to ask you a question.”
“Oh.” She said, relaxing a bit. “Okay.”
Felix drew in a small breath. So far so good. “This morning, you ran into the school and avoided the windows for the first class period. I don’t mean to pry, but were you running from something?”
Panic flashed across her features, and her hands trailed up to mess with the tips of her jacket. “It’s.. it’s nothing, really... I guess you could say I didn’t leave my old school on good terms.”
Felix blinked. That’s an interesting reply. What did the relations of her old school have to do with her running from something? (Nevermind the fact that Marinette leaving anyone on ‘bad terms’ was shocking. She didn’t seem like the type to make enemies easily.)
“..Is someone stalking you?” He asked, somewhat thinking aloud. The way she ran into the school didn’t strike him as someone who was casually hiding from an awkward situation. If she left her school on bad terms, perhaps someone was trying to corner her for revenge?
She shook her head frantically. “No, no, no! Well.. technically yes, but ‘stalking’ is a strong word. He-”
“-just wants to ‘talk’.” Her expression soured at the last word, and Felix wondered what sort of things one must talk about to have her on the brink of scowling. 
“You know we don’t mind picking you up.” He offered. It’s not his policy to involve himself in personal disputes, but Allegra would have his head if he didn’t suggest some sort of support. Plus, more car rides would provide more opportunities for him to ask questions. “If you’re worried about being followed, Allegra and Claude will probably fight tooth and nail to drive you to school too.”
Marinette shook her head again. “I really appreciate it, but that’s not necessary.”
Felix watched her for a moment, not missing the way her hands started fiddling a bit more in her lap. “Well, if you ever change your mind..”
“You’ll be the first to know.” She promised with a smile. It looked a bit forced in his opinion, but he nodded nonetheless. 
Felix supposed he should feel wary towards the new student. She hadn’t mentioned why she left her old school, though she admitted she had unnamed squabbles there. That can be considered innocent, but it can also be a skillful way to avoid consequences. As far as he knew, she could be running from her victims who decided to rally against her. 
And yet, he couldn’t help being filled with this sense of morbid curiosity. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a fashionista who appears to have a big heart and a troubled past. She lives in a bakery, yet managed to attend one of the most prestigious schools in the city- possibly the country. She’s riddled with nervousness, but every step she takes tells you that she knows exactly what she’s doing. 
Who exactly is Marinette Dupain-Cheng?
Felix couldn’t wait to find out.
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