#so agere tags ->
lilzumbi · 2 months
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🩷 lisa frankenstein stimboard .ᐟ
🪩 | 👛 | 🪩 | 👛 | 🪩 | 👛 | 🪩
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smallsafespace · 5 months
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5 more stars! :0)
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🌈⛅ Skip*Hop Silver Lining Baby Toys! 🌟⛈️
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little-pup-pip · 1 month
could I request a board for a boy, 12/13 years old, no pacifier, with a kind of 2000's aesthetic, and Lego vehicle sets?
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loz-the-noob · 21 days
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Cedar’s been busy playing toys! This is a full-time job for him. Very serious.
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kiddosaurus · 10 months
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gentle little one 🧸
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cams-cozy-corner · 6 months
Cozy bedtime pictures bcus I love my new tent
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tr1xth3t1g3r · 7 months
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marblebagcollective · 4 months
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ctommy agere art (age regression is a safe for work coping mechinism if u make this weird ill make u into soup)
also a song
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griffinkid · 3 months
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Have you ever looked at your favourite stuffed animal and thought, "wow, they'd win first place in a stuffed animal show"?
Now's your chance to make that dream a reality! Enter them as a contestant and they'll win a spiffy certificate and ribbon for their achievements!
This show has an optional summer theme ☀️🕶️⛱️
The deadline for this show is Sunday the 30th of June 2024, 6pm GMT. You may submit your entries by reblogging this post, or by messaging me directly (preferred)!
Check out previous winners, prizes and the FAQ on the website!
Max 2 entries per person
Would be nice if you were following me, not required
If you enter, please reblog the post to spread the word
All types of toys (including furby, doll, fandom etc) are permitted as long as it's kid-friendly
I prefer to get entries via PM because the notification makes me less likely to miss you, but if you're very shy you can put your entry in the reblogs instead
To enter, I'll need:
A picture of your stuffed animal
Their name and pronouns
If they have an elaborate name, please also give a nickname because a long name won't always fit
A little bit about their personality (optional)
If you submit two plushies in one photo, remember to tell me which is which!
Please make sure you have your messages open/give me a way to contact you! The Office Sabertooth will send you a message when your entry is processed. This message contains the end date/time and where to pick up your prizes. I don't message prizes out individually, so it's your responsibility to keep track of this! Please be aware of timezone differences- the closing time is in GMT!
Blogs mentioned in the banner below may not enter.
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fandomregression · 1 year
Possible New AO3 Tags!!
So, I think we all know that the ao3 tag situation is...not ideal. You have basically two choices for tags: Age Regression/De-aging (which is technically meant for physically regressed/de-aged characters, not agere) or Non-sexual Age Play (which is...the wrong thing). Both of these tags are inaccurate for our community, but we have used them because its as close as we can get. It's even gotten to the point where Age Regression/De-aging has wrangled everything under the sun for agere (agere, age regression, regression, and every tag we make complaining about our tag situation). So! I have two possibilities for new tags we can use!
🧸Inner Child Therapy🧸
this one is probably the most obvious choice? at least it is to me lol inner child therapy is another, more clinical name for agere, so it would be a good choice. it's also not currently used for anything on ao3 (Healing the Inner Child is a tag, but not currently one with more than i think 3 fics, and it's not a common tag, so it would more than likely get wrangled, but I think it'd be okay)
with this one, we would also have the option to use secondary tags like we use with Age Regression/De-aging currently (think how a lot of fics use "Age Regression Little [Character]" tags, we could use something like "Inner Child Little [Character]" instead)
i think inner child therapy as a term would also help with the stigma around agere because it really...can't be confused with anything else? not as far as i can make out anyway lol
a con toward this would be that not many ppl currently know this as a term, and therefore it would be hard to implement
i just think this one is cute. like we're all just out here writing our fics in crayon to share with each other hehe
in my head, this would even be able to include a whole tagging system using diff crayon colors to mean different things (when i was thinking of this concept, i was thinking along the lines of pink crayon = fluff, blue = angst, green = whump, purple = romantic, orange = platonic, white = diapers, etc etc etc etc)
it just so cute in my head lol, and it would definitely be easy to separate from the current tags
a con toward this one is just that it could be confusing to try to implement and i could see it getting wildly out of hand and complicated if we aren't careful with it
No matter what, it will absolutely be a struggle to change tags to get away from what we have right now. In order for any sort of new tag, one of these or something else, to work we would all have to agree not to crosstag. When tagging fics, you would *not* be able to tag it with the old tags and one of the new ones because it would more than likely result in the new tag getting wrangled and then we're back to square one. It would have to be a community effort to get it explained *why* things are different, now, and how to find fics. It would also be a struggle to get authors of older works to maybe switch their tags out so that new readers can find them more easily under a new tag.
These are just my ideas, and I'd love to open the discussion up to you guys!! If there's any other ideas for tags, I'd love to hear them!!!
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smallsafespace · 8 months
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Funky night at the mall! ⭐️🎱🎲🌙
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 8 months
she's having a moment
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cowboy-kidd · 3 months
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ misc white + silver
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ - “shh shh, don’t you know, pretty baby? I love you…”
x - x - x
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// pt - dni: nsfw accounts //
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diddlefib · 2 months
Quick ageredips PSA
(mentions of diaper usage)
Those of y’all who use their dips/pullups/etc while small for any reason (incontinence, comfort, immersion, etc):
If your dip feels vaguely moist or really anything other than completely dry, check (or have your cg check) and -if you aren’t dry- go change. This goes doubly for messing if that’s something you have to think about.
Don’t wait. Waiting is a good way to get diaper rash or UTIs, and those both suck.
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mothfables · 4 months
It happened in a crash of thunder.
They were making their way along one of the roads in an unclaimed Hyrule when the storm hit. It had been looming all day, making itself known in tight scars and aching joints.
They had just come upon a rocky cliff when it happened. Thunder boomed out of nowhere, making everyone jump. The rain came a moment later, bringing with it a chill that had some of them gasping.
“Let’s find shelter!” Warriors called. There were enthusiastic sounds of agreement.
Twilight pulled the hood of his pelt over his head only to pause. Something felt off. He did a quick headcount. All of the usual troublemakers - Wild, Hyrule, and Wind - were ahead, eagerly searching for some place to take shelter from the rain. The rest were trudging along as well as they could.
Everything seemed fine. He continued walking.
…Wait. Someone was missing.
The rancher stopped in his tracks, counting again. Wind, Wild, Hyrule- that was three. Time and Wars in their armor, glancing worriedly up at the clouds, five. Sky holding his sailcloth over an unhappy Four. Seven. He made eight.
…Where was the Vet?
Twilight glanced around, trying to spot his missing brother. He turned around and-
Legend stood frozen in the middle of the road, hands clasped over his ears and eyes shut tight. Thunder boomed again and Twilight watched as he flinched, curling into himself with a barely-audible whimper.
Oh no.
It was no secret among them that Legend hated storms. Twilight hurried back towards his brother, calling out to try and get his attention.
There was no reaction. Legend remained frozen.
“Lege, hey, lookit me.” Twilight knelt down before him, noting with mounting worry how pale he was, just how tightly he curled into himself. Thunder rolled again and Legend flinched hard with a choked sound.
Twilight frowned. Calling his brother’s name again produced no result; Legend stayed unresponsive. A fourth bout of thunder had him shuddering and Twilight biting his lip.
He wasn’t sure what to do. He hesitated to touch him, but calling his name wasn’t working. Legend hated being touched without warning, but Twilight didn’t see any other way to get him out of the rain. With a sigh, he shrugged his pelt off and draped it over the smaller boy, making sure the hood was securely over his head before scooping him up and hurrying back to the rest of their brothers.
The Captain was the first to notice as he approached, his brow furrowing at the shaking form held close in protective arms. He sent Twilight a concerned look which only deepened when Legend let out a small, scared noise.
“We needta git ‘im outta the rain,” Twilight said. Wars nodded and was about to reply when he was interrupted by a shout.
“We found a cave! It looks like there’s enough room fer all of us!”
Wind waved at them from a large opening in the cliffside. The heroes still on the road hurried over, grateful for the chance to get out of the storm.
Inside the cave was thankfully dry and large enough for them to spread out and have their own space. The roof was even high enough they could have a fire without having to worry about the smoke.
Twilight moved to the back of the cave, as far from the entrance as he could. The sound of rain was quieter there, and he felt Legend’s trembling lessen a tiny bit.
“Shh, shh. I gotcha,” he murmured. “Let’s getcha outta those wet clothes, yeah?”
Legend whimpered and clung weakly to him as Twilight tried to gently wrangle him out of his wet things. Warriors came over after changing out of his own soaked clothes to help. Together they managed to get Legend out of his wet clothes and into something soft and dry.
The younger boy didn’t resist, only pressing closer as thunder echoed through the cave. Twilight and Wars shared a look over his head.
“Reckon he’s small, if he’s actin’ like this,” the rancher muttered lowly.
Wars sighed. “Yes, I think that might be the case. Do you think it was the storm?”
“I dunno what else it could been. ‘e was fine earlier, just grouchy cause his scars were actin’ up.”
Wars nodded before crouching down to be level with Legend and speaking softly. “Hey, bud. Are you feeling small right now?”
A muffled whine was his answer and he exchanged another glance with Twilight.
“Do you want me to hold you while Twilight gets changed? You can go right back when he’s done if you want.”
Legend didn’t respond, instead pressing even closer to Twilight as his right hand drifted towards his mouth. Warriors was quick to catch it, rubbing gentle circles into his palm in apology when Legend made an unhappy noise.
“I know, bud, I know. But Twi’s gotta get out of his wet clothes too. Come here.” He gathered Legend into his arms before shuffling around to sit against the wall with him in his lap.
He held his little brother, still rubbing circles into his hands, as he watched the rest of them work to make themselves comfortable to wait out the storm. Wild had managed to get a fire going and was in the process of preparing dinner. Four was furiously toweling himself dry while Wind went around gathering everyone’s bedding, most likely with the intention to make a nest for them all to cuddle in later.
Things had just gotten to a point where they were calm and relaxed when the weather took a turn for the worse.
Lightning flashed, painting the world a blinding white, followed by the loudest clap of thunder yet.
Legend jolted from his place against Warriors’ chest with a cry. Wars managed to catch him before he fell, wrapping his arms around him securely. Legend let him, staring into nothing for a long moment before he burst into tears.
He wailed, shoving his face into Wars’ chest to hide from the storm raging outside. His brother held him close, covering long ears and rocking side to side in an effort to calm him. Soft humming filled the air, a welcome distraction from the dull roar of rain outside their shelter.
It took time but eventually Legend’s tears slowed. Wars ran a soothing hand through his hair as he hiccuped, letting go of the tight grip he had on the older hero’s shirt to rub at red eyes. The captain gently wiped the tears from pale cheeks before pressing a kiss to his brow.
Wet violet eyes peeked up at him from behind damp hair. Wars smiled and tucked a lock behind one of those long ears. Legend sniffled and moved to nuzzle against his neck. He let him, used to the other boy’s way of seeking comfort.
“You feeling a little better, honeybun?”
A small nod against his collarbone. Wars leaned his head against Legend’s, earning a sigh.
“I bet yer tired, huh, kit?” Twilight murmured, laying a hand against Legend’s back. “Let’s git ourselves t’bed, yeah? Wind’s got a nice comfy nest built fer all’a us.”
There was a beat, then a tiny “…okay.”
“That’s th’ spirit. Awright, let’s go!” Twilight helped Wars make sure he had Legend in a secure grip before standing. Then they made their way over to where the Chain was waiting in the aforementioned nest. Wild was the only one missing, still working on dinner.
Wars settled down near the middle, Legend curled in his lap. Sky crawled over with a blanket and tucked him in with a smile. Then he took Legend’s face in his hands and pressed several kisses to his cheeks with exaggerated ‘muah!’ sounds. Legend gave a wet giggle at the affection.
Sky beamed. “There’s my little bird! Are you feeling better, baby?”
Legend nodded before his face scrunched and he yawned, nose quivering. He laid his head on Wars’ shoulder again with a content sigh.
“You can go to sleep if you want, honeybun. It’s alright.” The rain had died down a fair bit, a quiet patter on the cliff outside. Wild finished dinner and came over, plates in hand, and smiled when he saw Legend cuddled up to the captain.
“I’ll save his for later,” he whispered.
“Thanks, champion. I know he’ll appreciate it.”
Warriors began running a hand through Legend’s hair, feeling the boy in his lap relax at the soothing motions. He leaned more and more heavily into the captain, one hand grasping loosely at Wars’ shirt while the other rested under his chin. A moment later tiny squeaking snores sounded.
Sky cooed. The other heroes exchanged adoring smiles at the sight.
“Alright, that’s bedtime for us, I think,” Wars whispered. “Sleep well, everyone. See you all tomorrow.”
With that, he carefully moved to lay down, Legend still wrapped in his arms and snoring quietly. He felt more than saw someone lay a blanket over him, his own eyes already drifting shut from the assurance of safety and family.
“Goodnight, captain,” was the last thing he heard before he let sleep embrace him.
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