#so admire this w me its so pretty
popppyfur · 12 hours
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sometimes i think about how gorgeous backgrounds like these take hours out of a person's time and yet they literally only appear for 2 seconds.
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vse-kar-vem · 7 months
how to write vent post title that does not come off as self-pitying and or accusatory (because it's NOT !)
#sorry tumblr is like a diary to me idk what i'll do w this blog after i (sigh) inevitably move on#either way#im convinced everyone hates me again :3 but realistically no one cares about me even enough to hate me im just stupid and self centred 💔#if anything me TYPING these posts is actuvely turning people against me#again with the assumptions that people care enough to read these 😭 fhskfbhsjfkg#i hate that i care so much what people online think of me cuz irl it's like. whatever#but here there are so many cool people who i admire and would love to be friends with im always hyperparanoid of everything i do#and still i manage to overstep and come off as annoying#like obvs you're allowed to hate me even if you're someone i look up to like that's your perogative#but i hate worrying about IF anyone hates me#oughgh this is easier irl because usually people send off pretty clear signals if they dont like you#but online (esp with how prickly this fandom is) i don't know whether im being insecure and reading into things or whether people just don't#like me (which again is fine i would just rather know if anyone gets it)#i figure art is the one way i can get people to like me 💔 which sounds kinda pathetic because irl i KNOW im liked and capable!#fandom has just become such a big part of my personality that i cant detach my self worth from it#and i do love art and drawing and such i hate that even if i know people my stuff EYE dont and it doesnt mean anything or act as a signifier#of my friendships#wow .... i really am my own therapist ..... i should shut up#the industrial revolution and its consequences (jofandom)#i think these posts are half self exploration half ... almost self harm? because sometimes im so derogatory about myself on purpose in a#'you're worthless' way. but at the same time it's cathartic and i always feel better having probed at my feelings and gotten them in order#not to do a complete 180 but it's MY post and JO LONDON IN *12* DAYS!!!!!!!! AHH i'm sooo excited if it doesnt live up to my expectations i#may cry a little. and there will be another vent post from me !#sometimes i wonder if anyone actually reads these 😭#vee rambles
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autism-corner · 1 year
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top 100 BABY!!
it took like 200 pulls for me to finally get to the second box but im here now...
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1980ssunflower · 2 years
i feel like im melting just thinking abt my ryan 🥺💖💖
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i seriously love music & stories so much
#🌙.rambles#i did not mean to ramble i told myself i'll be productive today but as usual i have a lot of thoughts. n it is my wont to just.#forget everything else n write....#sigh i love listening to music sm n stories n words n wtvr just everything in the world. i take in everything. observe n analyze it all#i love. music. i love stories i love music sm as a form of story-telling & then w the emotion in it too? the way it cld be interpreted n#everything. yeah really just everything oh my god i cld ramble on n on. I HAVE SM TO RAMBLE ABOUT OH NO#the endless possibilities n opportunities in this world. the unknown future that fascinates me so much. the depth n beauty of creation 🥹#for one i admire like. video game composers for making the ost fit so well into the game n#i'm so gay wait i looked at discord rq n looking at my silva pfp.... she's so pretty i lov her sm#hmmm thinking about some stuff n while i've always had a sort of interest for theatre n. appreciation ofc n. fondness for its aesthetic#i wna get more into it ><#me remembering i also really did love to paint when i was a kid i wish i cultivated that into a bigger skill :c#i remember i really did read so much books back then damn. i wna read n write again aaaa#i started piano when i was 7 n i had lessons for a few summers consecutively then stopped for a while n it's been so long now#but i remember my teacher then saying that. soon if i really cultivate that skill i really could've#i have regrets regarding that bcs in gr3 apollo n i also had this invitation to this math thing advanced lessons n all#i overshare too much on social media wait the words really flow when i get started this is why i don't rlly talk to others w these stuff :<#i'd love to i really do but i'm afraid of being too much or too little where it matters#that said though i really love. yk creation. this world being so full of creators making their own creations in their own way#i love thinking about how. there's so much things in the world that affects n influences. yeah.#help i am making no sense with my phrasing#infinite possibilites in life. surely there's no denying how daunting n intimidating n scary it may be#but god i live for. that. yk the. my curiosity hdfkdfjdlk#i cannot word nymore but :< i really love life so much thinking about all these sort of things give me so much comfort from#all the cruel pressure in this world. the burden of regrets. the feeling of loss and failure.#with. these as my wings. these moments these. emotions n thoughts i can indulge peace n time n comfort in. for my own self#perhaps i can fly free in my own way in my own time.
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29121996 · 2 months
#someones occupying my alter'#i say alter' bc its . a swuare on my desk#but anyway u make do w what u have.#anyway. whoevers occupying it (bc they wont give me any indication as to eho they are btw. its rlly annoying. ive tried#but they helped me rearrange it n like . set it up to Their liking .#n i feel insane but i felt Physicslly compelled to do 3 different things n it was so fuckign . dawg#the rose is a week old btw n still is in sucbbpretty comdition. im impressed#i love it. idk who it is but im loving their presence rn#got my blaxk cat statue w a leaf (insistent kncthe leaf) + my rose / clear wuartz + selenite towrrs in a Specific Way (very pretty i admire)#n my amethyst angel Out of the crystsl box. so .#i have a feeling i am jusbsupposed tocfollow the clues shes giving me . n figure it out from there but . its not a lotnto go off#i did enjoy the 'put it back. Now...' energy she gsve me when i picked he rrose up tho. like#she wasnt mad or anyrging. but she was definitely not Pleased n i got Naxious holding the longer i held it#so . shes protective of it actusllt whixh is 🥰🥰 bc i wasnt sure . who i was offering jt to#like i got it. set up the vase better n put tbe rose n in n kinda hus saud#just said that i was offering this ul to someone in my spjrit team as a gift / communication token#n its not tje 1st time ive done tgis but its the 1st time ive felt someone so strongly actually .#like . its so cool i rlly enjoy it. even if it means i am slightly insane ?#shes taken to the dead roses fromvmy birthday too i wasnt allowed to touch them#i mean . i was allowed to remive a few if i wanted to but she wanted One#i think its a woman. i dont rlly get . a masculine vibe from it#anyway. uts fun i try n say hello to her
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oreo-creampie · 5 months
“𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧”
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬! first time w toji, virgin!reader, reader is lil insecure about how her coochie looks and her performance, just the tip/fucking you with his tip, HEAVY praise/encouragement & reassurance, light begging, toji take its slow and is soft soft soft for you, forehead kisses, hand holding during sex is so sweet, light making out, overstimulation/hints of mind break, very light size kink, daddy/mama
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧! Do you think Toji would be gentle if it was your first time having sex? Just imagine him rubbing his tip against our entrance and being like “relax for me, baby, I’ll take care of you.”
Fey: we can take a moment to appreciate soft toji after some mean toji
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Toji grinds his hard, heavy cock on your soft cunt. The feeling is so surreal and new to you, the warmth of his cock, the softness of his skin with how hard and heavy he is.
Toji’s weight is comforting when he leans over you. Softly kissing your forehead then encouraging you, “‘You can take me lil mama, we’re gonna go slow,” gently grabbing your hand “Squeeze my hand for comfort, how’s this sound, say blue if it gets too much.”
Sitting up grabbing his thick hard cock and lining himself up with your soaking wet cunt. Slowly rubbing his cock between your soft lips. “Your lips are so pretty mama, I love seeing them around my cockhead.” Your cheeks heat up as you look away.
“You’re staring too much! My pussy looks weird! Nnnn!” Your jaw drops when he nudges his thick cock head in. The pleasure is stronger than the acute discomfort which quickly melts as Toji strokes your clit.
Clenching Toji’s cock he croons, “We can't be looking at the same pretty lil’ cunt. She’s so soft, wet and fuckin’ gorgeous, I wanna take my time with her.” Toji keeps still groaning when you clench his fat head.
It feels so wonderful but strange having someone else touching your soft clit while they’re inside of you. When you close your eyes Toji gently squeezes your hand.
“Beautiful mama I need you to look at me.” When you look at him he smiles, “Good girl.” He glides some of his cock in and you jolt, tensing up, your nerves getting the best of you. “
He slowly pulls out leaving half his head inside you. He croons, “Relax for me mama, trust me to take good care of your gorgeous lil’ cunt.” Taking the moment to admire how your little hole is stretching when he pushes the rest of his head in.
“I can't stop watching her take me. Everything about your pussy is beautiful, the color, your shape of your lips n’ how soft you feel around me, fuck lil mama. Tell me you have a gorgeous cunt.” The way he is playing with your clit is making it hard to think.
“Nnngonna cum?! Daddy? How? I already?” Your head is going fuzzy from the intense euphoric high of cumming again.
Toji croons, “Go ahead lil’ mama cum on ya daddy’s cock.” Twisting your hips he glides his cock out.” You’re doing so good.” Stroking your clit faster as your soaking wet cunt spasms around nothing and soaks the bed.
“You can handle it, that’s it, you’re doing so good cumming. Ya can keep going.” Biting your bottom lip as he lines himself back up. He barely nudges his head in. “Say you have a beautiful cunt, if you want more than just the tip.”
Pushing your hips down whilst pleading, “I have a beautiful cunt! Please put it in, I want you to cum too!” Toji doesn't have it in him to pull away. Rolls his hips gliding in half his cock before restraining himself.
He insists, “What’s it? You’ll have to be clearer for me, look me in the eyes when you say it.” His smokey gray blue eyes are too intense, your nerves hit you full force. “Aw are you really getting shy with my cock in ya?”
Admitting to Toji, “No…I’m getting nervous again, nnn!” You feel so full as he fucks you with half his cock. “You’re too hoooot!” He. I like you a little too much, it's making me nervous how I'm doing and what you’re thinking.”
He leaves your sensitive clit alone and pins your thigh by your side. “‘I’m thinking about how I want to flip you over and fuck ya from behind so I can watch your ass bounce while you take me. But backshots might be a bit much for your first time.” Holding your hand above your head, he leans down and gives you a soft kiss.
It feels so good to be underneath him full of his cock while softly making out with him. Wrapping one leg around his waist, digging your nails into his well-sculpted backside.
Moaning into Toji’s soft slow passionate kiss, sliding your fingers into his soft dark hair. Toji keeps his pace slow and steady, fucking you a little deeper, rubbing your sweet spot and wrecking every thought.
It’s hard to be nervous when his cock is deep in your guts. When he pulls away you beg, “I can take your fat cock daddy please! I wanna make you feel good too! Lemme take your cock from the back while you hold my wrists together. I wanna try every position possible with you.” He pulls out and flips you over.
Toji can easily hold your wrists behind your back with one hand. “I can’t tell my lil’ mama no with you begging me like that. But first tell me how sexy your soaking wet cunt is.” Rubbing his cock between your soft lips.
all works
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screampied · 10 months
hi hi!! Can i req a choso with him being gentle and sweet at sex w reader? :( like he would always be careful and always gives reader praises ahdjshsjeh </3
꒰  warnings . . choso x fem!reader, soft dom choso, praise, size difference, missionary. mdni. wc: 1.1k
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choso has to remind himself of how much bigger he is compared to you.
the way his broad frame effortlessly towers over you, especially during intimacy. he’d never wanna break you, his precious girl.
you’d be laid against your back, a perfect position so he can look at you right in the eyes, compliment you with a plethora of sweet sweet praises, kiss you, and even moan in your ear, making sure you know how good you’re making him feel.
“m-missed you,” he’d softly pant—his tip just shakily hovering against your slickness, he licks his lips with a hand gently pressed down against your tummy, a smooth stroke before he speaks in a cute drowsy voice, eyes half lidded. “look at me. here, hold my hand baby. please. ‘s okay.”
you reach to hold his hand, and a tiny smile tugged against his lips, he leans into your neck before he moans at the sudden squeeze your walls give him.
adjusting to him and that feeling always makes him do that thing where he moans out your name against your neck, playfully seeping his teeth against your shoulder. “g-god, don’t let go princess. jus’ hold onto me, okay? i’ll please you good, promise.”
“o-okay.” you swallowed, intertwining your fingers with his, and his fingers were surprisingly cold. the moment his touch ran and collided against yours though, oh how hot and warm he felt.
choso could praise you all day.
his strokes weren’t rough but they were just enough of a good amount to drag out sweet whimpers from you, he’d be pressed up against your ear as his length expands throughout your cunt, prodding against a few of your most sensitive spots to make your legs involuntarily lock around his slim waist.
“hold onto me, jus hold onto me.” he’d hum, and he was whining even more than you. softly licking a stripe up your neck, your right arm hooked around his shoulders, cutely clinging onto him in a romantic missionary position.
choso swallows thickly, peppering many kisses on your face, then it lead down towards your neck and collarbone — before he pauses mid thrust just to say, “oh…you’re jus’ so perfect.”
the way you’d immediately grow flustered at his words, averting your eyes away before lightly squeezing on his arm, moaning for him to keep going because you could still feel him harden and twitch inside of you.
“r-right, sorry baby. just had to admire you for a second…”
his tone was so smooth, almost bittersweet with the way he spoke to you. choso couldn’t help but sneak kisses on your mouth throughout his sloppy thrusts. his hips moved and went at its own reasonable pace — you always found it attractive how he couldn’t stop himself from deliberately moaning into your mouth. he’d always do it whenever his lips went against yours.
“you’re doin’ so good, s-so good, look at how pretty you look underneath me.” he’d mumble, raising his chin up to kiss your forehead.
while in the position, he couldn’t help but be a bit handsy to say the least. just running the very soft tips of his fingers against every curve and inch of your body….slowly.
taking in your breathtaking frame — a word he’d always use around you because that’s how he viewed you. “good girl, are you getting close? want me to s-slow down?”
“no,” you’d moan, wrapping both arms around his neck now. his movements of his hips, a good yet tad bit of a quicken pace had you bite your lip, his body heat, the sheer warmth of it had your mind just spinning. you merely lost your train of thought before you feel yourself approaching a release and your head goes back. “c-choso,” you’d whine out. and the way his eyes immediately light up at hearing his name come from your sweet mouth. “….think ‘m gonna cum, ‘m close.”
“me too, baby,” he’d rasp, his jaw tightens a bit before he leans in to kiss the side of your mouth. his ears—at least the very tips of them grow out to be so hot, feeling your pussy just grip around him and hug him close. “you look so pretty like this, y’know?”
“you’re just saying that.” you shyly utter.
“noooo i’m really not,” he cracks a smile before gasping once you drag his waist closer against you, making him hit against you just a tad bit deeper. “eheh, baby, you’re so frisky. are you sure this isn’t too rough? don’t wanna—”
you cut him off by bringing him into a kiss, it’s like his mind goes straight blank whenever you do that. the way your tongue runs across his, one hand stroking his cheek—for a moment you swear you could have heard him purr, his hair was down so it just prickled against your forehead.
you pull away before moaning, “i’m okay, i promise.”
“yeah?” he’d say, a tiny pout making his lip quiver.
“yeah.” you reassure him, reaching for his hand to squeeze it.
“…okay,” he inhales a breath. you were so cute it was almost too much for him. the way you brush a thumb against his hand, giving him kind eyes that this was what you wanted. he gives you a final kiss on the top of your head before he starts talking you through your orgasm. “just relax, okay? this is all about you, not me. wanna make you feel good.”
and he was so intent on doing that, he studied your facial expressions — the way your eyes would roll a bit in pleasure, your body language and how you’d fail to stay still, squeezing down on his hand.
“i know baby,” he murmurs, kissing the bottom of your chin. “you’re doin’ amazing, just let go for me, hold on tight ‘n don’t let go alright?” and the way his tip, his tip alone massages your inner walls has you stuttering on empty blank words, your mouth was a straight empty canvas. “look at me, hey hey don’t look away,” he whispers. “wanna see those pretty eyes roll when you cum.”
“f-fuck,” you’d babble out, hugging him, if one can consider that hugging. his body weight hovers against you, just rocking back and forth and it was so lewd, his thrusts against you were so sensual it left you with a good taste in your mouth. “okay, okay. c-choso, fuck, h-hold me.”
“i got you.” he’d whisper, it was almost like he sang it. the moment you came, feeling the immense pressure that was building up finally release itself, your legs spasmed and your orgasm was ripped away, you stared at choso before turning away and he smiles to himself. he brings a hand up to your head — a brief head pat, massaging your scalp a bit with his fingers before sharing a deep kiss with you.
he slowed down completely, just slowly rocking against you as your legs twitched, wrapping against his waist and never letting go.
“good girl,” he says between kisses, he tastes so sweet — peppering your entire face with kisses until he cracks a smile from you. “my good girl.”
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eddieandbird · 5 months
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Slow and Careful —
You have your first time with Eddie.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for all the love on my last story! This one is a request by @wdsara48 and I hope yall like it! I got a lil carried away w this one so its a lil longer - Bird
tags/warnings: f!reader | smut | 3.2k words | inexperienced!reader | consent checks | slight humor | f*ngering | pinv | protection used | praises and nicknames
“Stop looking at me like that,” You grumbled with your knees pressed into your chest.
“What? I think you look pretty. I think it’s adorable you dressed up for me,” Eddie’s eyes glinted at you as he held his head in his hand, the other tracing small circles into the sheets beneath you.
“What are you talking about?” Your mouth hung open, feigning offense.
“This,” Eddie pulled your bra strap with his middle finger, lightly snapping it against your skin. “Did you buy these cute matching undies just for me?”
“You wish,” Your nose and mouth crinkled as you tried to fight a smile.
“Oh, whatever. You were the one who asked me to give you your first time,” He chuckled, scratching his stubbled cheeks.
“Because I trust you,” You said, slightly more serious. Your appreciation for him was clear in your heavy-lidded eyes.
Eddie moved closer to you, gently cupping your cheek and brushing his thumb against your jawline.
“You do?” he murmured, feeling his heart beat wildly against his chest as he admired your affectionate expression. He sprinkled kisses on your forehead, your eyelids, the tip of your nose, and finally, your lips.
You leaned into his fluttering touches with a silent laugh. “Of course I do, baby,” Your voice was sweet and breathy.
Even with the jitters of your first time looming over your head, it hardly threatened to ruin the moment. Something was intoxicating about being in his room, the faint smell of his cologne and weed smoke put you in a trance. Plus you knew Eddie would treat you with the utmost care.
He shot you a quick, mischievous look. His arms were placed on either side of your body, now towering over you. “So you’re saying I can do whatever I want?” He quipped, believing the joke was obvious to you.
Your breathing picked up as you watched him hover. It’s not like you didn’t trust him, but this was a big deal to you. It was no longer just an adorable conversation you were having with him on the drive home, you were actually in his bed, moments away from losing your virginity.
“Well, maybe not whatever you want,” A nervous laugh came out of you when you caught a glimpse of his strong gaze.
Seeing you suddenly grow tense, Eddie’s face quickly softened towards you. With a chuckle, he reached down and tapped his index finger to your nose. “Relax, sweetheart. How about this; When I touch you, I’ll keep checking in, yeah? And you can tell me to stop at any time, I promise,”
You closed your eyes and exhaled into a feathery laugh. “Okay, okay, fine,” You jokingly groaned.
“Let’s just go slow, yeah?” You had an encouraging smile on your face as you reached up to twirl one of his loose curls between your fingers.
“Slow and careful,” Eddie echoed, his smile growing as he admired the way your skin looked in the dim lighting. He loved the way the sheets pooled around your hips, and the thin fabric of your underwear made the shape of your legs all too obvious to him. His pupils dilated as he drank in the sight of you.
“Good,” You confirmed.
“God, baby, you’re so pretty,” Eddie’s hands moved down your body, tracing your skin with his fingertips and leaving gentle goosebumps in his wake. His gaze never left your face, checking for any signs of discomfort or fear.
“No, you,” You retorted with a bashful smirk.
“Don’t sell yourself short, now. We can both be pretty,” Eddie chuckled. The warm light of the room looked amazing against his skin, you were mesmerized. “You mind if I get rid of these?” he asked, referencing your underwear with a tug.
“Not at all,” You lifted your pelvis, helping Eddie with taking them off.
He made a shooting noise as he pulled the elastic of your panties and snapped it across the room, making it land in his hamper. You both broke for a moment to laugh.
“Oh my god, of course you made that,” You shook your head, still laughing.
“Hey, you gotta admit that was pretty cool,” Eddie winked before licking at his smile. He made a mental note that you were laughing more than usual, which he took as a sign that his efforts to keep you calm were working.
“Okay yeah, fine, it was kinda cool,” You playfully shrugged, not wanting to give him too much satisfaction.
He was so good at making you feel comfortable, he made you forget for a moment that your sex was completely bare in front of him.
“Of course it was,” Eddie grinned down at you. He slowly moved his body closer to yours, the warmth of his skin sending tremors across your body.
“Are you ready, gorgeous?” he asked, carefully placing his hands on your knees. He gently spread them apart, his breath becoming more deliberate as he got closer. “And remember our deal okay?”
You nodded rapidly. “You got it,”
You dreamily laid your head on your shoulder. A breathy moan escaped you as he lingered over your hips. You passed a hand through his hair, admiring his eager face as it was framed in your thighs.
“That’s my girl,” The grin Eddie gave you along with his sugary praise made your heart swell. “You ready for me to make you feel good?” Eddie mumbled before placing a trail of kisses along the inside of your thigh.
“Um, yeah. Yes,” You croaked, hiding the disappointment in yourself. You felt like dirty talk came out of Eddie so naturally. It all sounded so good to you, but when it came time for you to reciprocate, it felt like a flurry of awkward mumbles and head nods.
“Yeah? You’re so cute,” Eddie grinned, his nose ghosting over your skin. His hands slid along the backs of your thighs, rubbing up and down in soothing motions. He kept the pace slow, waiting for any sign that you wanted more. “Do you want me to touch you, baby?”
You nodded even more desperately now. “Please?”
“Your wish is my command,” Eddie’s voice was dripping with adoration as one of his hands left your thigh and started rubbing circles over your warmth, his chin resting on your knee.
Your eyes fluttered shut and a trembling breath followed. Before you came into his room that night, all you wanted to do was get it over with just to say you did it. Now with the way he was touching you, only made you want him to explore your body for hours.
“See? You’re doing great, baby,” He cooed as his fingers moved over your wet folds.
Eddie loved that your body was so incredibly responsive. The way you arched your hips towards him was incredibly inviting to him. He picked up the pace slightly, watching you closely to make sure he didn’t overstimulate you.
“Feels good, doesn’t it angel?” The teasing grin on his face widened as his eyes roamed over you hungrily.
“Really good,” Your laugh shifted into a moan as he repeated the motion with even more pressure.
“Are you going to come, pretty girl?” He lightly teased, his eyes roaming all over your body, taking in every twitch and tremble.
“I don’t know, what is it supposed to feel like?” You asked a bit frantically.
You knew of the concept, but you never made yourself come before. However, you were suspicious of a growing warmth in your lower stomach that built as he picked up his pace.
“It’s okay, angel. You’re doing so well, I promise you’ll know when it’s happening,” He reassured you.
He could feel your legs shaking more and more as you started to get closer to a peak. “You’re gonna feel it building, baby. It’s gonna get real overwhelming, but trust me it feels so damn good.” He wanted to keep you completely focused on that feeling in your stomach. “Just focus on my fingers, okay?”
“Eddie,” You gasped, grabbing him. You tugged lightly, your nails digging into his flexed arm. His tongue stuck out of his mouth in concentration as he kept running his fingers over you.
Waves of satisfaction and relief came over him as he watched you climax. His eyes locked on you, with his mouth slightly agape in a smile, mimicking your facial expression as you came down, the way your features trembled and twisted in satisfaction.
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbled under his breath as he watched you slowly come back down to Earth. “You alright?,”
“Yeah I’m okay,” You panted. Your shaking hand reached to cup his cheek. As much as you enjoyed it, you were amused to see that he was having an even better time.
“That was amazing,” You breathlessly complimented.
"Yeah? Well, you are amazing," Eddie planted a quick kiss on your palm, nuzzling a little into your hand.
He let out a low chuckle and he suddenly looked a little flustered from your compliment. "Did you think I did okay? I wasn't too rough or anything, was I?”
“No, no, baby it was perfect,” You stuttered urgently.
“I’m glad, Sweetheart,” He sighed in relief before pecking a few more kisses around your face. He lifted your chin. “Are you ready for more?”
Your enthusiastic nods returned. “I’m ready,”
Eddie's heart thrummed in his chest at your excitement, and a small laugh bubbled out from him. He could almost feel his pulse throbbing in his pants. "Absolutely, positively sure?" he asked in a tease
“Baby, c’mon. I really wanna do this,” You whined, covering your blushing face.
You knew he was joking but you were really not in the mood. He had no idea of the fire he started in you. Eddie's breath hitched at your desperate whine. He lurched toward your bedside table, pulling it open and rummaging through it before finding what he was looking for. He grabbed a condom and tossed it on the bed beside you, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "You want it that bad, huh?"
You scrunch your nose to hide your smile. “Shut up, you’re such a pig,” You joked.
You curiously looked at the black foil sachet he threw. You slowly picked it up with your hands and then examined it closer.
“Did you want me to put it on you?”
"Only if you want to, baby," He loved watching that innocent look you had as you spoke your mind.
“Will you show me how, babe?” You chewed your lip.
You took the corner of the wrapper and tore it off. You studied the clear disc of plastic, your breathing getting heavier. Holding it made it more real. You were sweating in anticipation.
"Of course, sweetheart," his voice was dripping with adoration as he watched you fiddle with the condom, his breath coming a little quicker than normal. It took everything he had not to just rip it out of your hand and put it on himself.
Eddie had no intentions of giving you a strip show, but you were entranced by him taking off his clothes anyway. You were amused by the way his hair whipped around as he pulled his shirt over his head. Then he took his jeans off. You were unable to take your eyes off of him, taking in the view of his length.
“Is this how you do it?” You asked, bringing it toward his twitching cock.
Eddie's breath caught in his throat as you reached for him, and he was suddenly hyperaware of the way the light hit the shape of his body.
You then placed the condom on him, slowly rolling it over his length. Your eyes were wide, not allowing you to miss one moment.
“Is that good?” You asked again, looking for his reaction.
"Yeah, perfect," Eddie exhaled, biting down on his bottom lip as he watched you.
He reached down and took your chin into his hand, leaning down to kiss you gently on the lips, moaning softly as his tongue slipped past your lips and twirled with yours. He laid you back once more, positioning himself in between your legs. You held onto his forearms as he leaned in closer, his weight pinning you a bit. You let him take over, following his touches as nonverbal instructions.
Eddie was in a haze of pure desire as he felt the heat of your body against him. "You ready, baby?" he managed to ask.
You gripped his shoulders, took a deep breath, then nodded. “Yeah, totally ready,” You exhaled loudly, trying to relax your body and surrender your focus to him.
Eddie was determined to make this experience everything you could have ever wanted. He took a deep breath of his own as he gently rolled his hips against yours. He watched your face intently to make sure you were okay. "Is it okay? Is it good, baby?"
As he pushed into you for the first time, you let out a sharp hiss. It was a pinch of pain that only lasted for a few seconds before you calmed back down.
“I’m okay, it wasn’t that bad,” Your voice shook but it was accompanied by a content smile.
Eddie noticed the way you grimaced slightly as you tried to get used to new sensations from inside. His heart twisted at the sight and he instantly slowed his movement, his hands moving to gently cup your face. "I promised I'd be gentle with you, right? I don't want to hurt-"
But before he could finish the sentence, he realized his worry was misplaced. He felt you relax under him, releasing airy noises in pleasure. You grabbed his face, bringing his forehead to yours.
“I’m okay, I promise, just don’t stop,” You pleaded, your heavy breaths tickling his lips as you spoke.
He nodded then brought his lips to yours, softly kissing you until he found a better angle to rock his hips into you. He rolled his hips against you at a steady and measured pace. Your high-pitched, yet quiet moans filled his room, competing with the low music playing from his stereo. Your hands journeyed to his chest, feeling the rhythm of his strokes as his body pressed into your palms.
A chorus of deep groans escaped from him as Eddie sped up, each moan was more desperate than the last as he lost himself in a haze of pure passion. He loved the view of your flushed cheeks and sweat-soaked body, Eddie’s hand trailed down your thigh and behind your knee. He halted for a moment to say
“I’m gonna try something, tell me if it hurts,” He pushed your leg up a bit higher, opening your hips up even more to him. He returned to his previous pacing, growling as he felt the new sensations.
You could only moan in response to just how good that angle felt.
"You like that, don't you, pretty girl?" He grinned down at you hungrily at the sight of you falling apart beneath him.
His body pressed closer in between your thighs as he pushed himself deeper. His breathing was coming in shorter gasps as the sensation pushed him closer and closer to the edge.
“I think I’m gonna come again,” You admitted quietly, your nails digging into the soft flesh of his arms.
You were surprised you could get any words out of you. It was as if with every thrust, Eddie was forcing your eyes to roll to the back of your head in pleasure.
He couldn't restrain the growl that escaped from his lips as your nails dug into his skin. The sharp feeling of the sting combined with the sweet sound of your words were pushing him further to the edge, and he forced himself to pause for a moment to collect himself. "Do it. Come with me, sweetheart," he managed to get out between harsh pants.
You gasped and scrunched up your face as the next few strokes took you to your peak. A squeaky yelp escaped your mouth as you came. Your legs repeatedly smacked at his hip bones as you shuddered from your orgasm.
"I got you, baby. I got you, angel." Eddie gently whispered his sweet words of reassurance as he felt his own composure slipping. Seeing you come for the second time of the night was too much for him. He immediately had to bury his head in the crook of your neck, moaning desperately as the feeling of you clenching around him overwhelmed him. The sweet sound of your shaky breaths and the feeling of your muscles squeezing him was enough to send him toppling over the edge with you. He rocked his hips with a few more slow movements as he came, moaning a shaky breathless groan against your neck.
Once you came back down, you urgently ran your hands down Eddie’s face, picking it up to study his exhausted but content expression. “Did you, um-“ You began to ask, but grew embarrassed by just the idea of the question.
After a few long moments to catch his breath, Eddie finally picked his head up to look at you. It took him a moment to even register your question. He gently wrapped his arms around your body to pull you into his chest.
He looked blissfully content as he laid on you, his hot breath coming out in ragged puffs. His face split into a wide smile when he heard the question you cut yourself off from asking, but his breath picked up and his cheeks flushed a little red as he realized what you were implying. "I did," he nodded, still smiling, "Do you want to see how much?"
“I don’t know, is it gonna be gross?” You covered your mouth, stifling your laugh that threatened to be way too loud for your liking. You looked down at where your bodies connected, curiously.
Eddie let out a deep laugh. He slowly pulled himself out of you, his muscles relaxing as he took some of his weight off. He reached down between you and gently pulled off the spent condom, his eyebrows raising as he examined it with a small smile on his face.
“Is that usually how much comes out?” You asked with a slight amused expression as you propped yourself up on your elbows. Seeing the evidence further made you satisfied that you finally got to experience this with him.
Eddie's cheeks flushed a bright red as you questioned him on it and he quickly looked away as he tied the condom off. "Jesus Christ, we don't have to talk about this," he mumbled, his voice cracking as he tried to keep himself from laughing. "The answer is yes, it's how much comes out," he admitted reluctantly.
“You’re the one who offered, you weirdo!” You gave him a swift, light kick to his butt as he got off the bed, before laughing and rolling over to your stomach.
Eddie dramatically groaned as you hit him. His act didn't last for more than a few seconds before he melted back to his affectionate state. He grabbed a t-shirt from the corner of the room to wipe himself off before turning back to you and gently throwing it at your head.
“Eddie!” You screamed.
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alastorss · 8 months
i love your writing & the way you format your posts !! .. is it possible to ask for an alastor x cat demon reader who’s pupils dilate around him ? (positively of course) bonus if he picks up on it before they are dating. i’m pretty sure your requests are open, if they’re not feel free to ignore this ! :)
a/n: hi!! thank you so much! i kept this very short but i hope you enjoy ♡
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Alastor can't tell if you know, or if you're none the wiser.
He's tried to ignore it—the subtle way your pupils dilate whenever you see him walk into a room. Or the tiny flick of your ears when his static voice buzzes as he talks to you. It's instinctual, he's sure, something you can't control but buried deep in your brain since you gained your animalistic attributes.
It's not on purpose, but for some reason he can't help but think you only look like that with him.
And, well. He would be lying if he said it didn't stroke his ego just a little bit. And now he's caught you in the act, quite literally.
"Is there something wrong with my face, my dear?" The demon gives your cheeks a squeeze between his fingers. You sputter, embarrassed and flustered.
"What? No! Could you let go of me already?!" Your words come out muffled as he pinches your lips together tighter.
His eyes narrow in suspicion, but you swear the ever-present smile on his face grows tenfold.
"You've been staring an awful lot lately~!" he sings.
"W-Well that's just... because..." You fumble, eyes darting around nervously. He laughs to himself at your display before letting go of your cheeks.
"I jest," Alastor relents, hand falling atop your head to give you a pat between your drooping ears.
You blink at him slowly, body relaxing as he smiles down at you with a certain fondness. Finally, he sees it again: your black pupils blowing wide while you admire him.
Something else in him stirs—not amusement, not even his pride. Something foreign and strange that he doesn't have the word for. It's pleasant, the way it makes his stomach swirl.
He thinks about pushing you further, just to explore this new feeling in his chest. But you're already putty in his hands, and he'd rather not have to explain this to his nosy "friends" later.
Alastor tips your chin up to look at him, and in the light he can see your adoration in its fullest. He chuckles.
"Why don't you keep me company? I was just about to have a drink."
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria (send an ask to be added!)
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lcriedlastnight · 3 months
Lando waking up before reader and just staring at her, pulling her close then falling asleep with reader in his arms (reader was awake the entire time but just let him)
eeeeeeee, i love soft lando :)
tw: fem!reader, she's short, lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 591
it was one of those rare days where lando was able to sleep in. no racing duties tied him down today, so that only meant one thing. he was yours for the full day.
the early mornings must have reset his body clock though because here he was, awake before you, the sun shining through the gap in the curtains. the boy could not be bothered to check the time but if he was to guess he would say it was around eight o'clock. way too early for him to awake on his day off. he knew you would tell him that if you found out he was awake right now.
it was awfully weird how both of you woke up sometimes. lando was always complaining that you moved too much in your sleep. all he wanted to do was hold you close throughout the night but you always were one for tossing and turning in your sleep. lando had worried that your sleep was not a restful as it should be but even though you were constantly rotating around the bed you slept soundly. you were sure you could sleep through a hurricane.
so it shocked lando, when he opened his eyes to find your sleeping form facing him. not that he was not appreciative of the view. your boyfriend always did favour your sleeping form as one of the best to admire. he thought you looked your prettiest when all the stresses of the previous days had melted off your features and been replaced with a content and relaxed face.
lando sighs a little and pulls you closer to him, not too close where you were hidden from his view but close enough that he was happy with the amount of touch he was receiving from your sleeping form.
lando's hand comes up to brush some stray hairs from your closed eyes as he stares holes into you. "pretty girl." he says to himself, thumb tracing its own little path on your cheek before his hand moves back to rest in its original resting place, your waist. well to be specific, underneath the baggy t-shirt that you had stolen from lando, tracing gentle circles across the dip in your back.
he eventually gives into the sleep that feels like it is pulling his eyes closed. the boy would sit there and stare at you forever if he could, but unfortunately sleep was calling him back. lando's hand moves back up to the back of your head to push it into his chest, where he presses a few kisses onto your hairline - he could not help himself.
lando feels your breath hit his chest and it brings him a weird feeling that he was much too tired to name right now. all he knew was that he liked it and it made him happy. lando matches your breathing and finally feels himself fall into light sleep alongside you. well so he thought. unbeknown to lando, you had actually been awake for maybe under a hour. you had not wanted to wake up so you just lay with your eyes closed, listening to lando's own sleepy breathing until you had felt him shift as he woke. it was so difficult to try and keep your composure as he treated you like a princess. you had to return the favour once you were both awake later on. you lay thinking of ideas, which does, eventually send you back into another sleep. sleepy sunday mornings with lando were your favourite you had decided.
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chaepink · 10 months
Down the chimney! | sub!geto suguru
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in which "chimney" is an euphemism for geto's throat as you're face fucking him.
wc: 1.2k+ words | masterlist
dom!gn!reader, blowjob but w/ a strap, slight choking, praise, use of a butt plug/vibrator (m receiving), degradation, crying
note: this is a christmas inspired fic if you couldnt tell
also who let this man be this pretty
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Currently, the only sounds in the room are the sounds of geto's gags and the wet noises of your strap in his throat.
"Doing so well for me, arent you?" Your hair lays entwined in his long hair, gripping and pulling every once in a while which caused it to become messy and tangled.
The only response you get is a whimper from geto as his eyes roll back. You stare down at the black haired man who's on his knees, admiring the way his head is tilted back revealing his neck and the way his adam's apple bobs every time you push the strap deeper into his mouth. The sight of his pale skin invites you to cover it in bruises and hickeys but that's for later.
One of his hands is wrapped around the strap squeezing it while his other is on your thigh for stability. You practically feel the heat radiating from his body.
He's fully naked and in front of you. His dick is painfully hard against his chest, the tip brushing against it whenever he moves just a little. And if you listen carefully, you can hear a faint vibrating sound coming from him, reminding you of the toy you've put in him and set on low.
"Tell me if its too much, okay?" Geto nods and tries to answer you back but all that comes out is gurgled words to which you chuckle at.
"don't talk with your mouth full, baby." You tap his cheek. A faint blush covers his face and he lets out a whine at your tease.
With the way Geto looks so pretty standing on his knees and how he stares up at you with hooded, foggy eyes, you can't help but move before you think as you grab a handful of his hair before shoving your strap down his throat. You seem to have hit the back of his throat as Geto gags around the length and tears prickle his eyes, threatening to fall.
You coo at him. "Are you gonna cry, Geto? Just from the feeling of my strap down your throat?" He swallows at your words but shakes his head. He continues bobbing his head on the strap himself, letting out a noise each time it hits the back of his throat. Though your hand lays tangled in his hair to continue pulling on it.
You're left breathless at the sight. His drool escapes the corners of his mouth and drips down his chin. The strap is covered in his spit and his eyes roll back as he chokes on the size you chose. He stares up at you with hooded eyes, awaiting some sort of praise for doing a good job.
You notice the needy look in his hazy eyes. "Such a good boy for me, aren't you?" Geto whimpers around the strap, the praise going straight to his dick as it throbs from the lack of attention its receiving.
You take a glance at his dick and notice pre cum already appearing on the tip slowly.
"Already dripping? When we've barely even started?" Geto tries to cover his dick with his hand but you swat it away and prevent him from doing so, giving him a teasing grin at his pathetic attempt.
"I didn't know you were such a whore, geto. Getting hard while giving a blow job to my strap? I would never have expected that from you, baby." He flushes with shame and embarrassment but you see the way his dick twitches at your words.
"What, you want me to fuck your throat myself? You're rather slow at this." You let out a feigned disappointed noise and before Geto could answer back, you grip his hair tighter and begin to fuck his throat yourself, immediately setting a quick pace that leaves him breathless and crying from the pleasure.
Geto's eyes immediately roll to the back of his head and his hand goes limp against the side of his body as the other is barely hanging onto your thigh. He lets you do the work, opting to just sit there all pretty for you as you use him for your own pleasure as his mind turns to mush. The sounds of his gags and noises fill the room as tears streak down his face. Although a thought in the back of his head knows you can't feel actual pleasure, the idea of being used as your fuck toy turns his head to mush.
The feeling of your strap constantly hitting the back of his throat and the vibrator in him practically hitting all the right spots in him every time, Geto is left holding himself back from cumming. He doesn't want to cum without permission and get punished by you after all.
Instead, he glances at you, the look in his eyes telling that that he's begging for you to cum. You notice and take a quick glance at his again dick and notice how pre cum is practically leaking from his dick like a broken faucet now.
You're about to tease him for it but the words die on your tongue as your attention gets diverted to his throat and the sudden bulge in it. You widen your eyes at the sight and Geto lets out a whine at the intense lustful look in your eyes.
You slow down your movements and coo at the sight, the strap still in throat. "i wish i could take a picture for you to see how you look right now, baby." Your hand wraps around his throat before giving it a light squeeze, making him let out a small gasp. You can slightly feel the strap in him and you grin. "bet you'll like that wouldn't you? seeing yourself all messed up and fucked dumb."
You chuckle when he shyly nods, tears clumping his eyelashes together.
Geto takes your pause as a opportunity to recompose himself but what he didn't expect was the sudden feeling of the vibrator in him to increase in intensity. He didn't even notice you grab the remote nearby!
Suddenly he lets out a cry, causing his cum to shoot out of his dick and onto his chest. The feeling of his orgasm hitting his body like a train has his body shaking as pleasure courses through his body.
The hand on your thigh grips tightly and you let out a hiss as his nails dig into your skin.
You wait for him to calm down from his orgasm before lightly pushing him onto the ground, his back to the cold floor causing him to let out a squeal.
The sight is so pretty. His long hair is sprawled out around his head, his face is stained with his tears, his chest is covered with his cum and his limp dick lays against it. He stares up at you with confused eyes, questioning why you just randomly pushed him down.
"Huh? W-What are you doing-"
"What?" You raise an eyebrow at him, causing his words to die in his now raw throat. "You thought we were done? Of course not!" You chuckle and Geto feels his dick harden again and he swallows nervously.
"On all fours and ass up, baby. We're far from done." And geto does exactly what he's told, believing your very words knowing he won't be able to walk or speak properly tomorrow.
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
╰┈➤ masterlist | rules
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freesomebodybyluna · 2 years
I've always eyed these prepackaged matcha swiss roll slices at this local vietnamese restaurant I love & I got a slice on my way home from the dmv bc duuuuh its my bday I need cake & oh my gooood it's sooo good I regret not getting 2 slices 😭😭
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sinning-23 · 5 months
In honor of mothers day, here some little headcannons I cooked up for our faves! Hope yall enjoy lol
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-This mf was like...actually capable of conceiving a child lmao.
-There was really no like initial shock, it was more like overwhelming joy? There was honestly no need to reveal it to the rest of the crew since the second you told him he shouted it loud ad fucing possible.
-"Luffy, uhhh I think im pregnant." You huff, hand over your forehead as you try to figure out the next course of action.
"Y/N IS WHAT?" Nami gasps, eyes flitting form you to Luffy, then to your belly.
"YOU’RE PREGNANT?! HOW?" Usopp questions, only to have Sanji interrupt,
"Well Usopp, when two people love eachother- or well... lets talk about he birds and the bee-"
-Luffy is a.....he's a great dad, just a little uhhhh...wild?
-You have to explain tho him that this baby cannot fucking eat solid food.
-He's learning and that’s all that matters. He knows when to get serious about his kid and when its okay to be a lil silly.
-Oh and be prepared for when your kid hits about 6-7 cause they're so much like their father its crazy-
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-He's thuroughly convinced its your fault because he knows for a fact he has impeccable pull out.
-"That’s not mine." He hums, pointing at the newborn with a raise brow.
The fucking liar this baby is his spitting image. Like your genes didn't evens stand a chance. The baby even fucking mean mugs like he does, that lil stoic face.
-"This isn’t yours?" You question, holding the baby up side by side with his obvious father.
-Once he’s like fully processed and accepted the fact that your pussy just so happened to weaken his pull out game, he will claim the child and make sure he's being helpful with both you and the infant.
-It was actually pretty fucking hilarious to see the baby try and latch to his nipple cause his tits are fucking massive. Heeee didn’t think it was that funny tho💀
-Just let the kid grow up a little bit and they’re all about their father, and even though he may not show it all the time, he adores his baby. And they will always be a baby in his eyes. And he things you’re a phenomenal mother even though it was sort of a surprise.
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-You had come aboaded with a toddler. And sure enough they latched to Nami in a heartbeat.
-“AHT! No, you stay with me and let them work.” You reprimand, giving a quick apology to the tangarine haired girl.
“Oh no they’re okay. Hey, you wanna see something cool?” He hum, taking the 2 year old by the hand before you can protest.
-Auntie Nami accidentally turned to ‘mamami’ (Mama Nami) andddd it just stuck.
-one night the three of you had fall asleep in Nami’squarter and she had woke up and just, admires you both. She couldn’t help the way her chest squeezed when she thought about raising this child with you or how much she loved being a part of your lives.
Your eyes flutter open and you give her a knowing look, her face already tinted pink.
“Nami,” you begin, your free hand pushing hair behind her ear as she hold your wrist, placing a kiss there.
“Thank you, love you.” You hum, letting yourself fall back asleep.
-yeah she’s stuck with you two for life
-unironically calls you her baby mama
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-is literally the best fuckinf dad. Literally ever.
-he wants to make sure he’s an active part of your child’s life, being sure to keep you both in good health and high spirits.
-when you broke the news he was terrified. How good of a father could he be? He just don’t want to let you down.
-“W-What if our kid hates me?” He voices one night, hands holding your tummy.
“I doubt that’ll happen. You’ll be okay Uso.”
-Guess having impeccable aim runs in the family because by time your child is year they’re already throwing projectiles with phenomenal accuracy.
-you can’t tell me he doesn’t make most of your babies toys.
-he loves seeing you just have little moments with your baby, he definetly cried when they took their first steps.
-keeps a picture of the three of you tucked away
-hints at wanting another one from time to time
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-fainted when you told him.
-honestly he’s a little shocked. He didn’t really put ‘father’ on his goal list but here yall are lol
-he’s very supported and knows that morning sickness is a bitchhhh
-“how’re my girls…or boy” he greets, pressing a kiss to your tummy then to your lips.
-much to his surprise, he was right on both parts because you’re having twins! Yayyyyy
-you cuss him out when your in labor.
-he’s not allowed in the delivery room lmao he fainted again when the nurse asked if he’d like to see what was goin on
-after 6 horrendous hours, your baby boy and girl are finally born and he’s too delighted.
-“good job baby.” He praises, peppering your tired face with kisses.
-when the kids are older he’s always falling victim to their puppy eyes and begging when they ask for dessert before dinner
-“please dad! We won’t tell mom! Pleaseeee!”
-he loves being with you and loves that he’s been blasted with a wonderful wife and two beautiful children
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-oh the minute he found out he was stunned! He was sure he already had an illegitimate baby somewhere but for one of the baby mamas to actually let him know was, a bit of a surprised?
-and that’s it. He doesn’t really go out of his way to go visit and see if it’s true. He goes on about his business truely.
-one day, he comes across a lady at a bar, her bright red hair thrown up and she waits tables, her gaze almost immediately locking on his as she frowns
-….what the fuck she looks just like him.
-she goes to a couple other of the waiters/waitresses and the minute they catch his gaze they’re nodding profusely at her.
-it took, shit you not. 3 hours for them to get a table and that was only because her boss came in and MADE her seat the crew.
-“what do you want.” She huffs, her notepad clenched so tight it crumples the paper.
Shanks only further studies the girl, her rage ever present as she slams the notepad down.
“I SAID, What. Do. You. Want. Quickly, or I’m leaving you here to wait 3 more hours. Spit it the fuck out you old bastard.” She spits, leaving him somewhat shocked.
-“How about the-“
-“we’re all out. Deadbeat.” She finishes, dropping her apron and notepad, then walking out.
Safe to say that wasn’t the reaction he was expecting.
-when he finds where you guys live and YOU answer the door thank god, he firstly apologizes (which you don’t accept right away) and explains how he already met your daughter.
Speak of the devil she had just rounded the corner asking who it was.
“Don’t let this fucker the house mom, please.” She begs, gaze flittering form you to her sperm donor.
-yeahhhhhh this is why he hardly ever makes the effort to see his unsuspecting kids. Doesn’t quite pan out how he thinks.
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- you’re not the only one at all. He’s got plenty fucking kids running around and you’re fully aware of that, having run into more than one child that looks just mf like him.
-he won’t deny any of them, but he doesn’t feel like he owes them anything either? It’s weird and you usually feel bad that he picked you and your child when he could very well have done that for the rest of them.
-he often assures you that we’re were one night stand situations he hardly remembers after being so damn drunk.
-he’s a good dad though and a great husband. He makes sure you’re taken care of even is he’s gone a lot of the time. When you told him you were having a baby he didn’t leave from your side.
-when the baby is born he’s a bit suprised they don’t look like him but as soon as they open their eyes he’s so mf smug. Those eyes are a dead giveaways that’s his baby.
-don’t let that baby ask for something be used Mihawk will without a doubt give it to them no matter what.
-“Honey I-“
-there standing in front of the fridge, in laminated with its light are your husband and child. Their eyes wide like an owls, staring directly into your soul.
-“We wanted ice cream.”
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-he loves his babies. Hands down loves his fucking babies. Plural because of course you were blessed/cursed with triplets.
-two boys, one sweet girl, and not one of them look like their daddy, besides that faint tint of blue in their hair.
-and he’s maddddd, well. not at you but at his genes.
-“honey wait, they might just grow into it?” You encourage, trying not to laugh as he tried to figure out why his kids don’t look like him.
-thank god you were right because by time they were all 4/5 that blue had brightened and the little red glow of their noses were ever present.
-he’s so attentive with you, taking care of the three of them when you need rest or just in general cause how gorgeous wife needs rest after making three gorgeous babies
-freaks his babies out when he takes his head off
-then they won’t leave him the fuck alone about it and will often take pieces of him while he chases them around for them back.
-his babies get their own spot on the show and it fucking adorable watching toddlers dance to circus music with face paint they insisted they do themselves
-best dad buggy 100%
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avatar-anna · 3 months
This is another tattoo artist! Harry x ballerina! Reader, but at the beginning of their relationship. You can find the first blurb here
"When can I see you again?"
Your cheeks betrayed your cool demeanor, something they'd been doing all evening. You wanted to appear not as nervous or giddy as you felt going on this date, as if you frequently went out with handsome, muscly tattoo artists. Was that the case? Heavens, no, but you didn't want to look like a deer in headlights all night, and the way Harry's eyes devoured you, the way his lips kept finding your neck or cheek, wasn't helping.
"I—I'm busy all w—week. Training."
Harry hadn't let up his ministrations on your jaw, making it ten times harder to speak to him than it already was. But that last little corner of your brain that wasn't totally consumed by him wiggled its way to the front, reminding you of your responsibilities.
"Mm. What about after?"
You felt him smile against your skin, his knuckle grazing the side of your face. "Surely you won't be rehearsing all night. What time are you normally done?"
"Um...six, but I usually go to bed pretty early."
"Gee, bunny, you're making me think you don't want to see me again. Breakin' my heart here."
"I do!" you hurried to say, perhaps a little too quickly. But it made Harry smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I—I do. Want to see you."
"Tell you what," he said, leaning one hand on the door at your back, just above your head. "I'll pick you up from rehearsal and bring you home. How's that sound?"
"That's it?" you asked, intrigued by the suggestion. Your intention wasn't to be difficult on purpose, but you had a tight schedule as a dancer at a prestigious ballet company. You didn't date much because of it, most guys not considering you worth the trouble, but Harry had been persistent. You admired that about him, and it made you like him all the more.
"That's it," Harry promised, a mischievous look in his eyes. "Unless of course, you invite me inside your apartment and let me spend the whole evening taking good care of you, but I'll settle for a walk to your apartment."
He was so sure of himself, but in a way that was charming, not off-putting. He was all the time, to the point where you thought it was an act at first, which was why you initially said no when he first asked you out. But you came to realize that was just who Harry was—charming, easygoing, confident as all hell. You found it attractive now, though sometimes it made you feel like you were even more anxious than you actually were.
"It's a date."
Smiling, Harry kissed you long and hard one last time before stepping away. "Try not to think about me too much while I'm gone. Can't have you falling out of a turn and hurting yourself before I can take you out again properly, hm?"
You swooned as he walked away, leaning fully against your front door unashamed as you watched him get on his bike. He'd left it here while you walked to a restaurant a couple blocks away. The engine roared to life as Harry hit his foot against the kickstand, winking at you before driving off.
You should've invited him in, you thought as you finally turned around to unlock your door. But another part of you applauded your restraint. It was too new, your plate too full, to jump too quickly into something you weren't sure you were ready for. Slow and steady, you'd promised yourself when you first agreed to a date with Harry.
Still, when you went to bed alone that night, you couldn't help but think about his teasing about you caving and letting him inside tomorrow, and how nice it would've felt to have been tucked into his side as you fell asleep.
a couple weeks later
"Who is that?"
Your head whipped up from your phone, following your friend's line of vision. Immediately your cheeks flushed, the view nearly overwhelming you.
Harry leaned against the side of the building you emerged out of, one leg propped against it as he lit a cigarette, you narrowed your eyes a little at the smoke he puffed out, but couldn't help but admit the inherent sexiness he exuded from performing such a simple action. His tattoos were on full display, peeking out beneath his shirtsleeves and up his neck. Such a tough exterior for someone who was actually quite charming and soft.
"I don't know, but I want to."
You looked over to where your two friends were standing, drinking Harry in as he blew out smoke through his nose. Their gazes stirred something uncomfortable in you, a possessiveness over Harry that you'd never felt for anyone before.
"He's my ride," you said, even though you and Harry always walked home together. You'd casually mentioned walking by yourself or taking the bus once, and Harry had been appalled by the revelation. He'd been waiting for you after each rehearsal and class ever since.
"Oh. I didn't know you had a brother, Y/n," your friend, still eyeing Harry.
"He's not my brother. He's my boyfriend."
"He is?"
Ignoring their incredulity, you hiked your bag higher up on your shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Harry's head raised to look at you as you approached, a small smile forming on his lips as you drew near. "Bunny," he murmured before reaching for your hand and pulling you to his chest.
"Hi," you said a little breathless.
He took his time kissing you, one hand cupping the side of your face and the other on your waist but inching south where it would be a little inappropriate out in public. You pulled away, cheeks flushed for a multitude of reasons as Harry grinned at you and took your bag and slung it over his shoulder before starting on the walk back to your apartment. Sighing dreamily at him, you let him grab your hand and pull you along.
"Were you talking about me over there?" he asked, nodding behind him to where your friends were still standing.
"No—Yes," you admitted. "They think you're cute."
Harry's brows raised as if that was the last thing he expected to hear, as if he didn't know women didn't ogle him regularly.
"Really," he said as he began to walk down the sidewalk, your hand in his. "So you told them we were seeing each other?"
Your whole career was nearly solely based on your ability to be graceful, to appear weightless as you leapt through the air or stretched your leg high above your head as you balanced on the other. Yet when Harry asked that question, you stumbled. Enough that Harry placed a cautious hand on your elbow. You didn't expect him to hear what you had said to your friends, let alone question it. You'd not been seeing each other long in the grand scheme of things, so perhaps your statement was a little presumptive. But you didn't want your friends to think he was available, either. Now you worried Harry still believed he was.
"I know we haven't been seeing each other very long, but I didn't want them to get the wrong idea. I'm sorry if I've made things—"
"Relax, bunny, I'm only teasing," he said, leaning down slightly to press his lips to your burning cheek, nudging you with his nose once before pulling away. "But I like the idea of you being possessive of me. It's cute."
This was not how you wanted to have the "What are we?" conversation, but apparently it was happening. "I...I like you a lot. Like I said, I know it hasn't been long and our schedules are crazy, but I—I like you, and I feel like you should know that even if I could I wouldn't be seeing anyone else."
You purposely kept your eyes forward, not wanting to see Harry's expression as he took in what you said. He'd been nothing but a gentleman since you met him, but you also wouldn't be surprised if he was the kind of guy that liked to explore his options.
Harry didn't say anything for a minute, making you more and more anxious with each step you took. Maybe you should've waited until you were closer to your apartment. That way if he didn't reciprocate your feelings you could quickly hide and die from embarrassment alone.
Before you could tell him to forget it, Harry finally spoke. "You know I couldn't stop thinking about you after the first time I saw you?"
Your head whipped to meet his gaze, eyes wide. A faint blush dusted Harry's cheeks, something you'd never seen before. He'd been cool, calm, and collected since you'd known him, never once showing an ounce of nerves. Now he looked almost bashful as he walked beside you.
Harry briefly covered his smile with his free hand. "Really. I was crushed when you said no the first time I asked you out. And since you've said yes I've been trying so hard to impress you and be the kind of guy you'd normally be interested in. Shit, the guys at the shop give me hell because I wear shirts with less holes in them and walk with you everywhere because I know how you feel about riding on my bike and sometimes I stare at the clock or my phone like an idiot until I can pack up and finally see you. I've even been smoking less because I know you don't like it."
You didn't know any of that, but how could you? You smiled a little at the idea of Harry's friends teasing him, imagining him stressing about what to wear or what to say before a date the way you did.
"Harry, I—I don't want you to try to be anyone else," you said. "I mean, the smoking is a terrible habit and you should absolutely quit, but that's besides the point. I like you already. I liked you before you started buttoning your shirts more, and the motorcycle, while dangerous, is really sexy."
Harry's responding grin was immediate. "Sexy, you say?"
You scoffed. "Shut up. I've seen the way you look at me while I stretch."
"It's because you give me so many ideas when you do," he said. "So many ideas, bunny."
Your entire body warmed, the suggestion in Harry's tone impossible to ignore. You hadn't slept together yet, though not because neither of you wanted to. You liked to be sure about a guy before taking that step, and Harry had been understanding and waited for you. After everything you talked about on the walk to your apartment, you wanted nothing more than to pull him inside with you.
Neither of you spoke for the short remainder of the walk, but Harry's arm eventually draped over your shoulder and you were tucked into his side. His hand played with the ends of your hair, distracting you while you tried to decide whether or not to throw caution to the wind and let him into your apartment.
When your apartment finally came into view, you snuck a hand beneath Harry's shirt, running your hands along the solid planes of his stomach casually. "About those ideas..."
"I know, I'm sorry I brought that up when I'm just dropping you off. We'll have to—"
"I have ideas too," you said, trying your hardest to keep your voice even as you took the final steps to your door. Untangling yourself from Harry, you fished in your bags for your keys. "Maybe...Maybe you can come inside and I can show you?"
Harry's eyes widened, clearly not anticipating the direction of the conversation. "Are you sure? I know you have to be up early and have a whole routine and everything."
He was too sweet. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to do nothing more than to join you but was respectful enough of your space to walk away. But you knew what you wanted.
"You can be part of my routine," you said. Unlocking the door, you turned to face him. Your hands shook a little, but your voice was clear, if not hushed despite being alone, as you said, "You can help me stretch and relax before bed. Don't you want to help me, daddy?"
It was a bold choice, letting that little vulnerability slip. Very few knew about your...preference for a certain moniker, and you'd never brought it up to partners in the past. But this was Harry, who you liked so much and trusted even more. You wanted to share that side of you, even if it made your cheeks flame to say it before you were safe within the confines of your apartment. but you figured you'd revealed so much already, what was one more thing? At least that was what you kept telling yourself.
And guessing by Harry's reaction, it paid off.
"Yea—Yeah. Course, bunny," he said after swallowing. "How do you normally start?"
You grinned. "I like to take a shower. Or a bath, depending on my mood."
Harry picked you up by your waist, causing you to squeal. His lips didn't leave your neck as he asked, "Which one is big enough for two?"
"I barely fit in my bathtub," you giggled against the vibrations from his voice and the giddiness you felt at being held in Harry's arms.
"Shower it is then," he said, kicking the front door shut behind him and locking it quickly. "I'm gonna need to hear that at least three more times tonight. At least."
You began kissing Harry's neck instead of answering, still a little embarrassed that you'd said it at all. Harry seemed thrilled, and part of you was thrilled that it all worked out in the end, but it would take more coaxing than that before you worked up the confidence to call him "daddy" again.
"Don't be shy, bunny," Harry teased. "I'm proud of you for being so forward. Think my good girl deserves a reward, hm?"
You could only whimper with anticipation as Harry deposited you on the limited surface of your bathroom counter. As he shrugged out of his shirt, then his socks and shoes, then his jeans, revealing his body little by little in all its tattooed glory, you couldn't help but feel as though life couldn't get any better than this.
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astralnymphh · 8 months
i always see breeding kink + strapping but what about breeding kink + tribbing? ellie getting her juices in there and shit, acting as if she’s filling you up. then she pumps your combination of slick back inside you with her fingers and admires the way your pussy looks, wet with her cum.
(im not responsible for anything i say do not hold me accountable for this)
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𓆩✧𓆪⋅ omfg breeding + tribbing w ellie? SIGN ME UP!! seriously— at the first fleck of pellucid orgasm that weeps from the bottom of her pussyline, ellie vice grips your hips like her very soul depends on its filling of her palms to retain her sanity, and drags an intent stroke of her clit up your folds, whine–groans so raspy when she feels her arousal spurt onto your pussy, "ughh, that's a good fuckinnn' pus— fuck.. take my fuckin' cum, god." folds her chin in to gape downwards in pure lustful concentration as her gropey hand settles off your hips and brushes over to her sloppy cunt, sticky with wisps of cum. ellie— being ellie, of course, rams three paired fingers in the opening of her folds, pushing the fat lips of skin around to gather her release, being the utmost blessed noise to ever cross your ears— fuck. then on, her scooping digits drift down and clump up in a wet stack, fingertips skirting your labia before they insert and stretch your entrance around her thickset trio, shoving directly near the bottom of your vagina, all while her intent eyes observe the way you take her. that feeling alone: stuffed n' chock full of her knuckles pumping the textured swell of your g–spot in languid circles inside you, as to brew together her cum, to have your pussy absorb it, to impregnate you— makes a moaner out of you, "mhhh, els'— give me your baby, don't fuckin'— don't fucking stop." you yearned, obsessively bad for this thing you otherwise couldn't concieve of so easily, ellie knew how maddenly you wanted to give her one, "i know babe, ellie knows." she assures, tender as an angel, slipping her fingers out to marvel upon her work stringing from your wet hole, cracking a hum–giggle at the way your pussy glistens with her cum, how it sows on the inside. enamored infinitely with those horny visions of future–you swollen with the slick coating your pretty folds now, a praise tugs from her cheeky smile, "that's my girl, my good fuckin' girl. god," scoffed she, proud of what she has brought about, right here on your daisy–fresh sheets, "c'mere, mama." and curls her entire torso down, tackling your face in a splurge of puckered kisses all over your amused expression. ♡
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during the whole tribbing, she for sure humps her clit straight up against your hole sometimes. scissors you open and herself, making the two make contact, can also feel the hot throb of her clit bumping so hungry for you. whoopsie doops this was kinda long ౨ৎ
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