#so a lot of time and effort has been put in this
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classjezter · 3 days ago
Y'know, everyone's talking to Baby OP and giving him illicit treats, but how's everyone else managing? We saw all the initial reactions, and know about their dynamics with sparkling Optimus, but how are they holding up? Optimus becoming a baby during wartime is probably rough for having to shift responsibilities on top of hiding and taking care of a tiny child. They could probably all use some goodies too
Hi! I like you videos btw :) as to your question:
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The Autobots are stretched thin. They were already in a full-scale war before and now they have a troublemaking sparkling to take care of. To manage both their duties and taking care of baby Optimus, they take shifts watching him (takes a village to raise a child put literally). There’s always at least one Autobot on ‘Optimus duty’ while the rest keep up with patrols, defenses, and battle strategy.
More about every specific bot below cut cause this got a bit long
Elita was a strong leader even before the war, but now she’s been forced to take on Optimus' responsibilities while also keeping him safe. She’s stressed, constantly dealing with managing the Autobot faction, and Decepticon attacks (all while making sure nobody outside their small circle discovers the secret). Still, she loves Optimus no matter what, and seeing him like this makes her fiercely protective over him
Outwardly, Wheeljack acts like his usual self, making jokes, keeping up with his work, taking sparkling duty like a champ and definitely not acknowledging the guilt eating at him (This mess is partially his fault, not intentionally of course, but that doesn’t make the weight on his spark any lighter) But when he’s alone, it gnaws at him. Every time he sees Optimus being adorable, being so vulnerable, it’s just another painful reminder. He’s overcompensating by throwing himself into work, trying to fix the problem while also building safety measures for their tiny leader
Jazz is really good with Baby Optimus. His easy-going nature and energy make him a great playmate for the kid (although he sometimes struggles with the actual taking care of him part, but he tries). That doesn’t mean Jazz isn’t aware of how much trouble this is. He knows they’re barely holding it together. The Decepticons will notice eventually, and when they do? They’ll probably be in serious trouble. But until then, Jazz just focuses on keeping the kid happy, and keeping morale up for the team
B-127 adores Baby Optimus. He’s always been close to Prime, and now that Prime is small, Bee has kind of become his big brother. They play together, and he loves carrying OP around, but sometimes he misses the real Optimus. The one who led them, who reassured them, who always had a plan. This tiny version of Prime is sweet and fun, but it’s just not his Optimus. He never says this aloud, though. Instead, he focuses on keeping Optimus safe and happy, hoping that one day, they’ll get him back to normal
Ratchet, as not only a medic but the Autobots' chief medic, has seen a lot in this war, but this? This is a whole new kind of problem. Ratchet spends half his time while on sparkling duty running scans on Optimus, making sure the transformation into a sparkling didn’t do any permanent damage. Despite his grumpiness and wariness, Baby Optimus has got him wrapped around his tiny finger, he loves the kid and constantly gives him treats. But deep down? Ratchet worries not just about Optimus, but about all of them. If the Decepticons ever find out, they’ll be completely vulnerable
Prowl is all about strategy, discipline, and efficiency. So, at first, Prowl treats Baby Optimus like a tactical problem. Keeping up a war effort and hiding a baby Prime? Nearly impossible. And it doesn’t help that Optimus refuses to stay out of trouble. He didn’t want to get attached, just solve this situation as soon as possible, but of course Optimus eventually won him over. Despite everything, Prowl is doing his best to keep things running smoothly. He knows they can’t afford to fall apart, if they do, the Autobots are doomed. He’s keeping them together through sheer force of will. But Primus helps him, if he catches Optimus stealing another one of his datapads, he’s may lose it
No one expected Ironhide to be good with sparklings. Even as one of the oldest miners he never really had much interaction with sparklings, at least not ones this young, but somehow things just clicked for him. At first, he wasn’t sure how to handle this. Optimus is his leader. His commander. The best Prime Cybertron has ever had probably. And seeing him as a helpless little sparkling messed with him. Despite this (after some light research) he becomes a great caretaker, he knows how to take care of a sparkling: He instinctively rocks Optimus when he’s fussy, he knows how to hold him properly (unlike others, Jazz knows what he did), he keeps track of feeding cycles, etc. And if anyone even thinks about hurting Optimus, they’re getting the biggest cannon in Ironhide’s arsenal to the face. No one messes with his little charge
In summary, they’re all struggling a bit lol, they need energon goodies too sometimes
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sunrisecaminus · 3 days ago
Tfp Megatron with autobot fem bot reader who tries to dom him but quickly fails 😭 nsfw of course
Message - This is a great idea, I laughed just thinking about it.
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Megatron x Vehicon Reader NSFW
Summary - Decepticon Soldier tries to over power her leader. This was plan that she regrets later.
Warning - NSFW
You have been known as a favorite amongst the lower ranks. Megatron has seen you since before the war and you were one of the many first bots to go into the Decepticon Faction. He has been proud of your work and you have been ranked as a Sargent, being able to take charge of your own little Vehicon group. You are still known as a low rank Vehicon, even Breakdown is higher then you. It was a nice rank, not to low and not to high for you to be stressed about and not have too much work. Megatron still respects you as an individual, and doesn't put you in with the other soldiers. You are one of the rare few that could tease Megatron without dying first, which is always an amazing accomplishment.
Starscream, of course, hates you and tries to get you in trouble a lot of the time (If he cares about how much you are succeeding). There was one time he shot a missel, which totally destroyed a mine shaft and blamed it on you. At the time he had a lot of evidence to frame you, so Megatron was surprised you would do something so impactful for their war efforts, but was furious. Thank Primus you quickly explained the situation before he got close enough to hit you, because if you didn't, you would not be here today. After that incident, Megatron asks you if something was true before he gets pissed off. It was also one of the many reasons he doesn't trust Starscream with any report, so he lets Soundwave handle them. Megatron didn't think about you a lot in the beginning of the war; You were nothing to him like every other mech that was not in the high command. Now a days, you have caught his attention a lot more than he wanted to admit. Every mission you have was a 90% success rate, you returned to the ship at good times, and you never got caught most of the time. The one thing he liked about you as well was your personality, cocky, confident, and had a sharp tongue when it comes to wit. He figures he wouldn't be too angry if you were injured, but damn would he be disappointed about it. He has enough patience with you as much as he does with Soundwave, which was pretty good for a soldier like you. The only time he got physical with you was when he was blinded by rage and almost threw you off a cliff, but you soothed him before he could do any damage he would regret later. Megs wasn't even mad about something you did, and after what happened he knew he needed help with his anger problems…and how he uses his strength.
Right now, he was called by Starscream that Optimus was in the area he has been scouting and the soldiers are fighting his squad. Megatron transported there as fast as he could, as it has been a few months since he was able to face his mortal enemy. After the fight, he was told the total death and injure count of what happened at the battle. It was a tie between them, as both had to retreat from the unstable rocky cliffs they were fighting on. Megatron hated draws, it was worse then losing in his mind. He was already not in a good mood when Starscream was bragging about his fighting skills, when he spots you from far away, trapped in between some rocks. Your left leg and arm was trapped, but you didn't want to call for help because you felt like it would make you look weak in front of Megatron if you told him. As you were attempting to carve the rock, your body starts to be covered by a large shadow that is coming from behind you. Turning around, you gasp from Megatron being right there in front of you. "My liege! You do not have to worry about me, sir. I will be able to get out soon." Now you were sweating from him watching you struggle, as you carved a bit of the rock that was pressing against your arm. He stood up straight and stayed where he was, not wanting to help you just yet. "Which one put you in this predicament?" Laughing nervously from the question you get your arm free. "That yellow car, Bumblebee. He didn't have the spark to end me, so he left when he knew I couldn't fight anymore." Megatron rolled his eyes, hating how much of a coward those Autobots were. Thought, he was glad that nothing fatal came your way.
You feel the rock on your leg gets picked up, Megatron throwing it to the side. "Oh, thank you sir. What do we do now? We can try to catch up to them." Megatron was surprised you were still ready to fight; Your leg was bent a bit, but he could see you clench the knife in your hand to show him you still had fight in you. "No, we will take the injured and get Knockout to do his job. Tomorrow we can start tracking for their base again. We must be close." Megatron turns and walks away, ending the conversation to go through the ground bridge that Soundwave just placed next to him. You go with him and is sent to Knockout to help you with your leg. Knockout tends to you, and you laid there to think about what else you can do today. Your leader is a very grumpy mech that seems to want to do something else other than fight. He seemed bored for so long, wanting something knew to happen. Earth got him motivated again, but after staying here for a few years, he has been getting back to feeling like the days are going by slower. You finally got a risky idea…hopefully you don't die for this plan. Knockout watches your expression changes into a smirk and he sighs. "Don't do anything stupid, I just buffed you."
Megatron was walking in the hallways to go back to the brig, the doors open and he finds something that bewildered him. Soundwave was gone for a mission with others so the only person that was in the room was you. You were sitting on his thrown, knees spread with your back lazily leaning back on the chair. You gave him a smirk, which made him tilt his head. You never did something like this before, it was crazy to see one of his best soldiers do something that would have them killed in seconds. The fact he is able to compose himself, trying to understand what you are doing before he blasts you out of the fucking chair. "What is the meaning of this?" He sounds like he was keeping his cool. Megs hopes to Primus you weren't turning into another Starscream and has a trap for him if he stepped closure. You cross your legs together in a slow, sassy way. "You don't like it? I wanted to protect your space so some jet wouldn't try to steal it again." His eyebrow raised, knowing you were lying out your ass. You did look good right now, but you always did to him. "I feel as though there is something more than that." He walks over to you and stands a foot away from his chair, staring at you like you were not suppose to be there. "I understand you wanted something different, so I thought maybe I could give you some sort of surprise. Nothing more." You brush your pede against his lower leg, rubbing against it to be more sensual while you talked. Megatron now understands what you were doing and narrowed his optics. What a curious little doll trying to act like she owns the place to make him feel such a warm way. You were doing something he knew was a life or death situation, which was a surprise to him how daring you were.
The second you try to raise your leg more to rub against his upper leg, you feel his hand quickly grab you by the throat. You yelped from such a quick motion as you are raised in the air and put against the wall. The fear set in, but his free servo touching your hip got you to know that you won. "What a snake you are, y/n." Megatron grumbles in your ear, feeling him press himself against you. You needed to try to get your way again, so you glide your servo on his cheek to try and keep your dominance, though it was lost immediately when he bit down on it when he felt you. The scream that comes out of your mouth made him understand you quit. Megatron chuckles and licks the mark he gave to you on your palm. "How dare you try to get your way with me like that. You need to know your place." He flips you around, so now you are facing the wall with him behind you. He presses you against the ship, rubbing your aft with his other servo. You moan from the pressure, arching your back a little to show him how much you are loving this. Megatron smirks and pops his panel, pressing his spike in between your legs. Gasping from the sudden touch, you desperately try to open your panel for him, wanting him inside of you this second. He watches every movement you make, looking at your valve coming into light as you play around with it to tease him. The more you toyed with him, the more he was going to be a bit rougher. He slaps your aft which made you straight yourself again and keep your hands against the wall. "You are so disrespectful to your leader. Why don't you relax and let me do the job."
You were going to say something cocky, when his spike is shoved inside your tight valve, making you scream. Grabbing your hip with one servo while gripping your helmet with the other, he pounds you like there was no tomorrow. He loved destroying you like you deserved it, honestly he was starting to feel better than how he was a few hours ago. Watching your valve closing and stretching over and over was putting him in a entranced spell. You released, but he kept going like he didn't even know you just cam. Everything became a lot more sensitive and you started to just become a moaning mess. If anyone was in the hallways next to the room, they could probably hear you screaming, even if the walls are thick. Megatron would keep going until it was his time to cum, but that was going to take while. You feel yourself cumming for the second time, and you needed him to stop from how much you were feeling right now. Your sensitivity was through the roof and he was still pounding your valve without slowing down. "Ah! Megs! S-slow dow-ah!". He hears you begging for him and he quickened the pace. Your back was fully arched and your head was pushed against the wall a bit more before he slams inside you for the last time, jamming all his juices inside of you. He pulls out and takes a breather, letting go oh your helm to let you relax. Your body drops on the floor, your ass aching from the abuse it just went through. Panting, you try to get up with your pedes shakily pressing against the ship's floor. Seeing you struggle, he grabs your frame and carries you off somewhere. You didn't know where he was going, until he places you down on his birth. Holy scrap, you were in the warlords birth room. You looked over to see him open the door again. He looks back at you and gives you a cocky smile. "Stay there, I am not done with you." He leaves, making you lay there to regret all your choices up until this point.
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sylussweetie · 1 day ago
Desc. What kind of fathers the LADS men would be. The kinds of kids they have. The brief dynamic amongst the children.
Featuring. Xavier, Zayne, Sylus, Rafayel, & Caleb! All x Reader/MC (separately)
A/N: Not me making problems for children. Also, the break my nuts game is a real game. My auntie was watching over some kids that were friends of a friend and they were jumping off the couch onto a firm triangle cushion trying to “break their nuts” crazy work btw, 10/10 parenting somehow
Xavier. He get’s a boy and a girl as twins. The older one I see taking on his more stoic and responsible attributes. The second kid, taking on his sleep everywhere traits but is a bad bitch on the down low. Second kid’s just unmotivated and unbothered.
Imagine it like this, if they were to grow into a high school setting, the archetypes of the first kid would be a student body president or have a role in the student body (they’d be arguing with Zayne’s kid for that role). Then the second kid would be just a “average” student with extra brain cells but wouldn’t want to put them to use. As they’re much more content with going to sleep and not exhausting as much energy as possible but when it comes to being relied on, end up being very reliable.
They def bicker a lot but not as much as Rafayel’s kids (Which we will get to later).
Xavier def treasures those kids. They would take on his hair but your eyes and have features that mostly resembled you with his cosmetics. He and second kid would get along fine and would cuddle together growing up because of how much they SLEEP. Imagine second kid clinging onto Xavier when he has to go to work. All like “daddy no! Don’t go!” Grumbling and gripping onto Xavier’s shirt.
Xavier’s oldest and him bond over simple talking, quality time in… cooking for you.
“But you’re banned from the kitchen.”
“Says who?”
“She won’t even notice.”
“She will if the house is gone by the time she gets back.”
“I wasn’t aware the house could teleport. It must have been an oversight when I bought it.”
Oldest kid loves practicing against Xavier with the sword. Second kid gets too dejected easily and does not truly want to do Xavier gets his fun out of oldest child. Teaching his oldest kid all the tricks he learnt and if anyone tries to get too close at school he gives them permission to defend themselves. If you know what I mean.
The oldest kid inherits Xavier’s light evol. They def train together. The second kid doesn’t care but they’re like a naturally talented and gifted sort of genius who doesn’t have to try. I’d say they’re really good at the sword with bad evol control or have skilled evol usage with a lack of effort or skill in sword fighting. One or the other.
The kids ask about how you and Xavier fell in love and Xavier’s always so sentimental when he tells the story. His rendition. Something you haven’t heard from him before but did now. First kid is sitting obediently at his side and looking up to the face of their father listening intently. While second child is lazing with their head on Xavier’s thigh as Xavier brushes their hair.
Zayne. Zayne feels like a girl dad or a boy dad, but with only one child. Honestly if he has a girl first, it’s a single child. If he has a boy first, then he has a young girl right after but when the boy is 5-7 so they have a pretty decent age difference.
Girl dad Zayne loves his baby girl. So, so much. She’s taken on your features, your hair, your eyes. I guess the only thing she has of his is the cold personality. Though not really cold, just shy and then with your chipper excitement whenever she lights up at anything she loves. Is also a lover of dessert. You have to yell at them both when they sneak away extra macaroons.
Zayne knows it’s wrong but can’t help it when she gives him the puppies of eyes.
Zayne’s son has almost all of his colors save for his features. He’s inherited the eyebrows for sure but the other features are yours. Sculpted soft nose and cushy cheeks. When he was born, Zayne couldn’t help but ghostly pinch at the chub of his newborn son. Almost looking akin to that cheery little seal he would always craft out of his evol.
Zayne’s daughter loves her big brother so, so much. She walks to school with him while holding his hand and skipping with the biggest, toothiest smile on his face. Whenever you give her candy she always saves a piece to share with her older brother and loves to tease him with sticky candied fingers. She adores being twirled around by him in the air and it always ends up with you having to warn them to be careful not to fall. She’s the only one she has such an easy time showing emotion with (besides you guys).
When she gets older she stops trying to be so reliant on him. Especially in public, she’s so independent and self reliant to everyone else, but at school she gets all embarrassed and shy when her big brother comes into class to remind her that she forgot her water bottle. Or that mom told her to eat all the veggies packed in her bento. Her classmates all awe at him and how cool her big brother is.
Zayne’s son is hardwired to look after his wittle baby sister. He can’t help it, she’s so cute. But also as he grows older he begins to wish for time to himself and independence from having to be an older protective brother. With so much weight on his shoulders he begins to act out and at some point claims that his dad only cares about his baby sister and that he doesn’t love him. (He’s a pre-teen give him a break).
All is resolved of course after a talk and that Zayne assured him he loves him, and pinching his cheeks.
Zayne’s son being the cool VP that hangs around and lets the kids chill from the rules while Zayne’s daughter in her generation is the president and is def more strict.
They both inherit Zayne’s snow ability but to your Evol versatility. Zayne’s son specializing in more imaginative moving creatures while Zayne’s daughter specializes in ice in the form of intricate and sturdy sculptures.
Rafayel. Rafayel has a girl, and a younger boy. No questions asked. Only like 3-4 years apart. The older girl is a sassy version of him, if not sassier. She has his hair, and his eyes. Although the big bug eyed version of them where it feels like she’s constantly staring into your soul. Constantly has them tied in adorable little pigtails at the side of her that swish back and forth when she shakes her head “no” especially when she was a toddler, a little pout on her face, lower lip jutted out as she crosses her arms with watery eyes peaking up at you both.
She is in fact a daddy’s girl, but very much still loves you. When she was younger she’d fight you over who got to cuddle dad in bed until Rafayel just tucked himself in the middle and cuddled you both. When she’s older she’s much more content with just you, and in fact finds her dad’s possession of your time to be really annoying. She wants to go shopping with you, for you to do her hair. For you to bake with her.
If anything, she kinda feels bad when she was younger for preferring her dad over you and wants to remind you that she loves you, too. Especially when you had her brother. Who took up most of your time. This was when she truly noticed the loss of your attention.
She kinda bullied him a lot too lol. But not too harshly, usual sibling banger of chasing each other around with a knife and threatening death. Then consoling and begging not to tell mom or dad. With her is the only time he’ll ever fight or argue back. But in a shy “leave me alone!” Kid sort of way. They bicker and banter back and forth. “Go climb a tree! Bug eyed freak!” “I hope the sharks eat you! You’d taste better than the grass!”
Rafayel’s son is much shyer. With one eye the color of Rafayel’s gradient hues and the other one of yours. He’s quite different than the both of you since you’re both so bold, especially with each other. He’s sensitive, and very shy. When he was younger, he’d often liked to be held by you and would bury his chubby face into your neck. He likes hiding behind Rafayel’s leg in public when he has his art galleries cause he still likes to see the pretty art his papa makes.
He loves to paint, Rafayel and him bonded that way. Rafayel somewhat got him out of his shell when his son was gifted the most talented artist award in kindergarten. In middle to highschool, Rafayel’s son gets pretty famous for being such a talented artist (but often gets compared to his dad and how he can’t live up to the original). Oh well, guess that’s why his older sister is there to beat them all up.
Younger son has evol doing with painting. The elements he paints come to life for a momentary period of time. He’s still learning to use it. Older sister has Rafayel’s fire evol. She’s more of a fighter though like her mom rather than a “dainty” artist. However, she fights with a force and grace of that of a well practiced and skilled dancer.
Sylus. Twins. Two girls. One boy. Just a five year age gap. His little girls are fierce and bold. Just as daring, sly and cunning. He spoils them SO much. They come back from weekend shopping trips from different parts of the world, sometimes richer in fashion and sometimes richer in mind. He definitely takes them to explore other cultures and they bring back souvenirs from their travels.
His girls love to hang onto Sylus like little monkeys. Very adventurous. If one of them is climbing his leg, the other one is hanging off his arm as he holds it up like a branch. Even as they get older to beg him for something they use this tactic.
As for his son, Sylus likes to sit with his son. It’s kind of strange cause the little boy is so quiet. Sylus likes to clean his guns with his son. Having the little child sit on the couch just staring blankly at his father reload and clean a gun. Of course, safety first.
His son inherits his animal loving trait. Horses? Check? A strange forest water creature? Check. A beaver? Strangely yes. Cats? Especially cats. If he goes outside expect him to come back with at least one cat that managed to follow him home.
“Who is that?”
“That’s Mochi and Miles. They’re brothers, Mochi is really nice but Miles is really mean.”
He looks up at you with those puppiest eyes, “Can we keep them?”
Before Sylus was more adept as a parent he had Mephisto watch over the twins in the crib. He had a special crib made with a perch sturdy enough to hold between two cribs so the crow could look over them all at once.
After you found out you scolded him, “what is a bird going to do if they’re in danger?”
“He’s going to do that.”
Luke and Kieran love the girls. Twinsies!!! They play house with them, feed them, albeit they’re both very clumsy in trying to feed the stubborn kids. The oldest is definitely very impatient and eats as fast as possible to go play, a choking hazard. The second one is patient and eats slow while transfixed with the TV, also a choking hazard with how distracted she gets. They both are very worried, very paranoid, very protective.
On the playground a little boy comes up to give Sylus’s second daughter a flower, all blushing and unable to meet her eyes as she’s more confused rather than thankful. But take it anyway. Luke and Kieran watching the whole thing interrogated the poor kid.
This kid is someone in Second daughter’s class that always remains behind the scenes throughout the years. In middle school he’s a pimply nervous kid and gets a completely glow up in high school that has every girl blushing but he only has eyes for second daughter.
Kieran and Luke refer to the son as little monarch. Throw him up in the air and like to shadow box with him. They’ll come out from the shadows and as Sylus’s son is throwing a punch, they’ll dramatically toss themselves backwards and groan in pain.
First daughter is chatty as FUCK. Wanting to know everything about her baby brother while second daughter watches and observes.
“Mommy, what does he eat?”
“From a cow?”
“From your nipples?”
“Whe-where did you learn that?”
“Did we drink from your nipples too?”
Sylus’s son is much more deadpanned, reserved, less excitable than the girls but just as adventurous if not more bold because of this personality difference. He gives off little shit energy. He’s a menace who does what he wants and loves to piss off his older sisters.
However, he’s a mommy’s boy. Prefers to spend days with you whether it be action based, training in the ring or relaxing, spa based. He loves both because he wants to spend time with his mom.
Very often it’s Sylus showing you PDA and all three of the kids BLEGHING at the sight. Although they acknowledge that they’re very lucky to have healthy, loving parents.
The oldest twin and son takes on the more physical attributes of both their parents. They both love boxing. While Sylus’s second daughter is more elegant and dancer-like. She’s more nimble and lean. Definitely took acrobatics when she was younger.
Second daughter takes on Sylus’s evol but in a ribbon leverage sort of manner. Kind of like Spiderman in movement and functionality but with evol strings. Son takes on mother’s attribute of physical combat with Sylus’s build. Think of the “BEAT HIS ASS” audio and that’s the vision you get whenever he fights. He grows to be way taller than his sisters. Older daughter is a combination of both, a master of none but a jack of all trades. She’s got skilled abilities in fighting, and evol manipulation but it’s her father’s manipulative eye that she’s got the most handle over out of the three.
Caleb. Caleb would have twin boys, one girl. Six year age gap. He’s hoping for a kid to look like you, but the twins share his resemblance. It’s extremely uncanny. The only thing they’d have is your nose bridge and eye structure. Otherwise it’s those beady lavender’s staring right back at him.
Metal arm Caleb is especially careful of holding the kids, definitely letting his more fleshy one being the one to hold his kids. Especially before they can even crawl, open their eyes, etc. He really wants to hold both kids in both arms, he’s strong enough to but is too afraid of hurting them. As they grow older they get used to their daddy’s “robot arm” and begin to ask questions about its origins and how other daddy’s don’t have robot arms.
They’re also very mischievous. Grabbing each other’s hair, especially as infants who can crawl. The youngest in retaliation always grabs the oldest’ hair and never lets go until he gets a toy. Or as they grow older, throwing dirt in the other’s faces, stealing a portion of their food but never taking each other’s portion of dessert because that’s sacred. Not as bad as Rafayel’s kids but 100% more physical.
They’re also both sort of manipulative. In the cute little shit way and less of the egotistical man sort of way. They want simple things like candy, not world domination (yet). They both also fight over your attention, and fight their dad for your attention. Caleb makes it very well known his little shits can’t have you at night but you will most certainly tuck them in.
The kids always BLEGH whenever he calls you pipsqueak or anything super endearing. With such love in his voice and heart eyes, a hand around your waist and leaning down to kiss your forehead. Such a love they cannot fathom just yet as they repulse is disgust at the affection.
“Momma we can kiss you way better than papa can.”
“Yeah, papa’s icky right now. He’s got cooties and germs all over him.”
“Your momma loves my cooties just fine.” He teases them with a flick to both their foreheads.
He loves flying paper airplanes for them, especially when they were toddlers. The way the two of them would toddle after an airplane mid flight with wide soft lavender eyes. Caleb also regales to them old “war stories” about being on the fleet.
They think he’s the coolest when he’s telling them these types of stories. They also try to play fight with him, all about how their evol is way stronger cause they’re younger and he’s a sad old man. He obviously beats them, never lets them truly win and it’s only after about three times does he let them succeed in “defeating” him.
The boys are just menaces, playing dangerous games like jumping off the couch like a ninja or climbing on each other’s shoulders. Jumping from the couch onto—albeit—soft cushions to play the “break my nuts” game they made up on a whim.
You and Caleb are both exhausted but happy. Yet there’s just one more thing he wants…
When Caleb gets his daughter she looks just like you. His hair but your eyes and your features. He loves her so much, adores her. The very first day you gave birth to her he wouldn’t put her down. His finger presenting itself to her tiny soft grabby little hands as she grips onto his larger finger tightly. She can’t open her eyes yet but her mouth is agape with the tiniest and most adorable little “o” as if she’s perpetually yawning. His mini pipsqueak.
The boys are rough players, and very loud, very destructive. You both cannot have nice things for long. You wonder how they’ll be.
When Caleb presents to them their baby sister they become quiet. Unknown with the little creature that sits so small and quietly in their father’s arms.
“Why is she so wrinkly?”
“Why is she so small?”
“She’s shaped like a potato.”
“She’s wrapped in a blanket, and you were small and wrinkly once like this too, y’know.” Caleb teases with a small grin.
The second oldest talks at normal voice level—loud—and Caleb has to shush him for fear of waking up the baby. They don’t think it’s much of an issue but after that they have to deal with crying in the night at fuck who knows hours and second oldest is a light sleeper so he definitely hates having the little potato around.
The boys hate how they have to tiptoe around her for the longest time while she’s this size. They’d get to a point where the oldest decides to rebel and the second son follows his lead and they both start screaming and hitting pots and pans. They’re such menaces.
Poor little Caleb’s daughter, with her baby ears and sensitive sleep schedule. He obviously yells at the boys and makes it very clear they can act like this again when she grows older.
They sort of resent her for a small period of time but grow to become fond of her when she’s a toddler. She cries less and sleeps through the night. Through exposure she’s gotten attached to her big brothers and sits by them whenever they’re watching a movie or follows them whenever they erratically walk around the house roleplaying as far space pirate.
They’re both very attentive and aware of what will hurt her, albeit not because they were taught to be Caleb but because they’ve learned to care about her safety over time. She fell down the stairs once? Her crying broke their hearts. Oldest kid kicked the stairs in anger and started crying because he hurt his foot. Second kid kicked the stairs for hurting both his older brother and baby sister, also started crying because he stubbed his toe. All in all, don’t kick the stairs.
As she grows older the boys tease her and kind of leave her out of things when they play together. They’re not exactly mean or cruel but they grew up together and prefer their boy time with one another. However, it doesn’t mean that they don’t feel bad about preferring playing sometimes without her. After they’re satisfied they also return to her with an apology and promise of the new big adventure the three of them will be on together.
When her hair’s longer, Caleb takes extra care to brush it, style it and takes care of her like he did for you when you were both younger. His little princess.
Don’t even mention boys or the possibility of her dating, it’ll break his heart knowing no one is good enough for his little girl. Not to mention the way the twins would erratically and immediately be threatening death if that boy were to do their sister wrong.
The twins inherit his abilities of gravity manipulation evol and the third inherits your abilities.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 days ago
I’m SO in love with your Dick x Wally x male Thanagarian reader HCs! I’ve read through them multiple times, and they’re stuck in my head 🥰🥰💖💖💖
I wasn’t the one who requested it, but would I be able to ask for more from them, with a mix of SFW and NSFW HCs? 🙏
Dick Grayson x Wally West x Thanagarian male reader
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I’ve been stressing about my job situation since I quit my internship, as I still need an income, and all job postings around here I can do start in April. So, like any healthy person, im ignoring these feelings by writing.
You guys dating wouldn’t change too many things, as you guys were already close and spent a lot of time together. You guys become a lot more affectionate, which is new for you but not for Dick and Wally as they had already been dating for a long time.
They plan most of the dates in the beginning, as you are still trying to figure out what would work for your human lovers. Thanagar has different traditions and habits, so humans being so lax and creative is new even after this long.
Dick and Wally are both giddy when you decide to plan a date all on your own. You end up stressing yourself way too much, wanting it to be perfect, that you get help from some of the other titans.
I think your boyfriends would be happy with anything, even just going to your hideout and sitting around eating pizza and watching a movie. But seeing all the effort you put into it makes them happy.
On your guys one year anniversary, you give them rings made out of nth metal, possibly even made from small pieces of your wings, so you are always with them in one way or another.
This makes Wally and Dick both pout as they now think their gifts arent good enough. Of course, you don’t think so, anything they’ll give you is good, but they want to do something as meaningful as you did.
Expect something personal and sweet in the coming days. It doesn’t have to be expensive or anything, but its something that means something to all of you. You just feel flustered about it, but accept the pampering.
They of course don’t go beyond your boundaries, something you return as well, since you love your boyfriends as much as you can and they love you in return.
You don’t have any family on earth, there’s Carter and Shayera, but they aren’t really your family and you guys have different values. Luckily for you, your boyfriends have active families. It takes longer for the bats to welcome you, but at this point you’ve been on earth long enough to be trusted.
When it comes to the bedroom, Wally and Dick are much more comfortable than you are in the beginning. They already know each other inside and out, literally, and the first times you feel almost like an outsider.
They obviously don’t allow you to feel left out, and the first times you guys sleep together is a lot of just learning each other, figuring out what feels good and what you are all comfortable with.
I like to think Wally asks about you wearing your wings at least once when you guys are doing it, and you counter it by saying he should keep the flash suit on then. You hadn’t expected him to do it, but he does. Dick ends up doing it too, wearing the Nightwing suit. And who wouldn’t love that.
It lets you live out a couple of fantasies you’ve always had but never allowed yourself to indulge in, since you didn’t want to disrespect your friends and their relationship.
It’s pretty lethal to not have just one boyfriend with a lot of energy, but two. And one of those boyfriends has little to no rest between rounds. I could imagine Dick jokes about how its good that you came along, so you can switch out who’s fucking Wally so the other can rest.
They both love hickeys and you leaving them on them, since the whole being marked by you gets their blood pumping. They both love leaving them just as much though, so you end up starting to wear a high-collar outfit when you go out as your crime fighting persona.
It can be hard to find time where all three of you can spend personal time together. Theres always something going on in your personal cities, so there is a lot of one on one time. But I can imagine you guys make a habit out of calling whoever isn’t there, and letting them listen through their earpiece, if possible.
It gets kinda awkward for Dick a couple of times where the other bats, mostly Babs, checks in on his comms, only to hear Wallys needy gasping and whimpering and your deeper grunts and groans, as you describe in crude detail what you are doing to your shared boyfriend.
Babs might even be a bit impressed that Dick can keep up with his usual flips and kicks, taking out criminals like usual, and not letting what hes hearing distract him.
When he finally finishes up and gets back to wherever you guys are, Dick would dive right in, even if you and Wally had already washed up and were cuddling.
Luckily Wally is always raring to go, and it’s easy to get you worked up, just watching and listening to them. At the end of the night/early morning everyone is satisfied and happy, even if Wally has to be the one doing all the cleaning and morning cooking.
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meo-eiru · 2 days ago
i feel like in general online etiquette has gone down the drain the past few years. people are so used to instant gratification that the idea someone has to put time and effort into works completely evades them
I think capitalizing art and putting all sorts of art under the "media to be consumed" umbrella really contributed to that. A lot of people no longer view art as a piece made by the efforts of one artist and instead content created just for them to consume and go on with their day.
One of the reasons I don't take requests is because I thrive when I'm able to create my own art instead of making what people demand of me, but when you have thousands of followers unfortunately not all of them read your rules.
I've been at this for months but I still get asks or dms of people going "can you draw a yandere ____", "can you draw your characters doing this", "can you draw this unrelated character", "why aren't you drawing this other character" even though it's clearly written in my pinned post that I don't take requests.
It's not on a level that would make me want to stop what I'm doing but I also can't allow it to get any worse than this so I wrote that post. Some people genuinely doesn't understand how much effort drawing daily takes and I definitely wouldn't be able to do it if I wasn't so passionate about my characters
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bisexualbrainrots · 11 hours ago
I'm loving the responses to this fic, so here's another snippet, we're getting steamier everyone! hope you guys are enjoying the process.
if you want to read: part 1, part 2, wip part 3.
Buck shakes when one of Tommy's fingers hooks on the towel, gripping but not making an effort to pull it off yet.
He takes that as a sign and raises his hands through Tommy's arms until they find each other on the back of his neck, fingers interlocking. Buck closes a little more of the gap as he nudges his nose with his boyfriend's, greeting in the form of a soft ‘hi’ that's reciprocated immediately. 
“Were you okay back there?”
Buck nods “It wasn't so bad, you know. I got to think a lot,” he smiles, his gaze descends to Tommy's lips and a sense of hunger creeps up in him.
Tommy notices and smirks “And what were all these things you thought of?” his free hand moves up to Buck's waist, holding onto it tight.
It's this little sense of possessiveness that drives Buck crazy. What Tommy doesn’t say with his words, he shows it with his touch, and when it comes to his possessive side he’s more… physical about it. He’d put his hand on the small of Buck’s back as they walk down the street, he’d hook his fingers to the belt loops and pull Buck closer, he’d hold and squeeze the back of Buck’s neck when they’re at a get-together, and he’d leave as many marks as he could everywhere on Buck’s body.
He still has that one bite mark on his hip.
Buck nips at Tommy's top lip “You, your mouth, your neck, your fingers,” his lips graze Tommy's as he speaks but he doesn't go beyond that, letting the desire linger in the air, “I thought of those fingers inside of me, opening me up until my legs are shaking.”
Before he can say anything else, Tommy's lips are crashing onto his, giving him a bruising kiss that Buck happily reciprocates as his hands shift to hold his boyfriend's face.
As the kiss deepens they move around the room, until Buck feels his calves hit the end of the bed and he's stopped, whining a little as Tommy's tongue plays with his.
“Fuck… fuck,” Tommy's wicked gaze is all over Buck, examining every fraction of his features and licking his lips as he stays on Buck's eyes, and his voice drops an octave as he whispers “What am I gonna do with you?”
God, he loves it when Tommy gets like this. Even though it hasn't been that long since they started doing it, Buck has become obsessed with the way Tommy’s eyes and demeanor can change when he's aroused. It's almost like lust sets in and spreads around, all the way from the depths of his veins to the surface of his pores. Sometimes he remains calm and collected, even when he’s driving Buck to the edge of madness; other times he becomes a beast, wrapped in this frenzy that has him making noises that could make Buck come untouched.
Even though he knows Tommy will be careful with him, Buck can’t help but wish for him to ruin him.
“Fuck me,” Buck takes a deep breath when Tommy chuckles, the vibrations of his laugh flowing through his body and settling deep in his bones.
The hand on his waist shifts to his cheek, cupping his face with a tenderness only Tommy can give in a moment like this “Be patient, Evan. We don’t have to rush and I… I really want to take my time with you.”
Buck’s knees almost falter when Tommy gets the towel off his hips, and he has very little time to think about the fact that he’s completely naked because Tommy pushes him onto the bed, covering his body as he joins their lips in an open-mouthed kiss.
taglist! (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @likeapaperplane @fenrirscarsback @sad-girl-hours23 @station18908 @all-the-feelss @rubydaiquiri @superlock-in-the-tardis
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hetalian-veteran · 1 day ago
America's Storage Room Cleaning: The Moment that Changed Hetalia
Hetalia: Axis Powers Episodes 17 and 20: America's Storage Room Cleaning Parts 1 and 2 are probably some of the most consequential episodes of not only Hetalia, but for the Hetalia fandom as a whole. Both for how it broke away from Hetalia's satirical mold, as well as how fans reacted to it. Or at least how I reacted to it.
This episode, which aired in 2009, has been talked about to death. So much so that almost all conversations about it have been had. However, as someone who can't seem to shut up, I'm offering my two cents.
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This is the episode where we not only get a deeper look into America's character but also get to see the American Revolution. And instead of portraying this conflict in a funny or satirical light, the whole thing is played out like an emotional, character-driven tragedy.
Let's start by talking about America. We all know how he is. Loud, obnoxious, optimistic, in your face, ambitious, light-hearted---he's more or less portrayed as a giant kid. Seeing as he's still a relatively young nation regarding his history, it makes sense. Especially since most of the other countries in Hetalia are much, much older. In fact, his physical age is stated to be about nineteen years old. Pointing to him being an adult but still being quite young and inexperienced.
As a result, you don't expect to have many serious moments with this character. Not only because of the way he's portrayed, but because of Hetalia's genre being comedy. Up until this episode, you're given numerous laugh-out-loud scenes, funny one-liners, and even a few problematic jokes along the way. Overall, Hetalia is not a series meant to be taken seriously. Still isn't, even in 2025.
But this is what made America's Storage Room Cleaning so jarring.
This is an episode that nearly drops everything Hetalia is known for. There are no laughs. Hardly any jokes. No silly one-liners. No slapstick. No problematic moments that make you cringe and think, "Ooooh, this hasn't aged well." If anything, I'd say this is an episode that has aged like a fine wine. (And no, I'm not just saying that because I'm American).
While going through an old storage room in his house, America mentions that he often has a hard time cleaning it out, as its contents manage to dredge up all kinds of bad memories. Mentioning that it's not always easy looking at one's own history.
And it's here where we get our first look into the history between Britain and America. We've gotten little glimpses of it before in prior episodes when the Hetalia crew was trying to hype us up for this one. But here is where we get to see the pieces put together.
America goes through a few different items, each one detailing a different part of his and Britain's history together.
We see a set of handmade toy soldiers that Britain made for America when he was a young child. One that Britain put a lot of work into, seeing as he nearly broke his hand. America even mentions that Britain painted each soldier with a different face, further showing just how much time and effort he put into the gift.
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We see an old suit. One that Britain got for America as he got older. Britain emphasizes the importance of dressing nicely in public. Even though America isn't a fan of the suit, he agrees to keep it and only wears it for special occasions.
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These scenes give you the impression that Britain and America have, or at least had, a close relationship in the past.
And then we get to the bayonet. The one with a deep scratch in the side.
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Upon seeing it, America is quickly reminded of a confrontation he had with Britain during the American Revolution. Standing in the rain and backed up by an army, America declares his independence from Britain. The latter of whom is deliberately shown to be alone, with no army at his side.
And then America says this:
"Britain! I am no longer a child, nor am I your little brother."
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This establishes the nature of their relationship. While not related by blood, they're family. Growing angry, Britain charges at him. America blocks him with his bayonet. The gun flies out of America's hands, and Britain is given a clear opening to shoot him. But he can't bring himself to do it.
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Falling to the ground, Britain begins sobbing. As America looks on, we get flashbacks to Britain and America when the latter was a child. Britain holds out his hand with an offer to go home. An offer that a happy, smiling little America cheerfully accepts.
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Then the scene flashes back to the war, with Britain continuing to break down in front of his little brother, questioning why and how everything got this way. To which America tells Britain that he knows why. Watching the disheartening scene unfold, America sadly says:
"What happened? I remember when you were great."
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The whole episode gives you such an insane, in-depth look at America's character, and even Britain's to an extent. The story is portrayed as a tragedy of two brothers torn apart by conflict. Brothers who love and care about one another but no longer see eye to eye. One desires control, and the other desires freedom and independence.
By depicting America and Britain as family, this episode gives you a vivid window into how this could be seen as a tragedy, but one you know is necessary for one of the characters to grow. It almost plays out like a soap opera.
The reason this episode is, in my opinion, the one that changed Hetalia and its fandom is because this is the episode where we truly got to see the sheer brilliance of Hetalia's potential.
World history is hardly a pretty picture to look at. History, real history, is often violent. Ugly. Controversial. Unsettling. Complicated. And in some instances, downright horrifying.
And yet, on the other side of the coin, history can be incredible. Inspiring. Powerful. Though-provoking. Intellectually stimulating. Beautiful. And at times, even hopeful.
America's Storage Room Cleaning is an amazing episode because of how they portray such an incredible moment in history. It's treated like it's a serious and intense drama. Because, for America and Britain, it is. It's an episode that prompts the audience to think, "If this is how the American Revolution is portrayed using these characters, then how can other conflicts be depicted?"
And I believe it was this episode of the anime/chapter of the comic that led to the creation of the historical side of the Hetalia fandom. Now, I have no doubt that side of the fandom would've formed eventually, regardless of whether or not Hetalia tried to play it straight. But this episode absolutely fueled it, as evidenced by the copious amount of fanart, fanfiction, fanon, headcanons, and cosplays this episode has inspired.
I know there are other moments where Hetalia delves into serious territory. Joan of Arc, the battle of Grunwald, the protests in Russia, etc.
But this is the moment where the audience caught a glimpse of what Hetalia could be. The potential to portray history in such a unique and different way, the likes of which you don't see everywhere else.
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acupofinkedblood · 1 day ago
Broker x reader
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• Ah yes, the infamous Broker lurking in the dark with that oh-so-enthusiastic smile of his with eyes piercing through the most well-hidden sign of your soul just for the fun of it. Don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely quite the wild card of an option that one can choose. The real question is: Why? You have so much other options. Of course, we listen and we don’t judge. It’s not everyday for you to see someone pointing at a suspicious smiley dude covered in stitches and say ‘Yeah, that’s the one’ out of the blue. Certainly it’s not that of a common point of view after all. Nonetheless, one gotta gives Broker the credit to have such a way to seize your attention. But then how on the SFOTH’s names do you even manage to get this man to reciprocate his attention to you in such questionable intensity? Nobody will ever be able to answer that at this point
• Anyone with a normal functioning sense of danger can immediately pick up something off about Broker. The real question isn’t why, but rather, how. How on Inpherno did someone like him exist in the first place? Him, the infamous Broker, who has been wanted countless times, faked countless deaths only to come back and cause another havoc. The one who was under the charged of murder, manslaughter, gear laundering and various undocumented crimes — The Broker himself — how did he even do that? Asking that how can Broker be suspicious should be a crime, because what is not even suspicious about him? He always has this shadiness going on even when he is just being friendly. Something about him is just screaming for you to flee for your life, yet you can never see it coming to your direction before it’s too late. Who knows what is being hidden under that smile? One should know better than to be involved with someone like him
• But guess that life is full of surprises. Because you out of all people decide to look at him with a look of longing, which is a contrast to the defensive gaze he usually received from folks around. If anyone who is close to you heard of this, you bet that they would react more than just grabbing your shoulder and shaking you like crazy. That’s not just. criminal, that’s the most wanted criminal that has given the Warden himself a huge headache. To have a crush on someone like him is definitely a worrying sign to witness. And hell, where did you even find him? Broker is everywhere — whether he meant it in a metaphorical or actual sense, you get the point — but to locate him requires a lots of effort. Yet you don’t have to worry about it for too long. In this case, he actually showed himself to you after a short while. You did capture his interest somewhat after all, and knowing Broker, he can’t just miss out this lovely opportunity. Call it a mild entertainment before he actually has something else to do
• Still, it’s better safe than sorry. The Broker, despite coming off as this jovial and lighthearted individual, was wanted for a reason. There was no way he will just interact with someone outside of the cult for the fun of it. Information is what he values most, which is why he stalked most of everyone in Inphernal at this point, maybe including you. It’s all for business. Of course, not for the majority of the time, though you get what one means. It’s really just about the matter of time before he reveals his ulterior motive when putting on that friendly facade. And in this case, surprisingly enough, it’s you. For some reason, you manage to capture his heart — Does he even have one? — in such an old fashioned way as he made it out to be. You might fall first, but the Broker fall for you even deeper than you’d expect. SFOTH above, what have you gotten yourself into?
• Just when he realizes his feelings for you, good luck keeping up with him because he will make it worth every single second he spent around you. To tell if he’s serious or just waltzing around you for sole entertainment is pretty hard at first glance. Each gesture of his will send you into a spiral state of questions on whether or not does he meant it. He’s really a monster and a self-proclaimed romantic guy in combination: A little bit of sweet nothing, lingering gaze, endearing action for your well-being and subtle flirtatious compliments…Enough to make you feel like it might be casual, enough to make you unable to sleep thinking about him. He does know how checkmate you right into the corner of your own mind, remember that. He won’t just tell you right away about how he feels about you right away, oh no no, where’s the fun in that? He will dance around you until he finally feels funny enough to spare you by confessing his actual feelings, but nonetheless, the tease won’t stop just like that even when you’re his
• Of course, how can we ever forget about the Cult of True Eye when talking about him? The Family means a lots to him after all. Just a head up, if you actually want to be his official significant other and get treated like one, you’re going to have to join the cult. It’s the same thing with Scythe all over again: Unless you’re a part of them, you’re not going to stand a chance to be with them in a serious manner. If he actually adores you that much, you bet that he will go all the way to try and convince you to join the cult. With that honey tongue of his, you will get the church’s uniform before you even realize it. But that’s not anything too bad! It’s the start of you and Broker together, it’s definitely a day to celebrate!
• If there is anything you have to pay attention to this questionable existence of an Inphernal, then you have to keep in mind that he’s a businessman at heart. He knows how to put his mind into good use, whether it’s a business’ matter or just something personal that he likes to meddling with. The Broker will offer you all of his, but he also expects the other way around. You can’t just expect him to just invest all of his love for nothing, no? This might sound rather confusing, but just imagine it as this: Unlike how normal relationships occur, a relationship with the Broker feels more like a ‘romantic partnership’ where both parties can be benefited in different aspects. Not just in romantic terms, but also the others. In this case, you have officially become his partner in crimes. A good thing about that if he ever considered that, then it’s the sole evidence of Broker’s trust in you, as he saw you as a serious lover! Being his partner in crimes isn’t that hard too, you will manage somehow
• That isn’t to say your taste in Inphernal folks is bad though, because if one dares say, Broker is surprisingly better than you give him credit for. You’re definitely out of your mind still, but one won’t judge you, of course. You did see the appeal of this man that others failed to acknowledge. As the matter of fact, aside from that eerie vibe he brings to the function, he’s actually pretty pleasant to look at. People are wary of Broker because of how dangerous he can be. But you? You let that fly through your mind the very moment you developed a crush on him. Others might see a manipulative criminal, but all you see is the love of your life in all endearment. Maybe he can be a bit of an oddball, but that’s just one of the quirks you love about him, right? How can you not be swooned by that lovely demeanor of his when he is with you? It definitely makes you feel special genuinely
• Broker can be a gentleman when he feels like it. He has his own charm, and maybe that’s why he manages to do these kind of business smoothly. The Broker has a good way with words, especially when it comes to pursuance. Not just his business connections, but he knows how to use it on you too. Mostly in lighthearted fashion, of course. He knows just what will be the right praise to soothe you even in the toughest of times. He will and is going to be a man of his words about keeping you on your toes with his sweet nothing. It does help whenever you’re in a bad mood, especially when he can throw in some advices of his after calming you down with his affectionate gestures, like holding you or massaging your shoulders. Be assured that he will still keep that playful demeanor around you, it’s never a boring moment with someone like him near you after all!
• You already know that Broker smokes. Compared to the various worse habits he had, this one is by far the tamest of them all. If you want to join him, go ahead! He can always used some company of a loved one while he’s having a moment of peace to his mind. Then again, he can’t help but teasing you slightly when he’s at it. Blowing smoke into your face is one of the good examples. But there’s something about the way he does it: Flirtatious yet so effortlessly with that grin he always wear, it can easily drive you out of your right mind. And just saying, but he will give you a smoke kiss if he picks up the hints that you’re fine with it. You don’t even have to ask for it — though it’ll be funny if you do — he knows how to pick up the hints from your body language. What a guy
• Since he did state that he can’t really feel pain, you can’t help yourself but to wonder if he can feel anything at all. Can he still feel your touch? Feel the way you caress your hand against his skin like how he does to you? Broker will make you guess, of course. Though at the end of the day, he will give you the answer, in a subtle way. He always gives you the hints that he can, but that doesn’t help with that poker face of his whenever he holds you. How curious, isn’t it? You can never know which part of his word to be taken seriously and what not. But judging on how he always seem to unconsciously reach out for you, either to have you sit so close beside him while he keeps a hand on your waist or randomly sneak up from behind to pull you into a tough embrace, you know that you can trust him somewhat when he says he wants to feel you. Even when he brushes it off as a causal thing he always does, he does that only to you in a genuine manner, not out of pleasantries
• But of course, the thing you find odd about Broker is not just that. At least based on physical aspects, aside from his glass eye, the stitches across his body certainly has caught your attention as well, no? This might be a bit eerie to grasp, but have you ever thought about that time Broker joked that most of his body parts — which doesn’t include his head — aren’t even his? Has it occurred to you that it’s not a joke at all? You should have realized that by now due to the difference in each part of his limbs, as if he really sew those up together as a replacement to his old ones. And yes, he can remove it too. Pick your jaw up, darling, that’s not the worst stunt he can pull in front of you in the middle of the day. His limbs are removable. The Broker doesn’t even feel anything when he does that, just pure numbness
• That does remind you of that time when he just pick his limb up after being bashed away to the other side of the room then waving it at you, asking if you know how to sew or stitch stuff for a favor. Safe to say he really owes you a lots of potential medical bills just because of the absurd amount of time he almost gives you a heart attack. There was a time when he jokingly took his head off his neck then brought it to you. Though judging on how you looked like you were that close to pass out, he didn’t do it too often. But of course, the stitching him up part. Broker thinks that it’s cute for you to do it for him. Most of the time he only relies on Medkit — or when Medkit isn’t around, then Scythe — to do that for him. And now he has you, his beloved, how can he skip this precious opportunity? It doesn’t even hurt him after all, more like a spa day in some sense when you’re carefully putting him back together. Honestly, it gives him a sense of fondness when seeing a part of your work engraved on his body
• Listen, he will spoil you rotten, but not in the way you are currently thinking about. Don’t you ever forget that he’s a criminal. If you wish for a fancy dinner with him, then worry not, he will set it up for you in an instant. Not in a restaurant, of course. Probably at home or on top of some rooftop for romantic atmosphere, don’t mind the odd blood stain on the tablecloth though. If you wish for pretty things, then rest assured, he will surprise you with tons more. If you ignore the fact that most of them are stolen items, and don’t think of wearing it out on the public too much, people will definitely notice that you’re wearing a stolen item from a valuable collection. He spoils you by committing even more crimes, both for the thrill of it and to please you. Maybe once in a while he can buy you things properly due to the leftover cash he had after a great investment which he sent back to the cult. The Broker loves you, he will probably take his heart out for you if you asked — fair warning, do not do that — so those things one just mentioned are just some very small things he will do for you
• A reminder that the Broker does have a good sense that of style. Hell, you will be surprised with how well he can put each item together to make a good outfit as if he’s a designer. Let’s not mention the stolen fashionable stuffs for now, because you know too well that he will find more than a way to rock the heck out of those. If you ask him to pick your outfit even just for a casual day, Broker will be delighted to assist you with all he got in mind. He’d love to doll you up if you allowed him to, you’re his upmost darling after all. And he will join you in this runaway model stage of a fever dream too if he feels like a dose of fun chaos. Do you realize that he can dance too? Specially waltzing, so you know you’re in good hand when he starts taking your hand and twirling you around. He has good taste, you can’t really deny it when the result is too obvious in front of your eyes
• If you ever wondered why the hell does your phone bills have increased so much recently, just give Broker a glance and you will figure out why. He’s a busy guy, so that’s his favorite communication style to hear the voice of his beloved. Given how much he has to run back and forth in work, it’s only natural for him to call you from time to time with a jaw dropping frequency. His calling schedule is a bit hard to grasp, but those are enough for your call history to extend like a damn scroll. That’s not even the most questionable thing about Broker and his calls. For some reason, he always find out where you are and ring you a call in the exact spot, even when you haven’t told him where were you heading at. Be it in another region or somewhere remote, if there is a phone, then Broker will have his way to give you a call no matter what
• Broker loves to observe you. There is something about taking note of your expression, your appearance and you sweet little quirks that makes him unable to avert his gaze away from you. Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t mean it in a creepy way as others made it out to be. It’s the ultimate evidence on how much he wants to mesmerize you in details. What do you usually do when you’re happy? How will your demeanor shift when you’re nervous? Do you lighten up when seeing something you like? So many questions he has for you, and the Broker loves to figure it out all by himself by paying attention to you whenever he can possibly. He loves looking at your direction, even from afar or when you’re beside him. Though he does make it pretty obvious. It’s like he doesn’t even blink when you’re talking to him, but just listen in silence with his eye staring at you, having you as the sole focus at the moment. If he notices that you’re getting flustered just because he’s staring, then that’s just another win for him. He probably loves watching you sleep too but we won’t dwell into that too much
• You are his precious apple of the eye, so don’t be so dumbfounded when he keeps his word about keeping an eye on you for the sake of your safety. If he usually stalks the other Inphernals for the benefit of getting valuable information out of them when they least expect it, then now he has to keep a close eye on you so that he can protect you even when you’re not aware of it. And by that one means, yes, he knows everything about you at this point. From your usual routine of the day to the places you usually spend the majority of your time at, he knows every single details of it. Of course, he means no harm, just wanting to make sure that nothing is out of the ordinary when it comes to you! Besides, you don’t ever have to worry about him not understanding you - he has quite the analytical skills, because based on the information he has collected about you? Yeah, he definitely knows you well like the palm of his hand
• Sometimes there might be a good amount of time for the two of you to be separated from each other. Most of the time the reason will probably be that he’s busy with his duty of serving the church or just his investment in general, but at least he still gives you a call every now and then to check up on his beloved. But if there is a period of time where he hasn’t shown up nor calling out for you like usual, then you should know that he has gotten himself in trouble. In this case, the trouble is involved with the Banland itself. Well, it’s not anything too surprising at this point. Even when Broker dislikes going back, the Warden has dragged him back into his cell enough for him to get used to the whole place by now. He will escape again, you know too well of that. But that still doesn’t stop Scythe to bring you with her on this rescue mission regarding the love of your life though. Despite all the hassle, it’s actually pretty entertaining with how Broker feigns a dramatic gasp when you fish him out of his cell like a damsel in distress. Scythe will pick the two of you up and run for your lives, while Broker will seize this opportunity to be all lovey dobey with you. Nonetheless, the amusement is pretty worthy
• Speaking of that, beware of Banhammer or his teammates when you’re minding your business somewhere outside the closed home sweet home. If you ever join Scythe with said rescue mission, then you have to be prepared for the potential danger of those officers can cause because of how they have seen your faces and features by now. A little bit of caution won’t kill anyone. If things are too tiring, you know that the church will always provide you a place to live. Though with how ran down the facility is at the moment, even Broker won’t recommend it. After all, he lives somewhere else rather than staying at the church like Scythe now. Or at the very least, you can live with him! Just keep your head down if you can. In the very least if you ever get captured, then now you will be the damsel in distress while Broker actively makes attempts to bring you out of it. He can withstand the warden’s wrath, but you can’t. The faster he gets someone to save you, the better. Scythe definitely has to take a wine break after saving your ass too many times, so be careful and don’t get caught
• In any circumstances, do not underestimate this guy because of his joyous demeanor. One beg of you to never make that mistake. Those charges he is guilty of are not for show. He can and will break someone’s bones without hesitation if the situation changes in an unwanted way. Sure, he’d love to negotiate, but not when he’s obviously in the disadvantaged position in the argument. If there is no peaceful way to back out, then alas, violence is his second nature. It’s like a walk in a park for him, considering what had he done numerous times before meeting you. One bids those poor dismembered souls a farewell. He won’t ever do that to you though, that’s a certain fact. Yet he will do it for the sake of your safety. After all, he can’t just let his darling suffer without punishing the one who is responsible for it. Don’t be too surprised if you found out your bully has gone missing the very next day. If you confront the Broker about it, the only answer you will ever get is a smile
• Ironically, you will actually be more than just safe with him around. The Broker has quite the keen eye of predicting the worst scenario, hence he has the backup plan to at least ensure his lover’s safety. He might be unable to seek you out every single time of the day, the church needs him after all. But he does have some “little birdies” accompanying you even when you have no clue about it. He spies with his eye that you have put yourself in such a tight spot, and the next thing you know is that he already has the plan to take you to live somewhere else within his reach so he can protect you better. The Broker doesn’t play around with your safety. He can appear to be pretty careless about it in front of your face, saying you can help yourself out just fine, but in reality? Hell, he worried himself out because of you. And if he’s there snatching you away from unwanted troublemakers? Ignorance is bliss, my dear. You will not like what he is about to do to those people once you turn your back away. Whoever messes with you will be messing with him personally
• By all means, he can be a bit — actually, you already know that’s an understatement, he is more than just a ‘bit’ — unsettling around you. But he means well! After all, everything he does is because of how he genuinely loves you. It’s all for your sake, as how he does make it pretty entertaining for the both of you in this relationship. The Broker adores you will all of his, and the fact that you love him despite all of his quirky little behavior — that will definitely send someone crying like a kid — is already so endearing. So rest assured, he loves you in his very own way - as a partner in crime, as a close companion, and the most importantly, as a lover. Even when he doesn’t show it too much, sometimes even waltz around you like it’s a little stage of his, don’t you ever forget that you mean a lots to him
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
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nthewriter · 1 day ago
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(Sorry I had writer block ;-; please be advised this chapter can be uncomfortable to read, it's angsty)
Being Simon's long lost biological child
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 (you are here!)
"Did you seriously search "how to be a good dad"?" Johnny asked with an arched eyebrow, looking at the computer.
"Better late than nothing."
"Si, honey, I think that's more of an instinct thingy."
"My only instincts are to kill and to protect." Simon groaned, head back in annoyance. "I am really trying, Johnny."
"I know." He felt the other man's hands on his shoulders massaging him. "It's been a few weeks now. We could... have a family lunch? Could cook something, and they often eat alone in their room."
"You're an angel. You know that?"
Simon genuinely tried to be a good father. It was just... hard. Too hard sometimes. He drove (Y/N) to their therapy sessions twice a week, waited for them, tried to remember things they liked to which they would reply "I am not five anymore dad!". Well, at least they recognised him as their father. Which was good, he guessed.
Johnny had always been a good cook, that’s what he had found out after starting to live with the Scottish man. He always had cookbooks everywhere, freshly and neatly aligned by categories. Ever since he had been lightly discharged from the army, Johnny has been trying out all kinds of cooking, even once cooking something with dry insects. Simon still remembered trying to smile and to tell his beloved he was liking it.
Simon dressed up the table nicely. He wanted to make sure that (Y/N) felt included, welcomed… loved. He did feel like an asshole for not trying to step up earlier. It would have avoided all this mess. It would have surely prevented Elsie's death. It would have prevented his child from being turned into a mindless killer who worshiped Vladimir Makarov like a saint.
They came out the bedroom, footsteps light but Simon could hear them coming down the stairs. When he looked up, he found his child staring back at him with a frown.
“What's the occasion?”
“We thought we could have a family dinner tonight. You, me, Soap.” He jerked with his head toward the kitchen. Simon usually used his partner's callsign as a pet name.
“I'm not hungry.”
“You better be. He spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen trying to find something that will please you.” There he went with his aggressive and harsh tone. He tried to calm and ground himself. “Listen- I just- Johnny just wanted to spend some time with you.”
“So we can pretend everything is okay? That we are a perfect little family?” (Y/N) replied, mimicking his aggressive tone.
“Yes. Just for once. Please.” Simon begged as he moved and awkwardly clasped their shoulder. He squeezed it lightly.
The evening went on quietly. Simon put on some light music, trying to make the atmosphere less tense. He had cleaned up a little, trying to look good. His eyes wandered to his child who took a few bites off the food Johnny had prepared.
“It's good?” Johnny asked the kid.
They often spoke few words when they were around the couple. Simon felt bad, he wanted to include them into the family. So he tried to make conversation.
“Doctor Fonda said you were making a lot of efforts. That's nice. I am proud of you.”
“Proud of what? Of me “seeing things your way”?” They spoke aggressively.
“No- I meant-”
“Meant what?” They glared at him across the table. And the man felt a white hot rage rising in his body. Couldn’t they see he was trying?! Trying to be a better father?!
“Simon, calm down.” Johnny put his hand on his partner's under the table.
“I'm calm.”
“Speak to yourself, old man. Sounds like you have seen a ghost or something.” They grinned, continuing to fuel his rage. “What? Do I look like mom? How did you feel when she died after you left her to rot all alone?”
“I didn't leave her! You're making me sound bad.” Simon growled, slowly standing up. And his kid stood too.
“Because you're trying to play the hero, again, when in reality you're just a freaking loser! She died because of you!”
“And you should have died with her! That will save me a bunch of problems!” Simon roared back. “I didn't want you in the first fucking place! I wish she had aborted you like I begged her in the first place.”
Then, silence. Complete silence. (Y/N) stomped back to their room, slamming the door. The dinner was cold. Simon sighed and put a hand through his hair. He had fucked up. Again. He had said things he didn't mean to say. Or perhaps… and it was the worst, he meant them.
Turning to Johnny, he tried to apologise. But the other man just groaned something under his breath, clearly annoyed at him.
“The dishes need to be done.” Johnny spoke with an emotionless voice as he grabbed the half empty plate.
Simon sat back into his chair. He wasn't a good father. But he was a good destroyer.
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beastlybardou · 2 days ago
10 Foot Beast or Pint-Sized Fury?
An Unexpected Questioning Post
For the last nine years I have been in the community, I have considered myself a werewolf. Not just because those are the most "popular" kintype, or because I like them, but because of some real, deep questioning too. However, lately, I've been wondering if I might have been mistaken all this time. I might be a wolverine instead?
Looking at my werewolf form side-by-side with a wolverine, all the most important things that I feel strongest about on my were-form are also present on wolverines. Large, hand-like paws, broad powerful head, small ears, thick crushing teeth, long sharp claws, stocky build, the ability to move quadrapedally but stand upright for short periods, thick bristly fur, its all there.
Here is a comparison.
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Behaviorally, they also are fiercely territorial, distance running, northern predators, all of which are an established must. Frankly, their more solitary nature fits better with me. I've never been one to constantly be in a group. If I'm being honest with myself, I'm not much of a team player. I would rather just do it all myself and know that it's being done right (or that if it isn't its my own fault and I will learn) than worry about what someone else is doing.
I love my friends dearly, and I absolutely need to interact with them, but I also need my space when it's all said and done. Similarly, male wolverines have large territories that allow them to visit and play with their children and mates while still retreating back to their own space most of the time.
As a person, I'm kind of small for a grown man and people consistently underestimate me because of it, but I've won every fight I've been in and have always been told I'm a lot stronger than I look. Being a 10 foot tall near unstoppable beast sounds pretty great and has been what I identify with, but it also kind of feels like a power fantasy on my part. Plus, I think "I am a giant killing machine" is a thought a wolverine would have anyway. Being on the smaller side but still punching above my weight feels a little more realistic to my lived experience.
All of that speaks to me being a wolverine, but I do have some reservations. I've always howled. Ever since I was little, it's been one of my main vocal quirks. I very strongly feel connected to the concept of transformation and feel deeply seen by werewolf narratives because of it. And, on a more personal note, not being a werewolf would be kind of emotional for me because of all the time and effort and trust I've put on my identity. I've built so much of my personal mythos and beliefs around being a werewolf. It's been such a key part of how I've interacted with the world, myself, and my community for so long that I would be very sad to leave that behind and have been mistaken about it.
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npookie0 · 2 days ago
Hi! Can I request something? It's my first time requesting in tumblr Here I go! Can you do a one-shot with V with a reader who's a mute? I sorta need a comfort fic right now. If It's okay! I love your Ronin fanfic about it
Loud in the Silence.
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V x mute!g.n.reader, comfort, fluff
Words: 3354
Cws: spoilers for Killer Chat!
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"Mx Y/n, please try to say 'hi'." Your therapist told you, she's been telling you the same thing for years now.
Years of speaking exercises, therapy and many other exhausting things. Even with so many procedures, you were still unable to talk and your doctors were slowly loosing all hope for your case. Every doctor you visited kept on reassuring you that you can overcome your muteness, but no matter how much effort you've put into the exercises, it all ended in vein.
This time was no different, you were leaving the doctor's office, resignation in the man's eyes, exhaustion on his face. You were a lost cause, you accepted it a long time ago. Not speaking wasn't so terrible... alright it was. It was a lot. You hated it, hated being treated like a lost child, like someone weak who needs others to do things for them, the special treatment. Being treated like some kind of alien because of your muteness was the worst.
I'm used to this. You kept on telling yourself, bottling your feelings inside, shutting away from the world and people who hurt you.
You've reached home, put your bag on its place, kicked off your shoes and made your way to your study-bedroom to work some more on your serial killer book. You wanted to be a new promising criminal novelist, that was your dream since forever.
Writing was the only form of escapism for you, the only thing you didn't feel judged for not talking. People only cared about the words you wrote, not the ones you said. It brought you comfort, something to keep you away from these overwhelming thoughts that made your mind so unbearably heavy.
This doesn't feel right".
You grunted in frustration, erasing a whole freshly filled page. This character, they felt so unrealistic, the murder was poorly executed, nothing made sense. You will never be a great author if you will continue on like this. It was fine time you touched some... less than legal resources.
After days of leaving interesting question on the dark web and feared your IP getting leaked anytime you received a reply to your posts.
You opened the site, wrote up a new post and clicked "send" then you noticed a new private message, you opened the chat, the person was marked as unknown. Of course they were. They sent you a link and a key, you were curious so you opened the link and filled in the password.
A chatting site showed up on your screen, you were in the main channel that slowly got flooded with welcoming messages. It was weird. A server with eight members, made specifically on the dark web of all places. It definitely screamed trouble from distance, but you already joined and there was an active threat that whoever owns the server has your IP, so why not stay?
<Y/n>: Hello, thanks for the warm welcome.
You sent your first message.
<goreboy>: your welcome darlin' <goreboy>: check out the rules, there's not much but y'know
You took a note of the person by the name "goreboy" words and entered the channel.
<goreboy>: be a serial killer, First rule of fight club <goreboy>: oh yeah and don't be transphobic, racist and just weird or angel will Snipe ya
<Angelic> And that's a promise, not a threat.
Serial killer? That has to be a joke or some stupid roleplay.
You thought, it was the most logical conclusion you could come up with. These people couldn't be serial killers, why would serial killers make a whole server anyway? It's probably some silly roleplay made by bored people who were too deep into their roleplay and decided to use the dark web as their domain. Yes, that sounds logical.
But what if these are real serial killers?
Doubts began to cloud your mind, there was no reason for them to lie about this either. You had to find out the truth some way. Asking them about it would be suspicious. A supposed serial killer asking other serials if they truly are who they say they are? Yeah that's your one way ticked to a grave.
You scanned the server members and an idea came to your mind.
Why not ask a specific person about their identity?
That idea should work, there was no way it would flop, or so you hoped.
<Y/n>: @/K9, are you the serial killer who kills other bad people?
You sent the message. Why did you choose that person? You didn't know, this member seemed to be the most interesting out of all the others.
<K9>: I refuse to be associated with these wild beast. I am a vigilante.
<goreboy>: don't Listen to v, he's As killer as The rest of us are.
Oh, I am seriously in a den of serial killers... how exciting.
Logic told you to leave, call the police and let them handle this, but something stopped you. You could use this as an opportunity to shape your story, get to know how the other serials operate, get inside their heads in a way. What better way to learn than by making them believe that you are one of them?
Two weeks had passed, you've been enjoying your time playing pretend with the killers and hoping that they won't learn about your serial killer persona being just an act.
You entered the #killer_shit channel to see some discourse started by Misaki about blood art, a curious choice for a topic, but these people also talked about gutting someone open or what torture methods are the most painful.
<goreboy>: hey Y/n, you've Been here for weeks by Now and we still don't know shit about ya <goreboy> isn't it a li'l weird?
Of course, it couldn't be too easy. You should have expected them to catch up on the way you were more of a lurker and that you rarely participated in murder talk.
<LUCA_IS_SO_COOL>: Yeah dude you're totally rightttt
<Y/n>: Isn't being a mystery a good thing? ^^"
You didn't really know what to do so you had to improvise. A serial killer could want to not reveal a lot about themselves, right?
<goreboy>: i mean, if ya Want someone To open you up and see your li'l secrets then im After the job, darlin'
Okay maybe being an enigma wasn't such a great idea as you originally thought.
<goreboy>: c'mon, let's have A voice call Reveal
<hitmeuppp>: OMG yesss we should do that!!!
<LUCA_IS_SO_COOL>: I second this!!!1
<Felicite>: I third this...!
Oh you are in so much trouble.
You obviously can't join the call, unless you magically overcome your muteness in five seconds or less and telling them that you have to stay on mute would make you sound like some cop trying to get information about them.
Your hands were sweating as they hoovered over the keyboard, barely tapping on the letters you wrote.
<Y/n>: I'm very sorry, I can't call now.
You left the chat after you sent this, too stressed to see their replies, you didn't want to see their disappointment or anger.
While you were worrying about the consequences of your words, a pop up shown on your screen; K9 wants to DM you.
You blinked a few times. What does he want?
V didn't strike you as someone who would message you out of the blue, he didn't show up on the server much after you joined, unless Ronin made a new announcement or the topic was "immoral" enough.
You agreed to the request and then received a message.
<K9>: Is there a reason for your inability to call right now?
Oh wow, he's forward.
You bit your lower lip. What should you do now? Lie? Tell the truth? You didn't want to hide the truth about being mute, but seeing it in your texts with someone felt humiliating.
Then, another idea popped into your mind. It was risky, could fail or give you more trouble, but it could also make one serial killer (or a vigilante in this case) side with you.
You prepared the item for your plan and called V, not asking him if is able to have a short call now.
To your surprise he picked up and he looked better than you could ever imagine a serial killer to look like. Beautiful eyes that looked at your coldly and judgemental, dark braids put up in a ponytail and falling down his shoulders. He looked majestic, you can't remember ever seeing as handsome.
Stop, stop, stop. This is not the time for this.
You scolded yourself in your mind, you can dote over the way he looks some other time, you had a plan to go through with.
Before you could say anything you moved the notebook that you were nervously holding in your hands to the camera, somehow the text on it wasn't inverted.
You watched him mouth the message you wrote; I am mute, I can't speak. His face froze in shock, shock turning into understanding.
Not pity, not sadness, not disgust like some other people you knew. Just pure understanding, acceptance. It almost made you tear up. For the first time someone didn't judge you for your disability, didn't flood you with uncomfortable questions or declared that they'll teach you how to speak.
"I see. it would be truly uncomfortable to join a call in this situation." He said.
Oh gosh, even his voice is just amazing.
You nodded your head and wrote another message, showing him the notebook again; Yes, I don't think that I'm ready to share it with the whole server, yet.
"Ah, of course, that's completely understable. You are in no way obligated to tell anyone about your situation." Hs words were rational, they were what you already knew, but for some reason they felt comforting. It felt validating to know that there was someone who agreed with you, who didn't expect you to spill everything out.
I'm glad you understand me.
You could swear that there was a hint of a smile on his lips.
"Well, now that we're here, do you feel comfortable answering my questions?"
Here we go again with the interrogation, why can't they just leave me alone?
At least this time you have a way out of this; Can we do it some other time? Admitting my disability was already a lot. It wasn't a complete lie, you did feel overwhelmed by coming clean about your muteness like this.
"Ah, yes of course, rest well, Y/n." V said before he hung up.
You were left alone with your thoughts again and the open draft for your story that you still needed to build a protagonist for. You will think about it some other time... You are in a dire need of rest now.
Some time later and you were on another call with V, this time he knew your made up serial killer alias, you learned his Modus Operandi and he decided to play a game of 20-but-I-will-make-it-3-since-you-so-kindly-asked questions on a call with you.
"Were you born mute?" His first question was bold, but you were expecting questions like this, even though other people usually make them sound much more gentle.
Yes, I can't remember ever saying a word in my life, nor does my mother or the doctors we visited. You replied, using your notebook again. V was very much alright with this method of communication, or he just never expressed having anything against your conversations looking like this.
"Mhm. I see." His response was simple, not prying on any more details than what you were ready and comfortable with revealing. You could respect him for this, it even made you feel very happy for some reason. "Do you not know sign language?" This question was... unexpected. No one was ever interested in that part, well mostly because they didn't know how to sign themselves.
Writing this reply took you longer than you thought, because you never had to think about an answer for so long before. I never felt the need to learn, more people knows how to read then how to sign and it's simpler. You didn't add the part about not having enough people in your life to learn how to sign for, he didn't need to know that part.
This response surprised him, he probably never met someone so laid back in a way when it comes to things like that. "Oh, I understand. Well, I know how American, British, German and a few other versions of sign language, if you'd ever feel the need I could teach you."
His offer caught you off of guard, V telling you that he could teach you how to sign? You thought that this could be a dream with how surreal it seamed. He was especially kind to you for the time you knew him, sure, but to the extend that he'd spend his time on being a teacher for a mute (supposed) serial killer? The more time you spend with him the more surprising V turned to be.
"Are you not okay with this?" You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't realise that you still haven't replied to him.
Oh, no, no! I'm really thankful for the offer, I could consider taking you up on this if I ever felt like it. You replied and gave him a big beaming smile. Somehow the thought of V trying to teach you how to sign was exciting to you, it made the butterflies in your stomach flutter.
Oh, I'm so lost in this game.
The realisation was hard, sure, even confusing. Falling for a vigilante was never in your plans when you took this journey, but was it a bad thing? Well, yes! You could end up dead if he found you out, thought whenever you tried to bring you not being a writer up to him ended with him scoffing and saying that he knows how Ronin operates and that he'd never invite a non serial to the server.
Maybe it won't be as bad as you think it could be? V is tender, caring, he is easily flustered, his smile is sweet and he's a protector who deeply loves his animals, even if he never admits to the last part. Heck! He even found a bird and name it after you, is that not a perfect romance potential then what is?
I'm seriously insane for considering a killer my potential partner... Well! Taste is subjective!
January came faster than you thought, and so did a sudden love confession from V. His words made your heart melt, you reciprocated his feelings. You would be a fool if you didn't.
You really did take him up on that sign language offer, learning the most basic and easy signs that you could need the most.
"It would be easier if I could do this with you in the room with me." V sighed when your try to sign 'where' ended up with it being very floppy and apparently making an insult in another language.
These words birthed yet another genius idea in your creative mind. Then why don't you pay me a visit? All that trying to hunt me down and I'm to believe that you have nothing on me? A bold move on your side, but you either go big or don't go at all.
V looked at you, squinting his eyes like he was thinking about something really important. "You are right my love, why don't I teach you how to sign face to face?" He gave you a soft smile. "Did I ever tell you how smart you are?"
Yes, but you're free to praise me more, love. You stuck out your tongue at him when you gave him the response and his face flushed.
"There's not enough words, or signs, that could describe your genius or beauty, my love." And now you were the one blushing and losing your words.
Damn him, and his stupidly sweet praise.
Valentine's day. What a better time to meet with your serial killer boyfriend than that? Well, you probably could think of a few dates at the top of your mind, but Valentines worked as perfect as those other days too.
You were dressed up nicely, you would be meeting V for the first time you had to look at least presentable. You were fidgeting with your pen. This was seriously stressing you out in a way that you couldn't explain.
There were the butterflies, the excitement and love, but there was also worry, at he'd find out and harm you. You trusted V, but would he trust you if he knew? It was the uncertainty that scared you so much, you couldn't expect anything from a man who fed his animals with the people he killed.
The sound of the doorbell rang in your ear. There's no time for doubts, no chance to back away now. You took a deep breath, looked at yourself for the last time in a mirror and made your way to the front door.
You opened them and felt your knees weaken when your eyes met him. As elegant as ever, with the softest of soft smile on his lips, gentleness and affection in his eyes.
You melted under his gaze. Your happiness getting the best of you because you almost pulled him into a hug.
"Hello, my love." He took your hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on the back of your hand. "You look absolutely wonderful today." He said.
With pink cheeks and new warmth in your body, you let him in, showing him the way to your living room.
The two of you sat down on the sofa, you were ready to give him a note proposing tea or coffee, but he was faster. He outsretched a hand towards you, he was holding a notebook in that hand.
With a raised eyebrow you took the notebook and opened it. You almost dropped it when you read what was written inside.
My love. No words can describe my feelings towards you, you made my life better with your presence alone, made me realise and find out so many new things about myself. I never felt this way towards anyone, I can't tell if this is how most people feel, but that is how I feel while bein in love with you.
You expressed your worry about being mute many times before, and I can't help but wonder what cruel people would ever dare to act this way and say such absurd words towards you. Mute or not, you are perfect and I am really glad that I am able to spend time in your company and have your love and be the person who you feel safe with and shared the secret with.
I love you, Valentin Viljoen.
You could feel the tears run down your cheeks. No one has ever done this for you, put so much effort into something for you. You tried to wipe away the tears, but with how many were there it was almost impossible.
You looked at V, your vision was blurry from the tears but your could see the gentle smile on his face and he cupped your face with his hands and caressed your cheeks.
"You are a good person, my love. Your heart says more than any words, you are louder than any person who can speak that I know. Communication is more than just words, it's your expressions, your actions. Don't think that your muteness makes you worse or any less of a person."
You wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly and letting those happy tears out.
Never in your life have you expected yourself to cry in someone's arms, know that they love you unconditionally even if they know that there are things you're hiding.
You let go off the hug and with shaky hands and the most crooked and probably stupid looking smile signed.
< I love you. >
Not even silence can conquer the feeling between the two of you.
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Gahhhh it feel so good!!! I'm proud of this >w<
I want to thank my dearest discord parent Kage for making their music because it carried me through the process of writing!!!
I love you all!!! -N <3
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scopophobia-polaris · 2 days ago
What are you just jealous because Jojo is more successful than you?
Cute, bad time to start this when I'm medicated, I'm not actually, far from it
I'm wary of them
Look, maybe I've been around long enough but when people say all links go with their special "lady friends" and don't flash out the Lady friends in general I 🤨
Oh and the Other kin drawing them in a VERY specific way
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Being very weird about MLM relationships
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And the DID thing where yall gave them WAY too much credit for the quotations
We cant forget how they drew Shad of course.
And the fact that so many people think that LU is a queer comic when it just ain't in the slightest, and has a very large side of the fandom that is highly conservative that jojo never spoke out against on tumblr from MY understanding, idk maybe if i had conservatives giving me money and were all up in my shit being weird as hell and making all the younger queer folk in my fandom uncomfy i would A. Not take their fucking money and B. Make a public, not server post condeming them when i get a lot of support from queer fans and younger more vunrable people AND MOST OF ALL when you're making about $1000 USD on EACH COMIC POST and a lot of that money comes from your queer fanbase, idk idk 🤷‍♂️
But I dont know, i guess I dont get the hype🤷‍♂️
I don't hate that comic, there is a lot of effort put into this and people should get the bag when the put in that much effort, but.....
In the end, It all just makes me Kinda wary of being around them and the LU fandom
Also, this aint a call out, all this stuff is still up on her socials and this is why I'm uncomfy
Never ask me about Jojo again unless it's a bizarre adventure
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sibsteria · 10 hours ago
hi! just saw your 2025 rec list and that you write for spencer! i beg for a spence best friends/coworkers to lovers short lil sm sm (oneshot) if you're okay w that! also idk if you have a smosh/spencer series in the works but if you ever write one i can confirm I'll be your biggest fan love your fics can't wait to read more :)
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Must be love on the brain...
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Spencer Agnew x fem!Reader
a/n yes! absolutely, hello, hi, here I am- writing most of this in line for Pitbull tickets, dale (also combining two requests here, and I will absolutely be doing a series at some point fyi!)
Warnings/Content: alcohol, light angst, embarrassment, hinted pining, kissing, not proofread
Summary: A work's night out leads to drunken confessions...
''You don't have to drink to have a good time, y'know?'' Shayne shrugs at Spencer, his decision wary on joining the small group as he wasn't quite feeling up to a rager.
''There's not really a point in going to a bar if I don't drink, I'll just be surrounded by drunk people and feeling left out.'' He chuckles, he probably won't come anyway, his gaming chair is calling his name pretty loudly.
''Y/n is coming.'' Shayne throws it out there, he knew of Spencer's pining feelings towards the girl, a last ditch effort to get him to think about coming.
''Yeah, and I'll be boring and not drinking and- it's stupid.'' He runs a hand through his hair, thinking about you, how much he does in fact, love being around you.
''You know she doesn't care about that stuff?'' Shayne could almost feel himself rolling his eyes at his friend, how stubborn.
''Yeah...'' That's just one reason why he liked you so much, why you were his best friend.
Meanwhile, you were sat at your desk, having a similar conversation.
''I honestly don't think he's going to come.'' You smile, popping a piece of homemade hard candy Garrett had made.
''He might?'' Tommy smirks at you, he knew how you felt about the curly haired man.
''When has he ever, ever, come to a bar with us?'' You giggle at Tommy, shaking your head.
''There's a first time for everything.'' He brings up his hands, one forming an '0' and the other forming an 'I' before he puts them tog-
''Tommy! No!'' You whisper yell, you never know who could be around.
''Oh, come on, you want it. Live a little, Y/n, sweep that little nerd off his feet.'' He raises his eyebrows as if to say 'think about it'.
''Someone as funny and pretty and as cool as him wouldn't even think twice about me, we are just friends.'' You sigh at your own reality, how you wish it wasn't true, but beggars can't be choosers and at least you get to see his face nearly every day.
''You are so stupid.'' He saw the way he looked at you, as if you had hung the stars just for him, why are you always so stubborn? At least you and Spencer have that in common.
''Shut up!'' You squint at him, grumbling before you turn to your computer, time to get some work done before you can go home and shower.
You were sat at your vanity mirror, painstakingly applying some makeup so you look some variation of decent- the bags under your eyes telling a story of fatigue.
Your phone beeps out a message.
Message from: Spimgler
< Hey, sitting this one out, have a great time- miss you! >
Of course, but you couldn't blame him, a night in bed sounds a lot better than unwanted mingling with strangers right now but Tommy would have your head if you didn't come.
You down a glass of wine for your nerves whilst getting ready, you hate getting hit on and it’s not uncommon.
“Told you he wouldn’t come.” You grin at Tommy, you being right once again, although you wish you weren’t- maybe if he was here you wouldn’t feel so out of your depth.
“Yeah, whatever.” Tommy hands you a drink, he had been there a little while before you arrived.
The drunker you let yourself get, the more your mind wouldn’t let up on thoughts of Spencer. The smell of his shampoo as he leans into on one of the couches, the softness of his touch as hugs you when it all gets a bit too much to handle, the teasing smiles he shot at you like bullets when he tries to make you laugh. You get more and more sour as the night progresses, shooting down each potent bomb of liquor and strongly poured drinks.
As expected, just as you had unfortunately lost your group, you were approached by a man. But long gone was the slightly sober discomfort and combative attitude you would have once wore, a drunken mess of social embarrassment lies in its place.
“You know, my friend Spencer is so pretty-“ You hiccup, leaning with your elbow on the bar and cheek in your hand.
“Um, I asked if you wanted to dance with me?” The guy raises an eyebrow at you.
“I want to dance with Spencer! God, I miss him so damn much, I love him…I’m- I love him a lot-“ You frown, sniffling a little, why wasn’t he here right now.
“Okay…” He looks around the room, wondering if you were here all alone.
“Need to see him so bad, can you call Spencer?” You yawn, giggling as you imagine his adorable little voice.
“Not-not really, I don’t know this dude-“ He’s urgently scanning around now, he swore he had seen you with some people- a lanky brunette, a shorter blonde guy, a blonder girl, two dark haired ladies who were screaming at the table together where he first saw you-
“He’s so smart, y’know? So pretty and God, I wish he knew it. He’s funny…too funny for me- I love Spence-“ The man you were currently borderline harassing came into quick thanks as the lanky brunette neared you, clearly recognising you and starts to laugh at your words.
“Okay, okay. C’mon Y/n, stop professing your love for Spencer to strangers.” Tommy mouths a ‘sorry’ at the guy and he just half smiles, awkwardly- it was his choice to approach the plastered girl at the bar, anyways.
“Spencer…” You whine, dragged away by Tommy, your cheeks are flushed and you can’t even walk straight.
“Want me to call him, to come get you?” Although you harboured strong, strong feelings for the man- he knew he was also your best friend and could handle you in this state, and would also drop anything to help you. And maybe, just maybe, he wanted to meddle and progress things along- a hope you would possibly spill your guts to him. It was no secret that Spencer returned your feelings, except to you.
“Yes!” You scream in excitement, he walks you outside for some fresh air, you slump down on the pavement. Tommy calls Spencer from your phone, he’s more likely to pause whatever game he is playing to answer your call.
“Y/n, hey, you oka-“ His voice holds a happy tone as he answered.
“It’s Tommy, hey look, could you- stop lying down on the dirty street!” He yelps at you as you don’t feel like sitting upright anymore, “-could you come and pick her up? She’s a bit of a mess and honestly past the point of enjoying herself, just want her home safe.
“Be there in ten.” Is all he says before buttoning the phone down, Tommy sighing in relief- he just didn’t want you to end your hurt- you were actually pretty funny right now all things considered.
“Y/n, honey, he’s on his way.” He sits next to you, placing an arm around your shoulder, comforting you.
“Who?” You look at his completely quizzical.
“Spencer’s coming?!” You smile, dreamily, squealing a little, oh yeah, this was going to be a perfect disaster.
It had been just under ten minutes as he pulls up a metre or so away from the two of them, getting out of his car and heading straight for his best friend.
“Thank you, thank you! She needs a whole lotta’ rest.” Tommy stands up and tried to bring you up with him but you whine out, not wanting to move just yet. “I am so sorry for what you may be about to go through.” Although he’s smiling, indicating he is not sorry at all.
“Have a good night.” Spencer nods curtly, locking his car just in case before sitting next to you.
“When is Spencer getting here?” You mumble into your arms, head in your knees.
“Peekaboo.” An airy tone to his voice as your head shoots up.
“Oh- Spence!” You shriek, wrapping your arms around him tightly, though you had done it many times before- he still couldn’t help his heart as it beat a little faster.
“H-hey, beautiful, you doing okay?” You giggle as he talks to you, beautiful, he says.
“You’re the beautiful one, stupid.” You lay your head on his shoulder
“Oh, yeah?” He’s caught a little off guard.
“Mhm, pretty, pretty…” You sigh as you nuzzle into him, jesus, how much did you drink.
“I’m pretty to you?” He automatically goes for the teasing avenue, combatting how he feels with a joke.
“Obviously, I wouldn’t be in love with you if you weren’t.” You scoff as if it’s common knowledge, his mouth gapes open, he’s…what?
“What?” He repeats his thoughts.
“What?” You yawn, still happy as a baby on his shoulder.
“You just said- you’re in love with me?” He asks it as a question, you probably just mean a friendly ‘I love you’.
“Yeah…but you don’t like me back though, so it’s silly of me. You’re just so pretty and amazing and- I’ve loved you since I first met you…” You look as if you’re falling asleep, Spencer’s head is a flurry full of confusion- he feels like he should be hyperventilating right now.
“I…” This was definitely a talk for sober Y/n, no matter how much he wanted to tell her he loved her right now.
“It’s okay…I’m used to it.” It’s like you can’t quite recognise this is reality and not a nightly dream of yours.
“I’ll drive you home? Or-“
“Can we have a sleep over?” You blink up at him, wondering why you are seeing three Spencers.
“Sure…” He bites his lip, you were extremely cute like this, usually you would be so stubborn and nonchalant and cool.
The drive back is surprisingly uneventful, you practically passed out in the passenger seat, head against the window after he had told you you cant hug him whilst he drives.
“Your car smells good…smells like you.” You smiled at nothing, a patter of rain beginning to hits the windows, lulling you into serenity. Jesus, you can’t keep saying that shit whilst he’s driving, now all he wants to do is look at you and listen to the adoring words. Was how he smelled comforting to you?
He had managed to get you through his front door easier than expected, you were willing to follow his every word.
He gave you some privacy as you haphazardly dressed yourself up in a backup pair of pyjamas you had left at his house, he hears a few bangs and nearly opens the door to check on you but ultimately decides maybe that’s not the best idea- he wants to respect your privacy as always.
“Spence!” You shout, laying on his bed already, you were so ready to sleep.
“You ready to go to sleep? You got a brutal hangover waiting for you tomorrow.” He grins at you as your pout into the air.
“I’ll let you settle down.” He whispers, attempting to walk away. You slept in the same bed more than once before, whenever you had slept over but…he just knew he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep next to you tonight- repeating what you had said to him over and over again, overthinking and-
“Can you stay a little? ‘Till I fall asleep?” How can he say no as your sweet, tired voice tweets up at him.
“Till you fall asleep.” He confirms, his heard stammering as he moves to sit next to you, back against the headboard as you lay, you inch towards him touching his arm with you nose and he wants to explode. He can feel the air you breathe through your nose, hitting his arm as you slowly fell into slumber, a subtle smile on your face.
What was going to happen tomorrow?
Your head throbs as you stir, already feeling the nausea set in, your tongue sticking to your mouth due to how dehydrated you were. You smell something that you recognise, something that’s not your house…oh, fuck.
Memories from last night violently hammer at your head, or was that just the hangover? You fucked up so hard, you told him you love him? What were you thinking, clearly you weren’t at all.
Your eyes blink open, his bedside table catching your attention. There stood a big glass of water, some painkillers and…a note?
Good morning,
If you are reading this, take these pills before you leave the room, I can hear your headache from here.
Was he going to be angry? Upset? Uncomfortable? Oh, god, you have ruined your whole relationship with him.
You do as he had said, slamming the pain relief in your mouth before washing the pills down with two thirds of the glass.
Maybe you could sneak out, facing your bad, bad drunk decisions seemed like a nightmare.
You creep to the pile of your stuff in the corner of the room, slowly changing into your clothes, not putting your shoes on yet just in case.
You pry open the door, peeking at the space outside, no sign of Spencer.
You quietly move towards the front door, you had gotten away with it- a loud creak sounds from a floorboard beneath you- nearly, you had nearly gotten away with it?
“Y/n?” He follows the sound to its source. “Are you…leaving?” He can’t blame you for wanting to.
“Um, sorry. It’s just-“
“Yeah, I know, you didn’t mean it- it’s okay.” Forever the respectful man he was, he never lashes out, never got angry- he just…pretended he was okay.
“Mean what?” You want to know what he thought, if you had embarrassed yourself as much as you thought.
“Look, last night, you were drunk and it’s fine- you were just being the best friend you are- you don’t need to feel sorry about it.”
“Spence….” You put down your shoes and your bag.
“You said you were in love with me, but you didn’t mean it like that, it’s okay.” The look in his eyes told you he was not okay, was he…upset?
“Just- I’ll drive you home, okay?” He half smiles, trying to look normal, the room goes silent as you decide it’s all or nothing.
“I meant it…by the way.” You hold your breath, if you had read the situation wrong you basically just doubled down on the burning crash that was your friendship.
“You- what?” He stops putting his shoes on, looking up at you.
“I…I am, in love with you…” Your chest heaves a little faster as the tension in the room was becoming too much.
“You…are?” Shit, you had misread it.
“Okay, no, it’s fine- just drive me home, forget what I said-“
“I love you. Too, I love you too.” He can’t meet your eyes yet, everything was up in the air, a pressure on your chest.
“No, I- I love you. Like, I want to be the person you see every morning, the person you wake up to. I am so in love with you it hurts, you are gorgeous and smart and funny and-“
“Stop.” Your breath hitches, was this it now?
“Y/n…I think you are the most beautiful person I have ever had the chance to know, to be best friends with and to…fall in love with. You are the first thought I have in the morning and the last one I have before I fall asleep. All I do is think of you, what is she doing? Is she happy? I bet she looks pretty right now, like all the time. Since you spilled coffee all over Damien on your first day- both of your awkward apologies and the both of you being too kind to be angry at the situation. You…I need you.” He’s standing in front of you now, looking down at you with those deep-set eyes, it was also a perk you him that you were shorter than him- a rarity. You can’t speak as you relay everything he said, all you want to do is kiss him, and he is thinking the same.
You tentatively step closer, his head leans down, aching slow and unsure, your hands come up to cup his cheek and steady yourself on his shoulder as you lean up. Your lips meet and it’s one of the sweetest things you’ve tasted, that could just be the Kickstart, but he kisses you with such care and emotion- you have never been kissed like this. Or maybe you have but it’s never felt like this- like it was meant to happen, like you were made for him. His hands delicately find their home resting on your hips, your mouths moving together- kissing him deeper.
Neither of you seem to want to stop but eventually it gets difficult to breath through just your noses.
He smiles at you, he had a feeling his life was just about to become beautiful.
a/n update! guess who won the ticketmaster war is seeing pitbull ft shaggy in concert? me, dale xo
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mangionebabymama · 2 days ago
the vibe in this community has been so strange lately :( hope things slowly go back to normal in the coming days. thanks for keeping your stuff soft and kind <3
Fuck, I know. 🥺 I anticipated that last Friday was going to be a lot for us, but I didn’t imagine that the aftermath of it would transpire into all of this that has happened, and continue to happen. I know that seeing Luigi in custody, in imprisonment—literally and figuratively—was going to hit hard for all of us, and that regardless, we were all going to stand in support together for him. Yet, it tore a lot of people apart within this community and had people putting up against each other.
I understand there's gonna be opposing viewpoints about things, and most likely in the end, nobody will ever be satisfied, and there can be valid judgments within good reason and accountability to help teach one another and look out for each other in being the best sources of support for Luigi, but I'm still really caught up about literal death threats that blogs were sent on here—and how many have scared them off of here and made people delete their blogs and/or then reevaluate their content completely. Of course, it's always up for individual discretion with how you want to do with your blog in the end, but it's like it was forced upon in some ways that nobody expected it to be. Now, I'm not gonna flame anybody for telling them what kind of content they wish and not wish to see on their Tumblr, as you have your full autonomy to consume the kind of content you wish to see, but if you don't like something—don't engage with it. I don't spend my time on here going after people who believe Luigi is guilty because it's not worth my time, and that's not what my blog space is designated for. However, to send people death threats over the kind of content they post on their Tumblr because it's not your preferred method of expressing your interests and cultivating your brand because you don't agree with it is fucking crazy work—and it is undoubtedly so when you're saying this, as you're in support of a man who's ultimately facing the death penalty and extreme federal charges, and you're rallying and mobilizing online that he gets his right to a fair trial. As much as you may be unlike those people that post content you don't like, you're just as alike as them in supporting the same cause. At the end of the day, we were all placed in the same room, categorized for being just supporters, we're all in the exact same that we're there for the same reason, that being supportive of Luigi, and that's that. 
I hope things go slowly back to the way they were, too, because I still feel the effects reeling in, and it’s almost been a week now. I know that, for myself, I’ve shifted slightly from what I would usually post for many reasons, but for one, I still want to post and interact because I love being on here and I want to make my best efforts possible in continuing to talk about Luigi. I’ve also shifted a bit for the reason of protecting my peace and trying to avoid all and any backlash that so many blogs—including many of these involving my friends and people I’ve made great connections with—were undeservedly bombarded wwith. Of course, I could still be prone to these morality police officers, as they could dive deep into my blog and look at all the content I’ve posted. Even if I would delete something, I’ve been here long enough. People know what kind of blog I’ve made on here these last two months.
I’m not gonna lie. Seeing Luigi last Friday hurt me, and seeing him again in court and being villainized, criminalized, and shackled hit home, because we hadn’t seen him in so long and there, once again, he’s being paraded and politicized in ways and in living color that he doesn’t deserve to be—and it’s wrong that it’s happening like this. It’s really in our hands that we keep talking about him and spreading awareness about his rights and this case for however long he’s in imprisonment. Every little bit matters, and that little bit can do great impact—no matter how big or small.
I hope you’ve been holding up okay, and I appreciate your kind words. We’re here for each other, and everyone else. 🤍
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kotegiris · 3 days ago
[Event Story] Valentine's Day with the Butler
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previous chapter ✧ all ✧ next chapter
Chapter 11: Promise of Hospitality
-A little later-
After having afternoon tea, I was chatting with the 2nd floor butlers and Muu.
Fennesz: Aruji-sama. How did you find our hospitality? 
> Everything was delicious. I had fun.
Fennesz: Fufu… Is that so?
Fennesz: If you’re happy, then we’re also happy.
While continuing to chat with them, a knock suddenly came from the door.
> Come in, > It’s open.
Lucas: Hello, Aruji-sama.
Lucas: It’ll be our turn to escort you soon, so I came to greet you.
Ammon: Oops… It’s already time.
Ammon: Then, we have to get going for guard duty.
Boschi: See you, Aruji-sama. We have to go now, but keep on enjoying yourself.
> Take care guys.
Haures: Thank you. Now then, we’ll be off.
After he said that, the 2nd floor butlers left.
Lucas: Well then, Aruji-sama…
Lucas: From now on, please enjoy the 3rd floor butlers’ hospitality. 
Nac: We promise to do everything in our power to make it so that you have a wonderful time.
Lamli: Ehehe… I’ve been so excited for this!
Lamli: For this request, we can spend a lot of time with Aruji-sama…
Lamli: And we’re wearing clothes that they picked for us too… This is the best!
Muu: Fufu… Lamli-san really loves fashion.
Muu: By the way, Aruji-sama… Why did you pick these designs for the 3rd floor butlers?
> Because…
For Lucas’s outfit, I picked something that felt more relaxed to accentuate his maturity…
For Lamli, since he’s very outgoing… I decided to pick a design that was easy to move in and colorful…
And for Nac’s outfit, to make the most of his elegance… I picked something that was more glamorous…
> …That’s why I picked these.
Nac: I see… As I’d expect from Aruji-sama. You’ve made a wonderful decision. 
Nac: You’ve chosen the most optimal designs for the 3 of us. Your sense of aesthetics has deeply moved me!
With Nac being the first, the 3rd floor butlers all complimented my choice of outfits.
Lucas: Now then, I think we can leave complimenting Aruji-sama’s fashion sense at that. It’s time to get going.
Lucas: …Is what I want to say, but…
Lucas: It’s time to start preparations for dinner and the baths… We have many things to do as butlers, so…
Lucas: We don’t have much time to spend with Aruji-sama.
> Take it easy and get some rest.
Lucas: Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you.
Lucas: But… Please do not worry.
Lucas: We are not overworking ourselves.
Lucas: It’s our happiness to be able to serve you.
Lamli: Yup! It’s just as Lucas-sama says!
Lamli: Besides, spending time with you is soothing for us too ♪
Nac: Now then, Aruji-sama…
Nac: We’ll be excusing ourselves to finish up our work.
Nac: We’ll return to your room again before it is time for you to rest and show you our hospitality.
Nac: First, we have to prepare the baths and complete the prep work for dinner.
Lamli: Yup. I leave it to you, Nac.
Lamli: I’ll stay with Aruji-sama ♪
Nac: Goodness gracious… Even though we’re on a trip, you still intend to skip work.
Nac: You’re also coming. And stop trying to spend time with Aruji-sama alone.
Muu: Fufu… It’s alright, Nac-san.
Muu: I’m also with Aruji-sama, so I won’t let Lamli-san be alone with them!
Lucas: Oh my… Muu-chan, you’re so reliable ♪
Lamli: Hmm, but…
Lamli: Buu-chan’s a butler too. Aren’t you the one being unfair by staying with Aruji-sama all the time?
Lamli: You’ve been together with Aruji-sama ever since we came to Oliva, right?
Muu: Y-You’re right… I can’t deny that…
Lucas: Hmm… Then, why don’t we switch off?
Lucas: While one of the 3rd floor butlers stays with Aruji-sama, Muu-chan can help cover his work…
Muu: I’m fine with that. I’ll give it my all and work hard!
Lamli: Yaay~! Thanks, Buu-chan~ ♪
Nac: Goodness gracious… How about you follow Muu-kun’s example and put a little more effort into working, Lamli?
Lucas: Fufu… Please forgive Lamli’s behavior, Aruji-sama.
Lucas: He just wants to spend time together with you.
> Of course, I understand.
Lamli: Fufu… Aruji-sama’s so kind. I love you!
Lucas: Then, we’ll have Lamli-kun stay here and begin preparing dinner.
Lucas: Nac-kun, Muu-chan. Shall we go?
Nac: Yes.
Muu: Aruji-sama. Please excuse us for a bit!
> Good luck, everyone.
And so, the butlers rotated shifts, and I spent time with them one-on-one. I waited for when it was time to receive their hospitality.
-That night-
After dinner, I prepared for bed.
Muu said, “It’s not good for a butler to go to bed before their lord!” and tried his best to stay awake, but…
I told him, “It’s fine for you to sleep first”... I guess that made his uneasiness go away, and he fell sound asleep.
Knock, knock…
Lucas: Aruji-sama. Is now a good time?
> Come in. > It’s open.
Lucas: Good evening, Aruji-sama. 
Lucas: Just as we promised, we’ve come to show you our hospitality.
Lamli: Aruji-sama. First, please have some of this hot chocolate.
Lamli: Hot chocolate can help you sleep well, so have some and relax ♪
> Thanks.
I brought the mug that Lamli gave me to my mouth.
The hot chocolate had plenty of milk, and it had a mellow, warm, and comforting taste.
> It’s good…
Nac: Fufu… I’m glad to hear that.
Nac: A sweet and mellow hot chocolate will surely lull you into a good night’s rest.
Lucas: When you’re finished with your hot chocolate, we’ll start with what we actually planned for you.
Lucas: The hospitality the 3rd floor butlers will provide you is so that you may have a “sweet” and peaceful sleep.
> Sweet…?
Lucas: Yes. 
Lucas: To do that, first… Take a seat on the bed.
> O-Okay.
After I replied, Lucas sat down on my bed.
And then, he patted his lap.
Lucas: Now then, Aruji-sama…
Lucas: Leave the mug on the table and… Please lie down on the bed.
Lucas: Tonight, please rest your head in my lap and have a good night’s sleep ♪
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thunderc1an · 1 year ago
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Warriors: The Prophecies Begin (Redraw: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020) 
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