#so Mintkit is free to do what I want with
bonefall · 1 year
Which Bonefall family has the edgeist family motif on their pelts/fur/bodies?
My cats have not been edgy enough tbh. I need to make someone even Edgier.
So far it's a brief run from Rosetail to Spottedleaf, they both have a skull-shaped mark on their faces (but Rosetail's was pink like her tail) But it died with them and is laying dormant in the Firekin right now.
Deadfoot just got turned into a spiky looking dragoncat though. That's pretty sick. Breeze and Holly both got it too
The Tigerkin have velociraptor claws now, also.
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goatpaste · 3 years
whats the ages of the kits oldest to youngest of your Warriors ocs?
>:3 oo fun
so i know 100% off the top of my head Elatekit is the youngest at the time of Agonypaws apprenticeship, being born a bit after she starts her training and its probably only a month and a half
Only kit to Deputy Surlytusk, a sweet absolute baby baby. Im thinking their warrior name would be Elatespark
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Then next, is either Pariswave and Big's five kits or Hummeadows four. They had their kits around the same time so its debated who came first
Their both about 2 months old
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i already talked about the Parisbig kits last night
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but Hummeadows lil four kits! Their the neices and nephews to the current Loyalclan leader Mutestar.
Hornetkit is the first born of Hum's first litter. He's very big brother time looking out for everyone but tends to be a bit of a snitch especially when its about something effecting his littermates
Sweetkit is a big softy and best friends with Hornetkit. She plays the good cop to his bad cop when their tryna get when their tryna get something they want
Woolkit is a lil ditzy and has a good heart. They love scary ghost stories and love to hang out with the elders.
Dripkit is the baby of the litter and just the sweetest and cutest kit around. i also imagine Drip has wobbly cat syndrome
Warrior cat names iv had written down for them are Hornetwhisp, Sweetwhisper, Woolcloud, and Dripleaf
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Next are Bittertounge and Coastdance's kits. Their about 3 to almost 4 months old
Bitterkit was ordinally named Crabkit, but after their parent Bittertounge died when they were still very little Coastdance renamed them Bitter. They look a lot like their late mother and when their older as an apprentice kinda feel a lot of pressure to live up to Bittertounges name who was a beloved warrior in Gloryclan. They just want to be good enough. If I had the attention to write my wc ocs stories, after the Agony, Decker and Evening trio's story was finished i woulda loved to do a one off short story about Bitterkit
Tenderkit would defiantly grow up to be a clan beauty, and i imagine her personality a lot like Marie from Aristocats. she defiantly desires the best for herself and kinda lives in her own world.
Railkit is THE most basic bitch character. Like he lovable nobody with no personality kinda character who just smiles about nothing and wants to be everyone's friend
warrior names ideas iv have down in my notes for them is Bittersnap, Tenderheart and Railfeather
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Wavekit and Shadekit, the kits of Melancholyspot and Bogshadow. Their about 4-5 months old
Their basically solo raised by their parent Melancholyspot and some of the other nursing cats.
Wavekit will certainly grow up and look just like Bogshadow but has a very good chance of having Mely's personality. Probably very entitled.
Shadekit is lazy and rather nap that have to work, defiantly also on a path to taking after Melancholyspot
Warrior names i think would be nice for them is Waveswirl and Shadedive
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and last but not least! Skyleaks bio kits. Skyleak adopted and raised Eveningpaw while she was pregnant. So technically these two are Eveningpaw's younger siblings
Their 5 months old nearly 6 and would begin their apprentice ship not long after Eveningpaw would start hers
Mintkit is crazy about Eveningpaw, she wants to be just like her and follows her around when she has the free time to do so which often can get her into trouble
Stirkit is a lot more responsible and tries to keep Mintkit grounded. She loves learning new things and is known for being fast enough to outrun rabbits or catch birds midflight by climbing trees faster than any other apprentice
Warrior names for them would be Mintsnow and Stirpool
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