#so I’m just asking about TFA
mystarwarsmatters · 1 year
The more I think about it, the worse Disney Wars world-building gets.
I loved TFA when it initially came out, so much that I saw it 3x because of what it promised, but looking back it’s just an unsteady mess. The fact that the movies following it don’t explain anything definitely doesn’t help, but we literally get nothing about how the First Order came to power or their relation to the New Republic beyond Starkiller Base blowing up its main planets.
How the hell were they able to make a bigger Death Star while the republic existed? Who was funding the First Order this whole time? Who started it? Why did the FO use stormtroopers like the Empire? If they had to rely on stealing kids instead of clones or conscripting troops then how does ranking work? Was Hux stolen as a child but managed to be put into a position of power at a relatively young age regardless? By who if so? Snoke? How???
Why did Leia have to become a general at the head of this resistance? Was she a chancellor-figure beforehand and then she stepped down to fight when no one else would? Why? She could do more as a figurehead with actual power in front of the galaxy instead of doing grunt-work in comparison, so what was her being on the frontlines supposed to accomplish?
How can the Jedi become a myth in 30 years or less? When did Luke start Jedi training? It was speculated that Luke took kids to train (cringe) but they were all murdered by the Knights of Ren and Kylo when Kylo was 15? Or older? Why would it take so long for Luke to start training new Jedi? I know it would probably take years after ROTJ but not that many years? Why would that be enough to make Luke retreat to an island on an isolated planet?
Did Luke know that Han and Leia separated? It seems like everything went to hell once Kylo destroyed the budding Jedi and that’s what made Han and Leia split, but then Luke also fucked off completely at the same time??? Did Lando know? Did any of these friends keep in touch with one another?? Why did Chewie never go home to Kashyyyk once the empire was destroyed???
Why is Jakku a place for imperial junk?? Why would Rey have a doll with an Orange flight suit like Luke’s in the OT? How did she learn to fly when she’s never been off-planet or left her dwelling for like 15 years?? How could Poe be thrown from a crash site and survive? Why was R2 asleep this whole time?? Did Kylo and Finn have any relationship whatsoever??? How did Finn and Rey know what Jedi were when their childhoods were so isolated?? WHY DID THREEPIO HAVE A RED ARM AND WHY DID IT MATTER??????
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guardianofnightmares · 3 months
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Faint beam of artificial light from a surface danced off yellow armor of an Autobot, giving it a color of a newborn star. Bumblebee graced the Decepticon with a broad smile, its warmth making the hostile gloom around his facial features to dissipate.
To Blitzwing a minibot reminded a stray ray of hope which arrived to safe lost souls from a long dead and forgotten world.
A true rising sun in the realm of darkness.
Alright, fellas, next entry to the @blitzbee-week event is finally here)). The prompt of the second day was "Sunrise" and I decided to go more figuratively with it rather then depicting a literal "appearance of the sky" at a particular part of a day. As you can guess by a provided description, Bee basically becomes a "leading star" for a brooding Blitzwing, who, as it seems, is not that thrilled by discovery of his partner.
Just as a previous entry to a mentioned event, this picture is dedicated to my fanfic called "TFA: Icarus". Here's a [link] for the series "folder" which also includes an existing teaser (future prologue) for a story if anyone wants to give it a try. Again, can not thank you enough for all the support you've shown for it so far, I will try my best to come up with updates soon enough.
As it usually goes with such works of mine, I will provide the full snippet of one of chapters, which a depicted scene is taken from, under a cut line for anyone wishing to read more about the scene. Hope you'll enjoy it)
To the surprise of many comrades he’d worked with, the Triplechanger proved to be the most patient mech on a team when it came to long lasting missions. Usually he didn’t find it difficult to lay low and wait for orders to come, even if it meant to stay idle for several solar cycles. It was a useful trait of character which Decepticon rightfully prided himself of. 
Yet, even a seemingly boundless patience had its limits. 
“Can you see anything of use out there?” Blitzwing finally asked his unfortunate “partner in crime”.
A brightly colored mech slipped on the spot upon hearing Con’s voice but managed to regain his balance. 
“Not yet, Blitzwing, give me a klik!” A minibot shouted over his shoulder, holding on the steel bar for dear life. “Climbing is not as easy as I’m surely making it look in your optics.”
If Bumblebee planed to cheer up a Warframe with such a comment, he failed miserably, for it only seemed to sour up an already bad mood of a tall mech. 
To a Decepticon, it felt like forever since the minibot began his ascend up a steep scarp of a crumbled wall. One would think that, thanks to his light frame, he’d manage to reach the top level in no time. But even this uneven terrain, made of torn sheets of metal and broken cables, proved to be a challenge to an agile Autobot. 
The damned energy chain, which linked limbs of both mechs to each other, clearly was the greatest obstacle for Bumblebee, barely giving him a chance to move as far away from a somber mech as possible. Not to mention that a Decepticon was forced to stand on one pede in order to accommodate his companion’s slow conquest of new heights. 
Admittedly, a Triplechanger considered an option of tearing the bug’s pede he’s bound to off. But that type of cuffs always latched onto anything in their vicinity (while being activated). Meaning, the chances of getting tied to a nearby wall, as a result of said actions, reached more than 90%. 
Tearing his own pede off was not part of a Warframe’s plans. 
“If you haven’t noticed it yet, Bumblebee Prime, we don’t have plenty of time left to hide in these tunnels,” A “former” convict grumbled in response while surveying his surroundings for an up-tenth time. He didn’t notice how a Bot winced at the mention of his new title.
Minibot knew he deserved that snide remark. But it did not make him feel better about his recent promotion to an Elite Guard. Or about a decision to become one for that matter. The decision which led to a situation where an Autobot and a Decepticon got lost under an Iacon city. 
They had to hide in maintenance tunnels from the times prior to a Great War. Tunnels built by Decepticons for Autobots’ use, and left by them to slowly rot in an utter disrepair after the said War was officially ended. Sealed off since the banishment of Warframes from Cybertron, eventually the structure turned into an urban myth not many of currently living mechs remember or even know about.
An old complex Blitzwing and Bumblbee were currently navigating in was once part of the major supportive structure. Meant to protect veins and tubes once full of energon, that section was made of sturdy materials which stoically passed the test of time. 
The Decepticon would’ve lied if he’d said he’s not pleasantly surprised by that discovery. 
But it did not bright up his mood by much - they still needed to find a way to the surface level of a planet. 
“Foolish of me to expect a scout with no field experience to do a Warframe’s job,” the mech muttered under his breath, words bitter on his glossa. “Perhaps I should have been the one to search for an exit after all”.
Blitzwing had no intent for the last sentence to be heard by his peer, but an aforementioned scout, apparently, had nicely tuned audials. 
“And to risk exposing your Decepticon signature to raging authorities? No, thanks!” Bumblebee chirped after successfully reaching for a rod sticking out of a long abandoned structure. “It was already enough of me putting everything at risk by making stupid decisions - I don’t want to see you following my lead.”
Somehow the fact that a minibot admitted his mistakes helped to somewhat cool Blitzwing down. He said nothing in return but did glance at him once prior returning to surveying desolated surroundings. 
Bumbler’s changed since the promotion to the ranks of an Elite Guard. He seemed to act more mature, even if he’s still naive about most things happening around him. For strangers it’d be an unexpected change of character for such an optimistic and energetic Bot as Bumblebee. But Blitzwing was no random outsider, whether he liked to be on closer terms with a current companion of his or not. 
Death of a teammate has effected the minibot on a much deeper level then he’d ever admit to anybody, even to himself. Yet, despite how horrible it might’ve sounded, the Decepticon thought that that was an important lesson every soldier had to live through. And as a mech, who’s witnessed deaths of many of his comrades throughout the Great War, he had to agree that Bumbler was holding up pretty well for someone so inexperienced in mentioned matters. 
Even Blitzwing, who did not know Prowl as well as a yellow Bot did, felt the loss of a mech effecting him as well to a certain degree. No matter how secluded and cold the cyber-ninja seemed to be, he always had a special aura around him, the one that made people feel at ease in his presence. Though how he could so freely speak to a Con about importance of life and probability of peace among Cybertronians remained a mystery to him to that solar cycle.  
What was that thing black and golden Autobot’s talking about during the last conversation of theirs? 
“To have Faith not in Primus, not in The Allspark, but in each other”?
What exactly made him see it being possible back then and, especially, at a current stage of the reignited conflict between factions? Triplechanger had no answer to that question either. He didn’t view how the world should work the same way Prowl did. Could not fully comprehend the intricacies of a philosophy of an Autobot, but, at least, did not lack the courage to make it very clear during a mentioned discussion of theirs.
Blitzwing didn’t have Faith in anyone anymore, and he surely wouldn't in a foreseen future. 
For who could remain being supportive of their unhelpful, unwanted partn-… Autobot, while being lost in Allspark forsaken place with no means of escape?
“… -es! I see the gap in a wall!.. Blitzwing, I actually see it!”
The joyful voice tore Triplechanger from a deep melancholy state he slipped into while looking down a dark tunnel to his left. He raised his ruby optics, their faint glow barely lighting sharp features of his blue faceplates.
“Right where you’ve predicted it to be,” The Autobot added after turning around in order to face his unfortunate companion, unintentionally giving him quite a peculiar view of his small form.
Faint beam of artificial light from a surface danced off yellow armor of an Autobot, giving it a color of a newborn star. Bumblebee graced the Decepticon with a broad smile, its warmth making the hostile gloom around his facial features to dissipate.
To Blitzwing a minibot reminded a stray ray of hope which arrived to safe lost souls from a long dead and forgotten world.
A true rising sun in the realm of darkness.
Blitzwing huffed in mild annoyance at himself and his artistic side of a processor - it was not the right moment for poetic comparisons. Hope and Faith had no place in a situation he was stuck in, only cold calculations. He and Bumbler had to get out of that place, no matter the cost. And the sooner they’d get rid of an energy chain, the better.
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hello again so how about old Predacon buddy accidentally gets teleported to the transformers animated universe how would the Autobots react (you can include the elite guard if you want) predacon buddy Will most likely just want to adopt all of optimus's team now I'm just imagining Predacon buddy Just having a cuddle pile with the transformers animated Autobots and that is absolutely adorable =]
Buddy is too old for this... time to travel again!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon meeting Team Prime
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy is really starting to get tired of being launched from mystic portals.
They were going to start carrying the Apex armor to soften their landing if they needed to.
Buddy landed near some docks in the middle of the day.
This place terrified Buddy.
Everything was way too small here!
Buddy quickly looked around the area, still everything was way smaller than what they would have liked it to be.
Buddy looking around.
“Hmm… this is usually the part where I meet some human or bot—”--Buddy
“There it is.”--Buddy
Buddy looks down to see a tiny human girl.
“You’re really big!”
“That I am little one.”--Buddy
Buddy tucks in their wings and tail more to avoid touching or potentially knocking over something.
The human girl looks at Buddy a bit intensely.
“Are you an Autobot or Decepticon?”
“An Autobot, specifically a Predacon.”--Buddy
“What’s a Predacon?”
“Not important right now. What is you name?”--Buddy
“I’m Sari.”--Sari
“Sari? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard before. I’m Buddy.”--Buddy
Sari raising her eyebrow.
Buddy venting a bit.
“I know, I know the name doesn’t fit with how I look. But I have been told it matches my personality well.”--Buddy
Sari moves closer to Buddy, while they just freeze.
“I’m not going to hurt you.”--Sari
“I know, it’s just that I don’t want to accidentally hurt you. I’m not exactly known for being very careful with many fragile things.”--Buddy
Sari pats Buddy’s claws.
“You would get along with my friend Bulkhead.”--Sari
Buddy perks up.
“Bulkhead? Oh, this is great!”--Buddy
“You know Bulkhead?”--Sari
“I know his alternative. He is a good friend of mine.”--Buddy
“I’m from another dimension. Don’t ask me how, truthfully, I don’t know either.”--Buddy
“That’s so cool!”--Sari
“Buddy bowing their helm to Sari’s level.
“Could you help me find Bulkhead? He might be able to help me get home.”--Buddy
Sari is already climbing on Buddy’s helm.
Buddy slowly lifts their helm.
“Keep walking straight, the Plant will show up soon on the left.”--Sari
Buddy begins walking down the docks heading through some of the back streets.
“I’m sure Bulkhead can help! He is a spacebridge technician.”--Sari
“I’m sorry he’s a what?”--Buddy
They arrived to a seemingly abandoned power Plant after a couple of minutes and stops on the way.
Buddy wasn’t sure they could get used to humans minding their own business.
Sure, there were the ones that stared at them and others making comments here and there.
But there was no mass hysteria or riots.
The only yelling Buddy had was when they nearly stepped on a trash bin that was placed too close to the road.
Sari told Buddy to wait outside while she brought out the Team. Not like Buddy could enter either way.
Everything was still a bit too small for their liking anyways.
Buddy nearly fainted on the spot when they saw how small the Autobots were.
“Sari, can you repeat what you just said? What do you mean ‘another dimension dragon bot needs Bulkhead’s help’?”--Prowl
“Yeah, Buddy needs help getting back home.”--Sari
Bumblebee skating backwards to the door.
“Please! I bet this dragon—”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee hits a solid wall.
He pats the back feeling a solid wall of metal.
A shadow looms over him as he slowly looks up.
He looks up to see a giant metal dragon’s face.
Bumblebee quickly runs back to his team who is just equally terrified at this giant.
Sari calmly walks over to Buddy.
“Buddy, this is the team.! Guys this is Buddy!”--Sari
“Sari… I think you failed to tell us how GIANORMOUS the dragon was!”--Bumblebee
“Why is everyone here so small!”--Buddy
“We aren’t small! Your just huge!”--Bulkhead
Buddy quickly shakes their helm.
“My apologies. Its…it’s been a tough day. Being in a whole new reality again.”--Buddy
“What do you mean again?”--Ratchet
“This happens a lot more than you think. But right now, I’m just trying to figure out a way home.”--Buddy
Optimus taking a step forward holding his servo out.
“We’ll help you in any way we can.”--Optimus
Buddy raises a digit and lightly shakes the Primes servo.
“Thank you Prime.”--Buddy
It took some getting used to with Buddy being around.
For one, Buddy couldn’t fit in the plant entirely.
Buddy did find out that if they stayed low to the ground, they could at least get most of their frame in without getting stuck in the doors.
Buddy became very protective of the team the longer they stayed.
Especially seeing the stark size difference between them and the Decepticons.
Buddy was sure they scared Starscream into the afterlife after sneezing.
Optimus found himself looking for Buddy sometimes when things were starting to get to him.
He didn’t want to admit them, but he felt comfortable enough around Buddy to talk.
Ratchet and Buddy did have their old bot talks from time to time.
Ratchet is convinced he is older than Buddy, for a short time.
Bumblebee and Sari constantly give Buddy mini spark attacks when they decide to do some sort of shenanigans.
The puppy eyes worked… for a bit.
Buddy and Bulkhead sometimes make art together.
Buddy is quick to shut down anyone’s mean comments about Bulkhead’s art.
Prowl and Buddy sometimes go out for walks in the park. Buddy took him flying one time.
One time.
Sari was close to using her key on him from the fright he had when he nearly fell off, which was his fault for trying to stand up while Buddy was still ascending at such a fast pace.
Ratchet had the car batteries ready in case Buddy was going to have a spark attack.
Optimus walking into the main room to see Buddy sleeping with their wings acting like a blanket.
Optimus looks around but sees no one.
“In here!”--Bulkhead
Optimus quietly goes by Buddy and lifts their wing the best he could.
All of his team is trapped by Buddy’s heavy limbs.
“What took you so long. Help a mech out!”--Bumblebee
“All right, all right just let me—Woah!”--Optimus
Buddy reaches out quickly and traps the small Prime in their grasp.
He struggles a bit but Buddy only slightly tightens their grip.
“Don’t even try, they’ll just tighten their grip.”—Ratchet
“How long have you guys been in here?”--Optimus
“In total… about an hour.”--Sari
“They nap for about three hours. Get comfy.”--Ratchet
Buddy was ready to throw servo with Sentinel after the rude comments he said to Prime.
Buddy standing straighter with wings opened and lightly draped over team prime.
“I highly recommend you stop this rude behavior Sentinel.”--Buddy
“That Sentinel Prime to you freak.”--Sentinel
Jazz and the Jettwins moving towards Buddy’s side.
“Sentinel I don’t think—”--Jazz
“Shut it Jazz! This is between me and the freak!”--Sentinel
Buddy readjusts their wings so they now also cover Jazz and the Jettwins.
“You have five seconds to apologize before I hunt you down.”--Buddy
“You can’t do that I’m a Prime.”--Sentinel
“You will respect your superior!”--Sentinel
“4. Not my world, not my Prime. 3”--Buddy
“Sentinel… I think you should run—”--Optimus
Sentinel already barricading himself in his office.
“That was fun! Never seen Sentinel run that fast.”--Jazz
“Let me know when he’s acting out again. I’ll set him straight, even show off some of my moves from back in the pits.”--Buddy
“Excuse me the what?!”--Ratchet
A week later a portal had shown up at the Plant’s entrance.
Buddy knew it was their time to go.
After some tight hugs and teary good-byes Buddy walked into the portal.
The base was quiet today.
Maybe everyone was out on patrol again.
“I’m back!”--Buddy
Miko looking from her spot on the couch.
“It happened again?”--Miko
Buddy settling down next to her.
“We should get a tracker on you the next time you leave.”--Miko
“Ehh, I’ll think about it kiddo.”--Buddy
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toomanybrainrots · 7 months
Hiiii!! I’m the one who requested that TFA Optimus x queen fem thingy, and first off I wanted to say Tysm!! And can I ask for the same request just with TFA Megatron?? TFA Megatron x fem reader who was a queen n stuff. Hope it isn’t so soon for me to request again😓 Ty tho! (Take your time)
Of course you can. Honestly, I enjoyed writing that request a lot(cause I love writing big women) so I’m glad to do this one
Warning(s)/content: Female reader, reader is referred to with female adjacent things, and/or female pronouns
TFA Megatron with a Female Reader who’s a queen(literally)
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You had first met Megatron when your pod crashed right into the Decepticon warship
It didn’t make it crash, but it dealt enought damage that they had to emergency land on a random planet to get your pod out and investigate it
Once your pod opened and you woke up, you were a mix of confusion, fear, and anger. So much so that you felt threatened and you attacked the first bot you saw
Which just so happened to be Megatron
Megatron had to give it to you, you were almost, if not equal, to him in fighting
Thankfully, when you both were worn out and you got out of your rage filled fury, you explained your situation. Megatron saw this as an opportunity to help - for his own benefit of course. Having a literal queen of an entire species would give him an advantage
Hence, you were brought aboard and accepted as an (honorary) member of the Decepticons.
Ever since that day, you kept following Megatron around. Always staying by his side, hissing at everyone who dared get near, and being his personal guard. He couldn't help but feel a tad smug about his new "guard dog", though he did eventually get fond of your company, even going as far as to feel weird without you by him
He didn't question why you were following him, as he thought it was simply your way of showing your loyalty
He was kind of right in that assumption
It was a busy day at the Decepticon warship, Megatron noted a she oversaw production from his throne, you right by his side.
"My Lord, may I ask something?" You said. Megatron nodded "what is it you ask?"
"How much longer will we do this dance, my lord? I grow tired of waiting" Megatron felt confusion when you said that. Then it dawned on him. Ah, that explained it.
He understood quickly that you were trying to court him.
And so, he agreed to let you do that. (For his benefit, is what he tells himself)
You were very ecstatic when he said that
Each day, you offered him small trinkets and objects that reminded you of him. Such as ruby red jewels, the finest of gold and silver, or makshift crowns you made yourself
He wouldn't admit it outloud but he kept each and every one in his own room just for that purpose: keeping your trinkets and handmade gifts
He appreciated you shutting up Starscream whenever he was about to gawk out something stupid
You may have been protective, but you understood well enough he was perfectly capable of defending himself(being a warlord and all). But, he never complained, in fact, he always requested your presence
Being your king was the top decision he had not regret in
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phoenixisobsessed · 2 months
56 as TFA Blurr. The walls have just started closing in.
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Blurr when walls (Original post: PINNED)
(I think having the rest of my notes under the cut was actually a bad idea I’m going back to going without it.)
Epic rap-battles of HISTORY!!! BLURR!!! Vs… MOVIIIING WAALLS!!! Hi my name is Blurr and I speak really really fast fast fast. I need to tell you about something very very very important now so listen listen clos-AAAAH *Insert metal crunching noises*
Yeah I just had to add that because it was playing over and over again in my head while drawing like I CANNOT. Eminem vs. IBS and hydrogen bomb vs. coughing baby have both been living in my mind rent FREE.
This was like the first really brutal death I saw in tf ngl. I was sitting with my jaw ON THE FLOOR.
Anyway PLEEASE we need more asks PLEEEEEASE
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kiss-me-muchoo · 6 months
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐨 || 𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_ in the middle of a ripple in the force, the girl Ben Solo accidentally cursed turns out to be the princess that Kylo Ren desperately hunts.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬_ age gap (I’m 20, so reader too) Kylo was 29 in TFA as far as I know, fem reader, angst and I think that’s it.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞_ my Adam Driver era is beyond over, it happened in 2020 and were done. But I somehow ended up coming back to Kylo. I wrote this with bad blood remix (TV’s), so yeah… silly little me.
All of Ben Solo’s past was long forgotten. Until he saw two girls in his dreams. A very young dirty girl in the desert. And a lookalike princess.
The dessert girl made him feel a pull to the light. The princess made him want to be a better general for the First Order, to give in everything to the dark side.
And so the time passed. Kylo Ren became stronger, and he was able to see the princess’ shadow. He had never seen her face, or so he thought. This young woman was delicate as a feather, she was gentle, all felt through a blurred vision.
He wished he could talk to her. She made him close his eyes and peacefully rest for the night. So he started trying to find her. Kylo Ren visited every galaxy to see if any of the princesses remaining alive was the girl of his dreams. But he failed continuously, and also his knights.
He just wanted to know her. He wanted to see why she made him feel safe.
You let the older’s woman fingers braid your hair. She finishes by scattering some little flowers across your braided hair and smiles at your reflection in the mirror.
“And done.” She says smiling.
“I highly appreciate it, Leia” You reciprocate the smile and stand up.
“I’ll let you finish getting ready, but don’t take too long. You know I hate having late people for briefings” you nod.
“I’m always on time, just let me…” you start wandering around your room, until Leia calls you, and you see her placing your mother’s crown in your head.
“Now you’re ready.”
I’m not a princess anymore.
“Wear it for her. For your loved ones… as a sign of respect” Leia says, maybe you were thinking too loud. You didn’t like being called princess, but most of the resistance did. General Organa could see herself reflected in you. A young princess that lost too.
“I miss them a great deal” you admit. It had been four years. The First Order destroyed your home planet. And you were the only survivor as General Leia Organa saved you.
“I miss her too. But that’s why you have to keep wearing the crown. As long as you remember them, they live” Your eyes water, Leia squeezed your hand in assurance.
“The force will always allow you to keep them close”
“Thank you. For everything…” she nods, smiling again, before leaving you alone.
You touch the crown. Looking at the tiny details. It was simple, undercover and very elegant after all. It was subtle, yet… it made you feel… weird.
The air changes. What felt like a warm sunny day, starts feeling like a cold cloudy dusk. You frown, looking away from the mirror. When you turn, you see a man in black robes, already looking at you, through a mask. The man of your dreams and visions. You stopped breathing, literally.
He was Kylo Ren. The Commander of the First Order. Master of the Knights of Ren. A Jedi killer…
“Who are you?” He asks, modulated and heavy voice that makes you freeze. Allowing yourself to feel scared.
Leia was right. He didn’t know about you. He didn’t remember you.
“Nobody” you answer.
“You’re a princess certainly.”
“I was one…”
“There’s still a crown on your head, Are you force sensitive?” You remain quiet, swearing to be hearing your heartbeats through your head and ears. He sounded calm, but very intimidating. Which made you feel goosebumps.
“The force connected us then… Why?” there’s an idea of what was happening in your head. But he wasn’t able to understand it. He just knew you had to be important, if you weren’t doing it by yourself, the force picked you for something big.
“You know who I am.” He speaks again, giving a step closer, making you go backward. He noticed it.
“Everyone knows who you are.” The air feels suffocating. Your room seems to feel smaller, as the man projected inside of it was very big.
“Then you know I will find you.”
“I know.” You try to sound calm, which seems to unsettle him. You pretended very well.
“And you won’t do anything?”
“I’ll wait till that day to think about doing something” he wants to chuckle. But he can’t because he’s anxiously trying to pry more about you. He doesn’t know where you are, how old are you, who you are.
At the same time, both of you were shocked to finally face each other. After months of hearing and watching faded silhouettes of each other. It was rare…
“You should be afraid of me.” He added, walking even closer, being able to smell your perfume. He was now infatuated, totally obsessed with the idea of finding you. You felt it, which angered you. So you took your fear away and stepped further, facing his creepy mask closer.
“I won’t be scared the day you find me, Ren”
And the connection broke.
The sun was back again. The birds could be heard again. You touched your chest, as you felt in panic. You almost ran to the briefing room, praying that time would pass faster so you could have a word with Leia.
About why the force had connected you with his son.
Poe scratched the back of his head with his free hand. He was caressing his food tray as he approached the dining room and saw you gossiping with Connix, your best friend.
“I’m telling I don’t know. He just-“
Poe touched you and it made you jump scared. Connix let out a little startled yelp and the pilot started laughing.
“What are you talking about that has you all concentrated?” he took a seat in front of you and the girl beside you. Noticing neither of you had finished the food.
“Can you two finish your food? I don’t want any sick friend again” You started eating in silence, under the desperate look of Connix, who was practically begging you to tell Poe.
“This morning the force connected y/n with Kylo Ren” You rolled your eyes at Connix. Poe dropped his fork and looked at you in horror.
“Uh… yes, she’s right” you confirm to Poe, who looks beyond shocked.
“But.. Why?”
“I have my theories, but it doesn’t make sense” Your friends nod. And you just want to forget about the whole issue.
“He’s your space soulmate and the force wants to get you two together” You start laughing at Connix’s terrible joke and gently push her. Poe didn’t laugh.
“Connix, don’t joke about it. What if he wants to hurt her? What if he indeed wants to get together with y/n and worsens the war?” He’s right though. You sigh, focusing on your food instead.
“I need to be prepared. We’ll see each other eventually. I just feel it. But today… is all about you, my dear Poe. You and BB-8 must go and get that map. We need it…” everyone nods.
“Promise me you’ll be careful. The First Order has spies everywhere. One bad move, and they’ll be with you” Poe nods, knowing his colonel best friend was very meticulous about missions, especially when her friends were involved.
“I’ll be careful, princess y/n” You frown, and both Connix and Poe start laughing.
“I extremely hope so, Dameron”
The rest of the dinner flows fine. But you fear, about Kylo Ren discovering who you were before time.
Missing. That’s the only word in your head, knowing that BB-8 and Poe were missing was getting on your nerves. But Leia assured you to sleep and let her handle it. Uncomfortable, you went to bed against your own will, staring at the ceiling, questioning why it had to be such a long and weird day.
By the time you fell asleep, Poe woke up. Realizing he was at some First Order cruiser, Kylo Ren was looking at him. Poe sighed, knowing that he would likely end up hurt again.
Ren acknowledged him as the best pilot of the Resistance. Great to start.
“You have seen the map”
“And you have seen the girl,” Ren assured.
“What girl?” As soon as the pilot asked, he unveiled everything. Your connection with Ren, what you told him before talking about the mission. He accidentally gave Ren all the answers.
The map was with the droid and the girl was with the Resistance.
“Princess y/n of the fallen kingdom of Karyn and Colonel of the Resistance” Kylo Ren proudly said your name and titles. He smiled under the mask.
How he could have forgotten about Karyn and how they refused to be involved in the war. He never realized the daughters of the kings survived.
“NO!… DON’T YOU DARE TO HURT HER!” Poe yelled, trying to break the cuffs hurting him.
“I won’t, pilot. You can rest knowing that I won't hurt her” and with that, he left the cell. Only causing great pain for Poe, feeling guilty.
When Ren walked away, and when he turned to some hallway, he spotted you. He froze, there you were looking at the giant window, looking at the stars. You must be at the secret base of the resistance, but to him, you were with him. You turned, encountering him as if Kylo Ren was at the entrance of your balcony. He saw your dark blue dress and silver crown, you saw his hideous mask again.
“What have you done with my friend?” You ask.
“That rebel scum? To your luck, he is in a cell, alive.” You know he’s telling the truth.
“You must have what you need, let him go” For the first time, you noticed your height barely brushed his shoulders, he was massive, making you incapable of feeling some fear.
“I can’t, he’s a prisoner of the First Order.” You roll your eyes.
“LET HIM GO!” You yell, trying to keep calm, or else he will discover one of your little secrets.
“Don’t worry, soon or later you’ll join him. And it will be an honor to have you in my ship, Princess y/n of Karyn” you mentally cursed. He had one clue, he had opened the door to know everything to you. And he knew that you stuttered, being unable to talk. By the look on your face, he knew you were scared. And he liked it.
“Get out of my head.” And somehow, you broke the connection.
But under all the fear, you had one doubt. You wanted to know how he looked under that mask after all those years.
You needed to hear Poe, so as you fly with the Resistance to Takodana, you call him. You hadn’t seen him since he returned. BB-8 would be happy to see his friend there. It had been rough days. Your connection with Ren hadn’t happened again. But you constantly saw him trying to kill you along his knights in the desert. You brush away the frightening memory, hearing your dear friend calling you.
“Colonel Princess y/n, here is Poe Dameron. Permission to lead the division?” You smile widely.
“Permission granted, Dameron. Now don’t get into more trouble, I need you by my side after this?” He chuckles after some exchange of words, and he starts doing his job. You love how Poe loved to fly. He had to teach you how to fly a ship yet, but for now, you loved when he offered rides.
Your good thoughts soon are over. You turn to Leia, who’s already thinking the same as him.
“He’s here,” you say and she nods.
“Hide yourself as long as you can. But do not hide your ability to fight.” You nod, hiding your weapon in your belt, under your cape.
You join the fight and you can get rid of many stormtroopers. You see BB-8, Chewie, surprisingly Han Solo, and another boy fighting together and you want to run towards them. But a stormtrooper shoots at you. And while you were able to avoid him, others came out of nowhere. He hit your head and you almost fainted. You touched your head, hand covered in blood. Your vision was blurred and you felt how the troopers kicked you and picked you up, towards their ship.
You were too disoriented to do something, to fight. And yet, you felt him. You saw Kylo Ren carrying another woman. And when he looked at you, he left the girl and kneeled in front of you. Inspecting your wounds. You could hear his heavy breathing. But you refused to look at him.
“I said to bring me the princess, not to injure her” You keep looking at the floor, watching as some blood drops fall against the cold floor. His gloved hand caressed your temple and sent you to complete darkness, losing consciousness.
When you open your eyes, you are shocked to see Kylo Ren without his mask. You wanted to tear up, but you harshly refused.
“I cleaned your wounds”
“How gentle of you.” You speak, feeling your throat extremely dry.
“You must be something else. I can see anything, you are hiding your memories from me”
“Maybe you’re just not as good as you thought you were.” He makes an expression that you take as an extremely brief smile.
“Maybe you’re lying to me. Who are you, princess y/n?” He asks stepping closer. You can see his clean face with moles like you. His brown eyes and dark hair. You turn your head away from him. But he places his gloved hand on your chin, stopping you from squirming away.
“All I know is that Karyn fell years ago. Because it was one of my first missions as commander, I gave permission to attack. I remember seeing how the planet came to ashes” You turn to face him in shock, anger in your face.
“MONSTER!” You cry out in anger at his face. He killed your home, your people, your family, and your legacy.
“Let go of that, it would happen anyway. Karyn was a strong kingdom that wanted to remain isolated from the war” You let yourself cry a little.
“I assume it was Organa who saved you” You look at him with resentment, hate, and horror.
“But why you? You must be able to wield the force. You just don’t know yet. You’re being slower than the scavenger”
“So now I’m a prisoner?” Ren frowns before gently shaking his head.
“No, of course not. You’re my special guest. I'm taking you to Supreme Leader Snoke.” He said, inches away from your face. His proximity was making you even more angered rather than uncomfortable, so you looked at him deeply in his eyes. And you felt something as well as him. But both of you ignored it.
“Sir, your presence is urgently required at the command center” Two stormtroopers appeared at the door of the cell. You remained silent and the man rolled his eyes. He gave you one last look and left with the soldiers.
Maybe the mighty Kylo Ren had underestimated you because you could feel your weapon in your belt. And in less than a minute, you were out of the cell. You start moving away, and suddenly you collide in the chest of someone. Another girl, the scavenger.
“You are princess y/n,” she says excitedly. You knew she was force-sensitive, so she must’ve escaped from her cell too.
“And you must be the scavenger”
“I’m Rey. And need to get going. Han, Chewie and Finn are here. Let’s go!” She takes your hand and starts guiding you.
“Who’s Finn?” You didn't know him.
“Oh, you’ll like him. He has helped a lot” You only nodded.
“Did Ren went to see you?” Rey asks you.
“He did.”
“I can feel your connection with him. It’s weird, like you had met him before” You stop abruptly.
“I met him. He ruined my childhood” Rey is about to ask more, but she is interrupted by Finn and his friends.
“Han Solo, Chewie!” You greeted the man that you constantly saw as a kid, the Wookiee that played with you. For some minutes, you felt secure, even happy.
The first thing Kylo Ren saw after killing his father, was your face. You looked shocked, saddened, and enraged. You were with the scavenger and the traitor looking at what he did.
He felt your pain and in his rage, he felt even worse, he was desperate to know why the pain you felt as Han Solo died felt too personal. Like you had met him before.
Finn, Rey and you started running towards the snowy forest. You took advantage to start the Falcon and get out of there, Chewie let you know it was ready, but you heard their screams. Your friends must’ve been intercepted. So you knew it was over, Kylo Ren would know your secret, but you had to save your friends. You never asked to be a hero, but you had to act like one to succeed. You remember Karyn thought light and darkness were both the same. They were perfectly balanced and there was no beliefs on the Jedi or Sith.
You fight for them. Because they weren’t able to do so. You fight to keep being free.
Giving firm steps into the snow, they turn to look at you. Rey smiles briefly and Ren seems confused. But you take your weapon out, and you let your green lightsaber join the red of Ren and the blue of Rey.
Both seem shocked. But it takes a twist when you walk forward, giving the first attack. Kylo was taken aback by the sudden violence, but he concentred about giving a clean fight. He starts attacking back, but it seems to be more difficult for him, as it is two against one. Your ways of executing the lightsaber mixed a lot of techniques, which made it harder for Kylo to predict your next move.
Finn was heavily injured, so you tried to get close to him to help him. But it wasn’t easy.
“You and I. We’re connected, you know it.” Kylo says out of breath. Your saber collides with his, and you put all of strength to push him away.
“I can help you become more powerful” you frown. You don’t need that.
“I don’t care about power. I want to keep my freedom” you let your intrusive thoughts win. You remember what he did to you.
“You almost killed me once. Don’t you remember, Ben Solo?” In his sudden weakness at the mention of that name, Rey comes in and attacks too, you feel him get inside your head and the scavenger slides the saber against his face. You gasp in shock, almost dropping your saber.
“NO!” You scream, thinking he died. But you see him moving. And Rey is shocked to see how you rushed to his side.
You kneel beside him, only to see an awfull wound across his face, he seems to be lost, probably half unconscious. His face is sweaty and you sigh relieved to see he was alive. The moment feels soft, and he sees some memory that strongly appeared in your head. He closes his eyes and feels you.
The connection. You hated him, but you didn’t want him to die.
Kylo Ren sees himself as a seventeen-year-old student in Luke’s temple. When he was still Ben Solo. He was training with his friend Weenie, they didn’t agree sometimes, which led to heavy training sessions. The blonde padawan fought so hard, and Ben reciprocated. Without even noticing it, they moved around the area where the youngest kids were training. He was furious, Weenie said having bad dreams constantly leads to darkness. He was about to hit Weenie with his blue lightsaber when the blonde moved. Ben Solo heard a little girl cry, and when he saw, there was a girl at his feet, her padawan robes covered in blood and sliced open. His saber had burned her back and cut the top of her long hair and she was unconscious.
The little kids ran towards her. All of them yelled, “Y/N WAS HURT!” “BEN SOLO HURT Y/N! “TELL MASTER SKYWALKER!”
She was eight years old. He never knew who she was.
But when Kylo Ren opened his eyes, he saw the young girl. He couldn’t believe you were that girl. He had so many questions.
You caressed his swollen cheek and leaned to whisper in his ear.
“You took everything away from me. My Jedi training, my home, my family, my future.” He gulped, his hand landed on your hip, and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. You stopped him.
“Being with the Resistance feels correct. But I don’t believe in the light or darkness anymore”
“I will see you lose this war, Kylo Ren. And you’ll feel what I did over the years” The hand on his cheeks pushed him further into the snow. And when he tried to stand up, you pulled his hair and crushed his skull again.
Rey took you away, running to take Finn and get out as the First Order base was about to disappear in lava.
But you couldn’t ignore the strange feeling in your stomach. You despise him. You were over the scars he left in your back. You try to forget about Karyn, your family. But you were extremely far away from forgiving Kylo Ren for destroying it.
Nonetheless, Kylo Ren didn't want to let you go and you didn't want to leave him alone.
And you knew it wasn't over. It had only started.
Go and say mean things in the comments, luv you and let me know if anyone wants part two.
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ricegobbler · 4 months
Hi I so happy your open can you do the tfa team prime react to sentinel prime falling in love with a female cybertronian who came to life by an allspark fragment , she is a kind and a total sweetheart to everyone but is very oblivious to his feeling
I know Sentinel is a jerk in the show. But he deserves love. Everyone does😢 (kinda)
Warnings‼️: well, I’m using ‘Y/N’ tho. So for ppl that don’t like that being used I’m sorry, idk what else to use honestly 😢
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-he’s so cute. Love him sm🤞
-At first he was surprised. He was surprised Sentinel could ever even fall in love.😭
-he’s happy for him though, watching an old friend of his that was a jerk fall in love. Deep inside Optimus would think you can do way better. But your life yk!
-when he first witnessed you and sentinel talking he noticed Sentinels actions.
One day Y/N and Sentinel were just talking, that was until Optimus walked in and saw the two.
He noticed Sentinels stance and awkward look on his face, he then realized the stammering he’d do when replying back to you.
-it was obvious. Especially to Optimus, he’s never seen Sentinel like that.
-Sometimes when you’re gone Optimus would just smirk at Sentinel, obviously he’d deny his crush on you but it wasn’t believable.
-I feel like Optimus would be the type to like Tease Sentinel or try to help out ykyk.
-he’d sometimes randomly ask you abt how you and Sentinel are doing, and the oblivious person you are, you just say you’re both fine.😢
-Sentinel won’t stop crushing on you though. He’ll be patient (sometimes)
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-yeah he can still hear guys😒
-at first he don’t gaf. Sure he’d be a lil surprise, but like he don’t care.
-he also thinks you can do so much better, he’d even say it out loud once. Of course, you didn’t understand what he meant since you were oblivious about Sentinels love for you </3
“she can do so much better..” ratchet grumbled. You then turn your head to look at him and raise an eyebrow, wondering what he said.
-when he’d see you and Sentinel talking he’d see how sentinel looks at you. It’s like a puppy in love🤧
-sometimes when you company Ratchet when you’re bored he tries hinting to you how Sentinel is acting with you. But, you're oblivious about it. :(
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-sentinel in love?? Impossible.
-he’s shocked, he never thought somebody like sentinel could fall in love with a fem so..much different then him
-just like ratchet, he thinks you can do better. Even if you and sentinel aren’t dating (bc you’re oblivious abt his feelings) he still thinks you can do so so so much better.
-he does watch the two of you though, romance is something that caught his eye since the bots arrival on earth.
“Fascinating..” prowl mumbled as he saw you and sentinel talk.
-he wouldn’t really intervene with your guys alone time, he just watches from afar like a lil weirdo.
-he’s just interested 😢
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-“SENTINEL COULD FALL IN LOVE?!?!” <- bees reaction.
-he’s surprised, and disgusted at the same time. He’s like a boy who saw his parents kiss😭
-he notices how sentinel stutters around you so he’d giggle to sentinel’s nervousness.
Y/N and Sentinel just talking, but Bee notices how shaky and stuttering Sentinel was.
“PFT. Scaredy cat.” Bee mumbled
-he wouldn’t intervene, he wouldn’t really care honestly. Just don’t kiss In front of him if y’all ever get together.
-butttt, if he’s ever bored he’d run to sentinel and give him advice. (His advice kinda sucks but🤷🏻‍♀️)
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-same reaction as bee😭
-“HE FELL IN LOVE?!” <- his reaction
-he’s mostly similar to bee, and they’re buddies for a reason-
-Instead of snickering or anything while seeing sentinel struggle, he’d feel a little bad. This bulkhead is to sweet 🥹🤍
-I feel like he would definitely try to make sentinel feel better if he had the chance.
Sentinel grumbling in embarrassment after stuttering infront of Y/N
Bulkhead noticing and walking over to him, “Hey, don’t be upset! I’m sure she didn’t care you were stuttering”
Sentinel giving him a confused face, “you were watching us?-“
-he wouldn’t intervene as much, but if he does it won’t really affect you and Sentinels relationship.
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mychlapci · 3 months
The high council is probably perfectly happy to help turn Sentinel Prime into the Magnus’ pretty little wife, but only because they plan to use the technology developed for Evil. A way to turn mechs into happy, horny little baby factories without anyone noticing… a very successful propaganda campaign to convince mechs to have sparklings is about to come out, I’m sure. Just as soon as they confirm with the Magnus that the subliminal messaging works! For now, though, he’s “explaining” to Sentinel why he needs to wear the skirt.
Sentinel, of course, is not having it. Fussing and fighting (never quite shouting, no, never at his Magnus!) over how girly and pretty it is. When Ultra says “please, Doll, just try it,” Sentinel nearly gives in… but no! No, future Magnuses can’t be seen in swishy blur skirts that complement their lovely color scheme and barely cover their aft. Ultra’s frown makes his tanks twist, his datapad’s screen flickering to tell him how awful it feels to be a bad girl for his Magnus. Not that Sentinel notices. At the end of the day, both the Magnus and the pad have worn him down. He’ll just wear it one time so that Ultra can see how stupid it looks on him, and never again! Except…
“Oh, Sentinel, Doll, you look gorgeous!” As always, the trigger phrase turns him into a happy puddle of a mech, node pulsing behind his panel. Magnus can’t help but smirk a little, even as he beckons his secretary around the big desk to “get a better look.” Sentinel ends up perched on one thigh, blue skirt swishing against his panel as he tries to climb up by himself. His faceplates are hot with energon as he sits in Ultra’s lap, legs dangling above the floor as the old mech showers him with praise. That large, hot hand never QUITE going so far as to cup Sentinel’s aft or crotch, but certainly stroking at the fabric. He can’t stop thinking about his skirt this way, too lost in feeling the fabric against his increasingly warm modesty panel.
“Here, Doll,” Magnus says indulgently, “watch this and you can go sort your inbox like a good girl.” Sentinel opens his mouth to complain that he’s not a girl, but his datapad is already in front of him. Distracting enough to suck the words out of his mouth. It’s some kind of show? Looks like something some high society bot would watch, or maybe Sentinel’s old crechemaster. The mech on screen is going on about how important being clean and well dressed is to securing one’s image. Ah, Ultra must really want him to understand why he has to wear his pretty, frilly skirts… Well, Sentinel’s not… he isn’t… With the volume so low, Sentinel has to focus hard on what she’s saying to really hear it. Slipping into a trance as the hypnotic features of the vid go to work on Sentinel’s pliable mind. When Sentinel’s faceplate go slack, Ultra shifts from tugging and petting the fabric of the skirt to stroking the panel beneath it. Whispering in Sentinel’s deaf audials as he gets his “fashion tips” from what will soon be one of his favorite shows.
(I am shamelessly stealing the wifey hypno-shows from the Sunstreaker ask, bc I think they’re hot and bc I think the TFA’s autobot high council would absolutely be manipulative and evil enough to make and use them on the populace)
“What a pretty Doll you are,” Ultra rumbles as Sentinel starts to slowly, mindlessly grind against his hand and thigh, “that’s it, you love your new skirt. It feels so good to be my pretty little doll. You know I can’t keep my hands off of you when you wear your skirts.” And things like that, over and over, in Sentinel’s audial. The council told him it was important to make sure Sentinel overloads after these more intense sessions, to help everything sink in, so when that modesty panel finally slides open Ultra Magnus goes right to teasing that pretty orange node. He’s stroking and flicking it, teasing the wet valve lips as Sentinel grinds against his thigh. He holds his little secretary up through a powerful overload, still whispering about how Sentinel knows Ultra can’t stop staring at his skirts all the while.
Sentinel will come back to himself at his own little desk, datapad still in hands, and get right to work sorting his Magnus’ mail and keeping his schedule. He’ll be forced to admit to himself that the show has a point, fashion really does have a place in cultivating one’s image. And as a mech working so closely with the Magnus, as one who plans to be the next one himself, it’s very important that he looks pretty and professional. Of course, when he “realizes” that Ultra can’t stop staring Sentinel’s tanks will be doing flips. He’ll be rushing to get more skirts to look pretty for his Magnus, taking delight in planning his little outfits. Maybe Ultra has more episodes of that show? All Sentinel knows is that he wants more praise and more pats and pinches on his aft! It feels so good being Ultra’s pretty little Doll…
He inadvertently starts a fashion trend by wearing them in public and can’t stop preening about how influential he is already. By next week, Sentinel is painting the tips of his digits sparkling, optic-catching colors so Ultra Magnus will notice when he sucks on his little stylus suggestively. He can FEEL how hot the Magnus’ panels get these days when he sits on Ultra’s lap, swinging his dangling legs oh so innocently. Sentinel… Sentinel wants that, NEEDS it even! He’s so wet behind the panels at being such a good girl that he’s craving an overload. When he accidentally leaves a sticky patch of lubricant on his Magnus’ thigh, it’s only polite to clean it up. With his tongue. While staring up at Ultra. He can’t help the moan that sneaks free when the Magnus’ spike pressurizes right into his face.
His datapads were right—Sentinel really, really needed Ultra’s fat spike plundering his valve. He’s never overloaded so hard in his life! And his skirt bounced so prettily against his aft while he rode that his Ultra couldn’t help but fill his valve with hot, thick transfluids. One of the Magnus’ huge styluses had helped keep it all behind Sentinel’s panels until he could get home and wash it out. And if he’s licked and sucked the stylus clean, fingering his valve on the washrack floor that was his business. The spike he’d always used to prefer stays forgotten. His Magnus likes his Doll’s sweet pussy.
Ultra Magnus is nothing but a gentlemech about the incident! He remembers being so young and helpless to his instincts, after all. If Sentinel ever needs a break to burn off some charge, he need only ask. Sentinel’s hypnotic datapad is quick to teach him just what to say.
“Please, Ultra,” he whines desperately, “your pretty Doll needs you!” Sometime Ultra will have him lift his little skirt and curtsey, showing off a dripping panel or blinking node. But he always gets to cum on Ultra’s fat fingers a few times before that huge spike fills him up. Moaning like a whore as the tip stretches his valve, doing his best to take as much of Ultra’s spike as he can… Sentinel’s datapads are going to teach him to keep his valve stretched for his Magnus sometime very soon.
Ultra Magnus, meanwhile, could not be more pleased with the results. From mouthy, arrogant Prime to needy, slutty secretary in a scant few weeks. He’ll have his perfect little wife in no time, at this rate. And for now he’ll get to enjoy watching Sentinel’s slow slide into being his pretty Doll. Maybe he’ll have a false spike attached to the mech’s chair—a few hypnotic suggestions will have the mech thinking it perfectly reasonable. Sentinel mustn’t be so selfish! He needs to take his Magnus’ WHOLE spike instead of just squirting around the tip. Good girls need to share the pleasure. Good wives need wet, desperate cunts for their husbands. Sentinel will surely be much easier to deal with when he’s feeling empty and craving his Magnus’ cock. Perhaps a new show will help him learn that giving pleasure gives Sentinel pleasure.
Sentinel would be fussy at times, but since the hypnosis keeps him constantly thinking about satisfying Ultra Magnus, he cannot keep it up for too long. His libido will win, he’ll be nothing but a silly little doll with a wet hole that constanly needs to be filled by his darling Magnus. He’s right on his way to becoming a precious little baby-maker, obediently wearing those cute skirts he protested against, riding Ultra Magnus’s spike whenever he asks for it, and begging to suck on it when he gets horny.
Servicing him just makes Sentinel feel sooooo good <3
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Asphodel - Kylo Ren x Reader
Asphodel (Asphodelus) - Meaning: My regrets follow you to the grave
Summary: The night Ben Solo became Kylo Ren, and the love he lost along the way.
Pairing: Past! Kylo Ren x Reader
Word Count: 1048
Warnings: Pre-TFA, discussions of Luke's School for Little Jedi and Luke's attempt on Ben's life, emotional manipulation, slight gaslighting, off-screen explosion, mentions of Knights of Ren killing people, brief fight, reader gets stabbed with a lightsaber.
Not sure how I feel about this one, but here's Day 5! This is my interpretation of how that night at Luke's Jedi Academy went, it's probably very inaccurate but whatever!
In Bloom Masterlist
Likes, Comments, Reblogs are always appreciated! <3
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“Ben, what’s going on?” she asked, rubbing her face sleepily, adorably, as she joined him in the hallway of the dormitory. He wasted no time folding her into his arms, placing a kiss in her hair. 
How sure he’d been that she would be on his side, how Snoak assured him that their relationship would not get in the way of his training as opposed to Luke, who had advised against forming such close attachments. 
But how could he help himself? She was beautiful and smart and strong with the Force. She made him laugh on his first day when his heart was breaking as the Falcon lifted off the ground and dashed away. They trained together, challenging each other, and making one another better. Ben couldn’t picture a future without her in it, and he knew she felt the same about him.
“It’s time,” he said, “we’re going to join Snoak.” He stepped back and reached out his hand toward her, expecting her to take it but she just stared. 
“Join Snoak? But Ben, I, I thought…what happened?” The confusion read clearly across her pretty face, and Ben stepped closer. He cupped her face with the hand he’d reached out to her, tipping it up so he could explain while looking into her eyes. 
“It was just as Snoak said,” he explained, “Luke is afraid of my power. He tried to ambush me, tried to kill me in my sleep. Snoak told me he would betray me, betray us, so now we need to go.” 
“No,” she said as she stepped away from him, “Luke wouldn’t do that. I’m sure it was a misunderstanding. If we just talk to him, hear his side, it’ll be okay.”
“It’s too late for that, my love,” Ben tried to console her, but again she shuffled out of his reach. “We need to leave.” 
“If you’re not with us, you’re against us,” he warned, “Is that really what you want?” 
“Snoak is dangerous, Ben, he’s been lying to you for months, twisting things around, please be reasonable-” 
“Reasonable? Is it reasonable to try and kill your nephew because he challenges you? Because you’re not as strong or as powerful as he is?” 
“That’s not what happened, Luke wouldn’t-” 
Kylo Ren closed the distance between them, crowding her against the wall with his body. “He did. And he will pay for it.” 
To this day, he could still feel her fear through the Force and how he had used it to influence her. 
“Come with me,” he said. “You want to come with me.” 
For a moment it seemed like it would work, that he had managed to bend her to his will as her face went momentarily blank, but she shook her head and it cleared away. 
“No,” she defied, opening her mouth to say more when a large explosion from outside caught her attention. Letting her push past him, she ran to the window and gasped. 
“The temple is burning,” she said, shock evident in her tone. 
For a moment she stood there, frozen with her mouth agape. He could almost see the gears turning in her mind, how she was putting together that he had orchestrated the explosion, how his fellows were taking out the troublesome Jedi who would eventually stand in their way. Through the Force, he felt her rage rise within her like a tide. A smirk graced his lips, and with an angry yell, she ignited her blade. 
For the second time that night, he blocked an initial attack. Her anger fueled her rapid-fire attacks, and he couldn’t help but feel a little proud and perhaps even hopeful. If he could make her feel the intoxicating power of the Dark Side, maybe she would see the error in Luke’s teachings.
“Good,” he repeated, parrying her latest attack, “Feel your rage, use it. Can’t you taste the power? This is how it would be for us, always, if you joined me!” 
That comment caught her off guard, and he was able to land a blow to her shoulder. The smell of singed flesh accompanied her cry of pain, but he didn’t stop. She rallied, blocking his blows.
“Come with me,” he insisted, “And I will teach you to use this passion, this power, and we will use it to rule the galaxy. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?” With a grunt of anger, she began another offensive strike, but he continued, “You and me, side by side forever? Now is our chance!”
“Our chance to what?” she panted, “Become the next Empire? Rule through tyranny and suppression? That’s what our parents fought against! It’s everything that Luke taught us was wrong!” 
Their sabers clashed in an ‘X’ formation, and he stared at her through the light. 
“If you’re not with me, you’re against me,” he explained simply before turning off his blade. This made her fall forward and he smoothly stepped out of the way. She fell onto her hands and knees, her saber turned off beneath her. 
A voice inside him whispered for him to kill her. Another told him to kidnap her, take her with him. Yet another, this one real and outside of himself, called that they needed help outside the burning temple. 
“Last chance, my love.”
The hate in her eyes as she looked up at him — such potential wasted. Her breathing was ragged and her resolve absolute. 
Letting his rage and anger and desire for revenge eclipse his love for her, he reignited his saber and drove it into her back. A short gasp was all he heard before he felt her Force drain away and her limp body fall to the floor. Killing her was like killing a part of himself, but what was he supposed to do? He couldn’t have her chasing him all around the galaxy and he certainly couldn’t have her interfering in his plans.
As much as he wanted to go to her and brush her hair away from her beautiful face for the last time, he knew Snoak would label that as weakness. His future training needed to proceed unencumbered and, like he had said: If she wasn’t with him, she was against him. 
Maker, how he wished things had turned out differently.
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assortedvillainvault · 5 months
Hello! If it's okay to request/ask, headcannon of TFA Blitzwing (each of his personalities) x Reader? Reader has a split or multiple personality. Kinda like Jekyll and Hyde (but sometimes a softie w/ close/loved ones, family/friends), if you're familiar with it. Can be Romantic and/or platonic…
(Gender-neutral/Female) Reader's a human and they aren't involved with any cybertronians situations…
(PS. Thank you if you answer this! if not, I'll enjoy your stuff either way.)
Hi Anon! I’ve been thinking about this one for a while! Sorry for the wait, I have a little bit of history with DID (as in I don’t suffer personally, but have been close with others that do), so wanted to get this one right. Blitwing was unironically a comfort character originally due to said struggles and trying to strike a balance between ‘funky space-german giant robot villain’ and ‘this is a serious real life condition with a lot of misinformation and prejudices’ can get a tad challenging.
Anyhoo, Long post alert. DID is discussed but no real warnings for this one. Lets go!
Blitzwing x DID!Reader
- DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) results in humans having multiple, distinct personalities – from as few as 3 or 4 (like our favourite triplechanger) to up to 100 in some cases. The Jekyll & Hyde - esque nature of yours is something you’re at least slightly grateful for – at least it’s simple!
- Granted, it doesn’t really help when your city is attacked by giant space robots. Repeatedly. Every week. Both personalities agree it’s a pain in the neck – switching out and coming-to mid war zone with no warning isn’t exactly relaxing.
- Your first meeting was very subtle. Crawled behind overturned cars and bridge rubble, ducking down as the buildings behind you were ripped up with a squeal of steel and concrete. An enormous giant tank/plane/robot shaking the ground, hollering with rage at a bright yellow little car zooming in the distance.
- “JOU PATHETIC LITTLE BUG!! I’LL - cUt JoU iNtO iTTy BiTtY stReaMerS!! HAhAha vE’re gOnNa haVe a PaRty – at jour base, perhaps, now zat ve know where it is, Autobot~”
- You couldn’t believe your fucking eyes -
- “Holy Shit SAME HAT?!”
- Red eyes snap to your dumbfounded expression, narrowing.
- Yeah. Maybe hollering it across no mans land wasn’t the smartest move.
- He had no idea his affliction could be shared with organics. He didn’t even realise he was witnessing DID at first as you can’t literally switch faces. Come to think of it – I’m not sure cybertronians even have a word for it. He adopts your terms like a duck to water.
- Of the three he’s the most fascinated observer. He’s quick to document any minor tone shifts or facial expressions to indicate a switch between your two personalities – as well as the speed at which you change, your stressors and mannerisms. He can’t imagine dealing well if someone were to – somehow – get his alters mixed up, so he takes pains to greet both personalities properly.
- Is more likely the one to ask questions and approach the subject scientifically: though he will back off if the ‘Jekyll’ personality gets in his face about being treated like a science experiment. He knows the feeling and despises it.
- Just because he’s calm about it though, doesn’t mean he’s moralistic. Icy has a known sadistic streak and enjoys setting up situations to hurt people (see: the almost-murder of the Constructobots) so he’d be… intrigued to see how far your aspects were willing to go. He’s an enabler of destructive behaviour that specialises in not getting you caught.
- Hothead, by contrast – is much more reactive: blunt and easily confused.
- He will likely get your alters mixed up and become flustered and annoyed until he gets the hang of who is presenting when. Give him a bit, he despises asking Icy for help with anything.
- Yeah, of course he can – what do you MEAN you can’t communicate with your alters internally?? Do organics not come with a built in comm?? What the FRAG-
- He doesn’t like feeling out of sorts about finding someone with his condition. As far as he’d known, they were the only one ever to be split as they are. Someone who knows what it’s like, while desperately needed, is now almost unnerving.
- But he is an excellent vent buddy about multiple personality issues. If your alters want to chat shit about each other then Hothead is DOWN, he has a list of complaints about Icy and Random a mile long – even though airing them gets him interrupted by said alters all the damn time.
- Hothead will encourage violent coping mechanisms to your problems: if you have someone bothering you with some horror-movie assumptive bullshit about your disorder he is 1000% percent encouraging you to lure them behind a building for him to grind under his pedes.
- NEW FRIENDS?! New friends INSIDE of friends, oh he just wants to stuff you in his mouth and unravel you -
- Random is probably the first of the three to recognise your shared disorder. And when he gleefully tells his alters they don’t believe him (at least at first). Which doesn’t matter because you are now BEST FRIENDS. He’s gonna scoop you up and stuff you in his cockpit and make you a little hole in the mines riiiiiiight next to his berth. Don’t worry about telling him yes - he already knows your address!
- No matter how threatening you might think yourself to be, to Random you are the most adorable schmoopsie moo in the whole galaxy and he will commit war crimes to have you tucked into his pockets.
- Do not. Try him. In one-upmanship. Random knows exactly how far he will go to keep you with him and unlike Icy, who prefers to observe from a distance, Random will actively engage in finding very uncomfortable boundaries very quickly. Pretty much the only way to reign him in is to not play along in the slightest.
- He hates being ignored.
- He wants to hear and know everything about you, and will hop between subjects to a pattern only he knows. He’s exhausting, but probably also the most honest and vulnerable of the personalities.
- With Random, it’s most obvious that Blitzwing has total, universal acceptance of your personalities as they are. No dismissal, no belittling, no questions and no doubt.
- I’d say thats a breath of fresh air.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
Can I ask, if you know Transformers, and if you do if it's okay to request?
An RoR and Transformers crossover
Reader as Sari Sumdac, from TFA (Transformers Animated). With her Personality and abilities
You can also include some scenes, such as the fighting, and/or interactions w/ some characters from RoR and Transformers
-The day a car and a young child appeared in Valhalla, it was a day of screaming and confusion, confusion from those in Valhalla, wondering where you came from, and screaming from you and Bumblebee, panicking on where you were.
-When you hopped out of the yellow car, nobody was prepared to see it transform, turning into a bipedal mechanical being who could talk and had feelings just like any of them.
-You were quick to scramble up Bumblebee’s frame, up to his shoulders where he held you, not wanting you to get hurt as you talked down to Zeus, “Who are you and where are we?”
-Zeus explained where you were and Bumblebee was confused, “Valhalla- isn’t that a place where dead humans go and where gods live?”
-You immediately panicked, thinking you were dead, you didn’t want to be dead- you were too young to be dead!! However, Odin was able to calm you, “I can tell that you are still alive, human, but there is something odd about you. You’re not completely human, are you?”
-You beamed, immediately hopping down and your arms opened like you were like Bumblebee, except that you were more human looking, “Sort of- I’m half human… I think.” You were a bountiful source of information.
-The two of you explained, and Bumblebee showed video footage that he recorded, of a strange bright blue light that had been reported in a tunnel, and the two of you had been tasked with investigating it.
-When you found the ball of light, just floating there, not being hostile in any way as Bumblebee recorded it, “It’s an unknown source of energy.” But Odin and Beelzebub were able to deduce that it was a type of magic, but of unknown origin.
-When you had touched it, that’s when you both wound up here, after being flash-banged.
-Nikola had all but collapsed, seeing Bumblebee, and seeing your own robotics, his eyes were huge and sparkly, “Please let me research you!!”
-He was rather over enthusiastic, he had freaked the both of you out, at first, until you realized who he was, and you agreed, with some limitations.
-Other warriors and gods were curious about the two of you as well, you showed off your robotics, being able to transform as well, but still human sized, and you showed off your fighting skills which you used in minor combat, as you weren’t really a warrior, unlike Bumblebee, who has had more combat training and experience than you have had.
-Bumblebee was very popular, showing off his weapons and his skills, being able to skate around easily on his wheels, showing that he was fast and versatile.
-Jack was curious about Bumblebee, looking up at him, “How curious- you’re not a human or a god, but I can see that you have a soul, just like we do.”
-You offered an explanation, telling them all about Sparks, which are not only the energy source for Transformers, but it is also like their heart and soul, it’s what gave Transformers their personalities, which none of them had ever heard about before.
-It was an experience for everyone, with you and Bumblebee being in Valhalla, as they were able to see technology unknown to the gods, and you and Bumblebee were able to learn about things that you didn’t know about, like magic, which turned the both of you into giant kids with huge sparkly eyes.
-You assisted Odin, Beelzebub, and Nikola with trying to figure out a way to get you and Bumblebee home, and while no results had been made so far, it was fun to try as other discoveries had been made.
-You just hoped it was a matter of time before you all found some real results, but for now, you were enjoying this fun new experience.
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kyluxtrashpit · 9 months
Transferring this post from twitter, with some edits and additions, because the mess that was the development of the sequel trilogy fascinates me on an extremely deep level
Okay so. You’re probably aware that Adam Driver gave an interview a few weeks ago where he said that the original plan for Kylo in the sequel trilogy was to get progressively eviler throughout. Which I’m not here for redemption vs corruption arc discourse, that’s not what this post is (because I prefer a secret third option), and what I want to dig into here is what makes this an incredibly curious statement
Because this is the first time anyone involved with the ST has mentioned there ever being a plan. So, let’s explore that for a second because why is he saying something that’s completely at odds with every other piece of information we have?
(behind a cut for length, as I went and pulled a bunch of interview quotes and other materials and then analyzed them, you can scroll to the very bottom for my conclusions if you like)
So first, I went and found this, which I purchased many many years ago in 2017
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In it, an interview with RJ himself confirms what the story has been for a long time: there was no plan, there was no required plot points, no endgame to lead to, just absolute freedom (I recall reading this then and feeling a spark of confusion and concern - what do you mean there was no plan?) 
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I also found this, and while I don’t have the TLJ art book to verify it, another person on twitter confirmed it and also advised that RJ was even in the know regarding the Aftermath series (confirmed by him and Chuck Wendig at a convention) - so he knew a lot. And this plus the above shows that if there was a plan, it was abandoned before TFA was even released, likely even before it finished filming
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And then we have the rather well known moment when JJ himself pretty much confirmed that the ST should have had a plan (question asked was about sw, even if JJ didn’t say it himself). Could this be shade at abandoning a plan instead of never having one? Maybe. But it’s unclear 
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And as our last piece of evidence, we have confirmation from RJ that he asked JJ to change the ending of TFA. Which once again shows TFA was not finished when RJ, who explicitly said he was given no plan to follow, was writing TLJ
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And that was the story all along, confirmed multiple times over. We can say for sure that as of the writing for TLJ being started, which was before TFA was even finished, let alone released, there was no plan. So it is certain that if there ever was a plan, that plan was abandoned at the very latest in early 2015, but I suspect 2014 is more likely
So why would AD say there ever was one? He has no reason to lie and I don’t think he is, he has nothing to gain and everything to lose by doing so. But with so many other pieces of evidence directly contradicting what he’s saying, I think we can also say that RJ is telling the truth too. But how can both be true?
Well, knowing the mess that is d/lf and also how disney treats actors I think it’s one of two possibilities:
Option 1: there was indeed a plan, likely pitched by JJ himself, and that d/lf agreed to that plan with no intention of ever following it through. They sold the actors on the plan, telling them it was a capital P Plan, but then didn’t ever tell them it had stopped being the plan, so that’s also why we saw the actors becoming increasingly frustrated throughout the series. They were told there was a plan, what the plan was, and then watched none of that come to fruition because it had secretly been abandoned long ago without their knowledge. It’s extremely scummy, but I could see disney doing it
Option 2: the plan was never a firm capital P Plan but rather was just the initial concept JJ had. No one ever committed to it, but since the actors couldn’t see the script, JJ’s initial vision was used as a “here’s my concept” kind of thing to sell the actors on without it being a firm plan. Just a concept that was used at the time but later discarded, as I’m sure a good number of concepts were. But it would be easy for that to get misinterpreted by the actors, and this gives us the less scummy option on the mouse’s part because it’s more about miscommunication than anything else
And if it is option 2, it’s also possible that the actors did know it wasn’t an confirmed plan, just a concept, but clung to those concepts since they were all they had. Which I can understand, given that not knowing the eventual story makes their jobs harder. I can totally see AD sticking with that initial concept even if he knew it wasn’t a “plan” per se, because he had literally nothing else to go on and he needed something to play the role. And once again, given how increasingly frustrated the cast got over the course of the trilogy, I suspect this experience would have been shared among the whole cast
Overall, I lean towards option 2 on this, because even though I do think disney is pretty fucking evil, option 1 might actually be a contract violation or at least open up the possibility of one. And plus, the entire story group would have had to be in on it, and if they did straight up knowingly lie to the entire cast and JJ, I just feel like that would be something which that many people can’t keep secret (plus wouldn’t RJ have accidentally spilled the beans when talking to JJ? Or was he in on it too? Too many players imo). I know it’s disney, but still, things leak all the time (as those of us who followed the tfa or tros leaks know lmao). Plus, I do agree with the adage of assuming stupidity over overt malice when in doubt, so I’m going to stick with that here
So ultimately, my suspicion is this was never a true, capital P, confirmed Plan, but rather the initial concept they used in place of a real plan (which they never made) because d/lf had nothing else to use to sell the actors on it and the actors had nothing else to cling to when actually playing the characters, so they used it where they needed gaps filled. And with it being more likely just a vague concept that was never committed to and was abandoned in 2014 than anything else, well, no matter how good or bad it might have been, I don’t even think it’s worth considering as something we ever would have gotten. It clearly wasn’t in the stars (ha) from very early on and thus belongs in the pile with the rest of the surely very numerous concepts that never came to fruition
And this, kids, is why trilogies need to be fucking planned lmfao
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hi! I wanted to ask if you could write the TFA autobots and elite guard reacting to finding a batmobile Bubby on earth?
Bubby was lose during the war and is the around the same age as Ratchet and Ultra magnus. And maybe have a little romance with Ratchet.
Thanks! :)
This is something new! Batmobile Buddy it is! One of the best detectives on Cybertron! If this isn't what you want, please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy who's alt mode is a Batmobile with Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, Optimus Prime, and the Jettwins
SFW, Platonic, slight romantic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy was one of Cybertrons best detectives during the war.
She was hailed with finding many lost Autobots and catching Decepticons off guard with her swiftness and skilled martial artistry.
She had some teaching from Master Yoketron but decided to leave the dojo to help High Command in the war.
Buddy met Ultra Magnus as his personal bodyguard.
The old one had taken leave to get repairs and some of the back up guards had been called into the draft.
Buddy was personally called after Magnus had heard of her reputation.
Even though the job was temporary Buddy took her job seriously in guarding Ultra Magnus.
They bonded during that time from the near-death situations to potential strategy plans suggested.
“Ultra Magnus.”--Buddy
“Buddy? What seems to be the trouble?”--Magnus
“If I may be so bold…”--Buddy
“You may.”--Magnus
“Is it wise to move the troops in this sector? We would be leaving this flank completely unguarded.”--Buddy
“We would need to take that risk.”--Magnus
“But there is also a chance that the assault team could come in. We have a refugee camp in that area, it will be vulnerable.”--Buddy
“Hmm… you are right. We will need to alert the troops at once.”--Magnus
“Absolutely, sir.”--Buddy
Magnus had offered Buddy a spot in the Elite Guard once the knew guard had arrived, but she politely declined in return for wanting to go back and do her detective work.
The two did stay in contact, especially once the number of hostages they were finding grew in numbers.
It was during one of these cases that Buddy met Ratchet.
Buddy had returned another group of Autobots to a nearby relief camp.
Buddy wanted to know the status of each patient admitted.
“How are they?”--Buddy
“Sweet Alpha Trion! Don’t you know better to scare a field tech?!”--Ratchet
“Sorry, I just wanted to know if the Autobots are okay.”--Buddy
“If you don’t mind waiting a couple of hours, then of course.”--Ratchet
A couple hours later, Ratchet is wrapping up everything up when he sees Buddy taking a nap on a chair nearby.
“You really waited here for all this time?”--Ratchet
Of course, so… do I have to wait more?”--Buddy
“Lucky you, I have all the reports. They are all going to be fine. Some better than others, but they’ll live.”--Ratchet
“That’s good. That’s good.”--Buddy
“Why did you wait?”--Ratchet
“I like to know whether my work was good or not.”--Buddy
“Really. Is that all?”--Ratchet
“You kids and you’re words.”--Ratchet
“Hey, I’m your age!”--Buddy
“You don’t act like it!”--Ratchet
“Hahahahahah!”—Buddy and Ratchet
That was where their friendship began.
The two kept in communication after Buddy left the camp.
They talked about their daily lives every now and then. There would be rare times when the two would be able to meet up in person.
Everything was fine.
Until Buddy went radio silent.
Ratchet had tried to reach Buddy multiple times, even going as far as picking up some favor from the higher ups.
No one had any notation on Buddy.
Timeskip to Earth
Optimus was tired.
He had been dealing with Sentinel’s attitude all day and now he had to babysit the Jettwins.
Sentinel had promised them to visit the Plant, but he had bailed out at the last minute… and Optimus was at the mercy of the twins ‘puppy dog’ optics.
When the three of them came into the dark Plant. A single light was turned on in the middle of the common room.
“Where are the others?”--Jetstorm
“Yes! Where? Bumblebee told us about this video game—”--Jetfire
“What?”—Jetfire and Jetstorm
“I just remember something… the Team is out on patrol.”--optimus
“Then why is there a light on.”--Jetfire
“That’s because… we aren’t alone.”—Optimus
Optimus grabs his axe while the twins power up.
The light flickered until it finally turned off.
None of them are ready for the sudden ambush. They thrashed around feeling kicks and chops to their armor before they felt stasis cuffs on their servos and pedes.
The lights turned on.
There was a stranger who looked like a Decepticon with their dark colored paint job, but the red Autobot badge begged to differ.
The bot came over to the Prime and looked at his Autobot badge then turned and saw the twins’ badges.
Silently the bot clicked a button.
The cuffs came loose.
“Sorry about that. You can’t be too careful now a days.”--Buddy
“Who are you?”--Optimus
“And how did you do that!”--Jetfire
“That was so cool!”--Jetstorm
“Do you have powers too?! What powers do you have?!”--Jettwins
“Woah, woah, woah calm, down kiddos. I’m a detective from the Autobot High Command. The names Buddy.”--Buddy
“Detective? How come I’ve never heard of you?”--OPtimus
“Special ops. I look out for the bots who suddenly go missing and no one wants to look for them. I’m the one they call to look for them or I find out and go looking for them.”--Buddy
“Who did you come looking for?”--Optimus
“I take it you’re Optimus Prime.”--Buddy
“I came to look for you and your team.”--Buddy
“Oh! Who called?”--Optimus
“… A dear friend of mine was on your team. I didn’t get a chance to tell him what happen on my pass assignment… I found out after some digging. Its hard to figure out space bridge engineering when you don’t know a lick about it.”--Buddy
“Who was your friend?”--Optimus
“A brilliant field tech named Ratchet.”--Buddy
“The Doc-Bot!?”--Jettwins
“You know him?”--Buddy
“He is our field tech along with our friend Sari.”--Optimus
“What’s a Sari?”—Buddy
That was when the rest of Team Prime had decided to show up.
Now it was understandable that the Team was on edge seeing a dark armored bot looming over the three Autobots on the ground.
But one of them quickly gets everyone to lower their weapons.
“Put those weapons down, that’s an Autobot!”--Ratchet
“An Autobot? They look like a Decepticon to me!”--Bumblebee
“Put it down!”--Ratchet
“You know them?”--Prowl
Buddy ran to Ratchet hugging new dents into him.
“Oh my—”--Prowl
“That bot did the impossible!”--Bulkhead
“She’s hugging Ratchet! And he’s hugging back!”--Bumblebee
“Shut it!”—Buddy and Ratchet
The two Autobot looking at each other before laughing.
“…Prime I’m scared.”--Bumblebee
“Me too—I mean don’t be rude.”--Optimus
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writeyouin · 2 months
Hey can you try an TFA lockdown x human reader nsfw size kink, I even have an plot for it. What if he kidnapped the reader and reader spends on his ship for 3 days, day 1 is flirting and making the reader embarrassed and flustered, day 2 is where he wants the reader to wear embarrassing clothes and day 3 is where the nsfw size kink happens 😈
TFA Lockdown X AFAB-Reader – That Which He Covets Most
A/N – Okay, so I took a few liberties with this one. First, I changed it from a few days to a few weeks. Also, while NSFW happens, it is somewhat dubious consent and has been tagged as such in the warnings. So please, be safe reading this. You all know your own boundaries and limits.
Warnings – NSFW / SMUT. DUB-CON.
Rating – M
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You stared, dumbfounded, at the nothingness around the ship. Space was vast but mostly empty, and as you stared outside, you could no longer see Earth, not even as a tiny blip in the distance.
You should have been more scared than you were. Granted, you were terrified, but you should have been even more frightened, especially when you felt Lockdown’s optics on you as he approached from behind.
It didn’t make sense by any means. He had taken you, then flew away. At first, you thought he wasn’t going to take the ship out far. You thought that he was going to trade you to the Autobots or use you as bait to lay a trap for them. That way, he would get the revenge he wanted, and they wouldn’t be able to do anything about it in case you got hurt, but no… There was no trap, nor a negotiation to bargain you away – The two of you were just alone, and in space, nobody would hear you scream.
“I didn’t-” You shook your head, trying to form words as you numbly stared at the surrounding darkness, “I didn’t know you took pets. Thought it was only upgrades.”
You could see Lockdown’s dark smile reflected in the glass, though you didn’t turn to face him.
“I made an exception,” He said grimly.
“Is there a contract for a human? Is that where you’re taking me?” You asked, thinking about aliens that might want to dissect you or keep you in an exotic zoo, or something equally as dire.
“No. You’re only here for me.”
“Oh.” So, no chance for negotiation then. “Are you going to kill me?”
Lockdown considered fucking you raw and how it could potentially end your life if he didn’t care enough to be cautious.
“It isn’t my goal, but it is a possibility,” He answered truthfully, amused by the situation. He could imagine just how much you were thinking and feeling. How much seething hatred you had towards him. You were quiet now, but he would wait, then when you were back to yourself, he would be certain to take advantage of your anger. It was all a part of the game.
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Despite Lockdown’s eagerness for your rage-filled meltdown, it never happened. Instead, you kept your temper, and (equally appealing to him) you began trying to endear yourself to him, doing whatever you could to please him.
You were polite in conversation, and you ensured that you took care of yourself, asking very little of him other than food and water, and for a place wherein you might take care of your human business and keep clean.
Lockdown always chuckled darkly, giving you all that you asked for. He especially enjoyed providing you with an appropriately sized wash-rack, mostly because he had put several cameras in there, which he made no attempt to hide.
You even began greeting him on a morning.
“So, where are we today?” You asked, having provided your usual morning hello.
“You really expect this to work?” He asked you, raising an optical ridge and smirking.
“Yes and no,” You answered honestly. “Frankly, I worry you’ll get bored of me eventually, so I’m running on survival instinct.”
“And your survival instinct is to become as amenable to me as possible.”
It was a statement, not a question, but you nodded all the same, looking out to where the ship was heading rather than at Lockdown. “Is it working?”
Lockdown grinned, as crookedly as ever, “More’n you know. But if you want it to keep working, you’ll have to up your game.”
You looked at him, then floundered as he threw a wad of fabric that completely avalanched you. It took you a minute to recover but eventually, you poked your head from beneath what turned out to be a mound of clothes.
“Pick something in your size. Don’t come back till you have... Or change here. I don’t care which.”
You glared at the materials at hand. They were a mix of lingerie outfits. Slutty maid, slutty cat, slutty cop… There were more outfits than you cared to count, all of which could be described with the prefix slutty.
Granted, you had already figured out why Lockdown wanted you from the cameras in your shower, but you had managed to cover those for the most part with soap bubbles whenever you needed to bathe.
You gritted your teeth, fighting an outburst.
“What? You don’t like them?” Lockdown cooed sarcastically.
“What? No Cybertronians to fuck?” You snapped back, equally sardonic.
“Ooh, feisty. Keep talking like that and I won’t wait for you to change.”
“Seriously, what is your deal?” You glowered at him, feeling worse when a blush crept up your neck, traitorously colouring your cheeks and ears. “Why do you even want me?”
“You haven’t got it yet?” Lockdown laughed. He bent down on one knee, squeezing your face between two digits. He could feel you shaking, your fear becoming addictive to him.
He whispered, “Then I’m not going to spell it out for you.”
In truth, there was only one reason Lockdown wanted you, and that was because of that Primus-forsaken Ninja-Bot. It was obvious that Prowl desired you, and put simply, Lockdown wanted revenge on Prowl. So, he would take what that foolish ninja coveted most, and he would only return to Earth once there was enough evidence to show that you were his, but it wasn’t enough to frag you. No. Lockdown wanted footage of you enjoying it. He wanted to destroy Prowl’s mind. He wanted Prowl to hear you screaming Lockdown’s name, begging him for more while he fucked you.
That would be the greatest pleasure he could imagine. So, it was in Lockdown’s best interests to enjoy the game he had so deviously set up.
“Fuck you,” You spat hatefully.
“Not so endearing now, huh? What if I apply a little pressure?”
Lockdown began squeezing your face, just enough to hurt.
You cried out in pain, “Puh-please, stop.”
“You know how to make me.”
You tried to nod, but couldn’t. “Okay. Okay,” You repeated the word defeatedly.
“That’s right,” Lockdown praised, “Good Pet.”
He let you go and you scurried off with an armful of outfits.
When you came back, you were sullenly wearing the maid costume. It was a few sizes too big for you, which was exactly why you had chosen it. Thanks to its larger size, it was more like a proper dress, and with a few of the lacy extras from the other outfits, you had managed to tie the arms in place.
Lockdown wagged a finger and tsked when he saw you, “Nice try, but that’s cheating.”
Swiftly, he leaned down and tore the bottom half of the dress away, effectively leaving you in a corset/leotard.
You flushed red but didn’t say anything. You wanted to ask ‘What now?’ but didn’t want to hear the answer. Fortunately, the answer became clear soon enough. There was nothing else now. The skimpy outfit seemed to be enough to satiate Lockdown as his hungry eyes tracked you, seemingly wanting to eat you up.
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Lockdown was growing bored of waiting for you. You could tell by the way he seemed less amused by the things that used to work.
One way or another, he was going to bed you, and the worst part was that you had begun envisioning it as pleasurable.
There was no denying it. He was an attractive mech. Besides, sleeping with him ensured your survival for longer. You might as well make the best of the situation, and having spent time with the Autobots you had already entertained thoughts that kept you up at night, touching yourself and calling out their names. You had always liked things bigger than you could handle.
Nodding, you decided to take things into your own hands and control your fate. When you saw Lockdown in his Captain’s chair, you couldn’t help blushing, a rush of pleasurable heat pooling between your legs. Was this what Stockholm Syndrome was like? You filed that concern away for later.
Lockdown didn’t acknowledge you much past glancing boredly in your direction; yet another sign that he was in a bad mood and growing tired of you.
Yet, his frown turned into a smile when you clambered onto the chair and sat in his lap. You didn’t face him, but you did start pinching yourself through your clothing, moaning as you began fondling your breasts.
Lockdown observed you for a while, withholding comment until one hand snaked down your chest, travelling lower until it was between your legs.
“Hnng~” You bit your lip, rubbing over your clothes at your pussy, the fabric barrier helping you to keep your composure somewhat.
“You’ve changed your tune, Songbird, and I like what I’m hearing.”
You arched your back, writhing against Lockdown’s interface panel as you pushed your hand inside your panties, fingering yourself, doing all you could to work yourself up. You didn’t need to do much, you were already wet, thinking about what Lockdown would do to you.
You heard a metallic shunk and you were pushed forward by Lockdown’s pressurised spike as his interface panel opened.
It was bigger than you, and there was no way you would be able to take it. Still, Lockdown glanced down at you with that same evil grin he always wore.
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want to suck you off,” You answered, no trace of hesitation in your voice.
That was good. Even better than Lockdown had imagined actually. He was mildly concerned that you would sound worried, and that wouldn’t make for good footage. But you were so ready, so willing, and so confident; it would break Prowl’s spirit for sure.
“Show, don’t tell, Songbird,” Lockdown said, leaning back conceitedly in his chair.
His spike was almost the full size of you, but you complied, getting to work on it, exploring it with your hands and mouth whilst also grinding against it. You almost felt like a stripper dancing against a pole. Leaning into the idea, you slipped out of your dress, leaving you only in your underwear as you rubbed Lockdown’s spike between your breasts.
Lockdown, for the most part, kept his composure, but even he couldn’t resist throwing you a bit of praise as his pleasure built, “Oh yeah, just like that. That’s how I like it.”
He especially liked it when you squatted down, licking the length of him and then dipped your feet in his valve. That was an interesting move he hadn’t thought you capable of.
Maybe when you were done, he’d find some toy to fuck you with, as a reward for servicing him so well.
“Keep going, that’s right,” He hummed as you ran your fingers over the top of his spike, digging them into the grooves.
As you worked, Lockdown’s servo snaked behind you. He was careful with his movements, using only one digit to slide up and down your back, occasionally dipping lower to scrape lightly against your pussy.
You thought about all you were doing and the depraved manner in which you were doing it. When you had imagined such scenarios with the Autobots, things had been romantic and sensual, with whispered sweet nothings that secretly meant everything. With Lockdown, you were obviously the means to a twisted end, yet as your arousal built, you felt almost guilty at how much pleasure you felt.
“Ah, ah, ah, Songbird,” Lockdown warned, finding great enjoyment in the nickname he had bestowed upon you only that day. “It’s too early for you to finish. There’s a lot more I want to see you do.”
You didn’t know whether to take that as a threat or promise but either way, you were eager to see where the night took you.
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ricecakes-zapfish · 2 months
hello! i’m ricecake, born in 08 and very very interested into transformers and science fiction in general. this is my transformers account where i’ll be posting any tf thoughts, art, or writing i’d like to share
·;༊ i am mostly well-versed in TFP, TFA, Earthspark, and Bayverse/Knightverse (but not a fan). i do know some and so about IDW, and I’m starting to read MTMTE, but I haven’t finished it, so i won’t say i’m well-versed there
·;༊ i’m a multishipper and an angst lover. some of my favorite ships are Megatron/Soundwave, Soundwave/Shockwave, Optimus/Soundwave, Drift/Ratchet, Optimus/Shockwave… yeah, i really like the waves <3 any ship with them goes for me. i am interested in other ships though as a “they’re cute” way, just not as much as the ones listed
·;༊ as a warning, i am a darkfic writer. i do not condone the actions/content/crimes i write in any writing i post or make, i just believe it’s very interesting in the psychological and philosophical aspect, and it’s very fun to explore the boundaries of writing and literature
·;༊ i make a lot of AUs too and may ramble about them! i’m also always interested in any mutuals or friends. i will tag all my posts and such with #ricecake’s zapping. my discord is soundwavebbgx if you want to explode about anything. feel free to drop an ask anytime, i’d love to talk <3 thank you!
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
i’m coming out and this is probably no surprise but i’m the sentinel fucker anon.
anyways, you remember the big ass ask that i sent 👀 yeah… could i get some of that (oral, pegging, crying, multiple orgasms, aftercare) with a ftm reader if possible?
not entirely off topic but i love your horny rambles (if i can call it that), very entertaining and easy to agree with (especially when the characters are so…. MMMHFH).
TFA Sentinel x ftm!Reader
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Hi Micro! Thank you for enjoying my horny rambles (and thank you for yours). Here’s your order! I hope you like it because I started this before I went away and forgot where I was going to go with it askdjheb
Anyway, here’s Sentinel getting pounded by ftm reader!
Warnings: Pegging, crying, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, some oral (reader giving).
Word Count: 1154
“Oh, Sentinel, what’s wrong, hm?” You lift your head from his valve to take a quick breather, “You want more, is that it, baby?”
Sentinel desperately nods as your slicked fingers massage against his clenched callipers while your other hand works magic, stroking his already weeping spike.
It’s almost too easy to turn Sentinel into a blabbering mess, and it’s what you love about him. Nobody apart from you knows how he whines and begs for you behind locked doors, how much of a slut he is for you. Because the one orgasm you’ve already given him wasn’t enough, he’s always desperate for more. And Primus, were you going to give him more
“Hm, that doesn’t sound very convincing, baby.” Your cheek presses against his hot anterior node as your strokes slow until you are only palming at his spike, innocent eyes gazing at how his thickness throbs against it, “Remember when I said to use your words?”
Your gaze falls onto Sentinel's teary optics, and you can feel his hips slowly rocking against your cheek.
“Please, I want more,” He blinks a few times, and you can see the lubricant fall down his face onto the pillow below, “I’ve been good for you. Primus, frag me, please.”
You beat on it for a moment, enough to fully take the sight of him in. His back struts gently arched, the tiny jerks of his hips you can’t see but only feel against your face, his servos fisting the damp sheets below, the old tears from earlier already staining his faceplate like dried-up rivers. It was a gorgeous sight, and you’re going to fucking ruin it.
You prop yourself up onto your knees, your silicone strap-on bobbing up and down between your hips as you do. Grabbing behind Sentinel's knees, you roughly pull his hips closer to yours until your dick presses against his node, causing Sentinel to draw a sharp intake.
“You want it?”
“Mmmh, yes…”
“Louder,” A swift slap to the inside of his thigh has him flinching and sobbing at the sting, “Tell me how much you want me to fuck your pretty valve.”
“Fuck I need it! I need it so bad, please!” Sentinel squirms under you, and a new flood of fresh lubricant pours from his optics.
His pleads send shivers down your spine. You usually wouldn’t have given in to him so quickly, making him wait just a bit longer until his processor almost fries from overstimulating him or the sheer amount of lubricant clogging his systems. But you’re pretty pent-up now, so you line up and slip straight into his valve with no resistance.
“Oooh, frag, yes!” Sentinel squeezes his swollen optics shut as you push yourself to the hilt. However, you didn’t need to do much more work due to the sheer suction on you.
To gain more leverage, you lift his pedes over your shoulders and push your chest flush against his chassis, drawing a delightful whine from him. You loved fucking him this way, if not to see his facial expressions come undone as he loses himself but also to hear him weep against your ear.
And boy, does he. You start rolling your hips down into him, trapping his legs between your arms whilst holding down his servos on the sheets like a yoga session gone right. And you start pounding.
“Ouugh frag it!” Sentinel moans out, the side of his helm buried into the pillow. You know him well enough to know that he’s not only hiding from you out of pleasure but for the downright dirty noises his wet valve is making. He finds it embarrassing.
You find it hot.
“C’mon, baby,” You pant; you’re exhausted from how long you’ve been fucking him for. Your muscles are seizing up, and your hips are aching, “One more, can you hggf… gimme one more?”
“I can’t! It’s haHAAgh too much!”
At this point, Sentinel has overloaded approximately three times. Not that you’ve been counting. It could’ve been more, but it’s hard to tell when you have him crying out and spilling fresh tears against your cheek with every thrust. But either way, you’re not a fan of uneven numbers, you’ll make it at least four.
“How about I give you a helping hand?” You sit up and away from his chassis, splaying a hand against it. His pedes still hang over your shoulders, but you manage to manoeuvre one off. With the extra room granted to you, your hand latches onto his bouncing spike, and you start to jack him off.
“Oh, Primus!” Sentinel cries out as he starts bucking into your tight grip, “Feels so g-good! Oh, slag, I love you so much!”
“Is that right, baby boy? Will you love me more after you cum on my face?” Your fist speeds up in tandem with your thrusts, desperate for him to finish one last time, “I know you can do it, c’mon, sweetie.”
The thought of being able to finish on your face must’ve been the final Jenga block that caused him to come crashing down. Sentinel arches his back as he hits his last overload of the evening. Jets of warm trans fluid hit your cheek and spill over your knuckles, mixing with the cooled-down spillage of his previous excesses on his pelvis. Fresh tears also pool from his optics as his hips bury themselves into the berth to try and escape the continuous milking of his overstimulated spike.
“I- ahhhnnn oh slag! Please, no more!” Sentinel whimpers out, and you finally let go of his spike, watching it twitch and bounce against his abdomen.
After lovingly observing your spent mech for a moment, drenched in his slick transfluids, you pull your strap out and watch as he jolts from the added stimulation. You unbuckle the belt from your hips and toss it across the bed. You’ll deal with the sopping-wet phallic object later. For now, you grab the damp towel on the nightstand and crawl on top of him to straddle his chassis.
“Are you ok? I wasn’t too rough on you, was I?” You gently coo, cupping his chin with one hand while you wipe under his optics with the cloth.
Sentinel is still catching his breath, giving you a slight whine, “Y-Yeah, I’m alright. I forget how talented you are with multitasking, though.”
“I’m a man with many talents, Sentinel,” You laugh softly, moving the cloth down under his chin to wipe the rest of the stains away, “But I’m more impressed with how many overloads you gave me, I think I lost track at one point.”
“Hah, I wasn’t even counting.” He gives you a slight toothy grin, and you can’t help but lean down to capture it with a kiss.
Sentinel hums into your mouth, moving his shaky servos to rest on your thighs, “Can we shower now? I think I got transfluids in my circuits.”
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