#so I’ll be tired tomorrow
I’m not gonna take melatonin tonight :(
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codgod · 5 months
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finally got around to drawing this skin wahey
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petrichorium · 2 months
also on my hands and knees dying to know about ur divorce (and perhaps reconciliation maybe…) with sir croc
Firstly I wanna say croc is THE reason for the divorced tier I had everyone in the husband/fiance/bf (and cusp + complicated) tiers I had the list downloaded and then I looked at croc in the husband tier and I was like no. Divorced………
Anyway I think you’re a marriage of convenience at first. Crocodile needs a wife to look more like An Upstanding Citizen Ready To Settle Down for his plans in Alabasta, you need the stability and rapport for your own reasons. A deal was struck (including a nice shiny prenup and an easy way out for both of you), the wedding goes off without a hitch, and now you’re cohabitating.
You’re all but a stranger, truthfully, though he’ll admit you were one of the most beautiful brides he’s seen walking down the aisle. And he finds your presence in his home less distracting than expected—you stay out of his way mostly, though the pair of you eat meals together and sleep in the same bed and you are always expected to be on his arm for formal occasions. You’re more than decent company, slowly warming to him and growing more open; willing to give advice on occasion, even, and it’s good advice he’s prone to heeding.
Which is why he’s blindsided when you drop the papers on his desk. There’s little he can do—they were practically already signed before the wedding, and in the surprise he can’t compose himself enough to think up a proper protest. All he can do is fold his hands together as you turn to leave, clear his throat, and call out, “Might I ask why?”
You shrug. It almost seems sad. “I want something more. You’re a very busy man, I don’t think you can give that to me.”
And those words haunt him, all the more because every trace of you is gone in the span of a few days. He lays in his bed, alone, pondering how much you truly lived in his home and how much he truly had to give you. He thought he made sure you wanted for nothing—but, clearly, that wasn’t the case. And if he’d known you’d be gone in the span of a few years…
In hindsight perhaps he’d been a bit distant. His work took up the vast majority of his time. All those meals were more often than not spent in silence, with Crocodile leaving long before you finished your food; you were often asleep before he came to bed, still slumbering when he woke; he’d arrive to those formal events with you on his arm and part ways almost immediately, drawn to meet with some politician or another and leaving you on your own.
The bed feels empty.
And then he gets a report about Nefertari Vivi. It all goes downhill from there. The empire he spent years building crumbles beneath his feet, toppled by that godforsaken princess and the upstart pirate with a straw hat. And as he’s carted off to Impel Down… he still thinks of you.
It’s perhaps a good thing that you left when you did. In a certain sense it saved you, severing ties with him when you did. But foolishly he wonders about the timing—wonders if it would have happened at all if you’d stayed. Logically he knows the rationale is anything but sound.
Instinctively… whenever he gets out, whatever he intends to do next, he thinks he needs you at his side again.
So when the break-out happens, and Crocodile is given a freedom he’d nearly given up on, the first thing he does is begin to track you down.
It takes more than he thought it would. His web of informants isn’t half of what it once was, and his name no longer pulls as much weight, forced to remain in the shadows as he now is. You, meanwhile, catch onto the mystery person trying to keep tabs on you far too quickly for his liking—flighty thing, never quite setting down roots, quick to flee at the first sign of danger. A trait that has only seemed to worsen in his absence, it seems.
But it’s only a matter of time. He’s Sir Crocodile after all, back from banishment to the depths of the ocean, sure to see the sun again. His men close in on you within a year as he builds up his numbers again, but Crocodile ensures he’s the first to make contact.
He intends to show you immediately how things will be different this time.
You’ve made temporary home on a quaint little island, sharing a house with a little old granny who lets him in eagerly when he presents a bouquet and says it’s for you. There he waits, served tea and biscuits that he doesn’t taste.
And then the door opens. You pause when you see him, eyes wide—donning a breezy sundress you’d never have worn for him in Alabasta, your hair wind-tousled so unlike the meticulous updos he always saw you in, with a basket of produce under arm—and the sight of you has his chest unwinding. It’s like he can breathe again.
Not that he had any intentions to before, but the smell of your familiar perfume steels his resolve to never let you disappear again.
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robinette-green · 4 months
I’m so tired. I spent the whole day working on Sun and Moon designs for a new AU that slammed into me this morning.
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Still don’t know what I’m going to call it yet.
It’s going to be a weird mix of Wonderland and Oz.
Sun is from the town of sweets and Moon is from the porcelain city. They are the jokers in the royal deck of cards, jesters for the kind and queen of the land.
(I’m going to have to simplify their designs for when I draw them in future 😅)
I did a design for the MC as well. This outfit is probably from a ways into the story.
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Y/N would, of course, physically look how ever you want them to, This is just what I would look like as them 😅
I used myself as a base then added a mix of Dorothy and added some touches of wonderland.
If anyone had any ideas for what I should call this AU I would love some suggestions
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hardly-an-escape · 3 months
For your road trip prompt ask: Dreamling going to a fair☺️ Have a safe trip!
oooh I so want to write what’s in a name? Dream & Hob stopping at a state or county fair somewhere on their weird ass sex romp-slash-road trip, but that fic is set in winter and I just don’t think it’s plausible. and yeah it’s fanfic and I can do whatever I want but internal consistency is important! dangit! so I will make up my own little winter festival lol
They’ve gotten a slow start, so wrapped up in trading slow kisses that it had taken housekeeping knocking on the motel door to pull them out of bed. It’s their third day on the road, and Hob still kind of can’t believe his luck – that he's woken up next to this dream of a man three mornings in a row, now, and that Dream seems just as captivated by Hob as Hob is by him.
They’ve left the worst of the weather behind them as they make their way gradually in a southward direction, but there’s still a bite to the air, and more often than not the sky is a sort of dull grey that threatens snow but never backs up its threats. It’s nice to step out in the chill for a minute when they stop for gas, and even nicer to blast the heat when they get back in the car.
Hob notices the first sign for the county midwinter fair a little while after they stop for lunch. They’re on one of the smaller county roads, not the interstate, or else he probably wouldn’t have seen it at all; the fair seems like one of those slightly weird, uniquely small town America kind of things that just don’t have traction outside of a fifty mile radius of their location.
When the pass the second sign he touches Dream on the shoulder and points it out. “What do you say? Want to stop and check it out?”
“Trinity County Midwinter Fair and Festival,” Dream reads aloud as Hob slows the car. There’s nobody else on the road. “Music, midway, food trucks, ice carving competition.” He snorts as Hon hits the accelerator again. “What is a midway?”
“It’s like, rides and stuff. They’ll probably have a Ferris wheel and some of those rigged carnival games.”
“Ah. The village fete, complete with coconut toss.”
Dream’s mouth curves into a smile, and Hob has to restrain himself from causing an accident by trying to kiss him while the car is still moving.
They follow the signs and park in a large field, following the sounds of the crowd to where a little row of games booths and rides has been erected. There is indeed a Ferris wheel, as well as a tilt-a-whirl and bumper cars, all brightly lit against the backdrop of forested mountains.
Hob is delighted. He urges Dream from booth to booth, only realizing about halfway down the row that he’s seized his hand with such gusto that they’re still holding hands almost ten minutes later. He grins apologetically and drops it, only for Dream to take it back and deliberately interlace their fingers.
They try elephant ears, which are a bit, and deep fried Oreos, which are not. Hob lets himself be talked into playing a ring toss game – well, he doesn’t try too hard to stop the man from convincing him – and actually wins a small and very ugly teddy bear, which he presents to Dream, who rolls his eyes but carefully carries it with them for the rest of the afternoon.
The ice carving competition is surprisingly compelling. There are only a handful of contestants, but each has their own unique set of tools and artistic style – one extremely petite but fierce-looking lady with a long grey braid uses a chainsaw – and Dream and Hob stop several times in their perambulation to watch their creations emerge from the massive blocks of ice. For the first time, Hob gets to watch Dream-the-artist watch other artists at work, and it’s… remarkable. Those blue eyes take in everything with such startling clarity and intensity.
Hob wants to watch Dream create something.
They save the Ferris wheel for last. It’s nearing sunset when they finally go up, Dream wrapped tight in his thrift store coat and scarf. To the west, the sinking sun is staining the sky in shades of pink, orange, and gold, and the warm light makes Dream look even more like a work of art than he usually does.
When their rickety little carriage pauses at the very top of the wheel, Dream sighs and leans into Hob, resting his head on his shoulder, and Hob leans back and kisses Dream twice, on the temple and the forehead.
Something resembling love is welling up in him. He tries to swallow it back down, tries to transmute it into something more acceptable, something Dream might actually be able to accept, but he just ends up with a lump in his throat and after a moment, Dream is the one to break the silence.
“Thank you for suggesting we stop,” he says, breath puffing white. “I – loved this.”
His hand tightens in the crook of Hob’s elbow where they are tangled together. He still has the teddy tucked under his arm.
“Me too,” Hob says. “I loved it too.”
come and drop a prompt in my inbox and I'll write you a drabble while I’m being a passenger princess on this road trip <3
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crybaby-bkg · 5 months
wanna bug Toji soooo bad while he’s on the phone. his ass doesn’t have a job so it’s not like he’s discussing important business, but he likes to make it look that way. phone tucked between his shoulder and ear as he uses one hand to rub circles on your exposed thigh, the other flipping through the tv channels. he’s speaking in a low tone, his eyebrows mused together in agitation as he calls the guy on the other line a barrage of insulting names.
and you’re just a simple person—the man looks hot as fuck like that and you just have to bother him. so you do, despite the side eye he gives you when you swing your leg over, foot in the air, right in his face. he swats you away gently before going back to his phone call, bites at your toes when you still try to wiggle them in his face.
"If you think you can lowball me like that, then you're stupider than I thought." Toji grunts to the other man on the phone, distracted once more. a little peeved that his attention isn't on you much anymore, you do what any little conniving imp would do.
you sit on his lap. backwards, facing the TV, looking over your shoulder at him with such an evil little grin that it makes his eyes squint to you in warning. but you've never listened much, especially when you know you'll be rewarded so plentifully in the end.
so you rock your hips, just slightly the first few times. your legs sat on either side of him, hands resting in the space between his legs on the bed, leaning your weight back on his hips that you sit against. instantly, you can feel the swell of him beneath his sweats, feel the thickness that you love to fill you up start to twitch when you circle your hips, grinding them oh so slowly against his covered cock.
when you look over your shoulder again, Toji only stares, the slightest lilt of his lip turning up at the corners. he tries to act unbothered, one arm bent back to rest his head against, the other holding the phone to his ear. but you can see through him, and feel just how bothered he really is.
so you up the ante; start to lift and drop your hips slow, slow, slow at first before the pace begins to build. you lean forward on your elbows, pull your underwear up until the curve of your ass is exposed, gasping from the friction, from the feeling of his cock rubbing so sweetly at your slit through the thin cotton.
you look over your shoulder once more, grinning, biting at your lip as you grind against him, close to completion. he can see it all in your eyes.
"Gonna call you back later. Got some important shit to take care of right now." Toji hangs up without preamble, gaze distant as he focuses on the ever growing spot of your arousal that starts to leak onto his own sweats.
but you're a little minx, with the way you scramble from his grasp before he can catch you, laughing when he snags your ankle to drag you back down. he's suddenly kneeling over you, grin sharp and ferocious, the straining of his cock through his sweats hanging so intimidatingly low, that if you lift your hips just a little, his tip would kiss your clit in the sweetest kiss.
"And where do you think you're going, you little brat?" Toji growls, dropping down to nip at the base of your neck, licking over your pulse point.
"Not letting me off the hook that easy, huh?" you tease, hands splayed beside your head in surrender, just wanting a little bit of the chase before the devouring. and by the look in his eyes, you know you'll only be bones by morning.
"Not in a million years." he promises right before the inevitable pounce.
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emily-mooon · 10 months
Me when the moots don’t see my flop posts I made at 3 am:
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nuppu-nuppu · 6 months
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Sketches I did today
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bvidzsoo · 2 months
So, I’m working on it…
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Guys…ngl this oneshot is taking too much effort for me to write (I’ve been feeling unwell lately ngl) so unfortunately there won’t be a “Love Me Like A Rockstar” update this week because I really want to finish up this story. I’m sorry and I hope you understand! 🫶🏻
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satoruxx · 1 month
ok it’s 2 am and i think i finished part 3 of wolf!toji pls be proud of me <///3
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bad future storyboards
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Can you put Akito in the Marianna Trench?
➥ chibi akito is going into the mariana trench?!
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➥ getting deeper…
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➥ oh, looks like there’s some others down here!
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➥ wait, akito, how’d you get down there with no equipment anyways..? and in your school clothes no less…
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bookiedoodles · 2 years
Okay but the fact that the Huntlow scenes are also still very closely related to Hunters brothership with Gus means EVERYTHING to me. Huntlow just isn’t the same if Gus isn’t also there with them. Those three mean the entire world to me and I’m so glad that we got Huntlow scenes, but I’m even more thankful that we got Hunter and Gus expanding their friendship even more. And of course Willow and Gus are besties til the end of time, and I eat up all of those moments!!! Gus casting an illusion on the grass to make Willow happy is so precious and sweet!!! God I could cry about the Emerald trio for the rest of my life!!!
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mylittleredgirl · 2 months
it’s so hard to tell sometimes if i’m sick because i’m just always kind of sick or if i’m sick with something contagious. “i feel bad and some symptoms are different from the usual symptoms but the cumulative effect is still in my general standard range of Feel Bad.” i wish we had like broad spectrum contagious virus home tests that are like covid tests. the “is this just a problem for me or a problem for society” test.
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kimetsu-chan · 13 days
I’m gonna be out most of the day bc I’ll be helping my dad with a big shopping trip plus being out after, so I’m going to be super duper exhausted
I don’t do well in crowded or loud places in the slightest, I get woozy and tired and I feel miserable or like I’m gonna pass out, and if the shopping isn’t gonna make me wanna cry, the outing after will bc it’s gonna be packed with lots of noise and people
I don’t say this because I want to complain, I just wanna give a super quick warning that I might not be active tomorrow as well as today bc when I get exhausted, my mental health tends to decline as well ;-;
so- a bit of a warning that I may poof a bit (sorry! 😣)
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conspicuous-clown-car · 4 months
so my entire computer just turned itself off for some reason
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