thewhizzyhead · 2 years
you know my dudes i don't think i'm quite sure on whether i prefer "it's not a game" or "be safe/be good" as a prelude to it's just a ride aka the rtc finale cause like. "It's not a game" fits more musically and thematically to it's just a ride and it sounds so damn good and it focuses on the kids bittersweetingly making peace with their choice to concede for Jane Doe which is VERY important to them making peace with their lives in "it's just a ride" and their character arcs in regards to how they treat Jane Doe BUT THEN AGAIN "be safe/be good" has the kids MOURNING their deaths and the lives they left behind and like,,,the idea of first mourning their own deaths before coming to peace with them via finding the fun in the rollercoaster ride that led to their deaths IS SO FUCKING HEAVY AND PROFOUND ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THAT THE CHARACTERS ARE KIDS LIKE HOLY FUCK THAT'S IMPACTFUL
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snekdood · 1 year
"people shouldnt keep cold weather dogs in hot climates" dude thats so cool and wise of you!! Now what do people do with their cold weather dogs in their hot climates? Whats the next best move, jackass?
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hershelwidget · 11 months
sorry i just went on an deep dive. it would cost like. 5 or so billion dollar for the octonauts to function. either inkling has pockets as deep as the ocean or there’s some highly illegal behind the scenes nonsense goin on here
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coquelicoq · 1 year
i finally wrote an xword that i think might be nyt-submittable...i originally wrote it for the local paper though so i now have to go back through and rework the clues to take out the specific local ones and make some of the others harder. i know exactly which day of the week this would run in the nyt (if it gets accepted) because this type of theme always runs on the same day, so at least i know which clue difficulty to aim for, but i'm still finding it difficult to hit that precise level! i'm used to just making the clues as easy as possible because my local paper's audience is mostly people who aren't xword aficionados. i already reworked this puzzle a couple times based on feedback from friends and family but that was all still when i thought i'd be running it in my local paper. i kinda just want to be done with it but i've never had a theme and fill i thought were completely nyt-worthy before!
#i've been thinking that i would write a puzzle that was intended for the nyt from the beginning#but i never prioritize it because the local paper is actually expecting something from me and i have deadlines with them#so this might be the only way it ever actually happens#i feel kinda bad for the local paper that they don't even get my best work haha but also this theme would probably be too hard#for most of their audience (though let's face it probably all of my puzzles are too hard for various reasons)#aw shoot though i just reread the submission guidelines and they're specifically looking for themes OTHER THAN this type#hmmm#cruciverbs#i also wouldn't mind submitting this in collaboration with a more experienced constructor who could help me with the clues#and i imagine such people are always looking for greenhorn collaborators because it allows them to have >3 submissions#in the queue...but i don't even know how one goes about finding such people#if i submit it and they reject it no harm no foul EXCEPT that i don't know how long it would take them to get back to me#and if this isn't going to run in the nyt then i'd still like to run it in the local paper#but also maybe if they reject it they'll be like 'we don't want this but you seem to have promise so here's the email address of#one of our veteran constructors who would be willing to work with you on other ideas you may have'#i just made that up idk if they would actually do that haha but it seems plausible. and wouldn't it be nice?#i do have another nyt-specific idea that i've been spinning my wheels on for like two years#hmm hmm hmm. i think my best bet is still to rework these clues and submit it and see what happens#worst case scenario is they never get back to me. which is a distinct possibility given what happened with my#american xword puzzle tournament previous year solved puzzles (ie they never got back to me >:( )#but that was will shortz. this is will shortz plus like 5 other people. he probably doesn't even see new submissions
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subbmissivesuccubus · 9 months
Things Dr.Ratio says in bed~
Inspired by @/roseloon and their series
"You think you're so fucking smart, don't you? We'll see how long that attitude lasts."
"What was that? Speak up. I know you have a tiny little brain but even you can string up a sentence, can't you? Oh? I'm fucking you too roughly? Well that's too bad, isn't it?"
"Use. Your. Words."
"Yeah? You like that? Like having my fat cock stretch out your pretty pussy?"
"Over my knee. Now."
"You taste delicious, darling."
"You're going to cock warm me while I read and I don't want a single peep out of you. Understand?"
"Take it- take it- that's it. Good girl~"
"I love it when you're obedient. Go on. Hump my leg."
"How many. Hmm? Oh, you lost count? I guess we're going to have to start all over then." Spank
"Kiss me. Now."
"You're fine. I've used enough lube. Now stop struggling before I make it hurt."
"We'd make very smart children, my love."
"Where do you want it? In your pussy? Of course you do, you fucking whore~"
"Drink my cum and savor it, pet."
"You get one more answer wrong and I'm going to cane that ass."
There we go. A pretty collar for you with my name on it. Just so that poor little brain of yours can remember who you belong to.
"Breed you? Yeah? You want my seed to impregnate this slutty body? Want to have my babies?"
Wait for me in the bedroom. Wear the lingerie that I like. I'll be there in ten minutes and I want you to be kneeling.
"You want to cum? Then solve the problem. You can't? Well, I guess this vibrator is going to keep torturing your clit~"
"Oh baby, you poor ass is so red! Let's make your pussy red too."
"Of course you got the promotion, my darling. Only a genius like you is fit to be with someone like me."
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simonrileysfavteacup · 7 months
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x gf!reader
Word Count: 600
Warnings: simon being slutty n walking around in grey sweatpants, playfighting, minor smut, mentions to sex
Summary: Simon teaches you to fight.
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After the attack on you, Simon became panicked. 
The more he loved you, the more people would use you as his weakness. He knew one thing. 
He wouldn’t always be there to protect you. 
So you would have to know how to protect yourself. 
So there he was. Moving the sofa in your shared apartment, creating a bit of space. He laid down a throw blanket. It was small, but it would work. He was shirtless, in just his grey sweatpants. 
You, however, stood off to the side, watching him move your pullout sofa with little effort. You take a deep breath as he calls you into the makeshift fighting ring.
“Okay, lovie,” he starts. ��Hit me. As har’ as you can.”
You throw a weak punch at his chest. He doesn’t even blink. 
“Lovie, what the absolute fuck was ‘at?”
“A punch…”
“Lovie, ‘at wasn’t even a poke. Try again.”
You hit him again, a bit harder. His chest is like a rock. You pull your hand back after the impact, wincing as your first stings. “Ow! You’re like wood! That’s not fair!”
“Yer doing everythin’ wron’.”
You pout at his words, “I’ve never fought before…I’m just…I don’t wanna do this anymore.”
He shakes his head, “Too bad. Lovie, ‘m doin’ this for you. Now, come on, I’ll show ya.” He fixes your posture, “Keep tension here. Pull your first back. Shift your weight onto this foot.”
You shift, “This is hard.”
“Learn,” he puppets you, throwing a faux punch with your hand. “Like that.” 
You throw a better punch, finally making him stumble. Just slightly. 
“That was better. Again.”
He teaches you numerous kicks, punches, and even a way to hold a person and put pressure on their neck. He tells you to demonstrate, to hit him, but your eyes are focused on something else. 
His abs.
His arms look so good, so huge. His abs glisten with the smallest amount of sweat. He looks so good.
“Lovie,” he snaps in front of your face. “Oi. Focus.”
Your eyes snap up to his, “You’re distracting me.” 
“Am I?” he flexes. 
You gasp, “Asshole.”
He smiles, “Deal with i’. Now come on, we have work to do.”
“Fine,” You strip off your shirt, your bra hugging your tits. “Let’s go.”
His eyes lock on your tits. 
You chuckle, snapping your fingers in front of his face, mocking him. “Lovie, my eyes are up here.”
“Fuck this,” he tackles you onto your couch, pressing his lips to your exposed skin. 
“Okay,” Simon says, putting your ear protectors on. “All good?”
You give him a thumbs up. He presses his front into your back, puppeting you. He aims the gun into your hand at the target. 
“Okay, shoot.” 
The shot echoes off the walls of the shooting range. Your bullet hits the dummy’s shoulder. 
“Nice! ‘Ats not bad, lovie!” Simon smiles wide, kissing your temple. “Again.”
You shoot again. It hits the left pec. Another kiss. 
Another shot. Hits the neck. Another kiss. 
Simon lets you practise for another 10 minutes. He feels proud. Too proud. “Lovie?”
You stop. “Hmm?”
“You’re great. Can we go home now, hmm?” 
“Okay,” you smile, taking off the protectors. “Thanks for teaching me this.”
“After what happened, I’d be a fool not to,” he kisses you. “Yer my whole life.”
He presses himself into you. 
“Now, we’ve got a little problem. Yer solving it in the car. Let’s go. Legs spread.”
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chuluoyi · 7 months
studying for dummies
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- fushiguro megumi x reader
you have an important exam coming up and are having a hard time to study. luckily, your boyfriend knows how to make you feel better
genre/warnings: college au, total fluff !!!
notes: i love writing college aus for megumi bc he never got the chance to in that cursed manga called jjk :') to the nonnie who asked for this, i knew i have to write it when i received your ask ehe <3
general masterlist
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"Why is this so hard..."
Megumi turned to you, sliding his headphones off with a questioning look when he heard you sigh once again, plopping your head down on the textbook. "What if I don't make it? What if I have to repeat a year? Ugh..."
Megumi continued to stare at you, with a flat expression. "So long as you study, you'll pass."
You threw him a sullen look, irked. "I know that! But studying itself is hard!"
The graduation exam was fast approaching and everyone in your grade was losing their head for a reason. Well, not your boyfriend though. While you were busy cramming your poor brain with ethics and physics in his apartment, Megumi was leisurely stuffing his ears with his headphones and catching up to the latest chapter of his favorite manga, without any care of the impending doom.
"You have to take breaks," he scolded then, truly meaning well. "You can't go on without food or rest. And don't overthink it, I'm sure you'll—"
"That's easy for you to say, Megumi—you're a natural genius," you interjected, crestfallen. The stress of failing several tryouts just got to you before you realized it. "Unlike you, I'm a dummy. I have to actually study."
Megumi remained quiet, watching as you turned back to your textbook, determined to give it another shot. Seeing your discouraged expression, something in his heart softened slightly.
And in that moment, he knew what he had to do to lift your spirits up.
He walked over to the little kitchen in his apartment to whip you some lunch, and throughout it all, you were still fixated on your studies, occasionally talking to yourself.
"Can Yuji even solve this problem...? I can take being called dumb but surely I can't be worse than him!"
Megumi found it amusing that you used his best friend as your benchmark for passing. Your way of expressing it brought out a low chuckle from him. How adorable.
Many were wondering what made him to date you—Fushiguro Megumi was always on the top of his class, stoic and indifferent, while you were just... you, a go-getter with cheerful personality that made up most of your academic shortcomings.
To Megumi, you were like a ball of sunshine that he didn't know he needed though. And now, wanted to protect.
While you were still lost in your thoughts and tangled up in physics concepts, he came back to you, gently patting your shoulder. "Hey, I made lunch. Want to join me?"
And needless to say, your eyes lit up with literal stars as you whipped your head towards him. "Yeah!"
Seeing you that excited made something inside Megumi soar. He had always been fond of your smiling face. Watching the fatigue melted a bit from you as you sat down in front of him, a subtle smile found its way onto his lips as well.
"Ooh, hotpot! Megumi, thank you!"
"Yeah, yeah..."
"Mmm! This is tasty!"
"Mm-hmm, have your fill."
You were giddy as you finished your lunch. It was evident that he had prepared the hotpot with your preferences in mind, choosing almost all of your favorite ingredients.
And you were feeling daring now that you knew that he was keeping you in his thoughts.
"Megumi, if I can score higher than 70% in that exam..." you started, smile gradually widening. "Can we celebrate it by going on an overnight trip to Kyushu afterwards? You know... just a little something to look forward to..."
Your boyfriend immediately fixed you with his unwavering gaze, even with his cheeks still filled with rice. But he didn't dwell on it long as he nodded lightly. "Sure."
"Really?!" you beamed, totally bursting with excitement. "Eeep! Megumi! You’re the best!"
How could he ever say no to you when your eyes were literally shimmering with glitters? Megumi never had it in him to. And hey, a trip for two to commemorate your graduation sounded so nice too, it was actually making him eager.
And so, with your tummy full and energy recharged, you enthusiastically redid your mock-up exam. And when you got 90% this time, Megumi actually initiated the first move and pulled you into his lap, giving you a light smooch on the cheek.
“Whoa...” you were so ready to tease him, poking his pink-tinted cheeks. “Do I get a kiss for every mock-up exam well done now?”
He huffed—flushing, turning away with slight frown. “To give you something to look forward to, remember?”
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star-crossed-sluts · 4 months
Matt Murdock X Chubby!Fem!Reader
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Contents: 2.2k words, love confession/discussion, cheeky reader, giggly sex, chubby female reader, slight insecure reader but that's quickly solved, mentions of bullying regarding weight though very brief
Minors DNI
You are responsible for your own media consumption
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You've dealt with strange looks all your life. It wasn't surprising their whispers had infiltrated your mind. Often you managed to catch yourself, stopping the thoughts that weren't quite yours. When you first met Matt, the most frequent one was, of course, you could only get a blind man to like you. It was cruel, and you tried to chase it away every time, but there was a small part of you that thought, if only I can keep him from touching me, we can go on like this. 
Because you were a fool. 
He always grabs your hips first, almost a warning of the devil to come. 
“What’re you doing up,” he rumbled against your neck, voice thick with sleep. You're half-sure he’s subconsciously tracking how long you've been away from his arms every night, waking himself when the timer passes your usual bathroom breaks’ duration. 
His hands push even further, rubbing your sides until he's gripped two handfuls of your soft stomach. Bare chest plastered against your back, his grip manhandling your hips back to meet his. You used to shy away from his touch, wanting to keep the you from reality separate from the you he's crafted in his mind's eye. 
Little hard to feel ashamed of your body when he was rocking his hard-on against your ass.
“You're insatiable, Matthew.” 
His groan was pained, like you were terribly twisting his arm instead of letting him fondle you in the kitchenette. “Don't call me Matthew,” he griped, one hand searching for the bottom of your nightshirt. “Reminds me of my priest.” 
You leaned into him, a fond smile playing on your lips as he found the edge of your panties, starting to leave open-mouthed kisses down your neck. “Because you’re such an altar boy,” you joked as his fingers trailed the hem, outlining the curve where your leg met your mound. You know the moment he thinks of a retort, because his lips twitch against your pulse.
“Well, I do seem to spend a lot of time on my knees-” He burst into laughter as your elbow came back at him, letting you attack his ribs to distract you from the way his hand explored your upper thigh. “Abuse,” he accused, “attacking a blind man!”
“It’s alright, I know a great lawyer.”
Matt chuckled against the thrumming vein in your neck, his grip on your stomach pulling you tighter against him. “Yeah? You know, my rates are pretty steep, but I think we can come up with some alternative payment.”
“I was talking about Foggy.”
His laugh flew out of him, taken completely off guard, and sent you into manic giggles right along with him, throwing yourself back against his chest to hold you upright. “You're terrible,” he cackled, tugging you to shuffle backwards to the bedroom with him. “Come back to bed, trouble.” 
“Oh, don't you start with me,” you faux-threatened, but still gave in and helped him navigate the living room. “You're so much more trouble than I am.” 
He pretended to mull it over, hmm-ing and mmm-ing between soft kisses on your neck. “Alright,” he decided, “I'll let you have that one. Y'know, since you obviously need a win right now.” 
You hit the mattress, helping each other climb into bed like you hadn't been in months, as opposed to the twenty minutes it took you to make and drink your sleep aid. Only when you were wrapped in each other's arms again did you gush, “oh, yes, obviously. How can I thank you, Matty?”
Who could ever think you were anything but beautiful - that he thought you were anything but stunning - when he got such an eager, bashful grin at the suggestion. When his entire face lit up with a pink hue, as if he hasn't helped himself to your body any chance he got. How long have you lived together, and he still got that cute crinkle in the corners of his eyes with the force of his beaming as he dove for your lips. 
“Y'know,” he murmured into your mouth, “I was disappointed when I woke up and you were gone.” 
You dragged your hands down his bare back, snapping his waistband with a grin. “Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he emphasized, like he was offended by the teasing tone you took with him, snapping your underwear. A warning that he was ready to give as good as he got. “It's not nice to leave your boyfriend all alone in bed.”
You hummed, pretending to really consider that as you let him pull you to straddle his hips. He helped you out of your night shirt, tossing the thin fabric aside and letting out a pleased groan as you plastered your chest to his. You dragged your lips softly over his jaw, a smile twitching into place as he chased you, trying to catch a kiss. “Are you saying you think I should make it up to you?” 
“I'm saying it's been entirely too long since you've sat on my face.” 
A laugh burst from you at that, even as Matt peeled your underwear down your thighs. “Oh, yes, it's already been several days!”
“Exactly: it's been days,” he groaned, offering his hands for you to balance as you tossed around to escape the cotton around your knees, working them down one leg, then the other. 
“Next time,” you promised with a soft kiss, nimble fingers working the strings on his pants. “I drank my-”
“Your sleepy girl mocktail?” He grinned like he could feel your embarrassed glare, kissing the pout off your lips. “Can taste it. You added honey tonight?” 
“I needed something to make it sweeter,” you huffed. A tap on his hip and he lifted them for you, helping you work his pants off. You couldn't help a smile as his dick slapped his stomach, leaving a smudge of pearly precum on his smooth skin. “You're such an evil man,” you accused, wrapping your fingers around his base to watch the way his hips jerked into your palm. A stroke with your thumb along that thick vein and he leaked another stream, dripping down the side of him and onto your hand. “You're this hard when you've been teasing your poor girlfriend?” 
Your hips moved on their own when he slid two thick fingers between his lips, grinding against him as he laved his tongue over the digits. That smug grin you hated to love spread across his face as his wet fingers fit themselves to your slit, one rubbing soft shapes into your clit while the other pressed inside you. “My poor girlfriend,” he mused, “who never gets off on teasing me?” 
You shut him up with a kiss, trying to smother his chuckles that told you he knew exactly what you were doing. Still, it didn't stop him from taking advantage, pressing his tongue into your mouth, tasting every inch of you. The bitterness of the tart cherry juice and the sweetness of the honey from your drink dancing on his tongue, disappointingly hiding the taste of you that he's begun to crave. If he pushed deeper, he could almost imagine he found it again, in the back of your throat where nothing could reach but him. Somehow it felt even more intimate than the way you worked each other up with your hands: being the only one to know what you taste like behind the toothpaste and soda you cycled through daily. 
Matt's no idiot. He hears the comments you get, feels the stares - sometimes even more than you do. He wished he could find a way to tell you how wrong they were, but how would he even begin? How do you tell someone that when you wake up alone, the first thing you do is listen for where your girlfriend’s gone? That you could sculpt her exactly from how much you touch her, desperate to commit her to memory. How do you tell someone that even without your sight, your every sense is devoted to her?
He supposed he could settle for making you see stars while he figured it out.
You grinned against Matt's lips, a slight giggle falling out, as he rolled you onto your back. You were always tempted to make fun of him for his favorite position, but there was nothing Catholic about the way he took you.
Your hands kept working his cock as he arranged you - hooking your knees over the crooks of his elbows so he could feel your thick thighs pressed against him - to hear him curse under his breath. “Careful,” he warned, kissing his way down the side of your neck, “or we'll be up all night,”
“Mm, is that supposed to discourage me?” 
A strained laugh against your tender skin as you gave a particularly harsh tug. “You think you're so cute,” he managed out, trying to sound anything other than reverent.
You shared a chaste kiss as you guided him between your thighs. “I'm adorable,”
“Yes, you are. Arms around my neck, angel.” 
You always ended up the same way when one or the other needed some love. Nose to nose, lips glancing off each other like you were shy teenagers again. Your legs over Matt's arms gave him the feeling of holding you completely, letting his hands wander to feel every reaction your body gave him. Your arms around his neck, letting you claw up his back or card through his soft hair, pull his mouth wherever you wanted it. 
A match made in heaven. 
Matt had long since broken you of your bad habit to muffle yourself, the breathy moan falling unhindered from your lips as he pressed into you like coming home. Your voice rang in the empty bedroom, more beautiful than any song, perfectly accompanied by the slick sounds from your cunt as he started a slow, grinding pace. Your hands clenched and unclenched, scratching the base of his neck as you lost yourselves in each other. Lips connected in passing swipes, sharing a deep kiss and almost separating before diving back in. His fingers traced every curve, dip and fold of your soft skin, reveling in your body the way only a man truly in love could. 
The word haunted him until he told you. “Love you,” he managed through heaving breaths, soft and quiet in the privacy of the bed you shared. Then, as if afraid you hadn’t heard him, he said it louder. “I’m in love with you, y’know that?” 
A great big grin spread over his face when you whined, ankles locking together behind him like you thought he’d stop talking if he fucked you deeper. “Why so shy,” he hummed, stealing another wet kiss. “You didn’t know that? I don’t tell you enough?” He felt your feet kick and your lips turn into a pout, laughing at your mini fit. 
“���S different,” you insisted, dragging him back to your lips, only to pull him back once you’ve thought of a defense. “In love is bigger than love.” 
It’s a conversation you had in the early stages, when friendship was just barely turning into something more, when you were both stuck dropping hints, hoping the other would make the leap. You didn’t think he remembered until he managed to quote you with his hips pressed into yours. “‘Love is a feeling you can’t control, being in love is a choice- a commitment,’ I know.” He plunged into you as deeply as he could, bringing your lips to his with his palms cupping your round cheeks. He only pulled back when you were both struggling to breathe, searching each other’s air for anything you could get from it. “I,” he enunciated carefully, making sure he left no room for misinterpretation, “am hopelessly in love with you, darling. I choose you every hour of the day. I would choose you in a room of women, I would choose you if you were a worm, and in every other ridiculous scenario that you let keep you up at night.” He heard your lips part as your jaw went slack, smelled the salt of your budding tears as he ranted to you. He pressed a chaste kiss to your parted lips. “I know it’s bigger, and you don’t have-”
“I’m in love with you.”
He felt his heart thump in his chest, beating its way out as you dragged him down to your level, smacking a hundred split-second kisses to every inch of his face. “I love you, I am in love with you, I would pick you- I love you so much, Matty!” 
He pulled your hips up higher on his lap so he could get closer to you, arms wrapped around your waist pulling you into his chest until there wasn’t a breath of air between you. His firm body pressing into your soft one like he could make a home in your chest, let you surround him until you would never have to be apart. 
“I hope you realize we’ll definitely be up all night now,”
“I’m not the one who has court tomorrow,” 
A giddy laugh smothered in the crook of your neck as his hips started pumping into you again. “You are trouble,”
You pressed your lips to his temple. “Perfect match for you, then.”
“Yes, you are.”
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varyajc · 2 months
poking my head out of my cave for hashira headcanons, what they would do if they became jealous
what they would do if they were ;; jealous!
a/n ;; put your party hats on, we reached 10 followers!!
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╰┈➤ Himejima Gyomei ;; The Stone Hashira
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: ̗̀➛ He would be very gentle about it, along with being very open. He wouldn’t exactly say anything right away, because he trusts you. However, he feels the need to communicate his feelings, so that’s what he did. You were very understanding and did everything in your power to help him feel better. He was honestly overwhelmed how much effort you put into making him feel better.
I’d say no drama would be caused, issue would most likely be solved in less than three days at most.
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╰┈➤ Shinazugawa Sanemi ;; The Wind Hashira
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: ̗̀➛ He would be very possessive
This man, right here, is not afraid to show his emotions when it comes to you. He would wrap his arms around you, with his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your stomach. He’d probably also be kissing your cheek every 5 minutes. (Leaving possible love marks in front of the man hitting on you.)
I’d say, yes, drama would be caused. However, he can’t stay mad at you. Issue would be solved in a week or less.
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╰┈➤ Iguro Obanai ;; The Serpent Hashira
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: ̗̀➛ Hmm, for this man is tricky. I feel like he’d be very quiet about it, but he’d be fuming next to you.
He isn’t too big on public affection, so he’d just stand next to you, vein popping out of his head, with that sharp glare of his. That stare is enough to scare off the man hitting on you. He’d probably go on a rant how you’re his when the both of you return home.
I wouldn’t say this situation would cause drama, more likely cause tension for a day or two.
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╰┈➤ Tomioka Giyu ;; The Water Hashira
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: ̗̀➛ Self-conscious. I don’t know how else to put it, I’m sorry.
Listen, this man’s self-esteem is almost at rock-bottom, you have to be very careful on how much affection or how friendly you are towards others. He probably wouldn’t bring it up, but you eventually notice, practically forcing it outta him.
You have to reassure him constantly for the next week or two.
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╰┈➤ Mitsuri Kanroji ;; The Love Hashira
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: ̗̀➛ Uh, for this woman it’s hard, I’d say she’d be very affectionate?
Once she noticed the man hitting on you, she’d start grabbing your hand and hugging you. She’s a sweet-heart, she wouldn’t tell you until you both got home that evening. She told you about her issue with it and was generally being very open. This made the situation 100x easier, and everything was solved that night.
You took her out to dinner the next day just to be safe.
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╰┈➤ Rengoku Kyojuro ;; The Flame Hashira
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: ̗̀➛ He’d be mature about it!
Like many others on this list, he wouldn’t say anything until the two of you got home, so you could enjoy your evening. He’d also be very open and honest. However, he’d probably be very upset when he saw the man hitting on you. Not that he doesn’t trust you, it’s just a little upsetting to see a man hitting on your spouse.
You guys spent the night cuddling.
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╰┈➤ Tokito Muichiro ;; The Mist Hashira
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: ̗̀➛ He’d be very confused why he felt the need to slap the man in front you.
When he first saw the young man hitting on you, he’d get very angry. Yet he also feels confused about his feelings, he doesn’t understand why he’s so angry about a young man “talking” with you. He spoke to you later about it, he explained his feelings and he doesn’t understand why he feels upset about it. You assured him you only have eyes for him.
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╰┈➤ Kocho Shinobu ;; The Insect Hashira
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: ̗̀➛ She’d be upset about it, but also takes care of the situation maturely
When she first witnessed the scene in front of her, she just put her anger behind a smile. However, when the two of you got home, she very calmly but coldly explained her feelings and why she felt the way she felt, you felt somewhat scared to be honest. You reassured her, and nothing else came out of the situation.
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╰┈➤ Uzui Tengen ;; The Sound Hashira
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: ̗̀➛ Ugh, this man would be very cocky about it.
He doesn’t even bring it up, he KNOWS you can’t and won’t find anybody better than him, so he knows you won’t leave him for some homeless rando that looks like he hasn’t showered in decades. He doesn’t act weird about it, he goes on about it his day rather than bring it up. Nothing comes out of this situation.
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jji-lee · 2 months
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maybe it was jeno’s ‘good luck’ or the 3 shots of tequila that he had just downed with haechan, but mark was feeling very optimistic about finding you. he wandered around the frat house, stopping to greet some sexy wonder womans, just in case meeting you doesn’t go as planned, until he was led out onto the house’s patio.
it was mainly men back there, the march winds much too cold for any girl’s skimpy costume. just as he was about to leave he spotted an attractive looking girl with cat ears, well, mark couldn’t see her face per se… but her ass looked attractive. he prayed that this kitty was his mystery girl, because he might just leave this party with her and not you, not like you really knew who he was anyways.
as he approached you, he noticed the empty drink in your hand, eyes roaming the patio, hopefully looking for him.
“hey… kento girl?”
he saw your eyes widen slightly, pink cheeks peeking out from under your mask. score.
“uh yeah, you’re long lee? god that name sounds stupid when you say it out loud.”
you both chuckled at the mention of his dirty username. since when did his mask start feeling so hot? his hands reached towards your mask-
“nuh uh, we said we’d keep our masks on remember?”
mark would have to fuck you without seeing your face first, and to be honest, with a body like yours he didn’t really mind. he thought of his wise friend haechan’s words worst case scenario, just put her in doggy style and problem solved.
“sooo this is weird right, meeting officially but not knowing who we are.”
his mask muffled his speech, blaring music making it even harder to hear him, you reached towards his neck softly pulling his face down to meet yours, smiling before turning your ear towards him.
“sorry i can’t really hear you that well, what did you say?”
ok yes, you had heard his question, but what’s the harm in a little flirting? and clearly it was working as he stuttered his response out.
“um i was saying uh that it’s weird right you know like meeting but still not knowing who we are.”
mark was losing his mind. first of all he’s never met a girl to make the first move on him, you’re not slick, and second why did that noob level flirting actually do something to him. your cheeky smile was proof that you were proud at the fact you managed to fluster him,
“hmm i guess it is, but at least you know what half of my face looks like now, it’s only fair if you let me see half of yours.”
mark wasn’t even thinking before he pulled up his mask to reveal his lips and the bottom of his nose, feeling strangely naked in front of you (this was the most clothed he’d ever been near a girl he’s speaking to) he prayed you didn’t recognize him, what if you were a mark lee fanatic that knew him by his birthmark and you could-
“nice mustache.”
you snorted reaching up to touch his facial hair. he had forgotten to shave so caught up in the idea of meeting you tonight he had forgotten to shave. did he think that he’d keep the mask on all night? that he’d be balls deep in you, bare ass naked with a spiderman mask on? mark refuses to let a girl see him with facial hair. call it a silly superstition, but since that night drunk jisung told him that his chinese roommate had mentioned something about mustaches being bad sexual luck, mark has stayed clean shaven.
“sorry was that a bad joke, it actually does look good on you, well, looks good on half of your face.”
you smiled up at him, and suddenly he felt like maybe his luck wouldn’t be so bad tonight.
“i don’t usually go out much so shaving isn’t necessary, most girls hate it.”
lies. but he thinks so far the loser totally not frat boy thing is kinda working for him.
“i thought you didn’t talk to girls huh, are you a secret player my sweet romeo?”
this loser gets no girls thing was totally working for him. how did you get lucky enough to get matched with a nice guy who isn’t just interested in sex and (from seeing half his face) doesn’t seem to be completely unattractive? flirting didn’t come so easy for you, but those jello shots you had taken with chenle at the entrance seemed to finally be soaking into your blood stream. he chuckled nervously,
“yeah and what if i am?”
“then you’d have to go talk to another sexy cat woman tonight, sorry.”
you both knew you weren’t going anywhere as tension started to build. the cool air seemed to fade away as heat grew between the two of you. playful banter was always your favorite type of foreplay and spiderman’s nervous reactions to your flirting was only making you more excited.
“but if you reallyyy want me to stay i may need some convincing, maybe a little hmmm”
you pointed at your lips, slightly puckering them as you pretended to think.
“oh yeah?”
you didn’t even have to look up to hear the smirk in his tone. you smiled wide,
“only if that’s okay with you of course, i know you’re not too good with girls.”
his hands came out to grab your waist and slightly tug you towards him, your chest meeting his. a small gasp escaped you making him smile. he brought his face down to yours, breath fanning against your lips.
“you sure about this my juliet?”
you nodded slowly causing your lips to brush, and that seemed to be what finally broke the tension. his lips pressed against yours a soft groan coming from him. your arms came up to wrap around his neck pulling him impossibly closer. you slightly parted your lips allowing him access to your mouth, which of course he happily accepted, his tongue came out quickly to interlock with yours both of your mouths moving is sync. his sneaky hands came down to grab your ass slowly massaging the muscle. damn when was the last time you got laid? definitely not long enough to make you take this mystery man home with you, that’s for sure. you pulled away from him making sure to unstick his hands from your latex covered ass, if he had kept his hands there any longer you have no idea what you would’ve done.
“you’re a pretty good kisser mr. romeo.”
“not so bad yourself my juliet”
his hands reached out again to grab your waist again,
“we can take this somewhere more private if you want.”
oh if only he knew how much you wanted to.
“mmm i don’t think so, not tonight at least, we just met, and i have no idea who you are-“
he went to pull the rest of his mask off but you grabbed his hands stopping him.
“no! i mean not in a bad way just, no i don’t wanna know just yet!”
he let out a sigh, you could see his cheeks burn red from embarrassment.
“i’m gonna go meet up with my friends now okay? don’t follow me! until we meet again my romeo.”
you gave him a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing into the house.
“what the fuck just happened”
mark looked down at his now tight spiderman suit, did you just blue ball him?
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𖦹 .ᐣ.ᐟ₊ ⊹ cryptic crush — [6] zoo wee mama
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notes : surpriseee i’m posting this early cause i feel bad for making you wait 😔 plot twist chenle’s roommate is jisung that’s how jisung knew she was hot earlier in the smau!!!
taglist : @sunghoonsgfreal , @dalsosapple , @nanaxwi , @neverbeurs , @miichellehciim , @h-aechanie , @hizhu , @mystverse , @wonwootakemyheart , @ppeachyttae , @jae-n0 , @onlyhyunjin , @alethea-moon , @onyourmark-99 , @sunnystarred , @p-d1ddy , @hisrkive , @flwrs4marklee , @haechskiss , @rutheaflowers , @busy-daydreaming02 , @byeonwooseokabs , @bunniin , @odxrilove , @candied-czennie , @injunnie-lemon , @sunflowerhae , @nosungluv , @222brainrot , @vklve , @aerivrs , @slayhaechan , @aek1ra , @honeynanamin , @roseangelxfuma
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
Sorry if this has already been asked before but as a general statement do you feel like the trope of having mobility aids doubling up as weapons in a fantasy story is ok? I’m disabled myself so I have a lot of disabled characters in my story so there’s a wide variety of mobility aids. Since a lot of characters fight in the story because of the genre I was thinking of making mobility aids weapons (cane as a magic staff or like prosthetics with built in powers etc) but I’m not sure if it falls into the category of ‘character is disabled but it’s actually their superpower!!!’ because I want to avoid that trope at all costs. Hope this makes sense to you since communication isn’t a strong point of mine. Love your blog btw:)
Hi! I'm glad you enjoy the blog:-D
I really feel like it depends. It can be done well and respectfully, but in my experience it usually isn't.
If you're a mobility aid user writing about the aids that you're using, you can do whatever you want! For my deeper thoughts that are too long:
The main issue that I have with the "magic aids as weapons" is that often it feels like the author doesn't actually like the aid because it's "too boring" and thus wants to "improve" it by making a cane into a wizard staff that shoots fireballs or whatever. But I don't feel like that's a good way to go about it at all. Mobility aids are cool in itself! They allow use to be more mobile! Why do they need to be made into something else?
The something else part is also what bothers me a lot around magic aids, aids as weapons, all that. Like the old "replacing a wheelchair with an animal" thing. Why not have a wheelchair? Why not a walking cane instead of a staff, you know? It sometimes feels like the author tries to distance whatever they're writing about from disabled people and our actual experiences because they're "too boring to fit their fantasy story". Like it could be done effectively, but it usually really isn't.
To finally get to the combat part of the question, it again depends (...sorry). If the character with a cane has to fight using it, then I do find it weird, I guess. "Doing cool explosive stuff" shouldn't be a requirement for a disabled character to be included, especially because a lot of disabled people can't do the things that writers want them to do! Sometimes we are weak and unsteady and fragile. Fighting isn't for everyone, and I feel like that's where some of the annoying fantasy tropes appear.
"Hm, my blind character can't fight because they're blind.. oh they have a superpower that lets them 'see'! solved!"
"Hmm, I don't know how to include a wheelchair user… I'll give them a Magic Mecha Exoskeleton, now they can fight!"
"Hm, real life prosthetics seem inconvenient. I'll just make them Magical so they're just like meat limbs but with a gun!"
...and all these kinds of "solutions" that make one wonder if the author even wants to have an actually disabled character. It's not even that the disability is a superpower, it's more that it's non-existent. Sometimes the better solution is to have us in other roles and not make us do things that our disabilities prevent us from doing, which fighting can fall under.
If the above isn't what's going on, then I think it comes down to how the whole thing is even supposed to work. Are the in-universe rules for magic centered around the idea that the Body makes magic? In this case, it could be interesting to have a character who uses a mobility aid and considers it a part of their body to be able to use it in a magical way. Because a lot of people do consider their cane or wheelchair an extension of them, so it could be actually interesting to see it validated by the magic system. But if it's like, "anything could be used" and then every character with a mobility aid ends up using their aid for that, that's... somewhat weird. It does feel like reducing the character to their disability if abled character 1 has a spell book, abled character 2 has a magic necklace, but the disabled character has their disability aid as their magic weapon. To use the example that you did, if the character's prosthetic is the only way they can use magic, I do think that's weird, because like. why… it's both reductive and "disability as a superpower". But if they can use magic through, let's say, both of their legs, and one of them happens to be a prosthetic, then I think that's cool.
I also believe that it depends on what kind of weapon you are talking about at the end of the day - in real life, mobility aids are already treated as potential weapons. I'm under the impression that no one would assume that a walking cane could cast a spell, but people do very much think of a cane as a potential tool to fight with, of a prosthetic as a potential bomb, of a wheelchair as a potential way to smuggle something illegal. I have very much seen and heard of situations where a disabled person wasn't allowed to enter somewhere because their aid was seen as a threat - you don't want to make more people think that this is a reasonable conclusion to come to. If you want to go for it without doing any kind of retrospect on that, I would keep it as a fantasy thing.
I hope this helps! Apologies for the answer length.
mod Sasza
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royalarchivist · 23 days
Roier: I think I will- I will talk to Cellbit to solve things. Maybe- maybe we can solve things, you know? And... I dunno! Just be in peace.
Jaiden: Yeah. Yeah, and remember to- you know, be nice to yourself! You know?
Roier: Ok, thank you, thank you so much, Jaiden. You're so kind. Thank you, thank you so much. Muchas gracias. Gracias.
Jaiden: Of course. I wanna see you happy.
Roier: Aww... Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Jaiden. Oh! Also– how are you?
Jaiden: Hmm? I'm doin'- I'm doin' good. It's– things are a little weird. Some people... don't like me right now, but... you know.
Roier: What? Why???
Jaiden: Well– They're- they're a little concerned about the Cucurucho stuff, you know?
Roier: Oh, yeah.
Jaiden: And I don't– I don't know how– I don't even know if what I'm doing is, you know, good, but– I feel like something has to be done, you know?
Roier: Yeah, yeah... I think there's a lot of people that- that doesn't know nothing, you know? It's- it's- it's- it's bullsht people, you know? So... no worries, Jaiden. Ignore them! Ignore them, ok?
Jaiden: Yeah. Thank you.
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yuikomorii · 7 months
Happy Birthday, Ayato! ❤️
// Today is the golden boy’s birthday!! Sweet and spicy visual god, you are the reason of my unattainablly high standards… and also of my questionable financial decisions, lol.
This looks more like an Ayayui shrine than an individual Ayato one, but I couldn’t fit all the items in one pic, therefore I chose the ones that were the easiest to find in my room. :”)
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Nevertheless… I did try to prepare a SCENARIO too! I used my nsfw edit as the cg, although I didn’t show everything. The romantic part is really cheesy and cringe, but if you’re into fluff, you will like that. 💕💕
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~Operation: Ayato-kun’s birthday~
Yui: ( Haa… it feels as if there’s no ending to these anymore… )
( I woke up earlier today, hoping to finish all these exercises, yet I really can’t bring myself to understand how to solve them at all…! )
( My mind is completely in a whole different place right now. Today is Ayato-kun’s birthday after all. )
( Unfortunately, all the assignments kept me so busy this week that I wasn’t even able to bake a cake for him… )
( However, it’s still not too late for that, right? )
( Once I’m done with this page, I will definitely try my best to prepare it as soon as po—)
Reiji: Komori Yui, are you slacking again?
Yui: …!
( Oh no, he picked up my notebook! )
Reiji: Good grief, there are mistakes everywhere! Do I need to remind you that you are not permitted to bring disgrace upon the Sakamaki family as long as you reside under this mansion's roof?
Yui: Uuh… I-I’m really sorry, Reiji-san. I promise I’ll—
Reiji: Silence. I recently received your report card as well, and I must admit that I’m not pleased with your performance in the slightest. I was expecting such indifference from my brothers, but it’s rather disheartening for a human girl not to care about her education.
Yui: Y-You got it wrong! It’s not like I don’t care about school, but… simply put, the teachers have been giving us much too many tasks lately, and I find them quite difficult to solve, which stresses me out a little, to be honest.
Reiji: Hmph, excuses. I find it incomprehensible how such simple exercises cause you mental difficulties.
Nevertheless, I shall teach you then. Even if it requires the whole day to achieve that.
Yui: You will? Woah, thank you so much, Re— W-Wait, no! We can’t do that today!
Reiji: Pardon? Are you rejecting my offer to tutor you?
Yui: No, no! Not at all! It’s just that today is Ayato-kun’s birthday, and well… I would obviously want to celebrate it with him.
Reiji: Denied.
Yui: Eh—?
Reiji: You truly are a fool. Vampires show no interest in the day of their birth. Now, take a sit.
Yui: …
( I know Reiji-san is not in the wrong, but… I really do want to celebrate Ayato-kun’s birthday. That day may not be special to him but it’s so special to me. )
( Am I being selfish, I wonder…? )
Reiji: It appears that you’re finally able to understand how to solve this exercise. The next ones are similar to it, therefore there shouldn’t be any obstacles.
Yui: Yes, I see…
( I appreciate Reiji-san’s help, yet too many hours have passed by and baking a cake from scratch is not possible anymore… )
Place: Living room
Yui: ( Hmm… apparently I still have enough pocket money to buy a cake. I know a self-made one would have been more meaningful, but I really couldn’t… )
Kanato: Yui-san, are you spacing out?
Yui: Eh—? Ah, Kanato-kun, I didn’t see you there. I’m fine, but I’m a bit in a hurry, so… see y— Kya!
( He grabbed my wrist! )
Kanato: You’re going to buy a cake for my brother, aren’t you?
Yui: Uhh… well yes, I mean, it’s his birthday after all.
Kanato: My birthday was yesterday and I didn’t see you get any cake for me, nor for Laito. Teddy thinks you forgot about us. Tell me, Yui-san, is that true?
Yui: T-that’s not it!
Kanato: So you’re going to buy a cake for me as well after all? I might forgive you if you do that.
Yui: ( What did I get myself into…! I’m sure Kanato-kun will throw a tantrum if I say “no”. )
But… I don’t think I got enough money for two cakes.
Kanato: Please don’t worry about that, Yui-san, I know my ways. Or what, are you doubting me now?
Yui: …!
— shakes head —
Kanato: Good, now let’s go.
Place: Demon World Cake shop
Yui: Woah, I’ve never seen such big cakes before!
Kanato: Please don’t shout. Your looks already make you resemble a servant, you don’t have to act like one as well.
Yui: ( Hey, that’s mean! )
Cake shop owner: Welcome, how can I help you?
Yui: We’re searching for a birthday cake, but uhm… one a bit smaller than the ones displayed here, if possible.
Cake shop owner: Any flavor you got in mind?
Yui: ( Speaking of flavor, I don’t think Ayato-kun has ever told me anything about his favorite. He would probably say Takoyaki but a Takoyaki cake… that doesn’t feel right. )
I think he likes straw—
Kanato: Raspberry!
Cake shop owner: Wonderful! We just finished a raspberry cake a few minutes ago!
— brings cake —
Yui: ( It truly looks delicious…! Besides, it’s red as well, which is Ayato-kun’s favorite color, so I believe he would truly like this one! )
Kanato: Alright, we’ll take it!
Place: Mansion
Yui: Phew, I’m glad the cake didn’t get crushed on the way.
Kanato: It’s time to eat!
Yui: Wha—! No, Kanato-kun, you can’t!
Kanato: Excuse me, but who do you think you are? This is my cake, therefore I’m allowed to eat it whenever I want!
Yui: W-Well, don’t you want to wait for Ayato-kun too? This way, you two will be able to eat it together like bro—!!
(He pushed me in the cake!?)
Kanato-kun, why did you do this!?
Kanato: You ruined the cake!
Yui: Me!? But Kanato-kun was the one who pushed me there!
Kanato: Teddy says you’re annoying, and I agree. Now how will you fix your mistakes?
Yui: ( I can barely see anything…! )
Kanato: Fufu, look at her Teddy! She’s full of cake from head to toe! Now, let’s give it a taste che—
Yui: You can’t!
— moves cake away from him —
Kanato: I can!
— moves cake back —
Yui: No!
— moves cake away —
Kanato: Hmph, just give up already, will you!?
— pushes her away —
Yui: Wait, no—!!!
???: Oi, what the—!
— cake falls on them —
Kanato: Noooo, the cake!!!! Ngh, this is no fun anymore!
Yui: Uuh… Why is the floor so soft…?
Ayato: ‘Cause it’s not the floor, you idiot.
Yui: Ah! A-Ayato-kun!
Uhh… Happy birthday…~?
Ayato: Geez, c’mere, you’re an even bigger mess.
— picks her up —
Place: Bathroom
Yui: ( This is so embarrassing…! )
Ayato: Haa… You’re finally not covered in cake anymore.
Yui: I… I’m sorry…
Ayato: Huh? What are you apologizing for? I’m not mad that you dropped that cake on me.
Yui: That’s not the only thing I’m sorry about…
If it weren’t for my carelessness, you would have gotten a nice birthday, but now… you don’t even have a cake anymore.
( Ah, I’m feeling as if I’m about to cry right now… )
Ayato: Hey, c’mon that’s not worth the tears. I’m a vampire, remember? I don’t care about my birthday, so there’s no need to worry about such stuff.
Yui: Maybe you don’t care about it but… I do. I know that I’m about to sound selfish, but your birthday is very special to me. It represents the day you were born and I… I simply can’t imagine not celebrating it.
Ayato-kun is important to me, therefore that automatically makes his birthday important to me too.
Ayato: You klutz…
— hugs her —
Yui: W-Wha—! Ayato-kun…!
Ayato: Seriously, are all humans really that sentimental? Or does this only apply to cute girls like you?
Yui: …!
(He… he called me cute! )
— blushes —
Ayato: The day’s still not over, y’know? There’s still time to celebrate it if you’re really that obsessed with it.
Yui: …! So, are you really okay with that?
Ayato: Yeah? If I weren’t, I would have told you, idiot. On top of that, it’s not like I got anything better to do anyway.
Now tell me, Chichinashi, what exactly do you have in store for today?
Yui: Hm… uhm… nothing comes to my mind at the moment, but for now… I can’t say I mind spending time like this with Ayato-kun.
Ayato: Heh~? You suddenly don’t mind being in my arms while naked?
Yui: P-Phrasing it like that…!
Ayato: Well, if that’s the case, then… you wouldn’t mind if I sucked your blood either, right?
Yui: Go ahead.
Ayato: Hah? No talking back? Are you really that easy to convince today? Or, could it be that you finally admit enjoying the pleasure these fangs give you?
Yui: It’s not only about your fangs, Ayato-kun. I really like you as a whole.
I wasn’t even able to find a gift for you, therefore giving you my blood is the least I can do.
Ayato: Heh, I see… I don’t need your blood as a gift though.
Yui: You don’t…?
Ayato: Nope, ‘cause I already got the best gift ever.
Yui: Is that so?
( Did someone already give him something for his birthday? If that’s the case, then who could it be? )
( Ah… I guess I’m just overthinking, but now I’m really curious. )
Ayato: You really wanna know, don’t you? It’s already written on your face.
Are you getting jealous~?
Yui: T-That’s…—!
Ayato: Pfft, you really did get jealous, huh?
Yui: ( Ugh… he’s making fun of me now! )
Ayato: Anyway, there’s no need to. After all, the best gift I’ve ever gotten…
It’s you, Yui.
— Smooch —
The end
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wonik1ss · 1 year
Hostage — Newjeans
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pairing : newjeans!haerin x 6th member!reader
song rec : extra-ordinary : billlie
summary : one newjeans member is a little jealous of the attention one of your plushies are getting
a/n : just a silly little newjeans/haerin fic
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You had just had your third comeback which had six songs. While that may make it seem like after promotions we’re mostly over you would, be to puckered out to do anything but you weren’t.
So instead of going to sleep after performing super shy and newjeans. For what seemed like the hundredth time, you decided to entertain tokki’s by showing of your bed full of plushies on phoning.
“This one Minji and Dani got for me as my christmas gift”.
user : aww so cute
user : spoil the next comeback!
user : were’s stewy?
As you looked over the comments your eyes squinted at the last one.
“What do you mean tokki’s stewy’s- “. You stopped mid sentence when you noticed your plushie named stewy wasn’t there. While you and your members were filming super shy in spain, your member hanni got you a plushie. Which you named stewy after the stew you had that day.
Your members found the name a little weird but let it go. But after noticing your plushie was gone maybe someone really didn’t like him.
“I’m sure I just misplaced it no need to worry tokki’s”. After an half an hour passed you signed out the live and, went to have dinner with the rest of your members.
“I know this is weird.. but.. did any of you take stewy from my bed?”. Your members shook there heads as they continued to eat and chat. You would have left it alone if earlier that day, you hadn’t taken a pitch with stewy. But you did. Which meant that someone took him later in the day before you went on live.
So a few days later you went live again. This time with a notebook, pen and glasses on.
user : what’s going on?
user : detective y/n!
user : I thought you were going live later?
“That’s right tokki’s today I am detective Y/n! After my last live I haven’t bee able to find my chicken stewy and I know one of my members took him! So let’s solve this case together!”. More and more people joined the live as you started to go into your suspects.
Minji Kim, always teased you for the weirdly named chicken plush.. but never to the point you would think she would steal him..
Hanni Pham, always jokingly asked how your “child” was doing on and of screen.. so why would she steal him if she seemed to atleast like him a bit..
Danielle Marsh, as you started talking about Dani you giggled. Danielle treated stewy like her own child. But she never took him without asking so not her!
“Hmm tokki’s it seems we only have to more options Haerin Kang and Hyein Lee!”
user : wasn’t expecting this on the live today
user : why am I so invested?
user : 10 NewJeans albums that it’s haerin!
Haerin Kang, she always side eyed stewy because now her time with you also had him in it too. Haerin wasn’t to talkative at times but she loved to randomly walk into your room and hangout. So maybe she was jealous stewy took her hangout time!
Hyein Lee, always would pretend not to know we’re stewy was just to have stowed him away as a joke. Maybe she just took the joke to another level!
“Ok tokki’s whoever says the members name the most I will confront start typing!”
user : haerin!
user : hyein
user : hyein the last time she hid stewy it went on for 2 hours!
user : haerin
“Ok so I guess I’ll be confronting Hyein first let’s take a trip to her room now!”. As you walked over to your youngest members room. You flipped the camera to show her door opening.
“Something wrong Y/nnie?”
“Yes, Hyein.. is there any chance you took stewy from my room”. She giggled before she responded.
“I didn’t think it would go this- I mean no but I think a certain cat did”. You giggled too as you said goodbye went to knock and Haerins door.
“Why hello there”. Haerin said in a very mischievous voice as you tried your best not to laugh.
“Hello Haerin Kang I am here to ask If you know we’re a certain stewy is?”
“No never heard of a stuart…”
“It’s stewy..”. Haerin playfully rolled her eyes as you went on.
“If your so sure you don’t know him can me and the tokki’s take a look around?”
“Sure I guess..”. As haerin looked you up and down as she let you in and you set your phone down so all tokki’s could see you searching for stewy.
You were about to lose all hope before you looked under the cats bed.
“Aha so you took him!”. Haerin giggled and you did too as the both of you sat infront of your phone.
“I’m so sorry tokki’s but I swear that things evil!”. Haerin said pointing to the plushie in your lap.
“Jealous much?”
“Yes yes infact I am!”. You giggled and hugged haerin and then turned back to the phone.
“Now that the mystery has been solved see you later tokki’s!”. You and haerin waved as you turned of the phone.
“Did you really have to hold my plushie hostage to hang out with me more?”
“No but I knew tokki’s would love the show”
Then with that the hostage case of stewy had been solved! I wondered if that one tokki got there 10 albums…
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bedoballoons · 1 year
oh well if you didn’t get itI basically said that move to will probably not be able to control mui because he only appears to turn into ai but it’s just an illiusion.
for my request it was another mitsuri like us x character but we are sad about our past.
Due to mitsuri eating so much food, having be reallly strong and have pink and green hair. She was called a pig and one EX said that only a cow or pig would ever marry her which made her dye her hair black and eat 9x less than she needed. And when she found another partner she realized she don’t keep on pretending. One headcannon can I have about her is that you do this she gained an eating disorder. Where she will not eat as much as she needs.
can the characters be: wanderer,albedo,diluc,kaeya,xiao and one of your choice. I love your works and also My cat just had 3 KITTYS!!! I plan on naming them scarameow,kokkie and coco.🐱🐱🍫🍪
Ohhh! You know I really seem to write this show alot and I've still never seen it... :p CONGRATULATIONS on kittens!! Those are such cute names!! I hope they are all doing well ❤️❤️
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Mitsuri like reader~༺}
CW: Angsty! Reader has a eating disorder, has been called a pig and is self conscious about weight! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon chérie, my love,
A/n: I just wanted to say that if you've ever been called a pig, or cow or made fun of for your weight, please don't listen to them. Your body is beautiful and me personally I think you're amazing wether you're skinnier than average or heavier than average. You are gorgeous! ❤️
(Includes: Diluc, Lyney, Albedo, Xiao, Wanderer, and Kaeya!)
Diluc set a plate in front of you, sitting in the chair across from you with a hopeful gleam in his red eyes...,"I haven't seen you eat anything all day...please, just a few bites. It's your favourite, fresh out of the oven." You looked down at the fresh warm food, the wonderful smell making your stomach churn unhappily, it was such a fatty dish...
Suddenly the harsh words of others started playing in your head, reminding you why you wanted to loose weight so badly..
You pushed his cooking away, unable to even take a nibble, "I'm not hungry...sorry Diluc. It smells amazing though..." you tried to smile at him, but he clearly wasn't happy with your response. He took your hand into his and placed a kiss on your fingers, whispering against them with sorrow in his voice, "You are beautiful the way you are...please, don't listen to them."
Lyney hurried up to you, holding a freshly baked croissant in his hands that he'd gotten for the two of you to share, silently hoping you'd eat it with him...that all of his suspicions weren't true, "Mon chérie! Looks yummy hmm? Want to sit down for a bite?" His eyes met yours and he simply couldn't imagine how someone could say anything horrible about you, you...were the most gorgeous person in his eyes and he wished so desperately he could show you that.
"I don't mind if we sit and chat while you eat! I'm not really in the mood for a croissant right now, thank you though." You tried your best to sound sweet and truthful, feeling so guilty you had to lie to him...but you wanted to be perfect for him and loosing weight seemed to be the only way...at least in everyone else's eyes.
"...my love, I'll get you anything you wish to eat.."
"I'm just...not hungry right now Lyney."
He grasped your wrist softly, stopping you from walking away so he could kiss your lips...he'd find a way to show you your own beauty, he'd tell you every hour on the dot if he had to...
Albedo bit his lip, for once in his life he had encountered a problem he just had no idea how to solve, he thought of you as the true meaning of life, the very being that made him want to get out of bed every morning and show his love for you any way he could, a inspiration that never ceased to look perfect and yet...you didn't feel that way about yourself...
How could it be, how could someone break your heart...call you a pig for enjoying food...a cow, it bothered him to no end and he just couldn't wrap his head around that cruelty..."Klee and I made cookies...they are chocolate chip...with a few sprinkles, would you like some?" He sat next to you, Klee following after him, "Ohhh please try one! The sprinkles make them extra yummy!" She looked at you with such a cute face...that for a split second you considered it...they smelled so good and even with sprinkles you could tell they'd be delicious..but, you felt sick at the thought of taking bite...
"Awe next time Klee, I'm...not hungry right now..."
Albedo sighed...how was he going to fix this...
Xiao was having a hard time understanding your situation, it didn't make sense, why would the pathetic humans who couldn't compare to you in the slightest tell you such awful things...and why would you ever believe them? He was so worried about you, your normally plump cheeks sunken in slightly and your happy smile gone, you didn't enjoy eating...in fact he almost never saw you eat at all anymore.
He had to remind you every two minutes, just to take a few bites and even then you'd refuse, "You should eat...you need to. Please." You'd look away, slightly angry...slightly sad and just say you didn't want to, and it wasn't like he was going to force you to, but he wished there was a way he could help. He'd just have to keep telling you what was true...clearing their sick words from your mind with his sweet sentiments,
"You are the true meaning of every beautiful thing in this world, those mortals are threatened by it and seek to destroy you because of it...don't listen to them."
"You look perfect in my eyes..."
"Why are you listening to those idiots! They probably wouldn't know what beauty was if it slapped them in the face! You are...ughhh" Wanderer groaned in annoyance, knowing full well yelling wasn't going to help you...but he was just so angry, how dare anyone bully you like that, get under your skin. "I'm sorry....I didn't mean to shout, I just, you can't believe what they are saying! Hell if someone like me, who's never loved anyone before...who never gave a damn what people looked like...could fall so goddamn hard for you, you have to be goregous. I will say that as many times as I have to!"
You fought the urge to cry, he didn't usually get so emotional over things like this, but he was worried about you and...for good reason, "Wanderer, I'm fine.." You tucked a piece of your pink hair behind you ear, trying to hide from his prying eyes that starred daggers at you, did you truly think he'd buy that? "Don't lie to me. You're not fine, you're hurting yourself...making yourself sick. Just tell me what to do! How do I help! What do I say...you're fucking perfect to me...isn't that enough?"
"Oh...are you sure you don't want just a bite. I've gone and ordered two, you wouldn't want me to have to eat both would you? I'd surely become ill with a stomach ache.." Kaeya scooched the plate in your direction, using every persuasive method he could think of...he'd already tried complimenting you over and over, flirting with you more often, showering you with kisses and love, but you still wouldn't enjoy a meal with him. This was his last resort...
"Pretty please...just a little would make me so happy..."
You sighed, thinking about how much you'd eaten...or more rather, how much you hadn't eaten and took a small bite, the flavours tasting good, but not like they used to...it was difficult to even swallow. Kaeya seemed so proud though, so...hopeful.
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 29
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TBH! At this point, this is a joint collab with @paigereeder 😭. GOAT!
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Thursday, September 2nd 2021 
Airielle’s peaceful slumber was interrupted by her phone ringing. Groaning, she snatched her phone off the floor next to her and squinted at the screen to see who was calling her. “Oh my god.” She muttered before accepting the call. 
“Why in the fuck didn’t you tell me Christopher popped the fuck back up. I knew I should’ve killed that motherfucker when I had the chance.” Her older brother Isaiah seethed over the phone and Airielle sighed closing her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Airielle!” He shouted into the phone when she didn’t respond. 
“Because I had it under control.” Airielle looked behind her as Josh started to shift in his sleep, sighing she threw the covers off of her and walked into the living room to finish her conversation. 
“Uh-huh, sure you do. He broke into your spot -” 
“And I moved, problem solved.” She shrugged, eyes glancing around the living room just taking in how much he had actually gotten rid of. “Shouldn’t you be working?” 
Isaiah snorted. “I took the day off.” 
“Hmm,” Airielle hummed. “And that’s why you’ll never be Dad’s favorite” 
“Eat my - “ Airielle hung up before her brother could finish his statement. Rolling her eyes she threw her phone on the island. She looked up when she heard Josh shuffling into the living room. 
“Everything Aight?” Josh mumbled as he walked closer to Airielle and kissed her cheek. 
“Yeah, my brother being a pain in my ass.” She replied, rolling her eyes when he chuckled. “What you got going on today?” 
“Nothing. I gotta do some laundry and gotta pack. Got Smackdown and the House show this weekend.” 
“You wanna go get some breakfast first?” She asked, tapping the screen on her phone to see what time it was. “I’m kinda craving waffles.” 
“You already know the answer to that.” Airielle rolled her eyes with a smile as she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his chest. 
“Can you believe it’s about to be a year since we met?”  It's crazy to think about all the ups and downs they went through in a year! If she could go back and change anything it would definitely be breaking up with him after he asked her to move in with him. That would have saved them months of heartbreak. 
“You wanna hear somethin’ wild?” He waited until she lifted her head from his chest to continue. “That wasn’t the first time we actually met.” 
Airielle furrowed her eyebrows together and tilted her head a little. 
“We actually met back in 2019. Me and twin had a meeting with Hunter, down at the PC and I saw you there. I mean I was looking, respectfully, but I was still looking.” He laughed when Airielle rolled her eyes again.  “Hunter told us he was taking us off TV after Jon’s latest arrest but he still had - 
“Y’all cut a promo for us.” She whispered as the memory of their first meeting came rushing back. “I remember y’all looking so pissed but still came and cut like one the best promos I ever heard.” 
“Mmhmm.” Josh hummed while nodding his head. “I remember trying to come talk to you, but you weren’t even trying to give ya boy the time of day. I mean I understand why now but shit, back then I thought you were like this stuck up bi-” He stopped himself when she narrowed her eyes at him. He cleared his throat. “You know what I mean.” 
“I mean I was a bitch to you when I came to the main roster.”  Josh nodded his head in agreement and Airielle sucked her teeth, pulling away from him. 
“What? you said it, not me.”  Just as she went to smartass him, his stomach released the loudest grumble she had ever heard. They both stared at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. “You the one who brought up waffles, I mean you already know how I get down.” Airielle sucked her teeth and pushed him away from her before walking back towards his room so she could grab her clothes to shower. 
“I feel like they just need to go ahead and sponsor your greedy ass Uce.” She chuckled, her back to him as she shuffled through her bag looking for something to wear to breakfast. She stood up straight and gasped as she turned and bumped into Josh. 
“Whatchu’ just call me?”  Airielle bit her lip to stop herself from smiling at the look he was giving her. “Airielle, stop playing with me.” 
“You wanna go get waffles or not?”  Josh tilted his head as he stared at her. He was really contemplating on not going to the Waffle House with her because who the fuck did she think he was. Uce, had she lost her damn mind? He wasn’t her damn Uce. He went to tell her that they weren't going to breakfast but his stomach growled again making her smile. “That’s what I thought.” 
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liked by trinity_fatu, c_smith and 200,000 others
AirielleJones: Me and UCE out to eat! ❤️🤭
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uceyjucey: you still playing huh?
↪ AirielleJones: @ uceyjucey; love you too UCE 😘
trinity_fatu: HAHA!!
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“You gon glare at me throughout breakfast or what?”  Airielle asked him as the waitress walked away to put in their orders. “Why can’t I call you Uce?” She pouted. 
“Cause I don’t fuck my family Airielle.” 
“Boy –” 
“Oh my god. Look at you! You’ve gotten so big.” A new voice interrupted their conversation. Both Airielle and Josh both turned towards the new voice. Josh narrowed his eyes as he looked at the woman. She was older than both of them, with dark brown skin; for some reason, her facial features reminded him of Airielle. Josh turned to look at Airielle to ask if she knew who the hell this lady was but he stopped short once he saw the look on Airie’s face. He had only seen that look one time before. 
A couple weeks before she broke up with him she had this same look when he had tried to initiate sex but she wasn’t in the mood for it. That’s the same day he found out Christopher used to force her to have sex with him. He remembers her telling him that her old therapist called it dissociating. Josh immediately stood up and stepped in front of this lady, blocking Airielle, who was still sitting in the booth, from her view. 
“You good?” Josh asked the woman, straightening his shoulders so he was standing at full height. 
“Are you her bodyguard or something?” Another voice piped up from behind the older women and Josh definitely knew that they had to be related to Airielle in some sort of fashion because this girl and Airielle could pass off as twins. 
“Yup. Now answer my question, Y’all good?”  
“You must be Joshua.” The older woman said. Holding her hand out to him. “I’m Abigail and this is my daughter Janelle.” 
“Cool, y’all can leave now.” He said eyeing her hand with disgust. Whoever this woman was made Airielle uncomfortable and he wanted her away from them ASAP. Abigail’s hand hung in the air awkwardly for a moment before she withdrew it and cleared her throat, forcing a smile on her face. 
“Airielle please tell this man that I am your mother and I just want to talk to you.” Josh’s eyebrows shot up at the news. “Please solèy –” 
“Don’t call me that,” Airielle spoke up. “You have no right to call me that.” Airielle stood up from the booth and grabbed Josh’s hand. “I want to leave.” Josh nodded his head immediately. Breakfast forgotten, he ushered Airielle back to his car. 
“You okay?” Josh asked as he pulled out of The Waffle House parking lot. 
“No,” Airielle said. “Pull over.” As soon as the car came to a stop, Airielle threw open the passenger door and threw up nothing but stomach acid. “Fuck!” she cried out. 
Josh handed her a bottle of water and she thanked him, swishing it around in her mouth before spitting it out.  “That was–” 
“If you don’t want to talk about it, we don’t gotta talk about it.” 
“I know.” Airielle smiled and grabbed his hand, stroking the back of it with her thumb. “But I wanna be more open and honest with you.” Josh bit his lip and nodded. “That was my birth mom and her daughter I guess.” 
“Y’all not close. I take it.” 
“Nah,” Airielle shook her head. “She left when – well right after she gave birth to me. She never wanted me, never wanted a daughter, but I see a lot has changed in the past thirty years. I remember growing up, she would always send my brother’s gifts and cards on their birthdays but never mine. I didn’t really care because I didn’t remember her anyway. But um- one day I was just curious as to why she seemed to ignore my existence so I got her address off of one of the packages she sent my brothers and wrote her a letter.” 
Airielle quickly wiped away her tears. She hated crying over this woman. Josh squeezed Airielle’s hand gently. “She wrote me back. Which kinda shocked me but I was happy that she did. I was thinking she was just gonna tell me that she was just feelin' guilty about leaving me but, she said the complete opposite. She wrote me 4 pages, front and back, telling about how many times she unsuccessfully tried to abort me. How she tried to give me up for adoption without my father knowing. How she had a plan to tell my dad that I had died during childbirth.” 
Josh’s jaw was damn near on the floor as he listened to Airielle. No wonder she’s so emotionally challenged  He thought. 
“She blamed me for the fact that she couldn’t see her boys grow up, she blamed me because my dad chose to raise me instead of be with her. The final thing she wrote to me was, I wish you would have died. Do not contact me again. So I didn’t, I ripped the letter up and burned it. Never told my dad or my brothers about it and obviously neither did she.” 
“What the fuck.” Josh whispered, his hand tightened into a fist on his thigh. Abigail or whatever her name is better than her lucky stars that Josh didn’t put his hands on women. 
“Yeah I mean, I just wanted my mom, but she didn’t want me..” Airielle shrugged as she tried to stop the tears but it was too much. She had pushed Abigail and her hurtful words into the back of her mind in the folder with Chris and her unborn baby. Seeing her today just opened up a wound that Airielle thought had semi-healed. 
Josh pushed his seat back and pulled her over the center console so she could sit in his lap. He held her tightly as she cried into his shoulder. Josh gently stroked her back, his voice low and soothing. “It’s alright. I’m right here, okay? We gon’ get through this.”
As her crying eased, Josh kept her close, feeling her heart slow against his. He didn’t let go, knowing she needed this more than anything. He wasn’t just comforting her; he was vowing to stand up for her in every way he could.
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Whew.. Miss Abigail is a trip!
What do y'all think about this chapter??
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Abigail Noelle Roy
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Janelle Noelle Roy
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