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thenighteternal · 4 months ago
đ•Ÿđ–“đ–”đ–œđ–˜đ–•đ–Žđ–—đ–Š - đ”đ”Źđ”Żđ”ąđ”Łđ”Żđ”Źđ”°đ”± ℑ: â„Œđ”Źđ”žđ”Żđ”Łđ”Żđ”Źđ”°đ”± 𝔏𝔞đ”Șđ”ąđ”«đ”±đ”žđ”±đ”Šđ”Źđ”«đ”°
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babylove007 · 30 days ago
Snowspire in the times without the troubles
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albumarchives · 2 years ago
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Snowspire | Snowswept Solitude (2022)
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scoticus · 2 years ago
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recent artists are very monochrome
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conocimiento-ocultozine · 5 years ago
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hinterland-clans · 4 years ago
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RiftClan’s senior warriors! RiftClan handles the idea of senior warriors a bit differently from the other Clans, as they do with many other things. In RiftClan, the senior warriors are the eldest warriors from each specialty division. Snowspiral is the head Scout, Smokestorm is the head Hunter, and Darkwillow is the head Fighter. These three have the task of helping the deputy set up patrols, training and evaluating new apprentices who haven’t yet been assigned a specialty and a mentor, and aiding the leader in making decisions involving their respective divisions. And speaking of divisions, I’ll probably post RiftClan warrior busts by division.
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donjon-synthetiseur · 2 years ago
Chronique / Fogweaver - Labyrinthine (2022)
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« La libertĂ© est une lourde charge, un grand et Ă©trange fardeau Ă  entreprendre pour l'esprit. Ce n'est pas facile. Ce n'est pas un don offert, mais un choix qui est fait, et le choix peut ĂȘtre difficile. La route monte vers le lumiĂšre ; mais le voyageur chargĂ© peut ne jamais en atteindre le bout. »
C’est ainsi que le crĂ©ateur de Fogweaver introduit son album, « Labyrinthine », d’aprĂšs une citation d’Ursula Le Guin.
Fogweaver est un projet de fantasy synth nĂ© de l’esprit fertile d’Evergreen, connu pour ses nombreux projets de dungeon synth (Hideous Gomphidius, Keys to Oneiria, Draconic Regicide, Wandlimb), de winter synth (Snowspire), de cosmic synth (Delmak-O), de black metal antifa (Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze) et pour ĂȘtre le crĂ©ateur du label Fableglade. L’univers de Fogweaver est celui, imaginĂ© par Ursula Le Guin, du cycle de Terremer, cycle composĂ© de romans et de nouvelles de fantasy. Notons qu’il existe un autre excellent projet qui raconte ce mĂȘme monde, empli de sorciers, et avec qui Fogweaver a rĂ©alisĂ© un split en 2020. Il s’agit d’Erreth-Akbe, qui lui aussi a sorti un flamboyant album en 2022, j’ai nommĂ© « A Lantern Swathed ».
D’aprĂšs la description d’Evergreen sur Bandcamp, l’album « Labyrinthine » est entiĂšrement basĂ© sur le second tome du cycle de Terremer, Les Tombeaux d’Atuan. On y suit l’histoire de Tenar, une jeune fille nĂ©e dans l’empire Kargish, arrachĂ©e Ă  sa famille alors qu’elle Ă©tait enfant, pour devenir la grande prĂȘtresse des Innommables, car elle est la rĂ©incarnation d'Arha, dite la DĂ©vorĂ©e. Ce statut en fait aussi la gardienne des tombeaux des Innommables sur l'Ăźle d'Atuan. Ainsi veille-t-elle Ă  ce qu'aucun pillard ne s'infiltre dans le labyrinthe, car il recĂšle de nombreux trĂ©sors. Son monde est finalement bouleversĂ© par l’arrivĂ©e de de Ged, un sorcier dissimulant son identitĂ© sous le nom d’Épervier. La jeune fille s’attachera Ă  cet intrus et finira par l’aider, remettant en question son existence et sa place parmi les Innommables.
À propos de l’histoire de Tenar, Evergreen ajoute :
« L'idĂ©e d'ĂȘtre poussĂ© dans un monde oĂč on vous dit exactement qui vous ĂȘtes et ce qu'est le monde - qu'on vous dise de ne pas le remettre en question, mais d'accepter ce monde - c'est quelque chose auquel beaucoup d'entre nous peuvent se connecter, j'imagine. Et se libĂ©rer de cela est une partie terrifiante, mais cathartique et, souvent nĂ©cessaire, de la croissance en tant qu'ĂȘtre humain. »
° ° °
Comme il est difficile de mettre des mots sur la musique de Fogweaver, tant elle est minimaliste, Ă©purĂ©e et tant sa profondeur, pourtant, atteint des sommets ! Sa patte est bien reconnaissable et offre toujours une forme de transcendance. L’intensitĂ© n’y a d’égal que la lĂ©gĂšretĂ©. L’ombre y est sans cesse chassĂ©e par la lumiĂšre, dans une danse subtile. « Labyrinthine » dĂ©peint le voyage introspectif qui conduit Ă  la maturitĂ©, abordant des thĂšmes tels que la libertĂ©, la responsabilitĂ©, l’autonomie et la libĂ©ration. Contrairement Ă  beaucoup d’Ɠuvres de dungeon synth, qui sont davantage ancrĂ©es dans la nostalgie de l’enfance, comme dans le comfy synth (Grandma’s cottage, Tiny Mouse, ...), ou dans un esprit de rĂ©volte « adolescent », Ă©voquant les racines black metal du genre, cet album est celui de l’ñge adulte. C’est un passage vers l’ñge de raison, Ăąge qui ne prend jamais fin (Ă  partir du moment oĂč l’on a mis le pied dedans), si ce n’est dans la mort. [Suite de l'article en cours de rĂ©daction.]
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azureeyes-azureskies · 7 years ago
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It was not a position he ever expected to find himself in. It was not a position he ever wanted to find himself in. But Flaxin was unconscious, Jhulen was leagues and leagues away, and Rakarth was... Aspects only knew where he was. So someone had to help take charge when Xin'thalore arrived, directing people, organizing their grim cargo, and making sure the chaos stayed the controlled sort, and he wasn't going to let Zhellik try to do it all himself. So all he could do was put on a brave face, act like he knew what he was doing, and be grateful that the crews seemed to offer him at least some degree of deference simply because he was a familiar face.
It was slow and unpleasant work, sorting through the dead. They gathered up their own, lining them up along the beach with all the rest, and left the Alliance fallen where they lay, food for the crabs and seagulls. The wounded were another matter entirely, and after some discussion and fretting, it was realized they would have to go on The Queen Bitch as well, as that was the only ship properly equipped to handle them. Not exactly the best arrangement, but it was the best they could do.
The rest of the work was left up to more qualified others (implying that he was qualified at all, Seilir thought with some amusement). The Reaver had arrived at last, bringing with her carpenters and shipwrights to get The Kingly Dispute seaworthy again, and now that her cargo of workmen had been delivered, she would be towing the point of this entire bloody venture, the captured ship, back to port at Dead Sun Harbor. Privately Seilir wondered how that was going to go over. The port's proprietors were so unfriendly... He couldn't imagine they'd be pleased with Intoxication trying to effectively set up shop in their territory.
Nor, he remembered, was Intoxication going to be pleased with the way the Dead Sun people had immediately turned tail and retreated the moment things had started to get rough. The blue grimaced and cringed internally just imagining how that was going to go once they were all back at the harbor. He was going to make sure he and Zhell were far out of the firing line for that little confrontation.
...Speaking of Zhellik, Seilir paused in his directions for some of the wounded to make themselves as comfortable as they could on Flaxin's ship, looking around for the young man. He wasn't hard to spot, and as soon as he could, the blue made a beeline for him, guessing that the blacksmith needed all the help he could get right now.
They all did.
@intoxication-wra @deadsunharbor @zhellikmalache
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sun-descending · 7 years ago
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"What the fuck?! You tell that puffed-up useless piece of shit he can shove his business up his ass! And Shiraryu, I should fucking fire you! What the fuck?! We don't have time or the money for fuck ups! We needed this! For our survival! What the fuck were you thinking, talking so openly like that in fucking public? Do you people not fucking know how we run things around here? After all this time?!"
The tumbler exploded against the far wall in a burst of shards and glass dust almost before he realized he'd snatched it off the desk.
All that work -- months of contacts and connections and carefully forged lines of communication -- gone. Fucking gone in two minutes with only a half dozen careless words. And on top of that, five more of their number had now been outed as members of the company within spitting distance of Silvermoon. He should have known better than to let them go that close to the city, at least not without a handler. But he had trusted them, and now Vipers' Cove was ruined. They were ruined.
The only bright side in all of it -- and he had to struggle hard to find something even resembling one -- was Zhellik's conduct throughout the whole thing. The boy hadn't said a word and had even tried to turn the situation into something salvageable. He was learning. Too bad it had to be in the midst of a crisis that might very well cripple them.
He slumped in a chair and buried his head in his hands.
Now what do we do...
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cobrakiin · 5 years ago
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look here’s some Al content 4 u
Decided to do the ship meme chart with my balverine OCs. Some facts about them:
They have been married for around 150 years
Al is really really tall in human form, his balverine form is even bigger and rivals some houses (some rumors say he was turned by a strain closer to the Balvorn, others would say he’s just big so his balverine form is also big)
Al was originally from Snowspire Village, Northern Wastes
Nadine was originally from Sweetwater Trees, Samarkand
They met by chance at Howling Halls
Al showed Nadine how to shapeshift
Purple is Nadine’s favorite color, so Al wears touches of it
Nadine loves her tol stiff husband even though she pokes fun at him in front of others
Only Nadine is allowed to call Alastor “Al”
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albumarchives · 4 years ago
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Snowspire | Solace Among the Spruce, Sorrow Among the Snow (2020)
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marachime · 7 years ago
[2/11/17][notes][dnd][fable] Ideas for converting the Fable universe to a DnD-ish setting
- Theresa would be a common thread throughout (is she immortal?) - combat is already sorted. - you'd need a fable-specific monster manual - a map of Albion - rules of commerce - localised monster and NPC encounters - quest hubs: the spire, bowerstone, oakvale, hook coast, northern wastes, snowspire, darkwood, greatwood, witchwood, wraithmarsh etc. - (hold on. snow/spire/??? is this another spire? :D perhaps there are more spires in the world.) - meet the NPCs from the game - Avo and Skorm as ancient duelling gods - what other powers are there? - the oracle, the mask, the dragon, evil speaking coaxingly in your head - take the albion map and remake it in hexographer - would it be an AU Fable, where the universe and some of the characters are there, but it's more open world and less railroady/vidja game written. - a hybrid of dnd and the fable universe, where adventuring and such isn't restricted to the main hero - perhaps use The Guild from F1 as an archetype. - the quests and motivations are fable based. - similar to how they converted Dragon Age to a tabletop setting? - titles? chicken chaser ;) - DOGS <3 - focus sites - places the players notice around the place long before they become plot relevant.
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pocketfox · 7 years ago
RP Blog Master Post
Okay, I finally have enough rp blogs to justify having one of these, so here we go!
(All blogs are or have the potential to be NSFW!)
Jhulen Sun-Descending - sin’dorei priest/assassin - http://sun-descending.tumblr.com/
Seilir Snowspire/Ceilygos - blue dragon mage - https://azureeyes-azureskies.tumblr.com/
Lysandir Shadeleaf - kaldorei druid - https://alarashinu.tumblr.com/
Fianel Silvermane - sin’dorei scholar/dancer - https://perfume-and-parchment.tumblr.com/
Lusien Amberfire/Lusistrasz - red dragon spellblade - https://lusistrasz.tumblr.com/
Haethas Sunwing - sin’dorei warrior - https://haethas-sunwing.tumblr.com/
Galanthir Ruinwake/Galanthus - risen green dragon death knight - https://dreams-of-ruin.tumblr.com/
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donjon-synthetiseur · 2 years ago
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Ceci est un test, n'en tenez pas compte.
« La libertĂ© est une lourde charge, un grand et Ă©trange fardeau Ă  entreprendre pour l'esprit. Ce n'est pas facile. Ce n'est pas un don offert, mais un choix qui est fait, et le choix peut ĂȘtre difficile. La route monte vers le lumiĂšre ; mais le voyageur chargĂ© peut ne jamais en atteindre le bout. »
C’est ainsi que le crĂ©ateur de Fogweaver introduit son album, « Labyrinthine », d’aprĂšs une citation d’Ursula Le Guin.
Fogweaver est un projet de fantasy synth nĂ© de l’esprit fertile d’Evergreen, connu pour ses nombreux projets de dungeon synth (Hideous Gomphidius, Keys to Oneiria, Draconic Regicide, Wandlimb), de winter synth (Snowspire), de cosmic synth (Delmak-O), de black metal antifa (Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze) et pour ĂȘtre le crĂ©ateur du label Fableglade. L’univers de Fogweaver est celui, imaginĂ© par Ursula Le Guin, du cycle de Terremer, cycle composĂ© de romans et de nouvelles de fantasy. Notons qu’il existe un autre excellent projet qui raconte ce mĂȘme monde, empli de sorciers, et avec qui Fogweaver a rĂ©alisĂ© un split en 2020. Il s’agit d’Erreth-Akbe, qui lui aussi a sorti un flamboyant album en 2022, j’ai nommĂ© « A Lantern Swathed ».
D’aprĂšs la description d’Evergreen sur Bandcamp, l’album « Labyrinthine » est entiĂšrement basĂ© sur le second tome du cycle de Terremer, Les Tombeaux d’Atuan. On y suit l’histoire de Tenar, une jeune fille nĂ©e dans l’empire Kargish, arrachĂ©e Ă  sa famille alors qu’elle Ă©tait enfant, pour devenir la grande prĂȘtresse des Innommables, car elle est la rĂ©incarnation d'Arha, dite la DĂ©vorĂ©e. Ce statut en fait aussi la gardienne des tombeaux des Innommables sur l'Ăźle d'Atuan. Ainsi veille-t-elle Ă  ce qu'aucun pillard ne s'infiltre dans le labyrinthe, car il recĂšle de nombreux trĂ©sors. Son monde est finalement bouleversĂ© par l’arrivĂ©e de de Ged, un sorcier dissimulant son identitĂ© sous le nom d’Épervier. La jeune fille s’attachera Ă  cet intrus et finira par l’aider, remettant en question son existence et sa place parmi les Innommables.
À propos de l’histoire de Tenar, Evergreen ajoute :
« L'idĂ©e d'ĂȘtre poussĂ© dans un monde oĂč on vous dit exactement qui vous ĂȘtes et ce qu'est le monde - qu'on vous dise de ne pas le remettre en question, mais d'accepter ce monde - c'est quelque chose auquel beaucoup d'entre nous peuvent se connecter, j'imagine. Et se libĂ©rer de cela est une partie terrifiante, mais cathartique et, souvent nĂ©cessaire, de la croissance en tant qu'ĂȘtre humain. »
° ° °
Comme il est difficile de mettre des mots sur la musique de Fogweaver, tant elle est minimaliste, Ă©purĂ©e et tant sa profondeur, pourtant, atteint des sommets ! Sa patte est bien reconnaissable et offre toujours une forme de transcendance. L’intensitĂ© n’y a d’égal que la lĂ©gĂšretĂ©. L’ombre y est sans cesse chassĂ©e par la lumiĂšre, dans une danse subtile. « Labyrinthine » dĂ©peint le voyage introspectif qui conduit Ă  la maturitĂ©, abordant des thĂšmes tels que la libertĂ©, la responsabilitĂ©, l’autonomie et la libĂ©ration. Contrairement Ă  beaucoup d’Ɠuvres de dungeon synth, qui sont davantage ancrĂ©es dans la nostalgie de l’enfance, comme dans le comfy synth (Grandma’s cottage, Tiny Mouse, ...), ou dans un esprit de rĂ©volte « adolescent », Ă©voquant les racines black metal du genre, cet album est celui de l’ñge adulte. C’est un passage vers l’ñge de raison, Ăąge qui ne prend jamais fin (Ă  partir du moment oĂč l’on a mis le pied dedans), si ce n’est dans la mort.
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azureeyes-azureskies · 7 years ago
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bell2losee · 6 years ago
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Found this cute ribbon today. Getting inspired for Breakfast with Santa @honors_haven ! Tickets are selling fast!!! Call today to receive the discounted pre-event price!! 845-210-1600 #hhrssanta #honorshaven #breakfastwithsanta #snowmanribbon #inspiration #snowspiration (at Honor's Haven Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrNlEJehlKM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7zh6067w2f5n
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